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Craig Collins, Craig Collins, Craig Collins, Craig Collins, THHS Principal THHS Principal THHS Principal THHS Principal Andrea Padian , Andrea Padian , Andrea Padian , Andrea Padian , Editor Editor Editor Editor Rachel Ward, Rachel Ward, Rachel Ward, Rachel Ward, PTSA President PTSA President PTSA President PTSA President Volume 3 Issue 4 Volume 3 Issue 4 Volume 3 Issue 4 Volume 3 Issue 4 March / April 2013 March / April 2013 March / April 2013 March / April 2013 continued on page 2 “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. Trabuco Hills High School PTSA Pony Express 27501 Mustang Run, Mission Viejo, CA. 92691 (949)768-1934 Trabuco Hills High PTSA Saddleback Valley Council PTA Fourth District PTA California State PTA National PTA The Pony Express The Pony Express The Pony Express The Pony Express Inside This Issue Inside This Issue Inside This Issue Inside This Issue Challenge Day Lunch continued pg 2 Message from Rachel pg 3 Mustang Marvels pg 3 Reflections Winners pg 4-5 Best Buddies Spread the Word pg 6 Grad Night—Great Gradsby Party pg 7 Grad Night Car Wash Info pg 7 Keeping Up w/Natasha-School News pg 8 Keira’s Counseling Corner pg 9-10 PTSA Senior Scholarships pg 10 Competition Cheer pg 10 Girls Lacrosse pg 11 Mrs. Jaroch Honored pg 12 Casino Night –Baseball Fundraiser pg 12 ASB in Action pg 13-16 Master Drive Program pg 16 What UP? Campus Life / pg 17 WUE Info pg 17 Join PTSA Today/PTSA Meetings pg 18 2013-14 PTSA Board Nominees pg 18 CIF Winners pg 18 Advocacy Actions pg 19 Help with No Cost Fundraisers pg 20 Peppino Restaurant Night Flyer pg 21 2013 Calendar/Volunteer Needs pg 22 continued on page 2 Challenge Day Reunion Luncheon Challenge Day Reunion Luncheon Challenge Day Reunion Luncheon Challenge Day Reunion Luncheon

March April 2013 Pony Express

Apr 13, 2015



Trabuco Hills High School Newsletter
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: March April 2013 Pony Express

Craig Collins, Craig Collins, Craig Collins, Craig Collins, THHS PrincipalTHHS PrincipalTHHS PrincipalTHHS Principal

Andrea Padian , Andrea Padian , Andrea Padian , Andrea Padian , Editor Editor Editor Editor

Rachel Ward, Rachel Ward, Rachel Ward, Rachel Ward, PTSA PresidentPTSA PresidentPTSA PresidentPTSA President

Volume 3 Issue 4Volume 3 Issue 4Volume 3 Issue 4Volume 3 Issue 4 March / April 2013March / April 2013March / April 2013March / April 2013

continued on page 2

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands

in moments of comfort and

convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” ~ Martin Luther

King, Jr.

Trabuco Hills High School PTSA Pony Express 27501 Mustang Run, Mission Viejo, CA. 92691 (949)768-1934

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Saddleback Valley Council PTA Fourth District PTA California State PTA National PTA

The Pony ExpressThe Pony ExpressThe Pony ExpressThe Pony Express

Inside This IssueInside This IssueInside This IssueInside This Issue Challenge Day Lunch continued pg 2 Message from Rachel pg 3 Mustang Marvels pg 3 Reflections Winners pg 4-5 Best Buddies Spread the Word pg 6 Grad Night—Great Gradsby Party pg 7 Grad Night Car Wash Info pg 7 Keeping Up w/Natasha-School News pg 8 Keira’s Counseling Corner pg 9-10 PTSA Senior Scholarships pg 10 Competition Cheer pg 10 Girls Lacrosse pg 11

Mrs. Jaroch Honored pg 12 Casino Night –Baseball Fundraiser pg 12 ASB in Action pg 13-16 Master Drive Program pg 16 What UP? Campus Life / pg 17 WUE Info pg 17 Join PTSA Today /PTSA Meetings pg 18 2013-14 PTSA Board Nominees pg 18 CIF Winners pg 18 Advocacy Actions pg 19 Help with No Cost Fundraisers pg 20 Peppino Restaurant Night Flyer pg 21 2013 Calendar/Volunteer Needs pg 22

continued on page 2

Challenge Day Reunion LuncheonChallenge Day Reunion LuncheonChallenge Day Reunion LuncheonChallenge Day Reunion Luncheon

Page 2: March April 2013 Pony Express

Trabuco Hills High 2011-2012

PTSA Board Members

Rachel Ward, President

Craig Collins

Trabuco Hills High Principal

Michelle Ramacher

Executive Vice President & Convention Chair

Christina Simon

Vice President Membership & Silent Auction Chair

Diane Williams

Vice President Ways & Means

Jessica Shipma,* Student Leader (President)

Mike Padian, Treasurer

Nicole Cassens, Financial Secretary

Lisa Semon, Historian

Linda Boud, Recording Secretary

Louise Robertson, Auditor

Suzann Gastreich, Parliamentarian

Larry Hausner, Legislative/Advocacy Representative

Joan Rosenberg, Foster Care Liaison

Kim Saavedra, Volunteer Development

Lisa Bauer & Andrea Padian, Grad Night Co-Chairs

James Peredo, Webmaster

Andrea Padian & Tonga Prather , Reflections

Chris Burns & Liz Busch, College Fair Co-Chairs

Tish Witkin, Arts Advocacy Chair

Sheryl Titchener, & Andrea Padian Challenge Day

Mike Padian, Mini-grant Chair

Yvonne Arnett, Special Education Chair

Michelle Wincek, Welcome Committee Chair

Gabriela Peredo, Outreach

Brenda Hanrath, Discount Cards & Restaurant Nights

Jill Azuma, Ralphs & E-Script Chair

Andrea Padian & Lisa Bauer, Taste of the Hills Chairs

Diane Depreta, Teacher/Staff Appreciation

Andrea Padian, Newsletter Editor

Jennifer Brase , Senior Scholarships & Award Night

Michelle Gerry, Adopt a Book Chair

Gloria Briones, Campus Beautification Chair

Sharon Neubauer, Paper Drive Chair

Mike Briante & Lynette Berke, Grant Writers

Health Advocate, Kim Knoble

Parent Education Chairs—OPEN

Publicity Liaison—OPEN

Teacher Representative—OPEN

March / April 2013 , Volume 3, Issue 4 page 2

Josh Nuzzo , Junior Representative

Andie Wong, Senior Representative

Chiara Burns, College Fair Chair

Brendan Busch, Special Ed Chair

Alayna Zuckerman, Grant Writer &

Challenge Day Leader

Julia Mihaylov, Newsletter& Website

Natasha Behnam, Publicity Chair

Nicole Peredo, Outreach

Hadar Albo, Volunteer Coordinator

James Padian & Duncan Bauer

Grad Night Co-Chairs

Alexa Simonton, Advocacy

Michelle Briones & Niki Neely,

Campus Beautification

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Student Board

Jessica Shipma, Student Leader/ Vice President

Challenge Day Reunion Challenge Day Reunion Challenge Day Reunion Challenge Day Reunion Lunch / Be the Change ClubLunch / Be the Change ClubLunch / Be the Change ClubLunch / Be the Change Club

By Alayna Zuckerman, Student Challenge Day Chair & Be the Change Club President

After attending Challenge Day comes the “Challenge Day high”. You feel refreshed, happy, and excited to “Be the Change you wish to see in the world”. Unfortunately, with all the stress that comes along with schoolwork, family, friends, and relationships, sometimes the Challenge Day beliefs are pushed aside and forgotten. The Be the Change Club was cre-ated so this wouldn’t occur. The PTSA, my friends, Mr. Kend-all, and I wanted the safe feeling that was felt during Challenge Day to continue at Trabuco all year long and we are hoping to have many Challenge Day students join the Be the Change

Club. By hosting monthly meetings and after a large reunion luncheon, we are working to keep the spirit of Challenge Day alive at Trabuco.

