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N5 Glossary

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  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    Brechin High SchoolMusic Glossary





  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    Music Performing:Musical Terms

    National 3

    Music Performing:Literacy Terms

    National 3

    Music Performing:Musical Terms

    National 4

    Styles Melody Harmony !hythm Tem"o Te#ture Structure $orm Tim%re &ynamics

    Blues Ascending Accent (Accented) Unison/Octave Striking (Hitting)

    Jazz Descending Beat (Pulse) in a bar; !"!#$ Har%on&/'ord Bloing

    *ock +n, *oll Ste- (Ste-ise) On te beat Solo Boing

    .usical ea- (ea-ing) O00 te beat Acco%-anied Stru%%ing

    Scottis *e-etition *e-etition Unacco%-anied Plucking

    atin A%erican Se1uence Sloer *e-etition Orcestra

    *ock 2uestion 3 Anser 4aster Ostinato Strings

    Po- 5%-rovisation Pause *i00 Brass

    'ord .arc *ound 6oodind

    Discord *eel Untuned Percussion

    'ord 'ange 6altz 7uned Percussion

    Dru% 4ill Accordion

    Adagio 4iddle

    Allegro Bag-i-es

    Acoustic 8uitar

    9lectric 8uitar



    Dru% :it

    Steel Band

    Scottis Dance Band

    4olk 8rou-


    Styles Melody Harmony !hythm Tem"o Te#ture Structure $orm Tim%re &ynamics

    ines and s-aces on te treble cle0 'rotcet < = beat


    f< 0orte (oud)


    .oving u- or don beteen notes

    ic are ne>t to eac oter

    .ini% < beats p< -iano (2uiet)


    An e>act re-eat o0 a %usical idea

    Dotted .ini% < " beats cresc.< crescendo

    (8etting louder)

    Se%i?breve < # beats dim.< di%inuendo

    (getting 2uieter)

    Bar lines

    1. A vertical line used in a

    %usical score to %ark a divisionbeteen bars


  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    Styles Melody Harmony !hythm Tem"o Te#ture Structure $orm Tim%re &ynamics

    Baro1ue .a@or/.inor (7onalit&) S&nco-ation 'anon Brass Band

    *agti%e Drone Scotc Sna- 7ernar& ('B') 6ind Band

    *o%antic Broken 'ord/ Ar-eggio Strats-e& erse and 'orus iolin! 'ello! Double Bass! Har-

    Sing 'ord Progression ('ords (!

    ()and )in ma*orke&s)

    Jig .iddle 4lute! 'larinet! Sa>o-one! Pan Pi-es!


    'oncerto 'ange o0 :e& Si%-le 7i%e

    + 3 4

    4 4 4

    7e%e and ariation 7ru%-et! 7ro%bone

    O-era Pedal 'o%-ound 7i%e 'adenza 7i%-ani! Snare Dru%! Bass Dru%! '&%bals!

    7riangle! 7a%bourine! 8uiro! C&lo-one!


    Scots Ballads Scale Anacrusis 5%itation Har-sicord

    .out .usic Pentatonic Scale Andante Bass 8uitar

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    *eggae Octave Accelerando Distortion

    A0rican .usic a%- *allentando .uted

    *a--ing Scat Singing A 7e%-o So-rano! Alto! 7enor Bass

    Orna%ent Dotted *&t%s Backing ocals

    .usic Per0or%ingiterac& 7er%s

    ational #

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    Styles Melody Harmony !hythm Tem"o Te#ture Structure $orm Tim%re &ynamics

    7reble Stave

    (.iddle ' < ledger line A)

    S,, N4 L(T,!'C-

    Se%i?2uaver < E beat mf mezzo-forte

    (.ediu% oud)


    A %elodic -rase ic is i%%ediatel&

    re-eated at a iger or loer -itc

    8rou-ed Se%i?2uavers mpmezzo-piano

    (.ediu% 2uiet)

    2uaver < F beat

    Paired 2uavers

    < F 3 F

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    *e-eat Signs

    A sign tat indicates a section

    sould be re-eated

    Si%-le 7i%e

    7e %usic as to! tree or 0our

    beats in eac bar! and eac beat

    is a crotcet (= beat note) and

    eac beat can be divided into $

    Styles Melody Harmony !hythm Tem"o Te#ture Structure $orm Tim%re &ynamics

    S&%-on& Atonal *ubato Stro-ic Piccolo! Oboe! Bassoon

    Music Performing:Musical Terms

    National .

