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ITRI II - Menon Costruttori

Mar 23, 2022



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Page 2: ITRI II - Menon Costruttori

Menon designs and creates civ i l , commercial and industrial buildings out of steel. This enterprise specialises in the prefabrication of metal structures. It assists and accompanies planners, advises sponsors and effectively manages production and the on-site phases.To build is to change the world. It is always a gradual change, one that does not crowd the gaze in its unfolding, develops slowly over time, to become par t of the everyday scenery. The bustle of the construction site, the movements of workers, the operation of machinery are with us for a period, but when the site falls still and the shutters

come down, the world is no longer the same. But just because it is so ordinary, building is an extraordinary act, requiring extraordinary exper tise, abilities and passions. People who envision structures, who prepare the way, assemble and finish them, are the creators of our future: before our eyes something new arises that we have made, that must always be strong, leasing, welcoming and reliable.F o r d e c a d e s M e n o n h a s b e e n constructing with an eye to quality, o r g a n i s a t i o n a n d e x p e r t i s e ; i t understands the commitment and dedication that a passion to bui ld

calls for. No detail can be neglected and everything must contribute to the beauty and the embellishments that characterise the outcome. That’s why, when we look at a construction, whatever its intended use, we get one impression rather than another; that is how we are able to see whether the building before us has been “well-constructed” or not. Intelligence, handcraft, organisational abilities, professionalism, seeking the best solutions... All this has made Menon a constructor of repute, conscientious and one of the more competent players in the construction sector.

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CHANGE AT HANDModifying existing spaces to meet new production requirements is one of the issues of businessmen. The market and its opportunities change so quickly that having versatile spaces available becomes an important competitive advantage. And what is more versatile than steel? Menon created this specific extension by inserting an important metal structure inside already existent offices, extending in height. This elevation has enabled the inclusion of a double row of 40 and 15-ton overhead cranes. The portal structured covering with central curved shed makes the room bright. The covering and padding required the use of Sound type specific panels for soundproofing. 250 tons of steel and 3000 sqm of panels enabled the functional optimization of the available spaces, otherwise destined to become a limit rather than a resource.

Testing room

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GROWING TOGETHERThe extreme versatility of steel has found an efficient demonstration in the construction of an important extension for storing tanks and winery use. Covering a space already occupied by operational production systems requires minimal invasiveness and great attention to and planning of the construction sequence. The precise site management, which has always been one of Menon’s key features, enables efficient working where others already work, thus minimizing technical interactions and complexities. The constructed building, a single sloping warehouse, required the use of 100 tons of steel and 5000 sqm of panelling.

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Garage for lifting means

SKILL AND ORGNAIZATIONIn this case, steel has enabled the Incorporation and elevation of an existing building, multiplying the spaces available for production. Located in Swiss territory, this steel building not only shows Menon’s technical ability, but also its proven organizational ability and perfect consistency with the strict requirements imposed by non-EU regulations. 200 tons of steel, 2500 sqm of roofing panels, 2500 sqm of cladding, installed with skill, timing and the economic convenience of the customer. The large spans, reinforced by structural supports depict the thorough regularity and precision of Menon’s creations, always ready to solve and accompany the best constructive solutions.

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COOPERATION IS ALWAYS A WINNERExpansion of a double-span warehouse; 20 ml x 30 ml structural mesh columns with 60- ton overhead cranes and 2.2 ml high tracks. A very large volume in which steel combines efficiency and convenience. The parietal cladding is 17 ml of reinforced concrete, while the covering is made of micro-perforated Sound type sandwich panels for soundproofing. The central skylights are 4 metres wide. Steel does not exclude traditional construction systems: in some cases, it integrates them and amplifies the advantages, arranging and harmonizing where the functional rigour is an essential technical requirement.

Production building

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Production building

AN EFFICIENT SOLUTIONAn expansion constructed with the optimal use of differentiated materials. It is an industrial warehouse made with a portal solution, to achieve a free span of 28 metres. The trusses are variable section electrically welded to give the required slope, while the covering was made by arranging the application of photovoltaic panels. The constructed steel structure is suitable for sliding 10 ton overhead cranes. The cladding was articulately created, with a thermal break reinforced concrete base that accompanies the band of windows and doors, culminated by micro-diamond sandwich panels. Menon used 250 tons of steel for the structure, 3500 sqm for the surface covering and 5000 sqm of cladding panels.

Simplicity, economy, efficiency and timing: these are the fields in which Menon gets the most out of the benefits of steel.

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Buildings for production

WITHIN GEOMETRICAL SPACEThe creative energy of our designers generates sometimes odd functional forms with interrupted or intersecting planes, with ever more expressive and personalised cladding solutions. In this industrial building with its irregular geometrical shape, Menon has drawn on significant technical and cultural resources, working on the structural calculations and adding production details in the study phase: This form of assistance and interaction with the designers defines and characterises Menon’s activities.Two hundred and fifty tonnes of steel have been used, to support 2,400 m² of floor in ‘collaborating’ sheet steel and concrete and 2,800 m² of external infills.The floors have a carrying capacity of 800 kg/m² and the maximum span between joists is 18 metres.

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Buildings for production

A STRONGNETWORKThis industrial building, with its rigorous and essential lines, has been constructed in three bays with 20-metre spans, while the roofing trusses have been produced using a welded web solution. The trusses themselves were workshop preassembled and the tie-bands welded beforehand to the upper and lower chords.This kind of attention, common across sites, makes steel construction even more expedient as it considerably reduces on-site time commitments.Included in the structure are the wall-plates for the bridge crane track ways and the articulated wind-brace joints of the walls.

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Buildings for production

EFFICIENCYAND RAPIDASSEMBLYThis industrial structure with its sawtooth roof-line tells of another effective operation by Menon. The structure was fully aligned and flashed in the usual way before being constrained with hard-wearing non-shrink mortars. The trackways for the 60-tonne bridge crane are structured in while the roofing beams were realised using solid-core girders. The result has been the creation of an area for the passage of light that is completely free of structural elements, fully optimising the glazed area.Prior preparation of

the joints and seams facilitates and accelerates on-site activities, requiring no more than the presence of a truck crane for raising the structural components and the gondolas for the workforce.The sandwich panels of the roofing and lateral infills were chosen for their sound-dampening qualities. The wall casings, distributed in a way to enhance natural illumination of the interior, provide a thermal break with double-glazing of high thermal and acoustic performance, in order to meet energy-saving objectives.

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AN OBSTACLE-FREE COURSEModern industrial activities call for ever larger spaces into which plant will fit, or to ensure the required room for manoeuvre.Health and safety regulations mean that a lot of care needs to be taken at the planning phase.With our perfect grasp of the potentials offered by steel, Menon can dialogue with planners and offer support in their structural options. This construction covers 8,000 m² and is roofed in 3 bays with a maximum height of 19 metres. The perimeter roof-support columns were pre-fitted with fixing points for anchoring the reinforced concrete infills.Setting and pre-assembly of the trusses is carried out in the workshop. This makes the assembly and installation stage swifter and more economical, resulting in modest on-site costs.

The wall cladding and facings used micro-ribbed sandwich panels that were set vertically to impart greater visual impact and counteract the structure’s horizontal lines. The positioning of this building in it such a remarkable environmental setting was rendered less invasive by means of chromatic effects applied to the cladding.

Buildings for production

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UPWARDSWITH EASELike few other materials, steel lends itself to large-scale industrial structures: versatile, modular, easily deployed whether horizontally or vertically. By way of example, this production centre required 800 tonnes of steel to create. The towers are 30 metres in height and the panelling used covers a surface area of 16,000 m². Menon constructed the whole building with its perimeter canopy roof. This includes an entirely suspended corner area, which leaves the goods loading/unloading area as free as possible from obstructions.The cantilever roof itself required 85 tonnes of steel and 2,500 m² of soffit and roof panelling.

Building for production

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Commercial Warehouse

FAST,FUNCTIONAL, EASY ON THE EYESpaces in which vehicles and their goods are manoeuvred must by definition be open and free of obstacles, as well as suitably illuminated by natural light. A road transportation company involved Menon in the construction of its logistics headquarters and the use of steel proved both successful and expedient.Eighty tonnes of steel were used to create a rigorous and functional form, 700 m² of floors in folded trapezoidal sheet, 1,300 m² of in sandwich-panel roofing, 1,100 m² of wall sandwich panels and door and window frames in aluminium and glass.

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Technological Hall

STEEL AS A SYMBOL OF STABILITYIn a structurally sub-divided and rationally designed industrial complex, Menon constructed the housing for the thermal-electric power station. The sponsor’s requirements included faultless structural resistance and visual harmony.Menon’s depth of experience in the creation of industrial structures can be seen in the way angular load-bearing elements are masked by panelling that is meticulous in its chromatic and geometrical schemes.The bearing and protective structures for the thermal connections become a decorative element, with a high-tech impact.

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Production Head Office Building

PRECISION OF LINE TO BLEND WITH THE LANDSCAPEAn elegant play on structures, complex and articulated but given agility by the expert interweaving of lattices. This industrial construction succeeds in harmonising external grace with optimal internal functionality along with the necessary creature comforts for the directional and administrative sections.In concert with the project’s planners, Menon has intertwined structural ideas to harmonise curved lines with geometrical rigour, as can be seen from the details shown. We used 110 tonnes

of steel, all workshop pre-treated, plus one thousand square metres of roofing in sandwich panels with fixed roofline lights in polycarbonate, also cladding portions of the walls (some of which were pre-cast reinforced concrete) with aluminium and glass doors and windows.

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Commercial Warehouse

PROVERBIALSAFETYA warehouse that called for speed of construction, ample spaces for manoeuvring materials, structural resistance and overall economy. It was built by Menon for an enterprise in the Province of Emilia.The steel’s ability to resist seismic thrusts makes it a material of choice for areas at risk of tectonic movement. In this particular case, 130 tonnes of steel were used, all of which had been workshop pre-treated, thus attaining economies of time and of site costs, which were further enhanced by the modular

design of the structural elements. The main girder, with its trellis-work structure, has a span of 20 metres.Beneath the 3,000 m² of roofing, a bridge crane with a 10-tonne capacity was factored into the construction of the load-bearing elements.During workshop pre-fabrication, the external elements of the building were fitted with couplings and load points for the joists of the overhanging perimeter cantilever roof.The office unit was cladded using sandwich panels with horizontal axes to house thermally insulated door and window frames.

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Building for Production and WarehouseTHE LOGIC OF BUILDINGJust as a weaver arranges the weft-thread across the warp, so this industrial construction has extracted every possible advantage from its use of steel.A sequence of vertical girders, given a formal lightness by the alternation between solids and voids, supports the horizontal bays on which the sawtooth roofing rests.The resulting geometrical grid imparts structural orderliness to the facades, while enhancing the verticality of the girders.These are broken at their summit by the orthogonal lines of the structural joints.The building is destined for industrial use and required ample spaces with minimum obstruction by load-bearing elements.Menon was tasked with creating all the load-bearing elements and all of the roofing, for which 1,200 tons of steel were used.

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Building for production

SIMPLICITY HAS A COMPLEX SOULMenon understands the special properties of steel well and how steel can be adapted and moulded to meet the most diverse construction requirements. This structure has created a place of work fitted out with trackways for an overhead crane within a covered space measuring 2,800 m². The essential load-bearing lines in hot-galvanized steel carry 3,200 m² of sandwich panels based on a horizontal fascia of thermal-break reinforced concrete panels. The casements

in polycarbonate are arranged in a continuous band. The visual impact of this construction is clean and spare, but its operational robustness is there to be discerned, while structural complexity is hidden by the external facings.

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Office block

KNOWING HOW TO COMPOSE THE FUTUREFunctional adaptation of production structures is one of the main uses of steel. Like any successful entity, steel knows how to adapt to the original situation and knows how to integrate them with grace and efficiency as in this case. Menon constructed a stayed structure that comprises an extension of the pre-existing office area and a roof covering for the loading and unloading area. A perfect insertion made possible by the structural dialogue between the existing and the new; elegant cladding and aesthetic recovery of the glazed elements. The metal sheets that make up the slab and roofing enclose the constructed structural steel grid, as all Menon accessory elements.

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Office building

BEHIND EVERY SUIT THERE IS A TAILORSteel benefits from improving what was created by concrete. An elevation as the one described here would not have been possible without the creative contribution of steel: two 58 cm long trusses and another 5.2 ml, with a 12-m overhang from the lateral supports, a slab and 1200 sqm covering. 180 tons of steel, 750 sqm of sandwich panels for lateral cladding, in addition to thermal break aluminium windows and doors, solar shading and the glass blade cladding of the pre-existing cement base. An aesthetic quality leap that pays credit to the intuition of the designers and makes Menon proud as it commits to giving the best of itself in the most challenging dimensional and architectural situations.

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New Headquarters

THE STRENGTHOF STRUCTURALGRIDSThis prominent office building was created with the help of a demanding structural grid that, in spite of the over one thousand tonnes of steel used, renders the whole graceful and airy to the eye, light and interesting from the architectonic point of view. The principal girders have been lightened by a regular series of recurring eyelets. Pleasing to view, but more than capable of supporting the 15,000 m² of floors.The roofing trusses have a span of 30 metres. The structure realised by Menon was fitted out to receive a double layer of high-tech glazing that is partially wrapped into a double access stairway incorporating decorative plays on structure that add to the overall prestige of the edifice.

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Head Office

AN ALLY OF THE IMAGINATIONAn office building provided with a generous glazed area and enriched by an exacting roof-line, designed in variable sections with a double curvature.The head girder was constructed using a grid structure. The secondary roofing structure was created using folded trapezoidal sheet with large spans, suitably micro-bored to enhance the acoustic quality of the environment. Regular ports impart visual lightness to the long internal beams, bringing buoyant airiness to the interior with its ample spaces.The very pleasing external finish is geometrically coordinated with the underlying structure.

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Head Office

SOLUTIONSFOR EVERY INTENTIONThis head office provides an excellent example of Menon’s ability to find a solution to every construction requirement. Standing on an irregular ground plan, the structure was developed over a series of geometrical operations that generate a dynamic and pleasing movement of lines. But the construction process was complex, requiring multi-levelled access ramps, curved and circular elements, infills in various materials: all of this demanded high levels of accuracy and care in

the planning. The juxtaposition of contrasting materials such as steel, glass stone and timber has produced aesthetic effects of considerable effect, picked up internally by carefully conceived lighting engineering.The interior also features a ring weighing 10 tonnes, positioned to dominate the main entrance to the office building. The infills in expanded sheet steel and sandwich panels round off a highly complex structural work, which offered considerable satisfaction to its constructors.Menon placed all its experience and expertise at the disposal of the planners and provided all the temporary structures needed to ensure a correctly phased construction sequence.

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Office Building

PRACTICAL,ADVANTAGEOUS,AUDACIOUSSteel and the technologies connected with its use show great efficacy when applied to the renovation of exteriors, as in the project here illustrated. This was an office block conceived as an extension of a pre-existing industrial building.The installation of a purpose-made access stairway with a protective cantilever roof in stainless steel over the glass and steel entrances, re-define and revitalise the existing building.The perimeter infills were created using micro-ribbed sandwich panels set horizontally.Menon expresses its complete versatility in bringing its expertise and reliability to both large-scale constructions and to situations requiring special attention and care for detail and high-quality solutions.

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Office Building

STRUCTUREIS PART OF BEINGTwo hundred and fifty tonnes of steel: an investment in the future as well, in view of the full recyclability and recoverability of the materials used. The creation of this office building takes on an aesthetic aspect through the crystal-clear geometrical structure that lends itself to plays on lines and improvised variations of densities. The choice of radial symmetry for all the junction points of the roofing joists emphasises the impression of rigour and solidity. Menon constructed all the load-bearing and structural elements, branch points, the capitals of the load-bearing columns, the floors constructed on 4,500 m² of folded trapezoidal sheet,

the access gallery to the offices and all the aesthetic and formal fittings.Steel has the merit of clean, simple beauty, which charms when interpreted with courage of design and realised by applying competence, enthusiasm and high technology.

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SOCIABILITYSAFELYSHELTEREDThe central piazza of a major shopping mall, a highly frequented location and venue for social exchange that has to unite and protect its users. An exacting challenge for planners and especially for the constructors, working on an area of 1,200 m² to be covered with a suspended soffit measuring 800 m² and pitches of 40 metres between each supporting mast. Glass and steel combine in one of their ideal applications, bringing visual lightness to a structural web that is at the same time strong and secure.The main girders and columns were workshop pre-assembled, offering notable savings in installation times and an optimal use of transportation, lifting and support equipment.

Shopping Centre

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Commercial Building

LIGHTAND METALIn the construction of this commercial building, Menon was tasked with creating the load-bearing structures for the façade and its high-tech cladding. Forty-seven tonnes of structural steelwork were used to support 900 m² of aluminium slats and 480 m² of glazed surfaces.One of the advantages of steel is its outstanding potential even in creating external claddings, or in changing a building’s aesthetic qualities or adapting its intended use. Two hundred square metres of roofing, 300 m² of floors and infill walls over 450 m² finalised this operation of functional and aesthetic restyling of the underlying building’s structure.

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Stadium stand

A CRY TO THE SKIESOne of the instinctive gestures when looking for safety and protection is to raise your eyes to the skies. Therefore, Menon has brought into play its concrete skills in creating this stand covering of a stadium. It is a stayed structure with an 18-metre front overhang made with 200 tons of steel, which even seems light and naturally pointing to the sky. The 3000 sqm covering is supported by solid core profile tubular and trussed columns, with relative tie-rods and struts. Overall, it is a linear structure and not heavy on the eye. A steel work destined to welcome and revive emotions, exultations and disappointments that make social life meaningful, pleasant and safe.

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STRONGERTHAN MEMORYThere are situations in which the linear rigour of steel helps to make a communicative intention more effective. Such was the case with this structure dedicated to the museum conservation of a dramatic event. The structural design called for latticed main girders with a span of 30 metres, workshop pre-treated and assembled on site. One hundred tonnes of steel went into creating the trusses, which drew inspiration from early industrial designs. They added the necessary rigour to the museum’s structure.The roofing of 1,150 m² of folded trapezoidal sheet, positioned orthogonally to the trusses, lengthen reflections and expand the luminosity coming through the wheel windows set in the front façades.

The façade infills set a portion of traditional vaulting on steel, visibly integrating past with present.In developing its productions for this construction, Menon interacted closely with the planners, placing decades of expertise in building activity at their disposal.

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FROM SHORE TO SHOREMenon does not create only buildings. Menon has a long-standing familiarity with steel and knows how to bend it to suit a purpose, mastering the material and getting the best results out of it.A three-bay bridge with maximum span of 33 metres, ninety metres of latticed girders fashioned out of tubular trusses, constructed out of circular-section tubing, a width of 15 metres spanned by 230 tonnes of steel. The quoins were workshop assembled to ensure maximum precision of camber and a faster application process.The main connections were realised using concealed bolt joints, protected by a finish casing, and the lateral plate supports a foot-traffic surface with

cycle lane.Menon’s many decades of experience guarantees to sponsors and planners the efficacy and safety of constructions that span lengths as well as of those that reach upwards.

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In this project, Menon modified the appearance of an existing office block that needed more visibility and a stronger personality. An overall surface area of 600 sqm was cladded with a grid of rectangular steel tubular elements and conical elements with an aesthetic function. The chromatic contrasts the designers created and the shadow effects of the structure have revitalized and made the office area immediately recognizable, with a special greenhouse type covering with appropriate insulation and suitable perimetric windows and doors. The work was completed with ventilated walls complete with insulation and extruded aluminium slats. A great example of creative use and the potential of steel combined with Menon’s building experience.

Office block redevelopment

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TOMORROW’S BUILDING FORMSCurrently, redevelopment is a tactical tool: in the era of visibility and global marketing, the success, solidity and ambitions of a company must be represented and displayed also through the image of its building structure. Steel is a powerful ally in this context as it allows volume expansion and the free articulation of aesthetic elements. In this case, Menon cladded an existing office block by constructing a steel substructure cladded externally with expanded metal over a total area of 600 sqm.Generating such volumes has given significant importance to the building, making the dynamic and renewed centrality of the management offices stand out.

Office building redevelopment

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LIKE AN INVISIBLE HANDCreating the conditions whereby the full functionality of spaces may be optimally exploited to the advantage and well-being of all is the principal task of architecture. It is not by chance that constructions are referred to as “works”, even though the visual language of practicality is preferred to that of beauty. To build what is pleasing and functional, care and patience are important, because boldness must be combined with soundness and steadfastness against any adverse condition. Menon boasts decades of familiarity with materials – the properties and the challenges they present.That is why our constructions stand out and speak of expertise and of a grounded pride in our work.

Logistics Centre

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CertificationsThe company operates with a certified Quality System according to the ISO 9001 standard that ensures the control of all corporate processes from product design to the factory production and on-site installation. The company controls welding processes with a certified Management System according to the ISO 3834-2 standard that foresees the planning, management and verification of all welding process phases. Based on the recent EU regulation no. 305/2011 that decrees the obligation to

issue a Declaration of Performance (DoP) for manufactured structural carpentry elements, the company has implemented a Factory Production Control System (FPC) in conformity with the EN 1090-1 standard that foresees the production process management according to the requirements of the EN 1090-2 standard. A CE marking label and the relative Declaration of Performance, drafted in the language of the country in which they are installed are issued for all structural carpentry elements subject to the EN 1090-1 standard.

Furthermore, the company is recognized as a “Transformation Centre” in conformity with ministerial Decree dated 14 January 2008 - Technical Standards for Construction.Menon delivers the calculation reports and projects to the customer as provided by current legislation. The quality of the materials and the manufacturing processes are coherent with the best international standards. The company is legally compliant and registered in Switzerland in the Artisan Building Construction Register, meeting all qualifications and characteristics required by Swiss legislation.

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MENON Srl Via Rover, 28

31054 Possagno (TV) Italy Tel. + 3 9 0 4 2 3 920 179 Fax +3 9 0 4 2 3 [email protected]


MENON Srl Via Rover, 28

31054 Possagno (TV) Italy Tel. + 3 9 0 4 2 3 920 179 Fax +3 9 0 4 2 3 [email protected]