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NO. 24. Loooum.-Tho OtppM'" any": 1'bfl Dum1J(r of 10;;'J:ia: ('OlPp' ':)0 Buuod. al00'o Klt:ilacoolD. ill upwanJ of (on" tlnItlIO}'#1eDt to ove., (Ullr bunJred uwn, \toollttl nap frelill f3.5 140 per lDOrltlt, for ordittll' IIm,I:" Sul> In(1 $M [or Nell alr.iIIe1l Itt Iptdat .. "'iet', IU tCllm51tn. ehoppeN Illd ... ,di. 'Che amouot otmont'} In tile hUl!inult wltbio the diJtric1 \0 ll'l,jeli Illia artict. re(lts, II coaull table O\l'r '100,000, conlistlng Qf rot.dw'JI. ul,'n. ',4d tOOIL The 1Otr1fl¥ ,;, II ,.n tlKht nnothl In the Jear. dUlll'1: "'!llch time a or ten IntD 11-11,,11, 11roJUre 2 OM 000 fc.::t nf llJIl"' I'I'hidl tmngl '10.000 tbe mill. h ",ill II,u" Ite 11"'11 t1l1l tho pm· dUll fiM'tA n".1 1t r.lIl11'l nllmt!trq St>oon. eno I. "a,lldin'" Io.ll OJ! it STILI•• OOA1tIISJI ITIOla.-We oblaln tbe f\,llll.lll·ing from T. 8., &q. tell'! gnph lIpcMwr (or 8rillllguAlIll.b Telll- gr"'!Jh Office. lie that the boll;t of a ,Iwllh callrd To\tl. l\ TuillUp 10111&0, Will f(luoll tlCltd ulMic tLte 8tllhgUlllltish nenr tbe ruoulh ur tho r1, r. In Tbul'l4.1l" June e. 1870. The aiwula. it lJuppotell to bM'e lJc\'n murdered JUlie tth b, I ,,1111, lIl!\n, in l\ A mAn ellled DiU 8mith hnd rutl'lu,ul tb." ..b to \Ike bim trom Tululll' to Ibe 8tl1lilguIlmlilt on tliit "II,. Smith lIrri"cd 11000 at Ctoter, .. ilIe,IIHllold tit llle 1111000 til It bo" troullic witb ,bunt tho fl\n',or mone)' he hll.d prllluiwd to 1>RY 11110,1011 tll"'t he hMI dm"ned the IOU of I,).-b," The wlter was lIot oftr I. feet deep on tue dlltl at tbe IUppottd time ohile mur. der. Allllm, fuuud tho canoe within .. couple of OOUrl aner bf1ttOW upwurd Jlu wrote to Io'lltbl'-r l:bisuott', "lilian Agent It Tul.Up, ,,'ho Itot Jnt.lillnt fr\Jm the thl\ T"lD'l bod)'. The bod)' fel' lIIldl, hrui.ed anti \)eaten _lIWl fOlltW. l"nlt were lIIade. Everything UpOD tbe dat. it growiDg ftn"J_' _ 1'1.'Ll.'GR.I11' HIO, NK\\' Yon", June lD.-The 7',blJnil WlI,hinglull COrrrll)(lllllellt whell llrilltow'. IJIllce hll\'t! Let'lI ll11eLl, fhll clullllll.'S in Orllllt'iI Cllbincl, in Ihe I »e\'l'-n JCllr:t whkh he by L.:en in ollh,'e, will ntllulil.:r III'cnl)',!lvc-a lli'l'C'clleut. I'rMd,..I. .......t,,,,, --0-- 10 TBE I STIR. -------- DENTISTRY. Jo:I.DRJlJO)·; MORSE, Lawyer; OK, J. f;. OJUSSE, tn:NTIST. J. N. LO-VV, JUS'TIl:E TilE 1'F.ACE. McCONAHA & HANFORD, C;'' ,\.!3UCIATIU"':. WILL PAY Plt03lPT to all btlsinfN tlltUlfltet.1 to UJ. vl3 I. 1'1. IIALL, LA'VVY'ER Seallle, W. T. Tl"tUltf'''' )1I't-!-1lI. Ind t·CI'lnl on, Attornoys at LawI Solicitors In Chancery and Proctors In Admiralty, '''''1l10 n"LL"""t f !:lI(lIlooolll. W, , BALLARD Snohoml.h CountYI W. T. I'kl11rr In IInl .te. II •• 1II1 11.lld a ftlll lel 'It 1''K1l1 aud bUll. 1I1111h. Will tllldl'UlI( to do .11 (1Ilrl1.itcd to bllu ""lib l,roUIlltht'llll IlId'I.'CUl"ll·', \'1 Pl"ll(,'liel'l in 10U·rerrituIJ'. t14. ATrO.J\NEYB AT LAV'T Seattle, W. T, Orb un 1I(1pt-'f duor ot tho hllil M." !let. bGlhlhlJC. Itllcllltt........ 1",11' l"lh 1ft, t;. C. t"-r';llr-lIlI. }'mld"d, Cl'l'Y,"lV, T., SAT RD.\Y, JUNE2t, 18'76. --- - - - - ------- ------ VOL. 1. II. c. ,r l:-i f"r.'lInt kiu Ihe a in. II t:llt. III night. Bhe ... lieu.infd Notar rr Pnbll'C, (lonvcrranccr, &C., I 1'",10•• I", ., M- un "''''''""' .r II<' Luller a lillie J lJ J II ir,. a ICf\'tUlt of .\lhlbat I',,,,h:l OUlIIl'(1 out uf IIrder, ottaalout:d by tbe UIIl or W. T. Alllcll anti m..oldiet killal, It ,,'ul .. r on tlle pll llge luulIu!1 from i,'ull slock or B1Dnks on hand. Illlll,h. 31illi-h'r o( )ltull1u aUll tile l:ulum!Jiu. I18tlit"ctloo 01\ BUllilll'''S tiline Wilh ICCUfl\C,. IUl\l ",I,lier wert.' "'11111111\'(1. ht'l' lIrat tril" and h is t1,ought "'ilI I::N lli"lmtdl. I'IJ llu: pluctl of the Xorth l'aclf1c Inl:loIK.-·f1lu etl::uner .blni. O Stnt"rt til rUll on Ille route fwm 'rIIEliTL& WUKK.-llr. Colman bu I} 1lI1Jilt to \"iclnrh Illit l:iunlll&}·. SIlo conlrn.Clrtl witll Me.. Eutun & Web- illl nry 110111, well lull1J1INIO ,ullllly tile JlllICCQf tlie Xl/rIll Itll:r 10 trULle ",mile ('If '''''lImp near tbe J DUWMlllillli rin'r, to lie 'oont 1,,(t!iC. tim timu tilC !Jlly coutl'lct of Rurller le 11. I•. YCiler is remntlling lotter)' A ateam en"illu bu boon prj). IclJeme. Dnlwing iii for Il tlllie 11I:l1H:1I11. curcil rrom IlKnllOo, AckerlOll & Co' 1 ot. e,I, annOlltlCulllcnt will bu lllltdo DClt TliCUIlIrl, III Ihilt work. munlh ofllll Imllle. }o"'OIU \\'IlAHO&L.-Tlul IUUeI The of Stllttle III illcn'O!ing "rrh'c,1 ,Iown frt.llll hitt week',. JUliO fln evu}' hllml. E"ch week ocw lintl 01 bringing II few pllllltngel'l ud. liut. Ornnt IIl'lIt. till! fol111wlng telegram LO 00'. ludll lOll 1ruvcl, arc being ne"'.. Nothillil t!Xclting oc .,e" lour, !llIfC!!, Iillllltdi tely 011 receipt flt lho :;\ew b:llIg BIIUltld t\'cry few cluJ!. lSllng hili }'et trln.pir'ld lu, die mloet 111'\\11 of thll CllIc!nMlti Ilolllinlitiou : :-iI'¥' bUildings &"In, lip Oil tfl'ry Imml. Ht'portl lUll current ot'tlet'p diggi0i'" tn, "ElIlt"l'1I11'1'O UllnllilJII, June la.-Gov, Amoog Ihlt lx'it Ih ..tllirclicit 01 tilt new onll phlce ,,"d ulJllw\lon III Illotbu. II 1t'1l. Columhu", Ohio: 1 eongrtttulitta In 11Il! iii tho gcltfrlll fllrnillrl' I l ruri8illnl IIro blgb, flour, fDr InltaDCe , IIolltl li ..d Ibll great \t a urance th"t iug IlflU!IIl 01' UOYII. Poneltl YOllng It elW I hl\rn:1. Tbe IlfI,Wtrt OIeDorl, will occoI'1111Y Ilri:M:llt po.&ition Irou1 the Art"lile, Tlldr Ii very (am· Oi'rlrlille oml Ocm ",,'ere plylog 00 the Ihe 41h of )I:ln:b Ilc.ll,-t:, S, GUA:"lT, plett·, 41'll1 dllll-p,i(''Y1 teMOnslJle, anll 'tkkeen rircr, coovll,.llIg IHU'tetll,;ert lod W JUOl! I i-Sl..'t'rc111r)· LUIlutil iI on !lClullrl'. freight lrom Wrllogtl up. Tbo wtlttber UtillOW, itl 2. 10 thll Proillt:ut, l"r,uu the eff'IJrtl m dc, It is upt'Cted Wll.'lllIiltl Rr1\.1 IInle complaiot \Vlitlt'n thia nUlnling. tenders tl,"t the Ct:tuet1nhol ..mix tl de. I, indulgtd ill, orluk of m:lll (UlDQUUU- hil reilil(lltltion of Iho ollk."t 01 5ccrelary clued IUecn&I, u well froUl Iho nllmLns catiol1, nftht! T,ert1fUr!,10 taka etl'«t un Tuel' whu will lie lhere, Il5 lr\lm tlta X.w CUURCII.-Tho Cathollea blln 1111)' nut, :!Oth in:t. The Itttignlliioo welnl provhltd fur tneir clllerLl\·nmtof. jll6tcolll)Jlelen I0• c!lurch ILO'Brieo' II IIcceptfd. 'Ibe rtMOn' 1- ign. !.ait I'll k. TuurlillY. 11.0, York, re. oo"White rh·.:r, fel} oleo Unitt buill1, (vr bil rttl!'t"1uenl arc \lit: IIIUIC as ech'ed I ICVfre Ilnio tLlt kept lum Ing. (oiting ahout I t.bllUiltDll dullan, were prc1/ioul'y ",tAted. C1lDftnel.1 Ifl II is I.lf&I evcr Ill' Wilt The Ile,1 "lIJ gif411l It, I'ltrick O'Brteu The tknatc .\ppropriltio.n Committee btl.ting a Iluml>tr uf men to Cllry II 10 t.ho Church, tbe \leN (Cor aD IICroe) )'c'lcnJly to .lind the .,ery he"y timber. Being illLtl'tltetl io IM.'iog malic out antllLiUfele&.1 to-dlY· &Dlto will uadoubtcdly agrtt. to ill' ""ork, be o1/crlilkd, Ylithout Lcing To Cort>&IL-:rlle U. 8, nnenutl Cut· Cfl'Woe ite I' CClutlii.DN io the lIouie COfIJr.loul or l1M "train Dl&lW, until af\cr te.r Oli"ee Wolcott caNe iota \btl bubol hullm "1'prnpr1aUOQ bIll tor Ind(!l:utclIl the work "Ill dotK'; ",beD (!Mllug a aevuoe to,dlll for a UI:DUcet "'Ill puI('t1 up I'tpcnlk" n( tbo IOlliau Itf"icellJ VAin, aotl great .... cllknesa in hi. buk , he to TIICOIM, 'Where Ihe will itO 00 tbl: fur (,"li1it'lm"" from $30.000 10 '00.000; ,,·tnt hMn'. I,itl d,'wn, IJlIl fut' It'\'eral Starr gridiron to n'<'Ololptr. :\rilOa" to ";1,000 i Ol\'gno. d"1 COIlIlJ nOI Ulo\'e in bed. Ui. m!lllr fll',ooO to WlAaliingtua, IJ,OOO lriendlon the ri,u wilt lie 1,letk'" Co 10 t2:LOOO: hl.bu, .a.OOO to ftO.OOO; be-I'r tblil. be I. now reeo,niDg. Momlu:I. "',000 11) '20,000: XtW lleJ:' A wriLlu trllgelly took IltKt' up ico, "3,000 to 40,000, TI,CIC iacrrali.'d White river Il6lt wt'Ck. A. t.thu uit'd lunf)ullb not onl'.1 UlnfC to prc\'ent lho m:lui'ge nfhil dauglller. llLtml I'rdl'lalOIl (or D1iscellllOcoul ex· The )'OUlI)f folks Wtnt to Suule 10 mar. the COUlt. of Wlhhing- '-'ut al5l1 COVl·t tbe I'.' of eln' ry wltbout bi, conll('nl. Ilc folloll.'etl. onder 11t8 I'resclu 'ylltelll, \1'111('11 1'bey welc Induei'd 10 return. to bit (1111 Jlou,;e propoleJ. to Illrognte '-')' unu- inK liver Ille wbllie mllnngt'Ullnt 10lhe hOUle, u(Mlo hi, of witbdrawing WKr Ikl'lftmellt, anll by rt(iuiriug thu ",II "I'poshlon to the Inlrril'lgc. Upon wurk ItJ lJe donll by K11c1ient and eUI' re1u:hinK lIome lilltt'ICntion Illok vlace 1Je. S NOlI 0 jlt IS Jf CI l' )" l,lnyl't'iI uf Ille Ilf01Y. 'IIle Bcoll\e CUllI' tween tim nlll gelltlenlllO, ami CXpctlW mlul'C will inllCrt tho clhtomllry "ppro. lIrideL\roClln, 'fhll old gt>llt. WCllt lor hia prilltlool for pllY nf lIgCDU lind iOltlrptCL. gun. lrltd In Iboot tile young mUll, .ue· crs.l1ntllnCfCIlIC 111C itelll fur thl;l AI)lU::h. cl-edl.'tlln filling M. Ifm The co. lIt Arltol'Jl In.l .Mesko (rom light lJf IIrelltlll' frlglnenN the women ,tao,GOO to .t.50,OOO, "be Huule ItrU' IlO Ih.t the j,tlrl'. IIwfllu ftll into II. 6t, \'Ilion tbalnny obtaining I a 1I1ooJ 1/l'Illel. ILlul dh,"fl. The ICill tillcllte flt gond cllauclcr from 1:. S. I. helplCHJfront p mly,l... The oM mao 1 be Gl'llontrtl 11 !ieeDAIl to i,in jnil. A IIlUlUy in a tew 1110· .. IN MAN melltl hnlJClc I, ruined. g, tn"-1e witb the lodiaoll, iI entirel, .Irick· t'n aut by tho &:nl\fU (OOIwiuee, and I. wt week lhe Itdtl/ignt«r tllme to UI not IIkelJ to\leC11lnC a II". l·olllget.l In II oine column (nur p:tgv jourll/ll. being tho jlluloltl ill June l11,-A di p.1tl"h (rl)ol the Territory. ltr. Uig'.(hlJ i .. doing ConitllDtloople, ,lutttl It .. x., the 10 make t!tiA uC\;lkol P;llJef winllltcl'1l were Ii in C1,uncll tlUl} " pn.1l'Dllti,e of ticlule. IJ tbu talt oigbl , It IIle n·.illcnce of l:CUlllUl'rcilll I'C Pu;;ct t'o"lUllll, PU.llIl, PrCloillent of the neil, '0\ In IIi. ellfupfUlC il "lUll II, lllanillitrod It, oltic.:r \\ 110 h:,d nun11t ba'u IIi .. 1 the .11 \'\IIUIIII). luur Ilago tllll,. from tho Itrvice entered the ('UUllCI! .. ml I lllllir in tho ---------------lolu,mlJer. arml"(l .. hh NI\'uher, "nd fIIl.1ry. "I,ll h II" ""'b"1n III i'SOIl /lOIUt lLDI:JLI or P'aaantfll.lOf MeX :\UGIIT 8ud LE.\RY, 11"llnll, killl.'11 Ilu it'D AOlli l'lI,b,,' t"'" 'A(",lh' Ill", Rc,,:tI It ktll, ltob.:rt lbrnU.. )linitttr o( War. 1I1111 H!K':hiet 1'" I,", I he J)I!JIo.tr4 h". 01 .... m",le It cn.:clit· Attorneys and Counsollors --0--- lIiDilllt.r of F'In'lgn Atrl'in, KIlli "'·IIC/U,. .MI' 1'01111).:' ,jU III II{ hOlh tl:t'u CIIl:I'I1U" bOQOltINI .\murCL.llUt. Ilff. at-Law, 11 \\'lIunllt'-L1 1'llfIlll, Itr III 'AI'" I.'. lutlt io aiu ""'" W ...... "lIn, \lrrII.I(K:t.. PftIOlt.L<t. PH \CTICE IS CO "UTS or Rl:COIlD. lie killed an /Ii I.d''''''''''ll .11 I ·'I"".r", . .Iurin): t' c V.-t t ... w &Iml A. Wtll1ll_, .• VIo.·I'n--olkl4t. AOCSN 1"011. of tlle G",m' 111111 U 1ICtl' lit '.1 ""t'};;-, C'I II " '1"'1' ,II IIUI,li·II",1 I\t lSo.:. bKrtl.lrll· )Ii,lbut P:tshlL 'lIkl Il!>.. "'11'1 IIr alii,'. 0'.\"1'11., I' 'ft '1")\\11 n'l. \\dl Trlllt"f. JlU IF., I ..d. Th., mn;IYC Ifl1 t,. tUllltll' all .llfl 'I ,UIII',bll,l;lth,," iul:l.·.. tri tJI: J ... )1.,,11 rlI/lfl, ., 11m A. £ldrl.l.. ou I Xt.lRTU 81t1T1311 Ind ' Jollll Ualj•• J. S. L"w )1&lt\.lI.\STILC crlUll;l III UPI.. Iii Ih·I'\1'l!.I;! I,'r 11,_ llll"I1,,. .',L "'r1ty "r \ 't'al,rn W'll'" 'Id 0, & '·\,Iuoy. FUm, L'JSUltA:-lCE lli.miMllI. lie c.III,·tl U""II Ihe WIII'lIuI' llI,.:t .. I. 'j "I 111.:\\ 111111y lit 1\1:('11", IIml bOlO3lIJlI d.' itt.t'f, who 1'11'11' llllelllllllj; Ill\: enUllcl1 lit till' IlllUjHII III ,nlkl>(,11 ill LC.'tlltUtln,.. J"Mllff.1/1 .1.. ull:" c ...tH." .. 'u ••'.old. thC!',iUle}hui:tlu·... fl·"I.K.'1·. Iit"pm Ill" \\,,"V .1 t.lrifl4 all"",'" lI.iI 6 "'11 1. D, Kr,'ul"r, f .. m........ ,..",1. til ... 1/I'Il"f,lIi( of ,: .Ir.. I' Illlt CII,UllI,!,l to Ilml)' "1I.-1.....ln. r,,'t II •..., t",.I" I ., •• t:oln'''''ltnc Uf{. _e. -1"1 him lUi llill.,ll"I'.'lIlj" II' r.l1lfh.1 111111 t. jfU,.;ct S HInd UlIjln, IW"IlMn'J!""" S"TrtuU· "r. "r. t1lto,;r, . ., Tri· Tl'lw"" !. C. J.\'!1'Cllton. ):, U, KrOflll'r, lI,n,y I IC,I ,\ ',II ,·,.Ii ", ,llll.!l' I III \\',lr, .... U'I I,u.n.: JiCktoll, J C Iud EllrhlKd :\lor-c. :'lCNAUCHT. JOHN LEARY I" h.w, .... r. (l'IlI, ... h:i.. mller pCr-.,:,ll I"r.. '11\: :\:11:11.' ltuired rrlltu Vi.e. --n- UIIIO!'! 1'11.1 or tt"VUi,UIl:lU l'ITf. W. T, """ II .... """,""' .. l" P, !'Il:u..on, .... .... el. .. Trtn. r""",. "1Ib.r. Iwklll, IIJ.r \I .. t'ttXWOIi :..1I1t..... r""'.... Mt.ono. }lvrIlt, Flll'J(\bOtl. r.1.tom, Strekb. .G11 Ward. TERMS OF COURT, Dlilrlet Cllurl- l'IINI TIlI'oodI.,l' or l11l1"(1I. I" ... "Uult rll(l,Jlly ... t SIOI'I""!Jlo, Ull'Ol("ll )1.'1'" Probltt Court, FIJul1.b )fouIIIlY "f J.m"'lr,., April, .July aud \)d ...lJer uf caeb l"'''. __ n_- D.III·a ....O.I'· ri"U1h))llitl •• UItl-ot'''le.'I6. r .. c. .-tn:uoUIl, 1'IY,11kl,1. II. ,\. (IM"Il"ry, f \'I, H. Wanl, .1tt,J'ru/,ko,t.. 1<lOLlll' c.thc:ut, t:tdrldl(ll 1.O",1'1..", \Y, 1',I('kMnl, Trf,III',ff'. Ur. A. C...... I.wm. tW. , ..... 'NtoJ'lI " " " .1i",1f .'Vltull'.k Ix/" W. 11. W:t.n1, .s,,!)!. 1/k.ttrkul" N'llo4k. Ii'r Trnelff" )lrtlf'll. Grl'\ttll)', Wanl. )(01''''. l'1I"kIlnl lind .'ul..&im. --0-- i. .. rlln RIlI,IIlIOCl APOCIUIOll, Or'Il .. IIItl. - fillll ...", at' :/l:.tLuc.Lll.Jl.1l!l' I (;...lIlInll I,er )'('I\r, In U, 8. Cllin. *100.'111 I' " .. """.,.. .'111011 , " .. " .. ;)JtJ{i _. . . _ I 'Ull '(1 lure I() 11111,'1', I •. , ••• :011 " .. "., 1 IUUllttl !.w Dr AC FOLSOM $1.11(11"., .. ·rlfulI; ". , :,1 I lM:f I"l,mro'\ fllt'li Ph II t'llIllt<'lk."·-,I'Ill:,llllnol"". y8 C an and Surgeon. 1.C,t,.'l11 l'hilf',.:'N III clr 11m '-'r 1I!11 ,'rl"h,;c Itll:lr 111"1'111...11. 10 SOIITIlIM!'l ST"," blllhlll1K, UI'al.ltll'1l, Alh'I'rlltllll'lIU "CIIl fru,1'I dllt,lItf'!·. 1I0t' _ ft1lll·I,·nl Ilutleu IK .,eulllp.luhll U) rt.1l ("",h, .. :n.;l:\' 8.\Tl'ItIH r AT Snohomllh Clt1, Snl)homl.h Countr W,,.llllollrUS TIIlluruMf, Ily 1':1.I)\t!lll.ll: )l'fll"", t:.lil\lr ... t Prllll'r Ii,)' A. C, .\)1.10<1'1. '\'I"l\:iule I::.I1Iur, , Torms of Suhicriplion. .\ .. t.OJ IlI:r 1l1llUllll III Ll. <.:,,1,,: f.l ".(lI'I·r.1'I -_ "alUl" 1"ln"IlI''', Ah'· ....s.;:c.. Representing the Interests of Western Washington. --- ---======== --u-- ...... ocn.l 1. L. Je-Il"U. lUI'. 1,lr Kill:: l:<lUUlf. T. U Wlllhl••• f"r 1\,1 .... '1 l:'''ll1IV.· I in Stolle .. t Burnell'lI nc," buill1, 'l!l"rllfft W. I.. \Urn, tur \\ I'n ilia "n ... .,'II11lll111rrcl,,1 t"':d. :t All work wllrnnlelJ. '11'1.. )111(tlll. rur l.ll ('"nl1l·'. W. r. 1.8 n. t: l;.Il;l", r", :-1.,::lt l:ll,. W. ·r. "",yull"'. ,,,,,···,,,,,Ilk, Il' " WI'III'am R. Andrews, '(Jllr 11::1'-"'-' 1(1: IllllllUrlU'I1 lil "-,, .. I'iI tor .. 1 um4 lo;Ild Ihl'ln t.If IIU ut ll,,, pll"'-I. 01'>"4'1," ... m ... :c·.·o ... ·• Attorney at Law, OlUcel Ul;TI.IM·' lion. JMUll It I. ... t CI11I'1 Ju"Ut... all,' I OI'poeU.. Ottldenllli. .'IIJ":lllIt thll Taint J"dleUllll.lrid IIr W:t.11 SE \ TTU' W. 'r "'.:1.0111 T ...,·t1I.o-"'y; JII.I:" II' the Ul.trlCL l:u\lrt ", If \lIe CuUl\h" ,f dn...llulIII.II \'1 3 IIl"l, s, lk1':U'1ll fill. /,,..,,,tIl'1 ,W', ===::-::- -, _ II, A. Un'l(lIl')', . u,r.t 1J..t. f\ollrl, OKOIW. )4C!'OS.4Ul., <.:. U. JI"l'orOMb P1l3}. dlfl·ulI., . . . .Vvr r. w. II. Wllnl. ' •••. , "(,,,ldUl" M'If..c. T, F. )Ill.rlu. •. 'Tftl""""" lIuII. Ito I n""kdl. . 1'f'l>bt.1I, JIf</;Jt A. C'. F' .....IID, o)tAooll . . . . . . ,.(NoHIT CWitI!l t"'IW/lwc._,., P. K,II!. Ithl, .'i{Ul.I'I"'''11t'Il r.""'It,I. WUI, It ltoo'e!'. .. .. Y"I'eu .. \L r, WQ.:IIt., ,. •• Jh..kllll.lUd " -<>-- II - --

10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...

Oct 25, 2019

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Page 1: 10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...

NO. 24.

Loooum.-Tho OtppM'" any": 1'bflDum1J(r of 10;;'J:ia: ('OlPp' ':)0 1~ Buuod.al00'o Klt:ilacoolD. ill upwanJ of (on"~i,i.g tlnItlIO}'#1eDt to ove., (Ullr bunJreduwn, \toollttl "ag~ nap frelill f3.5140 per lDOrltlt, for ordittll' IIm,I:"Sul> In(1 $M [or Nell alr.iIIe1l Itt Iptdat.. "'iet', IU tCllm51tn. ehoppeN Illd ...,di. 'Che amouot otmont'} In\'eal~ Intile hUl!inult wltbio the diJtric1 \0ll'l,jeli Illia artict. re(lts, II coaull tableO\l'r '100,000, conlistlng Qf rot.dw'JI.ul,'n. huilllin~ ',4d tOOIL The 1Otr1fl¥,;, II ,.n a\'f'~"Kd tlKht nnothl In the Jear.dUlll'1: "'!llch time a ~mp or ten IntD11-11,,11, 11roJUre 2 OM 000 fc.::t nf llJIl"'I'I'hidl tmngl '10.000 ~t tbe mill. h",ill II,u" Ite 11"'11 t1l1l tho aa~~' t~ pm·dUll fiM'tA n".1 1t r.lIl11'l nllmt!trq St>oon.eno ti~ I. "a,lldin'" Io.ll uou~1 rufto~e OJ!~I(),),OOU, it

STILI••OOA1tIISJI ITIOla.-We oblaln tbef\,llll.lll·ing from T. 8., &q. tell'!gnph lIpcMwr (or 8rillllguAlIll.b Telll­gr"'!Jh Office.

lie 1:l~'1 that the boll;t of a ,Iwllhcallrd To\tl. l\ TuillUp 10111&0, Will f(luolltlCltd ulMic tLte 8tllhgUlllltish FII\~I, nenrtbe ruoulh ur tho r1, r. In Tbul'l4.1l"June e. 1870. The aiwula. it lJuppotell to

bM'e lJc\'n murdered JUlie tth b, I ,,1111,lIl!\n, in l\ qu~rn:1. A mAn ellled DiU

8mith hnd rutl'lu,ul tb." ~Iw..b to \Ikebim trom Tululll' to Ibe 8tl1lilguIlmlilt ontliit "II,. Smith lIrri"cd 11000 at Ctoter,.. ilIe,IIHllold tit llle 1111000 til It bo" ~,\~

troullic witb bi.uiwttl~ ,bunt tho fl\n',ormone)' he hll.d prllluiwd to 1>RY 11110,1011tll"'t he hMI dm"ned the IOU of I,).-b,"The wlter was lIot oftr I. feet deep ontue dlltl at tbe IUppottd time ohile mur.der. Allllm, fuuud tho canoe within ..couple of OOUrl aner bf1ttOW upwurdJlu wrote to Io'lltbl'-r l:bisuott', "lilianAgent It Tul.Up, ,,'ho Itot Jnt.lillnt fr\Jmthe ItCin~lIItlou thl\ dilCo\'~rtld T"lD'lbod)'. The bod)' w~ fel' lIIldl, hrui.edanti \)eaten _lIWl fOlltW. ~o l"nlt

were lIIade.Everything UpOD tbe dat. it growiDg

ftn"J_' _


NK\\' Yon", June lD.-The 7',blJnilWlI,hinglull COrrrll)(lllllellt M~'., whellllrilltow'. IJIllce .11l~1I hll\'t! Let'lI ll11eLl,fhll clullllll.'S in Orllllt'iI Cllbincl, in Ihe

I»e\'l'-n JCllr:t whkh he by L.:en in ollh,'e,will ntllulil.:r III'cnl)',!lvc-a rllc~ witbou~








Jo:I.DRJlJO)·; MORSE,Lawyer;


OK, J. f;. OJUSSE, tn:NTIST.

J. N. LO-VV,JUS'TIl:E O~· TilE 1'F.ACE.


8~0II1J.I~M C;'' ,\.!3UCIATIU"':.l"'I~IM"


to all btlsinfN tlltUlfltet.1 to UJ.vl3


Seallle, W. T.


)1I't-!-1lI. nllt-~, t:llth~\llt, Ind t·CI'lnl on,

Attornoys at LawI Solicitors In

Chancery and Proctors

In Admiralty,

'''''1l10 n"LL"""t f!:lI(lIlooolll. W, ,


Snohoml.h CountYI W. T.

ron'l·raO~l.'I', I'kl11rr In IInl t~tll~• .te.II•• 1II1 11.lld a ftlll lel 'It 1''K1l1 aud bUll.Il~U 1I1111h. Will tllldl'UlI( to do .11uu~lnd<l (1Ilrl1.itcd to bllu ""lib l,roUIlltht'llllIlId'I.'CUl"ll·', \'1 ~

Pl"ll(,'liel'l in10U·rerrituIJ'.



Seattle, W. T, •Orb un t.Il~ 1I(1pt-'f duor ot tho hllil M."

!let. bGlhlhlJC."I~

Itllcllltt........1",11' l"lh 1ft,t;. C. t"-r';llr-lIlI.


SNOHO~IISI1Cl'l'Y,"lV, T., SAT RD.\Y, JUNE2t, 18'76.

~ --- - - - ­------- ~-------------

~hr ~ortltml ~tilr,

VOL. 1.

II. c. ,r l:-ilXG~ f"r.'lInt ~ kiu Ihe a in. II t:llt. III ~l b~t night. Bhe ... lieu.infd

Notarrr Pnbll'C, (lonvcrranccr, &C., I~.O~hi<l 1'",10•• ~t;n; I", ., t'u,d~u M- un "''''''""' .r II<' Luller "'in~ a lillieJ lJ J II ir,. a ICf\'tUlt of .\lhlbat I',,,,h:l OUlIIl'(1 out uf IIrder, ottaalout:d by tbe UIIl or

~1l:KILT&O, W. T. Alllcll A~h,m anti m..oldiet w~rc killal, It ,,'ul..r on tlle pll llge luulIu!1 from

i,'ull slock or B1Dnks on hand. Illlll,h. 31illi-h'r o( )ltull1u aUll Iln!Jth~r tile l:ulum!Jiu. Blll~ g~Vtl I18tlit"ctloo 01\BUllilll'''S tiline Wilh ICCUfl\C,. IUl\l ",I,lier wert.' "'11111111\'(1. ht'l' lIrat tril" and h is t1,ought "'ilI 'O~

I::N lli"lmtdl. I'IJ llu: pluctl of the Xorth l'aclf1c wi~b.Sl:"''TI.~ Inl:loIK.-·f1lu etl::uner .blni. grcu~ l~cc(lt:lnre.

OStnt"rt h~gllil til rUll on Ille route fwm 'rIIEliTL& WUKK.-llr. Colman bu

I} 1lI1Jilt to \"iclnrh Illit l:iunlll&}·. SIloconlrn.Clrtl witll Me..~1'lt. Eutun & Web­

illl nry 1.lCllu~\lul ItJOklll~ 110111, welllull1J1INIO ,ullllly tile JlllICCQf tlie Xl/rIll Itll:r 10 trULle ",mile ('If '''''lImp near tbe

J DUWMlllillli rin'r, to lie eOllllllel~1.1 'oont1,,(t!iC.tim timu tilC !Jlly coutl'lct of Rurller le

11. I•. YCiler is remntlling 111~ lotter)' lIni!lu~lI. A ateam en"illu bu boon prj).IclJeme. Dnlwing iii for Il tlllie 11I:l1H:1I11. curcil rrom IlKnllOo, AckerlOll & Co'1 ot.e,I, annOlltlCulllcnt will bu lllltdo DClt TliCUIlIrl, I.rlll~i.t III Ihilt work.

munlh ofllll Chllrl,;c~ Imllle. Fllo~ }o"'OIU \\'IlAHO&L.-Tlul IUUeIThe Im~lnt'1iI of Stllttle III illcn'O!ing "rrh'c,1 ,Iown frt.llll W~"Kd hitt week',.

