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I Micro-Mechanics Based Fatigue Modelling of Composites Reinforced With Straight and Wavy Short Fibers Yasmine ABDIN Supervisor: Prof. Stepan V. Lomov Prof. Ignaas Verpoest Members of the Examination Committee: Prof. Albert Van Bael Prof. Andrea Bernasconi Prof. Frederik Desplentere Dr. Larissa Gorbatikh Prof. Patrick Wollants (Chairman) Prof. Willy Sansen (Chairman) Prof. Wim Van Paepegem Dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Materials Engineering September 2015

Micro-Mechanics Based Fatigue Modelling of Composites ......A novel model is developed for prediction of the fatigue S-N behavior of the short fiber composites. The model is based

Feb 02, 2021



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  • I

    Micro-Mechanics Based Fatigue Modelling of Composites Reinforced With Straight and Wavy Short Fibers

    Yasmine ABDIN

    Supervisor: Prof. Stepan V. Lomov Prof. Ignaas Verpoest Members of the Examination Committee: Prof. Albert Van Bael Prof. Andrea Bernasconi Prof. Frederik Desplentere Dr. Larissa Gorbatikh Prof. Patrick Wollants (Chairman) Prof. Willy Sansen (Chairman) Prof. Wim Van Paepegem

    Dissertation presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of PhD in Materials Engineering

    September 2015

  • II

    © 2015 KU Leuven, Groep Wetenschap & Technologie

    Uitgegeven in eigen beheer, Yasmine Abdin, Heverlee

    Alle rechten voorbehouden. Niets uit deze uitgave mag worden vermenigvuldigd en/of openbaar gemaakt worden door middel van druk, fotokopie, microfilm, elektronisch of op welke andere wijze ook zonder voorafgaandelijke schriftelijke toestemming van de uitgever.

    All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced in any form by print, photoprint, microfilm, electronic or any other means without written permission from the publisher.

  • III

  • V


    First of all, I owe my deepest gratitude to my supervisors, Professor Stepan

    V. Lomov and Professor Ignaas Verpoest.

    Professor Lomov has been more than a supervisor to me. This thesis would

    have not been possible without his mentorship, constant guidance,

    understanding and enormous support. He is a true mentor who motivated

    me to not only grow as a modeler and researcher, but most importantly as

    an independent and critical thinker, while always having an open door for

    me whenever I needed help.

    I have also been very fortunate to have the guidance of Professor Verpoest.

    I learned a lot throughout the years from his deep understanding, intuition

    and passion for composites. He constantly provided me with excellent

    ideas for improvements of the various aspects of my research work, both

    experimental and modelling.

    I wish to thank all the members of the jury: Professor Albert Van Bael,

    Professor Andrea Bernasconi, Professor Frederik Despelentere, Doctor

    Larissa Gorbatikh, Professor Wim Van Paepegem and the chairmen of my

    PhD committee, Professor Patrick Wollants and Professor Willy Sansen

    for their feedback, helpful comments and valuable time spent in evaluating

    this thesis.

    It also gives me a great pleasure to acknowledge the support of all the

    members of the ModelSteelComp project. A heartfelt thanks goes to

    Christophe Liefooghe, Stefan Straesser, and Michael Hack from the

    Siemens Industry Software for all the help, feedback and useful

    discussions. I also thank Peter Persoone and Rik de Witte from Bekaert for

    their help and for providing me with the samples needed in this PhD thesis.

    And finally I thank Kris Bracke from Recticel and Vladimir Volski from

    ESAT, KU Leuven for valuable co-operations.

    In the past years, I have also had the great privilege to be a part of the

    Composites Group in KU Leuven. I would like to thank all my colleagues

    and members of the CMG. Working within such a strong and dynamic

    group helped me to grow and shape my experience as a researcher. It also

    gave me the opportunity to gain knowledge about the different fields of


    I would like to thank Bart Pelgrims and Kris Van de Staey for their help

    and assistance in the experimental parts of this work.

  • VI

    I am thankful to Atul Jain for being my colleague and research companion

    throughout the years. I am also really grateful for all the friendships I have

    made in Leuven. The list is too long to mention. For all of you, your

    friendships have made my stay in Leuven enjoyable and memorable and I

    am really grateful for the encouragement and emotional support throughout

    the years. A special thanks goes to: Farida, Lina, Yadian, Valentin, Tatiana,

    Eduardo, Baris, Marcin, MohamadAli, Aram, Oksana, Dieter, Pencheng

    and Manish.

    Finally, and most importantly I would like to thank my family and my

    husband. I thank my parents for everything they have done and for

    allowing me to follow my goals and ambitions. Being in the academic

    career themselves, they have provided me with not only personal but

    professional guidance, in order to accomplish this important phase of my

    life. I would like to end this acknowledgment with deep gratitude to my

    husband Omar for his love, self-less support and continuous

    encouragement. I especially thank him for the patience and tolerance he

    showed me to get through the stressful moments that were necessary to

    accomplish this work. The deep faith of my family is what got me here,

    and for that the least I can do is dedicate this work to them. From all my

    heart, THANK YOU!

    Yasmine Abdin

    Leuven, September 2015

  • VII


    Short fiber composites, are extensively used in numerous industrial fields,

    and especially in the automotive industry, because of their favorable

    properties of high specific strength and stiffness. A requirement for the use

    of these materials in industrial applications is the ability to evaluate the

    behavior of the materials without the need for extensive, costly and time

    consuming testing campaigns. This can be achieved with the development

    of accurate predictive models.

    In this PhD thesis, models are developed for the quasi-static and fatigue

    simulation of the short fiber composites. In addition to the typical short

    straight fiber composites, e.g. glass and carbon fiber composites, the

    models in this work are extended to the cases of complex short wavy fiber

    reinforced materials. The models are formulated in the framework of the

    mean-field homogenization techniques.

    For simulating the behavior of wavy fiber composites, first, a model is

    developed for the generation of the representative volume elements of the

    complex random micro-structures of the wavy fiber composites such as

    short steel fiber composites. Second, a model is investigated for the

    extension of the mean-field techniques to wavy fiber composite. A wavy

    segment of the curved fiber is replaced with an equivalent straight

    inclusion whose elongation depends on the local curvature of the original


    Furthermore, models are developed for the prediction of the quasi-static

    stress-strain behavior of both the short straight and wavy fiber reinforced

    composites. The models take into account the plasticity of the

    thermoplastic matrices and the damage mechanisms of short fiber

    composites, mainly debonding. The matrix plasticity is modelled using

    secant formulations. In the damage model, a debonded inclusion is

    replaced with an equivalent bonded one with degraded properties based on

    a selective degradation scheme which takes into account the local stress

    states at the interface.

    A novel model is developed for prediction of the fatigue S-N behavior of

    the short fiber composites. The model is based on the S-N curves of the

    constituents, and formulation of different failure criteria which depends on

    the local stress and damage states.

  • VIII

    Finally, in parallel with the developed modelling approach, detailed

    experimental characterizations were performed to achieve better

    understanding of the quasi-static and fatigue behavior and damage

    mechanisms of the short straight and wavy fiber reinforced composites.

  • IX


    Korte vezelcomposieten worden vaak gebruikt in verschillende

    industrieën, vooral in de automobielindustrie, omwille van hun gunstige

    eigenschappen zoals hoge specifieke sterkte en stijfheid. Een vereiste voor

    het gebruik van deze materialen in industriële toepassingen is de

    mogelijkheid om het materiaalgedrag te voorspellen zonder uitgebreide,

    kostelijke en tijdrovende testcampagnes. Dit kan bereikt worden door het

    ontwikkelen van nauwkeurige voorspellingsmodellen.

    In deze doctoraatsthesis werden modellen ontwikkeld voor de quasi-

    statische en vermoeiingssimulatie van korte vezelcomposieten. Naast de

    klassieke korte vezelcomposieten met rechte vezels, zoals glas- en

    koolstofvezelcomposieten, werden de modellen ook uitgebreid naar korte

    vezelcomposieten met complexe, golvende vezels. De modellen zijn

    geformuleerd in het kader van de gemiddelde veld homogenisatietechniek.

    Voor het simuleren van het gedrag van golvende vezelcomposieten werd

    er eerst een model opgesteld om representatieve volume elementen met een

    complexe, willekeurige microstructuur van golvende korte

    vezelcomposieten, zoals korte staalvezelcomposieten, te genereren.

    Daarna werd de gemiddelde veld homogenisatietechniek uitgebreid naar

    composieten met golvende vezels. Een golvende vezel werd daarbij

    vervangen door een equivalente rechte inclusie waarvan de lengte afhangt

    van de lokale kromming van het originele segment.

    Bovendien werden modellen ontwikkeld voor het voorspellen van de

    quasi-statische spannings-rekgedrag van zowel rechte als golvende korte

    vezelcomposieten. De modellen houden rekening met de plasticiteit van de

    thermoplastische matrix en de schademechanismen van korte

    vezelcomposieten, wat vooral ontbinding is. De matrixplasticiteit werd

    gemodelleerd met secant formulaties. In het schademodel werd een

    ontbonden inclusie vervangen door een equivalente, gebonden inclusie met

    gedegradeerde eigenschappen gebaseerd op een selectief

    degradatieschema dat rekening houdt met de lokale spanningen aan de


    Een nieuw model werd ontwikkeld voor de voorspelling van het S-N

    vermoeiingsgedrag van de korte vezelcomposieten. Het model is gebaseerd

    op de S-N curves van de samenstellende fases, en de formulering van

    falingscriteria die afhangen van de lokale spanningen en schadetoestanden.

  • X

    Uiteindelijk werden er, in parallel met de ontwikkelde modelleeraanpak,

    gedetailleerde experimenten uitgevoerd om een beter inzicht te krijgen in

    zowel het quasi-statische en vermoeiingsgedrag als de

    schademechanismen van rechte en golvende korte vezelcomposieten.

  • XI

    Table of Contents

    CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .................................................... 1

    1.1 General Introduction .................................................................. 3

    1.2 Scientific & Technological Context ............................................ 5

    1.3 Objectives of the PhD research .................................................. 7

    1.4 Structure of the thesis ................................................................. 9

    CHAPTER 2: STATE OF THE ART ............................................ 13

    2.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 15

    2.2 Injection Molding of RFRCs .................................................... 16

    2.3 Micro-structure and Mechanical Behavior of RFRCs ........... 18 2.3.1 Micro-structure of RFRCs ................................................................. 18 2.3.2 Factors affecting the quasi-static and fatigue behavior of RFRCs ..... 21 2.3.3 Fatigue damage in RFRCs ................................................................. 27

    2.4 Geometry Generation Models .................................................. 29 2.4.1 Critical RVE size ............................................................................... 29 2.4.2 RVE generation algorithms ............................................................... 32

    2.5 Mean-Field Homogenization Schemes ..................................... 33 2.5.1 Eshelby’s solution ............................................................................. 34 2.5.2 Eshelby’s based homogenization models .......................................... 35 2.5.3 Criticism of Mori-Tanaka model ....................................................... 40

    2.6 Modeling the non-linear quasi-static behavior of RFRC ....... 45 2.6.1 Matrix non-linearity ........................................................................... 45 2.6.2 Composite damage and failure .......................................................... 49

    2.7 Modeling the fatigue behavior of RFRCs ................................ 56

    2.8 Discussion of the state of the art and adopted approaches .... 58

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    3.1 Introduction to Steel Fiber Composites ................................... 65

    3.2 Challenges in characterization and modelling the geometry of SFRP composites ................................................................................... 66

    3.3 Description of the Geometrical Model ..................................... 69

    3.4 Materials and Experiments ....................................................... 73 3.4.1 Steel fiber samples ............................................................................ 73 3.4.2 X-ray micro-tomography ................................................................... 74

    3.5 Analysis ....................................................................................... 75 3.5.1 Image segmentation........................................................................... 75 3.5.2 Three-dimensional image analysis tool ............................................. 78

    3.6 Results and Discussion .............................................................. 83 3.6.1 Fiber length distribution .................................................................... 83 3.6.2 Fiber orientation distribution ............................................................. 86 3.6.3 RVE of steel fibers ............................................................................ 87 3.6.4 Straightness parameter ...................................................................... 90

    3.7 Conclusions ................................................................................ 92


    FIBER COMPOSITES ......................................................................... 93

    4.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 95

    4.2 Materials and Methods ............................................................. 95 4.2.1 Materials ............................................................................................ 95 4.2.2 Specimen preparation ........................................................................ 96 4.2.3 Fiber length distribution measurement .............................................. 97 4.2.4 Tensile testing ................................................................................... 98 4.2.5 Micro-CT analysis ............................................................................. 99 4.2.6 Fractography analysis ........................................................................ 99 4.2.7 Single steel fiber tensile tests .......................................................... 100

    4.3 Results and Discussion ............................................................ 101 4.3.1 Fiber lengths measurements ............................................................ 101 4.3.2 Tensile behavior of the short glass fiber composites ....................... 104

  • XIII

    4.3.3 Micro-CT observations of the morphology of the short glass fiber composites .................................................................................................... 115 4.3.4 SEM fractography analysis of the short glass fiber composites ...... 117 4.3.5 Tensile behavior of the short steel fiber composites ........................ 120 4.3.6 Micro-CT observations of the morphology of short steel fiber composites .................................................................................................... 132 4.3.7 SEM fractography analysis of the short steel fiber composites ....... 136

    4.4 Conclusions .............................................................................. 138


    FIBER COMPOSITES ....................................................................... 141

    5.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 143

    5.2 Materials and Methods ........................................................... 143 5.2.1 Materials .......................................................................................... 143 5.2.2 Fatigue testing ................................................................................. 143 5.2.3 Stiffness degradation analysis.......................................................... 145 5.2.4 Fatigue tests performed on the quasi-static tensile test machine ..... 147 5.2.5 Fractography analysis ...................................................................... 148

    5.3 Results and Discussion ............................................................ 149 5.3.1 Fatigue S-N curves of the short glass fiber composites ................... 149 5.3.2 Fatigue damage of the short glass fiber composites ........................ 151 5.3.3 Fatigue damage of the short steel fiber composite........................... 157 5.3.4 Fatigue tests of the SF-PA on the tensile tester ............................... 161 5.3.5 Fatigue tests of the GF-PA on the tensile tester ............................... 163 5.3.6 SEM fractography analysis of the short glass fiber samples ........... 164

    5.4 Conclusions .............................................................................. 167

    CHAPTER 6: LINEAR ELASTIC MODELING OF SHORT WAVY FIBER COMPOSITES ......................................................... 169

    6.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 171

    6.2 The Poly-Inclusion (P-I) Model .............................................. 173

    6.3 Problem statement and methods ............................................ 174 6.3.1 Test cases ......................................................................................... 175 6.3.2 Implementation of Poly-Inclusion model ........................................ 177 6.3.3 Generation of finite element models ................................................ 177

  • XIV

    6.4 Results and Discussion ............................................................ 178 6.4.1 VE containing a single half circular fiber with constant curvature . 178 6.4.2 VE-Single sinusoidal fiber with varying smooth local curvature .... 187 6.4.3 VE-Micro-CT reconstructed assembly of short steel fibers with random local curvature ................................................................................. 192

    6.5 Conclusions .............................................................................. 196


    7.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 201

    7.2 Formulation of the Damage Model ........................................ 201 7.2.1 Matrix non-linearity ........................................................................ 201 7.2.2 Fiber-Matrix debonding .................................................................. 203 7.2.3 Fiber breakage ................................................................................. 208

    7.3 Implementation of the Damage Model .................................. 209

    7.4 Description of Validation Test Cases ..................................... 213 7.4.1 Own experiments – glass fiber reinforced composites .................... 214 7.4.2 Own experiments – steel fiber reinforced composites ..................... 219 7.4.3 Experiments of Jain – glass fiber reinforced composites ................ 221

    7.5 Results and Discussion ............................................................ 223 7.5.1 Own experiments – glass fiber reinforced composites .................... 223 7.5.2 Own experiments – steel fiber reinforced composites ..................... 225 7.5.3 Experiments of Jain – glass fiber reinforced composites ................ 230

    7.6 Conclusions .............................................................................. 233


    8.1 Introduction ............................................................................. 237

    8.2 Objectives and Formulation of the Fatigue Model ............... 238

    8.3 Implementation of the Fatigue Model ................................... 243

    8.4 Description of Validation Test Cases and Model Input ....... 245 8.4.1 Own Experiments ............................................................................ 245

  • XV

    8.4.2 Experiments of Jain ......................................................................... 249

    8.5 Results and Discussion ............................................................ 250 8.5.1 Own-experiments ............................................................................ 250 8.5.2 Experiments of Jain ......................................................................... 254

    8.6 Summary of the Overall Micro-Scale Solution ..................... 257

    8.7 Component Level Simulation ................................................. 260 8.7.1 Current framework of the component level simulation ................... 260 8.7.2 Description of the validation test case ............................................. 263 8.7.3 Experimental tests ........................................................................... 263 8.7.4 Description of the simulations ......................................................... 264 8.7.5 Results and discussion ..................................................................... 265

    8.8 Conclusions .............................................................................. 270

    CHAPTER 9: CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 273

    9.1 Global Summary of the Thesis ............................................... 275

    9.2 General Conclusions ................................................................ 275 9.2.1 Geometrical characterization and modelling ................................... 275 9.2.2 Quasi-static behavior of short fiber composites............................... 276 9.2.3 Fatigue behavior of short fiber composites ...................................... 276 9.2.4 Linear elastic modelling of wavy fiber composites ......................... 277 9.2.5 Quasi-static damage modelling........................................................ 277 9.2.6 Fatigue modelling ............................................................................ 277

    9.3 Future Outlook ........................................................................ 278 9.3.1 Manufacturing of short steel fiber composites................................. 278 9.3.2 Matrix plasticity ............................................................................... 278 9.3.3 Component level solutions .............................................................. 279 9.3.4 Multi-axial and variable amplitude fatigue ...................................... 279 9.3.5 Different modes of the fatigue loading ............................................ 279

  • XVI

    List of abbreviations (in alphabetical order)

    AE Acoustic Emission

    ARD Anisotropy Rotary Diffusion

    BMC Bulk Molding Compound

    CNT Carbon Nanotube

    D.a.m Dry As Molded

    DIC Digital Image Correlation

    EAUI Equivalent Anisotropic Undamaged Inhomogeneity

    EMI Electro-Magnetic Interference

    FEA Finite Elements Analysis

    FLD Fiber Length Distribution

    FOD Fiber Orientation Distributions

    FPGF First Pseudo-Grain Failure

    HZ Higher Zone

    IM Injection Molding

    LFT Long fiber Thermoplastics

    LZ Lower Zone

    Micro-CT Micro-Computer Tomography

    M-T Mori-Tanaka

    P-I Poly-Inclusion

    RFRC Random Fiber Reinforced Composites

    ROM Rule of mixtures

    RSA Random Sequential Absorption

    RSC Reduced Strain Closure

    RVE Representative Volume Element

    S-C Self-Consistent

    SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy

    SFRP Short Fiber Reinforced Polymers

    SMC Sheet Molding Compound

    S-N Wohler Curve (applied fatigue stress against fatigue

    life curve)

    SSFRP Short Steel Fiber Reinforced Polymers

    VE Volume Element

  • XVII

    List of symbols (some symbols are introduced


    β Efficiency factor of the Poly-Inclusion model

    γ Damage parameter: total amount of the debonded interface area

    which is loaded on traction.

    δ Damage parameter: percentage of the frictional sliding interface,

    i.e. relative amount of the of the debonded interface area which

    loaded in compression.

    ε𝛼 Inclusion strain

    𝜀�̇� Matrix strain rate

    𝜀𝑝∗ Effective matrix plastic strain

    Out-of-plane orientation angle

    𝜐𝑚 Poisson’s coefficient of the matrix

    𝜎∗ Effective Von Mises stress in the matrix

    𝜎𝐶 Critical interface strength

    𝜎𝑓 Fatigue strength coefficient

    𝜎𝑖𝑗′ Deviatoric component of the matrix stress tensor

    �̇�𝑚 Matrix stress rate

    𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 Maximum fatigue stress

    𝜎𝑚𝑖𝑛 Minimum fatigue stress

    𝜎𝑦 Initial yield stress

    Φ In-plane orientation angle

    𝜓1,2 Phase shifts

    AMTα Strain concentration tensor according to Mori-Tanaka method

    Co𝑚 Elastic stiffness tensor of the matrix

    C𝑒𝑓𝑓 Effective composite stiffness tensor

    C𝑒𝑝 Continuum elasto-plastic tangent operator

    C𝑚 Matrix stiffness tensor

    C𝑠 Secant stiffness tensor

    𝐸𝑑𝑦𝑛 Dynamic fatigue modulus

    𝐸𝑚 Matrix elastic Young’s modulus

    𝐸𝑚𝑠 Secant Young’s modulus of the matrix

    𝑎𝑖𝑗 2nd order orientation tensor


    𝑎𝑖𝑗𝑘𝑙 4th order orientation tensor

    𝑎𝑟 Aspect ratio of the equivalent inclusion

    𝑐𝛼 Fiber volume fraction

    𝑛1,2 Waviness number

    d Damage parameter: total percentage of the debonded interface


    ℎ Strength coefficient

    S Eshelby tensor

    𝐴 Amplitude of the wavy fiber

    𝐿 Fiber length

    𝑁 Number of cycles

    𝑅 Radius of curvature

    𝑅 Fatigue stress ratio

    𝑈 Displacement vector

    𝑏 Fatigue strength exponent

    𝑑 Fiber diameter

    𝑛 Work hardening exponent

    𝑝 Fiber orientation vector

    𝑟(𝑠) Radial position in relation to a certain axis of the wavy fiber

    𝑠 Coordinate along the curved fiber axis

  • XIX

    List of figures

    Figure 1.1 Overview of the multi-scale predictive methods for modelling the

    fatigue behavior of RFRC parts. ................................................................ 7

    Figure 1.2 Outline of the PhD thesis. ............................................................ 10

    Figure 2.1 Schematic illustration of the injection molding process (adapted from

    [25]). ........................................................................................................ 17

    Figure 2.2 Fiber orientation described with a direction 𝒑 and corresponding angles Φ and . ................................................................................................... 18

    Figure 2.3 Development of fiber orientation in injection molded RFRCs (a)

    morphology as analyzed using micro-CT scanning (b) associated orientation

    tensor component 𝑎11 through the thickness of the sample where direction 1 is the MFD [43]. ...................................................................................... 20

    Figure 2.4 The effect of fiber aspect ratio and volume fraction on the strength of

    RFRCs. SF 19, SF 14 refer to short discontinuous glass-fiber reinforced

    polypropylene (GF-PP) composites reinforced with fibers of diameters 19 µm

    and 14 µm respectively. LF 19 is a long discontinuous GF-PP composite with

    19 µm diameter [46]. ............................................................................... 22

    Figure 2.5 Effect of fiber orientation on the stress-strain behavior of short fiber

    composites (a) illustration of the general practice of producing samples with

    different orientation tensors where coupons are machined at a certain

    orientation angle from an injection molded plate [22] (b) stress-strain plots of

    an RFRC showing the effect of the different orientation on the behavior of the

    composite. ............................................................................................... 23

    Figure 2.6 Effect of specimen orientation on the fatigue S-N curves of RFRCs.

    The graph shows plots of the S-N curves of GF-PA 6 material [21]. ..... 25

    Figure 2.7 Effects of various tests parameters on the fatigue behavior of RFRCs

    namely effect of (a) stress ratio [55], (b) cycling frequency [62], (c)

    temperature [22] and (d) water absorption (humidity), the blue curve belongs

    to GF-PA 6.6 samples containing 0.2wt% water content at 50% humidity, the

    red curves belongs to the same composite with 3.5wt% at 90% humidity [63].

    ................................................................................................................. 26

    Figure 2.8 Damage mechanisms observed in a fatigued sample up to 60% UTS.

