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Journal Grammatica

Oct 11, 2015



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    Submitted to the Department of English Education Faculty of Teaching and Educational

    Sciences Unswagati Cirebon in Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for Sarjana

    Pendidikan (S1) Degree

    Arranged By







  • Abstract - The aim of the research is to describe of grammatical errors in writing recount text

    are frequently made by the eight year students of SMP N 1 Gempol in The Academic Year

    2013-2014. This reserach is conducted to answer the statement of the problem What kind of

    grammatical errorrs are frequently made by the eight year students of SMP N 1 Gempol in

    writting recount text? The limitation of the research which include in the following four

    categories of problem areas, those are verb forms, preposition, noun pluralization and

    pronoun. The result in can conclude that the students made 95 grammatical errors which were

    classified into 93 errors in verb forms, 1 error in the use of preposition, 0 error in the use of

    noun pluralization, 1 error in the use of pronoun. The writer concludes that grammatical error

    are frequently made by the eight year students in SMP N 1 Gempol is error in the use verb

    forms. It is suggested that the students still need more practices dealing with verb forms since

    they were the basic knowledge needed for telling their past experiences.



    Background of the Study

    Nowadays, Mastering English is required in view of the fact that it becomes one of

    the science and technology languages. Mjoreover, English is an international language

    which is the most commonly used to communicate by the people among the different

    countries. If know nothing about English, of course it will be very hard to prevent the

    existence in modern world. In this research the writer want to know the students ability

    in eight grade especially in grammatical. According to observations result that have been

    done by the researcher got students' ability to communicate in English especially in eight

    grade of SMP Negeri 1 Gempol. SMP NEGERI 1 GEMPOL was selected by the

    researhcer as a sample because in this school many students still English for

    communication there were who did not.

    Language is a means of communication. By using a language people can

    communicate with each other. Using a language is not as simply because there is a set of

    rules that must be followed, which is called Grammar. Nevertheless, the ability to speak

    a language should be developed in a social group. Actually grammar is used to mean the

    structure of a language. Having a good grammar system of a language, learners will be

    helpful in delivering their ideas, messages and feelings either to the listeners or readers.

    Language without grammar would be disorganized and causes some communicative

    problems, like grammatical errors in writing. In this paper, the writer do the research

    because want to analyze grammatical error made by the learners. The result of this

    analysis are expected to help teacher determine sequence of instructional material,

    explanation and practice for the students to improve ability. Based on observations of the

  • writer in some schools concludes that the possible causes of grammatical errors in junior

    high school of the eight year students are overgeneralization and interference. It is

    suggested that the students still need more practices dealing with verb forms.

    In order to use a language well, learners should learn the rules of a language or to

    know how they work. They cannot avoid errors because errors mostly occur in learning

    process. It happens because they use of different forms to deliver their ideas, feelings or

    messages so they need considerable amount of time to be able to master the target

    language well. Besides, by making errors, learners will build their new knowledge to use

    the target language as Littlewood stated that making errors during studying the second

    language can be considered as a means of building learners abilities because they can

    learn something from making errors (Littlewood, 1992:58). Canale (1983) outlines four

    major components of communicative competence: grammatical competence, including

    knowledge of vocabulary, rules of words and sentence formation, linguistic semantics,

    pronunciation and spelling.

    Errors usually occur in the productive skills, speaking and writing, but to analyze

    errors in productive skills in short time is not easy. It takes time, money, and requires a

    high ability of an analysis. Therefore, the writer decided to analyze only the grammatical

    errors in students writing. The writer chooses the students of grade Eight as the subject

    of the research because they are expected to make writings which are correct in

    grammar, so it is important to know whether the students make grammatical errors or not

    and what kind of grammatical errors that students make. The writer hopes the result of

    the research will be useful not only for the students of grade Eight, but also for the


    The grammatical error that will be analyze are verb forms; preposition; noun

    pluralization and pronoun.

