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Page 1: Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest Website Optimization

Pinterest Website OptimizationEASY STEPS TO DRIVE HUGE INCREASES


Marketer’s Guide toto

Page 2: Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest Website Optimization

So, here’s a fundamental truth about Pinterest: more than 90% of pins originate from websites, not from Pinterest profiles.

This guide has the actionable tips & tactics you’ll need to optimize your website for pinning. Implement as many of them as makes sense for your brand, and you’ll see significantly increased pinning activity, which will in turn increase referral tra�c to your site.

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Page 3: Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest Website Optimization

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Text-heavy websites, such as online news outlets, were designed for the text web: for robots to crawl, index and deliver links to people in search results. These pages don’t work as well for human internet users, and especially not consumers who are trying to discover the perfect gift, or find inspiration for a home remodeling project.

As consumers turn to visual networks like Pinterest in ever-increasing numbers for precisely this type of visual discovery, the phrase “a picture is worth a thousand words” takes on a whole new meaning, as marketers react to the consumer shift and focus on telling stories with visual content, not words. The instructions below are designed to help any brand immediately improve their visibility on Pinterest, improve time on site, and lead to higher average order value for e-commerce brands.

A LITTLE BACKGROUND:Optimizing The Pinner’s Experience


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Adding the “Pin It” button to your images is the single most important thing you can do to increase pinning of your content. The amount of referral tra�c your site receives from Pinterest is directly correlated to the number of Pins posted by you, or your community. By adding the Pin It button to your product images, the pinning process is simplified for your site visitors, which leads directly to increased Pins from your site.

What to do now: You can find the Pin It button on Pinterest’s widget builder page. Also, consider adding the Pinterest Follow button to your social CTA’s. It gets website visitors to check out your Pinterest page, thereby encouraging them to follow you, which leads to more tra�c and repins.

If you don’t have time to read past this page, here are the key takeaways for optimizing your site for Pinterest:

Adding the “Pin It” button:

Posting images that resonate with your audience is the most critical element to success on Pinterest overall, but the text description that accompanies each image helps it be found on Pinterest.

Pinterest-friendly descriptions:

What to do now: When someone pins from your site, your existing product description forms that Pin’s description and keywords. Revise the description to match Pinterest’s own categories, in addition to the primary keywords for that product. Read more here about what keywords do and don’t do on Pinterest.

Rich Pins & the Gift Feed are critical for e-commerce. Take advantage of Rich Pins and the Pinterest Gift Feed, to make each of your Pins more shoppable for consumers. Rich Pins enable you to embed product pricing and in-stock availability to each pin. The Gift Feed increases shopability even further, by alerting users when Pins they’ve saved change in price, e�ectively making Pinterest an extension of your email team!

Rich Pins & the Gift Feed:

What to do now: Learn more about Rich Pins on Pinterest’s blog, and how to take advantage of the Gift Feed on our blog.


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Showing your products“in the wild” is veryappealing to Pinners

How you show your products is absolutely critical to success on Pinterest, as consumers will pin images of products, places, and activities that they love and aspire to. This makes beautiful product photos essential, and many of the most successful brands on Pinterest have begun employing the types of images that will be more attractive to Pinners on their websites.

Lowe’s, for example, has enjoyed huge success on Pinterest, with more than 3.4 million followers. Their boards o�er a rich array of content to their followers, full of home improvement tips, color-themes, DIY projects, man-cave ideas and more. They also do a fantastic job of showcasing their products in ways that are attractive to Pinners, featuring standalone shots of some products and displaying others in a creative context that inspires customers to think how these products could look in their own homes.



Page 6: Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest Website Optimization

The important thing is to make sure that as much of your content as possible is both pinnable and pinworthy. Hero shots will get pinned, but photos that feature products in contextual or lifestyle settings are also very popular. Remember that Pinterest is di�erent than other social networks because consumers are looking to discover new products and brands.

Keep an eye out for popular pins in your category, and take them into consideration for your own visual content. Look at the lighting, angles, photo staging, and where the photos were taken.

Consider trying di�erent content strategies for images; L.L. Bean will sometimes feature hero shots and lifestyle images of the same product, as di�erent images might be attractive to di�erent Pinners.


• Test different visual content, showing your products on their own and “in the wild”

• Take inspiration from the leaders in your content category

• Images on your site must be at least 100X200 pixels to share on Pinterest

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Adding varied images of identical products, as LL Bean does, is a great way to test content strategies and appeal to di�erent tastes.


Page 7: Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest Website Optimization

A huge percentage of Pins originate from Pin It buttons. Featuring a Pin It button prominently on or directly next to your images serves as a gentle reminder that the image is pinnable and prompts visitors to pin, driving viral reach and fostering powerful social recommendations.

To get the most out of the Pinterest Follow button, install it in the most visible places on your website like the header, footer, and sidebars. Including a Pinterest logo alongside your other social buttons, along with a “Follow us on Pinterest” call to action, drives these highly engaged website visitors to your Pinterest profile. Once there, they’ll love what they see and hopefully become followers.


• To install the Pin It and Follow buttons on your site, go to the Pinterest Widget Page

• Consider overlaying the Pin It button directly on or next to your product/content images

• Place your Pin It buttons where your fans can see them without having to scroll down

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One King’s Lane does an outstanding job offeaturing Pin It buttons and Pinterest CTA’sprominently on their images


Page 8: Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest Website Optimization

On Pinterest, obviously the first thing that a person looks at is the Pin itself, then usually the description. Having a detailed, well written description of your products will make it easy for people to pin from your site, and will have a huge payo� when they do. This is because your description will form not only the pin’s description on Pinterest, but also that image’s keywords for search results!

You might have only a few seconds to attract a Pinner’s attention. Just by adding a phrase, you can immediately give Pinners the context for which your pin is intended. By adding a more robust description for all pins, to include brand information, pricing, product descriptors, and any additional keywords, you enhance your pin’s discoverability. For more information, check out this tutorial.


• Add product descriptions that include details like pricing, color, product model, and brand name

• Tailor your image descriptions and primary keywords to match Pinterest’s own categories

• The most repinnable descriptions are about 200 characters long

• If you add the word “You,” the Pinner feels like you’re speaking to them

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PIN DESCRIPTIONS:Everything They Need to Have, Nothing They Don’t


Page 9: Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest Website Optimization

Pinterest has several advanced features specifically designed to help e-commerce retailers.

Rich Pins allow you to include incredibly useful data in your pins, ranging from agile product pricing and availability to ingredient lists for recipes. Pinterest’s search pulls this data directly from your site, in real-time. Rich Pins include a strong call to action on where to buy the pin, which can drive more qualified and higher purchase intent tra�c to your site while reducing bounce rate.

Rich Pins allow you to include data such as real-time pricing information. Consumers who pinned this image will automatically be alerted the price drop, encouraging buying behavior.

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LEVELING UP:Rich Pins and the Gift Feed


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The Gift Feed makes it easier for people to find and buy products more easily, and comes with some pretty awesome benefits. For example, if a Pinner saves one of your products to their Gift Feed, they will automatically get notified if the price of that product drops. That means Pinterest will be supplementing your existing email marketing, and letting potential customers know about sales. It also features price filters, so only in-budget gift ideas are displayed. Finally, since the Gift Feed is made up entirely of product pins, consumers will see product availability and where-to-buy links directly below the image.

To participate in Pinterest’s Gift Feed, your pins need to be using Rich Pins (more specifically, Product Rich Pins.) This involves getting your Pins validated by Pinterest, a four-step process that they explain on the Pinterest developer’s site.


• If you have pins that have been previously pinned to Pinterest, they can be converted to Rich Pins retroactively once you have included the meta tag information on the originating pages

• Larger brands with in-house development resources will want to choose the oEmbed method for passing price and availability info to Pinterest

• For smaller brands wanting to launch Rich Pins, Semantic markup is an easier-to-implement choice, with lots of documentation on to help get you started

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Pins from Website More pins are better!Clicks from Pinterest aredirectly correlated withvolume of pins

• Test Pin It button implementations

• Test varying content strategies

• Create an "inspiration" section on your site, and optimize it for pinning

• Ensure Pinning Call To Actions are implemented across all product pages

• Test content/photo strategies

Measures the relevance of your content to Pinners that visit your site

# of Unique Pinners

Metric What it means Actions to take


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Metric What it means Actions to take

• Drive/attract influential Pinners to your site

• Surface more relevant products and images on each page

• Test and optimize purchasing CTA's

• Test increasing cart value by surfacing relevant and complementary products/ images on each page

• Test and optimize purchasing CTA's

The volume of tra�c coming to your site from Pinterest

The total volume of page views resulting from visits. Indicates time on site, content stickiness, and the discoverability of your site

Number of sales conversions from site tra�c (attribution will vary)

Total revenue driven (attribution will vary)

Visits from Pinterest(Info drawn from Google Analytics, Adobe Marketing Cloud, or IBM Analytics)

Page Views(Info drawn from Google Analytics, Adobe Marketing Cloud, or IBM Analytics)

Purchases(Purchase and revenue data is available from Piqora by connecting Google Analytics, Adobe Marketing Cloud, or IBM Analytics)

Revenue(Purchase and revenue data is available from Piqora by connecting Google Analytics, Adobe Marketing Cloud, or IBM Analytics)



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# of Repins Measures the virality of your content • Test content/photo strategies

• Drive/attract influential Pinners to your site

• Test content/photo strategiesHelps interpret the quality of your Pins to drive virality, and gauges the influence of Pinners pinning from your site

Repin: Pin Ratio

Metric What it means Actions to take


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There are more than 70 million people on Pinterest, o�ering a unique opportunity to leverage your visual content to gain insight into customers’ lifestyles and needs, all while growing reach and improving organic search results. By optimizing your website for Pinners, you open the doors to more fluid interactions with your fans on that platform, creating a strong community around your products, services, and brand.

To learn more about how you can enhance your success on Pinterest, go to and request a demo, we’d love to talk to you!

Happy Pinning!