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INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS 2009 Learn from The Best At miraCosta College Transfer Page Career Page Page MiraCosTa Up-Close Page MiraCosta College has much more than breathtaking coastal and mountain views and a great transfer program—it boasts some of the best instructors in the country! MiraCosta is home to hundreds of instructors whose backgrounds and experience make them experts in their fields— and favorites among students. ROBERT FULBRIGHT, KINESIOLOGY M IRACOSTA KINESIOLOGY instructor Robert Fulbright has spent nearly his entire life pursuing and teaching physical fitness. At age 16 Robert received his first black belt from Chuck Norris and has since dedicated his whole life to fitness. Robert, now a sixth degree black-belt, is the 1988 World Karate Champion and was on the 1992 Olympic Taekwondo Team. He holds a master’s degree in kinesiology/ exercise physiology and a bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, both from California State University (CSU) Northridge. Robert also attended West Point Military Academy, where he competed on the wrestling team. Before teaching at MiraCosta College, Robert was a professor in the kinesiology departments at CSU Northridge and San Diego Miramar College. Kinesiology is the study of human anatomy and physiology and the mechanics of body movement. Course work at MiraCosta prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions as well as for positions in health and fitness clubs, wellness centers and individualized personal training. “Majoring in kinesiology provides students with a wide range of career opportunities in which students can change individuals’ lives in a positive manner through health and wellness,” says Robert. Besides teaching a variety of kinesiology, health and nutrition courses at MiraCosta, Robert is also overseeing I have been physically active since I could walk, says Robert. Continued on page 6 --> INSIDE

Mirror Newsletter - 2009

Mar 31, 2016



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Page 1: Mirror Newsletter - 2009

I N F O R M A T I O N F O R P R O S P E C T I V E S T U D E N T S ★ 2 0 0 9 ★

Learn from The Best At miraCosta College Transfer





MiraCosTa Up-Close


MiraCosta College has much more than

breathtaking coastal and mountain views and a

great transfer program—it boasts some of the best

instructors in the country! MiraCosta is home to

hundreds of instructors whose backgrounds and

experience make them experts in their fields—

and favorites among students.

RobeRt FulbRight, Kinesiology

M iraCosta kinesiology

instructor Robert Fulbright

has spent nearly his entire

life pursuing and teaching physical

fitness. At age 16 Robert received

his first black belt from Chuck Norris

and has since dedicated his whole

life to fitness.

Robert, now a sixth degree

black-belt, is the 1988 World Karate

Champion and was on the 1992

Olympic Taekwondo Team. He holds

a master’s degree in kinesiology/

exercise physiology and a bachelor’s

degree in kinesiology, both from California State

University (CSU) Northridge. Robert also attended

West Point Military Academy, where he competed on the

wrestling team. Before teaching at MiraCosta College,

Robert was a professor in the kinesiology departments

at CSU Northridge and San Diego Miramar College.

Kinesiology is the

study of human anatomy

and physiology and

the mechanics of body

movement. Course

work at MiraCosta

prepares students for

transfer to four-year

institutions as well as

for positions in health

and fitness clubs,

wellness centers

and individualized

personal training.

“Majoring in kinesiology

provides students with a wide range

of career opportunities in which

students can change individuals’ lives

in a positive manner through health

and wellness,” says Robert.

Besides teaching a variety of

kinesiology, health and nutrition

courses at MiraCosta, Robert is also overseeing

“I have been physically

active since I could

walk,” says Robert.

Continued on page 6 -->


Page 2: Mirror Newsletter - 2009


Median annual incom

e by level of education. Year-round, full-time w

orking men, 2005. Source: D

igest of Education Statistics.

There’s no doubt about it, education

pays, and it pays more with each degree

you earn. Take a look at the chart and

ask yourself, what are you worth?

What are You Worth?

What are You Worth?

associate Degree:


Bachelor’s Degree:


Master’s Degree:


Doctorate Degree:




Totally authentic pie chart!

High school Completion:


less than 9th grade:


some High school, no Completion:


Planning to Transfer? Transfer Success Starts Here!

I f a BaCHelor’s Degree is your goal,

MiraCosta College is the perfect place to start.

MiraCosta has transfer admission guarantee

programs with seven University of California

campuses: UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced,

UC Riverside, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara

and UC Santa Cruz. Plus, MiraCosta’s transfer

courses are accepted by all California State

Universities as well as many private and out-of-

state colleges and universities.

six reasons to start at MiraCosta CollegeafforDaBle fees—you’ll Pay a

fraCtion of wHat you’D Pay at a uC,

Csu or Private university. The average cost in

2007–2008 for fees at a CSU was about $3,800; at a UC campus,

about $8,000; and private colleges can cost $10,000 or more annually.

At MiraCosta, annual fees generally cost around $650.

aCaDeMiC exCellenCe. Not only does MiraCosta send a lot of graduates

to four-year universities, but upon transfer, MiraCosta graduates often

earn GPAs equal to, or better than those students who started at the

universities as freshmen.

sMall Classes anD Personal attention.

Most classes at MiraCosta have fewer than

30 students—compare this to lower-division

lecture classes of several hundred at large

public universities.

flexiBle sCHeDule—take your Classes

Day, nigHt or online. Students lead busy lives,

so MiraCosta offers a variety of scheduling options,

including online, flexible learning, and day and

evening classes.

HelPful Counselors. Both general and University

Transfer Center counselors help you develop an

educational plan so that you transfer on time.

Beautiful CaMPuses witH Plenty of Parking.

MiraCosta’s Oceanside and Cardiff campuses feature

state-of-the-art facilities in scenic locations. New buildings include an arts

and music building and a horticulture complex on the Oceanside Campus,

and a new student center on the San Elijo Campus.

Page 3: Mirror Newsletter - 2009


High Honors For HSP Students

S tuDents in MiraCosta’s screenwriting

class get the chance to work one-on-one with

an experienced screenwriter as they develop

their own Hollywood masterpiece. Sound like fun?

It’s a blast say the students who are taking this

course as part of MiraCosta’s Honors Scholar

Program (HSP).

“The Honors Scholar Program has really

enhanced my learning experience,” says Shayla

Ragimov, who is transferring to UCLA to study

international development. “Honors classes like

screenwriting have made me a better writer and

student, plus have helped me get into UCLA.”

The Honors Scholar Program is comprised

of students who share a passion for learning and

the desire to expand their academic and personal

horizons. HSP students enjoy special contact

with faculty as they conduct research, take

advantage of leadership opportunities and even

present their work at conferences.

Successful completion of the Honors

Scholar Program often secures acceptance to

prestigious universities. Students who complete

this program may also receive priority admission

to UCLA, UC Irvine and private schools such as

Pitzer and Pomona Colleges. Perhaps the most

valuable aspect of the Honors Scholar Program

is the enthusiastic learning environment created

by Honors faculty and students.

Learn more about and apply for the

program online at

You don’t need to take the SAT if you plan to attend MiraCosta and then transfer to a four-year institution. However, if you do need to take the SAT, make sure you are prepared! MiraCosta College offers an affordable, fourteen-hour, four-session SAT workshop that uses the most up-to-date test preparation materials. To register, or for more information, call (760) 795-6820.

Planning to Take the SAT?

Wondering What to Major In?You’re not alone! Most students don’t choose their major until after they start college. Once they do, many students find themselves selecting one of the top ten most popular majors, according to—and MiraCosta has them all! Read on to find out which majors lead to what careers, and how much you can make with a bachelor’s degree.

Top Ten Majors 1. Biology Biology majors, including MiraCosta biotechnology

majors, can use their skills in genetics, medical

research and ecology careers. A general biologist

starts out at $38,896, while a biochemist makes

slightly more at about $44,000.

2. Business adMinisTraTion and ManageMenTBusiness administration majors train for careers

overseeing the basic operations of a company,

and often become managers, executives and

CEOs. The average beginning salary is

typically $57,100.

3. CoMMuniCaTions Communication majors have their pick of jobs in

fields like public relations, marketing, business,

reporting and advertising, and can make a

starting salary of around $31,000.

4. CoMpuTer sCienCe A computer science degree can be used in a

number of careers from software development

to artificial intelligence. The beginning salary

is approximately $46,800, and workers have

the opportunity to break into the six-figure range

later in their careers.

5. CriMinal jusTiCe Criminal justice graduates often pursue careers

as police officers or work in the legal field or for

a government agency like the FBI. The beginning

salary is typically $38,200.

6. eleMenTary eduCaTion Education continues to be a popular major,

and graduates can expect a beginning salary

of around $29,400, with many opportunities

to advance.

7. MarkeTing Marketing graduates

can find great careers in

research, promotions, public relations or sales, and

typically earn a starting salary of around $59,000.

8. nursing Nurses are in high demand and graduates have

a wide range of career choices, with salaries

starting in the $40,000 range.

9. psyChology Psychology graduates may pursue careers as

school counselors or substance abuse counselors,

enter private practice, or teach at colleges and

universities. The beginning salary averages

about $46,000.

10. poliTiCal sCienCe Political science majors can work for political

parties, nonprofit organizations, government

agencies or as lobbyists. Graduates can expect

to earn a beginning salary of around $36,400.

Page 4: Mirror Newsletter - 2009

Careertechnicians in nuclear power plants. There are also ample opportunities

in other industries such as health care, biotechnology, and research and


Radiation protection

technicians measure

and record radiation

levels. They also service

and calibrate radiation

protection instruments

and equipment. They

play a vital role in

ensuring the safety of

employees working

in radiation areas, as

well as the facility’s

compliance with

radiation requirements.

Earning an

RPT Certificate of

Achievement takes about two years, and includes participating in a paid

internship at either the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) or

another local industry that employs RPTs.

“I know from working at SONGS that RPTs are in demand, and not

just in the nuclear field,” says MiraCosta RPT student Patrick Baglietto.

“The program has been wonderful; it’s challenging and rewarding, and

I get to use the skills I learn as part of the paid internship component

of the program.”

MiraCosta College is one of only four schools in the country offering

a program that trains students for lucrative careers in radiation

protection. Job prospects are great and students completing the

program can expect to earn up to $70,000 a year.

“Workers are retiring and the pipeline of new employees is slim,”

says Dr. Eric Goldin, the lead instructor for MiraCosta’s Radiation

Protection Technician (RPT) Program. “There’s a great market for qualified

Two Years to a Great Career in Radiation Protection

I t’s no wonDer that computer science is

one of the most popular majors and one of the

highest-paying professions; trained computer

scientists are in demand, and jobs are more

diversified and available than ever.

MiraCosta’s Computer Science Program

prepares students for transfer to four-year

universities, or to enter the workplace. The

program includes a variety of specialties such

as systems programming, artificial intelligence,

robotics, networking and graphics.

Computer science is appealing to students

like Robert Smith, a computer science major

who is planning to transfer to UCSD.

“I’m logic-based. Also, I am a problem

“This is a great program

for students who have an

interest in science and math,”

explains Dr. Eric Goldin.

“MiraCosta is the place to be

if you’re interested in this

industry—we are definitely

leading the pack.”

MiraCosta student Brandon Ferrell at the SONGS Unit 3 reactor head stand,

ready to hang lead blankets when scaffolding is complete.

Computer Science: Your Gateway to a Great Career

solver, and there are tons

of problems to solve in

computer programming.”

According to the

Department of Labor,

computer scientists are

projected to be one of the fastest

growing occupations over the next

decade, and there will continue to be

excellent employment prospects for this

occupation. Career options in computer

science include software engineer, computer

engineer, systems analyst, database

administrator, software project manager and

various other computer-related fields.

Page 5: Mirror Newsletter - 2009


Find a Rewarding

career in

Child Development

L ove working witH CHilDren?

Want a rewarding career in which you

can make a difference in someone’s life?

Then child development may be the major for

you! Child development is the study of the growth

and development of children from conception

through adolescence.

Students in MiraCosta’s Child Development

Program get wonderful experience working

with children in the college’s beautiful Child

Development Center. The center provides

academic instruction to college students and

child care services to student, staff and

community families.

“Child development jobs are in high-

demand and there are a lot of job prospects,”

says Vanessa Wilson,

a MiraCosta Child

Development major who

plans to earn her master

teacher certificate and

open her own child care facility.

“MiraCosta’s center is just amazing

and our faculty are wonderful,

plus the program is well-

respected in the community.

When I meet people out in

the field and tell them

I’m studying child

development at

MiraCosta College,

they are always


aCCountingAccountingBilling, Cost and Accounting AssistantBookkeepingIncome Tax Preparer

aDMinistration of JustiCeLaw Enforcement

arCHiteCture Architectural Technology

artDigital Photography

autoMotive teCHnologyAutomotive ElectronicsAutomotive Electronics, Computers & Emissions Automotive Quick Service AssistantAutomotive Repair: Drive Train SpecialistAutomotive TechnologyCalifornia Smog Technician

BioteCHnologyBioprocess Technology Laboratory SkillsResearch and Development

BusinessBusiness FundamentalsEntrepreneurshipManagementMarketingRetail AssistantRetail Management

Business offiCe teCHnologyData EntryGeneral Office Medical TranscriptionOffice AssistantOffice ManagerSecretary/Administrative AssistantVirtual Assistant

CHilD DeveloPMentChild Development Assistant TeacherChild Development Associate TeacherChild Development EntrepreneurshipChild Development Master TeacherChild Development Site SupervisorChild Development TeacherEarly Intervention and Inclusion

CoMMuniCation stuDiesOrganizational Communication

CoMPuter anD inforMation sCienCeComputer ApplicationsE-CommerceMicrosoft Certified Office User (Expert Level)Microsoft Certified Office User (Proficient Level)Network and Desktop Systems Administration

CoMPuter sCienCeComputer Programming Fundamentals


DanCeDance InstructorPilates Certification

Design Drafting teCHnologyApplied DesignComputer-Aided Design and DraftingComputer-Aided Drafting Drafting FundamentalsElectro-Mechanical Drafting

DraMatiC artsDesign and Technology

HealtH eDuCationMassage Therapy Technician

HortiCultureAgri-Business ManagementArboricultureFloral Design AssistantFloricultureIrrigation TechnologyLandscape ArchitectureLandscape AssistantLandscape ManagementNursery AssistantNursery/Horticulture Crop ProductionWine Technology

HosPitalityFront Office OperationsHospitality ManagementRooms Division Management

kinesiologyPersonal Fitness TrainerYoga Instructor

MeDia arts anD teCHnologiesGraphic DesignPrint PublishingVideo and AnimationVideo and Media DesignVisual CommunicationWeb Development and DesignWeb Design

MeDiCal aDMinistrative Professional

Medical Insurance and Coding SpecialistMedical Office ProfessionalMedical Office Specialist

MusiCBusiness of MusicDigital AudioDigital Audio ProductionGuitarMusic TechnologyPerformance TechnicianRecording Arts/Record Production SongwritingSound Reinforcement

nursingCertified Nursing AssistantLicensed Vocational Nursing (LVN)Health Care FundamentalsHome Health AideRegistered Nursing (LVN to RN Career Ladder)

PsyCHology/soCiologyResearch FundamentalsVolunteer Services

raDiation ProteCtion teCHnologyRadiation Protection Technician

real estateProperty ManagementReal EstateReal Estate AppraisalReal Estate AssistantReal Estate EntrepreneurshipReal Estate FinanceReal Estate Sales

restaurantCatering OperationsDining Room OperationsFood Service OperationsRestaurant Management

sPanisHCareer Spanish for Medical Personnel

surgiCal teCHnologySurgical Technology

tourisMTravel and Tourism ManagementTravel Reservations

At MiraCosta, you can learn the skills you need to start a career in as little as one semester! Earn a certificate in a wide array of career fields. You can also earn

an associate degree and/or transfer to complete a bachelor’s degree.

2009–10 CertifiCates

Page 6: Mirror Newsletter - 2009

MiraCosTa Up-CloseLearn from the BestMiraCosta’s new Personal Fitness Trainer

Certification Program and the Taekwondo Club.

“Robert is real,” says MiraCosta student

Charles Clardy, who has taken Robert’s

introduction to kinesiology and exercise for

special populations classes. “He’s informed and

passionate and so easy to relate to. He’s one of

the best teachers I’ve ever had.”

Dana smith, CommuniCations

I t’s no wonDer Dana Smith was selected

by students as the 2008 Faculty Member of

the Year; this “homegrown” communication

instructor has been making an impact on the

lives of MiraCosta students for the past 20 years.

“For the past two decades, I have taught

part-time and full-time in the communication

department,” says Dana, who recently

accepted the position

of MiraCosta’s dean of

Arts and Letters.

Dana received

a master’s degree

in rhetoric from UC

Davis and a bachelor’s degree in

communication studies from

UC Santa Barbara. Before

teaching full-time at MiraCosta,

Dana held marketing positions

with Watt Industries, Davidson

Communities and Graves

Advertising, where she served

as senior vice president of

client services.

Dana’s compassionate

yet challenging teaching

style, combined with her commitment to

students and the communication discipline

has earned her high marks among MiraCosta

students. Leo Baghdassarian, a Torrey Pines

High School graduate who after earning an

associate degree from

MiraCosta College

transferred to Cornell

University in New York,

says Dana was essential

in shaping his outlook on

higher education.

“Dana and I spent a

lot of time discussing the

benefits of continuing my

education,” Leo says.

“She even met with me

outside of class and

helped guide me with the college selection

process and future graduate-level options. Dana is

top-notch, the best teacher I

have ever had. I will be lucky to have

an instructor like her at Cornell.”

The impact that Dana has on

the lives of students is

unmistakable. Students

who selected her as the

2008 Faculty Member of

the Year said that she

“…has done an awesome

job in being able to connect

what we learn in class to the

outside world.” One student

noted that “every time I see

her, I have to thank her for

teaching me. She has changed

my way of thinking and


steve toRoK, musiC

E ven if you have never heard of

Steve Torok, you may have already heard

his music. Steve comes to MiraCosta with

an extensive jazz background. He

has performed with Stevie Wonder,

Barry Manilow, The Temptations,

The Four Tops and many others.

His saxophone playing and

arrangements are featured on

many national recordings, and

he has written and recorded

commercial jingles that have aired

throughout the United States,

Europe and Japan. Steve was also

an arranger for American Idol in 2005. Besides

directing MiraCosta’s new jazz ensemble,

Steve teaches jazz history, music appreciation

and music theory courses at the college.

Steve’s past teaching positions include the

University of Southern California, University of

Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham-Southern

College, Idyllwild Arts Academy and Mount San

Jacinto College.

Steve holds a bachelor’s degree from

Carnegie Mellon University, a master’s degree

from the University of Southern California and is

pursuing a doctorate from Boston University.

<-- continued from page 1

“I’m MiraCosta raised,”

says Dana.

“I came to MiraCosta College

because of the college’s support

of the arts and arts education,” says Steve.

Take a Look aT all that MiraCosTa has to offer! MiraCosta offers Free Tours through its sTudenT aMbassador oFFiCe. Tours can be scheduled by calling (760) 757-2121 ext. 6279. You can also take a virtual tour of MiraCosta College online at

Come Look Around

Page 7: Mirror Newsletter - 2009

MiraCosTa Up-Close A PPlying for finanCial aiD

is a multi-step process that can

be confusing, and a missed step

can lead to frustration and stress.

But don’t worry—help awaits you in

the Financial Aid Office!

Between tuition, books and supplies,

you might find yourself a little short on cash.

The staff in the MiraCosta College Financial Aid

Office may be able to help you. Whether it is with

an enrollment fee waiver (BOGW), a Pell Grant, or

a book loan, they want to assist you. But they can’t

do anything until you tell them that you need help.

The Financial Aid Office has multilingual staff

including counselors to answer your questions five

days a week. Evening hours are available four days

a week. Why not

come in and get

some help

and maybe

some money? Let the dedicated staff help you

stay in school and be successful!

For more information about financial aid,

call (760) 795-6711 or visit


Daytime, Nighttime, Anytime Need Money for College?

For More tHan a Dozen years, MiraCosta has delivered online courses to

its students, allowing them to take classes whenever and wherever they want.

“CyberCosta,” MiraCosta’s online program, is especially convenient for those

students who have a busy schedule and have their own computer with Internet access.

“When the floodgates open for enrollment, the online classes are the first to fill,”

says Brad Hinson, who manages the college’s

CyberCosta Program and also teaches

Web development. “I think the main reason

students take the courses is for convenience.

When it’s online, they don’t have to be at a

certain place at a certain time.”

With more than 100 classes to choose

from, students find that CyberCosta offers

variety and flexibility while still providing them

with the same course content, credit and

quality as traditional classes.

For those students wishing to combine

the flexibility of working online with a classroom environment, there are MiraCosta’s

self-paced courses. These courses are conducted in an open-entry, open-exit format

on computers in campus labs and are geared for students who would like to finish

a course quickly, or for those who have a hectic schedule and would like to take two

semesters to finish a course.

Remember, online and self-paced classes are not “easier” than taking classes in a

traditional classroom; they simply offer a different way to learn the same material. For

more information on MiraCosta’s online program visit

Eleven MiraCosta students

and four advisers chose

community service over

the traditional spring

break when they headed

out to a neighborhood in

New Orleans to help

Hurricane Katrina victims.

Get Ahead While Giving Backorganizations and public schools where they provide support services.

Carrie McElrath, who earned an associate degree in sociology from

MiraCosta, participated in two different types of service learning—she was

a case worker at the Navy Marine-Corps Relief Society on Camp Pendleton,

and volunteered in a reading and

English as a Second Language

class at San Dieguito Academy.

“I would recommend

service learning to every student

who attends MiraCosta,” says

Carrie, who is now the services

director at Las Villas Del Norte,

a retirement community and

skilled-nursing facility in

Escondido. “It helps college

students grow by stretching them

outside of their comfort zone and challenging them to become leaders

and positive role models. I can’t think of a better way to get classroom

credit than by volunteering in the local community.”

Torrey Pines graDuate David Van Gorder had never heard of

service learning before attending MiraCosta College. His psychology

instructor offered service learning as an extra credit assignment, and

it got David more than just extra points—it changed his life.

“After volunteering with the

‘Everyone a Reader Program’ I

changed my career goals,” says

David, who is now attending UCSD.

“I’ve always enjoyed reading, and

service learning showed me how I

could use my skills to help others.

Based on my experience, I have

decided to become an elementary

school teacher.”

Service learning is a form

of experiential education that

partners academic instruction with community service. Each semester about

75 courses at MiraCosta offer a service learning component either as an

option or as a requirement. Students are placed in a wide variety of nonprofit

Page 8: Mirror Newsletter - 2009




To Los Angeles
















To Riverside







san eliJo CaMPus

3333 Manchester Avenue • Cardiff-by-the-Sea

The San Elijo Campus serves 3,000 students. The primary

mission of the campus is to prepare students for transfer.

Students may also choose from a variety of computer courses

and complete certificate programs including computer

networking, accounting and real estate. Students also enjoy a

variety of studio art and dance classes.

san elijo Campus Highlights: San Elijo offers small classes

with personal attention; beautiful scenery with the campus

facing the San Elijo Lagoon; a new student center, which opened

spring semester 2008; and a recently remodeled Library and

Information Hub, which offers free tutoring, a math and writing

center as well as computer labs; plenty of parking; and active

student government and clubs.

oCeansiDe CaMPus

1 Barnard Drive • Oceanside

MiraCosta College’s first and largest campus serves more

than 7,500 students in the college’s credit program. Students

may prepare to transfer in most majors offered by the University

of California or California State University, or complete a

certificate or an associate degree in a wide variety of career

and technical programs.

oceanside Campus Highlights: The Oceanside Campus

boasts a park-like setting three miles from the beach

on a 121-acre hilltop location, with views of the coast and

mountains, small classes, plenty of parking, and active

student government and clubs. The campus has a new

Horticulture Complex, completed in 2007; a remodeled

theatre, which opened in 2007; a beautiful Library and

Information Hub, which opened in 2003; and a new building for

art and music, which opened in spring 2008.




To Los Angeles
















To Riverside







Outside the 760 area code, call us toll-free: 1-888-201-8480

Oceanside Campus1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside, CA 92056

(760) 757-2121

San Elijo Campus3333 Manchester Avenue, Cardiff, CA 92007

(760) 944-4449

Community Learning Center1831 Mission Avenue, Oceanside, CA 92058

(760) 795-8710

The hearing impaired may call us at the following TTY number: (760) 439-1060

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