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Lawless Scriptupdate

Apr 12, 2018



Kooffreh Udok
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  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate






  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate













  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    EP"S#DE #$E

    SCE$E 1 "$T% &'S% E("T"&")S 'ES"DE$CE DA*

    T+E D##' (E,, '"$-S%

    E("T"&" 'US+ES "$T# T+E .EE, /U'$"S+ED0,""$- '##&

    Ebitimi: 2ust a minute%

    E("T"&" #PE$S T+E D##'%

    Ebitimi: Ureh3 ")4e been e5pecting 6ou7 come in7

    Ureh: -ood e4ening Aunt6 Ebitimi%

    Ebitimi: So what did the doctor sa68

    Ureh: +e said9 it)s t6phoid and he;.hispering? Thie4es at this hour o= the da68

    Ureh: >.hispering? Aunt6 ")m scared%

    Ebitimi: Sa6 Psalm !@ in 6our mind and;

    P#U$D"$- #/ T+E D##' (E-"$S A-"A"$%

    Ureh: " thin we should open the door%

    Ebitimi: +e or all those people can)t get in9 there is a burglar6 proo=Ureh: *ou did loo in when " came in;

    D##' "#,E$T,* #PE$S A$D S,A& #$ .A,,%

    DA.A'"7 /A"',* (U",T ,##K"$- T.E$T"S+7 'US+ES "$ ('A$D"$S+"$- A


    Dawari: .h6 didn)t 6ou open the door; >S,APS &'S% E("T"&"?

    &rs% Ebitimi: Ah33; Pleasetae what 6ou want7 don)t harm us3

    Dawari: Shut up3 ,ie down =lat3 And don)t loo up e5cept i= 6ou want to end up blind

    &rs% Ebitimi: Ahh no3

    Dawari: +e63 *ou3

    U'E+ ,##KS UP BUEST"#$"$-,*%

    Dawari: *es 6ou7 small girl7 come here3 ;" said come here9 mo4e or

    DA.A'" ES T# A$D -'A(S U'E+%

    U'E+ (E-"$S T# ST'U--,"$- PUS+"$- T+"$-S T# T+E /,##'%

    Ureh: Aunt6 please don)t let him tae me;Aunt63 Aunt63

    Dawari: Shut up or else ")ll shoot 6our Aunt; &adam7 6ou will hear =rom me soon%

    &ae sure 6ou compl6 or else this will be the last time 6ou see her% &ae nomo4e to =ollow us9 and i= 6ou call the police be sure her co==in is read6


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    DA.A'" D'A-S U'E+ #UT A$D "S BU"K,* /#,,#.ED (* T+E 'EST #/ T+E

    -A$- .+# S,A& T+E D##' AS T+E* DEPA'T%

    CA' E$-"$E C#&ES A,"E /'#& A D"STA$CE% CA' "#,E$T,* SPEEDS #//%

    SCE$E ! "$T &'% TA'"&U)S 'ES"DE$CE DA*

    TA'"&U "S 'EAD"$- ."T+ A +EAD SET #E.' +"S EA'S% +"S +EAD S.A*S

    /'#& S"DE T# S"DE AS +E SEE&S T# (E E$2#*"$- T+E S#U$D%

    .E +EA' /##T STEPS 'U$$"$-%

    &rs% Ebitimi: >#? ,andlord3 ,andlord3

    .E +EA' (A$-"$- #$ T+E D##'%

    &r% Tarimu: >Startled? Eh3 Eh; Sorr6 m6 earphone was in m6 ear; Please ha4e merc6

    on the door " ha4e no plans =or it in the nearest =uture%

    E("T"&" 'US+ES T# A$D #PE$S T+E D##'%

    &'S E("T"&" "S PA$T"$- /'A$T"CA,,*9 PAC"$- "$ A,, D"'ECT"#$S%

    &r% Tarimu: &6 ,o4el6 lad67 so 6ou ha4e decided to honour m6 reuest; >Con=used?

    .h6 are 6ou hopping =rom one =oot to the other8

    Ebitimi: " am =inished

    &r% Tarimu: Ebitimi ha4e a seat and calm down;% That)s better% So what seems to be the


    Ebitimi: Ureh has been idnapped%

    &r% Tarimu: >,aughs? &6 dear 6ou worr6 too much% " saw her waling out with her

    bo6=riend% Some o= his =riends were waiting in =ront o= 6our door% " saw her

    struggling with him but ")m too old to inter=ere in 6oung lo4ers suabble

    &rs% Ebitimi: >Disappointed? *ou saw them and 6ou re=use to help her% +e is not her

    bo6=riend% E4en a dea= man would ha4e heard that she was calling =or help

    &r% Tarimu: &6 earpiece was in m6 ear;.hat nonsense% .ho could ha4e been that

    stupid to commit a crime in m6 house% The person wants to spoil the goodwill

    m6 name Tarimu has brought to m6 tenants " better in=orm the police%

    &rs% Ebitimi: Aah3 &r% Tarimu please don)t the6 said the6 would ill her i= " called the


    &r% Tarimu: .hen dealing with criminals the best thing to do is do the opposite o= whatthe6 sa6%

    &rs% Ebitimi: $ot when a li=e is in4ol4ed

    &r% Tarimu: So what did the6 steal8

    &rs% Ebitimi: $othing9 the6 onl6 too Ureh%

    &r% Tarimu: >,aughs? +onestl6 " thin that girl planned it% Surel76 i= the6 were thie4es

    the6 could ha4e taen 6our ewelries% *ou)4e got assorted designs o= gold and

    sil4er trinets to mention but a =ew

    &rs% Ebitimi: She was scared9 couldn)t 6ou see the distress on her =ace8

    &r% Tarimu: Trust me children o= nowada6s are born with talent =or acting especiall6 when

    it)s =or the bene=it o= spending time with the opposite se5 >Drawing? Come7

    come m6 dear lets go into m6 house and we)ll go to a place onl6 lo4ers go


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    &rs% Ebitimi: >Angr6? "nstead o= tr6ing to sol4e the problem at hand 6ou are looing =or who

    will satis=6 6our desire% *ou better loo =or the ladies o= the night% ")m going%

    &r% Tarimu: ")m sorr6% Please do sit still;#a6 let)s sa6 she was reall6 idnapped7 what

    can 6ou honestl6 do i= " remember correctl68 *ou ust paid =or her rent last

    wee% .e)re did 6ou get the mone68

    &rs% Ebitimi: Are 6ou accusing me o= being in4ol4ed in a shad6 business8&r% Tarimu: $o7 but i= this gets out o= hand 6ou)ll be answering worse uestions% So let)s

    ust sa6 6ou are practicing; "s she related to 6ou and where did 6ou get the

    mone6 to rent a sel=contained =or a 6oung girl8


    &r% Tarimu: ,oo ")m not the bad gu6 here am tr6ing to help% "= " can)t call the police at

    least let)s brainstorm7 we ma6 come up with a plan to sa4e her%

    &rs% Ebitimi: >Taes a deep breath? " suppose 6our right% The mone6 came =rom ,6dia


    &r% Tarimu: >"mpressed? The ,6dia8&rs% Ebitimi: *es7 the ,6dia7 Commissioner #depho)s wi=e% She said Ureh is related to her

    and that " should help her get settled ust to tae her SSCE e5am% A=ter which

    the girl will be gone% That)s wh6 the rent is =or onl6 a 6ear%

    &r% Tarimu: (ut wh6 didn)t she let the girl remain in her =ormer school8

    &rs% Ebitimi: " ne4er tr6 to understand the rich and =amous%

    &r% Tarimu: The shouldn)t ha4e been le=t on her own

    &rs% Ebitimi: She)s not7 that)s wh6 she was put in m6 care

    &r% Tarimu: (ut she could li4e with 6ou in 6our twobedroom =lat% *our children are not

    bac =rom boarding school

    &rs% Ebitimi: And end up depleting m6 resources% This brainstorm6 isn)t woring7 ")m

    going to m6;

    A P+#$E '"$-S%

    Tarimu stares at &rs% Ebitimi

    &rs% Ebitimi: >Alarmed? "t)s =rom Ureh%

    &r% Tarimu: Could be she)s bac%

    &rs% Ebitimi: +ello;

    "$TECUT SCE$E ! ."T+ SCE$E !(


    Dawari: ,isten and listen care=ull67 " want Three million $aira to;

    &rs% Ebitimi: .here will " ;

    Dawari: Keep uiet when " tal% Don)t spea unless " as 6ou to

    &rs% Ebitimi: >&urmuring acceptance? &mh3

    Dawari: " want Three million $aira% *ou ha4e three da6s% "n three da6s time ")ll tell

    6ou how it)s to be deli4ered%

    DA.A'" PUTS T+E P+#$E T# U'E+)S EA'%


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Ureh: Aunt6 help3 +elp3

    DA.A'" S,APS U'E+9 U'E+ /A,,S T# T+E -'#U$D A$D 'US+ES T# STA$D


    Dawari: Shut up3 Twat3

    U'E+ (E-"$S T# SC'EA&%

    Ebitimi: >SC'EA&"$-? Please don)t hurt her;

    P+#$E CA,, E$DS A('UPT,*

    Ebitimi: The6 are asing =or Three million $aira%

    &r% Tarimu: "t)s not surprising% That)s what the range is on the $ews

    &rs% Ebitimi: " better in=orm her aunt7 ,6dia%

    SCE$E @ EGT (US+ '#AD DA*

    T+E '#AD "S (US* ."T+ E+"CU,A' A$D PEDEST'"A$ T'A//"C%

    DA.A'" "S ST'U--,"$- T# &AKE A CA,,%

    Dawari: >Sternl6? " belie4e 6our name is Ureh8

    Ureh: *es%

    Dawari: "n 6our best interest do not pla6 such stunts o= tr6ing to be smart% The ne5t

    time 6ou interrupt me or re4olt against me these bullets will =ind themsel4es in

    6our bod6

    Ureh: .here are 6ou taing me to8

    Dawari: *ou ha4e ears but9 but it seems the6)re connected to 6our mouth; gu6s tie

    her hands behind her and gag her mouth; -et down%

    T+E -A$- A,"-+TS /'#& T+E CA'%

    Dawari *ou too%

    DA.A'" S"-$A,S T+E 'EST #/ T+E -A$-%

    T+E #T+E'S D'A- U'E+ D#.$%

    Ureh: $o7 please7 " won)t tal again7

    Dawari: compl6; (oss must ha4e switched o== his phone; Alright7 ")m going to

    dri4e until " can =ind a clearing% *ou gu6s tae her to the hideout7 eep her

    gagged and bound until " get bac%

    DA.A'" D'"ES #//%

    SCE$E F EGT 2U$-,E DA*

    T+E 2U$-,E "S A,"E ."T+ T+E S#U$DS #/ C'"CKETS7 #.,S A$D #T+E'C'EATU'ES%


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    &r% Tarimu: ,i=e and death8 "t)s not =or these hooligans called idnappers

    Ebitimi: $o3 .h6 would " want to gi4e them mone68

    &r% Tarimu: So what is it =or8

    Ebitimi: "t)s a woman)s a==air9 ind o= embarrassing

    &r% Tarimu: .h6 would " gi4e 6ou such mone69 " mean tenants shouldn)t borrow =rom

    their landlords8 (ut i= 6ou and " were =riendsthat would be an appreciablescenario%

    Ebitimi: *ou are not gi4ing7 it)s lending; (esides i= " don)t li4e past this month

    because o= this mone6 6ou would ha4e to chase m6 corpse

    &r% Tarimu: -od =orbid; (ut " don)t ha4e /i=t6 in the house7 ust thirt6 thousand9 ")ll

    gi4e 6ou the complete mone6 tomorrow%

    Ebitimi: $o please7 gi4e me the thirt6 " ha4e some mone6 with me% ")ll gi4e 6ou the

    mone6 be=ore the wee runs out%

    &r% Tarimu: >,aughs? Ebi7 Ebi7 6ou now ")ll do an6thing =or 6ou%

    Tarimu mo4es in tr6ing to touch &rs Ebitimi9 she slowl6 e4ades his ad4ances%

    SCE$E I EGT '#AD DA*

    A TAG" ST#PS AT A DESE'T 2U$CT"#$%

    TA'-ET 'A"SES +"S +EAD /'#& (E+"$D T+E (US+ES% A$D (E-"$S A

    E("T"&" A,"-+TS /'#& T+E TAG" A$D (E-"$S T# .A,K D#.$ T+E '#AD

    E("T"&" .A,KS D#.$ T+E '#AD ,##K"$-

    Target: >STE'$,*? Don)t turn3 .al straight along the bush path%

    Ebitimi: >ATTE&PT"$- T# ,##K (ACK? "s Ureh sa=e8

    Target: >PUS+"$- E("T"&" LS +EAD? " said loo =orward3

    Ebitimi: (ut but; +ere is the mone63

    Target: &o4e3

    TA'-ET -U"DES E("T"&" #// T+E '#AD%

    SCE$E I( EGT (US+ DA*

    TA'-ET A''"ES ."T+ E("T"&" AT .+E'E DA.A'" A$D T+E 'EST #/ +"S

    C'E. A'E .A"T"$-%

    Dawari: Stop3 Close 6our e6es%

    DA.A'" (,"$D/#,DS &'S E("T"&"%

    Ebitimi: +ow can " see; what ah3

    Dawari: Buiet3 The blind=old is =or our securit6% "= 6ou came with an6one consider the

    person dead%

    Ebitimi: " came with no one%

    Dawari: -ood =or 6ou; &o4e gentl6% ")ll guide 6ou%


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate



    A (,"$D/#,DED E("T"&" .A,KS CAUST"#US,* AS DA.A'"7 TA'-ET A$D T+E

    #T+E' A'&ED -A$- &E&(E'S /#,,#. +E'%

    Dawari: Stop; 'emo4e the blind=old =rom her e6es

    TA'-ET 'EES T+E (,"$D/#,D /'#& &'S E("T"&"S%

    Dawari: The mone6;