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    8os-el 'luster *itardando Binar& 4or% ('B) (4renc) Horn! 7uba

    'lassical 'ord Progression (5! 5! ! 5) %a@or .oderato *ondo 4or% ('B'C'&') iola

    Pibroc 5%-er0ect 'adence 'ross *&t%s 9-isode 'astanets

    'eltic *ock Per0ect 'adence 'o%-ound 7i%e Alberti Bass Hi?Hat

    Bot& Ballad 5nverted Pedal 6alking Bass '&%bals

    6aulking Song 'ro%atic 8round Bass Bongo

    8aelic Psal% 6ole?tone Scale Ho%o-onic Dru%s

    Aria 8race ote Pol&-onic 'larsac

    'orus 8lissando 'ontra-untal Bodran

    .ini%alist .odulation 'oda Sitar! 7abla

    5ndian 'ontrar& .otion Arco

    7rill Pizzicato

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    S&llabic 'on Sordino

    .elis%atic 4lutter 7onguing

    'ounter%elod& *olls

    Descant (oice) *everb

    Pitc Bend .ezzo So-rano

    7one Baritone

    Se%itone A 'a-ella

    Styles Melody Harmony !hythm Tem"o Te#ture Structure $orm Tim%re &ynamics

    5denti0& tones and se%itones Dotted r&t%s ff< 0ortissi%o

    (er& oud)

    Music Performing:Literacy Terms

    National .

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    A se%itone is te s%allest distance beteen

    to notes$ A tone is to se%itones$



    Dotted 'rotcet < = F beats pp< -ianissi%o

    (er& 2uiet)

    Scales and :e& signatures

    Dotted 2uaver < G beat sfz< s0orzando

    (Suddenl& oud)

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    'ords Scotc Sna-

    A ver& sort accented note be0ore a

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary



    A grou- o0 (t&-icall& tree or %ore) notes

    sounded togeter! as a basis o0 ar%on&

    longer note


    Ju%-ing beteen notes ic are not

    ne>t to eac oter$

    =stand ndti%e bars

    7is is a sign to so tat en

    -la&ing a re-eat! a di00erent ending

    is needed$

    is dran be0ore te re-eatsign and is -la&ed onl& te =stti%e!ten 0ollo te re-eat sign$

    is dran a0ter te re-eatsign and is -la&ed te ndti%e onl&$

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


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    ' / 0 &efinition List

    ' Ca"ella Unacco%-anied singing$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    'ccelerando 7e%-o .arking .usic graduall& gets 0aster$ *&t%/7e%-o N4


    9%-asis -ut on a note to %ake it stand out/sound louder$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    'ccom"anied Oter instru%ent(s) or voice(s) su--orts te %ain instru%ent/voice 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N3

    'ccordion An instru%ent it a ke&board in ic sounds are -roduced b& s1ueezing bellos it te ar%s$ Po-ularl&called a +s1ueezebo>, in Scottis .usic$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    'coustic Guitar A string instru%ent ic does not re1uire an electric a%-li0ier to -roduce sound$ 5t is -la&ed b& stru%%ingand -lucking te strings$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    'dagio 7e%-o %arking Slo *&t%/7e%-o N3

    'l%erti Bass Broken cords -la&ed b& te le0t and ilst te rigt and -la&s te %elod&$ 'lassical co%-osers used tistecni1ue e>tensivel& in teir -iano %usic$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    'llegro 7e%-o %arking 4ast *&t%/7e%-o N3

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    'nacrusis 7e note(s) tat a--ear be0ore te 0 irst strong beat o0 a %usical -rase$ 5 t sounds as an u-beat$ *&t%/7e%-o N4

    'ndante 7e%-o %arking .oderatel& slo *&t%/7e%-o N4

    'frican Music 'o%%on 0eatures include voices and/or A0rican dru%s$ St&les N4

    'rco 5nstruction given to string -la&ers to use a bo$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    'ria A song in an o-era it orcestral acco%-ani%ent ic is designed to so te singer,s abilit&$ St&les N.

