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1:1 G E N E S I S 1 GENESIS CHAPTER 1 The Creation 1:1 1722 en In 746 arc ¢ h the beginning  4160-3588-2316 epo ¢ ihse n o qe ¢ oV God made  3588 ton the  3772 ouran ¢ on heaven  2532 kai and  3588 thn the 1093 ghn earth. 1:2  3588-1161 h de But the 1093 gh earth 1510.7.3 hn was  517 oratoV unseen  2532 kai and 180.2 akataske ¢ uastoV unready,  2532 kai and  4655 sk ¢ otoV darkness 1883 ep ¢ anw was upon  3588 thV the 12 ab ¢ ussou abyss,  2532 kai and  4151 pne ¢ uma spirit  2316 qeo ¢ u of  God  2018 epef ¢ ereto bore 1883 ep ¢ anw upon  3588 tou the  5204 ¢ udatoV water. 1:3  2532 kai And  2036-3588-2316 e ¢ ipeno qe¢ oV God said, 1096 genhq ¢ htw Let there be  5457 fwV light!  2532 kai And 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  5457 fwV light. 1:4  2532 kai And 1492-3588-2316 ideno qe¢ oV God beheld  3588 to the  5457 fwV light  3754 ¢ oti that  2570 kal ¢ on it was good.  2532 kai And 1316-3588-2316 diec ¢ wrisen o qe ¢ oV God parted  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  3588 tou the  5457 fwt ¢ oV light  2532 kai and  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  3588 tou the  4655 sk ¢ otouV darkness. 1:5  2532 kai And  2564-3588-2316 ek ¢ alesen o qe¢ oV God called  3588 to the  5457 fwV light,  2250 hm ¢ eran Day,  2532 kai and  3588 to the  4655 sk ¢ otoV darkness  2564 ek ¢ alese he called,  3571 n ¢ ukta Night;  2532 kai and 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  2073 esp ¢ era evening  2532 kai and 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  4404 prw+ morning,  2250 hm ¢ era day 1520 m ¢ ia one. 1:6  2532 kai And  2036-3588-2316 e ¢ ipeno qe¢ oV God said, 1096 genhq ¢ htw Let there be  4733 ster ¢ ewma a firmament 1722 en in  3319 m ¢ esw the midst  3588 tou of the  5204 ¢ udatoV water,  2532 kai and 1510.5 ¢ estw let it be 1316 diacwr ¢ izon  for  parting  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  5204 ¢ udatoV water  2532 kai and  5204 ¢ udatoV water! 1:7  2532 kai And  4160-3588-2316 epo ¢ i hs en o qe¢ oV God made  3588 to the  4733 st ¢ erewma firmament,  2532 kai and 1316-3588-2316 diec ¢ wrisen o qe ¢ oV God parted  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  3588 tou the  5204 ¢ udatoV water  3739 o which 1510.7.3 hn was  5270 upok ¢ atw underneath  3588 tou the  4733 stere ¢ wmatoV firmament,  2532 kai and  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  3588 tou the  5204 ¢ udatoV water  3588 tou 1883 ep ¢ anw above  3588 tou the  4733 stere ¢ wmatoV firmament. 1:8  2532 kai And  2564-3588-2316 ek ¢ alesen o qe ¢ oV God called  3588 to the  4733 stere ¢ wma firmament,  3772 ouran ¢ on Heaven.  2532 kai And 1492-3588-2316 e ¢ ideno qe¢ oV God beheld  3754 ¢ oti that  2570 kal ¢ on it was good;  2532 kai and 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  2073 esp ¢ era evening  2532 kai and 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  4404 prw+ morning,  2250 hm ¢ era [2day 1208 deut ¢ era 1 the second]. 