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I si’s"* ' fSws' - * A Regional Newspaper S j Ofndtl Cllr ib4 CMS17 N«w*p«H» Jet Aii-plaiK ' rainer, plleUd by LleoL Clyde Rcller, U'll: led with a IOM Chevretet sUdon waton d a Falls, aa Iba ear was p>lnt north on h ;h ot PerrloB Mcmeriat bridre. Th« alrpi S ll AirpI f Police - On ;hlef Pred Abrnms •ry, Jackson. Wyo.. A ir force offic ncBilicent drlring f^rcc je t and ii li Autocar and trails PAn-lnft Atonmriiil lUi Uie Jerome po- t J'lcnioriai tenwctlon of Main »8 bointf KUJinlccI :ts In Jerome al 1 Three personn, he tnick also eol- ‘^eapfrOR’' thc cn: ''i i r ’-r-JUiiS'iifS, Buren streel, driver ( cnr and Blamlres cut and bnilsed whll lopped al Uie uaf- celved sllsht bock ni truck crashed Into lu ,„d his daughter, were headlnB east, jj, was knocked unc )M Chevrolets and officials at the M 0 In damage. alibose said Saturdn) n. 18, WashlnRton what happened Prldi (SO and >3 costs ably will not be kno PalU police court Uie crash has beer Uy to a charge of They Indicated the w ■he court auspeod* alrplan*.probably we axie tor 30 days, the alle. 18 yart* bfl charsed foUowln* unUI after It U rlewe< vday nlsht Her After that Uw aln ntrol *>tter round- will be dUnunUed i ocuat street south MounUln Home by tr et. left the street UnUl after- the tacU 1 a fence on the tnblished by Uie bo* HlRdoR. the best Uiey could «a; Wnllnce b. Connor P«ol ptobtbly tried t nken drlVlna. sec- highway ’because o postponed Frldsy failure and because h »•«. i) Jo* on Tlio Smiths, drlvlni highway 93, snw the -1 inyon plane, which ha* n la» A ll 100 ^our. LFt/S U ll ci„iinj for bndlns ite Cold “I'J I’e lie Vj U IU once nt t Dee J7 Ofi-Con- J-000 feet and the Ini e worklnR In two bflore be bnus Power compsny-s I'fP""* « iject In the Hells (C.inin.f4 .« Pt*. ii »ke river. ~ ~ Slush Can low a.1 n below __ ^'TrMSSSS: Road Ha iri tor the project. -i- d work hns been T„ T 17 the cold, . . in 1. ,r m uISm "n."fa , „ W I wici. complcM ''I""'’ " tllon ol U.« .lit *n Hour, "furacd «no and drifts In parta of ■ . ______ nround Idaho Fnlls Si liupwtloB ^ freeilnj temper a* taj, “ Hnt In p«,t ol ? ,5 i. Uic cold nir crccplnK oi "“ ' n . ' • » • « mo«l ower president, cnuslne tl: nround idaho Fnlls •hree projecu nt rrnnnm at 35 n sly eaUmaled, he bll?,aird condltlc nuimiot. "" "• •’ 'T 1 that cnrpentry (C«i>iinu»4 ... r m «. s and dormltofle.i '.'."“o n ^ rr d .;; Fu-e Dam , Some concrete _ i i-k c bulldlnRS were FeCtt B it aunLsy, Dec. n - abutment for a , ^ecn mnde yci of le spnn L, belns ^ 'u ,„ F.rmer* F, I* *1 w.irfhoUKP here rnr: ^ Ownrrs of the biwlrir.': ?PPA1VP Lynch nnd JsmM Lync Vci^circ Tiift fire broke oul i lb Award Su™ KTnlndln 17 Mfc=Ihe WhffU'IrrmriL an.^wti: nedal of achieve* phone Uiere wns no om be pre.<icntcd lo Shortly afterward, ihi :hnrd M. Nixon, Ulephone rsns and t Jalurdny. located, ven annually hy Thr: warehnu.'.e. whlcl lub. nn orsanlta- the office, wns dcstro; J men. for "dU- records of Uie hu.^lncs« lent In Uie spirit Tho .fire wns declared t lln. Ralph Plsher. mnnnRer i aald Vice Pres- new. stayed *l the seer chosen for hU nfter ^ e firemen hnd Rovemment and ported at 5 a.m, thnl atlonal pood wlll. broken out nsaln. He presented to him lhe second fire wlUioui ________ flra deparuncnu_________ Red Crosi Sminjf * - TWIN FALLS. ID lie Remains at G'asl U'llllams air force plni ott the tap ef the >n driven by Clar- mal«ly75 yard* from th n hlcliway 93 Icu and Ihe ear were coins ; IrpUnt, after rip- (SUff photfi-enrrarlni) * * . * * * ilane and C n H ighw ay] 'ficials nre plnnninfr an invc.stipalio . 1934 Chevrolet station wnffon on h •ial bridge .shortly nfter 7 p.m. Fridn ed by nir force personnel from thc J in, occupants of the automobile,,wen car but the pi- ““ Stateme while his wife re- c nnd neck inJur- T T 1 J Iter. Nnncy Smilh, I rjo rl T i unconaclous, O vU . I'l : Mountain Home "There was » tlas| L V n S l l .5 ; car r«kcd violently Deen investJsated. mollHncdi tnin^^s mu e wreckage of Uie his arm around us P TOid ba Uf» «t w' W ith a flitnplc stat ^ Vnir«nraiTrtreetrt< “ “ f when a T33 &i 5 ^ bauiM to the automobile. Th( r truck, they •* « , -------- ; -------------------------- '^ruS-JKBeetFarnK laaywa* Uiat Uib "-W -V In a Coun t he va* running ving north along Piclc Off ^e-low flying air- ^ it as they cruised JEROME, Dec. 17-Dlr tn hour. The air- officers ot lhe OoodlnR . landlnB speed of Jerome couniy Beetnrowe ir. probftbly wns Uon were clected Saturdaj ilng when Uiey at the courthouse here. , . „ ., Elected directors wert ■clcd tto hlsh.v.y ooodlnj. .nd E it 8.000. again at unj* ,nd Delwln BarMeti Inst Ume ail MO rome, K. T. BuUer. Go. oushl tho hdavy reclccCcd presWcnt, Nei ! said he circled wenilell, wns elected vice • 11. raiann,ii ntid Snm Enkln. Jerome. ^ ------------- secrclar>'-treasurcr, 11 c A ‘‘f’'* Collins were lUSI.y& rectors from the Rroup to Snnke River Bcelgrowers n [azard o.T S.^^vcfS!; on the suRnr hcnrlnK in V r A t< A O G I»nd KInR reported on the • r \ J . C t l a thc nntionnl a.«oclnilon a bluff. Nebr. John Boi :laled Preu rrprcjenUtlve from Bi 4 up W « miles plained the susnr beet a snow into clouds loiments, of enatcm Idnho -pij aiwclnUon went « Saturdny while „ favoring nn Increase i peratures turned ftHoimenu for the oon m valleys In Uie; pointed oul that th of the stnte, ij, n,orj suRnr hut t eau said some ot gj u,e increase Is Rover the moun- cubn, novlnit Into Mon- Ttie a.vioclntlon p< the turbulence there wns a drop of prodi lls where v.;^ncls j-^^r. The drop wa.i ISJ) p( 5 njiJrji nn hour „uth side af tiie rive per ctnt for the norlh a a-fiy department juj„r beeU hnve not been lltlona prcviillfd j.pi because of the extr Uie Utah sUte v,jnlher during lha Intlc » «• c« 11 11,e harvest. mages Upper Colorat I - No MUmnle 1 reQ ltL e il of the lavi in * WASHINGTON. Dee. 17 I Feed and Fuel nlor Wnlkln.1, R.. Ulnh. enrly Snlurdny, ssturdny conRrcM will np rie.-a are Robert Upprr Colorndo river stor .ynch, / ccl In 1D56, ul nt 12:15 a.m. LfRlsIatlon tn authorlre to the fire de- llon-dollar serle.i of powei denllfied per.ion, rlRnilon dnms alone Uie Up wtCttUhe tele-, radn.ftnd.lL.i.Ulhutarlcs_w. one on the line, by the senate but failed U the emerKcney throuRh Uie house in Uie d Uie fire wns slon of Watkln.1 said In his sUU hlch nLv) hoaxed bill wlll npproved In ilroyprt but the se.viloii becnuse the con less w ere saved. Echo pnrk dnm hn* been ,e rd out at 3 a.m. nnd becnuse the supreme i Rer of the bust- taken- nction to shorten (cene nf the fire rlRhts suit Involving the C< md letl and re- ConservaUon nnd ether r hnt HnmM had pojrd Echo'P>\rk dam bi Ke cxtlnRUl.ihed would hnve flooded pnrt lOUt cniling the Dinosaur Nnllonal monu ___ ___________ ^Colorado and Utnh. SS Bloodmo ID'AHO, SUNDAY. DECEMBER ish Scene the aatemablle. crashed Id lhe ssiebrush 71 the road at 7:15 p.m. Friday. Both tb Ins In the Ufna dlreetioa al the time of- ns) 2ar Collide North of T ition into the collision between thi n hiKhwny 93 less than a mile nor ■iday. Meanwhile, wreckafte of thc c Mountain Home airbase. vere injured slightly as thc airplan lent af Faith to Explain Cr lash of light, an cxplosipn ltke a,hr tly but while things made by mun made by God remained intact. IS Fridny night.” itatement of faith. Mrs. Clarence Si :rtold how it seems to be the occi t air force jct airplane plays lenpf The Smiths’ 1954 Chevrplet static ' was ripped apart ahoi 7 p.m. Friday when tie rs Plwie. piloted by LleuL C ................... tried to make a-forced : • *. hlRliway 93 less than a tn tieS of Memorial •'My first sUrUed Uioi CCZ bomb elUier had been tlic e i S the enr or had been Uii trom a tollowlng car." -Directors and smashing- Impac jlnR-Unaoin- jrom Uio iRnlUo; F ”'- “"i„;-rsrs.s; ' was a car because It wu wern Clarence iqw. KnowlnR there wn: id Dnllon Col- there I rcalUed It was a Mett, both Je- menUoned to my husbar Goodlnj, wns be In trouble." she said. Vice pres dent, „ trnnsporl and watche ne. wns elecled ^ uj,- •'OlaM and debrti were •ere elected dl- crywherc." Mrs. Smith r 3 to Uie Lower - i closed my eye.i bul opi ers n«oclallon, when I fell my hu-ibam ■ley. president lo rewin conUol ot Uie roup, reported After the Impnct, whl In WnslilnRton the lop nnd left rear dooi Ihe meeUnR of (c.u,..^ .n r« . ii. c. sn alft Scotl*- ----------------------- ”B “S /S “ U.S,AddsMo tl acreage al- T a * nt on re^rd Im gatlO n In WASHINGTON. Dcc. 17 Koternrtient added 758 mil , I ^,S: er dlsU-lbuUon facimie.i tc I u Roing M) reclamaUon-burenii snld , , . This network of new c 0 polnled out pipdme, can provide a fi reduction Uils piemeninl supply of IrrlRa 4) per cenl for jor about 315,000 acres of river and JS,1 ing interior Secretary CI Jl side. Some Davis snld, >een h a n ’ested He s.ild by the end of extrmely cold ihr burenu wns ntter part of tle.i capable ot dellverlnc water in more lhan 7.000 of land In 17 wesicrn sUit Set U. S. Mc Pusl ah. predicted npprove-thc PARIS. Dec, 17 (fl-T li stornRe proj- suites moved on two fron 1 .<111 I® promote European irlre U'e l)H- n pUlnr of Wesiern defens o * ^ “"o "* prevent a separate Oermni * Upper Colo- poner development which r djnger wesiern cotnulon. •d to make It Ule piut ses- ^ >-rles of talks with : leaders, U. S. Secreiary lUUment Uie Jo>>h Foster Dulles wns re In the next pWired Amerc/an siti conU-overslal J European .■vtomle , ai eliminated for peaceful Industrial po me' court haa w'amed thm this aid probat ten a wnter ^ w’lthlield from Indivldua e Colorndo. proerams. er Rroups op- 'niet.<.ecreUry. who lefl fc 1 becnuse II IhRlon Snlurdny niRht abon; part ot the cinl plane from Evreux mill ■onument In field, was snld by dIplomnUi , ________ to luive ; 'clven this m esi obile; Don " , Nine Irrigated ER 18, 195.') _Ike( GETTYSBUKG. P ident Ei.senliower ly skirted thc scconc a cbnferejicc Pre.Kident to for With the various gimizatin'ns cooperal ing thc 200-pinl quc unit Monday js favi Twill Fnlls chaptcr "But, a grc jrush approxi-* nled individuals thc t?.* The Pomonii Gran ®'to solicit donors fror ^ , pecl.'< fl good tunioL Granges hnve volun membera who arc il ^ Six rjuorum elder." V/ tnct 12 church men ____ __ elders reported 72 v T.F. ------ ^ iJraairPedestri north of-the ! the airplane plane tried to O -------------------- Police Chief Hown h f* dcatrians nnd driver I ft tesy. Chief Gillette Saturdny afternoon « prevent n po.ssibic ti T *Q Q h Numerous instnnc' ,/X C iO X l tcr.scction!i)while thc Drivers approaching a bomb. The right turns while tl nan were tie- trin,i croa.swalk wns :t. God had "I observed many lr discourtesy and reckle&si •p '?mith 178 Pi'fl ot lhe driver and i i f OlUcttAMld. "I appeni I OCCUpnnts o f tense of b<Jh the enpfrog w ith and Uie driver in Jaklnj tation w agon show more courtesy and shortlv after He wild ll hna been i > S n r c:Sr;to“ M Si|' n a mile north tnow ll orlal bridge. Mioppcrs are In a hi UiouRhl wa* a njnc of j-cnr but they mi 3ccn placed In their duty In entorclnir n Uirown nb u iq,,., u applies (o tx)lh r." she s^kld. and driver." oQletle cxi upact knocked He said many persons i nlUon lock. to cross an Intersection me while pedc-iUlan sUnal rends kiiii at first It oausb they see oUier per t was tlylnc so crosswalk. He-explained . wns no rood (CaallaaW It. r as a plane nnd ------------------------ ojjnd ‘"'“‘Freiglit Ra thought ft was . i r j n , “"“‘ H i k e I s A s EpcSi By Raili- ,,J..„dJl;hU„. which ripped dlnte »e»ch per cent 1 door from the frelRht rales snd charg II c.iat>B It sought by the nalloni r * • * ' meet hlRher wage nnd mal The railroads Usued lhla VlOre In ChlcnRo Friilny: Y "The seven per cent Inci )n Liines minimum necessary to •r n IUPJ—T h e of rccent rallrond waf R miw nfwiit terlal price Incre.ises, whl L L it, ^ to more thnn a half bllllo m the menl A pre.Mdenllsl tact-fln 30. thc federal recently recomtnei inlil todav- Increases and heallh be ew canals’nnd 750,000 non-operating rail a full or RUp- Neither side yet hna act rrlRaUon w ntrr,recommendations. sof land, Act- Most of the non-opcr y Clarence A hour Increase plus 2 cenl I of Jar.t June,’ toward health nnd welfare rrvlslng faclll. [nho hnve been won by sen ring IrrlgntlownUiig unions. 7,000,000 acres Non-operaUng rail woi I suites. IRet nn nvernge ot 51.78 nn loves on Two sh E urope U r -Tlie United French Foreign Minister front* Salur- Pin.iy. 'Vest Germnn Pon lenii union ns^'lsur Hclnrlch Ven Brent efense nnd to glnn I’crclgn Mlnlsier P irmnn nuclcnr Sp.iak. and Jean Monet. : ilch might cn- a k^y mnn In a new proj m. ------- European enersy ; ^ _ Thr sfcreUir^' told Sp Monnet the Eisenhower ad , ,1 nnie»‘l the U.S, atomic e: *“PPfrt J o r „ ft„Lt,„rii- (1,5 e p o rt of. know-how- find I M matter to n European-nt Uwliy. Kpnnk IS hend ol ;ldual naUon- on technli for such an aulhorlly.. ' tfl for Wash- Dulles cited the precedei aboard a spe- scnfnlled' Rlcliarri Amend : mllltnrj- air- show that connress woult mnUc source* trrmely reluctant. If not i nessag e to opposed, to lootenliiR Uii nate Yom :ated Idaho Counties U.mb«r .1 Au<lil Hutv Af ClnaUUv.i A..«l.t.d l-if.. .nd tniLi Pr«j Out of I it Docto lecond T IG. Pa., Dcc. 17 (/I’)— H eart Spccii er "out of danger” frnm his Septci ccond-lcrm issue. The chief cons: iicc thnt wilh nvcrjigc luck ;ij)fJ 'coi e for years and hc fully aclivo." Support Urg Blood Donat riims scrvicc cluh-K, Grnngcs and i peraling fully, the immediate outio I quota for thc American Red Cr I favorable, according to Jlrs. Zil p tcr c.Kccutive' .secrct^iry. a great deal of support cnmes froi i thc goal will not bc reached,” she Grange has directed cach subordiiii 1 from their membership. The Red 'jrmwt from Ihe.te, although .levc volunteered to give blood replacc irc ill. Mra. Roache said. flders of the LDS church were membera to donate. W ithin Iwo 72 volunteers were ready.' (C.nliwH .1. T, C.lBW. ;)________ trians, D river ged to Be Car flownrd W, Gillette nppealol,Satur rivers to cxercise extreme caution llctte nnd police officers spent sev ioon in thc downtown-section of t blc traffic fatality, itnnces were ob.served of persons ci e thc pedestrian traffic signal was :hing intersections were seen to ir ile the pedes- „r Census T^ :kleisnfis8 on tfte .SiSS'S In Gem J tl the pe8eilrl»& : ' X'5-”- Is Quest Been three year* V , trntae taullly BOISE. Dec. 17 CR-J lie lltnlU of Uje phy. sccreUiryjif the Mi M fnUilltles, Oil- of Commerce, found fsii cfcstxlans. Uie ir.-S.-censurbureat low Umt Chrisi- "What bnppencd." 1^ n a hurry al this bureau “to the 5,000 p^ ley m ust perform nppeared . to mysterloi irclns tho traffic October, IBM, nnd Noi bolh pede.iUlan la Idaho?" l« explained, Wrltei le Dirt •sons WlU attempt _ , ection when the The qucsUon w psi rends ••wall" be- from Murphy to W t er persons In the t>u«au dlrecUir. Muit alned thnt some February, 1054, qucsllo It niMB (> reports on Idsho, ' dis.iBreement with Bi f-k _ studying the Isttft een IftfllPQ on Nov, 8. X«.aLC:9 Murphy .Mid It sho i 1 1 popuUUoQ as JOO,000 ( A SK Pfl w Of dbtober, 1 /^.aiVCU Murphy contended ^ • 1 1 renu-lf It conslslenUy lllrfin n Q own criteria forcsUbllsl LLU. U aU 9 jjpn iiBures-would com 17 liB-An Imme- higher toul Uiaa Uie Mi ;ent Increase In ported, charges will be Questleni Aecui nn-A rnllrondJ to “At Uie rbk of being Id materlnl coau being continuously unt ».ihu.uu™ ,ni Ct-flndlnu com-"* Innccurate, bul we f.,rJourselvcs to rcspecUull; .^"ke mny have some furU IS acled on lhe j.,yrphy *ald lhat In 1 nr>.-pi.ii« m ' Iftbeled daU furnij 54^ cenu 2 cenu an hourl Gives Sourtci elfare. Incre.i.'ts] Murphy snld Uie chnm by several oper- lied on such •’homely javcrnRr dnily altendsiict 11 workoffl nnwrrt-ildfntlal Klephoiic.i .70 nn hour, ^ ii .niin..>d .n r.t» ii. ■ VO Fronts to Jnity for Defe inlster Antoine encicy act for tho beni I Foreign Mln- one country. The Rlchni BrenUno, Bel- ment, now ouidnted, w ler Paul-HenrI withheld American ml Dnet, the latter from countries which reli I’ project for a tcr Uie European nrmy. lersy pool. This polnl wns stress Id Spaak andlsec.'elary's Ulk with Von ver admlnfstrn- .iccordlnR lo'reliable sour sk congress to said the United Slates w mle encrpy set possible to (wslst a Eu: irl of.Amerlcan sanlMtlon which opcraU nd flwilonable supmnatlonnl eentral nut nn*ntomic nu- power to lake and enforc- rnd of n com- The unspoken rensor echnlcnl plnns jAmeri'an oppo.iItlon is I y.. ' Iclear Industrial energy ecedent of the produces some byproduct kmendment to we.ipons.i;Plutoniumr'ro would be cx- could possibly be used for not definitely Phince would certainly < IR the atomic Ing ^hH In German lianc Blood c D rive C arefull PRICE 5 I Danger or Skirt rermfe mciiili.4 Pnul Dudley W hite pronoui iptcnibcr heart attack Saturdny but qiisiillaiit un the C hief Executive's I coniniojj-sejj.'ic cure, “ it is po.t.^ifc ." Yet hc .KaitI thnt “ thc future is of tlie gods." , ■ 1 Tlie worltj.fnmed B •frO lH experl. who esamliied geu i • , in* proKrtts" loward i I T I A T I C3 “ "1 ^ mld-Fcbm il/lV filO >»«tore I t will be kno> President’s dsmnged I nd church or- “ p .. r:ii physlcnl ««viiy,- utlook lor nil- ^ n d th e decision on » . I,ross mobile W hik cnld. must be ma Zita Roache, hower hlmaelf—not hto I&sue. hc said, wasn't d: from unaffill- “^ r - ^ ^ w r c o X n ^ she added. word that: ditiale Grange i. Elaenhower will nc Red Cross cx- *tate of the union mea icvcral of the " l.ce„ie„,» (or . plans to BO souUi. possll n.sked to con- ta, O#.. tor a fortnight Iwo days the Tho absence will I return iff Washington t Ins of congress. 3. T he physicians hav lhe President a’ •'stead activity, boUi physlcnl 1|*C up U) hU full Job." H V ■'A '(Co«Uit»»< M r w ». ireful 500 AiTes sluriloy lo pc- In. A i ’f f c r tion and couf- Q oT r'ciirs PiotBr« BUENOS AIRSS, Al IS crossing in- 17 t^>—aen. Petfro An vus on "wait." visional tovei^eni b rellabjtf wurees report l\aU Y Saturday n l* t Ittappe I. •> c m m e n t’s «irtce h*d I I State ^i-Elrl W, Mur* Ttlewo i»n DttWil i« le Idiho Chamber conspiracy Sundiy. i 1 fsiill Again WlUl Infonnanu: laid . i ireau Baturday. planning • nbotage, • t< I.’’ h# Mkfd lhe dlartam and oUier “tro 0 people who dls* acts, aimed Uielr con erlously between nt embarrwslng the Ai November. 1855, em m ent th'an at spark ' Uon. btilhera arrest Direelor dlsmUsed .from bovo s psrt of a lelto the #ourcea said. Ap Bbert'W. Bursesi. largest number are ch '.turphy. who la wlUi ex-Presldent Jua eslloned Uie bu. dlcUitorlal regime, all Isho, resumed his are or were connected» 1 Burgess alter tary and police. . census esUmate There was no elgn ol lety In official quart showed Idaho’s capital outwardly was KW compared, to .. Isis S r £ i IsDemar 'ng^lfled ns R c d ..\Z S.-iturdny thnl West Be; urscy 01 uie rc- jiq behind Uie 1 received, Mur- ab,,ndon Its ••NATO pol . . J , ubllsh "normal relation ,empl to defend roundlnu East German ««,000 esUmste w . sriii Mnii-ni Alfred Ncumann. Be lecrcUiry of East Germ Uully Inqu^ If coi,„nunist party and ? « L»?a member of lu pollUiu ur esiimaie was ji,aj „!! of Berlin, and i •| .nt. .. u Soviet sector. Is.the ca ‘".“J V ' ‘‘.“'inow •’soverelRn East Oe urnlshed by Uie ocraUc republic.'’ nconcla^lve,- This went be>t«d rec urtes Illst claims thot Enst 1 ihnniber lud re- longer a n occupied set lely flRure.1" ns four-power elly but thi Isiice In schools, Germany. In an ; IM In icr^'lce. llshed by the offlclnl j II i) pnper Neues Deutsehlnm —^ stressed thnt lhe laws ' Ocim.iny state are val •X lin.’’ He said It was a I npply this only to Enst n.iserted ’'all of Berlin Is rt of thc D O a" He addeC 'T^^TICD "In "'■osl Beilln, Uie JL U X loC *wtule ftnd the rule of U lords and mlltlarlsU mi benefit of nny dated so thnt normal n Ichnrds amend- be cslAbllshed wllh the d, would have of Uic Oermnny I>cmoc: mllltnry aid He. T h a t Is the quesUoa I refused to en- ngendn." ny. ---------------- BTI shop souixes, Dulles European JI days eraled under a u i . I nuUiorlty with p n*lp fight iforce decisions. .fvvvwwvvvvvTwsw ;nson for the -Jl— AIa-H- is Uiat a nu- 1 n; rgy plant also . .IL -J \imr , duel* of use ns * I .r'tor cxinipie;' * jasseoSSSi am i for explosives. i--B » y Cliririmoil on Mondi e' lllyl : S 5 CENTS t r ; ts" sue nounced Pres- ’ but cautious*' ivc's case told , j.^.'ible for tho' eis in the tap d Boston heart lined ELienliower . . said his psUent 111 nnd rneourag- ' • nrd recovery. Tt ’cbruarj-, he said, known how lh a '. :ed heart sUnds ling menUl and on a second term. ■■ le made by Elsen- . t hto doctor*. Th# n't discussed Sat* lief ExecuUve. ference produced - -1 III not dellrer hU I messste to con- !Xt monlh. oclors are reeom- -clse Uie President - possibly to Ausut* Jght after ChrUt* will be broken to Uin tor the open* } have advised tor steady Increasing slcnl and meaUil, , ' H wa* indicated n i t . C«U«Bl) r' ested / ■ ;eutine I treakup S, Arr»Un». Dec. I Aramburu’8 pro* nt bu enisbed a ible-nukin*" plot least .SCO Buspeeta. T ted Bauirday. began Friday. ' -appeared lhe kot- i*d been.WrUtaZlr ourees laid .maor alreadjr bad b a n b^meueff-after.-.- •probably oolffM . II lepon. OB. tba S ': i e,-fWta*;-,toc8B- — I ' ’•lrouble*Bxalclag" ^ consplttey mora tie Arambum gor- - > ipotklng a .m ^ u * irrested had beea Borenusest Job*, . Apparently tbs •e cirUUns linked - - Juan D. Peron'a I, althouRh some :ted wim tha mUl* ) gn of undue anx- ] luarters and tbe was nonnaL . J Jnity auded idOiief (A-An East Ber* :ader demanded ■t Beriln, Isolated Uie iron curtain, 3 policy'; and es* ations” with sur- . •many. .. Beriln district 3ermany's ruIUtc and candidate illtburo, asserted snd not only tht le cspllal •of . the ' It Oennan Oem* 1 rccent commu* ast Berlin Is no 1 sector of the I Uie capital of an article pub- :tnl party news- hlnnd. Neumann ’ aws of tho East I valid -in Ber- as a mistake to East Berlin and lln Is the capital iddcd; the occupaUoQ of the monopoly ' * must be liqul* lal relaUons can thc goverhment :mocraUc'repub- sUon now on tba DPPING YS leftI Jhl TB —t Sfi iay

ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Aug 17, 2020



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Page 1: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

I s i ’s " * '

f S w s ' -


-T hervedihofla n dtoi-

I new n n in slrU



> told


s £ S S v«Uve th«n » a lle na rth oi jpert

“ fMan Cha13 Jn

: : I n C r a s hon * / I c. y; Lar otn ot Jerome PoUce Chle

, #rrert«d Don Query, lt»ln on k ehMRC of net >tJit« afK rQutry'« lOil Aui fol- cr had collided w ith I eent lice car a l th e Inters

and Lincoln Atrcctd 1 ilcal pjn, Snlurday. T he t x ia l lldcd wllh another Mcer Curtis Blamlrea. Oo th« samo time.

»llh Both the police cnr automobile wereatopp

’ tar lie light when Uie tru< med ihtm . All vehlcle.i wer sec* Both c an were 19M i

each recelred »2tKI In r Donna B. Pyron. V U>« couKi. was fined tSQ

n-lday In Twin F«U after pleadlne C^iUy <

. reckiM* dri»lne. T h e < ed.^w drtver-# llcenio

, MUs PytOQ was cha

l - S r S S o ^ r .”;In ; a comcr &t Locua

ts :S 2 S °5 lS ‘;'property of O . A. Hlff

dlf. eenlenclns of Wnlln 11,'hy ‘ drunke: jfn_ ond offense, wn* posl hi* . (C.i.Ui...d en Tm. •

hen --------------------

Hells Can S G oc

DesDit<» ot CAMBRIDOE. Dee. A-ai strucllon crews are wi

shifts a t Idnho Pow Aid Brownlee dam project

In esnyon area of Snake : nil They have been ha

Illy ihU past week by ielr which skidded as low

ttro . nccordlnft to Olen isla resident mannRcr fc lyn Knudsen. con traclori t sa- Bui JohnMn M id w

projresiln? desplU; the ^n- Mesnwhlle. the th i f * aultlnit board of engl

by Idaho Power thla w( a week-lonj Inspectlo and project plans.

Report en In s ; ■The board of com

represent the wocld'a dams, power p lan ts an luiUon, have ezprcsscc approval cf Uie dnm i

S E, Roach. Idaho Powe _ ’They ahare the co;

vlellon that- the threi Brownlee. Oxbow nnd

PJ. can be built a t a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e

Hid ■To Erecl Uulti

Johnson reported th j j t work on warehouse* an

!•' Kheduled to bcRln for “ "’P bulldlnss <

. side of Uie river. Bc foollnKs for the bu poured ihls week.

And on Uie Oreson ,,jj proKrrs. lnB on an abi ^ 600-foot brldire. T he a

(('.nllni.d .1. r i t* i.

S Nixon to Rei i,. 1956 Club“i ment for m a will be V Vice President R lchnr

It was announced Satu The medal la given

»? (he Poor Rlch/vrd club. 1“ lion for ■dverUilnR m

i - r s iS i j 'S E '*e work in the field of rovj ; to p n .a „ u n ,ln t tm » tlo :be Tha medal wlll be pres-

here Jan. n .

brget I

A Regional Newspaper S j

Ofndtl Cllr ib4 CMS17 N«w*p«H»

Jet Aii-plaiK


rainer, plleUd by LleoL Clyde Rcller, U'll: led w ith a IOM Chevretet sUdon waton d a Falls, aa Iba ear was p>lnt north on h ;h o t PerrloB Mcmeriat bridre. Th« alrpi

S l l A irp If Police - O n;h le f Pred Abrnms•ry, Jackson. Wyo.. A i r fo rce o ffic

ncBilicent drlring f^ rc c j e t a n d ii l iAutocar and trails PAn-lnft A tonmriiillUi Uie Jerome po- t J 'lcn io ria i

tenw ctlon of Main »8 bo in tf KUJinlccI :ts In Jerom e a l 1 T h r e e pe rsonn ,he tn ick also eol- ‘ eap frO R ’' thc cn:

' ' i i r ’-r -JU iiS 'i ifS ,Buren streel, driver (

cnr and Blamlres cut and bnilsed whll lopped a l Uie u a f- celved sllsht bock ni truck crashed Into l u ,„ d his daughter, w ere headlnB east, j j , was knocked unc )M Chevrolets and officials a t the M0 In damage. alibose said Saturdn) n. 18, WashlnRton what happened Prldi

(SO and >3 costs ably will not be kno PalU police court Uie crash has beer Uy to a charge of They Indicated the w ■he c ou rt auspeod* alrplan*.probably we axie to r 30 days, the alle. 18 ya rt* bfl c h arsed foUowln* unUI after It U rlewe< vday n ls h t Her After tha t Uw a ln n tro l *>tter round- will be dUnunUed i ocuat street south MounUln Home by tr et. le ft the street UnUl after- the tacU1 a fence on the tnblished by Uie bo* HlRdoR. the best Uiey could «a; Wnllnce b . Connor P«ol ptobtbly tried t nken drlVlna. sec- highway ’because o postponed Frldsy failure and because h » •« . r . i . . in i) Jo* on Tlio Smiths, drlvlni

highway 93, snw the -1

inyonplane, which ha* n la»

A l l 100 ^our.L F t /S U l l c i„ iin j for b nd ln s

ite C o ld “I'J I’el i e V j U I U once n t tDee J7 Ofi-Con- J-000 feet and the Ini e worklnR In two bflore be b n u s Power compsny-s I 'f P " " * «iject In the Hells (C.inin.f4 .« Pt*. ii »ke river. ~ — ~

Slush Canlow a.1 n below __

'TrMSSSS: Road Hair i to r the project. - i- d work hns been T „ T 1 7th e cold, . . i n 1. ,r •

m u I S m " n ." f a , „ WI w ic i. complcM ' ' I " " ' ’ "t l l o n o l U.« . l i t *n Hour, "furacd «no

and drifts In parta of ■. ______ nround Idaho Fnlls Siliupw tloB ^ freeilnj temper

a * taj, “ H nt In p « ,t ol

? ,5 i . Uic cold nir crccplnK oi "“ ' n . ' • » • « mo«l ow er president, cnuslne tl:nround idaho Fnlls

•hree projecu nt rrnnnm a t 35 n

sly eaUmaled, he bll?,aird condltlc

n u im io t. " " " • • ’ ' T1 th a t cnrpentry (C«i>iinu»4 ... r m «. s and dormltofle.i

'.'."“o n ^ r r d . ; ; Fu-e Dam, Some concrete _ i i -k c

bulldlnRS were FeCtt B i ta u n L s y , Dec. n -

abutm ent for a , ^ecn mnde yci of le spnn L, belns ^ 'u , „ F.rmer* F, I* *1 w.irfhoUKP h e r e rnr:

Ownrrs of the biwlrir.':? P P A 1 V P Lynch nnd JsmM Lync V c i ^ c i r c Tiift fire broke oul i

lb Award S u ™ K T n l n d l n17 Mfc=Ihe W hffU 'IrrmriL an.^wti:

nedal of achieve* phone Uiere wns no om be pre.<icntcd lo Shortly afterward, ihi

:hnrd M. Nixon, Ulephone rsns and t Jalurdny. located, ven annually hy Thr: warehnu.'.e. whlcl lub. nn orsanlta- the office, wns dcstro; J m en. for "dU- records of Uie hu.^lncs« le n t In Uie spirit Tho .fire wns declared t lln. Ralph Plsher. mnnnRer i aald Vice Pres- new. stayed *l the seer chosen for hU nfter ^ e firemen hnd Rovemment and ported a t 5 a.m, thn l

atlonal pood wlll. broken out nsaln. He presented to him lhe second fire wlUioui

________ flra deparuncnu_________

Red Crosi

S m i n j f * -


lie R e m a in s a t G 'a s l

U'llllams a ir force p ln i o tt the tap ef the >n driven by Clar- mal«ly75 yard* from th n hlcliway 93 Icu and Ihe ear were coins ; IrpU nt, a fte r rip- (SUff photfi-enrrarlni)

* * . * * *

i l a n e a n d C

n H i g h w a y ]'f ic ia ls n r e p lnnn in fr a n in v c .s t ip a l io . 1934 C h e v r o le t s ta t io n w nffon o n h •ial b r id g e .sh o rtly n f t e r 7 p .m . F r id n ed b y n i r fo rc e p e rso n n e l f r o m th c J in , o c c u p a n ts o f th e a u to m o b ile , ,w e n c a r b u t t h e pi-

“ “ S t a t e m ewhile h is wife re-c nnd neck inJur- T T 1 JIter. Nnncy Smilh, I r j o r l T i unconaclous, O v U . I ' l: M ountain Home

" T h e r e w a s » t l a s | L V n S l l . 5 ; c a r r « k c d v io le n t ly Deen investJsated. m ollH ncdi tn in^^s mu e wreckage of Uie h is a r m a r o u n d u s P T O id ba Uf» « t w' W ith a flitn p lc s t a t

^ V n i r « n r a i T r t r e e t r t < “ “ f w h e n a T 3 3 &i

5 ^ bau iM to th e a u to m o b ile . T h ( r truck, they • * « , --------;--------------------------

'^ ru S -JK B e e tF a rn Kla ay w a * Uiat Uib " - W -V

In a Count he va* running

ving n o r th along Piclc Off^e-low flying air- ^it as they cruised JEROME, Dec. 17 -D lr tn hour. T he air- officers o t lhe OoodlnR . landlnB speed of Jerome couniy Beetnrowe ir. probftbly wns Uon were clected Saturdaj ilng w hen Uiey a t the courthouse here.

