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Lewisham Homes: STAR Customer satisfaction tracker – annual results 2019/2020 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report March 2016

Lewisham Homes: STAR Customer satisfaction tracker annual ...€¦ · Provide a regular picture of resident satisfaction with their homes and with the services Lewisham Homes provides

Sep 30, 2020



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Page 1: Lewisham Homes: STAR Customer satisfaction tracker annual ...€¦ · Provide a regular picture of resident satisfaction with their homes and with the services Lewisham Homes provides

Lewisham Homes: STAR Customer satisfaction tracker – annual results 2019/2020 Customer Satisfaction Survey Report March 2016

Page 2: Lewisham Homes: STAR Customer satisfaction tracker annual ...€¦ · Provide a regular picture of resident satisfaction with their homes and with the services Lewisham Homes provides

Customer satisfaction survey 2019/20 Prepared for: Lewisham Homes by: Acuity March 2020

Produced by Acuity Acuity Research & Practice PO Box 395, Umberleigh, Devon, EX32 2 HL Tel: 01273 287114 © Acuity Research & Practice Limited, Registered in England No. 3503391

Page 3: Lewisham Homes: STAR Customer satisfaction tracker annual ...€¦ · Provide a regular picture of resident satisfaction with their homes and with the services Lewisham Homes provides
Page 4: Lewisham Homes: STAR Customer satisfaction tracker annual ...€¦ · Provide a regular picture of resident satisfaction with their homes and with the services Lewisham Homes provides


1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2

2. Overall satisfaction with services ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4

3. The home ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

4. Neighbourhood ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13

5. Repairs and maintenance service .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15

6. Customer services ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21

7. Listening to residents ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 26

8. Environmental Services ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28

9. Recommending Lewisham Homes.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 33

10. Leaseholders ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36

11. Comparison with other landlords ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 39

12. Understanding overall satisfaction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 42

13. Change in satisfaction over time .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 45

14. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 47

Appendix 1 – Data tables

Appendix 2 – Questions

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1. Introduction Acuity was commissioned to undertake four quarterly telephone surveys of

Lewisham Homes’ residents per year to collect data on their opinions and

attitudes of their landlord and the services provided in 2019/20. Over the

last year, four surveys have been undertaken and collectively they provide

the full data for the financial year 2019/20. The question set is based on

HouseMark’s STAR questions for customer satisfaction surveys which have

been adapted to suit the requirements of the organisation. This report is

based on the combined annual data for the last four surveys for the period

April 2019 to March 2020.

1.1 About STAR

In July 2011, HouseMark launched STAR – a set of questions designed to

measure customer satisfaction in the housing sector. The approach ensures

social housing providers remain equipped with the means of comparing key

satisfaction results with other landlords and also provides a framework for

trend analysis.

1.2 Aim of the survey

The aim of the survey is to provide data on resident satisfaction, which will

allow Lewisham Homes to:

Provide a regular picture of resident satisfaction with their homes

and with the services Lewisham Homes provides

Identify the direction of travel with services and monitor the impact

of any service change

Carry out customer recovery with residents that have voiced

dissatisfaction, and

Inform decisions regarding service reviews.

1.3 Sampling frame and fieldwork

In 2019/20, every three months, residents were called and invited to take

part in a telephone interview. The survey is designed to collect the views of

approximately 380 residents per quarter, proportionately sampled by tenure.

A service level agreement is in place which includes a set of protocols for the

survey, for example, that no customer will be telephoned more than once in

any twelve-month period and also the hours and days-of-the-week during

which residents can be contacted.

The telephone survey is confidential and the results are sent back to

Lewisham Homes anonymised, unless residents give their permission to be

identified; 93% of tenants agreed to have their names attached to their

responses and, of these, 72% were happy for Lewisham Homes to contact

them regarding any comments or issues raised.

1.4 Survey design

The current telephone script comprises of approximately 25 questions and

takes around to 7 to 8 minutes to complete. A copy of the question set can

be found in Appendix 2.

1.5 Accuracy

For the overall results, HouseMark recommend that surveys of over 10,000

population achieve a sampling error of at least ±3% at the 95% confidence

level. This means that, for example, if 75% of residents answered ‘Yes’ to a

particular question, there are 95 chances out of 100 that the correct figure

for all residents – including those who did not respond – would be between

72% and 78%.

For Lewisham Homes approximately 380 customer interviews are carried

out each quarter. This response is high enough to conclude that any figures

quoted at this level are accurate to within ±5.0%. For 2019/20 a total of

1,520 residents have been interviewed in the last four quarters, accurate to

±2.4% at the 95% confidence interval.

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Also shown in the table are the margins of error for the main subgroups, the

areas of operation and age range. The table uses the information from the

original data file and some figures are missing, particularly for the tenant’s

age, but it does give a good indication of the margins of error.

Figure 1.1 Survey sampling, response and reliability (All tenants)

No of interviews Margin of error

Tenure group

















Tenants 12,200 245 980 +6.2% +3.0%

Leaseholders 5,200 135 540 +8.3% +4.0%

All residents 17,400 380 1,520 +5.0% +2.4%


North 6503 202 805 +6.8% +3.2%

South 5577 176 709 +7.3% +3.4%

Age 16-24 213 3 25 +56.2% +18.4%

Age 25-59 7925 185 754 +7.1% +3.4%

Age 60+ 3841 115 693 +9.0% +3.4%

1.6 This report

This report presents an analysis of the combined results for the four surveys

which took place in 2019/20. The end of year has also given the opportunity

to look at various subgroups. As well as the usual split of results between

tenants and leaseholders, the results have also been split by the main area of

operation, age group and gender of resident.

1.7 Notes to figures

Throughout this report, the figures show the results as percentages and base

numbers are also shown where appropriate.


The vast majority of figures throughout the report show the results as

percentages. The percentages are rounded up or down from two decimal

places in the data files to the nearest whole number, and for this reason may

not in all cases add up to 100%. Rounding can also cause percentages

described in the supporting text to differ from the percentages in the charts

by 1% when two percentages are added together. In some parts of the

report percentages may be expressed to one decimal place.

Excluding ‘not applicable’

In general, in line with the convention for satisfaction surveys, only valid

responses to questions have been included and all non-valid responses (for

example, where a response to a question has not been stated) have been

excluded. Responses such as ‘not applicable, ‘can’t remember’ or ‘don’t

know’ (where these were possible responses to questions) are also excluded

from the base in this report. Where these results are excluded this is noted

in the written comments and charts.

Comparison with other landlords

Throughout the report, and in particularly in section 11, the results from the

survey are compared with other social landlords who have completed similar

surveys. It should be noted, however, that Lewisham Homes chose to use a

four-point scale on most satisfaction questions, i.e. not giving ‘neither’ as an

option. This can have the effect of inflating both the satisfied and dissatisfied

results. Therefore, whilst this type of compassion is useful and has been

included for information purposes, strictly speaking they are not directly

compatible so should be interpreted with caution.

1.8 Acknowledgements

Our thanks go firstly to the residents of Lewisham Homes who took part in

the survey. We would also like to thank the staff of Lewisham Homes for

their assistance with the project, and our particular thanks go to Gareth

Mostyn for his help throughout the project.

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2. Overall satisfaction with services The following sections look at the results from the survey based on the

views of all residents at Lewisham Homes who were surveyed (general

needs, sheltered tenants and leaseholders). This section examines the overall

rating for services at Lewisham Homes and is often seen as the headline

figure in any survey. The findings are compared with the results from the

2016 and 2018 surveys; The results are also analysed by different subgroups

based on area and resident diversity.

2.1 Overall services

Three quarters of residents across the year (73%) are satisfied with the

services provided by Lewisham Homes, although the remaining 27% are

dissatisfied. Generally, in surveys of this type, leaseholders are less satisfied

than tenants and this is the case here; just 59% are satisfied with services

compared with 80% of tenants.

It is also common that sheltered tenants are more satisfied than general

needs tenants; this is also true for Lewisham Homes with 87% of sheltered

tenants satisfied compared with 80% general needs.

Figure 2.1: Satisfaction with services provided by Lewisham Homes

Change in satisfaction over time

Satisfaction with the overall services has been steadily rising over the past

few years. The rating for tenants for 2019 (80%) is 1% higher than in 2018

and 3% higher than 2016. Leaseholder satisfaction is the same at the end of

2019/20 as at the same time last year but this is 3% higher than in 2016.

Figure 2.2: Annual satisfaction with services over time

Comparison with other landlords

The comparison shown is for all tenants, section 11 will show the breakdown

with general needs and sheltered residents, but please note comment in

introduction about compatibility of results.

When the performance of Lewisham Homes (19/20) is compared with the

latest HouseMark Benchmarking data for London which is for 2018/19, the

rating for the overall services is in the top quartile, 6% above the median.

Figure 2.3: HouseMark London benchmarking – All tenants 2018/19




Lewisham Homes 80%

Upper quartile 80%

Median 74%

Lower Quartile 68%

73% 80% 87% 80%59%

27% 20% 13% 20%41%

Total (1520) General needs(943)

Sheltered (38) Tenants (981) Leaseholders(539)

Satisfied Dissatisfied

77% 79% 80%

56%59% 59%

2016 2018 2019

Tenants Leaseholders

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Further analysis

The end of the financial year sees the completion of four quarterly surveys

and gives the opportunity to look at the results for the year in a bit more

detail. Therefore, the results are shown in this annual report analysed by a

variety of different subgroups, these include the main area of operation, age

of resident and gender.

Area of operation

Lewisham Homes operates over two main areas, Lewisham North and

Lewisham South. There are a handful of properties outside these areas but

these have been ignored from this analysis.

Satisfaction with the services received is similar across the two areas with

those in Lewisham South (74%) marginally more satisfied than the residents

of Lewisham North (72%).

Figure 2.4: Satisfaction with services by area

The number of respondents from each area are shown in brackets on the chart.

Age of resident

Surveys of this type often show that satisfaction increases with age, however,

this is not the case on this measure for Lewisham Homes. The most satisfied

overall are, in fact, those aged 16 to 24 (84%) with those aged 25 to 59 and

60 and over both having 73% satisfied overall. However, the younger age

group only has a few respondents so care should be taken when considering

these results; there are also 48 residents who responded to the survey

whose age is unknown so have been excluded from this analysis.

Figure 2.5: Satisfaction with services by age range


Of those where the gender of the respondents is known, more are female

(622) than male (506). Satisfaction with overall services is fairly similar

between the genders, male residents (75%) being a little more satisfied than

female residents (73%).

2.2 Reasons for dissatisfaction

Residents who said they are dissatisfied with the overall service received

from Lewisham Homes were asked to say why. A total of 774 comments

were received throughout the year and around a third (31%) concern the

repairs service. The need for general improvement, better quality of work

and quicker repairs are the main suggestions for improvement but customer

contact is also clearly important, with some residents saying staff didn’t call

back, customer service was poor or staff were unhelpful.

Below shows the subject of these comments and the numbers of each, the

full text can be found in the accompanying data tables and in the on-line






Lewisham North(805)

Lewisham South(709)







Age group 16 - 24(25)

Age group 25 - 59(754)

Age group 60+(693)

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Figure 2.6: Main reasons for dissatisfaction with overall service

Figure 2.7: Breakdown of reasons for dissatisfaction with overall service

Comments No

Repairs and maintenance - 31%

Repairs service generally 68

Quality of repair work 23

Quicker repairs 17

Timescale to complete repairs 16

Had to keep reporting repair to get it fixed 14

Right first time 9

Finish off repair 8

Returning calls 8

Keep appointments 7

Ease of reporting repair 6

Improve contractors 6

Internal communication breakdown 6

Outstanding repairs 6

Gave up in the end and did the job themselves 5

Check repairs done, inspect work 4

Provide appointments, at the right times 4

Contractors damaged home/belonging 3

Did not clean up 3

Follow up works communication 3

Operative attitude 3

Some repairs not covered/rechargeable 3

Treat residents/belonging /homes with respect 3

Communicating appointment times 2

Did not turn up with right fittings 2

Insufficient job details shared with operatives 2

Missed appointment 2

Replace not repair 2

Contractors just turn up 1

More chargeable repairs services 1

Repairs not covered 1

Customer contact - 17%

Did not call /email back/have to keep chasing 21

Issue/problem not resolved/Enquiry not answered 19

Not very helpful or professional, rude staff 14

Poor customer service (general) 14

Complaints handling 11

Long time to get through / hard to contact 11

Poor call handling - kept on hold/passed around to different people 7

Don't keep promises 6

Did not call back/have to keep chasing 5

Repairs - 31%

Customer contact - 17%


- 8%

Tenant services - 8%

Estate maintenance -


Communications -6%

Neighbourhood problems - 5%

Planned works - 5%

Tenancy management

Other - 4% Other codes -2% Communal

cleaning - 1%

Gardening -1%Positive

comments -0%

Moving - 0%

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Respond to emails 5

Better customer care, customer service 4

Lack of knowledge 3

Respond to queries quicker 3

Don't answer phones 2

Staff don't communicate with each other 2

Accessibility e.g. of centres, offices 1

Be more understanding & honest, treat fairly 1

Did not know who to call/new numbers 1

Do not like automated system 1

Not taken seriously 1

Staff hung up on resident 1

Property condition - 8%

Damp problems 23

Poor property condition 16

External property maintenance 11

Carry out fire safety check 4

Problems with pests 4

Roof repairs 4

Need better property security 1

Need internal decoration 1

Subsidence 1

Tenant services - 8%

Service charge services not carried out/not properly explained 43

Poor caring company 9

Poor services generally 5

Help for older residents/health issues 3

Property adaptations needed, wet rooms etc. 3

Provide a decorating service/handyman service/window cleaning 1

Estate and grounds maintenance - 7%

Cleaning of communal areas 12

Maintenance/decoration of communal areas 12

Grounds maintenance - grass cutting/ gardeners 10

Fences and gates 6

Lifts (keep in good repair) 5

Estate services (general) 4

Drainage, flooding problems 2

Health and safety 2

Paths and driveways 1

Trees and hedges 1

Communications and information - 6%

Improve communication 15

Don't always consult or inform before acting 8

Keep tenants up to date with planned works timetable 7

Should listen more carefully/do not seem interested 5

More concerned with budgets than customers 3

Improve website 2

Views not acted upon/no feedback 2

More events, meetings 1

Planned works - 5%

New windows 14

Doors - internal or external, porch 6

Improvement works (Kitchens, bathrooms) 6

Planned works (general) 4

Central heating, better heating system 3

New roof 1

Refurbishment used poor quality fittings 1

Tenancy management – 5%

Rent issues, rent statements 9

Service charge too high/poor value 6

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Enforce tenancy agreement 4

Poor condition of property at letting 4

Overcrowding 3

Poor housing officer 3

Want to move, transfer 3

Property not suitable for needs 2

Rent too high / not value for money 1

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems - 5%


Car parking 7

Problems with noise from neighbours 6

Drugs related problems 5

Improved security, do not feel safe 3

Litter and rubbish 3

Problems with pests 3

Problems with neighbours (non-specific) 2

Dogs noise or fouling 1

Going downhill 1

Standard of tenant gardens 1

Other - 4%

Negative comment 17

Homeowners not treated same as tenants 5

Other 5

Homeowners not eligible for services 2

Shared owners have to cover all costs 1

Spent a lot of own money doing up property 1

Other codes - 2%

Problems with rubbish collection, areas, skips 9

Fly-tipping, disposal service for unwanted large items 2

Area for mobility scooter / storage generally 1

Communal cleaning - 1%

Poor cleanliness of communal areas 3

Poor quality of cleaning service 3

Cleaning needs to be done more regularly 2

Never seen anyone cleaning 1

No cleaning service when caretaker is on holiday 1

Rubbish accumulating in communal areas 1

Gardening - 1%

Neglected areas, grounds are a disgrace 2

Rubbish everywhere 2

Do not pick up leaves, cuttings 1

Fly-tipping 1

Grass cutting / gardening service not regular enough 1

Overgrown vegetation causing problems with pests 1

Poor maintenance of flower beds, empty flower beds 1

Positive comments

Cleaning & maintenance are good 1


Want to move 1

Total 774

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3. The home This section looks at the results from the survey based on the views of

Lewisham Homes’ residents in relation to the quality of the homes, which is

a key driver for tenants.

3.1 Overall quality of the home

A little under three quarters of tenants at Lewisham Homes are satisfied

with the overall quality of the home (72%). However, 28% are dissatisfied.

Sheltered tenants (84%) are more satisfied with their home than general

needs tenants (71%).

Figure 3.1: Satisfaction with the quality of the home for all tenants

Change in satisfaction over time

As Figure 3.2 demonstrates, satisfaction with the quality of the home has

remained fairly constant over the past surveys, being at 72% in 2016, up to

73% in 2018 and now back to 72%.

Figure 3.2: Annual tenant satisfaction with the quality of the home over time

Comparison with other landlords

When the performance of Lewisham Homes is compared with HouseMark

London averages, the rating for the quality of the home is 3% lower than the

average rating (75%) and falls into the third quartile.

Figure 3.3: HouseMark London benchmarking – All tenants 2018/19




Lewisham Homes 72%

Upper quartile 77%

Median 75%

Lower Quartile 69%

Area of operation

There is no difference in satisfaction with the home between the two main

areas of operation, 72% in each of the areas are satisfied with 28%


72% 71%84%

28% 29%16%

Total (980) General needs (942) Sheltered (38)

Satisfied Dissatisfied

72% 73% 72%

2016 2018 2019

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Figure 3.4: Satisfaction with the quality of the home by area

Age of resident

The satisfaction with the home increases with age, similar to other surveys.

There are 80% satisfied with their home in the 60 and over group compared

with 66% for the 25 to 59 group and 64% for the under 25s.

Figure 3.5: Satisfaction with the quality of the home by age range


The male residents (76%) are a little more satisfied with their home than

their female counterparts (71%).

3.2 Why not satisfied with the home

Two out of five comments about why they are not satisfied with their home

are linked to poor property condition (40%), with damp problems the top

reported issue.

A further 20% of comments mentioned major works with new kitchens,

bathrooms and windows needed, 19% are about the repairs service generally,

some complain of poor condition at letting and 4% linked to estate and

grounds maintenance.

