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CITIZEN SOLDIERY. Napa City's Young Men Hare the Military Fever. The young men of Xapa City have a very bad attack of the military fever, which lias not all been alleviated by the disappoint- ment suffered by them when a company of more than seventy members was recruited with the hope of being mustered Into the X. G. C, and the southern and northern portions of Ine State received the lion's share of the authorized ten new companies, with only one assigned to the Second Bri- gade, which includes the county of Napa. Why thai one company was ever assigned to the command that it was has never been understood by any one, considering all the talk and the provision of law that the battalions shall be equalized in the matter of companies. The Napa boys now want in their city the encampment of the First Artilley, lo- cated in and about Sacramento, which for several seasons has encamped at Santa Cruz, and whose inducements this year in- clude the use of groan ds, straw, wood, water anil $250 in cash. fora change ill \u25a0; men would like to come to Xapa, and one of the papers of that town Inures up as follows on the prospects: The State allows $3000 lor the expense at- tending tins nuitiiK. winch takes place la August. Six companies, (our from Sacramento, one from Woodland and one from Nevada City, 400 men all I" 1 I, form the first KeKlmt>ut. It Is safe lo say that each o( the 400 would on ail average expend $10 during their eight day-/ stay here— an aggregate or $4000. Tue $:iiKX> (leas railroad, tare) added to this would nuke a goodly sum of the metallic to scatter among our business men, on whom the suidtars would draw tot all iheir supplies. We can otter the soldiers a better site than that given them at Santa Cruz; the fate would be less between Sacramento and camp; excursions could be made to Mare Island by boat or rail; Napa Soda springs and oilier summer resorts would oiler iheii attractions; the viutaj:e would be on ana the boys could put all the " grape" they wished in tbeir " canister." Then again, to keep alive tha company recruited in 1888 and called the Napa City Guard, the young men have been endeavor- ing to obtain for itrifles to permit of its continuance as an unattached company. An agent of the company, was informed by the Assistant Adjutant-General that the .State did not at present have in the arsenal any arms not in use, but that at Beoicia, in the possession of Buhop Wlngfield, are 300 stands of arms belonging to the State and that the Napa company could probably obtain the guns from him. A committee of four was then dispatched to interview the Uishop, but after a series of hairbreadtti ex-apes and blood-curdling experiences, another disappointment was in store for them. It whs found that Uishop Wing- field's guns are his own property, and, moreover, small 4'/2-Dound brass-bound arms, suitable only for a juvenile company, all of which trouble and worry might have been avoided if one moment's considera- tion had been given to the fact that the source of the information on which notion was taken was the Assistant Adjutant- General. The annual inspection and review of the battalion of University Cadets lias taken place under orders from the Secretary of War and was conducted by Lieutenant- Colonel Burton of the Inspector-Ueneral's department. The battalion was equalized for the ceremony in six companies, the first commanded by Captain Lung, the second by Captain Parker, the .third by Cap-' tain McNear, the fourth by Captain Smith, the n'ftii by Captain Jones, the sixth by Lieutenant Steams. Alter the inspection and review several battalion movements were performed, after which followed firingby tile, company, division, wing and battalion; ten blank cartridges having been provided each man. The volley tiring of the battalion and wings was particularly good. This done, the officers were given an opportunity to display their knowledge of the tactics. Colonel Burton giving them three movements to execute. Captain Lang was first called upon to as- sume command of the battalion and under his direction the following movements were executed: Battalion forward, guide center; right into line wheel; lett companies on right into line ; close column on first division lett in front. Colonel Burton then, called on Captain Parker to execute: Close Column on first division right in front; form column of divisions to change direction by left Hank; deploy column on second division. L'uder Captain Bailey the battalion next executed: Battalion forward, guide center; march to the rear; first, second and filth companies avoid obstacles and form line of battle beyond; march back to position to front by flank of companies. Lieutenant Steams' commands were: Fours right about; march by flank of subdivisions; right of companies wheel into column, fours right about. All these movements were executed with correctness and the officers kept their heads wonderfully well. in dismissing the battalion. Lieutenant Harrison expressed himself as pleased be- yond all expectation with the cadets, and said they had never drilled butter. While the Inspector-General had nothing official, as yet, to say about the inspection, or his re- port to the Secretary of War, yet tie said that he was highly gratified with the result. He stated that the appearance of the bat- talion, and its wheeling and marching, were very good, and that he had no conception that the officers posseessd the ability they displayed. The general result appears all the more remarkable when the fact is taken into account that, out of a total number of sixty-one drill days during the college year, there were but twenty-seven, the remaind- er having been prevented by bail weather. The result showed the capacity of Lieuten- ant Harrison as a commanding officer. Colonel Barry has issued an order thank- ing the officers and members of the Third for the fine turn-out on the evening when the new colors were presented. There were 430 men in the Pavilion that evening, which may be accepted as a creditable turn- out. Special thanks are also returned on behalf of the regiment to the French Cen- tennial Committee, and nl-o to th- follow- ing gentlemen, for having donated the handsome stand of colors to the regiment: Major J. J. O'Brien, Kobert Tobiu, J. Ma- honey, J. J. Mahoney, Dr. C. P. Buckley, Captain J. MiDonougli, James O'Brien, Major C. F. Smythe. Alfred Tobin and Ma- jor J. D. l'hel.m. The only question which suggests itself by the above is what became of those 480 men inthe parade on Memorial day— a question, by the way, which also demands an answer from the First Infantry and the Second Artillery. First Lieutenant Benjamin 11. Randolph of the Third Artillery Kegimeut, U. S. A., who will have charge ot the Military De- partment of the State University for the next three years, is a native of New En- gland, and graduated from West Point in 1870. He was temporarily attached to Gen- eral Schofield'a staff on the hitter's visit to Europe, was for three years Tactical Officer at West Point and has also served in vari- ous parts of the country with his regiment. The report was also published a few days ago that Berkeley wants a company in the 'N.G. C. The claim of Berkeley is ridicu- lous, considering that there are three com- panies in Oakland which need recruiting. But, after all, there is no way to enter thu N. G. C. now, nor will there be for years, save for a company to take the place v - some rnustered-out organization. One has not to co far to find companies eligible for this. General Cutting having gone East, not to return perhaps before the encampment in August, and Colonel Dickinson of the First Infantry being in Portland, Oregon, tvs command of the Second Brigade, X. G. C, devolves In the meanwhile upon Colonel Macdonald of the Second Artillery. But there is no speck of war on the horizon and the Colonel does not find the extra duty onerous. The Third will have Us preliminary target practice for the State decorations on the 15th inst. The date originally fixed upon was the 22d, but those in charge of the ar- rangements neglected to secure the targets - for that day. The 22d is the day fixed for the practice of the First. ST. IGNATIUS. Clolinp Exercise* by tbe Pupils of the Sunday- School. - The closing exercises of St. Ignatius Sun- day-school were held yesterday afternoon in the exhibition hall. A large audience of ladies mid children was present. The pro- gramme was as follows: Music, orchestra; Introducing address, Fran- els I*. Haynes; leciiatioti, "Our Lady of Good Coousel." Thomas W. Hlckey; uralion, "Keli- cious Instruction ot Youth," Benjamin 1.. Me- Kluley; music, orchestra; lecltallon, "Our Lady ot Uuadaiupe,". Edward Cooney;' dialogue, "A . Story," Cornelius A. Buckley ami Harry Wauek; music, oicueslra; distribution ot prizes; music, orchestra. The prizes were distributed by Rev. Father Kenna, assisted by \V. Culllgan, S. J., and the followingare the winners: Catechism classes: First premiums to William Kieen, Jerry Dillon. John Han luglon, Johu P. Madden. Edward Burns, Joseph rotor. Willie Kartell, Willie Klordan and Willie Vemoiiy. Second premiums to Daniel McCarthy, Maik Yulicevlcb, Matthew Mitchell. William M.m pnul. H. McCarthy, Julius O'Laughliu. G. Mod- al tl, Fred Schoeu and Willie Kerr. Teachers: Messrs. Raider. Bertrand, Bell, Volio, Fool, Brown, Schumpl, ift and Schusler. Holy Aiiril's depanment: Stanley Wa'er. Jos. rpti Morlai tU John Walsh, Joseph Madden, Keg- | trie Kliißwell. Thomas Lydon, ThouiaM « ilnaui". John O'LauxhllD, Benole McliuiK. Willie Graves and Jerry Sulllvau. Teachers: Messrs. Welch. Hayes. McKltiley. Mouan, Brazel, Donnelly and Mauuney, cacti ol whom was pieseoted with a crucinx. ;\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0 : - The School Fund of Tombs tone, VAriz, was fattened to the tune of 8900 last week by poll-tax collected from the ; laborers at ;'\u25a0: the Copper Queen Mine, \u25a0 THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO. MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1890-EIGIIT PAGES. 5 " - . : I.OST. \u25a0 . .-'.- .\u25a0'..-; (JO KMREWARD LOST; ON JU.S'E: 7. A O\J spitz female pup. Return to 518 Kearny street. ; .•- \u25a0\u25a0-- .--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ... \u25a0•'-\u25a0: If \u25a0 ; I OST—PURSE AND KEEPSAKES: EAST SIDE !\u25a0> Fourth at., bet. Jessie and Mission; Ifreturned to 81 Fourth st. a reward willbe paid. Je3 it* LOST OK STOLEN FROM FILLMOP.K, NEAR McAllister—Sorrel horse: open side barbtuzy; liberal reward. N. Y. stables. 36 Sixth St. jet) 3t* JOST— LADIES 1 BLACK CLOTH JACKET WITH Jj velvet reverse. Please leave at 1111 Hyde at and receive reward. - \u25a0\u25a0 -: jei) It* STOLEN LAXGLEY'S DIRECTORY OF 1890, 0 from C. ZEILE'S drug-store; as thief is known he bad better return it, as same Is stamped Indiffer- ent parts with our stamp; will pay liberal reward for return of boot. 522 to 528 Pacific St., DR. ZEILE'S Turkish Bath-house. JeB at* LOST— A PASS-BOOK WITH THE lIIBERMA J Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in the name of JOHN TURLEY; No. 90,243. The finder willplease return to bant. je7 st« LOST IN FOLSOM.CAL.—APASS-BOOK WITH the Uibernia Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in name of TIM HORRHiAX, No.. 102.322. The finder willplease return to hank.7 STRAYED THURSDAY NIGHT— I GRAY MARE and 1 gray horse; marked on hip. Return or write to GREGARIO TOMASS, vegetable garden, Golden Gate Station, Oakland. ]e7 at' 1 OST- MAY 21, WHITE ANGORA GOAT, J ianswering to the name of Nellie: has one broken born. Areward willbe paid forreturn of same to 1107 Mission st. je7 \u25a0it* LOST— A PASS-P.OOK WITH THIS lIIUERMA Savings aud Loau Society of Sail Fraucisco, In the name or JOHN Mi'AULtFKE, No. »3,71tf. The finder will please return to hank. j6 51* rPHE S. F. COLLATERAL LOAN BANK. S:H \u25a0I Kearny St.. lends money at 2 per cent per monta on watches, diamonds »ud tpweirv. tasnilni SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCKIP- tIons taken at Call Branch ollices. 803 Larlcia ft., 33U Hayes at. and 2518 Mission tit.; open till 8:30 p.m. ;yatf FOUXb. ]"OUND— $20 IN' GOLD BY PURCHASING A i merchant tailor-made dress suit for $20; mer- chant tailors' price. HO. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, corner Post and Dupout streets. - -.------.-\u25a0 I'IANOS. VIOLIXS. KTC. "oTS'ini" NEARLY NEW r PIAjJo: FINE TONe"; CIIUU. Balnea Bros., makers. W.U. BADGER 725 Market st. jeb' 7t StlC.n FINE UPRIGHT PIANO; RENKJUK iffilUU. (Paris), makers; exquisite tone. \V. G. BADdEII. 7«5 Market St. je6 7t - SI rrr GRAND UPRIGHT PIANO; 7Vs OC iiPI It),tave; 3 strings in treble; good as new; cost $450. W.U. BADQKR, 725 Market St. ]e6 7t $\u25a0 II|| I FINE TONE PIANO: SOLD TO PAY \>y>. charges; Weber, maker. W. O. BAIXiER, 725 Market st. ja6 7i JJ.k)r/j SUL'ARK GRAND PIANO; DOES NOT O '• show any use: Stoinway i Sons, makers. W. O.BADGEK, 725 Market at. je6 7t ii-Ofi MUSIC-BOX; IN I'ERKECT ORDER; M X OU. plays 12 airs; cost $75. W, G. BADGER, 725 Market si. - je6 7t (&Onn GRAND PIANO: 7Vi OCTAVE: COST tfliUu. $o.^O; cannot be told fromnew; Knabe, maker. W. G. BASOJSB, 725 Market St., History Building, ground floor. jed 7t TJ ALLET 4 DAVIS AND KIMIIALL PIANO AND ll organ Agency. W. U. BADGEK, 725 Market st.tC tU-Or-. GOOD EMERSON FOR SALE ON MONTH- k£OO. lyInstallments of *5. 213 Powell St. je6 7t UY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS and save agents' profits aud freight; 25,000 of cur pianos in use: established 25 years: second-hand ('bickering, Kuabe, Opera, llalieit A- Davis, Vose, etc.; installments or cash. AN i ISELL, Odd Fel- lows' Hall, Seventh and Market sts. uiy29 tf HI •\u25a0 1 PLACE ON THE COAST TO BUY A PIANO I or an organ; pianos from $101); organs from $50; leading makes: liuest stock. F. YV. spencer & CO.. 793 Market St., second floor. iny27 tf L-iINE NEW I FRIGHT: MUST SELL; LEAVING J city. 616 Ellis. in rear. mylBlm rpHK ONLY ONE CHANCE IN SAN FRANCISCO I to buy a new piano at agents' prices. Call and see what we have to offer: you will find it to your advantage. F. W. SPENCER &CO., 723 Market St., second floor \u25a0 my14 tf OTEINWAY PARLOR GRAND AND STEINWAY O upright ; both in good order; bargains, F. W. SI'EN CKR A CO.. 723 Market, second Boor. myl4tt EIGHT NEW PIANOS OF LEADING HAKES at surprisingly low prices to close consignment. F. W. SPENCER & CO., 723 Market St., second lloor. my 11 tf /.SQUARE PIANO,GOOD CONDITION: NEW tgl^Uliiaiios on Installments. FAY,1729 Mission. PAKE CHANCE ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL— I 1 KOHLER d- CHASE, 137 Post it., will give bar- gains in pianos and organs. myll tf UARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND PIANOS AT J > KOIII.EK.t CHASE'S, 137 Post St. an 24 tf DECKER BROS. 1 MATCHLESS PIANOS. KOHLER St CHASE. 137 Post St. au24 tt PIANOS: VARIOUS MAKES: HALF-PRICE: X easy terms, at STATHAM'S, 1322 Market. iny2tf VOR STEINWAY, KRANICH ft HACft ROE- nlsch, Gabler pianos, M. GRAY CO., 206 Post. 25t£ I. AM) INSTRUMENTS, PACKARD ORGANS, I> sheet music. M. GRAYCO., 2U6 Post st. 25 tf TKCK. HARDMAN, VOSK AND STERHNU pianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BEN./. CURTAZ & SON, sole agents, 20 O'Farrell St. au7iC II VY. SPENCER &CO.. AGENTS OIITCKEKING £ Sods, Conover Bros., Col and Opera pianos. 723 Market St., History Building, second flour. 28 •\u25a0< BYRON MAUZY. AGENT SOUMER, HALLKTT* \u25a0> Cumstun. Newby & Evans. 30b Post. my2Jtt rI'.HK BAN I SOFT COMPANY. 721 MARKET ST., J sole agents for the Miller. Kenning. stnltz A Bauer and Kiirtzniaim injno^anilfirst-class organ.s. felltr I>*..NTI»T.S. SYLVESTER, SUBLETT * SYLVESTER, DENT- lsts-DK. W. A. SUBLETT has exclusive charge of our mechanical department, while DHS. II KM: anil WILLIAMSYLVESTER manage the operative: teeth extracted or tilled, pos.tively without pain, by the use of our rated vitalized air. offices SK. cur. Sixth and Mission »ts. ; hours 9to 6. jeB ly DR. LEEK, 724! /\u25a0. MARKET ST., RUSTICATES from June Ist two weeks. my3l 231* i>eaut7Tulsets7: PAIN LESS extracting J) 5Uc: gold plates; bridge work; crowns: lllllngs; at lowest rates. DR. C. A. PERRY. 8 Mason St. des tt 1-jR. REA. P23 MARKET, EXTRACTS XEETa i.' for 50c; withgas for $1; open evenings, selttf ROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 759 MAR- ket, gas specialists; only safe and reliable anaes- thetic in use; simple, harmless, pleasant and sure; artificial teeth from $7 per set; tilling from $1; ex- tractlug, oOc: with gas, $1. niy9 12m ALL NEWSPAPERS MAD LONG ARTICLES IS r\ them stating that the Insane asylums are full o( people who took gas only ouco for painless tooth at- traction and went crazy My secret painless method la wouderrul. liyits use any dental operation may be done painlessly. Will forrett $100 for any tooth that I cannot extract without sleep or gas, eraa though a dozen dentists hare failed to extract lE. All operations done better than elsewhere, since i have seven first prizes for beautiful fillings, plate and crown work. There are 5 Leek dentists. Office open till9:30 r. M. ; Sundays till 9 tr. H. mi. GKORGE W. LEKK. 6 O'Farrell St. oc9 tt A FULL SET OK TEETH FOR $7 FILLINGS AT /V lowest prices; work warranted DR. J. W.KEI 841 Market St., opp. Baldwin. aiilutt R. C. H. WILSON, DENTIST/ 925 MARKET St.. bet. Fifth and Sixth, oiip. Mason. del s tt R. CASSILU'S PAINLESS DENTAL rooms. 202 Fourth st; teeth $4 to $7: ex- tracting or tilling 25c. to $1 : half price to poor.aS it COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 81)8 MARKET \J st. (Phelan Building); gas specialists; positively extract teeth without pain; only offlce that makos anil gives the celebrated "Colton Gas"; 30.000 rat. rrrnce*;established ISB.t; all operations In dentistry performed. UK. CHARLES W. DECKER. te7 tf DR. A. LUDH'MHILL, 1413 MARKET ST., BET. Tenth and Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made; old plates made over like new: teeth from 68 per set: extracting 50c. m4tC ffi'7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED AS tip I good as can be made; filling $1. DR. SIMMS, dentist. 830 Market i.t.. next Baldwin Tbeater.ocl tc OliKUilD ADVERTISEMENTST OAKLAND HEAL, KSTATE. AKLAND AGF;NCY-ADVeTItISEMENTS W AND V." subscriptions received at the Oakland Branch Olnceor 'I'm: Mounin'u Call, 807 Broadway, near Seventh St. Office hours 6a. m. to 9F. m. T.IANDSOMEST COUNTRY HENCE IN THE II State: 12 acres: 7 acres orchard, full-bearing assorted fruits; splendid water-privileges; cottage house 6 rooms, b.trn and out-buildings: lawn, shrub- bery, flowers, etc.: Fruitvale. Oakland: offered low to make immediate sale. ORUN' « SHORES. 18 Montgomery st. . jeB3t KJ-ynftO FOR SALE: RARE OPPORTUNITY; «JI.)UUu. l(io acres of fertile land: 120 acres cleared, fenced and well watered: good bouse with (irooms, barn and outhouses; orchard in fullbear Ing: all kinds of fruit: 700 acres desirable Govern- ment land adjoining, which would make frond range for stock; for sale withabove; only 145 miles from Bun Franc:6Co and 20 miles from railroad. - For further particulars apply to proprietor, Nevada Stables, cor. Eighth and Harrison sts., Oakland. 7 71 \u25a0pEKALTA HEIGHTS—S7SO; LOT 42x125 ON X Athol aye. $900-Lot 72:5x125 onLetter are. $950— Lot 65x125 ou Atbol aye. SlOoo— Lot 70x125 on Lester $1150—Lot 65x125, comer on Athol aye. $20110— Lot 911x200. commanding fine view. $2100— Choice corner on Lester aye. \u25a0 This tract Is situated near the heart of Oakland, overlooking Lake Merritt: many of the lots com- mand an extensive view or Oakland and surround- ings: prices low and terms easy. W. E. BARNARD A- SON, 483 Ninth St., Oakland. je6 tf $.1 I i PER MlNTH—GRANDEST^ IFFER EVER \u25a0 tip I made by any real estate firm in Oakland; only 20 lots left in tills, tract; situated in the center of the city or Oakland: 25 and 30 feet front by 110 t.> 200 feet In depth, at $100 to $600 per lot: $20 down, balance at $10 per mouth; the streets are graded, sewered, macadamized ami have cement sidewalks and water: large sums of money have been expended In Improving this property; in the midst of tine Improvements; within two blocks of San Pablo live, cable-cars; one block of Grove St. electric road ; two blocks of Telegraph aye. horse- cars: four blocks of St. Mary's College, McClure's Academy. Hopkins' Academy, Duraut Public schools, and 10 minutes' ride on local train and 10 minutes of the City Hall: do not miss this oppor- tunity: there is no better city on the Coast to spec- ulate in than Oakland, with 70,000 Inhabitants; do not delay, but call at once and secure a cbotre loca- tion, as this Is. without any exception, the line-it and best proposition Inlots offered on the Coast: there is not an Individual in Oakland who knows anything about the value of property but what will tell you that this property will double In value before paid for. For maps and full particulars apply to M. J. I.AYMANCE & CO., 486 Eighth St., Oakland, cm. ; \u25a0•-\u25a0 je4 lot ALAJIKDA " KKAL, KSTATE. ALAMEDA BARGAINS— SI7OO^LOT~2BxT4S7 nice ' modern cottage 4 i rooms and bath; 1 block from Park st. : $250 cash : $25 per month.(4ls) $2700— Lot 33:4x125; 5 rooms and bath; on Cen- tral are.: $500: balance $30 per month. (No. 385) to $2750— L0t 53x117: new modern cottage 5 rooms and bath; 3 Dlocks Ironi station; $500 cash: bal- ance $40 per month, v^sax- <«m "Mfci (No. R) $3000- Lot 27x115: new 2-story homo 7 rooms and bath at station : $600 cash ; $35 per month. (X) - *4000—Lot - 50x125: flue new modern 2-story ! house 7 rooms and bath on Central aye. on easy terms; a good bargain. - \u25a0 (No. 413) $78011— Lot 50x150; elegant new 2-story bouse 10 rooms, with stable: well located; part cash. (401) Houses bulU to suit; 15 per cent down, balance easy Installments; cheap lots In nil parts of Ala- nieda: houses to let and money to lean. H. P. MOREAL A CO., 1428 Park St., AUuneda, and 402 .Montgomery St.. S m Francisco. roy3ltr 0 ALAUKDA KOOMS : AND . HOUSES, r FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN " PRI- . vate family; \u25a0 references exchanged. \u25a0 Address Board, Alanieaa P. O. Jel 15;» ;•:' rERSONAI-S. an'ic! 30, WISUESTOGET ACQUAINTED withlady of some means to help to start busi- ness: object matrimony. Address Swede, Box 144, Call Branch Office. . - v- je9 at* DVICE FREE-DIVORCES, QUICKEST TIME, no publicity; damages: collections; wills, etc. T. EXGLEY. Attorneys' Ass'n. 11 Kearny st, je9Biu '. U' ANTED— TO BUY IMMEDIATELY MEN'S ' ' cast-off clothes at your own price. Address, by postal, 612% Laguua st. and will call. Je9 71* CJjOX NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE; AL- O— *<J« most new; 5 drawers: latest style; comp- lete attachments. 