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Page 1: LISbonne #2
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CONTENTMeet the Head-Organisers 3

Through the eyes of a cheetah 4-5

Hitchhiking 7

GA pocket guide 10

Portuguese Village 10-11

(Don’t forget to have a look at the Committee articles)

Embrace the moment.

Enable this continent to live up to the true promise of its heritage.

Eat the whole of your food.

Alex and David

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João Moreira. Ana Nunes. These are the fabulous Head-Organisers of this 27th National Selection Conference of EYP Portugal. They’ve worked together for a couple of times; in fact, João was Ana’s Chair in her first EYP experience, how cool is that?!They are two nuclear members of this Session, as we wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for these two individuals. Of course this newspaper too wouldn’t be complete without an article about them. So, we decided to get to know them better, and here it is, the interview:Question: What is your best memory from the EYP?João: I have a lot of great memories from the EYP. One that is special for me was in the XXVth NSC of EYP Portugal, when I and other officials were in the attic of the hostel we were in, covered in blankets, just talking and telling horror stories to each other.Ana: My best memory from the EYP was when the President of my NSC announced that my committee had won a place at the International Session. Question: What was the funniest moment you had in the EYP?João: It was certainly in the International Session of Zagreb. We had a doppelganger competition and I won the prize because, at the time, I totally looked like Jesus.Question: What do you think of the Organising team of this Session?Ana: I’m really proud of this Session’s Organising team. They manage all of their tasks with greatness and although the Organisers are young in the EYP, they excel at their job.Question: What do you like to do in your free time?Ana: My greatest love is the EYP. I feel a huge bond with it; it is my work, my life and my passion. And ever since I’ve been in the Portuguese Board, I have

more reasons to love this project.João: I like attending musical festivals, travelling and playing musical instruments.Question: What is your biggest fear?Ana: It’s clowns, because of an incident that happened when I was about five at the circus.João: My biggest fear is death.Question: Have you ever cried during an EYP session? João: Yes, I had, just once, at my NSC as a delegate.Ana: I’m a very emotional person when it comes to the EYP, especially when it comes to listening ‘’Imagine’’ by John Lennon.Question: Describe the EYP in just one word.João: Unmatchable!Ana: Amazing.Question: What do you think about the other Head-Organiser?João: She’s just the most loveable person and she’s my baby. I will love her forever! <3Ana: I feel like João’s my other half. He is an amazing friend; he actually calls me ‘’Rebento’’ which means daughter. João is a calm person and he always calms me down. I could characterise him as my rock. I love him! <3The Organizers, when questioned about their Head-Organizers, unanimously replied that they were very affective, patient and hard working and even went further by saying that they are the best that they could have to guide them. In addition, the orgas added that they are like a really bonded family and that Ana and João are their parents. On a different note, the organisers explained how their job is really exhausting but yet brilliant and rewarding.

Speedy Gonzales and

by Solonas Karoullas and Gabriel Pais

Road Runner (beep-beep!)

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through the eyes

The small cub made his way out of the high grass and sluggishly dragged his feet on the hot savanna soil. Being away from his family for almost three days limited his chances for survival but that did not stop the little creature to give everything until he reached his goal of being reunited with his mother and siblings.

The watering hole was on the other side of the desert land so the cub started picking up pace. He sprinted through the open area which was filled with huge wildebeest and other threats which could have crushed him with their powerful horns and stomped on him with their mighty legs. The only thing that he could have done was run, which he did with bravery.

Once at the edge of

the water, the cub hastily submerged his head in the lake and drank until he was filled and then suddenly “flew off” to the nearest bush. Watching the newborn gazelles that were gazing a

few meters away from him, he waited. Waited for days in and days out, just periodically leaving his spot for some water. Almost four days after only feeding on the grass in front of him, he latched his blunt and not so pointy claws into one slow moving unsuspecting animal. This

would later become his meal which he enjoyed with fervor.

The cub afterwards courageously fled towards the north and continued on a constant path. He went straight through the high

grass and onto the lion territory which he was once afraid to even think of. The two adolescent lionesses were lying under a huge acacia tree when they spotted the little invader. This sparked a chain reaction which led from two relatively young and powerless lions prosecuting the cub to two

bulky territorial males. The cub rushed and scrambled through the unknown terrain to get away from the massive beasts behind him. Full with rage the lions tried to kill the little cub but fortunately with no success, finally stopping and letting him go.

“The cub rushed and scrambled through the unknown terrain to get away from the massive beasts behind him. Full with rage the lions tried to kill the little cub but...”

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by Solonas Karoullas

of a cheetah

Now exhausted and ready to give up every single hope, he gradually moved along the horizon. The cub run and stopped and run again until he saw the old place he called home. He had done it. Now relieving his feet from work it seemed that he was floating towards a high rock with trees providing shade and comfort. Once there he started crying for his family but with no success. He sat and waited and cried for his family

endlessly, until that small glimpse of a tail. The tail of his mother. He had made his way back to his family. The cub reached his goal!

Just like the cub, we, as people, all have goals in life. To fulfill these goals of ours we firstly need courage to step out into the world and never give up, as the cub did. Patience is also a true virtue when thriving to achieve goals as we need to wait for the perfect opportunities to take

a leap and go for our dreams. There will also be obstacles in the way that block our path to our destination but we must still keep going and even when the chances seem very slim for realizing our goals, we must always look ahead and never back. Be brave, be patient and be optimistic, and any goal you set will prove just a glimpse away as you will be unstoppable in achieving it.

“Patience is also a true virtue when thriving to achieve goals as we need to wait for the perfect opportunities to take a leap and go for our dreams.”

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What is the first thing that you would do, if you were an alien?

To the question above, the committee on Human Rights responded in many different ways but what could be observed was that the delegates always reflected their true humanistic sides.

Anna Margarita Rosa would invade the earth and destroy the planet. Cladudia Val-da-ea would explore the world, Anna Luisa Carvalho went even further by stating that she would

explore the universe and Andrea Negreicos would be looking down on the earth from the moon. João Domingos would also be travelling space and time to try and find other living organisms out there and Andrea Gespae would try to understand the mentality of other beings, specifically humans, using her intellectual brilliance. João Ferreira responded by stating that he would run as far from the USA as possible to avoid

being experimented on. One very interesting response was that of Lourenso Pricarra who explained that an alien could be any living organism of another planet. For example, a plant which breathes and reproduces could be classified as an alien. He then went on to say that if he were an alien who could feel pain and time, he would try to ignore and not perceive time so that he would be in peace.

by Solonas KaroullasDROI I


During the coffee break, Tomás de Almeida, Pedro Caseiro, Francisca Delgado, João Madeira, Beatriz Rodrigues, Manuel Ramos and Francisco, the awesome delegates from DEVE, told me that the best word to describe their chair, Roksolana Pidlasa, was “cherish” and that she’s letting them have their space, keeping away from them but being always ready to help, giving them the key to have independence. About teambuilding, there were two delegates that didn’t like it as much as the others, telling that it was a little childish and not comfortable, but we can explain - one of them is a hipster! Nevertheless, they think the best word to describe their team is

comfortable, a relaxed one. According to them, the key to the success in this EYP session is always being open to learn, not closing themselves but always with an open mind! Hence, they don’t have limits and they believe that they can be whatever they want to be, so the music they think that can describe themselves is “We are the World”.Then, it was the chair that had the floor and she considers her delegates “pure inspiration”!And remember: “We are the world, we are the children, we are the ones who make a brighter day so let’s start giving”!

by Isabel Vermelho

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pros & cons

What happens when you run out of money and you still have hundreds of miles between you and your destination? Do you simply stare at the ground and give up your lifelong dream to be where you always wished to be?

Dear friend, money isn't everything, you know? Look at your hands. Do you know how this fat finger is called? It's called the thumb. And when you point it skywards, wonderful things can happen. All you have to do is roll up your sleeves, stick your thumb up and patiently wait.

A few serial killings ago, hitchhiking was more than just a cheap way to travel. It was an enviable way of life! It meant letting yourself get caught in the wave and have the power to do nothing about it; just letting yourself be carried away and

don't think about what's going to happen next, because deep inside, you know you can pull it off.

Imagine these: You are on your way to Alaska. Your car breaks down, but you don't want your so expected journey to be over. You raise your thumb, you wait, and then a nice truck driver offers you a ride on the backseat. You talk

with him, instantly you have a new friend, easy as that! He drops you where you must take different routes, you wait again. A nice lady offers you a ride, front seat. You come in and she removes a Glock from her purse. Thank God this didn't happen!

Yeah, hitchhiking can be dangerous sometimes, and even if it is usually more of a risk for the "hitchhikiee" than for the hitchhiker, it is good to take some precautions and be alert.

Hitchhiking is a wonderful experience and everyone should give it a shot!

by Gabriel Pais

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For her, the best moment they spent together until now was ‘’the loud screaming in the teambuilding, it was really cool!’’... ARRGH!

So, what about the delegates? They are also a really warm-hearted group of interesting people, just like their Chair. When asked to describe their Chair in eight words, the answers were: Smart; Funny; Comprehensive; Gentle; Patient; Lively; Relaxed; Peaceful. So sweet! ‘’So, what makes Dorothea the best Chair in the

world?’’ I asked. They all agreed that what makes her a great Chair is the comprehensive side of her, and the ability to let them discuss on their own. She gave them the freedom they needed and she was always right there to help them.

Although they aren’t here for a long time, they say that ‘’being in the EYP is a unique experience because we can learn a lot, we can improve our communication and it’s a place where we can express our points of view freely’’.Nice group, huh?

This Committee, this brave Committee, is made of unique pieces of human paste. They are all very different. Let their Chair, Dorothea, be the one to show you!She was asked of who her delegates remind her of. She said:

(earrings) JOãO

DAVID EUNICE GONÇALO JOãO (with the glasses)


EMPL Iby Gabriel Pais


Q; Does the conference meet your expectations so far?A; Yes! We are impressed that we can actually all contribute to the solutions of a major problem. The best thing about the session? Most of us had never worked in a team before and now are really glad we can exchange opinions and no one is offended. Q; This is a National Selection Conference so we are obviously expect the delegates to be very competitive. How does that affect your committee?A; Most of us didn’t even know it was a competition when we originally applied! The teambuilding helped us break the ice. Now we really enjoy the fact that we are not afraid to disagree and have strong debates in the committee. We are not very competitive. Right now, we are focusing more on creating a strong and effective resolution. We don’t mind the competition. Q; Tell us something about your chair.

A; He is absolutely amazing! Seriously, we like him a lot. He knows what he is doing however, he is not being bossy. We guess he has been a delegate many times by now, however he doesn’t show off. Q: How would you describe the officials with one word? A: Banana crazy Q: Why is it called an eggplant when it does not have an egg inside of it?A: The person that discovered the vegetable must have been blind and just named the peculiar vegetable out of its egg shape.Q: What is the first thing that comes to your mind when I say the word: potato?A: My favorite dinner, Mr and Mrs Potato Head from Toy Story, Mutated potato circle formed at the start of any teambuilding game and Something that I could never live without.

by Marilena Saraidari and Solonas Karoullas

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AFET, you’re recogniSed!

During the coffee break, the Committee on Foreign Affairs shared some of their preferences and characteristics with us.

Maria Vitorino, Lourenço Cruz, Miguel Nascimento, Ricardo Peres, Inês Silva, Ricardo Ribeiro and Rui Beijinho are the awesome team of delegates. The surname of Rui, “Beijinho”, means “kiss” in English, a weird name from Évora!

The chair from AFET is the Turkish Erke Can Tellal, a great leader through his delegates’ perspective. It’s not difficult to believe because if we reconstruct carefully his name and think in

English, we can say that Erke is the all-mighty “yes, AFET Can”!

All the delegates told me that their first experience in EYP is being pretty amazing.

Even Miguel, who was a bit reluctant of teambuilding’s length, rapidly changed his opinion persuaded by his team arguments such as that teambuilding breaks the ice.

According to all of them, the key to success in this session is both organisation and discipline – things which don’t happen in Turkey and Syria...

Being part of a committee that deals with foreign affairs,

they promptly answered to the question: “What would you do to save the world?” with an enthusiastic “Stop all wars”!

Last but not least, it was time to describe their committee with a piece of music, even if it didn’t make any sense at all... Surprisingly, an awesome delegate just screamed out loud and said “The Number of the Beast!” from the heavy metal band Iron Maiden, and the others agreed (Erke just started a choreography of head-banging). Certainly, we can expect the best of these curious and metal heads in bringing peace to Syria.

by Isabel Vermelho and David TeruelAFET I


by Marilena Saraidari

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Once you are recognised to present your resolution, you are automatically responsible for many things. It is not only about passing the resolution or keeping the participants awake. You need to catch their attention. Here is some advice in order to present your resolution the best way possible as well as remain active when others have the floor.

1) The night before the GA, read the resolutions and make a note of all the comments you have. Don’t wait until the last minute to prepare questions and attack speeches.

2) Feel free to ask anything you don’t understand. That’s why we have the points of information.

3) Avoid reading out loud

directly from your papers. If you know what you are talking about, there is nothing to be afraid of. Speak normally, as if you were discussing with your fellows in committee work.4) You have probably heard this many times already but it is true; don’t panic. You have been discussing your topic for hours and hours; no-one knows the topic better than you do

5) Don’t try to impress the jury by showing off. Asking pointless questions in order to prove that you are an active delegate will only make your position worse.

6) Use the direct responses CAREFULLY! There is only one of them for every resolution.

7) Establish credibility. Use examples to clarify what you are

talking about.8) When someone asks you

a question, try to maintain eye contact with that person instead of looking at the walls or admiring the architecture of the building. Mind the body language as well.

9) Once you are asked straight questions, give straight answers. Don’t try to show that you are fully aware of the topic by using dozens of useless synonyms while speaking. You are only wasting time, so stick to your point. Moreover, referring to irrelevant information will only spoil the content of the discussion.

10) Chill out! After all, we are all here to have fun, so enjoy it as much as possible.

pocket guide to a successful ga by Marilena Saraidari

If you ever participate in an international Eurovillage, you will realise that Portuguese Village is one of really high standards; as the Vice-President, Dawid Durejko said, this one was probably the best he ever had because “The Portuguese food is very good and kind of addictive”. We can be proud of our gastronomy. The Portuguese Village is not just a part of an EYP session where you can eat and try all the gastronomy’s variety but it is also a moment when you can meet more deeply the officials, the delegates and you can also talk with the teachers of each school. As we could see, this was exactly what happened, the whole atmosphere between delegates and officials was great, all of us enjoyed it so much! Now, it’s time to talk about the main point of the Portuguese Village: food! Each school brought us an amazing variety of typical delicacies from each region. Starting with the school that is the

Portuguese villageby Francisco Santos and Isabel Vermelho

furthest from Lisbon, Secondary School Infanta D. Maria from Coimbra, we can say that the best on this table was “Queijadas”, really typical of this city.Then, we went to Évora’s school: André de Gouveia. The teacher Ana and Manuela proposed us “Pão de Rala”, some sweet bread really known in the area of Évora. And it comes from the 16th century when D.

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Sebastião was the king.The people from Jácome Ratton, a high school from Tomar, told us that their most typical dish was, translating in English, “kiss me quickly”, funny name actually. Moreover, “fatias de Tomar” should be tried as well! As in Coimbra, in Sintra, we have typical “queijadas de Sintra” which, according to the teacher Manuela from the Secondary School of Santa Maria, are the more attractive ones but “Travesseiros” aren’t less important. We have to say that this committee was representing, by using costumes, the tourists of Sintra. Great idea indeed!Dr. Ginestal Machado from the high school from Santarém, told us that we should try “Pampilhos”

and “Arrepiados”, both strange names, even for Portuguese.All the schools from Lisbon suggested trying “Pastéis de Belém” that are really good. The school Vergílio Ferreira also told us that the “pastéis de bacalhau” were also the best salty ones. Even though everything was delicious, we are still able to save some for the next coffee breaks. Sebastian distracted us with his guitar skills and the circle around him eventually moved outside. After seeing Mr President’s interpretation of nearly the entire body of the United Nations under the refreshing rain, we can finally called it a day. Two happy journos finished their edition and yet another day of the 27th National Selection Conference of the Portuguese sharks was over.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

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IMAGINE; BELIEVEThe committee was challenged

to invent its own religion. We reminded them that they have absolute freedom for this task. The creativity of what was said is something to be mentioned. They are not mere consumers of pop culture. In each one of them there is a small Tolkien just waiting to sprout.

“Fur Fur”. That`s the name of the wild demons that sparkle thunder throughout their world. Revering Thor, the light of the Pikachu sun blesses them. Now this is one electrical world we just got a glimpse of. Some others favoured a world created by fire, where this element is eternal. To add a nice twist, there are these midgets that go by the name of Frows. Once these creatures die,

the fire disappears with them. Two other delegates have come

up with a world pretty similar to the one depicted in “The pick of destiny”. For all of you music lovers out there, try and start singing instead of just speaking. In a place where all music stands as holy, silence sounds like death. The prophets are the great musicians that you know and love, such as Jimmy Hendrix and Eric Clapton. But there is one consensual figure: Slash’s strings are the ones that sound divinely.

There were also delegates that came out with their own philosophy. Believing in the truth and preaching of Judo, they persecuted the “way of smoothness”, as the Japanese word says. One of the delegates,

based on Nietzsche, sees himself as a god. Extending this idea, he mentioned Jacque Fresco and talked about a “resource-based economy”. Surely all of what they say will converge into one very strong motion.

Flávio pretty much sums it up. Believing in the magic of Harry Potter, in the diversity of the Lord of the Rings and in the power of one to use the force just like a Jedi Master, guitar solos play on the back of his head as he chairs the committee. Each own beliefs will be strained in the debate. Let’s hope they have enough faith to “carry the fire” and we will certainly have one of the most alive G.A. we have ever seen!

by Francisco Santos and Gabriel Pais LIBE


by Francisco Santos

- Diogo – Coimbra – Maths and Physics – Explaining something only he understands- Rui – Évora- Doesn’t know yet… About to win his second Champions League- Afonso – Coimbra – Economy – After solving another European economic crisis.- Maria do Carmo – Santarém – Healthcare System – Discovering the cure for AIDS.- Maria – Lisbon – Doesn`t know… Starring Vicky Christina Barcelona 2- João – Tomar – Studies Music – On his third World Tour- Ema – Lisbon – Lawyer – After creating the Global Court of Justice- Dinis – Sintra – Agronomy and engineering – managing the Ministry of Agriculture

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