W.\iilll~()Tf):f, JUliO IlJ.-l'reli(h:II~ fln evu}' hllml. E"ch week ocw lintl 01 bringing II few pllllltngel'l ud. liut.Ornnt IIl'lIt. till! fol111wlng telegram LO 00'. ludll lOll 1ruvcl, arc being dc,~lflpetl. ne"'.. Nothillil t!Xclting oc .,e" lour,!llIfC!!, Iillllltdi tely 011 receipt flt lho :;\ew It~nrel b:llIg BIIUltld t\'cry few cluJ!. lSllng hili }'et trln.pir'ld lu, die mloet111'\\11 of thll CllIc!nMlti Ilolllinlitiou : :-iI'¥' bUildings &"In, lip Oil tfl'ry Imml. Ht'portl lUll current ot'tlet'p diggi0i'" tn,

"ElIlt"l'1I11'1'O UllnllilJII, June la.-Gov, Amoog Ihlt lx'it Ih..tllirclicit 01 tilt new onll phlce ,,"d ulJllw\lon III Illotbu.II 1t'1l. Columhu", Ohio: 1 eongrtttulitta Ill~rel In 11Il! pl~ce iii tho gcltfrlll fllrnillrl' Ilruri8illnl IIro blgb, flour, fDr InltaDCe,~f'u, IIolltl li..d Ibll great \t a urance th"t iug IlflU!IIl 01' UOYII. Poneltl ~t YOllng It elW I hl\rn:1. Tbe IlfI,Wtrt OIeDorl,~'nu will occoI'1111Y Ilri:M:llt po.&ition Irou1 the Art"lile, Tlldr ~tO(k Ii very (am· Oi'rlrlille oml Ocm ",,'ere plylog 00 theIhe 41h of )I:ln:b Ilc.ll,-t:, S, GUA:"lT, plett·, 41'll1 dllll-p,i(''Y1 teMOnslJle, anll 'tkkeen rircr, coovll,.llIg IHU'tetll,;ert lod

WA1ml.'fOT'O~, JUOl! I i-Sl..'t'rc111r)· LUIlutil iI ,IOD~ on tlu~ !lClullrl'. freight lrom Wrllogtl up. Tbo wtlttberUtillOW, itl 2. Idt~r 10 thll Proillt:ut, l"r,uu the eff'IJrtl m dc, It is upt'Cted Wll.'lllIiltl Rr1\.1 pl~hI\llt;. IInle complaiot\Vlitlt'n thia nUlnling. form:\II~' tenders tl,"t the ~attle Ct:tuet1nhol ..mix tl de. I, indulgtd ill, orluk of m:lll (UlDQUUU­

hil reilil(lltltion of Iho ollk."t 01 5ccrelary clued IUecn&I, u well froUl Iho nllmLns catiol1,nftht! T,ert1fUr!,10 taka etl'«t un Tuel' whu will lie lhere, Il5 lr\lm tlta X.w CUURCII.-Tho Cathollea blln

1111)' nut, :!Oth in:t. The Itttignlliioo welnl provhltd fur tneir clllerLl\·nmtof. jll6tcolll)Jlelen I 0 • c!lurch ILO'Brieo'II ~ I~n IIcceptfd. 'Ibe rtMOn' 1- ign. !.ait I'll k. TuurlillY. 11.0, York, re. oo"White rh·.:r, fel} oleo Unitt buill1,~l (vr bil rttl!'t"1uenl arc \lit: IIIUIC as ech'ed I ICVfre Ilnio tLlt hli~ kept lum Ing. (oiting ahout I t.bllUiltDll dullan,were prc1/ioul'y ",tAted. C1lDftnel.1 Ifl II is I.lf&I evcr "iD~. Ill' Wilt The Ile,1 "lIJ gif411l It, I'ltrick O'Brteu

The tknatc .\ppropriltio.n Committee btl.ting a Iluml>tr uf men to Cllry II 10 t.ho Church, tbe \leN (Cor aD IICroe))'c'lcnJly \'ot~1 to rtC"~Uletlll, .lind the .,ery he"y timber. Being illLtl'tltetl io IM.'iog malic out antllLiUfele&.1 to-dlY·&Dlto will uadoubtcdly agrtt. to ill' Ib~ ""ork, be o1/crlilkd, Ylithout Lcing To Cort>&IL-:rlle U. 8, nnenutl Cut·Cfl'Woe tL~ ite I'CClutlii.DN io the lIouie COfIJr.loul or l1M "train Dl&lW, until af\cr te.r Oli"ee Wolcott caNe iota \btl bubolhullm "1'prnpr1aUOQ bIll tor Ind(!l:utclIl the work "Ill dotK'; ",beD (!Mllug a aevuoe to,dlll for a f~. UI:DUcet "'Ill puI('t1 upI'tpcnlk" n( tbo IOlliau Itf"icellJ follo~.: VAin, aotl great ....cllknesa in hi. buk, he to TIICOIM, 'Where Ihe will itO 00 tbl:fur (,"li1it'lm"" from $30.000 10 '00.000; ,,·tnt hMn'. I,itl d,'wn, IJlIl fut' It'\'eral Starr gridiron to n'<'Ololptr.:\rilOa" '~O.OOO to ";1,000 i Ol\'gno. d"1 COIlIlJ nOI Ulo\'e in bed. Ui. m!lllrfll',ooO to ~:t,OOO; WlAaliingtua, IJ,OOO lriendlon the ri,u wilt lie 1,letk'" Co10 t2:LOOO: hl.bu, .a.OOO to ftO.OOO; be-I'r tblil. be I. now reeo,niDg.Momlu:I. "',000 11) '20,000: XtW lleJ:' A wriLlu trllgelly took IltKt' upico, "3,000 to 40,000, TI,CIC iacrrali.'d White river Il6lt wt'Ck. A. t.thu uit'dlunf)ullb (outtl1l~lftIO not onl'.1 UlnfC to prc\'ent lho m:lui'ge nfhil dauglller.

llLtml I'rdl'lalOIl (or D1iscellllOcoul ex· The )'OUlI)f folks Wtnt to Suule 10 mar.the COUlt. of Wlhhing- l~nlM!i, '-'ut al5l1 COVl·t tbe I'.' of eln' ry wltbout bi, conll('nl. Ilc folloll.'etl.

vlnY~1 onder 11t8 I'resclu 'ylltelll, \1'111('111'bey welc Induei'd 10 return. to bit

(1111 Jlou,;e propoleJ. to Illrognte '-')' unu-inK liver Ille wbllie mllnngt'Ullnt 10lhe hOUle, u(Mlo hi, Ilromi~ of witbdrawingWKr Ikl'lftmellt, anll by rt(iuiriug thu ",II "I'poshlon to the Inlrril'lgc. Uponwurk ItJ lJe donll by K11c1ient and eUI' re1u:hinK lIome lilltt'ICntion Illok vlace 1Je.

S NOlI 0 jltIS Jf CI l' ) " l,lnyl't'iI uf Ille Ilf01Y. 'IIle Bcoll\e CUllI' tween tim nlll gelltlenlllO, ami CXpctlWmlul'C will inllCrt tho clhtomllry "ppro. lIrideL\roClln, 'fhll old gt>llt. WCllt lor hiaprilltlool for pllY nf lIgCDU lind iOltlrptCL. gun. lrltd In Iboot tile young mUll, .ue·crs.l1ntllnCfCIlIC 111C itelll fur thl;l AI)lU::h. cl-edl.'tlln filling M. Ifm Theco. lIt Arltol'Jl In.l ~c",. .Mesko (rom light lJf IIrelltlll' frlglnenN the women,tao,GOO to .t.50,OOO, "be Huule ItrU' IlO Ih.t the j,tlrl'. IIwfllu ftll into II. 6t,\'Ilion tbalnny ~hltln obtaining I e~r. hul'l~ a 1I1ooJ 1/l'Illel. ILlul dh,"fl. The ICilltillcllte flt gond cllauclcr from 1:. S. I. helplCHJfront p mly,l... The oM mao

1w~~ie,~::t.?: Jud~ Ihuul~l be Gl'llontrtl 11 !ieeDAIl to i,in jnil. A ",,'hol~ IIlUlUy in a tew 1110·.. IN MAN melltl hnlJClc I, ruined.g, tn"-1e witb the lodiaoll, iI entirel, .Irick·

t'n aut by tho &:nl\fU (OOIwiuee, and I. wt week lhe Itdtl/ignt«r tllme to UInot IIkelJ to\leC11lnC a II". l·olllget.l In II oine column (nur p:tgv

jourll/ll. being tho IIU~tllt jlluloltl ill(..o~DO:'l', June l11,-A di p.1tl"h (rl)ol the Territory. ltr. Uig'.(hlJ i.. doing

ConitllDtloople, ,lutttl It .. x., Ai~YI the ~.-clr(hin~ 10 make t!tiA uC\;lkol P;llJefwinllltcl'1l were Ii iitut~l in C1,uncll tlUl} " pn.1l'Dllti,e of ticlule. IJ tbu

talt oigbl, It IIle n·.illcnce of ~lill1mt. l:CUlllUl'rcilll mctlOpllli~ I'C Pu;;ct t'o"lUllll,PU.llIl, PrCloillent of the neil, '0\ h~n In IIi. ellfupfUlC il "lUll II, lllanillitrod It,oltic.:r \\ 110 h:,d nun11t ba'u IIi llli~el..1 the ll~'''' .11 \'\IIUIIII). luur Ilago tllll,.from tho Itrvice entered the ('UUllCI! Th~ IIlf"c.~t I~ I lllllir in tho T~r·

---------------lolu,mlJer. arml"(l .. hh NI\'uher, "nd fIIl.1ry. "I,ll h II" ""'b"1n III i'SOIl /lOIUt

lLDI:JLI or TI~~II~R~lr,~ P'aaantfll.lOf MeX:\UGIIT 8ud LE.\RY, 11"llnll, killl.'11 Ilu it'D AOlli l'lI,b,,' t"'" 'A(",lh' Ill",Rc,,:tI It ktll, ltob.:rt lbrnU.. )linitttr o( War. 1I1111 H!K':hiet 1'" I,", I he J)I!JIo.tr4 h". 01 .... m",le It cn.:clit·

Attorneys and Counsollors--0--- lIiDilllt.r of F'In'lgn Atrl'in, KIlli "'·IIC/U,. .MI' 1'01111).:' ,jU III II{ hOlh tl:t'u CIIl:I'I1U"bOQOltINI <':or~tT .\murCL.llUt. Ilff. at-Law, 11 \\'lIunllt'-L1 K.I~1i 1'llfIlll, ~Iini Itr III 'AI'" I.'. '(h~' IhlIIJU~I'IU\llb lutlt io aiu

""'" W......"lIn, \lrrII.I(K:t.. PftIOlt.L<t. PH \CTICE IS CO "UTS or Rl:COIlD. ~llIrlnl'-. lie Ill~) killed an /Ii I.d''''''''''ll .11 I ·'I"".r", . .Iurin): t' c V.-t t... w&Iml A. Wtll1ll_, .• VIo.·I'n--olkl4t. AOCSN 1"011. of tlle G",m' Vi"~I, 111111 U 1ICtl' lit '.1 ""t'};;-, C'I II " '1"'1' ,II IIUI,li·II",1 I\t lSo.:.Qd~ ~o"""', bKrtl.lrll· rlh.:~IX, )Ii,lbut P:tshlL 'lIkl Il!>..~.:n "'11'1 IIr alii,'. 0'.\"1'11., I' 'ft '1")\\11 n'l. \\dl

Trlllt"f. JlU IF., I~!lh..d. Th., mn;IYC Ifl1 t,. tUllltll' all ~n .llfl 'I ,UIII',bll,l;lth,," iul:l.·.. tri tJI:J... )1.,,11 rlI/lfl, ., 11m A. \\·tmd~, £ldrl.l ..ouI Xt.lRTU 81t1T1311 Ind '

~OM,Uco.ll'll1" II'I'lld~r. Jollll Ualj•• J. S. L"w )1&lt\.lI.\STILC crlUll;l III UPI..,~·I Iii Ih·I'\1'l!.I;! I,'r 11,_ llll"I1,,. .',L "'r1ty "r \ 't'al,rn W'll'"'Id 0, & '·\,Iuoy. • FUm, L'JSUltA:-lCE <''O)I1'.\~IJ::S. lli.miMllI. lie c.III,·tl U""II Ihe WIII'lIuI' llI,.:t .. I. 'j "I 111.:\\ 111111y lit 1\1:('11", IIml

bOlO3lIJlI TIt.ICO~U:;""lu.-orrlc.t ~o.f'1'~IIU d.' itt.t'f, who 1'11'11' llllelllllllj; Ill\: enUllcl1 lit till' IlllUjHII III ,nlkl>(,11 ill fJlh_li~ll.lIgLC.'tlltUtln,.. J"Mllff.1/1 .1..ull:" c ...tH.".. 'u••'.old. thC!',iUle}hui:tlu·... fl·"I.K.'1·. Iit"pm Ill" \\,,"V .1 t.lrifl4 all"",'" lI.iI 6 "'111. D, Kr,'ul"r, f t:olle~"on .. m........ l'ce,It.'l.llh~·rl',,..",1. til ... llullr,l~ 1/I'Il"f,lIi( ~tllll' of ,: .Ir.. I' Illlt CII,UllI,!,l to ~heIlml)' "1I.-1.....ln. r,,'t II•..., t",.I" I ., ••~l"tll,'uI, t:oln'''''ltnc Uf{. _e. -1"1 him lUi llill.,ll"I'.'lIlj" II' r.l1lfh.1 111111 t. lUl·.~ jfU,.;ct S HInd UlIjln,IW"IlMn'J!""" S"TrtuU· S~l\.'.l""J."LE, "r. "r. t1lto,;r, JI,~I:l"lh"ll'''ll\'·'I.''Ik:lltll .., Tht·r\lII,\j,,~ltrlll'llrc(rnlntheTri·

Tl'lw""!. C. J.\'!1'Cllton. ):, U, KrOflll'r, lI,n,y I IC,I ,\ ',II ,·,.Ii ", ,llll.!l' I III \\',lr, .... U'I I,u.n.:JiCktoll, J Cl·.tbCllr~ Iud EllrhlKd :\lor-c. JAM~f :'lCNAUCHT. JOHN LEARY I" h.w, .... r. (l'IlI, ... h:i.. mller pCr-.,:,ll I"r.. '11\: :\:11:11.' !)t~l\'nrt ltuired rrlltu Vi.e.

--n-UIIIO!'! 1'11.1\~ CO~OIlOlTIOlf or

tt"VUi,UIl:lU l'ITf. W. T,

""" II.... """,""'.. l" P, !'Il:u..on, ....«rr"-If~,Ko~IIl ....el. .. Trtn.

r""",.M~ "1Ib.r. Iwklll, )l~UI'lOD, IIJ.r\I.. t'ttXWOIi :..1I1t.....

r""'....Mt.ono. }lvrIlt, Flll'J(\bOtl. r.1.tom, Strekb.

.G11 Ward.

TERMS OF COURT,Dlilrlet Cllurl- l'IINI TIlI'oodI.,l' or l11l1"(1I.

I" •..."Uult rll(l,Jlly ... t SIOI'I""!Jlo, Ull'Ol("ll )1.'1'"

Probltt Court,FIJul1.b )fouIIIlY "f J.m"'lr,., April, .July

aud \)d...lJer uf caeb l"'''.__n_-

"~OIlO'II"''' D.III·a ....O.I'·ri"U1h))llitl '\TU&~ ••UItl-ot'''le.'I6.

r.. c. .-tn:uoUIl, 1'IY,11kl,1.II. ,\. (IM"Il"ry, f\'I, H. Wanl, .1tt,J'ru/,ko,t..1<lOLlll' c.thc:ut,t:tdrldl(ll ~lul'I>ll, 1.O",1'1..",~, \Y, 1',I('kMnl, Trf,III',ff'.Ur. A. C......I.wm. • • tW. ,.....'NtoJ'lI" " " • .1i",1f .'Vltull'.k Ix/"

W. 11. W:t.n1, .s,,!)!. 1/k.ttrkul" N'llo4k. Ii'rTrnelff"

)lrtlf'll. )'I'rq:u~on, Grl'\ttll)', Wanl. C.lh~rt,)(01''''. l'1I"kIlnl lind .'ul..&im.


i...ono"I~1I rlln RIlI,IIlIOCl APOCIUIOll,Or'Il..IIItl.


fillll ...", at' :/l:.tLuc.Lll.Jl.1l!l'I (;...lIlInll I,er )'('I\r, In U, 8. Cllin. *100.'111I' " .. """.,.. .'111011, " .. " .. ;)JtJ{i _. . . _

I 'Ull '(1 lure I() 11111,'1', I 111I'l':flt.~n•. , ••• ",~ :011" .. "., 1 IUUllttl !.w Dr A C FOLSOM1."I;:II11"tlr~_ $1.11(11"., lI'IIl/lr'·llr~IIIl ..·rlfulI; ". ,

:,1 I lM:f I"l,mro'\ fllt'li ~"t""'I\lI'II\ 11l~l:rll"lt. Ph I I~11 t'llIllt<'lk."·-,I'Ill:,llllnol"". y8 C an and Surgeon.1.C,t,.'l11 nUlh'~" l'hilf',.:'N III ~lL"fil{'Y clr 11m

'-'r 1I!11 ,'rl"h,;c Itll:lr 111"1'111...11. Ollllc~ 10 SOIITIlIM!'l ST"," blllhlll1K, UI'al.ltll'1l,Alh'I'rlltllll'lIU "CIIl fru,1'I • dllt,lItf'!·. 1I0t' _

ft1lll·I,·nl Ilutleu U111~l IK .,eulllp.luhll U)rt.1l ("",h,

1'L'IJI.I~IU.;u..:n.;l:\' 8.\Tl'ItIHr ATSnohomllh Clt1, Snl)homl.h Countr

W,,.llllollrUS TIIlluruMf,

Ily 1':1.I)\t!lll.ll: )l'fll"", t:.lil\lr ...t Prllll'rA.,I.~,J Ii,)' A. C, .\)1.10<1'1. '\'I"l\:iule I::.I1Iur, ,

Torms of Suhicriplion. .\ .:()._'.:.~"_'U~_.~.~:_4·'_'.&D~... t.OJ IlI:r 1l1llUllll III Ll. ~, <.:,,1,,: f.l ".(lI'I·r.1'I -_

"alUl" 1"ln"IlI''', h"AIIl""L1'I~ Ah'· ....s.;:c..

Representing the Interests of Western Washington.--- ---========

--u--......ocn.l ~\,.:.:cnt~.

1. L. Je-Il"U. lUI'. 1,lr Kill:: l:<lUUlf.T. U Wlllhl••• f"r 1\,1 .... '1 l:'''ll1IV.· IOlilc~' in Stolle ..t Burnell'lI nc," buill1,'l!l"rllfft W. I.. \Urn, tur \\ hah~lIn I'n ilia "n ....,'II11lll111rrcl,,1 t"':d.

~': :t :1~1~:I~~::: :.~; ~~:'T:~,~;,I~I~'i"I~~~I~:: All work wllrnnlelJ.'11'1.. )111(tlll. rur l.ll ('"nl1l·'. W. r. 1.8n. t: l;.Il;l", r", :-1.,::lt l:ll,. W. ·r."",yull"'. ,,,,,···,,,,,Ilk, Il' " WI'III'am R. Andrews,'(Jllr 11::1'-"'-' 1(1: IllllllUrlU'I1 lil "-,, ..I'iI tor

.. 1 um4 lo;Ild Ihl'ln t.If IIU ut ll,,, pll"'-I.

01'>"4'1,"...m ...:c·.·o...·• Attorney at Law,OlUcel Ul;TI.IM·' UCILOf~.

lion. JMUll It I.... t CI11I'1 Ju"Ut... all,'I OI'poeU.. Ottldenllli..'IIJ":lllIt thll Taint J"dleUllll.lrid IIr W:t.11 SE \ TTU' W. 'r"'.:1.0111 T...,·t1I.o-"'y; JII.I:" II' the Ul.trlCL l:u\lrt ", • •If \lIe CuUl\h" ,f dn...llulIII.II \'1 3

IIl"l, s, lk1':U'1ll fill. • /,,..,,,tIl'1 ,W', ===::-::- -, _II, A. Un'l(lIl')', • • . u,r.t 1J..t. f\ollrl, OKOIW. )4C!'OS.4Ul., <.:. U. JI"l'orOMbP1l3}. dlfl·ulI., • • • . . . .Vvrr.w. II. Wllnl. ' •••. , "(,,,ldUl"):IJrll.:~ M'If..c. • • • lk~i.,\",l1Iur.T, F. )Ill.rlu. • • • •. 'Tftl"""""lIuII. Ito I n""kdl. . • 1'f'l>bt.1I, JIf</;JtA. C'. F'.....IID, • • o)tAooll ~n."'~ltt,Jl~. . . . . . . ,.(NoHIT

CWitI!l t"'IW/lwc._,.,~n, P. K,II!. (,~ Ithl, .'i{Ul.I'I"'''11t'Il r.""'It,I.

WUI, It ltoo'e!'. .. .. Y"I'eu ..\L r, WQ.:IIt., ,. •• Jh..kllll.lUd "



- --

Page 2: 10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...



SJC: ._



&: co.




UH't"P '.



C .\ Ii I~ !o;











\1 nt,

Qn lbe t:omin~ Fourth fir .Iul~..

"1 oftlt'r uf the Com:;.ittec-.,'1. 110. 1111:





~Ob~(( ,


To r.,.r~·lMI11111'fl1l\.{llil"t lite T:'lIil"r/1.) JOIn tlll'llI 1I1l11IllUi;., it \lOftily ,or

Ill": Rfrllt oven!.


A jf F. Ui C.t.v / NIlI-: l'f:.\"JJf:.' 1'/:

Anel. in orll~r 10 'IIt_, rve the lin)' in "

n.t\IIOl'r 1J\'lllling Ihe OCl·l\Sj"II.

IIt'rll"y nlcncl II




JULY 4th, 1876

have delermlncrl to Cclcbr:lI~



,'"u",.,.II\· .. II ltn'l'\. 11"',1,11111: 1\,1.... 11\11,1'l,.",UII'I' ;"1 U.. ·I,·"t.... t ""t. ". 11..11 l)JI"I":r" 111111 1'11111,' \l1·1,lIl'1.

'lhe Citlll'ClllI Or Sellttle I







~c.m,.o:. w. 1'.





11cu)ts nn(l Hho.'....


ARCHITEC:TS,CnrlH'.ter... (·unlrll.c-toyw II."



JIll joL Will k pert.aining tothe 1,.ll1sine:-::i ciulle in :" wlIrk·man-like t1Ul1H1cr.

NEWWEEO"Family FlIvorlte"

SEWING MACHINE.Why is it the Best ?

OIWERSRece!vo Prompt AltontlOI1.

Storo on Comtllcrcin,1 StreetfU;ATTl I:. W '1',


llnll ~OX~tm:;

and Lead Pipe.

..\XDl?l ''I 'j 'r "'q1' fJ. 1R v.jl..t. -- ..... l TJ.'1/ - _ ~ ;r.t ~

S. 1". AlI!DRi.&WIlJ .'IHlO.

IT rs TilE ,lfO!q s/.lfl'/.I:.}JIJ/l..IIlI.l~·, /·J:.·UPr.CT.

11 'UII r;h" .nd '111"1,Jh.. UIJ l;'Ulii_ rur "I",nl. 11'101 ,Jh~ 110 11,r\":,:,, t."1 i:t:t,llll "r unlt'r.1'IK'll«'<UC 1.,.,.\ ,~.,r ltOt ....Pi't vrr....

Jt:7~,~r I~~l~~:~l ~,I~-:nN ltlloul MinI{fnJI/I lht! tahlr:. anti tlll.:Ch....t ILltt;: ur .11,

It hOoTlf}"" "''1 ,1"l'••t;abl, r'/I~'"('..11 IIIKI <:u,,,,lntl tilL! 3th1clihl~ lll."lrl1

IIu,.hu: l'I_cwlll:n:.\·IIl'i.lhll.

1IU _or:' I\tra.:.t" I 10 tli,.jt rot". wIll tH' UIlI\eW,U1 ·F.,\TSf:'-CSlllld USr.\TCIJ

rrrcu UIOtfl TO .l/I~ Til r. TUII ~ ..trlPI.te of 11I1I"nra "'~ tll~ 'II t bur••: U.III

lIuLurN". UllIun Ahllllt,!-NOIl\U!sU l'li Y,\Iul. W T

j\Innll.raeturcd nnll Sold

wholesale and RetailBY

n~:XJ" YINt.'EXTMain st., OIympia,Vl. T,

LatcrlL :o:tvlC:l .uutllol :t1111•.JlUt::; lII:ul~ to orJcl'..\11 wlIrkw:\I'I':Intctl Ulul l'I.llliA:telitlllgll1~IT:lIII.""Ctl.

A1:'0 ll).;Cllt ftu' the cclc1l1'idl'tl

AI wily' kt!eo .,Iargo ,toclc of everylhinc""llI11y k"llllrl:lIIr'lll:l';t

Pianos & Organs,

Pumphroy, IW~ J~E.!lY! ARD5'i'HAWBERRIES


T.:ncI:'r tOllei vrev~nt &t:"cro truth.trrom Olrl!ullinK.

l::very Pl\f'1II1 II 11 lookiug.gllln rur Ilischtltlr~lI til dren t1lcm-ell'cli !I)'.

A mllll IllI\Y Il!l well ul)CCt tn growIlron~cr "y IIh'8)·' I'llllng, ll~ wiser I.yal\\'II~'1 r'tn,hng.

Thinh"i nrc Dot to he llone hy 11113 t:ffnrt01 the mOlUl'lIt, !Jut by the pr(,p8t;1tioll 01

l"Ilbt nlI1UlCOtJ.

It you hllve n llri&:lIt Ihou;:hl. elprttiit in till: .illlpll.'lt lilllgU.'~ ItOll iLle. 4\

l!hmonl1 hl,llitl hll'~ A Illnin klt1in;;:.

TlLere i. no tt..1 w!lldl _·c lIIny "01 l<l~

ullltroken on ti,e /lltllr or IlUlll:miIS. Ifwe: ""ill do otlr ffgullIr "urk In noLle\\'11.,.

Take cllre to be lin C("oOllmht in IlfII •("rily: l!lel'\: I~ Iltl f":llr o( )'our IAIIII:!'OllU IlllHh'l'rshy.

It Iii with mornl fJulllilie!l 8-'1 whh flllw,

ell; llio bright IIro 1I00lctIIl1l:!lllOillOUullli,bUI, Illclievc. IWft'r tlLo IWCllt.

To 110 !l(nhillg ill tlot alway" to lu!t!tlnw; to Jo rlCgliijOllfly iii 'llfely to luliCltlIllC: it i,. liulguo withollt proth.

G"ll Inkt'llOlIIa 1hI1l~!l from UII ICit \\CshouM IpoillhcllI I 11.11\1 Votl liMe morc Clr

thcm in ml ~illg tht'Ul Ih4n _'t! .llouhlIIllv.: in klt.llillJ them.

U1111ph1Cl!lll i", having \\ hl\t Oil!! likt'l icoottntmtIJIt i~ liking .. llIlt I)llll: ha.'1 i I,utconlultOle"t i;t unl,. tLo glloit 01h"Pl)iDh3.

\"'0 .houlll learn nut'r to Intellm:cdoJtJ LI .UCC!et..(, Tho ullllOliiti Itl "hiLiIa!!S3i1!l U!l In the cnur..e 01 otltlli\:nce j,.

DO uidl"flcc thllt we ,ft! W!ltJkCD.

'''' ~ 1\' t' 111'11 1Il,1 ""'11:11 "t " .. hit,!: ·.·h., ·.·hr,:,••.ir,·nl t·nlllll:II .. , ..: ' W,"~'''lth'''l\\nllt'')II'.illll '~IIIl" "f hi, ,",lllIr'.II-1t \\,.,1101 H'f"1ll.Ikll:,:111 111

1..r I.• r ."1/1 I'll" .11O·~I...a,.1 i· Ihe lfil"'I~. '1'1,1'1' ",It. IlIrl1":II"''''.''.\1' I'll. 11", pill' ~ 'Ut' till' phIIlP"I'1I I III II dl II' IlUlI' fuli... 'fhl':,:11 It,Jj III ",,~

111I, 11:'1\, , .... th.· lUI,. "I' II... ':,: UUt ;11"· OIllhi' 1"\ll'r "'-":ll.n~ II "I tllto.· 'It,:.. I~.

1\Il.ll"' I III :1... 1,,, ....1 ll-Itlll•. Th, T1I..... ,~ II lull III mimI'! t IIm"n:! {'"I.I' ,1,r ..11 II... OIh. r .jol. i~ Idolt!'l1 11lI1I1 ,illll r~. IUl,1 i.. ,lj.p.,,,....I.h: III IIle rule nfIh' W. 1.1\01.\ 111.t IIi~ 1·I ,y i. tll";I)' pr"l'lOrli"". A ,llt-,II11llirkl' rqll'lIlt,1 i",'.ir.jtt.t, .ill.1 I'ltill.t. H,1t 11,' I.'h'"'. ~url...ffllllilhllillt.•\11 "t'tll,.~,.'I.ill;':­

,....lIr I""'. til:lt I'e ",,\,,1' .1\1 rJ,M,k,. n. 101'1r Ull"ll 1111) III t thht Ihl.; !'it)' 11,101rlii~lllit· "1' llnkl" tile ~lIll1l1,·t 1111"1\11111'" Illrl~' ~r':lt 1,.lpillllj'I .• -.hi"r. Villi

lur i,.:.ul,r,llul'. '1'., IIIC lUll" III", pb~", d"lhill ulld :-01l'1\'lIrll. E:hhot'tllf"'l'hullIII II 1111' 1Ii;!lu.I ..t'll.( - llll' 1':liti I\itll t.i~ "1"1 i,,1 ",in, tllc llrvt h;·ill~ grO:"1 in,'",t 1'1, lllu\\ ill~ ~eltl r'l,it)· '11111 \\ !lith fl'ull .~Illh'. TIle _'lon,1 111 "t"ck~, lind till':

the ~lI"ll,..t :011411\ .. ,1,·II;.:ht ill ,'n 1I~11i. Ihh~l ill Im,h'. 1: ... 11 IlClll)': !llllrl'IIlC ill.\n.1 4In~ 1\ hfl phl)~ ill i .. d .. , 1"1111110'1. I,i~ r•.,IIII', Ilwt'e \\n~ 110 Illtl'rll'fl'lIlc or\I ithllllt I.'I~I'·' lilt" itl1"HI r"1Tu'r r. d.l.lliIlH i,f 1"10 rl ..1~. 111111 llll!re iM nu fl't' BOLD ON TI"'J:E)t \. U'lllllh"r:' l'I .. I~ (.llr 1111\11)' wu- 1 1 I • . fIt ... \. r IIlt'l t PI (·iI·I'"IWI'-' "nl 'In I ut tlll.. 141U" II lb.

Ot, t lilt I II'; Irul 0 1II'1f,:'1 '. t: ~ I . Installmen an. 11,11\ "I "r II....,.""11. 1111'111",.\ JU\" C.>!."t:;,I~. "\\ilI r.·minll"lIue "f )'(\\1 Ilft"t· TIll' drl.'lc i_ulJW Ijf'lk~n I,)' till' .h'1l1h. __:.__ Il~"" \1 1 1·\."."., t,..,''''''.h. "I....r"IlI"u, IIklllr~ ill \Ihich 1It'l1'1'1l h~~ I":' .lfhtllh Ihe lit't Inll Ihe 1:I~t. h';l\"illb Ihe

IIieh'll :-\.111111 Ilhl~'11Ig: I he~~ \liLh 111II:1Il ('IJll\llH"llIfl' in fOlill\r~' .!i·lint·ti"ll. I f:.I .... ff:I:.\' 111\)1 ...\:N'D E(~(~S11.,r hill ....-'l!. :-'u'~tlltltC fOI tllc mock· Ill:!! ll'J,(th'III'\It1'Ule lIgl' Mn,llItlllr IIU' News Papers I

inl( thll,1 in Ih:ll lIictllrt! n elllln, 'trOll~ !i"'ullI"le ~iell'i ""I\' 10:11 :"l·wn:ly ulltm I nn nwl IIthor ]-:alllJ.1L'~.1t1lf;c1. ,,1t'I i~ (Ilu~ing I'l'r 10\1.', II' \\t: hi .. nlli'fI.pnwl'rlul fr.I~lu" lit· ~I.t! l:tt, 1)'1 M az1nesl --0--~')'. 1i1l,1 \lollhl lalll" lu ' lhllll will. loo1'11 !'0111I.~ It' r"'llllfll II i1ur::Ic.IIIII)t"r. og I made CAN 01 E\tIIll·1 1 "huuhl IlL'\.....1I1 it us lUI illl:l~e til' 1111' ati"ll. plnl'c \\ lIidl he 11','4 1"'1.:11 1J\'rlll;ItL~1 fltrni",lw;) lit Pllhli.lll'l'll 1'1;"1 ~ In cuiu. I Fres 1 J

lllin lil\·. W lll. ,,1I;+t I 1IIt'.11I b)' C,IUl'A' to Il'.u·c hi rl\I'IIl. hut r1J11~ar:> h t'lile. L~IJ••t,.«-lig ill ."lrffllff. .\\lJ III .\,"',rllllO lit ...110111 i~ I."mill;.t Ihl' nllt"'! 01 tlli. migilly iii .. llhy"id.ln l~ Ur. "m,I..lcy. fUI fll,1 "InlJ.:.Il11C. III ull... , \\ .,r.l~. 1.'.\;10 minn i~ 111e lil.hirln~'ll pr,ldili. lIl'r hi Illr;h r~nl.. TileIll~llucliulIl'f lite intl'lI11·t ill thc 1.1\18 di-t',~u i~ tilt: ..'Hlle whll 11 lm~ :;inll Will·

U1Ullflltl·. IInd.r II'i,i,'" Ilnllltl I Illdlllitl ill"I {hi~~unl ~()1Il'1i'11 Itlml,ll'. TilliCum.not IIll'n·ly t~lill;';:lIlmll ..llwir li.~rl't·~. ~'IIIIIIl'''I''I'U IUl .. I>t.~1l ulll II! fllr ll~ tho 10',,\'11',ll1ell IIl1tl tlj(~lr WII)·'. 1111.1,11\, lidlll"lllll;.( " "iell Cllullll'oU,II)' l.ttl 111I1ll·. loim'u tIll!uf llitl .. n~, ti..n!! IIml tIle \\111 lutu nil huiltllll!Z'; lIrc "l'f\' 1I1'llr 1';1t'l! otlll'r. lli::t

lUrl1i!~t uud I,,\'in:; f1"... lrc III limn' ill .lc:llh 1"01111,1 n:ltllrally l'rcl:ltO :10: "a":ltIUlllllOIlY willi 111l.;·c 1111\'';. For IllI' ctl· I nn rlllliflrr:I;alllrul In ~1lI1'1l II! ('un 411

uClllj,ln UlllllB nl·itll\r IUl1rtl nor le!i.. th:1Il1 Sfl'WArl hn. ill hi", n\\'11 I Xhn,.i'l· relln•.ll,i ...• The ,It'pn·-.sinn III IllI' \'1I11.!ClhHt Iillr~

:\lll'r ~tlin;.l it fiulh III IlInt tllrlh",,: "htl.~ tllMt tllt"fC i II Ilt'll'rUlinul IlTort

11It:!lllllior. lIe :;It!.' on 10 rtlll:ltk Ihllt 1I.l'j :t.:,'rtin~t Illill IlIr,lI)' hOll~ \\ Iii. b. ill l"tI'CIUftll'~!:lln,. 11Ie I'dllctti"u of ht·r c1.iltlrtl\ 'l( Ih~ Comllillolflrt:'( ,I, 0111. "ill I,,' llr;.!ftll,d,Ire lhl' ~C'!IU"" III'. II!,) fontihlll" it wilh ll'l'lll\'llllt'll( ,1t'\\·l.r. JIIY G'illloll'lIn I1111' r. She lake tilt'll 111 hRlltl. -UIlII IlIIly rilW tn 1\ hi;.!h~r fl1UII of 1I111111linllII!! tlt~y Arc l'Oro. Inll begin'! tIJ (>lhll;'(lte loy tho f..11 "I 3udll" are 10;'1'11'" IIi'll. lindIhll.l. hi ur I.~hll'lltlnn. the flut tlilU \\Illitllil II. Y:Oll,krloiitone in "llilh "igIlUfllnee i tnl.lh:ll litt wenl Soulilln lJur~lIit.,f hrlllih ll\l'Ol1r·"iUrul t1i~IUeiliCllC)'. ine:lI'111ciIS ill 11im· agr..;t the "'I.....r Ihe rtunily. \,'i!h'llll hi.illlle.lull ("rime. It i~ Ih.\ l"n-n ft WOld rcturnt'lllIIllch llupr"'''''ll. nllll I~ n"w Ill·

Ilmlll Itll)\\'. but Illll Llnw tlnl 'II'ilhuUI tentlinJ.: 10 hi", IIl1til·. TIle ttt'IUI! of .\A·

Illc wor,l. It ill 1l'1\ to.\'lIU tt'lllnil Ollt tor Anll UrSle""Ilrl. \\iUlln lix 1II1111t-l1(.

why Yllur ,'MU lire 1I0S11I:' Xo\\' 111.'!'e remoft'llho 1'1'f\f1.ill'llttlti\'~.;"I' cnpltul Iu

f1l1m CIIlI\e in, ~1II11 tnlH' "11 lho pror 1110 IImount ol'itIOO,OOO.OOO. IUI,I i~ lhe11'1111'11 l1uluro IUl.lihl·l:llln. .\1)11 tho lIilll IX'/:linnlnEI nf tllo ,'rllmblln/-: of th'''l: Vfl'tnrlhn "rlindltl e.l"rllllfm wliich h" gh'''~ elitnte~. III II fel\' ,'{'tlt' 1!leir ltilliury will111 «"(}(Jill ""11 rW/':l0 i~. fir ougl.t til !w, but rl'new Ihe 1(1-011 Pl'lle t.;!Inl 10 IhtlIn muk-o gooll til" dllli'Chl III nOUlre,' \\orllill I'l'otllr,. IIl1d 1\ 111\11 "~o:fllclhnlh, til prt'Jltlle tlttl d.iltl tn n:<:tlvt •• Ltate.o hllfCl ..'lIl1C ."d Illlnil lu r,,"uu~

IIslure' lcnchillg. and tn lJl:rfoct h. ,\ II (lower.lIrtltlchll t!t1uctlliun shnuld lie all I\ntirj. l.tIM.! un lhc pol"t,.,r '\'l'ry Vil\·erln~ hoar.Ilillinll uf nntllre's etillCl\tion; lIn(llI lilr KettlJ h)' flIIN nr nr rUlIrllWu at.'t"IIN.trll! ecllll:utinn I an nrtillcilll l'1luCl\tioll. ~~:~~~~tr~':ltt.I;~~~:~~.':~~II:::~~I;:::~one whitb hu IJI't'lmn'tlll I11l1n. nolonly 11iI\'o!to escape nllluN' Ullf,. anti [,10..... hut Iff'lr 1I1"~\'t heir. like "un: ImllCl1hlll: w.\'I·.10 lel%C lh~ re"'ltnl. ,,'hlell she I':dtttn U"k 10. tit W tn"n~ wllh .\·tOll leu 11IViihly. Indo..;: ... bolo to"ll.l.. waU.: ·ll-lall"jlMe.

Innnnble tlnUI 1IlIIIIc"'.I.U,Then llr. lIuJtIcJ gin', UI tho (01101\'· .'"l! tl'\.'t.-....nd 1It1t1 '11111 QZIJ rarnltrl

ing Iliclllrc uf wlllll ho l;IIPCt'i1'e an 1.0(1· r..IL"llCllted lUlIn tn lito, M the n:ault of:. trul,. _7',..l!l 7·im~.Iibernl elluettioll: - _

•• Thllt IllIlD, I think. lIu l\lul a IibcmletlUClltiuu who hu lM.'en IV) Inlill~d IIIyouth Ihnt his IxId)' Ii tile rl'nlly k'n-untof hll will. 1\1111 ,lues with fQ'l" I\ml )llcu.

ure ,II Ihu w..rk 11111t, Rllil 1ll\.'Chlllllslll. it

IluJ)tl.blo III; wboSli IUIt'ltcct 181\ clear,

coltl. logic e"gine. with 111 illl Iinru flft:tlual 8lrtng11l. IInll 10 '11100111 workiug

nrdllr; rrall" like n 1II'IIm cnsin,., 101.1<:turQ~1 to unJ kilKlI,r work. llucll!l'inthe gotIftnlU .1 wdln ror~e the IrI·ellor" or the mIDII; WhOlie minll i, storel!\litb n knowledge or tbe KUnt lOll fUll'd:unenlul trulh, or nMurll. 11111 of thebur of Ilrt opcrnlioll : one _ hn, noIt un tell ..eLlie, i3 full 01 )ir\J Int.! fi~,

bllt whose fl:\uiOD!l Ire tnlillC\1 ttl ennlCttl II~I h11l ,ilOoroui \\ilI. Ihe ICrvaot elf

tellcItr conscilnCt:; ",lio hili lurnd to101'(1&" Oemt,·, \\h~tl~'ror n:.turo (tt IIrt,10 lI:uc 1111 yilcneu, Rnll tlJ rcsllfct olher.1l!t1lllll~Ir.'··.. "lew Ed",·allu••

lit. lIuJlle,lliy' ,Io n lIiI hilt lin, Ilfia.

~lrle. th.t etluCl6tlon, in it. 11'''6 t tLnlllli~lll..t 1t1lSl".-the ctIuCftlion not men..)),IIf acluws aDd c:nll~. hilt tllln Ctluc:l­tion wbleh the human spirit ill't'C\'hlngllnilllt!rrl1tll~lly lrom birth till Ih~l&lh,­

~hllt llli, Vrocc.. (onli". "uld)' In IClifU'ing tho lAWS or nllute', IIDII trliiningouu', IlaIC W olHly them, And Wlillill-Ite Il\wl IIf MtllrU "hich we hUll to~arn he IndudeD nul only tI,e Pll)'8IrlllIU.... hut 11.110 tholO Inornl lallI'" which~OYUfU Ullin ami hi~ ,Ya) .. 'We mU'lI.c1

lursclve! then:fore to I1clluire II knt'lwl·tdKe nol nnly of thu In..., 1!J1It. n.'guIMtlnl~Uer. but .110 of Ih!llUl'lulla"l ul tilet:nivcr'll('. ThelC mornl IltW;f )1,. lJux­:.:, hohl. til IJe ., rigid Bnlt sclf-t:l:llclingII tbe physicilla. 1I!)pear1l to II('. Tilla..I~w 01 tho Mnrlillnn of our esi'lencehere, find or the 1):1rt ronn htnri in h,~fr. Huxll''' ... tA ('lftb in n tmlml.l', notto MJ lining. ftj..rtln'. •• SUPPOIIC 11. W('ropt'rfec:I)' c~tlnin," he Mr~, "IIJIU Lho1 lifeAnll rorlune or everJ ono or us woultl,une dlly or Inlllher, I1CIH;Dt.! ul~n I,iwlnoing or hllliog a g'lme ur cllc ~. don'tyou think lhftt wu lilmultl IIU C"n1,hll'r Ittil 116 II Ilr1mrory IItU)' tli ICII1/l Mat It'l~t tbe Dame 1\1111 IIlfIVl'1I of the WIIO Jlllnl1l.D t'iOT 11K" WWt:.-I!II!i

rice!:.; hi hllYO II nollon or 1\ gUlllLil, t1mt womau 1\ Cl\1l If! IIIJ 1\ wll'u whoIIn,l" kccn ey\! lur "" Ille Hlean" fll glv. Illink, more or her bllll o1r'lt» IIHUI Jleriug AnI! gt:111nl:!' nut or .. check 1 Dn ,l'0U chll,lrcn, IIn,1 \'ish. 11('r nurl'lt'tY no 01·fHllllllnk w08!.ouI11Iook with n tli p. h.ner thllll onl'C 1\ Ibyl II", II ~ulllin l\

prol..hOfI lltn;mntl,,!; t,. fCOrn UlJlIII till.' CAli to bv u t\'ito ",,1'0 call" f"r 1\ cull

rulher wIlli .IIU'A'l1.lld.toll. tor tI,e ~Illte Ultrc lila~'1 ",ben her II1Islmn!I'iI notu,,'hil.'h _\I0WI tllt. mClulJtrs, to gr"", Ull ,.r~ being protl.'lltt>J 1 Hid that WllU1&J1wilhulit kn",,'ing II p:t.WD rr"o' • Il:ni/(ht 1 "\':ill tQ Ltc "wire \\ h" "it!l rCl.IIIIH lite

.. \'tt it i. 11 velJ plnln IUlIII'If'1h~ut.lrJ I ~t nc . nO\l1 \\bile ber hu.huHI Inllll

Inllh thllt tlie lill', tile rmtunr, an~llhll ldoru Ihe ~IR:U "' ttyin~ 10 pin uhl'l'l'lnt or 1very CIOI! or u • lind. IIlure h<\;llltr n Luttunl J .hlrl.IJI .!J1' liasur IL~. of tlll~ colln",r-tcd \lilll u.. tlo lbat WODlnn n Ct&1l to IJC:. _i(" who"ull nn nur lino log 1lo1mtihilltC of I pecu 1.(.( bUIll:lntl to "'"nllo\y Jihucdtilt' rul, IIr a j:tIHlltlln6niH,. mo!.: lliffl· eolrLll. soggy Lread, llUOIe,. tCI; Nul

colt and ?OM;1J1r,hd than chou. hi. nIw tery polatoeSI 5ix tlay¥ out of Ibcg'1I10 which lll'" l,«:n 1,ll'Jed ror untoll! 1.!\'1:111

·rh.· !"il"rkhll.: 1'11 ..1.1'1.I _ " III '''.'\ ,II II,·, I~I .1\ lh"! f· I I f 'I I' l,.

'1' I, .I~; .".: ,·1., ·I·~·~ .:.\ Il",.h"r'l~fl"I"\" h"~'.

I 1l,"'I.t1.l1 1,1·1· II," _I" ..." 11.1 ~,,'

r. '1 '''.'' "fl,r,· _U<l.', 1,·1.·11 ,I\\ III tltt ""1".'" I ~"Il .: ·111' Ii, .;.\\' .11t .. "rio. ." \, I~ UIl' •• ,I, 1,,11.,\"J .1' .1... 1+1"1.\ II.,' 1111' ..llI·"l"I.~.W'>llll,.ln 11111 "lit. ,", -.lIhi.u"I,-r.I ...[. .. ,1 'h"'" I,I~ III hlllll,III H,'1'"nl,II,,-' m"lIl.hd .. Illl .,·11111,' -Hlf

.. II, t,~,11 hlll.rl~I\l,I:I 1111.\ Ihl" ....:\lI'Ull'l',I .. IUI,l tllIll. ~Illi ~lMh I Iii.:. .

.\1111 .mllo',III' !Il" U'''ll~hlllllh.' ~l1I"'lI I'.l.r\lId h,"~llln~ I)'''' "r h"r ,llrUn.,: r,'lr;

III th.' JU") III'" IUI,I d" lilY b.lllll·.n,~ I,I,,,,UII\!' r\+ ~ IItill II... l..utl ,I· l1I.t'd•.,~hl' .11.:11, ,lib pll,' tll'Il.:ht 'II Ih... "" I t111U!' ,i.\nll ulI lIl1d J'Iwn II," ll,t'o.lh·I,I:l~1. 'I

:loll" hilt'" It p.ld. 1110. bk..·ul.,.. ·U· ••\nd lmk\1 hl;r ..",I. I'lt1l11 kllJlr ,",'~I:'.

:-unly rvltll'J JIll blollt ,lU~·.

A. l1e linlo) r.d III ~Iull'''tr I I"~

nul on t!u'ne,lll It·ut II"',rlin.I'r-.The mOWl r" IVUj{ht ... llb ttl In!'!' Ill:" I:...:, ~.

\nd !'lIdl" IN... ll .. lth an 1&11\1..,11' ftl~.\1'11f':I1In~fjn Iv:h r,,".trrll.:th atlll ::r;I~O

Tu t..:lIl1le U,~ ell I'" or IlI'r"~ Ihr I ~OI1.

lu lilt·.." antllln,It"C1 hl'r u,hl;l HIU'.

'"or pllfltt Ib'l "und' rill!: '.1-1 I" rt~I",

"'''111 rro... IIIl' IvY,: ,.r ill· ...,h' h"llI':.Tv lllitltl'Jhll r"'1n till: ~1I11I'Iill;:n..l1ho: knllll,'r "'\III t"Otltly Je"cl .. !lolll .... t:10 "ue hlm rrom tile III'Mlkll"lt I.,.. I,,\n,1 ~llllll\ d~I~l:t'lI 111111 "''11~ 111" .uu1.

.\' 1111 thu tlllnllJl't lnokll W~tt' tx:nf,1'1,,: bl;>t! IH)N II ,rnll., 1>( _\\C("\ cunt"llt."or tim h..ltl!tllol'rl wh•..e 1ol<:1I\ltJ w.~~W"re e'l:toll~lllly all with \'I,I~tJ uf I.NI....:;1(lr lI('r th<l ••rllblllo e\ er 1l1".... l..l.\lkl fmm her 1l10ll1";tr1~ nlll·le 1111"0>1.1:Willi )CTlIl'Crull1&lTl'l,"\l ...d Ul"...."t 1I111:n.:-I,~ ulu,l.'\Ilhrou.;li mu1\l." II falr y"IUll.; .111''0''.The moUler ....ld with I f...r,cnl Ill""~lf,

\'lI.\' Ih"'\'('n .t,it:hiber rrom It.nn 1l11l1 r .• ~TIl l rud "'111. lI,td tit .. ~llnl..~ 111:1\ ..m rt.1rom tbe 1I1l11.~ or. l>Il;;hU:d Iif'lrt.

TlJIl ne, I "'CtC fttr tlK\lM' _" ..e " ... t bl'" troJ1\lr Inlny ~ummtf!o Ille l;lIrlh'~ I:~" .utI••\1111 the ,Ionn~ or lDall)' _Int.·,.. r,·lt :In .)0)' hid pmllf'd. lll'U la ".tl"O_, lu,d"0 dOlld IloO dI,k. but 11.~ t:lhtl",rrh':-hl1llIJfUl1l .Illlrl~ ,,\rt 1I1",~kd 11I""I1:,::b :"0 )1"1110111110 dl'Cp. Mill ,·uil1.1 u0111r!lo,'hlt:'n.>i,.,ltJll.o 1.lnllon! lflulJ Ilullk,:lll:n.

Tho b.'lt rllt 01111 wh,."·f\; I~I'''I'':':1I"\'111'" l1~r nlltrow 11I1lI'" with a .1I1~'r cruwn'If woullroll~ 1(1,11'0. 1IIIIt .-celllcl!lu ,hlal11 tllfllt o( III0r)' rt.'md he' h,·.J.1',,:I"LruUy .1ukln~ to t.he liulet rt'§t,wlllllnK tllOW ur \IUl trul,· lJlcel:rur Ililrallu lll~.t tlle rt::ht tt'lali ..roAll tender ali ami wlI\l'hl'ul ...,rc'.And U'UI t1Jeul'lCkllllC'" all "'ere nM:nd-'\l;'\'llh -.:h .lll.tb. lboujl:ht WII' blclltlo:d;\ ...·hhe\"·1'J Um,ad (or rUltl';, ...·I"Itt.T1.o "enlnl·lu otl illo:'Ol pra~-cr'



Page 3: 10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...






D. n. JAC'I\SON.

~, ~."C., I'C.,



"(' ~, t J'K ~ t";q~r~'''''-J~~::;;;~~ ~,

m:.\J.EllS IN'


'l'lIkcn in Excllungc for !Icrclwndiso,,'1 nl


.Tust.iccs or the Pence.






~IOlllr~truII Ullil ~rNlIIptioll 1!1ll1nlt~,

~1I~illr,t;~ lIllIl ~rglll' ~Iunh~,

l'illll:-i GLES. SII 1]" Ii::-iEES and LOG:'>,







Groceries and PROVISIONS, TOBACCO and Cigars.\Yo !;('CII for sule the best Jll'und of Oregon r'tour in the

~Inrk" ,

Jt:WELHr, \f.\'I' 1I~:g litH.! CIIAt\'!;; lI':I11Jr.IXl'f:D PUIlr: _U,ilTERIALt..,

:&1111 &'1 d,C:lP U~ C:lIl 1Jt: Illlrclillscol answht'fU in lhc Territory.


'n RUG GIS T S ,


AND EXPERI·ENCEDwo l'k­men. We nrcpl'epal'ed t" cxe'cute llll kind.of JOn WOHK,


We havea Cordonjob pressn.ntl n lu.J'genutH't ut

A J-llII.UIEDi lVUII..liJlER OJ:' l'Ou. BOOBe,




\'1 Ill.


TIll' Ilrll)' I~ tIL.: uldl'8tl Illl'I{Ctl ltllli !Jell InIII,' '!'I·rrl",r\·.

Ttlll \1','\,1;1.\'. uow In II'" ~hlrl'1I1h YI.'lLr "rItlIlIlll'III1"", ""lIhllll~ llIUrc 1'1.1,,1111::' Inalh'rIh.,n :Ul\' IIr ll~ T"rrlll'lrl:tI ('Ilnll·lIllltJnri,·_.

lite l'~I1\h'IlV"r IIUlil \\'111 hll'ludl' tI ...' rllll'.1hUIIIl' 1I1'1l~. "lllhlrllll mlllt,·r. llie l.ll, "1"1'I:tum_ (rum Ilhl'lmd. 1·\lrf\:ef'Olld. lit·,·, IaJII·rl.~tIUJf lUl~I" lIiUl)', .\:1'.

"[IDI8:11.(11)' 1,rr nnULHll. '10: \\""'kh', Pol",I II ll.·~lt''1I. llild 11l~enCli VI! R~I_I'II'

lllrlU h.rlll" .\.rdrt' ....~TllUS. W. I'HOSt.'II, !'.IU;,}..,,·.


All "rrlc,', loll, in Illy absencewill he p,'olllptly lIUend«l to.

J ....og'~in~ CaJupsSupplied,


BUTCHER)1111'kt:t nl\ l'uinll AWlIlH', .:ll~t WillI{

of 11\110' EIIl!le lIulltlilll(,:-:)'<UU'l)llllll Cl H,

W. T.


Sea"tt1e, "VV. ':1:'_

G-1.-ve "\1S a call.

:--XOI[O'lbli ('IT\', W. 1'.

,\llul'dC'l'I'l !'cl'civcd at til it: :-lIop

will be lltlclIllC41 to with

. ncalllo,. nn\1 <li'pat"lt.

One DoorWest of Snohomish ElchOln&:l.

All \\·III·k pCl'tainill" to thehll~jllC:-::1 dOllc lit ~liul't Iltlticc:uHI ill II WCII'kllllllllikc lIltWIICI'.

\ Illl

~EAT'rU:, w. '1'.\'I:n~


Wm, H. WARD,


Lead and Iron Pipe,1l.\S .'\; f'TE.\)[ l'll'l~ fl1~I'ISG:-l.

7'/.\", (/OJl/'/';U, &. J.I/'.IX!I'/J 11'.1/,'1-.',

"'ill ClllletWflI' ttl !ollippl.r theCOlltllllltlity with the I.x:...:t qual­it)' 01


Improved HorseForks

Thc)' mlH IC:I\'u their or,tcf'li in tinU'.

:\11 toolj;; l1~e(1 ill L(j~14il1!!

C:lIll(l"; IUHtle ttl ut,k'I', ll.llt.l

:\~ c1u:'ll() as CUll be::vt on tlw,. i'! 1111\1.

-f:hi"" rot: :;:J'1I.b..JrJli/lJic.JI:Onl.·'~IIY. rur"llt', In :I,hll1l(I', t.J: lor

•b:CIQII~ll~,'1 :'0, .iUllc Y.I'~~ j~~1S~~.L!.

l!'J'lvr oJ.,,1 l',vJ"'~l"" .


SI·ort'd. Ihu:,:'ln",..• 1~"'(·IIIU'. C'nnunfldo..,· '·"n,14'j'Mh.

III !Ii. Icellire ~t"lIlim',w""Ct'~ of I Tile );l"~' Yllrk Wl/rM tlf Ill'" ~.ltllr(llty",I,I'rn'lllld ,\lIli.~1.I\·t'n·," -'Ir. Ut"lJ.:'III~~ il:'~; OUrln: Ihtlln~t tllr('c tlll~1 ('l'JIl'

o .' ',. lilll.. \\ in" l'd;l'ur III Iff Ilj~ "WI! IIj.lllon.: Y:lfltll'rbHl ha~ 1I1111. n.(lllhl "J: II' 1.11;.. • • •• I, I'll" ., "'''ile IiLlI',-n' 1'\1""'11. I 11ll.! ! l'IUclllll'~llIUllIUIlIItI, mil It 1111'1 u.'Crl tll,.-

::~','r ~1 ..()lI, I;"~ lIul Icilllll-:' till' ~tlll)' (,If t ("I\·~.rt'llllHI.l Ili~ Ilh~'~icill 1'lln'lilU~i'lll i,ol

.. '. '11 11' (r,'m IHllIdlllW. 1111. I 11,)\\' I hilt rapl,llj' llHIIl); til pI," I ". )Ir. \ nl1ll, r·rl'l. /"> ,., I ,. I' I ,.,.ILl:' ;.:t,·ll 11,;,.1 i) U\'"" I .101 Ilut klllll\' 1111)' .1 I, 11,(Jet ",II,' d<:l 'fllUl 10 lllUlI Itll' I'd lur

~,"ll r,II."1l lIlly I ~h,,"ld 11"1 1111 It'l lmlt I'h hI!:. lluoll1...urlS tll.1 "I hllJ Ilh~l!'lI·.i\"jlJ,. g,·'wr.dly imigoilll'd lllllt iJ IIU"II III lmulilu h~l\'e, hlClllttllll,Ult'd In llmtl'IoII·\e:,I\I .. n.·dlul. 1.111 il i .. (lllll Ill' tire l'lHl"', Illllll lit IUI·t Ihe rl'nl t'll11~nj Imn.'111 "t "itllll!e :111l1 (:llmllttlll place tlmil'!l 1...·I·u 11ll,rc ,1"qll~' "\·al,·,I, W, 111l,·.dl'~'

tl,ltl.tdd IIll gil·ell. I W!l~ 1I11'ntJd ill 11I11IrninJ,:' lu~t .'Ir. Yanderbill, \llIn IUIIIr dh.. t ,,:,1111(1)" 011 11ll' t,:-l"11 rll !Ili"tl\ uf 11l'I'lIuilillH li,r !II:'" rul mont 11-, III ('uille

'1Ir, 1.11111. ill 1-.l:Ji. lUlll II l:·w \"'ar" ul'lI'I' I .. lldtll·lIly milch \\·lIrH·. Tile illl1llet!iltli:;. II' :il1llllll...I· 1ll.I' "'')('11110'. 1-111111 1'1'1111 I CUII'I: 011 Ill_ 'utl,ll·u prulSlI';lli"n \1 '10; hi .."'lIt 1.1' I,. IJdlilllllru II~' Illy ':Ill-h:r Itlil ..Ill l'nlJlplltillf, llll,1 Ilu \\:, .. In'.lll·,IIU'·1';-"':hr"l hi .. 1111' kl·'·l'ill~.I'lIt it I'll" cllrdillJ.(I)'. Jlu rllllilli ill II slltJl'l lillll',., 'llllg:U l1l\l\'t'U1t'lll III ,,1'u,1 1IIC ~i~IY ulld WCll,w..t~I~· lliJ;hl 11C I\U~ Icdill~

IIi •• •• llean'l' Ill\' 1iIlCrl\,. Wh,'n I ('r. milch l·uBit'r. :iillCI: Ihut tilllu Ire hilS

I rill' I '1IIl~l·ui'ill::. I itllllilil Ul,/lllll 11'1'11 I c.1111hI1l~t1 10 jlllllrHlc ~rlHlllally lout"Np,'r llIC;In~ tn 1l1'j'0l1lIpli"tr 111~' I'llrp".c./ "h'IlI.IiI.I·, ultlwllolI hl.: tnl!. 1i"Cll ,~(llilinid

•\lllJll lim\.' W'cnl \·loiIIUh':o.J I\u,tc~cr. 1,,11I~III~tllllllSt III thc llllll'. 11tcl'llll1-

• i..,.ll,\' IIll: nlltllllrilit". l;lcr)'I,ody wu" lIludlltc j, iilllfcrilig 1'1"1111 II 1Il'riutltl rUIII·

"~l-i.·th: wnli·III,;.I. !llld ifu IIlu,'c l\lt.i f"Ullll pli ...t1li ..u of ,list·u•• ·.... Ik·i,]l·~ IIClllUl"

!l'Il.j,iu ,Ill: limit.. flf lIi~ 11I1"t\'r'~ 1,11111111- 1'11111'1.... he Il.I~ Il ,Ji,f'll-l,l ..I' tllc I,h,ddcl'

1"'1, hll would bc lial,lu 101 P!IClW IJ\, wllllt 111111 Ilcrull!, The htl'nill, it i~ hld,l, i ...hellt tm \I'll'" \lut uf plllC'I'. [WP&It'jHll III II hut kl:I'llil blm so clo,~c1y 1'llI1lhwd to

\1.lrklr1lttlllil'}'unluhtl CllUlIIlCIlCC,lt" hili IX·d.Ht prcllclll. Ili_.thliClIlicnfthc

"',111 thu 1I11~im'"'' III ~hill.clllllCntlrlllg j,11~, I~ nn old 0."1.'. :.llld Iq dCI'p H:alld..1:101 '·lIulldn:;. 1I1'n.: I h.I.1 fn lilicht. in- It l~ h,'Ult;tl thll~ Illlil WIll 1,0 t!lt: UlllUlltlc'\'h'vlln-c \\illl ... lill1l'~, ILll11 ill 1111111 I Ullllllut \er)' ,llblunt CIIUlit: III Ills dCtttll11".u61It I lli"!.'I'\I·rld Il fl''''ir114 1111t~1Il'1 Tile 1'(lllllllHt!Uru wI/llld 1111\'" Iw,·1t Itt!·1'1\11.1' lInollllndll\"";. ,\ltllHlI;.:lI the Ilim'l \·i.e,1 to gtl],~Jlillo Ulllllll'rluillU 1I11 \~·l'll., ,ltI, .. :11111 UltI!IMCIt-.. n:':ltill:,1 "ll('lIlle I\cre ul'lolIIlS hllllil 111l11.ull fur tI,u ~1'ltJll!l

;'l'p.II"nll}· illl<lllhHlllllllll,I,', 1 t'ulIcl'il'ed u'lture Ill' hill Of her Irulllrlt'll: Tlu,: ,Ill~'

11'1 hlill tllill 1 C""ll,llll"l'lllC Ill\' r, 1l'1l'lC II)' jlUr:l clillcllhlc,l Ill.ll. C"Ill"'II,'rlll;.\' hhi

.!\"'·,.. illg' IlIlS.lil"l·'ii d'llhillit II~I,I IIIIl11in,:.; 1 ~rl'lll .ugc, it W,IUlll be 1111lll.;dulIli III "uL·II ..tlrH·lltitillU~ rl·tn nt. IIlIt I IHltl 1111 Jt'ct lllllll" llll}' 8111'1, tlpcrntl..", 1lI11111mt11'1'1'1':' ">' Wllil'll I ('"ullllll''''' l'l'lllll piai'll I till)' 1\VIII.1 Ih'ler it 1I11lil il ..Imlllll hc·f" ,,1.11'\'. rllltllll.lld.\·. I 11I1'l \\ illl II IWItt COUlC IIU~,llI.hlj n«cllinr)' 101 luke ,lllCIl l\

11.lIllo'll Sllllll.·~·, Idlll lhcd ill nlllim"~I·'I .. teIJ. ".llIHII Ihe Illllit fclI' ,11Iyll ~"" rl'~\'

1'1,1 \lh'l \\H!llrill. Illl rC!k'llllllt'll 1I1C III lllri" 11l~\o gTllI\lI 'll.urp 1I11111111;::,nrd, III

Ioutdh·. lind frlllll II1Il1 I uLlllille.\ lL ii.uit ICOIbl.·'ltl1.'IICU t.JClhll palll hu h:,'l liujf~'re~l,

"l'lIlil"I'! ,11I1111·~. 1.1111 lti!l prfltt'1'IIlIIl. /lud (·!,'I.·r.! .I.IY he r.lalt·!\ pnrtlOllll Il' Ill"

1"'I"l~, 1l1111Ir,i.. ullprtl,l. 111.1\·itlt·11 \Iith II hi+'I'y 1'1 till/lie IlWlIfid 1,llil. lIu lU1~1:"1 1\("'t"lIl~' llilidt·~, I. in :-;"lIt'llIhl'I, Ilil·,nliilla or ."')lIl1t·llIillll In IJlISillt'!lilt",l~, o;"I'Oro'" IU~' Ilbl·ltJ. L Hut I·JIIl!. :', nllhlltl~h lie t'lIlIlirllll~ til rl.·L'l'ivcl:·ltI."k~ \II t I"l' UI)' l'lliltlll', :lIltl, I,y ur· I Ihe ~nl',I~ 1,llhe 1Illilietfl1l8 cull ... r" lit l,is

I Ill,." 1Il1.·ul, alit·r tile tluin ~Ihrl, ,I Iw n·~i,I.·lll:"! III WII.~lljllc:tlm pill' e. 1Il,\ \,lOfI1:'fL'"" it ill. :md I r,111 [ll'ler Imd jllmp.t1 Ulit .;iHllllldjt'Il~I' I.. 11l1~1,lJ(h', h'IIIC\'cr.'Ill 1~'1l jfl'ulllpdlcd 1<1 tollY a lil.·k- C:'\'l'llt Ilcl:OI.illlll friL'lId". 1I11:1 m'lst ••r,·t. it wIIJII,1 11ll\'c lll'ell 1J/."I"I·'l!lllry III un th..-c \\11\1 l'u1l 0111 l'Il!.int~!l t'rrllllt! .. IIro.', r,.:u IIII.' Ill .... t ri;{i,II.·),(UllinutiulI. nn,l rete'fl'!! Inl.i .. 'lilu. Will. II. \·:Ill>lurlJilt.:1 I .k·"·illli"n ill till: 1"I(lcrlllllll·ll'IHl'I. .. · IdHl b ill !,lllll c1l:1rgc Ill' tlill prl..~jd"'llt·'t

II ll.d \","ll;: \\illl lhll 1I1.trk!l uJlllt~· !'lr-I tlilko nt. IlltJ (lrntlll (','ntn,l tICIH.Il, lit

10.111••h:e"I.HlI;.:ly, the Il4.hl llll· \\ill! I:lr- whlcll Illtll'l: nUlllillg ii kllO\\1l by Ihodl.ll \/il l 11111.1 I BIUIIl ..nh·Ld lit \;'1l1lli:1l: &lIllOn!jll.ltc 1,II!I'l'rll ('tlnCl'rnllll: thu Ill.

t ..n. llt'''~ lit' thclr ehit.(H"f'" I. llll·t Freolcril'k :il.l'ill, ~Llr \\ 11'~111 \\...!\.r,[ I)' IlHlrnillg hit hrc:tkliulcil at

J 1,1,,1 1I'lrkl·.!, lmt I \\,I';~.J pcrf~ctI3' <llll- I. t O'dlk'k. Jlu ute Ill'lIftilv. hi morn.LtlllN'11 Illiit Ill' did Uilt I..hIW me. III II illlor r~pl1l1t ronlil~lil1g of t\\'o "'Imll chops,ILl\' mom..:u'" tllU th,ill I'rulll l'hil.,.I~IJlhiQ, tile y'llks Ill' ll,rcll egJ.;... FOrIlO rpllllu ..hI. lund ~lllllll. lurh·cd. nlld on tlll~ ..loll" I\"r I. 11k!. ,l ...: C'l.llllllln,I"II· i.., Icry fUIIlI.)Clilit. ).h-OO\\lIn, III ,110) He\l'lll1tt ll~lt~r :uhlll Clip or CUlrl'11 :In,1 CI·t.'lIl1l.•\nuf

"C n,i1IIIIl"tl'. \d.'I111 l hrhl kllolWI\, 1II11' l!li~ Iw "mil tll !lill C'i~'''lr n.. 1l-1l3111lltlIlllldy, IUIlI 111111 (11.,/l1Uld lJl'1.llll\ '1Illllult;d I' I. II I'"illl hH:, hw llli\.It",<ll~lilcll to r~'I..tI.:;' c1mtl'·. 11111\ th(I~('III'lltllh I Ill: .\l'?·''1;:11 nit.. \\'11t'1I lito C.llltC,I~· Ihllt h[L'l llno\\l1 .'ll·. \lllld"rl/iit

tllrulI~h tlw !rllin Ill: l'uJd)' '::lll...d IlII !lll \I'r)' 11111).:',1:110\\11 111 ..0 tllRt helm" lIlI cot·t:IC Il.lll"t'ngl'ufur lic.. ,t... IJut. \lhcll hi' (f....rllltIHr)· COlllthull'lII. Ilc hill lJl....nI'nmu hi 1111'. inBlc,hl /II' "I"':lking' ill 1111 "" IIII\' '>!.·\I·I·,lIliIllCi t!lII~ I,p, I1h~~it'i,UI"

Ilrruf;'1t1t llllllllll'r. lulllnw kill.II, Ilplt II!.: Illl\ll dl·~pliro·t\ <lfhiill't.'1·m·('r~'. uut he!\"ro1ltpo:tollllnL.1 Ill;' Ih.e IJ"I'\.·r~. I rc· tl,fllru Irc 111111 I'urpri:oe.1 thclll nUll}' ):flltl·"IJtJtl,kd illlhl' I1I'h:11i'.·l·, 1'1f! rli~ ,uf),riit.' ulIlly I'tcfl\'l'rin;.:- bill U~ll II Itt'tllth. Thc)'

\11t" ~rl·.lt, nnoJ Ilil< Ullger nut rlPll,lrelll 1m.! U!;rt~,i llmt IHl Wlllll\ .. \\'tll),lt·tllll·''11ll!l1 I t JI,1 Idm Illy ulIly i"1~!'I Wll.i the 111:111, 1111\1 or C'"II'l'I·. ="tll·il.nletl hillll~'

.\m,·riC:lll 1:.Il.!le. 1.lloh.iIlK 111'011 it, 110 tllui,hill,t rCt'{l\'t' 10 IIII' rlt_i~tnlll.'t rlf.IItlllcd IIl1lt I \\ III all right, .In,1 \dth lI.111Iurdl'" by ItltlllrC'. Bnl "II IV thu hOllc Ill'1~-~lIr:IliCU I c.mle tllt'llLlJ.:h I,) XelV Yllrl.. ,lilh.!l ~~'Ji .. tlllIC' i" uot tiliOIlt!ly cnlcrt[lin.I g:ut till!\: at IIIl1 V'dllCk, llild ~truJColl cd, /l·... iulJ tu Ihe1.'~lrCllhl ,.111 tlgc or theIlI.Hlut HIlII Ioll'lIt ill tile ilrl.'C!S uutilll1<lrll' l'tllhllt,ing. Illhlnvt kllfll\' lhllt llilld II frll'IUI )11'. \'nl1lh:rLoill I,dll~ nnlt'll Iii'!tllerc, 1.\It 1111 tllO nut 1I1vrnittlJ I lllt.'t! Hu:ti'llI ill lill 1.11~ill(·il~ IIlIi.ir1, h.h I. It

I',lllil Oi"Ull,UL- \\110:>': huur-.: 111ILI.lIh·'l.l ~'Cllr:i Ll'I'1l pl'l'Jlllrlll to rt.',i~lI hii JllI-t.III U.lltilllflrC, HlIll he rc:l~rrl...1 IIlC I,) '11111 "" clIlilplete lire 1111 hi111tl,tngllllllll"D,.\hl tt\l;':!:ll,'~, II Illlil;tt1tllrotJlllll 1111\1 III tll1lt n'~I'I.I, thut it h l,dlc\I·,t rJult.J.(~llctUU' IIl1nllcd citiLCll. While ill the n... lll ith~tllll'linA" hi1 H"tl'U inll.ul'lll'O IIItit)', \\hcre I r~lllltillt.:d 'eHrul ,hl.I·II, I Iho I<ulr(\.ld \.\l1'III(' ~ "I thi~ cUUlItl>',,i ..!te,I,IIIl'l'umh_, IIl1tl tlll'rt..! I ~.III' 1".utC hiw tll.lll, \1,luhlll'l\ll lillie Illi.'\.'t h the

1I0!1!'ll', \\hu, lor tho ~rClt t.ltrell~ tit' ~l{>d. IIllliJ.Ll. The ..ltld. \\llil'1l ha

u'hjlltill~' T"IIl; Ii\u cllllrat'lcl', Iwilia ill XI'\\' \"llrl.. ('1111".11 h'I,1 the Illr,ill t1l1lklllJ; hill ....c.Il'e t \\,<.:01 Ulldlr~l.ill;.t II'J1I r'lilr',ad~ woulll mH. if i. "Ii 1, lxltrli\I." tllrllWlll>lI,11O' 1II11..l.ct \\ithin vile )l'.lr

:':r. f)ollghl!>:l kll't Ihii !!t Iry Il"C::C~ a .:Ii ..r hi...lolllll, iI'llt 1111.long: tiull', lJCCltu'tU th<J cllut!nt:t'lr wile -----

•\ IJ;lI'i" \\tllll.ln 11(1'-1 pur"\'tell II "'JI\'1I11t11\ cd hill. tll 1':13'i fl'lnL Llllltllll\lrC til",\,lIlIl.1 or IllclllllJ.: pod.el~. ·!ttl cll\L'r"

·I·hillhlo.:lllhi,~ Wllllil lIn-u IIl:Cll rt'IIIJullll ' til\) 'IlIUdlll1i "ill! It Hf.\· prcH>' ufI,1i1Jlu :0 :da m:uitcr J~lr IILI' lk.l'Ulliliry c~' I

u~rlulifull)' ,h·f~~t.:tl brilly, ,1('111$ hl'rltl IIlllit. ul thu IUb! llla:Jin.d, all,l ll'1."U""

d,ldO tv lflll lil.c1ic,t. I'H,·CIl~I·N. :mllbe llid I:U~ Wllllt toJ C%'IO.-.J hii tHeliliII""rk~ 1I1111l'r t:over ..f 1IIIl ).... :1l1'11111 olrlt·

!itllllley, Ilnd hCl'Ull-.<J hc .Ii!l 1I11t WUllt ., ,IWI r. .\ It!.'t ~UCI l'C<liTlll "ho 111111.: h'~ t J6

"llivc.lwhlcr" ttl 11II1IIV :hut 111.1\'1'" hUl.lhJ.lI,'. "" thllt It criciO l't.':Hlllll', IIml ICll\'\'l(

lilly lI1cthlhlK uf"':>C·'II\l· m~ fn'e I"~ll: .llll I!le utllIlilJu. IiIHlltellly 1(1 lJuy c,U1d} lur!_L1t1, Y,'rl:f pUft:lulIl;t! !Iy Imtl'sll •~ulJ, $nO 11IIVill/ot hl'dljhlllllvr 1l11ll~Y lIt. . .l4 friend uJ' hi. ju I.:u::,l.llId, tLlltl the nIl 0- Gtlil Jl.tll. not t:lkCII~'" lIIl:cli p.IlUj;I IIItiati(lili Im\'llll; l~lll.cuntluctl·d II)' t1tiJ lrnllinj!. hntl furni"hing. nlld lHlomillj;lIun. WID•• llrl'Jilh, u~ l'liill:.\h:I!,h;3. tlilii WIIII\I, Ihat lhe')' \\ 1m ',':~re ~nt\ll!l hy-}.'.t. Uh.'l. t\l lhll iu it Ilhouhl J~'llhc 1t.

Page 4: 10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...

Sa1fUllwon. W. T. Thill I~ tho m",,!.northern 101l'n on II~ Pat:illc ClIIIllt. Iiiu!ltt'tl ",'hl,in the CDilt'tll':bltt. ill onlyI1hou~ onr nlile rrom Ihe BrlllrJI C~lu",

bill Uollndry IIno; i. built lIpon 8 Mn,lIliit "I)flll lhe northern Ilide (II &mi 11'\J; ennlllni .. ~ll Il/lle1. hl'lh, Alfl'C!l1 11lurlnw; Ilore r(Jr Mle of Jttllrnll mrrehttnllille. Iml pot.t otf!rt.

It'amtr Tar",. \'ioil!! lhere e'try Wf1 "­(film lUif'. Port Townllfllll. Sin JuanIIlnnll•• !thome &t'.. relurning Iltnle WAy.POI)ollltloo n( ~t1lnlCnt Illooue I , In­!Ilhutlflll' f'lf'J:llniretl Ire )hthOflin findCnn,ll'nogatlonl1ilt ("hurt'll, Tealpt'ranl'f'8oe.ift~'••'Anne,. Club. I.lIII \'oun~ Men'"("lIrl,uln ANOt"iltlon. The ConprtJrltionlll SocictJ 8re 10 IJnihl .. chureb Ib!..I~II. Expect 1110 to establish .. Ilubii('

hl,",r,.ThtJ PNJr,ICl n( Ihe rol'''' r.rnpolO 11\

l't'll'lltllhll III renlfllil al at 1001t'. ,,'hhontlGo. Ilie nlc. boat fllce, tub ra«, h1tGame nr 111111 J:".

Wti lu\'e .enrol ('()Iumnlol il"ml nt.ltl'Vl'IIUII )tIlllll'rl'd about 'bl! NonlflltC'''­~ul"m.'nt. IInll nllr 1r11l trnm ,\'hul('l\nl(11 BemlnlulllJ", whlell ."rf nro compell!!f'

to Irlve nnt o( 11I1.llSue for lick 01 rucmThey 1I'IIIltllflrir Ol'xt wt:t'k.

I,' the lell IIr 11'1" funt nf Ihe inclilll', IIIIJI.Ii,.. Ihe ,I 'Dum) : ir nml lie 2..'iO tOr:~

wldlt: the ~Iln~" a)' ... h, rc the e01l1 i'I" r1!1'y <:Iml,l lit: halll!'1l (i'r a '''' I• -. _ • "f!Ol" ..

1II,1Ol{ III ,ned I.. 11_1I,e n':lll. ,..hlt httle t·!ttrlllrollidt 'rh" I.. '. nlll flth ..Tllo fin1 101;.:111 u( ht.· tuunll In till' j,( thc r"01I'IO)' ntl,,11tt Il)ot brJ'

'"Inl" "&I" ItI'tI ('Ill.... l'hl" lu,c 11I.'1'n ('I' 1 I I.' TI'· ut I, IlIn.mll'lI IUlt n· I mo. II! I'

lot-III tlil're A Inn..! 1I11l1'. lI11lke 1111 t ff"rtJ I II I' d S CII.1 l~1011'11"'1': lire '1rr)' tltllll'. llPII:&h;llll,t'Orl IWH, " allJ

111t lil '" Jo'r,u:d'-Cl\!Irnh'll It"l.: i~ to ....11'1' 11;0 rllU Ihe ('Ulnl';llIY~ , ......,..h: c"".iqncl! to I'.

. U. (·ullIwnli. 1'"..1tl,·nt Ullh!! N:lIl"IIntl lIlll'e Ihat tit till' IH'I'Ilnlkr 11111 , .. n.,., \ n,li.:!' :\nrth t:I't ('111flt.'t Sl'dr 4n,1 II

rl"l'! 111"'11 the mul". Ell1pl",-" \Inlier . ". "',.. rl~n I'1n'u:t :"i.1lI r.UICIM.'U.. Tilt: CUI!!

J..!rlll111d :lrc twn mult·' til II t\\'o \ 1. JI.IlIY 0\1'11. I II'(C VI ...·1:

In('lI,li Iii.. edt..UIl)re gr"urul (flur .\. I' 1M~ "1'1 ",If dill I '.ru hln..

muk" If£' (n11,I'ln..,t II ilIlill"':: I1J1~ r.11ll iii 'f' G' '. ~ "I) ",".1/11<111001<111_Ihcr",,1 "'hlltf frum the lUI) Itf the III dirk .lnltrA,s.ft 1;1I1 t_" .•

C!ill(". .. Th"de \I' ...+. I"' .. i,h·... lakin,!; rt""n~ cn~l..\Ill'r Il('ln,l;' I'lne Illnl' III III" mini'. l>tln~ 1,1I"k ~lll,JI j"r thc 1.1f}!f' ItOI'1t llf

\~C t'''''I'I'rl''lIt'~,1 nu tfUlllIl,' in ,ot..'l·lll~ uur fhc l'ltlllll'ltly at • ·holl~. ltntl 8Omccilu ...

\\KY nll"l,..: 1111: J.;10~"",I~. 111"11I;'; Ihe Klne,..,1 r'2:1II.tnUICfIIN"in" 'el'cn,1 lruck .. tU l\ lirm' " .. ' .. -----

.. • . . Ill ....... 'OK":.t1n;.r 'l,;Ulllp.. II. !lInoh_tn thc IUllt of the Inch nt', tlllll r ... turnlng 'MI_h .. ',nIUI)' "In.- 1M oprru..with "m,_ty C.lf~ 'rho "i,l~ 1111\1 tllll.lf tluM.

tlill J:IUI~l\'lI}' lire "ul'l'ml",1 II!' 11 \',·rl Ilt'nj, StM'tr".lh,· l'lIIM'rlCnI'Cl! Imil ,.....,lillln&llIll ""rk of lillll",... 'rllc cUlll lid""t SlwrUT 111111 ("lIunty A~ 'bllr .,1'hn all UcI'1l workctl nlll III' Ihl' glln~.p'IIY thi, {"Iuut}" It uur r.'flu, "I. 1111'; rllrlli~I1&'lt

"" it,. (1111 !Iil~ .... 011 the ri~ht Illmtl "i,I., lilt with th~ rltl~ul\irl~ 111'.11.!t1.if'1I rellltlll~of tho ' n '\\11 !\t" IorCII~li'l or IaCt'II UO tu I.!l~ 1"!l~llItt Intl~r\lIt8 .,1 .'1111 count)':

g ~ y p. (;1l11lP~ llh\\' hI Ullltl!llltl llpnl1 Il,,,1&'1'1 \\ ide wherc llie ('Ulil i~ 1.H'1lIl; SlllIhumi:th IUv"r ulltl illl tril,ularir.

I\flrliell. \dlilihe nUlllhcr uf 1Il1'll (\1)\1 (;!tell emTllI'rc !ltC eighl:."n hrell:lt', tl"O 10:t(1' Illull\'dln CM:h:

ing Hiullollll to l'1c!' 11tt'II~t, lllljllinlull Willlur.\; Clnrk, 12 UXl'll. 1211lrntho gIUl~I'I'n)' II. 1}l1rtioll "r the cOlul I'e' t:lwdl ,t: ::;I.n, 14tWet'11 I'lll'h 11),lllillll !lllililltl h Il·n un· JlIll1l'i1 1)11'1',,11. 10 8'l\'fIrhctl II' n 1l111'[~ut tIl tho J:'\O~\'I'a)·. I'hnk OtIVIIII. JO tITIle IfI\l'(8llf co!!1 inclillt! lI'llhllt IIJ ful- \\'·l' Sl'ocklOll, 8 Hluwing' it til' rhutC'!t 11.1'1' of .nlllrlt'nl Ill' '1.,. 1"I,.I"r. 10 8

elille (,Ir ;he 1't'lf\1 to ,",0 lll),,'n lllt'ir I'1'1 I! l~'llllt I~I \t: r'lntlau. HI 20

frum ~llf're it 18 lllinnl I., the 11I111i1l~ 1'11·,1 Fll " 8 •BIIl('kl1lfln lrn~.. 8 .... mllle1 10

!'tation. ~l)llIe IIf tht.'§c [hUle Ire u't'r ,I. IS. UIlIlI'rl_, 2:! HI

:)()O fn'!. Iling. (r.lm wherc lIlt: IOl'n IIro Rh'lIh'll lIug1l1l. 8 8

1I0W \H'rking in the Iirl':t"t IG the gllllJl J. H,1t & ClI,.:.!O ';!O

WII~" where th~ cOlli it loa.I,'d 011 the l1. )lill... J8 11

C:tr~. W. S. J"mit'KIn, 14 8The ('("ul it -oint' t.:; (lr 10 f~'('t Ihick. )1"~\lIlt.\: llinl",", 1:1 ';

~llIrlllt:t1 inlG f"nr I"yrr•• L:r thrt'C Ilirl J-: n. Smilh. 14 U ..IJ:ln,I •• or LI}'cf'll Gr. AArt of pille dll)' -- ~Ihllh. TO 12 ..

tllnll!llion. The In.·rr Itn I uPlk'r bISU\1 Wm,1I1l\lkin., 8 (j "

"r COlli lire 1', It IIhnut li f,oct tllil'k. Th...11 Ulmtr glin'(Iu, 10 10 ..I...t'll'('('" 1\\,,1 1',)'rl"8~ullle 2) (i'l't tllif'k. Tallliin ":hH:lI. 8 10

TIlIIII, ~O ('Illlp!l. 2:W DUll. 231 mtuThesu IIlIJfl'!l flf e1",. lUr 1'lIch ","nlC" hel'l' I

rllmp In the rDunlJ l'lr tile I':lIllI It'from 2 tn "inche tbick; nt IInl it i. nli~1 or it~ IrihuIKrit'fl, 11I~ ~l. II. Flllil.alml>lt like alnlle: iI, "Ol!r 1I11'hift, 1I1km 10 oun ull 8 Illtn It ~lllktlU..'I1.anll GI!<'

tJlxhure 'Gfh:ll" 811\1 IJtt:omlt like tile n,t\l"kct, 10 ox('n lad 10 101'11 lit Ttl).lIue allu.i,,1 eltly (rolll a thle! maun. )liIe P"lnl,

We c1imlJ«l our "'llJ 01'1 ObC cbote or 11M! rollo", inj:t Cllnp" nrc it.llh:cl tin

• brcl~t tu 'Whl'~ twu nJinm "'l're It PGrt Su n n.)' or in tho !:!tillllgUIIllI~h

""ork pr!'Jll\riD~ It 1.11151, to Lilit out Ibe f'I-'j,fion or thc eGunt!.tOllI; Ih,n IHIllilug 1I)' the bce flf the Tileto'. ltunnl'!Id, I~ OUIl, 8 bifiD.

111\'1&1*, "0 stlrtet.1 do,,'n the olhn ('hule Finl;IMll.t: MUllJOl1, II) It ..

IJ lCk cglin to tbe 1Iltngway. The lJO~' "-nlhnallCil.t en.• 1288 ..

J,llll'1 l.nnJ(.t Cu,. 1010111 Gfille chute is gnlllcd on. "'gulftr J.I1.It('(onl. I!! 1:3incline; II fname IS nlRtlu "I)On which W. 11 )(llOrc. 12 ,I 8 u

blllnl!llll'C Ilpikl.'1I1O n~ ttl mf\ku tho bot- Tflllll, 8 C.lllp.. 6S nun. 112 mtll.

tom liko the iutl'rior ~IIlCllt of It circle. Oil' the tivtr. 8 rlJrnl)fl. 88 oun. 70 men..

('pOll tln1 ftoorilll{ of oollrtl., ,heet Iron The tint IIlLlr ftllnl" in 1110 liat lit

it nllltcll, 8lI thl't ~llc c"'l1l h)' It! OWl, fUll" on the Snr,hDtlll.h anll it-. trillul!II;rnvit.r IlitlCl! dowo the ebllle IIntl Iltlbe rin, are Killlntell on Ihe KnoquAlmit' ri,,·

lume lime kCCli tl,O iron IlullJh...d like a cr. In J\lng CounlJ. hut lJllthe Int:ta thef'1l

mirror. r.t Ind hltulerl. IIIl tlode,1 ,fllll'n llie

Wh('n "'e df!l('CIlt!ef! to tho gl'ngwll)·. SnolulIlli,h, and 8nohnlllll!h Cit)' III t'lt

11r. l.cwi. 1(lIlk the lrail. act eluwll on hnllineu cenlre hi Willi M Ihe b:l!lO (,f

hlaled Uk' We! ICC cllilllrcu NII,llnK,lflwu !!UPlllies fllr.lI llle .·ork lhi're donI"1._ Itt'llee 11'0 hl\\'e includc<ltliem Amnng tile

II ......rd. ] hulbtcil bill e!.umJllc. 1'!a('{'I1t3noIIOlni.h lfl~!gen, l'pon thi, uoclt:t

m)' hllnd!lllJlon hill .ho~,leN. Jle rrs:.lltnntllnJr 1Iitre IHe 28 CAllIp" 3~2 oun.

ultll~d the ~llt.'t.'t.1 by cllching hold or Ihe Mild 307 lIlen l'llllllo)clt in J.... ~Jl:III;{aldt'l of tile (!lute, and in IlCarca no ClIlItrA IltIUi'lCnl. IIolllle IOtIle half ,ll1l('n

(,l'mpi more llre tn loe Ilarled lOOntilll. we wefC at the'l\·IY .!Jllin. nl~ r'1llllpll will t'llt lhi, )'tftr IIp''''A"I.Thcuc:c to Ih" im::lint', ",'h~re '1\'0 llut ollr 01 liO.OOO.OOO (( t of'r. or ",hii'llfret on tho bompcr or M!! or tht Cllrs, Mille ~O.OOO.OOO wlll1Jc Clit on thia rh(l

and ill trlhulltri....ali(I Wll~ dmwn by the Iwiding engine

IJM:k "l-"l1ln 10 clayll~nt. 'Wit wcrelOmeIhrf'C ur (ilUr hours 10 the mine.

Tht~ minu sre in c~ecll,-nt wDrkingomr·. thuMU;;hly ,.rotiiA e1, 110 Oie rllr

...foty IIgh'.. Xo fire damp. NGttroulJluf IIoith Lll('k clnmp. mar..kdlmpI. IIl()1"ClI IG lJCCUlllulllte in tbe un­

\IIorke&1 portiorl8 or the mm('8 Il' a ""(e

gO'lnl agaln!lt II'tlnllllhOOA cnUlbuuion.TIlc lil~nlll\of \he mine. :\Ir. I.e Iii,

mlltttc:ti,,~ IUIJ genllt'mllnlJ J:uiclll i.

An upcrimcetl nliMr, .I'nral )'~rI in

th.. tm"I"y or lhe oool(\lliny. 1I1~ ltocn

furt"lnnn oftbe mloe for llJOut onc )'earjl:tlt

With 1'l'ry lillie utr. t!Jlltll!C', aLlmf'llnt co I it nG'" openeol lip, rlO.IIJ III heminru to kt'fl) tltc oompt:lIlJ It wlIrk for~nDlr Ihrf'fl or fnur Jennl. AboU'\ 00Ion", a day nre nnw hllult't1 from the

mine: or lU)me 2:i.000 Ions I )'eIIr."'rum Jlln. I. 1816. 10 JUIIl: HI, 1870,

12,800 Inn.. ""fro houln!. Thil nmoont

ktfl'll thu company. ftucl:$ \iU.y, "Del

EnE2 Or

L0\'"'1-:,111 ... h"u~ II~ \\.11 ~11l' '\f,rk,,'f " .. I. if) lit .. 1Ilnf'" of 'h.. 11.'1.

~'II' ~\orlll'I'11 -t,'II' lln .. IIlUU lilt' _'tlnl f·OIll,.III''',..: ':. ' " • llto-Tlll/P' ~1l.1 I1Tt "!lllia. IA.olI":l:' 1111: ..__ (U!lllllt.. t rl~tl IIr th. pr'll'ridl'r' (till'

I'flllli-,,",, I· ",II ..I' Id~ 111'''''11\1'11..11\\1"ill- lUI" ,11t1J,:llll'r~ It." nt"t·,II,.~ Itl Wllil\, in Wh'tll' "" l'n. IltltitlA' 11IU

T('C1 lit ,j'il t1llfr IoI.l' r.... r,.\ it l'O'l\"l·tl1;n\hom'uk th· tilll!' )'\1-••11 111l1'l'llv IIn,1Willi lh~. i--Ilt 1\1 tb. ~;q1t'IIl:11' :'T,n 'lllif k1S ,IJIll', I,' ;:11 illlo IIII' mit'· , n( the n ·lIinl!:hlUn

, rnllll":" nl~· fl1l1lll."t tjl'r. \' .th t h. I' 11M. r .\ 1;:.11 "1"'&11, :'It1 "J_II1ml'l\ 1'1I1~ ,tIll' • I'I~ I ',-,1 r"l11l',n~.. nnd li\lIl1llnC t1l\'11l

." .\,,~W'illh.' }:,ljlrr h \\ I~ 1l'lno"",,,.1 ,"UI\:llU~ Ill' .. i~I''fr'lllir ,u!l'lrr :allli ro' !Imr,'lI11hh'In lh.. fir-t nll:"I,,:r. tl.• t I _hl'ulll ~titk t1r1t'lIllllt l~ l·llI\tr~-' ...1 "illl ",.. il:;:" -rIll'" Illinrs Ah.· 'lhn1tr,1 "ilhin a few1'1 thr )ll"f\pri, jllr unlll it "'0' 1\ 1..0"111I1'1- h l<tnt'" 1"\\/ rl:- lind 1.1' It 'lr 1"'11'.11 {If tllC ro,l- of Ihe ~hlll" line .'f Ullinclulnl.UNt- 'I~ lllltllltll'df"rt. 11\1' ,n Il~trllI.;rhl~"'.'UlII1'1 in 11..:: ..1,1 \llllh'. HI~·.lItlhf:tll\\II.'f:o..'hn,nf'.""i:tllpt.!·

"Ml.dlht'clJi.flll~lI~nt,,,...tnr IIIl' 'ltllroell ..... n 1,'11\ 1'1 '\"'Il~I;.t'·l\i-b- tilt' c IHinl. n(l ahunt I; mi1I'~ lr'lUl'inll'. ,""lil".·iI11: lind ...,lidtir>C'II,hr'r· Intllt UI,..n lj.!tllllll tl h"IlIlS of luil ·.,·II'lt(,OIll, Ih~ county It uf \\'h.\h:ulU 1~'('l)min,..: lU·'I"li,.tI1 1 'A ith thl' ,r.I I' tl 'n th,· "iI.I,'m'! I,~ thl' .\:l1l'ri. cOlln'~

url,.1 inhn-I" of IIIl'T. rrlloty Iln,l the i"m 1,1"",,, r[ll 1/1 {'I\ lti/llUUn. Wh, rc The ('nlllpllny fk·t loe-":f\n work thc",Inhllhilml" ~I~' I'lflf,~io., 1111.1 OIlier r""1ll tll~ I.:lrlt "f th,' 1.1IlCI... r, !'nd ti,e "'1I.1I~ d~hlto(>" ~·l'.Ir- nl:". I,~\e ,...or"t..1obllhMiun" nnw ,hlll'I",1 "t'llf~' ~11 m!' 1I1~'1~' in.lil' Ui'1I1~ \II "H'n: l)h!~ical lull Ihe minI r"n1intlllU~ly 1'1111 e thllt lil1l('tim'. It h "ith f"'1·lInt:1I f,r plt'lI"un.: l~ UPI'lu.r\<i1 tu I", "1I1~;1' t tu. h':C\I)!,;('tt11 '- 'fC1llt Wllf'll 1Irt"'l'lltetl hy tirt.'~ ill IhcI h,,\/.' 1)00<'" ahl" tn II- i.,t. u('r ~l liult", Iii li",1 ,,'tllio Illtlhlng inlhl"l\llllp; mim.... Tht· Ilruk\· nut rr 1m ponlnllc,II) ntllhll~hlnf.! till' IJr-t IMl>l.r in th,' tIH'IllL\'hl Ilr Iilcrllry, ull ....•. I,e r'l1Iml 1111' CI)llllJU~lion 811f\llf t'flr~' P'IH nllrlll

roonl~', ~ntl ih prnltfiClor ",illlll'A~~~ I til" Innst alll""'1,',1 \\()rk~ 0,1' llnckl.t IIll1t 1,:\11'. until 'lome Inur ~·t'llrt nr nlllIe f\l;t>.h",'C m~' 1I'llnn( ..t J,·mpllthit... lind nil ,·or· IUI.tll·rll linl('3. IIml "It It "II I",u,r tll:1I) "ince ,..'hiell time tllt're h'I~ Ilf'Cn nnIii II II Jiul'port M my OWlIllrivIIle duli.... I'll d~I,. Ihe 1""llril.'lOI 1"(1, lll'l!ll r ul lilt: trll~II,lo thllt 'A':IY. Whilc tile fir,~ ~l're

\llill Idmit 'If 111'1' llw:u,linlt I.illl. '1"1 Ihuughl!l t'''!Jflq~,1 ill lh,·!'U "Olilll1CO. rafZlll~. rl'gllltir wOlk wUllllllJe p:UII,lllythlll!C ~ho gl't'l.tctl thl! ultt!f1lrbc nt tl1f' 1I11 rlllll'lrkcll tl':lllhe Ilnl'" uf th,'1C SIl~Plll,lcll until Ii)' tlllOllin~ Ill.. mllwtl,.t:,rt with ullI1i!l:ultt:\1 t'OIlICfII\lt Mil !ll)l)i HI IOlllllllM:lHl'tl more Uk!: IIIC It.'IlI-! .,,{'.. the firCll cO\llJ I~ IJruught IInlier

tililcul,'. I can Ilflint 'It.·ith I fldin~ of frio Illfllflr.,' 1l1~lic rdrl'l\t 1"1 II wl':llthy fIulJll" oon!tnl.«lmph IU the "uhr.rrit'lioll Ii .... f1,I'l'l'rti~· 1111111 of f'lllth'ull'(\ Illlllli !til'l 1I.:i~utt:. Will. P..JOlll'l, tile prr't'nt grncrnl'n~ CIlII1111n;t lind Ihc JlrCi('nl ,,11e nf !lIC Ihell of 11ll)' tllin~ l'I.1l he "'luld Illlnk uf. f1~l'nl nnd l'Up...nnlelll1l'nl hn~ 1J{'... n In

]\OIlTIIl:IIN ~T,\ll, lit n COlUl)I,IC rcfllill' I II ~l' llllllllhll'l~~ itlll'uo\IlilJlt' III !Lilli thllt chargl' fll' thl' wurkti l!tf're fur the Jl,'~t

Ihln Ilftlll'ir lmllc! f1ntlIJrflllll'liic~ elf llli I the 1'1~'pri~'lur fir 01111 flf th('1IC rclr"lIt~ IOllr nnlll,," yellf~. While lh,'ru fL,' I'll:'

r.lllurt·. And to tllt>'C who grnl'rou.-I) Il"'Ulll Uc on(' 1\C("U~llI111l~1 fur life 1'1 tho IcndNI ('\'Crr "ulll'l':~J 10 UI. 1\mk \/3""'~IlIII',1 nnll \l'IlfUlly Jnpll',rkd IIIC L11" M'Vert'''~ l,h)~lelll 11l1~)f in IlUIllluiug Ihe ovet tilt! 1'l\.'llli,lt'~ Ol'l'lll,h',1 hy hilll,

,Ierlllkinj.\: frllm lho '1'NS fin:t, nnd "I,ll Il'IihlerncM,l\tllllhh'iug lJ:lI'k Ill\! ".l\'lIg", IIi'! J;rollnd~ IflIUlhl Ilil ft'lelenee lUll

hI'" 1>0 c""rit"IA~' n\'cllonkr"lll,tl shnrl n,1 nut I)no IIk',1 to IIII' Itlsuri.... of lui.· hlill ;Jut \'litll I"~IC nOll .llIll:;nlclll,coming!! of Ihe :\!I.ot'llllC Edilnr. nUllW t,')Crlltif' life. Within bill f\.,tillcnfc nnrlnround it, WI'

file 10 offer nly incere II1Ilnh!l. nllli kl )1(. Ellhid;:c :tRll f.lnlll)·nrll" tl.'lllIUk· el"'ry \tllcrc i'l11l' mnrkl IrI,licllli'l'C of"luch fJ\'l'r tl'lllt'mht'r Ihat thdr kill.lul"\! I"I)I)' gn",1 IlIu~lrn,itln llf Ihi.. CI:I'I1 "I lm'l' t.r Iho hl;lluliful in nnrllre Itn,1 tlr!.and .JmrJ'h)' \\'ill Ltc long Rne! grlllc-! lll'OI'lc so urtclI li'UllJ 1I1lfill flur 'mnlit.r.l Ollr IIi'!nk'! nrc .Itlu III lIim, nnd hi,

rully ch,rialll'll. 11,·. htinll nnu of Ilw f1t~t IIftll'r'! flll IUlly Ilk., 1I0\l"e klOfI)l'f tM (·ourle.le rl'·A. C. "'OLIIOW. "dlin~hlln Ill)" lind IlIlYinlll1temll)' ellt rti'l'I·,1 at liis ruillentl'.

----------,--:-..., Ilim a 11011I(' out 01 Ihll .., i1ll"nl"S.! On indiclltitlll OUt 1ll'Ilire ln ('J:nminc'I'rlp II rOllnd 11+1c fiianud. II I I " I' I Itcn IU"\'l'U lit II .. mu'f'. tll' "'l'Ckly 111 work unller j;rt,unll. he (,;lu-ed ~fr.

On "'riday. JonI' l'!. 1 'jU.lleft Snoho· null hn,1 COllll' t.) IHlnll onl, II. i'IUtrt time l I>t\'id I,,'will, Ihe fnrl'llI11n or lilt: ...·nrkml!ih City. lor ItlGther trillonllltliltrollmi IlrC\ ioo"'J. 1\ lJ,r..oe nurllhcr II( r'lptTli ~nin~ fln in Ihe mille 10 ~o ,..itb nt, m't'rruJCd .1IDll. !llltl mlj{1lI.I1t wue in ~iJ:ht. Anum!:, tile minc. \~hf) !!!lollul 1l\I'ry 1M'k.,ih!t'

The lilvor Ihat hu been gt.l1l'rnllJ BC- Ihe lot I nOlked. J'(iJ'"/lAf' &j"IN .voIIIl'-, mrc tUII1 llltf'lItinn.lml f!-lHe II "II thccOll1rd In tllc§c ofT hrl~lt dl.riptioll~ of II!!, 111 \H!I I 11 r{'print nu ' in IH'O(,(!J 01 inlllrll1ltilm witllin hi, 1I01ll'r I'tilltin~ I..the ('()\lntry vi,ited Ilrc,'iou IJ. indutt!t pullliClltilln 11r the Il'lullog Untidh Ite· the milll.'. Wc l)repam.1 to !1t't_I'm' IJ)'

1M! II) ronlinlJO "'J fllrmer hul\it. o( 'Ie.' \ iew! ADlllnllS' J.inr pnuiuK nit It 811it or t'!nlhN O\'cr onrrilling things Iet'lt ~n thbf' !"Il•• Ih~ SherllT .\1:CI~, 1l1S\'ln~ n1ltllllrh..1 Ihe nlhertl, del!!~~1 ta IlfOlett004 rroUl till'

".J tht'1 a))pe&I' wlnle P' "g o\'u .. ~"meDt vi Ih" "1\ulU'rn p-at III dirt or Ihe nllnt'll. Tht'lt ~e V'~'I('d ttythe l'ountry. Whlllcom counr)'. iD\itt::ll n.e tn.ttOlII' 11&0: t'ngine houM', .. Ilt're all the It'll",

From Snooomilb tbe atellmer "~lnIlV paD, Illnl &n 111I II Mlng lrill til S~millh- u!I(!Illn wnrklng Ihe lIIinell il'l gcm·rllh....l

JAb took me 10 We: truing Snolio- Oloo. Wj"lin~ I') eumiac thi rcgll1n, aliove p:rollad '" fnur vtrI lar~e lIoilcrs

miAh IItll in the .n rnonn, 8rrlYing III ctph:d bis offcr. The ~ ult o( tllc allli carrted In pttlelltn wht'r. it 1. ~lt.'(lttle Ille in the l!t't-ains; Ilu int"M aMmo II ghu elh when:. ftlt 0...... T1I'0 rIIA'inl'lJ Utl,..- .10 11141 m.ia

."pt me busJ Ibere SatUrolll': tI,e l.(xt On R turd"y afternoon, June 17. re- work of tbe lllim1l, one 01 ~O. 11ll! otller, h P • _L • Sk', UIt1lt,..1 Iu S~h"nlt' gn Ihe llteamrr T~f'. or 30 llOl'!Ie l'IOwcr.

morning t e nJnIlY lAl';4 wt!nt 10 IS' I -ft Q~h I • .d I UI' QI; ome lIe 'line Ihemoon tor ::M:::It· 1'u~ mine h:IJ~ wOlke.1 lll)On 1"'0

m1'er .witb 1 M. feet lom~, In S lUge lie \in SoUl Jilin 1!lllnd_.Port TuwD't'n<l. levd~ The COIl i. bolah...1 lu ClltilllpGO

flll8nlllJ of frogll,t It, "'cl\ aJ l\ numl~r \t:t'.• IG 8e8ttlc. P.lilling c1Gwn tli., Bay an incline bJ the boi3tlng t'ngine. In the'If plMetlg't'l'l. \\e 1.1~111H!d Itt TUI.ttlll) IG CI,uckllnut IhJ 1\'hcre "'e IUlChon:d engine hnufU AI)G'" grnllnl!. EJlcll ('Mr.ooople or hours walung for ~be tule; c:n!llJ 10 tlul Ihure und\'r I Llulf IOml' conn.ins 'Olllelhitl~ over a Ion of elean~..ltllen pIliit'd e..~ ?r CI~nltlO!l. blind Ihty reel biHh, where a Itl'tllmOr pure c....1. Tllecoltl IHlc.n d flcr cOlnlnKtbrnu~b 8t1I1Bgu8ml~l& Ibver. via Ce~. ""ater l)OurR liver the hlllff InlG rhc kll, frGm thc mine. The Cllr!l .re hlloledll'~YllIe III thu 13kaKlt, p.chlu;( S.kllgl~ A wOlhll'n pipe WlUI f1ud aWlin.t the rtlung dill gl'lng'lt't:ly to thu root 01 t1111lu.CIlI jU1t bcroro IUD dOWD. D.ItlIc1 E, l'Ix:k It() !IIO~ Iho wnler rrGm thi ",I!callo cline by mulet.

Ol\ge .... IIMng thc pA,,;eoe,oera, nn hit WJluitl ron Ihrough It. A CIUlnu IWle The deplh or Ille inrlinc 10 Ir"/rer.ay bG:nu front purelu,,,n::c. i:l'lOd~ It ,...a" cllrrl~d IIiliOre, one cntl "'tlll tb:t'll to l,.'lln)'"'lIy 1$ 815 f~'t\. Verticil d IUh to

Suttle. 8Ilmc tell 1001 o( ftClght Ind II thillll'GOlI~n pille. The other end fef\c!l· 111In'r J:ltn;.!;wRJ UM f",oct. Wurk fur Ibelarge IKlrtinr: nr the luotl.lcr wu fur blm. ell to the water tllnk on th.., 1'tt1lt,.. The prcilcnt I.. ltblilulllned nll Ihlll lo'l'cl,lb. Kn,ton, I 10S'gl!r. wn retllrD1ll8 hod, of tha htl~ r('Sling on tlie aah Thill Plitt or the mine Ii lull or lIalcr.

from IICroN tbo St'.lIDd•. 1I'lu::rll ~e •hllll "'·ftter. 'rho wNlcr rllnninK thrnugh Ihe The lll'lltb on Incline to new gnng\u,bt'on to lee abullt dllpollng of lUi ftlb"'· hll1e intn tho tnnk without lurlher ~tTurt. b NG 'WI. \'uticllllll'pth tn new gllll,l{'A 11111 AIIl() .... aboard gOillg to the Thls wllt'rinlJ atatlon i~ lIi!ullud nrJ' wa)'. (prt'lt:ne ,,"orklng.) 317, Lcaglh

: t1klgit tG Join. ber bUI.baud. who Ictt~ed dOl(l tG lhe qUMrr, wileN Mr. Cllrkr..'Ck nf nf ne\. sanJtwa:r ~,IGO ltt'1.

,(bclt tomo tlmo 1Itn'loulIJ'. Stoppll1g 8t'llulu ohlainl tho celebntl..1 hhli"h The rntnwee of tho mine il not n,'U

• onr night at 8kagit City. I len ill the gt'lly undttollo 10 1lH'Cl'l9ful UlI4·tI It, him SO fL"Ct aoo\'e Iell le\'eI,lo thllt the levlIllIIoralng witb another penon boullll fllr fdr bollililt¥ Anti lnonomenlnl purpose.. of new I;nngway II nvt fllr lrom 300 rlolft

La CoDntr. A Si""uh louk till there i:; SI1I111K.'11 f\1 &n1ilh Landlnlt. and Oncmo', verlielllly IJelow the le..el of the1fll.bllcanr,(!. do"n Ibe NMtb fork of Sklglt. 1IIIIId Ihltt cyellhJJl. Infl lho nell:\ morn· Wilcn re:ldy to dC!Cf!f\11 into the mine,

He\ Blleriff Allcn at La Connor, wbG iog lit Orea.. l.ollt: ADrl f:bn JUln 1~land:$. Mr. l..c\\'llt 51~n"IC(1 fur the lltopping of l\

IUlll nurlJ tompleled bll IlAetling In Reaelling To.nHnd jUlt before nCMla. Cllr de5Ct'oding inln lhe mlnC1. TheI,abe Bouth pitt nf tho county. Vuited I had on tlllle to 1t11l11 ur lbese 1IIIodSt car tGP!J&'11. fie lil{hled the l:tmp l.",ith him H'etal penonl 00 the 8,,'ino- UIl«'t to ~ltit Iht'UI in a eGuple 01 tlchat 10 hIll up. Elich fir U', pll\Cl'\1

lIIilh .'Iata, aDd It.l\er If'l.llueting lOme montbtl ur an When 1 shill trJ to de- our ri."rt on a boml)t'r At the IIPIIU t'D11further lIutinetl.t Ls C"'lInnr. It'rt lak! ac:rihe lhem lullr. nl the "Ar: thll hUllIpt'r '-ing A I!lJllan.'t1in the evenin~ nn IteamtT LiMy for Be- tltoppf'd while lit I-ott Llltllow GO timbto:r SlIme Ii or ttin('het aquarrprojl.'tt­.omt: wbleb we reached earl1 TlIe.lbJ uur wlY to &attlt'. n...ched tb ro ju t ing snme 8 or 8 ioeht'l.. IIe,nnd Ih.. bot-I, Inln of the (IIr 11OJl'. \\ ltb juot f'Illim for

morning June 13. Sherifi' AlIt'n, IIn(llI .. bclore .un ,low D•. Monda! mGroll1J:, Gur ftet UI'f1D thlt hump'r, hnltllnjZ 1'1,boRblU !Ira. L. L. An&lftw. wt'rt' w:n'ell for 8nuholOl~h. e8mc lu }fuklhco nllr Ilnnd~ tn the top or the ar bos.AmOOS 1IIe puit'Dlsu. from La Conntt. on "CAOll'r LiUy. Tht'nee I(Oo't, aemu k('(pinJl nor hM'(!~ down In"" tII"lIflh 8Il

Tbo dly~ "ery plt'Uantly at !k. the tri.1 to fA.l'lt. lind lip linr to Sao- we woolll OGt hIt the tilllhrroo onr our• 1 - I tal Dl I I I f hell.l. We "'rre gnlllullI, lowr~1 In

om. :lnl \\ hlitOOlD, e,"efy court", "" ~,m J: ~tlI~ t,.,.... ll( UP~Ilf{ I 0 thl' Ir...c!flf lhe nl'. gllngtll'lJ 300 feN ho.utendtd to make my .tay plnlltnt and 4,;0 nil I..., o. wlllcb o~er 80 mllt'lt .-as low tile le\'(\1 flf Ihe It'A. WClAt down (In&gl'tt'&IJIt:. lIad quite a )ong eblt witll IIyelnoe or a loot. 11111nee h, .tumrt. a pilt: nf lumber anti I wo were IIInlC wh tthe genllemanlJ editor of the HUll in Our thnk. Ite due tbtl Olficl'fI or Ibe l('Cu~t.nmed '0 thc.lnlt;n-t Ilukol"~ of

..reference tG Ihe kocal 10 mil ur tile JiilltllY I.aJ;t, LiUy and TIUM1' tit cour. lhe \Oint'. Thl'''. "'lIh,ll(dll('(1 t"lulle In" ., blind. ;\Ir. I.e,,·u HlklllfC thc Ie, d. WIl

foanlry Ihl'rcallOut4. JIIINt of the altcr tt'liel rt"C(ued on the Irlp. \\ lIS away I'tllrtCll VI uplore Ihe mInt. Turninu t....000 .IS .pent In the minea or tbe n. D flOID Snuh"lIlhb A!lllut len d:lYI. :\1. the I,fl. we wrnt a ahnrt ,1i'!JlOtt to IICOGI Co., Ie SehofUf, IIilI accoUDt of whieh . lloor I\('f'O'A Ib,e ganj.(wll', thi. we GPfDl'IJ.

Actlog Ou'. Stnnu 'lIl1ll Ilch\N tbo ....h " n r f I'Ilf>"llrti cIlt:whett. ' c urll'~ 0 IIlr, WIl!l too trflnjZ or It!"

• Foorth of JUly Million at Port Towo· 10'" ClImlle. \\e (ouall our 'v gttllnJ:{1 JClKlny, mgbtl [lUltd It the boml or !lead. It it blrtHy Dt'Cl' rr 10 ~llltl 11ron tlUI f'ngillC bUI, pumping tlul

I:·:·\u.l f:1,lrhlg~. oue or WbAlCom' d'A' tbe citizen, of tile pll&Ce mentiOtll'll w.trr flf'm tho mint'. 'rIle itt-flm cnOl·It l'rt~('t1lAtivt! dtillili. WI bettullful hue done tuelnst'lvn credit bJ Ib~ir It' 1nM: from IIIC [n~lno bonlflll,lJo,c ltfllunil.'ll',n" Id ituated 1utbin I couple "I lUll" I'" tiun, for II." 8'",•• ,', j.,'I, .nl"tl~1 Helliming 10 lllil rllot or the Int'litlr. we

, ~..." ,,~ f,IIlOI'fIliI Ihe CUUN of tho ,...n",wA, to.,r "hlltcom. coolmao<!A a IU;lgntfid~ot to lhe high pOlition lie hu nUaluelol III It it!llilrlht"t encl, M fnri' fI( tin' l:ttrrJ.l~\·fty,Mlf t I Bellinshlm D&1. nlC grouT)(h pcahr.-t'tho. M the Clhl h cnlh!l. Tht! ('nHine !.Icing

Page 5: 10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...


K. SUO;-':v




EDGE 1'001,"




.' II. F. 5 IIE-CXT


W. T.


Crockery. E~~ts and shoes,


\'1 ~O






'r', '"/''' , I",.",US AXf) C/OtIRS .H. W,t r.<ON Jf.lSO

Thliiil I-louse•

Cl(f,~~8 I-Iotel.

Dea~er In.





K""I''' con.tantly on halld " I;ood assortment of

.5f:A'I'T£1:. w. T.

• \1:5

the convenience ofthe patroDs of

Fnrtmf'llt or flt~:

Retail, The f1o~~


Jamieson's Jewelry EmporiumSeattle, W. T.c·(} a fJ s .il T C{} S T

Fon 8l-:VE:,,\ Wt:EKEt,

Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,

The highCf't price paid rur coul1lr)' Jlredl1ce. f:hingle•• I'ur.-.







Co1n. Basis.

Jun.' ~~.-To tll(' 1\'Utl of A. W. •·oyt, IlIOn,


I). W.USE1Uf.\X, rrtS't; E. QU.\e}\"

Ut'SII, \'ieel'rclI'ti W. S. LADD,

Treltll,: D. W. WAKEFIEI.D, Sec'y:

1i' II fJI-WIXGB:, Alt',y, .Jf. f'.

.vonsJ.:, (;lIl'l ."gill' "

'VVan.1:ec1.Appl.y to

.T. II. 1\lnnflllon,

Supl'l Agencies. Olympia,

Washington T.tritot"



AS BOCIA'i'!Ol'i.~ortll\nd,

WADJI.I.V,c:. J. 11", En.t7.F.E,

J. L. A TKl_V.r.;O~\:



~11'''1I,'·~.1l In;~III.-Our friend If. C.Yinilll!.llrthl\t pillce, H'Cei,C(1 hil newCtUlllllillSiOll (\8 Notat)· Publio, dateri JUIIUUth. It fuw ,IIl)';j, agr), )[r. Vinin~ h R~l'llllel1lnn oflhorou1:lh 1)lI~inC~!I trulnlng,rxten~ivc uIX'licnce, lind l' ilnc pen nUll:he Will he Ithlu to Rllrnl\ to convc)'nncing'nncllllh"t wnrk \l~Ulllly l"Clluirt'tl ot Ilo

NUl1lt)· PIlLlio rM tlllIl Plitt Ill' Ihe coun­t)· whh lWllneM omlllQ('urney,

Thu hnh'illf ~ll'ifO~. Fro'lt .t. f'owlerIlIli II't:entl)' recd\'t.'tl A 111llrou~h o\'C'r·ImulinlJ; rcpltllcrttl, l)lIintl.'(l Rnll \'"r·

niihetl, IllI as ttl prl"ll"nt a very fU\'ClrRble"Plll'ltrllllell A~ COOlllII.tCll with otherIlolel. in thi" cOUlIly. We lune t\'C"'i\"

ctl (IOIll tllel!tl gellllcmf'n tL'Ctolly II IAfj.:cnumber 01 mlnal.tlo Ipt.'c1ulI:n~, Ilonlll(\\



Q;he !lurthrrn ~tllr.

June 20111, The ,tcllmer J.~"IIJ!J /.nh:JUlie an ex-Ir" trip Atri91ng hl'rll nhotlt8o'c\ock In tho l1lorning. Slle hfOllJ,t'hlrteight ror l>Crl'rAI p"rtiea /lncl tinCt dil.tblftl'ing, tnok a luall of hA)' to Whit!·he, Illlln\!.

IIm.IOlOtlll ';!Il\'IUA.-fltv. J. It.T!IObllllll'lU will prtAch in the &elmol.

bllbte on tlOlltly nr:l.t, lllotnin.c IIlldtf~Ding. ~llhjC'Ct ()( lIlorllillij' ~rlllon:

The }[oml~ und J)l'Iij:l1ltlll or btillinnilY.W1&rtl11lthnri,.I'i1 tOII(\tC thllt thill M:r..CIOn ...111 CM~r ))I\rt of Ihu ij'tfltlllil Imv­ftlttl bJ Ur. Yurk', IC'Clutc nn ThiltIJIIlIYf'flling Illllt. 31r. 1'IH\oq)!lOn Ilromi'o("to baTe Ihe ICrnll'ln reR,l)' 10 we mit)· lieIble to pllLli!th the Mille in our ncrt~,111 eOllllllinncc with nur rt:quCll,

61't:cnntslI._The Aihcnt!llm hA~ re.ee1f"l from .M. C. Hoop, Tnxillt!rtllilt~ Nlturalill. of J'ortlnnd, OrclJon, the1tlt0'l'Ing .pi'tiUlcnl which hl\l! llCt.'n fnr·tJdtd to Ul01 hy tile lOCit!t. Inr m(lunt.ltc. One lnrgc" filII ~rtn"n, ~ulc lIl()uul.It£OIttJn • jWrli.1:t tU\le of pruer9ll.tion

~Ir. Slinl.tOll·M IWII Wltkl'fIt'hI'B 10(;1 "I'tlill ~k)'kollli 11 lin, I (lltrt lit Mr. l)u"/Il'sup tlill f'n(ll}llllimil'. htolke luolC! Inilwl'lk, hut \\'Crtlc,lll::llt ill tlte llOltl1l n!Jo,·cto",'11 nml will he ""\'I'll unll.'i'l tho rivcrraille' It ill hi~hl'r. Then' ij nCRrly RIIlilliun rt.'I.'t 01 1.'gJ moorl.'d nllove to"'n.",'nilill,ll 0 Inll in tile river illl us to ltebfely tlti\'cll to Ptic~t Puil'lt.

lJoStTIMUI TO T1I" t\Tll!SlwlI.-f'rom

I.. 11. WoudrufT "llnir of fOtl'I!IM in Ik!r·(ttl ",'nrkin~ t)fller, lIl..dll from B linglepiere or ","omt.

}'rOIn D. l:, Gltgr, kngitCil)', l~ pair oftlk hutlls In the \clvct.

Cillt. llill. III<IIAO .lI:ull Blllt pllrt.>t ofkllmllll~i'lct(ln.

Clarencu Sincillir, cllen)' I,irll'! I'gg"

AII.RI\·I~J'\.-J~ne 18, Blr. 7,qJllyr Cltllt.WrighL ('olllmRlltler, he hMllgut •'try Il\I"go nUll\her of (lltSltl:l1gCnl, lind'1'" Iitcr'lllr jnmmert wilh rrei~lll, Allthe .tcRnlf'N llOW vlllHng thill'llLCCl lut\'etil the freight thoy call Clltty.

Inn,IIIC\'I:IC'l!>llll:nt. Qile }'IHln~ will.1 ClIt; l,y theln til tile A:h~n~lIm IllU54.'lllll·I,:. SIIO:S':'nllli 11 full) ,Id'dnlltd, m,"le 1,_111 Th~'1 ~I(,ln)' ~lIl'('illlCIlS cJtlnuh~ll hclonying to I

_____-c-=--==--::-..;..-.~ SlIri,·ty nn,,, I~ll' tl hlJlh llIllk 1I11d lcmr\lc. the. collLoction l\Ilicle 1,)' CII"t. ~'uWltr I ti~'I Ii. £Y( ~ ....:;.\TUHlJ.\ Y..1l:~I·: ~4, lI:ml. Onu 1111l111l11l111 lJt'lHcr, cul!etl 111 111~ gtHliC h·w )tllflt "go. Tllt·s 1M'll llur ~«, , L;J.ii

11l.1i1lll~ ~/l<lul~lt. IllAn~i1lnr 1l11'lllil)'ill~ t~cm~h'\~ 811. ful-I -)Ir, 1:/11111 klncll:O'llunll1cd Ihe jilllm\in,:: I)' wltl, Il\lf rt'prt.'I'IcnlRtl\'O 1I1ltll!U!mns, SNOI-lOM ! S H ,.. I'

~Jll'Cilllt'njl., ~plcndi,II)' 1Il1llInh:.I: A ll~h- IUh,IIl§!li~tillg tlu:lIl :lU gCl\croll~IJ. I

h·lwk. /lIMir o( raU\':ll!"l h:l1'k tluckit I&Utl Arrl&l1j.(cllIlmt. UfC already nlll.llll for 5hone Br0lhersII ('llit;lruin /-lrllutllll(lllirrcl. tnrrJiolg on thll "almon li~llt'ry thi:; l!llln': • "

Tilt: rUllm now tiN lI11ie.lll! B rnll~elllll Iller, 1l!llltHIl111it lilt: 81111110n bt'gin 10 run, Hanus recently lClt~~tl till,' ClJlt\'~'lllellt und wl'!l known I {Ql\'{i~ IilerllllJ em"'fl"I! willt fOlH.'Citl1l.'nll, nl.'C\."'· Ollt friend \'ifling will tl'llll11e Iliit 0\111"l;tlltillg n ~Pl't'I\~'<:omplctio" of tllll Atlle- lm~itltlJl' (Jf PiM'lltlltiul J)i~tnr. Illuilding , for a Term of "I' ,r ' nl;1 "I ;1 ill L!.IUtl ,,'~'ll'. I,tl! Il'lt\'e In iMnrlTl n ~

nCllul. wldeh will htl fil1i~lt...of! 10 AK to .,' ... II na.r.ll\' ,ll"1 tI.c'\ "t.. ''''IV IlrI'lll\t,"1 t'l "C'i nllllllllll,.te thoSK\BIT ITHM8.-Wurk 18 (lrogreiling .•..

p"rlmt till' tClwl\'al nf liltr,lt)' nlltlll1u8(!UIlI' TI I,nl,lll' 1 'I' I' pr"llllll" kl"'p'n~ II "I rll'll,v. . f,lvorllLlv on the .Jum. Ie I)roll~ct~

~l" SOlin u!! 1)1111.51 1,10 Ilfh'r lilt: ·HIt 01 Jul~', Mle th~l~' luOidcllt ·.nLlICtil'tioli will he f

rile lunll~r i~ niad)' :1111"111 ~hl' ~rnull\l, limIte II indivithllll:l'to elm"le tht: Imho F . tIIn,1 Ihtl Itt)url1l~ 111111 f1nillhllllr lumhcr ..Y I 1 f I J I IJ r 8

. . lie MI'ltlte, I''''gt:t:t n I Ie Km n ('Ut II; (I'WIll I,c \l'dl M'K,"\II1t:,1 I Y the IHlle work- I I Ix I J t1.. IlIIl'lI Bfe (t'ut! til ,1"C il. Illt!liltl;C IlrClug I It .1 ~mil, ',ll lelellt

y 1m till IlurpHle, ut nnYlglltU)lI, file act- t::-. ..' /"!)r, J. L. YlI1Ui:.-Otl TUClIChlY c\'cm· ion of Site riff Allen in lint IIMC~'!~itll:: the dfl.. Glatt fI''#';;' "f'.··.";;'f fJ ,It It;. I-t"ll~ maM,t a/}I'd..

in:;t hUI. this gClIII/'Ullln IIrrivcel II)' SIr. tllC log"" cut Ilf Ihrso men oul 01 tue Jllm, If:lIlfl!l J.ab frorll 'little. Ill' It.octured IIlcct~ with b'CliernIIlPI)rovlIl, 'I,·,RST QCH,/Tr (l'

the cvcltin:::c nl'hii utrivnl upon 1110 IUlt· On )11111(1'\1, June ti, I j6, II hulrtm:eujl'('l of "('0111111011 'lhC" tn AIllfgC nml hoy .....huw Ii.I her Iivell at Utsnhnly "'llSltJljlreciative LUliliel1cr, IIn,1 UII Frh.l")·IIIrH~·uell neltf Iht: Jllm. lIu Imi "toen Every attention will be shown forc\,t:ll;ng nn tltc Ilnl~l1:t or "Indh'ill'IIIOPJlill~fitt !VIlIle limo p'lIl Itt Johnullli~Ul." t:'pan th~ SlIIml he i~ too well CltlllpLell·lIllotc. I

kn~\Vn In Ill~l! '~Hlr6 .!llLm a •.Iuning I SlIgur wedding-llIIlrr)'ing It ctilldidIwtt<'C, ltulllu!! hCIll).: I~r~ fir~t \'191t hetc, nlnn; "'oolhn wefll1ing-lIlllrrylllgn per.1'1 Illfl~e l'xtcnrlctl n'Itlc~ ..... 111.he ['Il'() pcr. fl'Ct Btick; tin WI'th!illfC-lho OIlll that~(r: \ork i!l m t It I.~hc\',·r m,,'C\'cllk'l\ IUlnM out well; 8i1ver wcllding-mttrry­rchglou ~n I'nllel!, lit Il!llie CIlllllt 11l11er· 111' 11 DrBy llt:ltrd; en'lIllll wClhlin,t;-llflturnli~ll1. 1I11 IlItl' little rnpcct fllr g . ':I II'" t I I

, \ lllurryill" onll I'll, ~ lell:1 0 t Ie g lIiS:cllllfdll'ft, ('te('II~, or I It: r forllll,1 IImrC8II·'" I'. , "ohlt'll WCc!Jill,,-\\llen lie groollll!lIi'"IU!lf fillth, COIl!l('f!IH'lltl)· Ollt: lJrI·tl to u e. n . . I ,I' I'Iillict lJl:litoj' in orthodox thclllogy &0 rUllIor ItI\l1 lhe LrHle II IItt 0 \II n: I Ill:

('illllll. woullllllld \hin~1l thnt llli;.:llt 01. lllUlld wedding-wilen tile ,. w~Shlllgit' W 11 0 It-lilo Anti

Il'ntl hilll, wllcn the [Jt. ~1tnw8 IlJllltc 1I.;'~'~I;,~,g~.,;.==========-=Rhl>urd or ridirulnu!' pointllloM he decUls ­tllcm, ul' tile .!Ilferellt rl'ligoloUlllt.'cll. ),,·t

lUllking t\ ICIIMn"hle 1l!lcHVtIllCC fur \Iij·lerellCCl oj Imining, thCI'l: il little el!lc 1.'111 _

",,11I\t ""HuM flwet the g'cl1cul Ilpprtl\'l1l S:olOllU)f1SIl CITV ~lAUKET ltEI'OItT.(lur fIFpl'fIt'\1 r,·lIllw.ttl""nclllnn, ." K. urllny mllllllllllity. f~lr.h Ilcture ocell !:hOCK.

tow 1':~'1' Illo11ghl to tlur hilice r;nlllt" of pil·t! ~lllll:l two huut!'; during which linlt! MUrh Co \'l: Illl.. C"l.OIl@'r..o.OOlIlt· IIHl,;l"'l ~Ir:twl .. 'rril-M r.".., WI'II ill Illi_ he held. without w:lvcrlng lite lutention Wurk OX..ll, 1I1ok" t150. t!1 ~,fl. C I. A R S )1 r:

Ul'efnatlll.', 011 (1IOt. 11 tb , , ..... :)I.'l..~fll\·1!r1.'11 Ill' \lith n t ufn etilicnl Illltlil.llct. A ICI,t1inJ; dctgy· 1I01'l\ClI., lJ 11l1.. f;JO. @I t()II. CltAl\"IC TOOI~TllllUld for plllr ImUll wIlli !tlt,t IMlrfl I.Ir. Yurk. rculIlrkcli :51"'I'IJ, J lui.........•.••......•.. , ••.•f.,\.OO

Ihllt .• O\'cr lIillr,tentll' or Ili!l tCllltlrk6 1I,,1o."lI, 00 f\lOt 1I 111 .. : tJ eU.(l1l1"CEHIEII, I'RO\'U110:O:.5 ltc. On the Sound.Itn n.'lluonllheIlIWl]' inl'ol\'ell Ilrillci(lICIi

hu WHuid nut hC5itltte to luppnrt him. RMI'On, 1? tt. , I~~ebYork do , I' eu. The hclIt !lU,t f'nl~

."Ilf," The IIltlin differellce Ilfing Dt. t..:ltlekr.lls, f dOE, 1:1. ~t liM"lurk ptore~ilClIl0nnd Nllturltl1'lll'OlogJ f.1o'\,"P-, do ~\ch. N

.·!I>ur. " blJl Ill, rIO @i.fIOPATEN'I.' II ~ j'..I" tJ ,..r A. 'I'Hifill "1Jf"ri~r1t, in t1ll1t hll coulll tli~(loll~e Wltl'lIt, 11 hll~It .....••..•• , .•.•••·••I. <..itll.:tr, ... ... ..:"",,. ...., ....

..It" "" "'1""",,,,,,1 ,hog""'" I" H,.. ,,·,. ¥ n 30 , ,,<\.. Cros'. ('ut "'W', In tho M1r"et.IIldl", grl!l'n. ~ th , :iI'tIo. .1 lJ LJu II U U 1otlier wnrlill Ihllt Go,l wu"" Ilarl lit 01\. l'o\.llIOl'a,tt III tnub•••••••..••. i6t:[email protected] WALDlure, und IlerOlellte,loll mlttler. That Oale, ~ :J rill. WUSTHOFF a .

(;roullllllarlt:y, ~ 101l t-t~.Ml vl:?O I'. O. BOX Ij~ SB:\T1'LEE, W. ".his n:curJs in nlltill'e wcre antetiur to JIll)', 1J tull 11UIO@:!il.OU : ..:..:-=:-..:..:.::....:..:. ..:..::-__~ _I\nd iiLJI)('rior to 1111 hllnk... That it Wft, ~::~~~' ~,o~:::::::·:::·::::::::::::·.i'r~~proper In investlgntu, amI Ilurly Lookii 8uJ{1'n1, do..... , ,,, "IO@1IIell&.

, 8yru\J, f kCI( of I'i );111 "'.00hy I1lllutt:' 8l'1l11 IINf, lIet torturc Dl\turo IJrk'l '\I'I'ICIi, 11 111 ,...•.....• 11 ('Ie.tlJ meet thll 8tltnttllrdil Inirl do n in SIII!I, \I th @10cl&,"ouk!!, or \)tIlre ion3 of fuith. TIl.t Cutlnlll ..It \I Ib :! ell!.

TOUtll't'O. do 7~ @ fl.:J,~

God'jloY(l to hi .. t:reaturu Wall like the <':0111011, II ('S1i " ,f.\.OU• I I C.IJUlt~I', it tb 11 clll.

llllltltt;r II \l\'U to lei chilli; not 1Jecause Toru1llol. tin. .. ~ cu.tllci'hil'llm'e,1 the lIIolhcr, Lut beCtlUIlI '\PI,ll". 11 bll.h l.~@ I.M!

WOlld, l' conl,delh··d ...••••••••• , •• "fj.~tile ..III It! Wlut • pari of Ihe beillg of the Shlll'\(ll'll. -.J .\1., I:!.OQ

.,. "n 61< OJ\ In order to rodoC"e 'lock.mothct,und the motllt:" Cllulll not ll~lp Ilhlp lIeet{ 11lu, "., .. , .._~....-c..., D ,... D 'I 1.. lJ,,"II, tl ~ 11 \.00 on III e~a~

loyln~ ler """11 IlC:ing. 11':"00 Timber, 11 lIoal foot, .•..... ,10 de. hul ,,~ud u\' )·unr un~tlI 'tid '(!CUI'\'. Balll'llwThu ntit Ifcture Wil.IJ tlpun ",llIIt he con· "'" Send for Price Liook wlillered to Lo I(COllllIIOII 8CD.e view of nut- &5

~~:.t1JcologyllJl lui lIt or IhoIUPWUlt· NORTHThe motto of tbo k'Cond le(lute '\'111

•• nu t1IJllclf," It conli1tct.1 rollinly incltrnCAI .0\1 clOl'lUtlnt .ppeal, lor grclltfrmllrul .tumin:t, tlntl IlcnlOntll Intlel)Cnd­ence of thou,aht Illltl ICllling; wjtb leurt'l{Iltd fur f"lIhion, nn() flt!lhioulllc0llinitmll, Lcss cflpyinK, ,nil morc pu­sonal clfortl t(j~'lIrdlldeveloping indhid­usl trniu or clmrt,clfr, I"or t':toh one toIrytulivo UlltO t,leir Oll'lt illtlicul/lal XNOOBPOBA.TED1874,1I)[\ulloOl.I fir ~'ornBDhooJ,meDllllly, mor·.1IY",," ••o!,lIy. Th,,,.,,, "" •• ",•. CAPITAL $100.000 00 Gold G E NER A Lgcr f,r trm I1l1tn)' alipelll, of this kitHl InallY COlllllllLUty.

The Dt. dclilvery i. lively, 1'lI.ried.full or mirlh, iIOmctimcl miJ:ecl ..... i1h rid· DIn E C TOR. Sicule, BIIII well c(\lculnteti to hulll lilu Ilt·Icnlil\lI of:1II RIlfll.'nN1.

villel', ..'Ir. Wilhurhnll lui I)f c111·tl'il·"'.!::uwl 1I1lI.

Wr. th:tt i .. tile "o~~. f,'rllikn .1c\·ntill).; n \\ 1I0lt, cnllllllll (If t'OlJlpliUlI'lItl 10Mr..lulln \'.I."w, wlm to h't'lll'rtln~ly

l,r"II.l.\llt io lUI t1\'i'rllllwillg 111lcket nf11IrlZl; nlll! ,1i'liCi'lltM Hlrn\\IJ(,tril"': Itt

~il!l'l lit \\ hi"'l. the .11ll'k)' fenlllh'" IJf our,i,'\'il, 'llCl,IC'nI~ lJcf'alllc illlllllitUltcl1 wilh~ Lto,," ,I':ll\t'tninc 8tllile, :ulll, 1111 JC godll!110"" tltOiCl urll~'huril vftll;~llt'(1.

(lrCl'n 1't'11- An,1 nl'\\' Illltllltlt:ll urc 1I0Wquill.' plclllil\ll ill ~llllhllllli"lh.

:\If. (;''i'. lIt1n!>!'l. lit' Pllrt TUII n~t'ntl.

IMi,1 "II: ttlll II rl J1)'iug' ,iiit Ill!>t WI't'k.

'I'hc rhw ill It ill ,·cr.Y hi~h \\ ilh IiuleJlffl~lllctIlIIUlili\liug lilr bOllia time til


n! \\ het{· h Ihe Wn~hing'l"n St'l/Hi·IJr.l' .\ Clip)' "I \\ltich II'C ]'It\'C flulli'!:ll ror tll'O llllllllli~,

Carpenlcr:! Rntl Il!lin!l'r.~ LIte Lu~)'

Upoll Ihe Hin'r ille If,tlel. nthlill~ muchtu it~ Coo\'t.'llieIiCc llOll IlIlIk",. '

"mnll:: the Il.lM'cll,!t'r" 11.1' the 7,'J,hyrWitS ~Ir..\I:\f'llh Rnll ~It. Andn'\\'", Itl s.:',t·lie. lite litlt~r RI:cfllUptllirl! h~' 111",I:unily,)Irll. .\n,ln'\\'.'t lI'ill rCl1min herc for II~h'lrt lime.

Wc Crill llltl'nli(ln' tn the cf'lmmlltlica­tiollOf tIm Hl·\'. ,Juhn It. Tlmrnp!'nn re·Itllillg III Ihi8 1'1111'1'. II~ tllkcn from tllil(k.-jdml 11lIhli~lll'tl lit fo':111 f~rnnri,jCn.

Tht: lettl't ~Jlt:lll(.'t f'lf it04:Il'.

'rlh' 111'1('(''''1I'ol nf thc :I.IlIlI:l Suppcrwilll,c lJlt!ll.f\'ed lJy the 1Jlliun J'tl·llh)·IC·

1i:lll Churl'h I" 11l11ftllW, 11lIUlecllllld)'

lIftu Illc tI':':lIlllr 11l'.rnillJ; IINI iet'.J. It 1'lhUll'SO:-;• .lrlil!l P'l~lur.

Tell ~Clll'i ltl!(l tllt'tll were .llllle R or 10fluuili,~. 1'111" IIIJOUI 1 tllu Ilrl'!lCllt trim­~il'n: IH.pltllllillll "I llli"l CUUIII~'. 'I'hu

I!I'I"II ~f'I\\'lh in the Illlit !I'n .,c·:tr11 lUll'101'('11 ill IlcrLUlllll.'llt It.'ltlct:t lIn,lllll.'lt r,IIU·


Page 6: 10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...

: ,·.·t I, .r


'I, •1,.11.,1 "''',

,l~ill';:. r. .Il'.:''11..-'1111'"'':''''' I, {,

I ' oI~11, 1'.'1' ", '1·1. '",'1 ,-, "'1 II... , _ " ·1

'" • , Illi '. 1 I1'_).

h.1I 1111." "'",1"11 • ,t

.. "'HIII.'".

, I ,,: ' .1'•••• ,'tl. " I "'. ~lIi.· " I. ('

.~h ll~' 'IT" ~ IlIl -I,II,'~

r:h.-lr,~_'"".:",""I."--'1. I ~b Lit' .... ,'.;. I ,I .... ~~, TO ,I .:~.;,.).

\\ ,'JI\o, \,11 I'''{~',I'J'''('

':!I "" dllt'. '~'; ...n!_· IrI"I'U I 1'1",I', ,,\ 1·.,10,110,,, I ..-:'1" .:11-

I , ·~:'I"'Ii,hh\o"· .. I:,,,.,.Ul-'Ii,'. II" 1.;1\..1 'rlll Il\;r .:1.1:

I..' '1,,1 (',I'NII'~ _1'\II""llll,I'·H.\1", I, tht· II.." 11",-1.,,1 I,,".

'r.....· III' r'I"IlI:1II'~ IlIa! UI~I r..II".llllm:1'\\ ... hI. 0\111 'lId dl"lllt till: M..",.

1)0 ,~, II .. n I'm,II' ..\I {II' I..,.OUI.I:r' n , ..hnll 1' 1" lu 1"";,1",

111'11"':" '. ,Inlill.. 1111 Illy' ':'\"~"'.

)l~dli tllIl. " \lull": 11"'1:

,:,(lllld lhe 1_.. rt.·I ....1n ,,· ...qUIII)' lUll" III 1I1'IUI',

l',"I.,,~ I!le nublt: "1'1lI",~u...t;lIu

Wt~I'lt ,,1111I1I11t:r \0 111,,1\\'\1 Ill.nll'.1-.,1. /" r-""1 tile 1., ..1·1'''\0; l"hI u,,·.

•'Ilar!••u>;ur., dl'tlln:r \0 1m.;·.'nl" her "lu,"1 \O"llh lulu,' cOUlllllm:h II

\ ....l ~b:a" muunt tile tlHUlh' ur I.ln;".

ntl r.r llite. "1"'I'),',I.:t:~pll.lll,

l ilurlrm.• t"On:cn'1t or the :"'Ollc:1.l;.:I,llhe 1-.lll... 10 ~tHbli hurrolll.

Wllh 1I1e.lll+.:llloor....r Ihy ~lnll"1

,.I\,J thl' (:;rUt 'N.U~ lull IIIh I•• ,I.('~ IJ!l bnlw Ihe 1.IuTI:lllI illt'-

J "til tl"Om Illv nltt.:'11 tnulIIlIlI.Tr:un1l'hlllJ: Iu Io\t: UI.,u tllillc!

:amd,illll'. ~pt._lrlll1=!

IlJrl. Ill' In ulthllC ((II'm:tu',I"".·flll,. lire comllttl: Quick, IU)' lllJlbklll:

I., t me (rw.. t U'tlllcr.· I IIlc,Ah: n" 11101"\" 1111I\lllhc billie

::!haJl UI)·If!.'tI\1. r\lIlll!lll.lI·dl.J.I. (Iud Q.lrl"j(lIuld tlieu.

t.:1~OI,.'tnt, ltttUH', rurc'll.I·1I1•

..J:n~l1l'1J. :tiIH"'t·bt:..~

....M...__..,."'!!:-........_..._.._..... "'! .._"'!!~----"'!!~-..----·-!''''!!!!'''~--'''''' ..~!~~~~...'''!!!!'',.''!'''''''......--...~..--..'''!'''!!..'''!''''''~..-., r I , ,, ·,'1'.·,"'··.. \1.,·1\" lHtr\\II.huillt!lllll- UIl(C 111111)' c'W1H',1 il. Thll~' \\hufrllli'IIl~1 "I,j''ll .. l" Ildl1~ liil.lllr ""1

1Il.1~' "I III\' I" r.p:., I It' , I . II II" ,-1 II ~ ..\11\ .,!lIl,II". Illm-uJ;l.lrlh,IlI-\\llllc JtOlil." ill I:,,' l;lIIl1lr~'. TIll' trilll' te· 111\C·"'lllh,·c\il~ulli\lll.. IIIClrlll;.!lillt 1It'lI1t Ih.1II Ill"fl.l 1lI1111t')";':lllil1t!. III

1111 ~ I, 'I" .. '1II:Iil,''\ ~it, lit ill' ,jllltlll!,ltl Ill,' J,.. III Ill. 1,.till.ri,,1 - ..,w,·.·,·,litt~ till l'U' II \ ,11111-11\1' °0 ""'li,II,,, III I",illl ,)'11 ,Ill: I,· ~ \\ I.f HI "I'llIlu_,,"~' il1dil:' "ll' I ,;1'1111111 11,1' lilli' "I III" " "". 1,1·"t r"'lp,I'lIll ... ~lr"Il:! ,lid \\101,1,· 11,(' dllllflO ~ :111,1 d, 'p"n,h 111.\ 118 lin' l.:lll-I illl.: Iii ,I III~i 'l. '1'111' ;.:r'·:II' .. 1IIIIIII"'r ",'

. II I _,I" ,1'·I""II,j'"lw, .. I,t' _\IlI' ti' all IOri Ull' II'r ull,1 ,,1.'11111111' 1/1,1,·,1 11\111.\'; l'IIlI,I,,' {·llllilil~1.l1 ~'lllhll~I:,~I~ I Irll n"l t.. rCII ........ \" ti;!11 j_ 11,1'11-. 1" IUIfIL, II- I It·,\ ~ , "

, I '1 1;"t1~·. nnl 11'1'.\' Ilwrit 11'111ll111,lli"ll. ,11·r'I\,·rill~ '11l'~ 111"1' ill I'...·")' luuet,11 ... lllll~ t·,IIIIlI .... : 111,',\' 1I.l1all~· -lllr"ll,l'r


,t,.I-C: It I,*,~ 1111I':.!hl 111111 111\\ ,.I-I~ ' . , I' I " I , ,. I ,r:'ll II.t 111"-1' ".!o" \\"u1,llill'l 1",,1I1t \\'1111 "'II'" ''''1'1111'''' II- ,"fl'. ','I .... ,. ", I "h'" \,'-.111'11' 111111..: 11.,lIl1lllhli! h\.,.

III" II'fUll" III.I~ I,t: ,I\', r Illrll...l: \\ ill. ., ,. , . I '1 I I '11 Ii', I . ,I,tll.r IIllj"ll I""h at IIl'lU' ..\ III"re 1101110-\111'1111.:".11 hW 11',110_ ,1".,'11 \\1 "''''IIU 1"1,nllll ::llllC \11111111 it.-"1111'. it I,ll' I"n-"I Iii. III 1I·'m 11:I1,il , III' t"rHlIl lUi-I'h' n i,h' ,,, "I' oIul\. II- -"IIU' 11'1.,.1...·• 1IIl"ll I" I rill illl" II tI'lIli.:,:, .. ,.


I"r,ul.t ·~"\t·I'1I1111Ilt t l!\ll'IIU'I'\\l1-"IU1"U- .'10\ :.!I \ til Ii, I' t: 11111 ';..::"111'111. :.U, 1.1- Iv • \ j_I_. 'I"1,i" III \\ IiI k, t, Ir • ,Ii 11'111"'. "I' lIlt' ~hltllntl I'HU\', rtl ,I Ih.,l,l· II 1\ I' r ,I lin, I 1/1 \1110...• did,III'_. \\ I" 1111, I i;.:I'l "rtr."Ill-I;,nll..1 111"11 inl .. ItoI'1l1,lil'lla. I . • I 1",\1'.1 Iht·I't,';U'hll"·.. I;"llllll'~.\\i-e 1\'"oIIlIt. 111'1' 1l1l"III"lltlllll,l.y 11l'\\·. I.· ••llot. I, l'U liHl,,"~1 1I1",n 1111' llllllllf.\ .... I If'in"11 tl.l·I"II,,\\i1I;': 1,lhr ,,"ilh 111'1"'.11' ~h"'1 I~,ri'f' Itl' 1;11 .. 1111" i 11ll,1 inll,,,-ili'Hl. llie 1.. 11'.\ ,.r lI,t: I"'l'ulilillil I~ill'! ill Iltl' I". i"lly ip til . II •• (.11 t Ilill l l\U111'I1: :ill"

1.1 ,\.Iy ill till' .\ .•, II• •/ 1;":/'"" If', j';. ~"IIIll' ~1.11t' Hf i'::U",.III" Imol 1/.111. lit ~- 11" • i" Ihtir , ,I.!Jot'. II Ill;': IIll' th- 11"-'1. lilt' 111"..1, . Tht: I,,".hn-t \If "'lr I'r..... nl rullr, 1'••11'

, I, ... Iml.: 11l'f1h 11+1'1111 ~ I II" r. til ~ 1011\. • • •• It, fUll'. , \CI pi 1", 1110' mlil jull'll , 11", I I" of "'t lI·it 1\ I'. 1111.1 I,) • ,!+lI'lllillu III\' 1\.1-1 I,,,••'1 I' I .lllll"- 1I11l111IlU,III"I,'H1II'.\llll'III"llI, 1.01\" 1"1'1' 1\ 1,1' Ill::: I" "Ptl'll' -, " . 1111' lI':lllillll "1111"" 'pi' lit lUI ,\, ito IIII III : i,'lll, 11,1' n"IlIH lit,· ll'IIIIf.llly Ihu 1II••~t

.' • I 'I 1';:1"0..111,"'11 1111.,· II 1,111;: lIllll' III pr,'· Iir"l,lI,1 11"lllu\' "1.1\' OUIlf\I,ul. II ,.. 11"""oIJ\III.I!tI\f''''t'llll.IIIIII''I'''.\·\\IIIJoc ,tt'l'l"r,lhll·. 'I"ht'lol'l~ill!,t"fllH"lfl-"'ht

... ., '.' I \'lIkl' 1'111 ""f'C 11I"1""1I:.:l.II· llr""-td. ~l'"I" ur'" '1111' h\\'I'I'HlIIl;: I 11l11;':t!i: - .• . It'lIl\.II,.1 I" ~llIm' III ,Ill' 111I.r \Iilr~ 1111 litr IU'lllir~' r,lofW" UII lin: "11+' 1t,lIltl IIlhl

• (. ll(fllhlllU 1'1' 1"I~il\ dlUl.ld. \llIr 111011' 1 I 1 I"'I'" "IlI' 1"1111011 III-' '11I1~ IIlTIt" .\:-01' " I It.·.1 "fl\,·r~lllill;.! Ilult p;a\·or.. I."t 1'111 Ill· lie c,,"hli' "1m lin IIii' uIIII'r. i~ n"lhi11". . qlr III Illi',II. tl!,tuh·t II11S lurl 1I'f J.:flllllS .,

Ill\lrw' 1 ," ~ill'lIl. ~"II""I.llhl'l'l1llllhill·lll "I nil Itllllll'lr.\' ll:llumll"/lI'I'!i_iulI Ill' 11"1'111.·. . ,'1. III 1111: 1:,,1'111 i"ullllh' ulil I 'Ilf Utllll'lIl ,. ,. , 1 . ".... ,".~·i,'" I'"l'llill'~ ~Oll wnlll~l.ll"l ~r\I' hi kllll\I" Il/I\~ 11IIUlt lin\' lIu\O J.:1I1. lil~ 101'''1'111' 'li\ill).: Ill' II .. Ill' 1111' II~ l'II"r;!,- 1l1'~.'1t1 I Il: I,nrl n IllltUKllh. hUll '" Illu

I". n""I"In,.iltIIJ lilt 1111 Ih,'."p 1l1l111_ III ~IIY n'llliv f,lr In' '1l1;lliHlI. ·lllij.:lIlti 11:' II,e III Ihl' oli·"Ill;'liIli.JlI ,.rwlwt Ill" hl·lil'I'I~ 1':I'~ dl'.• iru lu."hilt nUll'll! tl~lllI'l_iliilh\'1.\I-'r' \1'1111(''' \'011 WIIII"UI 1l~~1l1ll1ll~ • I , I" It' Il,,: Ifllih i:i II lioll' 11ll,1 -IiI ri,l:! 1I11Ill"cIt,\,h""\'1I 1II1'1I110I.... l\'llrrlltlll~II;'I ~ , '. . .... -'. . \,iull "f"( IUIII.,- IIra,lIl1u/olI,..\llIllt· . I . I" I1111)' H~pull-lhl!lIY. 11IIwrmll IllC In:u~ Ilc... llll l'lI.uI13 W:ltl". ltltd 1O.~.t1:1l "i~.III. Illlt IIIU cnlhu-i,,-wulll ,'rll\l'1 I.. ~m'lrll I IIII' I\f'lhlll~ lUll .1,,'i.ll·til, ItWill

, I · ., " I' t"11 II IIU II " lIM.IC Iml,I.ll· lU1\1 fr...lh. l."r,1 I,,· 111"",-' '1"""lillll_ "'hilll IIUShl lhh 10 I'll1\11iI\ I Illlli II 11l-.tlIW I C IC 'I n'ltl'r..... Iilhli.i 1Il!t1l1lu little Illlllg uf



It I u 11.1'f.II11tnhl.:t5 111 m"rIO\\'. nh~ I"JIIIII}' .. ,ttl1-.II'dw.'\1l (:.1+1111111 11:IlI.m'. ,.uulhll$ 11\'l,:gll lUll ", ulnl'\ • . I..-,rly n n,i1l: I"n.". II lit 1"111.,1 Oil l& •

I "I nl'\"I'r h'I,ln "~'I\' I \1,lh.1 "I,i1l1flll IIf • IIii' I'f~ nll,l Ihe i,I,,1 lit' Ihi' !L.,lIr. 'I'ltl' t 111,"11'. BUI lilt' \\ h'll ... ,,,"l'jlll i_ WI Ii. '. ,. 1 "trill'" IIlRhllJ;lIllJ 11t~,1'1o I ,.1 ..11••1I-("lIr,,· ,,-,li,11I i_lrlll~il1":. IIlhllhe Ilr:~·t" Ill' il \1'11111)' "rl·on_iI11'rllllull. TIIl~ Inlllll"lll:\lIh'r 'Ill} .1\.... dl.1fnrl, I' ~11I11' I 'U 1I111C ,. . 'II' '

'. I '" I{'II will.'. !if ,1111'111111"."", IIltr 1.I·P.1l I It.·,., ."'" ".,,1, _. Imll-il,Il.'·. The .tllllloll .""." I "1'111111111111.111 r.".i:.:-illll ill tll'-IIA)'lIln" II,,,f ten tofT rt:lltlill~ II,H"I' :;,,1" .1··t.!1I0' .1' 'UI.".· \ r"....1

111I1.Ii..hl',1 Ii'r 81111,1:t~· fl·:lIhllJ!. \\llIdl Inl"r, 1111= furllllr g••11ll III I,,; lI"kl" 1l1l.lllllkllrll'ol Hlt.1\2iltll'III)· I,d \\111111111.:11111111.,,1 rt'hg-Iun: 11m IIl'plIrllll l'rllY,. '(' I~,r IILI' illlildbi I'dlll.... · "f \\'ulUf Ii III II(! .""., '•• l"lIl!lu:! I;.r "nlllt'lllln,': I~'llll- II in,;; ,'lIlt rltlirl{'II by Ihu unlll'lI IlIr 111""Ib ,01 frl'11I< llll~' III tIll/IiC 110 ~llt'l'1I II , ,- ,- ,

. ., 01 l:.·,O.UUIJ. 1It1.1 \\1' ,11ll1l Ilr"~I'nl flllr l'e' I "I'~rllil ... li,r l'IIJ''')'llIl'hl "IIIH'ri"r 1.1 11m ruo·.," 1{"l!"1I1l1;':. limn is ~Illll,licd I,y Iht•..t1I,jl.'Cl'Jf "rl'OI'IIIl11lic IIIUh,llIlil. l" Iwe I I I '

, titiullll!ll\;':lIill~t 11II1 ":r.lllt.- ,,, •.r. ;lIl11,.rilll 11I,lllln"'-1l1'l-~ ,,1'1I1,nfllallil !.{l'illd l'llllrch, IIm\ lilt· llIllllt.,ol 1I...,II'''M!l1"'l 'tlI ~lI"e lip Illo~" llIi"I'I,il Villi" h,"kli 1111'IIlIlk hi "-'lIdlllJ.: ,rulil. I IlfI\'(' 111WII)~ .\11 1:""'11,,11 ,'It." uf .1Inoth' nlHI lut: ]il". '!'I,c lkll. 1I;':llin. III thi.. II~O lit Illml ill.litllli..n 11I'n-t,11' If "Ill: rllil~ I.. f'nr·Ihuuglll Ihc t~t1I'en u \',ry 111('1111 1111111 "lu.I~"l·,," "m·ll. I~Ilt·r\·n,it,j.{ !llxur~·.I1I'IIUtllll tillll I \'UI rc- r)' 11111 'hi' 1'"IP"""~ ~hll \1'1\" cd.ll'hll.I'

, I'"

li,·itlll ~h"ul.1 loe IIi:!lII.'· -lliccll: lUl.1 ill~litllll'lllilf: IIHI~l'rcn,ll,rltl\llrYllll'lJ.:ru!>flillg WIIIIIlIll: Illll 1'1' f1CI'1l t'I, '1 I 0 •dlll,t h,,~ Cllllllrull ,11II1l In L1ml "1Iitlinu. I ~'nlltllil" 1...."i1ull \\,,,,1,1. 111.111)' Illhllll:;-t l'iluf'ullli \\""...11 :.:', lIul ... ·11' lrllll1l;:"III'" 1'\\'11 111111 11ll' IInlimtnl.".

~\\'o h.tll'I'f't'I1I'f'~t1~llIlIK,IIO Illink Tlirilll·fI1l"'l.1 "hit I,. 1l11~lr,lin:.c til 1111 lIrllll''rollllhe lilllllllllingclIllN' 1111,1 prillcl)ltl'."1' relilotillll 1I111111tl'lIrl'. , hllid,\IIl')It"lf'l Jlul,li-l,ul rl~llltly.. tillre ••,·"lld,llI. )'114 11- t!lc 'rllrk llil'i (rl'lllllllllltlU"litlIlS 111\t:ll:1nl \lith llIl'ltllill!!. 111111tlml Ihe ,I..~'t uf llIunllrellll:l 1)",1111)' " .-

kl. hl"'l1 iUlhe nlllltl .... r ut' Inl1l1llt'll re· ulllilllilellll.... /If ..It.I~hl't'.II:· ;\llul'Iluc frl/oll;.:111 \\ith illhr.-l 11111 1,"1) III tl,i~fire past: I'UI tlih IIr'l\' lille ull'lir ~hu'" I' h'.~1 hun Ihl' n-~lllll'" or 1:llillblllg" i- IIllli will 11"11 '.UII tlml ~1m".1 1I1111uir rl" 1'11\ to fll:ll~ t{1'IWrIIliilll", In tlrt! \\"hlt10 1\ ~IcIllOlllitl:lllllll Ilml thl' 11101. 1.. ,1

I IIlIril.lIlI·,1 to the ,,:nc "rto \l\:,thlll unl) 11IMlt' IliIllllll,,'llR: Irllll..1 1111 1111: illl~I"t:1 11(:1 :,:r'·.lt Ih';I1~ .... rill' ,,11/1111 "Hrb~ririllhl\lllwcl~ ill th~ I:rili, hz.,., Ullllll1 • II Inllli hi'l 1l11fOlluIlltir FilII. I1Ult "h1l\\111 tI... tl'liJ,:.iun... I'XIII"lIlllll \I II I !l1l1'IH ,,1'11I\+.: Hr rdlJ.:i..u.llil: Iln'IIl'lIll, r:tt1t"C !lc· h}~1t'f1r 11I111II ..ia_1II 1Il11l,"·flll. r.Ii·~ltllI

I 110' 1,,1110{ 111;''' ",',r 11mt It III "f Sr"lhuti. 11Il:: till lILt' ,,1.11' ur thl' 11111' r, ~1I1"t Iy. it· '"I_ II 1I1l"1'''' lind 1.11·"~\'oI illtlul'lll·". ~h' llin;.:!t1l'1(~, lumclIlulll)' in lilllr;':'ll III," .• 1 II I .

1'11,' Illalt 1111111 I .11 11'11,.l ~lIg;{I"'lin'. 1 n.!i"lull i~ i'llll'l"d II \'Ilualolu 1111,1 !l'1I'rl"ll hlll- II I\.·r,' ,11'"11 Ilu" 11"1111: i~ ''Ul'".,11\\1:1111 ill 111~ t1l'IIl'I'n\lnllt rit'Ii'rLI. Tltl' I •

I • 1'l'lil-liUII<I. Ii dill~. f'lI.rril'lllu I'.':"lfl:t, t'ltll Ihill". il 1111,,111 l\Ilt III loe 11'.;',1 1" 1ll\~ill;':C I'Pallll." all,1 \\ 111111111. c\l'ill'lI I III : il h,l4!llllrh. 1 .n)·, II II !JUtl Ulll': it h tllll "II rn I'" ,..

I , I , IIllIt dllcit IJmduI'c 11I,.,,"ll)'. It 11'1'1l1\lI'lI, Illl',J 1I11'I'llIllll"lll nf IllI' mind.lIlld nil h'rnll". "" j!r."'lll 1.1 It" n.I'I,rolli.'''. ,,= itor 1)'flllIll}', lllll l\111~t Jf'llwl '.... t l\''';IIIIf! I I I, I 1lI'rf'lI-:lr)' Itlll1~I,lc \1 hell 1111" ". II ,,1'IWCllel\IC Ihe Iii Ill, "1'1,.,· IlmU"r Ilmlll(lur,'I' 41"1 lIul rllll~ "1' Ihl' JI.I~-I"llrI; II hi 1111'hn"i.1I1 Ihn~ l'ufIllI'rly 11'~lrnillt'.1 11:0' ,Ot, - ..• I "I' il 1"1·IIIIIl'ollll.lnrlnu~. ~ll·p. .. rli. ~111{"ly 1,1'\1'llIloll't 1'\111 I.' Illllll< 1111,1 Ill\' ,'Ioilll:tli Inllllll... I,·,1 I,~' lIlt: I·tt"'ll~ :11101 1I11_lmd'I\I'1211 dfluls 10 I n~hl\O: 1!l1' Oll\iull. I'll:

1 1I11,1 ~lIl\"t')' uil-:hll)' lill cnl\\ till I hllll~ ,Iller!! of .,1,1 I" perlinlll 11'1 1"'111 r 111111,:'1 '.'.III.\.llle lillll\ f".".!lillll't.•'.llIllll; •. '.."'1lirit Ihal \'jrllllitl 111'11 1l1:\IIm<j.It~1 II 1I~' y. . I' . I ., "1111 f:ll'ltlU\I$ Iltll,t~ .., IUI,I tllll 11"·lll tiUll IIHlo 1\ r.I"',il·1I Itr;.!.,. 1I,lt tllI·II.11t "phni Ihll "11:rll II IIlun 11-. llIud It tt

IUllIlnl: Ihe \It IJ 01 rmllr,,,,,, III I lC II'~ I I I I •. I , .. I ,Ill' Ihl"'C IterllltlllllUl.1... \1:1 .. \\llir III I,\' Iho rcll.. lul1~ cnll.u il<l'.. "I '" hI/ill tl.. ,,' -Imll,t (,IJI)lI:~11 III U\ l'll!h,k 1110' -li.hlllll"

• • , II( the It:ttlOli ) I III me !!-l)lrll t IAI "~I . . ' ,.. •We tlOlbhlill tllo tullol"mg lellt'r 0 • II I' I IIIJ!-n'hlll~lfni ettl,I~'llh ,\1111 I.C'" Illlcr- 1111\'1' II(.'Cll IIlt'II1\' .in,·c Ihe \\"rl,II"~'lltl, nfuur phll'C ..I' Imll.'!IlI'", 111101 l'n~IL;,

" ell/trle 1..1115 he'lil. Jalllt':" • 11111110111', • . • I r . e . ..'1111"1. AunllJ II. It. tUIIC 11 .!II' Illl\cI. . (. I '. f'~I. lnli,tlllll.lld! tlH' 11t..IIlI·hHlI>o I H'~' !l{lr II1UI lltll .. t 11(1 ilw.lh~ III ,I (r"lll tllu 11Ilk dbr 1I11k, till' f'lUllI1 (Ii It lJuhh U. III

nnll t.'I'Of'~re III.• Ihe .\Il1CfICl\l1 (I '1n1~'!I.,I ' , I • I I •. • I' '" ...... t" .,t'\'~'n ill t1.u.·1e time 01 l'ohti(,111 uml fC-1 ..' I . . I IlIn)' mn:. ~1\'11 mH' I"'. ~,.~ 11'\.'11 1111 " ~t'CIIIJrll(,lllh lit IIIIV Ilri,·.·. \\ h.11 : ,.of IImh t111l~·. - •• f'. ../l'Io,.- t ... WlIenvrt, 1ulll tnllnl1li'll WlIIl'lll I' . . 'lin-ion.. r'loe<lon'- th"llt utnnol filII 11'1111' I II J' " " '11 I."" h~hl,.lln II,~ I~·'rlrl. lell.. IAlIIi IlInnf''' n moru ",IlIIil':ll:lc Ihill;': ----••... Illil "1'I',t:I!'t.'1. n '.110 11111 ~'rrl! \J "11 . . . I'''' tot,·h·'I(·t" '\'t. tilt.' C·llI~..I'I'''.tn~lllltcnliuf\. \\'u l:oul "rclIll. IU!M t . , II I '" , I I \\ 11:11 Isllll"'l IIttnf'll" hrl-:e 111111111· Ihll11 1"1'11-1111111111 UIlItS: ;\llll,l~ PI·lpN·.,. Ill'll hll\l~ Iluicf,;ly 10 nWI'I ..... Illl' I'~". Iill America About the Jrt't:dom Ill' tilt! I'" " ('fa, ami \\ 11111 Ii Ille ...·\jllil lllllfllll)' Illil 111111)' wnrf,;l.l lill h,· II lmrticulnf Intin of )lil'hit;lIl1 lin"" 11,1- l!I. hIli' I... ';'1' ill_lllll'

. Il!ccndci.l tho IlrUIlC III 11C:IN·, ...U nil.. " I '.lIN'" lind ttoo 1IIlCl't!l. We tll1llk our . ., JlII),fu::nlly I J·.\·,'r~·lIl1U hi n\\tlre II I Il: tllllll,,1I1 11l'1'1Jl'llItlll~' flt 111"h Jln~~llrt' ,i,," III lIclul)' nil lIrt~ lIud Mi\'I1""'i' !IUl. leW )'l'lll':l bo clllloC,1 hi,. rnftrr ou 1Ill. ." ,. ..., • ... •}~nllli!ill ucl"hll(u"s, III "!Iiltl nf thl! tf't:...llt c1cclrli'lIl VfIIllI'rllcl' III Ull n~llt:lll 11lgU 0 Ilrrillll r""~llInlh' lu f\.'t'lll ,I"~rll\l "f ,'1110· rllllrUlllliug. IIltd \\'1' 1lI11:" I 11,,,'1 I" ~ ..

