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L-g˙aΩla dan il-Milied GÓAWDEX Bejn it-3 ta’ Diçembru 2016 u t-8 ta’ Jannar 2017 Natività - Mill-artist Noel Debono

L-g˙aΩla dan il-Milied GÓAWDEX€¦ · jgħoxew bid-drawwiet tradizzjonali, l-arti, id-divertiment u l-ikel. ... ‘Swejjaq tal-Milied’ will feature Christmas stalls, typical

Jun 22, 2020



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Page 1: L-g˙aΩla dan il-Milied GÓAWDEX€¦ · jgħoxew bid-drawwiet tradizzjonali, l-arti, id-divertiment u l-ikel. ... ‘Swejjaq tal-Milied’ will feature Christmas stalls, typical

L-g˙aΩla dan il-MiliedGÓAWDEX

Bejn it-3 ta’ Diçembru 2016 u t-8 ta’ Jannar 2017N


ità -





l Deb


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Experience the timeless storyof the Nativity


11th December 2016 - 8th January 2017

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Milied 2016

Messaġġ tal-Ministru għal Għawdex, Anton Refalo

Merħba fil-gżira tal-Milied.

Għawdex hu lest biex għal sena oħra jilqgħek fi gżiritna f’dan il-perjodu ta’ ferħ. Għawdex ħa l-fama bħala l-gżira tal-Milied minħabba li hawn diversi attrazzjonijiet u attivitajiet x’ tista’ żżur fil-jiem li tkun fostna. Din is-sena ser inżidu din il-fama għaliex il-presepju tradizzjonali Malti li ser iżejjen il-Pjazza ta’ San Pietru fil-Vatikan huwa xogħol l-Għawdxin.

Huwa unur għal Għawdex li l-presepju tal-artist Għawdxi Manwel Grech ntgħażel biex ikun il-presepju tal-Vatikan għal din is-sena wara sejħa li saret mid-Direttorat tal-Kultura f’kollaborazzjoni ma’ Heritage Malta.

Il-Kumitat Milied f’Għawdex kompla jibni fuq il-pedamenti tal-2013 u din is-sena l-programm jinkludi firxa ta’ attivitajiet madwar Għawdex kollu. Il-programm li tħejja jolqot il-gosti ta’ kulħadd, mit-tfal għall-anzjani, dawk li jgħoxew bid-drawwiet tradizzjonali, l-arti, id-divertiment u l-ikel.

Il-presepju b’Ġesù Bambin jibqa’ ċ-ċentru tal-attivitajiet tal-Milied. Ma niddejqux ngħidu dan u kburin b’dak li nemmnu.

L-attivitajiet jistgħu jsiru minħabba tant voluntiera li matul is-sena jħejju għal dan. Grazzi lid-Djoċesi ta’ Għawdex, il-Kunsilli Lokali, l-Għaqdiet u l-komunità kummerċjali li jappoġjaw l-inizjattivi li jkunu għaddejjin.

Huwa ta’ pjaċir għalija u għal dawk fil-Kumitat tal-Milied li naraw, li kull sena, l-eluf li jżuru Għawdex fil-jiem tal-Milied, jiżdiedu minn sena għall-oħra. Insellem lil dawk kollha li jagħtu xi servizz lil dawk li jżuru l-gżira li ħafna drabi dawn il-jiem ifissru aktar siegħat ta’ xogħol ’il bogħod mill-għeżież tagħhom. Grazzi minn qalbi.

Nagħlaq bil-kliem ta’ Madre Theresa li tgħid hekk: Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty. Għalhekk inħeġġeġ lilek li qiegħed taqra dan il-messaġġ biex jekk taf b’xi ħadd li għaddej minn din is-sitwazzjoni f’dawn il-jiem tant sbieħ, tipprova toffrilu wens u anki tistieden lil din il-persuna żżur din il-gżira miegħek f’dan iż-żmien ta’ ferħ.


Attivitajiet Activities

Presepji Tradizzjonali GħawdxinTraditional Gozitan Cribs

Presepji Statiċi u ĦajjinLive and Static Cribs




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Kunċert ta’ qabel il-Milied imtella’ mill-Iskola tal-MużikaPre-Christmas mini concert by the Music Department within the Visual & Performing Arts School (Gozo)

Post (Venue): Il-Ħaġar, St. George’s Square, Victoria


Mixgħela tad-Dawl u ftuħ uffiċjali tal-Programm tal-MiliedThe official opening of the Christmas FestivitiesPost (Venue): Independence Square, Victoria

Ftuħ uffiċjali tal-programm tal-Milied mill-Ministru għal Għawdex, Dr. Anton Refalo, fejn tinxtgħel is-Siġra tal-Milied fi Pjazza Indipendenza, id-dawl ta’ Triq ir-Repubblika u diversi dawl ieħor tal-Milied. Is-serata ser tkun akkumpanjata minn tliet korijiet tat-tfal, Piccole Stelle, Fjur tal-Martri Margerita u Regina Angelorum u mill-kantanta Michela Pace. Il-band popolari The Travellers tagħlaq din l-attività.

The official opening of the Christmas Festivities by the Minister for Gozo, Dr. Anton Refalo, who will switch on the Christmas Tree, the lights of Republic Street and various other Christmas illuminations. Three Children’s Choirs, ‘Piccole Stelle Choir’, ‘Fjur tal-Martri Margerita’ and ‘Regina Angelorum’ and the singer Michela Pace will participate during this event which will be closed by the popular musical band ‘The Travellers’.

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Kunċert ‘Sursum Corda’‘Sursum Corda’ ConcertPost (Venue): Gozo Seminary, Victoria

Bħala parti miċ-ċelebrazzjonijiet li jfakkru l-mija u ħamsin sena mit-twaqqif tas-Seminarju tal-Qalb ta’ Ġesù (1866-2016) fil-gżira Għawdxija, ser jittella’ l-kunċert Sursum Corda fis-sala prinċipali tal-istess Seminarju. Il-kunċert ser ikun animat mill-Cordia String Quartet li ser jippreżentaw biċċiet mużikali klassiċi u kontemporanji. Matul is-serata ser jiġi mniedi ktieb kommemorattiv dwar l-istorja tas-Seminarju miktub minn Mons. Joseph Bezzina.

As part of the celebrations organised by the Diocese of Gozo to commemorate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the Sacred Heart Seminary (1866-2016), a concert entitled ‘Sursum Corda’, will be held in the main hall of the Seminary. The soirée will be animated by the ‘Cordia String Quartet’ featuring a repertoire of classical and contemporary music. During the event, a commemorative book about the history of the Seminary, written by Mgr Joseph Bezzina, will be launched.


Swejjaq (It-tielet edizzjoni)‘Swejjaq’ (3rd Edition)Post (Venue): Saint Lawrence Square, San Lawrenz

Swejjaq tal-Milied li ser jikkonsisti f’bankarelli tal-Milied b’ikel tipiku, fiera tradizzjonali tal-Milied u divertiment għall-familja kollha. Is-Swejjaq huwa bħal monti artiġġjanali u tradizzjonali li fi żmien l-antik kien isir f’diversi rħula f’Malta u Għawdex.

‘Swejjaq tal-Milied’ will feature Christmas stalls, typical food, a traditional Christmas Fair, family entertainment and a children’s area. ‘Swejjaq’, is a traditional artisan market, the likes of which used to be held in various Maltese and Gozitan villages in the past.


Carols by Candlelight 2016 Post (Venue): St. Augustine’s Priory, Victoria

Schola Cantorum Jubilate ser ikunu qed ittellgħu t-tlettax-il edizzjoni ta’ Carols by Candlelight. Dan l-avveniment ser jikkonsisti f’Kunċert tal-Milied u segwit b’ikla fil-kunvent tal-Patrijiet Agostinjani fir-Rabat. Avveniment li wieħed m’għandux jitlef. Għal iktar dettalji tista’ tikkuntatja lill-organizzaturi fuq l-imejl [email protected] jew iċċempel fuq in-numru 79450950.

Schola Cantorum Jubilate will be holding the thirteenth edition of ‘Carols by Candlelight’. The event will consist of a Christmas Concert followed by dinner. This event should not be missed by music and Christmas lovers. For further details contact the organisers by email on [email protected] or mobile no. 79450950.


Quddiesa fis-Santwarju tal-Madonna ta’ Pinu Mass at Our Lady of ta’ Pinu Sanctuary Post (Venue): Ta’ Pinu, Għarb

Quddiesa għat-tfal tal-iskejjel kollha fejn kull skola ser tippreżenta d-donazzjonijiet li jkunu nġabru fl-attività Universal Children’s Day - Uniform Free Day.

A mass will be held for all school children. During the mass there will be the presentation of the donations collected by the children on the ‘Universal Children’s Day - Uniform Free Day’ held earlier this year.


9th & 10th December 2016

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The First Gozo International Choir Festival will bring together six foreign choirs and eight local choirs from different backgrounds to share their knowledge and experience while performing pieces from their repertoires including Christmas Carols for everyone to enjoy, in three beautiful churches in Gozo.

Friday 9th of December – 6.30pm – St. Peter and St. Paul’s Basilica in Nadur*

Friday 9th of December – 6.30pm – The Nativity of our Lady’s Basilica in Xagħra*

*Each venue will feature performances by six different choirs.

Saturday 10th of December - 6.30pm – St. John the Baptist’s Rotunda in Xewkija. Performance by eight different choirs.

The event is being organised by Euro Art Productions (Italy) and Leon Promotions (Malta) and fully supported by the Ministry for Gozo. Entrance to all three concerts is free of charge.


9th & 10th December 2016

Licensed to Conduct Investment Servicesby the Malta Financial Services Authority

Web: www.michaelgrechfinancial.comEmail: [email protected]

Head O�ce: The Brokerage, Level 0 “A”, St Marta Street,

Victoria, Gozo, VCT 2551, Malta Tel: 2258 7000, 2155 4492 | Fax: 2155 9199

Malta O�ce: 95, Fleur de Lys Road, Birkirkara, BKR 9064, Malta

Tel: 2144 1003 | Fax: 2144 1006


Bħal kif ġara fis-sentejn li għaddew, l-Eċċellenza Tagħha, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President ta’ Malta, ser tkun qed iżżur l-ibliet u l-irħula ta’ Għawdex bejn is-Sibt 26 u l-Ħadd 27 ta’ Novembru.

Intant, is-Sibt 10 ta’ Diċembru ser jixxandar Sibt l-Istrina’ minn Għawdex. Dan ser ikun programm varjat ta’ sitt sigħat trażmess dirett fuq TVM bejn is-sitta ta’ filgħaxija u nofs il-lejl mill-Grand Hotel, Għajnsielem. Waqt dan il-programm, li għalih ser tkun qed tattendi l-Eċċellenza tagħha, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President ta’ Malta, ser ikunu qiegħin jintlaqgħu ukoll donazzjonijiet b’risq il-Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.

As in previous years, Her Excellency, the President of Malta, Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, will be visiting Gozitan towns and villages on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of November.

Meanwhile, Sibt l-Istrina’, a 6-hour variety programme will be held on Saturday 10th December. The programme will be aired live on TVM from 6.00p.m till midnight, from the Grand Hotel in Għajnsielem. Her Excellency, the President of Malta, Marie Louise Coleiro Preca will be present during the programme, and donations will be collected in aid of the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation.

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Following discussions between the Archdiocese of Malta, the Maltese Government and the Governatorate of the State of Vatican City of the State, the Culture Directorate, in collaboration with Heritage Malta, launched a call for proposals for the design and build of an artistic crib (presepju). This call was issued in December 2015. The design had to reflect local crib traditions and include

Maltese indigenous structures and other traditional Maltese features. The design submitted by Gozitan artist Manwel Grech was selected from amongst the participating models.

The crib, which will be exhibited from 9th December 2016 to 8th January 2017, is approximately seventeen metres by twelve metres. Its height is around eight metres. Its layout and surrounding areas

are inspired from the landscape of the typical cribs made at home with the Nativity scene situated in a stable/cave. Local structures such as stone balcony, arches and a corbelled stone hut (girna) are coupled with typical Maltese tools, musical instruments and utensils. Maltese emblems like the luzzu and Maltese Cross have also been amalgamated in the design.

The crib will host seventeen life-size figures excluding animals. These figurines were first moulded out from clay and then casts were taken, using papier machè technique. Fibre resin was used as well in order to make the figures weather-proof and durable. Figurines will be dressed in traditional Maltese costumes.

The crib will be inaugurated on the 9th December 2016 in Piazza San Pietro. To complement this initiative, and following discussions with the Vatican, the Government of Malta in agreement with the Holy See is organising a concert of sacred music on Saturday, 17th December 2016 at the Papal Basilica of San Paolo Fuori le Mura in Rome. The concert shall feature Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis performed by the Malta Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of its internationally-acclaimed Principal Conductor and Artistic Director Mro Brian Schembri, with the participation of four top-level soloists (Soprano: Jacquelyn Wagner; Alto: Eva Vogel; Tenor: Daniel Kirch; Bass: Gerd Grochowski) and the world-famous choir of the Accademia di Santa Cecilia. The roman Curia’s rapresentatives will be invited, together with Maltese and Italian high officials, and the general public.

Christmas & New Year in Gozo

T: (+356) 21556486 - E: [email protected]

T: (+356) 22191000 - E: [email protected]

T: (+356) 21562951 - E: [email protected]

Accommodation starting from :€ 75 per person

including Christmas Eve dinner & breakfast€ 95 per person including

New Year’s Eve Gala dinner & breakfast

Accommodation starting from :€ 110 per person including

Christmas Eve dinner & breakfast€ 155 per person including

New Year’s Eve Gala dinner & breakfast

Accommodation starting from :€ 60 per person including

Christmas Eve dinner & breakfast€ 71 per person including

New Year’s Eve Gala dinner & breakfast

Photo Credit: Joe Grech and l-Orizzont

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Saturday 10th December 2016

12:00 - 20:00 hrs Gozo Cottage Tastings 12:00 - 20:00 hrs Abraham’s Christmas Tastings12:00 - 20:00 hrs DJ Live Music12:00 - 20:00 hrs Kids’ Activities, Bouncy Castle &

Building a Crib by Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Sezzjoni Għajnsielem16:30 - 20:00 hrs Live Singing and Entertainment by Michael Refalo11:00 - 16:00 hrs Various Artists Live at the Square18:00 - 19:00 hrs Chorus Urbanus

Santa Claus would be distributing gifts to the kids. Take this opportunity to snap a photo with Santa!

Sunday 11th December 2016

Gozitano Open Day – Tours to Food Production Units by the Gozitano Agricultural Village

09:00 - 12:00 hrs Exhibition by VCG Milatary Vehicle Club Gozo and Classic Cars10:00 - 11:00 hrs Re-enactment by the Xaghra Historical Re-enactment Organisation12:00 - 17:00 hrs Live Singing and Entertainment by Michel Refalo 12:00 - 20:00 hrs Kids’ Activites & Bouncy Castle14:00 - 16:00 hrs Kids’ Activities & Face Painting17:30 - 20:00 hrs Cash & Band Acoustic Session

Christmas Village10th - 11th December 2016

Gozitano Agricultural Village, Xewkija

For more information please contact us on: 21550817, 21559033 or 99020170

Santa Claus would be distributing gifts to the kids. Take this opportunity to snap a photo with Santa!

Exhibition by VCG Milatary Vehicle Club Gozo and Classic CarsRe-enactment by the Xaghra Historical Re-enactment Organisation

Live Singing and Entertainment by Michel Refalo Kids’ Activites & Bouncy CastleKids’ Activities & Face PaintingCash & Band Acoustic Session

For more information please contact us on: 21550817, 21559033 or 99020170

Santa Claus would be distributing gifts to the kids. Take this opportunity to snap a photo with Santa!

Sunday 11th December 2016

Gozitano Open Day – Tours to Food Production Units by the Gozitano Agricultural Village

09:00 - 12:00 hrs10:00 - 11:00 hrs12:00 - 17:00 hrs12:00 - 20:00 hrs14:00 - 16:00 hrs17:30 - 20:00 hrs

For more information please contact us on: 21550817, 21559033 or 99020170

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Gozitano Agricultural Village, Mgarr Road, Xewkija, Gozo | (+356) 2156 3231 / (+356) 2156 0952 [email protected] |

Our ready made hampers make exceptional gifts, however if you wish you can personalise your own custom hamper and make it unique. Gluten Free and sugar free items are available.

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It-tieni Kunċert ta’ qabel il-Milied imtella’ mill-Iskola tal-MużikaSecond Pre-Christmas mini concert by the Music Department within the Visual & Performing Arts School (Gozo)

Post (Venue): Il-Ħaġar, St. George’s Square, Victoria

SATURDAY 10TH DECEMBER - 9.00am - 12.00pm

Milied Tfuliti A Childhood ChristmasPost (Venue): Wied il-Lunzjata, Victoria

Attivita’ għall-familja kollha, mtella’ miċ-Ċentru għall-Edukazzjoni, Xjenza u Kultura f’kollaborazzjoni mal-Uffiċċju tal-UNESCO f’Malta, mal-Ministeru għal Għawdex u mal-Kulleġġ t’Għawdex.

Żuru l-ambjent uniku ta’ dan il-Wied pittoresk li għal ftit sigħat se jinbidel f’xena naturali tal-Milied b’presepju ħaj imtella’ mit-tfal għat-tfal fl-għerien u l-għelieqi tal-madwar, tradizzjonijiet ħajjin bħal Purċissjoni bil-Bambin u l-Priedka tat-Tifel, imwejjed b’ikel u snajja tradizzjonali u mużika u kant għal dan iż-żmien qaddis tas-sena.

Għal iktar dettalji: mill-Facebook page: The Education Science and Culture Centre jew tel: 21553503 jew e-mail: [email protected]

A family centred event organised by the Education, Science & Culture Centre in collaboration with the UNESCO Office in Malta, the Ministry for Gozo and the Gozo College.

Come and visit the unique surroundings of the pictureusque Lunzjata Valley, on the outskirts of Victoria and Kerċem, which for a few hours will be transformed into a natural Christmastide scene. The event will include a live crib presented by children for children in the valley’s caves and adjacent fields, re-enactments of live traditions like the Procession with the statue of Baby Jesus & the Child’s Christmas Sermon, stands with local traditional food and crafts ,and music and song for this holy time of the year.

For further details visit Facebook page: The Education Science and Culture Centre or tel: 21553503 or e-mail: [email protected]


Festival tad-DawlFestival of lightPost (Venue): Pjazza Santa Luċija

Dan il-festival huwa organizzat bi skop li jfakkar il-patruna tar-raħal li tissimbolizza dawl u protezzjoni. Isiru numru ta’ attivitajiet kemm ġewwa l-knisja tar-raħal kif ukoll fit-toroq stess tal-madwar bħal daqq mill-baned u nar tal-ajru. Attrazzjoni ta’ dan il-festival hi meta t-tfal jimxu madwar il-pjazza u t-toroq lebsin ilbisi bojod b’faxxa ħamra madwar ġenbejjhom u kuruna b’xemgħat mixgħula.

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This Festival, which is held in honour Patron Saint of the village,symbolizes the light and protection provided by St. Lucy. A largevariety of celebrations take place inside the chapel dedicated toSt. Lucy and also around the streets of this very quaint Gozitanvillage. Featuring band marches, firework displays and religiouscelebrations, the event will also include local girls parading aroundthe village square dressed in long white gowns and a red sash,wearing a crown of lit candles on their heads following a processionfrom the village square through the streets of the hamlet.

SUNDAY 11TH DECEMBER - 11.00am - 3.30pm

Ta’ Dbieġi @ Christmas (3rd edition)Post (Venue): Ta’ Dbieġi, Għarb

Dan huwa avveniment annwali fejn il-familja kollha tista’ tgawdi f’aktar minn 6500 metru kwadru ta’ ġonna li għal din l-okkażżjoni ser jiġu trasformati f’villaġġ festiv tal-Milied. Dan l-avveniment ser jagħtik l-opportunità li takkwista għalik, għall-familja u għall-ħbieb tiegħek, rigali uniċi artiġġjanali tal-Milied kemm jekk tal-fidda, covers tal-ġilda, basktijiet, fuħħar, ħġieġ, xemgħat tal-fwieħa jew metall. Dawn ir-rigali jistgħu jiġu personalizzati. Uħud minnhom jistgħu jinġabru qabel jitilqu mill-villaġġ filwaqt li oħrajn jistgħu jinġabru waqt li wieħed ikun qed jistenna u jara kif jinħadmu oġġetti artiġġjanali bħal dawn. It-tfal jistgħu jieħdu ritratti ma’ Santa Klaws, jipparteċipaw fil-workshops miftuħa, igawdu minn mużika live u ħafna ħafna aktar. Dan hu avveniment li wieħed żgur li ma għandux jitlef!!

Dħul u parkeġġ huma b’xejn. This is an annual family event where you can enjoy yourself in more than 6,500 sqm of flourishing gardens. On this occasion, these gardens will be transformed into a festive Christmas Village. This event will provide you with an opportunity to acquire unique handcrafted Christmas presents such as silver artefacts, leather covers and handbags, pottery, glass, scented candles or metal items. Gifts can also be personalized. A number of them can be collected either as you watch the artisan working on the item or before leaving the Village. The kids can take photos with Santa Claus, participate in open workshops, enjoy live music and performances, and much much more. Surely, an event not to be missed!! Entrance and parking space are free of charge.

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SATURDAY 17TH & SUNDAY 18TH DECEMBER 10.00am - 7.00pm

Dinja tat-TfalChildren’s WorldPost (Venue): Gozo Sports Complex, Victoria

Jumejn fejn it-tfal ser ikollhom cans jilagħbu u jieħdu sehem f’numru ta’ inizjattivi. Ser jiltaqgħu wkoll ma’ karattri popolari favoriti tagħhom. Id-donazjonijiet ser imorru għal Puttinu Cares. Dħul huwa b’xejn.

The children’s fun park ‘Dinja tat-tfal’ (Children’s World) will give the children the opportunity to meet their favourite characters and enjoy a variety of activities. All proceedings will go to Puttinu Cares. Entrance is free of charge.


It-tielet Kunċert ta’ qabel il-Milied imtella’ mill-iskola tal-MużikaThird Pre-Christmas mini concert by the Music Department within the Visual & Performing Arts School (Gozo) Post (Venue): Il-Ħaġar, St. George’s Square, Victoria

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Parata tal-MiliedChristmas ParadePost (Venue): Republic Street, Victoria

Il-parata ser tibda minn Triq ir-Repubblika u timxi lejn Pjazza Indipendenza ġewwa r-Rabat, Għawdex. Din ser tkun ċelebrazzjoni tal-Milied, b’kostumi u żfin festiv u tinvolvi karattri bħal Father Christmas, Qniepen tal-Milied, borrini u diversi karattri tal-cartoons. Il-grupp popolari BrassTubes jagħlaq din l-attività.

A Christmas parade will start from the lower part of Republic Street and will make its way up to Independence Square. The parade will be a Christmas celebration exhibiting various beautiful costumes, festive dancing and popular characters such as Father Christmas, Snowmen and numerous other cartoon characters. The popular musical band ‘BrassTubes’ will close the event.

Mons. Luigi Vella Street, Victoria, GozoT: 2701 9270 | M: 9901 9270 | W:

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Il-Milied Misjub mill-ĠdidMusical play “Il-Milied Misjub mill-Ġdid”Post (Venue): MBC Theatre, Nadur

Dramm mużikali bl-isem ta’ Il-Milied Misjub mill-Ġdid fejn niltaqgħu ma’ Marty, wieħed mill-ħaddiema qrib ta’ Santa li jintbagħat New York biex isib mill-ġdid l-hena tal-Milied lil bosta nies li jiltaqa’ magħhom. B’kast ta’ aktar minn ħamsin attur, kbir u żgħir, ħadd m’għandu jitlef din l-opportunità biex jidħol aktar fl-ispirtu tal-Milied. Kitba u direzzjoni ta’ Mark Azzopardi.

A musical play with the name ‘Il-Milied Misjub mill-Ġdid’ where you will meet Marty, one of Santa’s closest assistants. Marty will be sent to New York to bring back the Christmas spirit to those people he will encounter on the streets of this popular city. With a cast of over fifty actors, this musical play will offer an opportunity for everyone to be inspired by the Christmas spirit. The play is written and directed by Mark Azzopardi.


Pageant tal-MiliedChristmas PageantPost (Venue): Main streets of San Lawrenz

Għal darb’oħra, kif ġara f’dawn l-aħħar tmienja u erbgħin sena, il-pjazza u t-toroq ta’ San Lawrenz jinbidlu f’Bibbja miftuħa biex

jirrakkontaw l-isbaħ storja li qatt inkitbet: l-istorja tas-salvazzjoni. In-novità ta’ dan il-pageant huwa li kważi l-komunità kollha tar-raħal tieħu sehem b’xi mod jew ieħor. L-istennija u l-preparazzjoni għal dan l-avveniment tibda minn xhur qabel. L-Għaqda Drammatika San Lawrenz, li hija l-entità li tieħu ħsieb ittellgħa dan il-pageant, tagħti attenzjoni partikulari għall-fatt li dan ikun wieħed li jwassal il-vera spirtu tal-Milied ’il bogħod mill-aspett spettakolari esaġerat u li fost dawk li jżuru dan il-pageant, jinħass l-aspett ta’ komunità li jsaltan f’dan ir-raħal. Biex dan ikompli jinħass, f’dawn l-aħħar snin ħafna mill-personaġġi qed joħorġu mid-djar tar-residenti tar-raħal u l-ispettatur isir parti minn dan il-pageant.

For the forty eighth consecutive year, the village of San Lawrenz in Gozo will be presenting the Christmas pageant, featuring the story of salvation of all mankind.

It is very interesting to note that the whole community of San Lawrenz is involved in one way or another in this representation. The ‘Għaqda Drammatika San Lawrenz’, the entity organising this event, starts preparing for this manifestation from months before. The aim of the producers of this pageant is that of bringing forth a true spirit of Christmas which further unifies the community together in this festive season. To enhance this aspect, in recent years, parishioners are being directly involved in this dramatic representation. In fact, this pageant is unique in its kind because it begins from inside the parishioners’ households and eventually comes to an end in the Main Square.

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#CHRISTmas Post (Venue): Kerċem Parish Church, Kerċem

Din hija attività li tittellgħa Ħadd qabel il-festa tal-Milied. Ġiet varata s-sena l-oħra u fiha ħadu sehem il-korijiet ta’ din il-Parrocca, jiġifieri, il-Kor San Girgor u l-Kor Madonna Tas-Sokkors immexxija mis-Surmast Carmel P. Grech u Cristabelle Formosa rispettivament. Is-sena li għaddiet, id-djalogu dwar it-twelid ta’ Ġesù bi stil modern, f’forma ta’ dwett bejn żewġt it-tfal, niżel tajjeb ħafna mal-udjenza preżenti għal din l-attività. Fl-isem #CHRISTmas jispikka l-isem CHRIST. Dan hu messaġġ qawwi li fil-festi tal-Milied, Kristu għandu jibqa’ ċ-ċentru ta’ kollox. Din hi attività li tgħin biex jissaħħah is-sens ta’ komunità li tant għandna għal qalbna. Din l-attività tiġi organizzata minn grupp ta’ żgħażagħ mill-istess komunità.

This event is held on the last Sunday before Christmas. It will be the second edition. The ‘San Girgor’ Parish Choir and the ‘Madonna Tas-Sokkors’ Choir will participate on this occasion under the musical direction of Mro. Carmel P. Grech and Cristabelle Formosa respectively. A modern style dialogue about the birth of Baby Jesus will be held between two children. The activity was called #CHRISTmas in order to deliver a strong message that Christ shall remain the centre of this important religious feast. This event helps to strengthen the sense of belonging to the community. It is organised by a group of youths from the same parish community.


Il-Kunċert tal-Milied The Christmas ConcertPost (Venue): Saint George’s Basilica, Victoria

Gawdi l-aqwa għanjiet tal-Milied miktuba mill-kompozitur Ingliż John Rutter fi spirtu festiv li jixraq f’dan iż-żmien tas-sena f’kunċert immexxi minn Dr. John Galea bis-sehem tal-Chorus Urbanus u l-Urbanus Festive Orchestra. Dan il-kunċert għandu jkun attività eċċellenti li titgawda mill-familja kollha fl-ambjent maestuż tal-Bażilika ta’ San Ġorġ li tkun imżejna għall-okkażjoni.

There is no better way than to enjoy the festive spirit by attending a Christmas Concert featuring carols by English composer John Rutter. The concert will be conducted by Dr. John Galea and performed for you by ‘Chorus Urbanus’ and the ‘Urbanus Festive Orchestra’. Enjoy this classic festive favourite with numerous carols, all held within the magnificent surroundings of Saint George’s Basilica. A perfect event for all the family .


Nativitate Domini (3rd Edition) Kunċert tal-MiliedChristmas ConcertPost (Venue): Żebbuġ Parish Church, Żebbuġ

Kunċert korali ta’ għanjiet tal-Milied mtella’ mill-Kor Regina Angelorum li twaqqaf dsatax-il sena ilu (1997) u li kompost minn ħamsa u erbgħin element kollha femminili. Il-Kor ser ikun taħt id-direzzjoni mużikali ta’ Maria Cefai u Jacqueline Vella u jkun akkumpanjat bil-mużika mill-Organista Franco Cefai. Fost l-għanjiet tradizzjonali ser jiġu esegwiti wkoll diversi għanjiet ġodda miktuba minn Rev. Geoffrey G. Attard fuq kompożizzjoni oriġinali tal-istess Surmast Franco Cefai, Maestro di Cappella. Il-koreografija ser tkun ta’ Stephanie Cini.

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A concert of Christmas carols by the ‘Regina Angelorum Choir’ which was founded nineteen years ago (1997) and is made up of forty five feminine members. It is directed by Maria Cefai and Jacqueline Vella. Organist Franco Cefai will accompany the Choir. Among the traditional songs that will be sung, there are various new ones whose lyrics were written by Rev. Geoffrey G. Attard based on the original composition of Mro Franco Cefai, ‘Maestro di Cappella’. Choreography will be entrusted to Stephanie Cini.


Purċissjoni bil-BambinTraditional Christmas’ eve processionPost (Venue): Main streets of Żebbuġ

Purċissjoni tradizzjonali organizzata mill-Qasam tal-MUSEUM bis-sehem tat-tfal kollha tal-Parroċċa u akkumpanjata mill-Banda Santa Marija taż-Żebbuġ.

Traditional procession organised by the MUSEUM section with the participation of all the children of the Parish and accompanied by the ‘Banda Santa Marija’ of Żebbuġ.


Kunċert tal-MiliedGrand Christmas ConcertPost (Venue): Saint Margaret Parish Church, Sannat

Is-Soċjetà Mużikali Santa Margerita tippreżenta t-tielet edizzjoni ta’ The Grand Christmas Concert fil-Knisja Parrokkjali ta’ Santa Margerita. Il-Banda tkun taħt id-direzzjoni mużikali ta’ Mro

George Apap. Jieħdu sehem ukoll il-Kor tat-tfal ‘Fjur tal-Martri Margerita’ u solisti. Il-kunċert jibda fis-7.00pm u kulħadd huwa mistieden. Dħul bla ħlas.