    E("T"&" +A$DS #E' A$D E$E,#P%

    Dawari: Target7 count the mone6%

    Ebitimi: .here is Ureh8

    Dawari: Shut up3 *ou ha4e no right to tal or as o= her

    Ebitimi: (ut ")4e paid the ransom%

    Dawari: >,aughs uncontrollabl6? *ou)re uite stupid% The ransom is Three million$aira% /i=t6 thousand is =or ,ogistics%

    A (A(* (E-"$S T# C'*%

    Dawari: Sword bring the child%

    S.#'D STEPS UP ."T+ A (A(* .'APED "$ A C,#T+%

    DA.A'" C#,,ECTS T+E (A(* A$D +A$DS "T T# E("T"&"

    Dawari: /eed the bab63

    Ebitimi: +ow8

    Dawari: *ou)re a woman9 6ou)4e got breasts9 =eed her3

    Ebitimi: ")m not a nursing mother%

    Dawari: .hat has nursing to do with this8 2ust put 6our breast in its mouth and;

    Ebitimi: The child9 don)t re=er to the bab6 as it%

    Dawari: *ou ha4e the ner4e to correct me8

    Ebitimi: ")m sorr6% (ut " can)t =eed her% ")m not a nursing mother% .here is the


    Dawari: The mother has not complied%

    Ebitimi: >"n disbelie=? *ou;6ou;6ou mean 6ou idnapped her8

    Dawari: /or ransom 6es;Sword bring the things

    S.#'D P'#DUCES A (A- A$D E&PT"ES "TS C#$TE$TS #/ T"$S7 P,ATE7 SP##$

    KEEP #$ TA(,E

    Dawari: Prepare a meal =or her3

    Ebitimi: That)s not possible%

    Dawari: That)s pap7 powdered mil7 liuid mil% She re=uses to eat an6thing% 2ust

    mae her eep uiet

    Ebitimi: She)s too 6oung =or 6ou to be separated =rom her mother% These da6s babies

    are =ed strictl6 on breast mil% The mil 6ou bought is =or adults not in=ants%

    +er temperature is high% "= 6ou don)t return the bab6 she will die%Dawari: Damn3 Damn3 .hat a mess3


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Dawari is seated in a dar corner o= the diml6 lit room7 looing troubled%

    Dawari: >#? That is how m6 things alwa6s turn out% " idnap people and their

    relations don)t pa6% E4en the bab6 has been abandoned% Am " to return the

    child or =ace the child)s blood on his hands8

    +e ne5t morning he goes to his boss Perezi

    Perezi: Dawari which one 6ou eep =ace lie person whe6 him papa die8

    Dawari: (oss there is a problem% &6 mother is in the hospital% " new it9 " shouldn)t

    ha4e become a idnapper% An6time m6 mother pra6s9 no matter how long it

    taes9 -od answers% She use to pra6 that -od should protect innocent people

    =rom idnappers and that -od should do to the idnappers what +e wishes

    Perezi: Shut up% $o us) come =all m6 morale7 wetin idnap get to do 6our mama =or


    Dawari: &6 brother Tupele was idnapped7 she got the shoc% Do 6ou realize i=

    an6thing happens to her ")ll become the breadwinner8 ")m ust in m6 second6ear% " thought we were the onl6 people in this business;% "= -od would ust

    set m6 brother =ree " promise to repent =rom this business

    Perezi: See am7 $shi man% .hen " thie= come7 6ou go chop clean mouth% .hen "

    thie= idnap bring =or 6ou7 6ou go chop clean mouth%Two wees done pass

    6ou ne4er bring shicom;sha m6 bo6s catch one waste pipe dis morning him

    name na Tupele% The bo6 pao pass me% Common =i4e naira no de6 him

    pocet% So -od =it done answer 6our pra6er% (ut be=ore 6ou resign7 i= 6ou =it

    resign mae sure sa6 6ou return dat picin%

    Dawari: (ut7 but how will i;

    Perezi: >Angr6? *ou de6 crase8 $a me bring am8 As 6ou carr6 thie= the picin mae

    6ou carr6 lie that unthie= or missthie= am;whe6 de girl whe6 6ou bin tal


    Dawari: (ullet9 bring the girl in

    (ullet escorts Ureh9 whose head is bowed down%

    Perezi: >Surprised and Angr6? .etin be dis8

    U'E+ ,##KS UP "$ SU'P'"SE%

    PE'EO" ,##KS AT U'E+ A$D TU'$S T# STA'E AT DA.A'"

    Perezi: .hich in) mumu 6ou be se=8 *ou not =it catch Ae8 $a hard core pao 6ou

    go catch3

    PE'EO" S,APS DA.A'"%

    Dawari: Ah3 .h6 did 6ou slap me8

    Perezi: Common remo4e that cloth =or her mouth% Kidnap ae ne5t time7 all pao na

    m6 indred% *ou no now sa6 this girl =it tie one hand =or bac beat 6ou8 $a

    she be Bueen >Dubber man? =or m6 area% *ou get luc sa6 6ou carr6 gun she

    =or beat nonsense commot =or 6a head;ha3 #h girl which one 6ou de loo

    lie -banwu% Abi no be Ureh< no =le5ing8Ureh: Dobber man% Perezi7 6es it)s me Ureh% ")m so happ6 to see 6ou3


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Perezi: Come sit down;6our bod6 de6 hot%

    Ureh: " ha4e t6phoid but ")ll be oa6 as soon as " can go home and tae m6 drugs%

    Perezi: As 6our aunt6 come carr6 6ou na him 6ou turn to lad67 oh girl 6ou no e4en sa6

    mae 6ou come see 6our men dem%

    Ureh As the6 sa69 "t)s a long stor6%

    SCE$E N "$T &'S% E("T"&")S +#USE $"-+T

    Ureh is cleaned and curled up on the couch with a plate o= =ood%

    Ebitimi enters with a boo%

    Ebitimi: Than -od =or 6our release7 but Ureh;

    Ureh: " won)t stab Perezi in the bac% +e sa4ed m6 li=e%

    Ebitimi: *ou)4e got to in=orm the police o= their hideout%

    Ureh: *ou said the6 also too 6ou there wh6 don)t 6ou tell them8

    Ebitimi: " was blind=olded;Ureh i= 6ou don)t tell the police the whereabouts o= thosepeople the death o= that child will be on 6our head and will hurt 6ou =or the

    rest o= 6our li=e

    Ureh: Alright3 ")ll describe the route but 6ou)ll be the one to tell the police% Perezi

    nows me and will sa6 " was his accomplice% $obod6 doublecrosses an6one

    where " come =rom

    SCE$E 1J "$T E("T"&")S +#USE DA*

    'adio: The go4ernment said that e4er6 one is to eep their en4ironment clean% There

    will be housetohouse inspection% De=aulters will be prosecuted% "n another

    stor67 the police ha4e arrested nine suspects who are alleged to be the

    idnappers terrorizing the neighbourhood% The leader o= the gang Perezi

    nown as The (oss< is still at large% The police ha4e sworn to trac him

    down% The good news is that bab6 2anet has been =ound and is recei4ing

    treatment% The dancing competition o=;

    E("T"&" TU'$S #// T+E 'AD"#%

    Ureh: #h Aunt6 Ebitimi; " wanted to listen to the announcementEbitimi: Did 6ou tip Perezi about the police8

    Ureh: *ou are the one that told them the direction how would " tip him8 " wasn)t


    Ebitimi: *ou could ha4e called him on phone or sent word to him% Did 6ou8;Ureh;

    Did 6ou8

    SCE$E 11 "$T P#,"CE STAT"#$ DA*

    Dawari: .ell7 " didn)t now at the time; how did 6ou manage to get permission to see

    me8Kperin: Dad)s =riend assisted me% +e said it)s =or old time sae


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Dawari: (ut he hasn)t come to see me

    Kperin: .ho would want to be associated with 6ou now8 &um is still in hospital%

    ")m not e4en going to tell her% Dad has gone to the great be6ond% " don)t want

    her to =ollow% *ou idnapped other peoples lo4ed ones7 6ours was idnapped9

    the bible does not lie% Those who ill b6 the sword will die b6 the sword% Do

    unto others what 6ou would wish be done to 6ou% That)s what we)4e beentaught all our li4es%

    SCE$E 1! "$T U'E+)S '##& $"-+T

    P+#$E '"$-S

    U'E+ 'US+ES "$ ."T+ A T#.E, '#U$D +E' (#D* A$D P"CKS T+E P+#$E

    Ureh: +ello

    Perezi: +ello7 Ureh nah me Perezi

    Ureh: >.+"SPE'"$-? Are 6ou craz67 " warned 6ou not to contact me

    Perezi: " us) wan tell 6ou than 6ou as 6ou sa4e m6 li=eUreh: >+U''"ED,*? #a67 6ou)re welcome7 b6e%

    Perezi: #) girl cool down% &ae 6ou show =or hideout% " get betta deal we6 6ou go


    Ureh: ")m not interested in idnapping

    Perezi: " don change bisiness7 mae 6ou os show

    Ureh: An6thing 6ou thin7 ")m sure it)s not legal

    Perezi: "= we sa6 legal ee go be legal% &ae 6ou os show

    Ureh: Perezi but 6ou;

    P+#$E CA,, E$DS


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    EP"S#DE T.#


    .elcome to Episode Two o= ,awless% The stor6 so =ar7 Ureh had been idnapped but was

    sa4ed b6 Perezi who was one o= the idnappers% Ureh tipped Perezi that the police would

    storm their hide out% This led to Perezi)s escape% Perezi in4ites Ureh to oin in a business that

    would mae them rich% 'ela5 and listen as the stor6 continues% At Ureh)s house

    SCE$E 1@ "$T U'E+)S +#USE DA*

    Ureh: Awongo7 " still thin 6ou should be contented with what 6ou ha4e

    Awongo: "t)s eas6 =or 6ou sa6% *ou)4e got rich relations that gi4e 6ou mone6

    Ureh: *es but e4er6bod6 has to carr6 his or her cross% There is a secret in m6 =amil6%

    " don)t now m6 =ather and e4er6bod6 a4oids the subect lie a taboo%Awongo: .hat has that got to do with being rich8

    Ureh: "t)s a cross% " carr6 mine7 6ou carr6 6ours%

    P+#$E '"$-S

    Ureh: +ello%

    Perezi: >#n phone? $a me Perezi7 6ou no wan show again8

    Ureh: .e agreed to meet !pm it)s ust =i4e minutes pass one%

    Perezi: #h girl time no de67 start to de come% &one6 de6 inside the business well7


    Ureh: " hope it)s not the ind o= mone6 that will haunt me%Perezi: Come =irst%

    P+#$E CA,, E$DS

    Awongo: Can " cut in no this deal8

    Ureh: "t probabl6 will not be something =or a gentle man%

    Awongo: &6 rent is e5piring ne5t month9 " won)t be a gentleman then% ")ll become a

    desperate homeless man%

    Ureh: *ou)re the cause o= 6our problem9 6ou shouldn)t ha4e brought the car% The

    sa4ings was =or 6our rent wasn)t it8

    Awongo: Please don)t remind me it)s bad enough that " bought an o4erused car thatresembles a matchbo5 when m6 mates are dri4ing 2eeps% ")ll do an6thing to

    change m6 status% .h6 do 6ou thin " eep coming to 6our room instead o=

    in4iting 6ou to mine8

    Ureh: Tell me ")m all ears

    Awongo: ,andlord eeps coming to m6 door e4er6 other minute% ")4e not gi4en him the

    chance to see me%

    SCE$E 1F int AKU$$A)S +#USE


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate



    At Aunna)s 'esidence

    S/G: K$#CK #$ D##'

    Aunna: .ho be dat8

    Ureh: Aunna it)s me Ureh7 is Perezi at home8

    S/G: D##' #PE$S

    Aunna: .ish one 6ou de6 call our name lie sa6 6ou de6 do roll call% *ou no now

    sa6 Perezi de lie low =or m6 house mae police no catch am

    Perezi: Aunna li4e am mae eem come in7 de English done commot her sense; who

    be dat8

    Ureh: +e is a =riend ; m6 =riend

    Perezi: " tell 6ou sa6 " want third part67 o= cause i= 6ou doublecross me 6ou nownow

