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Media Evaluation jsjC
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Media EvaluationjsjC

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In what ways does your product, use, develop and challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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In many ways, all adverts can be seen as conventional due to the borrowing of ideas and the use of codes and conventions to create effective advertisements. I used and challenged conventions in my main adverts.When researching into advertising in general, as well as specifically researching clothing adverts, I became aware of the conventions of adverts, such as the short timings of around 30 seconds and the use of logos and slogans to create brand awareness. However, a few things that I found were specific to clothing adverts whilst I was researching, was the exaggeration and the ‘feel good’ atmosphere within the advert. I incorporated this convention into my adverts by creating the message for my product that Morale Clothing could give you a better quality of life- I felt it was more effective to use the ‘slice of life’ advertisement over a studio shoot as it allowed me to be creative in more decisions such as locations, props and so on. Another reason I decided on the ‘slice of life’ over studio shoot, was the lack of studio space available to me which would have made it difficult and very restricting. I was able to create and advertise the lifestyle Morale gives you through the use of close-ups of the model laughing as well as low angle shots signifying that Morale makes them superior. For example, my first advert. ( Below the first close up signifies her dissatisfaction at that current point, however, the second close up close up signifies her happiness now she has Morale clothing.) I feel the camera position was conventional as I made sure the model was always centralised, which is conventional as it allows full focus on the model. As well as close-ups and mid-shots as mentioned above.

The change from when she isn’t wearing Morale clothing- above left image and when she is wearing Morale clothing- above right

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Moreover, I have used bright colours in my adverts that stand out such as yellow and red to appeal to, and engage the audience as I have only a limited amount of time to appeal to them and advertise my product. However, I have challenged the conventions of teen clothing adverts such as Boohoo and Missguided, as they usually focus on one or two models to pose with different outfits on, in an empty location. I understood from analysing these adverts that having only one or two models in the shot allows full focus and attention on them, as well as portraying them as important and confident in their clothing, this can be seen in my analysis of a Missguided advert on my blog. However, I have chose to include a narrative that gives a clear understanding of my product as I felt that it was more important to make my message clear, although I did question whether the audience would understand my attempts to create meaning as Stuart Hall’s theory of selective perception suggests that the audiences may read into my advert and perceive what they want to, within their frame of reference, rather than accepting the message I’m trying to convey. In both adverts, Morale clothing solves a problem and make the models happier with themselves, as well as making them stand out. This is the message I aimed to convey with my product. For example, in my second advert, the red dress (symbolic of passion, beauty and femininity) causes shock and admiration and allows her to stand out, followed by a close up of her laughing at the end portraying the model as confident and courageous.However, I felt that a weakness of my adverts was the branding. This is because I wanted to create simple, but feminine and bold titles, but reflecting on it, I now feel that this wasn’t effective as it’s quite dull and not really eye catching. After reflection upon this, I decided to change my titles so that it appeared more feminine, consequently, I changed my font to serif. As well as this, I understand that I could have done better in my branding overall as I feel that there was more focus on the action than the clothing- something I intended with ‘slice of life’ but I didn’t realise that it would probably take a lot of attention away from the clothing itself, and the actual brand.

These are the bright colours that I selected for my adverts as explained above.

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I decided that a closed structure would be the most appropriate for my narrative as adverts usually require a clear conclusion- that the audience/consumer should buy the product as it would improve their life. Closed structures are very good for advertising as they are straightforward and can only be interpreted in a limited amount of ways.

The narrative in my adverts is similar to the narrative of Jack Wills adverts that I researched and analysed. have used and developed this convention of a big group of friends in my second advert, and attempted to convey the message that the clothing gives you confidence and a better life. (As seen on the bottom left is the Jack Wills advert and the bottom right is my second main advert.) In Jack Wills adverts, the teenagers are all happy, and laughing, which is something that is apparent at the end of each of my adverts- a close up of the model laughing and smiling, illustrating their happiness because Morale has given them confidence. Moreover, I was also conventional in my editing, as there are few transitions and the adverts are quite fast paced, which is traditional for clothing adverts as each shot is quickly followed by another shot. (Without transitions as transitions prolong the shots.) I chose to do this as it looks more effective and gets the message of the product across quicker. As well as this, it keeps the audience’s attention as adverts have to be exciting in order to stand out to the audience.

The Jack Wills picture was my original inspiration for the advert as I wanted to advertise the lifestyle the clothing gives you more than just the clothing alone. As my inspiration came from Jack Wills there are similar shots and it is evident in the picture on the right (from advert two) that I have tried to imitate shots with a big group of friends.

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I feel the music I used was very conventional as it builds up to a very upbeat and energetic tone (which comes in when the model wears Morale clothing) The music I used is a copyright free song called ‘Survivor’ by Stephen Swartz. However, I believe that I have challenged conventions by including dialogue in my advertisements, as whilst researching I found that none of the clothing adverts I analysed had speech in. The only sound was music or a voice over at the end of the advert. I decided to challenge this convention as I believed I could effectively show the resolution of a problem, solved by Morale. Thus, I supported Steve Neale’s notion that repetition and difference are essential to genre, and I have evidently repeated and used conventions of existing adverts to create familiarity, as well as adding my own ideas and challenging conventions to make it exciting. As well as this, I feel that the dialogue made the message of my product clearer. For example, the two younger students in the first advert, who say ‘I heard she gets her clothing from Morale’ which signifies admiration from other people and implies that people speak about her clothing, which contrasts from the beginning as she was unnoticeable.

Click here to listen to the music:

Music used in my advert (link to my blog)

(can be seen at 0:20 seconds) The younger students’ admiration at the girl wearing Morale clothing.

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Sponsorship Sequence.

My sponsorship sequence is both conventional and unconventional; conventional in the sense that the sequence is quick and simple, with few shots- I chose to make it conventional in this manner to show some familiarity as I didn’t want to completely subvert conventions. However, I believe that my sponsorship sequence is mostly unconventional as it doesn’t link the product much with the programme. This is because I believed that conveying my message was more important. Furthermore, I used a voice over saying ‘dress for success’ reinforcing my message that Morale helps and aids the audience’s needs- this could be seen as developing conventions as there is usually a voice over in sponsorships with a small amount of information about the product. (This can be seen in the P&O cruises sponsorship advert)

Above, on the left is a Cadbury’s sponsorship sequence (sponsor of Coronation street) evidently, Cadbury have created an association with Coronation street, by incorporating the Coronation street font and title within the chocolate (although the ‘Cadbury’ stands out more and is more recognisable) This causes brand association. Opposing to this, above on the right is my sponsorship sequence. I chose to subvert the expectation of association because I wanted to keep the sponsorship simplistic and I wanted the meaning of my advert to be dominant, rather than ‘Hollyoaks.’ However, I realise that in doing this, I have not created much of a link with Morale and Hollyoaks and I acknowledge that that is something I could have done better.

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However, in my sponsorships I used the convention of putting my text over the action, rather than on a plain background. I decided to use this convention as I feel it looks more effective and didn’t want to subvert expectations too much. Moreover, this creates create more of a link between the advert and the product and sponsor. (Below on the left is P&O cruises sponsorship, and below right is my sponsorship) Evidently, both are similar with white text and the text over the action. I looked at this sponsorship in my research and this helped me to decide on how I should have my text for the sponsorship. However, the positioning differs from other sponsorships as ‘Morale’ is separate from ‘sponsors Hollyoaks’ I chose to do this, as it made my brand name stand out, as well as also allowing the programme to stand out as both the words Hollyoaks and Morale are in bold writing- creating a link between the two. Additionally, I changed my sponsorship slightly from my original idea in the planning stage, as I wanted it to be more conventional, and my sponsorship was too long at first, which wasn’t engaging and would not appeal to the audience. Therefore, I had to cut out certain shots and edit my sponsorship so that it was faster-paced, as I realised that the sponsorship differs from the main adverts in that it doesn’t try to advertise or give much information on the product as much, but the importance is focusing on the association between the product and the programme.

Comparatively, both have white text. I decided to stick to this convention, however the positioning is different in my sponsorship sequence, as explained above.

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How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?

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I understand that it’s very important to link all five media texts in order to make it a cohesive advertising campaign and also to make the campaign recognisable and appealing. The synergy between each advert is significant in order to create an association with each advert and the product.

There are many similarities in all five texts, for example, each advert included a final signature shot of the model laughing and smiling at the end to make the resolution recognisable, creating synergy between each of the texts (as can be seen below.) I feel like this demonstrates to the audience that they can be this happy if they buy Morale clothing (thus the same shot is included to create familiarity to the audience and increase brand awareness.)

Sponsorship sequence- end shot, happiness that she got the job due to Morale clothing.

Tv Advert 1- end shot of her laughing, happiness as she is now noticeable and confident in her clothing. Tv Advert 2- end shot of her laughing

(unfortunately I couldn’t get a good screenshot due to her head movement.) Happiness that she stands out in her clothing.

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Both of these shots illustrate the cheerless expressions of the girls when they are not wearing Morale clothing (in the beginning of the adverts.) On the left is TV Advert 1 and on the right is TV Advert 2. Although different shots and facial expressions, the concept is the same as they are obviously unhappy in their clothing. This is reinforced in TV Advert 2 with the dialogue “I hate my outfit, I have nothing to wear” and in TV Advert one which is followed by a close up of her facial expression and the diegetic sound of her sighing.

Looking down to convey her lack of confidence. Evidently unhappy because she is fed up of her dull wardrobe and not being noticed.

Looking up to her friend to help her decide on an outfit to wear (from Morale.) Unhappy with her current outfit, no confidence.

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Another similarity that makes the promotional package cohesive is the music. In both of my main texts and both of my ancillary texts I used the same music, I did this as I believe that when the audience hears it, it will cause them to associate the song with Morale clothing, as well as linking each advertisement to demonstrate a clear connection. Each advert includes a final energetic and upbeat part of the song to signify the happiness and joy Morale clothing brings. Although I used the same song, I used different parts of it that I thought fit best with the action. I feel like I have created a brand identity for my product as I feel that all my adverts, however I could have improved on my brand identity as I recognise that it wasn’t one of my strengths. I have carefully constructed meaning in many other things such as the titles - the same in each text. I chose this font as it links in with the idea that Morale clothing gives you confidence and courage. As well as signifying femininity, moreover, bold writing also stands out to the audience which is another reason I chose it.

Bold but feminine writing

White- draws audience’s attention

Capitals to appeal and stand out to the audience

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The use of bright colours in both of my main texts is also something that creates a link between the adverts - the yellow top in advert one and the red dress in advert two, this appeals to the audience as it’s captivating and they are courageous colours that will get the audience recognised and will make them stand out. Moreover, through the narrative it is clear that Morale brings success- hence the resolution evident in all texts. This can be seen in my main advert one- the girl wants new clothes to make her more confident and noticeable so she can stand out, and she achieves this by buying Morale clothing. In my main advert two, the girl has nothing to wear to a party as she hates her outfit and she becomes self-confident and successful in being centre of attention at the party whilst wearing a Morale dress. In the sponsorship sequence, the girl is successful in getting a job due to her smart clothing from Morale (Dress for success) and in my radio advert, the girl is having difficulty in choosing an outfit for a party, and her friend suggests buying something from Morale and informs her that there is free next day delivery.

Bright outfits- reinforcing courageous and captivating clothing

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Comparatively, many promotional packages are cohesive and include many similarities such as V05’s colour scheme, which is light blue, also a part of the background in the v05 sponsorship sequence which causes the audience to create a link between the adverts. I have therefore been conventional in constructing all five texts that combine to make a cohesive promotional campaign.

I feel that I have created an effective combination of adverts that would create an identity for my brand and cause recognition with the audience through association. One of the questions I asked in my audience survey was whether the audience felt that the media texts felt like a cohesive campaign. The results show that I was successful in the combination of both my main texts and ancillary texts as the majority of people answered ‘yes’ and a very small minority answering ‘no.’ Therefore, to conclude I believe that all five texts are clearly connected (through things such as music, final shots and titles) although can be understood separately, and thus I feel I have been successful in my creating my promotional package.

