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SEE PAGE 3 FOR IMPORTANT WHOZIT RULES TNESilII JUilION [O[I,E E[ ENTER THE RAMPAGE WHOZIT CONTEST arü¡3lco ¡t ¡rE â550crA1ED SluDENfS I Vol. lll FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER I9, I95O No. 5 of the Frosh is expected to provide | ¡ I double tlouble for the J'Cers. l)mOK ii,",':i',:H":'H".1ïîT' !":T: I F i r s t A M S A f f a i I llaving seen both teams in action òkimmecl by th'e pre-game favorite 19. The Frosh, who have been both- | nTlt-"""-i Orville Grane, FJC centcr, ,rton | " :":I-i' Olinger, Ramble ¡nn manager. l:^:,_;^:_- I sandwiches and cold dri¡ks. Ron Chaqanian, fullback, won touchdown of the game. Froeh, 19 to 6 and then went, o" I ttIlt*oj:t' to be considered. çuuË¡uErçu I executive meeting. Since beating RPedleY, the R¿m I - b¿ckfield featurlng the hard run- | - nins of bmising futlback Ronnie lFOUfteefìth Yeaf "Little Giant" ChaÞa¡ian *d I ^-, Duane L¡man, and halfback. Ed- lClaSS AnnOUnCgS fili """fü:: åî'"iåff:;î'# I Plans For Dance (Continued. on Page 4) l;;;"; CALETUDÁR \ OCTOBER ig-Student"C,ouncil meeting at 11 a.m, in M23' Rally Commtttee meeting at noon ln M23. ?G-Ralli in south gym at 10:20 a.m. lnter-Versity Christian Fel- lowship meet¡ng at 12:05 in M11. 2l-Fresno State College Frosh vs. Fresno Junior College football game at Ratcliffe Stadium at I P.m. Dancc after Frosh-FJC game in south gYnr. 2ÇFulure Business Leaders of Americ,a meet in social room at 7:15 P,m. Alpha Gamm'a Sigma meet- ing in M1l at 12:05 P'm' Student Council meeting at 11 in M23 I Fresno State Scribe Predicts Close, Bitter Tussle Saturday By ,{RT M.ãRGOSIAN, forz¡er Rcnnpcrge Editor The rampaging Fresno iunior Coìiege ßamS will be out the the eof 39 to 0. However, the 1950 editionfT Theme of the dance. which is to ::J,"åïïii,T ,"#ü'i',¿:å:""'* | Smoker Tonight ls writer and presently an FSC sCribe, I The Associated Men Students thus, an unbiased bystander, se- | smoker wilr be held tonight ar lects the Rams by tv¡otouchdown". lZ:g0 in the Ramble Inn. John Mul- . comparing records the Rams I rins, president, has invited all mem- . have copped three and lost one j bers and guests to attend thls, while the Bullpups have won one I the first AMS event of the season. a¡d lost one. tr'JC bowed to Mon- | , _- . --,--;-,I Men v¡ho have paid their AMS terey, 27 to 13 in their lnttiall..-î':-.::-" Aq'v Ps¡s --_-_-_:--_,--_;_;:- | dues will be admltted free, as the scrap, but came through and skin-l:::-^-".-- - :^- ----.: I Smoker is pant of the activlties ned the Reedley Tigers, 26 to 13; l:,--_-_-. .- : -._-:--.'_ |planned for thls semeeter. Men who '--'-. - --: -__.lhave not paitl their dues will be I{artnell Panthers; 13 to 12; and I l--'"--'l il;;:¿*^;i;;ã'"ìä"* ¡c,'eiì" I '11"t"u..?9 c::ts ro.r a card. which will entitle tbem to membership The entertainment committee. ered with injuriès ,oTlto^:Ìr-:o,-: I n"r**u i, t* spino, plans a rull campaign, fell befone the Cal Poly I i.'-*-* -' --- I length movie, the title of whfch is vrqrrv' r -- '-.:'-'' .:'-" I Ledio Fanuccht and Clint Wheel- the award of "Outstand¡ng line- I ^_--;^ -_^"_^_-_^_. man ror the week," s¡r; ui J""" | "t' ll".,Ii"TY:1lt -:"it1lt"1 are maklng preparations to serwe " ;;; ;;il;. ì"á-'.r'" .¡"v-c"" I Mulline. .u'g"t ."u"y member .to come to this Smoker þ get acquein- ÈltÞcP€hop for makins the f{r¡t li"¿**li-.,i;;ñ ff;il;-;;; . '- | to further student-faculty rela- Other officers of the AMS are ro humiliete Reedley Jc, 26. t" e lrcai.--r;;;;cni, -l*Ët"o- ."a If the Reedley game is used "t " i n"ini lioteton, treasurer. The basis of comperison, the ''rosh I ortiåe of yice-preside't u¡a. reft have a slight etlge, but sinoe th" l;;;;;t u¡hen Charles Garabedian I'JC-ReedIey game was tl". Y-t l i<iinea the Marines. Thls offlce will firsr home battle, orher poiût' have I ;; i;;;""ily fillett ar rhe nexr Rodgers have named the Jcers as I the team *a Îroorr ,- rii ii"ã .t"r.l _^lY*^"t" a dance *u _Tï11 ---'.-j. lment of standing wa,rts Le uford -Ejd- I . - -. -- ... - :-:- --- lcommitte s of the monson, Pete a¡o L,*r .,^^- Àrâ Trrôs uuuou¡¡' . :* ::; | 14th-year !¡aÞÈ usçu¡¡¡6 -eld Tues- Iom Belden, Ara Al"*: 11o I a.r, in lt_Zo. Charles Tessendore, spell trouþI'e I ;- ^- ^ for opposition' -a - .- I ¡" n"t¿ December g in the sou.tli rÂLihd - look at the Bullpup l :-,_ ,: ^ ' - -^-;:_ fincts alt l;;;"; ü"kr lrvm' is a secret outrying ""åi""iti"' 1.1^-t'-":^il ' i,i']: vulrrr¡¡Õ """îî:^:;-:- | year presid'r¡ù, Ë4¡u u.-oy. Plans and a number of out-ot'-state pray- I r." oio""*ay to make it a big Chairmen of stânding commit- tees were appointed as follows: Glen Gehrin ger, maintenance; tr'rances Johnston, publicity; Sid- ney Wilson, prognun; ,Sally Lane, decoration; Boþ, ways and me&ns.' Members appointecl to serve on the. weys and mea¡s committee with Sani are l¡uise Vlllanueva, William Marter, York Boyajl¿n, Ðl- len Sharp, Cleveland Estep, ancl Wayne Wenzel. Two committees for which chair- men are yet to be named are ie- freshment and ticket. Row6na Campbell was appoint- ed to fill the executive council va- cancy of 'Conespondin8 S.ecretary. A meeting of the executive coun- cil, ways and means committee, and all committee chairmen is sched- uled for Tuesday, Oe,f,ober 24, at 12:30 in M38. A general class meeting will be held on Octolrer 31. cil; Yearbook Hangs [n Balance, Council Withholds Verdict 'Will tr'resno Junior College have a yearbook? That is the letest question before the student coun- "The question cannot be answer- ed with ¿ plain 'yes' or lno'," re- ported Louis Ingraham, last year's yearbook editor, at a recent stu- dent council meeting. The two main problems facing any yearbook publlcatlon er€ those of finance and adequate staff mem- bere to do the necessary work. EDITOR MAKES REPORT When the question of finance was raised, Iúgrahan wàs asked to report to th,e student council on howtthe Rambler was financed last year, and' any other information that might be considered import- ent, to the present i8sue. Several pertin€n't, faets reere brought to ltght. The cost of last year's annual was às follows: 460 coples 1950 Rambler .......