    Ureh: This is m6 =riend Awongo and these are m6 brothers in the ghetto be=ore we

    parted wa6s9 Perezi and Aunna

    Awongo: ")m pleased to meet 6ou

    Perezi: #6a sit dan mae we tal business% Ee get pipe we6 we =it get crude oil and

    petrol sell% " get person we6 wan bu6%

    Ureh: ")m not going with 6ou

    Perezi: " no sa6 mae 6ou come7 " need mone6 to bu6 better 2errican =or petrol

    Ureh: Crude oil and petrol in the same place8

    Perezi: " no be mumu7 na =or di==erent 4enue7 one =or near ri4er% " hear sa6 de worers

    bin deh weld pipe when the ting e5plod% Their =ire brigade come uench am

    since that time them ne4er repair am9 the other side de6 =or boundar6

    Awongo: Are 6ou taling o= mouta

    Perezi: $a dear

    Awongo: *ou can)t be serious9 it)s all o4er the news about people 4andalizing pipes%

    "t)s too ris6

    Perezi: "= ris no de6 how the mone6 wan high

    Aunna: Perezi lea4e the cha== man tal business na who go de6 watch =or us

    Perezi: our Bueen go;

    Ureh: Count me out% " can lend 6ou mone6% *ou can pa6 bac i= 6ou succeed but i=

    6ou get caught7 " ne4er sa6 6ou in m6 li=e%Perezi: Than 6ou " go gi4e 6ou interest

    Aunna: (ut na who go de6 transport the thing put =or boat =or us;Awongo 6ou no

    want mone68

    Awongo: ")d rather not

    SCE$E 1H EGT A.#$-#)S +#USE

    CA' D'"ES "$% CA' D##'S #PE$ A$D C,#SE% CA' D'"ES A.A*

    Ebitimi: Ah3 &r% Tarimu


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    &r% Tarimu: Tarimu7 Tarimu7 no &r%

    Ebitimi: .h6 are 6ou sitting in =ront o= Awongo)s house8

    &r% Tarimu: +e is owing and a4oiding me% " will catch him toda6;Eh welcome m6 lo4e%

    .h6 are 6ou dri=ting awa6 =rom the source o= eno6ment and wealth8

    Ebitimi: " had a hectic da6 at the o==ice% " ha4e brought the mone6 " borrowed% /i=t6

    thousand naira count it&r% Tarimu: " ha4en)t ased 6ou to pa67 there)s more were that came =rom

    Ebitimi: Tae 6our mone6 " borrowed it% ")m returning it

    &r% Tarimu: &6 lo4e =or 6ou is su==ering% *ou seem to sa6 ")ll ne4er get 6our heart% "s m6

    lo4e a waste8

    Ebitimi: .hat 6ou see is not lo4e% *ou see to claim7 to sa4our7 4anuish% (ut lo4e "

    now is patient7 taing no =or an answer7 6et lo4ing still7 eternall6 as she

    remains pure =ore4er% " =ind lo4e these da6s too hard to now% /or now men

    cannot lo4e and wait =or the heart to 6ield7 the6 must ha4e all desires met%

    &r% Tarimu: >,aughs and claps? *ou ne4er told me 6ou had the poet in 6ou% Though the

    words dash m6 hopes7 " reall6;

    AwongoUreh: -ood e4ening sir &r% Tarimu: #= all the time 6ou choose now to come and brea m6 o6% .here is 6our


    Awongo: (ut;but;sir m6 rent e5pires ne5t month

    &r% Tarimu: >Angr6? +ow man6 months are in a 6ear8

    Awongo: ;Twel4e months

    &r% Tarimu: +ow man6 months ha4e 6ou li4ed in m6 house8

    Awongo: Ele4en months and !! da6s sir

    &r% Tarimu: indl6 educate 6oursel=7 how 6ou arri4ed at that

    Awongo: $ine >N? da6s had gone be=ore " paced in% " actuall6 thought 6ou)ll cancel the

    =irst month

    &r% Tarimu: *ou are an ingrate% Cancel7 cancel8 Count what 6ou lie% "n nine da6s time i=

    " don)t see 6our rent in m6 hand7 " will cancel 6ou7 6ou and 6our propert6 out

    o= m6 house% *ou don)t ha4e mone6 but 6ou want a girl=riend% Can 6ou

    maintain her8

    Deri: -ood e4ening sir

    &r% Tarimu: .elcome Deri% Don)t mine these nonentities7 Ureh can)t 6ou imitate Deri

    instead o= =ollowing this;

    Ebitimi: &r% Tarimu7 " thin 6ou should stic to issues concerning rent% That 6our

    children ha4e pri4ilege to li4e in their =ather)s house doesn)t mean the6 are

    well beha4ed% *ou did not go to church to choose them% *ou should be

    compassionate that Awongo has lost his ob7 and still has to attend his P-classes

    &r% Tarimu: +a3 " didn)t e4en now that7 in that case7 m6 house is not =or charit6% "= he

    doesn)t pa6 he will pac% #r 6ou can gi4e him a room in 6our =lat%

    SCE$E 1I int U'E+)S '##&

    Ureh: -osh3 " hate that girl% Deri7 alwa6s beha4ing holier than thouSurprised? so soon


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Perezi: >A$-'*? See3 "= 6ou no =it ust drop now because right now Aunna done go

    prepare things eem =it get person to tae 6our place be=ore tomorrow% *ou still

    wan come8

    Awongo: *es%

    SCE$E 1M EGT A.#$-#)S +#USE $"-+T

    DE'" "S .A,K"$- "$T# T+E C#&P#U$D

    A.#$-#)S D##' #PE$ A$D A.#$-# .A,KS #UT "$ SU"T9 (UT +"S /ACE

    'E-"STE'S APP'E+E$S"#$%

    DE'" ST#PS A$D STA'ES%

    Deri: Awongo good e4ening%

    Awongo: Same to 6ou sister

    Deri: >CU'"#US? *ou loo smashing where are 6ou going7 6ou loo lie somebod6

    going =or an inter4iew or a part68 Are 6ou8 All 6our clothes spell class7 did6ou ust bu6 them toda68 (ut 6our)e sweating so much and 6ou loo worried%

    Are 6ou oa68

    Awongo: .hich o= the uestions is the most pre=erred8

    Deri: .here are 6ou going8

    Awongo: &6 uncle)s place9 now i= 6ou)ll e5cuse me ")ll be on m6 wa6%

    Deri: *ou could at least wait and cool o=% This 6our uncle9 are 6ou =rightened o=

    him because 6ou loo scared%

    Awongo: Deri7 Deri please tae a breath%

    SCE$E 1N "$T AKU$$A)S +#USE $"-+T

    Perezi: Aunna where 6ou eep the torch% Put the batter6 inside;%>SU'P'"SED?

    wetin be dis% >,AU-+S? Aunna come see something%

    Awongo: .hat did " do

    Aunna: >(E-"$S T# ,AU-+? where 6ou thin sa6 6ou de go8

    Perezi: *ou hear noc =or leg lie sa6 6ou do go collect contract% See the shi=t se=%

    Aunna: *ou no now sa67 6ou =it7 need to run%

    Awongo: " can run7 m6 shoe is com=ortable

    Perezi: Awongo7 " tae -od name beg 6ou dis one no be 2ames (ond =ilm% "= 6ou wan=ollow me 6ou go change that shoe% That shirt 6ou wear 6ou go =it raise 6our

    hand8 Aunna bring m6 can4as =or am and Tshirt

    Aunna: Tae am

    Awongo: -ood ,ord% The can4as is too big

    Perezi: Aunna tear cloth put inside =or am

    AKU$A TEA'S A C,#T+

    Awongo: " can manage the shoe but that Tshirt smells bad%

    Perezi: *ou ne4er see su==er =or 6a li=e% De gramma =or done dubale

    T+E* A,, .A,K #UT #/ T+E +#USE%


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  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Ureh: *ou didn)t e4en tell me 6ou)4e le=t alread6% Are 6ou alright8

    Awongo: *es dear we are on site an ha3

    A.#$-# -'A(S T+E P+#$E A$D T+'#.S "T "$T# T+E (US+ES% "T /A,,S

    "$T# T+E .ATE'%

    Awongo: Perezi3 .h6 did 6ou throw m6 phone into the ri4er8

    Perezi: *ou no de6 hear that na46 patrol8 $a now lo4e 6ou;

    PAT'#, S"'E$S (E-"$ T# SC'EA& 7 EGC+A$-E #/ -U$ /"'E "S +EA'D

    Awongo: >Scared? *ou didn)t tell me it would be this ris6%

    Perezi: *ou be real mumu% *ou no now sa6 when 6ou de6 thie= 6ou suppose now

    sa6 owner de68

    Awongo: *ou said collectors%

    Perezi: Car we6 spoil7 de6 =or road na person get am% Ee no =all =rom hea4en% Carr6

    the other one mae we de6 go bac% Dis place done de6 hot% Ee =it be na46don de6 purshu the hustlers dem% E no good mae onl6 us come de6 here%

    A.#$-# ,"/TS T+E 2E''*CA$ A$D A,ST "&&ED"ATE,* (E-"$S

    ('EAT+"$- DEEP,*%

    Perezi: Kai3 Aunna don Kill me him done run with de =uel

    Awongo: " told 6ou we shouldn)t trust him%

    -U$ S+#TS EC+# AS -U$ /,A'ES /,AS+ "$ T+E DA'K$ESS%

    Perezi: >E5claims? A6iba3 Eh3 'un;=ollow me3

    T+E* (E-"$ 'U$$"$-%

    T+E* /A,, A&"DST S#&E DE('"S A$D .ASTE%

    Awongo: This place smells bad% &mgh3

    Perezi: $a 6a palor be dis8

    Awongo: >/rightened? &ggh3 " ust touch; it)s a sull;ha3 >Spits? it)s a decomposing

    human sull;and bod63

    Perezi: Come on uench the touch 6ou want mae na46 catch us8 *ou ne4er see

    seleton =or cow and orizi ewu8 2ust tae am lie that% +im don die7 him dondie7 im no go stand up ill 6ou;de wa6 " de6 see am we get to =ollow water


    Awongo: The na46

    Perezi: $o be that side we go swim b6 the other side their ship too big ee no go =it

    pass small cree% De bad ting be sa6 i= dem release their small =l6ing boat

    dem% #6a mae 6ou waa =or 6a hand and nee de crawl as " de do

    .E +EA' EGC+A$-E #/ -U$ /"'E9 T+E SP,AS+"$- #/ .ATE' (* SPEED

    (#ATS% T+E S#U$D #/ SPEED (#AT E$-"$E% $"-+T AC#ST"C /'#-S7


    Awongo: " can)t swim3


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    Perezi: Enter water no struggle7 no tal " go hold 6ou ust de6 mo4e 6our leg lie

    paddle inside water%

    Awongo: #a6%

    A.#$-# /#,,#.S PE'EO" CAUT"#US,* "$T# T+E .ATE'%

    PE'EO" -'A(S A.#$-# A$D (E-"$S T# S."& T# T+E #T+E' S"DE%

    Awongo: >S+"E'"$-? "=;i=;" sur4i4e this night ")ll ne4er go bunering

    Perezi: Shh;shh

    .E +EA' S#U$DS #/ D#-S7 APP'#AC+"$-%

    Perezi: >.+"SPE'"$-? &6 -od this people mean business we don die7 na dog them


    Awongo: >ST"/,"$- C#U-+? Co;em

    Perezi: >.+"SPE'"$-? An6thing 6ou do7 mae 6ou no cough;

    A.#$-# $#DS ."T+ -'EAT E//#'T (UT (E-"$S T# C#U-+%

    S#U$DS #/ D#-S A$D STA&PED"$- /EET%

    Perezi: #6a Awongo run3 Dem de come this side

    SCE$E !1 int U'E+)S +#USE night

    /'A$T"C K$#CK"$- #/ D##' (UT $#T ,#UD,*

    Ureh: .ho is there8

    Perezi: Ureh3 $a me Perezi

    Ureh: .hat are 6ou doing here8

    U'E+ ES S,#.,* T#.A'DS A$D #PE$S "T A.#$-# A$D PE'EO" A'E

    ,EA$"$- A$D SBUATT"$- AS T+E* PA$T +EA",*%%

    Ureh: Come in7 m6 -od7 6ou)re bleeding% Awongo7 come in be=ore 6ou =all down

    PE'O" E$TE'S9 U'E+ ,##KS #UTS"DE "$ A,, D"'ECT"#$S A$D C,#SES T+E


    Ureh: .hat happened8

    Perezi: De stor6 long% De short one be sa6 bullet de6 =or the bac o= m6 hand% .e

    get to remo4e am%

    Ureh: " can)t stand the sight o= =lesh wound7 Awongo 6ou do it

    Awongo: ";";

    Perezi: #6a bring ni=e mae " do am;6ou get palm oil8

    Ureh: *es

    Perezi: (ring am7 put another ni=e =or =ire; ehem%% bring mirror;gi4e Awongo

    mae him hold am; To remo4e the bullet 6ou no =it7 to hold common mirror

    6our hand de6 shae% "= " stand up =rom here7 na slap " go tae turn 6ou toman;mmh3


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    S/G: >S#U$D #/ (U,,ET #$ A P,ATE?

