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  • Final Project Jig And Fixture



    RISKI CANDRA : 2109 039 017

    KUSNOTO : 2109 039 020




    SURABAYA 2010

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture



    Praise the presence of God Almighty who has been giving a health to the author, both

    physically and mental health. And thanks to His grace and guidance of the author can complete a

    final project report Jig and Fixture. This report was prepared to meet the curriculum at the

    Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITS).

    Writing the final report Jig and Fixture project is based on the various literature and

    books relating to college jigs and fixtures. Because in this report we get the disk job to make the

    tool jigs and fixtures. The author realizes that this report is far from perfect, for suggestions and

    criticisms that are highly expected to build for the sake of perfection authors of this report.

    In writing this report, the author of much help either moral, spiritual and material from

    various parties. Therefore, in this occasion with a sincere heart authors thank:

    1. Both our people and our whole family that has provided moral support in the execution of this

    practicum report.

    2. Bpk. Dr. Ir.Suhariyanto, MSc. As chairman of D3 Mechanical Engineering of manufacture

    departement FTI-ITS DISNAKER

    3. Bpk. Hendro Nurhadi, Dipl.-Ing., Ph.D. As Lecturer Jig and Fixture which has provided

    knowledge of Jig and Fixture, as well as motivating and patiently guided us to resolve the final

    report of this project Jig and Fixture.

    4. All Lecturers D3 Production Engineering FTI - ITS - DISNAKER which has provided support

    and knowledge to us.

    5. All people are laughing, especially M3NER - ITS 08 which has provided support and advice in

    completing work on the final report of this project Jig and Fixture.

    Surabaya, 27th of December 2010


  • Final Project Jig And Fixture



    INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................2

    TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... 3

    Chapter 1

    Introduction ................................................................................................................ 4

    1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................. 4

    1.2 Objective of design ................................................................................................................. 4

    1.3 Design limitation...................................................................................................................... 4

    1.4 Problem formulation................................................................................................................ 5

    Chapter 2

    Basic Theory ...........................................................................................................6

    2.1 Jig and fixture ......................................................................................................................... 6

    2.1.2 Advantages of jig and fixture .............................................................................................. 7

    2.1.3 Elements in jig and fixture .................................................................................................. 7

    2.2 Engine lathe............................................................................................................................. 8

    2.2.1 Parts Machine Tool and Functions................................................................... 8

    2.2.2 Work Process.................................................................................................... 9

    2.2.3 Process Of Machine Tool Operations.................................................................................. 10

    2.2.4 Machine Tool Working Process........................................................................................... 10

    2.3 Milling Machine ....................................................................................................... ............. 11

    2.4 Drilling Machine ................................................................................................................... .12

    2.4.1 Function and Drilling Machine Parts .................................................................................. 13

    2.4.2 Movement In Drill Machine...................................................................................................13

    2.4.3 Kind of Drilling Machine Operations Process .................................................................... 13

    2.4.4 Drill Jig ............................................................................................................................... 13

    2.4.5 Drill fixture.......................................................................................................................... 14


    List of Figure................................. ......................................................................... 15

    3.1.1 Detail Jig Fixture Tool................................................................................. 16

    3.1.2 Work Piece.................................................................................................... 19

    REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 20

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    1.1 Background

    Generally in every production process is supported by the use of machine tools. Use of this

    machine depends on the product specifications that will be created. The more complex form of the

    product, the more complex tools used as well.

    Machine tools will be more work if also equipped with auxiliary tools. Type of tooling aids

    include jigs and fixtures. Jigs and fixtures is a tool that helps aid or help the implementation of the

    production process, but does not alter the geometry of the workpiece. By using the auxiliary tool is

    expected that the resulting product has a high accuracy, exact precision, accuracy, and in accordance

    with the desired product form.

    The use of jigs and fixtures are adjusted to the functions and characteristics. Where the jig is a

    guiding tool from the tool and the workpiece holder is not permanently attached to the machine where

    the tool was used. While the tooling fixture is attached to the workpiece holder is fixed on the machine

    where the tool is located. Holders of the workpiece or fixture in their use is also adapted to form the

    desired workpiece. For example, the tool component is t-nuts which these components function to

    memahan engine on the stand.

    1.2 Objectives of Design

    The function of fixture tool is to produce a workpiece holder for drilling and milling process

    machine, which will assist and facilitate the implementation process of machining the workpiece and

    can save time for workpiece set-ups.

    1.3 Design Limitations

    The design of this fixture is devoted to process workpieces t-nuts, where the design constraints

    are as follows:

    1.3.1 Auxiliary tool designed must meet the requirements of time, the number of settings, costs of

    production and the optimal number of processes.

    1.3.2. Auxiliary tools must be reached by the working machine

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    1.4 Problem Formulation

    Based on the background described in the previous section, the formulation of the problem of

    this paper is how to make tools for drilling and milling process machine in order to process the

    workpiece is shaped in such a way with making a low enough cost and time of a short but age wear

    long enough

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture



    Basic Theory

    2.1 Jig And Fixture

    Jigs and fixtures are devices used to facilitate production work, making interchangeable pieces

    of work possible at a savings in cost of production. Both terms are frequently used incorrectly in shops.

    A jig is a guiding device and a f ixture a holding device.

    Jigs and fixtures are used to locate and hold the work that is to be machined. These devices are

    provided with attachments for guiding, setting, and supporting the tools in such a manner that all the

    workpieces produced in a given jig or fixture will be exactly alike in every way.

    The employment of unskilled labor is possible when jigs and fixtures can be used in production

    work. The repetitive layout and setup (which are time-consuming activities and require consider- able

    skill) are eliminated. Also, the use of these devices can result in such a degree of accuracy that

    workpieces can be assembled with a minimum amount of fitting.A jig or fixture can be designed for a

    particular job. The form to be used depends on the shape and requirement of the workpiece to be


    The two types of jigs that are in general use are (1) clamp jig and (2) box jig. A few

    fundamental forms of jigs will be shown to illustrate the design and application of jigs. Various names

    are applied to jigs (such as drilling, reaming, and tapping) according to the operation to be performed.

    A fixture anchors the workpiece firmly in place for the machin- ing operation, but it does not

    form a guide for the tool. It is some- times difficult to differentiate between a jig and a fixture, since

    their basic functions can overlap in the more complicated designs. As mentioned previously, a fixture

    is primarily aholding device. A fixture anchors the workpiece firmly in place for the machining

    operation, but it does not form a guide for the tool.

    The fixture consists of heavy brackets or angles, with conical projections that permit the bores

    of the cylinders to be aligned accurately with each other. The end brackets are made with a single

    conical flange; the intermediate brackets are made with double conical flanges. A bolt through the

    center of the flanges aligns the cylinder bores when it is tightened. The legs of the 90-angle brackets

    at the ends are bolted firmly to the planer table. The inter- mediate brackets are also bolted to the

    planer table and aid in holding the assembly in firm alignment for the machining opera- tion. The use

    of fixtures can result in a considerable saving in the time required to set the work, and they also ensure

    production of accurate work.

    Anindexing fixture can be used for machining operations that are to be performed in more than

    one plane. It facili- tates location of the given angle with a degree of precision.A disc in the indexing

    fixture is held in angular position by a pin that fits into a finished hole in the angle iron and into one of

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture


    the holes in the disc. The disc is clamped against the knee by a screw and washer while the cut is being

    taken. Since the holes are prop- erly spaced in the disc (index plate), the work attached to the disc can

    be rotated into any desired angular position. Radial drilling

    2.1.1 Advantages of jigs and fixtures

    Jig and fixtures have many advantages which are listed below :

    a) It increases the machinery accuracy and ensures interchangeability

    b) It increases productivity due to increase the speeds, feeds and depth of cut

    c) It increases productivity due to the possibility of machining two or more work piece

    simulataneously as well as due to reduction in handling time

    d) It saves operation labor

    e) It makes the use of lower skilled labor possible

    f) It decreases the expenditure on the quality control of machine parts

    g) It increases the versatility of machine tools

    h) The use of jig and fixture and enables heavy and complex shaped parts to be machine by

    being held rigidly to the machine

    i) The use of jig and fixture partially automates the machine tools

    j) It eliminates the laborers making out of each work and costly step up. After setting the

    jig and fixture once any number duplicate may be produced without any more set ups.

    These increase production capacity

    2.1.2 Elements in Jig and Fixture

    a) Locating elements : Position work piece accurately

    b) Clamping Elements ; Hold work piece securely

    c) Tool guiding and setting elements : Aid guiding of setting of the tools in correct

    position with respect the work piece

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture


    2.2 Engine Lathel

    Lathe is one of the earliest machines was developed because it has many benefits that is

    whittling or cutting material selindris form.

    The motion occurs in the work piece, while eating motion occurs on a chisel. If both

    movements are combined it will trjadi perautan or cutting process.

    In addition, this lathe also serves to manufacture screw eye adapted to form a chisel used for

    a lathe

    Figure 2.4 Lathe

    2.2.1 Parts Machine Tool and Functions :

    a) Head stock : where the cutting speed setting (speed of cut).

    b) Spindle ; the part that went round the machine to the workpiece so that the

    workpiece can rotate, and place attachment of work holders.

    c) Chuck ; workpiece holder.

    d) Dead center ; to support the end of the workpiece, this center not spinning. Itself but to

    follow the workpiece

    e) Tail stock spindle : the attachment of dead center. Besides it can also embed the drill chuck

    for drilling process.

    f) Tail stock : the rear (tail) lathe, for supporting the workpiece mediated yand dead

    center attached to the tail stock spindle.

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture


    g) Tail stock hand wheel : to advance or rewind the dead center position for the position

    of the workpiece can be measured properly. Besides, if the tail stock spindle mounted drill,

    the component can be used to provide food movement.

    h) Bed : part of which support the head stock, tail stock. While the top of the bed

    is called ways

    i) Carriage : the part that can be shifted to the longitudinal direction along the bed.

    j) Cross slide : part of the transverse axis lathes, situated above the carriage. For

    transverse feeds maneuver.

    k) Compound rest ; attach the tool post.

    l) Tool post : attach a chisel (cutting tool).

    m) Leg : foot lathe, there's only on a small lathe.

    n) Gear box : there is a gear arrangement that allows the variation of the speed of

    eating (feed motion).

    2.2.2 Work Process

    Electric motor which is on a lathe will work to transform electrical energy into mechanical

    energy in the form of rotary motion. Rotary motion is then transmitted to the electric motor with gear

    transmission using pulleys and gears, so as to rotate the main shaft (spindle). At the end of the main

    shaft there pencekam equipment capable of gripping the workpiece, so that the rounds on the main

    shaft will rotate the workpiece. While that was seized on (tool post) will be able to move to the right,

    left, closer, away from the operator and capable of moving sliding. Movement - the movement is made

    possible due to the facilities screw driver, a gear arrangement and also by road. Furthermore, the dead

    center that will support the workpiece on the other side.

    2.2.3 Process Of Machine Tool Operations

    Kind - kind of lathe is operational processes :

    a) Turning

    Cylindrical surface of the cutting process in which feeds are flat on all sides. Workpiece is

    usually mounted between centers, or simply clamped to the chuck alone (for short workpieces.)

    b) Facing

    In this process, moving chisel cutting edge of a rotating workpiece to produce and flat


    c) Tapering

    The process is like turning, it's just shaped workpiece taper or tapers. This can happen

    because the oblique motion of moving food or other works created in the body oblique (not

    parallel to the axis lathe).

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    d) Drilling

    The process of drilling can be done by placing or holding the drill chisel placed in dead

    center position. The process of drilling is due to the movement of cattle in the form of rotary

    motion of the workpiece and feed motion carried by rotating tail stock hand wheel.

    e) Reaming

    Process to smooth holes that require precision. Reaming done to the process of drilling or

    booring. In this process used a chisel mounted on the drill reamer held.

    f) Knurling

    The process of suppression of a knurling tool as deep as the workpiece surface. In this case

    the workpiece is not diraut, only done just so that the suppression of plastic deformation on the

    surface of the cylindrical rods.

    g) Threading

    The process of turning threads, both external and internal screw thread. In the manufacture of

    screws, to use a chisel or screw threading taps out and die to make a thread.

    2.2.4 In the Machine Tool Working Process

    In general, lathe machining process can be grouped into two namely :

    Rough cutting process of removing as much material or workmanship or a cutter last.

    The process of cutting soft or semi-refined a process that only requires one or two cuts to

    reach the final size.


  • Final Project Jig And Fixture


    2.3 Milling Machine

    Figure 2.2 Milling machine

    A milling machine is a machine tool used to forming solid materials. Milling machines are

    often classified in two basic forms, horizontal and vertical, which refers to the orientation of the main

    spindle. Both types range in size from small, bench-mounted devices to room-sized machines. Unlike

    a drill press, which holds the workpiece stationary as the drill moves axially to penetrate the material,

    milling machines also move the workpiece radially against the rotating milling cutter, which cuts on

    its sides as well as its tip. Workpiece and cutter movement are precisely controlled to less than

    0.001 in (0.025 mm), usually by means of precision ground slides and leadscrews or analogous

    technology. Milling machines may be manually operated, mechanically automated, or digitally

    automated via computer numerical control (CNC).

    Milling machines can perform a fast number of operations, from simple (e.g., slot and keyway

    cutting, planing, drilling) to complex (e.g., contouring, die sinking). Cutting fluid is often pumped to

    the cutting site to cool and lubricate the cut and to wash away the resulting swar

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture


    Milling machine parts:

    a) Coloumn : A framework of the machine in which there is a mechanism to rotate

    the spindle

    b) Over-arm : The machine to support the Arbor agae twisted tidk

    c) Support : One of the tip holder Arbor

    d) Arbor : Place holder thigh frais

    e) Tool : Cutting tools on milling machine

    f) Spindle : The attachment of the tip Arbor

    g) Table : Seating (clamp) workpiece

    h) Saddle : Venue shift table

    i) Knee : the shifting of the knee in addition to the machine table can move up and

    down to match the tool workpiece

    j) Elevating screw : screw for raising and lowering the knee

    k) Base : to embed the foundation

    When the main shaft axis (spindle) machine, its place in the position horizontal, called

    horizontal milling machine and so if the spindle axis position in a vertical position, it is called a

    vertical milling machine

    The basic principle is the release Freis machine metal cutting tool movement. This machine

    can do the job such as: cutting, making the gears, making grooves, smooth the surface.

    2.4 Drilling Machine

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture


    Drilling machine is a machine that serves as a tool for making holes and / or rear hole. Where

    kondisipelubangan highly dependent on the type of engine capacity, type of chisel, chisel round, its

    biggest claim condition and direction, type of work piece and the workmanship

    2.4.1 Function and Drilling Machine Parts

    1. Coloumn: the backbone of the machine, place shifting of head and table

    2. Head: dlamnya sections contained a mechanism to provide movement piece

    3, Lever: Section for moving drill

    4, spindle: The machine where the chuck is attached

    5. Chuck: The machine that holds the drill

    6. Table: The machine where the workpiece is placed

    7. Base: Base machine

    2.4.2 Movement In Drill Machine

    1. Cutting motion: Motion cuts a circular motion of the chisel drill. This movement comes

    from the spindle rotation is transmitted to the chuck

    2. Movement of feeds: feeds merukpakangerak straight motion by rotating the lever to

    descend spindles and chisel drill down, too

    2.4.3 Kind of Drilling Machine Operations Process

    a) Drilling : The making of holes, see-through or blind holes

    b) Boring, core drilling : Enlargement of the hole from the previous


    c) Counterbored holes : Created diameter surfaces workpiece bigger order

    placement head bolts or screw flat

    d) Countershinking : Made with the same function for sekrap headed Irus

    e) Spot facing : Created for the position of head bolts as well

    f) Spot Drilling : Created to position for the next working

    g) Reaming, Tapping : reaming made to get the surface finish and tolerance

    in order to obtain a smooth surface conditions, while Tapping serves to make the


    h) Pemotongan Tolerance : a combination of various deductions such as the

    counter sinking drill

    2.4.4 Drill Jig

    Drill jigs are used in metal working for guiding the twist drill or other boring device into the

    precise location. This jigs and fixtures can be designed & developed for driling & machining of small

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture


    compoents like fan end shield as well as big compounts like tracter transmission case.. Our range of

    twist drilling machine like drill press jigs, drilling jig can be used for drilling steel as well as cast iron

    material. We also offer customization of drilling machine to meet the specific requirements of the


    2.4.5 Drilling Fixtures

    Extremely accurate work cannot be obtained in jigs for drilling because there must be a

    difference between the diameters of the bushing hole and the drill to be used, and this difference can

    be transferred to the work. In a, Fig. 53, is shown a drilling jig in its simplest formThe aim of the

    designer should be to design the jigs as nearly foolproof as possible, for in the use of jigs there must be

    locating points to position the work and locking devices for holding the work in position. Should a jig

    be made where the successful duplication of work is left partly dependent upon the care of an

    unskilled operator, there is the possibility of many ruined pieces, due to the operator's failure through

    lack of interest to properly clean the locating points, to remove chips from corners, or to properly

    secure the work in the jig. Therefore, all jigs should be designed in such a manner that the personal

    element is reduced to the minimum.

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture



    List of figure

    3.1 Picture of Drilling Jig and Fixture

    The drilling of jig and fixture is consist four image detail. On the jig and fix have some parts

    that have their respective function, the advisory function , lock, and bolt

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    3.1.1 Details jig fixture tool

    1. The First Object

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    2. The Second Object

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    3. The Third Object

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    4. The fourth Object

    3.1.2 Work piece

  • Final Project Jig And Fixture



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    5th edition, upper saddle, new jersey

    2. Viale, J. David. (2000). Dasar dasar Manufaktur, 1st edition, ppm, Indonesia

    3. Amstead, B.H. et al. (1995). Teknologi Mekanik. , 1st edition . Texas : Erlangga

    4. A. Schey,john. (2009). Proses manufaktur, 1st edition, Andi publisher.