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ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60: 94–109. 2003 doi:10.1006/jmsc.2002.1316 Modelling the eect of ecosystem change on spawning per recruit of Baltic herring Mika Rahikainen, Sakari Kuikka, and Raimo Parmanne Rahikainen, M., Kuikka, S., and Parmanne, R. 2003. Modelling the eect of ecosystem change on spawning per recruit of Baltic herring. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60: 94–109. A plea for linking assessment and management to the broader ecosystem state has been made several times in the fisheries literature. The need for ecosystem considerations is obvious for Baltic herring stock which has experienced large fluctuations in growth and natural mortality rate. Biological reference points, based on stock-recruitment data, have gained importance under precautionary approach and the need for more restrictive management. An alternative method for establishing thresholds for recruit- ment overfishing is spawning per recruit analysis. Within this context, understanding the eects of highly variable natural mortality and growth rate on fishing mortality reference point is of interest. We used Monte Carlo simulations to investigate variation in spawning per recruit caused by varying stock attributes. Causal biological response to changing environmental conditions was created by adjusting the correlation between growth, maturity, and natural mortality. The correlation of the input variables was controlled under three models, assuming future conditions were (1) as experienced recently (empirical model), (2) random, and (3) depending upon causal linkages in the biological key processes (ecological model). The overall uncertainty was large in all models. Biological reference point (F 30%SPR ) was uncertain due to problem of defining maximum spawning per recruit and due to variation in input variables in SPR analysis. The concept of F x%SPR was judged to be ambiguous. The use of causal ecological knowledge reduced uncertainty of the reference point only to a limited extent. However, relying only to the observed data appeared to be the riskiest approach. 2003 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Baltic Sea, biological reference point, herring, spawning per recruit. Received 20 November 2000; accepted 28 August 2002. M. Rahikainen: University of Helsinki, Department of Limnology and Environmental Protection, PO Box 65, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland. M. Rahikainen, S. Kuikka, and R. Parmanne: Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, PO Box 6, FIN-00721 Helsinki, Finland. Correspondence to Mika Rahikainen: tel.: +358 9 19158443; fax: +358 9 19158257; e-mail: Introduction The Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) stock has experi- enced large fluctuations in growth and natural mortality during the last two decades (Parmanne, 1992; Sjo ¨ strand, 1992; Anon., 1994; Parmanne et al., 1997). Since 1982– 1983, the observed mean weight-at-age has decreased 50% from the maximum values in several age-groups (Stephenson et al., 2001; Cardinale and Arrhenius, 2000). At the same time, relative variation in natural mortality rate among age groups 1 to 3, as estimated from multispecies virtual population analysis (MSVPA), has been as large as variation in growth rate (ICES, 1999a). Together these changes have aected production per recruit (Kuikka et al., 1996) and are, thus, the major biological factors contributing to risk of stock collapse. Multispecies interactions may have a strong influence on dynamics of the herring stock in the Baltic period- ically, depending on abundance of cod as the main predator in the ecosystem (Rudstam et al., 1994; ICES, 1997a; ICES, 1999b) and sprat as food competitor (Arrhenius, 1995). In addition, bottom-up processes mediated via changes in mesozooplankton species com- position may have influenced herring growth (Flinkman 1054–3139/03/020094+16 $30.00/0 2003 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Modelling the effect of ecosystem change on spawning per recruit of Baltic herring

May 16, 2023



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Page 1: Modelling the effect of ecosystem change on spawning per recruit of Baltic herring

ICES Journal of Marine Science, 60: 94–109. 2003doi:10.1006/jmsc.2002.1316

Modelling the effect of ecosystem change on spawning per recruitof Baltic herring

Mika Rahikainen, Sakari Kuikka, andRaimo Parmanne

Rahikainen, M., Kuikka, S., and Parmanne, R. 2003. Modelling the effect ofecosystem change on spawning per recruit of Baltic herring. – ICES Journal of MarineScience, 60: 94–109.

A plea for linking assessment and management to the broader ecosystem state has beenmade several times in the fisheries literature. The need for ecosystem considerations isobvious for Baltic herring stock which has experienced large fluctuations in growthand natural mortality rate. Biological reference points, based on stock-recruitmentdata, have gained importance under precautionary approach and the need for morerestrictive management. An alternative method for establishing thresholds for recruit-ment overfishing is spawning per recruit analysis. Within this context, understandingthe effects of highly variable natural mortality and growth rate on fishing mortalityreference point is of interest. We used Monte Carlo simulations to investigate variationin spawning per recruit caused by varying stock attributes. Causal biological responseto changing environmental conditions was created by adjusting the correlationbetween growth, maturity, and natural mortality. The correlation of the inputvariables was controlled under three models, assuming future conditions were (1) asexperienced recently (empirical model), (2) random, and (3) depending upon causallinkages in the biological key processes (ecological model). The overall uncertainty waslarge in all models. Biological reference point (F30%SPR) was uncertain due to problemof defining maximum spawning per recruit and due to variation in input variables inSPR analysis. The concept of Fx%SPR was judged to be ambiguous. The use of causalecological knowledge reduced uncertainty of the reference point only to a limitedextent. However, relying only to the observed data appeared to be the riskiestapproach.

� 2003 International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.

Keywords: Baltic Sea, biological reference point, herring, spawning per recruit.

Received 20 November 2000; accepted 28 August 2002.