    Perezi: .etin be dat8

    Ureh: &eth6lated spirit

    Perezi: ,ea4e am bring the ni=e and palm oil; o6a pour small oil into de side we6the ni=e hot% Then mae 6ou mae am drop inside de wound

    S/G: >S#U$D #/ #", #$ +#T K$"/E +"SS"$-?

    Perezi: Aaah3;

    Ureh: " need some cha== badl6

    Awongo: >"$ D"S(E,"E/? *ou)4e =inished one pacet o= cigarette alread6%

    Ureh: *es " need the stronger one; Perezi do 6ou still ha4e8

    Perezi: #h girl " no de6 gi4e 6ou =ree cha== again i= 6ou need 6ou go pa6%

    Ureh: ")ll pa6 6ou when " get m6 allowance%

    Perezi: " no de6 =or credit maret7 de ting se= de6 =or Aunna house; .etin be timese=

    Ureh: /i4e thirt6 am%

    Perezi: &ae " come de6 go%

    Ureh: *ou can)t go now our landlord will be awae b6 now% Taing his morning

    wal; when it)s da6brea ")ll go to Aunna and get =resh clothes =or 6ou and

    get the cha==

    Perezi: *ou go pa6 =irst%

    Ureh: " don)t ha4e mone6%

    Perezi: Eee get business 6ou =it do this time na woman get power

    Ureh: .hich "s8

    Perezi: " get big men dem we6 wan woman " go connect 6ou7 6ou gi4e me


    Ureh: &e a prostitute ne4er

    Perezi: $o cha==;All the small bo6s 6ou de6 sleep with =or =ree7 time don come to

    mae mone6 6ou wan slac% $ow we6 m6 oil business done =all " no de6 gi4e

    an6thing =or =ree now mone6 =or hand be=ore cha==

    Ureh: Alright ")m in;while 6ou)re here don)t tal too loud% &6 aunt6 or landlord is

    bound to hear 6ou

    Perezi: +a3 Aunna double cross me% "= " catch am eem go regret to now Perezi;

    =ood de6 this house8

    Ureh: ")4e got rice and sardine% ")m reall6 broePerezi: Upon the mone6 dem de6 gi4e 6ou% #h girl 6ou need this new business well7


    Ureh: .hat about A"DS

    Perezi: .hen 6ou reach the bridge 6ou go cross am

    Ureh: ")m not doing it% "t)s too ris6

    Perezi: " de6 gi4e 6ou one wee 6ou go come beg me

    A.#$-# #(SE'ES U'E+ S",E$T,*U'E+8

    U'E+ ,#KS AT A.#$-# A$D ES T# T+E &"''#' A$D STA'E9 S+E S"-+S

    A$D S+AKES +E' +EAD%


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    EP"S#DE T+'EESCE$E !! "$T E("T"&")S +#USE DA*

    T+E 'AD"# STAT"#$ "S P,A*"$- S"-$ATU'E TU$E /#' $E.S

    D##' (E,, '"$-S%

    Ebitimi: Come in the door is not loced3

    T+E D##' #PE$S A$D U'E+ E$TE'S%

    Ureh: Aunt6 good e4ening

    Ebitimi: .here are 6ou coming =rom8 Don)t tell me 6ou were in 6our house because

    ")4e been there se4eral times

    Ureh: " went to the c6ber ca=; eh Aunt6 has m6 Aunt6 ,6dia sent mone68

    Ebitimi: "t)s barel6 two wees 6ou collected mone6

    Ureh: " need it =or registration and to bu6 more boosEbitimi: "= 6ou read all the boos 6ou)4e got alread6 writing 6our 2A&( e5am will be

    a wal in par% Don)t waste 6our breath9 mone6 hasn)t been sent% And don)t

    as me to lend 6ou% "t)s time 6ou start beha4ing responsibl6;

    Ureh: Aunt6 Ebitimi please l;

    Ebitimi: Ureh7 Urehm7 Ureh no no no now be a good girl and allow me to listen to


    SCE$E !@ "$T A.#$-#)S +#USEDA*

    A.#$-# "S EAT"$-%

    Awongo: *ou)re sure 6ou don)t want some8 This is good9 " too time to prepare it%

    Ureh: Awongo " reall6 need the mone6%

    Awongo: /or what8 *ou)re alread6 eaten 6ou could alwa6s come and eat here% *ou

    now " lo4e 6ou%

    Ureh: .hat ind o= lo4e is it that can)t lend me si5 thousand naira8

    Awongo: ")m not sponsoring 6ou to become a drug addict%

    Ureh: "t)s =or m6 school runs%

    Awongo: " would ha4e gi4en 6ou gladl6 but ")4e onl6 sa4ed up ten thousand =rom a

    wee o= hard labour% ")m still short o= se4ent6 thousand naira% ,andlord will

    throw w me out in three da6s time%Ureh: All 6our lo4e does is complain% Show it =or once% -i4e me the Ten thousand


    Awongo: " thought 6ou said three

    Ureh: Three7 ten7 what)s the di==erence8 ")ll pa6 6ou bac 6ou now m6 aunt6 ;

    Aunt6 ,6dia is rich

    Awongo: ")ll gi4e 6ou three thousand

    Ureh: Ten thousand and nothing less% ")m borrowing it3

    Awongo: At least i= we can)t sol4e m6 problem we)ll sol4e 6ours% +ere is the ten


    Ureh: *ou are m6 one true lo4e;eh em 6ou)4e got to lie low =or some time " saw

    Aunna on T7 he was among those caught b6 the $a46


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Awongo: .hat a traged6;=or his sae he better not mention m6 name% ")ll den6 him

    =lat% Than -od no one has seen me in his compan6% +e doesn)t e4en now

    were " li4e% +e probabl6 has =orgotten m6 name%

    SCE$E !F "$T AKU$$A)S +#USE

    K$#CK #$ T+E D##'7 S",E$CE7 C#$T"$U#US /'A$T"C K$#.

    D"A,"$- #/ P+#$E

    Perezi: +ello;

    Ureh: +ello3 Perezi7 where are 6ou8 ")4e been nocing =or the past =i4e mintes

    Perezi: .here 6ou de68

    Ureh: >A$-'*? "n =ront o= Aunna)s house were else

    Perezi: #6a commot =or deer =ast3 (egin come hide out

    Ureh: At this hour8 "t)s;se4entee minutes to ten

    Perezi: *ou de6 =ear8 "= 6ou lie 6ou come i= 6ou no lie7 no come

    SCE$E !H "$T A.#$-#)S +#USE

    .e +EA' A K$#CK #$ T+E D##'%

    A.#$-# STA$DS UP A$D .A,KS T#.A'DS T+E D##'%

    T+E D##' #PE$S A$D TA'"&U E$TE'S%

    Awongo: -ood e4ening sir% +ow was 6our da6 sir8

    &r% Tarimu: Awongo3 Do not decei4e 6oursel=% Call me &r% Tarimu% .e are euals when

    it comes to the pa6ing o= m6 rent% " don)t want an6 e5cuse% " wanted to gi4e

    6ou =air warning% *ou)4e got two da6s le=t


    S/G: KE*S 'ATT,E7 D##' #PE$S

    S/G: /##TS STEPS 'U$$"$-

    Chizi: Awongo3 Awongo3

    Awongo: Chizi7 Chizi m6 gu6 6ou)re right on time7 come in

    Chizi: "t)s lie 6ou ust got bac Awongo: *es7 what can " o==er 6ou8

    Chizi: " wouldn)t dream o= putting an6thing in m6 saturated stomach;what)s wrong

    with 6our phone8

    Awongo: " switched i= o== because o= m6 landlord% ")4e not got the mone6 6et

    Chizi: *ou lost the new ob8

    Awongo: &anual labour7 it)s not a new ob7 it)s temporar6% &6 muscles are begging =or


    Chizi: " ha4e thirt6 thousand7 but 6ou)ll pa6 me bac%

    Awongo: Thans9 can " ha4e it now8

    Chizi: E4en bullion 4ans sometimes dri4e about without a dime in them% The mone6

    is in the ban% +ow much ha4e 6ou made8Awongo: " ha4e =i=teen thousand but let ten thousand to m6 girl=riend


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Ureh: $o7 but ")4e got 6our ten thousand here and an e5tra ten thousand to gi4e 6ou

    >+APP",*? *ou won)t belie4e it% The gu6s Perezi hooed me up with7 are

    generousl6 stiningl6 rich

    Awongo: And 6ou stiningl6 stupidl6 sold 6our bod6 =or =un% Don)t 6ou ha4e sel=

    worth8 -et that mone6 out o= m6 sight

    Ureh: .hat about the ten thousand 6ou ga4e meAwongo: " don)t want an6 mone6 got =rom prostitution; "= 6ou still respect and uphold

    our =riendship this should be the last time 6ou engage in such acti4it6

    Ureh: (ut we)4e got to pa6 the rent

    Awongo: " will pa6 the rent% *ou don)t need to sell 6our bod6 to get mone6% ")m not

    that desperate% ")d rather sleep in an open =ield than let 6ou do that%% Do 6ou

    understand that8

    Ureh: ")m sorr6; " thought " was helping

    Awongo: *es 6ou thought;

    Ureh: Please =ind it in 6our heart to =orgi4e me

    Awongo: " =orgi4e 6ou

    Ureh: ")m eternall6 grate=ul to 6our lo4e =or meAwongo: ,et it not happen again7 e4en i= 6ou ha4e to star4e3

    Ureh: "t will not;" will die =irst

    SCE$E !M int%

    U'E+)S +#USE

    S/G: P+#$E '"$-S;% P+#$E '"$-S

    Ureh: >S,EEP",*? +ello;

    Perezi: >A$-'*? #h girl7 Ureh wich one 6ou wan pour san san =or m6 garri%

    .+E'E *#U DE*8

    Ureh: "n m6 house7 where else8

    Perezi: >C#AG"$-,*? #h girl7 " get betta runs% De gu6 we6 6ou meet 6esterda6

    want mae 6ou escort am go part6

    Ureh: " met two gu6s 6esterda6

    Perezi: Sinclair7 na eem% &ae 6ou start to come mae we tal

    Ureh: >'ES"-$"$-? " can)t7 ")m not interested

    Perezi: .etin happen8 *ou no lie Sinclair8Ureh: Awongo was =urious about our deal% "t)s a degrading business

    Perezi: $o be to de6 spea big gramma% &ae ee be sa6 eem get mone6 =or pocet

    when 6ou want am


    SCE$E T.E$T*$"$E

    C+"O")S +#USE


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate



    At Chizi)s 'esidence

    Awongo: Chizi7 ")m reall6 desperate7 6ou ha4e to lend me the mone6

    Chizi: .hat can " o==er 6ou

    Awongo: $othing7 ust gi4e me the mone6

    Chizi: ")ll ust get m6sel= something to cool o==

    S/G: ,"BU"D P#U'ED "$T# A -,ASS

    Chizi: Awongo7 6ou now what to do to get it

    Awongo: *ou want me to di4orce m6;

    Chizi: Di4orce8 *our not married 6et; are 6ou8 -ood -od and 6ou didn)t tell me7

    when;Awongo: ")m not married 6et

    Chizi: >('EAT+S DEEP,*? A man lie 6ou can gi4e me heart attac% /ind

    someone else3 Drop her3

    Awongo: .e are =riends 6ou should not manipulate me% That is witchcra=t

    Chizi: Ureh =its that description

    Awongo: *ou wouldn)t =lop 6our mouth i= it was Deri

    Chizi: >SUDDE$,* E'* "$TE'ESTED? So what did she sa6

    Awongo: " told her about 6our =eelings =or her%

    Chizi: *es and;

    Awongo: She sa6s a man that cannot =ace her and e5press his =eelings was not mane

    enough =or her

    Chizi: She)s got spies9 " lie that in a woman unpredictable% She)s ust pla6ing hard

    to get% "= 6ou can con4ince her o= m6 =eelings =or her ")ll gi4e 6ou the mone6

    Awongo: "t)s no use taling to 6ou% ")m going

    Chizi: At least " was willing to let 6ou ha4e the stupid girl

    Awongo: Don)t3 6ou dare insult her again

    Chizi: Ah sorr6 man7 cool down3

    Awongo: " might be broe but " will not tolerate 6ou calling her names

    &US"CSCE$E T+"'T*

    U'E+)S 'ES"DE$CE


    (ac At Ureh) Apartment

    S/G: >(ED SBUEAK"$-7 U'E+ S"-+S AT "$TE'A,S?


