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GOOD NEWS LETTER KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, GEORGETOWN, ONTARIO SPRING 2013 Winter is about to release itself to Easter and spring…. Enter - Renewal Exit - Doubt Hello - Hope Goodbye – Despair Here at Knox, as we celebrate the Easter Season, we do indeed look forward to a renewal. Come and join us as we move into the fresh bright year ahead. Knox Presbyterian Church 116 Main Street South, Georgetown, On. L7G 3E6 905-877-7585 Church service dial in – 905-702-1629 Inviting all to love God, nurture faith, and serve His people.
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Page 1: Knox Spring Newsletter 2013



Winter is about to release itself to Easter and spring….

Enter - Renewal

Exit - Doubt

Hello - Hope

Goodbye – Despair

Here at Knox, as we celebrate the Easter Season,

we do indeed look forward to a renewal.

Come and join us as we move into the fresh bright year ahead.

Knox Presbyterian Church 116 Main Street South, Georgetown, On. L7G 3E6


Church service dial in – 905-702-1629

Inviting all to love God, nurture faith, and serve His people.

Page 2: Knox Spring Newsletter 2013

Contact Information

Knox Presbyterian Church

116 Main Street South

Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 3E6

Telephone 905-877-7585


Email: [email protected]

Clerk of Session: Joan Collier

Residence phone: 905-702-0053

Email: [email protected]

Church Secretary: Rebekah Theodore

Office Open 8:30 am -12:30 pm Tuesday – Friday 905-877-7585

Email: [email protected]

Chairman, Finance and Maintenance: Dennis McLay

Residence phone: 905-877-2948

Email: [email protected]

Knox Treasurer: Dennis McLay

Residence Phone: 905-877-2948

Email: [email protected]

Mission and Outreach Committee: Eric and Katrina Walton

Residence Phone: 905-878-1588

Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Sundays Cool Superintendent:

Fuego Youth Leader:

Craig Hutchison

Residence phone: 519-853-1379

Email: [email protected]

Webmaster: Linda Zammit

Residence phone: 905-702-7653

Email: [email protected]

Newsletter Editor: Dawn Livingstone

Residence phone: 905-877-6506

Email: [email protected]

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Knox Kirk Session Report

As I am preparing this report, the daily temperature has climbed to 10 degrees Celsius,

the snow is melting, and the promise of spring is in the air. Spring is a time of renewal. Let it be

a time of renewal and rejoicing at Knox.

We are grateful to the Search Team for leading us to a potential new minister. He will be

preaching for the call at Limehouse and Knox, Georgetown on Sunday, April 21st. Be sure to

mark your calendars so you can attend and participate in the vote following the Sunday service.

The Session is planning a ‘meet and greet’ evening for Saturday, April 20th

. More details to

follow in the weekly Sunday bulletins.

We appreciate the leadership offered by Rev. Wendy Lampman during our interim

period, but we look forward, with great anticipation, to new leadership in this coming year.

However, a minister does not make a church. We need to take stock of our situation before the

coming of a new minister. Session does consider your concerns at our monthly Session meetings

but we also covet your ideas as well. In this season of renewal, we look for possibility thinking.

What are the possibilities for ministry, mission, and service in the coming months and years?

How can you be part of the renewal of Knox, Georgetown? What should be our priorities

moving forward? What gifts and talents can you bring to bear?

We are grateful for initiatives such as the St. Patrick’s Day luncheon, the Plain Fare

luncheon, and the confidential prayer chain to name a few. These events not only connect us to

each other, but can also reach out into the wider community.

As the Lenten season is well under way, we look forward to participating, as a

congregation, with other Georgetown congregations in the “Ask Me about My Church”

campaign. Together we bear witness to Christ in our community. Lawn signs will be available

to be placed on your front lawns from March 17th

until April 7th

. Can you make this humble

invitation which might open an opportunity for meaningful conversations with your neighbours?

A simple, yet powerful witness to Christ’s church in the community may be all that is needed to

let someone in your neighbourhood know that they are not alone. May the Saviour who died and

resurrected for you give you joy this Easter season. Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!!!

In Christian love,

Joan Collier, Clerk of Session

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Finance and Maintenance Committee Report

As we approach the end of the first quarter of 2013, we find that our revenues in all areas

of the church are slightly lower than we received during the first quarter of 2012. This is most likely attributable to lower congregational attendance due in part to some very poor weather Sundays and the current pulpit vacancy. Cash flow was favourably influenced by the partial receipt of our 2012 HST rebate in the amount of $5,540. Offsetting the lower revenue streams is the savings incurred from the pulpit vacancy. We have managed to pay 100% of our Brampton Presbytery dues and 35% of our $11,400 National Assessment. Our current strategy is to have all of the 2013 annual expenditures dealt with prior to the arrival of our new minister. It is important to realize that we are using a cash accounting system as opposed to an accrual accounting system and since a lot of our expenses are incurred in the first 3 – 4 months of the year, this incurs a deficit looking picture which will balance out as the fiscal year goes along. Revenue streams and expenditures for the second quarter of 2013 are expected to meet budget expectations. It is with regret that we announce the Jerry Steringa has resigned from our Finance and Maintenance committee after being a member for four years. We thank Jerry for both his hands on and financial input to Knox and the committee. This leaves a vacancy for someone to join our team and if the Lord has called or inspired you to use your time and talent towards this ministry, please contact myself or one of our F & M committee members.

During the first quarter we completed the installation of the new sound system and significant progress has been made on the construction of the artefacts display cabinet. Quotations are currently being received for the replacement of the west end wooden windows and a suggestion has been made that we add coloured glass or ceramic murals to the lower window to add some life and beauty to the window. This suggestion is currently being researched and costed. Unfortunately, we lost the window of opportunity to replace the large hall floor during March break and it will now be scheduled for the 1st week of June when the children’s evening programs have concluded. At the most recent Session and Finance & Maintenance meetings we discussed some new and innovative fund raising opportunities, which will be both fun to do and involve the outside community. More details will be presented on these ideas and ventures as the year goes along. Recently I have had the opportunity of attending a couple of Brampton Presbytery functions and a number of churches in our Presbytery are experiencing financial challenges resulting from weaker giving’s and the added pressures from the new Pension formula. I am pleased to advise that Knox is currently managing these additional expenditures without having to draw any funding from reserve or investment sources.

For these results, we thank you and the Lord

for prayers being answered.

Respectfully submitted by: Victoria Colby, Dee Cope, Carol

Kostiuk, Louie Archambault, Tom Bentley, Jim Colter, Jim

Hepburn and Dennis McLay, Chairman.

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Treasurer====s Report

For year to date ending 10 March 2013

Revenues: Expenditures:

Operations Revenue $19,610.66 Current Expenditures $20,503.97

Presbyterian Sharing 2,652.00 Presbyterian Sharing 2,652.00

Sunday School 445.00 Mission & Outreach- Assessmt 1,000.00

Memorial Fund Mission & Outreach - Donations 200.00

Building Fund 1,031.00 Sunday School 445.00

Benevolent Fund 126.00 Special Benevolent Fund 300.00

HST Rebate 5,540.43 The Presbytery of Brampton 3,260.00

PCC National Assessment 4,000.00

Capital Projects 3,454.94

Total Revenue $29,405.09 Total Expenditures $35,815.91

Information from our Webmaster

In 2012 our website had 2,723 visits. About half of the visits are from new people

while 1,418 were from unique visitors (that is, they are not returning visitors who

had visited the website before, they are brand new).

Interestingly, our mobile visits (from phones and tablets) increased from 59 in 2011

to 135 in 2012.

More than 50% of our traffic to visit the website still comes from 'organic' searches (search by

keywords in search engine), with the top search being "knox presbyterian church georgetown".

28% of visits are from people who know the website address and visit directly. We also have

about 20% of our traffic referred from (The Presbyterian Church in Canada) and

the Wikipedia.

Again we've had visits from all over the world!

If you have any information or events that you would like to share on the website, please contact

Linda at [email protected]

And a PS from the newsletter editor: Linda Zammit is our excellent webmaster. Check in on the

website periodically. It contains interesting information about our Presbyterian Church in

Canada as well as our own local congregation. Check out the Sunday bulletin which is usually

posted on a Friday evening, or read the latest issue of the Newsletter – in colour.

Thank you Linda

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Mission and Outreach Committee To outreach locally and worldwide

by sharing the gospel and serving the needs of our community

On March 9th Eric and Katrina Walton attended a Coffee House Fundraiser for FOOD FOR LIFE – a local food recovery organization which was founded in 1995. Food for Life collects and distributes surplus perishable foods from various grocery stores, restaurants and the corporate food section within the Halton Region. That food is delivered the same day to over 50 community social service organizations and approximately 36 outreach programmes in low-income neighbourhoods in Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Georgetown and Acton. These efforts bridge the gap between social assistance and living costs by providing nutritious perishable food to families on a weekly basis, and helps over 20,000 individuals per month in the Halton Region.

Their web site is Food for Life is recognized by Charity Intelligence and is rated 3rd of all the food directed charities in Canada. The organizers of this event were St. Alban’s Anglican Church and St. John’s United Church, which churches together with Food for Life offer this programme for people in need in the Georgetown and Glen Williams area. The event was held at St. Alban’s Church Hall, which was filled to capacity. The musical programme was excellent with numerous entertainers on hand. What a great evening. Mission and Outreach, on behalf of Knox Georgetown presented a cheque in the amount of $200 and the donation was gratefully received.


On Saturday April 27th: Community Unity Yard Clean-up. Point Man – Peter Welling. On Sunday April 28th: Ron Gable will be offering his Plain Fare Lunch, and we hope that there will be a good turn out from the congregation to support Ron’s efforts. This is a much anticipated annual event and the free will offering will go to one of our charities. On Sunday June 9th: Dennis McLay will be heading up a team to provide a Community Dinner at Evangel Hall. There will be many volunteer opportunities for this event - cooks, bakers, worship leaders, etc. Mission and Outreach welcomes Victoria Colby to our committee. She joins members Connie van Goch, Peter Welling, Eric Walton, Katrina Walton and Audrey Brown (card ministry.)


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Positive Action at Knox

On the 10th

of February, the first Sunday in

Lent, and in honour of Shrove Tuesday, the

Sunday’s Cool people surprised the

congregation with a wonderful after service

lunch of Pancakes and maple syrup. It was

tied in with the Sunday’s Cool lessons, and

the meaning behind the start of Lent, 40 days

prior to Easter. Customs such as giving up

something for Lent, or using lent as a time

for reflection and doing a service to your

community, gave them the idea to do

something for the church family, and it was

obvious from the children that they did indeed enjoy serving their pancakes. Our sincere thanks

to the children of Sunday’s Cool, and to their leaders and the ‘cooks’ of the day. It was a social

time with a special theme, and was much appreciated and enjoyed by us all.

Pictured above are Samantha and Mark Hutchison, students Kennedy and Keira (who have been

working with the Sunday’s Cool and Nursery to get their high school volunteer hours) teacher

Victoria Colby, Jane and Evan Colby and Austin. This is not a full picture – there were several

other young people helping out, and from the congregation, our thanks to all of you who were



A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of his father as to when they could

discuss his use of the car.

His father said he'd make a deal with his son, "You bring your grades up from a C to a B

average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we'll talk about the car."

The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it.

After about six weeks his father said, "Son, you've brought your grades up and I've observed that

you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had your hair cut."

The boy said, "You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that, and I've noticed in my studies of

the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair, Moses had long hair, and

there's even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair."

(You're going to love the Dad's reply!)

"Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?"

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The Acoustic Circus takes to the road: On a recent Sunday, Herb Ciceri and his friends took their Acoustic Circus to the Milton Presbyterian Church, and we understand it was well received. Of course it would be - it is a great and fun musical presentation.

St Patrick’s Day Luncheon:

The congregational Life Committee is bringing a St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon and programme to Knox this Saturday, 16th of March. Lunch is at 12 noon, and a

programme of Irish music and dancing will follow. Tickets are $8.00 each, available from the church office (mornings only) and some will be available at the door. So - The Top o’the Day to You - we will have a fun filled social time. (This may have already happened by the time you get this newsletter.) Friendship Circle:

The Friendship Circle Pot Luck supper planned for February was cancelled because of the

exceedingly deep snow that happened that day – no fun for driving if we didn’t have to. It has been rescheduled for the regular meeting day the 27th of March, and since we should be into spring by that time we will hope the driving will be just fine. We welcome ladies of the congregation to come and join with us… please bring along a main course or dessert to share with the other ladies in attendance. Bible Study:

The Bible Study Group continues to meet in the church on Monday evenings at 7:15. They are presently studying the Book of John, and you are very welcome to join with them. Knox Sunday School Easter Party – but not this year! The teachers and officers of Knox Presbyterian Church Sunday School entertained the children at an Easter Party in the Sunday School Rooms last Wednesday night. The evening was spent playing games with a sing-song and refreshments afterwards. Georgetown Herald, 7 April 1948.

Come and Celebrate the Blessings of Easter Sunday, March 24th; Palm Sunday. Craig Hutchinson in the pulpit Friday, March 29th: Good Friday morning worship with Eric Walton leading, 10:30 am Sunday, March 31st: Easter Sunday with Reverends Gerry & Rosemary Doran in the pulpit

Important - Remember to Mark this Special Weekend Our search committee has had an extremely challenging time over the past year, as they have worked towards getting a new minister for us. We have all appreciated the trying times they have experienced, but now look forward to “coming down the home stretch.” Watch for further announcements for a “Meet and Greet” for our prospective minister to be held on Saturday, April 20th, and do please plan to attend worship on Sunday April 21st, when this minister will preach and a formal congregational vote will be taken.

This is YOUR church – Come and Participate

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Evolution of Communion Cups

Individual versus the Common Cup

“Through the Century with the Presbyterian Record… 100 years of The Record”

1903: “A long debate had occurred at the previous assembly over whether individual cups for

Communion should be allowed. This had been instituted by Zion Church in Charlottetown and

appealed up through the courts of the church to the General Assembly. “The wee bit cuppies

and the still small microbes,” the editor noted, “stirred up quite a breeze.” Among the reasons

offered for the use of the individual cup was the uncleanliness of the common cup “through

which moustaches of all grades of cleanliness have trailed.” In consideration for two retired

ministers over 80 who had travelled all the way from the Maritimes to Toronto “to support the

good old way,” the issue was given to a committee. In 1903 the Assembly approved the liberty

to use the individual cups as congregations wished.”

I have no idea when the practice of using individual communion cups was instituted in our

congregation here at Knox, but expect it must have been in those very early days. We have a

piece of that early history in one set of the small footed cups in an old wooden carrier.

The silver nameplate reads

“Toronto, Ont. LePage Individual Communion Cup Co. U.S. Pat. Nov 5.95 Canada Jan 21.95”

The cups are a fairly heavy glass, fluted, each sitting on it’s own little round glass base.

As the congregation grew, these were replaced with the stacking silver plated tower type sets we

now use – a gift to Knox from the congregation at Limehouse Presbyterian church. They were

used for the first time at the dedication of our Communion Table on Easter Sunday, 31st of

March 1948, when Rev. C.C. Cochrane was the minister. It was later that year the Rev. Alex

Calder took over the pulpit.

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Knox Family Korner Page 1

Knox Family Korner

Spring arrives next week, and we celebrate the miracles of Easter in a

couple of weeks. Rebirth and new life in the world around us - and we

trust that this will extend into the congregation of Knox as we await the

arrival of a new minister into our church family. We have very talented

people within our congregation, and we thank those who

have participated in leading us in worship over the past few months. Our thanks

especially to Eric Walton, who also lends us his talented musical ability, and

also to Craig Hutchison, who has also been an occasional supply in the

pulpit. Our thanks also to our excellent choir with their wonderful musical

presentations – so much enjoyed. We do have great talent within our own

church family – we wish we were allowed to use it more often!

Thank You:

The Rae and Murray families would like to thank Knox Church for the donation they made to the

‘Murray Children’s Fund.’ It was very much appreciated. Norma and Carson Rae

Sick and Shut In:

We have had several members coping with various illnesses over the winter

months, and do hope with the arrival of spring, they will all be blessed with better

health. Connie van Goch and Jean Long are two who have spent time in hospital,

and our thoughts to out to Doug Herrington, who is presently in hospital. We were

pleased to hear that Les David spent only one night in hospital recently, and is now

back at home. Our local nursing homes have been under several ‘lock down’

situations this winter due to the flu, and our thoughts have been with those who

have had to suffer through the restrictions.

Our thoughts also to those members who are no longer physically able to join with us on a

Sunday morning. We do miss you all.


We understand that Ruth Gudgeon recently celebrated the arrival of great grand-child number

nineteen. Congratulations, gr. Grandma.


4 February 2013:

Our sympathy goes to Anne Meal and her family on the passing of her husband

David. They were members of Knox, although unable to attend for the past

several years. Although not recently participating, Dave and Ann were long

time members of the congregation, and we send them our sympathy.

8 March 2013:

Our sympathy to the family of Dorothy Currie who passed away in the local hospital recently.

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Knox Family Korner Page 2

News from a fellow Halton Presbyterian Church:

How nice it was to see a picture from Boston Presbyterian

Church, where a recently donated beautiful stained glass window

was dedicated in memory of family members. Boston Church

was the first Presbyterian congregation established in this area in

1819, and is located in the historic Scotch Block area of Halton

County. It is a beautiful country church, with a very active


Some of you missed church last Sunday because you forgot to turn your clocks ahead.

This is for you ☺

When told the reason for daylight saving time the Old Indian said “Only the

Government would believe that you could cut a foot off the top of a blanket,

sew it to the bottom, and have a longer blanket.”

Reach Out

Reach out,

Reach out,

With all your love

And let’s just join our hands.

We will spread the love we have

With all the other lands

People will be thoughtful,

And reach out to others more.

Kindness will be freely shared,

Love will open every door.

Maybe one day we will see

This world of ours in peace.

We will all walk hand in hand

And all the wars will cease.

Reach out,

Reach out with love.

… Trudy Toetenel, Knox Member

Page 12: Knox Spring Newsletter 2013

Vision/Mission Statement Knox Presbyterian Church - Georgetown


Helping people grow in their Christian faith


Knox Presbyterian Church exists to glorify God by encouraging people in the

congregation, the community, and throughout the world to love God, nurture their

faith, and care for others.



In The CONGREGATION through:

� VITAL WORSHIP – demonstrating the presence and power of God.

� TRUE FELLOWSHIP – founded on significant and meaningful




� PASTORAL CARE & SHEPHERDING – directed to the needs of the

whole person.



questions and issues of the culture in which they live.

� EQUIPPING OUR MEMBERS – to share their faith effectively.

� SHARING OUR FAITH – through a variety of communication techniques.

� PROVIDING A VARIED PROGRAM – of social and spiritual interest

which will draw people to the body of Christ and enrich their lives.

Throughout the WORLD by:

� SENDING PEOPLE – to support ministries in Canada and the World.


Canada and around the World.