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-U tpqr* '-•- !»»«»» ; •:«?fe..' jtsanct, 9th* gyfor "t&&" llg&atih" ¥ biy lor '• Ire Imittee, lag; the* Ratei.**;* Multtjsa^ Prisons. afiejfe"" r iJiJpfrr* fealprfeje: '.—• r . •' '. i«W Ufos.faer*' Kfis-f |nso&. , LJtejedj;-. i • - ,-.Myei%f- :;Cqttony''' -• ! * a^ei-.G?. ' KreTatesjf j^estfefcev' ajLavtR^- le.andIL f&Jessrs- finklm. perttefl* rer.. , . AdjoH, ecrctary iisjnbn. kpts.fori |tho last Select ar.s and vtari- I 6.. telaware | CEETAIN nng Act I i.eit. [orporate several X- •. -W J-- "S 4 «-' J' -v£ V r \ to * j /y in, rela» „i - ksre*». J , v Ipriog tfcsV cert«ia> Rlion law feting tli* : applies- - ffr of, lhfli Ig-iinst it. I'm., s o m e ie policy^ jbfect, tha - 1 act on It itable,At; t BvxvtPt Chamber- , Ftch, jGffl* kb*n„Ien- I. Og-den,"" cMKcb-' . £> a yJe»y , Mtb,s: .• [Thomas, Josburfky - km* Cs*r r r.Demar* 'HerttelL ' ( * I c 1 ' - *\ ' J2 hW9» Wl laoislofiha * -^hg^SfiSS&kw*" •»«¥>»«*»>•- •-••jK^r™^'? s ^ f i " - ' '""^ inf of. ^e.bkriS'|hW*W"tiT«?*>tt- Petition* t Aw<^j|^%#^*|*' ri ** M ' 1 - Inhabitants of Wtp»r*fi|% *£ P"' eatenaW &&* ifosJ&e&im B«w l9 of in thw4»t^Bi%« ie ? dii ?8 th* riglrtof trial by|art"to'.^jhw:n*cf<^nka'sg«. »lave«. The me. mori» r ijb*«ng6eeo*«^. **• King moved timtf itb»^|nied*nij tcjo^tesf.*" Mr-i C. O. Sbej**t4 c«kmr*d»fiiotieWto*«iect, mpttfRta.t^ th * ipuitofoaf io|6t^iioni« ax»4 Ww»« *?4that ih« rigW%^«wt-c«n»at to ^r§0g!«4i> ^r.Brad. ,rof-tb l « pitfti**. pa>.Rugfle*ftov«a to lay the sea bo- tb» mbttoa to reject, and carried th«o , % jMJ||ii,;di| Florida W. Jacf«ori#o»coljrn^mroe»ieog,Knfght, M WB f Sfronp 'TallmaaKe, TbornceTryou, P.Tuclier, T: bargh* Watsotti Wesjlafee, f ittnr, ^ h a ^?«2-. BlV McEfwam,: SteJSeiT, M o ^ W t ^ r d e e , lingft Jones, Roosevelt, Kusiell, ibfey, SnaeaA E: JT<JwDs?nd,WaI- fceV^pt8*Zobr?sk!^--^i : '.;!"• Wfri gopWf«ft> r^l«lSW]#f* an in^pky wto tbe ptacUce«:e]t ^ # £ ? a baitka, wa» conaiderad 4n4a^liiftl«$0St|it&M«*^ >. ftraitfton* «i*IWft«^i«*J» Wd binkingwere p»on«^iiy:M6fatiA^j^Mfi.^|lor» and Soute, iesa*dy x JDeC. 2 7 . s. rAraea^S*M$.dQCuments, rektinetottie admiM&B of Mleliigao into tiie 0ii|Qn v wAeraffoj« *%Pre*id«ot, an- ike jMs^p^fe ^ Michigan, of the tdtiJi pedpoieii bj Coo|jras3: the pa- pfertWei'* rpfeirfied, oreHlotlon of Mr. Grun- BJBllt jEtf* th* une*i^ffd«a balances- in the Tre»i^.9tt tJke||*tOf Jiiaoary 1827,, also came i ! a ^ and a atateinent also of tbe trans- fBjaAe^tKipulJRc wotieys, iipce th«5I»r of Juife last, |ttie date jof the Deposit tod Distribution Apt], i Billfs intt'oduced:—to .establish a Naval A»jI«<in-^to r*gu^atepr»vy radons--to reg- ulate tjbe part* Of i Officers of Marines—to make & DrjrDockM Pedsacola—to, re-or- ganizeth#]^. S^ffavy, awrvarious others. Tflejaafcjpjct of ; th'e TB^ASORY CIRCTCT- LAR, jwas jrgajintaken up, the question be- ing on] tfi»iubftityte for Mr. ETwinR'fe res^ olution, offered by' Mr. Rives, [see proceed- inp of WtijwJiiV****' in mr P a P er lelst weefc^l THe ; a*bate was continued by Mr, HuW||d at S|p + in oo^ositibft to Mr. E»s. resolution. ,!,v^ __, - , ^E*e;duti>e'3)8s4j:ess. Adj'd. Hdt|SE:-^Peittions: Reports.chiefly on private petit?^ns. Mr. CambreleDg, from the CQhimitteitofWaysanMeans report- ed a bill of appropriations lor the Civil and 1 " diplomatic /expenses of 1837 ; referred to Carnraittee of/rthe -Whole. A messagejScc. caoile in fronj, the Presi- dent relating: to MichiganM-eferred to the ; Judiciary Gotrimittee. Resolutions: one, appointing a Commit- tee to consider and report on the condition of the Public buildings and 'grounds—one, by Air. Cambre!eng,.to instruct the Com- tnitteej on L Comroerce to inquire into tbe ex- pediency of respeahng aU laws authorizing protections to be issued to AlnnericanJSeamen*. wh^ch, having been amended, on motion of Mr, GiUett, s o a s t o direct an in<jairy as to the expediency «of only abolishiug./«es for such protections, was.after some discus- sion adopted. [In the course cif the discos- •sion Mr. Adama explained the origin and objecti of these protections, of certificates qf citizenship,and pointed out the various im- portant bearings of the subject. He did not ©hject'to the inquiry, but he wished to ap- prise the House of its importance. We shall give his remarks next week.} The special orderof the day, [Mr. Wise's resolution for inquiry into the management of the|departments &c ] was.- postponed to Tuesday next. The MINTBfLL was gone through wftri, and ordered to the 3rd read- in'* : so were the bills making appropria- tions for the Seminole War^atid for the pay- J tuant [of Revolutionary pensions. Adj'd". i Wednesday, Jfte&28. ATE. Petitions;? reports;- resolu *tions;l—among the latter was oh* directing «rt inquiry into the expediency of abolishing the assessment of 20 cents a month on sea- men as hospital money. Mi;J Benton moved that 1008 extra eopiefc of a statement of the unexpended balances jof appropriations rematnine in the Treasuiy XJO thef 1st of January, iaS7, and liable to distribution, should be printer!,, and 5 copies sent to the Governor, and 40 to the Legis- laMire, of each State. On this question an 'amaiatetd diaciwsion arose. Messrs. Cal- hOttn,; Davis, King, of Ala.^ Hubbard and Strange, opposed,*!* on the ground that the statement, as prdp«#edj # a i calculated to **tt»Ud(i* T h e part relatih'g ttf ifa tirciUa- tvm of the statement was withdrawn, aijd the other part passed. The Senate elected for its Chaplain, a Mr. Goodman,' ' M , . HOUSK. P«tfttwjV; renorts; new hillfi ce»«*tutions. v Among the: new bills was one id provide fojrcarrying into effect the g t a * iy of limit* between U. $. and Mexico; and among the reialutioni was one directing tn inqalry int9 t»W« f^pediency of fr^fji » After »6me rflraarks, the Houw *djourned Without taking jifiy question, *-.«>.•,. Thvrifof, Dteim ••&-'*-'-^- SENATE. Mr. Gr|un^fr»^«h« Ititli- ciary Cpmroittet, r e p ^ ^ f bifrfor tho^sd- hlU w a i n j t d t t h e ^ ! r ^ fo f Monday next.. A atM^inentpr tb^jfempuntof apaci* im-t ceiyed at tht t * « f i C M M \M t C»mi Ok ft9n» th* "ynwaurr l>c«kvCpaent. *- Mr, Ctlhouii'f resolution ealhng on the Secretary of the Treasury for-a statsment of tht amount of imports and exports, the dotie* upon tbsm, and the avajils from the public lands, in 1S38, wit talnn up and passed. Mr* W r i g h t , frofti the Finance Commit- tee^ to which the bills from the House, re- lating to the Mint, and making appropria- tions for the Revolutionary pensions, had been referred; reported 1 the same, with an amendment to the Mint hilt. The bill from the House, making a n » p - propriation of 32,00(1000 for the Seminole W a r , w e n t through the Committee of the Whole, ana was ordered to the 3d rwdin?;. The debate on the subject of the Teeatwry Circular wu resumed, end Mr. Southafd spoke durihg the rest of the sitting. Just before adjournment, Mr. Rives gave notice that the la«t part of i i j t w t y t o t t * Wj ) ,ch provide* that no bank bill*.SI^UT be-taken for land, which the bmki, whyr* [they art dtmmte&t »h»It notjbe willing to pass to the crjedit of the United States, he intended to modify so as to provide that no bills, should be.received at the Land Offices,, which the Deposit Banks shall npt, under the super- Uaion and control of the Sec. Treasury^ be willing to credit to the U . S . as cash.. HOUSE. The Sitting, to-day, wai al- most exclusively occupied by a debate, which grew; out of a memorial presented, yesterday by Mr. Galbraith of Penn., from certain citizens of that State, proposing to alterihe U. S- Constitution, s o a s t o prohibit the incorporation of Banki by the States, and complaining of theTI. S. Bank, as now chartered hy Pennsylvania, for reisiuing its old billir. The debate took a wide ranRe, andtht tiiemorial, ^fterftmotion to refer it .4o ; the%ommitteei0f Walrt and'Meana baft been negatived, was. by; the use of the-j*f«- viout question, finally referred to a Select Committee. •< . " Friday, December 30. SENATE. iNo sitting to day. HOUSE. A message came in from the President with the correspondence of the U.S. agent In England, {Ricnard Rush,] relating to the Smithtdn beqeit for founding a University at Washington. Reports, Resolutions, and new.bills: most of tbem relating to private applica- tions. Among the resolutions, however, was, one offered by Mr. Williams, of N. C. directing the Com. on Public Lands to con- sider the expediency of forbidding; the. pur- chase of lands at auction, with the dtrigriof forfeiting them, so. as afterwards to obtain them at. the government price of gl 2S an acre. The House suspended the Rules, by yeas 154 to nays 38. for the purpose of con- sidering this resolution, which wasconsid' ered and adopted. The rest of the sitting was spent upon private billsl Saturday, DecmbtrBh SENATE. No sitting to day. HOUSE. The morning wai occupied with dehate on the resolution of Mr. Gar- land, of Ya, relating to the profits of ihe' Deposit Banks, in. eaek year since- 1S33 and Mr. Harlan's amendment relating to the agent, whether hej was the agent of the banks, or of the Treasury, or both, and by whom he was paid arid how much. The question pending was ion a motion of Mr., Hannegan to lay the whole subjection the table, which was negatived, 'yeas 29, nays 141„ The question tbjen recurred o n M r . Harlan's amendment.! Mr. Cushman, of N. H. moved tbe previous questions nega- tived ; yeas 71 nays 90. Mr. Granger then called for the yeas and nays on the amend- ment, and they were ordered, After some discussion, Mr. Vanderpoel moved to modi- fy Mri Harlan's proposition in relation to the agent, and pending the .debate, the House passed to the orders of the day viz. private hills. Adjd. to Tuesday. nrdof Claim*, at the •est,, to examine aUdaima t h « ^ 1^, «MM£ort them to Congress for final ad- j^tsawnt—ops, relating to the e«tahlish- nient e/a ATeaW^aimy ; one relating to a fir* ptitfp9* *mU in IIHM^ Wm rm> •Bd otlaer*. wbS% wilt be »o«iced when ac ? °7ntatfe^^^^lif|^ice' in from HMI Ppit Maitir G-n- is put at fW.OW, W */ W r »H, $14C 000.) Thsy wtM •#%- Cc^imitteeof WaytatMeeM "' REPOSITORY AND FREEMAN. CASASDAIGPA, JAW. II, 1837. iMl,H>« ."^iueW: _ _ _ _ _ __ JJ. * *iHi mrttt the toils i^lisW#i^|fi»i»a»i^^ finaatftv * • - t, were - - -"- "••* — - " ' - ' " " - " --*• -^- A - THE GOVERNOR'S MESSAOI.—After giving the nej Cesaary summaries of the proceedings in the nation- al and state Legislatures, and other matters belong- ing to the week, together with the message, we find it impossible to make room for any extended com- ment on this document, and must be content with a remark or two relative to its general character, and one or two of its principal recommendations. First, then, the tlyle of the message we think very good. It i s free from any attempt at fine writing, and is direct, clear and in good taste. Secondly, however,the passage devoted to the in- discriminate glorification'of President'Jackson we believe to be inconsistent with historical truth. We regard it, therefore as the flattery of a parrizin.and not that kind of disinterested praise, which, onjy, is becoming in a high public functionary, and which honors both " him tbat gives and him that takes." But, thirdly, those portions of the message; which relate to the affairs and policy of the State we like. That is to say .though we may not, and do not assent taafi the views of the Governor, yet independently of rti^question of their correctness, he baa present- ed them with clearness and. force, and with i defer- ence to the action of the Legislature, suitable both (o his constitutional r e l l ^ t o tfeat body, sndJtO we separate'dignity^f bis station. " • Of the particular recommendatipns,ttiat wj ich w e find most-in accordance with our opi^ h e one respecting the 1 < repealoffisrt;of4jil IfHrJuni ye Act* As to theotber priocipsl teco«iBisiadatis« r wWch rs«, lateatothe application of the n^yabe^tuie r«- ceiVed in deposit from the'U.sV^wi^'weiieartily approve of the propositioit td spjWyJftte^||;ln ipiove- ment of Common Sclioo! educ«ti<^,!yat aboold •ft|v^|ietf,to m *WftM^'^PM%M for making the «pplic»iion efficient. h , fi . n ^J, * ^^"J But w* must stop. Wa havs divided this n s§ai|i ;9mitin$f-W ei^pct%^i^t;W(pf-#|»ir!f wi(i pr^inots the convenience of lhe rtadar, botl i in bia ^rm/l^s«^fjp^^ |i| t s^C 1^; ta^^lsVUs^ficlii tb\i |;«f|i.^' '•^^' ***i h- -Vy ** -f • , , ?,*'l ^-i'rp '• - • . ***-r •; ;' LxaiiLiTtTtAsBConaasaaieaALPa.csttBliws. priejMirint^rsiMornarkrt^jaM^ ' ""'- Stale I^,i»Utura aiid of-Cee^ss, tic* ah such to dui St»(i, lou^i sMiioa, m eawsf. :tfd»tiTt--rewdwtf#-'«Ti»i^ loogintf nelihar to tenersl i*art»ta »w»ie ari;s^f ; here, we nottcf aocfi M '»»ffwi tieiitirlyifnis^tbfefer's^^^ Iats M«M of prwriiediBgieiilssr st AJIajsry sv jWss*w " MaailiJ- if a s s a i isstM isslskeaM- fftpy te the iAWW'fi^ffifMiftiry aeririce i ' EvW^»fMlMted'" with thaWtoab^ar. f^^f^v*«antrJ , r»>o»Ktbe Revolutton down present nJay.and.espoclally our In Jiafi wars. 8e>mrtff¥stotdirmoriir^< beyond all | rete'nee of denial or doubt, that tr«« *tWMQ# *$ji ^1^1?3-. iij, the intereit sod honor of the gpv«) pnent,,** well as the ao/aty, leatn/efr, 0 and happhittadf the jMis/r. all combihi'to mcoraraend an ;nc«auo/ ike•.ftgniarfmk of tbe country. : . • The passagaa to which^re re/ei*. arid all that hai been commaDictlid rnpectinB tin, Seminole W»r, tbrottfh tfwtf channel, ofiicial ojr "privatS, •pt&k't langaiiife on this subject,whicbj.omphatic aa it is, does but coincide with the whole expe- rience of the country. Every where. Son all oc cations, the regular troops have been a| far more economical force than tbe militia, and pay havo suffered far leu from ths vsrious unfor#seen in- eidoDts and bardshtpa of a campaign. .1 The our the employment of militia for itbe usual emergencies o * military service, arise from considerations of humanity and •oononiT. Our countrymen are'br&v e enough, aa all our history shows, and our rnilitiahave been ready eniongh bolh to figfft and t« sufftr.—• The difficulty with tbem is tbe want of those bibiti of subordination, implicit obedii nco, and per/ec<me/aoi„ which none but regular^ troops can acquire, and which are more importart for ef. ficieney, in tbe duties ofc a camp, in the labora of a campaign, In frtteving comfort, httdth, and moral force, and in transferring force from one point to another, than they are in.the compara- tively simple |»0Vemanta of the battle field and in fighting. ««War;" aaya Johnson, in I is "Falk- land Islands*" an admirable, political inrophlet, written some seventy years ago;—" war has means of destruction more formidable than the cannon and ths sword. Of the thouainds and tens of thousands that perished in our ;late con- tails with Frames and Spain, a very sijiaii part evkr felt tbe stroke o f a n enemy ; the rest lan- fulshsd in tsblts andships, amidit dump|i and ptf- trefaction; palls, spiritless, and helpless gasping and groaning ;i unp'itied'by men^madfe oBJurato by long continuance of hopeltss niisery; pnd were at U«t whelmed in pits, or haaved into tnp ocean, without'notice and without remembranc.e f ' , Think of the misery, ths waste of life! and the inroads from aucb causes,in Florida! tltis only regular disciplline, and the carej and ci»cumspec- tion.and systsm.whieh j-eault from it.thkt can af- ford any reasonable safeguard against d«* B "o,a» well as hostile arms. ! 'i HI NEW Yoax CITV Etacrwit—In consequence of a tie between two of the candidates for-the As- sembly, at thai General Election in New York, in November Jut, a special election was lately held in tbatciity-to supply the vacancy. Tho candidates ware Franklin, (Whig), Purdy!(V. B.). and Jacques (toco Foco). The result was,' for Franklin, 10,(943 yotes j for Fardy, SS50; for Jaques 813;' giving Franklin a majority of 11S3 oyer Ifurdy,, aind 383 over^both hit competitor*. But the Loco Focos are opposed to the Tammany Hull or Yan Buiren party.and the majority against tlie latter may,, ^therefore, be put at 2006. It will be seen, bowarer, that the whole rote, including 23 scattering votes, was. only 19,720, which is not half the whole number of votes in the city, that being, aeiuerdl»| to the last eenius, 43,091. The Whigs carried 9 o f the 16 wards by a clear majority ovefr Both opponent*; ihe Whiga and Loco Focos together had majorities in the 13th and 16th wards, and the Tammanies had clear majorities in but 5 wards. . Tjie Whigs have had a meeting and appointed a Committee of Arrangements to prepare for cel- ebrating the above result. '" The Speaker of the AtiemUy.—The votes in the caucus of the'Members of Assembly, belonging .to " the party," on Monday evening of last week, for a candidate to be aupported the next day far Speaker, stood aa (ollows: for'fidward Livingston 46; .for Orville Robitison 38; for Aaron Hackley 1; for Pres- ton King 1; blink }. Mr. Livingston having a ma- jority of whole, it was unanimously resolved to sup- port him. ' GXNETA GAZETTE.—Mr- John C. Merrelt has dis- posed of his interest in this paper to Mr. J. J Madi- son, who anhounces himself, in the last number, ns the proprietor «nd editor: the political character of the Gazette will continue aa it has. been for several years past. ^ SANTA ArfaA.—The National Intelligencer of Dec. 27, says thaS the news oT Gen. Santa Anna's being on his way |o Washington, is confirmed. He was at Plaquemine,, on the Mississippi, on the 12th Dec. on his way up the river. I FOREIGN paws.—Tbe late arrivals have brought ho very important political news- from Europe. Tho public relations of the principal governments remain as theiy were by previous advices. Ac to the domestic condition of Spain and Portugal, it seems to bo more agitated, than for some time back. The Carlitls in Spain, and the Mfgtiplitcs in Portugal, seem to havo been gaining sironglh, especially ths former, whole military successes' have been considerable. In Franca the imost striking event has been the detection of a scheme for a revolutionary motamont against Louis Phil- ip, at the held of which was Louie Napoleon Bonaparte, fon of the late King o^f; Holland. Tfio plan proved Very abortive, and Louis Napoleon has been released from custody and punishment, on conditioni of his making hi* reiidnnco for ten y e a r # i n t h a |1J. S. without leaving the country. Mcxico-rr-'IairoaTAKT IF yjt«i.-tr4A rumor is 'abroad, bywiiy of N. Orleans, that tha.royalists of Mexico h'aid proclaimed -the Infinfeof Spain, ^)oh Francisco de Paulo, KING-of 'Mexico; ; Ihat France and England had declared in. his favor, and agreed to furnish him with ruiource* to niske hi* way If* tb* WeaicsB tbronf ^c. !&c. We do pot believe the rumor, so far-ay the statement respecting jpranpe and. Engtahdj'-js cojicerncd, tboogbit is Uk^tf enough tfiatiuch a pro||jstlms %en sUrted by some Mexican/aetlph, 4nd thst WbM-l^iaB^^h.eii'nKurdpe-^ ";' t , * ' * . | " % '3tt1(&'"'Riiraei«a^# t%wca(a.T.- : -We' ; bave only Tb'onr JJM&J&&JI6 *usee|l,ihe tli»tl«itti*Jjed wctl- wt *id p i t a ^ ef f9fh«it«Tf g a f mmi gr*tifi,f eetiee k)r hieaingingand playing.tJie other nigiit ia this villaff. His fffics js inmmVif rich in tone, end or fine volume, and his elaymg is°|Hir- hapa better tlhaa hie even aingini. He will al. wajaeeMreeTatTatia^audiineehare. . .. DJtEADFtlLBHirWKECK—104 LIVES LOST. 'ffiftffi•$&$*&& flH v ItOtfiUr WaTiN^w' andFi^y last, arlnt aeceenii ef aneibir awUn- aaaa^ riy HishlandJ^W^l^ajjjy . W s^ •eawiawrsMoWe^n^Wi.Hi Iftefti^ l^satesKaVaBBsab aska*aw.easea«a''4<M«i:<4lM.^t'.^'4eHi*-«ai* eeasaw^^saaaFSPae^BsasB ,^m ^sse w^ss^wapjeTssve^jwew WW? »,»!?'.'• semth end; of the Woodlands, and remafhed beatin, ( about in tjiis distressed candiYion'durmg'tliewholi of that day. At,fiveo'clock the noxt morning, thu ship struck with great force, on Iinmpstead {L. L) Ueucb, find-not more than 40 rods frpmf shore* The surf ran-verKt.bigbf.the longboat drifted away In a:.- tempting joifttinivh it* a small boatjthe only or»o ler .w>»"let 36wh finda fuW got in,but fthe .wna soon cor liied;' at.T.o'cloeti. A^Silktito sbip.bifged and title i with water, and Iq that awful condiirenj all on boar 1 Intde'spntrvthua remained iHU P.M. when a email boat which hajibeen brought 10 inHes, put off fron the shoi;e.ntniffriinl5iey^eachcd the w^c^. Cop;. W. and 7 other*got in*nd after a|errible struggh with die wavee«yrenchad th« land {'.but the risk wo» so great that none coold be found tp make anothei triftl* and all that remained on ibo wreck, 10* per- sons, two ihirds of tbem women and cbildren ( per Tho Ship Tamarac, Cnpt. Kflin ( from tive.rpoo; went nahore on Fire Island, on Wednesday morning last, but fonnntely no lives were losr* The pnuengers of two orber enips have publish ed statements ia the N. York papers, ehowihg th^ criminal neglect of the Pilots. We trust the Legis- lature will reform this pilot system of monopoly ami crime with all speed.' i i ' r HENRY CLAV was re-elected to tha U. S. Sen ate, on the 16th ult. by tha Kentucky Legisla tore, by'a majority of 22 votes over bis compet itor, Mr. Guthrie. \ , ARKANSAI.~-The vote at the late.Eiestor&l dec lion ww, (official) 3400 for Tan Burcn, and 1Z& for White: majority forV. B. 11)63. . s -" '" 1 *•'"• Iti-ipiois.—(Official).—The Electoral this Stato wai 18,097 for Van Duron, and 14,98: for Opposition, (White arid Harrison}: majority forV. B. 3; 114. COLD AT CmcAQo.—The Chicago American of Saturdoy, Dec- 24tb, says that the thermometer, on Wednesday, the Slat Deo. at sunrise, flood at^E degrees belowzero, in that town: that i s 3 degrees colder than it was in this village at any time last winter, the lowest mark here having been but 12 degrees at Bgnrise. .: A Meeting of the Cangndaigua Young Men's Temperance Society, for the election of officers, and the transaction of other hu siness, will be held at the Town House, on. Friday evening .next, at 6io|clock, Ev order of the Managers. ' Jam 10,1337. MARRIED— At Blossom's Hotej. on the 1st day of Jan. inst.,by A. Munn, Mr. William Jones to Miss Sarah Ann Wilber, both of Vienna* In the town of Middlelcx, on Thursday, the 29th ult. by Russell Slayton, Esq., Lovel L. Adams to Bliss Lucina B. Curti"*. Also, by dm same, on the first day of January, inst., Mr. Crrm Eqller to Misa Sally Killpatrick; and Mr. Charles Wager to Miss Sophronin Wire, daughter of the R?v. Samuel Wire, all of Middlesex. i In fnlmyra. Dec. 2°th, by Frederick Smith, Esq Captift/Viden Barker, ol Rochester, to Miss Fidelia Bnrnhnrt, dnughter of Areius Lapham, of that town. On Thursday the 29ih. at the Friends' Meoiine Hoiisetn Farmingion^ Sir. -Hirafn WilHis to M'rss Lydin R. Lapham, boih ol Macedon. In Richmond, on the let inst. by the Rev. Caleb Brigga. Mr. Myron Norton, to Miss Abigal Ray, all of that town. DIED—In Palmyra. Dec 29th, Robert Foster, son of Cyrus Foster, aged 25 years. DRY GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER! rniHE subscribers, thankful fur past favors, JL wish tb Inform their friends and the public that they have determined to sell their stock of GOODS at prices WIHCA lower than can be proi cured at any establishment in this village or coun- ty. That part of tho stock formeHj owjhed by 1 John Murray having been bought at a very' ro. duced rato, and the balance having been purchos- ed by tho ciso and package'for Cash, thoy are enabled to sell goods at prices, which cannot fail to please, and aa a samplo of the same, they wit! Ptjll i Real Thibet.WobT French Merinoes, at 1.0s pr y d . Super Mixetl Broadcloths, $2 •• . Brown and- Mixed PallW-cloths, "Is." •• Fall River Bluo Calicoes, 14d. •• Supor Morrimock do. 16</. •» l caseia»t colored Calicoes, • itid. " I do. Dover do. 1 Splendid assorted col'r'd Merrimacks, 1*. 3 bntes 4-4 Shootings, 11//. «« Extfa Lowoll do. 13«i. «• A faw pieces Super Moleskins, Qs. Gd. " do. taupor Super 'do. 3 s . " 1 case Merino ShavyJB, § 3 5 0 Tho balance of the stock of FURS on band fill be sold at prime cost. The public are ro.ipnclfully invited to call and examine cifr stock before purchasing elsewhere, aa itf& are determined to eell loicer than any other house. ' -P. LEDDY &. CO. Canandaigua, Jan. 10, 1837. . 13tf New Casls Slore! A. GRANGER will sell D R,Y tW •> GOODS as cheap, for Cashin hand, a.i those, nf the same quality can be bought at any Store %vhore tliev pretend to sel^ lower than any other establishment this side of New York. An extensive and well selected assort jinent of fashionable and staple D R^ * G O O D S is offered for sale on the ab- term's. Canandaigua, Jan. 11,1837. 3m43 J* Vt! A FIRST rate SALESMAN, who haif a thorough knowledge o f t h e D r j Goods business, ant) willd devote his whoh time and talents to tho best interest o f lit employer. None but a single man,who can bring good recommendations, as to characr ter and habits; need apply to- JOHN A. GRANGER. Canandateua, Jan. 11, 1S37. 43tf STRAYED O N tire night of tho 31st of December Inst, from thp pretnisi'M of Jifsse Mason, in Bristol Street, Canandaigua,^ RED COW, with considorablo white OH the belly, about six years old, pith call). Whoever will return said cpw, or give inr- formation where she may be found, shall be liberally rewarded for trouble and expense]. JESSE MASON. Canandafgiia, Jan. 10th, ^836. 4w43^ —••' •' 'ji- 1 - y:—i" i i .i i - ~ — i • i B Y Virtue o f a power bontained i n a Mortfage, executed 1 by Bphraho VVutkitiB, of the town of Gorharn, in thf County of Ontario and Stato ot New York, to Luther Cole, of Canandfigui, in the County of? Ontarib and Statfrof New York, bearing date 4he* 26tli day of Aut«wt f 1820, and niiigiied by David q. Bates and Waltor Huhboll, administrators o f L q . tlierOQteiV>]!fgthaiiie| W. Howell, andfrecorded; in tli«.Clerk'i.offico of the County of Ontario on tho 26th duy or Auuu.iJ620,nt 10 u'clnok A, M„ in Libor 11^-«if Mortgages, at Fulio 125,on which rnortgajte tb n?o is'MOW cla,imed!to Be flue, nt alije date of this police, the sum of two hundred, ant *aa»SsssaaslN>alMBlBssaasssssee •»,v.«i'\.il •• J-.^ '. I'". iTT , IJIIJ'.»5I^H)IIIIH.IIHII.II|I i . j I i'i« i n n )M Scllin,; at Cost 'And cloning Partnership. T flB sabicribers are now winding up their business, as tliuir Co-parlnoreliip will soon expire by its own"lim|tatiojr; and as ihe active jfartner, on whom devQlvejibs whole ssttlomoni of the concern, is a'bont to leave tins Quarter of tlio country, it becomjjs abfoluUlif neetfiary that all, who are indebted to us, in any way, by nolc, account, bond, or otherwise,. u\iQu\a pay tbe same iuinJedialaly. TMaiatbs/lr^aquestofthekirtd we hare ever made in a newspaper, end we in. dendji shall bo the fait. It if made in earneit, and we expect It will be so Regarded. We must coiled, from one and all, tlio amount due as.-— After having* been Bolonf in«3o!gei*t to mo£t of- ottr cu'st^mdrs,' we hope we shall not find it rie- ccBBary to rwort to QompaUory meaitireB » bixt PAtrteat MPSV pfe MABE, and tliat/orMwifA. Our present stoOk of Goods is large and Well cssoriojil, qomprifing i' '• DRY GOODS, HARDWARE. IRON, NAILS; ' , GROCERIES, CROCKERY, 1 GLASS-WARE,? ^Stc. &c. Ah!d lhe v)hole will be told at east, immediately, for Cash, or Bank rag*, if tbey are made bv Banks thai give the solid money fpr them when de- manded." . - ., .- e Wo pfodge ourso] ves ndt to be undersold by any; and. furthtir, we say | that' we Will isejll cheaper than any Qtfttr house m town or country, but remember tbe Rhino, as no ctedii, in future, can be gitjpn. .Air wlio want GOOID GOODS, and IhecAr-tfp. est GoodB, wilt call on. B. HALE & CO, Canandaigua, Dee. 27lb,183(J. <Hf F ~~ OBSALEjtiKTOIlEN^.-The . Brick Store now occupied by E HlJ* & Co.—pogsession /given the first day lof April next. E&ENEZER HALE Canandaigua, Dm, 23,1836. ' 41 A'^JPLICAt'ON wiUberondelo the next MX. LeefslRturo at tl» ensuing sewfott for an acternending the charter of the Auburn and Rochesler Railroad Company, so as to give leave la the Said eer'solritfon to go into operatioii -Whenever one nulhon dollars shall be subscribed to the capHfI slock thereef,««arid to alter tha rate of toll»i «dd extend the trine/or cenipletins; said Bbai, TV*- D.tcd Nov, 29.1830, 0w38 WtOTlCEig hereby given, that anap- JLv plicatiplV will he Made to the legisla', tine of the Slate of New York, at it* next session, for an act to incorporate School District No. 7< composed of parte of tlie tpwns of Potter; »ri tl»e conriiV of Y»tc», and uoibam in the eolinty dt Ontario, for the purpose of establishing a. BfigH School thereip, by the hameof the JlwMlltJJigh Schodl. Dated Rush ville, New York/ De- cember 9th, ^836. " * 0w40 T V O f J C E '» hereby giyon,tbat application lv will be made > to tbe Legislature of this State, at lis next session, for such an amendment of the charter of the Auburn and Rochester Railroad Company as will leave it to the Com- pany to determine the Toute Of-the Toad from Canandaigua to Rochester. Dec. 30,1836. ' i 6w40 ERWIN & BENEDICT, . ATTOIWEYS, SOLICITORS, fy COUSSELLORS- CLRVISLAND, OHIO. Ilenryi PiJcker, ORGAN BUILDER, JN0 PIANO FORTE MAKER, MAIN-STREET, CANANDA1GH. O RGANS and Piano Fortes tuned and re- paired—An elegant fino-toned BARREL ORGAN for sale cltoap. 9 4ltf DAVID ji,; JOHNS, ATTORNEY d> COUNSELLOR. AT LA&, LAND-AGENT, Marshall, Calhoun Cy„ Michigan, Dec. 1836. 33 -&- NOTICE. I T is^particularly requested that nil persons having "unsettled accounts with the subscri- bers now due, would : call and settle the same without further notice. , J. d.'BREWSTER & CO. . January 2, 1837. . 6w£2 I NDJGO^Cocninoil, Madder and other Dyes, of prime quality, for sale by 35tf J. B. HAYES. A Woi'd to tlie Wise! A NEW arrival of the celebrated Rota- £J"4, ry, Union, and Willson's Cookipe STOVES. Also, the beautiful Urn Parlor Stove, vpry economical in the saving of .wood. Hall, Canister, Box, 10 Plato, 7 Plate, and Oven Stoves; Dr. Noll's Coal Stoves ; Russia and English Stovo Pipe, Dumb Stoves, Copper Kettles, Brass Kettles, &c. etc., cheep for cash or approved credit, by >..' J. L. WOODRUFF. Nov. 29,1836. -•,',!' ' 4w37 OR SALE.-^The subscriber intending to remove to the west in the spring, offers to sell his Dwelling HnuBSeand Lot, situated pn Gibsnyn street. PoSsessiuu will be given pn the first of May next. For terms, and oth- er particulars, applv at the Cnnandaigjia Bookstore, " C. MORSE. Dec. .14, 1836.' Police. A LL persons who are indebted lo the subscribers, whose notes and ac- counts are pafnhie, are hsefphy notified that tliev'tnust bo paid by the 10th'of January next, and those who neglect to pay atten- tion to this call may oxpect after that date to nrfti their demands in the hinds of a magistrate or lawyer for collection. H. & R. CHAJMN. Canandaigtfa, pec. 13, 1835.' 39lf CASH WANTED. A LL persons indepted to mf,whose notes and accounts ane now due, are" hereby nonOed that I want thfin to pav me by the 30/h inst. WM. ANTIS, JR. Canandaigua, Oct. 12, 1S36. 1 30 VAKRIAOE ftAWXTFACTlfRIFq ESTABLISHMENT. M UMFORD jFJATBSj imym^ r^ently enlarged his establishment with new buildings & machinery, to meet the growing demand for vehicles of conveyance, intends to keep on hand a good assortment of fash- ionable carriages, s u c h ^ JBAROUCHEjS; CHASIDTEESJ wilh r common a,nd tension tops > a great variety of four-wheel BUCGfES, Will 1 and 2f seats/ STAN- HOPES, GIGS, &<£ 8fa &c, all of which will be sold on his usual liberal terms-, at his establishment Ji) SOTJTJHHSRISTOL HOLLOW. About 20 Carriages will be completed this month: several are now ready for sale. As he employs none h»t first-rate jour- neymen, his work Will he done in the most substantial and tasteful manner. Orders for carnages of any description vvill be ex- ecuted on shoit notice. Having sustained a heavy loss by fire ahotit te months s|nce,he tenders his thaoKS to the community for their sympathy/aftd .trusts that lie may receive an. ejsiensife patronage. 1 TERMS 5 6 monthscredj|,forgOodl)aper; if paid within 3 montbs,no interest charged; at the end of 6.months, interest from date : for cash down, a deduction of 5 per cent. South-Bristol, April 13,1836,' '. Iy4 T 20 1 WAGONS FOR SALE. J WQ first'rate Lumber Wagontj for sate cheap* to close a concern* t>v e h L, WOODlRlJr^ WATCHES. O E. SIBLEY has just received from e> New York, the largest assortment of GOLD and SILVER WATQBES ever offered f in this place—all warranted good time-keepers, arid as lowfor the qual- ity as can be sold at any other store. Nov. 1. ' - ^3 J UST received a good assortment of Gold Fob, and Safety ^Chains; Safety Keys, variety of Patterns. 1 '; Finger Rings of all kinds ' and prices. The subscriber has resolved to sell as cheap as any other Jewelry Store in the coun- try—call and see. HORACE MANLEY. Nov. 7, 1836. - 25 ^NE CENT. REWARD.-Ran away ^SJ)r from H»P subscriber, an indented ap- prentice, W the name of Ohadiah Eastman. 1 therefore caution thp public against' ern^ ploying, harboring, or I rusting him on my account, a s I will ipav no-debts of his con- tracting, ISAAC M. MEAD. Canandaigua, Dec. 8, 1836. 3w41 ^^^W illsrs 4hd eighty .five'eon'tsrr the fn : badi:jpf0mfsea i Ji Situate In the towri iir'Vii^n'^iM'iSiJrf f " thifty-nined loWingdescr of Ciiiind|il |p* In the epiinty of Ontario, being tl»eeast'halfT of lot number sovsn In the aubdu visiou ol lotlpusibortwelvei eatt of msin atrcitt and aorta ef. the square lii the aforesaid teWla of t^nandalWa, *rH» bounded at folluWf, (t» wjt(; On tha south bjr th«Iii c bwxy, on tha «aat bjr tV* •Ml linssrths lot eonvcysd by ths uid iHkrtt gegefeathe nertb bj the north line iofihe ifore^ wtd lot nsmbtr twelve, ane: out tfia-wina i»y ;a liMte be rnw farsUtt let aimvt meetroned east llee, and at eeeb a dMinte tltrrefrom aa lie d:videaaid let rinmUraarert into two a^usloart^ eenUinU* eee halfaera ef Uhd, 'irterf^' ot-fMr-m will be K»W at mdik vaasu*.»t the OeitrLHetts*. •i^iM^mm #f *********&*?¥* TMVKavAW !l|«ii«W*/J^Jattl.aiUae'«i^»ii«t^ feesepiiweftbet **%' Pales) J»w*ery %\\% \W(* ^^*ssT*W|Jil|tti VV. ^vfJMslL|UiiMil*' i > ^sassM sLTssMrssIL. aileasata ' '- es3ssev^ «'. -1 - - SPECTACLES. ^~i O L D , S i l v e r , Steel,'Plated and com- ^ J T mon SPECTACLES; suitable for every eye; Plated and Horn* Goggles; concave,convex and colored glasses fitted to old'frames to suit eve'rv sight—at the Jew- elry Store of •• # 0 . E. SiBLEY. ?Nov. 1. . - . . - ; . 33 I ' Carpeting. ' FTSTJHE subscribers have jus| received a ease ,B of heavy jcotlnn and ."linen Carpeting, which can bo sold at the low price of 2s. 6d. per Also, doily expected, one case now stylo small figured fancy Prints, ' ! ' * J. &y BREWSTER d> CO. Nov. 22, 1836. i ; 8w36 Fall Assortment Complete. ADIES' P R A Y E R S iand SATIN BEAVER^ or thfe (jrrectan and Cottage stylos, ^ trltnmcd and untrimmed. . it ; Also f good asiorlment of Gentlemen's Fanhionabto Hat* al\4 Cam» » n f' tfo'Urale at. tarlment pf Buffalo, Ruher, Ht- DJAN MESSEpummmn ,$mti Robes j Ladies' RufT». Boas, &c«j&.c. '.-' ";JS[..0. CIIESEBJU!, Canandaigua, Noy. ,30,183tj. ' 37tf SATIN BEAVER HATS. poz. fMtojusff *a*torsos*mp®* o|jiuperior;q«ality, embracing « great variety of splendid colore, for sale by the down or siogle. J, ,-*•>• J^ BULL. .Nov, 30,1856. |- '• ."j .* ONTARIO JEWELRY STORE. J UST received from New iTorU- a: large and' extenaive assortment of GOLD and SILVER WATCHES, varying hi priee^from § 8 t o ^150 war; ranjfod good time-keepers-- cafl and see before -, you purchase efae,w-here.-~- Cheap for Gash, HORACE MANLEY. Canandaigua, Nov. 7, 1836. ; 35. ., ORSE MEDICINES.—Strain Oil, for Strains, Bruises, Ringbone, Bone-Spayin, &c. &.c^ Also, Liniment for Windgall and Bloods Spavin, prepared Iby 33»f J. B. HAYES.: 1?!RESH GR^CERlJW^T^^hwn- JT ber haa wet deceived Dw FalLand mm, Mtk the lute* 4mtott*$**t*lttij0f the first quaHtf, His aieorlaaefit isciodee 1400 lb*, gt. f5rort Sugar', 2M0 tbe. Cuba dp.; 250 lbs* l|ejfiiie<t ho*ffa.y%GSl ttm* Lump do.; fiOf/lbs. St. Domingo and Rio Coffee; 2001 b¥. beet Jay* do,; L60 lbs. old Sumatra do. * * 4 ^. T E A S . - A large *»ppfy of Ofd^ ffreottr YouRiS Hyson, Imperial, and Black Jfu, of excellent quality, SPJCE^^GInge^CaifiajN^ttiMSIigCai- j namon, *nd other Sj>ice». t ^ --"<• ctjpvffs, l^reeervedfG^nge*, Ma*fcro<mi Cat-i stip, Pepper-jSaucfe, Mtiftard; &e. - - - - I - FRUtTS,—I3und) Rafstft* in^boxes sn# ^|boxes; lies; RaismiJ Sultana Raitini; Almonds, soft and har3 »hel% Filb*frt«^ Brazi I N«ts; Madeira'WB^ tfce." t ^ * fSOAPS —Cas'tife, Choice S h a ^ n ^ and agreativariefyi>,ftj6neStoajw/V "" v " STARCH.—^ boxes of rsupirior quality. CIGARS.^5000 "Principesj JO,O0O Pa*- tons; 5000 Americans. , ^ TOBACCO.—l caee Natoraf teaf f % fcb!*. Fme Cat f n - P O R T E R - — 3 T i e r c e a r text J^nion, SnT qtiarfs and pititt. * t OiSTJERS —^Tfie sttr*eHje¥lias t insole; arrangetaenta by wJiic^ha «ce1r£*Jf#itf supplies of choice -JPbr* i?ay*twicers veejsx rn barrelsi tb*y will be served up in the neatest and most proflrpt maaner^cpokedr or raw. I " - - » - " FINE eWLERYf^Ait awettment *tf< Sensors, Ten-knives, Raz^rs^itc., of th«^ finest quality-. " * TOYS> 10 grea* variety an*©f thjeaavr- esl kinds. *• „* 1 " TO ^HJEJ £Apres, , - V ^ , - Dr*><smg cases j'Wcili-Doiet j B^lt^Mi**:- les, grit and pearl, of man/ beautiful? ipat- terns, aind */host of other articles, which the ladies" ^tre respectfully invired tb «alf and isi. . , ' - in^ner the Recass'liaff never heen/or* nlshed 'with so eafceUeiveaiid^eH-Mwrfed* a supply of choice articles both forusjpan*^ ornament. J $A£QB COBSON^ Canandaigua, C(cL 3S, 1S36V " dinSI THE HARTFORD FIBE INSU#ANCE> COMPANY. OF HARTFORI5 C O N ^ O FFER.$0 insure every descripttoiPof-prop* eity, against loss -or damage by !Fi»«rtbe ' rnoet reasonable terms.—This Company have be;en doing business for more ihan twentyyeare, and duritfgtbat period have settled all tfieir lessee . withodt cdnrpejliag the insured, insjiy jnsttticey to resort to any cqurt of justice, t .-- The Diremr**of'i!te Company are, -EHphalet - Terry, S. H,; Huntington^ Albert Day, H; Hantt ingtonj Jr.,' Samuel WilUania, *F. J.JXuntlngton* Elisha Colt, R: B. Ward, Edwitf D . IMlorgalj* t feLIPHALET TERRY^Preaid^nt. JAMES G. BOILES, Secretary. ^ For terms apply to tho attbieribe.''r w h o I s a*, thorised to.issue Poltcjes, ** " * ~ \ V HENRY W^TAyrLOR,'A^irr- Nov. 12,1835. 35tf at Ctmendaigm*..- J JV 1* GENERAL and well selected assortment of Rlddicints, Fruit, Paints, Dye-Stuffi, Family Grocfirietj, &c. &c. just received by Nov. lp, 1836. .*35tf J. B. HAYES £9 MA ACRES ofninerior LAND, in mp£MM{W'-f the ca«n«y -of Clinton. Michi- g T u _ w e l I selecte^l end beaut iftill r timbered —altuated near Looking £ja«* jRiv*r*r-foJr sale, or will he txchanged Jor Farms in the vitJinity nf Canaadaitua. -i _ ^ Xkt.m,Xm. ; J. D, BEMIS, •U'lil'l|»!WUpiU)l« | iyi'i'l'H,i''J!>.''n'',l)>'j»':il.'ii|j.'.i H'MT-i GOOD CHA|NCE F O R A PUBLISHER AND BOOKSELLER. NE acquainted with the business,-may hear of an opportunity to purchase a, long and well established BOOKSTORE, with a BINDE- RY, and tho right to publish several valuable; School Books, \n r the western part of New-York. Or, the proprietor would receive a s n partner, a single man, of good qualifications, with a few thousand dollars capital. Enquire of the editor of this paper, or of COLLIN'S, tiEESE & Co. Booksellers, 10 " 230 Pearl st. New.York. . , ^ : .; I ^OR SAI^E- on , ,iberal ,er " 18 . h &°°d gfcnnd.hanid Buggy WAGON; a "good CUTTER; an4\o.Sa"ddle and Bridle, somewhat worn.—Also, a fbw bbls. SALT. Enquire otthc Canandaigua Bookstore.' Nov.23. - L U M B E R WAGONS. A FEW choice LUMBER WAGONS, for A . sate cheap, by BRADBURY & BRANCH. Canandaigua, May 25, 1836. 10 TO THE LADIES' OF CAM- A&DAICiUA. M ISS WARD respecfolly informs the La- dies of Cnpandaigua and its vicinity, that she has returned from New York with the FALL AND WINTER FASHIOXS.; also a handsome assort- ment of L A D I E S ' a n d M I S S E S ' S A T I N BEA. VERS, of tha mM fashionable shapes, and a, large supply of plush. Nov. 8, 1836. . (34 tf.) CARRIAGES, B RADBURY & BRANCH,JiWe «ta* slant!v on hand a£ara;e^80ri«enf.«r CAltFJACxES of all descriptions^ Jnicfc *a tiarouckes, Chariotees, Sulkks,lkvAjkiW**^ variety of Buggy Wagons, all made of tt*w. best materials and in Gfe most Usty.*fcd workmahhfte manner, which they ofktfae sale, for cash, or approved note*, 'onHwr rriost reasoftaWe terrris, at fheir old ea|sh- lishmeni In,Canandaigua. "" _ "vj •* i iAU qrderf promptly executed, * ^ '\j •Canandaigua^ May 11^1836. ^ y v lyg BITGB:LES. ADIES' \#aist Buckles and Slides, in gr^at variety, for sale by Nov. L ,33 O. E. SIBLEY, ITM. wyyfLL, Tinea, hlviaf **< . . chfeed the establishment flerejo^ore-ewa. ducted bjf l^r, ifo&ert Ttfarray, rtsjMf¥«i»lly'i|»* forms the jfeatizern of Canandaigua andjfs -ncln- iijy, that, he ,h«ra taken a shop'twodoore-liortb of 1 N. G. Cliesebro's Hat Store, where he intends to execiiteall orders m 4ns line wi**! neatness,and despatch, «nd hopes thereby to merit 4 ehars'of > 'ptetdie.patronage. \ » \Fall and Winter Fashion* for 1335 anS % ju*t~ relceived; ^ \ , < CUT^FIJUG O UT don& to joroer and c^ *!iort notice. <• „ Sept. &!,. 1836. ^ |tf THE LATEST FASSIOjfSr . , <_ T McKNVTT, TAILOR, having receiv- • ed ihe Spring and JSummer JFaihion*. fbr gentlemen^ garments, invites his.old friends and customers, and the-publie jKeH* erally, fo call at his shop, in the l^ar3tltn. Buildings, where they may he certain of" having their orders executed in thje moat prompt, thorough, and fashionable manner. N. B. Particular attention^aid to GUT* TING OUT. Canandaigua, May 11,1835. < , "Stf LdDTES SATIN BRAVER MATS. J BULL respectfully invite&the-atten- • tion of the Ladies [to an entire* ntvt, and elegant assortment op Ladies and Misse* SjtTiN BEAVER HATS, of tWJSoferf Fashions, direct from New York. JRsli, Gentlemen's SILK HATS, with.fur bod- ies, which prove the cheapteM: and. most elegant dre^s hat in use. ^ s o , anfenttre, new, and splendid assortment or Otter, Fur Seal, and Ha%r Seal CAPS, ef th* latest fashions-. Aho, iOO BUFFALO MOBJSSk . Canandaigua. Nov. 1, 1S36." " 33. 1 1 1 1 n 1 i 1 1 . - . —. - ...— 1 .. Etna Insurance Company, OF HARTFORD, CONNECTICC!!?, '* I NCORPORATED for the purpose of Ins*. * ranpe against toss or OAKAGxJby F U t f i , only, with a Capital of ' > s 200,000 DOLLARS,. > secured and ve«jtedin<the best possible manner—- offer to take rit>Ls on terms as favorable aa btbet offices, J The business of tho Company is principally confined to .risks m the country, and therefore «o detached that its capital is noteXpoced to great losses by sweeping fires- - - \ Tho Directors of the Company, are * ^ i ^ J UST received at.the Ontario Jetoelr Store,* good-assortroenjt of Ladies'Siiil arid Backles, Ear Rings and Bosom Pins of <alj kinds' spd deneriptions, Silver Thimbles, Pencil Gases, Silver and Common Spectacles, of differ]} enfc pntterns and -f^eieea, auijoble for all nses, 4 gOodassorltnent'O.f Tea and Coffee Pots, p4attt<$- Caiidle«titi,ks, Snttffet*andTravs,Castors, -&L Ba«ket» &c. &c. HORACE MAN-fcfiit.' ; Nov-i-fsse, '••-'. - m « i i _ •— 1 , ,•. ,-,,-.1..ji»..- ,y. IM^TI m i f OSICAIj.' %&rWd$&ff& in great v». l f J l riety, and art eitenslye asiorimenl <£ f " " " " :FQBTlS|n4«tJTE'MPS*C|'-for*|i!i»' (Weiryana Music Stofe of "'"'" PIANO at the Jew Nnv,t83*>. ij;*IHnfi.i|«iijirt[ii 4. ^ T R A L i i . A i i P^^for-JiaJNi'Inw 4 t %^i*j; A. slry. Muii« and Mililiry Siwe. of j * \ t m k - ••••;•,••.. •.,•,•,,.•,;•-,••- .•'.:-r'* J' -• •"' ~ '•••• - • ' — ' • -••• " —• -••• •" " - • * - - a --"im ) 1-1111111*111 •+&# •% : Thomas JT. Urace, "Henry It. Ellsworth, Thomas Beiden, Samztcl Tudor, ! flenry Kilboum, &riffhtSledtnan, Joseph Morgan, ElMaDedd, Joseph Pratt, Georg^ Beach, Jamet^tham**? Elisk«PecJc\ 'fl Ward Woodbriift, Jatenl Ciurca. ^ Joseph CAurch, J*s$e Savage. * THOMAS K. BRAC^Btefiltfc - JAMKS M- GoonwiN, Secretary* ^s - ^ Persons wishing t« insure, can apply to JAttHS' , L P UEMIS, of Csnandaijtua, wbois ap|>binteift I agoni f&i tea county of Ontario r %tt vicinity, with full power* to receive ptepofji*.. and iaevMr , IpoHclfiiptlioui the delay «it»»da«T5»n" app^ica. ; 4 » * t.o-MieiolBce *• .^wj 1#S. M 4r , W O O D A i l « x AiitJia\aaa &QM SAL*\ffi'^-&&fMM$*i vptm t* -^ilslittim 9*m\. - Law Piirlnertitiip. ALTER I1UBBELL and THOMAS TV1 . jstt>wj«u«iiit»**i»jiii^^ , itAlter«e|i|tlrti^ p&tofa&j^ffito&m eoaeUfttly on hand. ^;|'^-HiHiy*f.Tiii U. i','ii''''t'ni. n i l 'ii. mjrri i^ini .^ifiniiiwHiil^^yi INTKR »tt«ltoe4«pa«M<^ Ifev l---«»4 , ^ at^^^> jA^^^^^^ jaMj^du - &j^^^^^^ j •*.£' JrEW FAM* «OOpS, •;• /^ ' v '' tUmtrndaigu; S*pt.«,183«. \ ^IBBJubecriher ttiio-w receiving MW ralrv inaiPr avdapltd to the pre**»t and «|^r proaohiu f feawn .tmhracini i r m reneral, GOOb.CHARDWAltE-GllOCEItEa ^PiaWMt. mAIMjPar ^'t,»g' l j.ii;i'l<gi»ifi 1 ifi'^i>iiij)'iiii;i mil>i»» Gak. TjrJ» : ltA»a A'adiroaa, Saevale esMfTi Ok" . A,4si «*> «i|Hlll

J* A - NYS Historic · hW9» Wl laoislofiha * -^hg^SfiSS&kw*" •»«¥>»«*»>•- •-••jK^r™^'?

Mar 18, 2018

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Page 1: J* A - NYS Historic · hW9» Wl laoislofiha * -^hg^SfiSS&kw*" •»«¥>»«*»>•- •-••jK^r™^'?

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I'm., s o m e i e policy^

jbfect, tha -1 act on It i table, At;


BvxvtPt Chamber- , Ftch, jGffl* kb*n„Ien-I. Og-den,""

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inf of. e.bkriS'|hW*W"tiT«?*>tt-Petition* t Aw<^j|^%#^*|*'ri**M'1

- Inhabitants of W t p » r * f i | % *£ P"'

eatenaW &&* ifosJ&e&im *» B«wl9 of

in t h w 4 » t ^ B i % « i e ? d i i ? 8 th* riglrtof trial by|art"to'.^jhw:n*cf<^nka'sg«. »lave«. T h e m e . mori»rijb*«ng6eeo*«^. **• King moved timtf itb»^|nied*nij tcjo^tesf.*" Mr-i C. O. Sbej**t4 c«kmr*d»fi iot ieWto*«iect , mpttfRta.t^ th* i p u i t o f o a f io|6t^iioni« ax»4 Ww»« *?4that ih« r i g W % ^ « w t - c « n » a t to ^r§0g!«4i> ^r.Brad.

,rof-tb l« pitfti**. pa>.Rugfle*ftov«a to lay the

sea bo- tb» mbttoa to reject, and carried t h « o

,%jMJ|| i i , ;di | Florida

W . J a c f « o r i # o » c o l j r n ^ m r o e » i e o g , K n f g h t , M W B f

Sfronp 'TallmaaKe, TbornceTryou, P .Tucl ier , T:

bargh* Watsotti Wesjlafee, f ittnr, ^ h a ^ ? « 2 - . B l V

McEfwam,: SteJSeiT, M o ^ W t ^ r d e e , lingft Jones,

Roosevelt, Kusiell, ibfey, SnaeaA E: JT<JwDs?nd,WaI-

fceV^pt8*Zobr?sk!^--^i: '.;!"•

Wfri g o p W f « f t > r ^ l « l S W ] # f * an in^pky w t o

t b e ptacUce«:e]t ^ # £ ? a baitka, w a » conaiderad

4 n 4 a ^ l i i f t l « $ 0 S t | i t & M « * ^ >. ftraitfton* « i * I W f t « ^ i « * J » W d b i n k i n g w e r e

p » o n « ^ i i y : M 6 f a t i A ^ j ^ M f i . ^ | l o r » and Soute,

iesa*dyxJDeC. 2 7 . s.

rAraea^S*M$.dQCuments, rektinetottie admiM&B of Mleliigao into tiie 0ii|QnvwAeraffoj« *%Pre*id«ot, an-

ike jMs^p^fe ^ Michigan, of the tdtiJi pedpoieii bj Coo|jras3: the pa-pfertWei'* rpfeirfied, oreHlotlon of Mr. Grun-

BJBllt jEtf* th* une*i^ffd«a balances- in the Tre»i^ .9t t tJke||*tOf Jiiaoary 1827,, also came i!a ^ and a atateinent also of tbe trans-fBjaAe^tKipulJRc wotieys, iipce th«5I»r of Juife last, |ttie date jof the Deposit tod Distribution Apt], i

Billfs intt'oduced:—to .establish a Naval A»jI«<in-^to r*gu^atepr»vy radons--to reg­ulate tjbe part* Of i Officers of Marines—to make & DrjrDockM Pedsacola—to, re-or-ganizeth#]^. S^ffavy, awrvarious others.

Tflejaafcjpjct of;th'e T B ^ A S O R Y CIRCTCT-LAR, jwas jrgajintaken up, the question be­ing on] tfi»iubftityte for Mr. ETwinR'fe res olution, offered by' Mr. Rives, [see proceed-i n p of WtijwJiiV****'in mr P a P e r lelst

weefc^l THe;a*bate was continued by Mr, HuW||d at S | p + in oo^ositibft to Mr. E»s. resolution. ,!,v __, - ,

^E*e;duti>e'3)8s4j:ess. Adj'd. Hdt|SE:-^Peittions: Reports.chiefly on

private petit?^ns. Mr. CambreleDg, from the CQhimitteitofWaysanMeans report­ed a bill of appropriations lor the Civil and1

" diplomatic /expenses of 1837 ; referred to Carnraittee of/rthe -Whole.

A messagejScc. caoile in fronj, the Presi­dent relating: to MichiganM-eferred to the

; Judiciary Gotrimittee. • R e s o l u t i o n s : one, appointing a Commit­

tee to consider and report on the condition o f the Publ ic buildings and 'grounds—one, b y Air. Cambre!eng, .to instruct the Com-tnitteej onLComroerce to inquire into tbe e x ­pediency of respeahng aU laws authorizing

protections to be issued to AlnnericanJSeamen*. wh^ch, having been amended, on motion o f M r , G i U e t t , s o a s t o d i r e c t a n in<jairy as to the expediency «of only abolishiug./«es for such protections, was.after some discus­sion adopted. [In the course cif the discos-•sion Mr. Adama explained the origin and objecti of these protections, of certificates qf citizenship,and pointed out the various im­portant bearings of the subject. He did not ©hject'to the inquiry, but he wished to ap­prise the House of its importance. We shall give his remarks next week.}

The special orderof the day, [Mr. Wise's resolution for inquiry into the management of the|departments &c ] was.- postponed to Tuesday next. The MINTBfLL was gone through wftri, and ordered to the 3rd read-in'* : so were the bills making appropria­tions for the Seminole War^atid for the pay-

J tuant [of Revolutionary pensions. • Adj'd".

i Wednesday, Jfte&28. ATE. Petitions;? reports;- resolu

*tions;l—among the latter was oh* directing «rt inquiry into the expediency of abolishing the assessment of 20 cents a month on sea­men as hospital money.

Mi;J Benton moved that 1008 extra eopiefc of a statement of the unexpended balances jof appropriations rematnine in the Treasuiy XJO thef 1st of January, iaS7, and liable to distribution, should be printer!,, and 5 copies sent to the Governor, and 40 to the Legis-laMire, of each State. On this question an 'amaiatetd diaciwsion arose. Messrs. Cal-hOttn,; Davis, King, of Ala.^ Hubbard and Strange, opposed,*!* on the ground that the statement, as prdp«#edj # a i calculated to **tt»Ud(i* The part relatih'g ttf ifa tirciUa-tvm of the statement was withdrawn, aijd the other part passed.

The Senate elected for its Chaplain, a Mr. Goodman,' ' M, .

HOUSK. P«tfttwjV; renorts; new hillfi ce»«*tutions.v Among the: new bills was one id provide fojrcarrying into effect the g t a * iy of limit* between U. $. and Mexico; and among the reialutioni was one directing tn inqalry int9 t»W« f^pediency of f r ^ f j i »

After »6me rflraarks, the Houw *djourned Without taking jifiy question, *-.«>.•,.

Thvrifof, Dteim ••&-'*-'-^-SENATE. Mr. Gr|un^fr»^«h« Ititli-

ciary Cpmroittet, r e p ^ ^ f bifrfor tho^sd-hlU wainjtdtthe^!r^ f of Monday next..

A a t M ^ i n e n t p r t b ^ j f e m p u n t o f a p a c i * im-t

ceiyed at tht t * « f i C M M \Mt C»mi Ok ft9n» t h * " y n w a u r r l>c«kvCpaent . * -

Mr, Ctlhouii'f resolution ealhng on the Secretary o f the Treasury for-a s ta t sment of tht amount of imports and exports, the dotie* upon t b s m , and the avajils from the public lands, in 1S38, wit talnn up and passed.

Mr* W r i g h t , frofti the F inance Commit­tee^ to which the bills from t h e H o u s e , re­la t ing to the Mint , and m a k i n g appropria­tions for the Revolut ionary pensions , had been referred; reported1 the same , w i t h an amendment to the M i n t hilt .

T h e b i l l f r o m t h e H o u s e , m a k i n g a n » p -propriation of 32,00(1000 for the Seminole W a r , w e n t t h r o u g h t h e C o m m i t t e e o f t h e

Whole, ana was ordered to the 3d rwdin?;. T h e d e b a t e o n t h e s u b j e c t o f t h e Teeatwry

Circular wu resumed, end Mr. Southafd spoke durihg the rest of the sitting. Just before adjournment, Mr. Rives gave notice that the la«t part of i i j twtytott* W j ) , c h provide* that n o bank bi l l* .SI^UT be-taken for land, which the bmki, whyr* [they art dtmmte&t »h»It notjbe wi l l ing to pass to the crjedit of the Uni ted States , h e intended to modify so as to provide that no bills, should be.received a t the L a n d Offices,, w h i c h the Deposit B a n k s shall npt , under t h e super-Uaion and control of the Sec. Treasury^ be willing to credit to the U . S . as cash..

HOUSE. The Sitting, to-day, wai al­most exclusively occupied by a debate, which grew; out of a memorial presented, yesterday by Mr. Galbraith of Penn., from certain citizens of that State, proposing to a l t e r i h e U . S - C o n s t i t u t i o n , s o a s t o p r o h i b i t

the incorporation of Banki by the States, and complaining of theTI. S. Bank, as now chartered hy Pennsylvania, for reisiuing its old billir. The debate took a wide ranRe, andtht tiiemorial, fter ft motion to refer it

.4o;the%ommitteei0f Walrt and'Meana baft been negat ived , w a s . by; the use of the-j*f«-viout question, finally referred to a Se lec t Committee . •< . "

Friday, December 30 . SENATE. iNo sitting to day. H O U S E . A m e s s a g e c a m e in f r o m t h e

President with the correspondence of the U .S . agent In England, {Ricnard Rush,] relating to the Smithtdn beqeit for founding a University at Washington.

Reports, Resolutions, and new.bills: most of tbem relating to private applica­tions. Among the resolutions, however, was, one offered by Mr. Williams, of N. C. directing the Com. on Public Lands to con­sider the expediency of forbidding; the. pur­chase of lands at auction, with the dtrigriof forfeiting them, s o . a s a f t e r w a r d s to o b t a i n them at. the government price of g l 2S a n acre. The House suspended the Rules, by yeas 154 to nays 38. for the purpose of con­sidering this resolution, which wasconsid' ered and adopted.

The rest of the sitting was spent upon private billsl

Saturday, DecmbtrBh SENATE. No sitting to day. HOUSE. The morning wai occupied

with dehate on the resolution of Mr. Gar­land, of Y a , relating to the profits of ihe ' D e p o s i t B a n k s , in. e a e k y e a r s i n c e - 1 S 3 3 and Mr. Harlan's amendment relating to the agent , whether hej w a s the agent of the banks , or of the Treasury, or both, and by w h o m h e was paid arid h o w much. T h e question pending w a s ion a motion of Mr., Hannegan to lay the who le subjection the table, which was negat ived , 'yeas 29 , nays 141„ T h e q u e s t i o n tbjen r e c u r r e d o n M r . Harlan's amendment.! Mr. Cushman, of N . H . moved tbe previous questions nega­tived ; yeas 71 nays 90. Mr. Granger then called for the yeas and nays on the amend­ment, and they were ordered, After some discussion, Mr. Vanderpoel moved to modi­fy Mri Harlan's proposition in relation to the agent , and pending the .debate, the House passed to the orders of the day v i z . private hills. Adjd. to Tuesday .

nrdof Claim*, at the •es t , , to examine aUdaima o« t h « ^ 1^, «MM£ort them to Congress for final ad-j^tsawnt—ops, relating to the e«tahlish-nient e /a ATeaW^aimy ; one relating to a

fir* ptitfp9* *mU in I I H M ^ W m rm> •Bd otlaer*. wbS% wilt be »o«iced when ac

? ° 7 n t a t f e ^ ^ ^ ^ l i f | ^ i c e ' in from HMI Ppit Maitir G-n-

is put at fW.OW, W */ W r »H, $14C 000.) Thsy wtM •#%-Cc^imitteeof WaytatMeeM "'


C A S A S D A I G P A , JAW. II, 1837.

iMl,H>« ."^iueW:

_ _ _ _ _ __ JJ.

* *iHi mrttt the toils i ^ l i s W # i ^ | f i » i » a » i ^ ^ finaatftv *•-t, w e r e - - -"- • "••* —-"' - ' " " - " - - * • - ^ - A -

T H E GOVERNOR'S M E S S A O I . — A f t e r giving the nej

Cesaary summaries of the proceedings in the nation­al and state Legislatures, and other matters belong­ing to the week , together with the message , w e find it impossible to make room for any extended com­ment on this document, and must be content with a remark or two relative to its general character, and one or two of its principal recommendations.

First, then, the tlyle of the message we think very good. It i s free from any attempt at fine writing, and is direct, clear and in good taste.

Secondly, however,the passage devoted to the in­discriminate glorification'of President'Jackson w e believe to be inconsistent with historical truth. W e regard it, therefore as the flattery of a parrizin.and not that kind of disinterested praise, which, onjy, is becoming in a high public functionary, and which honors both " him tbat g ives and him that takes."

But, thirdly, those portions of the message; which relate to the affairs and policy of the State w e l ike. That is to say .though we may not, and do not assent taafi the views of the Governor, yet independently of rti^question of their correctness, he baa present­ed them with clearness and. force, and with i defer­ence to the action of the Legislature, suitable both (o his constitutional r e l l ^ t o tfeat body, sndJtO we separate'dignity^f bis station. " • •

Of the particular recommendatipns,ttiat wj ich we find most-in accordance with our opi^ he one respecting the1 < repealoffisrt;of4jil IfHrJuni ye Act* As to theotber priocipsl teco«iBisiadatis«r wWch rs«, lateatothe application of the n ^ y a b e ^ t u i e r«-ceiVed in deposit from the'U.sV^wi^'weiieartily approve of the propositioit td spjWyJftte^||;ln ipiove-ment of Common Sclioo! educ«ti<^,!yat w« aboold •ft|v |ietf,to m *WftM^'^PM%M for making the «pplic»iion efficient. h , f i . n ^ J , * ^ ^ " J

But w* must stop. Wa havs divided this n s§ai|i ;9mitin$f-W ei^pct%^i^t;W(pf-#|»ir!f wi(i pr^inots the convenience o f lhe rtadar, botl i in bia ^rm/l^s«^fjp^^ |i| t s^C 1^; ta^^lsVUs^ficlii tb\i |;«f|i.^'

' • ^ ^ ' ***i h- - V y ** -f • , , ?,*'l ^ - i ' rp '• - • . * * * - r • ;

;' LxaiiLiTtTtAsBConaasaaieaALPa.csttBliws.

priejMirint^rsiMornarkrt^jaM^ ' ""'-Stale I^,i»Utura aiid of -Cee^ss , tic* ah such to dui St»(i, lou^i sMiioa, m eawsf. :tfd»tiTt--rewdwtf#-'«Ti»i^ loogintf nelihar to tenersl i*art»ta »w»ie ar i ;s^f ; here , we nottcf aocfi M '»»ffwi tieiitirlyifnis^tbfefer's^^^ Iats M « M of prwriiediBgieiilssr st AJIajsry sv jWss*w

" MaailiJ- if a s s a i isstM isslskeaM-


te the iAWW'fi^ff i fMift iry aeririce i

' EvW^»fMlMted'" with thaWtoab^ar. f^^f^v*«antrJ , r»>o»Ktbe Revolutton down

present nJay.and.espoclally our In Jiafi wars. 8e>mrtff¥stotdirmoriir^< beyond all | rete'nee of denial or doubt, that tr«« *tWMQ# *$ji ^ 1 ^ 1 ? 3 - . iij, the intereit sod honor of the gpv«) pnent,,** well as the ao/aty, leatn/efr,0and happhittadf the jMis/r. all combihi'to mcoraraend an ; n c « a u o / ike•.ftgniarfmk of tbe country. : .

• T h e passagaa t o w h i c h ^ r e re/ei*. arid all that

hai been commaDictlid rnpectinB tin, Seminole W » r , tbrottfh tfwtf channe l , ofiicial ojr "privatS,

•pt&k't langaiiife on this subject,whicbj.omphatic aa i t i s , does but c o i n c i d e wi th the w h o l e expe­

rience o f t h e c o u n t r y . E v e r y where . Son all o c

cations, the regular troops have been a| far more economical force than tbe militia, and p a y havo suffered far leu from ths vsrious unfor#seen in-eidoDts and bardshtpa o f a campaign . .1

The our the employment of militia for itbe usual emergencies o * military service, arise from considerations of humanity and •oononiT. Our countrymen are'br&v e e n o u g h ,

aa all our history s h o w s , and our rni l i t iahave

been ready eniongh bolh to figfft and t« sufftr.—• T h e difficulty wi th tbem i s tbe w a n t o f those

bibiti of subordination, implicit obedii nco, and per/ec<me/aoi„ which none but regular^ troops can acquire, and which are more importart for ef. ficieney, in tbe duties ofc a c a m p , in the labora o f

a campaign , In frtteving comfort, httdth, and

moral force, and in transferring force from o n e

point t o another, than they are in.the compara­

t ively s imple |»0Vemanta o f the battle field and

in fighting. ««War;" aaya J o h n s o n , in I is "Falk­

land Islands*" an admirable, political inrophlet,

written s o m e s e v e n t y years ago;—" war has

means of destruction more formidable than the cannon and ths sword. Of the thouainds and tens of thousands that perished in our ;late con-tails with Frames and Spain, a very sijiaii part evkr felt tbe stroke o f a n e n e m y ; the rest lan-

fulshsd in tsblts andships, amidit dump|i and ptf-tre fact ion; palls, spirit less , and helpless gasping

and groaning ;i unp'itied'by men^madfe oBJurato by

l o n g c o n t i n u a n c e o f h o p e l t s s n i i s e r y ; pnd were

at U«t whe lmed in pits, or haaved into tnp ocean ,

w i t h o u t ' n o t i c e and without remembranc.e f',—

T h i n k o f t h e misery, t h s waste o f life! and the

inroads from aucb causes , in F lor ida! t l t i s only

regular disciplline, and the carej a n d ci»cumspec-

t ion.and s y s t s m . w h i e h j-eault from it.thkt can af­

ford a n y reasonable safeguard against d«*B"o,a»

wel l a s host i le arms. ! ' i H I

N E W Yoax CITV Etacrwit—In consequence of a tie between two of the candidates for-the As­sembly, at thai General Election in New York, in November J u t , a special election was lately held in tbatciity-to supply the vacancy. Tho candidates ware Franklin, (Whig), Purdy!(V. B.). and Jacques ( toco Foco). The result was,' for Frankl in , 10,(943 yo tes j for Fardy , S S 5 0 ; for

Jaques 8 1 3 ; ' g i v i n g Frankl in a majority o f 11S3

oyer Ifurdy,, aind 383 over^both hit competitor*. But the L o c o F o c o s are opposed to the T a m m a n y

Hull or Y a n Buiren party.and the majority aga ins t

tlie latter may,, ^therefore, be put at 2006 . I t wil l

be s e e n , bowarer , that t h e whole ro te , including

23 scattering votes, was. only 19,720, which is not ha l f the who le number o f votes in the c i ty ,

that being, aeiuerdl»| to the last eenius, 43,091. T h e W h i g s carried 9 o f the 16 wards by a clear majority ovefr Both opponent* ; i h e W h i g a a n d L o c o F o c o s together had majorities in the 13th and 16th wards, and the T a m m a n i e s had clear majorities in but 5 wards.

. Tj ie W h i g s have had a meet ing and appointed a Commit tee o f Arrangements t o prepare for cel­ebrating the above result. '"

The Speaker of the AtiemUy.—The votes in the caucus of the'Members of Assembly, belonging .to " the party," on Monday evening of last week , for a candidate to be aupported the next day far Speaker, stood aa (ol lows: for'fidward Livingston 46; .for Orville Robitison 3 8 ; for Aaron Hackley 1; for Pres­ton King 1 ; blink } . Mr. Livingston having a ma­jority of whole , it was unanimously resolved to sup­port him. '

G X N E T A GAZETTE.—Mr- John C. Merrelt has dis­posed o f his interest in this paper to Mr. J. J Madi­son, who anhounces himself, in the last number, ns the proprietor «nd editor: the political character of the Gazette will continue aa it has. been for several years past. ^

S A N T A ArfaA.—The National Intelligencer of Dec . 27, says thaS the news oT Gen. Santa Anna's being on his way |o Washington, is confirmed. H e was at Plaquemine,, on the Mississippi, on the 12th Dec . on his way up the river.

I FOREIGN p a w s . — T b e late arrivals have brought

ho very important political news- from Europe.

Tho public relations of the principal governments remain as theiy were by previous advices. Ac to

the d o m e s t i c condit ion of Spain and Portugal, it s e e m s to bo more agitated, than for some time back. T h e Carl i t l s in Spa in , and the Mfgtiplitcs in Portugal , s e e m t o havo been ga in ing s ironglh , especial ly t h s former, w h o l e military successes ' have been considerable. In Franca the imost s tr iking event has been the detect ion of a scheme for a revolutionary m o t a m o n t against Louis Phil­ip, a t the h e l d o f wh ich was Louie Napoleon Bonaparte, fon o f the l a t e K i n g o f; Hol land. Tfio plan proved Very abortive, and Louis Napoleon has been released from custody and punishment, on conditioni o f his making hi* reiidnnco for ten year#intha |1J. S. without leaving the country.

Mcxico-rr-'IairoaTAKT IF yjt«i.-tr4A rumor is 'abroad, bywiiy of N. Orleans, that tha.royalists o f Mexico h'aid proclaimed -the Infinfeof Spain,

^)oh Francisco de Paulo, KING-of 'Mexico;; Ihat France and England had declared in. his favor, and agreed to furnish him with ruiource* to niske hi* way If* tb* WeaicsB tbronf ^ c . !&c. We do pot believe the rumor, so far-ay the statement respect ing jpranpe and. Engtahdj'-js coj icerncd, tboogbit is Uk^tf enough tfiatiuch a pro||jstlms %en sUrted by some Mexican/aetlph, 4nd thst W b M - l ^ i a B ^ ^ h . e i i ' n K u r d p e - ^ ";'t, * ' * . |

" % '3tt1(&'"'Riiraei«a^# t%wca(a.T.-:-We';bave o n l y Tb'onr

JJM&J&&JI6 *usee|l,ihe tli»tl«itti*Jjed wctl-wt *id pita^ ef f9fh«it«Tf gafmmi gr*tifi,f e e t i e e k)r h i e a i n g i n g a n d playing.tJie o ther n ig i i t

ia this villaff. His fffics js inmmVif rich in t o n e , e n d o r fine vo lume , and h i s e l a y m g is°|Hir-hapa better tlhaa hie even aingini. He will al. wajaeeMreeTatTatia^audiineehare. . .. DJtEADFtlLBHirWKECK—104 LIVES LOST. 'ffiftffi•$&$*&& flHv ItOtfiUr WaTiN^w'

andFi^y last, arlnt aeceenii ef aneibir awUn-

aaaa riy HishlandJ^W^l^ajjjy

. W s ^ •eawiawrsMoWe^n^Wi.Hi Iftefti^ l satesKaVaBBsab aska*aw.easea«a''4<M«i:<4lM.^t'.^'4eHi*-«ai*

eeasaw^^saaaFSPae^BsasB ,^m sse w^ss^wapjeTssve^jwew

W W ? »,»!?'.'•

semth end; o f the Woodlands, and remafhed beatin, ( about in tjiis distressed candiYion'durmg'tl iewholi of that day. At, five o'clock the noxt morning, thu ship struck with great force, on Iinmpstead {L. L) Ueucb, find-not more than 40 rods frpmf shore* T h e surf ran-verKt.bigbf.the longboat drifted away In a:.-tempting joifttinivh it* a small boatjthe only or»o l e r .w>»"let 36wh finda fuW got in,but fthe .wna soon cor l i i e d ; ' at.T.o'cloeti.A^Silktito sbip.bifged and title i with water, and Iq that awful condiirenj all on boar 1 Intde'spntrvthua remained i H U P . M . when a email boat which hajibeen brought 10 inHes, put off f ron the shoi;e.ntniffriinl5iey^eachcd the w^c^. Cop;. W. and 7 other*got in*nd after a|errible struggh with die wavee«yrenchad th« land {'.but the risk wo» so great that none coold be found tp make anothei triftl* and all that remained on ibo wreck, 10* per-sons, two ihirds of tbem women and cbildren( per

Tho Ship Tamarac, Cnpt. Kflin( from tive.rpoo; went nahore on Fire Island, on Wednesday morning last, but fonnntely no lives were losr*

The pnuengers of two orber enips have publish ed statements ia the N. York papers, ehowihg th^ criminal neglect of the Pilots. We trust the Legis­lature will reform this pilot system of monopoly ami crime with all speed.'

i i ' r

H E N R Y CLAV was re-elected t o tha U . S . S e n

ate, o n the 16th ult. by tha K e n t u c k y L e g i s l a

tore , by'a majority o f 2 2 votes over bis compet

itor, Mr. Guthrie . \

, ARKANSAI.~-The vote at the late.Eiestor&l dec lion ww, (official) 3400 for Tan Burcn, and 1Z& for W h i t e : majority f o r V . B . 11)63. .

s - " '" 1 *•'"• Iti-ipiois.—(Official) .—The Electoral vo te . i r

this Stato wai 18,097 for Van Duron, and 14,98: for Oppos i t ion , ( W h i t e arid H a r r i s o n } : majority f o r V . B . 3; 114.

COLD AT CmcAQo.—The Chicago American of Saturdoy, Dec- 24tb, says that the thermometer, on

Wednesday, the Slat Deo. at sunrise, flood at^E degrees belowzero, in that town: that i s 3 degrees colder than it was in this village at any time last winter, the lowest mark here having been but 12 degrees at Bgnrise. .:

A Meeting of the Cangndaigua Young Men's Temperance Soc ie ty , for the election of officers, and the transaction of other hu s i n e s s , w i l l be h e l d a t t h e T o w n H o u s e , on. Friday evening .next, at 6io|clock,

E v o r d e r o f t h e M a n a g e r s .

' Jam 10,1337. MARRIED— At Blossom's Hotej. on the 1st day

of Jan. inst.,by A. Munn, Mr. William Jones to Miss Sarah Ann Wilber, both of Vienna* •

In the town of Middlelcx, on Thursday, the 29th ult. by Russell Slayton, Esq., Lovel L. Adams to Bliss Lucina B. Curti"*. Also, by dm same, on the first day of January, inst., Mr. Crrm Eqller to Misa Sally Killpatrick; and Mr. Charles Wager to Miss Sophronin Wire , daughter of the R?v. Samuel Wire, all of Middlesex. i

In fnlmyra. Dec. 2°th, by Frederick Smith, Esq Captift/Viden Barker , ol Roches te r , to Miss Fidelia

Bnrnhnrt, dnughter of Areius Lapham, of that town. On Thursday the 29ih. at the Friends' Meoiine

Hoiisetn Farmingion^ Sir. -Hirafn WilHis to M'rss Lydin R. Lapham, boih ol Macedon.

In Richmond, o n the let inst. by the Rev. Caleb Brigga. Mr. Myron Norton, to Miss Abigal Ray, all of that town.

DIED—In Palmyra. D e c 29th, Robert Foster, son of Cyrus Foster , aged 25 years.

DRY GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER! r n i H E subsc r ibe r s , t h a n k f u l fur pas t favors ,

J L wish tb Inform their friends and the public that they have determined to sel l their s tock of G O O D S at prices WIHCA lower than can be proi cured at any establishment in this village or coun­ty. T h a t part of tho stock formeHj owjhed by1

John Murray hav ing been bought at a very' ro. duced rato, and the balance having been purchos-ed by tho c i s o and package ' for Cash, thoy are enabled to sell goods at prices, which cannot fail to please, and aa a samplo o f the s a m e , they wit ! Ptjll i

Real Thibet.WobT French Merinoes, at 1.0s pr yd . Super Mixetl Broadcloths, $ 2 •• . Brown and- Mixed Pa l lW-c lo ths , "Is." •• Fall River Bluo Calicoes, 14d. •• Supor Morrimock do. 16</. •» l case ia» t colored Cal icoes , • itid. " I do. Dover do. 1 Splendid assorted col'r'd Merrimacks, 1*. 3 bntes 4-4 S h o o t i n g s , 1 1 / / . «« Extfa Lowol l do . 13«i. «• A faw pieces Super Moleskins, Qs. Gd. "

do. taupor Super 'do. 3s . " 1 case Merino ShavyJB, § 3 50

T h o balance o f the s tock o f F U R S on band f i l l be sold at prime cost .

T h e public are ro.ipnclfully invited to call and examine cifr stock before purchasing elsewhere, aa itf& a r e d e t e r m i n e d t o eell loicer than any other

house. ' -P. LEDDY &. CO.

Canandaigua, Jan. 10, 1837. . 13tf

N e w C a s l s S l o r e ! A. G R A N G E R will sell D R,Y

tW •> GOODS as cheap, for Cashin hand, a.i those , n f t h e s a m e q u a l i t y c a n b e b o u g h t a t a n y S t o r e %vhore t l i e v p r e t e n d t o sel^ lower than any other establishment this side of New York.

An e x t e n s i v e and wel l selected assort j inent o f f a s h i o n a b l e a n d s t a p l e D R * G O O D S is offered for s a l e o n t h e ab-term's .

Canandaigua, Jan . 11 ,1837. 3m43



A F I R S T r a t e S A L E S M A N , w h o haif a t h o r o u g h k n o w l e d g e of t h e D r j

G o o d s b u s i n e s s , ant) w i l l d d e v o t e h i s w h o h t i m e a n d t a l e n t s t o t h o b e s t i n t e r e s t o f lit e m p l o y e r . N o n e but a s i n g l e m a n , w h o c a n b r i n g g o o d r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s , a s t o c h a r a c r t e r a n d h a b i t s ; n e e d a p p l y to-

J O H N A . G R A N G E R . Canandateua, Jan. 11, 1S37. 43tf


ON tire night of tho 31st of December Inst, from thp

pretnisi'M of Jifsse Mason, in Bristol Street, Canandaigua,^

RED COW, with considorablo white OH the belly, about six years old, pith call). Whoever will return said cpw, or give inr-formation where she may be found, shall be liberally rewarded for trouble and expense].

JESSE MASON. Canandafgiia, Jan. 10th, ^836. 4w43

— • • ' •' 'ji-1- y : — i " i i . i i - ~ — i • i

BY V i r t u e o f a p o w e r b o n t a i n e d i n a Mortfage, executed1 by Bphraho

VVutkitiB, o f the t o w n o f Gorharn, in t h f County of Ontario and Stato ot New York, to Luther Cole, of Canandfigui, in the County of? Ontarib and Statfrof N e w York, bearing date 4he* 26tl i day of Aut«wtf 1820, and niiigiied by David q . Bates a n d Waltor Huhboll, administrators o f L q . tlierOQteiV>]!fgthaiiie| W. Howell, andfrecorded; in tli«.Clerk'i.offico o f the County o f Ontario o n tho 26th duy or Auuu.iJ620,nt 10 u'clnok A, M„ in Libor 11^-«if Mortgages , at F u l i o 1 2 5 , o n which rnortgajte tb n?o is'MOW cla,imed!to Be flue, nt alije date of th i s po l i ce , t h e s u m of t w o hundred, ant

*aa»SsssaaslN>alMBlBssaasssssee •»,v.«i'\.il •• J-.^ '. I'". iTT , I J I I J ' . » 5 I ^ H ) I I I I H . I I H I I . I I | I i . j I i ' i « i n n )M

Scll in,; a t Cost 'And cloning Partnership.

T flB sabicribers are now winding up their business, as tliuir Co-parlnoreliip will soon

expire by its own"lim|tatiojr; and as ihe active jfartner, on whom devQlvejibs whole ssttlomoni of the concern , i s a'bont to leave t ins Quarter o f tlio country, it becomjjs abfoluUlif neetfiary that al l , w h o are indebted t o us , in a n y w a y , by nolc, account, bond, or otherwise,. u\iQu\a p a y tbe same iuinJedialaly. TMaiatbs/lr^aquestofthekirtd w e h a r e ever made in a newspaper , e n d w e in . dendji shall bo the fait. It if made in earneit, a n d w e expect It wil l be s o Regarded. W e must coiled, from one and all, tlio amount due as.-— Af te r having* been B o l o n f in«3o!gei*t t o mo£t of-

ottr cu'st^mdrs,' we hope we shall not find it rie-ccBBary t o r w o r t t o QompaUory meait i reB » bixt

PAtrteat MPSV pfe MABE, and tliat/orMwifA. Our present stoOk o f Goods is large and Well

cssoriojil, qomprifing i' '• DRY GOODS, HARDWARE. IRON, NAILS; '


Ah!d lhe v)hole will be told at east, immediately, for Cash, or Bank rag*, if tbey are m a d e bv B a n k s tha i g ive the solid m o n e y fpr t h e m w h e n de-manded." . - ., .- e

W o pfodge ourso] ves ndt to be undersold by any; and. furthtir, w e say | that' we Will isejll cheaper than any Qtfttr house m t o w n or c o u n t r y , but remember tbe Rhino, as n o ctedii, in future, can be gitjpn.

. A i r wlio want GOOID G O O D S , and IhecAr-tfp. est GoodB, wilt call on. B . H A L E & CO,

Canandaigua, Dee. 27lb,183(J. <Hf

F~ ~ O B S A L E j t i K T O I l E N ^ . - T h e . Brick Store now occupied by E HlJ*

& Co.—pogsession /given the first day lof April next. E&ENEZER HALE

Canandaigua, Dm, 23,1836. ' 41

A'^JPLICAt'ON wiUberondelo the next MX. LeefslRturo at t l» ensuing sewfott for an a c t e r n e n d i n g t h e charter o f t h e Auburn and Roches l er Railroad Company , s o a s t o g i v e l e a v e la the Said eer'solritfon to go into operatioii

-Whenever one nulhon dollars shall be subscribed to the capHf I slock thereef,««arid to alter tha rate of toll»i «dd e x t e n d t h e t r i n e / o r ceniplet ins; sa id Bbai,


D.tcd Nov, 29 .1830, 0w38

WtOTlCEig hereby given, that anap-JLv plicatiplV will he Made to the legisla', tine of the Slate of New York, at it* next session, for an act to incorporate School District No. 7< composed of parte of tlie t p w n s o f P o t t e r ; »ri tl»e conr i iV o f Y » t c » , and uoibam in the eolinty dt Ontario, for the purpose of establishing a. BfigH School thereip, by the hameof the JlwMlltJJigh Schodl. Dated Rush ville, New York/ De­cember 9th, 836. " * 0w40

T V O f J C E '» hereby giyon,tbat application l v w i l l be made > t o tbe Legis lature o f this S ta te , a t l i s n e x t se s s ion , for such an a m e n d m e n t o f the charter o f the Auburn and Rochester Railroad C o m p a n y as w i l l leave it to the C o m ­pany t o determine t h e Toute Of-the Toad from Canandaigua to R o c h e s t e r .

Dec. 30,1836. ' i 6w40


C L R V I S L A N D , O H I O .



ORGANS and Piano Fortes tuned and re­paired—An elegant fino-toned BARREL

ORGAN for sale cltoap. 9 4ltf

D A V I D ji,; JOHNS,


LAND-AGENT, Marshall , Calhoun C y „ Mich igan , D e c . 1836 . 3 3 -&-

NOTICE. IT is^particularly requested that nil persons

having "unsettled accounts with the subscri­bers n o w due, w o u l d : call and sett le the same without further not ice .

, J. d . 'BREWSTER & CO. . January 2, 1837. . 6w£2

INDJGO^Cocninoil, Madder and other Dyes, o f prime quality, for sale by

35t f J . B . H A Y E S .

A Woi'd to tlie W i s e ! A N E W a r r i v a l o f t h e c e l e b r a t e d R o t a -

£J"4, r y , U n i o n , a n d W i l l s o n ' s C o o k i p e S T O V E S . A l so , the beautiful Urn Parlor S t o v e , vpry e conomica l in t h e s a v i n g o f .wood. Hal l , Canister, Box , 10 Plato, 7 Plate , and O v e n S t o v e s ; Dr. N o l l ' s Coal S t o v e s ; Russia and E n g l i s h Stovo Pipe, Dumb S t o v e s , Copper Kett les , Brass Kett les , & c . e tc . , c h e e p for cash or approved credit, by >..' J . L. WOODRUFF.

N o v . 2 9 , 1 8 3 6 . - • , ' , ! ' • ' 4 w 3 7

O R S A L E . - ^ T h e s u b s c r i b e r

intending to remove to the west in the spring, offers to sell

his D w e l l i n g HnuBSeand Lot , situated pn Gibsnyn s t r e e t . P o S s e s s i u u w i l l b e g i v e n p n the first of May next. For terms, and oth­er particulars, applv at the Cnnandaigjia Bookstore, " C. MORSE.

Dec. .14, 1836.'

Pol ice .

AL L persons w h o are indebted lo the subscribers, whose notes and ac­

counts are p a f n h i e , are hsefphy notified that tliev'tnust bo paid by the 10th'of January nex t , and those w h o neglect to pay atten­tion to this call may oxpec t after that date to nrfti their demands in the hinds of a m a g i s t r a t e o r l a w y e r for c o l l e c t i o n .

H. & R. CHAJMN. C a n a n d a i g t f a , p e c . 1 3 , 1835.' 3 9 l f


ALL persons indepted to mf,whose notes and accounts ane now due, are" hereby

nonOed that I want thfin to pav me by the 30/h inst. WM. ANTIS, JR.

Canandaigua, Oct. 12, 1S36. 1 30


MUMFORD jFJATBSj imym^ r^ently enlarged his establishment with new

buildings & machinery, to meet the growing demand for vehicles of conveyance, intends to keep on hand a good assortment of fash­ionable carriages, s u c h ^ JBAROUCHEjS; C H A S I D T E E S J wilhr common a,nd tension tops > a great variety of four-wheel BUCGfES, Will 1 and 2f seats / STAN­HOPES, GIGS, &<£ 8fa &c , all of which will be sold on his usual liberal terms-, at his establishment Ji) SOTJTJHHSRISTOL HOLLOW. About 20 Carriages will be completed this month: several are now r e a d y for s a l e .

As he employs none h»t first-rate jour­neymen, his work Will he done in the most substantial and tasteful manner. Orders for carnages of any description vvill be ex­ecuted on shoit notice.

Having sustained a heavy loss by fire ahotit te months s|nce,he tenders his thaoKS t o t h e c o m m u n i t y for t h e i r s y m p a t h y / a f t d .trusts that lie may receive an. ejsiensife patronage. 1 TERMS 5 6 monthscredj|,forgOodl)aper; if paid within 3 montbs,no interest charged; at the end of 6.months, interest from date : for cash down, a deduction of 5 per cent.

South-Bristol, April 13,1836,' '. Iy4

T 20

1 WAGONS FOR SALE. J WQ first'rate Lumber Wagontj for sate cheap* to close a concern* t>v e


O E. SIBLEY has just received from e> New York, the largest assortment

of GOLD and SILVER WATQBES ever offered fin this place—all warranted good time-keepers, arid as lowfor the qual­ity as can be sold at any other store.

Nov. 1. ' - ^3

JUST received a good assortment of Gold F o b , a n d S a f e t y ^ C h a i n s ; S a f e t y K e y s ,

variety of Patterns.1'; F i n g e r R i n g s o f all k inds ' and prices. T h e subscriber has resolved to sel l as cheap as any other Jewelry Store in the coun­try—call and s e e . H O R A C E M A N L E Y .

N o v . 7, 1836. - 2 5

^ N E CENT. REWARD.-Ran away ^SJ)r from H»P s u b s c r i b e r , a n i n d e n t e d a p ­p r e n t i c e , W t h e n a m e o f O h a d i a h E a s t m a n . 1 t h e r e f o r e c a u t i o n thp p u b l i c a g a i n s t ' ern^ ploying, harboring, or I rusting him on my a c c o u n t , a s I w i l l ipav n o - d e b t s o f h i s c o n ­t r a c t i n g , I S A A C M . M E A D .

C a n a n d a i g u a , D e c . 8 , 1 8 3 6 . 3 w 4 1


illsrs 4hd eighty .five'eon'tsrr the fn :badi:jpf0mfsea i Ji Situate In the towri

iir'Vii^n'^iM'iSiJrf f "

thifty-nined loWingdescr of Ciiiind|il |p* In the epiinty o f Ontario, being tl»eeast'halfT o f l o t number sovsn In t h e aubdu visiou ol lotlpusibortwelvei eatt of msin atrcitt and aorta ef. the square lii the aforesaid teWla o f t^nandalWa, *rH» bounded at folluWf, (t» wjt(; O n tha s o u t h bjr t h « I i i c b w x y , on tha «aat bjr tV* •Ml linssrths lot eonvcysd by ths uid iHkrtt gegef eathe nertb bj the north line iofihe ifore^ wtd lot nsmbtr twelve, ane: out tfia-wina i»y ;a l i M t e be rnw farsUtt %» l e t aimvt meetroned east llee, and at eeeb a dMinte tltrrefrom aa lie d:videaaid l e t r inmUraarert into t w o a ^ u s l o a r t ^ e e n U i n U * e e e h a l f a e r a e f U h d , 'irterf^' ot-fMr-m will be K»W at m d i k vaasu*.»t the OeitrLHetts*. •i^iM^mm #f *********&*?¥* TMVKavAW !l|«ii«W*/J^Jattl.aiUae'«i^»ii«t^ feesepiiweftbet **%' Pales) J»w*ery %\\% \W(* ^^*ssT*W|Jil|tti VV. ^vfJMslL|UiiMil*'

i > ^ s a s s M sLTssMrssIL. ai leasata ' '- e s 3 s s e v ^ «'. • - 1 - • -

S P E C T A C L E S . ^ ~ i O L D , S i l v e r , S t e e l , ' P l a t e d a n d c o m -^ J T mon SPECTACLES; suitable for every eye; Plated and Horn* Goggles; concave,convex and colored glasses fitted to old'frames to suit eve'rv sight—at the Jew­elry Store of •• # 0 . E. SiBLEY.

? N o v . 1 . • . - . . - ; . • 3 3

I •' Carpeting. ' FTSTJHE subscribers have j u s | received a ease

, B o f heavy jcotlnn and ."linen Carpeting, which can bo sold at the low price o f 2 s . 6d. per

Also, doily expected , one case now stylo small figured fancy Pr ints , ' ! ' •

* J . &y BREWSTER d> CO. N o v . 2 2 , 1836. i ; 8 w 3 6

Fal l Assortment Complete. A D I E S ' P R A Y E R S iand

SATIN B E A V E R ^ or thfe (jrrectan and Cottage s ty los ,

^ trltnmcd and untrimmed. . it ; Also f good asiorlment of

Gent lemen's Fanhionabto Hat* al\4 Cam» »nf' tfo'Urale at. tarlment pf Buffalo, Ruher, Ht-

DJAN MESSEpummmn ,$mti Robes j Ladies' RufT». B o a s , &c«j&.c.

'.-' ";JS[..0. CIIESEBJU!, Canandaigua , N o y . ,30 ,183t j . ' 3 7 t f

SATIN B E A V E R HATS. poz. fMtojusff *a* torsos* mp®* o|jiuperior;q«ality, embracing « great

variety of splendid colore, for sale by the down or siogle. J, , -*•>• J^ BULL.

.Nov, 30,1856. |- '• ."j .*


JU S T received from New iTorU- a: large

a n d ' ex tena ive assortment of G O L D and S I L V E R WATCHES, vary ing hi priee^from § 8 to 1 5 0 war; ranjfod good time-keepers--

cafl and see before - ,you purchase efae,w-here.-~-Cheap for Gash, HORACE MANLEY. Canandaigua, Nov. 7, 1836. ; 35. .,

ORSE MEDICINES.—Strain Oil, for Strains , Bruises, Ringbone , Bone-Spay in ,

&c. &.c Also, Liniment for Windgall and Bloods Spavin, prepared Iby 33»f J. B. HAYES.:

1 ? ! R E S H G R ^ C E R l J W ^ T ^ ^ h w n -J T ber haa wet deceived Dw FalLand

mm, Mtk the lute* 4mtott*$**t*lttij0f the first quaHtf, His aieorlaaefit isciodee 1400 lb*, gt. f5rort Sugar', 2M0 tbe. Cuba dp.; 250 lbs* l|ejfiiie<t ho*ffa.y%GSl ttm* Lump do.; fiOf/lbs. St. Domingo and Rio Coffee; 2001 b¥. beet Jay* do,; L60 lbs. old Sumatra do. * * 4 ^ .

T E A S . - A large *»ppfy of Ofd ffreottr YouRiS Hyson, Imperial, and Black Jfu, of excellent quality,

SPJCE^^GInge^CaifiajN^ttiMSIigCai- j n a m o n , * n d o t h e r Sj> ice» . t ^ --"<•

c t j p v f f s , l ^ r e e e r v e d f G ^ n g e * , Ma*fcro<mi C a t - i stip, Pepper-jSaucfe, Mtiftard; &e. - - - - I - FRUtTS,—I3und) Rafstft* in^boxes sn# ^|boxes; lies; RaismiJ Sultana Raitini; Almonds, soft and har3 »hel% Filb*frt«^ Brazi I N«ts; Madeira'WB^ tfce." t ^ * fSOAPS —Cas'tife, Choice S h a ^ n ^ and

agreativariefyi>,ftj6neStoajw/V "" v " STARCH.—^ boxes of rsupirior quality. CIGARS.^5000 "Principesj JO,O0O Pa*-

tons; 5000 Americans. , ^ TOBACCO.—l caee Natoraf teaff %

fcb!*. Fme Cat f n -P O R T E R - — 3 T i e r c e a r text J^nion, SnT

qtiarfs and pititt . * t OiSTJERS —^Tfie sttr*eHje¥liast insole;

arrangetaenta by wJiic^ha «ce1r£*Jf#itf supplies o f choice -JPbr* i?ay*twicers veejsx rn barrelsi tb*y will be served up in the neatest and most proflrpt maaner^cpokedr or r a w . I " - - » - "

FINE eWLERYf^Ait awettment *tf< Sensors, Ten-knives, Raz^rs^itc., of th«^ finest quality-. " *

TOYS> 10 grea* variety an*©f thjeaavr-esl kinds. *• „*

1 " TO ^HJEJ £Apres, , - V ^ , -Dr*><smg cases j'Wcili-Doiet j B lt^Mi**:-

les, grit and pearl, of man/ beautiful? ipat-terns, aind */host of other articles, which the ladies" tre respectfully invired tb «alf and isi. . , '» ' -

in^ner the Recass'liaff never heen/or* nlshed 'with so eafceUeiveaiid^eH-Mwrfed* a supply of choice articles both forusjpan*^ ornament. J $A£QB COBSON^

C a n a n d a i g u a , C(cL 3 S , 1S36V " d i n S I THE HARTFORD FIBE INSU#ANCE>


OFFER.$0 insure every descripttoiPof-prop* eity, against loss -or damage by ! F i » « r t b e '

rnoet reasonable terms.—This Company have be;en doing business for more ihan twentyyeare, and duritfgtbat period have se t t l ed all tfieir l e s s e e . withodt cdnrpejliag the insured, insjiy jnsttticey t o resort t o a n y cqurt o f jus t ice , t . - -

The Diremr**of'i!te Company are, -EHphalet -Terry, S. H,; Huntington^ Albert Day, H; Hantt ingtonj Jr.,' S a m u e l WilUania, *F. J .JXuntlngton* E l i sha Col t , R : B. Ward , Edwitf D . IMlorgalj* t

feLIPHALET T E R R Y ^ P r e a i d ^ n t . • J A M E S G . B O I L E S , Secretary . ^

F o r terms apply t o t h o attbieribe.''r w h o I s a * , thorised to . issue Poltcjes, ** " * ~ \

V H E N R Y W ^ T A y r L O R , ' A ^ i r r - — N o v . 1 2 , 1 8 3 5 . 3 5 t f at Ctmendaigm*..-J


1 *

G E N E R A L and wel l selected assortment of Rlddicints, Fruit , Pa ints , Dye-Stuff i ,

Family Grocfirietj, &c. &c. just received by N o v . lp, 1836. . * 3 5 t f J . B . H A Y E S

£9 MA ACRES ofninerior LAND, in mp£MM{W'-f t h e c a « n « y -of C l i n t o n . M i c h i -g T u _ wel I selecte^l end beaut if till r timbered —altuated near L o o k i n g £ j a « * jRiv*r*r-foJr sale, or will he txchanged Jor Farms in the vitJinity nf C a n a a d a i t u a . -i _ ^

Xkt.m,Xm. ; J. D, BEMIS, •U'lil'l|»!WUpiU)l«|iyi'i'l'H,i''J!>.''n'',l)>'j»':il.'ii|j.'.i H'MT-i

G O O D C H A | N C E F O R A P U B L I S H E R A N D B O O K S E L L E R .

N E acquainted with the business,-may hear o f an opportunity to purchase a, l ong and

well established B O O K S T O R E , with a B I N D E ­R Y , and tho r ight to publish several valuable; Schoo l Books , \nr the western part o f N e w - Y o r k . Or, the proprietor would receive a s n partner, a s ingle man, o f good qualifications, w i th a few thousand dollars capital . Enquire o f the editor o f this paper, or o f

C O L L I N ' S , tiEESE & C o . Bookse l l ers , 10 " 2 3 0 Pearl st . N e w . Y o r k . . , ^ : .;

I^ O R S A I ^ E - o n , , i b e r a l ,er"18. h &°°d gfcnnd.hanid Buggy WAGON; a "good

CUTTER; an4\o.Sa"ddle and Bridle, s o m e w h a t w o r n . — A l s o , a fbw bbls. SALT. Enquire o t t h c Canandaigua Bookstore . ' • N o v . 2 3 .

- L U M B E R W A G O N S . A FEW choice LUMBER WAGONS, for

A . sate c h e a p , by BRADBURY & BRANCH.

Canandaigua, May 25, 1836. 10


M I S S W A R D respecfol ly informs the La-dies of C n p a n d a i g u a and its v ic in i ty , t h a t

she has returned from New York with the FALL AND WINTER FASHIOXS.; also a handsome assort­

ment of L A D I E S ' a n d M I S S E S ' S A T I N B E A . V E R S , o f t h a mM • fashionable shapes, and a, large supply of plush.

N o v . 8 , 1836. . (34 tf.)

C A R R I A G E S ,

BRADBURY & BRANCH,JiWe «ta* slant!v on hand a£ara;e^80ri«enf.«r

C A l t F J A C x E S o f a l l d e s c r i p t i o n s ^ Jnicfc * a

tiarouckes, Chariotees, Sulkks,lkvAjkiW**^ variety of Buggy Wagons, all made of tt*w. best materials and in Gfe most Usty.*fcd workmahhfte manner, which they ofktfae sale, for cash, or approved note*, 'onHwr rriost reasoftaWe terrris, at fheir old ea|sh-lishmeni In,Canandaigua. "" _ "vj •*

i iAU qrderf promptly executed, * '\j •Canandaigua^ May 11^1836. ^ y

v l y g

BITGB:LES. ADIES' \#aist Buckles and Slides, in gr^at variety, for sale by

Nov. L ,33 O. E. SIBLEY,

I T M . wyyfLL, Tinea, hlviaf * * < . . chfeed the establishment flerejo^ore-ewa.

ducted bjf l^r, ifo&ert Ttfarray, rtsjMf¥«i»lly'i|»* forms the jfeatizern o f Cananda igua a n d j f s - n c l n -iijy, that, he ,h«ra taken a shop' twodoore- l ior tb o f 1 N . G. Cliesebro's H a t Store , where he i n t e n d s t o e x e c i i t e a l l orders m 4ns l ine wi**! n e a t n e s s , a n d despatch, « n d hopes thereby t o merit 4 e h a r s ' o f > 'ptetdie.patronage. \ »

\Fall and Winter Fashion* for 1 3 3 5 anS % ju*t~ relceived; ^ \ ,

< CUT^FIJUG O UT don& t o joroer and c ^ *!iort notice. <• „

Sept. &!,. 1836. ^ | t f THE LATEST FASSIOjfSr . , <_

T McKNVTT, TAILOR, having receiv-• ed ihe Spring and JSummer JFaihion*.

fbr gentlemen^ garments, invites his.old friends and customers, and the-publie jKeH* erally, fo call at his shop, in the l^ar3tltn. Buildings, where they may he certain of" having their orders executed in thje moat prompt, thorough, and fashionable manner.

N. B. Particular attention^aid to GUT* TING OUT.

Canandaigua, May 1 1 , 1 8 3 5 . < , "Stf LdDTES SATIN BRAVER MATS. •

J BULL respectfully invite&the-atten-• tion of the Ladies [to an entire* ntvt,

and elegant assortment op Ladies and Misse* SjtTiN BEAVER HATS, of tWJSoferf Fashions, direct from New York. JRsli, Gentlemen's SILK HATS, with.fur bod­ies, which prove the cheapteM: and. most elegant dre^s hat in use. ^ s o , anfenttre, new, and splendid assortment or Otter, Fur Seal, and Ha%r Seal CAPS, ef th* latest fashions-. Aho, iOO BUFFALO MOBJSSk .

Canandaigua. Nov. 1, 1S36." " 33. 1 1 1 1 n 1 i 1 1 . - . — . - . . . — 1 . .

Etna Insurance Company, O F H A R T F O R D , C O N N E C T I C C ! ! ? , '*

INCORPORATED for the purpose o f I n s * . * ranpe a g a i n s t t o s s or OAKAGxJby F U t f i ,

o n l y , with a Capital o f ' > s

200,000 DOLLARS, . > secured and ve«jtedin<the best possible manner—-offer t o take rit>Ls o n t e r m s a s favorable a a b t b e t offices, J

T h e business o f tho C o m p a n y i s principal ly confined t o .risks m t h e country , a n d t h e r e f o r e « o detached t h a t i t s capital i s no teXpoced t o g r e a t los ses by s w e e p i n g fires- - - \

T h o Directors o f the C o m p a n y , a r e * ^

i ^

J UST received at.the Ontario Jetoelr Store,* good-assor troenj t o f L a d i e s ' S i i i l

arid Back le s , Ear R i n g s and B o s o m Pins of <alj kinds' s p d deneriptions, S i lver Th imbles , Penci l Gases , S i lver and C o m m o n Spec tac l e s , o f differ]} enfc pntterns and -f^eieea, auijoble for all n s e s , 4 gOodassorltnent'O.f T e a and Coffee Pot s , p4attt<$-Caiidle«titi,ks, Snttffet*andTravs,Castors,-&L Ba«ket» & c . & c . H O R A C E MAN-fcfiit.'

; Nov-i-fsse, ' • • - ' . - m « i i _ •— 1 , ,•. ,-,,-.1..ji»..- , y . I M ^ T I

m i f OSICAIj.' %&rWd$&ff& in great v». l f J l riety, and art eitenslye asiorimenl <£f

" " " " :FQBTlS|n4«tJTE'MPS*C|'-for*|i!i»' (Weiryana Music Stofe of "'"'"

PIANO at the Jew

Nnv,t83*>. ij;*IHnfi.i|«iijirt[ii

4 . ^ T R A L i i . A i i P^^for-JiaJNi'Inw 4 t % ^ i * j ; A . slry. Muii« and Mililiry Siwe. of

j * \ t m k - ••••;• ,•• . . • . , • , • , , . • , ; • - , • • - . • ' . : - r ' * J ' - • • • " ' ~ • ' • • • • - • ' — ' • - • • • " • — • - • • • • " " - • * - - a - - " i m ) 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 * 1 1 1 •+&#


Thomas JT. Urace, "Henry It. Ellsworth, Thomas Beiden, Samztcl Tudor, !flenry Kilboum, &riffhtSledtnan, Joseph Morgan, ElMaDedd,

Joseph Pratt, Georg^ Beach,

Z» Jamet^tham**? Elisk«PecJc\ 'fl Ward Woodbriift, Jatenl C i u r c a . ^ Joseph CAurch,

J*s$e Savage. * THOMAS K. BRAC^Btefiltfc

- J A M K S M- GoonwiN, Secretary* ^s - ^ Persons wishing t« insure, can apply to JAttHS' ,L

P U E M I S , o f Csnandaij tua, w b o i s ap|>binteift I

agoni f&i tea county of Ontarior %tt vicinity, w i t h full p o w e r * t o r e c e i v e ptepofj i* . . a n d iaevMr , IpoHclfiiptlioui the delay «it»»da«T5»n" app^ica. ; 4 » * t.o-MieiolBce

*• . ^ w j 1#S. M 4r

, W O O D A i l « x AiitJia\aaa &QM SAL*\ffi'^-&&fMM$*i

vptm t* -^ilslittim 9*m\. -

Law Piirlnertitiip. ALTER I1UBBELL and THOMAS TV1

. jstt>wj«u«iiit»**i»jiii^^ , itAlter«e|i|tlrti^ p&tofa&j^ffito&m eoaeUfttly on hand. ^;|'^-HiHiy*f.Tiii U. i','ii''''t'ni. n i l 'ii. mjrri i^ini . ^ i f i n i i i w H i i l ^ ^ y i

INTKR »tt«ltoe4«pa«M<^ Ifev l---«»4 , ^ at^^^> jA^^^^^^ j a M j ^ d u -&j^^^^^^ j


JrEW FAM* «OOpS, •;• /^ 'v'' tUmtrndaigu; S*pt.«,183«. \ ^IBBJubecriher ttiio-w receiving • M W ralrv inaiPr avdapltd to the pre**»t and «|^r proaohiu f feawn .tmhracini i r m reneral,


^ P i a W M t . m A I M j P a r

^'t,»g' lj.ii;i'l<gi»ifi1ifi'^i>iiij)'iiii;i mil i i . in>i»»

G a k .

TjrJ» : l tA»a A'adiroaa, S a e v a l e esMfTi

O k "

. A,4si «*> «i|Hlll