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LinkedIn: Blue Is The New Black By Lisa Buyer

Jun 30, 2015


Social Media

From the SMX Social Media Marketing Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, November 18-20, 2014. SESSION: Connecting With Linkedin. PRESENTATION: LinkedIn: Blue Is The New Black - Given by Lisa Buyer, @Lisabuyer of @TheBuyerGroup. #SMX #23A3
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Page 1: LinkedIn: Blue Is The New Black By Lisa Buyer

Photo by citirecruitment - Creative Commons Attribution License   Created with Haiku Deck  

Page 2: LinkedIn: Blue Is The New Black By Lisa Buyer

@lisabuyer  Facts  I  Live  in  Celebra-on,  Florida      


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@lisabuyer  Facts  Balancing    PR+SEO+Social    since  2006  PR  since  1990  Clients  include:  

•  Public,  private  tech  startups,    real  estate,  health  and  wellness    and  other  agencies  

Favorite  hashtags:  •  #yoga    •  #sunsets  •  #surfing  



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@lisabuyer  Facts  

•  Tradi-onal  PR  background  •  Agency  owner  since  1996  

•  Author  of  Social  PR  Secrets  –  2nd  Edi8on  just  published!    

 •  Editor  of  SocialPRChat    •  Column  in  Search  Engine  Watch    •  Covers  trending  topics  and  news    related  to  Search,  Social  and    Public  Rela-ons  



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Page 6: LinkedIn: Blue Is The New Black By Lisa Buyer

Photo by clasesdeperiodismo - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by TheSeafarer - Creative Commons Attribution License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by Max Braun - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by clasesdeperiodismo - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by memebinge - Creative Commons Attribution License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Menu of Marketing Solutions

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Photo by Marc_Smith - Creative Commons Attribution License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by Great Beyond - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Numbered  lists  make  content  easier  to  consume  

Strong  language  creates  a  sense  of  urgency  

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Start  with  a  ques8on  or  quote  to  hook  your  reader  

Make  sure  the  image  is  relevant  and  adds  to  the  tone  of  the  post  

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Eliminate  the  intro  copy,  or  keep  it  fewer  than  150  characters  

Use  link  posts  to  op8mize  mobile  clicks  (make  sure  the  landing  page  is  responsively  


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Call  out  your  target  audience  directly  in  the  copy  

Ask  ques8ons  and  use  “you”  directly  to  your  target  audience  

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Rich  media  image  commands  aRen8on  in  the  news  feed  

Use  first-­‐person  language  and  include  a  clear  call-­‐to-­‐ac8on  

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Photo by stallio - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

Page 34: LinkedIn: Blue Is The New Black By Lisa Buyer

§  Copywriting Tips: §  Try opening with a question §  Directly address the audience you are

targeting §  Lists are easy ways to get a message

across succinctly, but use them sparingly

§  Direct users with clear call-to-actions §  Keep intro copy under <150 characters §  Edit & optimize titles and descriptions

§  Other Considerations: §  Links & Rich Media perform best §  Maximize relevancy with effective

targeting §  Consider A/B Testing with Direct

Sponsored Content

Content  Best  Prac8ces  

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Content Power Tips

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Content Power Tips

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Page 38: LinkedIn: Blue Is The New Black By Lisa Buyer
Page 39: LinkedIn: Blue Is The New Black By Lisa Buyer

Photo by kevin dooley - Creative Commons Attribution License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by Alex E. Proimos - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by sylvain kalache - Creative Commons Attribution License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Follow These Steps to Publish Success

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Photo by horrigans - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by Unhindered by Talent - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by NichoDesign - Creative Commons Attribution License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by renaissancechambara - Creative Commons Attribution License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by unloveablesteve - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by alexgamela - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by mason bryant - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Photo by RichGrundy - Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License   Created with Haiku Deck  

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Follow  on    TwiPer    @LinkedInmktg  @JasonMillerCA  

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Get Inspired!

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Top Performing Sponsored Updates North America Quarter in Review – Q3, 2014

§  LinkedIn’s Content Marketing Site

§  LinkedIn Marketing Solutions Blog

§  LinkedIn Marketing Solutions SlideShare Channel

§  LinkedIn’s Content Marketing Score & Trending Content Tools

Addi8onal  Resources  

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Key  Takeaways  

§  Keep your copy short and sweet unless you are teasing a longer story

§  Successful posts provide clear value oriented to helping professionals be more productive and successful: §  Helpful §  Informative §  Inspiring

§  Brands from all sizes & industries - Finance to Tech to Personal Care are producing high performing content. Professionals are consumers, too

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LinkedIn  Takeaways  u LinkedIn  is  the  largest  professional  network  in  the  world  

 u LinkedIn  caters  mostly  to  the  B2B  market    

 u Explore  all  the  marke8ng  solu8ons      u Get  visual  on  LinkedIn  and  take  advantage  of  SlideShare’s  

opportunity  to  publish  powerful  visual  presenta-ons  and  infographics  to  your  audience  

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LinkedIn  Takeaways  

u Visual  usually  works  best    

u  Image  and  Videos  work  well  on  mobile    

u Landing  pages  make  a  big  difference,  sending  people  to  homepages  typically  is  not  ideal    

u Social  paid  is  a  smart  way  to  amplify  awesome  content.      

u Social  paid  can  act  as  an  effec-ve  content  distribu8on  method    


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LinkedIn  Takeaways  u Community  Managers  can  power  up  with  LinkedIn  publishing  with  

the  help  of  key  employees  and  an  ac-on  plan    u Media  rela8ons!  Journalist  and  reporters  are  looking  for  story  ideas  

and  follow  Company  Pages  for  news!      

u Thought  leadership  can  be  enhanced  using  LinkedIn  as  a  content  publishing  plaXorm  and  increase  reach  with  paid  content    

u LinkedIn  Adver-sing  is  not  a  short  term  proposi8on    

u Things  change.  What  worked  last  year  may  not  work  this  year  

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Follow  me  @lisabuyer    Thank  you    Namaste!