    'r"eggio otes o0 a cord -la&ed one a0ter te oter < s-read out$ .elod&/Har%on& N4

    'scending otes ic rise in -itc$ .elod&/Har%on& N3

    ' Tem"o 6en a -iece o0 %usic slos don but ten returns to its original s-eed$ *&t%/7e%-o N4

    'tonal o 0eeling o0 ke&! %a@or or %inor$ er& dissonant$ A 0eature o0 so%e t'entur& .usic$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Bacing )ocals Singers o su--ort te lead singer(s)! usuall& b& singing in ar%on& in te background$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Bag"i"es An instru%ent ic asa 0le>ible bag in0lated eiter b& a tube it valves or b& bellos! a double?reed%elod& -i-e! and 0ro% one to 0our drone -i-es$ Associated it Scotland$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Baroue .usic ritten beteen =I$ 'o%%on 0eatures include ar-sicord and lots o0 orna%ents$ St&les N4

    Bass Guitar o -itced electric string instru%ent and as onl& 0our string$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Beat 1Pulse2 in a 7e basic -ulse &ou ear in %usic$ .a& be grou-ed in ! " or # beats it a stress on te 0irst beat o0 te *&t%/7e%-o N3

  • 7/26/2019 N5 Glossary


    %ar5 +6 36 4 bar$

    Binary 1'B2 A 0or% in ic te %usic is %ade u- o0 to di00erent sections! A and B$ 9ac section %a& be re-eated$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    Blo7ing 7e sound is -roduced b& bloing into or across te %out-iece o0 te instru%ent < e$g brass! oodindL 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Blues Started as Black A%erican 0olk %usic! develo-ing 0ro% s-irituals and ork songs$O0ten in #/# ti%e and-atterned on a =?bar structure and blues scale$

    St&les N3

    Bothy Ballad A 0olk song! usuall& it %an& verses! 0ro% nort?east Scotland$ 5t tells a stor& o0 rural or 0ar%ing li0e$ St&les N.

    Bo7ing 7e sound is -roduced b& draing te bo across te strings o0 a stringed instru%ent! e$g$ violin! cello etc$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Brass A 0a%il& o0 instru%ents %ade 0ro% %etal it a %out-iece < e$g tru%-et! tro%bone etc$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Brass Band A band o0 brass instru%ents and -ercussion$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Brass: $rench Horn 4our %etres o0 tubing curled around! it a bell?sa-ed o-ening on one end and a %out-iece in te oter$'an -la& a large range o0 notes! lo and ig$ .ello sounding$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    Brass: Trum"et S%allest and igest brass instru%ent in te brass 0a%il&$ Brigt sounding$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Brass: Trom%one 7is is te onl& brass instru%ent tat as a slide instead o0 valves$ oer sounding tan tru%-et$ 'anglissando (slide) beteen notes ver& ell$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Brass: Tu%a 7e tuba is te largest and loest brass instru%ent in te brass 0a%il&$ Bass notes$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    Broen Chord 7e notes o0 a cord are -la&ed se-aratel&$ .elod&/Har%on& N4

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    Caden8a A -assage o0 %usic ic allos soloists to dis-la& teir tecnical abilit&$ Per0or%ers used to i%-rovisecadenzas te%selves but eventuall& co%-osers began to rite te% into te score$ 'o%%on -lace in'oncertos$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N4

    Canon Strict i%itation$ A0ter one -art starts to -la& or sing a %elod&! anoter -art enters sortl& a0terards! ite>actl& te sa%e %elod&$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N4

    Celtic !oc A st&le o0 %usic tat %i>es 'eltic 0olk %usic and rock togeter e$g co%bining violins it electric guitars$ St&les N.

    Change of 9ey A %ove 0ro% one ke& to anoter ke&$ .elod&/Har%on& N4

    Choir A grou- o0 singers o -er0or% togeter$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Chord 7o or %ore notes sounding togeter .elod&/Har%on& N3

    Chord Change A %ove 0ro% one cord to a di00erent cord$ .elod&/Har%on& N3

    Chord Progression(6 ()6 )6 )(

    Di00erent -rogressions using te cords built on te 0irst! 0ourt! 0i0t and si>t notes o0 a %a@or or %inorscale$

    .elod&/Har%on& N4

    Chorus A grou- o0 singers! te %usic ritten 0or te% or te re0rain beteen verses o0 a song$ St&les N.

    Chromatic A ste-ise series o0 notes built u- entirel& o0 se%itones! e$g$ ' 'M D DM 9 4 4M 8 8M A AM B $ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Classical .usic ritten beteen =K to == a--ro>i%atel&$ 7e orcestra gre in size during tis -eriod and te-iano as invented$ er& interested in 0or% and structure o0 %usic$

    St&les N.