1407 Valencia St. It* ATTRK3SES MADE OVER. »1 60: UPHOL- sterlng, etc. li. WESTLAKE, 823 Twenty-first street. - JeB 3t* MMX. VARONA'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATIC pad: price $1. 33 Sixth St.. Room 57. jes lm PRINTERS JOB- PRINTING OFFICE FOR sale; 7 years: sickness. 100 Montgomery ave.B 8* HR. STOETON WILL GREATLY OBLIGE A friend ifhe will send his address to ('. 11., Box 130, CALL Branch Office; business ot Importance to Him. Je7 3t* pXOTHING. ARTICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTION, Vbought and sold. BENJAMIN, 1046 Howard 5 ltn DIVORCES BY UNITEDSTATES DIVORCE BU- reau; legal everywhere; 110 publicity; conlideu- tlal, and advice free. Address P. O. Box 1821.7 10* AN EXQUISITE COMPLEXION-DO NOT RUIN yonr face with poor cosmetics, huf follow the treatment given by MME. ELISF;, which will restore your beauty. European Cosmetic Artiste, 404 Post st., corner Powell. le6 7t AT 126 KEARNY. ROOM 9, YOU CAN BORROW money at low rates; private looms for ladies; pledges for sale; take elevator. au7 tf POSITIVE CUKE FOR CATARRH, BRONCHITIS, X asthma. Wilson's Inhaler, 229 Kearny. jes tf THE S. F. TAYLOR SYSTEM TAUGHT AND _ Jiold. MRS. POND, 74 St. Ann's Bulldlng.je4 lrq ON THEINSTALLMENTPLAN—DRESS-GOODS, silks, sealskin and sealette cloaks: also carpets, lurnlture, lace-curtatns, blankets and folding-beds at FRIEDMAN * CO.'S, 228 and 230 Stockton St. Why pay ready money when you can buy just as cheap by making a small cash payment down, balance weekly or monthly ? An inspection of our stock is respectfully solicited: orders by mail for goods or samples promptly attended to. 228 and 230 Stockton st., cor. Post: open evenings. apl2tf CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO HAVB your carpets cleaned and relaid. JONES' Per- fect Carpet-cleaning Works, li aud 27 Eighth St.: telephone 3424. OC9 tt I FOLDING BEDS EXAMINE OUR NO. 1001 X mirrored withlarge plate 18x40; walnut, oak and cherry; cash price elsewhere $65: our Installment price only $50. M. FRIEDMAN * CO., 228-230 Stockton St.. cor. Post: open evenings. apl6tf IV? E HAVE A NUMBER OF FULLDRES3 SUITS >' to hire for balls, parties or funerals at a reason- able price. ORIGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PAR- LORS, cor. I'ost and Dupont sts. ". TVBESBMAXING—LATEST STYLES; REASON- 'XJ able prices; orders by mail promptly executed; fit guaranteed. MRS. M. DE HAGAN.9B7 Mission. PERFECT-FITTING TAILOROR TRAVELLING X dress made in 24 hrs.. «15, $20. $25: goods found. MRS. M.DA Via. 234 Taylor St., upstairs, inn tt VI ME. KF.LLOGG'S TAILORSYSTEM OF DRESS- \u25a0I'X cutting taught. Itin 16. 206 Kearny st. __\ Im fPHE ELDRED, 1126 MARKET FINE SUN X ny Market-st. suites and single rooms: recently changed hands; Is conducted strictly first-class. MltS. 11. ELDRED-EDELMAN. Jel 15t PARISIAN ITS, LATEST STYLES. TO OR. X dor. and ready-made for boys and children, at A. GIKY'S, 635 Kearny St. jel lot I KKSEY CLOTH IMPORTED FROM EUROPE O for sale at A. GIRY'S. 635 Kearny st. jel15t QMOKE I l.oi; DE CRUZ KUOS. 1 KEY WEST 0 Havana cigars at Care Royal Cigar-store, SW. cor. Fourth and Market sts. my. ll 15t* MONEY LOANED ON ARTICLES: EVERY DE- scrtption of collateral: old gold and sliver bought. COLEMAN'S, 41 3d St., San Francisco. ni3o (D-9 F,n CABINETS PER DOZEN: Ei EGANT tiy~.OVJ. water-color picture In gilt frame free with every dozen. WILSON'S, 23 Kearny. iuy26J)ui 4 CCORDION PLAITINGDONE AT SHORT NO- A tice. GOLDBERG, 118 McAllister Bt.my27 lino WANTED-EVEHYBODY TO CALL AT THE 'great bankrupt stock clothing store, 217 Sixth St., and see the great rush on our prices, because we are selling 50c on the $1; come and be convinced, ly 1 A DIES WHO DESIRE A PERFECT FORM JJ should wear Mine. Artz' Health Cors t: toorder only. Room 2, 1027 Market. Agents wanted. 21 6m PORTRAIIS ENLARGED IN INDIA INK, X crayon, water colors aud pastel. Pacific Por- trait Co.. 1221 Market St., T.J. O'llI'.IEN. M'gr. 20 tf ADVICE FREE; DIVORCES SPEEDILY: NO r\ publicity; legal everywhere. R. SCOULAB, Attorney, 34 Kearny st. my!B 6m A RRIVED— GLORY MANILA CHEROOTS; \u25a0fY they are the best: try them. my17 lm* I>IANO LESSONS BY GERMAN LADY: HALF hour 25 cents. 931Market, Room 32. my 12m "JFOK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE UNDER- X wear, to order. Room 142, Bancroft Bidng. 15 1 lv <Si£.(\ REWARD WILLBE PAID FOR THE Alt- <^ OU rest and conviction of any person or persons caught tearing down signs of c. A. Kllnkner .* Co. at 320 Sausoine st. from telegraph poles or lamp- posts, my 14 tf ADVICE FREE— HOW TO CLUE NASAL CA- tarrh. Address Victory. P. O. Box 1772. city. my10 lm DR. J. MILTON BOWERS MOVED RESIDENCE 1J to 118 Eddy St. ; office 1 Fifth. ap27 tt MISS HOGG, 526 GEARY ST.; FUNERAL AND uatnral flowers of all kinds preserved. ap26 12:n G~v E. SNOOK, PLUMBERS, ROOFERS*! OAS- fitters, tin, copper and sheet-iron workers. 630 Sacramento St., near Kearny ; telephone 1727. al9 tf RY GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS, \u25a0WITHOUT Interest; dress goods, cloaks, furniture, carpet?, bedding, Jewelry, pictures, mirrors, hanging lamps, clocks, etc.; carpels from tS5c upward. J. NOONAN A CO., 1021 and 1023 Mission st., bet. Sixth and Seventh; open evenings. apl7 tt Tl IGHEaT PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTH XI Ing, gold, jewelry, books. KLEIN. 109 Sixth, tt I.V'INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TOOR- »> tier by WILLIAMMl I'M IN.1195 Market. 21 GREAT BUSINESS PROPOSITION— WE CAN save you 50 per cent by purchasing a merchant tailor-made business suit for $15; merchant tailor's price *30. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHINGPAR LORS, cor. Post aud Dupont sts. PIONEER CARPET-BEATING MACHINES DO X the best work. J. SPAULDING A" CO., 353 Te- liaiiiast: telephone 3010. a|>l2 tf NDREW— MEET ME CORNER POST AND Dupont, to select a nobby spring suit made by a merchant tailor for $30. our price $15. ORIGI- NAL MISFITCLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. \u25a0 pARPKT-CLEANING; 3 TO 5 CTS. PER YARD; * J the best work guaranteed or no pay; telephone 3228. STRATTON. 1211 Market st. ap6 6m _ SCHOOL OF MASSAGE AND PHYSICAL CUL- -0 ture. A. G.GRETU.92I Post St. ap6 tt BE ADVISED INTIME TO PURCHASE A MER- tailor-made spring suit In 3 or 4 button cutaway for 8«;O: merchant tailor's price $40, ORIGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. \u25a0 ALL FLESHY PERSONS CAN HE REDUCED by using DR. DU BOIS' Antl Obesity Tea, warranted harmless and pleasant to take; also an Infallible cure for constipation. Kept by all drug- gists. Depot, 4 Sutter St., Room 33. mr2o 6m r"*ARFET-I7LEANiNU, 3C PER YARD: CHEAP- V> est and best in the city. J. I-.. MITCHELL& CO., 2HO Fourteenth st. . ap'J tf |\OS'TWAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE 100 1 ' pairs spring styles light-colored trousers made 5 crack merchant tailors for from $10 to $15; our price $4 50 to $8. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING \u25a0 PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. V'IKST-CI.ASS CARPET BEATERS; CITY r Steam Carpet Heating and Renovating Works, 24 anil 26 Eighth St.: largest works In the city; work guaranteed. Address A. W. MANNING, pro- prietor; telephone 8250. mr6 tf EVEN A FAT MAN NEED NOT GO SHAUBILY dressed when we can it you in a merchant tailor-made suit, newest spring styles, Tor $18; mer- chant tailor's price $35. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts. IVA IS IS CUT. FITTED, STITCHED. COLLARS, '* sleeves In; skirt cut. stitched, braid drapery belts put 00; $3. MME. MICHAUX. 116 McAlllstr. I ' IVE A TALL SLIM MAN A CHANCE— WE CAN VJ fit you. no matter how tall, in a merchant tailor- made spring suit for $20: merchant tailor's price MO. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post and Dupout .-.:.-. pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUT VJ boating: refittingcarpets a specialty. CONKLIN BROS., 3.1.! Golden Gate aye.: telephone 2126. 13 tt HI NKY H. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 4JJ California St.. Rooms 3 and V; ADVICE PRIVATE HOME IN CONFINEMENT, jjsT i Folsom st. MRS. M.E. ROGERS. Midwife.aS 12.H \ in CAN BUY - Yoail FURNITtTRB ON IN X etallmeuts: easy terms. HAKE BROS., 322nd .24 Hayes St.. bet. Franklin and Gongh. nirljir_ rpilEWEEKLY CALL, WITH A WEEK'S NEWS, ; X lor sc. liiwrapper ready for mailing. - iii;ks»mai<i.i;s. RESiTcUTTING TA*UGITT~I : IIOROIi<iHLY BY authentic French tailor system. 610 Post.jeB7* MRS. E. V. BROADWELL, DRESSMAKING, 538 Ellis. .-\u25a0•-\u25a0 Jc7 3t» T ADIES— IF YOU WISH TO HAVE ELEGANTLY XJ nttln;' suits, handsomely draped, made for $6, please call at Mils. MORRIS. 732VJ! Geary. Je7 7t« Mmi: FARIEE, \u25a0 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAK- ing. 63» Golden Gate aye. - niylO6m IBS AGNES KELTER, 119 STOCKTON. NEAR Geary; stylish suits from $3 50 un; cultingftiU llttli specialty; 75 cents: perfect I'r. apt tt suMMi:it kksobts. SEA VIF.W-A BEAUTIFULSUMMER RESORT, O 10 miles from Cazadero; 2 miles from the ocean ; 1500 feet above sea level: line climate; beautiful scenery: hunting anil fishing unsurpassed. JAMES HENRY, Proprietor. Je7 lm BURNISHED COTTAGE. APPLY 1006 VA- J lencia st. --*\u25a0'\u25a0-. ]e~ 3t» '*1?L MONTE" HOTEL, SAUSALITO HOT J_i salt-water baths. ui>3 4mo AETNA HOT MINERAL SPRINGS, THE A.YIEKI- -'V can Ems: water uutqualed on l'acllic Coast and will relieve or cure all curable diseases. Write for circulars to W. 11. UDELL,Napa Co., Cal. in 10 lin LAI BEL GLEN FRUIT FARM: GOOD ACCOM- modatlons. Address P. O. Box 159, Napa City. Q WANTON HOUSE, I'ESCADEKO, BAN MATKO O County. Cal., the favorite resort or the Pacific Coast; hotel and cottages all newly furnished; lovely grounds; also the famous pebbly bench, where are found agates, opals, topaz, moonstones, emeralds, ' water crystals and many other precious stones: good trout fishing and wildgame: board reasonable;, special rates lor families. MRS. S. W. SWAN- TO.NV \u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 lny'29 tt HILLSIDE . COTTAGE - IS NOW OPEN FOR boarders: - lovely summer resort I In the Santa Cruz Mountains; ; fine ocean view: home cooking. Address Mlts. H. .1. GRAY. Wrights. Cal. my 29 lm QI'KING COVE SUMMER RESORT; OOOD AO- - 0 commedations: \u25a0 5 miles from Napa. . MRS. J. Gltllil.EV. proprietor. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Iny26 lm' SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS-BOARDERS AC- commodated at Ocean View I rult-larm: grand view; oak groves; special new cottages. \u25a0 Andres* THOS. SLAUGHTER. Wrights. Santa Clara Co., rpAMALPAIS VILLA. TAMALPAIS STATION.- X Ross Valley, nr. Sail Rafael; salt water battling: commodious grounds: line drives;' pavilion: take Bansallto terry. MBS. PETBB smith, proprietress f : .:-- -:".-'\u25a0-';' : "'-. ;\u25a0: yiMAN'C'IAL. -; ; .:"...- \u25a0 \u25a0 •.\u25a0.\u25a0'. :-:: -rj: STO 7 PER CENT-BEFORE MORTUAGING pronerty see ISAACS. 411 Far rail St. jes 3i* - {i;f.l\ii |W\||TO LOAN AT LOWEST MAS- «J)UUU.VJUU ket rates on city and country real estate, any amounts. SCIIULLI'.K. 4211 California, tr " *.\u25a0*:\u25a0_ ' -'\u25a0;vj- CHIjLUKKN i IiOAHDKI). \_ :.- \' :^' I~ XDY^DESIREs'^SEVtRAL ? CniLDREJiTTO J board from 2 years up: pleasant home: mother's care. | 11. 11., Box 127, Call Branca Oiiice. 111) -'-' lm \u25a0 ROOMS \u25a0TO : T.ET-COiVTTrXTJEP. . 71 A L A II KIN— FURNISHED AND ' UNFUR- 1^ nlshed rooms for housekeeping, also double parlors; no small children. JeS 7t* \u25a0 ki r; LEAVEN WORTH pleasant fur- OXO nished sunny rooms for gentlemen; $8: ret- erences. , \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . -\u25a0 JeS 2t* i I(|Q^ MARKET-FURNISHED UOCSEKEEP-» x\'oo lug rooms; everything found. 820: cheap; gas and bath; sunny single rooms, $8 to $10 Je7 3t r 7 r I MARKET-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, 111 suite, single; housekeeping; alsooltices. 7 lm O('O MISSION— PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, UVJO housekeeping; 2 back rooms. Je7 3t« Ql q MISSION— NICELYFURNISHED ROOMS; OXO $v and $12; gents. _ :.- je7 3t* 1 941 MISSION-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, Xtirxx. light housekeeping; single rooms. Je7 3t* mSIXTH-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. \u25a0-' . - Je7 7t QAQ GOLDFN GATE AYE.-FRONT ROOM AND Out/ bedroom furnished. Je7 st« 9') TWELFTH—2 UNFURNISHED AND FUR- <J^ nlshed rooms for light housekeeping. Je7 3t* ] O GARDEN, OFF HARRISON, NEAR SIXTH— xv For reut or sale 3 furnished rooms, with every convenience for Housekeeping. Je7 \u25a0 I *_ A SEVENTEENTH— 3 ROOMS AND BATH; XUO terms moderate. - |e7 st« I McAllister, OPP. .new city HALL— x <JU Large and small sunny furnished rooms. j76t OIQ MINNA-ROOM FURNISHED COMPLETE «-> XO or housekeeping. )e7 tt UZ.'l HO WARD-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING "011 rooms; single rooms: desirable; cheap. 7 4t* A EDDY PL., OPPOSITE TIVOLI-FUKNISHED M front room; downstairs; $8. je7 3t» /] ' 111 MCALLISTER—TO RENT, BOX 4 UNFUR- VJ 1 O nished rooms for housekeeping. Je7 3t* OAQ FIFTH 2 furnished ROOMS com. QUO plete for housekeeping. )e7 3t» 4J41 THIRD— 2 3 sunny FURNISHED *±±grooms; housekeeping: 3 unfurnished. 7 3t* LINE DOUBLE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR DOC- -1 tor. Apply104 Powell St. Je7 3t* I "-?'-{(I MISSION-UNFURNISHED SUITE OF XOO\J front rooms, suitable tor onices: $15. 7 3t* 1 Q HARRIET, OFF HOWARD, NEAR SIXTH— 1 0 furnished large front rooms; gentlemen or man and wife;use kitchen ; small room $5 a month. Je7 3* 9 LEONARD PLACE, OFF LEAVENWORTH,BET. A Turk and Eddy—Cosy front room; Ist floor. 7 3* 1 1 C WELSH, NEAR FOUKTII— I NICE SUNNY 1-I<J rooms: $10. Apply 108 Welch st. je7 tf '->()(.: HYDK— 3 NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY O\/\j rooms for housekeeping. Je7 tf q I ,-i IVY AYE., BET. HAVES AND GROVE 0 I- O —Large front and back parlor furnished for housekeeping; low rent; private family. je7 3t* ,iqq JESSIE- FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH JOO kitchen, for housekeeping. je7 st* KflC- BRANNAN, COR. FOURTH ELEGANT QUO sunny front and back rooms. Je6 st« (U\\ EDDY, COR. LARKIN— ALCOVE ROOM, V)\JX $25: one parlor, foldlug-bed, $40 .JeB IJt* Cq/' ELLIS— 3 ROOMS LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- <J'>U je6 st* \u25a0"» J 9 POLlv-2 SUNN V FRONT ROOMS; NICELY <J-J4 furnliihed. jc64t* 1 1 Q KDDV-SUNNYFURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO lIP unfurnished rooms for housekeeping. je6 51* OIF. POST— SUNNY ROOMS, ICKLY FUR U I <J iilshed for housekeeping: private family. 6 4* / iIRARD HOUSE. 112 SEVENTH— HANDSOME " > single rooms and suites; also housekeeping rooms. MRS. PRAIIL. Jeo St» "\f\l STOCKTON, N'EAK BUSH —SU N NV OU I rooms: reasonable. Jes 7t* 1 *>i )A MISSION— 2 PLEASANT SINGLE X_—__t rooms: $5 and $8 per month. jes tf A 1 Q JONES FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING TIP; also others. jc5 7t* I A'_> 7 MISSION—FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO JUO I unfurnished, for housekeeping, with stove. jes st* \ RCADE HOUSE. 930 MARKET, ADJOINING v\ Baldwin Hotel; Sue Market-st, suites and single rooms: large, light room for tailor-shop or Job print- Ing, or any light manufacturing; rents reduced, lm 1 q Polk! NEAR MARKET— NEW HOUSE; 1 <J newly furnished: lovely bay-window suites and single sunny rooms. je4_7t* qqn EDDY NICELY FURNISHED FRONT 000 room and alcove, suitable lor 2, with priv- ilege of cooking if desired. Je4 7t* It;,- MINNA— CLEAN AND COMPLETE HOUSE- XUU Helping rooms. jet Bt* AQ<)l HAVES-SUNNY. FURNISHED ROOMS: 1»"a also housekeeping; cable-car i>asses.)<:4 7t* AQ MINNIE-TWO ROOMS FURNISHED COM- ttO plete for housekeeping. Je4 7t* 9qp. KEARNY (MELDUU.MHOUSE)— FURNISH- jZjOO e*i rooms from $8; superb suite $50: trausl- eut: changed hands: renovated. MR.-...X. RUCK.3 lm 1 9A TENTH -NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS J.^.\J lor housekeeping. je3 tf 11 A(l VAN NESS, BET. POST AND GEARY— llvi' Sunny suite of newly furnished rooms. 3 tf 9-JJL KEARNY, CORNER "BUSH (MELDRUM. ZiOO House)— Rooms $8 to $50: tr.insient. jel Im pENO lIOI'SE- 681 SACRAMKNTO ST.. BELOW Xt Kearny: 150 rooms. 25c to 50c per tight: $1 25 to $3 per week: open alt night. ]ellm Q;7 FURNISHED ROOM FOR HOUSEKSEP- i? . Ing; also front room and kitchen, 435 Iv- nama. •- jel tf •iq SIXTH (THE HILLSDALF.) ELEGANTLY •'•J furnished sunny rooms, single or en suite; transient, elevator. Jel tf /•Aw NATOMA— 2 FURNISHES ROOMS FOR UUU housekeeping: also single rooms. iuy3otf O'FAKUELL—I NICE FUKNISHED BOOM; UUUgas, bath, flower-garden; $10. - m>29 tt •j ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY PARLORS 0 with dressing-room attached. 918 Valencia. 88 tt A OR 6 ROOMS. RENT CHEAP. AND 4 ROOMS, *i rent $8 per month: 3 rooms, Seventh St., rent $7. Apply at 740 Branuan st. my 27 tf <\u25a0)[ \(\ GRANT AYE.,XR. POST— LARGE SUNNY £\)<J front suite of rooms; suitable physician \u25a0 26 tf 7 1 AFOLBOII NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM 1XVI in private family; $6. iuy26 tt C9O EDDY— LARGE FRONT ROOMS: ALSO U—Udouble back room; board. my2s lm Cl C O'FARKELL FURNISHED BASEMENT *) XO complete for housekeeping; splendid local- ity; - my2s tt II (1 NICELY FURNISHED AND UN- XXv furnished sunny bay-window suites: house recently completed; first flat; everything new. 2s lm 1 O'JC MARKET. INDIANAPOLIS HOUSE— X^ifiO furnished sunny rooms to let. my IT' II E\Jl\ MINNA FURNISHED ROOMS FOR O~XVJ housekeeping. iny'2:t tr CI A SIXTH— HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS SINGLE, li/ en suite: each 2 rooms; have cooking stoves. iny'J2 Im q9Q THIRD-FURNISHED OK UNFURNISHED O— .O housekeeping rooms; rent low. my2Q tf qi 7 MASON NEWLY FURNISHED SI.N.NY •*XM rooms. my 2l lino 1 IV-{larkin, our! grove newly fur- lUO nlshe.l sunny suites and single rooms. 18 tt P./ 17 ELLIS 9 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSE- OU I keeping rooms. my!B tf 1A" A HOWARD— LARGE FRONT rooms! xU<)U Inrnlsbed: also housekeeping rooms. 9tf I nqi MISSION-FURNISHED ALCOVESUITE; 100l other rooms lor housekeeping; moder- ate. my 22 tf mFiFTII-NEWLY ANDBEAUTIFULLY FUR- 1. IO iilshed snnny bay-window suite; also single rooms; home recently built; middle flat. inyl7lino et f_ WASHINGTON'— SUNNY FRONT booms VOO and single room, from $5 per month. in 17 tr \'OMOIITI-: HOUSE. 1045 MARKET ST.. BET. X Sixth and Seventh; 35c to $1per night; per week, $1 to $5; single and en suite: families. nirlt'__ 9An GOOD ROOMS ATLOW HATES—7I6 HOW. f\ <J ard st,,nr. Third: gas and water in each room; rradlr.g-room and bath tree: linen changed daily; house open all night' best beds in the woild.ap'2o tf 6 O*FABBKLL— 1 FURNISHED AND 2 FUR- lii-liedsingle rooms: all sunny: :)|"l7 tf ItOAItUI.Mi A>l> K00.U3. PLEASANT SUNNY rooms FURNISHED OB X uiiru.nlshed, with board, at 2.147 Howard St., cor. of Twentieth. Jed 3t* DRS. BOERICKE ANDDKWEVS PARLORS. 834 Sutter. vacant July Ist: to let to physician or gent and wife: excellent hoard; elegant sunny front suite now vacant. jes st* U99 LAI'.KIN—SUNNY ROOMS, WITH OR *-t—t without board. myBo 15t* OUIKNIAI. TAYLOR; ELEGANTLY FUR- nished sunny rooms, with board. my3o tf rpiIEMARIPOSA. 824 I.AiiINA-H.Ni SUITES; 1 tlrst-class board: terms moderate. " i.'> 7 tt ARLINGTON HOUSE. 127 KEAKNY- PLt.^S- ant sunny rooms, en suite and buiglo; first cl&.s in every reßpect; terms reasonable. \u0084;o .r \u25a0. AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, 319 AND 311 Sausoine St., San Francisco; board and room $1, $1 26 and $1 50 per day; Iruu cu:icil WM. 51ON1'- OOMEItV. proprietor. ~- j)2ltf SINGLE ROOMS 15c A NIUUT. LIN DELL House, cor. Sixth and Howard. anil tf MONTGOMERY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 'lit and 22'J Second st -Single meals 25c ; board anil room per day, 70c to 1; by the week, $4 to $5; tree coach to and from the ho ol. al»2I tf - STOICISM TU LET. 6 VERY HANDSOME NEW STORES AND flats on Polk St., bet. Grove and Fulton. Apply MADISON _ BURKE. je9 3t* 2 LARGE ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR OFFICES.. -j 702 Market St.. junction G«ary and Ke.aruy, op- posite new Chronicle Building; $65 month. fit Bt* L'OK RENT—ON MILL ST.. GRASS VALLEY, X Cal., tire-proof brick store, suitable for dry-goods business; counters, shelving and show-windows all in place. Inquire of K.FINNIE, Grass Valley. 87t 1 1 '_M HOWARD— LARGE' STORE, 251G5: 4 X lili rooms; yard; largo basement. JeB tt STOKE AND 3 ROOMS;: $16. 202 TWENTY- third St. -,-•\u25a0. JeB 3t* ©1 C STORE; 2 LIVING-ROOMS: FIXTURES <7p 1 <J. if wanted. »25 FilthSt., upstairs, JeS 2t* HALF OF LARGE STORE IN (looD LOCAL- Ity. 1709 Devliadero St., near Slitter. _____* CORNER OF BRYANT AND GILBERT Sis.. VJ bet. Sixth and Seventh; fine, Urge store. je7 St* T.MRST FLOOR: 810 MONTGOMERY ST. : I tire-proof brick; suited for busiucss or mauuf.ic- turlug; $30. . . .-, jes 7t* rpo LET— SANSOMK. NEAR JACKSON: 1 X floor, 2109 Mission, ur. 17th. $:!0; Nf:. 24th and Church: 2 new stores, cor. Valencia and O.uinn. YONKHKIN & CO.. 624 California. \u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0 m3ott T ARGE ROOM, WITH POWER. 11! STEVEN- I J son st. Xl-en Vineyard Company. my2H tf _ _ OFFICES TO LKT. . *tMN^-RlTNTsUNNTo^7ic£sT~sTbT{^ X St., Cafe Francals. , Je7 7t* » \u25a0>'\u25a0 9AQORANT AYE,' NEAR POST LARGE,' - lff ' Minn;, front suite of rooms, suitable fora physician.- \u25a0. - ., •\u25a0\u25a0-. -.-.-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . - my 27 tt OFFICES COR. FRONT AND CALIFORNIA: COR. i vy California and Kearny; 615 \u25a0 Sansome, . hear Jackson, top floor. .YON ItIIKIN * CO., 524 ( all- fnrnlast. -\u25a0 mv 11 f\ STORE AND (imn FIXTUItKS. 1 BAR, STORE FIXTURES, SHOW CASES, DESKS, doors, sash: goods taken on storage, money ad- vanced. Pioneer Store. 21 to 25 Tenth st. lean tt BAR .FIXTURES, - COUNTERS. ' SHELVING, ' show-cases, sash-doors, etc. at 225 Post st. le9tc JHEAPEST PLACE FOR COUNTERS. SHELVES, I \J sfaow-eades: olHces * stores lilted. 334 Geary. *Jtf i SEVERAL NEW BAR-FIXTURES FOR SALE; \u25a0tores and oniees htted up at the | Baldwin Car- : neuter-shop, 31 Sutter st. ; show room 618 Geary, tlI HOUSES 'To'tET-^OSrTrKirJBP. i SUTTER—COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS; U^i/ bath: gas: modern improvements. 29 tf qi'-;'.)l 6 ROOMS ANDBATH: UPPER FLAT OF «lp_iij. nice new house: cable-road; 1611 Mason st. 11. P. MOREAL, 402 Montgomery st. myl7 tt (II; I Q 6 ROOMS, BASEMENT, YARD. 31 PARK <g IP. aye., between Harrison and Bryant st~,. 6 tf ffl..j EJECTS BAD TENANTS: COLLECTIONS !SrO made. Coffey's Collect'n Co.. 619 Montc'y. tltC FOBHIbHEB lIOtSKS. HOUSE 7 ROOMS TO LET AND FURNITURE for sale. 1042 Mission st. JeB 3t* ICELY FURNISHED FLAT OF 4 ROOMS. 