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Microsoft PowerPoint Topics What is PowerPoint Planning Presentations New Slides Views.

Jan 11, 2016



Franklin Parks
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PPT Basics Addendum

TopicsClip Art

Slide Master

Applying DesignsTransitions


SavingWhat is PowerPointPresentation Graphics Program

Run on a computer

OverheadsBlack and whiteColor


PrintoutsPalm SoftwareHardware CapacityWeb SitesInstalling SoftwareDeleting SoftwareExamplesHardware Capacity

Click on the drop down icon and choose Info from the App menu.

MemoryVersionsClick on the Version Button

Non-ExamplesThe mission of the Fdlrs Associate Center Network is to support the implementation of the Bureau of Instructional Support and Community Services and local district initiatives. These initiatives include highest student achievement, high performing work force, personal safety, and partnerships. Fdlrs assists in the enhancement of learner outcomes for students through provision of information, training, and technical assistance to persons involved with students with exceptionalities. Collaboration among centers within the network and across functions to develop resources and products to support the initiatives is essential.Mission Statement

Poor Color Choices

Better Color Choices

GuidelinesKeep to the main purpose

One idea per slide

Think about the output

Consistent layout

Easy to readUse Bullets, Not NumbersBullets imply no significant order

Use numbers to show rank or sequence6 lines of text

6 words per lineUse the 6 X 6 rule:Allow plenty of room around borders and illustrations

Think about size

Select Readable Type SizeThis is 44 point Minimum 36 point for titles

24 point for body text

This is 32 point45 point40 point35 point30 point25 point20 point15 point10 pointTypeface and Font Use Sans serif (no curly feet) Arial or universal for body textUse serif for titles onlyUse upper and lower caseLEGIBILITYLegibility Typeface Examples Typeface ExamplesTypeface ExamplesTypeface ExamplesTypeface Examples ArialTimes New RomanCourier NewGillSansDiscriminate or EmphasizeMake titles a larger type size than body elements

Emphasize important statements or words with bold, italic, larger size or different fonts.Choose Color Carefully Use the same color consistently

Use dark letters on a light background

Or.. light letters on a dark backgroundUse Solid ColorsPatterns on bars or pie slices cause confusion.

Solid colors convey a clear bold message

Use Solid ColorsSolid colors convey a clear bold message

Use Simple TablesUse Tables

For your numbersBut not too manyRow 1100.46.3123*Row 2254.2456Row 3635.8798Row 4429.1963*Try not to make footnotes too smallThe Slides are Not the PresentationThe slides are a focus for your presentation

Slides supplement your talk

Slides focus interest on what you think is importantTipsKeep text short

Do not read slides

Use standard fonts only

Left-align body text

Create slides from an outlineMore TipsHigh Color Contrast

Avoid visual clutter of pictures behind text

Avoid punctuation

Apply consistency, not monotonyClipart and AudioAdd Clipart where appropriate

Use Audio sparinglyIf ever

Pay Attention toCopyright

Before the PresentationBe prepared for any equipment problems

Practice before you present

Practice, Practice, Practice

Lets Get Started