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    S/G: P+#$E (UOO"$-

    Perezi: >A''#-A$T,*? .etin happen8 .h6 6ou de6 call me8

    Ureh: +aba3 Perezi7 6ou could at least be polite and sa6 hello

    Perezi: " de6 bus6 tal wetin 6ou want

    Ureh: " need some cha== ")m coming o4er Perezi: &ae 6ou no waste 6our time7 cha== no de6

    Ureh: *ou can)t be serious% *ou ust got new deli4er6

    Perezi: " de6 sell am =or onl6 m6 customers

    Ureh: " am 6our;

    Perezi: See mae " tell 6ou mae 6ou stop to call me7 ee beter mae 6ou call Awongo

    Ureh: ")m not asing 6ou to sell on credit

    Perezi: .ho de6 tal mone6% " sa6 " no de6 sell% As 6ou put sand =or m6 garri na

    stone " go put =or 6our own% $a now 6ou go now sa67 to bu6 cha== na man

    we6 get mind =it get connection

    Ureh: >,AU-+S? So all this hostilit6 is because o= Sinclair

    Perezi: Eh hem nowUreh: (ut 6ou could hoo him with another girl

    Perezi: All de other girls we6 " now dem be un6% Dem no go =it blend =or coctail

    part6% .etin them go discuss =or big man part6% To start with no one remain

    all done go bua% Dem no =it do =i4e star

    Ureh: " would go but Awongo will be hurt% " ga4e him m6 wod

    Perezi: "= 6ou no tell am7 na who go tell am% &e " no de6 gist with am

    Ureh: Do " get to ha4e some cha==

    Perezi: " go gi4e 6ou =ree se=

    Ureh: ")ll be on m6 wa6


    SCE$E T+"'T*#$E

    PE'EO")S +"DE #UT

    S/G >Knoc on door?

    Perezi $a who8 ;% $a who be datUreh: "t)s me Ureh7 ;% Perezi open up

    S/G D##' #PE$S

    Perezi: .hich one 6ou de call m6 name7 " tell 6ou sa6 " no now am

    Ureh: >DESPE'ATE? -i4e me the cha==

    Perezi: &ae 6ou do uic clean 6a sel= be=ore Sinclair come rich here%



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E T+"'T*T.#

    PE'EO")S +"DE #UT

    S/G CA' SC'EEC+ES T# A ST#P% CA' D##' #PE$S A$D C,#SE

    Sinclair >SU'P'"SED? Ureh9 6ou)re not dressed%

    Ureh: >SA'CAST"CA,,*? " am de=initel6 not naed%

    Sinclair: *ou now what " mean *ou should be dressed =or the part67 we)ll be late%

    Ureh ")m as dressed as ")ll e4er be let)s get going%

    Sinclair: "n T Shirt and eans7 ")ll be laughing stoc o= the ages%

    Ureh: Then 6ou)ll ha4e to see to it% " get the appropriate attire%

    Sinclair ")ll deduct it =rom 6our =ee%

    Ureh: $o7 the bill is on 6ou% And m6 =ee is now si5t6 thousand%Sinclair .hat3 /rom thirt6 thousand to si5t6 thousand% That)s hundred percent

    increase7 are 6ou planning on sleeping at m6 place%

    Ureh: De=initel6 not3 .hat do 6ou tae me =or7 a prostitute8

    Sinclair: Then wh6 do 6ou negotiate mone6 be=ore a date%

    Ureh: " am an escort% " gi4e 6ou le4el ")4e not got much time to waste% The prize

    was thirt6 when " did it to eno6 m6sel=% $ow that ")ll ha4e to pla6 the part o=

    6our girl=riend in a coctail part6% -i4ing air hostess smile to 6our =riends

    while " would rather be =rowning 6ou get to pa6% " don)t nee the coctail dress

    6ou could tae it a=ter the part6%

    Sinclair: $o need =or 6ou to elaborate7 " get to picture 6ou win%



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E T+"'T*T+'EE

    A.#$-#)S 'ES"DE$CE

    Chizi: Awongo good e4eningAwongo: >A(SE$T,*? -ood e4ening

    Chizi *ou don)t seem pleased to see me

    Awongo: Should " be

    Chizi: .hen a 4isitor comes to 6our house 6ou should ha4e a welcoming attitude

    =riendl6 atmosphere7 he or she ma6 bring good tidings%

    Awongo: The onl6 tidings " want now is the mone6 to pa6 m6 rent%


    Chizi +a4e 6ou seen Deri toda68

    Awongo: $o3Chizi: +as she taled about me8

    Awongo: $o3

    Chizi Could 6ou go and call her =or me8

    Awongo: $o3

    Chizi: >-ETT"$- A$-'*? .h67 ")m 6our =riend " came to 4isit 6ou;%%

    Awongo: De=initel6 not7 6ou came to sort Deri% $ow 6ou are soliciting m6 help7 which "

    cannot render%

    Chizi: (ut i= " gi4e 6ou7 no3;;i= " lend 6ou the thirt6 thousand 6ou)ll call her%

    Awongo: "= 6ou)re o==ering me help as a condition =or me to be 6our errand bo6 eep

    6our mone6 " don)t need it% .hat)s the use o= thirt6 thousand in place o=

    eight6 thousand8

    Chizi: ")m gi4ing 6ou a chance to mingle with a decent girl instead o= that tramp7 and


    Awongo: Enough3 Don)t sa6 another word% >CA,&,*? ")ll onl6 sa6 this once% " =orgi4e

    6ou =or the past insults but the ne5t time 6ou dare to call her names be

    prepared to loose some teeth% *ou claim to be m6 =riend but

    S/G CA' SC'EEC+ES T# A +A,T CA' D##' #PE$ A$D C,#SE7;%CA'

    D##' #PE$ A$D C,#SE%

    Chizi: >CK"$-,*? "s that not 6our lo4el6 lad6 being brought home b6 herbrother; she)s e4en staggering;

    Awongo: +e63 .hat ha4e 6ou done to her8

    S/G C+AS"$- /##TSTEPS7 CA' D##' #PE$ A$D C,#SE% CA' O##&S


    Chizi: Chair3 $earl6 we could ha4e caught him%


    Awongo: Ureh3 Ureh3 +ow could 6ou8 +ow could 6ou disgrace us lie this%


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Ureh: >&U'&U'"$-? Urh urh aruh

    Awongo: Ureh3

    Chizi: There)s no need =or 6ou to shout she)s delirious% ,ets help her get to her


    Awongo: 2ust loo at 6ou7 on the ground " ha4e the good mind o= letting 6ou sta6 there

    until 6our bac to 6our senses%Chizi: Awongo swallow 6our pride lets help her up%


    S/G ('EAT+"$- +EA",*

    Chizi: >EG+A,ES ."T+ 'E,"E/? &en37 the girl is slim but hea46

    Awongo: She)s not dead there=ore she)s not hea46;% Ureh where is 6our e6%

    S/G >S#U$D #/ TAPP"$- +E' T# .AKE?

    Ureh: &mh3 Aurh;%Aurh;;

    S/G /##T STEPS APP'#AC+

    Perezi: Awongo where Ureh de68

    Awongo: " should be the one asing 6ou;%

    Perezi: .ish one 6ou wan =all mugu were the girl de67 " want m6 cut%

    Awongo: "= 6ou obser4e 6ou)ll =ind the answer to 6our uestion;% >-E$T,*? Ureh7

    were is 6our e6%

    Ureh: >&U'&U'"$-? urh3 urh3

    Perezi: Ureh3 Ureh o6a were de mone63

    Awongo: Can)t 6ou see she)s in a stupor and still delirious% And it)s all 6our =ault what

    did 6ou gi4e her to drin8

    Perezi: Person we go eno6 hersel=7 " beg shi=t37 mae " tal to am; Ureh3 Ureh3;%

    see " no lie this ind pla6%

    Ureh: alurhg aurhg

    S/G >T+'#."$- UP?

    Chizi: -ood ,ord7 that)s disgusting; Awongo " thin 6ou should tae her to 6our

    houseAwongo: Perezi7 " now that 6ou ha4e a hand in what has happened to Ureh7 how man6

    bottles did she drin%

    Perezi: +ow " carr6 now7 " abi " loo lie Ashawo =or 6a e6e8;She too much;wich

    one 6ou wan =orm lo4r7 abi 6ou no now sa6 she de6 do am =or 6ou

    Awongo: .hat3 >'ES"-$"$-,*? $e4er mind ")ll deal with it when she waes up;

    *ou ha4e to come bac later or go settle with the gu6 6ou pimped her to% She

    didn)t come bac with a dime7 onl6 the clothes on her bac%

    Perezi: $na7 that bo6 de6 pla6 with =ire7 eem own na Aamu case% "n short mae " go

    =ine am%



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E T+"'T*/#U'

    A.#$-#)S +#USE


    "n Awongo)s +ouse

    Awongo: Chizi what do 6ou thin 6ou)re doing8

    Chizi: Sorr6 man7 there)s no wa6 ")m going to use m6 hand to help carr6 her% .hat

    she three up is so grouse

    Awongo: Tae 6our hands o= her bac% ")ll carr6 her m6sel=

    S/G: EG+A,ES AS +E ,"/TS +E'


    Awongo: Chizi please bring out m6 e6 =rom m6 hip pocet

    Chizi: ")m glad ")m o= ser4ice

    Ebitimi: Awongo3 Awongo3 +a4e 6ou gone made;wh6 is Ureh on 6our shoulder8

    &r% Tarimu: ,ie a sac o= potatoes

    Ebitimi: Put her down

    Ureh: >&urmuring? Aurh;Aurhg

    Ebitimi: .hat)s wrong with her8

    Chizi: She)s drun

    &r% Tarimu: Shut up3 .ho ased 6ou to tal8 Awongo should be capable o= speaing =or


    Awongo: She)s drun

    Ebitimi: +ow did it happen8

    &r% Tarimu: Do 6ou need to as8 Awongo is her bo6=riend3 she)s drun% *ou see her in his


    Chizi: +e didn)t do it

    &r% Tarimu: Shut up3 Are 6ou Awongo8 *ou ha4e mone6 to spend on drins7 ma6 -od

    help 6ou tomorrow i= " didn)t get m6 mone6

    Awongo: " didn)t go out with her

    &r% Tarimu: So 6ou)4e =ound 6our 4oice because o= rent% &a6 -od help 6ou tomorrow8

    Ebitimi: Please &r% Tarimu9 the issue is not 6our rent% Awongo ")d lie to now whathappened

    Awongo: She went =or a part67 " don)t now with whom but he brought her bac and

    dro4e o== in haste

    &r% Tarimu: Then 6ou decided to bring her to 6our room

    Awongo: " couldn)t =ind her e6s

    &r% Tarimu: *ou could ha4e called Deri or her guardian Ebitimi

    Awongo: (ut; " didn)t; " mean " now she wouldn)t ha4e lied an6one to see her


    Ebitimi: Tae her to m6 house

    Awongo: She)d be angr6 at me in the morning

    &r% Tarimu: #r happ6 with 6ou this night in 6our roomAwongo: Pleas sir " ha4e good manners


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    &r% Tarimu: Show me where 6am is ept near a goat and it remains untouched and ")ll

    show 6ou a goat that needs a ps6chiatrist

    Ebitimi: >STE'$,*? Awongo7 tae her to m6 house% .e will =inish this enuir6 in the

    morning when she waes up% "t)s high time " report her escapades

    Awongo: Please aunt6 Ebitimi pardon her

    Ebitimi: $ot on 6our li=e7 since she started interacting with 6ou she has becomeunscrupulous% .hen she)s out o= 6our range she will remember her home



    .e come to the end o= Episode Three o= ,awless% +ow will Ureh react to =inding hersel= in

    Ebitimi)s house7 will Awongo be able to pa6 his rent and cope with the threat that Ureh ma6

    be sent awa6% The mone6 Sinclair was supposed to pa6 Ureh7 will Perezi be able to =ind

    Sinclair8 "= he collects the mone6 what about Ureh)s share8 /ind out ne5t wee on Episode

    /our o= ,awless% Same time same station ne5t wee


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    EP"S#DE /#U'


    .elcome to episode =our o= lawless% ,ast wee7 Ureh came bac home drun% She ended up

    in the house o= her guardian Ebitimi a=ter much argument between Ebitimi and Awongo%

    Awongo on the other hand was 6et to =ind mone6 to pa6 his rent% There was also the case o=

    the mone6 Sinclair owed Ureh7 which Perezi has a share7 which he was 6et to collect% The

    stor6 continues in Ebitimi)s house as Ureh waes up%

    SCE$E T+"'T*/"E

    E("T"&")S +#USE

    Ureh: >S,EEP",*? aarhg;m6 head;-od3 This place stins

    Ebitimi: That)s because 6ou three up on the bed7 slept on it and 6our sweat was same as