1:9  2532 kai And  2036-3588-2316 e ¢ ipeno qe¢ oV God said,  4863 sunacq ¢ htw Let [6come together  3588 to 1the  5204 ¢ udwr 2water  3588 to  5270 upok ¢ atw 3underneath  3588 tou 4the  3772 ourano ¢ u 5heaven] 1519 eiV into  4864 sunagwg ¢ hn [2gathering 1520 m ¢ ian 1one],  2532 kai and  3708 ofq ¢ htw let [3appear  3588 h 1the  3584 xhr ¢ a 2dry  land ]!  2532 kai And 1096 eg ¢ eneto it was  3779 o ¢ utwV so.  2532 kai And  4863 sun ¢ hcqh [6gathered together  3588 to 1the  5204 ¢ udwr 2water  3588 to  5270 upok ¢ atw 3underneath  3588 tou 4the  3772 ourano ¢ u 5heaven] 1519 eiV into  3588 taV  4864-1473 sunagwg ¢ aV aut¢ wn their gatherings,  2532 kai and  3708 ¢ wfqh [3appeared  3588 h 1the  3584 xhr ¢ a 2dry land ]. 1:10  2532 kai And  2564-3588-2316 ek ¢ ale se n o qe ¢ oV God called  3588 thn the  3584 xhr ¢ an dry land , 1093 ghn Earth;  2532 kai and  3588 ta the  4959.1 sust ¢ hmata collections  3588 twn of the  5204 ud ¢ atwn waters  2564 ek ¢ alese he called,  2281 qal ¢ assaV Seas.  2532 kai And 1492-3588-2316 e ¢ i de n o qe ¢ oV God beheld  3754 ¢ oti that  2570 kal ¢ on it was good. 1:11  2532 kai And  2036-3588-2316 e ¢ ipeno qe¢ oV God said, 985 blasths ¢ atw Let [3grow  3588 h 1the 1093 gh 2earth] 1008 bot ¢ anhn pasturage  5528 c ¢ ortou of grass  4687 spe ¢ iron sowing  4690 sp ¢ erma seed  2596 kat ¢ a according to 1085 enoV type,  2532 kai and  2596 kaq' according to  3665 omoi ¢ othta likeness,  2532 kai and  3586 x ¢ ulon [2tree  2589.5 k ¢ arpimon 1 the fruitful]  4160 poio ¢ un producing  2590 karp ¢ on fruit  3739 ou which  3588 to the  4690 sp ¢ erma seed 1473 auto ¢ u of it 1722 en is in 1473 aut ¢ w it,  2596 kat ¢ a according to 1085 g ¢ enoV type 1909 ep ¢ i upon  3588 thV the 1093 ghV earth!  2532 kai And 1096 eg ¢ eneto it was  3779 o ¢ utwV so. 1:12  2532 kai And 1627 ex ¢ hnegken [3brought forth  3588 h 1the 1093 gh 2earth] 1008 bot ¢ anhn pasturage  5528 c ¢ ortou of grass  4687 spe ¢ iron sowing  4690 sp ¢ erma seed,  2596 kat ¢ a according to 1085 g ¢ enoV type,  2532 kai and  2596 kaq' according to  3665 omoi ¢ othta likeness;  2532 kai and  3586 x ¢ ulon [2tree  2589.5 arpimon 1 the fruitful]  4160 poio ¢ un producing  2590 karp ¢ on fruit  3739 ou which  3588 to the  4690 sp ¢ erma seed 1473 autou of it 1722 en is in 1473 aut ¢ w it,  2596 kat ¢ a according to 1085 g ¢ enoV type 1909 ep ¢ i upon  3588 thV the 1093 ghV earth. 1:13  2532 kai And 1492-3588-2316 id eno qe¢ oV God beheld  3754 ¢ oti that  2570 kal ¢ on it was good.  2532 kai And 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  2073 esp ¢ era evening  2532 kai and 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  4404 prw+ morning,  2250 hm ¢ era [2day  5154 tr ¢ ith 1 the third]. 1:14  2532 kai And  2036-3588-2316 e ¢ ipeno qe¢ oV God said, 1096 genhq ¢ htwsan Let there be  5458 fwst ¢ hreV luminaries 1722 en in  3588 tw the  4733 stere ¢ wmati firmament  3588 tou of the  3772 ourano ¢ u heaven 1519 eiV for  5337.1 fausingiving light 1909 ep ¢ i upon  3588 thV the 1093 ghV earth,  3588 tou 1316 diacwr ¢ izein to part  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  3588 thV the  2250 hm ¢ eraV day  2532 kai and  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  3588 thV the  3571 nukt ¢ oV night!  