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Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

Jan 29, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR



JONA6 GRKEN, .Church-Street, Jlnnapolit. TIIREK DOULAUB PER ASNCVl.

DANIEL HART,r'RRS for tale a genet al aaiorlmcnt of

>I)M in hi* line, on (he must reatnna- *rro», lo wilt A general astorloient i f



TEAS;Imperial. Old Hy»rn, Young llyion

|SupiTinr BUi h. lly-on >k'll,

Cut and Plain Glass, L,ii-er- Tin $ Stone Ware,

aRDWARE, CUTLERY,tings, Wi ought nnd Cut A*aih, INCH UA1S1N8, ALMONDS.

Cn>tkcrs, | Sperm nnd TallowCandles, Sperm Oil.



. Uur. U. on Dr.iuz'it, "'id in B«'ili-s.taltOUND PLAI8TKR

eriur quaiilv. Bring agent for tli- Me»«r«. i wrint's Mill, hilt "n hand, and impnil*

(Milt, a sent -njiply. He v>ill sell tl lUltioiorf Piic. *. adding Ihr fieight.

B&ANiTBOOKSfry ilr-»e r ip' i"ii mailr I" "iil'-r. MF.R- JTS LKIIGKU9. JOl'RN M.S. and Mil) B"OKS. Miiliil.l" for public offices.

BOOK BINDINGlerut'd in llie mmi appiovid manner.

: 9 If

Legislature of Maryland.IIOUS15 OF DELEGATES.

WEDNESDAY, December 20th 1830.The House- mrt. Present the same member* at on yea-

terday. The proceeding ot Monday and Toesday were read. Richard Mackall and Jom-ph W. Reynolds, Eirir'a, delegates returned for Calvtrt County, and Thomas Bureh- cnal, ft delegate returned for Caroline County; appeared, qualified and took their seat*.

Mr. W right presents a petition from Levin Wall Hall, of Durclicitcr county, praying the pannage uf an act to alter and change hi* name, and that of hii wife and infant daughter, lo the name of Levin Hall Wall, whirh was read and refer­ red to Messrs. W right, Kcene and Hirks.

Mr. Hunt prcscnU a petition of Cornelia A. Howard, of (lie City of Hnllimorc, Guardian of Joliu E. Howard, prav-

in pro- red to

in; the erly thefeta mentioned) which was read and rcferi

of an act to authorize her to lease certain perlv th Messpa. Hunt, Nicholas and Chapman

Mr. Hunt presents a petition of Charles Constable, and others, of the City of Baltimore, praying the passage of an act, authorising the appointment of an l'n»p«ctor and Corder of fire wood, lauded on the shore or wharves of that part of the Citv of Baltimore known bv the name of tlie Spring Gard­ ens, which was read nnd rcfored to the Committee on Inspec­ tions.

Mr. Tilghman presents a pctilinn of Anne M. Sinvlh, wi­ dow of thr late Major Thom.iR SrnytS, praying for llie ar- rear* of pay, due t'» hrrlale husband for revolutionary service*, which w:is and referred la tlie Committee on pension* atid Revolutionary Claims.

The Clerk of thr Srnalo delivers tlio fulluvi.ig message:lly the S.-nali- December 28lh, 111.5(1.

Gentlemen of the II msc of Delegate*.The Senate h.ivc fumed a i|iinruni, and are readv to pro-

rpcil wiiii liic liu-unr*** of the urssion; ivc hare ch'iipn the Hu- norabli: Willinn II. Marriut, President, and Louis G.'ssu-

. chief rlerk, and propose to sit for the despatch of pu'i-,1; from ten o'clock in the murning until tlir-jc in

fu-riionn.By order,

Louis Gaaaawav. Clk.The m" .«a"^! informing the Senate that this Hous.

formed a on irini, was sent lo

Messra. Harriton, Kennedy and Dennis, to join the commit­ tee appointed by your House. ,

By order,Luuia Gttsaway, Clk.

Which were read.The Speaker laid before the Ifouie, report! from the Sheriffs

of Queen Anne's and Caroline, counties, rclntiro to monies paid into the Treasury, within the year ending on the 30th November, 1830.

Mr. Walli* prcin-nd a petition from Ann June* and other*, praying to make valid a deed nf manumission therein mention­ ed, vvhirh'waa read and referred to Mcum. Wallace, Finer, and Moflctt.

Mr. Chapman from the committee appointed to wait on hid excellency the Governor, and iufcirm him that a qaorum of the House having convened, were reaily to proceed to business, and recr)\e any ciuniniiuicntion he might be pleat­ ed to lav before therm reportril that the committee hail per­ formed the duties of their appointment, nnd that the Gov­ ernor had answered that he would transmit a communication to tliii llimse, to-dtv nt II o'clock.

Mr. Wriglit xubmittcil the following order: Ordered. Tlmt the clerk uf Ilii* House, have one hun­

dred ci;pie» of the mien adopted for it" government, printed fur the UT of the ineinlH'rs of llie LruMljtiiri'.

Which was twice read, and on thr i|oi-«linn being put, on (he ndoptmn of mid order, it WM^Jctermined in the nega­ tive.

The Clerk to the Council deliver* a rommuuieation from the Executive, \\lmli w.i.s read .ind i« as follows:

F.xr.cirrtvE D:TA:ITMKNT.f}cnllr:nn> "fllic fr^nlr,

O'lil nf I/if /fouif of /)f/r if»«.'«<:

The p*-rit»d has arrived, wlten we have lo present a nar rative nf'tiir nrore'dmrs in tlio oiur^o of tin1 curcutit vear.

lie' 1 the


rrccivtd Baltimore,

aptrd to the


i Philadrl/ihia and supply oj GOODS,

con»istinn ofAXTD


On motion bv Mr. /<penc", leave Riven to liringin'a b ; ll

responsibility uf nrutci (inn Ilieir 'I'^'-t", -md of devising *ui me.ihur-s us will ail\ jnco tln-';r welfare and, am

.OTHS & choir.r ueleciiou

JIMBRES,ticheit sndv°r

VESTING|« will beclid to in.ikp llirm V> in (hi- lit-and mo»l anprnveil f i» khero unmade lo th--«» who pritl«8O a neater and mure prnei

mrnl iliau bi-fiTp. nf I's Otovr.ii. STOCKS. Co

speclfully inviled lo,"'l"he puhlir I and examine ik


B£U1UVU1> Fon XJ/.A; .; / / ///.<

LAW! TWO XiETTBBGTo Dr. Hoadlcy, Bithop of Bangor.

Pritt Ttrtnly-Jire Crnlt.


For 1831 Price 6$ Cents.33.

TRU^Y vinue of »Wecree of Ihr Ci-url nf Ch»n

eery of Ihe sVjte of MsiyUud, the tub ilxr, as '.ru»le«.\» ill px|iosr to public rale on

ay the atvenlhldajr of January nrxi. »l o'clock. M. on tlf prrmism, if fair, if noi.Brat fiir day ihpriafter. (Sunday exicpli-d) t of Ihe real eslatVif 'I Immss Giilfi'li. beall 'hat Iract, or n\rt of n tract, or

land, formerly ca .. .e M-sur«eyed andVuHid 'Grifnih'it 1'ui e,' eon30O ACRES>>F LAND,

iore or Im, lying and ovlng on Klk ne-Arnndrl co-iniy, nndvcuveen ei;hirrn

il nineteen mile* from iheViiiea of llillimorp Wa*hin|ton, and withi\ a quirler "I n

le from Ike Washington 'turnpike, and a t Ihrer tjuirler* of a mile from Ihe Savs;j< ctory ; Ihi* Uml is tiiuatpdVi unc ol lh 1

t heal iky neighbourhoods inXihe Slate o Maryland! Ihe improwrmenls tire

A large and comfoiyible __ Dwelling and other ouiVnuses, suf ient lor * large family, at prcnenV ocrupiei Thomas Marriott. A further Jisciipii'i

i Ihe property is deemed unnecessarjL a< thus fh't with to purchase will view iKe \rcmi*e

i lee tn tie day of sale.

TERMS OF *AIJ cash to l>e paid on Ihe day of **le,

iiiliration thereof by the Chancellor, v , |ie Truitet t* aalhoriif d to execute a deed

i p«rch«Mr or ptuehasrrs ih'renf. BUSHROQ W. MARHIOTT.

Bee. 18, 1MO, A-

for the h-iie!-; of tlie children uf Robert I. Henry, l.ilr of W-ifi-tter Cou'itv: ortl><rcd that Mesir*. Speiirc, Mitchcll and I'arker, prcpjr'- and bring in tlie sime.

The Spe.*k»-r l.nd before tlic lloute report* from the clerk* of Biltmiore, Krpdprirk, Mungomcry, Allp^inv. Harford, Talbot, (jupe^Aiine'*. K>nt, Caroline and Worcester Ci'un- tiU( relative to t';e a'tenilancp of Judges, which were icad anil leTcrred tu the Comm'ttec on Griev.incri and Co'irls of Jnsli e.

AUo reports from the Clerk* of Mnntirnniery, Alleganv, Talh:it, and Worcester counties, relative tu the num!"-r of copies of Votes and prncre-'ing* remaining in their i>Mir>-*, which were read and referred t'i the Committee on the Li­ brary! Also a rprorl of t'ie Trustrr* of Ihe RocJ-ville Academy, in M'uilgvitiy C'oiinlr. which was read and re­ ferred In tha Committee on K location.

And reports from tlie Clrrks of Bdtimorc. M.mlgnmprv, Q'lern-Anne's. Knit, Cnrnlinr and Worcester Cu'tntiri, rcla- of Uie live aims of money paid by them intu t'ie pub- Stale, lir Trcmuiy iviiliin the year ending on t'.ie .Ifllh of Novpm- Th her ISVI. which were read and referred to the Committee on Ways and Mean..

On motion by Mr. Tcacklo, the following message was rej.l assented lo. and sent to toe Srtiatc:

By l!ie House of IMegutvi, December 29la 1830. Gentlemen of the Senate:

We propose with (he concurrence of your honourable bid t-. In appoint a committee to ronsint of 'five member* of tin. Home oonj.iint'.v with such gentlemen a* nnv \>» app'iintrd by Ilir Senate on their par*, tit euritrict fni- tint publi<- oeinl- int;. We have appointed Me»sr». Tcarkle, Wootton, Claude, Mc'Elfrcsh and llnnl, on the part of thia House.

By older.George G. Brewer, CU:.

On motion by Mr. Ch.ipman tho following message read, assented to, and unit lo the Senate:

Bv tl.p House of |)i*lcg'ati-s, December 2Dlh, 18.10. Gentlemen nf the St'iiil-*:

We propose to nppnint a j lint cnmmittpp of both Houaes to wail on !ii» exri-llrncv the Governor, and i'lfnnn 'iim that we are prrpsred lo ret eivr any i ommuniralion whirh lie in.iy deem nere»saty to maki*. We have nupcd un our purl, Mcsitn. Chapman anil G.ile.

fly order,George O. Brpw-r. Clk.

On motion by Mr. Teackle, the following m.'«:tj|je was read, amentrd to and sent l-i the Semite.

By the House of Delegates, December 89th, 18.10. cntli-men "f the Srn.itc:We propose to appoint a joint committep on tlic Library,

nd have nominated on the part of thio House. Messrs. eacHle, Tilclunan/and G-iU'/.h, to set with 1 such gentlemen

* may be appointed by your honourable body to carry into Feet thu objects of the laws in lint regard.

lly order,George O. Brewer, Clk.

The Clirk of the So in to, delivers Ihr following mpsri^es:By thr Senate, December 29, IHSO.

Gentlemen »f the HOIISP of Delegite*,We have appointed MI-SIM, llerb-rt and Thomas, to juiri i; gentlemen named by you tu wait on his excellency, the

iuvernur.Bv order,

Louis Gaamway, Clk. By the Senate' December 29, 1B30.

Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:Thv SiMiatn accede to your message, proposing the apnoint-

ncnt of a joint commitiee on the Library, and name Meant-*. Harriott, Heatli and Herbert, lu join llie gentlemen named >y you.

By order,Louia Gasaaway, Clk.

By .the Senate, Uucember, 29, 1830. Gentlemen of the House of Delegate.:

The Senate have received your message of this date, pro- poiing to appoint a joint committee t» contract for auch print­ ing as may bo required by the-Legislature, during the pro- lent lession, and concur therein. The Senate have appoiuted

1 iilati'iiis tij>oii tl.e disiiti^iii^lie.l i-\ nl' nee of public confidence, which yin h.i»r n-cei%ed from the hand* of thr pi*u|il

To vou 'm been enti o-ted, by voui n.n«liluenls, tlie hi(;hh

pprii>ss, audcominK as yo» i',o, rercnllv frnni Ib'-in, aciiiiaint-d with Ilirir inlrrpjitJ "nil thrir «i<'i-«. v*in arr well prepared lo com- menre yi'ir ilnliiM, *MI| to p'-rT'ii-ni llu-oi in such manii'-r, s* to pnni ite the ^ pui |M.,"» fur which you have bren *e- lected.

In mp'-lin^ »n (Kit id'.-re«l'i'^ '>rrasi"il, it K.-hovcs us to lender our ni.tei^r.ed in-know!et|^miMil% tn .1 ki .d and heno McPT.t Pt ivt'l.-n T, fir the mvn bless:-ic* bestoived vpun ou- connlrv. A'ti'Mi'/ tlp-ni, there .ire snrelv none more caKulat ed l» call f>rth tin- pirii->im.s nf uur gratitude, than ihn en jiivir-nt nf peare with ill ii'ili^iK. By His bnniiliful lianl w.! havr '> <"! a'.iund.D't 1 v xuppli'-d. n1»u. with the prudurlions of tl.e rarili. IK- Ins hlrnspd us v«i(h n form nf tiu\eriiment, Ihp »i«e<t and tlic IK--.I, 1(:,' w.n!.l CUT siw) and h.? hi* al­ lowed U" in conformity with it, l!i.- ine^tiiiubl>: privilege uf Uius .is»i.-tiihlinj t'i rrpr*'»i"it tlie inli-ro«'ts of fif'-nen.

The ai-inu..t :bilily «'f ;'-i'i!ic ..(rir,. r «, «e liold to be one of tSe \vis- firalnris if mir repn.ili'-iin Koven.nie"l. It M 'lie s.ilut.irv chpek uhirli ihe p'"')!!". fruin rtS'tin onlv. nil p.i,yer i* le'^itiipatrlv derivod, linvcuvei Ihosi* enlnutpil vyilh the ma* iinKCiiienl ' ( ilu-ir r'nti i-rns. In accui d.nn:c with t!-is prin­ ciple, \rp slmll procpe.l t<i liy before yon s'ti Ii nrts and p ceedin'^s ,<f (liii 1)-pi-'mpiil, necoss.irv f-ir \'o«r inl'ii 'ii^ti'i

NO. 1. A

to b« allowed for

Gcn .il

as miy lie i-itlier inliTi-*li'nj i, j<r"«in5 '"it "I tor te»oliilinnii , nr rri|inird li\ tin: law. of the '

rcs«l«t'i-«« rxj«"-"»ivp ul tlir hi'i'i a-lmiratinn »f lli» Jnre t^r tin- ,11.lit nn.I'H t .K*t>l.iird liv tlirpp nf n<tr I'liiiMin i!.e I .lie «nr, have rirrived due

The «--v<ir'l« \\*.irli win- r> ipiii'ed to br pi eparr-d and presrmcd uiiier l!ir r**?»'dn*i-ins r"leiied t*», have n-it bepn finis'ie-l. luii .iri-Hi iliii'4 to thf .y.^rcciiifiit, will be rc.idv for pr'-^-iiiali -i i-i !h I't-xt m i.ilh.

|,i tfirl'-rii'S l'-»li>ii .ni.ils to t'ir oftirer-., who have dnuv hnnnui to llu-ir «'.'. by llie;!- lirivrrv and honimrablp %er- vices in the I,I!R « n, I!IP n.inic uf .1 in nl n-illmt ;e-i'leioan is >'»i.i;>el tli'init'.i-, no d , i!>« i-n:lvei("'itly, «f former L ;i»l i"n-"«, nii-l iv- :nnk| rrsperlfullv, »*k le.ive, now to iiilrnil'i'-i-il i-' \n«ir .itl^n'i-in: we allude lu C ipl. Gcuri".1 U >- ;ets. T'II- jiM'lv p'p'irnled ,i'-liini lid ween ihr Wasp and the M '.IIH'I si .p. I' F.-idii-. i* f..-.'i i-i "Mr r.volliicli in. It wis in |'.-i' Itini fou-'o' !i.:lll:! , Lii-iti mill ll uers, nf the Wa*n, ,'vin>--i| the p.liioli,- .ii'ilni- j'lil n-iv.vl il.ilI, whicli enti'lc him. ii 11-1114 olliero. lo t-i warmpat i-xprcstiun of gratiludc finm t'ne ri!i/.eii> "I hi^ ii.>li>r «l.u~.

The resiil'iii..ns Nn-< 51 md 31, have been duly complied »ith. T'le sp.ili-d pri'p.i«jls I'.ir rxcruling I'IP public print­ ing, as required >" horuwitli traiuniilti-d, far tin: cnnsidcra- t,.i:i of llie L»-i-l.«turf.

Tli.' Kxei-ntne. in iiriformilr wilh Oio resnlu'ion No. 59. caused a'lslr.icl. »f tlic elccli MI l.iws t.i IIP di«ti ibut.'d willi ihi- I urs pi.«i-d at llur lait M-ISIIIII nf tlie Anscniblvj and a cop> of I'.e l.iivi and n-soluliiias w.u forwarded to llie* nf tlic |i rn- in each county uf Iho SUle, pur­ suant In (he resolution No. ('>!.

According to the act of Asscm'dy of last s"s»inn, authoris­ ing and rripiring tin- Ktprutivr "lu appoint a suitable per­ son l» represent Ihe Stain in all future meeting* of the Mo.-Undil.-rs of till j lint kturk companies incorporated to make toad* and ra:i,i!s. and to vole therein." the Honoura­ ble Michael C. Sprim; of W»s'iiii{;lou counly, has been ap- p.tinted to represent tin- interest of the stale, and lo vole up­ on tlie *t»rk in ihP (MiPsnpi'aUo and Oiiio canal > oinp.inv-

The attention of l'i<: Kti-'culiv: was druwu to the acl ol As- *embly, p:i>-»eil in 1HM, authorising ihe purchaso of a coin- il.-te set of the manu4e.iipt or prinlrd vnlc< an I proceedings f every «emiiui of Ihv several C' lield aiitece Icntly to the furiiiitiun of tlic *into- government, and the, vile* and priirrpdiun* "^ ''" ' Senate and House of Delegttes, which are mi^sin'j.' And wu have tho «.ili«fjction tu state,

of these record*, from Mr.

determine apon tlie coaspenaation service.

Being requested by the Commissioner* to that affect, otter wa* addresaed, by order of ihe. Executive, to the t ,

cretary of War, for an Engineer to survey the route for a Ca1 nal 'to connect Pocomoke River, Sinepuxent Bay and Ta* gier Sound.' The acting Secretary of Wur, in bis teptJT, itatea. that a previous communication had been made up< the subject br the late Executive of the State that the a| plication should be kept in view, and would receive consideration of the Secretary of War, at tlie proper time.

We have the honour herewith to transmit a letter from tl Secretary of Stale, by onler of hi* Excellency the Governor of Delaware. This teller was accompanied with three cople* uf the revised edition of the law* of that Slnte, up to the ~

H'29, and three copies of the act* passed at tlie last s of the General Assembly. A rcqucat was mads at the itne, Hint the Expcnlivo of Maryland would furnish that

Stale with copies of the law* as would, whun rcri-ived, afford a complete set a memorandum of tho laws asked for, i* an­ nexed, and can he referred to. Not having any copie* of th.i laws at our di»po»al, we, take leave to submit the nunicatinn to tho I.cRislatnrc, and merely exprets tiie that the civility extended to us, may, if practicable, be jrocatcd.

Communications have been received, and now are trans­ mitted for the deliberation of llie General Assembly, from th* Executive departments of the States of Ohio ind Delaware. In regard to the tariff of IR2b; both of which, contain resolntinna ' adopted liv the Legislatures of these Slates, expressive of the expediency of measure, and of it* accordance with tli* spirit of the constitution of the United State*.

An requenled by his Excellency, tJie G.iv«rnoT of Virginia, ' we present authenticated copie* of two acts of Ihe General, Assembly,' respecting the Chesapeake and Ohio canal com­ pany.

Copies of (he law* of teveml states have been received t and from the State of Maine, a copy nf Gr"enlp*f» Map and- statistical vipw of the State. We ha%e deemed it pi .per to ;>,~i.*c?nt the several communications accompanying these docu­ ments, in nroVi th«t they may b^ refern-J lo, if necessary.

Ilia Kxcrllrncy, the G\»i*nn>r of Coi.necticut, has Ipr- wardcd to thi* Department, to be liiil before VOM, |i i-i-tolulion adopted by the legislature, expressing ^ nuu-cuiu urrenc with the State of Missouri, in the proposal su lo hmcrid 'th» roimtiluljoii uf the United Slates us to pr.ividc a iinifurm modd >f cliictini; t'ie Pre-.ident and Vicr-l're»:oen uf tiie Unitedt' Slates. wiOiout Die inlrrvciilionnf clei-l-ir^: and to prevent toe '-lecdo,i in any case, from bein; luiinuUrd tu lh* lioUMJr of U pri-seii'iilives of lh; I'uited Stut-:».'

llmoluti" n ariopU'd by 'he General A-"-m')lv of K'-ntmcky ' an- aUo placed before vou. Th*»c rclnii- ! llie 'Ameritfai Sv»t?m,' airl arr in .in»wei- to M eri.iin pr.n.'-eiiinga uf t>>< K *!«lure iifSoiiih Cartiliiia, anil other Sliler, concerning trw powers of ihr Grr.pinl Guvc.-nnutit in relation tu the tariff and ii.teinil improvrmenl*.'

vN'e should, perhaps, gn bevund the limit* prescribed U', t i rxpre«s opiniuns OJMHI tlio hrveisl proceeding* refei tu; we have onlv lu submit them, therefore,' to th? Legi turr. in Ihe cm fidence. they will receive the attenlion llifit import nice druervcs.

A Hit of ill-- inilinent Deaf and Dumb, selerled by ihe PI utivc of this Stair, .ind placed in tlie I'etlinylvaiiij I u«til lion, is:iu» furnki>heil bv Ihe Clerk uf t'ic Council, the name of earh iiuiiv idunl, the count have been taken, and tin: amount of mum

rt ami inilioii. It "ill al»o appear I ruin which covntiM there have been no rcpon*. ifo

We hive "li'ix si*rn .in much in detail, ait necessary, an *yO* cnunt of the pcrfm ui.uiic of tile few dul.e-. wliiili ware p»T» tiiularlv ss«i|;ncd us; j-nl have H!S'> made such other rumnW- ii>'4tinns us r.;i|Uf*4teo, citliL-r for the lufuttnutinu or r<M0« tinn of the Ir^isUlni e: our lj»*C nn^M I'.iPreforc be ad. Knti-rUiinioi; 'lutvevcr, a prop.-r sciiMi u( llio n of thu trusts commit. «d to our linuds,ive Iwg. penm>»ion to otT«r a few so^-..,tioo 5 up m *iii.U topics "t public cunctrtt «» -.vmiy think proper ti ititrodum at the tamo time, W* ire well .iw.ire, that tticic are f?w *ubjcrt» uf general intaMJt ti the »Uie, whirh liavc l)--e'i adverted to by those WTO

I'eaiiiyivanu lu.til 'ic Council. IlihMk 1 ities froi.i which twk iiey jiaid lor their *»|pv^p

I'ci.iii ufl>ii-k J*A«*«^IAA ' ^^jfc I

that a nun-haur has been undo Jjnas Green of AnnapnlU.

Thev roufiiencti in the yeir IS20. U is believed, that tliM is these early records to lie obtained) and

ir I7T-2, and are continued to tUe

be a source of much i^ralincatinn tu all who hold in grat recollection tho srtrvices of their ancenlora, thua to be i

the only sat it mutt certainly

ratefu'ltors, thua to be tiaiv-

bled to examine their jirnrtwIingH, and at the aame time to be furnished with useful information fur future lagulatiun.

In virtue of the authority given undrr the resolution No 04, adopted at November BfNspu 1811, Gideon Pearce, Ksq has been appointed tu prepare an index to the Laws of Ui General Assembly, commencing with the neasiun of 18M and ending with Uio set«ion of 1820 when this work aha Imve been completed, II will remain, for tho L«jjiila,t«re t


h.\ve prece led a<; jet. '.f viHi .iliuald be now presented. W* trust, it will not be considered an useless occupation uf time, .ijfiin tu be reinin led ol llicin.

There is nu »u!ije.-l upon wUirh the |v\tri}t*nd the p lhr<ipist can dwell with a deeper interest, than that oft lion. It it on*.' which tu» often attracted llie atleiilt.m __ Legislature, aud we should do injustice to uur uvvn feeling** not lu entreat their constant and uuliriiic rtf.irit tu diflTusV^- ils benefit*. Its beneficial elfecU upon Ihe happiness of man* "' kind its connexion with the comforts of rational beiaga) and its certain tendency lo the permanence of political freedom, producing a knowledge of ilahlestiiig*, and thereby, a proper appreciation nf it» value, are truth* admitted by all

ho have intelligence to comprehend them. And to tho en- ghtenvd representative* of tho people of Maryland, it will rarcelv be necessary to urge thu propriety uf appropriating iberally to thi* object, whenever die finances uf the Btatt vill justify tho expenditure. " '

The free schuol fund haa been productive of great benenta, .; vhorevcr it ha* been distributed. M*ny children, within ourVj, inowlt-dgp, who would otherwise have remained in igtioitOO»J rrom t!icir unfortunate condition in life, hate be«n Ungtit hose branches uf learning, which may lay the ground wurk of heir future uscfuluc*s. And we indulge tht) plessiag hope,

that by the well directed exertions of th* Legislature, lu* time will not be far distant, when no individual iu the stale, no matter how humble hi* situation, slinll be deprived of the jencfiUof nn education csicntial lo hi* own nippin*»t, a*)4 necestary to make him a useful member of aociety. '; >

Tu ameliorate the condition of Id" fellow men, and to ad* ' -f vance them in the comfort* and happiness of life, are pri- iiury objects willi a wise lojti*lator. To effect thtno object*, his attention must necesiamv be drawn to tin repression «f tho vicious pnip«n«ities of human nature, and of ihe *«U consequence* Bowing from their indulgence. Among the plau deviled by the beuevolene* o( enlijhuued men, for tk*}.> punishment of crime, and for the reformation of offenders, r"1 efficient HauitentUry.aystent stand* pre-eminent.

I) it here the <aoa;uinary infliction uf punuhmout upen tlio*», wh« have violated tlie law* of Oieir couatry, haa yteldud toj tho haqnane subslitutca, teclusiou and Ubour. In the Pant* Uotiary of Maryljucl, impriaunment ami Ubour have been r«jj, torted to, a» the punishment for crime. The plan hak been ! oooration lor several year*{ the experiment has h«en tried, and, V at au enormous expenao upon the people: it therefuru be- JT com«s the imjKralivo duly of tlie lerulature to inquire wh*»-<fl liter, under tlie preteut aysUm, violation* uf penal law h**J|S]

\**t freo/*Mt Ht* rafurmatiun been th* oon*eo,ueac«»

%rt .



Page 2: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

Lerteiulatkrr't^ua.^ ItriTMat ,Pl ali tgfr.aTi,,,..* (**' .tie* it wa* *»ub)}*b*ai.To call the attention of iho L«*ji*Utnre to art Investigation

r.'*f (be mbject, and to point oul-iflWy, some of the defect*, ' i§ til that mty be required. The great error a* wo appte-

bend, wbicli MM attended the plan, ha* been the promiscu­ ous aaaoatatun of lh« eoavicl*. When it* inmate* are per­ mitted t» onjo? the aocic'ty of each other, and to keep up a recollection and fondnes* fer the vice*, which produced Iheir degradation, the terrnr of the penitentiary mutt loao ili> t fleets. Tho valuable Improvement which ha* been made in llic Institution, of affording a *cp«nle apartment foreoeli convict at night, no doubt will have a most beneficial ten­ dency. During their labours by day, Ihe vigilance of Ute keeper*, may In aome degree, prevent the eovrupn'n^ inler- ^ourao to which iharir depraved mind* mo*t necxssanly lead them, bul--wheii a**ocialed at night in the tame chamber, Iney ce*> give an unrestrained recital ol llieir miadceds and lay future plans ef villainy. We are inclined lo the belief,

••'' thai Ihe remedy for the error ha* noi yel been fully applied-. The convicts engage in the same daily labour, and il would

> be n'terly impossible to prevent Ihe more hardened in crimec from extending their baneful influence in sareo way or other

.». _ -.-., / _: _« -.. ^. ' ...: ..

. ,.,-..^exhibit thVpr«*ent condition 6f that IrUtitmion.

euniarr profit*, rhoy repceaant to be let* than ml the conclu­ sion oflhe )V«r, which ended November 30th, 1899, fropi cautesnot within llieir control. A* tbwe will bo satisfactorily ttatcd in the report now hid br-fetcryou, wo will ottifcapacs upon your «Jme hy enumerating them. Uiit a* flpgard* the priton discipline, the moit grs'iifftK account i* given. The flan* which have been pursued fWPfhe inielfoetusf and mo­ ral improveiiienHDf the convict*, and for their ultimate re- formation, deserve the liighcsl comnveitdttlofl.

J'hc disbnracmcnli ss rv»pccl the.Stale Tubscro Inspection I):iliininre, being under the control of thi*n (Lo city of

IqSrtiiicnt, il

over thOM committed for minor offcMers conversation cinnot be entirely prevented, and if it could, a knowledge of each oilier is formed, which, after liberation roust: bring

I them together to commit further atoprcdalions upon society'Tb eorrrct thit radical fault of impro|>er association, the planof class.ficilioD mar be adopted. Il ia certainly worthy oftbe experiment ilat WA are constrained lo express our

'.fear* Ilia I a completely flWimblc result will not How evenfrom that measure. Many diffirullies would occur in mak-Ingthis arrangement; although they might be convicted ofthe tame crime, yet the aame aggravating circumstance*might not attend its commission-, mi there mutt be diffcr-

1 enl degree* In the morsl depravity which no human being can Uiacover. Unlea* then, there thould be tuch in tr- nrftrneni of clause* to place together those who had rrached tho same degree of infamy in all respects, the evil* ol>nm<mjnir*lions must still exist. While upon this siibjert we? would refer you merel) for exsminslion, In tho plan of Ibe great Esnlurn Penitentiary of Pecntnylvaira. it con- sitl* in sretunion, day *nd night. (Labour i* aligned lo Ihe

' convict not * punishment, but as an alleviation of the se­ vere anguish of his mind, calculated lo produce habit* of :n- dvislry not by coercion, but » *Jordjrnx him tinder tho cir- cumslance* « plca*inaiciriuloyn>e7il. Ma is debarred only

_ f vicious iMociales, wfiilo, he receives the vi- nf tliose who can instruct him in morality and piety.

''Tlie eX|Mirlmont i* a nnw one. and we tbotild wsit lo ob- i av>rve what good effect! it will produce. Another defee

serins to have arisen from the restriction imposed upon the cmirtt in regard lo iho time of confinement of convict* in Ihe prnltrntiary. To sentence in individual who hit commlt- tid tome minor offence, for which this punishment is pre- cribc.l, and who lit* never given other evidence of moral turpitude, to a con6nemcnt for two years with the most pro-j

\OffHe of humsn being*, is certainly defeating one of the uri- mary objrcls of pens! Isw, Ihe reformation of iho offender. | He wbo may in Hie opinion of the court before whom he i*

u . tried, merit only confinement for a short period, and made k to mflcr *ufficiet:Uv to deter him from repeating In* crime,

)« often after a eonnneimml for two years, turned loose up- . on the- community an adept in all the arta of rice. The

una have all the fact* before them, and are best qualified i the proper duration of punishment. \Yc therefore

ticutarty ii vilo your attention to the propriety of ropcal- _; tlio law Impoiing this restriction.The ill-advised exrreisoef the pardoning power, mny al­

ee produce moat ncriou* contoqncnecs. It it only from rc- |tommendtli<in* and representations in behalf of the convict, Tne) individual invested with that power, can act. And if

misapplied sympathy or ill-directed feelings should procure L interference by (be Executive, without regard lo I lie mer-

if tbe one, criminal offences Can Dover be diminished. l only the discreet exercise of thi* most delicate power,

which can hsvo a anlnlsry effect. Uut whenave*-* belief hall be enlfruin«iil of repentance tnd unfeigned reforma­ tion on the part of a eonvtcl, and a reprvMiilation of. the fsel dhouW n* made by thoaa who are best acquainted with

> cireumslances In relation lo hit case, beloie aud after lion, sn inltarpnsition of Execiuive clemency l>ecomes

t\ And we srv nlisnoj no Executive under such eir- ine*i would ever reluv: to extend that pardon lo an

SMuuste fell.nrbeing, which we all expect to receive rt a iu*t and mmifuT Providence.

JYe Pen inutiary here, has been a considerable burthen tlie State, but, from the judicious management of it* in-

'. concerns, il ie ndHr capable of supporting it* own ex . pCncf*, and may be a source of revenue lo the Slate. But .tjieie never Was a greater error iu legislation than to look fp a PenilMlia y tor pecuniary profit. It i* true, Ibe BIOS! JDiticioua economy should l>e observed in its msntgemeot,

.' and the convict* alumM b« mad'ec fsr as practicable, to re­ lieve the Stale from the burlhens imposed by llieir crime*. The great object ahould be, and lo which the attention of e*ory legislator ihould be directed to punish crime to de­ ter by example, and to produce reform. The expense of

iruHii'Miun Uktl would effect tha*e objecta, would be tri- ' indeed In sXHltreat with the permanenl benenl* (rising i It; end the npen*c* muit ne*e*aarily decrease with the

Utim of crlminst ofleneee.(led with this subject, we recommend to your

) eonaideratloa, an institution, which we understand j»te»pl»tipn to cttablitn In the city of Bilnmore,

trXCpuAnemem of javcplle offender*. To Uii* llouie o »ge," ail minors, who under our existing laws would be

nteneed by the court* for criminal offence^ to the Penl ntiiry, should be confined. ' 4 IS.

^Hw tuasnaulty and t*und P*fV «* providing an aration bjriween thjt novice UPlniquity and U* obdurai

muat^ fj^narant, 'llh»*.bc<w properly said, thai k youth is thAperlod lo make permanenl impnusinnsi an ' ' piece an ioljiudual wboat Und«r (» must forbid the «a of bia beinf eonaVrroed In vloo, ta tka <MMant aasMela »n.witb bardaoed culpnU, 1* revolting to aiFtbe Wax) felat

_*)«t of ow nature. Let ut follow Ihe laudable example aet before o* by tbe Slate* of Maawaehutetaf, New York

'' /ia iWir libatal neon** Lef ihit'kiSML - The* House of refuge in MtliaheA ty private doandooaanel wiaely end* f rralatorf, h*apto«li»te4 Incaleujabte b«n«4u|t>% from the report* of (no manajgerav that UT'<aai

-.., .. ]« incumboni upon 111 to tl»le thai the nclt proceed* iu the year which ended on the IH Ejpccnibcr, 1830, added to the halance In the tnhnury on tlM 1*1 Decembrr, 183V, amount lo twenty twolhmuand four hundred and aix- ty dollar* siul ninety one rent*. And after deducting tho dipburvcmrnl* in tho year which ended on the 1st Occcin- bcr, 1830, un Kcoiuil of the redemption of the principal, and 11* interest on flock iMiird by the Kicculu'c, and on the loan negotiated by tho Treasurer, for insurance and ground rent, auiounling in all, lo the ram of twenty-two thousand' n:\en hundrrd and lolly-four dollars, and fifty cents there remained an oxcuu n,f two hundred end eighty thix-c dollars ai.d fidy nine cents which sum Was mlvkneed hy tike (i-oavircr. Of the (lock issued by the Executive, in payment (or I he Stale's Warehouse*, liicio In* been rcdeom- c.l during the yrar wliich ende<l on I he 1st December 18 Jo,

Th«, , '-^!....: ̂m, , lilwralitjr

,... ,^. rtieane, it must llierefdro be owiog to the want of individual eMrtlon Uial they havo not flourisltcd in tn e-

witfiaiher*. 80 long a* superior advantagesare known to be proaentcd in foreign *chools, iho ypung men frofli «jrcry *cction o| tho country, will necessarily be drawn to thorn. And the only way to check thi* londnett for Mn.d\ipfclhQm <fr«|u-i'ie »Ute for oducnUon; it to mafep

eaVil re those abroad. 'Tho additional**.

the nun "of di'xn-en ibiiiiMiid five hundred dollar*; leaving thirty eight ihonMiid dol|»>a of Ihi* fund lo bo redeemed. This ItaMnco aildcd lo the slock iwued by tbe Treasurer for the loan nforcraid, m»kc the iuim of cighty-aix thousand dol­ lar*, to bu redeemed.

The annual rutur.i* of tho militia, arms tc. a* contained in l!-.-! rcpuri of the .Vljulant (Jcncral, arc cow laid b«- fore yoiu In regard to tl.e militia, we are convinced of the propriety of adopting OIKJ of two measures; either lo en­ force a rifjiil uWivjnce of the laivs relating lo their train­ ing .ind parades; or lo i!i»pcnsc with militia p.inidcs entirely. A::J Inrtmr -pn-«ii( niltulijn of t!ic CWinlry, tve eX|trc«* a prufuroncc for the latter. The militia parad" 1*. now con- Juclotl, iu fjr from rendering l!io militia more expert in military tarticis do Mvil have that tendency; w)iilu they dr»>r (jtrsou* from iheir useful avocations, often to engage in scene* of dixipalion. All who have witnessed nulilis inu'lem in the cnunlry, muvt be satisfied of their perfect in- utility, and uf lln'ir injtir-otM cQl-clsupun tbe inoruln of the people. \Ve would noi be understood as recommending, by any mein«, that a ulncl urgsnizalinn of the militis should not be reuuirvd; On llic contrary, we would say, that severe pcnillies ahould l>e ini|>oscd for neglect in making a regular

nnual enrollment, tn be reported at every session ot the

vur wm> vwinip--^.,—— — ...—— _-.-.._.(lucnceend weight of characteY which would consequently bo given to the. State, the great saving of oxpcnss to all, and the fteRfry 4vhien Would he 'afforded 1o - tlibtd» whose fortunes would not allow tltem lo «evk an- education else­ where, without enumerating other coatidunliona, thquld in­ duce our citizen* to unite ia their excruoa* lo support * col­ lege which would sflord all the benctiis to be obumod from one in any other slate. Without presuming to designate any particular college, which'from ils locality, would -com­ bine the moet advantages, wa only remark that good poli­ ty seems to dictate the propriety that the public attention should bo drawn exclusively lo one. The meant then would be ample for providing Professors of the highest attainments and for furnishing every particular in etch department re­ quired to give character and usefulness (o tho institution.

Aa citizens of a constituent part of the great confederacy of Republican Stale*, bound together by one common con­ stitution, intended for Ihe boniTu of if not unbecom­ ing in u* to rejoice at the increasing prosperity of ourcoun-

•...L-..M... -• - il_:.-.i ^..._ r..f 'i_._l;^ 1^1.1 ,,._

'(Hi •':»I \ 1 \ . ,JIBf** -J

.j Sop.-

itold Hie All]

Wa- Lav

'criipinal Juriadtetlon^th* number of juvenile d^Il fonttanlly d«m«aa«d *ln«« it* aublfrimant. ^ TT^amWgoo*! eOaMa have been eipariatwtd~

Hy this course, whenever either of the Cases rcscribod by the constitution fur calling out tbe militia (lull ccur, they will be icsdy to bo trained for urvicc, without

xjing siibjeetcd to attend milnia mcctingi, as under the pre-nt system, wljcra they arc nc-ithrr iinprtrvod in discipline

mr bencfitted ii) moral*. To provide f%!( emergencies whichay occur, when arms might be required, earlier than they

onld be obtained from the Armoury, we invite your alien- on to tho propriety of providing I list, Brigadier General* nail be permitted to receive from the Armoury, my number farm* that may bo considered requisite, to DO disposed of

tr. J. 'itTlKJAiiwirt oration on tit* Chriifiin Religion, day oVe.u'ng, in the flute If ou*e, 'ajj light, where he would be'pleaaed to W>tl friend* of Cbrftiiatnrj. : > '

ii their Itri^ndr*, in inch msnner as they may think actvisa- i|c, npnn thair punting Hie res|Kjniibility lo have themepl in perfect unk-r, and lo maku an annual return of theirnniltcr and condition lo the Adjutant General, lo bo by him ti<l before the legislature. Wo have been induced to offer hcvMuggcstions, from Ihe circumstance of applications lor Tins having been made Iu Ibe Executive, lo provide for \*K* which were thought to require promptness of action.

Tho report of Ihu Treasurer which wiU bo made lo Iho eJrUTjtnre, presents the finances of the State lo be in a far

better condition llun wo*anticipated. Upon au examination if this intereaiing document, il will appear, that on the lal December 1830, there was in the Treeiury the sum of fifXv- fbur lhoui>and one hundred and six dollar* and eighty-eight tents. After deducting appropi iations unexpended andhargenblo lo lint fund, Ihe balance at the end of the fiscal

ir ear wa.« twenty-nine UiouMiid eight hundred^and Uiirty light dollars and sixty-four cent* 'I'lie I^cgitUlure will at once petceivr, llul without the imposition of addilional_bur- "hens upon tho penule, Ihe State ha* been enabled to performI* various engagements, Mippurt il* necessary expenses, and

can nnw urcwnl this gratifying result. We regret our inability lo forward with thi* communiea-

ion, oQicial report» from the Internal Impiovement compa­ nies in Iho Stale. Thi* eircuin*l*ne& prevent* u* from pre­ senting to your view an account uf the progress which ha* been anado in these undertakings, which now excite aodccp an interest among our follow eiliscn*'

A circular from the board of trustee* of the "Rhode Island Historical Society," h»» jint been received, and we comply tMtHjflie request therein contained, to call your attention lo lie consideration of the plan propoi>ed for obtaining authen- lie information of the early history of our country A num­ ber of documcnia Illustrating (he transactions of that period, are taid to he deposited in the public archive* of Great Bri­ tain, lo wliich access could easily he obtained. And tho ob­ ject of Ihe communication i* to urge the delegation In 'Con­ gress frum each Stale, touae thoir eflurl* to procure thcpsa- ago'of a law lo provide for tho copying of llicao document*. We tro impressed with the impotisnce of lit* sabjccl, and invile your c» operation in effecting the proposed object.

