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MASTIC BEACH NEWS Mr*. Kenneth Andersen. ATlantic 1-8458 Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Tahler and son. Larry, of Wavecrest ]) n\i > have been hosts for the past thive weeks to the Tahlers ' nep- hew and his w ife , Mr. and M rs. Thcodoic Nockowitz and their -on , ' Ileniy. of San Franci-co. Durinji ihe High Holy Days the Tahlers were also hosts to Gilbert Tahler ot Forest Hills . Mr. & Mrs. Mac Wnitt of Ta rrytow n and Mr. - . Tina Traverse of Ivew Gard- Mv. and Mrs. Robert Camp bell , formerl y living in Center Morich- es , are now residing on Sayville Road in Mastic Beach where Mr. ( amp l ell is employed as a teacher al the William Floyd School. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hug of Middle Village were guests Sun- day of Mr. and Mrs. William law lor aid chi dien . James ' and Film of Longfellow Drive. Mr- . Ma y Wairen has returned to her home in Queens afte r spen- ding the Summer at her home on Whittier Drive. Recent guests entertained at th< home of Mr. and Mrs . Louis Wi iehel of the Riviera were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rowan and sons , Edd y. George. Ricky and Albert , of Baldwin and Mr. and Mrs. Fred \\ K rman am. children , Eddy and Catherine, of Valley Stream. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Levine of Jamaica spent several days as the guests of Mr. Levine ' s brother-in- law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. Sol Weintraub of Hunting ton Drive betoiv leaving from Idlewild Air- poit for Israel , where they will remain for the Jewish Holidays of Suecoth. Mr. and Mrs . John Vallillo and Mr. and Mrs . John Philli ps of Ma>tic Acres were the dinner gu- e-ts Sunday of the Rev. and Mrs. Alfred Zadi g and their son , David, at St. Andrew 's vicarage on Orch- id Diive. Sunday Mr. and Mrs . Karl Deckel and daughter , Irene, of Alder Drive were hosts to Mr. and Mr> . Otto Kummort of Mastic and Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Heam of Brookl yn and Neighborhood Road a) a dinner party held in the Pine Giove Inn. Patchogue. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Smith of nine Point, and Mr. and Mrs. Randall Soiieff of 1'atcbogue were guests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson. Jr., and daughter Tami I.\ n, who have recentl y rnox ed from Whittier Drive to a now home on Neighborhood Road. Sunday guests al the home of Mr. a'id Mrs. Jackson were Miss Mar- garet Stefano of Patchogue and her fiance. Robert Hagelberg, of A aphank. Tshmael Locke , formerly of Washington Diivc , is now resid- ing in his new apartment on Whiitir Drive . Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone of Brookl yn spent last Wednesday al their home on Whitter Drive. C ynthia Sposato celebrated her second birthday last Friday at a small party at her home. Joining i'l were her -i. -t ors , Francine . Pat- ty and Amy. and her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Armand Sposato of Neighborhood Road. Mr. Sposato observed I T ' S birthday Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simchick cf Dogwood Road were guests Sunday of their son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Ferguson , and children . Wanda Rene. Jo-Maryanne and Josep h Edward, of Smithtown. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sinning. Sr.. celebrated their forty-first wedding anniversary Monday at their home on West Drive with thei'- son. Honrv. John Coraci . son of Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Coraci of Bogota Road , celebrated his fifth birthday Tues- day with a part y for his class- mates at the Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School. A celebration was held later at his home with his brothers . Josep h and Frank, and sistei . I i'ly Ann , join ing in. On Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Coraci were hosts to Mr. and M' rs. Frank Coraci Mr. and Mrs . Vincent Orlando , Miss Rose Orlando and Josep h Orlando of Mastic Beach. James Peck of Ridgewood spent the weekend visiting his grand parents , Mr. and Mrs . Charles YanMirmer of "Whittier Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tasch of Middle Village are spending a three-week vacation at their Sum- mer home on Longfellow Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll and children, Janet , Warren and Rog- er , of Brooklyn spent the weekend as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Stoll of Maywood Drive. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanTassel of Longfellow Drive received the name , David , when he was baptized Saturday in the Center Moriches Methodist Church with the Rev . William H. Waters o fficiating. Godparents for the baby were Harold Ash- worth and Mrs. Catherine Vilar , both of Shirlev. The Secret Pal Club of Masti c Beach met Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Frieda Sp iess on the Riviera , where she was hostess. Attending were Mesdames F' ran Potokin . Kay Doug hty, Rose Cole , Saia McKenna Marge Murtha. Rida Stoll , Eileen Heslin , and Claire Traxol . A social hour fol- lowed and refreshments were served. The next meeting of this club will be held at the home of Mrs. Claire Traxol on Hunting ton Drive . Miss Muriel Sehou , last Tues- day left for Kings County Hosp it- al where she will beg in her train- ing in the career of nursing. Wi' Ham Scheu , last week embarked upon his freshman year at Adelphi College in Sayville. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. William Scheu of Queen Road. Mrs. Carrie Blomquist and Mrs. Catherine Coyle , both members of th Mastic Beach American Leg ion Post 1 533 Ladies ' Auxiliary Sat- urday represented the post at the Suffolk Count y Ladies ' Auxiliary luncheon held at Bronco Charlie ' s Restaurant in Oakdale. Members of th. e Mastic Beach Fire Department Ladies ' Auxilia- ry will hold their business meeting at 8 p. m. Tuesday at the fire- house. All members are requested to attend. Tech. Sgt. Larry Tat ten of the Air Force is spending his 35-day leave visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Linden of Monroe Drive. Upon the expiration of his leave, Sgt. Tatten will report to Travis Air Force Base in California be- fore leaving for a three-year tour of dut y in Japan. There will be a meeting 8 p. m. Tuosdav of members of the Arthur ' IT. Chine Post American Legion 1 533 at the Legion Hall on Mastic Beach Road. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farmer , Sr.. of Victoria Drive , entertained at a small family dinner party Tuesday nig ht in celebration of the ei g hteenth birthday of their son . Raymond. Jr. Guests included his brother , Tirre. and his mater- nal grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Honrv Staak of Bayview Drive. The Board of Directors of the Mastic Beach Fire Departmen t will meet at the firehouse 8 p. m. on Wednesday. M ' rs. Dorothy Hamburger of Patchogue was the guest on Sun- day of ' Mr. and Mrs . Michael Rut- igliano their son. Jack and Harry Planz of Cypress Drive. Mr and Mrs. Louis Andersen and. daughters , Louise and Lillian , and James Lawler all of Longfel- low Drive Sunday attended the Confirmation services of the Andersons ' niece . Miss Louise Nornes of Bay Ridge , which was held in the Zion Lutheran Church there. A reception for friends and relatives followed at the Bay Ridge home of Miss Nornes ' par- ents . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nornes. Mrs. Laurence Hansen and daugh- ter , Susan, of Brookl yn and Dahlia Drive also attended. Miss Karen Rizzitello of Wash- ington Drive was the winner of a string of pearls in the contest re- centl y sponsored by the H. C. Bohack Super Market chain. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrw Rizzitello. Rand y Cruse , son of Mr. and Mrs, Rudolph Cruse of Orchid Drive, celebrated his fifteenth birthday Friday night when he was the guest-of-honor at a dinner party held at Frank Lang ' s Rest- aurant on Neighborhood Road. He was also presented with a seven- layer birthday cake. His guests included his parents , sisters* . Mar- lene and Jennifer , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Laug, Mrs. Joan Auer and son , Rudy. Bill Zottel , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Auer and daughter , Lori . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hafner and daug hter , Hedda , Miss Ann- edora Feldkamp, David Larsen and Miss Florence Davidson. Mrs. Frieda Wilkenfeld and son. Bruce , of Brookl yn were guests on the weekend of her brother-in- law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Morris Feldman of Longfe 'low Drive, who we-e hosts also to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Feldman and daughter , Judy, of Forest Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rutig- liano of Cypress Drive celebrated their thirty-first anniversary Sat- urday by dining out at the new- Chinese Restaurant in Patchogue with Mrs. Rutig liano ' s father , Harry Planz , and their son , Jack. A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Iannoto of Pinewood Drive Saturday night to celebrate the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Candeloro Tannoto of 94 Flower Road. The buffet table was dec- orated with white and gold and had as its centerpiece a large dec- orated cake. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Iannoto of Brookl yn; Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Calabrese and children , Carol Ann and Angelo , Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul De Norio , Mr. and Mrs. Anthony De Norio , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coz- zolino , Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morano Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Lauria , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Serima of Mastic Beach , and Albert DeNorio and Frank Byrnes of Lynbrook. Dur- ing the evening the birthday of Frank Iannoto of Brooklyn and the fifteenth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Lauria were also observed. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Richter of the Bronx spent the weekend at thcir Summer home on Woodside Drive. Mrs. Laurence Hansen and daughter . Susan , of Brooklyn spent Saturday at their Summer home on Dahlia Drive , where they enter- tained as their guests Mrs. Hansen ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Simon Lobel of Brookl yn. Frank Hickey of Flatbush was at his Summer home on Longfel- low Drive during the past wcek- nd. Arthur Gruenberger of New York Cit y spent the weekend vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Joh n Hallfcld and their daughter , Marjorie- , of Orchid Drive. Mr . and Mrs. Al Gagliano and family of Brookl yn weekended at their Summer home on Dahlia Drive. A farewell dinner was given 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Orchid Drive home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles DiMaggio , in honor of Mrs. Kate Ty ler. Mrs. Tyler , who comes from London , England , has been houseguest for the past sev- en months of her son-in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Jack San- ders of Whittier Drive,, and sails for Eng land October 18 aboard the Queen Elizabeth. Among the guests were the DiMaggio sons , Richard. James and Phillip, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sanders and children , John , James and Jacque- line. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cole of Park Drive celebrated their twentieth wedding anniversary Wednesday by dining out at the new Chinese Restaurant on South Ocean Ave- nue in Patchogue. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haugh n of Manhasset Drive were dinner guests Friday of their son and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haugh n , who were celebrat- ing their fifth wedding anniver- sary at their Eastport home. Also present were their sons , Robert and Clifford. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McVey, former residents of Locust Drive for many years , after touring the Southern states were they visited many friends and relatives , have now taken up residence in Dub- berley. La. Michael Fred Clancy, Jr., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Clancy, Sr., of Locust Drive was christened at 2 p.m. Sunday at St. Judo ' s R. C. Chu rch on Nei ghbor- hood Road. The Rev. William Reil- l y officiated. Godparents were Miss Muriel Scheu and Peter Clancy of Mastic Beach. Follow- ing the baptism a reception was held at the Democratic Club on Locust Drive. A buffet was ser- ved and a large cake inscribed , "God Bios- You , Michael , Jr. " de- corated the table. Guests were the bab y ' s great-grandmother , Mrs. Fred Muck , maternal grand- parents , Mr. and Mrs. William Sehou , paternal grandparents , Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clancy, Miss Ronnie Clancy, Bill y, Donald , Bob- b y and Denise Scheu , Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kramer , Mr. and Mrs. William Reichert and daughter , Nancy, Miss Frances Mensch , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leonardi and son , Paul , of Mastic Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Philli ps of Mastic Acres; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hilt , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rinck and children , Mary Ellen , Frank , Michael , Joanne and Margaret , Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magee of El- mont ; Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan of Oldbrid ge , N. J.; William Clancy, Miss Kay O'Shea and Miss Kay Clancy of Jamaica; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Castendieck of Lindenhurst , and Robert Schmitt of College Point. The Columbia Civic Associa- tion , Inc., will hold their monthl y general business meeting 8 p. m. Thursday, at the firehouse on Neighborhood Road. All members are requested to attend. A meeting of the County Fh'e School will be held at 8 p. m. Fri- day at the Mastic Beach firehouse on Nei ghborhood Road. Mr . and M' rs. Joseph L. Ennis and daughters , Terry and Joan , of Riverdale spent the weekend at their Summer home on Orchid Drive. Mrs. Marie Rolon of Woodland Drive spent several days last week as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fuller of Brooklyn , during which time she attended the stage show , "Carnival" , on Broadway. Mr . and Mrs. Noi'bert Ardi have returned to their home in White- stone- after spending the Summer at their home on Forest Road. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Richert of Elm Road observed their fifty- firs t wedding anniversa|ry last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meshen- berg of Brooklyn were at their Summer home on Elm Road dur- ing weekend. Regulation fire drill for mem- bers of the Mastic Beach Fire Department will be held at 10 a.m. Sunday at the firehouse. William Nag le celebrated his birthday Saturday with a small famil y gathering at his home on West Forest Road. Joining in were his wife, sons , William and Bruce , and Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Nagle and John Morris of the Riviera. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nappell , Jr., of Lakeview Drive over the weekend were guests of Mrs. NeppeTs brother-in-law and sis- ter , Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Khoeler of New Hyde Park , dur- ing which time they celebrated the ninth wedding anniversary of the Khoelers. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lichtenber- ger celebrated their sixteenth wedding anniversary quietly at their home on Huntington Drive Friday with their children , Sandra Wendy, Edwin and Richard. On Sunday they also observed the eleventh birthday of their daugh- ter Wendy. Practice for members of the Mastic Beach Fire Department Children ' s Band will be held at the firehouse between the hours of 0:30-8 p.m. Monday. A meeting of Fire Department Engine No. 13 has been scheduled to follow. Mr. and Mrs. Josep h Bien of Manhattan spent the weekend at their Summer home on Bayview Drive. Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Hearn of Brookl yn spent the weekend at iheir Summer home on Neighbor- hood Road. Mrs. Johanna Kup frian has re- turned to her home on Woodland Drive after being the guest for s? month of her son-in-law and daug hter , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Logan of Canandai gua. She also spent several days visiting old friends in Rochester , Batavia and Waterloo.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and sons . Jack and Raymond , of Flat- bush entertained as their weekend giust Mrs . Mae Robinson of Bogota Road. Mrs. Robinson also paid a v ' sit to her mother, Mrs. Mary Prendervill" of Ridgewood. Private Leo Hesler of the Army whose engagement to Miss Laura Collins of McKinley Drive was announced last week has returned to Fort Dix , N. J., after being home for a fifteen day leave. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hesler of Biltmore Drive. Jerry Linden of the Bronx was a guest over the weekend of Mr . and Mrs. William Linden of Mon- roe Drive. Mrs. David Schulz celebrated her birthday this week quietl y at her home on Phylis Road, with her husband and sons , Larry and Dennis. Mr. and Mrs Robert Carney and children , Bobb y, Chery l and Debra of Plainview were the guests Sat- urday of Mr. and Mrs. William Siegel and sons , Richard , Allen and Gary, of Cedar Road. The Young People ' s Society of the Grace Lutheran Church will hold their business meeting 7:30 p. m. Monday, in the Sunday school rooms of the church on Mastic Road. Bill Rizzitello of Wyncoff , N. J. , spent the weekend visiting his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rizzitello of Washington Drive. The Mastic Beach unit of the Home Extension Service will meet at 10 a.m . Tuesday at the fire- house on Neighborhood Road. All visitors are welcome. Tho Treaters Club of Mastic Beach held its first meeting of the new season Wednesday nig ht at the home of Mrs. Ann Pidgeon of Whittier Drive , who was also hostess. Members attending were Mesdames Joan Adams , Ronnie Chester , Gloria Baessler , Marie 0"Reill y. Marie Rolon of Mastic Beach , and Ma rga ret Smith of Eastport . The group discussed their social p lans for the season . Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be held at the Woodland Drive homo of Mrs. Marie Rolon. A double celebration was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schairer of Brookhaven Tuesday of last week to celebrate the sec- ond birthday of their daughter , Sandra, and the birthday of Mr. Schairor. Guests were Mrs. Scbairer ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Moss , Sr., of Locust Drive. Miss Valei'ie Krzemien celebrat- ed her seventeenth birthday last week with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. August Krzemien of Com- mack Road. Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Baesler , Sr., of Aspen Road observed their fifteenth wedding anniversary last week. A famil y gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peeler Skjold on Whittier Drive Satur- day to celebrate the sixty-sixth birthday of Mrs. Skjold. A buffet and refreshments were served. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hillerud , Mr. and Mrs. Andy Gangemella and children , Lillian , Peder and Ral ph , of Mas- tic Beach ; Mrs. Ellen DeAveiro , Mrs. Peggy Larsen , Mrs. Grace Kahberger and Mrs. Anna Coffin all of Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. William Brennan of Magnolia Drive recentl y cel- ebrated their thirty-secon d wed- ding anniversary. Mrs. Andy Gangemella , former- ly of Shirley and now residing on Overlook Drive , was the guest-of- honor Friday nigh t at a surprise stork shower held at the home of Mrs. Peder Skjold of Whittier Drive and given by Mrs. Florence Glover of Center Moriches and Mrs. Anna Chapman of East Moriches. The room was gaily decorated and a buffet was served. Guests included Mesdames Lillian Hillerud , Susan Christiansen, Bar- bara Heins , Muriel Kruk , Florence Farra , Geraldine Riker, Peggy Eriksen , Harriet Coleman , Dor- othy Williamsen and Muriel Riker of Mastic Beach , Jean Faber and Marjorie Dosch of Shirley, Peggy Larsen , Ellen DeAveiro, Anna Coffin and Grace Kahberger of Brookl yn . William Gross celebrated his birthday Friday with his wife and children , Mary, Michael and Cathy at their home on Mayfield Drive. Jean M. Bourvic celebrated his fourteenth birthday Saturday with a cook-out held at his home on Hackensack Road. Joining in were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Bourvic, and Mr. and Mrs. John Frazee and children , Lisa , Lynn and John , of New York City and Hackensack Road , Miss Mil- dred Cimmino of New York City and Laurelton Drive. Mrs. Thomas Farra , Jr., of Cedar Road was the guest - of - honor Saturday ni ght at a sur- prise stork shower given for her with Mesoames Arthur Riker. Russell Riker , Kenneth Riker and Raymond Riker as co-hostesses, at the home of Mrs. Arthur Riker on Cypress Drive. The room was dec- orated in pink and blue , and an umbrella trimmed with these col- ors was suspended over the chair of the guest-of-honor. A clothes- line of baby clothes completed the decorations. The buffe t table , also decked in pink and blue , feat- ured a large decorated cake as a centerpiece. Guests included the co-hostesses as well as Mrs. Harry Riker of Valley Stream; Mrs. Thomas Farra , Sr., Miss Lucille Farra , Mesdames Nicholas Ryder , Pat MacNamara , James Piliero , William Walker , Jr., Anthony Torre , Michael Rutigliano , Joseph D'Amato , Peter Mergel , Wa^er Planz , Robert Walker , Joseph Quis , Thomas Eriksen , Anthony Gangemella , Fred Hillerud , Peter Skjold of Mastic Beach , Mesdames John Phillips , James Kapper s, Edward Cole , George Beck and Miss Adeline Poje of Mastic ; Mrs. Anthony Coraci of William Floyd Parkway, Mrs. Frank Kazaks of Jackson Heights ; Mesdames Frank DeAveiro , Peggy Larsen and Grace Kahberger of Brooklyn ; Mrs. Arthur Daly and Miss Odette Daly of Cambria Heigh ts ; Mrs. Ralph Johisen of Yonkers; Mrs. Ray King of Sayville: Mrs. Hans Teschk e of Patchogue and Mrs. John Tullv of Rosedale. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tarsit- ano of Orchid Drive were both patients at the Bayview General Hospital here this week as a result of injuries sustained in an auto - mobile accident in the vicinity of Eastport Saturday night. Mr. Tarsitano was released Monday morning and his wi fe was released Tuesday. CORRECTION COMMISSIONER of New York City, Mrs. Anna Kross , dark glasses, addressed Fall District Meeting of South Bay Professional and Business Women ' s Club Saturday afternoon at Casa Basso Restaurant , Westhampton. In back- ground is Miss Vivian Clark , president of the organization , and flanking Mrs. Kross ,. left to ri ght , are : Mrs. Beatrice Burstein and- Mrs. Eleanor Ewen. —Advance Photo Mastic Items of Interest Mrs. Irma Dirta , ATUntte 1-Slift Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chester of Nelson Place entertaine d at a birthday party September 23 in honor of their son , Kenneth , who celebrated his ninth birthday. Re- freshments were served and a birthday cake inscribed , "Happy Birthday, Kenneth , 9 Years Old ," adorned the table. Each child re- ceived a small gift also a basket of candy and balloons. Among those present were Mrs. Armando Montezuma and children, Arman- do and Debra , of Mastic ; Mrs. eGorge Burge and daug hter , De- bra , of Moriches; Mrs. John Duf- f y and daughters , Gail and Karen , of Astoria , and Kenneth' s sisters , Kathleen , Chery l , Barbara , Linda , Ann and Mary Ellen , and broth- ers , William and Harry. Robert Molloy of the Bronx was a weekend guest of John En- nis of Vernon Avenue. Live Better With PELCO Low Cost Electricity. —Adv. Mrs. Bessie Shagner of Vernon Avenue , Mr. and Mrs. John Rag- amata and daughter , Vicki , of Mastic Boulevard and Mrs. Helen O'Neill of Mastic and Jamaica at- tended the wedding of Mrs. Shag- ner ' s grandson , Donald Gauland , to Miss Kathy Donohue , at 3 p. m. Saturday in the Presb yterian Church in Islip. On Sunday, Mrs. Shaner accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gauland on a bus ride to Tappan with the German Masonic Lodge. While there they enjoyed a picnic and visited the home of George Washington. Birthdays celebrated this week were : October 1 Daniel Oldham of Mastic Boulevard , Patricia El- len Meyer of Lafayette Avenue ; October 3 —- Mrs. Helen Sachak of Park Avenue , John Opal , Jr.. of Lee Place , Lydia Thullen of Mastic Boulevard , Robert Provost of Southaven Avenue; October 5 Mrs. John Kurceb a of Lafayette Avenue and Donna Lee Atkinson of Broadway. Raymond Bell , Miss Cheryl Hartmann , Peter Kalisick , Miss Carol Carridore and Herbert Ral p h of Brooklyn were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Neilsen of Vernon Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballantine of Astoria were at their home on Nelson Place over the weekend. Patricia Ellen Meyer , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyer of Lafayette Avenue, celebrated her first birthday with a party held at the home of her parents. Sunday afternoon. A beautiful birthday cake decorated with pink rosebuds and inscribed , "Happy Birthday, Patricia , One Year Old , " centered the table. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Arnzen and daughters , Kathy and Susan , of Center Moriches; Mrs. Jean Arn- zen and foster children , Robert and Carol Lynn Belleville , Alber- ta and Roberta Carman , William and Thomas Jackson and Richard Borne of Mastic: Mrs. Charles Buckheit and children , Brian, Philip Denise and Michael , of M oriches , and Patricia ' s brother . Kenneth and sister , Lorraine. The christening of Theresa Ann Andrejack , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Andrejack of Main Street , took place at 2 p. m. Sep- tember 24 in St. John the Evan- gelist R. C. Church in Center Moriches with the Rev. Matthew Wisniewski officiating. The god- parents are the baby 's uncle and runt , Mr. and Mrs. John Clifford of Rosedale. Following the cere- mony, Mr. and Mi-s. Andrejack en- tertained at a turkey dinner at their home in honor of the occa- sion. Among those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Clifford and son , John , and daughters , Elizabeth , Kathy, Ann and Margaret , of Ro- sedale and Mr. and Mrs. And re- jack' s other children , Martha Ann, Joseph , Mary and Thomas. There- sa was born September 17 at Brookhaven Memoria l Hospital. Mrs. William Duffy and daugh- ter , Eileen , of Astoria spent the weekend at their home on Fulton Avenue. Their guests were Mrs. Duffy ' s son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. John Duff y, and daughters , Karen and Gail , and Mrs. Tina Capalbi and son , Don- ald , of Astoria. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Ennis of Vernon Avenue were Mr. and Mrs. Ru-hard Shop- stead and family of Ridge. Mrs. Kathryn Maroni and son , Stephen , of Woodside were at their home on Vernon Avenue ov- er the weekend. Their guest wa? Richard Fitsimmons of Jamaica Estates. A farewell party in honor of Jerry Kirk was given by his pa- rents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirk , at their home on Old Montauk Hi ghway, Saturday night. A buf- fet supper was served. Those pre- sent were Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey Payne of Westhampton Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Byran Baptie of Cen- ter Moriches; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kirk of Nesconset; Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Mayer of Lynbrook ; Mr. and Mrs. Irving Kirk and sons , Jeffrey and Edward , Mr. and Mrs. William) Kirk and daug hter. Ja- net , Mrs. William Kirk , Sr., Mrs. Mary Egan and daughter , Gloria. Mrs. Addison Payne , Private 1/c William Lundberg and Harold Thompson of Mastic. Jerry enlist- ed for four years in the Navy and left Tuesday morning for the Great Lakes Naval Training Cen- ter in Illinois to begin his boot training. Leaving with Jerry was John Mensch of Mastic Beach who also enlisted for four years in the Navy. Arthur Renner entertained at a barbecue Sunday at his home on Montgomery Avenue. His guests were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fiore of New York City, Mr. and Mrs ; Louis Ferrari of Forest Hills and William Renner of Massapequa and Mr. and Mrs. George Lofs- ten of Mastic. Sunda y dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gillen of Clinton Ave- nue were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Alexinas and children , Stephen , Theresa , Patricia and John , and foster children , Carl and Richard , of East Meadow and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bancroft and daughter, Jane, of Brookl yn. LANNI BROS. 575 MASTIC ROAD MASTIC BEACH ATlantic 1 -9503 OIL and GAS BURNERS and PARTS WATER PUMP S and PARTS BOTTLED GAS FUEL OIL PLUMBING and HEATING . . . . WELL DRIVING ^ j SBBPW Host Dist 10 Lunch In Westhampton WESTHAMPTON The South Bay Business and Professional Women ' s Club of Center Moriches was host to the District 10 lun- cheon and meeting held Saturday at the Casa Basso in Westhamp- ton. Over 100 women attended and heard guest speaker Mrs. Anna Kross , commissioner of correction in New York Cit y, give an en- lightening speech on how lazy wo- men are today, because they do not contribute all their facilities to the world , and just how much could be accomplished if they did. She continued that business women can be successful being both par- ents and career women , and she also specified that women are not yet comp letely recognized by men. although they are greater in num- ber. Mrs. Beatrice Burstein , special guest honored as "Woman of the Year , " was presented with book- ends. The luncheon was a kick-off for "Business Women 's Week. " Mrs. Burstein left soon afterward at Mastic Air Strip by helicopter for her next engagement in Glen Cove. A short business meeting wa- held by all clubs of District 10 with the presidents of each organ- ization giving reports. Miss Vivian M. Clark presided. LEMMEN'S NURSERY EAST MORICHES AT - 4 - 0 9 9 0 •iiiiiiiiiiiii m < jiiiiiiiiiMiiiii!iiiiiiiiii'!iiigiit litiiiiiiiitr' . 1 . - HERRMANNS 4 ; ¦» < m U P An- AiD /II il- Mi L ll Main Street Center Moriches ATlantic 4-0301 | Give Yourself A Treat! j I MSilpM Waterfront Dining j j »|« in our Colonial Room \ | ^^^Sj^P'j Luncheons and Dinners | f ^^^mSimf Served Daily and Sunday I I a i icmfottttttri? ifii&i i j APARTMENTS AND ROOMS EFFICIENCY UNITS j j SEDGEMERE ROAD CENTER MORICHES j [ ATlantic 4-0553 j j YOUR HOSTS - MARIE & OTTO AMENDE j | NO INTOXICATING BEVERAGES SERVED I I BETZ LUMBER COMPANY I i I I Building Materials & Supplies - Hardware - Painta I I I I FROWEIN AVENUE CENTER MORICHES I I ' i | Near R. R. Station ATknttc 4-0864 i ^A^.AA.A.^^A.A.A.AiB.A ^A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.AA.A. AA.A.A.A.AA.A.AA.A. ' *. + .* .' f ) WHERE DIGNITY .jSjIl^x f AND TRADITION W JM ^ i Soften Your Grief ..flH^P rr Sfl S : fl\LoAA^cJle^^^^^ i < $JUJMtAxkl *3Cx >truy j | J. Wesley Sinnickson Thomas D. Sinnickson I J Licensed Manager Licensed Partner \ I MAIN STREET , CENTER MORICHES ATlantic 4-0065 [ <[,liilifl!Uii*fii»i'il''i'(li'l iininiiiiiiiiit I ii ' l i i i i i mj , ROADSIDE I i GREENHOUSE j ¦ = ^ M^ Montauk Hwy I /ty______f* _ £\ ' r fllZ^B&fiB J Moriches . World Wide Delivery f j Through F.T.D. | ' lllM>"lll|HI1IC'i|litH|il|nii'iiiiii|i)|ii|ii|iiiii|ii|ll|ii|lll ~ Four New Members Welcomed by Extension MASTIC BEACH Mrs. Fran- ces Eawcett , chairman of the Mas- tic Unit of the Heme Extent-ion Service , welcomed September 26 Mesdames Theodore Millman , Ar- thur Barms. Louis Tuccito and Gus Frahm into the unit as its lntest new member. - ., during its meeting at the firehouse on Neighborhood Road. Projects already underway in- clude: ' crocheting, knitting, Swe- dish weaving, pocketbooks , hair- p in lace and the making of a sleeveless dress. Preliminaries were given by Mrs. Robert DeCordova for the making of gloves , and supp lies for this project , which will begin at Tuesday ' s meeting, were ordered. Interested persons may attend meetings held each Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the Mastic Beach Fire- house. GEORGE W. Of.DHVM , 79 , died Sepb mb"i* 121 in ]\ut Laud- erdale , Fla.. :i fter oim year ' s re- sidence thcr« . He h;H k ' eu a resi- dent of Elder Drive , M;i4i<- Beach for 28 years. Born in Brooklyn h<- had been a self-employed pam ' e'- t!h * de- corator. He is . -urvr. ed b y two daughter. - . Mr. - . . Klu/i,! Hcs-ler. formerly of Eider Drive , now of Fort EiHHleuWle and Miss Uose Oldham of I' -itrhnmir - one son , Ilerheit S. Oldham of Bab y lon; ' 10 grandclvldr "*;, ;;nd ;_ > s o-j . . ;l [ grandchi'dron. l'riv;ue -eivieo^ and cremation took p ku- >- in Kort Lau- derdale. JOHN O. WEDKLL . 66 . died at his home on Bauer A venue . Man- orville Sep tember '27. A re id» d of Manorville for one yeui . he was born January 17 . Irv r , in Manhassi t. He was a retip-d elec- trical engineer and a veln-m ol ' World War I. Surviving are hi- , wife , f oui-e. of Manorvil' e; two -on- . J.. ! m ( ' .. of Manorville and William, of \ew York City ; two damihle-s . Mis , Florence Radigan of l- ' ai Uock-i- way, and Mrs. Evelyn I. eo of .Man- orville. and 15 e-randi-hildi en. Funeral servh-es were held at Herrmann '- - Fimenl Home . Cen- ter Moriche- * . F. *id-iy at III - la p. m. with the Rev. Arthui W. Gei- del officiating. Inteiment was at Long Island Nationa l Cemetery, Pinelawn. CHARLES H. LEACH , 6\, of Mastic Beach wa< found dead Sep- tember 25 . in his boat in Seaford Harbor, a v i ctim of a heart at- tack , according to the Xa. -s.ui Count y medical examiner. A resident of 1. ~ >1 Lynbrook Drive , Mastic Beach for the pa ;t two years. Mr. Leac h was bom September !Ul , I - . ' . ' ( in Woodiiaven , Queens. lie wa- a retired New York Cit y policeman. lie is survived bv a brother , James Harriett- of M- -t ; c Beach. Funeral service - w re held at, Herrmann ' - Funera l Home . Cen- ter Moriche- . S pu-n ) >< >• 2d vith the Rev. William Wai• ¦•• . - officiat- ing. Interment foliov ed it, Map le Grove Cemetery, K- \v Gardens, Queens. MRS. MARIE I.OITSE PIARD 19 , died Septemb")* 2* - . at Brook- haven Memorial Ho-pi ' al. A resi- dent of :] ( . (0 Westmini. -ter Hi iro , Shirley, for 12 year . -he was born June 1 , 188*2 in Fra n -e . Surviving are two sons , Maurice of East Rockaway and Adolph of New Jersey : seven L'-randchildren and four great-grandchildren. A Rosary service was held at He rrmann ' s Funeral Home , (' en- ter Moriches , Sunday. A Requiem Mass was said at St. John ' s R. C. Church , Confer Moriches . In- terment followed in Mt. St. Marys Cemetery. Flushing .MRS MARY CEC1EEA PO- KORNY , 01 , of Co-zinc Road. Cen- ter Moriches, died Monday at Bay- view Hospital, Mastic Beach , after a short illness. She was boin Oc- tober 17 , 1811(1 . in A-toria. Queens. Siie is survived b y her irisband , En:il , one son . Emil , of Moriche- - . a daughter , Mrs. Ellen R. Brop-on of Center Moiiche- , and one . -i-ter, Mrs. Nellie Elliott of Center Mor- iches. Rosary services were held Tues- day at Sinnickson ' s Moriches Fun- eral Home , Center Mooches. Re- quiem mass wa- said at St. John ' s R. C. Church , Center Moriches , by Father William R< isitr . Interment followed in the famil y plot at Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, East .Moriches. OBITUARY