    Ureh: -osh3 +ow did " end up in 6our house8

    Ebitimi: >SA'CAST"CA,,*? *ou got drun that)s the 4ersion " was pri4ilege to

    witness; Ureh how could 6ou do this to meUreh: ")m sorr6

    Ebitimi: Sorr68 Sorr68 Sorr6 isn)t going to get 6ou o== the hoo this time% 6ou will

    ha4e to go bac to the 4illage were 6ou)ll e tamed

    Ureh: So " got drun7 is that wh6 " should stop m6 education% .hen " drin " drin

    with m6 mouth% " owe 6ou no apolog6% That 6ou are m6 guardian doesn)t

    gi4e 6ou the right to suggest " be taen bac to the 4illage as =or 6our bed

    sheet ")ll wash it% $ow we)re e4en

    Ebitimi: /ar =rom it7 i= it)s the last thing " do ")ll teach 6ou a lesson 6ou)ll ne4er =orget

    Ureh: ")4e heard enough =or one morning 6our not m6 mother

    Ebitimi: Come bac here7 where do 6ou thin 6ou)re going8

    Ureh: #ut o= 6our sight so " won)t need to hear more

    S/G: D##' #PE$ A$D C,#SE ."T+ A (A$-



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E T+"'T* S"G


    Ureh has ust le=t Ebitimi)s house when she meets Deri on her wa6

    Deri: Ureh good morning7 6our dress is so prett6

    Ureh: Than 6ou

    Deri: "t must ha4e cost a =ortune7 where did 6ou bu6 it8

    Ureh: ";

    Awongo: >A$-'",*? Ureh3 Ureh3

    *es: Awongo

    Awongo: .here3 Did 6ou go last night8

    Ureh: +aba7 Awongo 6ou could at least sa6 good morning or how was 6our night

    Awongo: " now 6ou don)t remember about 6our night3;

    Ureh: Don)t scold me7 " got enough o= that7 =rom m6 guardian

    Deri: Em;")4e got to go7 see 6ou gu6s later Ureh: (6e


    Awongo: >S##T+"$-,*? Ureh7 what)s come o4er 6ou8

    Ureh: "= 6ou want to correct me7 don)t do it in public% *ou humiliate me in =ront o=


    Awongo: ")m sorr6 " ;%

    Ureh: Aren)t 6ou going to wor toda68

    Awongo: $o7 ;% ")4e got to get the mone6 b6 all means% &r% Tarimu threatened to e4ict

    me toda6% "= " don)t pac willingl6 he will brea down m6 door% " ust don)t%%

    &r% Tarimu: >/'#& A D"STA$CE? Awongo3 Awongo3


    Awongo: >+AST",*? ")ll see 6ou later7 this discussion is not o4er


    &r% Tarimu: Ureh3

    Ureh: -ood morning sir &r% Tarimu: +a4e 6ou see Awongo this morning8

    Ureh: $o sir he must be in his room

    &r% Tarimu: ")m coming =rom there

    Ureh: &a6be he has gone to wor



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E T+"'T* SEE$

    AT A.#$-#)S +#USE


    Ureh uietl6 sneaed to Awongo)s house when &r% Tarimu the ,andlord had le=t

    Ureh: >.+"SPE'"$-? Awongo3 Awongo3

    Awongo: >.+"SPE'"$-? *es3

    Ureh: #pen the door7 he has gone7 let me in

    S/G: D##' #PE$ A$D C,#SE

    Ureh: Please gi4e me a Tshirt and trouser

    Awongo: .h68Ureh: /or me to change into ")m going to tae m6 bath

    Awongo: "n m6 house8

    Ureh: An6 problem8


    Awongo: ")ll gi4e 6ou the Tshirt but " want to now were 6ou were last night

    Ureh: " went =or a part67 please let)s tal later% ")4e got to tae m6 bath

    S/G: S+#.E'

    Ureh: Sinclair 6ou thin 6ou)re rid o= me7 not so easil6

    SCE$E T+"'T*E"-+T

    S"$C,A"')S +#USE

    S/G: D##' #PE$"$-;%%/##T STEPS

    Sinclair: Ureh3 +ow are 6ou =eeling8

    Ureh: .here are m6 belongings8

    Sinclair: Pardon8

    Ureh: Sinclair 6ou heard me

    Sinclair: Alright3 $o problem% At least sit down

    Ureh: ")m not here =or pleasantries7 how could 6ou ust drop me lie a sac o=

    potatoes an dri4e o==

    Sinclair: *our brothers chased me

    Ureh: ")m not surprised



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Sinclair: +ere)s the bag

    Ureh: .here)s m6 mone68

    Sinclair: Are 6ou calling me a thie=8

    Ureh: Sinclair7 stop pla6ing dumb " need m6 pa6% Si5t6 thousand7 no less

    Sinclair: >-ETT"$- A$-'*? ")4e been watching 6ou with a 4er6 een e6e% *ou

    must be mad to thin ")ll gi4e 6ou si5t6 thousand ust =or escorting me topart6% *ou didn)t e4en sta6 the night

    Ureh: That m6 =riend is empt6 threat gi4e me7 then ")ll tae it m6sel=

    Sinclair: Tae 6our hands o== m6 belonging

    S/G: S,AP

    Ureh: Sinclair8 *ou slapped me

    Sinclair: To bring 6ou bac =or 6our senses7 get out

    Ureh: >P+U$E'"OED P"-"$ E$-,"S+? *ou slap me;Chei3 " done su==er%

    >E'* A$-'*? " go show 6ou sa6 " no be onl6 lad67 " be Agbero%

    Sinclair: Put that down3

    S/G: (#TT,E ('EAK7 S#U$D #/ S,AP A$D (EAT"$-% /"-+T"$-7 'E

    (EAT"$- A$D ST'U--,"$-

    Sinclair: Stop it m6 e6e7 m6 e6e3

    Ureh: >PA$T"$-? "= 6ou want lad6 " de67 6ou want water side " de6% *ou wan

    ghetto " de67 6ou want -'A7 " de67 stupid idiot% Den no de6 call me dubber

    man =or nothing% U see me so " no now an6bod6 e5cept m6 owner

    S/G: D'A.E'S #PE$7 SCATTE'"$- #(2ECTS

    Sinclair: Eas67 there)s mone6 in the wardrobe

    Ureh: ;&mh interesting; $ow ")m taing eight67 !J =or dela6 and damages

    Sinclair: Ureh ")m sorr6 " don)t now what came o4er me

    Ureh: >E$-,"S+? &ale dominance or stupidit6% $e5t time the instinct comes to hit

    a lad6 thin twice she ma6 be more than meet the e6e%

    Sinclair: Ureh ")m sorr6; " ; " ;%lo4e 6ou

    Ureh: Sho4e it3 ; " no now an6 bod6 e5cept m6 owner


    SCE$E T+"'T*$"$E

    S"$C,A"' 'ES"DE$CE


    Ureh had ust le=t Sinclair)s house onl6 =or Perezi to come =or his mone6

    S/G: /'A$T"C K$#CK"$- #$ D##'% D##' #PE$S


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Perezi: # bo6 wetin happen7 thie= come 6a house8 ;% "n short be=ore " tal plent6

    we6 m6 mone6; see no =orm mugu as " de6 6e% " de6 paranoid% "= " no see

    m6 mone6 " go construct new =ace =or 6ou naw now3

    Sinclair: There)s no need =or threats% " was not attac b6 thie4es7 at least not =aceless

    rubber% Ureh was here

    Perezi: Dat one come men wetin8Sinclair: .e had a =ight7 sort o= lo4ers uarrel

    Perezi: >(E-"$S T# ,AU-+? Chow3 So 6ou been wan cheat Ureh8 >,AU-+S? $a

    she =it una% -irl we de6 beat agbero7 she done train =or ghetto eebi lie sa6;

    Sinclair: " can)t belie4e the strength she has

    Perezi: Ureh na man we6 trap =or woman bod6% #6a gi4e me transport

    Sinclair: Please can 6ou tal to her " still ha4e =eelings =or her

    Perezi: >,AU-+S? lo4e 4u wantin tin7 Ureh done urerise 6a heart

    SCE$E /#'T*

    PE'EO")S +"DE#UT

    Ureh: Perezi were did 6ou go8 ")4e been waiting all morning% *our number is not

    going through

    Perezi: " don trowe6 de line% /or m6 business ee no good mae people =it =orecast m6

    mo4ement mae dem no waleh me =or road; #h girl 6ou wound Sinclair =or


    Ureh: "t)s onl6 a nail scratch

    Perezi: " lie am as 6ou show am sa6 na ghetto dem born 6ou% Dubber man3

    Ureh: >+U''"ED,*?

    Perezi: >+A",S? Dubber man3

    PereziUreh: >T#-ET+E'? " no now an6bod6 e5cept m6 owner

    Ureh: +ere)s 6our share% Thirt6 thousand $aira

    Perezi: $o be mone6 de6 6our bag so8

    Ureh: *es it)s mone6 " got =rom some gu6s at the part6 and a little e5tra =rom

    Sinclair =or damages% #ur agreement was =i=t6=i=t6 onl6 on Sinclair

    Perezi: Dubber man how;

    Ureh: >P+#$ET"SED E$-,"S+? Perezi7 " would pre=er 6ou call me UrehPerezi: Show83 $a me 6ou wan =orm =or >,AU-+S? that one na =or Sinclair% *ou

    don =orget sa6 na me and 6ou graduate =or waterside >,AU-+S? na me

    Perezi% So tell me how 6ou carr6 panel beat Sinclair

    Ureh: >,AU-+S?

    Perezi: +ei Ureh3 >,AU-+S? *ou done spoil our business7 Sinclair no go want 6ou


    Ureh: >-"--,ES? actuall6 he was apologizing

    Perezi: Dubber7 Dubber;but mae 6ou nac me tori how the wrestling been;

    Ureh: >,AU-+S? &a6be when 6ou ha4e =orgotten the name Dubber man7 see 6a "

    got to go

    &US"CSCE$E /#'T*#$E


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    A.#$-#)S +#USE


    (ac at Awongo)s house% &r% Tarimu is seated in =ront o= Awongo)s house

    &r% Tarimu: >S#,",#BU"O"$-? .here could this bo6 or good =or nothing man ha4e

    gone% +e thins his prans will wor " will wait; in=act not an6 more

    S/G: +A&&E'"$- D##'

    Awongo: +a3 Please sir;

    &r% Tarimu: >E'* A$-'*? .hat impetus3 .hat insult3 "n m6 house3; *ou)4e been

    inside% .hat nonsense3Awongo: >'US+"$- .#'DS? Please sir ha4e merc6

    &r% Tarimu: Do 6ou ha4e m6 mone68

    Awongo: $o7 "

    S/G: +A&&E'"$-

    Awongo: *es

    S/G: S",E$CE

    &r% Tarimu: .hat are 6ou waiting =or to open the door and pa6 me

    Awongo: " ; " ; ha4e some not the complete mone6 >'US+"$-? (ut ")ll pa6 be=ore

    the wee runs out

    S/G: SE'"#US +A&&E'"$-7 SE'"#US A$D DEA/E$"$-

    Deri: Sir3 Sir3


    &r% Tarimu: >STE'$,*? Ehe7 what3Deri: -ood a=ternoon sir


    Deri: Sir7 " ;

    &r% Tarimu: Deri whate4er 6ou ha4e to sa6 it better be good

    Deri: There is someone waiting =or 6ou at 6our house

    &r% Tarimu: The person can wait

    S/G: +A&&E'"$-7 D##' #PE$S /,"$-"$- #/ /U'$"TU'E7 UTE$S",S7


    Awongo: Please sir be care=ul with those things% The6 are delicate


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    &r% Tarimu: #ut3 #= m6 wa6

    S/G: 'E /,"$-"$-

    Deri: Please sir the man is waiting7 he said it)s urgent

    &r% Tarimu: >('EAT+"$-?; At least the door cannot be loced% ")ll be bac7 so pac outpeace=ull6


    SCE$E /#'T*T.#

    &'% TA'"&U


    At &r% Tarimu)s +ouse

    Ureh: -ood a=ternoon sir

    &r% Tarimu: >SUSP"C"#US? Ureh7 where is the 4isitor Deri said is in m6 house

    Ureh: "t)s me sir

    &r% Tarimu: Are 6ou people maing a =ool o= me

    Ureh: $o sir; Please sir " ;

    &r% Tarimu: Common lea4e m6 trouser7 neeling and begging are no substitute =or m6 rent

    Ureh: The mone6 is here

    &r% Tarimu: .hat mone68

    Ureh: The rent sir

    &r% Tarimu: -et up

    Ureh: Than 6ou sir%

    &r% Tarimu: /or what8 *ou)re the one that imposed such punishments on 6oursel=

    Ureh: This is the mone6

    &r% Tarimu: +ow come 6ou)re the one coming to pa68

    Ureh: " borrowed it =rom him7 " had promised to pa6 earlier but couldn)t% " can)t go

    and =ace him because it)s m6 =ault that he has not paid his rent

    &r% Tarimu: "n that case come in while " count and write the receiptUreh: Than 6ou sir



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    EP"S#DE /"E


    .elcome To episode =i4e o= ,awless% ,ast wee on lawless Ureh had paid Awongo)s house

    rent which brought discord between her and Awongo8 Ebitimi was angr6 that Ureh eeps

    late night and got drun% +owe4er she discloses to Ureh that she is her biological mother and

    that her =ather is ali4e not dead as she thought% The stor6 continues in Ureh)s house where