    (a) fiber/matrix debonding, (b) void at fiber ends, (c) fiber breakage [43].28

    Figure 2.9 Predictions of longitudinal elastic modulus E11as a function of the

    number of fibers in the RVE. [78]. The black dots represent average of three

    different random RVE realizations with the same size of RVE. Error bars

    represent 95% confindence intervals. ...................................................... 30

    Figure 2.10 Generated RVE of RFRCs using the RSA method (13.5% volume

    fraction and aspect ratio of 10) [87]. ....................................................... 33

    Figure 2.11 Illustration of Eshelby's transformation principle. ..................... 35

  • XX

    Figure 2.12 Schematic representation of the two-step homogenization model. The

    RVE is decomposed into a number of grains (sub-regions) followed by step 1:

    homogenization of each grain , and step 2: second homogenization if

    performed over all the grains. .................................................................. 44

    Figure 2.13 Two-step homogenization procedure and implementation of damage

    modelling proposed by Dermaux et al. [187]. .......................................... 53

    Figure 3.1 Illustration of the drawing technique to produce steel fibers [217].66

    Figure 3.2 Example of wavy fiber generated by the model for illustration. Black

    dots represent ends of segments “control points”..................................... 72

    Figure 3.3 Micrographs of short steel fiber reinforced polycarbonate sample

    showing the fibers waviness (a) optical micrograph of the composite plate

    (stainless steel 0.05VF%) and (b) scanning electron micrograph of the steel

    fibers after a matrix burn-out procedure (stainless steel 2VF%), the figure

    shows high entanglements of the fibers. .................................................. 74

    Figure 3.4 Thresholding of steel fiber reinforced polycarbonate sample (a) 2D

    gray-level 2D reconstructed images, (b) corresponding binary image and (c)

    individual automatic global thresholds obtained from gray scale attenuation

    histogram. The attenuation histogram consists of two overlapping bivariate

    distributions. The peak corresponding to lower attenuation index is associated

    with matrix material. Due to the low volume fraction (low probability) the peak

    of steel fibers is not visible in the plot. The threshold value obtained from the

    automatic global thresholding is shown with the red dashed line. ........... 77

    Figure 3.5 Thresholded 3D model of a micro-CT scan of SSFRP built in Mimics

    software package. The picture shows a green mask of rendered steel fibers and

    the outline of the matrix mask in purple................................................... 78

    Figure 3.6 Procedure for characterization of fiber length and orientation

    distribution of SSFRP. (a) 3D reconstructed model in Mimics software, (b)

    separation of single fibers and (c) fitting of centerline, automatic measurement

    of fiber length and post-processing for measurement of fiber orientation.80

    Figure 3.7 Length distribution of steel fiber reinforced polycarbonate composite

    (a) probability density plots of achieved lengths of steel fibers fitted with

    different statistical distribution functions i.e.: Normal, Lognormal and Weibull

    distributions and (b) Weibull probability plot of the steel fiber length data.

    ................................................................................................................. 85

    Figure 3.8 FOD of the short steel fibers (a) distribution of Φ angle and (b)

    distribution of θ angle. ............................................................................. 86

    Figure 3.9 Representative volume element of short wavy steel fiber composite

    generated from micro-structural model with input parameters achieved from

    micro-CT information. ............................................................................. 89

    Figure 3.10 Micro-CT image of SSFRP and a comparison between real and

    modeled waviness profiles using the developed micro-structural model. 90

    Figure 3.11 Probability density of the straightness parameter Ps: comparison

    between experimentally achieved (micro-CT) information and mathematical

  • XXI

    model. Histograms are the probability distributions achieved from experiments

    and model, fitting lines are normal probability fits of achieved histogram

    showing a clear agreement between Ps calculated from model and experiments.

    ................................................................................................................. 91

    Figure 4.1 Specimen preparation for single fiber test on the DMA machine.100

    Figure 4.2 Length distributions of (a) GF-PA and (b) GF-PP and Lognormal

    probability plots of (c) GF-PA and (d) GF-PP. ..................................... 103

    Figure 4.3 Measured stress-strain curves and of the GF-PA and GF-PP materials.

    ............................................................................................................... 104

    Figure 4.4 Stress-strain curve of the polyamide Akulon K222-D [273]. The tests

    are stopped at the yield of the matrix. ................................................... 106

    Figure 4.5 Stress-strain curve of the polypropylene matrix [274]. The tests are

    stopped at the yield of the matrix. ......................................................... 107

    Figure 4.6 Acoustic Emission (AE) diagrams during quasi-static loading of the (a)

    GF-PA and (b) GF-PP materials. The figure shows plots of the stress, AE

    events energy, and cumulative AE energy with the evolution of strains.109

    Figure 4.7 Comparison of the cumulative AE energy registrations of the GF-PA

    and the GF-PP materials. ....................................................................... 111

    Figure 4.8 Distribution of AE amplitudes in (a) GF-PA and (c) GF-PP and AE

    energies of (b) GF-PA and (d) GF-PP. .................................................. 113

    Figure 4.9 Global micro-CT scan of the overall width of the GF-PP sample.116

    Figure 4.10 Representative view of the skin-core morphology in the central part

    of a GF-PP sample. ............................................................................... 117

    Figure 4.11 SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of the GF-PA quasi-statically

    failed sample. Green arrows denote the debonding damage mechanism, red

    arrows denote fiber pull-out, and the blue arrows denote “hills” of matrix

    around the fiber indicating strong fiber-matrix interface of the GF-PA. 118

    Figure 4.12 SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of the GF-PP quasi-static

    failed sample. Green arrows denote the debonding damage mechanism and red

    arrows denote fiber pull-out .................................................................. 120

    Figure 4.13 Tensile stress-strain curves of the neat Durethan B 38 PA 6 material

    (matrix material in SF-PA composite samples) at a cross-head speed of 2

    mm/min. Tests stopped at 150% strain. ................................................. 121

    Figure 4.14 Measured stress-strain curves of single steel fibers (fiber diameter 𝑑 = 8 μm, gauge length 𝐿 = 25 μm). .......................................................... 122

    Figure 4.15 Measured stress-strain curves of the SF-PA samples with the different

    investigated volume fractions. ............................................................... 123

    Figure 4.16 The obtained quasi-static mechanical properties of the SF-PA material

    plotted against the fiber volume fractions of the samples...................... 125

    Figure 4.17 Acoustic Emission (AE) diagram of SF-PA materials with the

    different volume fractions considered in the present study. Plots of the tensile

    stress of each AE events energy, and cumulative energy of the events against

  • XXII

    the strain for (a) SF-PA 0.5VF%, (b) SF-PA 1VF%, (c) SF-PA 2VF%, (d) SF-

    PA 4VF% and (e) SF-PA 5VF%. ........................................................... 129

    Figure 4.18 Comparison of the cumulative AE energy registrations of the SF-PA

    materials with the different fiber volume fractions. ............................... 130

    Figure 4.19 Distribution of AE amplitudes in (a) SF-PA 2VF% (c) SF-PA 4VF%

    and AE energies of (b) SF-PA 2VF% (d) SF-PA 4VF% ....................... 131

    Figure 4.20 Micro-CT scanned volumes of the undeformed SF-PA samples with

    different fiber volume fractions (a) 0.5VF%, (b) 2VF%, (c) 4VF% and (d)

    5VF%. .................................................................................................... 132

    Figure 4.21 Small volumes of the micro-CT scanned undeformed SF-PA samples

    (a) 0.5VF% and (b) 2VF%. .................................................................... 134

    Figure 4.22 View of voids formed in the undeformed 4VF% SF-PA samples.135

    Figure 4.23 High magnification SEM images showing the irregular quasi-

    hexagonal cross-section of the steel fibers embedded in the matrix. ..... 136

    Figure 4.24 SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of the short steel fiber

    composite samples with (a) 0.5VF%, (b) 1VF%,, (c) 2VF%, (d) 4VF%, and (e)

    5VF%. .................................................................................................... 137

    Figure 4.25 SEM micrographs of the voids observed at the fracture surface of the

    SF-PA samples of (a) 4VF% and (b) 5VF%. .......................................... 138

    Figure 5.1 Representative hysteresis loop (stress-strain deformation curve) and the

    linear regression fitting analysis for calculation of the dynamic modulus of a

    fatigue cycle. .......................................................................................... 146

    Figure 5.2 Representative applied load diagram of the fatigue tests on the tensile

    tester performed on the SF-PA 2VF% samples. ..................................... 147

    Figure 5.3 Measured S-N curves of the GF-PA and GF-PP samples. Dashed lines

    indicated 90% confidence level intervals. Arrows denote run-out samples.150

    Figure 5.4 Evolution of the measured hysteresis loops at 𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 =70% 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ, for the (a) GF-PA and the (b) GF-PP materials. N/Nfailure indicate the stage of the sample life with respect to the

    failure cycle. ........................................................................................... 152

    Figure 5.5 Evolution of the cyclic mean strain for the glass fiber reinforced

    composites with the load cycles, tested at 𝜎𝑚𝑎𝑥 =70% 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑙𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ,. ............................................................ 153

    Figure 5.6 Evolution of the cyclic stiffness for the (a) GF-PA and (b) GF-PP

    materials. ................................................................................................ 156

    Figure 5.7 Evolution of the measured hysteresis loops of the SF-PA material (at

    55%UTS, 27.2 MPa). The legend indicates the cycle number of the drawn

    loops. The upper right graph shows more clearly the details of the last

    illustrated cycles. .................................................................................... 159

    Figure 5.8 Evolution of the cyclic stiffness of the SF-PA material at different stress

    levels. ..................................................................................................... 160


    Figure 5.9 Representative evolution of the hysteresis loops of the SF-PA in early

    stages of the fatigue loading as observed in the short fatigue tests performed

    on a tensile tester. .................................................................................. 162

    Figure 5.10 Evolution of the cyclic stiffness of the SF-PA material with the

    different stress level measured from the short fatigue tests performed on the

    tensile tester. .......................................................................................... 163

    Figure 5.11 Representative evolution of the hysteresis loops of the GF-PA in early

    stages of the fatigue loading as observed in the short fatigue tests performed

    on a tensile tester. .................................................................................. 164

    Figure 5.12 SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of fatigue failed sampled of

    the GF-PA material for the (a) 55 UTS%, (b) 65 UTS%, and (c) 70 UTS%

    stress levels. ........................................................................................... 165

    Figure 5.13 SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of fatigue failed sampled of

    the GF-PP material. (a) 55 UTS%, (b) 65 UTS%, and (c) 70 UTS% stress

    levels...................................................................................................... 166

    Figure 6.1 Equivalent ellipsoid replacing the original curved fiber segment [294].