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    Cluster A ter% used to describe a grou- o0 notes! ic clas! -la&ed togeter$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Coda A -assage at te end o0 a -iece o0 %usic ic rounds it o00 e00ectivel&$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    Com"ound Time ; ture in ic eac o0 to or %ore -arts as inde-endent %elodic interest; si%ilar in %eaning to-ol&-onic$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    Contrary Motion 7o -arts ic %ove in o--osite direct ions! e$g$ as one -art ascends te oter -art descends$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Countermelody A %elod& -la&ed against te %ain %elod&$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Cross !hythms 'ontrasting r&t%s -la&ed at te sa%e ti%e or -la&ed it unusual e%-asis on notes$

    *&t%/7e%-o N.

    &escant 1)oice2 A counter %elod& ic acco%-anies and is sung above te %ain %elod& .elod&/Har%on& N.

    &escending otes ic 0all in -itc .elod&/Har%on& N3

    &iscord A cord in ic certain notes clas$ 5n te t centur&! %an& co%-osers used discords in teir %usic$ .elod&/Har%on& N3

    &istortion An electronic e00ect used in rock %usic to colour te sound o0 an electric guitar$ 5t gives a 0uzz& soundrater tan te usual clean sound$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

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    &otted !hythms A sort note 0olloing a longer one *&t%/7e%-o N4

    &rone One note or notes eld on or re-eated in te bass or te lo?-itced -i-es o0 a bag-i-e ic acco%-an& a%elod&$

    .elod&/Har%on& N4

    &rum 9it A set o0 dru%s and c&%bals o0ten used in rock %usic and -o- %usic$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    ,lectric Guitar A guitar ic re1uires an electric a%-li0ier to -roduce sound$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    ,"isode A -assage o0 %usic linking to %usical te%es! suc as in *ondo 4or%('B'''D') 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    ,#"osition 7is describes te 0irst earing o0 te te%e and is nor%all& associated it co%-ositions structured in

    sonata 0or% or 0ugue$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    $aster 7e te%-o (s-eed) increases$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    $iddle Anoter na%e 0or te violin! used in Scottis %usic$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    $lutter Tonguing *olling &our r,s ilst -la&ing a brass or oodind instru%ent$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    $ol Grou" A grou- o0 to or %ore %usicians o -er0or% %usic in a traditional st&le! usuall& acco%-anied b& guitars$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Gaelic Psalm Psal%s (&%ns) ic ere sung in 8aelic! unacco%-anied$ St&les N.

    Glissando Sliding 0ro% one note to anoter! taking in all te notes in beteen ere -ossible$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

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    Gos"el .usic ritten it religious l&rics! o0ten in -raise or tanksgiving to 8od$ St&les N.

    Grace Note A t&-e o0 orna%ent -la&ed as a 1uick! crused note be0ore te %ain note o0 a %elod&$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Ground Bass A te%e in te bass ic is re-eated %an& ti%es ile te u--er -arts are varied$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    Harmony 1Chord2 7e sound o0 to or %ore notes %ade at te sa%e ti%e 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N3

    Har"sichord A ke&board instru%ent ic looks like a s%all grand -iano$ 7e ke&s are laid out in te sa%e a& as on a-iano but are o--osite in colour < te %a@orit& o0 te ke&s are black! and te raised ones are ite$ Used%ostl& in Baro1ue %usic$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Homo"honic 7e>ture ere &ou ear %elod& it acco%-ani%ent or ere all te -arts -la& a si%ilar r&t% at tesa%e ti%e

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    (mitation 6ere te %elod& is i%%ediatel& co-ied in anoter -art$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N4

    (m"erfect Cadence A cadence consists o0 to cords at te end o0 a -rase$ 5n an i%-er0ect cadence te last cord is cord (te do%inant) creating an un0inised e00ect$

    .elod&/Har%on& N.

    (m"ro>isation 7e -er0or%er creates %usic during te actual -er0or%ance$ 7ere %a& be suggested cords as a guide$5%-rovisation is an i%-ortant 0eature o0 @azz$

    .elod&/Har%on& N3

    (ndian .usic 0ro% 5ndia ic uses instru%ents suc as te sitar and tabla$ St&les N.

