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International Telecommunication Union ITU-T P.863.1 TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR OF ITU (06/2019) SERIES P: TELEPHONE TRANSMISSION QUALITY, TELEPHONE INSTALLATIONS, LOCAL LINE NETWORKS Methods for objective and subjective assessment of speech and video quality Application guide for Recommendation ITU-T P.863 Recommendation ITU-T P.863.1

ITU-T Rec. P.863.1 (06/2019) Application guide for ...

Mar 07, 2023



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I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n




Methods for objective and subjective assessment of speech and video quality

Application guide for Recommendation ITU-T P.863

Recommendation ITU-T P.863.1

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Vocabulary and effects of transmission parameters on customer opinion of transmission quality P.10–P.19

Voice terminal characteristics P.30–P.39

Reference systems P.40–P.49

Objective measuring apparatus P.50–P.59

Objective electro-acoustical measurements P.60–P.69

Measurements related to speech loudness P.70–P.79

Methods for objective and subjective assessment of speech quality P.80–P.89

Voice terminal characteristics P.300–P.399

Objective measuring apparatus P.500–P.599

Methods for objective and subjective assessment of speech and video quality P.800–P.899

Audiovisual quality in multimedia services P.900–P.999

Transmission performance and QoS aspects of IP end-points P.1000–P.1099

Communications involving vehicles P.1100–P.1199

Models and tools for quality assessment of streamed media P.1200–P.1299

Telemeeting assessment P.1300–P.1399

Statistical analysis, evaluation and reporting guidelines of quality measurements P.1400–P.1499

Methods for objective and subjective assessment of quality of services other than speech and video


For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

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Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 (06/2019) i

Recommendation ITU-T P.863.1

Application guide for Recommendation ITU-T P.863


Recommendation ITU-T P.863.1 provides important remarks that should be taken into account in the

objective quality evaluation of speech conforming to Recommendation ITU-T P.863. Users of ITU-T

P.863 should understand and follow the guidance given in this Recommendation.

This Recommendation is a supplementary guide for users of Recommendation ITU-T P.863, which

describes a means of estimating listening speech quality by using reference and degraded speech

samples. The scope of Recommendation ITU-T P.863 is clearly defined in itself. This

Recommendation does not extend or narrow that scope; rather, it provides necessary and important

information for obtaining stable, reliable and meaningful objective measurement results in practice.


Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID*

1.0 ITU-T P.863.1 2013-05-14 12 11.1002/1000/11935

2.0 ITU-T P.863.1 2014-09-11 12 11.1002/1000/12175

3.0 ITU-T P.863.1 2019-06-29 12 11.1002/1000/13966


Application, listening quality, perception, prediction.


* To access the Recommendation, type the URL in the address field of your web

browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID. For example,


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ii Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 (06/2019)


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of

telecommunications, information and communication technologies (ICTs). The ITU Telecommunication

Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical,

operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing

telecommunications on a worldwide basis.

The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes

the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics.

The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1.

In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T's purview, the necessary standards are

prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.


In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a

telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.

Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain

mandatory provisions (to ensure, e.g., interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the

Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some other

obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The use of

such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.


ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve

the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or

applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of

the Recommendation development process.

As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had not received notice of intellectual property,

protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementers are

cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB

patent database at

ITU 2019

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior

written permission of ITU.

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Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 (06/2019) iii

Table of Contents


1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 1

2 References ..................................................................................................................... 1

3 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 1

3.1 Terms defined elsewhere ................................................................................ 1

3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation ......................................................... 1

4 Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................ 1

5 Conventions .................................................................................................................. 2

6 Introduction to ITU-T P.863 ......................................................................................... 2

6.1 History of objective speech quality ................................................................ 2

6.2 Basics of a subjective test ............................................................................... 3

6.3 Benefit of using Recommendation ITU-T P.863 ........................................... 4

6.4 Relationship with other Recommendations .................................................... 4

6.5 Moving from ITU-T P.862 to ITU-T P.863 ................................................... 4

6.6 Challenges with ITU-T P.863 ......................................................................... 4

6.7 MOS misconceptions ...................................................................................... 5

7 Operational modes ........................................................................................................ 5

7.1 Why two operational modes? ......................................................................... 5

7.2 When should the narrowband mode be used? ................................................ 6

7.3 When should the fullband mode be used? ...................................................... 6

7.4 Why no wideband (up to 7 kHz) mode? ......................................................... 6

7.5 Are narrowband signals scored equally in narrowband and fullband

modes? ............................................................................................................ 6

7.6 Can I map a narrowband score to a fullband score? ....................................... 6

7.7 Is it recommended to mix bandwidths in subjective testing? ......................... 6

8 Influence of reference speech on scores ....................................................................... 7

8.1 What characteristics should a reference signal contain? ................................ 7

8.2 Are there constraints on the recording environment? ..................................... 7

8.3 Can we use artificial speech signals? ............................................................. 7

8.4 What filter specification should be used? ....................................................... 7

8.5 Does reference material influence scores? ..................................................... 8

8.6 How much reference material should I use? .................................................. 8

8.7 What is the impact of silence padding? .......................................................... 8

8.8 How do I validate a reference signal? ............................................................ 9

8.9 How do I use a 10 minute reference file? ....................................................... 10

9 How to inject test signals .............................................................................................. 10

9.1 Over which interfaces can signals be injected into a network? ...................... 10

9.2 Should the test signal be filtered? ................................................................... 10

9.3 What level should be used? ............................................................................ 10

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iv Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 (06/2019)


10 Influence of recording process on scores ...................................................................... 10

10.1 What influence does file speech level have on score? ................................... 10

10.2 Should we pre–align signal levels? ................................................................ 11

10.3 Should we apply a filter to the recording? ...................................................... 11

10.4 Does silence padding affect the ITU-T P.863 scores? ................................... 11

10.5 Can I assess a narrowband recording in fullband mode? ............................... 11

11 Behaviour of ITU-T P.863 ............................................................................................ 12

11.1 Global level changes ....................................................................................... 12

11.2 Local level changes ........................................................................................ 13

11.3 Bandwidth limitations .................................................................................... 13

11.4 Stretching and compressing speech ................................................................ 13

11.5 Step delay changes ......................................................................................... 14

11.6 Long-term gaps in speech ............................................................................... 14

11.7 Short-term gaps in speech .............................................................................. 15

11.8 Cellular handovers .......................................................................................... 15

12 Comparison of ITU-T P.862.1/ITU-T P.862.2 and ITU-T P.863................................. 15

12.1 Scale differences ............................................................................................. 15

12.2 Degradation handling differences ................................................................... 15

12.3 Standard codecs .............................................................................................. 16

13 Procedure for comparing subjective test results to ITU-T P.863 results ...................... 17

14 Validation scope ........................................................................................................... 20

14.1 Validated ......................................................................................................... 20

14.2 Not yet validated ............................................................................................. 21

14.3 Outside scope .................................................................................................. 22

Appendix I – ITU-T P.863 transparency checks of reference files ......................................... 23

Appendix II – Typical scores expected from ITU-T P.863 for a given codec ......................... 25

Appendix III – Applications for further investigation ............................................................. 26

Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 27

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Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 (06/2019) 1

Recommendation ITU-T P.863.1

Application guide for Recommendation ITU-T P.863

1 Scope

This Recommendation is a supplementary guide for users of [ITU-T P.863], which describes a means

of estimating listening speech quality by using reference and degraded speech samples. It assumes

that an objective quality algorithm strictly conforms to [ITU-T P.863]. This can be confirmed by the

conformance test provided in [ITU-T P. 863].

This Recommendation does not extend or narrow the scope of [ITU-T P.863]; rather, it provides

necessary and important information for obtaining stable, reliable and meaningful objective

measurement results in practice. It also provides example results for common situations and

explanations for how certain degradations impact the score.

