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MID-YEAR PERFORMANCE REPORT 2013 - ITU · Outline of the Mid-year Performance Report 2013 ... Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand) were completed. • Assistance to

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2013 M I D -Y E A R












Printed in SwitzerlandGeneva, 2013 TElECOMMuNiCATiON DEvElOPMENT SECTOR

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Telecommunication Development Sector



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© ITU 2013

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior written permission of ITU.

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Performance Report


Page Foreword by the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau ........... iii

PART 1 – Executive Summary ................................................................................... 1

Outline of the Mid-year Performance Report 2013 ........................................................... 1

Overview of objectives and outputs ................................................................................... 6

Structure of the Performance Report ................................................................................. 7

PART 2 – The six objectives of the Telecommunication Development Sector ......... 11

Objective 1 To foster international cooperation on telecommunication/ICT issues ....... 13

Objective 2 ........................................................................................................................ 29

“TO ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ............................................................................. 29

TELECOMMUNICATION/ICT INFRASTRUCTURE’’ .............................................................. 29

Objective 3 ........................................................................................................................ 45

‘’TO ENHANCE THE DEPLOYMENT AND THE SAFE USE OF ICT APPLICATIONS AND SERVICES‘’ ......................................................................................................................... 45

Objective 4 ........................................................................................................................ 57

‘’TO CREATE A POLICY AND REGULATORY ........................................................................ 57

ENVIRONMENT CONDUCIVE TO ....................................................................................... 57

TELECOMMUNICATION/ICT DEVELOPMENT’’ .................................................................. 57

Objective 5 ........................................................................................................................ 75


Objective 6 ........................................................................................................................ 87

‘’TO PROVIDE CONCENTRATED ASSISTANCE TO LDCs, SIDs, LLDCs, AND ASSIST IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT’’ ............................................................................................... 87

PART 3 – The Telecommunication Development Bureau ....................................... 97

PART 4 – The resources ........................................................................................ 111

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Performance Report

Foreword by the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau

I have the honor to present, for the first time, the ITU-D mid-year performance report for the period of January 1st to June 30th 2013.

This report provides, for the first six months of 2013, the status of implementation of the objectives and outputs foreseen in the ITU-D Strategic and Operational Plans. It puts emphasis on the results achieved during the implementation of the outputs of the Sector as well as on the key performance indicators.

Brahima Sanou Director,

Telecommunication Development Bureau

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PART 1 ......................................... EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

PART 2 ................................... The six objecTives of The TelecommunicATion

DeveloPmenT buReAu

PART 3 ................................... The TelecommunicATion DeveloPmenT buReAu

PART 4 ................................... The ResouRces summARy

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Performance Report

PART 1 – Executive Summary Outline of the Mid-year Performance Report 2013

The 2013 Mid-year Performance Report provides a comparison between expected and realized results, together with the respective key performance indicators. These are specified for each major objective and relevant outputs.

The main results achieved, by BDT objectives, during the first six months of 2013 are as follows:

Objective 1: To foster international cooperation on telecommunication/ICT issues

– Two Regional Preparatory meetings were held during the period, the RDF and the RPM Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) in February 19-21, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova and the RPM Asia and Pacific (ASP) in April/May.

– The meetings of the Rapporteur Groups for Study Groups 1 and 2 were held during the reporting period, as well as the joint ITU-D/ITU-R Rapporteur Group meeting for Resolution 1.

Objective 2: To assist in the development on telecommunication/ICT infrastructure

– Broadband Wireless Networks were designed and planned for both Burkina Faso and the Kingdom of Lesotho. The second phase of deployment of Broadband Wireless Network in Burundi is on-going.

– Improved capacity of developing countries in transition from analogue to digital broadcasting through implementation of training activities, direct assistance, regional initiatives, master plans as well as development of guidelines and tools.

• The roadmaps for 7 countries (Fiji, Gabon, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Philippines and Thailand) were completed.

• Assistance to 4 countries (East Timor, Guyana, Vietnam and Vanuatu) is being implemented.

• Training for specialists from different countries in transition from analog to digital broadcasting.

– Improved capacity of developing countries for frequency planning and assignment, spectrum management, satellite launching and coordination and radio monitoring through implementation of training, assistance, regional initiatives as well as developing guidelines and tools.

• Back-stop support was provided for the SMS4DC users (Spectrum Management System for Developing Countries).

– Increased awareness of developing countries on establishing national plan for broadband through the provision of guidelines and master plan as well as regional initiatives and seminars. Publication of first version of ITU Interactive Terrestrial Transmission Maps through the ITU Web under TIES will also help countries prepare their National Plan for Broadband infrastructure.

• Guidelines for wireless broadband for Asia and Pacific region were published.

• Assistance to establish Broadband Policies for 5 countries (Brunei, Lao, Marshall Islands, Philippines and St. Lucia) is under implementation.

• National Broadband Policies for 6 countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan and Papua New Guinea) were completed or are under implementation.

• A draft guideline on activating non-market business model for broadband connectivity for rural and remote areas was prepared.

– Improved capacity of developing countries for establishing sustainable and appropriate conformance and interoperability

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Performance Report


programmes at national and regional level through implementation of training activities, direct assistance, and regional forums, as well as providing guidelines and tools.

Objective 3: To enhance the deployment and the safe use of ICT applications and services

– Improved response by countries to cyber-attacks through the established Cybersecurity capability, such as Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) to adequately respond to cyber-attacks (CIRT agreements with Barbados and Jamaica, forensic lab capabilities in Sudan, launch of the Regional Centre in Oman, Regional Centre in Nigeria, regional CIRT assessment for Caribbean).

– Enhanced legal measures on cybersecurity in countries through technical assistance and execution of specialized training (assistance provided to Mauritius and Panama)

– Fostered a global culture of cybersecurity, through the establishment of a Global Cybersecurity Index, aimed to effectively measure current cybersecurity landscape and capabilities of Member States (Agreement with ABI Research)

– More engagement from the international community and the ITU Membership on cybersecurity (First Lady of Nigeria was appointed as Champion of Child Online Protection, ITU-Symantec joint report disseminated to all Member States, agreement with Forum for Incident Response Team).

– Enhanced Child Online Protection (COP) in countries (projects initiated in 6 countries in Africa) and launched during the CTO meeting in Cameroon, agreement with Facebook to provide assistance in Ethiopia

– Better knowledge sharing and dissemination of ICT Applications for development of best practices to facilitate mainstreaming ICT for socio-economic development through the organization of a regional workshop entitled "e-Health service in low-resource setting" in

Tokyo, Japan. This was done in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and NTT and through the development of an online eHealth projects database to collect information about operational eHealth projects around the world. A report on the use of ICT for improving information and accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health was finalized for publication.

– Improved country capacity to deploy ICT applications for health, especially on mobile platform through the provision of technical assistance in collaboration with WHO to Costa Rica to launch an mHealth for Smoking Cessation intervention at the national level as a model to be replicated by other countries. Two events were organized during the World Health Assembly in May 2013 and during the ECOSOC meeting held in July 2013 to raise countries’ awareness about the potential of Mobile for Health.

– Enhanced country’s capability to develop national e-Health strategies through the translation of the joint ITU-WHO “National e-Health Strategy toolkit” in five different UN languages. At least four countries have already adopted the toolkit to develop/evaluate/update their own national strategies (Brazil, Fiji, Philippines and South Africa). Four regional workshops in Africa and Asia are being organized with WHO to showcase eHealth innovations that address women’s and children’s health and to strengthen human capacity at the government level to conduct national eHealth strategy development and planning.

– Additional extra-budgetary resources are available to support ICT use for Maternal and Child health and to combat non-communicable diseases through partnerships development with international organizations (WHO) and industry associations e.g. the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) and Verizon Foundation.

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Performance Report

Objective 4: To create a policy and regulatory environment conducive to telecommunication/ICT development

– Increased availability of Arabic, French and Russian speaking trainers on ICT Household statistics.

– Enhanced availability of ICT Statistics from the collection of the 2012 data and the release of the June 2013 version of the World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators database.

– Increased visibility of ITU statistics from the release of the 2013 ICT Facts and Figures and the ITU/ World Bank publication “The Little Data Book on Information and Communication Technology 2013”

– Enhanced capacity of countries from the CIS region on ICT statistics through the organization of a regional workshop entitled “Harmonization of Telecommunication/ICT Indicators with International Standards”, which took place on 24-26 April 2013 in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan.

– Enhanced capacity of Spanish speaking countries from the Americas region on ICT statistics through the organization of the “Capacity Building Workshop on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) indicators”, which took place on 13-16 May 2013 in Montevideo, Uruguay.

– Improved quality and comparability of ICT statistics through the finalizing of the revision of the core indicators on ICT household access and individual ICT use, by the Expert Group on ICT Household Indicators (EGH) and its meeting in São Paulo, Brazil, on 4-6 June 2013.

– Enhanced knowledge of policy makers, investors and business people about current ICT market trends through the release of the Measuring the Information Society 2013 report and launch events in 7 geographic locations.

– Increased capacity, knowledge and skills of membership in formulating ICT policies, legislations and regulations through dissemination of publications (Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2013, two Broadband reports and three reports on

economical and tariff issues for ICT ), providing trainings, seminars (Regional events on costing organized in Africa, Americas and Asia-Pacific), regional workshops, forums, country direct assistance and development of guidelines.

– Enhanced availability of accurate regulatory and financial information of the telecommunication/ICT sector through the collection of the 2013 regulatory data.

Objective 5: To build human and institutional capacity and foster digital inclusion

– Improved human capacity through delivery of training programmes across the different regions delivered through face to face as well as distance learning.

Enhanced partnerships through collaboration with CISCO, ITSO, USTTI, ICTP and Rohde and Schwarz in the implementation of training programmes.

– Enhanced ITU Academy through development of new training materials

– Increased awareness of the importance of ICT for girls through on-going partnership with various stakeholders and organizing the International “Girls in ICT day” on 25 April 2013.

Objective 6: To provide concentrated assistance to LDCs, SIDSs, LLDCs, and assist in disaster management

– Project design for early warning, training of stakeholders and procurement of related equipment undertaken for the benefit of Uganda as part of enhancing the country’s early warning systems.

– Deployment of emergency telecommunications systems in support of humanitarian action for Mali by the World Health Organization and the UNHCR to coordinate distribution of medicines, food, shelter and clothes for refugees.

– Capacity building through training aimed at enhancing country level climate change and disaster management preparedness and climate change adaptation.

– Strategic meeting of Pacific Islands, private sector and other development partners on

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the connectivity of the Pacific Islands including the review of the feasibility study on this subject which will be implemented from Q1 of 2014.

– Contribution to the work of the radio amateurs to strengthen their role in disaster response through a global event as well as joint efforts in drafting the new version of the Handbook on Emergency Telecommunications.

– Improved knowledge sharing and information dissemination through the production of two handbooks on “emergency telecommunication” and on “protection of outside plant in times of emergencies.

– Delivery of concentrated assistance to least developed countries, Small Island Developing States, and landlocked countries through the design and implementation of Multi-community Centres, e-learning platforms, connect school, connect community, enabling environment, and capacity building training and workshops.

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Performance Report

Overview of objectives and outputs Chart 1 presents the breakdown of actual human resources among the six ITU-D objectives for the first six months of 2013

Chart 2 presents the breakdown of actual human resources by outputs of the Telecommunication Development Sector for the first six months of 2013

Objective 122.97%

Objective 213.00%

Objective 312.95%

Objective 424.55%

Objective 515.57%

Objective 610.96%

ICT Infrastructure development


Cyber security & ICT applications deployment


Enabling environment enhancement


ITU-D Publ.5.55%

Human Capacity Building & Digital


Special assistance Emergency telecom.

Climate change10.96%





Fosteringinternational cooperation


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Performance Report


Structure of the Performance Report The 2013 Mid-Year Performance Report follows the Operational Plan’s result-based structure and sets forth details for the major objectives, their respective outputs as well as the expected and achieved results, and key performance indicators.

The structure of the Performance Report is as follows:

This Part 1 contains the executive summary of the report.

Part 2 sets forth details on the six major objectives and their related outputs.

Part 3 provides detailed information concerning the Bureau activities/actions.

Part 4 presents a set of tables and charts that provide all relevant details on the planned/actual resource allocations from January to June 2013.

For each output, the following information is provided: • Description of the output and major

trends/policy issues relating to the output. • Detailed statement of expected and

realized results and KPIs for the first six months of 2013 as well as measurement of the results.

• Resource allocations, with comparison between planned and actual resource levels.

• Service level agreement (SLA) for documentation and publications as well as the SLAs relating to the other shared services, when required.

The Mid-Year Performance Report (see sets forth details on the outputs and activities of the Telecommunication Development Sector for the first six months of 2013.

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PART 1 ................................................execuTive summARy

PART 2 ................................ThE SIX objECTIVES of ThE TElECoMMUnICATIon


PART 3 ................................... The TelecommunicATion DeveloPmenT buReAu

PART 4 ................................... The ResouRces summARy

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Performance Report

PART 2 – The six objectives of the Telecommunication Development Sector

This section presents the six objectives of the Telecommunication Development Sector, their respective outputs as well as the expected and

realized results and description and measurement of the key performance indicators for the first six months of 2013.

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Performance Report



Key expected results

• Enhanced cooperation, including new partnerships, on telecommunication/ICT development issues

• High-level discussion of telecommunication/ ICT development issues

• Decisions made on the creation, termination, work plans and objectives of study groups and the work plan of BDT

Key performance indicators

• Number of events planned and delivered on time (in accordance with the Constitution and relevant resolutions)

• Number, diversity and seniority of participants at Events

• Feedback from event participants • Number of new partnerships/MoUs signed • Availability of work plans for study groups and


Summary Objective 1 includes the following outputs:

– World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC)

– Regional Telecommunication Development Conference (RTDC)

– Telecommunications Development Advisory Group (TDAG)

– Telecommunications Development Study Groups (STG)

For the first six months of 2013, the actual human resources allocated to objective 1 represent 22.97 per cent of the total human resources of the Telecommunication Development Bureau.

Chart 3 below illustrates the breakdown of the actual allocation of human resources among the four outputs of objective 1

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Performance Report


Chart 3 illustrates the breakdown of the actual allocation of human resources among the four outputs of objective 1 WTDC





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Performance Report

Output 1 World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) The International Telecommunication Union, through the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), organizes a World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) every four years.

by all concerned with the ITU Telecommunication Development Sector. In addition, they review the numerous programmes and projects of the Sector and BDT. Results are reported and new projects are launched. The WTDC sets the agenda and the guidelines for the following four-year cycle.

The last WTDC was held in June 2010. The next conference is planned to take place from March 31st to April 11th 2014.

The World Telecommunication Development Conferences serves as a forum for free discussion

Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected result Realized result KPIs Measurement

Application of the WTDC-10 decisions and action plan.

Implementation initiated. The results of the implementation of these decisions and action plan will be reported to the forthcoming WTDC.

Assessment of the results by WTDC-14.

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Performance Report


Resource allocations

Human resources


Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official 0.60 0.30 50% D2 0.60 0.30 50% D1 6.00 4.20 70% P5 19.20 11.58 60% P4 8.90 4.56 51% P3 15.20 6.48 43% P2 2.40 1.80 75% P1 G7 0.60 0 0% G6 5.20 2.34 45% G5 20.30 8.76 43%

G4/G3/G2 1.70 0.48 28% Total 80.70 40.80 51%

Documentation and publications (Number of pages)

Planned Actual

Arabic 100

Chinese 100

English 100

French 100

Russian 100

Spanish 100

Total translation 600 -

Arabic 100

Chinese 100

English 200

French 100

Russian 100

Spanish 100

Total typing 700 -

Total reprography 50,000 -

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Output 2

Regional Telecommunication Development Conference (RTDC) Resolution 31 (rev Hyderabad, 2010) calls for the organization of one development conference or regional preparatory meeting per region to coordinate, at the regional level, the preparation for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC).

The main purpose of the Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) is to engage the ITU members in the WTDC process early on and to consider, at the regional level, appropriate ICT development strategies. To this end, they seek to identify priority areas and related initiatives, projects, Study Group Questions that need to be

addressed to foster the development of telecommunications and of information technologies.