The Saint Margaret Band Club of Ta’ Sannat will present the third edition of the Grand Christmas Concert at Ta’ Sannat Parish Church. The Band will be under the baton of Mro George Apap and will feature the Parish Children’s choir ‘Fjur tal-Martri Margerita’ together with soloists. Entrance is free of charge. Seating is on a first come first served basis.


Kunċert tal-Milied Christmas RecitalPost (Venue): Il-Ħaġar, St. George’s Square, Victoria

Kunċert tal-Milied mill-Kor Laudate Pueri.Christmas concert by the Laudate Pueri choir.

Triq San Xmun, Xlendi XLN 1300, Gozo, MaltaTel: +356 2155 561 Mob: +356 9944 1880

Web: www.churchil

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Pageant tal-MiliedChristmas Pageant Post (Venue): Żebbuġ Parish Church, Żebbuġ

Dramm, kant, pageant tal-ġrajja tal-Milied u l-priedka tradizzjonali tat-tifel bis-sehem tat-tfal kollha tad-Duttrina u l-Kor Regina Angelorum. F’Nofs il-lejl issir il-Quddiesa Solenni tal-Lejl tal-Milied.

Carol singing, a pageant narrating the Christmas Story and the traditional child’s sermon with the participation of all children attending cathecism classes and the choir ‘Regina Angelorum’ will take place before Solemn Mass which will be held at midnight.


Purċissjoni tal-MiliedTraditional Christmas ProcessionPost (Venue): Main streets of Qala

Jieħdu sehem it-tfal kollha tal-MUSEUM u l-Banda Ite Ad Joseph madwar it-toroq ewlenin tal-Qala. Wara jkun hemm programm ta’ kant, poeżiji u l-prietka tat-tifel fil-Knisja Parrokkjali.

All children attending MUSEUM and the ‘Ite ad Joseph’ Band Club will take part in a traditional Christmas manifestation along the main streets of Qala. This will be followed by various activities held at Qala Parish Church which include singing, poems and the traditional child’s sermon.


Purċissjoni b’ Ġesù BambinTraditional Procession with Baby JesusPost (Venue): Main streets of Nadur Dimostrazzjoni tradizzjonali b’Ġesù Bambin f’forma ta’ pageant li titlaq mill-qasam tal-MUSEUM tas-subien u ddur mat-toroq prinċipali tan-Nadur. Jieħdu sehem bosta persuni lebsin ta’ persunaġġi bibbliċi flimkien mal-Banda Mnarja tan-Nadur.

A traditional manifestation with a small statue of Baby Jesus in the form of a pageant will start from the Boys’ MUSEUM premises and goes along the main streets of Nadur. Several personalities dressed in biblical costumes will be accompanied by the ‘Mnarja’ Band Club of Nadur.

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Kunċert tal-MiliedChristmas ConcertPost (Venue): Nadur Basilica, Nadur

Kunċert tal-Milied fil-Knisja Parrokkjali taħt id-direzzjoni ta’ Mro Antoine Theuma bis-sehem tal-orkestra, il-Kor tal-MUSEUM u bosta kantanti stabbiliti Għawdxin. Ikun hemm ukoll qari ta’ poeżiji, dramm qasir u l-prietka tradizzjonali tat-tifel.

A Christmas Concert held at the Parish Church under the musical direction of Mro Antoine Theuma with the participation of the orchestra, a Choir from the local MUSEUM’s Section and several Gozitan established singers. The concert will also include reciting of poems, a short play and the traditional child’s sermon.


Purċissjoni bil-BambinTraditional manifestation with the statue of Baby JesusPost (Venue): From Dun Ġorġ Preca Street to the Parish Church, Xagħra

F’din il-purċissjoni jieħdu sehem tfal u nies ta’ kull età. Il-purċissjoni tibda mill-qasam tal-MUSEUM fejn l-addoloxenti jġorru l-istatwa ta’ Ġesù Bambin filwaqt li subien żgħar iġorru l-fanali. Il-Banda Victory takkumpanja korijiet li ser ikantaw kant tal-Milied.

Children and people of all ages will take part in this religious manifestation. The procession starts from the premises of the Boys’

MUSEUM section where older boys will carry the statue of Baby Jesus shoulder high while younger ones will carry lanterns. The Victory Band Club accompanies various choirs singing carols.


Kuncert minn Kor tat-tfal - Piccole Stelle‘Piccole Stelle’ Choir in ConcertPost (Venue): Saint George’s Square, Victoria

Kor magħmul minn erbgħin tifel u tifla li ser ikantaw għanjiet tal-Milied kemm moderni kif ukoll dawk tradizzjonali. Dan il-kunċert ser isir bil-għan li jgħin lit-tfal tal-Gwatemala. F’każ ta’ maltemp, il-kunċert isir fil-Bażilika ta San Ġorġ.

This concert, held in aid of the children of Guatemala, will feature an ensemble of forty children who will be singing both traditional and modern Christmas carols in English, Maltese and Italian. In case of bad weather, the event will be held at Saint George’s Basilica.

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Kunċert tal-MiliedA Christmas ConcertPost (Venue): Bażilika Marija Bambina, Xagħra

Il-Kunsill Lokali tax-Xagħra ser jorganizza l-kunċert annwali tal-Milied. Din is-sena, dan il-Kunċert ser isir mill-Animae Gospel Choir. The Xaghra Local Council will be organising the annual Christmas concert. This year, the Christmas concert will be animated by Animae Gospel Choir.


Dreams of ViennaKunċert tal-Aħħar tas-Sena mill-Għaqda Mużikali ViżitazzjoniEnd of year concert by Għaqda Mużikali ViżitazzjoniPost (Venue): Kempinski Hotel, San Lawrenz

Din hija l-ħames edizzjoni tal-Kunċert tal-Aħħar tas-Sena mill-Għaqda Mużikali Viżitazzjoni tal-Għarb li ser tkun taħt id-direzzjoni tal-Mro. Jason Camilleri.

Il-programm tas-serata ser jinkludi mużika popolari għal dan iż-żmien tas-sena flimkien ma’ varjetà ta’ mużika differenti u suċċessi internazzjonali. Żeffiena lokali ser jakkumpanjaw lill-Banda matul il-kunċert.

Id-dħul huwa b’xejn. Sabiex tirriserva siġġu ċempel fuq 79492667 jew ikkuntattjana fuq l-email: [email protected].

Dreams of Vienna – This is the fifth edition of the end of year concert by the Għaqda Mużikali Viżitazzjoni of Għarb, which will be under the musical direction of Mro. Jason Camilleri.

The musical programme includes popular music suitable for this time of the year, together with a variety of different scores and international successes. Local dancers will accompany the Band throughout the entire concert.

Entrance is free of charge. To reserve a seat please call on 79492667 or contact us by email on [email protected].

Photo Credit: Tonio Lombardi

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Kunċert tal-Milied (Ir-raba’ edizzjoni)Christmas Concert (fourth edition) Post (Venue): St. James Church, Independence Square, Victoria

Għar-raba’ sena konsekuttiva, il-Fondazzjoni Santa Ċeċilja A.D. 2013 qiegħda ttellgħa l-’Kunċert tal-Milied’. Il-Bord Amministrattiv ħaseb li jwessa’ l-attivitajiet marbuta mal-‘Festival Santa Ċeċilja’ li beda bl-ewwel kunċert fid-19 ta’ Novembru. Il-kunċert tal-Milied ta’ din is-sena qiegħed iġib fi tmiemu dan il-festival.

F’dan il-kunċert ser jieħdu sehem il-Kor flimkien mas-solisti tiegħu minn Malta bl-akkumpanjament fuq il-pjanu u l-vjolinċell fejn matulu l-udjenza preżenti ser tkun tista’ ssegwi siltiet mużikali ta’ għanjiet tal-Milied adatti għal dan l-istaġun ta’ festi sbieħ. Il-kunċert ser jittella’ fil-kappella ta’ San Ġakbu. Din tinsab fiċ-ċentru storiku tar-Rabat Għawdex, fi Pjazza Indipendenza, faċċata tal-Banca Giuratale. Il-kunċert ser jibda fis-7:30pm taħt id-direzzjoni mużikali tas-Surmast Antoine Mercieca.

The Foundation ‘Santa Cecilja A.D. 2013 ( Għawdex)’ will be holding the fourth edition of this festive concert. This year, the Foundation’s Management Board considered to broaden the activities associated with the Santa Cecilia festival which held its first concert on the 19th of November. Therefore, this Christmas concert will bring an end to this year’s festival.

The Choir will be accompanied by Maltese soloists the piano and a cello. During this musical concert, the present audience will be able to enjoy a wide selection of Christmas carols. The concert will be held at St. James’ chapel in Victoria’s historic centre at Independence Square, opposite the ‘Banca Giuratale’. The concert will begin at 7.30pm under the musical direction of Maestro Antoine Mercieca.



Novel | Upper lip | Strait ahead | DJ Brooks | DJ MatT & Geez

Independence Square & St George's Square10pm onwards

V I C T O R I A - G O Z OV I C T O R I A - G O Z O

Victoria Local Council

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Novel | Upper lip | Strait ahead | DJ Brooks | DJ MatT & Geez

Independence Square & St George's Square10pm onwards

V I C T O R I A - G O Z OV I C T O R I A - G O Z O

Victoria Local Council

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A New Year’s Toast Post (Venue): Kempinski Hotel, San Lawrenz

Il-bosta impenji li jkollu l-Kor Gaulitanus għall-żmien il-Milied ser jerġgħu jilħqu l-qofol tagħhom b’kunċert mużikali fil-bidu tas-sena l-ġdida.Id-dħul għal dan il-kunċert huwa b’xejn.

Mal-Kor Gaulitanus jingħaqdu s-solisti tiegħu u xi mistiedna oħra li jkunu taħt id- direzzjoni mużikali u artistika tal-fundatur u Direttur tal-Kor, Mro. Colin Attard.

Bħal dejjem, ser jiġi ppreżenat repertorju ferrieħi adattat għall-okkażjoni li żgur jissodisfa lil min jagħżel li jiftaħ is-sena b’din l-attività mużikali.

Għal iktar informazzjoni ara jew ibgħat imejl fuq [email protected]. Tista’ ċċempel ukoll fuq mob. no. 77038971.

The Gaulitanus Choir’s very busy Christmas schedule reaches its climax on January 1st 2017, when it will once again musically usher in the New Year with its 5th edition of ‘A New Year’s Toast’. Entrance for the event is free of charge.

The concert will feature the Gaulitanus Choir, its soloists and some friends under the artistic and musical direction of the Choir’s founder and director, Mro. Colin Attard.

Presenting a festive musical repertoire which helps everyone to set a positive mood at the beginning of a new year, there’s no better way to celebrate this most exciting time of the year with oomph in a relaxed environment!

For more information kindly visit or contact us either by email on [email protected] or by mobile phone on 77038971.


Il-Wasla tas-Slaten MagiThe Arrival of the Three Kings Post (Venue): Qala Square, Qala

Il-wasla trijunfali tat-tliet Slaten Magi fil-festa tal-Epifanija. Il-vjaġġ jilħaq il-qofol tiegħu meta t-tliet Rejiet tal-Orjent, kollha libsin ilbies rikk, jagħmlu ħin ta’ adorazzjoni quddiem Ġesù Bambin.

The three Kings will make their triumphal entry at Qala Square on the feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord. Clad in rich oriental royal outfits, the three Kings will offer their gifts to Baby Jesus following a public manifestation of worship.


La Cavalcata Dei Re MagiTriumphal Arrival of the three Kings Post (Venue): Victory Square, Xagħra

La Cavalcata dei Re Magi (Il-Wasla tal-Maġi) ser issir fil-festa tas-Solennità tal-Epifanija tal-Mulej. Il-Maġi jaslu l-Pjazza fuq żwiemel b’kostumi bibliċi fejn joffru r-rigali tagħhom lil Ġesù Bambin.

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‘La Cavalcata Dei Re Magi’ ( The arrival of the three Kings) will be held on the Solemnity of the feast of the Epiphany of Our Lord. The three Wise Men in oriental biblical outfits will arrive on horseback from different directions and converge in Victory Square to offer their gifts to Baby Jesus and pay him homage.


Il-Wasla tas-Slaten MagiAdoration of the MagiPost (Venue): Ta’ Passi, Mġarr road, Għajnsielem

Is-Slaten Maġi ser jitilqu minn destinazzjoni fl-Ewropa fl-ewwel tas-sena sabiex fl-Epifanija, il-Ħadd 8 ta’ Jannar tard wara nofsinhar, jsir id-dħul trijunfali tat-tliet Rejiet fil-villaġġ tan-Nativita Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem. Programm dettaljat jitħabbar l’quddiem fuq

‘Bethlehem f’ Għajnsielem’ will close with the ‘Adoration of the Magi’ on Sunday 8th January. The three kings will depart on horseback from a yet-to-be announced destination in Europe in the New Year and will arrive in Malta to make the triumphal entrance in the Nativity Village on the feast of Epiphany late in the afternoon to pay homage to the Baby Jesus.


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Presepji Tradizzjonali GħawdxinTraditional Gozitan Cribs

LISTA TAL-PRESEPJI STATIĊI - MILIED 2016 ISEM INDIRIZZ TAL-PRESEPJU KUNTATTMatthew Farrugia "Oulton Sydney H", Triq Għonqa, Xagħra 215560553 / 79055057

Matthew Theuma "Anterselva" Triq san Pietru, Għarb 21564367 / 79564367

Carl Hili "Ċentru Vokazzjonijiet" Triq Ġuże Diacono, Xagħra 21565517 / 79279294

Ezakiel Grima Każin tal-Banda Victory, Triq Marija Bambina, Xagħra 79560608

Tonio Caruana "St.Joseph", Triq Vestru, Xagħra 21557207 / 79557207

David Xuereb Arjuża, Triq Għajn Mhelhel - Żebbuġ 21561184 / 99561184

Victor Said 25, Triq Parsott - Xagħra 21561286 / 99420095

Joe Camilleri Museum Subien, Triq Dun Ġorġ Preca - Nadur 21555297 / 79701227

Andre' Cassar "Dar il-Merin", 52 Triq l-Għejjun, Xagħra 21563771 / 79001005

Mario Xerri Museum Subien Xagħra, Triq San Ġorġ Preca, Xagħra 21555332 / 79064559

Aaron Agius 2, Triq Ġużeppi Rapa, Xagħra 79420486

Herman Mifsud "Malverno" Pjazza Madonna ta' Loreto, Għajsielem 21566850 / 79923134

Joseph Buhagiar Oratorju Don Bosco, Pjazza Santu Wistin, Victoria 21556616 / 79562221

Carmel Grech 59, Triq il-Kapuċċini, Victoria 21565112 / 99868989

Andrew Muscat Taħt iz-Zuntier tal-Knisja ta' Sant' Antnin, Triq Sant' Antnin, Mġarr, Għajsielem 99285912

Victor Attard 6, Triq l-Isqof Pace, Marsalforn 21559495 / 79944760

LISTA TAL-PRESEPJI MEKKANIĊI - MILIED 2016Joseph Attard "Insieme", Triq is-Sagħtar, Victoria 21559126 / 79204759

Domenic Bajada Ċentru tal-Kultura (Ħdejn il-Knisja ta' San Franġisk), Pjazza San Franġisk, Victoria 21566309 / 99822690

Anthony Bajada 3, Triq Anton Buttiġieġ, Qala 21564211 / 79321594

George Schembri "Hamlet Court" Triq in-Naħla, Marsalforn 21564195 / 79049129

Domenic Bajada Ċentru ta’ Kultura ħdejn il-Knisja ta’ San Franġisk, Pjazza San Franġisk - Victoria

LISTA TAL-PRESEPJI WARA T-TIEQA - MILIED 2016Fabio Azzopardi 50, Triq it-Tiġrija, Xagħra 21565644 / 99258629

Clayton Buttigieg "Buttigieg" Triq it-Tempju, Qala 21555034

John Agius "Sol" Vjal 8 ta' Settembru, Xagħra 21558506 / 79602516

Charlon Said "Franvic" Triq Parisott, Xagħra 21561286 / 99561286

Mark Formosa 59, Triq 28 ta' April 1688, Xaghħra 21563261 / 79710304

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Wirja ta’ Filatelija Natalizja Christmas Philately ExhibitionFtuħ (Opening) – Friday 2nd December 11.00amPost (Venue): Il-Ħaġar, St. George’s Sqaure, Victoria Il-Gozo Philatelic Society ser torganizza wirja ta’ Filatelija Natalizja fil-Mużew ‘Il-Ħaġar’. Dħul b’xejn.The Gozo Philatelic Society will be organising an exhibition of Christmas Philately at the ‘Heart of Gozo Museum’. Entrance is free of charge.


Wirja ta’ Arti Natalizja inkluż il-Bambin ta’ De SoldanisAn Exhibition of Nativity Artifacts including the “De Soldanis Crib”

Ftuħ (Opening) – Saturday 3rd December 11.00amPost (Venue): Il-Ħaġar, St. George’s Sqaure, VictoriaDħul b’xejn (Entrance is free of charge)


Wirja ta’ Presepji u Bambini An exhibition of cribs and statues of Baby Jesus Post (Venue): Parish Hall, Kerċem

Monday to Saturday: 4.00pm - 8.00pmSundays & Public Holidays: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 4.00pm - 8.00pm

Wirja ta’ Bambini u presepji tal-Milied maħduma minn diversi artisti tal-lokal.An exhibition of cribs and statues of Baby Jesus made by various artists from the locality of Kerċem.


Wirja ta’ presepju bl’isem ‘Ġie f’dahru u niesu ma’ laqgħuhx’ (Ġw1,11)Post (Venue): Ministeru għal Għawdex, VictoriaMonday to Sunday: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 2.00pm - 7.00pm

Fi tfulitu, Aaron kien jieħu ħsieb li jagħmel mudell żgħir ta’ presepju fid-dar tal-ġenituri tiegħu filwaqt li jipparteċipa fil-wirja li tittellgħa kull sena mill-membri tal-MUSEUM. Meta kiber, dan it-talent kompla jikber ġo fih tant li pparteċipa f’bosta kompetizzjonijiet u rebaħ diversi premjijiet f’dan ir-rigward. Illum, hu għadu jagħti l-kontribut siewi tiegħu fl-organizzazzjoni tal-festi tal-Milied fil-Parroċċa tax-Xagħra u fl-Għaqda Milied fix-Xagħra. Dan il-presepju jikkonsisti f’sett pasturi maħduma mill-artist Manwel Farrugia.

During his childhood, Aaron used to model a very simple crib in his parent’s house, and also participating in the MUSEUM crib’s exhibition. As he grew up, he participated in several competitions and won numerous prizes. Nowadays, he still contributes towards Xagħra Parish’s Christmas organisation also known as ‘Għaqda Milied fix-Xagħra’. This crib will consist of statuettes done by artist Mr. Manwel Farrugia.

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Wirja ta’ Pasturi Qodma Artistiċi An Exhibition of old and artistic figurines used in cribs

Ftuħ (Opening) – Saturday 10th December 11.00amPost (Venue): Il-Ħaġar, Pjazza San Ġorġ, VictoriaDħul b’xejn (Entrance is free of charge)


“Caro factum est” Wirja ta’ Arti Sagra “ Caro Factum est” An Exhibition of Holy Art called Post (Venue): Mużew Dar Karmni Grima, Għarb

Tuesdays – Saturdays: 9.00am - 4.00pmSundays: 9.00am - 12.30pm

F’din il-wirja, wieħed isib xogħolijiet mill-isbaħ tal-artist Malti Nathanael Theuma, li wara li spiċċa l-kors tat-Teologija f’Padova, kompla jistudja fl-Accademia di Belle Arti ta’ Verona fejn kabbar it-talent artistiku tiegħu.

Għandu diversi xogħolijiet artistiċi ġewwa knejjes u monasteri fl-Italja, fil-Ġreċja u f’Iżrael. Xogħolijiet oħra tiegħu f’Malta jinsabu fl-Oratorju tal-MSSP ġewwa Birkirkara u fil-Knisja Parrokkjali tal-Qawra. L-artist nieda wkoll diversi korsijiet fl-ikonografija klassika ġewwa l-Italja.

In this exhibition one will find beautiful works performed by the Maltese artist Nathanael Theuma, who after completing the Theology course in Padua, continued studying at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Verona. He improved his artistic talent significantly and worked on several artistic pieces in churches and monasteries in Italy, Greece and Israel. His other works in Malta are found at the MSSP Oratory in Birkirkara and Qawra Parish Church. The artist has also delivered several courses in classic iconography in Italy.

SUNDAY 11TH DECEMBER TO 8TH JANUARY9.00am - 12.00pm & 4.00pm - 7.00pm

Esebizzjoni ta’ tliet presepji Exhibition of three cribs Post (Venue): Basilica of Xagħra, Xagħra

Ser ikun hemm presepju kbir li ilu jinbena għal madwar erbgħin sena. Dan inħadem b’mod artistiku mit-tafal u l-ġebel. Ser ikun hemm ukoll żewġ presepji oħra żgħar maħduma mid-dilettanti tal-presepji.

Barra dawn ser jiġu esebiti ukoll tliet statwi ta’ Ġesù Bambin, Bambin magħmul f’Lecce li hu xogħol fil-kartapesta, Bambin xogħol tal-artist Għawdxi Manuel Farrugia u Bambin ieħor xogħol ta’ M. Cutajar Zahra.

A forty year old large crib made from clay and stone will be exhibited together with another two small cribs made up by cribs’ enthusiasts. Moreover, there will be three statues of Baby Jesus on display, namely, a statue of the Baby Jesus brought from Lecce made up with papier-mâché, a figurine of Baby Jesus done by artist Manuel Farrugia and another statuette of Baby Jesus carried out by artist M. Cutajar Zahra.

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Betlehem f’Għajnsielem 2016Opening on Sunday 11th December at 3.30pmPost (Venue): Ta’ Passi, Mġarr Road, Għajnsielem

Mifrux fuq medda ta’ għoxrin elf metru kwadru ta’ art fl-inħawi magħrufa bħala Ta’ Passi, eżatt malli wieħed jitla’ mill-port tal-Imġarr, dan il-presepju ħaj joffri taħlita ta’ tradizzjonijiet u s-snajja’ lokali flimkien ma’ dak kollu li ġeneralment nassoċjawh mal-Milied u mal-presepju tradizzjonali Malti.

It-tminn edizzjoni ta’ din l-attività tkompli ssaħħaħ l-esperjenza unika tal-akbar storja li qatt seħħet, jiġifieri, it-Twelid ta’ Ġesù Bambin, permezz ta’ diversi attrazzjonijiet prinċipali. Dawn jinkludu l-furnar, il-mastrudaxxa, il-ħaddied, it-taverna, is-suq tal-ħxejjex u tal-artiġġjanat, il-qiegħa, il-lukanda u d-diversi għelieqi bir-rgħajja u l-annimali. It-tfal għandhom opportunità li jitgħallmu dwar it-tradizzjonijiet Maltin filwaqt li l-familji jistgħu jgawdu x-xenarju sabiħ tal-kampanja Għawdxija waqt li jduqu ftit mill-ikel, xorb u ħelu tradizzjonali. Wieħed jista’ jaqsam minn pont u jitla’ fuq dgħajsa li ser tkun miexja tul xmara li hemm ħdejn ix-xatt tas-sajjieda jew jippruvaw ‘hands-on’ uħud mill-inġenji li kienu jużaw missirijietna fil-biedja. Ċertament l-attrazzjoni ewlenija tibqa’ dejjem il-grotta fejn twieled Ġesù Bambin.

Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem ikun animat kull nhar ta’ Sibt, Ħadd u festi pubbliċi. L-adorazzjoni tal-Maġi f’Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem, li ser tagħlaq l-avveniment ta’ din is-sena, ser ssir fil-festa tal-Epifanija, il-Ħadd 8 ta’ Jannar 2017.

Aktar informazzjoni fuq

Sunday 11th December 3.30pm - 8.30pmTuesday 13th December 2.30pm - 7.30pmSaturday 17th December 4.30pm - 8.30pmSunday 18th December 2.30pm - 7.30pmTuesday 20th December 9.30am - 12.30pmWednesday 21st December 9.30am - 12.30pmSunday 25th December 3.30pm - 8.00pmMonday 26th December 2.30pm - 7.30pmSaturday 31st December 2.30pm - 7.30pmSunday 1st January 3.30pm - 8.00pmSaturday 7th January 4.30pm - 8.30pmSunday 8th January 2.00pm - 8.00pm

Spread on twenty thousand sqm of land on a stretch known as Ta’ Passi, this Nativity village takes visitors back in time to Judea of 2000 years ago combined with the local customs and folklore which are usually associated with the Maltese crib.

The eighth edition of this event continues to strengthen the reproduction of the greatest story ever told through several attractions including the carpenter and blacksmith’s dwellings, the bakery, an open-air market selling seasonal fruits, fish and a wide selection of vegetables, a local crafts’ area promoting traditional skills and folklore, a tavern, a farmhouse with panoramic roof and the Bethlehem Inn.

Children will have the opportunity to learn about Maltese folklore or try one of the several ‘hands-on’ tools while families can enjoy the unique surroundings of the Maltese countryside or try some local savouries. Visitors can also cross a rope bridge to take a trip along the river on a Maltese boat. The main attraction certainly remians the grotto featuring Baby Jesus in the caring hands of Mary assisted by Joseph with a donkey and a cow close by.

Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem is situated just five minutes walk from Imġarr Harbour terminal. Public transport is also available. Bethlehem f’Għajnsielem will close on Sunday 8th January with the ‘Adoration of the Magi’. The three Kings will depart from a yet-to-be announced location a few days earlier before making a triumphant entrance on horseback late in the afternoon to pay homage to Baby Jesus.

For more information kindly access

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Wirja ta Presepji artistiċi u pasturiExhibition of artistic cribs and Nativity Figures Post (Venue): Boys’ MUSEUM, Xagħra

Ftuħ (Opening): Sunday 11th December at 5.00pmMonday to Saturday: 5.00pm - 8.00pmSundays & Public holidays: 10.00am - 12.00pm & 4.00pm - 8.00pm

Din il-wirja tikkonsisti f’Presepju Mekkaniku maħdum mill-membri tal-Qasam tal-Mużew fix-Xagħra. Ilu jintrama mill-1969 u għandu kobor ta’ ħames metri b’ sitt metri. Il-pasturi huma maħduma b’tali mod li jistgħu jagħmlu xi tip ta’ moviment. Dan il-Presepju artistiku hu maħdum f’forma ta’ storja sinkronizzata mar-rakkont tat-twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu u tieħu tlettax il-minuta.

Ser ikun hemm ukoll għall-wiri presepju lifesize li jintrama mill-membri u t-tfal tal-Qasam. Il-pasturi nħadmu minn Ġanni Attard. Ser jintrama presepju ieħor bi stil Naplitan maħdum fil-ġablò minn Beatrice Cini kif ukoll il-pasturi li huma fuq l-istil ta’ Heidi u mlibsin minnha ukoll. Dan il-presepju hu kbir tliet metri b’metru u nofs.

F’din il-wirja ser ikun hemm esebiti dawn l-oġġetti li ġejjin: presepju maħdum fil-ġablò minn Ivan Refalo b’daqs ta’ metru b’żewġ metri; dijorama maħduma fil-ġablò minn Beatice Cini li hi kbira metru b’metru; presepju fuq stil modern maħdum bil-crepe paper minn Marvic Muscat b’daqs ta’ żewġ metri b’metru; pasturi maħdumin mis-Sur Muscat mill-istess materjal; presepju ieħor maħdum bil-kartapesta b’kobor ta’ żewġ metri b’erba’ metri; pasturi ta’ 50cm magħmula mill-adoloxxenti li jattendu l-Qasam u numru ta’ grotti maħduma mit-tfal. Dawn il-grotti nħadmu minn skart riċiklat u materjal ieħor.

This display consists of a mechanical crib done by the members of the MUSEUM Section at Xagħra. The first time that it was put on show was in 1969. It has a dimension of five by six meters. The figurines are made in such a way that they can perform various motorized movements. This artistic crib was built in a way that illustrates a synchronised story of the narratives related to the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The whole account takes about thirteen minutes.

Apart from this mechanical crib, there will be on display as well another lifesize crib which was set up by the same members and other boys who attend at the same cathecism centre in Xagħra. The statuettes were made by Ġanni Attard. Another crib which will be exhibited at the locality’s MUSEUM centre is made up of jablo. It was done by Beatrice Cini and it is noteworthy to remark that the small figures are all dressed up. The dimensions of this crib are three meters by one meter and a half.

The following artefacts will also be put on dislay during this exhibition: a one meter by two meters crib made up with jablo by Ivan Refalo; a one meter by one meter diorama made up with jablo by Beatrice Cini; another two meters by one meter modern nativity scene containing statuettes made up with crepe paper by Marvic Muscat; a two meters by four meters crib made up of papier machè; 50cm figurines made by the adoloscents who attend the MUSEUM’s Section and a number of grottos done from recycling material made up by young children.

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Wirja ta’ żewġ presepji An Exhibition of two cribs Post (Venue): Vocational Center, Xagħra

Prespju ta’ Aaron Aguis, bil-pasturi ta’ l-artist Jesmond Micallef u presepju magħmul mill-abbatini tal-Parroċċa tax-Xagħra.

A crib done by Aaron Aguis, with Nativaty fiqures done by the artist Jesmond MIcallef and a crib done by the altar boys of Xagħra Parish.

Monday to Saturday: 5.00pm - 8.00pmSundays & Public Holidays: 10.00am - 12.00pm & 5.00pm - 8.00pmFor bookings please call on 79279294 / 79420486.


Wirja tal-MiliedChristmas ExhibitionPost (Venue): Dar Dun Franġisk Grima, Racecourse Street, Nadur.

Tuesday 13th December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmSaturday 17th December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmSunday 18th December: 4.00pm - 7.30pmSunday 25th December: 3.30pm - 6.00pmMonday 26th December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmFriday 30th December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmSaturday 31st December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmSunday 1st January: 4.00pm - 7.30pm

Esebizzjoni ta’ presepji magħmulin mill-ġebel, ġablo u ġibs. Dawn inħadmu minn nies tal-lokalità.

An exhibition of cribs made from stone, chalk and jablo done by people from Nadur.

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In PraesepioPresepju Ħaj fin-Nadur (Ir-raba’ edizzjoni)Live Crib in Nadur (Fourth Edition)Post (Venue): Dar Dun Franġisk Grima, Racecourse street, Nadur

Tuesday 13th December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmSaturday 17th December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmSunday 18th December: 4.00pm - 7.30pmSunday 25th December: 3.30pm - 6.00pmMonday 26th December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmFriday 30th December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmSaturday 31st December: 5.00pm - 7.30pmSunday 1st January: 4.00pm - 7.30pm

In Praesepio hija attività organizzata mill-Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju tan-Nadur. F’din il-wirja, wieħed jidħol fl-atmosfera tal-ġrajja tal-Milied permezz tal-ambjent u persunaġġi li jirrappreżentaw il-figuri ewlenin ta’ din il-ġrajja kbira. Din l-attività tfakkarna wkoll fix-xebh kbir li hemm bejn l-ambjent Malti u l-ambjent li twieled fih Ġesù ’l fuq minn elfejn sena ilu. L-għodod tas-snajja Maltin, l-annimali, u l-ġonna li fihom tittella’ din il-wirja jagħmlu minn din l-attività okkażjoni unika biex niggustaw is-sabiħ tal-folklor Malti u fuq kollox nikkontemplaw il-ġrajja tal-ewwel Milied.

‘In Praesepio’ is an activity organised by the Friends of the Crib Association in Nadur. In this exhibition, one can experience the Christmas story through the environment and personalities who represent the key figures of this great event. This activity also reminds us in the great similarities between the local environment and the setting in which Jesus was born over two thousand years ago. Maltese crafts, animals, tools, and gardens will offer a unique opportunity to enjoy the indigenous folklore and especially to contemplate on the event of the first Christmas.

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Wirja ta’ presepju artistikuAn artistic crib exibithionPost (Venue): Għajnsielem

Monday to Saturday: 5.00pm - 8.00pmSundays and Public holidays: 10.00am - 12.00pm & 4.00pm - 9.00pm

Presepju artistiku maħdum minn Paul Stellini b’sett pasturi oriġinali tat-terrakotta tal-artist Għawdxi Manuel Farrugia. Dan il-presepju artistiku ser jintrama’ taħt il-Knisja Arċipretali t’Għajnsielem, faċċata tal-Każin tal-Banda.

An artistic crib made by renowned artist Paul Stellini with original terracotta statuettes made by Gozitan artist Manuel Farrugia will be on display beneath the Għajnsielem Parish Church in front of the Għajnsielem Band Club.



Wirja ta’ presepji żgħar u kbarAn exibithion of small and large cribsPost (Venue): Ċentru Parrokjali, Qala

Monday to Saturday: 7.00pm - 9.00pmSundays: 10.00am – 12.00pm & 4.00pm – 9.00pm24th December: 7.00pm – 10.00pm

Il-wirja ser tkun magħluqa mit-2 sas-6 ta’ Jannar 2017 u terġa’ tiftaħ nhar is-7 u t-8 ta’ Jannar.

The exibition will be closed from 2nd December to 6th January and will reopen on the 7th and 8th January.

Presepju kbir u uniku fic-Centru Parrokkjali tal-Qala kemm fil-bini kif ukoll fix-xenarju, flimkien ma’ presepji zghar ohra. Okkazzjoni li mhux ta’ min jitlifa.

A Crib big and unique in its structure at the Qala Parish Centre, along with other small cribs. An occasion not to miss.


VENITE ADOREMUSWirja tal-Presepji, Diaromas u Pasturi ArtistiċiAn Exhibition of Artistic Cribs, Diaromas and Nativity Figures Post (Venue): Għajnsielem

Monday to Saturday: 5.00pm - 8.00pmSundays and Public holidays: 10.00am - 12.00pm & 4.00pm - 9.00pm

Wirja ta’ presepji, diaromas u pasturi artistiċi imtellgħa mill-Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju, Għawdex - Malta (Sezzjoni Għajnsielem 2013). Din il-wirja ser tintrama’ taħt il-Knisja Arċipretali t’Għajnsielem, faċċata tal-Każin tal-Banda.

An Exhibition of artistic cribs, diaromas and nativity figurines organised by the ‘Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju, Għawdex – Malta (Sezzjoni Għajnsielem 2013)’ will be on display beneath the Għajnsielem Parish Church in front of the Għajnsielem Band Club.

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Wirja ta’ Presepju Artiġjanali fil-Mużew ‘Il-Ħaġar’An exhibition of an artisan crib at the ‘Heart of Gozo Museum’

Ftuħ (Opening ): Saturday 17th December 11.00amPost (Venue): Il-Ħaġar, St. George’s Square, VictoriaDħul b’xejn (Entrance is free of charge)


Wirja ta’ presepji u grottiCribs and grottos’ exhibitionPost (Venue): Parish Hall, Sannat

Ftuħ (Opening): Saturday 17th December 7.00pm Monday to Saturday: 4.00pm - 7.00pmSundays & Public Holidays: 8.00am - 11.30am & 3.30pm - 5.00pm

Wirja ta’ grotti u presepji fis-Sala Parrokkjali tal-Knisja Ta’ Sannat, magħmulin minn tfal, żgħażagħ u adulti Sannatin. Il-presepji u l-grotti huma magħmulin minn kull xorta ta’ materjal fejn diversi persuni wrew il-ħiliet artistiċi tagħhom filwaqt li żammew lill-Bambin Ġesù fiċ-ċentru tal-Milied.

An exhibition of cribs created by children, youths and adults from Ta’Sannat will be held at the Ta’Sannat Parish Hall. The cribs are made from a variety of materials and are a display of different skills and craftsmanship, whilst keeping Baby Jesus at the centre of the Christmas.


JANUARY - 10.00am - 12.00pm | 5.00pm - 8.00pm

Presepju Għawdxi b’Differenza - Esebizzjoni ta’ PresepjuA Gozitan Crib with a Difference - Crib ExhibitionPost (Venue): Radju Leħen il-Belt Victoria, St. George’s Square, Victoria

Il-Milied hu żmien ferm għażiż għall-Għaqda Żgħażagħ La Stella. Din ser tkun it-tielet sena konsekuttiva li din l-Għaqda, li tagħmel parti mis-Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella, ser tippreżenta dan il-presepju b’tema differenti mill-presepji tradizzjonali li mdorrijin naraw. Dan il-

presepju jmur lil hinn minn sempliċiment rappreżentazzjoni tal-twelid ta’ Sidna Ġesù Kristu f’xenarju Għawdxi. Michael Cutajar Zahra, id-direttur artistiku ta’ dan il-presepju, jippreżentalna din il-grajja f’kuntest kontemporanju. Fost ix-xeni popolari Għawdxin li din is-sena ntgħażlu biex jiġu replikati fil-presepju, insibu il-wied pittoresk tax-Xlendi.

Iżda l-karatteristiċi li jagħmlu dan il-presepju tassew wieħed speċjali u differenti huma il-pasturi li nsibu ġo fih. Dawn il-pasturi jirrappreżentaw karattri u personalitajiet popolari li żgur jisirqu l-qlub ta’ dawk li jżuru dan il-presepju. Proprju fil-presepju ta’ din is-sena, ser tkunu tistgħu tgawdu erba’ figuri ta’ personalitajiet popolari ferm u nies prominenti li ser jingħaqdu mal-bqija tas-sett u li ser ikomplu jagħmlu dan il-presepju

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wieħed uniku u mhux ta’ min jitilfu. Is-sena l-oħra, l-attrazzjoni prinċipali kien il-pastur li jirraffigura lill-Qdusija Tiegħu l-Papa Franġisku li wkoll iġorr miegħu il-firma awtentika tal-istess Papa. Fost l-attrazzjonijiet ta’ din is-sena, fil-presepju ser ikun hemm figura li tirrappreżenta lill-E.T. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President tar-Repubblika ta’ Malta.Il-presepju ser jinfetaħ nhar is-Sibt 17 ta’ Diċembru 2016.

Christmas time is very dear to the Youth Association within ‘La Stella’ Philarmonic Society. This will be the third consecutive year that this youth association will be presenting a crib which feature different characteristics from others. This crib goes beyond the representation of the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ in a Gozitan scenario. In fact, Michael Cutajar Zahra, the artistic director of this crib, presents this event in a contemporary context. Among the popular Gozitan scenes which were chosen to be replicated in this year’s crib, one can find the picturesque Xlendi valley.

The figurines used in this crib make this display truly special and different from others. This year’s imagery will enable you to enjoy four figures representing very popular personalities and prominent people who will join the rest of the set thus making this crib unique. Last year, the crib’s main attraction was the figurine of his Holiness Pope Francis. The statuette carries his authentic signature. Among the attractions prepared for this year’s crib, there will be a figure representing H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, President of the Republic of Malta.The crib will open on Saturday 17th December 2016.


Il-wieħed u tletin Wirja Annwali tal-Presepji 31st Annual Cribs’ ExibithionPost (Venue): Ministeru għal Għawdex, VictoriaMonday to Sunday: 8.00am - 12.00pm & 2.00pm - 7.00pm

Wirja tal-presepji mill-Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Għawdex - Malta 1985. Il-Wirja ser tinfetaħ uffiċjalament mill-Ministru għal Għawdex, Dr. Anton Refalo, nhar il-Ġimgħa 18 ta’ Diċembru 2016 fis-Sala tal-Ministeru fis-7.00pm u titbierek mill-Ass. Ekk. tal-Għaqda Dun Mikiel Borg. Il-Wirja tkun magħluqa f’lejlet il-Milied u f’lejlet l-Ewwel tas-Sena.

A Cribs’ exhibition displayed by the ‘Għaqda Ħbieb tal-Presepju Għawdex - Malta 1985’, will be officially inaugurated by the Minister for Gozo, Dr. Anton Refalo, on Friday 18th December 2016 at the Ministry Hall at 7.00pm and blessed by Father Mikiel Borg.The exhibition will be closed on Christmas Eve and on New Year’s Eve.

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Presepju ArtistikuArtistic CribPost (Venue): Xewkija Parish Church, Xewkija

Presepju artistiku fil-Knisja Rotunda, maħdum minn Joe Cefai, bi statwi kbar tal-kartapesta. An artistic crib with large statuettes made from papier machè by Joe Cefai.


Presepju lifesizeLifesize cribPost (Venue): Under Xewkija’s Parish church parvis, Xewkija

Monday to Friday: 5.00pm - 8.00 pm Saturdays & Sundays: 2.00pm - 8.00pm

Presepju lifesize, bi statwi realistiċi, taħt iz-zuntier tal-Knisja Rotunda, maħdum minn Charlie Vella. Dan il-presepju qed jintrama għall-ewwel darba din is-sena.

A life-size crib with realistic statutes will be set up under the church parvis of the Rotunda Church, in Xewkija. A creation of Charlie Vella, this crib is

newcomer on the Gozitan crib scene.TUESDAY 20TH DECEMBER - THURSDAY 5TH JANUARY

Għoxrin presepju artistiku fix-XagħraTwenty artistic cribs in Xagħra Post (Venue): Xagħra Ser ikunu għall-wiri madwar ħamsa u għoxrin presepju kbir u artistiku fid-djar varji u ċ-ċentru tal-villaġġ tax-Xagħra. Xi wħud minnhom għandhom effetti speċjali minħabba pasturi mekkanizati.

Around twenty large artistic cribs will be on display in various homes andat Xagħra’s village core. Some of them illustrate mechanical features wherefigurines are set in motion.

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MONDAY 26TH - WEDNESDAY 28TH DECEMBER 5.00pm - 10.00pm

Presepju Suq u Mexxi Artistic CribPost (Venue): Triq Għajn Ħosna, Xagħra(Ramla Valley Road leading up to Xagħra)

Il-Grupp The Guiding Light, għal sittax-il sena, organizza l-Presepju Ħaj fix-Xagħra bl-għan ewlieni li jwassal lil kull viżitatur il-messaġġ ta’ ferħ, tama u sliem marbut mal-ġrajja tal-Milied. Sabiex dan il-għan jiġġeded u jispira aktar nies f’soċjetà li kulma jmur tinbidel, is-sena l-oħra, il-Grupp ħa deċiżjoni li jibdel il-preżentazzjoni ta’ din l-attività mill-għeruq billi jorganizza l-’Presepju Suq u Mexxi’.

Wara s-suċċess tal-ewwel edizzjoni tal-’Presepju Suq u Mexxi’, il-Grupp, b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Ministeru għal Għawdex, il-Kunsill Lokali tax-Xagħra, Milied f’Għawdex u l-Għaqda Milied fix-Xagħra, ser jerġa’ jorganizza din l-attività tal-Milied b’differenza.

‘Presepju Suq u Mexxi’ huwa proġett partikulari u jista’ jitqies bħala teatru ambulanti fil-miftuħ, uniku għall-gżejjer Maltin. Triq Għajn Ħosna, li tagħti għall-bajja pittoreska tar-Ramla l-Ħamra, tinbidel f’xenarju mhux tas-soltu, fejn is-sewwieqa u passiġġiera jgħixu l-ġrajja tal-Milied minn ġol-vettura tagħhom. Din l-attività tista’ tittellgħa biss bl-għajnuna ta’ madwar mitejn voluntier mix-Xagħra.

Filwaqt li d-dħul huwa b’xejn, ta’ min jinnota li l-presepju ser ikun aċċessibli biss għall-vetturi żgħar b’minimu ta’ erba’ passiggieri min-Nadur minn Triq Għajn Qasab. Il-presepju mhux ser ikun aċċessibli

min-naħa tax-Xagħra u ma jitħallewx jidħlu persuni bil-mixi, bir-roti jew b’vetturi kbar bħal xarabank jew minibus.

Għal aktar informazzjoni tista’ ċċempel fuq 79054865, 79284619 jew tagħmel kuntatt permezz tal-paġna fuq facebook ‘Presepju Suq u Mexxi’.

For the past sixteen years, ‘The Guiding Light Group’ has been organising a Live Crib in Xagħra with the main objective being that of conveying on each visitor a message of joy, hope and peace related to the Christmas event. To inspire more people in a society that is increasingly changing, last year, the Group decided to change the presentation and format related to this activity by organising an interactive drive through the nativity scene.

Following the success of the first edition of ‘Presepju Suq u Mexxi’, the Group, in collaboration with the Ministry for Gozo, the Xagħra Local Council, Milied f’Għawdex and Għaqda Milied fix-Xagħra, this year will be organising again this innovative event.

‘Presepju Suq u Mexxi’ is a particular project and can be considered as an itinerant open theatre. This is a unique experience in the Maltese islands. Għajn Ħosna Street, which leads to the picturesque Ramla Bay, will change its unusual scenario, where drivers and passengers will embark on an interactive drive through the Nativity scene. This event can only be held with the assistance of about two hundred volunteers hailing from Xagħra.

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While admission is free, the crib will only be accessible to small vehicles with a minimum of four passengers, from Nadur’s Għajn Qasab Street. Due to the nature of the event, the crib will not be accessible from Xagħra’s side. Moreover, the usage of large vehicles such as buses, walking or cycling through the event, shall not be permitted.

For any queries or additional information kindly call on 79054865, 79284619 or contact us through our facebook page ‘Presepju Suq u Mexxi’.


Għaqda ‘Il-Milied �x-Xagħra

Xagħra Local Council

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early learning centre


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Sea ShellsBar & Restaurant

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Giuseppe Cafe’ & Bistro 21563592Country Terrace Restaurant 21550248Horatios Tavern 79476959Ta’ Philip Restaurant 21561965 G˙arb Footsteps Childcare Centre 27320400Grotto’s Paradise B & B 79572179Salvina Restaurant 21552505


Arzella Restaurant 21554662Bartolo Catering & Dolceria 9942 4156Hotel Calypso 21562000 Horizon Complex 21563685Il-Qbajjar Restaurant 21551124Il Gambero Restaurant 21560353L’Aragosta 99462657Mellos Bar 21557599Ta’ Frenc Restaurant 21553888T’Anglu Restaurant 99884577Unwine’d Restaurant 21563234 M©arr

Grand Hotel 21563840Il-Kcina tal-Barrakka 9921 3801Il Porto Vecchio Restaurant 21563317Pizza Marina Restaurant 21565851Seaview Restaurant 21565541 Nadur

Quaint Boutique Hotel 22108500Rabokk Snack Bar 21558337


D-Bar Cafe’ & Restaurant 79427014 Sannat

D’Eman Restaurant 27600092Ta’ Çenc Hotel 22191000

Victoria Arkadia Commercial Centre 22103000Bortex Fine Tailoring 21556260Brookies Restaurant 21550924Calypso Train 99477322Citadel Cinema 21559955Coffee Break Cafe’ 27551295Cup Cake Cafe’ 21551112Downtown Hotel 22108000Duke’s Cafe’ 21555502Early Learning Centre 21560157Fu Hua Chinese Cuisine 99429174Il-Mehriez 21553290Jubilee Foods Ltd. 2155 8921Look Gozo – Real Estate Agency 2155 0345Lucky Jacks Bar, Grill & Bowling 22108141Maldonado Bistro 2701 9270Michael Grech Financial Services 22587000Mo’s Deli 27243663Piazza Cafe’ 79473536Rizzles Cafe’ & Dolceria 21552464Segway 99448901The Duke Shopping Mall 21558000The Grapes Wine Bar 79473536Tigrija Palazz Shopping Center 21556068Toy Metro 21552913


Cornucopia Hotel 21556486Sardinella B & B 7969 8541 Xewkija

Quaint Boutique Hotel 99846615Savina – Tradition & Heritage 21562236Universal Sports Bar 21550474Vini e Capricci by Abrahams 21563231 Xlendi

Churchill Restaurant 21555614Ic-Cima Restaurant 21558407Mobydick Complex 21561518Sapana Indian Restaurant 21562100Sea Shells Bar & Restaurant 21562937St. Patrick’s Hotel 21562951Ta’ Karolina Restaurant 21559676The Boathouse Restaurant 21569153

Supporters Telephone Supporters Telephone

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Gozo Channel - Skeda tax-Xitwa/Winter Schedule(mis-7 ta’ Novembru 2016 sal-11 ta’ Mejju 2017)


A: It-Tnejn (eskluż btala pubblika / Mon exluding public holidays)B: Mit-Tlieta sal-Ħadd (inkluż btala pubblika / Tue - Sun including public holidays)

Parroċċi f’GħawdexFontanaTel: 2155 6097 / 2156 0233

GħajnsielemTel: 2155 4615 / 2156 1030

GħarbTel: 2155 6129

GħasriTel: 2156 0137

MunxarTel: 2156 4563 / 2155 3764 / 2156 0845

NadurTel: 2155 1649 / 2156 2284

QalaTel: 2155 6684 / 2155 8552

San LawrenzTel: 2155 6073

Ta’ KerċemTel: 2155 1355

Ta’ SannatTel: 2155 1435

KatidralTel: 2155 4101 / 2155 6087

San Ġorġ2155 6377

XagħraTel: 2155 1042 / 2155 7881

XewkijaTel: 2155 6793 / 2156 4608

ŻebbuġTel: 2155 4882 / 2155 9043

Tagħrif Ieħor (Additional info)Gozo ChannelTel: 2155 6114 / 2156 1622 / 2210 9000

Sptar Ġenerali ta’ GħawdexTel: 2156 2700 / 2210 6154 / 2210 6161

Għassa tal-Pulizija (Victoria)Police stationTel: 2156 2044

Uffiċċju tal-Kultura f’GħawdexCulture OfficeTel: 2215 6700

Seminarju ta’ GħawdexGozo SeminaryTel: 2155 6479

Ministeru għal GħawdexMinistry for GozoTel: 2215 6400

Kurja tal-isqofGozo CuriaTel: 2155 1211

Uffiċċju tal-Informazzjoni għat-TuristiTourist Information Office22915452/3

KUMITAT MILIED F’GÓAWDEX 2016(Ma˙tur mill-Ministru g˙al G˙awdex Dr Anton Refalo)

Maria Farrugia - (Chairperson)Catherine Cauchi - (Segretarja)Joseph Dingli - (TeΩorier)Christine VellaDeborah AgiusDun Gerard BuhagiarElaine Zammit HaberJohn FalzonOliver SalibaJoseph SultanaRuth Vella

Óajr speçjali lil Andre’ Azzopardi g˙all-qari tal-provi.

TAGHRIFUseful telephone numbers

L-informazzjoni f’dan il-ktejjeb ġiet miġbura b’reqqa u attenzjoni. Il-kumitat ma jerfà l-ebda responsabbiltà għal kull tibdil li jista’ jinqalà fl-attivitajiet.

Schedule for Christmas and New Year’s Day:

The 12.00hrs, 12.45hrs, 13.30hrs and 14.15hrs trips from Mgarr and the 12.45hrs, 13.30hrs, 14.15hrs and 15.00hrs trips from Cirkewwa WILL NOT BE PERFORMED.

01:3003:3005:0006:0006:30 (A)06:45 (B)07:00 (A)07:3008:1509:0009:4510:3011:1512:0012:4513:3014:1515:0015:4516:3017:1518:0018:4519:3020:1521:0022:3023:45


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Supporters: Christmas in Gozo


Gozo, whereChristmas

comes to life3rd Dec 16 - 8th Jan 17