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Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy
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Page 1: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Infancy and Toddlerhood(Birth to 3 years)

ByAshley, Brendan, Billy

Page 2: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Proceeds from head to foot and central part to extremities.”

“Sucks reflexively.” “Visually tracks to midline.” “Lifts head when held upright.”

Physical Development(0-4 weeks)

Page 3: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

They begin to lift head for a little and then start to move from stomach to behind.

Start to pull themselves up to sit without their head getting in the way.

“Grasps rattle.”

Physical Development (3-4 Months)

Page 4: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Starts to reach for and grab objects. Starts to inspect things using their hands,

mouth and eyes. To see what it is. Identifying.

Physical Development(5-6 Months)

Page 5: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Creeps” “Sits without support” “Pulls to stand to cruise furniture” Fine motor skills Gross motor skills

Physical Development(6-9 Months)

Page 6: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Crawls on all fours” “Attains sitting position unaided” “Stands momentarily” “Takes first steps” Fine motor skills Gross motor skills

Physical Development(9-12 Months)

Page 7: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Self Help:* “Feeds themselves with fingers.”* “Starts to remove hat, shoes, and

socks.”* Starts to drool.

Physical Development(12-15 Months)

Page 8: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

More Gross Motor Skills: “They begin to walk alone.” “Begin to stoop and then goes to stand up

again.” Starts to climb on furniture and walk up

stairs with assistance.

Physical Development(12-18 Months)

Page 9: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Start to build things with blocks.” “Starts to scribble or follow by imitation.” “Starts to be able to hold a cup.” “Starts to put thing in bottle.” “Starts to flip through a book but multiple

pages at a time.” “Starts to be able to hold a spoon.”

Physical Development(12-18 Months) continued…

Page 10: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Chews most food well.” “Opens closed doors.” “Holds cup and drinks with some spilling.” “Imitates housework.” “Brings objects that they know on


Physical Development(15-18 Months)

Page 11: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Runs stiffly” “Pushes and pulls large objects” “Carries large teddy bear while walking” “Comes downstairs on bottom or abdomen” “Seats themselves in small chair” More Fine Motor skills

Physical Development(18-24 Months)

Page 12: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Jumps in place” “Walks on tiptoe” “Walks up and down steps, both feet on each

step” “Walks backward” “Runs headlong”

Physical Development(24-30 Months) Gross Motor Skills

Page 13: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Holds pencil with thumb and forefingers” “Zips and unzips” “Builds towers out of blocks with 6-8 blocks”

Physical Development (24-30 Months) Fine Motor Skills

Page 14: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Learning to use buttons, zippers, and buckles”

“Pull on socks” “Pull on pants and shorts” “Drinks from a cup without spilling” “Helps put things away” Toilet training in progress”

Physical Development(24-30 Months) Self-Help Skills

Page 15: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Completes a 3 piece form board”

Physical Development(30-36 Months) Gross Motor Skills

Page 16: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“ Can zip and unzip”

Physical Development(30-36 Months) Fine Motor Skills

Page 17: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Toilet training in progress” “Dresses with supervision” “Eats with fork and spoon” “Pours from one container to another” “Gets drink unassisted” “Avoids simple hazards”

Physical Development(30-36 Months) Self-Help Skills

Page 18: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Gallops” “Balances on one foot” “Catches large ball, arm flexed” “Hops on one foot 3 times” “Turn and does somersaults” Shows a lack of coordination

Physical Development(3 years old) Gross Motor Skills

Page 19: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Copies Circles” “Imitates cross” “Builds with Legos” “Builds a tower out of 10 blocks” “Randomly start to draw” “Handedness can change now” “Imitates snipping with scissors”

Physical Development(3 years old) Fine Motor Skills

Page 20: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

• Smiles randomly when hears mother voice.• Often makes tight fists

Cognitive Development0-4 Weeks

Page 21: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive Development(3-6 Months)

Able to grasp and hold things with their hands

Interested in their surroundings and activities around

Laughs and smile a lot with delight

Page 22: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive Development(6-9 Months)

Smiles and know their own mirror image “Says mama, dada” “Shakes head no” Respond to name by eye contact and smile

Page 23: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive Development(9-12 Months)

Knows the voice of their favorite people Knows how to say “bye bye” and waves

hand “Repeats performances that are laughed at” Plays peek-a-boo Knows how to clap their hands

Page 24: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive Development(12-15 Months)

Jabbers expressively “Understand the word “No” “Says 2-3 words other than mama and dada”

Page 25: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive development(15-18 Months)

Knows how to say the word “No” “Has a vocabulary of 10-15 words” “Points and vocalizes to indicate what he

wants.” Points to pictures in books

Page 26: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive Development(18-24 months)

Knows how to identify at least one body part Has a vocabulary of 20 words mostly nouns Understand the difference between yours

and mine. Enjoys simple stories Speaks in two word sentences (Ex; My juice)

Page 27: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive Development(24-30 Months)

Often responds when called by first name Speaks 50 or more words Uses 3-4 word sentences “Understands and ask for another” Points to 4 body parts

Page 28: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive Development(30-36 Months)

Knows when in the need of toilet use “Increases use of verbs” Gives full name when asked Asks,” What's That” “Begins using adjectives”

Page 29: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Cognitive Development(3 Years Old)

Identifies 2-3 colors Listen to simple directions Answer yes or no questions Sings nursery rhymes Completes 6-piece puzzle Tell age using fingers Able to count to 5 Ask may questions

Page 30: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(0-8 Weeks)

The infant gazes at faces (birth). “Smiles responsively”. “The infant uses vocalization to interact


Erik Erikson’s theory suggests that children develop a sense of trust when caregivers provide reliability, care, and affection a lack of this will lead to mistrust.