.. ,Icullnlll· hilt Illn JlIllll'S m:f."cll.:11 In II •• • .' • • '. •.lIllllJlkihmcnt loy I-'luUAlUcnl 01 thc '. IlllllliUl 1Jt:1I1~.!I. 111l're II'emlll" rUlllllJllIe Ilflll "I which /lllr 1IIIIIl·rI,·ct lill·tllth'" nrc (hi~ ~11t11'.1 ltHOll lu IluJ turrl~ulllUl "I• ,l'Onlll'lflIU\'U Clilm llUl \\'n~ loon COIn· I. I " I tl I' .. ."Hornl T)·t1l!5,'1 tllC fillrly ICMtnl; 1111 n' I • IUul IJ 1I)'UII,nll}' Ilrull;': I llj lI)!grl'~1I U lint 1'1I1' dIll'. 1n1lst h'...· Iho "lull.llrll1lll CIlItI'f:V lillitlil.'li. 1I1ltrull l;lIU~t1 Ir". I.~ IIIU'

InKttcn of free: lhougbl Il11d frt:ll 'I)l·t:eli. pcll~'\.t 10 .11a·nmp i Ot'or~o 111.. lk:I:Rn 1111 llluhitu\lc ~'hh:h j. 1111I"rl:, wlllltin" 10 whlrll ('on!'lltllh~ n wl'lI n'"UI;ltllllllilld. "iug Ihull the t1u'lllitorlllt Iu lIn: tlilliu;.·-rtJ . (t·ign Wllh nil CStt::lbll'u 1I11lJlre; I.e tho 8illhar)' ll11h; Ihlt orntllr uloilS lOur Le.rd·j1I....ll'hin.. ,.. \\Crll nl ...elv dif- hull'i 111111 c1Hll't.'l. IIml t'''lljluill:.tiol,i

X~,,·('.\BTI.B.os.TY~F., ~rn)' 0. 18;G. clo~ bi) Inn;: l'ni.lI)'rnuniC'..t1 liltl \\ Il" II Dln\l"t11l ('row, I III :olIh • le:ltl!, nn.1 ftllUtlc IrL'ft!nt nT'll!',. Wlte~ J-k.~'fJlt! 1I1.1,ltJ tl; him IlIh'lhill~ 1Ilh'r IIlc r",lIu\\ Ill'::'" •• •• nat lim well-nigh bllllkrul'l o~ mIn ull.ll l:lllJ.thIH If)' vI'r}' I!illlllh: l1It':tl\:o.llllIllt;h, liolellllltnllJnlllf,lliUlli "l'ut!.I,hnuml or It.lllrollllr...., ~hlr.,l "II. \\"11.\ liTO

fiolili« Itrl'. III Uf<, 1110 mellnl OlOIl;!, lIud Ihtl IlIrgcr .11O·tlll~ or. hll \I ..illg Iho 'lllnlO 111(':11\1" he 11'11111.1 fl\1l m- IUworlllljn~•. he II"it'II.I' I" Il"fllhclll b)' 111;11111111;; Ir.11l1 'c,dtlll:'lI. hrrl.:by \\·e IJt.'ek In llll'in our cn,l, 11011 .lOlllllllon. Knl flom Ill' I'n1J11n:. fl.ll! Ittl) ,,·!tll line IUlIciS It IIILr. Wlttu \Ul I,ut.h ~n)·jng II", .. ~1I1111 til I IIIIIU hil~l IknlUlIC llit' l'l\\i I.~ \I hidl Illt~' ro'lI.·C 1.11'"'&'" no di"inctton lxlwl'<'U "'Ieml lllCr":lrllllllnl-. of Ih~ tr,mn I:n\-: In IlIlk ollhr nllt1i('IlN Ilt'in:: Cllrril'll "" It} nu j.tIH.IU liltl I""'r:' lli~ 0'0161 t'lllhu· l;u\·cln''1I.n: 111111''\\II. hUI il i, tnUll.'and f1rOr~ne" If IUy kiudl1 1\'III\crl of tlm~~'l'n mcl \utl.l d~lcrtlll~ed.III'· loy Itil' ~I'rilk.'r.lhtl • ~I'l't.~.iutl i8 1\ jlht .i;L"1II WI'. (Ite Il~'rhl'~ 11l111ll..i;,l~IlI, \\ll~ tlllltllL,)' llrC h"'~ lllulo'HUU» \\ltd1llr",.'1'11, JIIJr.,e will rrwcmlJf'r 11l"!1 Ill,), '1\·111 Ilh"'lllOlI; II 1'11114!nlllll he litell If t.1Il: 11111... ; Ill,) lin: cRrrlll1 :l\\a}'.1I111111re Ihllr· II,e 1"- rflll lotftllily I'll (tlith Mill II gOlld. lidl'.1 \\!th IIlIIJllc 1·lIlhltll·t"r,.nol \\'Olldcr if. ill /50111C of the tkelehl'l', Ill!!llllm "'\II illlollllt In Iho £Itl'~ II~ ('11:1('. lIughlr lr:lll~I)I)rtt:ll IIlll of IhclU!ltht,... lifc. To ~11l11 ul'. Ih:\lllll rtlll-:itllll'lIll \lu I Wlilit i.. uu 1'lIl;ill~l'l (JlOlillet tun 11~lu II)' Itille 'lith lheotug}', "I cnnll~t r"Ullul tlw n~\lmlltltlll ul f'rll\H!s,lu Illll rl':l1o,on, IllI'y nlll,}' 1'1'1,1; IllIl goo.lllmt 1.:ullllU IUIl:UJ-fI'lb,mllt.il1!t .\ lkliul \lilluml \\hkh 11111 ,lIldudvranI! rndiC-11 llrogrct" in lite ~llItu 1041 Ihu !lcW tItle ,II. n11)'lhllll{ 'ClI~ 1111111 I' IIWClIlI~C Ih," flu lln~ rl'lISUlI l iSlhnr. thcI'c. IIIC lillie llIli'rlll,lo hcl\II'I·lllJltr...·!\'Cllllllll b ltlli'l\' iI.

t1tronicle<llt5 Willi lht mllletil )ltllJ!fl1'!lln Chll~1l'I1So to 1·./l;;hlll~1 UIIiI llll III ,lilt ~I: rllrl', 11m II(1ll 1\11.1 lru~'!It ~lIrl 01 1,,1urll' Illl: brulu LllISI.!l. lo'lIr ItkJ l\1I1i'1~ IIlre"" i" Wlllit 1"':1 thl'll1llll!Ihe Church. And trill)., thlll wl~k. pllli· 1l\lltll. I (':(I)4.'Ct th~llJolll CIlUlllflr8 1\11, tion W!liI'1t workli Ihtl'llJ.:h Ihe l'lIIoliutu 11:1111111 tllt:llltl'it'llt lltA! 11)11111 l~ 1.1I11n·~ 1"..1)1 .\ 1111111 \~1Ju 1!.'lhl:tIl)' :\1':.. :1. l.rhh';p.,1,'.. "" , "'u',d.·.. ' "·,.I'''y'''(\1 ft.-.ellttlll't1l't:ll, 'Inthc"~'lllc'lrllHllli I ,. ,.. ,'" I, ""'1 I' I . .I __ •..... u 11'. .: OIlY~ .ullll) Wtllfrs 1.1~(I~IUllllh'l on IIl~.. Iftlll' .1) or I)". _};0Ut \llInt "llhelllltu...tllnlhlllll);lll~·l'r.In .pite or II 3(41 M,'C:ting'" 011 CI'l'f)' litl", I! 1111')' hll\e IIUIl~I:n ~ .Imb'l!l~ the ~UIIi 'Ihe til no: or 1111 UlIlllllih... 1 iUllulgl nl-e u( IUe ii the III,.t WilY III IIlhl..r.l.&ll.t"i Wl... t ift II It.lg{:.Ij;C'1l11l::ollr Iwe 11!11'e lhought nf Iillle cll1£'. Our 1l11~' 1111: ~Iln_t lJC OdIOIlI, IOCC It rt"HlD'~ I Ihe im:rJ(iulIlioll: Illmll' IJnI(' ('(I11It'~l\.'11 it IloUllltut relij;il1l1:' hcli~11Il1 lIl.ill,lltl" .\ Iltnuu 1\1Iu U "~I,,".. ttJ Iu 1u;,,1 ~nll"Inpite IlIlllrtlltly ill tH Irl.'U. It hd ltft-n thrill In IIlC~I" flockl('jg munm: til ,lu!lr to:\ I,ork wilhQllt 1\ rull'r: HIlIt.,.. Itl 1\ ICltllC\l of 0011. \I hul wulh·1 iot not IIt~ 1111111;&.1 lhc lUll- If fl't 1"lIl III hll chancery,lho In'1eN not. kuo1'l'lng fOI'CIL~e '\IhJV~'tII.\OIl 10 II IUfl'l::n rull'. 111'\'II!lallult tUn'l:1I1; :III IIlI\C II;;'" 1110 iDlporlllllll'.ltl. Lut 1\h:.l1 i.. Ihr lruth. tilt \tilhulIl 11m .h!:h~,,,t J:U'll'b'lJ I...'Ii. helher the s.,,.cr81:n \fIlS Queen or '110 l>e<tplc ur Lll;:llIutl ("lImn\ t(,~'llrt.ll l'OlHlcllln II; yet, re\ i\'lllist J1rcI,('ht'r~ If rcl\~inll i, 11Ileiellc('. 1111111-1 h.' b"O\'ltIl~ h,lt ;10)1'. S"llII""JII ur UJlllt'lll". Tht'jl::ml\ret!1 in ..ulu wbich ,.,'ere to lake lin: f'luln:,!" 0" I\n~lhln~ Ie Illnn Il rt\"O- nlld lite !"at'Cfllullllhl... ,,1111 1\,,"1.1 fllill I'll lot tllu 1,,\\. nfpft)l;r~N' 1It111 tllll~hIUI' lire 11\'t 111~.lItirIlI171 Illu t: ..ih·J ::-IlItC..I tfl'l."l h('yonu .cu. It lillll hl.'ClI In Iho IUllon: :ami putnll:s Will l'rul~llJItlIH'nCC- ~rlln.lln Ullli(ltlatl'li '"I n nHJ11I1I1 ullO*, Ihe 1l1~llt nlhl u"I:lincli Ify Illu hlll.l.ulIt:IlI:t\ Wlut art! tkt: Ilu(it.:.o ul Il hUlkcnlllll tII I" Om- I 1'1 ",'" .. ", II"" fnrtb \\nrk fnr l\ CllUnll'r·IC\'olulloR . I". r I I I I" I .,. I ,.' ,. I II " '," . ,..\,'rtI<s uu::e,ant t: n ........., '. illlllllCII)U lie r.llOQlllt' lllll,ll) ur IlrnCIJ'l.:'0 Irn 11l11l 'HI,r. IC 1\1 I T'IIII'\II1~'CtllelllllllllhlltJlklt 1,'\1Il.:11IMy' it. is to flgttre on a\l IlCtitilHlI 10 Ihu which »IIlI\l.)IIell IIl1d IIII' 1111 Iwetll ~llu Iheir IlIrCl"" "n ltlll'h IIWlll'il'li nl"lIe, t~, Irllll r,·lIyion I, of ".. IlUhllll 1111,1 doJl· 11lU f'lI"lIlIclur:- •11011 IWI,u'llIlioIlS IU\,'I , I • II' ",oc'''ou'llon hR' bt''''l crown tf,WLl\' lIunr to Irullllle lite ll'llllltl. I" r , . . . I I I' .. I, . 'tU\'C e J;II. .. I , . ., Illlhcl~c tlllCfllllhml 11 Iltl ;Oltn\\1t 01 11'~llU IlllRllIN t '1I1. t 10. II~I 1IIIH). III gIn del .. upnll 'lie ti,"', 1I11l1ll1'1'1'1I thc .1000nlllllCl'hcll at. jcctt<\ lit, mOUtOll) "'fer. ll~ltll1: ". ~ IHIlIUIlIII)': tlllrrlll\ltl;: wlrrnll\·t:" 1·1 10m llI11illl'lllllIUlf'hllf'lll\,e III Iii punt)'.IUltl IIUlI 1•. t clIIll.tlujt !tlul 1.1111.hrll iolu Ih\lAlreld.\' "11Il1~rltllhu" Ii Ilcarli llll II. .. \ Olt, )fr. I::lhlof, NmJ not IIRIl'1I Yo Ith IIDII il ell'rnAI11UlliplilIlfWII' \lIll1IIIU'JlII clut!'t'!:l It ill Iho lIci4hl}' ll111cil'lI ul" II "r,n"1 ", I I II . . co ~'JC" 01 Illtil:ll.Il~U-". till. \.r I'rdtll$: u lIll·II:lrI1 "nlme. We BCIIUUHt'UllA f\·jo!cc. me; ~ollr JllIlll r 1 IIlIlI ~rlill', IUI~~, l'xpalilllilln1i 011 Ihe tnUllriul n'"'uttlil :ttl,1 cliuJ.J miD.1. .llmc. lie ~llllltC-l'_1ll CUll- Ihe .~ll\liolli.

'fhill ItO)'1\1 Titll'll Act btl 11111111.1t:I! willi UIII'~-.{',.,~ )011. nul Il it.'CUlI III 1.l1tllllle IIlIPl'hll' ~ 0,I' Iho lilt'lil: l'I'II~lIl1l ae- II rl'l&.'\.1 DIllI t'ulllulIlnil'lltul fC(!ltl:lrl)·. t·un· \Vh.ll il tho cll:lI' Utl1\' 01' a ~1\ il('ll.Ihe lIJ1pro\':llof PllrlilulI;mt II rllr"(,;lChin~ llml ~llll'e Ill\! . Qut,t'n I:~ ~ pflloii1r In. cUnlJl:mhuenlli of light"," :lilt! J)l'r ceil ill" Ilmt I,)' Ihi., 1I11 It \\''''1"1', l'lllll 1I111ll t •Ilrinell)ltlfor Willcll"hi blue 10llg COII- ,,"lh~,lllJclll\llHn.lthILe 111l1)'llfl'\,cr)··I'UIIlU. II,C "llultl 811htlc InthlCllCtl or IlOlInlliuglllrulhlr,in:l, l'ht:\\I"t"rcclo Ttll'rlrt(ullr \ull:II tILt' Ibll\' 1'11",nItnltetl; namely, Ihllt PlirliRlIlcol WI\Ii lrue t(wf'r vI' hll ~U~I~:' lu II" Itl bt· I "'hich on Iho Iltain II, lIrt'Cly tlll)ct fUI'1 lollow the Ilhitl'il of her Ill'llrl. II.ow i\IlJ lurni.Ii" ~lmiulllC:.lll\ltlf"ltill'li·'\\hrllIoUJlrtntt I'Iver the Ih'ltlle Itstlfl lllld coulll III f1'lllJr-r Ihe Cro"" rllhtliloUlt Ilmlltatc'I IY rl."Cll);llll.ltI; lhe Qid. u( l:ledn"_ pri. IU:IIl\' cIlU\·... rllJ loiollCr;J, "I" . tll'Cflllolli .btl"c at lake away 1ho cro\\·n lit itl u",111 1'111 ill 111(" ~1::1It fir tl'e 1>t.'Oplr. ) thhlk ill "lIlillll-, .llIllllloliO'lltiull"-lIl1 "uIIIIJill~ t.. h... i.t-cu IU:tUl'r uf tBI~ IUIlI eUIIJ.Jr:ttula. Ih·:I~. J."C~ ,11111.. •IJlrlliutt. The )rlnl'I»lo II now lle)'ontlllll~' ,'\\ n &JUI)' 10 1)1'1'111:1:,:"1110 ItIlhfnu b IwclI IIIl: Ir"ltl iii hnn.,ill:Jlifll nilli, lOll lion in I"cligloll circll'l, 111t\'v rloally I'l'r.1 1\\ IUtl,l_ II. Ulle

l"·I"'",ll~~I. r L II

I'. "ll" I' ,. I)' 10" . Q" 0" ('I • : n C L"l'lriC c OUI Wlie. I 1\11'Ct~ ....J It1lsllIIlc. 1f JlllrhllnlCnt. transform lilt u mOil III I III n u ell IC 1.'1 rurllllho 8Im!Il' pilch 'f100lltu tlellGhl to itC\'l;f~'ll 111 goo~1 W.} Rllli JI,I\'U nut, .KID8"dlllll into on Lnlpire. it ('1111 if)\lull)' I illllll1tin!! lIrlinlJ. fllr tllU IWlled·urlh. !tarpun.· \lhlle lIuOJllilllJ tile tli)l'Ciul I,hrotlt'lil IIml cOI1t,luclt~r""tltlll,.l1 cund\lchll~ ullkc.

_ . . ",., " .,. '·...1,'e' fur tho . "IHI!, III' 1"')'lUllSlcr'well trltnllrronu tho }·.lIIll1rtl Il1tO I~ Itu'l O}n ~ lJ III IrI nu '" g' , An u'III11~ UIlO (If Ihe t'lllollnllA IJlulili Cl111lIlSpnulolll' Of 1I1'1ol'f\'HlJi'I" uf lhelr ~

ImbUe:. The power tbnt D\lIke!l II Qneen 1'1I1urc I "'IIILM, lo~ul 11111)' to tllu Jlt.tlilic. tllll 11m: ~,tlblll uf Ihu rC:l!'Onllll{ llm\erl', Iown IWlicullir rcligillull ~et, c.lrrie,1 till 'I'~ltl Clllllll'S ~~I\'er IInlu::.• ~.,.. I -\S'I'I bI1'1IlllLI8T" , ,.. I" I \\ Ilat I, 1l1rllln·lIu)' IUti I::lIIl'rtU CIIn Inlll\c.n L.lllpfCil1l1\ Ift'l' . . .•. 1\ct \hlSla IlrL"Clwl)' 1110 ohjtt:~ UIIliCII ot. t lelr l'U~II\l~ lIr t h'lfP eu~Uru e)IlCI}' a.'t

il!cnlCIi. or 1\ iDlIIl1l eitlzcn. Tilu royu. !'ucu II !I·th·r 1\ rlulli lill\'C 1t1:llCun'll In I:. XIl"!!r milul \\ hill rt'ason 11\)''''; tlul)' till'S dill loctul"u t lteligloll lilt'n,lnl Ull .\Il unUlItIl{ule~ l1ulwl~Ct..., '.lutlon of 1'0Cll bill lltgull,lIn&J nut )ct Iliu "Il\Otlrrnle" P'~(ll r It ~el\r-nI41, l!tree 1i.'('1 that )OU lItC sued:' ii t!lll liil·tllm uC IUl'rcilllllul.t-sor IltAtc. ul f('Clillgo(nc('( I l·tlrrl'1'I.-I"lII"'H:/J .111M.} /. /.'It/' will the rot! come. 'I'hi~ I:J ell,ar. l m~ll\lh-" . a~o. 1.ho llhljlllt:ll • t11l1ruth thc E,·an~chC!llof. •• lJ)'nll UI\'Rni( rra.toro iit)· l\QllOrl1ll"i wl)(:11 hrou:.;ltt ill 10 tulle 1'1111 1i.'3tful 111111 bllllliltntlllS IlI.I"l I.lIKen now b)' UIlI.n1 mODan:hilltll. )lr. "lilt \\1,11.11 tht.: uI11l I,,,,, been 10"111'1.11" .. : <hurcb ~1iICII\lInt'," Illhe 'I\'atcln,or<! of omllll.l ~ith the el·jlll nUll luu h:uJshilu IItlltnlllull n IIOIi:rclj;u w:,pl'nt III Gttllt)Iorltf, at Urillol, pol.. ll'l1 SlIdly 10 tbl". Ihe ualiull i~ 111-" -tirrin!..;" ul' t.i1tcr 'll': tLIt: Wllliliti. 'I'hl~ Inlier 111m iDIll'Cd ~I" IIUUllIn Uilttl&llt'e; ltODlbt u\hld~ rc BritaIn (or llItO.dCllliuU Ii 11m lor tlw')'fl\Ct Ihlll "Ibe 1111'11 dlll:n.d urglnit: gl'r. Wh,lt Iun 1. I'C k1:o,u!J III' Utili.!'1 "la ftry real po~'er, )-ct Iliu eft'..u on 1ullt 10 relapw iolll .bUll Dl.'¥l1llou. ,":hilell\\.' l\Cuce ghcn (or C'liri.ailill lIIi..Jun~;c'hlln6'U" h"d IilOOl1allKl( rrolll III111Kitll'! honor I\hru l:till~h ftlilCi-lIIlU I\~~ III their WlIl1lhillCnll.. Ujllta.., ul the Imo'l iuJUre!'t."n' lIuli liI.lml~QcU\1 lllltU""1 rc' nllll Ihnl the lUlU lhul WIljU.J 10 a1SliOD agllin 1 lllc !lCW title, tor tht! kocw I uurl hll\'C 1.lely II line I The "ole lit tion.-nothing mon,:-II. 1t'11~lIlillnnl cx., t(,ill n. \·em.1:r ul l!l.'utiull:nlS I~hich Ihdr /moUlh» \luuld be ulndenl 10 llUl't"halt a.Illlrec...dilll \\ll.!lI-elrlJ: elUtli.l 10 "d,kh <,clI£\lrc whil II \\ ill Ix i.ldt'fltl'tl 11'1 Itld lK'ricllCellku tillY ollict "lntiJIlirlulll \!rllllt- "hulc Iili: :IlIU 111l11k, of uetloll IJdic, shillhlK CUllY of t!le Jliblv fur uch vitllltY coull! pointln tllc futun', With the III/Uk 01 ('01n1l1l1ll4 Oil Thufldll)' nrlll IJriukins," nil lhtl Jlill!t0l' or Mtltll'blJ"llr Thu lvl.: \llil 01 t\:lIgion Is lu ~h'e UlCD :a I :lie ;OUIOOO,OO\l vI' lIclithcDI.

Page 7: 10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...



Aa.ENT :'(,,1:

singer s~,vinsr

SoM on 1/,. ;1/ol1I1I1.Y In..I"/1"",,I,PLAN ..

L.\DJP.R nEJ\DY M.\I>1~ t':'\DF.1l\VE,Ut A SPECt.\LTY.

Cull and nl.l~

vi Illi S1'OCK.


1IIlLLIN!ImY &, Ji1lliN(.YG-QOD&.


D!AL!m~ KEf



.·11/1RC;I,:S 1I1~,'so~"nl_I:.d nT



- OJo:AI..f.n IX-

Fancy Tollet Articles, Cigars,die. &c_

Prc~l('l'i pt inll~ cnrcfu1I.v com­pounded Ht ll.ll hours.

ALI. AHE 1~\'ITEIJTO C,UI•.,'1 nl


SEA'I"I'LE, W. 'I'.,

Our Stock Consists 0:£


"'p :-l·1I till' j,CfoIt gOoo.1 for thf'lonst money .r L!1.... phl"r ('11

th(:~( l!Jld.

(~i ,.("" ttfO; n Ca.ll.



-'.~ V l I SECOND 8T2\EE'rS., SEATT\.g, W, "

:"\r"(licinf'4 IM.v stock- j,'j the Inl';;C'l,;t Ill,

nn.t. lYashinnton 'l'C'l'l'itUl'\'.Cho.nlcnl~. 0 ~




.\~n Till: nEST CIGl\ll!'i IX SI'.:A.TTU:,.\rt" the .~cLllll~l'~ ill tli13 llulbll.

Sl'UI'.'U & JE\VET'I'.,'1:1 l'rullrlclul'.


E. D. S~l'nJf. ProJ)dtor.1'/11': /lOl',1:1; ASf) fTU.\·I1Tln· r.vrfmtI.T . 'r:r{

rl;n EIn ~E,' nlltl Ll.QuorrsfOJ{ )IEIlICIN.\I. l'{,·fir05ES.

Clolnin[, Bools, Shoes, Hats, Caps, &Undp,r Clo~jnJll[ aJl U~~s,

..--------'-----_.- -,-


SH.'ll']'L I,', "', ]',.A't 'the DOLL'Y V.ARDEN:.

1s 'the l.arges't :in. 'the Coun.'tY'.

FlIl'lli,heti with 1\ flI LLIAllll '[',\BLE, I\ntl the bl ''lilmll'j< "r

WiOllli. r.tqllou &: Clgau.

'to bo :roun.d :in. 'the :tn.ark.e't


ICll\'C Iho (10m.


Jln"tlHn Connly r~lr. l'~l

JOII~ I'll_a:. AUtlll,lor ....'lu/lumil/l.

Window Curtains,

tilt' Cllurllrlll~ ~I"II' f<\lr, i-!'lT. AI-ol'nndllUt, "11'1 ttll'I"'U~' 1I~ 1,lle :tlllta'CUllIll}' .·ulr, "';'Ii. ,\nd

'I n I


Windows, Doors,

J;. T. \"UL::-;LO nml J, Bnowx.

Manufacturers or and Dealers in


'I II 1'1

WAUIt;\:,\n:o Fon Fin: n:.\HS.


1·!UU·IU 1<;'1.'011.

The best of wines,liquors and cigars.


'I'u II C·IUIU.·t ....

£ vn CMF

If )'1'11 11011":, !JllohIL"" ., 1,1'1;\" 11.If 'UU 11ll'" l\ '·IIII.~1 'U·· t:,,!I.If ,".. ""I'n 111,,1011'1.•11,,\. It.

'l'hf' .~l·U" III u" ,,,'Il'" '·urlc.

"" k<ll.\ II' I lu\t.· ~"" !I"".I'J f"hl f",,-.:" til,' J"~~ 1"."\l'·I·r­

'I' ,1"'lt,l~ t,,....IIIll'M tl"lI!.th· 1.'10''",1111.' 1 1'.1 ~,,"r .ld,· ("II'Il·r.

\\ III. ju,l:.;l' UI~ "''', 'Ir n. )"" 11111;hill r"r .\'."r n·l·"r,1 ,,( "'lII'I," \,...,

'"II lUi.~IIIII'I\I· ~r"llIIlIIllU11111... will.\. 111"l,l· ~"ll hlil'.: dUll'" th': IItI<H~.

/Ill I ~lnl:l'llU' IIIPIW" "lIIl1l"I'r I..· IUIIII',I \llllll~'1 ('dl'IlIIII'I~,,"jlltlll··:

I ,I r.,II",t ~""lll lll .. tCII'I,IIlI,:" ~llrlnl'

.\",Iull Ih,' ".1-11... tlMI .11/11'1\: lmll~ III".

.\11. \·"Illd I _I III IhlllllulIl;;llt 11I"'l·".:'llllllud 11I:'11,,1l'l11ll·.' .. 1thln \Oll.

'I hi, 1>\'I,'hl 11;1' \:"\ "" 1,II,h'rlHll!o~'11'11 \\ll,III·,IJo'llrll'·Y Ihl"/lII:1I Iu \lIn y"l1.

l'..r '111"11 I th·~t 1,.I'hiltl IIlu 1l::1Itll'"1 -111',1 II~ ;t1'11)' 'NUlI.1 ~louul yOll,

I IlrllUllltt for Ill,lIl\'U 101lt'l\ 1I1t:lll•\l~ Ilfl' 1>\ "111<1 l~' "' "hu.k •\\·ltl"luI.\ lIU.

j;'iM"III'I\"Il' :';,11\ l'I,.ll1lll1eIl1l1.\ lhlm: UlIllllllk fur luI"", lull ~1l'C-.

I ,r Il'"n '\\'~ll', ,,111l'llIt Il't,I"I,Lu ",)t 111 (,,, ..r "III, ~"ur f.Uld,·,.

-11"'illl:llc lIf tI,e grllll'lh lOr ~\w Yurl. i'U"fJl'r:ri O'r.1·V~ 'If ~ ..'\(',Jurill/; tIll' Ill'lt ~l) \'~':lr~, \\"1' mn,' llflW I!~l~ 'U . ~!-l ~ :J.J J~!:l DI

clailll t., tllll,nu't.' ,; IIIl' nll·t~"I'/lli.11111 di~llill I\illl!~ nn I (lll"l'l1~ j'f.mlli. ~

I'"l I1lC 1.!l11~ (·1111I,1 ~idc. W,,,ullt-"lItj

1111 [,10' h"· 11I1I:.,:lIt 1II\'I,,1>"\\IU',- rlllll,l.," 11I,\OIlid Ih,· 1Ii11'1"1Il rlll>r, Illld~"1l

Ilr.vIl"·,'~v,,llllll·llIltldlll'·": JUIl,1 E~"I'." 1"UlUt;• ., ill :""\1' ,It 1'""\,, 1111'1""U\;lty"'I\\,n·fuln·.I,,rll,,·r.,h', I" II . :'\Iniu S. OI."·1111'tln.

1111,.,1111"'1,.1111,,1 t,."e the dt,lU'-' _, I'UI Illlllt{ W t I .~Il\nhllttllll 1·lnnd II I-:nlild ,1 ~

I .,',' Ihl> ,11Ii/"' ~ "Ill' 11ll:,:I'r~ '1'''111,,1 Im'll nt' ""I'llpiel l fl'rd lury \\ 1111'11 ri 1'111..I ,.. Ii l!"t,ltll hllll<lll li'H'r'~ t,,~t'lI- Ihlll uf 1.11::,lolI, 1I11d II hill. will. III lI11r

'\'1,110,,',1·,1', Ithll'l,,,\" hUlIIUl, Ilf('~('llt rill" vI' io!tll\1 Ih, "lIr!,rl'" 11m !·:nC!·1I~II h.ll'1I '''II I..." 1I11llllt to. t,"",fn, II,i~ll I'HI,illllln \\1•.,,1111 1~1I11 JlnI'Ulnli(~n III:·

.\,ul hMn -,'Iln: "r" n"fllll 1I1~1,1~_" Illre Iht' l'cll1.rnlllltl "I till' l.:l,'lltUlIllIIl uf

J:~,h "110' II .. trl~I"I""r """UIII, ~ l'llU .111;" Ille IJ:Htlc of :'\l'W l )1'll!lln~.

\1I,t I,jl"~ inlh, Ir I,·I\I'! hl'll, I -----I, ,,"11t III "IM'rlcl,llllO" h.llfll'!II1I'U, I 1.lIlld :11""1'1',.. TG

i Tho NEW E~ LA~O IS·Il,i. "II,' I. "I"'''''. 10111 r".11 ::."wl," 1'\ h·"·Ht ru1iuo: 1)llhe Sl~·t('lilry of llie

\1II11111. utle "d"11 Ilul f.I.·t lilitl 1I11u:.;ht)·:·· Itl11 rior I'l'l Cl· ...·~ It ruoner dl'I'i~iwl 11" IIII,' cl igi IJIi' loea IcLi, ill) neCUIlIIIl(l-'j II;· "'1\'111I' -u,'l1 II "Il"h'(nl m... "I." CHlll1Ui~,iI'llcrIII lIlt,) lh'rwntl Lnnd Oillel·. • 'I' 'I'

,\1,,1 1101· "1IO'. "1,111, 110"'; dl'l,'ul1ful hllll!.;lit):" ul'llr'lIell I'.11 I he 1,llc S~"'rolilry. ill tCJ,;11fl1 I da llOlUI lor :LIIlI les lIH~nr-

1"".' .. rmt "llll.t'lh~ ICIt1lt'llh:l~ III Ihe Ul.llIll~t ill wlrich loltlicr:i Ihldi· Il:.t~I'Cd,\ "u·u Imlll (,'r Itll' 101,,'11 I'", lh'll:lI'lI'd ~ •

r"I.. lIlltdmflll.lll.d I.llll,!h IlilIfl'llll\ l."lllllllllllH'~to·llll~lIlrie.. nmy IIC llJllde'l.\u,lld' ~oOll'(rkll'b 1'1IIIJo1III1... 11I'~rh ..d. II I~ kll""ll tllllt 1,,1' 1ll'llll)' 1110 ~t'nr.; Tllc Huusc i~ kelll nllen IIltnillhl.

thol'rallhtl lul.'1 pn'\llllel\ 1.11' nlluwhlg' '11.:,\1 ..'; SElt\'EI> AT A1.I. 110L:ItS

lllt'~l' t·nlfit·~ til 1,t1 1lI1111u jill' tlj(ll':ll·ti~:iIClllitl"d 10 IIn,l.c tllt·lll. tlll'Ol1gh rlie in IeI" C/u[,J::ies vcry 1Iwdcralc,l'clitiol1 .,1' altol'llc)'"" till' "l'l,liCIlIlt'l hllV· --,,--I'rel i"lhly 1I1tidu the rt'ljll1rct1 "fIlt111\'lls '1'1 " I' I Ihefllrc 11m c11'rk Itr lI'e ("Brl ill tllO lC ."el\' '.n~ lUll conC'l1 "ill be nt t11e

C'"lllt~· \1 here tllt'Y n~illed Ilwl al Il .. ~ I \\'11II1'\'Ci 011 the urn\",1 III l:i1'E.\)II:U5.

