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Bracket Installation Manual

LS CS M 026 Bracket Installation Manual[1]

Dec 11, 2015



Alejandro Duran

instalación de sensores laser
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Page 1: LS CS M 026 Bracket Installation Manual[1]

Bracket Installation Manual

Page 2: LS CS M 026 Bracket Installation Manual[1]

LS-CS-M-026 Bracket Installation Manual

Page 2 Version 0 Released: 02/07/2008

DDooccuummeenntt SSttaattuuss Document Reference Code: LS-CS-M-026 Version: 0 Released: 02/07/2008

DDooccuummeenntt RReevviissiioonn HHiissttoorryy Date Version Summary of Change 02/07/2008 0 New manual

CCooppyyrriigghhtt IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn "Lazer Safe", "LZS", "LZS-003", LZS-003-SS4", "LZS-003-SS6", "LZS-003-HS", "PCSS" and "Press Control Safety System" are trademarks of Lazer Safe Pty Ltd.

The content of this manual is supplied for informational use only, is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Lazer Safe Pty Ltd. Lazer Safe Pty Ltd assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors, inaccuracies or omissions that may appear within this publication.

Copyright in this documentation is owned by Lazer Safe Pty Ltd. No part of this document may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic, or mechanical including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems) without the written permission of Lazer Safe Pty Ltd.

Lazer Safe's copyright in this document is protected by Australian copyright laws (including the Copyright Act 1948 (Commonwealth)) and by international copyright treaties.

© 2005-7 Lazer Safe Pty Ltd. All rights reserved.

Page 3: LS CS M 026 Bracket Installation Manual[1]

LS-CS-M-026 Bracket Installation Manual

Page 3 Version 0 Released: 02/07/2008

TTaabbllee ooff CCoonntteennttss 1 About This Manual ........................................................................................4 1.1 Document Organisation .......................................................................................................... 4 1.2 Document Objectives.............................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Related Documentation .......................................................................................................... 4 1.4 Guide to Notes, Cautions and Warnings ................................................................................. 4 1.5 Obtaining Technical Assistance .............................................................................................. 4 2 General Overview .........................................................................................5 3 Bracket models .............................................................................................6 3.1 Vertical brackets ..................................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Horizontal adaptors ................................................................................................................ 7 3.2.1 General purpose bracket conversion ..............................................................................................7 4 Bracket selection ..........................................................................................9 4.1 Vertical bracket selection ....................................................................................................... 9 4.2 Horizontal adaptor selection and mounting position ............................................................. 9 5 Before you start ..........................................................................................13 5.1 Components .......................................................................................................................... 13 5.2 Additional components ......................................................................................................... 15 5.3 Tools required ....................................................................................................................... 15 6 Horizontal adaptor installation ...................................................................16 6.1 End mount straight and off-set............................................................................................. 16 6.2 General purpose straight and off-set.................................................................................... 16 7 Vertical bracket installation........................................................................17 7.1 Fitting vertical bracket to end mount horizontal adaptors................................................... 17 7.2 Fitting vertical bracket to general purpose horizontal adaptors.......................................... 17 7.3 STD 610 & 730 mounting plate............................................................................................. 18 7.3.1 Mounting plate assembly ............................................................................................................18 7.3.2 Fit the mounting plate to the vertical bracket................................................................................19 7.4 LITE 380 & 500 integrated mounting plate .......................................................................... 19 7.4.1 Integrated mounting plate assembly ............................................................................................19 7.5 Cable installation .................................................................................................................. 20 7.5.1 LITE 380 & 500 .........................................................................................................................20 7.5.2 STD 610 & 730..........................................................................................................................21 7.6 Metric adjustment guide decal ............................................................................................. 23 8 Bracket operation and maintenance ...........................................................24 8.1 Locking handle...................................................................................................................... 24 8.2 Latch mechanism .................................................................................................................. 24 8.3 Bracket maintenance ............................................................................................................ 24

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LS-CS-M-026 Bracket Installation Manual

Page 4 Version 0 Released: 02/07/2008

11 AAbboouutt TThhiiss MMaannuuaall This chapter contains information about this manual, containing the following elements:

• Document Organisation • Document Objectives • Related Documentation • Guide to Notes, Notice and Cautions • Obtaining Technical Assistance.