MASTIC BEACH N EWS - NYS Historic · MASTIC BEACH N EWS Mr*. Kenneth Andersen. ATlantic 1-8458 Mr. and

Jun 21, 2018



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Page 1: MASTIC BEACH N EWS - NYS Historic · MASTIC BEACH N EWS Mr*. Kenneth Andersen. ATlantic 1-8458 Mr. and

MASTIC BEACH NEWSMr*. Kenneth Andersen. ATlantic 1-8458

Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Tahlerand son. Larry, of Wavecrest]) n \ i > have been hosts for the pastthive weeks to the Tahlers ' nep-hew and his w ife , Mr. and M rs.Thcodoic N ockowitz and their-on ,' I l e n i y . of San Franci-co.Dur in j i ihe High Holy Days theTahlers were also hosts to GilbertTahler ot Forest Hil ls . Mr. & Mrs.Mac W n i t t of Ta rryt ow n andMr.-. Tina Traverse of Ivew Gard-

Mv. and Mrs. Robert Campbell ,fo rmer l y l iv ing in Center Morich-es , are now res iding on SayvilleRoad in Mastic Beach where Mr.( amp l ell is employed as a teacheral the W il l iam Floyd School.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hug ofMiddle Vil la ge were guests Sun-day of Mr. and Mrs. Will iaml a w lor a i d chi dien . James 'andFi lm of Longfellow Drive.

M r - . Ma y Wairen has r eturnedto her home in Queens afte r spen-ding the Summer at her home onW h i t t i e r Drive.

