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z --- PIGET 'VEEI(LY ARGUS POHT TOWNSEND> WASHINGTON TEHRITORY, AUGUST '7, 1877. 1t .. " " .. .atlil'. AliI(. ...... Uo;I. ""'- Stock I Work Goods! Ailif. I A,IIC'. til I'leill. U .... . ... ,. " J'1l0l'IUr.rOK Whlrh RECEIVED ST 0 RE. PORT TOWNSEND Pioneer Bakery, I'OR·r'J'OWNSEND. W.1·. PROVISIONS, Custom /1.111'. to Keili. 10 !'oopl. W Ul;l. to CHARLES EISENBEIS. Miscellaneous Grllt"tlllli (,1IIIIC!" .Arotlo O'Vor•• (JCIIf'8, I.Allll'f!·, Chll,lrell's R.u.bbor O'Vor·8boo. Boot & Shoe MEK'S, BOY' LADIES', mSSES, ANI) \:111 LDREN'S Boot. d> Shoes O( the ,'ery bcJat 'Illalltlc' aud o( tbe J•• te@tr·lttcrn.4. Shoe Flndlnga, Rigging Lealhor. Ele. A u( The Loweal Ralea for Caah. PACIFIC STEAMSIIII' CO, Anti ReplllrhlJ[ IUIIAI, .nd IAt- r7 A (ttlr .hllre o( tile Illtrollage 01 the lJulJlkh iUllcltN. 1. ""I"rZI'ATRICK. -------,- SUMMER ARRANCEMENT• .. ..easn.hi.p DalLot_. 2100 Ton•• II.G. MORo'lI':, \'UllIlMHUtlt, W ILt. I.Y-An: Tnt: IMTDi 1lJi:IlKo aJler wellUcJfled: Iteamahlp Cilyof Panama, 1BOO ton.. W.RtiEA8VRY.Co.. ·,' .... os TIlX 1'00.LO'fo·ll'IU ------,--- MEATS Con.tant", on Hand the VeaetAb1es. Alllo. Corned nee( 1I1111 Potk. Smoked Me-'ll ... ('urk IInti Uolflglla !:SaU'llgt:6. lIeRd Tripe, ..te., &c. T. JACKMAN &; CO, PEOPLE'S A LAIlGE STOCK OY MA.RKET, GROCERIES Oppoaite WalhlDgton Hotel CHOICEST Gents' Boys' Fashionahle Sni1s. JOHN P, PETERSON Merchant Tailor, ,\XI) L'O)IMIMIOX nUll· r !\eM promptly .uentJlld 10. II. IJ. TIBBALS &CO.'S SUPERIOR TEAMS WllARPINGERS -ASO- Commission Merchants Dil"lchnrged. 001.100.0<:1., Teaming of all klnda done, IlltcQllOn.blolltllle.o IIntl flathlf!acUon t;ullnnteetl. G OfHl ORV ""nGH.:F." WOOUALW,,\'8 un batHI. Alto.l'OtId llark. T1Xt.YJ"IIY 1111 Y, At. WAY51 OS n.\S"u. A u. IIG ISt:M ESTKGSTKD TO OI'R l"", wUI reueh'll prou1pt .ntl .. altelll\uQ. ACID.,. PO. SltllaClC¥l_llfer l Suttle Ilttr. and I.e .. , Ott'l Sod. "'ater and Iloot Betr. .,. Til tbit merchanl. ot I'on we .IU a)'IMI .t\ f'f!L'I!lvtl 1111 "Ollr ICflIId.alld .tl\'OI"", Ihe .. 'Oln fllr )oar rrel(ht hll", for wllkh "'., Cll!rhlllll)' UPllC'\. )nur r-1rolnll.ltl!. ....tllt.,·. atto-nltfod tn !'C.'ttlvIOIIl'. ,hll'phill. and dlllho::rlnl!l )'ol1r K"""" lot )t:al'l ...... We lire I In (to lUI )' at t.l, IIl1lt 1"l!IUOf1111J!u p!k.",. H, L. TIBBALS & CO., Port W" T. NOT...-lh'l to. Jllne 10. .nll 11llI:. _lIIl1lul 1'Q.'f'ugcn rrolll Porth'nli And Up-ScllncJ potU wUrtnke Pillet SOU lid IIIAllllt ... ml'f and mllke ",lIh Ihe l:lty Itl J'1l1l11Jl1' Itt Slt:lum:r ).MkOII lhrollRh 10 Olylllpitt. 'j'J1Clte Ill!nmen ItlYt Vlltorln at nlll)f1 Oil the tlAY Ire gOOff only 011 tho Itulller 'i1t "hleh t1.II:)' lUI Iltll\:hautl, AIIIIIM! lIot "'M freIght or M1lr." 011 bllllni. or LIJ .... nl ...te... wUllln!!.lt tll tbf)lr'II'unt· II. •. TIIiDA LJ"l, lU(e 10 II", llO!t'AI.U MIlIM III I Gtlltral fur 1'lllCfll ioloulld. 1'.......... to, _71'.. _ ...... , .... , ('utt IV"" IIMUC. l 'ms Sr.W /l.SD POWP,RFUI.lOTt:A3I' Till. I_ nn.... rell1ly to do tllllltntl! ot Mot uI .. al rIOt",. Of'ncaAl.. DlltICTOIIY, ..,-,DaON COUNTY" To the contf!lillJlatiye lOul there il no liuleueu. The least of thingl il infiuite. rich Yiens of/old hut reo cently hren dilW:t.>Vere in J)a"toD county, Georgia. The Socialists .rlll collect· inK monf!! for the lupport o( rail.ay .trlke,. ill 'he United Statu. J. M. Yo. "'1111,,_. J ..fnt K"I,",",,'nlallve Wal. .. r. .. COllnl,. "'1 JIltilte of I'mhlll J. A. Kuhn ':::::':::.::::::: ::::: ::i:':r.: JUluk"ullhu .., "", JI.II. 1A'al1\\ltl. STEAM TUG Telegraphl 'C- Summary, 00 ,h. ,o" ..,hm,oll 0"'" '1'"," .",1.< \ Th. Seotll." Di.p.'ch" i, c"di,.d IU S V'arl'ne Ho 't 1 .l"ttltlllr being uerr a:- .... Ullt with the folluwiol' which is about as ,1I1 Spl a. -- leavllljllu gh:t-tl)' 1..'(\lIlrlbutlon ol,It-:lll :oIIId I k 0 . . St. AUI[. 6.-A rh"ll uit I.:I( Ion>tllllk ..... QlIly lit tlled064' MIl',y. wlk'1l near t Ie mar as anythlnl; dlscoyered PORT TUWMtinn, "".T. the Ihb'Oll\lI line b..rore the Iltel,: hA new paperl! acutioufl AST Ii..K i."".0K Wlln liAS rAin S. Circuit Court by the U. S. Go\\.'rllment tlTt'. dill OSIIlAII ".sh:t glre won' sl:.eclCS o( propert)', It is difficult 111l(," for Iwo JlrtlO·l'tl· tWill. lIcKt'C. 'The IIIl"'lIOIl em- to IItt"l.", am.' (n)1Il the IIrlll lIud /lteall)' to cAtabliAh Bod allllO!t .. difficult to for al!wl,-'lm,u ClltlUetJ bl"SCf':l! 1,4U3 couuY fur tl,'&OOeaeh, aggre- tltleu§e tile 'lurks as_lllll('\1 the .. L .' I II rUng 2.314,%00. COUIll..t Are all u.. .em tlltlr fl "'It II c\·erwhdm. U)' raYa r)'. Ar. ° I l"orL TO"'..l".·nd 1I081l11.01. alike Tn loml. tXt.: pt that the nl\me o( Ing lon.>e allll audM'il.Y. llllll at Illgllr Os- hke an hank or a The AhllU In"llltUllon huln3 been rwl'C'eli dlfT,trent dlacilleri Ii lLlitrteiJ In dl.:h. mall PMha wl\lI the ell- hAhed bUSiness house. 1 ht com- Otl " 1"'lInllnl'.. t (,lOlinJr.•!I till' L"nllf"'1 hIm wilh the ut,lawlul rrmovlal tire IIlle o( baule. 1.0S!eiI 011 bollt _IdeI' munitr patronize (rom the force of of dlitllTrd Iplrll!. alld llJO charg III; l c- were Ile."r. but on the Hus.·lltli habit and cannot bo induced sa\'e In ",nnuunclnlf 111111 no 1*1., ur tllflJeruie r4!nd:1Ilt with .kllIlK anti .bettlng III the side (rom the l'l1)ellllf'S.i. 11l1lllliCr- ' .. ' .. Ill htl"r .........1 III mlnl"lrrlntc In tbo roUl' rtmonl of.uklsplnlA. whIch ftct rentlen.'\! !'Istenc)' or their Iltt.llCki .ml the rornparu- under eaceptlonal ClrculustallcOS, 10 rillt 111111 l'nn'-el1ll'IU" ,.,r rrl\·IU4r-IIl!nl8. blll1l1able 10 tllC above flCn "Ity. th'ely thelterOO pmltlon o( lhe 'I'urk . forego thdr patrollage, mctimu ASllbLl\lIt Dl!trlet Attonli!y DenliOll Gen. Iglliltletr It lI1II l'OlIlhll't1 to lila they gel do'ul on it and once in a rlehlln 1'111111'1111'111. It 1111; Il'""n thomUklllJ aaYlltluxpt(.'taI thM llbollthalr :l1l111- I'rhll'CO"lalzln I h'I't 'I I II llldUl:tlllnd r,·furnl,llcd.lh, IlI'ne",1 1I'IUdi lion doUa!'i wlll be n.'UOvercd. Thb iult I Ilso abed "Ith the ame romlll.lut W Ie 1 .passe. t lfOUg I a spe hl"tI (or Mholll llIIe hUrl wlU problbl)' rrolltll the enUre fr'Ol.'eCtl- out 01 flye 01 the IIlIJlIt"nt 01 on account its I\r:e o( the wbhky ring rrom a! In AtWIHI:Illc\: on tliC l:&ar IlI'1:lIll. -Xcarly ltollition on sollie loc.l or Jlolttlc.l 111"111 IIntl IUI'll"'I"'"1l Mt IImlled tach relDoval Clr 'prlt& "'111 to be Is lek: or /lIlllc"!l!lsh, question, but its 01.1 patron I continuo .... Jlro\'ed I!eI)/t rtte1 1 be(urejudgmeut Cllll be SIlA!'iOItAI, ,'lIly 17.-11)8 fir$l &cle- to read it, ami sdvertise ill it, and to er):U'Ilte lind tlhlllncl, lot a lIJlIJht IIlh!lllonal &tCllrOO. Jt't'IIlJh Inl:llInn 1I0W A prl- d' h" I I h Kt.T WUY, J\ug. 6._Allvl('C! (rom lin- . ,. II e six 101'" IWH i'1' .. ·tNI sell III t CI r JO Ill, Rile t e p_,)er goes wr "he .l1l1l1llon 01 )11II n'l·IIl·I'll. IIm1 "I., J \'elhlr va" II III ,'''' I t: t: '" 'h I ,I , ,,' I tlut"U IlIlllr"'IIleol In Ilhll'lllnl( rolled 10 tana lAy ruIllOl"lllrel..'1rrell 1 u It)' CIIlIll)\', \ ofl.,;hlll. (mill on I II "3)' rou/ll IC s orm au III 0 Ihu fnet Ihlll "",un..n 1l1l1t"t'r1l1J ,mill L«Inl,,- will .nll be IU(),l(.u1et1 by Gell. ilIA ollldlll to the I'hmt-In 1\"111- the lIun,hine again. flllUli 111""'11...·11 .'111 II(' 11"t·11.I,·,1 nllhlltlo tll'l! 11141100, :tl. Nfl attempt lit IlIterrcrclll-'C II)' Ilntl\'e 10001'ltl\l htlllt IICpt;I::'tJ 10 Iho \·ulll'tli. Gen. Martinez lertt dill- j)(l/lllhl.. 'tl III tIle l'lll:e of Ilro- HIOMAS L MINOH, M. D., pntches to Ihe KllIg tllo oc'lA.'\l by (olclgulJf<i. Sc\'erlll'l IlCR ure The follf)wing picture of a struggle thm o( the Clllll)/if.:n anll ItAtlil,l{ IhMot tile I-'Oulelllllilltetl III "ormO.'!I\ b)' tilt! governor between Hussi" Molll} Turkey, dr""" 1115UtKCllla Arc &0 well IUI'IIIII-.,1 with Ill- of thllt "11:1I11" b,' VoltlLrie, ill about ,,\5 true now 88 (ormation II)' 'IJles alld thcJr (a&i.1l1t11l3 tor in the li(I'lim6 of the ".lo'-rate,1 dlsbandillg whell llUJ'liUOO are I!llch tlilit It .. IJ \all. 6OO1lO1II1llri'W look:lIfulr 10 ItIJUf. Tilt: ISUIAN WAR. philosopher or lo'crney: A huudrcd recta. Gen. Campo!! thcreCoN n.oquinli __ ,houl.lId mad anilll"ll, whose heads 6<l,OOOroOr'\l troop. to t:rwb the 11I8IUret> The following is a dispJ\tcb Irom are CO\'crfld with hats, .dunce 10 kill t1(NI, Jlo My" the hlSurjtcllL8 will only lurrtnder all reoelylng thdr 11lfIepenllclU.'tl Lellt'iston of lilt: or to be kilipd by their fellow fIlorlals alld n:oommendl the Goverllluem Ycsterd,!, Imlilill Joe hi" (atn- coyered "ith turballs. lly this Itrangu 10 aOOllt 01)8 propoiltlOiI or the othtr. il,., who bad been with the pcople at procedure they ".nt to know wile· l'U1LAOELl'U1A, AuS' lo.-'rhe secret 5tata creele III lhrlllll'h the IluJinn ther a tract o( 1.lId to whidlnone o( conn'llt"o" Crom the l/lbor Qr- e I h I I ,-"11At1ons throughout the country, will troubles, and proYed true Ind faith· t lem as any claim s 10UItI be aliI: to be held hereon SAtllntlY. (ul to the "hitell. returned from Ka a certAin man ",horn they clllI the Aug. lO.-Tho 12btnet miah where they hall been lIeut as· tan, Ilr another" hom the. call uar W&IIIII Hllblou to-elly aoddt!«.rmlllet1 that certain the movements of hostiles. -neither o( whom eger fii" or ever COlllUllMou 01 thr\.'fJ 00 Ippoilltal wace. 'II cr' I wlth.llrulluIlOUUIlI:ii!OIl onthep:&rt of Hissquaw A1s the Iudians ILl Ka· "I sce tneapotlSo urlQu )'contell- ( n.lIL Iltd .rraujCI.l for the return o( ::ih- mi.h told her they ",ere J;oill" across lied (or; and vcr)" (ew of tbose cre.- tlng Bull aud bla to tM United the mounuins, by the Lolu trail, with tures who thul mutually butcher SCate<. 011" "'111 bls an arm)" 01. !!tock .nd (amiliel4 alld when each other eYtr beheld the allimlll fIol!:r rept$nllllg tilt .' I I r ·h 1 L h ' part;lltnt. Ind Ihe tfllnl""T11 beaeh."I:tal tlf- they got them In aIU(lurt: 11 ace. ! I or "om t ICy Clit eaCn ot era tera WU(t'R.'Il\"e with rhe Pre;ilkllt. 'l'1te woulll return .nd l1S;ht tho soldlcrll. throatli. caIHllet tht qUdllcN, ol'tl:m-I She .Iso fllated that the h051iles are --------- """",r to tl1e Inhabltanti in the Yldnltr 01 to be reinforced h)' other Indi.ns Jearn PI SMind 011 &\'Omut ofthrEillUlIlt"t h h 'd rh . rEI' c I h E dian oatbfttlkJ..o&I dtdded to feRlI" nlan- frolll t e ot II e0 t e mountallls, rom a:l ng ISII esc lange t.t rA- of-war W lML rrolD San when thl"l w,1I return. IIer state- kille's (latent furnace il an SEW' YOMK. Aug, to.-TIM' strike o( ments lire considerod reli.ble by inveution, the novelty or wbicb con· tOOooa' whed.erut tholC .... ho ha1'e known her.. silts o( peculiarly constructed fire- ed. Rel.'rlft.r Mlllnihul. proulwlng lillie At:G 5 -CuI. Gibhotl is near the bars, reiiting directly llpon tbe tubes Itrike,. did DOt 15 «tiLl pt!r hour .':. d' C I I by _o"II:Iu& at n!lJ11l'Ied rstei l>r the uut Indian I wllh about 150 regular troofls .rr.n::e In IUCn a mallner t lat leat· Shl"}'lbe will ralle t1JI:;lrurolDii to tI,at and I think we will ha,.e .d air i" .dmitted inlo the furnrce ill men .1 aoon as a J'unction is formed Iluch propprticJlls .s to Ilecure- com- .. - "Pubnc" ." the or the both to stop .nli the Indi.ns, bustil1l1 at tbe g.M'S belore the .,.c.t .ftI: eftn more clearly seen III uol ••• ,h. rumor o( the crows hre.k- 5mokfJ III .ctually made', it is .0 .r. Ule bank tnn.... cUon. o( the t'llIlJng .A",I4. .th than III tlloee ot the weei lng out Ihould prou ourrect. rAllgcd that the air passing uuder the l'INOto«lh'l.' "'blc;h .. :aped IRunt!· H 'c T' 8" J tire l ,unl returning through the tube. d '-,,- 11. '1 ",.u,I{. .-.,J. . _ .. e. t4.'U!IOW ro:lCl the Wlliell&Jem.l(!t of MilSonl", wrlt(lS Go\'. is 811 he.ted .1 to generate WJ, .... ·II their f,ueral trade, Mild t ' kl d' ,d' " Polt' 00 tho Gth •• fl,Hnwli: ,I A s pam qlliC y all 2'I V 8. II ea ler throulh tIM: r deallllgt with tile dtlllll I l'h b I I mo-tt lIltOrtlcriv. while at Uhll'lll(Oo tit. nuritlr arrived (rUin Iillwllrll at lj Sllpp '!. e Sri ••0 ailort more Loull, Lonlli\'lllelllld PilUbu'1(h 'lie lock thi, evcninK' He left Do... air SpllCU, Ilt'hich i, Aaid to 88cure ell" u! bAshlt:*l II very «reat. ,I yesterd1l1 morning. I ItS think!t tire ar the ftlel, and to 110 0,1110"00, Aug. D.-1'lle ,,'l1l1lefl" r,on· } t)liard will clilIlllon 1l1l1l11l1it grelltly econonllzo the I1lI1e. "\IeCIlIIIlAY' WlllluUnlCtltloll with the ., ... frollt I:U alUlO« whollr (or Lolo .nd to.night, Steps looll:ing toward the org.ni7.a. 'our till)''', A dl'CiRh'e bltultlls to dlSt/lllt Ilbout50 IllIle.1I (rom the mouth tion or tho Murphy tOIllI)orOIlCe In Prol""" 'l'he RlIddluu l.I<NIlKJll or Lole. The Caliri r rcpnrlll that . 0 I' I. .lldthe1 are nu RtI- J h'l I I( f tl mOyemClntm regofl,wIUllldsweep' 'Y,uloed thllR they were three 1ll01Itt!lllj[0. ulep, Wit I ovc.r aile· 1111 0 Ie iug like. prairie 6re oyer the callern AlDllle Illrorllllltlllll III to IItrocltll!ll fill" fi,q'hllllR'Tnt)1I 0(, hiS force, hall .cone states are beil1 take II ill this city. Cf\:Jlted ''I..,ry Atr.nge It.'Cllu&, til tho helltl u( Ulttor Hout Valley by -. At' W. gs lb' . III EII,g:lllld. A llOwerlul pArty tbe Elk City trail, "nd will furln a F.... alte of a em,. as Just prill- 11 Crol\l '11100 a Imlllg n. poslriou \lr.· h L k' 01 d I tPod a lot of c.rds the pledge Publlo now (liVOri IllK' 1 (isS 11,1; The pledge ia a simple OIlC, .greeing 'I,IM! ultJullatlon 1)( tbt!'I'urk, IUlti It H ·" d' 'h1ear7'Ooss a e' d 1'0·1 to obstain (rom tbe ule of intOlicat- eIMUl,ll( thelenlll o(peaooalterurW. layl owar '" .men .n .' oJ illl! liquors. Tbe perlOn joining the ba Ot ,IU.n ".11ll I, llelllgllll&Ct4!d llml the paCk, and II.mUYllllllIl rar,llll y '''00''''''00 '·'go. '''0 cud., one of II uow raglug. 'l'hc t.:OlllJll1lJtu o( Ll Ad f ( 'he prtlellt wlTl U'rtatn11 Ilt:t,kotJ a!t. pOIlSI tl. vlcel. rom. pper which he keeps, .nd tbe other il wlUIIII IIll1t.ShoufI. RO?t 1&" the Indllne ,!,1I1 h.uded over to the IIccrctluy 01' the Sew Yon". I'llrkl!lh III HI',I)o'h GlbbdOl.1 I' aaaociation who pl.ces it un file, tr In the r'\\U!ut Olt the lluUil ur ° t1WlIlg rapll )'. t cr a vlcoa h 'lle um Vld8ltdO"malli I .. to say lbe Indians wme It ill at Doulit" ----.' or dl.SlXMltlou 01 tile RUOI6WU5 tu II' u The to the cottOIl crop on .U",,* hllo In IItt MrotlPOIlli. anll coolly tie, 16 mile•• bovo Con" II, an the ArkRnsa!5 river by the flood i, CI' te au hlioWIl While UUi!llllI$ Gibbon i. UllOcterl to Itrike them Oil timated.t fruUl •. to,OOCI to $30,000. were etlt1pl III cOlluentnlllllg II the mort1i ng of tho 7th he fore they foNd, &lciilgualat all luIza"ts to brnke camp. The cnuritlr saYI the 0·111811 l)lUoful, 1Otl- hOltiles have Mrll. U"nu,,1 'With them _W'O th., ,Ulace Ql v ....nll •. Oil the lllUr II d 01. lDOOutalu rid", fUlluilll 50tuhwClt as tbe property of a pelt\· chief c. e alld uOMIaot, tbt: polll! .t which co re- Cucuenilo. lIer ..d h(lltor1 il (Dill- Ule Ittlldt!. III Lilli podtlotl bls iliar. ri«'''''' pr«o.lUIl tl1 t(a, rher tHlDal' h \V II :aDd Ilk! (OWh u( Eon..,:I"I, allli bl:s I .. n b1 A eorrelpon1lent of t e •• which he !lao tilM logmlt- 'Valla" Union n &&1a the ShOflhone I1IWIKLMU. Early 011 '1'lk1Jay. the 1C0u18 underoommamIQ£l':apt. Rube fth, the llal.Qsa(Jnnttlll to the .IUIl.ii:, Robhinlo( !loite City, .rriYetl with opelllul' wIth th.. lr 1l'UA1 fire orMrtlllery. If! h '1'1 "'bkh played Ilcm:I, 011 U.., 'l'urkWi Col. Sanford. July t. le.Y arlt potiUuo. J.he 'J'urklib IrtlUu)"lIIl:ll reo headed b, Unll'alo Hartl, a1 0 ""lC ill\ec1 with eqttal Ylgor 'Itd the tluel .,,'IUI ue1'ilish-looking Indiall. whose deed!l l"UIiOfl 'Nat kcpt up fur a by un btllie bi" lonk1l. Sillgl .. tlloe UlIIIer 0( fOI,r .. uti flllote handed he killed Illd scalped "IX oil'&''' fII()\,cUlf'nt .. by Ule ". HI I r h' I ltu....l.IL" on Ihe tbulo" alltl ur the ::)IOUI, \n' o( IICIII got a ter In\ aut 'l'llrkltll po.ltlOll. ·ft..- Hu...I.1I it,butry he tli"n gotawa)·. IIClUI't'd ill 0" tl.., "lo'rlo.., ! hOltile asaillllt the K f!1 Purcel, .luch IlIti Wen! ttu:h·.,.1 wilh tlte dogged mn be accountfld (or 1&0181y on the II. Cd wltld, 11&" .:''''J' Ihe # ..., P 'J'urk'ltollilld elltn'III.-'lllUt'UlJ'. _-\ !trm aud Krouuel tha.1. the :'1 f'% are mnre b1Uer!tre Io.cllt flU tilt 1IM:,lIl.utoo. UII- 1uooeufllllll their blandlllhlObllta to· dIlr "'ltlch thy alld 11IAt tdl "ard the II rUlltie (air" (onf'1Ii of the bMt..'k. Ihe I'TOUII(I III (rollt o( the n.nnnck trihe Ihan are thllie !emon- 1'urkWi work. \.'UVI'reJ "'Itil tlc:;4li Jill I I .' h I ,",ooUII«I. 'I'he n:lml-e wu 1)111,. !clllplir- ored w,rrlorll t. llir}', hOoA·eYt:t. ror til\: I he force operatlllt( agalnlt the In· I O,PlOIAL DfAICTOItY, "LAND co. I DON A LDI IlkllI:llltafltry nl(IIIIlIed 1&111.1 \'h.f')(ed IIKI.lll di.ns Ullilcr .'080ph Illllllberlli J flllo...... 0,.,.11 g IoI.DIIItII.II. 1_':;=:"';;::"'''::'':''''';::;='-==-==''':'_ "1+,1 IIg.ln 111'''n the oostlllilot uo::fcmTcN. unlined In en beAitieM a I.rge lIum- t:o.loi!.n 1\. Y-""y, •. Kcllrel'Cnlalh'>l. ,t'''UIOIl\'lIIe .' J:'Councllrll'I1 .. t:nWl1l1tlntJ Cap •• '0:11:11 Li.bby. nil r (·'tAIl &I III tilt: lIN Oll"",.t I ber uf ollll'en and volunleen.. K. t;.. 11111 , 1 .l1l1nl)· AlIOllnr .. Ule Imt Ilm!l,ulltetl pluck __ __•• _ .. wltll,tool the UI",1A1I &!to'lltLtl. :\'. l' t' .. been in I,ro. J ••: "lll'llIr " :; In I&g1Ilu l lIIu"ll:rOIi' dnl (rolol rut. AIIII n 111\ II Iga Lon as I '0\ •• ltcr . . ." '''I "0'-·-' '0· I LOre,"" iu OIY'''I)i. relatiYe to the I J,,111I .. I·()unI7&.:.IlI ..•... 0Il1l11I1tllOr utll' I ' ... no If r f'ltll rhlUUjlh " ! . I ThO" '·nney... Uu"I",11 .lIti tliroUlCb .. , the,.,I\·a 1 .. ,11. All ,III)' ".1111" 1)( Illite III that place .• __ •.. llldlm.lI ...I·nn.,.hlt! .......... .. tlll' (1:11011111 dglll Wt:uttJlI. IIIf' 1I11... 1ah' Xocemclu"Iinn hlU vd lJe€:1l arriYf!u ...... " .. L:k ... .llurtl r 1I.wt,,=I,.. ."IUi d"l .. wurll¥" : # '::eo. elltll. &bOOtt.:·· .. (

IU - Washington Secretary of State - Washington Secretary of State ... S"~ ~ ~ ~ &Co

May 26, 2018



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Page 1: IU - Washington Secretary of State - Washington Secretary of State ... S"~ ~ ~ ~ &Co

z ~ ---






Stock I



Ailif. IA,IIC'. tilI'leill. U.... ....,. "


Whlrh "reoll~le.t


ST 0 RE.


Pioneer Bakery,I'OR·r'J'OWNSEND. W.1·.



/1.111'. toKeili. 10!'oopl. WUl;l. to



Grllt"tlllli (,1IIIIC!"

.Arotlo O'Vor••b~.

(JCIIf'8, I.Allll'f!·, MI~"1ll1 Chll,lrell'sR.u.bbor O'Vor·8boo.

Boot & Shoe


ANI) \:111 LDREN'SBoot. d> Shoes

O( the ,'ery bcJat 'Illalltlc' aud o( tbeJ•• te@tr·lttcrn.4.

Shoe Flndlnga,Rigging Lealhor. Ele.

A ~'OlIIIJlete W\.~I·!lUellt u(

The Loweal Ralea for Caah.



Anti ReplllrhlJ[ eIt'\.'tJ~11I5 IUIIAI, .nd IAt­l~fllCtiOll (Ullralll'~1.

r7 A (ttlr .hllre o( tile Illtrollage 01 thelJulJlkh iUllcltN.

1. ""I"rZI'ATRICK.-------,-

SUMMER ARRANCEMENT•....easn.hi.p DalLot_.2100 Ton•• II.G. MORo'lI':, \'UllIlMHUtlt,

W ILt. I.Y-An: U~ Tnt: IMTDi 1lJi:IlKoaJler wellUcJfled:

Iteamahlp Cilyof Panama,1BOO ton.. W.RtiEA8VRY.Co.. ·,'....

WJ~!tel~E,\\"r. os TIlX 1'00.LO'fo·ll'IU


MEATSCon.tant", on Hand the

VeaetAb1es.Alllo. Corned nee( 1I1111 Potk. Smoked

Me-'ll... ('urk IInti Uolflglla !:SaU'llgt:6.lIeRd UI~, Tripe, ..te., &c.



MA.RKET, GROCERIESOppoaite WalhlDgton Hotel


Gents' an~ Boys' Fashionahle Sni1s.

JOHN P, PETERSONMerchant Tailor,

L~H"',\RIIl~n ,\XI) L'O)IMIMIOX nUll·r !\eM promptly .uentJlld 10.



Commission MerchantsVe;;z~o18 Dil"lchnrged.

• ro~h.'t.- 001.100.0<:1.,

Teaming of all klnda done,IlltcQllOn.blolltllle.o IIntl flathlf!acUon


GOfHl ORV ""nGH.:F." WOOUALW,,\'8un batHI. Alto.l'OtId llark.

T1Xt.YJ"IIY 1111 Y, At. WAY51 OS n.\S"u.

Au. IIG ISt:M ESTKGSTKD TO OI'Rl"", wUI reueh'll prou1pt .ntl ..~rul


ACID.,. PO.SltllaClC¥l_llferl

Suttle Ilttr. andI.e.., Ott'l Sod. "'ater and Iloot Betr.

.,. Til tbit merchanl. ot I'on Tf1"Jl~ndwe .IU a)'IMI .t\ f'f!L'I!lvtl 1111 "Ollr\'OI"", Ihe ..'Oln fllr )oar rrel(ht hll", forwllkh "'., Cll!rhlllll)' UPllC'\. )nur r-1rolnll.ltl!.....tllt.,·. atto-nltfod tn !'C.'ttlvIOIIl'. ,hll'phill.and dlllho::rlnl!l )'ol1r K"""" lot )t:al'l......

We lire ~IUI f'"!~re I In (to lUI )' att.l, IIl1lt 1"l!IUOf1111J!u p!k.",.

H, L. TIBBALS & CO.,Port Town~enu. W" T.

NOT...-lh'l to. Jllne 10. ~>pI.1II .nll 11llI:.

r:.a;'I:~~n!ll~~:'::.'i1~~~~~:::'';~ _lIIl1lul1'Q.'f'ugcn rrolll Porth'nli And Up-ScllncJ

potU wUrtnke Pillet SOU lid IIIAllllt... ml'fand mllke N'l'II1t.~·th'lI ",lIh Ihe l:lty ItlJ'1l1l11Jl1' Itt VI~'fOr1". Slt:lum:r ).MkOIII~ lhrollRh 10 Olylllpitt.

'j'J1Clte Ill!nmen ItlYt Vlltorln at nlll)f1Oil the tlAY .d'~rIJ'IeI1. 1'rckfll~ Ire gOOffonly 011 tho Itulller 'i1t "hleh t1.II:)' lUIIltll\:hautl, AIIIIIM! lIot tr.n~rllr.ble. "'MfreIght or JlAHIIo~l M1lr." 011 bllllni. or LIJ

.... ~h'p nl...te ... wUllln!!.lt tll tbf)lr'II'unt· II. •. TIIiDA LJ"l,lU(e 10 II", l~ llO!t'AI.U MIlIM III I Gtlltral AJtll~ fur 1'lllCfll ioloulld.1'.......... to, _71'.. _ ...... ,...., ('utt IV"" IIMUC.

l 'ms Sr.W /l.SD POWP,RFUI.lOTt:A3I' Till.I_ nn.... rell1ly to do tllllltntl! ot TUW'~U

Mot uI rIOt",.

Of'ncaAl.. DlltICTOIIY, ..,-,DaONCOUNTY"

To the contf!lillJlatiye lOul there ilno liuleueu. The least of thingl ilinfiuite.~-~--::--

Se\'t~r~1 rich Yiens of/old hut reocently hren dilW:t.>Vere in J)a"toDcounty, Georgia.

The G~rm.n Socialists .rlll collect·inK monf!! for the lupport o( rail.ay.trlke,. ill 'he United Statu.

H..-preHnhdtv~ J. M. Yo. "'1111,,_.J ..fnt K"I,",",,'nlallve Wal. K~Ir1 ..r.

.. lAtlncIlWl\lI············f·ij.··~:. Aih~.~~I~:

COllnl,. Ct>mllllao.tonf~ "'1 ~:Wjl'~~' t~I:~~:JIltilte of I'mhlll J. A. Kuhn

T~:~~':';; ':::::':::.:::::::::::: ::i:':r.: ~~II~~t'::~~~~.·.·.::::::·.·.::·.·.::::::::;~j,;.::III'i:IlC'~~in~!.I-----------------JUluk"ullhu .., "", JI.II. 1A'al1\\ltl. STEAM TUG

Telegraphl'C- Summary, 00 ,h. ,o"..,hm,oll 0"'" '1'"," .",1.< \ Th. Seotll." Di.p.'ch" i, c"di,.d IU S V'arl'ne Ho 't 1.l"ttltlllr being rt'pul~l. uerr a:- ....Ullt with the folluwiol' which is about as • ,1I1 Spl a .

-- leavllljllu gh:t-tl)' 1..'(\lIlrlbutlon ol,It-:lll :oIIId I k 0 . .St. l.on~ AUI[. 6.-A rh"ll uit I.:I( Ion>tllllk..... QlIly lit tlled064' MIl',y. wlk'1l near t Ie mar as anythlnl; dlscoyered PORT TUWMtinn, "".T.

d'UlAf.tC8'WUalf'\ltbll.n~fII0011llltheU. the Ihb'Oll\lI line sl"~bot'M.I b..rore the Iltel,: hA new paperl! acutioufl AST Ii..K i."".0K Wlln liAS rAinS. Circuit Court by the U. S. Go\\.'rllment TlIrkl~h tlTt'. dill OSIIlAII ".sh:t glre won' sl:.eclCS o( propert)', It is difficult 1l0~11l1v.1 111l(," for Iwo lmnnllt~ JlrtlO·l'tl·~tn tWill. lIcKt'C. 'The IIIl"'lIOIl em- to IItt"l.", am.' (n)1Il the IIrlll lIud /lteall)' to cAtabliAh Bod allllO!t .. difficult to :~,:~~rw~r~~I~LII for al!wl,-'lm,u ClltlUetJbl"SCf':l! 1,4U3 couuY fur tl,'&OOeaeh, aggre- tltleu§e tile 'lurks as_lllll('\1 the Olfl'll~h·e., .. L .' I IIrUng 2.314,%00. 'rl~ COUIll..t Are all rll~l1In,R: u...em tlltlr fl "'It II c\·erwhdm. ~IIJ~re U)' raYa r)'. Ar. ° I nC~'sJl"Jlcr l"orL TO"'..l".·nd 1I081l11.01.alike Tn loml. tXt.: pt that the nl\me o( Ing lon.>e allll audM'il.Y. llllll at Illgllr Os- I~ hke an ~Iu hank or a ll)~g.~stab- The AhllU In"llltUllon huln3 been rwl'C'elidlfT,trent dlacilleri Ii lLlitrteiJ In dl.:h. mall PMha wl\lI ylet~noll'5 IIlon~ the ell- hAhed bUSiness house. 1 ht com- Otl " 1"'lInllnl'..t (,lOlinJr.•!I till' L"nllf"'1charJtln~ hIm wilh the ut,lawlul rrmovlal tire IIlle o( baule. 1.0S!eiI 011 bollt _IdeI' munitr patronize (rom the force of 1.1:~~ ~1:~~I:It~~1l~rr~~~~I~a~':.:It"~~I~~of dlitllTrd Iplrll!. alld llJO charg III; l c- were Ile."r. but ht8\'I~t on the Hus.·lltli habit and cannot bo induced sa\'e In ",nnuunclnlf 111111 no 1*1., ur tllflJeruier4!nd:1Ilt with .kllIlK anti .bettlng III the side (rom the l'l1)ellllf'S.i. b()lllll~ 11l1lllliCr- ' .. ' ..Ill htl"r.........1 III mlnl"lrrlntc In tbo roUl'rtmonl of.uklsplnlA. whIch ftct rentlen.'\! !'Istenc)' or their Iltt.llCki .ml the rornparu- under eaceptlonal ClrculustallcOS, 10 rillt 111111 l'nn'-el1ll'IU" ,.,r rrl\·IU4r-IIl!nl8.blll1l1able 10 tllC above flCn "Ity. th'ely thelterOO pmltlon o( lhe 'I'urk . forego thdr patrollage, mctimu Of-r..~~~ 1j..~,~('~~CIItlllll:i'''~:;a:.!rlti!.I~:i~r~~I~

ASllbLl\lIt Dl!trlet Attonli!y DenliOll Gen. Iglliltletr It lI1II l'OlIlhll't1 to lila they gel do'ul on it and once in a rlehlln 1'111111'1111'111. It 1111; Il'""n thomUklllJaaYlltluxpt(.'taI thM llbollthalr :l1l111- roomwlthgli~lrlcte'"tlr. I'rhll'CO"lalzln I h'I't 'I I II llldUl:tlllnd r,·furnl,llcd.lh, IlI'ne",1 1I'IUdilion doUa!'i wlll be n.'UOvercd. Thb iult I Ilso abed "Ith the ame romlll.lut W I e 1 .passe. t lfOUg I a spe hl"tI 1t"'('flUmulllt&IIOII~ (or Mholll llIIe hUrlwlU problbl)' rrolltll the enUre fr'Ol.'eCtl- ~our out 01 flye 01 the IIlIJlIt"nt Jtf'IlCrRl~ 01 .u~populanly on account ~(. its ~lJ~'nlr':'~Ic:~~llrt'i~1o:I\r:e fl':::lI~~~Zrti\lllll~~i~In~ o( the wbhky ring rrom ~l. a! In AtWIHI:Illc\: on tliC l:&ar IlI'1:lIll. -Xcarly ltollition on sollie loc.l or Jlolttlc.l 111"111 IIntl l'OII~lftnt IUI'll"'I"'"1l Mt IImlledtach relDoval Clr 'prlt& "'111 hRn~ to be e\'~r)'lKxl)' Is lek: or /lIlllc"!l!lsh, question, but its 01.1 patron I continuo ~1~~i~I~~1 ~.I:~~ ;r'II~",~I-'jII:....:r~l:'lII :"mr:~~Jlro\'ed I!eI)/trtte11 be(urejudgmeut Cllll be SIlA!'iOItAI, ,'lIly 17.-11)8 fir$l &cle- to read it, ami sdvertise ill it, and to er):U'Ilte lind tlhlllncl, lot a lIJlIJht IIlh!lllonal&tCllrOO. Jt't'IIlJh Inl:llInn I~ 1I0W wot"'II1~. A prl- d' h" I I h H~I.

Kt.T WUY, J\ug. 6._Allvl('C! (rom lin- . ,. II e six t1('~ 101'" 11I~ IWH i'1'.. ·tNI sell III t CI r JO Ill, Rile t e p_,)er goes wr "he .l1l1l1llon 01 )11II n'l·IIl·I'll. IIm1"I., J \'elhlr va" II III ,'''' I • t: t: '" 'h I ,I , ,,' I tlut"U IlIlllr"'IIleol In Ilhll'lllnl( I~ rolled 10tana lAy ruIllOl"lllrel..'1rrell 1 u It)' J.Il1utl~ CIIlIll)\', \ I~,0r. ofl.,;hlll. (mill on I II "3)' rou/ll IC s orm au III 0 Ihu fnet Ihlll "",un..n 1l1l1t"t'r1l1J ,mill L«Inl,,-

will ~lglI .nll be IU(),l(.u1et1 by Gell. ilIA ollldlll rel!ltIClll~ to the I'hmt-In 1\"111- the lIun,hine again. flllUli 111""'11...·11 .'111 II(' 11"t·11.I,·,1 nllhlltlo tll'l!11141100, :tl. Nfl attempt lit IlIterrcrclll-'C II)' Ilntl\'e 10001'ltl\l ~!I htlllt IICpt;I::'tJ 10 Iho \·ulll'tli.

Gen. Martinez CAm~ 11l\~ lertt dill- j)(l/lllhl..'tl tl~ III tIle l'lll:e of ti'h'loCrlllh~ Ilro- HIOMAS L MINOH, M. D.,pntches to Ihe KllIg exilltlllllll~ tllo ~Itull- oc'lA.'\l by (olclgulJf<i. Sc\'erlll'l IlCR ure The follf)wing picture of a struggle ~tf )IAn~lnIl'8I1rll:e+JlI.thm o( the Clllll)/if.:n anll ItAtlil,l{ IhMot tile I-'Oulelllllilltetl III "ormO.'!I\ b)' tilt! governor between Hussi" Molll} Turkey, dr"""1115UtKCllla Arc &0 well IUI'IIIII-.,1 with Ill- of thllt "11:1I11" b,' VoltlLrie, ill about ,,\5 true now 88(ormation II)' 'IJles alld thcJr (a&i.1l1t11l3 tor it~ in the li(I'lim6 of the ".lo'-rate,1dlsbandillg whell llUJ'liUOO are I!llch tlilit It .. IJ

\all. 6OO1lO1II1llri'W look:lIfulr 10 ItIJUf. Tilt: ISUIAN WAR. philosopher or lo'crney: A huudrcdrecta. Gen. Campo!! thcreCoN n.oquinli __ ,houl.lId mad anilll"ll, whose heads6<l,OOOroOr'\l troop. to t:rwb the 11I8IUret> The following is a dispJ\tcb Irom are CO\'crfld with hats, .dunce 10 killt1(NI, Jlo My" the hlSurjtcllL8 will onlylurrtnder all reoelylng thdr 11lfIepenllclU.'tl Lellt'iston of Au~ust lilt: or to be kilipd by their fellow fIlorlalsalld n:oommendl the ~plllll~h Goverllluem Ycsterd,!, Imlilill Joe hi" (atn- coyered "ith turballs. lly this Itrangu10 aOOllt 01)8 propoiltlOiI or the othtr. il,., who bad been with the pcople at procedure they ".nt to know wile·

l'U1LAOELl'U1A, AuS' lo.-'rhe secret 5tata creele III lhrlllll'h the IluJinn ther a tract o( 1.lId to whidlnone o(conn'llt"o" ot(lele~~ Crom the l/lbor Qr- e I h I I,-"11At1ons throughout the country, will troubles, and proYed true Ind faith· t lem as any claim s 10UItI be aliI: tobe held hereon SAtllntlY. (ul to the "hitell. returned from Ka a certAin man ",horn they clllI the ~Ill·WA~IIlSGlON. Aug. lO.-Tho 12btnet miah where they hall been lIeut ~o as· tan, Ilr another" hom the. call uar

W&IIIII Hllblou to-elly aoddt!«.rmlllet1 that certain the movements of hostiles. -neither o( whom eger fii" or ever• COlllUllMou 01 thr\.'fJ 00 Ippoilltal wace. 'II cr' Iwlth.llrulluIlOUUIlI:ii!OIl onthep:&rt of Hissquaw A1s the Iudians ILl Ka· "I sce tneapotlSo urlQu )'contell-( n.lIL Iltd .rraujCI.l for the return o( ::ih- mi.h told her they ",ere J;oill" across lied (or; and vcr)" (ew of tbose cre.­tlng Bull aud bla rilIl0"~1"1 to tM United the mounuins, by the Lolu trail, with tures who thul mutually butcherSCate<. 011" Ilteto~r "'111 bls an arm)" 01. !!tock .nd (amiliel4 alld when each other eYtr beheld the allimlllfIol!:r I.Mt~r rept$nllllg tilt ln~rlortk- .' I I r ·h 1 L h 'part;lltnt. Ind Ihe tfllnl""T11 beaeh."I:tal tlf- they got them In aIU(lurt: 11 ace. ! If~y I or "om t ICy Clit eaCn ot eratera WU(t'R.'Il\"e with rhe Pre;ilkllt. 'l'1te woulll return .nd l1S;ht tho soldlcrll. throatli.caIHllet .1~dl!cuMal tht qUdllcN, ol'tl:m-I She .Iso fllated that the h051iles are ---------"""",rto tl1e Inhabltanti in the Yldnltr 01 to be reinforced h)' other Indi.ns S~OKE,.ES~ FUJ:~AcK.-'Ve JearnPI SMind 011 &\'Omut ofthrEillUlIlt"t III~ h h 'd r h . rEI' c I h Edian oatbfttlkJ..o&I dtdded to feRlI" nlan- frolll t e ot e~ II e 0 t e mountallls, rom a:l ng ISII esc lange t.t rA-of-war W lML phl~ rrolD San .·l'1Iod~. when thl"l w,1I return. IIer state- kille's (latent Arnokin~ furnace il an

SEW' YOMK. Aug, to.-TIM' strike o( ments lire considerod reli.ble by inveution, the novelty or wbicb con·tOOooa' whed.erut ~npoluthaiend- tholC .... ho ha1'e known her.. silts o( peculiarly constructed fire-ed. Rel.'rlft.r Mlllnihul. proulwlng lillie At:G 5 -CuI. Gibhotl is near the bars, reiiting directly llpon tbe tubesItrike,. did DOt mJ.~ 15 «tiLl pt!r hour .':. d' C I Iby _o"II:Iu& at n!lJ11l'Ied rstei l>r the uut Indian I wllh about 150 regular troofls .rr.n::e In IUCn a mallner t lat leat·Shl"}'lbe will ralle t1JI:;lrurolDii to tI,at and I think we will ha,.e f'nnu~h .d air i" .dmitted inlo the furnrce ill~~ men .1 aoon as a J'unction is formed Iluch propprticJlls .s to Ilecure- com-

.. - "Pubnc" ." the etr~1 or the both to stop .nli ~fe.t the Indi.ns, bustil1l1 at tbe g.M'S belore the.,.c.t .ftI: eftn more clearly seen III uol••• ,h. rumor o( the crows hre.k- 5mokfJ III .ctually made', it is .0 .r.Ule bank tnn....cUon. o( the ~k: t'llIlJng.A",I4. .th than III tlloee ot the weei lng out Ihould prou ourrect. rAllgcd that the air passing uuder thel'INOto«lh'l.' CI~It'.ll "'blc;h ..:aped IRunt!· H 'c T' 8" J tire l ,unl returning through the tube.d'-,,- Y.I.E~"I 11. '1 ",.u,I{. .-.,J. ._..~. e. t4.'U!IOW ro:lCl the Wlliell&Jem.l(!t ~lcCormick, of MilSonl", wrlt(lS Go\'. is 811 grelltl~ he.ted .1 to generateWJ, ....·II their f,ueral trade, Mild t:ll~ilil. t ' kl d' ,d'


• Polt' 00 tho Gth •• fl,Hnwli: ,I A s pam qlliC y all 2'I V8. II ea lerthroulh tIM: r deallllgt with tile dtlllll I l'h b I ~ Imo-tt lIltOrtlcriv. while at Uhll'lll(Oo tit. nuritlr arrived (rUin Iillwllrll at lj Sllpp '!. e Sri ••0 ailort moreLoull, Lonlli\'lllelllld PilUbu'1(h 'lie t.Ic~ lock thi, evcninK' He left Do... air SpllCU, Ilt'hich i, Aaid to 88cure ell"p~lon u! bAshlt:*l II very «reat. ,I yesterd1l1 morning. I ItS think!t tire eOI1S\llllptio~ ar the ftlel, and to

1100,1110"00, Aug. D.-1'lle ,,'l1l1lefl" r,on· } t)liard will clilIlllon ~he 1l1l1l11l1it he~ grelltly econonllzo the I1lI1e."\IeCIlIIIlAY' WlllluUnlCtltloll with the .,...

frollt I:U 1I\~11 alUlO« whollr It;:ve~ (or t~eell Lolo .nd Ll~lfafwlltcr to.night, Steps looll:ing toward the org.ni7.a.'our till)''', A dl'CiRh'e bltultlls bt:llc~e to dlSt/lllt Ilbout50 IllIle.1I (rom the mouth tion or tho Murphy tOIllI)orOIlCe~ In Prol""" 'l'he RlIddluu l.I<NIlKJll I~ or Lole. The Caliri r rcpnrlll that . 0 I' I .Il~iiou", .lldthe1 are nu (IIrtl~r RtI- J h'l I I( f tl mOyemClntm regofl,wIUllldsweep''Y,uloed thllR they were three 1ll01Itt!lllj[0. ulep, Wit I ovc.r aile· 1111 0 Ie iug like. prairie 6re oyer the callernAlDllle Illrorllllltlllll III to IItrocltll!ll fill" fi,q'hllllR'Tnt)1I 0(, hiS force, hall .cone states are beil1 take II ill this city.Cf\:Jlted ''I..,ry Atr.nge Int\.'l'urk~11 It.'Cllu&, til tho helltl u( Ulttor Hout Valley by -. At' W . gs lb' .III EII,g:lllld. A llOwerlul Ihl~lall pArty tbe Elk City trail, "nd will furln a F.... • alte of a em,. as Just prill­11 Crol\l '11100 a Imlllg n. poslriou \lr.· h L k' 01 d ItPod a lot of c.rds cont'lIl~ the pledgeJlroUllnltll~~. Publlo lMlIltlll)8ll~ now (liVOri {~h~tIOIJr ~It l~( IllK'

1(isS 11,1; The pledge ia a simple OIlC, .greeing

'I,IM! ultJullatlon 1)( tbt!'I'urk, IUlti thc~t· ItH·" d' 'h1ear7'Ooss a e'

d1'0·1 to obstain (rom tbe ule of intOlicat-

eIMUl,ll( thelenlll o(peaooalterurW. layl owar .~ '" .men .n .' oJ illl! liquors. Tbe perlOn joining the

baOt,IU.n ".11ll I, llelllgllll&Ct4!d llml the paCk, and II.mUYllllllIl rar,lllly '''00''''''00 '·'go. '''0 cud., one of

~Ic II uow raglug. 'l'hc t.:OlllJll1lJtu o( Ll Ad f ('he prtlellt y~r wlTl U'rtatn11 ~ Ilt:t,kotJ a!t. pOIlSI tl. vlcel. rom. pper which he keeps, .nd tbe other ilwlUIIII th~ IIll1t.ShoufI. IJllt~r RO?t 1&" the Indllne ,!,1I1 c.~Jl h.uded over to the IIccrctluy 01' the

Sew Yon". l·a.~ha" I'llrkl!lh comm~lld- trol'llIlg~t III R~I'I HI',I)o'h GlbbdOl.1 I' aaaociation who pl.ces it un file,tr In the r'\\U!ut i111.'-~ Olt the lluUil ur ° t1WlIlg rapll )'. t cr a vlcoa


umVld8ltdO"malli rl~n. I.. dlo!~ to say lbe Indians wme It ill at Doulit" ----.'or ~I~ dl.SlXMltlou 01 tile RUOI6WU5 tu II' u The to the cottOIl crop on

.U",,* hllo In IItt MrotlPOIlli. anll coolly tie, 16 mile••bovo Con" II, an the ArkRnsa!5 river by the flood i, CI'te au hlioWIl ~IUoll.s. While UUi!llllI$ Gibbon i. UllOcterl to Itrike them Oil timated.t fruUl •.to,OOCI to $30,000.were etlt1pl III cOlluentnlllllg II IM~1l the mort1i ng of tho 7th he fore theyfoNd, &lciilgualat all luIza"ts to M1~1ll brnke camp. The cnuritlr saYI the~~I~re-Itat ~. 0·111811 l)lUoful, 1Otl- hOltiles have Mrll. U"nu,,1 'With them_W'O th., ,Ulace Ql v ....nll•. Oil the lllUr II d01. lDOOutalu rid", fUlluilll 50tuhwClt as tbe property of a pelt\· chief c. ealld uOMIaot, ~ tbt: polll! .t which co re- Cucuenilo. lIer ..d h(lltor1 il (Dill­~lve Ule Ittlldt!. III Lilli podtlotl bls iliar.ri«'''''' pr«o.lUIl tl1 t(a, rher tHlDal' h \V II:aDd Ilk! (OWh u( Eon..,:I"I, allli bl:s I..n b1 A eorrelpon1lent of t e ••entrf'llC:hll~"which he !lao tilM logmlt- 'Valla" Unionn &&1a the ShOflhoneI1IWIKLMU. Early 011 '1'lk1Jay. the 1C0u18 underoommamIQ£l':apt. Rubefth, the llal.Qsa(Jnnttlll to the .IUIl.ii:, Robhinlo( !loite City, .rriYetl withopelllul' wIth 1l'UA1 fire orMrtlllery. If! h '1'1"'bkh played Ilcm:I, 011 U.., 'l'urkWi Col. Sanford. July ~. t. le.Y arltpotiUuo. J.he 'J'urklib IrtlUu)"lIIl:ll reo headed b, Unll'alo Hartl, a 1 0 ""lCill\ec1 with eqttal Ylgor 'Itd the tluel .,,'IUI ue1'ilish-looking Indiall. whose deed!ll"UIiOfl 'Nat kcpt up fur a ooll·k~l"lIbie by un btllie bi" lonk1l. Sillgl..•tlloe UlIIIer l'U~r 0( t1~ fOI,r ..uti flllote handed he killed Illd scalped "IXoil'&''' • fII()\,cUlf'nt ..• 0I:k~ by Ule ". HI I r h' Iltu....l.IL" on Ihe tbulo" alltl ~lItft! ur the ::)IOUI, \n' o( IICIII got a ter In\ aut'l'llrkltll po.ltlOll. ·ft..- Hu...I.1I it,butry he tli"n gotawa)·. !.litte~I)·IIClUI't'd ill tUM~ 0" tl.., Turkl~11 "lo'rlo.., ! hOltile asaillllt the K f!1 Purcel, .luchIlIti Wen! ttu:h·.,.1 wilh tlte dogged ~I.s-I mn be accountfld (or 1&0181y on theII. Cd wltld, 11&" .:''''J' ~U1rok'tcrl"J'll Ihe # ..., P'J'urk'ltollilld elltn'III.-'lllUt'UlJ'. _-\ !trm aud Krouuel tha.1. the :'1 f'% er~e8 are mnreb1Uer!tre ~'alI Io.cllt flU tilt 1IM:,lIl.utoo. UII- 1uooeufllllll their blandlllhlObllta to·dIlr "'ltlch thy ~bJ alld a~ 11IAt tdl "ard the II rUlltie (air" (onf'1Ii of thebMt..'k. IsYlIl~ Ihe I'TOUII(I III (rollt o( the n.nnnck trihe Ihan are thllie !emon-1'urkWi work. \.'UVI'reJ "'Itil tlc:;4li Jill I I .' h I,",ooUII«I. 'I'he n:lml-e wu 1)111,. !clllplir- ;~) ored w,rrlorll t. enu~e ~el.llir}', hOoA·eYt:t. ror til\: ItIN"I~uj WI!lI~(Jltll- I he force operatlllt( agalnlt the In· I O,PlOIAL DfAICTOItY, "LAND co. IDON A L D IIlkllI:llltafltry nl(IIIIlIed 1&111.1 \'h.f')(ed IIKI.lll di.ns Ullilcr .'080ph Illllllberlli J,~OO flllo...... 0,.,.11 g IoI.DIIItII.II. 1_':;=:"';;::"'''::'':''''';::;='-==-==''':'_"1+,1 IIg.ln 111'''n the oostlllilot uo::fcmTcN. unlined In en beAitieM a I.rge lIum- t:o.loi!.n 1\. Y-""y, •. Kcllrel'Cnlalh'>l. ,t'''UIOIl\'lIIebut""I,thu~U1UUIIMvlIllllllJI:alllldreatl_' .' J.~.Klllm J:'Councllrll'I1 ..t:nWl1l1tlntJ Cap•• '0:11:11 Li.bby.nil r (·'tAIl n~ultol &I III tilt: lIN Oll"",.t Iber uf ollll'en and volunleen.. K. t;.. 11111 , 1.l1l1nl)· AlIOllnr ..IAJII~,\UleN'llhlll~ Imt Ilm!l,ulltetl pluck l'Ollltllll"'~ __•__•• _ ~h~.~~~J!r;,~t;:::::i~':'~I~:~.~~~::: ..wltll,tool the UI",1A1I &!to'lltLtl. lJ"r~l!klI :\'. l' t' .. been in I,ro. J••: W~I..ou "lll'llIr " :;In I&g1Ilu l lIIu"ll:rOIi' dnl (rolol rut. AIIII • n 111\ II Iga Lon as I '0\ •• ltcr . .." '''I "0'-·-' '0· I • • ~ LOre,"" iu OIY'''I)i. relatiYe to the I J,,111I 1.1Jlt'~I'lfl ..I·()unI7&.:.IlI ..•...0Il1l11I1tllOrutll' I ' If r f'ltll ~ rhlUUjlh " ! . I ThO" '·nney... Uu"I",11.lIti tliroUlCb .., the,.,I\·a 1..,11. All ,III)' ".1111" 1)( Ih~ Illite hr~ III that place.•__ •.. llldlm.lI ...I·nn.,.hlt!.......... ..tlll' (1:11011111 dglll Wt:uttJlI. IIIf' 1I11...1ah' Xocemclu"Iinn hlU vd lJe€:1l arriYf!u ;~I,~II.,~~wMorJU_lk"'...... " ..L:k...:lllt~=.~

.llurtl r 1I.wt,,=I,.. ."IUi d"l..n~':' wurll¥" : ~t. # IIr~.m..,~) '::eo. elltll.&bOOtt.:·· ..


Page 2: IU - Washington Secretary of State - Washington Secretary of State ... S"~ ~ ~ ~ &Co



FOR SALETo am'" 4 Spl.ndld Farm

Wallon. and I Dump Cart.1'1 KOTllSClIILb • co....


.'NO WELL ,'OUNO WITH 8.llU1,ANCUOn8.~c.

Apply to

ROTHSCHILD It; CO.Port To.IlI8I1d• .April"" 1m.



Port Townsend ~ Portland. Ogn... _lMal 11le ...b ... _Il _.a.­

For FreIght l>r Puuge, Apply all BoIrd,III Orta K'J'I'ILStJIULD&CO• .A,ellla.


The First-class steamshipr 'Fe



Port·Town••nd for IItka.Alaakll 'ferr'1. Illld \Vlly J~oru.

o••, .~•• I Ill. a.........&it,

Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia

Hie, Ship Union, RECEIVED ex LATE Alnu-VALS BY


Hie, Bark Transilo Almez,

Exchange Bought and

Port Townsend, Wasklngton Territorv,

Liberal Advances Made on Consignm~nts.

Coods Bought and Sold on Commission.


The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produce. ,

and Cigart!l,

. . HardwareCrockery, StatIonery, Etc. '

SATalM"OlV10 bbl•., bbl•.•nd Kido-or 1877

ALDEN'.I!I Dnmn FnUl'Illlf

In 2'PQll[ld and larger•.Bj;;ST BRANDS OF JAPAN.t

Gnat. Bark Anita Delmnia. CHINA TEAS.•

NEITIIF,UCAPT.H.JURGIl:~8NORlhe Cl.:a, JAVA CO~~S.IIntltll'Bit,rnod Alf1lnll for tho .001'(1 &6:~

'1IlIIlClII ....rk, .1IIIJe"~llOnellJlo for dllbt. oon· SHIPC!'lrut:ted "'1 Ihe oflll'OI'B"r llf'tlW'. ~ANDLERY, ZINC. O.£QtItOTIlSOmLI).t (,'0.. A,ent.. T

"or' To.n~l~d~.x~:~lf.~r81r.BlILer. WINX. 4:e., &e.

American Bark Penan(, Cutter & Co',. GenuineO. E., No.1 It;.&1 WHISKEYS

NEITH.Y.R UAPTAIS" n. PA'l'Tfo;l'f, NOR th(lAm~ll:::~r'~~W~ILe~~n~fb~~(I(oa:d~&~"= CRA.NDA.I.L'8 CItLIUUlAT.l:D SrenlG·tmeted by tho 0l1k.>e'" nrtt'll.. BIi:lu--4·4 4·! aDd 3.3

IUyrn5lCIIII.1l .t CO., A,.ntl. C ' •B. t'ATTt:N. MIIUlr. RA.:~m"LLl8 'VooL & HORaEUA.I.

l'oft To.n811nd, Jill)' U. 1171. MA.'1'TRUIUUI-AIl si:les.

Hieara£nan ShiD Ilathtlde, @- Aod o'be' me..b..dia. toonumeroull to mCDtion, tor sale obeap,by

. ROTHSCHILD. CO.1'011 T'fl.nlODd, June 7. 1177,

Dry Goods, Clothing,Boots and Shoes,

Ship Chandlery,Tobacco

N E1TIIY.R CAPrAIS J. II. DOn:. OPtil., Sic. llhlll Union. lIor the 11llt\er.

lllll'ned AlCllDtllorlheabov&nanlClt1lhlp 1I'i11 be~lftj:;~~l~"t;~any (leb,. ootracted or tbe

UOTIIRCIlJl,J).t co., A,enll,J II. nUy .... MllIter.

I'ort ToW'nlwmd. Jllllo7. 1871.

3·lasted Sebr, VI. L, Beebe,NKITllt:n Tilt: C.U'TAIS SOR Till US"·

dentl(llu,1 Allunl. o( the .1)()VIl 'lamedIll'hooner. will lIu ftl~ponllllliu for debl.oon·ttal:led by the onlren OrC"I•.

UOTIISCIIILU .t CO" Agentl,J. C. Jo:6l;IIJo:S. N.ut,r.

"ort!tJn<l, AIIII.~, 1tl17.

ROTHSCHILD & CO.,Shipping and Commission


.220 TO .700.80 TO $400

A..... U

CORNISH &. CO.,W••hlnl'on N,".


l Upright



All la.'''''''''.l••It,...,1IS (till, ...rUllI...I .......11!_.., ..

&-\oJ (". Itl"",.'.,1 t •..~I......_ ."cI; Illl,.., Ii,'..

3·lasled Sehr. Be»orter,NEJJ~~'~lIlli~l!~I~I'Jl:~n ~?,t~\,JIl~I~:~ll'IlMnltr ... ill br "'''fIOnellJle tor debt.oontnl.l:t·ed "" til' otltl.'t"rlI or enl....

lto't'II-;L;IIII.O.t ('0.. AgClIll.J. II. !lRUel':. Master.

Prices Lower than Ever Before. ,":I:::::'F:'::::oi:':::"s=oA-:::iE~';'c:::.:.IOH~·E"""A.-=P-,


6bbls Rosendale CementAnd 3 barrels •

Ground Yellow Chrome.In quanlit.ies to luit. Apply to

Sf ..TlllKUILD. 00."11,

Church,Hall 1



IT I!l rumored thRt Ihe O. S. N. Co., willput down lite lare &0 five dollon betweenl'orthulli S:an }o'r1111dsw, to drive on thelIew line,-----


YR. E. D. W.rbau. O( San Juan Coun~

ty. Joint Utlpresenutlve (rom that CountyalldClallalll to tho next Territorial Legl&­latn~. ""at III tolvn thl~ week.

Fin: families c~me up (rom Cllll(Offllll10 Pllget Sound, 011 the City 01 PIlnamRIhl~ ~eek. WhOMl)'5 our (.'Olmtry hnsn'tc!llIrnlS that excel?

'rm: Unloll S:lbuMII School 1~lclllc W!lf!poIItpolu..'I.1 by l'OlIllllOIl L'OlIllCnt "utll Statur·tJr.y lhtl 18th In8t. It ""III be IH~1d lit .Mr.Ib~t1l1g~' plAce. All a1\) IlIvlletJ. AllpICA!t811t ...·heillher IlIlty reuollllb!y be ~x­

Ileeled ot tllb IICII.SOIl ur the yellr, tJlil pill­IIlc WlIlliO tJoubt be elljo)·etJ by IU wlLo:lttem.l. --_._-

TilE" B. U. ~11111" l.l Illformetl tlultClllltl"" Jaue. allIl }f:d!!llil IJ. Clark hll\'1!collllllellL'ed the 1.1Il~I11CM 01 bnrrellllg _nit11I011 at ~1ll1.blUOO. 'I'ht!re 1.4 Il 8lJh:udldpfOllpoct thtll"U M doing a \'ery ItlOl'CH(lllbUSllle!l!I•. ,-_

WE are art! much 11Idd>CA!d (hi. WCtlk rollr, Heury WIl(tlr. l)ul'I!Crorthel'. M. Ii.M. City of l'l\llltlllll, (or riles of Ilte Mall}'NIlCIk'O paPCl"lli nlllO lor utller fA\'ol"ll.~Ir. Wafer ilia gClltlell1all of tJle genuineSlalUl), ------CKo~ur \t "OWl< o( Ol,nlpla apened

their M(e the IIC1l:t tlny .ner the lire ftllli

found btlOks, pttpe" and other ulunbl~

1I0t In the leRst lujut\.,<1 by tho great helltwhich lnu.t hn\'e raged about tht·lll.

'rIlKOOMu\ or WI,lIa W"llft COUIlty bA~

(ollows: Whltc mell, 2,7lro; w!Jltel\·olllell.2. JOO; oolored Illen. l!j~; L'Olo,",-ti I\·om~u.

26; 1I111klllg I1l0tll! 0(6,068. orwllich 1I11l1l·ber .11 tIlell ami 1G~ WOlllen !If (Urt'lgllblrt!l. InlSiO the United SillIes l'Cn~lI~

or W.lIll Wnlln County. which thl'll III·ChKlcd Cohunblll COlllIl~', gR\'O n tOIAIIlOlllllntloli or 5,303.

MR. J.l1mlCll( of Nf'llh nil)', ClIme lipfrollliherc lll'OOlIlpanlrti b)' his (:111111)', IIrew llll)'" II:,:". Ile~1I from lliI.~ plllCllIOVklOII:\-atr. f":lm'ttll !;;IIIIlIO"tL'Ourtcolls,pleas.\lIt gt!lltlellllin. nnd tho hope of Illllfrlelltla Illlhllt he IIIlly ll.1re III his lIewhOUle the lilllXC!iJ he lIe3Cr¥l)8.

U:CRIT IOCI&TW8.I'ORT 'foW!t'!IP'!"Il. Lodge t'• .t A. M.• meeUl

Wlldnc8<.lu)· ll\"lmtrlM 01'1 or hero", (nil rnoon.JOt; KUIIN. W.1I.

~TlllI'" OIl.'Ir.avAlfca 1..oll.l(Cl !,'• .t ...... M.•IIlL~I. 'M Tllilllllll)' 0S;~~~I?rD~lmrJ~rw~'M.

MT. nAKI!n.I.otlge I.o.o.r.• 11U1lI1.8eYllryStlHlrtl:l), ll\·llnlnll'.

A. II. TUCK.~n.. N. G.Jy,r"""Jlol'l 1.otI"e I. O. (i. T., IJlctllJl e'·lIr)'

.·,IIls)' uVflnillg'.N. n. U1LT,. w. C.

t:IIIl"AKllM, Trilto or nod llOD. lu~t8 n'llr,.Wel1ntlSllll)/ e\·t!nlug.

"n:o. BARTIiROr, 8flllhem.Mil. S. IhUltlO(lk '''I olt! O~~onll.1Il, I~'B ClIAMI'IO!'fI'lOf'TUCnaDCaotllol.,meelll(l'Ilr')'

n llcllghtrlll hOllle 011 WhhllJy bllllll, W. TliOoIlIII)'o\'tJDill'.'1'. II.... mlllll thu Rr-lt brIck thnT. Will! lllki A. 1II11GG8, COltl.III 1"lIrtllllllJ, 'I'hc1 WIl1'6 ror II Chhlllll!)' .\I'I'NOI'IU,l1'kLY BAID.-Reader, lQllr 1Irt'11111 10J: hOIl~ thllt Iholl I'CPfCIl(llllfl1 the ~~::r)~u~.nn.r:tr~'~/.;~.~r1~~I\~I~:~e(:~:~1103taml'C lilt! gtmer.llllt,oreofthc l'Otllltr}·. ~l'co~~.t' ''''t:I;'led~~~:W''=~l~. tF. t~~-Portlltud •• St.lludartl." 11110 'lllclltllll'IJl.per, tmly.

1'Ilp.O"'goll PIl.I)t)fIl h:lvu anadvcrtlse_I========,,========!

mcnt 'Wllng that thu flew Itcamer o( the PIANOSOn.:goll 8tealllilhip ColllllAny will l~..eNew Yorlt (or her dlulnlltloll on thl~ l'OllStnbllllt tho IGlh o( JAllllllry lIC:lt, Illd "'111bring II limited 1I11111ber 01 ~llgen toPortland lar fiG.

.TIU: 101lowhlK wenl tht omU'rlllI~talll...1

"Ilg. 10. 18i7, III Jeft"cl'llOll I,ndge :So. 12,I. O. erG. '~'., by JltffiU Seavey, LotIgillJ..Ielluty: NRth. D. 1Il1l. W .C. T.; A. }'.IlIlllls. W. v. 'r.; Doll. l'.rrl.h. ~.; t •.n. IIUflrliE8, ... ~'('.. S. II. mil, 'I'l'f'll8ureri}'. II. \\'In-lnw. Chap.; l~l\ul Ml,llI'gmer)',W. ;\1.; (;Il~. SI.OCkluld, W. litlllNi Ju.~llny.lJtllIlde ollanl; N. D. JillI, Andt. II. IIn"t1l1gtJ. Rel're!t!ntatln'll to 111f'll",nd t.tlllt<e.

KIDNAI'I'I~o.-SoUle little e:llcl!Cmentwas ....n:ated In this t(lWn Oil Friday 11l!t.em ltJ:Xlunt of a tJlmelllt}· on bollnl theQuat. bark Anftll.l\ Delllnn. then lying IIIour harbor. Mr. J. O. Cltlngllf, cr till!vlat'\!, Deputy U, S. Manllal, ool1rtk'll the.1Io\·.... l1aIllOO vesselnnd took chllrjfe oroorwith a WIlrrant anti moneUan 011 the com·plllint of Fernlndo !laart-her lormermlu'o-who hlltl boon tJluated by the Cap·t.,III. 'file flllpel'l were IICr\'oo Upoll IhemAW thcn In comm:lIltl-lhc Ctlpt\lll be­lug uhol'll. FcruAndo }laart Wit! Alter­warJil arresk.'11 011 shore 1311 IleliCrlcr (romtlltl VC6llllt, by Mr. ClIll~r. 'I'hollllrtlL'l'.bOIViver, who took the prl~ner on btlllrtJPllt him IlIlron:4 before Icnlngthe wharr.'I'hlll resulted In thcCllptllln beIng Iltl'f'..Iltellby ShurUr Miller, all a charge oj kltlnap­plnje. A hearing of tilacaM! ""till ohl:.ln('ll(Ill rrhilly and 8atUNa)', he(ore J u~tl\le

WOI. 11. 11. l.earned, which m!lulted Inthe Cllptnln's al'qulltlll. After this till'fonner lllfllcnlt}· WIlS killed by Hothschlldtt Co., ngellta (or the \'QMCI, ami tile Illllll"wage_ Wl!nl }laldl wllt!u Ihe bRrk put out

to RCII.-----,----:--::-

PUGET SOUND ARGUS. 'fOMET"OD"TM""!!nB'.-TI~ mem- lI'F. a.. h'debt«! to M,. G. F. Ray-bets of the Of"('gon Annual Con(en:nce mond. of seabeck for lhe followlnllt~ml

LOOAL NEWS. who IlIllclp:tlc bringing thelrwl't'M with lrom that plnce: 'fhe IItlW ltuUler tile__ them to theCoufcrence. will ronler a l'ilvor comJNUl)' arc bul\lthlg here will be reldy

F1Rt:!-nllg htl5lx'tn on eventful week b)" Informing Rn. Mr. Atwood hnmed!- to laullch In about (our week, when slletordcstrucUOIl o(property by ftre. Olym. rately or their Intenllon, tllat pl"()YI~loll will ink£! a (.'llrgO or JllmlJc.r to San Fran~

pia let tbe the e:ltIomple wblch WIll quickly may be made Ivt their ontertallltllcllt, d~'o. Anti hafe her bolltH'!llllld machmerytollowed by otile.... !it: John Clsrk of Presiding Elootll are requestt{l ro (Qr- put ill. She will be a flrgt~lw bol1t In'fhul"Iton county blUI hi, bum rull 01 hay wartl the nam~ or lupplles whose 1l1l1lle8 e\'cr)' I'fllpt't:t, '1'hete are three bark. Inburtled dO'l"m-flrecatehlng (rom the bunl. do not llppear III the mlnll~••110 the port-tlle'l'ranllt.,'L which wlll ..... 11 for "sl·Ing wools near by, 'file steamer Capitol, namlllJ or those who "'til come Il)ll'r Illl· IIIlI'Mlzo on ""ltlBy, the Oregon (or San"I OlympIa, In towing l\ II.."()W "f lIa)', IlCI mission. It Is }lolM.'d lhBt all t110 lIIembef!'l Pmncl!oo on Tue&l"lay aud the Dublin totire to thu:une by a .park trow Iter Imoke- o( the Conference will be present. 'l'hose 8:dl for tht ",... me plAoe III about tell dl)'ll.,lack, 'Which cauled the tDtnlCtlOII 01 the ..'bo tlo 1I0t expect to oomu wllll\lso con. Thc Campany are ~uulng lip thretl IUIWhar. Ilnd It WII., with tho greate8ttllllll.:ulty f(Or I. favor by notllylng 3[r, Atwood 101- hou!lelllll~re this 6ummer. and golug tothey ~\'Cd thclltealllcr, Ward II; Mitchell's mediately. thllt the coufuslon may 00 repAir tltt. mill lOOn-that is, put ID I.

uwmlll at Tumwater, caught tire froUl au ovoltled In the pro,hlon made for Ihclr en. lIew gnug, engine, etc.()\·er-hco...tetl journlll, and but (or the tertAlnrncnt. The best possible arrange- WE rum tha' the coals hud hardlyprompt Rppllc.,t1en or a row bucketll or menta will be wOOe ",lth the ltallroad allli coolf'd on the ground ot the burnt diUrll,.'t"'Iller the mill nnd the n:tcllsive wIlte.... And Stcambon' Compllllle!l, for tlcke~ A' otOlympla belote IIOme "rthe putll!i hndplJIC r:lctcry would hue bocn destrol'·cd. redm:cd rat~, ann"lllloomento(which 'l'Il1 mnde nrrangements ror rebul:t..llng. 'l'hl8'I'he dwelllng.hollle ot Mark Bynl, };FrI•• will be made III (Jue .tlme, 1'00 Confer- 15 !Itroll~ evldencc that the lnlld o"'nenl.Li •neu Steilacoom, ..... Ith l'unlltu!"et wenrlng cnce will bo had III seattle. commencing have confidence in the prosperity or that quors,alJl)llrcl, am) flver,vthhlg In and about the on the 29th of August, anti will be nnder pllK'e.1l0u6C, waa deslroyed by fire IlpreadlnlC the presidency ot Bishop Bowman.-troUl the woOOs during bls ab5ence. AtJ. Scattt_o_·_··_I'_"_bO_'_"O_.~,, _:n. Dall'llogeln« camp, 011 }~ox Isllnd,Steilacoom Bay, one mom lng, the ",holc Mit. Clla•. J. lIuntlugton l o( the ftrm oftorce woke till ta Rnd their IOiklng road Huntington Droa., Pbatagl"lpMn. ft·

and e,~ryt1llng about tho plAOO of logging lurned 'rom Neoh Hny a tl!w 1111)'5 Ilgo,enveloped ill flnmes. 'fhe hllntJs were bringing wllh him about 1I1xty ucguth'Cl!ne(.'CllS4rl1y discharged lind tile camp ,hilt -prlnclilallyof ,lews III IIml about LhtJdown cau!C!d by ftre In the wood,. 'J'he olx>ve plal'C. ~(r. JJIllltiugton will rom,,111logglut( CIlIllI' "f Th10l1~ DllIg .....II.U, 011 the at this pl300 until Bweek tmm to-dllY••f~

t;aulll5h, Willi olstroyttl by lire. 1'IIIs h ter which he will remove to Port Gamble,(ln~ of tho largest campll all tile Sound. remnlnllig there Awetk. nr tendayll, whell

he WIllUglll.. removc to thl... plrll't. lie11M rOlllul hb vIsit 10 Port 'J'0\V1l1lt!1ll1IIlllch more proRtlible thlUl WAll eXI>ectt.'1I,M will iMl ileCn rrom tholoct thllt he "'Ill 'I'm: POrtllllltJ pnVCt'l My It is eheaperbe emplo)'etl hero Ihen.: grenter part or to go to SIln Jo'r&lIcllWO. than w atAy otthe Hext t"'·o month,. Our IleOllle kll"w to Rfll>recllllC olld plltt'Qulw tlrst-cluu --=---,--,--,---Jlhotogrnphctl5. CAl"'. 'l'hos. A. W rlji{ht Is to resume the

._________ con'lII:Uldofthe stUlner Zellhyr.

'1'11£ followlll: (rom the seattle .. Db-patch" ill IllIltel:onll'lImentAry 10 OM 01 RIL.ICIOUI NOTICEI,our fellow lownslllen: "Janll~1 Dr:lganl~ Tilei'll ...Ill hunollCr.loosln 8t. I'lIul'WtllluroL.110, theJiroprlctorof tbe UclgllrttllO II.... nUlljlllol~uh. lIuI·. )Ir UR\I~ wll1h\lltl~rtll1 lit Port 'I'ow"",,o"••. R" 01,1 "."a "fin. vlI..,~ I" \:!Irmll\klllll "llIlll)'Otl :o!llnll·Yllt II A. CALn~ORNIA WINES. UtPOUTJ;O BY US DIREC1'LY FR,)}( 'fUJI:

wt "" ,.... If., lind I" l'ort I.mllo", hi Ihll Inenh13 . • vlneynnll, til plflC'J, bllrrels or (IUl\ntltl~s ~ II It Fl't:l.llI 011 Puget Sound, pilot And tborough !'lIl;I~;~I~~=t~lIll:~~nl~r;r~Je~~I~lIt~l\:r:;;'t~~~'mncl!lOO rlliCil by , IRo'rn~'irI~~ ;,~~ragOOlI mall, We met" rllmll,t'Oftlllllgrll.lIll1 ''1elor. Ihllv. Johu. JCca. !ullI.lll)' ~1I001 lUII t I I II I hi W I I ll_ual 'B}~S'1' A;SSOn'I';\IE~'r OF CAt. lJo~onNIA lI'ANUFAC'I'URED GOLDlie}', w 10 !!Ily t I ~" III e un 110 TI,,;n, will be I'I'!rvkl!l In the ~I. ro. Ch\lroh Seta. Ear RlllgR, Finger RlIlgs, .Breast lind Cult' PIIIIl Sleeve II d Ct'lll

mOlley Dnd 110 welcomed Ilmllook CRrt! or t~f'J~ ~1ll~~lIri lIlurult111' and Ilvc.uinlJ, oolllluot· !JUtll'lllJ, StlKlll Lockels, ftc.. Ihnt have e\"er betll oJleroJ tor lab ~II Pu ~~till. 'I'hesc pt'OlJle Rro 1I0t\· ~ltll...'(( 011 J.:ood cll I) Uc\. J. SI1MJ'. liOtlutJ, ret:elved by Il\..~t stel1rne. Iud for ule by RO'fUSCUILD .. t!O.hlml, ami \\'Ull\evcr rorb~t Jim ~lg:ln:I. CLALLAM COUNTY.110 nllli hlll1I0lelat '.1'owll!end." !'A:cr... Ol'I'ICJK. ,l'!Ulftr':i

"·m. I•. lto\cers I'rolHll(l Jul!lfll•. DUnl\'llnCllllJ .... l'Ol(cN Ju~th:e.......... ..

~:~: *::;::~~~;::~till~~:~.~~I:~i.~~ ::~:lliot l.:IIt'(l ..•..... Trculirer....... ..

I ~~n\;~~\lAiM:r·I;i:tii;.:co·i·(;,;;;,;;en ::ll.:llIl>O. ~lt1,;II'flt! ...................•.PtAnlflllellt:. n. Wllrllnllol, JoInt Il\lp'~""nl"llv(l to 'I'...rrl.~~r~~'~i~r~':~&~~,7.~:~~hllllltnIIlld &In JUlin


Page 3: IU - Washington Secretary of State - Washington Secretary of State ... S"~ ~ ~ ~ &Co

UK NIUT.-Youog Isdlea, if lbeyonl,.koew b01\' dl Jf1IJtiDK Iv mtn ,lovealiDeAI" 11011 huw atlrllctlve aro dhJlhJI orDelloUIII and lute, li\'ouid arn1 tbew·Idye. In the limplicitJ .nd clcanllaeu.orth" Ilti81 o( the Ileldj or, if .ble to In·dulwe In C06tly .ttire,. tlleJ would .t~d)'the IlMonnonlflUI bleadiag of culol' "'hlcbnature uhlblta in all her work. A girlo( good talte, and bahlll of nU1afU. canIl\ a mor~ (uelnatlng toilet wltb a..hlIlIClJ( calico dre". f6W chellp ribbonlllind 11tCC~, and .uch ornllluentJ IA Ihe c:aJ1gather (rom tbe gardeD, thAll I "ul~,Iawdr1 ereature wbo Ia wortb fbou..Ddt,.nd h.. the in·elr1 IDd "ardrobe o( •I'rioceu.

A CuRIOUIi AN&(:P01"c.-Aa anecdotelIIuttras,i'l'8 ur an .nimal abaudooiog itaIftiflci..t for ita oatllr.1 wte, whell 0008

Il b.. lellrooo .b"t It J.. ma1 be told ofa tllate ichneumoo, which I kcllt IIId (edwllh alilk. One <lly I brOllght him.11111I11 wllter·toflJCut .livll, bdrlg dellrouJto kDow 111)" fIr hilt illl!ltluct would carrybim aglin.t • being witn which he wubltbert'" 1lI1l111y unllCql1a.iot.ed. iii' ftrttemotion lkIemed t,1 be utnnithmentmixed with .nteer, (or hit hlit' becameerect; bul, in an inlltaol.ner, be llippedbehiud the reptile, and with rtlDU'kableagllltJ leaped upon ih helld, llel~ed it,alld cm,hltd It !.Ietwet!ll hi. tt.'tltll. Tbl.~Ma.J,IIno ncwlllil1ltlnt, 10 hueaWlkened 10 him hi.. .nd destrnOod'l'~ ..or.clt" whleh till then b.d gi'C:Ow'1 tG tbe Jj:eDt!eRd.t he bad acquired(rolD hh education. thad .bout mybollte Nlyer.1 killd. o( CUriOUI rulll'a,IImong which hll h.d DeeO hrouj(ht up,al1d ""tlich. till theD, he ltlld .uffcred 10go alltl Clime unmolt.'lltotl;but. a few dlJ'.ner, he lu.ogled tben! e,cr, uoe, ate a1It1le, and, u .pl>eared, drank the 1JI0tJdof two.

A."D "btn tbe,. gt.'t UlrouKb u.lo, no..TwceJ aI a K.,et:ro., What lire UleJgOiDi 10 do aoout hillll

T,t,o th1iU!lInd Ameriun firm. hne.n·oou"ool their int"lltl"u tti co~uibutc tothe l'lUi, E:cbihition.

- . j 5 _

1~lllpt~· IIa11llo:.

r,.u n"1..I\ bll·lll. 1:1.'.tI \Ot 1\T~,

Thill ~.. " .... 1:".....1 11I1I1J,..d-Wllh ,,"10 101.",11·11:' llnJ:,·r~

Anl1l';I ... ! .... l(lrtl H.nd .llllnl',1

"ou're ~.udll th,' d"el" rOf trl lI'Ut, ~

T'1:lt "'1I1_lIrlllllt" ,II":ruu b:tw :.!Jlh,·h·lt ....I~ ,,,!I("

flllUI rnlll 1I1~1, '"'J ..... f.ur.

I Tbe frlo(ht flf thellnilll,,1 \\'1\1 nm,' orl gatD ngl'ln. she tnnk down the "'on. I:::w. 1 Tho r,." 110r••.. I I I ~ ~... ~- The Rorie or Gibraltar.Int'aul'o. .... h•• ' '·lIlut·. Il~ It _J1riln~ "ling tie t er.horn. and Ilullt:t plluth frulll the 1'lOk _"ay at Il. f"ri"uII r"I,·. Jl'IIJlllllt: Ihe ,''v· olllh\l c Ilio w.1I 1l.llllleJ lin If(ln icel. IIwlh..r Gardo!!r h J pl,nnf'll tl c..! The .-.hnt. he~elltM1h froell.r.,t., fr'\rt1 ~""" Alm".r io Il. OJ'lInr.'lt. 1.1'11' tie O\'er the 6rl', ~It't.·rmin~l, if Iht' "'IV· lJ~tt) Ibt! ~lolriou ~".ultli~! bUlltlng tbemck, boutl.~j{) feellh ; d itIll' :I~ ht'lll woun 1,,1 IttllllllrMIlIl.t lIIP•


AJI,:('8 .Usc:ked ttle _l<-.:kA,It' I" r~i~t Illl'm Ulp6 on Ihl• IIhores flI ::It. (I.u:-, but whea look .,. I(rud .od J trlM..iC Ih:l>t _e d'llilly. but Ill' mltnll!.:'·11 I·. kecI' hi 60.:"t with hnlh liNl 111111 w.ter: Then. ""hile he re"cbtl\~ th" race.cnurllol· thc ucitclUent n"t .'ondt'r thlt t11~ 8panl,,,I.. d"l Mtf,'r IW,' .Ir lhrrt' mIll''',,hllt I)' grnw· kcepiolf II kooo IOllkoul througb Ihc I~lrl' tlre~' ?ltll In Amoult thUve-;:tIlHU, It ~-u Hkl' ItA LthJ; out of their h.n,I.. ,t.. .. tl

,In~ \\(!llk lind O~i':i':}·,hllWe\·t'r, fllld cXlwct. h"ll, Iltlt! fruOlthuclIhillro'll: Ihtlhollght Illllttcc~ M he C ,ule iJo"lI . tn the t"~mDg re·enlered the lJIilli "'e PI'~ tbrllllllillUI: lOt cl't'r)' il~1111 td he hurled til IIII' Ml'r the cllse lllliliald hl'r IJlullj. thllt hI ~ll\Il.pun ~./U uunloll. l\oJ hu thu nlultH 1IIIIr". "hl~b lin Ot-tlllt n Ibfl.:rnull'1. Frnm the "Inounl of !JIrll"" Oll the .all· \l'1l~ I.kt:tlt. ufllaln Iii ,,1~e:H·l". Ililter .nli the Inn!"r It.t•• n. '1r t~t'"llly Iht: cft.i· \"ItIl ' ..~ the hM..,· .i1l', _he cllllclu,le.1 Ih"t Le<lJie 111... 1 i1l'lll "I ,IIl,n' fN'1 UlUI h likl' 'IJlltlillta~ any· 14DdlnR' II!~ The matht .. _u~l;"ll"l' an unu.·ual ·Vllo.l til 1"1'. r 1t ~nltll hi;i ~('1I1 for 'omc tli~llnH'(' IIftl'r Iht" h"l. IIIIJ,:." Ilc uol~ an"wereJ. Uut belDg Illit'l hmu T.llffi~N la .\frlCt. AIl,"l1:lf...

··re;tlll. lt~ 101>1·,1 IlIc.II·rrill,'.1 Itilitnltlllt 11J.111 hene;. Il{'rllllpl'. hsrl e nped thu In· 11f:...·~ lit! \IIeut tig . uiJ 'lU) lC.ltfu~' 11.1 tilolLia W. W va\ou"el rl1mhoo:d III.. lll.:hr·t In"untll'" II ('101> ifter !llll til tlo 1~'I ..rt·, I, It II "f I.·~· tllltn3. ~ho unni~ th:l.t f.llltnC>-j from \\ell, Iiher I g"t an Jllrlutl let" I eYerJ· tho: it.1I I~f, IlIUltAJa .a I .1 I tl I

."" tb~ bIOOnl.'''u fA '''i/MIt O\'r(, • Ii" fell Iikt" II 1,11,",1 nllill Itlt.. thl' ,lllllJitlJ,: !(\,ij ofblOOtl, 10ftdher loI>'ith .omeunu.ulll IJOdy J>Uttiu' .up udr w.lney uo tic hllue lIlulld. ttrdln~ 'h'~. cral .. "Ja'I'''f';r!lr:-And rnunrl but It -('I·tltlllU bIOt""m ('Ut!Cl1t \If Ihu !'r'lolk , lellp or the tilINe. hllli beUlJ thCl CItU!tl "r I rcckcln~.1 I II bodter Cll'I'. ,0Ic1Cr~cn· (ruit_}t1tllj.(t~. ICtIlIIII_, tliles. IUfi " "

r.,led rOf\·l·('T1U"f'·. f,'rtnllll'e t r him ~'\~ 11 Ihllt lit' I hl·r.hlllthtltid fllllilllllOlho J,:rIlllllll. Hila- hmn "ut n Ii\'tl ,lr t~1l .1.lllllfll. I ":Ilot tel~ul("'_PlltMI~. "rllchf)It,~. tlllUltt':::,, . \ drllppl'oJ \Illt're lit' oIt'I.101I' rhr c"ltllJlllh ~nnlng thus, it llecmell 10 her thtU he over IIud tuok II look Nt Jc fI}·er. Ulnltl (1I.101I~, lettucll". cclt·n. t:"'r,IJI)fh ueI

Tou I'e Irltd "llllln 1111" ullt. leq\t:tl him :It "11(". 1t1l,1 :a~ he crrpt IlJIi~ht IX" !wlatlwhel'C) alollg the rtlute in by I foCt'J fllle dill ,,!e\&ktllue...ntl I Ull4de td lIIlHkd. W. Ill ... 'the "Oi \"11' • 'l'T!.~ lC..ld~n Jniu tllltlntl. . 111""-11 tit\: ,.tr.;"m III ~r 'r!1 01" II hitlia::. Deed of her help. upt~ Jc drl\'t.~r au,J ut:.I.luw ifh~ Uieilil lhi,iug ."'y 111 tlwir tiltl'l' ro'Q "I.•~

"'n~'II"l'tIUklll''''''''lIr bnd .. on~bt3,e~ l)hu~elhe"[lll'r .• ('11\"1,·1 Iii,. Irlit fr"m Ifolltltli\'e she might litlll hi~ dead to.""la~l~ "'c.e. lie Io:utl he dill. lit: ri'll,lc,," tnkiull U.rir lIlarktUIIIl,'al~~'.\~trtllnl):"t!_t"III"lI1ed. lithe I'urlui",", .sl.... " ,n.:.. ' lJorl)', iUltl hl.'.J ~o.tlI(ht br all tlc oldl'r boo..,.e• ..-ith (helli. We ""t"nt t,,~:e tht: f.UlUU~

d ttl I d r VI .\ IIl1lnlClIl IIr "I:;hl hinl I.. lin "'·cr· Or, if she rlUed to dijCnvcr him IIlife or U tie Itt;htolll~ ~ I.~· II 1II111l wid a /o(.. lIeriea cut "It ill Ihc rtlt.k Illd tY"~I're f,}lm· • hr:lll: ~ :-'ll,:' c llrt'~ ,htlllj.!'ing blllk uplield by Ihe nlfllli of II Iletd, ~h" eo.utd rido to Ihtl mill ,Mtle. \\'heelbllrmw. tlnd he'll cOllie dO"· IDuunt to til" II,.:nlll "I,,(iua lIn Ib~ ceotra!

tllr _OUlll ''''co:! 11~!C~r & homr, , lllrge tnlC. henellth which lIe Cll'pl liS the IlHlnl for MidI tlod ll!!Sistllnce. stflltch·holllO wid .parkA of rirt! flrlog I}clk of thu ruck.

Onh' to lind It cmlll~- jUlIl,. cooceltlUlent po~.ible fur hlllllll J(Rln, With luch rdh..ctioll' Ilhe J(.'Cldt.-<l tQ from do "'het'III." WlIlkiu" IoI>lIiI .,ut tJf the lftl~jtiuu 10'rI1l1 n'eol.foic..od~lIll[er."ltll_".' with one u:.eICtl~ IiIIiU ADd tucb dl!lItbty lDlike liD carl,. ljtllrt Ilung the wllJ valier "Anll. yOIl bet ~n Ih~t borICI" the ~uj(ltJ b...t d"ulo.up, tltt.h wit'll

l\'eaklleilS, Uul ll.J hI! Wat IlainfuU .. route. • "Oat I wut I dId, 0.1 CflU~. I I)UI up 'lM!cle:J of Iiull! dUlir ou it, ..··k ••d •rOU'f1! lOurbt tor flult aud blo'~lllll, I • 1 I " d ~ ....... •

CUIoI> HUI: uuder the b!Wk acother dllc,!.,ocr She !.'llVe the hone ttn Auundllnee of I Itt lIew 1I ~ot.gun agln life IIl1uf'S, aU11 I1lID to Ictd il. Thr"ugh narrllw treeljfgr bIrd Ind J:o:d~l1ll:r.ll1, !llll~llr<.'d. _JOd. antl bountl up the wound in it! wheD de el'fht hONe' prlneed up to de flr hlle,. OJ theJ .re CllIttl Iloe mount...,J

Aail yo'!'ft bUI 10ri. lU:lt1 empl)' bind' An t!uormnu! p!\ntht.'r. pm1>nbl,. at. neck, knn.'iog thllt 1111 t1e\)C!ndctl upoo ~rt!, I could fcel dRt 6\'edollartjul1lpio' up tu Ille Durtuero Illlrt 'nf the lu"aFoa;yura or t,lll:md p&ln. tnlCtoo b, the fmell of frelh blood, I'll. the fttlrhful creMure'li strengl I. right frew ~II my 'l'CiD'," , Jln-SAiu;.: through tht) oltl Moorilh wali

Ilul kno'll', 0 hAnds I:'rll\l'n 1I'e~rl. teted uI>OO the 8Cl'nl', anll ']lying tho It WII~ II Itlll!-l: 1I0d un:<iolllllli/.tht to 1)I}(If .. Wcll, tlld ),our hOrlc win '" luto thlt part of Ihe rock cilled the C,LS'Tblt bold 11\) wt!lI.t!l&rned 11m". wIIllnded lIIao, 1,lrllllH' t10rccly up tho Anoio, Inll tho dtlwn Cllmc lit 11161, llnd "~ot cZllctl.y_no~ ullll'u the llo11tnile lie, Hero the pcrl1lllttloo tu , tile

nU! Kloll', 'll'lJ~n he _(ck IIlIlI' Ilrullk of" ICAniog Ifl'! It few feet IlWII)', she mounted 1\011 rude IIW")'; BOtl 80 w~llch comes III helllnd ~II tlu resl 1M de 8ltllcric:l WIU !lbOit'll, IUld Ii !luillicr clIIncWIU lout ruf d..]}. ..·<Irf'fllNUlr... to wl'tch him like a CIt ,,1)Qut 10 seizo ••,,'iffly dill Iho J(o Ihal, Illirl auyborly WIDner•.When I.aeud hun way blck 1I1lr lor our guide. Then v,'e lDOUnted (!Itill

ItllOU-i'e. The ~ition of the I tree sec.n her. he millbl blt'e6l!Cwt!d like WillI.' lyeI1l....1 t.'r lie ~rtvt!r ttJ put (10 tl~ "'hip, tin the wake,.,,) thr,)ugh tho IlioK tuo.~ , W!U Aoch tJllt wbeD r"lie bad perfi cted ')Iiritoftho wood.. b~tl!e never mloded me, .od 'll..hllemIlO Del. which are called the galleries.. cut

A "COrJ~or t.!!...Horder. 1hill ('OocellmenllU woll as he could, there A. she !!ped onwll'd, IlinD/{ the flLlnt h,lt dll plug hat .n "'ful Itnub. IIJe. In tbe IOlid rock•. At ytrJ ,hllrt Int«.Leilie (' I(hrllnl! lllU oaly twcn\)' ~'l"lfi WIIS IlilI II? opeoin/{ IIrnone:' the mot~, tral.1 fllRrked .by blu~ tr~II, thc pl.'c:ulillr heye dllt hnfll6 wu 11I!tled. I.t dOlin' ""I, therlt were olltloingt, like .WI"',

ohi whea lIe beclllne "IJiollc~r IllUOU).( Ihe through whlth be &lid the pa/lther looked cxcltculctl~ul the hnnc ll.tlnu;tell her 1111. seem. to rue ~hllt h.e "till gIven II f"lr Ihow. holltlwod-out rooms,. whllllul{'j fllr wla.wild wU.J(b aud wllal\lr rilltlg.:n or Wl'1t· uch other In the fllCo, lice, 11IIrt It oc:currell to hor thllt If slle Dllli It lIolln etlln to rCll~n rllIt hlll~ldvcr llow.. Uut till Iho floor t,f eltcli Ii.ltleern Penuvl'l'Anlll. ]Jut nil !Jld been Thii atate of Rff"in continued for hlllf W!llI aHenth'e enuugh to Iho In!tinct of \\'.oul,4 tell UlC tu bet on lIlI hllil'" If be roollllltow a cllonOI.l.the 11l0llth or ""hichcaughl in tlla: eel IIllid likeS all J'oong an hour IIr mlll'C), til rrealurd II~hill!{ it~ the IInlO1RI the mlUht ICllru wh~r' it h"t1 dltlo I fccl iiUllh 0.1J tlc r.ce. Whal fer I)()iu~ed out through tbe windo"".lhe_en-lo,·e-I.u,1 tnalri«l hi girl, a lIu tail Ind drtlwiog iii cl.w!I 8!00.l{ Ihe bark j>'l.flctl fro III Le,lio. Aod 10 it pru'l't,,(1. :th?ulll ~," lIe~ \\ h t fer ""oull..I be de llpelllug. All roUllii 00 the Boor wereof eiablt'Etl, a, Ut:l.\·e IIUllllellfl)' at him- of the l~. AI if Jlht .bout to AJlrlaJ!', :\11 tla1 a;he wellt forwar\l. her i'l,'OJel ob},e.e:k1 " of i.hull. ud lid Is, The wbole o(.Ifi ,,"d tOjllllber t~1 haJ d«idtd to when £all" knew from the hcUt';i Iud· elmolft .ul)ernaturall, IIlert to tlntl her JOUY" loet lhe /{un/ the g.lIerl look oyer the i3thmul, or theacok thclrforttlDtlloU lhe r~ry odge o( thl! deu change of. action tlill.! thc Indiall. hu blind lind 1I\'oid being lurprilet:1 :IDe If.un Jun gl~oe. Du. feller \ll'ot at.:a t:lO-ftl ttl it, .1Il11M1 (.ct:! Splin. Theborder. ADnlc hid norelfltift."Ilefiliincll were AJll'l'OAclung, by Indianl. As the Ilin Will lIec::ltning, ~lIllleti It ~'alkt;tl ,rl,l(ht otT, lakll .111 big. CIUlJUO ate quit~ lDudcrD,aoti work i. II.t1le IDdillD~ llClllp<:d her Ufolther,80tl Lea- . The pt.lOr fellow', lu~penlMl Wat agllolz· .hl! IIp\lr,llU:hOd thu utook where I.clIHe J(C8t 1I.uke III ~"clllj:"II, lin cf a rUlh o( WII¥. b",illg 00 .trcn,lt:lhcllillg tho fVlliil.lie" flllbtr w nOl Ihl! muo to h"ld his 109 8' the pallther turued Ilt0Ulitl lIud l>c. had flll CD. IWd Ihc conduct of thc hor,ie c~)()1 Hlf .11IHI,u t cOllie ltloug llbout dill C.tllJll~, 1lI1lking UtlW OflllaiuH~, \ltc. l'ne&On back from atl~· hr'aor.lJle Itep [)e. l(~n to hO~'lllt the pleaen~e nf tbu lICW con,ioctll h r that 8h,e "II» nCllr theiCone tlm~ I mIght ur ,uII,k drlwn. ~u de IIrlL!!J tolLllcr who WII) with UI hid tllllt theca&1H It I.,ol,.ed bIlnhlUl' .nd dllllgcr. fop. HaViag traced a T1ctnn to the bole of ¥tOle pllrt o( Ihe dllSASter. Slowl,. Ihe to rlSC D:I mo,tl~. Il.ll it..'Claa better jet Amoke blew blck Into the Rllthrlet whea

ladceJ, bow AUpt:lior iD lOwe (IUlliti~ among Ihe rooti, the great ~Rl WllJ on. rode down the Ilol>e, wttl~hinJ( on ever1 ~ow. an tlf I kill uu,k" de ole woman be· the Runl were tired, liUJ 1111t:d the gal_to we people of tbe prescnt dRJ were l'Ilt'ted at the IIppearauce uf a riTal to III h!llnf! tn heliT lomcthiag pertaining to hl'r lIe"e I los' de. gun in de lallBh 111 reo leriCl to that thelneo could h"rdly tt."t.thote of the IruutiL'" ~veoty.t1'e And f(ILSI o( hlooJ. lelrch, hllr hurt aflnme with (eeling" too cover rnlln du 8hock III de yell,. roll Tbel.'1: t of theg.lleriet! thlll""ulI'wotiC bundred Jeltu 1I1l0. Then pJl('nlli Dut thelute"1I1 WAi brief. AqaiD the lnteoie for .onl~. awaJ,"-lJ«rolt Ji'ri~ Prw. Ita Hreat cbllmbolr c.lied St. Georgo·.encouraged their a<tlllt children to uuder.•harp cmck of gtltlj rlUlg Ollt. ll.ud the fu· It Wf\I the trelld of the hone lhltt lilli, lIud here were 6,'u Call1l'lll polutinJ{tlike l>('rtlol1' and u)ing ollterpritC8 and rlous croature 'P~II/( IDto tho air lind filII rencl...·d J.~liu'i1 enrs. A:t tbe 8011ll1l1 A HO"'''I, l'IWI'IUtT.-Thc foUtlwln,.... i8 lu dilTcrcut dlrcctloll~. t.:u'lt!r thll hillvcrtl proud h) ICIJ j 1011l.IUl rtl'ugbte; he",Uy on Lhe ground Ollt o( Le.llt!" .teJlpod into the Itrcam the lloor man 1\ pllrllgfll,ll!l from II Illllcr which the IlIt~ i. Illiuther like it cIIUod (J.lfll ....·utlls 11111.their ratt! to tl.c fron~ to bal1ll1 with In. liij'ht. IIaI'l' biM wife, 1I0d puuiu't fortb III hi' Quet'n of 1I0llunli wrutt!lo Napoleml III. to wblch a long 5taircalt!. t!a'it ""ellid 1I0tcli.t.DA IOd ,ulw-al.. f"reftJ; I.lld (ale. ud rlJCIl he .urtllited, from the lOud., .treDgth be c.lh.oJ, In (eeble waC!, "AD, Itfter ::;.do,u, It !riel to pro,ellat thll dllfCcnd,led d""'n. After II" III,tI pttUedl!'lttJ,blisb new bow • f tlltir OWD. tbr.t the red men were,iDg the Inn· nie! ADDie I" credit eojoJeO b,. her ~h,jdtJ of bciuK IhrouUh tue fPllltriea, tile lut o( wbicll

Thu. It "'I.i tb It :\lr. CochraDC RAve thcr', hide, Iud ftlC' h.lf lin hnur Iflnl{er he heard, and 10 sn inltanl W.I .l hi. girted ""jtll coa.iJerllble polillcal fore. Wit walked tll"Ju~h, we Ill-( liD 1Il0uoted.....lie a bout, and mother Cochf1,ne (nr. he wa!l ,In lhe raclt: o( AD:lietJ lest they aide. Aod luch a meeting, T\I cacb it ligbt was not undeservell: oW' tlol1keJI, atld ooce mlm: climbed tbeIIWted tbe "lletticg out" fur I. clluio, !Iud ihould dlSC:0,:er hit hidinl{·ptace. ICCnled .. if tbe nthIII' lu"d COlIIU bllck "\'IIU l!lbnr under Ilrange lIlusinn•• blll.itle, Flbt 'l'lIritlU;i .Iltllti;'UIi InJ oot-tbe YOUDg coup~e tJuliarted into tbe krent Out to hllindeaerlhllble rellg( be 1"'11. fre,m the dew::!. Whllt (ollowed ,clII'ctlll nnrl f(Jur prestlh"6 Ill" Mildly dimlnhhed looks. til we camc to Itllt htUe ~JI.trutlnWoodL IIMI (rolD a fuw balf .Kllgli.h wonls thltt net.-.JI rchellr1llll. Ul slow lUltrclills Ind Wltilltl thllllllH forlnlghl. You .Uow Ihu ull which the IllgnlllllllllUlI il IllIllt. !lure

'nte prt,inUi J r Lulie bad been nil IheJ Intended to folio. the horse'lI trail, great cautiuD, living on chI! Inutl .nd we..k tu 1,It) trlllllpled upnn, And JOu per. III. AlIlall houae wberll thlS .i)l:t1.1 mao.cou.t If{alu t the Nodule.n. aDd a rich pl.i. aot tbat Ule rider hid droppc.od raw ,Wlnther'lI QJtlIl, tile)' reacbed the mit ,our ne.rl!lt neighhor til iocrtll.&6 in liYe8 "'itll h~ wlf" Iud f"mlly. Tberie flat 10 ltU! "'relch ctMk eoUlItry hAd from hilleat alld Wg Dear tbem. .luckldc. luoh!lJce and brulai"lily. I regret Ihat pavemcut o( Ihe plalrorm ulfcr, a t.. k10 c:b.rmed h!m tblit lie delenoineJ to tn a little time be heard Illeir tret.d IJ A fe_ month, r tt"lfCtI Le He frOID hi. ),OU Ihoulll h""'e CflRlidcrCtl mo IJtrlOolll. tilled witb ,.iD·.·lller. 00 tbe 1,IatfilflDmak it bi. boole. thtJ croued the roota within a couple woootl; ,ear1l bruu,qht peace .ud ",(etYi IJ ioterllitet.l ia lhi" qu tioD, IInri thllt .Iaud lhu I"·" guu:t, (rolD oue of whicll

Thither whh bll; bllll:orn brltl0 be mule of ~1I.~"fJa fir bla bl'ld aDd hasten aWRy And ultunatel,. thrlU!llnds of u:ulel'l you Illouid rel'ule to .eu the flual dluger the murail1gaDti evulu~ ~UD' .re dltd."it wily. The bOl1lO ca.rried aU tbeir polio on Ihr I,unuit. flowell Into the rcgion. The ploDeer', ,If I Ilowerflll Gcrmllny Illd /I llO\1\'erful Ther, ill .Ito tim ..ignltl lta~,AntJ tbelittlelOUion' alld Ibe Ij'lrl besido "'beD 'be Uut had Dot the horltl been alto wound- farm, whereonee the little .tocklldutood ftnly. It I, tho dyna~ty which lJ meu. Iht!d wl1&rll the telt'grltl)h I~ "·orkal. Athole to title. ed ItO 11.I 10 mark it. continued 6ii'ht with 10 distant and alone, becanle a vilt.go liCetl, lind Wllich will hue to .ulftlr the saull ""a1er trough hllll bcen llllllle, flOw

It Ii lurprf'ing bnw Imall an .mouot blood, Ihe a..ages duubtlell would bue aite, aDd wtlllth aall dlltlDctlon bntl conlleclueuCdt. I lilY. tlliJ hecaU3C it il which the ~(lDke)'.-the only f)lIca 10aullced for boue6keepiolll: in tbote dlY'. come bllek 10 Ibe brook where LetHe fell fallen to the f'AlClirane deseendaotl. the tnllh, IIlId )'011 ~ III lekal)wledge It EUtOj)8-drlDk.ralie Cochr.<Wtl aDd ..ifc weut OU~ ""illl aQd &elln;hed him Ollt. Little csred theJ . Wboever bAl heard the aged Leslie. reo when to() lite. A .book hlllll bet.a ke~t .IDce 13M•• IHUe btddln~,. few d[~bel and kettle... for the Injurt'd I.lllmAl,lnd much fur tht cu~ thl. ad'l'ClDturo mUlt hue been un· "'Oil nvt .IlUpptJlCllhlt Ute' lIli~(Ottune ,hO"'IDjl: tlie oumbcN til Ih~ mruke1"and • doltll Cllrlktltor', 10011, the wbole lIC.lp o( I"" rldcr; but tlie cODtinuous rod preued b,. tbe empbUlI which he p!JK:ed whieh uycr"helnll me In tbe dlJll!Iter or ~D, and whit tbll' were dUlng at tbcmakiDg but bl<tr tI load for a hOfle. trail dectin..1 them, IIDd .aved him. on "the tbrae .tr,mgt! pro'idence. bJ m)'couuuy(Wurtemllerg)rendeumeua. lIln., of the obserflltllJn. Thore lftl'lilEyer,tbing eille esscounl hut pluneer A8 It WAI, he did notdllre IUr ffflm hb which ric 1\'1I! delivered." f'il'1t, Itlld he ju~t tlr IUlll.icious. \"t!ulcll ceded, Au!. nuly f(lor to hll.een lit the time 1Irhen thewa.aufactuIO\llu lhe (uttiL And Jet.uch h[ Un Iii thlt IIfternuOD of thll fflltea anY~'here but io the Itrll~m the tria. .hlJulli htlve been luhted, alld yuu I>ilOk wu begull to t,e kept; n~Hv there1Jeginning. llIuit OlIt, be delpiJed, for nut d'J, lllit. returnlnK palt tbe place, ladlanl would probably b.,e (ound him lliould hllve marcht!d 00 tile Ithillo Iiud lite about tWllnt,..ooe. bOlllltuDe. forfrom thew, .Dd the fwultl. u.log them, they might ditco,t't biOI, where be fcll, faiot or tlead. Ind. teAfing imJlojCtl ,our con,Jitilln.. To allow AUI. da111 t~etht'r.l!11I1 arc net It'en. Wboa~••elpruall gr~d rMlltt... All tbi. time he WII half ImmerRCi la (,If hi. ~Ip, "ould have crl1lht.."(1 in hi. tria', throat to be Cllt , mllre Ihaa I we ,PllliJ OU"IIII the1lh~ oot bee~ teeD

nelcblDKdll'lr deirinallon,a teml'lOtar,. water, aDd lu1l'Dring untnld agoaltt from .k"'11I wltb • tocuhawlt: lad dep.rted. crime; It wa) I hiuDder. Perbapt Ihi~ is .Iace the YI,1t o( th~ I ruce of \\.l~ tilubia wall built, II tleld 0( corn planted. hi, wound. Set. '\otll1, bad it Dot been (or tbe Iodian. nlJ I.... t letter. I do not tbink It will be Gibraltar; tho tollilert ~botlgltt t~1 nrl:!uti ill a rolW ~e~ki IheJ were 'airt1 at "'inaIlJ toward ni~ht of the secood dllJ the Pilot her would ha"e tlnished him. li.tenoo to; but [ d~irtl to be able to 111.1 of the CllnDOO and the IlIumlaatlODI b1Iftwe, Uioo.crh mll.o.y mllel away (rOll the af[(lr Duri, tbirI7.liJ: houl'l 10 a Iivlo; And thirdly, the uullet thllt drew the lomtl lily thllt I did ""h"t I could to prc. (rightelled them tl)l1 much. There aenTClnulUt. Tbeir food conlitted Rrave bo crawled forth like II hunted dripping hltJOd from tho llt.'Ck o( tba veot thlt ruin of .....h.t 11118 inllplrtlll lIIe lII'uy c:a"u IIlId bolD.l in the rook where..loll of aab tWd \II'lld game. fOJ: f~m III lair. At "';t he put oat hi. bllr", 10 that the crlmlOn trail ditl Otlt with 10 much filth Aad 10 mucb alTd:' lhlt)' cad tlko IIh"lter; thll1 Olll~ cowe

Dunaa: ebe IUlluur Letlie etfl:ted a bead to look and IIlten: lod tben, dll. CUN at tb., brook,.ued hll Hrlt by Icad· tioll.'·-Pllll Jlull QlU41U, I-<J,.i. Corru. out wheD .theJ .·.o~ WlltU. On t luock,lMI..uhll&.DtI.1 IIlg·boase. ••table (or c:o,eriDg oothing alumlng. he crept fee. log ."aJ bis PUrlUCr1I. pondillt". nH,r !he SI,ll.llt.UOO, therc I, .110 anthllIorae, and tlug • _ell. .urrottatling bly into the OpeD air, ID clfltiog the ltory he uacd to PJ, In ~Ie. n~t, where fur lOme tlmt pllt.the wbole brUtockade u. defence. In- nut ah I "hll a ,Ituation (or a "ound. a mOlt IOlemn manDer: A860KT".o KIMI8.-A humorout friend pair ofcllIllea hue, Jear b1 yCllr, reattdlido o( tbtl Ilockade & qllantity of wood ed alld uh'n kld mttp. A IODg d.)' 'I jour. . "De.tb miued me b1 a miracle, tilrctt (l( OUfli used to he particullrlJ enlhull. tllelr )'oUDK oneW 1he eagleu S"~ t:eWII broup:bt. tile corn wben ripe "AI n01 from the Deareat belp, and .urrount!. timClI 10 ••ingle bour." attic on the clwlc .uhJect of oaculliliun. old oDe. It"J. e luoked thrn~ t ek'~rod,hay WlIlI collectedl anrt enry od uy ao unfrleudlJ wi!deroul. HI, lie declartl<l there were few ·'.te:lenCCI" 10 telelcol)(! lIud IllW tl,le milt.pIO'fUloa "..a walle 10Ripply Ihe demand. rifle be had Id't "';th bl. wife for hor d.. Ilow TOllTOI5U KKltl' WAnK.~Ac. dlfllcult uf lIcljuitluoo. "I)eopllt," laid0/ the winter. feDoe It needed, for piooetr women weTC eordill't t. )I. Boucbard, lhe prec.utlon be, Ill kill; ,el not one iD a huadred

Twoor titree trip. 'to a dllbol mill, ofteD upert .itb a gun; and hence hi. tllken b,. tortol~ 'Kaln,t c:ominf( cold kDO bow to Cltnet bliu frow lo'elyoccup,lng t»eu ••·HIt:, were allCtlSatJ bunting kolfe Waf his on I, weapoD. (in d"fl or &ealOn.) tulll giYe uJeful In- lip' .n1 mute ,!au he koo... bow l/)

~ ord~r to turo .e'l'ef1,1 bnlhel, of corD But be _ .. mGrt ttuuhltd coocerninJ: f'JrmalKln to f....mert lind olher.t. Por diamoocb fww cbarcoal." lie uHdiato ~1. T.bue mill JOOrntlJ" tho ftrlt hit Kirl wife, .lone in tbl! tJi.tant c.biu, IIOme ytltft he has been guided h' lueb to rel.t~ hilelperlt!ueet of a good-Dight',..paratiOD our youog C()uple had upe- tban about biDIJelr. indiclltioal In themluagemltntof hit coo. klu iOlprialed on the Upl of hi. In·diDeocI, were 100,lJ IUd .udou. weeki, The pain of hi! wOlullled limit 'lll'U for. lIenatory. At the end uf Rulumn, whl.'o amorata "ftor I111Ving escorted hor to IIDd

The tint "AI ...fel, perrormed, aod a gotten In the ko.mer ell(;"ul"h uf fear IHt the ",inter i. going to he ~Tere. tbe tor. fwm It New t;Dglaod forfilit plrt" whllreftn. ~i1tG' JelIoW' meal Wg the nlIUlt. Ihe blood.thlNty ShawaueN IIIOllld ful. tolsel burJ tllt!msclYti ut.OCjl, ao .... to be tbe IlOOr girl, IJCiDIt' lhe "110 of thetlven·Dnt e JretOed 'K'Li aotlO InCXMllful:"' low the to tbe .tllCkade ud luceeed .holly concelled. Before. mild wlnler, ing, hid beea kiued, Ind, .. lie eJ:-

lIe rnebtd Ibe 11I111 10 ..ret" and In killing or capturlag Ihe wow.o wbo 00 the nther 11!1'\d, tbeJ burJ them!t!I"tt prtiKd himtelf, "'Iolibered by ailwithout obsenlll8 aaYlblag 10 ueite hli cooltitnted lu Dol, garrllOn only II few ctnllmetrnJuU pt'utecting tbe lind lunut'1:' Ue docl'Ued tbn ID thlltfe&rl; but III be ~ ... IlIrting to rdurn he AI he IIJ oa tbe autumo ieaTet In the aperturel or their caf1,p&<:eI. 10 Jlnu"y one cbll;ite alu18 he could diacrimlD.lc1'1.1 warn.d agaiDit IJI.d! of the Sb.w•• IfternooD !, filled with lucb (nre· lheJ Yeolured e'en til walk Ollt, but on "olne dlstin"t IUd lCp&rate 1\"'I'Ufl,"_eae knowll tu be lurking io Ibe 'l'lolnlt" bodlngll, hunger began to cllm'lr withlu thc approltch of tltll l.te cold iD }'elJru. nanlllly, "onlonl, tobacco, peppermint.He. boWerllr,le1 out whb all too .reater biOI, lind crawling \)aigfuIIJ to the dr. ,ry,thlll enlCoocud thewaelYCs aae". gin. Ilger beer, hrufl" checkerberr"...Ie, c.rryilite but. put or tbe arllt,and CIL,. of the I)sntber Ie Cllt off' and tried Oae dtl1 io March, the thermometer lJelng mu~k. 1\lId Ciulilbor."-F, If. Brolin, Inthlaklog. 'DJ:IOUI!1 tI( the peril of hla to eltlOwe uf tbia 'InOit uni.YOry lIIe t. It teo dtl(reeI C., 11. Bouch.rd nOliced .dppUlO"U·.Joung WI(t atone 111 tbe Iluleltoekade. J..t this mlJment tbe (aint jambg ur hl:t tmt"'lelt hur1 themlf;l'I't!Ij that nlgbt -------

All day he puabed I'a, warily, bot "ith dlltant ItePI callie tbrouillb tbe forat .1· the mereurJ fell to t"'·o del{ft'el aooYe T",LUYBAlCl.I IN AMUIC.t.. - TIIlII,.tbe bl~but lpeed or whlcb tbe florae ",·at lence to lib t.rl, aDd feeling hlsillabilhy .terG, C, Asftin, on the 1st of April, the rlllnd IIlltnl • IJut of bis time In Ne."pah e. At nl~tfllll be hid 10 ltop, it to d6(cnd hil'lUelf (rom e'ea tbe ImaJll)Il thermomeler beioJ{at (otl1degree. io the \·ork. JJo-lngoo I Ybit to thet clt1 my·bti.JII impottih ~ t~ keeJ' t,he Wit,. in dan,ljcr, hll turnl'd aDd begla to creep 1110, hi. moalltlnllti'e ••hjoel _ent IRttl ael( whtD he WAll there. be ID,lted me ttlthriu:u:N. Turalng Into It thIck eople of back tow.rd tbe bidiag·plllce, thelifrouml. On the 2J there WIl5 a hOllr IJrellk(lAt with hlol. lIe Will thea aboutlaemlockl ~ ted the borle, ate 4\a Owll WbUe bit i. lllu, en,lil:llgOO, Iltt UM IflI.,k frOlt. S""eral olhllr like CU8I Irc gifen. to IClt nut on I ,i~lt to the Westerll oouo·I.neb ofc;nt;o~.kt 'Dd nniiOCl,ud tboo Into the cl&bio lad If!le how Aunie il r",r· Iry, and .uch ••'1 the wild .tate of thllttried to Ilfl:p. With tho earl,. da.-a be iO$:. re..clon ill thOlCl dlJI thlt he thought It.... oft' aplD, fCOA!!ed ~ b1 • growiaK KDowinR .eU ber own perlloallitu.. A, h.Ying married (Of hi "I(e oecee Ir, to eqlUp hiw.,l( like a bunter;autet, to r &Co bit cabla. tioa, .hekept ....gus w.tch duriog Lei•• mcmber o( the Cburch of EnR'lud,.u for whlcb purpose he bad canted a rtlIe.. Sat as t'. bor-t ". drlnkiDr at tbe lie', .ble:ncei and toward the e,ening of: ..ked alter the cerem.ony b1 cbe tiers,' maD'llUlt to be made, aMi Iner break.

....proorcrona08, IOlnelhi g 1lI),.terl. Ie day "htn he "'IS Ibot, .bat Will ber mao (or hta fee, wbich be 'lild "u a fut he weat up 10 thtl flod putou. lara\«1 h to .udl a degreotbR! It ll.•urprise to hear the horte wlllllDY It tbe cro"n. The Quaker, astonished ll.t til,. it OU, Wben he w.., full,. dreucd in the1lI011 nlf'uted to go forward. lleerlng gato of tho Itockade, as it WAll nearlJ demllnd. Iltid If be could llCl Ihowa anJ cOlllumo or • backwood.tlllln of tllo lutmarl>!J fNwad, IMIi. oould ItIC nothing tweDt,.·foun tolook for her hUI. "':It ia ticrillture which proyed the felt:! cenlurJ he CAIlt<! me up to look. at him.tenible, and lttrlblltcd the fright to tbe b.nd. W&I _ehJwn he ":,,ould giTe It, III)()n .h~tb TbemetamorJlhfhi froiD the ui bup·.lnDICNt of lOme .1.ld bean that hid per. HunniDg to I port.hllle, bar heart auk the clel'l(JlUun 11ttet:U,. turut.-d III the J.. t.b .nd purple to thii .aVAKe garnll~nt 11'18~lpI been prowlio, abollt .Ibe .pot duro AI .be ...... Ule animal wftb"ut II rider. Cb.'l.t~.r of .Proyerba. 'l'llfM 4, .here It I IUlll.ctrntil ridleulou~, but be did not1l1\ithe litter Ilan 01 tbe Dlght, Sbe unbtlrred tbe hea" gale aDd lel in .!U, A Ttrtuoua woman I. a crown to tbink Ill, or he displ.yeJ It with I'rille

outio, aad argiog the lon- tbe piloting, foaOllllg, ,treaked creature, her hu.bud.':•. "Tbou .rt ~gbt," replied 1.ll,1 delight. UiJ CIIIll:rsnll'O, Beaumall,ward, be bad lCarcely guue • lcore of Wherel~' a mODlcnt, .he d.i.CO,"m' tM ,tbe Quaker, In tla1l1i:tCruuR; Solomon bad a limil'll' h.blt, all Ibllrtl18fterwardJardl when the crack ur Ruolltatlled blood1 oot of whAt had i:lcr"lIeli her wa! II -lie lOam. lIere III thJ moncr. tllt!y explored the (urtllltt of tb!l InteriorUle .lIenee, and lIo (olt. tlullet tear ill hUltlan. Tbe buclnkill laddle.clotb wblch tbou hnn wtll .DU truly carocd. with their riDa,gun. aDd huatlng':lbirta...ay through hll tltlJ{h. At the lime In· wallOakt'd 10 WI blood!awt tbe' nge .ar·"boop IJut'iil tiD hi. But Anule WAI a bratt .ad thougbt(ul~,and tbreoe or (oor Indi IO~ me rU-h·lwoman. and lherefOlti give waJ Co notu.&ng at him tr()tft UllOV tb.. I",t-, tag we k or Jl'in:nIJ boltiDg tbe

Page 4: IU - Washington Secretary of State - Washington Secretary of State ... S"~ ~ ~ ~ &Co
Page 5: IU - Washington Secretary of State - Washington Secretary of State ... S"~ ~ ~ ~ &Co

)fASl:.."crt'lU n 0,.


I.BtJQr.U0t}· nt .1. II. Hnu ~t l'o.,""T -T.. :'0:'" l·urk.







rll~."r· •• ".tor",j......1011f\·...'" .nl.III1' e(..r~a .. tOt"'"I.•nllo-"'I", ,nt ,n u~ .....I",rh", II l.. ,_rll'1l1_"> "~l"" t 10 r'''·'b.,,;,/ All I fTIl ! ,., hi .. ., 1. ' , .... tI

.··""·"'_Ih" I 0',1. l"!"C'.ol.'" 'I ol".'''f't.:·

.r,II·'r. ....1t.oJ .... ', "'••110. "' .... _.:I\,'1'('" '··"·r.. hlh '" 1.... n'.-i"lwtlf"'lln.t"""llb I ""1' at.. ' •.•11, an II,un' \. \ • .:....1.'", rttntr:,·\rI,I. "" ".1", '11-,';"lIllllol"r'oIl••"'ln... IN 1..~ .. n'r';l ~.I 'l'l0,,··1 II) '10"" •. J. 11_ I: .....'1: '" t.I"'1In.,-I. 'to .. Ynrlf f)'1" b... to'O 1, ....1 ... .luaI·h~~r• .w.O.flf I rt'.h.We:. £'l>o,




Thi Beer 18 of Extra QualityAmi "'III lit VIM III .tl1 p.1Ckllge to

·1111 1111.'11'110"'.l'on T'I.n.... lltl, .M.&) I"" Ie;;.

kc: •



« .,

1l.\11t 011.."-


AXD llRI·:-:IfF.S i

Largo Assortment.





lllE),1It _\J_".-"xo Tj~l""r.s;






And aU Articln IIs~d lor tho Toilet,

, &c.,





Quick Salesl< Small Profit'

r7 P~riptionl nrefully Mm,powldptl. <411






Cigars, Tobacco

At C. C. Bartlett's.


