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True World Order Founded in 1957 International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres True World Order Founded in 1957 Rudraprayag, Himalayas, India

International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres · Tre orld rder Fonded in 957 International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres True World Order Founded in 1957 Rudraprayag, Himalayas, India

Oct 20, 2018



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True World Order Founded in 1957

International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres

True World Order Founded in 1957

Rudraprayag, Himalayas, India

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International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta CentresSwami Sivananda (1887 – 1963)

The spiritual strength behind the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres, Swami Sivananda’s teachings are a synthesis of all the formal doctrines of yoga. Author of more than 300 books on yoga, Swami Sivananda was a medical doctor before renouncing

worldly life for the spiritual path. He founded the Divine Life Society and the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy, Rishikesh, Himalayas. His main message was: Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realise. In 1957 he sent one of his foremost disciples, Swami Vishnudevananda to the West to spread the ideals of yoga. Swami Sivananda entered Mahasamadhi on July 14th 1963.

Swami Vishnudevananda (1927 – 1993)

Born in South India in 1927, Swami Vishnudevananda entered the ashram of Swami Sivananda at the age of 18. A world famous authority on Hatha and Raja Yoga, Swami Vishnudevananda founded the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta

Centres in 1957 and was author of The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga, Meditation and Mantras, Karma and Disease and a com- mentary on the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Swami Vishnudevananda entered Mahasamadhi on November 9th, 1993.

The Executive Board

The Executive Board of the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres is comprised of senior disciples of Swami Vishnudevananda, personally chosen and trained by him to direct the organisation after his departure. Each of them has had many years’ experience in teaching all aspects of yoga. They are renowned for their devotion to Swami Vishnudevananda and Swami Sivananda and for their profound knowledge and inspirational teaching

and guidance, wisdom imparted to many thousands of students throughout the world.

Swami Durgananda Swami Kailasananda Swami Swaroopananda Swami Sitaramananda Srinivasan Prahlada Swami Sivadasananda Kanti Devi


Yoga – an ancient guide to healthy living — 4

Peace by Swami Sivananda — 7

Turn Inward by Swami Vishnudevananda — 9

The Yogic life: the 5 points of Yoga — 14

The Benefits of the 12 basic Asanas — 18

International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers — 25

Copyright: International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre, 8th Avenue, Val Morin, JOT3RO Canada

True World Order Founded in 1957

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True World Order Founded in 1957



1. Januar 1944

Geliebte tapfere Sadhaks,

Hatha Yoga ist ein göttlicher Segen, der es dir ermöglicht, auf jedem Gebiet Erfolg zu haben. Körper und Geist sind Werkzeuge, die durch das Üben von Hatha Yoga gesund, stark und voller Energie bleiben.

Hatha Yoga ist ein einzigartiges Rüstzeug, um gegen die widerstreitenden Kräfte auf materiellem wie spirituellem Gebiet anzukämpfen. Das Üben von Hatha Yoga hilft dir, Adi Vyadhi zu bekämpfen und strahlende Gesundheit und Gottverwirklichung zu erreichen.

Werde ein spiritueller Held, voll körperlicher, geistiger und spiritueller Kraft.


Sadhana heisst ein Ideal zu finden und daran unter allen Umständen festzuhalten, selbst wenn es das Leben kosten sollte.

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Yoga – an ancient guide to healthy living

Yoga is a centuries-old guide to healthy living developed by ancient Indian sages. With its unique blend of physical exercises, psychological insight, and philosophy, it can help you to bring your body, mind, and spirit into better balance. Yoga takes a holistic approach to life, enabling you to experience complete equilibrium inside and out.

Yoga for everyone

For centuries, yoga was open only to people who were ready to search for a teacher in India, and traditionally it only appealed to those willing to forego the life of a “householder”, renouncing the world and living in seclusion. H.H. Swami Sivananda (1887–1963) and Swami Vishnudevananda

(1927–1993) were among the first of the Indian yoga masters to make yoga accessible to anyone, no matter their background, age, or status, or where in the world they lived. In doing so, they helped to bring yoga to the West.

Swami Sivananda

Sri Swami Sivananda was a practising doctor who was eager to do all he could to relieve human misery. In a search to ease his patients’ physical and mental discomfort, he decided to look within himself. He began his quest by becoming a swami – a wandering monk – and after long years of secluded practice in the Himalayas, he attained mastery in yoga and meditation. Swami Sivananda

went on to found the Divine Life Society in Rishikesh, in the Himalayas. Here, he trained stu-dents from many countries and various religions in a synthesis of the key paths of yoga, encompassing Hatha and Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Jnana Yoga. He also wrote more than 200 books in English explaining the most complex aspects of yoga in simple, practical terms.

Swami Vishnudevananda

Swami Vishnudevananda was a close disciple of Swami Sivananda and an adept in the practice of Hatha and Raja Yoga. In 1957, Swami Sivananda commanded him to, “Go to the West, people are waiting”. With no means of support other than his faith and a remarkable energy, Swami Vishnudevananda travelled to North America, Europe, and many other parts of the world, where he became a pioneer in yoga, spreading the teachings of his master. Swami Vishnudevananda founded the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres at the heart of many of the world’s capital cities. Here, people are able to learn yoga as they go about their daily lives. Several ashrams (yoga retreats) were established in beautiful natural

settings around the globe, from the forested mountains of Canada, the west and east coast of the United States, to Paradise Island in the Bahamas, Austria, France, as well South and North India. He promoted yoga vacation programmes, which offer people an opportunity to learn the yogic disciplines while enjoying a healthy and relaxing holiday.

After experiencing a vision during meditation, Swami Vishnudevananda felt compelled to start up a campaign for world peace, which became known as T.W.O., True World Order. It adopted the mottos,

“United we live – divided we perish” and “Cross man-made borders with flowers and love, not with bombs and guns”. Swami Vishnudevananda learnt

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True World Order Founded in 1957

how to pilot a small plane and flew over many of the world’s conflict zones, showering them with flowers and leaflets promoting the universal love taught by all the world’s

great religions. Two memorable flights took him over the Suez Canal during the Sinai War in 1971 and over the Berlin Wall from West Germany to East Germany in 1983.

Teacher training

As part of his vision of yoga for world peace, Swami Vishnudevananda taught the fist yoga teachers’ training course in the West, in 1969. As well as offer-ing a broad study of yoga philosophy, psychology, and teaching techniques, the four-week residential programme focused on an intense personal prac-tice of yoga and meditation. It is even more popular today than during Swami Vishnudevananda’s lifetime. Since the training course was founded, more than 35,000 graduates from all walks of life and every continent have taken the yoga teachings

of Swami Vishnudevananda and Swami Sivananda back into their own communities.

The defying feature of this approach to yoga is its simplicity: regardless of age, physique, and walk of life, anyone can benefit from the step-by-step teachings on asana (exercise), pranayama (breathing), relaxation, diet, positive thinking, and meditation. These key teachings can help you, too, to experience this ancient way of bringing balance into every aspect of your life.

Extract from the book “Yoga, your Home Practice Companion” by the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre.

Swami Vishnudevananda during Yoga Teachers’ Training Course in the 1980ies in Sivananda Ashram Yoga Camp, Val Morin, Canada.

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True World Order Founded in 1957

Sri Swami Sivananda (1887 – 1963)

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True World Order Founded in 1957

PeaceBy Swami Sivananda

Peace is a divine attribute. It is a quality of the soul. It cannot remain with greedy persons. It fills the pure heart. It desserts the lustful. It runs away from selfish people. It is an ornament of a Paramahamsa.

Peace is a state of quiet. It is freedom from dis-turbance, anxiety, agitation, riot of violence. It is harmony, silence, calm, repose, rest. Specifically, it is the absence or cessation of war.

Peace is the happy, natural state of man. It is his birth right. War is his disgrace.

Everybody wants peace and is clamouring for peace; but peace does not come easily. Even if it comes, it does not last for a long time.

The Abode of Peace

Peace is not in the heart of the carnal man. Peace is not in the hearts of ministers, advocates, business-men, dictators, kings and emperors. Peace is in the hearts of Yogis, sages, saints and spiritual men. It is in the heart of a desireless man, who has controlled his senses and the mind. Greed, lust, jealousy, envy, anger, pride, and egoism are the enemies of peace. Slay these enemies by the sword of dispassion, discrimination, and non-attachment. You will enjoy perpetual peace.

Peace is not in money, estate, bungalows, and pos-sessions. Peace does not dwell in outward things, but within the soul.

Money cannot give you peace. You can purchase many things, but you cannot purchase peace. You

can buy soft beds, but you cannot buy sleep. You can buy good food, but you cannot buy good appetite. You can buy good tonics, but you cannot buy good health. You can buy good books, but you cannot buy wisdom.

Withdraw yourself from external objects. Meditate and rest in your soul. You will realize everlasting peace now.

Nothing can bring you peace, but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace, but the victory over your lower self, triumph over your senses and mind, desires and cravings. If you have no peace within yourself, it is vain to seek it in external objects and outward sources.

Inner Peace

Perfect security and full peace cannot be had in this world, because this is a relative plane. All objects are conditioned in time, space, and causation. They are perishable. Where then can you look for full security and perfect peace? You can find this in the immortal Self. He is an embodiment of peace. He is beyond time, space, and causation.