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What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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I created a questionnaire so that I could get feedback to see if my adverts were successful. I based the questions around what I aimed to do in my adverts such as ‘was the message of the advert clear?’ and ‘were the adverts cohesive?’ and so on. I put my questionnaire on the internet, in order to get the many responses I needed, I aimed to get at least 100 responses so I could fairly judge how successful my adverts were and what people actually thought of them. Fortunately, the amount of responses I received is 103.

My first two questions were asking the gender and age of the people filling out the survey because I wanted to know if my target audience found the adverts appealing and what people outside of my target audience thought about my adverts and whether they would buy the clothing.

I found from asking ‘what is your gender?’ that most of the people filling out the questionnaire were females. Evidently this means that the majority of the feedback I got was from the female opinion rather than male. I originally set out to target both males and females as I wanted a broader target audience. However, I realised as I started planning and creating the adverts that it is better to target a specific audience. This is because you can directly address them more and it’s more appealing to that target audience. Therefore, I am happy that I decided to change from both males and females to mostly females.

Moreover, most of the people that filled out my questionnaire were also around 17-25 which is my decided target audience. Thus I can see whether I have successfully engaged them or not and what was the most successful. The second majority was 10-16, subsequently, this informs me that mostly young people to teenagers/young adults answered my questionnaire, with small minorities of older people.

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Is the message and concept of the product clear from my advertisements?

I feel as if this is the most important question as it’s imperative that my audience know what i’m selling and the message I’m trying to convey. The message that I tried to convey was that Morale gives you clothing for success and has clothing for every kind of occasion- hence the different occasions in each advert. Moreover, I wanted to convey the message that Morale clothing gives you confidence and its captivating and courageous clothing to make you noticeable.

The results tell me that I am successful in clearly displaying the message of my product, as a high percentage of 92% answered yes with only 8% answering no. This assures me that I have made the message clear and I believe I have done this through my narrative and the resolution in every Morale advert, as well as being consistent and making my adverts cohesive. However, I feel that I could have made my message clearer with opinions of other people at the party in advert two, which would allow the audience to understand the effect that Morale clothing has. Although, this is explored in the advert with people cheering when the model is dancing on the table and in advert one with the younger students’ admiration.

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Are the advertisements effective?

I asked this question to find out whether my target audience found my adverts successful- although it can’t be seen in the pie chart, in the information box below on the questionnaire ‘(Would you be more likely to shop at Morale because of the advert?)’ I found out from this that the majority did say they were more likely to buy Morale clothing because of the adverts and I am happy with this result. However, 19 people said they were not sure, and 10 said less likely. I think the ones that said less likely are probably the people that are older or that are males as the adverts didn’t include any main models that were males or any older people and this would make them less likely or unsure as to whether they would shop at Morale as they may not feel it’s for them. Beneath are some reasons why they said less likely (as you can see the question is not required) this suggests that maybe my advert is more specific than I aimed as one person thought the advert was ‘too girly’ which means that I mainly appeal to teenage females that are quite girly. I originally used the red dress as I thought it would demonstrate mature clothing and thus appeal to people that aren’t necessarily girly, as well as conveying courageous and captivating clothing but the audience didn’t understand and this is something that I could have improved on, with more careful decisions about colour and the clothing I chose to use for the advert.

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What elements of the advertisement did you find appealing?

I felt that this was a significant question because it informs me what engaged the audience the most and what element I was most successful in. It is clear from the feedback that the music was the most appealing element, I feel that this is because it’s very upbeat and exciting and is quite conventional which provides the audience with familiarity. This is closely followed by the actors/actresses and the narrative, I feel that these results are very positive as I put a lot of effort into planning who I would use for my advert and why. For example, I used Lucy in my second main advert as she is blonde and fits the stereotype of ‘blondes have more fun’ which is something that I wanted to display in my advert. Moreover, I believe that she looks like a very confident and outgoing girl and I hoped this would the target audience. As well as this, in the planning stage, I carefully constructed the narrative so the message of the advert was conveyed clearly and the results suggest that I have been successful. However, I realise I was less successful in appealing to my target audience through the locations. This may be because the locations chosen were not very captivating as I put more focus on the outfits and the models to advertise the clothing. This is something I now understand I could have improved on, however I feel that it was more important for the attention to be on the clothing.

