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WG6 Jean-Paul Meyer, Coordinator, Editor Mark Horton, Editor Francesca Canali, Lay out editor, Photographer THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22 2018 HIGH PRESSURE END TO THE DAY CONTENTS CLICKABLE ON WEB SCHEDULE Zimmermann Cup 10.00 - 12.50 : Semifinal (20 boards) 14.00 - 16.50 : Semifinal (20 boards) 17.05 - 19.55 : Semifinal (20 boards) FMB Trophy A 10.00 - 12.40 : 18 boards 14.00 - 16.20 : 16 boards 16.40 - 19.00 : 16 boards FMB Trophy B To be defined according to the number of teams Daily Bulletin Facts & Figures from EWGII p. 2 Bidding problem - answers p. 3 My Fair Lady p. 4 Hamlet p. 6 It is Fun to play Bridge p. 10 Andrea Manno on BAM p. 11 The Tempest p. 12 Ranking p. 15 Bracket p. 16 The round of 16 of the Zimmermann Cup delivered a of lot of suspense during the last segment. Apart from the match between DeltaTV Program and Team Ventin, the other three remained undecided entering the final 20 boards. Ventin made his qualification for the semi-final safe, building an 84 IMP lead by the end of the first segment. In the match between Vytas and Bernal, the team from Eastern Europe led by a respectable margin of 57 but the Spanish team regained 37 and was only 20 behind with 20 boards to play. However, Vytas gave their opponents no opportunities and will play to-day. Zimmermann vs Lavazza could look as a final before time and was always close. Monaco led by 12 but then the Italians led by 8. Back came Zimmermann, 21 up with 3 boards to play but Helgemo could not bring home a very delicate slam and the margin went down to 8.The last two boards were very calm and Monaco will meet Ventin. Mahaffey won the first two segments against the Dutch to be 22 IMPs ahead with 20 boards to go, but then an orange tempest blew. The Dutch team moved into a 5 IMP lead. Meckstroth-Mahmood had finished long since as we waited for the remaining boards. And then came board 18, a slam. Brogeland played it perfectly and got both applause and a place in today’s semi final by bringing his contract home (you will read about it tomorrow). In the BAM a minimum of 22 teams will earn access to Final A (plus probably yesterday’s 4 losers). The qualification was won by Polish team AJDiament. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Today it is the birthday of Francesca Canali and Mark Horton.

nd EUROPEAN WINTER GAMES - European Bridge League

Oct 03, 2021



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Jean-Paul Meyer, Coordinator, EditorMark Horton, Editor Francesca Canali, Lay out editor, Photographer





Zimmermann Cup10.00 - 12.50 : Semifinal (20 boards)14.00 - 16.50 : Semifinal (20 boards)17.05 - 19.55 : Semifinal (20 boards)

FMB Trophy A10.00 - 12.40 : 18 boards14.00 - 16.20 : 16 boards16.40 - 19.00 : 16 boards

FMB Trophy BTo be defined according to the number of teams


Daily Bulletin

MONACO 17 - 23 FEBRUARY 2018

Facts & Figures from EWGII p. 2 Bidding problem - answers p. 3 My Fair Lady p. 4 Hamlet p. 6 It is Fun to play Bridge p. 10 Andrea Manno on BAM p. 11 The Tempest p. 12 Ranking p. 15 Bracket p. 16

The round of 16 of the Zimmermann Cup delivered a of lot of suspense during the last segment.Apart from the match between DeltaTV Program and Team Ventin, the other three remained undecided entering the final 20 boards.Ventin made his qualification for the semi-final safe, building an 84 IMP lead by the end of the first segment.In the match between Vytas and Bernal, the team from Eastern Europe led by a respectable margin of 57 but the Spanish team regained 37 and was only 20 behind with 20 boards to play. However, Vytas gave their opponents no opportunities and will play to-day.Zimmermann vs Lavazza could look as a final before time and was always close. Monaco led by 12 but then the Italians led by 8. Back came Zimmermann, 21 up with 3 boards to play but Helgemo could not bring home a very delicate slam and the margin went down to 8.The last two boards were very calm and Monaco will meet Ventin.Mahaffey won the first two segments against the Dutch to be 22 IMPs ahead with 20 boards to go, but then an orange tempest blew. The Dutch team moved into a 5 IMP lead. Meckstroth-Mahmood had finished long since as we waited for the remaining boards. And then came board 18, a slam. Brogeland played it perfectly and got both applause and a place in today’s semi final by bringing his contract home (you will read about it tomorrow).In the BAM a minimum of 22 teams will earn access to Final A (plus probably yesterday’s 4 losers). The qualification was won by Polish team AJDiament.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!Today it is the birthday of Francesca Canali and Mark Horton.

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CRUCIAL MOVE (solution)Elementary my dear Watson! The hand who leads the [ 9 must have [ H 9 8 7 or [ H 9 8in which case the suit is blocked.


During Tuesday night’s cocktail, cups were awarded to Zimmermann’s team. One spectator asked if they had already won the 2018 EWG.