Participants are expected to review reports on the implementation of the Hyderabad Action Plan adopted by the 2010 World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC), along with contributions from the Member States and Sector Members in a bid to draw up recommendations on priority areas to be considered by next WTDC in 2014.

Each Regional Preparatory Meeting brings together the countries in its region to explore and discuss their needs and the present and future projects of the Sector.

The six RPM meetings will be held in 2013.

Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected results Realized results KPIs Measurement

Regional Preparatory Meeting is to engage the ITU members in the WTDC process early on and to consider, at the regional level, appropriate ICT development strategies. To this end, they seek to identify priority areas and related initiatives, projects, Study Group Questions that need to be addressed to foster the development of telecommunications and of information technologies. The main purpose of RDF is to keep Members informed about the activities of the BDT.

RDF-CIS held the first ITU Regional Development Forum for the CIS Region enhanced cooperation amongst ICT stakeholders including Member States from CIS , as well as Non Members The Forum held a discussion on trends in Telecommunication/ICT development , Enabling Environment , Broadband policy, e-application, Cyber security, PPP and Capacity Building in ICT.

Attendance. Reports.

RDF CIS: 90 participants representing 10 Member States from the CIS region, and 2 other Member States , 5 Recognized Operating Agencies, 4 Scientific/Industrial Organizations, 4 Other Entities dealing with Telecommunications and 5 Regional and International Organizations. RDF-CIS Reports are available at /Pages/ default.aspx

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Expected results (Cont’d)

Realized results KPIs Measurement

ITU Regional Development Forum for Asia-Pacific region enhanced cooperation amongst ICT stakeholders including ITU Members as well as Non Members. The Forum held strategic discussions on harnessing digital opportunity through broadband, digital empowerment for all and creating a smarter, safer and greener Society while providing significant inputs to the Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Meeting for WTDC 2014 and providing a platform for engagement amongst development partners. Commonwealth of Independent States and Asia-Pacific Regional Preparatory Meetings (RPM) for the World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) 2014 brainstormed amongst Members on the future priority areas for ITU. The meeting involved active discussions and contributions from Member Administration and ITU-D Sector Members.

RDF-ASP brought together 172 participants. RDF-ASP Reports are available at RPM-CIS brought together 76 participants representing 10 Member States from the CIS region, and 3 other Member states, 5 Recognized Operating Agencies, 4 Scientific/Industrial Organizations, 4 Other Entities dealing with Telecommunications and 5 Regional and International Organizations. All coordination with host country and all organizational issues are being timely dealt with (other measurements to be completed after full implementation of the Action). RPM-CIS Reports are available at The detailed report is available at RPM-ASP brought together 130 participants representing 23 Member States from the ASP region and 1 other Member State, 1 UN and its Specialized Agencies, 3 Recognized Operating Agencies, 4 Scientific/Industrial Organizations, 4 Other Entities dealing with Telecommunications and 7 Regional and International Organizations. RPM-ASP Reports are available at The detailed report is available at

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Performance Report

Expected results (Cont’d)

Realized results KPIs Measurement

Preparation, provision of secretariat support (delegate registration, document preparation and distribution, logistics, etc. for RPMs.

WTDC 2014 Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) and Regional Development Forum (RDF) for the Americas are on-going.

Continuation of the preparation by the ITU Preparatory Group Timely preparation and actions before and during the meeting. Satisfaction of delegations.

Intensive coordination with host country and all organizational issues are being timely dealt with other measurements to be completed after full implementation of the Action.

Adoption of appropriate and focused programmes, projects and topics at regional and sub-regional level.

Support to Regional Preparatory Meeting to the WTDC-14 and the Regional Development Forum – RDF fully implemented from May to June 2013. Liaised with American countries aiming at confirming attendance.

Number of countries confirmed at the date of this Report.

14 countries confirmed.

To engage the ITU members in the WTDC process early on and to consider, at the regional level, appropriate ICT development strategies. To identify priority areas and related initiatives for the region.

2014 Regional Preparatory Meeting (RPM) and Regional Development Forum (RDF) for the other Regions (Americas, Africa, Arab states and Europe) are on-going.

Continuation of the preparation by the ITU Preparatory Group Timely preparation and actions before and during the meeting; Satisfaction of delegations.

Intensive coordination with host country and all organizational issues are being timely dealt with other measurements to be completed after full implementation of the Action.

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Threat and risk assessment

Perspective Key Risk Indicator (KRI) Impact Likelihood Mitigation


1- Organizational capabilities

Difficulties to achieve host country’s (HC) agreement to comply with all ITU requirements.

High Medium

Make close and intensive coordination with Host Country and use of experience gained in past similar events.

2- Finance Lack of resources due to budget constraints. High Medium

Long-term planning of the event; informing of the event ahead of time; providing fellowships for low-income countries; recruitment of experts: Make an adequate budget forecast and HQ and field staff distribution role to fit available resources.

3- Stakeholders / partners

Insufficient commitment by countries for specification of requirements and/or programs.

Medium Low

Ensuring cooperation of the countries through early informing and reminding of the event.

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Performance Report

Resource allocations

Human resources


Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official 1.80 0.90 50%

D2 0.60 0.30 50%

D1 10.40 5.88 57%

P5 22.60 15.60 69%

P4 8.90 3.96 44%

P3 15.80 8.76 55%

P2 3.60 5.10 142%


G7 1.80 0.60 33%

G6 20.00 15.18 76%

G5 33.20 14.10 42%

G4/G3/G2 3.80 1.44 38%

Total 122.50 71.82 59%

Documentation and publications

(Number of pages)

Planned (Jan-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Arabic 80 14

Chinese 80

English 200 97

French 250 43

Russian 40 111

Spanish 250 62

Total translation 900 327

Arabic 80 8

Chinese 80

English 250 109

French 250 22

Russian 40 186

Spanish 250 61

Total typing 950 386

Total reprography 150,000 7,334

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Output 3

Telecommunications Development Advisory Group (TDAG) The role of the TDAG is to advise the Director of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) on the implementation of the WTDC Action

Plan, including issues relating to the budget and the operational plan of the Telecommunication Development Bureau.

One TDAG meeting is held annually to maintain and strengthen cooperation among all Member States and Telecommunication Development Sector Members.

Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected results Realized results KPIs Measurement

Preparation and organization of the 18th meeting of the TDAG and implementation of the recommendations and advice.

On 20 June 2013, a TDAG Bureau meeting was held to plan for the 18th meeting of the TDAG to be held 11-13 December 2013 and the subsequent WTDC-14 to be held in Sharm El Sheikh from 31 March to 11 April 2014.

Timely actions and effective implementation.

Smooth running of the meeting with timely actions and effective implementation.

Efficient support to the TDAG activities, including the TDAG meeting.

Efficient support was provided to the TDAG Bureau meeting held on 20 June 2013.

Timely preparation and distribution of BDT submissions, timely processing of the submissions from Member States and Sector members, including their posting on the web (in the original language within 48 hours), dissemination of the final summary of TDAG meeting within 30 days following the completion of the meeting. Timely implementation of the action items as advised by TDAG.

Submissions from BDT to the TDAG Bureau meeting of 20 June 2013 distributed on time. The report of the TDAG Bureau meeting was made available in English on 24 June 2013 (4 days after the meeting).

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Performance Report

Threat and risk assessment

Perspective Key Risk Indicator (KRI)

Impact Likelihood Mitigation implementation

1- Organizational capabilities

Difficulties in forecasting requirements and implementation problems.

High Low

Make corporate requirements forecast based on exchange of information with Membership. Make reality check with historical data and experience gained during similar past events.

2- Stakeholders / Partners

Delayed submissions. High Medium

Provide support and information to Membership in the overall preparatory activities as well as for preparation of submissions.

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Resource allocation

Human resources (Work/months)

Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official 1.10 0.54 49%

D2 1.10 0.54 49%

D1 10.20 4.26 42%

P5 14.80 4.41 30%

P4 10.20 3.00 29%

P3 13.20 4.92 37%

P2 3.00 1.59 53%


G7 1.10 0%

G6 13.80 8.76 63%

G5 20.60 6.00 29%

G4/G3/G2 0.90 0.24 27%

Total 90.00 34.26 38%

Documentation and publications (Number of pages)

Planned (Jan-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Arabic 100

Chinese 100

English 50

French 100

Russian 100

Spanish 100

Total translation 550 -

Arabic 100

Chinese 100

English 100

French 100

Russian 100

Spanish 100

Total typing 600 -

Total reprography 10,000 -

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Telecommunication Development Study Group Meetings (STG) In accordance with Resolution 2 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010), WTDC-10 maintained two study groups (Study Group 1 and Study Group 2), determined the Questions to be studied by them, and adopted the list of chairmen and vice-chairmen of the ITU-D study groups.

The mandate of Study Group 1 on "Enabling environment, cybersecurity, ICT applications and Internet-related issues" is as follows:

• National telecommunication policies and strategies which best enable countries to benefit from the impetus of telecommunications/ICTs as an engine of sustainable growth, employment creation and economic, social and cultural development, taking into account matters of priority to developing countries. The work will include access policies to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular access by persons with disabilities and with special needs, as well as telecommunication/ICT network security.

• Tariff policies and tariff models for next-generation networks, convergence issues, universal access to broadband fixed and mobile services, impact analysis and application of cost and accounting principles, taking into account the results of the studies carried out by ITU-T and ITU-R, and the priorities of developing countries.

The mandate of Study Group 2 on "Information and communication infrastructure and technology development, emergency telecommu-nications and climate-change adaptation" is as follows:

• Methods and approaches that are the most suitable and successful for service provision in planning, developing, implementing, operating, maintaining and sustaining telecommunication services which optimize their value to users. This work will include specific emphasis on broadband networks, mobile radiocommunication and telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas, the needs of developing countries in spectrum management, the use of ICTs in mitigating the impact of climate change on developing countries, telecommunications/ICTs for natural disaster mitigation and relief, conformance and interoperability testing and e-applications, with particular focus and emphasis on applications supported by telecommunications/ICTs.

• The implementation of information and communication technology, taking into account the results of the studies carried out by ITU-T and ITU-R, and the priorities of developing countries.

The working procedures to be followed by the study groups are set out in Resolution 1 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010) adopted by WTDC-10. These working procedures will be considered and possibly reviewed by WTDC-14.

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Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected results Realized results KPIs Measurement

Work programmes undertaken in response to: Resolution 2 (Rev. Hyderabad, 2010; Work assigned by WTDC-10; ITU-D Resolutions addressing specific areas of study, with appropriate guidance from BDT; Necessary information disseminated in administrative circulars (and circular letters); Meeting calendars monitored and adjusted in accordance with progress.

The two study groups followed the programme and process set out in Resolution 2.

Work programmes executed in accordance with schedules, and information dissemination accomplished on time.

Level of participation Number of focused recommendations.

Provision of appropriate level of support by BDT for Study Group activities and meetings (both technical and logistic).

The support level that was provided was appropriate. Meetings satisfy objectives within the imposed deadlines.

Adequate level of support with necessary documentation and facilities to progress activities and allow meetings to run smoothly.

Documentation associated with meetings processed in accordance with Resolution 1 (and working guidelines) and in accordance with decisions of WTDC-10; Timely and efficient preparation of major deliverables – Recommendations, Reports – with appropriate level of quality.

Expected results were achieved.

Document availability (electronic and/or paper) before, during and after meetings at required level. Quality control applied within limits of available resources.

Working procedures effectively implemented to enable timely production of major deliverables.

Improvements in working methods, including increased use of electronic documentation facilities and communication tools.

New tools were introduced and working methods were further streamlined.

Effective preparation and running of meetings with the help of electronic tools.

New tools introduced and enhancements to existing tools to enable improvements in working methods.

Implementation of other cost saving measures.

Processes and working methods were further streamlined.

Continuously seek increased efficiencies in the preparation and running of meetings within limits of available resources.

Processes and working methods streamlined to allow for smooth running of meetings.

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Performance Report

Threat and risk assessment

Perspective Key Risk Indicator (KRI)

Impact Likelihood Mitigation implementation

1 – Organizational capabilities / Finance

Inadequate level of resources/support for the processing of documents, facilitating of the Study Group process and the running of meetings.

High Medium

As the necessary level of resources /support was made available for the meetings, the processing of documents and the smooth running of the meetings could be ensured.

2 – Stakeholders / Partners

No or limited number of contributions from the memberships to progress the work of the related Study Group Question(s).

High Low

While additional contributions would be appreciated by the Groups, the meeting saw an adequate level of contributions from the membership to progress the work of the related Study Group Questions and topics under study.

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Resource allocations

Human resources (Work/months)

Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June) % of planned

Elected Official 1.10 0.54 49%

D2 1.10 0.54 49%

D1 4.80 2.16 45%

P5 18.20 6.00 33%

P4 5.90 12.24 207%

P3 23.00 5.88 26%

P2 4.90 6.39 130%


G7 1.10 0%

G6 32.40 9.54 29%

G5 25.20 10.20 40%

G4/G3/G2 0.60 0.24 40%

Total 118.30 53.73 45%

Documentation and publications

(Number of pages)

Planned (Jan-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Arabic 675 108

Chinese 675 69

English 363 281

French 675 339

Russian 675 85

Spanish 675 74

Total translation 3,738 956

Arabic 695 58

Chinese 695 63

English 701 334

French 695 337

Russian 695 52

Spanish 695 53

Total typing 4,176 897

Total reprography 50,000 1,192

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Key expected results

• Reduction in the number of communities, and disadvantaged groups, in developing countries without access to broadband

• Agreements signed with partners to assist in infrastructure deployment

• Increase in the average telephone density and average broadband density

Key performance indicators

• Number of communities, and disadvantaged groups, in developing countries provided with access to broadband

• Number of new partnerships/MoUs for broadband deployment signed

• Feedback from members

Summary Objective 2 includes the following outputs:

– ICT infrastructure development

For the first six months of 2013, the actual human resources allocated to objective 2 represent 13.00 per cent of the total human resources of the Telecommunication Development Bureau

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Output 5

ICT infrastructure development The main purpose of this output is to assist ITU Member States and ITU-D Sector Members and Associates in maximizing the utilization of appropriate new technologies for the development of their information and communication infrastructures and services, by taking due account of broadband deployment, transition from analogue to digital broadcasting, traffic and demand forecasting, spectrum management and radio monitoring,

interconnectivity, interoperability, network management, security, and quality of service standards for wired and wireless networks, including mobile telecommunications, next-generation networks, rural and satellite telecommunications and the accelerated convergence of telecommunication networks and services.

Particular attention will be given to capacity building in the development and use of ICT networks through training activities and sharing of information and know-how, as well as to developing and making openly available relevant guidelines, manuals and case studies.

Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected result Realized result KPIs Measurement

Improved skills and capacity of countries planning or having started to launch a satellite through Training on Satellite Launching and Coordination.

Excellent feedback received indicating Improved knowledge particularly on satellite filing, coordination and registration. Funding support from Australian Project 9RAS12041 was obtained to provide additional fellowships.

Some 5 countries successfully participated in the training. Documentations and other related materials prepared.

The Workshop was attended by around 112 participants representing: - 15 Member States from the ASP region - 1 Member State from

Arab Region - 4 Recognized Sector

Members, - 3 academic institutions. Workshop materials are available at Close collaboration between BDT and BR.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Roadmap & Guideline for Transition from Analogue to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in Asia-Pacific.

Guideline with updated information on Cable TV, Satellite TV, and IPTV. Roadmap Reports for Bangladesh, Laos, Vietnam, Vanuatu, Timor-Leste.

By Q4 2013 the updated Guideline will be ready for printing. At least 2 countries in Asia-Pacific received assistance in developing the roadmap reports.

Updated Guideline is in process of editorial work. 5 countries since Jan-Jun 2013 received assistance in developing their roadmap reports.

Development of National Broadband Policies and Plans, applications and enhanced skills through training. Assistance on satellite launch related procedures and coordination to Mongolia.

National Broadband Policy for Cambodia, PNG, Bangladesh, Pakistan. Two national workshops in Bangladesh and PNG. Advise on Mongolian satellite filing situation. Build awareness and skills.

Number of beneficiary countries assisted in respect of development of Broadband policies/plans and applications: Number of national experts trained to develop Broadband policies and applications: Advice was provided to ITPTA and CRC Skills of more than 50 participants from key institutions in Mongolia.

