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immunization د ي ح د و ي م.م ز ل ج عا

Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

Dec 28, 2015



Jerome Glenn
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Page 1: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.


وحيد. زيد م معاجل

Page 2: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

Immunity:The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial).

Natural immunity:Resistance to infection or toxicity.

Acquired immunity:Exposure to invading agents, either from bacteria, virus, or toxin.

Active immunity:Production of antibodies against specific antigens, either naturally by having a disease or artificially by introducing the antigen in the body.Passive immunity:Temporary immunity by transfusing (immunoglobulin or antitoxin) artificially either from serum of human or animal, or naturally from mother to fetus by placenta.

Page 3: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

Antibody:A protein found in serum formed from exposure to antigen. Antigen:Foreign substances (bacteria, virus, toxin, foreign protein) stimulate antibodies formation.

Immunization:The process of inducing active or passive immunity artificially by administering an immunobiologic.

Immunobiologic:Antigen substances (vaccine or toxoid) or antibodies containing preparation (globulins or antitoxoid) from human or animal, used for active or passive immunization.

Vaccination:Inoculation with vaccina small pox virus to make a person immunity to small pox.

Page 4: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

Vaccine:A suspension of live (attenuated) or inactivated or fraction of microorganisms administered to induced immunity.

Attenuate:Reduce virulence (infectiousness) organism by treating it with heat or chemical it on certain media.

Toxoid:Modified bacterial toxin that has been not toxic but has the ability to stimulate antitoxin formation.

Antitoxin:A solution of antibodies from animals` serum immunized with antigen (passive immunity).Immune globulin:A solution of antibodies from humans` blood plasma (passive immunity & immunodeficiency person).

Page 5: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.
Page 6: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.
Page 7: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

VaccinesVaccinesM.OM.ORoutesRoutesDoseDoseSide effectsSide effects


PolioPoliolive live attenuateattenuated virusd virus

OralOral22 dropsdrops

No adverse No adverse effectseffects

Anaphylactic Anaphylactic reaction to reaction to neomycine, neomycine, pregnancypregnancy

BCG BCG (Bacillus of (Bacillus of Calmette & Calmette & Guerin)Guerin)

Live Live attenuateattenuated virusd virus

Intra Intra dermal (I.D) dermal (I.D) in Lt deltoidin Lt deltoid

0.10.1 mlmlPapule appear for Papule appear for 3 w with or 3 w with or without without ulceration & healulceration & heal

Immuno-Immuno-deficiency persondeficiency person

Hepatitis B Hepatitis B virus (HBV)virus (HBV)

Live Live attenuateattenuated virusd virus

Intra- Intra- muscular/Imuscular/IMM

0.50.5 mlmlWell toleratedWell toleratedAnaphylactic Anaphylactic reaction to reaction to baker`s yeastbaker`s yeast

DTP DTP (diphtheria, (diphtheria, tetanus, tetanus, pertussis)pertussis)

DiphtheriDiphtheria and a and tetanus tetanus toxoid, toxoid, pertussis pertussis immunogeimmunogenn

Intra- Intra- muscular/ muscular/ IMIM

0.50.5 mlmlLocal pain, Local pain, soreness, soreness, redness, swelling redness, swelling in sitein site..Fever. Fever. Encephalopathy Encephalopathy (unusual crying, (unusual crying, head ache, head ache, seizure, loss of seizure, loss of muscle tone)muscle tone)

Encephalopathy Encephalopathy for 7 d of for 7 d of pertussispertussis..Neurologic Neurologic

diseasesdiseases . .

MeaslesMeaslesattenuateattenuated virusd virus


0.50.5 mlmlAnorexia, Anorexia, malaise, rash, malaise, rash, feverfever

Immuno-Immuno-deficiency person, deficiency person, pregnancypregnancy

MMR MMR (measles, (measles, mumps, mumps, rubella)rubella)

Live Live attenuateattenuated virusd virus

Sub-Sub-cutaneous / cutaneous / S.CS.C

0.50.5 mlmlFever, Fever, lymphadenopathylymphadenopathy, rash, joint pain, rash, joint pain

Anaphylactic Anaphylactic reaction to reaction to neomycine, neomycine, pregnancypregnancy

Page 8: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

VaccinesVaccinesM.OM.ORoutes of Routes of admissionadmission


Hepatitis A Hepatitis A virus (HAV)virus (HAV)

live live attenuated attenuated virusvirus

Intra- Intra- muscular/ IMmuscular/ IM

0.50.5 mlmlUnder 2 yUnder 2 y

VarciellaVarciellalive live attenuated attenuated virusvirus

SubcutaneouSubcutaneous / S.Cs / S.C

0.50.5 mlml12-1812-18 mm

TyphoidTyphoidlive live attenuated attenuated virusvirus

Intra- Intra- muscular/ IMmuscular/ IM

0.50.5 mlmlAbove 2 yAbove 2 y

Haemophilus Haemophilus influnzae binflunzae b

Non toxic Non toxic proteinsproteins

Intra- Intra- muscular/ IMmuscular/ IM

0.50.5 mlmlUnder 2 yUnder 2 y

InflunzaeInflunzae Non toxic Non toxic proteinprotein

Intra- Intra- muscular/ IMmuscular/ IM

0.50.5 mlmlRepeated Repeated yearlyyearlyAbove 6 mAbove 6 m


StreptococcuStreptococcus s pneumoniaepneumoniae

Intra- Intra- muscular/ IMmuscular/ IM

0.50.5 mlmlUnder 2 yUnder 2 y

Page 9: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

AgeAge VaccinesVaccinesRoutesRoutes DoseDose

At birth-first At birth-first weekweek


Hepatitis B virusHepatitis B virus

OralOralIntra- dermal (I.D) Intra- dermal (I.D) in Lt deltoidin Lt deltoid

22 dropsdrops

22 monthsmonthsPolioPolioDTPDTPHepatitis B virusHepatitis B virus


0.10.1 mlml

44 monthsmonthsPolioPolioDTPDTP


0.50.5 mlml

66 monthsmonthsPolioPolioDTPDTPHepatitis B virusHepatitis B virus


0.50.5 mlml

99 monthsmonthsMeaslesMeaslesSubcutaneous / Subcutaneous / S.CS.C

0.50.5 mlml

1515 monthsmonthsMMR (measles, mumps, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella)rubella)

Subcutaneous / Subcutaneous / S.CS.C

1818 monthsmonthsFirst booster dose (polio First booster dose (polio & DTP)& DTP)

Orally & I.MOrally & I.M22 dropsdrops0.50.5 mlml

4-64-6 yearsyearsSecond booster dose Second booster dose (polio & DTP)(polio & DTP)

Orally & I.MOrally & I.M22 dropsdrops0.50.5 mlml

66 yearsyearsMMRMMRSubcutaneous / Subcutaneous / S.CS.C

0.50.5 mlml

Page 10: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

What Are Some Complications ofVaccinations?Mild Reactions: Inject able vaccines can cause localized pain, redness and swelling at the site of the

injection. Fevers usually go away in 1-2 days. Fussiness Tiredness Loss of appetite Drowsiness Mild, temporary vomiting or diarrhea within

the first week of getting rotavirus.

Page 11: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

Serious Complications:

Serious allergic reactions or anaphylaxis – extremely rare; occur within a few minutes to a few hours after the shot.

Long-term seizures, coma, lowered consciousness, and permanent brain damage after DTaP– very rare

Guillain Barre Syndrome –vaccines containing the tetanus toxoid (DTaP, Td,Tdap), mengicoccal vaccine – paralysis – very rare

Page 12: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

Precautions Severe or Moderately Severe Illness – wait until the child is better Pregnancy or Possibility of Pregnancy – contraindicated live vaccines like Varivax, MMR, LAIV Immunocompromised Persons – with AIDS, those on prolonged steroids, those on chemotherapy, those with cancer, those with agammaglobulinemia or other defects of immunity – discuss with provider. Past History of Moderate to Severe Reactions to Vaccines or Any of Its Components Past History of Intussusceptions - on the infant about to get Rotavirus

Page 13: Immunization م. م زيد وحيد عاجل. Immunity : The ability to destroy a particular antigen, it is may be inherited (natural) or acquired (artificial). Natural.

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