Additional characterization results will be added to this Recommendation, in the form of appendices,

as this information becomes available.

2 References

The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through

reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the

editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;

users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the

most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently

valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within this

Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.

[ITU-T P.10] Recommendation ITU-T P.10/G.100 (2017), Vocabulary for performance,

quality of service and quality of experience.

[ITU-T P.863] Recommendation ITU-T P.863 (2018), Perceptual Objective Listening Quality


3 Definitions

3.1 Terms defined elsewhere

This Recommendation uses the terms and definitions provided in [ITU-T P.10].

3.2 Terms defined in this Recommendation


4 Abbreviations and acronyms

This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:

ACR Absolute Category Rating

AGC Automatic Gain Control

ASL Active Speech Level

EVS Enhanced Voice Services

FB Fullband

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2 Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 (06/2019)

IRS Intermediate Reference System

MIRS Modified Intermediate Reference System

MOS Mean Opinion Score

MOS-LQO Mean Opinion Score – Listening Quality Objective

NB Narrowband

PCM Pulse Code Modulation

PESQ Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality

PSQM Perceptual Speech Quality Measure

PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network

S/N Signal-to-Noise ratio

SPL Sound Pressure Level

SWB Super-Wideband

VAD Voice Activity Detection

VoIP Voice over IP

5 Conventions


6 Introduction to ITU-T P.863

[ITU-T P.863] provides an objective speech quality measurement algorithm for measuring the voice

quality of narrowband (NB), wideband, super-wideband (SWB) and fullband (FB) networks.

6.1 History of objective speech quality

Speech quality has no physical definition. Inherently, people just have an opinion about when

something sounds good or bad. However, stakeholders need to be able to quantify the quality

delivered by a telephone system in order to maximize investment and ensure adequate service is

provided to customers. For many years, the only effective manner by which to determine the quality

of a telephone network was to perform a subjective test. Subject testing, explained more in the next

clause, involves asking a panel of users what they think of a recording or connection. The panel

typically vote on a five-point scale, and the average of the votes is deemed to be the quality of the

connection. This number is called the mean opinion score (MOS).

The running of subjective tests is time consuming and costly. During the late 1980s, compression

technologies were introduced in digital networks to increase capacity while reducing costs. Before

their introduction, it was generally possible to determine the performance of a network using simple

tone-based measurements. With the introduction of new speech processing technologies, it was found

that results from tone-based techniques could contradict users' experiences. A new measurement

methodology was required. The increased availability of general-purpose computing allowed the

development of computer programs capable of modelling the results of subjective tests.

In 1996, Recommendation ITU-T P.861 (perceptual speech quality measure (PSQM))

[b-ITU-T P.861] was published. The core concept introduced in this first-generation algorithm was

that human hearing could be modelled to extract a representation of audible differences between a

reference and a degraded pair of signals, and that these differences could be mapped to the scores of

subjective tests.

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Shortly after [b-ITU-T P.861] was published, work was started to address practical limitations of the

first-generation model in terms of its applicability for testing networks. This work led to the

publishing of a significantly improved model called perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ),

which was published as [b-ITU-T P.862] in 2001, together with the withdrawal of [b-ITU-T P.861].

Work continued on [b-ITU-T P.862] for a number of years, for example, with the introduction of a

wideband extension in 2005. However, as more complex signal processing was added to the telephone

network, it became clear that a new model was required.

In 2006 ITU-T initiated a new activity for the development of the third-generation model. The

intention was to provide a backward-compatible model that could also assess new speech signal

processing technologies as well as the anticipated move to super-wideband networks. The result of

this work was published as [ITU-T P.863] at the beginning of 2011. It should be noted that the

introduction of [ITU-T P.863] does not deprecate [b-ITU-T P.862].

6.2 Basics of a subjective test

It is important to consider subjective testing when discussing objective speech quality assessment.

Essentially, subjective testing underlies all three generations of objective models described above.

The intention for this type of objective model is to predict the result of a listening quality subjective

test for a given reference and degraded file pair.

ITU provides various Recommendations for performing subjective tests; the most relevant for

[ITU-T P.863] are [b-ITU-T P.800] and [b-ITU-T P.830].

A subjective test aims to find the average user opinion of a system's speech quality by asking a panel

of users a directed question and providing a limited-response choice. For example, to determine

listening quality, users are asked to rate 'the quality of the speech' by selecting from the scale shown

in Table 1.

Table 1 – MOS

Opinion Score

Excellent 5

Good 4

Fair 3

Poor 2

Bad 1

A MOS is calculated for a particular condition by averaging the votes of all subjects. This type of test

is described as an absolute category rating (ACR) experiment.

The results of a subjective test are influenced by many factors and a great deal of effort is made, in

the planning of the subjective test, to control these factors. Regardless of the planning effort, a score

for a given condition from a subjective test is not a definitive result; run the same test with another

set of subjects and a different result will be received. The expected range of results for a given

condition can be expressed as a confidence interval. Some subjective tests provide results with a

smaller confidence interval than others. Place the same condition in another subjective test, with a

different quality bias, and it will more than likely be found that the score compared to the first test

systematically moves up or down. There is a tendency to see subjective tests maintain rank ordering

of conditions, but not absolute scores.

It is difficult to cope with these inconsistencies. Thus, it is not uncommon for companies to claim that

one particular coding technology is superior to another technology and provide subjective test results

to support these claims, while other companies are able to demonstrate a contrary conclusion.

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4 Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 (06/2019)

Over the past two decades, the importance of normalizing subjective scores onto a 'common' scale,

for the purpose of developing and evaluating objective measurement algorithms, has absorbed

significant effort. [b-ITU-T P.1401] describes this process in detail. Later in this Recommendation, a

procedure is presented for removing simple subjective-test condition biases using linear-regression;

this step represents a minimum level of normalization that should be applied before comparing

subjective and objective results.

6.3 Benefit of using Recommendation ITU-T P.863

The two main reasons for using an ITU recommended objective speech quality algorithm are:

1) the ability to compare results between different organizations;

2) model development represents a small part of the effort; validation over many thousands of

conditions represents the bigger effort.

6.4 Relationship with other Recommendations

• [b-ITU-T P.862] – predecessor to [ITU-T P.863] for objectively measuring listening speech

quality of narrowband and wideband networks. This Recommendation has not been

deprecated by the introduction of [ITU-T P.863];

• [b-ITU-T P.563] – a no-reference, single-ended, objective listening speech quality method

for predicting the subjective quality of narrowband networks;

• [b-ITU-T G.107] (E-model) – a planning tool that combines various network performance

parameters to determine a quality score on a 100 point scale. This score is referred to as the


• [b-ITU-R BS.1387] – an objective tool for measuring perceived audio quality;

• [b-ITU-T P.800.1] – a Recommendation defining MOS terminology. Based on the definitions

in this Recommendation, [ITU-T P.863] scores should be labelled as mean opinion score –

listening quality objective (MOS-LQO) if presented alongside subjective or estimated scores.

6.5 Moving from ITU-T P.862 to ITU-T P.863

[ITU-T P.863] narrowband mode was developed to provide backward compatibility with

[b-ITU-T P.862]. This backward compatibility means that [ITU-T P.863] can be used wherever

[b-ITU-T P.862] is currently being used. It also means that the predictions of [ITU-T P.863] can be

directly compared to both new and old narrowband subjective tests.

Although built to be backward compatible, different scores will be seen when testing a connection

with [ITU-T P.863] in place of [b-ITU-T P.862]. Different scores will be seen because there are

fundamental differences between how [b-ITU-T P.862] and [ITU-T P.863] process the signals. In

addition, a significantly larger database of subjective test results has been used in the development

and calibration of [ITU-T P.863] as compared to [b-ITU-T P.862]. This increased data provides a

more complete view of how people judge the full range of speech quality delivered by modern

telephone networks. For this reason, and because [ITU-T P.863] achieves better performance across

all databases compared to [b-ITU-T P.862], predictions from [ITU-T P.863] should be viewed as

more accurate than [b-ITU-T P.862].