    (n>erted Pedal A note ic is eld on or re-eated continuousl& at a ig -itc$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    ?a88 At 0irst tis as %usic created b& black A%ericans in te earl& tcentur&$ 'o%%on 0eatures o0 Jazz %usicinclude alking bass! s&nco-ation and i%-rovisation$

    St&les N3

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    ?ig A 0ast dance in co%-ound ti%e$ Usuall& beats in a bar! it eac beat dividing into " 1uavers$ *&t%/7e%-o N4

    Latin 'merican Dance %usic 0 ro% Sout A%erica$ Percussion instru%ents -rovide livel& o00?beat dance r&t%s$ St&les N3

    Lea" 1Lea"ing2

    Ju%-ing beteen notes ic are not ne>t to eac oter$$ .elod&/Har%on& N3

    Legato 7e notes are -la&ed or sung s%ootl&$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Ma*or 1Tonality2 7e %usic sounds in a %a@or ke& < o0ten described as aving a ceer&! a--& 0eel to it$ .elod&/Har%on& N4

    March .usic it a strong stead& -ulse it to or 0our beats in a bar$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    Melismatic ocal %usic in ic several notes are sung to one s&llable$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Middle = 5n -o-ular %usic! a section ic -rovides a contrast to te o-ening section$ 5t is o0ten eigt bars long$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N4

    Minimalist A develo-%ent in te second al0 o0 te t centur& based on si%-le r&t%ic and %elodic 0igures icare constantl& re-eated it ver& sligt canges eac ti%e$

    St&les N.

    Minor 1Tonality2 7e %usic sounds in a %inor ke&! o0ten described as aving a sadder 0eel tan %a@or$ .elod&/Har%on& N4

    Moderato 7e%-o %arking .ediu% s-eed$ *&t%/7e%-o N.

    Modulation A cange o0 ke&$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

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    Mouth Music Unacco%-anied songs it 8aelic or nonsense ords! nor%all& sung 0or ceilid dances$ St&les N4

    Musical A %usical -la& ic as s-eaking! singing and dancing and is -er0or%ed on a stage$ St&les N3

    Muted Using a device ic reduces te volu%e or alters te sound o0 an instru%ent$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    @cta>e 7e distance o0 notes eg 0ro% ' u- to '$$ .elod&/Har%on& N4

    @ff the %eat otes -la&ed on te eaker beats! eg beats and # in a #/# bar$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    @n the %eat otes -la&ed on te stronger beats! eg beats = and " in a #/# bar$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    @"era A dra%a set to %usic it soloists! corus! acting! and orcestral acco%-ani%ent$ 'ontains Arias!*ecitatives and 'orus$

    St&les N4

    @rchestra 7ere are 0our %ain sections to an orcestra strings! oodind! brass and -ercussion$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    @rgan A ke&board instru%ent usuall& 0ound in curces$ 5t usuall& as %ore tan one ke&board! -lus -edals tatare -la&ed it te 0eet$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    @rnament An orna%ent decorates a %elod& b& adding e>tra notes$ Orna%ents are o0ten sort and add %elodic andr&t%ic interest$

    .elod&/Har%on& N4

    @stinato A sort %usical -attern re-eated %an& ti%es$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N3

    Pause A note or rest tat is eld longer tan ritten$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    Pedal Sort 0or -edal -oint$ A note ic is sustained! or re-eated continuousl&! in te bass beneat cangingar%onies$

    .elod&/Har%on& N4

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    Pentatonic Scale An& 0ive?note scale$ 5n -ractice! te %ost co%%on one is tat on ic %uc 0olk %usic is based!-articularl& Scottis and 'eltic$

    .elod&/Har%on& N4

    Perfect Cadence A cadence consists o0 to cords at te end o0 a -rase$ A -er0ect cadence is te do%inant to tonic cords(

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    !allentando 7e te%-o (s-eed) o0 te %usic graduall& slos don$ *&t%/7e%-o N4

    !a""ing *&%ing l&rics tat are s-oken and -er0or%ed in ti%e to a beat$ *a--ing is -o-ular in i-?o- %usic$ St&les N4

    !eel A Scottis dance ritten in si%-le ti%e it to or 0our beats in a bar$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    !eggae *eggae %usic as develo-ed in te late =Is in Ja%aica$ 5t as 1uite a distinctive sound and as tecaracteristic o0 strong accents on te nd and #t beats o0 te bar$

    St&les N4

    !e"etition A %usical idea is eard %ore tan once$ .elod&/Har%on&*&t%/7e%-o



    !e>er% An electronic e00ect ic can give te i%-ression o0 di00erent all acoustics$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    !iff A re-eated -rase usuall& 0ound in @azz and -o-ular %usic$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N3

    !itardando 7e %usic slos don$ *&t%/7e%-o N.

    !oc A st&le o0 -o-ular %usic it a eav&! driving beat$ Usuall& 0eatures electric guitar! bass guitar and dru% kit$ St&les N3

    !oc nD !oll =Ks A%erican %usic ic gre 0ro% te co%bined st&les o0 @azz! blues! gos-el and countr&$ St&les N3

    !olls A ver& 0ast re-etition o0 a note on a -ercussion instru%ent! eg on a snare dru% or ti%-ani$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    !omantic 5n %usic! te -eriod ==?=$ 7e %usic 0ocused on nature! an e%-asis on te individuals e>-ressiono0 e%otion and i%agination! de-arture 0ro% te attitudes and 0or%s o0 classicis%! and rebellion againstestablised social rules and conventions$ arger orcestras it %ore ar%onies and e>-ression ere-revalent$

    St&les N4

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    !ondo $orm1'B'C'&'2

    A 0or% ere te 0irst section (A) kee-s returning! in beteen di00erent sections < B! ' etc$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    !ound 9ac -art sings or -la&s te sa%e %elod&! entering one a0ter te oter$ 6en te& reac te end te& startagain$ e$g$ Frre Jacques$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N3

    !u%ato 7ranslates as robbed ti%e ic %eans te %usic ill s-eed u- and slo don in order to allo 0ore>-ression! tere0ore tere ill not be a strict te%-o %aintained$

    *&t%/7e%-o N.

    Scale A se1uence o0 notes %oving b& ste- in an ascending or descending order$ .elod&/Har%on& N4

    Scat Singing onsense ords and sounds are i%-rovised b& te singer$ So%eti%es te singer is i%itating te sounds o0instru%ents$ Used %ainl& in Jazz singing$

    .elod&/Har%on& N4

    Scotch Sna" A ver& sort accented note be0ore a longer note$ *&t%/7e%-o N4

    Scots Ballads A Scottis song ic tells a stor&$ 9>a%-les o0 Scots ballads are 4loer o0 Scotland and oc o%ond$ St&les N4

    Scottish .usic ic re-resents te various ele%ents o0 Scottis %usic eg accordians! bag-i-es! 0iddles! dance%usic and vocal orks suc as bot& ballad! scots ballad etcL

    St&les N3

    Scottish &anceBand

    A band ic -la&s traditional Scottis %usic 0or -eo-le to dance to$ 7e instru%ents%a& include 0iddle! accordion! -iano! bass and dru%s$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Semitone Hal0 a tone! eg 8 to Ab on a ke&board$ 4ro% one 0ret to anoter on a guitar$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Seuence A %elodic -rase ic is i%%ediatel& re-eated at a iger or loer -itc .elod&/Har%on& N3

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    Sim"le Time+ 3 44 4 4

    7e %usic as to! tree or 0our beats in eac bar! and eac beat is a crotcet (= beat note) and eac beatcan be divided into 1uavers (=/ beats)$

    *&t%/7e%-o N4

    Slo7er 7e te%-o (s-eed) decreases$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    Solo One instru%ent or voice$ A -ro%inent instru%ent or voice can be solo even en -art o0 a larger ense%ble$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N3

    Staccato 7e notes are sort and detaced 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Steel Band A 6est 5ndian band ose instru%ents are %ade out o0 oil dru%s called -ans$ 7e to- o0 eacdru% is a%%ered into -anels to %ake di00erent -itces$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Ste" 1Ste"7ise2 .oving u- or don beteen notes ic are ne>t to eac oter .elod&/Har%on& N3

    Straths"ey A Scottis dance it 0our beats in a bar and usuall& 0eaturing te Scotc sna-$ *&t%/7e%-o N4

    Striing 1Hitting2 7e sound is -roduced b& itting te instru%ent$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Strings 7e 0a%il& o0 instru%ents ic ave strings$ 7e sound is -roduced b& dragging a bo across te stringsor b& -lucking te% it te 0ingers$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    String: Cello A cello is sligtl& s%aller and sligtl& iger in -itc tan a double bass$ 5t can be -la&ed using arco or


    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    String: Clarsach A s%all Scottis ar-! used in 0olk %usic$ 'larsac is 8aelic 0or ar-$ 7e strings are -lucked$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    String (nstrument:&ou%le Bass

    7e largest and loest instru%ent o0 te string 0a%il&$ 5t can be -la&ed using arco or -izzicato$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

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    String (nstrument:Har"

    7is instru%ent belongs to te string 0a%il&$ 5t is usuall& about =$ %etres ig! eigs "Ikg and as #strings$ 7e strings are -lucked$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    String (nstrument:Sitar

    A -lucked! stringed instru%ent 0ro% 5ndia$ 5t,s basicall& an 5ndian guitar < eas& to re%e%ber because sitarr&%es it guitar$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    String (nstrument:)iola