A memorial to Congress from Ihe surviving officer* and totdier* of the Revolutionary Army, hna been forwarded from New York, and i* noMplaned before you. It it de- tired that the legislature tlpPd recommend to their Senator* tnd Rrprmwnlstivrs in Cnngrv*«, Ihe adoption of some mea­ sures of relief for thneeofficers and soldier*, who served be­ tween tho year 1773 and the Ut day of October 1780, and who have never received cnmpnn*alion either irylnndor mo- ncifif^The relief iolicitt>*1* for that class ef oBcer* snd soldtRs who served buf few year* after the eentmeneemenl of huttilitio* and were compelled to resign from cause* *et forth in the memorial. And though their services dejcrvc the grateful reward of their countrymen, no provision by Congrata Ha* ever yel been made for them, t We ncod not add a remark to induce you to bestow which relate* to lha alleviation

try. At thi* day, tbe United StateVof America most elevated rank among the nation* of the earth, the operation* of the government proceeding peaceful lyuruj quietly the citixcns advancing iu literature and scjence, and in a knowledge of the arts, and rapidly adding/lu Ihe comfort* and convenience* of life; under Ihe influence too, of wholesome and equitable laws honestly and justly admi­ nistered, and almost free frum that greatest ol evils, a na­ tional debt, Ibe Republic uf North America present* the most glorious spectacle in tho known world. Aud from the friendly jelalioru'nbltll ifubniM bclwce:i us and our bre­ thren of olhcr nations, and the happy adjustment of com­ mercial differences, we hare reason to hope that new sources of wealth will bo opened lo our enterprising and industrious cilitens, _

Uut whilst wo thus felicitate ourselves upon the blessings «ve enjoy under our excellent structure of government, and upon the rapid advancement of our own country, let ua not be unmindful of Ihe wonderful triumph of liberty lately ef­ fected in Franca. Every true Republican, every friend of political freedom, must rejoice at this event; aud we (mat,* the gallant struggle of this noble nation, will prove lo all other;, that tyranny and oppression will ever be successful­ ly resisted by a people determined lobe free.

In contemplating the event* of Ihi* yondcrful revolution our admiration is not lo*a excited hy Hie calmneu an*J for­ bearance which characterized it after victory, than by tltc intrepidity with which il was effected. Tnp ipdlgnanl burst of feeling which impelled the bravo Parisnufs to dethrone a monarch who had infringed upon prinorplM dear to every freeman's bosom, could not have vcn(ed/ifl) fury, whil*l that monarch lived, had not their* mottWs been pure* a*»l lhe»e movements directed by wisdom. Accustomed as we have been to enjoy the mvoet delights of civil liberty, our aym|>stbica are immediately entitled in favour of any peo­ ple gallantly defending llieir rights; but towards the uslioq which cheerfully camo to our aid in the hour of peril, wbejaj we wore alruggling for our own libcrtipa, the most srdent invocstions to Heaven ahould be offered, that U may conti­ nue successfully to maintain principles which will necessari­ ly lead to the establishment of a government, whose basis hall bo enure political freedom, and whose only ohjccut, the prosperity «nd hsppiness of Ihe people. ,

We hsve the honour to be, U'iUi high coi -jderalion,

Your obedient servant*, THOMAS

tore, Oovcrjxpr of the State for tbe e year.

And on Tketday thaTollewina; *j*Att <vVre elected 4* ntemutrsM ^M Council I* | wit: G«org«IIbwa*i;orjWi Anna»Ar«ndtl tod»ty, &amx ufTalbot county, TVonns Wortf«i»|{ton,of Frederick coaBiy y P.-)j«tDorchektef cotinty, and Willuun Pdtfttv' o CtMlae Scanty " ' ** '

COURT OF AfPJS Ali, 'bee/Term ffja,Monday, Jatt. 3d. The argument of JKj*. I

140, Watkins .ct al. r*. 8aa«rd«n et , concluded vby Magtwder lev tbe and RandaJl for tha tp|«Uant*. .

No. 16r, Jletaakar vtL Brewer, Macjweifn and other*, tb " d«r aud Boyle fir tke appell f ;r the appellee*.

Jiu. 4th. .The ajrgemcni Watkin* and Clavtor vs. Ette ed by aUndall aad Magrsjetar (ants, «nd Jobnaon for th* a;

Ja.i- Stli. The argument was concluded b/Magrvd


. notice to a aubjecl

of tho suffarings oCtha*e who asaiMed in antdeviog tb«>ind«p«ndenee of the country.

Amonattfie variou* .. of our erdlghteticd eilltena ftiieh aflorda more graliCdi our State occupying ao eqna) ran

to which Ihe enterprise dlneled, there i* none

ho*e who desire lo ace. With olpera, )n bjr liter.-. . a-

*BjlUuU«M, ,ihan UM laudable tjfprt MW makiDg by the


The Senate wet. Present tlm same member* lit on ye*- tcnlsy,

Tbe proceodingj of yesterday were read.The documents accompanying the Governor'* common!-,

calinn, received yeslercUy, \vcrj aont to.Die House of De- legalea.

Mr. Heath asked and obtained leave to bring- ia a bill to be entitled. An act lo prevent unnercitary expense sod delay in prosecuting appeals from court* oxercUingeuuily Jarifidic- tion in thii Hute. Ordered, That Mcisr*. lieatii, Spenee and HarrUon, be a committee to prepare anJ report llic name.

Tbe President annoanced the appointment of the following standing camiuittcei, via:

A committee on Wajttnd Means Mmrs, JThonaa, Llojd, Nelsun, Smith and Uennis, . ' ~* •

A r cammittee on Peniiont and ReTolutiuturj Claims. Metanu Vorrest, Hces, Smith, 8cwcltand Harntun.

' A-conimillee on Inlernal linprovta>«ut-r-M<atri. Nelaop, Heath, Herbert, Reet, tnd Su«uce.

A committca en Bill* relating to Out Pfosionfri Messrs. Harrison, Sewell, Whiteley, Kennedy and Thamas.

A commit)** on Ililli for the relirf of Inaulvent Uobtor* Messrs. Hcatb, lUibert, Lloyd, Spruce and Kurrrst.

A committee ou Invalid Oueds Meisr*. lleoni*, Htrrisoa, Haiith and Nelson.

A committee on Kngrossml Billl Metsra, nedv, Sewell, Dennis and llarriton.

Mr. Kennedy presented a petition from Martin Qourke of Washington county, praying fur thareuuitioiiof. afiu«| waiclf" waa read and referred to the committee on Way* aud Means.

FRIDAY, D«c. 31, 1840. ' '•'' '•'. ', : i-V On motion of Mr. Bmilh, it was '' <'" ' '** Onlered, That the committee on engroncd bins be direct-

«d-to compare the printed with th* manutcriyt copy of the »ct, entitled "An act to provide for the support of school* Iu Qdeen-Annc'a cupnty, tnd to witltdraw Die fundt from the Oentreville \ltAttnj, December sossion 1349, cli. 171: and if any error in tba aaiil printed copy be ascertained, to report inch remedy at ntay bo expedient

The cUrf of the hotiie of delegate* delivered a tied A inppUaioot to the act, entitled, An act to m,vw AH- am Robb, executor of Upton Beall, late c4erk of MooteoMerycountv comrt, fnrOiar lii* In r_n>nl.<. _-.i-l- _.__-. ° '

t, tail -Btevo |

of.. Ne. UT.! CMttM-

4a* c. .

fit wflt be o period (1836) ratiou it a d'lt blr, tinre term of fivnext aaeeqatnttyiliould

Bv,tlttJIV tht PVtkf.; ^\

._ by fhe Teader, thit$*\ for this bill (o-go into op<- >n«t TtU WM tinavoids-!

lectioo of1 a ucw S«nstef»r*«| will take place b*fore.t

of tlte Legitlaterrv and e any act eooirmla*; thWiaaV \

adopted ai die pxistJL]

county eo«rt, farthered at "" "

ttrtt time and refetreur tatoo.

to complete cerUin '««, chapter 2| whit. .._. iaaar*. Ferrtat, Uaath-asid

. AUe a bill, efatitled,' Afc act ft,r a>» talla tJierein hwntJgn**, «WcH wa. rteif tie «r«7Md to Mesar*,



an m ttiv mvtithat bwlv, acity uf Haiti

ami *fttr|Ucn .

of Ail eUlt| of twcuty t

\ abolish all anch ptra of the Co**tion&ind form kf government it rctitrt

HheUineand mwinrr of electing the eniUN]and the mode ef aMIiaa; «p/vacajpcin

authatsnck eountr, vand' t Itlroore. May- have a senttor t*|

be'elected immediately b/ the peopU.BcoTioii I BtUtnacleUfy Uui(f»

Jtistmbly nf Ma the ttnt Mon<Uy~ii dred and thirty-rii. hall consist and be bent, onn member tn he chosen j l)«llinH>cf, one otter I row the aud A»oe Aruudel counlT, froot each of the other coon and that tha senators i I"'. f<w five voar*, by tk« | couulWt and cilita, cjuali| bcr* Vfthe huuseof ' itisM, and in llte *«r tame place or places, fur number* of the '

Sko. a. Jlnttxit shall be elected bcr, eighteen buna*the **nie*JUy iaafter.

8»o. 3.ton B!M|| be a been fte*rn niled HUle*. tv-flve ye» nveyearfA

f elected by opla of.tb* *fi

to vote fur *, at (ba sans

nev. and. at uw

M fi*r> Mt «IT«

a. oitiiaA of tbr U- attaittcd

a rbefore hi* eltVetiom

a reeitHtH.of U>e slull be ejccua,

t M pubti*

\.E.:itor of tht a rasmnch gratil

read, in the Ho ed by Col. KLV fur iU object the people. /

Jitntion wet ad< have been tlic i|

t,tliatit»framer« Igraftiac in that Inch witliold the i, and which eonl

fgentt to be aelec lou'ot the ctaae \

men wbo pi of tkis ttatr, ti

etencj »f-th«- pt , act for thcnm'I

a senate to re «*ch to have b< nvcraeil the m^n ion, and without ipininn, which, at have bad anrae

it miMt, at th ><l«d, by every u

kut Oi^ caoita for (desirable rijfht o r, that this right ed them. Mirjl tst uf as iotclligf

i a popuUti m,|«i an; other ati M, a pop'alatton il Laying self-gave

tv ttt srT»J

Page 3: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR


^ ,IL-'jIK-

K- »»«


n, Of. 1!



~ flJW^J » I

i and ma I dccUring a; |jfn A* fuir-Aj

by JAWi manner aa the

^kt« all those »n of ilelo-

GcbM«A?felifct.oD of del v

4X>rm of gorenr -

i' >.i|i« act

b!y the

««rj'of tie CwtiSSTt aM

t (herein contained, ahslr i «nd considered. And eoAll MMtit«t*>

Jilid, a* a part o^ the aaU ConstitBr I farm of g-irc-rnmenf, to all intent* lotpt, any thing to the contrary net-

Andbtil rnatttJ, That all thote > Constitution and fWm of govern-

.btmry ami repuenant to tins act, • nd are hereby declared t» be repeal- koliahud, aod of na effect, from and. [first Monday in Octobc, eighteen

lB,!ttor of tht Woryfmttl Oittsffe.-•was mnch gratified the olhet day on eart, in the House of Delegate*, A vd by Col. KLV of Baltimore eoun- ; for it* object the election of the

the people. At the period wlien _ tntion tve* adapted, it it possible, f have been Uie ignorant condition of rttliatitsframcraiwlirvedthtmtclvt*•graftiAC in that inslrumtnt the pro- Piirli xvitliold the faction of Senator*

, and which confeTlhat exulted privi - IgenK to be selected by them.' Thia lou'ut Uie canae toltich influenced tlirf

> nun whoplaoned tlic formufgti- "of Ulia atatr, to Ueny by their act, eteney «f-lh»- p«oj>l« of Maryl.inil to 1 acl for thcm»<?lv(!« ia the partkalsr

; a senate to represent them. Ad- .jch to have. b««ii the imprcsMon*

liivermed the men who modelled the lion, and without ondertakinjj.tocom- •pininti, which, *t tlie time ft | havo had *nme *h«lp\v of reason to

s«,it mMt, at this tul'.gMened day,•dtd, by every man of sou ad jadz-it^lra CSOM fur denying to the pc<>-

|desirable ri^tit on luny;er cx'»ts| andt, that this rigtit oajrjit no lon^.-r toed them. MiryUnd cjn tt tills mo-•st of as ioti-llmciil, discreet And re- « a populnti'in, in proportion to ib

las an} other state Tn the tnioo) and V a pap'iUHon io way qoite a* CJDA- Ljoying self-govcrumeota* any other

r preposition to depart from A» old rule nmtnb, no matter how aristocratic or hit old rale • may be. W sore -to meat rorleivOppOMtion, hence\ the friend* oputilioii whicti ha* clicitetl (lute re- nay ulcnlate on''1iRVn>g obstacles i the way »t. «v«»y< sSopro throagh i project may hat£ tu piss. Bat a-

I opponent* to the rlectioa of the ae he pcnpteV Wthtirr at thr* tiasc a sa*n

rj« to whomisatorc htn riven the An hardihooil, to any^to his coastitn

I are ad ignorant and so ttnptd, that (•consider yo« competent to choo*e a land fur this reason vote against that

^ gifcn y8*-" No, there ia not a ^an amongst' them bold enougli to do

i tliry >n*V. in ' the home, oppwsc : of Uie bill) which,' after malarr

,• ran give ri«* to b«t rme itriunt and that in—"AM -the peopla nf

•d to ignorant and ibdtACree>4 that it•e danjcertins to t'i« public we*U to en- em with tli* power of electing thd'se- This, I contceil'r* thp only lubitan-

arJoa Which Uie house will have lo de- iting »n th« bill. Let every tnem-

, iif ,that iKKlr, wiio call* himself a a, dicldc on it cnnscirntiouil)'. and

linrl doepty imprtwwd vriUi Ilia rxcol- | that'th* peaple of Manlahd are a frep

nd entiilrd tu *elt^e^BAn«n'r, *«far

i Ihnn.Ifjnripitl .objoctien wltich hns htrtto- » ui>,t4 a^«iit*t <ht «lt«ui(tojt in the. Son proponed by Cnl. El^i bill, f»,

|t«n*le not coniint immethstaly from , ia not dependent on them, and

bpttlar br»Tcii nm the ublic bet not

trtntioa of • mentor «f"JtbtMry

fly-I [?,.

I wader A 1wd;

d to red«OT their ewmaaJAricirm*

count of. nl* »te ward to which fce.U « praise or in centare.' sbsanl, to'Mjr, that

ta gtv« M, »nd rcc«4rai Uie re­

hot.'th th«s

ced, requires tha tigiUftt)* V A 9%n*tor »«X__ under nn responsibility to

keep hjm frnm doing trrong? In my |vdgm«ot it is. >(. IVL j . v , .'

Maryland i* the only Stale In &• jfJoUm whose Senate is.chosen by U» intervea&en ef electors ! ! ! Her s!it«r slates have Advanced U improvement, wealth Add respectAlrimy. under the Adininintrntion of SenateVemtOAU ing immpiliitvly from the people, tieo, whv cannot she do the tame? * '•' - •



I Rainln'moraing,cJe»r»3riw«T, moderUe breen, - • n W — * w

t Clear, warm, like tommer waathcr, lirtt breeze, „ * e

3 Rain nearly til day, cool, fresh breete,

4 Cleft, pleasant, fr«»h braex-y a w^5 Clear, warm, light brerae, • ••6 Foggy neArly alfdAy, mild, light bree««,

7 Fojgy morning, moderaU

8 Misty neArly all dAy, light breeze, a e9 Rain in the innrning, light breeze, n e

10 Cloudy, misty, WATIO, light breexe,n e * e

11 Cloudy, little rain in tho morning, lightbrce&c, > JJ e

1* Riin ail day, fresh brrezc. cool, n n e13 Cloudy part of tho iUy, cool, fr«»h breei«,

14 Cloody, mil:!, mp:lerAtc breeze, nta ClrradT, nutty, light breeze, n e16 Foggy part of the day, WAITB,' light bree*e,

17 Clear, p'.casant. light breeze, »18 Clear, mild, freshT>re«te, B w19 Clear. P. M. cloudy, appearance of rain,

20 Flying clomU, w*rm, ligfit breeze, n—« e21 Clu^r, mild, fresh breeze, n w S3 Uiin nearly alt day, moderate breeze, AW 43 Run part of the ofay, light breeze, n e—n Si Cla-jUr, light rain, to;.!, light breeze,

. heavy blow at night, tt e ft» RMn part of the dav, fr«*h breeze, w—n 'w 93 Clear, plejiaitt, fresh breeze, • w—q n w 97 Clear, plruant, heavy white ftnet n w—^r 28 Cloudy, misty in evening, heavy rain at

mS"'» n e 89 Riin ucArly all dAy, freah breeze, e_• •

—n w30 ClJUily, win part of the day, light breeze,

a n w

.to af>proj>ri-

olrf that ^t'to cnm-

_ of

__, _. _.__ j not *"c- ir* nemafrmd of do-

. _jnH' fti»S)*ople, tlisil tho lloijHe or Drlagateaj

F'lA^liately ah«| strictly aniwernblo fenf rot* wlifrh^ {hey make.

k'eir|%ail(^MV' tftth human nature At the fe»r'df't!i)laK WTonit, when:i penally fttuciiedrto the offset, i(

J so pftWcri«l A rcslrjinl on man, a* ertii^i certAknty of pqn\ihmnit fnt- §lli --J--' \t pre»eot, it is nut in tne

From Iht ffev-Yor)i Ouzttfe, of tht id As*/.ONK, A. M.—We have Jait received our

Enplith Ales by tSe Joha Jay,from Liverpool, •mint, which are London paper* to the even­ ing of the 7th alt. from which we make the annexed brief selections, being *11 that oar time and limit* will admit of Tor this day's publication. jSf^

Them papers confjftBv titf*ann8rtn&lion of tlie rrpurt that Hu«-«i.i had deenrcri war np- on Kmncr. On the contnary the French jour­ nalists teem generally lo bn of opinion that tho drmnnatrationa by France, and Cie rjiodi^clersLiniliog brlween Knglaod and FrAncVarill have tha effect of preventing war. It w«* even affirmed that A treaty of Alliance, offensive and defensive, between Franca and Kngl»n I, waa si-ned in Lundon on the a<tlt November, and th*t It WAA pre­ sented to Louis Ptiilippoon the 1st Dec. for ntifictU.m. The London Courier of the 7th, however, says it Inn authority for declaring this report entitle. Neverthelea*, the tone of the Frcnrh and linglUh paper* i* of a mure than ordinary concilutjry manner toward* e*eh other.

Tlie Ixiniloii Chronicle of the *econd, seem* (o kavn no doubt that all the movement* of Haiti*. Austria And Prutsia. Are the result of a cumin.m •ndcrstandine between tho*e pow- rrs and KngUud. It addit, "The Freocli Oo- v er nine lit we Are mured (un what we consi­ der if Je4 authority) potirst the best evidence of the pArlidp*Uuii of the Wellington Mi-> nittry in the projects nf the three great pow­ er*. Indeed, wo believe this nay oeMftly ta­ ken ai> a nettlrd point. The Wellington Minis­ try b«iiijr. removed, and Ministry who have ttot hesitste4 to express their aympathy with France.'joying Uken their place*, Uie great Power* way yet patiee ' before plungrag Eu­ rope in war.

Switecrland U in A sUte of revolvtiam TVe p}|ial<itinn uf several ranluns b*«e risen in srnis lu demand refurma. Benie ha* been en­ tered by I3,a(JAJ|msinU, who have dcpoaed



. - .. *f Mollantl bat not, low* all hope of recovering JiolxiM^ikr- AOJBA bmnch qf thg Boaee of Naiie. ^ erej^;^V*PM«>» >oayr aver, that ki* bope is we)TJiraiw|e<f.

It i* ststed that AjMtri* ewf flpeiAi nave n- cAllcd tbeh- Ambinulon tVvm the Nethor- I And*. ' ' ' ••-.•••

«*pplie* of »toT*»cb«t5nQ*rlt*rb^ fKeired At Antwerp, And the Worke *f tl*e citAdrt were daily strengthened. ' -

The question- of RafbrM I* waking rapid head way throagh every pert of K«irlaj>d, Boot land and Ireland. ~

We can state on authority, aaya tht Bun of the7tht that Uie fullowinr appuintment* which appU*«si«< the 'Timea' (his morning, are correct! the patents Havo been m»«le out. Ami this morning forwarded fr<im the TrtAeury: 'Sir Jane* Kemp', Manter-Oenerml, of the On I nance. Irish, Lord Chancellor, Lord Plunkett| Chief Justice of Common Pleas, Mr. Dnhertyj Chief Baron, Mr. Jovj Attar- npy-Ocnthil, Mr. Pennefulheri Solicilur Ge­ neral, Mr. Cramptan; Kind's sergeant, the well known Catholic barrister, Mr. O'Lnnrh-. lan.» *

We have aeen a gentlrmnn j«*t retarned from Paris, who stale* that the commercial distress "m that capital i* tn a very alarming extent. Failure* of all description* daily take place; credit i* entirely Annihilated*. «nd even o*rners of ship* Ktve a premium on the coin of the country

hip* give a premium ry. The <iiiig U cictU cictcd-

ingly pnpvtnr. and j^nerally take* an nirinj, abunt.two o'clock, in hi« carriagp, ia the at­ tire of a citizen, without any eacort, and i* well received. Tho Prau ha* a most e»t«n »r»e privilege. Placard* are ported op in all part* of Paris, pro. anH coo. againit the On- vernment. Th* people ttnp and rend them) after which they drpnrt Uajjhing. The Ni- tlonal Guard* are organized daily. These description of warrior* claim the. defence of tlieir country, should it be tnvadrd by any foreign foe, and leave to trfipa of th« line tn combat oat of the country. The loner clasn of the people are drtirnut for a War| but ac­ cording to the wrll-infivrroed in most of the high circles, it will l>e prevented by the cxcr- tloa>« and interference of tho onitcil powrn of France and Knglaml.

J. THOMPSONITA9 JnstTeceivad 9err«nnt'sConttitatinnat " f^tw| Cliitty'* Bluckotooe, Irnlt. Amcrican Dtsc»ti Lawyer'* Note B'tuk » Crabb's Dic­ tionary! Lexicon of Thing* in Oeiieral Uni-i Lady Morgnn's France, 8 vols. Histurr of tho Revolution in France, 1830| Willnrd*'* Hi«- tory of the United State* or Republic of A- merica, with Alia*; Hone'* Oreek R«volutinni Water Witch, or Skimmer of the 8ea», 2 volt. Souttiennan. e vul*. Munielman, i vol*. Jimr- nal of thr Heart! Wataott'* Throlu^tral U- alituteai Works of Bithnp Kivcn^ruft) Lnw- rerice on the Horsri Juhnson't Scrnpi) Afri­ can Almanac for 1 83 1. For Saltat this Office

Annapolis, Jan. 6, 1831

I-f(o»>i tt mtrtur Uo

'ej or, itj1 AnJ'othrr'rain- siiwua'«r badly he rtay

." H<5 I* above th« (V.wV«dir<, without i.U nolj''from thv

qnsible US ch4eK

^»»iW i ttrpnfiy


.The London Coari«r' ef the 7th ob«er*ee, A conference of the Ambaatadorsfrom tho grcat- PowerA on. the affair* of Belgium was held* yesterday at tli* Foreignl)Mcr( it wa* attend-^ *4 by the French, AustrUn, Russian, and NvtherUud* Ambaaaador, die Prussian Mt- niiter. An* VUconnt Paltaerston. Th* con- forrnco laate*' ab%«t tw» (fours.

>. The m*tteonip(«to^ enter *nd tf*D1B^' tJr coaU/llUxt t» nrevAAkaAA tfe«aAj*fiMU>l« on the «}th Oct.




O CFRHS hi* trrvire* m the citiArim uf (In- . < iiy for a few wrrka. in ill ilip vnrium i.p

• r>ii ,nl nf D'R'il 8<rnrrj, aeemtlitiK in ih.- Vest appruved » pnneiplr-i frmn o«>- .u any numlKr uf tcnli «et in lu a|i|>e«r i|iii •• nsturil.

PnHjing with (old or pUi'mura. unit ih'rrby intklrg Ihe tfrthk* 'iclnl :• orf.irr, taiuian. of the tvelh remi.v d md ile»n»ed nf taliitry ca 'nulu* drier, thefby rriu.itiug thai |iei ulin di'gutiinic frl»r • Ixd bri-nthi and rrsluring t•weet brra'h with I'.* roinfuru l)i««»e.l leril.

'mclrd wi'h r*rr, idil tlump.<, Uiig* »r >O'^ of irrth (rnianiing.aiii.iiij uUern.gani-Uilc* nud t'-rrnltr t!|ro«»M currd willi r*«r.

The nniii vlulrtil t«O h nil.f rurril hv • prr- pirntton <>f h * ••"•". a.iil in' iiijuiy i|.>i,c to tie 'pihfr lerlh. 8i:»er ti>olh pitka, pnwdtrs, &r. inir be itbtninrd by ipjiiicaiiun.

M . M-Ctll can ttiv«'*ii*l«clnry (e«llrnoalk'i >kill, UP will wiiii un l*ili>** at ih--'r d«vrllli>i» if ri-ri'iMleil. lt« iniy lx> fiiuud n WilliaiKMin'i Hnirl. rjn. l-^. _Uon.* nf aiicn lUnce. fiuui -ri^bl in the morning uiuii li»e m thr *vi iiing.

Jan &

A CARUA.JOSRPII R. M AMIS, MjdBu pilmt-r. of­

ten hit pnifr»i"i ilul xeWWMejlhp clli/.nil uf Annapolis and iu.«i»ilnrs and 10 thr went- brra'snd iildcrr* ofthr Le^Ulntnr>. His roum is (I the hovse/bf UjdeoQ i'carca Ksq.

, . ,'T.".t\hoyictif UideuQ i'

W A f^. A WlA CARD. .WC.E (CHARD KiLKIIAUr. Ki-SherritTtifAn.

lie Aiuitdelciiunly, noiibritlllhiw wroin il may conxtru, <nn< tlk< btlltr lo rnible him

Kiev bii wuiini1 **, Iw will, ir/'AW 1>l/, at-loclu*. .unilut Annt|Hilis e»Ary Friday tt frlurttmy, r*<'h wtrk. and HIAV Ix si-*n n ilieolflce «l Or" W,V*. RICHARD JCiLK/lAUT..

JP. ».—All prrAuti* intrr«»i»d in ihn notice, are urgtn ly mliciied in conuL|>rwsrd, and at. jiiion him *» IIUl*yrvrtA»r 'Pw10 •* cln P1'** 'blrbe aveidrd. Tn thosr^y have been auutmaU helrnd-r* iht- exprn^ioo *^'s re ueilftil Arkrowl«4U*uipD|aii , _• Tl, I.

Jan 6 UJI.' J rf !•»

.. , fe» ••*• • ̂ *>K>*7 V^eP r.r^^^a^^B^

Are*-* credit i.f twelve iMbniha will 4 be gtv en frnm ihc d*y of tale, the purrfnier to C<*e fund wiih gnnif Kciirity. In bear inter»*f frotw the diyol «»lr: and'upon the ratification nf »hr> lair by thrUliancrllur, and pufrheni nfthe nortalr by thrUliancrllur, and pnyrheni nf ihe nor

rhas*, tnimry the »Bh«eribrr- ia authorised In rtKCnle a gt<oil tnd sitfteitnt deed to Ihe per-

IffclrV Mt, Ike «rat tAir fy&KnZMr, (So.d-j

) ell Uatt tract, p*)rt of A UAct 9f,pAr_ J «IW B,o*nV Forn-.t, or>

1OOACBB0OJ?mure or trui. lying'and Horna; Mi Rllfleidfe' hi Ann* Antodel riftniy, snj *tj*4i>i»f rtttwkw* of Slcliolis Worttungtun ami Mr*'.' Ha nmi-nd. And lirtiinikr road learn*) tfncnti'* Mills to Porter'* Tsvern. *nil wt»Wtv ihrr{eeo or fimrtern mile* frnm the City of Bal- tiMore. A furlhtr description of ifcp liml in drtnrd urinffpiaiy, ta (ho*« who sr* drsirnw* of iwrcl.Ailng will vWtlMi *'

'. MARRIOTT. TViMe*. . .


U&9 just rrceivfd a large find vcrj haililsoinc aflsortincnt of .

CLOTHS.Cassimercs stnd Vestingm,

Oi' Various Qualities and Colours, ll in«>'cs Ms In. I'd* atul thr public t'..\ll u'.d "Xjn.inr for lh>-ir *>iii*'ictii<r; h» will akr ih. >n Mp 4t the slmrt- *• nutlet *ud mu»' .i,> »»d »tyl»»t» i.nit.Cu«;nmrr». ____

|C7»H.' will -i.-o inlinm hi- triftiid* *«d 'h>

ii in? h»u*i- formerly nccnpinl dy Mr, Chtrlm lliinrof. a« a slur*, 'irarly <ii>ro«lfp Oi.lp*n Wnilr, K»q wliei* h* way be (•and. At ATJ •im*. j» «

D -r sn. •


TAILOR/ rettu -.tfdflvm PtiiJadetyhla and Oftlfimore, with a

LAROB ««f CK OF GOODSIn df> tin., <-<>n*4*<finc^|^omr of ihr h*ntJ*>mr*f

Patent FSislied Clothvario'i* q-mlitlet >n.| coUrV, »Hh in inartmtnt ol

CA3Si:tIERES4t VESTIWC*I'jHtble i'i trie «• nf'li. whli » he! rn>p»i tlalty Hi ii'p« hi* frirnd< 'oc»ll and namine.

Alt .if winch lir will roakp apai 'h- ahnrtesl •oticr. nd in ('IP n iwt r»sniox4*L« STILJU nur fur OMH. ur lu punctual men oiilj.


PUBLIO SAT.F7.W ILL l)r«Jilti pvblir tarli'm. nn Monday

.- milt«u * *.« ur Hpu •> |ivwiii MV, <j-*fi« nil flivnuMY" Hi.- null dny nf Junairy. 18.41. at ihV

F inn of ihr It'r Casit Julm Htrbrr, »»Ae Anna . • . U •'.* fiilluttint; prnptriv. consisting; nf

iS •itnir«il'i.«l>l-«»XK.\. CARTd, CUM..,...i FUDIIKH. «ii* FARMING v TKNMLSi;i-iier«liT. llx- title lu romntfnce at eleven • Vim k. mid runlinur until all ia t»ld. at which linn Ihe tcnnt will br raidi- knnran.

SUSANNA BARBRR.n. c u R t*to*' t'ur nb-ivr sil&.i* Pi>»t|*ntd^ nnlil S*

tyiday. 9<td Jonuar

AiUK-Aniitd,e1 ewinty, Ret.

ON »pptiet<ton tnthe uilejcrilier, M Chief Judgr of IMP ,)rph>nt I'o.iri. benarlliion, in writing, of

l««»c NIcliuU, uf Annt.AriiHkKcfltinlr, tilling Ihit ho i* In aelnil confinement f.'rftJIjkMily, and pnj in^r ii>r iln-lxnrlii of ihe tcl of ̂ Rternenl itierobly uf Jlil tlwid, e»1>W, "An •« for ilir rellff intolvrtit debtorm." pj>»ed ll November• nd ikt M>rr«l tuppltineiiii Ihrrelo, onrTht lerntt Hiertrfit-eitfnluiinl, I tchtdnlr of hit prtpery, tnd * li»t irf bit tredtliipj nn utih. A thru l_vctn neerttln iliem, hrlrtjr. tniieitd to hit petlijOJC ind the Mid lt**Q ,Nlchult hfitit|f ulitfird mrJIrj CDRipcttnt teiti. mony, (ti«( lie h«t milled fur^sTu yeira within the Hinie of M^rjlind, ImmrdbjB^y pnvroui to. or pit- f.~<ti»K thr lime nf bl, »jjpppltr>tlon, ind tht Mkl IAM NiolioU htilitf tiUrtbc otlh *r«ierlh«<l In Iht wid »ct, f«r ih* <ltln*lwup>of hii properly, ind |fl'e»•urBcient tecorily far hit p«rt»n«l ippfinnct kl IlKi couuiy eiiMrt of A^Je-Arumlcl, | 0 m»wrr UK h initr- rii|(ilnriei ".nd jMegltlum •• miy Iben *nd there bt piii tt ind m*flB ngnlnit him, iiul biting iplioinlrd WHIum tft^blt, of Williim, hit lni«tre. •'ho Hn

with ipprwed Mdirily. tnd rt- ill Iml a^lfci ijim'i fin it i lit will JM»« NiclMU, of•tl.liiiJRiinvrly, ten), n«r*unil und nuted, tht Mot*.urj jHcldinj i|i<l^tt|afinc iprnrrljif BbMttf,.ai><l *>milyjalont AMptA^kfMJ bein|lor iht u« of inc.emtliort oftI do hrrtby order tn.l ulj&irltul, b« dii^liir^td t>vni|he girt nftlict ta hit crftfHofjfbft|lU aoike to be Imentd toIn Hit diy of AnniponVetui** moDlh*. btfpfe jfrli third•ril. to be tnl ibnfhre tht wid couApril mttt, thenfar thth- btnefit, adTea shew

«l/a»dV •it UKrcvf,

I IM*Q HlcholW,I llu tttd (>MO

s^td thatraeanr of

. inin i(i*in| it>ftvo«r

**li»farlinn thull k* ante who will pi

cammanda. __ '__-^. WATCBBR8 .--.,

Of every drtkcnniton cirvfally'rrp4Wrd. AM vrrr Ateanf o-'d 'n inaorelKrir kf-pji<c 1)1



|ESPECTFtILLY inform* hi* ** and the public generally, that hfj h*« ptfnetl • Hook Store in tlrroom adjoining, he Pod Office, in Church street, where be) Ber* Book* on t* reasonable terre* *• they* an be purehaaed in UAUimore, Among whicir re ihe following!ty's rnliilcal eetHway

Work! .

Monday In I •*!&•*

__ . - §m;-««<r •*»«. why tk* "U IttarMctnla theuM •*< lave Ike k*aj( ftlpf MM taM «atvi4*«,Blr»rin4Jkrrtta, M | for by blnij*^JUve uftdor my keM ihlt JOib

bcjtMt e^eyf. Lard «n* "'~-' "

And O«A*vt*( e*a a nMral sit e* *virVy trtkltM ihv-PLATKBIk

All ..f «i|l k* irf 41 the tamr hurter L^.. ._..._ .....

...few thnniind »T HlMMvaV'OCr Silver ryrdNEBOLCS, ef i

of . .;...,'ASK|* spExrrAcMkvpublic, thiT arr»«Br»rrl no rie• -.*_ "f * -_. .. ^ .. ^


fleeTo DelfrMiiiUT>'I .Miicdli'M Bssari Dr-lphlpl

Otid Trti of t.lfo

[Ht'» leunlei «firaptM-U', \-«rmf.' lemt't Worki/Wrol* • until, • Letltrl .mtriean I'hettcrfield Ion QaiinMe, In 4 roll mvtll't Ufa of

Rancr Dtlphlnt S.llttM DrlpllbU,


iptsin Htll'i TrotWm Awvries,

Tth't UT. of rJyroe N«rMry Mortis Uobvtbbt VtttKm Sonpltr

Pnem Bookr'i Serment, In 3 volt. iitl.n Officet

Complntnn ftr tht Attsr

:piKOp«l HIM »nrf l' jiily of tho Minor 7 voli. Illlnr; ofthc lUfortMtlon

M'Kwen <wmenein Conititution clentific Uiilnfiiet "of


CSmc* M>lotm. (• f <•

i iiemer

llrometry Ata^bra

Vtllot '

Flim*k lurrerinjr

nrinuhaw'i Maoe T/iler'i HJilory M«rr*y'iB>ro,e«t Momy'i Httdt* toott't Ltason*


'• Tlitiloj-to.! DM tintiiry


anTTON ipptie>llnei to me, one of tht juMlcrt ef tne)

\J Orplnn'i cotirt nf Ann«-Anind«l courrir, b» f*» i.on"in wrilmi. of 8o"»«ruti Ci>»tr, of mm ounly, fur Iht Benefit of Ilietetof twemUly, tmllled, n tct for tht rtllef of tumlry Intoltent dtblon, p*M-

d ii Novembertntion 1805, tnd tbt **v«nl npplt-nit Ihcretn, t Kt>e<luie of hit prvptrty. iml t lut

f hit crrdiiort, K hr u lie eta uctrlila Uitm, «• mlh, brlnr >nnnrd lo lii> iild p«t>lion, tnd I bcina; ilwflrd lh»t llir tiiil pctiiluner lurtb resided ia lk*> litc of Mirylindfor two yrirjaaul prtctdiiig Iki* >lr of tht uld pelHIon, tnd VV •'*• Attlir>td by it cerliActtt of iht theriiTbr^ emmvy lit iht *tid Bnmrrrtlle Prnlrnty It n«w ftn hit cutlo* y fnr ili-lit, ind fur no o<btr eiuiti ind Ihc tald pt- tion trhivinjt liken Ihtoith prescribed by Ijw tn4 nttred inin bond wiib Mcuriiy fbr hw ipprariiice ta ,nn«-Arundel coun'y court, nnllvt t)4nl M»nu>y at pril neit, tointwer <uch illrfitiani u m»rb«[)n>- oted lohlm by lib erwlllnn. tnd h«»in|r tlM, n«t ta WIIHtiR H. Twek, tht ImHMtnpoinlt e. • good ind hiftlrtertt derd fbr ^M ntt DTtf• I, penunal 1111) miicU tht iMeHMry V«4 in>> nr ind wranng ippirel of tijj^f md EimHy ei epied, MIH\ the ••td^ruMft nvTM^aaectitfd s botH^ ir the ftithfid ptrfalMloee of kit tree*, ajvt ririM it dcllvtry InlohU rrtndtof illthe \*ffH*T °f t iiil petitioner, mentioned in hdtefctAiVS ll '• >' irt, Ihr* ninth dty of NottnibetikfpVk *f. *»t, llie ib>rril>rrf one ef ikt Inttkei of lit Or^n«*i'i court 'orenid, adj.iilfed *ni ordertd, tk*» <Tit **'>d St«M Hi- t'inkney be rflttrilr|r»d1YoAl tht enitody at t itrilT iforeitld, ml thit tht wMaietlttoTMi, bjr cma*.

nf t eopy of Iblt orJUr to bt inserted Hi IUTOO IM»A>*p«r publiihrd in tne riiy of AmnpoJu, for tk*ee onlln nrcetilicly. bcfnrt tht *•! ihtM M*»d.y of phi n(*t, |S«« notice te hli emJiiant lu ' tar at the «iUI eimuty omH <n Ikt diy itw etuae If iny ttiey hirt. * by tht u!d ink My ibould nut hty* t>w> bqittftt of tbt i*t*f ae-

d b^ prtprrt^-.

A.T Ik* HetecHbfr(lilted from IB'

ty. letters of

Page 4: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

TQs JUDCJ JLTTms orttcs,

J«*MJIa**y*e> law Church; " Or. afcnoVa Doctrine of tb* i*e«m«Ma, Tartar*. Aavwev to th« QuwOon, Why are jre« a

ftautlnattofi W the Epiecop*!

, by IUr. E. Devye,


M* 9512O»a»iraelaeae oe> the Ul

A Letter ham a- *)tack*rakilThe LeU Y)ay «T the week,Thv fbet Day of ihe Week.The Week CeeaeJeied, .Th, Ma* Tippet, ia IV Parlt, by Mn. CaeaerenThe Lktta Bemn, by Mr*. aberwoed.The U-Cll.n faniily,yntcraitiidiioa, by Mra. Sherwood,atanaau tettool Tncit, Vol. I, and It, . .TIM MUteVa netirnler,The Pailbful UltU Girl,Vhe Aftnl'entry Uo»k,or »ef>rv tbeat William

Howard and Charlm Corran,Pwatilaality hi attending PublVt Wonhin,Harrral Horn*,The Ttro Moilam tv MVtnoin the lact century,Tale* fee Touth, ffren* U C«urf»,n»».jfMme Devotion, •own «aJ biher Hall, by Mn. Oilpin'i MonunwBt of Parental The Sailor Doy,R»-«»(>turcil Negro, by Mn. Murweorl, 1"be Labrador Mlationariet, D.iroe't Brrrnont lur Children, Mary and Jan», t Dialogue, by tin. Ctntnm, A Family in Eternity, the Btptitra,A ranter1! Iftmtit e of hit Convertion, fockel Pnyet Dook, written by iltelf.

" Motet, r ef Hubert Jonet.



He receive* Suh.rription* for the CHIT. MAGJ1ZIXE. and the FA Ml I. Y

alto for STAN 11.111 D

wnut6 J

•D 6


«* 30»37



93| 31 31

before wWdi day tt H ttqmivd.h»*r*de*,rm.* to enter*. BMitM* lf» lM»

branch of tne Univerrity wlH traveler their M**** with Ihe WMldent «r Setwtiry «f ih*

*Th'er CaIlf« ral.-*V require t»it undid*!** for Ik* yrethmn flat*. *h«uld undergo an ex imutiti-a by Ihe F«ul'jr. in <•*«£* V.0*' mntlarie*, 8«!.'ut, »n-» the *»«•}»« Vireill the Gr.-ek TetUinent. Laciaii'* Ol*,- lugae*, An»ere»n, ai.d the four bonk* of the Cyropedit, or the An.ib.mi., Mair'n inlniflue- lion, Neil*tn'» Greek Rx*rri*c*, A«Um'« La- tin and V»lpy'« Gicrk Orammer, including


Superior Blu* anrl Black Cloth*, Olivo-Grccn and Oold-Grcen do. . Brown and Mixt do. Blue, Black and Brown CaMinwrtar,

of the Prnteitant Kpitcopal Church) the First .Yolume of which i. received.

JOHN THOMPSON. October 14, 1830.

Greek »nit Latin IVoaody, and tu much nf tin- Heathen Mythology, Adam'* R'tmenand Pol ler'* Grecian Aiit)<|uiliei. ak are ntMoielrly nr- cetiary rnrrlarirlating ihr abnv* cottrer. Al in In Koglith Graimner, Anri-nl anil Modern Uenjrraphy, Ihe lunilaim-ntal ru'ea i,f Ariihme- tic. Vulgar and IK-cinial Fraction*, Ihe Dncirinr of Rtiol. and Puwut, and Arithmetical and Uenmetiicil progrc.tien.

The Kiiinmattun of the Cindidate* will take place in the dial tvcik id Janu-iry, and •• nf ten thereafter a. caiidiitaU-t nuy be preti-nled. l"he Htudcntt vjpnu eath exaiuinaii m will be ilittiiuutetl into thr. cla»«et furVrhith they may b« f"und qiulifii-d. \

The Cull ego Cnorte occuptr*. four yeait: each year it divided into three term*.

The Brtt commencing un the id Mundty o( Sept.

rhr tecnnd nn lh<* 3d <Uy nf January. 'Ihe third uo the Wvdiiewhiy after Kiiler-

dty.bludentt enierin" aOer the routinenremenl

oft term are ilmi-i-ablc with tin- wlvile termThe Kacally.will cunum-nre their leilurea I*

tnnn at the claa»r« are fiiriiieit.Tlie Charge* ul ihr Co I'^e for in'trurli >n.

including Ihe lecture* and all utlivr expeutet, are nnv hundred tlollar* per annum.

