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THE MORNING \u25a0 CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY. APRIL 17, 1890-EIGHT PAGES. 5 BOAKDINO AND BOOMS. 91 99 HOWARD— FRONT FURNISHED ROOM. a-l-j-j with or without board. apl3 st» 1 90 A Kit)GOLDEN GaVTE AY. : NNY ROOMS A-' single and en suite, with good 1.. .sir. I. sip1:1 Irn CORNER SEVENTEENTH AND GCERREttO- VJ Large sunny room, furnished or unfurnished- board tl'iusil. r.pl2 st* ' 1ill, M. Al.l.lstTSit (NEW RECORD) NICE I VV) sunny suites; also single rooms; board op- tional; apl2 7t» 7(1(1 GEARY— NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS* ______ so_a board; references. apll 7t 1 fiflJ VAN NESS— SUNNY .11; ALSO SIN- AiJKJ-1 me; quiet; good boar, ______»__ lm Q.^/* POWELL (SBAYSON) SUNNY - SUITES; '— 'vr single: board reasonable; marine view. a 9 lm THE ORIEL, SELECT FAMILY* HOTEL, MAR 1 ket anil Frauklin : combines ail the conveniences and substantial coiuturts 01 apleasant home without exorbitant charges. MR. A MRS, san FORD. ap7 tf 1ftfiW VAN NESS— NICE FURNISHED ROOMS: 1 UUUsingle, suite; aid. sirs, l. K..skimii. rpilE Bi-.1.1. EX lE. 819 ELLIS THOROUGHLY -i. renovated; new't: board optional. s lm* SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED: *II>ERDAY: - 20 miles from cityon sea shore; fishing, huutlng and bathing suits free: fare $1 50. See owner at 5-0 Mission st ' apl lm TIIE ÜBATUM." 118 SIXTH ST.: ELEGANT rooms; withor without board. tiirslsl fl'llE MARIPOSA. 824 LAUUNA— FINE SUITES; a first-class board; terms moderate. no 7 ARLINGTON - HOUSE 137 KEARNY— FLEAS- snt sunny rooms, eu suite and single; firsteta— lvevery respect: terms reasonable. yalOtt AMKF.H'AN' EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 321 Sansoine st., San Fraueisco; board and room $1. $1 '.'saudst 50 per day; tree coacu. WM. MONT- GOMERY. proprietor. Jy'Jl tf SINGLE ROOMS 150 A Nlssilf LIN DELL House, cor. Sixth and Howard. aull IT MONTGOMERY'S TEMPER ANCE HOTEL, 2-7 and 2-0 Second st.—Single meals 25c; l)..ardati.l room per day. 75c to $1 : by the week. *1 tosS; ireo coach to and from the hotel. sip.: L tf OAKLAND BOOMS AND BOUSES. 1 91 ft MAGNOLIA, OAKLAND; NICELY FOB- I . 1O nlshed suite. 'Cetttleman: bed-room, all7* SUS— KEB Kisso-tis. LAUREL GLEN FRUIT FARM: GOOD ACC >M- niodatiotis. Address P. O.liox 159, Napa Clty.Cm BOARD AND ROOMS; 10 MINUTES'! WALK from station: farmers' style; line scenery and drives: reasonable, Address 0. 1.. C. Niles. IS __ riIAMALPALS VILLA, TAMALPAIS STATION. [ 1isoss Valley, nr. San Rafael: suit water bathing: commodious grounds; fine drives; pavilion; lake Sansallto ferry. MBS. PETER smith, proprietress SAUSALITO-THE PLEASANTLY sTl UATEO house. La Yui-llsi, is no.v open for .iis-usniuitlr tl -ti of boarders; gootl table. -XI I. E. LEA. 5 11" CHILDREN BOJsBDEB. GERMAN LADY, 11-XX IMi A PLEASANT lloMf: and sunny yard, would like a child to bot-rd. 1112 Broadway. apl7 lit* AN EXPERIENCED LADY HAVING API. Ess suit home and sunny yard wishes a child to not under 2 years old. Address A. li., Hci 1 00. Call Brauch Office. :.ul-7i I ADY WOULD LIKE COUPLE OF CHILDREN li to board: motherly care. 1517 : -j Mason. 13 st* I All) DESIRES 1 OR 2 CHILDREN TO BOARD: J i good home: mother's ,-sire. 213 Mason St. 11 7t QUI' BUSH— A LADY WISHES A CHILD TO \u25a0 O— X) board: must not he under 2 years of a____ STOKE* TO 1.1 . 1. STORE _ND BOOMS; wT^oliri^S '" AND Lyon sts. ; suitable for any kind of business. Key 2035 Post st. ap174 STORE NEXT TO ALCAZAR BUILDING ; 129 . O'F'arrelist.: candy. cof-ee or fruit. ap!7 2t* 'CO LET—I4O9 VALENCIA. NEAR TWENTY- A tilth, new store, $25; 015 Sansotne. near Jack- son, 3 floors, YONRHEIN A CO.. 524 California, tf i) Q SEVENTH ST.- STORE 25X40, WITH 4 tl n living rooms. ap!6 7t* TO LET— UPPER STORY OF LARGE building bl Oakland; light manufacturing or storage. Apply320 Dnimm st. aplO 71* rpo LET—STORE AND 6 ROOMS FOR FIICIT X or candy place: resit very cheap: Western Add F tloi.. Address 1 M. X.. Box 147, Call Branch ontce. ap!s 3t» STORE AND LIVING-ROOMS SUITABLE FOR any business. ls-.'t) Devlsadero. aplS 71* I ARGE STOBE: GAS; -l ROOMS; STABLE 202 J Twenty-third st. aplsi 7t« ffi< I 9 BARBER-SHOP; 2 ROOMS. 930 FOI. t~ I— . soin si., above Fifth. apl:: OFFICES TO L*;T. TO LET— DESK BOOM, IN^TXARIiITirUNNY front otlice; first floor. 841 Market st., opposite Baldwin Hotel, Room 1. I- (IHEAP; OFFICE OP 3 ROOMS To LET SUITA- .' 1.. lor ,1...: dentist or lawyers. Inquire of Landlady. 70.1 Market at., cor. of Third. mrsiu tf xl PICES COB FRONT ANDCALIFORNIA; COR Vjf-f— lifornia ami Kearny, and Kearny, nr. Sacra- mento \l>^>-4-4—l :t - N * 'P.. 524 California St. IS tf ~ STORK and >>Tc^^-?vr.vt:iXTi^K:s; _ BAP. FIXTURES, COUNTERS. " , "SH__ , show-cases, sa-h-doors. etc. at 225 l'oet St. 1. -tf \u25a0 CiIIEAPEST PLACE 1"R COUNTERS. SHELVES? I show-cases: oshces A stores fitted. 334 Ueary. -: SEVERAL NEW BAR-FIXTURES FOR SALE; •lores aud offices titles! up at the Baldwin ter- pen ter-sl, op, 319 Sutter st. ; show 11.0:11 tilS Geary, if BAR, STOKE 1 IXTUf'.ES.SIIIiW CASES. DESKS, doors, sash, bought nnd sold. Pioneer store. -.1 and 27 Tenth St.. fi.siuprly 1032 Market st. __ tf L»"*ST*^ VPKIL 15TH, BET. ANTONIO AND OAK AND Laguna sis., lady's small gold watch; relic: little value to any one bnt owner: gift from dear alls friend. Suitable reward ou return to S Antonio st. offJones, near Ellis. apl7 It* T OST-BLACK-AND-TAN DKEK HOUND. RE- aj turn to 36 Eddy st, and receive a liberal re ward. Apr 3t» T OST—SUNDAY, APRIL 13, A GOLD SCARP- A J pin, consisting of two pieces or rough gold, con- nected with a small gold chain. Liberal reward by returning same to sills slontgomeryave. apltj 2t» Los I PASS-BOOK WITH THE HI BERN I A Savings and Loan Society of Sao Francisco, In the name of FLOYD OWENS, No. 150,561. The tinder willpleas return tvban-. apls 6t* T OST— A FOX-TERRIER, APRIL 13, ON TOST last., bet. Leavenworth and Hyde: a white slut, with black bead aud white blaze; a liberal reward Apply 701 Hyde st. apis 3t* fPHE S. P. COLLATERAL LOAN BANK. 5.H X Kearny St., lends money at 2 per ceut per month on watches, diamonds and jewelry. ja_o Out FOUND. " t'OUND-APRIL s7a HUNTING-CASE. ''wiTli f baggage check attached. Call -19 Stevenson. li .' rODNO-f'„ IN WILD BY PURCHASING A A merchant tailor-made dress suit for $20; mer- chant tailors' price, $10. ORIGINAL MISFIT CLOTHING PAKLORS, corner Post and Dunun'. street-, * ~ rum-os _i~_ --.„ lIROPOSALS— BIDS WILL BE RF.- celved st the office ot the Secretary of State i. Olympla, Wash., until 12 o'clock at., on th.- 20th day or May, 1890, for furnishingall paper add binding materials to be used In the public printing for the year ending June 30,1801. Price must be for paper and materials delivered at the slat i Priming House in Olympla, Wash. Following Is an estimate of the amount that wilt be required during the year, but the right is reserved to order a greater or less quantity, as may be desired : Three hundred reams 2S lb double cap; 250 reams, S. A s. C. book, 00 lb white; 40 reams best 50 lb cover paper. BINDING M4TKRIAT.S. Three thousand pounds tar-board; 1000 lbs straw board; 100 lbs thread; 200 lbs bookbinders' glues 100 lbs twine; 5 reams marble paper; 600 sheet- card middles; 25 packs gold; SO skins title leather 20 pieces book cloth: 30 rolls head band: 200 dozens law sheep and 5 reams bookbinding paper. Allthe foregoing articles aro to be of the best quality, and bidders are re. nitre. l tc submit sample.. The right to reject auy and all bids Is reserved. Dated at olympia. Wash.. Aprl 1, IS9O. ___\u25a0____ O. C. WHITE. State Printer. PROPOSALS FOR PUBLIC BUILDING SITE IN San Francisco offers will be received until April 22, 1800, ot ground lv San Francisco ror a suitable public buildingsite for the Federal Govern ment, under the act or Congress approved March St. IS«7, January 21. 1889. and April 4. 1890. Each offer must be accompanied by a correct plat of the properly ottered, with adjacent streets and an abstractor title to each piece or part thereof, an , the price at which an option of purchase will Is. glven on the whule id such site. AH offers an: options are subject to the terms of the above acts. and must be died in the ofhee of N. K.Masteu, Fystdent ot the Commission, 509 Montgomery st Rooml. N. K. MAS1 EN. WM. J. BRYAN, JOHN P. IRISH, United States Commissioners of Public Buildln. Site for Sau Francisco. \u25a0 apHlOt ""ASTKOLIToVr ~~ MME. MOREAC, 73 FOURTH ST.. REVEALS past, present and tuture; fee 25c: your forte by mail sis.c atsd 2 stamp; charms given, apl- 41* MADAME WALTERS. 317 TEHAMA. NU. 4TH: ________! la. lies 25c. ___ _'Jiv s__ ___ MSLE. RXODICS, CLAIRVOYANT. REMOVED Ivl to 1007 .Market, bet. Oth and 7th. Room 2-siiu st Ms: . StIMID,'FROM VIENNA: MOST Eli" Downed; revealing life's I tittireevents t Sadies s!. gentlemen $2, by ma— l __ _fl___4 Mission, mr- tf AUGUSTA 1.E01.A. - FORTUNE-TELLER ANa clairvoyant magic charms: love tokens; show) trite pictures of future husband, aud wives- teach m loils.sie. 2320 Mission ,-t.. uear _0tll; lee $'.. oc_) ;( ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC YOUNvi lev.'no -r by eggs and cards; tells the entire Ufa. past, present, future; consultations ou all aft—trs nothing excepted- aame given, valuable advice a 1i sure help; mistake impossible written charts '.1 FSuglish and German: imports genuine Ha—gaa-l— i Gypsy Powder for love and luck; diseases cure! fee Hi; tetter $.'. 20 Kearny st jest? 12111 _ GREATEST FORTUNE-TELLER I.N~TTiEOi tl' reveals past, present and future. Call aud su MISS LELAND, 759 Mission, near Fourth; Tsij, ladl-t)6oe; genttemau $1; lucky charms. - myStt A WEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS— TUB WEEKLY Call, in xvrassiier. ready for uiailiu-. A'J^OKNEY.S-aVr'la.i.W.'T"" ADVICE FREE: DIVORCES A SPKCIALTY*i privately; 15 days: legal everywhere: no charge unless successful; probate, collections, etc.; responsible attorneys; all courts; terms reasonable: established lOyrs, G. W. Howe. 30 Ke-myst.lM tl ADVICE FREE: DIVORCE A SPECIALTY: CAN -i*v be obtained In one day, privately; legal every- where; terms liberal ; no charge unless successful: probate, insolvency, collections, etc. T. ENGLFA' Attorneys' Association, 11 Kearny st. mrO tt ' \\- W. DAVIDSON, A 1 i'OIiNKY-AT-LAW7~-a2; vl . California »L. Rooms 1-1-1 advice tree. d3 if FINANCIAL. " A.N l ED-LOAN OF $350 FOR 0 MONTHS ON " ? rat - , l " Msecurity; will pay $7 per month Inter- est lv advance. Address B. 8., Box 155. Cal: Brunch Office. . apl7 sit vlfc'Ylili (11lMTO "LOAN AT LOWEST MAX tii.OUU.UUU _et rates on S-ty and country real estate. any amounts. .sen ii.i.vr. .ijd California, tr ;-'. - CAIIIT.MH:S AND IK lI. DERS. J V. LAWRENCE. CAREEN i'F.K AND BUILDER, . 619 Sacramento st. ; cabinet work and littiagup offices promptly attended to: _______\u25a0 ___ 111It) tf PHYSICIANS. -. \u25a0\u25a0 -.' :. . iiTATKIN." 7 GRANT*AYE. : LOW FEES; EX 1- \u25a0 _______' eoiitl.lent'iv consult. Iree. Classified Advertisements Continued •on lm Sixth Page. booms TO Layr-coN^ryiTEi). K_(Q ELLIS-DOUBLE PARLORS. FOR DOC- OUO tor or artist, or very fight housekeeping; uti- furnished. - . aplti 3t* (>•) TEHAMA— LARGE FRONT SUNNY ROOM; furnished; use of kitchen If desired: also Ingle rooms. aplti 7t* fi 1 Q STEVENSON, NEAR SEVENTH—NICELY UIU furnished back parlor; suitable for two gen- tleiuen. . aplO 7t* , 'A CROOK ST., CORNER TOWNSEND, NEAR 1 Fourth-Two sunny furnished rooms to let; terms liable. apl6 Sit 1 fil -; WASHINGTON - LARGE FURNISHED I £__ ' front room; also one unfurnished aplO st* 1 (17 HYDE - PARLOR FLOOR (3 BOOMS); a "' bath; for light housekeeping. aplS 2t* l''l'i' POLK-FINELY "FINISHED HAY-WIN- a-uuij dow sunny room; private lamllv. apl6 3t* C9A FOLSOM. near FOUKTII-FUKNISHED V-"iJ rooms. $1 week and up. aplti tf '7')] GREEN- FURNISHED OR UNIT I— l uislieil rooms; board I! desired. aplO 7t« 8 ELLIOT PARK-PLAT OF 1 ROOMS FOB housekeeping. apl67__ 991 tv PICUMOKE-2 BOOMS, KITCHEN: FUR- f____t__" nlshed or nnfnrnlshed. Applyat store. 182* &A 9 WASHINGTON-SUNNY UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; running water. 16 7t* ';\u25a0)')! FOURTH, COR. TEHAMA-ROOMS $1 50 *•— ' —'- l " *-' Per week; fa to $-.0 per mouth, 16 7* OKI "OLSOM, BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH-2 UUL line flats; 8 and 10 rooms. ay. 10 71* Hl'.l' BRYANT, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH— 3 I Xnl rooms furnished complete for housekeeping- private family. ____* 1fjqi FOURTH-3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOB 1 V '•'-.- housekeeping; gas or coal oil stove.apie 2t» P.')') FOLSOM-HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: ALSO O—O single. aplO 3t* 3-) EDDY-CHANGED HANDS: COSY, NEATLY O furnished sunny rooms ; also transient. IBat* O-lTt HOWARD— FURNISHED ROOMS: RENT O'XU cheap. . aplO 2t* 69") HOWARD - LARGE SUNNY FURNISHED U—O room; rent $10. aplti 2t» 89 -MISSION—LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; "'X use ofbath. * aplti 2t» 89^ MISSION-LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED _____ parlor suite; single rooms. apl6 st* CA MISSION-LARGE PARLOR SUITE; BlN- __a-» R_e Rjirtvste family. aplß St* 091 MINNA— NICE FRONT ROOM; GENTLE- <)— i men or man and wifa aplti st* 0I - lARKIN - NICE SUNNY FURNISHED 'I I rooms; private family, apl6 St* 81 f> MISSION— LABBE 1RONTPARLOP.SUITE, VJ iUnicely rnrnlsbed; modern convenleuces. us 5* 99/1 LABEIN— NICELY FUBNI.-HED FRONT t/— \) room; also other rooms. \u25a0 apltisl* 1017 1-vlllxlN-SU.NNY FURNISHED ROOMS, lot I complete for housekeeping. .ipiti st* 9- ( | HOWARD—. NICELY FLKNISHEDROOMS Ucomplete for housekeeping. ap!6 st* •> 1 (' FULTON -NICELY FURNISHED .SUNNY 0 VUroom, with hot aud cold water: board. al6 Si* Of) LOUISA, NEAB FOURTH- 3 ' NICE ROOMS; ' - housekeeping. Apply41 Everett st. aplti St* >)\u25a0)•) POLK—UNFURNISHED SUITE BAY-WIN- .—O dow rooms; gas; bath. aplli 7t* (31 OI STOCKTON— UNFURNISHED ROOKS; U1 Q-> also inruished. apl6 if 1)1 Q FIRST, BET. HARBISON AND FOLSOM— OXO 3 iiiifurnlshed suuny rooms, with first-class accommodations. Apia 2t* 909 FIFTH— FRONT BAY-WINDOW ...)— rooms; also other ru. ins. , apls Sit* 90,1 F*~"*Tn"~-SUNNY BAY-WINDOW BOOM; m.OX also other rooms: bath. a;. 15 bl* 1 S,XTI " _I LARGE ROOM, COMPLETE FOR XUO housekeeping. apls tf 1 AX FIFTH-LARGE FRONT SUNNY ROOM; X bath and gas. apls 3t* OTw FIFTH -SUNNY furnished FRONT OXO rooms; private family. aplsst* On NINTH-LARGE NICELY FURNISHED BAY- OU window front rooms. apis st* 91 NINTH LARGE SUNNY BAY-WINDOW "X furultihed housekeeping rooms. - apls 7t* .^9O GEARY—2 OB Si SUNNY', UNFURNISHED *-'— rooms; rent cheap. aplti 2t* 1)1 VERONA. CORNER THIRD FURNISHED "X front rooms for housekeeping. aplti 2t* 7] A FOLSOM— FURNISHED ROOM I XU In private family; $6 a month. apti tf 9. IA GOOD ROOMS AT LOW RATES—7IS HOW. a-UU ard St., or. Third; gas and water In eachroom; read lug-room aud bath tree; linen changed dally; house open all night- be_____________o_ DEVON HOUSE, 1130 MARKET AND 23 TURK st.—Handsomely furnished suites and single; -—any; transients solicited. mrl9 lm 1 fiflJ. VAN NESS— SUNNY SUITE: ALSO SIN- -1 XJUX gle; quiet: good board; references.aps lm 1 I ft.. -UgSION—NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY I 4 .)".' bay-xriiylQ— for housekeeping. ap3 tf CO? O'FAIiRELL-PAKLOTt' -tl_OOR; Fill-, 00 \u25a0 nlshed: housekeeping; hot wata^r7g^Sr*S^#sl__ 7QQ VAN NESS axe. A HANDSOMELY FUR- -1 OO nlshed corner suite of parlors; rent »40; also single rooms. sip-.* tr 7.?. EDDY-NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE IXO room, with 2 closets; $10. mr3u tt 1( , 1 HYDE SUNNY HALL ROOM: GAS; XQ I closet; $1. uir3o tf 1097 -HANDSOMELY FURNISHED 1 C— lrooms; double, single aud en suite; gas and bath; also light housekeeping. iur2S tf (11 9 SUTTEE— SUITE, 4 ROOMS. TO it 1 £i gentlemen, or housekeeping. mr'2o tf tl')_| PARLORS AND OTHER SUNNY »-'— 1 rooms: unrurnlshed; housekeeping. it. rid tr 1 AT KEARNY," OPP. WHITE HOUSE-FRONT XOT suite and kitchen; s— 'o; top Boor. mrl tf Y'OSEMITE HOI SE, 1045 SIARKEr ST.. BET. X Slxthaud Seventh: 35c to $1 per night; perweek, \u2666ISO to *5;single and en suite: families- mrl t' 1 I THIRD-SUNNY SUITE OF HOUSEKEEP- XX tiing rooms; cheap. apl6 2t* 9/1 NINTH—LARGE SUNNY BAY-WNDOW -.IT rooms. aplss__ QlfO MISSION- LARGE FRONT ROOMS; do- batb; private family. apls 6t* (11 Cll -MISSION—NICELYFURNISHED FRONT _J __ housekeeping ____B____tn_e rooms. 155* 111 71 MISSION, OFF. MINT—LARGE BAY- OX 1 2 wiiuiow front r- urns. a__st» 1 ftA7 MARKET, NEAR SIX (CHANGED XUUI hands) Newly lurulshed sunuy rooms. 15 7 OCR JESSIE- LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM; OUU also other roou-S. apls 5t rpilE SILVER KING, 511 BUSH, NEAR NEW -I California Theater— sunny suite tor gentle- man and wire or two gentlemen: also single rooms at reasonable rates. apls tit ,- . I l 1 SIXTH— HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, " COM- -01,1 plete en suite or single; each two rooms lias cooking stoves. apls 7t* QOf_ MISSION-NICELY furnished FRONT OOP room: also single room. ay15 st* «)•)_) ELEVENTH 2 FURNISHED SUNNY —•). > rooms; private family; $5 to $7 a mo. 15 3t» 1C RIM-ON PLACE-ALCOVE SUITE. I'NFUR- XU nlshed; other rooms: references wanted. 15 3* 91 C JONES, NEAR HUSH— A LARGE FRONT 1 »-^ room; gentlemen only. apls 7t* 991 TUHK-2 Nil ELY FURNISHED ROOMS OOL for housekeeping. aplS st* 1 A.) LANGTON-2 ROOMS; FURNISHED OR V—* unfurnished; rent cheap. apls 3t* Xjl,-. BRANNAN, COR. FOURTH-FURNISHED OUO suuuy front rooms. $7 and 85. aplS 7t» 11D EDDY— UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR XX O housekeeping. apls 3t* 09A ELEVENTH-PARLOR FLOOR; FURNISII- U—U ed: light lionsekeeplug: single ...His. 15 St* Ofl?. SIXTH—LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM ''"''ami closet cheap to 1 or 2 steady, neat, plain gentlemen. apis sit* 909 SIXTH—GOOD FURNISHED SUNNY ____ rooms. $1 to $2 per week; quiet bouse. 15 3* CI (I" FARItELL*- FURNISHED SUNNY OXO room. apls tf 1017 MISSION—a ROOMS FURNISHED FOR Xtfi I Is '\u25a0-'\u25a0.\u25a0'.'ping, with range and porch. l 6 3f 9..9 1 CLEMENTINA IN REAR, 3 UNPUR U— .• nlshed rooms. apis at* " 9 LARGE I.MS To LET: FURNISHED OR \u25a0 1 unfurnished; suitable for otllces or housekeeping. 28'/. Sixth. ap15 3t* •JO I THIRD-FRONT ROOM AND KITCHEN, Ott X neatly rurnlshed for housekeeping. apl 1 tf 67 TWENTIETH, NEAR HOWARD— A LARGE I 1 J flat of 3 rooms for housekeeping; furnished; wit's or without board. apl.i if I IUIA MASON— FURNISHED ROOM TO LET XUUX for gentleman: reasonable. ap!3 st* II /.7 KEARNY— 2 OR 3 FURNISHED \u25a0I XUi rooms for housekeeping: also single. l 3 7t* OIMI MISSION— LABUK COB, SUITE, FUR- 'MI.' ulshed. suitable for doctor or dentist. 13 7t* U 9(l HOWARD— NICELY FURNISHED SUN- -1 "O ny rooms, en suite or single. apl3 7t 7 1 '.) POST. BET. JONES ANDLEAVEN : I I' l large finely furnished alcove room, aplo tf 1 1 A') HOWARD-SUNNY SUITE: ALSO "55 X 1 X— .ie rooms; use of kitchen If desired. 13 7* D'_) I IOLSOM— I LARGE BONNY BAY-WIS- -1 .) 1 dow room; no children. apl3 st* F.'Jf?TUKK, NEAR I ARKIN PLEASANT OtiU double room; also single room, furnished: private family, apl 3 7t» 111" II HOWARD—NICELY FURNISHED SlN- _____'.' gle rouins; private family, aplS st* lly/l THIRD— SI 4; 2 SINN) FURNISHED _lO'i rooms Tor bocuefceeplng, apl3 51* 9'J •) FOt It I 1 1— NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; _____ bay-window; rent $10. ap!3 st* 79- BKANNAN. ABOVE SIXTH— BED- ____— ' room and kitchen, furnished: cheap. ____ 1(11') STOCKTON— NICELY FURNISHED I './ 11) housekeeping rooms; sun morning and evening; nice yard front and rear; car line passes the door. . ap!27t 79Q EDDY-SUNNY PARLORS; VERY I IBSTB- I ._/ able: also other rooms; location most de- slrsble, sp!2 7t» '-still -A SIXTEENTH-LARGE, NICELY PUB- Ox)Id lushed rooms; housekeeping if desirable; gasand bath. _ apl'l 7t* 9A_ MCALLISTER— LARGE SUNNY ROOStS, "UK suitable lor-hoasekeeplng: furnished. 12 7t* 1 897 MARKET—LARGE, NICELY FUR- XOJJ I uislieil front rooms ; $5 and $10. apl'l 7t* 9Q191 SIXTEENTH-LARGE BUNNY BOOMS »-"-l*-3 for housekeeping, furnished or uafur- nlshed. apl2 7t» ') 1 O MASON-LARGE, SUNNY ALCOVE; ALSO- It) housekeeping rooms: private family, apll Tt 9. .7 JONES— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY *\u25a0"! suites. $20 to «30; also single rooms, all )m 1 A.T. I . GOLDEN GATE-SUNNY FURNISHED 1""'' or unfurnished; en suite or single. 11 7t» TH'-. HAVES-LARGE FRONT BOOM IN PRI- -1 UO vate family; home com forts: 7t 1 J.) SEVENTH (GIRARD HOUSE) - FUR- —.nlshed single, suites.hoitsekeeplng tf A '-"! TEHAMA-2 FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS *sl I O and kitchen; housekeeping; $14, aplO tf ' __9Q LAUKIN-TWO SUNNY ROOMS FUR- "XAtO nlshesl for housekeeping. \u25a0 aplo tf JIO POST - HANDSOMELY F URN ISHED Jl" sunny rooms; refs,: board optional. aplO lm 1 9QF, MARKET ST., INDIANAPOLIS HOUSE; 1 ____J furnished suuuy rooms to let. .-.-.- apl tf , qOfi LARKIN-HOUSEKEEPING: FURNISHED •J".VJ bay- wluduxv suites, with kitchens, $25 and $35: no children. ' . - ap9 tr •)|H) GRANT AYE.. NR. POST— SUNNY FUR- —UO uislieil suite .in,!single room. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..": ap7 tf ? _'-x(. i'.LI.IS-I.ARs.E SUNNY ROOMS; SINGLE j UU or eu suite: furnished: gent. emeu only. 0 lm HOUSES TO IJST. 7?E~w'Fa^Ar"i-fl'n~~c^^ a-i rooms and bath, $100; 603 Polk, near Turk. 12 rooms and bath, $60: 832 page. ur. Scott. 6 rooms, bath. $30; '-'631 Jllsslou, nr. 22i1. 5 rooms and bath, $17 60: 1506 California, nr. Larkln, 7 rooms, batn, $45; 310 s. Leavenworth, nr.Eddy, 7 rooms, bath, $12 50: 817 Treat aye., near l'7th, 5 rooms and bath, $25; 1635 Sacramento, nr. Polk, 10 rooms, bath, $55; 416 Bartlett. nr. 25th. 6 rooms, $25; 5251 a, Valencia, nr. 16sh, 5 rooms, bath, $20: £032 Folsom. nr. 17th, 5 rooms siud bath. $16: 2102 V. Howard, nr. 17lh. 5 rooms, $12 50; 225 17th. nr. Mission, 4 rooms, $13; 30 Park aye., offBryant and 6th, 5 rooms, $20: 925 Army, near Dolores, 6 rooms, bath, statue, $27 60; w. Bush and Baker, new flat. 6 rooms and bath. $27 50. YON RHEI.N A CO.. 524 California st ap!7 tf '>ft~l r, O'FARRELL. 6 ROOMS, $20; 522 FELL, .UAIIB rooms, $35: 159 Octavia, 8 rooms, $37 50; 905 Stelner, 11 rooms, $55: 22 Hafgbt, 10 rooms, $55: 1505 Golden Gate aye., 8 rooms, $15: 66 Minna, 10 rooms, new, $35; Polk, bet. Hayes and Pell, 16 rooms and hath, $100. Apply to P. U. MOLLOY,138 Montgomery st, apl7_7t_ (j];*)-, BOUSE OB 7 ROOMS, BATH, BASEMENT •- "'\u25a0>• and yard, 422 Seventh st App'-y 416 Seventh. .• aplf 3t* TO LET-LOT 75x100 ; COR.H ANDTWENTIETH are., South Sau Francisco, with 2-story new dwelling-house, stable, barn and out-houses-. suita- ble 1..r a eh, . -ken-ranch . Inquire of ROMAN, gro- csr. onFifteenth aye. aplO 7t* HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND RATH. 1111 Mo- Alilster st. ap!s St* .<& I »"is(l '""" FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS, '. lOU clearing $25 per month. 1408 .Mission street. ap!s 3t« 1 (I I ft LARKIN— PRETTY MODERN 5-ROOM ic'lO cottage; surrounded by trees; bath: large basement; stable and driveway, $35; without stable, $30. ap!3 7t» % 1 ftl) PARK LOTS. NEAR BOULEVARD AND 0 .UU. Market-st. extension: $5 monthly install- ments: no interest; no taxes. JACOB HEYjIAN, 630 .Market st. apl'_ lino /' BOOMS ANIL. BATH, CHEAP. 147 - VALEN- U cia st,; apply downstairs: $18, apB tt 12;" FINE SUNNY HOUSE 8 ROOMS; BATH; tJDOO. front ami rear garden. 1421 Steiuer st, uear Ellis. - mrlB tf FiJKOTS BAD TENANTS; COLLECTIONS x_)«l made. Coffey's Collect'n Co.. 619 Motitg'y. Otf FLATS TO LET. ')/ \ N"l""v" : I\u25a0 I. i i.RTT'OMpl*ET^*^r^A?s~6 _tU rooms and bath each; rents from $27 to $35; NE. cor. Eleventh and Folsom; 3 new flats. 4 and 5 rooms and hath, $18 and $22, on McClea court, ntr Ninth st; 132 Stevenson, bet Thirteenth ami Her- man, 7 rooms and bath, complete, $28; new 4 and 6 room flats. Walnut aye,, at Suiter and Larkin, $25 and $28. Applyto P. C. MOLLO-, 138 Mont- gomery st. ap!7 7t t{ ROOMS; FIRST FLOOR; RENT $16; 613 SEC- U ond st. Apply corner grocery. __73t* UPPER FLAT, 726 FELL ST.", NEAR FILLMORE, ) north side; sun all-around; 7 rooms, bath; all modern improvements: store-room: yard: house almost new: water free. Owner, 821 G. li. aye. 17 2* I OQ PIERCE ST., NEAR HAIQHT— ELEGANT I aC«J new sunny lower Hat, 8 rooms, bath; very de- sirable; yard and cellar; i -. block of cable: key cor- ner grocery. Apply to ttOV-CE, TOY CO.. 19 Montgomery st aplO sit SO/; TO LET—NEW UPPER FLATS, 6 BOOMS •_ —U. and bath; sunny side of Market, near Fif- teen—i; wootleu mantels; allmodern Improvements: must be seen to be appreciated: key sit the bakery. Apply to EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., 618 Mar ketst. . - »p!6 3t 89' HOWARD-FLAT 7 ROOMS AND CAR- O— tl pets lor sale. aplO St* aitlst PLAT 4 ROOMS; BATH; NO CHILDREN. i-" i •-> 1314 Larkln st., cor. California. aplO tf ml SAN JOSE AYE.; COSY SUNNY UPPER 2 hat 3 large looms: cellar; $13. nplb*2t» PLATS ROOMS; inside BLINDS AND man" r t<_ 242 Clara st apl6 2t» SUNNY CAT OF 8 ROOMS, WITHBATH. 218 Oak st. - aplS7t* 31 7 BRYANT ST.— UPPER OR LOWER FLOOR: Tlf partly furnished or unfurnished. apls 7t* O HANDSOME FLATS, WITII THE LATEST 0 Improvements: on sunny side of street; rent rea- sonable. 2806 Pine st. ap!s 3t* BOISE ST., NEAR POINT LOBOS AYE.—NEW upper flat of 5 rooms. ap!s 3t* 1 7 CLINTON. BET. BRYANT AND BRANNAN— -1 I Flat 4 rooms and hall: rent $12. :tpls3t* lOWEP. FLAT; 4 ROOMS; YARD; BASEMENT. J 228 Thirteenth st., near Harrison. ap!3 7t* ELEGANT I. ATS, 5 and 6 rooms, batil •s- 925 Golden Gate are. and 27 Birch aye.. off Larkiu. apl.i 7t» 9C ELGIN PARK-2 LARGE SUNNY BOOMS; .«! housekeeping, rent $8. aplotf XTBW PLAT 5 ROOMS ANDBATH. 1203 GUER- AV rero st. cor. 'enty-frnirtn. aplO tf I own; M.A-; 6 BOOMS AND BATH. 1426 I J Hayes st ' aps tf \u25a0 )•)\u25a0> M ' c- v-i .-r<. 4 and 5 —— rooms: renin $.0. Owner' JsTsTN l'tislt-ftosJf _ ' 1 I KMJBa i .t HOUSES. IfOB SALE— FI iCRIs i "\u25a0' HOUSE OF 7 a rooms and bath, only Inuse a few months; flue per- manent business ;gi'nll"ineu win remain vagreeable; a cosy and comfortable home for those wishing a bargain. Address P., Box 87. Call Branch, api 7 3t» /•-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELY FURNISHED. TWO U blocks from City Hall mi Hyde st.; rent taken out In room ami board if satisfactory arrangement can be made. Inquire 1308 .Market St., near Jones. 17 tf Ci9X FURNISHED PLAT OP 4 ROOMS, COM- x_!_tl. plete lor housekeeping; half a block from Valencla-st cars. 317 San Jose aye.; 10 to 4. 17 3* 6 ROOMS AND BATH; SUNNY SIDE; LARGE cellar and yard; 'rent reasonable. 1428 Kills st si:.l7tr SUNNY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, ON SUTTER ST.; rent $42; occupied by doctor; offlee furniture, electric and vapor baths lor sa,e. Address- T. T., Box 10, this o.t.e.'. ap!7 3t* UOIt SALE ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE— X Furniture of a 7-i ooui dat for $225; part on time. 1519 Howard st. apl6 7t* ©Q^ft FURNITURE OF ,12-ROOM HOUSE; KjpUOU. modern conveniences. 822 Larkln. 16 7* TO LET— FROM IST OF MAY A COMPLETELY I furnished house: 8 rooms and bath; rent very reasonable. 1028 Sutter. aplS 7t '5i7.H1 FURNITURE OF 11 ROOM HOUSE, «,> I UXI. bath, etc. !I3Nluthst. apls 7t» VISE SUNNY CORNER BOUSE TO LET AND -is rtiruiture for sale; 2-story bay-window; 8 rooms and bath: rent $40; fine furniture and a bargain. Applyto c. S. CAPP « CO., Brokers and Real Estate Agents, 636 Market st. - apls 7t TO LET—FURNISHED 11. AT Of FROM To 6 rooms; separate trance; sonny side. 622 Ellis. apl s 3t* IPOLET COMPLETELY— A FURNISHED HOUSE aof 7 rooms. 731 Turk st. apls 7t* L-l RNISHI-Ii PLAT it'll BENT ONE OF THE 1 neatest and complete flats of 5 rooms and bath and all convenience- In the city to rent; completely furnished for housekeeping; very reasonable for 6 months or one year. 1720 Folsom St., near Thlr- teeiitn. \u25a0 ap!3tl C;9->C GIVEN AWAY, FURNITURE OF 8- •iT"— O. room house. 155 FllteCntb St.. near Howard. \u25a0 apl2 7t» TO RENT— A COMPLETELY FURNISHED X house of 7 rooms: owner's desire to retain two rooms ami board for three. 70s Van Ness av__a__ tf UOO.HS TO L.XX. /'»).-. MASON NICELY FUllMSHE*ar~SUivisY U*osuite; also other rooms. apl7 5t QftQ THIRD-LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOMS*. OUO ap!7 5t 1 ft I ft JACKSON— VERY NICELY FURNISHED I UIVI rooms; bouie comforts; use of plauo. 17 7t I 111' I FOLSOM. COIL SEVENTH-NICE SUNNY XUU 1 furnished room in private family. apl7 st* Ol •) SIXTH— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS; Of —\u25a0 also rooms for housekeeping. apl7 :tt* 2-.1-1 SIXTH—LAROE FRONT SUNNY ROOM, iOU-£ with use of kitchen; other rooms. ap!7 st« CJl* ANT-VERYPLEASANTS! BAl- f—VJ ' window room; private family. apl7 4t» 1 ft9ft WASHINGTON NICELY FURNISHED 1 U*. ,U sunny f runt room; private family.apl7 6f» GOU JESSIE— 3 N FURNISHED ROOMS: BENT _____$__; no children. apl7 2t* 3 HARRIET. OFF HOWARD. BET. FIFTH AND sixth Furnished room for 1gentleman; $6. 17 2* 71ft HOWARD, NEAR THIRD-LARGE AND IJ- O small sunny front rooms cheap. an 17 fit* 0 1 71 LARMN >l FURNISHED ROOMS 01 i a suitable for housekeeping. apl7 3t* 9'_> l FULTON, BET. FRANKLIN AND VAN *J*>l Ness— nicely furnished room: use piano. 17 7* .(•Jt|> HOWARD 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED U"Q\ rooms. 1 trout. - ap!7 2t* _ 1 «> MINNA— FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED XXOrooms. apl7:>t* I 'J-IT UNION. NEAR NICELY FUKN- -____ Ished sunny room; $5. ap!7 3t» «)•),-• FOURTH-FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT- Z, —«I aide for light housekeeping. ap!7 It* IC7O POLSOM— IRE li ROOMS. 101 O plete for housekeeping; ulce homo; rent only $5: price $225. n* CIO HOWARD - NICE FURNISHED HOUSE. 010 keeping room: $:); -00.1 yard. it' 111'): MISSION-NICELY FURNISHED FRONT IUOI room; quiet house. apl7 st* •)| D MINNA-FUBNISHEDROOM FOR HOUSE. O LO keeping. apl7 tr GO'FARR-LL— 1 FURNISHED AND 2 FUR- U _____ single rooms; all sunny; cheap. ap!7 if •till TAYLOR— 2 OR 3 FURNISHED SUNNY "X.U bousokoi ping rooms; private family. 17 tf Oil HYDE -2 FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS _____ with use bath; $15; apply downstairs. 17 3t* >>•> 1 THIRD - UNFURNISHED 110 USER EEP- -00 1 Ingsunny looms; in rear. apl7 tf /•I (11 51ISSION-LARGK FRONT ROOM FUIT "1•': Ished for housekeeping; $2 50 per week; single $1 per week. apl7 2t» - 11 (1 MINNA-SUITE ROOMS AND KITCHEN ; _____ l.eally fiirn— bed for housekeeping. apl7 6t* JO MINNA— ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE 'IO for housekeeping. apl7 7t' 000 TURK— SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR —— O housekeeping; bath. 11* 99ft HOWARD-ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 OENTLE- —xi men or .nan and wife. it* Q_»9 FOLSOM J ROOMS FURNISHED FOR Ooai housekeeping: also bay-window. ap!7 2t* 89?. HARRISON LARUE SUNNY FRONT .—cl room: suitable for 2. apl7 st* >i.'> SHOVE— 2 NilELY FURNISHED ROOMS O'.'O in private family; grate, gas and piano; use of kitchen If desired; bath; cheap to good tenant. Call after p. »L ap!7 It* 7f»- MARKET CHEAPEST FURNISHED .- I Uti housekeeping rooms. Including piano. 17 2t* QI ft MONTGOMERY AVE.-F URN HE D Oil/ rooms, from $1 week and upward. It* l""l~"~j"~~> BROADWAY—SUNNY - FRONT ROOM, 111- suitable for 2; private family. apl7 St* U9 OAK, IN NEW HOUSE-FURNISHED 11 —i rooms; reasonable rent; cable-cars. 17 It* 01 NATUSIA-NICE SUNNY FURNISHED Ol room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; rent reasou- \u25a0ible. \u25a0 apl7 lit* Qft/J VALENCIA— 2 OR I ROOMS CHEAP TO OUU right party. \u25a0-.-.. . .- .. - ap!7 St* _*: EVERETT— FURNISHED ROOMS, $125. "____! 50, $2 per week; housekeeping, $2 50. 17 3* gOE THIRD-SUNNY. FRONT .SUtTE, FUR- U£.u nlshed complete for housekeeping; bath. 17 3* FRANKLIN— 2 ROOMS; 1 A NICELARGE 111 trout sunny room; rent reasonable. ap!7 sit* QQQ HOWARD— NICE SUNNY HOUSEKEEi 7 - xVoO Ing rooms, furnished. apl7 3t* 90Q JESSIE— TWO ' SUNNY : HOUSEKEEPING _Jp rooms, $10; also two tingle. $4, \u25a0 xpio 7t» A/lQ THIRD-FURNISHED -SUNNY .ROOMS; '.'«J light housekeeping If desired. -. - spl6 It* .-ss __-TJ' rY -A- ESTATE. ':"'-. j A1 1A ) EE, BALDWIN _ HAMMOND, REAL -"'A Estate Ageuts and Auctioneers, 10 Montgomery street. -. NEW PROPERTY.'. $1150 each— Slots: 20th. near Church; 25-114. $5000— 18 th, mar Diamond: 75x100. '\u0084,""'''- 0( ' , '— Washington and Leavenworth: corner: Mix,,, :0; splcudld lot lor flats: good neighborhood; property Improved willpay bigincome. $ , 150 to $1000— A number of choice lots on sth to l-"..s sues., near l's. Lob s $15,000— Post, near Gough: splendid large new hay-window house of 14 rooms and bath, billiard, 68°9" r0\u25a0un, etc.; all modern improvements: lot 35i \u25a0 $3250- Sanchez, near 16th; nice 5-room cottage; lot 25x100. _ $50 Mission-road lots, within a few bl-eks or the depot at Ocean View; perfectly level: good drainage; Spring Valley water; ehurehes and schools near by: only 15 minutes from Fourth and Town- send sis. ; 0 trains dally; commutation tickets $3 per month: Mission-street cable will greatly Increase values in the neighborhood of these lots: we offer a low onlyat $300 each; $50 cash, balance in month- ly liistailuieut.l or $10; size 25-125: call for dia- gram. \u25a0 *Ji S JJ-Sacramento st, near Baker; 27:8x77:6. $7500— Hayes st., near Fill more; 47:6x137:0. $6iso—Splendid speculation: 6 lots; Sullivan St., through to rat tan. near Stanyan; Sullivan st Beaded and macadamized; on the direct line of loth-sts. extension; line vie of the park; for a few days only. $1500 each—« lots on Casein aye., 011 the line of the .Market-st. extension; large lots; 25x214; level and ready to build on. $3000 each—2 lots; Sanchez St., near Ridley ; 25x 125. . $21100— Post, near Lyon :25x137:0; 2 lots; make in offer. $4750— Sanchoz-st. corner; cheap; street work don.-; 114vsu. $0500 each—4 lots; Dili, near F'olsom; 25x100. $bOUO—Dolores, n..sr_2d; 61x117:6. $2500— lath, near Castro; 26x115. $1100— 24th and Douglass corner; street work done; 100x114. $1000 each—-. lots.Mi.ssion road, near Ocean View. liifi" each -2 lots, China aye.. just off Mission; 25 $3000— 19th and Diamond corner: 31x100. $.250, very cheap— Halght, 110.1 Devlsadero; now «-room house; well built; cost $4800 to build: lot 25x137:6. $11000— Attractive new house on Devlsadero, near Halght; 8 rooms assd bath; all modern improve- ments; wooden mantels, etc.; 25x125. ISIPP.OVED. $— Lovely new house of 7 rooms, on sunny side of Clay st. ; goosl neighborhood; salon parlors; alcove bed-rooms; handsome dining-room; Hat lun- ar, tubs: wooden mautels; electric wires through out; one walks, etc.; ouly $1750 cash; balance on instalments: this property has to be sold Imme- diately and Is a rare bargain; examine and make oiler before too late; lot 25x127 -8' i. $12,000— Oak, near Laguna; good house; 11 rooms and lath; large sunny rooms, plate-glass windows; large pantry and closets; stone sidewalks; iron fence, etc. ; lot 14x120, 10 Lilly aye. $15,000— Clay st. near Taylor; 41:8x120 to Pleasant st. ; _ gats on Clay st, 16 rooms: new flats, 011 Pleasant st, and room for another; total rent, $125. $750 cash: $2500 on monthly installments; nice cottages; 4 rooms and bath; lot 25x100; p-ryant aye., near loth. $15.000— Splendid new 2-story houses: 7 and 8 rooms: all modern conveniences; rents for $100; larce corner; 37 -.6x87:6: make oiler; Buchanan st. $18.000— Market st., near Valencia; new 2-story bay-window house; 11 rooms; rents for $65; lot 25 foot 1rout back to analley. $27,600- tills st, in. Franklin, through to Olive aye; 2 houses on Falls aud Olive aye. each; rents for $215; lot 55x120. $$500— Gu. trrero-st. flats of 5, 5 ami 6 rooms: only bout few months: brick foutidatiou; wooden mau- tcSs; rents for $07 50; lot 25x100. $1 1.500 -Cheapest property on Howard st: large 2-story house and barn; lot 00x125; near Hit's t. $21.500— Large corner residence on Eddy St., fac- ing Jefferson square: house 12 rooms, saloon parlors, large dining-room, billiard-rooiu, 6 bed-rooms, con- servatory, etc.; lot 40x120 to rear street: this lot has 3 rroutages and gets the sun all day ;very choice residence. $11,000— First-class Investment; Van Ness aye., corner, near Pine ground alone worth $—8,000; 3 good large bay-window houses of 10 rooms each; total rents $210: lot 70x05. $1 1.500— Valencla-st Investment; good 2-story house, 2 stoics ad flat of 5 rooms above; rent $52; lot 26x90. $16,5011- Exceptionally desirable Investment; nicely finished Fsills-st flats; renting for $127 50; lot rite frontage of 60 feet \u25a0 $0500— Clay St., near Franklin: 2-story rraiue of 9 room-; brick foundation; lot 39:3x127:8 l /i; very cheap. UNIMPROVED. $750-P.)trero lots; only 15 minutes' drive from City Hall : 3 [..locks Irom car Hue and short distance from L'u lon Iron Works; only a few offered; call soon, before they are all gone; size 25x100. $2250— Fulton, near Lyon; 25x100. $21011— Frederick st., uear Stanyan; 25x137. $1100-Elizabeth st.. Sanchez: 25x114. $075 each— s lots; chance tor cheap home in elo- gaat neighborhood; only 1block from Halght st.; good lew of park. $20,000— Hall lot; Park aye.; size 25x100; solid vestment business Is rapidly centering In this locality, and property— increasing rapidly in 'value. '. J --- - . —._-—.. $-001)— Dolores ana 21st : 78x>)5; cheap." * " $.'ooo— Clay, near Broderick: lot 25x127:8)4. $2250 each—3 lots. Waller, near Ashbnry; splen- did neighborhood: lot 25x110. $7500— Paclne st, near Scott; 35x127:8Vt; ele- gant location. $2150— 17th St. near Sanchez: lot 25x111. MCAFEE Baldwin A HAMMOND, Real Estate A.-.-:.!-, and Auctioneers. 10 Montgomery st - i apl 3 SnTuTh 3t CHEAP ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE; AN almost new house of 4 rooms and bath; stable, etc.: lot 25 or 50x100. ApplyF. DAlti'V. Douglas st . near .Ist. 2 blocks __ from Castro. 13 STnTh 3* A LAM Kl>.\ KI.AI. I-STATK. ATTBAI IT. I. lis H's i ,ii c ROOMS \nd l: Hi with large lot. lawn and cement walks, -'\u0084,.\u25a0 and chicken yards, lv most desirable part of Ala- meda, cheap and on easy forms. Me—LURE, FITCH A CO.. Bay st, station. apls 4t* A LAMEDA BARGAINS— SI7OO— LOT 25x145: -•A nice modern cottage 4 rooms and batb; 1 block from Part st. : $250 cash: $25 per month (41sT) $21100— Lot 50x150 with cottage 1 rooms: 2 blocks from station: street sewered and macadam ed: ce- ment sidewalks, etc. (No. 323) $2000—1—4 60x110: cottage 5 rooms: windmill antitank; $.00 cash; $20 per month. (No. Ill) $2700— Lot 33:4x125; 6 rooms and bath: on Cen- tralaye.: $500: balance s3ll per month. (No. 385) $2750— Lot 53x117: m-w modern cottage rooms and bath; 3 -loess lroua station; $500 cash: bal- ance $40 per mouth. (No. _ . $3000— Lot 27x115: new 2-story house 7 rooms ami bath at station: $600 cash; $35 per mouth. (X) $3750— L0t 50x108; line new cottage 5 tool, is and bat) 1 block from station; all street work done- fine bargain: $600 cash: Sio per mouth. (No. 391) $4000— Lot 50x125; fine new darn 2-story house -7 rooms and bath on Central aye. on easy terms; a good bargain. (No. 413) $8500— 50x150 :suuny corner; near station; •_'- story bouse Brooms aud bath; line grounds: cheap and ravurable terms. (No. 33) $7Sou— Lot ."Hif5O; elegant new 2-story boost- 10 rooms, with stable; well located; part csisli. (401) Houses built to suit: 15 per cent down, balance easy Installments; cheap lots in all parts of Ala- meda: houses to let and money to lean. 11. p. MOREAL ._ CO.. 1428 Part St., Alameda, ami 402 .Montgomery st. San Francisco. C-7-, TO $200 ASH, BALANCE INSTALL- xiP I Al ' ments, without interest or taxes, will buy- fine building lots on Pacific and Railroad ayes.; only a few icft; neighborhood rapid, Improving. Moil. l HE. FITCH \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 CO.. Has s|. Station, apll 71 OAKLAND _______ -.STATE. you SAI.KIN p-\KI.AND-a'n EI.Ei";aNT ItESI- X di no ; ground; lot 136x132; comer Linden and shteentli its. apl 3 7t* It KKLK Y REAL ESTATE. "K-inflfl NOW BUILDING: HOUSE, ROOMS, HP lot'", bath; comer: 50x125, near University. JOSEPH .1. MASON. 425 Callloriiiii St. ap3;f < -'I >TKI_II|.;,\L^ ESTATE. ATLAS PEAK— #IO,OOO FOR 320 ACRES; 50 -TV acres In vineyard; good house, etc.: line cli- mate. inquire drug-store, Second and Howard. 167* If>Oß SALE— IO ACRES RICH, BLACl\"""~l""")"""""""" A . In well-selected trees, llnchoice table grapes: Conor trlntliig on 2 roads: 1 .. mile 110111 Santa Clara; mil bearing this season; price $4500, $2000 cash: to acres unimproved adjoining, if desired. FRED I. REMSON, Santa Clara. apl3 gt ffljl >\(1 EACH: IN UNIVERSITY HKIoTI*Ts! IF 1 "" the most charming townslte at the Stan- ford University: 1 mile from Memo Park station; within walkingdistance of the University buildings- -50x150 each: easy terms. cakn ai.lcF'h/hit.h- -hoi'Kinsi-.i. mr-tHm •£••)(] FEU acre- FIRST-CLASS FRUIT AND «_—"'. farming land lii the Gordon Fruit Colony; send fur circulars. CAHNAI.L HT/.HLGII-HOF- KI.NS COMPANY. mr-'ll 1111 U'E HAVE A CHOICE SELECTION OP COLONY " lands subdivided into 5. 10 and 20 acre tracts si! the uniform price of $15 per acre: un easy in- stallments; send forcirculars. CALIFORNIA land ASSOCIATION. $84 Market St. mr23 tf SCHOOL LANDS, $150 TO $3* AN ACRE; OS 1 very easy terms; sold by the state In tracts to suit: no residence or Improvement required; all kinds of lands, in many different counties; send sump for list, Open Monday. Wednesday and Satur- Uay evenings. F. W. LAKE. 6 Flood Budding. 13 tf SCHOOL LANDS. AGRICULTURAL AND* TlM- bi-r. Public Lund Agency. .'ill,' Xloiit.-v, It 4. 2ss) It _^_ EI>U«JATIONAL. CERTIFICATED TEACHER EUROPE \J desires pupils for pianoforte. Miss WARREN, 40 Russ. off Howard, ur. tith: terms $3 month. ll 71* SF. SHORT-HAND AND TYPE-WRITINO IN- ststute: $0 per month. Kearny St., cor. Clay: standard system : 'looks, etc.. free. lm SCHOOL OF CIVIL, MIN INOAND MECHANICAL Engineering. Surveying, Architecture. Drawing. Assaying. a.v. AN 1,1 1; v 1 1,1 N.,23 -i irstT 2Ut H BALD'S I!CSIINE>B nil. I.E. 14 POST ST Double-entry hook keeping, peuiii.iujtiip, short- hand, type-writing, telegraphy, etc.. ail lucludedta bueln.-ss course under one tee of $75. lOtt PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEQR no POST St. A Lifescholarship. $75: day suit evenln-. oc___ DENTIST*"* : tit RP-A MARKET, F.XTRACTS TEETH XJ for 60c; with gas for $1 ; open evenings. Bell tf DR. CASSILLV'S PAINLESS DENTAL rooms, 202 Fourth st ; best teeth $1 $7: ex- traetln ; filling 25c. to $1; hair price to poor. all tr ALL NEWSPAPERS HAD LONG ARTICLES IS them stating that the insane asylums are full of people who took gas only once for painless tooth ox- traction and went crazy My secret painless method is vvouderrul. By its use any deutal operation may be done painlessly. Will forfeit $100 for any tooth that I cannot extract without sleep or gas, even though a dozen deutlsts have failed to extract it. Alloperations done better than elsewhere, slues) I have seven first prizes for beautirul fillings, plate and crown work. There are 5 Leek deutlsts. Office open till 0:30 p. at; Sundays tin . a-, it. DE 6-OBtiK W. LEEK. 0 O'Farrell st. ocgtt CHILI i' , DENTAL ASSOCIATION,80651 A ' st (IT, elan Building):gas specialists; positively extract teeth without pain; ouly oltlce that makes and gives the celebrated " Cotton lias"; 30.000 ret. er-iii \u25a0!-.; established 1863; all operations Indentistry performed, DR. CHARLES W. DKCKEK. le7 tf DR. A. LUDLUMHILL, 1411 MARKET ST.. BET. Tenth and Eleventh; no charge for extracting when plates are made: old plates made over like new; teeth from $8 per set: extracting 50c. luttf T.XULL SET. $7: . EXTRACTING. POSITIVELY X painless, 50 cents. DB. C. A PEKRV, 8 Mason st, formerly 841 Markets!. - dcs It fit 7 A SET FOR TEETH; -WARRANTED "AS <£) good as can be made; tilling $1. Dlt SIMMS, dentist. 930 Market St. next Baldwin Theater.ocltf A FULL SET OP TF:_iTH FOR $7 FILLINGS AT lowest prices; work warranted DR. J. W. Kl5l 841 Market st. opp, Baldwin. auiotf DR. C. 11. WILSON. DENTIST,! P25 MARKET St.. bet Kit ami Sixth, opn. Mason. - de!s tf . _-. - - atoß-ifli _ .-. "7" I>ACIFIC STORAGE CO., 301 STOCKTON ST.V ___________________ advances made. l s tt TTiURNITURE STOKED STERLING FURNI J lure Co.. 1031). 1041 Market Rosenthal Bid.. 7 tf ~~ *"." \u25a0 OAKLASOTWASTST-... "' ' - OAKLAND ADV ERTTSE MENTS AND subscrlptio—* received at the Oakland Branch - Othceof Tub Moksimi Cam., 857 Ureal way, ss.-ar I Seveut—it, . Office hours da, .to 0 tr, a. «ssiwi*st«<; ._..-.— 1--U _-^——.— - jMlr_i_h«sss_ija3 CITY KEA- ESTATE. 1,-CU BALE—BI YON RHEIN A CO., 521 CALI- I fornlast.. above Montgomery. Offers always re- spectfully considered. FOR sale IMPROVED. 75x100— Valencia St., nr. 19th; 4 -sores and flats. 42:6x95—New modern flats; rents $310. , Valencia, sii^lßsii; old improvements. 70xl08-Clay St., near Kearny: rents $500; gilt- edged central business property; $65,001). 34:4t / _x7o;o— Clay, nr. Kearny; reuts $213. Boward-st, corner; rents $180. 75-125— slxth-st corner; reuts $350. 30x80—Mission and Willow;rents *80. 55x175— San Jose sve., ur. 2tt.i St.; rents $100. 25x75— Park aye., nr. Harrison: rents $30. 85x79—Park aye.. nr. Bryant; a Hats: rents $44. 27:6x57 :rt—California st, nr. Folk ; resits $00. 27:6x110— Post, nr. Octavia; rents $55. 37:6x137:6— Halght it.,nr. Laguna; superb new Colonial style residence. 150x122:6-Cor. Cappand 24th sts.; rents $25. 32:6x117:3— Fair Oaks, nr. 21st: nice home. 22:11x137:6— Green St., ur. Mason; rents $56. -oxol)— Sansoine, opp. U. S. Appraiser's Building. .29x55— California St.. cor. nr. Dupont: 14 rooms. 27:6x68:9 -Grove and Octavia; rests $71. 60x77:6— Masou st, nr. Calirornla; well situated. -l'.eltleu place, off Tinc.ur. Kesirny; $50 net 24x80 near Howard; ret.' $30. 22:6x137:6— Eighth, nr. Bryant; 0 rooms, bath. 21xb9:6— Greeu, nr. Powell; cheap. 22 :6x7o— Union, nr.Slontgoinerv ; rent $20. 25x62:6-Cor. Geary and William: resits $140. 25x120—Pine, W. of Polls, with cottage, 22xS2:6— Geary, or. Scott: 7 rooms and bath. 55xll)0-Cor. Pine and llroderlck: rents $70. 25x112-Broslerlck st, nr. Hayes: rents $45. 50x1110— Sacramento and Kimball pi.; rents $90. Mission St., nr. 19th; 5 rooms and bath, 25x90— Howard, ur. loth; line dwelling. 25x8" -Church, nr. 27th; 7 rooms aud bath. 3 i- :u..-.7ib. nr. Church; hall. 25x114— isth St. nr. Noes rents $10. 40x130—17th, nr. Noe; nice home. -_':•- sel x 1 00 M.s-lou. nr. 16th; rents $65. 07 :6xl 15-Cor. Howard and 25th. 33x100—Sanchez st., nr. 16th; rents $01. 25x55— 16th st, near Sanchez: adjoining above. 25x114— Liberty, ur. Guerrero: 7 rooms and bath. 100x114— lsth st, near Noe ; flower garden. Treat aye., near 2dttist.: 9 rooms, bath. 25x125—Dtamoud St., near Istn; 6 rooms, bath. Chattanooga, nr. 23d; 5 rooms and bath. 5 ii. w cottages; Installments; Jersey and Diamond. 23x122:0— Shotwell st., near 22d: cheap. 26:10x114— Alvarado st. near 23d: small house. 26x100— Alabama st, near 24th; small house. 60x122:6 Poisomst,, nr. 22d: 11 rooms and bath. •oxloo— Florida st, near 20th: 3 cottages. 26x100— York st, near 24th: small house. :6—Cor. 19th and Shotxveli sts. ; rents $12. 50x115— Dorian. 1 st., near Guerrero; cheap. 23x80— Xisi ing st, 12th; 3 flats; rents $01 50. 25x75— Gilbert St., near Frattuan; rents $25. 50x80—New 10-Bat building: rents $200. 23x66- Cor. Minna and Stb sts.: stores ,-uul flats. -lox-n Minna st, lit— bib ; rents $65. 50x80— Tehama near 4th: rents $80. 26x80 -Clara st, near sth; rents 40. \u25a0-:\u25a0-.. St -Harrison aye., near l'o. soin st.; rents $20. 25x70— Churubusco, nr.Courtland aye.: 4 rms.sS, 50x77 Courtland aye., s.r. Churui'iisi'.; cheap, 1(10x125—4 lots in Silver Terrace Homestead. 50x130— Williamson, uear Point Loboa. UNIMPROVED INLOTS TO SUIT. 300 acres, 1mile from Baywards; suitable for subdivision: $12,000. OOxliio—Valencia st, near Army. 100x106:8— Car. Pulton and Shrader sts. 137:6x137:6— C0r. Page and Laguna, In lots. 37:6x72— Hayes, near Laguna; large lot, 137:6x137:6 -Cbestnnt, near Larkiu ; In 5 subs. 53 :9x137:6— Va11ej0 st,, nr. Laguns :marine view. 4 7:6x10.1— Qougb St.. neat Ellis; reauy to build. Buildinglots, cash or iustalluienS-; 1 block from Castro. 60x122:6— C0r. Howard and 19th: cheap. 60x76— Howard stud Adair; tine corner. 25x100— near Florida: cheap. -6x1.2 -.6— Howard .-:.. near 24th; cable-cars pass. 105x114 Cor. Sanchez and Cumberland; cheap. 26xlo0—Cor. Diamond aud 19th; for store aud flat 25x125— Guerrero, near 25tis : well located. Castro, near L9th; a line of lots. 110x1 15-Cor. Diamond and 23d. 75x114— 20th. nr. Church: lv 3 lots. 26:6x80—Cor. Duncan and Do lores; cheap. 75x100— Cor. 26th and Alabama sts. : a good buy. 60x114— tor. 23d and Guerrero; residence corner. 114x183—-Onr. Castro and Elizabeth; IUlots. •-•tldxllij -l Castro and Hill;in lots. 39x80— Cor. Castro and Clipper sts.: examine, 17:1—221 St., near Mission ; business. 57:6x114— Elizabeth ,i.,near Douglass; bargain. 50x114— Cumberland st, near Church. 26x100— -Rhode Island, near Vol. ; cheap. S. V. H'd onMission road; part cash. 150x115— Cor. Roanoke au.l liemls. Lots 5 and 8, Block 15. Falrmouut Tract. 400x2 10— of Park; fronts proposed boulevard. 000x240-0. L.Block: well located; a bargain. 26x120— California st, near 20lti aye.; $750. California, near 18thave. 25x1-0— sis',-., near Point l.olios; $550. Lot 18, Block 11. Flint Tract Lots in excelsior Homestead Association. Preclta Valley lots; ch-aa. Lots south ot Hie Park; cheap. O. P. YON BHEIN at CO.. 521 California st aplS SnTh Ist ; l\ r ANTED—A CASH OFFER FOR 2 CORNER 'X lots lv Excelsior Homestead, Mission road: each 151'xlUO; will subdivide Into 12 lots. W. H. CRIM _ CO.. 128 Montgomery st. apl7 I't.SsiSu 3t ""ifl 'C-- I *!'.- BALANCE $ICA- H'i^t:'.. '.-.i. 0«'x! choice lot- on Madrid st., near Mlntlon road. W. H. CBIM A CO., 428 Montgomery st 13 SuTh tt ft'T^Hl c ST.. - P- 20TH AYE, AND1BLOCK i^UUU. from Park; 30x100: terms to suit buyer. IV. 11. CRIMA CO.. 428 Montgomery st 13 Su 1 ti 1 1 ,_.<1.,/i A BARGAIN-LARGE LOT., COR. IS •- •>' U. st and 31st aye. : OUxlO'.'. W. H. CRIM A CO., 428 Montgomery st. aull) SIIITI tf <•>•%( I LOTS ON DAYST , NEAR DOUGLASS: *£^.OU. part sash; 25x114. W. 11. CRIM A CO., 428 Montgomery st api SuTh tr Ci 7 "".fl -..;. BT -. N I .',i; CASTRO : 26x114; THIS »Ji I OX), lot Is well worth $11)00. ". 11. CIUM A CO.. 428 Montgomery st. apl.i SuTh tf life IVI 1. , '-' !nU ST7 NEAP. DOLORES, ON •_ 1-ot.i, grade; street work done; 25x114. W. 11. CRIM A CO.. 428 Montgomery st. apl.i SuTh tt ftVlflM NKW 8-BOOM HOUSE ON KENNE- iI. lxjir. bee st. uear Jelterson; 26x7A W.ll. CRIM A CO.. 428 Motngpinery st aplS SuTh tr _Sa_7"i(i CAPP, NEAR18TH; GOOD 2-STORY V !I UU. house or 7 rooms, bath; __ \u25a0-\u0084 I J .; W. H. CRPrtCO- 428 Montg. nery. Apia SnTh tf <^{|,i|l CALIFORNIA, NEAR FILLMORE; « i_!UV/t"J. rooms, bath: In good order; 25x132 W. H. RIMa \u25a0\u25a0>.. 4.8 M....1.-. oners. ap!3 SuTh tf Ctfi-'SnCt SPLENDID 9-BOOM HOC SB WITH \u2666. iji'i'U, all the modern conveniences; Halgbl near Pierce: 25x100. W. 11. CBIM A- CO., 4—B Montgomery st. apl.i SuTh tr Sfe' Mil I- _ OAK - NEAR LAGUNA, RUNNING •gtUUXiU. to Lily aye.; improvements on both streets: 27:6x120. W. U. CRIM a CO., 428 .Mont- guinrry st \u0084-:.: mi ITi tf -< IP, I'll lft COB. MARKET, NOE AND ltiTll liplO.iJUU. sts.: on grade; street worst done; 105x156: Market and 16th will soon be extended, which —HI double the value of this lot. « il CKIM .V. CO., 428 .Montgomery st. apl3suThtt <-_ -• a - 1 1( I DOLORES ; INR.-22D; 1 50x117 :«, <_ xlv"'. to an alley; Dolores Is one of the widest streets In the city. W. H. CBIM Co , 428 Montgomery st apl 3 SnTh ;f Q'^ftllft HARRISON ST., Nit. 220; $8:8x100; ._ uvru\J. street worKdone; lot on grade, W. 11 CIUM A CO.. 428 Montgomery st aplS SnTh tt ftal7^i!l CHOICE CORNER LOT; 231) AND •Jp-t I OU. Chattanooga »U.; 40x117:6. to small street; 3 frontages. W. 11. CRIM .x CO., 428 Montgomery st . spISS-Thtt Is1 .lift REDUCED CORNER CASTRO f AND c '•' 'UU. .otiists. ; 114x80: near car-house. W. 11. 'HI d a Co., 428 Montgomery st. apis SuTh tf VI", fill ''' X CHURCH AND HERMAN SIS. ] kE'UOUU. 1 block Irom Market st: this Is cer- tainlya bargain; SSxlOa W. H. CBIM A CO., 428 Montgomery s:. apl2 SuTb tf Sltftftli ( " X - BRODERICK -AND JACKSON '.''L'" 1 '. sis.; 55x100.' W. 11. CRIM A- Co.. 428 Mont-oiuery at, ap l 3 SuTh tf •ft'/Nillft CHURCH ST., NIL I 11; NEAT COT- %>i-OUU. tase of 0 rooms, bath; 25x100: $700 cash; balance in Installments. W. 11. CRIM _ CO., 4 28 Montgomery at ap!3 Su'ii. it T.-lELL. NEAR OOUGH—STORE AND 2 FLATS; A 1 lot 27:6x120 to Hickory are., Market st. W. H. CRISI A CO., 42S Montgomery st.apO SuTh tf DAY. NEAR CHURCH NEAT COTTAGE 6 a J rooms and hath; lot Jot 11 1; partcas h: see this. W. H. CBIM A CO.. 128 Montgomery st.ap6 tf s<-'".[||| NEAT COTTAGE OP 4 BOOMS AND "tPOlil'V. bath and line 7-rt. basement, on Lett St.. near McAlll.,ter-st cable; parteasb. W. II ITSIM A CO., 428 Montgomery st apB SuTh tl SI "villi "TEST AYE, NEAR CLAY ST.; 3 0 1 «J r\»U. lieaimrul lots. 25x101:2; view of the ocean: these are cheaper than any offered and will Increase rapidly In value; street graded and ma- cadamlzed; lot) feet wide. ROBERT J. MEKCFR, 513 California st apia SulhSu St Sll'.f'fl JACKSON ST..NR. SPRUCE; FACES «J) I VV'U. lYesldlo. hue view; 25x127:8; only 3 left; cheap, si lots lii the city; only a few blocks' W. of Pacllic Heights; easy terms. ROBERT J. MElt- CEK. 513 California st apl3 .-.uThSii 3t '•i' I ftftft DIAMONDST., BET. 21TK ANDJER- «4s?-t \ju\i.sey. 1 block from Castro-st cable; only 3 lots; 25x80 each. ROBERT J. MEKCEIt, 513 California st. apl 3 I hsti 3t $1.1 ("Hill C "' AY ST., BET. I.EA\KNWoIITII «g)_ I. \J\t\J. and Hyde; 10175x13750; 2-story bouse, 9 rooms and bath: by moving same to rear , oflot and erecting modern flats In front, rents will pay 15 per cent per annum on tbe Investment; ex- cellent neighborhood on balance or Mock; finely Im- proved. For full details call ouHOVT, ARNOLD - CO.. 634 Alarket st apin SuTuTh 3t lft V"".ft "OWAKD, BET. 17TIIANDIBTH; tv? I U._-»)xf. lot •JMxl-'2:ii; line house; 8 rooms ami bath: barn, good chicken-Is. us. . etc HOVT, ARNOLD _ CO., 034 Market st. apis SuTuTh «_ c fc ; ")7"ift "TH ST.. |:i;i-. , hi |, M and SAN- X_-<J I it\l. chez; lot 25x100; new modi ru house. 2 flats. 6 and 7 rooms and bath; rent $15 lIOYT. ARNOLDA_CO.. 634 Market st. Apia SuTuTh 3t *\u25a0 l »(llt 13T " ""\u25a0""•• BET EUREKA AND DlA- >_) iuvc.. monil; lot 26—75; new modem house, 9 rooms and bath; all In fine shape. 110YT. AR- SOLD A .11.11 Market. st. Apia SuTuTh 31 QAU^t, '-' ,| " 1 ST., BET. GUERRERO AND *pi"OU Dolores; lot 25x114: 2-story, 111-room house. HO\T, ARNOLD _ CO., 634 Market •""'*'\u25a0 sip13 SuTuTh sst Ss'-'SflO - ,E ' !Sl:v STREF.T. SANCBEZ AND IiDUUUU. Church: lot 50x111; cottage « rooms and space 25x111 to build on: street work all done. ___T, ARNOLD A CO.. 634 Market IS SnTnTh 3t Sft'-UlOf. DAY ST.N-EARciii ISITI;LOT 281 <lp')\j\jvi. 120; cottage 5 rooms, bath and base- ment. lIOYT, ARNOLD As CO., 034 Market street ' spill SuTuTh St •""\u25a0'-.fl'lll STATE -ST., NEAR MARKET: LOT itp.tUUU. SiSxlOO; cottage 4 rooms. llolT, ARNOLD A CO.. 634 Market st. ap!3 SuTuTh at fl*.'/"?"!.. VALLEY ST.. NEAR CHURCH; LOT xj)^I UU. 14: I large rooms- street graded, sewered and macadamized. lIOYT, ABN- OLD A CO., 634 .Market st. apl3 SuTuTTi lit 'R'/'T'vft CHATTANOOGA ST.. NEAR 21ST; "S.t;„. l iy - •_*•**-__: cottage 4 rooms. lIOYT, ARNOLD A CO.. 634 Market St. ap!3 SnTnTh 3t *'-!()(), A Cll- "$10 MONTHLY PAYMENTS: *>•"«« lot '-Sxl-Os bet. land Jsts.; only 1 block from Goldeu Gate Park and railroad to CUB House; also sited between 2 proposed cable lines; Invest- ment In above lots willpay 50 per cent per annum for the next 5 years. HoVT, ARNOLD A Co., 634 Market St. _^ apl:) SuTuTh 3t Ss 9o" l-_f*CH * v > SIONTHLY PAYMENTS: ,<*,,""„ bet L »'"! M sts.; 4 blocks south of Golden Gate Park and only 1 and 2 blocks frofn the new cable lines running from bay to ocean; these sunny lots willpay 50 per cent per annum ou invest- ment for next 5 years. lIOYT, ARNOLD _ CO.. 634 Market st \u25a0 . apl3 SuTuTh 3t EXCELSIOR HOMESTEAD-12 PINE LEVEL lots will be sold aa a whole for $2-50. or In sub- divisions to suit at $200 per lot; lots are sellingnear by at $100 each. \u25a0-\u0084- * $700-A beautiful lot 35x100 on Bartlctt St., near Thirtieth; lot level, with lovely view of city and bay; can build two houses on this lot; cheapest lot In 1 silrmoutit. .. \u25a0 ..... - $2200-55x120, on N. side of Lombard St., near Laguna; the future fashionable drive to the Presi- dio; sewered and graded ; to be macadamized by the Government; will double In value In one year. CHARLES W. POPE, 630 Market split SnTnTu 3t Gf'l^ft LOT 36x100, IN BERKELEY;, SIDE. <JP_,,)U. walked; $25 cash, $5 monthly. .-.--. $500— Corner. BMxOO;$50 cash. $10 monthly. $2UO-Lot 31x00: $20 cash, $5 monthly. $50—Lot 25x100; cheap and strep: $10 cash. i $375— Corner, 34x100: $8 monthly. \u25a0-,-., CHARLES A. BAILEY, owner. 024 Market m 2* tf AW EI.Ix. NEWS FOR CENTS— THE W-FJ-LT XA Call, iv wrapper, ready for mailing. ' CITY HEAL ESTATE. flififlAA COB. 26TH AND CASTRO STS,; LOT ©OUU'J. 114x80. G. 11. UMBSEN .CO., 11 Moulstoincry st. ap!3 3t SuTuTh Sfi'-iDnA LOT 200x120 ON 34T11 AYE, IN tjPOUUU. Soatbslde. O. H. CMBSEN_CO_I4 Montgomery st. aplS 3: SuTuTh _ tt'}7nn NICE COTTAGJ3 OF 5 BOOKS; "5- < UU. Spring Valley Water; lot 25x114: on 20th St., near Noe; grand view. a. 11. UMBSEN—. CO.. 14 Montgomery st ap!3 3t SaTuTh sif'ilflfl 2-STORY BAY-WINDOW HOUSE OP t_)UUUU. Itrooms and bath and basement; lot 20x100; rents S5O: miss St., near Howard. G. H. UMBSEN A- CO., 14 Montgomery. a|>l3 SuTuTh 3t sJOKAn LOT 25x57:6 ON N. LINE OKPOST OUU. St. uear Devlsadero. O. 11. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery st, apl 3 SuTuTh 3t SU^CiCi COB, DUNCANAND NOE; LOT 80x "P-i' ". 11*. U.H. UMBSEN it CO., 14 Mont- goniery st. aplsi So lb St l«_'-'7.".1l ELIZABETH, NEAR DIMOND; LOT «_)OJ till. 103:4x114. G. 11. DMBSEN As CO.. 14 Moiiiguincry st. ap!3 SnTuTh St 4-1 Kin 17THAVK, NEAR BA1LBOADAVE; iT I IMXJ. lot 50x100. O. U. USIBSKN A; CO., _ slontgomery st. apl3 SuTuTh 3t i.,-7,|i/l CLINTON PARK, NEAR MARKET •jpiltlUU. and Guerrero; two-story bay-window house In two Oats of 0 rooms and bath each; all luoderu Improvements; lot 25x75; rents ci 7 30. G.H. UMBSEN .v. CO., 14 Montgomery. isi uTfi3 til.-- 1, .'111 SANSOME ST NEAR JACKSON; Ci-"i'."iU".". 10ta5:9x137:6. with an 1. o-it\.,7:ti on Gold st., an improvements. 0. 11. UMBSEN ,v CO., 14 Montgomery st. - apl3 SuTuTh St C-O-1111l FOR LOT 150x100, IN EXCELSIOR 41 «I—UU Homestead Association, near Mission- st. cable: level. O. 11. CMBSEN Si CO., II Mont- goroery st. ap!3 suTu 1 sit tt 1'? 000 '-'STORY BAY-WINDOW BOUSE t_) 1 '.VJW. of 10 rooms and cottage of 4 rooms; brick foundation; lot 40s*i-s ? on California st, near Dupout: rent £,0. U. 11. UMBSEN « CO., 14 Montgomery st. apl3 SnTa St ttROOO o'parrell.nea'iTleaven WORTH; 'UOir. 2-story bay-window honse of 7 rooms am! bath; lot 25x60:9; port cash. O. H." UMBSEN A- CO., 14 Montgomery st. ap!3 SnTuTh Sst ttll 000 ""ELL. NEAR i.AGI'NA; _-" STORY •iPAI .uOO. bay-wludow bouse or 8 rooms and bath; brick foundation; stone sidewalks, etc.; part cash; lot 41:3x120 to rear street G.H. UMBSEN A- CO., 14 Montgomery at. ap!3 SuTuTh at tt'vOllO GOLDEN OATE AYE; NR, YON ST.; KJpUUUU. new bay-window house of 7 rooms and bath: laundry; stationary wa&hstands: brick foun- dations, etc.; lot 25x100: easy terms, O. 11. I'Mlt- SEN A- Co., 11 Montgomery st. ap!3 lit SuTuTh tt-lT'vO WEBSTER. Nit. ELLIS- ST. CABLE; t_ 1 I OU. bay-wludow house of 7 rooms and bath; lot2sxS-i7:6 to alley. G. 11. DMBSEN A: CO., 14- Montgomery st apl.i Su rulhot s.' ',( 100 10 " r " 1 ST \u25a0\u25a0 NR. FOLSOM ; HOUSE IN <^ i)"v'U. 2 flats of A and 6 rooms and bath each; lot 25x109. G. 11 OMBS—N A; CO., 14 Montgom- ery st. ap!3 SoTuTtl 31 tt I "i. ".flO CAPP ST., NEAP. 24TH; NEW ifXtJ.UUU. row or 4 sub?untial houses lv 8 flats, renting for Sill per mouth; brick foundations and all modern improvements: stone sidewalks ; lot 65x115. v. 11. UMBSEN A. CO., 11 Montgomery street. aplS SuTuTh St tt.QOlin COB. EDDYANDSCOTT; LOT62:6x I?UUUU. 100; make an offer. O. 11. UMBSEN A CO.. 14 Montgomery st. ap)3Su TuTli 3t *('<)()() EACH SACRAMENTO. NEAR LA- , .. il.ruu guua; 2 lots, each :4V_il37i6. G.H. UMBSEN ACO.. 14 Montgomery sLaplS SuTuTh 3t tt I I l\t\(\ JACKSON, NEAR FILLMORE; «J) 1 I .WWW. lot 55x127 :SC_. G. 11. UMBSEN As CO., 14 Montgomery st apl.s -\u25a0 i ,. i .;; ttl'J lifin HOWARD. NEAR 18TH; DOUBLE tfpiO.Wl V. 2-story house of 7 rooms and bath each and rear house; rents StiO; lot 80x122:6. G. H. UMBSEN At CO., ii Montgomery. al3 SuTuTh ',( ii 111 2-STORY BAY-WINDOW. HOUSE OF t_UUUU. 12 rooms and bath; laundry; part cash; lot 25x114: on the N. line of 15th si., near J-larkeL G. H. UMBSEN i CO., 11 Montgomery street, aplS SuTuTh 3t v -I'll MICE NEW BAY-WINDOW COT- *- <>—o\i, tags or 5 rooms and bath; brick foundation, lanudry, etc ; baser— finished; iron fence; nice mantels; lot 22:8x105 to au alley: only $200 cash required: balance in easy pay- ments. G. H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomery street, ap!3 SuTuTh SI ttJ'vflO SCOTT, NEAR E-LIS-ST. CABLE- '_ IOUU. road; front house of 7 rooms and rear house of 3 rooms:; part cash; lot 26x89. G. H. UMBSEN & CO.. 14 Montgomery. 13 SuTuTh «_QkA(. HOUSE AND LOT 20x67 :6~: ON kfl s. l*t ' .s.oulc-ii Gate aye., near Le.veuworth. G. 11. 1 MBsEN As CO., 14 Montgomery. l.JSululh s_- '."1", BAN JOSE AYE.. NEAR 20 ill ST.: C'l— bay-window house or 5 rooms and bath; brick foundations; oue-tiait cash; lot 25x100; iron fence: nice garden. G. H. UMBSEN * Co., 11 Montgomery at. apl.s Su InI 3t ttl '/in Sui 30x176:8; 1IN COLLEGE HOME- t_ X 1 UU, stead,' ".. ';.i. si. _:. ; Silver sum fronts on 2 streets. G. H. UMBSEN CO.. 14 Mont- ____\u25a0 apl 3 su 1 uTh sit pOSY NEW COTTAGE, NEAR THE GREAT V_) park; N. side Page, near Ashbury; 5 rooms aud bath; extra well built, lot 25x137:6. DOWNE. 4 GAMBS. 318 Mont-Oluery SL :i,'l:s .;: Iiim ttViOO ONLY— COTTAGE IN FIRST-LASS ilP_t)ijo order: newly painted and papered ; La- guna St.. near Filbert; lot 25x87:6; the cheapest bouse ln the city. DOWNEY At GAMBS, 318 Jlout- gomery -L ap!3 st SuTuTh PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE LOTS; PACI- X fiscave. north side, near Frauklin: 63:6 feet by 127 :S' 4, with large extra lot iv the rear; very Choice for a lirst-clasa fence. DOrt NEY& UAMBS, 31S Montgumeiy st. a,.1 :: 31 no luTh \\t ANTED— LOTS IN CITY LAND ASSOCIA- " tsou. Ocean View. W. 11. DOWSING. 60S i atl- fornla sL apl7 2t» LOOK ' ORIGINALLOT 285x125 IN RAILROAD J-l Homestead, near Mission St.. as widened; IS4OO. JAMES DALY, 304 Montgomery St. apl7 3t» St 1 9/1 M WILL Hill. A 4 - ROOMED BAY- t-3 1 __ww window cottage; Eastlake finish. GEO. 51. __________ builder. 1733 Green % I \u25a0:. st ipi7 7* St I7 r EACH FOR 111. CHEAPEST ANDBEST <_ iI v large dwelling lots at the suasion-street Six-mile Tublic School; fl'.'OO; 2 corners: full50- -vara lots: at same place. IHOMAS KORAN, s:i4Li. California st. apl7tf" /'ITY' LAND ASSOCIATION, OCEAN VIEW; I J lots wanted for cash. W. H. DOWSING, 508 California St. apl7 2t* J till. SALE—HOUSE AND LOT 2SxSoT)'.' CLEM- eutlisa -;., south side; good business location. Applyon premises. aplO 71* L 0 I •),- i:\ill: handsome BUI-DING «_ 1—il In the City Extention Homestead: easy terms. CAKN _____________________ SCO. 291 o*7All— ONLY 2 LEFT; LOTS ON '. iWW Priest st. bet. Jones and Leavenworth : a big bargain. I LSON .V I ARB, 18 Post St. a|,ls 3t ttli.nn '" 40x111. ON L'.Vnl ST., NEAR •J I WWW. Castro (level), or will sell 80x114 for {.'..'00. WILSON .'. CABB, 18 Post st ap!s St L ill: SALE-IN EXCELSIOR HOMESTEAD, 16 A lots, 200x200 feet, and good bouseof 4 rooms and b.i.seint-nt; barn, chicken-house, etc. ;also 200 cypress and fruit-trees, all Inclosed In a 7-foot picket-fence; to be sold with or without stock, com- prising 1 horse, wagon, buggy, and 400 chickens; a very nice place; title perfect. Inquire at JOHN MIOOE'3, Five-mile House. Mission road, all 10t» <£."".".(\u25a0\u25a0'• ''-*" ACCOUNT OK DEPARTURE, i sffOOXtVt. cheerful home in perfect repair: S rooms, bath, laundry; 2-story stable, garden, etc. ; gas and water; iotss2xl]7:o to 15-foot alley. Ap- piy \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 premises. 823 Dolores st, bet. Twenty-first ami Twenty-second. EMMA L. '. Eltol.D. uir22 tf ttV".On GRAND BARGAIN: 300x100; w". tip-ouo. corner Edinburgh stand Italy aye ; p:xcclsior Homestead Association. CIIAS. C. FISHER, 508 California st apl36t I Ol 10 "- 0 ""' POX SALE IN ALL PARTS OK IVUU__ Berkeley: prices from *75 each, upwards; 100 houses for sale from $800 each up- wards, „i, Installments If desired; beautlfnl lots. beautiful houses: If yon want a bargain come and see us. PHELPS 4 RICHARDS, 11 Montgomery .-:.. San Francisco, and opp. Berkeley Statlou. an tf tt'-MO COBNKB LOT IN BERKELEY: 50X tultiuu. 170; near University: beautiful views- J5O down. $10 a month. PHELPS A RICHARDS. II Montgomery St.. S. F. Icl7tf /"'ALTON DC SEN BURY A WURTS. 600 MARKET Vj St., for lots lv Oakland and Berkeley on $10 pay liieiiis; engagements made for Sunday. mrB tf WANTED - IMPROVED PROPERTY; MUST " bring per east net S. DUOCS, 1308 Market St.. near Jones. ap3 lino *< 'villi CASH, BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAY- ttptlUUnicnts: new. hasidsomo cottage of 5 rooms and bath, brick foundation, 7-foot basement, patent sidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling, withall mo, tern Improvements; 2 blocks from csitii«- cars. Apply 1.. LANDLER. j'.'-o. Montgomery.'- tf VII. BREED As CO., REAL ESTATE, 232 -c_. Montgomery st, opp. Ituss House. PROVED. $7500— Post st., near Fillmore; 8-room bay-win- dow bouse; lot 26x137:0; street work complete. $21,000— Post st , near Buchanan: must lie sold; room bouse; street work accepted by city; lot 75x 137:6: this can be had ii a bargain. $10,000— listsn St.. near Steiuer; 2-story flats of 7, Band A rooms with bath; total rents $90. sis it) --Stein, «t.. I.el. Page ami Oak; 7 rooms: stable in rear and driveway ; lot SOx 137:6. $5500— Fell •:.. near octavia; sVrootn cottage; 27:6x120, to rear street $11.000— l-a.siilc Heights; grand marine view; lovely home; 32:6x102:6. Investment; Howard st: fine renting properly; Tg_ :S. $-600— Ins t-ssineiit : Shipley st, near 6th; rents $52 per mouth. .- 1500— investment; 'lemon st, near 4th; One flats; rents 151 per month. $3.oo— Duncan si., bet. Church anil Sanchez; nice 'Stage of 4 rooms and bath; 51:6x114; a bargain. VACANT. $6600— Page, near Cole; 50x137:6. $7000— oak, i. ear Scott: iOvl37s«. $2560— near Lyon; 25x100. $3000— Army, near Mission; 75x100. sf-O-.'u— Frederick , near Stanyan; —Ixloo. $1450— Cor. Corbet road and Clara are.; 2-sxl36. $2600—Castro, near 18th; 24:.5x125. $1650— lstb, near Noe; 25x102. $3500 fas,, near Pierce: 25x137:8. $8100— Green, near Scott; 81x137:6. ?14i;o e.uTi- Slots; Ashbury Heights. Call at our onice for fuller particulars. A. H. . BREED A CO.. 232 Montgomery sk. aplS SuTuTh 3t ffij').-,/l PRENTISS ST., NEAR CORTLAND ®60U. aye. $600 Corner adjoining above. $350— Level lots 10 each; College Homestead, near Mission st. $650—50x100; Paris St., near China aye.; only 1 block from Mission st.s si bargain, -50x10 )s Bi'inissL, near Miguel;Fairuiouut Tract. $625— Chenery st, near Miguel. $1500-50x75 anil 57:6: stale st, Flint Tract $2000-50x70; Luuily st; neat cottage: only 2 blocks tioui Valencla-st. cable. - $2500— :i0x-4s cor. Flint and 16tb sts.: right In Use line of Improvements; larger lot ifdesired. »4(>00-55xl00; cor. Church and 22d sts.; grand view of city and nay ; it, the Mission warm belt. $5500-23 Natoma st. bet. 2d and 3d; 2- story and basement bouse; lv good order; always rented. $7000—22x70; Minna st , sunny side, near 3d; 3- story building: only 2 tenants: always rented at $720 per annum. MIDDLETON A SHARON', 22 Montgomery st. apl 3 SuTuTh sit tt77"10 PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE, ON t_s II OU. a very sightly corner on Webster St.; contains 0 rooms and batb: built very substantltlly; rents $60 per mouth; lot 25:0x5»l :6. MADISON A BURKE, 401 and 403 Montgomery st. 13 SuTuTh 3 tt70(l0 W*E NEW 2-PLAT HOUSE OF 11 tj) I UUU. rooms: on best partof Larkln St.; elec- tric bells ami all the latest Improvements; 12-foot basement; win be sold at a bargain. P. A. DOLAN, 630 Market st. ap!3 SuTul'b St ttlO 000 ""'"'"" INVESTMENT ON SIIER- «_3 I U.UUU. wood place, off Third St.; 12 flats renting for $180 per mouth; paying over 12 per cent P. A, DOLAN. 630 Market St. ap!3 SuTuTh St . ttf ;"voo 3-STOKY BOW-WINDOW HOUSE; 7 IIPUtJWW. rooms; modern Improvements: good order. 1637 Sutter st; no agents. 13 I'uTh6t» LOR SALE-3-STORY BAY-WINDOW HOUSE, X 18 rooms: all new Improvements. 1921 Mason St., near Montgomery aye. and Greenwich St., down- atairs; price $7500. . apll7t ' ttOflOO - SPLENDID INCOMEIROPERTYNR: tJpUVIUU. 4lhst.; front and rear house In good order: income, $02 monthly: steady tenants lot 25X80.-WM. B. MAitbll.TZ _ CO., 030 Market St., rear omce. - apis 71 HUSIXBSS Cll ANCK3-CONTINTJED. 07 -.(I HALF CASH; GENERAL BLACK- <_ I UU. smith, carriage and wagon making busi- ness: partner wanted ln large factory; must be a blacksmith as owner is a wood-worker; owns large 2-story building on ground leased; sub-lets part- has rent frees cou—nandsan Immense trade; one or the best in I lie ell \u25a0 ; clears $250 to $350 per mouth; best location; stock, machinery, tools; wonderful bargain. GEO. BTEWABT, 135 Kearny st. It tt'-iOO -EXPRESS BUSINESS DOWN TOWN *''«"• for sale at a bargain; has the exclusive hauling for one large Importing wholesale house, amounting from $25 to $35 per week, which will be secured to any good man has outside work from IT to *.'per day; Is the best paving express business In this state; must sell on account of other business Bee GEO, STEWART, 135 Kearny st. it tt'/'OMO COMMERCIAL EXPRESS AND •_ uuu ' transfet business: partner wanted to act as cashier, keep the books, office: receiving, shipping ami delivering freights and merchandize; has 5 good teams, barns; everything complete aud in Ist class running order; has special contracts with railroad and steamboat companies tor trans- portation or general freight and merchandize, with regular trade < tearing $350 to $151) permonth: business established 25 years; best of references and full investigation; half cash, balance Install- ments, or to suit buyer. CEO. STEWART, 135 Kearny st It To SELL OUT YOUR BUSINESS GO TO LD. X __________ 28 Kearny St.: established 1859. It* tt_>Ao COFFEE-SALOON AND CHOP-HOUSE tJIOUU. 011 Markets!.: a very desirable locsit lon: low rent and a splendid chance to make money; living rooms back; 11 most positive bargain. Apply 1. P. BARNARD, 39 Kearny st. It* tt""i00 CORNER SALOON ON A MAINBL'SI- igiOUU. ness street south of Market st, ; 1 flue liv- ing rooms back; handsomely fitted up and well stocked; old stand, with excellent paying trade. Apply to 1. D. BARNARD. 29 Kearny sL It* tt9oo SALOON; NO. 1 CORNER; IN WEST- tiT—.UU. em Addition: 6 living-rooms; low rent: close to car stable; a genuine bargain. W. C. A— - -1.1 n .', CO., 632 Market st. It* Q..JOC SALOON AT JUNCTION OF 3 CABLE O— it.roads; Jiving rooms; low rent: closest Invest jsatlous lUeited. _________! Market.l* fJJOrr. CIGARvSTORE; PROMINENT LOCA- •—."'. ion . Kearuy st. ALLEN. \u25a0;:<\u25a0.' Market.!* tt 1 000 SALOON; Al LOCATION; WATER iIrIUV.H/. front: reasonable rent; good reasons for selling. W. C. ALLEN A- CO.. 032 Market st 1* < 1 "ifI PARTNER WANTED IN CORNER tjpXOXJ. cigar-stand; will pay to each $75 per month, 811 Market st., Room i. It* ttl ,-.() PARTNER WANTED TO-DAY: RAKE <? Ido. Inducements ottered: established busi- ness: will pay each from $18 to $25 per week. BOOKER* TEMPLE. 811 Market st. Room 1. It* S •>«."; PABTNEB WANTED in COFFEE tiT—OU. saloon and chop-house on the city front; daily receipts from $15 to $20; rare chance. HOOKER A TEMPLE. 841 Market St. It* V I "sOO BUTCHER-SHOP: ESTABLISHED 8 '.. 'i '"'. years; 2 teams; dailyreceipts from $60 to $70: selling on a count of sickness: luvestl atlou Solicited. BOOKER A TEMPLE. 841 Market st. 1* tt\"OJ. BAKER! AND CANDY-STORE; 4 .). rooms furnished complete; rent $15; good trade; bargain. WOODRUFF, 841 Market 1* tt'-.~~iO SALOON, NEAR MARKET ST., 12 t_ o<H'. rooms ami furniture: free rent; trade $450 per month; owner leaving cits; a bargain. WOODRUFF _ CO.. 841 Market St. " IP tt's'vPO CORNER SALOON AND RESORT": tu'CJt^V'U. bouse and til rooms: finely furnished; up anil downstairs; junction of combined street railroads; everything as Itstands to-day; an excep- lionatly rare chance; any amount of money made; none but principals need apply ; only offerer) on ac- count of family matters. H. SCHMIDT, cor. Pine and Kearny ;-. apl 7 It* OP .".I l oyster-hoof:, restaurant AND •_ •'•''• bar: very best business st. ; established fur years; 5 private rooms; rent very cheap: must be sold to-day; owner aabi inch business; will uol depend on hires! help any longer. 11. SCHMIDT. Sfc_ cor. i-iueau,i Kearay. apl7 si-.'- -tt9o(l SALOON; LEADING STKF:ET; DOING tj— iUU. first class business; low rent; 2 rooms. MORRIS. 1.04 Market st. apl7 2t>- tt'^'lO -CHAIR 25c BARBER-SHOP. WITH 3 '. '' '• rooms: cheap rent and kept by owner a longtime. M LACGHLIN ACo., 26 Kearuy et at* OUTCHER-SHOP, HORSE, CART, FIXTURES: 1> owner sell cheap account leaving city. Inquire cor. Post and Laguna. "apis 7t* V'OK SALE -, FIRST-CLASS SALOON ON I Kearny st.; must be sold Ibis month ; no agents. Call at 215 Sixth St., Vs. A. SULLIVAN. ss]- So 71 « / IOFFEE-HOCSE AND RESTAURANT. ON AO- VJ count of sickness: good location; price $300; must be sold. Apply Cau, Branch office, apl s sst* ,_,••.-- SALOON AND 3 ROOMS, WITH GOOD t_soltJ. stock of liquors, cigars and tobacco; goosl trade; reason Cor -filing sickness; real $25. Apply 207 Second st. apl""7t• CBOEMAKER WANTED TO I. IV SHOE-SUOP. 0 Apply 4Si ncr st. aplo sst* MILLINEKS-FIILST-CLASS BUSINESS I.N A country town: railroad terminus: estsibllshed 20 years; fine building; cheap rent; good reassuis for selling. address it, M.. Box 72, nils offlee. 15 7- ,": SALE— GROCERY AND # \is. FOR PAR- L ticulars apply to liqnorileaiers, WOLFF. CANES A CO.. 418 aud ... Clayst. apl6 4t* CORN SALOON FOB SALE. APPLY 492 t Fonrtti st. apltJ3t» To LET IN OAKLAND— STORES FOR 1 barber, tailor or butcher, fruit or crockery. Ap- ply 320 DriimuiSt., S. F. sipiii 7: - I,'lliSr-CI.ATS 1 KM.!. SALOON FOR SALE. X Apply 1051 Howard st. sin lis 7t* I •>.-"\u25a0::\u25a0'\u25a0 I-.':-, FOB SALE; FINE BUSINESS; v ' good location on Third st. Address A 1;.. Box 99, Call Branch Othee. apis 71 tUNE CORNER GROCERY AND BAIL •_"_•_ 1 First s_. or. Tehams- apis 3t* Villi) FRUIT AND VEGETABLE STORK <£> I UU. cheap at once. tOO. Valencia St. 15 .'lt* .1'M, FOR SALE. 28 THIRD ST. i apl 7t» BARGAIN BAKERY. CONFECTIONERY AND notion store. Cor, Jackson and Leavenworth streets. Api si 3:' ttlO'l SALOON—MUST BE SOLD. INQUIRE Cl» - Call Branch Office. apis 3t* V'l"s(l KESTAURANT: COMPELLED TO I'D', sell on account of sic— -ess, Apply on premises. 4 5 Third it. apls st* 1 'I6AB-STOBE NEAR PROMINENT THEATEB; V-/ big bargain 10-day. 213 Montgomery aye. 1., 3* pOOD LAUNDRY OFFICE FOR SALE. APPLY VJ 1343 Valencia st aplS si;* SALOON DOING OOOD BUSINESS; 6 YEARS eniatdisbc-d: Market st. Apply this office. 15 7t* Good wood BUSINESS FOR SALE CHEAP. I Ap| ly15 Lilyaye. apl6 3t* ttlS") WORTH, $250; PARTNER WANTED OioOt In fine-paying restaurant: receipts $20 a day: cle. rs $140 a month; no experience required; must sell to-day. BIiOWN &CO., 305 3* tt"-l"s.O CANDY-STORE AND FACTORY: SO- t_;UoU. da fountain and safe worth $450: $100 a month profit. MANCHESTER AHALL, 957-961 Market Bt aps 3t« CIIGAB - STAND; GOOD LOCATION: LONG J lease: sell ail cigars; bar: rent low; sales aver- age $10 per day; no night or Sunday work. DRI IS HOUSE _ CO., Sacramento and Battery, apl s 3t* U'OOD AND COAL YARD 1 OB SALE APPLY "on premises. 600 Twcuty-first St. apll7t* <i' III) BAKERY; ESTABLISHED BUBI- -t.I'JUU. ness, and kept by owner 5 years, and only selling on account or sickness; store trade only; averages 2' \u25a0_. barrels dally. McLaughlin ACo.. 26 Kearny st. apl s 7t* tt'iOO PARTNER IN JOBBING AND CON- •>' 'it . tractng business told established; 2 places business: large stock tools and material; rare op- portunity tor sober, reliable man. 7 Grant are.. Boom 2. aplS 4t tt""l""lO GROCERY AND BAB, WITH IT 1:nT~ tSDUiJU. ture of 3 nice living rooms. Inquire at 52 Fourth at., DONALDSON _ GLYNN'S cfgar- store. »nls 3t« I ) EST AC XA N IT: PARTNER PREFERRED li to hired help: 2 livingrooms attached. Caul Branch office. apll 7t* pOOD SALOON. WITH 9 BOOMS, IN GOOD I locality. Apply638 Sacramento st 7t* CORNER SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP: GOOD location. Call Branch Office. apl 1 7t* $'17,-, WILL BUY A CIOAR-STOBE, CEN. "I" traily \u25a0 sited; large stock: furnished room; rent $15; Insured, $300; no agents. 308' A Sixth st. \u25a0 apis 7-.-" UOOT ANDSHOE STORE. GENTS' FURNISHING li goods, etc., cheap. SIRS. MEYEBSTEIN, 109 Sansoine St., or M. F. CONNER, -.'l7 Pine. 5|.1.1 7t* KESTAUUANT-1523 MARKET. ST.: MOST lb complete of the kind in the city; sultaile for man and wife, or two partners: rent $20. Applyon premises. ap!3 tf <(',• I BUSINESS ESTABLISHED Ist iiisUUUu. years; Investigation invited. It. M., Box 06, this otlice. aplli 81* PERMANENT NESS* PAYINO HAND. X soraely; a monopoly: $500 cash required. BIERS- BREAD A SON. 2237 Mission. aplS 71 ttl '-. 000 ONE-HALF INTEREST IN HUM dpiil.UvU. ness clearing $1600 per month. X. 1 .. Box 91, Call Branch office. api3 tf tt9""ion STATIONERY STORE; OLD AND *Z>"; great bargain. S. w. Box 91, Cali BranclxOmce. aprit: Q')|l(lll PINK SALOON. CLEARING $300 tJT-wUUU. monthly. P. It., Box 01, Call Kranch Office, apl.stt ttOOO SALOON DOING GOOD BUSINESS; UUU. fixtures anil plgcon-bule table. Corner FreeSoti and Fourth s;-. apl2 71* I -11 FRUITANDVARIETYSTORE CHEAP; Cj 1 OU. rent *,:•_ I7o__i Market st 1 l_7t__ tt/100 BAKERY, CANDY* TOBACCO AND wiou. varieties; fullvalue in stock; 3 rooms; cheap rent Apply Call Branch "sisc . aplo 12t* LOR SALE OR TO RENT—NICELY FITTED UP r salcN-n in business center. Apply at 633 Saera- mentost \u25a0 ap6 tf IT" ALU ABLE - CORNER SALOON FOR SALE. V Appsv I. 0. Johnson. 7711 Howard si. apulit* POU -MIM l.l.l.iNKOls. - THoli^T7rnil!ED LLEWLLYN StTtT E X 0 pups; 1 1.i.-ilyii .log. 14 months old, train.-. ; also gun. 32 Soiitn Park. ap!7 3t« VOUSO FRESH COW FOB SALE. ' CALL H. I SCHORi UT, Seventh aye. and X it.. South San Francisco. a;, 17.1t- L^INB INCUBATORS CHEAP: 1 OXIOBD/760 A eggs. s»(10: also lallloiuia. 325 eggs, »30; bold _*• new. J. WBISSKNSEB, west of Newbury Station, near Berkeley, ap!7 Bt* i V! .SHIRE )\v. GIVES 10 TO 14 QUAKTSA aT. day: selling on accouut of sickness. 306 Laug- ton St.. offBryant . apl7 4i* JOUISIANA KIMS-ISIKDS; PINE SING* JJ era: price reasonable, 16 Sixth st aplSlt* L-OR BALE— A HALF DOBHAM MILCH cow J and calf. 72 Brady st. of Market. apis 3t» 0000 FKI ' :, " INI '" PIPE, AS GOOD AS NEW. I < " IX) J. I.', 530 :'or. l st. apll 7t» BAB-COUNTER, SHELVING, LUNCH-STAND. Inqu re 22 Third st apl2 7t* Gas-fixtup.f:s op all kinds very cheap. I HCFSCIIMIDT, 637 Clay st all's: 12m LOR SALE CHEAP BILLIARD-TABLE; AY 1 moat new; every thingcomplete. Apply at 1351 Post .st. - ajil2 tf ttVOO BARN, TANK, HOUSE and WIND- •4) 00, mill to be moved: NE cor. Broadway and Buchanan St. CIIAS. ASHTON, 411 Mout- gomcry st \u25a0 apll lot SMALL, SECOND-HAND,' 1 EIRE -PROOF SAFE for sale cheap. 12 Malu st ____tf pARE VIOLIN: GENUINE BTEINER. 11. II GitUE'i INI.R, P. O. Box 713. San Rafael. .1 lm SECOND-HAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS, shafting, pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc. Mo- I.N'l OSH A WOLPMAN. 137 Itcale at. del tf SHEPAKD'S FOOT AND POWER LATHE— p HICKS, agent, 667 Mission st se27 X •VJEW AND SECOND-HAND SAFES. MIIJIIELL At ARICHARDS, cor. Bush and Market sts.olo Tim SAFE, SCALE, LETTER-PRESS, STOKE TRUCK aud mouey-tUI cheap, . 102 Clay st . au2. 12m r.I'SI>KS3 CnANCES- d__nn PARTNER WANTED: IS SOMETHING OOUU. good; clearing from $200 to $250 per mouth; no previous experience necessary, but you must be willing to work; this is a first-class oyster- house mo restaurant) on oue of our best business Mrecis: has a large family trade; wants a good man to attend 10 the delivering with horse and wagon: handsomely fitted up; owner will teach you '" business. Apply K.KENNY. '-"-' Kearny St. It tt 0.-,n" BOOK***""! STATIONERY, TOY", ETC. "j)Oi>U. store with soda water fountain business, tor sale: one of ihe most prominent corners 111 the Western Addition; doing a first-class trade; full Value l ln Stock and lixtures; 2 wcll-furuished rooms connected: ssisv one can run tins business an I Is __fe IS aP» lug investmeut ApplyK.KENNI, 22 Kearny st. i__ \u25a0.-.,\u25a0 SALOON FOB SATE: A GOOD-PAY- t_*_)UW. log place: A No. 1 location in the imme- diate vlcinit/of Oakland and Alameda ferries: has a good class of custom; full value for the money; Ions: lease at reasonable rent. Apply K.KENNY. 22 Kesirny _\u25a0 It OCA) I GROCERY AND BAR ON A PROH- 'T - ' """\u25a0 iuent corner ln the Western Addition; doing a trade of $50si a mouth; a genuine bargain; must be sold at once en account or depasture of miner: a most U—trough Investigation allowed. Ap- |ilyK. KENNY. 22 Kearny St. It tt"".UO PAUINER WANTED— TO TAKE OR- co 1 '"- .u-r- In the store and assist In looking af- ter general details In a plaincash business in this city: istibiisued 8 years; clearing at least from $200 to $300 per month; you can try It for 2 weeks before buying; no night nor Sunday work; no pre- y lens experience necessary, as your partner will tesch you the business. Apply K. KENNY, 22 Kearny st. It ,_ I ,-.A BRANCH BAKERY; PAYING PLACE; •- ' tIU. sacrifice. FLETCHER. 1 Eddy st It* igl'l; SPLENDID SALOON; BIG TKADE; A C 1 £___ genuine bargain. 1 LETCHER, 1Eddy.l" tt'-'flO PARTNER INA OOODREAL ESTATE —WW. business; experience not necessary; full investigation allowed. FLETCHER, 1 15.!. 1s st. lt« <_• I ').\ COFFEE SALOON AND HOP-HOUSE; •_ l—i-l. receipts $15 per day; has large trade; line chance. FLETCHER. 1 Eddy st. It* V|-r, GENERAL VARIETY. STATIONERY •"\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 and cigar-store. FLETCHER, 1Eddy.l* I? OR SALE— GROCERY STORE AND BAR. SW A cor. Bush and Laker sts. ap!7 71* \t ELL LOCATEDRES M BAN s AND COFKEE- ii house, with good nar trade, for sale; make an offer lore May Ist. Can or address 127 Berry st., near Fourth. apl7 3ts CIOUNIR SALOON FOR SALE. APPLY JOHN IS. BOWMAN A CO., 213 Battery. _p!7 7t*_ tOR PERMANENT, PROFITABLE PA I ENTED X business, address GRAY. \u25a0 Roy, :•.;. ap!7 7t I'UOD OPENING FOR WAGON-MAKER WHO VJ speaks English aud FTeuch. Address L. 403 'J'wellth St.. Oaklatsd. apl7 3t ttT'il-O STAPLE ANDPBOFITABLE MANC- ». »Ox U. facturiug business. P. i.. Box 104, i sn. Branch OOtce. ss|.-.7:s .\u25a0.•lk A VERY DESIRABLE MANIFAC- '. ->"'". taring business. J. 0., Box 10$. li.iucti omce. apl7 tl - s^i'ijn KAKERY AND~ i'ASTUY BAKERY *- Wv'i . old stand; good wagon; uses 2 barrels of flour daily:good custom; cheap rent; very good rea- son for selling. Apply this office. -p!7 3t* Qi;(l|i FINE SALOON: ALONGSIDE LARGE t_ Xj s'U. factory, with rooms jt man aud wife, or two partners. 430 Fourth St. . apl7l4t* BARGAIN— STATIONERY ANDCANDY STORE: within bio -k 3 schools. 1039 Valencia apl7 it* lIESTAUBANT Foil SALK; COMPELLED TO J sell ou aceoutu uf sickness. 310 Third st. St* C_--).-;a GROCERY AND BAR; 5 LIVING » . t>W. rooms, furnished: must be sold at once; a tar \u25a0 chance M. LESS. !)95 slarket .su it* tt'-sflil BRANCH LKEKi AND CONFrX- t_S OUU. tloaery; 3 living rooms, with furniture; no better chance for money. M.I KSS 095 Market."* ttTOO SALOON WITH 11 ROOMS, INCLUD- »_ I UU. lug lirst-class rurniture; best location; A 1 business; well worth $1500, but must be sold at once. M. Lh^S.t). 995 Market st. It* tt"~!i'o CIGAR-STORK ON MARKET ST.: e_ 'if. splendid location; clearing over $125 a month: trial given. M. LESS. 995 Market It* flfcl Ui lit COFFEE-SALOON IN THE HEART t^T J.OUU. of the cits doing a line bus— less; elegant fixtsires aud stock; the best bargain ever offered; don't rail to see It. LESS, 995 Market. it* ,_;,•-!) CORNER rvMil.Y LIQUOR ~~STORE: ' »_''»' good stock attd fine fixtures: is well worth $1000; old age the cause of selling. Apply M. LEssS. 995 Market St. It* tt<-inO RESTAURANT IN THE HEART OF '- ' 'VJ. th city, doing a large business; elegant futures aud hue stock; the bigg bargain ever ot- tered. 51. LESS, 995 Market sL It* ttTOO SALOON AND LUNCHHOUSE INTHE t-MUU. heart of the city, doing a business of $000 a mouth. -: LESS, 995 Market St. it* tt""iflO CORNER SALOON: 3 ROOMS; LARGE t't'l'. stock and good business: trialgiven; de- partnre tause of seliiug. M. LESS, 995 ..:.:: 7* tt I '-'OO PARTNER WANTED IN MONEY- •- 1 UU. making lodgitig-hottso andsal 37 bed-rooms, liar-room and sitting-room furnishes! complete; large stock of liquors. Hue lixtures and billiard table: ever) thing tv good condition: present owner has run the place 15 years. SHOAFf _ UU.-S. 873 Market st. It tt I --'",(1 SURE ANDSAFE 111 SIN ESS, CLEAR- t_ I t "'. lug $125 a month: full vaine In sight; cracker-store aud route, having—ie exclusive agency o one of the leading crsicker companies; nice More, with living rooms: cheap rent; good »s:cck and fixtures: large wagon; 2 good borses and harness; this is an unprecedented opportunity to secure ... legitimate, mouev-iuaking busl- uess; sold at a sacrifice ouly on account ol death of i car at res in England, wis. necessitates imme- diate departure: most thorough investigation al- lowed. SUOAFT A KOSS. 873 Market 51. It ttsOn CITY PKONT SALOON AND LODG- i+XJUU. Ing-house: this is undoubtedly the best bargafa lv tbe City; more than the value, in furni- ture, fixtures and stock; everything is new and the place is finely fitted up: large stock if liijuors ass.l cigars; saloon, card-room and living-rosun on riirst Hour; 10 rooms o:i second lloor; always filled with good tenants; cheap rent and good lease doing a ilsue business; anyone can run It and mike Ltlg money; this is no humbug, but a straight, honest bssrgala. SHOAFF. KOSS A CO.. 873 Market. it tt'-i^OO PIKST- CLASS MANUFACTURING •„ ..,yi;ii. business; clearing $200 to $.100 a month, and can be greatly Increase more than fullvalue in stock, machinery, etc.; uo charge for the iarce estabslstied trade, which eitends all over the Coast. Irom Alaska to Salt Lake City; 12 men constantly employed: sold at a sacrifice on account ofpoor health; any business man can run It and make money; thorough investigation ot the books ausl business alloive.l. SHOAFF & KOSS, &73 Mar- ket st _ t ttl 0 000 PINE MERCANTILE BUSINESS: »_ AU.UUU. clenringuot Jessthau $600 a month: stuck and good, legitimate accounts willinventory S'sO.OOUovera 1 liabilities: no ... will; gouds bought on tour and six mouihs' time aud sold on weekly and monthly installments: atrialof the business will be allowed; books open far thorough Investigation: highest references as tO commercial standing ol party selling: will exchange for country or city real estate. SHOAFF A BOSS, 873 Market street It •v."!) ,flh MONEY-MAKING BUSINESS; ONLY ti.— -UUU. requires oue day's tune each week: wli:pay - 25 to $200 a mouth; any one can attend to it; requires no special qualifications: the greatest bargain ever offered: all assertions can and willbe proven to tbe entire satisfaction of any osse mean- ing business: do not fall to investigate this, as it is an opiKirtuuiiyseldom ousted. SHOAFF a; ROSS, 1-..T3 Market st. It ttOllO ""'- NE SALOON; CARD-ROOMS; ELE- «_ UUU. gant fix-ores; large stock; good trad." 3 years' __ SHO- A KOSS. 873 :,;,., t. It ttVO'lO COAL WOOD, HAY AND GRAIN -vOO. buslaessand boarding stable, ln cen- tra! location; 5 horses, 3 wagons, scales, fixtures and tools complete; 33 stalls foil of boarding borses: large stock; doing a fiaSrbusiness. SUOAFF A BOSS. 873 Market st It OTA A PARTNER WANTED IN CASH COM. •_ IVVf. mission business with a young man of high standing and good reputation; experience not required: no uight or Su: inlay work; pays about $100 a month to each. BHOAFF A ROSS. 873 Market. It tt-SOO PARTNER WANTED TO ATTEND TO v. OVJVJ. the advertising in a cash business; previ- ous experience uot required; can clear $100 to $201) a month to each. BHOAFF * ROSS. 873 Market It Sl', A PARTNER WANTED— UN., «fl it.iv.and plumbing business: clearing about $100 per month to each the year round: has been conducted by present owner 7 years; want partner to keep plain accounts and look after hired help; full investigation allowed: experience not iieces" aa.-y. SHOAFF A UOSS. 873 Market st. It ttVJ-MlO GRAND CHANCE; $1500 CASH, HAL- ' rVfVJ. ance in payments: paper route for sale across the bay: leading morning and evening papers; 700 subscribers: clearing $225 permonth; borse and fart. etc. :owner obliged to sell on ac- count or other bus—teas; this is really an oppor- tunity seldom t.-.-rr.l to purchase legitimate busi ness: route cau be increased, as it lias never been canvassed; 2 weeks' trial before purchasing. Apply W. T. HEALY, 719 Market St. It ttQ"»n "SEW AND SECOND-HAND FCBNI- t_.OtIU. ture. crockery and tinware; flue loca- tion; full value In stock. HEALY, 719 Market, it tt 9000 GROCERY AND BAB: A PROM- .—"C. inent corner: Western Addition- re- ceipts $30 per day : fresh stock of goods; will in- voice $1):00; if you need a genuine grocery-store see this bargain. Apply w. F. HEALY.719 Market.l ttTOO SALOON FOR SALE NEAR THIRD <_ •'"'. and Mission s'.s.: busluess or $15 per day: good place for 2 men: must sell this week Apply tv W. r. HEALY, 719 Mas set St. It _|-\u0084 PARTNER IN CARPENTER SHOP: _ I •)\u25a0'\u25a0 call to-day. W. P. HEALY.719 MarkeL 1 -PRINTING-OFFICE FOB '.I.E. V. HOLE OR IN A oue-half interest, Address P. 1., Box 3, this of "'•c. aplS 2t» SuTh ATTENTION - BAKERY FOB SALE: PINE store: Lest business street; fine city; county seat: summer and winter resort; large oven: pleas, ai.t lake-shop: outbuilding*; utensils complete; good-will, stock and furniture only $500. Apply to JOHNS! ON.- Hon tore. Santa Cruz, Cal. 15 cod St •L-OK SALE—BESTAI RANT, I*9loMARKETST.- \u25a01 call '.) a., m. SteMH.ll. I. .-. apl- TnTbsatlt* A SACKIFICE-STATIONEBY, NOTION AND \u25a0•V candy store; 3 living-rooms: rent $18; cheap clears $75 peT month. Apply 153 Seveulh st. IS 3t* LOR SALE OR To BENT— HALF OF FINE a store and 3 fine living rooms; must be firsts-class party. Apply 71Ninthst. apl a3t I'OK DRESSMAKING A VERY HANDSOME X suite of parlors. 655 Harrison st. aple 3t* / (hid MAN CAN DOUBLE HIS CAPITAL YKAR- ' ly by buying half Interest in an old-established wholesale islness; partner retiring frombusiness; no answers fr on agents, and no drunkards need sip- ply. Address O. X.. Box 73, th-s onice. apltitf 1,-OR SALE CHEAP; DRESS-MAKING PAR- -1 lors: snail stock fancy goods; store fixtures, and furnsture lor light housekeeping: rent very low. Inquireat 909 Fonom SL, near Fifth. ap!6 2t* i-i..-.:: STOBE FOB SALE CHEAP OS AC- \J count of other business; uo agents. 837 Market _m bet .Fourth and Fifth. aplH 3t« 1. 11l IT AND VEGETABLE STOKE. TWELFTH J and Mission^ MS. aplO 3t* PARTNER WITH SMALL CAPITAL LN A GOOD-. £i?'J}?*,', """'ness: covered by 0. H. patent. Z. ______ (basement), og Third, apl 6 'Jt- MILK-RANCH nil! BALE COWS AND i horse and wagon: 15 cans trade: 2 dwelling- houses and all accommodation-. Apply1641 Mis «'"n Bt. ap!6 7t» _ I 900 FOR SALE-BOOT AND SHOE* KAC t_3l__UU. Tory SOU store, with stock, fixtures tools, machines and 6 living rooms of furniture. an- l_y JONAS A- CO., 765 Market si. aplß :;t- IIESTACBANT AND 0 WELL-PURNISHED it rooms; established 35 years and positively clearing $50 a week: cheap at $2500; give me any price you choose; 1 must sell, as I am losing $1000 monthlyelsewhere; come quick. 201 Fourth. al63* i IT) FRONT SALOON; ONLY $275; SICKNESS v.' cause or selling. JOHNSON. 719 Market- 16 2* BANCS BAKERY. CONFECTION— AND ii variety store, well storked In every respect; also large stock of fineliquor, which is sold only by the measure: this is a golden opportunity, as owner Is compelled to sell out on account of sickness and old age. Apply 1803 Howard St. ap!s 3t» U' El L-KNOWN NEW YORK SALOON FOR " sale; account sickness. 15 Scconu,ltiWeFrSu3»-

Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif.) 1890-04 … · 2017. 12. 18. · THE MORNING \u25a0 CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY. APRIL 17, 1890-EIGHT PAGES. 5 BOAKDINO

Jan 19, 2021



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Page 1: Morning call (San Francisco, Calif.) (San Francisco, Calif.) 1890-04 … · 2017. 12. 18. · THE MORNING \u25a0 CALL, SAN FRANCISCO, THURSDAY. APRIL 17, 1890-EIGHT PAGES. 5 BOAKDINO



91 99 HOWARD—FRONT FURNISHED ROOM.a-l-j-jwith or without board. apl3 st»190 A Kit)GOLDEN GaVTE AY.: NNYROOMSA-' single and en suite, with good 1.. .sir.I.sip1:1 Irn

CORNER SEVENTEENTH AND GCERREttO-VJLarge sunny room, furnished or unfurnished-board tl'iusil. r.pl2 st*


1ill,M.Al.l.lstTSit (NEW RECORD)—

NICEIVV)sunny suites; also single rooms; board op-tional; apl2 7t»7(1(1GEARY—NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS*______

so_a board; references. apll 7t

1fiflJVAN NESS— SUNNY .11; ALSO SIN-AiJKJ-1 me; quiet; good boar, ______»__ lmQ.^/*POWELL (SBAYSON) SUNNY

-SUITES;'—'vrsingle: board reasonable; marine view. a9lm

THE ORIEL, SELECT FAMILY*HOTEL, MAR1ket anilFrauklin:combines ail the conveniencesand substantial coiuturts 01 apleasant home withoutexorbitant charges. MR. A MRS, san FORD. ap7 tf

1ftfiWVAN NESS— NICEFURNISHED ROOMS:1UUUsingle, suite; aid. sirs, l.K..skimii.

rpilE Bi-.1.1.EX lE. 819 ELLIS—

THOROUGHLY-i. renovated; new't: board optional.s lm*

SUMMER BOARDERS WANTED: *II>ERDAY:- 20 miles fromcityon sea shore; fishing, huutlngand bathing suits free: fare $1 50. See owner at5-0 Mission st

'apl lm

TIIE ÜBATUM." 118 SIXTH ST.: ELEGANTrooms; withor without board. tiirslsl

fl'llEMARIPOSA. 824 LAUUNA—FINE SUITES;a first-class board; terms moderate. no7


HOUSE 137 KEARNY—FLEAS-snt sunny rooms, eu suite and single; firsteta—

lvevery respect: terms reasonable. yalOtt

AMKF.H'AN' EXCHANGE HOTEL. 319 AND 321Sansoine st., San Fraueisco; board and room $1.

$1 '.'saudst 50 per day; tree coacu. WM. MONT-GOMERY. proprietor. Jy'Jl tf

SINGLE ROOMS 150 A Nlssilf LINDELLHouse, cor. Sixthand Howard. aullIT

MONTGOMERY'S TEMPER ANCE HOTEL, 2-7and 2-0 Second st.—Single meals 25c; l)..ardati.l

room per day. 75c to $1:by the week. *1tosS; ireocoach to and from the hotel. sip.: L tf



—.1O nlshed suite. 'Cetttleman: bed-room, all7*

SUS—KEB Kisso-tis.

LAUREL GLEN FRUIT FARM: GOOD ACC >M-niodatiotis. Address P. O.liox 159,Napa Clty.Cm

BOARD AND ROOMS; 10 MINUTES'! WALKfrom station: farmers' style; line scenery and

drives: reasonable, Address 0. 1.. C.Niles. IS __riIAMALPALS VILLA,TAMALPAIS STATION. [1isoss Valley,nr. San Rafael: suit water bathing:

commodious grounds; fine drives; pavilion; lakeSansallto ferry. MBS. PETER smith, proprietress

SAUSALITO-THE PLEASANTLY sTl UATEOhouse. La Yui-llsi, is no.v open for.iis-usniuitlr

tl -tiof boarders; gootl table. -XII. E. LEA. 5 11"


GERMAN LADY,11-XX IMi A PLEASANT lloMf:and sunny yard, would like a child to bot-rd.

1112 Broadway. apl7 lit*

ANEXPERIENCED LADYHAVING API.Esssuit home and sunny yard wishes a child to not under 2 years old. Address,Hci100.Call Brauch Office. :.ul-7iIADY WOULD LIKE COUPLE OF CHILDRENlito board: motherly care. 1517 :-j Mason. 13 st*IAll)DESIRES 1OR 2 CHILDREN TO BOARD:Jigood home: mother's ,-sire. 213 Mason St. 117tQUI' BUSH—A LADY WISHES A CHILD TO

\u25a0 O—X) board: must not he under 2years of a____STOKE* TO 1.1.1.


Lyon sts. ;suitable for any kindof business. Key2035 Post st. ap174 1»

STORE NEXT TO ALCAZAR BUILDING; 129 .O'F'arrelist.: candy. cof-ee or fruit. ap!7 2t*

'CO LET—I4O9 VALENCIA. NEAR TWENTY-A tilth, new store, $25; 015 Sansotne. near Jack-

son, 3 floors, YONRHEIN A CO.. 524 California, tfi) Q SEVENTH ST.- STORE 25X40, WITH 4tln livingrooms. ap!6 7t*

TO LET— UPPER STORY OF LARGEbuilding bl Oakland; light manufacturing or

storage. Apply320 Dnimm st. aplO 71*rpo LET—STORE AND 6 ROOMS FOR FIICITX or candy place: resit very cheap: Western AddFtloi.. Address 1 M. X.. Box 147, Call Branchontce. ap!s 3t»

STORE AND LIVING-ROOMS SUITABLE FORany business. ls-.'t) Devlsadero. aplS 71*

IARGE STOBE: GAS; -l ROOMS; STABLE 202JTwenty-third st. aplsi 7t«

ffi< I9 BARBER-SHOP; 2 ROOMS. 930 FOI.t~ I—. soin si.,above Fifth. apl::


TO LET—DESK BOOM, IN^TXARIiITirUNNYfront otlice; first floor. 841 Market st., opposite

Baldwin Hotel, Room 1. I-

(IHEAP; OFFICE OP 3ROOMS To LET SUITA-.'1.. lor ,1...: dentist or lawyers. Inquire of

Landlady. 70.1 Market at., cor. of Third. mrsiu tfxlPICES COB FRONT ANDCALIFORNIA;COR

Vjf-f—lifornia ami Kearny, and Kearny, nr. Sacra-mento \l>^>-4-4—l:t

-N* 'P.. 524 California St. IS tf~STORK and >>Tc^^-?vr.vt:iXTi^K:s; _


show-cases, sa-h-doors. etc. at 225 l'oet St. 1. -tf \u25a0

CiIIEAPEST PLACE 1"R COUNTERS. SHELVES?Ishow-cases: oshces A stores fitted. 334 Ueary. -:

SEVERAL NEW BAR-FIXTURES FOR SALE;•lores aud offices titles! up at the Baldwin ter-

pen ter-sl, op, 319 Sutter st. ;show 11.0:11 tilS Geary, if

BAR, STOKE 1IXTUf'.ES.SIIIiW CASES. DESKS,doors, sash, bought nnd sold. Pioneer store. -.1

and 27 Tenth St.. fi.siuprly 1032 Market st. __ tf


VPKIL 15TH, BET. ANTONIO AND OAK ANDLaguna sis., lady's small goldwatch; relic: little

value to any one bnt owner: gift from dear allsfriend. Suitable reward ou return to S Antonio st.offJones, near Ellis. apl7 It*

T OST-BLACK-AND-TAN DKEK HOUND. RE-aj turn to 36 Eddy st, and receive a liberal reward. Apr 3t»T OST—SUNDAY, APRIL 13, A GOLD SCARP-AJpin,consisting of two pieces or rough gold, con-nected with a small gold chain. Liberal reward byreturning same to sills slontgomeryave. apltj2t»

Los I PASS-BOOK WITH THE HIBERNIASavings and Loan Society of Sao Francisco, In

the name of FLOYD OWENS, No. 150,561. Thetinder willpleas return tvban-. apls 6t*T OST—A FOX-TERRIER, APRIL 13, ON TOSTlast., bet. Leavenworth and Hyde: a white slut,with black bead aud white blaze; a liberal rewardApply 701 Hyde st. apis 3t*fPHE S. P. COLLATERAL LOAN BANK. 5.HX Kearny St., lends money at 2 per ceut per monthon watches, diamonds and jewelry. ja_o Out


t'OUND-APRIL s7a HUNTING-CASE. ''wiTlifbaggage check attached. Call -19 Stevenson. li.'rODNO-f'„ IN WILD BY PURCHASING AA merchant tailor-made dress suit for $20; mer-chant tailors' price, $10. ORIGINAL MISFITCLOTHING PAKLORS, corner Post and Dunun'.street-, *

~rum-os _i~_ --.„

lIROPOSALS— BIDS WILL BE RF.-celved st the office ot the Secretary of State i.

Olympla, Wash., until 12 o'clock at., on th.-20th day or May,1890, for furnishingall paper addbinding materials to be used In the public printingfor the year ending June 30,1801. Price must befor paper and materials delivered at the slat iPriming House in Olympla, Wash. FollowingIs an estimate of the amount that wilt be requiredduring the year, but the right is reserved to order agreater or less quantity,as may be desired :

Three hundred reams 2S lb double cap; 250reams, S. A s. C. book, 00 lb white; 40 reams best50 lb cover paper.

BINDING M4TKRIAT.S.Three thousand pounds tar-board; 1000 lbs straw

board; 100 lbs thread; 200 lbs bookbinders' glues100 lbs twine; 5 reams marble paper; 600 sheet-card middles; 25 packs gold; SO skins title leather20 pieces book cloth: 30 rolls head band: 200dozens law sheep and 5 reams bookbinding paper.

Allthe foregoing articles aro to be of the bestquality,and bidders are re.nitre.ltc submit sample..The right to reject auy and all bids Isreserved.

Dated at olympia. Wash.. Aprl1, IS9O.___\u25a0____ O. C. WHITE. State Printer.


—offers will be received until

April22, 1800, ot ground lv San Francisco ror asuitable public buildingsite for the Federal Government, under the act or Congress approved March St.IS«7, January 21. 1889. and April 4. 1890. Eachoffer must be accompanied by a correct plat of theproperly ottered, with adjacent streets and anabstractor title to each piece or part thereof, an ,the price at which an option of purchase willIs.glven on the whule id such site. AH offers an:options are subject to the terms of the above acts.and must be died in the ofhee of N. K.Masteu,Fystdent ot the Commission, 509 Montgomery stRooml. N. K. MAS1EN.


United States Commissioners of Public Buildln.Site for Sau Francisco. \u25a0 apHlOt


MME. MOREAC, 73 FOURTH ST.. REVEALSpast, present and tuture; fee 25c: your forte

by mail sis.c atsd 2 stamp; charms given, apl- 41*

MADAMEWALTERS. 317 TEHAMA. NU. 4TH:________! la.lies 25c. ___ _'Jiv s__ ___

MSLE. RXODICS, CLAIRVOYANT. REMOVEDIvlto1007 .Market, bet. Oth and 7th. Room 2-siiu st

Ms:. StIMID,'FROM VIENNA: MOST Eli"Downed; revealing life's Itittireevents tSadies s!.

gentlemen $2, by ma—l___fl___4 Mission, mr- tf


FORTUNE-TELLER ANaclairvoyant magic charms: love tokens; show)

trite pictures of future husband, aud wives- teach mloils.sie. 2320 Mission ,-t..uear _0tll; lee $'.. oc_) ;(

ME. DR. THOMAS, SCIENTIFIC YOUNvilev.'no-r by eggs and cards; tells the entire Ufa.past, present, future; consultations ou all aft—trsnothingexcepted- aame given, valuable advice a1isure help; mistake impossible written charts '.1

FSuglish and German: imports genuine Ha—gaa-l—iGypsy Powder for love and luck; diseases cure!fee Hi;tetter $.'. 20 Kearny st jest? 12111


reveals past, present and future. Call aud suMISS LELAND, 759 Mission, near Fourth; Tsij,ladl-t)6oe; genttemau $1; lucky charms.


AWEEK'S NEWS FOR 5 CENTS—TUB WEEKLYCall,inxvrassiier. ready for uiailiu-.


privately; 15 days: legal everywhere: nocharge unless successful; probate, collections, etc.;responsible attorneys; all courts; terms reasonable:established lOyrs, G. W. Howe. 30 Ke-myst.lMtl

ADVICEFREE: DIVORCE A SPECIALTY: CAN-i*vbe obtained In one day, privately; legal every-where; terms liberal ;no charge unless successful:probate, insolvency, collections, etc. T.ENGLFA'Attorneys' Association, 11Kearny st. mrO tt


\\- W. DAVIDSON, A 1 i'OIiNKY-AT-LAW7~-a2;vl .California »L.Rooms 1-1-1 advice tree. d3 if



-,l"Msecurity; willpay $7 per month Inter-est lv advance. Address B. 8., Box 155. Cal:

Brunch Office. . apl7 sit

vlfc'Ylili(11lMTO "LOAN AT LOWEST MAXtii.OUU.UUU _et rates on S-ty and country realestate. any amounts. .sen ii.i.vr..ijdCalifornia, tr


J V.LAWRENCE. CAREEN i'F.KAND BUILDER,.619 Sacramento st.;cabinet work and littiagupoffices promptly attended to: _______\u25a0


PHYSICIANS. -. \u25a0\u25a0 -.' :..iiTATKIN."7 GRANT*AYE.:LOW FEES; EX 1- \u25a0_______' eoiitl.lent'iv consult. Iree.

Classified Advertisements Continued •on lm

Sixth Page.

booms TO Layr-coN^ryiTEi).

K_(Q ELLIS-DOUBLE PARLORS. FOR DOC-OUO tor or artist, or very fighthousekeeping; uti-furnished. -. aplti3t*(>•) TEHAMA—LARGE FRONT SUNNY ROOM;—

furnished; use of kitchen If desired: alsoIngle rooms. aplti7t*

fi1 Q STEVENSON, NEAR SEVENTH—NICELYUIUfurnished back parlor; suitable for two gen-tleiuen. . aplO 7t* ,'A CROOK ST., CORNER TOWNSEND, NEAR1Fourth-Two sunny furnished rooms to let;terms liable. apl6 Sit1fil-; WASHINGTON-LARGE FURNISHED I£__

'—front room; also one unfurnished aplO st*

1(17 HYDE -PARLOR FLOOR (3 BOOMS);a "'bath; for lighthousekeeping. aplS 2t*

l''l'i'POLK-FINELY "FINISHED HAY-WIN-a-uuij dow sunny room;private lamllv. apl6 3t*C9A FOLSOM. near FOUKTII-FUKNISHEDV-"iJrooms. $1 week and up. apltitf'7')] GREEN- FURNISHED OR UNITI—l uislieil rooms; board I!desired. aplO 7t«

8 ELLIOT PARK-PLAT OF 1 ROOMS FOBhousekeeping. apl67__991tv PICUMOKE-2 BOOMS, KITCHEN:FUR-f____t__" nlshed or nnfnrnlshed. Applyat store. 182*

&A9WASHINGTON-SUNNY UNFURNISHEDhousekeeping rooms; running water. 16 7t*';\u25a0)')! FOURTH, COR. TEHAMA-ROOMS $1 50*•—'—'- l" *-' Per week; fa to $-.0 per mouth, 16 7*OKI "OLSOM, BET. FIFTH AND SIXTH-2UUL line flats; 8 and 10 rooms. ay.10 71*Hl'.l' BRYANT, BET. FOURTH AND FIFTH—3IXnl rooms furnished complete for housekeeping-private family. ____*1fjqi FOURTH-3UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOB1 V'•'-.- housekeeping; gas or coal oil stove.apie 2t»

P.')') FOLSOM-HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: ALSOO—O single. aplO 3t*3-) EDDY-CHANGED HANDS: COSY, NEATLYO furnished sunny rooms ;also transient. IBat*


69") HOWARD -LARGE SUNNY FURNISHEDU—O room; rent $10. aplti2t»



89^ MISSION-LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED_____ parlor suite; single rooms. apl6 st*CA MISSION-LARGE PARLOR SUITE; BlN-__a-» R_e Rjirtvste family. aplß St*

091 MINNA—NICE FRONT ROOM; GENTLE-<)— imen or man and wifa apltist*0I


-NICE SUNNY FURNISHED'I Irooms; private family, apl6 St*

81f> MISSION—LABBE1RONTPARLOP.SUITE,VJ iUnicely rnrnlsbed; modern convenleuces. us 5*

99/1 LABEIN—NICELY FUBNI.-HED FRONTt/—\)room; also other rooms. \u25a0 apltisl*

1017 1-vlllxlN-SU.NNY FURNISHED ROOMS,lotIcomplete forhousekeeping. .ipitist*

9- (|HOWARD—. NICELYFLKNISHEDROOMS—Ucomplete for housekeeping. ap!6 st*

•> 1(' FULTON-NICELY FURNISHED .SUNNY0 VUroom, with hot aud cold water: board. al6 Si*


housekeeping. Apply41 Everett st. apltiSt*>)\u25a0)•) POLK—UNFURNISHED SUITE BAY-WIN-—.—O dow rooms; gas; bath. aplli7t*

(31OI STOCKTON— UNFURNISHED ROOKS;U1 Q-> also inruished. apl6if1)1 Q FIRST, BET. HARBISON AND FOLSOM—OXO 3iiiifurnlshed suuny rooms, with first-classaccommodations. Apia 2t*

909 FIFTH— FRONT BAY-WINDOW—...)— rooms; also other ru. ins. , apls Sit*

90,1 F*~"*Tn"~-SUNNY BAY-WINDOW BOOM;m.OX also other rooms: bath. a;. 15 bl*


XUO housekeeping. apls tf1AX FIFTH-LARGE FRONT SUNNY ROOM;

X bath and gas. apls 3t*OTw FIFTH-SUNNY furnished FRONTOXO rooms; private family. aplsst*OnNINTH-LARGE NICELY FURNISHED BAY-OU window front rooms. apis st*


LARGE SUNNY BAY-WINDOW"X furultihed housekeeping rooms.

-apls 7t*

.^9O GEARY—2 OB Si SUNNY', UNFURNISHED*-'— rooms; rent cheap. aplti 2t*


FURNISHED"X front rooms for housekeeping. aplti2t*7] A FOLSOM— FURNISHED ROOMIXU In private family; $6 a month. apti tf

9.IAGOOD ROOMS ATLOW RATES—7IS HOW.a-UU ard St., or. Third;gas and water Ineachroom;read lug-room aud bath tree; linen changed dally;house open all night- be_____________o_

DEVON HOUSE, 1130 MARKET AND 23 TURKst.—Handsomely furnished suites and single;

-—any; transients solicited. mrl9 lm

1fiflJ.VAN NESS—SUNNY SUITE: ALSO SIN--1 XJUX gle; quiet: good board; references.aps lm

1 Ift.. -UgSION—NICELY FURNISHED SUNNYI4 .)".' bay-xriiylQ— forhousekeeping. ap3 tfCO? O'FAIiRELL-PAKLOTt' -tl_OOR; Fill-,00 \u25a0 nlshed: housekeeping; hot wata^r7g^Sr*S^#sl__7QQ VAN NESS axe. A HANDSOMELY FUR--1 OO nlshed corner suite of parlors; rent »40; alsosingle rooms. sip-.* tr

7.?. EDDY-NEWLY FURNISHED LARGEIXO room, with 2 closets; $10. mr3u tt

1(,1 HYDE—

SUNNY HALL ROOM: GAS;XQIcloset; $1. uir3o tf

1097 -HANDSOMELY FURNISHED1C— lrooms; double, single aud en suite; gasand bath; also lighthousekeeping. iur2S tf(11 9 SUTTEE— SUITE, 4 ROOMS. TOit1£i gentlemen, or housekeeping. mr'2o tf

tl')_| PARLORS AND OTHER SUNNY»-'— 1 rooms: unrurnlshed; housekeeping. it.rid tr

1AT KEARNY," OPP. WHITE HOUSE-FRONTXOT suite and kitchen; s—'o;top Boor. mrl tf

Y'OSEMITE HOI SE, 1045 SIARKEr ST.. BET.X Slxthaud Seventh: 35c to$1per night; perweek,

\u2666ISO to *5;single and en suite: families- mrl t'1 I_» THIRD-SUNNY SUITE OF HOUSEKEEP-XXtiingrooms; cheap. apl6 2t*

9/1NINTH—LARGE SUNNY BAY-WNDOW-.ITrooms. aplss__QlfO MISSION-LARGE FRONT ROOMS;do- batb; private family. apls 6t*(11 Cll -MISSION—NICELYFURNISHED FRONT_J __

housekeeping ____B____tn_e rooms.155*111 71 MISSION, OFF. MINT—LARGE BAY-OX 1 2 wiiuiow front r- urns. a__st»1ftA7 MARKET, NEAR SIX (CHANGEDXUUIhands) Newlylurulshed sunuy rooms. 15 7OCR JESSIE- LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM;OUU also other roou-S. • apls 5t

rpilE SILVER KING, 511 BUSH, NEAR NEW-ICalifornia Theater— sunny suite torgentle-man and wire or two gentlemen: also single roomsat reasonable rates. apls tit,-.Il1SIXTH—HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS,

"COM--01,1 plete en suite or single; each two rooms lias

cooking stoves. apls 7t*QOf_ MISSION-NICELY furnished FRONTOOP room: also single room. ay15 st*«)•)_) ELEVENTH

—2 FURNISHED SUNNY—•).> rooms; private family;$5 to$7 amo. 15 3t»

1C RIM-ON PLACE-ALCOVE SUITE. I'NFUR-XU nlshed; other rooms: references wanted. 15 3*

91 C JONES, NEAR HUSH— A LARGE FRONT1»-^ room; gentlemen only. apls 7t*


V—*unfurnished; rent cheap. apls 3t*Xjl,-.BRANNAN,COR. FOURTH-FURNISHEDOUO suuuy front rooms. $7 and 85. aplS 7t»11D EDDY—UNFURNISHED ROOMS FORXXO housekeeping. • apls 3t*

09A ELEVENTH-PARLOR FLOOR; FURNISII-U—U ed: lightlionsekeeplug: single ...His. 15 St*Ofl?. SIXTH—LARGE SUNNY FRONT ROOM''"''ami closet cheap to 1or2 steady, neat, plaingentlemen. apis sit*

909 SIXTH—GOOD FURNISHED SUNNY____ rooms. $1to$2 per week; quiet bouse. 15 3*


1017 MISSION—a ROOMS FURNISHED FORXtfiIIs '\u25a0-'\u25a0.\u25a0'.'ping, with range and porch.l63f

9..9 1 CLEMENTINA IN REAR, 3 UNPUR—U— .• nlshed rooms. apis at*


9 LARGE I.MS To LET: FURNISHED OR—\u25a01unfurnished; suitable for otllces or housekeeping.

28'/. Sixth. ap15 3t*•JO ITHIRD-FRONT ROOM AND KITCHEN,Ott X neatly rurnlshed forhousekeeping. apl 1 tf

67 TWENTIETH,NEAR HOWARD— A LARGEI1J flat of 3 rooms for housekeeping; furnished;

wit's or without board. apl.iif

IIUIAMASON—FURNISHED ROOM TO LETXUUX for gentleman: reasonable. ap!3 st*II/.7 KEARNY— 2 OR 3 FURNISHED\u25a0I XUirooms for housekeeping: also single.l37t*OIMIMISSION—LABUK COB, SUITE, FUR-'MI.'ulshed. suitable fordoctor or dentist. 13 7t*

U9(l HOWARD—NICELY FURNISHED SUN--1 "O ny rooms, en suite or single. apl3 7t

7 1'.) POST. BET.JONES ANDLEAVEN :II'llarge finely furnished alcove room, aplo tf

11A')HOWARD-SUNNY SUITE: ALSO "55X1X— .ie rooms; use of kitchen If desired. 13 7*D'_) IIOLSOM—ILARGE BONNY BAY-WIS--1 .) 1 dow room; no children. apl3 st*F.'Jf?TUKK, NEAR IARKIN


OtiUdouble room; also single room, furnished:private family, apl37t»111" IIHOWARD—NICELY FURNISHED SlN-_____'.' glerouins; private family, aplS st*lly/lTHIRD—SI4; 2 SINN) FURNISHED_lO'i rooms Tor bocuefceeplng, apl3 51*

9'J •)FOt ItI11—NICELY FURNISHED ROOM;_____ bay-window; rent $10. ap!3 st*

79- BKANNAN. ABOVE SIXTH— BED-____—' room and kitchen, furnished: cheap. ____1(11') STOCKTON— NICELY FURNISHEDI'./ 11) housekeeping rooms; sun morning andevening; nice yard front and rear; car line passesthe door. . ap!27t


—._/ able: also other rooms; location most de-

slrsble, sp!2 7t»

'-still -A SIXTEENTH-LARGE, NICELY PUB-Ox)Idlushed rooms; housekeeping if desirable;gasand bath. _ apl'l7t*9A_ MCALLISTER—LARGE SUNNY ROOStS,"UKsuitable lor-hoasekeeplng: furnished. 12 7t*1 897 MARKET—LARGE, NICELY FUR-XOJJ Iuislieil front rooms ;$5 and $10. apl'l7t*

9Q191 SIXTEENTH-LARGE BUNNY BOOMS»-"-l*-3 for housekeeping, furnished or uafur-nlshed. apl2 7t»')1 O MASON-LARGE,SUNNY ALCOVE; ALSO-—It)housekeeping rooms: private family,apll Tt

9. .7 JONES— NEWLY FURNISHED SUNNY*\u25a0"! suites. $20 to «30; also single rooms, all)m

1A.T.I.GOLDEN GATE-SUNNY FURNISHED1""''or unfurnished; en suite or single. 117t»

TH'-. HAVES-LARGE FRONT BOOM IN PRI--1 UO vate family;home com forts: 7t1J.) SEVENTH (GIRARD HOUSE) -FUR-

—.nlshed single, suites.hoitsekeeplng tf

A '-"! TEHAMA-2 FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS*sl IO and kitchen; housekeeping; $14, aplO tf '

__9Q LAUKIN-TWO SUNNY ROOMS FUR-"XAtO nlshesl for housekeeping. \u25a0 aplo tf


HANDSOMELY F URNISHEDJl" sunny rooms; refs,: board optional. aplO lm1 9QF, MARKET ST., INDIANAPOLIS HOUSE;1____J furnished suuuy rooms to let. .-.-.- apl tf ,qOfiLARKIN-HOUSEKEEPING: FURNISHED•J".VJ bay- wluduxv suites, with kitchens, $25 and$35: no children. ' . -

ap9 tr•)|H) GRANT AYE.. NR. POST— SUNNY FUR-—UO uislieil suite .in,!single room. \u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0..": ap7 tf ?_'-x(. i'.LI.IS-I.ARs.E SUNNY ROOMS; SINGLEjUU or eu suite: furnished: gent.emeu only.0 lm

HOUSES TO IJST.7?E~w'Fa^Ar"i-fl'n~~c^^a-i rooms and bath, $100; 603 Polk, near Turk. 12rooms and bath, $60: 832 page. ur. Scott. 6 rooms,bath. $30; '-'631 Jllsslou, nr. 22i1. 5 rooms and bath,$17 60: 1506 California, nr. Larkln, 7 rooms, batn,$45; 310 s. Leavenworth, nr.Eddy, 7 rooms, bath,$12 50: 817 Treat aye., near l'7th, 5 rooms andbath, $25; 1635 Sacramento, nr. Polk, 10 rooms,bath, $55; 416 Bartlett. nr. 25th. 6 rooms, $25;5251a, Valencia, nr.16sh, 5 rooms, bath, $20: £032Folsom. nr. 17th, 5 rooms siud bath. $16: 2102V.Howard, nr. 17lh. 5 rooms, $12 50; 225 17th. nr.Mission, 4 rooms, $13; 30 Park aye., offBryant and6th, 5 rooms, $20: 925 Army, near Dolores, 6rooms, bath, statue, $27 60; w. Bush and Baker,new flat. 6 rooms and bath. $27 50. YON RHEI.NA CO.. 524 California st ap!7 tf

'>ft~l r,O'FARRELL. 6 ROOMS, $20; 522 FELL,—.UAIIB rooms, $35: 159 Octavia, 8 rooms,

$37 50; 905 Stelner, 11 rooms, $55: 22 Hafgbt, 10rooms, $55: 1505 Golden Gate aye., 8 rooms, $15:66 Minna, 10 rooms, new, $35; Polk, bet. Hayesand Pell, 16 rooms and hath, $100. Applyto P. U.MOLLOY,138 Montgomery st, apl7_7t_(j];*)-, BOUSE OB 7ROOMS, BATH,BASEMENT•- "'\u25a0>• and yard, 422 Seventh st App'-y 416Seventh. .• aplf 3t*

TOLET-LOT75x100 ;COR.H ANDTWENTIETHare., South Sau Francisco, with 2-story newdwelling-house, stable, barn and out-houses-. suita-ble 1..r a eh,. -ken-ranch . Inquire of ROMAN,gro-csr. onFifteenth aye. • aplO 7t*

HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND RATH. 1111 Mo-Alilster st. ap!s St*

.<& I»"is(l'"""

FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS,'. lOU clearing $25 per month. 1408 .Missionstreet. ap!s 3t«

1(IIft LARKIN—PRETTY MODERN 5-ROOMic'lO cottage; surrounded by trees; bath: largebasement; stable and driveway, $35; withoutstable, $30. ap!3 7t»

%1 ftl) PARK LOTS. NEAR BOULEVARD AND0.UU. Market-st. extension: $5 monthly install-ments: no interest; no taxes. JACOB HEYjIAN,630 .Market st. apl'_ lino/' BOOMS ANIL.BATH,CHEAP. 147


U cia st,; apply downstairs: $18, apB tt12;" FINE SUNNY HOUSE 8 ROOMS; BATH;tJDOO. front ami rear garden. 1421 Steiuer st,uear Ellis.

-mrlB tf

FiJKOTS BAD TENANTS; COLLECTIONSx_)«lmade. Coffey's Collect'n Co.. 619 Motitg'y. Otf

FLATS TO LET.')/\N"l""v":I\u25a0 I. i i.RTT'OMpl*ET^*^r^A?s~6_tUrooms and bath each; rents from $27 to $35;NE.cor. Eleventh and Folsom; 3 new flats. 4 and 5rooms and hath, $18 and $22, on McClea court, ntrNinth st; 132 Stevenson, bet Thirteenth ami Her-man, 7rooms and bath, complete, $28; new 4 and6room flats. Walnut aye,, at Suiter and Larkin,$25 and $28. ApplytoP. C. MOLLO-, 138 Mont-gomery st. ap!7 7t

t{ROOMS; FIRST FLOOR; RENT $16; 613 SEC-U ond st. Applycorner grocery. __73t*

UPPER FLAT,726 FELLST.",NEARFILLMORE,) north side; sun all-around; 7 rooms, bath; all

modern improvements: store-room: yard: housealmost new: water free. Owner, 821 17 2*

IOQ PIERCE ST., NEAR HAIQHT—ELEGANTIaC«J new sunny lower Hat,8 rooms, bath; very de-sirable; yard and cellar; i-. block of cable: key cor-ner grocery. Apply to ttOV-CE, TOY

—CO.. 19

Montgomery st aplO sit

SO/; TO LET—NEW UPPER FLATS,6 BOOMS•_ —U. and bath; sunny side of Market, near Fif-teen—i; wootleu mantels; allmodern Improvements:must be seen to be appreciated: key sit the bakery.Apply to EASTON, ELDRIDGE A CO., 618 Marketst. . -

»p!6 3t

89' HOWARD-FLAT 7 ROOMS AND CAR-O—tlpets lor sale. aplO St*aitlst PLAT 4 ROOMS; BATH;NO CHILDREN.i-" i•-> 1314 Larkln st., cor.California. aplO tf

mlSAN JOSE AYE.; COSY SUNNY UPPER2 hat 3 large looms: cellar; $13. nplb*2t»

PLATS ROOMS; inside BLINDS AND man"rt<_ 242 Clara st apl6 2t»



317 BRYANT ST.— UPPER OR LOWER FLOOR:Tlf partly furnished or unfurnished. apls 7t*O HANDSOME FLATS, WITII THE LATEST0 Improvements: on sunny side of street; rent rea-sonable. 2806 Pine st. ap!s 3t*

BOISE ST., NEAR POINT LOBOS AYE.—NEWupper flat of 5 rooms. ap!s 3t*

17 CLINTON. BET. BRYANTANDBRANNAN—-1IFlat 4 rooms and hall: rent $12. :tpls3t*

lOWEP. FLAT;4 ROOMS; YARD; BASEMENT.J 228 Thirteenth st., near Harrison. ap!3 7t*ELEGANT I.ATS, 5 and 6 rooms, batil

•s- 925 Golden Gate are. and 27 Birch aye.. offLarkiu. apl.i7t»

9C ELGIN PARK-2 LARGE SUNNY BOOMS;—.«! housekeeping, rent $8. aplotf

XTBW PLAT 5 ROOMS ANDBATH. 1203 GUER-AV rero st. cor. 'enty-frnirtn. aplO tfIown; M.A-; 6 BOOMS AND BATH. 1426IJ Hayes st ' aps tf

\u25a0 )•)\u25a0> M ' c- v-i .-r<. 4 and 5——rooms: renin $.0. Owner' JsTsTN l'tislt-ftosJf



IfOB SALE—FI iCRIs i"\u25a0' HOUSE OF 7a rooms and bath,only Inuse a few months; flueper-manent business ;gi'nll"ineu winremain vagreeable;a cosy and comfortable home for those wishing abargain. Address P., Box 87. Call Branch, api 7 3t»/•-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELYFURNISHED. TWOU blocks fromCity Hall miHyde st.; rent taken outIn room ami board if satisfactory arrangement canbe made. Inquire 1308 .Market St., near Jones. 17 tfCi9X FURNISHED PLAT OP 4 ROOMS, COM-x_!_tl. plete lor housekeeping; half a block fromValencla-st cars. 317 San Jose aye.; 10 to 4. 17 3*

6 ROOMS AND BATH; SUNNY SIDE; LARGEcellar and yard; 'rent reasonable. 1428 Kills

st si:.l7tr

SUNNY HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, ON SUTTER ST.;rent $42; occupied by doctor; offlee furniture,

electric and vapor baths lor sa,e. Address- T. T.,Box 10, this o.t.e.'. ap!7 3t*UOIt SALE ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE—X Furniture of a 7-iooui dat for $225; part ontime. 1519 Howard st. apl6 7t*

©Q^ft FURNITURE OF ,12-ROOM HOUSE;KjpUOU. modern conveniences. 822 Larkln. 16 7*

TO LET—FROM IST OF MAY A COMPLETELYIfurnished house: 8 rooms and bath; rent veryreasonable. 1028 Sutter. aplS 7t

'5i7.H1 FURNITURE OF 11 ROOM HOUSE,«,> IUXI.bath, etc. !I3Nluthst. apls 7t»VISE SUNNY CORNER BOUSE TO LET AND-is rtiruiture for sale; 2-story bay-window; 8 roomsand bath: rent $40; fine furniture and a bargain.Applyto c. S. CAPP « CO., Brokers and RealEstate Agents, 636 Market st.

- apls 7t

TO LET—FURNISHED 11. ATOf FROM To 6rooms; separate trance; sonny side. 622

Ellis. apls 3t*IPOLET COMPLETELY— A FURNISHED HOUSEaof 7rooms. 731 Turk st. apls 7t*L-lRNISHI-Ii PLAT it'll BENT ONE OF THE1 neatest and complete flats of 5 rooms and bathand allconvenience- In the cityto rent; completelyfurnished for housekeeping; very reasonable for 6months or one year. 1720 Folsom St., near Thlr-teeiitn. \u25a0 ap!3tl

C;9->C GIVEN AWAY, FURNITURE OF 8-•iT"—O. room house. 155 FllteCntb St.. near

Howard. \u25a0 apl2 7t»

TO RENT— A COMPLETELY FURNISHEDX house of 7 rooms: owner's desire to retain two

rooms ami board for three. 70s Van Ness av__a__ tf



U*osuite; also other rooms. apl7 5t


1ftIft JACKSON— VERY NICELY FURNISHEDIUIVIrooms; bouie comforts; use of plauo. 17 7t

I111' IFOLSOM. COILSEVENTH-NICE SUNNYXUU 1 furnished room inprivate family.apl7 st*Ol •)SIXTH—SUNNY FURNISHED ROOMS;Of —\u25a0 also rooms forhousekeeping. apl7 :tt*

2-.1-1 SIXTH—LAROE FRONT SUNNY ROOM,—iOU-£ with use of kitchen; other rooms. ap!7 st«

CJl* ANT-VERYPLEASANTS! BAl-f—VJ'window room; private family. apl7 4t»1ft9ftWASHINGTON


1U*.,U sunny frunt room; private family.apl7 6f»

GOU JESSIE— 3 NFURNISHED ROOMS: BENT_____$__; no children. apl7 2t*

3 HARRIET. OFF HOWARD. BET. FIFTH ANDsixth Furnished room for 1gentleman; $6. 17 2*

71ftHOWARD, NEAR THIRD-LARGE ANDIJ-O small sunny front rooms cheap. an17 fit*0 1 71 LARMN >l FURNISHED ROOMS01ia suitable for housekeeping. apl7 3t*9'_>lFULTON, BET. FRANKLIN AND VAN*J*>lNess— nicely furnished room:use piano. 17 7*.(•Jt|> HOWARD


U"Q\ rooms. 1 trout.-

ap!7 2t*_ 1«> MINNA—FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHEDXXOrooms. apl7:>t*

I'J-IT UNION. NEAR NICELY FUKN--____ Ished sunny room; $5. ap!7 3t»«)•),-• FOURTH-FURNISHED ROOMS, SUIT-Z,—«Iaide for light housekeeping. ap!7 It*

IC7O POLSOM— IRE li ROOMS.101O plete for housekeeping; ulce homo; rentonly $5: price $225. n*CIOHOWARD


010 keeping room:$:); -00.1 yard. it'

111'): MISSION-NICELY FURNISHED FRONTIUOIroom; quiet house. apl7 st*•)| D MINNA-FUBNISHEDROOMFOR HOUSE.O LO keeping. apl7 tr


_____single rooms; allsunny; cheap. ap!7 if

•tillTAYLOR—2 OR 3 FURNISHED SUNNY"X.Ubousokoi ping rooms; private family. 17 tfOil HYDE-2 FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS_____ with use bath; $15; apply downstairs. 17 3t*>>•> 1 THIRD


-00 1Ingsunny looms; inrear. apl7 tf/•I (11 51ISSION-LARGK FRONT ROOM FUIT"1•': Ished for housekeeping; $2 50 per week;single $1per week. • apl7 2t»

-11 (1MINNA-SUITE ROOMS AND KITCHEN;_____ l.eally fiirn—bed for housekeeping. apl7 6t*


O housekeeping; bath. 11*

99ft HOWARD-ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 OENTLE-—xi men or .nan and wife. it*


J ROOMS FURNISHED FOROoai housekeeping: also bay-window. ap!7 2t*


LARUE SUNNY FRONT.—cl room: suitable for 2. apl7 st*• >i.'> SHOVE—2 NilELY FURNISHED ROOMSO'.'O inprivate family; grate, gas and piano; useof kitchen Ifdesired; bath; cheap to good tenant.Call after p. »L ap!7 It*

7f»- MARKET—

CHEAPEST FURNISHED.- IUti housekeeping rooms. Includingpiano. 17 2t*

QI ft MONTGOMERY AVE.-F URN HE DOil/ rooms, from $1 week and upward. It*l""l~"~j"~~> BROADWAY—SUNNY - FRONT ROOM,111- suitable for 2; private family. apl7 St*

U9 OAK, IN NEW HOUSE-FURNISHED11—i rooms; reasonable rent; cable-cars. 17 It*

01 NATUSIA-NICE SUNNY FURNISHEDOl room, suitable for 2 gentlemen; rent reasou-\u25a0ible. \u25a0 apl7 lit*

Qft/J VALENCIA—2 OR IROOMS CHEAP TOOUU right party. \u25a0-.-.. . .- . . -

ap!7 St*_*:EVERETT— FURNISHED ROOMS, $125."____! 50, $2 per week; housekeeping, $2 50. 17 3*gOE THIRD-SUNNY. FRONT .SUtTE, FUR-U£.u nlshed complete for housekeeping; bath. 17 3*

FRANKLIN—2 ROOMS; 1 A NICELARGE111 trout sunny room; rent reasonable. ap!7 sit*QQQ HOWARD— NICE SUNNY HOUSEKEEi 7-xVoO Ingrooms, furnished. apl7 3t*


_Jp rooms, $10; also two tingle.$4, \u25a0 xpio 7t»

A/lQTHIRD-FURNISHED -SUNNY .ROOMS;—'.'«J light housekeeping If desired. -. -

spl6 It*.-ss

__-TJ'rY -A- ESTATE.':"'-.jA11A )EE, BALDWIN

_HAMMOND, REAL-"'A Estate Ageuts and Auctioneers, 10 Montgomery

street. -.NEW PROPERTY.'.• $1150 each— Slots: 20th. near Church; 25-114.$5000— 18th, mar Diamond: 75x100.'\u0084,""'''-0(

','—Washington and Leavenworth: corner:Mix,,,:0; splcudld lot lor flats: good neighborhood;property Improved willpay bigincome.

$,150 to $1000— Anumber of choice lots on sth tol-"..s sues., near l's. Lob s$15,000— Post, near Gough: splendid large newhay-window house of 14 rooms and bath, billiard,

68°9"r0\u25a0un, etc.; all modern improvements: lot 35i

\u25a0$3250- Sanchez, near 16th; nice 5-room cottage;

lot25x100. _$50 Mission-road lots, within a few bl-eksor the depot at Ocean View;perfectly level: good

drainage; Spring Valleywater; ehurehes and schoolsnear by:only 15 minutes from Fourth and Town-send sis. ;0 trains dally;commutation tickets $3permonth: Mission-street cable will greatly Increasevalues in the neighborhood of these lots: we offer alow onlyat $300 each; $50 cash, balance inmonth-lyliistailuieut.l or $10; size 25-125: call for dia-gram. \u25a0

*JiSJJ-Sacramento st, near Baker; 27:8x77:6.$7500— Hayes st., near Fillmore; 47:6x137:0.$6iso—Splendid speculation: 6 lots; Sullivan St.,

through to rat tan. near Stanyan; Sullivan stBeaded and macadamized; on the direct line ofloth-sts. extension; line vie of the park; for a fewdays only.

$1500 each—« lots on Casein aye., 011 the line ofthe .Market-st. extension; large lots; 25x214; leveland ready to buildon.$3000 each— 2 lots; Sanchez St., near Ridley;25x125. .

$21100— Post, near Lyon:25x137:0; 2 lots; makeinoffer.

$4750— Sanchoz-st. corner; cheap; street workdon.-; 114vsu.$0500 each— 4 lots; Dili,near F'olsom; 25x100.$bOUO—Dolores, n..sr_2d; 61x117:6.$2500— lath, near Castro; 26x115.$1100— 24th and Douglass corner; street workdone; 100x114.$1000 each—-. lots.Mi.ssion road, near Ocean View.liifi"each -2 lots, China aye.. just off Mission; 25$3000— 19th and Diamond corner: 31x100.$.250, very cheap— Halght, 110.1 Devlsadero; now«-room house; well built; cost $4800 to build: lot

25x137:6.$11000— Attractive new house on Devlsadero, nearHalght; 8 rooms assd bath; all modern improve-

ments; wooden mantels, etc.; 25x125.ISIPP.OVED.

$— Lovely new house of 7 rooms, on sunnyside of Clay st. ;goosl neighborhood; salon parlors;alcove bed-rooms; handsome dining-room; Hatlun-ar, tubs: wooden mautels; electric wires throughout; one walks, etc.; ouly $1750 cash; balance oninstalments: this property has to be sold Imme-diately and Isa rare bargain; examine and makeoiler before too late; lot 25x127 -8' i.$12,000— Oak, near Laguna; good house; 11rooms and lath; large sunny rooms, plate-glasswindows; large pantry and closets; stone sidewalks;iron fence, etc. ;lot 14x120, 10 Lillyaye.

$15,000— Clay st. near Taylor; 41:8x120 toPleasant st. ;

_gats on Clay st, 16 rooms: new flats,

011 Pleasant st, and room for another; total rent,$125.

$750 cash: $2500 on monthly installments; nicecottages; 4 rooms and bath; lot25x100; p-ryant aye.,near loth.

$15.000— Splendid new 2-story houses: 7 and 8rooms: all modern conveniences; rents for $100;larce corner; 37 -.6x87:6: make oiler; Buchanan st.

$18.000— Market st., near Valencia; new 2-storybay-window house; 11 rooms; rents for $65; lot25 foot 1rout back to analley.

$27,600- tills st, in. Franklin, through toOliveaye; 2 houses on Falls aud Oliveaye. each; rentsfor $215; lot 55x120.$$500— Gu.trrero-st. flats of 5, 5 ami 6 rooms: onlybout few months: brick foutidatiou; wooden mau-tcSs; rents for $07 50; lot25x100.

$11.500 -Cheapest property on Howard st:large 2-story house and barn; lot 00x125; nearHit's t.

$21.500— Large corner residence on Eddy St., fac-ing Jefferson square: house 12rooms, saloon parlors,large dining-room, billiard-rooiu, 6 bed-rooms, con-servatory, etc.; lot 40x120 to rear street: this lothas 3 rroutages and gets the sun allday;very choiceresidence.

$11,000— First-class Investment; Van Ness aye.,corner, near Pine ground alone worth $—8,000;3good large bay-window houses of 10 rooms each;total rents $210: lot 70x05.$11.500— Valencla-st Investment; good 2-storyhouse, 2 stoics

—ad flat of5 rooms above; rent $52;

lot 26x90.$16,5011- Exceptionally desirable Investment;

nicely finished Fsills-st flats; renting for$127 50;lot rite frontage of 60 feet \u25a0

$0500— Clay St., near Franklin: 2-story rraiue of9room-; brick foundation; lot 39:3x127:8 l/i;verycheap.

UNIMPROVED.$750-P.)trero lots; only 15 minutes' drive from

City Hall:3 [..locksIrom car Hue and short distancefrom L'ulon Iron Works; only a few offered; callsoon, before they are allgone; size 25x100.

$2250— Fulton, near Lyon; 25x100.$21011— Frederick st., uear Stanyan; 25x137.$1100-Elizabeth st.. Sanchez: 25x114.$075 each— s lots; chance tor cheap home in elo-gaat neighborhood; only1block from Halght st.;

good lew of park.$20,000— Hall lot; Park aye.; size 25x100;

solid vestment business Is rapidly centering Inthis locality,and property— increasing rapidly in'value. '. J

--- —-. —._-—..$-001)— Dolores ana 21st : 78x>)5; cheap."

*"$.'ooo— Clay, near Broderick: lot 25x127:8)4.$2250 each— 3 lots. Waller, near Ashbnry; splen-

did neighborhood: lot 25x110.$7500— Paclne st, near Scott; 35x127:8Vt; ele-

gant location.$2150— 17th St. near Sanchez: lot25x111.MCAFEE Baldwin A HAMMOND,Real Estate

A.-.-:.!-, and Auctioneers. 10 Montgomery st-i

apl3 SnTuTh 3t

CHEAP ON ACCOUNT OF DEPARTURE; ANalmost new house of 4 rooms and bath; stable,

etc.: lot 25 or 50x100. ApplyF. DAlti'V.Douglasst. near .Ist. 2 blocks __ from Castro. 13 STnTh 3*


ATTBAI IT.I. lis H's i ,iic ROOMS \nd l:Hiwithlarge lot. lawn and cement walks, -'\u0084,.\u25a0

and chicken yards, lv most desirable part of Ala-meda, cheap and on easy forms. Me—LURE,FITCHA CO.. Bay st, station. apls 4t*

ALAMEDA BARGAINS—SI7OO—LOT 25x145:-•A nice modern cottage 4 rooms and batb; 1

block from Part st.:$250 cash: $25 per month (41sT)$21100— Lot 50x150 with cottage 1 rooms: 2 blocks

from station: street sewered and macadam—

ed: ce-ment sidewalks, etc. (No. 323)

$2000—1—4 60x110: cottage 5 rooms: windmillantitank; $.00 cash; $20 per month. (No. Ill)

$2700— Lot 33:4x125; 6rooms and bath: onCen-tralaye.: $500: balance s3ll per month. (No. 385)

$2750— Lot53x117: m-w modern cottage roomsand bath; 3 -loess lroua station; $500 cash: bal-ance $40 per mouth. (No.

_.$3000— Lot 27x115: new 2-story house 7 roomsami bath at station: $600 cash; $35 per mouth. (X)$3750— L0t50x108; line new cottage 5 tool,is andbat) 1 block from station; all street work done-

fine bargain: $600 cash: Sio per mouth. (No. 391)$4000—Lot 50x125; fine new darn 2-story

house -7 rooms and bath on Central aye. on easyterms; a good bargain. (No. 413)$8500—

—50x150 :suuny corner; near station; •_'-

story bouse Brooms aud bath; line grounds: cheapand ravurable terms. (No. 33)

$7Sou— Lot ."Hif5O; elegant new 2-story boost- 10rooms, with stable; well located; part csisli. (401)Houses built to suit: 15 per cent down,balanceeasy Installments; cheap lots in all parts of Ala-

meda: houses to let and money to lean. 11. p.MOREAL ._ CO.. 1428 Part St., Alameda, ami 402.Montgomery st. San Francisco. anl.trC-7-, TO $200 ASH, BALANCE INSTALL-xiPIAl

'ments, without interest or taxes, will buy-

fine building lots on Pacific and Railroad ayes.;only a few icft; neighborhood rapid, Improving.Moil.lHE. FITCH \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 CO.. Has s|. Station, apll 71

OAKLAND_______ SAI.KIN p-\KI.AND-a'n EI.Ei";aNT ItESI-X di no ; i.i.isground; lot 136x132; comer Lindenand shteentli its. apl3 7t*


"K-inflflNOW BUILDING:HOUSE, ROOMS,HP lot'",bath; comer: 50x125, near University.JOSEPH .1. MASON. 425 CallloriiiiiSt. ap3;f

< -'I >TKI_II|.;,\L ESTATE.

ATLAS PEAK—#IO,OOO FOR 320 ACRES; 50-TV acres In vineyard; good house, etc.: line cli-mate. inquire drug-store, Second and Howard. 167*

If>Oß SALE—IO ACRES RICH, BLACl\"""~l""")""""""""A .In well-selected trees, llnchoice table grapes:Conor trlntliig on 2 roads: 1.. mile 110111 SantaClara; milbearing this season; price $4500, $2000cash: to acres unimproved adjoining, if desired.FRED I.REMSON, Santa Clara. apl3 gtffljl>\(1 EACH: IN UNIVERSITY HKIoTI*Ts!IF1

""the most charming townslte at the Stan-•ford University: 1 mile from Memo Park station;within walkingdistance of the University buildings-

-50x150 each: easy terms. cakn ai.lcF'h/hit.h--hoi'Kinsi-.i. mr-tHm•£••)(] FEU acre- FIRST-CLASS FRUIT AND«_—"'. farming land lii the Gordon Fruit Colony;send fur circulars. CAHNAI.LHT/.HLGII-HOF-KI.NS COMPANY. mr-'ll 1111U'E HAVE A CHOICE SELECTION OP COLONY"

lands subdivided into 5. 10 and 20 acre tractssi! the uniform price of $15 per acre: un easy in-stallments; send forcirculars. CALIFORNIAlandASSOCIATION. $84 Market St. mr23 tf

SCHOOL LANDS, $150 TO $3* AN ACRE; OS1 very easy terms; sold by the state In tracts tosuit: no residence or Improvement required; allkinds of lands, in many different counties; sendsump for list, Open Monday. Wednesday and Satur-Uay evenings. F. W. LAKE.6 Flood Budding. 13 tf

SCHOOL LANDS. AGRICULTURAL AND* TlM-bi-r. Public Lund Agency. .'ill,' Xloiit.-v,It 4. 2ss) It


CERTIFICATED TEACHER EUROPE\J desires pupils for pianoforte. Miss WARREN,40 Russ. off Howard, ur. tith: terms $3 month. ll71*

SF. SHORT-HAND AND TYPE-WRITINO IN-• ststute: $0 per month. Kearny St., cor. Clay:standard system :'looks, etc.. free. lm

SCHOOL OF CIVIL,MININOANDMECHANICALEngineering. Surveying, Architecture. Drawing.

Assaying. a.v. AN 1,1 1; v 1 1,1 N.,23 -iirstT 2Ut

HBALD'S I!CSIINE>B nil.I.E. 14 POST STDouble-entry hook keeping, peuiii.iujtiip, short-hand, type-writing, telegraphy, etc.. ail lucludedta

bueln.-ss course under one tee of $75. lOtt

PACIFIC BUSINESS COLLEQR no POST St.A Lifescholarship. $75: day suit evenln-. oc___


tit RP-A MARKET, F.XTRACTS TEETHXJ for 60c; with gas for $1;open evenings. Belltf

DR. CASSILLV'S PAINLESS DENTALrooms, 202 Fourth st ;best teeth $1 $7: ex-

traetln ; filling25c. to $1;hair price to poor. all tr

ALLNEWSPAPERS HAD LONG ARTICLES ISthem stating that the insane asylums are fullofpeople who took gas only once for painless tooth ox-

traction and went crazy My secret painless methodis vvouderrul. By its use any deutal operation maybe done painlessly. Will forfeit $100 for any tooththat Icannot extract without sleep or gas, eventhough a dozen deutlsts have failed to extract it.Alloperations done better than elsewhere, slues) Ihave seven first prizes for beautirul fillings, plateand crown work. There are 5Leek deutlsts. Officeopen till 0:30 p. at; Sundays tin .a-, it. DE6-OBtiK W. LEEK. 0 O'Farrell st. ocgttCHILIi',DENTAL ASSOCIATION,80651 A'

st (IT, elan Building):gas specialists; positivelyextract teeth without pain; ouly oltlce that makesand gives the celebrated

"Cotton lias"; 30.000 ret.

er-iii\u25a0!-.; established 1863; alloperations Indentistryperformed, DR. CHARLES W. DKCKEK. le7 tf

DR. A. LUDLUMHILL,1411 MARKET ST.. BET.Tenth and Eleventh; no charge for extracting

when plates are made: old plates made over likenew; teeth from $8 per set: extracting 50c. luttfT.XULL SET. $7: . EXTRACTING. POSITIVELYX painless, 50 cents. DB. C. A PEKRV, 8 Masonst, formerly 841 Markets!.

-dcs It


•good as can be made; tilling$1. Dlt SIMMS,

dentist. 930 Market Baldwin Theater.ocltf

AFULLSET OP TF:_iTH FOR $7 FILLINGS ATlowest prices; work warranted DR. J. W. Kl5l

841 Market st. opp, Baldwin. • auiotf

DR. C. 11. WILSON. DENTIST,! P25 MARKETSt.. bet Kit ami Sixth, opn. Mason.

-de!s tf

. _-.- - atoß-ifli _ .-. "7"

I>ACIFIC STORAGE CO., 301 STOCKTON ST.V___________________ advances made. ls ttTTiURNITURE STOKED


J lure Co.. 1031). 1041 Market Rosenthal Bid.. 7 tf~~

*"."\u25a0 OAKLASOTWASTST-..."''•-

OAKLAND ADVERTTSE MENTS ANDsubscrlptio—* received at the Oakland Branch

-Othceof Tub Moksimi Cam., 857 Ureal way, ss.-ar ISeveut—it,.Officehours da, .to 0 tr, a. «ssiwi*st«<;

._..-.— 1--U_-^——.—

- jMlr_i_h«sss_ija3


1,-CU BALE—BI YON RHEIN A CO., 521 CALI-Ifornlast.. above Montgomery. Offers always re-spectfully considered.

FOR sale IMPROVED.75x100— Valencia St., nr.19th; 4 -sores and flats.42:6x95—New modern flats; rents $310. ,—Valencia, sii^lßsii; old improvements.70xl08-Clay St., near Kearny: rents $500; gilt-

edged central business property; $65,001).34:4t/_x7o;o— Clay, nr.Kearny; reuts $213.Boward-st, corner; rents $180.75-125— slxth-st corner; reuts $350.30x80—Mission and Willow;rents *80.55x175— San Jose sve., ur. 2tt.i St.; rents $100.25x75—Park aye., nr. Harrison: rents $30.85x79—Park aye.. nr. Bryant; a Hats: rents $44.27:6x57 :rt—California st, nr.Folk ;resits $00.27:6x110— Post, nr. Octavia; rents $55.37:6x137:6— Halght it.,nr. Laguna; superb new

Colonial style residence.150x122:6-Cor. Cappand 24th sts.; rents $25.32:6x117:3— Fair Oaks, nr. 21st: nice home.22:11x137:6— Green St., ur. Mason; rents $56.-oxol)— Sansoine, opp. U. S. Appraiser's Building.

.29x55— California St.. cor. nr. Dupont: 14 rooms.27:6x68:9 -Grove and Octavia; rests $71.60x77:6— Masou st, nr. Calirornla; well situated.

-l'.eltleu place, off Tinc.ur. Kesirny; $50 net24x80 near Howard; ret.' $30.22:6x137:6— Eighth,nr.Bryant; 0 rooms, bath.21xb9:6— Greeu, nr. Powell; cheap.22 :6x7o—Union, nr.Slontgoinerv ;rent $20.25x62:6-Cor. Geary and William: resits $140.25x120— Pine, W. of Polls, with cottage,22xS2:6— Geary, or. Scott: 7 rooms and bath.55xll)0-Cor. Pine and llroderlck: rents $70.25x112-Broslerlck st, nr. Hayes: rents $45.50x1110— Sacramento and Kimball pi.; rents $90.

Mission St.,nr. 19th; 5rooms and bath,25x90— Howard, ur. loth; line dwelling.25x8" -Church, nr. 27th; 7 rooms aud bath.3 i-:u..-.7ib. nr. Church; hall.25x114— isth St. nr. Noes rents $10.40x130—17th, nr. Noe; nice home.-_':•- sel x100 M.s-lou. nr.16th; rents $65.07 :6xl15-Cor. Howard and 25th.33x100—Sanchez st., nr.16th; rents $01.25x55—16th st, near Sanchez: adjoining above.25x114— Liberty,ur. Guerrero: 7 rooms and bath.100x114— lsth st, near Noe ; flower garden.—

Treat aye., near 2dttist.: 9 rooms, bath.25x125— Dtamoud St., near Istn; 6 rooms, bath.

Chattanooga, nr. 23d; 5rooms and bath.5 ii.w cottages; Installments; Jersey and Diamond.23x122:0— Shotwell st., near 22d: cheap.26:10x114— Alvarado st. near 23d: small house.26x100— Alabama st,near 24th; small house.60x122:6

—Poisomst,, nr.22d: 11rooms and bath.

•oxloo—Florida st, near 20th: 3 cottages.26x100— York st, near 24th: small house.

:6—Cor. 19th and Shotxveli sts. ;rents $12.50x115— Dorian. 1st., near Guerrero; cheap.23x80— Xisiingst, 12th; 3 flats; rents $01 50.25x75— Gilbert St., near Frattuan; rents $25.50x80—New 10-Bat building: rents $200.23x66- Cor. Minna and Stb sts.: stores ,-uul flats.-lox-n Minna st, lit— bib ; rents $65.50x80— Tehama near 4th: rents $80.26x80 -Clara st, near sth; rents 40.\u25a0-:\u25a0-.. St -Harrison aye., near l'o.soin st.; rents $20.25x70— Churubusco, nr.Courtland aye.: 4 rms.sS,50x77

—Courtland aye., s.r. Churui'iisi'.; cheap,

1(10x125—4 lots inSilver Terrace Homestead.50x130— Williamson, uear Point Loboa.

UNIMPROVED INLOTS TO SUIT.300 acres, 1mile from Baywards; suitable for

subdivision: $12,000.OOxliio—Valencia st, near Army.100x106:8— Car. Pulton and Shrader sts.137:6x137:6— C0r. Page and Laguna, In lots.37:6x72— Hayes, near Laguna; large lot,137:6x137:6 -Cbestnnt, near Larkiu;In5 subs.53 :9x137:6— Va11ej0 st,, nr.Laguns :marine view.47:6x10.1— Qougb St.. neat Ellis; reauy to build.Buildinglots, cash or iustalluienS-; 1 block from

Castro.60x122:6— C0r. Howard and 19th: cheap.60x76— Howard stud Adair; tine corner.25x100— near Florida: cheap.-6x1.2 -.6—Howard .-:.. near 24th; cable-cars pass.105x114 Cor. Sanchez and Cumberland; cheap.26xlo0—Cor. Diamond aud 19th; forstore aud flat25x125— Guerrero, near 25tis :welllocated.Castro, near L9th; a line of lots.110x1 15-Cor. Diamond and 23d.75x114— 20th. nr. Church: lv3lots.26:6x80—Cor. Duncan and Do lores; cheap.75x100— Cor. 26th and Alabama sts. :a good buy.60x114— tor. 23d and Guerrero; residence corner.114x183—-Onr. Castro and Elizabeth; IUlots.•-•tldxllij-l Castro and Hill;in lots.39x80— Cor.Castro and Clippersts.: examine,

17:1—221 St., near Mission ;business.57:6x114— Elizabeth ,i.,near Douglass; bargain.50x114— Cumberland st,near Church.26x100—-Rhode Island, near Vol. ; cheap.S. V. H'd onMission road; part cash.150x115— Cor. Roanoke au.l liemls.Lots 5 and 8, Block 15. Falrmouut Tract.400x2 10— of Park; fronts proposed boulevard.000x240-0. L.Block: well located; a bargain.26x120— California st, near 20lti aye.; $750.—

California, near 18thave.25x1-0— sis',-., near Point l.olios; $550.Lot 18, Block 11. Flint TractLots in excelsior Homestead Association.Preclta Valley lots; ch-aa.Lots south ot Hie Park; cheap.

O. P. YON BHEIN at CO.. 521 California staplS SnTh Ist ;

l\rANTED—A CASH OFFER FOR 2 CORNER'X lots lvExcelsior Homestead, Mission road: each151'xlUO; willsubdivide Into 12 lots. W. H.CRIM_

CO.. 128 Montgomery st. apl7 I't.SsiSu 3t

""ifl'C--I*!'.- BALANCE $ICA- H'i^t:'.. '.-.i.0«'x! choice lot- on Madrid st., near Mlntlon road.W. H.CBIMA CO., 428 Montgomery st 13 SuTh tt

ft'T^Hl c ST.. - P- 20TH AYE,AND1BLOCKi^UUU. from Park; 30x100: terms to suit buyer.IV.11. CRIMACO.. 428 Montgomery st 13 Su 1 ti11

,_.<1.,/i A BARGAIN-LARGE LOT., COR. IS•- •>' U. st and 31st aye. : OUxlO'.'. W. H.CRIMA CO., 428 Montgomery st. aull)SIIITI tf

<•>•%( I LOTSON DAYST ,NEARDOUGLASS:*£^.OU. part sash; 25x114. W. 11. CRIM A CO.,428 Montgomery st api SuTh tr

Ci7"".fl -..;. BT-.N I.',i;CASTRO:26x114; THIS»Ji IOX), lot Is well worth $11)00. ".11. CIUMA CO.. 428 Montgomery st. apl.iSuTh tflife IVI1., '-'!nU ST7 NEAP. DOLORES, ON•_ 1-ot.i, grade; street work done; 25x114. W.11. CRIMA CO.. 428 Montgomery st. apl.i SuTh tt


—lxjir.bee st. uear Jelterson; 26x7A W.ll.CRIMACO.. 428 Motngpinery st aplS SuTh tr

_Sa_7"i(i CAPP, NEAR18TH; GOOD 2-STORYV!IUU. house or 7 rooms, bath; __

\u25a0-\u0084 I J .;W. H.CRPrtCO- 428 Montg. nery. Apia SnTh tf<^{|,i|l CALIFORNIA,NEAR FILLMORE;«i_!UV/t"J. rooms, bath: In good order; 25x132W. H. RIMa \u25a0\u25a0>.. 4.8 M....1.-. oners. ap!3 SuTh tf

Ctfi-'SnCt SPLENDID 9-BOOM HOC SB WITH\u2666. iji'i'U,all the modern conveniences; Halgblnear Pierce: 25x100. W. 11. CBIM A- CO., 4—BMontgomery st. apl.i SuTh tr

Sfe' MilI- _ OAK-

NEAR LAGUNA, RUNNING•gtUUXiU. to Lilyaye.; improvements on bothstreets: 27:6x120. W. U.CRIM a CO., 428 .Mont-guinrry st \u0084-:.: mi ITi tf-< IP, I'lllft COB. MARKET, NOE AND ltiTllliplO.iJUU. sts.: on grade; street worst done;105x156: Market and 16th will soon be extended,which —HI double the value of this lot. « ilCKIM.V. CO., 428 .Montgomery st. apl3suThtt


a-11(IDOLORES ;INR.-22D;150x117 :«,


xlv"'. to an alley; Dolores Is one of thewidest streets Inthe city. W. H.CBIM

—Co,428Montgomery st apl3 SnTh ;f

Q'^ftllft HARRISON ST., Nit.220; $8:8x100;._ uvru\J. street worKdone; loton grade, W. 11CIUM ACO.. 428 Montgomery st aplS SnTh tt

ftal7^i!l CHOICE CORNER LOT; 231) AND•Jp-t IOU. Chattanooga »U.; 40x117:6. to smallstreet; 3 frontages. W. 11. CRIM .x CO., 428Montgomery st . spISS-Thtt

Is1.lift REDUCED CORNER CASTRO fANDc '•' 'UU. .otiists. ;114x80: near car-house. W.11. 'HId a Co., 428 Montgomery st. apis SuTh tfVI",fill


kE'UOUU. 1 block Irom Market st: this Is cer-tainlyabargain; SSxlOa W. H. CBIM A CO., 428Montgomery s:. apl2 SuTb tf

Sltftftli ("X- BRODERICK -AND JACKSON'.''L'"1'. sis.; 55x100.' W. 11. CRIM A- Co.. 428Mont-oiuery at, apl3 SuTh tf

•ft'/Nillft CHURCH ST., NIL I11; NEAT COT-%>i-OUU. tase of 0 rooms, bath; 25x100: $700cash; balance inInstallments. W. 11. CRIM


4 28 Montgomery at ap!3 Su'ii. it

T.-lELL. NEAR OOUGH—STORE AND 2 FLATS;A1lot 27:6x120 to Hickory are., Market st.W. H.CRISIA CO., 42S Montgomery st.apO SuTh tf


NEAT COTTAGE 6aJ rooms and hath; lot Jot 111; partcas h: see this.W. H.CBIM A CO.. 128 Montgomery st.ap6 tfs<-'".[||| NEAT COTTAGE OP 4 BOOMS AND"tPOlil'V. bath and line 7-rt. basement, on LettSt.. near McAlll.,ter-st cable; parteasb. W. IIITSIMA CO., 428 Montgomery st apB SuTh tl

SI "villi "TEST AYE, NEAR CLAY ST.; 30 1«Jr\»U. lieaimrul lots. 25x101:2; view of theocean: these are cheaper than any offered and willIncrease rapidly In value; street graded and ma-cadamlzed; lot) feet wide. ROBERT J. MEKCFR,513 California st apia SulhSu St

Sll'.f'fl JACKSON ST..NR. SPRUCE; FACES«J) IVV'U.lYesldlo. hue view; 25x127:8; only 3left; cheap, si lots liithe city; only a few blocks' W.of Pacllic Heights; easy terms. ROBERT J. MElt-CEK. 513 California st apl3 .-.uThSii 3t'•i' Iftftft DIAMONDST., BET. 21TK ANDJER-«4s?-t \ju\i.sey. 1block from Castro-st cable; only3 lots; 25x80 each. ROBERT J. MEKCEIt, 513California st. apl3 Ihsti 3t

$1.1 ("Hill C"'

AYST., BET. I.EA\KNWoIITII«g)_ I.\J\t\J. and Hyde; 10175x13750; 2-storybouse, 9rooms and bath: by moving same to rear, oflot and erecting modern flats Infront, rents willpay 15 per cent per annum on tbe Investment; ex-cellent neighborhood on balance or Mock; finely Im-proved. For fulldetails call ouHOVT, ARNOLD

-CO.. 634 Alarket st apin SuTuTh 3t

lftV"".ft "OWAKD,BET. 17TIIANDIBTH;tv?IU._-»)xf.lot •JMxl-'2:ii; line house; 8 roomsami bath: barn, good chicken-Is. us..etc HOVT,ARNOLD

_CO., 034 Market st. apis SuTuTh «_

cfc;")7"ift "THST.. |:i;i-., hi |,M and SAN-X_-<J Iit\l.chez; lot25x100; new modi ru house.2 flats. 6and 7 rooms and bath; rent $15 lIOYT.ARNOLDA_CO.. 634 Market st. ApiaSuTuTh 3t*\u25a0 l »(llt 13T

"""\u25a0""•• BET EUREKA AND DlA-

>_) iuvc..monil; lot26—75; new modem house,9 rooms and bath; all Infine shape. 110YT. AR-SOLD A .11.11 ApiaSuTuTh 31QAU^t, '-',|"1 ST., BET. GUERRERO AND*pi"OU Dolores; lot 25x114: 2-story, 111-roomhouse. HO\T, ARNOLD

_CO., 634 Market•""'*'\u25a0 sip13 SuTuTh sst


IiDUUUU. Church: lot 50x111; cottage « roomsand space 25x111 to buildon: street work all done.___T, ARNOLD A CO.. 634 Market IS SnTnTh 3tSft'-UlOf. DAY ST.N-EARciii ISITI;LOT 281<lp')\j\jvi.120; cottage 5rooms, bath and base-ment. lIOYT, ARNOLD As CO., 034 Marketstreet ' spillSuTuTh St

•""\u25a0'-.fl'lll STATE -ST., NEAR MARKET: LOTitp.tUUU. SiSxlOO; cottage 4 rooms. llolT,ARNOLD ACO.. 634 Market st. ap!3 SuTuTh at

fl*.'/"?"!.. VALLEY ST.. NEAR CHURCH; LOTxj)^IUU. 14: Ilarge rooms- streetgraded, sewered and macadamized. lIOYT, ABN-OLD A CO., 634 .Market st. apl3 SuTuTTi lit

'R'/'T'vft CHATTANOOGA ST.. NEAR 21ST;"S.t;„.liy

-•_*•**-__: cottage 4 rooms. lIOYT,

ARNOLD A CO.. 634 Market St. ap!3 SnTnTh 3t*'-!()(),ACll-"$10 MONTHLY PAYMENTS:*>•"«« lot '-Sxl-Os bet. land Jsts.; only 1blockfrom Goldeu Gate Park and railroad to CUB House;also sited between 2 proposed cable lines; Invest-ment Inabove lots willpay 50 per cent per annumfor the next5 years. HoVT,ARNOLD A Co., 634Market St.


apl:)SuTuTh 3t

Ss9o"l-_f*CH—*v> SIONTHLY PAYMENTS:,<*,,""„bet L »'"! M sts.; 4 blocks south of

Golden Gate Park and only1and 2 blocks frofn thenew cable lines running from bay to ocean; thesesunny lots willpay 50 per cent per annum ou invest-ment for next 5 years. lIOYT,ARNOLD

_CO..634 Market st \u25a0 . apl3 SuTuTh 3t

EXCELSIOR HOMESTEAD-12 PINE LEVELlots willbe sold aa a whole for$2-50. or In sub-

divisions to suit at $200 per lot; lotsare sellingnearby at $100 each. \u25a0-\u0084-*

$700-A beautiful lot35x100 on Bartlctt St., nearThirtieth; lot level, with lovely view of city andbay; can build two houses on this lot; cheapest lotIn 1silrmoutit. .. \u25a0 .....-

$2200-55x120, on N. side of Lombard St., nearLaguna; the future fashionable drive to the Presi-dio; sewered and graded ;to be macadamized by theGovernment; willdouble In value In one year.CHARLES W. POPE, 630 Market split SnTnTu 3t

Gf'l^ft LOT 36x100, IN BERKELEY;,SIDE.<JP_,,)U. walked; $25 cash, $5 monthly. .-.--.$500— Corner. BMxOO;$50 cash. $10 monthly.$2UO-Lot 31x00: $20 cash, $5 monthly.$50—Lot 25x100; cheap and strep: $10 cash.i$375— Corner, 34x100: $8 monthly. \u25a0-,-.,

CHARLES A. BAILEY,owner. 024 Market m2*tf

AW EI.Ix.NEWS FOR CENTS— THE W-FJ-LTXACall,iv wrapper, ready for mailing.


flififlAACOB. 26TH AND CASTRO STS,; LOT©OUU'J. 114x80. G. 11. UMBSEN .CO., 11Moulstoincry st. ap!3 3t SuTuTh

Sfi'-iDnA LOT 200x120 ON 34T11 AYE, INtjPOUUU. Soatbslde. O.H. CMBSEN_CO_I4Montgomery st. aplS 3: SuTuTh _tt'}7nn NICE COTTAGJ3 OF 5 BOOKS;"5- < UU. Spring Valley Water; lot 25x114: on

20th St., near Noe; grand view. a. 11. UMBSEN—.CO.. 14 Montgomery st ap!3 3t SaTuThsif'ilflfl 2-STORY BAY-WINDOW HOUSE OPt_)UUUU. Itrooms and bath and basement; lot20x100; rents S5O: miss St., near Howard. G. H.UMBSEN A- CO., 14 Montgomery. a|>l3 SuTuTh 3t

sJOKAn LOT 25x57:6 ON N. LINE OKPOST—OUU. St. uear Devlsadero. O. 11. UMBSEN

A CO., 14 Montgomery st, apl3 SuTuTh 3t

SU^CiCi COB, DUNCANANDNOE; LOT 80x"P-i' ".11*. U.H. UMBSEN it CO., 14 Mont-goniery st. aplsi So lbStl«_'-'7.".1l ELIZABETH,NEAR DIMOND; LOT«_)OJ till. 103:4x114. G. 11. DMBSEN As CO.. 14Moiiiguincryst. ap!3 SnTuTh St4-1 Kin 17THAVK,NEARBA1LBOADAVE;iTIIMXJ.lot 50x100. O. U. USIBSKN A; CO.,_ slontgomery st. apl3 SuTuTh 3ti.,-7,|i/l CLINTON PARK, NEAR MARKET•jpiltlUU.and Guerrero; two-story bay-windowhouse In two Oats of 0 rooms and bath each; allluoderu Improvements; lot 25x75; rents ci730.G.H. UMBSEN .v. CO., 14 Montgomery. isi uTfi3til.-- 1,.'111 SANSOME ST NEAR JACKSON;Ci-"i'."iU".".10ta5:9x137:6. with an 1. o-it\.,7:tion Gold st., an improvements. 0. 11. UMBSEN ,vCO., 14 Montgomery st.

-apl3 SuTuTh St

C-O-1111l FOR LOT 150x100, IN EXCELSIOR41 «I—UU Homestead Association, near Mission-st. cable: level. O. 11. CMBSEN Si CO., IIMont-goroery st. ap!3 suTu 1 sit

tt 1'? 000 '-'STORY BAY-WINDOW BOUSEt_) 1

—'.VJW. of10 rooms and cottage of4 rooms;

brick foundation; lot 40s*i-s? on California st,near Dupout: rent £,0. U. 11. UMBSEN « CO., 14Montgomery st. apl3 SnTa St

ttROOO o'parrell.nea'iTleaven WORTH;'UOir. 2-story bay-window honse of 7 rooms

am! bath; lot 25x60:9; port cash. O. H." UMBSENA- CO., 14 Montgomery st. ap!3 SnTuTh Sst

ttll000 ""ELL.NEAR i.AGI'NA; _-"STORY•iPAI.uOO. bay-wludow bouse or 8 rooms andbath; brick foundation; stone sidewalks, etc.; partcash; lot 41:3x120 to rear street G.H. UMBSENA- CO., 14 Montgomery at. ap!3 SuTuTh at

tt'vOllO GOLDENOATEAYE;NR, YON ST.;KJpUUUU. new bay-window house of 7 rooms andbath: laundry; stationary wa&hstands: brick foun-dations, etc.; lot25x100: easy terms, O. 11. I'Mlt-SEN A- Co., 11Montgomery st. ap!3 litSuTuTh

tt-lT'vO WEBSTER. Nit. ELLIS-ST. CABLE;t_ 1 IOU. bay-wludow house of 7 rooms and bath;lot2sxS-i7:6 to alley. G. 11. DMBSEN A: CO., 14-Montgomery st apl.i Su rulhots.' ',(100 10


\u25a0\u25a0 NR. FOLSOM ; HOUSE IN<^ i)"v'U.2 flats ofA and 6rooms and bath each;lot 25x109. G. 11 OMBS—N A;CO., 14 Montgom-ery st. ap!3 SoTuTtl 31

tt I"i. ".flO CAPP ST., NEAP. 24TH; NEWifXtJ.UUU. row or 4 sub?untial houses lv 8flats, renting for Sill per mouth; brick foundationsand all modern improvements: stone sidewalks ;lot 65x115. v. 11. UMBSEN A.CO., 11 Montgomerystreet. aplS SuTuTh St

tt.QOlin COB. EDDYANDSCOTT; LOT62:6xI?UUUU. 100; make an offer. O. 11. UMBSEN ACO.. 14 Montgomery st. ap)3Su TuTli3t*('<)()()EACH

—SACRAMENTO. NEAR LA-,.. il.ruu guua; 2 lots, each :4V_il37i6. G.H.

UMBSEN ACO.. 14 Montgomery sLaplS SuTuTh 3ttt IIl\t\(\ JACKSON, NEAR FILLMORE;«J) 1I.WWW. lot 55x127 :SC_. G. 11. UMBSEN AsCO., 14 Montgomery st apl.s -\u25a0 i,. i .;;

ttl'J lifin HOWARD. NEAR18TH;DOUBLEtfpiO.WlV.2-story house of 7 rooms and batheach and rear house; rents StiO; lot 80x122:6.G. H. UMBSEN At CO., iiMontgomery. al3 SuTuTh

',(ii111 2-STORY BAY-WINDOW.HOUSE OFt_UUUU. 12 rooms and bath; laundry; partcash; lot 25x114: on the N. line of 15th si., nearJ-larkeL G. H. UMBSEN iCO., 11 Montgomerystreet, aplS SuTuTh 3tv -I'll MICE NEW BAY-WINDOW COT-*- <>—o\i, tags or 5 rooms and bath; brick

foundation, lanudry, etc ;baser— finished; ironfence; nice mantels; lot 22:8x105 to au alley:only $200 cash required: balance in easy pay-ments. G. H. UMBSEN A CO., 14 Montgomerystreet, ap!3 SuTuTh SI

ttJ'vflO SCOTT, NEAR E-LIS-ST. CABLE-'_ IOUU.road; front house of 7 rooms and rearhouse of 3rooms:; part cash; lot 26x89.G. H. UMBSEN &CO.. 14 Montgomery. 13 SuTuTh«_QkA(. HOUSE AND LOT

—20x67 :6~: ON

kfl s. • l*t'.s.oulc-ii Gate aye., near Le.veuworth.G. 11. 1 MBsEN As CO., 14 Montgomery. l.JSululhs_- '."1", BAN JOSE AYE.. NEAR 20 illST.:C'l— bay-window house or 5 rooms andbath; brick foundations; oue-tiait cash; lot 25x100;iron fence: nice garden. G. H. UMBSEN * Co., 11Montgomery at. apl.s Su InI 3t

ttl '/in Sui 30x176:8; 1IN COLLEGE HOME-t_ X 1 UU,stead,' ".. ';.i. si. _:. ;Silver sumfronts on2 streets. G. H.UMBSEN

—CO.. 14 Mont-

____\u25a0 apl3su 1 uTh sit

pOSY NEW COTTAGE, NEAR THE GREATV_) park; N. side Page, near Ashbury; 5 rooms audbath; extra well built, lot 25x137:6. DOWNE. 4GAMBS. 318 Mont-Oluery SL :i,'l:s .;: Iiim

ttViOO ONLY—COTTAGE IN FIRST-LASSilP_t)ijo order: newly painted and papered ;La-guna St.. near Filbert; lot 25x87:6; the cheapestbouse ln the city. DOWNEY At GAMBS, 318 Jlout-gomery -L ap!3 st SuTuTh

PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE LOTS; PACI-X fiscave. north side, near Frauklin: 63:6 feet by127 :S' 4, withlarge extra lotivthe rear; very Choicefor a lirst-clasa fence. DOrtNEY& UAMBS,31S Montgumeiy st. a,.1 :: 31 no luTh

\\tANTED—LOTS IN CITY LAND ASSOCIA-"tsou. Ocean View. W. 11. DOWSING. 60S iatl-

fornla sL apl7 2t»


J-l Homestead, near Mission St.. as widened; IS4OO.JAMES DALY,304 Montgomery St. apl7 3t»St 1 9/1MWILL Hill. A 4


t-31__ww window cottage; Eastlake finish. GEO.51. __________ builder. 1733 Green % I \u25a0:. st ipi7 7*St I7rEACH FOR 111. CHEAPEST ANDBEST<_ iIv large dwelling lots at the suasion-streetSix-mile TublicSchool; fl'.'OO; 2 corners: full50--vara lots: at same place. IHOMAS KORAN,s:i4Li.California st. apl7tf"/'ITY' LAND ASSOCIATION, OCEAN VIEW;IJ lots wanted for cash. W. H. DOWSING, 508California St. apl7 2t*

Jtill.SALE—HOUSE ANDLOT 2SxSoT)'.' CLEM-eutlisa -;., south side; good business location.

Applyonpremises. aplO 71* L

0 I•),- i:\ill:handsome BUI-DING«_ 1—ilIn the City Extention Homestead: easyterms. CAKN_____________________

SCO. 291o*7All—


'. iWW Priest st. bet. Jones and Leavenworth :abig bargain. ILSON .V IARB, 18 Post St. a|,ls 3tttli.nn

'"40x111. ON L'.Vnl ST., NEAR

•J IWWW. Castro (level),or willsell 80x114 for{.'..'00. WILSON .'. CABB, 18 Post st ap!s StLill: SALE-IN EXCELSIOR HOMESTEAD, 16A lots, 200x200 feet, and good bouseof 4 roomsand b.i.seint-nt; barn, chicken-house, etc.;also 200cypress and fruit-trees, all Inclosed In a 7-footpicket-fence; to be sold with or without stock, com-prising 1 horse, wagon, buggy,and 400 chickens; avery nice place; title perfect. Inquire at JOHNMIOOE'3, Five-mile House. Mission road, all10t»<£."".".(\u25a0\u25a0'• ''-*" ACCOUNT OK DEPARTURE,

isffOOXtVt. cheerful home in perfect repair: Srooms, bath, laundry; 2-story stable, garden, etc. ;gas and water; iotss2xl]7:o to 15-foot alley. Ap-piy \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 premises. 823 Dolores st, bet. Twenty-firstami Twenty-second. EMMA L. '.Eltol.D. uir22 tf

ttV".On GRAND BARGAIN: 300x100; w".tip-ouo. corner Edinburgh stand Italy aye ;p:xcclsior Homestead Association. CIIAS. C.FISHER, 508 California st apl36t

IOl10 "-0""'POX SALE INALL PARTS OKIVUU__ Berkeley: prices from *75 each,

upwards; 100 houses for sale from $800 each up-wards, „i, Installments If desired; beautlfnl lots.beautiful houses: If yon want a bargain come andsee us. PHELPS 4 RICHARDS, 11 Montgomery.-:.. San Francisco, and opp. Berkeley Statlou. an tftt'-MO COBNKB LOT IN BERKELEY: 50Xtultiuu. 170; near University: beautiful views-J5O down. $10 a month. PHELPS A RICHARDS.IIMontgomery St.. S. F. Icl7tf/"'ALTONDCSEN BURYA WURTS. 600 MARKETVjSt., for lots lv Oakland and Berkeley on $10 payliieiiis;engagements made for Sunday. mrB tfWANTED

- IMPROVED PROPERTY; MUST"bring per east net S. DUOCS, 1308 Market

St.. near Jones. ap3 lino*<'villiCASH,BALANCE IN MONTHLY PAY-ttptlUUnicnts: new. hasidsomo cottage of 5 roomsand bath, brick foundation, 7-foot basement, patentsidewalk, double parlors, wooden mantel and tiling,withallmo, tern Improvements; 2blocks from csitii«-cars. Apply 1.. LANDLER. j'.'-o.„Montgomery.'- tf

VII.BREED As CO., REAL ESTATE, 232-c_. Montgomery st, opp. Ituss House.

PROVED.$7500— Post st., near Fillmore; 8-room bay-win-dow bouse; lot 26x137:0; street work complete.

$21,000— Post st ,near Buchanan: must lie sold;room bouse; street work accepted by city; lot75x

137:6: this can be had iia bargain.$10,000— listsn St.. near Steiuer; 2-story flats of7,

Band A rooms with bath; total rents $90.sis it)--Stein, «t.. I.el. Page ami Oak; 7 rooms:

stable in rear and driveway;lot SOx 137:6.$5500— Fell •:.. near octavia; sVrootn cottage;

27:6x120, to rear street$11.000— l-a.siilc Heights; grand marine view;

lovelyhome; 32:6x102:6.Investment; Howard st: fine renting

properly; Tg_ :S.$-600— Ins t-ssineiit : Shipley st, near 6th; rents

$52per mouth..- 1500— investment; 'lemon st, near 4th; Oneflats; rents 151 per month.$3.oo— Duncan si., bet. Church anil Sanchez; nice'Stage of 4rooms and bath; 51:6x114; a bargain.

VACANT.$6600— Page, near Cole; 50x137:6.$7000— oak, i.ear Scott: iOvl37s«.$2560— near Lyon; 25x100.$3000— Army, near Mission; 75x100.sf-O-.'u— Frederick ,near Stanyan; —Ixloo.$1450— Cor. Corbet road and Clara are.; 2-sxl36.$2600—Castro, near 18th; 24:.5x125.$1650— lstb, near Noe; 25x102.$3500 fas,, near Pierce: 25x137:8.$8100— Green, near Scott; 81x137:6.?14i;o e.uTi- Slots; Ashbury Heights.Call at our onice for fuller particulars. A. H. .

BREED A CO.. 232 Montgomery sk. aplS SuTuTh 3tffij').-,/l PRENTISS ST., NEAR CORTLAND®60U. aye.


Corner adjoiningabove.$350—Level lots go.il10 each; College Homestead,

near Mission st.$650—50x100; Paris St., near China aye.; only1

block from Mission st.s sibargain,-50x10 )s Bi'inissL,near Miguel;Fairuiouut

Tract.$625— Chenery st, near Miguel.$1500-50x75 anil57:6: stale st, Flint Tract$2000-50x70; Luuily st; neat cottage: only 2

blocks tioui Valencla-st. cable.-

$2500— :i0x-4s cor. Flint and 16tb sts.: right InUse line of Improvements; larger lot ifdesired.

»4(>00-55xl00; cor. Church and 22d sts.; grandview of city and nay ;it, the Mission warm belt.

$5500-23 Natoma st. bet. 2d and 3d; 2-story and basement bouse; lvgood order; alwaysrented.

$7000—22x70; Minna st ,sunny side, near 3d; 3-story building:only 2 tenants: always rented at$720 per annum. MIDDLETON A SHARON', 22Montgomery st. apl3 SuTuTh sit

tt77"10 PACIFIC HEIGHTS RESIDENCE, ONt_s IIOU.a very sightly corner on Webster St.;contains 0 rooms and batb: built very substantltlly;rents $60 per mouth; lot 25:0x5»l :6. MADISON ABURKE, 401 and 403 Montgomery st. 13 SuTuTh 3tt70(l0 W*E NEW 2-PLAT HOUSE OF 11tj)IUUU. rooms: onbest partof LarklnSt.; elec-tricbells ami all the latest Improvements; 12-footbasement; win be sold at a bargain. P. A.DOLAN,630 Market st. ap!3 SuTul'b St

ttlO 000""'"'""

INVESTMENT ON SIIER-«_3 IU.UUU. wood place, off Third St.; 12 flatsrenting for $180per mouth; paying over 12 per centP. A,DOLAN.630 Market St. ap!3 SuTuTh St .ttf;"voo 3-STOKY BOW-WINDOW HOUSE; 7IIPUtJWW. rooms; modern Improvements: goodorder. 1637 Sutter st; no agents. 13 I'uTh6t»LOR SALE-3-STORY BAY-WINDOW HOUSE,X 18 rooms: all new Improvements. 1921 MasonSt., near Montgomery aye. and Greenwich St., down-

atairs; price $7500. . apll7t'

ttOflOO - SPLENDID INCOMEIROPERTYNR:tJpUVIUU. 4lhst.; front and rear house In goodorder: income, $02 monthly: steady tenants lot25X80.-WM. B. MAitbll.TZ

_CO., 030 Market

St., rear omce. -apis 71

HUSIXBSS CllANCK3-CONTINTJED.07 -.(I HALF CASH; GENERAL BLACK-<_ IUU. smith, carriage and wagon making busi-ness: partner wanted ln large factory; must be ablacksmith as owner isa wood-worker; owns large2-story building on ground leased; sub-lets part-has rent frees cou—nandsan Immense trade; one orthe best inIlie ell \u25a0 ;clears $250 to $350 per mouth;best location; stock, machinery, tools; wonderfulbargain. GEO. BTEWABT,135 Kearny st. It

tt'-iOO -EXPRESS BUSINESS DOWN TOWN*''«"•for sale at a bargain; has the exclusivehauling for one large Importing wholesale house,amounting from $25 to $35 per week, which willbe secured toany good man has outside work fromIT to *.'per day; Is the best paving express businessIn this state; must sell onaccount ofother businessBee GEO, STEWART, 135 Kearny st. it

tt'/'OMO COMMERCIAL EXPRESS AND•_—uuu'transfet business: partner wanted to

act as cashier, keep the books, office: receiving,shipping ami delivering freights and merchandize;has 5good teams, barns; everything complete audin Ist class running order; has special contractswith railroad and steamboat companies tor trans-portation or general freight and merchandize, withregular trade < tearing $350 to $151) permonth:business established 25 years; best of referencesand full investigation; half cash, balance Install-ments, or to suit buyer. CEO. STEWART, 135Kearnyst It

To SELL OUT YOUR BUSINESS GO TO LD.X __________ 28 Kearny St.: established 1859. It*tt_>Ao COFFEE-SALOON AND CHOP-HOUSEtJIOUU. 011 Markets!.: a very desirable locsit lon:low rent and a splendid chance to make money;livingrooms back; 11most positive bargain. Apply1. P. BARNARD,39 Kearny st. It*

tt""i00 CORNER SALOON ON A MAINBL'SI-igiOUU.ness street south of Market st,;1flue liv-ing rooms back; handsomely fitted up and wellstocked; old stand, with excellent paying trade.Applyto 1. D. BARNARD.29 Kearny sL It*

tt9oo SALOON; NO. 1 CORNER; IN WEST-tiT—.UU. em Addition: 6 living-rooms; low rent:close to car stable; a genuine bargain. W. C. A—

--1.1 n .', CO., 632 Market st. It*Q..JOC SALOON AT JUNCTION OF 3 CABLEO—

—it.roads; Jiving rooms; low rent: closest

Invest jsatlous lUeited. _________! Market.l*

fJJOrr. CIGARvSTORE; PROMINENT LOCA-•—."'. ion. Kearuy st. ALLEN.\u25a0;:<\u25a0.' Market.!*

tt1 000 SALOON; Al LOCATION; WATERiIrIUV.H/. front: reasonable rent; good reasonsfor selling. W. C. ALLEN A- CO.. 032 Market st 1*< 1 "ifI PARTNER WANTED IN CORNERtjpXOXJ. cigar-stand; willpay to each $75 permonth, 811 Market st., Room i. It*

ttl,-.() PARTNER WANTED TO-DAY:RAKE<? Ido. Inducements ottered: established busi-ness: will pay each from $18 to $25 per week.BOOKER* TEMPLE. 811 Market st. Room 1. It*

S •>«."; PABTNEB WANTED in COFFEEtiT—OU. saloon and chop-house on the city front;daily receipts from $15 to $20; rare chance.HOOKER A TEMPLE. 841 Market St. It*

V I"sOO BUTCHER-SHOP: ESTABLISHED 8'.. 'i'"'. years; 2 teams; dailyreceipts from $60to $70: selling on a count of sickness: luvestl atlouSolicited. BOOKER A TEMPLE. 841 Market st. 1*

tt\"OJ. BAKER! AND CANDY-STORE; 4— —.). rooms furnished complete; rent $15;

good trade; bargain. WOODRUFF, 841Market 1*

tt'-.~~iO SALOON, NEAR MARKET ST., 12t_ o<H'. rooms ami furniture: free rent; trade$450 per month; owner leaving cits; a bargain.WOODRUFF

_CO.. 841 Market St.


tt's'vPO CORNER SALOON AND RESORT":tu'CJt^V'U. bouse and tilrooms: finely furnished;up anil downstairs; junction of combined streetrailroads; everything as Itstands to-day; an excep-lionatlyrare chance; any amount of money made;none but principals need apply ; onlyofferer) on ac-count of family matters. H. SCHMIDT, cor. Pineand Kearny ;-. apl7 It*

OP .".Iloyster-hoof:, restaurant AND•_ •'•''• bar: very best business st. ;establishedfur years; 5 private rooms; rent very cheap: mustbe sold to-day; owner

—aabi inch business; will uol

depend on hires! help any longer. 11. SCHMIDT.Sfc_cor. i-iueau,iKearay. apl7 si-.'--tt9o(l SALOON; LEADING STKF:ET; DOINGtj—iUU.first class business; low rent; 2 rooms.

MORRIS. 1.04 Market st. apl7 2t>-

tt'^'lO -CHAIR 25c BARBER-SHOP. WITH 3'.

—'' '• rooms: cheap rent and kept byowner alongtime. M LACGHLINACo., 26 Kearuy et at*OUTCHER-SHOP, HORSE, CART, FIXTURES:1> owner sell cheap account leaving city. Inquire

cor. Post and Laguna. "apis 7t*V'OK SALE -, FIRST-CLASS SALOON ONIKearny st.; must be sold Ibismonth ;no agents.Call at 215 SixthSt., Vs. A. SULLIVAN. ss]- So 71 «/ IOFFEE-HOCSE AND RESTAURANT. ON AO-VJ count of sickness: good location; price $300;must be sold. ApplyCau, Branch office, apls sst*

,_,••.-- SALOON AND 3 ROOMS, WITH GOODt_soltJ. stock of liquors, cigars and tobacco;goosl trade; reason Cor -filing sickness; real $25.Apply 207 Second st. apl""7t•

CBOEMAKER WANTED TO I.IV SHOE-SUOP.0 Apply4Si ncr st. aplo sst*

MILLINEKS-FIILST-CLASS BUSINESS I.N Acountry town: railroad terminus: estsibllshed

20 years; fine building; cheap rent; good reassuisfor selling. address it,M.. Box 72, nils offlee. 15 7-,": SALE— GROCERY AND# \is. FOR PAR-L ticulars apply toliqnorileaiers, WOLFF. CANESA CO.. 418 aud ... Clayst. apl6 4t*

CORN SALOON FOB SALE. APPLY 492t Fonrtti st. apltJ3t»

To LET IN OAKLAND— STORES FOR1barber, tailor orbutcher, fruit or crockery. Ap-

ply320 DriimuiSt., S. F. sipiii7:-

I,'lliSr-CI.ATS 1 KM.!.SALOON FOR SALE.X Apply 1051 Howard st. sinlis 7t*I•>.-"\u25a0::\u25a0'\u25a0 I-.':-, FOB SALE; FINE BUSINESS;v ' good location on Third st. Address A 1;.. Box99, CallBranch Othee. apis 71tUNE CORNER GROCERY AND BAIL •_"_•_1 First s_. or. Tehams- apis 3t*Villi)FRUIT AND VEGETABLE STORK

<£> IUU. cheap at once. tOO. Valencia St. 15 .'lt* .1'M, FOR SALE. 28 THIRD ST.i

apl 7t»


BAKERY. CONFECTIONERY ANDnotion store. Cor, Jackson and Leavenworth

streets. Apisi 3:'


Call Branch Office. apis 3t*V'l"s(l KESTAURANT: COMPELLED TOI'D',sell on account of sic—-ess, Apply onpremises. 45 Third it. apls st*1'I6AB-STOBE NEAR PROMINENT THEATEB;V-/ big bargain 10-day. 213 Montgomery aye. 1., 3*pOOD LAUNDRY OFFICE FOR SALE. APPLYVJ 1343 Valencia st aplS si;*

SALOON DOING OOOD BUSINESS; 6 YEARSeniatdisbc-d: Market st. Applythis office. 15 7t*

Good wood BUSINESS FOR SALE CHEAP.IAp| ly15 Lilyaye. apl6 3t*

ttlS") WORTH, $250; PARTNER WANTEDOioOt Infine-paying restaurant: receipts $20 aday: cle. rs $140 a month; no experience required;must sell to-day. BIiOWN &CO., 305 3*

tt"-l"s.O CANDY-STORE AND FACTORY: SO-t_;UoU. da fountain and safe worth $450: $100a month profit. MANCHESTER AHALL,957-961Market Bt aps 3t«


STAND; GOOD LOCATION: LONGJ lease: sell ail cigars; bar: rent low; sales aver-age $10 per day; no night or Sunday work. DRIIS

HOUSE _ CO., Sacramento and Battery, apl s 3t*

U'OOD AND COAL YARD 1 OB SALE APPLY"onpremises. 600 Twcuty-first St. apll7t*

<i' III) BAKERY; ESTABLISHED BUBI--t.I'JUU. ness, and kept by owner 5 years, andonly selling on account or sickness; store tradeonly; averages 2' \u25a0_. barrels dally. McLaughlinACo.. 26 Kearny st. apl s 7t*

tt'iOO PARTNER IN JOBBING AND CON-•>''it. tractng business told established; 2placesbusiness: large stock tools and material; rare op-portunity tor sober, reliable man. 7 Grant are..Boom 2. aplS 4t

tt""l""lO GROCERY AND BAB, WITH IT 1:nT~tSDUiJU. ture of3 nice living rooms. Inquire at52 Fourth at., DONALDSON _

GLYNN'S cfgar-store. »nls 3t«I) EST AC X A NIT: PARTNER PREFERREDlitohired help: 2 livingrooms attached. Caul

Branch office. apll 7t*pOOD SALOON. WITH 9 BOOMS, IN GOOD—Ilocality. Apply638 Sacramento st 7t*

CORNER SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP: GOODlocation. Call Branch Office. apl 1 7t*

$'17,-, WILL BUY A CIOAR-STOBE, CEN."I"traily \u25a0 sited; large stock: furnishedroom; rent $15; Insured, $300; no agents. 308' ASixthst. \u25a0 apis 7-.-"

UOOT ANDSHOE STORE. GENTS' FURNISHINGligoods, etc., cheap. SIRS. MEYEBSTEIN,109Sansoine St., orM. F. CONNER, -.'l7 Pine. 5|.1.1 7t*

KESTAUUANT-1523 MARKET. ST.: MOSTlb complete of the kind in the city;sultaile forman and wife, or two partners: rent $20. Applyonpremises. ap!3 tf<(',• I BUSINESS ESTABLISHED IstiiisUUUu. years; Investigation invited. It. M.,Box 06, this otlice. aplli81*

PERMANENT NESS* PAYINO HAND.X soraely; a monopoly: $500 cash required. BIERS-BREAD ASON. 2237 Mission. aplS 71

ttl'-. 000 ONE-HALF INTEREST IN HUMdpiil.UvU.ness clearing $1600 per month. X.1.. Box 91,Call Branch office. api3 tf

tt9""ion STATIONERY STORE; OLD AND*Z>"; great bargain. S. w.Box 91, Cali BranclxOmce. aprit:Q')|l(lllPINK SALOON. CLEARING $300tJT-wUUU. monthly. P. It., Box 01,Call KranchOffice, apl.stt

ttOOO SALOON DOING GOOD BUSINESS;UUU.fixtures anil plgcon-bule table. Corner

FreeSoti and Fourth s;-. apl2 71*I-11 FRUITANDVARIETYSTORE CHEAP;

Cj 1OU. rent *,:•_ I7o__i Market st 1l_7t__

tt/100 BAKERY, CANDY* TOBACCO ANDwiou. varieties; fullvalue in stock; 3rooms;cheap rent Apply Call Branch "sisc .aplo 12t*LOR SALE OR TO RENT—NICELY FITTED UPrsalcN-n in business center. Applyat 633 Saera-

mentost \u25a0 ap6 tf


CORNER SALOON FOR SALE.V Appsv I.0. Johnson. 7711 Howard si. apulit*

POU -MIMl.l.l.iNKOls.- THoli^T7rnil!ED LLEWLLYN StTtT EX0 pups; 1 1.i.-ilyii.log. 14 months old, train.-. ;also gun. 32 Soiitn Park. ap!7 3t«VOUSO FRESH COW FOB SALE.

'CALL H.I SCHORi UT,Seventh aye. and X it..South San

Francisco. a;, 17.1t-L^INB INCUBATORS CHEAP: 1 OXIOBD/760A eggs. s»(10: also lallloiuia. 325 eggs, »30; bold_*• new. J. WBISSKNSEB, west of NewburyStation, near Berkeley, ap!7 Bt*i V! .SHIRE )\v. GIVES 10 TO 14 QUAKTSAaT. day: selling on accouut of sickness. 306 Laug-

ton St.. offBryant . apl7 4i*

JOUISIANA KIMS-ISIKDS; PINE SING*JJ era: price reasonable, 16 Sixthst aplSlt*

L-OR BALE—A HALF DOBHAM MILCH cowJ and calf. 72 Brady st. of Market. apis 3t»0000 FKI':,



IX)J. I.',530 :'or.lst. apll 7t»

BAB-COUNTER, SHELVING, LUNCH-STAND.Inqure 22 Thirdst apl2 7t*

Gas-fixtup.f:s op allkinds very cheap.IHCFSCIIMIDT,637 Clay st all's: 12m


BILLIARD-TABLE;AY1 moat new; every thingcomplete. Apply at 1351

Post .st.-

ajil2 tf


—00, mill to be moved: NE cor. Broadway

and Buchanan St. CIIAS. ASHTON, 411 Mout-gomcry st \u25a0 apll lotSMALL, SECOND-HAND,' 1EIRE-PROOF SAFE

forsale cheap. 12 Malu st ____tfpARE VIOLIN: GENUINE BTEINER. 11.IIGitUE'i INI.R,P. O. Box 713. San Rafael. .1 lm

SECOND-HAND BOILERS, ENGINES, PUMPS,shafting, pulleys, belting, water pipes, etc. Mo-

I.N'lOSH A WOLPMAN. 137 Itcale at. del tf

SHEPAKD'S FOOT AND POWER LATHE—pHICKS, agent, 667 Mission st se27 X


SAFE, SCALE, LETTER-PRESS, STOKE TRUCKaud mouey-tUI cheap, .102 Clay st . au2. 12m •

r.I'SI>KS3 CnANCES-d__nn PARTNER WANTED: IS SOMETHINGOOUU. good; clearing from $200 to $250 permouth; no previous experience necessary, but youmust be willingto work; this isa first-class oyster-

house mo restaurant) on oue of our best businessMrecis: has a large family trade; wants a good manto attend 10 the delivering withhorse and wagon:handsomely fitted up; owner will teach you '"business. Apply K.KENNY.'-"-'Kearny St. It

tt 0.-,n" BOOK***""!STATIONERY, TOY", ETC."j)Oi>U. store withsoda water fountain business,

tor sale: one of ihe most prominent corners 111 theWestern Addition; doing a first-class trade; fullValue llnStock and lixtures; 2 wcll-furuished roomsconnected: ssisv one can run tins business an IIs__feISaP» luginvestmeut ApplyK.KENNI, 22Kearny st. i__

\u25a0.-.,\u25a0 SALOON FOB SATE: A GOOD-PAY-t_*_)UW. log place: A No. 1 location in the imme-diate vlcinit/ofOakland and Alameda ferries: hasa good class of custom; full value for the money;Ions: lease at reasonable rent. Apply K.KENNY.22 Kesirny


-' """\u25a0 iuent corner ln the Western Addition;doing a trade of $50si a mouth; a genuine bargain;must be sold at once en account or depasture ofminer: a most U—trough Investigation allowed. Ap-|ilyK.KENNY.22 Kearny St. It

tt"".UO PAUINER WANTED—TO TAKE OR-co1'"-.u-r- In the store and assist Inlooking af-ter general details Ina plaincash business in thiscity: istibiisued 8 years; clearing at least from$200 to $300 per month; you can try It for 2 weeksbefore buying; no night nor Sunday work; no pre-ylens experience necessary, as your partner willtesch you the business. Apply K.KENNY, 22Kearny st. It,_ I,-.A BRANCH BAKERY; PAYING PLACE;•- 'tIU. sacrifice. FLETCHER. 1Eddy st It*igl'l;SPLENDID SALOON; BIG TKADE; AC 1 £___ genuine bargain. 1 LETCHER, 1Eddy.l"

tt'-'flO PARTNER INAOOODREAL ESTATE—WW. business; experience not necessary; full

investigation allowed. FLETCHER, 115.!.1s st. lt«<_• I').\ COFFEE SALOON AND HOP-HOUSE;•_ l—i-l. receipts $15 per day; has large trade;line chance. FLETCHER. 1Eddy st. It*V|-r, GENERAL VARIETY. STATIONERY•"\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 and cigar-store. FLETCHER, 1Eddy.l*

I?OR SALE—GROCERY STORE ANDBAR. SWA cor. Bush and Laker sts. ap!7 71*\t ELLLOCATEDRES M BAN s ANDCOFKEE-iihouse, with good nar trade, for sale; make an

offer lore May Ist. Can or address 127 Berry st.,near Fourth. apl7 3ts


tOR PERMANENT, PROFITABLE PAIENTEDX business, address GRAY. \u25a0 Roy, :•.;. ap!7 7t

I'UOD OPENING FOR WAGON-MAKER WHOVJ speaks English aud FTeuch. Address L. 403'J'wellth St.. Oaklatsd. apl7 3t

ttT'il-O STAPLE ANDPBOFITABLE MANC-». »Ox U. facturiug business. P. i.. Box 104,isn. Branch OOtce. ss|.-.7:s

.\u25a0.•lk A VERY DESIRABLE MANIFAC-'. ->"'". taring business. J. 0., Box 10$. apl7 tl-s^i'ijn KAKERY AND~i'ASTUY BAKERY*-Wv'i . old stand; good wagon; uses 2 barrels offlour daily:good custom; cheap rent; very good rea-son for selling. Apply this office. -p!7 3t*Qi;(l|i FINE SALOON: ALONGSIDE LARGEt_ Xjs'U. factory, with rooms jtman aud wife,ortwo partners. 430 Fourth St. . apl7l4t*

BARGAIN—STATIONERY ANDCANDY STORE:withinbio -k 3 schools. 1039 Valencia apl7 it*

lIESTAUBANT Foil SALK; COMPELLED TOJ sell ou aceoutu uf sickness. 310 Thirdst. St*C_--).-;a GROCERY AND BAR; 5 LIVING».—

t>W. rooms, furnished: must be sold at once;a tar \u25a0 chance M. LESS. !)95 slarket .su it*

tt'-sflil BRANCH LKEKi AND CONFrX-t_S OUU. tloaery; 3 livingrooms, with furniture;nobetter chance formoney. M.IKSS 095 Market."*ttTOO SALOON WITH 11 ROOMS, INCLUD-»_ IUU. lug lirst-class rurniture; best location;A 1business; well worth $1500, but must be sold atonce. M.Lh^S.t).995 Market st. It*

tt"~!i'o CIGAR-STORK ON MARKET ST.:e_ 'if.splendid location; clearing over $125 amonth: trial given. M. LESS. 995 Market It*

flfclUilit COFFEE-SALOON IN THE HEARTt^TJ.OUU. of the cits doing a line bus— less;elegant fixtsires aud stock; the best bargain everoffered; don't rail to see It. LESS, 995 Market. it*,_;,•-!) CORNER rvMil.Y LIQUOR ~~STORE:'»_''»' good stock attd fine fixtures: is wellworth $1000; old age the cause of selling. ApplyM.LEssS. 995 Market St. It*

tt<-inO RESTAURANT IN THE HEART OF'- ' 'VJ. th city, doing a large business; elegantfutures aud hue stock; the bigg bargain ever ot-tered. 51. LESS, 995 Market sL It*ttTOO SALOON ANDLUNCHHOUSE INTHEt-MUU. heart of the city, doing a business of$000 a mouth. -: LESS, 995 Market St. it*tt""iflO CORNER SALOON: 3 ROOMS; LARGE

t't'l'. stock and good business: trialgiven; de-partnre tause of seliiug. M.LESS, 995 ..:.:: 7*


UU. making lodgitig-hottso andsal 37bed-rooms, liar-room and sitting-room furnishes!complete; large stock of liquors. Hue lixtures andbilliard table: ever) thing tv good condition: presentowner has run the place 15 years. SHOAFf

_UU.-S. 873 Market st. It

tt I--'",(1 SURE ANDSAFE 111 SIN ESS, CLEAR-t_ I•

t "'. lug$125 a month: full vaine In sight;cracker-store aud route, having—ieexclusive agencyo one of the leading crsicker companies; niceMore, with living rooms: cheap rent; good»s:cck and fixtures: large wagon; 2 good borses andharness; this is an unprecedented opportunity tosecure ... legitimate, mouev-iuaking busl-uess; sold at a sacrifice ouly onaccount ol death oficar at res inEngland, wis. necessitates imme-diate departure: most thorough investigation al-lowed. SUOAFT A KOSS. 873 Market 51. It

ttsOn CITY PKONT SALOON AND LODG-i+XJUU. Ing-house: this is undoubtedly the bestbargafa lvtbe City; more than the value, in furni-ture, fixtures and stock; everything is new and theplace is finely fitted up: large stock if liijuors ass.lcigars; saloon, card-room and living-rosun on riirstHour; 10 rooms o:i second lloor; always filled withgood tenants; cheap rent and good lease doing a

ilsuebusiness; anyone can run It and mike Ltlgmoney; this is no humbug,but a straight, honestbssrgala. SHOAFF. KOSS A CO.. 873 Market. it

tt'-i^OO PIKST- CLASS MANUFACTURING•„ ..,yi;; clearing $200 to $.100 amonth, and can be greatly Increase more thanfullvalue in stock, machinery, etc.; uo charge forthe iarce estabslstied trade, which eitends all overthe Coast. Irom Alaska to Salt Lake City; 12 menconstantly employed: sold at a sacrifice on accountofpoor health;any business man can run It andmake money; thorough investigation ot the booksausl business alloive.l. SHOAFF & KOSS, &73 Mar-ket st


ttl0 000 PINE MERCANTILE BUSINESS:»_ AU.UUU. clenringuot Jessthau $600 amonth:stuck and good, legitimate accounts willinventoryS'sO.OOUovera 1liabilities: no ... will;gouds bought on tour and six mouihs' time aud soldon weekly and monthly installments: atrialof thebusiness will be allowed; books open far thoroughInvestigation: highest references as tO commercialstanding ol party selling: willexchange for countryor city real estate. SHOAFF A BOSS, 873 Marketstreet It•v."!),flh MONEY-MAKINGBUSINESS; ONLYti.—-UUU. requires oue day's tune each week:wli:pay

-25 to $200 a mouth; any one can attendto it;requires no special qualifications: the greatestbargain ever offered: all assertions can and willbeproven to tbe entire satisfaction of any osse mean-ingbusiness: do not fall to investigate this, as itisan opiKirtuuiiyseldom ousted. SHOAFF a; ROSS,

1-..T3 Market st. It

ttOllO ""'-NE SALOON; CARD-ROOMS; ELE-«_ UUU.gant fix-ores; large stock; good trad." 3years' __ SHO- A KOSS. 873 :,;,., t. It

ttVO'lO COAL WOOD, HAY AND GRAIN—-vOO. buslaessand boarding stable, ln cen-

tra! location; 5 horses, 3 wagons, scales, fixturesand tools complete; 33 stalls foil of boardingborses: large stock; doing a fiaSrbusiness. SUOAFFA BOSS. 873 Market st ItOTAA PARTNER WANTED INCASH COM.•_ IVVf.mission business witha young man ofhigh standing and good reputation; experience notrequired: no uight or Su:inlay work;pays about $100a month to each. BHOAFF A ROSS. 873 Market. It

tt-SOO PARTNER WANTED TO ATTEND TOv. OVJVJ. the advertising ina cash business; previ-ous experience uot required; can clear $100 to $201)a month toeach. BHOAFF *

ROSS. 873 Market It

Sl',A PARTNER WANTED— UN.,«fl it.iv.and plumbing business: clearing about$100 per month to each the year round: has beenconducted by present owner 7 years; want partnertokeep plainaccounts and look after hired help;full investigation allowed: experience not iieces"aa.-y. SHOAFF A UOSS. 873 Market st. It

ttVJ-MlO GRAND CHANCE; $1500 CASH, HAL-' —rVfVJ. ance in payments: paper route for

sale across the bay: leading morning and eveningpapers; 700 subscribers: clearing $225 permonth;borse and fart. etc. :owner obliged to sell on ac-count or other bus—teas; this is really an oppor-tunity seldom t.-.-rr.l to purchase legitimate business: route cau be increased, as itlias never beencanvassed; 2 weeks' trial before purchasing. Apply• W. T. HEALY,719 Market St. ItttQ"»n "SEW AND SECOND-HAND FCBNI-t_.OtIU. ture. crockery and tinware; flue loca-tion; fullvalue Instock. HEALY,719 Market, it

tt9000 GROCERY AND BAB: A PROM-.—"C. inent corner: Western Addition- re-ceipts $30 per day:fresh stock of goods; will in-voice $1):00; if you need a genuine grocery-storesee this bargain. Apply w. F.HEALY.719Market.l

ttTOO SALOON FOR SALE NEAR THIRD<_ •'"'. and Mission s'.s.: busluess or $15 perday: good place for 2 men: must sell this weekApply tv W. r.HEALY,719 Mas set St. It

_|-\u0084 PARTNER IN CARPENTER SHOP:_ I•)\u25a0'\u25a0 call to-day. W. P. HEALY.719 MarkeL1

-PRINTING-OFFICE FOB '.I.E. V. HOLE OR INA oue-half interest, Address P. 1., Box 3, this of"'•c. aplS 2t» SuTh


store: Lest business street; fine city; countyseat: summer and winter resort; large oven: pleas,ai.t lake-shop: outbuilding*; utensils complete;good-will, stock and furniture only $500. Apply toJOHNS! ON.- Hon tore. Santa Cruz, Cal. 15 cod St•L-OK SALE—BESTAI RANT,I*9loMARKETST.-\u25a01 call '.) a., m. SteMH.ll. I..-. apl- TnTbsatlt*

A SACKIFICE-STATIONEBY, NOTION AND\u25a0•V candy store; 3 living-rooms: rent $18; cheap •

clears $75 peT month. Apply 153 Seveulh st. IS 3t*LOR SALE OR To BENT—HALF OF FINEa store and 3 fine livingrooms; must be firsts-classparty. Apply71Ninthst. apla3t


A VERY HANDSOMEX suite of parlors. 655 Harrison st. aple 3t*/ (hidMAN CAN DOUBLE HISCAPITALYKAR-• '

ly by buying half Interest in an old-establishedwholesale islness; partner retiring frombusiness;no answers fr on agents, and no drunkards need sip-ply. Address O.X..Box 73, th-s onice. apltitf1,-OR SALE CHEAP; DRESS-MAKING PAR-

-1 lors: snail stock fancy goods; store fixtures, andfurnsture lor light housekeeping: rent very low.Inquireat 909 Fonom SL, near Fifth. ap!6 2t*i-i..-.:: STOBE FOB SALE CHEAP OS AC-\J count of other business; uo agents. 837 Market_m bet .Fourth and Fifth. aplH 3t«1. 11l ITAND VEGETABLE STOKE. TWELFTHJ and Mission^ MS. aplO 3t*

PARTNER WITHSMALLCAPITALLN A GOOD-.£i?'J}?*,', """'ness: covered by 0. H. patent. Z.______ (basement), og Third, apl6 'Jt-

MILK-RANCH nil! BALE COWS AND ihorse and wagon: 15 cans trade: 2 dwelling-

houses and all accommodation-. Apply1641 Mis«'"n Bt. ap!6 7t»_ I900 FOR SALE-BOOT AND SHOE* KACt_3l__UU. Tory SOU store, with stock, fixturestools, machines and 6 livingrooms of furniture. an-l_yJONAS A- CO., 765 Market si. aplß :;t-

IIESTACBANT AND 0 WELL-PURNISHEDitrooms; established 35 years and positivelyclearing $50 a week: cheap at $2500; give me anyprice you choose; 1 must sell, as Iam losing $1000monthlyelsewhere; come quick. 201 Fourth. al63*iIT) FRONT SALOON; ONLY$275; SICKNESSv.' cause or selling. JOHNSON. 719 Market- 16 2*

BANCS BAKERY. CONFECTION— ANDiivariety store, well storked Inevery respect; alsolarge stock of fineliquor, which is sold only by themeasure: this is a golden opportunity, as owner Iscompelled to sell out on account of sickness and oldage. Apply 1803 Howard St. ap!s 3t»

U'ElL-KNOWN NEW YORK SALOON FOR"sale; account sickness. 15 Scconu,ltiWeFrSu3»-