    5t is sligtl& bigger and loer in -itc tan te violin! but looks si%ilar$ 5t can be -la&ed using arco or-izzicato$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    String (nstrument:)iolin

    7is instru%ent belongs to te string 0a%il&$ 5t is te s%allest and igest -itced instru%ent in te string0a%il&$ 5t can be -la&ed using arco or -izzicato$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Stro"hic A song ic as %usic re-eated 0or verses/coruses! tere0ore te sa%e %usic ill be eard re-eatingtrougout te song$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    Strumming A 0inger! 0ingers or -lectru% are dran across te strings o0 an instru%ent! usuall& guitar$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    S7ing A @azz st&le ic started in te ="s and as -er0or%ed b& a big band$ 7e nu%bers and t&-es o0instru%ents in te big bands increased during tis -eriod! troug te in0luence o0 sing$

    St&les N4

    Sylla%ic ocal %usic ere eac s&llable is given one note onl&$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Sym"hony A large ork 0or orcestra! usuall& in 0our %ove%ents$ St&les N.

    Synco"ation Strongl& accented notes -la&ing o00 or against te beat$ S&nco-ation occurs in all kinds o0 %usic$ *&t%/7e%-o N4

    Ternary 1'B'2 A B A < " -art 0or% Section A! 0olloed b& a B section ic is a di00erent %elod&! tan a return to te Asection$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N4

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    Theme and)ariation

    7e structure o0 a -iece ere te %elod& is eard (te te%e)! ten returns several ti%es it variations$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N4

    Tone 7e distance beteen to notes! e1uivalent to to se%itones (0or e>a%-le! to 0rets on a guitar)$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Trill .oving 1uickl& and re-eatedl& beteen to notes ic are a ste- a-art$ .elod&/Har%on& N.

    Tuned Percussion 7uned -ercussion is a -ercussion instru%entused to -roduce %usical noteso0 one or %ore -itces!aso--osed to an untuned -ercussion instru%entic is used to -roduce sounds o0 inde0inite -itc$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    Tuned Percussion:Bongo

    4airl& ig?-itced dru%s! @oined in -airs and usuall& -la&ed it 0ingers and -al%s$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    Tuned Percussion:Glocens"iel 7e %etal bars are laid out in a si%ilar -attern to te -iano and are -la&ed it beaters$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Tuned Percussion:Ta%la

    a -air o0 s%all and dru%s used in 5ndian %usic! one o0 ic is sligtl& larger tan te oter and is -la&edusing -ressure 0ro% te eel o0 te and to var& te -itc$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    Tuned Percussion:Tim"ani

    A large dru% it skin stretced across a large bol$ 5t as traditionall& %ade o0 co--er! but is %oreco%%onl& no %ade o0 0ibreglass$ A co%%on tecni1ue used on ti%-ani is a +*oll,$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Tuned Percussion:


    7e ooden bars are laid out in a si%ilar -attern to te -iano and are -la&ed it beaters 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    Fnaccom"anied 7ere are no instru%ents -la&ing in te background$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N3

    Fnison 1@cta>e2 Singing or -la&ing te sa%e notes at te sa%e ti%e$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N3
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    Untuned -ercussion is a -ercussion instru%entused to -roduce sounds o0 inde0inite -itcas o--osed to atuned -ercussion instru%entic is used to -roduce %usical noteso0 one or %ore-itces$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3


    Bass &rum

    Usuall& seen or eard in orcestral! ense%ble or concert band %usic$ 5t is te largest dru% o0 te orcestra7i%bre/D&na%ics N4


    BodhranAn 5ris ooden dru%! eld in one and and -la&ed it a ooden beater$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.


    A -ercussion instru%ent -o-ular in S-anis %usic$ 7e instru%ent consists o0 a -air o0 concave sells@oined on one edge b& a string$ 7e& are eld in te and and used to -roduce clicks 0or r&t%ic accents ora ri--ing or rattling sound consisting o0 a ra-id series o0 clicks$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.


    Cym%alsA -ercussion instru%ent! round in sa-e and %ade o0 %etal$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4



    A -ercussion instru%ent sounded b& being struck it sticks or te ands! t&-icall& c&lindrical! barrel?sa-ed! or bol?sa-ed! it a tigt skin over one or bot ends$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.