1' and buslnen for sale: rent cheap. Apply (3 Fourth St.. upstairs jeS 31* L'UKNITUUEOF 5 ROOMS FOR SALE CHEAP. Ton Powell st. Address W. E., Box 118, Call Branch office. JeB -it* HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND BATH: WELL FUR- ntshed ; sold cheap. Inquire 221 Sixth st. 77* rOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE OF 10 LARGE r rooms, stable, laundry, etc.; fine grounds; ad- joins Mills seminary: will rent very low to desirable tenant. Inquire ofMISS C. K. UOULDINi: a: Mills College. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. Je7 14t \fEW SUNNY CORNER COTTAGE 5 ROOMS AND -i-> bath; piano; modern mantel; newly furnished: line garden: rent $50. SW. cor. Lj-on and Grove Bis., hours 9 to 4. jeS 7t* AT SAN RAFAEL 7-KOOXXO FURNISHED house; all modern Improvements; use of cow and chickens, 11 desired. Apply to W. SALE, furni- ture dealer. San Rafael. : Je4 7t UPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH: FI!R- -; nlslieil. lti3'J Fnsi ,-t. myZXtf FLATS TO I. IX. ALF OF LOVELY, SUMNY NE\V*FlTiVUN- furnished; Howard st. Inquire at 322 Shotwell St.; must know Immediately. je9 7t* C'l'l LAi'.llNA, COR. HA\ES— 4 SUNN* UN- •'— O furnished rooms for housekeeping: bath, bay-window and modern Improvements. Applyhe- tween 8 a. M. aud 6 l*. M. Je9 3t* <B» 1 '> UPPER FLAT; a ROOMS. 603 .IKSSiF:, <]pXO. cor. Sixth. je9 31* 7q7 MINNA NICE FLAT 5 ROOMS AND <•>( hath; new; Improvements. jei)3t*_ A VERYriANI)SOMKFLATS BO0%IS; MODERN Improvements; rent $22 50. 655 Harrison. 9 3t^ 1 A i \Q MISSION—FURNISHED ROOMS, $7 AND -I1UQ$10; housekeeping orsingle;sulte. $15.9 2* ')()('LAKKIN— SUNNY FURNISHED SINGLE O-CO room. jeil tf 1 A9A MISSION-FRONT FURNISHED Sl'lTE. X\'*-(y housekeeping, handsome unfurnished front parlors; use of kitchen: sunny furnished light housekeeping; double rooms for gentlemen. 9 2t* Ct) STEVENSON— SUNN Yl'llU NT ROOM FOB OZiO 1 or 2; $7. je9 3t« LEWIS, OFF JONES, NEAR BUTTEK— AL- OUcovo suite: gas, bath, double bed: no other roomers; $12: American family. It* TO LET— FLAT OF 6 rooms and BATH; 828 Xsuth; rent reasonable. Apply MADISON * UUltlvt:, 401 and 403 Montgcmery St. jeS 3t Ml I1 VALLEJO ST.. NEAR MASON: Ul-PKU »* 1 ''^ flat, 6 rooms, bath, laundry, basement: rent $25; new house. Key 808% Vallejo. }e8 7t* q> I F. 4 BOOMS; STABLE OF 5 STALLS. 203 <? 1 U. Twenty-third st. Je.B 3t» \u25a0\u25a0) I 7 CLEMENTINA LOWER FLAT OF 4 A 1! i rooms: large yard. McEWEN BROS.. 508 California st. jes tt «\u25a0 I I UPPER lI. AT; 5 SUNNY ROOMS. DO- tpX'-X. lores St., near Eighteenth. \ei 3i* L'LAT OF 5 FURNISHED ROOMS TO KENT OR r forsale; rent cheap. 238 Jessie at. )eB 7t* qi 1 GOUGH—FURNISHED FLAT OF 5 ROOMS, OX 1 or furniture for sale. jeB 31* (£•]>> 17 CLINTON ST.; FLAT 4 ROOMS AMI QXZi. hall: front and rear entrance. jeB 3t* £iQ7I NATOMA ST., BET. SEVENTH AND 00 I a Eighth— New bay-window upper Hat of 6 large rooms; large hallway; hot and cold water; sta- tionary wash-tubs; gas-fixtures; bath, and ail modern Improvements; well adapted to rent rooms; rent reasonable to a responsible party; door opened. jeB 2t* _ TO LET. AT LOW RENT, 2 FINE FLATS OK6 rooms and bath each: Taylor St., bet. Eddy and Turk. JOHN PFORK, 329 Montgomery st. jeB 3t q 1(1FIRST ST., BET. HARRISON AND FOL- -0 1tV Superior unfurnished rooms withfirst- class accommodations. . JeB 'it* . Q A tenth— flat of 6 sunny £O\J rooms; bath, gas, wash-tubs and all modern improvements; rent reasonable. jeH2t* ELEGANT BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 6 ROOMS; _ bath. 735VJ! Minna st...near Ninth. Je7 at* VKW FLAT— S ROOMS, BATH; ALL MODERN 1.1 improvements. 210 Hermann, nr. Webster.j" 5* 9 NEW FLATS; ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. Cor. Fourteenth and Shotwell sts. je7 3t* 1•.) 1 (• r.AV-VtiNlxnvFLAT.3 LARGE XO 1 Urooms with water; rent cheap. Je7 tf lciri MISSION, NEAR F-LEVENTH; NEW 1«JX«Ja building; 5 large rooms: bath; iinnrove- nienta. je6 7t* m". GEAIIV-l NICE ROOMS: BATH: FUK- nislied hall; gas: cellar; $'.'3. Je6 7t* IFINE NEW SINNV UPPER FLATS OF 6 AND "1 7 rooms and bath. 27 Thirteenth, nr. Howard.67" LTPPER FLAT-NX. COR. NINETEENTH AND Vj Valencia sts.; 7 rooms and bath; sun all day; line view. ___^_^ je6 7t* LM.AT4 ROOMS. 16 DALE PLACE, OFF GOLD- X en uate aye, near Leavenworth st. je6 tf_ %!'>•> EACH—2 MODERN FLATS OF 8 tjTOi-.Ov/ rooms »nd bath. 1128 Howard st.6 7* 1 OWER BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 4 LARGE SUN- J-i ny rooms: claset, bath and all conveniences; nice orhood. 714 Franklin St., near Golden Gate aye. jes 151* Iill 1 BUSU-FLAT;4ROOMS(ONE ALCOVE); XZ.X X $20 ; water free. Apply 1213. jes tt_ »Q-)AA WILL BUILD FLATS OF 9 ROOMS; dpO—VU modern Improvements. (iEO. M. SALS- miKV. Builder. 1733 Green st. ' Je3 7t« 7'XQ MCALLISTER-UPPER FLAT OF 6 ROOMS, 4 O bath: modern improvements, $30. my' 29 tf (*i)Q SUNNY. UPPER FLAT, 5 ROOMS AND ijp —O. bath; 11 Laug'on st., nrst st. W. of Seventh and Howard. ApplyEASTON It F.LDKIDGK.myI1tf I/LAT 5 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; $20. 8 X I Anton St., off Jones, nr. Ellis. Jeß 7t« l).) I MONTGOMERY ST. 3 SUNNY FRONT S.O I rooms: water, gas: low rent. )eo 71* ItOOMH TO L.XT. C/J^TTlTvrjriTl) iTHEATK^FTarKNISIIBtT •J 1O housekeeping rooms; come mid see. Je9 2t* trjo WASHINGTON—SUNNY UNFURNISHED 01.'— housekeeping rooms; running water. Je9 7t* Ql X EDDY— VKRY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM; Old hou-ii keeping privilege; reasonable, jetf It* *lt)C FOURTH FUKMSHKD KOOMS; SUIT- _-Jt> able for light housekeeping. '_ "\u25a07l RON I > 1. 1.1. PLACE, NEAR VALENCIA AND 0 I Sixteenth st*. S rooms: $16. - Inquire at rear home or 1 Brook St., off Market, above Kearny. It* rl'l' BRYANT. BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH—2 I UU sunny front bod-rooms with large kitchen, furnished complete for housekeeping. Call after 5 o'clock. Je9 at* •>.ll MCALLISTER AN ELEGANT SUNNY O— i trout suite, withkitchen if desired. je9 3t* ELEVENTH 2 SUNNY FUKNISHED FRONT housekeeping rooms; $12. Je9 3t* LiLAT OK 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; CHEAP X; to persons engaged during the day. Address C, Box 12;), Call l'ranch Office. Ju9 2t* I 4 SEVENTH SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING 01 room: bath; rent cheap: single, $5. It* -i'-MARKET—NEATLY FURNISHED IIOUSE- IUO keeping rontna, Including piano. jc9 It* rro LET FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED X rooms, with or without board; also single or en suite, or rooms fur housekeeping purposes. CFJN- TRALROOM-RENTING. AGENCY. 841 Market. It* Q.l C MISSION-FRONT PARLOR, NICELY FUR- OXO nlshod: gents; $18. Je3 2t* 1 •)- I HOWARD— LAI'.OE FRONT BAY-WIN X^-O i unfurnished : light housekeeping. 8 Ml* 7P 1I HOWARD— HANDSOMELY FURNISHED IUis bay-window room; use kitchen; $12. Bat* 1 lAMINNA, SEAR NEW MONTGOMERY— 110 double or single sunny rooms: cheap. jeB3t* i)l Q VAN NESS— SUNNY ROOM FOR ONE OR IOtwo gentlemen. JeS 2t* -(,>_) MINNA, COR. SIXTH—HANDSOME FUR iVO nlsbed sunny front room; private family; $8. JeB 3t» 90A7 BROADWAY, NEAR FTLLMORE—FUR- OU I n siied rooms for housekceplug. JeB st* At)-) JONKS CORNER SUIT NICELY FUR- i\J^ nished and elegant double room. JeB 7t* ).1SOUTH PARK SUNNY UNFURNISHED X— housekeeping rooms: gas, bath. JcB 3t* 1 A HAMPTON PLACE. RINCON HILL— 4 UN- -1 " furnished rooms for housekeeping: $17. JeB 3t* m HOWARD- NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE 111 rooms. JeS 7t* 7 19 SIXTEENTH 2 SUNNY FURNISHED liw rooms for housekeeping. - JeB 3t* 2 UNFURNISHED FRONT BAY-WINDOW £ rooms at 2089 Mission st. JeS 2t* 1 CQI THIRD HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: iO>i!l nicely furnished. jeB2t* 1 A*) SIXTH— LARGE ALCOVE ROOM; ALSO m single room; $3 »0 a month. JeB Ift* 1 (\(\7 CALIFORNIA— S II lINISIIED ROOMS XUUI for gentlomen or housekeeping; $25.Je8 5* C/JO .MINNA •\u25a0 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS >J XO for housekeeping. jeS at* GREKN, COR. POWELL— UNFURNISHED. DOOSor 8 beautiful housekeeping rooms; front, uutiuy; clean, quiet house. JfB 2t* (•o^lomha k~d~! NEAR MASON —SUNNY Vt^iOfront room nicely furnished. jeHat* 9I A TURK—FURNISHED K00.M3. * ZIU JeB 3t« HOUSEKEEPING SUNNY ROOM; STOVE, closets: also basement room. 371 Minna. 8 2t* $11 2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR UPX 1 !. housekeeping: others. 448y^ Third. 85* . I 1 A PROSPECT PL., OFF CALIFORNIA: FUK- -IXV nlahed rooms $1 a week : 15c night. JeB 2t* 1,-URNISUED ROOMS FOR RENT; CHEAP. IN- ) quire at 13 oak Grove aye. - jeS 7t* V/l*>7 HARRISON, (I PP." EIGHTEENTH 4 <IUO I rooms to let; rent $13. JeB 3t* C). I A LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMFOR <g)XU. housekeeping. 443 '/ a ThirdsL jeB st« A\ Q FREMONT 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, lIP suitable for housekeeping. \u25a0 JeS __> 9 1 SIXTH -a NICELY FURNISHED FRONT M>morns; bay-window; gas; bath; suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen or man and wife; reasonable. 8 3* 1A qq MISSION FURNISHED ROOMS FOR lip" light housekeeping; $5 up. \u25a0; jcB St* KQO ELLIS—4 SUNNY UNFURNISHED BOOMS, <J<J^J light housekeeping; no children. - JeB 2t» 990 EDDY - HOUSEKEEPING, FURNISHED —— " lower floor, cheap; single large room. 2 bods. - ..-.-. jeB lit" 1991 MISSION-A FRONT SUITE OF ROOMS X^^X for light housekeeping; single rooms. 8 2t* 1 / I9Q MoALLISTER-NICE FURNISHED XV__i_raum. ---.\u25a0 - . . . jeB St* 79C BRANNAN, ABOVE SIXTH-FRONT BEf> I m room and kitchen, furnished: cheap. jeS st* q9C FIFTH - SINGLE, .- FURNISHED, ' *8: 3 O^O partly, housekeeping, $12. .- _ JOB 2t* 991 FIFTH-SINGLE FUHNISHKD ROOMS &&X.from $1 to $1 25 ; also liouaokeeplng. Ba* 71 Q MARKF.T- TO LET, SUITABLE I 1 V for doctor or dentist. \u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0 jeB3t* QIQ FIRST-SUNNY ; FURNISHED - BOOMS, 0I O with first-class accommodations. Jeß 2t* -1 KDDY-»UNFURNISHED SUNNY BAY- X«JOO window rooms; closet: hath: $15. Ja7 3t» Ql qiMISSION— FKOKT ALCOVE ROOM AND t/XOg back parlor, nicely furnished. ; je7 3t . i CITY KEAI, ESTATE. ' CHEAP LOTS IN IO.E CITx". LAND ASSOCIA- tion. Ocean View: $90-25x100: lot 2, Block 16. $80—25x100; lot 15, Block 31. $80—25x100: lot 18. Block 31. *80each'-25xl00each; lots 19. 20, 21. 22, 23, 24, 26. 27. 28. 29, 30, 84. 35, 36. 37, 38, Block 31. $90-25x100: corner lot 25, BlocS 31. $80 each— 2sxloo each; lots 34, 35, 36, 4, 6, Block 14. . $80 each 100 each; lots 1,2, 3,4.5. 6, 7, 9. Block 56. CMAS. C. FISHER, 508 California st. jeS 2t« l/lOR SALE-SMALL HOUSE AND LOT 25*120 I on Forty-third aye., 200 ft. from Point Lobos aye., overlooking Golden Gate Park and Pacific Ocean; cheap, as ownei Is going East. Inquire at house Sunday till 2 o'clock to owner of Ocean ltella View. MR. THOMPSON : or to owner, MRS. BAKER, 313 Fell st. San Francisco. JeB 3t* Cj-'.",(1 THE CHOICEST BUILDING LOTS IN «Ij)OuV/. the city; no sand; no dust; tew steps from three lines of cars: easy terms. W. IS. MAlt- SHUT 7. & CO., 630 Market St., rear office. juS7t ©1 4Aa~SfNNV LITTLE HOME: NEAR «jrl"il.>V/. school and cars: 4 good rooms; lot 25x70. W. B. MARSHUTZ &, CO., 630 Manet St., rear oflice. ; jeB 3t <_ 1 lTl\(\ LARGE CORNER. MAKING7 LOTS; »JIIZUU. 100x175; near Old Ladies' Home and convenient to street-cars. ROTUEKMEL i- <0., 18 Montgomery St. jeB3t fit Iflflll BUSINESS LOT, 2511H:6, ON I>E- «I6IUUU. vN.idi-ro st.. near Fell: make otter. KOTHICRMKL& CO.. 18 Montgomery st. JeB 3t POTTAGE FOR BALIS; ALL MODERN IM- \J provenit-uts; lot 25x95; on 23d St., bet. Potrero aye. and Hampshire St.: just finished: the Howard- *t. line In trout of the house; terms easy to suit. Apply to A. J. WEilt, on premises, through the day, or at 3000 California St. je« 3t* ri.ATS FOR SALE— S AND 6 ROOMS; MODERN 1 improvements; on l'otrero aye., bet. "3d and 21th Sis.; jot 25x100: Uoward-st. cars pass the bouse; the best prospective business property In the city. Apply on the premises through tho day or at 3000 California St., to A. J. WEIR. JeS 3t« BARGAIN: 316 30TH ST; A NICE COTTAGE of 4 rooms, with basement, garden, barn and poultry-yard: in excellent order; 25x114 feet. Ap- ply on premises. JeS 7t* <K97ftn LOT 25x100; NEW MODERN COT ijpA I \JV. tage, Brooms: unfinished; high base ment; brick foundation; stables: street work and sewers all done; easy terms. 805 York St., near 20th. . JeB 7l« $.-A(\CASH, BALANCE IN.MONTHLY PAY- VJP»»v'V/ ments; new, handsome cottage of 5 rooms and bath, brick foundation, 7-foot basement, patent Sidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling, withallmodern Improvements; 2 blocks From cable* cars. ApplyL. LANDLEK, 228 i/ 3 Montgomery. B liv O> 1 C\t\{\ CASHj BALANCE IN EASY PAY- «Jp I UuU ments: new 2-story house just flnlshed; 7 rooms and bath and all modern Improvements; lot 25x125; half block from cable-cars; line neigh- borhood. Apply L.LANDER, 228 Montgomery. 7t <&l'^(\(\ GOOD INVESTMENT 3 FLATS, CrUUUU. renting for $58 per mouth: Powell St.. near Clay. 0. E. LLOYD, 18 Moutgoniery St. ]eB.Bt S'->Knft PROPERTY on NATOMAST., NEAR OUUU. l'Jth; renting for $42 per mouth. C. *.. LLOYD. 18 Montgomery st. jeS 3t COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS, WITH 2 ROOMS IN REAR; \J easily rented lor $30; lot '.'5x75. ApplyInrear 14V& Langton St. JeS 3t* mi'tO ?\t\(\ RENT $160 A MONTH ANDCAN «V— .—.<JV.II/. easily be increased to $2UO; Slitter st., north side, near Buchanan; 5 bouses and lot 08:9x137:0; $12,000 can remain on mortgage at 7 per cent If desired. EASTON, ELDItIDGE a CO., 618 Market st. jes 7t CiJ.^AA BEE THIS TO-DAY; 10 LOTS EACH »J''l"V'U. 2Sx7U on Cortiand owe block from the new railroad; (heap to-day at $000 each; will be sold on easy terms if desired. EASTON, ELDBIDOE &CO., 618 Market st. jej7t ELEGANT NEW HOUSE, 2023 PACIFIC AYE., near Lnguna st. ; 12 rooms; hot air; front and rear halls: dluing-rooin. stairs and halls neatly pan- eled: stove walk all round; unobstructed view; house open: must be sold; unobstructed marine view: lot 26:6x128. )eS7l* LOR SALE—3OB FELL ST., Mi. uolGIl; LOT " 27:6x120 to rear street : front and rear house; 4 Hats and store; price $13,500; rents . 100. Je7 St* pOKNER LOT, 40x67:6. WITHCOTTAGE. SW. v> cor. Meiner and Filbert sis. JeT 7t* «i! IT; ill ( OKM-.i:. 6 ON THE SW. COB. IiJtIUU. of 27th st. and San Jose aye,; on the grade: street work done; this Is a bargain. For sale— 3o lots as a whole at a cheap price; 1 block E. of Folsom and 28th sts. : the streets are 70 and so feet wide, all level and on grade. $650-Lot 25x100, on Ounnlson aye, 300 feet S. of I'reclta pi. GEORGE Be WILLIAMS, 131Mont- goniery si. je7 3t ii -> Jnn PART CASH: NEW HOUSE; 5 •TTOIVJU. large rooms; bath-room and basement: all the modern improvements; 27th St., bet. Church and Sanchez: lot 25x114. je7 151* •_> LEFT OUT OF 12 OF THOSE SPLENDID S- -0 room residences on Hill st., 200 ft. from Castro cars; must be seen to bo appreciated; 1 completed; 2in course of construction; first class in every re- spect. including hot-air luruace: terms easy. Ap- i>ly to ISAACANDERSON, premises, or 117 Jones street. je7 at* AlP a MATHEWS, METAL ROOFERS. 8 POLK it St., near Market. my 22 12m 1 AAALOTS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OR IUUUKast Berkeley; prices from $75 each, upwards; 100 houses for sale from $800 each up- wards, on Installments ir desired; beautiful lots, beautiful bouses: it you want a bargain come and see us. PHELPS & RICHARDS, li Monigomtry St.. San Francisco, and opp. Berkeley station. a9 tf Hi i-(l I'INE CORNER LOT, 50x170. .NEAR o**-*''- University; superb view; $50 cash and $10 monthly. -• $500— Lot 50x140, within 2 blocks of university grounds, $5U cash and $10 monthly Houses for s-ile on easy payments. l'HKl.l'S *, RICHAKDS, 11 Montgomery st., or opposite Berkeley Ma- tlon. iny29 If V.i|U| LOT 31X90, IN BERKELEY; SIDE <£}—VJV/. walked: »25 cash, $5 monthly. $350—Corner, 75*: 100: living creek. $200— SKIehtll: lot 100x100: $j monthly. $900—Other lots; send for maps. CHA3. A. BAILEY", owner. 621 Market st. ap27 tl IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE LANDS. CITY A property or Eastern property, give me the list of same. WM. N. HOI. WAV. 121 Sansome st. i»27 lin " NTH V ICKAL. hSTATK. 1^: EACH—2SO I'll- IN ITIE MATIIKWS t^ 1 «JU Tract. Berkeley; fine view; good soil; ele- gant local Ion: 2V- blocks from new electric street railroad, now being built; size 25x135: $10 down, $10 per month; interest 8 per cent, These lots are worth $200 now, and are right in the march of Im- mediate improvements; come at once, and make your selection before, they are all gone and the prices are advanced; sure to make money. Call or address CLOUGU A; BAKER, 468 Ninth, st. Oak. land. my 10 2meod END STAMP FOR W. R. MATTHEWS 4 CO.'S new catalogue of grain, fruit, raisin, wine and crazing lands; the finest list ever printed. W. R. \u25a0MA»TIIKWS ,v (0., 5J.._. Kearny st. my3l I TOO AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING THE State will sell his property at a sacrifice forcash or good mortgages: Santa Clara County stock, grain and fruit farm, 1000 acres. 12 50 per acre; stock, crop and implements, low valuation; 16 acres,* Wrights Station, $400: 15 and 16 acres, Baa Jose, part Infruit, $350 per acre; Monterey County, 040 acres, 180 in volunteer wheat, $15 per acre; 480 un- improved. $5 per acre: livery stable, barn and cot- tage. Ban Miguel, S5000: also 3 lots, $700 each; also some good mines; two-thirds "can remain on mort- gage on any of these: particulars on application. Address A. W. 11.. 2814 Sacramento St., San Fran- Cisco. ap26 tf ffl; 1 Or EACH - BEAUTIFUL COI.MA LOTS, 1 1 «> block from first station beyond city limit; trains run to suit laboring and business people: also a new connection with 'bus line, connecting with Mlsslon-st. cars; only $50 cash; this Is a golden opportunity to Ret a home; these lots will double In value soon. UARNALL-FITZHUUH HOPKINS CO., 624 Market St., Han Francisco. m) 12 lm CHOOL" LANDS, $1 50 TO $3 AN ACRE; ON 0 very easy terms; sold by the State in tracts to suit: no residence or improvement required; all kinds of lands, in many different counties; send stamp for list. open Monday, Wednesday and Satiir- day evenings. F. W. LAKE. 6 Flood Building. 13 tf W E HAVE A CHOICE SELECTION OF COLONY »' lands subdivided into 5. 10 and 20 acre tracts at the unUorm price of $15 per acre: on easy In- stallments; send for circulars. CALIFORNIAland ASSOCIATION. 634 Market St. mr23tl U"L MORO— WE ARE AUTHORIZED TOOFFER Fj a limited number of lots, blocks and 5-acre tracts in the beautiful seaside resort of El Moro, San Louis oblapo County, at extremely low rates. El Moro Is situated on the shores or tho lovely land- locked hay and harbor of the same name, being tho only natural harbor on the coast between San Fran- cisco and San Diego. Tills elegant retort Is on the surveyed line of two railroads, and is destined to become one of the favorites of the coast. Full par- ticulars and prices at our otlice or by mail. To par- ties seeking a health or pleasure resort In an no- equaled climate, fine bathing facilities, best hunt- ing, fishing and boatlug, this Is an opportunity sel- dom offered to procure at a snail cost a lovely loca- tion for a homo. CALIFORNIA LAND ASSOCIA- -1 lux. li.H.Market st. 1.. \u25a0-.:., l! HOUSKS TO LKT. o-TclLMrisiTTN^^7)u^~oi ; roomsTSent _ I $20 ; no children. Je9 Bt* Sl7-T"~4 ROOMS AND BATH. 712 HIDE ST., '). near Slitter. leg 2t* cv -(i 719 DEVISADEKO ST., NEAR FULTON; «Jpt)V/. 8 rooms; spick, span, new. ASHTON, 411 Montgomery. \u25a0*• JOB lm ©in 2 SUNNY UNFURNISHED CONVEN- tip I", lent rooms for housekeeping. 1615 Grove ' street. jeH 3t* I (Jin COTTAUE 6 LARCiE ROOMS: HATH: ! 10. pantry; high basement. 1401 Guerrero st.2* (I.jO UKARY. NKAK LARKIN, 7 ROOMS O—ii and bath, *70; 1219 Joes, nr. (lay,9 rooms and bath, $70; 521 Balgnt, near .steiner, 6 rooms ai.d bath, $35: 425 Sixth, nr. Folsom. 7 rooms and bath, $37 50: 4 new Hat*, cor. I Valencia and Qulnn; 9 Liberty, nr. Valencia, 8 I rooms, bath. $45; 924 Geary, nr. Larkln, 15 looms. bath; 63UA Haight, nr. Sterner. 8 rooms, bath, $40: 1411 lost. nr. Uflugh,10 rooms, oath, $00: 832 Page. nr. Scott, 6 rooms, bath, $30; 2102V™Howard, or. 17th, $15; 231 17th St., near Mission, 4 rooms, $13:3I0V» I.e.ivenworth. nr. Eddy, 7 rooms, ball). $42 50: 1139 Valencia, near 2:kl. 7 rooms and bath. $35: 1036 wail. nr. Guerrero, 3 rooms. $12 50; I H23 Valencia, nr. 21st. 9 rooms, bath, $50: 636 V,. i Valencia, nr. 18th, t> rooms, bath, $20; 350 Situ, I nr. Treat are., 6 rooms, bath, $25; 618 21st, nr. I Harrison, 6 rooms and bath, $20. YON It II I' IN .v, \u25a0 ; CO- 524 California 31. jeB tf. ! Q ROOMS TO LET, WITH STABLE. APPLY O 258 Percy St.. bet. Fourth and Fifth. leB 3t« OUSE TO LET— $lB PER MONTH. *726 HAR- rlsonsL. bet. Third and Fourth. JeS it* ! rpo LEI"— NICE COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS AND j X bath on Green St., near octavia: sunny side: large chicken yard and flower garden.' Apply at 2819 Octavlast. JeB tt (infiTWELFTH—TENEMENT' OF 3 ROOMS; __U unper part: for small family. JeB tf VJEW COTTAGE: .li ST FINISHED; 5 LARGE iV rooms, bath and basement; all latest Improve- ments; regular beauty; 847 Seventeenth st. For particulars apply to DAVID STERN & SONS, 323 Montgomery st. \u25a0. Je" 3t» VICE COTTAGE: 6 LARGE ROOMS. 441 PAGE 1> st, cor. Webster. - - Je7 3t» T^ICE COTTAGE: 5 LARUE ROOMS. 438 -L> Halght St., cor. Fllmore. le7 3t* \u25a0\u25a0< VTICK DKSIRAULE HOUSE: 10 ROOMS; SUIT- ; i.l able for rooming. Leavenworth and Clay. Je7 tf ft -)•> r-.i\ SUNNY BAY - WINDOW HOUSE, <£tj*-\O\J. 6 rooms and alcove; all modern Im- provements. Flllniore. near Sutter; 4 lines cars.7 3* qjjOA TO LET, A HOUSE OF « ROOMS ON ttp^iyf. sunny side of Hickory aye., between Gough and Oetavla sts. Applyat 312 Fell st. Je7 3t» /\u2666/» ROOMS TO LEASE ON A SUNNY NORTH- \J\J west corner on a leading street; suitable Tor hotel or boarding-house: lavorabie lease to agond man; German preferred. Apply to I. C. MOLLOY, 138 Montgomery St. Je6 7t / COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS; ALSO 2-ROOM HOUSE IN I. rear; large stable. - 1623 Turk St. JeS 7t* «>STORY FRAME HOUSE— 7 ROOMS AM) BATH; -'. Ii c for 2 horses: 43 Willow aye.. cor. Polk st. Apply MADISON A BURKE, 401 and 40.1 Mont- i Komerynt. \u25a0 Je4 Ot : HOUSE \u25a0TO LET LEASE OR WITHOUT; store. 4 rooms, and 18 rooms upstairs: furniture I . IIrequired. 418 Broadway, upstairs, myjjliu* 1 - -':\u25a0 \u25a0:(•\u25a0.• - . \u25a0 - business chascf.s- CONTINUED. \u25a0\TOTIC&^I HAVE SEVERAL BUYERS WILL- X> ingto invest In legitimate business. Parties de- iiringto sell apply to W. F.HEALY, loot Market. It *JAA PARTNER WANTED TO-DAY WITH V iUU. flrst-ciass business man in new and sec- ond-band furniture-store, clearing $80 to each per month: business can be increased with good man Apply W. F. HEALY. 1004 Market si. It* C'-inn FRUIT-STORE FOB BALE; BEST LO- ij)n\J\J. cation In the city; really cheap at $500. Apply W. F. HEALY.1004 Market St. It" Q{ 1 >- ONE-HALF ITS REAL VALUE; BAK- «|pl^u. cry, candy and notion store: 3 living rooms. Apply W. F. HEALY,1004 Market. It r'OK SALE— ESTABLISHED 14 YEARS: TRIM- -1 ining-store for lady who understands plain dress- maklng and family sewing. 511 Bryant. Jea st' SALOON FOR SALE. ACCOUNT LEAVING (I 1 V. ApplyCall Branch Office. JeB 7t« BUSINESS FOR SALE, ACCOUNT ILLNESS, consisting of dry goods, crockery, bakery and stationery, within >.'\u25a0• block three schools; sold be- low cost price. Cor.Twenty-fourth and Columbia. 6 7* LOR SALE— COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE; X cheap. 248 rourtli st. Je6 'it* fflMKn CHOP-HOUSE Si RESTAURANT; DOING «iP]l'-'\-'.good business. Apply Call Office. 16 lm* ffijODOWN AND 60 CENTS PER SHAKE PER CT— month willpurcnase shares In the Republic Savings, Building and Loan Association: $16 per month willpay oil a loan of $1000; call or send for prospectus; open dailyand evenings until 9 o'clock. 624 Market st. nir30 tf pROCEIiY-STORE FOR SALE, WITH LEASE; VJ cheap rent; populous central neighborhood; 8 rooms attached wlt:i 9 roomers; good cash business. Home Bakery, Stevenson at., off Ninth. Jes st* , ROCERY AND BAR; HORSE AND WAGON; ' ' rent cheap. WITZEL& BAKER, 320 and 322 Battery St. j e 6 7t* / '10AR-STORE FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL 1151 V.' Market st. Jes 7t* /•OLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR A PERSON > ' with business tact and push to open a fruit. chicken and fish stall Ina well-located market: all the fixtures there. For further particulars inquire at « _\u25a0 U. HABSHPTZ & CO.'S, 630 Market. je4 7t 15.01H1 WOOD AND COAL, HAY, GRAIN AND tIpOUU. feed, 8 good young horses, 2 good wag- ons, good buildings, sate and office; doing a busi- ness or $500 per month. MANCHESTER .v II ALL, 957 and 961 Market at. Je6 7t DESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP: MUST BE Xt sold Immediately. Apply ill Tenth St. 3 10* PESTAURANT— 22 TABLES; LARGE PLACE: Xt doing good business; bargain. 73" Mtgrr. 47* a. " f: i\ GROCERY AND provision store <J>><JV/. and fixtures; good location. 307 6th. 37* I/OR SALE-BAKERY AND COFFEE-HOUSE. X 407 Third st. JeS 71- -I.)ESTAI KANT OF 10 TABLES; NEWLY FUR- II nished; only opened 2 days; going to Europe cause. ApplyCall branch OtHce. ji*37t* ©-AA WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO C* ( \}\j. buy half-interest In trading scow. Apply to C. V., 3i)« Davis su Je7t* UNION OYSTER - HOUSE, sacsalito, FOR sale; consisting of house and lot, boats, liquors and all appurtenances belonging to the business. ApplyP. SIRE, below S. F. Yacht-house. Je9 «t* -OR SALE—AN OLD-ESTABLISHED SALOON, with6 rooms; profitable tease and low rent; In the best part of the city. Apply 310 Grant aye. : no agents wanted. Je3 IV JjOKfl INVESTIGATE THIS CHANCE-RES- <V OV' . tauraut, positively clearing $63 to $73 a month: 2 living rooms, furnished. Apply Calx Branch O.Tlce. __ 7t* A WEEK'S NEWS FOB 6 CENTS-THE WEEKLY -rt. Call,in wrapper, ready lor mailing. I.OIK.IN'i HOUSES FOB SALE. BJ ( ' Cn PART CASH; BEST BARGAININTH CUUi'. city: 14 rooms; clearing $60 per month. Apply to-day. W. F. HEALY, loot Market st. It y.l (HI! AFINE CORNER HOUSi;, 22 UOOMS, tJpltlV'U.on Market St., clearing 9100 per mouth. Apply W. F. HEALY, 1004 Market st. It -TVS. GREAT BARGAIN, OWING TODEATH %^O I *). of owner, 18 rooms on Sixth St.; cheap rent. W. F. HEALY, 1004 Market at. it IF YOl' ABE I.ooKINU FOR A LODGING-HOUSE X call and see me; now la tho time to buy; a long list from 10 to 75 rooms, at very low figures: quite a number part cash; call and examine list. J. T. LINDEN,339 Kearnyst. It 8-ROOM HOUSeTbaRGAIN; FURNITURE NEW; must be sold this week. 113 Third St. je9 4t» rpo BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE GO TO I 1. D. BARNARD. 1148 Market St., bet. Mason and Taylor; established 1859. It* 0. l - , i/i 21-ROOM GOOD LODGING-HOUSK; 0 1 *.)UVJ. positively clearing over $100 monthly; must sell. MCLAUGHLIN & CO., 26 Kearny. It* C-riifl 8 ROOMS ON POST.. NEWLY FUR- «rOUU. nlshed. MCLAUGHLIN ACO..26 Kearny.* SEVERAL PAYING AND WELL-LOCATES lodging-houses at a great sacrifice if sold now. SMITH A- CO.. 328 Montgomery St., Room 20, take elevator. jeB3t* 1 I ROOMS, $5500: 21 ROOMS, $-.'600; \u25a0±111 rooms $850130 rooms 43000 13 rooms 700. rooms ISOO 15 rooms 1400 j 32 rooms 1500 25 rooms 1000| 16 rooms 850 rooms 140.1 13rootns soo II rooms 700,60 rooms 160.) 28 rooms 1600111 rooms 1100 100 more houses. Apply to J. W. OALE 4 FEAZEI I . 305 Karat St. jeS 3t* ]/>l HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS AND BATH r for sale on Mission St., between Fourth and Fifth. Applyat grocery, corner of Fourth and Mis- sion sts. Jed 2t» DECKER'S BARGAINS IN LODGING-HOUSES. 25 rooms. $1800 12 rooms $.500 24 rooms 1100 10 rooms 750 28 rooms 2000 7 rooms 700 40 rooms. HllOO 16 rooms 1800 45 rooms SUOII. 8 rooms 6iM) 55 rooms 6000 SO rooms 8900 75 rooms. 8000 1 HKI rooms 15,000 500 other houses, prices $100 to $25,000. For sale by H. C. DECKER, 850 Market st. J8 2t* Of) ROOMS; VERY GOOD FURNITURE; CLEAR- £***Ing $80 to $90 over all expenses; don't miss this bargain; only $1250. J. W. DONNELLY*Co., 34 Kearny at. Je.B 2t« 7 BOOHS AND BATH, COMPLETELY" FUR- -1 nlsned: on Golden Gate aye.; $400. J. W. DONNELLY A- CO.. 34 Kearny St. je3 2t» 1 ODGING-HOUSE OF 16 FURNISHED BOOHS; Xj all occupied; halt block from Baldwin Hotel; must be sold at once on account of departure. Ap- ply M. A. LKVINUSTo.N, 533 Sacramento st. JeB tt fi.'£nn 10 BOOMS; FINE LOCATION; CLEAR <TUUU. lug $50 a month: must sell: going to Montana. Aduie-s 8.. Box 100. Call Branch. 73* I ODGING-HOL'SE; 12 ROOMS; FURNISHED; Xj cheap: must be sold. 608 Bush st. Jel 7t» TuFr nhire OF 8-ROOM HOUSE: ALMOST r new: 1 floor pays rent; bath and modern con- ve;iieii' c.. 27Tavlorst.: after noon, my 14 Im* IIKNlll 111-. K»K SAI.K. 9O BVKRETT ST.—I'URNITt'RE OF 4 KOOMS Z for sale. Je7 3t» GOLNTKY BLYKRS WIBHINU SECOND-HAND \) furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, call a; ROSEN I HAL'S, 110 Fourth st.; satisfaction guaran- teed or money refunded: goods shipped free. nl4t' LEGANT BRUSSELS CARPETS SEWEiTanT) ELEGANT 881 3SKLS CABPKTS SEWED AND laid, per yard. SHIKKK. 1234 Stockton. 12 tt C»C (\r\t\ YARDS OF MAY AND SECOND- £.\J.\)\J\J hand carpets, front 10 cents to 75 cents per yard,, at JONES' Auction House, 25 and 27 Eighth .st. fe23 tf ED ROOM SUITS OF 7 PIECES FOR $15. WILEY BROS., 931 Mission St. 14 tf ALL PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES: ON IN- stallments, without Interest, you can furnish your home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at HEX- EY*S large luruiture and carpet wartroouis, 18 to 24 Ellis St. i 24 tf A GOOD CHANCE—YOUR HOUSE FURNISHED i\ complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur- tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices, on easy Installments; small deoosit. M. FRIED- MAN A CO.'S, largest Installment bouse on the Coast. 228 and 230 Stockton St., cor. Post: open evenings; prompt attention paid to country orders. STERLING FURNITURE CARPETS AND furniture. IUMand 1041 Market su, Roseuthai BliUding. au7tt 4 LL MY GOODS ARE DOWN TO BED-ROCK '\ prices: parlor nulls $25, ranges $6. new cham- ber sets complete $15: reductions all round; cash or Installments. T 11. NELSON. 136 I'onrth st St)tf tAlll'hT.i pARPETS— SMITHS BRUSSELS^ 05c A YARD; Vj installment price elsewhere $1 a yard. M. IKItDMAN.'. CO.. 228-23U Stockton St., i or. Post. KOXBOKx* BRUSSELS CARPETS SEWED, LAID, and lined, 90c per yard. S. W. SUIREK, 1231 Stockton St., near iJrtiadwuy. nir!2 tf nt (inn YARDS OF NEW AM" SECOND- £O.\J\j\J carpets from 10c to 75c per yard, at H. L. JONES' Auction House, 25 and 27 Eighth St., near Market. mr33 tf pLOSING UP ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEWED, Vj lald.tfOc: 2-ply,2oc:oll-«loth,12'/-c:curUin.poles, 85c:mittlng. 10c. NKVVMAN BROS.. 117 Sixth st. MUKSI I M.i.l. BLAI X HORSE FOB SALE: $!.">. 27i/ 2 J I'lara >t.: call after 1 p. it. jc7 :it* " VVAIiUAa .!-.> , .1.111.A1.1.5. ' SECOND-HAND TOP BUGGY' AND Bl rcHEB 0 wagon; cneap. 856 Howard. aps ;*ni I/OR SALE—KINK SUKKKV KO'JKAWAV, NICE 1 phieton a.i Itop buggy. 102 Golden Gate aye. Jes tf L'l.l: SALE, CHEAP, 3 BUGGIES. APPLY 21 P stenart st. jel7t S K\V I.MI ac ii inks. SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE AND RB- paired. W. B. HIOiiISS, Baa Hayes St. mr4 tf Q--J- NKW YORK OB HELPMATE; BRAND * i*) . new; latest; best for $35: all kinds repaired; rented 'he.,:.. .1. [.. HICKS. 887 Mission, nirl tf I-OK »A1. r— " * * \u25a0 *• ' »\u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0 ->*\u25a0-<> Ii \u25a0S. ITOB SALE~ CARPET AND OIL-CLOTH, CHEAP. X 703 Polk St.. cor. Eddy. -It* IPOB SALE-CIRCULAR AND BAND SAW. 5 ltwi:hi -.t. jc9 7t* I i l,liu\, HRI.NGEU, 4IANGLER; CHEAP. AP- X ply51 6 Jones st. JeS 3t* PRENTICE ENGINE LATHE, 11-INCH SWING X and 29 inches between centers: counter-shaft and foot-power belting; 5 chucks and lot of other tools. Apply 945 Mission St. _^ JeB 3t« j. (lit SALE-CARPETS AND STOVE OF A 6- i room flat: cheap. 414 Larkln at, . Je7 3t« SMALL FIRE-PROOF SAFE FOR SALE CHEAP. 42 Main st. mr3o tt GAS FIXTURES OKALL KINDS VERY CHEAP. lIUFSCHMIDT. 637 Clay St. Uly9 3lil REAM OR MILKDELIVERED AT AGNEWS. Vj yarrow gauge. Box 468, Santa Clara. my 4 tf SHEPARD'S FOOT AND POWER LATHES. HICKS, agent, 067 Mission st. ' se27 tt YEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES. MIIIIIELL i.l4 RICHARDS, cor. P.ush and Market sts.olo 12ra CAFE. SCALE, LETTER-PRESS, STORE TRUCK O and money-till cheap. -. 102 Clay at au2S 12m SECOND-HAND BOILERS. ENGINES, rUMP% O shafting, pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc. Mo- IKTOBH ATWOLP.MAN. 137 I'.eale St. ile4 tf .. - . . TO X.KASK. rpO LEASE-FURNISHED noose; IN choice Xresidence portion of the city for a term of 3 months, begun. lng July Ist; splendid home; elegautly furnished: apply at once. W. M. MAC- MILI.AN 4; CO., Palace Hotel entrance, 621 Mar- ket St., -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 - - \u25a0- - \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-•- •\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- Jen St TO LEASE- ELEGANT UNFURNISHED Suttcr-sl. residence; 10 rooms and bath; all mod- ern Improvements: sunny side of street. Apply at once to W. M. MACMILLAN * CO.. Palace Hotel entrance. 621 Market st, JeB 3t STOKAIiK. PACIFIC STOKAGK CO., 301 STOCKTON ST.; J. furniture and merchandise; advances made. 15 tf IrTJRNITURE STORED STERLING FDBsT 1 tore Co., 1039, 1041 Market. Koseuthal Bldg. 7 tt BISTKF.SS CTIAXCEis. *ft < >! ;; in SALOON AT AN EXTRA BARGAIN; <J| UUVJ. handsome corner in the most respectable portion of the Mission: on the best business street; dolnga trade of from $15 to $20 a day; anyone will buy It when they see it, as It is a very flue in- vrstment. Apply K. KENNY. 22 Kearny St.. It Cl 'H\l\ RESTAURANT FOR SALE; CLEAR- 1— v". Ing$200 a month over expenses: is handsomely fitted up and easily run: owners are leaving the city: will allow a trial of 30 days be- fore you purchase: will remain with the buyer until be Is fully posted how to run the business. Apply K. KENNY. 22 Kearny st. lt_ & I <•< ill GROCERY-STORE FOR SALE: FINE «. iUi'W. bar connected; actual value $2000: is only one block from Market street; on a prominent corner; best of reasons for selling; any good busi- ness man can do a large business. ApplyK. KENNY, 22 Kearny st. It C-tl-n/fPART CASH: HOTEL FOR SALE; O iK'U. one of the best locations In the city; BO well furnished rooms: fine dining-room and bar-room, etc.: thoroughly established; always full :i dcl«arlns $200 per month; owner leaving city. Country hotels for sale; 4 well located houses paying tine returns for investment; come at once and look Into them. ApplyK.KENNY, 22 Kearny.l C-OXAA PARTNER WANTED IN A FlRST- ,'»>*M'lf. class livery, boarding and sale stable, with \u25a0 flue stage route, carrying the U. S. Mall, con- nected: is in ona of the most desirable interior towns; doing a large business, and sure for $600 per month clear profits; no previous experience re- quired; party will have to ass st in looking after the cash and plain accounts, etc. ;the business is set- ting so large that owner wants an Interested party to assist him; large stock of horses. bug; lts, stages, etc: a most thorough investigation allowed; sure to double inside of one year. Apply to K.KENNY, 22 Kfarny st. it LI) -ESTABLISHED CORNER SALOON ON Kearn) st., near Market; must be sold: owner lias other business. SIEBE BBOS. & PLAGE- MANN, cor. Sansome and Sacramento sts. Je9 3t* GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT; BARGAIN _ this ween on account departure. 1t5F0150m.97« GK O RIES , RESTAURANTS, SALOONS, cigar-stores and all lines of legitimate business fur sale. .1. T. LINDEN. 839 Kearny St. It SALOON FOR SALE. CORNER SEVENTH AND UJ awlests. Je9 4t* C! : I . 2 BOOHS: OLD STAND; CAUSE \J sickness; bargain. 303 Fourth si. j. 9 3t* Ol'il OAKLAND-PARTNER ;iN REAL KS- 1O\.l. law business. 921 Broadway, Boom 10. je9 4t _ K!Mvll:\M. 2FI I;. M SHED ROOMS: CHEAP if taken this month. Apply Call Branch. 7* lODUIMi-110l SE, WITH BAR-ROOM; GOOD Xj location: cheap, 1414 Stockton st. je9 7t* I>AKBEK-SHOP for sale, on account of JJ sickness. 419 East St. Je9 3t*_ CIORNER SALOON FOR SALE; 536 FOURTH 'st. No agents. Jet) 7t* v -jii| SALOON ; ELEGANT CORNER; THRIV- O I \'\i. Ing country town: 7 furnished rooms; a genuine opportunity. ' STARUETT i CO., 632 Mar- Kot st. It* i^.'T-n BARGAIN: GROCERY; BAR; FINE <i; %J\J . horse and wagon; 2 living rooms; rent $35. R. S. STAKRETT & CO., 632 Market St.. Boom 22. It* vi 1 1 in SALOON AND LODGING - HOUSE: 7 JT IWv, room-; all well furnished; big bargain; most be sold. R. S. SI'ARRETT A Co.. 633 Mar- ket gt.. Room --. . It" TF YOU WANT TO BUY A BUSINESS OR SELL X a business of any kind go to STARRETT A CO., \u25a0i::-J Market St.. Boom '-'2. It* £..l-|l .SALOON; CITY FBONT; GOOD <_ tH'. stand: rent cheap: call to-day. R. S. \u25a0STAKIIKTT ,v CO.. 812 Market St.. Room '-"2. It* .-po SELL "I 1 YOUR BUSINESS PROMPTLY . I for cash go to I. I). BARNARD, U4S Market St., >et. Mason and Taylor; established 1859. lt» *£""\n PAINT-SHOl" FOX SALE; A MCE «£>»~H)v/. store with the furniture of three rooms; « positive bargain. 1. D. BARN 1148 Market -trg«t, bet. Mason and Taylor, It* jr. -- r\ SALOON. A BARGAIN; OLD ESTAB- -7^ <>U. lished stand on best part of Market St.: -.nest chance ever ofiered. Apply to I. I". BAR- aSAKD, 1148 Market St.. bet. Mason and Taylor. It* ''<. 1 \l\l\ SALOON ON MARKET ST.: WORTH O I*IUU. double the money; golden opportunity lor a man with business ability: greatest bargain » ver offered. M.LESS, __ Market st. It* 1 "'(HI SALOON IN HEART OF THE CITY; i\^ J.*>UV". tremendous bargain for any onedeslr- v ii 2 a goiil business; best reasons given for selling. '.5L LESS. 995 Market St. It* (&CAM RESTAURANT IN THE BEST LO «„ loM.', canty: paying well; or willing to take a partntr. M.LESS. 99j Market st. It* -- , v BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY. STA- O*J<JV.*. tionery and groceries, etc. : finefixtures; r ood stock; great bargain. M.LESS. 995 Market. 1* •C'^'flfl BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY, ICE .C*— VJUVJ. cream parlor and coffee saloon near "Market St., with horse and wagon; doing a large vuslncss; good stock, fine fixtures. : old establlseed: atiis Is a bargain; trial given. M. LESS, 99S Market.* '«-..}- II RESTAURANT;ONE OF THE FINEST UU. In the city: clearing $150 a month; bar- gain. M. LESS. 998 Mai ket. If .A 1 7/"W | HOTEL AND BAR. WITH 27 ROOMS; rU I I '".'. house full of boarders; good bar trade; Sue fixtures; good stock; in the heart of the city; Llearing $250 per month: reason lor selling, going aSast ; is the Lest oiler ever given. M.LESS, 995 aiarketst. It" < I IAA CORNER GROCERY AND BAB WITH <j* I J I'l/. 3 livingrooms doing a fine -business: as a lar^e stock: fine fixtures; is a great bargain. M. -E.-s, 995 Market. It* . V I T'n GROCERY AND BAR; IS WITHOUT vll O\J. doubt the very best concern north of ' -! -rke: St., near Ellis; established 23 years; has a . choice I unity and general trade. $J5 tos.:s per day, nearly one half at the bar; rent cheap, withliving- rooms; carries a full and complete stock; a careful -investigation will prove this one of the best bar- jrains ever offereil; must be sold on account of de- \u25a0 parture. ApplyQEO. STKWAKT, 136 Kearny st 1 r.1.7- Partner wanted saloon do- »jl I O. ing splendid business: one of the best; right Inbusiness center; good man wanted more than money; experience not nece&sary; must have brip: Is well worth $250: must sell; never such a liar^ain: don't misa it. See GEO. STEWART, 135 Ki-a-ny st. It V'liMfl BABE CHANCE— LARGE FIRST- , ,m ''MJ, class candy-store and manufactory on leading business street: established 10years: com- ma;. ding one of the largest and most fashionable trrtili-sin the city: place is handsomely fitted up, ciiiplete. together with an elegant soda fountain. which draws a very large custom; has a full line of stocK, and the finest tools, machinery and conveniences for manufacturing on large scale in the : t-.e: the very eilicieiil help would remain: business easily run. GEO. STEWART;135 Kearny. 1 C^i-A PARTNER WANTED TO-DAY;MANU- O O\J. facturlng business; employs 3to (> hands: Is only suitable for in-an willing to work, keep plain accounts, men's time and make himself generally .. iiserul; cleats $75 a month to each, with splendid S>iosi>ect lor lar^e Increase of trade; business easily learned; no night or Sunday work; bis lull stock lr.;t;crla!, tools, etc.; Is a bargain for an active, steady, industrious man; full investigation. Apply . GKO. STEWART, 135 Kearny st. It <2! Will PARTNER IN ESTABLISHED WOOD . •. tVA'. and coal yard; teams, stock, good trade; Is too much work for one: a bargain tosomegnml man. ApplyGEO. STEWART, I li Kearny st. 9 at* . QIJAIIA DRAY AND TRANSFER BUSINESS: «T^U' 'U. has been, run In first-class running order for the past 10 years by the present owner fln'l 13 rare/ opening for 2 active men; strlctßst In- vestigation . lowed; good reason for this sale; more than value In stock. ApplyMCLAUGHLIN ft CO., 20 Kearny si. Je9 14t» SI '^nri GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD PAY- I <JUU. ing coiner: longlease: this business Is north of .Market st., and Is a rare chance for the right man. MCLAUGHLIN &Co., 26 Kearny. It* OOflllfl SALOON AND RESTAURANT,WITH £"OUUU. building Included; lons lease; dally receipts *60 to $70: no opposition: sold on account ' of di-ath. M t LACGHLIN J; CO., 26 Kearuvst. It* Q inn LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING «v iWi goods; new and second band: paying business. Mclaughlin i Co.. 26 Kearny st. it* C- -jo^cobnTTrgrocery paying business. . •\u25a0>—•; Mclaughlin it Co., 26 Ke.irny st. it* © lAn I CANDY AND VABIETY-STOBE: MUST O IUU. sen. Mclaughlin St co..2BKearny.i* <5 - -fk DINING-ROOM AND BAKERY; GOOD •„\u25a0* l,'\'. business; selling on account of death in family. Mc.LAUGHLIN & CO.. 26 K;arny St. It* \u25a0 r.l Z,(\f\ ONE OF THE IiEST COFFEE AND t^7 li)Uu. chop houses for sale: in good-paying cindition and on prlncipal'strcet of the city; good reason for selling. Mclaughlin. 20 Kearny.Js* 4t* (TUOn/l NICK SALOON FOR SALE. McLAUOH- «iT O \)\I. LIN A CO.. 28 Kearny st. le9 at* (..uinn MKAT-MAKKET, TRADE $300 PER i^-i/Uu. day; safe and cash-register; employs 8 'men; 3 wagons; owner leavi g city; must sell at once. WUuUßl'rif, 841 Market st. It* •.-.\u25a0/, CIGAR-STORE; LABUE STOCK; FINE \u2666 *•)' *'. fixtures: good location: $100 per month clear of expenses. WOODRUFF. 841 Market. It* Lj-Wifl PAP.TNER WANTED IN MANI~'KAC- !*>)\JyJ. turlng business; clears $100 per mouth to each. 811 Market »t.. Room 1. lt« <f k >r;n paying blacksmith AND horse tTi^OU. shoeing shop for sale. Apply toJONAS- -4 CO.. 765 Market st, Je9 2t« Tl^E^ CAN SELL YOU A CIGAR-STORK, GBO- »' eery-store, restaurant, saloon or other business at such a tempting figure that you will surely buy If you want a good-paying business at a bargain. SMITH * CO., 328 Montgomery St., Room 20, take elevator. JeB 2t* iT; e\A/"|/> HALF interest INA wholesale tj7»»V'U". gsJnt sail *)Ibusiness; principal only 'i??ell if)/. Address, with full name, Business, Box 21, this office. jcBJ>OB SALE ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, GOOD corner saloon at end caMe and horse cars; cheap. Inquire Graat-ave. Saloon, i'U7 Grant avenne. Joe Ht* Tpou SALE—BAKEBY AND NEWS-STAND. AP X ply Caij. Branch Office. JeB 7t* \u25a0~|>AKT>*EK WANTED WITH SMALL CAPITAL X to Invest In the machine business. Call at 291 Howard St. JtB at* ' Cf 1 (\f\C\ PARTNER IN MANUFACTURING: I \t\l\J. $500, partner in saloon: $300, partner In comminlssion. J. W. GALE & FEAZELL, 305 Kearny St. '___ . JeB 3t* >'OR HALE OR EXCHANGE—COCNTKYHOTEL; splendid location; 25 rooms: or will take good partner. Address A., Box 114. Call Branch. 8 'IX* ROCERY-STORES FROM$200 To $2000 (;igar-st«rcs 'rom 100 to 1000 Coifee saloons from 150 to 1000 Branch bakeries from 100 to 600 \u25a0 Candy-stores from 200 to 1200 Restaurants from 300 to 5000 .Saloons from 200 to 250U Drugstores ' from 1500 to 4000 6000 other places Tom 60 to 2500 For sale by H. C. DECKER. 850 Market St. ft Zt» l-.K SALE-CANDY, STATIONERY AND VA- X riety store; large ice-cream parlors: near 5 .hools and baths; this Is a legitimate business; par- ties must sell : good reason for selling. Call bet. 12 4 nd V p. m. al 717 Montgomery aye. ]eH 3t» I,'INKST BARGAIN IN CIl'Y-. FIRST-CLASS X grocery and bar.' Apply Call Branch OBlce. 7 7* -JTOR SALE— FINE-PAYINGSALOON. INQUIRE X IiEBIIAHUT, United States Brewery. Je7 lit* ALOON FOR SALE; NICELY FITTED UP; IN O a lively town near this city. For further par- ticulars apply at International Beer Hall. 922 Mar- ket St.. bet. Stockton and Powell. Je7 4t* T X L— TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS OR PROP- X erty go to the I X L Business Agency, 837 Market sL; lodglng-hooscs wanted. - J»7 4t* a? ynn french . candy - store; bread, «2>OvU. notions, etc. : news agency; clears, tobac- co- stock, fixtures, utensils for Randy manufacture; ' 3 rooms, with furniture: ' rent $15; good locatiou; near school. 203 Gough St. Je7 4t* I -I. p. SALE-FIRST-CLASS SALOON ON KEARNY X st \u25a0 2 years' lease: no reasonable offer refused. Apply to M. LESS. 9»5 Market it. - - Jo 7 7t» Ci 1 l'(\(\ GROCERY AND LIQUOK STOKE «pH>U", for sale; toe best corner south or Mar- ket st.: 9 rooms attached; lo»'reut; flue fixtures; new stock of goods: long lease: line trade; sold on ; account or Immediate departure; bargain, see I*. W. MURPHY, 608 Market st. . Je7 3t» IfIRST-CLASS FRUIT-STORE; OWNER GOING 'East. Apply 809 Valencia St. \u25a0 Je7 4t»

Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · portions of Ine State received the lion's ... .State didnot at present have in the arsenal ... •very good, and

Apr 01, 2018



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Page 1: Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif ... · portions of Ine State received the lion's ... .State didnot at present have in the arsenal ... •very good, and

CITIZEN SOLDIERY.Napa City's Young Men Hare

the Military Fever.

The young men of Xapa City have a verybad attack of the military fever, which liasnot all been alleviated by the disappoint-ment suffered by them when a company ofmore than seventy members was recruitedwith the hope of being mustered Into theX. G. C, and the southern and northernportions of Ine State received the lion'sshare of the authorized ten new companies,with only one assigned to the Second Bri-gade, which includes the county ofNapa.Why thai one company was ever assignedto the command that itwas has never beenunderstood by any one, considering all thetalk and the provision of law that thebattalions shall be equalized in the matterof companies.

The Napa boys now want in their citythe encampment of the First Artilley, lo-cated inand about Sacramento, which forseveral seasons has encamped at SantaCruz, and whose inducements this year in-clude the use of groan ds, straw, wood,water anil $250 in cash. fora change ill\u25a0;

men would like to come to Xapa, and oneof the papers of that town Inures up asfollows on the prospects:

The State allows $3000 lor the expense at-tending tins nuitiiK.winch takes place la August.Six companies, (our from Sacramento, one fromWoodland and one from Nevada City, 400men all I"1 I, form the first KeKlmt>ut. ItIs safe lo say that each o( the 400 would on ailaverage expend $10 during their eight day-/stay here— an aggregate or $4000. Tue $:iiKX>(leas railroad, tare) added to this would nukea goodly sum of the metallic to scatter amongour business men, on whom the suidtars woulddraw tot all iheir supplies.

We can otter the soldiers a better site thanthat given them at Santa Cruz; the fate would beless between Sacramento and camp; excursionscould be made to Mare Island by boat or rail;Napa Soda springs and oilier summer resortswould oiler iheii attractions; the viutaj:e wouldbe on ana the boys could put all the


they wished in tbeir"

canister."Then again, to keep alive tha company

recruited in 1888 and called the Napa CityGuard, the young men have been endeavor-ing to obtain foritrifles to permit of itscontinuance as an unattached company.An agent of the company, was informed bythe Assistant Adjutant-General that the.State did not at present have in the arsenalany arms not in use, but that at Beoicia, inthe possession of Buhop Wlngfield, are 300stands of arms belonging to the State andthat the Napa company could probablyobtain the guns from him. A committee offour was then dispatched to interview theUishop, but after a series of hairbreadttiex-apes and blood-curdling experiences,another disappointment was in store forthem. Itwhs found that Uishop Wing-field's guns are his own property, and,moreover, small 4'/2-Dound brass-boundarms, suitable only for a juvenile company,all of which trouble and worry might havebeen avoided if one moment's considera-tion had been given to the fact that thesource of the information on which notionwas taken was the Assistant Adjutant-General.

The annual inspection and review of thebattalion of University Cadets lias takenplace under orders from the Secretary ofWar and was conducted by Lieutenant-Colonel Burton of the Inspector-Ueneral'sdepartment. The battalion was equalizedfor the ceremony insix companies, the firstcommanded by Captain Lung, the secondby Captain Parker, the .third by Cap-'tain McNear, the fourth by Captain Smith,the n'ftii by Captain Jones, the sixth byLieutenant Steams. Alter the inspectionand review several battalion movementswere performed, after which followedfiringby tile, company, division, wing andbattalion; ten blank cartridges havingbeen provided each man. The volley tiringof the battalion and wings was particularlygood. This done, the officers were givenan opportunity to display their knowledgeof the tactics. Colonel Burton giving themthree movements to execute.

Captain Lang was first called upon to as-sume command of the battalion and underhis direction the following movements wereexecuted: Battalion forward, guide center;right into line wheel; lett companies onright intoline;close column on first divisionlett in front. Colonel Burton then, calledon Captain Parker toexecute: Close Columnon first division right infront; form columnof divisions to change direction by leftHank; deploy column on second division.L'uder Captain Bailey the battalion nextexecuted: Battalion forward, guide center;march to the rear; first, second and filthcompanies avoid obstacles and form line ofbattle beyond; march back to position tofront by flank of companies. LieutenantSteams' commands were: Fours rightabout; march by flank of subdivisions;right of companies wheel into column, foursright about. All these movements wereexecuted with correctness and the officerskept their heads wonderfully dismissing the battalion. Lieutenant

Harrison expressed himself as pleased be-yond all expectation with the cadets, andsaid they had never drilled butter. Whilethe Inspector-General had nothing official,as yet, to say about the inspection, or his re-port to the Secretary of War, yet tie saidthat he was highly gratified with the result.He stated that the appearance of the bat-talion, and its wheeling and marching, werevery good, and that he had no conception•that the officers posseessd the ability theydisplayed. The general result appears allthe more remarkable when the fact is takeninto account that, out of a total number ofsixty-one drilldays during the college year,there were but twenty-seven, the remaind-er having been prevented by bail weather.The result showed the capacity of Lieuten-ant Harrison as a commanding officer.

Colonel Barry has issued an order thank-ing the officers and members of the Thirdfor the fine turn-out on the evening whenthe new colors were presented. Therewere 430 men in the Pavilion that evening,which may be accepted as a creditable turn-out. Special thanks are also returned onbehalf of the regiment to the French Cen-tennial Committee, and nl-o to th- follow-ing gentlemen, for having donated thehandsome stand of colors to the regiment:Major J. J. O'Brien, Kobert Tobiu, J. Ma-honey, J. J. Mahoney, Dr. C. P. Buckley,Captain J. MiDonougli, James O'Brien,Major C. F. Smythe. AlfredTobin and Ma-jor J. D. l'hel.m. The only question whichsuggests itself by the above is what becameof those 480 men inthe parade on Memorialday— a question, by the way, which alsodemands an answer from the First Infantryand the Second Artillery.

First Lieutenant Benjamin 11. Randolphof the Third Artillery Kegimeut, U. S. A.,who will have charge ot the Military De-partment of the State University for thenext three years, is a native of New En-gland, and graduated from West Point in1870. He was temporarily attached to Gen-eral Schofield'a staff on the hitter's visit toEurope, was for three years Tactical Officerat West Point and has also served invari-ous parts of the country with his regiment.

The report was also published a few daysago that Berkeley wants a company in the

'N.G. C. The claim of Berkeley is ridicu-lous, considering that there are three com-panies in Oakland which need recruiting.But, after all, there is no way to enter thuN. G. C. now, nor will there be for years,save for a company to take the place v

-some rnustered-out organization. One hasnot to co far to find companies eligible forthis.

General Cutting having gone East, not toreturn perhaps before the encampment inAugust, and Colonel Dickinson of the FirstInfantry being in Portland, Oregon, tvscommand of the Second Brigade, X. G. C,devolves In the meanwhile upon ColonelMacdonald of the Second Artillery. Butthere is no speck of war on the horizon andthe Colonel does not find the extra dutyonerous.

The Third willhave Us preliminary targetpractice for the State decorations on the15th inst. The date originally fixed uponwas the 22d, but those in charge of the ar-rangements neglected to secure the targets -for that day. The 22d is the day fixed forthe practice of the First.


Clolinp Exercise* by tbe Pupils of theSunday- School.

-The closing exercises of St. Ignatius Sun-

day-school were held yesterday afternoonin the exhibition hall. A large audience ofladies mid children was present. The pro-gramme was as follows:

Music,orchestra; Introducing address, Fran-els I*.Haynes; leciiatioti, "Our Lady of GoodCoousel." Thomas W. Hlckey; uralion, "Keli-cious Instruction ot Youth," Benjamin 1.. Me-Kluley; music, orchestra; lecltallon, "Our Ladyot Uuadaiupe,". Edward Cooney;' dialogue, "A .Story," Cornelius A. Buckley ami Harry Wauek;music, oicueslra; distribution ot prizes; music,orchestra.

The prizes were distributed by Rev.Father Kenna, assisted by \V. Culllgan,S. J., and the followingare the winners:

Catechism classes: First premiums to WilliamKieen, Jerry Dillon. John Han luglon, Johu P.Madden. Edward Burns, Joseph rotor. WillieKartell, Willie Klordan and Willie Vemoiiy.Second premiums to Daniel McCarthy, MaikYulicevlcb, Matthew Mitchell. William M.m

pnul. H.McCarthy, Julius O'Laughliu. G. Mod-al tl, Fred Schoeu and Willie Kerr. Teachers:Messrs. Raider. Bertrand, Bell, Volio, Fool,Brown, Schumpl, >» iftand Schusler.

Holy Aiiril'sdepanment: Stanley Wa'er. Jos.rpti MorlaitU John Walsh, Joseph Madden, Keg- |trie Kliißwell. Thomas Lydon, ThouiaM «ilnaui".John O'LauxhllD, Benole McliuiK.Willie Gravesand Jerry Sulllvau. Teachers: Messrs. Welch.Hayes. McKltiley.Mouan, Brazel, Donnelly andMauuney, cacti ol whom was pieseoted with acrucinx. ;\u25a0:\u25a0-\u25a0

: -The School Fund of Tombs tone, VAriz,was fattened to the tune of 8900 last weekby poll-tax collected from the ; laborers at ;'\u25a0:

the Copper Queen Mine, \u25a0

THE MORNING CALL, SAN FRANCISCO. MONDAY, JUNE 9, 1890-EIGIIT PAGES. 5" • - .:I.OST. \u25a0 . .-'.- .\u25a0'..-;


LOST; ON JU.S'E:7. A—•O\J spitz female pup. Return to 518 Kearny

street. ;.•- \u25a0\u25a0-- .--\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 ... \u25a0•'-\u25a0: If\u25a0

;IOST—PURSE AND KEEPSAKES: EAST SIDE!\u25a0> Fourth at., bet. Jessie and Mission; Ifreturnedto 81 Fourth st. a reward willbe paid. Je3 it*

LOST OK STOLEN FROM FILLMOP.K, NEARMcAllister—Sorrel horse: open side barbtuzy;

liberal reward. N. Y. stables. 36 SixthSt. jet)3t*

JOST— LADIES1BLACK CLOTH JACKET WITHJj velvet reverse. Please leave at 1111 Hyde atand receive reward. -

\u25a0\u25a0 -: jei)It*


LAXGLEY'S DIRECTORY OF 1890,0 fromC. ZEILE'S drug-store; as thief is knownhe bad better return it,as same Is stamped Indiffer-ent parts with our stamp; will pay liberal rewardfor return of boot. 522 to 528 Pacific St., DR.ZEILE'S Turkish Bath-house. JeB at*

LOST— A PASS-BOOK WITH THE lIIBERMAJ Savings and Loan Society of San Francisco, in

the name of JOHN TURLEY;No. 90,243. Thefinder willplease return to bant. je7 st«

LOST INFOLSOM.CAL.—APASS-BOOK WITHthe Uibernia Savings and Loan Society of San

Francisco, in name of TIM HORRHiAX, No..102.322. The finder willplease return to hank.7 5«

STRAYED THURSDAY NIGHT—IGRAY MAREand 1 gray horse; marked on hip. Return or

write to GREGARIO TOMASS, vegetable garden,Golden Gate Station, Oakland. ]e7 at'

1OST- MAY 21, WHITE ANGORA GOAT,J ianswering to the name of Nellie: has one brokenborn. Areward willbe paid forreturn of same to1107 Mission st. je7 \u25a0it*

LOST—A PASS-P.OOK WITH THIS lIIUERMASavings aud Loau Society of Sail Fraucisco, In

the name or JOHN Mi'AULtFKE, No. »3,71tf.The finder willplease return to hank. j6 51*rPHE S. F. COLLATERAL LOAN BANK. S:H

\u25a0I Kearny St.. lends money at 2 per cent per montaon watches, diamonds »ud tpweirv. tasnilni

SMALL ADVERTISEMENTS AND SUBSCKIP-tIons taken at CallBranch ollices. 803 Larlcia

ft., 33U Hayes at. and 2518 Mission tit.; open till8:30 p.m. ;yatf


]"OUND—$20 IN' GOLD BY PURCHASING Aimerchant tailor-made dress suit for $20; mer-chant tailors' price. HO. ORIGINAL MISFITCLOTHING PARLORS, corner Post and Dupoutstreets.



"oTS'ini" NEARLY NEWrPIAjJo: FINE TONe";CIIUU. Balnea Bros., makers. W.U. BADGER725 Market st. jeb'7t

StlC.n FINE UPRIGHT PIANO; RENKJUKiffilUU.(Paris), makers; exquisite tone. \V. G.BADdEII.7«5 Market St. je67t

-SI rrr GRAND UPRIGHT PIANO; 7Vs OCiiPI It),tave; 3 strings in treble; good as new;cost $450. W.U. BADQKR,725 Market St. ]e6 7t

$\u25a0 II|| I FINE TONE PIANO: SOLD TO PAY—\>y>. charges; Weber, maker. W. O. BAIXiER,

725 Market st. ja67iJJ.k)r/j SUL'ARK GRAND PIANO; DOES NOTO

— '• show any use: Stoinway iSons, makers.W. O.BADGEK, 725 Market at. je6 7t

ii-Ofi MUSIC-BOX; IN I'ERKECT ORDER;MXOU. plays 12 airs; cost $75. W, G. BADGER,725 Market si.

-je6 7t

(&Onn GRAND PIANO: 7Vi OCTAVE: COSTtfliUu.$o.^O; cannot be told fromnew; Knabe,maker. W. G. BASOJSB, 725 Market St., HistoryBuilding,ground floor. jed 7tTJ ALLET4 DAVISANDKIMIIALLPIANO ANDllorgan Agency. W. U. BADGEK, 725 Market st.tC

tU-Or-. GOOD EMERSON FOR SALE ON MONTH-k£OO. lyInstallments of *5. 213 Powell St. je67t

UY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERSand save agents' profits aud freight; 25,000 of

cur pianos inuse: established 25years: second-hand('bickering, Kuabe, Opera, llalieit A- Davis, Vose,etc.; installments or cash. ANiISELL, Odd Fel-lows' Hall,Seventh and Market sts. uiy29 tf


or an organ; pianos from $101); organs from$50; leading makes: liuest stock. F. YV.spencer&CO.. 793 Market St., second floor. iny27 tfL-iINE NEW IFRIGHT: MUST SELL; LEAVINGJ city. 616 Ellis. inrear. mylBlmrpHK ONLYONE CHANCE IN SAN FRANCISCOIto buy a new piano at agents' prices. Call and

see what we have to offer: you will find it to youradvantage. F. W. SPENCER &CO., 723 Market St.,second floor \u25a0 my14 tfOTEINWAYPARLOR GRAND AND STEINWAYO upright ;both in good order; bargains, F. W.SI'ENCKR A CO.. 723 Market, second Boor. myl4tt

EIGHT NEW PIANOS OF LEADING HAKESat surprisingly low prices to close consignment.

F. W. SPENCER & CO., 723 Market St., secondlloor. my11 tf

/.SQUARE PIANO,GOOD CONDITION:NEWtgl^Uliiaiios on Installments. FAY,1729 Mission.

PAKE CHANCE ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL—I1 KOHLER d- CHASE, 137 Post it., willgive bar-gains inpianos and organs. mylltf



PIANOS: VARIOUS MAKES: HALF-PRICE:X easy terms, at STATHAM'S, 1322 Market. iny2tf

VOR STEINWAY, KRANICH ft HACft ROE-nlsch, Gabler pianos, M.GRAY CO., 206 Post. 25t£

I.AM) INSTRUMENTS, PACKARD ORGANS,I>sheet music. M. GRAYCO., 2U6 Post st. 25 tf

TKCK. HARDMAN, VOSK AND STERHNUpianos sold on $10 monthly Installments. BEN./.

CURTAZ & SON, sole agents, 20 O'Farrell St. au7iC

II VY.SPENCER &CO.. AGENTS OIITCKEKING• £ Sods, Conover Bros., Col and Opera pianos.723 Market St., History Building, second flour. 28 •\u25a0<

BYRON MAUZY.AGENT SOUMER, HALLKTT*\u25a0> Cumstun. Newby & Evans. 30b Post. my2Jtt

rI'.HK BANISOFT COMPANY. 721 MARKETST.,J sole agents for the Miller. Kenning. stnltz A Bauerand Kiirtzniaim injno^anilfirst-class organ.s. felltr


SYLVESTER, SUBLETT * SYLVESTER, DENT-lsts-DK. W. A. SUBLETT has exclusive charge

of our mechanical department, while DHS. IIKM:anil WILLIAMSYLVESTER manage the operative:teeth extracted or tilled, pos.tively without pain, bythe use of our rated vitalized air. offices SK.cur. Sixth and Mission »ts. ;hours 9to 6. jeB ly

DR.LEEK,724!/\u25a0. MARKET ST., RUSTICATESfrom June Ist two weeks. my3l 231*

i>eaut7Tulsets7: PAINLESS extractingJ) 5Uc: gold plates; bridge work;crowns: lllllngs;at lowest rates. DR. C.A. PERRY. 8Mason St. des tt

1-jR. REA. P23 MARKET, EXTRACTS XEETai.' for 50c; withgas for $1; open evenings, selttf

ROOME DENTAL ASSOCIATION. 759 MAR-ket, gas specialists; only safe and reliable anaes-

thetic in use; simple, harmless, pleasant and sure;artificial teeth from $7 per set; tillingfrom $1; ex-tractlug, oOc: with gas, $1. niy9 12m

ALLNEWSPAPERS MAD LONG ARTICLES ISr\ them stating that the Insane asylums are fullo(people who took gas only ouco for painless tooth at-traction and went crazy My secret painless methodla wouderrul. liyits use any dental operation maybe done painlessly. Will forrett $100 for any tooththat Icannot extract without sleep or gas, eraathough a dozen dentists hare failed to extract lE.Alloperations done better than elsewhere, since ihave seven first prizes for beautiful fillings, plateand crown work. There are 5Leek dentists. Officeopen till9:30 r. M.; Sundays till 9 tr. H. mi.GKORGE W. LEKK.6 O'Farrell St. oc9 tt

AFULL SET OK TEETH FOR $7 FILLINGSAT/V lowest prices; work warranted DR.J. W.KEI841 Market St., opp. Baldwin. aiilutt

R. C. H. WILSON, DENTIST/ 925 MARKETSt.. bet. Fifth and Sixth, oiip.Mason. del s ttR. CASSILU'S PAINLESS DENTALrooms. 202 Fourth st; teeth $4 to$7: ex-

tracting or tilling25c. to $1:half price to poor.aS it

COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 81)8 MARKET\J st. (Phelan Building); gas specialists; positivelyextract teeth without pain; only offlce that makosanilgives the celebrated "Colton Gas"; 30.000 rat.rrrnce*;established ISB.t; alloperations Indentistryperformed. UK.CHARLES W. DECKER. te7 tf

DR. A. LUDH'MHILL, 1413 MARKET ST., BET.Tenth and Eleventh; no charge for extracting

when plates are made; old plates made over likenew: teeth from 68 per set: extracting 50c. m4tC

ffi'7 A SET FOR TEETH; WARRANTED AStipIgood as can be made; filling $1. DR.SIMMS,

dentist. 830 Market Baldwin Tbeater.ocl tc



ANDV." subscriptions received at the Oakland BranchOlnceor 'I'm: Mounin'u Call, 807 Broadway, nearSeventh St. Office hours 6a. m. to 9F. m.T.IANDSOMEST COUNTRY HENCE INTHEIIState: 12 acres: 7 acres orchard, full-bearing

assorted fruits; splendid water-privileges; cottagehouse 6rooms, b.trn and out-buildings: lawn, shrub-bery, flowers, etc.: Fruitvale. Oakland: offered lowto make immediate sale. ORUN' « SHORES. 18Montgomery st. . jeB3tKJ-ynftO FOR SALE: RARE OPPORTUNITY;«JI.)UUu. l(io acres of fertile land: 120 acrescleared, fenced and well watered: good bouse with(irooms, barn and outhouses; orchard in fullbearIng: all kinds of fruit: 700 acres desirable Govern-ment land adjoining,which would make frond rangefor stock; for sale withabove; only 145 miles fromBun Franc:6Co and 20 miles from railroad.


further particulars apply to proprietor, NevadaStables, cor. Eighth and Harrison sts., Oakland. 7 71\u25a0pEKALTA HEIGHTS—S7SO; LOT 42x125 ONX Atholaye.

$900-Lot 72:5x125 onLetter are.$950— Lot 65x125 ou Atbol aye.SlOoo—Lot70x125 on Lester$1150—Lot 65x125, comer on Athol aye.$20110— Lot 911x200. commanding fine view.$2100— Choice corner on Lester aye. \u25a0

This tract Is situated near the heart of Oakland,overlooking Lake Merritt: many of the lots com-mand an extensive view or Oakland and surround-ings: prices low and terms easy. W. E. BARNARDA- SON, 483 Ninth St., Oakland. je6 tf

$.1 IiPER MlNTH—GRANDEST^ IFFER EVER\u25a0 tipImade by any real estate firm inOakland;only 20 lots left in tills, tract; situated in the centerof the cityor Oakland: 25 and 30 feet front by 110t.> 200 feet Indepth, at $100 to $600 per lot: $20down, balance at $10 per mouth; the streets aregraded, sewered, macadamized ami have cementsidewalks and water: large sums of money havebeen expended In Improving this property; in themidst of tine Improvements; within two blocks ofSan Pablo live, cable-cars; one block of Grove St.electric road; two blocks of Telegraph aye. horse-cars: four blocks of St. Mary's College, McClure'sAcademy. Hopkins' Academy, Duraut Publicschools, and 10 minutes' ride on local train and 10minutes of the City Hall: do not miss this oppor-tunity: there is no better city on the Coast to spec-ulate in than Oakland, with 70,000 Inhabitants; donot delay, but call at once and secure a cbotre loca-tion, as this Is. without any exception, the line-it andbest proposition Inlots offered on the Coast: thereis notan Individual inOakland who knows anythingabout the value of property but what willtell youthat this property will double In value before paidfor. For maps and full particulars apply to M.J.I.AYMANCE & CO., 486 Eighth St., Oakland,cm. ;\u25a0•-\u25a0 je4 lot



'modern cottage 4 irooms and bath; 1block from Park st. :$250 cash :$25 per month.(4ls)

$2700— Lot 33:4x125; 5 rooms and bath; on Cen-tral are.: $500: balance $30 per month. (No. 385)to $2750—L0t 53x117: new modern cottage 5 roomsand bath; 3 Dlocks Ironi station; $500 cash: bal-ance $40 per month, v^sax- <«m "Mfci (No. R)

$3000- Lot 27x115: new 2-story homo 7 roomsand bath at station :$600 cash ;$35 per month. (X)- *4000—Lot

- 50x125: flue new modern 2-story!house 7 rooms and bath on Central aye. oneasyterms; a good bargain.

-\u25a0 (No. 413)

$78011— Lot50x150; elegant new 2-story bouse 10rooms, with stable: well located; part cash. (401)

Houses bulU to suit; 15 per cent down, balanceeasy Installments; cheap lots In nil parts of Ala-nieda: houses to let and money to lean. H. P.MOREAL A CO., 1428 Park St., AUuneda, and 402.Montgomery St.. S m Francisco. roy3ltr



PRI-. vate family; \u25a0 references exchanged. \u25a0 AddressBoard, Alanieaa P. O. Jel 15;»

;•:' rERSONAI-S. •

an'ic! 30, WISUESTOGET ACQUAINTEDwithlady ofsome means to help to start busi-

ness: object matrimony. Address Swede, Box 144,CallBranch Office. . -

v- je9 at*

DVICEFREE-DIVORCES, QUICKEST TIME,no publicity; damages: collections; wills, etc.

T.EXGLEY. Attorneys' Ass'n. 11Kearny st, je9Biu

'.U'ANTED—TO BUY IMMEDIATELY MEN'S''cast-off clothes at your own price. Address, by

postal, 612% Laguua st. and willcall. Je9 71*CJjOX NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE; AL-O—*<J« most new; 5 drawers: latest style; comp-

lete attachments. 1407 Valencia St. It*ATTRK3SES MADE OVER. »1 60: UPHOL-sterlng, etc. li.WESTLAKE,823 Twenty-first


JeB 3t*

MMX. VARONA'S CELEBRATED RHEUMATICpad: price $1. 33 SixthSt.. Room 57. jes lm


JOB- PRINTING OFFICE FORsale; 7 years: sickness. 100 Montgomery ave.B 8*

HR. STOETON WILL GREATLY OBLIGE A• friend ifhe willsend his address to ('.11., Box130, CALLBranch Office; business ot Importance toHim. Je7 3t*pXOTHING.ARTICLES OF ALL DESCRIPTION,Vbought and sold. BENJAMIN,1046 Howard 5ltn

DIVORCES BY UNITEDSTATES DIVORCE BU-reau; legal everywhere; 110 publicity; conlideu-

tlal, and advice free. Address P. O. Box 1821.7 10*

ANEXQUISITE COMPLEXION-DO NOT RUINyonr face with poor cosmetics, huf follow the

treatment given byMME.ELISF;, which willrestoreyour beauty. European Cosmetic Artiste, 404 Postst., corner Powell. le6 7t

AT126 KEARNY.ROOM 9, YOU CAN BORROWmoney at low rates; private looms for ladies;

pledges for sale; take elevator. au7 tf

POSITIVECUKEFOR CATARRH,BRONCHITIS,X asthma. Wilson's Inhaler, 229 Kearny. jes tf

THE S. F. TAYLOR SYSTEM TAUGHT AND_Jiold. MRS. POND, 74 St. Ann's Bulldlng.je4 lrq

ON THEINSTALLMENTPLAN—DRESS-GOODS,silks, sealskin and sealette cloaks: also carpets,

lurnlture, lace-curtatns, blankets and folding-bedsat FRIEDMAN *CO.'S, 228 and 230 StocktonSt. Why pay ready money when you can buy justas cheap by making a small cash payment down,balance weeklyor monthly ? An inspection of ourstock is respectfully solicited: orders by mail forgoods or samples promptly attended to. 228 and230 Stockton st., cor. Post: open evenings. apl2tf

CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO HAVByour carpets cleaned and relaid. JONES' Per-

fect Carpet-cleaning Works, liaud 27 Eighth St.:telephone 3424. OC9 tt


EXAMINE OUR NO. 1001X mirrored withlarge plate 18x40; walnut,oak andcherry; cash price elsewhere $65: our Installmentprice only $50. M. FRIEDMAN *CO., 228-230Stockton St.. cor. Post: open evenings. apl6tf

IV?E HAVE ANUMBER OF FULLDRES3 SUITS>' to hire for balls, parties or funerals at a reason-

able price. ORIGINALMISFITCLOTHING PAR-LORS, cor. I'ost and Dupont sts. ".