It is recommended that [b-ITU-T P.862] be run in parallel with [ITU-T P.863] until an appropriate

feeling is developed for [ITU-T P.863] scores. Clause 12 provides additional information on the

differences between [b-ITU-T P.862] and [ITU-T P.863].

6.6 Challenges with ITU-T P.863

The biggest challenge of using [ITU-T P.863] is in selecting appropriate reference material.

[ITU-T P.863] does not always produce a perfect score when a reference file is compared with itself.

This is described as a reference transparency issue.

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This transparency issue arises because [ITU-T P.863] assumes that a reference signal will have a

balanced timbre and it judges deviations from a balanced timbre as degradation. If the timbre in the

reference is not balanced, for example, because of a bass-boost or a lot of sibilance, a reference-

reference comparison with no impairments will not return the maximum score for the scale. Typically,

one will see a drop of a 0.1 or 0.2 MOS; however, it can be larger.

In addition to ensuring reference transparency, further constraints have been placed on the reference's

content structure to ensure that reported scores are representative of user perception. These additional

constraints have been added following practical experience because [b-ITU-T P.862] has been

misused over the years.

It should be noted that [ITU-T P.863] does not enforce any reference content constraints, thus it is

still possible to use non-conforming reference material. This may produce interesting results in

internal studies, but values should not be reported publicly if the reference signal does not follow the


6.7 MOS misconceptions

A number of minor misconceptions exist around objective listening speech quality assessment and

what a MOS value represents. Some misconceptions are:

• the effect of a constant end-to-end delay is not assessed by subjective or objective listening

quality test methods. The presence of delay variation may however affect the score,

particularly during periods of active speech;

• the effect of talker echo and echo delay are not assessed by subjective or objective listening

test methods. A listener cannot hear talker echo in real world scenarios;

• objective listening test methods cannot assess mixed signals, such as in the double talk

condition where there is sidetone at the listener end, or multiple concurrent speakers on a

conference bridge;

• MOS is not only a measure of voice quality. MOS is the acronym of Mean Opinion Score. A

MOS is the result of any subjective test where subjects are asked to vote on a scale (discrete

or continuous) and the votes are averaged across subjects to determine the mean opinion of

the subjects. It is equally valid to have a MOS prediction for video and audiovisual content

as it is for speech content.

7 Operational modes

[ITU-T P.863] provides two operational modes:

1) narrowband: predicts quality of a speech signal as it would be perceived through an

intermediate reference system (IRS) type receive filtered monaural handset in a pure

narrowband listening context;

2) fullband: predicts the quality of a speech signal as it would be perceived through a diffuse

field equalized Hi-Fi headphone for diotic (same signal in both ears) listening.

[ITU-T P.863] always applies an IRS receive filter to the reference and degraded input signals in

narrowband mode. This is not the case in fullband mode. [ITU-T P.863], regardless of the mode,

[ITU-T P.863] predicts the perceived quality of a recording on a five-point ACR scale.

7.1 Why two operational modes?

Telephone networks contain a mix of audio-bandwidths, including traditional 300-3400 Hz

narrowband, wideband up to 7 kHz, super-wideband from 50 Hz-14 kHz and more and more fullband

from 50 Hz-20 kHz (the entire audible spectrum). Until now, most telephone networks have provided

only narrowband connections and users' quality expectations are biased for this bandwidth-range.

Adding wider bandwidth conditions to a subjective test can influence the nominal scores achieved for

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the narrowband conditions. The narrowband [ITU-T P.863] scale is provided to give a scale that is

compatible with the majority of subjective testing performed in the previous years and objective tools

such as PESQ. It ensures that [ITU-T P.863] can be compared to results from narrowband subjective


7.2 When should the narrowband mode be used?

The ITU-T P.863 narrowband mode emulates the situation of a listener using a traditional narrowband

handset. Narrowband mode shall only be used when comparing ITU-T P.863 results to results from

a pure narrowband subjective test. Spectral components above 3.8 kHz are not considered in the

ITU-T P.863 NB mode and this mode gives no valid results for wideband or super-wideband /

fullband systems. The narrowband mode also allows comparing [b-ITU-T P.862.1] results with

[ITU-T P.863] results.

7.3 When should the fullband mode be used?

The fullband mode should be used in all other cases (not covered by clause 7.2). Fullband mode is

also appropriate for assessing narrowband connections. When assessing narrowband connections in

fullband mode, a fullband or super-wideband reference file is also required as an input to

[ITU-T P.863]. [ITU-T P.863] is then able to determine the narrowing of the signal's bandwidth and

includes this information in its prediction of quality.

7.4 Why no wideband (up to 7 kHz) mode?

The fullband scale should be used when assessing a wideband system; the model will account for the

7 kHz bandwidth in its quality assessment. A wideband scale was not provided because the long-term

intention is that all quality scores are reported on the fullband scale. It is intended that [ITU-T P.863]

fullband mode represents a single voice quality scale for all systems regardless of bandwidth

limitation and that bandwidth limitation is treated as simply a form of degradation. The narrowband

mode has been provided for backward compatibility for [b-ITU-T P.862.1], but backward

compatibility was felt to be less important for [b-ITU-T P.862.2] because far less testing is currently

performed in wideband than narrowband.

7.5 Are narrowband signals scored equally in narrowband and fullband modes?

No. Although it is possible to apply an external IRS filter to the signals before passing to

[ITU-T P.863] in fullband mode, the same score is not expected from the fullband and narrowband

modes because of different optimizations used in the perceptual modelling. A narrowband signal with

the maximum narrowband mode score of 4.5 will, by design, score around 3.8 in fullband mode.

7.6 Can I map a narrowband score to a fullband score?

No. The fullband scale is not a simple extension of the narrowband or wideband scales to 4.8. It is a

completely new scale on which nominal scores for narrowband and wideband codecs are different. A

study performed as part of the [ITU-T P.863] characterization phase found that [ITU-T P.863] in

fullband mode will produce relatively lower scores for narrowband and wideband codecs compared

to the scores observed in narrowband and wideband subjective tests.

The maximum fullband scale score of 4.8 was chosen to indicate that super-wideband connections

offer potentially higher quality than narrowband connections. The narrowband scale produces a

maximum score of 4.5.

7.7 Is it recommended to mix bandwidths in subjective testing?

In today’s user experience with telephony, restricted bandwidth is considered as a degradation of the

speech signal. To score bandwidth restrictions correctly in their relation to a fullband reference in

subjective tests, fullband signals have to be present in the experiment in a sufficient amount. This will

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provide the correct anchor for the listeners. ITU-T P.863 is trained to predict MOS as obtained in

subjective experiments mixing different bandwidths and other distortion types and consisting of

signals covering the entire quality scale.

8 Influence of reference speech on scores

The quality and content of the reference speech material has an impact on the robustness of the speech

quality measurement process. The [ITU-T P.863] model transforms the reference signal to an

idealized form; this process is sensitive to voice timbre and background noise.

8.1 What characteristics should a reference signal contain?

Different conditions exist for a fullband reference signal and a narrowband reference signal. The list

below describes a common set of required characteristics for both fullband and narrowband reference

test signals:

• at least three seconds of active speech;

• at least 500 ms of silence between active speech periods;

• no more than six seconds of active speech;

• total length of test sample, including silence, should be no more than 12 seconds;

• active speech level of –26 dBov;

• 16-bit linear pulse code modulation (PCM) encoded;

• noise floor < –75 dBov (A).

Additional characteristics for [ITU-T P.863] fullband reference test signals are:

• 48 kHz sample rate;

• filtered 50 Hz to at least 14 kHz or above.

Additional characteristics for [ITU-T P.863] narrowband reference test signals are:

• 8 kHz sample rate;

• filtered 100 Hz to 3.8 kHz;

• noise floor < –80 dBov (A) after downsampling.

8.2 Are there constraints on the recording environment?

The room where reference material is recorded must have a reverberation time below 300 ms above

200 Hz (e.g., an anechoic chamber). Recordings must be made using omni-directional microphones.

The distance to the microphone must be approximately 10 cm. Background noise must be below

30 dB sound pressure level (SPL)(A). Directional microphones are allowed on the condition that the

spectral balance frequency response is the same as with the omni-directional microphones.

8.3 Can we use artificial speech signals?

An artificial voice signal, such as that defined in [b-ITU-T P.50], is not recommended. Speech signals

generated using a text-to-speech system are better, but have had limited validation.

8.4 What filter specification should be used?

A reference signal should be filtered before presenting it to the [ITU-T P.863] model. A different

filter is required for the fullband and narrowband modes. The filter definitions are provided in Tables

2 and 3.

The fullband filter definition is approximately described in Table 2; the specific filter definition can

be found in [b-ITU-T G.191].

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Table 2 – Fullband filter definition

Frequency (Hz) Fullband gain (dB)

10 –20 (max)

20 0 to –3

30 0

19 500 0

20 000 0 to –3

21 000 –40 (max)

24 000 –50 (max)

NOTE – Fullband filter definition from clause 6.99 in [ITU-T P.10].

The approximate narrowband filter definition is given in Table 3.

Table 3 – Narrowband filter definition

Frequency (Hz) Narrowband gain (dB)

20 0

3 700 0

3 800 0 to –3

4 000 –40 (max)

NOTE – Narrowband filter definition from clause 6.166 in [ITU-T P.10].

8.5 Does reference material influence scores?

Reference speech material has a direct influence on the resulting score. This is true in subjective

testing as well as objective testing. A study of 400 speech recordings, from four different speakers,

processed through various codec simulations, was found to produce a [ITU-T P.863] FB condition

score range of 1.2 to 1.4 MOS. It is therefore important to use a variety of material when testing a

condition's speech quality.

8.6 How much reference material should I use?

[ITU-T P.863] recommends two samples from each of two male and two female speakers, i.e., eight

sentence pairs. Some applications may only permit shorter test durations. Mixing of speakers or

genders in a single test sample may limit the maximum score that can be achieved.

Assessing multiple speakers and sentence pairs is required to remove material-specific result bias. It

has been found that for some low bit-rate codecs the score can differ by as much as 1.4 depending on

the selected talker and sentence pair. This material dependency is only removed by ensuring that the

scores, of multiple talker and sentence pairs, are averaged.

The factors in the reference material that influence the scores include, for example, talker gender,

talker language and signal duration.

8.7 What is the impact of silence padding?

Silence padding is the addition of silence to the front or back of the reference signal. Typically,

sentence material in subjective tests has a 0.5 second silence lead in, two sentences, and then a

0.5 second silence at the end of the signal. If these lead-in and end silences are changed, a slight

change in score (approximately 0.1) may be seen when comparing the reference signal with itself.

This change indicates that the [ITU-T P.863] idealization processing is sensitive for this reference

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signal. The slight change in score is not a significant problem, but if this effect is seen, another

reference recording may be selected to increase absolute consistency in the results.

8.8 How do I validate a reference signal?

One of the main differences between [b-ITU-T P.862] and [ITU-T P.863] is that the [ITU-T P.863]

algorithm takes into account signal level, potential acoustic reverberations and bandwidth limiting.

This means that the reference signals used with [ITU-T P.863] should not be corrupted by large level

variations, a presence of reverberation, or an imbalanced timbre. A simple way to check this is by

comparing a candidate reference recording with itself. If the result is not equal to the maximum

theoretical score of the model, then the tested recording is not suitable for use as a reference signal

for [ITU-T P.863]. In narrowband mode, a reference-to-reference comparison should score 4.5. In

fullband mode, the reference-to-reference comparison should score at least 4.75.

To further confirm the appropriateness of a reference signal, tests should be performed after adding

small offset changes (10 ms and 15 ms) to the start of the clean reference before presenting it to

[ITU-T P.863]. The predicted score should remain equal to the maximum theoretical score of the

model. A full list of tests required to validate a reference recording is given in Table 4 below.

Table 4 – List of tests required to validate a reference recording

Test ID Description

1 ITU-T P.56 active speech level = –26 dBov (±2)

2 Noise floor during non-speech intervals –75 to –90 dBov for fullband

reference samples, < –80 dBov for narrowband reference samples after down-

sampling, signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) in active speech intervals > 40 dB

3 Total length, including silences 12 s

4 Minimum duration of active speech 3 s

5 Maximum duration of active speech 6 s

6 Number of speech segments 2

7 Silence at start 0.25 s ( 0.5 s for testing background noise conditions)

8 Silence at end 0.25 s ( 0.5 s for testing background noise conditions)

9 a At least one silence interval between speech segments (sentences) 0.5 s

9 b For testing background noise conditions: At least one silence interval between

speech segments (sentences) 1.0 s and ≤ 2.0 s

10 Bandpass upper frequency cut-off 14 000 Hz

11 Fullband score

12 Fullband score with 10 ms offset

13 Fullband score with 15 ms offset

14 Narrowband score

15 Narrowband score with 10 ms offset

16 Narrowband score with 15 ms offset

A validation of the speech material in [b-ITU-T P.501] using these test criteria is presented in

Appendix I.

8.9 How do I use a 10 minute reference file?

To use a reference speech sample longer than the recommended maximum 6 seconds of active speech,

it is recommended that the signal is split into multiple 3 to 6 second active speech sections, and a

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separate score be computed for each section. Average the scores to determine a single score for the

complete reference signal.

9 How to inject test signals

9.1 Over which interfaces can signals be injected into a network?

It is possible to inject a test signal into a network via an acoustic, electrical or digital connection. It is

equally possible to inject the test signals digitally into software emulations. Regardless of how the

signal is injected into the system under test, filtering of the test signal prior to injection and the level

of the signal within the system need to be carefully managed.

9.2 Should the test signal be filtered?

Yes. The signal must be filtered for direct input into the system under test. For example, it could be

appropriate to apply an IRS ([b-ITU-T P.48]) filter to a signal applied to a public switched telephone

network (PSTN) connection, or to apply a modified IRS (MIRS) filter to a signal applied to a mobile

network connection. A signal applied to a wideband network should be low-pass filtered to 7.8 kHz.

A signal applied to a fullband connection may not require any filtering.

Mixed bandwidths might be required for some applications such as conference bridge testing. It may

be appropriate to apply IRS, MIRS, wideband and fullband signals to the different connections into

the bridge.

Speech signals applied acoustically via an artificial mouth should not be filtered.

9.3 What level should be used?

The mean active speech level of the signal must be adjusted to the requirements for the system under


For example, an electrical signal may be presented at –48 dBm at a microphone input of a voice over

IP (VoIP) phone or mobile phone, or it could be at –20 dBm for a PSTN line. The level adjustment

must be made after any sample rate changes and filtering are applied.

The effect of different speech levels upon the system under test can be evaluated in super-wideband

mode. Testing at lower speech levels can be expected to yield lower scores.

10 Influence of recording process on scores

How tests are performed, and in particular how the recorded speech is stored in a file, can influence

[ITU-T P.863] results. This clause discusses various aspects that should be controlled when capturing

a signal in a test.

10.1 What influence does file speech level have on score?

[ITU-T P.863] was designed to identify the effect of speech level upon speech quality, thus the score

will be lower if the speech level is lower when using the super-wideband mode.

The score predicted by [ITU-T P.863] in the fullband mode will be almost unaffected in the range –

20 dBov to –36 dBov. The score reduces by approximately 1 MOS between –36 dBov and –46 dBov.

[ITU-T P.863] will be less consistent outside this range and is not recommended for signals below

–56 dBov.

The score predicted by [ITU-T P.863] in the narrowband mode will be consistent between samples if

the signal level is in the range –26 dBov to –46 dBov.

If the mean active speech level of the signal in the degraded file is very low or very high then the

score may be affected by the noise floor or amplitude clipping.

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10.2 Should we pre–align signal levels?

Level pre-alignment, a process not defined in [ITU-T P.863], describes how a recorded signal's active

speech level is normalized to a value of 26 dBov prior to submission to the [ITU-T P.863] algorithm.

When applied, level pre-alignment removes the influence of listening level on score prediction.

[ITU-T P.863] assumes that a digital file level of 26 dBov equates to an acoustic listening level of

79 dB SPL in narrowband mode and 73 dB SPL in fullband mode. The degraded file obtained from

a test will rarely have a defined relationship to these sound pressure levels. It is therefore desirable to

adjust the level of the recording to 26 dBov so that the influence of speech level on score is


If the objective of the test is to evaluate the performance of the system under test at different speech

levels, then level pre-alignment should not be applied and the fullband mode should be used.

Level pre-alignment should always be applied in the [ITU-T P.863] narrowband mode, as the score

will be affected and the results will not be predictable. The [ITU-T P.863] narrowband mode

validation assumes that all file levels are at 26 dBov. In addition, [b-ITU-T P.862] automatically

applied level pre-alignment, thus level pre-alignment should be applied in order to maintain backward

compatibility with [b-ITU-T P.862].

10.3 Should we apply a filter to the recording?

[ITU-T P.863] in fullband mode applies an internal filter that is equivalent to a diffuse field high-

fidelity headset, while in narrowband mode an IRS receive filter is applied. As such, it is not necessary

to further filter the degraded file before processing it through [ITU-T P.863]. It is important to manage

level and spectral response in the conversion of an analogue signal collected from the network

interface for [ITU-T P.863]. The circuits should not filter the signal below 20 kHz or impose any

distortion or noise.

10.4 Does silence padding affect the ITU-T P.863 scores?

When recording test signals on a test network, it is common to capture additional silence before and

after the test signal. This occurs, for example, when testing between two unsynchronized locations

and using large capture windows to compensate for the lack of synchronization. These additional

silences at the start and end of the recorded signal should have no influence on the [ITU-T P.863]


10.5 Can I assess a narrowband recording in fullband mode?

[ITU-T P.863] will evaluate a narrowband degraded speech file in fullband mode and produce a score

prediction that takes into account the lower bandwidth. The maximum score will be around 3.8 on

the fullband scale. The [ITU-T P.863] fullband mode was designed to enable the evaluation of

narrowband, wideband and fullband signals on the same scale. It relies upon detecting the absence of

any speech energy above 3.8 kHz to indicate a narrowband degraded file and the absence of any

speech energy above 7 kHz to indicate a wideband degraded file.

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11 Behaviour of ITU-T P.863

This clause describes how [ITU-T P.863] scores are affected by various network degrading processes.

It is intended that this clause will help in the analysis of [ITU-T P.863] results by providing reference

information on how specific degradations influence the final score. It should be noted that in actual

network testing it is likely that multiple degrading processes will be responsible for a drop in the score

and the interaction between these combined degradations may not be linear.

11.1 Global level changes

This clause assumes that level pre-alignment described in clause 10.2 is not applied.

[ITU-T P.863] considers the presentation level of the speech signals in its prediction. Within the

specification, and in the evaluation phase, a level range of +5 dB to –20 dB relative to the nominal

level was specified and tested.

Figure 1 illustrates the dependency on the presentation level for the seven different fullband samples

given in Annex D of [b-ITU P.501]. The average for all seven samples is given as a solid bold line.

The nominal level is marked by a vertical dashed blue line at 26 dBov that corresponds to 73 dB

SPL at each ear in a diotic presentation. The horizontal dashed blue line indicates the transparency

threshold of 4.75, where all seven samples are above in case of nominal level. The white area is the

specified range; the grey shaded area is the level range outside of the specification for [ITU-T P.863].

Figure 1 – Dependency of the MOS-LQOFB on the presentation level

It is recommended that the signal levels in fullband mode of [ITU-T P.863] neither exceed

20 dBov nor fall below 46 dBov. [ITU-T P.863] must not be used to predict signals of an active

speech level (ASL) below 56 dBov.

Presentation level was not required for [ITU-T P.863] NB mode and all databases were normalized

to 26 dBov. However, for completeness an equivalent graph is shown in Figure 2 for the influence

of presentation level in narrowband mode.

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Figure 2 – Influence of the presentation level on MOS-LQONB

It can be seen from the graph that [ITU-T P.863] narrowband mode exhibits no level dependency in

the range 26 to 46 dBov. Note that [ITU-T P.863] applies a level normalization to ASL = 26dBov

which corresponds to 79dB SPL at the ERP for monotic presentation. The slight degradation outside

the white area is caused by clipping effects in case of very high levels and lowered S/N in case of low


11.2 Local level changes

Discussions of local level changes (automatic gain control (AGC)) are for further study.

11.3 Bandwidth limitations

The score in super-wideband mode is affected by bandwidth differences between a degraded signal

and its fullband reference signal. Degraded signals that have some spectral loss between 8 kHz and

20 kHz will have scores below the scale's 4.8 maximum. The fullband scale will produce a score of

approximately 3.8 for a narrowband signal with no other impairment and yield a score around 4.5 for

a wideband signal.

Note that [ITU-T P.863] scores may be influenced by the spectral content of the talker's speech in the

reference file. If the spectral content is unbalanced, the maximum score for the scale will not be


11.4 Stretching and compressing speech

Temporal compression or stretching in the context of speech coding and voice quality measurement

is synonymous with "time scaling". From the perspective of [ITU-T P.863], this can be seen as four

distinct categories:

1) uniform time scaling without pitch preservation;

2) uniform time scaling with pitch preservation;

3) non-uniform time scaling without pitch preservation;

4) non-uniform time scaling with pitch preservation.

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A simple modelling of uniform time scaling without pitch preservation can be performed by varying

the actual sample rate of a signal while keeping its nominal sample rate constant (i.e., resample a

48 kHz to 48.005 kHz signal and claim that it still has a 48 kHz sample rate). Non-uniform time

scaling, is where small sections of the signal are stretched or compressed, or multiple compression

and stretching factors are applied to different sections of the speech signal.

Time scaling is frequently observed in modern applications, but may also be caused by the test

equipment itself. The sources for time scaling are manifold, but the most frequent ones are:

• advanced jitter buffer adaptation algorithms in VoIP systems;

• packet loss/error concealment methods;

• poor clock generators in A/D or D/A converters.

11.4.1 Uniform time scaling without pitch preservation

A consequence of uniform time scaling is that [ITU-T P.863] sees a continuously increasing or

decreasing delay between the reference and the degraded signal. In [ITU-T P.863], this is overcome

by an algorithm which estimates the amount of time scaling and subsequently resamples the input

signals in order to eliminate the temporal compression or stretching.

Within the ±5% difference in uniform time scaling between reference and degraded speech samples,

[ITU-T P.863] exhibits a score deviation of less than ±0.02 MOS (average over a large dataset of app.

30000 file pairs).

Uniform time scaling without pitch preservation outside of the ±3% range leads to clearly perceptible

degradations and is thus not expected to be encountered in the field. However, if presented with

temporal modifications exceeding this ±3% range, [ITU-T P.863] compensates these without taking

into account their perceptual impact.

11.4.2 Uniform time scaling with pitch preservation

This is for further study.

11.4.3 Non-uniform time scaling without pitch preservation

This type of degradation is unlikely in live networks. As such no studies investigating this topic have

been performed.

11.4.4 Non-uniform time scaling with pitch preservation

This is for further study.

11.5 Step delay changes

Step changes in delay between reference and degraded speech files result from adaptive jitter buffer

implementations which adjust the silences between talk spurts. Such adjustments have a negligible

effect in subjective test scores. [ITU-T P.863] will generally detect and account for step changes, but

may fail to cope with detecting and eliminating all time-shifting, and thus return low scores. The

ability to compensate for time-shifting depends on the magnitude of the time-shift and also the

location within the sample. Results also seem to differ between male and female samples.

11.6 Long-term gaps in speech

[ITU-T P.863] identifies missing speech, whether at the beginning, the middle or the end of a

sentence. The score will be reduced whenever speech is missing.

Periods of silence might be in the range 200-500 ms. The cause of such silences might be an

inter-system handover (from 3G to 2G) in mobile connections or sustained packet loss due to

re-buffering in VoIP or streaming applications. The subjective effect will depend on whether the

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silence occurs at the beginning, middle or end of a sentence. Loss of speech in the middle of a sentence

will affect the score more than a loss at the beginning or end of a sentence.

11.7 Short-term gaps in speech

[ITU-T P.863] considers the amount of lost speech in its MOS prediction. The subjective perception

of lost speech is highly dependent on the occurrence of the loss with regard to the speech information

content. It is dependent on the structure of the loss pattern in conjunction with the temporal structure

of the particular speech file.

Short-term loss of speech might be caused by packet loss giving rise to occasional losses of 20 ms or


[ITU-T P.863] indicates a reduction in score for small loss rates. There is some dependency on

different speech content of the reference material. Loss rates of 25 per cent and above result in a range

close to a score of 1, which was a requirement of the specification for [ITU-T P.863].

11.8 Cellular handovers

Cellular handovers have been studied widely along with revising ITU-T P.863 to version 2 and

version 3. Cellular handovers are frequently part of real-field speech recordings in mobile networks.

Cellular handovers can cause different effects in the transmitted audio signals. They can cause simple

muted sections from some 10 ms up to a few hundred ms, changes in audio-delay, changes of the

used coding scheme (e.g., change from AMR-WB to AMR) and audio bandwidth (wideband to

narrowband, or super-wideband to wide-/narrowband) within one speech test sample. All these types

of distortions have been part of the evaluation of ITU-T P.863 in real-field recordings as well as in


12 Comparison of ITU-T P.862.1/ITU-T P.862.2 and ITU-T P.863

12.1 Scale differences

This clause provides guidelines on how to compare existing speech quality results obtained with

[b-ITU-T P.862.1] and [ITU-T P.863] narrowband mode, as well as how to compare existing results

from [b-ITU-T P.862.2] and [ITU-T P.863] super-wideband mode.

[ITU-T P.863] will return scores very similar to PESQ [b-ITU-T P.862.1] in the narrowband mode

with simple codecs such as ITU-T G.711. Tests with more sophisticated codecs and transmission

techniques may yield different scores as [ITU-T P.863] addresses the objective assessment limitations

of PESQ.

It is more difficult to compare [ITU-T P.863] fullband mode with PESQ [b-ITU-T P.862.2] because

most wideband experiments were performed with 16 k sample rate material. [ITU-T P.863] fullband

mode requires a 48 kHz sample rate reference file. The [ITU-T P.863] results with a 16 kHz sample

rate reference file or an up-sampled 16 kHz reference file will be wrong, as there will not be any

speech energy above 8 kHz.

12.2 Degradation handling differences

Table 5 provides a brief explanation of what can be expected from [ITU-T P.863] for certain types of

degradation compared to the PESQ processing model.

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Table 5 – Brief explanation

Degradation [ITU-T P.863] [b-ITU-T P.862]/[b-ITU-T P.862.1]



[ITU-T P.863] in fullband mode takes into

account bandwidth limitations by detecting

the absence of any speech energy above 3.8

kHz to indicate a narrowband degraded file

and the absence of any speech energy

above 7 kHz to indicate a wideband

degraded file. With a narrowband signal the

maximum achievable score is 3.8.

Change in bandwidth between speakers

(different gender or talker) in a single test

may lead to a lower than expected score.

PESQ applies a linear frequency

equalization stage before presenting the

signals to the psycho-acoustic model. This

effectively removes frequency response

influences from being detected in the

model. This is useful for small degrees of

frequency shaping, but PESQ

underestimates severe linear frequency

response distortions.



(e.g., packet


The predicted quality score tends to a MOS

value of 1.0 as frame loss increases up to

30%. Even small loss rates cause a drop in

measured speech quality. Results show that

the super-wideband mode is slightly more

sensitive to short interrupts than the

narrowband mode.

PESQ behaves in a similar way to

[ITU-T P.863] with scores tending to a

MOS of 1.0 as loss rate increases to 30%.



(e.g., voice







Long interrupts describe muting of speech

for 200 ms or more at the front, in the

middle or the end of a speech sentence.

Loss in the middle of speech leads to the

largest drop in quality, followed by front-

end loss with losses at the end of a sentence

having least impact on score.

It has been claimed that PESQ reacts

unexpectedly to lost speech. For small

interrupts [ITU-T P.863] and PESQ

produce consistent scores, but with longer

interrupts PESQ predictions are

significantly more optimistic than expected.

12.3 Standard codecs

Table 6 presents average scores for a number of narrowband codecs for [b-ITU-T P.862.1] and

[ITU-T P.863]. An IRSsend mod filter was applied before processing. Additionally, average

[ITU-T P.863] FB scores for wideband codecs are given and fullband references have been used

without IRS pre-filtering.

Note that for all enhanced voice services (EVS) processing the channel aware mode was not enabled.

The source material is taken from Annex C of [b-ITU-T P.501] and averaged across the provided

samples and languages. The samples have been used regardless of whether or not they meet the

transparency criteria. Note that these values are averages; for individual samples the scores may


Table 6 – Average scores

Codec [b-ITU-T P.862.1] [ITU-T P.863] NB [ITU-T P.863] FB

Transparent 20-20 000Hz – – 4.79

EVS 48kbit/s FB 4.70

50-14 000Hz 4.80

EVS 24.4kbit/s SWB 4.65

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Table 6 – Average scores

Codec [b-ITU-T P.862.1] [ITU-T P.863] NB [ITU-T P.863] FB

EVS 16.4kbit/s SWB 4.55

EVS 13.2kbit/s SWB 4.50

EVS 9.6kbit/s SWB 4.10

50-7 600 Hz – – 4.65

ITU-T P.341 – – 4.55

AMR-WB 23.85 – – 4.0

AMR-WB 15.85 – – 4.0

AMR-WB 12.65 – – 3.85

AMR-WB 8.85 – – 3.50

AMR-WB 6.60 – – 3.00

NB only (50-3 800 Hz) 4.5 4.50 3.80

IRS only 4.5 4.48 3.70

IRS ITU-T G.711 4.4 4.4 3.60

IRS ITU-T G.729 A 3.6 3.9 2.9

IRS ITU-T G.723.1 6.3 kbit/s 3.6 3.8 2.7

IRS ITU-T G.723.1 5.3 kbit/s 3.4 3.7 2.6

IRS AMR 12.2 kbit/s 4.0 4.2 3.2

IRS AMR 10.2 kbit/s 3.9 4.1 3.1

IRS AMR 7.95 kbit/s 3.7 3.9 2.9

IRS AMR 7.4 kbit/s 3.7 3.9 2.9

IRS AMR 6.7 kbit/s 3.6 3.8 2.8

IRS AMR 5.9 kbit/s 3.4 3.7 2.6

IRS AMR 5.15 kbit/s 3.3 3.6 2.5

IRS AMR 4.75 kbit/s 3.2 3.5 2.4

IRS EVRC-A 3.7 3.9 3.0

IRS EVRC-Bop0. 3.7 4.0 3.1

IRS QCELP 13 kbit/s 3.9 4.0 3.0

NOTE 1 – IRS stands for IRS mod (send); 32 [b-ITU-T P.501] Annex C samples (fullband, −26 dB SPL

according to ITU-T P.56, cut to 8 s, initial pause 500 ms, noise floor −85 dB).

NOTE 2 – ITU-T P.863 in FB mode scores transparent FB speech samples at ≥4.75 MOS-LQO. Since,

bandwidth limitations relative to FB signals are treated as degradations, any limitation leads to lower

scores. On average, a plain wideband signal (50-7 600 Hz) is scored at 4.65 MOS-LQO and a plain

narrowband signal (50-3 800 Hz) at 3.8. This means that in narrowband networks scores of 3.8 MOS-LQO

are not exceeded on average, and real connections are usually below that value due to additional


13 Procedure for comparing subjective test results to ITU-T P.863 results

It has never been possible to directly compare the results of two or more subjective tests because too

many variables influence the results for a specific condition. Even if the same subjective test is run

in the same subjective test laboratory with two different groups of people, slight differences in

condition scores are always expected. The reason is that one group will never vote exactly the same

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way as a second group. When further variables are added, such as a different condition order, or

different types of degradation, the absolute score achieved for a given condition will change.

Naturally, from a business perspective it is important to be able to compare the results of a new test

with results from previous tests, and subjective test experts have developed various mechanisms to

support this interpretation. These include the use of common reference conditions between tests, and

also careful balancing of the test design to ensure a reasonable range of quality. Despite this effort,

different subjective tests will always exhibit a broad range of scores for a given condition.

The very nature of an objective tool is that it always reports the same absolute score for a given speech

recording. This is opposite to how a subjective test behaves. Therefore, a process must be used to

compensate for the methodology mismatch between a subjective and an objective result set.

Before comparing results of a subjective test with [ITU-T P.863] results, perform the following

simple linear-normalization process:

1. Calculate the linear-regression function between subjective test condition average scores

(Subj) and [ITU-T P.863] condition average scores (P863) using the formula below:

a. regression formula(y) bxa

b. slope(b) 22*863*863** SubjSubjNPSubjPSubjN

c. intercept(a) NSubjbP *863

2. Apply the linear-regression formula calculated above to each subjective test condition


Table 7 shows a worked example:

Table 7 – Worked example for mapping objective to subjective scores

Condition Subj ITU-T P863 Subj2 Subj × ITU-T P863 Mapped ̵Subj

1 3.52 3.95 12.40 13.89 4.05

2 2.84 3.55 8.09 10.09 3.35

3 2.30 3.02 5.30 6.96 2.80

4 3.39 4.20 11.46 14.22 3.91

5 2.69 3.19 7.22 8.56 3.19

6 3.19 3.79 10.16 12.08 3.70

7 3.56 4.45 12.69 15.87 4.09

8 3.28 3.53 10.77 11.60 3.80

9 3.27 3.51 10.70 11.49 3.79

10 2.69 3.03 7.22 8.14 3.19

11 3.17 3.64 10.03 11.51 3.68

12 2.91 3.43 8.45 9.98 3.42

13 2.64 3.08 6.95 8.11 3.14

14 2.94 3.01 8.63 8.84 3.45

15 2.24 2.88 5.02 6.46 2.73

16 3.29 3.75 10.84 12.34 3.81

17 3.19 3.57 10.16 11.37 3.70

18 2.63 3.34 6.89 8.78 3.13

19 2.78 3.10 7.74 8.61 3.29

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Table 7 – Worked example for mapping objective to subjective scores

Condition Subj ITU-T P863 Subj2 Subj × ITU-T P863 Mapped ̵Subj

20 2.28 2.75 5.20 6.27 2.78

21 2.28 2.83 5.20 6.46 2.78

22 2.38 2.50 5.64 5.95 2.87

23 1.79 2.46 3.21 4.41 2.27

24 2.52 2.96 6.35 7.45 3.02

25 2.32 2.69 5.40 6.25 2.82

26 2.33 3.16 5.44 7.38 2.83

27 2.33 2.69 5.44 6.28 2.83

28 1.75 2.42 3.06 4.23 2.23

29 2.75 3.36 7.56 9.25 3.26

30 2.63 3.07 6.89 8.05 3.13

31 2.53 2.91 6.41 7.37 3.03

32 2.32 2.56 5.40 5.94 2.82

33 2.07 2.51 4.30 5.20 2.56

34 2.60 2.77 6.78 7.22 3.11

35 1.70 2.28 2.88 3.87 2.18

36 1.73 2.37 2.99 4.10 2.21

37 1.10 1.50 1.22 1.65 1.57

38 1.42 1.95 2.01 2.76 1.89

39 2.24 2.82 5.02 6.31 2.73

40 3.02 3.52 9.13 10.65 3.53

41 3.51 4.12 12.32 14.47 4.03

42 3.72 4.38 13.83 16.29 4.25

43 3.68 4.42 13.52 16.24 4.21

44 3.80 4.45 14.46 16.93 4.33

sum 117.31 139.46 330.36 389.85

slope (b) = (44 * 389.85 – 117.31 * 139.46)/(44 * 330.36 – 117.312) = 1.0247

intercept(a) = (139.46 – 1.0247 * 117.31)/44 = 0.4376

In Figure 3, the graph on the left plots un-normalized subjective test scores against [ITU-T P.863],

while the graph on the right illustrates the effect of normalizing/mapping the subjective scores to

[ITU-T P.863].

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Figure 3 – Illustration of mapping

The use of linear regression removes simple test condition biases from the subjective results.

Further normalization is possible by applying third-order monotonic polynomial regression function

to remove biases that occur when a subjective test does not have a broad enough spread of quality;

however, applying this linear regression normalization process is a minimum requirement.

The topic of comparing subjective test results with objective model predictions is more fully

discussed in [b-ITU-T P.1401].

14 Validation scope

[ITU-T P.863] has been validated across many degradation types that are seen today on telephone

networks, or expected to become prevalent over the next 10 years.

14.1 Validated

Table 8 provides a list of factors that have been used in the selection and validation phase of the

[ITU-T P.863] algorithm.

Table 8 – Validated factors

Test factors

Speech input levels to a codec

Transmission channel errors

Packet loss and packet loss concealment

Bit rates if a codec has more than one bit-rate mode


Acoustic noise in sending environment

Effect of varying delay in listening only tests

Short-term time warping of audio signal

Long-term time warping of audio signal

Listening levels between 53 and 78 dB(A) SPL in fullband mode

Packet loss and packet loss concealment with PCM type codecs

Temporal and amplitude clipping of speech

Linear distortions, including bandwidth limitations and spectral shaping ('non-flat frequency responses')

Frequency response

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Table 8 – Validated factors

Coding technologies

ITU-T G.711, ITU-T G.711 PLC, ITU-T G.711.1

ITU-T G.718, ITU-T G.719, ITU-T G.722, ITU-T G.722.1, ITU-T G.723.1, ITU-T G.726, ITU-T G.728,

ITU-T G.729





Skype (SILK V3, iLBC, iSAC and ITU-T G.729)

Speex, QCELP (TIA-EIA-IS-733), iLBC, CVSD (64 kbit/s, "Bluetooth")



Codec evaluation

Terminal testing, influence of the acoustic path and the transducer in the sending and receiving direction.

(NOTE – Acoustic path in receiving direction only for fullband mode)

Bandwidth extensions

Live network testing using digital or analogue connection to the network

Testing of emulated and prototype networks

Universal mobile telecommunications service (UMTS), code division multiple access (CDMA), global

systems for mobile (GSM), terrestrial trunked radio (TETRA), wideband digital enhancd cordless

telecommunications (WB-DECT), VoIP, plain old telephone service (POTS), PSTN, Video Telephony,



Voice enhancement devices (VED), noise reduction (NR)

Discontinuous transmission (DTX), comfort noise insertion

14.2 Not yet validated

[ITU-T P.863] has not been validated against the variables given in Table 9.

Table 9 – Factors not validated

Test factors

Talker dependencies

Multiple simultaneous talkers

Bit-rate mismatching between an encoder and a decoder if a codec has more than one bit-rate mode

Network information signals as input to a codec

Artificial speech signals as input to a codec

Music as input to a codec

Listener echo

Coding Technologies

Coding technologies operating below 4 kbit/s

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14.3 Outside scope

[ITU-T P.863] is not intended to be used with the variables provided in Table 10.

Table 10 – Factors outside scope

Test factors

Effect of delay in conversational tests

Talker echo


Acoustic noise in receiving environment


Non–intrusive measurements

Two–way communications performance

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Appendix I

ITU-T P.863 transparency checks of reference files

(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

Table I.1 contains [ITU-T P.863] transparency reference validation checks for the speech samples

contained in Annex D to [b-ITU-T P.501]. This Annex contains eight sentence pairs based on one

male and one female sentence each (26 dB SPL according to ITU-T P.56, cut to 6 s, noise floor

85 dB).

Table I.1 – Transparency checks of reference files

ITU-T P.863.1, Shift 0, 10, 15 ms by cutting

NB + FB Narrowband (8kHz) Fullband (48kHz)

Transparent Transparent Min(0, 10, 15 ms) Transparent Min(0, 10, 15 ms)

P501_D_AM Y Y 4.50 Y 4.787

P501_D_CN Y Y 4.50 Y 4.793

P501_D_DU Y Y 4.50 Y 4.793*

P501_D_EN Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796*

P501_D_FI N N 4.46 N 4.640

P501_D_FR Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

P501_D_GE Y Y 4.50 Y 4.792

P501_D_IT Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

NOTE – Reference files are taken from Annex D of [b-ITU-T P.501].

Table I.2 contains [ITU-T P.863] transparency reference validation checks for the speech samples

contained in Annex C of [b-ITU-T P.501]. Annex C of [b-ITU-T P.501] contains 36 sentence pairs

based on male or female voices in nine different languages (26 dB SPL according to ITU-T P.56,

cut to 8 s, initial pause 500ms, noise floor 85 dB).

Table I.2 – Transparency checks of reference files

ITU-T P.863, Shift 0, 10, 15 ms by cutting

NB + FB Narrowband (8 kHz) Fullband (48 kHz)

Transparent Transparent Min(0, 10, 15 ms) Transparent Min(0, 10, 15 ms)

chinese_f1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

chinese_f2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

chinese_m1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.790

chinese_m2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

dutch_f1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796 (Note 1)

dutch_f2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.781 (Note 1)

dutch_m1 Y (Y) 4.48 Y 4.793 (Note 1)

dutch_m2 (Y) Y 4.50 Y 4.782 (Note 1)

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Table I.2 – Transparency checks of reference files

ITU-T P.863, Shift 0, 10, 15 ms by cutting

NB + FB Narrowband (8 kHz) Fullband (48 kHz)

Transparent Transparent Min(0, 10, 15 ms) Transparent Min(0, 10, 15 ms)

english_f1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.794

english_f2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.793

english_m1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.778

english_m2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.794

finnish_f1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.696

finnish_f2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.789

finnish_m1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.784

finnish_m2 N N 4.46 N 4.642

french_f1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.794

french_f2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

french_m1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

french_m2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

german_f1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

german_f2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

german_m1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.788

german_m2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.776

italian_f1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

italian_f2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.775

italian_m1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.793

italian_m2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.793

japanese_f1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.796

japanese_f2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.795

japanese_m1 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.786

japanese_m2 Y Y 4.50 Y 4.794

NOTE 1 – Only 14 kHz SWB samples are available.

NOTE 2 – Reference files are taken from Annex C of [b-ITU-T P.501].

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Appendix II

Typical scores expected from ITU-T P.863 for a given codec

(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

The previous version of this Recommendation referred in Appendix II to a previous version of ITU-T

P.863 and an experimental result indicating typical ITU-T P.863 scores for a list of coders. However,

similar results are currently not available in the context of the 2018 version of ITU-T P.863.

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26 Rec. ITU-T P.863.1 (06/2019)

Appendix III

Applications for further investigation

(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

Claims have been made that [ITU-T P.863] provides inaccurate predictions of absolute quality for

the following:

• acoustic recordings using free-field microphones without head and torso simulator (HATS)

or ear-canal simulation;

• hands-free telephony in reverberant conditions.

These claims need to be validated by future investigations.

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[b-ITU-T G.107] Recommendation ITU-T G.107 (2015), The E-model: a computational model

for use in transmission planning.

[b-ITU-T G.191] Recommendation ITU-T G.191 (2019), Software tools for speech and audio

coding standardization.

[b-ITU-T P.48] Recommendation ITU-T P.48 (11/1988), Specification for an intermediate

reference system.

[b-ITU-T P.50] Recommendation ITU-T P.50 (09/1999), Artificial voices.

[b-ITU-T P.501] Recommendation ITU-T P.501 (2017), Test signals for use in telephonometry.

[b-ITU-T P.563] Recommendation ITU-T P.563 (2004), Single-ended method for objective

speech quality assessment in narrow-band telephony applications.

[b-ITU-T P.800] Recommendation ITU-T P.800 (1996), Methods for subjective determination of

transmission quality.

[b-ITU-T P.800.1] Recommendation ITU-T P.800.1 (2016), Mean Opinion Score (MOS)


[b-ITU-T P.830] Recommendation ITU-T P.830 (1996), Subjective performance assessment of

telephone-band and wideband digital codecs.

[b-ITU-T P.861] Recommendation ITU-T P.861 (1998), Objective quality measurement of

telephone-band (300-3400 Hz) speech codecs. (superseded)

[b-ITU-T P.862] Recommendation ITU-T P.862 (2001), Amd.2 (11/2005), Cor. 1 (10/2007),

Cor. 2 (03/2018), Perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ): An

objective method for end-to-end speech quality assessment of narrow-band

telephone networks and speech codecs.

[b-ITU-T P.862.1] Recommendation ITU-T P.862.1 (2003), Mapping function for transforming

P.862 raw result scores to MOS-LQO.

[b-ITU-T P.862.2] Recommendation ITU-T P.862.2 (2007), Wideband extension to

Recommendation P.862 for the assessment of wideband telephone networks

and speech codecs.

[b-ITU-T P.1401] Recommendation ITU-T P.1401 (2012), Methods. metrics and procedures for

statistical evaluation. qualification and comparison of objective quality

prediction models.

[b-ITU-R BS.1387] Recommendation ITU-R BS.1387 (2001), Method for objective measurements

of perceived audio quality.

[b-ETSI TR103138] ETSI TR 103 138 (2018-08), Speech and multimedia Transmission Quality

(STQ); Speech samples and their usage for QoS testing.

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Printed in Switzerland Geneva, 2019


Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T

Series D Tariff and accounting principles and international telecommunication/ICT economic and

policy issues

Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors

Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services

Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks

Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems

Series I Integrated services digital network

Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia


Series K Protection against interference

Series L Environment and ICTs, climate change, e-waste, energy efficiency; construction, installation

and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant

Series M Telecommunication management, including TMN and network maintenance

Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits

Series O Specifications of measuring equipment

Series P Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks

Series Q Switching and signalling, and associated measurements and tests

Series R Telegraph transmission

Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment

Series T Terminals for telematic services

Series U Telegraph switching

Series V Data communication over the telephone network

Series X Data networks, open system communications and security

Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects, next-generation networks,

Internet of Things and smart cities

Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems