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MARCH 25 2018 25 DE MARZO P S P I: Rev. Louis Mboe, Parish Administrator Betty Reeder, Operations Director Flor Hernandez, Secretary Carlos Román, Director of Religious Education OFFICE HOURS -HORAS DE OFICINA: 8:00AM—7:00PM Mass Schedule -Horario de Misas Weekday Mass -Misa entre semana Mon - Fri /Lunes -Viernes 8:30 a.m. Saturday 5:00 pm (English) Sunday/Domingo 9:00(English) 11:00(Español) (French) 1st Friday of the Month at 6:30pm In Honor of Sacred Heart PARISH WEBSITE Email: [email protected] S. M S 8231 S. South Shore Drive Tel: 7732210212 S S P : Vikki O. Stokes, M.A., M.Ed. Principal Bertha Sandoval, Secretary Lucia Botello, Secretary S : PALM SUNDAY OF THE PASSION OF THE LORD DOMINGO DE RAMOS DE LA PASSION DEL SEÑOR Michael the Archangel Parroquia de San Miguel 8235 S. South Shore Drive | Chicago, IL 60617 | Ph: 773.734.4921 | Fax: 773.734.8723 Saint 125th Anniversary 1892-2017

Michael the Archangel - Amazon Web Services...Mass rehearsal / Ensayo de misa/ 1pm Solemn Mass of Glory Misa Solemne de Gloria/8:00pm Easter Sun.of the Res. of the Lord/ Dom. de Pascua

Jul 18, 2020



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Page 1: Michael the Archangel - Amazon Web Services...Mass rehearsal / Ensayo de misa/ 1pm Solemn Mass of Glory Misa Solemne de Gloria/8:00pm Easter Sun.of the Res. of the Lord/ Dom. de Pascua

M A R C H 2 5 �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � 2 0 1 8 � � 2 5 D E M A R Z O �

P������� S���� � P������� �� I������: ��

Rev. Louis Mboe, Parish Administrator�Betty Reeder, Operations Director�

Flor Hernandez, Secretary�Carlos Román, �

Director of Religious Education��


Mass Schedule -Horario de Misas

Weekday Mass -Misa entre semana

Mon - Fri /Lunes -Viernes 8:30 a.m.


5:00 pm (English)

Sunday/Domingo 9:00(English) 11:00(Español)

(French) 1st Friday of the Month at 6:30pm In Honor of Sacred Heart

PARISH WEBSITE��Email: [email protected]


S�. M�$%��� S$%����8231 S. South Shore Drive�

Tel: 773�221�0212��

S$%��� S�����P������� �� ��$1���:�

Vikki O. Stokes, M.A., M.Ed. Principal�Bertha Sandoval, Secretary�

Lucia Botello, Secretary��

S$%��� 2�3����:��

P A L M S U N D A Y O F T H E P A S S I O N O F T H E L O R D D O M I N G O D E R A M O S D E L A P A S S I O N D E L S E Ñ O R �

Michael the Archangel Parroquia de San Miguel

8235 S. South Shore Drive | Chicago, IL 60617 | Ph: 773.734.4921 | Fax: 773.734.8723�

Saint 125th Anniversary


Page 2: Michael the Archangel - Amazon Web Services...Mass rehearsal / Ensayo de misa/ 1pm Solemn Mass of Glory Misa Solemne de Gloria/8:00pm Easter Sun.of the Res. of the Lord/ Dom. de Pascua

S � . M��� � � � ��� �� S M� ��� �� � �� �

Palm Sunday��

Our humanity bleeds through today's Gospel passages in more ways than one. We see both elation and fall, hope in the midst of the darker sides of our natures. If we allow it, these Gospels hold a mirror to our own fickle hearts. The crowds cry "Hosanna" and the Apostles profess allegiance unto death. In a manner of days �� even hours �� Jesus is betrayed, abandoned, denied, condemned, tortured, and executed. As God, he could have stopped this horrific narrative from unfolding, but he doesn't. He allows free will to play itself out.��

There are nearly two millennia between this spectacle and us. We can stand safely removed, if we choose. But Lent invites us to return to this story. Lent invites us to find ourselves in the people we encounter there. Are we the repentant woman at Bethany? Are we naysayers of such lavish piety? Have we acted in a way that betrays those we love or denies what we know to be good and true? Have we fallen asleep in our faith? Have we unfairly accused others of a crime or immorality we imagine, though perhaps they didn't commit? Do we help others carry their burdens? Do we stand in solidarity with those who suffer? Do we care for the dying?��

This week, take up today's Gospel again. Look carefully at the Passion narrative and sit with it in silence. Find yourself in the story and ponder its meaning for your own life. Journey with Jesus to the foot of the Cross so that you too may say, along with the faithful centurion, "truly this man was the Son of God!" ��

Domingo de Ramos��

El Domingo de Ramos tiene doble toque de emociones en los corazones de los fieles. La Liturgia está llena de alegría por la entrada triunfal de Jesús a Jerusalén entre la multitud que lo celebra como Rey. Por otra parte, lo envuelve un ambiente de tristeza, ya que todo está orientado hacia el Calvario donde el momento trágico llegara. La Pasión, y la muerte del Señor. Como comunidad de creyentes, nos preparamos para la Semana Santa y el preámbulo es el Domingo de Ramos. Hay que tomar tiempo para preparar todos los detalles del Triduo Pascual. Nada debe hacerse en solitario, trabajar en equipo es esencial.��

En la carta de San Pablo aparece de modo especial la alegría y la tristeza de la Celebración de hoy. "Por eso, Dios lo engrandeció y le dio el Nombre que esta sobre todo nombre, para que al Nombre de Jesus se doble toda rodilla en los cielos, en la tierra y entre los muertos, y todo lengua proclame que Cristo Jesus es el Señor, para gloria de Dios Padre". (Filipenses 2:9�11). ¿Qué comprendemos de este misterio? ¿Cómo contribuiremos al Señor todo el amor que nos ha dado? ¡Que el Señor aumente nuestra fe al agitar las palmas en honor a Cristo Victorioso! El Papa Francisco, nos pide reflexionar en lo siguiente. "Así, al mismo tiempo que también nosotros festejamos a nuestro Rey, pensamos en el sufrimiento que él tendrá que sufrir en esta Semana. Pensamos en las calumnias, los ultrajes, los engaños, las traiciones, el abandono, el juicio inicuo, los golpes, los azotes, la corona de espinas..., y en definitiva al via crucis, hasta la crucifixión". �

Weekly �Offering Report�

Mar. 18th�

Religious Education:� $ 118.00�


Easter Flowers: $ 100.00 ��

School Mass: $ 32.00��

Maintenance: $ 634.96�

Baptisms�Bautismos ��

To register, parents must come to the pastoral center to make

arrangements at least one month in advance. 3rd Sat. at 10am in English. Preparation required.�

Welcome New Parishioners ��¡Bienvenidos Nuevos


� If you are not a Catholic and are interested in learning about

the Catholic Church or you recently moved into the community please call


� Si no es Católico y tiene interés de saber más sobre la Iglesia

Católica o si recientemente se ha mudado a esta comunidad pero

no se ha registrado como � feligrés, por favor llame al


Matrimony�Matrimonio Cotillion�Quinceañeras�


� Llame el Centro Pastoral por lo menos cuatro meses

antes de la fecha deseada para hacer arreglos. Horarios:

Sabados, 1pm y 3pm. Hable para los precios.�

Thank you for your support! Bog Zaplac!�


Please call the pastoral center to advise us of anyone who is in the hospital or home�bound. �

Por favor llame al centro pastoral para avisarnos si

alguien esta en el hospital o esta enfermo en casa. �

Last Sunday Collection/ Colectas de Fin de Semana: �

5:00pm � � $ 613.00� 9:00am � $ 557.10�11:00am � $ 666.95�Fish Fry:� $ 2,389.50�Scholarship:� $ 131.00� Totals: $ 5,242.51�

Page 3: Michael the Archangel - Amazon Web Services...Mass rehearsal / Ensayo de misa/ 1pm Solemn Mass of Glory Misa Solemne de Gloria/8:00pm Easter Sun.of the Res. of the Lord/ Dom. de Pascua

M A R C H 2 5 2 0 1 8 � � 2 5 D E M A R Z O �

Remember in Prayer/Recuerden en Oración Those who are sick and in need of the Lord’s healing/Para aquellos que están enfermos y necesitan la sanación del Señor: Alfred Czajkowski, Pam Zack,

Jackie Flight, Josephine Serbasing, Teresa Ortiz, Hakeem Kudaisi, Linda Reyna, Alfonso Sanchez, Joe Perez, Zenaida Farias, Christie Zack, Barbara Metzinger, Sulfise Collins, Jim Klosiewski, Melanie Espejel, Tom Cieslica, Antonio Gutierrez, Ofelia Mayorido, Francisco Castro, Glenda Allen� Kazimiriv, Joann Moll, Rita Cybulski, Pamela Smiley, Greg Carchedi, Daniel Shirk, Mary Ann Evans, Larry Moll, Anthony Perez, Br. John Peralta, MSC, Travis Gmeiner, Alicia Sanchez, Victor Zamudio, Elena Segura, Jerome “Wayne” Dziubcynski�

Parish Holy Weekly Events��

Eventos de Semana Santa en la Parroquia��


Mon. / Lun. Mar. 26�

�� Mass� Misa/ 8:30am/ Church �

�� Adoration�Adoración/ 9:30am�6pm�

�� Parish Mission�Mision Paroquial/ 6:30pm�

Tues. / Mar. Mar. 27�

�� Mass�Misa/8:30 �

�� Adoration�Adoración/9:30am�6pm�

�� Parish Mission�Mision Paroquial/ 6:30pm�

Wed. / Mie. Mar. 28�

�� Mass�Misa/8:30am�

�� Adoration�Adoración/9:30am�6pm�

�� Parish Mission�Mision Paroquial/ 6:30pm�

Holy Thurs./Jue. Santo Mar. 29�

�� Mass�Misa/7pm �

�� Adoration�Adoración/9pm�12am�

Good Fri. / Vie. Santo Mar. 30�

�� Way of the Cross / 11am / St. Michael�

�� Via Crucis Viviente / 11am / San Miguel�

�� English Service/5:00pm �

�� Servicio en Español/ 7:00pm�

�� Our Lady of Sorrows / Pesama a Maria/ 8:30pm�

Holy Sat./ Sab. De Gloria Mar. 31��� Blessing of the Baskets�Bendicion de canastas/ 11am�

�� Church cleaning / Limpieza de Iglesia / 9am �

�� Mass rehearsal / Ensayo de misa/ 1pm�

�� Solemn Mass of Glory�Misa Solemne de Gloria/8:00pm�

Easter Sun.of the Res. of the Lord/ Dom. de Pascua Res. del Señor Apr. 01��� Regular Mass Schedule��� Misa regular�


Mark your calendars...NO 8:30AM MASS OR 9�6PM ADORATION ON HOLY THURS. OR GOOD FRI. �Marquen sus calendarios...NO HABRA MISA DE 8:30 O ADORACION DE 9� 6PM EL JUEVES Y VIERNES SANTO.����

Pastoral center will be closed on Good Friday, 3/31 & Easter Monday, 4/02. Office will re�open on Tuesday. ��

El centro pastoral estará cerrado el viernes santo, 31 de marzo y el lunes de pascua, 02 de abril. La oficina reabrirá martes. �

Annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Cap�Canada August 13�17, 2018�

Peregrinacion Annual a Nuestra Sra. del Cabo�Canada�

13�17 de Agosto del 2018�

Price: $450.00 per person�Deposit: $100 by March 31st, 2018�

Precio: $450.00 cada persona�Deposito: $100 antes del 31 de marzo del 2018�

Transportation by Treasure Coach Bus Liner�Motel la Place du Golf�819/298�3144�

For any questions, please call Ginette Joseph (773/221�2799), or Gizelle Jean�Simon (773/616�8009)�

HOLY MONDAY�HOLY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26�28: Series of Lenten Spiritual Teachings/Lectures with Fr. Tat

Hoang for adults in the adoration chapel, youth in the school hall & children in the pastoral center.�

LUNES � MIERCOLES SANTO, 26 al 28 de MARZO : Ejercicios Espirituales Cuaresmales para las familias en la

Iglesia, y niños de 6�12 años en la capilla del centro pastoral.��


Bilingual Mass�Misa bilingüe�7:00pm�


(vea la programación)��


Way of the Cross with IC, SH & OLG � Via Crucis Viviente con IC, SC, NSG

Starting at St. Michael�Empieza en San Miguel : 11AM�

3:00PM�Meditation of the 7 words of Jesus� Meditacion con las 7 palabra de Jesus�

5:00 PM �Adoration of the Cross ��

7:00 PM �Adoracion de la Cruz ��

8:30 PM � Our Lady of Sorrows� Pesame a Maria ��

Silent Procession�Procesion en silencio��

3/31: HOLY SATURDAY�SABADO DE GLORIA �11:00 AM� Blessing of the baskets� Bendicion de las canastas�

8:00 PM � Bilingual Mass�Misa Bilingue �Solemn Mass of Glory�Misa Solemne de Gloria�




9:00 AM: English Mass�11:00 AM: Misa en Español�

Page 4: Michael the Archangel - Amazon Web Services...Mass rehearsal / Ensayo de misa/ 1pm Solemn Mass of Glory Misa Solemne de Gloria/8:00pm Easter Sun.of the Res. of the Lord/ Dom. de Pascua

4� | � 125�� A ���� � � � 125 A ���� ��� | 4� �

Mass Intentions�Intenciones de Misa��

Monday, Mar. 26�� 8:30� � Special Intention�� � � � � �Tuesday, Mar. 27�� 8:30� � Special Intention�� � † Josephine , Charles & John Krusinowski�� � † Rodolfo de Guzman��

Wednesday, Mar. 28�� 8:30� � Special Intention�� � � � � � � �

Saturday, Mar. 31�� 8:00pm�† Rydzewski & Skarupa Family��

Sunday , Apr. 01�� 9:00� † Theresa Matejko�� � † Edmund & Emily Ulaszek�� � † Joseph Lewandowski�� � † Lucia Chavez��11:00� † Dolores Segura�� � � Familia Oceguera �� � � Nicolas & Maria Gomez y Familia� � � † Maria de los Angeles Salazar�� � † Carmen Salazar de Luna y Faustino Luna�

Liturgical Roles� Holy Week�

Lectors � �

3/29� 7:00 Blanche Quiñones, Jose Cortez�3/30� 5:00 Veronica Salazar (N) Maxine Shannon (S) 3/30� 7:00 Griselda Arreguin, (N) Carmela Gomez (L) �3/31 8:00 Veronica Salazar, Josefina Lopez �

� Jose Garza, Jose Cortez �

4/01 9:00 Maxine Shannon, Blanche Quiñones�

Comentarista: Rosario Perez�

11:00 Maricela Barajas, Maria Ruiz �

Ministers of Communion �

3/29� 7:00 Celia Reyes, Angela Hernandez�3/30� 5:00 Irene Campuzano, Martha Zakhem�

3/30� 7:00 David Ramirez, Agapita Oviedo, �� Altagracia Castañeda �3/31 8:00 Shirley Carchedi, Celia Reyes, Juan Lopez,�

Angela Hernandez,Adelina Montes, Maricela Barajas�

4/01 9:00 Irene Campuzano, Martha Zakhem�

11:00 Jose Cortez, Davie d Ramirez, �

� � Agapita Oviedo, Altagracia Castañeda �

Altar Servers�3/29� 7:00 Laure Michel, Marcus Manzanales,�� Precious Manzanales, Andy Reyes��

3/30� 5:00 Wesley Joseph, Dominique Joseph�� Benjamin Garza, Luke Garza, Isabella Garza��

3/30� 7:00 Yulissa Villareal, Precious Manzanales,�� Marcus Manzanales ��

3/30 8:30 Yesenia Martinez, Judy Partida, � Samantha Avila��

3/31 8:00 Andrea Reyes, Alexia Reyes, Andy Reyes �

Laure Michel�

4/01 9:00 Benjamin Garza, Isabella Garza, Luke Garza�

11:00 Andy Reyes, Yulissa Villareal, Vida Garcia

Easter Sunday Intentions ...Envelopes for Easter Sunday are available in the church. Please take one and write the names of your family members on the envelope; place your donation in the envelope and place it in the collection basket on Sunday. You can also mail it or drop it off at the pastoral center. The names submitted to us before March 27th will be included on a bulletin insert in the April 1st bulletin. Remember that these names will not be read aloud.��

Intenciones del Dia de Pascua… Los sobres para el Día de Pascua están disponibles en la iglesia. Por favor tome uno y escriba los nombres de sus familiares en el sobre; ponga su ofrenda en el sobre y póngalo en la canasta de la colecta del domingo. Usted también puede enviarlos o traerlos al centro pastoral. Una hoja especial con los nombres sometidos a nosotros antes del 27 de marzo será incluida en el boletín el 01 de abril. Recuerden que no se van a leer los nombres en voz alta en este día. ��

Prayer for Those Receiving the Easter Sacraments��

Let us pray for our catechumens and candidates.��

God of the Samaritan Women, the Man Born Blind and Lazarus,�

You show yourself in many ways.��Most often in ways we cannot see until we look with eyes

of faith.���

Continue to bless these catechumens and candidates��who will receive the Church's sacraments�during the upcoming Season of Easter.��

Fill their lives and hearts with your unending love and grace.�

Help us to continue to be models of living Christian lives��and grant them the endurance to continue to race to the


We ask all this in the name of Jesus, your Son��who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever

and ever.� Amen. �

Page 5: Michael the Archangel - Amazon Web Services...Mass rehearsal / Ensayo de misa/ 1pm Solemn Mass of Glory Misa Solemne de Gloria/8:00pm Easter Sun.of the Res. of the Lord/ Dom. de Pascua

4� | � 125�� A ���� � � � 125 A ���� ��� | 4� �

Mass Intentions�Intenciones de Misa��

Monday, Mar. 26�� 8:30� � Special Intention�� � � � � �Tuesday, Mar. 27�� 8:30� � Special Intention�� � † Josephine , Charles & John Krusinowski�� � † Rodolfo de Guzman��

Wednesday, Mar. 28�� 8:30� � Special Intention�� � � � � � � �

Saturday, Mar. 31�� 8:00pm�† Rydzewski & Skarupa Family��

Sunday , Apr. 01�� 9:00� † Theresa Matejko�� � † Edmund & Emily Ulaszek�� � † Joseph Lewandowski�� � † Lucia Chavez��11:00� † Dolores Segura�� � � Familia Oceguera �� � � Nicolas & Maria Gomez y Familia� � � † Maria de los Angeles Salazar�� � † Carmen Salazar de Luna y Faustino Luna�

Liturgical Roles� Holy Week�

Lectors � �

3/29� 7:00 Blanche Quiñones, Jose Cortez�3/30� 5:00 Veronica Salazar (N) Maxine Shannon (S) 3/30� 7:00 Griselda Arreguin, (N) Carmela Gomez (L) �3/31 8:00 Veronica Salazar, Josefina Lopez �

� Jose Garza, Jose Cortez �

4/01 9:00 Maxine Shannon, Blanche Quiñones�

Comentarista: Rosario Perez�

11:00 Maricela Barajas, Maria Ruiz �

Ministers of Communion �

3/29� 7:00 Celia Reyes, Angela Hernandez�3/30� 5:00 Irene Campuzano, Martha Zakhem�

3/30� 7:00 David Ramirez, Agapita Oviedo, �� Altagracia Castañeda �3/31 8:00 Shirley Carchedi, Celia Reyes, Juan Lopez,�

Angela Hernandez,Adelina Montes, Maricela Barajas�

4/01 9:00 Irene Campuzano, Martha Zakhem�

11:00 Jose Cortez, Davie d Ramirez, �

� � Agapita Oviedo, Altagracia Castañeda �

Altar Servers�3/29� 7:00 Laure Michel, Marcus Manzanales,�� Precious Manzanales, Andy Reyes��

3/30� 5:00 Wesley Joseph, Dominique Joseph�� Benjamin Garza, Luke Garza, Isabella Garza��

3/30� 7:00 Yulissa Villareal, Precious Manzanales,�� Marcus Manzanales ��

3/30 8:30 Yesenia Martinez, Judy Partida, � Samantha Avila��

3/31 8:00 Andrea Reyes, Alexia Reyes, Andy Reyes �

Laure Michel�

4/01 9:00 Benjamin Garza, Isabella Garza, Luke Garza�

11:00 Andy Reyes, Yulissa Villareal, Vida Garcia

Easter Sunday Intentions ...Envelopes for Easter Sunday are available in the church. Please take one and write the names of your family members on the envelope; place your donation in the envelope and place it in the collection basket on Sunday. You can also mail it or drop it off at the pastoral center. The names submitted to us before March 27th will be included on a bulletin insert in the April 1st bulletin. Remember that these names will not be read aloud.��

Intenciones del Dia de Pascua… Los sobres para el Día de Pascua están disponibles en la iglesia. Por favor tome uno y escriba los nombres de sus familiares en el sobre; ponga su ofrenda en el sobre y póngalo en la canasta de la colecta del domingo. Usted también puede enviarlos o traerlos al centro pastoral. Una hoja especial con los nombres sometidos a nosotros antes del 27 de marzo será incluida en el boletín el 01 de abril. Recuerden que no se van a leer los nombres en voz alta en este día. ��

Prayer for Those Receiving the Easter Sacraments��

Let us pray for our catechumens and candidates.��

God of the Samaritan Women, the Man Born Blind and Lazarus,�

You show yourself in many ways.��Most often in ways we cannot see until we look with eyes

of faith.���

Continue to bless these catechumens and candidates��who will receive the Church's sacraments�during the upcoming Season of Easter.��

Fill their lives and hearts with your unending love and grace.�

Help us to continue to be models of living Christian lives��and grant them the endurance to continue to race to the


We ask all this in the name of Jesus, your Son��who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, for ever

and ever.� Amen. �

Page 6: Michael the Archangel - Amazon Web Services...Mass rehearsal / Ensayo de misa/ 1pm Solemn Mass of Glory Misa Solemne de Gloria/8:00pm Easter Sun.of the Res. of the Lord/ Dom. de Pascua