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IV - Santa Barbara

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Planning Commission Staff Report 1553 Shoreline Dr. (PLN2019-00326) September 26, 2019 Page 2

Vicinity Map – 1553 Shoreline Drive

Aerial Map – 1553 Shoreline Drive





Top of Bluff

Project Site


Project Site




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Planning Commission Staff Report 1553 Shoreline Dr. (PLN2019-00326) September 26, 2019 Page 3


Applicant: Trish Allen, Suzanne Elledge Planning & Permitting Services Property Owner: Chiarenza Survivor’s Trust Site Information Parcel Number: 045-173-043 Lot Area: 23,333 square feet Zoning: E-3/S-D-3Local Coastal Plan: Low Density Residential, 5 dwelling units per acre Existing Use: vacant Topography: 44.5% (due to coastal bluff) Adjacent Land Uses

North – Shoreline Drive and Residential East – Residential South – Beach and Pacific Ocean West – Residential


Standard Requirement/ Allowance Existing Proposed

Setbacks -Front-Interior

20 feet 6 feet



Building Height 30 feet N/A TBD Parking 2 covered spaces N/A 2 covered Open Yard 1,250 square feet N/A >1,250 square feetLot Coverage -Building-Paving/Driveway-Landscaping




Specific project details have yet to be determined with regard to consistency with the zoning ordinance. Due to the large, undevelopable bluff face area on the property, the project will be able to provide more than the minimum required open yard area. It is presumed that the project would comply with all other zoning standards. However, the Planning Commission may want to consider whether a setback modification(s) may be an appropriate trade-off as a means of increasing view protection on the site.

B. LOCAL COASTAL PLAN CONSISTENCYThe project site is located within the Appealable Jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone and anydevelopment must be found consistent with the California Coastal Act and the City’s LocalCoastal Program (LCP), which implements the California Coastal Act. The project is in the

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Planning Commission Staff Report 1553 Shoreline Dr. (PLN2019-00326) September 26, 2019 Page 4

Mesa Component Area of the City’s new Coastal Land Use Plan (LUP) that was certified by the California Coastal Commission in August of 2019. The 635-acre Mesa Component Area stretches from Arroyo Burro Beach to the westerly boundary of Santa Barbara City College and extends inland to Cliff Drive. The Mesa is primarily small-lot single-unit residential. There are approximately 10 vacant parcels in the Mesa Component, one of which is the subject parcel. Major coastal issues in this area include beach and coastal bluff erosion, and public scenic views. Staff has provided comments to the applicant on the Preliminary Geologic Investigation prepared for the property, and we will continue to work with the applicant to get the necessary information relative to geologic issues on the subject property. The primary purpose of this conceptual review is to consider alternative site layouts and provide feedback on their potential consistency with LUP policies related to visual resources. There are two aspects of visual resources related to the project. The first, is that Shoreline Drive provides public scenic views of the Pacific Ocean, coastal bluffs and shoreline, and of the Foothills and Santa Ynez mountains. The second is that the project site constitutes a “View Corridor” as defined by LUP Policy 4.3-28:

Policy 4.3-28 View Corridor. A narrow view framed on both sides by existing development (including landscaping), large enough to provide a sense of contrast between the urban area in the foreground and important visual resources in the background.

View corridors are provided with specific protections, as prescribed in LUP Policy 4.3-6: Policy 4.3-6 Obstruction of Scenic View Corridors. Development shall not obstruct public scenic view corridors of scenic resources, including those of the ocean viewed from the shoreline and of the upper foothills and mountains viewed respectively from the beach and lower elevations of the City.

Because proposed new development on the project site has the potential to impact scenic resources or public scenic views, a site-specific Visual Evaluation is required per LUP Policies 4.3-4 and 4.3-29:

Policy 4.3-4 Visual Evaluation Requirement. A site-specific visual evaluation shall be required for new development and substantial redevelopment that has the potential to impact scenic resources or public scenic views. The visual evaluation shall be used to evaluate the magnitude and significance of changes in appearance of scenic resources or public scenic views as a result of development.

Policy 4.3-29 Visual Evaluation Requirement. Site-specific visual evaluations shall include an analysis of all feasible siting or design alternatives that would minimize significant impacts to public scenic views of scenic resources. The alternatives analysis shall identify through such means as visual simulations, three-dimensional massing models, perspective drawings, rendered streetscape elevations, and/or story poles and flagging. If there is no feasible alternative to

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avoid impacts to public scenic views of scenic resources, then the alternative that would result in the least adverse impacts to public scenic views of scenic resources that would not result in additional adverse impacts to other coastal resources shall be required.

The Visual Evaluation is intended to capture the directives of each specific Scenic Resource and Visual Quality Policy of the new LUP. These pertain to project siting, design, grading, landscaping, walls, fences, tree protection, lighting, bluff top development, and obstruction of view corridors. The visual evaluation shall be used to evaluate the magnitude and significance of changes in appearance of scenic resources or public scenic views as a result of development. The visual evaluation is intended to explore siting or design alternatives that would minimize significant impacts to public scenic views.

V. DESIGN REVIEWThis project was reviewed conceptually by the Single Family Design Board (SFDB) on August5, 2019 (meeting minutes are attached as Exhibit C). With regard to visual resources, the SFDBrecommended that the applicant study some specific building configurations, provide sectionstudies or other visual elements in order to evaluate how the view corridor is depicted from atleast two to three positions along Loyola Avenue down to Shoreline Drive, and return with anoverview of how each scenario would be applied with landscaping in order to ensure privacy forboth the Owner and assess how it affects the public scenic views from the corridor. As thePlanning Commission is ultimately the decision-maker with regard to the project’s consistencywith coastal visual resources policies, the applicant decided that a conceptual review with thePlanning Commission was a prudent next step.

Exhibits: A. Visual Evaluation and SFDB Project PlansB. Applicant's letter, dated September 23, 2019C. SFDB Minutes

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23 September 2019 Planning Commission City of Santa Barbara 630 Garden Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 RE: 1553 Shoreline Drive (APN 045-173-043); Planning Commission Concept Review,

Coastal Visual Quality Policies Dear Commissioners: On behalf of the applicant, we are pleased to provide the following description associated with the requested concept review hearing to evaluate site layout options in order to provide feedback on the potential project impacts on public scenic views and view corridors per the City’s coastal land use plan policies. Existing Setting The subject site located at 1553 Shoreline Drive, APN 045-173-043, is a vacant property in the East Mesa neighborhood, is zoned E-3/SD-3, Single-Family Residential Zone/Appealable Jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone and also in the Hillside Design District. The property is generally flat in the area of the proposed development, sloping toward the top of bluff delineation and the slope face to the beach below. The lot is approximately 23,333 SF in size with an existing perimeter fence. Single-Family Design Board and Proposed Project The project was presented to the Single-Family Design Board on August 5, 2019. Staff prepared and presented the applicable Coastal Visual Resource policies to SFDB in a Memorandum dated August 1, 2019, and requested the Board to provide input and guidance associated with the visual policies. In consultation with City staff, the applicant team requested the Planning Commission to review these policies to provide feedback to SFDB as the Planning Commission will be the decision-making body for the requested Coastal Development Permit requiring findings and consistency determination of the visual resource policies. The initial concept review of the project presented to SFDB included the development of a new two-story 2,755 SF single-family residence with an attached three-car 584 SF garage and 33 SF storage area, a new patio, pool and spa. In this instance, the City’s


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Floor to Lot Area Ratio (FAR) development standard is a guideline as the property lot area exceeds 15,000 SF; the proposed project will result in 71% of the maximum FAR guideline. The proposed architecture incorporates simple forms and flat roofs to fit in with the eclectic character of the East Mesa neighborhood as well as to achieve compatibility of size, scale and mass with the development in the surrounding area. The project presented to SFDB was designed with the two-story component on the west side of the site in order to preserve view sheds to the south from across Shoreline Drive through the center of the site. Additionally, the contemporary architecture allows for a lower 1st floor profile, in this case a height of 13 feet. A landscape plan will be developed to compliment the building architecture appropriate to the coastal environment and to provide for slope stability. Building Siting and View Studies Each of the attached view studies provides photo simulations of project alternatives from points along Loyola Drive toward the subject site with a close-up photo simulation at the property frontage. In each alternative, the proposed residence floor areas are comparable, with variations in the building footprint siting and building massing to evaluate options to achieve compliance with the Coastal Visual Resource policies. The existing view through the site to the ocean in the background and the site orientation from the public vantage points along Loyola Drive are framed and constrained by existing residences, mature City street trees and private property trees and vegetation. A brief description of each view study is summarized below: View study 1 proposes an increased side yard setback of 10+ feet along the western property boundary. The residence would be set back an additional 2’ so that minor planting could occur, and to make sure roof overhangs would not encroach into the view corridor. Each of the photo simulations from the four (4) vantage points have demonstrated that a view corridor can be maintained. Vantage points 4 and 3 show that the ocean and Santa Cruz Island are visible above the roofline, while vantage points 2 and 1 show that a view corridor can be provided along the western portion of the site to the ocean beyond. View study 2 includes an innovative approach to achieving compliance with the visual resource policies by proposing a public viewing periscope that would allow the public to view the ocean above the roofline of the first floor of the residence. The proposed periscope is a flexible tool to provide dynamic views otherwise not available from that vantage point. Again, as demonstrated in view study 1, views from vantage points 4 and 3 would continue to provide visibility to the ocean above the roofline of the residence from Loyola Drive. View study 3 proposes an increased side yard setback of 20 feet from the eastern property boundary. Similar to View study 1, this study demonstrates that views to the ocean above the roofline from the uphill portions of Loyola Drive are maintained and that the 6-foot setback on the westerly property boundary also results in a view to the

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ocean. However, with installation of a typical 6-foot high front yard privacy/security wall, the public view that the increased eastern building setback, this public view would be obscured. Conclusion View study 1 is the applicant’s preferred option as it not only maintains a public view corridor to the ocean beyond, but the allows for the building to be sited in a location that maintains privacy to the adjacent residences and optimizes views from the living areas and yard given the angle of the bluff. The primary goal of the owner is to develop the site with a home that is compatible with the neighborhood, that maintains privacy on and off-site and that maximizes the best views of the property which in this case are the views to the southeast. Views to the south west are restricted by the topography as it slopes up towards the adjacent residence to the west. In addition, the residence to the west sits higher and effectively cuts off most views in that direction. Siting the residence to the westerly side of the property, allows the structure to open up to the easterly view and also results in a private yard that takes maximum advantage of this exceptional view. On behalf of the applicant and project team, we thank the Commission for their evaluation of the coastal visual resource policies as they relate to the view options presented. Sincerely, SUZANNE ELLEDGE PLANNING & PERMITTING SERVICES

Trish Allen, AICP Senior Planner

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Single Family Design Board Minutes August 5, 2019 Page 4 of 10


3. 1553 SHORELINE DR Assessor's Parcel Number: 045-173-043 Zone: E-3/SD-3 Application Number: PLN2019-00326 Owner: Rondal Dean Broome Agent: Trish Allen Applicant: Tom Ochsner

(Proposal to construct a new approximately 2,755 square foot, two-story residence with an attached approximately 584 square foot three-car garage with a 33 square foot attached storage area. The project also includes a new patio, pool, and spa on a 23,333 square foot vacant lot on the coastal bluff. Grading for the project would involve approximately 340 cubic yards of cut and 35 cubic yards of fill. The proposed total of 3,339 square feet of development on a 23,333 square foot lot is 71% of the guideline maximum floor-to-lot area ratio (FAR).)

No final appealable action will be taken at this hearing. Project requires Planning Commission review for a Coastal Development Permit located in the Appealable Jurisdiction of the Coastal Zone.

Actual time: 4:22 p.m.

Present: Trish Allen, Agent, SEPPS; Tom Ochsner, Applicant; and Robert Dostalek, Associate Planner, City of Santa Barbara

Staff comments: Mr. Dostalek clarified that as a component of the project, the Applicant will be required to conduct a Visual Evaluation of the project in order to minimize impacts on scenic public views and explore design alternatives. He requests that the Board provide comments that will assist the Applicant with preparing the Visual Evaluation.

Public comment opened at 4:47 p.m., and as no one wished to speak, it closed.

Motion: Continue four weeks with comments: 1. The Board has reviewed the scheme outlined on the drawings labeled July 15, 2019,

and appreciates the Applicant’s desire to pursue contemporary architecture. 2. Review alternative contemporary approaches, using elements of pitched roofs that

mimic the nature of the neighborhood. 3. The Board defines the neighborhood as Shoreline Drive, between the edge of

Washington School and the edge of Shoreline Park, and along the bluff and up to Santa Rosa Avenue for the purposes of this study. Consider any view corridors from Loyola Drive as it returns to Payeras Street.

4. In order to meet the Scenic Resources and Visual Quality policy, consider studying at least the following building configurations: a. A site study that would place building footprint and geometry (size, bulk, and scale)

on one-half side of the site, running east to west. b. An additional study could be made of a series of pavilions that alternate from the

north-south boundaries of the site as defined on Sheet A-S1.0 that would still allow for a direct view corridor for pedestrians using either side of Shoreline Drive.


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c. Additional studies to address the issue are acceptable. 5. The Board recognizes that the site is unique, in that the site is located on the end of

an incline street, specifically Loyola Avenue. 7. Provide section studies or other visual elements in order to evaluate how the view

corridor is depicted from at least two to three positions along Loyola Avenue down to Shoreline Drive.

8. Applicant shall return, in all scenarios, with an overview of how each scenario would be applied with landscaping in order to ensure privacy for both the Owner and how it affects the public scenic views from the corridor.

Action: Sweeney/Moticha, 7/0/0. Motion carried.


4. 1202 DIANA RD Assessor's Parcel Number: 031-190-008 Zone: RS-6 Application Number: PLN2017-00217 Owner: BLH Properties LLC Applicant: Shaun Lynch Contractor: Vernon Construction

(The project consists of a proposal to subdivide an existing 1.06 acre parcel into four (4) lots in the RS-6, Single Residential Zone and Low Density Residential (Max 5 Dwelling Units/Acre) General Plan designation. The proposed lots vary in size from 9,004 to 15,505 square feet and comply with General Plan and Zoning density. Proposed lot 3 includes alterations to the existing Structure of Merit to include the demolition of all "as-built" non-permitted additions to return to the configuration of the original 1921 adobe residence. Also proposed is the addition of an attached two-car garage at the rear of the residence. The proposal will result in a 975 square foot residence, and a 400 square foot garage. Other site alterations include the demolition of the existing detached garage and detached accessory buildings. Site improvements for the subdivision include site grading (1,000 cubic yards of cut and 540 cubic yards of fill), removal of five (5) existing Oak trees, proposal for 22 replacement Oak trees, and approximately 8,500 square feet of paving to create a new shared driveway easement connecting the proposed four lots to Cota Street, including alterations to the existing driveway/access for the existing condominiums on the adjacent lot, located at 1133 E Cota Street. The existing driveway to Diana Road will remain as a secondary access. The proposal includes development of one new primary dwelling unit on three of the four proposed lots, ranging in size from 2,161 to 2,694 square feet, including an attached two-car garage. The application will address violations identified in ENF2017-00868.)

Project Design Approval is requested. The project obtained Planning Commission approval for a Tentative Subdivision Map (TSM), Public Street Waiver, and Street Frontage Modifications. Project requires compliance with Planning Commission Resolution No. 006-19. Neighborhood Preservation and Grading findings are required. Project was last reviewed on May 29, 2018.

Actual time: 5:31 p.m.

Present: Jarrett Gorin, Vanguard Planning; Shaun Lynch, Evoke Design; and Michelle Bedard, Assistant Planner, City of Santa Barbara