    Deri had come on a 4isit

    SCE$E /#'T*T+'EE

    U'E+)S +#USE


    Ureh)s house

    S/G: "#,E$T K$#CK"$-

    Awongo: Ureh3 Ureh3 ,et me in

    Ureh: $o7 " don)t want an6thing to do with 6ou

    Awongo: Please at least let)s tal

    Ureh: $o3 6ou don)t trust me there is nothing =or us to tal

    Awongo: ")m not gi4ing 6ou up7 ")ll be bac

    S/G: /##TSTEPS .A,K A.A*

    Deri: *ou could at least tal to him

    Ureh: +mm3 Deri7 6ou)re 6et to learn about men% Awongo is begging because " said

    it)s o4er

    Deri: -i4e him a second chance% Don)t mae him brea 6our door% +e is a nice gu6Ureh: $ot as nice as Chizi that worships 6ou% *et 6ou)4e not gi4en him a chance%

    +e might be &r% 'ight%

    Deri: " doubt that7 ")m not attracted to him and to worsen it7 he has not spoen to

    me% Awongo is his spoesman% .hat will happen i= " had to go on a date with

    Chizi8 .ho will tal =or him then7 " reall6;%

    SG: CASUA, K$#CK #$ D##'

    Ureh: " wonder who that would be

    Deri: >,AU-+S? .ho else; Awongo o= cause

    S/G: K$#CK #$ D##'


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Ureh: *es3 .ho is it

    Ebitimi: Ebitimi

    Ureh: Deri7 please open it =or her

    S/G: KE*S 'ATT,E7 D##' #PE$S

    Deri: -ood a=ternoon Aunt6 Ebitimi

    Ebitimi: -ood da6 m6 dear; Deri please could 6ou e5cuse us


    SCE$E /#'T*/#U'


    At Perezi)s hide out

    S/G: P+#$E '"$-S

    Perezi: +ello

    Sinclair: +ello7 +ello

    Perezi: Sinclair mae 6ou tal " de6 hear 6ou

    Sinclair: " ha4e a dinner part6 to attend send Ureh o4er

    Perezi: Atin crase de worr6 6ou7 6ou thin sa6 she be small picin we6 " go send

    o4er% &ae 6ou educate 6a brain

    Sinclair: ")m sorr6 please as her to come

    Perezi: " hope sa6 6ou read6 to pa67 wh6 6ou no call am =or phone

    Sinclair: She re=use to pic m6 call

    Perezi: #a6 " go tr67 6ou go pa6 se4ent6

    Sinclair: That)s too much

    Perezi: $o problem " =it gi4e 6ou girl o= =i4e

    Sinclair: $o3 ust;ust tell her

    SCE$E /#'T*/"E

    U'E+)S +#USE


    (ac at Ureh)s house7 Ebitimi states her issues

    Ebitimi: Ureh3 Please tal to me

    Ureh: ")4e got nothing to sa6

    Ebitimi: " am 6our mother


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Ureh: So ")4e heard% Aunt6 ,6dia pa6s m6 school =ees7 too me in when grandma


    Ebitimi: *es7 but the mone6 came =rom 6our =ather and me% *our =ather longs to see

    6ou please7 " beg o= 6ou

    Ureh: " don)t want to see him7 wh6 now8 " won)t go

    Ebitimi: -et read6 to =or=eit 6our allowance because he won)t pa6Ureh: +e nows " e5ist8

    Ebitimi: *es

    Ureh: >A$-'*? " was told m6 =ather was 6our =ather7 now i t turns out m6

    grand=ather is 6our =ather and m6 mother is m6 aunt67 aunt6 ,6dia turns out

    not to be m6 sole pro4ider but m6 =ather who ust resurrected% All m6 li=e ")4e

    memorized a stranger)s =ace% " might as well wae up and =ind ")m a =igment

    o= m6 own imagination and " ha4e a mone6 =or a brother% Tell him ")m not


    Ebitimi: +e didn)t as9 he demanded

    Ureh: +e ne4er wanted me

    Ebitimi: +e did " didn)t let himUreh: Care to e5plain7 how come all 6our children are m6 senior;

    Ebitimi: " was married when " met 6our =ather% " had uarreled with m6 husband

    concerning m6 husband)s a==airs% So " dated 6our =ather7 un=ortunatel6 the;%

    Ureh: un=ortunatel68

    Ebitimi: Don)t get it twisted7 " lo4e 6ou but we didn)t plan =or it to happen% ;% " went

    to another state were " ga4e birth to 6ou% ,e=t 6ou there with m6 relati4e and

    m6 mother% .hen 6ou were two 6ears old7 m6 mother too 6ou to the 4illage%

    The rest is histor6

    Ureh: The rest is " went =rom one auntie)s house to another

    Ebitimi: Sorr6 =or that but 6our =ather was bent on taing 6ou and " couldn)t let that

    happen% " reconciled with m6 husband and " didn)t want 6ou to be maltreated

    b6 his wi=e

    Ureh: So " had to be ept a secret

    Ebitimi: &h%%mm

    Ureh: So now " ha4e to go and li4e with him and his wi=e

    Ebitimi: +is wi=e is dead and so is m6 husband

    Ureh: So now Ureh the secret lo4e child can be re4ealed% er6 con4enient =or both

    o= 6ou to be the ones ali4e; but wh67 but wh67 wh6 is he demanding now8

    Ebitimi: (ecause " ga4e him all 6our outrageous lists% +e wants to see 6ou% +e sa6s

    6ou)4e been spoilt;em;not that word% +e said 6ou)re o4erpampered


    SCE$E /#'T*S"G

    DE'")S +#USE


    At Deri)s house

    Awongo: >K$#CK"$- /'A$T"CA,,*? Deri7 Deri;%Deri: *es3


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    S/G: >D##' #PE$S?

    Deri: Awongo; Come in7 " hope 6ou)4e not come to spea =or Chizi

    Awongo: $o7 please help me tal to Ureh

    Deri: .hat maes 6ou thin she)ll listen8

    Awongo: *ou)re the onl6 one in her good boo% Please tell her ")m trul6 sorr67 " lo4eher7 " can)t loose her now

    Deri: ")ll tr6; " wish " could =ind someone as de4oted as 6ou

    Awongo: >,AU-+S? *ou need not go =urther7 Chizi adores the =loor 6ou wal on

    Deri: Un=ortunatel6 he doesn)t ha4e 6our charisma; Truth be told " thin 6ou)re

    one in a million

    Awongo: Thans =or the compliment


    SCE$E /#'T*SEE$

    C+"O")S +#USE


    Deri who longs to be in a relationship decides to see Chizi in his house%

    S/G: D##' (E,,

    Chizi: /or hea4ens sae3 .ho could ;

    S/G: D##' #PE$S

    Chizi: ;eh;eh;em;%wow3

    Deri: Aren)t 6ou going to in4ite me in8

    Chizi: Eh well 6es7 6es7 6es7 come in >('EAT+S? "t)s 4er6 pleasant to; " mean7 "

    wasn)t e5pecting7 " would ha4e reall6 prepared7 m6 house is;Deri: Calm down7 ma6 " seat8

    Chizi: *es7 6es7 eh;what can " o==er 6ou

    Deri: A glass o= water would be =ine

    S/G: ,"BU"D P#U'ED "$T# A -,ASS

    Deri: Than 6ou

    Chizi: ")m so pleased to see 6ou7 ")m short o= words to e5press m6 =eelings

    Deri: " noticed;" hope it)s lo4e not lust7 lust uenches =aster than it began

    Chizi: >,AU-+S? So are we dating now;" mean let me tae 6ou out

    Deri: " ust got here7 let)s ust tal7 ma6be watch T together7 a musical or pla6 agame while we con4erse


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E /#'T*E"-+T

    U'E+)S +#USE


    (ac at Ureh)s house

    Ebitimi: Ureh " can)t =orce 6ou to see 6our =ather but 6ou owe 6oursel= to undo the

    wrongs o= the past7 get to now him


    Ebitimi: Should " gi4e 6ou time to thin about it

    Ureh: $o7 ")ll see him but i= " don)t lie it there ")ll come home aunt67 " mean

    mumm6Ebitimi: >+APP",* ('EAT+,ESS? #h ")m so happ69 par 6our things

    Ureh: $ow8

    Ebitimi: *es7 ust =ew personal e==ects7 6our =ather has mone6 to bu6 6ou a new

    wardrobe so mae it uic

    Ureh: (ut m6 =riends ")4e not told them

    Ebitimi: *ou can tell them on phone7 meet me outside when 6ou)re through% *ou)4e

    got ten minutes

    S/G: D##' #PE$ A$D C,#SE

    Ureh: >S#,",#BU"O"$-? Chei3 Ureh3 Ureh3 This is a da6 o= wonder% "magine me

    Ureh >P+#$EOE P"-"$ E$-,"S+? Dubberman7 " no now an6bod6

    e5cept m6 owner< " must be a cartoon9 onl6 cartoons ha4e such dramatic

    change in a ;

    S/G: D##' #PE$S

    Deri: >EGC"TED,*? Ureh3 Ureh 6ou won)t belie4e it

    Ureh: Tell me

    Deri: " went to Chizi)s house7 we taled7 he opened a bottle o= wine on a =irst da6

    wait what did he sa6 +ere)s to m6 Deri and our e4ergreen =riendship

  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Deri: 2ust gi4e me a hint

    Ureh: "t turns out Aunt6 Ebitimi is reall6 m6 mother and m6 =ather is still ali4e7 so

    ")m going to 4isit him

    Deri: "t)s a lie

    S/G: CA' +#'$

    Ureh: True3 And that horn is calling me% ")ll call 6ou later to =ill 6ou in


    SCE$E /#'T*$"$E

    ADAS")S +#USE


    Ebitimi and Ureh arri4e at Adasi)s house

    S/G CA' S,#. D#.$ T# A C'A.,7 +#'$ (,A"'

    Ureh: Are we there alread68

    Ebitimi: *es this is his house

    Ureh: "t loos more lie a Church% ,oo at the size o= those pillars;The gatemen

    did not uestion 6ou7 the6 ust open the gate

    Ebitimi: The6 are e5pecting me7 besides the6 now me

    Ureh: Are 6ou going to marr6 him8

    Ebitimi: >,AU-+S? Ureh7 " thin 6ou should eep 6our uestions =or 6our =ather;

    there he is coming7 carr6 6our bag

    S/G CA' D##'S #PE$ A$D C,#SE #$E A/TE' T+E #T+E'

    Adasi: .elcome m6 lo4e

    Ebitimi: Couldn)t 6ou wait =or us to come in

    Adasi: >,AU-+S? ")4e been apprehensi4eEbitimi: *ou thought " would change m6 mind

    Adasi: The possibilit6 e5ist

    Ebitimi: >('EAT+S? Ureh7 this is 6our =ather &r% Adasi

    Ureh: +ow do 6ou do sir8

    Adasi: .elcome m6 child;eh let)s go in

    Ebitimi: +a4e a nice time

    Ureh: Aren)t 6ou sta6ing; at least a =ew minutes or;

    Ebitimi: *ou and 6our =ather ha4e a lot to catch up on% *ou)4e got m6 number7 i= 6ou

    need me

    Ureh: >S#,E&$,*? *es



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E /"/T*

    DE'")S +#USE


    Awongo decides to see Deri

    Deri: Ah Awongo welcome " was ust thining o= coming to 6our house

    Awongo: >EA-E',*? .hat did Ureh sa68

    Deri: " didn)t get a chance to spea to her% She le=t

    Awongo: To where8 #h ,ord7 ")m =inished

    Deri: There)s hope she promised to call me7 6ou could still call her; she has gone

    to li4e with her =ather

    S/G: S#U$D #/ TEGT &ESSA-E

    Deri: Awongo3 Awongo3 .hat am " seeing9 could it be true7 read this te5t message

    Awongo: >S,#.,*? *ou are the ; proud winner o= three hundred thousand in the

    ,upeze (onanza; *our batch number is JH!CT% Call the number below to

    claim 6our prize


    SCE$E /"/T*#$E

    ADAS")S +#USE


    (ac at &r% Adasi)s house

    Adasi: Ureh; *ou)4e grown into uite a 6oung woman% *our picture did 6ou noustice


    Adasi: Please come this wa6 the table is set =or lunch

    Ureh: Are 6ou ha4ing a part68

    Adasi: 2ust the two o= us

    Ureh: ")m not reall6 hungr67 ")m a ;

    Adasi: ,et me gi4e 6ou a tour o= the house



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E /"/T*T.#


    (ac at Deri)s +ouse

    S/G: P+#$E '"$-S

    Chizi: +ello

    Deri: +ello7 ")m calling in respect to the ,upeze (onanza

    Chizi: To claim 6our prize send three thousand naira worth o= credit and to this

    number tomorrow come to $o% ! Airport 'oad close to Chigsaw &echanic

    with 6our credit card7 passport and two thousand naira =or processing

    Deri: ")ll do ust that% Than 6ou%


    SCE$E /"/T*T+'EE


    (ac at &r% Adasi)s +ouse

    Ureh: .hat)s all these

    Adasi: Snapshots and portrait o= 6ou e4er6 stage o= 6our li=e7 6our mother sents them7

    " enlarged them% This galler6 is called Ureh

    Ureh: er6 impressi4e sir

    Adasi: >A$-'*? " am 6our =ather not some strange man 6ou meet on the street% "


    Ureh: /orbid8 /orbid what8 ")4e onl6 ust been told o= m6 =ather resurrected% Am "

    supposed to ump into 6our arms and call 6ou dadd6 and cr6 out m6 e6es on

    6our shirt and 6ou put me on the bac and it)s oe68 That onl6 happens in the

    mo4ies% >P+#$ET"OED P"-"$ E$-,"S+? " be correct Dubber man% " nonow an6bod6 e5cept m6 owner% Dis 6a house =it trip oda people but ee go

    tae plent6 ting be=ore " go call 6ou papa% *ou se= go beha4e lie papas

    Adasi: -ood ,ord7 what ha4e the6 raised8

    Ureh: >E$-,"S+? The monster 6ou both created and reected

    Adasi: >S##T+"$-,*? " now 6ou)re angr6 but gi4e me time to lo4e 6ou lie onl6

    a =ather can



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E /"/T*/#U'

    P'"S#$ CE,,


    "n a prison cell7 Aunna and Dawari alias (ullet are put in the same cell

    Dawari: " wish " had ne4er meddled with idnapping

    Aunna: Dawari shut up% " no wan 6e woman wrapper tal% De onl6 ting wee de pain

    me be sa6 dem ne4er catch Perezi

    Dawari: Ah men3 That gu6 has the gi=t o= escaping

    Aunna: " been tell police where dem go =it catch am7 but " ne4er hear beta news

    Dawari: &a6be he has decided to loo =or decent ob7 thereb6 not hanging around the

    old spots

    Aunna: Kai dis cell de6 smell7 " no =it breath wellDawari: " bet this cell has not been clean =or months;

    Aunna: Ehem3 Dawari7 were 6ou de6 meet Perezi8

    Dawari: +e hardl6 use the same location twice =or an6 operation

    Aunna: Perezi na real croo;heum3 +pheum3 Dis smell =it ill person >S+#UTS?;

    .arder3 .arder3 " beg mae una gi4e me toilet roll and matches mae " burn

    Dawari: Aunna7 what good would that do8

    Aunna: Sit down dea7 6ou be small bo6% "= 6ou roast tissue paper the smoe as ide

    commot ee go carr6 de bad smell with am go outside


    SCE$E /"/T*/"E



    Deri had sent three thousand naira worth o= recharge card through te5t and is looing =or the

    bonanza 4enue where she could claim her prize

    S/G: (US* '#AD7 S#U$D #/ +#'$S A$D T'A//"C

    Deri: >CA,,"$- #UT? Chizi3 Chizi3

    Chizi: >#UT #/ ('EAT+?; " ; ")m surprise to see 6ou

    Deri: So am " ;

    Chizi: .hat are 6ou doing here8

    Deri: >EGC"TED? *ou won)t belie4e it% " won three hundred thousand $aira% -odhas answered m6 pra6ers% " now ha4e 6ou as m6 bo6=riend% &6 lonel6 da6s


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    are gone% The da6 " came to 6our house 6ou trilled me and " relie4e it e4er6

    minute e4er since% .hen " get the mone6 we can spend a hundred thousand

    ust the two o= us% #h it)s going to be so much =un; .hat)s wrong;8

    Chizi: .hat8

    Deri: >.#''"ED? There was a dissatis=ied loo on 6our =ace7 did " sa6 something

    wrong8 ")m sorr6Chizi: $o7 no7 ;em ;% *ou didn)t

    Deri: >EGC"TED? ,et)s =ind number twent6se4en Airport 'oad% That)s where ")m

    supposed to claim m6 prize% " bet the6)ll tae a snapshot o= me to show as

    promo7 it reads the luc6 winner;


    Deri: Chizi 6ou)re aw=ull6 uiet% " now 6our uiet but the loo on 6our =ace are

    6ou not happ6 that " won it8

    Chizi: " am7 it ust that the number on this street stops at twent6 si5

    Deri: "t must be a mistae " better call the%%Chizi: >PA$"CK"$-? Deri wait3

    S/G: P+#$E '"$-S7 P+#$E '"$-S

    Deri: >SU'P'"SED? "t;% "t)s 6our phone% *our phone8; " can)t belie4e this% *ou

    triced me7 wh6 are men so heartless; *ou stand there and watch me mae a

    =ool o= m6sel=% *ou ne4er lo4ed me

    Chizi: Deri3 " did7 " mean " do7 it was a mistae

    Deri: &istae8 That 6ou made me load 6our phone with three thousand $aira;

    &istae that " don)t remember gi4ing 6ou m6 phone number; " see; 6ou

    planned it with Awongo% +ow much was " reall6 worth three thousand8 /i4e

    thousand% Chizi " ne4er want to see or hear =rom 6ou again as long as " li4e%

    Chizi: Deri7 Deri7 " can e5plain it7 it)s a mistae7 Deri listen to;

    Deri: #ut o= m6 wa63


    SCE$E /"/T*S"G

    A.#$-#)S +#USE


    +ours later Chizi decides to 4isit Awongo as a result o= Deri re=using to pic his calls

    Awongo: Chizi3 Chizi3

    Chizi: .h6 are 6ou so happ68

    Awongo: " got m6 old ob bac9 ")4e e4en been promoted

    Chizi: +ow7 when


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Awongo: "t turns out " was saced because the management taught " was selling

    stationeries meant =or the o==ice% A=ter " was saced the trend still continued%

    The compan6)s store was bugled and the culprit was caught on tape% So " get

    m6 ob bac ; +aba8 Chizi 6our suppose to be happ6 =or me

    Chizi: ")m happ6 =or 6ou7 it)s ust that " ha4e a misunderstanding with Deri% She

    won)t tal to me please gi4e her this three thousand $aira7 tell her that)s what "can a==ord =or now

    Awongo: "s she demanding too much mone68

    Chizi: &6 brother7 it)s not eas6 to maintain a woman% All the6 thin o= is -hana

    braid7 mascara7 =i5ing o= nails7 high cost out=it% The6 don)t now how a

    brother sweats to get the mone6 the6 spend easil6; em; tell her " still lo4e

    her but that when 6ou ga4e me the number " mistaenl6 put it on m6 list

    Awongo: .hat list8

    Chizi: Deri will understand


    SCE$E /"/T*SEE$

    DE'")S +#USE


    At Deri)s house

    Awongo: >C+EE'/U,,*? +i7 Deri7 Chizi ased me to gi4e 6ou this mo;

    Deri: Awongo3 Awongo3 *ou ha4e the impetus7 the mind to come to m6 house

    Awongo: ")m sorr6 that he could a==ord onl6 three thousand naira

    Deri: ,isten to 6oursel=

    Awongo: >A$-'",*? Keep uiet woman% $o wonder 6ou don)t ha4e a bo6=riend% "= a

    gu6 gi4es 6ou what he has tae it and be contended

    Deri: *ou mean 6ou don)t now8; About the mone68

    Awongo: " now it)s three thousand he said he could a==ord% And that " should tell 6ou

    he is sorr6 that he got 6our phone number mi5ed up in a list

    Deri: >,AU-+S +*STE'"CA,,*? Chizi is F1N7 #(T Q #btain b6 Tric% +e is

    the one that sent me ,upeze (onanzaAwongo: "t)s not true% " mean he is a ; " thought he had a read6 ob% ")m sorr6 that "

    o4er reacted% " was misin=ormed



  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    SCE$E /"/T*E"-+T

    C+"O")S +#USE

    $A''AT#'At Chizi)s house

    Chizi: #h what ha4e " done " should ha4e told Awongo the truth% " lo4e Deri8 &6

    heart beats =or her% " can hardl6 breath% " tasted lo4e and let it go7 " better call


    S/G: P+#$E (UOO"$-

    Deri: +ello

    Chizi: ")m sorr67 " lo4e 6ou% &6 heart is as hea46 as led% " can hardl6 breath9 " can)t

    li4e without 6our lo4e% ")m reall6;Deri: .ho is this8

    Chizi: &6 lo4e7 it)s me Chizi

    S/G: P+#$E -#ES DEAD

    Chizi: #h ")4e lost her7 this sill6 game has stolen m6 lo4e =rom me% ")m =inished7

    where do " start; $o it can)t end lie this


    SCE$E /"/T*$"$E



    At &r% Adasi)s residence

    Adasi: >E'* A$-'*? Ureh3 Ureh3

    Ureh: Sir

    Adasi: .hat do 6ou thin 6ou)re doing8

    Ureh: " went out on a date7 well not reall6 a date% " ust got acuainted

    Adasi: Acuainted on a date with m6 Accountant% " don)t mi5 business with pleasure%

    " will not condone such wa6ward li=e

    Ureh: " ust went on a date7 loosen up

    Adasi: &6 -od3 what is the world turning into% &6 daughter telling me to loosen up

    Ureh: >P+#$ET"OED P"-"$ E$-,"S+? Abeg all dis 6awa na =or m6 head8 $a

    onl6 one wee " sabi 6ou% .hich one 6ou wan =orm papa =or m6 old age8 "be correct Dobber man7 " no now an6bod6 e5cept m6 owner


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    Adasi: -ood grie=3 This is worst than " thought% " don)t want to hear such =oul

    language in this house

    Ureh: $a 6a house na

    S/G: S,AP

    Ureh: +a3 *ou slapped me8

    Adasi: And " will do it again

    Ureh: ")m going bac to m6 mother

    Adasi: >,AU-+S? &a6be 6our mother didn)t acuaint 6ou properl6% " tae care o=

    m6 own% *ou are going nowhere7 ")4e gi4ing instructions to the guards% There

    will be no more philandering with the Accountant or an6 o= m6 sta==% "s that



    Adasi: "s that clear8Ureh: *es sir; but ")4e alwa6s had =reedom to go where " please

    Adasi: ")m not locing 6ou in 6our room% *ou can wal round the compound7 watch

    T7 read bible7 read boos7 impro4e 6our 4ocabular6 and pic =ruits% An6 pass

    time that does not tae 6ou out o= this premises

    Ureh: ")m as good as dead

    Adasi: $obod6 e4er died =rom being disciplined7 b6 the time ")m through with 6ou7

    6ou will be worth6 to bear the name Adasi

    Ureh: #4er m6 dead bod6

    Adasi: So be it



    .e)4e come to the end o= Episode /i4e o= ,awless% .hat will happen to Chizi8 .ill he

    reconcile with Deri and change his cra=t6 character8 .hat will Sinclair do now that Ureh is

    =ar out o= reach8 .hat will be the =ate o= Awongo and Ureh8 .ill Ureh sur4i4e the

    discipline o= her =ather &r% Adasi% /ind out ne5t wee on Episode Si5 o= ,awless%


  • 7/21/2019 Lawless Scriptupdate


    EP"S#DE S"G

    $A''AT#'"t)s a lo4el6 wee% ,ast wee on ,awless7 Deri had 4owed ne4er to =orgi4e Chizi =or pla6ing

    with her heart% Sinclair needs Ureh and so does Awongo but she is out o= reach% Ureh has her

    personal problems to deal with7 her =ather &r% Adasi who 4owed that Ureh must remain

    within the premises o= his house and must not interact with his sta==% The stor6 continues in

    Awongo)s house where Chizi has come on a 4isit%

    SCE$E S"GT*

    A.#$-#)S 'ES"DE$CE

    Chizi: Awongo7 ")m =inished

    Awongo: Eh8

    Chizi: Awongo7 are 6ou listening to me8

    Awongo: &6 brother ")m in cloud nine% " ust got promoted and ")4e been gi4ing a two

    bedroom =lat and =our hundred thousand to bu6 =urniture and euip m6 house

    Chizi: That)s7 that)s great; " wish " was in 6our shoes; &6 rent is almost e5piring

    and ")4e not sa4ed enough% " =eel as i= Karma is on m6 tail


    Chizi: Awongo m6 problem is not onl6 the rent7 " can)t eat or sleep% &6 heart beats

    =or Deri

    Awongo: *ou should ha4e thought o= 6our heart when 6ou tried to swindle mone6 =rom


    Chizi: +onestl6 Awongo7 it was a mistae% " had list o= those " was woring on eh;%

    Awongo: Dupping

    Chizi: Alright duping; So when 6ou recited her number " ust wrote it on the

    nearest paper; " could ne4er =ind a better lo4eAwongo: &en3 Enough o= sad tales let)s celebrate m6 promotion

    S/G: P#P S#U$D% ,"BU"D P#U'ED "$T# T.# TU&(,E'S AT


    Awongo: ,et)s drin to =inding true lo4e7 eeping it and prospering in all li=e


    S/G: TU&(,E'S C,"CK

    Chizi: CheersAwongo: Cheers;


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    SCE$E S"GT*#$E

    &'% TA'"&U


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