AT l'IU;


CIGARS. d:<':., d::C•


AOE~TS r01~ Til":

Of all Kinds.



PORr 'roW~~"~S"D. W. or,

...."·rEII ~'T.£F.T.

Port ·rn,"lfl>ent1. 'v. T, 11

Taylor's Sulky Rakes,MOLINE PLOWS.

L Z QUO :E1. S,


Hnse and Sbip Carpenter's Tc ~,



PRO T'JSlO"' 's,

Boots and Shoes,

Sweepstake Threshers,


Ship Wright and Caulker

II Of) lhO!lft hplI IlnulI'd III Alarm f){

firc?'! piJ a tran~(>r, theolhN ~lJl1'I _

d,~'. a~ thll ehuf('h hells were t'sUint!~"'ther the "I r~hipppr~. 1\ Yel,"• all the f('ply, .~ but th6 fire i8 in thenlJxt world n .

I AII.\I'T\llll.lTr. \ ';E\"EH. I. ~IEgl'lI.\~I·I'E {

;.~:,~:F.~,;:~;<l;~~ ~H~ u::;~ 1':~'~l::::'·~'~t;;t~~·i:~~:i:;i:.;: 0pGEnRl~l{ tro I D RUG Sinc.\irat', n (~ 'el<tf'nn; It r r:a.i~ t"T''''·Ql.I)' Ji:=3J,[ ,m:.,,1 ii c.r I'll. I ~1 ~ ,

••. .1" .:',.~ :f. I",., ' .. I,.",·' .",,," I ""'.: d.'''' f I. W.' : ,I.. I I 1 'l' II I P. IYT:', OIr C'CI"! t .. rs on tec btl:! rl'': ar I I • lor,,- "fon: (If tr"':r inrlin tl' n. I: • tr ,,,, ~ - --, -:::'.' __ .......tnt. lOll we zite t'.,,~ i Ii .,~~ li . 'bt hI> r,at 1f ..1 I l?1.' sf Bo~~\' .. I

~('r, Ii, n {torn' tl,e r"n (If a r··:;>nt i. 'I,in.: t.! d"l:;d,~ 1)1. a a!.:I."Z i r. :".1 Wh(lI(·31ear.1 r.t :: tit ...... ::1 I STATIOliERY &0"\ "hr: Tte fast t,alll.~~ ac<X'\.i \. And w't. co - t t!•. r.:': r! j'. l •

DUrr. r H.i!!, r:': reliC'''. m~t .....Nthj· \'f'r~' liar I tt\ I irk O'lt d,.· u·t......(\f notl' IMon~ .I.i,h i3 tL- fllnl u .. were b rn -nhio U'. an tl.r:'l.e ti It I Wl- ,>,3:'- ar.: 1n... t~::' 11,.01,1 LiI, .." 1..11. wh; h ron" 0·" m.l· "" • I.,' .,,1, ,I" I.'''. 1)401,1 liE:"E 11.\L(oJ: (r ih- n Iml .lau.!!.; pry (\f Wll<llp.·r ..., 1J~ 1 !.at''' f 11,.,,,..,.1 th" Itb,. n.... laud :& h n Ire ypa'- s.: '. f-a If hi Cat! "r II I n It t .rr., !....l,ut nf .. !t;0-! th,. bni!'er ..· d tirr.~ io mind 1ft tt:e oJ .It~ dlr~(;tl' n. II .. ,I hu.;:h 6 ure. n"'re i thp ,l,l frrnt vt I.:.. t_1) ~'!' t 1 ar.lle en '\41 ~lldON hel"nJ!in':! tl) he Chpw ~IaJ":(\n I)J.e ar,f her. H· ir..t c:\ \ya" ill.hi 'n _4" batt"r",j ami "p!iut..r- 1 t...h.d d Ii rapit'e .' <Irh·llk. \\ ti. hat the -t!ize of G('fmantQ~n. Dr,·· they II 1 In a trap. Z"ke wa f.. r!" d" ~e c..lden time'1are aLun,Jaut. ':r J"llir..: it, llnJ m.1.J~ out tl C'ronoll~ho ... inl:!" tbat 10t'ifltr decc-nflant f.f I'a-f'. Hut wl,Dn it ('lune trt Dan .... 1'the mfih anrl "emen of tnq,p dl~'- tuw he put 'IUlt(' =. • tll'~r face tt) thehaTe J!uarded th-m carefull~" .-\ Ilue~tlon. Iii al'IY·al ....a ~lf..c·piece oC (Inc of "Llul~'"·a..}lini:!tnn'.... ti.e ti,e rill Tn311 rI')4r",1 (o'J(­ i! a Oowered cambric-quite •. Zpke. do you lr-t tht wooJl·hud:·hke the gl)' chintz 50 much in \,O!!Uf' ~f). A .zr"al !pf',l!man arl,1 IIQrl-lfor lunge covering~ now. are y,itJ lip nl·q~r t()tlk allY int(lrl'..,t inportr,,:ts of all Ihe si.2"nen of the [llainu un ;1 be lJ ,u~ht .. lrl'tauiumIJe<brslion, officf>r5of lhe Cf'1l1inp n. tf, I."IJI ~#oll I,i§ paillh't1 O,,\\-r pot,.

tal army and member of t!.le fir"l Thill 011 .. Wf'llt .-,IT!O flu;c:d,. 11l3t he G ROC E R I E SL'(,In~re . The Genrg('§ arc tl,cre tf o.llmu;:ht two ffif re awl p!lkP I ill Iii.. ,J it prejudice, or do their flCet I(,<Jk \.jnl!ll'n· ...11;l.:h \Y{'fP likc\\'i~.. quick·(lnt frnm the C'lnu cm(t)'," n~ual Iy "old. Frrlrtl 11I(·;oof' ~1n .. 11 " ..~ill·ami sel6sb'! Jar! alld cltlirs and ta·plill,!! ;.rr<:w Ull Illar;" an,) pru~per·

hlcll u5ed b." Gen. Wallhington, hilI" ou~ bu .. inlP.... If" \TIU "({led ill Iii,·a diann aboutthem (rnm the UlOurht bef',r- 11'" ~e~8n Iii:, Mud)' or plant"tbat they h ye been part alld parc"'l and flnwcr., hut h~ carrhnl hi pr8c,oC his plain household-a thlluzht li(,ll.l L:no"'/t·t!.te I')a rar,' extent. Antiredeems their uC'e i"e hOll1lines. Iyet he be~nill' Without..(ln~' plirticullir

The original Declaration of Inrle· H Caney for it:' Tht! fact ii, tht:re i'!pendenee with a parer brown withtll "(HIlI;!r{ul a 1:I.1,t311111t .. in th" h'l'age. ink Caded and dim, has a (0)'"5' man nllnt! to almf.~t :&nythilllr ro;·f,.teriou, awe aboot its immortal word'llutel P reflulred of it. L.ike th~ vlding. CIOlfI b,. is the veritable iok· Indilln who "'AS tahorou .. I~· Inlllichill.!• tand into _hit!b tbOie grand men a t"cry baJ crust. and "'u,J ifh,.dipped their quill. oue .rter tb"llike ii, he rt',plie:d: U Itis tn~· \'il'tu Iolher, as tbey trlced tbose names and I "ill like bim:' :"'<l bi1"·~. "i\',wbicb lhe tongue of hislOC')' shall eyer ( It is my work Itn,l I ,,'ill lik~ him :..1e proud In repeat. The inbtand i, If It i!l right and l.onor:a!J:e """r;' ~HUh.a.yln.) CUQlbrVua, i, madeoholid witl ~e aure to luC'ceed.-" 1)0;01.'ilver, and beanr tbe maker's n me Leafier."-Philip SJ'n;r, 17.;'2. Tbe first draft -~.,.-~--,..,..--,o( tbe Cflll titutillll hangs in I (rame, A DeW Dletlll'll) for lOa.kin,t 11I4~l,;in~ I MPLEMENTSa con piciou cnjeet uf attentiuo. tria.!!"''' ,blli heen put In IJrllctll''' al

There are Inerd portraits oC St. '-:I)UI5. .\Icrcur~· j!J n')t lI ..~tJ. Thf'WI.!biDg~QD,uken at dilfereDt a~e!. d~tall or the m"'~hO'j .r." ~ot ~holl.r"'iIIilm Penn i. beret in coalpan-r j;t"1"1'r1 ~() the pll'~h:. tlll~ III .!l1.I1~ ~hatwit" bi 1e~lId wife-a wbole mp II. rolutlon wnttlinlOjrlHrlte of lilh-er.plain.M!n -bie. sortor alat.l)·, Th~ICf>pler,.nd we uther inar,.dil"nlil!(ae" ftr Francis Ke lbe au hor or I" Of at,·d fI\'et the ~I(\~ . anll wh"lIthe Stat _(Mingled fbnner, i.:o ~p:lrk. the "olution ,ttties Iud r1rie!-1\ Inll.l'liog and refin.d. ltarqui de Laf. ter of r'lur ml"~tes-lho work 1'0a!ette the noLle frenchman iigen. Mlmplpte. kJn~.glas~! m.,I)f'tie, ~o~rteou. and soldierl,.. 'In this dIU 1 Wllh. P.huto2rap~lj in Ihfl!m.I~H(,hall 10 a CIS4;, &Ie lIumerou Irticlnl he'·11 utnbltl'et It N. J.oultl.. rh..o( the tiolet-dre Jel, tom3.chpr~. r" :J115 rtf th@lIe'" pr'lt'P Ilr~ S1111 tn, 1(0 \YER & RE,APElttowal!, Itod,inzs,>..led slip he f'~c"lIell.l, Stre~t. c1(·arue.. o( r,.·pers, lacu,o"t"er dreues1rlbb<lus,ete.,1 flp4 t~')n !J"IIll{ "ItAlIIe'l. Tte nfOW HAINE'S HEADERIII of great antiquity; Iiso taLle ar' lookln(!,cla ~~'1 Will f'ndurf". (~r m~rp Itida, sucb ... IllOOn., kni\·e. "lid ~IP:r.t tbOi" orJlnuy Ollell, "'It!lout m·(ork!, luglr bo.II, gllli5e1 and similar Jur!.things:

. . . A cen"'u! of Pr'Jlf'li'lIl1t dIlJrch,." inJI?re ~s th~ eelebrat~d palnhl1A' b..\· 3licitiuJll:ln e-Ilt"" that Illc J'; iSGO al· SEE D· DR I I. L

I3enJaml!J \\ est, d~PICtUI.a: Penn It illn" hATe 8.8 7; the Pfe!e\'lcr~lIs ...~reat.r with the. Indiane-. Jhe lub· 1:J,~,IjO: the !Japli"t. 2t,:!;'"Ri till' l;tln.Ject I' true to life. In the. !hade of ~fe.l;'f\tiIlTllili', )::.fl;J.i; tho:> l'lJitcl]thE'. 10(IY woods, lhe ~ndlalliJ an.d Pre~hJtt'rian!l. 1.2;,Oj tht" Eniv.op;l\:blte. haveRIl~~eredto listen to their )retll'lIn~J1, ;,7,OOOj lliUI all together

pale brothc~. u he tllnrll .1~lerc l.:W,SlO lIWIIl\'C~.eanll:atly setllllg (ortb the CfllHhtlUliS _

or tile trellY. The old chid! Iff' TlIe \\",.St Clldlli.t;(" MpIIIOfli!lt'l Mitchell's Farm Wagonsgravely listeuinK. while their eYP!t 1'.11\'0 jll',t held their (;"nf'tal A i1urn.Ire turned cal,"I~' ul)()n him u hI' bly ill J.(Jlltlnn. Thf'1 f"port all in.taDd~ there, surrounded 11, hili ('r"'ue or 05,700 nJf'lnh"" dllrin~ the(riend.. The "OU1en or tho' tribe J'ear. In,1 h"'e 112.000 IHl.Tlle! erhue drlwn lletlr to hellr lhe .. big cOJllllluni('anc!J nil thf"ir roll. Thetllk," while the baU·naleed bov And cnllectinnl hUll alia increased to~irhi. with tbt:ir .ymmetrical 'limlJs, £167t~:.!:? Lo-ovcet Pricoeare amlJtling them6eln" lIear. The.ip;urM artl tlear, bold alld nMurli1.Here, too, are rDlny original lettersoC Benjamin F'nnklin, ",.ritteR in thetouLioua dlya of our countr., wbenbit be:.i.rt wla C.. II oC foreboJi~n,gs lelither leadere went not right. How hisgrelllOul "ould be' troubled couldbe hne a chance to obtier.e them Thf' Bahimorf" u!!,\r rf'finNy ha"nowl With a look at lh., main' (ailed. Liabilitie'l ':62,()"IIJ. vf" lIichtreuures thif room :ontain". I ern·", -130.000 is l!P{'ur"tl by nlf)rT~aa;e IIpt.nthe ball to a room filled with old por· priTlte p'Opf'rty. Tht'ir refio'·f\·. .... ~."

traita of the prominent men of those whic.h l)'lt '''00,000, is \nlued byl "'~~1Oof. ~. .+ -*,.~ ~~~tll~·.i luok .1 lOme old. ~tirral'll1 un· crt:!hton at oaly atOu,OOCI. • ~ '11 ~17 .,:~~ ~ tin ..itiDg cbai" and settee., and u- JIM· d AtE .ceod "'tbotwo boll..boT.IIO ..b;<'I, lIund,"<!oof tloou..n.1 of .h.,p. ewe r v , US1C an r mporlumtbe preHnt city council IIOh.J th~ir ('allie and hone hne been drowfled ~ • 0

....;on.. 1300b ,h... room ... fitt.d ;" ,10, inl.~ioo of 13",;II,y ,I,. f,.,Io· Occupying two FIre-proof BrIck stores, corn er, no onup 10 modem Ityle, WIth rO_8 of et!l. r"AultLflg fmm onl] o( thp h"I\" , 0 ~ S" ..,d, k,,,,d. few o..y clo,i... It wa. i, ,,,;,,, «eo knowu i" Ihit 00'''' COInIner la1 and _ JIll Streets, EATILE, W_ T.(lirlllerl>: one room Iellown a! thelt,.-!. . I LAHGt:ST E ~r.\UI.I:'!IDIf.Xr 0'" Tln~ I\DiU XORl'lI 0'" 'AX r1L\scrsco.blluluelmg han, ~'here 011 ell stlt_j .. •...",;on.. II.. f.-,;"I ..".Io.ld. .\ J ...",y w........J It would I•• Gold and Sliver Watches and Chains Jewelry Silverware.Ut:re Wll!Ibington d",li\'errd his far" ('urlo";!!J toJ. rul.II"''' a !M)~IH.I III "UtI ' ,"oll.dd"" in ,ho (;0"""."",1 C,,, f,u,n, 'c' ,p",n,,:~ un,,1 "1,,,c'IlI.' Al!o A"eftl for tbe Celebrated PERFECTED SPECnCLES the bell iB tbe world-perfect fit [namleed,6'reu ... hose Uellllf'ratlnnlr took I lIce lldy 6 drp s. ~ u dfluhl. llut 100M' .. ,1(1 t1:il bIll. There is a i-jJlt:~HiiJ lIlf'n wOIIM pref.. r to (ullow it l1rter itl Our Prices are J-IQ1L'CI' titan au!! lfc/ail :ltore on tlte (Jollsi.PAintin~ repr~sellting him in the aCt bf'cl)nJc II flrc'~. WItch. and Jewrelry carcCully replired and warranted. Flll::tT CL.l.5'J WORIU'O employed.of mlklllg hll lu1. 'I'et:dl "'hich .. !hangs onr the \'er ~r'ot..,here h~ Til" ,l1l1por~tIOIlof American rrf'~h FOil TUB

",00<1. Ti,. c;ty orf·hH.. I," 10;, "id Ill." "''0 ,.I"c"". '. ,,,1..,,1, 10.. , WEBER PIANO AND STANDARD ORGANS,t:;o,OOO for it, Ilid t1IP\' cl.·"P" Ih I"~ "1 "f"atl, cb.ccktd the rre\·lou~l,.lIteatl)'~a tb~ mOllt IccurAte 1(""IlC.,'1111 hilll;lIICr.:l,ue III the .Iau~ter lIf c:attle. I I'll Jo: Br;ST J~' TH E ~I ABK~T.

10 ...."ncc.-'·W'" ~hu',." I Th. EugH.Io pup... "1'''"' """'1 LARCE STOCK OF SHEET MUSIC,lit tilt' fact that Anwrimlll shilllJuitd· A t.r 11 P ~ 111~1' S' g~' S . MI'

Moody, Ihe rC\'ivulist1 is.zoin!( t \:'1' IIrt' olTcrin~ to iJuild iron YC8IieJ" g n .1.0'[' - 1 n. 111 c-I evV)]1.g' ftC l1Ile.~old protracted mectlOg!i In \Vull. f(Jr.1:1 1i:1I'" pef :on. I Piall '1 Organ", Sewing Mac ine~ sold on in!ltltlllntntS-1 liberal diacount for cuh.

mg",n. W ......II~ -.j,":" ""\,,,1 foo,n Addl'ess IV. G, .fAlIl1BSON, PI'QjJ1'ietQI'Quell wOrk-W(lllIlU,'.s llg-C. ~c\t \·ork for l::llflll't' all tUI: ~Ijth. , 01 ~b. LAHUEST J t::\\'BLH\' ASD Ml,;SlC EMPORIUM north o( ean li·raDti..o.

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