    7is instru%ent belongs to te -ercussion 0a%il&$ 5t is %ade o0 ood tat as been olloed out and asridges cut into te outer sur0ace$ A ooden stick is scra-ed along te ridges to -roduce te sound$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    FntunedPercussion: HiHat

    Used as -art o0 a dru%kit! te& consist o0 to c&%bals (one u-side?don) tat are it it a stick or brus!and o-ened/closed it a 0oot -edal$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    Fntuned 7is instru%ent belongs to te -ercussion 0a%il& and is -la&ed it sticks or bruses$ 7is dru% can act as 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4
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    Percussion:Snare &rum

    to di00erent instru%ents < a side dru% and a snare dru%$



    7is instru%ent belongs to te -ercussion 0a%il&$ A ooden or -lastic 0ra%e as -airs o0 %etal @inglesattaced and is %ostl& -la&ed b& te and striking or saking te instru%ent$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4



    7is is a -iece o0 %etal in te sa-e o0 a triangle! o-en at one corner! and struck it a %etal beater$ 5t is anuntuned -ercussion instru%ent! as it cannot -la& a range o0 notes$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    )am" A r&t%ic acco%-ani%ent it a bass note -la&ed on te beat and a cord o00 te beat$ Usuall& -la&ed on-iano or guitar$

    .elod&/Har%on& N4

    )erse and Chorus A structure/ 0or% -o-ular in %an& songs$ 7e %usic o0 te verse ill re-eat! o0ten it di00erent ords! andbeteen verses te corus ill nor%all& re-eat and 0eatures di00erent %usic to te verse$ 7e>ture/Structure/4or% N4

    )oice 7e u%an instru%ent used to s-eak or sing$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N3

    )oice: 'lto 7e loest 0e%ale voice$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    )oice: Baritone A %ale voice ose range lies beteen tat o0 bass and tenor$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    )oice: Bass 7e loest %ale voice$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    )oice:Me88o So"rano

    A 0e%ale singer ose voice range lies beteen tat o0 a so-rano and an alto$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    )oice: So"rano 7e igest range o0 0e%ale voice 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

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    )oice: Tenor A ig?-itced! adult %ale voice$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    aling Bass A bass line (lo notes) o0ten 0eatured in a variet& o0 @azz st&les$ 5t goes 0or a alk! u- anddon a -attern o0 notes! and is o0ten -la&ed on a double bass$

    7e>ture/Structure/4or% N.

    alt8 A dance it tree beats in a bar in si%-le ti%e$ *&t%/7e%-o N3

    auling Song A r&t%ic song sung in 8aelic b& te o%en in te 6estern 5sles o0 Scotland ile te& +aulked, teoollen clot to so0ten and srink it$ So%eti%es te singing is led b& a soloist it a res-onse 0ro% te resto0 te o%en$

    St&les N.

    holetone Scale A scale containing no se%itones but built entirel& on ole tones$ Debuss& used te ole?tone scale inso%e o0 is -ieces ic ere in0luenced b& 5%-ressionis%$

    .elod&/Har%on& N.

    ind Band A band it oodind! brass and -ercussion instru%ents -la&ing %usic co%-osed 0or te concert allrater tan 0or %arcing

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    ood7ind 5nstru%ents ic -roduce sounds b& bloing across a ole! against an edge or troug a single or doublereed$ 7e& need not be %ade o0 ood$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N3


    A large and lo instru%ent! it a doubled?back tube over 0our 0eet long! -la&ed it a double reed andoles sto--ed b& ke&s$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.


    A oodind instru%ent it a single?reed %out-iece! a c&lindrical tube it a 0lared end! and olessto--ed b& ke&s$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4

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    ood7ind :$lute

    A ind instru%ent usuall& no %ade 0ro% a %etal tube it oles tat are sto--ed b& te 0ingers or ke&s!eld verticall& or orizontall& so tat te -la&ers breat strikes a narro edge$



    A nasal sounding oodind instru%ent it a double?reed %out-iece! a slender tubular bod&! and olessto--ed b& ke&s$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N.

    ood7ind(nstrument:Pan Pi"es

    Pi-es ic are graded in size and are bound togeter$ 7e sound is %ade b& bloing across te to- o0 te-i-es$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4



    A s%all 0lute sounding an octave iger tan te ordinar& one$ 7i%bre/D&na%ics N.


    7ere are 0our %ain t&-es o0 recorder descant! treble! tenor and bass$ 7e recorder is a istle?likeinstru%ent end?blon and usuall& %ade 0ro% ood or so%eti%es -lastic$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4


    A oodind instru%ent it a single reed attaced to a %out-iece like tat o0 a clarinet! used es-eciall& in@azz %usic$

    7i%bre/D&na%ics N4