Another one answered that he thought it was only a sort of rehearsal for TV. Both wrong! The cups should have been given 2 years ago but, generously, the captain of Monaco had offered his trophy to the winners of the BAM as these cups were not ready.

VIDEO FOR EVERYONE!A video is being prepared by Sophie Jeanroy, from

Video Themes in Monaco, it will contain highlights of the tournament, an interview with Zia Mahmood, the prize giving ceremony and many other interesting features. Every participant who has given their email will receive it. It will also be available on Facebook.

FMB TROPHY FINAL B FORMATThe Final B will be played as a BAM with a complete

round robin. It is essential that all participating teams complete the full two days of the event. Not respecting this will lead to sanctions.

The schedule will be identical to that of the Final A for the first five sessions, i.e. 18+16+16 boards on Thursday and 18+16 boards on Friday. The length of the sixth session will depend on the number of participating teams.

There will be a linear carry-over from the qualification starting from the equivalent of 4 boards for the highest down to 0 for the lowest ranked team.


Ties will, in both finals and qualifications, be broken:1. Based on the strength of the opponents the teams have faced, defined according to the final ranking.2. If there is still a tie it will be broken according to the direct match between the teams involved.3. If there is still a tie it will be broken in favour of the team with the highest number of boards won.

CRUCIAL MOVEYou are in a 3NT contract. The opening is the [9.Your contract seems not to have much of a future as

your spade holding is J10 in your hand and A5 in the dummy.

Moreover, you cannot make your contract without giving a quick trick to the defence and you know from the bidding a 7-2 Spade break is impossible. Can you imagine a Spade distribution which makes it impossible for your opponents to defeat 3NT?

solution below




EXTRA INFORMATIONIn Bulletin 5 we mentioned this deal:Board 11. Dealer South. None Vul. [ J 10 ] K 9 4 { K Q 9 5 4 3 2 } 7 [ K 8 7 6 5 2 [ A Q ] J 10 6 ] A 7 { — { 10 6 } K Q 9 4 } A 10 8 6 5 3 2 [ 9 4 3 ] Q 8 5 3 2 { A J 8 7 } J

West North East South Karwur Meckstroth Bojoh Zia — — — Pass Pass 3{ 4} 4{ 5{* Pass 5NT* Dble 7} Pass Pass 7{ Pass Pass Dble All Pass

East cashed the ace of clubs and followed it with the ace of spades followed by the queen, West overtaking with the king and playing a third spade. Declarer ruffed with the king of diamonds, drew trumps and played a heart to the king, so he lost a second heart and was five down, -1100. Did declarer think it was unlikely that West could bid a grand slam without an ace? On the other hand, how could East bid 5NT without a heart control?

Thanks to a visit from one of the players we can now add a little more information about the auction:

5{ Guarantees first round control5NT First round controls in both majors

That made it easy for West to bid 7}. It doesn’t explain declarer’s play in hearts.

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[ Q 10 8 ] A Q { A K Q J 2 } J 7 2

IMPs. Dealer North. None Vul. You are sitting West.

West North East South 2[* 4}* Pass4{ Pass 4] Pass?

2[ Natural and weak 4} Leaping Michaels, 5-5} & ] forcing

Dano De Falco5]. I don’t have spades controlled.

Norberto Bocchi5{. Clubs fit, no cue bid in spades.

Zia Mahmood5}. I don’t like my hand so much.

Frederic Wrang5NT. Pick a slam.

Lorenzo Lauria5]. I don’t have spades controlled.

What a problem proved to be when it appeared in Bridge Magazine! The panel offered no less than seven different bids with no bid attracting more than five votes. This is partially because we have no methods over this Leaping Michaels. Everybody has been playing Leaping Michaels (LM), for a decade or so and almost no one has discussed continuations, which is a pretty major flaw So, if nothing else, hopefully this problem will encourage readers to sort out the continuations. Anyway, back to the problem. It seems certain that we have a slam SOMEWHERE provided we do not have two top spade losers. But not only do we have that problem to sort out, we have the problem of strain, with a remarkable four still as possibilities. If partner has

[ x ] K x x x x { x } A K Q x x x Six Clubs is the place to play;

with [ x ] K J x x x { x x } A K x x x (that is sub-minimum), Six Hearts is the place to play; with [ x ] K x x x x { 10 x } A K x x x (and that is ridiculous, not sub-minimum), Six Diamonds is where you want to be; and with [ A ] K x x x x { x } A K x x x x 6NT is the top spot.Tough enough given a free run, impossible starting

at the four-level.Partner had a moderate point count and did not

want to be shut out with:[ K ] J x x x x { x } A K Q x x x After all nothing else appeals, certainly not the

double chosen in the other room! As can be seen Six Clubs is cold and anyone who is clever enough to find a route to 6NT from this hand is a better player than me.

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MY FAIR LADYby Mark Horton

My Fair Lady is a musical based on George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion, with book and lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner and music by Frederick Loewe. The story concerns Eliza Doolittle, a Cockney flower girl who takes speech lessons from Professor Henry Higgins, a phoneticist, so that she may pass as a lady.