    ............................................................................................................... 174

    Figure 6.2 Models used for validation of the P-I model: (a) VE-Single half circular

    fiber with constant curvature, (b) VE-Single sinusoidal fiber with smooth

    variable local curvature, (c) VE-Assembly of short steel fiber with random

    curvatures based on micro-CT images. ................................................. 176

    Figure 6.3 Illustration of the P-I model concept and the ffect of variation of the

    efficiency factor 𝛃 on the dimensions of equivalent inclusions (a) original fiber, (b) equivalent inclusions with 𝛃 = 𝛑𝟒, (c) equivalent inclusions with 𝛃 = 𝛑𝟐. ................................................................................................ 179

    Figure 6.4 Comparison of the P-I model predictions for overall elastic moduli of

    the first test case with variations of efficiency factor β against full FEA.180

    Figure 6.5 Comparison of P-I model predictions of average local stresses in

    equivalent inclusions of the first test case (half circular fiber) with variations

    of efficiency factor β against full FEA (a) for axial segment stresses 𝛔𝟑𝟑, (b) for transverse segment stresses 𝛔𝟐𝟐. ..................................................... 182

    Figure 6.6 Comparison of P-I model predictions of average local stresses in

    equivalent inclusions of the first test case (half circular fiber) with variations

    of number of segments against full FEA (a) for axial segment stresses 𝛔𝟑𝟑, (b) for transverse segment stresses 𝛔𝟐𝟐. ..................................................... 184

    Figure 6.7 Comparison of P-I model predictions of average local stresses in

    equivalent inclusions of the first test case (half circular fiber) with different

    volume fractions against full FEA (a) axial segment stresses 𝛔𝟑𝟑, (b) transverse segment stresses 𝛔𝟐𝟐. .......................................................... 185

    Figure 6.8 Comparison of FE simulations on VE of original wavy fiber (full FE)

    and VEs of equivalent inclusions (a) for axial segment stresses 𝛔𝟑𝟑, (b) for transverse segment stresses 𝛔𝟐𝟐. .......................................................... 187

  • XXIV

    Figure 6.9 Comparison of the global maximum principal stress predictions

    𝝈𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒑𝒂𝒍 of P-I model of the second test case (sinusoidal fiber) against full FE (a) transverse loading, (b) longitudinal loading. P-I model generated with

    20 segments. ........................................................................................... 188

    Figure 6.10 Comparison of P-I model predictions of average local stresses in

    equivalent inclusions of the second test case (sinusoidal fiber) with variations

    of efficiency factor β against full FEA (a) for axial segment stresses 𝛔𝟑𝟑, (b) for transverse segment stresses 𝛔𝟐𝟐. ..................................................... 190

    Figure 6.11 Comparison of P-I model predictions of average local stresses in

    equivalent inclusions of the second test case (sinusoidal fiber) with variations

    of number of segments against full FEA (a) for axial segment stresses 𝛔𝟑𝟑, (b) for transverse segment stresses 𝛔𝟐𝟐. ..................................................... 191

    Figure 6.12 Comparison of P-I model predictions of average local stresses in

    equivalent inclusions of the third test case (VE of real fibers) against full FEA.

    The figure shows the comparison for an example of two selected fibers from

    the VE for (a) for axial segment stresses 𝛔𝟑𝟑 and (b) for transverse segment stresses 𝛔𝟐𝟐 of 10 fibers in the modelled VE. ....................................... 194

    Figure 7.1 Determination of the outward normal and the local interfacial stress

    vectors around the equator of the inclusion. 𝑛 (or 𝑛𝑖 in index notation) is the outward normal vector, 𝜎𝑖𝑜𝑢𝑡 is the stress vector (𝜎𝑁, normal component and 𝜏, shear component) at an interfacial point 𝐴 with an in-plane angle θ. 204

    Figure 7.2 Example of a partially debonded inclusion (a) computation of the

    damage parameters (d, γ, δ) and (b) demonstration of the higher and lower

    zones of an inclusion quadrant for calculation of 𝛾ℎ and 𝛾𝑙. ................. 206

    Figure 7.3 Flowchart of a single load step of the developed damage model.211

    Figure 7.4 Manufacturing simulation of the dog-bone samples.The figure shows

    (a) a schematic of the typical geometry of a dog-bone sample [54] and (b) an

    example of the results of the manufacturing simulation (of the GF-PP in this

    plot) at different points across the width of the samples. ....................... 217

    Figure 7.5 Results of the main component of the orientation tensor 𝑎11in the central section for the (a) GF-PA and (b) GF-PP samples. .................... 218

    Figure 7.6 Manufacturing simulation of the SF-PA samples. The figure shows the

    results of the main component of the orientation tensor 𝑎11 of the SF-PA 2VF% as an example of the SF-PA materials. ....................................... 220

    Figure 7.7 Experimental stress-strain curves of the GF-PBT material with the

    different orientations of the specimens 𝜙 = 0, 45, 90° . Data obtained from [308]. ...................................................................................................... 222

    Figure 7.8 Stress-strain curve of the BASF Ultraduur B4500 [273]. The tests are

    stopped at the yield of the matrix. .......................................................... 222

    Figure 7.9 Comparison of the experimental and predicted stress-strain behavior of

    the GF-PA composite. ............................................................................ 224

    Figure 7.10 Comparison of the experimental and predicted stress-strain behavior

    of the GF-PP composite. ........................................................................ 225

  • XXV

    Figure 7.11 Simulated stress-strain curves of the SF-PA 2VF% composite with

    different values of critical interface strength 𝜎𝑐 in the damage model. . 227

    Figure 7.12 Comparison of the experimental and predicted stress-strain behavior

    of the SF-PA 0.5VF% composite. ......................................................... 228

    Figure 7.13 Comparison of the experimental and predicted stress-strain behavior

    of the SF-PA 2VF% composite. ............................................................ 228

    Figure 7.14 Comparison of the predicted and experimental Young’s modulus of

    the SF-PA materials with the different fiber volume fraction. .............. 230

    Figure 7.15 Comparison of the experimental and predicted stress-strain behavior

    of the GF-PBT 0 composite. .................................................................. 231

    Figure 7.16 Comparison of the experimental and predicted stress-strain behavior

    of the GF-PBT 45 composite. ................................................................ 231

    Figure 7.17 Comparison of the experimental and predicted stress-strain behavior

    of the GF-PBT 90 composite. ................................................................ 232

    Figure 8.1 Schematic diagram representing the objective of the fatigue model

    developed in the present study. ............................................................. 239

    Figure 8.2 Schematic representation of the fatigue failure functions 𝑋𝑓,𝑋𝑖 and 𝑋𝑚 at a current load cycle 𝑁𝑐 during the fatigue simulation. ...................... 242

    Figure 8.3 Flowchart of a single load cycle 𝑁 of the developed fatigue model. ............................................................................................................... 244

    Figure 8.4 S-N curve of single glass fibers used as input for the fatigue model

    [318]. ..................................................................................................... 246

    Figure 8.5 S-N curve of the PA 6 matrix used as input for the fatigue model [58].

    ............................................................................................................... 247

    Figure 8.6 S-N curve of the PP matrix used as input for the fatigue model [319].

