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english international programs Welcome Package 2012
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: IEP Adult Welcome Package




Welcome Package 2012

Page 2: IEP Adult Welcome Package


TABLE OFCONTENTSWelcomeUniversity of TorontoNew CollegeTorontoLetter from the DirectorAdult English ProgramsMorning CoursesAfternoon CoursesFull Day Courses

Program Fees, Payment and Cancellation Final FormsWelcome Desk & Program Sign-InYour First DayArriving to Toronto & U of TAccomodation Details Laundry


Computer Lab

Telephone Access

Cultural Activities

Rules & Codes of Conduct

Health InsuranceMiscellaneousStudent Registration ChecklistContact Us




Page 3: IEP Adult Welcome Package


AGES 19+

Welcome to the Universtiy of Toronto - New College’s Adult International English Programs (IEP)! During July and August, the IEP offers students 19+ years of age the opportunity to take part in a variety of English and academic programs. During the summer, students of all English abilities, from beginner to university level, can participate in a variety of morning and afternoon courses. All programs mix classroom learning with cultural activities in Toronto and weekend trips to some of Canada’s most famous tourist attractions.

Throughout the programs, students are immersed in an English environment that offers exciting opportunities to explore Toronto while studying at Canada’s premier university.

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University of TorontoThe University of Toronto is one of the oldest and most distinguished universities in Canada. Over the past 180 years, the University of Toronto has established itself as a world class research institution with 17 schools and faculties, 13 teaching hospitals, 19 graduate institutions, and 75 PhD programs. Its accomplished alumni include four Canadian Prime Ministers and six Nobel Prize winners. With an annual enrollment of over 70 000 students, including more than 7000 international students, the University is Canada’s largest educational institution and continues to be the nation’s leader in higher learning and research. The University of Toronto is consistently ranked as one of the top 25 universities in the world.

New CollegeNew College is one of the seven undergraduate colleges that make up the University of Toronto. Opened in 1962, New is one of the youngest and most modern of the St. George Campus colleges at the University of Toronto. It has developed its own traditions and identity, focusing on personal attention to students, innovative interdisciplinary programs, and links with the professional faculties, career mentorship and community outreach initiatives. All these aspects of New make it the perfect home for the Youth Summer Programs.

TorontoWith a population of over 5 million people, Toronto is Canada’s largest city and has a reputation as the safest and cleanest major city in North America. It is consistently ranked as one of the top ten cities in the world in which to live and work. Toronto’s multicultural population, which consists of over 100 language groups, makes it one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world. From “Little Italy” to “Chinatown”, Toronto’s diverse ethnic fabric offers visitors a unique international experience.

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Dear Students,

I am pleased that you have chosen to attend the University of Toronto’s 2012 Adult International English Programs.

You probably have many questions about what to expect while attending our summer programs. This information package is designed to help you prepare for your trip to Canada and for your stay at the University of Toronto. A checklist has been included to assist you with your preparation.

,Q�WKLV�SDFNDJH��WKHUH�DUH�D�IHZ�¿QDO�IRUPV�WKDW�\RX�QHHG�WR�¿OO�RXW�DQG�UHWXUQ�WR�RXU�RI¿FH���<RX�FDQ�VHQG�DOO�FRPSOHWHG�forms to the address listed at the bottom of this letter or fax them to us at +1.416.946.8050. If you have not yet purchased D�ÀLJKW��\RX�VKRXOG�VHQG�DOO�RI�WKH�RWKHU�IRUPV�WR�XV�¿UVW�DQG�WKHQ�ID[�WKH�ÀLJKW�LQIRUPDWLRQ�DIWHU�\RX�KDYH�SXUFKDVHG�\RXU�ÀLJKW�

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not KHVLWDWH�WR�FRQWDFW�WKH�,QWHUQDWLRQDO�(QJOLVK�3URJUDPV�RI¿FH�by email at [email protected], or by telephone at +1.416.946.3853.

We look forward to your arrival in Toronto and your participation in this year’s exciting International English Programs at the University of Toronto!


Bruce RussellAcademic Director


founded in 1827

over 70,000 full time students

over 6,000 international students

75 PhD programs

19 graduate institutions

17 schools and faculties

13 teaching hospitals

7 colleges

6 nobel prize winning graduates

4 Canadian Prime Ministers

U of T professors & researchers are among the world’s most highly cited academics publishing more than any other public university in North America.

Welcome Letter from the Director

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The International English Programs offer 3 different Foundation Courses that are designed to meet the educational goals of a wide variety of students of all English abilities, from beginner to university level. Foundation courses are offered during the mornings. Students have morning, afternoon, or full day courses to choose from.

Eligibility Minimum Requirements:Certain adult courses have minimum requiremnts for eligiblity (TOEFL or IELTS scores). If you have not taken a TOEFL or IELTS test, please contact us at [email protected] for other options.


Core Courses (Morning Courses)

*(&�RIIHUV�GDLO\�FODVVHV�OHG�E\�SURIHVVLRQDO�(QJOLVK�WHDFKHUV�WKDW�GHYHORS�VWXGHQWV¶�RUDO�DQG�ZULWWHQ�ÀXHQF\�and accuracy. Classes use an integrated skills approach that focuses on improving speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills through a variety of communicative activities including group discussions and role plays as well as the use of authentic materials such as broadcast and print media.

General English Course (GEC)Course Length: 4 or 8 weeksClasses: 9 am - 12 pm, Monday to FridayEnglish Levels: Beginner to Advanced

The BFC is designed for students who use English in business and professional contexts. Classes prepare students for the demands of the global business world by focusing on verbal and written communication including: introductions, conversation strategies, negotiations, participating in meetings, making presentations, improving grammatical accuracy, writing effective emails, and using appropriate tone in business correspondence.

Business Fundamentals Course (BFC)Course Length: 4 or 8 weeksClasses: 9 am - 12 pm, Monday to FridayBusiness Experience: Not requiredEligibility Minimum: TOEFL iBT 60 or IELTS 5.0

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The AFC is designed for advanced students who would like to study in a challenging environment and develop the skills that are essential for success at an English language university. Students focus on critical reading, oral presentations, seminar discussion, note taking, essay writing, and research skills through a combination of classroom learning and research at the University of Toronto’s libraries.

Academic Fundamentals Course (AFC)Course Length: 4 or 8 weeksClasses: 9 am - 12 pm, Monday to FridayEnglish Levels: Intermediate to Advanced Minimum Eligibility: TOEFL iBT 60 or IELTS 5.0

Afternoon Courses

Speaking & Pronunciation Course (SPC)Course Length: 4 or 8 weeksClasses: 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Monday to FridayEnglish Levels: Beginner to Advanced

The SPC uses a wide variety of classroom activities to improve each student’s ability to communicate in (QJOLVK��6SHFL¿FDOO\��FODVVHV�FRQFHQWUDWH�RQ�GHYHORSLQJ�VWXGHQWV¶�SURQXQFLDWLRQ��OLVWHQLQJ��DQG�FRQYHUVDWLRQ�skills. Students also practice delivering oral presentations and participating in group discussions and debates.

The TPC is designed for intermediate and advanced students who plan to study in an English speaking country and want to prepare for the TOEFL iBT Test during their stay at the University of Toronto. Throughout the course, students learn test taking strategies and develop the skills that are necessary to be successful on the TOEFL iBT Test. At the end of the course, students take the TOEFL iBT Complete Practice Test and receive their practice test scores.

TOEFL Preparation Course (TPC)Course Length: 4 WeeksClasses: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Monday to FridayEnglish Levels: Intermediate to Advanced

The IPC, like the TPC, focuses on developing the skills that are essential for success on the IELTS Academic Test while also preparing students for the communication demands at an English language university. Students focus on a variety of critical reading, discussion, essay writing, and academic listening skills. All students take a practice IELTS test at the end of the Program.

IELTS Preparation Course (IPC)Course Length: 4 WeeksClasses: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Monday to FridayEnglish Levels: High-Intermediate to Advanced

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Full Day Courses

PBE is an intensive, content-driven business program designed for students who have been or are currently working in a professional context. The program consists of two courses: a course, taught by a business professional, that focuses on contemporary issues in global business and a supporting business English course taught by a language instructor. The aim of this program is to enrich students’ understanding of LQWHUQDWLRQDO�EXVLQHVV�FRQFHSWV�LQFOXGLQJ�¿QDQFH��PDUNHWLQJ�DQG�PDQDJHPHQW�ZKLOH�SURYLGLQJ�ODQJXDJH�support to accompany the assigned oral, reading, listening and written activities.

Professional Business English (PBE)Course Length: 4 WeeksClasses: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Monday to FridayBusiness Experience: Minimum 1 Year of Full-Time Professional ExperienceEligibility: Minimum TOEFL iBT 69 or IELTS 5.5

AAS program is designed for higher level students who wish to challenge themselves in a content-driven academic course. It consists of two courses: a Social Science course taught by a content expert and a supporting English language course taught by a language instructor. The aim of this program is to engage students in an environment modeled on English speaking university courses while sharpening their academic listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. Students will be exposed to a variety of challenging authentic contexts (e.g. texts, discussions, research, etc.).

Advanced Academic Skills (AAS)Course Length: 8 WeeksClasses: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Monday to FridayEnglish Levels: Minimum TOEFL iBT 69 or IELTS 5.5

TEC is designed for international teachers of English who are seeking professional development. The course focuses on current English teaching methodology and introduces a variety of topics including: teaching speaking and writing, syllabus design, choosing course books, lesson planning, testing methods, and integrating a communicative approach to language learning.

Teaching English Course (TEC)Course Length: 4 WeeksClasses: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm, Monday to FridayEnglish Levels: High-Intermediate to Advanced

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Program Fees, Payment and CancellationAn invoice for the remaining program fees has been included in your acceptance package. 3OHDVH�VHH�WKH�WDEOH�EHORZ�IRU�WKH�GHDGOLQH�IRU�\RXU�¿QDO�SD\PHQW��$�¿QDO�UHFHLSW�ZLOO�EH�VHQW�to you once the full payment is received.

The Final Payment can be made with Visa, Mastercard, or an International Money Order made payable to the University of Toronto.

Final FormsIt is extremely important that all Final Forms be returned to the International English Programs RI¿FH�DV�VRRQ�DV�SRVVLEOH���:H�FDQQRW�FRPSOHWH�\RXU�UHJLVWUDWLRQ�XQWLO�WKH�)LQDO�)RUPV�DQG�)LQDO�Payment have been recieved.

If you have requested an Airport Pick-Up Service, we must receive your Flight Information at least one week before your arrival. Otherwise, we cannot guarentee your Airport Service.

If you have requested Residential Accommodations at the University of Toronto, please ensure that your Flight Arrival and Departure dates match your requested Check-In and Check-Out dates.

2QFH�\RX�KDYH�¿OOHG�RXW�DQG�FRPSOHWHG�\RXU�)LQDO�)RUPV��SOHDVH�ID[�WKHP�WR�����������������RU�email to [email protected].

Welcome Desk & Program Sign-InFor students living in the University of Toronto Residential Accommodations, there will be a :HOFRPH�'HVN�VHW�XS�IURP�����SP�WR�����SP�RQ�WKH�6XQGD\�EHIRUH�WKH�¿UVW�GD\�RI�FODVVHV���Please come to the desk and sign-in for the program during this time. If you have purchaced a Meal Plan, you may pick up your Meal Plan information as well.

For students not living in the University of Toronto Residential Accommodations, there will be DQRWKHU�:HOFRPH�'HVN�VHW�XS�DW�����DP�RQ�0RQGD\��\RXU�¿UVW�GD\�RI�FODVVHV����3OHDVH�FRPH�to the desk and sign-in for the program before your Placement Exam. We will provide your Meal Plan information as well as answer any questions you may have!

Program Start Date Final Payment Deadline 50% Refund Deadline* 25% Refund Deadline*(no refunds after this date)

Monday, June 25 Friday, May 25 Friday, June 8 Friday, June 22

Monday, July 23 Friday, June 22 Friday, July 6 Friday, July 20

*Not including the non-refundable $150 registration fee.

Cancellation and Refund Deadlines

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MEETING TIME: 8:30 am - Welcome Desk Sign In 9:00am - Placement Exam 3:00pm - Welcome Orientation

MEETING PLACE: 2nd Floor Lounge - Wilson Hall Building, New College

ADDRESS: 40 Willcocks St. (intersection: Spadina Ave. & Willcocks Street)

Your First DayOn the MONDAY morning of your START DATE, you will meet your English teachers and the Academic Director, Mr. Bruce Russell, for your placement exam. In the afternoon, you will meet the program staff for a Welcome Orienation. All students must attend!

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MEETING TIME: 8:30 am - Welcome Desk Sign In 9:00am - Placement Exam 3:00pm - Welcome Orientation

MEETING PLACE: 2nd Floor Lounge - Wilson Hall Building, New College

ADDRESS: 40 Willcocks St. (intersection: Spadina Ave. & Willcocks Street)

Arriving to Toronto & U of T


%RRN�\RXU�ÀLJKW�LQWR�7RURQWR�YLD�3HDUVRQ�,QWHUQDWLRQDO�$LUSRUW�ZLWK�WKH�FDUULHU�RI�\RXU�FKRLFH��The airport code for Pearson International is YYZ. Pearson International Airport is the major international airport that services southern Ontario. The airport is located northwest of the downtown core and is composed of two terminals: The New Terminal 1 and Terminal 3. To get from the airport to U of T, you have a few options:

AIRPORT SERVICE: (additional CAD$75 for pick-up & CAD$75 for drop-off)

Our airport pick-up and drop-off service make it safe and easy for international students to arrive and depart from the University of Toronto campus. One of our IEP counsellors will greet you at the airport, and bring you to the University of Toronto campus. We will also ensure your safe departure from the IEP to Pearson International Airport. Our IEP counsellors will DVVLVW�\RX�LQ�FKHFNLQJ�LQ�IRU�\RXU�ÀLJKW��DQG�ZLOO�EULQJ�\RX�DV�IDU�DV�WKH�VHFXULW\�JDWHV��3OHDVH�indicate in your Final Forms if you will require airport service, an additional fee will apply.



By Plane (with Airport Service)

Look for this sign at the airport!


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By Plane (without Airport Service)


Taxi/Limousine: If you have NOT purchased the Airport Service and wish to take a taxi directly from the airport, simply follow the signs in the terminal to the taxi stand. An airport attendant will assign you to a taxi. All taxis that service the airport have a special license to operate from the airport. Only use the licensed taxis at the taxi stand. Tell the driver you are going to the University of Toronto, New College Residence at 45 Willcocks Street (major intersection is College Street and Spadina Avenue). The airport taxis are zoned, so they don’t have a meter. The fare will be between $46 and $50. Limousine service is also available. The limousine stand is behind the taxi stand at the airport and is slightly more expensive.


The Airport Express is a bus service that has routes between Pearson Airport and major downtown hotels. It is $18.50 for one way, and $29.95 for round-trip fare. Get off at the Fairmont Royal York stop (across from Union Station) and follow the directions for students arriving by train.

By Bus


Take the bus to the downtown Toronto Coach Terminal, located at 610 Bay Street.

Bus service is available from most centres in Canada and the United States. To get from the bus terminal to U of T, we suggest taking a taxi.

Tell the driver you are going to the University of Toronto, New College Residence at 45 Willcocks Street (major intersection is College Street and Spadina Avenue). Toronto taxis are PHWHUHG��VR�WKH�IDUH�\RX�SD\�ZLOO�GHSHQG�RQ�WUDI¿F�DW�WKH�WLPH�RI�\RXU�DUULYDO��7KH�IDUH�ZLOO�EH�between $8 and $12.

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By Car

From Eastern Ontario: (Kingston, Belleville, Peterborough, Ottawa, etc.)�Take highway 401 west towards Toronto�Take the Don Valley Pkwy south towards “Downtown/Centreville”�Take the Bayview Avenue – Bloor St. exit�Follow signs for Bloor St.�Turn right onto Bloor St.�Turn left onto St. George St.�Turn right onto Willcocks St.

From Western Ontario: (Kitchener-Waterloo, Guelph, London, Windsor, etc.)�Take highway 401 east towards Toronto�Take Hwy 427 south �Merge onto the Gardiner Expressway east�Take Spadina Avenue exit�Turn left onto Spadina Avenue�Turn right onto Willcocks St.

From Northern Ontario: (North Bay, Parry Sound, Barrie, etc.)�Take highway 400 south

�Continue south to hwy 401 west�Take Hwy 427 south �Merge onto the Gardiner Expressway east�Take Spadina Avenue exit�Turn left onto Spadina Avenue�Turn right onto Willcocks St.

From Niagara Region: �Take the QEW east towards Toronto�Merge onto the Gardiner Expressway east�Take Spadina Avenue exit�Turn left onto Spadina Avenue�Turn right onto Willcocks St.

From New York State:�If you cross the border at Watertown, follow the directions for travelling from Eastern Ontario�If you cross the border at Niagara Falls/Buffalo/Fort Erie, follow the directions for travelling from Niagara Region

From Michigan State:�Cross the border at Detroit-Windsor and follow the directions for travelling from Western Ontario


Take the train to Union Station, which is the main rail station in Toronto. To get from Union Station to U of T, you can take a taxi or public transportation:

1. If you are taking a taxi, tell the driver you are going to the University of Toronto, New College Residence at 45 Willcocks Street (major intersection is College Street and Spadina Avenue). 7RURQWR�WD[LV�DUH�PHWHUHG��VR�WKH�IDUH�\RX�SD\�ZLOO�GHSHQG�RQ�WUDI¿F�DW�WKH�WLPH�RI�\RXU�DUULYDO��7KH�fare will be between $10 and $15.

2. Public Transportation (TTC Streetcar):Follow signs to TTC, streetcarsCash fare of $2.75 (exact amount required)Take the 510 Spadina Streetcar NorthAsk the driver to let you off at Willcocks StreetWalk east on Willcocks and follow to Wilson Hall/New CollegeWilson Hall is on the North-East corner of Spadina and Willcocks

By Train

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Accomodation Details

Residence Single Room

Students have the option of living in the New College Residence while attending the International English Programs. This is a unique opportunity to practice English, live with your classmates, and learn about different cultures!

During your stay at the University of Toronto, students have the opportunity to live in the safe and secure environment of the dormitory-style New College Residence. The Residence is located in downtown Toronto, walking distance from most of Toronto ’s major tourist attractions. Each student is offered a comfortable and air-conditioned single room with high-speed internet access (students must provide their own laptop computer).

There are single and double rooms available. Students will be assigned to rooms based on availability. We do accept rooming requests, but cannot guarantee that we will be able to accommodate them.

Each room has:


The residence has:


Check In: 3:00 PM Check Out: 11:00 AM

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The newly renovated Audrey Taylor Dining Hall provides students with a comfortable dining area to enjoy our “all-you-can-eat” menu. Students can watch as chefs prepare delicious daily entrees at the Pizzarette, Grille, Classics, International and Vegetarian stations.

To complement the main dishes, students have unlimited access to a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, a salad bar, drinks, daily soup selections, and everybody’s favorite - the dessert and ice-cream bar.

Meal Plans offer breakfast only, breakfast & lunch, breakfast & dinner, and Full Board (breakfast, lunch, & dinner).

If you would like to purchase a meal plan, please let us know.

Audrey Taylor Dining Hall


LaundryStudents are responsible for washing their own laundry. The cost is $1.00 per wash and $1.00 per dry. Our staff will provide laundry detergent and ensure that students know how to use the machines properly.

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Students will have access to New College’s Computer Lab which is fully equipped with high speed computer stations. A high-speed internet connection is also available in each residence room, but students must bring their own laptop computer and ethernet cable Students may purchase an ethernet cable at the front desk for CAD$5.00. The University of Toronto will not be responsible for lost or stolen items.

Computer Lab

ADULT RESIDENCE PHONE #: +1.416.586.9564All students will have a phone line in their room which can be used free of charge for local calls. This phone will receive incoming international and domestic calls. Each phone has a unique extension number that students can give out for direct calling. Students will be able to make outgoing long distance calls using a phone card. Phone cards are available for purchase at a variety of convenience stores around the student residence.

Telephone Access

A variety of evening events and weekend trips, organized by International English Programs staff, provide an ideal introduction to the city of Toronto and Canada’s distinct culture. From Toronto’s many distinguished art galleries and museums, to its fashionable shopping districts and eclectic nightlife, the city’s diversity makes Toronto an ideal destination for international visitors.

Evening Events include opportunities to attend world-class theatrical and musical performances, explore Toronto’s vibrant ethnic neighborhoods, and shop in the city’s trendiest areas.

Students also experience some of Toronto’s most popular events including an outdoor cultural festival at Toronto Harbourfront, a professional baseball game at the Rogers Centre, horse racing at Woodbine Racetrack, and a trip to the top of North America’s tallest freestanding structure – the CN Tower.

Weekend Trips allow students to relax and enjoy Canada’s culture and geography with trips to Toronto’s Centre Island; a visit to Niagara-on-the-Lake – a beautiful historic town in Canada’s premier wine producing region; and an unforgettable boat ride to the base of Niagara Falls.

Students are also encouraged to join the guided weekend excursion of French Canada. The French Canada Tour explores the cradle of French civilization in North America through visits to Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec City.

You will receive an Activities Package at your Welcome Orientation to sign up for the events. $OO�HYHQWV�DUH�RIIHUHG�DV�µSD\�DV�\RX�JR¶�DQG�DUH�VXEMHFW�WR�FKDQJH���

Cultural Activities

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General Rules & Code of ConductThe University of Toronto’s International English Programs obeys and conforms to all Canadian laws and policies, and all students are expected to as well. The following points are the most important rules to be taken into account in all situations such as: Residence, Classrooms, and Activities.

DRINKING – The consumption of alcohol is forbidden for students under the age of 19.Under Canadian law, no one under the age of 19 is permitted to drink alcohol. If you are FDXJKW�GULQNLQJ��XQGHU�WKH�LQÀXHQFH�RI�DOFRKRO��RU� LQ�SRVVHVVLRQ�RI�DOFRKRO��WKH�DXWKRULWLHV��SROLFH��ZLOO�EH�QRWL¿HG��DORQJ�ZLWK�\RXU�SDUHQWV�RU�JXDUGLDQ��7KH�RXWFRPH�RI�WKHVH�DFWLRQV�will result in being sent home.

SMOKING – There is no smoking in University of Toronto buildings.Smoking is not permitted inside the school or residence. Smoking is permitted only in designated areas outside of the school and residence. Please be aware of all non-smoking signs in and around the campus. In the province of Ontario, it is illegal to smoke inside any EXLOGLQJ��7KH�FRQVHTXHQFH�RI�EUHDNLQJ�WKLV�ODZ�FDQ�UHVXOW�LQ�YHU\�ODUJH�¿QHV��DQG�EHLQJ�VHQW�home from the program.

DRUGS – No illegal drugs are permittedDrugs are not tolerated, and are a very seriously matter. Students caught using, under the LQÀXHQFH��RU�EHLQJ�LQ�SRVVHVVLRQ�RI�DQ\�LOOHJDO�GUXJ�ZLOO�UHVXOW�LQ�WKH�LPPHGLDWH�FRQWDFWLQJ�RI�WKH�SROLFH�DQG�\RXU�IDPLO\��<RX�PD\�EH�¿QHG�RU�DUUHVWHG�E\�OHJDO�DXWKRULWLHV��

FAKE I.D��±�)DNH�LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ�LV�QRW�SHUPLWWHG,W�LV�LOOHJDO�IRU�\RX�WR�SRVVHVV�D�IDOVH�LGHQWL¿FDWLRQ�FDUG���,I�DQ\RQH�LV�FDXJKW�ZLWK�D�IDNH�,�'���their families, and the proper authorities will be contacted. Fraud is illegal.



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Health InsuranceThe cost of the health insurance is mandatory at about CAD $2 per day. Therefore, there will be no additional costs to the student for medical visits. All students must complete the “Student Medical Insurance Form” included in this package. For detailed information on the extent of medical coverage, please contact us.

MiscellaneousWeather in TorontoThe weather in Toronto during the summer may vary from a daytime high of 25-35°C, to an evening low of 12-18°C. Toronto can experience occasional heat waves where the temperature can reach as high as 38-40°C.

Generally, the weather is sunny for most of the summer season, but there may be an occasional rain shower.

What to BringClothing

��Light spring jacket��*RRG�ZDONLQJ�VKRHV�DQG�VDQGDOV��%DWKLQJ�VXLW��$GGLWLRQDO�7RZHOV��6ZHDWHU�RU�WKLFNHU�SDMDPDV�IRU�VOHHSLQJ�LQ air-conditioned rooms��$OO�W\SHV�RI�FORWKLQJ�DSSURSULDWH�IRU�WKH� summer season including: pants, shorts, t-shirts, skirts, dresses, blouses, etc.

Other Items

��Backpack or bag for weekend trips��&DPHUD��7UDYHO�DODUP�FORFN���:H�FDQQRW�SURYLGH� wake-up calls��6RDS��VKDPSRR��WRRWKSDVWH��HWF���8PEUHOOD

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Student Registration ChecklistTo ensure that your registration is complete, please use this helpful checklist to guarantee that DOO�RI�WKH�LPSRUWDQW�IRUPV�KDYH�EHHQ�UHWXUQHG�WR�WKH�,QWHUQDWLRQDO�(QJOLVK�3URJUDPV�2I¿FH�

Have you completed and returned the following registration items?

Flight Information FormEmergency Contact FormGeneral Rules & Code of Conduct FormCredit Card Payment FormGeneral Health Information FormHealth Insurance Application Form

Please contact us if you have any questions about the program. We look forward to your arrival!

Contact Us

International English ProgramsNew College, University of Toronto

300 Huron StreetToronto, Ontario

M5S 3J6

t: 416.946.3853f: 416.946.8050

e-mail: [email protected]: