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December 2007 1 Issue # 8 K ite

Issue # 8888 ite - Meditation Warrior

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December 2007 � 1 �

Issue # 8888

K ite

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Issue # 8

December 2007

K ite

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All contents on the pages of Kite magazine are copyrighted and may not be copied, resold or distributed without written permission from Kite magazine or the individual write, artist and/or photog-rapher. Contributors to Kite magazine retain all rights to their works.

© 2007

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December 2007 � 4 �

6 That Last Inch Chesa Keane

12 Meditation Morsel: Gratitude Breathing 13 13 Quotes: Giving

14 For Those Who Take Life Too Seriously Lynette Landing 17 Can Spring Cleaning Really Affect My Business?

Kathryn Watson

18 Tarot of the Magical Forest: A Synchronous Event

Tarot Dame 23 Be Your Own Herbal Expert (Series: Part 7 of 8) Susun S. Weed 27 Bookshelf: The 15 Minute Miracle (and) My Miracle Manifestation Manual 29 Celebrate Every Day!

“The Eskimo has 52 names for snow because it is important to them.

There ought to be as many for love.”

Margaret Atwood

In this issue...

Issue # 8

December 2007 K ite

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December 2007 � 6 �

he fall leaves from the oak trees were neatly corralled and her cheeks

rosy from the effort. Eighty-one and active, my mother kept busy every

day and her help was invaluable.

She had been living with me for

the past year and a half and her

energy still amazed me. That night

after rearranging the meditation

room with me, we decided to stop

to go out for dinner. She turned,

headed toward the dining room

and falling, broke her hip.

After the surgery, she never returned home; her feet never touched the earth

again. Just linoleum floors, flat carpeting, nothing more. And so the journey

began: two years of not letting go, two years of decline, two years where I

had the honor of advocating for her and easing her pain and sadness the best

I could.

Mayleen’s life wasn’t always smooth. She had a deep sadness, feeling con-

flicted with her desire for freedom from her oppressive marriage and her de-

sire, her need, to protect and keep her children safe and close. She, of course,

chose her children fearing that our Dad would win us away in a battle of

power in a divorce. But it never broke her spirit. That spirit of caring earned

her the undisputed title of Mama Wolverine. No one dared stand between her

and her kids.

Her three surgeries left her with creeping dementia and an inability to under-

take the necessary physical therapy that would have let her come home with

me. But Mayleen was always Mayleen; a personality that shone through no

matter the circumstances. She was a favorite with the nurses and staff be-

cause she seldom showed her disappointment but rather had a quick smile

That Last Inch

By Chesa Keane


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and a cute comment that kept them all seeing her core happiness.

What most people didn’t see were her terrors. Somehow, deep inside she was

afraid of being harmed or attacked or imprisoned. The battle to balance her

meds to keep her from falling into this morass of fear was a constant chal-

lenge. Such a positive nature to hold such fearfulness. I spent almost every

night convincing her that she really hadn’t been hit or put in jail or raped; she

had simply had bad dreams from all the medication she was taking and

thought that the dreams were real when she awoke. It usually worked; or at

least she let me think the explanation worked.

Mayleen has always had two stated fears: Alzheimer’s and death. The de-

mentia was more than likely a result of a reaction to the anesthesia from her

surgeries. She knew she was losing her mental capabilities and it added to

her fears. But one night as I was sitting with her, she turned to me and said,

“What will you do if I die?” To which I immediately replied, “I’ll miss you

like crazy.” And we never talked about it again.

As the months dragged on, I began to wonder why she wouldn’t let go. She

had been under hospice care for longer than a year and while she was stead-

ily declining, she wasn’t rushing out the door of life. Finally it dawned me

that she was concerned for me. What would I do without her? And what

would my brother, Terry, do without her?

Terry and I were not close and it always bothered her that her kids didn’t

have a relationship. My uncle was also going to be alone after she left. I truly

believe that this Mama Wolverine was not going to make her exit until she

knew her son and daughter had a close relationship and her brother had a

connection with her kids. It took almost two years, but she surely achieved

her goals.