TVBESBMAXING—LATEST STYLES; REASON-'XJ able prices; orders by mail promptlyexecuted;fit guaranteed. MRS. M. DEHAGAN.9B7 Mission.

PERFECT-FITTING TAILOROR TRAVELLINGX dress made in 24 hrs.. «15, $20. $25: goods found.MRS. M.DAVia. 234 Taylor St., upstairs, inn ttVIME. KF.LLOGG'S TAILORSYSTEM OFDRESS-\u25a0I'X cutting taught. Itin16. 206 Kearny st. __\ ImfPHE ELDRED, 1126 MARKET FINE SUNXny Market-st. suites and single rooms: recentlychanged hands; Is conducted strictly first-class.MltS. 11. ELDRED-EDELMAN. Jel 15t

PARISIAN ITS, LATEST STYLES. TO OR.X dor. and ready-made for boys and children, at A.GIKY'S, 635 Kearny St. jellot

IKKSEY CLOTH IMPORTED FROM EUROPEO forsale at A. GIRY'S. 635 Kearny st. jel15t

QMOKE Il.oi; DE CRUZ KUOS.1 KEY WEST0 Havana cigars at Care Royal Cigar-store, SW.cor. Fourth and Market sts. my.ll15t*

MONEY LOANED ON ARTICLES: EVERY DE-scrtption of collateral: old gold and sliver

bought. COLEMAN'S, 41 3d St., San Francisco. ni3o(D-9 F,n CABINETS PER DOZEN: EiEGANTtiy~.OVJ. water-color picture In gilt frame freewithevery dozen. WILSON'S, 23 Kearny. iuy26J)ui4 CCORDION PLAITINGDONE AT SHORT NO-Atice. GOLDBERG, 118 McAllister Bt.my27 lino

WANTED-EVEHYBODY TO CALL AT THE'•great bankrupt stock clothing store, 217 Sixth

St., and see the great rush on our prices, because weare selling 50c on the $1; come and be convinced, ly

1ADIES WHO DESIRE A PERFECT FORMJJ should wear Mine.Artz'Health Cors t: toorderonly. Room 2, 1027 Market. Agents wanted. 21 6m

PORTRAIIS ENLARGED IN INDIA INK,X crayon, water colors aud pastel. Pacific Por-trait Co.. 1221 Market St., T.J. O'llI'.IEN.M'gr.20 tfADVICE FREE; DIVORCES SPEEDILY: NOr\ publicity; legal everywhere. R. SCOULAB,Attorney, 34 Kearny st. my!B 6m

A RRIVED— GLORY MANILACHEROOTS;\u25a0fY they are the best: try them. my17 lm*

I>IANO LESSONS BY GERMAN LADY:HALFhour 25 cents. 931Market, Room 32. my 12m

"JFOK LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FINE UNDER-X wear, to order. Room 142, Bancroft Bidng. 15 1lv

<Si£.(\ REWARD WILLBE PAID FOR THE Alt-<^ OU rest and conviction of any person or personscaught tearing down signs ofc. A. Kllnkner .* 320 Sausoine st. from telegraph poles or lamp-posts, my14 tf

ADVICE FREE— HOW TO CLUE NASAL CA-tarrh. Address Victory. P. O. Box 1772.

city. my10 lm

DR.J.MILTONBOWERS MOVED RESIDENCE1J to 118 Eddy St. ;office1Fifth. ap27 tt

MISS HOGG, 526 GEARY ST.; FUNERAL ANDuatnral flowers of allkinds preserved. ap26 12:n

G~v E. SNOOK, PLUMBERS, ROOFERS*! OAS-• fitters, tin, copper and sheet-iron workers. 630Sacramento St., near Kearny ;telephone 1727. al9 tf

RY GOODS ON INSTALLMENTS, \u25a0WITHOUTInterest; dress goods, cloaks, furniture, carpet?,

bedding, Jewelry, pictures, mirrors, hanging lamps,clocks, etc.; carpels from tS5c upward. J. NOONANA CO., 1021 and 1023 Mission st., bet. Sixth andSeventh; open evenings. apl7 ttTlIGHEaT PRICE PAID FOR CAST-OFF CLOTHXIIng,gold, jewelry,books. KLEIN.109 Sixth, ttI.V'INDOW SHADES MANUFACTURED TOOR-»> tier by WILLIAMMlI'MIN.1195 Market. 21

GREAT BUSINESS PROPOSITION— WE CANsave you 50 per cent by purchasing amerchant

tailor-made business suit for $15; merchant tailor'sprice *30. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHINGPARLORS, cor. Post aud Dupont sts.

PIONEER CARPET-BEATING MACHINES DOX the best work. J. SPAULDING A" CO., 353 Te-liaiiiast: telephone 3010. a|>l2 tf

NDREW—MEET ME CORNER POST ANDDupont, to select a nobby spring suit made by

a merchant tailor for $30. our price $15. ORIGI-NALMISFITCLOTHING PARLORS, cor. Post andDupont sts. \u25a0

pARPKT-CLEANING; 3 TO 5 CTS. PER YARD;*J the best work guaranteed or no pay; telephone

3228. STRATTON. 1211 Market st. ap6 6m _SCHOOL OF MASSAGE AND PHYSICAL CUL--0 ture. A.G.GRETU.92I Post St. ap6 tt

BE ADVISED INTIME TO PURCHASE A tailor-made spring suit In 3 or 4 button

cutaway for 8«;O: merchant tailor's price $40,ORIGINALMISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS, cor.Post and Dupont sts. \u25a0


warranted harmless and pleasant to take; also anInfallible cure for constipation. Kept byall drug-gists. Depot, 4 Sutter St., Room 33. mr2o 6mr"*ARFET-I7LEANiNU, 3C PER YARD: CHEAP-V> est and best in the city. J. I-.. MITCHELL&CO., 2HO Fourteenth st. . ap'J tf



pairs spring styles light-colored trousers made5 crack merchant tailors for from$10 to $15; our

price $4 50 to $8. ORIGINALMISFITCLOTHING \u25a0

PARLORS, cor.Post and Dupont sts.V'IKST-CI.ASS CARPET BEATERS; CITYr Steam Carpet Heating and Renovating Works,

24 anil 26 Eighth St.: largest works In the city;workguaranteed. Address A. W. MANNING,pro-prietor; telephone 8250. mr6 tf

EVEN A FAT MAN NEED NOT GO SHAUBILYdressed when we can it you in a merchant

tailor-made suit, newest spring styles, Tor $18; mer-chant tailor's price $35. ORIGINAL MISFITCLOTHINGPARLORS, cor. Post and Dupont sts.

IVAIS IS CUT. FITTED, STITCHED. COLLARS,'*sleeves In; skirt cut. stitched, braid drapery

belts put 00;$3. MME.MICHAUX.116 McAlllstr.


VJ fit you. no matter how tall, inamerchant tailor-made spring suit for $20: merchant tailor's priceMO. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PARLORS,cor. Post and Dupout .-.:.-.pARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED WITHOUTVJboating: refittingcarpets a specialty. CONKLINBROS., 3.1.! Golden Gate aye.: telephone 2126. 13 tt

HINKY H. DAVIS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 4JJCalifornia St.. Rooms 3 and V;



X etallmeuts: easy terms. HAKE BROS., 322nd.24 Hayes St.. bet. Franklin and Gongh. nirljir_rpilEWEEKLY CALL,WITHA WEEK'S NEWS,;X lor sc. liiwrapper ready for mailing.


RESiTcUTTING TA*UGITT~I:IIOROIi<iHLY BYauthentic French tailor system. 610 Post.jeB7*

MRS. E. V. BROADWELL,DRESSMAKING, 538Ellis. .-\u25a0•-\u25a0 Jc7 3t»

T ADIES—IFYOU WISH TO HAVEELEGANTLYXJ nttln;' suits, handsomely draped, made for $6,please call at Mils. MORRIS. 732VJ! Geary. Je7 7t«

Mmi: FARIEE, \u25a0 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAK-ing. 63» Golden Gate aye.


IBSAGNES KELTER, 119 STOCKTON. NEARGeary; stylishsuits from $3 50 un; cultingftiU

llttli specialty; 75 cents: perfect I'r. apt tt

suMMi:it kksobts.

SEA VIF.W-ABEAUTIFULSUMMER RESORT,O 10 miles from Cazadero; 2miles from the ocean ;1500 feet above sea level: line climate; beautifulscenery: hunting anil fishing unsurpassed. JAMESHENRY,Proprietor. Je7 lmBURNISHED COTTAGE. APPLY 1006 VA-J lencia st. --*\u25a0'\u25a0-. ]e~ 3t»'*1?L MONTE" HOTEL, SAUSALITO


J_i salt-water baths. ui>3 4mo

AETNA HOT MINERALSPRINGS, THE A.YIEKI--'V can Ems: water uutqualed on l'acllic Coast andwill relieve or cure all curable diseases. Write forcirculars to W. 11. UDELL,Napa Co., Cal. in10 lin

LAIBEL GLEN FRUIT FARM: GOOD ACCOM-modatlons. Address P. O. Box 159, Napa City.

QWANTON HOUSE, I'ESCADEKO, BAN MATKOO County. Cal., the favorite resort or the PacificCoast; hotel and cottages allnewly furnished; lovelygrounds; also the famous pebbly bench, where arefound agates, opals, topaz, moonstones, emeralds, 'water crystals and many other precious stones:good trout fishing and wildgame: board reasonable;,special rates lor families. MRS. S. W. SWAN-TO.NV \u25a0-.\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 lny'29tt


IS NOW OPEN FORboarders: - lovely summer resort IIn the Santa

Cruz Mountains; ;fine ocean view: home cooking.Address Mlts. H. .1. GRAY.Wrights. Cal. my29lm

QI'KING COVE SUMMER RESORT; OOOD AO-- 0 commedations: \u25a0 5 miles from Napa. . MRS. J.Gltllil.EV.proprietor. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 Iny26 lm'

SANTA CRUZ MOUNTAINS-BOARDERS AC-commodated at Ocean View Irult-larm: grand

view; oak groves; special new cottages. \u25a0 Andres*THOS.SLAUGHTER. Wrights. Santa Clara Co., Cal.tfrpAMALPAIS VILLA. TAMALPAIS STATION.-X Ross Valley,nr. Sail Rafael; salt water battling:commodious grounds: line drives;' pavilion: takeBansallto terry. MBS. PETBB smith, proprietress

•f:.:-- -:".-'\u25a0-';' :"'-. ;\u25a0: yiMAN'C'IAL.-;;.:"...- \u25a0

\u25a0 •.\u25a0.\u25a0'. :-:: -rj:

STO 7 PER CENT-BEFORE MORTUAGINGpronerty see ISAACS. 411 Far rail St. jes 3i*

-{i;f.l\ii|W\||TO LOAN AT LOWEST MAS-«J)UUU.VJUU ket rates on city and country realestate, any amounts. SCIIULLI'.K.4211 California, tr"


-'\u25a0;vj- CHIjLUKKNiIiOAHDKI). \_:.- \':^'I~XDY^DESIREs'^SEVtRAL ? CniLDREJiTTO

J board from 2 years up: pleasant home: mother'scare. |11. 11., Box 127,Call Branca Oiiice. 111) -'-' lm



1^ nlshed rooms for housekeeping, also doubleparlors; no small children. JeS 7t* \u25a0


pleasant fur-OXO nished sunny rooms forgentlemen; $8: ret-erences. , \u25a0 . \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . -\u25a0 JeS 2t* iI(|Q^MARKET-FURNISHED UOCSEKEEP-»x\'oo lugrooms; everything found. 820: cheap;gas and bath; sunny single rooms, $8 to $10 Je7 3tr7 rIMARKET-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS,111 suite, single; housekeeping; alsooltices. 7 lm

O('O MISSION—PLEASANT FRONT ROOM,UVJO housekeeping; 2 back rooms. Je7 3t«Ql q MISSION— NICELYFURNISHED ROOMS;OXO $v and $12; gents. _:.- je7 3t*

1941 MISSION-NICELYFURNISHED ROOMS,Xtirxx.lighthousekeeping; single rooms. Je7 3t*


Je7 7t

QAQ GOLDFN GATE AYE.-FRONT ROOM ANDOut/ bedroom furnished. Je7 st«9') TWELFTH— 2 UNFURNISHED AND '£ FUR-<J^ nlshed rooms for lighthousekeeping. Je7 3t*

]O GARDEN, OFF HARRISON, NEAR SIXTH—xv For reut or sale 3 furnished rooms, witheveryconvenience forHousekeeping. Je7 \u25a0• I*_A SEVENTEENTH— 3 ROOMS AND BATH;XUO terms moderate.

-|e7 st«

I McAllister, OPP. .new city HALL—x <JU Large and small sunny furnished rooms. j76t

OIQ MINNA-ROOM FURNISHED COMPLETE«-> XO or housekeeping. )e7 ttUZ.'lHO WARD-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING"011 rooms; single rooms: desirable; cheap. 7 4t*

A EDDY PL., OPPOSITE TIVOLI-FUKNISHEDMfront room; downstairs; $8. je7 3t»


VJ 1O nished rooms for housekeeping. Je7 3t*


2 furnished ROOMS com.QUO plete for housekeeping. )e7 3t»

4J41 THIRD—2 3 sunny FURNISHED*±±grooms; housekeeping: 3 unfurnished. 7 3t*LINE DOUBLE ROOM, SUITABLE FOR DOC--1 tor. Apply104 Powell St. Je7 3t*

I"-?'-{(IMISSION-UNFURNISHED SUITE OFXOO\J front rooms, suitable tor onices: $15. 7 3t*1 Q HARRIET,OFF HOWARD,NEAR SIXTH—10 furnished large front rooms; gentlemen or manand wife;use kitchen ;small room $5a month. Je7 3*

9 LEONARD PLACE,OFF LEAVENWORTH,BET.A Turk and Eddy—Cosy front room; Ist floor. 7 3*1 1 C WELSH, NEAR FOUKTII—INICE SUNNY1-I<J rooms: $10. Apply 108 Welch st. je7 tf

'->()(.: HYDK—3 NICELY FURNISHED SUNNYO\/\j rooms forhousekeeping. Je7 tf

q I,-i IVY AYE., BET. HAVES AND GROVE0 I-O —Large front and back parlor furnishedfor housekeeping; low rent; private family. je7 3t*,iqq JESSIE- FURNISHED ROOMS, WITHJOO kitchen, forhousekeeping. je7 st*


ELEGANTQUO sunny front and back rooms. Je6 st«(U\\ EDDY, COR. LARKIN—ALCOVE ROOM,V)\JX $25: one parlor, foldlug-bed, $40 .JeB IJt*Cq/' ELLIS—3 ROOMS LIGHT HOUSEKEEP-<J'>U je6 st*

\u25a0"» J 9 POLlv-2 SUNN V FRONT ROOMS; NICELY<J-J4 furnliihed. jc64t*11Q KDDV-SUNNYFURNISHED ROOMS; ALSOlIPunfurnished rooms for housekeeping. je651*OIF. POST— SUNNY ROOMS, ICKLY FURUI<J iilshed for housekeeping: private family. 6 4*/ iIRARD HOUSE. 112 SEVENTH— HANDSOME" > single rooms and suites; also housekeepingrooms. MRS. PRAIIL. Jeo St»

"\f\lSTOCKTON, N'EAK BUSH —SU N NVOUIrooms: reasonable. Jes 7t*

1 *>i)AMISSION— 2 PLEASANT SINGLEX_—__t rooms: $5 and $8 per month. jes tfA 1 Q JONES

—FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING; also others. jc5 7t*IA'_>7MISSION—FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSOJUO Iunfurnished, for housekeeping, with

stove. jes st*

\ RCADE HOUSE. 930 MARKET,ADJOININGv\ Baldwin Hotel; Sue Market-st, suites and singlerooms: large, lightroom for tailor-shop or Job print-Ing,or any lightmanufacturing; rents reduced, lm

1qPolk! NEAR MARKET—NEW HOUSE;1<J newly furnished: lovely bay-window suites andsingle sunny rooms. je4_7t*qqn EDDY


000 room and alcove, suitable lor2, with priv-ilege of cooking ifdesired. Je4 7t*It;,-MINNA—CLEAN ANDCOMPLETE HOUSE-XUU Helping rooms. jet Bt*AQ<)l HAVES-SUNNY. FURNISHED ROOMS:1»"a also housekeeping; cable-car i>asses.)<:4 7t*

AQ MINNIE-TWO ROOMS FURNISHED COM-ttO plete for housekeeping. Je4 7t*9qp. KEARNY (MELDUU.MHOUSE)— FURNISH-jZjOO e*irooms from $8; superb suite $50: trausl-eut: changed hands: renovated. MR.-...X.RUCK.3 lm

19A TENTH -NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMSJ.^.\J lor housekeeping. je3 tf

11A(l VAN NESS, BET. POST AND GEARY—llvi'Sunny suite of newly furnished rooms. 3 tf

9-JJL KEARNY, CORNER "BUSH (MELDRUM.ZiOO House)— Rooms $8 to$50: tr.insient. jelImpENO lIOI'SE- 681 SACRAMKNTO ST.. BELOWXtKearny: 150 rooms. 25c to 50c per tight:$1 25to $3 per week: open alt night. ]ellmQ;7 FURNISHED ROOM FOR HOUSEKSEP-i?

•. Ing; also front room and kitchen, 435 Iv-nama. •- jeltf•iq SIXTH (THE HILLSDALF.)


•'•J furnished sunny rooms, single or en suite;transient, elevator. Jel tf/•Aw NATOMA—2 FURNISHES ROOMS FORUUU housekeeping: also single rooms. iuy3otf

O'FAKUELL—INICE FUKNISHED BOOM;UUUgas, bath, flower-garden; $10.

-m>29 tt

•j ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUNNY PARLORS0 with dressing-room attached. 918 Valencia. 88 tt

A OR 6 ROOMS. RENT CHEAP. AND 4 ROOMS,*irent $8 per month: 3 rooms, Seventh St., rent$7. Apply at 740 Branuan st. my27 tf<\u25a0)[ \(\ GRANT AYE.,XR. POST— LARGE SUNNY£\)<J front suite of rooms; suitable physician \u25a0 26 tf71AFOLBOII


1XVIin private family;$6. iuy26 tt

C9O EDDY—LARGE FRONT ROOMS: ALSOU—Udouble back room; board. my2s lmCl C O'FARKELL


*)XO complete for housekeeping; splendid local-ity;

-my2s tt


NICELY FURNISHED AND UN-XXv furnished sunny bay-window suites: houserecently completed; first flat; everythingnew. 2s lm

1O'JC MARKET. INDIANAPOLIS HOUSE—X^ifiO furnished sunny rooms to let. myIT' II


FURNISHED ROOMS FORO~XVJ housekeeping. iny'2:t tr

CIA SIXTH—HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS SINGLE,li/ en suite: each 2 rooms; have cooking

stoves. iny'J2 Imq9Q THIRD-FURNISHED OK UNFURNISHEDO—.O housekeeping rooms; rent low. my2Q tf

qi7 MASON—

NEWLY FURNISHED SI.N.NY•*XM rooms. my2l lino

1 IV-{larkin, our! grove —newly fur-

lUO nlshe.l sunny suites and single rooms. 18 ttP./17 ELLIS


OUIkeeping rooms. my!B tf

1A"A HOWARD— LARGE FRONT rooms!xU<)UInrnlsbed: also housekeeping rooms. 9tf

Inqi MISSION-FURNISHED ALCOVESUITE;100lother rooms lor housekeeping; moder-ate. my22 tf

mFiFTII-NEWLY ANDBEAUTIFULLYFUR-1. IOiilshed snnny bay-windowsuite; also singlerooms; home recently built;middle flat. inyl7linoet f_ WASHINGTON'— SUNNY FRONT boomsVOO and single room, from $5 per month. in17 tr

\'OMOIITI-: HOUSE. 1045 MARKET ST.. BET.X Sixth and Seventh; 35c to$1per night; per week,

$1 to $5; single and en suite: families. nirlt'__9An GOOD ROOMS ATLOW HATES—7I6 HOW.f\ <J ard st,,nr. Third:gas and water in each room;rradlr.g-room and bath tree: linenchanged daily;house open all night' best beds in the woild.ap'2o tf

6 O*FABBKLL— 1 FURNISHED AND 2 FUR-lii-liedsingle rooms: all sunny: :)|"l7 tf

ItOAItUI.Mi A>l> K00.U3.

PLEASANT SUNNY rooms FURNISHED OBX uiiru.nlshed, with board, at 2.147 Howard St.,cor. of Twentieth. Jed 3t*

DRS. BOERICKE ANDDKWEVS PARLORS. 834Sutter. vacant July Ist: to let to physician orgent and wife: excellent hoard; elegant sunny front

suite now vacant. jes st*

U99 LAI'.KIN—SUNNY ROOMS, WITH OR*-t—t without board. myBo 15t*

OUIKNIAI. TAYLOR;ELEGANTLY FUR-nished sunny rooms, with board. my3o tf

rpiIEMARIPOSA. 824 I.AiiINA-H.NiSUITES;1tlrst-class board: terms moderate. "i.'>7tt

ARLINGTON HOUSE. 127 KEAKNY-PLt.^S-ant sunny rooms, en suite and buiglo; first cl&.s

inevery reßpect; terms reasonable. \u0084;o .r \u25a0.

AMERICAN EXCHANGE HOTEL, 319 AND 311Sausoine St., San Francisco; board and room $1,

$1 26 and $1 50 per day; Iruu cu:icil WM. 51ON1'-OOMEItV.proprietor. ~- j)2ltf

SINGLE ROOMS 15c A NIUUT. LINDELLHouse, cor. Sixthand Howard. anil tf

MONTGOMERY'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL, 'litand 22'J Second st -Single meals 25c ;board anil

room per day, 70c to 1; by the week, $4 to$5; treecoach to and from the ho ol. al»2I tf



6 VERY HANDSOME NEW STORES ANDflats on Polk St., bet. Grove and Fulton. Apply

MADISON _ BURKE. je9 3t*

2 LARGE ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR OFFICES..-j 702 Market St.. junction G«ary and Ke.aruy, op-posite new Chronicle Building;$65 month. fitBt*L'OK RENT—ON MILLST.. GRASS VALLEY,X Cal., tire-proof brick store, suitable for dry-goodsbusiness; counters, shelving and show-windows allinplace. Inquire of K.FINNIE,Grass Valley.87t11'_M HOWARD—LARGE' STORE, 251G5: 4Xlilirooms; yard; largo basement. JeB tt

STOKE AND 3 ROOMS;: $16. 202 TWENTY-third St. -,-•\u25a0. JeB 3t*

©1 C STORE; 2 LIVING-ROOMS: FIXTURES<7p 1<J. ifwanted. »25 FilthSt., upstairs, JeS 2t*

HALF OF LARGE STORE IN (looD LOCAL-Ity. 1709 Devliadero St., near Slitter. _____*

CORNER OF BRYANT AND GILBERT Sis..VJ bet. Sixth and Seventh; fine, Urge store. je7 St*T.MRST FLOOR: 810 MONTGOMERY ST.:I tire-proof brick; suited forbusiucss or mauuf.ic-turlug;$30. . . .-, jes 7t*rpo LET— SANSOMK. NEAR JACKSON: 1X floor, 2109 Mission, ur. 17th. $:!0; Nf:.24th andChurch: 2 new stores, cor. Valencia and O.uinn.YONKHKIN & CO.. 624 California. \u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0 m3ottT ARGE ROOM, WITH POWER. 11! STEVEN-IJ son st. Xl-en Vineyard Company. my2H tf

_ _ OFFICES TO LKT. .*tMN^-RlTNTsUNNTo^7ic£sT~sTbT{^X St., Cafe Francals. • , Je7 7t*»\u25a0>'\u25a0


LARGE,'-lff' Minn;, front suite of rooms, suitable foraphysician.- \u25a0. -„.,•\u25a0\u25a0-. -.-.-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 . - my27 tt

OFFICES COR. FRONT AND CALIFORNIA:COR. ivy California and Kearny; 615 \u25a0 Sansome, . hearJackson, top floor. .YON ItIIKIN* CO., 524 (all-fnrnlast. -\u25a0 mv 11


BAR,STORE FIXTURES,SHOW CASES, DESKS,doors, sash: goods taken onstorage, money ad-

vanced. Pioneer Store. 21 to 25 Tenth st. lean tt


'SHELVING, 'show-cases, sash-doors, etc. at 225 Post st. le9tc

JHEAPEST PLACE FOR COUNTERS. SHELVES,I\J sfaow-eades: olHces *stores lilted. 334 Geary. *Jtf i

SEVERAL NEW BAR-FIXTURES FOR SALE;\u25a0tores and oniees htted up at the |Baldwin Car- :

neuter-shop, 31 Sutter st.;show room 618 Geary, tlI

HOUSES'To'tET-^OSrTrKirJBP.i SUTTER—COTTAGE OF 7 ROOMS;—U^i/bath: gas: modern improvements. 29 tf

qi'-;'.)l 6 ROOMS ANDBATH: UPPER FLAT OF«lp_iij. nice new house: cable-road; 1611 Masonst. 11. P. MOREAL,402 Montgomery st. myl7 tt

(II;IQ 6 ROOMS, BASEMENT, YARD. 31PARK<g IP. aye., between Harrison and Bryant st~,. 6 tfffl..jEJECTS BAD TENANTS: COLLECTIONS!SrO made. Coffey's Collect'n Co.. 619 Montc'y. tltC


HOUSE 7 ROOMS TO LET AND FURNITUREfor sale. 1042 Mission st. JeB 3t*

ICELY FURNISHED FLAT OF 4 ROOMS.1' and buslnen for sale: rent cheap. Apply (3Fourth St.. upstairs jeS 31*

L'UKNITUUEOF 5 ROOMS FOR SALE CHEAP.Ton Powell st. Address W. E., Box 118, Call

Branch office. JeB -it*

HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS AND BATH: WELL FUR-ntshed ;sold cheap. Inquire 221 Sixth st. 77*

rOR RENT-FURNISHED HOUSE OF10 LARGEr rooms, stable, laundry, etc.; fine grounds; ad-joins Mills seminary: willrent very lowto desirabletenant. Inquire ofMISS C. K.UOULDINi: a: MillsCollege. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. Je7 14t

\fEW SUNNY CORNER COTTAGE5ROOMS AND-i-> bath; piano; modern mantel; newly furnished:line garden: rent $50. SW. cor. Lj-on and GroveBis., hours 9 to 4. jeS7t*AT SAN RAFAEL


J« house; all modern Improvements; use of cowand chickens, 11 desired. Apply to W. SALE, furni-ture dealer. San Rafael. : Je4 7t

UPPER FLAT 5 ROOMS AND BATH: FI!R--; nlslieil. lti3'J Fnsi ,-t. myZXtf


ALF OF LOVELY,SUMNY NE\V*FlTiVUN-furnished; Howard st. Inquireat 322 Shotwell

St.; must know Immediately. je9 7t*C'l'lLAi'.llNA,COR. HA\ES— 4 SUNN* UN-•'—O furnished rooms for housekeeping: bath,bay-window and modern Improvements. Applyhe-tween 8a. M.aud 6 l*.M. Je9 3t*