Thn«e who Je»i;v furtliT infuriaation in re-

Venting*, «»«>rtedco!our»,4-4 Iriih Linen*,8^ Iriah Sheeting,4-4 & 0-4 Jicouot CambrtcW,4-4 4> 8-4 Cambric Mu«lin»,Plain pml FiRiir«» MuiUnB,Canton and Italian Crapca,

34,4, 4» At • Point .,- .MaeandiuLa'die* *nd Oenll«<rncnT»uiOTB*jWorsted and Cotton Ho»e,M*dnu H'kf*.ri*g *nd n*nd*n« Hlifi.Merino Sh»wl»,Plain and Figured Silk*,Merino*, Aitorted C»lour%

IB30B "Older,-

NOTICE.The IHanagtrt of tht Ftinnlt Orphan ^tu •

turn or Annapotii, propotc holding their AN­ NUAL PAIR, for tbe .upport of the Inatitu- £in, in January. I^itict withing to aaaiat

preparing articlea to be diipoted of, can be topplied with material* by application tu ^tr*. J. Onr.EX. Th* Manager* deem it nn- necetaary to make any appeal to the charita-•le, feelian uf th« Udiet, who will no doubt•oatinae that aid which they have to enie- routly given on former occationn. Can there be a more acceptable deed of mercy than tu* helplata and de.tituto Vernal* Orphan* frum want and vice, and place them io a ai- tuation where they will be taught to earn a•omlurUble tupport, and become re.pcctnble member, of tocietj.


gard tu the collegiate department, Ihe ttudie> purineU. anil I lie onlintnc-1 ••( the Faculty, may ojtaintt by reference lo any of lit,- Trut tret of Ihr Univerniiy,or to the grnilenicn cum- potinglha Faculty ol llie Arlt and 8ci<-nre«.

Bludenlt f»om a iliitance m.iy be rrgialcied by addre.ting a letter tu the Prctulenl ur &>ec- icUry. y^CHARLES TrTnn^AMa. n. n.

Prof. Anrii-nt l.*n&u*gtt, I'rett. JUUU8T. OtJCAlKL.

Pruf. cf Cheiniairy uppln-d in the Arit, Sec'yP. d. 'l°he National InMIinencer. Aiinano

lit Oixrtte, Ka.tunSlar, and \Vinthettfr (Va. U' pub4tcan. are requetted to interl thii adver ii»«inent twice a week in their paper, oniil the Itt of February,and trnd^hru^prcountt t» the Kxecativr Cummiltcc u{Jnt\JO\ rylaml, Dttumuie.

Ore. 9.

Family Flour,Old Cognac lirandf,

" Jamaica Spirit," Holland Gin,« Kj-e Whitkey," Peach Brandy,

Common Whi*key> N. E. Hum,

Hunch Haitinii, JamicMii CracUcn, Sperm, and Tallow Candle*,Uacon, I'ork Jnd Lard,

Slock Locks, l'.id do. Sliuvcla and Toug% Spades and Shovel*, Pod and Screw Augurr. Hound and Flat Bolt;, Knivca and Forks, Wood Screw*,

Crockery, W*re,

Madeira Wine, Sherry do. Liibon do. Chtmpaigne <lp. Malaga do. Loaf and Brown Sugar, Imperial, Gun, Powder, Old Ilyion, Young Hy*on Aod Black,


(be relief and cure of ! Ure. T>.~ e-edical *c«rWi»Z.J

Joivertily of Ma


Drawing do.Rule* and Conipiise^,PUne Iron*,Cut Tacks and Sprig*,Cut Iron Andiruni,Tea Kettles, Dutch Ovens andWrought *nd Cut Nail*.

LUMBER. ——Cedar and Locuxt Pott*,Chcsnut Potn tod Rail*,Latin,BUck Walnut,Lime and Bricks,riaislcr, at Baltimore Price*, adding Ircigtit

4-4, 0-4, ft 8-4 White Pine Plank,i, 34, «-4 Yellow Pine do.

3 !>y -I, 4-4, 4-5, 3-0, 3-9, 3-18 bluddingand Jo'mta.

3 liy 4, 3-slU<\»n, l'o|,l:ir Plank and Scantling, Hunch Shingle*,

PLOUGHS.Davis'Patent, all sizes, with extra Shares, Heels and Screws, a constant supply, at Factory prices, freight ad­ ded.


THR PTafjileni aod Direclui. of the Snulh River Bntagj Company have declared a

Dividend ol Twellyr Centt per thare. for Ibr U«t »U mui'ths on^ha capital tlnck ofaaiil ComptMiy The ttmeniill be paid e*i or aftrr the flr«l day of JannaryiKit, to ttock 'luldert in per too or lo thrir unler.

lly order of Ihe Pre»idrnl anOMlirect ir«, TH. VRAMItLIN, T>Ntu rer.

Dec 98


TH \ f tnr nuHcriber hav« obtained from ilf Orphant Court of Anon Arundel county,

Ultrra of adiniaUlrallon on iht penonal eaiale of Jtme* dliaw. late af aaid covnty deceated. All prrtvna havinn cljimt againa! the aaidde ecatrd are r'quetted to produce them preper ly tuihi-nlUnled, and thotc indebted are dttir fjl t« «\ake payment.

BUlUCK^kLB PINKNBT, Adm'r. OeeM </

TUB distributee* of Je*t* aa'itch. late of Anne Anndrl coun>y deceated, are

hereby nultfli-H, that • flnal acroont on Ihe per tonal eelat* nf 'he laid decaaaed, hat been pat *4ii with (he Orpkto* Court, and they art n- qaeelad t* call on tb* Hubtcrlber. and receive their r«*p*«il«j*j Dtwpevilana nf aeid eelate.

.«•> TUUMAB J. HALL. D*o> »«V Z^» _________


anntvatunnel count? court,( Icrm, 1S30.

S application lo Anne-Anmilrl cuunty co«irirhy '•iit in writing, of KaA^cia bOMaakiMa,

' Ibe benefit uTttie act for the reliiforauu* ilry iiuolvrnt dvblurm, pa«*«d at No«rm!>cr actiipn, tlv 5, and tba Mvcrat«upptctncntttUfTrlo, a .cttrdult ufhii properly, and a li«t iifbu credit..n, on oulli, ai far aa he can ascertain them, bemr annokecl tu hit aaid petition, and Ihe aaitl r'nmcii Huni< rlioe having aatiifictl tlie ni,! court, by coinpeteni teviimony, lh*t he haa reti'trd in the Htaie of MiryUnd two year* neat preceding Iho time of lii« application. (and Itiat ho it in actual contentment fur dalil only, and itir aaitl peti- tioiwr baviaf taken ilia oath praarribed by Uv, and entered intu bond, vitti tecurity, for hit appearance in Anne-Arundcl county court, on the thin! Monday In April neil, lo tnawcr aurh «llcf«tiuui aa tih emit- ion may prupnai lo hin\.and hiring »Uoe»rcutrd lo a Intatee, by the aaid court appomud, a KOO<| am! aofocienl ileetl, for all hi, property, rr.l, prrvonil ami miietl, Ihe nccetnry wcinny apparrl and bed- din*;of liimveU" aavl family .ciccplcd, and itelltrred Ibe tame lo tbe a*id IniMcr, and ilia «x»l imaia* ha» ing alto eiecutvd a bond fur the fjitliful diachar^e o hit truat, and cerlined the delivory into hit handa • all Ih* property of llie aaid priiiionrr mrMwmri i hit tehetlule. Ilia Ihtrcfurc onlrred and adjudge by llw aaid court, that Ihe ui-l Francta MumcrMx br di'chftrfeil from the ciutot\y nf the alieriil* of aa county, and that Ote aaul prliiiuncr, by cauainf a co­ py of Ihli o*dj|r^lg. ha iM^aUd in tome newipapei nublltltedin Ibe clrTfrV.VjnBoli'i for three > tuccei*ivel), before IhttJanfnhini Mon<Uy uf Apri n<ii| lo vitre notice lo hi. crtdiion to b« and tpp<« on thai day, bcfurt aaid cuun,loahrw cauae. If anj they have, why ihe aaid Knneit Sumrrlinr almuUI nni ha«e Ihebencfil of thcjCil act of aMcmbly tad Ilia •upplrneavt therrto, rf*nyvj.

Tetl.-X^ i VVU.l. CRKKN. De«l6 m^9 3iK

PACKET.They have a fir«t rate Sclonner, called The Ji "UN T. B \RBRR, runninj M a Packet from

Amnpolii to Walnmore, onder the commjnd of a faithful and rip^rieoced Captain, in whoa* the nrrate»t ronlitlf^ce can be pl.crd. She wi'l lake in Grain and Tobacco Irom anv of th* Ri ver« and Crcrka cnntignoat (o Annapulit. on reatonable terma, it thr ihorttit notice.

Oil>ihrr 81. 1BSO.

.well known to the 1 cxtennvly u»ed I _ ing under the di***** »f Hptjtitthrtii] Ureecctint ef in «ech*tiic*l c

turgical effect* i* thought on Tltt (ubjuined remwk* frua i Surgeon t uf high retpectabirni io',,,^ ir* Ih* r*iulli of mach prtclful cii tbe uie and application of i|

J*Tnta,Thalcher, M. D. . crn Praetrce, in hi* tecond i tuhject of Hernia, rcmarki "Dr. clmively entitled to the t the true Surcical principle fw ivTriiicl nf Hernia, lie happily cenceifed tktU Ih* ptd of the Trnti thould b« to tt I* limply to luppnrt the rooictilir 6(n. Ihr ring or aperlgre at mach u potui tlale iu whicli they are roiinltlntd i» health. UnleiUhit be itlaiaeJ (!< never recover their natural toot, n! be llietlegretuf pretture appliee."

Samuel Ackerly, M. D. in kii u diliunof 'Hi.optr'i Metjicil Dicliotu live head of 'Trot*,' after ennoitnli reaulting from th* 0*e of the difti formerly worn, tavt. «Thii evil t ly remedied *ntil Dr. Amin Q. Hill, \ Yoik, turned hit allenlion tutht by hi* improvement In lliecoiitr«t ._ tea, hlk reodeml II cerltin rtiltHtn luret *nd rhn»e oTchildren, etiytw ly cured, mil thru* ofuld BtofU tiaodinz. miy, in m*,nv cair*. ill* I dlfd. Tfce p«1 ufDrV'Hnll'i Tnil"nl anil not context and hence Ihe i. margin. By proper adaptiiiou, praantj klr* of I he IirrnUI openin?, inrf tMdlj Ihe a pert ore anil cure thehtrnii,'

M. L. Knipa, M. n. tite Phy Sargeun tn the BiUimore Otmmt I in « cnromnnicninn (o Uoctnr Hill, i hive ipplied y*«r truitei in imnl I cite* daring tbeli't three ytm. miny npon who** I hive ippltn' Itivr been ndtcilly cured; and were catc* of long tUuding, • trutte* had failed, from Mr. P. a citrMa of grul r who wn cured of a bed Kratal thirty-five year* alanding, by wctrtai| your trateet fur two rear*. H* 1*4 (her truteee twenty nine ytin. Hut

UNION |^A HOV8E.Francis-Street, H'|il .Innapolit.

aul»rriber, gratrful for pas' favour*, in- f.irmt her friend* anil thr public in gene

I, that al\e hat renvtvrd to ih«t wrll known land nrirlv fronting Ihr Sitle l|ou«e, former- T occupirtl by Cipt 'lh->m>*. and aintr by Mr. Dairy, and Mrt. Uimbtill. where -he ia repared to icruinmodate 1'invri.t.t.u.t and hcr«, wild genteel bojrding and loJging on the

mod reatuoable lenua.



MARYLANDVetwpln («iar* id land pattencera, at

CJSTLE UJtfEN, ioitead of CAM- \fBQKf and leave AaMxapolia at half pail


& 8EWELI,M.'ffl' ^Mpecilurly inlorme the cilitrn*

Annipulyjand ill vicinity, that they mil) exec ute my wlKk in their line uf buuneia, with neilnett antnaBjpalcIi, at tlie thortett no tic*, and at a low prreW Any onlrrt frum the oovnlry will be prumpr** attended to. They will keep • large attnrtnVant of well Inlthed AXKS on hand, ami at ihe tnW reduced pricea, and will warrant thrm lobe a^guud at auy pu clitaeil in thii city, or eltwhrreX TERMS Kom HMOniko HoHttt>| ct*. CAIH

^. C»mJawell tt Hcwell mpectlnlU rrtB^ their

thankt to th* Public in genertl fur thvlflbrmer patronage, tad *h«D*clfu|ly *j*k « *«M||BT thereof.

Dec 16

Her home u-ina; in * central ailualion to 'he rrival of the 9'ea'ntxula 3i<d Stagra. *nd near

ihe Stale lluuae. perninivitilinK Ihe cily, will lind it a convenient and plcaiant place of rc*i ilence during their »t*y.

Haviaijta (oud Stable, well penvided with TimiitliT H«T, Rtuxl ()»U, Vc. ((enllrmrn may rely un ha>inj( their Hunt* well atttoded to hy a |otid lluillcr.

Bo^unr.a'. taken by the DAY, \Vr.«a", Moirrn nr YKAB, and llorie* ttkeu at livery on mudr rate terina.

N. B. Trtniienl vtaitortaccnmmoilitednith dinnert, ICC.OD the ahurteil notice.


In the art »f bunding Chimnryt. and altering lliow already buill, in tocb inttiaer a. In pre­ vent or cure iheir amokmg.

Krntn ih- lime llut clinnarjt wrre flrtl in­ troduced, llti- building ihrm hat liern but a te net nf ciperimeiiii. Tin- beat wotkmen have only auccerd-d. nhenacridr-ni.illy *ppmximP>< ing Ihe principle*, nuw fir»t »v»t<ni»iii. d and oRered to the publjo. That tin* oubject tbiMild luve been in«"ltreaf'l*f'fcviri y till i|u- p,et*nl time, can only be attribuicil in the imi>rr fert Hate nf Chemical cKU-ncr nnlil wilhin Ike latl few year*. —Tltr prn^rr** rrrtrftry made in that tcienre lu« enabled thetubicrtber (u re tluce ihr art ol 'juildinx ihimneya tu a tyuleni, invir'ably prnducini; ih<- tletirrtl re»ul(^||h re •peel Iu irnnke, and at the tame time aavingnf fuel.

agetl 16 yeart, ruplired fruai Uf rWaJ cured uoderlny care in let* lbiat*t)l A CAM of tcrnial rcpfnre, ef i***ty| ding, in • lacoarii:*. m*a furty yean i cured nnder aty Belie* *T one of J**J in »«* nxmtli*. A ca»* •/ groin r lifting, ia • Uboariog naaf^ttnriy jmt\

ing a

Annapolii, Oct. 21. loSl - 4w ICTThe eilitor* of th* Frulfrick Citixen,

Cuiiiberlanil AJjrocale, and Ration Oitetle. ill publithyrW abuv* 4 tin**, acd forward

their accuu/aWaawrf


bininn. "'

th K, i Hthe HIM* Hnute.a< a Bonding Houtt,

d ln lhtproperly ha. latelv. atev .ndergnne coq .ider,ble repair, which hav. c*,?.' the comfo

, , - .tuition to my per.on dlerH.wd to ... ijag.. tn that Ho. Of bu.hVeu. "

WB WltlllOOIjlfUBaC

AY HOUSE.KNT. for the entuitg

War Houae between inmulh) *M Baltimore. »ow ac- pMby »% Barren. Attached

Btaaiei, IceHeaael*«and all tla* cenvea *be«t twenty or

lent ele»r*4 Und, . The *t*g* froa* *(ep* her* to breakfttL

; iccurrd llir exclutive privilege hf u- •ing ind vending taid imprnvvmenl, fur four­ teen yrart frnro the ihiril day nf April 1829, ih* tutxcribcr o(fe<t thr tame fur talc nn thr following termi. The rigM fur a cily or comi­ ty, R30 When two or inurv cu«nlie4 are |>*r cnatrd by one pertun i{40 each. Ten or mure cuuntifa at nne «alo g}U t-ack For • Town, Townabip. Borough nr Village, f'iO Fur a tingle houte, S3 Any per*nn wlihing lo pur- chite may irantmit per mail the tern required, and i deed ahall br immediately returned con­ taining ill necettary iii.lruclinni tn enable *• ny matnn to cnnalruct rhimnryt. Every chim­ ney which -hill be buill antler Ihe authority of, "'d ajrerable In thi. patent it hrteby wiirint- ed i g>»d chimney. All letter* lo thc^Mlen- ler mull be pml-paid. IV publiahrr of* pa­ per it Ihe Cipilal nf elrh ttate, whu aha.ll ftnt publitn thit tdverliiutmrnl and C*rliBcite, *nd cnntinua the tame for nne year, wilt en t rile himaelf loth* right fur tucb cipital cily or Ihe county in which tht teat of Government it lo­ cate,!. Bver led Stttet,

whom I applied nne of yittt tretaet, tl <er llie injury, wit corrd io thne Kxptrienc* alone, can make Von«' ^eun the full power, and eicellcxti imtrumenli. Ymir tntaei tt* prefcrrctl by the Prtifeuort in b»tk el cal School t in llii* city, and Ik* FH^IIJ•ml. -}.-

mitimnre, Janury, 18)0. ' Valentine Mull. M. 0. Profe*Mr

ry, tayt,' Tlietrr*! andiignal•re produced by thi* Truat, retail Irict lubwrvitnce lo, ind »cctnli SJcirntidc and fcWrgtcal ixiiiclpl**.

• The operation and eITect e/ tk'n directly (lie rcverae pf all Treeaet in u<ar( which beinj c**ivex, teodtd Ihe th* r»*>i*rt e; nf opinion iht 1 the union ef8ur_ mechiniral ttruclvra in Ihit iitlrtlM il what litt long been the deaitUnmttl lira) Surgeont in Rarupe i*e A*"1"

Pmfettor |l4*4jltn in IrctMvag nli. recommeftU-Dr. Hull'* Tn**t*j clatinn of ill •lien.

|C7*Arttily it Ihe o«c**f Dr. Fiyttto *tr*«l, * ' " ——' limore.

M*rt)> 1^


ery publUhrr uf a paper wh<> will ive I Kit ail

per in llie Uni • give I Kit ailvertiaement,

Itr. three Intertinnt, and furward *oe of thete.,(ktr*t the.ll rective tnerigV-i rnr one himte.

A. ll.RKAU, M on tree* Baiqtetuniia Co. f*.

l We ih* t»btcrib»n, the Bli 1B90.

Clerk,, vr, er, eTreeturer nf Setcjurhinnt Co. Pa. Do certify that A. II. R«*t>, Rtt), Ike ptlenlee .bove named, ia a Ueatliman of ri-.pecltbility, and eatabliahed characttr for lieae.ty and prqbily, It we have no do 'of 'hi* faithfully *u*apl/i*( with any CMfract he may make.we have no doubt


HAS commenced the 8e«ton,a**)' her ttuule* in the Mlo«'« '

Le«»e Riiloiievery Wedn**d»JM< morning at T o'clock, and Pf**?! bniUe, ami thence to AnntpoH*, **M Balltinnre. Where »hc will *rri»» '•'»" Luave B.ltimor«. frow lh« Teoicc* W.rthouw whirl, ««ery morning *t 7 o'clock", *nd lit, thence te Cambridge, I puaenger* on bo»nl for that plact, tu Eaefon | or dirtily to K*tt»»i « g*r* for C**abriii(e. * She will le»v*

Page 5: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

* ..- . * - --f *f-~£it-~t.:.t ,- - - ' - - P*£-

to ihe (taoding eo.txnit*

»~ r a pentKmt -wtMeh WA* reed add ro- MMAilte* o» ' ' 'The*** fcmdta

h r; Breekhert eabarlfted


r*4fjt,Ma Jttiaecr* AC on yeaUr-

wera read. Dacia Rich-Frederick coaeiy,

«Tthe f«*t (Mi

the »Uiae*ak»coe Utapectkm, bo nfened toH-EkefraiU..: ...,--. .". , ., 'ae e**eVtJMewf a» relate* te the vtAtti* earf the M*-

of the eetute 4tU*er%p?t*f

Bojrd We* .AJohn If, Brown A«n Ora«e of the Mtewiet'JO»- CMMfWm, e*t«t (1)




Ei church

Vo n

M. T RirUJpo. 0. ReelntonJA'*


rr*tiftweea Q*Miril

r' * ' » '

nm ,

nate, en detentea." .

.The ejeaktr anBMrfeed (he tending ceeam^Uae*.

OapmUl* m JSteetient :j*l frfeatfu. Meaara. Toe, wtpM. Gait* Btockett, tlMac, WeOU and Mow**. Htrm BIO* *AOJM. Mwtri. ChaWBan, Til(kmAo, Ifkbo-

laa« HajgMeU, M'Mahon, Tttek(e end Bpenec. On CfafaM. Meaara. 8t*wartj'1fii*JLb»», Turner, fialrj**-

On OHtmm&ani V ourti if Stbjf&r.-^Meeera. Karriek, BtaVteUtt*, Brawner, gpeee*. M-BlflW*, Pvmeltand Rant

O,\ MUttary PtnrMa exd WvoJUriorteW fiftaVU*. We**r«. Rogerao.n, Drawer, Evafti, CHarTe*, M'tUnatrev, Broekhart and Ridgely, :V ' , . ' / ; .

On lattrrial ItnpfteuiaU.—Meear*. Lee, Woottap, Niehe- t*A, JeMfer/Rrmt, Montpaierr e*d aWll. ' '• ' .

On £r/«ce«i<m^^eet^te«ctt«1tM<, ttubelt; Claade,

t* eekMder the neetetieft Mr. llenkk^ett the Mtiiaewt. to wit*-. .

RevotfeaV 'THet M fereee*. bkvhait bee* .Qevemer, in. the *-

>*•»*»»Wm. llwrteon


Mtrv UltohMn. W«.L*0(blInn. u. r

Hetotfe*, »THt* M fereote, ha*** bee* Oevetner, i pinleatef, thie fcaMt*, U eHajlMe ae Qofemer entil the tieeef faeryaein after keehtll k«ve been-o»t of "

Mr. Hfeke tmved to peatyane aaid reeetation,whan. ,' <j:. •'..', - 1 •

On motion by Mr. Elyv (fcrkeeei an* ttiltfr a*ad tee ah- entioaatbare'attt Ik*. .

The Dw-keea^h»vihrr*tart»d, retried* t»*t iai ebedl- eneeto ordtvYkjl had a*tllUd the nbicnt member* that their at- tendanea in the hoeaeWA* repaired. ' .

TheqUf>*ti»n waa then taken on the motion of Mr. Hick*, and received in the aArmitive yea* .10, nay*. 2J.

The keeee adjtwrned entil to-ieunrww morning tea- e*cleek.

to*r*,i**k»_i ..^.j.and Mgittetv ttrM ten* of 'yaJira, pfintattii-tofVtee hfcoee of delogeteeoai the Mth dejr of January I MO, , acaVtbetnarDO^ rial fan* tondry etti»afta ef FiWiiuh teeniy^'et^aiatilar

' W the hbote 6f tklegetee on thwfirlay of

of five* meinbere of the

Hitetwtt (J)Wm.


Mn. 0. <UfW«y

Richwd traekctt


.Wat*oq(&" '* .*«» -.,

ru**U -Vvi-rf*

ifeM Wtade<a UantM W.f*^l

. ChMlt* WM«n .rt»m«n

m ». WaHa.

3HANCBRY.' '' J«nq«rv 10 tBSf, i Ayrf* »« Whiiaker« » »*»».

tfi t(u« raae afafce tb»t Jiihn SMvtn J. wa« iftdtetM 10 Ikr romplalrwhM

tnt«o*» il'»lh ccunplainint fur **id d<4it agun*t ik»

_aal l«»ae Wkituker, the tiecntnr ef **Vd R(e«, lh«t the prnonal ralnl« of Hkl»r«ion

*ted by Whitak«r, (bit h>- and boih prnirttie* were loaolvrni.'thjt Hkiv«nh>nil*

I Whilrkfrf-rliftand I thtldree in Tcf.lhat Mid Wblukrr h>d

away. Ik"iaalt of'uWiflMI for the piymrnl

I rrll»f. it it tlat iaf«titlotkl»t«lV4l8i"ln Uie c*%* ihn

Ik Beerf. l>eoia» B»»t* A«4 Ricbrl HUjaec Wki«ak««k«ntof«r« ordered

i avadaltflrxlant* live ktyond. Ike l""iu of tie «f Me»yl»»d in Mria enknowk ie cuai- Wher««B«e M ie an ib>* tenth d^T

l»nd chance Ihi' Ike eomolaininti by caaaint, 4

Itf tkMa^«*^*l«|ag|4 vabitince of Mid E tokeMfciJtHfeacea week for threr >ae

day of Krtxut«y pointed in

> to eAJd*b*enl

, io jx'iaoti or by ao

Oild*boro»*Ji, Bdelen and . , _On Iht *fln/io, Meaar*. Hood, Oicklnaen, Amoa, Oolda- nragh. Raid, Cemecya and DuraU. On f/»M*MiMjr^->lIaa«n. Q^cgh't My, Riebartjaop, Oaatt,

Parker. Hardcaatte ud Oittiagt, ';On D(twrttt*~Me*»r*. Parnelt. Jenifer, Coroegyt, Haw-

ki*«, Moffctl, Certkboer and Smith-. .: On Crimtt nnat ftmh^Mtut*.—M«Hr»- NichoU»J Brewer,

Denny. Mackall, WrigHt, Jone* and Harding.On Ptntiont te InMgtnt Ptrtaiu by Ctnmtv jtntitmtnti.

Mecin. Otntt, Smith, BorchenaT, Mdtiy,' Brookhart, Brown, of Kent, and Sliaw.

On Agriculture.—Metar*. DickinaoA. 8tockc(r,. Bitlard, Mnnren, Chirlea, Thema*, nf Q. Anna'*, and (.empl

On tfawfaelurii.—Minri, Blv, SUwart, ILckit, WUtton, Hunt, Finer and Kerihner ' ' '

On /nyiclion, Metart. Weettoe, Turner, Oaje, Wat- tert, M'Ciottrey, Reynoldi aad Mltchell.

On, LotlrrUt,—-Meaar*. Steele, Brawncr; ' 'WextUngtea« Tilghman, Ha at, Brewer and Montjroniery.

On Expiring Loan. Mrtar*. M'Blfreih, Toe, WilUon, Bell, vVnght,p*lelen and Kent.

On Kngnntd BWf^-Maaara. Willtoo, Bile*, Bteokelt, Holme*, Hick*, Parker itnd Browe, «f Q«eeft Anae1*.

On motion Mr. by Nicholaa,The memorial prelented by hin on the 28th intt. from the

Trnatee* of Bath-Town, in VIrginii, relative to the tale ef certain lottary Uckati within thu ttAUh*^* referred to the committee on Lottrrie*. . ' ' ;-

Mr. Bruokkwt. preauita A petition ef Jacob Schntider, and Jacob Bcbtnbly, praTbc for. Uic p»*««g«of i law, authorising the reeording of A will Uitrein mentioned, which wi* read and referred tolieeen. Brooklurt, Mcrrifk ind Kenhucr.

Mr, Lee preaenta a'acmarial of Adjiro Rubb, Bucator ef Up ton Beall, late clerk of Moutgumery conntr coart, pray- ieg an cttention of the time allowed to aald Beall, for com­ pleting certain record* of judgment* aed Judicial proceed' Ing* in «aid court, which waa raid and referred 'to Mea*r*> |<ee. Will ion and Oitting*. ' .' " '

Mr. Hiwkin* pre**nU a eetHien tn» 8«*aona Reeder. praying for a.divoj^uwliich WAA re*4- and referred tu the oommiltae eo dfl^Ht.

Mr. KerthnaQBNna a petition from

DeeemliiV Prraont the'ome

nreenflt Wat'rted. and referred fo Met

Tbe h od»o met,'- Prraont the'ome member* VJay. ,-Tbe proceeilinge of- yMtcitf^y were road. - . >Mr. \Viliaon prsaenlctl a petition fro.n RubercaTaee, of

Sarah Ryetter. ef__ may pen, aautor-

l«inj? the rccordmafofA iltnl therein mentionrdi which waa raaU and referred to Me«w-». Kerahocr, Brookhart aftd Toe-

Mr. Niehulia preterit* a memorial front Cornolia'A. Uowanl

SiardUn of John Eager Howard, counter to the memorial of eurge Howard and other*) which waa read and referred to

the committee on the petitinn to which it i* counter. Mr. Chapman «af>m!tte(l the following order*C which were

eevervlly read aed adopted.Ordertd, That the committee- on revotatioeary pemlona,

Inantre into the claim* of Jnaepb BotWell aA<l luae 8tewart ef Charie* reenty, for revolutionary aervlcca, aad tha proprie­ ty -of granting them a peniton.

Ordered, That the committee on revolutionary claim*, in- qeire into the propriety of granting a pennon in Hamuel Mor- ton, of Saint Mari 1* eonnty, for revololionary eervicea.

Oq a>otioa by Mr. M'MthOn. leave given to bring in a bill for the valnatiop of the reel eM >ertenal property in Allege- ny cottntr. - .......

Ordered, That MeuraV M'Mahen, Ridgely and Shaw, and bring; in the attke

Montgomery county, praying to be placed on lh« pension li*l of a«ii| oowntjf which _wa* re»d tnA referjeil to the atandUig tummiuoo on pontloii* to indigetil pereon* by oouhty aweaement.

Mr. Ridvrly prctenteit a petition from.William Wori-' man, of Alfeginy eounly, praving the (Manage of an act au- thoriaing and dirbeting Uto ooonly co!iunit*ioriera of aatil aouaty to levy on the taxable prnpcny thereof, a aum of money for the purpo** therni>i nm»iumods which wa* reed aod referred to Me**rs. Ridgoly, K<n<land M'Mahon.

Mr, Kernhncr ptv»cn!o I a petition of Ruaenna- Arterwo,, of \VjiihinKton county, prjymg lo ho divorced frem-hqr huihand Eli Afternon; vvtilth vvu road end referred to Uw etanding committee on ilivorce*. ' ' - '

Mr. NirholM pro*)nlrd a petition of Peler Johnwm, late a reaidvnl of New York, praying e ap«cial ad of inanlvon- cy; which wat reed and referred to tho etanding commlttoe en inaolveuey.

Mr. M'Kinairey pnaenied a petition ofiumlry citiieniof the village of Onien Town in Prednrick county, praying t1 n penKme of an act lo prraerve the aide-walk* in *aij vil> lige; which w*» read and reforred lo M,e**r*. M'Kinatroy, Kemp and Riehanlmo. ' ...

Mr. Holma* preernted a pgtitktt of Oarratt Smith, now conflnrd in Baltimore county g*>T, praving- a-epeeial art of insolvency) which wa* rvad and rcforrod to Uiostanding eummilteo on innolveney., .

Mr. Tcaekle presented a petition of aundry citizen* of Soincnet county, preying lo bo admittril lo Ihn benefit* nf public instnietion, ami * diio ipportioument 'if the ach'iol money, ** conlompUiml by ibc eaUtiiin law* ami rnolu- lion* of the *t*tc; winch waa read arwl roforred to the oam- mitlco on etlue*lii«i.

Mr. Ciate preaanled a pcliliou of William Toab, t nattre of Iruland, pnying far an ,>al lo couArm hi* tide to a met of land therein menliunedi which w*a roeil and reforred to the committee on grievance* and eutin* of juatiee.

The »|teaker l*id before the houso A report from the clerk of the houae or.dolegalc*, in oboJienco to the 6lli rate of the hooac, e:eompenlol with a ll*t of ihr* bill*, reavilntion* *nd report*, which originated in th«i houae, and were rvfer- rcd from the preooillna; to tin euuceedinc aoeioni whioh WM re*d. Al*o, an alWtr*ct of the lery lid* of Allegany mil W*«hlngton onunlir* for the year IA90; and a eummary litt 0f the real and pcr*onnl e.tito In Warccater county fer tlie year I8:tot whioh were read, and NTtrtlty referred )» tbo on ways and mean*.

On malion by Mr. WVijrht. leave giv»n In bring in a bill te repeal an *ct of anaembly patted at December (eaalon IH]fl, chapter 145, entitled, An act to exempt 'he wearing nptnrel ol decaaied person* from appraise mot aod expoture to aila by evecuiorn ami admini*irainr«, »o fur a* Iho atme relate* to i)»relie*<erootit|ly. Ordered, tint Muavrt. Wright, Kcenc and Hiok*. report.the »'»ie. . . ' . '

On motion by Mr. Texcklc, leave given to bring in a bill,

of delaatMOt which BvwUutVBUWitone,

Brawner, Monteomcry and PXimell. ; ' ' -. ' Benjamin P. Toe, (*|. a delegate returned for Waahlng*

ton county* tppeared. qualified aod teok hie eeet. T^k^tMt^ljoarlM.anttftAHIttaiflllt1 '

8ATUBDAY, Xnbtry 1,'Tlie hoote met. Prevent tho a*me mrmhere at. *>

ttidtf,-, Thv-piioMoiftage ef jNwterduy were , Mr rhwkltttyrhteaftea) t pclitlDu frem Thomaa K. Ward, o/ St. iMary'a c<Wiily,prayHig fer a divorce, w^elt wet read ««d rtfcrred to in* tttnding committee on divorcee. w 4 Mr. Riebardaeu pr*»envt"d a fMtitioq of Poter H. fbovra* and other*, praying the peaaage of an act to autheriae the) eterk of Frederick cwuiiy, t record t d««d therein men» tioneiJj which wa- rc«Ufin«l referred to Medini Aiela*rdeoa. Ke-npajfd "- " -- ^; --«»»_ _=r=»_

, , motion by Mr. M'Mahon, leave givea to bring in e bill, entitled, An *< to tut<iyri*e; wid «mp<-war Ute Prr»i- deat of iho United StMae to ervel toll g.ilca ee Ike l-uiied SiaU»V Manaplfce toad, oumpM>«ly eatieii iho .CumberlinA Roed, u f»r aa it |iat*i>« U\roue.h the atele of MnrykMH**= Ordureti, Thai Mae***. M«.M*h»o, Mumck-, iieul, Urook-' hart and M4Kir*troy, prepam and bring 10 ibo aame.

Mr. Amoe invented a petition of ijn-Jry eitiwuia of Har- f«rd eeantyT praying that a law may pe** reouiriiig lk« con*. miuioner* of aald eotioir ti> levy money tuKficut to bu Id a bridge over Uctr Creek, at Clark'a For«i whioh we* read lixl' rwrml lo Meaw*. A mow, Moore* and M"nic<ini>-ry.

' Mr. M'Elfrcah preaented a pciil'Oil ol Kanny E*«torU*y, of Frederick cpanl\, pmving to be divorced I rum har hut- bend Jacob EnlenUy. ,A,l*o, a pctitien of Jacob Mouuar, pnying to, bo divorced from hw wife i£l>eabei'i Mnizgar} which were read, tn<i Mverally referred la 'the Handing -

.'to, bring in eraltt*« onu motion by Mr. Tilghoun

bill tutlioritioK ihe trea*urerof th« wo*lern »ltocotn tn.iJer to the orctlit of thr free achooia fund tha arvenl earn* now afan.ljng to ihocmllt of the ooeynon free *chool* lund and tha county ehooU fund, and tu dimribule the *amo,«mongH iho (event couniinaof tki> nato. OrdareU, Th'at Mcnire, Tilghman, Morrick, and Tb«muef Qoeco-Aiine'a, prepare) and bring m tho Mine!

On motion by >lr. Edelen, leave riven M. brinit in a bill to bo entitled, An act to rcMrahi attorney* or noUellon m eba:\cety frooi entering thoir appearrviee in, any »uli or ac­ tion at law or equity jn the court* of thia iutc, with nit apo> . cial authority. Ordeted, That Me*»r*. Kdc-leo, Unwner aiul Gantt, nport the aamo. .

The Louao a/ljournod until Monday morning 10 o'docjc.

' * ,'. *",'11 MONDAY, Jaouery 3.1$8J.,The hotnc met. Proeant the »arac mnmbcrt at on 9a»

Uinlaf. The proceedi>lf(» ef Saturday wore read.Daniel Jenifer, E«o. a delegate returned for Charie* coun­

ty, appeared, o^j ilificA and took hi* ee«l.Mr. Kduleu prravnted |>cUtioi of Thomtn JeAkiite, of

Ihe District of Columbii, a rbvolnlionary toldi«r.-|!fjyii<g to be plxeed on tlie penMiMi H*tj which jfae reajl.and refer­ red to the lUoding ceanmiUoe on geiuMM and royolutionA* ry claim* '_

AUo tlie petitioo of Dtinjamin H Summer*,.e/ PVlnee Oeorge'i county, praying for a peualofi by rouftty/ M*CM- mcnt; which wa* read and referred ie the turning commit-tee on pentioiii lo indigent per*n>< by county apew

Mr. Ooaa]h preeeeted a petitioo of StepbMr Adimn, of ML Mary'* eouoly, praying that htajiame may be changed to Stephen Henning Adatn«t w1ileh'%a«r>ead and referredto; Metera. Ooagh, Hawklii* and

wAT WATERS. iu«. cur. c.n.' "

ered. ! Ttut lh'| ^William I,rK?V"

..rfewitrii> oth""' '

1830, rtportw)

'ftf ifcf'aale >f rk>. «a*V erl*it »* Hur«i :J»nd-edn8«nr(t on)H«

ah>'«ii an nr bflnrc iho f rtrliwl cnpy of

;<M« ef ifc« ftt«»: AfcnatiMia, «n««


On motion br Mr. Wrijrht, leave give* to bring in a bill to ajetliorUe the clerk of Oorchotter eoanty coert, to record a deed from lUgh Neild, and Jainee Nailil, to WlllUm l)jr- My of »ild coenty.

Ordered. That Meiin. Wriest, Ifick* and Ketnr, pre- pera and bring in the tame. »' -. *. . %-.-!

Oa mntion by Mr. Smith, leeve'fUea h>k*tnr bi e MM tb ke entitled, An act for the relief *T Willkai* CUta, Ule cel.< lector of the Ut far CaUert county. , ' Ordartd, That Mi Mr*, Baaitht Baynolde and Ma«k*ll. prepare and bring in Hit aecae. ,'.

Mr. lUwkinn aubroitted the follomeg orderi wkich waa read and aiientcd to;

Ordar«d, That the cotnteittMieei k)ipectie*e inqeireiete the rxpedieuHr of r*tahli*hing an InipecUr of PUieter «f fetie.

On «W»n of Mr. T<«c*lr. U wa* . -Onleran, That MI lauclt of the Ei«c«ti»e eenimuaicAtieq M

relate* la the puUlio priotiaKi bo referred to tho^iiut «aa*Ait> iee on that aebfect.. ..'.> . .->(« ' . - : .',

Thai»ome^there^|»»rtlajta»tojfcit«te« aud prqceeeU- Lain >( theeeveral conventiun* held. aniebialanUj te Me for-

«ai«nt, aud th<^e «f «e.M*^UMiI.hoeae wtn» euaateg. Alw the letter of the Be-

Uatjether wUh the »feUlek A

ontitlrtl. \n ic'l to amend Iho'eatol U'coerriber aneion IRtift, I Ami Mr. Teaefch preAnted e ragm ihtnwiiS? Orderml, That Menar*. Teaekle, Jnnifer, Hick*, | «efciof Somnrtet artfl' Wottetter cou Oonzh and rtnc"eo« report the lame. -.-.- - . teblirtimcnt of * ttate bank, to b« ' '

On motion by Mr. Ely. leave given to Wng to V bill,' to bo onliijcil, A rurtlier tupplemont to Iho tt>, entitled, An a«t relating lo ln*«lvent dchiom in the city and county of

at Ditcombcr *e*sl6n 1310, chapter 9<t.Ordered, That Meear*. F^', Ifolmea aiid Worthington, pr*-,pare and brinp: in (lie «mo.

On motion by Mr. lUllird, loavo given to bring in a bill to aulhorino Tham*,i L. Waters of Samenei 'county, to bring certain negroo-fro?* the al*t« nf Virginia into Uii* Mate. Ordered. That Mean*. Ualltrd.Clupo***^ Tilgbmau, re­ port the Mine* '

On motion by Mr. Moore*, l(nrn |J<airi to bring- In Mil,to he entitled, An *d<lh incut *u»|ilemaHtVto an eel, entitled^ An *«Mo rrgnUte ilmiatuibc or licen* Uadera, ketpeff of ordmwioa ahd ettwr*. 0>,lcre«l, Tbjet M*Wf, M«oiea\ ;'

oiojiey tn ih^ tteaaury, <or the the general eenveniewbW the; |W9P>^t

ri*! of auneVy elti- praying the ee- upv>n the inreat- of revenue eo<l

inch wa* read andreferred to MeaWa. Teecild; Mlte&eil, Voe, KeeAt, Wtfter*, M'Elfreah and MoAtt. ' •' ' ' ^ ^

Ou motion by Mr. MfElfreeb, tho folrpwrnf HleWA wat reed; '. ' ' ' ' ' Mr

. By tbeHooavof Deleejttae, Jttfnrjr t, Ooertomen of the Senate,

and,Tc««Uo,. prepiro and bring U On motion by Mr. Mcrrick, leave glwtn ta

bill, entitled, Ae edditJaVa) eeppiwmenl «o a» Ah »ot£»r quieting.poeeeaeioo*. enrotUeg oonvtya aaeurlng tho aatAttt ofipll^ahaawra. O*decad, leave be referred to thtjWMaUag eoeteUle* en artd court* oP KiaHew. T« *" '

Mr. Merrfeli presented t jMMngton ebMnty, pt»yMU

tH^QrJt weok t>t tfw aMtinM on the'elrlt io«K#,


"He con»titution and form 'of rorernmtnt having dire4v*4 th«tiho govecnor of Ihiaetata *b*l| bt> eruxen on thiecUy, vratnrodbte wuh the concu|reuoe of your honoqratile %»dr, »n Bmoeeif to elect the governor of thia »utB at <rte o'clock, f.M ThenenowiiMellai.iel M.nln I. * ia ' '- - byjthitbouMi. t»U we havo appointed ' ~ " ' "" to join *uch "

balloU and


by%r. Bff. 4M hwaaa wat caMat),iWtttc:, ••--•-- the ab. **j",*.. J

Page 6: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

. ! . __ W^*WPf, ____

bfinit In the Mr**- cKf, ' j!; ''\ . i ;• Th* *4crk «f th« senate. *»IlTor*d flu

• • Hy the Senate, Jasftkfrf Ow-itfcoienof UMltouMOf Dulcgite*,

The senste Kara rseeivwl your ma***«js, sud rfoneOr id th* prntn*iU»n of your honourshU body to nroeoed thi* day ai one o'eloek P. MY to the election of governor, for. the nmiing yftar. No p*r*ou is put in nomination by tho «s- oat* in «ddhia* to the gontlemin nahod in vwir message. TU**«*l»lia»«>Sf.p<)int«d M*»tv«.8pe«e««iid Heath to.mim with th*'j*mIe-Tton ippoiwod by your bocounbk body to coaurt UM baHoU.and report the rc*ult. ;,...

