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The changing marketing landscape Jude Brooks July 2015

Marketing to Millennials - July 2015

Apr 15, 2017



Jude Brooks
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The changing marketing landscape Jude Brooks


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Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.

- Peter Drucker


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4 BIG changes

1.  Technology

2.  Sharing

3.  Trust

4.  Media

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1. Technology

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•  Information at your fingertips

•  Data & personalisation

•  Hyper-mobility and connectivity

•  Cloud technology

•  Internet of Things

•  3D printing

•  Seamless integration

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Evolution of the web

1990 – 2000 Brochureware

2000 - 2010 Transaction

2010+ Social Web

Took pre-existing information and put it


Static contentNo social engagement

Added in transactional capability. Some social


Buy, Sell and ServiceLimited social engagement

Sites being redesigned around people, not


Sites with in-built social sharing are thriving

Web is being built around people and meaning⇒  

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Evolution of social networks

2008 – 2010 Worship

2010 - 2013 Entertainer

2013+ Value Exchange

Social platforms as a temple to the glory of the


All about the number of fans / followers

Brands try to become entertainers

All about the number of interactions

Brands engage their audiences in a mutually beneficial relationship

All about business objectives and purpose

Social networks used for shared purpose⇒  

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Coca-Cola Journey

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2. Sharing

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Sharing is increasing

We share MORE content…

From MORE sources…

With MORE people…

MORE often…

MORE quickly…

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We share because we care

•  Anger

•  Fear

•  Happiness

•  Disgust

•  Surprise

•  Sadness

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We share for a reason

•  To bring valuable and entertaining content to others

•  To define ourselves to others

•  To grow and nourish our relationships

•  Self-fulfilment

•  To get the word out about causes or brands

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We share stories

•  Simple

•  Unexpected / different

•  Concrete

•  Credible

•  Emotional / resonant

““Drama is anticipation

mixed with uncertainty.

- William Archer

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3. Trust

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Especially Millennials… ““ They want lives that count, resonate and matter in human terms – and it’s the failure to live that way

that leads them to mistrust organisations.

- Umair Haque, Havas Media Labs

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Trust is changing

Trust in authority declining:

•  Banks

•  NHS

•  Legal system and police

•  Politicians

•  Church

•  Media

•  Celebrities

So we trust each other more

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Trust our networks

•  People live in networks of small connected groups

•  150 is the maximum # of connections

•  We turn to friends to help make decisions

•  We are disproportionately influenced by our strongest ties

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4. Media

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Media explosion

•  Rise of mobile internet

•  Proliferation of channels

•  Media consumption increasing – multi-screening

•  Real-time agility

•  Personalised, immediate communications

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It’s noisy out there

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And Millennials?

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Digital natives

•  Connected 24/7

•  Expect businesses to keep up and engage appropriately

•  Expect frictionless, speedy experiences as they multi-screen

•  Empowered by information – use social networks to stay informed and manage FOMO

•  Understand the value of personal data – value exchange

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Passionate, meaningful lives

•  Purpose and meaning matters greatly to them

•  Global consumers – collaborate across geographic borders

•  They care about their community – giving back ““Millennials work more closely together, leverage right

and left brain skills, ask the right questions and take risks previous generations resisted. They truly want to

change the world and use technology to do so.

- Mike Marasco, NorthWestern University

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Want to get involved

•  Create and curate ““ Creation means to make something valuable and share it with others. We do this because it's empowering and necessary for our world.

- Liz, USA

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So what does this mean for marketing?

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Marketing’s role remains constant…

Marketing is the right product, in the right place, at the right time, at the right price.

- Adcock“

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…But decision journey more complex

From To

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…So marketing needs to change

FromStop/Start campaigns

Interruptive ads

Telling a message

Focus on new customers

Brand ads

What you say

ToAlways-on programmes

Engaged participation

Creating helpful utility

Focus on loyalty

Branded content

What you do

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And specifically for Millennials…

•  Find the insight that makes the difference

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Geico Unskippable ads

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And specifically for Millennials…

•  Find the insight that makes the difference

•  Invite them to get involved / co-create, don’t talk at them

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Share a Coke

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And specifically for Millennials…

•  Find the insight that makes the difference

•  Invite them to get involved / co-create, don’t talk at them

•  Think mobile first - be frictionless, seamless and realtime

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And specifically for Millennials…

•  Find the insight that makes the difference

•  Invite them to get involved / co-create, don’t talk at them

•  Think mobile first - be frictionless, seamless and realtime

•  Support their causes – give them a reason to care

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Volvo Life Paint

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Takeaway Tips

•  No-one has all the answers so test and learn

•  Think digital – and mobile – from the start

•  Find meaningful ways to connect

•  Be authentic and act with integrity

•  Be agile

•  What you do is far more important than what you say

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All about purpose and meaning

What we believe will impact what we do, which is far more powerful that what we say.

- Antony Mayfield, Brilliant Noise“

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Jude’s Law ““

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Thank you!

[email protected]