    ............................................................................................................... 248

    Figure 8.7 Experimental S-N curves of the GF-PBT material with the different

    orientations of the specimens 𝜙 = 0, 45, 90°. Data obtained from [308].249

    Figure 8.8 S-N curve of the PBT matrix used as input for the fatigue model [320].

    ............................................................................................................... 250

    Figure 8.9 Comparison of the experimental and predicted S-N curves of the GF-

    PA composite. Dashed lines indicate the experimental 90% confidence level

    intervals. Arrows denote run-out samples A parametric study of the effect of

    the variation of the slope of the S-N curve of the interface 𝑏 is shown. 251

    Figure 8.10 Illustration of the theoretical fatigue S-N curves of the interface of the

    GF-PA material with the different valies of the fatigue strength exponent 𝑏. ............................................................................................................... 252

    Figure 8.11 Comparison of the experimental and predicted S-N curves of the GF-

    PA composite. A parametric study of the effect of the variation of the slope of

    the S-N curve of the interface 𝑏 is shown. ............................................ 253

  • XXVI

    Figure 8.12 Illustration of the theoretical fatigue S-N curves of the interface of the

    GF-PP material with the different values of the fatigue strength exponent 𝑏. ............................................................................................................... 253

    Figure 8.13 Comparison of the experimental and predicted S-N curves of the GF-

    PBT 𝜙 = 0 composite. A parametric study of the effect of the variation of the slope of the S-N curve of the interface 𝑏 is shown. ............................... 254

    Figure 8.14 Illustration of the theoretical fatigue S-N curves of the interface of the

    GF-PA material with the different values of the fatigue strength exponent 𝑏. ............................................................................................................... 255

    Figure 8.15 Comparison of the experimental and predicted S-N curves of the GF-

    PBT 𝜙 = 45 composite. A parametric study of the effect of the variation of the slope of the S-N curve of the interface 𝑏 is shown. .......................... 256

    Figure 8.16 Comparison of the experimental and predicted S-N curves of the GF-

    PBT 𝜙 = 90 composite. A parametric study of the effect of the variation of the slope of the S-N curve of the interface 𝑏 is shown. .......................... 256

    Figure 8.17 Schematic representation of the micro-scale modelling methodology

    developed in the present thesis. .............................................................. 259

    Figure 8.18 Flowchart describing the current component level solution for the

    fatigue simulation of SFRPs. .................................................................. 260

    Figure 8.19 Illustration of the considered industrial component. The component is

    denote “Pinocchio”. ............................................................................... 263

    Figure 8.20 Boundary conditions in the simulations of the Pinocchio component.

    (a) “fixing” constraints in XY direction are applied on the holes indicated by

    the arrows, (b) Load is applied in Z direction along the highlighted line to

    simulate bending stresses. ...................................................................... 264

    Figure 8.21 Quasi-stating 3 point bending load displacement curves of the

    performed tests on the Pinocchio component. ........................................ 265

    Figure 8.22 Stress fields in the Pinocchio component as predicted by the FE model.

    ............................................................................................................... 266

    Figure 8.23 Full field strain mapping during the quasi-static tests of the Pinocchio

    component and the definition of the location of the extraction of strain values

    for comparison with the FE model. ........................................................ 266

    Figure 8.24 Comparison of the DIC and FE extracted 𝜀𝑦𝑦 plotted against the axial position in pixels on the registered suface. The figure show the plots for a

    displacement of 0.96 (load of 1.02KN) for (a) Line 1, (b) Line 2 and (c) Line

    3. ............................................................................................................ 268

    Figure 8.25 Comparison of the experimental and predicted S-N curve of the

    Pinocchio component. ............................................................................ 269


    List of tables

    Table 3.1 Main geometrical input parameters used for the mathematic model. .. 88

    Table 4.1 Injection molding parameters of the glass fiber and steel fiber

    samples................................................................................................................ 97

    Table 4.2 Average fiber lengths of the SF-PA samples with different fiber volume

    fraction. ………………………………………………………………………. 102

    Table 4.3 Tensile properties of the short glass fiber polyamide (GF-PA) and

    short glass fiber polypropyelene (GF-PP) composites. .................................... 105

    Table 4.4 Tensile properties of the neat Durethan B 38 PA 6 material. Comparison

    between achieved results and manufacturer’s datasheet values. ……………… 122

    Table 4.5 Tensile properties of single steel fibers. ……………………………. 123

    Table 4.6 Summary of the tensile properties of the SF-PA composites with the

    different fiber volume fractions. ........................................................................ 124

    Table 5.1 Tested stress levels in the fatigue tests of the investigated glass fiber

    reinforced composites. ……………………………………….......................... 145

    Table 5.2 Tested stress levels in the fatigue tests of the investigated steel fiber

    reinforced composites. .....…………………………………………................ 145

    Table 5.3 Summary of the cycle at which 50% of the stiffness degradation of the

    SF-PA material occurred with the different applied stress levels. …………….. 161

    Table 7.1 Summary of the micro-structural parameters of the GF-PA and the GF-

    PP materials of the present work used as input for validation of the developed

    models. ………………………………………………….................................. 219

    Table 7.2 Summary of the micro-structural parameters of the SF-PA materials of

    the present work used as input for validation of the developed models.

    ………………………………………………………………………………... 221

    Table 7.3 Summary of the micro-structural parameters of the GF-PBT materials

    used as input for validation of the developed models. ………………………… 223

  • 1

    Chapter 1: Introduction

  • Introduction


    1.1 General Introduction

    In the recent years, there has been an increasingly growing interest in fiber-

    reinforced composites as a replacement of metals and alloys in a number

    of engineering structures, owing to the favorable characteristics of

    composite materials. The major advantage of composite materials over

    metals is their superior specific properties e.g., specific strength and

    stiffness (strength-to-weight ratio and stiffness-to-weight ratio,

    respectively). Major industrial sectors have contributed to the growth of

    composite technologies. On one hand, the aeronautics industry has largely

    invested in the development of composites design and manufacturing

    technologies. At present, more than 50% of the “next-generation” Airbus

    aircraft A350 XWB is made of composites [1]. On the other hand,

    stipulated by the lawful regulations of CO2 reductions, the automotive

    industry has become today the largest consumer of the overall types of

    composite materials, accounting for over 20% of total consumption [2].

    Composites are a vast group of materials presenting itself in large

    variations of matrix materials, reinforcement types and micro-structures.

    On the industrial scale, polymer composites and especially those based on

    thermoplastic matrices are the most attractive types, offering the needed

    weight reductions, superior mechanical properties and high durability.

    Thermoplastic composites exhibit the added advantages of recyclability

    and lower energy processing, compared to their thermoset counterparts.

    From a structural viewpoint, these materials can be distinguished in two

    main categories which are continuous and discontinuous (or short) fiber

    reinforced composites.

    Composites with the best mechanical performance are those with

    continuous fibers. However, these materials cannot be adopted easily in

    mass production and are confined to applications in which property

    benefits outweigh the cost penalty [3]. In this respect, the aerospace

    industry has pioneered the use of high performance continuous fiber

    composites in structural applications regardless of cost and using cost-

    intensive manufacturing methods such as autoclave manufacturing and

    hand lay-up. In contrast, the focus of the automotive industry has been on

    semi-structural components using short fiber composites [4, 5].

    A number of processing techniques exist for the production of short fiber

    reinforced polymers (SFRPs). For thermosetting materials the most

    common processes are Sheet Molding Compound (SMC) and Bulk



    Molding Compound (BMC) processes. Extrusion compounding and

    Injection Molding (IM) are the conventional techniques for production of

    thermoplastics composites [6].

    Injection molding remains the most attractive manufacturing method

    allowing the production of components with intricate shapes at a very high

    production rate, with reasonable dimensional accuracy and fairly low costs.

    The versatility and low cost of the injection molding process led to its

    increased use, largely in the automotive industry, but also in different

    applications such electrical and electronic industries, sporting goods,

    defense sector and other consumer dominated products.

    Despite of those advantages, injection molded short fiber composites

    depict a more complex morphology compared to other composite types.

    Increased fiber damage and complex melt flow behavior during processing

    give rise to random micro-structures characterized by statistical fiber

    length distributions (FLD) and fiber orientation distributions (FOD). An

    important and distinctive feature of SFRP parts is then the variability of

    the material properties throughout the part and hence, the anisotropy of the

    local properties. As a result, those materials are often referred to as random

    fiber reinforced composites (RFRCs).

