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Indiegogo Clone user manual - · Indiegogo clone admin document: Admin Panel Log In Description: User can take log in to administrator panel from the ... add

Sep 24, 2020



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Page 1: Indiegogo Clone user manual - · Indiegogo clone admin document: Admin Panel Log In Description: User can take log in to administrator panel from the ... add

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Indiegogo Clone user manual

At Admin side

By Rockers Technologies

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Contents Admin Panel ............................................................................................................................................ 4

Log In ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

Dashboard ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Projects: .............................................................................................................................................. 5

Dashboard ............................................................................................................................................... 6

User ..................................................................................................................................................... 6

Transaction.......................................................................................................................................... 7

Graphical Report: .................................................................................................................................... 8

User ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

Project: .............................................................................................................................................. 10

User: ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

Administrator: ................................................................................................................................... 12

User List ............................................................................................................................................. 17

User Log in ........................................................................................................................................ 19

Project ................................................................................................................................................... 19

Project Categories ............................................................................................................................. 19

Project List......................................................................................................................................... 22

Payment module (Pay pal Adaptive Gateway): .................................................................................... 25

Transaction: .......................................................................................................................................... 26

Content Pages: ...................................................................................................................................... 28

Pages ................................................................................................................................................. 28

FAQ .................................................................................................................................................... 30

Learn More ........................................................................................................................................ 31

Learn More Categories...................................................................................................................... 33

Globalization ......................................................................................................................................... 36

Countries ........................................................................................................................................... 36

Affiliate .................................................................................................................................................. 38

Affiliate common settings: ................................................................................................................ 38

Affiliate->Commission Setting........................................................................................................... 41

Commission History: ......................................................................................................................... 41

Affiliate Request: ............................................................................................................................... 44

Add Affiliate Request: ....................................................................................................................... 45

Email ...................................................................................................................................................... 46

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Email Template ................................................................................................................................. 46

Spam Setting ......................................................................................................................................... 46

Spam Report ..................................................................................................................................... 46

Spammer ........................................................................................................................................... 47

News letter ............................................................................................................................................ 49

Newsletter......................................................................................................................................... 49

Newsletter User ................................................................................................................................ 51

Newsletter Job .................................................................................................................................. 52

Newsletter Setting ............................................................................................................................ 52

Report ................................................................................................................................................... 55

Project Report ................................................................................................................................... 55

Transaction Report............................................................................................................................ 57

Setting ................................................................................................................................................... 59

Site .................................................................................................................................................... 59

Amount ............................................................................................................................................. 62

Meta Setting...................................................................................................................................... 62

Facebook Setting ............................................................................................................................... 63

Twitter Setting .................................................................................................................................. 64

Linkedin ............................................................................................................................................. 65

Google ............................................................................................................................................... 66

Google Plus ....................................................................................................................................... 67

Youtube ............................................................................................................................................. 67

Yahoo ................................................................................................................................................ 68

Email .................................................................................................................................................. 69

Image size .......................................................................................................................................... 69

Filter .................................................................................................................................................. 71

Messages ........................................................................................................................................... 72

Other Feature ........................................................................................................................................ 72

Cron Jobs ........................................................................................................................................... 72

Messages ........................................................................................................................................... 73

Currency ............................................................................................................................................ 75

Version Update ................................................................................................................................. 79

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Indiegogo clone admin document:

Admin Panel

Log In Description:

User can take log in to administrator panel from the

Default admin log in details:

Username: admin

Password: admin

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Projects: In this section admin can see all the details of Last 10 Pending Projects Last 5

New Running Projects, Last 5 Completed Projects , Last 5 Failed Projects.

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User Admin can see all the details of Last 10 New Users Last 5 Inactive Users, Last 5

Affiliate Request Users.

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Transaction User can find the details of Last 10 New Donors and 10 New Affiliate Withdraw


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Graphical Report:

User and Projects


On this page admin can see Graphical Report of User Registration

Weekly Average Registration (Line)

Weekly Average Registration (Bar)

Monthly Average Registration (Line)

Monthly Average Registration (Bar)

Yearly Average Registration (Line)

Yearly Average Registration (Bar).