Four national broadband policies finalized 50 persons participated and trained. Enhanced awareness in successfully carrying out coordination related to satellite launch.

Building human capacity. More than 40 persons enhanced their skills in infrastructure sharing models and practices through the ITU ASP CoE training on Infrastructure Sharing and Practices (20-23 May, Bangkok, Thailand). The training also received support from DBCDE (Australia), MICT (Thailand) and TOT Academy.

Number of participants.

20-30 participants.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Assistance provided to developing countries through the delivery of online training courses through the ITU Academy.

Fully implemented. Number of participants trained. Number of beneficiary countries.

41 participants trained and 10 countries benefitted from the training delivered.

Increased spectrum management and digital transition management capabilities of the Administrations.

On-going. Number of countries and active participation of attendees.

Action not yet fully implemented.

Enhancement of knowledge on Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) testing of systems manufactured on the basis of ITU Recommendations, through implementation of training activities in the premises of Testing Labs.

ITU offered the opportunity for 10 experts to participate in a training course on C&I (Electromagnetic Compatibility - EMC) and due to the interest expressed by countries ITU negotiated an additional seat with the Research Center that delivered the training.

Use of all available seats. Number of countries assisted. Level of satisfaction of participants.

11 participants trained. 9 countries assisted. Excellent evaluation made by participants. A very positive feedback from Paraguay through a written letter to BDT Director.

Increased spectrum management capabilities of Caribbean Administrations.

Fully implemented. The workshop provided a forum for exchange of experiences among Caribbean countries while at the same time it provided information on the international status of the matter.

Number of participants. Level of satisfaction of participants.

Over than 30 participants attended the workshop including broadcasters, regulators, policy makers and other government officials. Level of satisfaction with the meeting including the content averaged over 85%.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Enhancement of knowledge and provide assistance to Member States from the Americas Region on the development of broadband infrastructures.

On going. Number of countries assisted. Level of satisfaction of beneficiary countries.

(To be completed after full implementation)

Assistance provided to developing countries through the delivery of online training course through the ITU Academy.

Fully implemented The course was duly delivered through ITU Academy and was implemented in cooperation with the Node ANTEL/Uruguay and CITEL that offered fellowship to 13 participants.

Number of participants. Number of countries assisted.

The course counted on the attendance of 42 participants from 8 different countries of the AMS Region. In accordance to the Final Report the course was successfully delivered.

Assistance provided to developing countries to plan, deploy, operate and maintain sustainable, accessible and resilient ICT networks and services, including broadband infrastructure, especially to Rural and Remote areas ,through implementation of training activities, information seminars, direct assistance, regional initiatives, case studies, master plans, and development of guidelines and tools.

Providing ITU Interactive Terrestrial (Optical Fibers and Microwaves) Transmission Maps through the ITU web.

Guideline for wireless broadband for ASP region has been published Assistance to establish Broadband Policies for 5 countries (Brunei, Lao, Marshall Islands, Philippines and St. Lucia) is under implementation. National Broadband Policies for 6 countries (Cambodia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, PNG, Pakistan and Indonesia) have been completed or under implementation. Workshop was held in PNG. Draft guidelines on activating non-market business model for broadband connectivity for rural and remote areas prepared.

Number of countries assisted. Number of roadmaps customization and Masterplans, case studies. Guidelines/Handbooks finalized. Number of communities, and disadvantaged groups, in developing countries connected to broadband. Number of regional initiatives implemented so as to assist countries in this domain.

11 2 Guidelines on migration to NGN for developing countries have been developed and submitted to ITU-D SG2. Roadmaps and Master plan for NGN and Broadband finalized for 4 countries in ASP. Guidelines on the design of telecommunication resilient to natural disaster finalized and provided as input to ITU-D STG2. Guidelines for preparation of National Wireless Broadband

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

The document is to be finalized further to comments and suggestions received. Guidelines on migration to NGN for developing countries developed. Guidelines on the design of telecommunication resilient to natural disaster. Interactive maps first version made available on the web. Guidelines for preparation of National Wireless Broadband Masterplans. Assistance to establish National Broadband Policy (NBP.) Implementation of Broadband Wireless Network Projects. Improvement of the knowledge of Broadband Wireless technologies, evolution and implementation on regional basis.

Number of Events organized. Number of Countries for which the ITU Interactive Terrestrial (Optical Fibers and Microwaves) Transmission Maps are made available through the ITU web.

Masterplans finalized for ASP Region. Interactive Terrestrial Transmission Maps, first version produced and made available through ITU Website (TIES) for Arab, CIS, ASP AMS and AFR Regions for 74 Countries and 107 Network Operators. Guidelines on the design of telecommunication resilient to natural disaster produced and submitted to ITU-D SG2. Assistance to establish National Broadband Policy (NBP) completed and adopted in Cambodia. Implementation in 3 African countries of the ITU/Craig and Susan McCaw Broadband Wireless Network Project. More than 200 registered Participants in Regional Forum on IMT Systems for the Arab region. 10 blogs referenced in the Regional press and media.

Assistance provided to countries in the fields of frequency planning and assignment, spectrum management and radio monitoring, and provide efficient tools for managing the spectrum, through implementation of training activities, information seminars, direct assistance, regional initiatives and development of guidelines and tools.

Back-stop support was provided for the SM4DC users. A new CA with Korean government for further development of SMS4DC has been settled. Training has been provided in Nigeria for English speaking African countries Papua New Guinea has been assisted in developing their national frequency allocation table.

Number of countries assisted. Enhanced versions of SMS4DC prepared. Number of training activities conducted by trained SMS4DC users. Countries and trainees. Number of case studies finalized based on the identified requirements of developing countries and their regulatory authorities (at regional level). Number of regional initiatives implemented so as to assist countries in this domain.


1 8/56 1

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Improvement of the capacity of developing countries in the transition from analogue to digital broadcasting through implementation of training activities, direct assistance, regional initiatives, master plans, and development of guidelines and tools.

The Guideline for transition to digital broadcasting has been revised and published. The master plans for 7 countries (Gabon, Fiji, Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Laos and Myanmar) have been completed. Assistance to 4 countries (East Timor, Vietnam, Vanuatu and Guyana) is under implementation. Training seminar was held in Malaysia.

Number of countries that successfully implement projects migration from analogue to digital. Number of assistances provided and customization of roadmaps finalized. Number of regional initiatives implemented so as to assist countries in this domain. Number of ITU Regional Seminars and Meetings. Number of participants to these events.



Enhancement of knowledge and effective application of ITU Recommendations in developing countries, including

Forum & Training C&I for ARB and AMS Regions

Guidelines for developing countries for building Testing labs for Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) of Equipment and Systems

40 Participants, (from regulatory authorities and governments, certification bodies (20 Arab Region; 20 AMS Region.)

conformance and interoperability (C&I) testing of systems manufactured on the basis of ITU Recommendations, Improvement of the capacity of developing countries to put in place a sustainable and appropriate Conformance and Interoperability Regime at national, Regional and Sub-regional levels, through implementation of training activities in the premises of Testing Labs, direct assistance promoting the establishment of MRAs regimes and/or building Testing labs as appropriate, Regional Forums and Seminars, implementation of projects and development of guideline and tools.

Produced. Number of ITU Regional Training, Seminars and Meetings on new Technologies, Number of participants to these events. Guidelines for developing countries on establishing for establishing Mutual Recognition Agreements (MRAs) Assessment Studies on C&I status conducted at Regional levels, number of countries assisted for training and building Testing labs and to put in place a sustainable and appropriate Conformance and Interoperability Regime. Number of ITU Regional Seminars and Meetings on new Technologies, Number of participants to these

Over demand for the forum and training. 20 Experts from and AMS and 20 Experts from ARB were trained on C&I practical sessions. First version of the Guidelines for establishing MRAs for developing Countries finalized. First version of the Guidelines for Feasibility Study for building testing lab finalized. First version of the assessment study for C&I in SADC countries finalized.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

events. Number of regional initiatives implemented so as to assist countries in this domain. Collaboration agreements signed with partners for C&I activities including training in the premises of Testing labs.

Expertise provided to support Ad-Hoc assistance, Center of excellences Regional Initiatives, presentations and projects and related ITU-D Study Group Questions and WSIS action lines as well as other ITU events.

Regular support and contributions provided to the regions, as well as for Study Groups and Forums organized by ITU. Meetings organized and other kind of support provided. Support and assistance provided (e.g. review of terms of references, expert reports, development of presentations and content of training materials) number of contribution submitted and assistance in implementation of relevant CoE trainings.

Number of contributions provided, meetings organized and other kind of support provided Support and assistance provided (e.g. review of terms of references, expert reports, development of presentations and content of training materials) number of contribution submitted.

20 reports analyzed and commented. 30 JDs, Terms of references prepared/ commented. 10 Contributions provided for each relevant ITU-D Questions. 10 Inputs, feedback and contribution provided to the different AL s of WSIS Roadmap ALC2 constantly updated. 80 participants and 10 high level panelists participated to the ALC2 Facilitator meetings.

Connect Arab States Follow up Meeting.

Not yet implemented Number of stakeholders involved.

Action not yet implemented.

Assistance provided to developing countries to plan, deploy, operate and maintain sustainable, accessible and resilient ICT networks and services.

Fully implemented. The Forum enhanced the knowledge of Member States regarding the development of wireless broadband technologies, its key differentiators and challenges, both from a technical and commercial perspective.

Capacity building in terms of the wireless broadband networks related to technologies and deployment.

More than 200 participants. Very qualified speakers Interactive sessions. Participation of disabled person.

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Performance Report

Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Improved broadband network infrastructure for the provision of good-quality and affordable telecommunication/ICT services in urban and rural areas. Development of human resources to address regulatory, technical and economic issues related to broadband communication networks.


Enhance the knowledge and explore new means for financing the broadband networks.

(To be completed after full implementation)

Develop Regional Knowledge in this important domain; and Improve the planning and thus penetration of broadband usage.

On-going No. of Countries Participating. No. of Participants. Level of Satisfaction of Participants.

Will be completed after full implementation.

Establishment of national and regional strategic plans and programmes for broadband development.

Implemented for Syria. Deliver a comprehensive report that really assists the selected countries in the development of their national master plan for the broadband.

Satisfaction of the beneficiary countries.

Enhancement of knowledge on Conformance and Interoperability (C&I) testing of systems manufactured on the basis of ITU Recommendations, through implementation of training activities in the premises of Testing Labs.

Fully implemented. ITU offered the opportunity for 9 experts to participate in a training course on C&I (Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC and Radio theory and practical sessions in the lab).

Use of all available seats. Number of countries trained. Level of satisfaction of participants.

9 participants trained. 7 countries benefitted from the training delivered. Excellent evaluation made by participants.

Assistance provided to developing countries to plan, develop and implement national roadmap for transition from analogue to digital broadcasting.

The assistance to Lebanon to implement its national roadmap for digital transition is on-going.

Provide a quality level assistance that satisfies the beneficiary country

To be completed after full implementation

Enhanced market assessment capabilities and resource mobilization.


Delivery a quality report that meets the beneficiary country’s expectation. Delivery of a concise report on regional financing entities and their mechanism for providing support to projects.

To be completed after full implementation. Another step needs to be considered.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Increased spectrum management and digital transition management capabilities of the Administrations.


Proposals and recommendations and also a work-plan given to Somalia.

To be completed after full implementation.

Capacity building activities for countries in the region on SMS4DC.

Implemented for Algeria. Number of trainees. 20 participants from Algeria participated in the workshop Action not yet implemented.

Increased spectrum management and digital transition management capabilities of Arab Administrations.

On-going. The workshop will provide a forum for exchange of experiences among Arab countries regarding the efficient use of spectrum while at the same time it will provide information on the requisite regulatory policies and frameworks.

Number of participants. Level of satisfaction of participants.

To be completed after full implementation.

Increasing participation of representatives of Republic of Uzbekistan in ITU seminars, workshops, and other ITU events provides by the ITU Area Office for CIS. Training

ITU provided direct technical assistance to the Republic of Uzbekistan in connection to the Videoconference Network between the ITU Area office for the CIS and Communication Administrations of the CIS countries. March 2013. Representatives of Uzbekistan participated in the Regional Videoconference Training for the CIS “Complex Issues of Implementation and Development of Digital.

Number of Uzbekistan staff participating in the videoconference events/trained through videoconference. Acting Video Conference Network. Training.

Videoconference trainings and workshops (in particular, 37 representatives of Uzbekistan were remote participants of the CoE Videoconference training for the CIS. Uzbekistan satisfied with the assistance provided.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Broadcasting”, held by the ITU AO for CIS within the framework of the Centre of Excellence for the CIS Project, 16-17 May 2013.

Obtaining maximum information on New Information Technologies, their influence on the ICT development in the region. Exchange of Information with the young people , students

Participation of students from Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan in Scientific and Technical Conference for Students and Young Specialists from RCC countries organized by Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI) , Russian Federation from 14 to 16 May 2013.

Number of participants, number of countries and number of presentations by students during the Conference. Positive Feedback.

The Conference was attended by 120 students and young scientists, from 6 CIS countries, who enjoyed 71 presentations on ICT and the excellent opportunity to exchange knowledge. Consequently, the event goal was fully met. The participants also got acquainted with MTUCI, one of the most prestigious ICT-specialized universities in the CIS. Excellent feedback from participants.

Tender among potential equipment suppliers held; supplier of the equipment for stable electric power supply for Telecom/ICT facilities in Rural Area of Uzbekistan identified.

Tender among potential equipment suppliers held; the commercial offer of possible supplier is under study of the Uzbekistan expert.

Number of offers. Number of appropriate offers.

9 1 corresponding with budget available

Assistance provided on the harmonization of regional spectrum allocations, including coordination procedures in border areas; including common sub-regional position in the preparatory meetings to WRC-12. Harmonization of Frequency Band Plan in EAC, COMESA and SADC Consensus on the allocation of Digital Dividend Spectrum in the sub-region.

A common sub-regional and regional position in the preparatory meetings to WRC-12 facilitate. A study report with recommendations and areas in interventions on the Harmonization of Frequency Band Plan in EAC, COMESA and SADC produced and in process of validation.

Level of participation and level of consensus achieved. Report produced and submitted to COMESA, EAC and SADC Secretariats.

Common position demonstrated by African participation during WRC12.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Assistance provided on the harmonization of regional spectrum allocations, including coordination procedures in border areas; including common sub-regional position in the preparatory meetings to WRC-12. Harmonization of Frequency Band Plan in EAC, COMESA and SADC Consensus on the allocation of Digital Dividend Spectrum in the sub-region.

A common sub-regional and regional position in the preparatory meetings to WRC-12 facilitate. A study report with recommendations and areas in interventions on the Harmonization of Frequency Band Plan in EAC, COMESA and SADC produced and in process of validation.

Level of participation and level of consensus achieved. Report produced and submitted to COMESA, EAC and SADC Secretariats.

Common position demonstrated by African participation during WRC12.

Sector Members and regulators more familiar with the SMS4DC tool and the SMS4DC tool deployed and used.

The ITU regional workshop on SMS4DC for English Speaking countries in Africa held in Abuja for Senior Executives and Managers.

Number of participants and level of attendance Number of countries using SMS4DC.

62 participants from 8 countries attended (Burundi, Ghana, Gambia, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania and Sierra Leone). Important personalities of the Federal Ministry of Communications and Technology, the Commission of Communications of Nigeria (NCC), the Nigeria Broadcasting Commission (NBC) were present.

Direct assistance provide to Member State on spectrum management assessments and recommended action plans for the further development of existing spectrum management structures, procedures and tools.

Government of South Sudan assisted with proposals, plans and possible solution for difficulties the country is facing on Frequency Management and coordination.

Assessment Report, Recommendations and Action plans proposal produced submitted and accepted by the Government.

Government expressed satisfaction and initiated implementation of the report recommendation.

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Performance Report

Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Direct assistance provide to Member State on spectrum management assessments and recommended action plans for the further development of existing spectrum management structures, procedures and tools.

Government of South Sudan assisted with proposals, plans and possible solution for difficulties the country is facing on Frequency Management and coordination.

Assessment Report, Recommendations and Action plans proposal produced submitted and accepted by the Government.

Government expressed satisfaction and initiated implementation of the report recommendation.

Digital TV Broadcasting migration plans Customized into National Roadmaps, development and implementation of projects done in Member States.