    Another complexity of the short random fiber composites is the nature of

    the fiber matrix interface which is dependent on the compatibility of the

    fibers and matrix materials and on the processing conditions. The quality

    of the fiber-matrix interface has significant impact on the efficiency and

    load-carrying capability of short fiber composites.

    Fibers used in SFRPs are typically glass fibers and carbon fibers. A number

    of studies investigated the potential of natural fibers as a replacement of

    synthetic fibers SFRPs [7-9]. Metal fibers have been used to provide

    shielding and electrical conductivity [10-12]. Among the different metallic

    fibers materials are steel fibers, which are highly efficient in

    electromagnetic shielding at very low fiber volume fractions. In

    conjunction with electromagnetic properties, steel fibers depict superior

    mechanical properties (stiffness of about 200 GPa and strength of about 2

    GPa), which are comparable to high performance carbon fibers. This

    makes stainless steel fibers attractive for further investigations in

    mechanical applications.

    One of the leading manufacturers of steel fibers is the Flemish company

    Bekaert. Since the 1990s the company has been performing research on

  • Introduction


    their steel fiber products available under the commercial name Beki-

    Shield. While the Beki-Shield fibers were initially targeted only towards

    Electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding, recent research efforts

    include the investigation of steel fiber composites in mechanical


    An important characteristic of injection molded steel fiber composites is

    the waviness of the fibers embedded in the matrix. This characteristic

    waviness also exists in long carbon fibers, natural fibers, crimped textiles

    and non-woven composites. The inherent waviness of steel fibers

    embedded in the matrix, as a result of processing, further adds to the

    complexity of the RFRCs micro-structure.

    Finally, automotive components, along with most other engineering

    applications, are often subjected to cyclic loading, resulting in damage and

    material property degradation in a progressive manner [13, 14]. The

    penetration of short fiber composites in fatigue sensitive applications

    places focus on the durability aspects of those materials. This leads to a

    large interest in understanding the different durability and fatigue behavior

    aspects of this class of materials.

    1.2 Scientific & Technological Context

    Complete design of an SFRP component is a complex undertaking, which

    should simultaneously take into account different factors such as loading,

    weight reduction, part stiffness and durability. Exhaustive testing and

    trials-and-error are not effective ways due to the high variability of material

    and micro-structure parameters, part/mold geometries and manufacturing

    routes. In sectors where performance to cost ratios define competitiveness,

    like the automotive industry, a possibility to make design decisions based

    on accurate numerical models and virtual testing of the part is a crucial

    factor. Missing durability performance simulation tools are a key

    restricting factor for wider use of SFRP materials in cars.

    To date, predictive models of fatigue behavior of composites are largely

    restricted to continuous fiber systems [13]. A large number of the available

    models for these composites are phenomenological models which usually

    require a large number of experiments and test data for each kind of

    material in question. Examples can be found in e.g. [15-18].

    A challenging question remains if it is possible to model the fatigue

    behavior and lifetime of composites based on the behavior of the



    constituents (i.e. matrix, fibers, and interface) and actual micro-scale

    damage phenomena. The question is challenging, even for the more

    established continuous fiber composites where only a few attempts can be

    found in literature, e.g. in [19, 20].

    The fatigue behavior of random fiber composites is much less understood.

    Similar to continuous fiber composites, a few phenomenological based

    models have emerged for modelling the fatigue behavior of random

    composites. Examples include e.g. [21-23]. Models linking the fatigue

    behavior of short random fiber composites to the behavior of constituents,

    do not exist, to the knowledge of the author. This results in the need for

    research efforts targeted towards the development and validation of

    efficient and robust models for prediction of the fatigue behavior of RFRCs

    based on the behavior of the underlying constituents, local stress states and

    actual damage mechanisms.

    Additionally, modelling RFRC materials requires addressing the multi-

    scale behavior of the material. As mentioned above, a real component of

    random fiber composites produced with a manufacturing process such as

    the injection molding technique often has a complex geometry, which

    results in large variations of local micro-structure between different points

    along the part. In this respect, modelling the behavior of RFRC materials

    often requires multi-scale approaches.

    Another challenge in the context of this work is understanding and

    modelling the behavior of short steel fiber composites. While such material

    is attractive due to the superior properties of steel fibers, it exhibits several

    differences from the generally used glass and carbon fiber composites. On

    one hand, the random waviness of the fibers adds to the complexity of the

    micro-structure. This also results in challenges in incorporating the

    waviness aspects of the fibers in geometrical and mechanical models. On

    the other hand, information about the mechanical behavior of the steel fiber

    composites as well as their distinct characteristics, such as the nature of

    fiber-matrix interface and the effects of the high stiffness mismatch

    between fibers and matrix, are not available due to novelty of the material.

    Finally, in the last decades, Finite Element (FE) based simulation tools

    have been commercially available. In the present technological context,

    one of the commercially available software packages is the Siemens LMS

    Virtual.Lab Durability software. Existing algorithms of the software

    include complete solutions for modelling metal fatigue under variable

    conditions of designs and complex loading states. A current objective is

  • Introduction


    the extension of the software solutions to the complex random fiber

    composites led by the increase of demand of the material in automotive


    1.3 Objectives of the PhD research

    In view of the above mentioned scientific and technological context, the

    ultimate objective of the work is the formulation and validation of

    methodologies that enable the simulation of the fatigue behavior of RFRC

    components. As mentioned above, a complete fatigue simulation of an

    RFRC component requires a multi-scale modelling approach. Figure 1.1

    illustrates an overview of the proposed solution used in this PhD thesis.

    Figure 1.1 Overview of the multi-scale predictive methods for modelling the

    fatigue behavior of RFRC parts.

    The procedure starts with process (manufacturing) modelling for

    simulation of the injection molding of the component in question. Such

    simulations are available in different commercial packages such as:

    Moldflow, SigmaSoft, and Express, to name a few. Based on the part

    geometry and melt flow behavior of the material, the software tools are

    able to predict the local fiber orientation, which can be later mapped to FE




    Process model (MoldFlow,

    SigmaSoft, etc.)

    Fiber and matrix


    Microscopic modelling


    parameters Pre-

    Damage Feedback


    Local S-N



    Fatigue loading at elements

    FE loading

    Fatigue life of the






    At the microscopic level, models need to be developed with the end goal

    of the accurate prediction of local lifetime, i.e. stress vs. number of cycles

    to failure (S-N) curves. This in turn can be achieved with a series of

    simultaneous micro-scale models. These include micro-structural models

    to generate statistically representative local geometries taking into account

    input of the preceding manufacturing simulation, quasi-static mechanical

    models for prediction of the local behavior and fatigue models for

    prediction of the local S-N curves.

    At the macroscopic scale, Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is performed on

    the component level. Fatigue loading is applied and the durability software

    is able to solve the local multi-axial loading conditions at each element.

    The local stiffnesses and S-N curves are inputted to the durability solver

    by interaction with the micro-models. Based on the input of the local

    stiffnesses and S-N curves, the durability solver is able to predict the

    critical areas as well as the overall fatigue lifetime of the component. The

    solver includes so-called “feedback” algorithms.

    While at the micro-scale full FEA modelling can be applied for the

    prediction of the local stress states, local damage and final S-N curves at

    each element, this approach leads to high computational expensive

    solutions which are inadmissible in consideration of the above described

    industrial requirements. The alternative route is the use of suitable

    analytical approaches which allow the estimation of the local material

    states with reasonable accuracy at efficient computational speeds. Among

    these approaches are the well-known mean-field homogenization methods.

    The position of this PhD work within the above described process is the

    micro-scale modelling (highlighted in Figure 1.1) of the quasi-static and

    fatigue behavior of RFRCs. For fatigue modelling, a novelty of the work

    is the ability to predict the S-N curves of the composite based on the S-N

    curves of the constituents (i.e. matrix, fibers and interface) using detailed

    micro-mechanics. As mentioned above, such methods are not available in

    literature. Another novelty of the work is that in addition to the typical

    short straight fiber reinforced materials, the thesis considers the application

    of micro-mechanical models to wavy fiber reinforced composites e.g. the

    steel fiber materials discussed above. The methodologies developed in this

    work can be applied to a number of other crimped fiber systems.

  • Introduction


    The main objectives of the thesis can then be summarized as follows:

    - Characterizing and modelling the complex micro-structure of short wavy steel fiber composites and understanding the behavior of this

    novel class of materials.

    - Assessment and validation of models for extension of the mean-field homogenization techniques to short wavy fiber reinforced composites.

    - Development and validation of a modelling approach for the prediction of the quasi-static behavior and progressive damage of short fiber

    composites, based on mean-field homogenization methods.