Recent guests entertained atth< home of Mr. and Mrs . LouisWi iehel of the Riviera were Mr.and Mrs. Albert Rowan and sons ,Edd y . George. Ricky and Albert ,of Ba ldwin and Mr. and Mrs. Fred\\ K rman am. children , Eddy andCather ine , of Valley Stream.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Levine ofJamaica spent several days as theguests of Mr. Levine 's brother-in-law and sister. Dr. and Mrs. SolWeint raub of Hunt ing ton Drivebetoiv leaving from Idlewild Air-poi t for Israel , where they wil lremain for the Jewish Holidays ofSuecoth.

Mr. and Mrs . John Vallillo andMr. and Mrs . John Phi l l i ps ofMa>t ic Acres were the dinner gu-e-ts Sunday of the Rev. and Mrs .Al f red Zad i g and th eir son , David,at St. Andrew 's vicarage on Orch-id Di ive .

Sunday Mr. and Mrs . KarlDeckel and daughter , Irene, ofAlder Drive were hosts to Mr. andMr> . Ot to Kummort of Mastic andMr. and Mrs. Michael O'Heam ofBrookl yn and Neighborhood Roada) a d inne r p a r ty held in the PineGiove I n n . Patcho gue.

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Smithof n ine Point , and Mr. and Mrs.Randal l Soiieff of 1'atcbogue wereguests Saturday of Mr. and Mrs.Robert Jackson. Jr., and daughterTami I.\ n , w h o have recentlyrnox ed from W h i t t i e r Drive to anow home on Neighborhood Road.Sunday guests al t h e home of Mr.a'id Mrs. Jackson were Miss Mar-garet Stefano of Patchogue andher fiance. Robert Hagelberg, ofA aphank.

Tshmael Locke, formerly ofWashington Di ivc , is now resid-ing in his new apartment onW h i i t i r Drive .

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stone ofBrookl yn spent last Wednesday altheir home on Whitter Drive.

Cyn th ia Sposato celebrated hersecond bir thday last Friday at asmall party at her home. Joiningi'l were her -i.-t ors , Francine . Pat-ty and Amy. and her parents , Mr.and Mrs. Armand Sposato ofNeighborhood Road. Mr. Sposatoobserved I T'S bir thday Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simchickcf Dogwood Road were guestsSunday of their son-in-law anddaughter , Mr. and Mrs. JosephFerguson , and children . WandaRene. Jo-Maryanne and JosephEdward, of Smithtown.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sinning.Sr.. celebrated their forty-f irs twedding anniversary Monday attheir home on West Drive withthe i ' - son. Honrv.

John Coraci . son of Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Coraci of Bogota Road ,celebrated his f i f th birthday Tues-day with a part y for his class-mates at the Nathaniel WoodhullElementary School. A celebrationwas held later at his home withhis brothers . Josep h and Frank,and sistei . I i'ly Ann , join ing in.On Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Coraci were hosts to Mr.and M'rs. Frank Coraci Mr. andMrs . Vincent Orlando , Miss RoseOrlando and Joseph Orlando ofMastic Beach.

James Peck of Ridgewood spentthe weekend visiting his grandparents , Mr. and Mrs . CharlesYanMirmer of "Whittier Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Tasch ofMiddle Village are spending athree-week vacation at their Sum-mer home on Longfellow Drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoll andchildren, Janet , Warren and Rog-er , of Brooklyn spent the weekendas the guests of Mr. and Mrs.John Stoll of Maywood Drive.

The infant son of Mr. and Mrs.Charles VanTassel of LongfellowDrive received the name, David,when he was baptized Saturdayin the Center Moriches MethodistChurch with the Rev. William H.Waters officiating. Godparentsfor the baby were Harold Ash-worth and Mrs. Catherine Vilar ,both of Shirlev.

The Secret Pal Club of MasticBeach met Tuesday night at thehome of Mrs. Frieda Spiess on theRiviera , where she was hostess.Attending were Mesdames F'ran

Potokin . Kay Doughty, Rose Cole ,Saia McKenna Marge Murtha.Rida Stoll , Eileen He slin , andClaire Traxol . A social hour fol-lowed and refreshments wereserved. The next meeting of thisclub will be held at the home ofMrs. Claire Traxol on Hun t i ng tonDrive .

Miss Muri el Sehou , last Tues-day lef t for Kings County Hosp it-al where she will beg in her tra in-ing in the career of nursing. Wi'Ham Scheu , last week embarkedupon his freshman year at AdelphiCollege in Sayville. They are thechildren of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamScheu of Queen Road.

Mrs. Carrie Blomquist and Mrs.Catherine Coyle , both members ofth Mastic Beach American Leg ionPost 1533 Ladies' Auxiliary Sat-urday represented the post at theSuffolk Count y Ladies ' Auxil iaryluncheon held at Bronco Charlie 'sRest aurant in Oakdale.

Members of th.e Mastic BeachFire Department Ladies ' Auxi l ia -ry wil l hold their business meetingat 8 p. m. Tuesday at the fire-house. All members are requestedto attend.

Tech. Sgt. Larry Tat ten of theAir Force is spending his 35-dayleave visiting Mr. and Mrs.William Linden of Monroe Drive.Upon the expiration of his leave,Sgt. Tatten will report to TravisAir Force Base in California be-fore leaving for a three-year tourof dut y in Japan.

There will be a meeting 8 p. m.Tuosdav of members of theAr thu r ' IT. Chine Post AmericanLegion 1533 at the Legion Hallon Mastic Beach Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Farmer ,Sr.. of Victoria Drive , entertainedat a small family dinner partyTuesday night in celebration ofthe ei ghteenth bir thday of theirson . Raymond. Jr. Guests includedhis brother , Tirre. and his mater-nal grandparents , Mr. and Mrs.Honrv Staak of Bayview Drive.

The Board of Directors of theMastic Beach Fire Departmen twill meet at the firehouse 8 p. m.on Wednesday.

M'rs. Dorothy Hamburger ofPatchogue was the guest on Sun-day of ' Mr. and Mrs . Michael Rut-igliano their son. Jack and HarryPlanz of Cypress Drive.

Mr and Mrs. Louis Andersenand. daughters , Louise and Lillian ,and James Lawler all of Longfel-low Drive Sunday attended theConfirmation services of theAndersons' niece . Miss LouiseNornes of Bay Ridge , which washeld in the Zion Lutheran Churchthere. A recept ion for friendsand relatives followed at the BayRidge home of Miss Nornes' par-ents . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nornes.Mrs. Laurence Hansen and daugh-ter , Susan, of Brookl yn andDahlia Drive also attended.

Miss Karen Rizzitello of Wash-ington Drive was the winner of astr ing of pearls in the contest re-centl y sponsored by the H. C.Bohack Super Market chain. Sheis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Andrw Rizz itello.

Rand y Cruse , son of Mr. andMrs, Rudolph Cruse of OrchidDrive, celebrated his fifteenthbirthday Friday night when hewas the guest-of-honor at a dinnerparty held at Frank Lang 's Rest-aurant on Neighborhood Road. Hewas also presented with a seven-layer birthday cake. His guestsincluded his parents , sisters*. Mar-lene and Jennifer , Mr. and Mrs.Frank Laug, Mrs. Joan Auer andson , Rudy. Bill Zottel , Mr. andMrs. Albert Auer and daughter ,Lori . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hafnerand daughter , Hedda , Miss Ann-edora Feldkamp, David Larsenand Miss Florence Davidson.

Mrs. Frieda Wilkenfeld and son.Bruce , of Brookl yn were guestson the weekend of her brother-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs.Morris Feldman of Longfe 'lowDrive, who we-e hosts also to Mr.and Mrs. Milton Feldman anddaughter , Judy, of Forest Hills.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rutig-liano of Cypress Drive celebratedtheir thirty-first anniversary Sat-urday by dining out at the new-Chinese Restaurant in Patchoguewith Mrs. Rutigliano 's father ,Harry Planz , and their son , Jack.

A party was held at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Edward Iannotoof Pinewood Drive Saturday nightto celebrate the fiftieth weddinganniversary of Mr. and Mrs.Candeloro Tannoto of 94 FlowerRoad. The buffet table was dec-orated with white and gold andhad as its centerpiece a large dec-orated cake. Guests were Mr. andMrs. Frank Iannoto of Brooklyn;Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Calabreseand children , Carol Ann andAngelo, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeNorio , Mr. and Mrs. Anthony DeNorio , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coz-zolino , Mr. and Mrs. Peter MoranoMr. and Mrs. Rocco Lauria , Mr.and Mrs. Frank Serima of MasticBeach, and Albert DeNorio andFrank Byrnes of Lynbrook. Dur-ing the evening the birthday ofFrank Iannoto of Brooklyn andthe fifteenth wedding anniversaryof Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Lauria were

also observed.Mr. and Mrs. Irving Richter of

the Bronx spent the weekend atthcir Summer home on WoodsideDrive.

Mrs. Laurence Hansen anddaughter . Susan , of Brooklyn spentSaturday at their Summer homeon Dahlia Drive , where they enter-tained as their guests Mrs.Hansen 's parents , Mr. and Mrs.Simon Lobel of Brookl yn.

Frank Hickey of Flatbush wasat his Summer home on Longfel-low Drive during the past wcek-

nd.Arthur Gruenberger of New

York City spent the weekend vis-i t ing Mr. and Mrs. John Hallfcldand their daughter , Marjorie- , ofOrchid Drive.

Mr . and Mrs. Al Gagliano andfamily of Brookl yn weekended attheir Summer home on DahliaDrive.

A farewell dinner was given7:30 p .m. Monday at the OrchidDrive home of Mr. and Mrs.Charles DiMaggio , in honor ofMrs. Kate Ty ler. Mrs. Tyler , whocomes from London , England , hasbeen houseguest for the past sev-en months of her son-in-law anddaughter , Mr. and Mrs. Jack San-ders of Whittier Drive,, and sailsfor England October 18 aboard theQueen Elizabeth. Among theguests were the DiMaggio sons,Richard. James and Phillip, andMr. and Mrs. Jack Sanders andchildren , John , James and Jacque-line.

Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cole of ParkDrive celebrated their twentiethwedding anniversary Wednesdayby dining out at the new ChineseRestaurant on South Ocean Ave-nue in Patchogue.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haughn ofManhasset Drive were dinnerguests Friday of their son anddaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.Jack Haugh n , who were celebrat-ing their f i f th wedding anniver-sary at their Eastport home. Alsopresent were their sons , Robertand Clifford.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McVey,former residents of Locust Drivefor many years , after touring theSouthern states were they visitedmany friends and relatives , havenow taken up residence in Dub-berley . La.

Michael Fred Clancy, Jr., infantson of Mr. and Mrs. Michael F.Clancy, Sr., of Locust Drive waschristened at 2 p.m. Sunday at St.Judo 's R. C. Chu rch on Nei ghbor-hood Road. The Rev. William Reil-l y officiated. Godparents wereMiss Muriel Scheu and PeterClancy of Mastic Beach. Follow-ing the baptism a reception washeld at the Democratic Club onLocust Drive. A buffet was ser-ved and a large cake inscribed ,"God Bios- You , Michael , Jr." de-corated the table. Guests werethe baby 's great-grandmother,Mrs. Fred Muck , maternal grand-parents , Mr. and Mrs. WilliamSehou , paternal grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Peter Clancy, MissRonnie Clancy, Bill y, Donald , Bob-by and Denise Scheu , Mr. and Mrs.Martin Kramer , Mr. and Mrs.Will iam Reichert and daughter ,Nancy, Miss Frances Mensch, Mr.and Mrs. Paul Leonardi and son ,Paul , of Mastic Beach; Mr. andMrs. Jack Philli ps of MasticAcres; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hilt,Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rinck andchildren , Mary Ellen , Frank ,Michael , Joanne and Margaret ,Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magee of El-mont ; Mr. and Mrs. John Ryanof Oldbrid ge, N. J.; WilliamClancy, Miss Kay O'Shea andMiss Kay Clancy of Jamaica; Mr.and Mrs. Paul Castendieck ofLindenhurst , and Robert Schmittof College Point.

The Columbia Civic Associa-tion , Inc., will hold their monthlygeneral business meeting 8 p. m.Thursday, at the firehouse onNeighborhood Road. All membersare requested to attend.

A meeting of the County Fh'eSchool will be held at 8 p. m. Fri-day at the Mastic Beach firehouseon Nei ghborhood Road.

Mr . and M'rs. Joseph L. Ennisand daughters, Terry and Joan, ofRiverdale spent the weekend attheir Summer home on OrchidDrive.

Mrs. Marie Rolon of WoodlandDrive spent several days lastweek as the guest of Mr. and Mrs.Carl Fuller of Brooklyn, duringwhich time she attended the stageshow, "Carnival", on Broadway.

Mr. and Mrs. Noi'bert Ardi havereturned to their home in White-stone- after spending the Summerat their home on Forest Road.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Richert ofElm Road observed their fifty-first wedding anniversa|ry lastweek.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Meshen-berg of Brooklyn were at theirSummer home on Elm Road dur-ing weekend.

Regulation fire drill for mem-bers of the Mastic Beach FireDepartment will be held at 10 a.m.Sunday at the firehouse.

William Nagle celebrated hisbirthday Saturday with a smallfamil y gathering at his home onWest Forest Road. Joining inwere his wife, sons, William andBruce, and Mr. and Mrs. FranklinNagle and John Morris of theRiviera.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nappell ,Jr., of Lakeview Drive over theweekend were guests of Mrs.NeppeTs brother-in-law and sis-ter, Mr. and Mrs. FrederickKhoeler of New Hyde Park , dur-ing which time they celebratedthe ninth wedding anniversary ofthe Khoelers.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lichtenber-ger celebrated their sixteenthwedding anniversary quietly attheir home on Huntington DriveFriday with their children , SandraWendy, Edwin and Richard. OnSunday they also observed the

eleventh birthday of their daugh-ter Wendy.

Practice for members of theMastic Beach Fire DepartmentChildren 's Band will be held at thefirehouse between the hours of0:30-8 p .m. Monday. A meetingof Fire Department Engine No. 13has been scheduled to follow.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bien ofManhat tan spent the weekend attheir Summer home on BayviewDrive.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Hearnof Brookl yn spent the weekend atihei r Summer home on Neighbor-hood Road.

Mrs. Johanna Kup frian has re-turned to her home on WoodlandDrive after being the guest for s?month of her son-in-law anddaughter , Mr. and Mrs. HaroldLogan of Canandai gua. She alsospent several days visiting oldfr iends in Rochester , Batavia andWaterloo..

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson andsons. Jack and Raymond , of Flat-bush entertained as their weekendgiust Mrs . Mae Robinson ofBogota Road. Mrs. Robinson alsopaid a v'sit to her mother , Mrs.Mary Prendervill" of Ridgewood.

Private Leo Hesler of the Armywhose engagement to Miss LauraCollins of McKinley Drive wasannounced last week has returnedto Fort Dix , N. J., after beinghome for a fifteen day leave. Heis the son of Mr. and Mrs. LeoHesler of Biltmore Drive.

Jerry Linden of the Bronx wasa guest over the weekend of Mr .and Mrs. William Linden of Mon-roe Drive.

Mrs. David Schulz celebrated herbirthday this week quietl y at herhome on Phylis Road, with herhusband and sons, Larry andDennis.

Mr. and Mrs Robert Carney andchildren , Bobby, Cheryl and Debraof Plainview were the guests Sat-urday of Mr. and Mrs. WilliamSiegel and sons, Richard , Allenand Gary, of Cedar Road.

The Young People 's Society ofthe Grace Lutheran Church willhold their business meeting 7:30p. m. Monday, in the Sundayschool rooms of the church onMastic Road.

Bill Rizzitello of Wyncoff , N. J.,spent the weekend visiting hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. AndrewRizzitello of Washington Drive.

The Mastic Beach unit of theHome Extension Service will meetat 10 a .m . Tuesday at the fire-house on Neighborhood Road. Allvisitors are welcome.

Tho Treaters Club of MasticBeach held its first meeting ofthe new season Wednesday nightat the home of Mrs. Ann Pidgeonof Whittier Drive , who was alsohostess. Members attending wereMesdames Joan Adams , RonnieChester , Gloria Baessler , Marie0"Reilly. Marie Rolon of MasticBeach , and Ma rga ret Smith ofEastport . The group discussedtheir social plans for the season .Refreshments were served. Thenext meeting will be held at theWoodland Drive homo of Mrs.Marie Rolon.

A double celebration was heldat the home of Mr. and Mrs. LloydSchairer of Brookhaven Tuesdayof last week to celebrate the sec-ond birthday of their daughter,Sandra, and the birthday of Mr.Schairor. Guests were Mrs.Scbairer 's parents, Mr. and Mrs.Ellwood Moss, Sr., of LocustDrive.

Miss Valei'ie Krzemien celebrat-ed her seventeenth birthday lastweek with her parents, Mr. andMrs. August Krzemien of Com-mack Road.

Mr. and Mrs. WilHam Baesler ,Sr., of Aspen Road observed theirfifteenth wedding anniversary lastweek.

A famil y gathering was held atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. PeelerSkjold on Whittier Drive Satur-day to celebrate the sixty-sixthbirthday of Mrs. Skjold. A buffetand refreshments were served.Among the guests were Mr. andMrs. Fred Hillerud , Mr. and Mrs.Andy Gangemella and children ,Lillian , Peder and Ralph , of Mas-tic Beach ; Mrs. Ellen DeAveiro ,Mrs. Peggy Larsen , Mrs. GraceKahberger and Mrs. Anna Coffinall of Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mrs. William Brennanof Magnolia Drive recently cel-ebrated their thirty-second wed-ding anniversary.