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What would you rate the product based on the advertisement?

I asked this question as I wanted to know how highly people thought of the product from watching the advert. There was a mix of results, but fortunately the majority rated it 4 out of 5 which I’m pleased with. This means that they have a considerably good opinion of the product just based on the advertisement. Noticeably, I did get some people that rated the product 5 based on the advertisements which means that the adverts were very successful. However, there were some people that rated it 2 and 3, and from this I can deduce that the advert does not appeal to everyone due to my specific target audience. I think to improve this I could have demonstrated something broader and more variety of ages in the actors, not just teenagers and young adults. This is because although it’s good to have a specific audience, it has evidently prevented my adverts from appealing to slightly older audiences.

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Did you find the product and slogan memorable?

I included this question as I think that it’s important whilst creating your adverts that you consider how to make the slogan and product memorable, to create a brand identity. The majority of the people that filled out my questionnaire answered yes, which informs me that I’ve been successful in engaging the audience. However, I have learnt from this that some people didn’t find the product and slogan memorable. This could be because the slogan was not in bold font and was less noticeable and memorable than the actual name of the product which was in bold and in big writing. As well as this, whether it’s memorable or not could depend on the person because the product may not appeal to some people and consequently it wouldn’t be significant to them. I can deduce that the product and slogan was successful in being memorable to the majority as the majority of the people that answered the questionnaire were aged 17-25 who are my target audience. Therefore, I have been fortunate in engaging and appealing to my decided specific target audience. However, reflecting upon my work, I realise that creating brand identity is something that I could have improved on, as I feel like this is one of the weakest parts of my advertisement package.

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Did you feel that all media texts worked together and felt like a cohesive campaign?

This was an important question to ask as it is imperative that all the texts are cohesive and combine to make an effective promotional package but can also be understood as a separate advert on its own. I have got very good feedback and luckily most of the people answered yes. I understand that this is a strength of my texts as they are all clearly connected through the use of the music and narrative and the certain elements that link them together. However, I feel it would have been effective for me to ask one more question, asking why the 2% didn’t feel the texts worked together cohesively.

Overall, I feel that my audience feedback has been very positive, suggesting that I have been successful in attracting my target audience. I recognise that my weakness is my specific target audience which therefore meant it didn’t appeal many to people outside of that for example, male and older people. This was made apparent when some people answered ‘no’ to the question asking if they found the slogan and product memorable, and I understand this is probably because the product is not targeting them. However, I have learnt from my audience feedback that I have appealed to my own target audience well and have successfully linked all of my adverts so they are an effective promotional package.

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How did you use new media technologies in the research and planning, construction and evaluation stages?

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Research and Planning

My research was a very important starting point for the creation of my five adverts as it allowed me to understand and analyse existing adverts to find out the main codes and conventions and different ways in which it could promote a product. Youtube was a very helpful technology which enabled me to look online and watch past adverts, sponsorship sequences and radio adverts. I started by researching what advertisements are and in what forms they come in. This gave me a good idea of how to make my product stand out. From analysing adverts, I was able to decide which aspects I felt would be most effective for my online clothing advert, which lead me to choose ‘slice of life’ style. This is because, when watching previous adverts that were similar, I felt more engaged and it appealed to me more as I was envious of the lifestyle the people in the advert had. This was an effect I wanted to create. Moreover, I also watched one of the first ever adverts as this would enable me to see how they have developed and changed and how new media technologies have developed allowing for a more effective advert. The link can be found below:

Another very significant new media technology I used is blogger, where I put all of my research on and could break it all down and analyse to make my research more effective. My blog allowed me to post my research and evaluate what I have learnt from the adverts I have watched and analysed and this was very helpful as it enabled me to order my thoughts and ideas. I feel I have taken advantage of blogger because it helped me organise ideas and thoughts. For example, This is one of the first adverts I analyse, from here it is clear that I understood their aims and the message they wanted to convey about their product. However, my analysis developed into more detail in my later blog posts as I had a better understanding of adverts and how they use camera, editing, mise-en-scene, and sound to create meaning. Evidently the latter of my blog posts are more detailed as I have developed in blogger and got used to using it to reflect upon my work. Below is a link to a more in depth analysis of a clothing advert.

