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Lyman Reunion 2013

Lyman Reunion 2013

Mar 22, 2016



Tanja Olson

A photo book of the Almon P. and LaRee Lyman family reunion at Lake Siskiyou Resort & Camp, July 26-28, 2013.
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Lyman Reunion 2013

Lyman Reunion 2013

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The Almon P. & LaRee Lyman

Family Reunion at

Lake Siskiyou Resort & Camp July 26-28, 2013

edited by Tanja Olson

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Facing page: top left: Lydia & Dyllan (Ben) Lyman. This page, top left: Jennifer & Joshua Hamilton (Ryan) setting up camp; top right: Jessica & Zac Hamilton (Troy); bottom left: Jennfier & Taylor Hamilton (Ryan); bottom right: Krissy & Troy Hamilton

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Facing page: Allee Crosby, Allee Hamilton, Sara Crosby (three generations). This page, top left: Emma (Ed) & Elizabeth (Kip) Mavy; top right: Kyla & Marissa Mavy (Ed); bottom left: David Mavy (Jason); bottom right: Rachel (Jason), Krista (Ed), Emma (Ed) & Elizabeth (Kip) Mavy.

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Facing page: clockwise from top left: Ed, Sheila, Ariana (Ed) & Elizabeth (Kip) Mavy. This page, top left: Jason Mavy; top right: Aaron, Kaitlyn, Christopher Mavy (Jason); bottom left: a rainbow over camp; bottom right: Aaron Mavy (Jason)

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Facing page: Cooking the salve, clockwise from top: Zac Hamilton (Troy), Joy Olson, JoAnn Shane, Krissy, Lauren & Jessica Hamilton (Troy). This page, top left: Spencer Barrow (Kaley’s boyfriend) and Kaley Jones; top right: Jill Saari, Allee Hamilton, Tina Lyman; bottom left: Elizabeth Mavy (Kip); bottom right: Adriana Lilla & Tanja Olson.

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Facing page, clockwise from top left: Justin & Trevor Jones, Elijah & Isaac Hughes, Logan Jones. This page, top left: Weston & Sara Crosby; top right: Taylor, Morgan, Riley, Ryan & Jennifer Hamilton; bottom left: Allee Crosby; bottom right: Jessica, Zac, Easton & Krissy Hamlton (Troy).

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Facing page, left: Spencer Barrow & Trevor Jones; top right: Christopher Mavy (Jason); bottom right: Emma Mavy (Ed). This page, top left: Spencer; top right: Spencer & Justin Jones; bottom left: Christopher Mavy; bottom right: Logan, Christopher & Elijah in the boat.

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Emily holding Adelynn Lyman (Jason); Dyllan Lyman (Ben) with the fish he caught in the lake.

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Louis Lyman (Ben); Melody Lyman (Ben).

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Facing page: Ryan Hamilton, Ed & Krista Mavy. This page, top left: Elijah Hughes; top right: Elijah Hughes & Logan Jones; bottom left: Spencer; bottom right: Logan & Elijah.

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Facing page: Elizabeth & Amy Lyman (Kip). This page, top left: Charlotte Hughes; Amy, Kip & Elizabeth Mavy; bottom left: Isaac Hughes; bottom right: Lake Siskiyou.

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Facing page: Lake Siskiyou and Mt. Shasta. This page, left: Thomas Hughes; top right: Charlotte Hughes; center right: Kip & Elizabeth Mavy; bottom right: Marissa Mavy (Ed), Kelsey Jones & Kyla Mavy (Ed).

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Facing page: Chris Mavy & Charlotte Hughes. This page, top left: Aaron Mavy (Jason); top right: Thomas & Charlotte Hughes; bottom left: Kyle Lyman (Aaron); bottom right: Thomas Hughes

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Facing page: Mark Cinquini (Katie), Melody & Dyllan Lyman (Ben). This page, top left: Elizabeth & Kip Mavy; top right: Ben & Tami Lyman and kids; bottom left: Kyla Mavy (Ed) & Kelsey Jones; bottom right: Charlotte Hughes & Elizabeth Mavy (Kip).

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Facing page: Our picnic site at the edge of the lake. This page, top left: Ruth & David Mavy (Jason); top right: Rachel Mavy (Jason); bottom left: JoAnn Shane; bottom right: Thomas Hughes.

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Facing page: Morgan Hamilton (Ryan) and Adriana Lilla. This page, top left: JoAnn Shane, Carolyn Mavy; Top right: Charlie, Allee, Sara & Weston Crosby; bottom left: Jill & Jason Saari; bottom right: Jason Mavy & Jason Saari.

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The Saaries: Jason, Jill, Ethan, Jordan ducking down, Brandon & Ashton.

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Top left: Tina & Adelynn Lyman (Jason); top right: Vanessa, Charlotte, Thomas Hughes; bottom left: JoAnn’s grandsons decorated her hair with pine needles; bottom right: Kyla & Marissa Mavy (Ed) & Kelsey Jones.

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Facing page: Kyla Mavy (Ed) & Adriana Lilla. This page: Melody Lyman (Ben), Marissa Mavy (Ed), Weston Crosby.

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Facing page: Ruth Mavy (Jason), Joy Olson and our picnic site. This page, top left: Trevor Jones; top right: Krista Mavy (Ed); bottom left: Katie Cinquini & Prudence Lyman (Jason); bottom right: Thomas & Charlotte Hughes.

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Three Generations: Zac, Troy & Alan Hamilton

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Top left: Adriana Lilla; Top right: Marissa Mavy (Ed), Justin & Trevor Jones; bottom left: Kelsey Jones; bottom right: Charlotte & Vanessa Hughes.

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Facing page: Carrina Jones & Charlotte Hughes. This page, top left: Adriana Lilla, Weston & Allee Crosby; top right: Christopher Mavy (Jason), Isaac Hughes, Aaron & Kaitlyn Mavy (Jason); bottom left: Vanessa & JaShon Hughes; bottom right: Mark & Katie Cinquini, Tina Lyman.

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Facing page: Clockwise from top left: Adrianna Lyman (Aaron), Ella Hamilton (Kevin), Prudence (Jason), Lydia (Ben), Louis (Ben) & Ian (Jason) Lyman. This page, top left: LaRee Hamilton (Kevin); top right: Ian (Jason) & Kyle (Aaron) Lyman; bottom left: Adriana Lilla & Adelynn Lyman (Jason); bottom right: Lydia, Kyle, & Louis Lyman, Ella Hamilton.

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Facing page: Charlotte Hughes. This page: top left: Adriana Lilla holding Melody Lyman (Ben), Emily & Adelynn Lyman (Jason); top right: Elizabeth & Kip Mavy; bottom left: Louis Lyman (Ben); bottom right: Ian Lyman (Jason).

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Facing page: clockwise from top left: Allee Crosby’s many faces; Lydia (Ben), Kyle (Aaron) & Louis (Ben) Lyman. This page: Melody Lyman (Ben)

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Facing page: David (Jason) Mavy & Thomas Hughes. This page: top left: Ruth & Jason Mavy; top right: Fred Jones & Kip Mavy; bottom left; Emily & Adelynn (Jason) Lyman; bottom right: Ed Lyman & JoAnn Shane.

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Facing page: Jordan, Jill, Ethan, Jason, Ashton & Brandon Saari, JoAnn Shane. This page: Tanja & Joy Olson, Adriana Lilla.

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Back row: Rachel, Ruth, Jason, Sheila, Ed, Chris, Carrina & Fred Jones, JaShon Hughes. Middle row: Kaitlyn, Emma, Marissa, Kyla, Carolyn, Kaley & Trevor Jones, Amy, Elizabeth, Kip; Elijah, Vanessa & Charlotte Hughes. Front row: Aaron, Christopher, David, Ariana, Krista, Emma; Logan, Justin, Kelsey Jones; Isaac & Thomas Hughes.

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Ed Lymans

Back row: Tami, Ben, Tina, Ed, Katie & Mark Cinquini. Middle row: Dyllan, Lydia, Adrianna, Georgia, Adelynn, Emily, Jason. Front row: Ian, Prudence, Louis, Kyle, Melody.

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Back row: Kevin, Zac, Troy, Krissy, Ryan, Charlie Crosby, Alan. Middle row: Carina, Easton, Lauren, Jessica, Jennifer, Taylor; Weston, Allee & Sara Crosby; LaRee and Allee. Front row: Ella, Riley, Morgan, Maren, Joshua.

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LaRee & Almon’s Children

Carolyn Mavy, Joy Olson, Ed Lyman, Allee Hamilton, JoAnn Shane

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LaRee & Almon’s Grandchildren

Back row: Ben Lyman; Kevin, Troy & Ryan Hamilton; Jason & Ed Mavy; Front row: Tanja Olson, Jason Lyman, Sara Crosby, Katie Cinquini, Vanessa Hughes, Kip Mavy, Carrina Jones, Jill Saari.

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Grandchildren & Spouses

Back row: Ben & Tami Lyman, Carina & Kevin Hamilton, Troy & Krissy Hamilton, Georgia (Aaron) Lyman, Ryan & Jennifer Hamilton, Katie & Mark Cinquini, Ed & Sheila Mavy, Fred & Carrina Jones, Ruth & Jason Mavy, Jill & Jason Saari. Front row: Charlie & Sara Crosby, Jason & Emily Lyman, Tanja Olson, Amy & Kip Mavy, Vanessa & JaShon Hughes.

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Hamilton Grandchildren

Back row: Zac, Easton, Josh, Morgan, Taylor, Jessica, LaRee. Front row: Ella, Weston Crosby, Riley, Maren, Lauren, Allee Crosby.

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Troy Hamiltons

Troy, Lauren, Krissy, Jessica, Zac, Easton

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LaRee & Almon’s Great-Grandchildren

Back row: Brandon, Ashton on Jordan Saari; Zac & Easton Hamilton; Ian Lyman; Josh, Taylor, Morgan, LaRee & Jessica Hamiton; Charlotte Hughes; Kelsey Jones; Marissa Mavy; Kaley, Justin, Trevor Jones; Adriana Lilla holding Adelynn Lyman. Middle row: Dyllan holding Melody Lyman; Ethan Saari, Easton Hamilton, Emily Mavy, Allee Crosby, Lauren & Maren Hamilton; Elizabeth, Kyla, Kaitlyn & Rachel Mavy; Logan Jones, Elijah Hughes, Adrianna Lyman; Front row: Riley Hamilton; Emma, David, Ariana & Krista Mavy; Isaac Hughes, Aaron Mavy, Ella Hamilton, Thomas Hughes, Weston Crosby; Lydia, Prudence & Louis Lyman; Chistopher Mavy, Kyle (& Georgia) Lyman.

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Kidney Scars

Chris Mavy, Ed Mavy, Troy Hamilton, Ben Lyman, Kevin & Ryan Hamilton

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Facing page, clockwise from top left: Kaley Jones, Taylor Hamilton (Ryan), Kyla Mavy (Ed), Ariana Mavy (Ed), Joy Olson, Marissa Mavy (Ed). This page, left, top to bottom: Jason Mavy, Ben Lyman & Kevin Hamilton. Right: Tina & Ed Lyman.

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Emily (Jason) Lyman holding Adelynn, Tina Lyman, Carolyn Mavy

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Top left: LaRee (Kevin) & Allee Hamilton; top right: Carolyn Mavy, Charlotte Hughes, Elizabeth & Amy (Kip) Mavy; bottom left: Rachel & Elizabeth Mavy; bottom right: Elizabeth (Kip) & Rachel (Jason) Mavy.

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Facing page: Kevin & LaRee Hamilton; this page, top left: Jordan Saari; top right: Joshua Hamilton looking down about the rain; bottom left: Tami Lyman; bottom right: Rachel Mavy, Elijah Hughes, Spencer Barrow; Kaley, Logan & Justin Jones.

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Facing page: Out in the rain: Trevor & Kelsey Jones; Krista, Ariana, Kyla Mavy; Justin Jones and Marissa Mavy. This page, top left: Ian Lyman (Jason); top right: huddlying under an umbrella; bottom left: Carolyn Mavy; bottom right: Krissy Hamilton and Krista Mavy.

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Facing page: Jason, Kaitlyn, Ruth, Aaron & Christopher Mavy. This page, top left: Prudence (Jason) Lyman, Katie Cinquini; top right: LaRee (Kevin) Hamilton; bottom left: Tina & Prudence Lyman; bottom right: waiting out the rain under the canopy.

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Facing page: Thomas, JaShon, Charlotte & Vanessa Hughes. This page: top left: Emma (Ed) Mavy, Kelsey Jones; top right: waiting out the rain under the canopy; bottom left: Elizabeth, Kip, Carrina & Amy; bottom right: waiting out the rain under the canopy.

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Facing page: Adrianna (Aaron) Lyman & Adriana Lilla tending the fire at Ben Lyman’s campsite. This page, Kyle (Aaron) Lyman. Right: the fire at Ben Lyman’s campsite.

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Facing page: Justin Jones, Spencer Barrow, Trevor Jones, Aaron, Emily, Kaitlyn, Rachel (Jason) Mavy. This page: top left: Justin Jones; top right: Elizabeth (Kip) Mavy; bottom left: Louis Lyman (Ben); bottom right: Lake Siskiyou.

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Women’s Walk: facing page: Tanja Olson, Adriana Lilla, Jill Saari, Carrina & Kelsey Jones. This page, top left: Adriana Lilla and the river far below; top right: Tanja Olson & Adriana Lilla; bottom left: Jill Saari; bottom right: garbage decaying in the woods.

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Adriana Lilla, Carolyn Mavy, Joy Olson, Jill Saari, Carina & Kelsey Jones

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Some flora and fauna captured by Kelsey Jones and Tanja Olson on the Women’s Walk.

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Facing page, clockwise from top left: Prudence (Jason) Lyman; Adrianna (Aaron) & Adelynn (Jason) Lyman; Adrianna & Prudence; Lydia (Ben) & Adelynn; Adelynn & Tami (Ben) Lyman. This page: clockwise from left: Melody (Ben), Tina, Kyle (Aaron), Ed, Jason, Ian (Jason), Louis (Ben) Lyman.

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Facing page: Trevor Jones. This page: Logan Jones, Prudence & Ian Lyman (Jason).

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Facing page: Melody (Ben), Ian & Prudence (Jason), Louis (Ben), Adrianna & Kyle (Aaron) Lyman. This page, top left: Melody Lyman; top right: Georgia (Aaron), Ian, Prudence, Louis & Melody & Adrianna Lyman; bottom left: Ed, Emily holding Adelynn, Adrianna Lyman; bottom right: Louis, Prudence & Kyle Lyman.

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Lyman Reunion 2013

Lyman Reunion 2013