, . „ . , Elected directors wert■clcd t t o hlsh .v .y oood ln j. .n d Ei t 8.000. again a t unj* ,n d Delwln BarMeti Inst Ume a il MO rome, K . T. BuUer. Go.

oush l tho hdavy reclccCcd presWcnt, Nei ! said he circled wenilell, wns elected vice • 11. ra iann ,ii ntid Snm Enkln. Jerome. ^------------- secrclar>'-treasurcr,■ 11 c A ‘‘f’'* Collins werel U S I . y & rectors from the Rroup to

Snnke River Bcelgrowers n

[ a z a r d o . T S . ^ ^ v c f S ! ;on the suRnr hcnrlnK in V

r A t < A O G I»nd KInR reported on the • r \ J . C t l a thc nntionnl a.«oclnilon a

bluff. Nebr. John Boi :laled P re u rrprcjenUtlve from Bi4 up W « miles plained the susnr beet a snow in to clouds loiments,of enatcm Idnho -p ij aiwclnUon went « Saturdny while „ favoring nn Increase i peratures turned ftHoimenu for the oon m valleys In Uie; pointed ou l th a t th of the stnte, i j , n ,orj suRnr hu t t eau said some ot gj u ,e increase Is Rover th e moun- cubn, novlnit Into Mon- Ttie a.vioclntlon p<

the turbulence there wns a drop of prodi lls where v.; ncls j-^^r. The drop wa.i ISJ) p(5 njiJrji nn hour „ u th side a f tiie rive

per c tn t for the norlh a a-fiy departm ent ju j„ r beeU hnve not been lltlona prcviillfd j.pi because of the ex tr

Uie U tah sU te v,jnlher during lha Intlc » «• c« 11 11,e harvest.

m ag es Upper Colorat

I - No MUmnle 1 r e Q l t L e i lof the lavi in * WASHINGTON. Dee. 17

I Feed and Fuel nlor Wnlkln.1, R.. Ulnh. enrly Snlurdny, ssturdny conRrcM will np rie.-a are Robert Upprr Colorndo river stor .ynch, / ccl In 1D56,ul n t 12:15 a.m. LfRlsIatlon tn authorlre to the fire de- llon-dollar serle.i of powei denllfied per.ion, rlRnilon dnms alone Uie Up w tC ttU he tele-, radn.ftnd.lL.i.Ulhutarlcs_w. one on the line, by the senate bu t failed U the emerKcney throuRh Uie house in Uie

d Uie fire wns slon of said In his sUU

hlch nLv) hoaxed bill wlll npproved In ilroyprt bu t the se.viloii becnuse the con less w ere saved. Echo pnrk dnm hn* been ,e rd out a t 3 a.m. nnd becnuse the supreme i Rer of th e bust- taken- nction to shorten (cene nf the fire rlRhts suit Involving the C< md le tl and re- ConservaUon nnd e ther r hnt HnmM had pojrd Echo'P>\rk dam bi Ke cxtlnRUl.ihed would hnve flooded pnrt lOUt cniling the Dinosaur Nnllonal monu ___ ___________ ^Colorado and Utnh.

SS Bloodmo


ish Scene

the aatemablle. crashed Id lhe ssiebrush 71 the road a t 7:15 p.m. Friday. Both tb Ins In the U fna dlreetioa a l the time of- ns)

2ar C ollide N o r th of T

ition into th e collision between thi n hiKhwny 93 less than a mile nor ■iday. M eanwhile, wreckafte of thc c M ountain Home airbase. vere in ju red sligh tly as thc airplan

l e n t a f F a i t h

t o E x p l a i n C rlash of ligh t, an cxplosipn ltke a,hr tly b u t w hile th ings made by mun m ade by God remained intact.

IS Fridny n ig h t.” ita tem ent o f fa ith . M rs. Clarence Si :r to ld how i t seem s to be th e occi t a i r force j c t a irplane plays lenpf T h e S m ith s’ 1954 Chevrplet static

' ’ w as ripped a p a rt ahoi 7 p.m. F riday when

t i e r s Plwie. piloted by LleuL C—................... tried to make a-forced :

• *. hlRliway 93 less than at n t i e S of Memorial

•'My first sUrUed Uioi CCZ bomb elUier had beent l i c e i S the enr or had been Uii

trom a tollowlng car." -Directors a n d smashing- Impacjln R -U n a o in - jrom Uio iRnlUo;

F ”' - “" i „ ; - r s r s . s ;' was a car because It wu

wern Clarence iqw. KnowlnR there wn: id Dnllon Col- there I rcalUed It was a Mett, both J e - menUoned to my husbar Goodlnj, wns be In trouble." she said.

Vice pres dent, „ trnnsporl and watche ne. wns elecled ^ uj,-

•'OlaM and debrti were •ere elected d l- crywherc." Mrs. Smith r 3 to Uie Lower - i closed my eye.i bul opi ers n«oclallon, when I fell my hu-ibam ■ley. president lo rew in conUol ot Uie roup, reported After the Impnct, whl In WnslilnRton the lop nnd left rear dooi Ihe meeUnR of ( c .u , . .^ .n r « . ii. c . sn alft Scotl*- -----------------------

”B“S /S “ U.S,AddsMot l acreage a l- T • a *

n t on r e ^ rd I m g a t l O n In WASHINGTON. Dcc. 17

Koternrtient added 758 mil , I ^ , S : er dlsU-lbuUon facimie.i tc

I u Roing M) reclamaUon-burenii snld , , . This network of new c

0 polnled ou t pipdm e, can provide a fi reduction Uils piemeninl supply of IrrlRa 4) per cenl fo r jor about 315,000 acres of r iver and JS,1 ing interior Secretary CI J l side. Some Davis snld,>een h a n ’ested He s.ild by the end of extrmely cold ih r burenu wns n tte r part of tle.i capable ot dellverlnc

water in more lhan 7.000 — — of land In 17 wesicrn sUit

S e t U . S . M c

P u s lah. predicted npprove-thc PARIS. Dec, 17 ( f l -T li

stornRe proj- suites moved on two fron 1 . < 1 1 1 I® promote European

irlre U'e l)H- n pUlnr of Wesiern defens o * ^ “"o " * prevent a separate Oermni * Upper Colo- poner development which r d jn g e r wesiern cotnulon.•d to make ItUle p iu t ses- ^ >-rles of talks with :

leaders, U. S. Secreiary lU U m ent Uie Jo>>h Foster Dulles wns re In the nex t pWired Amerc/an siti conU-overslal J European .■vtomle ,

a i eliminated for peaceful Industrial po me' court haa w'amed thm this aid probat ten a wnter ^ w’lthlield from Indivldua e Colorndo. proerams. er Rroups op- 'niet.<.ecreUry. who lefl fc1 becnuse II IhRlon Snlurdny niRht abon; p a rt ot the cinl plane from Evreux mill ■onument In field, was snld by dIplomnUi

,________ to luive ;'clven this m e s i

obile; Don

" , N ine Irrig a ted

ER 18, 195.')

_ I k e (

GETTYSBUKG. P id en t Ei.senliower ly sk irted thc scconc a cbnferejicc Pre.Kident to fo r

W ith the various gimizatin'ns cooperal ing thc 200-pinl quc u n it Monday js favi Twill Fnlls ch ap tc r

"B ut, a grc jrush approxi-* n led individuals th c

t?.* The Pomonii G ran ® ‘ ' t o solicit donors f ro r

^ , pecl.'< fl good tunioL G ranges hnve volun m embera who a r c il

^ Six rjuorum elder." V / tn c t 12 church m en

____ _ _ elders reported 72 v

T .F .- - - - - - ^i J r a a i r P e d e s t r in o rth o f-the

! th e a irp lane

plane tr ied to O -------------------- Police Chief Hown

hf * dcatrians nnd d r iv e rI f t tesy. Chief G ille tte

Saturdny afternoon« prevent n po.ssibic ti

T * Q Q h Num erous instnnc', / X C i O X l tcr.scction!i)while th c

■ D rivers approachinga bomb. T h e r ig h t tu rn s w hile tlnan w ere tie- tr in ,i croa.swalk w ns:t. God h a d "I observed many lr

discourtesy and reckle&si•p '?m ith 178 Pi'fl ot lhe driver and i

i f OlUcttAMld. "I appeni IOCCUpnnts o f tense of b<Jh theenpfrog w ith and Uie driver in Jaklnjtation w ag o n show more courtesy andshortlv a f t e r He wild ll hna been i

> S n r c:Sr;to“M S i |'n a mile n o r th tnow ll orlal bridge. Mioppcrs are In a hi UiouRhl wa* a njnc of j-cnr but they mi

3ccn placed In their duty In entorclnir n Uirown nb u iq,,., u applies (o tx)lh r." she s^kld. and driver." oQletle cxi upact knocked He said many persons i nlUon lock. to cross an Intersection me while pedc-iUlan sUnal rends k iiii a t f irs t It oausb they see oUier per t was tly lnc so crosswalk. He-explained •. wns no rood (CaallaaW I t. r as a plane nnd ------------------------

o j j n d ■‘"'“‘F re ig li t R athought ft w as .

i r j n , “"“‘ H ik e I s A s E p c S i B y R aili-, , J . .„ d J l ;h U „ .

which ripped dlnte »e»ch per cen t 1 door from th e frelRht rales snd charg

II c.iat>B It sought by the n a l lo n i r * • * ' meet hlRher wage nnd mal

The railroads Usued lhla VlOre In ChlcnRo Friilny:Y "The seven per cen t Inci)n Liines minimum necessary to

•r n IU PJ—T h e of rccent rallrond waf R m iw n fw iit terlal price Incre.ises, whl L L i t , ^ to more thnn a half bllllo

m the m en l A pre.Mdenllsl tac t-f ln 30. thc federal recently recomtneiinlil todav- Increases and heallh be ew canals’ nnd 750,000 non-operating rail a full or RUp- Neither side yet hna act

rrlRaUon w n trr , f land, A ct- Most of the non-opcr y Clarence A

hour Increase plus 2 cenl I of Jar.t June,’ toward health nnd welfare rrvlslng faclll. [nho hnve been won by sen ring IrrlgntlownUiig unions.7,000,000 acres Non-operaUng rail woi I suites. IRet nn nvernge ot 51.78 nn

l o v e s o n T w o

s h E u r o p e U r-T lie United French Foreign M inister front* S a lu r- Pin.iy. 'Vest Germnn Pon

lenii union ns^'lsur Hclnrlch Ven B ren t efense nnd to glnn I’crclgn Mlnlsier P irmnn nuclcnr Sp.iak. and Jean M onet. : ilch m ight c n - a k^y mnn In a new projm. ------- European enersy ;

^ _ T h r sfcreUir^' told SpMonnet the Eisenhower ad

, ,1 nnie»‘l the U.S, atomic e: *“PPfrt J o r „ ft„Lt,„rii- (1,5 e p o r t of.know-how- find I

M m atter to n E uropean-nt U w liy. Kpnnk IS hend ol

;ldual naUon- on technlifor such an aulhorlly.. '

tf l for W ash- Dulles cited the precedei aboard a spe - scnfnlled' Rlcliarri Amend : mllltnrj- a ir- show that connress woult mnUc source* trrmely reluctant. If n o t i n e s s a g e to opposed, to lootenliiR Uii

nate Yom

:a ted Idaho Counties

U.mb«r .1 Au<lil Hut*«v Af ClnaUUv.i A ..«l.t.d l-if.. .nd tn iL i Pr«j

Out of I i t Docto lecond TIG . P a ., D cc. 17 (/I’)— H e a r t Spccii e r " o u t o f d a n g e r ” f rn m h is Septci c c o n d - lc r m issu e . T h e c h ie f cons: iicc t h n t w ilh n v c rjig c lu c k ;ij)fJ 'coi e f o r y e a r s a n d hc f u lly a c liv o ."

S u p p o r t U r g

B l o o d D o n a tr iim s sc rv ic c cluh-K, G rn n g c s a n d i p e r a l in g fu lly , th e im m e d ia te outio I q u o ta f o r th c A m e ric a n R ed C r I f a v o r a b le , a c c o rd in g to J l r s . Zil p t c r c.K ccutive ' .secrct^iry. a g r e a t d e a l o f su p p o r t c n m es froi i t h c g o a l w ill n o t bc r e a c h e d ,” she G ra n g e h a s d irec te d c a c h subo rd iiii1 f ro m t h e i r m e m b e rsh ip . T h e Red 'jrm w t fro m Ihe.te, a l th o u g h .levc v o lu n te e r e d to g ive b lo o d rep lacc i r c ill. M ra . R oache s a id .f ld e r s o f th e L D S c h u rc h w ere m e m b e r a to d o n a te . W i th in Iwo 7 2 v o lu n te e r s w ere r e a d y . '

(C.nliwH .1. T, C.lBW. ;)________

t r i a n s , D r i v e r

g e d t o B e C a rf lo w n rd W , G ille tte n p p e a lo l ,S a tu r r i v e r s to c x e rc is e e x t re m e c au tio n l lc t te n n d po lice o f f ic e rs s p e n t sev io o n in t h c d o w n to w n -s e c tio n of t b lc t r a f f i c f a ta l i ty , i tn n c e s w e re ob .served o f p e rs o n s ci e t h c p e d e s tr ia n t r a f f i c s ig n a l w as : h in g in te r s e c t io n s w e r e s e e n to ir ile th e pedes-

„r Census T:kleisnfis8 on tfte

.SiSS'S In Gem Jtl th e pe8eilrl»& • : '

X'5-”- Is QuestBeen th ree year* V, t rn ta e ta u llly BOISE. Dec. 17 CR-J lie lltnlU of Uje phy. sccreUiryjif the Mi M fnUilltles, Oil- of Commerce, found fsii cfcstxlans. Uie ir.-S.-censurbureatlow Umt Chrisi- "What bnppencd." 1 n a hu rry a l this bureau “to the 5,000 p^ ley m ust perform nppeared . to mysterloi irclns tho traffic October, IBM, nnd Noi

bo lh pede.iUlan la Idaho?" l« explained, W rltei le Dirt•sons WlU attempt _ ,ection w hen the The qucsUon w psi rends ••wall" be- from M urphy to W t er persons In the t>u«au dlrecUir. Muit alned th n t some February, 1054, qucsllo

I t n iM B (> reports on Idsho,■ ' dis.iBreement with Bif - k _ studying th e I s ttf t eenI f t f l l P Q on Nov, 8.X « . a L C : 9 Murphy .Mid It sho

i 1 1 popuUUoQ as JOO,000 ( A S K P f l w Of dbtober, 1/ ^ . a i V C U Murphy contended ^ • 1 1 renu -lf It conslslenUy

l l l r f i n n Q own criteria forcsUbllsl L L U . U a U 9 jjpn iiBures-would com 17 liB -A n Imme- higher to u l Uiaa Uie Mi ;ent Increase In ported, charges will be Questleni Aecuinn-A rnllrondJ to “At Uie rbk of being Id m aterlnl coau being continuously unt» . i h u .u u ™ ,n i

Ct-flndlnu com-"* Innccurate, bul we f.,rJourse lvcs to rcspecUull;

.^ " k e mny have some furU

IS acled on lhe j.,yrphy *ald lha t In 1 nr>.-pi.ii« m ' Iftbeled daU furnij 5 4 ^ cen u

2 c e n u an hourl Gives Sourtci elfare. Incre.i.'ts] Murphy snld Uie chnm by several oper- lied on such •’homely

javcrnRr dnily altendsiict11 workoffl nnwrrt-ildfntlal Klephoiic.i .70 nn hour, ii .niin..>d .n r .t» ii. ■

VO F r o n t s t o

J n i t y f o r D e f einlster Antoine encicy act for tho beni I Foreign Mln- one country. The Rlchni BrenU no, Bel- ment, now ouidnted, w ler Paul-HenrI withheld American ml Dnet, the latter from countries which reli I’ project for a tc r Uie European nrmy. lersy pool. This polnl wns stressId Spaak andlsec.'elary's U lk with Von ver admlnfstrn- .iccordlnR lo'reliable sour sk congress to said the United Slates w mle encrpy set possible to (wslst a Eu: irl of.Amerlcan sanlMtlon which opcraU nd flwilonable supmnatlonnl eentral nut nn*ntomic nu- power to lake and enforc- rnd of n com- The unspoken rensor echnlcnl plnns jA meri'an oppo.iItlon is I y .. ' Iclear Industrial energyecedent of the produces some byproduct kmendment to w e.ipons.i;Plutoniumr'ro would be cx- could possibly be used for no t definitely Phince would certainly <

IR the atomic Ing ^hH In G erman lianc

Blood c

D r i v e

C a r e f u l l


Danger or Skirtre rm femciiili.4 Pnul D u d le y W h i te p ronoui iptcnibcr h e a r t a t t a c k S a tu rd n y bu t qiisiilla iit un th e C h i e f E x ec u tiv e 's I coniniojj-sejj.'ic cure, “ i t is po.t.^ifc ." Y et hc .KaitI t h n t “ th c f u tu r e is

• o f t l i e g o d s.", ■ 1 Tlie worltj.fnmed B

• f r O l H experl. who esamliiedg e ui • , in* proKrtts" loward i

I T I A T I C3 “ "1 ^ mld-Fcbmi l / l V f i l O >»«tore I t will be kno>

Presiden t’s dsmnged Ind chu rch o r- “ p .. r:ii physlcnl ««viiy,-utlook lo r nil- ^ n d th e decision on ». I ,ro ss m obile W h ik cnld. must be ma

Z ita R oache, hower hlmaelf—not hto I&sue. h c said, wasn't d:

from u n a ff ill- “^ r - ^ ^ w r c o X n ^ she added. word th a t:

d itiale G range i. Elaenhower will nc Red Cross c x - *tate o f the union mea icvcral o f th e "l.c e „ ie „ ,» (o r

. plans to BO souUi. posslln.sked to con- ta, O #.. to r a fortnight Iwo days th e T ho absence will I

re tu rn iff Washington t Ins of congress.

