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. ^*££s&Mmm<* ••• -«Mt& ^•-^^Wi^^i^.;^^^ MB butter should aot be ^ ^ ^ " » ^ i l P W 661 blfc^orfcin^»ft«P^«^#Pr^ most e e o n o S ^ a 0 ^- &#*S ; '^ ?* tbo.peint rfplPEit«*i8 ; - f H E posmg £S»Ss^taS^es^fe4Sg^ *&&$* yhote-f-w * T S i S Semfflfie set to O p of (sbaraftfe pfiSsW.-H 0 548 n of tht- American Union, and the disuse of the narrie, influence and or- ganization of the American party to ad-, vance anymeSsnre ajrainst the constitution- al the Si.iu-. tut? intention or ef- ( effect oi which shall be to endanger the perpetuity ofthe Un.on. 4,.. Noqectaifiari interference in ourlegis- atdon, and"no prrwrription of persons ou> ucount of religious ipitifons. " '•' fi Hostility to tii« a^urnp^ions of? Papal , .,- v^T^^lw'Ktrttav' ^' ^ome, through the Bishops, Prelates, &&rahfenature, tittfOatflK*** ******* ; ^st-Ar Minis:.-,, of Aeioman'fcatho^ fofia'vor ar4*^|iing^ lai ^Hi* ,B ^ < * e % lie C W h , as a .,. i Republican rn princi- washing-or Iratnoutr" 'JFb*^jjedieney of ])le an ^ angerou , l0 the liberties of the <wa3hftur" ! 'ls»tter- is- anothfiB«.«attier ri ^nd I people* mus t be aeterained aceofding. to,:;<*r&in | 6. Thorough: reform in^e Naturahza-, :ion Laws of.tb« Federal Government. aws for the prot , .... r Ballot Box by the So Yorker, I State - " .cticein Jeffersog, coup- 8. institutions for the! qoptingencies. .-••-.••.• , 7- The-enactroent •.>(lawsfortheprotec• ''i^J^Jl^J!»L±y e, ?^!^^5 rt ^ e . ° D \ "on of ^ e puriiy ,.! It Is capable dr Riving, Shaving and Jolntjrjyfroa;, 25,000 to $0,000 Shingles'per day.,; It works easy and winding T l n i 8 e ^ S i £ f i * i e s t per-i footlon, and wlthitho utmost easo; ao ataplo In construe- creat ThBpowttotthtwbOwa'rtltwojJtIttotttatmost, capacity, Kbk&jinjt qnfo-bo / »PP* !0 tmm tts Woter- wlae?I^«^SPte/or*ojnlfioft.M>rse-power,bybelt or; scaring; can beleorked in the woods, mill, or shop, equal- IV wQLLas^itTOQenplea^rOnb&two by eight feet of ground. butter M§? W^i^^hi^^mUei'thoM^^ 6 ' 'Ration of a11 cla*v, of the people, with ty, H.-iS •S^^^^S^.^. ._:.,:_... I :he BJfcle asa Text B..ok in our Comraon .<%?? weather^ to get outthebutterrml without j *^'*ssiaS«8i* , *Srt.mla without 1 „ , , ; Schools. .,. ^ GENERAL RK60LTBI0NS. Resolved, That the National Adminis- yfS^WWht'kMM^^^S&^ri j tratidn, by its general course of. official toito"^^''t^ r ^'> 1 *''* a **'** ,rt " i induct, together wuh an.attempt to de- te r—"It isout - jid* -However,tosay that j stroy the repo,«-, harmony ami fraternal •>_ •--•«». cslaB' WW*? ,«s<A Oio wiifcnMaof thej )fc -• •"- ' " ,J -" ' Franco, al «m'ltt"B!8clrncs**pC)arWi?*i# tftiyWblfonw D o e s k i n s , and due C i & l i S r a e r e s In-Black, a splcy-i l 'ioolon. of this' s&alfa^^fcfcritoe-^eather relations of the, conn try in the repeal of the cilite^ga^r, an article m » W ^ P * rior and of «ery firie flay5,5-., - ' . , , ... , .. , , J n 7 » 0x tra facilities!' and the •lemna£an of the American people, and ment of aggression^ upon the sovereignty of the Territoria' 1 'i-ihitarits of Kansas, 1 «jhead, deserves and should receive the united con We,gp %„t! ie ''" iua l"^".^.^ " Bu _ I that the institution of Slavery should re- "aTticle ever-yi way?superior,. it V>e - ^^^ n0 g^^t;,,,, |- rora ^^ repeal, 1^ coriespondent; ^ ©^e hs-- the names] j ^ ^ j llftt ln lJle organization oT of those vify> Bia^ fe tliis "superior" butter | t he American Order the institution ojtin- wi*0ut^ashin & .^e will engage them j volunteryfiemtude was, and now is, »• w w v -" -.o?-... .. - -•—f or a ll I girded as local an 1 nut national in its •rood customers-and-an ••extra, p e a they can supply.-. •> "_ 6at&iring f^om ISeea. t^ymtkFmrhht mitepFarmer. gi^es the foilowinl^eMbd: of cbflfectifig clover heads:— 1 ' > "We once made and used, ibr* many years, a very simple machine for gather- in^ clover-heads, with which a man and ho°rse<3an go -over-and gather the seed of double the qnantity of fend in a day than he can mow over with a scythe;. and when the Lt^ds only are 'gathertd, they require no other labor, except drying,,to prepare them to run through the hulling and clean- in J machine. ! ' '•i£r^8Ri4feA : -t*ay»an can make. one,o£^e# ^ § % e s Ja., two days. ltisuponiie;Mo^ng plan clraracter, and i-; a subject for' the tblera- tior>rpf ^jdifler^uce of opinion by the citi- zenA#ilhe%qw rmn 1 and^utherSsStates, $a!j&f as jucb, --han no rigbtfiil plaQea in {he Platform jof the Natioual Araetifan party. STATE KE30I I'TIOXS. As the Commercial, the Common School and the Interna! Improvement systems' of i "'"o 115 - the State are its greatest pride and glory, | roan}, bv (tBoiiUifc'eSUjAeijjii inches hlsrh, requires gut one. man to ittendJtJ and Is In (act bBt a dmple, tbonjji very vnbstanUal,(oQBililwiHoo of the Frow, tho ShirinK-Knlfo,! and Jointer 5Saah^*tho~old band process," worMng-atti such timber as can be worked by hand, andftgreat deat 1 bat cannot, and in such style oltAidifejaadJiMBW^hati t-ives them the preference of aw-Smirke* ow-ftilfMaer Hbingles. S Capitalists, Millers, Shingle Sfanofaetarej^.andjOwtiers of Shingle Timber, are especially diroclfiMo tils- Machine) lor profitable tm^estmeot. The publio are; respectfully invUeAtOrrtteeajlts opera- tIon at the abovi named place, wBeWlcwllirenialn under t he superlntendebce of a F. VA0SHAN, one of the Pro- prietors, who will be most happy tprgi^s my> Information; < m tho snbjeot rCTUired, or'negottateHriUi parties for couni ;r rights, and Machines ready for use. Eochester, N. Yl at any time thereafter, will be prompt- l ?,«tcndedtoy,]JJ'ifps^fFOi! Opinions of the Press, dec. rerpmbqM^ukls'&ej^lj^Scrat The Machine ^ about six feet in length, and stands upon It.caa^4Hi»*tatwoidrae>powier,1at Ufier'oaa^ Phie, cedar or chestnut stum The timber IS'pr|parcdJnto:llblrWlikeMo8o usedfor hand riving. A bolt (a plsccdjjnon the carriage, and against i ' strong head, when tbe-flrstjOr. riving knife passes through Hand takes off aslm^^^aiweeslrek thickness; therm turn revolution takes this riving back to a second bed* plate and againstlanother bead, and while the riving knift is taking off another, is shared u Uh an even taper, upon the upper sido; tjbe next back revolution takes the shin* itle to a urirdbedtplate and against another head, and Ui6 third revolution, h^hicb-ent bfc*another from the bolt and shaves the seconq, alsn-suaveTtlio first on the nnder side. The sliinglepaasUien between twoselt-adlnstlng Jointers ttotcompIeYo^HSilnllft 1 Tnu8'1beiSsSre four shingles io-the-nwwhine-at-ar-ime, and one-nnlshed«t~every revo- 3-i3 , he-jKV» 1 # , P n ? ajges performed attt»-mto-iof 60 .pejrmlmjq, ojdlltoijlngjthe avoragf«f^ho etuf/to^bo 6 feBW'^'***>*'? ,;1liW '''" p, " < ' r '•efo'e; seen in thls"Boiton,' W W8jre§^ria ,t, 'AMllu6AS OA8SIMEElfe,'Blacl 'ariffFoaw.ofilirgrades; Uh*- --•'•—'- "—"«- " - fiioreis,--Btid.alI kinds of Tins t-WfiffSJ -Bnit- Fiimrod. Strirx _, Black "slrgrndes; Bhlon Safittetii TwBc^iOaSh- Bmereraiuiuo'''kinds of Tins <3OOM mrStrmrfityWiAii; PWBlieV "Btdt,^ Figured, Striped and Checked Marseilles VcsUngs, of every quality. In addition to the above,* we have the "§HEAES" of •Ats.-'V- w - B n T I E , which, iuthelianns.iof tbefr«io»- U>\ teein tofi»*etho power of tbo'"MagIclai» Wand"1n '^XdifiN#- ahiiinht; to 1 fenltpurchiseTSJ^rlhe'xSaeuii^iece, All kinds of TaUora' Trlnrmings, Wholesale- or (linarent kind. Tho a^ed,«B£aWi xa& .. eomparo witbjj in beauV and fitness for its purpose, and w'shonld tbinl} thai swen!IkldrooiW nfts<fshingles coold^no^ leak. One of,tbc30ina{ihlnes,.wiuva.riortable Rteam engine, Would-be 4 .fortune to a man In Uie pine WvnirrowN, Aparflo, 1858. and have made her what she emphatically - «•/• v i' ,ea f i S^*" Eo f< ata ' . „„ T fc A . _ . - DeaT.Sir,-^Iam-hapnyiioaayiUie machine 1purchased from you,patented7by^i-JBt Morrlsant -mr 'manfacturing :dlnary sleSHi-ft^' Hhe^sides or j contract, at a sa s, the Empire State, therefore, Resolved, That the American party will I always regard it a.> its highest duty to fos- I ter, protect - and-defpnd them. Resolved, That !,.e interesii of this great State imperatively demaud a. cjiange of relets; that if we would see her inter- nal "improvements completed .we- should expel from 5pffice the paitizans now in con- trSl'efif-.who, instead of letting the-Sec- tions of the Canal- t-- be kept in repair'by Make an Oivi'">«»^ ''^^st -•- runners 14 in. wide and6 feet 6 jn. long. ( as they mayf and rived, shavfid-'srid- jointed;ahlb%)ea,li-uaVe now tn opera- tion at my mill In.this town, and oa'trtnl, fully answera tbe irecomrai;n(t.;,Jt, yvlllwoit ajtutaberfbat can be workod by. tendproeessl>n5iupch4hatouinoj; flfind- Ing ana eaty t ^ b ^ l t^tperfectioa, and ease, and can mike nwenty thousana -per day without 'extra effort. ] Truly renrV&c., n , I . .WATXETOTH, Aprfl.TJ85a. B.?.V*m 3 u4*?<5Eesl«r^V lf; •• , '" fr f Dear Sir.—Ooo of the Jlorrison Sntngfc Uaefilneshas been) ln operation, at my place for some Jime past^and I only ean s shingle of $SO0,Oa0 a year, law areiauthorized to , I Aft«!• K foot smart and ; do, continue 'In pla.-e a horde bf officials These majbepla^d 5 or 6 feet apart, and ; to ' ftbgorb . Sl|/MV |, 1 , ilfe8 for ^ ^ em()ln . secured together by two cross piecesrfjniy i ent> for dectionf , ering p UrposeSi m A. at the back end, leaving,.the forward end j to p er p e tuate their nnholy psssession of open to 3 | or 4 feet; then a box is made , p0W er. t^ „p ar lv fill the. width between the r^n-; The following i> a list of members ot , reaaili reT?heW** &et long ^ , 1 9 in- 1 &e CommiWee on Platform ches deep, with the i w ^ ^ end open.— To the cross- pieces at the bottom of the J TDOX, at the forward "end, teeth of* lard ! wood are seenred-so as- tff project ajbout '. 12 inches; they should be 3-4 of an inch | . thick and one inch wide on the top, and j a , ?4BK0f , made a quarter of. an inch narrower or j -i— : -r-- r< bevelling on the under side. 1'neseteethl 4&E90X(Lt$ A' f rODTBtattS. are placed three?sisteeia|hs of an inch' ___—_ _^:v:.'. l 1'Z._J r l,^ -- apart, so as to forma comb," If the upper j XO '' ' B I E R C H i l W T S side of the teeth are eapBe4^^%&kg°J2" * -^^™.^3£rioii %~imr^^^-jmi ««o- iron, neatly fiued,;^ would bebetter. .^is ! g O S ^ 3 ^ JUBT ^ ^ ^ " ' bos. iahungbetwee^the aaeeot thefled am happy loeajt U la.JhooDly ntacMno^formflnrift^tar- Ingrlv.ed, fiwrejl and join tctlibtbgles iHatl ever thought pract&mbla, Itpqrkfl wlndlcg' and enty umber to great perfection and at a rapid rptc, on tfae soma principle of the U d - m a d e ^ ^ w ^ ^ e c ^ V T g - ^ Dist. No. 1.—Brootcs, " " 2.—Northup. " » a—Whlslon, a &-r^teTens, " G.—Tompkins. " 7.—Stanton, " &—Jlarnell, 1 By or. btuart, Bulloek. Zanders, Caldwell, \'an Oorden, Wesibrook, Hulbrtok, Russell, Corey..' Leslie, Currw; Qrannis, .Vooks, Backus, Peck, Scroggs. r of the State Grand! J. W. BAKKEK, President \ Secretary. j asraxShingle Machine . H. SlpAT. Bosiuur, AprU8,IS58. E.F. viuonAsi Bochester,.N. Y. _ PcapSir,=WtaMbapnjf tpsay- the SWngle^Macbina Ibf^ufacSrWrrvedfand sM^ShlngWssWhaVe at work,, and.,it flatly an8W.era,,tha recommend.. W# can L-frprn'two'tt three thotuanu shingles per ,im!fton^^ »4y O r i S e f t o t ^ * b k ^ r b i l ^ ^ n a n a ; and some that 'cknBM, "-working-winamg and caty'timber tp great perfictioM always'leavln'g'the len'ta-of" uniform ailclaieSs'.rtluibftt. clipping too .points; whloB fc.««rcase wlffi. tlte liirid-imirte. From eaty or windy titnbo*, this machine works moro Ukoa thing of life than any machine we bav(v>seeuw Ujhejlving prooeaBJworkaon.».true.prin- dpH.-frtviogfbe, tlmb«r.rnoroeajc,,Iri riving tfmn the haa'4'power) aniitriy.e^ umhef that* cannot be riv,eu b> the oliprocess, -Sftlftb* greatest ea?o and perfection, always :eta!t Wepartcnla^urvttothoso>lniwarjt-<)f READY-MADE CLOTHIITO To call and examlnoourstock Uj UiWln'e,as wp have bylar nla'rgor aasortment toe*i<xb from, than can be found in any other Clothing House In Ogdcnsburgh, all of which, orbjof onj oifTp Mauu&ctureli cut,lu,Jhi e moat approvud ^ ,n&u>ta cloths ,sl. «W colors; CasslmaesVjterooa, "Cnshmerets, KrroJjiflta, Jweeds, Jeans, Kick, Drills, Hanjcillea, JJn- ottonades, i c i c 1'iusts and Vests, of description. JUiborers, and others, who wish for CHEAP "' 'ivo us a call, as we have on hand of the very articles yon want. ?%n)k and vjfil seflthem to you at prices so low, astodefy com- Wo can sou *"""'•" "••'••• * ——-^ _,, B. and fr< fEicEs: pofltion. Wi can sell you a WHOLE StHT for TWO DOIXAES, and from that, up to BE31T.CTABLE PER™" I n C n r n i s h J i i g G o o d s . It Is eufflcient to say, tluttlnVarfate and Elchness. El. Style, this dcrjartment very far t kladiever before exhibited in Nqrthorn Kew Yorl ichness. Elegance and Kovelty of ry ikr excueds any thing or the Ml.. Sold;.. J .^.. tn fannsiung' i i i r e ' S p e r m "WTaaW, 'and I.iUBeed. OJljfcehasfecnitI»whloh4efy comnofl- a ° n ' ,:•„,' : AX^m^t^'m\. ' .. Dental apd ^nigica! ftfltftunents OP TI£E VERY BEST MAKE, constantly on houfl. GOLD FQIL, SPONGE GOLD? TEETH, ANJQ TIN FOIL. 4WPt ^oi^^v^nri^ T4 aiEOBMEB ia3jni).MBAI!EE. n Hardware, Iron and SteeLStoves. .Tin tmd.Sbeet-Iron, keep coristint-* ______ly'enipToyea the most B^erlenbed workmeli'ftr'Eobflne'-- t- •"—- "•- --•- ' uio.te»h_is.oldand new euSpmer^ litfftfrtenas. •'™ f | it returned, from; NewYoTKWffisl«^auafValuaW8JaE»rtaentof ':JHSrlB .Rf^HOiaiaRltV, '. AmongtwhtolMnay' bg-^Bnf!,rUie>vBtaada^ wc-rlis/of the .day, Including . , , ; . . ' V • • msTottv, -FisspPioiB, F^Exar, and several English-fidltldrts of the moft popular worl These works are bound in eyery rariety of style. , Jle will also furnish any jsf ork in the catalogues of pr%erpoi.Fub*n^mg;House4 afrpubllsheifB prioes. ; '. Iu this department, he Is prepared to meet the wants o. tbeJPublici, HlB.Sitock, of Papers is not excelled in North fern New Tort. ' " " ' . .. , ' •PortfiiUoaiiDr4wfl8jPBpe?, ftnote ffvs, inkstanus, Chessboard^ fitamptBtonk Books, &c, and other aTUdeafeitaiflingtolthe Stationery deport- ment, ore kept in abundance. THE SEW EHSLAHD PAMTiY. 'KB. •jrewr<rjf r )} e and B?Jew P^esa. PA Ysakf nrrjJti&ir iir AD VANCE. ifore be- . with the r$prietor has decided to re JOUBKAL to clubs, to the » 2 OO 3 00 . B OO . 1 0 OO Erie stowe •SpSSST tHe present age, i 4nce the price of the W E following rates: One copy, flSo-year A»> . XwojJOPles^pne year, to one a- ~ 7 T»£ve^copies, 6ne year,to one address. ^.- TfflbCppieSi one year, to one a " PAYMENT TO BE HADE TJJWJtgn ABJL1T. pt ABVAMCE.. snthas men received, the paver tyi/l in all caees be „. By tbejldoptton of this "cos* system, tie em- nldyinent of 'agenls'to collect subscriptions will be nnne cesiaryjaritlrfheir^exBensesjiraS be savedTOTHE sm has for moor years confessedly stood, at the %ead of the newspaper press of New England. This position was at- tained not through any'special effort o.. t i e part uf IU publishers, to increase thi^sireulstlon by agents or otlier or the usual means, But because If^as proved lo be such a paper as every moral, intetHeeat man.ln tie community r - - - - - introduce, into his family circle, to DESCMHTBMJJH-' •PEBB'UM^RY, • • • - * HAIR BRUSHES, ' A N P GOMfiS, ,. ' CLGtH BRUSHES, TEETH AiND NAlft BRUSHES, TOILET BOITLES, BRESStNG CASES, J &c, &c., &a j ALSO, - I Solo ITOprietftr.ot the CELEBRITED i . . -OF— \ aubbox and OU Clothing, of all kinds, at Mannfjicmrere Prlcos. in Tranka, of all kinds, vi . . "' stoThftryDouara; Carpel, 'mbrouas. &c. &c rice from Ten ier, and Rubber __j'AlLEBS in CLOTHING'throitghout St Lawrence County, aro|aasured Quit wo can self them fromTss to TWXMTI per ceht lcss,,tlian they can buy In New York or Boston, and £lso give them Clothing very much «u- 2>er£or in potntjof workmanship. WM. H. YOUNG. |9*BecoIlect tho place, 80 Fonl-street, MechanlqV Bow. Ogdeusburgh, April 24. 1SS6. S-tf =T I eaq%a£ingle aa , . . maf, and wHt say'tbat we have never seen a piece of ma- chinery take, a pjece of jwugh b^ard. andfinishIt j *? y (n vt-f**:; •': **§^#^1 PE & fflORGAW. upon two ^dgeomo^pms'two meSjes in, | T e ^FifSl? & ^MM^L^L" 10 ^ % pocom- Vi I ^aTraso, Marchai, 1850. a Pr-Vxiroita^BiiaeBteii'NiTtr •' > • • -JB? Sfr^ft^Wt^e* 011 ! * <!f-yon^»orr|iDB,*hliigle Ma* cnliBtntthj'Swftsince Jifl/lasti^a^eharto^itjian answered your Recommend atwell^is m j exnectatjons.— nWilPmMTOefo^'^c'^^ shingles they-evpr-saw^ I- have often made-fifteen hun- dred;Jn. •flfteen.r : ftToraWe/.doflrhstapeea, and TOO* ,eno^*,*r£inadA •where thoy can (be obtained^ tKm^i^, Mrrabfermen, diameter, just as a cannon is mingJji its j, : -, j^jip^- ^-^.^-^—^rj- ^rolj carnage. With tto. handles, . & $ £ e t . ' J 5 g g | ^ ^ , ^ S S S S & i '^"^ &M«"I& ^ L " ^ long, secured- to the hcsS'f*td, t*Oie^tmg^ behind, the l»x"wy Vl^fePi«#r^^ so-as |»l«vuusM«aa.-tba teeth tcfatapt? | > > ^ them t A c I b ^ t ' i i W N M t , ^ 1 ^ .te& five,^cres /&$$£&$¥$• with .this machine,' a n d ' c 6 | t e e | ^ t f , ® $& Box; Witli 6ne-6f-t| ~ m & m ! X & 8 a 8 £ fes^ko, m '- *" S " B ""«~--««i«pnr. i »«nsl3tliie.of l > o a i i , - . F i - O i J K , siitT, ifShfiW «nd-3rauterfieKi^,'whlct HE-SCiBSCMBEBSrTHANKFUL BOB iast Payors, dire^pectfullyjay to LJOiStrfrEESa^YcHEESfehBEiEEBrS' ASD DAIRYMEN. ©Fi#OB^HEB.N/ .N,.Yt * CANADA, as' IfiSS^t .'IS ttG* fer to ia^^M^^^ 1 ^ a .-... :>-s-rta .^Jj a ^ii"Bu> .„j ™_i3 •!•-.• •-.' _ S i D eelrldw:^' K ^C«i'£^-Yoiffle'Hyson, Hyson-SUm ^Pwonkay, (Jun- ^ e r S I S S e ^ i j M l o n i r , SOTcnor&*Klngybh&.» ' #.,- -• a> j ( ^ ^ f S J - - 0 1 a ooverrunent-JsiVa, "WhltoJarai Bio, W&L isi> St. TJorningp. •"' iNrt -"* ' - T •' ^ "•• '?&&££&Bt<ZPi&%>T SO*S'r«- i - tI f ew Orlear*' MriiaovadDjI-Bofto Eloo, *"*£?***- : M&$MS«l day «rndMd, P e e r e d , Cofleoj Cjrujbed, in hogsheads and' New York, SSIf un<W^'«gi!rSttceos.J-Honef DeV, iroKJal^Chswliig: an4; . Jch,e5fi»?Bf W t e M ' s O a a - Brawhi BtowtraVCSftnjIcal ihVC6mpbiih'ai« '.'Mi -St Paal was a mefefualicr^' ten^aker. Onr: Savior was <aaflarpenier,^The great J Ai.-hitect olTiip. JJpNP^& K fea^|Se,t His creature's Sn eiafepte^ln 'd^M^^C^i^fss, irrtire-m^crjaimOTr.^thes , ieavens-and-!Ehe |t§and i i 1 ,.* i- equal or- a^Hi3Rninpa^'SSfe0^gS i; «S8J^|# ieir : iaterest-fps^tefdfeimlgrest. q&lie guV ^U. m ^£ff&&mSx^i0^m&l iacili- ties^^rSHse^egtsJo^l^ra^^ea of 'isffsome -pr4nei|flfe ^Pscieucegvfnji^pfarte, ^. £ ^,^ .-.-A't'r--^ ..(-3^^. r-3* ?.1; ^-t.'-Cf •.*,«*<- ^...j S l^oajpouour* ••" o manrtns,'8teaiine, MouW. gjrjylnjj,'' Brandy, iqEabscrfbere will receive T /TrfBABJEeWB.^igApKAEP. »iXTay , --Pibra sThom] CsiiiefisSJ-^Sparm, &> Oils.—Sperm,^SSle' ano-uara. Fiah.—-CodttflsiSltakerekuld Herrings. ^Wnit^-T-Baisins, Iftas, Currantj BS5rJIerchants will be satMcd thot.w*con .give them srcaSihvf&iHJajy looking emw^t^atlmrnenss^tock.' " ^r~jSOTO^steoo^^mBweredrtndgoodsrfgnanBi-' , ;/',,',/.. ^r**Um ^ ^Mtt •; •^tij .<•». ... -R'Btef^treefeJ^eashiagfc^f.S. ; -* April tiS^iSbi. i ' :WJJ . ,«..)•'=. .?.>«-«— —;.?-1 -n J "—; ,ai .."ii' 1 '•:'..'-—t'u.. .j^u.j >- '.i 'i,i ^«£SHIP CHASTOIjERY. ~ *"* ,i * s - ! .Oafctrm, Pit^^e*,^Sa&Y ahaSftlissonJ Iment M*iaaIF' r ware3l%erliiinflig;'1td the» vs&MJ T. B^ SKINNER. READY-MADE CLOTHING! TaOSMAS D. SKINNER i -§• H AS ffSOEIVIED A VEBT LARGE; stock of Spring and Summer CLOTHING. comprising everything in that line from 1 the finest DRESS AND BUSINESS SUITS, to thajowest grade. His long experience in tho purchase and and sale of the above kind of Goods, ena- bles him to offer them at the LOWEST RATES, WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. BROADCLOTH, CASSLTtLERES, Etc, A LARGE AND SPLENDID assort- ment of PINE BLACK AND COLORED BROADCLOTHS XANOTOBEA, which, &s &<mTO for Diarrhea, 'Dysentery and Cholera, standrijnnrlvtltedj Bead the followtng-certiflcates; v Certificate froni the Into Member of Congress from this district Ogdenshargh, N. Y., Oct 26,1SS&. HCT&Y 3. tlroa-nuEr, Esq.: Tour medlcttie for towel complaints called the-Balm ofZpothoxpa, has been exten- flvely used Inthls vlllam) and vlclrjlty aarlogflit) past eon- 1 son. i have oTteh heard It spoken of us a most fifleciivo n.-me<ly for'd^arrfiea..dyFentery, and other bowel com- i S 'alttt^.a^d IJi»^e |j^ occasloj, to.ase It ond found iDime- j ate relief, from( lt, and bellavo toe medicine " j. s, GonLD'% 60., Offers to. tlieiB'OTendB-and patrons the •* mb^a^ismmm&^pnmiaoh jtclr/iake «rselection: Ladles 1 £id : 15nBkin6«r all kinds, ladies'Satin FB5ncaJs.pisib»re, _ Ladios'Itld Etrnffihtmd SUppera, Uo^S^)ttebT?iradf SlipporS ,.,.. a 'j \ 0 Udies' Embroidered Slippers, Ladie*.4»1i» BToncalsiJrrjdl Fox«a Gaiters; Ladle3',|ptent Foxod, [staJJlrt. m\ ?|ile) Gaiters. Ladujs! $Bk LasUng Patent-qp^TonGoJters, LajJeB^Ulc li^gPaternVfir^ngreajreaiters, Ladieff ?ilk Lasting Heel-Up 3!ap Gaitf ra. ^., Als<>, all kfndiv.,o£ vtilii,ter*>i, M i p p c r s , aii«l l i u s k t n s , jftr atfraes and'Canilre'ti. | Gtints 1 Potent Leather French Ties, &ent»' Patent Leather ^Talking Pumps, .Qeiifc.' "f«He.t Slippers, CnngrMB Gaiters of all kinds/ 1 * ! - • ' ! Abo, EJo-;-fi' and VotittiK ISoots, Shoef, Congress jGalters and Slippers, which we >Ter to tho prloea-that defy competition. ; ii ' . "1.! ui" - t. * i 0S~ 39 Mechanics' Bow. _^ FICBPHES. might with proprleW introduce into Ms Uimily circle, to j be read by nfe'ebllaren, and-from which hetnlght draw for them path instruction and entertainment. Wltfi each a character it has earned thejioathmit occupies; and the MffSa1amander*Safest for 'Knggleaj'ifourse,.Mason : vfc Oa's Boston Agricultural Implement Fastorvj Eanaom ; ifitloPffSteomlF^dry.thB'l^wtqi^t.BelffigWnira^ , .., .,-* ^ ,•• 1 W»Aa&Uln8Axe.(»mpaIy; G&ruS^fesTifi-Tvore rt'otuies and Bohiain'gs, aVe kepttogreat variety,'and fact that its circulationtonmchTarg8r't&afi any other ps- Machines'Sn'a HaiidiTools; BovKK-Co.-'aHorse.Eowera. mctnres framed to.order. j per of its class tn New England, is the clearest proof of ' 'PSMea^cbasihgo^unitifiBai^rolpa^euIaTly^vWedto . ' ' ' '•• '„_"„,„ the estSmatlou in which-lt is bold by the reading conram- - -*"'•.— . • •unequal : BOUK-piaiJta o. rliC7t . . . . - , -*-'-' — - - " J«a»*c.-i—.—^-*. .-^ —I— i ft is ouj purpose nowtogreatly extend the circulation .CTainlno.iouraOTholesalePepar^nL^.BoJs^ng.eaual 1 BOOK-BINDING. fncllltlea with .Now York, and Boston, for purchasing.— : The only Blnderv north of Watertowfa,'ts carried on by "'**" ""' ' ' " ' "~" """ " ! Pnmme. who-emrJlosa«flnB,bjlt.the bei* workmen, and "-fe. VT6 pteBgo onn^lves n'ottofe u^erSoTdteiaoso oiUea. Stmt SHELF RABDWABG. conslsl era* Tools, and a variety of HOnse Tiimmliig-alid tor's Tools,.'Saws, nainmoia, Axes,-.&t, Sbo., Pi vorihgus, sannpt but J)Of^onvlhced.of oar su- perior facilities for purchasing.' A. 'WATEOTjS. ' l-tf ;..-.» •;•,,•• i ^ Eagle Block. prague, wno~empioyBjBE does his work, in superior L Binding •a^5^Iulmg'4olije 1 te. 1i order, anrT on the lowest terms. . -"","!" Hehasolsoon hBna,,il»lfec.anil choice assortaentor " "' Meloc •*&-6W' : <idE'E»rirrVeri-A TtjtB' ASS&ETMENT JJ% of^ervi'desortottat^fiSliiBlfiillai^wnjre, L ^imi.thB.Eng!l8!hflermanmd^erhw]fcb^^^ Hahasolsoon hBna,,:alarge.and choice assortaientorn'^jfl,^^!] wocan pi ig of Locks, I^tchevKnobSj TJdor^arinTeS, Join- sheet Music. Also, an, assortment of Piano?, Melodeons,!'JES ANHOL'E. Thfapress will to holdback "* ' ' " i " i -- a " - " - " £ rate hqcr for imlJortantnewa, and yet 2n - 1 AJCyWhiClr^ho wiltsou.»r r^nl fe- i Ogdensbnrgh,^S.pril 26th,tlS55. sn- I .1 ' ' .''3 ''4 9-tf SABOT.EBY. "EW#tIStt, ! ANB iMEEIGAN I Coac^HaMwarej-andijOoach- Lamps j ~ * Stump , —,—-• J&t'Paf- 1 ithly'DainasTt5--PIush, Brussfels Carpets, tHljCloth Cterpet, •fArdi yufilngiNafeHPi . . . T^g i Nail9,. ( Po i p i- Peops, fittsd with Djated Nnts, Ivory head Natts, Screws, I Ivory Siie-HoncHBs, Ivory and BonefiUaes^togeiherwllih I anofteruescriptiorisof Saddlery. A liberal disconntmade I to the trade when a ouantity isiequirod. 50-tf A. WATEQTJB. Isace; Tufts,:IPscks, Setmiing T O C K H U 1 V D K E D C O O J K , PAK* lor. Box and Fancy Stoves. Bomo,.of the P4t ..terns ore warranted to give entire satisfaction. ^r7~ Parties buying at Wholesale; will be sup- plied at the manufacturer's wholesale prices. 60*-tf. A. WA,FKOU8. has a [norally Ogdensbureh, ilay S, IS50. 1 reputation amoijg those who have ** *al\j JOUTB, BX8UOP PEEKIS&. The ZAJSTSSjOn^A. is a medicine valbable fa nameroos varietioa of bowel, ailections, as I am ^"oll convinced from iuvina prescribed It; and In those obstinnto cases, of a chronic form,Ikuow of no ono thing In wlilch I would place mure confidence. 8. N. SH^fiMAN, M. D. Ogdensburgti, Jnlj 13,135&. •ISP BEAD THIS. GEOBGETOWX, CallTornla, Jan, 14, ISJffi. MR. H. S. HuMPuanY— Dear tilr—It Is but Justice to yon that I state a few foots relative to_yonr InvrUnablo BaLM oF ZANTHOREA. On leaving Ogdensborgb I provided myself with one small bottle, which, trifling as It was, saved several Indlvidnnts (rom death by ebolora. | The cholera brote oat on board the steamer "Uncle gam," after leaving San Juan dol ttud, in its most malig- nant form, and out of 655 passongerk 216 died, of cholera. Tho disease was attended with lta usual symptoms, diar- rhea, &c Tne phystctaos on board see.me4 to Ivave no power to check the disease, I first tried the Zanthorea upon J. I*. Boss, of Macon, Geurglar-=-whoin the doctor had prescribed for with no beocficlai result—and judge of my astonishment, when, in an h«ur or two, the diarrhea was stopped* and the patient fast recovering. 1 continued its use, and with<?tho small quantity I and with-me, saved the lives of six individuals, and had I been E rovided with a sufficient quantity. 1 huvo no doubt or esitatloD In saying I could have saved the Uves of a hon- dred persons.. I most cordially recommend lis general use;forwith the Balm of Zanthorea, cholera oad diarrhea are robbed of all their terrors. Tours trulv, H. M. FAY. P. a—Tfio Nlcara^oa steamer Uncle Sam left Snfl J uan del 8nd carljrtoBeptember, 1866. I VALUABLE *•' SPRING C J O I W P O i m o C H A M O M I X E COltblAL. T HE PEprjiitar'nlEDIC'DJAL PEbPEETlES of flit) iiniparailon demand the attention of 411 who .vm nA«aiA,iTrr.Ti, a tadlgostion, By W ep.ln, Weakness, As n tonln end restorath-p It stands' rartynlle^jjnvig- au.dToj'" ^'** Butpifts *.^wrists. '. ! PROTJTY & BDsmaE, ' HAVE OIV' H A N D White.andB<|n- n^u Glue, Irish Olue, Upton's Thin Glne, Sand Paper, Hose Pink, American YennilUpn _ Chinese Xerjnfllion, Celestial Blue, Prussian Iilue, tlry ondjgroudd in oil, dSromfe GKejffi Chrome Yel- low, Marine Green, at wholesale or retail, and at prices that defy competition. Call and see, f PHOHTY & EINDGE, l-tf Ford Street, Qgdensburgh, N. T. -6 TONS BROOKLYN Hlrt LEAK. WinfTE LEAD. 2 TONS PHIL. PUEE WHITE LEiiD. ' 2 •) P0EE FRENCH ZINC INOIL. j By PBOUTT & EINDGE, Druegists and Apothecaries, Fom Street OILS ! OILS I WHALE OIL-S BBLS. wry 30T' H O BARBELS R ,_._ i. \P ?o!aJ! Oil—S BbK Machinery Oil, Inst received and for sale by PEOUTY & RINDGE. B n f SfcTES.-^PAINT BRUSHES, WHITE- Wash Brushes, Varnish Brashes, Wall and Paste Brushes, Artist Brushes, and Tube Paints, kept constantly on hand and fbrsale by PEOUTr & EiNDQE, l-tf Druggists. TO < . AKT1STS. 4 KTTS<rS' BKWSHES, ASTHSTS' TUBE Paints. Poppy and Nut Oil, Canvass, &c^ a, largo aad full assorUnent constantly,on bandand for sale, by PEOtTTYAi EINDGE, l-tf Drnggtetaand Apothecaries r Sl»B4l*t'* SvnrfE ANB'iPLOEENdlE Jf VarnUH, White French Hno ground b> oil, Partsj "*- - —•—••- J>otty, ic Coll and seeus •xii our stock is large, and EOUTY & EINDflE, " (rreen, Paris ! before purch&sing^el must bo sold. 1-if iment <jt' . . . .. - iMdo. j Purchasers wlIT please call early- tjaaSuWia " ^ B.F.W1UTE, ^eatdWaa-^Wetyloanddorablllty. OdrStocklsvaried % S the BEST TO THE CHKAPE8T. > - IaJLDIE8'GAJrERS.from'»tttJ3,BO;.JtIS! : <rr/ ii* . . . ,st?s.^£a ?•&& r. £:\< * l"**^ '• u.fpjtQBEENS3^0ES55^*to41^f.IiA»IEa' •/TKSB^Sltl W ''' »*» tsflrJz Lit, «... ' :i ' ^iSE^OflTairom il to iS- *»»nS&SIilPS . frtofefojgl^L^AJpj^BC^ETOiirfc i.., jfaoE82&oo»...% tojsjrgiHtt^tENJS , ,a "^ a,1 BHti^SAN» SAPTE^B|rom., f- of English, French and German nmnufnc-. tare. iust. rp.f.pived Also a largo assortment of SILK, MARSEILLES, and cither styles of 1 - ' VHSTINGS, which will-be made to order at short no- 3 .tice-. MR! MURPHY still stands at the cut- ting-board, wbfch is a sufficient guaranty that all CUSTOM WORK will bo promptly and satisfactorily done. Ur Dealers /ind the ptiblic are invited to call and examine th? stock. THOMAS D. SKIKNER. 'Qs4oT^h.nrgh,;AprlU9th,i§5!!. . '' »-tf " •' ' - ' FtOTB. •• •• ' ' fL-Affc- i * A K , R E a . 3 .BCENING FLtJEO-mOBT JLIF received,frcsbftudgood,at l-tf „„.TEOP'l 30TY ic KIN-pffE'B. 'Jnijgist ani C|mist. GEORGE W. PHILBROOK CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, . W ILL CAERY ON THE APOTHECAB;Y business, in all Its branches, at .the old stand dfL. S. MORRIS & Co., corner of Ford and Isabellu Streets, Oedctnsbur^h, IV'. if l Having fur tho past T^n Yeats been connected with the best Houses in the United States, I feel confi- dencefitassuring the citizens of Ogdensburgn and vicinity that all Medicines and Prescriptions will be dispensed In the most careful, neat, and accurate manner. Hoping by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal share of pat- ronage. ' Just received direct from New; York, afresh supply of 1MPOKTEP Drop, Medicines, and Chemicals, j LCBUra GEN. PERFUMERY, HAIR, TOOTH, | AND NAIL BRUSHES, SOAPS, POMADES, HAIR OILS, COLOGNE WATERS, *c. A fnH and complete assortment of P t i i u t s , O i l s , D y e - S t a f f s , just received and for saWcheap, by GEO. W. FHILBROOK, I * LITERARY EMPORIUM TIL-LEY 4s BRPTHER A B E constantly receiving from Hew- ,Y0rk arid Boston, all the new and pdpular Publicattons of tho uav. Their-facilities for obtaining, at any early day, all the | ruarand New Books published, 'ore unequalled. Their I ^tock on hand comprises many new and valuable Works, among which, we oifer.the following: > >• '•CENTRAL AFRICA]" hv Bavard Taylor. t "LAND QF THE SARACENS," bj- Bayard Taylor. These two works, from the pen of the greatest modern | traveler of tha .age, shonl t And a pf ace in every Library. I Thev are the besi books of travel extant* I "THE GEINHELLi EKPEDITKDN in search of SIB .'otrs FBANKLtN," by Do :tor Kai.e. "LIFE OF HORACE|GP.EELaiVbv Partem. "AUTOBIOGRAPHY) OF P. T. BAKNUM," written I l-y himself. ; "MY COURTSHIP A2JD ITS CONSEQUENCES,' i l.y Henr}' WYTcoff." .-—«C« of tjie WEEKLY JotrnKii- Preparatory tq doing this. have procured r Keys'amA Beaatifnl Type, with' which to print it, and hvve also ordered'one or H«e's Six Cy-lindcr Fas/Presses,' with which we canprtot FIFTEEN THOTJSSSp COP proved so acceptable tbat we shall attempt no change.- 1 be. empiiaticalrf F LAVOR1JVG EXTRACTS, a superior ar- ] Hole for Ices, Blanc Mange, Pies, Puddings, &&— i Prepared and sold by GEO. W. PHILBROQK. C OBlf S T A R C H , Manufactured expressly for Culinary and Dietetio purjoses—^lajige toyust re- ceived andforsale by " ~~— OX'S GELATMiBr-^trongerthanlsinglnss, for making Jelly. For'TsaW'Dy ? "82tf . GSO. "W.- PBOSROOK. kiBBl'S. TRXCOEHERUH; Loret'a Wahpenei _JLy6n's.3a&lron'; Bbglff?^afl;"nur<rs "Gloss: JayheVToniS? ^McATIsteFa OSt' Rosemary and Castor Oltftbr the Hair. Eot solo by. j .,,-. .. . .&& GEO..^. PH^EWK. CAMMTE1SJ3, TRY BAjBBJEL OK GAiLOS-iT" , -44 . ,^?. U -S!f.^ oratini! andWhowln>,fto-prbsfato;iu^tl*pf tfiu'liSb'stlt -tWrr'UnpB^la'e^eWHo^^shmut^ *|lcb tbrtlfl (VT-rcOton »jro%^.fh3 oV'Wi"*' »*.4H»-iftia«llm«»» «. ( _„ ( 5 -%<rooron^^^§oMMny-^aaatjleo^^ by gjy and partliiiuarly recommended in all those ', ' PROUTT and extamcios poMllar to the femalo sex. .' J_4f , '- ;'. * ? •» ',-* Druarlsts o> ' SO*^ICEi ' Bose Geranbim, Upper Ten, Sweet Scented Sohrub! ,^r™f.~r?-2~ -^^ and J!ew Mown Hay-Just received by fctflVS'BOIXED lilSSEBD OIl>- 84-tf " * GEO. W.^HIEBKOOK. r 'ifrST HECEIVED, AT GEOj-^R «PttXEBBGOK'S 4w ; ^potuefcary Store, an entire aow itoolt^rPrngs, warranted ofthe pnresl qualify; a&o,all tfiri'PfttehfMed- r "^*^^ ietoes^thB>gay ri ^ ,,, , r ftTyn,tu/ S5-tf A M>&U!&B«&CV&WiY r X>$ iBEUSIIES, 80APS, _ Pontades, £«$&$» Cologne, Cold.Creaiu, oad Aman- dl»D for Chapped Hands and Lips, Hair blls, Baodoline, , ^^Tollet Vinegar, Shand's Alabaster Tablete, CEalfc 'Balls* •SICK? &e^ ^>jn^3^c^;eg^g.,^ .^ : W._PHlLBBOOK, T "raiW'S ^CKEY mCL0Bi FATCHpULY, our forms to a verv latehocr for im|>ortant news, and yei to work off the edition in Season foiMhe mails: With thi* improvBinent in our printing department, we believe w<- can give our readers as handsome a papftf as is printed in New England. The general character; ,of the paper has po " , ' " "" Ifrte, ahd will i A BAM1&X iSJgWSFJi^EJR- We intend that it shall be.-acomp^te recordoffhe event- ofthe age in which we live; that the attentive and carv- ful reader ofits-paffes shall be able to gStherirom them occ^u^teandrou>bieinforoiatlon of everv^ event of inters: in politics;"the arts and ''sciences, morals and reiieion. in thiscomatryjindinforeign lands; andtha^t&eyshall h&\< thM information atnn earlier day than they .can obtain U from any other sorirce. To collate fliis intelligence from the.thonfiand different sources where it is to be sought to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to arrange and pn - dent it to the reader in a concise and intelligible form, i* a work requiring not only a great expenditure of mun-v. but also years of experience. We have the. services uf itss EDUCATED FOR THE BOSIKBSS, to prepare the matter for the JotgtSAL, and we shall span* no expense to enal/« them to do their work in the most thorough manner. The COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT ofthe Joe E> A I is second to that of no other weekly paper in New Ens- laud. It cmbracssa carefully corrected PRICES CCEEENT , a. REVIEW OF THE MARKET /or the week, stating th«* nmonnt of business !n the difForent articles of merchiindibe and tho variation in prices; a separate article on tbe M.OKET MARKET; original reports of the Bright 011 ami Cambridge CATTLE MARKETS; the NEW YOHK CATTLE MARKET ; SHIP JJ Ewa. & c These reports are all prejiare-1 by men of largre experience, thoroucrhly conTorsant with the department under their charge, and they pre now re- lied upon by thousands of merchants and traders through- mt the country, to euide them in their purchases and Sfcb. . T b e L I T E B A K Y DEPARTMfiXT wiU embrace re- views, uf and extracts from advance copies of the works issued by the leading publishing houses throughout the country.' Tn thi> way the readers of the Jor/RNAL get tb<- cream of the Literature of the country, and are enabled iu select from the flood of new books-fesped such as the> may desire for their centre tables or the shelves of tbeir iiforaries. ^ In the MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT we shall make provision for the entertainment and instruction of our voung friends— Vie diildren. A good story—calco lated^ to improve the mind and heart whtie itfnmisbrt antertainment for the passing hour, will be a prominent feature in this department j THE BOSTON »AILY JOVBNAL. i Morning or Evening edition, as may be desired.) is sent ' ro snbscribers by mail, in any part of the fj nited StaU-5. } tor S i s DOLLARS a year. By means of our FAST PRESS I we are able to keep the formsfortbe DAILY JOCKS A i. •>pen several hours later than any otlier daily paper, and i thus not unfrequently to pnbli>h important news fn>m | TWELVE tO TWENTY-FOCR HOURS IN ADVANCE. The av- ! orage circulation of the DAILY JOURNAL is more than \ double that of any subscription or two cent paper publL-h- ! ed in Boston. ^ ! THE SEJHS-W^EEKLl- JOrBML, , containing all the readins matter of the Daily—is pub- i tisbed TUESDAY and FRLDA* mornings, at FOUR DOLLABS .i year. , B O S T O N J O U B N ' L 1'OB CALBfORM V i A printed on tbe 4th and 19th of each month, for mailing ' bv the steamers of the 5th ano 20th. It is made m> with i the greatest care for the information of New England men , m California. Over TWELVE THOUSAND COPIES a month ' :ire now sent there, which is a much larger .circulation i than any other paper .printed in the Atlantic States has i It is mailed at thi« office for s i x CENTS a copy. A person A4Htert'a Hlrw*te>. *endinErone dollar can have one each of sixteen nombrr* vriioen. s isiocit! i senl ^ ^ ODe ^ y m&y desire ^^" Agents and Keu&wcn supplied with either , Edition of the JO VHyA t, on (he most liberal Urmn. . Orders for either of the editions of the JOURNAL must .^ ,*«._L*w-^«™r.-» t , , 1 be INVARIABLY ACCOJTPANIZD by the CASH, and shonld be tflTOJEKSlGWE©, bavins removed j addressed u> M. fbeir §tocfc of LG6ods from No. 8a, to No. T6 Ford CffH A R.JL.ES O. ROCEHS Street, (as_ above-*s^ed^ed.) where £ g r * « » g j j ^ g ; '' _ 13 STATE STREET. BOSTON. ' - 1 XEkL'JdAY," by. Mart J-angdon. « RUTrIHALL, , ^ V fanmnFern. "TOM CROSBlE AND rfrS FRIENDS," by Samuel I^rver, author of Handy Andy, &c This work is- said to itxcell any of Lever's.pre'rious productions. It is fall of j w.Sbh. genuine wit and hrunor. TUl "THE SEVEN POOR TRAYELERS," a CJhristmas Story, by Charles Dickeni -AYILLION," by the,Author of "Olive,*' and "The Oailviefi." : "-THE VIRGIN QUEEN," by J. Frederick Smith, au- thor of; u Woman and her'Master",'* a Fred Vernon," "Min- nie Gray," «fee "AYE skt* The above comprise a few of our latest arrival Any JSooi* not( on hand, procured at a weefc's notice, at the pub- lisher's prices, A share of public fEAR OF T p E WAR,*" by Adam G. De Gurow- ly lie patronage is solicited. Np.30, Mechanic's Biocfc, Forxl-Street, Ogdens.burgh, N. Y. iflris'iiulr ^|0ts. E T.S"WIFT&CO. TORD STREET, 'Corner of PordandiState Streets,jiearly opposite the S t | Lawrence. Hotel, OGBEUS^UBGH, K . T . .^tantly on baud, and a large assortment or Bale at the LOWEST PRICES, Boston, December, 16S5. ..POOT$'& SHOES, j .Jiiabra^n^e^ep^vajrjetj nsnany kept for sale, such as Xew A m e r i c a i i Paper at 1LBAAV. THE ALBASTg STATESDLall. ^^T^T*' 1 D ' A '"' T ' SEKr-WEEKtiS WEEKtT T HK OESEKTICJi OF-THE AOTKB' _ . * * » * Party and its candidates bv the Alhunv Sr»t and is strong . complaints and , .. fc ItTias also been jpnnd'a, el Iroventatlve of AGUE.' -**'' Prepared and'soh), wlidlosale-ind rofalL b y ^ ^ , ChendstnadT)ru^st,^05SJ5wrelllock, Ogde'nibdrgh, N. y. 4<fcSSr,i xAm* o-iy M:*as*. 'mmwim, '• ISSOhfS' 1SBW BHtHDEre? -TOED' BtfBSE'r, ' «2?™^^ffl „»„ (OpposUREagl^HalQ"•"*" '"* *~ nt«SM^A . .^^SbJ&oiCE it of PJOJILT^^'T*"*-^^- TT. JisbTOeak^^ . erasue'dfP%defeTOG6B^^ila1»^ 9Hg,OrMaat^A^--*-^ i-- '-i --J^^aia <ZXul h } ^ l Ha ^S*flSBO--aoon; AuderSoT^^OsfSiEliitSOr^ 6110 *' s TrlXnft—Stewarfs^Estfa and common,' Molasses. §§p$^i™§ £ ANP /,••• mmS^fmsm* Woma, Sago.Peari jeWm, a t t o a ^ w S w m Macaroni, Boda, __.Wth»ttBdiMCS«fl>^»S«Jfct*Jk «ind *3*Ak theffinWJwartWfcfeftp^-i ;j ,^m, . , " A ' . : * - 4 » - i i i - w , * . . . LIS _ i-Rloo> SN»tf OtlimJ-|tn»|»*«a^ v > "i#.i««W,« 'r&48oua»8*. :.-«'.:•- -S « . toogreirti ~"'" rw&r*')** or mi Trj?^^$^^~i ».«Nl latran ' 'S^mS^h,^ iSMl ,.0&l sandtoi.-. " i.-Cie*-. , 01tr% a^d EftttMl »eoom«,J j.letfe. Belaya«w dingerofti ..., ,^t>si..i i - U T » n * o e * « ^ t t w r 3 ^ h » - e H » o f HJfcS^ r ^ 5 f f l "aflvaly ijftlil (ifMjflrBCfc\ *4» not of an W«OT» n»-„ -IStjyiaont^ JjHMng; the '--^-rlMJealw. i-*- - >* p * w *-- f ' -" : '' jQf&iwto •"•:*•* AABOIV ' : a.jtia>a*tmi)&& »wlTea*ap!lefld(4.6.bjcls of,,.., Of the Kewest £i Latest«-FashionG! For Spring nndSnmuier Wear I J ,' ... —SUCH AS- .'""• "DBBSS.-AJiD FROCK. COATS, J 1 ' ' V,P EVERT DESCRIPTION, Made up'from tie ^~^^^ > 4-§^SS^hS^*'- jWdth^e.jncatapnroy^styWan^S'^tofwen , jn^e.^alprlceaM^asfidffvcvmEctltlon. sHfthns^lsoja; mdiiMi:&»Jgg*&i$£*£Jif^ eatteriiSiS^aj^J^iSIEltJSSS^' ^*<h*5««i3P-vatUtr^iShrhmo».'.OJo»lnK spagaayoUl *as.lHiIch,he will jsell-at ,thsjawe*t<^.fliure,« his Wd:imind,-.ireKin?*A.vereU'»pranita.Block,.Forastreet^ i:"i*..^WPj«SP«g«>ic«aid.HovBjjy i>t Style. ..-,' •• .jMOX0(IHraGj^ian;Sty^^njMfalt ? j n a.J^ .... ,. $8m£*& Vfom$,m^hF$ ? rioe ^ ; "The pabllc are respectfully invited -tocall ind:examlne the largo stock oiband, and they will'find Goods which obnUeqge the worldoracomjHirisonfor durability, variety of sly la a i ^ e y a i c ^ g g f ^jrlnnanship. ' . . •lotbnur Epinorinm COLS LEAXHEmOP.tDESIRAiBLEaUAt- i^^¥. f *<Sllwn?l!t!dfsBS'>»,^i- i- B , , "•' •tUkjf) uxxma«&j» ^-'A.''V3iAS'iNaJ0B'ora'B{r<;et. •I'Vfft "'fi TiaaaaamaiA' •••*-* ,-—•- ftA..? IjfpBtJ-m „-;.-•..,:;.'- k Forwarding VO'^ei^.it .-fa? tt-i'f V 1 ict.ioMtbisritlraMa^" < "*" J ^^towra*;/;I;.;!J \t.-A ; V ,>i *mm m ^m^^^mM^W^^^ 1 **- l^^^s^Ojl^^Won.i '™.« * R » B p B r t h e culflfatloB of(SraJn. : , ^WS •batEar.^ Vt*i*) Otarlta^* V^*i^»prl«^-.xa n a.h;«^ 0 f' "'»W>r'' mtonmm. fi»e': & & IjiMNirtM^Hi^AoitXB ^•tmmWFSVgb . •«' iM««r«M< «SS m wl^K '.^^^^^^^~ WOTS & SAOES, FOB ,•>'' ALT SEASONS! No. to Fo Street. ,A\LDE1F^IL-AS Is now ptbfiared,to offer to his oostomere and the public, a y largo ond eomprehenslve ck of BOOTS^ulBHpEa, direct from the best manufac- turers, whlchV'wlffl 'Ibis o*rn ^eu^&OTvlrtHahu&cmre, constitutes the mostvvaried and complete assortment to ba lbnnd-ln city-4jr»codiitiy. Ogdenshurghj^laroh^gSo.., .. ... i: _ t l-y JsSL. & RINDSE, "* PfegglStB att^ Apbthecarles. ' AiiIj*WS«RsliWr.-LIN8EEEv OIL— ' recelve^i-a'uoVforaalefbyiJn.-rt ,.4 " . PROPTY & EESOGfe •HT>EHIAT5 ANDFioasEjfaij! '%' AJB£3J__ M-W A Urgsisupply lust recelyed,:ana-ready to ~be soldfl the first man that calK PROHTT & EINDGE, PAlt.1-FITE BARRELS JUSS.RECEITED PROPTC.'&lJRDpaE.,. p-tf] •6. teFiwfeN#TliaE VVAK-WISM- aVeeBlufelsjustn^vedtyWiJ"' ~ t . Pi^gatamntt-Apothecaries. BEA.B! IM:VI>! •* » G a, u t, - )\ the Eastern maqnActureraaro-aqch as to enable htm to furnisli BOOTS ao^- SHOES to the Trade tttho aanulett sdvancafrominiinuiacturers' cost •MarchfeJSSftf, - j i g - r i ' -\u .. ;i. l-y •v&& mem ,mmo* - > The Best Spring? THecUgine is fHffiBHOOK'fe;;; , -VJOBL SICK. HEAB-ACBE, £oS-S OF Jav AppetlKDrow^esSoWlchfftJnanyoXperienoe al f hls season of thejear.'Try ffleih. ' w '-' Prepared*baiyby- _ (}• W^HUBROOK, a.seoio n j of^ear:^& LAIDTES GAlTBRst U SLIPS, I i " KIP BOOSTS, " BUSK1NS1 " «AITEP.S, " TOILET SLIPS, " FAXCY SHOES JENNY LTNB TIESJ OON6RV.SS KAITERS, 30NTAG TIES, j . WATER PROOF BOOTS, WALKING. SHOEf, COARSE BOOTS, SC. Also a large variely of articles in the Trade for !: Tho STATESMAN ivill be issued ln obedience to tbe een- .„„ „ , , ' , . . era J , S(!nse and demand of the American Part? in the stele MISSES, gprs, r X 3c ?HS, AIvD CHILDREN S "d its managenient has Deen confided to hands of in,' £ idHlgtoniJ R,Jp. Btnjnirr a^d-l HOOKBE & Cui^jl " """ ' BWEV, Wad- denSbur^F«b:^8,4B58.- :<r«ix.-.',» j, -'«;. i_tf o _. . v. '"V i n , d l u candidates by the Albany Stau Eerister. has rendeitkl tie establishment at the State cat>- itol of another journal.—which shall deserve and recent the confidence of the party—a matter of paramouDt ne- cessity. To supply snch an organ, arrsnacments have been made, and the new paper, under the aSove title »-I:I be first published on Monday afternoon, the 24th of M-ireii Instant, WEAR, ANjD-Aj LA-pGE VAJ^IKTY OF R f BBEJKS, TZbgr whsles«ssortme at having been selected with the doubted fidelity, and whose ahilitv is believed lo be ' uoote uniio tmst. greatest care, will challenge comparison with that of any establishnjepfi|n"B^ La; rrence-Gonnty. •Wo long tsperience of one of the firm, in this trade, f both In 1 0fgd8l)sBurgajfaid' iStlheEnst, and his extensive vS?£^?' 113 '' th0 S»*ra»AN will support With vUlerer I abiltoltpossesses, and with earnest^eal, the ioUitln!„ ot_MfiiARD PILLMORE for Pr^LT^f^^ $*M.4&&m \ •t.B»a K< <x : '<gta&&, and Heavy: .*Wfa».*j5 rr •'. I'II ',7,-;,. SOfS SOMB'amBV * WUIKJSSf, l i A f l r l s «Bt HlADi A»I> »H» V o l EC0N0ET? IS FBEI— SAVEIOVR HEALTH! of jm^A&D PILLMORE for Pr^S^^fT^ DKRW JACKSON D0NELSON to vwfel, 0 / ^ tki amtcd States, believing that Jfctter" ^ re ! lae '' , " high offlces could not be p r e s e S K o r Jam ^ fw i b T people. Ardently aUached t^^^SJ^S^*^, the American Parti-, the paper wi* a d v o c a t e ™ S SaJ. 7 €caffiSro¥i^l5i^c^e^estM i ^^to^Sby^'Au?.^^,™^,!^^* 1 ^ f. cashi-n mannfacturers, eive him supe- ously," 4Srnestlv and continually „t.„i\Iu? a ii-nbnilnpp ffiw he«f i.vtle1i,H i,* «, a i™^^* 1 reforms demanded by the Aln- ^ 5 . ftOly accojniilishcd. "^ otBanl ... and enable hipi wafford his stock at prices that defy » ftrily accomplished,. ipetitidn. •* "' *' ' ; "' I "« - « •^MlNDTAOTtjEED AT OODtssncEOn, rVIHXiSE FAMII.*? SpAgS * ,v FiitoKfck"Efc. AX.SO- .CiiE > ^iP.^JJP.T.ftP_^ElNS RE^I^ijS,, Sg)E KIT^ J D A P S , f>greatyarlety, at wholesale androtafl, at the lowest ii y %Gj'!p6fa'Street, ETC. ^^. ''*lng rates. S ® f w 1 ^ ! P 61 " a " nnm ' m advance $6 00 , Toe-SiATEaiAif will bo of ample dimensions 2 60 100 nave--no.«uperioramong.thapapers_pubHsbed rt Albanv «S!^vS, es ! oa & on 'i'i as a T ^P d § of genera! intelii I S S w ^ S S ^ 3«te» of both publjs&rs and euftorsu rSnd6Vtbe l BTATESMAS'noU)nlyaw)rthv champion ofthe ^MwmsceHSiich^ EE£ON5r« ' t-. ; •'.,. %L; ^cft^fiw^g-ji^^iyg., f-^. •_ -«8-^y ,. •* *«t?J i i i i i i p ^ ^ . ^ if L2U*r«f '' "' Jl^MJ .. ^ig rR?"j ra^ gj-ii'i •HV*. "rshait: H«av5r. cWalfo;*niaMtWWW»i<i tlijL*i-*iitiiai - 1 Tg4TtiPfTETJ .^-1 __ . BJffXWf., Notic*. L?i>u«i>A n.t.i *^4r- if ?0R 8A1A •ff^r •dttlto W». KRIti "*^r^-J smutioitti J V«Itt«W j»Wt» riiy usefc-^eMdsa^is, .the g r e t o ^ i andVShOTicloth.-- ing oonsequentupon tbctold methodof nand-runbmfif-unW •a obardTamacblnES iwunuJng.barreL-s&ia && is wholly ravotded; and End bSiurenttrely oyspeiis«raith. aVlnint*3 vton^aOTnglisJuttl'iSael. /•> -i s T i r u ^ , ' *J». «>« B7rfg|js|it4|4a^^^t; 'Bm ot» ^ut.vrltbonito%aiaasta#Su|iSetta!olor ! of ! **h'8 s 0*sea '•-."" , v , * '^—««~» -*7. i « L "BILES, SHATTJa-;*ji, may. be washed,- .^i—wits-^'^iS^S?. 6w ? ' J?™} 8 "f ™ y «°lBT thatywlH, J^JtUj-flEateithaTpnev wheawashed wttfai thaStt -* T ^oVrlmor' ,„-. . its principles and,candidotes, but also an acpsntablejournal to the general reading nuoUc. All orders must' be accompanied -with the monev and addressed to' MUNSELi id), ' Proprietors of the Albany Statesman. ^A^A^'lSilSou, t88 ^ a ^AIhany. , _. j f e undersigned take.' pleasure In recommendin? the s= rSi? E S^ to '**e t ^ tel oeandsnpportoftheAnjSrans Jfthe State, and-nBttejinexprfissins the honejthat as the Central Joutpsl otthe Party, it wlSjonjoyjpFide elrciua- X.*BDEROTCS, STEEBaai CLARK. S.,S.WHALLlrj^* 5. S. BENTON. JlthreSEtee'iSrgaoaoi BUYING P'ffioysiiisaiby; I Those { II focal! ; salde ol . {rejyfosv. ' u i?'iKJgu .: W&q fleam, using only cold otto l.tttewa'tor. 3<0*K> ,.,.. s^I!Sn1iKr»^f<6 e i ^ laparacnlirlyjnajied to iheeo Soaps. Jio»saai jjtteaas ^1 ^P^jf^f^ Bjft^lSKL*' -tvfiT: mi ifer Ortat iMAHh^MM,! •••mt ?& I sit?® miotic ) 'tesSa •-'--- '- J 5»-««il>p««y: jat^J^. *£b*.3«'' 1W^l;«hea|», raynfentvinade^ ESON. , 7-tf H^ J 1 MJlALAfiD"'S auS^^^ t ^^« i ate^*a^*r*ve I y.r»Tiety ,, -., » r ^id jtorble-rop, Cente , Ma^ogaffyandar b^^fe 1 •-«ft5 WKte^t^t C«>tRV SON. Jw4- ^^SWfeiBalnnJ Bdflor.©ad** of v.- aortas cldrGbairB. «n hand s Dinmg 3NT. fo^.'sdwnpgjj 5S, i^SokSjBtOT,8iiTii.SB|js|t,j ^yft«ilS«fe(S6tnf". 8ALPH«S : sg^l^ ^'^SlltllaljS-,'^- ^ i«f ipiMr^ «?fc? «r< iei^i^^ : in i < t '"'. oft H»4 ..^J,ri,.v ^2 _st'' «4 .**, ioAft" Black hand _«<«» a^™i(p^tehc5ince, to ^I^H^^jtt, IS55. |»T U-. *S»f; >'-s-' ,.<#»•>%«! t»OOKl ":T|iiMij['.tyM>,ipia. r ' """- —*-<—' »i#ii'i.»rii1,' Ft- *ff s#«f»4:i K«r« *-^-. t**** fc''.'V^; t.L:--j .>i^abj«». -A ^ j--^SSW" i"« P-WBtlg i * " *

*mm - NYS Historic · «m'ltt"B!8clrncs**pC)arWi?*i# tftiyWblfonw Doeskins, and due Ci&liSraeres In-Black,

Mar 15, 2020



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Page 1: *mm - NYS Historic · «m'ltt"B!8clrncs**pC)arWi?*i# tftiyWblfonw Doeskins, and due Ci&liSraeres In-Black,

. ^*££s&Mmm<* • ••• -«Mt&

^ • - ^ ^ W i ^ ^ i ^ . ; ^ ^ ^


butter should aot be ^ ^ ^ " » ^ i l P W 6 6 1

b l f c ^ o r f c i n ^ » f t « P ^ « ^ # P r ^ most e e o n o S ^ a 0 ^ - & # * S ; ' ^ ? * tbo.peint rfplPEit«*i8 ; - f HEposmg £ S » S s ^ t a S ^ e s ^ f e 4 S g ^

*&&$* yhote-f-w * T S i S Semff l f i e set to O p & » of (sbaraftfe

pfiSsW.-H0548n of tht- American Union, and the disuse of the narrie, influence and or­ganization of the American p a r t y to ad-, vance anymeSsnre ajrainst the constitution­al the Si.iu-. tut? intention or ef-(

effect oi which shall be to endanger the perpetuity of the Un.on.

4,.. Noqectaifiari interference in ourlegis-atdon, and"no prrwrription of persons ou> ucount of religious ipitifons. • " '•' f i

Hostility to tii« a^urnp^ions of? Papal • , .,- • v ^ T ^ ^ l w ' K t r t t a v ' ^ ' ^ome, through the Bishops, Prelates, &&rahfenature, tittfOatflK*** ******* ; ^ s t - A r Minis:.-,, of Aeioman ' fca tho^ fofia'vor a r 4 * ^ | i i n g ^ l a i ^ H i * , B ^ < * e % lie C W h , as a . , . i Republican rn princi-washing-or Iratnoutr" ' J F b * ^ j j e d i e n e y of ] ) l e a n ^ a n g e r o u , l 0 the liberties of the <wa3hftur"!'ls»tter- is- anothfiB«.«attierri^nd I peop le* m u s t be aeterained aceofding. to,:;<*r&in | 6. Thorough: reform i n ^ e Naturahza-,

:ion Laws of.tb« Federal Government. aws for the prot

, . . . . r Ballot Box by the So Yorker, I S t a t e - "

.cticein Jeffersog, coup- 8. institutions for the!

qoptingencies. . -••- .•• .• , 7- The-enactroent •.>(lawsfortheprotec•

' ' i ^ J ^ J l ^ J ! » L ± y e , ? ^ ! ^ ^ 5 r t ^ e . °D \ "on of e puriiy ,.!

It Is capable dr Riving, Shaving and Jolntjrjyfroa;,

25,000 to $0,000 Shingles'per day.,; It works easy and winding T l n i 8 e ^ S i £ f i * i e s t per-i

footlon, and wlthitho utmost easo; ao ataplo I n construe-

creat ThBpowttotthtwbOwa'rtltwojJtIttotttatmost, capacity, K b k & j i n j t qnfo-bo / »PP* ! 0 tmm tts Woter-wlae?I^«^SPte/or*ojnlfioft.M>rse-power,bybelt or; scaring; can beleorked in the woods, mill, or shop, equal-IV wQLLas itTOQenplea^rOnb&two by eight feet of ground.

butter M § ?

W^i^^hi^^mUei'thoM^^6 ' 'Ration o f a11 cla*v, of the people, with ty, H . - i S • S ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ . ^ . ._:.,:_... I :he BJfcle a s a Text B..ok in our Comraon


weather^ to get outthebutterrml without j

* ^ ' * s s i a S « 8 i * , * S r t . m l a w i t h o u t 1 „ , ,

; Schools. . , . GENERAL RK60LTBI0NS.

Resolved, That the National Adminis-yfS^WWht'kMM^^^S&^ri j tratidn, by its general course of. official toito"^^''t^r^'>1*''*a**'**,rt" i i n d u c t , together wuh an.attempt to de-

t e r — " I t i s o u t - j id* -However, to say that j stroy the repo,«-, harmony ami fraternal

•>_ •--•«». c s l a B ' W W * ?

,«s<A Oio wiifcnMaof thej )fc -• •"- ' " , J - " '

Franco, al

«m'ltt"B!8clrncs**pC)arWi?*i# tftiyWblfonw

D o e s k i n s , and due C i & l i S r a e r e s In-Black, a splcy-i l'ioolon.

of this' s&al fa^^fcfc r i toe-^ea ther r e l a t i o n s o f the, c o n n t ry i n t h e r e p e a l o f t h e

c i l i t e ^ g a ^ r , a n a r t i c l e m » W ^ P *

rior and of «ery firie flay5,5-., - • ' . , , ... , .. , , J n 7 »0xtra facilities!' and the •lemna£an of the American people, and

ment of aggression^ upon the sovereignty of the Territoria' 1 'i-ihitarits of Kansas, 1 « j h e a d , deserves and should receive the united con

We,gp %„t ! i e ' ' " i u a l " ^ " . ^ . ^ " B u _ I that the institution of Slavery should re-"aTticle ever-yi way?superior,. i t V>e - ^^^ n 0 g ^ ^ t ; , , , , | - r o r a ^ ^ repeal, 1^ coriespondent; ^ © ^ e hs-- the names] j ^ ^ j l l f t t l n l J l e organization oT of those vify> Bia^fe tliis "superior" butter | the American Order the institution ojtin-wi*0ut^ash in & . ^e will engage them j volunteryfiemtude was, and now is, »• w w v -" -.o?-... .. - -•—for all I girded as local an 1 nut national in its •rood customers-and-an ••extra, p e a

they can supply.-. •> "_

6at&iringf^om ISeea. t^ymtkFmrhht mitepFarmer. gi^es

the fo i lowinl^eMbd: of cbflfectifig clover

heads:— 1 ' > " W e once made and used, ibr* many

years, a very simple machine for gather-

in^ clover-heads, with which a man and

ho°rse<3an go -over-and gather the seed of

double the qnantity of fend in a day than

he can mow over with a scythe;. and when

the Lt^ds only are 'gathertd, they require

no other labor, except drying,,to prepare

them to run through the hulling and clean-

in J machine. !' ' • i £ r^8Ri4 feA : - t*ay»an

can make. o n e , o £ ^ e # ^ § % e s J a . , two

days. l t i s u p o n i i e ; M o ^ n g plan

clraracter, and i-; a subject for' the tblera-tior>rpf jdifler^uce of opinion by the citi-zenA#i lhe%qw rmn 1 and^utherSsSta tes , $a!j&f as jucb, --han no rigbtfiil plaQea in {he Platform jof the Natioual Araetifan party.

S T A T E K E 3 0 I I ' T I O X S .

A s the Commercial, the Common School and the Interna! Improvement systems' of i "'"o115-the State are its greatest pride and glory, |

roan}, bv (tBoiiUifc'eSUjAeijjii inches hlsrh, requires gut one. man to ittendJtJ and Is In (act bBt a dmple, tbonjji very vnbstanUal,(oQBililwiHoo of the Frow, tho ShirinK-Knlfo,! and Jointer 5Saah^*tho~old band process," worMng-atti such timber as can be worked by hand, and ft great deat 1 bat cannot, and in such style oltAidifejaadJiMBW^hati t-ives them the preference of aw-Smirke* ow-ftilfMaer Hbingles. S

Capitalists, Millers, Shingle Sfanofaetarej^.andjOwtiers of Shingle Timber, are especially diroclfiMo tils- Machine) lor profitable tm^estmeot.

The publio are; respectfully invUeAtOrrtteeajlts opera-tIon at the abovi named place, wBeWlcwllirenialn under t he superlntendebce of a F. V A 0 S H A N , one of the Pro­prietors, who will be most happy tprgi^s my> Information; < m tho snbjeot rCTUired, or'negottateHriUi parties for couni ;r rights, and Machines ready for use.

Eochester, N. Y l at any time thereafter, will be prompt-l? ,«tcnded toy,] J J ' i f p s ^ f F O i !

O p i n i o n s o f t h e P r e s s , dec .

rerpmbqM^ukls'&ej^lj^Scrat The Machine ^ about six feet in length, and stands upon

It.caa^4Hi»*tatwoidrae>powier,1at Ufier'oaa^ Phie, cedar or chestnut stum

The timber IS'pr|parcdJnto:llblrWlikeMo8o usedfor hand riving. A bolt (a plsccdjjnon the carriage, and against i

' strong head, when tbe-flrstjOr. riving knife passes through Hand takes off a s l m ^ ^ ^ a i w e e s l r e k thickness; therm turn revolution takes this riving back to a second bed* plate and againstlanother bead, and while the riving knift is taking off another, is shared u Uh an even taper, upon the upper sido; tjbe next back revolution takes the shin* itle to a urirdbedtplate and against another head, and Ui6 third revolution, h^hicb-ent bfc*another from the bolt and shaves the seconq, alsn-suaveTtlio first on the nnder side. The sliinglepaasUien between twoselt-adlnstlng Jointers ttotcompIeYo^HSilnllft1 Tnu8'1beiSsSre four shingles io-the-nwwhine-at-ar-ime, and one-nnlshed«t~every revo-

3-i3,he-jKV»1#,Pn? ajges performed at tt» -mto-iof 60 .pejrmlmjq, ojdlltoijlngjthe avoragf «f^ho etuf/to^bo 6

feBW'^'***>*'?,;1liW'''"p,"<'r '•efo'e; seen in thls"Boiton,' W W 8 j r e § ^ r i a , t , ' A M l l u 6 A S OA8SIMEElfe,'Blacl

'ariffFoaw.ofilirgrades; U h * - --•'•—'- " — " « - " -fiioreis,--Btid.alI kinds of T i n s

t-WfiffSJ -Bnit- Fiimrod. Strirx

_ , Black "slrgrndes; Bhlon Safittetii TwBc^iOaSh-

Bmereraiuiuo'''kinds of T i n s <3OOM mrStrmrfityWiAii; PWBlieV "Btdt,^ Figured, Striped and Checked Marseilles VcsUngs, of every quality.

In addition to the above,* we have the "§HEAES" of •Ats.-'V- w - B n T I E , which, iuthelianns.iof tbefr«io»-U>\ teein tofi»*etho power of tbo'"MagIclai» Wand"1n


ahiiinht; to1 fenltpurchiseTSJ^rlhe'xSaeuii^iece, All kinds of TaUora' Trlnrmings, Wholesale- or

(linarent kind. Tho a ^ e d , « B £ a W i xa& .. eomparo wi tbj j in beauV and fitness for its purpose, and w'shonld tbinl} thai swen!IkldrooiW nfts<fshingles coold^no^ leak. One of,tbc30ina{ihlnes,.wiuva.riortable Rteam engine, Would-be 4 .fortune to a man In Uie pine

WvnirrowN, Aparflo, 1858.

and have made her what she emphatically - «•/• vi',eafiS^*"Eof<ata' . „„ T fc A . _ . - DeaT.Sir,-^Iam-hapnyiioaayiUie machine 1purchased from you,patented7by^i-JBt Morrlsant -mr 'manfacturing

:dlnary sleSHi-ft^' Hhe^sides or j contract, at a sa

s, the Empire State, therefore, Resolved, That the American party will

I always regard it a.> its highest duty to fos-I ter, protect-and-defpnd them.

Resolved, That !,.e interesii of this great State imperatively demaud a. cjiange of re le ts ; that if we would see her inter­nal "improvements completed .we- should expel from 5pffice the paitizans now in con-trSl'efif-.who, instead of letting the-Sec­tions of the Canal- t-- be kept in repair'by

Make an Oivi'">«» ' '^^st -•-runners 14 in. wide and6 feet 6 jn . long. ( as they mayf and

rived, shavfid-'srid- jointed;ahlb%)ea,li-uaVe now tn opera­tion at my mill In.this town, and oa'trtnl, fully answera tbe irecomrai;n(t.;,Jt, yvl l lwoit ajtutaberfbat can be workod by. tendproeessl>n5iupch4hatouinoj; flfind-Ing ana eaty t ^ b ^ l t^tperfectioa, and ease, and can mike nwenty thousana -per day without 'extra effort. ] Truly renrV&c., n

, I . .WATXETOTH, Aprfl.TJ85a.

B . ? . V * m 3 u 4 * ? < 5 E e s l « r ^ V l f ; •• , '" fr f Dear Sir.—Ooo of the Jlorrison Sntngfc Uaefilneshas

been) ln operation, at my place for some Jime past^and I

only eans


of $SO0,Oa0 a year, law areiauthorized to

, I A ft «!• K foot smart and ; do, continue 'In pla.-e a horde bf officials These m a j b e p l a ^ d 5 or 6 feet apart, and ; t o ' f t b g o r b . S l | / M V | , 1 , i l f e 8 for ^ ^ e m ( ) l n . secured together by two cross piecesrfjniy i e n t > for d e c t i o n f , e r i n g p U r p o s e S i mA.

at the back end, leaving,.the forward end j t o p e r p e tua te their nnholy psssession of

open to 3 | or 4 feet; then a box is made , p 0 W er . t^ „parlv fill the. width between the r^n-; The following i> a list of members ot , reaaili r e T ? h e W * * &et long ^ , 1 9 in- 1 &e CommiWee on Platform

ches deep, with the i w ^ ^ end open.—

To the cross- pieces at the bottom of the J TDOX, at the forward "end, teeth of* l a r d !

wood are seenred-so as- tff project ajbout'.

12 inches; they should be 3-4 of an inch | . thick and one inch wide on the top, and j a , ? 4 B K 0 f ,

made a quarter of. an inch narrower or j - i — : - r - - r<

bevelling on the under side. 1 'neseteethl 4&E90X(Lt$ A' f r O D T B t a t t S . are placed three?sisteeia|hs of an inch ' ___—_ _^:v:.'.l1'Z._Jrl,^ --

apart, so as to forma comb," If the upper j X O ' ' ' B I E R C H i l W T S side of the teeth are eapBe4^^%&kg°J2"* - ^ ^ ™ . ^ 3 £ r i o i i %~imr^^^-jmi « « o -

iron, neatly fiued,;^ would bebetter . . ^ i s ! g O S ^ 3 ^ J U B T ^ ^ ^ " '

bos. i ahungbe twee^ the a a e e o t thefled

am happy loeajt U la.JhooDly ntacMno^ for mflnrift^tar-Ingrlv.ed, fiwrejl and join tctlibtbgles iHatl ever thought pract&mbla, Itpqrkfl wlndlcg' and enty umber to great perfection and at a rapid rptc, on tfae soma principle of the U d - m a d e ^ ^ w ^ ^ e c ^ V T g - ^

Dist. No. 1.—Brootcs, " " 2.—Northup. " » a—Whlslon,

a &-r^teTens, " G.—Tompkins. " 7.—Stanton, " &—Jlarnell,

1 By or.

btuart, Bulloek. Zanders, Caldwell, \'an Oorden, Wesibrook, Hulbrtok, Russell, Corey..' Leslie, Currw; Qrannis, .Vooks, Backus, Peck, Scroggs. r of the State Grand!

J. W. BAKKEK, President \ Secretary.

j as rax Shingle Machine . H. S l p A T .

Bosiuur, AprU8,IS58. E .F . v iuonAsi Bochester,.N. Y. _ PcapSir,=WtaMbapnjf tpsay- the SWngle^Macbina

I b f ^ u f a c S r W r r v e d f a n d s M ^ S h l n g W s s W h a V e at work,, and.,it flatly an8W.era,,tha recommend.. W# can

L-frprn'two'tt three thotuanu shingles per ,im!fton ^ »4y O r i S e f t o t ^ * b k ^ r b i l ^ ^ n a n a ; and

some that 'cknBM, "-working-winamg and caty'timber tp great perfictioM always'leavln'g'the len'ta-of" uniform ailclaieSs'.rtluibftt. clipping too .points; whloB fc.««rcase wlffi. tlte liirid-imirte. From eaty or windy titnbo*, this machine works moro Ukoa thing of life than any machine we bav(v>seeuw Ujhejlving prooeaBJworkaon.».true.prin-dpH.-frtviogfbe, tlmb«r.rnoroeajc,,Iri riving tfmn the haa'4'power) aniitriy.e^ umhef that* cannot be riv,eu b> the oliprocess, -Sftlftb* greatest ea?o and perfection, always

:eta!t Wepartcnla^urvttothoso>lniwarjt-<)f

READY-MADE CLOTHIITO To call and examlnoourstock Uj UiWln'e,as wp have bylar nla'rgor aasortment toe*i<xb from, than can be found in any other Clothing House In Ogdcnsburgh, all of which, orbjof onj oifTp Mauu&cturelicut,lu,Jhie moat approvud

^ ,n&u>ta

cloths ,sl. «W colors; CasslmaesVjterooa, "Cnshmerets, KrroJjiflta, Jweeds, Jeans, Kick, Drills, Hanjcillea, JJn-

ottonades, i c i c 1 ' i u s t s a n d V e s t s , of description.

JUiborers, and others, who wish for CHEAP "' 'ivo us a call, as we have on hand

of the very articles yon want. ?%n)k and vjfil seflthem to you at prices so low, as to defy com-

Wo can sou *"""'•" "••'••• * ——- _ , , B. and fr<


pofltion. W i can sell you a WHOLE StHT for TWO DOIXAES, and from that, up to BE31T.CTABLE PER™"

In C n r n i s h J i i g G o o d s . It Is eufflcient to say, tluttlnVarfate and Elchness. El. Style, this dcrjartment very far t kladiever before exhibited in Nqrthorn Kew Yorl

ichness. Elegance and Kovelty of ry ikr excueds any thing or the

M l . . Sold;.. J . ^ . .

tn fannsiung' i i i r e ' S p e r m "WTaaW, ' a n d I . i U B e e d . OJ l j fce hasfecnitI»whloh4efy comnofl-a°n' ,:•„,':AX^m^t^'m\. ' .. Dental apd ^nigica! ftfltftunents


constantly on houfl. GOLD FQIL,



^oi ^v^nri


aiEOBMEB ia3jni).MBAI!EE. n Hardware, Iron and SteeLStoves.

.Tin tmd.Sbeet-Iron, keep coristint-* _ _ _ _ _ _ l y ' e n i p T o y e a the most B^erlenbed workmeli'ftr'Eobflne'-- t - •"—- "•- --•- '

uio.te»h_is.oldand new euSpmer^ litfftfrtenas. •'™f |

it returned, from; NewYoTKWffis l«^auafValuaW8JaE»rtaentof •

':JHSrlB .Rf^HOiaiaRltV, '. AmongtwhtolMnay' bg-^Bnf!,rUie>vBtaada^ wc-rlis/of the .day, Including . , , ; . . ' V

• • msTottv, -FisspPioiB, F^Exar, and several English-fidltldrts of the moft popular worl These works are bound in eyery rariety of style. ,

J le will also furnish any jsf ork in the catalogues of pr%erpoi.Fub*n^mg;House4 afrpubllsheifB prioes. ; '.

I u this department, he Is prepared to meet the wants o. tbeJPublici, HlB.Sitock, of Papers is not excelled in North

fern New Tort. ' " " ' . .. • , ' •PortfiiUoaiiDr4wfl8jPBpe?, ftnote ffvs, inkstanus,

Chessboard^ fitamptBtonk Books, &c, and other aTUdeafeitaiflingtolthe Stationery deport­

ment, ore kept in abundance.


•jrewr<rjfr)}e a n d B ? J e w P^esa.

PA Ysakf nrrjJti&ir iir AD VANCE.

ifore be-. with the

r$prietor has decided to re JOUBKAL t o c lubs , to the

» 2 OO 3 0 0

. B OO

. 1 0 OO

Erie stowe •SpSSST tHe present age, i 4nce the price of the W E following rates:

One copy, flSo-year A»> . XwojJOPles^pne year, to one a- ~

7 Tȣve^copies, 6ne year,to one address. .- TfflbCppieSi one year, to one a "


snthas men received, the paver tyi/l in all caees be „. B y tbejldoptton of this "cos* system, t ie em-

nldyinent of 'agenls'to collect subscriptions will be nnne cesiaryjaritlrfheir^exBensesjiraS be saved TO THE s m

has for moor years confessedly stood, at the %ead of the newspaper press of New England. This position was at­tained not through any'special effort o.. t i e part uf IU publishers, to increase thi^sireulstlon by agents or otlier or the usual means, But because I f^as proved lo be such a paper as every moral, intetHeeat man.ln t i e community

r - - - - - introduce, into his family circle, to





BRESStNG CASES, J &c, &c., &a j

ALSO, - I S o l o I T O p r i e t f t r . o t t h e C E L E B R I T E D i

. . - O F — \

a u b b o x and O U C l o t h i n g , of all kinds, at Mannfjicmrere Prlcos.

in T r a n k a , of all kinds, vi . . " ' stoThftryDouara; Carpel,

'mbrouas. &c. &c

rice from Ten ier, and Rubber

__j'AlLEBS in CLOTHING'throitghout S t Lawrence County, aro|aasured Quit wo can self them fromTss to TWXMTI per ceht lcss,,tlian they can buy In New York or Boston, and £lso give them Clothing very much «u-2>er£or in potntjof workmanship.

WM. H. YOUNG. |9*BecoI lec t tho place, 80 Fonl-street, MechanlqV

Bow. Ogdeusburgh, April 24. 1SS6. S-tf

= T

I eaq%a£ingle aa , . . maf, and wHt say'tbat we have never seen a piece of ma­chinery take, a pjece of jwugh b^ard. and finish It

j *?y (n vt-f**:; •': * * § ^ # ^ 1

PE & fflORGAW.

upon two dgeomo^pms'two meSjes in, | T e ^FifSl? & ^MM^L^L"10^ %


Vi I ^aTraso, Marchai, 1850.

a Pr-Vxiroita^BiiaeBteii'NiTtr •' > • • - J B ? S f r ^ f t ^ W t ^ e * 0 1 1 ! * <!f-yon^»orr|iDB,*hliigle Ma*

cnl iBtntthj 'Swfts ince J i f l / l a s t i^a^ehar to^ i t j i an answered your Recommend atwell^is m j exnectatjons.—

n W i l P m M T O e f o ^ ' ^ c ' ^ ^ shingles they-evpr-saw^ I- have often made-fifteen hun­dred; Jn. •flfteen.r

: ftToraWe/.doflrhstapeea, and TOO* , e n o ^ * , * r £ i n a d A •where thoy can (be obtained^ tKm^i^, Mrrabfermen,

diameter, just as a cannon is mingJj i its j , : - , j ^ j i p ^ - ^ - ^ . ^ - ^ — ^ r j - ^ r o l j

carnage. With t t o . handles, . & $ £ e t . ' J 5 g g | ^ ^ , ^ S S S S & i ' ^ " ^ & M « " I & ^ L " ^ long, secured- to the hcsS'f*td, t*Oie^tmg^

behind, the l » x " w y V l ^ f e P i « # r ^ ^ so-as |»l«vuusM«aa.-tba teeth tcfatapt? | > > ^

them t A c I b ^ t ' i i W N M t , ^ 1 ^

.te& five,^cres /&$$£&$¥$•

with .this machine,' and 'c6 | tee |^ t f , ® $&

• Box; Witli 6ne-6f-t|

~ m & m ! X & 8 a 8 £ fes^ko, — m ' - * " S " B " " « ~ - - « « i « p n r . i

»«nsl3tliie.of l > o a i i , - . F i - O i J K , s i i t T , i f S h f i W « n d - 3 r a u t e r f i e K i ^ , ' w h l c t

H E - S C i B S C M B E B S r T H A N K F U L BOB i a s t Payors, dire^pectfullyjay to

L J O i S t r f r E E S a ^ Y c H E E S f e h B E i E E B r S ' A S D DAIRYMEN. ©Fi#OB^HEB.N / .N, .Y t * CANADA,

as '

IfiSS^t .'IS ttG*

fer to i a ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ a .-... :>-s-rta . ^ J j a ^ i i " B u > .„j ™_i3 •!•- . • •-.'

_ S i D eelrldw:^' K^C«i'£^-Yoiffle'Hyson, Hyson-SUm ^Pwonkay, (Jun-

^ e r S I S S e ^ i j M l o n i r , SOTcnor&*Klngybh&.» ' #.,- -• a> j ( ^ ^ f S J - - 0 1 a ooverrunent-JsiVa, "WhltoJarai Bio,

W&L isi> St. TJorningp. •"'iNrt -"* • ' -T •' ^ "•• • '?&&££&Bt<ZPi&%>T • S O * S ' r « - i - t I f e w Orlear*' MriiaovadDjI-Bofto Eloo, *"*£?***-:M&$MS«l d a y «rndMd, P e e r e d , Cofleoj Cjrujbed, in hogsheads and'

New York,

SSIf un<W^'«gi!rSttceos.J-Honef DeV, iroKJal^Chswliig: an4;

. Jch,e5fi»?Bf WteM'sOaa-Brawhi BtowtraVCSftnjIcal



• • -St Paal was a mefefualicr^' t en^aker . Onr: Savior was <aa flarpenier,^ The great

JAi.-hitect olTiip. JJpNP^&Kfea^|Se,t His

creature's Sn eiafepte^ln 'd^M^^C^i^fss, — irrtire-m^crjaimOTr.^thes,ieavens-and-!Ehe

|t§and i i 1 , .* i-equal or-

a^Hi3Rninpa^ 'SSfe0^gS i ;«S8J^ |# i e i r : iaterest-fps^tefdfeimlgrest. q&lie guV

^U.m^£ff&&mSx^i0^m&l iacili-t i e s ^ ^ r S H s e ^ e g t s J o ^ l ^ r a ^ ^ e a of

'isffsome -pr4nei|flfe ^Pscieucegvfnji^pfarte,

^ . £ ^ , ^ .-.-A't 'r--^ . . ( -3^^. r-3* ?.1; ^-t.'-Cf •.*,«*<- . . . j

S l^oa jpouour* ••" o

manrtns,'8teaiine, MouW.

gjrjylnjj,'' Brandy,

iqEabscrfbere will receive

T / T r f B A B J E e W B . ^ i g A p K A E P .

»iXTay ,

--Pibra sThom]

CsiiiefisSJ-^Sparm, &> Oils .—Sperm,^SSle ' ano-uara. Fiah.—-CodttflsiSltakerekuld Herrings.

^Wnit^-T-Baisins, Iftas, Currantj

BS5rJIerchants will be satMcd thot.w*con .give them srcaSihvf&iHJajy looking emw^t^atlmrnenss^tock.' " ^r~jSOTO^steoo^^mBweredrtndgoodsrfgnanBi-'

, ;/',,',/.. r**Um ^ ^ M t t •; •^tij . < • » . . . . -R'Btef^treefeJ^eashiagfc^f.S. ; -* April tiS^iSbi. i ' :WJJ . ,«..)•'=. .?.>«-«— —;.?-1 -n J"—; ,ai .."ii'1 '•:'..'-—t'u.. .j^u.j >- '.i 'i,i

^«£SHIP CHASTOIjERY. ~ * " * , i * s - ! .Oafctrm, P i t^^e* ,^Sa&Y ahaSftlissonJ

Iment M*iaaIF'rware3l%erliiinflig;'1td the»




• i -§•

HA S f f S O E I V I E D A V E B T L A R G E ; stock of

Spring and Summer CLOTHING. comprising everything in that line from1

the finest


to thajowest grade.

His long experience in tho purchase and and sale of the above kind of Goods, ena­bles him to offer them at the




A LARGE AND SPLENDID assort­ment of




X A N O T O B E A , which, &s &<mTO for Diarrhea, 'Dysentery and Cholera, standrijnnrlvtltedj Bead the followtng-certiflcates; v

Certificate froni the Into Member of Congress from this district

Ogdenshargh, N. Y., Oct 26,1SS&. HCT&Y 3. tlroa-nuEr, Esq.: Tour medlcttie for towel

complaints called the-Balm ofZpothoxpa, has been exten-flvely used Inthls vlllam) and vlclrjlty aarlogflit) past eon- 1 son. i have oTteh heard It spoken of us a most fifleciivo n.-me<ly for'd^arrfiea..dyFentery, and other bowel com- i

S'alttt^.a^d IJi»^e | j ^ occasloj, to.ase It ond found iDime- j ate relief, from (lt, and bellavo toe medicine "

j . s, GonLD'% 60.,

Offers to. tlieiB'OTendB-and patrons the

•* mb^a^ismmm&^pnmiaoh jtclr/iake «rselection:

Ladles1 £id:15nBkin6«r all kinds,

ladies'Satin FB5ncaJs.pisib»re, _

Ladios'Itld Etrnffihtmd SUppera,

Uo^S^)ttebT?iradf SlipporS ,.,.. a • 'j \ 0

Udies' Embroidered Slippers,

Ladie*.4»1i» BToncalsiJrrjdl Fox«a Gaiters;

Ladle3',|ptent Foxod, [staJJlrt. m\ ?|ile) Gaiters.

Ladujs! $Bk LasUng Patent-qp^TonGoJters,

LajJeB^Ulc l i^gPaternVfir^ngreajreaiters ,

Ladieff ?ilk Lasting Heel-Up 3!ap Gaitf ra. ^ . ,

Als<>, all kfndiv.,o£ vtilii,ter*>i, M i p p c r s , a i i « l

l i u s k t n s , jftr atfraes and'Canilre'ti. |

Gtints1 Potent Leather French Ties,

&ent»' Patent Leather ^Talking Pumps,

.Qeiifc.' "f«He.t Slippers,

CnngrMB Gaiters of all kinds/ 1 „

* ! - • ' ! Abo, EJo-;-fi' a n d VotittiK ISoots, Shoef,

Congress jGalters a n d Sl ippers , which we >Ter to tho prloea-that defy competition.

; ii ' . "1.! ui" - t. * i 0S~ 39 M e c h a n i c s ' B o w . _ ^

F I C B P H E S .

might with proprleW introduce into Ms Uimily circle, to j be read by nfe'ebllaren, and-from which hetnlght draw for them path instruction and entertainment. Wltfi each a character it has earned thejioathmit occupies; and the

MffSa1amander*Safest for 'Knggleaj'ifourse,.Mason : vfc Oa's Boston Agricultural Implement Fastorvj Eanaom ;

i f i t loPffSteomlF^dry. thB' l^wtqi^t .Bel f f igWnira^ , . . , . , - * ^ „ , • • 1 W » A a & U l n 8 A x e . ( » m p a I y ; G&ruS^fesTif i -Tvore rt'otuies and Bohiain'gs, aVe kept to great variety,'and fact that its circulation to nmchTarg8r't&afi any other ps-Machines'Sn'a HaiidiTools; BovKK-Co.-'aHorse.Eowera. mctnres framed to.order. j per of its class tn New England, is the clearest proof of ' 'PSMea^cbasihgo^unitifiBai^rolpa^euIaTly^vWedto . ' ' ' '•• ' „ _ " „ , „ the estSmatlou in which-lt is bold by the reading conram-

- - * " ' • . — . • •unequal : BOUK-pia iJ ta o . rliC7t . . . . -,-*-'-' — - — - " J«a»*c.-i—.—^-*. .-^ — I — i ft is ouj purpose now to greatly extend the circulation

.CTainlno.iouraOTholesalePepar^nL^.BoJs^ng.eaual 1 BOOK-BINDING. fncllltlea with .Now York, and Boston, for purchasing.— : The only Blnderv north of Watertowfa,'ts carried on by

"'**" ""' ' ' " ' "~" """ " ! Pnmme. who-emrJlosa«flnB,bjlt.the bei* workmen, and "-fe.

VT6 pteBgo onn^lves n'ottofe u^erSoTdteiaoso oiUea. • Stmt

S H E L F R A B D W A B G .

conslsl era* Tools, and a variety of HOnse Tiimmliig-alid tor's Tools,.'Saws, nainmoia, Axes,-.&t, Sbo., Pi vorihgus, sannpt but J)Of^onvlhced.of oar su­perior facilities for purchasing.'

A. 'WATEOTjS. ' l-tf ; . . - .» • ; • , , • • i ^ Eagle Block.

prague, wno~empioyBjBE does his work, in superior L

Binding •a^5^Iulmg'4olije1te.1i order, anrT on the lowest terms. . -"","!"

Hehasolsoon hBna,,il»lfec.anil choice assortaentor " "' Meloc

•*&-6W' :<idE'E»rirrVeri-A T t j t B ' ASS&ETMENT JJ% o f ^ e r v i ' d e s o r t o t t a t ^ f i S l i i B l f i i l l a i ^ w n j r e ,

L ^imi . thB.Eng! l8 !hf lermanmd^erhw]fcb^^^ Hahasolsoon hBna,,:alarge.and choice assortaientorn'^jf l ,^^!] w o c a n pi ig of Locks, I^tchevKnobSj TJdor^arinTeS, Join- sheet Music. Also, an, assortment of Piano?, Melodeons,! 'JES ANHOL'E. Thfapress will to holdback

"* ' ' " i"i--a" - " - " —£ rate hqcr for imlJortantnewa, and yet 2 n- 1 AJCyWhiClr ho wiltsou.»r r^nl fe- i Ogdensbnrgh,^S.pril 26th,tlS55. sn- I .1 ' ' . ' '3 ' '4


S A B O T . E B Y . " E W # t I S t t , ! ANB i M E E I G A N I Coac^HaMwarej-andijOoach- Lamps j

~ * Stump , — , — - • J&t'Paf- 1 ithly'DainasTt5--PIush,

Brussfels Carpets, tHljCloth Cterpet, •fArdi yufilngiNafeHPi

. . . T^g i Nai l9 , . ( Po i p i- Peops, fittsd with Djated Nnts, Ivory head Natts, Screws, I Ivory Siie-HoncHBs, Ivory and BonefiUaes^togeiherwllih I anofteruescriptiorisof Saddlery. A liberal disconntmade I to the trade when a ouantity isiequirod. •

50-tf A. WATEQTJB.

Isace; Tufts,:IPscks, Setmiing

T O C K H U 1 V D K E D COOJK, P A K * lor. Box and Fancy Stoves. Bomo,.of the P4t

..terns ore warranted to give entire satisfaction. ^r7~ Parties buying at Wholesale; will be sup­plied at the manufacturer's wholesale prices.

60*-tf. A. WA,FKOU8.

has a [norally

Ogdensbureh, i lay S, IS50.

1 reputation amoijg those who have ** *al\j JOUTB,


The ZAJSTSSjOn^A. is a medicine valbable fa nameroos varietioa of bowel, ailections, as I am ^"oll convinced from iuvina prescribed It; and In those obstinnto cases, of a chronic form,Ikuow of no ono thing In wlilch I would place mure confidence. • 8. N. SH^fiMAN, M. D.

Ogdensburgti, Jnlj 13,135&.

•ISP BEAD THIS. GEOBGETOWX, CallTornla, Jan, 14, ISJffi.

MR. H. S. HuMPuanY— Dear tilr—It Is but Justice to yon that I state a few foots

relative to_yonr InvrUnablo BaLM o F ZANTHOREA. On leaving Ogdensborgb I provided myself with one small bottle, which, trifling as It was, saved several Indlvidnnts (rom death by ebolora. |

The cholera brote oat on board the steamer "Uncle gam," after leaving San Juan dol ttud, in its most malig­nant form, and out of 655 passongerk 216 died, of cholera. Tho disease was attended with lta usual symptoms, diar­rhea, & c Tne phystctaos on board see.me4 to Ivave no power to check the disease, I first tried the Zanthorea upon J. I*. Boss, of Macon, Geurglar-=-whoin the doctor had prescribed for with no beocficlai result—and judge of my astonishment, when, in an h«ur or two, the diarrhea was stopped* and the patient fast recovering.

1 continued its use, and with<?tho small quantity I and with-me, saved the lives of six individuals, and had I been

Erovided with a sufficient quantity. 1 huvo no doubt or esitatloD In saying I could have saved the Uves of a hon-

dred persons.. I most cordially recommend lis general use; for with

the Balm of Zanthorea, cholera oad diarrhea are robbed of all their terrors.

Tours trulv, H. M. FAY.

P. a—Tfio Nlcara^oa steamer Uncle Sam left Snfl J uan del 8nd carljr to Beptember, 1866.



C J O I W P O i m o C H A M O M I X E C O l t b l A L .

THE PEprj i i tar 'nlEDIC'DJAL PEbPEETlES of flit) iiniparailon demand the attention of 411 who

. v m n A « a i A , i T r r . T i , a tadlgostion, B y W e p . l n , W e a k n e s s ,

As n tonln end restorath-p It stands' rartynlle^jjnvig-au.dToj'" '**

Butpifts *.^wrists.'.

! PROTJTY & BDsmaE, ' H A V E OIV' H A N D White.andB<|n-

n^u Glue, Irish Olue, Upton's Thin Glne, Sand Paper, Hose Pink, American YennilUpn

_ Chinese Xerjnfllion, Celestial Blue, Prussian Iilue, tlry ondjgroudd in oil, dSromfe GKejffi Chrome Yel­low, Marine Green, at wholesale or retail, and at prices that defy competition. Call and see,

f PHOHTY & EINDGE, l-tf Ford Street, Qgdensburgh, N. T.


j By PBOUTT & EINDGE, Druegists and Apothecaries, Fom Street


wry 30T'

H O B A R B E L S R , _ . _ i . \P ?o!aJ! Oil—S BbK Machinery Oil, Inst received

and for sale by PEOUTY & RINDGE.

Bn f S f c T E S . - ^ P A I N T BRUSHES, WHITE-Wash Brushes, Varnish Brashes, Wall and Paste

Brushes, Artist Brushes, and Tube Paints, kept constantly on hand and fbrsale by PEOUTr & EiNDQE,

l-tf Druggists.

T O <. A K T 1 S T S .

4K T T S < r S ' B K W S H E S , ASTHSTS' TUBE Paints. Poppy and Nut Oil, Canvass, &c^ a, largo

aad full assorUnent constantly,on bandand for sale, by PEOtTTYAi EINDGE,

l-tf • Drnggtetaand Apothecaries r S l » B 4 l * t ' * S v n r f E ANB'iPLOEENdlE J f VarnUH, White French Hno ground b> oil, Partsj

"*- - —•—••- J>otty, i c Coll and seeus •xii our stock is large, and EOUTY & EINDflE, "

(rreen, Paris ! before purch&sing^el

must bo sold. 1-if

i m e n t <jt' . . — „ . .. -iMdo. j Purchasers wlIT please call early-

t j a a S u W i a " ^ B.F .W1UTE,

^eatdWaa-^Wetyloanddorablllty. OdrStocklsvaried % S the BEST TO THE CHKAPE8T. > -

IaJLDIE8'GAJrERS.from'»tttJ3,BO;.JtIS! : <rr/ ii* . . . ,st?s.^£a ?•&& r. £:\< * l"** '• u . f p j t Q B E E N S 3 ^ 0 E S 5 5 ^ * t o 4 1 ^ f . I i A » I E a ' • / T K S B ^ S l t l W ''' » * » tsflrJz Lit, «... ' : i ' ^ i S E ^ O f l T a i r o m i l to i S - * » » n S & S I i l P S .


i . . , jfaoE82&oo»...% tojsjrgiHtt^tENJS , , a " ^ a , 1 B H t i ^ S A N » SAPTE^B|rom., f -

of English, French and German nmnufnc-. tare. iust. rp.f.pived

Also a largo assortment of —

S I L K , M A R S E I L L E S ,

and cither styles of 1 - ' V H S T I N G S ,

which will-be made to order at short no-3


MR! M U R P H Y still stands at the cut­ting-board, wbfch is a sufficient guaranty that all

C U S T O M W O R K will bo promptly and satisfactorily done.

UrDealers /ind the ptiblic are invited to call and examine th? stock.


'Qs4oT^h.nrgh,;AprlU9th,i§5!!. . '' »-tf

" •' ' - ' F t O T B . • •• •• ' ' fL-Affc- i * A K , R E a . 3 .BCENING FLtJEO-mOBT J L I F received,frcsbftudgood,at

l-tf „ „ . T E O P ' l 3 0 T Y ic KIN-pffE'B.

'Jnijgist ani C|mist.


WILL CAERY ON THE APOTHECAB;Y business, in all Its branches, at .the old stand

dfL. S. MORRIS & Co., corner of F o r d a n d I s a b e l l u S t r e e t s , O e d c t n s b u r ^ h , IV'.

if l Having fur tho past T^n Yeats been connected with the best Houses in the United States, I feel confi­dence fit assuring the citizens of Ogdensburgn and vicinity that all Medicines and Prescriptions will be dispensed In the most careful, neat, and accurate manner. Hoping by strict attention to business, to merit a liberal share of pat­ronage. '

Just received direct from New; York, afresh supply of 1 M P O K T E P

Drop, Medicines, and Chemicals, j LCBUra GEN. PERFUMERY, HAIR, TOOTH, |


A fnH and complete assortment of P t i i u t s , O i l s , D y e - S t a f f s , just received and for

saWcheap, by GEO. W. FHILBROOK, I


TIL-LEY 4s BRPTHER A B E constantly receiving from Hew-

,Y0rk arid Boston, all the new and pdpular Publicattons of tho uav. Their-facilities for obtaining, at any early day, all the

| ruarand New Books published, 'ore unequalled. • Their I tock on hand comprises many new and valuable Works,

among which, we oifer.the following: > >• • '•CENTRAL AFRICA]" hv Bavard Taylor.

t "LAND QF THE SARACENS," bj- Bayard Taylor. These two works, from the pen of the greatest modern

| traveler of tha .age, shonl t And a pf ace in every Library. I Thev are the besi books of travel extant* I "THE GEINHELLi EKPEDITKDN in search of SIB

.'otrs FBANKLtN," by Do :tor Kai.e. "LIFE OF HORACE|GP.EELaiVbv Partem. "AUTOBIOGRAPHY) OF P. T. BAKNUM," written

I l-y himself. ; "MY COURTSHIP A2JD ITS CONSEQUENCES,' i l.y Henr}' WYTcoff." .-—«C«

of tjie WEEKLY JotrnKii- Preparatory tq doing this. w« have procured r

Keys'amA B e a a t i f n l T y p e , with' which to print it, and hvve also ordered'one or

H « e ' s S i x C y - l i n d c r F a s / P r e s s e s , ' with which we canprtot FIFTEEN THOTJSSSp COP

proved so acceptable tbat we shall attempt no change.-1 be. empiiaticalrf

FL A V O R 1 J V G E X T R A C T S , a superior ar- ] Hole for Ices, Blanc Mange, Pies, Puddings, &&— i

Prepared and sold by GEO. W. PHILBROQK.

CO B l f S T A R C H , Manufactured expressly for Culinary and Dietetio purjoses—^lajige toyust re­

ceived and for sale by " ~~—

€O X ' S G E L A T M i B r - ^ t r o n g e r t h a n l s i n g l n s s , for making Jelly. For'TsaW'Dy ?

"82tf . GSO. "W.- PBOSROOK.

k i B B l ' S . T R X C O E H E R U H ; Loret'a Wahpenei _ J L y 6 n ' s . 3 a & l r o n ' ; Bbgl f f?^af l ;"nur<rs "Gloss: JayheVToniS? ^McATIsteFa O S t ' Rosemary and Castor Oltftbr the Hair. Eot solo by. • j . , , - . .. . .&& GEO..^. P H ^ E W K .

C A M M T E 1 S J 3 , T R Y B A j B B J E L O K G A i L O S - i T "

, - 4 4 . ,^?.U-S!f.^

oratini! andWhowln>,fto-prbsfato;iu^tl*pf tfiu'liSb'stlt - t W r r ' U n p B ^ l a ' e ^ e W H o ^ ^ s h m u t ^ * | l c b tbrtlfl (VT-rcOton » j ro%^ . fh3 o V ' W i " * ' »*.4H»-if t ia«l lm«»» «. ( _ „

( 5 - % < r o o r o n ^ ^ ^ § o M M n y - ^ a a a t j l e o ^ ^ by gjy and partliiiuarly recommended in all those ', ' PROUTT and extamcios poMllar to the femalo sex. .' J_4f , '- ;'. * ? •» ',-* Druarlsts o>

' S O * ^ I C E i '

Bose Geranbim, Upper Ten, Sweet Scented Sohrub! ,^r™f.~r?-2~ -^^ and J!ew Mown Hay-Just received by fctflVS'BOIXED l i l S S E B D OIl>- 84-tf " * GEO. W.^HIEBKOOK.

r ' i f r S T HECEIVED, AT GEOj-^R «PttXEBBGOK'S 4w ;^potuefcary Store, an entire aow i too l t^rPrngs ,

warranted ofthe pnresl qualify; a&o,all tfiri'PfttehfMed- r " ^ * ^ ^ ietoes^thB >gay r i ^ , , , , r ftTyn,tu/ S5-tf

A M>&U!&B«&CV&WiYrX>$ iBEUSIIES, 80APS, _ Pontades, £«$&$» Cologne, Cold.Creaiu, oad Aman-

dl»D for Chapped Hands and Lips, Hair blls, Baodoline, , ^^Tollet Vinegar, Shand's Alabaster Tablete, CEalfc 'Balls*

•SICK? &e^ ^ > j n ^ 3 ^ c ^ ; e g ^ g . , ^ . ^ : W . _ P H l L B B O O K ,

T " r a i W ' S ^ C K E Y m CL0Bi FATCHpULY,

our forms to a verv latehocr for im|>ortant news, and yei to work off the edition in Season foiMhe mails: With thi* improvBinent in our printing department, we believe w<-can give our readers as handsome a papftf as is printed in New England. The general character; ,of the paper has po " , ' " "" Ifrte, ahd will i

A BAM1&X i S J g W S F J i ^ E J R -We intend that it shall be.-acomp^te recordoffhe event-ofthe age in which we l ive; that the attentive and carv-ful reader ofits-paffes shall be able to gStherirom them occ^u^teandrou>bieinforoiatlon of everv^ event of inters: in politics;"the arts and ''sciences, morals and reiieion. in thiscomatryjindinforeign lands; andtha^t&eyshall h&\< thM information atnn earlier day than they .can obtain U from any other sorirce. To collate fliis intelligence from the.thonfiand different sources where it is to be sought to separate the wheat from the chaff, and to arrange and pn -dent it to the reader in a concise and intelligible form, i* a work requiring not only a great expenditure of mun-v. but also years of experience. We have the. services uf i t s s EDUCATED FOR THE BOSIKBSS, to prepare the matter for the JotgtSAL, and we shall span* no expense to enal/« them to do their work in the most thorough manner.

The COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT ofthe Joe E> A I is second to that of no other weekly paper in New Ens-laud. It cmbracssa carefully corrected PRICES CCEEENT , a. REVIEW OF THE MARKET /or the week, stating th«* n m o n n t of b u s i n e s s !n t h e difForent a r t i c l e s of merch i ind ibe and tho variation in prices; a separate article on tbe M.OKET MARKET; original reports of the Bright011 ami Cambridge CATTLE MARKETS; the N E W YOHK CATTLE MARKET ; SHIP JJ E wa. & c These reports are all prejiare-1 by men of largre experience, thoroucrhly conTorsant with the department under their charge, and they pre now re­lied upon by thousands of merchants and traders through-mt the country, to euide them in their purchases and

Sfcb. . T b e L I T E B A K Y D E P A R T M f i X T wiU e m b r a c e r e ­

v i e w s , uf a n d e x t r a c t s f rom a d v a n c e cop i e s of t h e w o r k s issued by the leading publishing houses throughout the country.' Tn thi> way the readers of the Jor/RNAL get tb<-cream of the Literature of the country, and are enabled iu select from the flood of new books-fesped such as the> may desire for their centre tables or the shelves of tbeir iiforaries. ^

In the MISCELLANEOUS DEPARTMENT we shall make provision for the entertainment and instruction of our voung friends— Vie diildren. A good story—calco lated^ to improve the mind and heart whtie itfnmisbrt antertainment for the passing hour, will be a prominent feature in this department

j T H E B O S T O N » A I L Y J O V B N A L . i Morning or Evening edition, as may be desired.) is sent

' ro snbscribers by mail, in any part of the fj nited StaU-5. } tor S i s DOLLARS a year. By means of our FAST PRESS I we are able to keep the forms for tbe DAILY JOCKS A i.