As play unfolded in the last session of the Round of 16 it became clear that most of the matches were of academic interest only, but on this deal declarer was required to ‘find the lady’.

Board 3. Dealer South. EW Vul. [ K 3 2 ] A K Q 10 6 { K J 8 3 } J [ J 10 6 5 4 [ Q 9 ] J ] 5 3 { 9 2 { Q 7 6 5 } K 8 6 5 4 } 10 9 7 3 2 [ A 8 7 ] 9 8 7 4 2 { A 10 4 } A Q

In the other room the Indonesians had bid smoothly to 6], for +980.

Open Room West North East South Karwur Meckstroth Bojoh Zia

— — — 1NT* Pass 2{* Pass 2[* Pass 3{ Pass 3] Pass 4[* Pass 4NT* Pass 7] All Pass

1NT 15-172{ Transfer2[ Fit4[ Kickback Keycard 4NT 0-3 keycards

West led the jack of hearts and declarer won with dummy’s ace and cashed two more hearts, East pitching the three of clubs and West the four of spades and the five of clubs.

Declarer’s next card was the jack of diamonds and

when East followed with the seven he let it run (didn’t someone write a Bols Tip entitled - ‘Roll over Houdini, when they don’t cover they don’t have it’? Of course once you play the jack you are committed).

How do you suppose declarer arrived at the winning decision?

The late Terence Reese maintained that on every deal there was always a clue, however small, that might point declarer in the right direction. Could it be, that having seen West pitch first a spade (‘the idle fifth’ as Patrick Jourdain called it) and then a club he formed an opinion that West was 5-5 in the black suits? In that case his only hope was to find West with a doubleton nine of diamonds.

I couldn’t find Zia, so my theory is unproven, but moments later declarer was claiming - another big swing for Mahaffey as they advanced to the quarter-finals.

The only match that had the potential to offer an exciting finish was the one between de Botton and Delta TV Programs. By the time they had reached Board 16 de Botton led 129-120. Jean-Paul, who was following the play, was predicting a win for the Italians, as they had posted some promising looking results in the Open Room, which was well ahead.


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Board 16. Dealer West. EW Vul. [ 10 9 4 ] 7 6 { 7 6 4 2 } 8 6 5 3 [ 6 2 [ A Q J ] A 2 ] Q 10 8 5 4 { A K Q 9 5 3 { J } A 10 9 } K 7 4 2 [ K8 7 5 3 ] K J 9 3 { 10 8 } Q J

Open Room West North East South Mariani Padon Buratti Bakhshi

1{ Pass 1] 1[ Dble Pass 2[ Pass 3{ Pass 3NT All Pass

South led the jack of clubs and declarer was not hard pressed to record 12 tricks, +690.

Closed Room West North East South Charlsen Burgay Hoftaniska Vivaldi

2}* Pass 2{* Pass 2NT Pass 3{* Pass 3NT* Pass 4} Pass 4] Pass 5NT* Pass 6} All Pass

2} 18-19 NT/20-21 NT/ 8+ tricks with a suit/GF2{ Relay3{ Transfer5NT Pick a slam

If West had decided upon 6{ or 6NT he would have had excellent chances - indeed, as long as declarer takes the right view in clubs there is no defence, even after a heart lead, as South can become the victim of a strip-squeeze, eventually being thrown in to lead into the spade tenace.

6} appeared to be hopeless.North led the three of clubs and when South followed

with the jack declarer ducked. He won the club continuation in hand, cashed the ten of clubs, played a diamond to the jack and drew the outstanding trumps. He came to hand with the ace of hearts to reach this three-card ending:

[ 10 9 ] 7 { — } — [ 6 [ A Q ] 2 ] Q { 5 { — } — } — [ K 8 ] K J 9 3 { 10 8 } Q J

When he cashed the last diamond North obligingly discarded the seven of hearts! That turned declarer’s two of hearts into a menace and when declarer threw dummy’s queen of hearts South was forced to discard the eight of spades.

Suddenly, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, the contract could be made, but it was a big ask. Declarer played a spade and....finessed. Two down, and 13 IMPs that proved to be just enough to see Delta advance.

Thomas CharlsenDE BOTTON


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HAMLETby Mark Horton

You cannot (or at least I cannot) have a Bulletin with a theatrical theme without including the The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, Shakespeare’s tragedy set in Denmark.

Hamlet is Shakespeare’s longest play, and is considered among the most powerful and influential works of world literature, with a story capable of “seemingly endless retelling and adaptation by others”. It was probably one of Shakespeare’s most popular works during his lifetime, and still ranks among his most performed, topping the performance list of the Royal Shakespeare Company and its predecessors in Stratford-upon-Avon since 1879.

Mentioning the location of the play I cannot let the opportunity pass to pay tribute to Henrik, Prince Consort of Denmark, who died just before the start of these Winter Games. He was a passionate bridge player and a great supporter of Danish Bridge, an ever present every two years at the famous Copenhagen Invitational, sometimes playing in the Pro-Am event that proceeds the tournament.

Good night sweet prince: And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!

