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Induction, Training & Development

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development




  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    T i & St t f P t tiopics & Structure of Presentation

    Induction Training Covering areas

    Training & Development

    Ob ective & Need for Trainin and Develo ment

    Training & Development Responsibility

    Training Model (ADDIE)

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    I d i T i i d D fi i induction Training and Definitions

    process. The idea is to welcome a newcomer,

    make him feel at home and part of the.

    Induction /Orientation is a technique by whicha new employee is rehabilitated into his

    ,vision, mission, practices, polices and purposesof the organization.

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    I d ti T i i C iCom an Hist or Vision Mission Values Qualit olic To

    Induction Training Covering areasManagement , Organization Chart

    Product s range and customers

    Basic condit ion of employment , Leave, Work ing hours, ,

    Dos and Don't s

    Pay & allow ances, Tax structures ,Benefi t s, Cant een

    Healt h, Safet y and Medical care

    oc a ene s, rave , e are, n orm, one ac esTraining & Development , Career development

    Factory / Facil i ty t our, I ntr oduct ions

    Sit t ing space allocat ion, Resources allot ment

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    Obj ti f I d ti T i iFirst im ressions matt er a lot

    Objectives of Induction TrainingFacilit ating new employee at ease

    Mandatory documents filli ng and sign off .

    Creat ing in terest in company Vision, Mission, , ,

    Employee hand book fami liarization

    Creat ing sense of belongingness and comm it ment

    Sharing expected behaviors at w orkplace

    ar ng a ou a ac es resourcesAwareness on safet y, healt h standards

    I ntroduction t o the team members

    Early sett ling dow n and early product ivit y

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    Sample Induction Checklist

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    ra n ng eve opment

    Training is a short term process which utilizing a

    systematic and organized procedure by which

    definite purpose.

    eve opmen s a ong erm e uca ona processby which employees learn conceptual, theoreticalknowledge for growth and general purpose.

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    Training vs. DevelopmentLearning


    Training Development

    Meant forFocus



    Sco e

    future jobs

    Work rou +

    GoalFi current


    future work

    skills eman s



    ManagementIn v ua

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    Obj ti & N d f T i i d D l tbjective & Need for Training and Development

    To improve Quality

    operational needs

    To improve Organizational culture and climate

    To improve Health and SafetyPersonal Growth and Retention

    Statutory nee s

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    T i i & D l t R ibilitraining & Development Responsibility

    HRD Depart ment : plans, establishes & evaluates

    Managers/ Supervisors / HOD: implement & applydevelopment procedure

    Employees / Part icipant s: provide feedback,revision andsuggestions

    Mandatory Training by Government

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    T i i M d l (ADDIE) raining Model (ADDIE) y

  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development



    Problem defined

    Determine overall goals/objective Assess learning needs (i.e., knowledge or performance "gaps" in existing vs. desired behaviors)

    Identify target audience

    Determine delivery environment

    Desi n:

    Identify learning objectives

    Develop assessment

    instruments (i.e. pre-tests, posttests, evaluations)

    Outline content and

    instructional strategies to match

    learning objectives


    Create all assets for the educational program or activity (i.e., lecture slides, graphics, animations, video,audio, photographs, text, web-basedtools, etc.)

    mp emen a on:

    Deliver or distribute the educational program or activity to the intended audience (i.e. ,Trainees registration,Preparation, Trainer delivery)


  • 8/2/2019 Induction, Training & Development


    Th k Yhank You