In coordination with the respective RECs countries set up the target dates for migration e.g. COMESA June 2014. ITU Assisted directly 6 countries customizing guidelines ad setting roadmaps

Number of countries assisted. Number of countries with roadmaps. Number of countries that migrated.

Six (6) countries directly assisted (Angola, Ethiopia, Mali). One (1) country complete migration (Tanzania December 2012)

Broadband Infrastructure Master Plans and NGN Project developed and implemented, updated broadband maps of networks in Africa and assistance provided to countries to develop capacity of Broadband planning and project implementation.

Guidelines and development of projects on Wireless Broadband in Africa being developed. Data collected and interactive digital broadband networks maps designed and posted online. A validation process should take place with the countries from now on to July 2013. Experts trained in optic fiber technologies and systems, maintenance and design of networks.

Master Plans completed Availability of accurate data and updated maps for Connect Africa Follow up in Africa Number of Experts trained.

5 experts from CHAD have been trained in optic fiber technologies and systems, maintenance and design of networks with practical exercise at the CERT Tunisia.

Regional Broadband Compatibility and Interoperability.

Assessment of C&I on regional basis, MRAs completed.

Report produced. Report accepted by Member countries and being implemented.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Enhance the Public Private Partnership for Resource Mobilization.

Private Sector Working Group in Africa held successfully and provided better understanding & involvement of the private sector members in ITU activities.

Level of attendance Report and agreed areas of collaboration in the region.

Report adopted.

Cooperate with other regional and international organizations on joint activities and projects.

Cooperation with NEPAD enhanced. Through ITU Consultant a Business Plan for Joint Activities was prepared.

Roadmap with achievable and measurable activities number of countries that will be involved and benefit from the activities to be undertaken.

Road map available.

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Resource allocations

Human resources (Work/months)


(Jan.-Dec.) Actual

(Jan.-June) Actual

(Jan.-June) % of planned

Elected Official 1.20 0.60 50%

D2 1.40 0.72 51%

D1 10.20 4.38 43%

P5 49.70 23.64 48%

P4 21.70 17.28 80%

P3 36.70 21.30 58%

P2 9.20 4.20 46%


G7 1.20 0.60 50%

G6 20.90 10.50 50%

G5 61.10 22.50 37%

G4/G3/G2 5.60 7.80 139%

Total 218.90 113.52 52%

Documentation and publications (Number of pages)


(Jan-Dec.) Actual


Arabic 20 124 Chinese 20 41 English 30 French 60 154 Russian 50 124 Spanish 20 124

Total translation 200 567 Arabic 25 41

Chinese 25 41 English 30 French 60 167 Russian 60 1 Spanish 30 112

Total typing 230 362 Total reprography 5,000 59,410

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2013 On-going projects by region

The table below provides the list of the current on-going projects for Objective 2 by region

Project No Title Region7RAF08073-06 Broadband Wireless Network - Rwanda Africa7RAF08073-07 Broadband Wireless Network in the Kingdom of Lesotho Africa

9RAF11085 Master Plan for Wireless Broadband Access in Africa Africa2PLS13003 Connect a School, Connect a Community in the State of Palestine Arab States

7MOR07005 Digital Documentation Center on ICT Arab StatesSAU01005 Advisory Services to Communications & Information Technology Commission Arab States

9RAS11040 Telecentre Applications and Services Asia & Pacific9RAS12042 Roadmap for Transition from Analogue to Digital Terrestrial Television

Broadcasting and Mobile Television in Asia and the PacificAsia & Pacific

9RAS13043 Broadband Policies/Plans & Applications Asia & Pacific

9RAS13044 Roadmap for Transition from Analogue to Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting in Asia and the Pacific

Asia & Pacific

9THA12013 Pilot Biddings for USO Projects in Two Provinces of Thailand Asia & Pacific9THA12017 Roadmap for Transition from Analogue to Digital TV Broadcasting in

ThailandAsia & Pacific

9THA13018 Roadmap development for digital terrestrial radio broadcasting roll-out in Thailand

Asia & Pacific

9UZB11003 Sustainable supply of electricity to Telecommunication facilities in rural and remote areas

CIS countires

2RER13023 ITU virtual Laboratory for remote tests of equipment, new technologies and services

CIS countries

9GLO12070 Transition from Analogue to Digital Broadcasting in Africa and Asia-Pacific World or Multi-Regional

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Key expected results

• Increased confidence in cybersecurity • Improved coordination of international

efforts to decrease cyberthreats and protect children online

• Enhanced knowledge and skills of national regulators in relation to cyberthreats

• Enhanced cooperation through partnerships • Enhance knowledge and skills of national

bodies to use telecommunications/ICTs for social and economic development

Key performance indicators

• Increased confidence in cybersecurity • Number and impact (e.g. number and

seniority of participants) of forums, training programmes, workshops, seminars, toolkits and guidelines

• Feedback from members • Number of MoUs in effect • Number of countries having developed or

improved programmes relating to the use of telecommunications/ICTs for social and economic development


Objective 3 includes the following output: – Cybersecurity and ICT applications


For the first six months of 2013, the actual human resources allocated to objective 3 represent 12.95 per cent of the total human resources of the Telecommunication Development Bureau.

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Output 6

Cyber security and ICT applications deployment The main purpose of this output is to support the ITU Member States and Sector Members, in particular developing countries, in: • Improving access to ICT applications and

services that contributes to economic and social development, especially in underserved and rural areas, and to attaining the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) targets.

• Achieving trust and confidence in the use of ICTs, the Internet and next-generation networks (NGNs). This is important for the deployment and use of broadband

networks. Cyber security should be dealt with taking into consideration the global, transnational nature of cyberthreats and under certain circumstances cybercrime, and taking into account the framework of the ITU Global Cyber security Agenda (GCA).

• Promoting fair and equitable access to critical Internet resources (CIRs), by enabling the adaptation of adequate national and/or regional policy processes, specifically for IP-based networks, including the transition from IPv4 and migration to/deployment of IPv6, domain names and their internationalized versions.

• Capacity building, through enhancement of awareness of the use of critical Internet resources, in collaboration, when required, with relevant expert organizations.

Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected result Realized result KPIs Measurement

Enhanced or new national e-Health strategies developed in countries to create a more effective regulatory, governance and policy environment for further e-Health development.

The joint ITU-WHO “National e-Health Strategy toolkit” was made available and translated into 5 UN languages. Human capacity at the government level to conduct national eHealth strategy development to be strengthened through four regional workshops in Africa and Asia that are being organized with WHO that also aim to showcase e-Health innovations that address women’s and children’s health.

Toolkit for national eHealth strategies development available and promoted at different international events. Number of pilot implementation of national e-Health strategies development supported by ITU/WHO.

4 regional workshops are being organized to build capacity on national eHealth Strategies. Toolkit translated to 5 languages. At least four countries have already adopted the toolkit to develop/evaluate/update their own national strategies.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Assistance provided to deploy ICT applications for health and governance especially on mobile platforms.

Technical assistance was provided in collaboration with WHO to Costa Rica to launch an m-Health for Smoking Cessation intervention at the national level as a model to be replicated by other countries. Additional extra-budgetary resources are available to support ICT use for Maternal and Child health and to combat non-communicable diseases through partnerships development with international organizations (WHO) and industry associations e.g. the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) and Verizon Foundation. At least 3 project proposals were developed for ICT for Health.

Number of project proposals and partnerships developed with countries and international organizations.

Technical assistance provided to one country. 2 Partnership agreements were signed. Project Proposals were developed to at least 3 other countries.

ICT Applications for development best practices, toolkits, etc. researched, compiled and disseminated.

Better Knowledge sharing and dissemination of ICT Applications for development best practices through: A regional workshop on "e-Health service in low-resource setting" was organized in Tokyo, Japan, 4 - 8 February 2013 in collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications and NTT.

Number of published best practices reports, guidelines, toolkits, and organized events.

1 report published on ICT for Women’s and Children’s Health. 1 toolkit developed on building Mobile-based ICT Applications for e-government services. An online e-Health projects database was established.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

An online eHealth projects database was established in collaboration with WHO to collect information about operational eHealth projects around the world. A report on the use of ICT for improving information and accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health has been finalized for publication by July 2013. Two events have been organized during the World Health Assembly in May 2013 and during ECOSOC meeting on July, 2nd 2013 to raise countries’ awareness about the potential of Mobile for Health. A toolkit developed on building Mobile-based ICT Applications for e-government services.

3 events were organized gathering more than 300 people to disseminate ICT best practices.

Increased establishment of Cybersecurity legal and policy measures in countries.

Framework for assistance on policy and legal aspects on Cybersecurity developed. Global database on current status of legal frameworks in counties developed. Enhanced legal measures on cyber-security in countries through technical assistance and execution of specialized training.

Number of national policy and strategies facilitated. Number of legal frameworks established and/or harmonized.

10 countries have been assisted on legal and policy within January-June 2013.

Increased number of established CIRTs.

Improved response to by countries to cyber-attacks through the established Cybersecurity capability, such as Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT) to adequately respond to cyber-attacks Phase 2 of the CIRT programme developed and ready to be deployed, in order to facilitate the consolidation of the established CIRT and allow their expansion.

Number of national CIRTs established.

2 CIRTs finalized within January-June 2013. 3 countries under assistance. Agreement signed with Nigeria to establish a Regional Cybersecurity Centre.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Continue the work toward the establishment of a global Cybersecurity and cybercrime framework, including Child Online Protection.

Fostered a global culture of Cybersecurity, through the establishment of a Global Cybersecurity Index, aimed to effectively measure current Cybersecurity landscape and capabilities of Member States. More engagement from the international community and the ITU Membership on Cybersecurity.

Number of countries and partners actively participating in ITU-IMPACT. Number of countries and partners actively participated in ITU COP.

145 countries currently formally part of the ITU-IMPACT initiative. Some 40 partners. Some 30 partners on COP.

Continue assistance on IPv6 deployment and/or any possible emerging solutions.

Support to ITU/CISCO Tele-Presence implementation in Africa: the objective of this project is to use Tele-Presence and enhance communication among high-level decision makers and to contribute to combatting climate change by reducing travel. Assistance provided for migration from IPv4 to IPv6. Assistance is on-going to support Yemen on IPv6 integration /deployment and a national awareness campaign for IPv6 strategy. USD 300’000 were mobilized in order to set up ITU IPv6 Center in close collaboration with USAINS and NV6 from Malaysia in order to support IPv6 capacity building in developing Countries. A Symposium on IPv6 in the Americas was organized in Suriname in June 2013 It focused on Technical, Policy and Economic aspects of the introduction of IPv6.

Number of participants/ countries assisted. Number of Project developed. Number of Experts. Number of actively participants. Number of actively participants.

10 African Countries assisted. The revision of the technology is on-going. 1 Test bed developed for Ivory Cost. Satisfaction of Yemen Authorities. Project Document developed and finalized for signature. More than 50 active participants from Caribbean countries were trained on Technical, Policy and Economic aspects of the introduction of IPv6.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Direct country assistance in ensuring the safe use of ICTs.

Six draft cyber-crime policies developed for Fiji, Kiribati, Samoa, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.

At least two countries assisted in the area of cyber-security.

No of countries assisted.

Build human skills in area of ICT Applications.

Enhanced skills amongst 29 participants from Asia-Pacific countries in the area of ICT applications

Number of participants. 20-30 participants.

Build human skills on Mobile security.

More than 70 persons enhanced their skills in mobile security through the ITU-NBTC-IMPACT ASP CoE training on Mobile Security (25-28 June, Bangkok, Thailand).

Number of participants. 20-30 participants.

Continue assistance on IPV6 Deployment. (IPV6 road map for Caribbean Countries). IPV6 Roadmap workshop for the Caribbean.

Fully implemented.

No. of countries in attendance at meeting, and level of satisfaction by participants.

6 countries attended. Also, the average satisfaction level of the workshop was 90% based on responses from 12 of the 17 participants.

CIRT and cybersecurity posture assessment in the Caribbean.

Workshop fully implemented.

Number of attendees. Number of countries assisted. Participants’ level of satisfaction with the workshop.

17 participants. 6 countries attended. The average satisfaction level of the workshop was 90% based on responses from 12 of the 17 participants.

Sharing information on mobile banking application and best practice.

Currently on-going. Different governmental entities of the host country, Honduras, committed to develop a mobile banking market.

Number of beneficiaries committed to develop a mobile banking market.

(to be provided after full implementation)

IPV6 road map for Latin American Countries.

On-going. A consultant was hired in April 2013 to carry out a mission to Panama to discuss this issue.

Number of countries covered.

(to be provided after full implementation)

Continue assistance on IPv6 deployment and/or any possible emerging solutions. Improve international cooperation to face cyber-attacks.

Workshop will be carried out in August 2013.

Number of participants Number of countries Level of satisfaction of participants.

(to be provided after full implementation)

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Support IPv6 deployment and/or any possible emerging solutions.

Fully implemented. Number of Participants. Level of satisfaction by participants.

More than 45 participants. More than 90% average satisfaction level with the workshop.

Support IPv6 deployment and/or any possible emerging solutions. Deployment of Cybersecurity in the Caribbean.

Fully implemented. No. of countries in attendance at meeting Level of satisfaction by participants.

Project activity in relation to IPV6 road map for the Caribbean not yet implemented.

Coordination for the formulation of national and regional regulatory policies and frameworks to combat cybercrime in the Arab region.

On-going. Deliver a report on the guidelines for a legal framework for COP in the Arab region.

Number of countries involved in the working group. Involvement of the regional organizations Guidelines on the legal framework to be developed.

13 countries are involved. Many regional organizations are involved such as ESCWA, Arab Cybersecurity Observatory and many NGOs. Guidelines to be developed by the end of the year.

Supporting FOSS Activities in the region to fulfill the regional initiative on FOSS.

Establishing a Regional Network of FOSS Centers.

Number of stakeholders who are members of the network. Level of satisfaction of participants in the network.

Action not fully implemented. So far four to six members are collaborating with the ITU ARO to establish this network.

Supporting Arab Digital Content through the Regional Initiative on Arab Digital Content.

Action is currently planned as it was originally to be organized in Egypt but unfortunately the security situation prevented it from taking place. Currently efforts are being made to find a new host.

No of Countries participating Number of Participants Level of Satisfaction of Participants/Administrations.

Establishment of regional and national CIRT and cybersecurity assessment in the Arab states.

Lebanon and Djibouti are assisted.

Number of countries assisted.

Supporting incubators in the Arab region.

Currently planned. No. of Countries participating No. of Participants Level of Satisfaction of Participants.

Action is planned pending finalizing arrangements with host and involved stakeholders.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Improve international cooperation to face cyber-attacks.

Workshop will be carried out in October 2013.

Number of participants Number of countries Level of satisfaction of participants.

To be provided after full implementation.

Exchange of experience carried out and awareness of the participants raised in the field of building knowledge infrastructure, mass knowledge networks, e-health, e-payments, and international economy.

Implemented. The ITU workshop for the CIS countries on Co-Evolution of Info communication Technologies and Society, or Ways to the Society without Frontiers was held in Saint –Petersburg, Russian Federation from 5 to 7 June 2013.

Number of participants. Number of participating countries. Number of presentations.

47 5 CIS/0 non-CIS 26

Provision of equipment to Internet Access Centre.

Equipment supplied to the Communication Administration of Georgia (the CA to provide broadband access and installation of the equipment).

Number of the Internet access centres created Points created and put into effect Number of working places created in each of the Centres; Internet connection speed; number of people who will get the Internet access in the Centres. Feedback from the country where the Centres created.

Equipment for 2 Internet access centres supplied.

Preparation and implementation of national CIRTs in Africa.

CIRT established in 5 countries (Burkina Faso, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zambia – Projects 9BKF12008, 9KEN12005, 9URT11007, 9UGA11007 and 9ZAM11005). Planned in 2 Countries. (Burundi and Cote d’Ivoire).Assessment completed in 12 Countries (Botswana, Lesotho, Ghana, Mali, Senegal, Cameroon, Chad, Gabon, Congo, Gambia, Niger and Togo).

Number of countries involved in the project. Number of countries having implemented their national CIRT.

CIRT implemented in 5 countries, being implemented in 2 countries and with assessment completed in another 12 countries.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Establishment of Regional and Sub-regional IXPs in Africa.

