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Mountain Reflections Rangeley Congregational Church, United Church of Christ P.O. Box 218 Rangeley, Maine 04970 October 2019 Volume 26 Issue 8 Annette Mott As I write this I have aended two funerals for clergy colleagues during the past eight days, and on Saturday, October 5, Rev. Tony will preside at a funeral to be held at our church for Bruce Verrill, the son of founding members of our church Roger and Virginia Verrill. So the somber reality and great mystery of death have been on my mind recently. I would like to use this column to share with you a UCC devotion from a couple of years ago—one that I shared with our Deacons when we met last week: “A Funeral for a Frog” by Martin Copenhaver "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" - 1 Corinthians 15:55 "Shady is dead," my wife Karen said to me, with more concern than grief in her voice. I knew the source of her concern well enough. Shady had lived in a tank in our den for a year and-a-half, as close to family as a frog can be. How do we break the news to our daughter Alanna, just five years old at the time, who referred to herself as the frog's "master," who gave Shady her name, and even informed us that Shady was a girl ("because there's some way to tell," she had said)? When Alanna woke up I told her, "I have some sad news. Shady died." Alanna immediately re- sponded, "How can you tell?" I had to suppress a smile because, in truth, the frog was the picture of death, lying belly-up with her webbed "hands" positioned as if to hold a lily. I said, "Come down- stairs and see." Alanna stared at Shady for a long time and said, "She's dead," then added maer-of-factly, "We should bury her." Alanna knew the very spot to bury her. When the hole was deep enough, I slid Shady's body into the ground and we covered her with a blanket of earth. "Let's sing a song," Alanna said. I asked if she had any suggestions. "Let's sing ‘Silent Night.'" With the rain beginning to fall around us, seeming to water the seed we had planted in the earth, we sang a homely duet. (continued on the next page)

Mountain · 2019-09-30 · The incredible vocal/ukulele duet from David and Sam Meehan. The fun contributions of the Hopeful Gospel

Apr 22, 2020



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Page 1: Mountain · 2019-09-30 · The incredible vocal/ukulele duet from David and Sam Meehan. The fun contributions of the Hopeful Gospel

Mountain Reflections Rangeley Congregational Church, United Church of Christ

P.O. Box 218 Rangeley, Maine 04970

O c t o b e r 2 0 1 9 V o l u m e 2 6 I s s u e 8

Annette Mott

As I write this I have attended two funerals for clergy colleagues during the past eight days, and on

Saturday, October 5, Rev. Tony will preside at a funeral to be held at our church for Bruce Verrill,

the son of founding members of our church Roger and Virginia Verrill. So the somber reality and

great mystery of death have been on my mind recently. I would like to use this column to share with

you a UCC devotion from a couple of years ago—one that I shared with our Deacons when we met

last week:

“A Funeral for a Frog” by Martin Copenhaver

"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" - 1 Corinthians 15:55

"Shady is dead," my wife Karen said to me, with more concern than grief in her voice. I knew the

source of her concern well enough. Shady had lived in a tank in our den for a year and-a-half, as

close to family as a frog can be.

How do we break the news to our daughter Alanna, just five years old at the time, who referred to

herself as the frog's "master," who gave Shady her name, and even informed us that Shady was a

girl ("because there's some way to tell," she had said)?

When Alanna woke up I told her, "I have some sad news. Shady died." Alanna immediately re-

sponded, "How can you tell?" I had to suppress a smile because, in truth, the frog was the picture of

death, lying belly-up with her webbed "hands" positioned as if to hold a lily. I said, "Come down-

stairs and see."

Alanna stared at Shady for a long time and said, "She's dead," then added matter-of-factly, "We

should bury her."

Alanna knew the very spot to bury her. When the hole was deep enough, I slid Shady's body into

the ground and we covered her with a blanket of earth.

"Let's sing a song," Alanna said. I asked if she had any suggestions. "Let's sing ‘Silent Night.'" With

the rain beginning to fall around us, seeming to water the seed we had planted in the earth, we sang

a homely duet. (continued on the next page)

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Mountain Reflections October 2019 Vol. 26 Issue 8


Then Alanna said a prayer: "Dear God, thank you for Shady, who was a great frog. We hope she is

all right. Please take care of her. Amen." We placed a couple of evergreen boughs on the grave and

then went inside for breakfast.