-.--......--....$1,730.00 460 covers padded, extr'a @ .ã) .---.-...--.--....-. 9200 460 book¡ sewed, extna @ .15...--..---.-,.. 69.00 {uthoie corrcct¡ona --.-.-.. 3.75 Sa{cs,. tar 1,894.75 q6.32 rn"atlditiou to "o io.o-"$låi'i1' vertising and sale of extra Ùooks of $õ?2.8?, the student body budget allowed the publicatlon $1,225 for (Continueà on Page 2) Polls Opqn Today For Class Election There will be a thirteentb Year class meeting today iD the south gym. Th.e purpose of the meeting is to introduce candidates for class officerg. Voting polls wlll be opened at the conclusion of tùe meeting and will remain open until I P.m. they will also on trÌriilay from 12 to I' Candidates for president are Clfnt Wheeler and Orie Chleboratl; vice presid,ent, Marilyn Ooffma¡, Mary .A.nn Hightower, Joan Marie Scherer, Delb€rt I'elisiano, and Richard N, Soares; secretary, Pat 'Wlley and Betty Powers; treasur€r, Mary Janney, Wilma Rogers, Em- my Lou BraY, and Martin J¿ckens. The election conmittee urges all thirteenth yea,r studrents to attend this meeting and to vote. The smell of palnt arld tDe meD ln rrhite overalls will goon depart from the Fresno Junior Collêge as the paiting proiect, "OPeration Splatter," draws to a close. Remalning rooms to "get the works" are the faculty coffee room and the photo lab on the grouncl floo¡. One weék is the esti mated time needed to finish the wo¡k. Witb four painters on the job the last two weks, the basement hall now wears bright new colors and the clock-towrer fire escape claims the title as the only school fire escape to be Painted red and yellow. MARITAL DIFFICULTIES ccused by bumed lrnger^ col,ct " dirurer, qnd late husband will be ironed out qt the rolly- . assembly tomorrow. Husbond-crrd-wife teqm is composed' of Floyd Poore ond Morie Lipscomb. Johnston To Present Squad Ai Rally, Skit, Yells Featured A rally in the south gym at 10 feature a skit presented by Mrs. will be present, with yell leaders add to the program. The skit, entitled "Bless Our Home," is built around the Dance To Fol{ow Frosh-Ram Game Jack Ralston's Four Notes band wiU play for the tlance Saturday I Coach Stoney Johnston will in- night following tbe State Frosh' troduce the t¡eam aDd announce the probable starting line-up. Yell trìregDo Junior college game' Both I leaders will talk tbe yells through invited free of I so that they will be fresh in the minds of students for the game Ralph Holeton, R¿lty committee I Saturdav nisht' FJC Buildìng Gefs 'New Look' The basement hall was one of the dirti'est places they have paint-' ed the painters claimed. Hours of wiping and dustlng had to be done before the paintint could begin; but despite this, the job came out good, according to. the broad brush artists. Although som,e Curious students trespassed into the fire escape area while the painters worked, no smeared shirts or dresses wene re' ported. The colors v¡ere selected after consultation among Miss Kate Dar- llng, art instructor, Miss Mary Har- ney, homemaking instructor, and Dr, Thomas Blal¡ely,.president of the college. teams bave been cha,rBe. chairman. announced that the band will play tor two full hours. Duke Potere wrote the Frosh team, inviting all mrembers to at- tend, State studeúts have also been extended an' lnvltation, and thelr student body cards wlll be hoaored. Prices for the danoe are as fol- lows: 10 cents with full'privllege (green) student body cards, 25 cents ï¡ith limitettr (white) student body cards, and 50 cents without student body cards. ' -, I Decorations are breing planned by a committee composed of SidneY Wilson, Duane Soares, MarilYn Coffman, and. Emmy Lou BraY. Associated Women Ñtudents' president, Lois Tvede, is in charge of nefroshments for the dance. Junior College at Ratcllffe Stad nisùt. nûyd'rbore scomb ãre taking the parts of the skit's husband-and-wife team. An unusual "human curtaiu'f wlll be us€td in place of'the usual variety. PEP GALS TO STRUT Rally girls will open the assemb- ly wlth a fast-moving routine set to the music of ftc school band. they will perform on the ,stage, ìl'here everyone may easily see them, to the tune of "On 'Wiscon- sin." Mr. Lowell Spencer's band and the rally girls have been prac- tising to im-prove routines. "Assembly turn-out has gneatly improved since the changed sched- ule provides for having all rallies oh tr'riday at 10 :20," remarked rally commit(,ee chairman Ralph Holeton today, "but we hope to s,ee every tr.JC student there tomor- row'." The schetlule for the rally and classes tonorrow morning is: Period Time PUBTICITY ADDS coroR To HAttS Posters being used in the build- ing and in tlont of the school are just the beginning of the X'resno Junior College publicity, annoulced Marylea Muir, commissioner of publicity. llfiss Muir added that anyon,e who has the ability or is interestetl in doing this type of work should see her. Those on the committee are Del- bert trlelisiano, Clint Wheeler, IIar- old Bitter, I)onald Philips, and Gene Likens.