At the Challenge Day Reunion luncheon the PTSA so kindly funded in February, there was a great turnout of almost 200 stu-dents. Spirits were high in the MPR as students chatted with friends and many students they had never met. Even without knowing someone, finding out they attended Challenge Day creates an instant connection because we know we are all so similar.

This semester, Mr. Kendall and the officers of the Be the

Change Club, are hoping to host even more meetings so the participants of Challenge Day continue to feel love and safety on the Trabuco campus as well as give them a chance to con-nect with other student attendees. Like one of the Challenge Day mottos say- Notice, Choose, Act. The first two steps are done and the third just needs to continue.

Page 3: March April 2013 Pony Express

A Message from Rachel

Trabuco Hills High PTSA President [email protected]

Mustang MarvelsMustang MarvelsMustang MarvelsMustang Marvels

Our thanks to Andrea and Mike Padian, Sheryl Titchener and Curran Vinson, Madeline Jaroch (office manager) and the Be the Change Club offi-cers for their help organizing and putting together the Challenge Day Reunion lunch in February. It was a great time for every-one to reconnect and find out more about joining the Be the Change Club at Trabuco.

Thanks also to the PTSA nominating com-mittee and those that have agreed to be nominees for the PTSA board next year. Of course nominations from the floor will also be accepted during the election at our March meet-ing, but for those that have agreed to put their names up - we thank you for your leadership and continued support of PTSA.

Thanks to Linda Boud for her work putting together

the Masterdrive program. It was attended by many students and parents who appreciate all the info that class supplies with regard to preparing our teens to begin driving. It has always been a popular program at our school, but it doesn’t just happen. Thanks


Our thanks to Andrea Padian and Tongo Prather, our Reflections Co-Chairs for their work on this year’s Reflections pro-gram and award ceremony at our February meeting. And thanks to all the students who participated in the program and the teachers that encouraged them to do so!

And lastly, thanks to Mike Padian for his work on our mini-grant program this year. Almost all our grants have been distributed to the teachers and classrooms and they have all expressed thanks to the PTSA for their support.

I’d like to thank everyone who could make it to the Challenge Day Reunion Lunch the PTSA hosted for students and adults who participated in the program in December. I know that it was short notice but it was tough to schedule.

Our Teacher Appreciation Luncheon is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1st and we’ll be looking for dona-tions of salads and desserts to thank our teachers for all their dedication to the students here at Trabuco Hills High School. Look for more information on how you can sign up to help soon.

Our next PTSA meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 18th and we will be having our elections for the 2013-2014 PTSA Board. Please come to show your support and cast your vote. You must be a current PTSA member to vote, but you don’t have to be a

member to come to our meetings and let your sugges-tions be heard. We do have chair positions open for our programs so be on the lookout for the list that Debi Hope will include in the Daily Bulletins.

We need your membership and support of our fund-raisers in order to be able to continue the Challenge Day program for next year and also for our 2013 Col-lege Fair which is scheduled for Monday, October 7th. Memberships are only $15.00 and applications can be picked up at the receptionist desk or by going online to our website at and looking under membership. It is never too late to join.

I also wanted to mention that because we had three furlough days returned to our calendar year due to ad-ditional funding from the state, the Friday before spring break is no longer a day off for students. The day after Memorial Day, which was also a vacation day, has been returned as well, so please adjust your calendars/schedules to include those days as “school days” again. .

Thank you all for your continued support.


Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express Page 3

Page 4: March April 2013 Pony Express

Reflections 2012 Reflections 2012 Reflections 2012 Reflections 2012 ----2013201320132013 “The Magic of a Moment…”“The Magic of a Moment…”“The Magic of a Moment…”“The Magic of a Moment…”

Reflections Co- Chairs, Andrea Padian , [email protected], Tonga Prather, [email protected]

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 Page 4

We are so proud to announce that Lelia Woods has won 1st Place at the 4th District PTA and her entry has moved on to the State for further judging. If she wins there, her entry will move on to the National PTA for continued judging—so we are hopeful that we hear more good news soon.

Below are photos of some of the winning entries at the district level, as well as some of our students receiving their awards. They were honored at an open house at the district on February 25th by the SVPTA Council, (all SVUSD PTAs) Dr. Clint Harwick, our SVUSD Superintendent, other school board members and guests. Our congratulations go out to all of them.

Next year’s theme is “Believe, Dream, Inspire…”

Use of the theme in your project is critical as it repre-sents over 50% of the judge’s scoring. Please think about working on a project over the summer to submit next fall in early October. For rules and more informa-tion about the program, go to the state PTA website at click on programs, then Reflections. The state site showcases past winning entries in all categories and age groups. Check it out for inspira-tion! Then go to the area you are interested in to see the full set of rules you will need to follow in order to submit your entry. Submission requirements may change but the basic rules for each category remain in place.

Superintendent, Dr. Harwick,

with Brittany Boud, 1st Place

Music Award Winner

Elizabeth Elder’s entry.

Dr. Clint Harwich with

Elizabeth at the SVPTA

Award Open House

Sarah McCarter’s Photography Entry

Dr. Harwick with Madeline

Klein at SVPTA Awards. Her

entry is to the right.

Page 5: March April 2013 Pony Express

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 5

2012201220122012----2013 THHS Reflections Winners Award Night2013 THHS Reflections Winners Award Night2013 THHS Reflections Winners Award Night2013 THHS Reflections Winners Award Night

Pictured from left to right: 3rd Place Literature—Clara Nguyen, 3rd Place Visual Arts—Brandi Masci, 1st Place Photography—Elizabeth Elder, 1st Place Visual Arts—Madeline Klein, 1st Place Literature—Chiara Burns,

1st Place Music—Brittany Boud, 2nd Place Literature—Renee Sanchez. Not pictured; 1st Place Special Artist - Lelia Woods, 1st Place Video/Film—Mitchell Izykowski, 2nd Place Visual Arts—Hannah Randal, 3rd Place

Photography—Sarah McCarter, 3rd Place Photography—Sarah Hayman

PTSA 2012-2013 THHS Reflections winners were honored with certificates and cash awards during the award ceremony at Trabuco Hills on February 11th. Of these winners, seven moved on for further judg-ing at Saddleback Valley. The first place winners there moved on to the Fourth District PTA (all of Orange County and a small part of LA) where we had several winners from Trabuco as well, including Lelia Woods, who took 1st Place as Special Artist and is now competing in that category at the State PTA Level. If she wins 1st Place there, her entry will be for-warded to the National PTA. Chiara Burns received Honor-ary Mention at the Fourth Dis-trict and Sarah McCarter re-ceived an Award of Merit. Left: Lelia’s entry Above: Dr. Clint Harwick

with Lelia Woods at the district open house

Page 6: March April 2013 Pony Express

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 Page 6

Best Buddies Spread the Word Best Buddies Spread the Word Best Buddies Spread the Word Best Buddies Spread the Word to End the Word at THHSto End the Word at THHSto End the Word at THHSto End the Word at THHS It is time we Spread the Word to End the Word™

and build awareness for society to stop and think about its’ use of the R-word. That R-word is something hurt-ful and painful – “retard” or “retarded.” Most people don’t think of this word as hate speech, but that’s ex-actly what it feels like to millions of people with intel-lectual and developmental disabilities, their families and friends. The R-word is just as cruel and offensive as any other slur. Visit to make your pledge today.

• Young people around the world are taking a stand and raising awareness of the dehumanizing and hurtful effects of the words “retard” or “retarded” and are helping encourage others to think before they speak.

• Did you know the pejorative and ever in-creasing use of the R word in today’s society fur-ther perpetuates the stigma and negative stereotypes that face people with intellectual disabilities?

• Up to 3% of the world’s population have intellec-tual disabilities - that’s 200 million people around the world. It’s the largest disability population in the world, perhaps you know someone?

• We ask that you help us change the conversation and help eliminate the demeaning use of the R-word from today’s popular youth vernacular and replace it with “respect.” We are asking for your help in creating a more accepting world for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and all those people that may appear different, but have

unique gifts and talents to share with the world. • We’re asking every person - young and old - to

help eliminate the demeaning use of the R-word–a common taunt used to make fun of others. Often unwittingly, the word is used to denote behavior that is clumsy, hapless, and even hopeless. But whether intentional or not, the word conjures up a painful stereotype of people with intellectual & de-velopmental disabilities. It hurts. Even if you don’t mean it that way.

• People with intellectual and developmental disabili-ties are capable and enjoy sharing life experiences – listening to music, playing video games, watching the latest movies, and yes, having fun – as well as working together toward athletic excellence and mutually enriching one-to-one friendships as dem-onstrated constantly through Special Olympics and Best Buddies International. They can attend school, work, drive cars, get married, participate in deci-sions that affect them, and contribute to society in many ways.

• Did you know that by casually using the word “retard(ed)” to refer to an action as less than ideal you are making someone with an intellectual dis-ability feel less than human - whether you mean to or not? Demeaning any of our fellow human beings by using inappropriate words toward any popula-tion negatively impacts all of us.

Trabuco Hills High School’s Best Buddies participated in this event in early March by having students sign the pledge to NOT use the word retarded.! So, do your part, too, and please visit and take the pledge today!

Page 7: March April 2013 Pony Express

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 7

Raise $$$$ for your Raise $$$$ for your Raise $$$$ for your Raise $$$$ for your Grad Night TicketGrad Night TicketGrad Night TicketGrad Night Ticket

Car Wash OpportunitiesCar Wash OpportunitiesCar Wash OpportunitiesCar Wash Opportunities

Need help paying for Grad Night? How about spending a day or two washing cars? All money raised by students participating in this fund rais-ing program are divided including tips, to go towards their accounts. You can also sell car wash tickets to Santa Margarita Ford as men-tioned above. If you are in foster care, living on your own, or in dire need of help and already working please contact us right away. Email Andrea at [email protected] with any questions you have or to help. You can work and help other students, too. We need additional helpers (14 and older) who will receive community ser-vice hours for helping. We need adult helpers, as well. We are hoping to do the car washes in April and May. Come get your car washed, too!

The Great Gradsby

Party—Grad Night 2013

Grad Night Co-chairs Andrea Padian @ [email protected] Lisa Bauer @ [email protected]

Plans are underway to make this year’s Grad Night a night to remember. Grad Night is a safe, drug and alcohol free evening where all the 2013 graduates celebrate this milestone in their lives together for the last time as a class. The evening begins with check in at the tennis courts between 9:30-10 PM June 19th. All students attending must have their student ID. No other items are necessary but students will be allowed to take their cell phones and personal items if needed. Those items must be in a clear, small plastic baggy and are restricted to ONLY personal items needed at that time. Warm clothes and jackets/sweatshirts are recommended.

The evening will include dinner and breakfast, lots of snacks and treats, drinks and mocktails, a casino, fun rides and games at Coney Island, a funny and entertaining hypnotist show, fortune tellers, photo booths, dancing, end-less music, a raffle and so much more. Will Gatsby be there? You know he rarely attends his own parties…but on this night—well, you never know what could happen.

Don’t wait to buy your ticket. Prices are currently at $190 and will go up to $200 at the end of April. Make your check payable to the THHS PTSA—Grad Night. After May 10th, cash only will be excepted. Drop off your permission form/registration form at the front office with Mrs. Hope, our receptionist, or at the Student Store Grad Night Box. The Grad Night table will be open on Fridays during snack for payments, questions, to verify you are on the list to go, to sign up to help at the car wash, and to sign the Class of 2013 surfboard.

Purchase Coupons for a Santa Margarita Ford Car Wash to help Raise Money for our Grad

Night Scholarship Fund

Only $8 MonOnly $8 MonOnly $8 MonOnly $8 Mon----Sat. 9 AMSat. 9 AMSat. 9 AMSat. 9 AM----4 PM4 PM4 PM4 PM Email [email protected] to purchase

Grad Night Student Committee Members: Left to right back row —Ethan Sims, Jonathan Koch, James Padian, Duncan Bauer, Front: Jes-

sica Shipma Not pictured: Andie Wong, Hadar Albo, Rhona Hojas

Page 8: March April 2013 Pony Express

March, 2011, Volume 1, Issue 5 page 4

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 page 8

Hey there Mustangs! It feels like just yesterday we were picking up our locators and finding our classes for the year; and yet here we are, only four months away from graduation. As tough as it is to believe, Trabuco has been running top-speed all year through all the events, sports, and competitions we’ve had; And things are no different now that were nearing the end of the year!

One of the biggest things happening on campus right now is the upcoming Battle of the Grade Levels assem-bly on March 22nd. On the last Got Spirit day, spirit and tensions were flaming among Trabuco’s students! Of course the juniors want to beat the seniors, who in turn want to beat everyone, and since this past one was the last spirit day before the assembly, it meant full-blown competition. This led to a complete decorating of the school at night by juniors and seniors and even some sophomores! With the campus covered in green streamers, blue balloon arches, and red chalk, this spirit day was not one to miss! And with an unexpected twist, the juniors ended up on top, coming in first place with spirit tallies! Now with only the assembly day left to regain their title, the seniors are ready to take down the juniors.

Along with the Got Spirit assembly on March 22nd, ASB is putting on the second annual Got Spirit dance. This dance is open to all high schools, and each Tra-buco student can bring two guests from other schools. As the last gym dance of the year, its bound to be a good one!

Another fun event going on right now is Trabuco’s Best Dance Crew. This is a dance competition where people are free to make their own dance teams, try out, and are then put into a competition to dance in front of the student body every week. After that, the students decide who is Trabuco’s Best Dance Crew. With fif-

teen teams auditioning, but only eight spots, the talent was high this year! We started with seven rounds and now have only five left. The finale is on April 25th.

Always promising, our sports teams and talented Mus-tangs continue to prosper throughout their seasons. In our past winter season for sports, Trabuco’s wrestling team won league with Ian Greehalgh leading the team, winning in his weight division. We also had four sports go to CIF: boys basketball, girls basketball, girls water polo and wrestling. Abby Batcheller impressed the crowd in girls water polo’s second round game when she did a hat-trick. Along with water polo, swim started off this season strong by winning their first meet! Not only did five people get CIF-qualifying times, but Ma-son Wong led the team by breaking the 100 fly record by 1.5 seconds. What an achievement for the swim team! Baseball season has also just begun and the boys are looking at a promising season.

That is not where the Mustang talent ends, however. This past week, the Off the Wall drama program put on their latest show, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.” It was a success as always, by engrossing the crowd in laughter and a good time! In the other section of the drama pro-gram, the film kids are also acting away and directing their movies for the upcoming Cinema Night in May. The film program is making a total of 14 movies this year that range from 5 minutes to 40 minutes. All the kids are busy writing, directing, and acting their way to their deadline, when the movies premiere on Cinema Night. Don’t forget to go support!

These next few months at Trabuco will be filled with excitement, busyness, and nostalgia, especially for the graduating class! If anyone has upcoming news that you’d like to see publicized, please email me at [email protected] and let me know! We’ve only got a little ways to go until the end of the year Mustangs, and there’s only one way to do it: by Going Blue!

Campus News Campus News Campus News Campus News ---- Keeping Up Keeping Up Keeping Up Keeping Up with Natashawith Natashawith Natashawith Natasha By Natasha Behnam [email protected]

“According to our parents, we’re too young for love, too old for fun, too smart to play

dumb, and too immature for grown up con-versations. It’s no wonder teens are so re-

bellious! There’s nothing else to do!”

~ Sheryne Brooks

Page 9: March April 2013 Pony Express

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 9

Keira’s Keira’s Keira’s Keira’s Counseling Counseling Counseling Counseling CornerCornerCornerCorner Keira Merkovsky, LCSW [email protected]

Tips For Creating A Positive Tips For Creating A Positive Tips For Creating A Positive Tips For Creating A Positive Relationship With Your TeenRelationship With Your TeenRelationship With Your TeenRelationship With Your Teen

I recently came across a quote from Dr. William Sears that resonated with me: “Discipline is more about having the right relationship with your child than hav-

ing the right techniques.” He could not have put it more perfectly! The relationship you have with your child during the teen years is especially important be-cause you are their anchor as they learn to become more independent and begin to develop their own phi-losophies on life. Creating an identity is not an easy task. There will be many highs and lows, many risks taken, and many rejections of you and your ideas. A strong connection with ones parents enables a teen to be independent, explore new ideals and make mistakes while having the confidence that they can rely on their parents to be a source of support and comfort when things go wrong. So, how do you create or maintain the type of relationship with your emotional teen that will make disciplining them a more positive experi-ence? Here are some ideas.

• Tell them that you love them every day. They

need to hear it. Say it, write it on a post-it and

leave it on the bathroom mirror, or send them a

text. The life of a teen is full of insecurity and

judgment. Reminding them that they are loved

eases the sting of that reality.

• Attempt to engage them whenever possible.

Author Brené Brown writes in her book Dar-

ing Greatly, that making attempts to engage

your teenager even when they don’t recipro-

cate is crucial to maintaining their trust. Par-

ents often think that teens want to be left alone

because they pull away, but the opposite is

true. They need to know that you want a rela-

tionship with them even as they become in-

creasingly independent from you. If they

spend most of their time in their room, check

on them a couple of times each night to say

hello, ask how their day was, or let them know

you are thinking about them.

• Keep in mind what is developmentally appro-

priate so the attitude they give doesn’t feel so

personal. Erik Erikson reminds us that during

this period of identity development, teens will

reject their parents’ ideas and explore new

ones. It is also during this time that the most

influential relationship becomes that of their

peers instead of their parents. Allow them to

disagree with your beliefs and ideas while ex-

pecting them to do so in a respectful manner.

For example, “You are welcome to explore

other belief systems, but please do not insult


• Create clear rules and follow through with con-

sequences when they are broken. While it may

not seem like it, they will respect and appreci-

ate you for doing this. Even if they fight you

on it and claim that none of their friends’ par-

ents do these thing, teens need clear guidelines,

consistency and follow-through. Providing

them is a big part of what makes you their an-

chor during these tumultuous years.

• When delivering consequences, make sure you

are doing it from a place of love instead of

from a place of anger. For example, “I’m very

disappointed that you took the car after I told

you not to. It is too dangerous for you to be

driving in the rain at night and I would be dev-

astated if anything happened to you. Because

of the choice you made, you have lost all car

privileges for the next two weeks.” Jane Nel-

son, author of Positive Discipline, provides a

good reminder about the consequences of dis-

ciplining out of anger: “Where did we ever get

continued on page 10

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March, 2011, Volume 1, Is-

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 page 10

PTSA Offers Scholarships to Graduating SeniorsPTSA Offers Scholarships to Graduating SeniorsPTSA Offers Scholarships to Graduating SeniorsPTSA Offers Scholarships to Graduating Seniors By Jennifer Brase, PTSA Scholarship Chair [email protected]

Now that the college acceptances are rolling in, are you getting nervous about how you are going to pay for your education? The THHS PTSA is offering four scholar-ships worth $500 each to graduating seniors who are student members of PTSA. Two Service Scholarships will be awarded to students who have given volunteer service to our school and/or in the community. The Creative Arts Scholarship is awarded to a student who is planning to continue his or her education in the arts af-ter graduation. This might include future artists, musicians, dancers/choreographers, photographers, video/film makes, actors, writers,—any area where an art is your major field of study. The Financial Aid Scholarship is awarded to a student who has demonstrated financial need. Applications for these four scholarships may be ob-tained from Bridget Mondt in the THHS Career Center. Application deadline is May 3rd so hurry and pick up your application today. No late entries will be considered.

the crazy idea that in order to

get children to do better, first

we have to make them feel

worse. Think of the last time

you felt humiliated or treated

unfairly. Did you feel like co-

operating or doing better?” Just

like adults, children respond

more positively to loving guid-

ance than demeaning anger.

Most importantly, keep your eyes on the long-term goal. These years will pass quickly and the challenges they bring will soon become distant memo-ries (hopefully ones you can laugh at!). You are preparing your child for a suc-cessful life independent of you. A positive parent-child relationship now will likely turn into a positive friend-ship in the years to come. What a gift that would be!

Keira’s Corner continued from page 9

Competition Cheer Continues Competition Cheer Continues Competition Cheer Continues Competition Cheer Continues their Winning Seasontheir Winning Seasontheir Winning Seasontheir Winning Season

In January this year, the THHS Competition Cheer team won 1st Place at the US Spirit Leaders Spirit Spectacular Cheer Competition in Chino Hills. They have been doing an out-standing job all year bringing their Mustang pride and talents to every competition they enter. Congratulations girls! Keep up the good work!

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Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 11

Trabuco Hills High School Girls Lacrosse TeamsTrabuco Hills High School Girls Lacrosse TeamsTrabuco Hills High School Girls Lacrosse TeamsTrabuco Hills High School Girls Lacrosse Teams

The entire Varsity and JV girls’ Lacrosse teams with coaches Scott Leong and Rich Ransom

Varsity Team at the Rose Bowl Tournament in Pasadena March 2, 2013. The varsity team includes: Alex Miller,

Becca Haggard, Taylor Fox, Jenelle Phillips, Brittany Tran, Cyrena Malkowski, Delaney Shelton,

Kelsey Tapita, Jackie Huse, Cheyanne Ochoa, Hope Dodd, Melanie Leong, Hannah Kleinbart, Megan McIntyre,

Niki Neely, Kendall Derbyshire, Marina Sandoval, Madison DeMond, Hannah Redwine, Becca Ransom

Page 12: March April 2013 Pony Express

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 Page 12

Support our Support our Support our Support our

Baseball ProgramBaseball ProgramBaseball ProgramBaseball Program

On Monte Carlo NightOn Monte Carlo NightOn Monte Carlo NightOn Monte Carlo Night Las Vegas 275 miles. Dove Canyon Courtyard 4 miles. Spending a great eve-ning out supporting Trabuco Hills Base-ball: PRICELESS!! Reservations are now on sale for Trabuco Hills Baseball 2nd Annual Monte Carlo Night on Satur-day April 13

th from 5:30 to 10:00 at the

Dove Canyon Courtyard. Ticket pur-chase includes dinner, drink ticket, ca-sino cash and a raffle ticket. Games in-clude Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and new this year, Texas Hold'em tourna-ment (separate ticket needed). Great prizes such as a Toshiba 46" TV, silent auction and DJ will make for a fun filled night out while supporting a great cause,

Trabuco Hills Baseball. Reservation in-formation is located on the Trabuco Hills website at For any questions, please go to [email protected].

Save the DateSave the DateSave the DateSave the Date October 7, October 7, October 7, October 7, 2013201320132013

THHS College NightTHHS College NightTHHS College NightTHHS College Night Over 125 schoolsOver 125 schoolsOver 125 schoolsOver 125 schools

Mrs. Jaroch HonoredMrs. Jaroch HonoredMrs. Jaroch HonoredMrs. Jaroch Honored By Alayna Zuckerman

Mrs. Jaroch was voted the most dedi-cated female staffer by the Trabuco Hills Yearbook team. Her commitment to working on Challenge Day prepara-tions allowed her to acquire this title. Not only did she organize participants

and student leaders during school hours, but she was also found to be putting in many hours of after her school day to make sure the days ran smoothly. As the principal’s secretary she has much on her plate already and taking on this great task was very kind of her. She always had a smile on her face when the stu-dents went to talk to her regarding the day and this title is well-deserved. She will be honored with this superlative, just like the classic senior superlatives, in the yearbook this spring along with Juan Medina, our very dedicated custodian.

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Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 13

ASB in ActionASB in ActionASB in ActionASB in Action By Clara Nguyen Freshman Class President

Winter Formal Dance CourtWinter Formal Dance CourtWinter Formal Dance CourtWinter Formal Dance Court

Following the first half of a wonderful varsity basket-ball game in the newly named Stable Center Gym, a different type of performance took center stage. This year's Winter Formal Royalty was to show off their dance moves prior to the Willy Wonka Winter Formal. In order to get the golden ticket and a pass into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory, each grade level per-formed a dance correlating to different Charlie and the Chocolate Factory character. The freshmen court, Joel Valesquez, Eddie Ricci, Mitchell Wong, Sarah Kilfoy, Mackenzie Smith, and Haley Ferguson, came in with a bang!0 just like their host, Mike TeeVee. Right after-wards, with a Veruca Salt introduction, the sopho-mores, Luke Newman, Kevin McKinney, Noah Thompson, Aubrey Payne, Annie Estes, and Danielle Covarrubias danced to Veruca's favorite money-themed songs. The juniors, Connor Lee, Jordan Het-tinger, Ryan Haggard, Jenna Sunyich, Kelsey Ramirez, and Rocchina Safford, bounced in with Augustus Gloop. Last of all, Violet Beauregarde came in, gum-chewing, to introduce Kody Dennis, Steven Garland, Thomas Hansen, Taylor Garber, Urmi Janardan, and Emily Gentry, the senior court. After four fantastic dances, Joel Valesquez and Sarah Kilfoy, Kevin McKinney and Aubrey Payne, and Jordan Hettinger and Jenna Sunyich were crowned Prince and Princess of their respective classes. Congratulations to our Winter Formal Court!

Food FaireFood FaireFood FaireFood Faire

The Food Faire took place on Monday, February 11th, sunny and open for food hunting. Clubs represented countries from our own USA to India to Taiwan to Egypt to France. Each club or group on campus took special care to give us a taste of a different ethnic food. Booths and food trucks lined the black top, providing students with plenty of choices. From apple pie to en-chiladas, we really got a glimpse at the international world! What a great way to end International Week!

Trabuco’s Best Dance CrewTrabuco’s Best Dance CrewTrabuco’s Best Dance CrewTrabuco’s Best Dance Crew

Trabuco's Best Dance Crew has officially taken center stage! Every Thursday two teams will be competing for the coveted title of Trabuco Hill's Best Dance Crew. Many teams signed up, but out of the fifteen, only eight (Fully Torqued, We are the ABG's, Mitchell Dixon's Team, Man Scape, Destiny Grandchildren, the GILFS, Korean Jesus, and Get Busy Committee) made it past the preliminary tryouts. The first round began right as the snack bell rang and within a few minutes, the whole quad was filled with practically the entire school. First up was Man Scape and after a hilarious round of dancing, We are the ABG's performed their own sassy number. Our unbiased judge determined--based on the crowd's vote--Man Scape was the winner of this round. Tune in next week for another head-to-head, or rather, foot-to-foot, round of TBDC!

Page 14: March April 2013 Pony Express

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 Page 14

ASB in Action ASB in Action ASB in Action ASB in Action

By Snehal Chitalia Sophomore President

International WeekInternational WeekInternational WeekInternational Week

During the first full week of February, Trabuco Hills High School students got the opportunity to experience many different cultures from throughout the world during International Week! With one activity or event per day, the school had lots of fun watching Polynesian dancers, an African dance performed by Tra-buco’s very own dance production, a memora-ble college signing day, and a super interesting cultural fashion show! The following Monday, students rushed out to the black top to sample foods from a variety of countries during the Food Faire! From boba to pasta, the students loved what they ate! The week was enjoyed by many, and the students can’t wait for interna-tional week next year!

Got Spirit? DanceGot Spirit? DanceGot Spirit? DanceGot Spirit? Dance

Friday, March 22nd is the much antici-pated Got Spirit? Dance! Taking place on the blacktop on the last day of Trabuco’s Showdown of the Grade Levels week, it is the perfect way to end the last Got Spirit? Day of the year! The much loved DJ, Kris P, known for his great music and sets, has already gotten the kids ex-cited! Each student is allowed to bring two students from another school as long as the Trabuco student bringing them has purchased a ticket too. With kids from all different schools allowed, in addition to the wonderful sea of colors at the dance, this is one day none of the students can wait for!

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Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express Page 15

Are you interested in trying out for the Associated Student Body spirit team for the next school year? Stop by the ASB room to pick up an application. ASB elections will take place from April 8th to April 11th. Voting will take place from April 9th to April 11th. If you’re not one for elections, you may still try out for an appointed position; interviews are held after elections. Even if you’re not run-ning, get out there and vote for your fa-vorites!

ASB in Action ASB in Action ASB in Action ASB in Action

By Mezu Ukah Junior President

Winter Sports RallyWinter Sports RallyWinter Sports RallyWinter Sports Rally

The Winter Sports Extended Snack Rally took place on January 17th. This year’s theme was “Music Makes the World Go ‘Round”. Mustang sports teams com-peted against each other in dancing to various genres of music,such as country (Girls’ Water Polo), Soul/R&B (Girls’ Basketball), and 90’s boy-band (Comedy Sportz). Teachers judged the dances based on originality and choreography. The Backstreet Boys based Comedy Sportz team took the win, along with the grand prize of $100. Congratulations, Comedy Sportz!


Showdown of the Showdown of the Showdown of the Showdown of the Grade LevelsGrade LevelsGrade LevelsGrade Levels

Trabuco Hills’ Showdown of the Grade Levels Assembly will take place Friday, March 22nd. The Got Spirit tallies are running close with a neck-in-neck com-petition for first between the juniors and seniors. The assembly will finally settle the year-long rivalry. All four grade levels will dance, play games, and root for their class, all to the theme of Greek mythology. Sign-ups for the dance and game are available in the ASB room.

Spirit Team 2013Spirit Team 2013Spirit Team 2013Spirit Team 2013----2014201420142014

“In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be

thankful for those peo-ple who rekindle the

inner spirit.”

~ Albert Schweitzer

Page 16: March April 2013 Pony Express

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 Page 16

ASB in Action ASB in Action ASB in Action ASB in Action

By Stephen Montgomery Senior Class President

Got Spirit #5Got Spirit #5Got Spirit #5Got Spirit #5

This was a Got Spirit? day to go down in the history books. This was the fifth and final Got Spirit? day before the battle of the grade levels and it took place on February 22nd. This Got Spirit? day was different because of the hype that was built beforehand. The day before the juniors decked the entire school with green using balloons and green streamers to show their spirit. They also were stand-ing at all entrances to the school with signs reading “take down the seniors”. In response to this, the next day the sen-iors covered the school in blue, their class color. The stage was set for a very spirited day. Going into the sprit day jun-iors where trailing 200 spirit points behind the seniors. But as the points and coins started to flow in they began to catch up to the seniors and eventually over took them ending the day with a 360 point lead. Now it all comes down to battle of the grade levels where any grade has a chance to win and take first place— so good luck and GO BLUE Mustangs.

Mr. MustangMr. MustangMr. MustangMr. Mustang

Once again this year, ten strapping young men are going to star in Trabuco Hills annual Mr. Mustang Mangeant.

These are the ten young men who will all be competing for the title: Brett Hayes, Steven Garland, Mike Perry, Henry Yin, Austin Switzer, Pearce Haldeman, Miles Todd, Ben DePerry, Jordan Cipolla, and Justin Brewer. The Mangeant consist of four stages; first answering questions of why they are manly, then swimsuit wear, formal wear and fi-nally a showcase of their talent. A panel of judges, who are usually THHS teachers, will choose the winner. This year the Mangeant will take place on the 15th of March in the theater at THHS. Mr. Mustang is always a fun time and is hilarious to watch—so remember to get your ticket before we sell out because they will sell fast. Tickets are $5.00 each. And, as always GO BLUE Mus-tangs.

MasterDrive Program for MasterDrive Program for MasterDrive Program for MasterDrive Program for New Drivers / ParentsNew Drivers / ParentsNew Drivers / ParentsNew Drivers / Parents By Linda BoudBy Linda BoudBy Linda BoudBy Linda Boud

The PTSA hosted a New Driver/Parent Seminar on January 31. MasterDrive provided a two hour program with important facts and tips to a full capacity crowd of 240. Everyone in attendance re-ceived a free ($200 value) class-room driver’s course. Surveys were collected afterward and the comments reflected a desire for more opportunities to at-tend this seminar, and to require all our students attend.

Mr. M




Senior Day 2013

Thursday March 28th in the Quad 11 AM—2 PM

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Traabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 17

What Up? What Up? What Up? What Up? Some MotivationsSome MotivationsSome MotivationsSome Motivations By Julia Mihaylov, [email protected] Student Newsletter Associate

“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in

yourself, do not go out and look for a successful

personality and duplicate it.” ~ Bruce Lee

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” There’s that question. It has been asked for longer than we all care to remember. However, the only difference is, now we have to answer it. Most of us still do not know what we want to do, and a vast majority of peo-ple figure out what they want after they go to college. Life is full of decisions, just as long as we make the ones we want, our happiness will come along with it.

Doing what we want already gives us advantages. En-joying what we do gives us the drive to prevail and climb the ladder of success. Things always seem easier when we have fun doing them. Choosing a career is an important decision to make, however, if we take into account all of the contributing factors that lead to our individual success, we have already begun our path to prosperity. Perhaps we have that natural talent in math, or English, or chemistry; however, just because we have a special talent for something, does not mean we need to build our lives around it. Being a star chemist is wonderful; but, if we do not enjoy chemistry, there

is no point in pursu-ing a career in it. We have to make sure we choose something we enjoy, not just some-thing we’re good at.

We must know what we want to do, but we also must understand that sometimes life takes unexpected turns, causing us to change our perspectives. If we have had the same idea for so long, it is hard to just let that idea go. Although sometimes, that is exactly what we should do. Some-times we may not know why, but everything happens for a reason, and perhaps what walked into our lives came in to change what we were originally headed for.

“I believe that everything happens for a reason.

People change so that you can learn to let go, things

go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're

right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust

no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall

apart so better things can fall together.”

~ Marilyn Monroe

Do not hold onto things so tightly. Every now and then our direction may be altered. Be open to new ideas, new people, and new opportunities; we never know when our fate will change.

Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

If you are considering a college or university after high school, you know how expensive it can be.—especially when you take into consideration that many schools in California are almost impossible to gradu-ate from in four years. In-state tuitions have climbed and often attending an out-of-state school is even more prohibitive. But that may not always be the case. There are over 150 schools in the west from the Dakotas to the Pacific that participate in the WUE (Western Undergraduate Exchange) program offering in-state tuition to out-of-state students plus 50%. Some even guarantee graduation in four year or a tuition that won’t in-crease during your studies there. Each school offers different plans and not all schools accepts all WUE ap-plicants. Admission requirements vary by school, along with majors available, but all that information is online and easy to access. All applications for the WUE program must be made at the same time you apply to the school. Go to and follow the links to find out which schools offer the program and what majors they accept as part of the program. This program is offered to both freshman and transfer-ring students, depending on the school, so look at the website, select states you are interested in, your major and all your answers will be there. Go to search schools and/or search majors.

Page 18: March April 2013 Pony Express

SVUSD SVUSD SVUSD SVUSD Board of Board of Board of Board of Education Education Education Education MeetingsMeetingsMeetingsMeetings

March 12March 12March 12March 12

April 9, April 9, April 9, April 9,

May 14May 14May 14May 14

6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM 6:30PM

SVUSD Board SVUSD Board SVUSD Board SVUSD Board RoomRoomRoomRoom

Join PTSA TODAYJoin PTSA TODAYJoin PTSA TODAYJoin PTSA TODAY It’s NOT too late It’s NOT too late It’s NOT too late It’s NOT too late

It is not too late to support our students and school by joining the THHS PTSA this year. Your membership is valued and an important part of what we do and are able to do. When you join PTSA you support many important pro-grams the PTSA provides, as well as helping our advocacies efforts in Sacramento, locally and nationally for children and their educations. Without your membership, it becomes harder for the PTSA to continue providing these programs. Membership Matters—NOW More than Ever!

• Challenge Day • Mini-grants to Teachers & Classrooms pro-

viding science supplies, computers, subscrip-tions, paper, library books and more

• Teacher breakfasts, luncheons • Educational programs for parents & students • Reflections, a national arts appreciation and

recognition program

• And much more– Join for only $15!

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 page 18

Don’t miss the LastDon’t miss the LastDon’t miss the LastDon’t miss the Last THHS PTSA MeetingsTHHS PTSA MeetingsTHHS PTSA MeetingsTHHS PTSA Meetings March 18, 2013March 18, 2013March 18, 2013March 18, 2013 7 PM in the MPR7 PM in the MPR7 PM in the MPR7 PM in the MPR

***Vote at our Election for the ***Vote at our Election for the ***Vote at our Election for the ***Vote at our Election for the 2013201320132013----14 PTSA Board 14 PTSA Board 14 PTSA Board 14 PTSA Board April 15th & June 3April 15th & June 3April 15th & June 3April 15th & June 3 Get Informed, Join PTSA,

Buy Discount Cards, Adopt a Book for our library, find out about

upcoming events

Let your voice be heard!Let your voice be heard!Let your voice be heard!Let your voice be heard! • Student Leader & ASB Reports

• Committee Reports • Grad Night Information

Congratulations to the sports teams that made

it to the CIF Championship games!

• Boys Basketball • Girls Basketball • Girls Water Polo

• Wrestling We are so proud of

your perform-ances and success!!!

PTSA 2013PTSA 2013PTSA 2013PTSA 2013————2014 2014 2014 2014 Slate of Officer Slate of Officer Slate of Officer Slate of Officer NomineesNomineesNomineesNominees

for March Electionfor March Electionfor March Electionfor March Election

President—Rachel Ward Exec. Vice President—Lisa Semon Treasurer—Vanessa Braaksma

VP Membership—Michelle Rachmacher VP Ways & Means—Diane Williams VP Student Leader—Josh Nuzzo VP Advocacy—Larry Hausner Auditor—Kim Saavedra

Financial Secretary—Nicole Cassens Recording Secretary—Suzann Gastreich

Historian—Linda Boud

**If you would like to nominate someone from the floor at the March meeting when the elec-tion is held, you may do so then, but all nomi-nees must be THHS PTSA members for at least a month to qualify. Anyone voting must

be a current PTSA member as well.

**Appointed positions will be advertised after the elections if you are interested in chairing a committee. Look for more info in upcoming newsletters & daily announcements.

Page 19: March April 2013 Pony Express

Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express page 19

Courtesy of the Fourth District Legislative Team

Governor Brown has proposed a 2013-14 state budget that would increase revenues for public education and radically change the way schools in California are funded.

School districts would receive $11,742 per student, a $337 increase from the current year and $1,315 more than the previous year. Total Prop. 98 funding would rise to $56.2 billion, a $2.7 billion increase over the 2012-13 year.

California K-12 education is funded through a complex process, with a different formula for each school dis-trict in the state. The Governor proposes to replace this outdated system with a “local control funding for-mula” (previously called a “weighted student for-mula”). Revenue limits and most categorical funds would be replaced with a statewide per student base amount. School districts would receive an additional 35 percent for students who are low income, English learners or in foster care, and districts with more than 50 percent of such students would receive an additional “concentration factor” of 35 percent per designated stu-dent. Spending decisions would be made by school dis-tricts, not individual schools. Districts would be re-quired to get input from teachers, parents and commu-nity members.

Supplemental funding would be provided to lower class sizes in Kindergarten through third grade and to pro-vide career technical education classes in high school. Several programs would be excluded from consolida-tion within the new funding formula, including special education, the After School Education and Safety Pro-gram, child nutrition and home-to-school transporta-tion.

Gov. Brown says this new formula would mean more control, flexibility and accountability at the local level.

It would increase revenue transparency and ensure that resources are allocated to meet student needs. All school districts would be required to adopt an annual District Plan for Student Achievement showing how they will use state funding to improve schools, benefit low-income students, English learners and foster chil-dren, and implement Common Core Standards.

The new system would be implemented gradually over the next seven years to assure that districts do not suf-fer severe budget cuts due to the reallocation of fund-ing. The governor’s budget proposal includes $1.6 bil-lion to begin moving districts to a “target base rate” as part of this transition.

The Governor’s budget also includes plans to begin repaying the $10.4 billion owed to schools. This debt was built up during the past five years when the state deferred payments to school districts, requiring them to borrow money or reduce spending to make ends meet. The passage of Prop. 30 allowed the state to repay $2.2 billion of that debt and the Governor proposes to repay an additional $1.9 billion in the next fiscal year. This would put the state on track to pay off the entire debt by 2016-17.

The Governor’s most controversial idea may be his plan to dedicate most of the new Prop. 39 revenue to schools and to count that as part of the Prop. 98 mini-mum funding guarantee. Approved by voters in No-vember, Prop. 39 changes the way multistate corpora-tions are taxed and requires half of the resulting reve-nue increase to be spent on clean energy projects for the first five years. Gov. Brown would dedicate all of this funding ($450 million in 2013-14 and $550 million per year after that) to school districts and community college districts on a per student basis, regardless of local needs for clean energy projects. The Legislative Analyst’s Office says this contradicts the provisions of both Prop. 98 and Prop. 39.

All of these proposals must now be considered by the state Assembly and Senate, which will develop their own versions of the budget. The state Constitution re-quires the budget to be ready for the governor’s signa-ture by June 15.

SVUSD Board Meeting

March 12, 2013 6:30 p.m.

Advocacy ActionsAdvocacy ActionsAdvocacy ActionsAdvocacy Actions

By Larry Hausner Legislative/Advocacy Rep [email protected]

Page 20: March April 2013 Pony Express

DONATION BIN: We have a donation bin in con-junction with Community of Change. Please donate your old clothing, towels, blankets, sheets, rags, purses and shoes! All textiles will be accepted. The PTSA will receive a dollar back for every 50 pounds of donations collected. The bin is located on the Santa Margarita Pkwy side of the school near the ten-nis courts, on the road that leads to the front of the school. You can just pull up to the bin and drop off

your goods. Do it throughout the year!

SPREEBIRD—(formerly Screamin Daily Deals):

Want to get a great deal on food, entertainment, mas-sages, hair care and more? Check out Spreebird! You will get about 3 deals per day from local busi-nesses. Purchase your deal, print the coupon and en-joy savings up to 70%! Sign up on the PTSA web-site, or, choose THHS PTSA as your school to support! It’s free and our school is

entered in a 100K giveaway based on new sign ups.

KEY TO SAFE DRIVING: Protect your teen from texting & talking on their cell phones while driv-ing! It does allow your teen access to 911 and parents in case of an emergency. The device is $95.00 and

can be purchased from the PTSA website.

ITALIAN ICE: Sold every Thursday from 2pm to 4pm in front of the school. Cost is $3.00 per cup and

supports PTSA. Yummy, too!

RECYCLING: Drop off your used printer cartridges, laptops, digital cameras, and cell phone—broken or otherwise in the of-fice recycle box. If you know a business that would donate their old recycles, we can pick them up. Email Brenda at [email protected]

for info.

RALPHS & E-SCRIP: Go to the PTSA website at and sign up your Ralphs Club Card or Vons/Pavilion’s card with the Ralphs Community Contribution Program and/or EScript program. It’s easy and a percentage of all your purchases will go back to the school/PTSA. It costs no money and doesn’t take away from your own rewards. Don t wait! Do it today. Families can raise thousands of

dollars this way, but not if you don’t sign up.

SIMON’S AUTO BODY, INC: When you go to have your car fixed at Simon’s and mention the Tra-buco Hills PTSA, he will donate 10% of the total bill back to our PTSA! The shop is at 23551 Commerce

Center Dr., Laguna Hills, 949-951-5265.

Eat Out and Help our School Eat Out and Help our School Eat Out and Help our School Eat Out and Help our School

Join students, families and faculty to make our restaurant fundraisers successful. Be sure to print and bring a flyer

before you go. You can find flyers before the event on the Daily Announcements in PDF form to download and print, pick one up at the office or print the flyer on page 21, be-fore you leave to eat. A percentage of your purchase will go towards purchasing paper and soft supplies for teachers and classrooms. Our March restaurant is Peppino’s and our April restaurant (Tuesday, April 23rd) will be at Chili’s in Foothill Ranch.

Tuesday, March 19th, 4 —9 PM

Peppino’s, 26612 Town Center Drive,

Foothill Ranch 949-951-1210 Dine in or Take Out Go to page 21 to print the flyer

How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?How Can YOU Help Support Our PTSA, Students & Teachers?

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 page 20

Purchase Our New Purchase Our New Purchase Our New Purchase Our New THHS PTSATHHS PTSATHHS PTSATHHS PTSA Community Discount CardCommunity Discount CardCommunity Discount CardCommunity Discount Card & & & & SAVE SAVE SAVE SAVE

every day on Food, Car Services, every day on Food, Car Services, every day on Food, Car Services, every day on Food, Car Services,

Activities, Salons and much moreActivities, Salons and much moreActivities, Salons and much moreActivities, Salons and much more!!!!

31 31 31 31 Vendor discounts to use every day until the end of August 2013. Earn your money back after just one purchase in many cases!!! Email

Diane at [email protected] OR Brenda at [email protected]

for info &/or to buy a card. today. Help PTSA help our students, teacher & school and SAVE!

50% OFF50% OFF50% OFF50% OFF

At Open At Open At Open At Open


Page 21: March April 2013 Pony Express

page 21 Trabuco Hills High PTSA Pony Express

Join us at Chili’s

in Foothill Ranch

Tuesday, April 23

A percentage of everything you buy will go back to the PTSA

where it is used to purchase paper and soft supplies for the class-rooms. Please help support our

school, teachers and students. Eat out, invite your family, friends, & neighbors to join you, but be sure to remember you flyer. They will be in the office and in the Daily announcements the week before

this event. Thank YOU!

Go to and sign your Ralphs Club card up in their

community partnership program to support the Trabuco Hills High

PTSA. Funds raised through this program help us pay for Challenge Day and our Mini-Grant Program.

It costs nothing! And it really brings a lot of needed money to

our most popular school programs.

The THHS Grad Night committee thanks Tim Craven and Baja Fresh, for their dona-tion to the Grad Night scholarship fund. You are AMAZING! Thank YOU!

Page 22: March April 2013 Pony Express

Mark Your Calendar...Mark Your Calendar...Mark Your Calendar...Mark Your Calendar... • March 12-13 Sophomore CAHSEE testing (California High School Exit Exam)

• March 13 Sophomore Parent Night, Theater, 7 PM

• March 18 PTSA Association Meeting 7 PM *Election

• March 22 Got Spirit ? Dance

• March 25 Collaboration Day

• March 27 Minimum Day ***OPEN House

• April 1-5 Spring Break—Enjoy!!! (March 28th is no longer a vacation/furlough day)

• April 8 Collaboration Day

• April 15 PTSA Association Meeting 7 PM

• April 22 Collaboration Day

• May 6 Collaboration Day

• May 18 PROM at Arroyo Trabuco 8:30—11:30 PM

• May 20 Collaboration Day

• May 27 Memorial Day—NO SCHOOL (May 28th is no longer a vacation/ furlough day)

• June 3 Collaboration Day

PTSA Association Meeting 7 PM * Proposed 2013-2014 PTSA Budget

• June 14 Senior Cruise

• June 19 Graduation, 7 PM in the THHS stadium

Grad Night, 9:30-10 PM Check in @ Tennis courts—Bring Student ID

Trabuco Hills High

March / April 2013, Volume 3, Issue 4 page 22

Grad Night Volunteer Helpers NeededGrad Night Volunteer Helpers NeededGrad Night Volunteer Helpers NeededGrad Night Volunteer Helpers Needed

Please Help! We need non-senior parent

Volunteers, too!!!

• Check– In 8:30—11 or 11:30 PM • Bus Loading Helpers • Set Up 7:30—8:30 PM • Chaperones—9 PM—6 AM • Event Photographers—throughout the evening • Check—In security • Line Organizers 9—11 PM

Car Wash Helpers and Chair—Help seniors in need earn money for Grad Night. Students that just want to help will earn community service hours. Parents needed, too, including a Chair person. This is a great way to help seniors at our school who need support.

Donate Water

Goodie Bag Assembly—500-600 bags for grad night….costume party favors.

Donate gift cards for senior raffle and Casino

prizes. Restaurants, I-tunes, college supplies, Target, Amazon, Gas cards, theme parks, movie passes, al-most anything!

Help work at the Grad night table on Fridays be-tween 9:30-10:45 AM (snack) taking payments, writ-ing receipts, answering questions, recruiting car wash helpers, checking seniors to verify payments, etc.

For information about volunteering, please email Andrea at [email protected]