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On this page admin can see Graphical Report of Project.

Weekly Average Projects (Line)

Weekly Average Projects (Bar)

Monthly Average Projects (Line)

Monthly Average Projects (Bar)

Yearly Average Projects (Line)

Yearly Average Projects (Bar)

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User List

User Login


User can see list of all admin details (Username, Password, Admin Type, Email,

Signup IP, Address, Active, Registered On)

User can Addd Admin by clicking on Add Admin button.

Add button is located at right corner of Administrator Managed Table.

Admin rights:

list admin

admin login

list user

user login

list project category

list project

list idea

list gallery

list amazon

list paypal

list normal paypal

list transaction

home page

list pages

list country

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list state

list city

add site setting

add meta setting

add facebook setting

add twitter setting

add email setting

add email template

assign rights

add spam setting

spam report


list newsletter

list newsletter user

newsletter setting

newsletter job

list faq category

list faq

list school


add wallet setting

list payment gateway

list gateway detail

list wallet review

list wallet withdraw

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add image setting

project report

transaction report

add filter setting

list cronjob

set fund

add yahoo setting

add google setting


add message setting

list message

list credit card

list stripe

add linkdin setting

add youtube setting

add google plus setting

Edit/Delete:Admin can edit/delete record by clicking on edit/delete link of

respective record.

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Add Admin:

Admin can add new admin of type Super Administrator or Administrator.

Super Admin can active/Inactive other admin records.

Administrator->Log in

Admin can see list of log in details Username, Email, Admin Type, Signup IP

Address, Date.

Admin can delete user’s log in detail by clicking on delete button.

User can search record by entering keyword in search box.

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User List User->User List

Admin can see user details (Username, Email, Signup IP Address, Address,

Active, Registered On, Action).

Admin can view address by clicking on view link.

Admin can edit/delete record by clicking on edit or delete link of respective


Admin can active/inactive user.

Filter: Admin can search record by Username, Email, Signup IP Address or

Search all columns.

Add user:

Admin can user by clicking on Add User button.

Add user button is located at right corner of Add user table.

Add user page will be displayed by clicking on Add user button.

Admin can add user by entering valid data in mandatory fields.

Admin can change account status to Active/Inactive using admin type

dropdown box.

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User Log in User->User Log in

Admin can see the user Log in details (Username, Email, Login IP Address,

Address, Zip code, Login Date, Login Time).

Admin can delete records by selecting record and clicking on delete button.


Project Categories Project->Project Categories

User can see all project categories name list.

User can Add new category by clicking on Add Categories button.

User can delete category if category has no projects.

Important Note:

If category has projects then user is not able to delete that category.

If category has no project then user can delete category.

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Add category:

User can add category by clicking on Add Categories button.

There are three fields:

Parent Category:

Project Category Name:

Status: Active/Inactive

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User can create child category by selecting parent category.

All categories that are created under main category have parent category type.

Categories that are created under other categories have child category type.

For example: Nature category has been created under main category then

Nature has parent category type.

Nature sub category has been created under Nature category then Nature sub

has child category type.

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Project List Project->Project List

User can see list of all projects created by user or administrator.

User can Add project, Delete project , Active project, Decline project ,

Featured project and Not Featured project.

User can not delete active project.

User can not active expired or already active, successful or failure project.

User can not decline active project.

User can featured project by selecting project and clicking on featured button.

User can also remove project from feature project list by selecting project and

clicking on not featured button.

Featured project will be displayed in slider on home page at front side.

By clicking on View button of respective project it displays Updates, Perk,

Donation, Comment and Project owner’s email Id.

By clicking on Updates icon, updates posted on project will be displayed.

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By clicking on Perk icon, if perk has been added on project then perk details

will be displayed.

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By clicking on Donation icon, Donation detail will be displayed.

By clicking on Comment icon, Project comments will be displayed.

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Payment module (Pay pal Adaptive Gateway):

User can see here Pay pal site status, Pay pal Email, Username, Pre approval,

Gateway Status.

Also user can test pay pal settings by clicking on Test

Your Pay pal setting.

User can edit Pay pal settings by clicking on edit.

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Transaction: On transaction report page user can see all transaction details with

Project, User, Amount($), Earned($), Perk, Perk Amount, IP, Date.

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View: By clicking on view button of respective record, User can see Payer’s

email, Preapproval key and Payee email.

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Content Pages:

Pages Here, user can see list of number of pages displayed at front side located at

footer or sidebar.

User can edit/delete page by clicking on edit or delete link of respective record.

User can add pages by clicking on Add button.

User can make page active/Inactive using Status dropdown box.

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Edit Page:

User can edit created page by clicking on edit link of respective record and

update it.

FAQ On this page user can see all FAQ’s and user can add FAQ by clicking on ADD


User can active/inactive FAQ.

User can edit FAQ by clicking on edit link.

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Learn More On this page user can see all learn more pages details

User can add learn more pages by clicking on Add button.

User have to select learn more category.

Add learn more pages:

User have to enter Pages Title, Pages Description and Slug for learn more page.

User can also enter Sub Title, Upload image file in Icon field, Description, Meta

Keyword, Meta Description.

User can set Learn more page status to Active/Inactive by selecting

Active/Inactive value from Status dropdown box.

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User can add learn more page by clicking on edit link of particular record.

User can active/Inactive or delete page by selecting record and clicking on

active/Inactive or delete button.

Edit: User can edit learn more page by clicking on edit link.

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Also user can change status while editing record using status dropdown box.

Delete: User can delete learn more page by clicking on delete link.

Learn More Categories On this page user can see all learn more categories created with details Learn

Category Name, location (Footer/Sidebar), Status (Active/Inactive).

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User can add new category by clicking on Add button.

User has to enter Category Name,

User can set currency status to Inactive/Active by selecting Inactive/Active

value from Status dropdown box.

User can also change status by selecting respective record and clicking on

Active/Inactive button.

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User can delete Learn More Category by selecting respective record and

clicking on delete button.

User can also delete Learn More Category by clicking on delete link of

respective record.

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User can edit Learn More Category by clicking on edit link of respective record.


Countries Globalization-> Countries

User can see the list of added countries with country name and status.

User can Active/Inactive country by selecting respective record and clicking on

Active/Inactive button.

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Edit country:

This is the page where user can edit added country.

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Add country:

User can add country by clicking on Add button.

By selecting status user can make country Active/Inactive.

Affiliate From front side user can place request for affiliate.

After admin approval unique referral link is generated.

Affiliate owner can use this link to invite users and can earn commission on

action (Sign Up/Project Listing/Pledge) of referral user as per admin settings.

Affiliate common settings: This the Affiliate setting where user can made Affiliate status Active or Inactive

from front side. User can set the the Referral cookieExpire time manualy. User

can set the maximum commision holding period, Maximum withdrawal

Threshold Limit, Transaction Fees, Fees type means like is it in amount or

pecentage .Also user can fill up the Affiliate Content from this page.

Affiliate setting where user can set affiliate status Active/Inactive from front

side.User can set the Referral cookie expiretime in hours manually.

User can set the Maximum Commission Holding Period in days manually.

Enable pay commission on every pledge functionality provided at admin side.

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If Enable pay commission on every pledge checkbox is selected then affiliate

owner can earn commission can earn commission on every pledge of referral

user as per admin settings.

If Enable pay commission on every pledge checkbox is not selected then

affiliate owner can earn commission only for first pledge of referral user.

User can set Minimum Withdrawal Threshold Limit ($) manually.

User can set Transaction Fee ($) which will be deducted during the Affiliate

cash withdrawal.

User can set Fees Type in Percentage or Amount.

User can set affiliate content from here.

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Affiliate->Commission Setting User can set the commission settings for Affiliate actions like Pledge, Project

Listing, Sign Up with commission type ($ or %).

Commission History: On Commission History page, details of commission earned by affiliate user

when referral user perform affiliate action (Pledge, Project Listing, Sign Up) will

be displayed.

When referral user perform affiliate action commission entry will be displayed

in commission history table with pending status.

Admin can Complete/Cancel/Delete commission entry by selecting respective

record and clicking on Complete/Cancel/Delete button respectively.

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Affiliate Request: User can see details of all affiliate request made by users.

User can approve or Reject request by selecting record and clicking on

approve/reject button.

User can edit request by clicking on Edit link of respective record.

User can add new affiliate request by clicking on Add button.

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View button:By clicking on view button user can see

Details of Why do you want an Affiliate?, Web Site Marketing, Search, Engine

Marketing, Email Marketing.

Add Affiliate Request: User can add new affiliate request by clicking on Add button.

Withdraw fund request:

Here,User can see Request Placed by affiliate user.

User can success request or fail request.

User can also delete request.

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Email Template Email->Email Template

All email template are set here,which are sent to donor,owner or administrator

on particular event.

Spam Setting

Spam Report User can see list of spam report with details of Spam IP, Total Report, Spam By,

Report By.

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Make Spammer:User can make spammer record by selecting record and

clicking on Make Spammer button.

Spammer Spam setting->Spammer

Here,User can see spammer list with Start Date and End Date.

User can make particular spammer to permanent spammer by selecting record

and clicking on Make Permanent spammer button.

User can delete record by selecting particular record and clicking on delete


User can add spammer record by clicking on Add button.

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On this page user can set the setting of Total Spam Report Allow, Report

Spammer Expire(In Days), Total Registration Allow From Same IP, Registration

Spammer Expire(In Days), Total Comment Allow From Same IP In One Day,

Comment Spammer Expire(In Days), Total Inquiry Allow From Same IP In One

Day, Inquiry Spammer Expire(In Days).

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News letter

Newsletter User can see the total number of Newsletter with Subject, Total user for

particular news letter and Date created.

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User can Add newsletter by clicking on Add button.

User can Delete newsletter by clicking on Delete button.

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Newsletter User User can add newsletter user by clicking on Add button.

Here,To add newsletter user,enter username and email, select newsletter for

which user want to subscribe.

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Newsletter Job User can see the list of all newsletter jobs with Subject, Start Date, Statistics,

Subscriber, Send, Open, Fail, Create Date.

User can view the chart by clicking on view link of statistics field.

User can add Newsletter Job by clicking on Add button.

User can delete record by selecting particular record and clicking on Delete


Newsletter Setting User can set all newsletter setting from Newsletter setting page.

User can also send test mail by clicking on Send Test Mail button.

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Send Test Mail

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Project Report On project report page user can see the list of all projects running on

site(Active), Successful, Console success, decline,

With details ProjectTitle, UserName, GOAL($), Raised($), Featured, Status.

By clicking on project title of respective record, it redirects to project on


By clicking on user link it redirects to respective project owner’s profile page.

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Transaction Report On transaction report page user can see details of all transaction made by user

on project.

All details Project Project, User, Amount($), Earned($), Perk, Perk Amount, IP,


By clicking on view button,user can see donor’s email address,Pre-approval

key,Payee email.

By clicking on project title of respective record, it redirects to project on


By clicking on user link it redirects to respective project owner’s profile page.

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User can see all site related settings here.

Using Site setting User can set Site version, Site name and Google Analytics


Captcha Setting

Logo Setting

Language and Date Time setting

Feed Settings

Project Limits

User can set Maximum No of project per year(for one user), Maximum No of

donations per project(for one user).

Project Goal Amount Setting

User can set Minimum Project Goal Amount Setting

Maximum Project Goal Amount Setting.

All site setting should be reflected at front side.

Project Target Days Setting

User can set Minimum days for project and Maximum days for project.

Donation Amount Setting:

User can set Minimum Donation Amount and Maximum Donation Amount.

Reward(Perk) Amount Setting

Perk Enable/Disable:If perk is enable then user can add perk from front side.

User can set Minimum Reward Amount and Maximum Reward


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Donation Type Setting:

User can select Payment Gateway(Paypal/Wallet).

User can donate using selected payment gateway at front side.

Project Achieve Goal Auto Preapproval(Yes/No)

User can select Yes/No for Project Achieve Goal Auto Preapproval.

No means Preapprove donation amount transfer on Project end date.

Yes means Preapprove donation amount transfer when project achieved its

target goal amount before end date.

Funding/Donation Type for project(Fixed/Flexible/Both)

Works only for preapproval is enable.By default Funding/Donation Type for

project is fixed.

User can set Fixed project commission.

User can set Flexible success project commission.

User can set Flexible unsuccessful project commission.

Personal Information Setting:

Personal Information:Enable/Disable

User can set Project Ending Soon days.

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User can set currency code and decimal point after amount.

Meta Setting

User can set site default page Meta settings(like main page, contact us pages)

on this page.This is for SEO(Search Engine Optimization) purpose.

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Facebook Setting In facebook settings user have to enter Facebook Profile Full URL,Facebook

Application ID,Facebook Application API Key.

User can get all these value by creating facebook application using his own

facebook Id.

Facebook application link will be generated for particular site.

User can create facebook application using link given below:

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Twitter Setting In twitter settings user have to enter Twitter Profile Full URL, Consumer

Key,Consumer Secret.

User can get all these value by creating Twitter application using his own

Twitter Id.

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User have to enter LinkdIn Profile Full URL, LinkdIn Access, LinkdIn Secret.

User can get all these values by creating Linkedin application using his own

Linkedin Id.

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Google On this page User can make Google enable/disable by selecting Yes/No from

Google Enabled dropdownbox.

User have to enter Consumer Key, Consumer Secret for google.

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Google Plus User have to enter Google plus profile full url,User can select Yes or No from

Google plus enable dropdownbox.

Youtube User have to enter Youtube profile full url,User can select Yes or No from

Youtube enable dropdownbox.

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Yahoo User have to enter Consumer Key,Consumer Secret.

User can enable/disable by selecting Yes/No option from Yahoo Enabled


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Email User can edit/Update setting on email setting page.

Image size On Image size setting page user can set Height of Project Thumbnail, Project

Thumbnail Aspect Ratio,Project Small, Project Medium,Project Large.

User can set User Small, User Medium, User Big, User Thumbnail Aspect

Ratio,Project Gallery Thumbnail Aspect Ratio.

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Filter User can set Rounding Off(Days), Popular(%), Most Funded(%), Success

Stories(%) from Filter setting page.

All these filter will be displayed on browse page at front side.

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Messages In message setting user can “Enable” or “Disable” all emails when Send email

to admin and user on new message.

Also user can set Default message subject.

User can Enable/Disable Message Module by selecting Enable/Disable from

Message Module dropdownbox.

Other Feature

Cron Jobs Cron job is run to close the project.After running cron job project status is

changed from active to success,failure,console success.

Fixed Type:

1.If project has achieved Goal by end date then status changes to Successful.

2. If project has not achieved Goal by end date then status changes to Failure.

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Flexible Type:

1. If project has achieved Goal by end date then status changes to Successful.

2. If project has not achieved Goal by end date then status changes to Console


Messages User found all list of messages sent and received between sender and receiver

with subject and date.

User can view conversation messages by clicking on view icon of respective


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By clicking on view icon it displays conversation messages for that


User can delete record by selecting particular record and clicking on

delete button.

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Currency User can see all currency details with Currency Name, Currency Code, Currency

Symbol and Status.

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User can add currency by clicking on Add button.

User have to enter Currency Name, Currency Code, Currency Symbol.

User can set currency status to Inactive/Active by selecting Inactive/Active

from Status dropdownbox.

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Also user can change status by selecting record and clicking on

Active/Inactive button.

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User can delete currency by clicking delete link of respective record.

User can edit currency by clicking edit link of respective record.

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Version Update Latest version update records will be displayed on version update page.

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