I'IlIlU·lill,t) ('\«'1111'01,\ 1,"1\1'1' .,I'ulltltlll')· 1'.\~"l::,m~:ll" \ .. " 0\110.\01' TO /'I~U ~'Ito~

I\lltl luri7.ill;':: 1111' !oIllc 111111 ('1'1l\'I'~nncu 'II I , lll~ lIut .... I: t IU;I; 01' ("U.\W11;.

tllu IIlUtlloftl'l C1I\I'.\·. I.llfj.tO 'PlUlIlilil'"

,0,1'11,,· l'Ill)-t \'l,ltI,,"'e lrilld un tiiO I'ndllc

C'lll,,1 1111'0 Il('l'lI 11111 rl.;ll in Illi!i Ulll11lll'l'

Ir~ 'pl'cuilltnrlllllld nlhHl. nnd Ill'\\' tIle

:-Ol'cillury llirl"l'I~ Ihnt il1nll l'Il"l'" 1\1 I111('IlI11lt,\'i! "j Ihe IIJlplil'Ullli:lUllltlc Hall & PaulsonI"Irl' un "ll1dlll "IIL t 1'1111111 Illl,) tlH"i~l('r IIr

ITI{'lil', I' "I' thu Illld Illiku ill "I,ieh tIll'

liliry i, 11I1,.1\" Ilr ~hc l·lllr.1 WII.~ tll1l11l.l,lc

1t.I' Ihe flPIIIIl',1II1 III pr"pl'r pl'l"llll, tho Fnrniture, BBddinu,'pr'IIl'H llIu~1 loll 1'1 III rul'll 10 tile lel('nl

lunt! Illlil'U lllllrd(,t Ihllt lh(.' I'wIlrr lipI'lil'ltfinn 1lI1.1 ullldiidt 11l1"~' lie ~lll'pliul.

Xu citk"l I'll \1111 l.;uuLilleut. ur f.)I'llu\t .\'1IllIl:l1 t,f Ihl'~C dllilllUII13 rc~hlo in .l-'ict 111'0 ];"'.oUtnc!'oO",r, .al·r. uf thu \\url,1 !lillie e\hibitcil :I1h:h .\rkUlIo.l'C, :'l1i~"ll1li lind 1\111l~fI~. fl i" nlltJ (l1'1"'1'1I1H llll,1 lll'Ir\'c1l111~ ;:rllll·th II', prllllllllli' llml llllll~' of Ill\'lll \1il!llpl,cnr

, t,il'II'{lIllllo! :\"'1' \'"rk. The flll'lilll" lU III Ihl' llllltl ••Ilkl'i iu Cdifllruill lind

t ~,. l;'rllll'r 11I\\'1l Irc'lllet.tly been gl\'I'1I W~I'hill/.:'If\III0 11Il111J1,Y'IIth lhe 11'1'111

1,,1,1111'0 1I~ fliudJinr 11'1 hUll:ldwl1i ""r,I.... pn-'M:rd",~lloy ~hc :11'1"lrtllll'lll. Beillj.t II and blinds1lI111h'r /II 81'11'1111 lIlh'n'~1 ttl 111Il.'tl\ "hn '

III' tIle liglln" "ilh IllC r,r~rcnec lu Ihe II.n\'e ,1t'llll in ll,ull c!Il111l!l. thIlU!llntl~ of

I IlII'r 'J'.~,. 1/1 ,...{,l ..,I~'3; ., Till: r.:por~ 'Iftlll'llIllllllin:.: "CCIl sulll with It gunmnly S03tLle, W. T.

I'.I! wl'l'rlntl'ndcnlllr l111ll,ling.i I'lll'ublle- of Ihl,jr ~"'lllilllllll".1 Ml111 nf Ihe \'lIlillil~' I \I: It-"IllC \'~r~' ;nIIlTl"'I;ug Inlill'lllttlinn 1'1· "falll' lilli' 1,.tluJ 1:i11,1 /,uullhllO 11(\ Cll. -

j:nnliJ1g the j,ll"lJlI"th of :'\c'~ Yllrk ,,.ilhln ICrt"tl "r th"lil. Iltvl Ihere ioclllf; lin nll'lll I J.J L, KIN S l·~ Ytl,e Illl-lll :e'ulc:. 111 It wo lillIl tlUlt tho 11I'lIl ftotll IIIC Ill'l'i .. i'''1 C)r Lltll " 'r\lllll·~·.

'~Ilulrtrflr 1.1I11tIin:;~1l11 )11R1l dllwl.llllitl ~IIO intll·\'I.'lli,lll 'Iflhl! r'IUIH \\ililikdy &PAINE,rm_ II J.{nllld lullil uf 81,200, inclll,Un,; he !"I1~llllll order to h:-t tllc Il'i:l"lllil~' V'I

"' dll.i·l'~. 01' 11th 11lllllwr lH,I.')H "rll Ill\' lulln;.:. )l.\XL:F.\CTrm:us O~.':II"llillu'mll-I:'. "llicll 111") tli\'h1c,1 It i~ hllnlllWI illtlflCf'nt plln:IIfI"Cr ofli It II Chl\>.(,5, II~ ".I1""li: 1'ellt'1111'1l1'l1, ::11,. Ihl'!l' dnim'! "lmlll,1 8ulTI.'I' h~' l,,:inf: Illi!!· C. V. B. Reeder's01 ,:,,; btllllC dwtllihJ::", nr..t'cbt,~, j ,1::0; h·r.) Ihl"llllj.!ll 111~ fllr'llll·t flllinj.t"ol' 1100 ,Ie·

~lollHI t!wdllllbN, !'l'coll.l·cI'I,.-. ~,H2; pltrllllt'll, Irut II'! their l.ul'dIM~'8 Ite I Wire snsnensionI rirk II\\clling., f1n.l dll''', ,i,O,i'~, bl'ick Il~lmlly I'nllH;tc.l II,\" I~ 1!1lMllUlt) (rom .•• P I I

,11\1'"ill~~, flect'lld I tll.~, IO,n~; r'rllllle r'·~I."ll1l'iblc Jlllrtil'" 1110 111~~1'1 will f~llli Vibratin[ gnrin[11\\'dlinloI~. IIll e111!!-, 1.-'I'7UI) ~ I'nmh UIIIS, 1Il11111IY"I'0n '('It('ulnl''''''. IIml 11:1 tIll: Ill· PIU.'i; hlltl'I~. 1;~. CII' till! IIth,'r !'mill.!· h'rc~I~ ..r Iltc ('un5t I\ould he pfOlll{llrtl BED BOTTOMS:1l,:{lI tH:d lor mbcdIlU\l~lU:f JlllfJlC)-,(lI, the I.)' hllillin).: "Ulllll 1"""II,lc hliluCI'IllI'tlU

l..lIowlng ~C!nCl1llllll~~illc",ioll I~ lllllllc; lilr liull,il!rutiun flu!1l IhCl I:r-trrn Slnlt'~1 Plltt.'UtCII .Iuly 1, lSi~~1/:EtOrt' , ~.~lIa; Iillll.h.-"'l. r..Ol:l:l: f IctMic~, IIII' Ill~t rillin" \\ ill hC! I!l'nl'tllll}' I'\'io!nl'll::.;21: Lhurcllcl!.-I:!,i. Thc pulllie uuild 1\'l1h 1"'·M.lInd in Illtrl1luul' \ljlh'11l~~ 1I1111l1JCI' :J:J: I,unks. 0;: tlllipilllb lhhll'ulit)· uf tilc (oll\·(.rnu;lllt ill tlrlll·1II1t11\;o~llllll•• 011; IJtcl\"rl '_, :'111; thcalr,~, InS" "illl tlill puillit: 11111l1~.-1'r'/IIl('ril.t.

:!7: llmrkl·I~.11,1l11l' tliSlillcth'IlIU. ul' ",II~"g...,·' "111.1 /I lIlll,11i \'1'1l11:i ill St, ~llEal]; ~EE}Y!!UlY.!it'le ,tor('!! ~.G::t ut\J cOlhldcrlll 11- tlht· I.fluiil, ".IUIII:1'. till'! ~CI hili IIlC IIU' t",('IR~" tlntl ';o~ liN) lJuill nf irom. ur ,jO,· ~lr gOI 11l1~' chihlliry ItUtlUt \('t ('

h.i IlwelliuJ::·!loU!t('1 or lion" lIud Itrit'k .. \\'h~'. LI". \1 I kll"W~ I lui) ~'I r: IIU' I rtl11II1~' 1'!,lloij nru fur 'HiU Jrll1lilr, the Lnl nill·l 'Irllitl IIr II\' .leI,llle hinw,It'.'· L'I~

Inco "rl'(lllll1lllllntlll~ fmlll t~m to ttll)' .. TIIClI, .Jllllr:l', tlllt ur 11I.'.lllll Jim ,1,1\1'

:~lIIilil!~l'lllh. IJUdl'j.\' Iht> !Iv! 1:1 ~,'nr~. "ullt,llllt',-:llol I llli" II O,.trit'll, 11I1' \,rr,tloillfC the 11I]I,lltll1l'llt nf l'uilt.llllj,t Ilib 11IlU' l'Ulll llil' ,1.I~li,:.:hH 1I11ll'lI him'r"r1~,nill.·:\i~ltlncl·, 20,(:07 Iltll' bllililiut!!t ~IJllllh:" "1.i1.," 1\1" tho 1'~'IIt)nlll'•.\1 the '.11

"IN "l'lthd in :'1.1'11' \'11111. lind 11.::"'\; ,"UI" I-I' )11' \\lIninr, 1 i~. nn' I'll lin' tllit

"'erc lI!l{'fc t l lind iU'I)roH:tI. The pro. lilluh .Jim IIlhl whtn I bunt" I'll c1uLhlc;:l't14 Ill' bnlllilng llurillg thttl Ihue hlb llilll m,l IllIonr llill];I', oh I'll tlull!)le himl~rn III III(J f/llln\\ j,':t talCi: Frnm ISfi'~ IIiII' ~Illlllh:"

tu ItoG!) (11t(.' Inlll'r iUC]II-i\'('.l IU.90i lit ". I ----,l,ulhlill;;1: in 1~;O, I.!S:IU: I,'; I, ~,Oall: I TIll' tllrl'C originnl ~1"IUllll~ 1'1'111

l"l';'!!, 1,IHl'~; 1~';'J1, 1,.llil!; I~,", I,::U'-,. IIroulltl ,. tllulutlh'- I'r .\l.llil\lIull 1111t'll:In'1 ltl:,i, 1,::;jO. ,\mon;.: lhl.: moot lutld. ('lltiflll'llilll'lIl11e ill!Ollhl' 11111111, Clf \1,\('1' IUll of the ill1(1otllllll !luildingtt In XI'\\' Ikull"!' h,l\'u 11i""fllll'IITl'd (tr,m tht, p.I'. IYOtLt l1ln~' Ilc Illlllll'llllle 11('\\' 110-1'11111','. :-I'Il;:I·r Ir,lllt., hut ftrtJ "Iill ill ~etl iel', I711r /lrr,d'/lIllier. thu Eqllitlll.!t' I.ife Itlhl TIlt' (J,.,',.", i~ II Imr"I'llliUl\ tll~ng('.1 in IW(~I('tIl 1·lIinft ollicl'II. Ill! fronling' 1111 111l! 1'1Il.:I'l :-lnl1ud lumlJlr I tUI It,. 'rill' BNOI-ZOMISI--I:OI.TY,VV_T.Ilrllrllhl'n~'; Ille lIud"'lll l-:iHr rnilrnnd /'.",(1/,11 i l (I ·!(.rc -hill tot .\t·III'I1II"':.Iqlftt t'll I-'or'" "',("UlIII "lr,'(I. 51. 1'111 ,mil th(' (',dl:"lrrl;'I'~ 11 hnthllllin!) ill Iheril!k'~ (';Itllclltltl' 1111 tll\h IlV'lllll', find Ihe .\lhtnt\illllll'lldl·.

Mn-ullie h'ml'll! nn 'l'II'lIt.I,·third ,,It''CI •••-----Inri bi'llh l\'elll1". Coulll \10 hill \111. A J'lllnG limn i.. IIIl'nfi"ll\d 111m COil

Iltiult r. lil r lit ,Illr dl)' Il"Ill'I~II,'y I1lCUlllt ;.:tMllilllto. trinH'e1f 11lI Imlillg t-ix ytlllng

or II \\l'Il·tle\i't'tll'llll1 of r,lpl I IflllI~it. llitlie~ 111 hi l"lllhluy '"t ht'..1 1I.tU ,lill nl! always on hallcl at I~nl' "llil'li wllulrl nl orclil'\'1! tltt' n\'Cr· thrill IH'nrin~ Ihrl'o lillwm !.Ill ~I(l\\.. I(l't,"l!trl t:lllilliliull I,f Ihe tlll·tllillio!" Ilf l'rJlC'rc il Ilrnl'allly nil Cll"~ III 1!l1' CllU11·1 THE OLD STAND.tile 11001' nnd Ih'li in~rr.,\o Iflu hl'ohh nf! try IIlI'ru In Iltlll (,f rdh:illlJ~ ill:flrllC

'!Ie rlly, It "11U1,11'C dilliru!t I" lurU!;ll1 linn. Anlll\O dll<1I 1\ ill ~d ItN',

~-- ----

'. '

! "

Page 8: 10 TBE I STIR. - Washington Secretary of State · iJ.!\"'·,.. ">'..... ~ ...



Slone Yard rSonnd


Pn[elFoot of Second Street


Fine:,L \Yi:1Cll, Liquor:, &. Cigw

~llflilhi 'nlqon,_._----

OPfl08ilc 1'.1 T'ILION.:'t,ltt;\~ - - W. 'I'.

J. S, AntJCISOll, Rcubou Low,

l'.I-oprictor t>j ..ul,"

TI !W.

.• t: L Y ·it"......741.


KEPT "'Oll 1'/1"; JI~lll1a-:T,

All Ord.r1 Addressed Tou. J .. OA.:RKED:lK,



~'n~on~ bllildiug lUaterial


AddressIt D, SMITH.

'.011"1-.'1.1•• K\,OIlO,Y/.'I/ t'U" 11',7',



MII~k I,) 1'.It.Io;\\I....1II 11111)0, nn,l Ih;>:l'~TI

l'''' ....

7'il'l., 1~,1;tr I:.dl 11I,,1 '-;"1'1" r, - t~ ril,

!$AlL'S! :BOYS,;; i1A!J;L',! 2 I:j

~ There is Millions in It !g;;l Wm. HENDERSON ~III I"," "1)Cllell 1he (t~ Dnn), .Exchungc~o IlestnuJ·out. UJ=1I1l~ r(:llunltl'tl nlll. n,'tittcJ tiiI;l the wholc e,tah· i=Il

"=:t li~hrncl1t in =l!l FIR 'l' CL.\. TYLE. =~ F.'·CI'>,th;";; 0

10 ol'tler L)' Ilight ~enn" dn.", o!'Lhc be.1 fOllll"Q in murket. ~


~ NV ~E\'{~.I'.Y teamerl from


" ",

ENtu.t(;J all flltU'tI'IUti «Air i14lttl, Il'{(~

tJtat"U' 111I,1 dllJlfltd'.

:/UL (J!(luJ. !Zbo..mILt/~ },}i1J~d.

"lao &11 killd. or

Centennial Ball.Hlln:

lu,'I:n "'U': 1I0,,·,a.,.',\'lIllO,If/SHeIn; 11".1'r ... t.t ~h~u hr lUi: l"ih41.I' .ar"",., on I~~

I h'llllll: vI

"I ((T.r '.p, Cl "rp i\ ';D '"1jt:;n:~..:... CJ.:. s.i..X':!J~.,

,1Jl(",' (1/ ('tU!J del{(Tlilli,1J/ ltill be

:f"-u.r:n.1shed. 'by'J"'JJ I":

u,ltlc1'""'i~ut·cl at l.ti~ph..lct" u.·hll~int.·,..2!lo,

J .IU\\·c11.,SNOHOMISH CO., W. T.

in :111,1 QWlIlil'.J IJC/J/~·,~tI.

ISAAC CA'fIiCAlrr, l'l'opri#(tr,





Dealer in

SXOIIQ.\II:--l1 (,11'\·, W. T. J'lltUlir, I, 1~7i.l,

Clve Me a,all

tO~SI::,Tl~U IX 1'.\Jt1' 01"

tomer COmtaertbl Ind w..h10J:tDll .ltftbl,

Tou.ICCO n,," S'IOIW1S M.ITtIlIAl._,



Is nlwn)'~ Funlishctl ut Model'lllc Rnt~8.

To Accomodato tho Patrons or this riouse.


All orders will! receive prompt allention,


of roonll on the "1'1''' floor 01"" S,,,tlk loli,rkL'i GIII[J'i;:,.

XJ-:XT DOOU TO SCIIW.\UACKI::It HHt,.:-:, t:.\TTU:, W, T,


10 the Best In 8nOhomi~ Oounty, In every


lJo:n: I~ TIllS GALI.mV, .\)0 IJ SUI~f·.'L'TIO.~ OC.1011.\:; fCC).,I :ell

S:n.oh0D:11sh C1'ty', "VV'. T.

,,1 oS


'.Is snpplied with the besl Wines and Liqnors North or San Franciscn,Also a First-Class BILLIARD TABLE






A Jar"" ","ortmclll of SRIP liN FJ ES rOll,l'IIIUy allhl~lId. ~III1' I\SI:Io:R OrUllY tIiIlICIl:"ioll,"i Illl'ui:.:IIl'll tv OI'tl~I',

Crockery &, Glusswurc.. J'ainls 4: Oil ,

Stlltiulll'ry, Wines, Lifl\lors, J:c.

Dry Goods, Groceries & Provisions,HARDWARE and CUTLERY, BOOTS and SHOES,

.·T I trlnirl~ Ilflp .

,u .. ' Ih. h·l.. noI ~"I'rl "I', II .\\

I Iii;. ;.. ... "IILinJ,:

• Ill' '" trll1l I,ii,;"tI " 1.,,:.1'. ~"rk ill

\,'1 ,UlU' til' 1111,1,'. I • "UI", ''It,r

II, t l.t ,lit, ;.:1 IIi·

,II '11.1 ~. 1I·1i1ll···.

j Inti ,I l.. lI.'T 'Aa~




'.ll..~llll",rl'lh.1\ " ."nl,r·,·III\.lill.'"

"':11"", IU1,1 ir"lII I Ih"III ,\'11 Iodl"H:.• 1" Pll~': :: IUIl.I, II,., ",'Ill Illdr

,~ ",01 1'";,, ",01",,,,, II", 1 HAS ON HAND ALARGE AND WELL ASSORTED.i Hll11.'~1lIlBli~ I \. I 1",· , II. r '11') I"'t;.:.

• II tl. "I or ).:' .. ' ... r.,' ;.u!y.'I, dl IIf it til lor' I"~ J. It TIW\tI'1'O:",

" I .t' (III,.t 1,;, I•• I ,i \ 1:1, I '<I:ad 1\lnll · I, .. ,r·· , "'11 'i,',..".I,'r,I f"r, f"I'· "t 1.'" ! • }t J, 11.\, 1l1llnintf'lIr

• IJr... IUtI'. Ti"" " ••, 1.111111 "'Oll,.,;nti.,nII" tin tl", ~1I'11'''1Il • • • .om in 1lt!1:\\\ sr.',

"llr, thllyin:r 1,,1,- , ".1' "'r. I:H:!. IUlll i-I'~ lillie ~I""" "I' " }l..r., i:\ l'rIUI~ of

'UIJill;': mlt/I.ll ..·,n,j 1'" .11 ••r'l l-orU:lhll~. Ih:)::r lit.l hr;.:c Imll· OIl' 1,,'11'''11' , " 1\ '" '1& C .1I"I,W. Illlll ~1thl,.d h.",'

."""~'''"'''''',,,.' .., " ",' ,,""" 1'0"" ,,;, 1.'80'h. CLOTIIINfl. II.\TS4: C.\I'S, Y.\:iI\EI~ iiOTlO~S, COR 1l.\GE., ,d.,· ch·IIn:,I. 1111,1 ""II'" , "I I .... ,. \ .1\ :".. 1.. it .. , uf('inciul'lIti, \\111'11.

• ~. IIi' 1I11U'<;h 11111,1. 1', tI ~:';'" r II, 11 1.111 r \'\,.Ir, he \'lIt~rcd Ihe \·ohm."re Iltlt'nllf\-' Ihlllll.,'h'l' ," ,I, I.'t'r "'r,i,'1,l'",' tIll,) t:niun I.nll)·. lie

",."lIn.l 111I whil,. 11,m", .. rlld llbt IIi .\I..jor, IJut 1"1I~ lloon I'ro.,,·ml~. fill'" I.. ~iol"l I 11 "" tll'l,d III ','dll"UllJlt CUIIlIll:', lind illI 'fll 111" (I!lift: " Ill!" I, ,'. PP:': I" II 'ull l:ulondrJ'. III l.:!tJ-1llt" WII

"Ill h~\ej.(uIll'ln lurl,· I ,,' I '!I"lu U,lp;ltdkr O,'n.',,,I, ttrld Ille~AllIe". :lle rm f"rm'". \\'1\1 "III rcpf. l'\l,.llt:lthc flO II Ohio to

niHil IIrc WUhlll,I,v I Ill" I 1 II ~ ... I'hilt, Sillth (.',,)ll«n.'~" ilI'rvin$; on.. , men lind IInll th"'I·;W. " lh" '",mlllllh''' 111I I'nv,.t" 1~lIhl Clltlm~" 1I111y, ""lll1u C..rhti ,n n • : llIld ..1I Ihll I.lllrllry l'ollllniucc, lie WlU

t leln. Tile 3Il'1hfll!i·15 ,. '1 It' d'CI .." III the h..u""Il lluri,lg the Por·;;rohnnli·h Cily,ltlo..ut I"" " 1.,111 1'''II~n'~, but rlll\:.::ncd In J:lG',It I,r tile !lll·t -I ,.. ~""ll Itlh" I;' 'us elt'clell OI'''Crntlr of

I : mu.l olT hi~ I~'t.'t IIn,1 I' "III ~ 0 tiw ~lItt', lIulllJ" eTer tinct litrn,llIe dOWlllhl' rh"r Itl ,'" ",111I ,r.... ' I, ... 1II lJul,lic "it·w. lIi~ h.Ct)rd

••!(; \·IIII1r.'c \\lti ,'i·i!c,1 ... ,·u I. M" 1I11.p•• lt,"tl 11 tli,t of auy lmtJl ia, ~n III Iuul!ltr ~, ..... I .'IClh" h' r Itl' 11"11 Ilk, "n,1 I,e will lit the poUtII It the ";h'C .llln·1 IU: lilli, 1",'1,11 ,lui the full / uftbe l)lIrty,,,;,)n't "luit lilt: 111110'. .\1 "oy r I. H\ r.. ,.,,1 I,y II IIIIlJc clJlI .....f\·ftth·e cle-I ft. A ;.:r00t1 Chrillii II Ill,n al,'1 ,IIM'lll In i'l't'lioI'nting Ill'! DMmll to the'" ulln\' ~llltOl ,,1111,11 ,,'-,J,'I.' .1 ,f''':I\'c,liu •• II \~r1 ).In·u)' ~ptt"Cl, wuI<. ..!l 1~~u",·h,.I('01 llm,l ""CIlI "" ... , \ lilt-I, ')' lI'IV. ~(t1e" of Oilln, ';fllielJ wo

I'fro.;, Hdh:IIl\l_ ::t.It.':t1.\ \\tt" f, rlllt' I "I, nllllh.1 .\.. l'Clll'r Ihun f)'JUh', Tho 00\" School and MiscllanBous Books,\\\'" tCM)! nl(ll willclt g.I'C II ", ..' .. ,', I : ,·,·'ll.r ~I"t,d tlint ,. nUlt.crfurd n. 1(11)'ca

I'ltn 'I..-Clur"i t:lllM Il~Olllt" '", .• /"1 ,! ""1111' willi i~ \1"1:11 kn"wll lind ,;re"tly11t'lI1 IlIlIy lXVlill1l the ,ftll.II'C4 r..·rl·tr, I I" I" l"~I't1 In OhiO. lie IIRd Ill'Ct:llll.J ~~c.IIlmft. " ...iv, I)' l'hurmrln, l\:nllll'1on tlnll \\ m,

YruJIl'dletJ in tllil llI'\IlIIU. tur '"\,., ,\1;,'" II.· 1)~Ht got in thllllltbit uf I)('"t·'Il 1'''lllllCrltl' lnt! from furce of lI.hlt

u'IlQlh» blt'l} lhntl ""fI' nil r.'II':"III"I ,.\ I, it 'In 10,1 "Iwlt)... He I. S~lJ5cllplionl".lIched I'i" all S;lll Jo'nulCi.tco Gnll l-'olililcrll l'lIprl'l :Lltd I'tritXIical.I ftJrl 1I11l11~, III lUll c11l1'1U·lur.lIlld t ..· . "W' " I ,

• • • n"III'II, unlJftteDI lag, W!e flnttot:°I,lc ht'1C'm to I"octllml MlInt't 11llill 1'1',. ' I I I 1\

, , • lo'U~ " f;4' IU Ilf 11m " g~n ('m"n.r.C'e'I~1 II' ."'111,1 Ill' the t,'\fn .If II "IIII~I II ",'" '('lInd:dllto who C.II carry Ohio,1IIIIIIrl,'('tlOII, The", liN Ilt'v.'rll ""I" I' 1'\" 'I

, :"t Y rk, 101 lilllS. InUII. IJ ,,"I' '",,',t'nkc mt n, le:ul·,,. In Itll.~ c..m....1III '. ,~l 'ICI"rIU30 In lIiul i., candidate100'1.0 th, u~h Ullt "ru(ro-:lI '."l{ CII.'"I.q~Il' ,I ."II:1t diff'erence, l"\11 unite, Indthcnuch ", "'lIntn' l\ 1~IIIlHt"r III Ior-:.hl'; • ,'II. ' lli~ n IInlDation h the IJrl'St and'.:1,t f'nt rt:!-I'I.l" II"Mll'lll \r lIenllllllnll' ,".1 ,Ojr tile losurllo('e of" ,~...,":.nn ~nt Uooi.'I1II'tI_ til ,tll.ll 110,1 I~ lid ~ \\ III, ,\, \\'h4!'Cllcr. the nominee for Vicer.:!illillu Iln,'tlll('lIl Inti tl\k~ up l.. tII r..~', t I' ..I It'"t WII~ oorn in M:llone. ftllnk.

r.l1..'n~llin:inHhh'lli'bCltl. TW~II',thln~ IJ,I r.t1IIlI·y, l't..,w Yurk, in 18~O. He

cnulI0,ltlo n1' l'..n, "llllllC!n~ 10"11..1 I••",!"" !'tlt ~t'lllnt in lilt' Unl¥cnit, 01 Vet· BNO~C>~l:B:E!: OITY', ~. T.ielulin:; 11I\'11 ..t the r.<llll1t.r to help till." II 11I11'11, ut Jill not ~u,I\ll'lte, By pro•• '1 tlill QI'\tlt'r, t \II'NIl dn"'n tilt, ~"l\lltlll r, ..... otU hll is "lIt""'I'r, tn 1850 fiod\tilt! ul' tile r1""r, tn the Itcl'lutiful tltll" \"'.1 ,",11 18&7 .;..1 18;J8, lie "'II II

HlIl'jI.'C ,Ill;tllllh·tl I,y till! n!lme 01 ~nU1t"'lll""ll ' r ul tho 5l.t1tu I.... /,n Illlurll.l'l('r\·lngfll:sh Oiry-till' Clhlnly lot!IIt Rnll intl.'I1,'\'t· II "I II hnll'lc!l('!l, III tliGO 110 \\'10' Lltet·u:sl cantrc "r t:le whole te~(Jn thcn" lol lit 1 ,~, UOUI&O of 1 'Pll:lCtltllh'("IO ami",I/O..!\" I Itd..1 Jlubli/' WON-hi I) 1111 SUIl' I 1\11.1 I r ;;rn'tal reus !tfler.lrd, "'Ill en·d., !>Iltl M 111(1111 tlYCnill~iJ, llnd UII 'fill .. J.l't"oj in Lankine llld f:lilro:uHng. In F' 'Eta m m." ../I;IIA! l.n .. rnOl.J,I. !t1l!1 [t..1oI the Ill'Opll,; til It 11"11,' ht WI" rttllh.l~nt Cit tho SIKIC Cou- ~~. "eli ~.~ albo,\ rn: I),,'rhlll tJ,':Ifl.) of 110m" ~1i.·1"11l ".lulIl COnftClt!ltll. Latrr he ~'IS<ung, '" I 'Ill Ihe Illuk Clut (or ju t "II' h' r'l\l,·r..·,) tu C4logr.: I, 'n wllicb Le II(\pt'.ln~ u tht':f..l-tht\l it 11",11111' riuhl I rl;" 11111, knotrn I~ tt.e author or the,.iD,1 rtf ru'n un hanll,1CI'I\ 10n;l1l", tro t Ike W,I.."I'·r coull/rollllM'. loS ",1I1('u lhe

nlel fir tilt wnrk nnd If tbet ,,;,ntOO 1111; ,rou1.l1 io I.oul ina 'ffetllltulN. )Ir,'. . ',' , \\'h"cler Illlt"lUillN 10 III 1.Iy KIln.lot,

·~"!utr kInd "fChflstlanit" 11 l'OultlllC . ,I .1'1"''1.1 at. man of IAu<>h ,1.111111. ur hter·r~lmi~:It"(1. Tile r~I~lt wal the- IIrtl tnl.lo" ItJ(l integrity and of 6!rt"L poularityattlHIl lind incllTl)lll't\tum of a CflnlZn·~;ltIl1n ItulllQ. lie I!I al., hill lO IJe fl Bnll

uftuir11 niue III 'lIIhc" llll\'in~ Ihe llrll· 'I~akcr, .m' ia every WilY qUIIIlfte<1 forL~IC JU1IUl1lll1l1 .lte CounlS Lt~l~hltllr on I 111ft Vicc l'rNil1cnc\ or Iho rn'!it.lellcy,Ihe .1l00"ftl, III ~rUJtt'tll-:-lloOO lho onclnl· ; flltlultl it 00 hi,loL to ~ called to oc.'Cupl~lItllln (It a ttltlft'h 01 fJrturn 1ll,·mhl'f5., t'lllt tllllltct.l po!ilion.- Tribunt.witb the PruhltUl Jl1.IS;1J Anti nnfttlll:r orthe trll9tt ,'\ ot' Ih\!, II I.A CO;'\":ru:R ITK)I;R.-lt II' eXl'eded tilet:I,lcl'il, un the t~rul ICfYicu p!Ull, AIIM' neW ImUlling known III tho 't'UWll ortM nrl:{t\ui1.lliou 01 " S'lndl\Y ~dJU"1. O':l:hllllllll n.lI. ililifoceu 01 coulIlrud,wj'h t!tll S CRl." or the TruitCt~ lIil lUll, will be QulitLod 10 time for Iho CeD'SuI' 'rill'cull.'nl. I prtllUil!tll th<:111 hmllittl Ccltbr.tion tll be helJ *t t.. (;on·vn..rhin;: .'I}(.'tl 1\ tllllRlh, .nu Urother Cler lor th., ~hl'lotllUi,li, tbo Hk"gi~, aodJ)lIIlDln~, nf St.'31~lc, will ,1'lO ~ive 'tC p"",ol'le for tlla re.t ur WltatcolUr:lvlllhly ,ulll,I)', \\Jlich ,,'ill kctlllht'ln Co, ItS well, L' no otln:r geneu1 celeLra'fln!lty well millut I \,lntn lin Iii Ihe linll il tn he bold in thlt etUlnly uc ptRoan.! '1:0 l! 1\ IU'O 10 n'!li,'f' nn th' tb:d. III l:kmi~lm ..o. Mr. 0,. W, 1'1nch Ii con,

tr,tellir. 'file frAme u.1I up, luJ the S"ilcT ...." ('It"n cll~ILle loa h",'e IIt:e.n tlOo Ihlilltli:l:;t b failldirapilrollcl.iu;{ ctJUlllle.U;tlet.l fur tl rhurth lille, 11011 ~'e Arc in tion, 'Cue uorcac. .r" \01 l:oolliu of!lopes of !o"r'ltln" 11 "0\ I nl fl ..11\ thl: r.r t<1,inij tile Ucelilution of l!ld"l)(ntJe~ce.

, C1..., nlU~lc, litr'llwlJ>t.:tf)' lunch. 1..0 l nCInJl,U'llfdc( l:llIIrch F,~cll"I. Aho; r.t1l lCll\Clng,bnm rllClog' "tr, cl togth'j ij" IIll.l,U Ilnllul,:n:( 11...1 I. II .rtl)' 1," It" -.nn.t L:lllut lhCl ,Dt" Ibll. in the I_"U: the IUII'JI o:lot ur t 11,1 toU ,t} Ill'(' Ie' olliog,

.H"ll I h, 1111 "rII":" t'l k· 'II '" I I' "

.. t",.rk'llIl'l~'1 ",: 'I' ... lI.lin:! ~. Ii,

: '. \ .•". II (.n It.. ,I ""

",I, I hl..' {II;' "I" I

.. " ..h."....... ,'hlu,.'h. Utu. '."'I""'ur.