,,,- Uy order, Loui* Gsoxawsy, Clk. '•Mlileh WM raw). • ? '• * .

Om motion by Mr. A/'Elfreeh, the houxs w** called. *"d the door-keoper sent for the absent member*; who after *

. • short timo had elapsed, rofurnol 'and reported that all thi? . avemben were attending ia$tho hou**.

On motion by Mr. M'Rlfresh, the houto proceeded to tbe•lection of » governor. Tb« ballot* of the member* being

' collected in the ballot box, tho gcntleincn named to rtrike retired to tlie eonfcrcnce room, and after come time return­ ed snd reported, that on counting the ballot* they had found

, • ' Urn* were «llogeOmr eighty three vole* taken; of which Hb* number Daniel .vJsrtin, enquire, had received flfty one vote*,

nd thai there were thirty two blank*. Whereupon U w** RjfolveJ, That Daniel Martin, Enquire, be, and he if.

her*** declared to be, duly elected governor of tho (late of Maryland for the cowing year.

On motion by Mr. Osnlt, tho following menage wa* read, SMcntMl to, and »ent to the sonsle.

By the HOUM of Delegate*, January 3, 1831. Oontlomen of th* Senate, t '

The honourable Daniel Martin, of Talbnt county, having been elected governor of this .tale, we propose that a joint letter bo written hy tko president of the *enate and speaker

. of this house, and forwarded by exprc** immediately, to in form that gentleman of hia election, and to request hi* at­ tendance at the scat ol government, to qualify according tc the constitution and form of govern ncnt,

f Uy ordei, -George O. Brewer, Clk.____The bouse adjourned until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock

to Eager, ^Thorna. C. Worthitt*;- P*Sfe V M**" Pfttv, E«- »

. _t»»a*C. -....-„. William I'otter, Enquires, be, and they are claitHl to bei thr enuiir,l» to the governor f>tr the <

On motion br Mr, Tilghnun, leavo wa^ given tu bill to extend the power* oW.« countr co.rU in certain cist.. Ordered, That Mc**r*. Tirgtiwao, Merrick and Bnwrner, report Hie tame. .....: w) .

On motion bv Mr. CJaU-, Icav* was p*on to brine in « Dili, entitled, An «JilUional supplement to.n act, entitled. A sttpr element to an act, entitled. An net to incorpu-atr:tl.«irort Deposit and Ciieaa^uke Road Campnny, iwited at Uecemoer staiion 1««7, chapter- 200. Ordered, That Messrs. uaio, Soraeirys and M " res, roport the svne.

On motion by Mr. Howl, the folluwlog mcwag* w** anumled tn, and *cnt to the senate!

interest penitentiary 3 per cent

penAioM to ddleeM toft *Wi»r» of theTnortntlon * ". .. 1

The public building* kt tH« *e« of irofernraeni^*a SECT,cent, itock, for in%rt*t V ', . _ ...

State tobacco Inipection in Balti­ more .The itnte'. tobacco warehon.e* w

.B*»ti»or« '? - ' >'. ~ rUniwrsltv 5 p«r cent, .lock of

1894, forintefeitTh« Univemty linRng fond

read^ "I

^Th» Oftiversitj of Mivji-^-.i >-; - --..r.-" ''Amounting fo

312 SO

1,397 90

•19,003 9«



S,873 SO

'$0,157 04



L1A' '..-.»

10,317 41

' ' TUESDAY, January 1, 16S1.The hoffWmet Pr**oni the *«me membon a* on yes­

terday, except Mr. Thorn**, the speaker, who ia confined \iy indiirpocftlon. .

On motion by Mr. Ganlt, the following mesaago wa* read, assented to, ind cent to the aonate:

Ily the House of Delegate*, January 4, 1831. Gentlemen of the Senate,

We propose, with your concurrence, to proceed thia day. at 19 o'eloek. to the election of a council to the novrrnor. Me**ra. Thomae C. Worihington, of Frederick county, Henry Pfge, of borehevter county, Qmrffi Howard, or John Eager, of Anno-Amndel county, Samuel Turner, of Oalvert county, and William Potter, of Caroline county, are not in nomination hv thin hoouc: and yro have appointed MMtra. Oantl and Hardcastle. in conjunction with the gen­ tlemen who may be named by your honourable body, tfto count the ballot*, and report thoroon.

By onlcr, O. C. Dreivcr, Oik.On motion by Mr. Mcnick, leave given to bring in a bill,

entitled, A wpplemenl to the act, entitled, An fet lQfi|u- late tho manner of obtaining and altering publie roHTin thia stile. Ordered, That Measrf. Merrick, Yoe and Brook- hart, prepare and bring in the name.

On motion by Mr. E'.r, leave WM given to bring In a bill, entitled. An act to incorporate the fruitcc* of the Clover Hill School ami Meeting House in Baltimore county. Or­ dered, That Mcur*. Ely, Tumor and Worthington, pre­ pare and bring in the name.

On mo'ion by Mr. Blakiatonn^lhe following menage wu read, ajaeiited to, and aent to the senate:

By ihe Houac of Delegate*, Jan. 4. 1831. 0«ntlemen of the Senate,

A' the term of aurvlce- for whieh the honouraMe Exrkiel V. Chamber* has b*«n elected one of the nenatora to repre­ sent the slate of AfJryland in the sttiute of ife United Stale*, will expire on the third d <y of Match next, it ia in- «umb*nt upon the tegi«Uturo, during the pro«ont aemion, to npply the vacancy whieh will at that limn occur. Wo there­ fore propose, \viih thit concurrence of your honourable body, on Thumlay the aixth init at 19 o'clock, to proceed to thr discharge of that duty, agreeably to the eonatituiion of tho United State*, aud the provi«inna of at) act of assembly, pMaed atJMofeflpW «e*ti«n eighteen hundred and nine, en­ titled, Anacl'tfe n I he mode of electing «enstors to nrpre- MOttkbaUle in the nenate of the United Stale*.

By order, O. O. Brewer, Clk.Mf! Walter* protented a petition of Criipin-Cimningham,

of Ilarford county, praying to be placed on the pension Hat of eald owjnly; which nut read and referred to the Handing eommiHaiafio peoaiona to indigent pcraooa by count/ ataea*-

Gentlemen i.f t'nc Senat*,'- .- -.' W r» ,' _ .,._._Owrtf lluwjrrf, of John Kiger, Thorns. C. Worth.ntfon,

Samuel Turner, Henry i'age *t»l William Potter, Esquires, having been elected the council to the Rnvcrnor.«f tins state, we prop..*c that Joint letter lie written by III* pre.ident of the *enite and the speaker of tins house, and forwacdeil bv mail, to each of llie gonllemcn elect, to notify them of their election, and requesting their immediate attcudauce at the scat of government. '

Bv order, O. O. Brewer, Clk.Tlie clerk of the senate delivered the-following message:

Bv the Senate, Jan. 4, 1831. Gentlemen of the House of Delegate*.

The senate have received your message, proposing a joint letter to be written by the president of tlie »eir*t« and speak­ er of the house of delegates, to be a<ldre.«fd to each of the members elect of (lie executive council, and forwarded by mail, and concur therein. ,

Bv order, \L- O.asawny, Clk.Which vra. read. I ;Th* house then adjourned until to-morrow morning 10

o'clock. ———:—————:———————————'—————————

. . ...... which piyVn«nt* b» ha. prodnced to your'toe Mtisfactory voucher, and receipt*. ..

That it appear, to ypur committee, there remain i in the-trewury aaoflst Dec. 1830, th* said s«m of tiiret hundredand thirty-6" thonsand one hundre <and, tar dollar.*-an ry-erenty-lonr cent, funded 3 per cent .lock of the United; State., three thou.and one hundred and fortv-.hree dulfcr, a»d ninety-five c.nta in bill, of credit aa afore^d, and nr- four thousand one hundred and »ii dollar. .ndelgUty-fjour ou fjgt cent,, cub! which la.t autn they find .lands to hu, cred.t a. trea.u-rer, in the Farmer. Bank of Maryland) aud U luojeet to- the following appropriation*, vix, .. Oalance of Sash in the tre».nrv lit Dec. 1830 834,106 88 Dadnct appropriation! to that Jay, then onex-

pendad, to wil: To pay Civil offlcera .. §2,038 3*

The iodiciajry , .' . 6,134 44Pensions to officer* and soldier*

of the revolution 3,978 41The governor1! ateward 60 44The journals of account* from .

1827 to 1829 iocliuive 197 75Indian «DPuilie» - ———— : ———— 1&*_1J

WKDNKSDAY, January 5, 1831.The hnusc met. Present the same member* at on ye.ter-

dav. Tlie proceedings of yesterday were read.Mr. Nicholas [ircncntcd a petition of Ann Elizabeth Leeh-

lor, of the city of Baltimore, praying for a divorce from her husband George Lcrhlcri which was read' and referred to the standing committee on divorren.

Mr. Tcftckle presented a memorial and petition of sundry citizens of the cuuulira of Somerset and Worcester, praying (he establishment of a financinl institution, to be founded*up­ on th* invested roonits in the treasury, for th* supply of re­ venue to the state, and the general accommodation and bene­ fit of tlie people) which waa read aid referred to the commit­ tee appointed on (hat subject

Mr. llicks presented tlie petition of William Vickar* and Rebecca Vickar*, of Dorcheatcr county, praying that a divorce may be granted them a vincvlo matriroonii.

And Mr. Qantt presented a petition of Otho W. Callis, praying for a divorce a vincalo matrimogii; which were (eve- rally read and referred to the standing committee on divorce*.

And Mr. H'K><1 presented the petition of Joshua Burgess, a revolutionary soldier, praying for a pension} which was read and referred to the committee oo pension* arid revolutionary claim*.

Mr. Stewart from tlie committee of claims, delivered the following report:

BY THP. COMMUTER 0? CLAIMS.Your committee report That they have examined tlie pro­

ceedings and docttmrnts of Gcorgr Mackubin, treasurer for Uie western shore nf^f aryland, and find from an account net- tied to 1st Dec. 1829 by the committee of claim, of tho la.t central Assembly, there then remained in the IrpA^arv 8333,504 74 funded 3 per rrnt stock, g3,143 93 in bills of redit of the emission under aa act uf congress of the 18th March 1780, and g54,032 3,' icnta cash.

That it appear* to your committee by the account* of tbe•aid treasurer, he ha. received from 1st "Dec. 1829 to 1st Dec. 1830,

Mr. Hunt prosenitd a petition of Isaac Af-Kim and othrr*, of th« city of Dsliimore. praying Iho pa*aage. of an act ex­ empting the. rc.idenl* of said oj£y from serving mor* than on* term in e*eh yelr a* juror* in toy of tho court* in said

. city | which was raw! and referred to th* committee on ,. |.jfrtevancc* and "court* of justice.-*|,- Afr, A/oore* prtaented petition of Benjamin Holland, of

Hafford oonnly, pravlng that a law may p*«a requiring the lid county to levy a sum of money for

ipportof hi* help!*.* iin , Henry Ilollsnd; whioh was * referred U> the standing committee on pensions to

by co-July «**e**mcnl'...- ^ , proeented . p,tUIen of ElixabeJh May field,

f th*»Urof Qaltimorc, praying tor a divorco from her Lu»b*iid, Ifcpry!flfty OctJ. ' * ' '

_. Also a. pAtfilon of 0 illon Jack*oii.' of Ifta city of Baltl- .', **** P^y'ng t°T * *»oroo frum hi. wife, Prancai Jauo ^ Jtekaon; whioh Trero read and severally raUrrod to llio ., Standing c*m«JtiM oo divorce*. '

,1V cJork *Cth« *eoate dtliverod ihe rctoliition relative to the p*ym«nT>t the member* and officers nf the general

On acceant of Amercinment* Auction duties

8133 70 37,284 33

8,726 23 31.283 34

1,102 II 14 7376 97

Expense* on account of the mi­ litia s*3

To pay" College*, academies and schools 2,050 ,' Interest on Penitentiary 5 per

cent stock of 1824 and loan of 1828 707 01

Interest on University 5 per cent, itock of 182ft 2JO

Interest on loans of 1897 per cts nf 1826, cha. 211 & 252 737 0»

Interest oo rail road 3 percent stock 520 83

Interest on canal 5 per cent stock 1.-137 50

Interest on Monument 5 per cent stock 166 67

The coloniution tocietv, for1830 -f 1,000:

The states inspector* of tobac­ co in Baltimore, and their clerks, 1,000

So much of the monument 5 per cent stock, in pursuance of ch. 165, of 1829, 2,739 28

The claims liquidated In pursu­ ance of Res. No. 10 of 1822, 82 02

Commission for 1830, to cer­ tain deputies ef the attorney general, . 188 37

The balance of the appropriati­ on for 1828, and the whole of those for 1829 and 1830, per act of 1886, ch. 53, U augment the library, 404 75

94.908 24

Auctioneer*'' license. On account of Bank Htock, for dividends

Billiard Table license* Confiscated property .. Coats of suit, ' Direct taxes 1,279 Tlie Rattern Shore treasury 12,470 89 Fines and forfeiture* 4,29.1 06 Funded 3 per cent, atnck 10,03.1 08 lUwker* and pedlera license* 800 Interest on personal account* 1,640 73' Land Office account 6,633 77 License, to dealer* in lottery tickets .1,693 89T Licenses to retail ipirituM. liquor* 110 77

Balance 1st Dec. 1830, una Which, applied to the payment of

accounts for th* present session,

Will leave, chargeable for that account, on th* receipt* of U>» ensuing year 810,161 36

29.B38 04


Licensts for race*, fisheries 'or muster*

Marriage license* ], . . ' Ordinary lie«n»e* 'ff •• «

The Penitentiary ' ty .The public building* tt •'" . '.. •'"ILiad atockBute lotteriesHtate tobacco iuspection in Balti­

moreThe *l*te'* wharves in DaltimoreTax on nlaintift* :i''"yi' ' 'T*xe* In chancery ' * -Av''^-"'••••Traddi^ licence* 'The University W Maryland

' Victualler, lioente* « ." > >-

289 097,066 88

89,495 732,897 36

94 71810

14,739 St

97,601 84 1.561 80 4,196 49

' 897 27 .18,368 45

1,143 99881

«P1»*«« <« yonr'commltfeeftB laid treasurer ha. in the same time, the sum of two hundred and tea

thousand three hundred and Mventeen dollar* ud tw.ntv- ane cents, vis. '.- T --i. ..- . } O« I Meoaot ef Canal * p*V teat »tSck 4W (n.

,--. tercil.Chancery record* Civil «ic«r» • College*. •xadeNUM a»d achooli

\i' '*' '-?}"'

1.C87 SO 891136

The *>ec«bv*c«Btingent Indian tnnilU** Th* i

9874 74


Your committee further report, that they hivp the proceeding* and document* of the aaid trea.nrer, in re- Terence to the aeveral fund* conOded to hu care, and findcare, an nfrom an account Mttled to the lit Dec. 18a9, by tho commit­ tee of claitua of the laat general aawmhly, there theft remain­ ed in the treaiurv to the cradit of Utoau'fund*. 8W,W3 caih.

That it appear* to your committee, bv to* account* of the Mid treaiurerulie ha* received from the' 1*1 D*c. IBM to the lit Dec. 1830, On account of the free achool. fund,

Common free tcliooU fund, County achooli fund, Penitentiary .inking fund, Penitentiary .inking fund,

No. 2, -/ir- v Univerwty linking fan J, V.'V Tobacco warehonae aiaking

15,075 10 3,903

A68 21


Bail road ainkina, fand,

Aoiouatiog to .. f»- 023,801 08

Married oh ^ .._ flev. Mr. ItJntj,;-Miu 8A»tti w Anne Arundel county,'toMiss Ant rldcst daughter of ihe * of thi* city.

A MEBHNG.OF the Misaion.ry Socwty *f ^ •

Church of Annapdrfs, «ill tak* p!*, , morrow erenihg at lix o'clockaita. dist Chorcb, when several adoVtm delivered. Tbe public are rtt*d. to attend.

' TO THE.P1TBUC;11Twn charge* hav* been made striK*.

the Maryland Rembii<!*n of thi 84 b»ti the signatur* of Jertauah Hsrfcts, «**] that paper. ' '- As nothing bat S Uni* of datr.i dace me to notice *nv thing coaut. quarter, I wisbll io be andrrstoxj,!* v«t of tills business, thit U (omi as my present porpoie, t» Mtitfr Mr. t »u»piciohs,,_ bor cat) I E* lediMtW to a controversy with hi«. , _•*

Responsible, howevir, to tkapittle, faithful ditcharge of my d«U»v Ml"

jr * fleer, I am bound tomc<tpr**i«(lf' public, any charge* nude spW character.

It appear, fnjw Mr. Hughtf that on MonHar, 27th D«. li ' piisaU for public printing in

, rofcrnor, ia con««qaen«e o(^ - fnri the council chamber, ini

^ r posits until that day. That communicated these propouU, aft*1 to both brtochesof «i» lefrillstars.) nesJay, 29th, and thatoo r~~~"^ when the joint committee i were tilting is the library, on these proposals of Mr. Haj "th* room, *md conferred aparf'was "tbe m*mb«r* *f the con>mitte«, "upon informed the committee tksti "posals were abou^ta be sent (>r lW*j*1 "deration.. 8*me question wuau**-f "Uierit \va* n*t too lata to rtc«hr«*t»x| "pusala. On being oik-'d for "committe* might datcrmin* bthf* I "ting Mr. Murrar reblifd thsttb«0w^ 'measage wa* not qaite ready. U»»1 "ctoUcu to adjourn and meet again."

Mr. Hughes then g»cs oo to sUlr. luil reason to *usptcttaJiir a**lii~ sijtn« IWM r«a*ans. '

The flr*l doe* nofcmicern *, i jcct 1* only to rcfut* irhat rslatek UI.

The .econd reuann i* in th*K w«rii> On tho present occsiioe it t

"by Mr. Thompson, who spf*"**' "'cpreaeutntiv* of Mr. Gre«n btfort« "chairmen of the isiot ccmmittM - evvntag, at an hour appointed I, «h»v« a eenfcrtnc* with Mr. Cretan*]

self, that Mr. Green's pwf«ilj»li«ref'*<td in to Mr. Murmv on feady to prove Ih* fjct "ing, however, he admitted, | "liously, that tlJ(Q|»J b»e« "that »«me day (fll|rWng «»> 'lu at the close of th»l d»y «tMr«**« thc.purpow;, hi-win, ofUcingt.UiKill' retained, atconlinr to cire.l 'with the undcrntAntling with that they weretiemth«!e«to 5«co

<«ia* in. Ho much I hhve. ucn It appears then chit I *m i

Ifughc* with having h»J » pr»»»t* W«h with member. t,fthe joint t0**'"^ lie pi in ting, on the murnin at we the coromT»t«e wire' Upon the subjecXof the

dli-f\ v»m«^ *-it^ nuui ui o*« i0yj I)On acconat «f the free schools fund, paid to

»» - «'. divers counties, .. ' Rail road stoking fand< <in-.., •';";•• •••'-'<•-•; ve*twi, ;;,-,;TVx .-.

V^'^'^^^^^UoaBting U ^J.*X;i»'

17,493 69

• too •:f 17,903 69

All which U r.ipectfoll>"aal)B»itt«d. ? , . ByordeV

aec»nd*lace, with luting with IVff. Thomiion, (Mr. . that Mr. Or.»«i\V prup»»ili derod an in my pns»e»alun o withdrawu for.tho .u»ir(xw«nf. .or altered,' aecordtnjt to eireuWUB

To refute tlif flr.t cturw, « < public the following letter* ('u» the .enate, ami who are al.o B joint "committee, nod prr.»ciU, Uie,*U*sed prtvkte canf«r«i>cf. .



.In e«*wer to. year letter

to *Ute, rhat tl,e ** aentbii m«a*ago to

on publus

eonaidentjoB -A*«r « the commitU*

(tut ««** udlf tbe impce.i.1

Page 7: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

lONtteajd that If h« U'ftrfafotlee for one y«*r, h» t* mt oti^iM* »ntUh* >** b»ca, frur ye»r*


'heard r>e*He.

^.l£n£wjyxecuta (ho Ir..».. iboiw**,

injr, ufThero wa* no town*

t, nor did l-'ite 'ra'erabat comparing the

Yoar oboilient «.er»*nt ItAft&lBON.

lir,• to yonr Ictter'of. reitsrday which ; received, *ad in which van refer

, nu<le an yon by Mr, Haghet in ad RepuiiliC4n "of Saturday latt, TMr into the Library I miH-ninj oTthe 30th D.-cerabcr,

oint com.nitte* on'the public piiut-*IK| took on* of tlie mem

i committee apart, who afterwards ' it thorn wor* other*,

Ve to » IT. that ther* wat u*l, to my any firieatt con renal! an in -thit

m on the morning mentinned .be- and any member of (he printing

> - - . -._.*.»

i entered th* room, aa terertl othor f had, Hnri- j oar *c*tion, and when

I yoo, you were talking. I tVuik, •iton, anj'you mentioned to him, ic. or to me, or pei-hap* to bath, aJeratood the butTnet* on which Ji(re<l, that there were tome other

[for the priutinn which were about \jlown to the legitlttnre. with a met-

~ e. Oixernnr, anil in consequence j announced ta the'cominitUe, an

fcnt took pUce. |n»w, fnim a tetter which I have

• Curroll, that the propo-•ith bia ttcoud mc«Mjr,e. were uv hi* on the day preceding th? firvt

i committee. >I am, very respectfully,

Yuar i»be. wrv't TIIOMAd KKMNBDY.

, built upon Mr. ThompMOt't . c«oVr<«h4t, nntlenunH depntiUem, <Hition of \ln Grtwa hi.utolf. a *t.tteil in a communication nf l in hit paper of tj}e 8th iirtt, over afare, thtt in'atnAtetaminition

Teliairmen of tt* joint commit rlic printing, I •ftated that Mr.

p<>ttU were withdrawal from th* . Murray, with aixJindenUnd wer* nertrttypl Lioyio be. coiiti*

It tlie requett^rfjtr. Murray, lecltre, that Mp Murray nerer rach euzairemejajr onKVl any »ucTT

king with mtJte ht* n*r«r intimtt- no any mantfff, th* *li;r)itrit ditrm-

li t.> giv^o Mr. Orccu anr *d> • otlrar^f ulicant* (fiir the public

a anuilar ante tioa vnrat %nj form?;. fer L#jri»lat«»e.i>f Mir/Ian waa *- tier a.) iiuUuAant, JU4 , (ttOttl

tiag oe.(ha

be approjrhcd with otwtiu fraction of ita letter.

alwijrt Ua*vM>-

.of 1815, when Mr.

liwaovr of h^diog a aeat mthat honit;) whether a eenator or a/ waa eligiUU aa U rn-rnor. I oppWd caMiun of tin (]oc»tii>a at that time, aa tie caa« hid, an*en which called on the Lcgiila- act, A«d snored ao indefinite poitpent-

Other* arrue, ttat lio moil ba //» Tear* lucceti^voljr, befvrej M can •« out for four jeart. -r'-'^ - ••"••"••' (

I hit* emieavMrtd;' bighfcthftftio, attrl tiia^ei I came here, t« raaioo. otr*«lf 'into (h« belief, and hare to argood,; ••Mlekiy, aad pri***mlf, that a gortmor Wa* eiigtbte tintil he wa* 1 three rtar* »uxc*»*5veiy. But the moro I fc»r* thouht on llM'ttbjeet, the more 1 am convinced! that thare are duuUU) doubU wliich

THOMPSON.Fjftuu ATM* Id.ccualy M. lay ufjaiiuiry 18JI, pcnon-

Rlm TtioroiMon befjre me, the Juttice, of the Pe.ico' for the

anil mi Jo oath on ih* holy Fof Atmigiity GJ.I, (hat the f.ct* in (lie »!mo and Tire^oini .

Ftruo the bc*t of his Itiuwledjt* befure

WRLCJI of Ben.

r *pp*tr» Jena* Oreen before me, er, a Jnttico of (lie Peace fir

idol county, anfl maketoath. That i/ preceding (he moeling of the

he mJiiaa»ut hit prppntalt to do rhicti im-rlit be required during

183(1—31, and toiled them ia k.ce of Mr. Thompaoo, That on th* illowing they were left in tliocouti

In the courte of 11 in following il friend of Iiiti, (and belonging

r t* which Mr* Hnghct pirefotto* to id,y inform: \ him tiierc »ra* a prob»- r Mr. Hl»j?'"J» mig'it bs iudticed to

with him n re- O.i thit tugfc'itioa, he

Dm Uie coVneil chamber, . j hit friend infyrin-

eaald be made, od norrilng he returned hit propo-

\fa. Thrimuoon, to the council,'- al ' they were delivered, Ii* know* not.

t letter, containing tlic"propo»jU, i o/tcr it was flr»t tooled until it

r th* C'>t«mitt«e. A*taanyander> (cen Mr. Murray and hiwtelf on

tt, at ha* bean intimated, he pro. llfubc, si ht never held any tonrer-

. ... , - - . idrftattL r —.r -.-. mtni of the tuOjoct, bat Which wa* rejected by (hs home. Trio rcatont which were then ui-g*-l by m* appear on th* fotroatf of that M«iVin rrom'paxe M, jnarnai hoUte of dele­ gate*, 1843. .

"Whereat, the (me w»j of confirming the 0 Mutilution and furm of gortrnmtnt, it to giro full fore a and effect tu oriry change and provision thereof) and a* no on* article of the ConUiMtion can bo eontider*€ paranvMnt or more binding tSna another, yet, matraorh a* tHoro it eom? iliifrrenc* of opinion aatong the .T»ember* f the Lffnilnture a* to tk* true in­ tent and mcaaing of thcto Mreral recited ar­ ticle* (Tlh, 1.9(h, and Srth,) and a* th«ro It n« urgent n«ce*!iity at thj« time for aa' to interfere and rxprcit ao opinion, which etn- not bo eoa«iJ«red binding on any future le- gialatarc, or on tho. nuj»rity of thi* l*gitla- ture, and a* it it tha tafett and b«*t co«r*e for a* to waive the anbject on til an abtplatu ieco»tity *xi*t* to meet .and deterrnia* tho

auettioo) therefore Ordered, That t)ii* hoa** aoe* not coatider it •eoaaaary at thit time to expret* an opinion a* to the eligibility of «e : naturt and dnltgatet fir the offlte of O trem­ or, or membir nf tha council, and that tho•object be indefinitely pottpjnrd."

I wa* then, at I am now,' clearlv of the o« pinion, that a trnntnr or a dtleo^te fa eligible, a* Oorernor cren after h* ia qualified! for (lie C9n*ti(utiun prurideo, id article* 7 and It, how tho vacancy of a lenator er delegat* thall br filled on hi* being elecUd Quvernor or member of th* eoaneil.—Yet, at that time, t ttatod, thit although I contidered • tenator or a delegate eligible, yet, at Jouiitt did exitt on (he tnbject, among many of our felloir citi- zent, tho tafett cnuree for thn*e character* to puriue, wtt not to offer a* candidate*, *ud <n*t tu content to b* brought forward, by .their friend*. |' _ -

Tlie hon** of delegate*, however aftoc a IOTJ; diKn**ion determined by a vote of 47 tu 96—-That}her a tenator, nor a delegate, wat eligiMe a> U'iv.:rno i| .in I trier* are n<iw•nni* ten or *leyen nv.-nben ih th* hrwte ef

w>io vote.I ciguntt L'n?ir eligimlitr. thivt ti-na npp>»«| t} the ditcuni'in

of the cunttitutioiul rj lellinn. n* no cite had anten wliich required tue Lrzjiliture tn act. The r*tolulinn of the hidte iif dctepmto* w»« »*nt 'tu tha Krute,, it wt* never <li*ca*te<l there, but wat pot at r»*t by the election of a Gurornor, againtt whooa otigihilitjr a dtadow of doubt did not esJ|^^^

A .ca«o lia* now, jj^^^fcfore ui—<x criiii li*t arrived, w>"cb^HP" th« l«gttla(are to act, and I km ranch^treated to find that the nnetlinn it fiirlr pretented to th* teiiate, far I contidrr that if Q tingle lenator think* Mr. Mtrtin it not tliyiilt, or if lie ercnhat doubt* on tho tuhj'ct, it i* hit duty to record hi* tentimeuu on th« occation.

A»d how «hoolil rtht cruj bo met, and bv trhat authority tlionld thjjpnte. bo decided? By tho conititution of hlwland, and that a- lone t ""'I ** "or ^reat mxtMr in ancient time*, an«wer*d a certain lawvor, who a*ked him in important r)«e*tion—"Wiiat i* written in th* law? I low rwulaiit thou"? We c«n tafely refer to the eon»titutioo, tnd atk onrtolve* iridividutlly, what i* writUu ia the coiiltita- tion? HJW readctt Ihou?"

The constitution nf Maryland proridot that the Governor and council thall IMS el*ct*«l an- nu»llj, thit giving la the people tha tivereign controal over the exacativ* branch, af tho go- rel-nment, for the hauia of delegate*, emphtti- cjilly the houte of the p*>plo, hare at all time* th* election of Oorowor In their own hand*, a* th*y number «ighty member* to fif­ teen in tli* teiatci *nd\(he Bill of Right*, article Sltt, declare* "that * long continuance io the ftrtt executive department*, of power ortruat, I* dangerou* to liburtyi a rotation therefore, in UIOMI departmtnta. it on* of the boat •eenritit* of permanent freedom."

But th* 3Ut article of the conttitation U tho one w<> mu*t refer to for the decUton of thi* qawt'ion, and it run* in UIOM' word*:—• "Tint tiie Governor tball oof continue, in thai o/Hca lunger thin firco year* tucce**ire- ty, nor bb eligible a* Governor until the ex

will nuke mo vote for (ho- Mberitabi- by the tenator from HarfoH, far i cannot lajr my hand on my heart anrt «T there are no doob^t at to the eligibility of O<fv. Martin.

That donhtt do esitt, that there U a <ttver- tity of opinion on (he mtujecr, U « f*et th«t cannot bo denied. ' M*ny of the peopio of Maryland doubt. In Washington county I well know that the leading men there, crrn tho*e wito belong to the tame ptrty to which Q irtrnor Martin i< attached, oot untr daab4, but thinli, and have written, and ipofeeo, and •lid, that they donot ormiJer

eir AN,

One of thole who bare come fa occation, (if I am not oiucli mi

eligible, ou (hi*

en,) helda tact ia'tai* chamber a rcry few year* ego.

and they

any ritque of committing an in the cimititatios, Init to err, if

the Mbject with <1i»t gentleman. rthii »«th d»y of JtiMM*, 1(31 L 'before V ' ' '•' :

HOBP.RT \VBLCH of Ben. »Ut«m.TUti Are, J aupiwee, fiftUjIent Ibp iMiiMloii of uoUir dealing, to »p*c»«l»yKir. Dot I .hill offer to t, *a aoin a« I ««n pan\b\f obutn it.

which I h»»» writUn far to

IA.T, ll. '

pirttlon of four yetrt «A«r UjMhaH hare been out of that offlco." ^afc-' < i

Here t* a limit, an aUolflBPTiinit, to hit trtrn of *errice. The bjUl of wrighl* had do- eltrod that a, long contiiiuanco in execvtir* oa^M WM dniiifurou* to liberty! and haretli* con*(«tntion, not only nroride* that the Oi- reraor tlull not tcrve lonfir than three yoart »uooo**i»ely, but goe* on to tty, nor bo *ll- RiblV w»til th* expiration of. fear year* after he (hillharo boeu out of (hat office.

What it tho coniiuon-/tent«.n»«aoiiig, what t* tho Heading in thatrpok*, oftbo word "*MO-

Tbe people of Maryland doubt, are ^divided, much divided on (So tnbjccl'. Many memlxrJ of the home of delegate* doubt, and in thit tonato chamber lliere aru, i* my certain knnwl«<Jge, *om« Mnatur* who Ui'nfk Governor Utrtin it eligibloi tome who are firmly of (he opinion that he ia hot eligi­ ble, and torn* who dirabt* and think il i* bett aot to run oa

on ther da err, on (he safe *id*

11° we admi( tha( Governor Mirtio it now to what will it 1**J? Let o* look at

the conieqnenret. If he hat a right to be in Dire* year* ancccttirely, wiiiout brine oot *f| that otHce four yean, then Governor Mortin, who waa in the year Ixfor* the Ittu and who wa».ont latt year, rosy ba etoctcj (hit ye«r. and the next, and the atx,t, and (hut .b.* in four year* nut of five) or t.iy he wa* in ooo y**r, out one year, may b* iu th* pretent year, out of one, and in three years making fiva yeart out of aeven.

Bul again if h* ia now eligible, he may be in two year* more, out one, in two, out one, and in three year*, making tix year* out of right) or hAmty b* in, tho ptuent yoar and the next, Wt oqe year, in the two nixt, and to on out one y«»r» end in two far aver,—or u ling H he lire*. _

The conttilafion certainly n^wr intended (hit. Three yean in Mven wMkat long i term of tervice aa the conttitutnn ever in ten'lcri for on* man, and by any other contti uf thi* inttmment, a governor may Ix in four year* out of fire, fire oat of toveo, tix oot uf eight, or with tlie intcrmittion of one year, for ever.'

Why U it thtt you Mr. President, (a* well a* erory othor member of the tenate,/cannot hold any office of pr<>At daring the whole torm nf Qro years for whieh ynn wens ek-ctrtl, eren thnng'r you tSoold rciign your teat in one week, or in one day after rou hare iptli Qed? It it bcc.iuie it \* forlii-titn in the JHh, article of tiin contUtutlun. and Cilt proviiion naa inierted to keep the ncnitort, during their whole term, beyond tS* reach of execu­ tive influence, and r*ad*r ttiem in fact more truly independent,

And to in like manner hat tho constitution preicribed tlie Itnrtit ternt which a flovern- or thai) ttrrc; and to hna it al*o |>ro«cril>eil, that when !Su it owl 4f that office, he thall be kept out fur four yean before ho it t£*ht cli gible. I« thit harder than wlut tlia coiutitu tion prescribe* In regard to ttntton? No, i canuot b« fairly contended that it it a lur>l«r cue. -

Our conttilation and furm of g irornmeat. Mr. Pretiileat, wat citibli*h«d fur the gouti of the wi'iule people af M*ry!*nJ^^nil ought nerer at any (Jma, (o bo connlroi^Kir mitcon* •Irueddnerely to »ervo a party, u>rSo »erve a tnan.-4N»r, it it far better that an individu­ al aliixltrl'tuffer—thould *ufTjf wrongfully, and br oxcludtd lor a tiiriA froM offirc, than that tho couititatiun ah*uld tufer the lent infraction, or thould not in all cat**, even in doubtful c«*ea, be paramount and kept ia' credly inviolate, until changed ..according to it* own proviiion*.

By voting for tha lafceritute now before at, the *cntlo do not frire a decided opinlkli a* to the queition of Gor. Mirtin'i eligibility— They a*y, jthat mutt be admitted, whnt wilt be admitted, thit doubt* do exi*t on (lie *ub- lect, and we retpcctfully »«k tha hnnaa of de legjate*. who have the election in thitir power, to mike a •uminition uf tome nthrr perton t to wnom no tonititutional olijectiont onn bit nrgeil, and to whote eligibility no doubt* do exist I (rn^t the tobititute will bn adopted.

The .tfmiaffri of Ifu Ftmal A*n of Atutaaalii. propo** hold NUAT. F\IR, f.-r iW iippoti of ft« Initi Gnu, In January. L.idie* wiching t» aanitt

preplrtng ardcifi 'to be dlip<aed of, can lurnilictl with materinli by application tu

Mr*. }. OHKEK. ' The Minagar* deem it un- nec»i«*ry to make anr appeal to the charita­ ble feeling* of _the Uifie*, who will no doubt continue that aid which OICT have, to gene- ruUtly given on furmor occaaion*. Can there bo a louro acceptable deed of mercy than tu I-MCUF halplet* and dettituto Veoiate Orphan* from want and vice, ind plae« »he*t IB a ai* tuition where they will M taught to earn t comfiirtablo tupport, and become rejptctabte inemher* of tacict r.

NOTICE!.T llKC-mmi.* .titertof .ABB- \rumtol p-in

, ,fy «lil tft-fi al IB* t'i'art Jl«o»«, in m« r.lAnnapoiu, «».f n-H. for' (ho parpow »f a»l«li Kg wit .

ihi tnopttiiaraaf/^baeca. hnrirtg appflVl- and afcd Iranueiing iKr oirfin»r»

ixrtion* uf iiit i^»y raart. VII p' r«on.fia,'i ip(tT»l^ Li maJi'? to ihf uowd, anil .hn-f liatini;

la Ixr m*iU, or" h> rcby n»iinrd, lha-. at fh* ti-n*1 njf «»i4 m'riiig ih^ t>o<<k< «f 'hi*

•>M»a>uHi«ni< ri will be clo**il (or the y»*r 1800. By oi«J"r


h" glat»4*Mi*r, find It* rnO)*>-al»ai ilvai.'* dan UK tMir «iay.

Tiniortiy H-y, rely 'h ho'lin thflr1 rty a «W Hootlr/.

. •alt AraAa

oldinf thei


URNT for >h« rn-*ing il*lf W.y Noon b*t wre.

. B«liimora, »uw o«: Oy T0k«. Darrelt. Altachi d

o i In* HIMM it 4 good «lardi-o. 8t*»l(«, Ifr iautf, *ij all the cimvrni«aut* for • ciMin'r* •»«rn| RDIWI twenty ar twi-iflw 6«« *cr«* of tfcfllrM clra'rd land »nd abulidintf of urooil. Tnr tin;* friMO Ann*p<>H* to BaJil m»r» atpp* h-t- to brt aafaak Ternu low 'o a food icuant. Apply (• "


or V»*«, anil HOT*** (akcn *t I ratv !*«•*.• ••* '- •;•

N. B. TVau««r» •fctter* *«•*« dl/mtrt. A«.o« tM «h»rl«*lf nm

, •- ' ... /• M.'llAnnipoll*. Oct. tf, 18SO.tO~ fh* •ilnor* ofN ifci^

Cuiiiurrlam! \i|nx«t», *ad will nobll*H Mi* above 4 lloie*,' and

r cnilf Oian.

A LL pfrtmi*. Inilrb'nl fa «• nn*•• ' orn acrnvni. *rr rt <aw«ifally rVqua*i«4to •*•! and M>n|r i«c

to aivo fartkwr w>4«••"--'

no**. lly rVqu

*» H, «*• .... JOHN M1LLM

DR. JOItJL.L.^ TR1T8M. JiFOR, Iba rrlirf and Turoof Hrrnta -or Dtp.

lure. • Thi* b«rgicat in»tr»m»»it i* n*w «o weM known tu ilw M*ai«*l (rf«f...«i..i», ami M • tlen«i«iy g»e«l bt unf»riun>lr auftVrer* lab<MW« ing under (H* di»«*>r- of Hrrnn, tint • p^rtnn* tir icenant of it* mrchcnical c<«i«inirli«» , "f it« targicjl (flyct* i* iKnucht Th* •nbjoine<f remirk* frinn f? .r<ici*h*

rc«p«ctabilit« in <

FOR I.E3ASE ORIENT,y,^ rH\Tl.r4rt.dej.mmMl». URH K JJ^lDUILlJlNO. nnw «c«pl.-dl>y Utdrnn Hil I'^irce. K*q. itid la'fly by \ln. R"- ™***am«i)n, a- a B»«idtn« H'Ki«e, tiiua'r

near the KuUrojia1 church, and io (he vlcini y nf Ik* Stale lluu*r. ThU properly h*» lilrli •mlrrgnne contiilvrablr repnir* whic^Mve «tf iributcd much towirrl* the coinf,irflBeanv>- nlenu* of the i>tlibli»hm*nt. and prriAl* a d>-

lifuition (o *uy p<-r*on dup/iord lo«n- in thil lioe uf bunnet*. P>M>e>*inn will

b" given »f(*rJJ")JB<Vl*brT next. For fftm* IN N. WACKIN&


In iK« uri .if bond'nx ChimntT* «nd altering ihuHf alnudr inch Manner a* to pra- rfnt nr fOir iht-ir »m.'kin|.

Vtnm ih' timr thtt coimneyt w*rt (|r«t in- truductil. ih- building ih.'m Kat bern but • •* rir<« i.f HfH-rl")«iil*. Thr be«t wurknun k«vr niiy •uccrrd d. whin tcrid'-nMly apprmimaling olfi

prinriplr«, now Ant •t«trm«ilnd and

orphan* eoari of Anpe Atun-lel county ytort letter* tttttme olair on ihe.nn^ntl e« tte of Mr. Genrir* WelU, Ute of *«M| county, lecttai'd, All pertont having cjaiuit l<*io* 'he laid etUie, tfe <Jep>r*d t» prci/nt UU-m. properly auilieatlrttitd. and tho«o who are In |*lK«tlff* Haunted io make payoaent. !

AUGCBl-AVVBJULa.*\V«r r-'j^' ••> :.'"A1»- V'*V»»,

[irrd tii the public. That thin «ulij*clb.-i-n inv.lvrd In m>»leiy till ih

ifmr, r«n only b* ailriiiulcil to ibe "imper fec( *'ni» iif 8. icnce. until within ih' U«i f.-w yr*rt, Th* priigrvt* recently •»<!» In that *tmf)i-rhi< tntGleil ihe •abicribcr la rr ilae* tltJ irl ot buildmi rhi*nney* tea ayttvro. invar'tbly prniluclna Ik • ilrtirixi r*»ult withr* «p-cl In »mnk«, and at th« MCO« time ouklng a t«»ingnf fuel. __

Having aecarrdJ^tnUoaiva privilege af •- itng and vending *«ld ^urnvem«nt, for foor- een \rttt Ifuni (hr ihinWny «f April 1830. hn nub^cribrr nffjr* Ihe •»«ie fnr **l* *a 'be

owing (emit. The right fora eilyoreotpn- y, 83D. When (w» ur mor* coonlle* ire por•h<*.-.l by one per*»h 840 ench. Tea or more

Ira AI nnr «al* cV^U»th. Fir t Town, I'.iwn.h p. B>rnu||liiir Village, ^40 Fur* iiilgl* htH4«r, ft). Any pr-rmn wiihing (o pur. iha«* miy tr*n«mit per mill th* *«m required, md *dred «liii| u< immediately r»turnrd con•ining ill nr u-r»4»ry iixiraclliMi* to rnibjr •

.iy maiuu U cuntiruvt thimney*. Every chim­ ney wliH*h -hill bebotll under ihe authority uf, 4«d aj;reT»tU io ihi* pilanl it htituy w*rr*al- ed * g-iwd .•hiinuvr* All l«K«ri to th* jiatrn- r* mu*l br i* 1"' P^'d« Th- pubjithcr uf a pa tor al ih* »ljlr. who vhnlt~Br«l juiulitn thi« *dverti*(«*nt and C*rliQ>*U, ami rnntinu* iho »(<ne fur "no yr«r, will eoli'le

ln'h* riihi fur toib cipittl city or lh* in wliich < he »eat »fO<ivernm*nl 1* !••

calcl^ Uvtry pul>li4i<r nf a |>a|i*r jn the Uni- iU Btali*. wU<» wt»l alv* thu advrrlU«mrnl,

tie. tine* Mti-rlhin*, ajjJ Urwird one of lb> uatKr*, thai) recalve (he rigid rur on* IUMII*.

A.^l. RBM>, P.ltoue,RaMQthi,niu

lithJua*. 1150.\Ve ih* rab*cribfr«, lh« Sheriff. Clerk, am)

Treaxuraruf 9(M)u>h«nn* C». F«- Do cortifi thai \. II. Rtitt, K«q. tW« pat«ntr» abov* named. l*,a ..f rc»p«ctabili(y. r.t»bU»lifd character fur hoo'Hy tod probirf; & w* kav* DO d.i»t»t of hi*

nargrtina >•< Mign rr«p*ci«O4lit» io <>ar euanirv, . »• the re*«li* of much practical experience •• the **e and application of ibnirn**. '•'

Jimr* Thaichrr, M. U. **H.«r of iho M<«)« em Prtcii ,e, uihi* tecond «>liiiun. ontlrr ike tHlijcct of llvrni*. remark* "Ur. Hull I. n. tlii«i»»ly rnliijeil (o the credit of ln| *dtpiiiig ihe true Unripe*! principle for ihr radical cur* nf lltrnil. Ha hippilj ronreivetl in* idea lh*| ih* put of Ihe Truw ahoolil b-- tu con«trac|r4 «• limply to *oj>por( ike mu«i.ulir fibr** *r»uod the ring nr apertura at jnaeb at pu*«ible. In llio «lltr in which they tr* mtin'ained in pcrlr'ct hrkllh. Uole»» thi« b« attained tli* ptiUntj .\ever recover their nitoral tune, whatoer lutJf be ihe drgree «f nre««»r» «ppl)r4."

8*mue| Ack*H/. ,M. D. in hi. *ir*llen( *. illlionuf 'H.-oper** Medical Dictionary,'o«if*r tkeliftd of'TruM.* alitr enumer*:in^ IhrcVil* retailing frooiUit-on* iiflh* drfffiu* tro«*>-a • fnrmtily worn. Mr*. •Thi* «vil wa* n«i (al­ ly remedied anlil l)r. Am»> O. Hull, nf N»w Yiir||r4arn*d hi« allenliun (u th* •ut^rct. «n4 by hi* improvement In th«coa»tiuvtHMi.«f uu«>•r*, h*k rcndrrtil II certain lh*i ill rrrtui r<ip- lurr* and Ihme of rbilrlrrn. m*j h* (»ri»»n*ut Iy cured, *fl*ihofe <4 nW people cad uf Iwg «l*iulin£. nuy. in aian^ catrt, tl*o k« r*n<e* JiriU Thr |**d uf Ur. .11*11'* Tni»k U ci>nt*vo, «no not cunvexi inif h*nce lh« rtivd circu|of m*r|in, by pmp»r adlplalioO, prr»«r« opnn Ilia .nlr* i>f Ih* hrrniil nprnini, *ad iTull to cln**j ill* *p*rtur« *nd cure the neroi* ' <

M. L Koipp, M D. litr PnyJciiD »r>4 Hurt-ran lo lh« B*fli«orv Gcn«r*l ui_-£ nury, in a cummunicali'in Iu l>«f Inr 'Holl, tty*: 't Mate applied your ira**e* in ttveral bua>lr>-it rue* ilurlnj ih» lut three yrir*. A »r*«t many upon whnro I Have tppllrd y<>or tru<*r*f <ive ueen raJidlly roreiti and *»me of 'hevl «err cakr* nf long *l*ndin(, jffttre all O'-^r iruitf* ntd faller). I «efr1l y*Waajfktr«4'thinka t'raei Mr. f. a cilrr.ra of i;r<»t'r>*|>eclibilitrt who wa« cored of a b-iil trroltl ropi«r«. T lk!rty.ftv<> jmr* *tt»«lia(, by w»irlng on* of jrhur lru*t*» far Iwu fpjr*. U> had »aV»' :»- i her lru«M* Iwrniy nin* yrir*. Hi* ton. tl«i(•ged 18 ytart, r«p«*rrd fr»« hi* iiifofcy, w<« cured ander mj etrr In IM* ikin Iwiurrji..^-. A c»»» of *crei*l roplare. uf fwfolvjr**r**l*». din(, in a labouring m*a> fnriy ytA *lrl, wta Hired ojxlrr my n*ik* trr ua« nf y&f tr«»wa in'»ix moniht. A c*ta nf gruin rap%*. fr««a lifting, in altbnvrlng won, Ihtr'y yr*Wuld,«a)~ whpm I applieil one of yoiif irvtM-i, ihr tUv *f«•rr the injary, wit carvd i» three m«.ni»»,— Ktperlenc* oloo*, can atak* knuwn to lh* 8»r. (emi ihe full p*w«r* and vx«»IK-nfB uf itm* luilmmenti. Yv*r lru***t ira rxr:«*ivclr prcfi-rred by th* Prufr**<in In both oIlbcHfdi cil School i In (hi* city. au«l tk* Vocally ja ga*x•»•!. • .

BkUlnuir*, Jino*ry. I8saV.lcntln* Moll. M. D. Prnf***or *f I

ry, t*y>.' Tht great am) tignal b«*'Bi* wkwh are prmlacttl by ihi* I'ru<*. moll fr*«* «a •Irltt **b«*r«ieiic* lo. trxi *eciir«ltoe*) w*tk Scivutilc and Sargirtt prlnclpU*-

•TK* operation *od eaV<t of |M* Trtti b directly «h» irr»r*» of *ll Tr**ofa lt*/vl»(br* in »»»; whioli k»ln< ecmv.i. UMMM to Mltarg* the dlmen.lou. of Ik* ru|.tur«jMlM|.* -I «m uf nplnicm thi 1 Ih* •"I"" of«i|<ctl (Utl|tn At .iieohanktl •Ir«ciiif in lhirt>»fraio»ni renflr* It wh«» h** '»•* been th* aititUniinmjaf Pr*a> lie*! Surgeon* in Korvpe and Awerie*.* -,.'

?,ufrt*or Mnti aloo io letlarittf *p»n N**' nit. recamNMBnVPr. HlWfe Trfttt to Ik* »*•

•* M eow*. "• ^" •*(wi» w

fajtlta •tr*«tl

• i<"'

•;,< '<

Page 8: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR



tffe e/:fl:«


e-s 1«


m. <r»



Page 9: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR


K«««-r»\SRIE8,9, AC.

aiutt a(i|>rB«*i u


uved ftthinnt. of" o lh »< who prvffi «r snil mnrt gt

t than brfnrt, of oVcl, (*TOOKI, l

: are rupectfllly Ihuin.

I TWO 3UrW>M.|rlley, BUhopof ' Tutntyjh*

• ' A


S.L.T1VEI. ' 'both seres,

,t w. »» for 8LAVW.



of aryland.^K DO&ARS or OEI.EGATES.

I In ike fojfo , Jea. I at


muA Aefa»Ma»Ada1aoa

W* H S»W»ln Jekafc Brawn AM Bo«ee

Jos. Cewnev Wm. Cato« (t). IV* wrolt (*)

»wrl«««<3) Chuto HliclK* (.)

nH. Watt*

JotMtlnn Wr L*netle< Vlurin Wsim rl'iMni Wstilen KliUS Welli John illi

fk'ita r. M.

CHANCKBV.* Jjniury 10 llWl.

...._ i Ayret v« WhiUkrr 4 o«hf n. i bill in this r*M> stale* thsi J >hn Sklvra rcea-ert. wt* indebted la ihr comptalnsn.|

fcfter iaid Skl"nton't Hi-sth cnmplsiasnt fdjudumml for ssi-l debt again*! the

riant l«aar. WhiUker. inr eleculnT of said jilufl, that H>e personal rtlslr of »kiv. aum en wntteday Whitakcf, lh»i h* andko". carities wtrr ln»»lvrn', lh«t tJkiveninnde

[hit real esitt* le«a»d Wlili krr for lifo^n>> i children in fee. that s«id Wfttuker h.d

tly conveyed said land away. 1% i a sale <>f s»i«l land (er |h« paymrni

I debt. »ndpr«yi |(t>nr>al trllef. It ls»tsl [a p«tii}o'i litsiy Bird in (hi* caw lh»i |be<h Srsrft Thorns* Rvans anil R rh<l Ufa, and l«i»c Wliitsker Iwrslnfora oidtrtd i made defendants live bvyonrt ib« liiuiu «i ilate of Maryland in pnl* uaknftwn to cnm

THURSDAY, JiMery 6ib. 1031. The hotiaa "*«*' PT**"^!1*"' ftg* "nmbera w on ye»V

wrjaiy*. ins) pfpQMdin£^%ii yOtUMQay were read. ^ Mr. Hardto| pirejimted \Ve_petittonc gf Thftmaa BdrHae,

praying Ihtflihty may be pltnd on the petition Iwt of «aid evuntyi which were twvenlly read and referred to the lending emnroilleeon peiUMoito indisjani ptnoaa by eoon-

Mr. A/'Kinetrey preeettted a petition nf sundry oltisen* of Frederick county, praying tho paaaage of an act autho­ rising the levy, court of Mid county to levy a awn of money sufficient for the repair* of a road therein mentioned* which WM rt'sd and referred to Ahttn. M' Kinstrey, Ketttp and Richardaon. ' . ' i '; -

Mr. Hunt prevented the memorial ot Jamat Iblllba, ef Ihe city of Baltimore, praying the pa**ag% of an act to aa aura to the proprietor* of S uilh's wharf, in aaid «ity, th*J quiet poeMMMon snd peacesnto enjoyment of the exclusive ngbt to ute or receive wharfjge for the use of their respcc- ;ive wherve*; which waa read and referred to Mnetra. Hunt, Nicholas and Ely.

Mr. Teackle presented the petition of sundry oltitena of Somerset county, praying to t* admitted to the facncflt* o4 the law of public instruction, and a Uu« apportionment of the school money i which WM read and referred' to the committee on education. ,

And Mr. Kerne presented a petition of *andry citiieruurf thit Mate, praying in alienition pi the pilot law*; which wts reed and referred to ihe eomanilte* already appointed On thai subject

Trie clerk of the aerate: delivered the following mesMge.*By ih« Senate, Jan. 8, lt>3*.

Oenllemen of Ihe House of Dele^at-isWe have received your message proposing to go Into »n

elecllun on the aixth inttint, of a senator tn represent tlio sUle of A/arylaml In, the sentle of the United State* from and aAer the third day of March next, tvhcn the term uf service far which tne honourable Esekiol F. Chamber* w»» elected will expire. A* there are several members nf the senile now a been t from ihe scat of government, ind believ­ ing that the interest* of the liato will oot «u*Ui i any injury by Ihe postponement of tho election of senator to future dsy, we therefore reepcrtfully decline going into ^he electi­ on at the time proposed in your rm-sMjr,e.

By order, . ,.., ff . JL Oasaawsy, Clk. Which wa* read. '!,/'. ' & John N. Sicele, Esquire, a delegate returned for Uorche*-

ler county, sppesrr<l, qualified, snd look his tv*t.The clerk of the sen*te delivered a letter from the honour­

able DanisI Martin, the go»ernor elecli referred by the se­ nate lo the consideration 01 thit house) whioh latter wa* read, and i* aa follower .» ; . .

'.f ' '. Wildernes*, January 4. 1831. To the Iton'ble. the President of the Senate, aad

Speaker of the House of Delegate*, \ Gentlemen,

Yoar joint letter of the 3d 'mat. aa pouncing my election to the c'nief executive office of tho sts.te, haa just been received.

Permit me, a^atlenen, through you, to express to the ho­ nourable bodies over which y>a respectively preside, ray sin-

leerr acknowledgment! for tbi* distinguished proof of their I coaftdence, and to t stare them, that 1 will endeavour to

merit the honour jMgferred on me, bv earnest and unretaittcd exertions, to petJ^Rthc duties of tlxe station tn which t*«y have' called mev^^^F

1 shall leave flHtr with at little delay a* poasible. and hope ta be at Anuapolt* in the course of aoxt week, to qualify ac- carding lo the constitution and form of government.

Accept, gentlemen, for youneltret pcrsontlly, snd fur the respective wrenches uf the legislature over which yon preside, the assurance of mj hilh rtspact and consi leratmn.

DANIKLMARrirf.On motion by Mr. H*Mahon, leave was Kiven to bring in n

bill, entitled. An act for tlie tx-ttir collection of counti charges in Altegany county. Onlered, TSat Mesirs. M*Ma- bo», Bhsw snd Rcid, report the aame.

On motion by Mr. Hunt, leave wa* given to bring; in a bill, entitled, A supplement to an act, entitled, An a<-t to regu­ late the iasuiittr of licenses to t riders, keeper* of ordinaries, and others. * Ordered, That Mcstr*. Hant,-Tilgnnx*n ami Nicholas, report ihe sasae. ' Thek«*tae theu adjoaraed until lo-morrow maraiag lOv'clock,

, Janutry A,, Presonl' tha esme meniben at to y«»v

Mr. Tllghntan, who h»d (tare of abatsict) ngt of ysxientay were re«t. ' ' ,.

p prweoted a peiitmn of Mndry'cHinn* of MM-' In fredttrick county, praying for-the passage of an

iwine aod g«eao from running at largo in laid town* whleh WM md and referred to MCMC*. &emp, RU ehardaon and M'Kinawey. And, '

Mr .Moore* prftvntori tho petition of Doctor William J. M'&hioey, of Harford county, praying the poaeag* of ah et mithoriaing him lo bring into Ihle Ute certain negro alivea therein mentionodt which wae re«d and rof«rrod lo Me*sm Afooree, Am on and Waller*. - '''• f •.'••.',

Oo motion by Mr. Rogeraon, Onhjred, That tH««Mimtt^ tee on (tension* and revolutionary claima inquire into the propriety of placinc Dcnjainin Smith, of Waahington cotlfl- ly, in the iUte of Kentucky, on the peruion roll of this late.

On motion by Mr. Brown of Kent, leave- waa given to bring in a bill to encourage the deatruction of emwa in Kent county. Ordered, That Meeer*. Urown of Kent, Wallia and Finer, report tho aamo.

On motion by Air. Milehrll, leave rm» given to bring in a bill lo incorporate the town of Berlin, in Woreeeter c<mn- ty. Ordered, That Meaara. Viteholl, Puroetl aud Parker, IT port tlte name.-

On motion by Mr. Rly, leave wa* given to bring in a bill, entitle*!, An act >o auapcnd t!ie ilatuieof limiiaiiona in eer- tain «a»e» inerein mentioned. Ordered, Thu A/euro. Kly, Nichola* and Steele, report the samo.

On motiop by Mr. Brown of Queen-Anne'*, lernvo wa» givtkn to brine in a bill, entitled. An act relating lo coroner* holding inqueiLn. Ordered, That MeMm Urown of Queen- Anne'», Claudr and hpencc, report Ihc *nnie

p-i moiibn by Mr Holme*, ICAV« ws» g^vVn to bring in * bill, eniiltoJ, An act to rxiend I he juriMlielion of juMict* of the peace in the cevcral eminlie* <<f thit tlalo Ordered, That Meuri Holmes KWIC and Drcwrr, report the **rm .

The Kooie then adjourned until Monday morning 10 o'clock.

ef tha preaeat session t »« «' 'n trtaaeter al* the wes'trn sl.ote to i .-

Ma*rtat,a»ery cvunty on sccoui t r-i ^! r: fand tat DM, C«a*aMrcial a/d ! % ' Bank-ol

atelti***. »*r« tent t» the \MatU,:'" :- '^Y>TW ba«aa tavaa adja«rt>ed til to taiafraw as«rnii>g Un

o'clock. ' - - V,'. .

MOXDAT. Janiary lOlli, l«3t. ...... h,-.met. The tame member* nretent at on S»tnr-

day, with tlte addition of Mr. »pe»kcr Tltentaa, who appear- ed in the houte, and renamed the chair.

Mr. Teackle pretented the petition of William Roach, Jr. and other*, of Bumereet roanty, praying to be admitted to the beneDta of the law nf public inttmctioru and an equit»ble nittribotion »f the mooie* in the treitory, ap|>rnpriateil for education ( waicb^^a read and referred to the committee on education.

Mr. HuDt presented the petition of John V>~. Richardton, of the city uf Baltimore, prayi'.g the pattage uf an act i*tho- riniiig him to brine into thia itate certain negro »t«vet therein mnnti^nrd) which was read, and referred to the ttanding committee on grievancei and coorto of junti *.

Mr. ICrene j>re*entei] tlte petition of lumlry inhabitant* nf Die city of Baltimore, pnying a modification of the pilot U\»tj which WAC read, and referred to the committee already appointed on that (object-

On motion by Mr. VVillaon, leave wa« given to b.ring in a bill, entitled. An act to chaugv the mode of appointing the jiunicrn of Ihr peace for the tevcral counties in this ttate, te a* to reduce the number. Orderrtl, That He*ar*. Willaon,

l Cri»trman and Onlc, report tlio aamc.Mr. Pnrni-ll, cUairintiii of tlie committee on divorre*, made

an unfavourable report upon tlie |ietitit>g uf, Mnr.gar, Jr. of Frederirk county; wfiirli w«» twice rend and conrutrtd in.

The houie t'acu adiovutd uulil to-norrow roornlug 10 o'clock.

|«*itertd that (ha cumul«in»ui, by I nt Ihi^ixJ", an>l the *ub*tkiti r nf uid , lok«Mibli>h*d one* a we«k Tor lhr«r «uc ' xr ilia IWKoaj / Prbru»'T

<> thl> nawtp^p-T* prinlrit in ir nollct la aaul tb«»nl

a«U (»ajK>*ar in ibjt couri «n or b*fi Jth Jay of May « «'. In pv'»>n or by f, «»4 antwrr ibia bill lie,

;-.Tf*i e*W Tret. fcAMSAY WATERS Ra C«r.C«n.

»n. 18 I Ml.______________4^

' IN CH\NCB«Y, ^ ftOib.D'rtroibtr. teJO.

)Or4«n4, Taal 0)« aale made and rep«r(»d William Lr|k. Irntc* .(or 'k-» «alc >.f id-

a) prnMrtT to the CAM of Irfftf »», Hur«l uthfra, tw ralilw) %nd covV'ord »nlH«

IUM td Ate contrary b* »ni'w«: o« IK b*lor» (he Uaf-oT Mjrtk nf^Ji Pro«jQr«I t copy (

'^ of ih" near* Vj|rt»p<i ia, iij

FRIDAY, January rth, 1831. ' ' " Thf houM met. PrcMftt the aaiai> rae<nb«ra a» on ytiter-

day. The proceedings of yeatrnlay were rrad.Mr. Tetckle patented a memunal of larnen I.jwion. ami

| oiher*, of 8om«r>et eo»nty, nproentinc tliat they hat) fonn- j ed a centtitutiun and organized au trutilution for the inttruc-

tnl I tion of youth on the monitorial arttem of primnrjr actioola, nr, I and praying for an equitable portion of the fare aehoul fund in M I aid of flie aald inilitationj which *M rvad, and referred to

the Mantling committee on creation.Alto a memorial and petition of Jo«eph. E. Mu»r. anil

other*, of D.irchnter count jr. ff*j'^K for the eaubllahment of a Inancial intbtotion, to bo loan.lnl upon tSe lr>»e»tt«l mo­ ney* In the treaHrjr, for the atpply of rfv«na« to the (tale, and Uta general accommodation and beneflt of fh« peupte; winch wai read, and ordered tn lie on the table.

. Mr. W right presented a petition from Caleb Smith, of Dorcheatcr ceuntj, praying the paaaace of an tot to alter anil ohanga hie Baroe to that of Caleb Krlli whieli waa read, and referred M M'aara. Wri»>t, Hkkt ami SteeJe.

And Mr' tiitting* prvaant*d the neUtteo* of wnd<^ citi- UQ( ef Mautgopery county, prtjinz the patugo of a law tax- in}[ Oof* In Mid eounU, and for ouicrparoacei "J*^ read, an i referred to liratrt.UtttiufH

On wuOoo by Hr. Oittin(?H, Ifarefa ri»e«to brlaiin a for

TUESDAY, January Itth, 1831.The hottte m.^t. IVewsnt the time mf.nber* as on yetter-

day The prureeding* of yetlcnUy were reid.Mr. Oantt pretrnted th/petition of BrjtHoy S.vA. Low*,

of Hrinei-Oforjv''* cuuQty, praying fur a divorce, a vincnlo m.nt moniif which wia read, and referred lo the ttanding committee im divorce*.

Mr M'Mtgnmery prescnteil the petition of tundry citizens nf lltrforO county, praying the paaaage uf an act requiring tlie coinmitsioners of mid comity ti levy a *um of no<trj anf- (lci«nl » tiuild t bridge over D:er creek, at or near William Pries' saw-mill| which wat read, and referred to Mettra. M'lnljim'ry, Am'Ui, Moore t and Waller*.

Mr. Kerne presented the petition nf sundry inhabitant* of Dnrchetter county, praying an alteration of the pilot law*| which was read, and referred lo the committee already ap­ pointed OQ that sauject..

Mr. Uicki:i*nn presented the petitHin of Thrxnst C. Nicola; of Talbjt county, praving Tor a special act uf tntnlvancyi which wat read and reVerred to the tUmliog co«u»ilte» on ' inflreacr.

Ann" Mr. Nicholas preaeated the memor'ial of the president, manager*, fc Co. of tlie Washington and Bsltimore turnpike ro«d, praying for the grant ef a new act of incorporation, or the alteration nf the act of 183r, relative tu laid eeropanyi which wt* read, and referred to the committee o*. internal improvement.

On motion by Mr. M'Blfreah, leave waa given te bring in n hill, entitled. An act to provide for the prpmpt payment of witnesses in criminal case* in tlii* slit*.- Ordered, Thit M**«rt. M-Klfirnli, Kent and Moore*, report the, *Mne.

'Dii! bout* proceeded to consider the order ( the day, It being the bill reported by Mr. Brookhsrt. entitled. An act to abolish all and every Men parts nf the constitution and form

Tha btXMb mat PreaaMt the same ananiber* aa on j «. - troUy. Tb» proeeedlrin of yetterdty were reaiL

Tha bill, entitled, An additional supplement 10 tn »ct+ rn- UUed, A supplement to ao set to hieorpon'ta «ht 1'ort t>t noait and Cheeapetko Tampike Road Companj. r>a«aed at- Oacaoiber aeaflon IWT, ahapier 80O) and the ntolutii Ihorbing the traasnrer of tlie western nliore to j.»> to liam Ridgaly, Kaq. tha balance Joe to John N> winsn, l«tr a pensioner of Ihe slate of Mtiyltnd, were sent to iha'*eri»>e,..s

Mr. Nichohw preeanletl the petition of W illlom Korubvll, , of the city of Baltimore, counter to the petition at' Piter '' Johtitoo, preying for a apccial act of insvilveney; which wl.a / reisd and referred to the (landing commit.u« on insolve ey. ^

Mr. Will son presented the pamlon of hanin Uoa,ot Mgr.t- ^ ' gomery county, praying to be placed pn Uie pension list of aaid nounly; which ws* road and referred to il* commiiieo on pension* to indigent persons by county mesi'm'Jnt.

Mr. Wallis prevented tlie petition of George lieajlon. nf Cecil tonuly, pravmg to be relieved front the, p*> n.anl of cetlain monir* therein mentioned; which w»* nad auil re­ ferred to tne oommiltee on gTievcneaa aud tout'a of justice.

Mr. Tear.kle prescnied tne memorial of Jnhn VV. King, and other*, of Sonicrvei eouniyi and Mr Corna<ya ptes'-ni> ed i ho petition of sundry citixrii* of Cocii c»unty. praying or the oMahlii>hment of a Male ba<ik; wlncli were read mid Mrenlly referred to tha eotnmiiie* already appoint**'on that tnhjcet. L_^ i_ J '

Mr. Shaw pr«MnleH~(he petition of Niehotu JOTM*, nf- Allrginy county, a revolutionary aotditr, prsj ing to bo placed on Ihe pension lid; whioh wjs read snJ referred lo the oummittoe on peotiona and revolutionary claim*.

Mr. Hunt presenlett the uiemoi"al ol K. L. Pinley, anl other* of ihe city of Baltim»re,-i)n ihe subject of a house of refuge for juvenile delinquents, and prsymg for an act of incorporation, and suclt legtslalive aiwisUncojsii tiir. impor- lance of it* proposed object* iurtlj ctilille it; winch «v<« read and referred lo Mwwr*. lIunL, Chupaian, Uon^h, L-f, M'E.fri-iih, Teacklaand Sj^nce. .

The clerk of Ihe aonate relumed the resolution relative i» Ihe government houae; tho resolution auinonamg ihevxem live to seillu the account of Jun** Oreon for in* priming .>t* tha prcafnt session, and tne re*oniiion directing tha irt.i- surer of the wesiem ahore to inve-t tite muiiay iluo Mm>i- KiHmerjr county, nn acrtunl of tht* fr\.e achooU fund, in tli-o Commercial tnd Fsrmar* Hjnk of Baltimore; severally on- dotted, "s-sriited to." Ordered lo bu pngrontoV-

And delivered letter* Oeorgc tfnward and Thomj* C. Worthinglon, Enquire*, accepting<tf their ppuintmtnt

HBkemf*Vn of tho cxcpntire r^Onfi): emloraed. "refurie'l l^nno coo»idcralioi» ol lito house "of delegates;" which wun I read. And the followina; mci^nc-

11^ Ibi Si'iiatf, Januiry llih, 1831. Gentlemen of-the llounc of UclvMtl'*>

The aenale have received your message of lh« 8th instant, conldning Ihe tvrrd* of an order, pakeed by you on that Jjy, n-hich instmcl* jour comuiitlee on i|ilern*l impri'ic men I to inquire inta 4he expvdsancy and practicability [*,,*> the eonourrvncc snd co-operation of the atnlea <if Virgin and Delaware,) of opening a safe and direct n*vis;tti >n through the ound* which run parallel with tho s*a-co»t, and atuili cunm a* may be neccsuiry betivecn ibe Cheaspec.o and Delaware lijy*. *

IVe senile concur with yuur propotition, thai the pro,n r euminiltee*nf bulh branches ol ihe lc|(islst(TTi> Act IO^O.I.M- upon the aubj«ci, and have ihia day uaoed the order neeo- »*ry for lhai purpoac.

Bv order, . ' " L. Oaaaaway, Clk. On motioh by Air. Roge'raon, leave waa ^iven 10 biiog \~\

* bill, entitled, A supplement tu the act, entitled, An uri for the distribution^ ol a coruin fund lor tlie purpose of <-.* lahltshing frm schools in the aoveral counties ihrrein i>.c:i- lirmcd. tlrdcresl, That Jfetars. Rogonon, Chspnian au>t Italian!, report tha ssmo. ' '/ v

Mr. Hilc* aiibmitlfd the following order: Ordered, That the enmmiller on eiliication ho in«truel'-l

lo inquire into the orortriely and expediency of .williiliov- ing Iho donation* from ihe aeversl colleges and aeadem»-i of thle side, for the purpose of *|>pro|iri«ting the same it Ihe mippnrt of primary or county cchool*, and that U*y re­ port liy li'H "r otherwise.

On the question being pnt on tha adoption of aaid order, it waa dttertnlncd in the nes.Mlve yea* 16, nay* <to.

Tha houae than adjourned until to-morrow/ moruin| ta

(Un|snd,Wlll*on, siyen'to ariDlin t if the real artu per

nf g.ivernment in this state, a« relate to the iptwintmani of the offlrf* of register* of will* and clerk* of the county courts of this staU( when, on motion by Mr. Brookharl, said bill was ordered to lie on the table.

Mr. M'KlCresn presented the petition of the visitor* ol Fre­ derick college, praying the passage of an act sutharUlng th*« to draw a lojtery and raise the sum of ten thousand dollars, i i^l also to occupy and possess tho barrack* graand *e*r Pre« derick-Town, aa the scilo of the contcmplaUd college edl- ftcej which wat reed and referred to Ma**n. M<KlCrc*b, Kemp and M'Kinstrey. '. ' ' ';

The meaaaya relative to internal Imarwranunt, a«Wptad bv this house on Bnturdny laat tha Mh iaatl tha biU, entitled;

benefit ol WdliaaV Wavkataa, ef AUegany , entitled, An act asttwriaina; Or. WillU*|X

. HVferd cqiHity, t» 'rttaaa/a certain a«l_> ...... Into this Watei the bill, «aJtttl,»a% 'A» act ralati<«*ip*r t of the Westminster sue*.jUa^fc*ta*Wa» ttoaatk* roadiWj


: ,, . THURSDAY. January 19,1831. i"-The house met Prevent the mme membeni a* on yc«-

Unlay. The procowlingi of ycttcrday were read. 'Mr. Tilghman sgslft* *p|>eare<l in the house.Mr. Ht^nt praMntad thai petition of Isaac Woal, of Ihe cU (

y of Baltimore, praying for divorce from hi* wife F»uiiy Vest; which ivaaread and referred lo Ihe committee on «<«- arc**, '

Mr. Brookhart presented th« memorial of Henry LrteS. er, of Washington county, praying to be remunerated d>r ' discoveries made in agriculture, which wa* read and refer­ red to the standing committee on agriculture.

On motion by Mr. Teaoklo, learo <* «* «ir«n to bring" i a . bill, entitled, An act lo amend the eonatimtlon anil form of government of tills slate, in relstion to the time of ho'<l- ina- eloeiions «nd for other parpqaaa. Oruered. Mertr*. Teackle, Oalc, M'Elfreah, Kick*, Bra wnar, Muni- gatnery and Ely, report the same.- .On'motion by Mr. Hiok«, leave wa* s^lven (o bring la * bill, to bo entitled. An act lo tiler and mpea) the act c.-. : tlr<l ( 'Ah set lor regulating anil inapcctink w«|nht* nn I,

.. i in thit «tat«v OrdtnairXrua Meaara. Hici , .Jp^MWjf^TAVW 3^Kl«wr» »port.«»'a

Mr. Aanna. le*«a *m given to hri< g In a ^Authar aispplaAMnt \n an a«t, atMiUad. An


Page 10: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

9* tor t jnw e portwm « ee*Mrt»e» therein mwi-

OM nntinn br hff. 4 bill, to be entitW, An

leu an.l DurajU report the. .

ir. Monla^trhcry from OIB e<»nimltle<?,.*«brnllte?fl the M' lowing revolutions:

Hc».«Ivcd dn*nimou»ly. That lh* Reneral MMtmbljr of


.Wsrvl»n«l ontcrtnin e high ton«« of Iho g»IU»lrj of ̂ O W. tiogora, native of (hi* Bitle, and a captain injjie 'n*'tfy nf ihr United Stairs', at displayed in IhebVillitrrPlnd well inught acticm during I he lalo war, between tho D. Slate* loop of w» Wa*p, »nd H. D. Majesty '» rhip "Froliclt." which terminated in gloriou* victory, natwilhalandingtnr

eat disparity of force in lavour of llw Ultor, and oo pthor nrttn' orcAaion*.ctolvt:'*, That lh« governor be |nd ha to hereby anlho-

rimxl »n<l dlrecrtd, lo jtrocuro and present to captain W. Rog«ni a (Word, M further evidence of (lie high souse we enlertajn of tha Mrvleei he ha* rendered hi» country

. Joil that the governor bo authorised to draw on tho tretiur- t «r of Iho tve»Urn rhore for such sum M may be neceatary tD .carry into effect theto resolution!.'

Which were) rrad. Tht boate adjoorned nnfil to-morrow morning 10 o'clock.

FRIDAY, Janaanr 14, 1831WilUam Highletl, RHI. a delegate returned for Talbo

enuntv. appeared, qualified, and took his Scat.The bill, entitled. An act to authorise and empower John

\V. nichafd»nn, to impnrt and bring into this state, certain negro** therein racntionedi and tiie bill, entitled, An act t r i- K train attorneys and solicitor* in chancery, from enteric their appearance to any suit, bill or action, at liw or in av|iiity, in the court* of this state, without special authority were lent to the senate.

Mr. Wright, presented the petition of Tlarriet Clarkf, o Dnrchestcr conn*y. praying that her name may be changed U t'- >t of Harriet Krcletlon | which wa* read and referred ' Messrs. Wright, Keenc and Micks.

Mr. Willsun, presented the petition of Robert Soaper, n M'iB,(g«mtry county, praying to be placed on the pension lit of said courfy; which wat read and referred to (he committee on ptnaiqn* to indigent penoni by county o»»e«ment.

-Mr. Hood, presented tNe petition of urorge Bowman, o Anne-Arnndcl countv. a revolutionary soldier, praying to be placed on the pension li*t| which wat read anJ referred t the committee on pensions and revulutiooiry claim*.

Mr. Hawliins, presented the petition of sundry inhabitants of 9aint-Mary'a county, praying the paisage of an act To the a*tc«*menf anil valu<i(i<>n of the real and penonul pro prrty of 1.1 id /onntr! which was read and referred tu Mcssr*. liawkiu*, Blakistone and Hough.

Mr. Denny, presented the petition of Joseph Kerap, ant t'lTt, of the town of Baint-Michaels, in Tulbot county proving the repeal nf so much uf the act of 1803, incorpo rofug the town of Baint-Michaela, as relates to awine am yctc gning at large in said town) which was read and refer red to Mcsar*. Denny, Hnghlett and Dudley. '

Mr. TetcVlc, presented the petition of William Sterling, nil others, of Somer*et county, praying to be admitted t the benefit of (he ayitein of public instruction, and a do apportionment of the ar.hool munujr, now in the treasury n tn* *lat«| which wa* read and referred to the committee on

Mr. Lee, presented the petition of Mary 8. Ms gee, a re pre*entative of Joseph Clarke, praying compensation for hii terrjctt as state architect; which was read and raf the cn-nmittee on rlaimt. '

On motion by Mr. Keene» leave was given to bring i bill, enlilletl, An act to regulate the per diem of justices o l!i Irvy court and trustees of the poor for Dorchester countv and for other purposes. Ordered, that M curs'. Keene, Steele nH HL-kt, leport the samel

Mr. Chapman, Chairman of the Committee on Way* and M -ana, delivered the following report:

Th« Commitrej on Ways and Mean* having examined the Treasurer'* report, and the other subjects nferrvd to their consideration, tabmit the following report: On the Ant day of December 1849, there remained in the

weatsrt) shore treasury, the sain of g5-l,05fl 57 Thitthe receipt! during the year ending 1st

December 1830, amounted to 810,371 52

Which aggregate of 7.64,-124 00 wa* applitablo t.i the demands on th» treasury during the fis­ cal vear ending tlte drat of Dvcember 183O. Uf that amount the treasurer disbursed in tho Mine period the sum of


410,317 21

Leaving in the treasury on the first of Decem­ ber. 51,100 88

That balance, however, waa (abject to aporo-priation* then unexpended, amounting to x. £4,268 84

W'.ich. deducted from the balance in the trea­ sury, shew* an unappropriated balance of 30,838 6<


Tp have been in the treasury on that day, and applicable to the payment of the journal of account* for the present Msaton, or lo other demands, upon the treasury daring the car- rent year.The committee submit an estimate- of the revenue end pro

tuble demand* upon the trcaaury for the year ending 1st De cember I Ml.

The receipt* for the current year are estimated as follows Interest on United State* three per cent stock 810,059 08 Interest on loan to Charlotte Hall Scheol -. - > , _ 100 Fine*, forfeitures and tmereueaenta 'TX ••••' '• 4,000 Marriage and other licenses, granted by the -

clerk* ef the county and the city court of60,000

«,000For eschtat* and vacant landFor taxes in chancery, and taxea on plaintiffs,

br act* of December session 1885, chapter195, and December aeoeion JJitt, chap. 161.

» sections -^ " - *""•Aartieoeer* license* : ;.-Auction datieeDividinils on baall itiock ,,.._,Dividends on t»rnpike road ''Dividend on nil road stockFrom tho medical professors of

, of MaryUwl '~ F».im th* dtapetose ef the Penitentiary

State totterto* > ' 'TJIMCCO latpectioe in BeJtitsoreBtete wliarviiln----




8,807 314,00087,0001,500

the fiecal year ending the l*t of December

The demands upon th* treattry for th« «sirent year, th* committee eMusjaie e-f.iUow*:, i - ,- '.I

attrnal of nccoflnts the present aetnon darter of civil officer* nf the government

rar revolutionary pension* to officer* and *o\uii Donations t.i colleges academies and »chool* F.oi; sjlariex to the annimrer* of the "

wotorn *lii>rf« lent of gnn-hnU8c [nJiin annril'ir* - Interest on ncMten.. ,, .- Interest on Maryland Miivefsity *toc«' Interest on l<nn» nf 18*7 L^M!"-'' For *alarii-« t« (he. j'l'te** and other <pen»e*

on account nf the jniliriary Intereat on nil rt»vl dteck Interest on canal storkIntercut on Mouninent stock, per act of Decem­

ber tcsaion 1820 ' ' ;

v «ugtxln« '*•

^ . **'' A« *»

fiOl',500 3,400

For the. Univertity sinking fand . / . ' 'For (he LibraryFor inakin? copies of the platiif western land*Sahrv to the Onvenmr'a StewardSalaries toQie Inviectur* of Tobacco and their

Clerk* ,For 10 much of the cost of Warehouses Appropriation t;» the Colnnixalidn Society by

net of December session 1820 Appropriation f.»r education of Deaf and Dumb

by net »f December *c»*inn 1887 For the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore

for the improvement of the harbour, fromAuction duties

For the University of Maryland, the availa ofthe lottery system

For the redemption of so much of Monumentfive per cent stock from the avails of the lot­ tery system, by act of December sc»siun18-W, chapter 1M

For Contingent expenses Fur Miscellaneous and additional expenses,

certain aud probable

Which will amount to the sum of

Which sum deducted from the estimated avail­ able mean* of (he current year

38.3705,885 427,393 83



0,000 ir,3IO 41







8*1 0,250 53

Will leave in the Treasury on the lit Decem­ ber 1831. applicable tu the expenses lor the Gical ytar commencing 1st Dereiober 18SI 8H.306 89

The payment of the journal of account* for the section of 1831, being a hr.vry chargv upo.i the treasury, and exceeding the receipts which ore not appropriated for other purposes, should be to far provided fur at the ppeynt session, as tu leave an unappropriated balance in the tetasury on the firs! of December next, sufficient fur this purpose.

The estimates are founded upon the exUting laws, and the demands which will probably be made, upon the treasury, are such as are now authorised by law, anil such as may probably be authorised by the present legislature.

If any appropriation of considerable .-(mount should be rasde or the revenue lessened by either of its branches being cut off, or in anywise Impaired, by tiie legislature, the estimates of the committee wilt be varied accordingly.

The commltter are of opinion, that it is not necessary to a- dopt any* measure at the preient session to increase our reve­ nue th'at the condition of the agricultural and commercial intereits would not justify a tyttem of general taxation, im­ partial in its operations, or the imposition of additional bur­ thens in sny manner. It it only necessary to economise our mean*, and our present resource,* will be sufficient to meet every necessary demand upon the treasury.

Tlic committee look with great confidence to an rarlv ad­ journment of the legislature end suggest that should this session close early in February, there will remain ir the trea­ sury, at tho end of the present fiscal ytar, about eighteen thousand dollars mure than the balance estimated by the com­ mittee.

The committee omit to exhibit a statement of the several funds, and tho receipts from those funds, as they do nut enter into the available means uf the treasury, and are specifically appropriated.

They subjoin a statement of the State'a Capital. Productive Amount. p,c.

United State* funded 3 per centstuct, 335,104 74

Lotn to Charlotte n.ill School" " Due from 9hci id's Clerks, Col­

lectors and Inspector* Stock of the Bank of lUltimore

Union Bank of Maryland H age rt-Town Bank Commercial and Farmer*

.Uuiik uf Baltimore Farmer* and Merchant*

Bank of Baltimore Marine Bank of Baltimore Franklin Bank of Balti­

moreFarmer* Bank of Mary­

landMechanics Bank of Bal­

timoreBaltimore and Frederick-

Town 'f urn pike Huad Company-

Baltimore */ York-Town Turnpike Uoad Compa-"7

Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company


8)1,370 06 174,000 31,800 25,000


It 0.^.1 08 100


S 1,560 66 6 1,733 34





48,500. ;.". ' . v .



750 COO







'.. '''•1,000,808 13


Unproductive Capital.Loan Ui 8t Peter** Free School

in Baltimore -Loan to the president and direc­

tors of th* I'otutnac CtMnfMQjrInterest tlierronStoeavo/ the Potomac Companya«b*critMd far deferred atoek of

the Cheeapeeke aad Ohio Gejul. Coespejiy

J>wds for confiscated property,^totalled and not iutalled . feck of the Elktom Baak of Ma,-

president and directors of the rtil ed a dividend of U p«r cent upc mittee think we*r« iwttfttf.iji further ambnat will have been i

yC By rte Mlowin*; exhibit*of thepynwnfe $*f™?^M interest opon *tock i*weJ by the .tate «n ajdof the Ba d- more and^Mrio rail road company, it will be Men-that the ttatc ha* received 8318VW. « « **n &**<*" P»M b? »» treasury on thi* account. fa

The legislature pasted (at December wliTor,, 1887,) authorising the sutcription on the p.rt of the state for .lock in thi* company, under the expectation that the loan* effect­ ed, and stock issued, for the payment of the tate'* Mb»cnp- non. would bo redeemed, without impairing the available meant »f the treasury and the committee have little doubt thtt those expectations will be realized.

Exhibit of the paymenta and receipt* of mtcrert upon tlock issued by the state of Maryland in aid of thi* company. OiviJcnd declared Itt January 1831 81,875 885,000 5 pr. cent *tock i»*ned by tho

»t*tcof Maryland, taken by the nil . .-. /v ,roasVcompanv at 10 pr. cent premium ".'. . . ,-,which paid-lne intere*t to tie 1st July '....,.18.10 ? .- . ' -^.

Interest from 1st July 1830, to 1st J»- ..,nuary 1831. 81 per cent on 8^.000 R68J ..*.„;

„,, «.« .nJ.1 Interest payable after 2d issue813,500 I . .. ..-..« . ...3d 4th

1st July 18.10, tnUt January 1831,<5 no

• •ft

937 50

5lh " 18,500? Interest payable *flerGth " 12,500 J lit January 18317th 18,500^8th " 18,500 1 Intere*! payable after9th " 18,500 f 1st July 183110th" ia,500jMth" 18,500 Interest payable after

1st Jannaiy 1831Balance in favour of tht state 1st Janua­

ry I8J1



V,V7 10

Which i* respectfully snhmittedJOHN O. CHAPMAN, Chairman.

By order,Isaac Hint*. Clk.

SATURDAY, January 15th, 1831.Mr. llawkin* presented the petition of William F. Ooeri-

rich, of Saint Mary H county, praying that Elizabeth Oood- rich may be placed on the pension list of said county) which wj« read and referred to the committee pn pensions to indi gcnr^ertons by county assessment.

Mr. Stewart presented the petition of sundrv inhabitant* of Anne-Arnndel county, praying for a modification in the primary *chool system; 'which wa* read and referred to the committee on education.

_ Mr. Rly presented the petition of sundry citizen* of-Bal- timore county, praying for the pissage of a'l act to incorpo­ rate the trustees of the Clover Hilt school and meeting hnuse in said county; which was read and referred to the committee alreailv iprxnntrd on that subject.

And Mr. Kdelen presented the petition of Eliza Grime*, of Prince-Oeorg^'s county, praying that the may be placed on the pension list of said county; which wai read and referred (o (he committee on pensiont to indigent persons, by counlr assessment.

On motion by Mr Smith, leave was given lo bring in t bill to be entitled, An act relating to public rnad« in Calvert county. Ordered, That Mesir*. Dqul.v Ualrrmpla and Mackall, neporl the same. . ' »-

MONDAY, Janaary ,„ ,„„,.^tr. Hick* presented Iho petliio'n of M«ry North, of Dor-

chiMlor eoun(y, praying for a divorce a vlntiilo malriinonii; which xva* ix-sd and referred (o (he commilioc on divorce*.

And. Mr. Worlhington prc-!«enleil the petition <if nmdrv flilizrn* of Frederick anil Baltimore eounlin. praying for tl.p pasMge of an set authori-un* tho appointuivm of. e«m. n.M.onfrN w.ih power (o hy out and open a road therein mcniloned; winch was read and referred (o .Messrs. Wor hington. K«mn, M'KinMre)-, M'Elfre*h and Turner

On mniion by Mr. M-Elfrcsh, leave w*. given lo bring in « bill, enlillcd, A tupplcmeut lo an act for the dcipaleh of hiitines* in Frederick county rourt, rw^ol al " session IM9, ch.pior 107. Ordered, That M^ fre.h, M'Kmalrry and Kemp. report the aime.

On motion by Mr. nhekall, leave was given to bill, cnhlled, An act tu allow Jame* I) Dixo, henff of Calvert countv. further limn (o eomnlcio hi, co|.

lo lhe»* improving (he° r<lo 'ver ° «M «'«l"«- Or-

c^=;en^^^^^'^^^^ ^uX PJ^^.±&.^^^werp

-"- ...l,u _^ »,,«

'°be»finwee"dt orihOvVAs



SNOW 8TORJJ It comaw,,^ onT Friday afttrnooo las.t, and costi«n, ( ate en Saturday night ' Dar'ng (a^. jvart of wfiich time the wind ble«tr<iM ly. It i* decidedly JMw deepetUaa ltd ID thit quarter for miny jeaj^iTJi day following there, wai" aaetbtr li^rt I enow. The wheat field* ia tbii tiood i east be well cotted.

The offlcial report tote* the tennenta in tk* city of BilUmon 1)1 past ye*r to h*ve*eeD jt.oa^i.tu 4 number wereaulet kad%75f((u]M,KrJ people of colour, of whom 478 wtr* fmj

elaves. "The coloured popeUaJ** timore in 1830 evntittcd of.l4,7IJ 4,lilaUve*-- Tie great difcre*e, I fare, in the amounts two claiMri; r«»Ji[y explains of doatht in the first mtitiooed etus exceeded ttut Bot«4 ta th* Uit-

Perhaps among all the astoaitaiag i tions of the vegetable kingdom, Uwni ii| one more remarkable than a*Ross receiUrl Troiluccd into Buroee and this cotatrji Chin*, and thus described ia I dencr's Magazine, published at 1 tt 9revillii or Orerillt'a Chm» shoot of thi* ROM grew eij weeks, and ia the rouU tu _ tribe that ever cam* under usj oow .cover* about 100 feet i than! 100 IrQtae* of flawers- lave mote than 50 bud* in a cln»t*r, aid I whole will average eboat 00ia*tnu;< that the ainoont of flower buds u little \ than 3000. Butthemj«ti ty it the variety of colour* pnnlncei N| bad* *t ftr*t opening white, lirtt ''' deeper blush, light red, darker red, i and purple, all on tke eame clatter*. T| Hose grow* la the nunner of (he Utlu but it easily koewn by tho leaf which us 'urge 1 and moro ro|/)*e than the

.,V CAoseriuB Famer.

TRK 8R!»AT8 BILL.The bill «o ilccttie *cn*U»y'*«]

passed the Honse of Delegate* ytsUM , the farm reported bv Col. ttlr. B»*lj I r>n'jlicsn, every.publfc benefactor, eve/j< who feel* IA interest in the mural c>an( ufthc «tatr, -wilt exult in his heirtat I event He will exult not ouly bcc*»Kj ...... to blirt from her eon»U(at4on tlw «ari»to--r»tical fenture to bo fuuad ia il, I bcce, *uccr**ful in olie branch of l»« F turr, but because there u reason for ng it will have- a wholesome «ftVt oal

public, moral*. Naottreut *nd freq* meeting* of the people have- beta leag »«*: to be fertile uf much immorality a** " burning amongst them* It w for this i th.t some of the best and most ex* men, havo always thewn thrm*elv*t even to militia muster* meeting* all with fewer "tnutes -for mental ml licentious behaviour than tl« meeting*. Should the bill in quotum come a part of the conslitutioe, and it" ' voutly to be trusted lhat It will, it trill ia*» measure remedy the evil* prevalent «*erlj?| pre««nt tv.tenr. Although the ««i««»j»t«| than be elected every flftli jrcar, i by thd ptH»pl«. niill the lioldii on iht tame Jay in Od«6t elected, would be abolishing on, which the 'constitution shall Uke place in Seplrmbtr rf[e»*»7 year, far Hrimtorial, electors. Tjr' " whfeS operate to tnltime and dishirll ic mind ttciet at diQerent periods in

year could t|hct> act in it^b»l rear. The electioneering eai lot be commenced at s» oar){ «unimcr n* tbcj tare tt*«»» , there would, at eiiurfte, be fe«r*r ing*,'aaJ tnnit^otly, let-in1 and 1e«< aogryJ end unfriendly f»e 'he volor*. . . ' , . -

Another con*i|leraU*)ne?tat i


Page 11: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

.t< tweltr

b« ofwhich

i first pr (5

- ' *°"''pttrvntgeofa Jfcdral end ic, in the eObrtf they tre making to ate'theopmtim* of a mciely, which

: chantt oflwe mo;t oncxceptiont- ctrr, aodjBdoet itwlftolpply con-

Sr tta tupport, ifj^an tp- . *he manager*,, conldent

Jcclion of thrir plan, thct no Tie eitflblin'utm-nt andinap-

orp'i|K usylum, could be* raiieil , otheiMnv.iy, determined to tett thf

atuiaing it, by holding tn Thi* plan hat M fir tuc-

nd they flatter thentfelvee that tnt'rnue to bo increitful. The cannot bat regret that then ire

> tuMtort would adtl itrength to we) whoVuettion the propriety of el- i of thi* *\d| th*y feet, however, ho

i in purtuflW the co»r*e they have *- Ifutly purtuHod that it i* the -only yhich the innuution cm be perpe'n-

Mlitfied there in no evil necct- lulting from it* prtcticei evil* mity

i in themtelve* the fnont in- dot the abatr nf anv thing, ihoul'l

* in argumrnt agnintt iti iaxv- In the Bromntmn nf chitritahU oh-

: moniet rai*ed br Fair*, the good and f of different denomination* have bern

tnd in continuing thit mofle, tnjr of the Mote character a* o*r Atld tllipj. If w* full, we thall

tlinqaith in MiTaw, the pro*peet of ; (he-*piritatl tnd ten*por»l welfare

^elpiett brinjjn who haw found re- l roiterr and ignorance In our aiylnm. | be *o? No. we irjrar better tiling*. "iav«i| from the trapping* of vanity, j deduct"! from the coetly offering* [at the thrine ofple«*urei would r«- |r cnTvrt, and enable n* to conti-

id * table for thote whote parent* tailhe gr»v^ wilhont leAving

l<)tttie one* on earth. Now, I 'at-we viol, and the voice of

on your ear, and call* ; ' of pleatorei remember that

atiftcitioni, ev«n when innocent, jlattirig beneBtl while the ple*iure»

ace are tweet in the niing, tnd re- rer to bleu the *oul iu rrmem . mutt be *»| for he that dwellcth

Jent, and will one day judge the in- f the earth, condetcenda to regard 1 tecnrded to hi* *u(Taring poor, at \io»«lf, and will in newice forget

i deem it wiperfluoui to enter I of thr tUte of the encietr. or of tve found rrfuge in it* (ottering

Jtre mfficirntljr open to the invr*- iny who wiali to rnqnire into the I toch inveiti^ttion .i* earnedUT

I the reinigrrt, * they believe it ftofici«ot pro^f, that the charity J,will not be watted or mit.ipplietl.'

Signed by the mauagtn. lie* engaged in working op *r-

i Fair, are reapectfully luliciteil i to any ane of the ininig-.'r* of

n or befure the 2.1th iiuUnt. i* inditpeniably necrmry in

i them properly arranged,

Itmy, Jan. 17, lft.1l. I paiiiengfir* in the Steam

id, on thr. paHMge Uiit day from ipnlift, return our thnnki to

L'l'aj)or fur hi* pencvennco in ^taage tlirau^h .never*) miles of rale of w'(ud, which wa* aecom- it expqaurc uf hi* per* the

the wwther. ' ' ' ' ^ real plea*uro in acknowledging of Uie groat tkill.ind tcanunihip

, and recommend him and hi* : ta traveller*. .

J M. J.<ty Wm. Diekliumt

I'.il Oclric I1«nry AV^I'iUh Ttwrnii I, llrnilry

. J"l>.> II C«k. I'.Jwlril Wrlfl Ji-lill V

«»<l weigh*** hi, «-r r - • - - - --- Jt-'llre,-' Hae |N%lin-

titfmil cour*e kt*taen t» t eeMMertbt« <! - qBjt tMoeWea^ilihW iroWtirn! c*re«-, in

^^ * having tcterl *« council for t]iffJMFM«>U:Ui the difference* betwnn th'elatoWng, Oe»r«e .TV, end his wife Caroline. B. alwsyi belnngrtl to tho epioaitiaD party, and hlicannUtimtlT m*iDtalh«*th»i prindplet of the whiga down tn thjjfrfe*ent momrn'. We poxtettc* *oli.l clnVI to the reiprct of the llberil fiar^ from TU labeer* when « n»p»bcr of .the rmue> of Onntmntit. Among the*e mfV be mentioned hineflnrfs to pmcuro t repeal «if the ord«r» in on«nril| hi* onrm«i- tion to the leather taxi hi* opinion* on thr li- b*ftT of the prc«*| hi* rffnrtt in behtlf of po. pnltr education) and recentlv hit ttfempt* to nrocure * reform in the adminittration nf th« ttwi. On all occation* he acted with pnritv and indepnndencr, and proved hlmtelf ahove mrro pemnnal consideration*. Th» variftr nf hi* powrn ami itttxinment* I* not the (rant nf hhi rlulm* to attention. Promh.r-nt t* t man of tciencr, litrrarv man. t *l*to«m»n, Itwf er and orator, and having thrown him»*1f with energr tnd *ocee*e into all Ow»e dilTe- rent department* of intellectual purauit, he n«e«iurily occupies t Inrge *p*c« in thr pnb* lie eye. A* in or*tor, tin I* neither ffnlthed nor *ccur*te in ityle, bet hi* ch*rtrtc.ri*tlc« arr> inc^noitv and fnrce*of argument, quick- neM itnd (trencth nf *arc**m, and t prompt, r'oornm. im*«»*ionpd title of n*a*oning, which render him a* an antacnnitt in debnte, alwnv* rednubtahlo nnd often irmiitablf. In addition to hi* contribution* to the Edinburgh R»virw, nnd to vtriou* toientific journal*, le- vrra) work*, the pmdtejtinn* of hit pen, have been laid before the public. " ' - -

|ly.J, mil HullTbo. Utrccr

i*- Mreprter of Walnu 4»r, th* Rev. Dr.

' 11. JB/fMMl

ei4» of Nine etre*t

«•(» Market 4 Arch.

the north etei iSreet*. Pu-

on t**.tenth Twelth tnd^ . _ ... . ,_

TWrtMnth. R«y. Mr. miit, Ptftnr»18. Ftnt Pr*M»rt0ite tUePfortkort U-

bertm, north w««t corner of CWtet tnd Se­ cond aiTMt*. Ptatar th* R«v. Mr. Pt^ter-•on. • • ' • '••

13. Sfrtug OcAn Piruhatrian, corner / Bittonwood add Eighth *tr*«t*.

14. faulxgtoH.Pntbyttrion, the north eaat tide of Palmer (tr«4t, >«twe«o. Queen It Bedford. Pastor, th* Rev. He. Chandler.

13. Cohoeriqt Pftityttitn, on the Ger- mantowti roa-T tbovj Camac *>ro«t.

1C. Fint Prttbyterian (n Soathwark. i* in Oemian ctreet between Sccowl apd Thinl.

.17. Second Prttbyteria* in Snnthwark, i* tt the corner of Second *tre«t and Moyamen- ing roari. Paitor, the Rev. Wm. Ramtey.

18. St. Mory'i Church i* pn 8t Mary't treet^ betweeen 8ulh and SevenUi.

19 There i* a large building in an nnBn- i»hed itatc erected for the purpote of wor*hip according to the Prctbytci-iaii doctrine. In Sixth itreet between Or<-en and Coatet,

y.v 4. ScMi PriilytcHun.Or, Jtuoctote, on the nortli aide of Walnut

treet between FoMVth and . Fifth. ' Putor, the R*T. Thomas Beveridge'.

ll ere nthTMt*|

rtretrtt« StMMt

Bwi»drt» Chtrefc,^ wed trMt^wHH rrMi a»d t The piurtof l» th« lUr. Dr. CoUin.

CHURCHK3 IN PfirLADELPHf A.The difltrent religion* denomination* ef

Philadelphia mar be arranged a* follow*! I. The Roman Catholic*.

Thi* ancient tociety of ChrUtiana bt* four ehnrche*.

\. Tht Cathedral Churth of -Yf. 3/«ry'»»5- tatted in Fourth *tre*t, between Prune and Spruce itreet*, built in'17^3, and enlarged nnd improved in 1810. Paator, Rev. Jeremiah J. Kelly.

a, fit. .fagttf/ifi*'*, in Fourth itrect, oppo aite New ttreet, tnd near to Vine ilreet. wa« built In 1800, Pattor, the Rev. Dr. Hurley.

3. 71k/ Holy Trinity, corner of Spruce and fiith ttreet*, wa* built in 1789. Paator, the Rer. H. Vandenbraft.

4. St. JotcpA'f, in a court between Willing** tiler tnd Walnat ctreet, WM built in 1733 Paator, the Rev. John iluche*.

9. The Protettanl Epitco^ml Church.Of thin denomination oTChrutitn* there are

nine churchea in Philadelphia.1. CkriiPt Church, in tecend itnet, be

tween Market and Arch. The ttneple i* 190 feet blgh, and haul ring of eight bell*.

8. at.' Ptttr'i, tt the corner of Pine tnd tliird street*, Thi* church, tnd the fengiing, arc united under tlio rectorihip of the biahon, the venerable Dr. -White. The ittittant mi­ nisters aro Dr. Abercrombie, and the R«v. Mr. Kf mpor.

3. St. Joinu't, in Suyenth (treet, between Market anil Arch itreeqt Rector, tSo Rev. Wm. Hawke*,

4. St. PauTt, in Third itreet bet ween Wal­ nut and Spruce, and oppatite to WillUg't al­ ly. Rector, the Rev. Mr. Tfn|.

Si St. Jthn'i. Icon the south tide ef Hrewn itreel, between St. John itreet tnd Rote *l ley, in the Northern Libcrtiei. Rector, tin Ilev. Mr. Boyd.

6. St. Sltohtit't, In Tenth ttreet between Chctnutand MarkeUeVeeU, vra* contecrat- cd on Die 27th of PeVtfkry, 192.1. Ita ex­ treme length front eatMittwett, it I(M feet. It it one of.tho inuit pi rfeet pecimms of Gothic architecture in thi* country. Rector, tho Rev. Dr. Montgomery

7. St. AiiJrcw'i in Eighth, itreet, between Locnit and Spruce1 ttrcett, w»t con*£rtted on the 3 lit of May, 1843, Rector, mi Rev. Mr. Bedell. .

-8,. Trinity Church, tooth aide of CaUttrint treet 'between Second tnd Third Street*. Rector, the R*v. Wm. Mcade.

9. Sti Mall fate'i,"m Pi-ancuvilleV" '--^'vBrtldr* thrtr, there it nil Episcopal charch

c«llotL61. 'JVferJj't, &\,.jfattfua, on the bonier* of the citvj tnotlier at OerirtMlown, named St. /,ui«'non« tt IfyniilOHciUe, called St. Af«rj/*'l tad .Groct Churtbt in Pain Taunt- ihip, . ..., , . ,

,' . 9. Prtibyltriani.1. Tkt Ftnt Preitnjitrlan, corner of Wtih-


eat moment, when the ttUniioa i poqplo i* in great degree ' ' ' s and when Kurupc

the theatre of war which ntlatea to

have to become prominant _ ce»r*» to be punaed by Great be moru or let* InttrtMing'to

\ aide lb* Atlantic. Underihit proper to abridge * notice of Mr.

- en Iho late change in tin* reoclvitd the appointment of

corner ef tor, the Rev. J..

in Pine ttreet be* i «tr*oU. Paator, the

near Rev.

Squnre au>l 8r»unl!i the Itav. Abnor UArited.

9. Sitontl Presbyterian i^ Arch* tnd ThVr4 Hinf^rd, '

3. ^Fh\td Prtttn), tween Fourth an Rev. t)h Kly:

4. Fturfl»4 or Hoath

f??P$ '/Naritrf, *' le t» very neat bric\^ltdburf Arch «tre«ttburo Tenth* Paator, thB Hey? Dr.-SkfBoer.

9 Mill* frttb\jtfrta,\ if on th» nortli aide nf Spmce atfjrt nearSUOi. PMtor; tho Rev. Mr. lVta«h'eit«K., '"

! f. ,Siwn<h Pr*tb\]1c<n*it, at the hetd «f HaA^d1* oonqt'w&TcH V*HU from r«* treet wctk, 'Cbr^rtUrttd =Mat**t

5.Of Reformed Prnbyterinnt,

xtreet between Chea'tnut and Mar! Pattor,, the R«T. Dr. Wvlic.

8. Bapltttt. . .1. Fifit Baptltt, Second *tr,eetncar Arch,

Puttor, the Rev. Wm. T. Brunt I v.a. SetonJ Baptiit, Uai'd ttreet above Pop*

lar lane, N. L. Pattor, the Rev. Mr..KitU.3. Third Oapliit, i* on the eatt thlo of

Second (treet between German and Catlia- rine. Pattor the Rev. Mr. Athton. "'

4. Saniom Street Baptiit, Bartvtm ttreet above Eighth. Pattnr the Rev Mr. Dijbt.

5. Ftrtt Rttfiiit, in Spruce street between Sixth and Seventh.

6. The .Veto Market Street Brrmtlit Church, New Market ttrret, between NnMe and DoVe ttreet*, in the Northern Lilxirtie*. The pat- tor i* the Rev. John R. Dads*.

7. Th» Utlhotlht.1. A. fleorgt'1*, on the eatt lideof Fourth

treet. between Race and Ni-w itreet*2. 7TW AVar Ebeneur Church, nnJlj*inorl!>

tide of Chriftitn (treet, between q0u and Fonrth ttrccr*.

3. (Tnlan Mcthod'tit Church i* in the tooth nd of the Old Collrg?, on the wett cido of Fourth (tree*, between Market and Arch. .

4. fit Jehn'i, oil the west tide of St. John ttrert, between PopUr UneSt George ttreel.

5. Kentlnglan Melhnd\»t Church i* tUatt- d at the corner of Marlboroujh and Queen ttirett.

6. Salem, on the eatt aide of-Thirteenth itre<», between Hprnec and Pine itreet*.

T. ffaxartlh, on the weitiido of thirteenth near Vine itreet.

8. The Union IFaleyim. I* in Keotington on the. north tide of Queen itreet, eajt of Frankford road

9. Mtunt Xian or C/irittim t At/re*, in Southwark, tn Chrittioji near Sixth itrr-ef.

There ii, betidrt the*e, a nrtt brick build­ ing on Blevrath * treet, between Viae and Worn! ttreet*, erected for purpatei of wor- chip by member* »f the MctbodUt uoeiety.

8. The Friendi, or Quokeri.Have *ix pUee* of wi>r»hipi I. One on the touth tide of Pine ttrert be­

tween Front and Second ilrrott. ». One in Key'* alley, which run* from

Front to Becond'itrett, 'couth tide of Vine- treet.

3. Ono on Arch itreet, between Third and Fourth ttreeli.

4. in Green *treet. tt the coratr of Fonrth vtteet

3. One on Uie w*tt lide of Twelflli (treet, between Chcinut and Market ttretH.

6. One on tho norlh nide of Cherry itrcet, between Fourth am' Fifth ttrnrtf.

9. TJie Frit Q'JuJkffi. Have * place of urnrthip at the couth wett

corner of Arch and Fifth *treel10. Omna.t AulAtn

1. Zioit Cfairct,. nt Uie and Cherry ttrret*. Tho Dr. Bch*rffV-r and Rev. Mr. D,'

a. St. AfichoePii, at tho coroe Cherry ttreft*.- The pouter* arc at Zion Church. ,

3. St. John*, on iho north lide nf Rnce itreet between Fifth and Sixth. 1'attor, the Rev. Dr. Mayer ,,

4. Bt MnlthewV,, » *; ftfft^ between Third tod Fuurth. , ' _ , . ;';,

^Jll. German Reformed. "'.'' _.-1. On* in Racettrrtt near VoarUu-«. One in St. John ttreet between Tvmmi-

nv And Gf«eji. Paator, RAV. Mr. Vander- afoot. - .

..'J! Jnl«..' fceformed'DttUh. _.' '.f 1. One M Crdwn ifreet txtween FooHh

a»d Fiflh. Paftur, the ttev. Mr. Livingvtun.a. One in Right* atreei nerth of Noble,

N. L. : . ,There It anuther con^regatloo|of thi* deno­

mination wor»hipping ai tho Spring Garden cboo4 hou*e, curuer uf Buttonwood lane aud Eighth etreet., . , JS. UnlramUaU.

1, Th? Pfr*t Onlv'eWinttCl.urxh it on th* oath *ide of Ix>rabanl atrect, between Fourth tnd Fifth.. Paator, the Rev. A. 0. Thomaj.

tt. The Hecnitd Uni»tr*»IUt Charch U tt tho corner of Crown and Callawhill ttreeU. Paitor, the "Rev. Z*Wte Fuller.

"Chriitlaa Ch«rcV* «r,\ ««Mo«ot t Ui* cmar of CTirlrtUn u(d Sixth

Or Danker*, oa Crow* »tn*t and Otd- Pourtl. atreet. between Wood *ad Collowhlll

or. Rev- Mr, <mtr. 19. BiMiCMttttnt..

On'weit lido of Third itnMt, netr theO«r- mantown ro.d. Haitor, Rev. Mr. :••*•'' SO MMntr*i CSftanl.

Ontb«eait *id« of Water *tr««t "Walnut and Cbetnot atTMta. Putor, the TUv. Mr. Daihitl.

A *rn*|^>*ne »it«BlMl on the nonh tide nt Cherry fttrret. above Third itiret. The bund­ ing w*« deiigned by Mr. Strickland. V«v; J. J. Leetcr, reider. ''*.

St. f ruVarumi.At the earner of Ix>cutt tnd Tenth *tre«te.

Rrr. Mr. Fame**, paitnr. •'- ••?> ••* 24. African. fct'-;-.,

t. The African Efiiqotal^Hmrtk of ' Thorrua, FifUi etreet, between Walnut ami Pmne ttrretn.

2. Tie Cr«t African Preibyttrim Church, SevenUi itrcet, between Shippen tnd Kilrwa- ter itrvet*.

3. The teeand African Ptethyttrian eon- qfeitation, north aide of Norrl*'* alley, be­ tween Second nnd Front klreeU.

4. TIi- African Bnptiitt, Smith'* alley, be- twr^n Kighlh and Cbenter (tract*, and Race nd Vine ttreet*.

5. Thrro i* alto t brick building, titntted in Thirteenth ttrcet, between Race and Vine <t*. erertrd for the pnrpnte of wonhip by Af­ rican Wnpfiid.

fl. Jirt/iel, in African Mtlhoditt church, i* titnxted on the eaat tide of Sixth atrvet|bc- 'wMn Pine and Lombanl ulrcfltn.7. Union? another African M 'hottitt charch,

Coete* utrett near the Old York Roed.8. 7.oar, a third African Melhitlitt charch,

tlrown itrcr.t, wett i>f Fourth «treet.If'ctlty church, the fourth African Metho-

lltt (huixK, Lombard ttreet between Fifth and Sixth itrect«.

10. Another African Afethodiit congregation wnnhin* it t imtlt building, tt the cornrr nf Gill* alley in Lombard itrcet, between Fifth tnd Sixth itreM*.

4t*ortment «fWRIFB, CAIfara*'iPBrCTACl<KftiV

Grateful for the encoertgr|t«ni anVd'-d his*'*'by a generout pobllr, they are t»ur«r«J po 'Wv Inn thill be winling In giving Htitfartlen t<J hot* who will pUate (oftvour hl*> *»llk tbtbr

command*. _1L-1 ' ' \rWATCHES ^

Of «very detention c*rrf*Uy rtpelreeV_«"4. vtry inttn* u»rd i» 1n»ar* th»lr t

Dee. t«~

DANIEL HABT, * ; :.OKFF.R9 f»r i*lr gt*ert1 Meorfamlt +•

O<M>I)8 In hrt tine. *n lh» CM»t rr*«nnt- >1* Itrmt, to win A Rrnrrat tt«ortn*«D* "I \


TEAS.''|mp*ritl. Old Hy»»n. Voenf I iHuprrior Bl.ick, My««n ^kir

China, Cut and Plain Qtatt, _. .. j>ooi * Qucentwarc, Tin *Stont Wart.!.

\n tMnrimenl ofHARDWARE, CDT-UBBY,Catting*, W>ought and Cut JVailt, > BUNCH RAMINB, AUMONDSU \

Fresh Cracken, Sperm wwk TifloKT Candles, S|»erm Oil.


LI. indrbted titlher, i d*rrt*r<l, tn- rrq-i

! (« "n or b-T.KB ihff l»i <l*y of Mured t« »uii twill po»ili»rly b* ;intiitulril «

gniait altptnoni indebted, who orilecL ihj*



/ Wmi 80. 1831.

M. Rubintnn. Tp , . Bn.wn-f Ben. J B * '*

J. Bl


BV tiriocof * Dffti-r of iho Ilifth Oi-urt »F Uhaiiccry nf Mcryltnd, the midrriigneti.

aa rrutlrr. will offer if Public 8«l >' 'he pf'- ni.r« mi MaitJfu. Iht \4lh liajf ef Fibruary. 1831. at rlr»en li'clnrk. A.M.'

AM Iht' port nf a tract of Uml ctlled Han-;« frr. «il:uir in \nn* ^rui>d>-| county. frnn'<n ind binding nn E'k Ridge tired, at Bik Ridji iKiitlmg. and cuntaining Ilirte tcrr* of land, morr i.r lr>t, whirli wa» c»n«eyeil In fre limple

y. dnrr»*.-d. to Or<r>« & While.jl>y Indrnl

The1rrm*of t»lr; a< prr«rribrd by ihe Derree, tr« c««li » "" 'lav »l *!« ;r, p.juKiNSctrrr. Trottrr.

81 Patl't Lane iaTlimor*. IllhJaf. 18.10 It

of Fourth o tho iUv.

Fifth and a tame *

INCIIANCBRT,lOih Januarv 1831.

rimmi* Ayrr* «. Tlinmii Lytle tnd other*.

TIIK-.bjfrlt i^lhebill filtd in thi. cat* are in nbtiin a d"crr« In vactl« rrrtain bill* nl

ttli-t'nl cimvoyanre* of crrltln «Mtprriy in %nl bill "pecidfd, frum 'l*hinn»< Lyfll Mnl'<r, (( v«4*r,|, tq 'ITjointt Lyilr, juniiirT on Ihr gruvnd nf fraud andf- wtiil *f ciin.idrrtlinrr, and tn make Ihr prn|«rly in did biilt uf «a'r and cunvrynnrrt mrnliuncd ircounlabl« to the aid TNmn»» rfjrr* for ih? piymirnl uf a err (tin judgment nhicS iho taid Ayr** had gaiett tin* (aid Thom.t l.ytle, cenior, Utfurt hit il tth. and belore 4h» *»id c«n*<-yancr*. The juiljmrnl wit rrru,rrrd in Baliimnre eoenly c»nr«. »iul th»'»ald pr«|»»rly tonveyrd, tnn«ltt rd of the prnenil pruprrly nf ihr taid Thumi* Ly>|r,*rninr, and a tract uf land, or » claim loa Iracl of Uml. Th* bill, wlih an intend nitut of ihnimr. and certain tubtrqutnt pr» crcdingtof rrvivnr, «h*w (hit Naihan Lylle, I'heuia* Lyll*. ind WillitmD. Lyllr, tre n*

cr* fy p*rl:rt tit mid mil) ind a pclili^n ll(* Jy fllrd in (hit cite »hew that ihry m'd* be ynod the jurlwllctlon uf the roerl. Wherevp- on it i* un ihi* Irnlh day of Jtnaary lfl.1l, ad Judged anil ordrrf8«rf that I he cumpUlnml, br causing a copy of IM* order In IM irarrtrd I rich nl ihrer tuccriuive week* In one of thf1 nfw«|H|>rr» nrliitrd in \nutpulit, before the IDihiUy i>f FrWuary next, giv* notice to ihr -lid ibnrnt drftndanu of Ih* f,b»la<ww and ob jrct nf *«id bill, ihtt ihry majr be wimed to *p- (tril In (hit cuurl In pennn or by/ colictlor, on or before Ilic iQ[k day of May next. (» tlMw eaete. if any, wby»,4<arM thenld not pt*» aa pr*y«<l.

True copy, Te**LR\MSAX|WATBRS, Beg. Car. Ct»

Jan. 40.

!* on*w J«r«t*J«m Cuureh in SouthftHC.

Fourth *tn«t betvreeu Catherine; MI|

.e> lllf. AUo»n addllloM

th* mtrfc*! ef PniLaDcLrHiA *<id If«W' To»« will aftVJj with tome good

anduf ivery irticlr IB the PLAMEP jfc

All ofwhlcb wilt IM, pai ai MVr* l»<»«rhao the M«eha*e«eT b^» nJRrejl ker»f»r. ,

A few Ibavuiid »f HMtMMO** ceUkraltd


* CIDER(n Barrvl*. on Draught, and in

GROUND PI, A 1ST BROf Mpett-ir quaUlv. [Wing *K' nl 'or * n<!

Mitt, h* » on hind, and in I rod*k -i-ping. a if n> ral -ii|.ply. He will Mil at Ih* BallimorH Pri«r«, .diliog the fi right.

rvrrv U'-»cri|>u-ii. rn«dt m i.ulrr. HER- CllxNtS LKDUKRS. JOURN^S, an* - RKCORO HirtlkX .uiubl- for,rtiblii. office*.

BOOK BdKDI v»U Ui thr muti i|>|>ru«cd n anntr,

Urc9 If,

PUBLIC SALE*Wll.\br «nlil Ipt.oll'- aii-iinn, nnflelnrdiy

iheflhl d«y u* January, 1831, at the K«im nf thrlgiB Capr. John Birbtr. near An*

, Ih* luwwini p<oprriy, i HOR8KS. ^L CATTLE.

MOfls, «nmr vtlMblv <>lN, C MtTS, CORN >nd KODDItR. -i'h FARVINO UTKNSIW^ ni-r»lly. The Sale to colu*iice. at cUv»i^ n'clock, *nd contiuar until tl^tuild, at »hicll

in* the WroK will br int<li< knm.


aa anwiui!DVH \ r th.- tuli»culxr h«i obttintd fromOrphao* court of Aonr Arundcl counl^

thnrilrtier* trtumenttry on ihe ptiaonal «« , tla of Mr. Georg* WelltUt* of »*id countyfc Juc(*«rd. All pertont lAfag clttoi* *g»int( ihr Mid ftttte, are d**lr»rtu prtltnt them,' iiroperly auih'.ntlettf^TTHnT thoia who tro in* Icbitd art rKjufttr.l lo ratku paymvnt.


FOR SALE OR HKNTJ ?UP, Urge and commixliou* Uri.-fc Dwelling Mum*, in the ritv of

Anntpolit. bvlonging loC. Dirnic. fefj.' ' n-H lairly occupied DyCol John Done.

itinn t»begiv«nimmfdl»iely. For i«nM , apply to he MlNOilMr, li»inic In Anntp"liii.

VVJ * MAYNADiKH. 'Jan. 13 t*

...fv,>, , .. loth January, Thom«'j>r*»vt. Will!.*

RDKRBn, T**' 'h«»*l. made by J: J flnted truttW f«r llw wle of c»rtaln'

eltal* lhat'belwigrd lathe d«f«od«nii In" c*t*i**'*(*d in 'hit report, ahill be rail od ciinOnard, uclei* cftute In Ihe eonirery b«' hr«n brfure tlw^lOlh 4a» ef Mtrtfc o«*^V »ro- ,idi-d a <-opy K\U»; «<r*rr bi- in«i-rrfd inref Hccfttive verliiUDK* Maryland Ott*tt», <*• fore the (llMl£ of Vrbra»rr n«xi. ~ -

e Mid lane »nld> foditlltr*.

tupy, TtM, )RAMsAT WATKJUL Act: Oic/ dm v

i ,. ' ,n;M



SltJ vY VtATKHA H^•*/ $

Page 12: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

been ___ «W f-lrowinn brirj

mt-oirot Kar IV WonaVotloo of patent* »mi na^walw*, ww» bo*e JMIOO; OMO to otlacote, «0d of Mr*, a* or* 4MMM their ow» (lldiee.

I. TIM a^HaPeoOtOVenM Ok MoMoy 4 hngitflmtH* w»Mh IIOM. or oo OOM tWrrorW M foatiMe, U i* tsoMlo*) that per- oio* tfOrfrito* of beina; onferrt M ototUott, wM MPM lodr Mme*

at' Tfcc Collejj* ronrto «Kt«|«V» f-ior teaio MUli year U J\»irle4 fntn three termm the Bra comntenrlnK oo tfce ftd Monday tif September the *eci>eul OK the ! ' day of jannaryt ll(« llti« oo |lv* Weilnenl.iy after K««fer diy. Hludrnia TClerinv. after the eoiomencemeiit of term, re chargeable with the who)* term.

.f, Tbe> cnora* of edacatloo embraceil In the

Coo. aod for which the anoet ample pro»l»iun \» been made, ia -ho appointment of prolrt-

oitra ao.d tutor*. ronaUt* of the Ltlin. Greek. Kngliah. Krenrh, Ueraaan, ttpanith and Italian Laniuacev, inj Llteraiorr: Miihemalic*. N»- tornl Fwtluoo|liy. ChoUlay, Minenlovy and Ofu'iifMf, t^tltit ami nlher branche*. nf Natu­ ral Hiilnryt An'cl«n( on-l MnderoJ^loijt ft- ntltal Kron«mt, Rlieturic anal B«^n In-tlert: Mnral and (nlrttectaal PhiliMMnhyV-for each of which drnarlmrn'* a^porate and dialioct pro> fetwra liaee bten app»inie<l.

4. TSe plan nf inttructron ha* been to II'K down, th«r Ihe whnle time nf the atudmi, ilor- ln» eolle<K h'urt, will be employed in alod; and attendanrroponhlacUuea adjiiy rerun will b* kept nf hi* attendance io clan, and ge »>«ral cotwlott throughout the term.

6. rVr»U>u» in tVe «ifan»r t*. *iinti thtr vUI*ew(eoeraV< eYaminvionby Ihr F.toIlT o U the cAa**e> in fHe c«Jr{t, io the atodir* of Ike ye»r. The«« eiain'maliona will be poblir. Oo far a* to admit not only Ihr lro»tee* nf lh* U'lltertjiy, pan-nit and (U«rili*n*. (MI all gen tlrmi-N nflibrral tdttcalivu wh'i may cliuoM to

ecl lo Ihe nld t eoni cy««e foe erf.-<lie ntcrta

atipfttemeM. le«-d, a Khedvlr

Dat of bt* credttor*. oo oab. ao

H»rarrival of |

aa li.tle/./r«A« tro.blt » .»oWed. *»To ow «ho hate " .

he tend T. ,he expr«.iO. rf Mr w rdAl- " .'

oUrtflsaa Nr u be can aaecrtaln them,

_ .... _...._.. . 'aid Jaoohl aaUaaVtd me by c\M|>e<eil ifelboony thai ded I* Ibcalate of alary land two jrcar* neiv

. hUapplic.lion, anil'that he i>in*ctoalea*v fer debt only, and h.tin* appointed {leorre

tarret IfUtter tor the bencftt of the cre<l,ioe» nf the and lit* ac* wrw, an t

bond with (pprorxl Kdrrliy. fnr llMrf»itlif»l U.^liMf r of lililniit, iiwl tlie aMl*en(, r«»'i r Iwlnjeirciit- ecl lo Ihe nld tni«tir ipm<l »nd tufficicnl il«rd *l

a»nj, that Nt.ieof M^.rybM.1,

»nd tufficicnlhU, rr>l, prrwm.l «ml mia »e»einif »pp-r<-\

ir »nd Mi fanwly cxcc|rt«A. fur tlic liriulll ofU»« and lit* a.1.1 inntec haiina; ecrt50».l in wrri

of nil the ntate of *ai<iinar, that h< ItJa^ob farrer, memioAcd In tlic Mh<i)ii)r. I d<>; hereby order ami adjudge, that ihr u.d Jiroh Farver be di»eh«rgtd from hi. conftn«m«ni, an.t tliit ha, by canting a copy of ihi« neil.-r to We in».«ritd in *ie « Ihe Mwtpapen peinied in (he cHr «f AMtM|io4n,once a weak lor three tuceranre nionilx, hrrurr the U|iM tlomliy of April MO, gite notice lu hii crr.lil.nt t» appear fatfnre Anne- Aniwlcl county e«in, on Ihe third Monday of April neit, lo ahrw cant.-, if any «h.y h»ve, why aaiti J*r»l> faerrr almuld nut h^ie tl>e br- awatl of* aaU Mia and >up|ilcmciiit i'irr'Hi at pr»yed

Jfft TI10UAS B. UOIISKY Jan. 13 "- 3m

rrdit* llw time >J hi. aa«l apphcalhm, taaac Kicholi t.krn ihr oath pnaerlbed l»tt«' Mid act, for the rteh.rrr up of bbjpnptrly. "ar»«» wlBcieiil ac-ctirily f«r hi. p.-nanal appearance althe e«.»ir conn of Anne.An.nd. I, lo an.war |ich inter. nvatmWa and .ncn.iiw." aa may then »'» th'r«2 nut In and ntwle afalntt him, ami ba»i»)t appo»nl»o Williaaa Nicholt, of rVilliam, hi. inulee, who baa «lt,.h..rMlaaa.»K wlih appro.ed wrurity. and re- crUedacon-ryanrrfroni Ihe aa'td lu»C NidioU, of all liia pmpcriy, real, prraoiul ami miird, I be "<<« airt brddiitK and arratine apparel of lnm*rir an-t la.

lV alone t <eeple*\ .ml brlna; hi p»aca»k)ii thtre«r, 'lbe « »f Ihe erediiora of ike aa«l l-ac Nichollsfw'lb

I .lo IwrrSy ordrr anil a.lj-i.lte Ihai the aaid laaac NichuU he dncharr. d frnm hi« conflnrment, and Ihat


0c.ON application lo. Anne-ArtMidi I cmmly court, l>j

petition. In vriling, uf ltir«»«a UiMclf, pray­ ing for ll>» l.nvrfil of llw atl for ihe rrlul i,f Mimlty inaoltcntilrblun, p*^«nl at N«*em'>rr aroinn, IHUJ. and the icteral aMppkmrni. ilirrt-tn, a achriliile of Ilia property, and a lid uf lilt emliiura, mi oath, ao'*r aa he can atecnain tht-m, brinK a»uric,l i» lii»» i,l petition i ami the laid Hirhird Ui.l»rl\ lm<hi( aal»8 ed Iheaaideovrl hy con<pr<nil tr>tin>un), tbjl lie haa reiiiUd In Ilia SUIe cf tl-t)luml (<ro ye.ra imiiMdt- atety preceding tie* lime «T lii.iip'iliraiion, and Iliat heitintctu»lcnitlnrmcni f^ 'I' 1' 1 ""') i and 'lie V.H) pctillonrr hi.tnj I. km tl,v o»\\\ |irr«iri'.ir«i tiy U», and entered Imo bond *ilh accurit) for KM appear­ ance In Anne.AninJclcwinty conn. nnthr third a»oi» day in April nr it, to answer \ucli Nl1eKmitmaai»t in Irrrojraloric* aa h>a crtd'iuf« m.y inAr nr propow. lo him, a,nd hiring \lio eteculrd in \( ilium Hrrwer, truxee appointed b» Ihr i.iJ enun'y court, a HOD. I <nd aii(Rei.-nt d»cd fur all hit r">|»-ri}', ra«l, priaowl and mlird. the necraaary vratlnj apparel aixl b«l din|or li>maeir and family rvc. p'cJ, aaul d<.l,< eixd

'..r |ri«e notice in lot rt»<liior», by canting a ropy ol thknorier to he interird in aome-ne»tp*per primed m the city of Aniwnotls once a week for three aoe- et-Miie mcnlh., brfore Ihe Ibird Monday of Apn nest, lo be and appear in penon. or »y Hornet, brforr Ihe. aaid county court on aaid third Monday in April twtl. then ami Ib-reto rrcwnrarnd a Irutlre for Ibrir brnenX and lo alirw cautr, If »n> fhey h*»r why Ibe aaul Iliac Mid ol. ahoolil nai ha»e the henr 61 or the «/nl act ami .upplrounti thereto, aa prayed foe i.y Miav. liter* tinder my-haad Ihia 30th 4ay ol O,-lot>i r. io lh<- year ut our Ljrd one tbouaand eijbt bundrrd ami idirly.

IOHAT1O HtWitrT. Chief Jutticaof Oralunj Court, A. A. C.

Pee 30amaa» 3at


RESPECT and tl.e public ..

opened a Book Store in the room adjoining the Poat Office, in Church ttreel, where he offer* Book* on as rcsnonible terms u they can be purchwcd in Baltimore, »mong which



tbe aame lo tl.« trustee, »*d ihr i I In h««inicJao eiccutrd a hum), fur UK f»iil«fuldi»rliarn<i«>l hi trutl, aad eeriiRi d ihe drl\\cry into hit l.amla, of all the property ofthe»al:\ petition, r, mmi'iimed In bi* achedidr. It W thewtruon adjudge*!, ibal the aai Richard Midfrrly be divclurgcil from hit rm.Ko,nvn>. and that he, hy causing a copy of ibianrdrr w> l>r in aerted in tome n*-w. paper In the city uf A*>n«p«li«. once a week fir ihrre tuccra-l- e muivlit, before ih- third Monday of April nrit, R|«C no'ire tu hi. errji. ior« lo appear brfore Annr-Animlel mini) emirl, io thearewatr. ifanjr Uiry bate, why (lie aaul MtcltarY

liouhl not hate the brnrfii of lha till act an ' eupplrBMnU herrio, at pta> ed.

^Trtt. w«. s Giir.r.N. cnc.J.n 13 L . 3m

annt'SrunDrt count? court,October lino.

,N tppJicattQn to Anne-Antmlcl Covnty cuur'. I ' patitkt*!, in writln|(, of Panel. 8cnaaiia>

Whan the alod'nt ha* gooo thrnagh the > CHOP* of u«lv a* laid down by the fa-

colly, and a port elimination ia f»unt| pioperlt j t)««Ki-il far lh» aWyeea »r hotioora of ihr Uni- Mile, a dipiuo.a. certif)ii| hi* piufcitocy will IM fHftenteil la dim.

. Hiwlrnl* who rln mil imeod ( ofer them Olive* lor the honour* of the onrver-t'y, will we v'rfll'td lo enter any of I ha cUtaea. ttlil ttir prill)'** of attending turn parta of thereri Un.Hia «l ih* elata they enter, at may tail ihri »iewt m<\ in rmaU.iti., and alto attend ihe lee torra of 'lit uilferi-nl prtifaaaort >oth atuilrn' awa>«ver. wlM b,- aohject to the aami fre fur in tti < iron, a* the aHktr itudeol* . To lliete aladenia a cerllleate under the teal of the um- veraily. will b> «it*o. teaiifjing to the br» o/ atony 'hey ha,«e aoccewfully portaed dori t*M detain. I p^ji^ljiV'u,, bencBt of Ibe act (bribe relief uf a.9 The pmfvtaoro will COOimenre their CWir*. a I 'Iry in«*-eOI debtor., p*«ard at N»»ea>brr ar

of iii'trocllon aa *<KM aa Ino Uiffrreol cUaae. IH 5l «,nitih»reio. a OJT fnetnetl I of b'u properly, thd t h*t of hiatrfnit»r», on-»*in.

' I far at hf cao atcrntin tbrm, tiring anneawd to hi* 10 Ihechtrgeo of th* eoltere for In«lnjcltnn,| a.l.l pctiiton, and the aakl Kraneit Bum-rime ln>u v

'Vhclndnaa, atleoilance upon all thv prufeMura. I aatitfird the aaid rourt, by competent ti-atlmony, Ib t honoWtl foliar* per annom, I h» haa rctliled intha Maiaof MtrjUnd two yean net!

prrcrdinK the (im'of hit appllrtiion, and that be » tn ulutl conAnenxoi foe <!il>t uul), and tbe MM) pt-i lianer barino; taken the nelh prr»c/iSrd h> lav, entered into bond, with accuriiy. fur hia appr^r in Anne-Antmlct coumy court, on llio tli'ml U* m April iteal, lo aotvar «<tcli > llegafioi.a aa l.ia oredi. tort may prvpoK lo Mm, ami liatlnc akwcaecuted io . tniMre, hy the aaid eo-irt appointed, a food tttf attfficUnt deed, lor all bi« pni^rrty, real, ptr*-.m indmiaed, the necea^art «c»i"K «p|.ar»i and ht ding of lumwtf and family etcepird, anl drli>«tv< the aame lo tfce a«it) iruatcr, ainl Ihe *«<d tniMee ha» inK alto eaecuim a bond for ihe dlacharx* ot tut trail, and certified Ihe delitery Inlu liU handt ol all thr property uf ihe aaid prlitlnnrr m<iilton<d in hitacheJule. It it (hervfure orkrrdau*' b r the aawleoun, ilial Uvr tiid Prancu 'I'ucUarsed from the. eiitto«l> of ilu- county, and that the aaut pvtitionrr, by py af thia order, lo b« Intcrtcd lit aomr n<wtp>prr piiblWiax] In Ibe clly of Ann/ lur ihrer m«ntb< nirceatirely, before tlte aaid ihiM Muivlty of Apn nan i lo (tvo notice to lil« cmlitnM to he anda|'p«ar o** that day, before aaid evuri. to tlirw cautr, if an^ lha) have, why Ilir aaid Fr»nci> *iinvrl}ti« tho<il>l not hare IBcbenefll of the aaid act of aaaerebh/ and the

- aape»)-«i>.WU. B. (tllKKN.

DK 18 If j.n

Jpara nf Id nanila - MI, mechanic*

_ e»ety de.cription. |>ert<in* wlahinltnMI. will do writ i.iftiv av« a call, a* we are determined lo »i»r HIUHKW PRICKS for ULsVRS. than ani puicha»er wiiint now «r may Itehi-rrnflerin lhi« uarkrt. Any i-otnimini.-tlti'n in wriiinft will uv pfuiopiiy atteti.ted tn. We can at all limm be fuuiul at WillUin«-ina' H-i»l. \nn.|Mili».


»re the follnwinpi: Sty'. Political f cooomy Dhalmer'a Work* Hurua'a Workt Carry'a Miacellt'ut Kaaayi \tn Carey'a Lelten Arlt of Lift llar'a Conaolatinn* Bnutie* of Kirk White t'tmpbell'a 1'arma

n«*a W-rrka, Ju 3 »olt Brnnrtl.t LrUtrt

lion (tulxMIe, In 4 TO|* Ho»«eU'a Ufa of Jobnaon

i* J *«(.. Captain Hall'* TrtTelai

America,0*1'*. L/rfV of Byron, Nnrtery Monda Coliarebb. Wettrra ttongtler r'nrm Ho»k

AiiHVorth'a Laila Dictlon-•T

:i«m Oflphlni Vlrjfil Dr-lphUl O»id Dclptimi lono« Drlph'ml

l Drlphioi Grrca Minor* , (inera M.jor*. ) S Tola. sm«n'> Cicero

HrnUtCUrkc*. lionet i)«yt Mrfthrt Uromelrj

THOMPWON|| AS jmtreceived Strgeant'tCnnititirtiooal 1 Law i Chitty'a Blackatnoe, 2Tol». \meri

,lb«ir.»l«'*•-.- subTlmoHhy H;,y. goo,| O«t rely on h.vmg Thflr H by a good, l»ml*r. taken br the _ or Yi»R,tnd H«r»*a uMa r»tt ttrin*. . -'

N. B. TrmnaWnl »l«ilor» at ttc.oa.the thuttealn

^ M. Annipolia, Oct. St, 1850. fcr'fiu e Jilora of lU .

Cumberlantl Adfocatf, and Rtiig« will publiah ihe ab«ee 4 li»f», I heir icci.«ol« fur cn>lrtlioa>,~

ALL ptrtoan' in.1»b'ad i "r open acrnOnl. arf n

10 call and «ef4tfc>h to tive fnrih

ADAM ^ Otr. _

<:hri«liin OfRcrt ' ntnp^iffln f«t ihe Allar Chrulitn'i )'.< mnialun Hiltrrira1* Pro^rTM Kplaeoptl Uinuil


-impioi\'« Ulitun'i Trhnuque (Irtck IVMitnrni

Greek Unaimec nUir*f Lecliirr t Sluy'i Book-k«rpi*f Fliul't l<urrrjrinn

Compendium MMniyrt on <h* (tlobet

«nllicon i'o Home

OoMimilh'i <ir»ree Ori»«h»«'» Entl.nd

Konio Ilinory

It. O»nltet»en well r)tuliftrd for tearfiinj; tti,- French, dpunltli. Uerman and ll.l.a.i tan fatagr*. are artf(a|ceil by ihr faculty In ci>r In *>uetii>n In the«e branch**.at the additional m Dual r.iant* of twenty dollar* each. f

K. lll«Mi e»*ry account ilrairabMnat tiu <5enit ahiHiM mire *i th' ctimmencjlnent uf thr »r*»iiin b*t they may enter at an/time.

TkuM wh» tleaire farther InbrmaliDO in re (ar4 U lota *V«««r1o>aait of lli^ani»«rti'y may O'jiain It by rufatanre u oojpwf Ihe tratlee* ol tW unitrrtlty or to lk« ^fo *t*«i» ctNOpuainf too tnllrf* fn«liy. 4*

f'uileot. anplyntn Jar admltwwn will make opp'iralrwi IH'IMO ItfV'cl Or. William*. Prc.i alenl aod Prwr-*a*ojof Snclrnt Ljutu>^rt. ui to Mr. Ihi. alel^BrcrotaV* and Prufeitor ol CoeailotrT

NAJTH\NICL WILLIAMS. Tire F]B«i.lrart ofch* B.«rd of I'rotterc.

4w.The National Inlrlligeocer, W**hin|io" t

K> pobluoo tMxl &ax»ite, Anntpolit, Herald k av. I C''<O>ft, Frr.|*rick| Torch Li|(kl. Majrrra

> ei,j aVaaintt OaoUe and Hia// Civilian Cum- vrlaodi Rlktwn Uaieltel Ketit Bitqiiirrr at Vh»»i*rinwn. YorJbaWi>|mWkan| Mar

I inaert

.tn DtjjMttLawyer'* Note Book iCnhb'a Dic- 'ionarri Lexicon of Thing* in Qeueral Ua«| I*»dy \!.ir|raD'» Frmuce, 3 tola. H'ntnry of the llevolotioa in France, J850| WillanTa Hia- "ary of th« Doited SUtea nr Republic of A- 'terica, with Atlaa) llowe'a Greek Rc«olttti<tn'{ Wattr Witch, or Skimaer of the Seaa, 9 »ola. .Sjutlirnnan.4 »ola. Maaaelman, ivnla. Joar- nil of thvHearl) Walton'a Theolojriral 1«- <Utulei| Work a of Rithup rUven-cruft| L»w- reuce or. tht Horaej Johoaon'a Scrapai Ain.-ri can Almanac for 1831. P'ir Sale at thia Office.

i Aonapolia, Jan. 6, IS3I

L r» of *aaihiuglon r.anp'a FaHItt Lady't Leilcnn Urntlr«ea'a l*«lron Uuck'a Theological Uic


Mnrra>'a!tr<)iial Murray'a Hradtr cntt'i

Lady of Ilie Minor 7 »»!».MUtory of thr reformationU'Kwen o* Type.Vmerietn fonalttulioii ...... . .---,.rientMIc Dialofiiee. J «olt Itnrae'. tieofr<Pll>' * A»loa

<OR the reliel and cute ,,f Htrmt •]_ turc. 'I'liia Surjricat inilrtiarg) 14 anl (\ known tu the Methca.) prafrnino, IM rntitiy ooetl by »nfonututr nfirm

g under the tliaeaic uf llernii, (hit 11 nr accuuiit of il* m«chauic.l caatita

« wrgical rlTecta il thought 'he (ubjoiueit renurk* urgeona ul liigii rot|xriabi|^> e ihe reaull* t>f much praclict e u«c and »(iplication of (hii lrii«" ., Jamea.Thatcher, M. D. mllion/fa/i

ro i'raclice. in hi* aecond cililitn. *•*«, of Hrrnlj, rtintrk* "D' HtHal

iU-y'a Ueo|t*phyA<l«t

Mmihiy'a Arithnalle Pike't Ariihmelic Staujl.toa-t Church ataax ran IILE AT Tins omca,ZaAWS TWO tETTBWS

T» Dr. Huadlry, Binb>ip»f Eangur. Prict Tiemly-Jlvt Ctntt.


For 1831—Price cj Cents.U.c J3.

anne-arunoel count?, to ton,

(wita pr.*e) n> L. Kic nrer of <M»l»etwte.

lbtrgtr, K«|. Trea

arme-atunod count?,Ov .pplkaUwi. b> peiitMit.>iaf munvifeowau.

lu ib« jixb/aa vf AaM-Araxlrl co««iy court pe.|in< tb* beawOA of Ike act of aaaarably, entitled An ui forth* rebaf of aaaytn InaoUent Ucbiora. paaa- d at Mo<erak«ea*ta»t<n. I»X3», an.I the at'arml auppla await ti* r*u>. a ackofule. uf hit properly, and a aw of »iacr«-litnea, (on oath, to ftr »t he rould airtrttl

4* aaneMd to hi* a*U peililon, and the aan altaOVt thai the- a»U Ollbcet Novell hit

th*n.»oounaeiawraawkd a*. lk» > !« of aawTKMM. (oMivo rc.rt «.

T lOe dale of kla takl peit^Vknd bcinc alao Mhtiaid OUWrtMoaJMliia

lw« axantr oflWoWjhaea of th« aa Uilkert Nowofl, whtefc tab) Iruaie* bta fieen bond <Ua (araa tar tk4 fahMWI paaeVaaaiio* c/U* lottt, an

WaWt Hotrvll kawbaf |W*« wami. with « iy.0jo.ia, aairaaoal ajpoaraooi lo AitM-Arur-d

••>?&• .^'-

t'ON applicastio* to me, uueoftlir j-nlice. of ll.« Orpban'tcoun of Anne-Annxirl cuunly, by pr.

i in wriiini, of Homarivta ClaKnai, of M'N! ounly. foe the beaelt of Ihi- act nt aaarmh';, aatitleil, n act Air the ralkf of nmdry InwUrnl ttrlilnrs pa<v

at November ara»)»n I8O5. ami tlieaptrrtl tup|;le. nut therein, a acl^dulr ol W> property, and a li.i hia crcdiiKrt, ao far aa tt« c»n n«<»rtu<i ili«m, oo

Ib. Ucin( annrsrd to hit aaul p*tltin«, ami I iieili|( titaVd Ihat Ihe aai.l prtiiiunrr hath rrai.lcit i« the 1*1* of Marylaaw) for iwayrare neat prrcrdlne lh« ate. of the> ta\d petition, tnd bring alao aaiiMWd hy* »m)*ctl* of tba iherlfrof Am>«-Aromlrlcouni>

MI Ihe aai.1 tkoinrrvillc I'l.ikncy It now in I... cuatu. y fordabl, aakl fur no<>iherc..IV| ,m| i|lr ,^,| .,,.. lion *rha«inf taken ih> oalh ptvicrlbed by law and

eniered Inm bond wl<h aecuriiy fnr biaappr.-.rjnc* In nne-Antndrtcnuniy coun. nnthr ihlnl Monday n pril n««t. to .ntw.r aucU allrffatlnnt at mat br pro

' lohlmhy hi. eredliort, and h .»lnjf »lw ei* to WiUaHnH. Tuck, tin tnixrr appnlnlcd h)

ma. a food and lom.-ifnl ilo^ffor all hit prnptpy eal, pcraooal *nd miled the KrctMary bed nn.t beJ '<"* »«> wannf aoparq) of h)i*t»f .ml bmil7 «

or ifei tVltbfil p«rformane «f lilt tr>i>t, and c be d*Krery ialohia hand* of «ll ihe Kn•ail pcttiMoer. mrnllnaied in lilt «-hr.|.iaw*. IkKninthday vl Norrmh.r IH;O, hy ate, |l>

af OTIOX Uil W Ilie bu.iaciihii ui Cturrl .oun'y

h* h obtained IVom tk,- iirp'mx Conn o aid cminty. leitera of -,d tiioi.tratlon «u lh |H-rt*n»l i-alalr nf John Badvii ifJamet.Ulc n lUUert rnoiiiy deceit' d. All pertont ha*in Itlrq-ajt»r» M "he Mill dereaaed. an- hereb earnrd in rthtbil Ihe t\iBe. with the vn«cher therrofiii iheaabacriber, at or b-fnrr (he tftlk I >y of June rieif, thet *>|l| othrrwite be et i ludifd friim all Beu fit of th- aaid ea'tle Git . n uniler my haod <ki* tweotieib il.T »f l),f 1830.

. _ HARRIbUN, AoVr. Uer JO.// «w



In Two Volume*.Dec to


ias jiiHt received u large and veryhaitdaoinc dssortment uf

CLOTIIK, Casdtneres and Vestinga

Of Various QuoliticH and Coloui-a,Which k- invite* hi.frrri d* mid the public

.11 ai.d ruutine fut Ihnr *«ii|r*cliui-t he'i >nake 'h-m op at thr thorti a n-tlie* and n i irjv.-d tiyle)tn tail Ctmomert.

REMOVAL.|C7*lt* will tl-o lofonn ui- IrientU and lh

public. Ihat he naa mo»cd frnm hi* forme' alar io the huBl formerly nccuiiied by Mr. Charl. Vlunror, a« i» ilorr, nearly o|i|K>->ile Uidi-n White, KM|. whtro hyoay be fouod at a-<v ime.


ii' rntilled lo the errdu of 6>e true Surticil principle CT iH f Hernia, lu happily cooceiTei) IS*

he pad of the True* alioold be M ct »(imply to »0|ipurl Ihe mott*lw,aar*l h« ring or apertur* a* mncb%l{ tatr io which Ihey are mii*H*l»oV*i | rallh. Unlet* ihi* be attilntd tht ever recover iheir batonl (not, i

the drawee of nr*««ure i itmilrt Acktrly, M? D. 'in hit (

lltion i.f H'tope/t Medical DtclioMrf.'j he head of'.TniM.'alter, eattmr rtuliine; Crnm tlte a»a nf Ihe, dc nrmerly wom. «»y». 'Tfci* etil t __

f remedinl ontil w. Amu< 0 lltll.q i>rk, turnoil hi> attention tn th« i*

b» hii impr«*emrni in the ronttracti u'j, ha* rendered it trrtiln thil »ll i larrt ant) I hint of children.

ihe pniprrty nf lh arhe.lutr, h la there

. , ate, |> aubmtbcr, « V t»a U.ail«,t nf the Oeplian'a co. i«j|>a»lil. adJMaftd awl or.lrrrd, thai ihr «J,I <iomr

om tne ufani t

fae »br.

Y »irtue nf a d-crre of ilie Cnsirt oi Chan eery ,.f the Stale nf Marrla d. th, aub

rlhrr, a» Iruatee. will ejrM.te tu public tale i Thursday <ke «7lh day of January, 1811', It ti'clork. A. M on ike {iremite*. if fair, ant, ihr fir«t fair day thereafter, (ttandar

lirpird.) all that tract, pan ofa tract or par rluflim) callf.l Biown'* Forrrat, or the eauriry «f part of Bruwn.'* Forrttl, contaio-

100 ACHEH OF I.ABTD,i>r» or lr>*. lymj 411,1 b. , n< on Klk Kidee In

\nn* Aramlel coutily.aod a-ljomlng ihr land. ' Nichnlaa Wortlnnilon and Mra.

and lira on ike rnail

t retiirnrdfmm Philadelphia and nftltimorc, with a

STOCK OP QOODBin i>» im.-, run.i.n..|f of aomc uf the h«n<|aomatt

Pate at Flalshed OloihOf «tn«u, qualitiea anil coteurv with an aaaonmrnt o'

M**IWERKS AiVBSTINQS otUble i., the aril m winch he reapertlolly in-lira In* friend* to rail and ei«mint>.

Ml of which he will make-up at A* aonrtni olice, and in Hie n 0.1 »A*mo»A»m aTttt.

rfof OAaat, or (o ptioctoal m«n only.


KHlcntl'a Milla t* Pocl.rS Ta.em. and Vtiii hliUrn tie fuuileen mllra (rooi ll.aCily of imnre. A further deixyioUtat <vf Ike !»!.» Itemed unnetea-ary. aa Ihtfco vko are dealrwoa ,f Pt,rrl,, will vtiw Uia ae«e*rKa a the day <>f aile.

iiynrtal. ,r UntT V*

HIE OiairH A one

«tMaia*t*teuf |hi- ad wiih Ih* i

anted to e»ll 'on lk« I•rat*lr

OF 8AUEQAre a credit of twelve month, will be irli

n fruio, tor JaT of *»!«, tfce (Mrchaaer to titu»nd withKr is* le by

of 4et«e Lelteh. lair ol el touniy rr.cro.etl, an

i ftna'. arrount on ihe per- ' 'laetl, ha« been |>a

ml they ar* r ' Ad refeV


ly curnl, and ihote of nld pe«|il« «i*ndinc, may. in toanv catri, alt* I died. The pail of Or. 'HnllS Tr«M S nil nnt rontrt'l} and hence the ni«ej i

irjin. by -proper adapttlinn, tltlra wfthe hrrnial uan-nini. <oJ I Ibe aperture mil cote Iheltrrnii'

M. L. Knipp, M. I), litr P» Sargeon In the HNKimore Ornrrtl I in a ciMOiounicaliiin to l)orl"f hate apiilird )<i«r Iralac* in aetcUll cue* Joiin); the l**4 three Jratfc many upon whom I kj»e applird jeatl have been radically cored) iml tooxf t»«re eatca ul lung »landing, nbrrt r lro*aea h,*d failed. 1 acnd jo» 11 from Mr. I*, a eiltMtt uf gi(*i who wa% cared of a bad icrottl thirty ftee jrtrt ilanding. by "«^*lj yu»r lru.*e^ fur two tear*. He thi-r trtittci twenty nine Tear*. I ajeil 16 yurm, ruptureil fr«H» hi» cured under'my e*re in le«» *i» I* A f»»a of »cri>i»l roptare, of iwr»lj; dine, In a UbnOring man furiy y»*»J eore^Mnder my noiire »y une rf ^

Itfliog, In * labouring »i*n, i»»ty j whi>m I applird one nf your trt*r" ler ihe injury. wa» curtd in 'u Riperitnce. alone, ran tn*k« I |enn tlw full power* ami tiitlrutrvrnlt. Y"«r Irtmif* ' preferred by (Hi- Profe*«>r*lo1 cat flchu«l*ii> (lit* cny,

Oaltimar*. January,' l»ift Valetitittf Molt. il. "'-

ry, aayt,' 'file great ant are prodoce'tl by tW* ^ atrict ttttbtertience to. and

ienliQc anil Sorjtical Prlhc M>l'V, Tbe operation and effect *r t»l


rllr»ttl> (hi ravero of all TraM"n <*}*which UqtPf contet. I

trri iiiiocMiona of lha i nfnftinioo that tlto i m«olianical atruclura

t what hw l(n>g llcal Surawoo* to


-> ^>^-- 'j ''''.-'*^' , *^

ii.-'^ .

I by M'


bT Tr.t,-Jv wvri

Page 13: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

%»$* --m?- • •




1(3)' J#r. BO +m :n fls»>a

«rAwi Bone*if' . •

CoenerCatim (t)

o'« Carrot I (5) CB»'i Crvxall.

th* DatTs Knunucl Tho'i

ieUtM arch

Manric* Frael

^ Hera** Oambtta

John W. (Umaond> HIHit John HIU Biahutl Ualt

Leo. IfkhaH

atarr I.f HthMft, Wf m


CtwrU< Uiiqhrll (.) Wtm. MunUck

•^Chaa-OaWi"'Rath* I Wckardseai Mn.C.«an>ny

*>^ • jj^ c, •-- •••?• j*« '•*• * V *•••"-•g •••--••"•'.,. ->t ^-»-n* 'tiaj| W . < mt a.a>^ •*•HMMRl IOCUW *

Nieboln 81 on km. C. Stereo*

Lancelot W«rfltld Chirlrt Wil*n

Klil.h Wtll. Julm S. Williunae*r->>> wen*

CHANCERY,Jiniiiry 10 1891.

Vt*» »« Whltakor k olher*. «hn ca*e atate* (hit Jnhit gkivm-

i iodrbletl to lh» complainant} . 8ki«rntoo'» tlratb complainant »«r>t for wlit debt ag»m»t iho

I Whitlker, the rifculnr ofuiil tlft* p*rwmal f»tulr of bki»- nlnn

\Vnit*k«r. lhai h« and uoih niulvni, lh»t tikivcniun de­

ll** 10Mid Wlill .krr fi.rlife.and <h«i MiH Whiiskrr k.d

said land away, 'ilic il Isnit far IK* p«ye«rnt ffrneral relief, ll Ualst iled in thit c»«o that

M* Kvao* end BpbrI sk«r hrrchifure oroered |»e twynd (bo limit* of

iiak(ui«n lo c"rn- k ii on tin* If nth diy

iick Blind ckincrl ineax, by catiatnx. >


•3BD-W 1ktik* cea

thV^aubsUnce af aaul re * ik*k fur three *uc-

Mkvjotlilay of Frbm»«jrftK«JJ««rl|WKr< printed in

, gite aotiftlt s»iJ absent 1 in tkis coal&iM) or brfm-*

1 nr»(. in pcruii or by so

Legislature of Maryland.ROUSE OF

entiPresent the aame member* *>. OB ye*. KiiAgtvt 7«^fi4v.w«f«rM4^iM , An *ct to prorkte for ttw prowpt Mri'"


lojsoh, of the »tnf« Of pr<;)r York, a ayirgcon In the UndJlnftHuri.ciR the.rwroIuUpjhjrjt war.flraying |p be on the ptnaion lull ^^wruraad and ro/ejrad. »p Ih,*. eom-

The Oientaf

, And the billkAn act f.-rtlie despatch of hoainea* in Frnteriek eouety court, paascd at December acaaion 1999, chapter 107, were eedflp Ibe aerate. - ... , -

Afr. Kogimon prMenletr U»e petltldna of Toaeph Britton of JjwaittB of T*wwe**»er«n*IWbert Wllmoitof the atate of Kentucky, officer* of the revolutionary army;

Alao the pelrUdri of John 'Hamilton, of the itate of Ken- lucky, a aergeant In the revolution, praying to be placed on tha'penaionlrri; which wcro *«verafly read and relerred to•jhe committee on periiion* and revolutionary claims.t Mr. Hunt presented the petition of Luther J. Cox, andMana hU wife, of the city of Baltimore, praying lira paa-aage of an act authonaing them to loaae certain propertytherein mentioned: which waa read and referred to Maaara.Hunt, Nicholas and Turner. :. Mr. Leo preaooted the memorial of Jamea N. Allntttt.of4/ontgomery county, praying for repayment of moniea e«^-ponded in maintenance of Ruth H. Dnvall; which waa readand referred lo MUST*. Lee, Will*on and Hording.

And Mr. Teaekle preeenled the petition .of Thomaa Mar- ahall, and other*, of Somerset cornty, praying to be admit­ ted to the benefit* of the law of ptiblie Instruction, and an equitablo portion of the achool money now IrUho treaaury; which wa* read aod referred lo the committee oeT educa­ tion. '

On motion by Mr. Ridgely, Ixave wan given to bring in bill, entitled, An act to alter and change all auch part*-pf the constitution and form of government of Ihi* itate aa re­ late* to the organisation of iho legislative body thereof, ao §a to reduce the number of delegate* to two from each coun­ ty, and one from .Ibe city of Annapolia, aod two from the oily of Baltimore. Ordered, That Afeaen. Ridgely, Brew­ er, Holme*. Purnell, and Thomaa of Qeen-Anne'*, prepare and report tho same.

The IMMUO proceeded to conaider the bill reported by'Mr Tilghman, it being the bill, entitled, An act to provide for the contulldation and distribution of the- several achool fund*; when on motion by Mr. Claude, aaid bill waa order­ ed to lie on the table.'! The houae proceeded to consider one of the order* of the day, it being the bill, entitled, An act to define and recipro­ cate certain right*of the citizens of tWa itate, and to esjua- Kn and extend the enjoymonls of ptacary.

On motion by Mr. Jenifer, the home waa called, and the loor-kecper acnt for the ahaent membera.

On motion by Mr. Sleele, the house reaolved. to proceed with tho'ordinary busineMof the acetion, during the ab­ sence Of .The door-keeper.

The house proceeded to consider the reaolution for com- pci.aatlcm to tho attorney general for services performed by him, In pursuance of the reaolution of the general aasembly of December scaion 1888, No. 80.

Wryut on motion by Mr. Nicholas, the blank therein waa filled op with two hundred aod fifty dollar*.

The resolution waa then read the aecooid time, aaeented to,' and acnt to tho aenate.

Tho door-keeper having returned, reported, that he had otifiod the aliM-nl members to attend In the houee. The house then resumed tho consideration of the order ei B day; when 'Ar. Jenifer moved that uid bill be rejected? iaolved in the affirmative—reaa 40, nay* 33. Tho clerk of the aouato,returned the bill, entitled. An aet

i aulhoriao the dark of Allogany county to record a deed inrcin mcnlione-l, endoned "will paaa with the proposed mendmentai" which amendments wcro oeverally read the rstand aecond time by special order, aawolod to, and'lhe '.11 ordered to be engroaaad. Aad the j>ill, entitled. An ct to roako valid a certain deed of maoumiaaion therein

mentioned, endorsed "will not paw "On nioljnn hy Mr. Burehenal. l^ave waagivott to bring

n.a bill, entitled, An act to change the mode of iMuing ont mirriago licenses in this itate. Ordered, That Meaar*. Bur-

hensl, Brawner and Jonea, report ^s* same. On motion by Mr. Hawkina, Uio following meaaaje waa

read am] aascnted to. , ;,> ,,-,...By the Ilottxe of Delegate*, Jaooary IBih, 1831.

}enltemen1<of, the Senate, , . •. . , • , ' .We propeae, with Ihe concurrence of your honourable

KxJr, to gP .Into the election.of bank, director* on the part of me tale', on Tueeday the first of February next

,r, Dy order, • Q< O. Brewer, Clk. Mr. ^yoolton prcaented Ihe petition of aundry citizen* of

Iho District, of Columbia, praying that the act, entitled, «4a act to incorporate the Baltimore and Washington Rail Hoad Company, JUSKI! at December session t198, may be reviv­

ed; \vbich ivn* read *nd relerred to the committee on'toter-...

mitleeon peaxion* and. revolutionary aUimi -Vivf -, Mr. Kelj" predated the petition of A/eihach Brownlnfc,

referred to-Jweasr*. Ueid, M'Mapon «nj S|u\w. ; ,. , . _ On, motion by Mr. Keene, leave waa gi.ven, tapMg inj»

Mil, "to be entitled, An act to alter and repeal ap *B|loH.of lb« tenth aeetien of aa act passed December *e**ion;ujii9, f\up-. tor W, arprohibita th» uae of oystet-tongs with more ibati

' 1* ttelh, ao far u relate* to the eaaicrn ahore. tkdereu1 , ThatMctara. Keeoe, OoWsborough and Ballard, report -the aame. . '. . _ ........

On motion by Mr. Let, leave .waa given to bring in a Dill, entitled, An act lo authorise the levy court of Mont­ gomery county to appoint commissioners to distribute the dividend &xu of the free acbool fund of that county annual­ ly.* Ordered, That Mem*, tee, Hardlog, Oilling* and Willson, report the same. , , , ( -.-...'

The House proceeded to consider the order of the clay, it being the bill reported by Mr." Ely, entitled, An act to abolish all such part* of the conatilutioo and form of go­ vernment aa relates to Hie time and manner of electing Iho senate, and the'mod* of filling up varaoajoa in that body, ao that each county and the city of Baltimore, may have a aenstor to be elected immediately by the people. The aaid hill waa then read tho lecood time aad posted—yoaa 40, my* g*.

Thaolcrk of .the aenate returned 'the hill, entitled. An aet to authprtae and Empower John vV. Bichardaon lo import and bring1 into thisatalo certain negroes therein mentioned; and the bill, entitled, An act to encourage the destruction of crow* in Kent county {Severally cmlorwd "will paaa." Ordered lo bo ongros-ctl. Also the resolution author!** ing the governor to procure and proaent to Captain Qeorgo W. Roger*, a award, U further evidence of the high aenee the legislature entertain for the rarvicca be liaa ren­ dered hi* country; also tli*resolution hi favour of the at­ torney general of this state; and the resolution .in favour of Thomas Jenkins, of tho District of Columbia; severally en­ dorsed "aaiented to." Ordered to be engrossed. ,

,'fhe house adjourned until to-niorrow morning 10 o'>W>- .- .': ..-. ' - « :f,» vi'*t>

:,»<.- *; a-s'/'-THDRSDAY, J»nary «0»h, 1891) ' /'.W»!The houae met. ^fcaanent th* same member* aa on yea-

terday. - .The pmcABgs of yesterday- were read.The bill, entitlod^n act to abolish all and every auch

(•art* of the constitution and fermof government In thi* itate, ea relate to the appointment of the office* of register of will* and clerk* of tho county court* of this state; and the bill, en­ titled, An act to atoliah all such part* of iho constitution and form of government ai relates to tho lime and manner of electing the aenate, and 'the mode of filling up vaoancia* In that body, so that each county and the eJty of Baltimore may have a aenator, to be elected immediately by the pea pie, were acnt to the aenate.

Mr. Willson presented Iho petition of sundry inhebitanta ot Montgomery oounty, praying tbat Kliubolh Bark may be placed on the pension liat of aaid county; which waa read and referred to the committee on pension* to indigent per­ sons by county aaaeaBment

Mr.M'K.inslroy presented th* petition of sundry eili- >en* of Frederick county, praying for a repeal of all such parti of the constitution ami form of government a* relate* lo the division of Fredcriak county into twelve election dis­ tricts, and for other purpwcn; which was read and referred to Meaara. M'Kinstrey, iCernp and M'Elfresh.

Mr. Lee, chairman of the committee on internal improve­ ment; delivered a* a* report from aaid committee, the follow­ ing resolution*! '

Resolved by Die General Awembly of Maryland, That lh« extension amUecurlty of the coasting trade of the state* of Virginia, Delaware, and of Ibis alnto, would be effectu­ ally promoted by the opening of a safe and direct naviga­ tion throtieh Ihc sound* which run parallel with the sea coast, nnd by the construct ion of auch canal* as mayjoc requi­ site lor tho piirpwe, between the Chepopeako Day, at or. near Cnpe Chsrlcn, and Lewis-Town rrcck on the bay of Delaware, and '(hat tho eo-O|>eratioii of tho Males interested in the improvement bo immadialoly invited to this object.

Reantred, That thn governor'of this IIA!O be requeued to communicite the foregoing resolution to the president of the United Statci, and tit express iho earned wish of Ibis gonercl ia*>mblr, that one or more competent engineer* may IMS appointed to make an accurate survey of the coast designated In tlie aaid resolution, and to report tho ealimalo of the probable cost of the improvement proposed.

Resolved, That Iho governor bo also rcqmited lo trans­ mit a ronv of tho first rv»olulion to the governor* of Iho •tales of Virginia and Dulawnrr, and to ilrsiro llpl the aamo mny ho aa apeed'ly aa possible communicated lo their re­ spective general o*«cmblio*. .

Which wcro read tho first ami second limo by apcoial or­ der, passed, and sent to tho senate.

On motion by Mr. Wonlton, loavo wa« given to eriog in a bill, entitled, An aet ft) alter ind nmcnd unch part* of the constitution of thia'ainto *» relates In tho rlcrtion "f (he go­ vernor *nd council. ' Ordered,' Thut 'Messrs. Wootloa, Brawner and Claude, prepare and roi nrt tho aame.

Tho house adjourned until to-morrow morning 10 o'clock

. , ,. - .. ... And Mr. |t«nt pre*«nta<itb« petition pf.Mndry inKabttanta Aan«-AruadeI coantv, Mtmng for the paaaaVe of an aet• 'OT A«H*v-Aruu(ici coBii»v, Vvjuia: wr UM psmeuv vi ma BC<

tuktberiaing tb« buildiftg of a bridge over the Pafiuent river/ 1»W* 'wurvefej! a^d jnrferml to Menr*. Kent, Hoe* aaeV',-iwswt; •'•'•••< ^ • ••-•;• ». • ";•?..

Mr. M-Mahon, aakedleare to bring in a biH to rrrjre tjie,- ninth. arction of an axt of th* gtneiW juMMtyVMajytaAd, , £ paaaed December **a*ien 1617, chapter lit, etrtitleA} ** act* ' ooneerftinr Judicial proceeding* In eeorte ef jaatk* In thia itate, ami provide* for the completion of the reenrda U «er- taio cat**, whieh aaid 9th section waa repealed, by th* 10th: aectionof aa act of th* aaid general aaaemblv, paeaee D*« oerober teaaion 1826, entitled. An a«> « e*4awii*Jl tiatAee. ^ certain aBcaa. ,» .,,.-, __. .:. .. <; , .. . '. ...,-! , . Oo the qaeation D^BR pat, Wal tha beam graati amkUeavat It waa d*(armin«4 in tba negative. .... i .. ' *. ' :

On motion by Mr,. Edelan, ^Lcavve.jprae^iteji tobrUr in, » ill, to b« entitled. An act to give rafereaa in caaaa raTet^dfrom any coart of law in thia tt*lt, aod *rbitra<ora by pri­ vate agrerinant in ctrUin cases, power to rtfjuir* aod coerce tlie attendance of witnesses. Ortlercd, Tbat Measra, Bdeten, M'Blfreah and Tiljtimtn, prspaii' aoii rapyrt tb*1 aame. . ' ' ' ''- *

Mr. Boat pr«*«ntfd the petition oT WlllUm fltewart,' an4 : other*. ofMhe city of Baltimore, praying th* paa«*g« of^an act to incorporate the Union Slate Compqnri \rriirh waa read aod r*ferr«d to Messrs. Hunt, NicboUi and Holme*. " '

On motion by Mr. Stockett, leave waa given to bring it » bill, entitled. An act to regulate the manner of levyiag on th* aaaeaaalile property of Anaie- Arandel eoanty fov the aeW* port of riaaaxyaKlMoU.-ece. Ordered, Tkat Meaar*. ttock» att, tteataad Haod, prvparn and report Ui* a«BMv > ,1.

Mr. Titghman aabmittad the following naolationi wkktU" waa read.

B«aotved, That the clerk of the council, b« directed to lira notice, by advertisement, for at Icaat two coiuecative wecfcs, before the first day of Neramber next, aaid. annually t»ere-> after, in three newapapera in the city of Baltimore, twa in the city of Frederick, and two in the city of Annapolis, tkat aealed proposals will b« received bv him on til the l»»t Mon­ day in December following, for farnlahing the oeceasary stationary for the uae of the executive tod legislative depart­ ment* of the Kpvcrnment for the antainr Vear, aad tbat'

T:—— WEDNESDAY, January «, 19*\ >*:'?•• Tlio hoii«n'«iief. Present the aamo member* aa on ;jre»«

tenlay: Tho proceeding* of ycaloixliy were read-,. ,• ' . The mewAxe adppto<l by thi* house on yeiterday, prapoaiftf ' -^ _' r _ * - *i - ..t _r.av_ - ^ t1 t_. _!.* Jt^..*^.^. ~— *V. i~-._4 «** I|*A

, Janolry «l»t,TBO lioo*? met.' Present Ihe asm« meml

ay, except Mr. Gnntf, who had Icnve «f absence, efdinpn of yesterday were read

The speaker nnnoancwl the mcasapr received from the se

The pro

aaid prnpoaal* be trahireitted to rhe teglslatart' at mencement of the next ensumg *e*aion. ' • , -

TVehouM adjoaraed until to-xvarrew morninf 10 o'clock,

8ATURDAT,'Janwary ««, 1MI. ' The hauao met," Prrsont the tarn* member* ia '< ; dav. Tho proc«edinss of ye*terdiy were rrail.

The resolution authorising the register of tlie land oAce for th* western shore to receive into tlie land office a c*rtift-» cite of a tract of land called. lUaart'a QooU Will, »n4 ISMQ a patent for the aame to leery Magrewl Alao the bill enti­ tled. An act to aathotia* Lather i. Cex, 'and Maria ai* wife,

f tha city of Beltlmure, ta 4eaie certain lota or parcel* ef around. Also tha bill, entitled. An act to extand tho jurie-

Ictiun ofjuatkea of toe peace. Alao the bill, entitled.. A a ct for tho relief of Jamea N. API out*, of Montgomery e»uu-

And the bill, entitled. An act to provide fur the me­ lon of a bridge over AntieUm creek, at or near IlageVl

mill in W«ahington count/, wera nnt to the senate. ' t On motion by Mr. Hawkioa, leave «a* c"n*n to bring in a

ill, entitled, An act for the revaluation of MWtaable propej- y in Saiot Jlarj'a cotrnly, and for other jmrpo«ea. OnlereH, W Meaara. Hawklna, HUkiatoDe and Oongb, report theme. ' '

On motion by Mr. M«Elfr**b. leave wa* given te bring In . bill, to be entitled, An additional aapplrtaent tn tlie actncorporatitig a company for the improvement *f the pnWte.oad from tho city of Frederick to Harper's Feryv, pa^»«l ax

O«cex*b«rae**ion IBM, dMpterUa, Ordered, Tha«M*rtr*. M'Blfrtsh, Richardson and Kemp, prepare and report tbeame* '"

Ou nation by Mr. Turner. lra»* was apven t» bring a bill,ntitlrd. An a*t to eoa6rm 4J»»4)rac«#diJ>»* of NieholarNur-1s, of BaJtimore cpanty. *ctii>K ** * jualUe of tha peace -for

Mid county. 'Ordered, That Messrs. Tnrow, Ely au* - Worthington, report the aame. '' ..

On motion by Mr. Merrick, laavewaaWVM tel _lll, entitled, An iict to prohibit eock-lghllng racing In 'vWm'ngton coanty, and for ether ««rpo»c*t Or- derea, That Meair*. Marriek, Yoe and Brookhart, report thenine* *

Mr. Brawner presented the petition of George Oardiner; and William M\tdd, of CUarlet county, praying comptnaa* tion for the erection of a bridge over rtieaa.ln ran ofXadilah Swamp, and that aald bridge may be accepted bj th« eeiinty, aad hereafter kept aa ether ceuutj bridge* ard) which *a»

and nfand'^MteKvBnvMar, qbafcajut eatf Be»teraon. : - "" "** ''" '"" '"' ' * ' " ' u -' ' J

Mr. Ely preaeatoV the wemorial of ennHry citix*n* o/Bal­ timore city »»d county, prariiffc the pa«*«(rn "f an act auUi*. * isinj the enlargement of the Iwubda at pi-nun* to a coa»*at. M';. . ent e*Untj whkh »a* stad and. referred to Maaar*. Bly, ^jj^, Hunt, M'Klfreab, Tilghmaa and Evans. . ' - . > :

And Mr. Hawkina present**! tl»o |*titionof Baaaww Hfctlp er, of Saint Marj'a county, pmjnog for a dif*pe|

Ib'.'Kp if' 10 "'C election qf aiaU), wa* irant iO.ihc n^nnlc, .

Afr. Huejhlett prewalcd llte potitiori of Tajbotjcounty, pr»i i»« tu« t paa*agaof an ally ^.aeau> fhc aarficw «B<C labour of

'«A*y, P^OpOWJi I Bkte en yc*toml*r> ratornintr tha reeolation* relating to,th« the part of. lh» ^pro^emeiit of Ik* navigation of the-«ouDUi parallel wltk th%

AtlaMiic.coaat, n>*ire»il "eaaentod to;» Ordered U be *e>

4lif*xUitu>«ivl euppleaHnt totheaet," ' •»I»S«SH-.*"IKW;-«»*

ofge of an act Mnegro alataa taeaimoht. .

Mr, Rogeraon preeootfd the petition {

yi ^ via t^4Kk«4b _ t*mm* j *.-»»». J * g~ J T ** .. ."jywaa re»d a^i.l referred to thr committee «n dnorc*«._'On oiotioii by Mr. Brawner, le*«» was given tabnftr

bill, entitled, A further Mp?Umc»t toth, act, tnUtlef, act for Ihe recovery Of .mall d.bu eit of e«urt, ^.^ tKMl the act* Of a»»«mbly therein mentioned. Ord >|«aari. Brawner, Voo and H"ghl»% pt»P»« W>4,

the ceniite r*t»rne4 tae aall, entltle.1

rwMekWa*r^da»i> rtiWteo-te;Jfcst** WaJlia, Pi»W Ifelatt. Alao a bill originated », »D«I |»a»«d »y**V wU^**) A» eet to explain the aecu»d aaetiua of the

Page 14: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

\in and

aJtdTX euupUnttn't lo the act, enuiUxl, rateih* Powhittan omnnfaetartng which WM road ud

n* , th«*«* of -In* hi*of MaryUnd

Ntohota*, Hunt . , «''•' MOT. Brown,ir M*r>t«M oaJW Dnth't Pord( rVMelt which w««rredW

And delivered • eonimunieition from the e«eaUve pwimwMreoeircd .„.» referred by the •*1««_«°^f.

W* h»ve the honour to rtnmil Tor your eonaider»tlon, I memorial of in* governor of the

„ fcto Me**ra. CooufT*, Bran* Mid O*l«. I OwrtfotiKii of (he Hemfe, and Mr. Hunt praMtri the memorUI of the mayor and ci|y * th*j Hooae of Delegate.

Baltimore, counter to the> memorial of Jinn* -Wlta l which wa. r~d and» ,

ng the eommUiioncr* of , itfcMfor the o«e •rife ««rk««J

^co^Ve^lnTngU "^ reapectlv. oS^^owo/ Slktwu which wa* read and referred U Metir*. Bvaaa, Co

tored to the eonmitta* appointed on the petition-to which -4* taeounter. : Mr. Nieholu preMitUd th* memorial of windry cMi»o*•f the city of Baltimore, complaining of the cruelly of th* law* relativ* to impriaonmeut for debt, and pravioJt for an Itmlioa thereof) whieh wa* read and referred to M AUhoJa*, M-Elfreah and

pany^with accompanying document*, rt-l»tive to obatniclion* #r Bwwner **jl»«Wt«d *•/«"*'"£T2° I* th* Suwiuchanna rWer, which it ia alleged have been c- der , ^h were aeverally read am« *$«?**«•recta.l to Uio manifort injnry of the aaid canal company

c; wReiolved, That the inareaaed projk>rt»on of fte fr«ithia aUte. to the wh>te pepulatioo, «tteataUic

Mr. Jone* preaonted the petition of Atwell Chanc*, and•Ahen, eitizeniof Caroline county, praying f»r a reduction in th* price of muriaaje- lieenae* in thia aute; which won read and referred to the committee on way* and mean*.

Mr. Ooldaworough nre*ented th* petition of aundry eiti-•ena of the town *f Cwitrertll*, in Qtteen-Anno'a eounty, relativ* to dogai which waa read and referred to M«*»n. Ooldaborough.Thomaa, and Brown of Queen-Anne'a.

And Mr. Toaekle presented the memorial and petition ol John Gallon, and other*, of Somerset eounty, praying for the

' aMaMMnMM of a State Bank; which waa read and referred lo th* committee already appointed on that aubjoct.

On motion by Mr. Memck, tho following meatigB wa* read, a**ented to, and Mnt to the *enate:

By th* UOUM of Delegate*, Jan. 84th, 1831. Gentlemen of (he Senate,

Aa the aca*iofi of the legialitnre will probably etoa* *t nodiaunt day, w* feel it incumbent upon uaapin nioat reapect-

, fully to invit* your atlenllon to Ihe nocemty of taking carethe* UM *tate of MaryUnd ahall not be left without a /ull*rpreaootalion In Ihe aenale of Ike United State*.

Tit* term of •ervie* of thi» honounble Esekid F. Cham­ ber* wiM expire on the 3d day of March next, and a* Con- are** will be regularly convened tofore the meeting of Ihe Legislature, not to trwrrtionthat in a time when mieh woader-

i tta\ convxilaiona and changes are occurring among the king­ dom* of th* earth, it i* not impo**ible but an extraordinary call of Conjrref* may become noceamry; no propOM with the concurrence of your honourable body, to go on Friday th* B8th in at at 18 o'clock, into the election of a aenalor to *upply the vacancy, igreeably to tb* conatitulion and to (bo act of aaaembly.

By order, ., O. O. Brewer, Clk. On motto* by Mr. Afoorea, leave wai given to bring in

• bill, entitled, An act 10 alter the location of the election diatricli in Harford county. Ordered, That Afeaara. Moor**, Afontgomcry and Amen, report the aame.

Oa motion by Mr. Roferaon, Teare wa* given lo bring in• kill, entitled, An act to provide ior the repair of Iho pub- lie rood* in Charlca county. Ordered, That Me**n Rogcr- eoo, Brawnar and Chapman, report the aame. «.

On motion <bv A*V. Hioka, leave wai given to bring In * bill, to be entitled, An act relating to tbo manumiaaion of

- atavea in thiaaiale, and for other purpoce*. Ordered, That J/tura Hick*, Unwner and Spence, report the aame.

On motion by A/r. Brawner, leave waa given to bring in a bill, entitled, An act to aboliah th« offio* of commlaaionera

, *fth* U*of Charle* county. Ordered, That Afcaan Uraw- IMT, Chapman and Rogenon, report theaame.

The bill, entitled, An act to regulate the per di*m of jua- UcMof the levy court and truirteea of the poor for Dorc hea­ ter county, aod for other pnrnoae*; alao Iho bill, entitled, An act to authoriae In* bringing into thii itale (he negro•lave therein mentioned) alao the bill, entitled, An act I* repeal ad auoh part* of the conalituticn and form ofgovern­ ment aa relate* to the diviaion of Frederick county into ole- veoaJcclioa fllatrku, and for other purpoeei; ind (he bill•nlit)*d, An ait to give referree* in caaea referred from any court of law in thia atate, and arbitrator! by privato agree­ ment in certain caaea, power to require and coerce the at- teadaoM of witneave*, were Morally read ihe wcoad lira*, paaa*rl, and *ent lo the aenate.

On motion by Mr. YOB, law* ofab*eneo WM granted Mr. firookhart for a few day*,

Mr. Hunt prvaented th* memorial of Luca* and Dearer, of the city of Baltimore, praying th* aaviatanc* of Ihe ital* for th* publication of Ham*** Lntriea; which waa read ami referred to we committee on grievance* and, court* of jo>

And Mr. Steel* preMrte* (h* petition of EfrtabeOi Raw- lelgh, of Dorehealaw cwanVy, praying far a divorce; which Wa* road and referred to the eommitUe on dlvoroae.

The clerk of the tenat* returned the bflt, entitled, An*et for tho relief of Jamea N. Allnul, of Montgomery county

- Mdora«d. "willpaae." Ordered lo' be engroMod. Alao the kill, wntltUd, An act t* authorfae Lulher f. Cox, and Maria, bit wife, of Ihe citv of Baltimore, to Inaae certain lot* or parcel* of groand, endorsed "will not paaa." Alao Ihe bill,

v^tt&xszsjf* • -- «tt**~~tt"FE&&,Tlw nriovanee* oomplainud of by th* memoriali»t* are of . ei ,tion with the alavea, their balrVt* and manner of obtainirt<

• ehararter to merit the *criou* con*id*ratie« of th* legi*!*- »' iDb'1e'ntt'^m*^ {^n^el^o?tk* whTJ^°lation, ar* tur*)* . . . , , __ P - , ___»«•«,. ^nil m«* cnatiidaHtion to the coot

W« •Iw^ibmit for your coniidenlion • S. Convoke, e*qnir«, of the Mite of New York, promotinglo procure from Great Britain, for Ihi* atale, • copy ol record* of it* colonial government a* h may b* dainMe lor th* atale lo poaxa*.

Wo hav* tho honour to he, .Wilh the conitidcratlon,

v • *Wour ubcdiunt aervant.. DAN'L. MARTIN.

On motion by Mr. Nicholaa, to much" 6f the aaid com­ munication a* the memorial of the governor of the Su»quchanna ranal *onin*ny, relative to obstructions in the Suaqurhanna rirar, w»» referred to a acted committee con lifting of -Mcaar*. Nicholas, Lue, Chapman, Tilgliown and Spent*.

On motion by Mr. Loe, *o wudi thereof aa relile lo Ihe memoriil of 9. Conrcrac, fe>q. of rt»e alale of New York, proposing to prwenro from Oreat Britain for Ihia aule, • cony of a«eh record* of it* colonral government a* it may be de- airabl* for the *Ut* to DOMOM, wa* referred to the commit­ tee on the Irhrary

Afr. Nicholaa wbmittedlth* followtkg order*; which were aevcrally mad and adopted:

Ordered, That th* coamittre on intaraal iaiprovamenU be laatmcted to inquire wKetlier it ia expedient for the atate lo nuke a rail road, in conjunction with the Baltimore and OUio Rail Road Companr, from citv of Baltimore to (lie city of Waahington, by the a'tate'a iiiofng a atock to the aaaoant•f 8500,000, bearing aa intereat oj><U per cent, payable quarterly, tha Baltimore and Ohio RnTKoad Campany to pay the inUreit on that atock, aa it accrota, until the propoaed road ahall be ia complete operation, and it then t» be 4eh op­ tional with the atate to recaive payment for the atock, tima iianed, in money, or in Baltimort and Ohio Rail Road Cont- pairv'1* atock at par j the atate, ia the latter event, to r*(aod the ibtereit ao paid by the company.-

Ordered, That the tame committee btlnatractad t* inqaire ino the erpediency of making a rail road to unit* th* citiea of Baltimore and Waabington, »t the joint expeoae of the atate and of the Baltimore ah4 Ohio Rail Road Company) the atock of which road to be aaparat* from the general atock of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road Company, the aUte to be Mparataly intareMed thereia to the araoant which it ahall•ow aatecrib*, andlke aaid company to be iutereatad therein lo whatever amount tha projected road may coat, ovar and above the atale'a anbicription, and the work I* b* couitract- ed under th* nunagvment of tke aaid compaay, provided the latter will content to take atock to be iaaued at 4| per cent for the rtate'i inbacription, and pay the Intereat thereon tn- til the road betwaea the aaid citie* ahall be in complete ope­ ration, and ahall alao a tree and bind tk«aiaelr«i to redeem the aaid atock if (a* atate ihalli within IweUe m*ntha there­ after, decliae U retain it* intareat in tba aaid road, in which event the whole aUck of Ihe aaid raad ahall become a part•f tha capital atock uf the Baltimore and Obio R\il Road Cvmpany.

On motion by Mr. Merrick, the following meaaage WM read and adopted:

By the HOUM of 7>clegale*,„ , .• January 84, l«3t. Gentlemen of the Senate, , '

"We prbpoae.'wfck y*ur concnrrenea, to adjoarn »ine die on Saturday the fifth day *f noil inoulli, unleaa th* conve­ nience nf your honourable bo<ly ahould render a longer con­ tinuance of ll>* aesaiuii ilaairabfo.

Tho houae aJjournod uniij to-morrow otormug 10 o'clock

wbjecti of momentoM wdgrate eowid««tum to th* goodnf«Me of thil lUt«. '

Reaotved, Th«t it philanthropUW «nd lover* of .freedom we deplore the eiiatence of alavery amongat na, and wouli ate onr utmost eiertioni to ameliorate it* condition, yet w cnniider 'Jie «nreitricted power of nunamiiiion it fraugh with altimite *vil* of » more dangtroo* tendency thin th circ«m«unceof ilivery alone, andthat a»y met, hiring for it*object the initiation of theae joint evila, not ineon»Utcnt With other paramount coniidention», Wotld be worthy the ittention fnd delibermtlon of the r*pre*enUtive* of A fre*, h-

• ***rrliT^>T|IT«*wbwrn.

The br*Mt)l . And I

TJw *llJ.rThirl _

And wrraik* lb*« t* fw I Aa pcriihiamM tktrl

beral -minded and enlightened people.Reaolved, That we connder the colonitatioB of

people df colour in Africa aa the commencement of a ayttem, by which, if Jadicioaa encoaragrment be aKordrd, theae evila may be meaavrably diminiahed, ao that in proceaa of time,, the relative proportion of the black to the white population,' will hardlr be matter for aeriova or unpleaaant conaidrration.

Ordered, therefare, That a committee of five member* be appointed by the chair, with inatructlnna to report a bill, baaed aa nearly aa may be, upon the principlea contained in the foregoing retolntiona, and pepert the aame to the couaide- ration of thii hoaae.In pvnaaoce whereof the apeaker appointed Meaara. Uriwn-

*r, Hawkiira, Merrick, Bell Ind M'Mahon, the committee. On motion by Mr. Brawncr, leave waa given to bring ia a

bill, entitled, A avpplement to the act, entitled, Ait act to preraot nnneccaaary accumulation of coata on all action! or

paaaed at De­ fhat Meaara.

Inothm MwMptef •*V O! Utthe'Wjdn

I know Ihit d«*lk b aor I Andyd I

The ahtilowa of at Uv>

anka at l&w ia the county courta of thia atatc, cember aeaaion 1849, chapter 100. Ordered, Brawner, Brewer and Parker, prepare and report tire aame.

The bill from the aenate, entitled, An act to aalhoriae Join D. Daniela, of the city of Baltimore, to laaj* certain pr«party therein mentiooed, waa read the aecoad time aid paaaed.

Mr. I^ee wbmltUd tha following order jOrdered, That for thediipatch ofpublic b«iine«v thia'hoM*

will alt on every day of tha week (Sondaya eitepted) from 9 o'clock in the morning until 9 o'clock ID the evening dar­ ing the real of thii aeaaion.

Mr. Vlakiatone movad to amend tha aame bv atriking oait "nine" and ioaerting "ail?" Detenaioed in the negative.

The qoaation waa $eapat, Will Oiehoai* adopt aaid *rdei%Determined in the negitne.

The clerk of the aonate returned th* bill, entitled. An

•vU An act to provide for iheot pala. fuller adminialratioo of

. January «3lh, 1«3I.The liooae m*ri. Preaent Uie aame momUr* ai on yeitor-

day, exoopt Mr. Dmnkhart, who had loav* of alienca.The prooerding^ ofyetterday were road.The mc.iaigo adopted bjr thia hotine on yenierday, propoa-

int an early adjournment of the leglalauirei and the bill, en­ titled. An ari anthoriaing and cmpowerina; Iho commiulon- er* of Harford c«nn(y to build a bridge over Doer er«*k*l or near Death'a Ford, were aoot to the aenalc,

Mr. MerricV iweaented the petition of aunijry cili Clrar Snnog, Waahjngtan county, pnyfng that a bn

act concerning th* trial of caua** in Waahington county court. Alao the bill, entitled. An act authorising (he ckrk of Frederick aounty to record a deei executed hy Peter Krick, of th* city and county of Dallimore, conveying cer­ tain landa Ikereia rmtntioned lo Peter H. Brown, of Frede­ rick county, aevcrally endoned, "will not pa**," And de- livetod a bill originated in and paaaed by tho Knit*} enti­ tled, An ict to rathoriae Jonaa M'Pheraon lo lease certain property lo the minor children of William All- cock, deceiMKli which w*» read and referred to Meaar*. Nicholaa, Turner and Maekall. Alao a bill, entitled, An additional aupplement to tho aet, entitled, Ao ict relating to maolvent debtor* in Ihe city and county of Baltimore; which waa read and referred to Meor*. Nicholai, Wunt and Ely.

And delivered a communication from th* executive de­ partment, {received ind referred by the *en»te to the conal- dcrauoo-o/ thi* kouae;) which wa. read ind i* u follow*:

Eieeutive Department, .Gentlemen of the Senaie, XT** ''""' * ***

of the HOUM of Delegate*,W« have tb* Honour hcrewitrfCU) lay beta you th* cr»-

ciloied memonal of "The American eonrontioa for promot- "" ^•abolition of alivery, and Improving (he conttillon

Waahington. • : ii- . „,, w*.!?•»• "«« hoafcnr to remain,' v '•' :-» •"• •

. . * , WKh the higheot reapect, ! ; ^ ;*r« vrri . .;- • , Your obedient acrnnt*, •• */^" V» tn*-.

Orders], Thil Ihe aaid communication, with the

' - . " :• Thjiliftiojrf * !_ ._

TkM abad»wa<arill«i»afi(l'•'. '-i-*>««—• ^7fKENTUCKY SENAToil

We learn from Frankfort, thai i latur* haro ptotponed the i tor, and that ft wa* to biv» ISO* ioataoL : fj.ll

THEATRE.ibr*ad ka*bee»,r

on* of the proprietor* uf the bringing intelllgrnca that 7}i ahould he aaeceed in extracting fro«i of Tke Miter enough to remore , " front Tkt TunpUtt Oott, will I tertajai Tkt Citixtn, Tkt play-going folk, till Tfi'fMiJn priaea tliem Utffkuig at T\t FiA Unlike hi* old friend "Cratk," i effort -to improve the weak baafe o boors" though hia cliief < mead tEeir underitandioga," baa promia«d tiiat be will bliad whh amnaement, by a (aithfvl nf The Way oj th* World. Tk« < legislator will have an oppgrta,aj^ ( aoojething of Way* and At****; Ttmi, wb* ha* w*o a lavrr, by I of Tfit ffdh't Sltaltgtm, wilf

j«a«io* in equity ca*«* In Allrganr eourMy, endorMd. «<*Jil not MM." Aod d*jUv*rad Ihe following me***-*: . • ,

By tb* Senate,January »4lk, 1MI,

i of the HOUM of * ' 'ha* avjajtod, aod nojr retorna lo you the bill,

for the fuller adoilntelniion ot juKice in~"reluctantly oMMra)n*r1 to purtuethia

•Maf*! of th* pfoViaion* of id* bill ire ap­ proved of, b*«*u*«th* WM oowrain* a proviiioo icrjuiring (£•

" money out of the public treaaury, which pre- 'lutioual iror>mjaMiot .to it* *m*odrn*nt in Uie

1,by the bin are nrofc* and r*q<]1c«d br th*jrel |h« mode of

nver town

rfi.nly <uih«

citizen* ofbo eMabYiahed in Williamiporu frhfeh warrcaJaod'roleJred lo Mcaars. Morrick* Yoo and Kcrahncr.• Mr. Comrgy* preaenled lha petition ofwmlry eilitMnaof Uaoil nnd Kent countie*, praying tho paaaagfl of in let in­ corporating n company IQ build a bridge over tho Snaaafra*•-», froii Freilorick town, in Cecil county, to Gp*r«-

i, Jn Kenl cixmiyi whick waa read and referred lo .ra. Comej)-*, Eyana, Uilo*, Brown of Ken^ ami Mof-

Mr. Hp«r*cMnl«.l'ihe petition of wndry lohaMtant* of IJaltimorc and Anne-Arunrl«l couiitlea, praying for the oaa. »go of an act authorialni Iho building o/ . bridge aeroM ih. Paupaco river no*r Ibe Thi«le factory : whieh w« read and^Ks^Hr1* Mood' *-«• ^ w—'U«

*lr. Stawart pre*enl«il Ihe petition of•f primary *chool dlrtrict No.

aceomrp-nying memoriil therein menilpnetf. be rcferrrt to . aelcct

kttptired «f celibacy, yet won i* I vmnae a«tcp In Tki ff«y to gttj be ahewh how .to make J3 Sot ff^fit and th* «ahaapy ( od of Tkt Head lo Ruin. ! « era, who are 'JUl in Ihi Wr\ thia, and in The IPondtr aa thair nifid*, inquire. "If **?" Mf*Jiay may raai alir»J

a»d are t* bt wilajtMed too I Hoor of ft« the**) wbrra

»hoaM we by Tkt Doctor «* prjper time, to nat/the" p««t*«»»' ̂ man/ of tkeat,

The grant and

The dark «Vifc« a«^a d4U,ar«4 ihe i-- - • *• *—»• •> '•»•".'» *-.*<*»• ' "I • .-*»*- »_.

the I««* A. H*« .r I?-' ™™I

«n« aeaate concur. in A* i


. Th* ho*** of delegate* hart j



Page 15: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR

McCarthy Btgnata

iWnai* -I, |tf»

ry Harmed that MrStS?" Htt.o fcCo.

LJvtBfKon hail aB*ethe present ymrr. 4ftM« kenaton ckoowl* graot ctianffci may Ufc

«, ". aa Wwa«a*o*t Vsa^BTor JUrope. Air amVta to trttoa dm attm of the* atate, and auny bwu6el»

r br-ttie"»»ll«trW1ll« pnet " antilthenetteeMlob.

. . perton to re 8. senate) their etec- rtponed until too next ot Maryland pom* a that will meet thoap- -" TM ^

'SENATOR.i of Senator, to ill la« vacancy

i by the axpisjUion of Mr. Hend- (, *a the 4th ftY Mti cV next, wa* i LegUUtore of thi* 8U(e 00 the

on the fourth billot Mt. Heodricks cetved a majority of the whole Bum- «* given, was de'clared tlaly elected, i stood aa follow* t .

1st.* 9ml «d '4th; SI M ^ 40 44M af^m '"' *••". A^ >• ^m •'"' .r* ' *°.?.»••• »



tion ha* resulted roach as we ex- .Jtaoarh Mr. Ifendrick*' vnte it Mt \ mt we nad cnlcalttod on. We knew

i a majority opposed tn the present ,11 lion In thepretent Le^tlalure, bol Hew, that there waa not enough, who

i to so far miirepresent their con- , aa to vote for a Senator who waa ad at owed enemy to it. Tho votes OTtand Dewey, miy'be considered 3lty vote*, given by men who tre

> all laagths to defeat the admin- [fjkii*x all the eircnmitooee* at-

on (Me election into view it i* a com- kson triamph. Mr. Hendrickt hat . the prominent measares of the ad-

jtion, ao far, and we have no doabt hit olitical principles wilt itill prompt v< those in future all the support they it. Thi* 1s all any Jackaon man

nt. 'This mar also be taken by t id. as conclusive evidence of t

|.of the President ia Indiana. A r« had it completely in their

fleet a Clav Senator bat many of deterred from voting in that way, tplt should call thorn to account

£» ««^, * *i>.^mi>i IS . .

Uo not thUk tin lettax

om.Ibeip to fix npd; ur reoBUbU j.cndub^ for*, «(«»tj^ will. k**e tke deijred eSect. The pledged mm have atrW. Jy ahown, by the miaoer IB which tlurbmve voted, thit they are determined the JUckeon party ahall not elect a Ser.ator. Bat,4he J«t- ter which oar corrrtMndeBtMjv will b* mi-

to thorn, wift bave e«e good It will aerv* to reojIeV the treachery anil dia- honeitr of the jaotTpi men more p-lpabta.

they refua^M Hey prooaWy, w}lU «« to 4 candidate, the pablic wUl ba tW-

roughly convinced of the. truth of the atoto* raetit we h*»e made, that they hare tcaitered their rote* for no other parpoae than to deCtai the will of a majority of the 8Uto| a«4» oeald tker coataaM to atand divided, or re­ fute to reply to tke Utter eddrwoed to then the Mme- conviction will be indelibly mod* OB tke paWlf mind. If we My to thorn, "Gentlemen, we yield to vim lU fight of oar party to dtngnato a caadidate *ay vim* lackeoa man y»a will vote for, and we wilt lopport him" a refill*,) on their part to re­ deem their pledgee, aader lath e)rcamatB» c«», cannot ba

OW tht fatliriUe Attertlttr. TO THE BDITOIl.

F»»««roxn, J»». A. Sir — On tlila day three nWitionri b*l-

for Seaalur. On the Snt there ^CrittenJen 66, fur Rowan 1, for

. fer Breathitt 04. for Wicktiffe a A, lur CritlMiilen 68, for Rowan »n *. far Brrathitt 66, foe Wick-

'ftn, Uic tHirti anil last, far Crittend«n nwan 0. ('<t Johciaon 4, for Breathitt ITickliffe 0. A motion waa then nade

/or tkt frtitxt any Wrther at- |act a Senator, which waa carried.

(of Wayne,) wto eo/ad/kr an ytiltrday, to day retained hii

I in the Clay ranka. It wonlil seen, I that th« laboar* of B. II aril in and

i coaaiu ami C'<ailj'iCor tlie "Dak*," itowtd la vtM, Bpon th« late Slu-

fayrttJto going into the firat ballot (hit M*wm wma made by Mr. I<ove, a

, that the t»BM ef tfce Speaker ahomld [. at the comoiencement of each bal-

i had, « jeaterd«y, Bftd the day be- clerv, without any

From tht ft. r /tsrrnW o/ Commerce, J*M. 15.AN ACCOMPLISHED VILLAIN*

Oo Totadaj, in tht General Sestions, Wil- llam 8. Jacksoa, *lia» Benjamin Scoot, alia* Henry C. Livlngton, the gtntltmfn who play - i:d hit can's to dexterously in hit tevanl oe- rociationa with Mr. Judd and OonoraiBogtr- dus, wa* convicted on two indictment*, and yesterday on a third, for forgery in the third degree. White Oen. Bonrans wa* giving a relation t>f the incident*. In laaghed heartily and aeestted to Be U mack amused a* th* aa- dience.

The circumstances attending this latter peculation and his subsequent arrest, were told by the General, in a, very ha moron i man­ ner. It appemred from hia ttatement-that the prisoner flrtt called upon Mr. Kip, the gwoer of the lot*, and alter the term* of tale were concluded between them, be wai referred by Mr. Kip to Gen. Bogardas, to have the ne-

- od Mv.L>viBg»toB proved fnHtlm for Mmetot. allk««gk 610 Get» taatWwMlarklacakoatllMalty. Onamorn- ing. aba*t * fcrtalglit tf\ yewag man came naoiaf totheGenoral'ioflca, amftoltl him that he had hutaetai tke awindler walking

«a*1Ww«rjr. The fikB*ral tallied

ing willkhia head oOMjEuitil he sjf.htm. ^1>e mo-

it, accoaapaaiooTBr the boy,aa>d while atand- k*go« the comer of Divlainii etreot aod the Bowvry, the tor laid that he thcmcht the per- eon then comiaf down Dirbioa atrret toward* them wa* the man. They adnjBHjd toward* theic, aad B* mi WM walkii dow», UdU Mt a)otic« the waa withl* abe*UO (a*t. BI ni». ih« iao meat tboir ayB* met, be (tvr a sodden aUrt, 4nt waa acizod by the* O«ovnt1 who adi)'n>a*ed him vary politely wtth, "Mr. Liv1ng*toB 1 am very happy to aet yoo." He maja no re- plv, bat *«BV*d hJBMelf to be cnndnrted down Chatham ttreot «here a* the General endeavoured tn change (idea, he slipped from hia grasp, took to the middle of die Street. 'and want oat H*.a aa arrpw. The Gewettl Wlow- od, and after a race of about lOerardt, over­ took aid Borvrtd th* fejilire. He wa* car­ ried to the Police Oa«e, wherev when aeko4

Stare, ejetntVsj over 8J,OtoO,t)00.

rmoit VtfB «i.a<a«r; r»»*On Sunda

lee raa^covarod to bo

-v.0*"^^*?1^ ^*twai H*>»5drkl ^Imm^at.Jy m^B thmr,,,


tt r T"«*l«y **» « tt»t,«fUr«ii ill**.* of BBVaral BVMitha. Mr*. C*TWBBT*E jU»*a«TV^-wW«w-of the late R*v. Dr. Raf- rerty. f rioolpal of St. Joaa'e CrtUgo.

it IBemper* Hall «r

A N atljnarnfd mralma: of t| * ance Society will utr ih. llu*>* of IKUgslMon _.._. . seven o'clock. All per*** di*po^4 , ... .. ih« objeei of Ihf Society are invited JMBir.

All4l(WBS*h,*tLthan, tho tamVha**vor

* few tf

k* ft* «< .> ***» lows*

AMtirtmtiit of

C.MAYDKIfvmvrutr.' • ",IVra hh,«|oib«Hll«.»»«f \n , fnrathort», fnrat

/. / P1T


P1TBLICtlrlee of an urd«r «f «h» Urphtni Coait

»» of A not AranoV] eouBty, the »Bb*rribrr wlrtokVrit thr | ( (r retldfncr

Rr*d. dcr»t«H. n«r Mount Pl-a. a.Bt ttrry. «a Tueftlay the 18th F«bmar> B«it,

irr papera prepared. Jackaon tccanliag- fled at the Geaeral'* *alc«,aad after

en(]Birinc if hit name was Bogarda*,e*mmv- oicated the aator* and object of hia visit. The geajtral received him very politely.aod pro­ ceeded at once lo enter npon thebatineaa be- foro them. Mr .Livingcton, aa he ityled, him- self, eipreaaed the greateet solicitude respect­ ing the validity of the title, and requested the General to have th* record* examined, that Uiere might be "no mistake" la regard to it. Thia wa* Komieed, and it was ariang-

y ahouTd meet ated that they Mr. Hip'* bouseat 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and close the nvxtter. At the time tpeeineil, the Geonrai

ired to Mr. Kip's. After waiting about lrove ap in a ay he had oc­

(aid, to the whom he ex­


repaired to Mr. Kips half ail hour, Mr. L

I'omitted by theUle pert of Mr. Orittonden'a

-IVtfere tin* motion WM finally act "~jr«Batler, of Hhelby. another Clay

' the roll ahotild he called en tHe nima of fie Speaker

mngg, and apolecired fo casioned, which waa owio baence of Mr. McCarthy 7 pected to receive the porchae* mooey tated that Mr. McCarthy had notyatarrivad when he had left, but that he weald rid* back and se* if he was at home, sad rot urn IB a few minutes. Ho had requested Mr. Mc­ Carthy to draw the money, (he a**),) and Bak­ ed. in caae b« had nut dona ao, whether the check* of that gentleman would bo received a%OBB>el«sH. Mr. Kiu ana wared ia the aftr-

him. If he brought chock*,matire, anil

_,_i calUd end aaM.he' vote for

A total reverelon of all tfr* procatillngt! At rli* ro4oeat of "irie. Batter was ab'.ut to reduce hia

i wrUimj, bat Mr. Live Insisted up- * ' ' r-wpoa hi* motion which

id ta nniuiioouiiy mil

| at

'agreed' ftppirturd \n\\\ tho hatlnts

Hnca taktni but Mr. Speak-(ICC.

tlist he wbala' have foat, bat 'neither

sathitt tf-daj, at••Mm**

he wished him to bring one for BWOO a«d tho 4ther for 2^000. Mr. Lltingatop retired, anil wai absent alx>ut long eaotagh to go aad transact auch a bnsinesa and retarn. L

When he entered, he handed th* two check* parportlng to be drawm by Dennis McCarthy, MylnK that Mr. MeC. had omitted to draw tho money Irom thtrBenk, bit aeuitmasod It woatd make no dlBerence. Mr. Kip, on look* ing at the ehecktand notidag thaktme waa drawn for 87,900, remarked «a>-m*ro w«r, g»00 more than th* sum sa^aasT**)! to wUch he replieil, "Yes, I wan^^nleave the cttv in the morning, and shmrld b* plotted to hato.

iva me thataWfcrenee, »f you can eonvo- irfcip taid that ho had not tha

n't by Km. and after aom* coovertBtle*. - d to acc*mm*dito to gaod xy-

if ho know Mr. Jadd. ha laaghed very hearti­ ly, and teemed highly amaeed at hir own ro- triipietof the circ«mstaaco* attending that

Thothroo indietmenta ok wttlch thoprtaon- or ha* boom convicted, will enable the Court to toad him to Sine-Sing, and protect th* community against hi* depredation* for a po- riod of ftftoen years. We learn Jk§t h* waa convicted in Sept. 1824. of aviiBular of­ fence*, and waa then adjadged toBwTOpriton- od, oo each conviction, ia the State Priaoo. for tha term of six years. Having served faithfully ait yeara, he waa considered from his ublfonn good behaviosjr, as anitahlacan. didate for the tender mercje* of the Execu­ tive, and accordingly the remainder of hit oentence was remitted.

Captain Denyse, of tho ecWoonerMeryAr. cher, from PMTadelphia, arrived at New York aiates, that he put into Little Ega^fJtarboaron the. 13th intk where, during the We gale, th* followina: vsssels drove aahoroi 8chrs. Cai«line| Bold Comismnder, witli loaaof rnd- der, and both topmaatii) .aloop C«mat, tloop Abigal. deck washed off and totally lost capUia supposed drowned. Friday night, io the storm, *ix men started in three Uial* to go AIT to their vessels) one ol the boats with 3 black men in it, reached ene of the vessels) the other four men ond thr two bnatt had not been hranl from when Captain Dcnvte tailed from Rgg Htrbour The schooner Mary Ann and one other schooner, whose name t* not recollected, and sloop Ireland were the only vesaels oat of 19 or 10 anil, that rod* out the gal* at their anchor*. The 'schooner Baltic drove up Into-th* woods, and the schooner Rntcrarne drove M the marsh sotne distance The tide rose six feet over the meadows hijrh- er than bad been known for years, and washed away part of th* foundation* from the ho****.

FIRE AND ROrJBKRY. On Tuesday night a store in LrtchHeld, near Purgatory Mills, was ban* with all the *-ooda it contain­ ed, valued at BIOOO. A slight Ull of saow had jait tecminAted, and the track of a aun was discovered in th* mail leading to this town. Suspicion wa* thereby excitod that the (Ire was the work of an incendiary, aad the foottcps) w*r* traced four or 0»e miles. or twice th*v diverged into the woods, and then returned to tha road. The peraon who had made them wa* at length found perched upon a fence, by the road side, quietly par- taklatT of thoeo*i*«Bt* of a gin bottle. lie wai apprehended lad brought tn this villa>,e for examination, and although he obstinately re­ laxed to an*wer interrogations, and concealed lia name, there it little doubt that he broke Die tha -store, and aftor.taking what money io could Awl and Mppivlnt; hlmoolf with the

aforesaid. bottU of gm/he let Bro to it. Th* MU* i* about thirty yeara old, middling sta-

.THR PSgSOVAl,of MtH ifro»a««fi, roAeiitina; of * - «U*M <W life. W»««, rattle. kh»»p,

»f lea d^lWi av upward*, tho purchaser 4«ing bond, with ».er»riiy,. with intereat from ih. dale, under trn Hullart. ihe caah'lo be paid. Stle toeootmenc* a* 11'o'clock A! M.


Gvatefcl etc d» »s)toarat»m<s>i tgaHKj l.iaa 01* a naimiusjav paMfe, ahey arr mwrmt wo^irr- ttoaj ahall be wanting in (Miss; attatfaetkwi M hot* who will plea** loft***/ hjaa with Ihtb

commands* . ..WATCHES

Or every datcnniwn earrlalty repaired, amirevery B»*aaaj>a>d (o ivaaretfcer krrpt»( <!««,


sflFVERS for sale a g*n*f*4\_f Oi|4r '""* • • - ••

mithlof 1IBRBBY rrrtify. thjK«.>Mt.h Haal'p. ef

Ano«.^rut>J'l cuuniy^broDchl brfwe me tnbsrrib«r no* of tlw Ilstirei of I!M pesce

In sad for taid county, thl« «X)th ilav i>f Janua ry IBS), Maatray irespaMrn M hit enel* tures, s vtrv dark B4Y OBLDING. cmn< h.eir, abMtnneenha*d«hiih, dark In*, min*. «JM*-awllch i all, and Ka« been utod in, harn***'.

my hind.JOHN

NOTICE.A of jf

th» cnnri ho<i«r incnan

the cllof«t>iiupol>*. on Monil.y lh- T<h djy of March ntf*. f"» "if p»rpo*» "f a*rertainnit; fhe expen- a**a||k*c«univ, aitrl Isyiog Ib* U»y.

. By nrder./ R. J. COWMAN. Clk.

Jajl. tTf ___ im.

NIELHAKT, ''rtaaMit of

0001)8 i* hi* line. OB th* ate* * * >**> bla term*, la wilt A gtaeral tiiiiiBatoi af



Imperial. Old Hyton, Yeeina; HyvonfSuperior Bin- a, Hy«on l*kts>,

China, Cttf and Plain Qlatt, Liver­pool $ Queeniwore, Tin *> Stone Wan.

An aatorlment ofHARDWARE, CUTLERY,Ctutingt, \Vrought and Cut Jtititt, BtTlf CH RAIHIJf S,

Prat. Cracker., Sperm and Cudlet, Sp<Vm Oil.


' .- C3IDBR >&-!'In Bateia, on Dr*«ur\», and {if BotflrA.

> HOUND PLA18TEROf tDpcrior qaaiity. Drifts; igrnt fur lh<- Mrtara,

B*u*rwtia*'< Mill, bjsrn hand, and inlcoit* keeping, a t^nrral sBfblr, He will tell at the Baltimore Prices, »d-llag thr freight.'

Of every Hfirrtp'ion madr » .-nj-r.CH "tN'ra LRlVoKRS. JOUBN tLS. andRKCORD BuOK9.**it*b]>- f*« public oalaem

BOOXVUfDZKOBieeatrd in iht- inutt approved maoa»r.

Dec 9 . <*

_ LAST NOTICE.A LI. u< rwMis imlvbiwl to Ihe nlale of George

»* fthxi, d»era«ed, are rrqui-atwl to make ptymtal on or b»for« Iho lit <i*y of March n'Xl a« suiia will po«ili**ly to fiastilaled » /TirfMaf aafavrseiM Indebted, who Mglott this i.eikot.

Jnhn M. Rnblnann,

T tl \Tthrtabtcribtr hit obtsineJ data tho, O phtns co«rt of Anne Arun'lfl fMmiy

shorllMler* tetltmefitvy on Ihf p-'tottl **-, tat* of Mr. George WtIK late of «4iil eswnlv, decetx-d. AM yeraoas hiving claim* atili-tt lh» aiid rotate, are dotlred to present ih«m, pntperly authenticated, tad lltO'e who are in­ debted 'art rfquetted lo auk' payment. .


Brown , Ef *


Osjr »ewftrmsd latt eveola* by * g*nU«a»

that an mJ« had b. *.*

rtaaam Oen. Bogard.ii to kfw the dJiaroaoo,

*re, aandjy hair, anil quite decatitly clad iav a saitof bomotfun, with bright buttons. It ap- >aar* that be hit (wen founglni; about thia j*n»«a*d vkmlty, without any occupation, for some time. U U thought hit nam* Is Jordan, and that be U a State Fritoa arodutto.


INLET.Barter. wW

atimtdyHook, that an felt* ha4 b^. ** *«** *f tUotmthermottpartof the High Ittftda, U

Ever, s*d tkaT^haW, tisW feet

10th Januar? 1131. Thnthlt Ayr** * Tliemts Lylle and other*. flpMBub^fets i»f the bill filed In Unseat* are 1- lu nbula a diorr* lo vacAsi certain bills nf

alf a^d cvBveyances of crimp pn>prrly io <ai<l bill speciaid, from ThoiloTLyilc, senior, d*ccj«nl, lo Tiiomai Lylle, jaalur, on the |nwnd of fraud and want ef contkUralioa, mil ! mak* the property In said bill* of sal* and conveyance* mmtiuard arcouiilahlc to ihe «iil Th'ima* ^yre* for ihe payment of a c«r lain Judgment which the »at<l Ayrea bad against ihe said Thetni* I.Ttle, senior, before his d-tih, and txtlure the said cnovey*ncea. The Jmljmenl waa rvmvered la Raliimere enaaly onuri. and the a*ld proprrty conveyed, csntlkl- rd of la* perannal proptrty nf Ihe said Thomas Lyit* l seninr. a«<l a tract of land, or a claim ! a tract nf Unit. The bill. «vilh aa amend­ ment of law earn*, and certain aboeqaaal pro rmllngtofrrvivur. triew that Nathan Lylls, lh>u«a* Ly'lr, ami William B. Lytlr, are ne- cra-aiy parlies lo said Mill *nd petition Ills- ly ftlnl In ibis ca»* shew that they reaHU h*- ynnil ihe jurisdiction ef lh« coart. Whereap- mi it is on this tenth dty »f January ISIM.od judjt I ami ordered, thai the oomvlaiaaBS by tautlng a «M>y of this order to b* Inavrtrd In eirh <A 'hr*e |aee*Mlve week* in an* of the

prialed in Annapolie, hefor* the of Vebraary nr«l, give niitlca la Iht

ab«eal defendants of the substance and ob ject «f MM! bill, thai they »ay be waraeil to ap- peai in Ihla cejtKt it) ptr*«a or by »*licltor, en *«Bof*nta4lB*ba*T*f Miy n«it. IB ;

a deoro* sheald 0*4 ptJa* at

BE!i*l\FOR 8AUBTUB latge anii coti>mi>diou> li.. k

Dwellim HIIU<*. in iK« c'rv ->f Annapolit. brlon^mi to C. B<rnie. V«|. and Isirly occupied by Col John 0< ne. KM to be given trofiediately Xo' teni,*

pply to h* tulHcriber. llnot; in ABn«p-ili'-. Yr __ HBNRY MAYNAU1KB. Jen.IS

IVih JiaaaryThomas dfvm vs. WlUUm


OROERKO. That the **le wJal bjr J. J. 8perd, rraeloe for Ihe «ale of eeftsln r*«l

«xal« that- brloogeil io th* UcfretUni* in , caae as slatrd in (hi* report, *hail b* ralilcdl and eii&Brmrd. unlesa ra**c lo the c«*traiy bo shewn btfor* the I Oth dair of Mirih P««t. pro* tidrd'-a copy *f 'hi* order or in»crud 'hre* Bcce**ive weeks in Ihe Maryland Oaoilr, be­ fore the llthday of FtbrBsry neat. Ih» it- port ttatt* (hat the stwi land sold far four hun­ dred tod thirty lf« dollars.

Tra* cupy.Test, .RAtdBVt tftATRRg, akg Car. Cab

BY vlna« of a Deere* of the It^h Cmjttv Cbanceir of Msrylaod, th* *a4eiBi«*M .

aaTrutl*., will Ofer at P.WIr*.,«u« M i*w^ <*• «4/*-7 •/ *+*.1(51. *t-«l«*on o'dawlu A. M.

All th," par. af a ^_^ U*U«)«H vtr.a ail I

Page 16: Legislature of Maryland. - MD-SOAR





* S'

^ ».








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