Mayleen began visiting with her mother and father, her older brother, several

aunts and uncles, all dead. She told me one time that she and her Mum and

Dad had just returned from the store where they picked up a pot roast for din-

ner next Sunday. She only talked to the dead now and for the most part, only

recognized me – probably because I saw her every day. When her brother,

Don, came to visit from Canada, she rejected him outright and I had to bring

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him back to re-introduce him. But those visits when he came down turned

out to be valuable for he and I, not just her. We did reconnect and now we

have each other as family, something that distance prevented before.

Her cycles of laughter and terror, of sleep and sleeplessness, of clarity and

confusion lasted almost two years. All I could do was help her find her center

in warmth and security each day at the end of the day. Taking each day one

at a time, I became attuned to her rhythm and realized that now the Mama

Wolverine was me. Now, she looked to me for protection and support. Such

strength she showed; I often felt humbled in her presence. Not that she was

aware of her strength; she simply was strength.

I learned from my Mom to cry at the drop of a good-bye. I used to come

home frequently from Seattle to Wenatchee (a short 1-1/2 hour drive) for the

weekend and on Sunday afternoon, fresh laundry packed in my car, I’d get

ready to leave. And there she would be, fighting back her tears – unsuccess-

fully – showing me that departing hurt her. It was the same with her parents

when we would visit and then head for home. I don’t know why, but as a

non-crybaby in almost any other matter, good-byes always get to me. I guess

I can credit Mayleen with that habit.

From time to time, rarely, when I arrived Mom would look up at me and

smile, happy to see me. Such a joyful and peaceful face of beauty. I would

help her with her evening snack, cover her to make sure she was warm, and

talk and laugh with her as she told me about her latest visit from the other

side. She looked me in the eye and said simply, “I wish I could come home

with you.” No recriminations, no bitterness, just a clear wish. Those good

nights were rare, but the smile on my Mommy’s face was a blessing that kept

the tears at bay.

Then she began to lose body heat. Her temperature was 93.5° at its lowest

measure. When her temperature rose to 99.5° no one really seemed con-

cerned until I pointed out that the swing was 6 degrees and they should be

concerned. She began to dehydrate and didn’t get out of bed, and she had

that far off gaze. Soon, she was placed on Code Pink – not much hope of re-

covery. For three days I visited her several times a day, helping her drink wa-

ter, bringing her temperature down and just letting her know she was loved.

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Finally, I thought, this is it. She’s letting go. On Monday morning, after four

days of no food, little medication and small amounts of water, I expected she

wouldn’t last much longer. As I rounded the corner to her room, I found her

awake, alert, happy and hungry. No one could believe it when I told them I

needed some food for her. Miracle Mom. She simply was not ready to leave.

Mayleen had beat Code Pink.

There were times of joy for me in this process. One night she looked me in

the eye and told me that I was a good girl and had always been a good girl.

And she told me I was beautiful; that I was really beautiful. These two mes-

sages of love from my Mom were like water to someone abandoned in the

desert. Like a child starved for affection, these tidbits of awareness and atten-

tion were pure gold to me.

Just short of two years, Mayleen went Code Pink again. This time she

wouldn’t recover. For the past week, when I told her, “I love you,” there was

no response. And now she was on oxygen, fighting for her breath. I had be-

gun taking her through a visualization:

Mommy, let’s imagine you’re standing in your bare feet in a

field of long grass. The sun warms your face; the breeze

touches your skin; the earth is cool to your feet. Look over

there! There’s Grandpa and Grandma. They are smiling and

coming over to you. Oh, and there’s Tom! I think they have

a picnic basket and a blanket. See how happy they are to see

you. I can see you all sitting on the blanket and you and

Tom are teasing each other and laughing right out loud.

She lay quietly listening to my story with a smile on her lips and it seemed to

relax her. It was just a day or so later that she hit Code Pink. I think that this

imaging helped her relax; helped her release her fears; encouraged her to let


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In the end, I had only two wishes: 1) that she would not suffer and 2) that I

would be with her when she passed. She was not suffering greatly for those

last two days. And I was with her, praying for her transition to be as joyful

and peaceful as it could be when I handed her over to her friends and family

waiting for her on the other side. My last thoughts to them were, receive her

with laughter and joy and let her know that she has nothing to fear.

I realized on Sunday afternoon that I would be chanting my last prayers with

her and I also somehow realized that as I finished, she would choose that

time to leave. So I chanted a nice, strong, slow Gongyo, making it last as

long as I could. When I got to the fourth prayer and asked that her family be

there to greet her with laughter and joy as I gave her over to them, she took

her last breath and I chanted the final prayer knowing she had made the tran-


This is a story like any other daughter who has lost her mother, I am sure.