•>pen several hours later than any otlier daily paper, and i thus not unfrequently to pnbli>h important news fn>m | TWELVE tO TWENTY-FOCR HOURS IN ADVANCE. T h e av-! orage circulation of the DAILY JOURNAL is more than \ double that of any subscription or two cent paper publL-h-! ed in Boston. ^

! T H E S E J H S - W ^ E E K L l - J O r B M L , , containing all the readins matter of the Daily—is pub-i tisbed TUESDAY and FRLDA* mornings, at FOUR DOLLABS

.i year.

, B O S T O N J O U B N ' L 1 ' O B C A L B f O R M V i A printed on tbe 4th and 19th of each month, for mailing ' bv the steamers of the 5th ano 20th. It is made m> with i the greatest care for the information of New England men , m California. Over TWELVE THOUSAND COPIES a month ' :ire now sent there, which is a much larger .circulation i than any other paper .printed in the Atlantic States has i It is mailed at thi« office for six CENTS a copy. A person

A 4 H t e r t ' a Hlrw*te>. *endinErone dollar can have one each of sixteen nombrr*

vriioen. s isiocit! i s e n l ^ ^ ODe y m&y d e s i r e ^ ^ " Agents and Keu&wcn supplied with either

, Edition of the JO VHyA t, on (he most liberal Urmn. . Orders for either of the editions of the JOURNAL must

.^ ,*«._L*w-^«™r.-» t , , 1 be INVARIABLY ACCOJTPANIZD by the CASH, and shonld be tflTOJEKSlGWE©, bavins removed j addressed u>

M. fbeir §tocfc of LG6ods from No. 8a, to No. T6 Ford CffH A R.JL.ES O . R O C E H S Street, (as_ above-*s^ed^ed.) where £ g r * « » g j j ^ g ; '' _ 13 STATE STREET. BOSTON.

' -1 XEkL'JdAY," by. Mart J-angdon. « RUTrIHALL, ,^ V fanmnFern. "TOM CROSBlE AND rfrS FRIENDS," by Samuel

I^rver, author of Handy Andy, &c This work is- said to itxcell any of Lever's.pre'rious productions. It is fall of j w.Sbh. genuine wit and hrunor. T U l

"THE SEVEN POOR TRAYELERS," a CJhristmas Story, by Charles Dickeni

-AYILLION," by the,Author of "Olive,*' and "The Oailviefi." :

"-THE VIRGIN QUEEN," by J. Frederick Smith, au­thor of;

u Woman and her'Master",'* a Fred Vernon," "Min­nie Gray," «fee

" A Y E skt*

The above comprise a few of our latest arrival Any JSooi* not( on hand, procured at a weefc's notice, at the pub­lisher's prices, A share of public

fEAR OF T p E WAR,*" by Adam G. De Gurow-


lie patronage is solicited. Np.30, Mechanic's Biocfc,

Forxl-Street, Ogdens.burgh, N. Y.

iflris'iiulr ^|0ts. E T.S"WIFT&CO.

TORD STREET, 'Corner of PordandiState Streets,jiearly opposite

the S t | Lawrence. Hotel,

O G B E U S ^ U B G H , K . T .

.^tantly on baud, and a large assortment or

Bale at the LOWEST PRICES, Boston, December, 16S5.

..POOT$'& SHOES, j .Jiiabra^n^e^ep^vajrjetj nsnany kept for sale, such as

X e w A m e r i c a ii P a p e r a t 1 L B A A V .


^ ^ T ^ T * ' 1 D ' A ' " ' T ' S E K r - W E E K t i S W E E K t T

TH K O E S E K T I C J i O F - T H E A O T K B ' _ . * * » * Party and its candidates bv the Alhunv Sr»t

a n d is s t r o n g . complaints and , .. fc

ItTias also been jpnnd'a, el Iroventatlve of AGUE.' -**'' Prepared and'soh), wlidlosale-ind rofalL b y ^ ^ ,

ChendstnadT)ru^st,^05SJ5wrelllock, Ogde'nibdrgh,

N. y. 4<fcSSr,i xAm* o-iy •

M:*as*. 'mmwim, '• ISSOhfS' 1SBW BHtHDEre? -TOED' BtfBSE'r, ' « 2 ? ™ ^ ^ f f l „ » „ (OpposUREagl HalQ"•"*" '"* *~ n t « S M ^ A

. . ^ ^ S b J & o i C E it of P J O J I L T ^ ^ ' T * " * - ^ ^ - TT.

J i s b T O e a k ^ ^ . erasue'dfP%defeTOG6B^^ila1»^

9Hg,OrMaat^A^--*-^ i-- '-i --J^^aia <ZXul h } ^ l H a ^S*f lSBO--aoon; AuderSoT^^OsfSiEliitSOr^6110*'

s T r l X nft—Stewarfs^Estfa and common,' Molasses.




mmS^fmsm* Woma, Sago.Peari jeWm, a t t o a ^ w S w m Macaroni, Boda,

__.Wth»ttBdiMCS«fl>^»S«Jfct*Jk «ind *3*Ak theffinWJwartWfcfeftp^-i ;j ,^m,

. ,"A' . :*-4»- i i i -w,* . . . LIS _ i-Rloo> SN»tf OtlimJ-|tn»|»*«a^v> "i#.i««W,«

'r&48oua»8*. :.-«'.:•- -S « .


~"'" rw&r*')** or mi




' 'S^mS^h,^

i S M l


sandtoi.-. "


, 01tr% a^d

EftttMl »eoom«,J

j . l e t f e . Belaya«w dingerofti . . . , ,^t>si . . i i - U T » n * o e * « ^ t t w r 3 ^ h » - e H » o f HJfcS^ r ^ 5 f f l

"aflvaly ijftlil (ifMjflrBCfc\ *4» not of an W « O T » n»-„ -IStjyiaont^ JjHMng; t h e

'--^-rlMJealw. i-*- - >*p *w*--f' -":'' jQf&iwto •"•:*•*

AABOIV ' : a.jtia>a*tmi)&& »wlTea*ap!lefld(4.6.bjcls of,,..,

Of the Kewest £i Latest«-FashionG! F o r S p r i n g n n d S n m u i e r W e a r I J

,' ... —SUCH A S - . ' " " •



Made up'from tie ^~^^^>4-§^SS^hS^*'-• jWdth^e.jncatapnroy^styWan^S'^tofwen , jn^e.^alprlceaM^asfidffvcvmEctltlon.

sHfthns lsoja; mdiiMi:&»Jgg*&i$£*£Jif^ e a t t e r i i S i S ^ a j ^ J ^ i S I E l t J S S S ^ ' •

^*<h*5««i3P-vatUtr^iShrhmo».'.OJo»lnK spagaayoUl *as.lHiIch,he will jsell-at , t h s j a w e * t < ^ . f l i u r e , « his Wd:imind,-.ireKin?*A.vereU'»pranita.Block,.Forastreet^

i :"i* . .^WPj«SP«g«>ic«aid.HovBjjy i> tStyle . ..-,'

•• . j M O X 0 ( I H r a G j ^ i a n ; S t y ^ ^ n j M f a l t ? j n a . J ^

....,. $8m£*& Vfom$,m^hF$ ?rioe^ ; "The pabllc are respectfully invited - to call ind:examlne the largo stock oiband, and they will'find Goods which obnUeqge the worldoracomjHirisonfor durability, variety of sly la a i ^ e y a i c ^ g g f ^jrlnnanship. ' . .

•lotbnur Epinorinm

C O L S L E A X H E m O P . t D E S I R A i B L E a U A t -i^^¥.f*<Sllwn?l!t!dfsBS'>»,^i- i-B , , "• '

•tUkjf) uxxma«&j» ^-'A.''V3iAS'iNaJ0B'ora'B{r<;et. •I'Vfft "'fi TiaaaaamaiA' •••*-* ,-—•- ftA..?

IjfpBtJ-m „-;.-•..,:;.'-

k Forwarding

VO'^ei^.it . - fa? tt-i'f V1 •

ict . ioMtbisri t lraMa^" <"*"J



; V ,>i

*mm m ^m^^^mM^W^^^1**-

l ^ ^ ^ s ^ O j l ^ ^ W o n . i ' ™ . « * R » B p B r t h e culflfatloB of(SraJn. : ,

^ W S




V^*i^»pr l«^- .xa n a .h ;«^ 0 f '

" ' » W > r ' '



& &

IjiMNirtM^Hi AoitX B ^•tmmWFSVgb .

• « ' iM««r«M< «SS

m wl^K '.^^^^^^^~

WOTS & SAOES, F O B ,•>''

ALT SEASONS! N o . t o F o S t r e e t .

,A\LDE1F^IL-AS Is now ptbfiared,to offer to his oostomere and the public, a

y largo ond eomprehenslve ck of BOOTS^ulBHpEa ,

direct from the best manufac­turers, whlchV'wlffl 'Ibis o*rn

^eu^&OTvlrtHahu&cmre, constitutes the mostvvaried and complete assortment to ba lbnnd-ln city-4jr»codiitiy.

Ogdenshurghj^laroh^gSo..,.. ...i: _ t l - y


& RINDSE, "* PfegglStB att^ Apbthecarles. '

Ai iI j*WS«Rsl iWr.-LIN8EEEv OIL— ' recelve^i-a'uoVforaalefbyiJn.-rt , .4


•HT>EHIAT5 ANDFioasEjfaij!'%' AJB£3J__ M-W A Urgsisupply lust recelyed,:ana-ready to ~be soldfl the first man that calK PROHTT & EINDGE,

P A l t . 1 - F I T E BARRELS JUSS.RECEITED P R O P T C . ' & l J R D p a E . , . p-tf]

• 6 . teFiwfeN#TliaE VVAK-WISM-a V e e B l u f e l s j u s t n ^ v e d t y W i J " ' ~

t . Pi^gatamntt-Apothecaries.

BEA.B! IM:VI>! •* » G a, u t, -

) \

the Eastern maqnActureraaro-aqch as to enable htm to furnisli BOOTS ao^- SHOES to the Trade tttho aanulett sdvancafrominiinuiacturers' cost

•MarchfeJSSftf, - j i g - r i ' -\u . . ;i . l - y

•v&& mem ,mmo* - >

The Best Spring? THecUgine is fHffiBHOOK'fe;;; ,

- V J O B L S I C K . H E A B - A C B E , £ o S - S O F J a v AppetlKDrow^esSoWlchfftJnanyoXperienoe al fhls season of the jear . 'Try ffleih. ' w ' - '

Prepared*baiyby- _ (}• W ^ H U B R O O K , a . s e o i o n j o f ^ e a r : ^ &







Also a large variely of articles in the Trade for ! : Tho STATESMAN ivill be issued ln obedience to tbe een-. „ „ „ , , ' , . . eraJ ,S(!nse and demand of the American Part? in the stele MISSES, g p r s , r X 3 c ? H S , AIvD CHILDREN S " d its managenient has Deen confided to hands of in,'

£ idHlgtoniJ R,Jp. Btnjnirr a^d-l HOOKBE & C u i ^ j l " " " " '

BWEV, Wad-

denSbur^F«b:^8,4B58.- :<r«ix.-.',» j , -'«;. i_tf

o _. . v. '"V in ,d l u candidates by the Albany Stau Eerister. has rendeitkl t ie establishment at the State cat>-itol of another journal.—which shall deserve and recent the confidence of the party—a matter of paramouDt ne­cessity. T o supply snch an organ, arrsnacments have been made, and the new paper, under the aSove title »-I:I be first published on Monday afternoon, the 24th of M-ireii Instant,


R f BBEJKS, • TZbgr whsles«ssortme at having been selected with the

doubted fidelity, and whose ahilitv is believed lo be ' uoote uniio tmst .

greatest care, will challenge comparison with that of any establishnjepfi|n"B^ La; rrence-Gonnty.

•Wo long tsperience of one of the firm, in this trade, f both In 10fgd8l)sBurgaj fa id' iStlheEnst, and his extensive

v S ? £ ^ ? ' 1 1 3 ' ' t h 0 S » * r a » A N will s u p p o r t Wi th v U l e r e r I abiltoltpossesses, and with earnest^eal, the i o U i t l n ! „

o t _ M f i i A R D PILLMORE for P r ^ L T ^ f ^ ^

$*M.4&&m \

•t.B»a K< <x:'<gta&&, a n d H e a v y :

.*Wfa».*j5 rr •'. I ' I I ',7,-;,.

SOfS SOMB'amBV * WUIKJSSf, l iAflrls « B t HlADi A»I> »H» V o l


F B E I — S A V E I O V R H E A L T H !

o f j m ^ A & D PILLMORE for Pr^S^^fT^ DKRW JACKSON D0NELSON to v w f e l , 0 / ^ tki amtcd States, believing that Jfctter" ^ r e ! l a e ' ' , " high offlces could not be p r e s e S K o r Jam^ f w i b T people. Ardently aUached t ^ ^ ^ S J ^ S ^ * ^ , the American Parti-, the paper wi* a d v o c a t e ™ S SaJ.

7 € c a f f i S r o ¥ i ^ l 5 i ^ c ^ e ^ e s t M i ^ ^ t o ^ S b y ^ ' A u ? . ^ ^ , ™ ^ , ! ^ ^ * 1 ^


cashi-n mannfacturers, eive him supe- ously," 4Srnestlv and continually „t.„i\Iu?a

ii-nbnilnpp ffiw he«f i.vtle1i,H i,* « , a i™^^* 1 reforms demanded by the Aln- ^ 5 . ftOly accojniilishcd. "^ o t B a n l ... and enable hipi wafford his stock at prices that defy » ftrily accomplished,.

ipetitidn. •* "' *' ' ; "' I "« - «




A X . S O -


RE^I^ijS,, S g ) E KIT^

J D A P S , f > g r e a t y a r l e t y , at wholesale androtafl, at the lowest i iy



^ ^ . ''*lng rates.

S ® f w 1 ^ ! P61" a " n n m ' m advance $6 00

, Toe-SiATEaiAif will bo of ample dimensions

2 60 100

nave--no.«uperioramong.thapapers_pubHsbed rt Albanv « S ! ^ v S , e s ! o a & o n ' i ' i a s a T ^ P d § of genera! intelii I S S w ^ S S ^ 3«te» of both publjs&rs and euftorsu rSnd6VtbelBTATESMAS'noU)nlyaw)rthv champion ofthe

^MwmsceHSiich EE£ON5r«' t-.; •'.,. %L; •

^ c f t ^ f i w ^ g - j i ^ ^ i y g . , f-^. •_ -«8-y ,.

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smutioitti JV«Itt«W j»Wt»

riiy usefc-^eMdsa^is, .the g r e t o ^ i andVShOTicloth.--ing oonsequentupon tbctold methodof nand-runbmfif-unW •a obardTamacblnES iwunuJng.barreL-s&ia && is wholly

ravotded; and End bSiurenttrely oyspeiis«raith. aVlnint*3 vton^aOTnglisJuttl'iSael. / •> -i s T i r u ^ , ' * J » . «>«

B7rfg|js|it4|4a^^^t; 'Bm ot» ^ u t . v r l t b o n i to %aiaas ta#Su | iSe t ta !o lor ! of ! **h'8s0*sea

' • - . " " , v , * ' ^ — « « ~ » - * 7 . i « L "BILES, SHATTJa-;*ji, may. be washed,-

. ^ i — w i t s - ^ ' ^ i S ^ S ? . 6 w ? ' J?™}8 "f ™y «°lBT thatywlH, J^JtUj-flEateithaTpnev wheawashed wttfai thaStt

- * T ^ o V r l m o r '

, „ - . . its principles and,candidotes, but also an acpsntablejournal to the general reading nuoUc.

All orders must' be accompanied -with the monev and addressed to' M U N S E L i i d ) ,

' Proprietors of the Albany Statesman. ^ A ^ A ^ ' l S i l S o u , t 8 8 ^ a ^ A I h a n y .

, _. j f e undersigned take.' pleasure In recommendin? the s= r S i ? E S ^ t o ' * * e t ^ t e l o e a n d s n p p o r t o f t h e A n j S r a n s

Jfthe State, and-nBttejinexprfissins the honejthat as the Central Joutpsl otthe Party, it wlSjonjoyjpFide elrciua-




P'ffioysiiisaiby; I Those { II focal! ; salde ol

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fleam, using only cold




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1W^l;«hea|», raynfentvinade^ ESON.

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a u S ^ ^ ^ t ^ ^ « i a t e ^ * a ^ * r * v e I y . r » T i e t y , , - . , » r ^id jtorble-rop,C e n t e , Ma^ogaffyandar b^^fe1





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