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1/ GE / Kinetic & Affinity Analysis An introduction 2 / GE Biacore T100 training_kinetics / What are kinetics and affinity? Kinetics How fast do things happen? – Time-dependent Association – how fast molecules bind Dissociation – how fast complexes fall apart Kinetics determine whether a complex forms or dissociates within a given time span Affinity How strong is a complex? – Time-independent Affinity determines how much complex is formed at equilibrium (steady state where association balances dissociation) 3 / GE Biacore T100 training_kinetics / What is the relevance of binding kinetics? The cell is a dynamic system – rarely in equilibrium The same affinity can be resolved into different on and off rates for different interactions Kinetic data reveal more information

Kinetic & Affinity Analysis - IQM CSIC · 1/ GE / Kinetic & Affinity Analysis An introduction 2/ GE Biacore T100 training_kinetics/ What are kinetics and affinity? Kinetics • How

Mar 31, 2019



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Page 1: Kinetic & Affinity Analysis - IQM CSIC · 1/ GE / Kinetic & Affinity Analysis An introduction 2/ GE Biacore T100 training_kinetics/ What are kinetics and affinity? Kinetics • How

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Kinetic & Affinity Analysis

An introduction

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What are kinetics and affinity?


• How fast do things happen? – Time-dependent

• Association – how fast molecules bind

• Dissociation – how fast complexes fall apart

• Kinetics determine whether a complex forms or dissociates within a

given time span


• How strong is a complex? – Time-independent

• Affinity determines how much complex is formed at equilibrium (steady state where association balances dissociation)

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What is the relevance of binding kinetics?

The cell is a dynamic system – rarely in equilibrium

The same affinity can be resolved into different on and off rates for

different interactions

• Kinetic data reveal more information

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Same affinity but different kinetics

All 4 compounds have the same affinity KD = 10 nM = 10-8 M

The binding kinetic constants vary by 4 orders of magnitude

kon koff (M-1s-1) (s-1)

106 10-2

105 10-3

104 10-4

103 10-5


Concentration = 1000 nM

30 min

60 min

All target sites






30 min



Concentration = 100 nM

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Three ways to obtain kinetic and affinity data in Biacore

Monitor association and dissociation rates

• Affinity Kinetics

Monitor steady state levels

• Affinity Kinetics

Measure free analyte in solution

• Affinity Kinetics

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Rate equations for 1:1 kinetics









Net rate equation:



[s ]

-1 -1[M s ]

kd dissociation rate constant

association rate constant

kd [AB][AB]-ddt


[A] [B]

ka kd [AB][AB]d

dt[A] [B]

M/s M-1s-1s-1M M M

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Equilibrium constants

The equilibrium constants:

-1[M ]the constantequilibrium association

the dissociation constantequilibrium





[AB][A] [B]


[A] [B]

At equilibrium:

Association Dissociation

kd [AB][A] [B]ka

s-1M s-1-1 M M M



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Equilibrium and kinetics in Biacore

A is the analyte in solution

• Free concentration maintained constant by flow system

AB is the complex

• Concentration of complex measured directly as R in RU

B is the ligand on the surface

• Total concentration can be expressed in RU, as maximum binding capacity Rmax

• Free concentration is Rmax-R

A + B ⇔ AB



We do not need to know the “real” concentration

of ligand or complex

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Rate and affinity in Biacore terms

A Bka


ka kd [AB][AB]ddt

[A] [B]



dtka kdmax R][R RC


has one binding site and reacts with immobilized ligandhas n identical and independent binding sites

s-1M s-1-1

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The net rate equation terms in a sensorgram

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Information in a Sensorgram

The relationship between Rmax, Req and KD

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Mass transport

A phenomenon with relevance to kinetics measurements in


• Describes the movement of molecules from solution to a surface

• Is independent of biomolecular interaction processes

Rates measured in Biacore depend on both mass transport and

biomolecular binding

• The relative importance of mass transport effects can be largely controlled by the assay conditions used

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What is mass transport?