But it is my story and I can only share my thoughts of our journey. What did

I learn? What am I left with? So much:

• I have been saying good-bye for two years; still, I miss her now more

than I imagined.

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About Chesa

Chesa Keane has taught meditation, self-awareness and self-help for more

than 30 years. To receive your free starter Basic Meditation and Basic Re-

laxation Techniques and an introduction to a unique meditation tool, the

TAO Totem, visit: For beginning meditation

techniques visit: and for advanced medi-

tation concepts and some guided meditations to help you learn to meditate

successfully, visit:

• I believe she determined that her family would be re-connected be-

fore she left, no matter how much she suffered.

• I am honored to have known her love, her protection, her need for me

at the end of her life.

• I look forward to our next adventure, somewhere in the unknown fu-


• Her timing was perfect and it makes me realize that we were in

rhythm with the Universe, together.

• Now I am an orphan and I realize that I am not #1 in anyone’s life

any longer.

• If only she had lifted her foot just one inch higher, her life would

have been very different.

As I passed her from here to there, from me to them, I told her that they

would all be laughing and that she needed to laugh again. It was as I repeated

the word laugh, that she released, let go, just as I finished the last prayer. It

was perfect. I will miss her endlessly.

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Meditation morsel

#4: Gratitude Breathing

Kay Earnshaw

When trying to manifest something in your life, gratitude plays a key role in achieving speedier results. However, sometimes daily life can be overwhelming and distracting, making it a chal-lenge to remember to incorporate gratitude into your routine. Luckily, you can easily integrate it into your meditation. Begin your meditation as you normally do. Make sure that distractions are kept at bay, secure a comfortable position, and relax. Breathe in deeply. As you exhale, think/hear/feel the words “Thank you”. Inhale again, then silently repeat “Thank you” with each exhale.

Your mind may automatically begin searching for things to be grateful for. This is natural. When you smile for no reason, your brain be-gins searching for something to justify the smile. It’s the same when you repeat the phrase “Thank you”. You want to keep your mind still and empty as you meditate, so simply acknowledge the im-ages your mind brings to you of gratitude, and let them go. Continue this process for the duration of your meditation. Incorporate this into your meditation routine as often as you like. You’ll be pleased with the results!

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13 quotes Giving

1. It is every man's obligation to put back into the world at least the equivalent of what he takes out of it. Albert Einstein

2. No one has ever become poor by giving. Anne Frank 3. We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. Winston Churchill 4. There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most

in life - happiness, freedom, and peace of mind - are always attained by giving them to someone else. Peyton Conway March

5. I have found that among its other benefits, giving liberates the soul of the

giver. Maya Angelou

6. Think of giving not as a duty but as a privilege. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.

7. You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. Kahlil Gibran 8. Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present. Albert Camus 9. For it is in giving that we receive.

St. Francis of Assisi

10. Don’t say that you want to give, but go ahead and give! You’ll never catch up with a mere hope. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

11. If you have much, give of your wealth; If you have little, give of your heart. Arab proverb 12. They who give have all things; they who withhold have nothing.

Hindu Proverb

13. It is better to give than receive - especially advice. Mark Twain

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he fact is life is supposed to fun! Do you see fun on the faces of most of

the people you come into contact with during a day? And what do they

see when they look at your face?

As a speaker specializing in personal empowerment, I find most audiences

lately exhibit an unhealthy level of fear, stress, self esteem and a lack of en-

ergy. Coincidentally many of them also have this deep wrinkle centered on

their forehead right over their nose. I called it the “Yikes-wrinkle” for obvi-

ous reasons.

But at the risk of seeming condescending, I need to say that I too, use to wear

the Yikes-wrinkle. It kept me company and started and ended many of my

days, months and years, until one day I finally retired it when my brain gave

birth to an interesting concept that appealed to me and stuck with me for


Years later, I share the concept with my audiences and find that it not only

helps them lighten up, but they begin to breathe deeper, ease back in their

seats a little and then finally abandon their own Yikes-wrinkle right there in

front of me. This concept is simply called “The Game of Life”.

The Game of Life: You are a spirit and you are part of a bigger team. Prior

to your birth, you were in a big room with all your spirit teammates deciding

which one of you will get to play a game called "LIFE". The game is a jour-

ney that you (with the help of your team) create and the object is to have as

much fun as you can. Each team member gets a chance to play the game at

some point. This is your turn.

You are so excited because…well, its fun! Your entire time will accompany

you and make the game easier and more fun if you simply remember to ac-

cess them. They cannot reveal themselves to you unless you call on them be-

cause…well, that’s part of the game!

For Those Who Take Life Too Seriously

By Lynette Landing


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Just like any game, there are instructions that you go over in preparation. The

instructions read:

1. Congratulations! You are the lucky player chosen to play the game of

“LIFE” during earth years 19__ - 20__. Have a ball!

2. The object of the Game is to create, have fun, experience, and love.

3. There is no competition, no rush to the finish line. There are no losers,

everyone is a winner.

4. The rest of your team is connected to you even though you won’t be able

to see them.

5. Your teammates hold the key to knowledge, abundance, connections and

whatever else you need and they can only supply these things to you if

you ask.

6. You will choose a “purpose” for the Game and your goal is to always re

member (because living on purpose will bring you complete fulfillment).

7. You will choose a vehicle (mind and body) that will stay with you

throughout the Game. Treat your vehicle kindly and it will be your best


8. Once you begin the Game, an Ego will find you and accompany you on

your journey.

9. Ego’s goal is to stop you from remembering that you are a Spirit and to

stop you from remembering your purpose.

10. Ego has a bag of tricks that include fear, limiting beliefs, obstacles, lack

of self-worth, separation for your team…and other silly illusions.

11. Ego’s illusions have no power over you unless you allow them to. Re

member, you are a Spirit and much more resilient than Ego!

12. If Ego starts to undermine your fun or your purpose, consult your team

who will diminish Ego’s power.

13. The game will end when the timer goes off. You will set the timer before

you begin the game.

14. Have as much fun as possible!

15. The key to getting the most enjoyment out of the game of “LIFE” is to:

a. Keep Ego in check

b. Access your team regularly

c. Love and take care of your vehicle.


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The concept of life being a game has enabled

many to lighten up and eliminate the Yikes-

wrinkle. If you begin to think of life as a game,

and that you came here to have fun, create and dis-

cover (remember) your purpose, you will truly en-

joy the experience.

This light and easy mindset is a must as you make

changes and try new things. Every time you start

to expand your comfort zone, Ego (that judgmental

voice inside of you) may try to interfere and say

things like "You can't be famous, the odds are

stacked against you” or “You don’t have what it

takes to start that business” or “You shouldn’t try

that, it’s scary and you'll never succeed" or “You

can't do that, they won't like you” or “You don’t

have the money for that” or “You’re not smart

enough!" and these type of false illusions continue

throughout your life. But the good news is, you

truly are a Spirit and you really do have a

“Team” (Higher Power) that is right there with you

for your entire life.

So, when the Ego starts that irritating chatter, sim-

ply access your Team and ask for support to

squelch the Ego’s voice and strength to help you

proceed forward with enthusiasm.

I encourage you to stop taking life so seriously and

start to enjoy this amazing Game that you were so

excited to participate in!

About Lynette

Lynette Landing is an enthusiastic

speaker, author, personal development

coach, business owner and a professional

member of the National Speakers Asso-

ciation. Lynette is an authority on per-

sonal empowerment; specifically build-

ing self esteem, overcoming strife, cop-

ing with change, goal setting and expand-

ing one’s comfort zone. Once a penniless,

single mom forced from her home with

her 6 year old son, Lynette abandoned

her lack of self-worth and became en-

grossed with studying the habits of lead-

ers, self-made successes and entrepre-

neurs. She developed her own life-

changing tricks to creating a successful

life and manifesting her heart's desires.

Today she helps others to set and surpass

their own goals by bringing her motiva-

tional message to individuals and groups.

Visit for more

information, and to get your FREE "Life

is Easy" pass!

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Can Spring Cleaning Really Affect My Business?

By Kathryn Watson

y friend Marla told me the other day that her business has been phe-

nomenal lately. ''A funny thing'' she said '' It seems as if as soon as I

replaced some floors in my house, business suddenly got better.'' I asked

Marla if the condition of the floors had touched a sore spot in her. ''Oh yes'',

she replied '' I couldn't stand to look at them anymore.''

I explained that what happened was actually very simple yet very amazing

also. The floors were draining Marla's energy. Every time she looked at them

she felt frustrated and disempowered. This affected her business greatly since

she works at home and had to confront this drain all day. Replacing the

floors gave her a sense of renewal and probably a feeling of power.

Now what's more attractive than a powerful woman with a mission?

Does this mean I have to get new floors? Of course not. But look around in

your life to see what's draining your energy. It could be something you have

been procrastinating doing (like writing this article), cleaning up your desk,

starting an exercise program, etc. Sometimes working or living with some-

one who is very negative can drain you. Does that mean you have to end the

relationship? Not necessarily, but you will have to get clear about what you

will and will not accept in the relationship and set boundaries accordingly.

How are your finances? If you cringed at this question that is a sure sign that

you have a big energy drain going on in this area of your life.

Getting help from a professional, a coach or counselor or maybe a financial

planner will help you get your life back on track. Once you take care of what

has been draining you, you will instantly feel a wonderful surge of energy

both personally and professionally!


About Kathryn

Kathryn is a Life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Stress Management Trainer and

Speaker. She helps her clients achieve and maintain the focus that is needed

to reach their goals. Her philosophy is that we all have incredible power to

achieve happiness in all areas of our life. ...

Email: [email protected] Website:

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December 2007 � 18 �

Tarot of the Magical Forest: A Synchronous Event

By Tarot Dame

y story begins the first week of October. I had or-

dered a tarot deck that had long been on my wish

list, from a large Asian online retailer. According to the

website, it would take up to three weeks until the deck

would be shipped. I waited, anxiously. About three and

a half weeks later, I get an email from the company,

canceling my order. They couldn’t find any suppliers

who currently carried the deck.

I searched online and found another website which sold

the deck. I attempted to order several times from them,

but each time I received an error message, and was unable to complete my

order. I sent the company a couple of emails, asking how I could place an

order, but never received a response. Determined to get this deck in my

hands, I searched again, and found that this company had many different

websites all selling the same things. I finally found one where I could suc-

cessfully complete my order. (Why was I was hell bent on ordering from a

company with non-existent customer service? … I *really* wanted this


A couple days later, I posted on an online tarot forum, asking if anyone had

done business with this company. I hadn’t received receipt or confirmation

of my order, and was worried that I might have just thrown my money away.

I was assured by several people that they had done business with this com-

pany successfully. So I felt better. Until a couple days later, when I received

an email from the company, canceling my order, as the deck was out of


Now that’s when a red flag should have gone off in my head, but for some

reason I was receiving a different message from the Universe. I was trying to

decide whether it was a sign that I wasn’t meant to have this deck right now,


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or if it was a test of my perseverance! What it turned out to be was the reality

of this deck suddenly selling out and now being out of print!

Being naïve, I posted my new woes to the forum. I let

everyone know that I had indeed heard from the com-

pany, but only to have had my order canceled. I shared

my ponderings of whether I was meant to have this deck

or not. Someone suggested eBay, where two copies of

the decks were currently available. Apparently, the more

savvy among us ran and snatched up the two remaining

decks before I was able to click on the link, as they real-

ized from everything I had said, that the deck was now

likely out of print (a fact later confirmed by the distribu-


So there I was, with no deck, literally leading others to the last two copies of

this deck available anywhere! I definitely learned my lesson there, and now

know when searching for an elusive deck, to keep my mouth shut! But I sin-

cerely approached the issue from a completely different mindset. I wasn’t

thinking competitively. I just really wanted this deck and wanted to share my

feelings with people who I knew would understand.

So that was it, there were no more copies of this deck being sold anywhere

online. I posted a “Deck Wanted” notice on one of the forums, in the chance

that anyone would want to sell their unwanted copy. Highly unlikely now

though, as I had just created such a hoopla over the deck!

I received a couple of very nice emails from forum members with friends in

Taiwan, where the deck was published. They said they would send out some

emails and see if they could scout out a deck for me. Their kindness and gen-

erosity really made me feel great, and although I was *really* bummed about

what had happened, I was very comforted by the kindheartedness of the few

who reached out to help me.

I had this deck featured on several of my “Coming in the Mail” lists, on my

blog, on my forum profile, and in a forum thread as well. I thought about re-

moving it from my lists, and sticking it back on my “Decks Wanted”

list...but something made me leave it where it was. I didn’t see any hope of

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getting this deck, but I wasn’t ready to make it that final!

That very day, the day that I realized all the copies of

this deck had been snatched up...I was emailing with my

mom in California. She was talking about her plans for

the week, and mentioned that my dad was in Shanghai

on a business trip, and on his way to Taiwan for one

day, before traveling on to Dubai. Taiwan??? My whole

body perked up at that word. I don’t know if my dad has

ever been to Taiwan, but he was headed there on the

very day that the deck I wanted from Taiwan was now

unavailable! The coincidence was nothing short of


I frantically emailed the story to my mom, asking her to call my dad and see

if he could search out the deck for me. I knew the chances were slim to none,

because for one, my dad knows nothing about tarot. Secondly, he would only

be in Taiwan for one day, and was there on business, so had work to do. He

just wouldn’t have much time to look, and even if he did, it was doubtful he

would know where to begin! Thirdly, the people I had talked to with friends

in Taiwan said that they couldn’t find the deck anywhere, and they *knew*

tarot and knew where to look. Yes, the odds were against me, but I couldn’t

help but feel that the synchronicity of his being in Taiwan on that very day

was a sign.

I emailed my mom pictures of the deck, as well as a picture of the cover of

the box. She forwarded them to my dad, and said she’d ask him to look, but

couldn’t promise anything. So I let it go. I was really excited about the possi-

bility, but I detached from the outcome.

The next day I get an email from my mom. My dad had searched high and

low that day and was unable to find the deck…in fact, most of the book

stores he went to didn’t even know what tarot cards were. That evening, he

went to dinner with a business associate and she made some calls. As they

were finishing dinner, they received a call from her assistant, who was able

to locate one deck available in a book store on top of a high rise building!

They had to take a cab there from the restaurant, but when they got there

they couldn't find it. They had other tarot decks, but they couldn’t find the

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specific one I wanted. After a more thorough search of the store, one of my

dad’s colleagues finally found it!

I literally started jumping up and down with excitement, so amazed at how

the Universe miraculously conspired to bring this deck to me!

I had to laugh at the thought of my conservative, 62 year old father, President

of a large company, along with his colleagues, spending the day and evening

flitting around Taiwan, searching for an elusive tarot deck for his hippie

daughter! It’s such a delightfully wonderful story. I am so incredibly grateful

for the dedication and teamwork that went into this effort for me.

I will treasure this deck forever, as the story behind its

acquisition will never be beat! The name of the deck?

Tarot of the Magical Forest. Magical indeed!

Apparently the reason it was so difficult for me to get

the deck in the beginning is because I was destined to

have a greater story attached with it, and a testimony of

the incredible magic in this world!

From the very first reading I did with this deck, it has

been my favorite. It speaks to me like no other, and I

consider it my “best friend” of decks!

About Kiki

Kiki is an intuitive tarot reader. She strives to make tarot reading comfort-

able and accessible to everyone. She’s a modern, friendly and down to

earth reader who loves what she does. A firm believer in creating your own

reality and the law of attraction, her readings provide insight and guidance

for all areas of life. To book a Tarot Dame reading, visit Kiki online at: . You may also visit her daily blog featuring illus-

trated card draws, using a different tarot deck each week: . Email: [email protected]

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The Three Traditions of Healing

There are many ways to use herbs to im-

prove and maintain health. Modern medicine

uses highly refined herbal products known

as drugs. Many alternative or holistic practi-

tioners recommend herbs, usually in less-

refined (and less dangerous) forms such as

tinctures or homeopathic remedies. And then

there are the yarb women, the wise women,

such as myself, who integrate herbs into

their daily diet and claim far-reaching results

for simple remedies.

I call these three different approaches the Scientific, Heroic, and Wise

Woman traditions.

These three traditions are ways of thinking, not ways of acting. And they are

not limited to herbs. Any technique, any substance can be used by a healer in

the Scientific, Heroic, and Wise Woman traditions. There are, for instance,

naturopaths, midwives, and MDs in each tradition, as well as herbalists, edu-

cators, therapists, even politicians.

Each of these traditions lives within you, too.

As I define the characteristics of each tradition, identify the part of yourself

that thinks that way.

Scientific Tradition

Modern, western medicine is an excellent example of the Scientific tradition,

where healing is fixing. The line is its symbol: linear thought, linear time.

Be Your Own Herbal Expert

By Susun S. Weed

Part 7 of 8

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Truth is fixed and measurable. Truth is that which repeats. Good and bad,

health and sickness are put at opposite ends of the line, where they do battle

with each other. Food and medicine are quite different.

Newton's universal laws and the mechanization of nature are the foundation

of the Scientific tradition. Bodies are understood to be like machines. When

machines run well (stay healthy) they don't deviate. Anything that deviates

from normal needs to be fixed or repaired. The Scientific tradition is excel-

lent for fixing broken things. Measurements must be taken to determine de-

viation and insure normalcy. Regular diagnostic tests are critical to maintain-

ing proper functioning and ensuring utmost longevity in the body/machine.

In the Scientific tradition, plants are valued as repositories of poisons/

alkaloids. They are seen as potential drugs, and capable of killing you in their

unpredictable crude states. They are helpful and safe only when refined into

drugs and used by highly-trained experts.

In the Scientific tradition the whole is the same as its most active part, and

machines are more trustworthy than people.

Heroic Tradition

There is not one unified Heroic tradition, but many similar traditions collec-

tively called the Heroic tradition. Alternative health care practitioners gener-

ally represent the Heroic thought pattern, symbolized by a circle.

This circle defines the rules, which, we are told, must be followed in order to

save ourselves from disease and death. Healing in the Heroic tradition fo-

cuses on cleansing. According to this tradition, disease arises when toxins

(dirt, filth, anger, negativity) accumulate. When we are bad, when we eat the

wrong food, think the wrong thought, commit a sin, we sicken and the healer

is the savior, offering purification, punishment, and redemption.

In the Heroic traditions, the whole is the sum of its parts. We are body, mind,

and spirit. The spirit is high and worthy; the body is low and gross; the mind

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is in between. In the Heroic traditions, we are personally responsible for eve-

rything that happens to us.

Religious beliefs frequently accompany herb use in the Heroic tradition. The

Heroic healer uses rare substances, exotic herbs, and complicated formulae.

Drug-like herbs in capsules are the favored in this tradition. Most books on

herbal medicine are written by men whose thought patterns are those of the

Heroic tradition.

Wise Woman Tradition

The Wise Woman tradition is the world's oldest healing tradition. It envi-

sions good health as openness to change, flexibility, availability to transfor-

mation, and groundedness. Its symbol is the spiral. In the Wise Woman tradi-

tion we do not seek to cure, but focus instead on integrating and nourishing

the unique individual's wholeness/holiness. The Wise Woman tradition relies

on compassion, simple ritual, and common dooryard herbs and garden weeds

as primary nourishers, but appreciates (and uses) any treatment appropriate

to the specific self-healing in process.

The Wise Woman tradition sees each life as a spiraling, ever-changing com-

pleteness. Disease and injury are seen as doorways of transformation, and

each person is recognized as a self healer, earth healer: inherently whole,

resonant to the whole, and vital to the whole. Substance, thought, feeling,

and spirit are inseparable in the Wise Woman tradition. The whole is more

than the sum of its parts.

Spiralic and amazing, the Wise Woman tradition offers self-healing options

as diverse as the human imagination and as complex as the human psyche.

The Wise Woman tradition has no rules, no texts, no rites; it is constantly

changing, constantly being re-invented. It is mostly invisible, hard to see, but

easier and easier to find. It is a give-away dance of nourishment, change, and

self love. An invitation to honor yourself and the earth. An admonishment to

trust yourself.

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Coming up: Part 8, the final chapter in the “Be Your Own Herbal Ex-

pert” Series. In the next issue of Kite magazine (January 2008):

In our next session we will learn how to make herbal honeys and syrups, and

how to take charge of our own health care with the six steps of healing.


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About Susun

Susun Weed is an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful

presence and an encyclopedic knowledge of herbs and health. She is the

voice of the Wise Woman Way, where common weeds, simple ceremony

and compassionate listening support and nourish health/wholeness/holiness.

Susun has opened hearts to the magic and medicine of the green nations for

three decades. Ms. Weed's four herbal medicine books focus on women's

health topics including menopause, childbearing and breast health.

Visit her site for information on her workshops,

apprenticeships, correspondence courses and more! Browse the publishing

site, Ash Tree Publishing: to learn more about

her alternative health books. Venture into the Menopause site at: to learn all about the Menopausal

Years the Wise Woman Way.

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Tarot Dame

Not your grandmother’s tarot. Tarot Dame is a friendly, modern and

approachable tarot reader offering intuitive hand-drawn readings:

Personal Business

Relationship Family/Friends

New Home/Moving Decision Making

Financial/Career Spiritual Holiday

Tarot Dame readings... for guidance and insight. Book a reading today!

[email protected]

Readings by Email


Bookshelf The 15 Minute Miracle (and)

My Miracle Manifestation Manual Jacquelyn Aldana

The 15 Minute Miracle is an amazing book sharing the principles necessary to become an irresistible magnet for love, money and miracles! While the book is wonderful and uplifting, I found the workbook even more invaluable, which is saying a lot, because I generally avoid workbooks of any type. Titled “My Miracle Manifestation Manual”, this is a 3-month journal that truly gets your day started off in the right direction. Each page is titled, “My 15-Minute Miracle” and guides you to fill out several questions that are de-signed to get you in the right frame of mind for mani-festing your desires. There are literally hundreds of examples in the back of the book to get your creative juices flowing. In my manual, I have many manifestations docu-mented as a result of this program. As I mentioned earlier, I am not a fan of workbooks, but I didn't miss a single day of working in this manual, and when the three months were over, I wanted more! The only criticism I have of the manual is in its bind-ing. It’s a large book, and difficult to hold open when writing on both sides of the pages. It would have been nice to have it spiral bound, so the book would lend itself easier to hold open. The 15 Minute Miracle and My Miracle Manifestation Manual can be purchased separately. However, they are also available as a set, which includes a bunch of other goodies as well, so I definitely rec-ommend getting the Deluxe Miracle Starter Kit. Learn more about the Deluxe Miracle Starter Kit: Online: . Phone: 1-888-468-4335 Email: [email protected]

Kay Earnshaw

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Business Opportunities

Brooke Graves

Xocai Executive

In a world that is now turning to natural solutions for better health, Xocai the Healthy Chocolate is the Solution. For details about this amazing business opportunity, contact me at: 308-583-9900 or Email: [email protected].

Maureen Sunde

Young Living Essential Oils Consultant-Distributor

One Secret

Could Change Your Life Forever. It might be the Missing Link you've been searching for!

Learn all about essential oils and earn the income you want -- and have the time to enjoy it.

Rainlee Crandall

Kite Magazine Marketing Director

To feature YOUR

business opportunity here, contact us for details on

available ad space.

[email protected]

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Cookie Cascone

Two Sisters Gourmet Consultant

"Gourmet Taste in Take-Out Time!" Two Sisters Gourmet

products include breads, salsas, sauces, desserts, marinades, dressings, soups and spices.

A direct selling career. [email protected]

Karla Taylor

Ameriplan® Regional Sales Director

We are a home based business offering everyday people the chance to save money on health care costs with our

discount program and helping many more reach their dreams

by working from home.

Pam Hubbard

The Traveling Vineyard Director

Live the Wine Life!

Premier in-home wine tasting company needs consultants! Free training. Tuscany trip in 2008. No wine expertise required.

Contact me for information [email protected]

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December 2007

Spiritual Literacy Month

1. Eat a Red Apple Day 2. Play Basketball Day 3. Let’s Hug Day 4. Wear Brown Shoes Day 5. International Volunteer Day 6. Make and Bake Day 7. National Cotton Candy Day 8. Winter Flowers Day 9. National Pastry Day 10. Nobel Peace Prize Day 11. International Mountain Day 12. Gingerbread House Day 13. National Cocoa Day 14. Miniature Golf Day 15. National Lemon Cupcake Day 16. Clean Air Day 17. National Maple Syrup Day 18. Play Bingo Day 19. Oatmeal Muffin Day 20. Games Day 21. Look at the Bright Side Day 22. National Haiku Poetry Day 23. Economists Day 24. National Egg Nog Day 25. National Pumpkin Pie Day 26. National Candy Cane Day 27. National Fruitcake Day 28. Card Playing Day 29. Opposite Day 30. Let’s Make a Deal Day 31. Make Up Your Mind Day

celebrate every day!

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