11..11 DDooccuummeenntt OOrrggaanniissaattiioonn This manual is organised into the following chapters:

1. About This Manual (this chapter)

2. General Overview

3. Bracket Models

4. Bracket Selection

5. Before You Start

6. Horizontal Adaptor Installation

7. Vertical Bracket Installation

8. Bracket Operation and Maintenance

11..22 DDooccuummeenntt OObbjjeeccttiivveess This manual provides information about the installation of brackets systems for Lazer Safe LZS Series of press brake operator guarding systems.

11..33 RReellaatteedd DDooccuummeennttaattiioonn This manual should be used in conjunction with the following documents:

• Technical manual reference guides for the related LZS Series guarding system • Quick reference guides for the related LZS Series guarding system

11..44 GGuuiiddee ttoo NNootteess,, CCaauuttiioonnss aanndd WWaarrnniinnggss

Note This symbol indicates helpful information that helps you make better use of your Lazer Safe product.

Caution This symbol alerts you to situations that could result in equipment damage

Warning This symbol indicates danger or a situation that could cause bodily injury.

11..55 OObbttaaiinniinngg TTeecchhnniiccaall AAssssiissttaannccee For technical support contact your supplier or email [email protected] detailing your specific requirements.

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LS-CS-M-026 Bracket Installation Manual

Page 5 Version 0 Released: 02/07/2008

22 GGeenneerraall OOvveerrvviieeww The Lazer Safe bracket system is designed for mounting the Lazer Safe Series of press brake guarding systems to the press brake. The bracket system consists of a pair of adjustable vertical brackets and horizontal mounting adaptors. The horizontal mounting adaptors are fixed to the upper beam of the press brake to provide a mounting point for the vertical brackets. The laser transmitter and receiver units of the Lazer Safe guarding system are fitted to mounting plates located at the bottom of each vertical bracket. The bracket system allows the laser transmitter and receiver to be adjusted to different positions to suit various tool sizes. It also provides stability and minimises vibration on the guarding system when the machine is in operation. The high level of adjustment accuracy in the bracket linear bearing ensures precise alignment of the laser transmitter and receiver is maintained throughout the entire adjustment range of the brackets. The bracket system is supplied in a number of options for both the vertical bracket and the horizontal adaptor to suit most applications. This manual provides information for the assembly and installation of each bracket system.

Vertical bracket

Horizontal adaptor

Laser Transmitter




Upper beam

Figure 1

Warning When installing the bracket system care must be taken to ensure sufficient clearance between the brackets and any other part of the machine that may present a trapping hazard and potential injury.

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LS-CS-M-026 Bracket Installation Manual

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33 BBrraacckkeett mmooddeellss There are four vertical bracket models and three horizontal adaptors available in four configurations. These can be used in various combinations to suit most press brake applications.

33..11 VVeerrttiiccaall bbrraacckkeettss The four vertical brackets available are LITE 380, LITE 500, STD 610 and STD 730. Refer to Table 1 and Figure 2 for details of each model.

Linear bearing and

rail for accuracy and


Free sliding mechanism

Locking clamp and handle for

quick adjustment

Latch mechanism to hold bracket

clear during tool change

Enclosed housing for cable and terminal


Horizontal adjustment


Vertical adjustment


LITE 380 x x x - - 20.0mm 244.0mm

LITE 500 x x x - - 20.0mm 354.0mm

STD 610 x x x x x 40.0mm 348.0mm

STD 730 x x x x x 40.0mm 468.0mm

Table 1

Vertical bracketSTD 610STD 730

Vertical bracketLITE 380LITE 500

Figure 2

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33..22 HHoorriizzoonnttaall aaddaappttoorrss There are three types of horizontal adaptor available and provide four different mounting options. The required horizontal adaptor will depend on the mounting position on the upper beam of the press brake. The horizontal adaptors include End mount straight, End mount off-set and General purpose (can be configured for straight or off-set application). Refer to Figure 3 and Figure 4.

Figure 3

General purpose straight

General purposeoff-set

Figure 4

3.2.1 General purpose bracket conversion The general purpose bracket can be configured for either straight or off-set application. The general purpose bracket is supplied as standard in the straight configuration. To convert the bracket to the off-set configuration, simply unscrew and remove the flange from the end of the bracket and fix it to the opposite end (refer to Figure 5).