Board 2. Dealer East. NS Vul. [ K 9 4 ] K Q J 6 4 3 { K } 6 5 4 [ Q 7 5 [ A J 8 6 3 ] A 8 5 2 ] 10 9 7 { A 2 { J 4 3 } A 10 9 2 } K 8 [ 10 2 ] — { Q 10 9 8 7 6 5 } Q J 7 3

Open Room West North East South Sementa Lauria Bocchi Versace

— — 2[ Pass 2NT 3] All Pass

The defenders started with three rounds of clubs, East ruffing and returning the three of diamonds. Declarer pitched a spade on the next club and East ruffed and exited with the ten of hearts, declarer finishing five down, -500.

Closed Room West North East South Helgemo Bianchedi Helness Madala

— — Pass 3{ Dble Pass 4[ All Pass

South led the ten of diamonds and declarer won with dummy’s ace, played the queen of spades covered by the king and ace and exited with the nine of hearts. South ruffed, cashed the queen of diamonds and continued with the five, ruffed and overuffed by North who exited with the king of hearts. Declarer had to lose a heart, so one down and 11 IMPs to Lavazza.

Only one other pair reached 4[ in the match between Bernal and Vytas:

Open Room West North East South Jassem Hoyos Tuszynski Bernal

— — Pass Pass 1} 1] Dble* Pass 1[ Pass 2[ Pass 3] Pass 4} Pass 4[ All Pass

North led the king of hearts and declarer won with the ace as South pitched the six of diamonds. A spade

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to the jack was followed by the ace of spades and declarer then played the nine of hearts North winning as South pitched the seven of diamonds. North cashed the king of spades and then fatally cashed the queen of hearts. He exited with the king of diamonds, but declarer won in dummy, cashed the ]8 pitching a diamond, overtook the ten of clubs with the king and ran his trumps, squeezing South in the minors for +420 and a 7 IMP pick up as they were in 3[ making +140 in the other room.

If North exits with the king of diamonds declarer can win and play a heart, but now North can, after winning with the queen, exit with a club, destroying declarer’s communications.

The winning line for both declarers in 4[ is to go after the clubs, playing three rounds of the suit pitching a heart. South wins and might switch to a diamond but declarer wins with the ace and plays the fourth club. If North ruffs the losing heart goes from dummy, while if North discards, one winning line is to pitch a diamond and then exit with a diamond. South wins, but must then give up a ruff and discard. (Where East was the declarer there will be no ruff and discard, but declarer will be able to ruff the enforced diamond exit which has the same effect.)

Meanwhile in Delta TV v Ventin:

Open Room West North East South Nystrom Burgay Palma Cima

— — Pass Pass 1NT 2{* Dble Pass Pass 2] Dble 3{ Pass 3] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

2{ Multi Landy

That little adventure cost 1400. The comparison was with 2[+1 so it cost 15 IMPs.

If South’s pass showed diamonds North ought to pass. In any event he should certainly pass 3{.

Board 7. Dealer South. All Vul. [ A 2 ] 8 6 4 { K } K 9 7 5 4 3 2 [ J 5 [ Q 6 ] A K 9 7 3 ] Q J 5 2 { A 8 3 { Q J 9 5 2 } A Q 6 } J 8 [ K 10 9 8 7 4 3 ] 10 { 10 7 6 4 } 10

Open Room West North East South Sementa Lauria Bocchi Versace

— — — 3[ Dble 4[ Pass Pass Dble Pass 4NT* Pass 5} Pass 5{* Pass 5] All Pass

4NT Two places to play5{ Red suits

North led the ace of spades and continued the suit, South winning and switching to the ten of clubs. North won with the king and gave his partner a ruff. Back came a diamond and when North won with the king the contract was three down, -300.

Closed Room West North East South Helgemo Bianchedi Helness Madala

— — — 3[ Dble 4[ All Pass

West led the ace of hearts and switched to the five of spades. Declarer won with the king and played the ten of clubs, West taking the ace, cashing the ace of diamonds and reverting to the king of hearts. Declarer could not avoid the loss of two more diamonds, -200 and 11 IMPs for Zimmermann.


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Board 9. Dealer North. EW Vul. [ 8 ] 9 6 4 3 2 { A 10 5 3 } Q 6 2 [ J 10 9 5 [ A K Q 7 2 ] 8 ] A 5 { 8 7 { K Q 9 6 4 2 } J 10 9 7 5 3 } — [ 6 4 3 ] K Q J 10 7 { J } A K 8 4

Open Room West North East South Sementa Lauria Bocchi Versace

— Pass 1{ 1] Pass 4] 4[ 5] 5[ Pass 6[ 7] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

West led the eight of diamonds and declarer went up with dummy’s ace and played a spade, East putting up the king. There was no way to get a club ruff now, so two down, -300.

Closed Room West North East South Helgemo Bianchedi Helness Madala

— Pass 1{ 1] Pass 4] 4[ 5] 5[ Pass 6[ 7] Dble All Pass

West led the seven of clubs and the ruff meant three down, -500 and 7IMPs for Zimmermann.