<B» 1 '> UPPER FLAT;a ROOMS. 603 .IKSSiF:,<]pXO.cor. Sixth. je9 31*7q7 MINNA


<•>( hath; new;Improvements. jei)3t*_

AVERYriANI)SOMKFLATS BO0%IS; MODERNImprovements; rent $22 50. 655 Harrison. 9 3t^

1Ai\Q MISSION—FURNISHED ROOMS, $7 AND-I1UQ$10; housekeeping orsingle;sulte. $15.9 2*')()('LAKKIN—SUNNY FURNISHED SINGLEO-CO room. jeiltf

1A9A MISSION-FRONT FURNISHED Sl'lTE.X\'*-(yhousekeeping, handsome unfurnished frontparlors; use of kitchen: sunny furnished light

housekeeping; double rooms for gentlemen. 9 2t*Ct) STEVENSON— SUNN Yl'llUNT ROOM FOBOZiO 1or 2; $7. je93t«

LEWIS, OFF JONES, NEAR BUTTEK—AL-OUcovo suite: gas, bath, double bed: no otherroomers; $12: American family. It*

TO LET—FLAT OF 6 rooms and BATH;828Xsuth; rent reasonable. Apply MADISON *

UUltlvt:,401 and 403 Montgcmery St. jeS 3t

MlI1VALLEJO ST.. NEAR MASON: Ul-PKU»* 1 ''^ flat, 6 rooms, bath, laundry, basement: rent$25; new house. Key 808% Vallejo. }e8 7t*q> IF. 4 BOOMS; STABLE OF 5 STALLS. 203<? 1 U. Twenty-third st. Je.B 3t»

\u25a0\u25a0) I7 CLEMENTINA—

LOWER FLAT OF 4A1! i rooms: large yard. McEWEN BROS.. 508California st. jes tt

«\u25a0 II UPPER lI.AT; 5 SUNNY ROOMS. DO-tpX'-X. lores St., near Eighteenth. \ei3i*L'LAT OF 5 FURNISHED ROOMS TO KENT ORr forsale; rent cheap. 238Jessie at. )eB 7t*qi1 GOUGH—FURNISHED FLATOF 5 ROOMS,OX 1 or furniture for sale. jeB 31*

(£•]>> 17 CLINTON ST.; FLAT 4 ROOMS AMIQXZi.hall: front and rear entrance. jeB 3t*

£iQ7I NATOMA ST., BET. SEVENTH AND00 Ia Eighth—New bay-window upper Hat of 6large rooms; large hallway; hot and cold water; sta-tionary wash-tubs; gas-fixtures; bath, and ailmodern Improvements; welladapted to rent rooms;rent reasonable to a responsible party; dooropened. jeB 2t* _TO LET. AT LOW RENT, 2 FINE FLATS OK6

rooms and bath each: Taylor St., bet. Eddy andTurk. JOHN PFORK, 329 Montgomery st. jeB 3tq1(1FIRST ST., BET. HARRISON AND FOL--0 1tV Superior unfurnished rooms withfirst-class accommodations. . JeB 'it*. QAtenth— flat of 6 sunny£O\J rooms; bath, gas, wash-tubs and all modernimprovements; rent reasonable. jeH2t*

ELEGANT BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 6 ROOMS;_ bath. 735VJ! Minna st...near Ninth. Je7 at*

VKWFLAT—S ROOMS, BATH; ALL MODERN1.1 improvements. 210 Hermann, nr. Webster.j" 5*

9NEW FLATS;ALLMODERN IMPROVEMENTS.*»Cor. Fourteenth and Shotwell sts. je7 3t*1•.) 1(• r.AV-VtiNlxnvFLAT.3LARGEXO 1Urooms with water; rent cheap. Je7 tf

lciriMISSION, NEAR F-LEVENTH; NEW1«JX«Ja building;5 large rooms: bath; iinnrove-nienta. je67t*

m".GEAIIV-l NICE ROOMS: BATH: FUK-•nislied hall; gas: cellar; $'.'3. Je6 7t*

IFINE NEW SINNV UPPER FLATS OF6 AND"17 rooms and bath. 27 Thirteenth, nr. Howard.67"

LTPPER FLAT-NX. COR. NINETEENTH ANDVj Valencia sts.; 7 rooms and bath; sun all day;

line view.___^_^


LM.AT4 ROOMS. 16 DALEPLACE, OFF GOLD-X en uate aye, near Leavenworth st. je6 tf_%!'>•> EACH—2 MODERN FLATS OF 8tjTOi-.Ov/ rooms »nd bath. 1128 Howard st.6 7*

1 OWER BAY-WINDOW FLAT; 4 LARGESUN-J-i ny rooms: claset, bath and all conveniences;nice orhood. 714 Franklin St., near Golden

Gate aye. jes 151*Iill1 BUSU-FLAT;4ROOMS(ONE ALCOVE);XZ.X X $20;water free. Apply 1213. jes tt_»Q-)AA WILL BUILD FLATS OF 9 ROOMS;dpO—VU modern Improvements. (iEO. M.SALS-miKV.Builder. 1733 Green st.

'Je3 7t«


—O bath: modern improvements, $30. my'29 tf

(*i)Q SUNNY. UPPER FLAT, 5 ROOMS ANDijp —O.bath; 11 Laug'on st., nrst st. W. of Seventhand Howard. ApplyEASTONIt F.LDKIDGK.myI1tf


5 LARGE SUNNY ROOMS; $20. 8XIAnton St., off Jones, nr. Ellis. Jeß 7t«l).)IMONTGOMERY ST.


S.O Irooms: water, gas: low rent. )eo 71*

ItOOMH TO L.XT.C/J^TTlTvrjriTl)— iTHEATK^FTarKNISIIBtT•J1O housekeeping rooms; come mid see. Je9 2t*trjo WASHINGTON—SUNNY UNFURNISHED01.'— housekeeping rooms; running water. Je9 7t*

Ql X EDDY—VKRY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM;Old hou-ii keeping privilege; reasonable, jetf It**lt)C FOURTH


_-Jt> able for lighthousekeeping. '_"\u25a07l RON I>1.1.1. PLACE, NEAR VALENCIA AND0ISixteenth st*.

—S rooms: $16.

-Inquire at rear

home or 1 Brook St., off Market, above Kearny. It*rl'l'BRYANT. BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH—2IUUsunny front bod-rooms with large kitchen,furnished complete for housekeeping. Call after 5o'clock. Je9 at*•>.ll MCALLISTER


O—itrout suite, withkitchen ifdesired. je9 3t*

ELEVENTH 2 SUNNY FUKNISHED FRONThousekeeping rooms; $12. Je9 3t*

LiLATOK 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS; CHEAPX; topersons engaged during the day. Address C,Box 12;), Calll'ranch Office. Ju9 2t*


SUNNY HOUSEKEEPING01 room: bath; rent cheap: single, $5. It*-i'-MARKET—NEATLY FURNISHED IIOUSE-IUO keeping rontna, Includingpiano. jc9 It*rro LET


X rooms, withor without board; also single or ensuite, or rooms fur housekeeping purposes. CFJN-TRALROOM-RENTING. AGENCY. 841 Market. It*

Q.l C MISSION-FRONT PARLOR,NICELYFUR-OXO nlshod: gents; $18. Je3 2t*

1•)- IHOWARD— LAI'.OE FRONT BAY-WINX^-Oi unfurnished :light housekeeping. 8Ml*

7P 1IHOWARD— HANDSOMELY FURNISHEDIUis bay-window room; use kitchen; $12. Bat*1 lAMINNA, SEAR NEW MONTGOMERY—110 double or single sunny rooms: cheap. jeB3t*i)lQ VAN NESS— SUNNY ROOM FOR ONE OR—

IOtwo gentlemen. JeS 2t*-(,>_) MINNA,COR. SIXTH—HANDSOME FUR•iVO nlsbed sunny front room; private family;

$8. JeB 3t»

90A7 BROADWAY,NEAR FTLLMORE—FUR-—OU In siied rooms forhousekceplug. JeB st*


CORNER SUIT NICELY FUR-i\J^ nished and elegant double room. JeB 7t*).1SOUTH PARK


X— housekeeping rooms: gas, bath. JcB 3t*


furnished rooms for housekeeping: $17. JeB 3t*



2 SUNNY FURNISHEDliwrooms for housekeeping.

- • JeB 3t*

2 UNFURNISHED FRONT BAY-WINDOW£ rooms at 2089 Mission st. JeS 2t*1CQI THIRD


iO>i!lnicely furnished. jeB2t*1A*) SIXTH—LARGE ALCOVE ROOM; ALSOmsingle room; $3 »0 a month. JeB Ift*1(\(\7 CALIFORNIA—S IIlINISIIED ROOMSXUUI for gentlomen or housekeeping; $25.Je8 5*

C/JO .MINNA •\u25a0 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS>J XO for housekeeping. jeS at*

GREKN, COR. POWELL— UNFURNISHED.DOOSor 8 beautiful housekeeping rooms; front,uutiuy; clean, quiet house. JfB 2t*(•o^lomha k~d~! NEAR MASON —SUNNYVt^iOfront room nicely furnished. jeHat*


ZIU JeB 3t«

HOUSEKEEPING SUNNY ROOM; STOVE,closets: also basement room. 371 Minna. 8 2t*

$11 2 SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS FORUPX1!.housekeeping: others. 448y^ Third. 85*.I1A PROSPECT PL., OFF CALIFORNIA: FUK--IXVnlahed rooms $1 a week :15c night. JeB 2t*

1,-URNISUED ROOMS FOR RENT; CHEAP. IN-) quire at 13 oak Grove aye.

-jeS 7t*


4<IUOIrooms to let; rent $13. JeB 3t*C). IA LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMFOR<g)XU. housekeeping. 443 '/a ThirdsL jeB st«


2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS,lIPsuitable for housekeeping. \u25a0 • JeS __>9 1 SIXTH-a NICELY FURNISHED FRONT—

M>morns; bay-window; gas; bath; suitable for1or 2 gentlemen or man and wife; reasonable. 8 3*


FURNISHED ROOMS FORlip"lighthousekeeping; $5 up. \u25a0; jcBSt*KQO ELLIS—4 SUNNYUNFURNISHED BOOMS,<J<J^J lighthousekeeping; no children.

-JeB 2t»

990 EDDY-HOUSEKEEPING, FURNISHED——"lower floor, cheap; single large room. 2


..-.-. jeB lit"

1991 MISSION-A FRONT SUITE OFROOMSX^^X for lighthousekeeping; single rooms. 8 2t*1 /I9Q MoALLISTER-NICE FURNISHEDXV__i_raum. ---.\u25a0


—mroom and kitchen, furnished: cheap. jeS st*


O^O partly, housekeeping, $12. .- _ JOB 2t*

991 FIFTH-SINGLE FUHNISHKD ROOMS&&X.from $1 to $1 25;also liouaokeeplng. Ba*71Q MARKF.T- TO LET, SUITABLEI1V for doctor or dentist. \u25a0-.-\u25a0\u25a0 jeB3t*


BOOMS,0IO with first-class accommodations. Jeß 2t*

-1 KDDY-»UNFURNISHED SUNNY BAY-X«JOO window rooms; closet: hath: $15. Ja7 3t»

Ql qiMISSION—FKOKT ALCOVE ROOM ANDt/XOg back parlor, nicely furnished. ; je7 3t.i



$90-25x100: lot 2, Block 16.$80—25x100; lot 15, Block 31.$80—25x100: lot 18. Block 31.*80each'-25xl00each; lots 19. 20, 21. 22, 23,

24, 26. 27. 28. 29, 30, 84. 35, 36.37,38, Block 31.$90-25x100: corner lot25, BlocS 31.$80 each— 2sxloo each; lots 34, 35, 36, 4, 6,

Block 14. .$80 each 100 each; lots 1,2, 3,4.5. 6, 7, 9.

Block 56.CMAS. C. FISHER, 508 California st. jeS 2t«

l/lOR SALE-SMALL HOUSE AND LOT 25*120Ion Forty-third aye., 200 ft. from Point Lobosaye., overlooking Golden Gate Park and PacificOcean; cheap, as ownei Is going East. Inquire athouse Sunday till2 o'clock to owner of Ocean ltellaView. MR.THOMPSON :or to owner, MRS. BAKER,313 Fell st. San Francisco. JeB 3t*

Cj-'.",(1 THE CHOICEST BUILDINGLOTS IN«Ij)OuV/. the city; no sand; no dust; tew stepsfrom three lines of cars: easy terms. W. IS. MAlt-SHUT7. & CO., 630 Market St., rear office. juS7t

©14Aa~SfNNV LITTLE HOME: NEAR«jrl"il.>V/.school and cars: 4 good rooms; lot25x70. W. B. MARSHUTZ &,CO., 630 Manet St.,rear oflice. ; jeB 3t

<_ 1lTl\(\ LARGE CORNER. MAKING7 LOTS;»JIIZUU. 100x175; near Old Ladies' Home andconvenient to street-cars. ROTUEKMELi- <0., 18Montgomery St. jeB3t

fit IflflllBUSINESS LOT, 2511H:6, ON I>E-«I6IUUU. vN.idi-ro st.. near Fell: make otter.KOTHICRMKL& CO.. 18 Montgomery st. JeB 3t

POTTAGE FOR BALIS; ALL MODERN IM-\J provenit-uts; lot 25x95; on 23d St., bet. Potreroaye. and Hampshire St.: just finished: the Howard-*t.line Introut of the house; terms easy to suit.Applyto A. J. WEilt, onpremises, through the day,or at 3000 California St. je« 3t*ri.ATSFOR SALE—S AND6 ROOMS; MODERN1 improvements; on l'otrero aye., bet. "3d and21th Sis.; jot 25x100: Uoward-st. cars pass thebouse; the best prospective business property In thecity. Apply on the premises through tho day orat 3000 California St., to A.J. WEIR. JeS 3t«

BARGAIN: 316 30TH ST; A NICE COTTAGEof 4 rooms, with basement, garden, barn and

poultry-yard: in excellent order; 25x114 feet. Ap-plyon premises. JeS 7t*<K97ftn LOT 25x100; NEW MODERN COTijpAI\JV. tage, Brooms: unfinished; high basement; brick foundation; stables: street work andsewers all done; easy terms. 805 York St., near20th. . JeB 7l«

$.-A(\CASH, BALANCE IN.MONTHLY PAY-VJP»»v'V/ ments; new, handsome cottage of5 roomsand bath, brick foundation, 7-foot basement, patentSidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling,withallmodern Improvements; 2 blocks From cable*cars. ApplyL.LANDLEK,228i/3 Montgomery. B liv

O> 1 C\t\{\ CASHj BALANCE IN EASY PAY-«Jp IUuU ments: new 2-story house just flnlshed;7 rooms and bath and all modern Improvements;lot 25x125; half block from cable-cars; line neigh-borhood. Apply L.LANDER, 228 Montgomery. 7t<&l'^(\(\ GOOD INVESTMENT


CrUUUU. renting for $58 per mouth: Powell St..near Clay. 0. E. LLOYD,18 Moutgoniery St. ]eB.Bt

S'->Knft PROPERTY on NATOMAST., NEAROUUU. l'Jth; renting for $42 per mouth. C.

*.. LLOYD.18 Montgomery st. jeS 3t

COTTAGE. 6ROOMS, WITH2 ROOMS INREAR;\J easily rented lor $30; lot '.'5x75. ApplyInrear

14V&Langton St. JeS 3t*

mi'tO ?\t\(\ RENT $160 A MONTH ANDCAN«V—.—.<JV.II/. easily be increased to $2UO; Slitterst., north side, near Buchanan; 5 bouses and lot08:9x137:0; $12,000 can remain on mortgage at 7per cent Ifdesired. EASTON, ELDItIDGE a CO.,618 Market st. jes 7t

CiJ.^AA BEE THIS TO-DAY; 10 LOTS EACH»J''l"V'U. 2Sx7U on Cortiand owe blockfrom the new railroad; (heap to-day at $000 each;willbe sold on easy terms if desired. EASTON,ELDBIDOE &CO., 618 Market st. jej7t

ELEGANT NEW HOUSE, 2023 PACIFIC AYE.,near Lnguna st.;12 rooms; hot air; front and

rear halls: dluing-rooin. stairs and halls neatly pan-

eled: stove walk all round; unobstructed view;house open: must be sold; unobstructed marineview: lot26:6x128. )eS7l*

LOR SALE—3OB FELL ST., Mi. uolGIl; LOT"27:6x120 to rear street : front and rear house; 4

Hats and store; price $13,500; rents .100. Je7 St*pOKNER LOT,40x67:6. WITHCOTTAGE. SW.v> cor. Meiner and Filbert sis. JeT 7t*

«i! IT;ill (OKM-.i:.6 ON THE SW. COB.IiJtIUU. of 27th st. and San Jose aye,; on thegrade: street work done; this Is a bargain.

For sale— 3o lots as a whole at a cheap price; 1block E. of Folsom and 28th sts. :the streets are 70and so feet wide, all level and on grade.

$650-Lot 25x100, on Ounnlson aye, 300 feet S.of I'reclta pi. GEORGE Be WILLIAMS,131Mont-goniery si. je7 3t

ii->Jnn PART CASH: NEW HOUSE; 5•TTOIVJU. large rooms; bath-room and basement:all the modern improvements; 27th St., bet. Churchand Sanchez: lot 25x114. je7 151*•_> LEFT OUT OF 12 OF THOSE SPLENDID S--0 room residences on Hillst., 200 ft. from Castrocars; must be seen to bo appreciated; 1 completed;2in course of construction; first class in every re-spect. including hot-air luruace: terms easy. Ap-i>lyto ISAACANDERSON, premises, or 117 Jonesstreet. je7at*

AlP a MATHEWS,METALROOFERS. 8POLKitSt., near Market. my22 12m1AAALOTS FOR SALE INALL PARTS ORIUUUKast Berkeley; prices from $75 each,upwards; 100 houses for sale from $800 each up-wards, on Installments ir desired; beautiful lots,beautiful bouses: it you want a bargain come andsee us. PHELPS & RICHARDS, liMonigomtrySt.. San Francisco, and opp. Berkeley station. a9tf

Hi i-(l I'INE CORNER LOT, 50x170. .NEAR

o**-*''-University; superb view; $50 cash and$10 monthly. -•

$500— Lot 50x140, within 2 blocks of universitygrounds, $5U cash and $10 monthly Houses fors-ile on easy payments. l'HKl.l'S *,RICHAKDS,11 Montgomery st., or opposite Berkeley Ma-tlon. iny29 If

V.i|U| LOT 31X90, IN BERKELEY; SIDE<£}—VJV/. walked: »25 cash, $5 monthly.

$350—Corner, 75*: 100: livingcreek.$200— SKIehtll: lot 100x100: $jmonthly.$900—Other lots; send for maps. CHA3. A.

BAILEY",owner. 621 Market st. ap27 tl

IF YOU WISH TO EXCHANGE LANDS. CITYA property or Eastern property, give me the list ofsame. WM. N. HOI.WAV.121 Sansome st. i»27 lin"


C» 1^: EACH—2SO I'll-IN ITIE MATIIKWSt^1«JU Tract. Berkeley; fine view; good soil; ele-gant local Ion:2V- blocks from new electric streetrailroad, now being built; size 25x135: $10 down,$10 per month; interest 8per cent, These lots areworth $200 now, and are right in the march of Im-mediate improvements; come at once, and makeyour selection before, they are all gone and theprices are advanced; sure to make money. Call oraddress CLOUGU A; BAKER, 468 Ninth, st. my10 2meod

END STAMP FOR W. R. MATTHEWS 4 CO.'Snew catalogue of grain, fruit, raisin, wine and

crazing lands; the finest list ever printed. W. R.\u25a0MA»TIIKWS ,v (0., 5J.._. Kearny st. my3lITOO

AN ENGLISH GENTLEMAN LEAVING THEState willsell hisproperty at a sacrifice forcash

or good mortgages: Santa Clara County stock, grainand fruit farm, 1000 acres. 12 50 per acre; stock,crop and implements, low valuation; 16 acres,*Wrights Station, $400: 15 and 16 acres, Baa Jose,part Infruit, $350 per acre; Monterey County, 040acres, 180 involunteer wheat, $15 per acre; 480 un-improved. $5per acre: livery stable, barn and cot-tage. Ban Miguel,S5000: also 3lots, $700 each; alsosome good mines; two-thirds "can remain on mort-gage onany of these: particulars on application.Address A. W. 11.. 2814 Sacramento St., San Fran-Cisco. ap26 tfffl; 1Or EACH



«> block from first station beyond city limit;trains run to suit laboring and business people: alsoa new connection with 'bus line, connecting withMlsslon-st. cars; only $50 cash; this Is a goldenopportunity toRet a home; these lots willdouble Invalue soon. UARNALL-FITZHUUH HOPKINSCO., 624 Market St., Han Francisco. m) 12lm

CHOOL" LANDS, $1 50 TO $3 AN ACRE; ON0 very easy terms; sold by the State in tracts tosuit: no residence or improvement required; allkinds of lands, in many different counties; sendstamp for list. open Monday, Wednesday and Satiir-dayevenings. F. W. LAKE.6Flood Building. 13 tf

WE HAVEACHOICE SELECTION OF COLONY»' lands subdivided into 5. 10 and 20 acre tracts

at the unUorm price of $15 per acre: on easy In-stallments; send for circulars. CALIFORNIAlandASSOCIATION. 634 Market St. mr23tlU"LMORO—WE ARE AUTHORIZED TOOFFERFja limited number of lots, blocks and 5-acretracts in the beautiful seaside resort of ElMoro,San Louis oblapo County, at extremely low rates.El MoroIssituated on the shores or tho lovelyland-locked hay and harbor of the same name, being thoonly natural harbor on the coast between San Fran-cisco and San Diego. Tills elegant retort Is on thesurveyed line of two railroads, and is destined tobecome one of the favorites of the coast. Full par-ticulars and prices at our otlice or by mail. To par-ties seeking ahealth or pleasure resort In anno-equaled climate, fine bathing facilities,best hunt-ing, fishingand boatlug, this Is an opportunity sel-dom offered to procure at a snail cost a lovely loca-tion fora homo. CALIFORNIA LAND ASSOCIA-

-1 st. 1..\u25a0-.:., l!

HOUSKS TO LKT.o-TclLMrisiTTN^^7)u^~oi;roomsTSent_ I $20;no children. Je9 Bt*

Sl7-T"~4 ROOMS AND BATH. 712 HIDEST.,—').near Slitter. leg2t*

cv -(i 719 DEVISADEKO ST., NEAR FULTON;«Jpt)V/. 8 rooms; spick, span, new. ASHTON,411Montgomery. \u25a0*• JOB lm

©in 2 SUNNY UNFURNISHED CONVEN-tipI",lent rooms for housekeeping. 1615 Grove'street. jeH3t*

I (Jin COTTAUE 6 LARCiE ROOMS: HATH:! 10. pantry; high basement. 1401 Guerrero st.2*

(I.jO UKARY. NKAK LARKIN, 7 ROOMSO—ii and bath, *70;1219 Joes, nr. (lay,9 roomsand bath, $70; 521 Balgnt, near .steiner, 6rooms ai.d bath, $35: 425 Sixth, nr. Folsom.7 rooms and bath, $37 50: 4 new Hat*, cor.

I Valencia and Qulnn; 9 Liberty, nr. Valencia, 8Irooms, bath. $45; 924 Geary, nr. Larkln,15 looms.

bath; 63UA Haight, nr. Sterner. 8 rooms, bath,$40: 1411 lost. nr. Uflugh,10 rooms, oath, $00: 832Page. nr. Scott, 6 rooms, bath, $30; 2102V™Howard,or. 17th, $15; 231 17th St., near Mission, 4 rooms,$13:3I0V» I.e.ivenworth. nr. Eddy, 7 rooms, ball).$42 50: 1139 Valencia, near 2:kl. 7 rooms and bath.$35: 1036 wail. nr. Guerrero, 3 rooms. $12 50;

IH23 Valencia, nr. 21st. 9 rooms, bath, $50: 636V,.i Valencia, nr. 18th, t> rooms, bath, $20; 350 Situ,I nr. Treat are., 6 rooms, bath, $25; 618 21st, nr.I Harrison, 6 rooms and bath, $20. YON ItIII'IN .v,

\u25a0; CO- 524 California 31. jeB tf.! Q ROOMS TO LET, WITH STABLE. APPLY

O 258 Percy St.. bet. Fourth and Fifth. leB 3t«OUSE TO LET—$lB PER MONTH.*726 HAR-rlsonsL. bet. Third and Fourth. JeS it*

!rpo LEI"—NICE COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS ANDj Xbath on Green St., near octavia: sunny side:

large chicken yard and flower garden.' Apply at2819 Octavlast. JeB tt(infiTWELFTH—TENEMENT' OF 3 ROOMS;__U unper part: forsmall family. JeB tf

VJEW COTTAGE: .li ST FINISHED; 5 LARGEiV rooms, bath and basement; all latest Improve-ments; regular beauty; 847 Seventeenth st. For

particulars apply to DAVID STERN & SONS, 323Montgomery st. \u25a0. Je" 3t»

VICE COTTAGE: 6LARGE ROOMS. 441 PAGE1>st, cor. Webster.

- -Je7 3t»

T^ICE COTTAGE: 5 LARUE ROOMS. 438-L> Halght St., cor. Fllmore. le7 3t* \u25a0\u25a0<

VTICK DKSIRAULE HOUSE: 10 ROOMS; SUIT-; i.lable for rooming. Leavenworth and Clay. Je7 tf

ft -)•> r-.i\ SUNNY BAY-

WINDOW HOUSE,<£tj*-\O\J. 6 rooms and alcove; all modern Im-provements. Flllniore. near Sutter; 4 lines cars.7 3*qjjOA TO LET, A HOUSE OF « ROOMS ONttp^iyf. sunny side of Hickory aye., between Goughand Oetavla sts. Applyat 312 Fellst. Je7 3t»/\u2666/» ROOMS TO LEASE ON A SUNNY NORTH-\J\J west corner on a leading street; suitable Torhotel or boarding-house: lavorabie lease to agondman; German preferred. Applyto I.C. MOLLOY,138 Montgomery St. Je6 7t/ COTTAGE, 4 ROOMS; ALSO 2-ROOM HOUSE INI. rear; large stable.

-1623 TurkSt. JeS 7t*

«>STORY FRAMEHOUSE— 7ROOMS AM)BATH;—-'. Iic for 2horses: 43 Willow aye.. cor. Polk st.

Apply MADISON A BURKE, 401 and 40.1 Mont-iKomerynt. \u25a0 Je4 Ot :


LEASE OR WITHOUT;store. 4 rooms, and 18 rooms upstairs: furniture

I. IIrequired. 418 Broadway, upstairs, myjjliu*1 - -':\u25a0 \u25a0:(•\u25a0.•- . \u25a0

-business chascf.s- CONTINUED.