I suppose it is handy to have a minister in the family when a frog needs a funeral, but in this case, I

was more member of the congregation than officiant. And I was struck by how wonderful it is to be

part of a family, the church, that shows us from the earliest age how to respond to the awesome

presence of death.

Prayer: Thank you for comfort in the presence of death. And thank you, again, for Shady. Amen.


Pastor Annette

Continued Annette Mott

Music Notes

The Music Committee

Thanks to all who provided special music for our worship services:

The wonderful piano/accordion duets from Don Miller and Claire Chase.

The handbell/guitar duet from Linda and Derek Wendelken..

The incredible vocal/ukulele duet from David and Sam Meehan.

The fun contributions of the Hopeful Gospel Group (Tim Wallace, Kit Caspar, Derek

Wendelken and Dave Walker).

Scott Hatfield and Dave Walker for playing the CDs.

And, as always, our thanks go to Jeff Ellinwood for leading the hymns we know (and

teaching new ones) and keeping all of us in sync with our “guest organist.”

We hope to bring you another handbell/guitar duet soon, and we REALLY hope our be-

loved Minister of Music will be back with us soon. In the meantime, if you’d like to sing

or play a special piece for the Prelude, Offertory or Postlude, please contact Derek Wen-

delken (864-3885 or [email protected]).

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Mountain Reflections October 2019 Vol. 26 Issue 8


Rick Baker

Welcome to fall! It has really been beautiful , so far. Last year at this time I was reporting to you on

all the work various committees and individuals were doing to update the “administrative” docu-

ments of RCC. I had a lot to talk about. I suppose it’s a good thing, but we are now just doing

“normal” council business. Which is listening to each committee report and discussing operations.

Frankly a really nice change.

Each committee in their own right is busy: Deacons always have a full plate to take care of, Mission

collection for hurricane relief and preparing for the Turkey Dinner on October 12, Women’s fellow-

ship after a busy and financially rewarding summer festival involvement is getting geared up for

the Christmas Fair. CE is finalizing their plans for changing the Sunday routines, and Search is ac-

tively meeting. As usual Building and grounds have been active as well. Please take time to read

their individual reports. It’s how you will know “what is going on”.

Linda W is back after being away longer than she expected. A great deal of “Thanks” go out to

Kathy B for filling in and doing such a great job. We still need to find a qualified candidate for the

Secretarial position. The two of them are “temporary” and would like to “retire”.

Last but not least, so that you’ll be aware of an incident at Church. During the week after the Farm-

ington gas explosion the Little Mountain School teacher, while outside with the kids, smelled pro-

pane and so did a couple of the kids. She immediately called the fire department and took all the

kids to the town park. The fire department, police. EMS and tech’s from Dead River came to secure

the area and investigate. The long story made short is that the property adjacent to RCC had just

filled their propane tanks and as expected, there was a slight “whiff” of gas in the air. The area was

“cleared” after a thorough check of our building and systems. Our thanks and deep appreciation

goes out to the teacher (Max) for quick action and to the Town of Rangeley’s first Responders and

Dead River for immediately responding to a very concerning situation. If you see any of those folks,

please thank them.

Please keep our Search Committee and our Church in your thoughts and prayers.

Rick Baker

President/Moderator Council RCC

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Mountain Reflections October 2019 Vol. 26 Issue 8


The Christian Education Committee is looking to recruit several volunteers that would be willing to

be “on call” to do child care for children four and under if a family comes to church. This would

only involve watching the children play, maybe color, or read a story. These materials are down-

stairs already. If you would be willing to be “on call” occasionally, please let Pastor Annette,

Corinne, or Donna know so that we may make a list of those willing to serve.

Donna Wilcox

Genesis Bible Study Begins October 27th Pastor Annette will lead a ten-session study of the book of Genesis starting Sunday, October 27th

(note that this is a later date than originally announced in church). The study will take place in the

East Room following fellowship time. We will be using the resource, "Invitation to Genesis", pub-

lished by Abingdon Press. Please sign up in the Barn or email Pastor Annette

([email protected]) if you wish to order a copy of the Student Book ($14). The student book

includes reading assignments and study prompts to prepare for each session, as well as commentary

on the biblical material. The hour-long sessions will run from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and include

both video segments and group discussion.