EACO assisted to undertake the Feasibility Study for a sub-regional IXP in East Africa.

Number of countries/ISPs connected to the Sub Regional IXP.

5 countries and EACO Secretariat involved in the project.

Support ITU members with deployment/ migration to IPv6-based networks and applications. Availability of a national training IPv6 test beds. Training of a critical mass of IPv6 capable actors for the Sub Region.

Funds secured from ITU and ARTCI to establish a national training IPv6 test bed at ESATIC, Cote d’Ivoire for training of a critical mass of IPv6 capable actors for Cote d'Ivoire and in the Sub Region.

Number of actors trained on a yearly basis.

Test bed not yet available.

Cooperate with other regional and international organizations on joint activities and projects to address specific communities of need, such as children, youth, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities.

Computer networks donated by Mr. Carlos Slim's Foundation, delivered and installed by the ITU in ESTM, Mali and students trained in computer science and ICT.

Number of computers networked and number of students trained on a yearly basis.

Computers delivered and installed.

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Threat and risk assessment

Perspective Key Risk Indicator (KRI) Impact Likelihood Mitigation


1- Finance Lack of resources / Insufficient funding.

Medium Low

Appropriate budget forecast to be prepared. Mobilization of additional/ extra-budgetary resources when required.

2- Competency / knowledge

Insufficient human resources to cope with demand.

High High

Assess and anticipate the resources requirements and initiate recruitment procedures as soon as possible.

3- Stakeholders / partners

Lack of commitment of countries and partners. High Low

Ensure and improve cooperation with countries so as to guarantee appropriate level of involvement by countries.

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Resource allocations

Human resources


Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official 1.20 0.60 50%

D2 1.40 0.72 51%

D1 9.60 4.26 44%

P5 29.50 13.92 47%

P4 20.20 15.12 75%

P3 39.00 21.78 56%

P2 15.20 8.85 58%


G7 1.20 1.20 100%

G6 20.60 11.46 56%

G5 45.50 30.30 67%

G4/G3/G2 5.50 4.80 87%

Total 188.9 113.01 60%

Documentation and publications

(Number of pages)

Planned (Jan-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Arabic 20 43

Chinese 20 37

English 300

French 20 297

Russian 15 257

Spanish 20 49

Total translation 395 683

Arabic 30 50

Chinese 30 7

English 450 1

French 20 45

Russian 20 33

Spanish 20 44

Total typing 570 180

Total reprography 35,000 17,887

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2013 On-going projects by region The table below provides the list of the current on-going Projects for Objective 3 by Region

Project No Title Region9BDI12011 National CIRT Establishment - Burundi Africa

9IVC12002 National CIRT Establishment - Ivory Coast Africa7MOR07005 Digital Documentation Center on ICT Arab States7OMA13005 Establishment of a Cybersecurity Innovation Centre for the Arab Region Arab States7RAB12023 Facilitating the Registration of Arab Top Level Domains Arab States9RAS11040 Telecentre Applications and Services Asia & Pacific9RAS12041 Assistance in Telecommunication/ICT in ASP Region Asia & PacificCIS-11-01 Cooperation Agreement for the Deployment of Videoconference Systems in

ArmeniaCIS countries

9BAR13002 National CIRT Establishment - Barbados The Americas9JAM13002 National CIRT Establishment The Americas7GLO13071 Least Developed Countries Infrastructure Protection Program -

Project FrameworkWorld or Multi-Regional

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Key expected results

• Enhanced dialogue between national regulators, policy-makers and other telecommunication/ICT stakeholders

• Enhanced knowledge and skills of policymakers and national telecommunication / ICT regulators

• Accurate data analysis of telecommunication/ICT development available

• WTI Database updated • Enhanced awareness and capacity of

countries to produce telecommunication/ICT statistics

• Accurate regulatory and financial information of the telecommunication/ICT sector available

Key performance indicators

• Number (e.g. number and seniority of participants) of training programmes, workshops, seminars and symposia organized as planned

• Number (e.g. number of web visits/views, hits, citations, purchases or attendees) of/at "information" publications, statistical, online resources and events

• Response rate to annual questionnaires


Objective 4 includes the following outputs: – Enabling environment enhancement – ITU-D Publications For the first six months of 2013, the actual human resources allocated to objective 4 represent 24.55 per cent of the total human resources of the Telecommunication Development Bureau.

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Output 7

Enabling environment enhancement The main purpose of this output is:

• To assist the membership in creating and maintaining an enabling telecommunication/ICT policy and regulatory environment, through the establishment and implementation of sustainable national policies, strategies and plans, the inclusion of ICTs in national poverty-reduction strategies, and the establishment of adaptive, transparent and pro-competitive regulatory frameworks to further universal access to ICTs with digital inclusion for all.

• To assist the membership in developing and implementing effective financing

Policies and strategies in a converging telecommunication/ICT environment that are appropriate to their economic situations, taking into consideration economic analysis and a cost-oriented approach to pricing, with a view to fostering equitable and affordable access to ICTs.

• To maintain ITU's global leadership as the prime source of international telecommunication/ICT indicators, through the collection and dissemination of statistical information.

• To allow countries to make evidence-based policy and strategy decisions, by sharing information and know-how on telecommunication/ICT developments through databases and research publications.

Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected result Realized result KPIs Measurement

Direct country assistance in policy and regulations.

Two draft national ICT policies developed for Solomon Islands and Tuvalu.

At least five countries assisted to strengthen their policies and regulations.

No of countries supported. No of reports.

Build skills on policy & regulation.

An online training on consumer protection held on ITU Academy (1-28 April 2013) in partnership with Pakistan Telecommunication Authority under ITU ASP CoE enhanced skills of more than 30 participants in the area of consumer protection in digital environment.

Number of participants 20-30 participants

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

More than 40 persons enhanced their skills in infrastructure sharing models and practices through the ITU ASP CoE training on Infrastructure Sharing and Practices (20-23 May, Bangkok, Thailand).

Direct country assistance in policy and regulations.

Quality of Service for Fixed Mobile and Internet for Nepal.

Creating enabling environment with enhanced quality of service and skill set.

Draft consultation paper and regulation prepared National workshop organized.

Enhanced dialogue between national regulators, policy makers and other telecommunication/ICT stakeholders

The annual Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR13) organized in collaboration with the Ministry of Administration and Digitalization and the Office of Electronic Communications (UKE) served as a privileged platform for high-level debate, sharing of best practices and networking among regulators. The 2nd Global Regulators-Industry Dialogue built on the productive dialogue between regulators and the industry, providing a neutral platform for ITU-D Sector Members to share their views on major issues facing policy makers and regulators in the ICT sector.

Number and level of participants. Participant satisfaction. Feedback from members.

GSR13 was attended by 664 participants from 131 countries including 121 Chief Executive level Officers. The 8 GSR Discussion Papers registered a total of over 3000 downloads for the first 2 weeks after their launch. A report on USFs was prepared and released for the event. Best practice guidelines were adopted by the global community of national regulators and policy makers on the Evolving roles of both regulation and the regulators in a digital environment. Highly positive feedback from ITU Membership on the content, organization and discussions during the event.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

The GSR was preceded by the Regulatory Association meeting and series of industry pre-events. G-REX, Global Regulators’ Exchange, Virtual Tool for Regulators. Provided facilities for enhanced dialogue between national regulators top officials through the newly-launched Executive Regulators’ Exchange, a virtual tool for Heads of Regulators featuring a highly specialised information repository & an exclusive forum. Provided a platform to increase communication and knowledge for regulatory and policy information in the framework of the Facilitation Meeting of the WSIS Action Line C6: Enabling Environment.

Number of items posted and usage of online platform. Number of items posted and usage of online platform. Number and level of participants. Participants' satisfaction and feedback from members.

3 question posted, 1 answer received. New resource, in process of being set up. The meeting organized as an interactive panel discussion attracted about 70 participants and had a very positive feedback.

Enhanced knowledge and skills of policymakers and national telecommunication / ICT regulators.

The 2013 editions of the flagship report Trends in telecommunication reform was published and made available from the ITU bookshop in English and Russian, and the versions in the remaining ITU official languages are being prepared.

Publications developed and released. Number of downloads, citations, purchases. Feedback from ITU Membership.

2013 edition was released in English in March. 30 copies sold (29 in English and 1 in French). 7000 downloads from the Executive summary for the first 4 months after the launch. Highly positive feedback from ITU Membership.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

The report discusses transnational aspects of regulation in a networked society. Recent external assessment of the quality of the publication showed that it sets the gold standard in the area of ICT policy and regulation helping ICT professionals across the board make informed decisions and boost the performance of the sector. Strengthened the knowledge foundation in the area of ICT policy and regulation to assist policymakers and regulators in developing and implementing an enabling broadband/ICT environment. Following the successful launch of the Broadband Thematic Reports series in early 2012, new reports are being prepared on topical issues. Provided in-depth analysis on the success factors for the implementation of international mobile roaming as well as the pitfalls of existing policy and regulatory frameworks through a new Study on roaming policies and regulatory issues.

Publications developed and released. Number of downloads and citations. Feedback from ITU Membership. Publications developed and released. Number of downloads and citations. Feedback from ITU Membership.

Work in progress. Study published in the beginning of July 2013. Results to be presented to the ITU High Level Workshop on Regulatory and Economic Aspects of Roaming, Geneva, September 2013.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Efficient development and dissemination of knowledge foundation to assist policymakers and regulators in developing and implementing an enabling broadband/ICT environment through the ICT Regulation Toolkit. Assisted policy makers, regulators and ITU-D Sector Members in creating an enabling environment for growth and investment in the ICT sector through an established knowledge dissemination channels, such as the Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs for Africa. Assisted policy makers, regulators and ITU-D Sector Members in creating an enabling environment for growth and investment in the ICT sector through an established knowledge dissemination channels, such as the Regional Seminar on the economic and financial aspects of telecommunications for Latin America and Caribbean.

Number of web views/visitors, downloads. Feedback from ITU Membership. Number and level of participants. Participant satisfaction Feedback from members. Number and level of participants. Participant satisfaction. Feedback from members.

111’984 unique visitors, 265’610 page views, highly positive feedback from ITU Membership and partner organizations. New generation web platform launched in June 2013. Content continuously updated with cutting edge information of the evolution of regulatory frameworks. Partnership project with infoDev/World Bank. The event was attended by 47 participants from 19 countries. The event was attended by 50 participants from 13 countries.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Enhanced knowledge of policy makers, investors and business people about current ICT market trends & topical ICT economics and finance issues allowing them to take evidence-based decisions

Rich, up-to-date and user-friendly information on policy, regulation, market development and economics of the ICT sector available through the Online Regulatory Knowledge Centre. Accurate and up-to-date ICT statistics and regulatory & tariff information available to the wide audience on the new ICT Eye portal to track market and regulatory trends, enhance analysis of recent sector developments and give to a wide range of stakeholders the tools for informed decision-making.

Number of web views/visitors, downloads. Feedback from ITU Members. Number of web views/visitors. Feedback from ITU Members.

475’789 web views; highly favorable feedback from ITU Membership and partner organizations. Completely revamped and restructured knowledge center under MS SharePoint enhancing the user-friendly navigation and adding additional resources. New Word Press Blog on regulatory issues launched in May 2013. Data collection in process, annual questionnaires open. Number of ICT Eye website views (January-June): 605’244. The platform allowing data collection, compilation and visualization has been enhanced and completely redesigned and new features were added to make it more interactive and user-friendly.

Efficient development and dissemination of knowledge foundation to assisting policymakers and regulators in developing and implementing an enabling environment.

Expertise provided to support adhoc assistance, Centers of Excellence, Regional Initiatives, Presentations, projects and related ITU-D Study Group Questions and WSIS action lines meetings as well as other ITU events (ITU-T Study Groups, ITU TELECOM, etc.).

On-going collaboration.

Harmonized regulations and policies in the Caribbean

On-going. Number of participants Level of satisfaction by participants

(to be completed after full implementation)

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

To stimulate the development of national policies and regulation regarding convergent telecom services.

Fully implemented. Number of Central American countries benefiting from the Study.

5 out of 6 beneficiary countries participated at the senior technical level in the 1st meeting with the Consultant for the 1st phase document presentation. All beneficiary countries have provided information for the 2nd phase.

New Draft Telecommunications Act.

On-going. Acceptance of the results/report by Suriname Government Participants and govt. level of satisfaction.

(to be provided after full implementation)

Enhanced dialogue between national regulators, policy-makers and other telecommunication/ICT stakeholders.

Fully implemented from May to June 2013. Liaised with American countries aiming at confirming attendance of a relevant number of countries in AMS RPM and RDF.

Number of countries confirmed at the date of this Report.

14 countries confirmed as at 2 August 2013.

Creation of platforms to increase enhanced dialogue and knowledge between national regulators, policy-makers and other Telecommunication/ICT stakeholders.

Regional seminar on economic & financial aspects of telecommunications for Latin America & the Caribbean (SG3RG-LAC) Seminar carried out in Mexico, from 19 to 22 March 2013.

Number of participants Number of countries represented Level of satisfaction of participants

67 delegates from 13 countries participated at the seminar, from NRAs and operators in the region, mostly economic and finance professionals involved in costing and pricing issues. Participant’s satisfaction and feedback expressed in the final report of the event, available on the website ITU-D/Regulatory-Market/Pages/Events.aspx.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Increased visibility and recognition of ITU as the main source of international ICT statistics.

ITU recognized as lead agency on ICT statistics through organization of regional workshops; meeting of Expert Group on Household ICT Statistics; participation, among others, in meetings of the Partnership on Measuring ICT for Development and the UN Statistical Commission.

Number of citations of ITU statistics; Number of (external) statistical requests. Number of participants in workshops and Expert Groups.

ITU widely cited as main source of global ICT statistics; around 600 external statistical requests. ICT Statistics is by far the most visited website of BDT. More than 500 members in the two statistical Expert Groups. Regional workshop for CIS attended by 47 participants from 8 CIS countries; regional workshop for Latin America attended by 37 participants from 11 countries. Meeting of the Expert Group on ICT Household statistics (EGH) attended by 38 participants from 18 countries, as well as international organizations.

Enhanced knowledge of policy makers, investors and business people about current ICT market trends allowing them to take evidence-based decisions; accurate analysis of telecommunication/CIT developments available.

Enhanced knowledge of policy makers and accurate analysis produced through publishing of Statistical Newsletter (StatShot); 2013 ICT Facts and Figures; Little Data Book on ICT 2013; preparation of regional statistical reports for Asia and the Pacific, the Americas region, and the Arab region.

Number (e.g. number of downloads, citations, purchases) of/at "information" publications and online resources published.

ICT Statistics is by far the most visited website of BDT. Publications and statistical reports widely disseminated.

Enhanced availability and dissemination of internationally comparable, timely ICT statistical databases.

Enhanced availability of ICT statistics by releasing updated WTI database in June 2013; and regularly updated online statistics (including on ICT Eye). Increased availability of French, Arabic, and Russian speaking trainers on ICT Household statistics.

Number of indicators and data points included in database; Number (e.g. number of hits, citations, purchases) of publication and online resources.

WTI database released with more than 100 indicators for over 200 economies. ICT Statistics is most visited website of BDT.

Raising Awareness within the region of the Cloud Computing.

On-going. No. of Countries Participating No. of Participants. Level of Satisfaction of Participants.

To be provided after full implementation.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Enhanced the capabilities among the Arab Regulatory Authorities.

Support was provided to Comoros.

Number of Regulators involved.

ARGNET meetings held.

Enhanced dialogue between national regulators, policy-makers and other telecommunication/ICT stakeholders.

Regional Seminar on Cost & Tariffs for Arab States.

Number and expertise/seniority of participants at the event and participants satisfaction.

To be completed after the implementation.

Creation of platforms to increase enhanced dialogue and knowledge between ICT private sector, Techno parks and administrations

Regional Sector Meeting to enhance Public Private Sector Dialogue for Arab States.

No. of Companies involved.Level of Satisfaction of Participants.

Good level of participation during the meeting in the Smart Village in Egypt. The second part of this Action is planned during the ICT4All in Tunisia.

National ICT development strategies considered and analyzed and recommendations to improve quality of services provided by telecommunication companies elaborated.