\u25a0\TOTIC&^I HAVE SEVERAL BUYERS WILL-X> ingto invest In legitimate business. Parties de-iiringto sell apply to W. F.HEALY,loot Market. It

*JAA PARTNER WANTED TO-DAY WITHViUU.flrst-ciass business man in new and sec-ond-band furniture-store, clearing $80 to each permonth: business can be increased with good manApplyW. F.HEALY.1004 Market si. It*

C'-inn FRUIT-STORE FOB BALE; BEST LO-ij)n\J\J. cation In the city; really cheap at $500.ApplyW. F.HEALY.1004 Market St. It"Q{ 1 >- ONE-HALF ITS REAL VALUE; BAK-«|pl^u. cry, candy and notion store: 3 livingrooms. Apply W. F. HEALY,1004 Market. Itr'OK SALE—ESTABLISHED 14 YEARS: TRIM--1 ining-store for lady who understands plain dress-maklng and family sewing. 511 Bryant. Jea st'


BUSINESS FOR SALE, ACCOUNT ILLNESS,consisting of dry goods, crockery, bakery and

stationery, within >.'\u25a0• block three schools; sold be-low cost price. Cor.Twenty-fourth and Columbia. 6 7*LOR SALE— COFFEE AND CHOP HOUSE;X cheap. 248 rourtli st. Je6 'it*fflMKnCHOP-HOUSE Si RESTAURANT;DOING«iP]l'-'\-'.good business. ApplyCallOffice. 16 lm*ffijODOWN AND 60 CENTS PER SHAKE PERCT— month willpurcnase shares In the RepublicSavings, Building and Loan Association: $16 permonth willpay oila loan of $1000; call or send forprospectus; open dailyand evenings until9 o'clock.624 Market st. nir30 tf

pROCEIiY-STORE FOR SALE, WITH LEASE;VJ cheap rent; populous central neighborhood; 8rooms attached wlt:i9 roomers; good cash business.Home Bakery, Stevenson at., off Ninth. Jes st*, ROCERY AND BAR; HORSE AND WAGON;' '

rent cheap. WITZEL&BAKER, 320 and 322Battery St. je67t*/ '10AR-STORE FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL 1151V.'Market st. •


with business tact and push to open a fruit.chicken and fishstall Ina well-located market: allthe fixtures there. For further particulars inquireat « _\u25a0 U. HABSHPTZ &CO.'S, 630 Market. je4 7t

15.01H1 WOOD AND COAL, HAY,GRAIN ANDtIpOUU. feed, 8good young horses, 2 good wag-ons, good buildings, sate and office; doing a busi-ness or $500 per month. MANCHESTER .v IIALL,957 and 961 Market at. Je6 7tDESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP: MUST BEXtsold Immediately. ApplyillTenth St. 3 10*

PESTAURANT— 22 TABLES; LARGE PLACE:Xtdoing good business; bargain. 73" Mtgrr. 47*a. "

f: i\ GROCERY AND provision store<J>><JV/. and fixtures; good location. 307 6th. 37*


-I.)ESTAI KANT OF 10 TABLES; NEWLY FUR-IInished; only opened 2days; going to Europecause. ApplyCall branch OtHce. ji*37t*

©-AA WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MANTOC* ( \}\ half-interest Intrading scow. Applyto C. V.,3i)«Davis su Je7t*


HOUSE, sacsalito, FORsale; consisting of house and lot, boats, liquors

and all appurtenances belonging to the business.ApplyP. SIRE, below S. F. Yacht-house. Je9 «t*

-OR SALE—AN OLD-ESTABLISHED SALOON,with6 rooms; profitable tease and low rent; In

the best part of the city. Apply 310 Grant aye. :noagents wanted. Je3 IVJjOKfl INVESTIGATE THIS CHANCE-RES-<V

—OV'. tauraut, positively clearing $63 to $73

a month: 2 living rooms, furnished. ApplyCalxBranch O.Tlce. __ 7t*

A WEEK'S NEWS FOB 6 CENTS-THE WEEKLY-rt.Call,in wrapper, ready lor mailing.



CUUi'. city: 14 rooms; clearing $60 per month.Apply to-day. W. F. HEALY,loot Market st. Ity.l (HI! AFINE CORNER HOUSi;, 22 UOOMS,tJpltlV'U.on Market St., clearing 9100 per mouth.ApplyW. F. HEALY,1004 Market st. It

-TVS. GREAT BARGAIN,OWING TODEATH%^O I*).of owner, 18 rooms on Sixth St.; cheaprent. W. F.HEALY,1004 Market at. it

IF YOl'ABE I.ooKINUFOR A LODGING-HOUSEX calland see me; now la tho time to buy; a longlist from 10 to 75 rooms, at very low figures: quitea number part cash; call and examine list. J. T.LINDEN,339 Kearnyst. It

8-ROOM HOUSeTbaRGAIN; FURNITURENEW;must be sold this week. 113 Third St. je9 4t»

rpo BUY OR SELL A LODGING-HOUSE GO TOI1. D.BARNARD. 1148 Market St., bet. Masonand Taylor; established 1859. It*


0 1 *.)UVJ. positively clearing over $100 monthly;must sell. MCLAUGHLIN& CO., 26 Kearny. It*

C-riifl 8 ROOMS ON POST.. NEWLY FUR-«rOUU. nlshed. MCLAUGHLINACO..26 Kearny.*

SEVERAL PAYING AND WELL-LOCATESlodging-houses at a great sacrifice if sold now.

SMITH A- CO..328 Montgomery St., Room 20, takeelevator. jeB3t*

1 IROOMS, $5500: 21 ROOMS, $-.'600;\u25a0±111 rooms $850130 rooms 4300013 rooms 700. rooms ISOO15 rooms 1400 j32 rooms 150025 rooms 1000| 16 rooms 850

rooms 140.1 13rootns sooIIrooms 700,60 rooms 160.)28 rooms 1600111 rooms 1100

100 more houses. Apply to J. W. OALE 4FEAZEI I. 305 Karat St. jeS 3t*]/>lKNl~iil.liHOUSE OF10 ROOMS AND BATHr for sale on Mission St., between Fourth and

Fifth. Applyat grocery, corner of Fourth and Mis-sion sts. Jed 2t»

DECKER'S BARGAINS IN LODGING-HOUSES.25 rooms. $1800 12 rooms $.500

24 rooms 1100 10 rooms 75028 rooms 2000 7 rooms 70040 rooms. HllOO 16 rooms 180045 rooms SUOII. 8 rooms 6iM)

55 rooms 6000 SO rooms 890075 rooms. 8000 1HKIrooms 15,000

500 other houses, prices $100 to $25,000.For sale by H.C. DECKER, 850 Market st. J8 2t*

Of)ROOMS; VERY GOOD FURNITURE; CLEAR-£***Ing $80 to $90 over all expenses; don't missthis bargain; only $1250. J. W.DONNELLY*Co.,34 Kearny at. Je.B 2t«

7 BOOHS AND BATH, COMPLETELY" FUR--1 nlsned: on Golden Gate aye.; $400. J. W.

DONNELLY A- CO.. 34 Kearny St. je3 2t»1 ODGING-HOUSE OF 16 FURNISHED BOOHS;Xjall occupied; halt block from Baldwin Hotel;must be sold at once on account of departure. Ap-ply M.A. LKVINUSTo.N,533 Sacramento st. JeB tt

fi.'£nn 10 BOOMS; FINE LOCATION;CLEAR<TUUU. lug $50 a month: must sell: going toMontana. Aduie-s 8.. Box 100. Call Branch. 73*IODGING-HOL'SE; 12 ROOMS; FURNISHED;Xjcheap: must be sold. 608 Bush st. Jel 7t»TuFr nhire OF 8-ROOM HOUSE: ALMOSTr new: 1floor pays rent; bath and modern con-ve;iieii' c.. 27Tavlorst.: after noon, my14 Im*

IIKNlll111-. K»K SAI.K.

9O BVKRETT ST.—I'URNITt'RE OF 4 KOOMSZ for sale. Je7 3t»

GOLNTKY BLYKRS WIBHINU SECOND-HAND\) furniture or carpets, at reduced prices, call a;ROSEN IHAL'S,110 Fourth st.; satisfaction guaran-teed or money refunded: goods shipped free. nl4t'


laid, per yard. SHIKKK.1234 Stockton. 12 ttC»C (\r\t\YARDS OF MAY AND SECOND-£.\J.\)\J\J hand carpets, front 10 cents to 75 centsper yard,, at JONES' Auction House, 25 and 27Eighth .st. fe23 tf

ED ROOM SUITS OF 7 PIECES FOR $15.WILEY BROS., 931 Mission St. 14 tf

ALL PRICES IN PLAIN FIGURES: ON IN-stallments, without Interest, you can furnish

your home as cheap as for cash elsewhere at HEX-EY*S large luruiture and carpet wartroouis, 18 to24 Ellis St. i 24 tf

A GOOD CHANCE—YOUR HOUSE FURNISHEDi\ complete with furniture, carpets, stoves, cur-tains, blankets, pictures and mirrors, at cash prices,on easy Installments; small deoosit. M. FRIED-MAN A CO.'S, largest Installment bouse on theCoast. 228 and 230 Stockton St., cor. Post: openevenings; prompt attention paid to country orders.

STERLING FURNITURE CARPETS ANDfurniture. IUMand 1041 Market su, Roseuthai

BliUding. au7tt4 LLMY GOODS ARE DOWN TO BED-ROCK'\ prices: parlor nulls $25, ranges $6. new cham-ber sets complete $15: reductions all round; cash orInstallments. T 11. NELSON. 136 I'onrthst St)tf


pARPETS— SMITHS BRUSSELS^ 05c A YARD;Vjinstallment price elsewhere $1 a yard. M.IKItDMAN.'. CO.. 228-23U Stockton St., ior. Post.

KOXBOKx*BRUSSELS CARPETS SEWED, LAID,and lined, 90c per yard. S. W. SUIREK, 1231

Stockton St., near iJrtiadwuy. nir!2tf

nt (innYARDS OF NEW AM" SECOND-£O.\J\j\J carpets from 10c to 75c per yard,at H.L.JONES' Auction House, 25 and 27 EighthSt., near Market. mr33 tfpLOSING UP ESTATE; BRUSSELS SEWED,Vjlald.tfOc: 2-ply,2oc:oll-«loth,12'/-c:curUin.poles,85c:mittlng. 10c. NKVVMAN BROS.. 117 Sixthst.


IM.i.l. BLAI X HORSE FOB SALE: $!.">. 27i/2J • I'lara >t.: call after 1p. it. jc7 :it*"

VVAIiUAa .!-.> , .1.111.A1.1.5.'

SECOND-HAND TOP BUGGY' AND Bl rcHEB0wagon; cneap. 856 Howard. aps ;*ni

I/OR SALE—KINK SUKKKV KO'JKAWAV,NICE1 phieton a.i Itop buggy. 102 Golden Gate aye. Jes tf

L'l.l: SALE, CHEAP, 3 BUGGIES. APPLY 21P stenart st. jel7t

SK\VI.MI ac iiinks.

SEWING MACHINES FOR SALE AND RB-paired. W. B. HIOiiISS, Baa Hayes St. mr4 tf

Q--J- NKW YORK OB HELPMATE; BRAND*i*). new; latest; best for $35: all kinds repaired;rented 'he.,:.. .1. [.. HICKS.887 Mission, nirl tf

I-OK »A1.r—"* *

\u25a0*•'•»\u25a0 \u25a0*\u25a0 ->*\u25a0-<> Ii\u25a0S.


IPOB SALE-CIRCULAR AND BAND SAW. 5ltwi:hi-.t. jc9 7t*Ii l,liu\,HRI.NGEU, 4IANGLER; CHEAP. AP-X ply51 6Jones st. JeS 3t*

PRENTICE ENGINE LATHE, 11-INCH SWINGX and 29 inches between centers: counter-shaftand foot-power belting; 5 chucks and lot of othertools. Apply 945 Mission St.


JeB 3t«j.(lit SALE-CARPETS AND STOVE OF A 6-i room flat:cheap. 414 Larklnat, . Je7 3t«



REAM OR MILKDELIVERED AT AGNEWS.Vjyarrow gauge. Box 468, Santa Clara. my 4 tf

SHEPARD'S FOOT AND POWER LATHES.HICKS, agent, 067 Mission st. ' se27 tt

YEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES. MIIIIIELLi.l4 RICHARDS, cor. P.ush and Market sts.olo 12ra

CAFE. SCALE, LETTER-PRESS, STORE TRUCKOand money-till cheap. -. 102 Clay at au2S 12m

SECOND-HAND BOILERS. ENGINES, rUMP%O shafting, pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc. Mo-IKTOBHATWOLP.MAN. 137 I'.eale St. ile4 tf

.. - . . TO X.KASK.

rpO LEASE-FURNISHED noose; INchoiceXresidence portion of the city for a term of 3

months, begun. lng July Ist; splendid home;elegautly furnished: apply at once. W. M. MAC-MILI.AN4;CO., Palace Hotel entrance, 621 Mar-ket St., -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0

- - \u25a0--

\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-•- •\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0- Jen St

TO LEASE- ELEGANT UNFURNISHEDSuttcr-sl. residence; 10 rooms and bath; all mod-

ern Improvements: sunny side of street. Applyatonce to W. M. MACMILLAN *

CO.. Palace Hotelentrance. 621 Market st, JeB 3t


PACIFIC STOKAGK CO., 301 STOCKTON ST.;J. furniture and merchandise; advances made. 15 tf


STERLING FDBsT1 tore Co., 1039, 1041 Market. Koseuthal Bldg. 7 tt


*ft<>!;;in SALOON AT AN EXTRA BARGAIN;<J| UUVJ. handsome corner in the most respectableportion of the Mission: on the best business street;dolnga trade of from $15 to $20 a day; anyonewill buy Itwhen they see it,as Itisa very flue in-vrstment. ApplyK.KENNY.22 Kearny St.. ItCl'H\l\ RESTAURANT FOR SALE; CLEAR-

1— v".Ing$200 a month over expenses: ishandsomely fitted up and easily run: owners areleaving the city: will allow a trial of 30 days be-fore you purchase: willremain with the buyer untilbe Is fullyposted how to run the business. ApplyK.KENNY. 22 Kearny st. lt_&I<•< ill GROCERY-STORE FOR SALE: FINE«. iUi'W. bar connected; actual value $2000: isonly one block from Market street; on a prominentcorner; best of reasons for selling; any good busi-ness man can do a large business. ApplyK. KENNY,22 Kearny st. It

C-tl-n/fPART CASH: HOTEL FOR SALE;O iK' of the best locations In the city;BO well furnished rooms: fine dining-room andbar-room, etc.: thoroughly established; always full:i dcl«arlns $200 per month; owner leaving city.

Country hotels for sale; 4 well located housespaying tine returns for investment; come at onceand look Into them. ApplyK.KENNY, 22 Kearny.lC-OXAA PARTNER WANTED IN A FlRST-,'»>*M'lf.class livery,boarding and sale stable,with \u25a0 flue stage route, carrying the U. S. Mall,con-nected: is in ona of the most desirable interiortowns; doing a large business, and sure for$600 permonth clear profits; no previous experience re-quired; party willhave to ass st in looking after thecash and plain accounts, etc. ;the business is set-ting so large that owner wants an Interested partyto assist him; large stock of horses. bug;lts, stages,etc: a most thorough investigation allowed; sure todouble inside of one year. Applyto K.KENNY,22Kfarny st. it

LI)-ESTABLISHED CORNER SALOON ONKearn) st., near Market; must be sold: owner

lias other business. SIEBE BBOS. & PLAGE-MANN,cor. Sansome and Sacramento sts. Je9 3t*

GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT; BARGAIN_ this ween on account departure. 1t5F0150m.97«

GK O RIES , RESTAURANTS, SALOONS,cigar-stores and all lines of legitimate business

fursale. .1. T. LINDEN.839 Kearny St. It


C!:I. 2 BOOHS: OLD STAND;CAUSE\J sickness; bargain. 303 Fourth si. j.9 3t*Ol'il OAKLAND-PARTNER;iN REAL KS-

1O\.l. law business. 921 Broadway, Boom10. je9 4t _K!Mvll:\M.2FI I;.MSHED ROOMS: CHEAP

if taken this month. Apply Call Branch. 7*

lODUIMi-110l SE, WITH BAR-ROOM; GOODXj location: cheap, 1414 Stockton st. je9 7t*

I>AKBEK-SHOP for sale, on account ofJJ sickness. 419 East St. Je9 3t*_

CIORNER SALOON FOR SALE; 536 FOURTH'st. No agents. Jet) 7t*

v-jii| SALOON;ELEGANT CORNER; THRIV-O I\'\i. Ing country town: 7 furnished rooms; agenuine opportunity.

'STARUETTiCO., 632 Mar-

Kotst. It*


• %J\J. horse and wagon; 2 living rooms; rent$35. R. S. STAKRETT & CO., 632 Market St..Boom 22. It*


HOUSE: 7JT IWv, room-; all well furnished; big bargain;most be sold. R. S. SI'ARRETT A Co.. 633 Mar-ket gt.. Room --. . It"TF YOU WANT TO BUY A BUSINESS OR SELLX a business of any kind go to STARRETT A CO.,\u25a0i::-J Market St.. Boom '-'2. It*


—tH'. stand: rent cheap: call to-day. R. S.

\u25a0STAKIIKTT ,v CO.. 812 Market St.. Room '-"2. It*.-po SELL "I1 YOUR BUSINESS PROMPTLY.Ifor cash go to I.I). BARNARD,U4S Market St.,>et. Mason and Taylor; established 1859. lt»

*£""\n PAINT-SHOl" FOX SALE; A MCE«£>»~H)v/. store with the furniture of three rooms;« positive bargain. 1. D. BARN 1148 Market-trg«t, bet. Mason and Taylor, It*jr.


-7^ • <>U. lished stand on best part of Market St.:-.nest chance ever ofiered. Apply to I. I". BAR-aSAKD, 1148 Market St.. bet. Mason and Taylor. It*

''<. 1 \l\l\ SALOON ON MARKETST.:WORTHOI*IUU.double the money; golden opportunitylor a man with business ability: greatest bargain»ver offered. M.LESS, __ Market st. It*

1 "'(HI SALOON IN HEART OF THE CITY;i\^J.*>UV". tremendous bargain for any onedeslr-vii2a goiilbusiness; best reasons given for selling.

'.5L LESS. 995 Market St. It*(&CAM RESTAURANT IN THE BEST LO«„ loM.', canty: paying well;or willingto take apartntr. M.LESS. 99j Market st. It*-- , v BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY. STA-O*J<JV.*. tionery and groceries, etc.:finefixtures;rood stock; great bargain. M.LESS. 995 Market. 1*

•C'^'flfl BAKERY, CONFECTIONERY, ICE.C*— VJUVJ. cream parlor and coffee saloon near"Market St., with horse and wagon; doing a largevuslncss; good stock, fine fixtures.:old establlseed:

atiis Is a bargain; trial given.M.LESS, 99S Market.*'«-..}- II

RESTAURANT;ONE OF THE FINEST—UU. Inthe city: clearing $150 a month; bar-

gain. M.LESS. 998 Maiket. If

.A17/"W | HOTEL ANDBAR.WITH 27 ROOMS;rU II'".'.house fullof boarders; good bar trade;Sue fixtures; good stock; in the heart of the city;Llearing $250 per month: reason lorselling, going

aSast ; is the Lest oiler ever given. M.LESS, 995aiarketst. It"<IIAA CORNER GROCERY ANDBABWITH<j*IJ I'l/.3 livingrooms doing a fine -business:as a lar^e stock: fine fixtures; is a great bargain. M.-E.-s, 995 Market. It*

. VIT'n GROCERY AND BAR;IS WITHOUTvllO\J. doubt the very best concern north of'-! -rke: St., near Ellis; established 23 years; has a. choice Iunity and general trade. $J5 tos.:s per day,nearly one half at the bar; rent cheap, withliving-rooms; carries a fulland complete stock; a careful-investigation will prove this one of the best bar-jrains ever offereil; must be sold on account of de-

\u25a0 parture. ApplyQEO. STKWAKT,136 Kearny st 1

r.1.7- Partner wanted—

saloon do-»jlIO. ingsplendid business: one of the best;right Inbusiness center; good man wanted morethan money; experience not nece&sary; must havebrip: Is well worth $250: must sell; never such aliar^ain: don't misa it. See GEO. STEWART, 135Ki-a-ny st. It

V'liMfl BABE CHANCE— LARGE FIRST-, ,m ''MJ, class candy-store and manufactory onleading business street: established 10years: com-ma;.ding one of the largest and most fashionabletrrtili-sin the city: place is handsomely fitted up,ciiiplete. together withan elegant soda fountain.which draws a very large custom; has a fullline of stocK, and the finest tools, machinery andconveniences for manufacturing on large scale inthe : t-.e: the very eilicieiil help would remain:business easily run. GEO. STEWART;135 Kearny. 1


—O\J. facturlng business; employs 3to (> hands:

Isonly suitable for in-an willingto work, keep plainaccounts, men's time and make himself generally.. iiserul; cleats $75 a month to each, with splendidS>iosi>ect lor lar^e Increase of trade; business easilylearned; no night or Sunday work; bis lull stocklr.;t;crla!, tools, etc.; Is a bargain for an active,steady, industrious man; fullinvestigation. Apply. GKO. STEWART, 135 Kearny st. It

<2! Will PARTNER IN ESTABLISHED WOOD. •. tVA'. and coal yard; teams, stock, good trade;Is too much work for one: a bargain tosomegnmlman. ApplyGEO. STEWART, IliKearny st. 9at*

. QIJAIIA DRAY AND TRANSFER BUSINESS:«T^U' 'U. has been, run In first-class runningorder for the past 10 years by the present ownerfln'l13 rare/ opening for 2 active men; strlctßst In-vestigation . lowed; good reason for this sale; morethan value In stock. ApplyMCLAUGHLIN ft CO.,20 Kearny si. Je9 14t»

SI'^nri GROCERY AND BAR; GOOD PAY-I<JUU. ingcoiner: longlease: this business Is

north of .Market st., and Is a rare chance for theright man. MCLAUGHLIN&Co.,26 Kearny. It*

OOflllfl SALOON ANDRESTAURANT,WITH£"OUUU. building Included; lons lease; dallyreceipts *60 to $70: no opposition: sold on account'ofdi-ath. Mt LACGHLINJ; CO., 26 Kearuvst. It*

Q inn LADIES' AND GENTS' FURNISHING«v iWi goods; new and second band: payingbusiness. MclaughliniCo.. 26 Kearny st. it*

• C--jo^cobnTTrgrocery paying business.. •\u25a0>—•; MclaughlinitCo., 26 Ke.irny st. it*

© lAnICANDY AND VABIETY-STOBE: MUSTO IUU.sen. Mclaughlin St co..2BKearny.i*


-fk DINING-ROOM AND BAKERY; GOOD•„\u25a0* l,'\'.business; selling on account of death infamily. Mc.LAUGHLIN & CO.. 26 K;arny St. It*

\u25a0 r.lZ,(\f\ ONE OF THE IiEST COFFEE ANDt^7 li)Uu.chop houses for sale: in good-payingcindition and on prlncipal'strcet of the city;goodreason for selling. Mclaughlin. 20 Kearny.Js* 4t*(TUOn/l NICK SALOON FOR SALE. McLAUOH-«iT O\)\I.LINA CO.. 28 Kearny st. le9 at*(..uinn MKAT-MAKKET,TRADE $300 PERi^-i/Uu. day; safe and cash-register; employs 8

'men; 3 wagons; owner leavi g city; must sell atonce. WUuUßl'rif,841 Market st. It*

•.-.\u25a0/, CIGAR-STORE; LABUE STOCK; FINE\u2666 *•)' *'. fixtures: good location: $100 per monthclear of expenses. WOODRUFF. 841 Market. It*Lj-Wifl PAP.TNER WANTED IN MANI~'KAC-!*>)\JyJ. turlng business; clears $100 per mouthto each. 811 Market »t.. Room 1. lt«

<fk>r;n paying blacksmith AND horsetTi^OU. shoeing shop forsale. Apply toJONAS--4 CO.. 765 Market st, Je9 2t«Tl^E^ CAN SELL YOU A CIGAR-STORK, GBO-»' eery-store, restaurant, saloon or other business

at such a tempting figure that you willsurely buy Ifyou want a good-paying business at a bargain.SMITH *CO., 328 Montgomery St., Room 20, takeelevator. JeB 2t*iT;e\A/"|/> HALFinterest INA wholesaletj7»»V'U".gsJnt sail *)Ibusiness; principal only

'i??ell if)/. Address, with full name, Business,Box21, this office. jcB3«

J>OB SALE ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS, GOODcorner saloon at end caMe and horse cars;

cheap. Inquire Graat-ave. Saloon, i'U7 Grantavenne. Joe Ht*Tpou SALE—BAKEBYANDNEWS-STAND. APX ply Caij.Branch Office. JeB 7t*

\u25a0~|>AKT>*EK WANTED WITH SMALLCAPITALX to Invest In the machine business. Call at 291Howard St. JtB at*'

Cf 1(\f\C\ PARTNER IN MANUFACTURING:I\t\l\J. $500, partner in saloon: $300, partner

In comminlssion. J. W. GALE & FEAZELL,305Kearny St. '___ . JeB 3t*

>'OR HALE OR EXCHANGE—COCNTKYHOTEL;splendid location; 25 rooms: or willtake good

partner. Address A., Box 114. CallBranch. 8 'IX*

ROCERY-STORES FROM$200 To $2000(;igar-st«rcs 'rom 100 to 1000

Coifee saloons from 150 to 1000Branch bakeries from 100 to 600

\u25a0 Candy-stores from 200 to 1200Restaurants from 300 to 5000.Saloons from 200 to 250UDrugstores

'from 1500 to 4000

6000 other places Tom 60 to 2500

For sale by H. C. DECKER. 850 Market St. ftZt»l-.K SALE-CANDY, STATIONERY AND VA-X riety store; large ice-cream parlors: near 5„.hools and baths; this Is a legitimate business; par-ties must sell:good reason forselling. Call bet. 124 nd V p. m. al 717 Montgomery aye. ]eH 3t»I,'INKST BARGAIN IN CIl'Y-. FIRST-CLASSX grocery and bar.' Apply CallBranch OBlce. 77*


ALOON FOR SALE; NICELY FITTED UP; INO a lively town near this city. For further par-

ticulars apply at International Beer Hall. 922 Mar-ket St.. bet. Stockton and Powell. Je7 4t*T X L—TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS OR PROP-X erty go to the IX L Business Agency, 837 MarketsL; lodglng-hooscs wanted.

-J»7 4t*

a? ynn french .candy-store; bread,

«2>OvU. notions, etc.:news agency; clears, tobac-co- stock, fixtures, utensils for Randy manufacture;'3rooms, with furniture:

'rent $15; good locatiou;

near school. 203 Gough St. Je7 4t*

I-I.p. SALE-FIRST-CLASS SALOONON KEARNYX st \u25a0 2 years' lease: no reasonable offer refused.Applyto M.LESS. 9»5 Market it.- -


Ci1 l'(\(\ GROCERY AND LIQUOK STOKE«pH>U", for sale; toe best corner south or Mar-ket st.: 9 rooms attached; lo»'reut; flue fixtures;

new stock of goods: long lease: line trade; sold on ;account or Immediate departure; bargain, see I*.W.MURPHY, 608 Market st. . Je7 3t»

IfIRST-CLASS FRUIT-STORE; OWNER GOING'East. Apply 809 Valencia St. \u25a0 Je7 4t»