M. Rahikainen: University of Helsinki, Department of Limnology and EnvironmentalProtection, PO Box 65, FIN-00014 Helsinki, Finland. M. Rahikainen, S. Kuikka, and R.Parmanne: Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute, PO Box 6, FIN-00721Helsinki, Finland. Correspondence to Mika Rahikainen: tel.: +358 9 19158443; fax:+358 9 19158257; e-mail: [email protected]


The Baltic herring (Clupea harengus) stock has experi-enced large fluctuations in growth and natural mortalityduring the last two decades (Parmanne, 1992; Sjostrand,1992; Anon., 1994; Parmanne et al., 1997). Since 1982–1983, the observed mean weight-at-age has decreased50% from the maximum values in several age-groups(Stephenson et al., 2001; Cardinale and Arrhenius,2000). At the same time, relative variation in naturalmortality rate among age groups 1 to 3, as estimatedfrom multispecies virtual population analysis (MSVPA),

1054–3139/03/020094+16 $30.00/0 � 2003 International Council for the E

has been as large as variation in growth rate (ICES,1999a). Together these changes have affected productionper recruit (Kuikka et al., 1996) and are, thus, the majorbiological factors contributing to risk of stock collapse.

Multispecies interactions may have a strong influenceon dynamics of the herring stock in the Baltic period-ically, depending on abundance of cod as the mainpredator in the ecosystem (Rudstam et al., 1994; ICES,1997a; ICES, 1999b) and sprat as food competitor(Arrhenius, 1995). In addition, bottom-up processesmediated via changes in mesozooplankton species com-

position may have influenced herring growth (Flinkman

xploration of the Sea. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

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95Ecosystem change and spawning per recruit of Baltic herring

et al., 1998; Vuorinen et al., 1998). All of these processesare affected by the same environmental factor, the Balticsalinity level, which is linked to Baltic inflow andprecipitation (Hanninen, 1999). The key question is howpredictable these links are in the future. Utilizingincreasing biological knowledge would be highly usefulin stock assessments (Ulltang, 1996) and in management(Stephenson and Lane, 1995). For long-term stocksimulations aiming at studying the effects of differentexploitation strategies, assumptions on possible causesof change in maturation schedule, and links betweenmaturity, growth, and mortality are critical (Ulltang,1996).

For many fish stocks, derived stock-recruitmentscatterplots are uninformative and in these cases alter-native criteria or information sources must be con-sidered in determining levels of sustainable harvesting.Spawning per recruit (SPR) analysis has received someattention in establishing thresholds for recruitment over-fishing (Shepherd, 1982; Sissenwine and Shepherd, 1987;Goodyear, 1993; Mace and Sissenwine, 1993; Myerset al., 1994; Caddy and Mahon, 1995; Cook, 1998). Inthis analysis, growth, maturity and natural mortality arethe essential input variables in conjunction with stock-recruitment data. Reference points are a key concept inimplementing a precautionary approach (ICES, 1997b)which has gained acceptance as a basis for fisheriesmanagement in the worldwide pursuit of sustainable useof renewable resources (FAO, 1995; Richards andMaguire, 1998). As the fundamental management targetis avoiding recruitment overfishing, spawning per recruitanalysis gives framework to generate biologically validreference points.

SPR analysis has been applied to large sets of world-wide stock-recruitment data (Myers et al., 1995) and,moreover, to explore how taxonomic affiliation affectsthe resilience of a stock (Mace and Sissenwine, 1993).Mace and Sissenwine (1993) used a definition replace-ment %SPR (Frep; SPR that is x% of that with nofishing) for a threshold that is necessary for replacement.Furthermore, they suggested that in the absence ofstandard stock assessment information (spawning stocksize, recruitment, and their relationship) taxonomicaffiliation and life history parameters can be used toselect preliminary %SPR estimates. This is an advantagefor stocks such as Baltic herring which has a history ofhighly uncertain stock assessments (ICES, 1999b). Dueto the uncertainty in assessment output, a stock-recruitment function and maximum recruitment-per-unit-biomass are difficult to determine. As any referencepoint based on uncertain assessment output is risky, anapproach grounded on more general knowledge is pre-ferred in deriving biological reference points (BRP) forthis stock.

The conventional input data set for SPR analysisincludes stock-recruitment scatterplot derived during

several years of observations combined with a SPRcurve. This single SPR curve is calculated from datapooled over all or some recent years using the averageweight, maturity, and natural mortality-at-age. The SPRcurve, thus, represents the static element and the S-Rscatterplot the dynamic element of the analysis in a sensethat additional S-R observations may provide newinsight about stock dynamics and alter our perception ofappropriate reference point definition.

Commonly, stock assessment and prediction useempirically observed parameters and the variationwithin, but neglects to utilize (at least in a systematicway) biological knowledge i.e. information about eco-system status, species interactions, and pivotal causalrelationships. The goal of this paper was to explore thebenefits of incorporating some biological assumptionsinto an analysis of a precautionary reference point.Specifically, we hypothesized that knowledge of corre-lation between input variables of SPR would reduceuncertainty of a biological reference point (F30%SPR).The analysis was constructed of two basic elements: (i)fitting the observations of herring growth, maturation,and natural mortality to intrinsic age effects and externalenvironmental effects, and (ii) using these estimates andtheir possible dependencies in three models to generate aset of SPR curves, when the difference among the modelswas in the use of biological knowledge.

Material and methods

Herring in the northern Baltic Sea

For Baltic herring, stock assessment and scientific adviceare provided by the International Council for theExploration of the Sea (ICES) and its advisory com-mittee for fisheries management (ACFM). Managementmeasures are determined by the International Baltic SeaFishery Commission (IBSFC). Herring stocks in theBaltic proper (sub-divisions 25–28) and northern Balticproper (sub-divisions 29 and 32) are pooled in oneassessment unit. This procedure is a compromisebetween assessment of biologically relevant unit stocksand practical management purposes. As a result, theassessment is uncertain in part due to the complexity ofthe stock structure in the area (ICES, 1999b). Becauseherring growth rate varies substantially in different partsof the Baltic (Sjostrand, 1992; Anon., 1994; Cardinaleand Arrhenius, 2000), our simulations apply to thenorthern Baltic component, and utilize data sampledfrom ICES subdivisions 29 and 32 (Figure 1).

Weight and maturity data used in the SPR-curvesimulations were compiled from database of catchsamples routinely collected for stock assessment pur-poses by Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute.Growth data covers period 1974 to 1997 whereasmaturity data has been collected since 1982. Parmanne

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Figure 1. Baltic Sea and the ICES sub-divisions. The ICES herring assessment area for Baltic proper comprises sub-divisions 25–29and 32. The growth and maturity data is sampled in coastal areas and off shore of Finland (shaded area).

(1990) gives the sampling scheme in detail, but someessential elements of sampling are pointed out here.

The herring maturity data consist of samples takenfrom commercial trawl landings before the beginning ofspawning season. Samples were collected 2 to 5 timesannually with each sample including around 100 fish.Sampling was targeted at age-groups 2–4 because inyounger ages all herring are immature, and in older agesall are mature. Although the average maturity-at-agehas varied substantially, roughly speaking only theminimum and the maximum maturity ogives are statisti-cally different in the time series. This is due to large

variance of estimates and relatively small sample size perage-group.

We considered the first and second quarters of a yearas a suitable sampling period for growth analysis.Within that period there is basically no growth incre-ment in herring, although in the otolith of 1-year-oldherring some new opaque zone may be visible in June.Weight differences at age were analysed against thequarter of a year (first or second) and gear type (pelagictrawl, bottom trawl, and trap net). No significant differ-ences were found except for age-group one in trap netdata against other gear types causing rejection of that

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age-group and gear combination from the data set. Trapnets are selective gear for age group one, where only thefastest growing fraction is vulnerable to trap net fishery(Suuronen and Parmanne, 1984). Consequently, datafrom commercial trawlers and trap nets were pooled forthe two first quarters of a year except age-group one.

For the modelling purposes, weight increments –rather than attained weight – were analysed. For a givencohort, growth increment was calculated as the differ-ence between mean weights of successive age-groups.Youngest age considered is age-group one, and theoldest one is twelve.

Estimates of natural mortality were obtained from theBaltic MSVPA (ICES, 1999a), where the natural mor-tality of herring depends mainly on the biomass of theBaltic cod stock. Large fluctuations in the natural mor-tality rate paralleled to fluctuations in the cod stockabundance. Although trends in the herring stockdynamics are indisputable in the northern Baltic, esti-mates of natural mortality and maturity are not precisenor accurate potentially masking correlation betweenthem.

Fitted estimates of maturity, growth rate, and M

Weight increments were parameterized with a two-wayANOVA using year and age-group as additive factors.Weighted GLM-procedure (SAS Institute, 1988) wasapplied. In the analysis, weighting factor was the inverseof summed variances of weight of fish in the age-groupsfrom which growth increments were calculated. Therationale in using fitted growth increments instead of theobserved ones was that growth can be divided intointrinsic age effects and external environmental effects(Weisberg, 1993) to be used in Monte Carlo simulations.The year effects estimate year to year variability ingrowth rate and characterize changes in the environ-ment, whereas the age effects characterize growth at agefor average environmental conditions. Furthermore, theparameters can be estimated taking simultaneously intoaccount both the systematic pattern and error variancein the data. Thus, the ‘‘pure’’ year and age effects ofgrowth increments were estimated. The attained weight-at-age was calculated by summing up weight incrementsin younger ages (Figure 2).

The linear model assumes additive age and year effectswith normal random errors as

E(weight incrementij)=�+�i+�j, (1)

where E denotes expected value and � stands for grandmean. Symbol � denotes age effect at age i and � yeareffect in year j. Model assumes absolute changes inweight being constant rather than percentage changes.The interaction term is excluded from the model,eliminating systematic changes among main effects.

The same kind of ANOVA was also applied formaturity and natural mortality data. The maturityogives being percentage values and thus following thebinomial distribution were, however, fitted using logit ascanonical link function (McCullagh and Nelder, 1989).This model is given by

E(maturityij)=exp(�+�i+�j)/[1+exp(�+�i+�j)]. (2)

After fitting the models, frequency distributions ofthe year effects were examined using BestFit software(Palisade Corporation, 1993) to find a parametric distri-bution best matching them. The objective here was tomimic historical variation in growth, maturity, andnatural mortality in the simulation trials. We did notconsider it appropriate to constrain the range of yeareffects within the limits estimated by GLM because wefeel that if enough time is given to processes in ecosys-tem the observed range of variables will be exceededsometime in the future. Instead, we used both thefrequency distribution of year effect estimates andour conception of possible future states of ecosystemdynamics to parameterize a theoretical distributiondescribing environmental effect on the investigated vari-ables. By assuming continuous distributions for yeareffects, parameter values not yet realized in the datawere allowed to occur in Monte Carlo simulations.Concerning the age effects, standard errors of the esti-mates were transformed to 95% confidence limits underassumption of Gaussian distribution. Thus, stochasticvariation within confidence interval was allowed forintrinsic age affects.

SPR analysisDue to uncertain stock assessment outputs we preferredan approach that did not rely on stock-recruitmentinformation for the SPR analysis. Instead, we utilizedconclusions based on a range of worldwide stockassessment results being combined with SPR analysis(Mace and Sissenwine, 1993, table 2). For six Balticherring stock units included in the analysis, Mace andSissenwine (1993) estimated that Frep corresponds18–65% of the virgin biomass SPR. Maximum spawningper recruit (maxSPR) is obtained at fishing mortalityrate zero. With increasing fishing intensity, spawning perrecruit declines perpetually and can be expressed aspercentages of the maximum SPR. As they concludedthat a 30% level of SPR is enough for replacement for80% of all the fish stocks considered, we accepted this ascriteria for reference fishing mortality estimate, F30%SPR.

In contrast to Mace and Sissenwine (1993), we simu-lated a set of SPR curves instead of developing a singlecurve, so that the SPR curve was the dynamic element ofthe analysis. Monte Carlo simulations were carried oututilizing probability distributions estimated for year andage effects of growth, maturity and natural mortality. A

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conventional age-structured model based on standardpopulation and catch equations was applied (Thompson& Bell, 1934) to calculate SPR curves. Gabriel et al.(1989) give the computational procedure in detail. Forconvenience, we did not correct our calculations forfraction of mortality before spawning. The selectionpattern was assumed fixed and was estimated from thefishing mortality profile in the recent stock assessment(ICES, 1999c).

Three modelling approaches

In addition to exploring the impact of articulated stockdynamics on a biological reference point, our objectivewas to probe whether utilization of knowledge aboutcausal ecosystem relationships reduces uncertainty ofthe estimate. The utility of ecological knowledge was

investigated by calculating sets of SPR curves underthree different models for input data.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of Monte Carlo simulations to develop input values for SPR calculations. The strength of causalconnections between year effects of input variables are controlled by a correlation matrix. Intrinsic age affects apply for growth,maturity, and natural mortality. Growth is designated as attained mean weight-at-age. SPR inputs from a particular simulationtrial are derived as a function of GLM grand means, year effects, and age effects.

Empirical modelThe empirical model is a data oriented approach basedstrictly on the observed values of weight, maturation,and stock assessment outputs about natural mortalityrate during 1974–1997. Input values for SPR calcula-tions were taken from catch samples (growth, maturityogive) and MSVPA (natural mortality). However,because there were no maturation samples during 1974–1981, average maturity ogives in 1982–1984 were appliedfor that period. The empirical approach assumed thatthe future will be precisely like the past. For example, wethen must expect that the 24 year monitoring period islong enough to reveal the maximums and minimums ofinput variables and all their relevant combinations.

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Furthermore, the stern empirical approach signifies thatany theoretical information about mechanisms control-ling herring population dynamics is not used to validateresults from SPR analysis.

Random modelThe random model was constructed under assumptionthat no correlation among growth, maturity, andnatural mortality exists in the herring stock and alltheir combinations are random. In simulation trials(Figure 2), this was realized by setting the correlationfactor to zero between year effects of input variables.Stochastic variation for year and age effects wereallowed by appropriate density functions estimatedfrom GLM results. The random model thus includedthe variance of the input variables but excluded theirlinkages.

Ecological modelIn the ecological model biological and ecological under-standing was used. This model assumed complete posi-tive correlation between growth rate and maturationschedule and strong positive correlation between growthrate and natural mortality rate (Table 1). Here, thematurity was assumed to completely depend on attainedweight. This is conventional perception among fisheriesscientists (e.g. Nikolskii, 1969), even though not appliedin the recent assessment (ICES, 2000). The latter inter-relation implies that although possible, it is highlyunlikely that high natural mortality rate and low growthrate (or vice versa) would simultaneously prevail in theBaltic herring population. In order to accept this view,one should be able to address the mechanism producingthis kind of relationship (Figure 3). We suggest, refer-ring to MSVPA results, that cod stock abundance affectsherring stock abundance via predation and by creating amajor part of the natural mortality (ICES, 1999a,1999b). To put this in perspective, M has been higherthan F during high cod abundance, and when abundant,cod has eaten 1.5 times the amount herring caught byfishermen. Growth rate of herring is in turn linked toherring stock abundance via intraspecies food competi-tion. However, high natural mortality and high stockabundance may occur simultaneously. This is due tothe fact that recruitment of cod and herring are not

dependent on each other (ICES, 1999c), and highabundance of herring and cod can materialize simul-taneously, at least for a while before predation affectsherring abundance. Consequently, complete correlationbetween growth rate and natural mortality rate is notarguable since there are lags in the ecosystem dynamics.

As for the random model, biological parametersdescribing growth, maturity, and natural mortality weredefined by probability distributions from which combi-nations of values define a set of input parameters for aparticular SPR calculation in Monte Carlo trials.Temporal autocorrelation was not modelled in thesimulations.

Defining maximum spawning per recruitMaximum spawning per recruit, i.e. the virgin SPR,determines SPR of an unfished population. For all threemodels, model specific maximum SPRs were defined intwo ways: (a) as the maximum spawning per recruit foreach set of input data, and (b) as the maximum of allinput data sets. These values are referred to as annualmaxSPR and global maxSPR, respectively. AnnualmaxSPR can be described as a maximum of any singleSPR curve, whereas global maxSPR defines a maximumfrom a larger set of SPR curves. Global maxSPR is,thus, highly conservative approach. For the empiricalmodel, the estimates of both types of maxSPR are basedon the data. Concerning the random and the ecologicalmodels, estimates of maxSPR are outcomes fromMonte Carlo simulation trials. The global maxSPR wasestimated from 1000 simulations prior to simulatingthe actual output variable, fishing mortality ratecorresponding to 30% of maximum SPR, whereas theannual maxSPRs were calculated for each simulateddata set. The empirical model has two sets of 24 annualestimates of F30%SPR based on the observations. Twofrequency distributions for F30%SPR were derived from500 simulation trials for the random and the ecologicalmodels.

The sensitivity analysis was performed on the outputvariable, F30%SPR, and associated inputs using a multi-variate stepwise regression. The regression coefficientsare normalized regression coefficients associated witheach input. Therefore, a regression value of for instance1 indicates a 1 standard deviation change in the outputfor a 1 standard deviation change in the input (PalisadeCorporation, 1994).


Table 1. Correlation coefficients of input variables for SPRcurve simulations under the ecological model.

Growth rate MaturityNatural


Growth rate 1Maturity 1 1Natural mortality 0.9 0.9 1

Estimates of input data and calculation of SPR

The estimated year effects (Table 2) characterize varia-bility in growth rate, maturation, and natural mortalityrate during the observed years. R-square in GLM analy-ses was 0.63 for weight increments, 0.38 for maturity,

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Figure 3. Mechanisms controlling herring stock dynamics and sources of information.1 ICES (1999a)2 Arrhenius (1995)3 Arrhenius and Hansson (1993)4 Arrhenius and Hansson (1999)5 Bagge et al. (1994)6 Beyer and Lassen (1994)7 Flinkman et al. (1998)8 ICES (1999c)

9 Horbowy (1997)10 Hanninen (1999)11 Koster and Schnack (1994)12 MacKenzie et al. (1998)13 Rudstam et al. (1994)14 Sparholt (1994)15 Vuorinen et al. (1998)

and 0.72 for natural mortality rate. The year effectestimates reveal reasonably similar dynamics in growthand natural mortality, the variables having correlationcoefficient 0.75 supporting our assumption regardingtheir linkage (Figure 4). Growth and natural mortalityrate have increased from the beginning of the samplingperiod in the mid-1970s, peaking in the beginning of1980s, then starting to decline for a decade and even outat the end of time series. This pattern matches with theestimated changes in cod abundance. Growth and matu-ration year effects do not, however, correlate although acomplete correlation was set in the ecological model.The age effects show largest growth increment in age-groups 1 and 2. Maturity ogive increases with age asexpected. Natural mortality decreases strongly from age

1 to age 2 and more slowly in older ages (Table 2), foryoung herring is of suitable size as food items for cod(Sparholt, 1994).

Conventional diagnostics for GLM analysis forgrowth and maturity data did not demonstrate anyconflict between the data and the model. However,mortality data exhibits age*year interaction (Figure 5),which was not included in the model because aninteraction term would have saturated the model. Asa result of the lack of an interaction term in the model,variability in mortality was estimated to be too smallin young ages, and too large in old ages. In simulationsthis bias was adjusted by allowing larger variation inage effect estimates in age-groups 1–2, and allowingno variation from age-group 3 onwards. The allowed

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Table 2. Parameter estimates for year and age effects for growth increment (g year�1), maturity ogive (on logit scale), and naturalmortality rate. Year effects apply for period 1974–1996 for growth, 1974–1997 for natural mortality, and 1982–1997 for maturity,respectively. Age effects apply for age-groups 1–12 for growth and natural mortality, and 2–4 for maturity.


Year effects Age effects Grand mean











1974 3.04 0.006 1 6.13 0.278 1.59 0.182 2.081975 5.05 0.019 2 2.17 0.078 �3.601976 6.76 0.022 3 0.77 0.058 �0.921977 7.13 0.029 4 0.30 0.038 0.001978 6.66 0.050 5 0.23 0.0351979 8.17 0.078 6 1.62 0.0221980 9.26 0.081 7 1.26 0.0161981 7.72 0.064 8 2.12 0.0131982 9.52 0.082 1.14 9 0.10 0.0001983 5.01 0.094 1.16 10 0.44 0.0001984 3.05 0.055 0.98 11 1.27 0.0001985 5.85 0.034 1.48 12 0.00 0.0001986 7.60 0.016 1.161987 5.36 0.003 1.241988 5.77 0.011 1.981989 4.13 �0.002 1.461990 �0.41 �0.008 1.971991 1.19 �0.015 2.401992 �0.50 �0.015 1.881993 2.54 �0.012 1.801994 0.97 �0.009 2.081995 �0.19 �0.004 1.671996 0.00 �0.005 1.871997 0.000 0.00

Figure 4. Year effect estimates for growth increment andnatural mortality data from additive model for period 1974–1996.

variation was based on the distribution of residuals byage-group. This has an effect of creating more variationin estimated natural mortality in simulations thanallowed by the model itself in the youngest ages. How-ever, variation in simulations in older ages, createdsolely by the year effects, was still slightly larger thanobserved variability. This was not considered to be

detrimental to analysis having focus on exploring thedynamics of a biological reference point.

Choosing a theoretical distribution for the estimatedyear effects to be used in the simulations was to someextent a subjective process. We considered that thedistribution should give a good fit to the frequency dataand allow for exceeding the observed range of the yeareffects. Moreover, the distribution should have reason-ably similar shape because we assume a strong causalitybetween them. We decided to use the extreme valuedistribution for natural mortality and growth yeareffects (Figure 6a and 6c). These distributions did notgive a very good fit to the data, but they were the bestavailable. Regarding natural mortality, we assumed wehave not faced the minimum nor maximum level ofpredation in the historical data (Figure 6a). The majorpart of the probability distribution is located at lownatural mortality rates implying that we have a pessimis-tic perspective concerning the rebuilding of the cod stockduring current management regime and stagnationphase in Baltic Sea. On the contrary, it is possible, butnot likely that natural mortality will exceed the historicallevel in the future. The same reasoning applies also forthe distribution simulating the growth year effects.Based on the empirical data, the uniform distribution

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would seem to be justified, but this would not allow forexceeding the observed range. We nevertheless reliedmore on our theoretical understanding and chose theextreme value distribution (Figure 6c). Also this distri-bution is skewed to the right implying we are assumingthat slow growth of herring is more likely in the futurethan it has been in the past. For maturation we chose theWeibull distribution (Figure 6b). The criteria here wassolely the fit to the data.

The simulated input data for SPR calculations includ-ing weight, maturity, and natural mortality-at-age hasthe pattern of observed values but larger variabilitycreated by the probability functions used. In the rawdata there are several negative weight increments whichcan be either artifacts caused by unrepresentative sam-pling or ageing errors, or may be valid observationsfrom the population. This latter explanation is quitepossible, since during the growth degradation the con-dition factor of herring has decreased. We hence allowednegative weight increments also in the simulations.

Figure 5. Observed (—�—) and predicted (—�—) natural mortality rates in age-groups 1, 3, 5, and 7. The model underestimatesvariability in age-groups 1 and 2, does reasonably well in ages 3–6, and overestimates variability from age-group 7 onwards.

Reference fishing mortality rate under threemodel approaches

The global maxSPR was 0.14 kg/recruit in the empiricalmodel. In the simulations, the global maxSPR variedfrom 0.31 (kg/recruit) for the random model to 0.20(kg/recruit) for the ecological model. This variationturned out to be significant regarding F30%SPR estimatesfor the three models explored. The probability distribu-tions of F30%SPR were fundamentally different depend-ing on derivation of maxSPR (the vertical panels ofFigure 7), but also the applied model impacted theresults (the horizontal panels of Figure 7). Because thereference fishing mortality rate is defined as a fraction ofmaximum spawning per recruit, maxSPR acts as ascaling factor affecting the distribution of the estimates.When global maxSPR was applied, high maxSPRcaused F30%SPR estimates to concentrate near the origin,whereas lower maxSPR was connected with higherreference fishing mortality (Figure 7a, b, c). Using

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Figure 6. Frequency distributions for natural mortality (a),maturity (b), and growth (c) year effects (bars) with eligibletheoretical distribution (curve) for Monte Carlo simulationtrials.

annual maxSPR resulted in markedly higher F30%SPR

estimates (Figure 7d, e, f) than using global maxSPR.We first focus on results derived with global maxSPR.

The probability distribution of F30%SPR for the empiri-cal model was reasonably uniform in the range of0.09–0.45 (Figure 7a) reflecting change in BRP whenenvironment (growth and mortality) has fluctuated backand forth between low and high state. The empirical

model is, thus, a fairly uninformative basis for manage-ment advice. The random model has the most aberrantF30%SPR distribution, where the majority of referencefishing mortalities lie between 0.00 and 0.05 implyingthat in practice no fishing should be allowed in order toconserve the stock (Figure 7b). Relatively low F30%SPR

rates are suggested also by the ecological model. Here,the stock is estimated to withstand fishing mortalityrates 0.06–0.20 (Figure 7c) under the majority of inputdisturbances. The three models result in differentmanagement advice and demonstrate the significantstructural uncertainty in addition to the parameteruncertainty shown by the wide range of the F30%SPR

distributions.Reference fishing mortality rates increased markedly

and the shape of their distribution changed in all threemodels when annual maxSPR was used instead of globalmaxSPR. Variability in BRP estimates was considerablysmaller in the empirical model (Figure 7d), but generallyremained at and above the upper bound of outcomewith global maxSPR. The F30%SPR distributions of therandom and the ecological models were very similar toeach other (Figure 7e and 7f) basically reflecting theparametric distributions of input variables used forresampling in simulation trials. Medians of F30%SPR

estimates were identical in practice (0.37 in the ecologi-cal model and 0.38 in the random model). The overallwithin model variability was large in both models therange being 0.25–0.65. The usefulness of ecologicalcausal knowledge in reducing uncertainty about BRPestimates may be judged from the distributions in Figure7e and 7f. The only difference which has affected thesemodel outcomes is the level of correlation between theinput variables in Monte Carlo simulations (Table 1).Although the cumulative probability distribution of theecological model has slightly shorter tails than therandom model (Figure 8), indicating that causal biologi-cal information has decreased uncertainty, it can not beargued that this information has any pragmatic surplusvalue in the studied case despite the fact that thesedistributions are statistically different (�2=75.8, prob.<0.01).

Use of biological information in the ‘‘ecologicalmodel’’ resulted in little reduction in uncertainty andresult in an insignificant improvement in giving scientificmanagement advice. It is, however, obvious that out-comes from both random and ecological models call formore cautious management advice than would be thecase if based on historical data only. This importantconclusion is valid with all derivations of maxSPR.

The output from sensitivity analysis was differentdepending on the definition of maxSPR. None of theyear or age effects had notable impact on F30%SPR whenannual maxSPR was applied, whereas year effects inspecial had significant consequence on the BRP whenglobal maxSPR was used. The explanation for lack of

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Figure 7. Probability distribution of estimated F30%SPR for all models (see text for further information). The values on x-axisrepresent the upper bound of the class.

any effect of variability in growth, maturation or naturalmortality on the F30%SPR in affiliation with annual max-SPR is that this biological reference point is defined as aconstant fraction of SPR with no fishing. SPR curveswere ‘‘internally scaled’’ in simulation trials in the sensethat input parameters have affected more strongly thelevel than shape of the curve. As a consequence, variancein growth, maturation and natural mortality has not hadsignificant effect on fishing mortality correspondingto 30% of maximum spawning per recruit. However,

this result does not imply stability of the BPR and thesimulated distributions were wide (Figure 7e and 7f).

Year effect estimates became significant in the randomand the ecological models using global maxSPR (Figure9). In both models the growth year effect has dominatedsimulation results. The linkage between annual growthrate (growth year effect) and F30%SPR is positive indicat-ing that resilience of herring stock is presumed toincrease along growth rate. The negative relationshipbetween annual natural mortality rate (M year effect)

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and F30%SPR indicates that during periods of high M,caused by high abundance of the predator, cod, theresilience of herring stock is presumed to decrease. Thedirection of correlation between F30%SPR and growthand natural mortality imply that when reference fishingmortality rate is defined according to global maxSPR,this biological reference point tends to stabilize stocksize and does not act as a ratio reference point. Growthand natural mortality year effects have a reverse effecton the spawning-per-recruit and hence on referencefishing mortality rate. A strong positive correlation hasbeen set between these year effects in the ecologicalmodel (Table 1) in part canceling out their effects onF30%SPR. This is a possible explanation for the exiguousimpact of the biological knowledge applied in the eco-logical model on the distribution of reference fishingmortality. Unfortunately, the degree of correlation inthe herring stock between growth and natural mortalityis hard to predict, for there are time lags in the popula-tion reactions to changing ecosystem factors (e.g. pred-ator abundance). In addition, age effects in age-groupone on natural mortality and growth impacted themodel outcomes evidently, but much less than growthand M year effects.

The difference that biological knowledge makes in thetwo simulation models deals with the effect of maturityyear effect. In the random model maturity year effect hasa minor impact on F30%SPR whereas the impact issubstantially larger in the ecological model. This obser-vation points out that biological information concerningrelationship between growth rate and maturation ispotentially relevant with respect the studies connected toresilience.

Figure 8. Cumulative probability distribution of the referencefishing mortality rates for the random and the ecologicalmodels using annual maxSPR.


We applied an array of modelling approaches to aherring stock as a case study in calculating spawning

per recruit, and to examine whether ecological causalknowledge reduces uncertainty of a BRP estimate.Derivation of maxSPR appeared to have the greatestimpact on the location of reference point estimates andalso the within model variation. Estimates of F30%SPR

were influenced also by the model used (assumedcausal connections), although results are to someextent confounded by the definition and criteria formaxSPR and BRP. The parameter uncertainty, causedby a highly dynamic stock, was of importance withrespect to management advice. The results suggest thatusing only the observed data leads more likely tooverestimation of the resilience than using simulateddata and, thus, is a risky approach in stock assessment.Several arguments support using simple but theoreti-cally justified assumptions of the characteristics andstrength of the relationship between growth, maturityand natural mortality of herring:

(i) In a scale of long term ecosystem variability,fisheries data for Baltic herring are available onlyfor a limited temporal range to quantify thepopulation’s response to environmental factors,although the range in growth rate and naturalmortality rate have been large. As a result, partof the relevant input variable combinations arelikely to be absent in the data. The lack ofhistorical perspective means that the knowledge ofnatural variability of fish population parameters isuncertain. In the terms of conventional statisticsour perception of ecological processes may bebiased due to unrepresentative sampling from poss-ible ecosystem statuses (‘‘empty cells’’ in data).Taking the ecosystem approach is essential to takeinto account the possibility of the simultaneousoccurrence of the unfavourable state of inputvariables. This is of importance in making riskassessment of exceeding biologically safe harvestingrate.

(ii) Modelling ecological linkages points out how theyinfluence the outcome and the information contentof the SPR analysis. This addresses areas requiringfurther research and encourages formulation ofexplicit hypothesis regarding relevant biotic andabiotic ecosystem processes. According to sensitiv-ity analysis, processes affecting growth and naturalmortality are of about equal significance. However,mechanisms controlling natural mortality arethought to be better understood than mechanismscontrolling growth.

(iii) Multispecies interactions are significant in theBaltic ecosystem and must be analyzed with respectto management advice. Single species models are indanger of giving wrong answers and therefore toolscapable of embracing multispecies assessment andmanagement issues are needed.

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Figure 9. Sensitivity analysis for input parameters in random and ecological models.

Results imply that when SPR analysis is based ononly very few years of data the risk of grossly over-estimating stock resilience is high. This phenomenonshould be considered when dealing with highlydynamic stocks like Baltic herring and with very smalldata sets. The bias is likely not as significant among

stocks with more stable growth and natural mortalityrates.

Maximum SPR, also referred to as virgin stockspawning per recruit, may be estimated without anyconfusion for a fish population having considerablestability in life history parameters. For these stocks

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maxSPR can be interpreted on stock-recruitment scaleassuming assessment outputs are available. When virginspawning biomass and corresponding recruitment areobtainable they help validating whether estimated max-SPR is meaningful. This procedure is comparable to our‘‘annual maxSPR’’ approach in the way that maxSPR isdefined, but differ in that we have developed several SPRcurves and we are lacking accurate stock assessmentoutputs for the analyzed stock component. It is worthpondering whether the wide range of F30%SPR estimatesobserved in all models indicate true changes in resilienceand, consequently, the need to change BRP whenenvironment change, or whether it mostly indicatesuncertainty of the estimate. Rochet (2000) has demon-strated that density dependent mechanisms in the adultpopulation (e.g. growth rate, maturation schedule,fecundity, and egg size) may break down the proportion-ality between spawning stock biomass and recruitmentmaking spawning per recruit an ambiguous concept. Inaddition, potential confounding in defining maximumSPR makes spawning per recruit analysis dubious. Thedifficulty is obtaining a reliable estimate of virgin SPRdue to large variation in growth and natural mortality,and in special due to uncertainty about their linkage tostock abundance and to possible density dependentprocesses in Baltic herring.

If unambiguous conceptual definition and smalluncertainty of a reference point are accepted as criteriaof usefulness, Fx%SPR does not seem to be a warrantedbiological reference point for any highly dynamic fishstock. It must, nevertheless, be realized that referencepoints are not fixed values, although this may be atempting attribute from management standpoint. Themagnitude of variability inherent in the reference pointand consequent management advice displayed by allused models would be hard to accept by a fisheriesmanager and fishing industry. Reference points should,however, depend on the true changes in environment,and would be expected to change in parallel with regimeshifts in the ecosystem.

The reference point used here is inevitably arbitrary,defined as 30% of maximum SPR. Moreover, we haveused spawning stock biomass as a proxy for egg produc-tion excluding all other fish biological interactionspotentially affecting reproducing success. Substantialchanges in herring weight-at-age may have affectedselectivity, but this effect has been omitted from SPRcalculations. A parameterized selectivity model wouldhave been available (Suuronen, 1995), and changesin selectivity could have been incorporated easily incalculations of spawning per recruit. However, prospec-tively high escapement mortality (Suuronen et al., 1996)would have compelled more assumptions in the analysis.Adjustments for selectivity were judged to have beenunnecessary embellishment of the model. Due to thesefactors the calculated BRP can not be regarded as an

estimate of true resilience of the stock; it was basicallyused to obtain comparable results among the models.

Model uncertainty can be divided into parameteruncertainty and structural uncertainty (Punt andHilborn, 1997). Structural uncertainty signifies that theprocesses of interest can be described by several models,which may have different outcomes in conjunction withessential scientific conclusions or practical decisionmaking. With respect to fisheries management, the par-ameter uncertainty is in many cases of less importancethan the structural uncertainty (Punt and Hilborn, 1997;Francis and Shotton, 1997; Kuikka, 1998; Kuikka et al.,1999). Parameter uncertainty of a reference point wasinvestigated as a function of varying growth, maturity,and natural mortality under different assumptions aboutcausal relationships between these variables addressingstructural uncertainty. As a part of the managementprocess, this can be defined as risk assessment accordingto concept suggested by Lane and Stephenson (1998).

The approach by the ICES Baltic fisheries assessmentworking group has currently strong elements of theempirical and random modelling. For example, in sub-divisions 25–29 and 32, maturity at age has so far beenassumed constant by the assessment working group(ICES, 2000), suggestive of random modelling. Thus,possible decline in maturity connected with growthdegradation has not been reflected in estimates ofspawning stock biomass, potentially affecting allcalculations using maturation as input data includ-ing stock-recruitment relationship, SPR analysis, andbiological reference points.

There is evidently a need for better biological basis forscientific advice and management approach concerningBaltic herring, including issues of basic research: factorscontrolling growth of herring and interaction betweengrowth, fecundity, and viability of eggs. Fisheries man-agement is challenged in face with uncertainty of currentand future causal relationships in the ecosystem. Clearly,assessment and management must he linked to broaderecosystem state. If growth degradation is caused bylimited access to food items (neritic zooplankton), mech-anical implementation of precautionary approach andrestrictive management may implicate risking popula-tion growth rate, reproduction capacity, and resilience.On the other hand, knowledge is lacking whether growthrate would be better in lower herring stock abundance,caused by intensive fishing. At this point, modelling canbe used as a decision analysis tool which permits use ofecological and fisheries information in comparing largescale and long-term management options.

AcknowledgementsThis study was partly financed by the BiologicalInteractions Graduate School of the Academy ofFinland (MR). Comments by Ron Tanasichuk and an

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anonymous referee on an earlier version of the draftwere helpful. The contribution of Rob Stephensonto several points of the manuscript is gratefullyacknowledged.


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