Real, deeper peace is independent of external conditions. Real, abiding peace is stupendous stillness of the Immortal Soul within. If you can

rest in this ocean of peace, all the usual noises of the world can hardly affect you. If you enter the silence or the wonderful calm of divine peace by stilling the bubbling mind and restraining the thoughts and withdrawing the outgoing senses, all disturbing noises will die away. Motor-cars may roll on the streets; boys may shout at the pitch of their voices; railway trains may run in front of your house; several mills may be working in your neighbour-hood – and yet, all these noises will not disturb you even a bit.

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True World Order Founded in 1957

Peace is vital for Growth

Peace is the most covetable possession on the earth. It is the greatest treasure in all the universe. Peace is the most important and indispensable factor for all growth and development. It is in the tranquillity and quiet of the night that the seed slowly sprouts from under the soil. The bud opens

in the depth of the most silent hours. So also, in a state of peace and love, people evolve, grow in their distinctive culture, and develop perfect civilization. In peace and calmness, spiritual evolution is also facilitated.

Individual Reformation and social Transformation

Reform yourself. Society will reform itself. Get worldliness out of your heart. The world will take care of itself. Remove the world out of your mind. The world will be peaceful. This is the only solution. This is not pessimism. This is glorious optimism. This is not escapism. It is the only way

to face the situation. If each man tries to work out his own salvation, there will be nobody to create the problems! If each man strives heart and soul to practice religion, to do Sadhana, and to attain God-realization, he will have very little time to create quarrels. Automatically there will be peace on earth.

The Role of Religion

A Christian thinks, “There will be peace if all people embrace Christianity”. A Muslim thinks, “There will be peace if all people embrace Islam”. This is an erroneous notion. Why do people in the world fight? Why do Catholics and Protestants fight? Why do Saivites and Vaishnavites fight? Why do brothers fight among themselves? The heart must change. Greed and selfishness must perish. Then alone there will be peace in the world.

People merely talk of religion. They are not inter-ested in practicing it, in living it. If Christians lived

by the Sermon On The Mount, if the Buddhists followed the Noble Eightfold Path, if the Muslims truly followed the teachings of the Prophet, and the Hindus shaped their life in accordance with the teachings of the Lord, of saints and sages, there will be peace everywhere.

Peace, to be lasting and constructive, must be achieved through God. There can be no peace without the Lord or God. God is Peace. Root your-self in Peace or God. Now you are fit to radiate peace.

Extract from the Book “Bliss Divine” by Swami Sivananda

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TURN INWARD By Swami Vishnudevananda

We are going to talk a little about our urge to find peace. Our goal in this life is to rest in everlasting peace and bliss. Without this peace there is a big vacuum in our lives. This vacuum can be replaced by nothing in this world. We can try to fill it with a billion dollars like Howard Hughes (1905 – 1976). Can he eradicate the emptiness with his billions of dollars? No. Can you fill this vacuum by being as powerful as the President of the United States; or with emotional distractions, or money, wealth, family, children, grandchildren, etc? Try. You cannot. It is an eternal quest. Man is continuously seeking, but looks in the wrong place. The majority of people (except a few wise people like you here) seek in smoke-filled rooms, filled with alcohol, filled with mental and physical disturbances. These people are also looking for the same peace. Everyone is searching, but in the wrong place.

There once was a poor woman. All her clothes were in tatters, and because she was so poor she had to constantly patch up each hole. Patch on patch. One time as she was sewing, she dropped her needle. As she had no spare needle she had to find the one she had dropped. But how in her dark cottage? So she went outside and started searching the garden. A friend came along, “Neighbour, what are you doing?”

“I‘ve lost my needle.”



“Then why are you looking for it here in the garden?”

“Oh my friend, it is dark inside, so I am searching here.”

She can search eternally, but she will never find the needle.

There are so many analogies to illustrate that we are not searching in the right place.

A lady loses a valuable necklace. She looks every-where, turns the whole house upside down. She laments, “I‘ve lost my necklace. I‘ve lost my necklace.” A friend arrives and asks what is wrong and sees that the necklace is on her friend‘s neck.

A musk deer is running after the smell of musk – it is so powerful. It runs here and there chasing after the scent, unaware that it is coming from its own gland.

It is the same also for all of us. We search in the wrong place – in the sensual world, in nightclubs, in beautiful houses with all material comforts and conveniences. Even with all these luxuries, with all the material possessions we can ever imagine, with all the pleasures we can ever wish for, still there is something missing. None of this can bring us happiness; so we turn elsewhere and search in still more nightclubs and cinemas and parties and lux-uries. Just like the poor woman, we search outside. Power, position, money, health. I am this, I have this. Today. But tomorrow?

There is only one place where you can find this peace and you have to take not even one step. There is no need to see any guru or swami. No-one can give you this peace because it is within you. Who can give you that which is within you? Do you think someone can open you up and give you peace? You run to various teachers and they say,

“Yes, I have a magic formula in my bag. If you give me ten thousand dollars, I‘ll let you have it.” How can someone ask for payment to give you that which you have within you?

Instead of searching outside, search within. That is all a teacher can tell you. But it is you that has to search. How? You need an instrument to help you because it is dark within the mind where this peace is hidden. And that instrument is concentration and meditation.

When you focus your mind on this inner darkness the mental rays are focussed on the mind itself, just as candle light is used to see the candle. Once you

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True World Order Founded in 1957

light a candle, then you see the candle clearly. In the same way, when the mind is focussed you are illuminating the mind. You see its hidden corners, its beauty, its power, its strength. There is unimagi-nable strength hidden in the mind. This same mind created the universe. Yet we only utilise a tiny part of the creative power. Once you are able to focus it towards itself instead of on an external object its power is unlimited. You will see its tremendous, tremendous power. Unbelievable, inexhaustible power is within you. But you have to believe this. And you have to use concentration and meditation techniques to focus on it. And when you do, there it is. It opens up.

All is within. It is so simple, and yet for the ordinary people it is so far away. Where is the happiness, the peace? For them it is in Hawaii, not here. They go to Hawaii and find it is not there. Where is it? Australia or Tahiti or somewhere else. Always it is further away. They are never satisfied with where they are. But yogis know the truth to go within. Go within. Say to yourself that you will no longer run after this mirage. Maya, the cosmic illusion, makes everyone chase after this mirage – further, further, just a little further until it takes you to death and the end of this journey. But a true man knows the tricks of Maya.

The simple life of turning inward is the answer. Maya is just like the flame that seduces and kills the moth; dragging our senses towards it, only to destroy our peace and happiness. Turn away. Turn away. And turn away. I repeat this because Maya is so very powerful. We hear these stories but the moment we leave this room, Maya‘s veil falls. Realise there is very little time left; just like a candle burning down. When we look at it it appears to be steady. Yet every fraction of every moment it is slowly diminishing. Then it is gone. So also our life.

Meditation is very difficult. Are you ready for meditation? Everyone says, “Yes. Swamiji, just teach us the secret of meditation.” Is there any easy method? Is there any way you can buy it? No. The

secret is so simple. You don’t have to search for it anywhere. The secret is in the ability to silence your own thoughts – that is meditation.

Look at this flower, the beautiful red colour. Now put this flower in your mind. Shut out all other thoughts. Visualise this beautiful flower with its colour and form. Hold the flower in your mind for fifteen seconds. Close your eyes. Don’t allow any other thoughts to come …What happened? Could you hold your thoughts on the flower for fifteen seconds? Tell me honestly. Fifteen seconds only and you couldn’t hold it despite all your efforts. Let us see what happened during that fifteen seconds. What happened to your breathing? You stopped breathing.

Meditation starts with the control of the breath – but not just the physical breath. What is happen-ing? You are controlling an energy which makes the mind oscillate. You are stopping that energy. In order to hold the mind steady without any oscil-lation, you have to learn to control the power that makes the mind oscillate. This power is known as prana. You have to learn to control the impulse to breathe, because this impulse is the same energy you use to control the mind, to focus the mind.

When there is a wind the leaves flutter but you do not see the wind. Have you ever seen the wind? No, but from the fluttering you infer there must be a wind behind it. In the same way, the effects of prana can be seen in inhalation-exhalation. Prana exists in the breath. When you see a person breathe you know he is alive yet you do not see the prana, the vital force behind the breathing. But you see the effect of the prana in the person; in his breath-ing, in his heartbeat, in his pulse rate, and also in his mind. What you control is this prana.

To find peace is a slow process, but it is your birth right. And this birth right is your goal. You will reach it today or in the future. But you must search in the right way and in the right place. The right place to search is within. The right way is to shut off desires.

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True World Order Founded in 1957

For this we have to have a little discipline. This is the purpose of pranayama. By controlling the impulse to breathe itself you are controlling the life force. When you control the physical breath, you control the thought impulse. If you stop the desires and thoughts, the mind will be steady. You will automat-ically get strength. Likewise, when we do asanas we are not merely doing physical postures. We are calming the whole of our psychic forces as well as body and mind, so that when we sit for meditation the mind will be steady.

People say it is very easy to still the mind. I have been practising since the age of seventeen. I met this century‘s greatest master. I lived with him. I was his personal assistant. And still I have not gone far. It is so difficult to hold the mind and focus it. It is only for the brave. There can be no coward here. You have to work and strive. You may fall, but you must be determined. Only when your willpower is this strong then will you catch a glimpse of what you are striving for. A test will come to see whether you are strong enough to continue on the path. And then a glimpse of peace comes. You touch infinity. Even a fraction of a second will convince you. For the first time, you experience eternity, this infinity that you have been searching for. Words cannot describe the effect of this peace, this infinite all-blissful peace.