Figure 3.6: Why residents are not satisfied with their home

Comments No

Property condition - 40%

Damp problems 72

Poor property condition 55

Need internal decoration 10

Roof repairs 10

Insulation needed 6

External property maintenance 5

Poor build quality 3

Problems with pests 3

Need better property security 2

Sound proofing 2

Carry out fire safety check 1

Subsidence 1

Planned works - 20%

New windows 38

Improvement works (Kitchens, bathrooms) 21

Central heating, better heating system 12

Doors - internal or external, porch 10

Refurbishment used poor quality fittings 4

New roof 2





Lewisham North(525)

Lewisham South(451)







Age group 16 - 24(25)

Age group 25 - 59(551)

Age group 60+(393)

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Repairs and - 19%

Repairs service generally 28

Quality of repair work 14

Outstanding repairs 10

Quicker repairs 6

Finish off repair 5

Follow up works communication 2

Improve contractors 2

Replace not repair 2

Right first time 2

Some repairs not covered/rechargeable 2

Contractors damaged home/belonging 1

Ease of reporting repair 1

Gave up in the end and did the job themselves 1

Had to keep reporting repair to get it fixed 1

Keep appointments 1

Missed appointment 1

Returning calls 1

Timescale to complete repairs 1

Tenancy management - 6%

Poor condition of property at letting 14

Overcrowding 7

Want to move, transfer 3

Property not suitable for needs 2

Estate and grounds maintenance - 4%

Maintenance/decoration of communal areas 6

Drainage, flooding problems 3

Lifts (keep in good repair) 3

Fences and gates 2

Grounds maintenance - grass cutting/ gardeners 2

Health and safety 1

Paths and driveways 1

Trees and hedges 1

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems - 3%

Litter and rubbish 4

Drugs related problems 3


Improved security, do not feel safe 1

Problems with neighbours (non-specific) 1

Problems with pests 1

Other - 3%

Negative comment 5

Other 4

Already commented in an earlier Q 1

Spent a lot of own money doing up property 1

Customer contact - 1%

Did not call /email back/have to keep chasing 2

Be more understanding & honest, treat fairly 1

Did not call back/have to keep chasing 1

Not taken seriously 1

Poor customer service (general) 1

Communications and information - 1%

Keep tenants up to date with planned works timetable 1

More concerned with budgets than customers 1

Visit us 1

Tenant services - 1%

Property adaptations needed, wet rooms etc. 2

Help for older residents/health issues 1

Poor caring company 1

Service charge services not carried out/not properly explained 1

Local facilities

Lighting, street lighting 2

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Positive comments

Like home, good condition 1

Repairs service 1

Other codes

Lack of understanding from decision makers 1

Problems with rubbish collection, areas, skips 1

Total 426

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4. Neighbourhood This chapter examines tenants’ views of their neighbourhood, in terms of

whether it is a good place to live. Lewisham Homes is committed to

providing a safe and attractive environment by building and strengthening

communities and working in partnership to improve neighbourhoods.

Satisfaction with the neighbourhood is high at 85% overall, and just 15% of

residents are dissatisfied with the neighbourhood.

Sheltered housing tenants (92%) are quite a bit more satisfied with their

neighbourhood compared with general needs tenants (84%) and leaseholders


Figure 4.1: Satisfaction with the neighbourhood for all residents

Change in satisfaction over time

There has been very little change in satisfaction for tenants with the

neighbourhood as a place to live over the last few years, 85% are satisfied,

1% higher than in 2018 but the same as in 2016. Leaseholders are a little

more satisfied, up 2% to 85% and satisfaction in now the same for both


Figure 4.2: Annual tenant satisfaction with the neighbourhood over time

Comparison with other landlords

When the performance of Lewisham Homes is compared with HouseMark

London averages, the rating for the neighbourhood is 6% higher than the

median rating (79%) and is in the top quartile.

Figure 4.3: HouseMark London benchmarking – All tenants 2018/19




Lewisham Homes 85%

Upper quartile 84%

Median 79%

Lower Quartile 74%

Area of operation

Satisfaction with the neighbourhood as a place to live is marginally higher in

Lewisham North (85%) than in Lewisham South (84%).

85% 84% 92% 85% 85%

15% 16% 8% 15% 15%

Total (1491) General needs(943)

Sheltered (38) Tenants (981) Leaseholders(510)

Satisfied Dissatisfied




83% 83%


2016 2018 2019

Tenants Leaseholders

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Figure 4.4: Satisfaction with the neighbourhood by area

Age of resident

The oldest age group are more satisfied than the younger groups; 87% of the

60 and over group are satisfied with their neighbourhood, with 82% of the 25

to 59 group satisfied and 80% of the under 25s.

Figure 4.5: Satisfaction with the neighbourhood by age range


The male residents (86%) are a little more satisfied with their neighbourhood

than the female residents (84%).





Lewisham North(793)

Lewisham South(692)







Age group 16 - 24(25)

Age group 25 - 59(743)

Age group 60+(675)

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5. Repairs and maintenance service Customer surveys almost universally find that satisfaction with the repairs

and maintenance service is the most important factor in determining overall

satisfaction with the landlord. This chapter looks at satisfaction with this key

service at Lewisham Homes and reports any differences in satisfaction over


5.1 Repairs and maintenance

The latest survey found that 69% of tenants are satisfied with the repairs and

maintenance service, with sheltered tenants (76%) more satisfied than

general needs (68%).

In terms of the repairs to communal areas, 47% of leaseholders are satisfied

with the service they receive, but this means, 53% are dissatisfied.

Figure 5.1: Satisfaction with repairs and maintenance service for all residents

Change in satisfaction over time

As the chart in Figure 5.2 shows, satisfaction with the repairs service has

changed little over the years with tenant satisfaction down a little (3% from

2018) but leaseholder satisfaction up (2% from 2018).

Figure 5.2: Satisfaction with repairs and maintenance service over time

Comparison with other landlords

Satisfaction with the repairs and maintenance service at Lewisham is higher

than the HouseMark average (3% higher) but a little below the top quartile

mark of 73% so is placed in the second quartile.

Figure 5.3: HouseMark benchmarking – All residents 2018/19




Lewisham Homes 69%

Upper quartile 73%

Median 66%

Lower Quartile 61%

68% 76% 69%


32% 24% 31%


General needs(926)

Sheltered (38) Tenants (964) Leaseholders(493)

Satisfied Dissatisfied



45% 45% 47%

2016 2018 2019

Tenants Leaseholders

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Area of operation

When looking at satisfaction with the repairs service by area for tenants,

those in Lewisham South (71%) are more satisfied than those living in the

Lewisham North area (66%); and consequently, fewer are dissatisfied.

As we saw above, fewer leaseholders are satisfied with the repairs service

they receive, albeit just for repairs to communal areas. There is less

difference between the areas with slightly more in Lewisham North satisfied

than Lewisham South, 48% compared with 46%.

Figure 5.4: Satisfaction with repairs and maintenance by area

Age of resident

Whilst the oldest tenant group are the most satisfied with their repairs

service, there are only 2% more satisfied than the under 25s. The 25 to 59

age group is the least satisfied (61%).

For the leaseholders, there is little between the groups, the older group

(48%) are slightly more satisfied compared with the 25 to 59 group (46%).

There are no leaseholders under 25.

Figure 5.5: Satisfaction with the repairs and maintenance by age range


Male residents both tenants (70%) and leaseholders (46%) are more satisfied

with the repairs service than female residents, 66% and 41% respectively.

5.2 How can Lewisham Homes improve its repairs service?

The tenants were asked to say why they are dissatisfied with the repairs

service and what could be improved. Below shows the subject of the 426

comments made and the number of comments recorded.

Issues with poor condition of their property is the most common reason for

dissatisfaction, with damp among the biggest problems. A number of tenants

want improvements to their property and the repairs service attracts 19% of

comments with better quality of work wanted. Some residents have also

used the opportunity to make comments about other issues relating to their









Lewisham NorthTenants (520)

Lewisham SouthTenants (440)

Lewisham NorthLeaseholders (261)

Lewisham SouthLeaseholders (230)











Tenants - Age group16 - 24 (25)

Tenants - Age group25 - 59 (541)

Tenants - Age group60+ (387)

Leaseholders - Agegroup 25 - 59 (186)

Leaseholders - Agegroup 60+ (274)

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neighbourhood and estate services.

Figure 5.6: Reasons for tenant dissatisfaction with repairs

Comments No

Property condition - 40%

Damp problems 72

Poor property condition 55

Need internal decoration 10

Roof repairs 10

Insulation needed 6

External property maintenance 5

Poor build quality 3

Problems with pests 3

Need better property security 2

Sound proofing 2

Carry out fire safety check 1

Subsidence 1

Planned works - 20%

New windows 38

Improvement works (Kitchens, bathrooms) 21

Central heating, better heating system 12

Doors - internal or external, porch 10

Refurbishment used poor quality fittings 4

New roof 2

Repairs and - 19%

Repairs service generally 28

Quality of repair work 14

Outstanding repairs 10

Quicker repairs 6

Finish off repair 5

Follow up works communication 2

Improve contractors 2

Replace not repair 2

Right first time 2

Some repairs not covered/rechargeable 2

Contractors damaged home/belonging 1

Ease of reporting repair 1

Gave up in the end and did the job themselves 1

Had to keep reporting repair to get it fixed 1

Keep appointments 1

Missed appointment 1

Returning calls 1

Timescale to complete repairs 1

Tenancy management - 6%

Poor condition of property at letting 14

Overcrowding 7

Want to move, transfer 3

Property not suitable for needs 2

Estate and grounds maintenance - 4%

Maintenance/decoration of communal areas 6

Drainage, flooding problems 3

Lifts (keep in good repair) 3

Fences and gates 2

Grounds maintenance - grass cutting/ gardeners 2

Health and safety 1

Paths and driveways 1

Trees and hedges 1

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems - 3%

Litter and rubbish 4

Drugs related problems 3


Improved security, do not feel safe 1

Problems with neighbours (non-specific) 1

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Problems with pests 1

Other - 3%

Negative comment 5

Other 4

Already commented in an earlier Q 1

Spent a lot of own money doing up property 1

Customer contact - 1%

Did not call /email back/have to keep chasing 2

Be more understanding & honest, treat fairly 1

Did not call back/have to keep chasing 1

Not taken seriously 1

Poor customer service (general) 1

Communications and information - 1%

Keep tenants up to date with planned works timetable 1

More concerned with budgets than customers 1

Visit us 1

Tenant services - 1%

Property adaptations needed, wet rooms etc. 2

Help for older residents/health issues 1

Poor caring company 1

Service charge services not carried out/not properly explained 1

Local facilities

Lighting, street lighting 2

Positive comments

Like home, good condition 1

Repairs service 1

Other codes

Lack of understanding from decision makers 1

Problems with rubbish collection, areas, skips 1

Total 426

In addition, leaseholders were asked to indicate what could be done to

improve satisfaction with communal repairs. Getting repairs done generally

better, quicker and to a better quality are the most common suggestions but

communication and customer service also feature.

The subject of suggestions is shown below and the full text is available in the

data files and on-line dashboard.

