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Jaminan & Pasal 9 UCC

Apr 06, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Jaminan & Pasal 9 UCC


    Maksud dan Tujuan Jaminan Kredit

    a. Untuk menghindari terjadinya wanprestasi oleh pihakdebitur (penerima kredit);

    b. Untuk menghindari resiko rugi yang akan dialamioleh pihak kreditur (pemberi kredit);

    c. Kegunaan dari barang/benda jaminan kredit:

    i. Untuk memberikan hak dan kekuasaan kepadakreditur/ pemberi kredit (umumnya pihak bank)untuk mendapatkan pelunasan dengan benda

    jaminan bilamana debitur/penerima kreditmelakukan wanprestasi atau cidera janji, yaitutidak membayar kembali utangnya pada waktuyang ditetapkan dalam perjanjian kredit.

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    ii. Memberikan dorongan kepada debitur/penerimakredit agar:

    betul-betul menjalankan usaha yang dibiayai

    dengan kredit itu, karena bila hal tersebut

    diabaikan, maka resikonya hak atas tanahyang dijaminkan akan hilang.

    betul-betul memenuhi ketentuan-ketentuan

    yang tercantum dalam perjanjian kredit.

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    Jaminan yang ideal (baik) terlihat dari:

    Dapat secara mudah membantu perolehan kredit oleh

    pihak yang memerlukannya

    Memberikan kedudukan mendahulukan kepada

    pemegangnyaMengikuti obyek yang dijaminkan

    Memenuhi azas spesialitas dan publikasi

    Tidak melemahkan potensi (kekuatan) si penerimakredit untuk melakukan (meneruskan) usahanya

    Memberikan kepastian kepada kreditur dalam arti

    bahwa yaitu bila perlu mudah diuangkan untuk

    melunasi utangnya si debitur

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    Jaminan Umum Jaminan Khusus

    1131 KUH Perdata

    i. Barang-barang milik Debitur

    ii. Tanggungan atas segala


    Terhadap benda


    Debitur wanprestasi, Krediturdapat mengajukan sita terhadap

    benda-benda milik Debitur

    Terhadap orang

    (subjek hukum)tertentu

    i. Hak Tanggungan

    ii. Hypotek

    iii. Gadai


    v. Cessie

    i. Personal


    ii. Corporate


    iii. Bank Guarantee

    Garansi cair menjadi tagihan

    Guarantor kepada debitur

    dengan jaminan yang bersifat

    umum dan/atau khusus

    Pelaksanaan ketentuan undang-undang

    (by the operation of law)

    Lahir dari perjanjian tertentu


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    Penggolongan dari Lembaga-lembaga Jaminan

    yang dikenal dalam Tata Hukum Indonesia

    A. Jaminan yang lahir karena ditentukan oleh Undang-undang dan jaminan yang lahir karena perjanjian

    B. Jaminan yang tergolong Jaminan Umum dan

    Jaminan KhususC. Jaminan yang bersifat kebendaan dan jaminan yang

    bersifat perorangan

    D. Jaminan yang mempunyai obyek benda bergerak danjaminan atas benda tidak bergerak

    E. Jaminan yang menguasai bendanya dan jaminantanpa menguasai bendanya

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    Jaminan yang lahir karena UU dan karena


    Jaminan yang ditentukan oleh UU ialah jaminan yang adanyaditunjuk oleh UU tanpa adanya perjanjian dari para pihak, yaitu

    misalnya adanya ketentuan UU yang menentukan bahwa semua

    harta benda Debitur baik benda bergerak maupun benda tetap,

    baik benda-benda yang sudah ada maupun yang masih akan

    ada, menjadi jaminan bagi seluruh perutangan. Berarti bahwaKreditur dapat melaksanakan haknya terhadap semua benda

    Debitur kecuali benda-benda yang dikecualikan oleh UU (Pasal

    1131 KUH Perdata). Juga oleh UU ditentukan bahwa seluruh

    benda-benda dari Debitur tersebut menjadi jaminan bagi semua

    Kreditur. Ditentukan oleh UU bahwa hasil penjualan dari benda-benda tersebut harus dibagi antara para kreditur seimbang

    dengan besarnya masing-masing (Pasal 1132 KUH Perdata).

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    Kreditur yang kedudukannya sama

    berhak (Kreditur Bersama) dan tak ada

    yang harus didahulukan dalampemenuhan piutangnya disebut

    Kreditur Konkuren.

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    Jaminan Umum

    Jaminan Umum timbulnya dari Undang-

    undang tanpa adanya perjanjian yang

    diadakan oleh para pihak terlebih dahulu.Para Kreditur Konkuren semuanya secara

    bersama memperoleh Jaminan Umum yang

    diberikan oleh Undang-undang itu. (Pasal

    1131 dan 1132 KUH Perdata)

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    Pasal 1131 Kitab Undang Undang Hukum


    Segala kebendaan si berutang, baik yang

    bergerak maupun tidak bergerak, baik yang

    sudah ada maupun yang baru akan ada di

    kemudian hari, menjadi tanggungan untuk

    segala perikatan perseorangan.

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    Pasal 1132 Kitab Undang Undang Hukum


    Kebendaan tersebut menjadi jaminan bersama-

    sama bagi semua orang yang mengutangkanpadanya; pendapatan penjualan benda-benda itu

    dibagi-bagi menurut keseimbangan, yaitu menurut

    besar-kecilnya piutang masing-masing, kecuali

    apabila di antara para berpiutang itu ada alasan-alasan yang sah untuk didahulukan.

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    Jaminan Khusus

    Jaminan Khusus timbul karena adanya perjanjian

    yang khusus diadakan antara Kreditur dan Debitur

    yang dapat berupa jaminan yang bersifat kebendaan

    ataupun jaminan yang bersifat perorangan.

    Jaminan yang bersifat kebendaan ialah adanya

    benda tertentu yang dipakai sebagai jaminan

    sedangkan jaminan yang bersifat perorangan ialah

    adanya orang tertentu yang sanggup membayar/

    memenuhi prestasi manakala Debitur wanprestasi.

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    Jaminan Bersifat Perorangan

    Jaminan yang bersifat perorangan adalah

    jaminan yang menimbulkan hubungan

    langsung pada perorangan tertentu, hanyadapat dipertahankan terhadap Debitur

    tertentu, terhadap kekayaan Debitur

    seumumnya. (contoh: Borgtocht)

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    Jaminan Bersifat Kebendaan

    Jaminan yang bersifat kebendaan adalah

    jaminan yang berupa hak mutlak atas sesuatu

    benda yang mempunyai ciri-ciri: mempunyai

    hubungan langsung atas benda tertentu dariDebitur, dapat dipertahankan terhadap

    siapapun, selalu mengikuti bendanya (droit de

    suite) dan dapat diperalihkan. (contoh: Hak

    Tanggungan, Gadai, dll.)

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    Jaminan atas Benda Bergerak

    Jika benda jaminan itu berupa benda

    bergerak, maka dapat dipasanglembaga jaminan yang berbentuk

    Gadai atau Fidusia.

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    Jaminan atas Benda Tak Bergerak


    Jika benda jaminan itu berbentuk bendatetap, maka lembaga jaminan dapat

    dipasang Hak Tanggungan.

  • 8/3/2019 Jaminan & Pasal 9 UCC


    PASAL 9


    Tujuan diundangkannya Pasal 9 UCC :

    Tujuan adanya peraturan ini adalah memberikan kedudukanyang lebih baik terhadap kreditor, yaitu sebagai kreditor yang

    haknya didahulukan (secured creditor) dari kreditor lainnya.

    Hal ini dianggap penting apabila dalam transaksi pinjam

    meminjam uang debitur (borrower) gagal untuk

    mengembalikan pinjaman, sehingga dibuat suatu securityagreement dengan kreditur (lender) dimana kreditur (lender)

    dapat memiliki barang milik debitur (borrower) yang dijadikan

    colateral (hak milik beralih).

  • 8/3/2019 Jaminan & Pasal 9 UCC


    PASAL 9


    Ada dua jenis Security Interest dalam pasal 9,

    yaitu :

    1. Consensual Security Interest, yaitu security

    interest berdasarkan kesepakatan.

    2. Statuary Security Interest, yaitu securityinterest berdasarkan undang-undang.

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    Beberapa pengertian dalam Pasal 9 UCC

    1. Debtor : Debtor means the person who owes payment or

    other performance of the obligation secured, whether or not he

    owns or has rights in the collateral ..... The reason for the last

    clause in the above sentence is that the person who owes the

    debt may induce a third person to put up collateral on hisbehalf. If this happens, the definition of debtor provides that the

    term means the owner of the collateral in any provision dealing

    with the collateral, the obligor in any provision dealing with the

    obligation, and may include both where the context so requires.

    The term debtor also includes one who sells accounts or chattel paper, even though this seller does not, strictly

    speaking, owe a debt to the buyer. However, these sales are

    covered by Article 9, and the seller is treated as a debtor for

    the purpose of the article.

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    2. Secured Party A secured party is a lender, seller or other

    person in whose favor there is a security interest, including

    a person to whom accounts or chattel paper have beensold. Both a lender of money (a bank or finance company,

    for instance) and a seller who gives credit for a portion of the

    purchase price, are secured parties forArticle 9 purposes.

    (where a seller gives credit, and takes a security interest in

    the goods which have been sold, his interest is known as apurchase moneysecurityinterest.

    Note : Chattel paper. A writing that shows both a monetary obligation

    and a security interest in or lease of specific goods.

    Chattel paperis generally used in a consumer transaction when the

    consumer buys goods on credit. The consumer typically promises to

    pay for the goods by executing a promissory note, and the seller

    retains a security interest in the goods.

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    3. Security Interest, A security interest is an interest in

    personal property or fixtures which secures payment orperformance of an obligation. This definition goes on

    to state that where an agreement for the sale of goods

    states that the seller retains title to the goods until

    payment is made, this retention established only a

    security interest. Thus the conditional sale, whichreserves title in the vendor until the goods are paid for,

    is abolished as a distinct kind of security interest,

    and becomes an ordinary Article 9 security interest (a

    purchase money security interest, since the sellerwould be the one giving credit).

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    4. Collateral, Collateral is the property subject to a

    security interest, and includes account and chattelpaper which have been sold. Collateral forArticle 9

    purposes thus means not only property which is

    transferred to the security partys possession, but

    also any property which remains in the debtors

    possession, and which may be seized by thesecured party on default.

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    Fixture is Personal property that is attached to land or a buildingand that is regarded as an irremovable part of the real property,

    such as a fireplace built into a home.

    A Fixture can best be defined as a thing which, althoughoriginally a movable chattel, is by reason of its annexation to, or

    association in use with land, regarded as a part of the land.The

    law of fixtures concerns those situations where the chattel

    annexed still retains a separate identity in spite of annexation, for

    example a furnace or a light fixture. Where the chattel annexedloses such identity, as in the case of nails, boards, etc. the

    problem becomes one of accession.

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    Perfection is validation of a security

    interest as against other creditors, usu. By

    filing a statement with some public office orby taking possession of the collateral

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    I. General Requirements

    A. Requisities for enforceability

    II. Use of Financing Statement as Security Agreement

    A. Reason question arises

    B. Position of the courts

    III. Requirement That Collateral Be Described

    A. General requirement

    B. Courts approach

    IV. Other Requirements for Enforceability

    A. Value given and right received

    B. Giving of value


    ebtors rights in the collateral


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    I. Perfection Generally

    A. Meaning of Perfection

    II. Various Means of Perfection

    A. Transactions excluded from filing


    B. Purchase money interest in consumer goods

    C. Perfection by possession

    D. Instruments perfectible only by possession

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    III. Perfection By Filing

    A. Purpose of filing

    B. Interests for which filing requiredC. Where to file

    D. Duration of financing statement

    E. Pre-filing

    F. Contents of financing statement

    IV. Special Perfection Rules For Particular Types of


    A. Scope of discussion


    ocumentsC. Instruments

    D. Chattel paper

    E. Accounts

    F. General intangibles

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    V. Certificate of Title Acts

    A. Exception for other filing systemsB. How Certificate of title acts work

    VI. How Third Parties Can Get Details of Security


    greementA. Where third party needs further information

    B. Mechanism

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    I. General Principles

    A. Five classes of collateral


    ocuments, Instruments and Ordinary GoodsA. Items not ordinarily moved

    B. Language

    C. Movement of the collateral

    D. Goods to be kept in another state

    III. Mobile Goods and Intangibles

    A. Introduction

    B. Keyed to debtors location

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    IV. Vehicles Covered By Certificates Of Title

    A. Problems of interstate movement

    B. Certificate-to-Certificate movement

    C. Non-Certificate-to-Certificate movement

    D. Certificate-to-Non-Certificate movement

    E. Non-Certificate-to-Non-Certificate

    movementF. The non-professional buyer

    V. Chattel Paper

    A. Two ways to perfect

    VI. Minerals

    A. Location of mine head or wellhead

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    I. General Scope

    A. Various kinds of conflicts

    B. Importance of priority

    C. Shelter principle

    II. Priorities Between Conflicting Security Interests

    A. Scope

    B. Residual rule

    C. Scope

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    III. Special Priority For Purchase Money Security Interests

    A. General priority principleB. Definition of purchase money security interest

    C. Nature of preference

    D. Inventory and non-inventory collateral


    E. Purchase money security interests in non-inventory

    F. Where purchase money lender does not


    G. Where both secured parties qualify

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    IV. Right Of Unperfected Security InterestsA. Generally

    B. General rule

    C. Scope

    D. Persons getting priority

    E. Levying creditorsF. Transferees in bulk and other

    G. Buyers of accounts and general intangibles

    H. Lack of knowledge requirement

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    V. Rights of Purchasers Of Collateral

    A. Generally

    B. Buyers whose purchase is authorized by

    the secured party

    C. Buyer in ordinary course

    D. Sales by consumers to consumersE. Purchasers of chattel paper and non-

    negotiable instruments

    F. Purchasers of negotiable documents,

    negotiable instruments and securities

    G. Purchasers of vehicles

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    VI. Proceeds

    A. Generally

    B. Proceeds defined

    C. Proceeds automatically covered by agreementD. Insurance payments as proceeds

    E. Perfection on interest in proceeds

    VII. FutureA

    dvanceA. Generally

    B. Priority conflict with other security interest

    C. Conflict with non-Article 9 interests

    VIII.SubrogationA. Generally

    B. National Shawmut

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    I. Introduction

    A. Nature of a fixtureB. Scope ofArticle 9 fixture provision

    C. Protection of real estate searchers

    II. Priority Rules For Fixtures

    A. Effect of non-purchase money fixture filingB. Purchase-money interest

    C. Readily removable fixtures

    D. Construction mortgages

    E. Fixture interest vs. lien creditor

    F. Waiver and tenants rights

    III. Removal On Default

    A. Right to remove on default

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    I. General Scope

    A. The trustee and the secured party

    B. Scope of discussion

    C. New code vs. old Act

    D. Reorganization and wage earners plans

    II. Secured Creditors Right To Repossess

    A. Desire to repossess promptly

    B. Length of stay

    C. Debtor may use collateral

    III. Trustees Right To Debtors Property

    A. Assets and defenses of debtor

    IV. Trustees Use OfActual Creditors Right

    A. Use of actual creditors rights

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    V. Security Interest Not Perfected On Date Of Bankruptcy

    A. Lack of perfection at bankruptcy

    B. Exceptions

    C. Where perfection has lapsed

    D. Trustees knowledge irrelevant

    VI. Delayed Perfection As Preference

    A. Striking down delayed perfection

    B. Policies behind preference rules

    C. Requirements for striking down preference

    D. Discussion of elements

    E. When grant of security interest deemed made

    VII. The Floating Lien and The Preferential Transfer Rule

    A. Definition of floating lien

    B. Improvement of position

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    VIII. Proceeds in Bankruptcy

    A. Proceeds outside of bankruptcyB. Proceeds in insolvency

    IX. Sellers Right Of Reclamation In Bankruptcy

    A. Reclamation in General

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    I. Defining Default

    A. Definition left to the parties

    II. Creditors Options On Default

    A. Several options

    III. Self-Help Repossession

    A. Allowed by code

    B. What constitutes breach of peaceC. Constitutionality of self-help repossession

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    IV. Resale Of The Collateral

    A. Resale usual method

    B. Substance

    C. Disposition must be commercially


    D. Application of proceeds

    E. Notice of resale

    V. Debtors Right To Redeem Collateral

    A. Right of redemption generally

    B. Acceleration clause

    C. Not weighable after defaultsD. Strict foreclosure

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    VI. Taking The Collateral For The Debt (Strict


    A. General conceptB. When available

    C. Where 60% of debt paid by consumer

    D. Strict foreclosure forced on secured


    VII. Consequences Of Creditors Failure To Follow


    A. Consequence generally

    B. Criminal and tort liabilityC. Code liability for loss

    D. Penalty in consumer goods cases

    E. Denial of the defiance