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This all made my planning a lot easier as it helped me form ideas on how adverts should be and what conventions I could afford to challenge. Planning is a process of brainstorming different ideas for each of my five adverts. Below is a picture of one of my brainstorms and some ideas on my online clothing brand, how I could advertise it and who my target audience would be. (If you click on the picture there is a link to the blog post)Evidently, blogger also allowed me to present and write my ideas about how I would advertise an online clothing brand. It has been useful in that whilst planning, I was able to look back at my research, which enabled me to incorporate ideas from existing adverts (such as the Jack Wills advert with a group of big friends.)

Moreover, when I had come up with my initial ideas, I started storyboarding them and after that I created my animatics, using Adobe Premiere Pro and this allowed me to put together all of my ideas so I could see how they looked and if they were effective enough.

Above is a link to my animatics, showing a rough outline of how my adverts would look.

Brainstorm- planning stage.

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ConstructionIn the construction stage, I mainly used Adobe Premiere Pro to put together and edit my adverts, which is good because I used the same thing at AS meaning I had basic knowledge on it and could effectively put together my advert. However, when we were in groups for our AS coursework, I felt somewhat limited as we all had to have a turn at editing. This meant that I didn’t have a chance to explore the different features of Premiere Pro and therefore, I have learnt and developed a lot more this year and my skills have developed from a basic understanding to a more advanced understanding of the different tools available to make the adverts a lot better. For example the different video effects such as moving around the titles and creating them so that they fade in. I learnt this from youtube tutorials and peers, which taught me that I had to add a keyframe and then move what I wanted to and position it, then add another keyframe where it stopped (and the same with opacity.) I found it very interesting to experiment with the different features that Premiere Pro had to offer.

As well as this, I also learnt that with Premiere Pro I could speed up, slow down and change the lighting of the picture. I used the change of lighting to make the juxtaposing shots look more in-sync, as before the lighting in both of the clips were different from one another and this was one of the problems I came across when editing. The clips didn’t match and it didn’t look like the same house, which made it look more unrealistic.However through editing, it was able to be resolved.

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Another thing I learnt, and Premiere Pro helped with, was the audio. I learnt that each piece of sound needed its own audio so that I could change the sound levels. For example, fading out one sound and making another louder. This allowed me to effectively use sound to advertise my product (as before discussed in my audience feedback, my sound was quite successful.)

However, I came across a few problems- some of the audio was naturally louder than others and this became a problem as it sounded really different from the other clips. Therefore, I used Garageband to heighten and increase the sound slightly so that it blended in more with the other audio. To do this, I created a new track on Garageband that was louder and imported it to premiere, replacing the old track with the new track.

I realise that Google and the internet have been very helpful overall in the process of research planning and constructing advertisements as it allowed me to expand my research more, as well as allowing me to watch videos of tutorials on how to edit certain things on Premiere Pro and this gave me a more advanced understanding of the software and how to use it to my advantage. There were many adverts I watched where I wondered how they used certain effects, but playing around with Premiere Pro has given me an insight into how to use those different effects. However, it was a process of trial and error and these effects wouldn’t fit in with my advert.

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EvaluationIn the evaluation stage, I also used technologies such as Youtube to upload my final and completed adverts and from there, embedded them to my blog. This meant that when my form was created I could put a link to my adverts so that the people answering could watch the videos and then answer the questions based on them. I used Google Docs to create a questionnaire to get audience feedback in order to see if my adverts were successful or not. I used this because it’s a simple way to create a form that people could quickly and easily fill out online. I posted this link to Facebook in order to get responses from my peers, as well as sending the link to people so that they could watch the adverts and fill out the questionnaire. The live form can be viewed here.

Moreover, Google docs also allowed me to create a summary of my responses through pie charts which made it easier to read and understand my feedback. As if I created the questionnaire on paper and had to hand it out to people they wouldn’t have had a chance to watch the adverts and I would have had to enter the results manually into the computer and make charts and graphs myself, therefore new media technologies have made the process a lot easier for me.

A screenshot of my questionnaire on google docs.