2532 kai And 1510.5 ¢ estwsan let them be 1519 eiV for  4592 shme ¢ ia signs,  2532 kai and 1519 eiV for  2540 kairo ¢ uV times,  2532 kai and 1519 eiV for  2250 hm ¢ eraV days,  2532 kai and 1519 eiV for 1763 eniauto ¢ uV years! 1:15  2532 kai And 1510.5 ¢ estwsan let them be 1519 eiV for  5337.1 fa ¢ usin giving light 1722 en in  3588 tw the  4733 stere ¢ wmati firmament  3588 tou of the  3772 ourano ¢ u heaven,  5620 ¢ wste so as  5316 fa ¢ inein to shine 1909 ep ¢ i upon  3588 thV the 1093 ghV earth!  2532 kai And 1096 eg ¢ eneto it was  3779 o ¢ utwV so. 1:16  2532 kai And  4160-3588-2316 epo ¢ i hs en o qe¢ oV God made  3588 touV the 1417 d ¢ uo two  5458 fwst ¢ hraV [2luminaries  3588 touV  3173 meg ¢ alouV 1great];  3588 ton the  5458 fwst ¢ hra [2luminary  3588 ton  3173 m ¢ egan 1greater] 1519 eiV for 746 arc ¢ aV beginnings  3588 thV of the  2250 hm ¢ eraV day,  2532 kai and  3588 ton the  5458 fwst ¢ hra [2luminary  3588 ton 1640 el ¢ assw 1lesser] 1519 eiV for 746 arc ¢ aV beginnings  3588 thV of the  3571 nukt ¢ oV night,  2532 kai and  3588 touV the 792 ast ¢ eraV stars. 1:17  2532 kai And  5087 ¢ eqeto [2put 1473 auto ¢ uV 3them  3588 o  2316 qe ¢ oV 1God] 1722 en in  3588 tw the  4733 stere ¢ wmati firmament  3588 tou of the  3772 ourano ¢ u heaven,  5620 ¢ wste so as  5316 fa ¢ inein to shine 1909 ep ¢ i upon  3588 thV the 1093 ghV earth, 1:18  2532 kai and 756 ¢ arcein to begin  3588 thV the  2250 hm ¢ eraV day  2532 kai and  3588 thV the  3571 nukt ¢ oV night,  2532 kai and 1316 diacwr ¢ izein to part  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  3588 tou the  5457 fwt ¢ oV light  2532 kai and  303.1 anam ¢ eson between  3588 tou the  4655 sk ¢ otouV darkness.  2532 kai And 1492-3588-2316 ideno qe¢ oV God beheld  3754 ¢ oti that  2570 kal ¢ on it was good. 1:19  2532 kai And 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  2073 esp ¢ era evening  2532 kai and 1096 eg ¢ eneto there was  4404 prw+ morning,  2250 hm ¢ era [2day  5067 tet ¢ arth 1 the fourth]. 1:20  2532 kai And  2036-3588-2316 e ¢ ipeno qe¢ oV God said, 1806 exagag ¢ etw Let [3bring forth  3588 ta 1the  5204 ¢ udata 2waters]  2062 erpet ¢ a reptiles  5590 yuc ¢ wn [2lives  2198 zws ¢ wn 1of living],  2532 kai and  4071 petein ¢ a [2winged creatures  4072 pet ¢ omena 1flying] 1909 ep ¢ i upon  3588 thV the 1093 ghV earth  2596 kat ¢ a below  3588 to the  4733 ster ¢ ewma firmament  3588 tou of the  3772 ourano ¢ u heaven!  2532 kai And 1096 eg ¢ eneto it was  3779 utwV so. 1:21  2532 kai And  4160-3588-2316 epo ¢ ihsen o qe¢ oV God made  3588 ta the  2785 k ¢ hth [2whales  3588 ta  3173 meg ¢ ala 1great],  2532 kai and  3956 asan every  5590 yuc ¢ hn life  2226 z ¢ wwn of living creatures  2062 erpet ¢ wn of reptiles  3739 a which 1806 ex ¢ hgage [3brought forth  3588 ta 1the  5204 ¢ udata 2waters]  2596 kat ¢ a according to 1085-1473 enh aut¢ wn their types;  2532 kai and  3956 pan every  4071 petein ¢ on [2winged creature 1:14  Complutensian Polyglot (CP)  wste fainei n – so as to shine.

La Septuaginta Interlinear Ingles

Aug 07, 2018



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