Implemented. Number of participants. Number of participating countries. Number of presentations.

49 8 CIS/0 non-CIS 20

Awareness of the CIS Statistics Organizations and Communication Administrations of ICT data collection methodology raised. Capacity of CIS countries to produce national statistics and indicators on telecommunications and ICTs strengthened. Recommendations for CIS countries aimed at improvement of their abilities to produce national statistics and indicators elaborated.

Implemented. Regional workshop entitled “Harmonization of Telecommunication/ICT Indicators with International Standards”, took place on 24-26 April 2013 in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan.

Number of participants. Number of participating countries. Number of presentations.

47 8 CIS/0 non-CIS 14

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Current Law on Telecommunications which is in effect in Kyrgyzstan analyzed and revised recommendations and proposal for elaboration of a new law on Telecommunications for Kyrgyz Republic developed. New Law on Telecommunications adopted by the Government of Kyrgyz Republic.


Satisfaction/acceptance of the proposal. Feedback from Member State.

The Communication Administration of Kyrgyzstan satisfied with provided proposal; Certain proposals included in the new edition of the Law of Telecommunications.

Enhanced dialogue between national regulators, policy-makers, private sector and other telecommunication/ ICT stakeholders.

Forum for Telecommunications Regulations and Partnerships in Africa (FTRA) successfully held in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (4 to 6/9/2013). The Working Party on Private Sector successfully met in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe (3/9/2013).

Number and expertise/seniority of participants at the event and participants satisfaction.

115 participants from 19 countries, 9 Sector Members and 9 Regional Organizations participated.

The ITU Regional Seminar on Costs and Tariffs (SG3RG-AFR) was organized jointly by the TSB and BDT in collaboration with NTRA in Cairo, Egypt, from 4 to 5 February 2013. Study group provided the platform for dialogue between national regulators, policy-makers and other Telecommunication/ICT stakeholders (on costs and tariffs).

Number of countries and participants.

47 participants from 19 countries attended.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Workshop on quality of Services Provided by Telecommunications/ICT Companies and Consumer Protection,

ITU Regional Workshop organized in cooperation with State Committee for Communication, Informatization and Telecommunication Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, held from 22 to 24 May 2013 in Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan.

Number of participants/ Number of Countries. Number of presentations. Recommendations, feedback.

49 representatives of 8 CIS countries. 20 presentations were delivered. Recommendations were elaborated for improving service quality in the CIS countries and agreement between the countries reached regarding free exchange of regulatory documents in the field.

Regional/Sub-regional Harmonized roaming charging. Countries assisted in the establishment of new Regulatory bodies and in Enacting Telecommunication law - Institutional reform and update of the regulatory environment in Chad, New ICT law drafted , and new regulatory body set up in Madagascar( after the presidential election) - Establishment of a Regulatory Authority in South Sudan.

In progress the ITU assistance to CRASA on the establishment of cost based home and away roaming charges for SADC Region to create affordable access to the home and away roaming in the SADC region. Audit mission done in Chad and needs assessment in Equatorial Guinea. Study completed and report with proposals and recommendations submitted to the Government.

Affordable access to the home and away roaming in the SADC region. New law and 5 years ICT development plan approved. Report Submitted and accepted. NCA established

In progress. 75% activity completed (financially) Report and recommendation accepted (100%). NCA in process of being established (20%).

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Countries assisted in the preparation of National Policies, Strategies and Regulations. - Study Report on the ICT market in Gabon and triennial synthetic regulation plan for an auto-regulated scheme - An Approved National Broadband Policy development for The Kingdom of Lesotho. - An analysis study Report on Significant Market Power in Lesotho.

The draft report of the study has been transmitted to ARCEP GABON. Some complementary information in order to prioritize the set of sections in the plan has to be discussed internally for the Elaboration of the triennial action plan. Funds allocated to develop the BB Policy. Funds allocated, ToR agreed and experts identified.

Proposals for a real decrease of communication prices taking into account the ICT market and trends in Gabon. BB Policy Report Approved. Terms of Reference, missions to Lesotho to meet with Stakeholders, Data collection, Data Analysis, approved analysis report.

Objectives to decrease the communication prices are understood. The impact on the Fixed line ratio which is still very low depends on the agreement signed by the Government with the Historic operator Gabon Telecom. Unbundling perspectives are awaited. In progress. 30% completed (ToR and Experts approved).

Countries assisted in the preparation of National Policies, Strategies and Regulations. - Study Report on the ICT market in Gabon and triennial synthetic

The draft report of the study has been transmitted to ARCEP GABON. Some complementary information in order to prioritize the set of sections in the plan have

Proposals for a real decrease of communication prices taking into account the ICT market and trends in Gabon.

Objectives to decrease the communication prices are understood. The impact on the Fixed line ratio which is still very low depends on the agreement signed by the Government

regulation plan for an auto-regulated scheme - An Approved National Broadband Policy development for The Kingdom of Lesotho. - An analysis study Report on Significant Market Power in Lesotho.

to be discussed internally for the Elaboration of the triennial action plan. Funds allocated to develop the BB Policy. Funds allocated, ToR agreed and experts identified.

BB Policy Report Approved. Terms of Reference, missions to Lesotho to meet with Stakeholders, Data collection, Data Analysis, approved analysis report.

with the Historic operator Gabon Telecom. Unbundling perspectives are awaited. In progress. 30% completed (ToR and Experts approved).

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Threat and risk assessment

Perspective Key Risk Indicator (KRI) Impact Likelihood Mitigation


1- Finance Insufficient funding and/or commitment of countries.

Medium Low

Appropriate budget forecast. Mobilization of additional / extra-budgetary resources when required.

2- Competency / knowledge

Lack of staff resources, qualified experts and/or commitment of countries.

Medium Low

Anticipate the resources requirements and initiate recruitment procedures as soon as possible. Create and keep up to date a roster for experts.

3- Stakeholders / partners

Insufficient staff vis-à-vis demand Delays in country activities due to unforeseen local events and/or circumstances and/or commitment at the local level.

High Low

Ensure and improve cooperation with countries so as to guarantee appropriate level of involvement by countries and / or at local level.

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Resource allocations

Enabling Environment Enhancement Human resources


Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official 1.20 0.60 50%

D2 1.40 0.72 51%

D1 9.60 4.62 48%

P5 58.10 27.75 48%

P4 59.80 34.56 58%

P3 76.70 32.22 42%

P2 5.60 2.40 43%


G7 1.20 0.90 75%

G6 18.20 13.20 73%

G5 76.20 42.60 56%

G4/G3/G2 8.40 6.30 75%

Total 316.40 165.87 52%

Documentation and publications (Number of pages)

Planned (Jan-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Arabic 740 374

Chinese 725 419

English 255 22

French 885 563

Russian 735 477

Spanish 759 512

Total translation 4,099 2,367

Arabic 780 73

Chinese 830 164

English 260 58

French 915 439

Russian 740 16

Spanish 770 242

Total typing 4,295 992

Total reprography 505,000 135,747

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Output 8

ITU-D Publications ITU-D publications include:

• Recommendations, Reports and Handbooks: These are the result of work carried out by the ITU-D Study Groups in response to specific ITU-D Questions and requests formulated by Telecommunication Development conferences

• The BDT Yearbook of Statistics

• Trends in telecommunication reform

• Other specific and well-focused publications on various subjects linked to development such as economic and finance, statistics, telecommunication policies, trends in telecommunications, etc...

Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected result Realized result KPIs Measurement World Telecommunication ICTs Indicators.

Communication sent to 15 Caribbean countries on the information requirements.

No of countries providing information. Level of responses.

As per the questionnaire circulated. 60% committed to respond directly to ITU headquarters.

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Resource allocations

ITU-D Publications Human resources


Documentation and publications

(Number of pages)





Arabic 50 11Chinese 50 11English 25 0French 50 11Russian 50 15Spanish 50 12

Total translation 275 60Arabic 150 12

Chinese 150 12English 150French 150 22Russian 150 26Spanish 150 13

Total typing 900 85Total reprography 100,000 181,207

Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official 1.00 0.48 48%

D2 1.40 0.72 51%

D1 3.60 1.62 45%

P5 12.40 5.16 42%

P4 7.00 6.18 88%

P3 18.70 8.46 45%

P2 3.80 2.88 76%


G7 1.00 0.30 30%

G6 13.80 6.54 47%

G5 16.10 13.26 82%

G4/G3/G2 1.90 2.82 148%

Total 80.70 48.42 60%

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2013 On-going projects by region The table below provides the list of the current on-going projects for Objective 4 by region

Project No Title Region7RAF08070 Support for Harmonization of the ICT Policies in Sub-Sahara Africa (HIPSSA) AfricaSAU01005 Advisory Services to Communications & Information Technology Commission Arab States

9MYA13002 Technical Assistance on Telecommunication/ICT Policy and Regulation in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar

Asia & Pacific

9RAS09029 Universal Service Obligation in Thailand Asia & Pacific9RAS13043 Broadband Policies/Plans & Applications Asia & Pacific

9THA12013 Pilot Biddings for USO Projects in Two Provinces of Thailand Asia & Pacific9THA12015 USO Monitoring and Evaluation Framework in Thailand Asia & Pacific9THA12016 Study of Telecommunications Price Regulation in Thailand Asia & Pacific9THA13019 ITU NBTC Training Program 2013 Asia & Pacific9THA13020 Study and Human Capacity Building on Satellite Service Regulatory Framework in

ThailandAsia & Pacific

9ARG10011 ICT Digital Inclusion strategies in Argentina The Americas9HON12022 Illegal Telecommunication Traffic Assessment The Americas

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Key expected results

• Increased number of trained telecommunication/ICT professionals in developing countries

• Global cooperative network of training institutes • CoE network strengthened and ITU Academy

established • Increased awareness of the need to connect

schools to broadband Internet services • Increased human and institutional capacity on

accessible telecommunications/ICTs for persons with disabilities

• Enhanced human capacity among telecommunication/ICT stakeholders on the use of telecommunications/ICTs to promote economic and social development of women and girls, youth and children, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities

• Assistance provided to ITU members in developing and implementing policies and strategies on the use of telecommunications/ ICTs to promote economic and social development of women and girls, youth and children, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities

• Case studies, guidelines and toolkits made available to the members

• Projects implemented

Key performance indicators

• Number of training interventions delivered • Number of individuals trained • Feedback from members and survey, satisfaction

on training interventions • Number of training resources on ITU Academy

platform • Number of CoE nodes established • Number of internet training centres established • Number of members aware of the need to

connect schools • Number of case studies, guidelines and toolkits

made available to members • Feedback from members • Number of projects developed and implemented • Number of agreements signed (e.g. MoUs) and

number of partnerships formed

Summary Objective 5 includes the following output: – Human capacity building and digital inclusion

For the first six months of 2013, the actual human resources allocated to objective 5 represent 15.57 per cent of the total human resources of the Telecommunication Development Bureau.

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Output 9

Human capacity building and digital inclusion Strengthening the human and institutional capacity of developing countries to adapt to an evolving ICT and telecommunication sector and promoting digital inclusion are the overall purposes of this output

Specific purposes to assist the ITU membership include:

• To act as the primary source of high-quality ICT information, education and training resources for different target audiences – ranging from government policy-makers and regulators to professional business-focused curricula for ICT executives and managers, and specialized programmes for technical and operational staff

• In collaboration with ITU subject matter experts (e.g. in ITU-D programmes), partners and experts, to aggregate, organize, ensure quality control and make available ICT information, education and training resources

• To directly deliver and promote education, training and development activities addressing a wide scope of ICT-related topics

• To deliver and promote education, training and development activities that build local institutional capacity to deliver ICT education, training and development activities, including assistance in the establishment of educational or training centres and "train the trainer" instruction

• To develop cooperative partnerships with institutions specializing in ICT education, training and development activities

• To raise awareness among governmental and private-sector decision-makers on the

importance of digital inclusion for people with special needs

• To provide forums for discussion on the impact and use of telecommunications/ICTs for information sharing, education, training, poverty reduction and wealth creation for people with special needs, including youth-focused research and development

• To support the membership in providing greater availability, development and usage of local content, languages and corresponding websites for people with special needs, taking into account accessibility for persons with disabilities

• To working on removing gender barriers to ICT training and promote equal training opportunities in ICT-related fields for women and girls

• To assist the membership in developing and implementing national strategies, plans, policies and practices in order to achieve digital inclusion for people with special needs, including fostering accessible telecommunications/ICTs, such as by making assistive technologies available for persons with disabilities, and ensuring basic ICT literacy training and use of telecommunications/ICTs for economic and social development, poverty reduction and wealth creation

• To support the membership in developing and providing capacity building on ICT literacy skills for all, ICT-based life skills and vocational and education training for people with special needs, including in local languages, taking advantage of existing facilities such as schools, libraries, multipurpose community centres and public access points, and by promoting the establishment of local ICT centres in collaboration with all stakeholders

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Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected result Realized result KPIs Measurement

Enhanced skills of relevant human resources.

About 120 participants from 3 countries attended the workshop on digital radio technologies, 1-3 Mar 2013, Bangkok.

At least xx training workshops are organized. At least xx Member countries participate. At least xx people are trained.

No of training workshops. No of participants.

Institutional Strengthening.

Strengthened the training capability of the Institute of Posts and Telecommunications, Lao PDR.

Project 7LAO 12002 established the ITU-IPT Laboratories in the Institute of Posts and Telecommunications and provided six (6) extensive training courses for IPT instructors, other government staff and the ICT industry in Lao PDR.

CCNA and CCNP Laboratories established. Related Training Courses delivered.

Digital Broadcasting Implementation.

Approximately 180 participants from 30 countries attended the regional workshop, 4-5 March 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

At least one regional workshop is organized attended by 60 participants from Asia-Pacific and other region.

No. of workshop and participants.

Human capacity building. More than 150 participants enhanced their skills through trainings offered under ITU Asia-Pacific Centres of Excellence in areas of technology, applications, security, policies and regulations.

Number of participants. 20-30 participants per training.

Girls and young women around the world made aware of the job opportunities awaiting them in the ICT sector and information and best practices disseminated on digital inclusion for people with special needs.

1,500+ events in 121 countries, with an outreach of more than 40,000 girls and young women. ITU HQ organized an event in Geneva and at the European Parliament in Brussels (in collaboration with the European Commission).

Information on Girls in ICT Days and programs promoted and disseminated. Support to Girls in ICT day activities provided

Information on Girls in ICT Days shared with 1,500+ events in 121 countries and more than 100 hundred programs promoted and disseminated on Girls in ICT Portal. Support provided to 1,500+ events in 121 countries.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

More than 100 programmes added to the Girls in ICT Portal. Enhancement of features of the Girls in ICT Portal to make it more user friendly. 161 blog entries on the Digital Inclusion Portal.

161 blog entries.

Awareness raised on the education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities provided by ICTs.

Preparations for three workshops in the “Get Ahead” day of the Global Youth Summit. Identification of resources (e.g. ICT skills development and entrepreneurship resources) for the BDT Digital Inclusion/Youth website. Strategy negotiated for partnership with Foundation to raise awareness among youth on the education, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities provided by ICTs.

Number of participants Number of young people and trainers trained number potential partners contacted promotional materials developed.

Measurement to be reported in Aug-Dec report.

Increased human and institutional capacity among telecommunication/ICT

800,000 women trained as part of the Foundation Women’s

Level of assistance, number of Members assisted and regional initiatives supported.

800,000 women trained.

stakeholders on e-Education, e-Accessibility and women in ICT promotion policies as well as training on digital inclusion for Indigenous Peoples.

Digital Literacy Campaign. Advanced Digital Literacy Training materials under development. Model ICT Accessibility Policy report peer-reviewed prior to publication and shared with Colombia as part of their ICT accessibility policy development.

Number of participants in training workshops and meetings.

One country assisted. 85 indigenous people trained.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Expertise provided to support ad hoc assistance, Centres of Excellence, Regional Initiatives, presentations and projects and related ITU-D Study Group Questions, WSIS and other ITU events.

Support provided to Connect a School, Connect a Community project managers in Comoros, Lesotho, Niger and Tanzania. Presentations and contributions to ITU-D Study Group Question 20-1/1 provided. Organization of WSIS session on Girls in ICT. Participation as panelist in WSIS session on ICT Accessibility policies. Participation as panelist/speaker in SPARK 2013 (4th Global Forum on Telecentres) in 2 sessions (Women and Youth).