Figure 5.7: How to improve leaseholder satisfaction with communal repairs

Repairs and maintenance - 52%

Repairs service generally 44

Quicker repairs 32

Quality of repair work 26

Improve contractors 14

Outstanding repairs 9

Timescale to complete repairs 9

Check repairs done, inspect work 8

Communicating appointment times 5

Had to keep reporting repair to get it fixed 5

Provide appointments, at the right times 5

Some repairs not covered/rechargeable 5

Returning calls 4

Right first time 4

Gave up in the end and did the job themselves 3

Repairs not covered 3

Contractors just turn up 2

Follow up works communication 2

Replace not repair 2

Contractors damaged home/belonging 1

Did not clean up 1

Ease of reporting repair 1

Internal communication breakdown 1

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Missed appointment 1

More chargeable repairs services 1

Operative attitude 1

Treat residents/belonging /homes with respect 1

Use local contactors/staff for each area 1

Communications and information - 9%

Improve communication 12

Don't always consult or inform before acting 6

Keep tenants up to date with planned works timetable 6

Should listen more carefully/do not seem interested 4

More events, meetings 2

Views not acted upon/no feedback 1

Estate and grounds maintenance - 8%

Maintenance/decoration of communal areas 14

Fences and gates 3

Lifts (keep in good repair) 3

Drainage, flooding problems 2

Grounds maintenance - grass cutting/ gardeners 2

Cleaning of communal areas 1

Estate services (general) 1

On-site office/caretaker 1

Paths and driveways 1

Customer contact - 7%

Do not keep us informed of progress 4

Better customer care, customer service 3

Complaints handling 2

Did not call /email back/have to keep chasing 2

Issue/problem not resolved/Enquiry not answered 2

Long time to get through / hard to contact 2

Not taken seriously 2

Respond to queries quicker 2

Be more understanding & honest, treat fairly 1

Don't keep promises 1

Not very helpful or professional, rude staff 1

Poor call handling - kept on hold/passed around to different people 1

Poor customer service (general) 1

Property condition - 6%

External property maintenance 7

Inspect property 6

Poor property condition 4

Need internal decoration 2

Roof repairs 2

Carry out fire safety check 1

Insulation needed 1

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems - 4%

Improved security, do not feel safe 5


Car parking 3

Drugs related problems 1

Going downhill 1

Problems with pests 1

Other - 4%

Other 9

Homeowners not treated same as tenants 2

Neutral comment/not applicable 2

Homeowners not eligible for services 1

Negative comment 1

Shared owners have to cover all costs 1

Tenant services - 3%

Service charge services not carried out/not properly explained 9

Help for older residents/health issues 1

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Poor caring company 1

Poor services generally 1

Tenancy management - 2%

Rent issues, rent statements 4

Service charge too high/poor value 4

Poor housing officer 1

Local facilities - 1%

Lighting, street lighting 4

Provide play areas for children 1

Communal cleaning - 1%

Cleaning needs to be done more regularly 1

Poor cleanliness of communal areas 1

Poor quality of cleaning service 1

Gardening - 1%

Bushes & hedges - not pruned, trimmed regularly enough 1

Neglected areas, grounds are a disgrace 1

Planned works - 1%

New windows 2

Other codes - 1%

Would like to opt out of certain services/have to pay for services I don't use 2

More financial efficiency 1

Poor condition of the roads, road repairs 1

Total 364

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6. Customer services Providing excellent customer service is a fundamental part of landlord

services to ensure a positive relationship with its residents. This section

examines how staff deal with the various queries and enquiries raised by


6.1 Level of contact

Five out of six residents had contacted Lewisham Homes in the 12 months

prior to the survey (84%). A higher percentage of general needs residents

made contact (89%) compared with sheltered residents (78%) and

leaseholders (76%).

6.2 Ease of getting most recent enquiry resolved

The survey found that three out of five residents found it easy to get their

last enquiry resolved, although 32% found it difficult and 9% found it neither

easy or difficult. Tenants (67%) found it easier than leaseholders (42%),

where 47% found it difficult and of the tenants, general needs tenants found

it a little easier than sheltered tenants, 67% compared with 65%.

Figure 6.1: Satisfaction with ease of getting enquiry resolved

Change in satisfaction over time

These customer contact questions were first asked in the quarterly surveys

so it is not possible to compare the results with the 2016 and 2018 surveys.

Why residents had problems resolving last enquiry The table below show the main reasons why the residents had some

problems with their last contact. Poor call handling and staff not calling back

are the most common complaints, although a number of residents also

referred to difficulties getting repair work done.

Figure 6.2: Problems with last contact

Comments No

Customer contact - 41%

Did not call /email back/have to keep chasing 47

Poor call handling - kept on hold/passed around to different people 35

Long time to get through / hard to contact 15

Complaints handling 12

Better customer care, customer service 11

Don't answer phones 10

Issue/problem not resolved/Enquiry not answered 10

Poor customer service (general) 9

Respond to emails 9

Not very helpful or professional, rude staff 7

Staff don't communicate with each other 6

Be more understanding & honest, treat fairly 5

Lack of knowledge 5

Couldn't help/Not their job 4

Do not like automated system 4

Can't use the computer/get online so cannot access the service/form 2

Inconsistent - some staff good/some bad 2

Accessibility e.g. of centres, offices 1

Always engaged 1

59% 67% 65% 67%


9%9% 4% 8%


32% 25% 31% 25%47%

Total (1136) Generalneeds (751)


Tenants (777) Leaseholders(359)

Easy Neither Difficult

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Did not get outcome wanted 1

Did not know who to call/new numbers 1

Do not keep us informed of progress 1

Don't keep promises 1

Language barrier 1

No direct lines 1

Not taken seriously 1

Poor/inconvenient opening hours 1

Staff hung up on resident 1

Want face to face contact 1

Repairs and maintenance - 27%

Repairs service generally 36

Had to keep reporting repair to get it fixed 14

Ease of reporting repair 9

Timescale to complete repairs 9

Quicker repairs 8

Outstanding repairs 7

Returning calls 7

Improve contractors 6

Internal communication breakdown 6

Keep appointments 5

Gave up in the end and did the job themselves 4

Provide appointments, at the right times 4

Finish off repair 3

Missed appointment 3

Quality of repair work 3

Some repairs not covered/rechargeable 3

Follow up works communication 2

Insufficient job details shared with operatives 2

Jobs get forgotten 2

Right first time 2

Did not turn up with right fittings 1

Replace not repair 1

Communications and information - 5%

Improve communication 11

Improve website 7

Keep tenants up to date with planned works timetable 3

Don't always consult or inform before acting 2

Should listen more carefully/do not seem interested 1

Views not acted upon/no feedback 1

Tenancy management - 5%

Rent issues, rent statements 17

Poor housing officer 3

Service charge too high/poor value 2

Better tenant mix, vet tenants 1

Enforce tenancy agreement 1

Want to move, transfer 1

Other - 5%

Negative comment 8

Other 8

Homeowners not treated same as tenants 4

Already commented in an earlier Q 3

Don't know 1

Shared owners have to cover all costs 1

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems - 4%

Car parking 6


Litter and rubbish 3

Dogs noise or fouling 2

Drugs related problems 2

Problems with pests 2

Litter, graffiti, vandalism 1

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Problems with neighbours (non-specific) 1

Property condition - 4%

Problems with pests 6

Damp problems 5

External property maintenance 3

Poor property condition 2

Carry out fire safety check 1

Need better property security 1

Roof repairs 1

Estate and grounds maintenance - 3%

Drainage, flooding problems 5

Lifts (keep in good repair) 4

Fences and gates 3

Maintenance/decoration of communal areas 1

Planned works - 2%

New windows 6

Central heating, better heating system 1

Doors - internal or external, porch 1

Improvement works (Kitchens, bathrooms) 1

Tenant services - 2%

Poor warden/housing officer 4

Service charge services not carried out/not properly explained 2

Different tenures treated differently 1

Help for older residents/health issues 1

Poor caring company 1

Property adaptations needed, wet rooms etc. 1

Positive comments - 1%

Staff - helpful 2

Cleaning & maintenance are good 1

Other codes- 1%

Fly-tipping, disposal service for unwanted large items 4

Lack of understanding from decision makers 1

Communal cleaning

Fly-tipping 1

Local facilities

Lighting, street lighting 2

Total 501

6.3 Friendly and approachable staff

Seven out of ten residents (71%) agree that Lewisham Homes has friendly

and approachable staff. The vast majority of sheltered residents agree (92%),

more than general needs residents (78%) and particularly leaseholders (59%).

Relatively few disagree with this, 10% of tenants and 15% of leaseholders,

where 27% neither agree or disagree.

Figure 6.3: Percentage of residents who agreed that Lewisham Homes has friendly

and approachable staff by tenure

Why residents feel the staff are not friendly and approachable

71% 78%92%


17% 12%3%



11% 10% 6% 10% 15%

Total (1456) Generalneeds (906)




Agree. Neither Disagree.

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The table below shows the reasons why residents have disagreed that

Lewisham Homes has friendly and approachable staff. The bulk of the

comments refer to customer contact with 63 residents saying the staff were

not very helpful, professional or rude. Getting through and poor call handling

is also an issue to some.

Figure 6.4: Reasons for disagreeing that Lewisham Homes has friendly and

approachable staff

Comments No

Customer contact - 84%

Not very helpful or professional, rude staff 63

Long time to get through / hard to contact 13

Inconsistent - some staff good/some bad 12

Poor call handling - kept on hold/passed around to different people 11

Respond to emails 11

Better customer care, customer service 9

Did not call back/have to keep chasing 8

Not approachable 7

Poor customer service (general) 7

Issue/problem not resolved/Enquiry not answered 6

Did not call /email back/have to keep chasing 5

Complaints handling 4

Lack of knowledge 4

Be more understanding & honest, treat fairly 3

Staff don't communicate with each other 3

Can't use the computer/get online so cannot access the service/form 2

Not taken seriously 2

Respond to queries quicker 2

Couldn't help/Not their job 1

Do not like automated system 1

Don't answer phones 1

Don't give direct answers 1

Language barrier 1

Staff hung up on resident 1

Tenancy management - 4%

Poor housing officer 3

Rent issues, rent statements 3

Overcrowding 1

Want to move, transfer 1

Other - 4%

Negative comment 4

Other 3

Neutral comment/not applicable 2

Repairs and maintenance - 2%

Repairs service generally 2

Keep appointments 1

Provide appointments, at the right times 1

Communications and information - 2%

Views not acted upon/no feedback 3

Don't always consult or inform before acting 1

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems - 1%


Problems with neighbours (non-specific) 1

Tenant services - 1%

Poor caring company 2

Positive comments - 1%

Staff in general 2


Neglected areas, grounds are a disgrace 1


Need bigger property 1

Total 212

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Area of operation

The area where residents live appears to make very little difference in how

they feel about their customer service. The same number in Lewisham North

and South found getting their last enquiry resolved (both 59%), while there is

only 1% between the areas who agree that Lewisham Homes has friendly and

approachable staff.

Figure 6.5: Customer service by area

Age of resident

Perhaps unusually, satisfaction with these aspects of customer service largely

decreases with age. For the ease of resolving the last enquiry the under 25s

age group are the most satisfied (76%) with 61% of the 25 to 59 group and

57% of the 60+ group.

The youngest age group are most likely to agree that Lewisham Homes has

friendly and approachable staff (79%), although the over 60s are the next

most satisfied (74%) with the 25 to 59 group the least (70%).

Figure 6.6: Customer service by age range


More female residents made contact with Lewisham Homes in the last 12

months, 88% compared with 79% male and more found it easy to get their

enquiry resolved, 62% (male 58%). When asked about whether Lewisham

Homes has friendly and approachable staff, both genders have the same

percentage agreeing (72%).





Ease of resolving lastenquiry

Friendly andapproachable staff

Lewisham North (770) Lewisham South (680)







Ease of resolving lastenquiry

Friendly andapproachable staff

Age group 16 - 24 (24) Age group 25 - 59 (733) Age group 60+ (655)

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7. Listening to residents Over recent years, social landlords have put a lot of time and resources into

ensuring that they have effective and clear communication channels in place

with their residents, and that information given out to residents is clear and

easy to understand.

Three out of five residents are satisfied that their landlord listens to their

views and acts upon them (60%), although 40% are dissatisfied. Again, tenants

are more satisfied than leaseholders, 67% compared with 46% and sheltered

tenants (79%) are more satisfied than general needs tenants (67%).

Figure 7.1: Satisfaction with listening to views for all residents (2019/20)

Change in satisfaction over time

This question was not included in the previous, annual surveys.

Comparison with other landlords

Lewisham’s rating for listening to views and acting upon them compares very

well with their landlords, in fact it is 12% above the median and falls into the

top quartile. However, in this survey there is no ‘neither’ option so care

should be taken when considering these results.

Figure 7.2: HouseMark benchmarking – All tenants 2018/19




Lewisham 67%

Upper quartile 62%

Median 55%

Lower Quartile 49%

Area of operation

Both areas have the same percentage satisfied that Lewisham Homes listens

to their views and acts upon them (60%).

Figure 7.3: Satisfaction with listening to views by area

Age of resident

The youngest age group are the most satisfied that Lewisham Homes listen

to their views (64%), with the other two groups both the same with 60%


60% 67%79%



40% 33%21%



Total (1315) General needs(825)

Sheltered (33) Tenants (858) Leaseholders(457)

Satisfied Dissatisfied





Lewisham North(705)

Lewisham South(606)

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Figure 7.4: Satisfaction with listening to views by age range


More male residents (65%) are satisfied that their views are listened to than

female residents (58%).







Age group 16 - 24(22)

Age group 25 - 59(668)

Age group 60+(584)

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8. Environmental Services This section examines resident satisfaction with environmental services; the

cleaning of external communal areas, including the cleaning done by the

caretakers, and the gardening service provided by Lewisham Homes.

8.1 External cleaning services

Four out of five residents are satisfied with the external cleaning service

(80%); while 20% are dissatisfied.

Satisfaction among the sheltered tenants is high (92%), more than the general

needs tenants (84%) and leaseholders (73%).

Figure 8.1: Satisfaction with external cleaning services

The residents were asked to say why they are not satisfied with the external

cleaning. A number of residents refer to rubbish accumulating, but also

cleaners not seen or work of poor quality. There also appears to be some

issues about rubbish collection and disposal.

Figure 8.2: Reasons residents are not satisfied with the external cleaning

Comments No

Communal cleaning - 61%

Rubbish accumulating in communal areas 68

Never seen anyone cleaning 23

Poor quality of cleaning service 22

Cleaning needs to be done more regularly 21

Poor cleanliness of communal areas 20

Mixed performance / service 4

Poor cleaner / caretaker, does not respond to requests, does not care 4

Fly-tipping 3

Problems with dog mess 3

Caretaker has too much to cover 2

Caretakers do not have proper cleaning equipment 1

People urinating in communal areas 1

Estate and grounds maintenance - 10%

Cleaning of communal areas 12

On-site office/caretaker 7

Drainage, flooding problems 3

Grounds maintenance - grass cutting/ gardeners 3

Paths and driveways 2

Estate services (general) 1

Maintenance/decoration of communal areas 1

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems - 7%

Litter and rubbish 14

Problems with pests 3

Car parking 1

Dogs noise or fouling 1

Drugs related problems 1

Going downhill 1

80% 84% 92% 85%73%

20% 16% 8% 15%27%

Total (1194) General needs(733)

Sheltered (37) Tenants (770) Leaseholders(424)

Satisfied Dissatisfied

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Rubbish everywhere 8

Do not pick up leaves, cuttings 4

Fly-tipping 3

Neglected areas, grounds are a disgrace 2

Grass cutting / gardening service not regular enough 1

Never seen a gardener 1

Other codes - 6%

Problems with rubbish collection, areas, skips 11

Fly-tipping, disposal service for unwanted large items 7

Other - 4%

Neutral comment/not applicable 6

Other 4

Negative comment 2

Tenant services - 2%

Service charge services not carried out/not properly explained 6

Property condition - 1%

External property maintenance 2

Customer contact

Want face to face contact 1

Communications and information

Improve communication 1

Positive comments

Cleaning & maintenance are good 1

Total 282

8.2 Internal cleaning of blocks by the caretakers

Slightly more residents are satisfied with the internal cleaning of the blocks

done by the caretakers (81%). Again, the sheltered residents (89%) are more

satisfied than the general needs residents (83%) and the leaseholders (76%).

Figure 8.3: Satisfaction with cleaning by caretakers inside the block

The residents were also asked to say why they had given their response

about the internal cleaning done by the caretakers and below shows the main

reasons for any dissatisfaction.

The quality of the cleaning is the most common comment and a number say

they don’t see the cleaners or the cleaning should be done more often.

Figure 8.4: Reasons residents are not satisfied with the cleaning by caretakers inside

the block

Comments No

Communal cleaning - 86%

Poor quality of cleaning service 83

Never seen anyone cleaning 56

Poor cleanliness of communal areas 43

Cleaning needs to be done more regularly 35

Rubbish accumulating in communal areas 17

Caretaker has too much to cover 9

81% 83% 89% 83% 76%

19% 17% 11% 17% 24%

Total (1057) Generalneeds (633)

Sheltered (38) Tenants (671) Leaseholders(386)

Satisfied Dissatisfied

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Mixed performance / service 8

People urinating in communal areas 8

Caretakers do not have proper cleaning equipment 5

Poor cleaner / caretaker, does not respond to requests, does not care 4

Fly-tipping 1

No cleaning service when caretaker is on holiday 1

Estate and grounds maintenance - 7%

Cleaning of communal areas 15

Lifts (keep in good repair) 5

Maintenance/decoration of communal areas 1

Other - 3%

Don't know 3

Negative comment 3

Other 2

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems - 2%


Car parking 1

Dogs noise or fouling 1

Drugs related problems 1

Tenant services - 2%

Service charge services not carried out/not properly explained 6


Service charge too high/poor value 1

Repairs and maintenance

Quicker repairs 1

Total 313

8.3 Gardening service

Residents are more satisfied with the gardening services than the cleaning

(83%). There is also less between the tenure groups; the sheltered residents

are, again, the most satisfied (86%), but only 1% more than the general needs

residents (85%), with 80% of leaseholders satisfied.

Figure 8.5: Resident satisfaction with gardening service

The tables below show the main reasons why residents are dissatisfied with

the gardening service. Work not being done often enough is the main reason,

with poor maintenance of flower beds, neglecting areas and not picking up

grass cuttings also mentioned.

Figure 8.6: Reasons residents are not satisfied with the gardening service

Comments No

Gardening – 67%

Grass cutting / gardening service not regular enough 36

Poor maintenance of flower beds, empty flower beds 34

Neglected areas, grounds are a disgrace 26

Poor grass cutting, do not pick up grass cuttings 26

83% 85% 86% 85% 80%

17% 15% 14% 15% 20%

Total (1159) Generalneeds (710)




Satisfied Dissatisfied

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Bushes & hedges - not pruned, trimmed regularly enough 13

Rubbish everywhere 13

Gardens are overgrown 10

Fly-tipping 3

Overgrown vegetation causing problems with pests 3

Do not pick up leaves, cuttings 2

Never seen a gardener 2

Area needs landscaping, more than just grass 1

Poor or little weeding carried out 1

Estate and grounds maintenance – 16%

Grounds maintenance - grass cutting/ gardeners 26

Fences and gates 3

Maintenance/decoration of communal areas 3

Paths and driveways 3

Estate services (general) 2

Trees and hedges 2

Health and safety 1

Other – 7%

Other 17

Neighbours, neighbourhood or local problems – 5%

Dogs noise or fouling 8

Litter and rubbish 3

Standard of tenant gardens 1

Communal cleaning – 2%

Fly-tipping 2

Problems with dog mess 2

Rubbish accumulating in communal areas 2

Tenant services- 2%

Gardening service or cheaper service 4

Service charge services not carried out/not properly explained 2

Local facilities

More green spaces 1

Repairs and maintenance

Quicker repairs 1

Property condition

External property maintenance 1

Positive comments

Garden 1

Total 255

Area of operation

Again, there is very little difference between the areas in terms of the

environmental services delivered by Lewisham Homes. The same percentage

in Lewisham North are satisfied with the external cleaning as in Lewisham

South (both 81%).