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Figure 5

Note There are two versions of the general purpose horizontal bracket available to suit either the STD or LITE vertical brackets. The mounting position for both versions is the same and only the flange component is different to suit the STD or LITE bracket.

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44 BBrraacckkeett sseelleeccttiioonn When selecting a vertical bracket system you must ensure that the bracket option allows sufficient clearance for tool change and sufficient vertical adjustment range to suit the tools that will be used on the machine. Vertical brackets are available in various lengths for both STD and LITE versions.

44..11 VVeerrttiiccaall bbrraacckkeett sseelleeccttiioonn

For LZS-003, LZS-003-HS & LZS-004 Laser transmitter and receiver Vertical adjustment

range Horizontal adjustment range

Maximum punch height*

STD 610 348.0mm 40.0mm 309.95mm STD 730 468.0mm 40.0mm 429.95mm LITE 380 244.0mm 20.0mm 205.95mm LITE 500 354.0mm 20.0mm 315.95mm

Table 2

For LZS-005 Block Laser transmitter and receiver – Guarding only model

Vertical adjustment range

Horizontal adjustment range

Maximum punch height*

STD 610 348.0mm 40.0mm 313.0mm STD 730 468.0mm 40.0mm 433.0mm LITE 380 244.0mm 20.0mm 209.0mm LITE 500 354.0mm 20.0mm 319.0mm

Table 3

For LZS-005 Block Laser transmitter and receiver - Angle Confirmation model Vertical adjustment

range Horizontal adjustment range

Maximum punch height*

STD 610 348.0mm 40.0mm 294.0mm STD 730 468.0mm 40.0mm 414.0mm LITE 380 244.0mm 20.0mm 190.0mm LITE 500 354.0mm 20.0mm 300.0mm

Table 4

* Note – Maximum punch height This is an approximate guide only as dimensions will vary depending on the guarding system laser to punch distance setting that is configured by the machine manufacturer for OEM systems or by the installer during installation of a retrofit system. The listed dimensions are applicable only when the horizontal adaptors are mounted to allow minimum clearance. Listed dimensions are based on horizontal adaptors manufactured and supplied by Lazer Safe. Punch height refers to overall height of the tool. Refer to section 4.2.

44..22 HHoorriizzoonnttaall aaddaappttoorr sseelleeccttiioonn aanndd mmoouunnttiinngg ppoossiittiioonn The following tables detail the minimum mounting position for each horizontal adaptor when used with various combinations of vertical bracket and guarding system transmitter and receiver. All dimensions are referenced from the top edge of the upper tool holder and include a 5mm clearance tolerance. This ensures that there is sufficient clearance for the upper tool to be removed from either end of the machine when the vertical brackets are locked in their upper most position.

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LS-CS-M-026 Bracket Installation Manual

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Note To maintain a symmetrical appearance the horizontal adaptors can be mounted at the same position. For example both A and B brackets can be mounted at the B position. This will allow sufficient clearance for both brackets and will keep the brackets level with respect to each other. Please note however that the A bracket will lose a small amount of vertical adjustment although this is suitable for most applications.


Mounting position for LZS-003, LZS-003-HS & LZS-004 Laser transmitter and receiver

STD 610 & 730 LITE 380 & 500 Minimum mounting position in mm Diagram A B A B End mount straight Figure 6 254.2 277.6 193.2 216.8 End mount off-set Figure 7 144.2 167.6 106.0 106.8 General purpose straight Figure 8 231.2 254.6 170.2 193.8 General purpose off-set Figure 9 121.2 144.6 60.2 83.8

Table 5

Mounting position for LZS-005 Block Laser transmitter and receiver – Guarding only model

STD 610 & 730 LITE 380 & 500 Minimum mounting position in mm Diagram A B A B End mount straight Figure 6 281.5 281.5 220.7 220.7 End mount off-set Figure 7 171.5 171.5 110.7 110.7 General purpose straight Figure 8 258.5 258.5 197.7 197.7 General purpose off-set Figure 9 148.5 148.5 87.7 87.7

Table 6

Mounting position for LZS-005 Block Laser transmitter and receiver - Angle Confirmation model

STD 610 & 730 LITE 380 & 500 Minimum mounting position in mm Diagram A B A B End mount straight Figure 6 298.5 298.5 237.7 237.7 End mount off-set Figure 7 188.5 188.5 127.7 127.7 General purpose straight Figure 8 275.5 275.5 214.7 214.7 General purpose off-set Figure 9 165.5 165.5 104.7 104.7

Table 7

Note The laser transmitter must always be mounted on the left side of the press brake and the receiver on the right.

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Figure 6

Figure 7

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Figure 8

Figure 9

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55 BBeeffoorree yyoouu ssttaarrtt Before commencing installation ensure that you have all the required components and tools.

55..11 CCoommppoonneennttss Refer to the following tables for a complete list of supplied components.

Vertical bracket kit for LITE 380 ID Component Product code Qty 1 Vertical bracket left 0018023100 1 2 Vertical bracket right 0018023200 1 3 TX/RX Mounting hardware

M6 nut (6) M6 locking nut (6) M6 flat washer (12)

0011170200 1

Table 8

Vertical bracket kit for LITE 500 ID Component Product code Qty 1 Vertical bracket left 0018023300 1 2 Vertical bracket right 0018023400 1 3 TX/RX Mounting hardware

M6 nut (6) M6 locking nut (6) M6 flat washer (12)

0011170200 1

Table 9

Vertical bracket kit for STD 610 ID Component Product code Qty 1 Vertical bracket left 0018022100 1 2 Vertical bracket right 0018022200 1 3 Mounting plate 0041010000 2 4 TX/RX Mounting hardware

M6 nut (6) M6 locking nut (6) M6 flat washer (12)

0011170200 1

5 Metric adjustment guide decal set – 1000mm 0036001900 1 6 Cable tie – 100mm x 2mm black 0038015000 6

7 Protective tubing for cable – 500mm 0041010300 2

Table 10

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Vertical bracket kit for STD 730 ID Component Product code Qty 1 Vertical bracket left 0018022300 1 2 Vertical bracket right 0018022400 1 3 Mounting plate 0041010000 2 4 TX/RX Mounting hardware

M6 nut (6) M6 locking nut (6) M6 flat washer (12)

0011170200 1

5 Metric adjustment guide decal set – 1000mm 0036001900 1 6 Cable tie – 100mm x 2mm black 0038015000 6

7 Protective tubing for cable – 500mm 0041010300 2

Table 11

Horizontal adaptor kit – end mount straight ID Component Product code Quantity1 End mount straight bracket 0019010800 2 2 Bracket accessories kit

M8 x 20mm socket head cap screw (4)M6 x 20mm socket head cap screw (4)

0019013000 1

Table 12

Horizontal adaptor kit – end mount off-set ID Component Product code Quantity 1 End mount off-set bracket 0019011000 2 2 Bracket accessories kit

M8 x 20mm socket head cap screw (4)M6 x 20mm socket head cap screw (4)

0019013000 1

Table 13

Horizontal adaptor kit – general purpose – suits LITE 380 & 500 ID Component Product code Quantity 1 General purpose bracket 0019010900 2 2 Bracket accessories kit

M12 x 50mm socket head cap screw (4)M6 x 20mm socket head cap screw (4) M8 internal tooth washer (4) M8 flat washer (4)

0019013100 1

Table 14

Horizontal adaptor kit – general purpose – suits STD 610 & 730 ID Component Product code Quantity 1 General purpose bracket 0019011600 2 2 Bracket accessories kit

M12 x 50mm socket head cap screw (4)M6 x 20mm socket head cap screw (4) M8 internal tooth washer (4) M8 flat washer (4)

0019013100 1

Table 15

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55..22 AAddddiittiioonnaall ccoommppoonneennttss Additional components may be required for some bracket installations. This may include items such as cable glands, cable ties, terminal strips, extension cables, conduit, etc. These items are not supplied with the bracket kits or LZS Series guarding systems and should be sourced separately.

55..33 TToooollss rreeqquuiirreedd Refer to Table 16 for a list of tools required for bracket installation. Please note that the listed tools are not supplied with any Lazer Safe bracket kits.