Diffusive mass transport

• Simple example in a static system



Over time, analyte concentration at the surface will be depleted and a gradient will be generated through the liquid layer

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Analyte consumption & supply

1. Analyte supplied by convection (continuous flow)

2. Diffusion becomes increasingly important as the flow rate reduces closer to the surface

3. Biomolecular interaction processes at the ligand/analyteinterface

flow cell height






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Dealing with mass transport limitations

Low Rmax (ligand density)

High flow rates

• High flow rates reduce diffusion distance

Mass transport correction included in all kinetic models

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Experimental Design

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Experimental designAffinity determination by steady-state analysis

Determine steady state binding levels over a range of analyte concentrations

High immobilization level

Concentration range should cover at least 20-80% saturation of the surface

Use reference surface

Include at least one concentration in duplicate

Include zero concentration sample

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Important experimental parametersKinetic analysisThe purity of the reagents

Immobilization procedure

Immobilization level

Ligand activity

Flow rate

Analyte concentration range

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Analyte concentrationsKinetic analysis

Concentrations should cover a full range of binding curves

Include at least one concentration in duplicate

Include zero-concentration samples

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1- What am I looking for?

1. Specificity?

2. Ranking?

3. Kinetics?

4. Concentration?

5. Thermodynamics?

6. Other?



about interacting


• MW

• pI• stability

• solubility

• purity• activity

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1- What am I looking for?

1. Specificity?

2. Ranking?

3. Kinetics?

4. Concentration?

5. Thermodynamics?

6. Other?

Choose suitable


chemistry and

ligand density

Wait for a stable


Check for drifts

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1- What am I looking for?

1. Specificity?

2. Ranking?

3. Kinetics?

4. Concentration?

5. Thermodynamics?

6. Other?

Scout for buffer composition

• pH• ionic strength

• DMSO• metals• metal chelators

• BSA• cofactors

Keep it as simple as possible and match running buffer

and sample buffer

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1- What am I looking for?

1. Specificity?

2. Ranking?

3. Kinetics?

4. Concentration?

5. Thermodynamics?

6. Other?

Check for a

positive control

• reproducibility• dose dependency• saturation

• stoichiometry

Check for a

reference control

• non specific binding• always check not subtracted

signals• run zero concentrations and

negative controls

24 / GE Biacore T100 training_kinetics /

1- What am I looking for?

1. Specificity?

2. Ranking?

3. Kinetics?

4. Concentration?

5. Thermodynamics?

6. Other?

Scout for


• from mildest to harsh, never the reverse• try with regeneration

cocktails• always check for ligand activity and stability after


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1- What am I looking for?

1. Specificity?

2. Ranking?

3. Kinetics?

4. Concentration?

5. Thermodynamics?

6. Other?

Adjust flow rate

• mass transport

limitation• rebinding

Adjust injection


• association phase• dissociation phase

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Sensorgrams appearance

•Take time to look at the shapes of the sensorgrams

• Check for low quality data, such as drifts, air bubbles, spikes, aggregations

• Always have a look at what happens on the reference flow cell and on the active, not just at the subtracted

• Look at the curvatures of the sensorgrams if you are performing a kinetic analysis

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Have a look...

Rich R and Myszka D, J. Mol. Recognit. 2008; 21: 355-400

A, B, C: Same kon but different koff

D: Equilibrium reached within seconds

E:Ligand saturation F: partial mass transport


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More complexity...

Is it a biphasic interaction?Maybe... But it is virtually impossible to resolve what actual event is leading to complex response

SOTake a step back and riconsider experimental design and conditions

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Bad data sets

Substandard responses

• aggregation• precipitation• instrument maintenance

Drifting baseline

• ligand stability

• perform start up• regeneration issues

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Data evaluation

What is the purpose of the


Yes/No data


Equilibrium analysis

Kinetic rate analysis

Specificity studies

Early selectionof binders

Determination ofbinding strength

Modelling binding reactionsto determine the dynamic

behaviour of a system


k , ka d

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Include zero-concentration samples

“Double referencing”

• Compensates for system disturbances

• Important for high-quality work




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Control experiments

Non-specific binding

Surface performance test

Regeneration optimization

Mass transport limitations

Linked reactions

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Control experiments

Vary contact time at equilibrium to check for linked reactions

No linked reactions Linked reactions

Dissociation rates are not affected by contact time if reactionsare independent

Two-state reactions and competition are examples of linked reactions

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Affinity analysis

• Derives the affinity constants

• For analysis of interactions with very fast on and off rates

Kinetic analysis

• Derives the rate constants and the affinity constants

• For detailed characterization of a molecular interaction

• Interactions with the same affinity may have entirely different association and dissociation rate constants

• Rate constants may be more significant than affinity in

understanding biological processes