Mrs. Andy Gangemella , former-ly of Shirley and now residing onOverlook Drive, was the guest-of-honor Friday night at a surprisestork shower held at the home ofMrs. Peder Skjold of WhittierDrive and given by Mrs. FlorenceGlover of Center Moriches andMrs. Anna Chapman of EastMoriches. The room was gailydecorated and a buffet was served.Guests included Mesdames LillianHillerud, Susan Christiansen, Bar-bara Heins, Muriel Kruk, FlorenceFarra, Geraldine Riker, PeggyEriksen, Harriet Coleman, Dor-othy Williamsen and Muriel Rikerof Mastic Beach, Jean Faber andMarjorie Dosch of Shirley, PeggyLarsen, Ellen DeAveiro, AnnaCoffin and Grace Kahberger ofBrooklyn.

William Gross celebrated hisbirthday Friday with his wife andchildren, Mary, Michael and Cathyat their home on Mayfield Drive.

Jean M. Bourvic celebrated hisfourteenth birthday Saturday witha cook-out held at his home onHackensack Road. Joining inwere his parents, Mr. and Mrs.Jean Bourvic, and Mr. and Mrs.John Frazee and children , Lisa,Lynn and John , of New York Cityand Hackensack Road, Miss Mil-dred Cimmino of New York Cityand Laurelton Drive.

Mrs. Thomas Farra, Jr., ofCedar Road was the guest - of -honor Saturday night at a sur-prise stork shower given for her

with Mesoames Arthur Riker.Russell Riker , Kenneth Riker andRaymond Riker as co-hostesses, atthe home of Mrs. Arthur Riker onCypress Drive. The room was dec-orated in pink and blue , and anumbrella trimmed with these col-ors was suspended over the chairof the guest-of-honor. A clothes-line of baby clothes completed thedecorations. The buffet table,also decked in pink and blue, feat-ured a large decorated cake as acenterpiece. Guests included theco-hostesses as well as Mrs. HarryRiker of Valley Stream; Mrs.Thomas Farra , Sr., Miss LucilleFarra , Mesdames Nicholas Ryder,Pat MacNamara, James Piliero,William Walker, Jr., AnthonyTorre, Michael Rutigliano, JosephD'Amato, Peter Mergel, Wa^erPlanz, Robert Walker, JosephQuis, Thomas Eriksen, AnthonyGangemella, Fred Hillerud, PeterSkjold of Mastic Beach, MesdamesJohn Phillips, James Kappers,Edward Cole, George Beck andMiss Adeline Poje of Mastic ; Mrs.Anthony Coraci of William FloydParkway, Mrs. Frank Kazaks ofJackson Heights ; Mesdames FrankDeAveiro, Peggy Larsen andGrace Kahberger of Brooklyn ;Mrs. Arthur Daly and Miss OdetteDaly of Cambria Heights; Mrs.Ralph Johisen of Yonkers; Mrs.Ray King of Sayville: Mrs. HansTeschke of Patchogue and Mrs.John Tullv of Rosedale.

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tarsit-ano of Orchid Drive were bothpatients at the Bayview GeneralHospital here this week as a resultof injuries sustained in an auto-mobile accident in the vicinity ofEastport Saturday night. Mr.Tarsitano was released Mondaymorning and his wife was releasedTuesday.

CORRECTION COMMISSIONER of New YorkCity, Mrs. Anna Kross, dark glasses, addressedFall District Meeting of South Bay Professionaland Business Women's Club Saturday afternoonat Casa Basso Restaurant, Westhampton. In back-

ground is Miss Vivian Clark , president of theorganization , and flanking Mrs. Kross,. left toright , are : Mrs. Beatrice Burstein and- Mrs.Eleanor Ewen.

—Advance Photo

Mastic Items of InterestMrs. Irma Dirta, ATUntte 1-Slift

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chester ofNelson Place entertained at abirthday party September 23 inhonor of their son , Kenneth , whocelebrated his ninth birthday. Re-freshments were served and abirthday cake inscribed , "HappyBirthday, Kenneth , 9 Years Old,"adorned the table. Each child re-ceived a small gift also a basketof candy and balloons. Amongthose present were Mrs. ArmandoMontezuma and children, Arman-do and Debra , of Mastic ; Mrs.eGorge Burge and daughter , De-bra , of Moriches; Mrs. John Duf-f y and daughters, Gail and Karen ,of Astoria , and Kenneth's sisters ,Kathleen , Chery l , Barbara , Linda ,Ann and Mary Ellen , and broth-ers, William and Harry.

Robert Molloy of the Bronxwas a weekend guest of John En-nis of Vernon Avenue.

Live Better With PELCO LowCost Electricity.—Adv.

Mrs. Bessie Shagner of VernonAvenue , Mr. and Mrs. John Rag-amata and daughter , Vicki , ofMastic Boulevard and Mrs. HelenO'Neill of Mastic and Jamaica at-tended the wedding of Mrs. Shag-ner 's grandson , Donald Gauland , toMiss Kathy Donohue , at 3 p. m.Saturday in the PresbyterianChurch in Islip. On Sunday, Mrs.Shaner accompanied Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Gauland on a bus ride toTappan with the German MasonicLodge. While there they enjoyeda picnic and visited the home ofGeorge Washington.

Birthdays celebrated this weekwere : October 1 — Daniel Oldhamof Mastic Boulevard , Patricia El-len Meyer of Lafayette Avenue ;October 3 —- Mrs. Helen Sachakof Park Avenue, John Opal , Jr..of Lee Place , Lydia Thullen ofMastic Boulevard , Robert Provostof Southaven Avenue; October 5Mrs. John Kurceba of LafayetteAvenue and Donna Lee Atkinsonof Broadway.

Raymond Bell , Miss Cheryl

Hartmann, Peter Kalisick , MissCarol C a r r i d o r e and HerbertRalph of Brooklyn were weekendguests of Mr. and Mrs. EdwardNeilsen of Vernon Avenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballantineof Astoria were at their home onNelson Place over the weekend.

Patricia Ellen Meyer , daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyerof Lafayette Avenue, celebratedher first birthday with a partyheld at the home of her parents.Sunday afternoon. A beautifulbirthday cake decorated with pinkrosebuds and inscribed , "HappyBirthday, Patricia , One Year Old ,"centered the table. Guests wereMr. and Mrs. Edwin Arnzen anddaughters, Kathy and Susan , ofCenter Moriches; Mrs. Jean Arn-zen and foster children , Robertand Carol Lynn Belleville , Alber-ta and Roberta Carman , Wil l iamand Thomas Jackson and RichardBorne of Mastic: Mrs. CharlesBuckheit and c h i l d r e n , Brian ,Philip Denise and Michael , ofM oriches, and Patricia 's brother .Kenneth and sister , Lorraine.

The christening of Theresa AnnAndrejack , daughter of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Andrejack of MainStreet, took place at 2 p. m. Sep-tember 24 in St. John the Evan-gelist R. C. Church in CenterMoriches with the Rev. MatthewWisniewski officiating. The god-parents are the baby 's uncle andrunt , Mr. and Mrs. John Cliffordof Rosedale. Following the cere-mony, Mr. and Mi-s. Andrejack en-tertained at a turkey dinner attheir home in honor of the occa-sion. Among those attending wereMr. and Mrs. Clifford and son ,John , and daughters , Elizabeth ,Kathy, Ann and Margaret , of Ro-sedale and Mr. and Mrs. And re-ja ck's other children , Martha Ann ,Joseph , Mary and Thomas. There-sa was born September 17 atBrookhaven Memoria l Hospital.

Mrs. William Duffy and daugh-ter , Eileen , of Astoria spent theweekend at their home on FultonAvenue. Their guests were Mrs.Duffy 's son and daughter-in-law.Mr. and Mrs. John Duff y, anddaughters, Karen and Gail , andMrs. Tina Capalbi and son , Don-ald , of Astoria.

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.William Ennis of Vernon Avenuewere Mr. and Mrs. Ru-hard Shop-stead and family of Ridge.

Mrs. Kathryn Maroni and son ,Stephen , of Woodside were attheir home on Vernon Avenue ov-er the weekend. Their guest wa?Richard Fitsimmons of JamaicaEstates.

A farewell party in honor ofJerry Kirk was given by his pa-rents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kirk ,at their home on Old MontaukHighway, Saturday night. A buf-fet supper was served. Those pre-sent were Mr. and Mrs. LindseyPayne of Westhampton Beach; Mr.and Mrs. Byran Baptie of Cen-ter Moriches; Mr. and Mrs. JosephKirk of Nesconset; Mr. and Mrs.Sydney Mayer of Lynbrook ; Mr.and Mrs. Irving Kirk and sons,Jeffrey and Edward , Mr. and Mrs.William) Kirk and daughter. Ja-net, Mrs. William Kirk , Sr., Mrs.Mary Egan and daughter , Gloria.Mrs. Addison Payne, Private 1/cWilliam Lundberg and HaroldThompson of Mastic. Jerry enlist-ed for four years in the Navy andleft Tuesday morning for theGreat Lakes Naval Training Cen-ter in Illinois to begin his boottraining. Leaving with Jerry wasJohn Mensch of Mastic Beachwho also enlisted for four yearsin the Navy .