We are looking for adult volunteers to help with a craft center, make treats, and/or drop off pump-

kins early for decorating. Please come and have fun!

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Mountain Reflections October 2019 Vol. 26 Issue 8


Evelyn Franson

Ever notice the colorful shawl

draped over the inside door as

you enter our sanctuary? Here is

its back-story:

Some years ago, one of our faith-

ful knitters and probably the

most accomplished among us,

Joyce Martin, surprised us with

this most unusual of all of her

creations. Not only did she use a

crazy quilt assortment of yarns

and colors, but she whimsically

included a hole here and there

along with a knot or two. It was

her joke...and we loved it. Sadly,

a sudden heart attack took Joyce

from us. It is in her memory that

this celebration of her life was

draped over our door, blessing

each worshiper. Fortunately, a

photo capturing Martha Bicknell

getting Joyce ready to parade it

down the aisle was included on

page 3 of the 2014 Church Direc-

tory. Now you know!

As always, this ecumenical flex

group gathers every first and

third Monday from 2-3:30 in the Barn to create, share ideas and concerns and just plain visit. You

are welcome to stop in at any time for the entire time or a short visit. Know of someone who could

use some tangible comfort, encouragement or expression of congratulation ? Share with Diane

VanAmburg, Pastor Annette or any shawl gal. Anytime. That shawl is waiting for you to pass it to

your special person.

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Mountain Reflections October 2019 Vol. 26 Issue 8


Deacon News Scott Hatfield

The Deacons held their monthly meeting on September 23. Appreciation to Lucy for

chairing the meeting this month.

We were happy to sponsor a second presentation, this time by Sarah Johnson, on September 29. We

hope that everyone enjoyed hearing her story – as well as the ice cream. We welcome suggestions

for other topics or presenters. We’d like to bring a variety of different speakers or presenters for-

ward to continue this fellowship. If you have ideas, please get them to Rev. Annette or any Deacon.

Special thanks to Evelyn for pulling together the materials for our September 15 service – as well as

all those who stepped in and helped conduct the service. We hope that the change of pace wasn’t

too much of a challenge. The Deacons will continue to assess how best to accommodate these re-

quests for group worship participation with respect to travel requirements and schedules.

The Maine Conference will hold its Annual Meeting on 10/26. Everyone is welcome to attend.

There will be discussion on the state of the conference, budget matters, as well as interesting work-

shops and worship. If you’re interested in finding out more, the website is: http://

The Spring meeting of the Living Water Association has been set for May 3. Location is still TBD.

Our Deacon of the Month for October is Linda Caspar. Please reach out to any Deacon with any

needs or suggestions.

All Saints Sunday Remembrance on November 3rd

On November 3rd, All Saints Sunday, we will remember the names of those who have died during the past year (since last All Saints Sunday, which fell on November 4th in 2018). If you would like your loved one included in this service of remembrance, please let Pastor Annette know, or you may email their name to the Church Office: [email protected].

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Mountain Reflections October 2019 Vol. 26 Issue 8


Nancy Zambraski

Well, it appears Fall has arrived. The mountains are “on fire” with color, which means we will soon

be saying farewell to our summer ladies. We have been blessed by having great turnouts for our

Friday gatherings with about 10 to 15 women in attendance. We have had a successful summer fes-

tival season with lots of volunteers (and lots of laughs) at the Strawberry and Blueberry Festivals

and were fortunate to have outstanding weather. But with a chill in the air, we know that the Holly

Fair will be here before we know it. This year we will celebrate our 26th Annual Holly Fair. Mark

your calendar for the date, November 23th from 10 am to 2 pm in the Barn. Starting in October the

Women’s Fellowship group will be meeting EVERY Friday (instead of the 2nd & 4th Friday of the

month) from 10 am to 12 pm in the Barn. Thanks to all of you who have been “cleaning out your

closets,” and graciously donating items for the Holly Fair. We have received much needed crafting

items and unused or unwanted Christmas items to re-sell. If you have anything for our Santa’s Sec-

onds table, please contact me and I’d be more than happy to pick it up or meet you at the Barn. We

are always in need of baskets for our “Gift Basket” items. And don’t think you bakers are off the

hook. We will be soliciting baked items, cookies, and jams to sell also. Plus, we can always use

knitted items, so as the weather gets cooler, get those knitting needles going – scarves, hats,

mittens.... everything is welcome. (continued on the next page)

Buildings and Grounds Diane Van Amburg

Hi all. This past month the wasp nests were taken down and destroyed,

thanks to Bill Brittain – the back one and Scott Hatfield – the front one.