Level of assistance, number of Members assisted and regional initiatives supported. Number of contributions provided, meetings organized and other kinds of support provided.

4 countries assisted. Two contributions, 5 presentations and one meeting organized.

Training programmes implemented.

CoE Project Action 13274 Umbrella Action in support to capacity building activities implemented in the Americas region and under the AMS CoE Support to C&I training.

Number of countries benefiting from the trainings. Level of implementation.

1st support provided by the Action benefitted the following countries: Brazil, Cuba, El Salvador, Honduras, Jamaica, Panama, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. 17 % of the Action was implemented until June 2013.

Training on ICT inclusion for Indigenous People.

Training Programme on Project Management for Indigenous. First course fully implemented; New ITU website on activities in benefit of indigenous peoples implemented. Second course is currently on-going.

Delivery of planned courses. Number of participants. Level of satisfaction.

85 participants in the first course and very good level of satisfaction by participants and ITU partner (Fondo Indígena). (total to be provided after full implementation)

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Increase/update capacity of telecom staff in Haiti.

Action is currently On-going. Arrangements made with host, consultant recruited and invitations sent.

Number of participants. Number of staff trained and level of participation/interaction

(to be provided after full implementation)

Increase ICT and communication skills of young people, women and people with disabilities.

Implemented. Young male and female engineers were trained on Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC); Support to the participation of professional with disabilities in the regional consultation for the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Disability and Development.(HLMDD)

Number of beneficiary countries. Level of satisfaction on training provided.

Two young women engineers and a young man engineer received high specialized training on EMC – 3 countries benefitted from this training (Honduras, Nicaragua and Paraguay) – Course was rated Excellent by participants Eight fellowships for professionals with disabilities were provided to facilitate participation in the regional consultation for the HLMDD.

Girls and young women of the Americas made aware of job opportunities in the ICT sector.

Implemented. Significant number of countries organizing events.

Ecuador, Colombia, Uruguay, Peru, Bolivia, Trinidad and Tobago, Grenada, CISCO, CITEL, among others.

New strategy and implementation guidelines for Centres of Excellence developed.

New strategy, implementation guidelines and processes for Centres of Excellence in place.

Level of participation of Regional Coordinators in development of processes.

Inputs of the regions in the final outcome of tools for implementing the new strategy.

Enhanced capacity building partnerships through collaboration with other stakeholders to develop and deliver training.

New partnerships established for the development of training materials and delivery of training programs, and existing partnerships strengthened.

Develop modules for Basic level Spectrum Management Training Program. Negotiate partnership agreement with IEEE. Strengthen current partnership with CISCO, prepare implementation of partnership with Rohde & Schwarz.

Planning for Spectrum Monitoring training with R and S in November 2013 in place; Cooperation Agreement with IEEE developed. Discussions to expand current cooperation with CISCO undertaken.

Increased capacity in the various areas in which training is delivered.

Capacity increased in the various areas in which training was delivered to the membership.

Number of countries and participants from Regions.

Participation in training activities offered.

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Expected result ( Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Supporting the Regional Initiative on Arab Digital Content.

Planned for next reporting period.

No. of countries participating. No. of participants.

Action is planned pending finalizing arrangements with host and involved stakeholders.

CoE Training programmes in the Arab Region.

Implement of the Arab CoE activities in the region.

Number of countries benefiting from the trainings. Level of implementation.

25% of the Actions were implemented until June 2013.

Attention of young women to ICT as a promising and dynamic industry sector drawn; career opportunities for women provided by ICT considered; situation with gender misbalance in ICT at the decision-making level considered and recommendations on how to improve it elaborated.

Attention of young women to ICT as a promising and dynamic industry sector was drawn; career opportunities for women provided by ICT were considered; situation with gender misbalance in ICT at the decision-making level was considered and recommendations on how to improve it were elaborated.

Number of participants. Number of participating countries. Number of presentations.

142 5 CIS/0 non-CIS 6

Awareness raised of the Communication Administrations, Sector Members, ICT-specialized educational and scientific and research institutions on existing ICT applications and their possible use in educational process in school and higher education institutions; recommendations on improvement of educations process using ICT elaborated.

Implemented. Regional Seminar for CIS on Strategic issues of ICT use in education, held in Odessa, Ukraine from 17 to 19 April 2013.

Number of participants. Number of participating countries. Number of presentations.

55 9 CIS/0 non-CIS. 23

Awareness raised of the Communication Adminis-trations, Sector Members, ICT-specialized educational and scientific and research institutions in the field of planning terrestrial digital broadcasting networks; national experience in the implementation of terrestrial digital broadcasting networks considered.

Implemented. The Videoconference Training for the CIS “Complex Issues of Implementation and Development of Digital Broadcasting” was held by the ITU Area Office for the CIS, Moscow, Russian Federation from 16 to 17 May 2013.

Number of participants. Number of participating countries. Number of presentations.

168 10 CIS/0 non-CIS + Georgia (total 11) 14

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Activities of the CIS CoE in 2013 considered; recommendations elaborated regarding the CIS CoE financing.

Activities of the CIS CoE in 2013 were considered; recommendations were elaborated regarding the CIS CoE financing: co-financing by ITU, holding of joint ITU-CoE events, creation of the CoE training service consumer database.

Elaborated document (recommendations).


Professional skills of village teachers of informatics improved; awareness of the village teachers of modern

Implemented. 7 training courses (with duration of 5 day each), held from 1 March to 15

Number of trained teachers.

118 teachers, including 72 women. Positive feedback from

information and communication technologies raised, including ICT applications and their possible use in educational process; requirements of higher education in preparing schoolchildren for university clarified to village teachers; capability to provide more advanced lessons to the school children in Kyrgyz rural areas raised.

May 2013. Number of village schools covered. Number of districts covered.

the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Kyrgyz Republics and the Ministry of Education of the Kyrgyz Republic. 10 More than from70 Villages ( Remote and Rural ) From the 6 regions, more than 20 districts.

Enabled participation in the Conference of representatives of the CIS low-income countries.

Representatives of Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Tajikistan were able to participate in the conference thanks to ITU fellowships (tickets).

Number of participants of the CIS low-income countries.

6 (2 representative per each of the three countries).

Capacity building in key selected topics and agreement on key ICT issues addressed; Facilitated platform to discuss Africa Common Position going to WTDC (through ATU).

Capacity building done through events co-organized with ATU namely: 1) Joint Meeting on GE06 Frequency Planning 2) Joint workshop ITU/ATU/GSMA on Roaming and Combating SPAM. Common position being built through Technical Support given to ATU.

Report of well thought-out Africa Common position. Number of Joint events organized.

2 Workshops successfully organized Report prepared for Consultative Meetings to RPM.

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

More awareness of the importance of Girls in ICT and the need to develop policies to promote Girls in ICT. Visibility for ITU and its efforts in this area.

Five countries: Senegal, Kenya, Cameroun, The Gambia and Nigeria were assisted to celebrate Girls in ICT Day. The celebrations were marked by varied events unique to each country, some involving competitions, seminars and others. Events were attended not only by girls but also boys, parents, officials of administrations, teachers and others. Awareness on the importance of girls in ICT was done across the board as it must be a multi-stakeholder effort. Each participating country produced a report.

Number of countries assisted. Publicity of the events.

5 countries assisted Events well covered by local press.

Increased awareness and expertise among the Senior Executives and managers dealing with policy and strategy formulation on the use of ICT Tools to address the challenges of sustainability human resource and human capital.

Regional Workshops on Using ICT tools for human capital development and capability assessments in the ICT sector, held Botswana 27-29 May 2013, with attendance by 80 participants, mostly Senior Executives and Managers, from 20 African Countries.

Level of attendance by seniority and number of the participants and number of countries represented. Quality of Training Material

80 participants from 20 countries were present. Majority of the participants were senior officials. Training material of high quality posted on the website of ITU Academy.

Increased number of High Level qualified Experts in Africa on Quality of Service in Mobile Networks through training in the Centre of Excellences for Africa. Training Material developed and posted in the ITU Academy.

The number of Experts on QoS in Mobile Networks in Africa increase through participation 5 Workshops, online and face to face organized. 72 participants, withdrawn from Regulatory Authorities, Operators and Training Institutions, from 9 Central and Western African Countries attended. The training material developed posted in the ITU Academy.

Quality of training to be delivered by ESMT, Level of participation and seniority of the participants

5 workshops (on line and face to face) organized. 72 participants from 9 countries attended the workshops 90% of participants were Senior Executives/Managers Curriculum and Training materials high accepted and posted in the ITU Academy.

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Threat and risk assessment

Perspective Key Risk Indicator (KRI) Impact Likelihood Mitigation


1- Finance Insufficient human and financial resources. Medium Medium

- conversion of G5 (assistant retired) post to a P2 post at same or lower cost - strategic partnerships with BDT Sector Members to facilitate implementation of digital inclusion activities -engage in resource mobilization activities

2- Competency/ knowledge

Competing priorities with other BDT activities.

High High

- Create awareness about the importance of digital inclusion, including by making presentations and promoting Digital Inclusion activities in ITU and external meetings and/or events of our Partners - Provide appropriate information to ITU Management and regional colleagues on the importance of the activities that enable the use of ICTs for social and economic development of the people with special needs

3- Stakeholders/ partners

Number of ITU Members and Sector Members unaware of BDT Digital Inclusion activities.

Medium Low

- Create awareness among ITU Members and BDT Sector Members, including through social network tools - Provide presentations and promote Digital Inclusion activities in ITU and external meetings and in meetings and/or events of our Partners - Develop Digital Inclusion reports and guidelines for our Members.

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Resource allocations

Human resources (Work/months)


(Jan.-Dec.) Actual

(Jan.-June) Actual

(Jan.-June) % of planned

Elected Official 1.40 0.72 51%

D2 1.40 0.72 51%

D1 9.60 5.52 58%

P5 46.40 22.32 48%

P4 44.20 21.18 48%

P3 52.70 20.70 39%

P2 20.00 12.12 61%


G7 1.40 1.20 86%

G6 24.50 13.26 54%

G5 68.60 33.18 48%

G4/G3/G2 15.60 4.98 32%

Total 285.80 135.90 48%

Documentation and publications (Number of pages)

Planned (Jan-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Arabic 295 15

Chinese 305 15

English 10 2

French 300 57

Russian 295 14

Spanish 230 15

Total translation 1,435 118

Arabic 315 18

Chinese 310 36

English 25 1

French 320 35

Russian 300 17

Spanish 245 14

Total typing 1,515 121

Total reprography 100,000 264,407

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2013 On-going projects by region The table below provides the list of the current on-going projects for Objective 5 by region

Project No Title Region9ANG11006 Support to Telecommunications Sector in Angola Africa

9RAF10084-01 Connect a school, connect a community in sub-Sahara Africa Africa9RAF10084-03 Connect A School, Connect A Community in Niger Africa7OMA13005 Establishment of a Cybersecurity Innovation Centre for the Arab Region Arab States

7LAO12002 Strengthening the Training Capacity of the Institute of Posts and Telecommunications

Asia & Pacific

7RAS07024 Centre of Excellence Network in the Asia-Pacific Region Asia & Pacific9THA13020 Study and Human Capacity Building on Satellite Service Regulatory

Framework in ThailandAsia & Pacific

9COS13017 ICT Knowledge development for ICE, Costa Rica The Americas9RLA11009 AMS CoE Regional Project: Management of capacity building activities The Americas

7GLO11068 School Connectivity in Five ITU Member States World or Multi-Regional9GLO05055 Youth Education Scheme World or Multi-Regional

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Key expected results

• Increased average telephone and broadband density in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS

• Enhanced capacity of regulators in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS on telecommunications/ICTs

• Improved availability of information on telecommunications/ICTs in LDCs and SIDS

• Areas vulnerable to natural disasters mapped • Computer-based information systems covering

the results of surveys, assessments and observations developed

• Policies and measures to minimize the impact of climate change and climate variability developed

• Countries better informed on actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change using telecommunications/ICTs

• Assistance provided in cases of emergency

Key performance indicators

• Average telephone and broadband density in LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS

• Number and impact (e.g. number and seniority of participants) of forums, training programmes, workshops, seminars, toolkits and guidelines

• Feedback from members • Effectiveness and time of response to requests in

emergency situations • Number of countries with climate-change and

disaster management strategies and plans

Summary Objective 6 includes the following output: – Special assistance, emergency telecommunications and climate change

For the first six months of 2013, the actual human resources allocated to objective 5 represent 10.96 per cent of the total human resources of the Telecommunication Development Bureau.

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Output 10

Special assistance, emergency telecommunications and climate change The main purpose of this output is:

• To increase the average telephone density in the countries to 50 main lines (ML) per 100 inhabitants and the number of Internet connections to 15 users per 100 inhabitants by 2015

• To promote universal access to ICTs in LDCs, SIDS and LLDCs, and provide assistance to developing countries in disaster risk reduction, with the aim of helping these countries attain internationally agreed development goals, such as the Millennium Development Goals, by the year 2015. With this improved access, these countries could use ICT as a development enabler

• To provide assistance in disaster prevention, preparedness and relief/response and telecommunication infrastructure reconstruction/rehabilitation in countries affected by disasters

• To provide assistance to developing countries in the use of ICTs to mitigate and address the effects of climate change, taking into account the impact of ICTs on the environment

This output will be valued for its quality and timely delivery of concentrated assistance for the general socio-economic development of countries through ICTs, focusing on the specific needs of LDCs and countries in special need (landlocked developing countries, and small island developing states).

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Mid-year 2013 Implementation

Expected result Realized result KPIs Measurement Direct country assistance to LDCs, SIDS, LLDCs.

Ad-hoc assistance to Kiribati in spectrum management.

At least 2 countries assisted.

No of countries assisted.

Human capacity building on emergency telecommunications.

ITU’s organized session at the APT workshop on disaster communications in Philippines, 23-25 Jul 2013.

At least one training workshop/seminar organized. At least 50 participating people.

No of training workshops. No of participants.

Policy/Regulatory assistance for LDCs.

Reviewed and finalized National Telecom Law of Myanmar.

At least one workshop organized. Draft National Telecom Law ready for enrollment in National Parliament.

2 workshops organized. Draft Telecoms Law now under final deliberation in National Parliament.

Regulatory Assistance For LDC.

Drafted QoS Regulations for NTA Nepal.

At least one workshop organized Draft QoS Regulations.

One national workshop organized Drafted QoS Regulations.

Increase Caribbean capacity related to emergency preparedness.

On-going. Completed planning the forum on emergency telecommunication and climate change for Caribbean region to be held in Barbados in Q3. Arrangements made with host, consultant recruited and invitations sent.

Number of participants and level of participation.

(to be provided after full implementation)

Increase developing countries' capacity related to emergency communications.

On-going. Consultant was recruited to perform tasks related to the disposal of ICT waste materials. Completed planning the workshop for CIS countries on ICTs Save Lives and emergency telecommunication to be held in Kyrgyz in Q3

Number of countries assisted.

(to be provided after full implementation)

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Expected result (Cont’d)

Realized result KPIs Measurement

Increase awareness on the proper disposal/ reuse of telecom/ICT waste materials.

Implemented. The participants agreed on a Central American and Caribbean Agenda for Environmentally sound management of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEE) Complete information can be found at

Number of professionals benefiting from ITU recommendations. Number of beneficiary countries.

86 professionals from 8 different countries of the AMS region, particularly from Central America, were presented with sound management of WEEE, including ITU recommendations.

Improved understanding of satellite use in the small island developing states of the Pacific through dissemination of feasibility study.

The feasibility study on satellite use in the Pacific has been circulated for comments of participating countries

Number of Pacific Island countries participating in satellite connectivity project

Positive feedback from Member states in SIDS of the Pacific through letters of commitment to the satellite connectivity project.

Countries are better informed on actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

Recruitment of Expert to develop national emergency telecommunication plans for Central American region.

Number of countries with national emergency telecommunication plans.

Positive impact reported by Member States from forums, training programmes, workshops, seminars, toolkits and guidelines.

Vulnerable people are supported through the provision of on-the –ground assistance in cases of emergency.

Extended ITU emergency telecommunication as requested by WHO for the Mali crisis. Procurement of early warning system for Uganda.

Number of countries assisted during disasters. At least 2 countries received assistance in emergency telecommunication and early warning systems.

Positive impact as reported by Member states or from forums, workshops etc. Contribution from countries requesting ITU assistance in implementing early warning systems.

Enhanced country level climate change and disaster management through mapping of areas vulnerable to natural disaster.

No realized results to be reported for this period.

Number of countries that report and demonstrable improvements to climate-change and disaster-management strategies and plans as a result of mapping.

Positive impact reported by Member States from forums, training programmes, workshops, seminars, toolkits and guidelines.

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Threat and risk assessment

Perspective Key Risk Indicator (KRI) Impact Likelihood Mitigation


1- Finance

Lack of resources to provide the appropriate support level in case of high demand from countries.

Medium Low

Appropriate budget forecast. to be prepared. Mobilization of additional/ extra-budgetary resources when required.

2- Competency/ knowledge

Lack of qualified experts in the domains concerned.

Medium Low

Anticipate the resources requirements and initiate recruitment procedures as soon as possible. Create and keep up to-date a roster for experts.

3- Stakeholders/ partners

Insufficient commitment of countries and/or at local level.

High Low

Ensure and improve cooperation with countries so as to guarantee appropriate level of involvement by countries and/or at local level.

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Resource allocations

Human resources (Work/months)


(Jan.-Dec.) Actual

(Jan.-June) Actual

(Jan.-June) % of planned

Elected Official 1.40 0.72 51%

D2 1.40 0.72 51%

0D1 10.00 5.10 51%

P5 29.40 16.62 57%

P4 17.40 7.92 46%

P3 44.90 19.50 43%

P2 4.10 2.67 65%


G7 1.40 1.20 86%

G6 34.60 11.22 32%

G5 77.20 23.10 30%

G4/G3/G2 16.00 6.90 43%

Total 237.80 95.67 40%

Documentation and publications

(Number of pages)

Planned (Jan-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Arabic 50

Chinese 50

English 20

French 60 30

Russian 50

Spanish 50

Total translation 280 30

Arabic 70

Chinese 70

English 30

French 80 11

Russian 70

Spanish 70

Total typing 390 11

Total reprography 225,000 91,642

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2013 On-going projects by region The table below provides the list of the current on-going projects for Objective 6 by region

Project No Title Region7UGA11006 Early Warning Systems Africa7LAO12002 Strengthening the Training Capacity of the Institute of Posts

and TelecommunicationsAsia & Pacific

7GLO13071 Least Developed Countries Infrastructure Protection Program -Project Framework

World or Multi-Regional

7GLO03043 Emergency Telecommunication World or multi-Regional

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PART 1 ............................................... execuTive summARy

PART 2 ................................... The six objecTives of The TelecommunicATion

DeveloPmenT buReAu

PART 3 ................................ ThE TElECoMMUnICATIon DEVEloPMEnT bUREAU

PART 4 ................................... The ResouRces summARy

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PART 3 – The Telecommunication Development Bureau

This section presents the Telecommunication Development Bureau as well as the different departments and divisions that are part of it.

Summary The mission of the BDT includes the organization and support of the outputs related to the six objectives of the Telecommunication Development Sector. These outputs consist of actions (activities) that represent a key component when it comes to the financial and planning processes.

ITU-D Bureau The Telecommunication Development Bureau is responsible for assisting countries in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs), facilitating the mobilization of technical, human and financial resources needed for their implementation, as well as promoting access to ICTs. The Telecommunication Development

Bureau also promotes the extension of the benefits of ICTs to all the world’s inhabitants, participates in actions that contribute towards narrowing the digital divide, develops and manages programmes that facilitate information flow geared to the needs of developing countries.

The Telecommunication Development Bureau is organized into four Departments:

- Deputy to the Director and Chief of the Administration and Operations Coordination Department (DDR)

- Infrastructure, Enabling Environment and E-Applications Department (IEE)

- Project Support and Knowledge Management Department (PKM)

- Innovation and Partnership Department (IP)

In addition, it includes the Regional Offices.

The chart below illustrates the structure of the BDT.

Office of the Director


Infrastructure, Enabling Environment

and E-Applications Department


Project Support and Knowledge

Management Department


Innovation and Partnership Department


Regional Offices


Deputy to the Director, and Chief of the

Administration and Operations and

Coordination Department(DDR)

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Key activities

The key activities of the Telecommunication Development Bureau are linked to the following:

• Assistance to least developed countries,

landlocked developing countries and small island developing states

• Broadband deployment in rural areas • Capacity building • Climate change mitigation and adaptation

and e-waste management • Conformance and interoperability capacity

building • Cyber security: building confidence and

security in the use of ICTs • Digital inclusion • Emergency telecommunications • Global symposium for regulators

• Indicators and statistics • M-health applications to combat non-

communicable diseases • Partnership building and resource

mobilization • Policy and regulatory fora • Project implementation • Spectrum management system for

developing countries • Study group activities and knowledge

sharing • Transition from analogue to digital

broadcasting • Transition to new generation networks

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Deputy to the Director and Chief of the Administration and Operations Coordination Department (DDR) The Deputy to the Director and Chief of the Administration and Operations Coordination Department (DDR) is responsible for assisting and advising the Director in the direction and management of the Bureau including on all questions related to personnel, finance and operational planning process. The Department is responsible for leading the operational planning, assessment and reporting process within the framework of the Action Plan as adopted by the World Telecommunication Development Conference in coordination with the Heads of the other Departments in the Bureau and Regional Directors. The Department is responsible for management of the Administration Division (ADM), the Support Division (SUP), the IT Support

Service (ITS) and the Support to Field Offices Service (SFO). The Department is also responsible for coordinating conferences and events preparation and for monitoring the implementation of decisions emanating from ITU and BDT governing bodies including Council, Conferences and Assemblies of the other Sectors for matters of relevance to BDT as well as from the Telecommunication Development Advisory Group. The Department is responsible for coordination of the Bureau's cooperation with other Sectors and General Secretariat.

The following table provides the breakdown of human resources (Work/Months) in the Deputy to the Director and Chief of the Administration and Operations Coordination Department (DDR) by grade, for both planned and actual resources for the the first six months of 2013.

Human resources


Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official

D2 12 6 50%


P5 24 12 50%

P4 12 6 50%

P3 48 24 50%

P2 24 12 50%



G6 96 54 56%

G5 72 30 42%


Total 288 144 50%

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KPI KPI NAME Description

KPI-01 Harmonization of processes and procedures

To develop standard framework and guidelines so as to streamline and document procedures and processes within BDT.

KPI-02 E-procedures To introduce electronic treatment and workflows for major administrative processes

KPI-03 Reporting improvement

To develop new reporting standards for middle and senior management for strategic, financial, human resources and operational domains. To improve access to information.

KPI-04 Alignment To provide dedicated training based on strategic objectives.

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Infrastructure, Enabling Environment and E-Applications Department (IEE) The Infrastructure, Enabling Environment and E-Applications Department (IEE) is responsible for assisting ITU Member States and ITU-D Sector Members with the utilization of appropriate technologies to build or extend their telecommunication infrastructure and adapt to the rapidly changing telecommunication/ICT environment. This includes the provision of guidelines and tools for the development of policy and regulatory frameworks, financing policies and strategies, development of telecommunication networks, the use of reliable and cost-effective ICT applications, cyber security, broadcasting and spectrum management. The Department is also responsible for promoting

access to, as well as use and knowledge of, telecommunications and ICTs for groups which have been marginalized in their access to current mainstream information communications technology services, including women and girls, children and youth, indigenous people, persons with disabilities and people living in remote communities. The Department is also responsible for making contribution to and following-up the work of ITU-D Study Groups for issues related to the responsibilities of the Department.

The table below shows the breakdown of the human resources (Work/Months) in the Infrastructure, Enabling Environment and E-Applications Department (IEE) by grade, for both planned and actual resources for the first six months of 2013.

Human resources (Work/months)

Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official


D1 12 6 50%

P5 48 24 50%

P4 36 42 117%

P3 60 18 30%

P2 12 6 50%



G6 12 6 50%

G5 48 30 63%


Total 228 132 58%

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KPI KPI NAME Description

KPI-01 Expertise in regulatory domains

To further attract industry leaders to the GSR by integrating a global dialogue among regulators and industry leaders within the regular programme of the Global Symposium for Regulators, as well as by convening a Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers meeting on the eve of the GSR.

KPI-02 Expertise in Cybersecurity activities

To increase the impact of the cybersecurity-related activities carried out for the benefit of the membership by identifying and training a cybersecurity focal point for each region.

KPI-03 Development of spectrum and broadcast related activities

To provide more focused spectrum and broadcasting-related activities through the creation of a dedicated Division in the IEE Department.

KPI-04 Promotion of Digital Inclusion for people with special needs

To increase the impact of digital inclusion activities for the benefit of the membership by developing tools and guidelines on the use of ICTs to promote the economic and social development of women and girls, youth and children, indigenous peoples and people living in remote area, and persons with disabilities.

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Project Support and Knowledge Management Department (PKM) The Project Support and Knowledge Management Department (PKM) is responsible for assisting ITU Member States and ITU-D Sector Members strengthen the institutional and organizational capability to adapt to the rapidly changing telecommunication/ICT environment through capacity building. The Department also provides administrative and technical support in the formulation of project proposals and implementation of projects, project monitoring and evaluation; produces and disseminates timely statistical and analytical data on the Telecommunication/ICT Sector and the Information Society; and supports the work of ITU-D Study Groups. The Department is also

responsible for providing concentrated assistance to least developed countries, small island developing states, and landlocked developed countries. In addition, PKM implements activities and projects in the domain of emergency telecommunications, and climate change. The Department is also responsible for making contribution to and following-up the work of ITU-D Study Groups for issues related to the responsibilities of the Department. The table below shows the breakdown of the human resources (Work/Months) in the Project Support and Knowledge Management Department (PKM) by grade, for both planned and actual resources for the first six months of 2013.

Human resources


Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official


D1 12 6 50%

P5 48 24 50%

P4 72 36 50%

P3 72 36 50%

P2 12 6 50%



G6 12 6 50%

G5 84 36 43%


Total 312 150 48%

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KPI KPI NAME Description

KPI-01 Expertise in Emergency Telecommunications Availability

To train at least one person in each region in technical and operational matters related to the role and use of ICT for disaster risk reduction and disaster management.

KPI-02 Expertise in Indicators/Statistics Availability

To train at least one person in each of the field offices in the basics of data collection and coordination with related national entities.

KPI-03 Project Management Guidelines Availability

To develop and disseminate a 2013 version of project management guidelines that incorporate Results Based Management practices.

KPI-04 ITU-T, ITU-R and ITU-D Content Modules Availability

To develop in coordination with ITU-T, ITU-R, and ITU-D Focal Points standardized modules to be used under the ITU Academy and for general capacity building.

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Innovation and Partnership Department (IP) The Innovation and Partnership Department (IP) is responsible for the strategic planning and thinking that will properly position the BDT to accomplish the organizational goals and objectives and to achieve the corporate vision; partnership building and resource mobilization, including the management of the ICT-DF and other funds in trust to support the

implementation of regional initiatives through bankable projects; and content coordination and strengthening of the synergy between the ITU-D Study Groups, the programmes and the special initiatives.

The table below shows the breakdown of the human resources (Work/Months) in the Innovation and Partnership Department (IP) by grade, for both planned and actual resources for the first six months of 2013.

Human resources (Work/months)

Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official


D1 12 6 50%

P5 24 12 50%

P4 24 12 50%

P3 24 6 25%

P2 6



G6 36 12 33%

G5 36 6 17%


Total 156 60 38%

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KPI KPI NAME Description

KPI-01 Study groups To improve the services for membership and facilitate participation to the meetings

KPI-02 Partnership To increase the level or number of partners and also to expand the relationships between both groups.

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Performance Report

Regional and Area Offices The Regional and Area Offices are responsible for proposing the operational policy and strategy of telecommunication development activities in their respective regions, coordinating with countries of the region to prioritize requirements, proposing inputs for the preparation of the operational plan based on these prioritized regional requirements, as well as coordinating

and implementing technical cooperation activities in their respective regions, be they in the framework of projects, regional initiatives, or follow-up of World Telecommunication Development Conferences.

The table below shows the breakdown of the human resources (Work/Months) in the Regional and Area Offices by grade, for both planned and actual resources for the first six months of 2013.

Human resources


Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official


D1 48 24 50%

P5 144 75 52%

P4 60 24 40%

P3 132 66 50%

P2 24 12 50%



G6 48 24 50%

G5 192 96 50%

G4/G3/G2 60 36 60%

Total 708 357 50%

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Performance Report



KPI KPI NAME Description

KPI-01 Technological improvement To improve technological equipment and knowledge.

KPI-02 Projects To identify and develop partnership for greater mobilization of resources.

KPI-03 Result-based management (RBM) To own RBM principles and further apply to day-to-day activities.

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PART 1 ............................................... execuTive summARy

PART 2 ................................... The six objecTives of The TelecommunicATion

DeveloPmenT buReAu

PART 3 ................................... The TelecommunicATion DeveloPmenT buReAu

PART 4 ................................ThE RESoURCES SUMMARY

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Performance Report

PART 4 – The resources

Summary This part of the document presents the summary of planned and actual resources for mid-year 2013. These estimates are based on the full implementation of outputs and activity programme of the Telecommunication Development Sector.

Human resources The following table and charts present the evolution of the planned human resources in terms of work/months for the Telecommunication Development Bureau for first six months of 2013.

Comparison between the mid-year 2013 actual and planned human resources levels

Human resources


Planned (Jan.-Dec.)

Actual (Jan.-June)

Actual (Jan.-June)

% of planned

Elected Official 12 6 50%

D2 12 6 50%

D1 84 42 50%

P5 300 147 49%

P4 204 126 62%

P3 336 150 45%

P2 72 48 67%


G7 12 6 50%

G6 204 102 50%

G5 444 204 46%

G4/G3/G2 60 36 60%

Total 1740 873 50%

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Performance Report


Distribution of the actual mid-year 2013 staffing level of the Telecommunication Development Bureau by grade

Breakdown of total mid-year 2013 actual human resources by department

Elected Offical6






G76 G6






Chart 4

DIR (includes ROs)44.33%





Chart 5

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Performance Report

Distribution of the mid-year 2013 actual staffing of the Telecommunication Development Bureau by Department and grade


Elected Official 6

D2 6

D1 24 6 6 6

P5 75 12 24 24 12

P4 30 6 42 36 12

P3 66 24 18 36 6

P2 18 12 6 6 6

G7 6

G6 24 54 6 6 12

G5 102 30 30 36 6

G4/G3/G2 36

Total 387 144 132 150 60

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Performance Report


Documentation The following table provides the comparison between the planned and actual levels of documentation for the first six months of 2013.

Planned Jan.-Dec.

Actual Jan.-Sept.

Arabic 2,130 689

Chinese 2,125 592

English 1,353 402

French 2,500 1,494

Russian 2,110 1,083

Spanish 2,254 848

Total Translation 12,472 5,108

Arabic 2,345 260

Chinese 2,390 323

English 2,196 503

French 2,690 1,078

Russian 2,275 331

Spanish 2,430 539

Total typing 14,326 3,034

Reprography 1,230,000 758,826

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Performance Report

Breakdown of mid-year 2013 translation requirements by output




ICT infrastructure development


Cyber security and ICT application


Enabling environment enhancement


ITU-D Publ.1.17%

Human cap. building and digital incl.


Special assistance emergency telecom. And climate change


Chart 6

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Performance Report


Breakdown of mid-year 2013 typing requirements by output



ICT infrastructure development


Cyber security and ICT application


Enabling environment enhancement


ITU-D Publ.2.80%

Human cap. building and digital inclusion


Special assistance emergency telecom. and climate change


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Performance Report

Breakdown of mid-year 2013 reprography requirements by output



ICT infrastructure development

7.83%Cyber security and

ICT application deployment


Enabling environment enhancement


ITU-D Publ.23.88%

Human cap. building and digital inclusion


Special assistance emergency telecom. and climate change


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2013 M I D -Y E A R












Printed in SwitzerlandGeneva, 2013 TElECOMMuNiCATiON DEvElOPMENT SECTOR