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Question One: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? MEDIA STUDIES: THRILLER OPENING EVALUATION


Jan 14, 2017


Anna Soukal
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Question One: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?



I titled my thriller Rebecca in reference to the 1940s film-noir mystery thriller of the same name of which I drew influences, especially when using the prominent noir thriller convention of chiaroscuro lighting. The title also references the character name of the protagonist and highlights the importance of her identity, further contrast to the absence of this through her imprisonment. Names which are used for titles are often used in the thriller genre, such as Léon (1994), Mary (1931) and Hanna (2011). My thriller would be included in the action subgenre of thriller film. Action thrillers often involve a strong willed or courageous protagonist that confronts dangerous obstacles and situations in which they must overcome. These thrillers often dispense action with a sense of ‘racing against the clock’ with frequency violence and a prominent antagonist. I categorised my thriller as an Action thriller due to may of these overlapping themes. For instance, the quick cuts and constant movement of my opening relays a certain pace which is often seen in action thrillers. My opening also has a clear protagonist and antagonist which are working against each other which provides the conflict needed in action thrillers. My thriller also ties in some themes from a conspiracy thriller, such as the challenging of a powerful institution which would be the imprisoners in my thriller. However, certain aspects such as the need for the authority to only fought by the protagonist or a small group allies, which is absent from my thriller as the institution would in fact be seen illegal and immoral if brought to light of the public, I was unable to classify my opening as a conspiracy thriller.


LocationMy thriller opening begins in a large expanse of bleak wooded area, referencing such films as Final Girl (2015) where the wooded are misted and mysterious. Much like that of Twin Peaks (1990-91), the woods seem to stretch reality and when entered mysterious things may occur. I wanted to reference this mysterious element in my opening as a premise for the warped morality of action, much like the girl has had to live separated from reality as if the criminality of the thriller are working separately but parallel to society. The idea of the criminal worlds existence as an undertone in society and ignored or ignorant to

I also decided on an almost characterless expanse to create the large featureless backdrop and constant view of horizon lines similar to that of No Country for Old Men (2007) and the mundane familiarity of the plain exterior in Winters Bone (2010). The idea of turning in every direction and seeing the same thing gives the sense of entrapment and isolation, a thriller convention and something integral to my thriller.

most is used in Essex Boys which I have reference as one of my case studies into the thriller genre. Criminality is often used in thrillers to evoke an element of uncertainty and unpredictability which is most certainly enforced with Locke's psychopathic traits in Essex Boys and is also something I wish to suggest in my opening. Unpredictability, therefore, installs tension and uncertainty which is important in a thriller. The mysterious, almost supernaturalism of such references also further enforces these themes.

I used the location of the abandoned house to create the claustrophobic enclosed space to give the sense of entrapment, as used in Essex Boys. The character has no where to run and the audience emphasis as they feel trapped with her. Claustrophobic spaces are a clear thriller convention but however I wanted to emphasis the extent by positioning the audience in the room looking out in order for them to get a real sense of her entrapment. Empty abandoned buildings have also been used on TV shows such as The Bridge (2011) where the dirty and run down surroundings suggest that much of the characters who are there. In this case, making sure to lay down paper and dirty to suggest neglect, In order to refer to the criminal who follows her, implying inherent distain and discomfort towards people such as them as they are ‘dirty’ criminals.


LightingDuring the scenes in the wooded area, I shot in the evening to ensure a dim light. This gave a eerie atmosphere when compared with the connotations to the wooded area. I took inspiration from the misty darkness used in Final Girl when the young women are chased down. The mist give a sense of abyss and ‘the unknown’ which suggest there is nowhere to run, this idea of ‘no escape’ is used to foreshadow the inevitable capture, creating tension and suspense to implement the thriller genre. I also used a light that would not cast shadows in order to contrast this to the scene where she is in the claustrophobic room. This then gives the sense of significant to this change and highlights the shift in

I used chiaroscuro lighting in my piece to represent the contrast of light and darkness in my piece. The symbolism of light and darkness as innocence and criminality is often used in thrillers, especially in the form of chiaroscuro lighting. This thriller technique references back to the origins of thriller with films such as The Third Man (1949) and has even become highly stylised in modern films such as Kill Bill (2003) and Sin City (2005) which use it in direct reference as a device to refer to the stark and

power from the openness of the woods and possibility of escape to the inescapable room where the enigma will eventually find her. Changing the overall colour of lighting of a sequence to imply a climax of action is often used in thriller such as I have. For example, the high saturated colour of the light hearted story development scenes dramatically contrast to that of a more sinister and violent scenes with darker colour. All to further emphasis the mystery of the scenes that may involve criminal activity or some level of secrecy, letting the audience know that their criminality may cause or contribute to a climax.

almost comical divide between what the film narrative determines good and evil. In the case of my thriller opening, the evil manifests with the enigma who follows and the good with the victim, this is shown as chiaroscuro lighting is used when the chaser draws near and you are aware of his dominance of not only the victim but also the lighting.


Conventions of an opening to a thriller filmI decided to name my thriller Rebecca in homage to the 1940s thriller of the same name. The title appears before any action so that it would not interrupt the action of the sequence. Due to the quick cuts and continuous sequence of action, I decided to put the title at the start. I also decided to use simple white and uniform font for my titles, this form is becoming particularly popular with the Nordic thrillers that have become prominent over the last few years. For example, the Danish/Swedish TV series The Bridge uses leek and polished white titles over dark shots. This gives a crisp and sophisticated finish to the picture and introduces the sharp atmosphere and clean cut edits of my thriller.

The sound bridge of heavy breathing over the film title is also reference from the similarly used sound bridge in Kill Bill. I decided upon a sound bridge as it creates tension and anticipation as

the audience may speculated as to where or why the sound is happening. This anticipation is just another thriller convention used in my opening.

I also decided to end my thriller opening on a cliff hanger. This is a thriller convention often used in TV series thrillers in order to leave the audience in suspense and encourage to watch the next episode. I decided to leave the audience in suspense, wondering the fate of the girl in order to encourage the attention of the audience and leave them wanting to know more. This is important in the thriller genre, especially in TV series where there are often week long breaks between ever episode. As the thriller genre relies heavily on suspense and a high level of attention to the story, the film must encourage these things and keep the audience interested as this often takes the form of cliff hangers.