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ICEF Alumni Newsletter Август-сентябрь 2013 Выпуск 13 Newsletter from ICEF Director Dear Alumni, as the new academiс year is in full swing, allow me to provide you with some overall summary of what ICEF has accomplished in the academic year 2012-2013 and tell you about some new developments which will take place next academic year. 1. The last academic year was eventful and productive in many respects, but first of all I would like to congratulate one more time several academics with publishing their research results in reputable international journals during the last academic year: Marie-Ann Betschinger, Vladimir Sokolov, Sergey Popov, Roman Zakharenko, Fabian Slonimczyk, Alexey Parakhonyak, Alexey Boulatov, Udara Peiris and Kosmas Marinakis. 2. The BSc and MSc programmes are implemented successfully, which is confirmed by the results of international exams, current placement of graduates, growth of interest among applicants. For example, the share of BSc graduates with 1 and 2 (upper) degree for the first time reached almost 70 %. The BSc graduates have received offers from the leading universities all over the world to continue their studies on MSc programmes at the LSE, MIT, Princeton University, University of California, Berkley, Carnegie Mellon University, IE Business School (Madrid), HEC and many others. 3 ICEF graduates (1 BSc and 2 MSc) will be studying on PhD programmes at LSE, Oxford and Georgetown University. As for those of our graduates (both MSc and BSc) who have decided to start their professional career the majority of them have received the job offers from such well known international companies as KPMG, Ernst & Young, McKinsey, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Citibank, BNP Paribas, etc. 3. Student enrolment on BSc and MSc programmes increased to more than 280 and 40 students respectively 4. ICEF is offering a new BSc degree in Mathematics and Economics. 5. For the first time the studies of twenty eight 1 Year ICEF Master students are state-funded, which is the result of the programme success and its recognition by academic and professional community. 6. The HSE has signed the Fifth four-year Contract with the LSE for continuation of academic partnership in terms of ICEF. 7. The International Academic Committee has also appointed the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the BSc (Dr. O. Zamkov and Dr. A. Friedman), MSc (Prof. M. Nikitin and Prof. S. Gelman) and Research (Prof. A. Boulatov and Dr. A. Belyanin) Programmes' Councils. 8. I would like to welcome onboard 3 new members of ICEF academic staff - Assistant

ICEF Alumni Newsletter’ыпуск 13 (август... · фотоотчет: и Подписаться на рассылку STAY IN TOUCH Graduates are always

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Page 1: ICEF Alumni Newsletter’ыпуск 13 (август... · фотоотчет: и Подписаться на рассылку STAY IN TOUCH Graduates are always

ICEF Alumni NewsletterАвгуст-сентябрь 2013 Выпуск 13

Newsletter from ICEF DirectorDear Alumni,

as the new academiс year is in full swing, allow me to provideyou with some overall summary of what ICEF has accomplished inthe academic year 2012-2013 and tell you about some newdevelopments which will take place next academic year. 1. The last academic year was eventful and productive in manyrespects, but first of all I would like to congratulate onemore time several academics with publishing their researchresults in reputable international journals during the lastacademic year: Marie-Ann Betschinger, VladimirSokolov, Sergey Popov, Roman Zakharenko, Fabian Slonimczyk,Alexey Parakhonyak, Alexey Boulatov, Udara Peiris and Kosmas

Marinakis. 2. The BSc and MSc programmes are implemented successfully, which is confirmed by theresults of international exams, current placement of graduates, growth of interestamong applicants. For example, the share of BSc graduates with 1 and 2 (upper) degreefor the first time reached almost 70 %. The BSc graduates have received offers fromthe leading universities all over the world to continue their studies on MScprogrammes at the LSE, MIT, Princeton University, University of California, Berkley,Carnegie Mellon University, IE Business School (Madrid), HEC and many others. 3 ICEFgraduates (1 BSc and 2 MSc) will be studying on PhD programmes at LSE, Oxford andGeorgetown University. As for those of our graduates (both MSc and BSc) who havedecided to start their professional career the majority of them have received the joboffers from such well known international companies as KPMG, Ernst & Young, McKinsey, HSBC, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America Merrill Lynch,Citibank, BNP Paribas, etc. 3. Student enrolment on BSc and MSc programmes increased to more than 280 and 40students respectively 4. ICEF is offering a new BSc degree in Mathematics and Economics. 5. For the first time the studies of twenty eight 1 Year ICEF Master students arestate-funded, which is the result of the programme success and its recognition byacademic and professional community. 6. The HSE has signed the Fifth four-year Contract with the LSE for continuation ofacademic partnership in terms of ICEF.

7. The International Academic Committee has also appointed the Chairmen and DeputyChairmen of the BSc (Dr. O. Zamkov and Dr. A. Friedman), MSc (Prof. M. Nikitin andProf. S. Gelman) and Research (Prof. A. Boulatov and Dr. A. Belyanin) Programmes'Councils. 8. I would like to welcome onboard 3 new members of ICEF academic staff - Assistant

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Professors Emiliano Catonini, Sergey Stepanov and Andrey Sirchenko.

I would also like to thank Sergey Popov, who is leaving the HSE for the Queen's University Belfast,for his active participation in ICEF academic life and wish him every success in his futureendeavors. We hope that Sergey will retain his academics ties with ICEF and HSE.

Mentioned above is just a few of the most significant developments, which haverecently taken place. The highlights of the current semester will be the 3rd International Moscow FinanceConference, hosted by ICEF Laboratory in Financial Economics (the list of speakersincludes Rajnish Mehra, Marco Pagano, Thomas Noe, Dmitry Livdan, Lucio Sarno, NormanSchuerhoff, Marcelo Fernandez), which will take place on Nov. 8-9th, ICEF-NESgraduate placement Round table, scheduled on 27th November. I am very much looking forward to our cooperation in this academic year and wish youall success in all your pursuits! Best regards,Sergey Yakovlev

Церемония вручения дипломоввыпускникам 2013

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25 сентября в резиденции Посла Великобритании в России ТимотиБарроу состоялась тринадцатая церемония вручения дипломоввыпускникам Международного института экономики и финансов ВШЭ.

С момента основания в 1997 году Международногоинститута экономики и финансов (МИЭФ),совместного проекта НИУ ВШЭ и Лондонской школыэкономики (LSE), выпускниками МИЭФ стали более900 человек - свыше 800 бакалавров и более 100магистров (магистерская программа по финансовойэкономике была открыта в институте в 2007 году).

Выпускниками 2013 годастали 16 магистров и более 100 бакалавров, многиеиз которых, как отметил директор МИЭФ СергейЯковлев, продолжат обучение в ведущих мировыхвузах, в том числе в Лондонском университете,подразделением которого является LSE.Вручениедипломов в посольстве Великобритании илирезиденции посла давно стало традицией МИЭФ, как

и присутствие на церемонии «крестных отцов» института- президентаВШЭ Александра Шохина, главы попечительского совета

МИЭФСергея Дубининаи первого куратора проекта сбританской стороны профессора РичардаДжекмана. Представлявший нацеремонии Лондонскийуниверситет его вице-канцлерЭдриан Смит отметил, что во

всем мире сейчас насчитывается 55 тысяч студентов, которые втой или иной форме обучаются по программам, одобренным университетом. «Гдебы

они ни находились, мы гарантируем, что ихобучение соответствует тем же стандартам, тому жеуровню качества и требований, которыепредъявляются в самом Лондонском университете, азначит, и их академические достижения столь жевысоки», - заверил профессор Смит.О том, что качествообразовательных

программ МИЭФ задает планку для всех факультетовВысшей школы церемонии первыйпроректор ВШЭ экономики, говорилна Вадим Радаев. «Мы заимствуеммногое из опыта МИЭФ, и в тот день, когда большинство нашихфакультетов приблизятся к уровню МИЭФ, Вышка станет совсемдругим университетом. Мы верим в то, что станем лучшими», -сказал Вадим Радаев.

По окончании официальной части церемонии гости и выпускники отправились нафуршет, а чуть позже к ним присоединились выпускники МИЭФ всех лет. Ребята

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общались, поздравляли друг друга, вспоминали забавные случаи изстуденческой жизни и делились своими планами на будущее. Подробныйфотоотчет: и

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