  • Statement of the Problem

    The research problem of the study are formulated in the following questions:

    What kind of grammatical errors are frequently made by the eight year students of

    SMP N 1 Gempol in writing recount text?

    Aims of the Research

    According to the problem statement above, the objectives of the research are


    To describe of grammatical errors in writing recount text are frequently made by the

    eight year students of SMP N 1 Gempol.

    Scope of the Research

    The scope of this research is the grammatical error analysis in students of the eight

    year students of SMP N 1 GEMPOL, in the academic year of 2013-2014. In this

    research, the writer analyze the grammatical error in students recount text.

    Limitation of the Research

    The study will be only limited to analyze the grammatical error in students recount

    text. The writer limits errors which include in the following four categories of problem

    areas. Those are: (1) Verb Forms, (2) Preposition, (3) Noun Pluralization and (4)


  • Significance of the Study

    The significance of this study can be classified into two parts, for the teachers and the

    students. For the teacher by reading the result of this study they can find new methods to

    anticipate the making of the errors and to improve their teaching ability. For the students,

    by reading the result of this study they can improve their ability in writing especially in

    writing recount text.



    In this chapter, the writer explains the theories that related with the study. It describes

    the relevant literatures in order that underpin the issues of the research. This chapter reviews

    about the definition of Errors and Mistakes, Error Analysis, Grammatical Error, and Writting

    Recount Text.

    Previous Research

    Some researchers has conducted research which is related to this research. One of

    researcher that conducted research on grammatical error analysis is Alam (2012). This

    final project primarily dealt with grammatical error analysis. It described the

    grammatical errors on narrative texts made by the eight graders at SMP LABORATORY

    in the academic year of 2011/2012. The qualitative approach was used in which the data

    were obtained from the students narrative text writing. These writings were then

    analyzed to find the grammatical errors which finally divided into five groups. They

    made errors in the use of tenses, articles, noun pluralization, pronouns, and conjunctions.

    The result showed that the students made 729 grammatical errors which were classified

  • into 449 errors in producing tenses, 83 errors in the use of articles 75 errors in

    pluralization, 69 errors in the use of pronoun, and 53 errors in the use of conjunction. It

    can also be found that the possible causes of errors were overgeneralization and

    interference. It was suggested that the students still needed more practices dealing with

    those five errors since they were the basic knowledge needed for telling their past


    And another researcher who had conducted study in Error Analysis is Ristiyani

    (2011). This research aims at giving description on the errors done by the eleventh year

    students of SMA Negeri 1 Semin in 2011. The writer reveals the errors and their factor

    contributing to the errors as the answer of the problem of this study namely what kinds

    of grammatical errors of are found in the students writing of reporting a school of the

    eleventh year students of SMA Negeri 1 Semin in 2011? The writer uses the students

    work in narration paragraph as the source of data, the data collected are then analysed

    with descriptive qualitative methods. After analyzing all of the data taken from the

    twelfth year students of SMA Negeri 1 Semin in 2011, the writer found 37 sentences that

    having grammatical errors. Some of them are 11 errors are omission error (2 omission of

    preposition, 1 omission of preposition and omission tobe, 1 omission of noun and

    omission of predicate (tobe), 1 omission of article and omission of verb, 1 omission of

    pronoun, 3 omission of article, 1 omission of determiner, omission of tobe, omission of

    pronoun and omission of article, 1 omission of article and omission of tobe). 8 errors are

    information error (6 misformation of verb and 2 misformation of determiner). 4 errors

    are omission and misformation (1 omission of verb and misformation of determiner, 2

    omission of article and misformation of verb, and 1 omission of tobe and misformation

    of verb).

  • Maelasari (2009) also studied in this field that conducted reserach on grammatical

    error analysis. The population of this study was the second grade students of MTsN 1

    Brebes. A simple random sampling procedure was used to choose the sample. The writer

    chooses 40 students out of 360. A composition test type was used to gather the data. In

    analyzing the data, the writer use error analysis methods in which there are five steps.

    Firstly, the writer identifies the errors, secondly the writer classifies the errors. The next

    step is calculating the errors and the last step is tabulating the result and drawing the

    conclusion. The result of the analysis is that it was found that there are 120 errors on

    prepositions. They are errors on prepositions of time (20 errors = 16.7 %), errors on

    prepositions of place (22 errors = 18.3%), errors on prepositions after verbs (23 errors =

    19.2%), errors on prepositions after adjective (25 errors = 20.8%), and errors on

    prepositions after participial adjective (30 errors = 25%). The errors were due to

    interlingual and first language interference.

    The similarities of the previous research with this research are the previous research

    and this research want to investigate the grammatical error in students recount text of

    the eight year students, and kind of grammatical errors are faced by the eight year, used

    qualitatif method and the previous study and this research use observation and

    questionare as the instrument of the research.

    The differences of the previous research with this research are one of the previous

    study using a composition test type to collect the data while this research use

    investigation and quisioner, the previous research used The Eleventh Year Students of

    SMA Negeri 1, while this research use Eight grade in SMP N 1 Gempol.

    Existence some experts opinion, result from some previous research and this

    summary will be reference to write this paper.

  • Errors

    As stated above, the different system of language could make the learners to make

    errors when using the target language. Here the writter will try to define what an error is.

    An error is noticeable grammar from the adult grammar of native speaker, reflecting the

    interlanguage competence of the learners. (Brown, 1980: 165).


    Mistake is different from error. A mistake refers to a performance error that is either

    random or a slip of the tongue, in that it is failure to utilize a known system correctly

    (Brown, 1980: 165). A mistake refers to performance errors that are a random guess or a

    slip, in that it is failure. Mistakes are caused by hesitation, slips of the tongue. The

    learner, who makes mistakes, will sometime use one form and sometime the others. This

    shows an inconsistency. For example:

    a. If learners produce he must go and he must to go.

    b. If the Indonesian learners pronounce the word error intruction not instruction.

    Error Analysis

    According to Richards (1974: 124), the sources of errors in studying a language

    might be derived from the interference of the learners mother tongue and the general

    characteristics of the rule learning. The errors that are caused by the general

    characteristics of the rule learning are also called the intralanguage errors. And the errors

    caused by the interference of the learners mother tongue are called the interlanguage


    Grammatical Error

  • The word grammar has several meanings and there is no universally accepted

    definition. Different experts define the term grammar differently. There is no fixed

    definition of grammar. According to Leech (1982: 3) grammar is defined as something

    refers to the mechanism in accordance with the language of the work when it is used to

    communicate with other people and Harmer (2001: 12) says that defines grammar as the

    description of the ways in which words can change their forms and can be combined into

    sentences in the language. Gerot & Wignell (1994: 2) state that grammar is a theory of a

    language, of how language is put together and how it works.

    Having known the definition of grammar, it is not hard be understood why grammar is

    useful and important. Without knowing the grammar of a language, one can not be said

    to have learned the language. Besides, it seems impossible to learn a language without

    learning the grammar because it tells him how to use the language. People learn how to

    construct a good message based on the rules they have known and try to convey the

    message to the others. These rules are termed as grammar.

    The mechanism of grammar cannot be seen concretely, because it is rather abstractly

    represented in the human mind, but we know it is there because it works. One way of

    describing this mechanism is by means of a set of rules which allow us to put words

    together in certain ways which do not allow others. The meaning of a message conveyed

    by language has to be converted into words put together according to grammatical rules

    and these words are then conveyed by sounds.

    Fotos (1993) did an experiment involving noticing. She hypothesized that noticing

    would be induced to different degrees by two sorts of teaching: teacher-formed formal

    instruction, and doing grammar tasks in groups. So she gave two matched groups of

    learners grammar-noticing opportunities under these two conditions in order to find out

  • which way is the more effective (James, 1998: 257). This is why analyzing learners

    grammatical errors in learning other language would be interesting. Learning other

    language becomes difficult since the target language has different system from the native

    language. This difference sometimes makes the learners (in this case the students)

    make errors especially in applying the grammar. These errors will be analyzed further in

    Chapter IV.

    Writing Recount Text

    Recount is a reconstruction of something happened in the past. It is the unfolding

    sequence of events over time and the purpose is to tell what happened. Recounts begin

    with by telling the reader who was involved, what happened where this event took place

    and when it happened. The sequence of event is then described in some sort of order, for

    instance a time order (Seaton, 2007:11). The generic structure of a recount consists of

    three parts; they are the setting or orientation, events, and conclusion. The setting or

    orientation is the background information answering who, when, where and why. It is

    also where you give an outline of what you are writing about. Events are where you write

    about the things that happened and are identified and described in chronological order.

    And the conclusion expresses a personal opinion regarding the events described. In other

    words this is where you bring your writing to a close by; saying how things went, saying

    what you felt about the things that happened and/or mentioning something which will or

    may happen later.

    A recount has a title, which summarizes the text. Since recount tells about past

    experiences, it uses past tenses; such as simple past, past perfect, past continuous, past

    perfect continuous tenses. A recount describes events, so plenty of use is made of verbs

    (action words), and of adverbs (describe or add more detail to verbs). And since it

  • describes events in a chronological order, to describe the events words which link events

    in time can be used, such as next, later, when, then, after, before, first. The

    lexicogrammatical features of recount are focus on specific participants, use of past

    tense, use of material processes, circumstances of time and place, and focus on temporal


    According to the 2004 Competence Based Curriculum, recount is being taught in the

    tenth year. The basic competence is the students can use various kinds of language, i.e.:

    either written or verbal in smooth and accurate transactional and monologue texts

    especially on the form of recount, narrative, procedure, report and news item.

    There is no particular definition about writing stated by an author or a linguist. L.

    Strauss in J. Hartley, et al (1962: 66) stated that the power of writing, which is to say,

    regarded as a form of artificial memory, the development must be accompanied with a

    deeper knowledge of the past and, therefore, with a greater ability to manage the present

    and future. In fact, there are some acts of writing which can be used as the basis for

    conceiving the meaning of writing. Those acts of writing are in line with the

    development of learning to write through which a student should pass. Writing should be

    done with the understanding from the past time in order to inform and express what had

    happened. Just like speaking, writing is a way of communicating a message with an

    intended audience. It is a means of expressing thoughts, ideas, and feelings. By writing

    we may flow out a burden occupying our mind offer our ideas and concepts to others,

    and share our knowledge and experiences. Writing is more than just public

    communication, it is also a way of thinking. Writing involves a range of writers

    consciousness. Most students find foreign language writing is difficult, they will rarely

    need to write in adult life, so they will decrease the amount of writing. Rivers as quoted

  • by Swarbick (1994: 142) describes five stages of development which students need to go

    through in acquiring competence in writing, i.e.: copying, reproduction, recombination,

    guided writing, and free writing.

    Students need to know how language is used to structure the text and how the

    language features are used in recount writing to achieve the purpose. Students also need

    to develop an understanding of how different audiences and purposes of recount texts

    determine the language choices they make. This language is influenced by:

    Purpose what do I want my writing to do/achieve? e.g. accurately retell an incident

    Audience for whom am I writing? e.g. my teacher, peers

    Identity whom am I writing as? e.g. an authority/expert

    Attitude how will I make my audience feel? e.g. informed, happy, sad

    Recount texts have logically sequenced stages. Supporting students to order their

    thoughts chronologically and develop circumstances will assist them to produce recount

    texts. Oral language activities that build vocabulary and provide authentic purposes

    enable students to develop the range of language skills for recounts. Scaffolding students

    with a planned and logical sequence of activities through a teaching and learning cycle

    that provides a gradual release of responsibility will support students to confidently

    construct a recount. Assessment processes that provide explicit feedback and use

    assessment as, for and of learning help students to understand the criteria for a successful

    recount and to reflect on their work and improve their skills.



  • Research Approach : Descriptive Study

    (Polit & Hungler 1999) stated that a descriptve study is This type of research

    describes what exists and may help to uncover new facts and meaning. Aspects of a

    situation as it naturally occurs. The purpose of descriptive research is to : observe,

    describe, and document. This involves the collection of data that will provide an account

    or description of individuals, groups or situations. Instruments we use to obtain data in

    descriptive studies include :


    Interviews (closed questions)

    Observation (checklists, etc.)

    There is no experimental manipulation or indeed any random selection to groups, as

    there is in experimental research.

    Descriptive research is a type of research method that seeks to describe and interpret

    objects in accordance with what it is (Best, 1982: 119). Descriptive research is also often

    called noneksperimen, because in this study the researcher does not control and

    manipulation of variables. With the descriptive method of research, enabling researchers

    to conduct the relationship between variables, test hypotheses, develop generalizations,

    and develop theories that have universal validity (west, 1982). In addition, research is

    also descriptive studies where data collection to test the research question or hypothesis

    and objec-related current events.

    In this research the writer tries to do descrptive research as research approach to

    describe systematically the facts and characteristics of the object and the subject.

    Descriptive research method used by the writer for two reasons. First, from the empirical

    observation that most of the reports come in the form of descriptive research. Second, the

    descriptive method is very useful to get a variety of issues related to education and

  • human behavior. Besides two reasons above, the writer chooses descriptive research

    because this research is very simple with easy to recognize without requiring complex

    techniques statistics.

    Research Procedure

    Identification of the problem

    Study Bibliography

    The writer giving exercise about recount text

    The writer give the task to write recoun text with the topic My Experience

    Analyzed the result of the data

    Describe the error made by the students

    The writer summary of the work

    Research Instrument

  • In this research, the writer wants to analyze some categories in grammatical error. The

    categories which will be analyzed in the table below.

    Data Collection

    To collect the data, the writer applied classroom observation since tried to analyze the

    students errors and the concern of this final project is to find out the grammatical errors

    done by students in writing recount texts. The writter came to the field, got the students

    writing a recount, collected their works, and analyzed them. In this way, the writer tried

    to get the data as objective as possible.

    Subject of The Research

    In this subject of the research, there are two components such as Population and



    According to McMillan and Schumacher in Research in Education (2001) A

    population is a group of elements or cases, whether individuals, objects, or events, that

    No. Category of Error

    1. Using Verb Form

    2. The use of Preposition

    3. Noun Pluralization

    4. The use of Pronoun

  • conform to spesific criteria and to which we intend to generalize the results of the

    research (p. 169)

    The population of the study is the students at the Eighth Grade of SMP Negeri 1

    Gempol Kabupaten Cirebon. The class consist of about 30 students. So, the total of

    population are 30 students.

    The population was chosen by the writer because the each eigth grade students of

    SMP Negeri 1 Gempol have the ability to writting recount text. So, the students can

    know that they have grammatical error in processing writting recount text.


    McMillan & Schumacher (2001: p.169) states that :

    The sample can be selected from a larger group of persons, identified as the

    population, or it can simply refer to the group of subjects from whoms data are collected

    (even though the subjects are not selected from the population).

    While there are several probability sampling procedures and non probability

    sampling, but the writer will choose only one procedure. It is Purposeful Sampling

    (sometimes called purposive sampling).

    McMillan & Schumacher (2001: p.175) In purposeful sampling, the researher

    selects particular elements from the population that will be representative or informative

    about the topic of interest. On the basis of the researchers knowledge of the population,

    a judgement is made about which subjects should be selected to provide the best

    information to address the purpose of the research.