On the cleaning of the internal areas in the blocks done by the caretakers,

slightly more in the South area (82%) are satisfied than in the North (79%),

but for the gardening service it is the other way around with more satisfied

in Lewisham North (85%) than South (82%).

Figure 8.7: Satisfaction with environmental services by area







External cleaning

Internal cleaning bycaretakers

Gardening service

Lewisham North (607) Lewisham South (581)

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Age of resident

The youngest age group are the most satisfied with the external cleaning

(92%) and the internal cleaning (87%) but least satisfied with the gardening

service (75%) where the most satisfied are those aged 25 to 59. This group

are least satisfied with the internal cleaning by the caretakers (78%).

Figure 8.8: Satisfaction with environmental services by age range


Whilst there is little difference between the genders on these environmental

services, male residents are slightly more satisfied with the internal cleaning,

81% (female 78%) and the gardening service, 83% (female 81%). However,

female residents are a little more satisfied with the external cleaning, 80%

(male 79%).










External cleaning

Internal cleaning bycaretakers

Gardening service

Age group 16 - 24 (24) Age group 25 - 59 (600) Age group 60+ (534)

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9. Recommending Lewisham Homes Lewisham Homes asked tenants how likely it was that they would

recommend them as a landlord using the Net Promoter Score (NPS®), which

is based on the fundamental perspective that every company’s residents can

be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

By asking one simple question, ‘How likely is it that you would recommend

your landlord to a friend or family?’ it is possible to then track these groups

and get a clear measure of your organisation’s performance through your

residents’ eyes. Tenants respond on a 0-to-10 point rating scale as shown in

the chart.

The responses are categorised as follows:

Promoters (score 9-10) are loyal enthusiasts who will promote and

support the landlord, increasing their reputation.

Passives (score 7-8) are satisfied but unenthusiastic tenants who can easily

become detractors depending on circumstances.

Detractors (score 0-6) are unhappy residents who can damage the

organisation and hold back development and growth through negative word-


According to the NPS®, under a quarter of all residents are very loyal and

happy to promote Lewisham Homes to friends and family and are promoters

(25%). The chart shows that 46% of residents are detractors, who are likely

to have negative views about Lewisham Homes. Less than a third of residents

are currently passive (28%) and could be persuaded one way or the other.

There are more promoters among the tenants (34%) than the leaseholders

(11%) and within sheltered properties (39%) compared with general needs

housing (33%). There are considerably fewer detractors among the sheltered

residents (17%) than general needs (37%) and particularly the leaseholders


Figure 9.1: Net Promoter Score breakdown by tenure

Change in satisfaction over time

As figure 9.2 shows Lewisham Homes now has fewer tenant promoters than

in 2018, but the number of leaseholder promoters is up a little.

Figure 9.2: Number of promoters over last two surveys

25% 33% 39% 34%









Total (1470) General needs(946)

Sheltered (36) Tenants (946) Leaseholders(524)

Promoters Passives Detractors



2018 2019

Tenants Leaseholders

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Net Promoter Score

The NPS® is calculated by taking the percentage of tenants who are

Promoters and subtracting the percentage who are Detractors. The result is

known as the net promoter score and it is not a percentage. The net

promoter score for all of Lewisham Homes’ residents is -21 (-2 all tenants, -3

general needs and 22 sheltered residents). For leaseholders there are just

11% promoters and 65% detractors so the Net Promoter Score is -54.

In order to be of use to Lewisham Homes, the Net Promoter score needs to

be put into context. In the commercial sector it is reported that companies

with the most efficient growth operate with an NPS® of 50 to 80. An average

company often have an NPS® of only 5 to 10 – in other words their

Promoters barely outnumber their Detractors.

Comparison with other landlords

Lewisham Homes’ net promoter score is 5 below the HouseMark median for

London tenants, but a little above the bottom quartile mark so falls into the

third quartile. There are 14 landlords included in the sample.

Figure 9.3: HouseMark London benchmarking – All tenants 2018/19




Lewisham Homes -2

Upper quartile 10

Median 3

Lower Quartile -11

Area of operation

The two areas where Lewisham has properties are quite similar in terms of

the Net Promoter Score. For tenants, there are slightly more promoters

(34%) in the North area than the South (33%) and fewer detractors, 34%

compared to 37%.

For the leaseholders, as shown above, there are few promoters but there

are a few more in the North area than the South, 13% and 8%

respectively. There are also slightly more detractors in the South area

(67%), than the North (63%).

Figure 9.4: Net promoter scores by area

Age of resident

As the chart shows in Figure 9.5, the number of tenants who are happy to

promote Lewisham Homes to family and friends increases steadily with age

from 24% for the under 25s, 29% for the 25 to 59 group and up to 40% for

the 60 and overs. The pattern for detractors is not so regular with the most

being those aged 25 to 59 (43%), 48% of the under 25 group are passive.

For the leaseholders, there are slightly fewer promoters among the 25 to 59

group (14%) than the 60 and over group (15%). There are correspondingly

more detractors with the 25 to 59 group (63%) than the 60 and overs (59%).













Lewisham NorthTenants (508)

Lewisham SouthTenants (434)

Lewisham NorthLeaseholders (270)

Lewisham SouthLeaseholders (252)

Promoters Passives Detractors

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Figure 9.5: Net promoter scores by age range


There are more male promoters (36%) among the tenants than female (32%)

and correspondingly, fewer detractors, 29% compared to 40% female.

Of the leaseholders, the genders are much closer, 11% of male promoters

and 10% female and detractors 65% and 66% respectively.
















Tenants - Age group 16- 24 (25)

Tenants - Age group 25- 59 (544)

Tenants - Age group60+ (368)

Leaseholders - Agegroup 25 - 59 (199)

Leaseholders - Agegroup 60+ (54)

Promoters Passives Detractors

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10. Leaseholders This section looks at the additional questions asked to leaseholders about

their service charge, information provided by Lewisham Homes and major

works processes.

10.1 Service charge (value for money)

Less than half of the leaseholders are satisfied with the value for money of

the service charge (48%), but this has improved by 2% since the end of 2018.

However, the rating is still below that given in 2016.

Figure 10.1: Satisfaction with value for money of the service charge over time

10.2 Information from Lewisham Homes

The majority of leaseholders said that they understand the information they

receive from Lewisham Homes on service charges (80%), however, 20% did


10.3 Major works process

Nearly two out of five leaseholders (38%) said they have had major works

completed in the last 3 years.

Seven in ten leaseholders are satisfied with the payment options available

(71%), and half with the information provided (52%).

However, only around two out of five leaseholders are satisfied with the

consultation they received on major works (42%) and a quarter with the

level of the costs (26%).

Figure 10.2: Satisfaction with the major works process

Satisfaction with these different aspects of the major works process is

generally a little higher than in 2018.

There are 15% more leaseholders satisfied with the different payment

options available, 3% more with the level of the cost involved and 3% more

satisfied with the information provided.

However, 4% fewer are satisfied with the consultation they receive as a



46% 48%

2016 2018 2019

42% 52%26%


58% 48%74%


Consultationwith you as ahome owner


Level ofcharge/cost



Satisfied Dissatisfied

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Figure 10.3: Satisfaction with the major works process over time

10.4 Let property out

A quarter of leaseholders (25%) say they let out their property and all said

that Lewisham Homes has their forwarding address.

Area of operation

Satisfaction with the value for money of the service charge is a little higher in

the Lewisham South area (50%) than the North (46%). This area also has

more satisfied with the information they receive about their service charges

(2% more), the consultation they receive as a homeowner (6% more) and the

information provided about any major works (11% more).

However, leaseholders in the North area are more satisfied with the level of

charge for major works, 29% compared with 25% in the South and with the

payment options available, 76% (South 68%).

Figure 10.4: Leaseholder satisfaction by area

Age of resident

There is little between the age groups in terms of leaseholder satisfaction

with their service charges and the major works process. Whilst satisfaction

often increases with age, for Lewisham Homes this is not really the case, in

fact, the 25 to 59 age group are a little more satisfied than the 60 and over


On the value for money of the service charge, 50% of the 25 to 59 group are

satisfied compared with 45% of the 60 and over group. They are also more

satisfied with the consultation they receive as a homeowner, 46% (60+ 38%),

the information provided on major works, 54% (60+ 50%) and the level of

the charge/cost of major works, 27% (60+ 26%). The only exceptions are for

the payment options available where more of the older group are satisfied,

71% compared with 69% and the information about their service charge

where 80% of both groups are satisfied.

46% 42%

49% 52%

23% 26%


2018 2019

Payment optionsavailable

Level ofcharge/cost


Consultation withyou as a homeowner













VFM Service charge

Information onservice charges

Consultation as ahomeowner


Level of charge/cost

Payment optionsavailable

Lewisham North Leaseholders Lewisham South Leaseholders

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Figure 10.5: Leaseholder satisfaction by age range


Male leaseholders are more satisfied than female leaseholders with the value

for money of their service charge (11% more), but less with the information

about the charges (1% less). They are also more satisfied with the

consultation about major works they receive as a homeowner (3% more),

the level of charge for major works (5% more) and the payment options

available (7% more), whilst more female leaseholders are satisfied with the

information about the major works (6% more).













VFM Service charge

Information onservice charges

Consultation as ahomeowner


Level of charge/cost

Payment optionsavailable

Age group 25 - 59 (600) Age group 60+ (534)

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11. Comparison with other landlords Undertaking a satisfaction survey, based on a widely used standard question set, helps landlords to benchmark the satisfaction of their residents against other

landlords with similar characteristics, such as size, type and location. It provides a broader dimension than internal targets may offer, assisting both the landlord

and any resident scrutiny panel in assessing performance levels and areas of improvement. The results from the Lewisham Homes survey have been compared

against residents from HouseMark data for London landlords and generally compare very well. Please note, these comparative scores are only available for tenants,

not leaseholders. Also, as stated in the introduction, Lewisham Homes used a four-point scale for the main satisfaction questions, whereas, most other landlords

use a five-point scale. This means that they are not directly comparable but are still included for information purposes, but care should be taken when interpreting

these results. The number of landlords included in the sample are shown on the charts.

All tenants

When all tenants are compared with the HouseMark London average, satisfaction with overall services is 6% above average and falls in the top quartile. Satisfaction

with the neighbourhood and listening to views and acting upon them are 6% and 12% respectively higher than the average and also fall in the top quartile. The

repairs service is second quartile and the quality of the home and the Net Promoter Score are a little below average and fall into the third quartile range.

Figure 11.1: Comparison with other landlords (HouseMark London – All tenants 2018/19)

Overall servicesOverall quality

of homeNeighbourhoodas a place to live

Repairs andmaintenance


Listens to yourviews and acts

upon themNPS Score

Lewisham Homes Tenants 80% 72% 85% 69% 67% -2%

Upper quartile 80% 77% 84% 73% 62% 10%

Median 74% 75% 79% 66% 55% 3%

Lower quartile 68% 69% 74% 61% 49% -11%

Number in sample 35 32 33 31 31 14








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General needs residents

The comparison with HouseMark for general needs residents reveals that satisfaction with overall services is 6% above average, is just below the top quartile mark

so falls into the second quartile. Satisfaction with the neighbourhood is top quartile, 6% above average and listening to views is also above average but falls into the

second quartile. The remaining measures, the quality of the home and the repairs service are all a little below average and all fall into the third quartile. There are

very few landlords who have submitted NPS data so this has been excluded from this chart and the one below for sheltered tenants.

Figure 11.2: Comparison with other landlords (HouseMark London - General needs residents 2018/19)

Housing for Older People residents

The results for sheltered residents have been compared against residents in Housing for Older People in London from HouseMark. The comparison reveals that

satisfaction with overall services is 1% below average and falls into the third quartile. Satisfaction with the neighbourhood and listening to views are 6% and 4%

respectively above average and fall into the top quartile. The other measures are below average, the quality of the home and repairs are third quartile. The sample

numbers for sheltered tenants is relatively low so some care should be taken when considering these results.

Overall services Overall quality of homeNeighbourhood as a

place to liveRepairs and

maintenance serviceListens to your viewsand acts upon them

Lewisham Homes Tenants 80% 71% 84% 68% 67%

Upper quartile 81% 75% 83% 74% 69%

Median 74% 73% 78% 69% 57%

Lower quartile 65% 69% 76% 58% 49%

Number in sample 16 14 15 14 13








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Figure 11.3: Comparison with other landlords (HouseMark London - Sheltered 2018/19)

Overall servicesOverall quality of

homeNeighbourhood as

a place to live

Repairs andmaintenance


Listens to yourviews and acts

upon them

Lewisham Homes Tenants 87% 84% 92% 76% 79%

Upper quartile 90% 91% 91% 89% 76%

Median 88% 87% 86% 83% 75%

Lower quartile 84% 80% 82% 64% 72%

Number in sample 10 8 9 8 8












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12. Understanding overall satisfaction This section explores the differences in the relationship between the overall

rating and individual ratings in an attempt to understand what is driving

overall satisfaction at Lewisham Homes.

12.1 Key services (2019/20)

There is quite a difference between tenants and leaseholders in terms of

satisfaction with services, but this is common among surveys of this type. The

vast majority of tenants are satisfied with the overall service received (80%),

considerably more than the leaseholders (59%). Both groups are appreciative

of the environmental services and 85% of both groups are satisfied with their

neighbourhood as a place to live.

Figure 12.1: Satisfaction with key services for all residents

Satisfaction with the quality of the home for tenants is less (72%), as is the

repairs service (69%) and listening to views (67%).

12.2 Lower levels of satisfaction

As demonstrated above, the survey found some areas with lower satisfaction

and for Lewisham Homes this can be taken to be where satisfaction falls

below 75% for tenants (quality of home, repairs, listening to views and ease

of dealing with last enquiry). For leaseholders, satisfaction with some services

is below 50%; repairs to communal areas (47%), listening to views (46%) and

ease of dealing with enquiries (42%).

12.3 Dissatisfaction levels (2019/2020)

Sometimes, where satisfaction is lower than in other areas, the remaining

residents can be split between those who fall into the ‘neither satisfied nor

dissatisfied’ middle ground and those who are actually dissatisfied. The

difference between these two groups of residents is important – as it can

signal areas where residents do not have strong opinions or, more

worryingly, areas where a high percentage of residents are actually

dissatisfied. However, for the Lewisham Homes survey most of the key

satisfaction questions have been asked without the option of a ‘neither’

answer. This can have the effect of increasing both satisfaction and

dissatisfaction levels.

The survey found a few areas with noticeably higher levels of dissatisfaction

for both tenants and leaseholders. For tenants, there are some ratings where

over 25% of residents are dissatisfied these should not be overlooked:

Listen to views (33% dissatisfied)

Repairs (31% dissatisfied).

Quality of home (28% dissatisfied)

Also, there are 37% detractors

For leaseholders, there are some measures with dissatisfaction above 40%:

Listen to views (54% dissatisfied)






















Gardening service

External cleaning service


Caretaker cleaning inside the block

Services provided by landlord

Friendly and approachable staff

Quality of home

Repairs & maintenance service

Listens to views and acts on them

Ease of dealing with last enquiry

NPS (% Promoters)

Tenants Leaseholders

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Repairs to communal areas (53% dissatisfied).

Ease of dealing with last enquiry (47% dissatisfied)

Overall services (41% dissatisfied)

Also, there are 65% detractors

These may be areas which Lewisham Homes wish to investigate further.

12.4 General needs and sheltered residents (2019/20)

Generally, the results from customer satisfaction surveys reveal that

sheltered residents are more satisfied than general needs residents. This was

found to be the case for every measure at Lewisham Homes (1% to 13%

higher) except ease of dealing with last enquiry (1% less).

12.5 Leaseholders (2019/20)

In similar surveys, leaseholders are generally less satisfied than tenants, for

Lewisham Homes this is also the case with all measures with a difference

between 5% and 24%. The only exception is for satisfaction with the

neighbourhood where both groups have 85% satisfied.

12.6 Subgroups

Throughout this report we have looked at the results from the perspective of

a number of different subgroups. Whilst it should be remembered that when

you split results down the accuracy will be affected, it still gives a good

indication of the main differences between the groups chosen.

Lewisham Homes operates across two main areas, Lewisham North and

Lewisham South and there is very little between the areas suggesting that

location is not a factor in the way services are delivered across the borough.

The differences only range from 1% to 5% with the South area marginally

more satisfied, the biggest difference being for repairs (5%).

The results are also looked at by age range, the most respondents fall into

the 25 to 59 age group with a few less in the 60+ group. There are very few

under 25 (around 24) but despite the smaller numbers this group tends to be

a little more satisfied than the older residents. On overall services, 84% of

this younger group are satisfied with 73% of the other two groups. They are

also more satisfied with the cleaning service and the ease of contact. This is

unusual as in most surveys of this type, satisfaction increases with age.

12.7 Key driver analysis

The table below shows that there are service areas which have a strong

correlation with overall satisfaction for both tenants and leaseholders. For

tenants, the analysis found a strong correlation with satisfaction with overall

services and listening to views and acting upon them and the Net Promoter

Score. Meanwhile, repairs and the quality of the home have a moderate

correlation. Satisfaction in other service areas have only a weak correlation

with overall satisfaction.

For leaseholders, the Net Promoter Score has the highest correlation

followed by listening to views and acting upon them. Communal repairs also

have some influence.

Figure 12.2: Correlation with overall satisfaction

Tenants Leaseholders

Service area Correlation Service area Correlation

Listening to views 0.60 NPS 0.66

NPS 0.59 Listen to views 0.64

Repairs and maintenance 0.57 Communal repairs 0.56

Quality of the home 0.47 Ease of resolving enquiry 0.48

Friendly & approachable staff

0.44 VFM service charge 0.47

External cleaning 0.31 Friendly & approachable staff


Neighbourhood 0.30 Internal cleaning 0.30

Key: orange = strong correlation, yellow = moderate correlation and white = weak


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Key driver analysis is useful to identify service areas in which increases in

satisfaction could potentially lead to an increase in the overall satisfaction

rating. As Figure 12.3 shows, the most important driver for tenants is the

repairs service followed quite closely by listening to views and acting upon

them. Of a little less importance is the quality of the home.

Figure 12.3: Key driver analysis – overall satisfaction and key services (Tenants)

For leaseholders, having their views listened to and acted upon and repairs

are also the most influential on overall satisfaction, although the other way

around than for the tenants. Also of importance is the value for money of

their service charge, the ease of resolving enquiries and whether they would

recommend Lewisham Homes to others.

Again, the implication of this analysis is that if these particular services can be

improved they are more likely to lead to increased overall satisfaction.

Figure 12.4: Key driver analysis – overall satisfaction and key services


Repairs service

Listen & acts

Quality of the home

External cleaning

Friendly & approachable















0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25





Measure of influence

Listen and acts

Communal repairs

Value for money of

service charge

Net Promoter Score

Ease of resolving last


Information on service charges

External cleaning












0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25





Measure of influence

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13. Change in satisfaction over time This section explores the changes in satisfaction when the 2019/20 annual data is compared with previous surveys to identify any patterns or potential trends

developing at Lewisham Homes. It is important to note that the margin of error for each survey is around ±2.4%, and therefore, when examining any change

between two surveys, satisfaction differences of less than 5% fall within the margin of errors for the survey as they are not statistically significant. In reality,

however, a change in the level of satisfaction of around 3% to 4% is also worth noting as it could signal the start of a trend if it were to continue in the future.

Housing and key services (Tenants)

As Figure 13.1 highlights there has been some change in satisfaction over the last three years. The latest set of results shows a mixed picture with most areas

showing increased satisfaction from the previous year, but some decreasing. However, over the longer period, satisfaction does appear to have been fairly

constant. Satisfaction with overall services shows a 2% increase and there are small increases with the neighbourhood (up 1%) and listening to views and acting

upon them, also up 1%. However, satisfaction has decreased for the repairs service (down 4%) and the quality of the home (down 1%), both of which are key

drivers of overall satisfaction.

Figure 13.1: Change in satisfaction for key services over time (Tenants)








2016 2018 2019

Services provided by landlord

Quality of home


Listens to views and acts onthem

Repairs & maintenance service

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Housing and key services (Leaseholders)

As has been shown above, leaseholders tend to be less satisfied than tenants, however, satisfaction with key services is increasing. Whilst overall satisfaction has

remained the same at 59%, there are increases for the neighbourhood, the repairs to communal areas and the value for money of the service charge, all up 2%.

There are also increases in satisfaction with the different aspects of the major repairs process, the payment options (up 15%), the information provided (up 3%)

and the level of charges, also up 3%.

Figure 13.2: Change in satisfaction for key services over time (Leaseholders)









2016 2018 2019

Services provided by landlord


Communal repairs & maintenanceservice

Service charge (VFM)

Payment options available

Information provided

Level of charge/cost

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14. Conclusion The results from the STAR surveys for each of the four quarters in 2019/20 demonstrate a continued good level of satisfaction with the majority of services at

Lewisham Homes and, as shown above, a number of areas continue to see increases in satisfaction, however, there have been decreases in certain service areas.

The 2019/20 survey found that overall satisfaction with landlord services at

Lewisham Homes has increased by 2% from the previous year for tenants,

although it is the same for leaseholders, and it compares well with other

social landlords. There are high ratings for the neighbourhood for both

tenants and leaseholders (85%) and the cleaning and gardening services.

Comparison with the previous year

When the results from 2019/20 are compared with those from a year ago

there are some positive and some negative findings, although generally the

changes are small.

Pattern Satisfaction measure




Overall services (2% higher), neighbourhood (1% higher,

listening to views (1% higher)


Payment options (15% higher), major works information and

level of charge (both 3% higher), neighbourhood, communal

repairs and VFM of service charge (all 2% higher)




Repairs service (3% lower), quality of the home (1% lower)

Note: It is important to note that the combined margin of error when comparing

annual surveys is around ±5% and any difference less than this is not statistically


At tenure level, the survey found that in 2019/20 sheltered residents are

generally more satisfied with the service they receive than general needs

residents; on overall satisfaction 7% more sheltered tenants are satisfied than

general needs, 13% more on the quality of the home, 8% more with the

repairs service, 14% more agree the staff are friendly and approachable and

12% more are satisfied that Lewisham Homes listens to their views and acts

upon them. The only exception is for ease of dealing with their last enquiry

where 1% more general needs residents are satisfied than sheltered.


Throughout this report we have looked at the results from the perspective of

a number of different subgroups including the main areas of operation, age of

resident and gender.

Lewisham Homes operates across two main areas, Lewisham North and

South and there is very little between the areas suggesting that location is

not a factor in the way services are delivered across the borough. The

differences only range from 1% to 5% with the South area marginally more

satisfied, the biggest difference being for repairs (5%).

There are very few under 25 (around 24) but despite the smaller numbers

this group tends to be a little more satisfied than the older residents. On

overall services, 84% of this younger group are satisfied with 73% of the

other two groups. They are also more satisfied with the cleaning service and

the ease of contact. This is unusual as in most surveys of this type,

satisfaction increases with age.

Comparison with other landlords

When the results are compared against other London based landlords (using

HouseMark’s benchmarking) the combined tenant scores for Lewisham

Homes have a strong performance, with overall satisfaction, the

neighbourhood and listening to views in the top quartile. When looking at

general needs and sheltered tenants separately, these three areas are all

above average for the general needs tenants but for sheltered tenants, whilst

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the neighbourhood and listening to views are top quartile, the other key

measures are below average.


Lewisham Homes should be pleased that the rating for overall satisfaction for

tenants has increased over the last year. Also, leaseholders are more satisfied

with a number of services than previously.

However, the key driver analysis suggests that the repairs service and

listening to residents are the most important factors in determining overall

satisfaction. The free comments left by residents also confirm this with many

comments, in particular about the repairs, with better quality repairs and

quicker repairs wanted. Also, the condition of the home is important to

tenants with many complaining about damp problems.

Customer service and communication is also important and residents want

to be heard, they also want better customer service, staff to call back when

promised and to find it easier to get enquiries resolved.

Finally, whilst satisfaction with the cleaning services is relatively high, many

comments referred to poor quality, cleaning and gardening not done often

enough and particular issues with rubbish building up in areas.

It is suggested that Lewisham Homes considers these results, and the

residents’ comments, and looks at how these key services are delivered to

see where improvements can be made.

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Appendix 1 – Data tables

2019/20 All

residents General needs Sheltered Tenants Leaseholders

Services provided by landlord 73% 80% 87% 80% 59%

Quality of home 72% 71% 84% 72%

Neighbourhood 85% 84% 92% 85% 85%

Friendly and approachable staff 71% 78% 92% 78% 59%

Ease of dealing with last enquiry 59% 67% 65% 67% 42%

Listens to views and acts on them 60% 67% 79% 67% 46%

Repairs & maintenance service 69% 68% 76% 69% 47%

External cleaning service 80% 84% 92% 85% 73%

Caretaker cleaning inside the block 81% 83% 89% 83% 76%

Gardening service 83% 85% 86% 85% 80%

NPS (% Promoters) 22% 29% 33% 29% 10%

Leaseholders 2016 2018 2019

Services provided by landlord 56% 59% 59%

Neighbourhood 83% 83% 85%

Communal repairs service 45% 45% 47%

Service charge (VFM) 54% 46% 48%

Payment options available 56% 71%

Information provided 49% 52%

Level of charge/cost 23% 26%

NPS (% Promoters) 8% 10%

Tenants 2016 2018 2019

Services provided by landlord 77% 79% 80%

Quality of home 72% 73% 72%

Neighbourhood 85% 84% 85%

Listens to views and acts on them 68% 66% 67%

Repairs & maintenance service 70% 72% 69%

NPS (% Promoters) 37% 29%

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Appendix 2 – Questions (March 2020)

Question number Question text

Q1 Taking everything into account, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the service provided by Lewisham Homes?

Q1B Can you explain why you are dissatisfied with the service provided by Lewisham Homes?

Q7 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that Lewisham Homes listens to your views and acts upon them?

Q8 How likely would you be to recommend Lewisham Homes to family or friends on a scale of 10 to 0, where 10 is extremely likely and 0 is not at all likely?

Q2 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the overall quality of your home?

Q2B Please tell us why you were not satisfied (with the quality of your home)

Q3 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your neighbourhood as a place to live?

Q5 Do you agree or disagree that Lewisham Homes has friendly and approachable staff

Q5B Please explain why you think that about how friendly and approachable staff are

Q6 Have you contacted Lewisham Homes in the last 12 months?

6A Overall, how easy or difficult was it for you to get your most recent enquiry resolved?


If you experienced any difficulties or were dissatisfied the last time you contacted Lewisham Homes, please could you provide more information? Is there anything Lewisham Homes could do to improve customer service?

Q4_TEN Generally, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way Lewisham Homes deals with repairs and maintenance?

Q4B_TEN If you are not satisfied with how Lewisham Homes deals with repairs and maintenance, please could you explain the reason why?

Q4_LH Generally, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way Lewisham Homes deals with communal repairs and maintenance?

Q4B_LH What could Lewisham Homes do differently to improve your satisfaction with communal repairs?

Q9 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the external cleaning service Lewisham Homes provides?

Q9B Can you explain why you are satisfied/dissatisfied with the external cleaning

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9C How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the cleaning the caretakers carry out inside your block?

9D Why are you satisfied/dissatisfied with the internal cleaning service?


How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the current gardening service? Please take into account the grass cutting and maintenance of any flower beds in the shared green spaces, but disregard trees.

Q10B Why are you satisfied/dissatisfied with the gardening service?

L1 How satisfied or dissatisfied are you that your service charges provide value for money?

L1B Service charge VFM

L2 How well do you understand the information you receive on service charges from Lewisham Homes?

L3A Have you had a major works process in the last 3 years?

L3BA If you have had major works, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the consultation with you as a home owner

L3BB If you have had major works. how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the information provided?

L3BC If you have had major works. how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the level of charge/cost?

L3BD If you have had major works. how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the payment options available?

L4A Do you let out your property?

L4B Does Lewisham Homes have your forwarding address?


The results of this survey are confidential. However, would you be happy for us to give your responses to Lewisham Homes with your name attached so that they have better information to help them improve services?

P2 Would you be happy for Lewisham Homes to contact you to follow up any of the comments or issues you have raised?