Open Room West North East South Nystrom Burgay Palma Cima

— Pass 2} 2] Pass 4] 4[ 5} 5] 6{ 6[ Dble All Pass

South led the king of clubs and declarer ruffed with the queen of spades, crossed to dummy with the jack of spades and played a diamond. When the king held he cashed the ace of hearts, ruffed a heart and played another diamond. Now North took the ace - too late the hero - and declarer claimed, +1660 and 17 IMPs as at the other table:

Closed Room West North East South Mariani Hult Buratti Wrang

— Pass 1{ 1] Pass 4] 4[ Pass Pass 5] All Pass

The contract was one down when West led the jack of spades and promptly switched to the jack of clubs at trick two when East followed with the two of spades.

Antonio PalmaTEAM VENTIN

Norberto BocchiTEAM LAVAZZA

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Board 10. Dealer South. All Vul. [ A Q 2 ] Q 9 6 4 3 { K Q J 10 } 3 [ K 10 [ 9 7 3 ] A J 8 7 ] K 5 { 9 5 4 { A 7 3 } A 9 5 4 } K J 10 7 2 [ J 8 6 5 4 ] 10 2 { 8 6 2 } Q 8 6

Open Room West North East South Sementa Lauria Bocchi Versace

— — 1} Pass 1NT Pass 3} Pass 3NT All Pass

North started with three rounds of diamonds, declarer winning in dummy and getting the clubs wrong. South won the third round of the suit and switched to the four of spades so the contract was five down, -500.

Closed Room West North East South Helgemo Bianchedi Helness Madala

— — 1} Pass 1] Pass 1NT Pass 3NT All Pass

South led the five of spades and North took the king with the ace and switched to the king of diamonds. Declarer won at once with the ace, but then got the clubs wrong, crossing to the ace and then playing back towards the king. The good news was that North pitched the two of spades, blocking the suit, so declarer escaped for two down,-200 and another 7 IMPs for Zimmermann.

Would anyone find a way home in 3NT?

Bernal v Vytas

Closed Room West North East SouthLantaron Gawrys Goded Klukowski

— — Pass Pass 1} 1] 2] Pass 2NT Pass 3NT All Pass

North led the king of diamonds and declarer won the third round of the suit with dummy’s ace, cashed the king of clubs and then ran the jack. He ran the clubs and when the last one hit the table this was the position:

[ A Q ] Q 9 6 { 10 } — [ K 10 [ 9 7 3 ] A J 8 7 ] K 5 { — { — } — } 2 [ J 8 6 5 ] 10 2 { — } —

When declarer cashed the last club pitching a heart North had no good discard.

He opted for a heart and declarer cashed the king, ace and jack for +600 and 10 IMPs (they made 2NT in the other room).

At the lunch break Zimmermann led 34-22.


‘A New Bridge Magazine’ has been launched – a totally free magazine available online.Visit to register, download and view the magazine. The first edition was published in January 2018.Mark Horton, well-known to bridge affi-ciandos everywhere is the editor. Regular contributors include outstanding players and writers: David Bird Larry Cohen Kit Woolsey Brian Senior Liz McGowanRemember this is a free!!! magazine, please take a moment to check it out. When you discover how good it is be sure to tell all your bridge-playing friends.

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Jérôme Rombaut était membre de l’équipe française, qui remporta les derniers championnats d’Europe en juin 2016 à Budapest, ainsi que de celle qui s’inclina de justesse (2 IMP) en finale de la Bermuda Bowl en Août 2017 à Lyon.

Il est aussi le conseiller technique de FUNBRIDGE le très populaire logiciel de jeu en ligne.

Il fit preuve de pragmatisme pour gagner un impossible contrat dans le premier segment des huitièmes de finale :

Donne 6 Est donneur EO Vuln. [ D V 7 4 ] 10 8 7 4 { R V } D V 7 [ A 8 3 2 [ 9 6 5 ] A D ] R V 6 5 2 { A 8 7 { 9 4 2 } A R 6 3 } 9 2 [ R 10 ] 9 3 { D 10 6 5 3 } 10 8 5 4

Est passa, Sud ouvrit de 2 Carreaux (faible) contrés par Ouest, François Combescure, Nord déclara 3 carreaux et Est fut finalement déclarant au contrat de 4 coeurs sur entame du 3 de Carreau

Sur cette entame, Rombaut était conscient de n’avoir aucune position gagnante avec 2 perdantes à Carreau et 2 à Pique.

Mais, comme disent les anglophones, « You never know ». La première levée alla au Roi de Carreau de Nord qui rejoua Pique pour le 10, laissé maître. Sud poursuivit à Pique pour l’As. Deux tours de Cœurs maîtres suivirent puis un petit Pique pour Nord et un quatrième tour de Pique. Le déclarant pariant sur une distribution 5422 de Sud, coupa d’un petit Cœur et encaissa ses deux derniers atouts mettant Sud devant un réel problème de défausse, que devait-il garder sur le dernier atout ? 2 Carreaux et 2 Trèfles ou 1 Carreau et 3 Trèfles.

Pariant pour 3 cartes à Carreau en Nord pour l’enchère de 3 Carreaux, il ne garda qu’un seul Carreau et le 8 du mort apporta la dixième levée au déclarant.

IT IS FUN BRIDGE, commenta Jérôme, et constater que nous ne faisons pas 3 SA, avec le partage 4-2 des Cœurs.

IMPs. Dealer North. E/W Vul.

W N E SPass Pass 1]

Your cards:[ A K J ] K 9 { Q 5 } K Q J 10 6 2

What's your bid?! The answers of our champions will be published tomorrow!

Dble 2NT* Pass



2NT Good four-card heart raise


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Together with his partner Massimiliano Di Franco, he won the last editions of both the Italian cup and the Interclubs National Championship. He proved during the FMB trophy, it was not pure luck.

BAM. Round 2. Board 3.Dealer South. E/W Vul. [ K 10 3 2 ] A K 8 7 5 { A 10 7 } Q [ A Q 7 [ 9 4 ] 6 3 2 ] 10 4 { K J 3 { 9 8 5 4 2 } K 8 6 3 } 10 7 5 4 [ J 8 6 5 ] Q J 9 { Q 6 } A J 9 2

As South, Andrea opened 1} - that shows confidence in his card play. West doubled and South finished as declarer in 4[.

Making the contract is not a problem but remember any overtrick at BAM is gold. Declarer got not only gold but also diamonds, claiming 12 tricks.

See how: Heart lead taken in hand, jack of spades, to West ‘s ace , for what was going to be his last trick. Another heart to South’s queen followed by 2 more rounds of spades, finessing the queen.

And now came 3 more rounds of hearts …on the last one this was the position:

[ 3 ] 5 { A 10 7 } Q [ - [ ] - ] irrelevant { K J 3 { } K 8 3 } [ 8 ] - { Q 6 } A J 9

South discards a diamond and West has no defence. He has to allow declarer to get a trick either with the {10, either with the }J.

But finally no gold or diamonds - it was just a tie as the Polish declarer played exactly the same way on the lead of the ace of spades, perhaps slower for team Escargot.

DEAUVILLE FESTIVAL 60TH BIRTHDAYMIXED PAIRS 18-19 JULY 2 sessionsOPEN PAIRS 20-21-22 JULY 3 sessionsTEAMS 23-24 -26 JULY 3 sessionsMEN AND LADIES PAIRS 26 JULY 1 session

Contact Katia Reznik: [email protected] 33(0)611401417

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THE TEMPESTby Mark Horton

The Tempest is a play by William Shakespeare, thought by many critics to be the last play that he wrote alone. It is set on a remote island, where the sorcerer Prospero, rightful Duke of Milan, plots to restore his daughter Miranda to her rightful place using illusion and skilful manipulation. He conjures up a storm, the eponymous tempest, to cause his usurping brother Antonio and the complicit King Alonso of Naples to believe they are shipwrecked and marooned on the island. There, his machinations bring about the revelation of Antonio’s lowly nature, the redemption of the King, and the marriage of Miranda to Alonso’s son, Ferdinand.

Walking along the seafront at lunchtime the waves were crashing against the sea wall and the wind was increasing in strength. Was that a portent of an exciting second set in the quarter-finals? The trailing teams were probably hoping so.

Board 5. Dealer North. NS Vul. [ A 7 6 5 ] Q { 10 9 8 5 3 } A 10 8 [ K 9 4 [ Q J 10 8 3 ] A K 10 8 5 3 2 ] 7 6 4 { A J { 4 } 6 } 9 4 3 2 [ 2 ] J 9 { K Q 7 6 2 } K Q J 7 5

Open Room West North East South Molenaar Meckstroth Verbeek Zia

— Pass Pass 1{ 4] 5{ 5] Pass Pass Dble All Pass

North led the ten of diamonds and declarer could win, draw trumps and play on spades for +650.

Should North lead an ace? Even if he does, the defenders still need at least one spade ruff.

Closed Room West North East South Brogeland Drijver Lindqvist Nab

— Pass 2{* Pass 3[ Pass 4] Pass 4[ All Pass

2{ 2-7 HCP 6 card [/] OR 24+NT (may be 5 cards green v red)3[ Asks for major suit length

If you study the convention card in addition to the above annotations there is also a note to the effect that 2{-3[ is a slam try with }.

North led the one card in his hand to give declarer a chance, the ]Q. Now the winning line is to win and continue with another top heart. If North ruffs and plays two rounds of clubs you ruff and play the nine of spades. It will not help North to take the ace, but now declarer wins in dummy, ruffs a club, cashes the ace of diamonds, ruffs a diamond and plays a trump.

In practice declarer played the king of spades at trick two followed by a second spade to dummy. When that held and South discarded declarer played a heart and North ruffed, cashed the ace of spades and then switched to clubs, three down, -150 and 13 IMPs for Netherlands Red.

This was Lavazza v Zimmermann

Open Room West North East South Duboin Multon Bilde Zimmermann

— Pass 2[ 3} 4} 5} Pass Pass 5] Dble 5[ Pass Pass Dble All Pass

South led the two of spades and declarer won with dummy’s king and played a club, North rising with the ace and exiting with the six of spades. Declarer won with the queen, ruffed a club and started on the hearts, North ruffing the second round and switching to the eight of diamonds. Declarer won and ruffed a diamond, but he had a spade and two clubs to lose, three down -500, still worth 3 IMPs.

At double dummy declarer can escape for two down, playing on hearts at trick two. North ruffs

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2nd European Winter Games - Monaco, 17-23 February 2018

the second round and plays two rounds of clubs, but declarer ruffs and exits with the {J!

Closed Room West North East South Versace Bianchedi Lauria Madala

— Pass Pass 1{ Dble Rdbl 2[ 3} 3] 5{ All Pass

West led the ace of hearts and switched to the king of spades, but declarer won with dummy’s ace, knocked out the ace of diamonds and claimed, +600.

Board 9. Dealer South. All Vul. [ Q J ] K 9 7 2 { 6 5 2 } K 7 5 2 [ 3 [ A 10 9 7 6 4 ] J 6 5 3 ] 4 { A J 10 9 { K Q 8 4 3 } Q 10 9 3 } A [ K 8 5 2 ] A Q 10 8 { 7 } J 8 6 4

Open Room West North East South Molenaar Meckstroth Verbeek Zia

— — — Pass Pass Pass 1[ Pass 1NT Pass 4{ Pass 5{ All Pass

South led the ace of hearts and continued with the ten, declarer ruffing and claiming, +600.

Closed Room West North East South Brogeland Drijver Lindqvist Nab

— — — Pass Pass Pass 1[ Pass 1NT Pass 2{ Pass 3{ Pass 3[ Pass 4[ Pass 4NT Pass 5} Pass 6{ All Pass

Here too the defenders started with two rounds of hearts, but declarer ruffed and played to establish the spades, ruffing three times in dummy with the {9, {10 and {A, using the }A as one entry back to hand,+1370 and 13 IMPs for Mahaffey

Board 12. Dealer West. NS Vul. [ K 10 8 7 2 ] A 10 8 2 { A 10 8 } 6 [ Q 9 6 4 3 [ 5 ] K Q 9 ] J 6 5 4 { 7 6 5 { K 9 4 2 } K 9 } A 10 4 3 [ A J ] 7 3 { Q J 3 } Q J 8 7 5 2

Open Room West North East South Molenaar Meckstroth Verbeek Zia

1NT* 2}* Pass 2{* Pass 2[ Pass 2NT Pass 3NT All Pass

1NT (9) 10-122} Majors2{ No preference

West led the six of diamonds and East won with the king and returned the two, declarer dropping the jack, winning the return with the queen and running the jack of spades. When it held he unblocked the ace, played a diamond to the ace and came off dummy with a club, West winning with the nine, cashing the king and switching to the king of hearts. Declarer ducked, won the next heart and claimed six tricks, -800.

Espen LindqvistTEAM MAHAFFEY

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2nd European Winter Games - Monaco, 17-23 February 2018

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Closed Room West North East South Brogeland Drijver Lindqvist Nab

Pass 1[ Pass 2} Pass 2] Pass 2NT All Pass

Declarer could do no better in the replay, so two down, -200 but 12 IMPs for Netherlands Red.

Board 19. Dealer North. EWVul. [ K Q 9 6 ] A K 8 { A K 9 3 } A 4 [ A J 10 3 2 [ — ] 9 7 5 3 ] Q J 10 { 10 5 { Q J 8 6 4 2 } 10 8 } Q 9 6 2 [ 8 7 5 4 ] 6 4 2 { 7 } K J 7 5 3

Open Room West North East South Molenaar Meckstroth Verbeek Zia

— — — Pass Pass 2}* Pass 2{* Pass 2NT Pass 3}* Pass 3[ Pass 4[ All Pass

East led the queen of hearts and declarer won and played three rounds of diamonds, pitching a heart and then ruffing with the four of spades. West overruffed (it does not help to pitch a club) and returned a heart, declarer winning and ruffing a diamond with the [7. West overuffed, cashed the ace of spades and exited with a spade and declarer won, cashed two more spades and played clubs. He did not need to finesse, as East had come down to two clubs, +420.

Closed Room West North East South Brogeland Drijver Lindqvist Nab

— — — Pass Pass 2}* Pass 2{* Pass 2NT Pass 3} Pass 3{* Pass 3]* Pass 3[ Pass 4[ All Pass

Declarer won the heart lead, cashed the ace of diamonds, ruffed a diamond and played a spade to the king, East’s discard of the four of diamonds coming as a shock. If declarer now pitches a heart on the king of diamonds he is on track a la Meckstroth, but fatally he now ruffed a diamond and West simply pitched a club (overuffing works just as well). Declarer came to hand with the ace of clubs, cashed the kinge of hearts and played a club to the king. West ruffed, played a heart to East’s jack and with [AJ10 left was assured of two trump tricks, +50 and 10 IMPs for Mahaffey ahead 83-60 going into the final session.Jeff Meckstroth



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2nd European Winter Games - Monaco, 17-23 February 2018

1 AJ DIAMENT 122.002 THE CLUB ENTHUSIASTS 121.203 SALVO 121.00 THE BUSH 121.005 BAK 120.006 KHYUPPENEN 119.707 RUSSIA 118.608 ERA 118.009 CHINA LADIES 117.00 VIVEMENTVIV 117.0011 ADDAURA 116.3012 EXPERTCOOKING 116.0013 BRENO 115.00 RIGAINVITES 115.00 INA MAN RED 115.00 CONNECTOR 115.0017 TEXAN ACES 114.0018 DE BOTTON 113.00 COLDEA 113.0020 DE FALCO 110.00 BRIDGE ACADEMIE 110.00 CUNEO 110.0023 LUPOVELOCE 109.00 K1 109.00 ESCARGOT 109.0026 FILIPPO5 108.00 DENMARK 108.0028 COOREMAN BELGIUM 106.00 MORAN 106.00 NETHERLANDS BLUE 106.00 NETHERLANDS JUNIORS 106.0032 EMERALD 105.2033 GILLIS 105.1034 WARD PLATT 104.2035 BLUE CHIP SWEDES 104.0036 JANDM 103.2037 INA MAN WHITE 103.00

NONAME BLACK 103.0039 1 NONE BLONDE 102.0040 KOSING 101.0041 OAKSEY 100.00 ALLY 100.0043 ROUGH DIAMONDS 99.0044 RICH 98.00 INA MIXED WHITE 98.00 INA WOMEN WHITE 98.0047 MAGMA 97.2048 BRIDGE24PL B 96.5049 FRANCE B 96.00 GEORGIA ON MY MIND 96.00 NEVER CLAIM 96.0052 NONAME RED 95.2053 MONACO 95.00 IRG 95.00 PHARMASERVICE 95.0056 HAMMELEV 94.4057 HELPMED 94.00 LES CALANQUES 94.0059 INA MIXED RED 93.5060 BLONDES ARE MORE FUN 93.00 HARRIS 93.00 WILLANS 93.0063 BLACK 92.00 NEVEU 92.00 INA WOMEN RED 92.0066 COLONEL 90.0067 NONAME MASK 88.8068 NONAME 88.0069 KVANGRAVEN 87.0070 LR INTERNATIONAL 86.0071 CRISTAL 83.0072 SEOUL 79.2073 PBC GRAZ 73.0074 PROVENCE 67.20


Full details about each match are published in the microsite:

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MAHAFFEY 69 62 41 172

INA MAN RED 48 37 10 95

R1 R2 R3

NED RED 56 50 60 166

WARD PLATT 35 18 38 91

R1 R2 R3

VYTAS 52 67 31 150

NED JUNIORS 33 25 34 92

R1 R2 R3

K1 46 7 27 80

BERNAL 77 38 55 170

R1 R2 R3

ZIMMERMANN 83 47 15 145

RUSSIA 28 68 24 120

R1 R2 R3

LAVAZZA 62 64 0 126

COLDEA 47 10 0 57

R1 R2 R3

THE CLUB E. 33 22 9 64

VENTIN 43 50 47 140

R1 R2 R3

DE BOTTON 55 50 27 132.8

DELTA TV P. 32 60 41 133

R1 R2 R3

MAHAFFEY 46 37 18 101

NED RED 32 28 30 90

R1 R2 R3

VYTAS 82 25 60 167

BERNAL 25 62 31 118

R1 R2 R3

ZIMMERMANN 34 18 54 106

LAVAZZA 22 22 54 98

R1 R2 R3

VENTIN 90 19 58 167

DELTA TV P. 6 39 25 70

R1 R2 R3



R1 R2 R3



R1 R2 R3

R1 R2 R3













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“formerly Zurich Open”

Hotel Hilton Zurich-Airport

Tournament Director: Peter Eidt

Friday, March 16, 2018 – Imps (Butler)

Program Mise en place 2.15 pm Session starts 2.30 pm

Red points awarded (Swiss Federation)

Tournament fee SFr. 50.—per player (small diner included)

Saturday, March 17, 2018 - Pairs 2 tournaments: Open I for all players and Open II for 2nd série players Program Mise en place 11.45 am Start session 1 12.00 am Start session 2 4.00 pm

Red and green points (Swiss Federation) awarded

Tournament fee SFr. 60.—per player

Sunday, March 18, 2018 - Teams

Program Mise en place 09.45 am Starts 10.00 am

Red points awarded (Swiss Federation)

Tournament fee SFr. 60.—per player

Prize ceremony after each tournament

Accommodation Accommodation has been reserved at the Hilton Hotel at the special

rate of SFr 160.-- per night including breakfast and VAT for double

or SFr 140.-- for single occupancy. For reservation please contact

Andrea Schoellkopf.

Registration Andrea Schoellkopf – (+41) 79 222 11 18 - [email protected]

Fernando Piedra – (+41) 79 610 35 14 - [email protected]

„Sponsored by Zürcher Kantonalbank ZKB“

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