    - Formulation and validation of a fatigue model in the context of mean-field homogenization methods, for the prediction of the fatigue

    behavior based on the input of the fatigue properties of the


    - Detailed experimental investigations of the quasi-static and the fatigue properties of random straight and wavy fiber reinforced composites for

    better understanding of the underlying damage phenomena and for

    validation of the developed models.

    1.4 Structure of the thesis

    The structure of the thesis follows the objectives described in the previous

    section. A schematic overview of the thesis is presented in Figure 1.2.

    Chapter 2 of the thesis is devoted to the study of the literature and

    introduces general knowledge of the available methods for RFRCs. The

    chapter gives an overview of the micro-structure of RFRCs and the factors

    affecting the mechanical behavior of RFRCs. A review is given on the

    different methods and concepts of simulation of the geometry of RFRCs.

    The chapter also gives a brief description of the different mean-field

    homogenization techniques as well as the available models for the quasi-

    static and progressive damage models of RFRCs. Finally, different

    attempts for micro-mechanical fatigue modelling of RFRCs are discussed.



    Figure 1.2 Outline of the PhD thesis.



    Chapter 2.

    State of the art

    Chapter 3.



    and modelling

    Chapter 1.


    Chapter 4.





    Chapter 5.





    Chapter 6.

    Linear elastic

    modelling of

    wavy RFRCs

    Chapter 7.


    modelling of


    Chapter 8.


    modelling of


    Chapter 9.

    Conclusions and future


  • Introduction


    Chapter 3 describes the developed geometrical model for the generation of

    volume elements (VEs) of RFRCs. The model is able to generate VEs of

    both straight and wavy fiber composites. As in the published literature,

    different models are available for generation of random straight fiber

    composites, the chapter is focused on the aspects of the model concerned

    with the description of wavy fibers. In parallel to the modelling attempts,

    a novel experimental methodology for characterization of the micro-

    structure of complex wavy fiber samples, based on micro-computer

    tomography (micro-CT) techniques, is discussed.

    Chapters 4 and 5 cover the performed experimental investigations for

    quasi-static and fatigue behavior respectively of short glass fiber and short

    steel fiber reinforced composites. The different characterization techniques

    e.g. mechanical testing, fractography analysis, full-field strain mapping

    and acoustic emission techniques are discussed. The achieved

    experimental results provide a better understanding of the behavior of

    random fiber reinforced composites, which will be reflected in the

    development of the models. The results of those chapters also serve as

    validation for the models developed in the subsequent chapters.

    Chapter 6 deals with the extension of the existing mean-field

    homogenization methods for wavy fiber reinforced composites. A model

    for the transformation of wavy fibers into equivalent straight fiber systems

    that are able to be modelled using mean-field techniques is presented and

    validated with full FEA.

    Chapter 7 presents the developed methods for the quasi-static damage

    modelling of RFRCs. This includes models reflecting the damage

    phenomena of short fiber composites i.e. fiber matrix debonding, and fiber

    breakage and models for the non-linear plastic deformation of the matrix.

    The models are applied on the VEs generated by the geometrical model

    explained in chapter 3. For wavy fiber composites, the additional model

    developed in chapter 6 is applied prior to the quasi-static modelling. The

    implementation of the model in a numerical tool is briefly presented.

    Validation of the models with experimental results is reported in the


    Chapter 8 is devoted to the fatigue model. This in turn is dependent on the

    quasi-static models in Chapter 7. Similar to the quasi-static models,

    numerical implementation of the models is discussed. A detailed validation

    with the experimental results is presented. The chapter also gives a brief



    overview of attempts for component level simulation and validation, with

    the connection with the micro-scale models developed in this PhD thesis.

    Chapter 9 concludes the thesis and provides perspective for future research


  • 13

    Chapter 2: State of the Art

  • State of the Art


    2.1 Introduction

    In this chapter, a detailed overview of the available methods for modelling

    the geometry and the quasi-static and the fatigue behavior of random short

    fiber reinforced composites will be presented. In order to model the

    material behavior, an understanding of the unique micro-structure of short

    fiber composites and the different factors affecting its mechanical behavior

    is needed. This in turn can be achieved using a synopsis of available

    experimental observations.

    The structure of the chapter will be explained in the following. As

    discussed in the introduction, the injection molding process is the most

    attractive and commonly used manufacturing technique for short fiber

    composites. In the first section of this chapter, this manufacturing process

    will be briefly discussed in order to understand the different processing

    factors affecting the final random fiber composite parts. Next, details of

    experimental observations in literature of the evolution of the micro-

    structure of short fiber composites will be given, followed by an overview

    of the factors affecting both the quasi-static and the fatigue behavior of

    RFRCs supported by key literature results. Injection molded components

    are considered in this thesis as the most common RFRCs as well as the

    ones with relatively more complex micro-structures. The developed

    concepts and models can also be applied to other types of RFRCs.

    The following parts of the review will be dedicated to modelling the

    behavior of RFRCs. This starts with an overview of the available methods

    for generation of representative volume elements which are able to

    simulate the complex micro-structure of RFRCs, and of important factors

    to be taken into consideration such as the size of those representative

    volumes. In the subsequent section, mean-field homogenization methods

    will be introduced and examination of the variations of the different mean-

    field models will be given. Focus will be given on the original concepts of

    the models, namely the Eshelby solution. The Mori-Tanaka model which

    is the most commonly used out of the different mean-field methods for

    modelling RFRCs will be discussed in more detail. Moreover, an

    important aspect considered in this review is outlining the different

    limitations of the Mori-Tanaka model and how these were addressed in


    Mean-field homogenization models, as will be shown in section 2.5, were

    first intended for modelling the elastic behavior of composites. In the next

    section, the different methods for extending the mean-field models to



    describe the non-linear behavior of short fiber composites will be given.

    The sources of non-linearity are typically the elasto-plastic behavior of the

    thermoplastic matrix and the different damage mechanisms of the

    composite. Finally, an outline will be given on the few attempts conducted

    in previous research for modelling the fatigue life of short fiber composites.

    It should be noted that this literature review discusses general concepts of

    short random fiber composites. An important part of this thesis aims at

    understanding and formulation of methods for modelling the micro-

    structure and mechanical behavior of wavy fiber composites. The example

    considered in this work is short steel fiber composites. The next chapter of

    this thesis is devoted to modelling the micro-structure of complex wavy

    short steel fiber reinforced composites. The chapter will also include

    details of the motivation for investigating this novel class of materials, the

    production process of micron-sized steel fibers and efforts for

    characterizing and modelling similar wavy micro-structures.

    2.2 Injection Molding of RFRCs

    As mentioned in section 1.1, injection molding provides a very attractive

    and cost effective way of manufacturing short fiber reinforced composites

    [24]. Figure 2.1 shows a schematic diagram illustrating the injection

    molding process.

  • State of the Art


    Figure 2.1 Schematic illustration of the injection molding process (adapted from


    The raw material used for the injection molding process are compounded

    pellets of the desired thermoplastic/fiber materials combination and

    volume fractions. Prior compounding can be performed using methods

    such as extrusion or high shear mixing. Compounding already results in

    damage of the fiber with stochastic nature and consequently development

    of a length distribution of the fibers in the pellets.

    During injection molding, the pellets are fed to the hopper and the injection

    molding cycle begins. The material is heated and its viscosity is reduced.

    This enables flow of the polymer compound with the driving force of the

    injection unit, during which stage, shear forces are exerted by the screw.

    This adds a significant amount of friction on the material prior to injection.

    In the next stage, a desired amount of molten material is stored in front of

    the tip of the screw and is then pushed into the closed mold. A cooling

    cycle begins, and after the material is cooled down and solidified in the

    mold the part is ejected.



    2.3 Micro-structure and Mechanical Behavior of RFRCs

    2.3.1 Micro-structure of RFRCs

    The performance of short fiber composites is governed by the complex

    geometry of the fibers and their distribution in the part [26-32]. Unlike

    continuous UD or textile fiber reinforced composites, short fiber reinforced

    composites depict stochastic geometrical features that evolve during

    processing [33]. During the injection molding process, as briefly discussed

    in section 2.2, high shear stresses exerted in the melt by the screw rotation,

    in addition to fiber-fiber interactions, lead to further fiber breakage (to the

    already damaged fibers from the compounding process), resulting finally

    in a range of fiber lengths, characterized by a length distribution function

    (FLD) [34-36]. The complex