Arthur Renner entertained at abarbecue Sunday at his home onMontgomery Avenue. His guestswere Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fioreof New York City, Mr. and Mrs;Louis Ferrari of Forest Hills andWilliam Renner of Massapequa

and Mr. and Mrs. George Lofs-ten of Mastic.

Sunday dinner guests of Mr. andMrs. Joseph Gillen of Clinton Ave-nue were Mr. and Mrs. JosephAlexinas and children , Stephen ,Theresa , Patricia and John , andfoster children , Carl and Richard ,of East Meadow and Mr. and Mrs.Victor Bancroft and daughter,Jane, of Brookl yn.



P L U M B I N G a n d H E A T I N G. . . .


SBBPW HostDist 10 LunchIn Westhampton

WESTHAMPTON — The SouthBay Business and ProfessionalWomen 's Club of Center Moricheswas host to the District 10 lun-cheon and meeting held Saturdayat the Casa Basso in Westhamp-ton. Over 100 women attended andheard guest speaker Mrs. AnnaKross , commissioner of correctionin New York Cit y, give an en-l ightening speech on how lazy wo-men are today, because they donot contribute all their facilitiesto the world , and just how muchcould be accomplished if they did.She cont inu ed that business womencan be successful being both par-ents and career women , and shealso specified that women are notyet comp letely recognized by men.although they are greater in num-ber.

Mrs. Beatrice Burstein , specialguest honored as "Woman of theYear ," was presented with book-ends. The luncheon was a kick- offfor "Business Women 's Week."Mrs. Burstein left soon afterwardat Mastic Air Strip by helicopterfor her next engagement in GlenCove.

A short business meet ing wa-held by all clubs of District 10with the presidents of each organ-ization giving reports. Miss VivianM. Clark presided.


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UP An-AiD /II il-MiLll

Main Street Center MorichesATlantic 4-0301| Give Yourself A Treat! j

I MSilpM Waterfront Dining jj »|« in our Colonial Room \| ^̂ ^Sj P̂'j

Luncheons and Dinners

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I BETZ LUMBER COMPANY Ii II Building Materials & Supplies - Hardware - Painta II II FROWEIN AVENUE CENTER MORICHES II ' i| Near R. R. Station ATknttc 4-0864 i

^A^.AA.A.^^A.A.A.AiB.A^A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.A.AA.A. AA.A.A.A.AA.A.AA.A.'' *.+. *.' f)

WHERE DIGNITY .jSjIl x̂ fAND TRADITION W JM ̂iSoften Your Grief ..flH^Prr Sfl S

: f l \ L o AA ^c J l e^ ^^^^W i<$JUJMtAxkl *3Cx>truy j| J. Wesley Sinnickson Thomas D. Sinnickson IJ Licensed Manager Licensed Partner \I MAIN STREET, CENTER MORICHES ATlantic 4-0065 [

< [,l i i l i f l!Uii*fi i»i' i l ' ' i '( l i ' l i i n i n i i i i i i i i i t I ii ' l i i i i imj,


= ^M ̂ Montauk Hwy I• / ty______f*_£\

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. World Wide Delivery fj Through F.T.D. |'lllM>"lll|HI1IC'i|litH|il|nii'iiiiii|i)|ii|ii|iiiii|ii|ll|ii|lll~

Four New MembersWelcomed by ExtensionMASTIC BEACH — Mrs. Fran-ces Eawcett , chairman of the Mas-tic Uni t of the Heme Ext ent- ionService , welcomed September 26Mesdames Theodore Mi l lman , Ar-t h u r Barms. Louis Tuccito and GusFrahm into the un i t as its lntestnew member .-., du r in g its meetingat the firehouse on Nei ghborhoodRoad.

Projects already underway in-clude:' crocheting, knit t ing, Swe-dish weaving, pocketbo oks , hair-p in lace and the making of asleeveless dress.

Preliminaries were given byMrs. Robert DeCordova for themaking of gloves , and supp lies forthis proj ect , which will begin atTuesday 's meeting, were ordered.

Interested persons may attendmeetings held each Tuesday at 10a. m. at the Mastic Beach Fire-house.

GEORGE W. O f . D H V M , 79,died Sepb mb "i* 121 in ] \ u t Laud-erdale , Fla.. :i f t e r o im year 's re-sidence thcr « . He h ;H k 'eu a resi-dent of Elder Drive , M ; i 4 i < - Beachfor 28 years.

Born in Brooklyn h<- had beena self-employed pam ' e'- t!h * de-corator. He is .-urvr. ed by twodaughter.- . Mr.-.. K l u / i , ! Hcs - ler .formerly of Eider Driv e , now ofFort EiHHleuWle and Miss UoseOldham of I ' - i t r h nm i r - one son ,I lerhei t S. O ldham of Bab y lon;'10 grandclvldr "*; , ;;nd ;_> s o-j . .;l [grandchi 'dron. l ' r iv ;ue - e iv i eo ^ andcremation took pku- >- in Kort Lau-derdale.

JOHN O. WEDKLL . 66 . died athis home on Bauer A venue . M a n -orville Sep tember '27. A re id» dof Manorv i l l e for one ye ui . hewas born Janua ry 17 . I r v r, inManhassi t. He was a re t i p -d elec-trical engineer and a ve ln -m ol 'World War I.

Surv iv ing are hi- , w i f e , f ou i -e .of Manorv i l ' e; t w o -on- . J .. !m ( '..of Manorv i l le and W i l l i a m , of \ewYork City ; two damihle- s . M i s ,Florence Radigan of l- 'ai Uock-i-way, and Mrs. Evelyn I. eo of .Man-orville. and 15 e -rand i -h i ld i en .

Funeral servh-es were held atHerrmann '-- Fimenl Home . Cen-ter Moriche- * . F.*id-iy at III - la p.m. with the Rev. A r t h u i W. Gei-del o f f ic ia t in g . I n t e i m e n t was atLong Island N a t i o n a l Cemetery ,Pinelawn.

CHARLES H. LEACH , 6 \ , ofMastic Beach wa< found dead Sep-tember 25. in his boat in SeafordHarbor, a v i c t im of a heart at -tack , according to the Xa.-s.uiCount y medical e x a m i n e r .

A resident of 1.~> 1 LynbrookDrive , Mastic Beach for the pa ;ttwo years. Mr. Leac h was bomSeptember !Ul , I -.'. ' ( in Woodi iaven ,Queens. lie wa- a re t i r ed N ewYork Cit y p o l i ceman .

lie is survived bv a brother ,James H a r r i et t - of M - - t ;c Beach.

Funeral service - w re he ld at ,Herrmann '- Funera l Home . Cen-ter Moriche- . S pu-n ) >< >• 2d v i t hthe Rev. Wil l iam Wai• ¦•• .-• o f f i c i a t -ing. In t e rmen t f o l i o v ed i t , M a p leGrove Cemetery, K - \v Gardens ,Queens.

MRS. M A R I E I.OITSE P I A R D19, died Septemb")* 2*-. at Brook-haven Memor ia l Ho-pi ' al. A resi-dent of :](.(0 W e s t m i n i . - ter Hi iro ,Shirley, for 12 year . -he wasborn June 1, 188*2 in Fra n -e .

Surv iv ing are two sons , Maur iceof East Rockaway and Adolph ofNew Jersey : seven L ' - r andch i l d r enand four g r ea t - g randch i ld r en .

A Rosary service was held atHe r rmann 's Funera l Hom e , ( ' en-ter Moriches , Sunday. A RequiemMass was said at St. John 's R.C. Church , Conf er Moriches . In-te rment followed in Mt. St. MarysCemetery . Flushing

.MRS M A R Y CEC1EEA PO-K O R N Y , 01 , of Co-zinc Road. Cen-ter Moriches , died Monday at Bay-view Hospi ta l , Mastic Beach , a f t e ra short illness. She was b o i n Oc-tober 17, 1811( 1 . in A- to r i a . Queens.

Siie is survived by her irisband ,En:il , one son . Emil , of Moriche- - .a daughter , Mrs. Ellen R. Brop-onof Center Moi i che - , and one .-i-ter,Mrs. Nellie Ell iot t of Center Mor-iches.

Rosary services were held Tues-day at Sinnickson 's Moriches Fun-eral Home , Center Mooches. Re-quiem mass wa- said at St. John 'sR. C. Church , Center Moriches , byFather Wi l l i am R< isitr . In te rmentfollowed in the fami l y plot at Mt.Pleasant Cemetery , East .Moriches.