Johnston To Present Ai Yells

Nov 22, 2021



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Page 1: Johnston To Present Ai Yells







arü¡3lco ¡t ¡rE â550crA1ED SluDENfS



of the Frosh is expected to provide | ¡ Idouble tlouble for the J'Cers. l)mOK

ii,",':i',:H":'H".1ïîT' !":T: I F i r s t A M S A f f a i Illaving seen both teams in action

òkimmecl by th'e pre-game favorite

19.The Frosh, who have been both- |


Orville Grane, FJC centcr, ,rton | " :":I-i'

Olinger, Ramble ¡nn manager. l:^:,_;^:_-I sandwiches and cold dri¡ks.Ron Chaqanian, fullback, won

touchdown of the game.

Froeh, 19 to 6 and then went, o" I ttIlt*oj:t'

to be considered.uË çuuË¡uErçu I executive meeting.

Since beating RPedleY, the R¿m I


b¿ckfield featurlng the hard run- | -nins of bmising futlback Ronnie lFOUfteefìth Yeaf"Little Giant" ChaÞa¡ian *d I ^-,Duane L¡man, and halfback. Ed- lClaSS AnnOUnCgSfili """fü:: åî'"iåff:;î'# I Plans For Dance

(Continued. on Page 4) l;;;";


ig-Student"C,ouncil meeting at11 a.m, in M23'Rally Commtttee meeting atnoon ln M23.

?G-Ralli in south gym at 10:20a.m.lnter-Versity Christian Fel-lowship meet¡ng at 12:05 inM11.

2l-Fresno State College Froshvs. Fresno Junior Collegefootball game at RatcliffeStadium at I P.m. Danccafter Frosh-FJC game insouth gYnr.

2ÇFulure Business Leaders ofAmeric,a meet in social roomat 7:15 P,m.Alpha Gamm'a Sigma meet-ing in M1l at 12:05 P'm'Student Council meeting at11 in M23 I

Fresno State Scribe PredictsClose, Bitter Tussle Saturday

By ,{RT M.ãRGOSIAN, forz¡er Rcnnpcrge EditorThe rampaging Fresno iunior Coìiege ßamS will be out


eof39 to 0. However, the 1950 editionfT

Theme of the dance. which is to

::J,"åïïii,T ,"#ü'i',¿:å:""'* | Smoker Tonight ls

writer and presently an FSC sCribe, I The Associated Men Studentsthus, an unbiased bystander, se- | smoker wilr be held tonight arlects the Rams by tv¡otouchdown". lZ:g0 in the Ramble Inn. John Mul-. comparing records the Rams I rins, president, has invited all mem-

. have copped three and lost one j bers and guests to attend thls,while the Bullpups have won one I the first AMS event of the season.a¡d lost one. tr'JC bowed to Mon- |, _- . --,--;-,I Men v¡ho have paid their AMSterey, 27 to 13 in their lnttiall..-î':-.::-" Aq'v Ps¡s

--_-_-_:--_,--_;_;:- | dues will be admltted free, as thescrap, but came through and skin-l:::-^-".--- :^- ----.: I Smoker is pant of the activltiesned the Reedley Tigers, 26 to 13; l:,--_-_-. .-: -._-:--.'_ |planned for thls semeeter. Men who

'--'-. - --: -__.lhave not paitl their dues will beI{artnell Panthers; 13 to 12; and I l--'"--'lil;;:¿*^;i;;ã'"ìä"* ¡c,'eiì" I '11"t"u..?9

c::ts ro.r a card. whichwill entitle tbem to membership

The entertainment committee.ered with injuriès ,oTlto^:Ìr-:o,-: I n"r**u i, t* spino, plans a rull

campaign, fell befone the Cal Poly I i.'-*-* -'--- I length movie, the title of whfch is

vrqrrv' r -- '-.:'-'' .:'-" I Ledio Fanuccht and Clint Wheel-the award of "Outstand¡ng line- I ^_--;^ -_^"_^_-_^ ror the week," s¡r; ui J""" | "t' ll".,Ii"TY:1lt -:"it1lt"1are maklng preparations to serwe

" ;;; ;;il;. ì"á-'.r'" .¡"v-c"" I Mulline. .u'g"t ."u"y member .tocome to this Smoker þ get acquein-

ÈltÞcP€hop for makins the f{r¡t li"¿**li-.,i;;ñ ff;il;-;;;. '-

| to further student-faculty rela-

Other officers of the AMS arero humiliete Reedley Jc, 26. t" e lrcai.--r;;;;cni,

-l*Ët"o- ."aIf the Reedley game is used "t " i n"ini lioteton, treasurer. The

basis of comperison, the ''rosh I ortiåe of yice-preside't u¡a. reft

have a slight etlge, but sinoe th" l;;;;;t u¡hen Charles GarabedianI'JC-ReedIey game was tl". Y-t l i<iinea the Marines. Thls offlce willfirsr home battle, orher poiût' have

I ;; i;;;""ily fillett ar rhe nexr

Rodgers have named the Jcers as I

the team *a Îroorr ,- rii ii"ã .t"r.l _^lY*^"t" a dance *u _Tï11---'.-j. lment of standingwa,rts Le uford -Ejd- I . - -. -- ... -:-:- --- lcommitte s of themonson, Pete a¡o L,*r .,^^- Àrâ Trrôsuuuou¡¡' . :* ::; | 14th-year !¡aÞÈ usçu¡¡¡6 -eld Tues-Iom Belden, Ara Al"*: 11o I a.r, in lt_Zo.Charles Tessendore, spell trouþI'e I ;- ^- ^for opposition' -a - .- I ¡" n"t¿ December g in the sou.tlirÂLihd - look at the Bullpup l :-,_ ,: ^ ' -

-^-;:_fincts alt l;;;"; ü"kr lrvm' is a secret

outrying ""åi""iti"' 1.1^-t'-":^il ' i,i']:vulrrr¡¡Õ """îî:^:;-:- | year presid'r¡ù, Ë4¡u u.-oy. Plansand a number of out-ot'-state pray-

I r." oio""*ay to make it a big

Chairmen of stânding commit-tees were appointed as follows:Glen Gehrin ger, maintenance;tr'rances Johnston, publicity; Sid-ney Wilson, prognun; ,Sally Lane,decoration; Boþ, ways andme&ns.'

Members appointecl to serve onthe. weys and mea¡s committeewith Sani are l¡uise Vlllanueva,William Marter, York Boyajl¿n, Ðl-len Sharp, Cleveland Estep, anclWayne Wenzel.

Two committees for which chair-men are yet to be named are ie-freshment and ticket.

Row6na Campbell was appoint-ed to fill the executive council va-cancy of 'Conespondin8 S.ecretary.

A meeting of the executive coun-cil, ways and means committee, andall committee chairmen is sched-uled for Tuesday, Oe,f,ober 24, at12:30 in M38.

A general class meeting will beheld on Octolrer 31.


Yearbook Hangs

[n Balance, Council

Withholds Verdict'Will tr'resno Junior College have

a yearbook? That is the letestquestion before the student coun-

"The question cannot be answer-ed with ¿ plain 'yes' or lno'," re-ported Louis Ingraham, last year'syearbook editor, at a recent stu-dent council meeting.

The two main problems facingany yearbook publlcatlon er€ thoseof finance and adequate staff mem-bere to do the necessary work.EDITOR MAKES REPORT

When the question of financewas raised, Iúgrahan wàs asked toreport to th,e student council onhowtthe Rambler was financed lastyear, and' any other informationthat might be considered import-ent, to the present i8sue.

Several pertin€n't, faets reerebrought to ltght. The cost of lastyear's annual was às follows:460 coples 1950

Rambler .......-.--......--....$1,730.00460 covers padded,

extr'a @ .ã) .---.-...--.--....-. 9200460 book¡ sewed,

extna @ .15...--..---.-,.. 69.00

{uthoie corrcct¡ona --.-.-.. 3.75

Sa{cs,. tar1,894.75


rn"atlditiou to "o

io.o-"$låi'i1'vertising and sale of extra Ùooksof $õ?2.8?, the student body budgetallowed the publicatlon $1,225 for

(Continueà on Page 2)

Polls Opqn TodayFor Class Election

There will be a thirteentb Yearclass meeting today iD the southgym. Th.e purpose of the meeting isto introduce candidates for classofficerg.

Voting polls wlll be opened at theconclusion of tùe meeting and willremain open until I P.m. they willalso on trÌriilay from 12 to I'

Candidates for president areClfnt Wheeler and Orie Chleboratl;vice presid,ent, Marilyn Ooffma¡,Mary .A.nn Hightower, Joan MarieScherer, Delb€rt I'elisiano, andRichard N, Soares; secretary, Pat'Wlley and Betty Powers; treasur€r,Mary Janney, Wilma Rogers, Em-my Lou BraY, and Martin J¿ckens.

The election conmittee urges allthirteenth yea,r studrents to attendthis meeting and to vote.

The smell of palnt arld tDe meD

ln rrhite overalls will goon departfrom the Fresno Junior Collêge as

the paiting proiect, "OPerationSplatter," draws to a close.

Remalning rooms to "get theworks" are the faculty coffeeroom and the photo lab on thegrouncl floo¡. One weék is the estimated time needed to finish thewo¡k.

Witb four painters on the job thelast two weks, the basement hallnow wears bright new colors andthe clock-towrer fire escape claims

the title as the only school fireescape to be Painted red and


MARITAL DIFFICULTIES ccused by bumed lrnger^ col,ct "dirurer, qnd late husband will be ironed out qt the rolly-

. assembly tomorrow. Husbond-crrd-wife teqm is composed'of Floyd Poore ond Morie Lipscomb.

Johnston To Present SquadAi Rally, Skit, Yells Featured

A rally in the south gym at 10feature a skit presented by Mrs.will be present, with yell leadersadd to the program.

The skit, entitled "Bless Our Home," is built around the

Dance To Fol{ow

Frosh-Ram GameJack Ralston's Four Notes band

wiU play for the tlance Saturday I Coach Stoney Johnston will in-

night following tbe State Frosh'troduce the t¡eam aDd announcethe probable starting line-up. Yell

trìregDo Junior college game' Both I leaders will talk tbe yells through

invited free of I so that they will be fresh in theminds of students for the game

Ralph Holeton, R¿lty committee I Saturdav nisht'

FJC Buildìng Gefs 'New Look'The basement hall was one of

the dirti'est places they have paint-'ed the painters claimed. Hours ofwiping and dustlng had to be donebefore the paintint could begin; butdespite this, the job came out good,

according to. the broad brushartists.

Although som,e Curious studentstrespassed into the fire escape

area while the painters worked, nosmeared shirts or dresses wene re'ported.

The colors v¡ere selected afterconsultation among Miss Kate Dar-llng, art instructor, Miss Mary Har-ney, homemaking instructor, andDr, Thomas Blal¡ely,.president ofthe college.

teams bave been


chairman. announced that the band

will play tor two full hours.

Duke Potere wrote the Froshteam, inviting all mrembers to at-tend, State studeúts have also been

extended an' lnvltation, and thelrstudent body cards wlll be hoaored.

Prices for the danoe are as fol-lows: 10 cents with full'privllege(green) student body cards, 25

cents ï¡ith limitettr (white) studentbody cards, and 50 cents withoutstudent body cards. ' -, I

Decorations are breing planned bya committee composed of SidneYWilson, Duane Soares, MarilYnCoffman, and. Emmy Lou BraY.

Associated Women Ñtudents'president, Lois Tvede, is in chargeof nefroshments for the dance.

Junior College

at Ratcllffe Stadnisùt. nûyd'rborescomb ãre taking the parts of theskit's husband-and-wife team. Anunusual "human curtaiu'f wlll beus€td in place of'the usual variety.

PEP GALS TO STRUTRally girls will open the assemb-

ly wlth a fast-moving routine setto the music of ftc school band.they will perform on the ,stage,ìl'here everyone may easily seethem, to the tune of "On 'Wiscon-

sin." Mr. Lowell Spencer's bandand the rally girls have been prac-tising to im-prove routines.

"Assembly turn-out has gneatlyimproved since the changed sched-ule provides for having all ralliesoh tr'riday at 10 :20," remarkedrally commit(,ee chairman RalphHoleton today, "but we hope to s,ee

every tr.JC student there tomor-row'."

The schetlule for the rally andclasses tonorrow morning is:Period Time


Posters being used in the build-ing and in tlont of the school arejust the beginning of the X'resnoJunior College publicity, annoulcedMarylea Muir, commissioner ofpublicity.

llfiss Muir added that anyon,e whohas the ability or is interestetl indoing this type of work should seeher.

Those on the committee are Del-bert trlelisiano, Clint Wheeler, IIar-old Bitter, I)onald Philips, and GeneLikens.

Page 2: Johnston To Present Ai Yells

Pogc Two RAMPAGE Thursdoy, October 19, l95O


flMPflEEru¡urftD ¡t lft at504^tr0 ¡fuDr¡t¡

Published u¡,eekly by'the iournalism students of the Fresno JuniorCollege, 1420 Stanislaus Street, tr'resno, California, and composed atthe Centrat California Typographic Service, phone 3-2320.

Mal'ie Lipsc<¡mb -.-.-..-....... --EditorSilas Piphin ----...--..Sports EditorMabel Lancaster' ..-.-...--....- .--..Àssociate EditorMarylea l{uir' --..,---...-- -....Advertising IlfanagerCarl Schultz .------.. -.-..-.-Fhotograph'erRepolLels: Rudr:en Blttce, Louis Ingrtharn, z\vr'lce ^',{ot'gíln, iúary AnnHiilhtower, Bob Starr, and Bill Dâvidson.

THE NON-COMMUNIST OATHRefusal of some University of California professors to sign

non-Communist oaths has been given a lot of publicity in re-cent months.

The oath is a document that declares the signer does notbelong and has never ogYwhich advocates the rce.The person who signs tiesof perjury if the state

Since the penalties of periury can be somewhat rough, thebest reason

-for refusingl to sign the oath is th¿t the state

ment would not be true.The reason generally given for refusing to sign is that be-

; inc forced to ão so is an infringement of personal .liberty.Pe-rhaps it is. But if the Communists $'ere to t¿ke over in thiscountr-y as they have in others, the liberty of all of us wouldsüffer more than an infringement.

Furthermore, a $/ell-known fast is that the Communistslike to place thôir agents in strategic spots- to take.control ofgor"rttit"tt and industry in any country they try to convdrtto their way of thinkins.

If they could control or even influence the s-chools, thcirbattle wõuld be three-quarters won. That's something to thinkabout, if not for our-generation, then for the one comingalong.

People have expressed wonder over the fact that a non-Commïnist should object to signing a non-Communist oath.That thought has occur'red here as well.

It isn't iecessarily true that where there's smoke' there'sfirã; a piece of dry-ice in a bucket of water cart accomplishthe óami effect. Bùt it is a proven fact that one bad apple canspoil a whole barrel if the bad one is left there long enough'









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Wllh Tenq Solod, EggSolod, qnd Potdlo Sqlodon crirp :hrcdded let- a¡ Flùcq wllh ¡liccd fonq- { \¡toc¡. oñd fingo. J.rfsondwlch¡¡.With Coupo¡, void oftGrlVed., Ocl, 25.

vAruABrE couPoN No. 3


Servcd wilh dcml-Frenchfr¡cd pototor¡. crl¡p cole¡low ond hot roll withbctlcr,W¡th Coupon vo¡d oftcrWcd., Oct. 25.




EGG SPAGHETT¡Served w¡lh our ownspec¡ol lloqt souce.W¡th Coupon Yoid qflerWcd,, Oct. 25.

ME [ [,{Billiaril Theatre

Billiards - SnookerPocket Billiards

R.d'"-tioo of ,ot""upon presentction olStudent Body Ccrrds

2136 TUI.ARE ST.

lmproper l¡ght¡nÉ ¡s lust os

bod for your eyes os thecrozy ideo shown here. Use

correct size bulbs in ProPer

fixtures for )or¡r studY ond

work. Keep yotrr bulbs cleon

ond you'll be surprised how

much better you con see.




Registrar Urges

Return 0f tormsMrs. Irene Stes'art, registrar, an-

nounced the names of studentswho have still not turned ln theirmulti-colored program cards. Thesemust be on file in the main officeby X'riday, October 20.

If the student has lost his book-Iet, he may obtain a new one fromMrs. Averine Wantland in the at-tendance office.

The s,tudents who have not com-pleted their registration by fail-i¡g to file program cards ane:

Genevieve Àbbascia, Hal Ab'bate,Joseph Adams, Paul J. Anders, AraArax, Marion Belden, Shirley Berg,Norman - Britton, York Boyajian,Ray Bradley, John Brunskill,Charles Cady, Martin Canavan,Herb Carlson, Edwina Cawalho,Mildred Chrlsùeneen,

Dean Clifton, lrene Collas, BillCook, Henry Cooper, Ronald CooP-

er, Paul Cormier, Richard Cotrtrell,Marvin Day, Bill Doerksen, BettYEasterbrook, Buford Etlmoneon,Clarence Eclwards, Nancy Ellts,Ronald Er¡rich, John Everest.'

Bilt Farris, G,eorge Garabedlan,Bo¡raficio Garcia, HamlltonGarland, Melvln Girazian, FrankGreco, Vlto Gri€co, BeverlY Hand,Paul Haney, George Harada, Bar-bara Hobson, Wesley llockersmlth,Victorla Hoogasian, Richard Hrd-licka.

Aladin Jafar, Mary JanneY, Sur-Johnson, Ruline Junkln, George

Katayama., Nlcholas Koehler, LouisKozub, San Krause, Wallace Kuhn,Basil Marshall, Dorothy MaYbee,Ellery Mendes, Àlfred Mendoza,Ernest Mòntanari.

Jahes Morrell, Marylea Mulr, L*ella Murdock, Leo Mclllwain, OraLee Nelson, Melvin Olsen, MalTO'NeaI, William OÌ¡en, Leon Patter-son, Henry Poe, Harvey Pontius,Kathleen Price, Sharon R¿hnke,Vernon Rhoads, I(enneth Rhodes,Elm,er Robinson, Jennie Rodriguez,Leo Rajas, James Rosemond'

Mark Routt, Sam Scordino, Rob-ert Sherman, Malruel Silva, RichardSnow, Witlie Spencer, Julia Stahl,Wayne Steele, Judith S'terrhenson,Donald Thomas ,Louis Thomas,Maly Thomas, Bonni,e TiÞton, PeterTocmajian, John . Travis, tr'rancisTt'eacy, Wertìell Trotter.

Ramondo Valdivia, Jesse Waller,Charles Wartlen, Richard Watson,Os'rvald White, À{axine \ryilliams,Willie Williams, Ethel Wiìlis, Ber-nioe Wilts, Marjone Wilson, Ran-dall Wo¡rg, Ralph Zimmerman.

Olil Lady (to flapper): "Shameon you child, for smoking in thisrestau rarìt : I would iust - âs soonget drunk as be caught smoking."

FlaDper: "Well, who wouldn't?"

-The Home Book



JtJbL)ttLt,N Dnt\\

ANDFilms Never Before

Shown On.{ny Sczeesr'Cqssino to Korec'

Ncrrcted byQuentin Reynolds

RAMETTE TRIO resting on weory trek homewqrd from thePierce JC-Fresno ]C gome ore Solly Lane, Mcny Ann High-tower, ond Joqn Rennes.

Annual Question Three JC GolsSt¡ll Undecided Go To Gome-


(Continued lrom Page 1)annual production. This left theannual fr163 in the red. At presentthis is still an outstaudlng debtwhich will have to come out ofthe General X'uud of the studentbody.

MUST CUT EXPENSESIngraham repoÉed that if a

committee investigation can dis-cover ways to cut the cost of thel¡earbook 10 to 15 per cent it mightbe possible to publish one thisyear', but if they cannot find waysto cut cos,ts "they better lookaround for a good substitute."

l'Àe councll was advised tbatpubltshing an annual calls for astaff of fourteen ur more hard\Morking students.

"Thes,e students must be thetype who will wo¡ k until the jobis done. Too many times on lastyear's staff, a member failed tolive up to his responsibilities," In-graham said.NAMES STUDENTS

A committe was appointed to in-vestigaùe ways and means of cut-tùrg costs. Membe¡'s are MabelLancaster', Ron Kent, antl LoisTvede.


Si:r f¡resno .funior College stu-dents and one faculty member willatend the three-day state JuniorCollege Confel'ence in Sacramentonext week.

Junior colleges throughout thestate will send ref¡resentatives tothc Sacramento conference. Dele-gates will stay at the Senator Ho-tel, and r"-ill have use of State Ass-embly chambers in the CapÍtolbuilding fol their meetings.

The Hqrd Woy"Tulerc or Buat"

Cocd¡ Make Game a M,ust

The chartered bus. whtch wa"s totransport students to the PlerceJunlor CollegeFleeno Junior Col-lege game, was cancelled ¿t noonlast Fllday, leaving a felv guysand gals "waiting at the gate," soto speak.

Of these unfortunate souls, thi'eegals decided that the only way outwas to pool every aYailâble pennyand dime, and to go to the gamevia the canine special, the Grey-hound bus.

They boarded their four-wheeledchariot Saturday eveninq,and. withpom-poms waving madl¡/, arrivedat the gam'e in tirne to join agroup of Ram rooteis rvatch therampaging Rams butt the haplessPierce Junior College Brahmasfron one end of the field to theother.

On the journey home the bus, onwhich the Ramette trio had securred pasage, developed enginetrouble, and onr little friends de-cid,ed that the only way to beattlìe one o'clock home curfew wasto get out and hoof it. It happenedthat Si Pipkin, Rampage spolts edi-tor, wag chugging along 99 in his"hopped :op" 1922 Essex, and he off-ered the foot-sore gals a rid'e; con-sequently, they arrived home ontime, and so rve fall back upon theold proverb that "All's well thatends well."

FBLA Sets DateTo Elect Officers

Th,e electiou of officers for theFhture Business Leaders of Ameú-ca v¡ill take place on Tu,esday, Oc-tober 24 at ?:15 p.m. in tbe soclalI'OOm,

Mr. Joe Morin, formerly with Ad-miral Byrd will sûÞak informallyon his travels and experlences atthe South Pole following a shortbusiness meeting.

PøIronize 0u¡ Ãdveriìse¡s









Page 3: Johnston To Present Ai Yells





Your Gues. -Your

Your Student BodY Cord No.


The Rampage "Whozit" contest

starts this weék and wlll contlnue

for seven mofe lssues'

Each week a ditferent Picture willapBear ln the Rampage. Lhe picture

wllt be of a X'resno Junior College

student, and witl have a Portionof the faces blocked out.

Student body card holders who

think they know who the Picturedàtuatent is shoulal fill out the cou-

pon and dePosit it in the box intbe RamPage offlce, M16' Valu-

able cash and merchandiEe Prlzeswill be awarded to students who

turn in the rnost correct entrieð'The contest maY be entered any

week before it ends, but students

should start âs soon as Possible to

have an equal chance wilh everYone

elee.The easY-tofollow-rul'es are:1. Any F*resno Junior Colle8e stu-

ttent body card holder is ellgible to

compete, except Råmpage staffmembers.

2. OnlY one entrY maY be submit-

tecl by ânY one student for each

week of the contest.3. Each entry must be signed and

stud,ent body card number must be

enteled in sPace Provided'4. Entries each week must be

placed in the box Provided in the

Prrblications Office, M16, bY 3 P'm'I\{onday following date of thre issue

of the RamPage.5. Cash and merchandise Prizes

wiII be awarded to students u'ho

submit the largest number of cor-

rect entries.6. Winnrers' nanes rvill be Pub-

lished at the closê of coritest' Jud-

ges decision will be final'


The Atpha Zeta chapter of the

Alpha Gamma Sigma rvill hold itsfilst meeting on Tuesday, October

21 at t2:06 in M11.

Alpha Gamma Sigma is an honor-

ary scholarshiP club for studentswith a 2.5 grade Point average'

Those eligible are Tom Adams,

Curtis Anderson, Marion AnthonY'

Donald Balclay, WesleY Bennett,

J'essie Bulnes, Orie Chleborad'

Clarence Edwards, Ron Kenrt, Ma-

bel Lancaster, RudY Lima, Naomi

Marvin, Risto Montanari' Kathleen

M o r e y, Marylea Muir, EvelynMommgen, Ellen Sharp, Leo Sin'

clair, Joe SPino, Adel'e Summers'

Joyce Tacadena, Lois Tvede, Lou'ise Villaneuva, Cecil Williamson'and SidneY Wilson.

, Octobcr 19, 1950 RAMPAGE

Stockton StudentsTo Appear At FJC

FJC Women EnioYVaried ActivitiesAt AWS Hi'Jinx

Movies, singing, and gam'es at

the recent Associated lVomen Stu-

dent's Hi Jinx PlrtY Proved a big

success for both teachers and stu'


A pot luck dinner Preceded th'e

evening of fun-making which start-ed off rvith a comedy movie starr-ing Bucl Abbott and Lou Costello'

A Woocty Wooct'pecker reel was also

viewed bY the gathering.

Raili Ñext week | :;*';'åiìï î:i,"1liil:ili ÌÍStockton College lvill send a 45' I

hich spirits'

mlnute entertainment t.t"-lf" to I Ent'ertainment wae provided by

F.resno Junior collese next wea- lwnma Rogers who- sang 3:-d l,Îli

nesday at 10:15..-., "t t n"r't of lPacheco' who 'lid

a Hawalian

their ennual Round-Up activlties to I danoe'

whtcb FJC students have been in- | Lois Tvede, P¡sgident of tU9

AWS. statetl, "I was very Pleased

A letter to Dr¡ke Potere, studetl lwtm tbe'turnout -f"t.lh"^T-t-Jll*tbody president, from UiXã ff"otv, I

ana r arn loplng thar the "-t:tl::Tåäi*í"T"'-õåi";;-J;à;;t- ¡oãvlr,".a *il so over Jusr as bis."

president, asked for an exchange

rally betwreen the two schools' ruer lu¡¡¡þdrOWol WOrninghave been invlted to appear trere I U.o"i"e Reetz, Dean of In'truc.for a rally assemblv in the south

1U.", ì"ã* lã-ft A"a Etudents thst

pT.,," to" s tockton's Rounrr'u p l :::"- ::::"t:" :Ì::"tii :å:Ïtfr "ilä."1'üi,':i"f#"ff :";1#.:Ï:;:äl::::":Xî:"î'å":Íiiì'"":'ì:are bullt arounal the stocxtou-n1Y l"esistr¿r wlll not þe compelled to

f.ootball game this year. School *trl l*o.-t"" a W!. grade on the sti¡dentst-ootball galne tÀls year. scÃoor wr¡¡ | .-.f. grade on the sti¡dentsË"oî;

-* ""ü

r"" stockton, and lenter,t *

an all-arternoon rodeo ;it ";;;""t;

I ttotu:

il.äi::äi ;;;; ;'il;; I ryl--:"1:l:,:o:J'l:." li"llül,"."to'"ü"i:iä:ãiil';'äî;.:lacou"se--1n'-'rtu^.-'ï:t:-:illtl:üi"Ï:äi'i"lå. i;. J;"* *'; l:no":""-T1-."::1"-:"u*""""n "Î"* :liä "iüu å"1'î." " il"'ä ^,; -

tn; I *

-'1q": u.l:^,n",u:^'""o""'ou T

turned to the offlce'


dance at no charge.Although FJC coultt not send a

rally pro8;ram to Stockton on such

short notice, Plans are now under-

way to do so at a later date-'


LATE ENROTTMENTMiss Kate Darling's art classes

are still oPen for enfollmeût forone, two or thlee hours' The dead'

Ilne for registering for these class'

es is next'rveek.Classes open on MondaY' !tr-ed-

nesday, and tr'ridaY are Color and

Design meeting from I 'to 11, and

Drawing and Painting meeting

from 1 to 3. Those oPen on TuesdaY

and thursday ane Commercial Artand Costume Design, meeting

trom 1 to 4.