Anyone who works hard and is not easily carried away by temptations and tribulations will succeed. Nothing can stop you. In this one life you can leap far ahead of your countrymen. In one hundred years you can leap millions of years on the scale of evolution. Or you can go at an ordinary snail‘s pace. Run fast. Arise. Awake. Stop not till you reach the goal. At any time something may go wrong. Do not worry about it – only a passing cloud. And if things go well, do not jump and dance. Keep the mind balanced in all circumstances. No-one’s life is perfect. But a yogi is not affected by these chang-ing phenomena of the mind. Why? Because they belong to the mind and the yogi is watching the mind. This is the secret. He does not attach to the

mind. He watches the whole scene – like television. The mind starts playing various parts. “Oh, yes. I am a great king, great swami, a great yogi. I have this. I have that. I am male. I am female. I am a beautiful, handsome, intelligent.” As the mind plays out these various dramas the yogi watches it, observing the play.

Do not lose your real identity. If you lose your true identity then you are finished. I went to see an Alfred Hitchcock movie to find out what the fuss was all about. I didn‘t look at the movie. I looked at the people around me. Everyone was screaming. I ask why? Before the movie is projected on to the screen, what is on it? Nothing, it is just a pure white screen. Why are you afraid of a white screen? Tell me. When you first entered the cinema, there was light in the auditorium. You saw the white screen and then suddenly something happened and you started to scream? What made you scream?

Audience: Fear.

Swami Vishnu: Fear of what?

Audience: Fear of what was happening in the film.

Swami Vishnu: To help you identify with the film what is the first thing that happens?

Audience: The lights went out?

Swami Vishnu: Yes, the lights went out. It became dark, because illusion can only happen in darkness. When there is light, you are not afraid.

Next you have to lose your identity and identify with the illusion – the film. When the movie is projected on the screen, we know definitely that there is no blood, no ghost. We know that it is only a play of lights. We also know that there is nothing real even when the movie is made. That is also make believe. Firstly the creation of the movie is make-believe and then there is the illusion of the projection. There is not one bit of truth in any of

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True World Order Founded in 1957

the movie. And yet you scream because there is absence of light and because you have lost your identity. You have identified with the movie.

This is exactly as the world is. First of all we create the illusion: this is my home, my husband, my children, my country, my president. What do we need to create this illusion? Darkness. What is the darkness? It is ignorance; identifying with the perishable name and form. As long as we identify with name and form, we will always be in this illusion and the world will exist. Maya can only play in ignorance, in darkness. Maya plays the part of the Hitchcock movie. She can create anything out of nothing. Maya has the capability to create illusion on a cosmic scale for those who are ignorant, in darkness. We identify with the illusion and we suffer for it. The moment the light is turned on the movie disappears. In the same way a realised soul, when

he has transcended the body and mind, name and form, and the world of the senses, sees everything as a mysterious drama that Maya has created.

A wise person sees the worthlessness of this uni-verse. He knows that it is all illusion. By focussing all his mental strength he opens the innermost chambers of his heart and the illusion vanishes. He no longer identifies with name and form. He abandons the sensual path. He goes within and rests peacefully in his own Self. And he is no longer afraid; no more fear; no more death. The moment we know that the movie is just an illusion then we are free. But if we still believe in the illusion, then we are going to continue to scream. Learn this today. Again and again we gather together to be reminded of this; not to identify with the illusory world. Go within and identify with the Divine Self.

Lecture given by Swami Vishnudevananda in 1973 in San Francisco

The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga

Published in 1959, written by Swami Vishnudevananda, the founder of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres and Ashrams. It is an introduction to yoga and its practices, according to the classical scriptures such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the classical Hatha Yoga Pradipika and the Upanishads. It provides a training programme for tapping yoga’s power, seeking to relax and reju-venate the mind, improve concentration, prevent illness, and to increase physical strength and flexibility.

Meditation and Mantras

This book by Swami Vishnudevananda contains the key to the most priceless treasure man can own – intuitive wisdom. It is that which reflects pure inner light, gives purpose to life and imparts a method for extricating man from his present less-than-perfect way of life. It is the most complete source on mantras, meditation and other techniques of self-inquiry readily available. It is a psychological study, a guide for practice and a source of great learning.

The above books are available in the online shop

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True World Order Founded in 1957

Sri Swami Vishnudevananda (1927 – 1993)

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The Yogic life: the 5 points of Yoga

“Yoga is a life of self-discipline built upon the tenets of simple living and high thinking. If you follow these five points, which compose a true holistic approach to our whole system of body, mind and soul, you will gain strength and balance in this demanding stressful world. Obstacles become stepping stones to success, and life is a school for the development of character and compassion and the Realization of the Divine all-pervading-Self.”

– Swami Vishnudevananda in the “Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga”

By closely observing the lifestyles and needs of people in our modern world, Swami Vishnudevananda synthesized the ancient wisdom of Yoga into 5 basic principles which can easily be incorporated into your own pattern of living, to provide a long, healthy and happy life. The five points of Yoga are:

1. Proper Exercise – Asanas 2. Proper Breathing – Pranayama 3. Proper Relaxation – Savasana 4. Proper Diet – Vegetarian 5. Positive Thinking and Meditation –

Vedanta and Dhyana

The body is a vehicle for the soul, and has specific requirements which must be fulfilled for it to func-tion smoothly and supply the optimum mileage. The body can be compared to a car, metaphorically. In order for the car to perform its function, it requires five things: a lubrication system, a battery, a cooling system, proper fuel, and a clear mind and responsible driver behind the wheel.

1. Proper exercises

act as a lubricating mechanism for the joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and other parts of the body, by increasing circulation and flexibility. The fundamental difference between Yogic exercises and ordinary physical exercises is that physical exercises emphasize violent movements of the muscles, while Yogic exercises promote slow and conscious movements of the body, thus avoiding the build-up of lactic acid in the muscle fibers, avoiding fatigue. The main purpose of exercise is to increase circulation and the intake of oxygen. Yogic exercises are in fact called Yoga asanas, an asana being a steady pose. Yogic exercises, when done correctly, influence and positively energize all the systems of the body. In terms of muscles, Yogic exercises not only strengthen the muscles but also stretch them. There is a great emphasis on the flexibility and the youth of the spine. Swami Vishnudevananda said: “flexible spine, flexible mind.”

The correct postures are performed with awareness and concentration, accompanied by breathing and relaxation. Thus Yogic exercises affect not only the physical body but also the astral body, the energetic body and the mind. Through the sys-tematic and rhythmic holding of the postures with breathing and concentration, by and releasing the posture to come to a state of relaxation, the prana (or chi) is allowed to flow unobstructed through the nadis to all the organs, cells and parts of the body, revitalizing them. The body and mind are harmo-nized with each other, removing tension located in the different parts of the body and the mind. Also, in this process, the body and mind are put in alignment or in harmony with their ruler, the Inner spirit, thus giving to the practitioner a deeper sense of well being and meaning. Yogic asanas prepare the body and mind to be strong for further practice of concentration and meditation.

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True World Order Founded in 1957

Yoga doesn’t promote any excessive exercise or the kind of exercise that develops only one aspect of the body to the detriment of other parts. Also Yoga doesn’t consider any exercise without awareness as a Yogic exercise. Yogic postures (asanas) are inter-nally oriented, non competitive, and meditative,

promoting calmness and helping the practitioner to transcend identification with the body; with the practice of asanas you can tap the inner source of energy and beauty, which naturally will help to reduce over-attachment to the body and to mere external beauty.

2. Proper Breathing:

Yoga emphasizes breathing correctly (the Yogic full breath using the diaphragm). We substantially increase the intake of oxygen through deep inhalation and release the toxins appropriately through our deep exhalation. Yoga teaches us to be constantly aware of our breathing patterns, and to breathe consciously in our daily life. Specific breathing techniques (pranayama) are devised to further purify the nadis, balance the breath and the energy in our system, and to store and channel the subtle energy (prana) for higher purposes.

The word Hatha is composed of the words Ha and Tha, which mean sun and moon, respectively. This refers to the balance between the prana vayu (the positive vital air) and apana vayu (the negative vital air). Prana (vital air) in the body of the individual is a part of the universal breath. The regulation of the harmonized breath helps the Yogi to regulate and steady the mind. Pranayama needs to be practiced by all serious Yoga practitioners. Advanced prac-tices require a specific pure and yogic lifestyle, and it is recommended that you put yourself under the supervision of a teacher in a pure environment, like an ashram.

3. Proper Relaxation:

Relaxation techniques, such as Savasana, cool down the system like the radiator of a car. When the body and mind are constantly overworked, their efficiency diminishes. Relaxation is nature’s way of recharging the body. The state of our mind and the state of our body are intimately linked. If your muscles are relaxed, then your mind must be relaxed. If the mind is anxious, then the body suffers too. We can say that there are three levels of relaxation: physical, mental and spiritual; there are also three levels of tension, or stress: physical stress, mental stress and spiritual stress.

Physical stress comes from poor eating habits, sedentary living, repetitive movements of the body, and poor posture. Modern life, especially in big cities, is full of stress as modern working and living conditions are full of pressure, and devoid of

prana and relaxation. Mental and emotional stress comes from a hectic lifestyle, highly demanding jobs, distractions of the mind, low vitality due to lack of prana, and negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, fear, and anxiety. Spiritual stress comes from existential anxieties, from living with questions without answers, such as “what is life and death?”, “what is love?”, “what is the nature of our connections with God?”, “is there a God?”, “why are there inconsistencies and unrighteousness?”,

“how can one find stability in the ever changing phenomena of life?”, “why are we suffering from disillusions?”, and “why can’t we achieve enduring peace?”

The solution is to achieve the three levels of relaxation:

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Physical relaxation is achieved through the sys-tematic practice of conscious relaxation (Savasana) and correct posture. Mental relaxation is achieved through correct breathing, concentration of the mind and positive thinking. A distracted mind is always anxious. A mind concentrated on a positive object is more relaxed and recharged. Spiritual relaxation is a deeper type of relaxation, when we become content, a detached witness of the body and mind. Swami Vishnudevananda states that

being free from identification with the body, the mind, and ego consciousness is the only way to reach a state of complete relaxation.

Through complete relaxation we live in the solid present, overcome our fears of death and of the future, and welcome life’s demands with strength and courage, able to guide our mind, control our desires and choose better priorities.

4. Proper diet:

Correct nutrition and diet gives proper fuel for the body and the mind without creating toxins and digestive problems. Optimum utilization of food, air, water and sunlight is essential. The Yogic vegetarian diet is sattvic (pure), and helps to calm the mind, and to reveal the spirit as well as nourish the body.

The body needs food for two purposes: as fuel to supply energy, and as materials to repair body tissues. For repairing and building tissue, the body needs: 1. protein; 2. carbohydrates; 3. fats; 4. miner-als. These elements are found in larger proportions in vegetable tissue than in animal tissue. A vegetar-ian diet is a natural diet, fresh and wholesome, full of fiber and alkaline in nature, energy producing, and easy to absorb and to eliminate. To maintain a sattvic diet, free from rajasic (exciting) and tamasic (dulling) influences, avoid stimulants and depres-sants such as caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes, drugs of all kinds, overly spicy food, onions, garlic, over-cooked food, old food, frozen food, canned food, sodas and processed foods, as well as all meat.

Yogis advocate “ahimsa”, the principle of non-violence, non-injury and respect for life.

The vegetarian diet helps in the performance of asanas as the body and the joints becomes more flexible. It is a wonderful way to prevent heart disease, arthritis, obesity, and a good remedy for many chronic diseases.

It includes not only being aware of what you eat, but also how you eat. Yogis promote taking time to cook, and to eat consciously in a regular manner, with appropriate intervals between meals to allow the digestive fire to activate and digest the food. Blessing meals is also encouraged to sanctify the act of eating and for offering thanks to the Creator. Proper diet includes periodic fasting as well, to give a break to the digestive system, purify body and mind, and to make the mind more perceptive, more sattvic, and more conducive to concentration, contemplation and meditation.

5. Positive thinking and meditation:

Just as a driver of a car manages to bring himself to his destination without accidents and setbacks, so the yogi learns to manage his mind and emotions in order to keep him positive at all times. Positive thoughts are energizing and facilitate growth, while

negative thoughts are draining and inhibit growth. Only with a positive outlook about oneself can one can maintain a meditative life which will ultimately lead to intuitive knowledge and inner strength.

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True World Order Founded in 1957

Be aware of thought influences. We need to be aware of the thought that is surrounding us as it is affecting our mind. It is like taking a bath in a pool of pure water. If you mix with polluted thought environments, you will pick up negative thoughts that you would not normally have.

Thought creates destiny. Thought has the tendency to repeat itself; a negative thought or feeling can become habitual, and also a positive thought can create a positive personality or character that will bring about your future destiny. So destiny is in your hands, if you know how to control your thoughts.

One needs to be responsible for one’s thoughts because one’s thoughts affect the invisible thought world, and in turn, affect the environment and

the people around you positively or negatively. Collective negative thinking can create wars, while collective positive thinking, sends positive vibra-tions out to the whole world.

There are many positive thinking techniques coming from the classical four paths of Yoga. Raja Yoga advises us to keep the mind focused and replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Karma Yoga, the path of selflessness, teaches us to detach from the results of our actions and expectations. Bhakti Yoga, the path of selfless love, promotes unconditional love and seeing divinity in all beings. The Bhakti yogi surrenders to God’s will, and therefore remains positive. The path of Jnana Yoga, or self- enquiry, prescribes removing the illusory, changing, false identity to prevent disillusion, fear, and suffering.

Meditation techniques:

In classical Yoga, the practice of Yoga is linked intimately with the practice of meditation. One needs to resort to meditation to find answers in life, as our mind always leads us to frustration and makes us experience over and over again the same difficulties. It is only through meditation that we can shift our mind into new, helpful grooves, change ourselves deeply, and be aware of the present and our choices, rather than just living con-ditioned by the past or in the illusive pursuit of the future. Meditation gives us intuitional insights and connects us with a Reality and a Peace beyond the reach of Speech and Mind. That Reality is our own True Self, Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence, Knowledge and Bliss Absolute), which is deeply fulfilling, holding the keys to all answers, without which we will feel empty and purposeless. Meditation is universal, but is especially effective to those who lead a moderate, healthy and Yogic lifestyle.

Swami Vishnudevananda has outlined 12 points of meditation in his book Meditation and Mantras

comprising of preparation of time and space for meditation, establishing a meditative and comfort-able sitting asana, controlling breath, focus on your sacred mantra at an energy center, which can be the point between the eyebrows or the point in the middle of the chest; and finally detachment toward any other thoughts, bringing back your focus to the mantra until the meditator, the object of medita-tion, and the process of meditation become one.

Meditate for half an hour daily, starting with 20 minutes then up to half an hour, once or twice daily.

The benefits of meditation are: inner strength, peace of mind, a balanced state of mind, concen-tration, connection with Self, clarity of purpose, and Self-realization are among the benefits of this practice. You must experience meditation for your-self. Like sleeping, you cannot really teach someone how to sleep, but you can help someone to gather the conditions for meditation to happen.

Extracts from “Essentials of Yoga Practice and Philosophy” by Swami Sitaramananda

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The ancient Hatha Yoga scriptures of India* give detailed descriptions of pranayama and meditation techniques, but offer only little instruction on the practice of asanas. It appears that the classical asana sequences known to us today are based on oral tradition. The twelve basic asanas taught by Swami Sivanananda and Swami Vishnudevananda combine in a masterly way health-promoting effects with the awakening of subtle energies, and thus prepare for the practice of pranayama and meditation.

* Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gerandha Samhita, Siva Samhita

The logic behind the sequence of the

12 Basic Asanas

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Gentle stimulation of the circulatory system: Fitness workout programmes today strongly emphasize a balanced cardiac workout. Yoga Asanas include this aspect very specifically: • Inverted poses and abdominal breathing increase the

venous return to the heart, thus stimulating a stronger heart beat.

• The massage action of specific pressure on internal organs increases the local blood circulation ensuring a rich supply of oxygen and nutrients to all cells of the body.

Yoga for the back: Kyphosis (exaggerated upper back curve), lordosis (exaggerated lower back curve) and scoliosis (lateral deviation) are three common spinal problems. The asana sequence systematically improves these three postural habits and can often relieve the pain associated with them.

Balancing muscle length and muscle strength: Yoga exercises develop both strength and flexibility, yet the body of a proficient practitioner will not show any extreme tendencies such as overdeveloped biceps muscles or permanent hyper-flexibility of the hip joints. This is because the practice of the twelve basic asanas develops flexibility and strength in equal measure.

Hormonal balance: The inverted poses increase the blood supply to the brain. This improves neuronal control of the pituitary gland (hypophysis), whose hormones regulate such important endocrine glands such as the thyroid gland (involved in cell metabolism) and the adrenal glands (emotional balance). Specific asanas work like a massage, enhancing cellular functions in each gland.

Internal organs: From the gastrointestinal tract to the liver and pancreas right through to the bladder – the pressure exerted by various asanas detoxifies these tissues and increases the supply of blood to them.

Autonomic nervous system: The stretching and relaxing in the first half of the asana sequence, as well as the contraction and relaxing in the second half, encourages the ‘rest and repair’ functions of

the para sympathetic nervous system. At the same time, it prevents the over-stimulation (‘fight or flight’ reaction) of the sympathetic nervous system.

Deep relaxation with auto-suggestion:Impulses transmitted by motor and sensory nerves are regulated or registered in two adjacent areas of the cerebrum. In the wave of relaxation which begins in the feet and ends in the head, ‘visualisation’ (motor) and ‘feeling of relaxation’ (sensory) impulses are barely distin-guishable. That is no surprise, seeing the proximity of the respective area of the brain dedicated to sensory and motor activity. The short period of relaxation between the asanas is essential to harmonise motor and sensory impulses.

Nadis (meridians): The classical yoga texts speak of 72,000 subtle nerve channels through which prana (vital energy) flows in and around (aura) the body. Pranic blockages at junctions of nadis can lead to a lack (and, conversely, an excess) of energy in different parts of the body. The 12 basic poses exert pressure on these points in a way that balances the prana, much like acupressure. That’s one of the reasons why you feel rejuvenated after a yoga class.

Hatha Yoga, the union of Sun and Moon: Prana (upwards moving energy, supporting respiration) is denoted by the Sun (Ha). Apana (downwards moving energy, supporting elimination) is called Moon (Tha). In the asana sequence these two vital energies merge in the solar plexus, creating a unique sensation of well-being.

Effects on the chakras: The seven energy centres correspond to subtle elements and spiritual planes of consciousness. Advanced pranayama exercises, mantra repetition and meditation on the elements can awaken the cosmic Kundalini energy in the chakras. When the nerve plexuses in the physical body which correspond to the chakras in the astral body are stimulated through the asanas, the yoga practitioner may become aware for the first time that these energy centres really exist.

This is how the 12 basic poses work in conjunction with conscious breathing and deep relaxation:

The Benefits of the Postures

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The increased venous flow of blood back to the heart strengthens the heart beat and relieves varicose veins; contraindication: chronic high blood pressure. Contraindication: neck injuries

Strengthens the muscles of the shoulder region

Improves the function of the pituitary gland (hypophysis)

Counteracts gastroptosis (downward displacement of stomach). Contraindication: menstruation

An increased supply of blood to the brain helps regulate the autonomic nervous system

Working the arm muscles and relaxing the legs improves one’s sense of balance

Greater pranic flow to the head area

The inverted pose channels apana into the solar plexus.

Energises Ajna Chakra (‘the third eye’)

Sirshasana – The Headstand

Sarvangasana – The ShoulderstandThe increased venous flow of blood back to the heart strengthens the heart beat and relieves varicose veins. Contraindication: chronic high blood pressureStretches the neck and upper back and strengthens the lower back

Has a balancing effect on the thyroid and parathyroid glands Contraindication: menstruation

Stretching relieves stress-related tension in the neck and shoulder region.

Removes energy blockages in the neck area

Both the inverted pose and the chin lock direct prana and apana into the solar plexus. Stimulates Vishuddha Chakra in the throat region.

Halasana – The Plough Combats lordosis (exaggerated lowerback curve)

Stretches the whole posterior side of the body from the toes to the neck

Gives a gentle massage to the abdominal organs

The long stretch stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system (relaxation)

Removes energy blockages in the neck and back

Massages the solar plexus, promoting the union of prana and apana

Matsyasana – The Fish Combats kyphosis (exaggerated upper back curve)

Strengthens the arms and stretches the thoracic muscles

Has a balancing effect on the thyroid and parathyroid glands, and puts gentle pressure on the thymus gland (immune system) Relieves chronic bronchitis and asthma

Parasympathetic stimulation (relaxation) by stretching the throat, rib cage and abdomen

The fish is a counter-pose to the shoulder stand and the plough. It has a balancing and relaxing effect on the entire back.Removes energy blockages in the throat and neck region

Stretching the abdomen enhances the union of prana and apana in the solar plexus

Stimulates Anahata Chakra (heart chakra)

The 12 Basic Asanas

The Headstand

The Shoulderstand

The Plough

The Fish

The Benefits of the Postures

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True World Order Founded in 1957

The 12 Basic Asanas

The Forward Bend

The Cobra

The Locust

The Bow

The Benefits of the Postures

Dynamic exercise stimulates the circulatory system

Combats kyphosis (exaggerated upper back curve)

Strengthens the neck and upper back, stretches the thoracic muscles

Massages the female sex glands (ovaries)

Relieves menstrual problems

Intensive tension/relaxation improves the body’s resistance to stress

Short and powerful contraction releases energy in the neck region

Pressure on the solar plexus channels the united Ha – Tha (Sun – Moon) energy back into the rest of the body

Dynamic exercise stimulates the circulatory system

Strengthens the lower back, while protecting it in cases of lordosis (exaggerated lower back curve) Strengthens the lower back

Massages the gastrointestinal tract

Intensive tension/relaxation improves the body’s resistance to stress

Pressure on the solar plexus channels the united Ha – Tha (Sun – Moon) energy back into the rest of the body

Dynamic exercise stimulates the circulatory system

Combats kyphosis (exaggerated upper back curve)

Stretches the thoracic muscles and strengthens the thighs

Massages the pancreas (preventing diabetes) and the female reproductive organs (ovaries)

Gives an intense massage to all abdominal organs

Conscious contraction/relaxation improves the body’s resistance to stress

Pressure on the solar plexus channels the united Ha –Tha (Sun–Moon) energy back into the rest of the body

Paschimottanasana – The Forward Bend

Bhujangasana – The Cobra

Salabhasana – The Locust

Dhanurasana – The Bow

Combats lordosis (exaggerated lower back curve)

Stretches the whole posterior side of the body from the toes to the upper back

Gives a natural massage to the pancreas (helping to prevent diabetes)

Gently massages the abdominal organs

Parasympathetic stimulation (relaxation) through a complete stretch; has a strong calming effect relaxation following this asana

The body experiences a natural, deep relaxation following this asana

Releases energies in the main nadis along the spine

Intensifies the union of prana and apana in the solar plexus

Stimulates the first three chakras (Muladhara, Swadhisthana, Manipura)

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Combats scoliosis (lateral curvature)

Stretches the hip abductors and strengthens the back muscles

Massages the colon and relieves constipation

Reduces pressure on the roots of the spinal nerves, which in turn enhances the function of the peripheral nervous systemHarmonises the left and right hemispheres of the nadis

Dynamic exercise stimulates the circulatory system

Combats kyphosis (exaggerated upper back curve)

Strengthens many muscles throughout the body

Massages the pancreas (preventing diabetes) and the female reproductive organs (ovaries)

Optimal massage of all abdominal organs

Strong contraction/relaxation improves the body’s resistance to stress Pressure on the solar plexus channels the united Ha–Tha (Sun–Moon) energy back into the rest of the body

Gentle increase of blood circulation in the head; may also be practised by people with chronic high blood pressure Combats lordosis (exaggerated lower back curve)

Stretches the whole posterior side of the body from the toes up to the neck

Gives a gentle massage to the abdominal organs

Parasympathetic stimulation (relaxation) through a complete stretch

Releases energies in the main nadis along the spine

Dynamic exercise stimulates the circulatory system

Combats scoliosis (lateral curvature)

Simultaneously stretches and strengthens the inner hip muscles (Iliopsoas)

Increases the supply of blood to the adrenal glands

Massages the kidneys

Equal measure of stretching and tensing develops stress resistance

Building strength in the lateral muscles of the back has a very relaxing effect on the entire backHarmonises the left and right hemispheres of the nadis

Ardha-Matsyendrasana –

The Half Spinal Twist

Mayurasana – The Peacock

Padahastasana –

The Standing Forward Bend

Trikonasana – The Triangle

The 12 Basic Asanas

The Half Spinal Twist

The Peacock

The Standing Forward Bend

The Triangle

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Lowers blood pressure

The effects of gravity combat both kyphosis (exaggerated upper back curve) and lordosis (exaggerated lower back curve) Deep relaxation of the muscles

The reduced brain activity has a soothing effect on the pituitary gland (hypophysis)

The relaxation improves digestion

The activation of the parasympathetic nervous system intensifies the ‘rest and digest’ processThis one-of-a-kind asana enables the complete relaxation of all voluntary muscles

Energies are stored for the future

United prana–apana energies flow up to the head and expand the aura

By focussing on Ajna Chakra (‘the third eye’) the practitioner can enter a state of consciousness beyond body awareness.

Savasana – Final Relaxation

The above CDs are available in the online shop

Yoga@Home CDOpen Yoga Class 76 minutes, music by G.S. Sachdev

Yoga@Home CD, 32 + 32Two 32-minutes asana and pranayama sessions, ideal to start or round up your day.

Thank you Swamiji CDDevotional Mantra Chanting 41 minutes

Kirtan CDDaily Chants for Meditation 42 minutes

Yoga Chants of India CD Beautiful kirtans from the Sivananda Centres 39 minutes

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The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga Swami VishnudevanandaAn introduction to yoga and its practices, according to the classical scriptures. It provides a training seeking to rejuvenate the mind and to increase physical strength and flexibility.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Text and Commentary by Swami DurganandaA complete guide on how to analyse and control one’s thoughts.

Swamiji Said A collection of teachings by Swami Vishnudevananda in his own words.

Sivananda Beginners’ Guide to Yoga Sivananda Yoga CentreSystematic introduction to the postures, breathing and relaxation.

Vishnudevananda Upadesa Swami VishnudevanandaThese extracts are taken from talks by Swami Vishnudevananda from 1975 until 1990, a time dedicated to Swamiji’s personal commitment to world peace.

Meditation and Mantras Swami VishnudevanandaThe most complete source on mantras, meditation and other techniques of self-inquiry readily availa-ble. It is a psychological study, a guide for practice and a source of great learning.

Sivananda Upanishad Swami SivanandaThis compilation of hand written letters by Swami Sivananda to his disciples around the world can be used for inspiration in one’s daily meditation.

Sivananda Book of Chants Sivananda Yoga Vedanta CentresIt includes chants that are sung regularly at all Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres and Ashrams. With translation and explanation of the Sanskrit texts.

The above books are available in the online shop

Yoga – your home practice companion Sivananda Yoga CentreClassic yoga poses for all levels following clear step-by-step photographs and easy-to-follow instructions, well-rounded yoga programmes of 20, 40 and 60 minutes so you can practice at home.

the Inner Pathswami durgananda

Once we understand our own spiritual needs, we understand that it has nothing to do with East or West. Learn, practice, and deepen your yoga exercises. They

are your companions until the end of your life. Nobody can take away the inner values through which we can tune into the cosmic reality. Just sit and connect with the cosmic Self, the immutable energy of nature which is always within you. Once we honestly ask ourselves “who am I?”, we open ourselves to the possibility that we are something other than what we thought ourselves to be. This is where the inner path begins. The person realizes that, so far, the subconscious has been dominant, and now the arduous work of sublimation can start, which means to bring, with the help of the intellect, positivity into the subconscious mind.

Swami Durgananda

Swami Durgananda is a Yoga Acharya and director of the International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers in Europe. A senior disciple of Swami Vishnudevananda, Swami Durgananda accompanied her teacher on many tours throughout India. Her practical and intuitive style of teaching is inspired by her personal practice and over 40 years‘ teaching experience.

Founder: Swami Vishnudevananda

the Inner Path

InternatIonal SIvananda Yoga vedanta CenterS



er P







International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centers

The Inner Path Swami DurganandaA mosaic of practical yogic inspirations for a healthy, ethical and peaceful life.

Kindle Edition available from

The Sivananda Book of Meditation Sivananda Yoga CentreThe Sivananda Companion to Meditation outlines a simple step-by-step guide to the practice of meditation and shows you how to make it a part of your everyday routine.

Teachings on Yoga Life Swami VishnudevanandaThe Yoga Life book compiles many articles written by Swamiji over the years published in the Yoga Life magazine.

Bliss Divine Swami SivanandaBLISS DIVINE is an immortal work, a legacy for ages to come. It is a spiritual classic. It is a Bible for the Christians, a Bhagavad-Gita for the Hindus, a Koran for the Muslims, a Zend-Avesta for the Parsis. It sums up the teachings of all scriptures of all ages.

Sadhana Swami SivanandaA textbook on the psychology and practice of the techniques of spiritual perfection. Indeed an outstanding treatise on Sadhana, astounding in its width as well as depth.

Thought Power Swami SivanandaHighly popular book on self-culture, self-knowl-edge, acquisition of the power of personality and success in life. Provides practical methods for the cultivation of thought power.

Bhagavad Gita Commentary by Swami SivanandaA beautiful book with Sanskrit translation and commentary. The Gita contains the essence of all spiritual teachings and motivates us to act with courage. It has been an inspiration for seekers since time immemorial.

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True World Order Founded in 1957


International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta

Centers and Ashramsall over the world


Sivananda Ashram Yoga Camp 673 Eighth Avenue, Val Morin Québec, J0T 2R0, CANADA Tel.: +1 819 322 32 26 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch P.O. Box 195, 500 Budd Road Woodbourne, NY 12788, U.S.A. Tel.: +1 845 436 64 92 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat P.O. Box N 7550 Paradise Island, Nassau, BAHAMAS Tel.: 1-416 479 01 99 (from all countries including the USA and Canada) Tel.: +1 866 559 51 67 (toll free only from the USA and Canada) Tel.: 1-242 363 29 02 (from the Bahamas) E-mail: [email protected] Web:

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Sivananda Ashram Yoga Farm 14651 Ballantree Lane, Comp. 8 Grass Valley, CA 95949, U.S.A. Tel.: +1 530 272 93 22 Tel. (USA): 1 800 469 9642 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram (near Pavanna Vilakku Junction) New Natham Road, Saramthangi Village Vellayampatti P.O. Madurai district 625 503 Tamil Nadu, INDIA Tel.: +91 98 65 65 53 36 / +91 98 65 15 53 35 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Kutir (near Siror Bridge) P.O. Netala, Uttara Kashi District Uttaranchal, Himalayas 249193, INDIA Tel.: +91 90 12 78 94 28 Tel.: +91 99 27 09 97 26 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Retreat House Bichlach 40 6370 Reith near Kitzbühel, AUSTRIA Tel.: +43 (0)53 56 67 404 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Ashram de Yoga Sivananda 26 impasse du Bignon, 45170 Neuville-aux-Bois, FRANCE Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 91 88 82 E-mail: [email protected] Web:


ARGENTINACentro Internaciónal de Yoga Sivananda Sánchez de Bustamante 2372 Capital Federal – 1425 Buenos Aires Tel.: +54 11 48 04 78 13 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Centro de Yoga Sivananda Rioja 425 8300 Neuquén Tel.: +54 29 94 42 55 65 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

AUSTRIASivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum Prinz Eugen Straße 18 1040 Vienna Tel.: +43 1 586 34 53 0 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

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BRAZILCentro Sivananda de Yoga Vedanta Rua Santo Antônio 374 Bairro Independência Porto Alegre 90 220 - 010 – RS Tel.: +55 51 30 24 77 17 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

CANADASivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 5178, Saint Laurent Boulevard Montreal, Quebec, H2T 1R8 Tel.: +1 514 279 35 45 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 77 Harbord Street Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1G4 Tel.: +1 416 966 96 42 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

CHINASivananda Yoga Vedanta Center Zhonghuayuan Xiuyuan 30-3-202 5 Tongzilin East Road Wuhou District, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China Tel +86 028-86257086 or +86 189-8064-2709 Email: [email protected]

FRANCECentre Sivananda de Yoga Vedanta 140 rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin 75010 Paris Tel.: +33 (0)1 40 26 77 49 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

GERMANYSivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum Steinheilstraße 1, 80333 Munich Tel.: +49 89 700 9669 0 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Zentrum Schmiljanstraße 24, 12161 Berlin Tel: +49 30 8599 9798 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

INDIASivananda Yoga Vedanta Nataraja Centre A-41, Kailash Colony, New Delhi 110 048 Tel.: +91 11 29 23 09 62 Mobile: +91 88 60 95 44 55 E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Dwarka Centre PSP Pocket, Sector – 6 (near DAV school and next to Kamakshi Apts) Swami Sivananda Marg, Dwarka New Delhi 110 075 Tel.: +91 11 64 56 85 26 or 45 56 60 16 E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre TC 37/1927 (5), Airport Road, West Fort P. O. 695 023 Thiruvananthapuram. Kerala Tel.: +91.471 245 09 42 Mobile: +91.94 97 00 84 32 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 3/655 (Plot No. 131) Kaveri Nagar Kuppam Road Kottivakkam Chennai (Madras) 600 041 Tel.: +91 44 2451 1626 / 2451 2546 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 444, K.K. Nagar. East 9th Street 625 020 Madurai. Tamil Nadu Tel.: +91.452 252 11 70 or 252 26 34 Mobile: +91.909 224 07 02 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Nataraj Centre C-46, Sector 50, Noida 201304 Tel.: +91 96 54 47 20 73 Mobile : +91 88 60 95 44 55 E-mail: [email protected]

ISRAELSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 6 Lateris Street, Tel Aviv 64166 Tel.: +972 03 691 67 93 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

ITALYCentro Yoga Vedanta Sivananda Via Oreste Tommasini, 7, Rome 00162 Tel.: +39 06 45 49 65 29 Mobile: +39 347 426 1345 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

JAPANSivananda Yoga Vedanta Center 4-15-3 Koenji-kita, Suginami-ku Tokyo 1660002 Tel.: +81 03 53 56 77 91 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

LITHUANIASivananda Jogos Vedantos Centras M.K. Čiurlionio g. 66, Vilnius 03100 Tel.: +370 (8) 64 87 28 64 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

SPAINCentro de Yoga Sivananda Vedanta Calle Eraso 4, Madrid 28028 Tel.: +34.91 361 51 50 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

SWITZERLANDCentre Sivananda de Yoga Vedanta 1 rue des Minoteries, Geneva 1205 Tel.: +41 022 328 03 28 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Page 27: International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres · Tre orld rder Fonded in 957 International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres True World Order Founded in 1957 Rudraprayag, Himalayas, India

Affiliated CentresAustraliaSivananda Yoga Centre The ‘Shellin’ 40 Ninth Avenue Katoomba, NSW 2780 Tel.: +61 02 47 82 32 45 E-mail: [email protected]

Yoga White Lotus – Sivananda Tradition 2a Castle Drive, Lennox Head, NSW Tel.: +61 04 77 94 36 97 / +61 04 03 83 87 50 E-mail: [email protected]

BoliviaCentro de Yoga Sivananda Santa Cruz Calle Junin 271, Santa Cruz de la Sierra Tel.: +591 333 15 08 / Mob.: +591 77 06 04 72 E-mail: [email protected]

BrazilYoga Hall Av. Dr. Helio Palermo 2888 – Bairro: Jardim Samello Franca – SP CEP: 14401-000 Tel.: +55 16 30 12 29 88

CanadaYoga Sivananda de l’Outaouais 745 Chemin d’Aylmer, Gatineau (secteur Aylmer) Quebec, J9H 0B8 Tel.: +1 819 684 20 84 E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre Vancouver 1202-2055 Pendrell Street Vancouver, BC V6G 1T9 Tel.: +1 604 880 21 09 E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre affiliated Lakshmi, Sivaram & Sasi, 108 Des Berges Vaudreuil-Dorion, Quebec, J7V 9X2 Tel.: +1 450 510 26 56 / +1 450 510 26 57 E-mail: [email protected]

IndiaSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre L-12, 26th Street, Annanagar East Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 600102 Tel.: +91 44 26 63 09 78 E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Centre 236, 5th Cross, third block, HRBR Layout Bangalore, Karnataka, 560043 Tel.: +91 080 57 63 71 44 / Mob.: +91 94 48 46 44 48 E-mail: [email protected]

Arsha Yoga Gurukulam Double Cutting, Calvarimount Post Idukki district, Kerala 680 681 Tel.: +91 480 284 60 80 E-mail: [email protected]

T. Raghavan Kripa, Kundanmur, Maradu P.O. Kochi 682304, Kerala E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Centre Sarath Kumar, Balan K. Nair Road, Asokapuram Kozhikode, Kerala 673 001 Tel.: +91 495 277 17 54 / +91 495 277 03 84 Mob.: +91 944 695 36 52 E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre ‘Laksmi Sadan’, College Road, Palakkad, Kerala 678 001 Tel.: +91 491 254 51 17 / +91 491 254 45 49 E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Centre Nedunghattu Kalam, Mankurussi, Mankara Palakkad, Kerala 678 613 Tel.: +91 491 210 75 50 / Mob.: +91 944 65 55 44 90 E-mail: [email protected]

IndonesiaBali Yoga and Wellness Jl Tunjung Mekar 58, Br Peliatan, Kerobakan, Bali Tel.: +62 081 23 80 40 46 E-mail: [email protected]

IranDaneshe Yoga Centre No 16+1, beside zirak zade st., Aram Alley, Soleiyman khater St. Hafte Tir, SQ. Tehran Tel.: +98 021 88 304 505 / +98 021 883 18 189 E-mail: [email protected]

IsraelSivananda Yoga Centre 3 Reuven Street, Jerusalem Tel.: +972 02 671 48 54 E-mail: [email protected]

Sivananda Yoga Centre 8 Amnon and Tamar Street, Apt 1, Herzelia Tel.: +972 09 956 10 04 E-mail: [email protected]

ItalySivananda Yoga Firenze Via de’ Marsili 1, 50125 Florence Tel.: +39 328 966 0501 E-mail: [email protected]

In Sabina Yoga Centre Torri in Sabina, Lazio Tel.: +39 340 387 60 28 E-mail: [email protected]

JamaicaSivananda Yoga Centre 17 Tremaine Road, Kingston 6, West Indies Tel.: +1876 381 15 04 E-mail: [email protected]

LebanonSivananda Yoga Centre 522 Gouraud Street. Third floor, Apt 3A Gemayzeh, Beirut Tel.: +961 1 56 67 70 E-mail: [email protected]

New ZealandSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 145a Tukapa Street, Westown, New Plymouth, 4310 Tel.: +64 (06) 753 82 34 E-mail: [email protected]

PolandSzkoła Jogi “Odrobina Dobrej Woli” Ul. Zarudawie 11, 30-144 Krakow Tel.: +48 50 98 38 586 E-mail: [email protected]

PortugalCentro de Yoga Sivananda Vedanta Rua José Carlos dos Santos, n 12 - Loja  1700 - 257 Lisbon  Tel.: + 351 21 797 09 60 E-mail: [email protected] 

RussiaYamuna Studio 13aya Parkovaya, 27/3,105484 Moscow Tel.: +7 495 505 04 21 E-mail: [email protected]

SingaporeSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 21B (third floor) Bukit Pasoh Road Singapore 089835 Tel.: +65 90 67 91 00 / +65 98 38 67 04 E-mail: [email protected]

SpainCentro de Yoga Sivananda Vedanta Calle Ángel, 13, 18002 Granada Tel.: +34 660 28 85 71 E-mail: [email protected]

Sri LankaSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 52 Colombo Road, Piliyandala, Sri Lanka Tel.: +94 75 5 01 82 27 E-mail: [email protected]

United StatesStockton’s Yoga Center 235 Dorris Place, Stockton, CA 95204 Tel.: +1 209 463 33 30 E-mail: [email protected]

Yoga Center of Key Biscayne 971 Crandon Blvd, Suite 911 Key Biscayne, FL 33149 Tel.: +1 786 294 01 63 E-mail: [email protected]

Yoga and Inner Peace 3964 Lake Worth Road Lake Worth, FL 33461-4054 Tel.: +1 561 641 88 88 E-mail: [email protected]

Yoga Warehouse 508 SW Flagler Avenue, Downtown Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Tel.: +1 954 525 77 26 E-mail: [email protected]

East Aurora Yoga 43 Pine Street, East Aurora, NY 14052 Tel.: +1 716 319 07 25 E-mail: [email protected]

Be In Awe Yoga 2220 Rivenoak Ct., Ann Arbor, MI 48103 Tel.: +1 734 213 0435 E-mail: [email protected]

VietnamSivaYoga P. 1604, 24T2 building hoang Dao Thuy street Trung Hoa Nhan Chinh, Cau Giay, Hanoï Tel.: +84 04 2260 6968 Hotline: 0989 404 868

UNITED KINGDOMSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 45 – 51 Felsham Road SW15 1AZ London Tel.: +44 (0)20 87 80 01 60 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

UNITED STATES OF AMERICASivananda Yoga Vedanta Center 1246 West Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL 60660 Tel.: (00.1) 773 878 77 71 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center 243 West 24th Street New York, NY 10011 Tel.: +1 212 255 45 60 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center 1185 Vicente Street San Francisco, CA 94116 Tel.: +1 415 681 27 31 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center 13325 Beach Avenue Marina del Rey, CA 90292 Tel.: +1 310 822 96 42 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

URUGUAYAsociación de Yoga Sivananda Acevedo Díaz 1523, Montevideo 11200 Tel.: +598 24 01 09 29 / 66 85 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

VIETNAMSivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 25 Tran Quy Khoach Street, District 1 Ho Chi Minh City. Tel.: +84 6680 5427 or +84 6680 5428 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre 34 Suong Nguyet Anh Street, Dalat Tel.: +84 63 650 1900 E-mail: [email protected] Web:

Page 28: International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres · Tre orld rder Fonded in 957 International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centres True World Order Founded in 1957 Rudraprayag, Himalayas, India

True World Order Founded in 1957

Swami Sivananda(1887 – 1963)

Swami Vishnudevananda(1927 – 1993)

The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta

Teachers’Training Course

ALUENDA, SPAINAugust 15 – September 10, 2016

BARILOCHE, ARGENTINAMarch 6 – April 3, 2016

CHENGDU, CHINASeptember 24 – October 22, 2016

DALAT, VIETNAMFebruary 3 – March 12, 2016

GAROPABA, BRAZILJanuary 6 – February 3, 2016

GRASS VALLEY, CA, USAMay 7 – June 4, 2016 July 9 – August 6, 2016 October 15 – November 16, 2016

LONDON, UKFebruary 21 – March 20, 2016 May 28 – June 25, 2016 September 3 – October 1, 2016

MADURAI, SOUTH INDIAJanuary 3 – 31, 2016February 7 – March 6, 2016October 16 – November 13, 2016November 20 – December 18, 2016

NEAR VILNIUS, LITHUANIAJuly 2 – July 30, 2016

NASSAU, BAHAMASJanuary 4 – January 31, 2016February 3 – March 1, 2016March 4 – March 31, 2016April 3 – April 30, 2016,May 3 – May 30, 2016June 2 – June 29, 2016

NETALA, HIMALAYAS, INDIAApril 3 – May 1, 2016June 12 – July 10, 2016July 31 – August 28, 2016September 25 – October 23, 2016

NEYYAR DAM, SOUTH INDIAJanuary 10 – February 7, 2016March 20 – April 17, 2016November 6 – December 4, 2016

ORLEANS, FRANCEMay 18 – June 15, 2016 July 1 – July 29, 2016July 31 – August 28, 2016November 22 – December 20, 2016

QUEBEC, CANADAJuly 3 – July 31, 2016November 13 – December 11, 2016

RUDRAPRAYAG, HIMALAYAS, INDIAFebruary 20 – March 20, 2016October 22 – November 20, 2016

THAILANDOctober 9 – November 6, 2016

TYROL, AUSTRIAApril 30 – May 29, 2016June 4 – July 2, 2016July 30 – August 28, 2016September 3 – October 2, 2016December 17, 2016 – 15 January, 2017

USTKA, POLANDSeptember 3 – October 2, 2016

WOODBOURNE, NY, USAMarch 6 – April 3, 2016June 2 – June 30, 2016September 7 – October 5, 2016

An intensive four week immersion in the yogic way of life:

Open to students of all levelswho have a sincere desire to learn. Certificate given upon successful completion of the course.

Recognized by Yoga Alliance.

In depth study of: Asanas,Pranayama, Meditation,Mantras, Vedanta, BhagavadGita, Kriyas, Yogic Diet, Anatomy & Physiology.


Over 39,000Yoga Teachers


“Yoga is a system of integral education, not only of the mind, but also of the inner spirit.”– Swami Sivananda

Yoga Life 2015 2_Yoga Life 2014 04/09/2015 11:28 Page 66

ALUENDA, SPAINAugust 15 – September 11, 2016 August 6 – September 4, 2017

BRACCIANO, ITALYJuly 30 – August 27, 2017

CHENGDU, CHINASeptember 10 – October 8, 2016 September 9 – October 7, 2017

DALAT, VIETNAMFebruary 11 – March 11, 2017 July 8 – August 5, 2017

GAROPABA, BRAZILJanuary 5 – February 2, 2017

GRASS VALLEY, CA, USAOctober 15 – November 12, 2016 May 6 – June 3, 2017 October 14 – November 11, 2017

LONDON, UKSeptember 3 – October 1, 2016 February 18 – March 18, 2017 May 27 – June 24, 2017 September 2 – September 30, 2017

MADURAI, SOUTH INDIAOctober 16 – November 13, 2016 November 20 – December 18, 2016 February 26 – March 26, 2017

NEAR VILNIUS, LITHUANIAJuly 1 – July 30, 2017

NASSAU, BAHAMASNovember 4 – December 1, 2016 December 4 – December 31, 2016 January 4 – January 31, 2017 February 3 – March 2, 2017 March 5 – April 1, 2017 April 4 – May 1, 2017 June 3 – June 30, 2017 November 4 – December 1, 2017 December 4 – December 31, 2017

NETALA, HIMALAYAS, INDIASeptember 25 – October 23, 2016 April 9 – May 7, 2017 May 14 – June 11, 2017 June 18 – July 16, 2017 August 6 – September 3, 2017 October 1 – October 29, 2017

NEYYAR DAM, SOUTH INDIANovember 6 – 4 December 2016 January 8 – 5 February 2017 February 12 – 12 March 2017 March 19 – 16 April 2017

ORLEANS, FRANCENovember 22 – December 20, 2016 May 3 – June1, 2017 June 30 – July 28, 2017 July 30 – August 27, 2017 November 21 – December 19, 2017

QUEBEC, CANADANovember 13 – December 11, 2016

RUDRAPRAYAG, HIMALAYAS, INDIAOctober 22 – November 20, 2016 February 25 – March 26, 2017 October 21 – November 19, 2017

THAILANDOctober 9 – November 6, 2016

TYROL, AUSTRIASeptember 3 – October 2, 2016 December 17, 2016 – January 15, 2017 May 20 – June 18, 2017 July 29 – August 27, 2017 September 2 – October 1, 2017 December 16, 2017 – January 14, 2018

USTKA, POLANDSeptember 3 – October 2, 2016 September 2 – October 1, 2017

WOODBOURNE, NY, USASeptember 7 – October 5, 2016


USTKA, POLANDSeptember 3 – October 2, 2016

NETALA, HIMALAYAS, INDIAMarch 4 – April 2, 2017

Swami Sivananda(1887 – 1963)

Swami Vishnudevananda(1927 – 1993)

The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta

Teachers’Training Course

ALUENDA, SPAINAugust 15 – September 10, 2016

BARILOCHE, ARGENTINAMarch 6 – April 3, 2016

CHENGDU, CHINASeptember 24 – October 22, 2016

DALAT, VIETNAMFebruary 3 – March 12, 2016

GAROPABA, BRAZILJanuary 6 – February 3, 2016

GRASS VALLEY, CA, USAMay 7 – June 4, 2016 July 9 – August 6, 2016 October 15 – November 16, 2016

LONDON, UKFebruary 21 – March 20, 2016 May 28 – June 25, 2016 September 3 – October 1, 2016

MADURAI, SOUTH INDIAJanuary 3 – 31, 2016February 7 – March 6, 2016October 16 – November 13, 2016November 20 – December 18, 2016

NEAR VILNIUS, LITHUANIAJuly 2 – July 30, 2016

NASSAU, BAHAMASJanuary 4 – January 31, 2016February 3 – March 1, 2016March 4 – March 31, 2016April 3 – April 30, 2016,May 3 – May 30, 2016June 2 – June 29, 2016

NETALA, HIMALAYAS, INDIAApril 3 – May 1, 2016June 12 – July 10, 2016July 31 – August 28, 2016September 25 – October 23, 2016

NEYYAR DAM, SOUTH INDIAJanuary 10 – February 7, 2016March 20 – April 17, 2016November 6 – December 4, 2016

ORLEANS, FRANCEMay 18 – June 15, 2016 July 1 – July 29, 2016July 31 – August 28, 2016November 22 – December 20, 2016

QUEBEC, CANADAJuly 3 – July 31, 2016November 13 – December 11, 2016

RUDRAPRAYAG, HIMALAYAS, INDIAFebruary 20 – March 20, 2016October 22 – November 20, 2016

THAILANDOctober 9 – November 6, 2016

TYROL, AUSTRIAApril 30 – May 29, 2016June 4 – July 2, 2016July 30 – August 28, 2016September 3 – October 2, 2016December 17, 2016 – 15 January, 2017

USTKA, POLANDSeptember 3 – October 2, 2016

WOODBOURNE, NY, USAMarch 6 – April 3, 2016June 2 – June 30, 2016September 7 – October 5, 2016

An intensive four week immersion in the yogic way of life:

Open to students of all levelswho have a sincere desire to learn. Certificate given upon successful completion of the course.

Recognized by Yoga Alliance.

In depth study of: Asanas,Pranayama, Meditation,Mantras, Vedanta, BhagavadGita, Kriyas, Yogic Diet, Anatomy & Physiology.


Over 39,000Yoga Teachers


“Yoga is a system of integral education, not only of the mind, but also of the inner spirit.”– Swami Sivananda

Yoga Life 2015 2_Yoga Life 2014 04/09/2015 11:28 Page 66

Swami Sivananda(1887 – 1963)

Swami Vishnudevananda(1927 – 1993)

The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta

Teachers’Training Course

ALUENDA, SPAINAugust 15 – September 10, 2016

BARILOCHE, ARGENTINAMarch 6 – April 3, 2016

CHENGDU, CHINASeptember 24 – October 22, 2016

DALAT, VIETNAMFebruary 3 – March 12, 2016

GAROPABA, BRAZILJanuary 6 – February 3, 2016

GRASS VALLEY, CA, USAMay 7 – June 4, 2016 July 9 – August 6, 2016 October 15 – November 16, 2016

LONDON, UKFebruary 21 – March 20, 2016 May 28 – June 25, 2016 September 3 – October 1, 2016

MADURAI, SOUTH INDIAJanuary 3 – 31, 2016February 7 – March 6, 2016October 16 – November 13, 2016November 20 – December 18, 2016

NEAR VILNIUS, LITHUANIAJuly 2 – July 30, 2016

NASSAU, BAHAMASJanuary 4 – January 31, 2016February 3 – March 1, 2016March 4 – March 31, 2016April 3 – April 30, 2016,May 3 – May 30, 2016June 2 – June 29, 2016

NETALA, HIMALAYAS, INDIAApril 3 – May 1, 2016June 12 – July 10, 2016July 31 – August 28, 2016September 25 – October 23, 2016

NEYYAR DAM, SOUTH INDIAJanuary 10 – February 7, 2016March 20 – April 17, 2016November 6 – December 4, 2016

ORLEANS, FRANCEMay 18 – June 15, 2016 July 1 – July 29, 2016July 31 – August 28, 2016November 22 – December 20, 2016

QUEBEC, CANADAJuly 3 – July 31, 2016November 13 – December 11, 2016

RUDRAPRAYAG, HIMALAYAS, INDIAFebruary 20 – March 20, 2016October 22 – November 20, 2016

THAILANDOctober 9 – November 6, 2016

TYROL, AUSTRIAApril 30 – May 29, 2016June 4 – July 2, 2016July 30 – August 28, 2016September 3 – October 2, 2016December 17, 2016 – 15 January, 2017

USTKA, POLANDSeptember 3 – October 2, 2016

WOODBOURNE, NY, USAMarch 6 – April 3, 2016June 2 – June 30, 2016September 7 – October 5, 2016

An intensive four week immersion in the yogic way of life:

Open to students of all levelswho have a sincere desire to learn. Certificate given upon successful completion of the course.

Recognized by Yoga Alliance.

In depth study of: Asanas,Pranayama, Meditation,Mantras, Vedanta, BhagavadGita, Kriyas, Yogic Diet, Anatomy & Physiology.


Over 39,000Yoga Teachers


“Yoga is a system of integral education, not only of the mind, but also of the inner spirit.”– Swami Sivananda

Yoga Life 2015 2_Yoga Life 2014 04/09/2015 11:28 Page 66

Swami Sivananda(1887 – 1963)

Swami Vishnudevananda(1927 – 1993)

The International Sivananda Yoga Vedanta

Teachers’Training Course

ALUENDA, SPAINAugust 15 – September 10, 2016

BARILOCHE, ARGENTINAMarch 6 – April 3, 2016

CHENGDU, CHINASeptember 24 – October 22, 2016

DALAT, VIETNAMFebruary 3 – March 12, 2016

GAROPABA, BRAZILJanuary 6 – February 3, 2016

GRASS VALLEY, CA, USAMay 7 – June 4, 2016 July 9 – August 6, 2016 October 15 – November 16, 2016

LONDON, UKFebruary 21 – March 20, 2016 May 28 – June 25, 2016 September 3 – October 1, 2016

MADURAI, SOUTH INDIAJanuary 3 – 31, 2016February 7 – March 6, 2016October 16 – November 13, 2016November 20 – December 18, 2016

NEAR VILNIUS, LITHUANIAJuly 2 – July 30, 2016

NASSAU, BAHAMASJanuary 4 – January 31, 2016February 3 – March 1, 2016March 4 – March 31, 2016April 3 – April 30, 2016,May 3 – May 30, 2016June 2 – June 29, 2016

NETALA, HIMALAYAS, INDIAApril 3 – May 1, 2016June 12 – July 10, 2016July 31 – August 28, 2016September 25 – October 23, 2016

NEYYAR DAM, SOUTH INDIAJanuary 10 – February 7, 2016March 20 – April 17, 2016November 6 – December 4, 2016

ORLEANS, FRANCEMay 18 – June 15, 2016 July 1 – July 29, 2016July 31 – August 28, 2016November 22 – December 20, 2016

QUEBEC, CANADAJuly 3 – July 31, 2016November 13 – December 11, 2016

RUDRAPRAYAG, HIMALAYAS, INDIAFebruary 20 – March 20, 2016October 22 – November 20, 2016

THAILANDOctober 9 – November 6, 2016

TYROL, AUSTRIAApril 30 – May 29, 2016June 4 – July 2, 2016July 30 – August 28, 2016September 3 – October 2, 2016December 17, 2016 – 15 January, 2017

USTKA, POLANDSeptember 3 – October 2, 2016

WOODBOURNE, NY, USAMarch 6 – April 3, 2016June 2 – June 30, 2016September 7 – October 5, 2016

An intensive four week immersion in the yogic way of life:

Open to students of all levelswho have a sincere desire to learn. Certificate given upon successful completion of the course.

Recognized by Yoga Alliance.

In depth study of: Asanas,Pranayama, Meditation,Mantras, Vedanta, BhagavadGita, Kriyas, Yogic Diet, Anatomy & Physiology.


Over 39,000Yoga Teachers


“Yoga is a system of integral education, not only of the mind, but also of the inner spirit.”– Swami Sivananda

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