The locks on the barn doors have been changed. A big thank you to Fred Dubay who took care of

this for us. The new key is in the lock box and the chairs of committees have been given theirs. Also

the minister has one.

At this time all is well and hope it continues to be as the next season comes upon us. Enjoy these

wonderful, colorful days.

Buildings and Grounds: Derek Wendelken, Kirby Holcombe, Dick Moore, Rick Baker and Diane


Also drafted member: Fred Dubay.

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Mountain Reflections October 2019 Vol. 26 Issue 8


(continued from previous page)

Nancy Zambraski

In keeping with our Women’s Fellowship mission, this year we are trying to include all the women

and women friends of the church who can’t meet on Friday’s or who just wish to enjoy fellowship

time. We held our first “All Women’s Event” on September 24th. It was a “Mystery Ride” which in-

cluded dinner. Twenty (YES, TWENTY!), women gathered in the Barn parking lot at 5 pm with no

clue of where we were going. We carpooled together and traveled to Eustis to the home of Donna

Wilcox. And “Oh, What a Night!” Donna, along with her sister, Daphne Scribner hosted the ladies

with an amazing evening. We couldn’t get enough of the wonderful views of Flagstaff Lake as we

wandered around Donna’s amazing gardens. Then we gathered in the home for a scrumptious din-

ner of turkey pot pie, salad, rolls and all the fixings, and topped it off with apple crisp with ice

cream. The house was full of conversation and laughter, and fullness in our bellies and our hearts.

Many thanks to Donna and Daphne for hosting all of us. We plan on holding several more evening

or weekend events all with different themes, so please join us.

If you haven’t received my infrequent “Blast emails” please let me know. This is a way that we

have been keeping in touch. I send them out when schedules change or something of importance

arises. Just drop me your email ([email protected]) and I’ll put you on the list.

Happy Fall to Everyone, Nancy Zambraski, Co-chair Women’s Fellowship

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Mountain Reflections October 2019 Vol. 26 Issue 8


October Facilities and Events Highlights Calendar

A full list of Calendar Events can be found on our website:

Activity Day Date Time Place

Worship Sunday October 6 10-11 am Sanctuary

Sunday October 13 10-11 am Sanctuary

Sunday October 20 10-11 am Sanctuary

Sunday October 27 10-11 am Sanctuary

Bible Study


Sunday October 27 11:20 am (after a short




Mission Board Sunday October 6 8:30 -9:30 am East Room

Prayer Shawl


Monday October 7 2-3:30 pm Barn

Monday October 21 2-3:30 pm Barn

Monday October 7 4-6 p.m. East Room Search Committee

Monday October 21 4-6 p.m. East Room

Men’s Breakfast Monday October 14 8-9 am To Be Deter-


Finance Committee Monday October 14 3-4 pm East Room

Church Council Monday October 14 4-6 pm East Room

Deacons Monday October 28 4-6 pm East Room

Christian Ed. Tuesday October 1 8:30-9:30 am East Room

Pastor “Walk-In“


Tuesday October 1 1-3 pm Pastor’s-Office

Tuesday October 8 1-3 pm Pastor’s-Office

Tuesday October 28 1-3 pm Pastor’s-Office

Women’s Fellow-


Friday October 4 10 am—Noon Barn

Friday October 11 10 am—Noon Barn

Friday October 18 10 am—Noon Barn

Friday October 25 10 am—Noon Barn

Turkey Dinner

Setup and Cleanup

Friday October 11 9am-5pm Barn

Saturday October 12 9am-7pm Barn

Turkey Dinner Saturday October 12 5pm-?? Barn