Item # Tools required for bracket installation 1 Electric drill 2 Drill bits and taps to suit M8 and M12 hole sizes 3 Wire cutters 4 Flat blade terminal screw driver 5 10mm open ended spanner 6 Metric Allen key set 7 Tape measure 8 Spirit level

Table 16

Warning Ensure that adequate body and eye protection is used during bracket installation where the use of power tools is required. Failure to do so may result in injury.

Warning While care is taken to remove all sharp edges during the bracket manufacturing process care should be exercised during installation when hands are placed inside the bracket cover.

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66 HHoorriizzoonnttaall aaddaappttoorr iinnssttaallllaattiioonn Refer to section 4.2 for the mounting position required for each horizontal adaptor. Drill and tap four mounting holes per adaptor as instructed.

Note When using the LITE 380 and LITE 500 brackets ensure the horizontal adaptor is positioned as close to the centre of the bending line as possible as the brackets have a limited amount of horizontal adjustment range once installed.

66..11 EEnndd mmoouunntt ssttrraaiigghhtt aanndd ooffff--sseett 1. Drill and tap four M8 mounting holes. 2. Secure the bracket to the machine with the supplied M8 x 20mm socket head cap

screws. 3. Check that the bracket is level then tighten the screws.

Figure 10

66..22 GGeenneerraall ppuurrppoossee ssttrraaiigghhtt aanndd ooffff--sseett 1. Drill and tap four M12 mounting holes 2. Secure the bracket to the machine with the supplied M12 x 50mm socket head cap

screws and M12 flat and internal tooth washers. 3. Check that the bracket is level then tighten the screws.

Figure 11

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77 VVeerrttiiccaall bbrraacckkeett iinnssttaallllaattiioonn The vertical brackets are supplied pre-assembled and only need to be fitted to the horizontal adaptors.

77..11 FFiittttiinngg vveerrttiiccaall bbrraacckkeett ttoo eenndd mmoouunntt hhoorriizzoonnttaall aaddaappttoorrss 1. Secure the vertical bracket to the horizontal adaptor with the supplied M6 x 20mm

socket head cap screws. 2. Check that the vertical bracket is level then tighten the screws.

Figure 12

77..22 FFiittttiinngg vveerrttiiccaall bbrraacckkeett ttoo ggeenneerraall ppuurrppoossee hhoorriizzoonnttaall aaddaappttoorrss 1. Secure the vertical bracket to the horizontal adaptor with the supplied M6 x 20mm

socket head cap screws. 2. Check that the vertical bracket is level then tighten the screws.

Figure 13

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77..33 SSTTDD 661100 && 773300 mmoouunnttiinngg ppllaattee When using the STD 610 & 730 brackets, mounting plates are used to attach the guarding system transmitter and receiver to the vertical bracket. They are also used to adjust and align the guarding system for correct operation. Refer to Figure 14 and Figure 15. If using the LITE 380 & 500 brackets then the mounting plate is integrated into the bracket and not supplied as a separate component. Refer to section 7.4 for assembly instructions.

7.3.1 Mounting plate assembly 1. Fit a M6 nut to each of the threaded posts on the top of the transmitter and receiver.

Make sure that each nut is fitted with equal spacing from the top of the transmitter and receiver housing. This will ensure quicker and more accurate adjustment of the guarding system.

2. Fit a flat washer to each threaded post. 3. Fit the mounting plates. 4. Fit a flat washer to each threaded post. 5. Fit and secure the mounting plates with the M6 locking nuts.

Figure 14

Figure 15

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7.3.2 Fit the mounting plate to the vertical bracket Once the mounting plates have been fitted to the transmitter and receiver the complete assembly is then fitted to the vertical bracket. 1. Loosen the rectangular nut on the mounting plate. 2. Slide the mounting plate into the groove on the bottom of the vertical bracket. 3. Secure the mounting plate by tightening the screw.

Figure 16

77..44 LLIITTEE 338800 && 550000 iinntteeggrraatteedd mmoouunnttiinngg ppllaattee The LITE 380 & 500 vertical brackets feature integrated mounting plates. The transmitter and receiver are fitted to each bracket as shown in Figure 17 and Figure 18.

7.4.1 Integrated mounting plate assembly 1. Fit a M6 nut to each of the threaded posts on the top of the transmitter and receiver.