  • Why the writer prefered purposive sample because the writer wants to investigate the

    grammatical error in students recount text of the eight grade students of SMP Negeri 1


    Based on theory above, the writer takes one class that consist of 30 students as

    population. The writer just takes only 10 students as sample.

    Procedure of Investigations

    In this research, two steps of data investigation were applied, namely; collecting the

    data and analyzing the students writing recount text. In analyzing the data, the writer use

    error analysis method. Corder as quoted by Ellis (1994: 48) suggests the following steps

    to conduct an error analysis research:

    No Steps Explanations

    1. Collection of samples of learner


    Deciding what samples of learner language to use

    for the analysis and how to collect these


    2. Identification of errors Identifying the errors by underlying the errors the

    learner made

    3. Classification of errors Grouping the errors that have been found and

    stating the classes of errors

    4. Explanation of errors Explaining the errors by establishing the source of

    the errors and calculating how often the

    errors appear

    5. Evaluation of errors Evaluating the errors step involves tabelizing the

    errors and drawing conclusion

  • Referring to the steps of error analysis method above, the data will be analyzed as


    (1) Collection of samples of learner language

    The writer take one class that consist of 30 students as population but just takes only

    10 students to investigate the grammatical error in students recount text of the eight

    grade students of SMP N 1 Gempol.

    (2) Identification of errors

    In this step, the writer studies the acquired data and tries to find out the grammatical

    errors by underlying the errors. The writer tries to analyze the data as objective as


    (3) Classification of errors

    Once the errors have been identified, the writer classifies them into 4 categories, they


    a.errors in using verb forms

    e.g. : The greeks builded a wooden horse that the Trojans taked into the city. (The

    verbs build and take have irregular past-tense forms)

    b.errors in the use of preposition

    e.g. : He has been working since 2 hours

    c.errors in noun pluralization

    e.g. : My mother has many flower in the garden.

    d.errors in the use of pronoun

    e.g. : Every student should post their questions by Friday.

    (4) Explanation of errors

    After collecting and analyzing the dat, the writer explain the source of the errors and

    calculating the result of the analysis.

  • (5) Evaluation

    The writer tabelized result of error and would be drawing a conclusion based on the

    analysis. In this step, the writer have to make a valid conclusion in the form of a brief

    description of the errors.




    Ninety five (95) grammatical errors of various kinds were found, they were classified

    as follows:

    a. Errors in using verb forms = 93

    b. Errors in the use of preposition = 1

    c. Errors in noun pluralization = 0

    d. Errors in the use of pronoun = 1

    The result of the analysis can be tabelized as follows :

    No Type of error Total of error

    1. Errors in using verb forms 93

    2. Errors in the use of

    preposition 1

    3. Errors in noun pluralization 0

    4. Errors in the use of pronoun 1

    Total 95

  • The errors done will be written with asteriks (*) and underlined. They will be

    discussed as follows:

    Errors in using verb form

    Errors in using verb form are the most frequent ones made by the students. In using

    verb form, there are some rules to be obeyed, such as: the form of the sentence

    whether it is in the regular or irregular verb, and the tense of the sentence. These rules

    are complex so that students often make errors in this area. Some of the errors are

    illustrated as follows:

    a. * We get together then shook hands to ask for apologizing.

    b. * I feel it was fun

    c. * I have many impressive experiences during the vacation.

    The students made errors in producing verb 2 in past form. They failed to recognize

    changed verb 1 to verb 2 in regular and irregular verbs. They should be in the form of

    verb 2 from irregular verbs.

    The sentences should have been:

    a. We got together then shook hands to ask for apologizing.

    b. I felt it was fun

    c. I had many impressive experiences during the vacation.

    In case of regular and irregular verbs Nelson stated that some irregular verbs have

    regular verbs variants, which may be used for both the past form and the ed form in the

    following examples, both the regular dreamed and the irregular dreamt are used as the

    past form.

    Regular : She dreamed she was on a hill overlooking alexandria.

  • Irregular : I cant remember what I dreamt last night. (Nelson, 2001:45)

    Still related to verb forms, there is gerund (-ing form of the verbs). It explains that the

    process of something has been done. And it also functions as noun. The students made

    errors in this area. They are as follows:

    a. * I spent 3 days visited house to another house.

    b. * It was very annoyed.

    c. * I was watched television

    The sentences should have been:

    a. I spent 3 days visiting house to another house.

    b. It was very annoying.

    c. I was watching television.

    The students failed to recognize the ing form of the verbs. Instead of using the ing

    form they used the simple form of the verbs. They failed to recognize that in order to

    explain a process, they should use the ing form of the verbs.

    In the sentences below, the students failed to put changed ed in irregular verbs. The

    errors are as follows:

    a. * It taked around 3 hours to arrive at Pasir Putih

    b. * Everybody comed back from different place they worked or has a new family.

    c. * I buyed some Bali T-shirt and souvenirs.

    The students failed to recognize the past form of the verb. Instead of using the past

    form, the students added the verb with ed. This is wrong since the verb is the irregular

    one. The students can not add ed. The students generalized that the past forms of the

    verb are always added by ed.

    The sentences should have been:

    a. It took around 3 hours to arrive at Pasir Putih

  • b. Everybody came back from different place they worked or has a new family.

    c. I bought some Bali T-shirt and souvenirs.

    As the writer stated above, in writing recount we usually use past tense. In the

    sentences below, the students failed to changed the verbs of has do or does in the past

    form (verb2). The errors are as follows:

    a. *I dont check my homework before.

    b. * I do my homework until 2:00 a.m. the next morning.

    The students still used the simple form of the verbs. This is incorrect since in telling

    their past experiences they should use the past form of the verbs (verb2) whether do is

    the simple form of the verbs so should changed be did.

    The sentences should have been:

    a. *I didnt check my homework before.

    b. * I did my homework until 2:00 a.m. the next morning.

    And the last, the form of the sentence whether it is in the active or passive form, and

    the tense of the sentence. The student made errors in this area. The sentence as follow:

    a. * We also went to Penyu Island to saw many unique animals.

    Student made error in producing verb 1 or infinitive, failed to recognize where to put

    the infinitives. The student failed to figure out the non-finite verb, should be in the form

    of infinitives (to + the simple form of the verb).

    The sentences should have been:

    a. We also went to Penyu Island to see many unique animals.

    Errors in the use of preposition

    Prepositions are always followed by nouns (or pronouns). They are connective words

    that show the relationship between the nouns following them and one of the basic

  • sentence elements: subject, verb, object, or complement. They usually indicate

    relationships, such as position, place, direction, time, manner, agent, possession, and

    condition, between their objects and other parts of the sentence (Wishon and Burks,

    1980: 288). A preposition may be composed of one, two, or three parts. For instance:

    a. one part: of, on, in, at, for, from

    b. two parts: because of, according to, etc

    c. three parts: in front of, on top of, as far as, etc

    In using a preposition, one should be aware because there is no certain rule for this.

    One has to determine which preposition should be used based on its context.

    In this case the student made 1 error in the use of preposition, as follow:

    a. * We look .... the beautiful scenery there.

    Student made error in preposition, the student didnt put preposition after verb in

    sentence, she should be use preposition at after looked because verb looked is

    followed by the preposition at.

    The sentences should have been:

    a. We looked at the beautiful scenery there.

    Errors in noun pluralization

    Pluralization is a process of adding morpheme (s/es) to pluralize nouns. There are

    many exceptional nouns that do not use adding -s/es to construct their plural forms. The

    function of pluralization is to show that the noun is more than one. But singular is to

    show that the noun is considered as one unit. In this analyze the students didnt make

    errors in this area.

    Errors in the use of pronoun

  • Pronoun is used to substitute nouns. It has many types; they are personal, reflexive,

    indefinite, relative, interrogative, demonstrative, and expletive pronouns.

    The student made 1 error in this area. This error as follow:

    a. *After eating, my mom, dad, and me went to uncle and aunts house.

    There is one student who made error in the use of pronoun. The student failed to

    recognize nominative case as predicate nominative in personal pronoun, because I as a

    predicate nominative. Even, "me" has been widely used and accepted as the standard


    The sentence should have been:

    a. After eating, my mom, dad, and I went to uncle and aunts house.


    After explain categories of error, the writer would discuss about the dificulty and

    advantages to analyze grammatical error in students recount text of the eight grade

    students of SMP N 1 Gempol. The writer found that grammatical errors are undoubtedly

    hard to avoid for junior high school students, they are not quite get the lesson about

    grammar well. They attend to confuse to use it appropriately. therefore, there is a

    tendency that the methods the teacher use is not effective. According to Corder, true

    errors are marker of the learners competence (Richards, 1974). Errors are caused by

    deficiency in competence and a shortcoming in the knowledge of language learners make

    errors when they have not learn something correctly. From the linguists opinion above,

    the writer would conclude that mistake refers to the failures to use the language system

    correctly caused by some factors such as carelessness, memory lapses, and physical

  • condition. While error, refers to the failure to use the system correctly caused by the lack

    of the learners competence.

    The writer concludes that important to analyze error because by learning the errors,

    there are many advantages such as (a) to fully grasp and understand the nature of errors,

    and (b) instead of just being able to recognize errors, the learners are now able to explain

    the rules and correct the errors ( Mei Lin Ho, 2003 : 1).

    Littlewood stated that making errors during studying the second language can be

    considered as a means of building learners abilities because they can learn something

    from making errors. (Littlewood, 1992:168)

    The conclusion of the analysis will be presented in the next chapter.




    1) Based on the finding of the analysis, it shows that the students made a total of

    94 errors which consists of 86 or 91 % errors in using verb forms, 0 or 0 % errors

    in the use of preposition, 7 or 7,4 % errors in noun pluralization, 1 or 1,6 % errors

    in the use of pronoun.

    2) According to the findings, it can be concluded that the students have not

    mastered the use of verb forms. We can see it from the number of the errors

    made. Although the students had been taught about it before, they were still

    confused which one to use when making a grammatical sentence. It could be

    because in bahasa Indonesia we do not have the verb conjugations. We do not

    have time signaling in expressing ideas. The students are unfamiliar to this form

  • and because English is still foreign for them. And those are the possible causes of

    their errors. The students overgeneralized the singular or pluralizing of nouns.

    They just used the is or are without changed that there are past forms of nouns

    pluralization. The students still confused in deciding which pronoun should be

    used to substitute nouns, whether it is personal, relative, possessive, or

    demonstrative pronouns.

    From the explanations above, the writer can conclude that the students still confused in

    dealing with English grammar systems.


    Based on the findings, the writer would like to offer some suggerstion to be

    considered in teaching to improve the students ability.

    1. In teaching English related to its grammar, the teacher should give more easily

    understood explanation in order to make the students more interested in learning

    English, especially the grammar.

    2. The teacher teaches the grammar elements explicitly with adequate exercises.

    3. The teacher should give more exercises in applying grammar not only by giving the

    theory of grammar. Because, based on the results the students seem not quite

    understand how to differentiate when to use either past or present form of the verbs.

    4. Teacher could apply a method where he/ she explains the correct uses of the verb

    (when to use past and present) forms, gives examples of the usage, and tests the

    students understanding which will assure the teacher that the students really

    understand it. Otherwise, the students will face difficulties in differentiating the uses

    of past and present forms of verbs whenever they learn English and because this is the

    very basic step to learn English.

  • 5. The teacher could also apply the communicative language teaching method especially

    when he/she teaches English grammar.

    6. In writing class, the teacher should give more writing exercises to the students. So

    that, they will be familiar to English writing forms.