StucÌents into rvhose schedule

these classes do not fit mâY see

Miss Darling about making arrange'

ments.Thes€ classes are on a non-





credit basis, butpetition for creditthe semesteÌ.

a student mayat the end of



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ÃI Mqrks Mike Ber¡c¡¡di

THE TUXSpeciolizing in

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Compliments of












7:30 A.M.-3:00 P'M'

rogc rnrar

A GROUP of Associoted Women Studenis take time out toiåf"* ""a

hqve some refreshments crt the recent Hi Jinx'

A r,"ul outdoorsmanrs shlrt¡

It co,mes to You from haunts

of moose and grlzzlY; tall

tlmber land. The verY best

of rtool, and ä varletY of

Patterns. $ - $l l.g5

JAYCEE BARBER SHOP.Jusl Around The Comer on Stqnislous



STUDENTS: Gel Clipped Between Closse¡

Kr'rt^ ß.r'n,

Page 4: Johnston To Present Ai Yells


Ramblin'Roms Toke Pìerce JCIn SflrÍde In Tulcrre EIks Game' , \ryith a superior show of strength and the excellent team-work of the line, the Fresno Bams rolled up an easy victoryover the Pierce JC eleven from Canoga Park by the score of32-19 last Saturday night to stretchtheir present winning streak totùree stralght.

The game, pieyed at Tulare un-der the sponsorship of the TulareElks Club, attracted nearly 4,000fans who watched t'he tr'resno RåmsoverpoÌ¡er the spirited attempts ofthe Southem Californla gridirontream.

With the score 19-6 at the end oftlhe first, half the Ram reservesplayed most of the second half andEtill held back Pierce's best at-t¡empôs to êven up the score.PJC FUMBLES

The Rams sta.rted the scoring Inthe firet quarter after recoveringa Pierce fumble on the 50 yard lloe.Pete ToomaJian, R¿m starting half-back, took the bail on a àand-offûhrough tåe Plerce llne for a 7-yard gain. Ron Chapanian, leadin8yard geiner, took the bell on ân-other handoff through the line ¿ndplowed his way pa"ss the Piercedefenses for 42 yards. He was stop-ped on the one foot line by the des-perate leap of a Pferce defensiveback. Chapanlau came rtght backto finish his job by pushing overthe goal llne sÊanding up. LymanEhrllch, end, made good the, con-version to make tle score 7-0.

EVENS SCOREPlerce JC erased the FJC lead as

BiU Shipps, Pierce startlDg qua,r-

terback, threw a quiek pass fromhis 40-yard line to Dick Moran,Ld end, who ran the ball unchal-lenged lnto the end zone. ThePierce conversion attempt failed

Fresno, perking up after Pierce'squick touchdown, came back at thestart of the second quarter witha drlve downfield rolling up'fiveflret downs under the leadershiPof lMinston Beasley, Ram halfbackwho ran 36 yards in fivè trys. Cha'Dania,D finished the drive divingover the goal line on fourth down.

.Ehrlich's conversion try failed,making the score 13 to 6.

Bob Rodgers, Ram quarterback,was succesful fn his first try atpassing as he thrrew the ball fromthe 45-yard line to end Ehrlichwho caught rthe ball on the 15-Yard

line and ran over the goal standingup. The first half ended u'ithtr'resno ahead 19'6.

The second half found Rodgersthrowing his seconal touchdo\vnpass, this time to JemY Halverson,left.înd, who darced into the endzone,'boosting tr'rêsno ahead 26-6

a.s Þhrlich nade good Ôhe conver-sion.

Pierce came back in thre third¿nd fourth quârters to make twomore touchdowns as the game end'




OPPONENTS' SCORESÉSC F-rosl 25 ..-.--..-.-...----Reedley 7

Stockton 33 ..-....-.........---Hartn'ell 7

Hoop Practice Starts; ToughSchedule Outl'ined By Starr


PETE TOOMA]IÄN cocks his qrm to hurl q pqss crs the Pierce Brqhmqs chorge during thesecond quorter of the Tulare Elks benefit gome lcst Soturdoy night. The Roms won theçlcrme, 32 to 19.


(Continued Jron Page 1)ers, running frouí the Du-te Jâcobs's¡recial, the Split-T,

In the backfield familiar namessuch as R. L. Benson and trtedSommers dot the starting lineup.Bengon and Sommers we¡e stand-outs in the Reedley tilt .The Bult-pup forward wall is loatled wltåtr'resno High School graduates;Pete Nicely, Rod Stubblefield,' DickHope, Jim Stephenson, and DonBecker, to name a few.

Other troublesom,e Bullpups arebacks Keitb Carlen, George Fisc\Jothnny Lucas, Maity Caldarulo,and linemen Norman Rasp, Don.A.rdematni, and Don Miller.FSC Frosh , FJC RAMSLisle.--.-.-.----..-.---IJm, --....-.---- EbrlichHope--..---.-........-LTR -...--.- EÌ<lmonsonNicely--.--.-.---.--.-LIGR ...- TessendoreArdemagni....-... C .---...-.--..---.-âraxHallmark----.----.RGI/ ------.- T. BeldenRasp..-------.-....-..Ì,TL -..---.- FanuccbiStubblefiel<t-...-REL --....-- Halvorsen

With baskeûball practice official-ly starting, the tr'resno Junior CoI-lege câgers will' settle down forsome serious work, Paul Starr, Rambasketball coach, said today.

All men interested in playingbasketball for the JC team mustsigu up no later than October 24,stated Coach Starr. Men who willnot be available for practice unrtilaffer the deadline and who stillwish to try for the team must con-tact Starr now.TOUGH SCHEDULE

Twenrly men are presently outfor practice ald following the fogt-ball season, a number of btherswill report. S/ith 30 tough g¡messlated on this season's prospeêtiveschedule, a large turnout is p'eed-ed, Starr srtated.

All work.outs wlll be held in theHamilton Junior High Gym everynight duriug thè week except Fri-dayè, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Last yba"'" record in league.garres wa.6 10 wins a^Dd 4 losseÊ.The tot¿l wins and losses including)the practice g&mes was 16 wins a^nd1õ losses.| ....--.-.--- Rodgers

r --.--- Toomajlan| ......--8. Beasley

-------- Chapanidn

,The flrÊrt, practice game is tente-tively scheduled for November 1?,Stan ea.ial.




Uleans F¡neTobrecoPR.. rHE

^MEñtC^X 10!^CCO COrFÀ¡t