Page 31: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Developmental(3-4 Months)

“Distinguishes primary caregivers from others and will react if removed from home”.

Automatically smiles at people. “Plays alone with contentment”.

Page 32: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(6-9 Months)

Always discriminates strangers (e.g., frowns, stares, cries).

“Stranger/separation anxiety begins”. “Actively seeks adult attention; wants to be

picked up and held”. “Plays peekaboo”. “Rarely lies down except to sleep”. “Pats own mirror image”.

Page 33: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(6-9 Months)….

“Chews and bites on toys”. “Begins to respond to own name.”

Page 34: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(9-12 Months)

“Social with family, shy with strangers. “Begins to show sense of humor”. “Becomes aware of emotions of others”.

Page 35: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(12-15 Months)

“Shows strong dependence on primary caregiver with increasing difficulty separating”.

“Shows difficulty quieting and relaxing into sleep”.

“Wants to have caregiver nearby all the time”.

“Gives toy to adult on request”. “Shows sense “of me” and “mine”.

Page 36: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(15-18 Months)

“Begins to distinguish “you “ and “me”. “Imitates adult activities”. “Interested in strangers, but wary”. “Does not respond well to sharp discipline”. “Does not respond to verbal persuasion and

scolding”. “Expressed autonomy through defiance”. “Plays alone or beside other children”. “Strongly claims “mine”.

Page 37: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(15-18 Months)….

“Follows simple requests”.

Page 38: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(18-24 Months)

“Moves about house without constant supervision”.

“Plays primarily alongside children but not with them”.

“Has temper tantrums in situations of frustrations”.

“Is conscious of family as a group”. “Enjoys role playing”.

Page 39: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(18-24 Months)….

“Mimics real-life situations during play”. “claims and defends ownership of own

things”. “Begins to call self by name”. “Discriminates between edible and inedible


Page 40: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(24-30 Months)

“Initiates own play activities”. “Want routines “just so”. “Does not like change in routine”. “Cannot wait or delay gratification”. “Does not share”. “Knows identity in terms of sex and place in the

family”. “Observes other children at play and joins in for

a few minutes”.

Page 41: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(30-36 Months)

“Begins playing “with”, as opposed to “next to”, others”.

“Names or points to self in photos”. “Joins in nursery rhymes and songs”. “Likes praise”. “Dawdles”. “Has auditory fears (noises)”. “Shows sympathy, pity, modesty, and shame”.

Page 42: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(3 years old)

“Is ready to conform to spoken word”. “Begins to take turns”. “Plays simple group games”. “Toilets self during the day”. “Shows fear (visual fears, heights, loss of

parents nightmares)”. “Use language to resist”. “Is able to bargain with adults”. “Tries to please”.

Page 43: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Psychosocial Development(3 years old)

“May have imaginary playmates”. “Plays most often with as opposed to “next

to”, others. “Shares upon request”.

Page 44: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Sensorimotor intelligence: Babies organize their physical action

schemes, such as sucking, grasping, and hitting, for dealing with the immediate world.

Piaget’s Developmental Theories on Sensorimotor Intelligence

Page 45: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Preoperational Thought Children learn to think-to use symbols and

internal images-but their thinking is unsystematic and illogical. It is very different from that of adults.

Piaget’s Developmental Theories on Preoperational Thought

Page 46: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Oral Stage (birth – 1 year)” “Mouth = pleasure” “Premature weaning could lead to problems in

personality development” “An “oral” person: “

“Might eat too much, chew gum constantly, chew on pens”

“Achieves satisfaction denied to them early through their mouth (oral fixation)”

“Psychosexual Stages”

Page 47: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

“Anal Stage (1 – 3 years)” “Anus is associated with pleasure” “Literally: unwilling to part with your own

feces” “Toilet training can lead to fixation if not

handled properly” “Anal retentive behaviors”

“Clean, compulsive, stingy”

“Psychosexual Stages”

Page 48: Infancy and Toddlerhood (Birth to 3 years) By Ashley, Brendan, Billy.

Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Stage And Theory

Erik Erikson’s theory suggests that children develop a sense of trust when caregivers provide reliability, care, and affection a lack of this will lead to mistrust. There are eight psychosocial stages that humans develop throughout their life. Trust vs Mistrust is a stage that occurs approximately from birth to 1 year. When an infant is hungry and he/she gets fed and comforted when he needs comforting then that infant will develop trust. Erik Erikson also said that some mistrust is necessary to learn to discriminate between dishonest and honest people. If mistrust wins over trust in this stage, the child will be frustrated, withdrawn, suspicious, and will lack self confidence.