Make sure that each nut is fitted with equal spacing from the top of the transmitter and receiver housing. This will ensure quicker and more accurate adjustment of the guarding system.

2. Fit a flat washer to each threaded post. 3. Fit the transmitter and receiver to the bottom of each bracket. 4. Fit a flat washer to each threaded post. 5. Fit and secure the transmitter and receiver with the M6 locking nuts.

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Figure 17

Figure 18

77..55 CCaabbllee iinnssttaallllaattiioonn After the mounting plates have been fitted to the vertical brackets the cables for the transmitter and receiver need to be installed. The cable installation procedure will vary depending on the type of cable supplied with the transmitter and receiver and the vertical bracket model used.

7.5.1 LITE 380 & 500 1. Place the cable along the flat side of the bracket.

2. Secure the cable with three cable ties.

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Transmitter/receiver cable

Secure cable with three cable ties

Figure 19

7.5.2 STD 610 & 730 1. Remove the terminal cover plate from the top of each vertical bracket

2. Fit cable gland to the hole on the lower end of the vertical bracket.

3. Insert the transmitter and receiver cables into the cable glands.

4. Slide the protective cable tube over the cable then place inside the back of the bracket cover.

5. Secure the protective cable tube and cable with the three supplied cable ties.

6. Fit a cable gland to the hole in the top of each vertical bracket

7. Insert the transmitter and receiver cables into the cable glands.

8. If an extension cable is required then a terminal strip can be used to terminate the main cable and the extension cable. Place the terminal strip in the cavity at the top of the bracket then replace the terminal cover plate.

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Secure protective cable tube and cable with three cable ties

Cable from transmitter or receiver enters the bracket via a cable gland

Cable exits the bracket via a cable gland

Protective cable tube

Terminal cover plate

Figure 20

Figure 21

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77..66 MMeettrriicc aaddjjuussttmmeenntt gguuiiddee ddeeccaall The STD 610 and STD 730 brackets are supplied with a set of metric adjustment guides. The guides are self adhesive and should be fixed to the inside front edge of each bracket. The guides can be used as a reference when adjusting the bracket vertical position and setting up the laser transmitter and receiver to various tool heights.

1. Trim the decal to suit the length of the bracket.

2. Peel off the decal backing and fix the decal to the inside front edge of the bracket. The marker on the bracket clamp is used as a reference point when adjusting the bracket vertical position. Refer to Figure 22.

Figure 22

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88 BBrraacckkeett ooppeerraattiioonn aanndd mmaaiinntteennaannccee The initial set-up of each bracket system will vary slightly depending on the guarding system that has been fitted. Refer to the appropriate guarding system technical manual and reference guides for set-up information.

88..11 LLoocckkiinngg hhaannddllee Each bracket features a locking handle and clamp assembly that is used to secure the bracket vertical position. The clamp assembly is designed so that a minimum amount of clamping force is required to hold the bracket in position. It is important that the handle not be over tightened as it is designed to break in order to avoid damage to the clamp assembly that can occur through excessive force. When operating the handle only a quarter to half turn is required to secure the bracket.

Warning When adjusting the bracket handle ensure that the bottom of the bracket is held firmly with your free hand to prevent the bracket from free falling when the clamp is released.

Caution Excessive force on the bracket handle will result in the handle breaking. Do not apply excessive force when operating the handle. The handle should only be operated by hand and the use of tools or implements to tighten the handle must be avoided.

88..22 LLaattcchh mmeecchhaanniissmm STD 610 and STD 730 brackets feature a latch mechanism. The latch is used to lock the bracket in the upper position during tool change. After tool change the bracket is unlatched and returned to its original position. The locking handle can then be adjusted and the bracket vertical position moved to suit the replacement tool if necessary.

88..33 BBrraacckkeett mmaaiinntteennaannccee The following maintenance procedure is recommended once every two months.

1. Using a soft cloth clean the linear rail and wipe away any grease and dirt that may have accumulated along the rail.

2. Apply a small amount of lubricant to the grease nipple of the linear bearing. The recommended lubricant is AS2-Shell.

3. Slide the bracket up and down several times along the full range of vertical movement.

4. Wipe away any excess lubricant.

5. Check that each bracket is level then tighten all mounting screws.