3. T h e physicians hav lhe P resident a’ •'stead activity, boUi physlcnl

1 | * C up U) hU full Job." H V■'A '(Co«Uit»»< M r w » .

i r e f u l 5 0 0 AiTesslu riloy lo p c - In. A i ’f f c r tion a n d cou f- Q

o T r ' c i i r s PiotBr«BUENOS AIRSS, Al

IS c ro ssing in - 17 t^>—a e n . Petfro A n vus on " w a it ." visional to v e i^ e n i b

rellabjtf wurees report

l \ a U Y S a tu rd ay n l * t Ittappe I . •> c m m e n t’s «irtce h*d I

I State

^ i-E lrl W, Mur* T tlew o i»n DttW il i« le Idiho Chamber conspiracy Sundiy. i 1 fsiill Again WlUl In fo n n a n u : la id . i ireau Baturday. p lann ing • nbotage, • t< I.’’ h# Mkfd lhe dlartam and oUier “tro0 people who dls* acts, aim ed Uielr con erlously between n t em barrw slng the Ai

November. 1855, em m en t th'an a t spark ' Uon.

b tilhera arrest Direelor dlsmUsed .from bovos psrt of a le l to the #ourcea said. Ap Bbert'W. Bursesi. largest number are ch '.turphy. who la wlUi ex-Presldent Jua eslloned Uie bu. dlcUitorlal regime, all Isho, resumed his are o r were connected»1 Burgess a lter ta ry a n d police.. census esUmate T here was no elgn ol

lety In official quart showed Idaho’s cap ita l outwardly was

KW compared, to .. —

I s i sS r £ i IsDemar'n g ^ l f l e d ns R c d

. . \ Z S.-iturdny thnl West Be;urscy 01 uie rc- jiq behind Uie 1received, Mur- ab,,ndon Its ••NATO pol

. . J , u b llsh "normal relation ,empl to defend roundlnu East German ««,000 esUmstew . sriii Mnii-ni Alfred Ncumann. Be

lecrcUiry of East Germ Uully Inqu^ If coi,„nunist party and ? « L»?a member of l u pollUiu ur esiimaie was ji,a j „!! of Berlin, and i

•| .n t. .. u Soviet sector. Is.the ca ‘" .“J V ' ‘‘.“ 'inow •’soverelRn East Oe

urnlshed by Uie ocraUc republic.'’ nconcla^lve,- T his w en t be>t«d rec urtes Illst claim s thot Enst 1ihnniber lud re- longer a n occupied set lely flRure.1" ns four-pow er elly but thi Isiice In schools, G ermany. In an ; IM In icr^'lce. llshed by the offlclnl jII i) pnper N eues Deutsehlnm

— stressed th n t lhe laws 'O cim .iny state are val

•X lin.’’ H e said It was a I npply th is only to Enst

n.iserted ’'a ll of Berlin Is r t of th c D O a " He addeC 'T ^^TIC D "In "'■osl Beilln, Uie J L U X l o C *w tule ftnd the rule of U

lords a n d mlltlarlsU mi benefit of nny dated so thnt normal n Ichnrds amend- be cslAbllshed wllh the d, would have of Uic O ermnny I>cmoc:

mllltnry aid He. T h a t Is the quesUoa I refused to en- ngendn." ny. ----------------

B T I s h o psouixes, Dulles ■

European ■ J I dayseraled under a u i .I nuUiorlty with p — n*lp f igh t iforce decisions. .fv v v w w v v v v v T w sw ;nson for the -Jl— A Ia -H -

is Uiat a nu- 1 n ;rgy plant also . .IL - J \imr , duel* of use ns * I.r 'to r cxinipie;' * j a s s e o S S S i a m i for explosives.

i - - B » y C l ir i r im o il

on Mondi

e '

l l l y l :


r ; t s " suenounced P r e s - ’ b u t cau tious* ' iv c 's c ase t o ld , j.^.'ible f o r th o ' e i s in th e ta p

d Boston heart lined ELienliower .. said his psUent 111 nnd rneourag- ' • nrd recovery. Tt ’cbruarj-, he said, known how lh a '.

:ed heart sUnds ling menUl and

on a second term. ■■ • le made by Elsen- . t hto doctor*. Th# n't discussed Sat* lief ExecuUve. ference produced - -1

III not dellrer hU I messste to con- !Xt monlh. oclors are reeom- -clse Uie President - possibly to Ausut*Jght after ChrUt* will be broken to Uin tor the open*

} have advised tor steady Increasing slcnl and meaUil, ,' H wa* indicated n i t . C«U«Bl) r '

ested / ■ ;eutine I treakupS, A rr»U n». Dec.I Aramburu’8 pro* n t b u enisbed a ible-nukin*" plot least .SCO Buspeeta.

Tted Bauirday. began Friday. ' -appeared lhe ko t- i*d been.WrUtaZlr I ourees laid .m aor alreadjr bad b a n /

b ^ m e u e ff - a f te r .- .-•probably o o lf fM .

II le p o n . OB. tba

S ': ie,-fW ta*;-,toc8B- — I ' ’•lrouble*Bxalclag"

consplttey mora tie Arambum go r- - > ipotklng a .m ^ u *

irrested had beea Borenusest Job*,. Apparently tb s •e cirUUns linked - -

Juan D. Peron'a I, althouRh some :ted wim tha mUl* )

gn of undue anx - ] luarters and tbe was nonnaL . J

JnityaudedidO iief(A-A n East Ber*:ader demanded ■t Beriln, Isolated Uie iron curtain,3 policy'; and es* ations” with su r- . •many... Beriln district 3ermany's ruIUtc

and candidate illtburo, asserted snd not only th t le cspllal •of . the ' It O ennan Oem*

1 rccent commu* ast Berlin Is no 1 sector of the I Uie capital of an article pub-

:tnl party news- hlnnd. Neumann ’ aws of tho East I valid - in Ber- as a mistake to East Berlin and lln Is the capital iddcd;

the occupaUoQ of the monopoly '

* must be liqul* lal relaUons can thc goverhment

:mocraUc'repub- sUon now on tba

DPPING YS leftIJh l TB — t

S f iiay

Page 2: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

President for Ui-uguay Wil QuitHospiti

CHICAOO. Dec. I I im-Pre*:c LuU B»Ule B erre i o t Urupi»y r leive W uley M nnorlal hosplUl “ Dpxi » « k " hU AUendlag phytic u ld (OdA)'.

In ft fonnal ttA tem cnl. the alte Inc ph)’ilel«n. whoise name wa* Rivrn. Mia lh a l the prcsldfnt "c

< tinucs !o Improve" trem lhe ' ach alUclc he «uJrerNl W ednet

nlKht.' I t aljo dlAcIosfd th a t the p ru ld

] le lt his bed todny and U pi n/»i? m oel n e x t WedneidBy-^ rcprrientaUvra of th e m eat pack Induitry. Buch ii meellnu had h

I xcheduM m p a rt of his ofriciat v hu t was la ter canceled when prfsld tn l became Sll.

A medical sU lem en l mnde no i crence to the resulU of the varl

f IMU (he prealdent ta underfo bu t It v u believed Q iat the findl

I discloied were M KOod th a t they I I to the expectilloru o( the prwlde: ' ■ early deparlura Jrom the ho.iplU

O llleltta cIOM U> tho party net , , the ltis pointed o u l U would no t

until Monday « t th e tha f inal ruling could ba Riven to.dei mini* IhR coume of tha pretldc: treatment.

Former Caldwell Mayor Is Strick<

PORTLAND. Dee. 17 IPi-Leo M «oa . ex-m ayor 0/ C«W«ell. nn member of the Idaho boara health, w u reported unchanged coDdltten B aturday n ight aftei he&rt att«GX Friday night.

A tU odectj a t th e Oood B tm t U n h u p lU I u l d Ma condlllen y

^ beat described u "fnlrly p»d ."

j HospitalsMagic Valley M emoriavisiting hours » t Mnslc Vnl

' Memorial hosplU l are from 3 ta u d 7 to 8 p jn .

ADMITTED Mr*. Calvin Cunningham, M

Joe French, M ary l« u n«yl. Mer D. Jacobsen. Nancy U a Smith. M Clarenca E. Bmlth. Larry Qwln. M

t Wesley Broevlk. Pntrlcla Hammo 7 nnd Mont« Cook. All Twin fVtl

Mre. H arljy King. PnlrJield; M DiiJe K. 0»ffw . CM tlf/ord: Hoy Johnson and Anltn Sue Btvskln. ba

I Kimberly.' DfSMlfiSEO

M n. CInrence Sm llh, Nancy Bmll n ichard Pence, Merlin Jacobw

i Mabel Oorley. M ary Lou nay l, M

Dale Rouiw. F rank Newberry. M Ju n e s A. a w m m e r and <wn. M Maurice H A rtrufl end daughU MT8. Eddie Lloyd and daughter. M Richard M arU n and daugnur. All Bryson. Oliver Van Autdeln ai JDtm Deah), a ll Tw in Falls; M Oecrge Brookahler and dausht- CaaUeford; Mi*. Robert L eau r ai d a u ^ (« r. K u u e ii; M n. Jack .7oti and con, MurtAUgh; Mrs. Ivan A wood. B uhl: Mra. Cecil Qlsh. Mu taugh: K{ro. E m eal Eden. Caldwe 6 herrl N athes, Kimberly, and Hn old Meyer. WendeU.

S IR T R %Daughteni v e re born BaturdUy

Mr. aad Mr*. Joe French,Tw in Pal nnd to .M r. and Mrs. Harley Kir Falrfletd. A aon waA bom Sauirdi to Mr. t a d Mr*- G ary Karma, Bul

C oftagc, BurleyADMITTED

Cuftli G. LoveJe.v», O en dine Mitchell, B erl Caudle, Burle Charl«n Cofcr. R upert; Mr«, Olem Oslerhout. Twin Kails; Mrs. Leno Brelch, Brem erton. Wash.

DISMIBSED la rry Chesley, Colin Reynolc

Burley; Mrs. D agm ar Blatr. Ruper Delos Anderson. Declo; Mrs. fidl: Waite. S a lt U k e Oily; Tell Taylc MaJU.

^ . b lR TH S

!Bons to M r. »nd Mr*. Denver A ton. OaWey, #nd Mr. n rd Mr*. A vin O.ilcrhout. Tw in Frii*.

Goodins: MemorialViiiung hours a i m e Ooodlr

County Memorial hoitplUI ar# froi 3 to 4:30 and 7 to 8:30 p.m.

ADMITTED Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Porter, bol

Gooding.» « W I.‘:SKD

W. R. EaaUbrook, Ooodlng.

St. Benedict’s, .IcromeVlslUng hour* *1 St. Benwllet

ho jp iu l nre from 3 lo 4 and 7 to pin.

AD.MITTEn Mrs. A. W. Crwi* and Shnron Jure

bolh Jerom e, nnd Mm . Virelnin El rod and LeRoy B urkrtt. both Wen dell.

DISMISSED i H Gwen Hnnnl, Aren: Mni. Bnvi ■ a HuUe. Mrs. Max Thomp.\on nnd Aor ■ f l .MiU Kulni nnd RIohArd Pjiyton. nl I H Jerome; .Mr.i. Ben Ceni>rru.« nm

dauchlcr. nnd Mrs. Mnrlon n»ilpv If all Wendell, nnd Mr.v Donald Smliii m and *on. Sho.ihonp.

! ■ BIRTH.*;■ ■ A win wn.i born lo Mr. anrt Mrs | I B Elwood Becker, .lerome.

I”" R upert General

A n .'« n rrtD Dr. Hownrtl Torve.i. Mrs, Pnul

Hunier. both flupeii.

W e a th e rMiglP Valley—Com ldtrahlf rlnud-

Jaeu irlU i-inm r riurrlei in narlii h ilr and nhonerx nf rain nr innw In aouth half Sundnv and Monrtav. K tih both day» U fo 4Z. lnw SumlAj n lth t 24 to 34. H lth SitiirdkY 41. low 30. a t 5 p.m. 37. Baromelfr 30.M.

f - -



Y _ K eep th e W hile no f S a f e ty FifL

italresldenti I 1 V y»y n '* y 1 ; nU l“Ute I J i l'ly tleiin. ■ $ ‘

alt<nd-' I

p r ' : ' ^e atom*; dneadiyi

N o w 11 tfaj/fl toftftAut t r a t l l c aeolft tn o ur Moi

. y S i l ___________

Id been p> r r t kle e n -A g e r s

Die in Train Car Gollisic

.ildenfs . OILLETTE, Wyo.. Dec. 17 CT-) ipltal. teen-agers were killed Silu: ’ nerer- n ight when ihe lr pickup t/urk n o t be ainick by a speeding ChloBo, F

' th a t a llngton nnd Quincy ptMenicr li j.deter- near here.tldenl's Thfi victims Included four bny«

a girl. All wera killed InsUnily. T he eftsU)ound juiMengtr u

I I collided with the light inick aI I I croasloff ju s t weat of ihti nort/i> I Wj-omlng town,

'K P D I’o ’lce Identified tlie vlcllms Daryl Johnson. 16. Ollletle: I

-Leo J . Saylor. 16. and his brolher, Oary I. snd * both O lllelit. Olennx Phillips, ATd of QlUetlc. and Robert Selferl. ak Iged In }8. ScotUbluff. Nebr. sfter ft W hich or the occupnnU v m d:

Ing wna nol known. Pnllce snld Umu-1- dlcatlons were lh a t all five wer< on wftS th r cnb of the truck, Tvo of >d." bodle* wera found In the wreck - . of the truck, nnd three others k

acnttered along the right-of-way.

- J Two Dead in V.W Plane G'as

CHARLESTON. 8, C„ Dec. 17 U A C40 commcrclnl p line owned

Mrs. Uie niddle Air line, Wesl Ps Merlin Bench. Fla., crashed nnd bun h. Mra. n ja r Hollywood finturday nijhc. T n.M ra. bodies had been removed and I nm m a oo .c t. u . r . K .«,hl,

T he Soulh Cnrollna civil air t nJ" It' ^*'0' " ‘‘‘1 ‘he plaiie’crashed some '“ ’y m lnut*j a fte r l i had reportfd W 1 X Potn c i v i l aeronautics admlnlslrati

tower a t Savannah. Oa.. that It v In irouble.

KeporU from the Kene ssld I i ' " ‘1 bum Jnr /Jereely *. tS p. th n t a tU m pu to search for mi ■ bodlM was delayed..’c h iir ' refill’" of the bodle.i already 1 r t o s ’ • '“ ‘I been Identified.

Alice P '*”® reported en roi ; »nd from Wilmington. N. C„ lo Jackso • Mr« Jt carrying first ch ishteri CAP said, tr and _ -----------------

jcn« Logger in Enoch idwell; Arden Case Gels ' Wedding PermiiHy to f troo .'N ev ,, Dec. 17 t»(-Alfonl I FaU*. norljiern CaJJfornl* logger w. King. plftS’ed ft major role In the Dan

uirday Schm ldl version of the Enoch Ard B uh l married he

Snturday n ight to Ellen Irene Ashi 18, ft bookkeeper In Redding. Cal

Pine. 31, listed his residence □er*l- ShnsU county, Calif. •iiirifv* "ri'^ mnrrlngr noled th Jlenda bride nor bridrgroc^ n o ra married before.

Finn wna eaUpiIlKd Into nnlior nttenllon Inst AurusI when ll w

'nolds, discovered th a t he waa living a t upert: lumber cnmp in Neviiijn couniy wl gjjllh Una Schmidt. 2 0 .y e a^ ld wife ■aylor, Alrmnn Daniel Schm ldiS^ho hi

Just been 'rclpn.ird-frtm i-v Chine Commtinlst prison camp ^fter 3

:r Al- y « r s . V*. Al- Una and Fine aaft they bad t o

married in September. 1SS4, In Mn Ico, but never dlKlosed where.

[ Una flnnlly }ef{ Fine after weeJnf uncerUlnty and ahe and Schmli were reimlled In Portland. Ore.. In' in Aucust.

Dobbin Helps to Speed Yule Mai

fiTEVENS POINT. Wls.. Dec. 17 t —The hnrse.drawn parcel post d(

.iT-c. ’‘"'■y Uled oiit exptrlmeni‘'J nlly here durlnK ilie Chrlstmaa rus

“ « Inst year went bnck Into ser\lce Sni urdny.

Po.ifmiistfr Sen A. Red field anld the <lol)bln.powered de

" livery. ushiK n flat bed wnKOi turned out 10 cn.u les.i thnn bor rowed nntlonni Runrd trucks prr

„ vlnanlv iJ.«ed, mnde JwiiriDng rasle I */n ' “ P 17. a li'j------------------------------------------------

Magic Valley mith FuneraJs

JEnOME — Funeral »ervlcea fo Mr.i. Evn Greenfield will be held n 2 r m. 7Vf.‘.riny j>t the Wilfv funern rh.ipe1 wllh Ihe Rev, niui.iell t W.iller.r pastor ol thr nnplLi chiitcti, offlcialinc, Concludins rile.

Pnul Ulll l)e held n t the Jerome cemetery

TWIN service for Alniiro HrnderMn will be hel< nt 2 p m. TiicMlny nt the Twin Fall,

nud- chnpel. Concluding rite:or?}. ■^1" f " ” ' cfmelery

B l 'ln ^ T u n rrn l ni-;vlce.i fnr'Mar- \iiAT Klnjbrr>ijch will be held ai 12 p.m. Monday a t Alilp chnpel lr

iNnnip.i. Elclrr n . A. Onmer of thf (Sevrntti IMy ArivenHit chureh wlli oKlrlnte. Flnnl riles will b« held In

;.,^,lKoli1erUi»n cemrifr>-.

T’ j O O O D lSO -nm ernl servlcrs foi .(..IC hnrln ,M. Orovr »j)l be fonduci«l

___n l 1 30 fl .ni. MniiriKy a t Ihr Thomp-snn chnpel-R-iin !hr-nerr B.-MrDn-

----- n d , pasfor of llie T«m Fslti Delh-.!•. el Temple churrh, olficljiinc. La.ti

rite.s will be in the Eltnwood ceme- .0: tery.

T r OOODINO — Funrrnl jervlcei for Mrs. Normn L Boyer will be held n t 3 p. m. Monday nt thr Thom^1on

*.«i chspel B-lsh LDS BMiop SUJey •Jj Cheney nfficlnting. Conclurting rlte.i ' will be held a t Elmwood cemeteo'.

I F lsE lUnionfor Allly i i is

Faim Groups Is ‘Doubtful

W ASHINGTON. Dec. 17 lfl-1 there a .poMlbility m ajor Tarm 01 gnn lu tlona . will follow the lead < the newly merged AFL-CIO labc o r& nnluilon and become political! active In -behalf of lhc lr mem btn

.\foit farm leadeM say "no." / ft convention In New York la st wee

■ where ih e two big labor groups unll ed. officials declared It was the Iti

i . tention of th e new organiiatlon t J ) en ter polltlc.1 lo the extent of sur llOinc I porting candidntes rwiarded ns sym

p athetic w ith the needs of labor,- I TTils political decltrsClan brougl; ftnd critlcLim from tom R«publlc«n Icftdern.

lU v e Avoided rollllca W llh one exception, the natlont

fnrm o rgan lialloas lo r years hav . l l * followed ft policy of kreping out c

' pnrtlsftn politics. The exception hn been th e Natlonnl Farmers' Unlo.

1 0 T l which m akes no bones about, th fnct ih ftt in recent years ll hn

P -F iv* worked »cUvely for candidates wh slurdny e.spouscfl l u proposnli nnd agalns Ifk WM w ho jU propouils. 0, Bur* G enerally speaking the Farmer! rr Unln Union ha* been more closely as.10

e lated w ith the Democratic part oys nnd nnd lU candidates lhan with th lly. Republican party and lu ofJic • trnln scckcr.s. Lenders of lhe union ex k a t a plain th a t ih ls re llee ts the fnct tha ir£/ie«{ DcmocraU have been closer to th

union's politics tlian have Repub Ims n.1 llcans,: Dnle ■ U p te Individualssry, IS, Herschc! D. Newsom, master 0 Ips, 15, the N ntional Orange, ^nld It Is th' . about policy ftnd.prnctlcc of hLi orgnnlrn

lion — th e oldesl of the nations Jl drlv- fnrm groupa—to lenve pollUcal de< nld In- cIMons to Individual members,••rre In The Ornnge lender explained of the however, lh a t his organliallon doe; reckagr follow a practice ot mnking report; ■t werc to JU member* on acrompDshmrntJ lay . «nd Inck of accompllshmenu of gov­

e rnm en t agencies. He aald It nlse report.1 on where the Orange ({adt "friends" ns well a i "enemie.i.'”

No Endorserornts I {Similarly, otflclnls .mid the Am*

l & n 'r lc n n Fnrm Burenu Federntlon fol* •S ?* * loivj a poller ot keeping out of par- 17 15V— tlsnn politics. I t endorses no party ■iti bv «"■ candldatc.1. bu t IlmlU Its ncUvl-

P ,ln , ties to promotion of policies and Burned pfopo^n'f approved by lu annual , 7-„,- national conventions nnd board ot >d two ‘H f«lorn,

NevertheleM. there has been * - Un<lency on tlte p art 0/ tom e peo-

P'f' in rccent yenrs to nA,wlale the farm Jjurenu wliti the Republican pnrty. T h is tendency reflected the

.ration th a t on the whole fnrm b u r« u Ik policies have been d w e r to

endorsed by the Republican n ^ ty d ‘ne thnn th e Democratic. ly nnd Oflen tlnked (a <IOP .

more f h e fac t the fnrm burenu has been th e mosl active of the farm

ly r«- opgnnltatlons in sponsoring flexible fnrm price supporu also has con-

rouie irJbuted 10 « tendency by many lo :kson- a.v\oclale 11 wllh the pnrty now In i class power. A feature of the Elsenhower

adm in istra tion farm program Is a flexible support system.

B u t farm bureau officials are Quick to ;po ln t ou t th a t when flex-

, Ible niipportfl were l i n t pu t forward t s in J948. lhey the endcrwment

of both parties. ITiey alw itkte the bureau h as >CT-<JUihIy critical of

l l l / l . some farm polftles of Secretw r of )rd b . Agriculture Beitfon. - 1rw h o ®nfftnUatIoni|>aniel w hich follow a policy of.keeplng outl Ardeh Partisan pollllcs mcludi thc Na-

here lUonn} Coimell of F«-mer Cooper- Ksher. *H ''es' nnd the NnUonal Milk Pro- Callf. ducers Federntlon.

" J Students S t^ e I™'”' Riot; 16 JailedUonal Australia, Dec. n i « _ in aI was demonstration which

a t A P^M lywd street traffic here fo^iev-, j .n j, e ral hours Saturday, hundred* ot fe o f '''d iversity nUidenU demanded long-1 had C hristm as vnratlons. Police nr-ilnese studcnLs, three of them

\ / ^ T ^ n tiid e n ls carried bnnnera that J ^ J ,a a lO iljry wnnied Christmas vaca-

tlon.'i to continue until Jnn. 8. Un- fifT a recent mlnlnlry of education decree, the vacations lnst from Dec,

tm ldt Pffvlous yenn.. late vnenllons were longer,

i Probation Ruled ., In Boy’s Knifing

3 l l SALT I.AKE e r r y . Dec. 17 (^1- 17 yi, Juvenile .IiulRe Rulon W, Clark Snt- t de- f* " leen-sjje bovs on 'ic n i- Prohntlon nnd fined them a to u l of

»3iO In (onnecllon with n Ilghl Nov., S n u « h lrh n Bountiful youth wss^ subbed .

Judge Clnrk fined 'a 17-yesr-iild i ■i^lboy $l.'.n nnd n U-yenr-old $100.;

.rnn I l7*yenr*o1d youth will n p - ;> ‘ ' penr be/or/> lhe Jiidjse Monday. ;

T h e Uiree were involved In a'. ‘’‘[ ''I f lg h t In fionl of nountilul fourthj n*ier churdi, m e subbed boy ■

wn.i tint ntrlou'ly hurt. 1

I " ASSUJNKf)BUm.KY. Dec. n - W /O Je .w A,

; Woodward. Jr.. w huv wife. Mis. I.n- ;Neiti» WiMKlwnrd. lives In Durley,

___ I hn.1 bern n.'.MRiied lo the army coni-jgy m tjnlcntinat w iin n In France.

i l H idees B H B i i ™

IN IN G U N D IR 'S rftM SltE PST A K lS . . . lery. JU ST FOR

NA M IN G .THIS ' SLEEPING O IR II ....................

S ' ; : _________ SEE_PAGE 2 5 ________

? S W E E T 'Sfor

leld ____________________________

■ R V W r f f l n r a n w i ■ M l l i y H l f t i lN i i i i B

Twin FaUsjM r*M llun'F ott Band. .

1 9 O eorgi liarUey. K enneth BUcl l l r bum and Ken W idncr each post

t l bond* Wllh Twin Falls police Fi jn—U day for Jaywalking.

sd^of Goloc ta CiUlforola labor i i n . J . W. Robertson will spei Ically Chrlatm ss holidays wllh h ibtrs? daughwr. Midge Pcltlcr. Coronac

A t callf. _____

unit- Court| . Jn- nT Shlorjw a was Jlncd tS and on to coiU ITlday In Twin Falls poll *i,p-. court fo r falling to answer an ove *ym- time parking summons wltWn . or, hoius.ought - --------some Marriage I.leensea _

M arrlase licenses wTreTssuM Fi dsy and Saturday trom th# Tw.

llonnl Falla couniy clerk'a olflce t r J e r have M. K enner. Hnn-ien. and Betty 1

u t of Durham, Filer: Ronald E. flnee 1 has Hansen, an'd Ullle May Durhai !nl<in F«er; OrvJs L. Dllkn nnd PsUlc

the parsley, both Twin Falls, hns - ~ •

who Espeeted Home ainst Phillnda Parry, daughU r of M j)j and Mrs. R. P. Parry. Tw in Falls, mcrs' expected home thU week-end for U- as.10- Chrlslm ai holidays. She Li a studei party a t A nnie W rtght semJnflry, Tscom , the Wash. Mias Parry U a senior a l tl iffice seminary and U head of the Servli I cx» league w hich.conducti the chafli th a t drives for the school,

> the ■ -----------------------------

" ‘ Deadline Set By Pilots for

Airline FighIned, LOS ANOELES. liec. 17 LTI-TJ;

Airline PlloU ft,isoclBllon announce ports Saturday ihn t It hns se t a deadllr i rn u g l s „ ip s T t next Wednrsday Jc SO'’- n strike ngalnst W estern Air llntv also A to ta l ot 250 plloU will be In fnos volved. The nlrllne operates In I

western su te s nnd Canndn.Hownrd Jones, reglonnl represent

Am- ivtlvc of the plloU union, said set ting of thc sUlke dale followed fou

par- dny.i of anproductlve conference '*fty ij.iiii company reprcsenUtlvc.i.Uvl- •‘T he compnny ha.',n't dcvlnlci

from lU basic position," Jones said nunl principal l.MUe In the dispute1 l.» a union riemnnd for an annuil;

supplementnl to thc p llob ' retire n * menl plnn. The compnny snld It hnt P«>* made a counter propo.snl on the an the nully question. N either side woult

lenn give fiRures bu t ll was .explained I' the would Involve payment Into an an'

rw u nully fund of n percentnge of gros.'i i l a r y b}’ both Ihe re tired pilot anc

Srty the compnny.Anoiher l.iMie Is n union dcmiiui

for Incorporntion of civil air regu- hns iivtlons Into the.lnbor conlrnct, Joncj arm Miid ihl.i hns been done In 30 olhei ;lble pilot ngrecniems.

; J Exporters Claim- " ■ Damages by LawI?x- WASHINGTON. Dec. 17 W - rard Amcrlcnn buslncwnien opernling lent abroad contend ih r lr trnde and tor- the elgn InvcittnenU are Imperiled by

I of efforU td apply U. s . anUUust laws ' o t to these oversetii acilvltlc.i.

T heir protcsla were summarUed In ‘oJii a ienftt« fcport m nde publle Satur- out day. I t prcsepted view* of U. S. busl- Nn- nes* reprw enU tlves In England,

Frnnce. lU ly nnd other European nstlons, w lthoul Ideniuying them by name.

Among other crltlcLsms It sUled th s t th e effort to export U, S. nntl*

J tr a i t JurlsdlcUon eollldfs directly J n with the aovem m enfs foreign policy

o f encouraging o re rae u trade tn d n a Investment*.i lc h --------------------------- 1— ---------------- ■

H eat U tood for pnln. but cel- l ln r hot under the callar ncier

g ru rrd ft pa ln In the neck.

^'0”Hojidoy Co

Mn« Jttnli

, R U N N jj ' X K X T T O IDA

T r a iE S -N E W S , T '

Is News in BriefFiremen Called

BUck- Twin F»1U firemen were called « PMled the home of Joe Nebel. 543 Heybur

ce F n - avenue, about J p in . Fridiy. e a t iJ: fire was out on arrival. An overheal ed oil stove burned paper off tl; wall. There wa* no other damnge.

spend _____

ronaao, ^ Machamer. KM6 Blue Lak. bodulew ri. Is one of six Itlaho me listed In the naUonal roster cei

and a ‘Ifled watchmakers. Jusl releaaed t DOllM the Horologlcal In*tltute e l Ameria

t Mcr- Machamer U employed by the Slerl f jn 3i lng Jeweler company.

Driver F l a ? ^ •^ , William L Sm ith was fined »2 an

M Prl- j 3 cmU Friday In'TwW Pall* Justlc ' TwJn court lor eperttUng a motor vehlc: r Jerry on « p lred driver's' license. H :tty N. ,n.„ ciitd about ll:O i PJn. Tuesda Sneed, by a sheriff's officcr one mlJe vet urham, of Twin Falls on highway 30.'auicls ______

Suit Filed Magle Valley Adluslment burea

•, liled suit Saturday Tn probate coui ?.it. u Uoyd MIU* for *333.67 owe

WhlttU One-Btop market. Yaklmi lor the for merchandise dellvere

Marc)i 1, 1854. Thoma* Y. Gwlllhin •com*. ,{M m e/. reprefenu lhe bua l the r»«uService ‘ ______

Invited lo Banduet A. W. Madland nnd C. H. Nyt

Twin Kills, fatiier* o t WUllam Mad Innd and Clarenca Nye, sludent* a St. M u lln 's high school. Olympia Wnsh.. have been Invited Us th'

«, school'* father-»on banquet Wednes

day. 7?ie studenU W'JIJ relum t' Twin Fall* w ith lhclr fnther* fo


S Death Claims S'" Earl Hawortlim *?i BOISE. Dee. 13—Earl F . Haworth

70. former stat« commissioner 01 esent- flnnace. dIed.Frldny In a Boise hos. i ,e t . pltnl. He wn* a form er realdent 01 1 four Twin FnUi-■encei Puneral services will be conduclfi!

a t 10 a jn . Mondny a t the McBrat- vlntcd ncy-AIden chnpcl witli the llev. B

said C. Bnlley. the Rev, Dougln.i T(f/nn> Ispute *nd the Rev, Chad Bollek officiating iDully Mr. Haworth woa bom ^farch 2S ctlre- 1B85. In Moniroee, Knns. He began t hnd hi* banking cnreer there nnd nlso e an- worked as a bnnker In Borrnmn, would Mont. In 1623 hn moved to Soulx ltd 11 Fall*. 8. D.. where he worked In the 1 an- mortgage and lonn department for gros.1 the Prudential Insurance company I and unUl 1639.

In tha t year he moved lo Twin mind and purchased n mnch. He livi regu- Ijccn « resident of Boise for MveraJ Jones years. Mr. Hnworth was n member other of thn Presbyterian church and

Idnho lodge No. 1. AP nnd AM.Ho Is aurvlved by his widow,

whom be m nrrled Jn Denver. Colo„ / In 1817; five slslera nnd'lwo brothers.

Grnveslde services will be con- „ , ducted a t Sunset Memorlnl pnrlN d W Twin Fall*, n t3 :30pjn .M ondayw ith

thn Rev. D onald B. Blnck*tone of- W — flclntlng. nling —

‘T,C arC r^heajn to ’■ Motel Room Bed

HILLMAN. Mich.. -.Dec. 17 tfl—A womnn driver's cnr wouhtf Up on a

i ‘“ L' molel bed a fte r a ooUlsion Friday nVinm K,. wreckage.

Slnle police nnld Mr*. Ruth' V. Lulke of Onnwny told Ihem her

;aied brakes fnlled ns she mnde n turn, "ntl* Her cnr sideswiped another nuto

nnd crashed through the wnll of n alley rondslde motel.

No one wn* Injured In fhe wreck ____ although dnmnge was extensive.

y For PAST,C O ^ ^ O U S SERVICE on

3 F A R M L O A N S^ Contact—

' ROniN.SON ■ FELDTM AN. . fJftlVf.-.f.V REALTORS , , Frank Feldlmnn - Lynn Stewart

Mrs. C J . Robinson " r 747 Main Ave. West—Phone 395

i t tra d iv e H oliday d « o r o t io n ; ! m pressive C hristm as G ifts . |

B wJd. of' Condln. Couodf Pyrofnld d>lat >y Sn,w I t,,.. p „ r„ , fe,•toiGlmn; f\„ , Conji,,n. Wh,i. SnewboJJ, w;ih ,«JmeV» vn,qu, hoId#fi f», opp«!iUf».

. J . f r - J , . . d » n , . r ..............TfM, whili tn»w (N rid »r gntn . . 1J9

Jt.nlid _ j . i , j

- l-P o c ftc d .in O M roctiv* ... ' s i f t b o x e s

i h a h o p o w i c R •

. T W IN 'F A L L S - -ID A H p

^ S l ig h t Crash — Starts Weirt S™ Chain EvenfShelo! CHICAOO. D e c 17 (JV-A Sl off the rear-end collUlon- emrly Satu: nnse oti * rtsc llon

mlnnilnt In th e v io len t death 0 Insurance aalesm ah en route h Irom sn officc . ^ r t s t m u pnrtj

t The dead m a tt’ wo* Edgar L,‘5,? terton. M, «n employe of Ban

r i * U fe and CasuftJty company, aseo oy ^ pajucnger In is car drivei ^Sterf.: a fello* m p lo y e , Alex Sabo, IS

Car HIU T ruck Sabo's car s tru c k % truck-tri

rig which had Jacknlfed to a I iz and on S ltlon avenue ju s t soulh o f . I iusUce Itli Psrk road lo a a attempt

vehicle avold**Wlklilg Jo h n JaneUke, n , . He stumbled In to its pa th « Tuesday afU r his c a r wo* involved li IJe west minor collision.

The accident, a*, reconstructec Policemen lU ym ond Oarcla John Keefe, a U rte d when 3i

bureau nudged th e rear orle court other driven by M ax Wldtman, 57 owed The men got ou l o t Ihelr can Yakima argue.ellvcred' K oockeJ lo Street wiIllAm. Janetzke stepped Into the sldi the bu . M other car d riven by P l lt Am

34, and .was kiiocked to the str He got up and walked Into the ; of the big tra ller-tru c k driven

;t Nve D allu Lane. .43,. Appleton, A nM ad^ U n e stopped, h is u a lle r skidt ^nts a t broadside, b u t Ja n e tik e wa* kno 'Ivmola «1 ‘ Ithougn tpporenUy t S. the rilgh lly .in jured , ifrrines. A* Janctikc Wft» carried to ■um to i'd e of the s tre e t, police said

for olher automobiles Bpproached * scene a t high speed. One mana

to sUer th rough th e small 0 space and continued w ithout a t

Sabo's car sm aohed Inlo the tr i S er. Sabo, u p ic t by Jhe accld'

bnttled police unUl he wa* pul . * l _ der rcsU nint In Belmont hoip 1 i n and Int-.'r moved to the Cook coi

ty hosplta). Janetxke was held 1 sworth, d jr junrd. b u t w ithout chnrge, ner ot n*imont hospital, se hos- • -----------------------------

Egypt P lans Use LS.1. Of Force AgaiusI ?.'!? Moves of Israirch 2S. DAMASCUS, Syria . Dec. 17 U began Egyptian P rem ie r GamnI Ab

■d nlso Na-sscr's w arn ing th n t he will ' ?j*mnn, force lo repel any lu tu re Israeli 1 Soulx gre.ulon repreM nts Uie feeling In the all Arab sta te s. Byrliin Defense M nt for b te r Roshad BarmadiV said Bat mpany day.

He asserted th a t Israeli aggr ' Twin xions were rep e a te d without be! lie liM checked by th e UJ4. whose civ wveraJ [cr. ?ie /nld. allow s th e imposltlen lember «onomJc penalties to prevent thi J and - n i i r fttlltiide." he contlnu f. "has forced us to adopt decis widow, anu bn.ilc m enjurea to check fo Colo„ by force In order to laiure pei

jlhcrs. and sccurliy In th is pnrt ot t : con- world."

pnrtN ' An E gyptian foreign e tt y with 'spokesman .nald In Cairo th a t Eg] ne of- strongly r.upporU Syria’s dema

th a t Isrnel be throw n out ot I United Nations.

» . . "Thlii l i th e Jea.1t th a t cbuld J ' done to ‘7krael." h e said. *YThere 1 ■>^ j many countries no l .represcnl 5 e d which' ore moro eligible for U

membership th n n Israel."

•t her

nuto of a

| j

■ “ en t' lo hi

I f / / attachm cr\ ( f CTcen with j / . ■ 'I^ e D ie c .V polo motoi

» [ machinedI f ’ tion. Smal ' Tux-Tont

Play lh* of

' ' i ' • i \ J — .-26 n tw Z«i

. ! U. EHB2 DHE

o r CO M E


. . . ^ ,

J d O i i l i lMan ellmbln* tree on n.

;ntsLT)‘.':‘is,'2r.'“ ?.s-:-T

watching red nose of reind ,» v

0. « . cross parking lot a t high Ichw^ Down* ot TJ licensed ( u ^ l ^ ,

k-trsller bsaketbaU gam e . . .

I ofJrv- decoraUoru•mot 10 ^ “'°P*‘^ “n:h“ on~Blue Ls S « . "Ofth -.*. Fellow rci^Jt i/ool *'’* ' - . T»o «d in ft '« “>«•» in

pw'tfl directions . . . s e m .i ,

‘ orTJ- ■ “ i i v t r “ " *

White House aSdm. Aide Is No v

I street.

K Called “Docikidding O ETnrfiBURO. EB„ Dec n l knock- It's "Dr." Jam es c . HaMrtv' n L

Uy only w h ite House PrcM Secretary li erty wai ftwonJed the degree "d

to Uie tor of JoumalUUc dIeteUes" *12 .h - President Elsenhower'* doctor* S ^ ^ .« d "all the privileges pn S n ‘hereto.". a awp. w en 't «ny prlvllegel,le trail- »*"« Uie presenuilon wsi ccldent, 1” Hagerty Insisted on bepul un- addressed u "doctor" therestlcr. hoiplUl Mnj. Oen. Hownrd M, Snyder, k coun- PresJdenfi penwnnl phfslcl .eld un- awarded the diploma on behalf «rge, In the "D. D. E ." -fo r Dwight D.

senhower—medical slnlf.I t was In recognition of Hsjerl

. p ''ouutandlng services" (n h»,;tlll > V medlcnl Informntlon since Elienho


rael British Engineer Builds New Type

S.T Of Motor for Case^Mln- LONDON. Dec. 17 - Oranvl Sslur- Bradshaw, ch let research fngJni

Jor Britain's Royal navy durl aggres- World war I I , said Saturdsy he 1 I being invented a new typi motor 'whi : chnr- will completely revoluUonlre t Ulon of world’s automobile Industr)’." t them. Brndshnw. 67-yenr*oId millions itlnued. designer and the man who bt jecisive [,,g ^.Qrid'* f irst radial sirplsne e K force j, , ,

onl)’ one-third the ilrT o f i ncrn nulo engine. He said It develops

,,, per cenl more power, weighs 70 i . cenl less and run* on any Uwld fuiemnnd BMdsliaw, In a stntemenl Issu of the representailve, snld;

"Lending engineers to whom >u!d bc have shown my new engine agree ere are will revolutionize the automobile I uented dustry in the same way that the i r U Jt. engine changcd U tt scetst lo ayl _______tion,"_________________________

cnpineere scnrched the worltl of adva;0 bring you Ihis tru ly nmazinj now Z fabulous, beautifu l D isc Jockey, rc mcnt. I l ’s a maaterpiccs c f modem av ivith fcnturcB never before olfered at i iec Jockey ia powered bVAPfofessioi otor for sm oother, rum6re-freo opera led tum loblo aBsurea the fineat re« mall nnrf IiBhtwei’g h t—for cusy can' one Green, alighlly higher. AC only.

lh* Olse Jo c k * y th ro u g h Ih t High f1 o f l l » itw 195 6 Z tn llh T V it l i of’ Z tn llh raciio t. —


H EAR i r . . . r O U ' l l AOREE THIS


Ch'Wren « r i - ter bUnk » n f e r ,S ^ « l 4 •tore . . , tit tu

'"k ing Tirrt « sn lo*. CSU,hi fimw

. . . tthetne

; -What ^ '^ h o n , ■

council f . d n , i r ? ? * H .17 U u l'd to ex te n d U ^ a lno„, midnight.^

•'y c u d o i , !ee "d « . ‘“ ' ' • “ PttliJi;Jes" bv ^” “ fcan tftlento or* aatl;

m .It WSI 111 YuioaUvla sr* » is S ? Honbein.iwlih )Lalter. _________ ■

ehalf 01 KIMBERLY, De I 0 . El* PupUi *fl]

nual ChrUtoai

mm, »ii>*nhow. p»rt.

.T hem W cottaa^ i J

'n th u c o u a l ^ i l ® / p e »ptcifs. ^ ^

IMPORTili''‘'ih MEETIH.llon^lre

itant'^li MONOAY, h I

C O M M U N n flI 70 per i .1 «. , Hlid fuel.' 4 m i l e i i a d H: Issued! M oior*V u 'nflUlld; ) Hhnm l ' DUcuu ImporUdH ■gree III m ilto i^ H

'l l l e 'e l l A l l i » e m b . n « . B 0 aris .j s U n l *

/ % I

' • u y t e ^

gh FlJ*fW‘» r j

a .

Page 3: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

^ B e g sSodWIio B K w | |

U c k e d H e r

C*** ° -»<t Ihtn MI'*

r ^ cotnmenlrd.

B B H;, Role in p g g gckageDeal

J S c I’J '.P—Sen- ^ B f H f l i t S a k M J ^ 1 D Cillf. clinllcnKcd N itl«ntl p rrtldeou

^ ; ,^ u in both parU” mtellnf. l)«n D 6nhi .WM »n Amrrtcan ,iu n a » m«elltir of f

. * ' * *

«rp.;.VcL'; N a tio n a l­i s t :lsS p e£” *i'hr"im ch“ fi"na- OOODINO. D « , 11

u N M r. FFA work w:t, «llmi u , IBIO me U. - . Dunhnm. Ls“*■ . ^innH tv or n

‘'" “ f .M n^ ^ FfA chaptcr* here, li, dMl-»dmliUns 1 . wcndcll resldei« «muie3 and f ^ rjjjjjja _ raiJM m e cjiaplers , a l OoodJ

U)f »dmlMlon of j ,„ „ m a n . SHo.iJione. . ^ into Ihnl organ- — *----- _ J -------------- 1_

Author Is S(|„"“S'n3lS"‘;5 Autograp^ U o n If President HAOERMAN, Dec. V tx a \ mn. He ti ex- short. Wendell, co-aut ar io«e prlmnrle.^ 1( xoweLt nnd nn OrnnRi aatnnnounce his in- uip jLicrnmin riruc nU SUI- 5 p.m. Thlir.Mini' lo ftUUn>Kd thf CommunUt of her book lu they n IU intertlew. ssle.

- Mr.v Short'.^ nppcnrnr1 mnn U belne (ipoa'iored

r 3 t U m t 6 Q ermnn m . The ci 1 ladi* Dee 17 e^'i'rue ef nrrnnReme ; Kthru hn.'i cabled Mrs. Robert Nelson «n< uiB in Kabul eon- K. Myerj. a Wl "lhe wL'e nnd ” ■■■■Ultn by the SovietIt tht U.N. which HAILLY. Dec. 17-M

Im tnj the dendloclt Musnt.ive. who will bo ) ol ntw member!!. Kraurid otaervcr c 19 tht Indian prime are.i, hn.i arrived In » Situfdiy nlKht. P'ncf-1 S/SrI. Donnld---------------- who wns trniuferred tot-filWS W AN-r'foS.lBpoknne. Wjifli.______

/ j ! ^

A / ^ S

, (■., i*'l.l..,.r1rt.,Si...5 'ii-.U 'i •'‘'II"! 1.IJM1 Up.Sm iJli loliw

National FHA, FFa m ; ^ i y

t n u of n i A *Bd FFA dl»cuu organl till. »nhim. LakcTlew. Ore., and S u n n H|{bl< of FFA eiobi la Goodlnr- (KUff pholo-

* * * * *

1-President of Fl eaker for Goodiiij

n —Interest In Fnlla. Buhl. Klmber tlmulnted rriday Valley ond niclilleld

Lakevlew, O rc. sent rcpre.ientntivci t' n MnRlc Valley Diinham h|»ke lor n

ere. Dunham, tt houra on FFA wurk sident, b national project-i as n hlRli acI

Dunham trnded lil oodlnir, Wendell, hl.i ftithcr for nn ii nc. Jerome. Twin /«{her‘i rnftch at Lak

. t«ndcd collcKe lu.M yci r t 1 1 _ return this year bectn f i c l l O He-' “* » nnllonnl TP

, • Tlie nntlonal prri>l(

aphBook;-S‘„“:.S''.p’SJric. 17 — Mrs. Iris education.-au thor o t •T ao As nn ndded ffnlti; nnRe” will be n t pearnnce In OoodlnR T store from 3 to penrnnce of Suvni nutosrnph cople.i nntlonal FI<A preMde ;y nre plnced on ■

nrnncff In HftKcr- P a i ’l v l l l O T ored by th e Hac- * © ': committee in ^ toU l of tlS In bo emenw Includes w nj, Twin Fnlh «nd Mr». Frnnk n„d Snturday for p

llon!i. Slnnley Curfeu - — ■■■■ Kny posted « bond.i< IIAILEV pnrklnK, Po.ninR j l ur—M/Sgt. Hnrold u m t pnrkinR were Pi

bo in chnrge of wnrd Dnddow, EuKtne cr corp.1 In this Qualls, John Melville, n llnlley. He re- Annis, Lnwrence C< nid M. NorRftrd, Crom. Mrs. Lc-ille Mc 1 to Oeieer field. Harper nnd Self I

company. '

P .

u p a ire e? give lie:

i ^ S t rstqcfcin

L • . personc

kl f she 's ■ Cliris

lis ten —a n d j'oi

nam e of Bel!e-S

In jy from 17 to

. * perfecl-riiling B

f , ' h e r own person

, \ ^ Snntn, ju s t give

.y a liox or n uhol

' IwniiW BdW

y o u r fpndesl Ch

FA Leaders Meet

uUonnl RDd adm lnlllnitli'e problemi during Ilble, Ruhl. met while D onham was In Made olo-entrarln{)* *

p p A Plans Studied ^ Schools in 1

1 1 2 M e e t H AILEY. Dec. n - T O ’ county tchool bonrd, th

iberly. MurtaiiRh, tenden t a n d the PTA »r leld hlsh Achools Improvem cnla to n pro[)c

to the mcetlnit. bulldinir p lnn for Dlnlne Ci r more than two t« .o proposals hnve bet ,urk nud on his cd. F irs t th n l nn elemenl I AChool pupil. buHdlne plnn be voted on . Ills projects to the plan rejected two tr I IntereM In his of a ll hlRli Kliool Impro* Lnfccvlc#-. He at- T h e iecond proposal i ■ yenr but did not c en tral hlRh scliool. If cctiu%e ol h it dUr could be ncccptcd the coi FFA oflleer. ' be able to take advantaf

Tiildcni wns nnd federa l nid olfered fo: ary club luncheon nl IrAlnm c. H lih school pi ' briefly on youlh hnve ft w ider choice of tui

r , 5,'; is: Crash Repoi111 Hlgble. Buhl, A m o M ercuiy driven 'tdent. W. Bodeiiatnb, Jr.. roul------------- Fulia, colllOeri wllh n 105

T ^ » driven by Francis M. Mcl^ r m e s FUcr nvcnne west, n t 5 ;« 5 urdny in th e IOO blocicI bond.i wa.1 post- avenue south.Jls poilce I;rldny T h e ia5< Mercur>- hsd r pnrklng vtola- the trn lfle Innc. vi’nillnf: f< rfew nnd GeorRe tn chnnRC. Tlie J34B Mi nd.i for Improper d riven In to the rear of 1 bondl for over- car. (iccOrdlnRto the pol I Pnul Deck, Ed- N either vchlcle hnd aTr» cne Syreson, Tlm V olunticr slicker.■Illc. Mrs, Wc^ley -------------------------

Colay.. SUnley More th n n three-fouri Mclniiiff, A. H, world'* pn-vienRcr cnra

: Mnnufacturtng hn lf of lLi tmelcs nnd bu llie U nited Stnt«.v


'^ id u r n mi n g s i n k e r o w n

n a l l e g - s i z e

;im tma5 nam e-dropper—

you’re sure to hear th e fam ous

!e-Sliarracer! Becansc r v r r y

7 to 70 woulil love to rrceivc;

g Belle-Sharmecr S to ck in g s in

to n a l Lcg-Sizc. If you'ri* n «hy

;ive us B ring nml w e’ll yend '

hole (laizling »>artIroi)c o f

lle-Sharniccr Stockings w ith

Christm as Kishri!

J .3 5 to 1 .9 5

T IM E S -N E '

■ ■

irlnj 1 rteenl •lie Valley to

led for M 1 B l a i n e I M— Tlie Dlalne k A, the tuperln-

areiro))osrd school ne

mtntniy school itrippinR

0 months ago provemenU.laJ eoneerzu a

If lhls plnn ; county would mtnge stAte

for vKAilon- «I puplb would


ock ol Second

hsd stopped In

1 Meifiiry wns' of the olher |__________________• police re|K>rt.. Trafllc Surety __________________

o-jrlhj of Uie mnra ind one- d buses are in

l l J

i .

BOUI_____ __ --.-^ iIn n y -S tflp ff -1

f ro m

F U R N I'

. \ __ ^ _ O pen M o nday

i F rid ay 'T ilI S A N T A 'S H

7 lo 9 N iR h tly , T h ro u K h T h



^ Tee ShirfiA In s t-m in u le g i f t «uft

t io n .she 'll e n jo y f o r mm





c o lo r I

m e


JDOIR U M P S-GhooflC-----------0 ~ 0 0 "

ro m W « A 7


ni9P.M. ^ V n j HS HOURS: H I I I I


'S H I P N 'S H

irfs Blouse!F i t R iK h t

t , u s t c , .

ir m o n th s R ifrh t f o rA il H e r J O u tf it .i! I

I -L S u e s : 28 to 40

1 . 9 8 . 2 . 9 8

„.3 .98r i T Y CH R ISTM A S


’re c io u s ” Fabei4 T im e s

l l d e r s As N ic e

V Y A N ' 'L ovelincJis

“ 5 .0 0\E T IC S

------------------- J C O SM ETICS



r CAPESKM ad e of- fu r- lin e d capes! B titchcd f o r e x t r a s m a r tn

. o r C harcoa l. S iz e s S - W

L M E N 'S G IF T Sl-

E R G E T h e E x e c


• ' by HICKC

S tv le d inr r a n c c i D i.s tin c tiv o

G in ffc r■ A C o w h id e

• 5 .00E TIC S W # W W

1 0 -P e . Set

L i l ' B l a c k

M a m b o G

h n o n e f ro m w y ) lo r com bination!!.




S NYI— ......................E m b ro id e re d ite i

d e ra k ir t . W h it( “ P a n d 7 to 14.



■ • ■ K . ' , n

erge Q uartette

0 0 .


KIN GLOVESpesk in ■ whip-.. . ! ■ A rtn e s s . London Tan ■ I I - M - L . - X L .


e c u t i v e

= O L D ■>WG I F T B O X E D

b y M A R T E X


ooEC fro m m nny b e a u t i f u l co lors 4 -P icce S e ta



yLON SLIPSi ie r s - o v e r - t i c r e d u n -— m

h i t c . S ize s . 3 to 6 x ^ | | |

N 'S -D E P T . — SEC O N D . FLOOR

^ ^ ^ G i y ^ r o m th a Heqib F T b l w d d o ^

A m erican Legion Hal]

I DEC. 1 9 >

— : ---------------------- V-

________________________ PAGE

f V ^ *

1 I

m '8e

s-'w H

^ ;


»so rs . .


le a r t -

Hin ; . : . *

W B T B R E ^ -

- I -----------------

Page 4: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

r A'«.wUdtllen . ( f.b. *. »•«. » / LtikUih*) l> 1»CJ »»< tb. Twin >.«.; PubiiifcwJ i*'ir • “< •'“"“•J •* *••11..,

» t

Hr Ih. >Mr ------— —---------------- “ by MAII^PATABy: l>

KWk{« M»l>* «»<Vr ij* man'S ...------------------ ---m- lSf*» rnnnlhl .-—— ——

nr ,!,• fDih-* ------ ------ -Tlf I*-'** —•—— •u ! Jftt --------------- ----------

' ■ »11 •* **; ; M iI I Thlif..1»> !■»“» -----

s j l k T S N O T F A J L T1 O n c o m o r e t h e R e d C to

e o m ln s to T w in F aIIs. tm d m a \n s U > b e s e e n w h e tH e r i c o m m u n ity w ill v o lu n te e r t

i n t c d c l loc&liy,' w h e i h c M l 's ft c a r ry -o v e r ' I c m u n d e r w h ic h M agic V « l

r p J U l a p p e a le d d ire c tly to thI d o n a tio n s , o r Ju a t a R cneraI T w m h a s b e e n fnH lng

J o n e c lv le re sp o n s ib ility .I I T h e r e 'a n o d e n y in g t h a t I p r o c u r in g b lood Xor M a g c I h o s p i t a l w aa I a r I ro m s a t aI m a n y J o s H n te r e s t in m a k li

t r lb u t l o n s to th e b lo o d b n n l B u t e v e ry o n e In th l5 vlc

r e a l iz e t h a l t h e lo im e r svst ’ c o n t in u e d a n d th e lo c s l h a

rU o th e r s th r o u g h o u t t h e c i n g a l l o f lt5 b lo o d req u ir . A m e ric a ^ ' C ross.

T h e R e d c r o s s se w u p th Jl c R c h lo c a li ty a n d th e orgn S( m o b ile a M u m es fu ll responsi

t n c Chese H UoloJ J ro m v u U n d e r th is n e w -sy s te m , theI v ld c s th c h o s p ita l a n d lU iI t h e b lood re q u ire d , f re e o l iI e x p e n se to th e p a t i e n t U th eI t e r l n g tb e blood .I I f t h e a v e r f t B e p e r . io n w l l l . I Jce h o w I ra p o r t a n t l l ) s to I c o m m u n ity to h a v e a n ade I b lo o d o n h a n d a t th e hosp l I h e w ill g ive se rio u s c o n s id e r * t h a t t h e R e d C ro ss faloodm \ T w in F a l ls a g a in M onday , i -w hen h e ’w ill 'a t i n d e S p e ra ie I /u s lo n t h a t co u ld m e a n sa v lt V V e t I t la n o t fo .lt to t r p tu •*• n n d d o n o rs cJsew here lo coi

w i th o u c n e e d s , w h e n wj

It o v o lu n te e r th ? im o u n t of c o r lo c a l q u o ta . '

I t ’s a c h a lle n g e lo ev ery 1 c iv ic o rg a n iz a t io n , e v ery gro b e c a u se I f s fo r th e g e n e ra l g t h a t w e n o t o n ly su b sc rib e •w hen th e b lqodm ob llo comc t h i s tim e , b u t t h a t w e vfllnnK t o co m p cn sa lft Io r o u t sho rl p re v io u s occasions.

T w in F a l l s ' q u o ta Is 5W1 p in «ee If Wfl c a n 't m a k o It' a t leie v e n 3001 .

A T T L E E 'S A Y S ^ o i ■il 'M a n y A m e ric a n s m a n y . t i n ^ re e d w i th C le m e n t Atttrse.

o f th e B r i t i s h L a b o r p a r ty . B m i t e A nd h o n o r W m t o r h i s c o u n t ry a n d th e f re e w orld .

- In the . d a r k h o u r s o f W orl * to o d s id e by s id e w ith S i r WJ a a B r i ta in ’s w a r t im e coalltl h e ld t h e v i ta l Is la n d b r ld g eh e

^ — t h e n a z l s . --------- -'■) W h e n h e lo o k .o f f ic e In 1

6 f l t a i n 'a p o s tw a r la b o r gove h e lp e d to s te e r h is c o u n try c h a n n e L i it. h a d n e v e r /o llow

I A m e ric a n s v ie w ed th is dev

s o m e m isg iv in g s . B u t th e y c t h a t a t le a s t A tU ce w a s a m o a n d ho k e p t t h e c h a n g e s w ith ;

A ll th l.s w h ile t h e p la in IIU In c a r e f u l c o n c e r t w ith th e U r F r a n c e to lo r m a s tr o n g c h a l t o u n fo ld in g S o v le l d e s ig n s of

K e sh re w d ly c o u r te d t u r t t u r n in g loose I n d ia a n d B u n r b e fo re so m e I n B r i ta in thouK m o v e .-served to reb u ild surr : f lu e n c e in A.sia a s few m a n e u ' done . (A s lan s th e re u p o n tu r n a g a in s t , th h U n ite d S ta te s .)

G ra d u a l ly hi.? p n r ty ex h au sli f o r p o v c rn ln g , a n d In la te 15)51

' j i S i r W in.fton Us D o w n in g tU e i V th e L a b o r p n r ty h a s be en to r

P ’. b y in te r n a l s t r i f e , a n d t r a p j I r c s h p ro g ra m . A ttle e ’s .gra.-sp

| | m T cln s w e a k e n e d a n d o n c e o r M w a s b ro k en .I B F in a lly R row n w e a ry o f l h i n 5 le p p c d rfown to )e t y o y n g c r r

l l j i i X K U ' L A B O R L IN II B In d ic a t io n s a r e t h a t th e new I B w in n o t endnr.sp nny Prc.<ildcn . I I I If P r e s id e n t E Lsenhow er r u n s n

.s tu d e n t of pu b lic • jwycholoR M e an y IlR ures th .i t Ike is too th e ma.vif.'i, in c lu illn g labo r mei HP n s a ln s l hJm l;i th e w ay th<

B u t th c A FL-CIO orR nnlzntlo n b jy fltid m e a n s of m aiciiig kno lio n to a n y o th e r R e p u b lic an i th e possib le e x ce p tio n of Chic W a n e n . i t w o n ld b e h ik e w arm d e n t N ixon a n d o pen ly ho.stl! V /iU lam P . K now lai^d o r a n y n c o n se rv a t iv e , T a f t fa c tio n w hlc n i a n rcp re .« n L s .

M c a n y 's pc n a llty a n d hi; u ^ o n l s t te n d to c a s t h im in t c ra t lv e a n d m e llow m ood th a n cessor.s a.'! W illia m G re en a n d I

— lh 6 -h ea d s-o X -U ie _ A E L .a n d .C I0 . M e a n y f ig u r e s h e n e ed s n o f t

flsslstanc i* X rom U n c le S a m , an n d v a n c e s m u s t b e o t) ta ln e d fip n w i th m a n a g c /n e n t .

O f c o u rse ,’ s h o u ld a deprcsslc la b o r ’s c u r r e n t /a v o ra b le ba rga

. ta g e s d is a p p e a r , a ll p re d ic tio n s o ’ a r e o i l , o r a t lc a s l4 l5 c o u n ta b le .


r cl l i t rr ftl« r Timm V V 1Kr*i I* tl04. J J J

110 Wnu T»l»C~"w»r. tre rr «un<l

nT .tv .s«!rs”»

- - Z ' i;?‘ w a s h in g-----------------------------J ’ -w U rly lr« n k »----------- ------- ------- ***■” lllneu tn d I.z IX aDVaNC* p. o . . Fort J

t 1 • ! /rirofvjnf Wi

iVnt J f * . ^ ^ ^ 0 2 2

L T H IS -T { M £Cross b lo o d m o b lle I s H k k W \n d o n ce m o re I t r e - * « ie r th e p eop le o f thJ.'je r th e q u o ta o l b lo o d „ , n o f | i u u i

Dtmti- ftcUo»vet t t o m th e o ld s y s - nom iniUon. : V alley M em ocJnl h o s -0 th e pu b lic f o r b lo o dler&l la c k of i n t e r e s t , su c h »n n Ilng m is e ra b ly I n t h i s tor o o p ie».

• The America

la t th e o ld s y a te m o t ^ouw h » v e ^ Lglc V a lley M e m o r ia l mumla tis fac to ry a n d t h a t a k ln g v o lu n ta ry c o n - '•We h f . r r ,»nk lo r U l.t r ta= o n ,

v ic in ity s h o u ld n o w /ju e n « ** tor sy s te m h a s b e e n d l s - p*pen m»ke > f ic sp lta l, l ik e n e a r ly

I t eountry, l i te c d v - lu lrtm enu Irom th e

ot torelgn »nd) th e blood q u o ta f o r if n e were .n 5 7 s» n li» « « n 's M o o d - o n tlb l llty Io r c o l l c r t - “1 v o lu n te e r d o n o r s , o n labor,

th e R ed C ro ss p r o - Miicheii poimIta p a t ie n ts w U h a J l o l C h a rn t. T n e o n ly th e c o s t o f a d m ln l s -

NKW f I tO fd ll o n ly s to p to r e a l - r e u ry Benjon

lo h im s e lf a n d h i s u r m problem . d t q u . l t .o p p ly o l ‘5 k ? ™

a sp U a l n t a l l t im e s , 'rh c 'n ew pri [d era tio n to t h e f a c t wU bAnic, ond odm oblle w ill b e in * msKimum c l .y . No o n e . k n o w . J J Jrate n e ed o f a t r a n s - moniiis sro , n a v ln g h is lif e . , 'm iie a iron; t q je c t th e R e d C r o s s undispowbie »

t o n l l n a t p lo v W ta s k w e fa il r e p e a te d ly #nd mricbiedm o f blood s e t u p Xor win ttim be k

WhUe House | ry in d iv id u a l, e v e r y » ” , „ g ro u p of a n y k in d , ruiicd »*

a l good of e v e ry o n e . York Rovernor r lb e o iir l u l l q u o t a b o i.i* ^ jm e s to T w in F a l l s —n n te e r e n o u g h e x t r a V T P] Wh o r ta g e s o n s e v c c a l * ^ "

s op ln U o l b lo o d . L o t ’s T » . c t o m

t l t u t J 5 0 : i p o » l b l ydoctw , wWUe h

-I ft good recomG o 'o D n y By.U m es have dl.s- hM^underuicNlee, resigned lead e r m oUier word*f. B u t they still a d - *low »nd pnlnh is services to h is « r^ rp o « ib e.

jjj Tlie culmty

ro’r ld K ar I I , A t t l t t S S■ Wln.ilon C hurchill r/ipwiy ceiuncIlltlon governm ent mntier o t » hiS h e a d H tm a g a l n s l 5 “ “i I jV 'S j .

- ,u»«i.ft . ir e » i d.n 1945 aa h e a d o f the atrkln » ( nilo v e rn m e n t, A t t le e «»e «ir«in or i,lry dow n s o c la l l s l ' low ed b e lo r t , M o s ld e v e lo p m e n t w i th ti„ i lupubucAn!y c a tn e to r e a l iz e chey h»v« beenm o d e ra te .so c ia lis t, prcp»r»tion!« vi'

r . ' , V .l i t t le m a n w o rk e d *oon, they f U n ite d S t a t e s a n d K noulnnd. nmor:h a ln o f Nixon nres o f c o n q u es t. 2 ? *!u rb » l tn t b y i J iu rm a In 1047. lo n g hower’» incressuo u g h t I t w ise . T h e t-’-'-’ m o n ^ -h *

B r i t i s h in - ^ ' ’i / t p f r .le u v t r s c o u ld h a v e »inut-he»riu rn e d th e i r w r a th ___) n o T•usted I ts r e s o u r c e s a w n fw « w5)51 voter.s r e s to re d tlirm hs* » vnicts tr e e t. S in c e th e n «■"" h 'f- Ifto rn c o n tin u o u s ly cnmmnn'nri!hWi . ' common tiroBlfm

rap p e d w i t h o u t a vaiiins v ir* -u i. ‘a s p on th e p a r t y town meeiins, n

o r tw ic e a lm o s t portunlty »rfor<li .—!o atlem pi m

th e s lru R R le . h e ,c r m en j.a k c o v e r . ,c n n /tre« , •doptt—— fducAl lon. msy II N K U P injr »«}i

d e n tia l c a n d id a te , ,oik» wiins n g a ln . A c a n n y iliey hnve bren i DloRV, G e d r g e L '>»'i o ' Ari'rmwi' too p o p u la r wiUx Ji!m em ber.i. to g a n g /o r the prr.wnui th e y d id In 1P52. the « ,

a tlo n w o u ld p r o b - ' “l ^umm»r k n . . - n , « o p p o s l- a n n o m in e e , w i th o ,e „ t „ p u « if '.hlcf Ju stlC ft E a r l iv » only rm on V ice P r c .i l - rew iuuoai o s u i t I . S e n a to r S i ly m e m b er o f th e „ m » i open cm.- ; h k h th e C a llf o r - voice Uielr appnn

d»Uow,—W*.'bl)«h is c a r c e r a.s a

In a m o re c o -o p - . ■'ia n su c h p r e c e d e - h S ' ; T ”i,V'1" ild p n illp M u rr.iy , U T l l t , . to , ! r iO ..X cspcctlY C ly._ ,fnri“_ri"riing_«rmlO h w e o n e - s l d td Ut . a n d t h a t f u tu r e I tp m n e g o t ia t io n s

< 'lieedleu"’ driver < w slon S t r ik e a n d t^r tendioR uie ii i r g a ln ln g a d v a n - n s o n l a b o r p e a c e Moral: AwWrm b le . . . .................... . —N ew -X oii T ia ti



^ H I R L I G I Gt d iio tr. bu cotuBO te ■nivcrtac r.ftden' l.tu n I iBUtm On iikilaaAl and iBt^raatloaal paUclo DkllUM. Qurilldiu attr In MXt la Bf,iDo« iiniHwt nte*. c tu rj c&u*. m .

INO TO N -'W hr U the 'Whlt« H oiue to ul- ik about Ul* deUlia of Preaident EUenhower'i ul apparently alov convalescencer" (nqulrea r t Myeri, Fl*. - I i there »ny poUUcal motive Wi aJtitude toward t aecond Urm behind

, An-iwer; Prom the »t»rl of hlj • lllne.u, on Sept. 34, President £lwn>

1 hower told Jim HaRrrty and hla k ^ I - phyalcUna to be completely honeit F l K k j with the American people aboul hla

condlUon. He wanted no repetlClon ■ J a g otXhe-ilt«»tlon-irhleh-e»l»t»J-wlicn

Woodfow Wllaon and FrnnkJln D. ■ ^ H R M a e v e l t becaime vlrtunlly IncA-

pacJiated, and the people were kept m ignorancc.

IKK I N K I f lT S - O S B K I N 0 •Ike wanli no concealment wllh regard lo Unce he plana to continue ttil.i,frnnk trea t- t lllneu. he may make It touRh on the HnU- cUon. wfilch irwlatA th a t iie *Und lor re-, ,n. If Uie phyalclaoi report th a t h e U allll /rom tracea ol a heart «tt«£k U te In J in u - :ly In February, tha White Houae wlU make know a vI announcement would make It Imptuwible leaden to continue their clamor for him.

rlcan people would rMcnl auch a aaerlflce ,Uaj of »ellt»h. parlUan polltlM. a* they e done in iiU . had they been Mid by FDR‘t IderoC hll rea) eondliion,

»r re|)orU." write* N. M., Altftonn. Pn.. "Uial EUenhower la nol wVlne » t g r r t l Jnlercjit

ment allAlri and rxercUilnR na much In- aome o! JiLi cnbjnel members and the newa-

,ke out. Il Uinl inie?”

Tlirre are alinllnr rumor* arovmd the cap- Jiey eminale from rather aulhenUc aource*. lh a t Ike cannot Rive the time to the detalU and domesUe proRranu thn t tie would devote an enllrrly well mnn. But (he fac t i< Uitt

ipecially new or novel has been presented ha* been required only to o k ty p l tn t »b)eh

aRreed upon Renerklly belore he becnme III. ir, fo t initance. a3 Secretary Jam es P. o1nt« out, he plana W let the unlont and n t aolve their dllflcultle*, ke^plnR thla prob- from lh» While Houae and ou t of pollUca he can. .

lOPOKALS IN' nE.S'HO\* rR O G R A M -S ee- laon llnaUy got around to dlacuMlnf the em wlUi him. Dut there were only two new enaon’a progrnm, and both were relatJvelr . hnd only to nod hla head In asreemenL proposals concern the eaMbllshment .e / ■

«nd an aUemyi to persuade congreius to Ilk 1 n cn tiie amoujil of money which will be • 10 Individual farmera. ellher In loans or if Ihelr crojw. A« I pointed ou t aeveral ), many aiirlctillural corporaUona have ob-II SUM,000 to $400,000 Irom t;ncle Sam on , le surpluses.s Various measnges (o coMKreu, as usual, repnred by and In thf. vnrWui depitrtmeal* ■ rdntis naencles. Tliat la notljln* new. They J e kfiltfed Into a pf/'.wnUble by a se ghost writer, and lubm ltied to capliol c

nlUi Mild whrn FDFl's physical condlKon < aa an oh.«tiic1e to liLi candidacy for New i lor In lOJB. "You don'l have to b« an b*t<#- f k good executive."

WS O F o t h e r s ;fiOME rUNirrUHED HOPKS C

icea lhat Presldenl Eiaenhower m lghl fetl e U) run tor ottlce again ne* t year became t r r wltli Salurdny'a medical bulleUn. His n le hoUnB lhat Mr, Eiaenhower waa-makUtg onry- trom hta September h e a r t aiuck , t the Pcei^dent Ia sllll no t physically able IS many ot tlie burdens of h is office a j he tken In tha Inal couple Ot weeka. He Is. p 3rda, a sick man uhoin n c o r tr y will be latnstaktng, even though recovery U en- , le. ^lly worded wnrnlnsT refuted the Impre.i- L ^pt M eet irom n ra t o l hia eon/ereneea y

irmlng ncllviurs lha t the Prealdenl la Ing back Into atiape and lh a t I t ia only a I lltUe time betore he U able to do the ^ Job he wn.1 dolnc iKtore he was atruck sharp coronary Ihrombail*. I t la obvlou.i t deM of Ume «lll be required and Uint t nn election campnlm nlone—not to any >t the ottlce Itaelf—may prove to be Wo Is- gathering aUcnRth. »bly may expect th a l Baturday’a. medical nt, mild as It wns. will make o the r poten- ^ can candidate.' more resUve even than een thU winter, and more eager to begin . which have been delayed by the doubts L ojw auJTOundliir ihe of the chlet iiIr.M Uie Pre/ilrirni make-i hW plnns known ”* ley probably »nn'i be,wntted for; Senator mong nthrr*. nnd perha;ii even Vice Preal- nre apt lo atop walling and a U r t hustling, J}' mnng many Republlcnn.^ Uint lhe Preal- be able to run for oftlce onee m o re -a “f' :m coa^ldcrnbly bo{.<t<Ted by .«r. Elaen- rasing parllclpailon In tiivernm ent affairs .•ha.1 bnom r a Aomeu'hat fanciful one ;lor's remlnilfr. I t woulil not be aurprla. ae ha* now been abandoned In nil bu t the learted qiiaMer».-Lew|sion Tribune, _

lOTTLENKCK ('OM'KRKNCE - |“ice ot 3 .m MegnlKt a ! uhleJi none of! ■nice or a vole h »omf thine new In Amerl-; hera U one a n a t whlrh Amerlc*n.» can I . xcel. It is th r url ot meeting to ilems and arriving a t n o<in.Kenaua or pre-1 -Uie a rt epilomlied by the New England'

nu t the rw iice ot Ihnl a r t la the op-! orded to all prrsent to apenk Uielr minds aa be4l Uiey can to win oUier.s lo Ihelr'

Id ayaiem ot duUlllnK the aenUmenla ol! pplfd aC the Wfijte Hoiu^e conference on I »y lie Ideal for malntnUilnR order, forg-:■Jll! a fixed program and arriving ex- a predeUrmlnea re.'ull. But It la no good

Ung dfl^gnV.1 have ih rtr aay or for let-.I whom the de1rgnle.^ represent feel Uiat en repre.wiiiert. Mrs. r.diiiund D. Canip- Rion expreweil a widr.ipread aentlmeni

an hnnorrd Amerlciin IrndUlon when Monday that opporlunlty be afforded

ntaUim anil con.sidrratini\ of resolutions • «ji.<e of.lhe tonferefice. She «•«.« tum - I'larlly by Nrll If, McKlroy. chnirman of 1 e alerrlny roiimililee. ,feeling," observed Mra. Campbell, "that, | s lo keep people trom doing anyihlnK. ocraUc lo Irl prople \o le w hether they oivs or no t" A lol of Amerlcniw are re her feeIinKr~Milcli-or“ Uili crtucLvn- - fn arolded il tlir planning had Included :ener.i; .v.vdcti nc «-/,(ch flelegate.t ’couW t pmval or diupprovnl of the recommen-, » blngton D. C. I‘aU. ^

A TKAK>If.’ M H I.E !Ume Uiere was a pede.itrlnn whn prided

3 irenneas nf yi,*)nn *n<j- .fwi/ineai of ■ P ways looked up nnd down the road be. i .rrftM_ihe t i< iM _ ^ f_ o t_ t ra f f lr One \ iculaled the speed of an appronchliiil ~

ed eonsclou.infM In Uie ho sp lu l he b e . , le and uttered unkind word* about the ' er whom tie held re^ponaible. The doc-1 le Injured vlcllm noddefl a y m p a th e lif ,■Bul wl,r didn-c you w«|c a t the curb,

J turn green?"(lenu don't haw>en. T hey «r« c.>ujcd.' ‘ latft-__ I ___

1 h

} P O T ^ ^

= S h o t s j f

Ker a IDEA. ANTWAYJlrea Dear PoUo:

Here'a an Idea for deep consider- ation by the peop/« ta rluU y inU r- eated In letting denaUona of blood.

Whenerer tnyooe la admitted U- tbe hosplUl and need* blood, le l hMplUl atlendanU consult a maaUr

" “ i llat ot Ult namea of folka who have i z given blood In the la sl j t a r . W no

one from the paUent'a family haa I n Iflvtn-W oodrltl'ihert-be-iio if«n*-; ' jr- fusion.u-n, Pou. hflUier you nor I nor »ny-

one eLie knows from one day to thc ne*t when we're going to tieed blood.

V o Wouldn't It be a good Idea lo don tU i to tha t pint of blood-Jusi In caae? . , t - You ean well im iglne Jiow wmcone all. would ftel 11 one Ol hU or h e r loved re . ones desperately needed blood and

lUll no blood w u available, n u . T hink It o^er, Ivuli?ake A. Honor

(Twin Palla) ible . . .Ilm. KITTENB VOK KIDS P E P T .

Theae three kittens need new homea. w o aje long-haired a n d one. It short-haired.’ They're henrly 1 months old and have renclied Uie »t*Be where they're drinking m ilt

. *• npd eallng. You can gel them a t IDI Kejburn avenue or phone Twin Falls J74-M,

MORE RAGKBRUSH ARTISTS ip . Dear Sir;ce*. My addrea* U Kennle Carter. Fll- Ills er, Idaho, general delivery, ote Kennletial p a . Thla 1» for M n. M- L. nl ted Kimberly In regard* lo Uilngs mnde ‘ leh trom ttftbrm ti.I” '_rt' A phener g/iw the nam e o l an- , ^ other resldenl who mnkea thinga , J frem aagebmsh. She'a Mr*. Zlm er ,

Annl*. rouie l. Twin Fall.i. Her , pbone cumber I* ooei-jl,

if’ Dear Sir; iNoUced tlie iltUe article In your i

column In Wednesdays paper Umt | •'* M. L-.oJ Kimberly wanted to know c■ - of aomeone who made articles from i t |! aagebruih. He can caU 011S-J4 a t t tw W er. I ” A. FHerlte -H . . . a

PUP.S VOit KIDS D E PT , " Dear Mr. Pot SlioU: ,

.1 We have ilx ot the cuteot lltlle , ij,’ pupa you ever saw. We mual find fv hemea for them. Four a r t males, j, . Two are llRhl broun, two funny col- ^

o l or bto'»n imd two u e bli«i;k. They'U mnke a umitlerlul Chrlstmna pres-

)n en t for lome lucky child, Cnl[ n t aiC _ ■« Second avenue enst. bnsrment J. (iparttient, mortilfrgs or fwiilJigii. ..

Iilank ^-------- it

SDear Pot ShoU: h

W» haw liiref pupplM !r/t. all oi black Wllh whlU- collnrs "nd te tl. j, One haa a1t whlU* Ince w ith hlnck y

.tl ear*. Their mother Is an EnglLih set- p, ne ler, father, 8eoUh collie, T h ^ e cQUld . tia m akt t<Xid'-hUaUng clnR. . ig ' Phone MTR.jrk. / i n i Tyler Sl.)'le ‘ (Twin rail*!

Pol«We hk’rfc *1 pupplt* to r t^vme hn ir

boy or girl who wnuld give them « goid.home. You mny have one or as

'* many^aa jo ii wish. You mny pick them up a t Dick fnk’Ina plnrn three

“ nnd one-halt mllea easl of WnMilng- • Wn .lehooJ on Addi«n tvenu« en/l.

Telephone o m - 03. 1). J.

fltiR TtULi.v.Tis « o A n n ^ A. (Htlien, Carey—You don 't have

lo be ashamed of ynur opinloii,, whatever I t may be. YnuT le lie t

*' nellher proper* itialerlal for Pol ^ Shot* nor can it be printed ex-

cepl over your true name, i f you " care lo wrlU a letter to the Puiillc , Fonim. signing your true name, you ' mfght be aurpriwd how fnat It's

prinled. I t lellera are no t alniider- eu io cU b em ttt^d irr tn good tx f.f. they «re pubU.ihed In the Public

J Forum rfjardlta* ot ih » wrUrr'*^ opinion.

■ FAMOUS I.A.ST U N E« , .'iba JnalsU her corn la more . aeciirat# lhan the weatherman." f GENTI.EMAN IN THE

F ouftT ii n o w

-------G i V E - ^


W all o n d M o n le l Full L en g lh D oor


Free In s ta lla tio nMike your aeleclion ni<d np- rolnUnent now '/o r iJie be.«i gin of alt.

Stop in e n d g e t y o u r FREE " H o» -T o-D q.U " __

19sV c a l e n d a r -X ■f*!!!! tlf useful liiform aitiu nbiiul toob, mUriinl.i nnd melfiod.i lor thr tm ndy man about the house.


lojeAAAAJ>| ( ' ^T W IN FALLS G L A S S

Qnd PA IN T C O .AeroM from tha Pn«( Qtflen



I M A R Q U I Ji SANUB IBUND. :B * ll-O n thU beautiful laltnd the vUltor can still

' »<f, pne of the lail'iurvlvaJ* of eul- tur< tha t devel- oped Ihrough centuries In own e l a b o r a i t e ^ ^ ^ , pat(«m . wlUi

ider- celebraUon o t H ^ i:« r 'm arriag e , b J r t f i B P p lood. and deaUi p re -H k ' < A ' d Ul Kribed In d a n c e a ^ ^ J | | M H

and rlUiali U i a l ^ ^ B S f ^ B H u U r abaorb each I n d l - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ V f l liave vidual In the c o m - ^ ^ H ' ^ T - ^ l ( no munlty. H M H V Hhaa In India. Indo- , tur«»l* CkiUa

tn a - naila-and-Bunaa,_____ ___ _______a frequent accusaUon ts th a t Atner-

»ny- lea has no culture. I t Ia deUvered (he both a t flntftand and In Innum er-

ood. able newspaper editorials w ith In­nate dignity, a chlp-on-the-ahoulder a t- aae? tllude lha t U partly aelf-defenalve. » n t a rraentment of the western view- )ved point tha t aanltaUon, health and •nd efficiency ate superior to the ancient

way* o( the E ut.Even a glimpse of Bnll helps the

obaefver from the West to under- ' “> aland what la behind lhls a ttitude , '

The old traditional ways of life are I gone or they are threatened by tiie '

np»- advanced technology of Uie West, < one which ll summed up in American ' y j: ma»s production and mccfinriIiatlo«.| I Uiel .ThcM hew Fjistem nailoiis th n t i '

niit(fin*’f ao recently won their In Jc - 'l 1911 pendence nre lom by confllcUngl

^-In'emoUow. On lhe one hniicj U iryi' w ant this "progress" and on the oUi-11 er lisnd liiey fejir lt.i eftccts Injt

.j, creaUng a rooUeas people, divorced, I from Uie pnst and wllh no loynlllejjt to the preaent. I

" ’ T)ie visitor has nc way of *de- ] .. Urmlning how renl I* Uie tli rrn i to ‘

Uie way of life on Ball th a t Ims tor ' ao long j<emetl lo snilsty hnppy pro-

■ pie living in luilily ferUie land. D ur- ' Ing the past two yenr# Uicre has *

• been a matlted revival of Int^ In new dance forms fn the viJInge*. J The young boys of Ihe vlllace prac- '' Oee laneJicurs la order ta btcowe ' members of UiP gamelanc oreheatra* ’’ fhat play for Uie dancing, ^

The oUier evening a t Uie vlllnne nearest this aniall beach resort the)

sur whole population, from old cronies, ;ini to Uny bnbles. lurned ou t to r n / ow dance celebrating Uie three monUi.i" ' om birthday of Uie headman's aon nnd a t Uiey tn l for four hour* enjoying

Uiemaelvea hugely, tte B ut the troubling (jUMtlon per- „

aUU—wlutt Is lo supply the cement „ holdfng (Ills aoclety together l l the old tradlUonal llte Is exchanKed for ^

, a haJ/n’*y knoulfdjie o! rcntJl)i« fl«d , wrlUng accompanied by n BiowUik]

dUsatlj/acUon because lhe oppor- , tunltlc* ot a brnve. new world do not .-

open up7 W liat.takrs Uie plnce ot [ " the communal way «if life • If the J* mold la shattered by the invnsion of p ,

progre.« nnd nietlianlrjiUon?Nothing could seem more Irrclp- , i

van t In the village of t;bud. w ith lu Li numerous temples tilled w ith offer- sJi ings o f fruit and' ffower*. th n n the nr hnmmer nnd sickle painted tn blnck bn on a billboard of w oirn pnim ftbpr O:

fJ’ p u t up by the Communist pnrty. R, y r i, Iliere II Ja. r>?r Uie aerol-rdif- - cnlert who have lum ed Uielr biicU l»i

lid ■ . ,, ■ „ __ — ,

i j s ^

T><« llttON-.Mi

A C T A L i m i f e d n u

' c f t h i s t p e c l a c

~ m c301 Main

rW I N r A L tS .- ID-AHO ‘ ;

)N C ALLIN G ” ,B^

I S C H I L D St h u on p » « eotomtttvlBn a a i

I itf ll an *ppro*lffl«U«]—rajM bt;t aerrr- r eu l- theie** allu rlng-of Uie cneneu; o;

th e o td tcmmunal 111*. Boastihlru

i Uke th a t aeem* lo h a w happened lr China where * furUmi, fanaUc tea

l l olfered »a a m biU lult for th t traditional paat.

T he meeUng ef E u t and W e*t- o t uwdillon and »chnolo« j-*» *«r. In many Akian ciue* U good rea*on for dtamay. To the aqualor and mU- cry p t the p ast U i^ded the tcsMca and roar of motor traffic Jammed Into narrow *tre«t» tide by aide with bullock e a ru and burttn«btarins

J , eoolle*. Radio* blare Irom *)iop f ronis displaying cheap maaa-pro-

tner- (Juced'»»n:»»nai*r - ~ rered Here Is the worat of boUi worlds m er- tn d Jt l» ho t hard to understand I In - why *ti w*'*r a t- dia’a Nehru, acutely eonacloui of the ulve. anclem- itrcam i of Aslan culture, Hew. » h o W ld inveigh C iiilly agalnat and American aott drink* b»bM

d e n t manifesUUons 'ot American enwr* prise as i t impSngr* on Aiian llie-;

, th - W ith the chanje coming m iwlfUy , r t„ : everywhere, the old way* are.bound, u d - to be held up lo d«»bL .The Indo-l . are' neslait govemment ciiJm# ta h tve

Uie eu t llllUracy from 8J per eent a t tbe Vent end o l Dutch rule u> 60 pe r te n t to- •Icari day- 'n ils may b« tn overly opUmls- tlofi tic estimate, but rolllloni la newly th n i I formed schools are being taugbi the niSc-’ nidlmenta of reatlUiR and wrlUnj. •ilnsl The nnturnl riche* ot a rich coun- Uirv, try are bmind lo be exploited and oUi- Uie problem »UU unsolved U hows In lth ls cnn be done wlUiout dlanipUngrcedl llie niiclent pallem lhalhasbrought Illes'rew ards and saUsfaelloni Uirough

I Uie years. There it no reaaon fn com- \ mo:i sense why Aslan IndusUUllia- , , ■ tion alioutd be accompanied by lhe

f p Indusirlnl alums tha t blighted IflUi J ” century Europe tn d A m erlcfln Uie

enrly PHase of weeUmj Induslrlallra-

Tlie serene landacap* of the rice paddlta, w llh Uie figure* ot men and women working In the old Umelei*

. ' 1 waya, seem* Intlnliety far from the i „ ; world of the second half of Uie JOUi

century. B ut ne one can doubt that i , „ . It la preaslng hard against even tWa lllf la st outpost of Uie aplendld past.

C; Cub Scouts Hold S Monthly Meeting

HAIUIV. Dec, n - P a e k No. I. Cub Scouti, held lU December pack m rellng a t the recreation, room of

“ ‘f the Communlly Baptist ehurch J Tliursday evening, j

Theme for Ihe month w a "CtirltC- . ' “ t m as la O lher Land*.” wlUv sklU put

on by each den, Mexico » « por- '’Ol trnyed by den No. 2: Itngland by dm

of No, 4; IreUnd by deo No. i and Hol- R land by den No. 8. I>«i Wo. 8 won the

‘ of pnrent award. '1A bobc4t badge was awarded Hon- “

•le- a \d M ewmis; wo\I badgta U. John ^ l u Lnnnlng; wolf bndge and gold and " tr - nllver arrow U> Larry Burke: silver the nnow p«(nt to Ro6»rt Gtno: lion " "ck budges to David Siemens and Paul R ber <?zburn: «nd tirn chM w rd i to a rty. Rftbett Ha'Jiktu and Marvin B«t:eU. d if -.jauifen ytwUu received iheJr rrg- tl cjL» law llo o cards for 18M. ' . . n

e a u l a t 3 3 9 . 9 S ~ ' ^ ^ l

8 9 ^ I

'ifh frode-in |

d r , S y ' "

y o u r O '-®

ANV SirV / O R t H !

I— nraR t3N-M.WonYrti.Uh I -

/ ’ • T o i

N O [ W ! . i od n u m b e r o f s e fs • A J i

i d a c u l a r to y in g ! • H ij

O O Nain Avenue Wesr

'^1 ) . T i u s r

ed in / « ^ i ^ o p p e a r i n g

’i'-,0’S:;mn mnrr « .< ! . . rS S S t a " '•*pn ere* d r l p a l n gmU- v l th lelelea?eech Looking I n t omM Uie f a r p u t wewtth(i;no«r o f coursering Uiat tom e '20,000 H K ^ H IIhop y e t i , ago h«Jf «r H H i Mp r o - N o r t h America— — w a x . .b u n e d - u t u l ( r .B K ^ ^ H t j nirlda a g r« a t cover o(:and Ice w hlls th e re.In - m alnder o f Uie ^Uie eonUnent, q u i t e

;ure. Ilfcely. ah lvercd In ilMt -ach winter-* cold e„ „ . ., h „ tetp . O n ly one thing “ aTe K # tr, ,t«r. cap re tr e a t-w a rm e r weaUier n lire. b r ln * iiv th e w bjeet <fo»-n into oui

u"** *etU n*^crea»Jng |y Jldo- a re they aa »everp nor ■<>»« 5* *f»nil/aui,r',the til# easterrUilrd of o u r conUnent.

nls- 'W eather reporu from such ril ;wly ver*e p o in ts a i Montreal the W aahlng ton , p . C., and

t. Mum ., beau- Uila ouL in MonifrJ'» « r4 ? dand 130 In c h e s -IS yenrs nico is khIjv

now averoRing around 80 luchev n,; Ung fretiueney of siibtero lempcriinrri ght o l Uie ttim o l tfi# century co bfi.m- ugh Mro only « ^ u t hnlf m ollen,>m- In W«*hJngton, sprlnj weather Iza- has m odenited considerably Oiir- ih t injr th e 30 y t t i s from im - u o ’’ flUi there waa a loUl ot J5i <jxy, *;ih^ frceiJnB lem pernlurea-U iat aVcf.

ages 17,7 ench aprliic; In the 20 . years from 1813 to 1033. Uiere wrre

only 231 free tln j days, avetasing , 1U 5. a lm o st a Uilrd fewer. Aiul UiH , aama tr e n d loward winter mlldties.i

holda In Boston, rn T liere th e durntlon of mow on the ,]. ground him leasened aeven dnysdur- he tng th e p a a t SO year* and the

wlnt«r tcm peralure for December, n . J a n u a ry a n d Febnmr^’ hna rt^en ,n U iree-and-one.half degree.-i In the ,£j J«.« iOO yenrt. To retiirn In AIoh!- t r rent fo r the moment, Ute mean ,fi le’m p e ra tu re thrre for Mnrch hns ul gnni? up even more, nearly four de­

ll, F o r thoae whn may Ihlnk this' g- U irer-to u r degrep riw In tempcra-j

, lu re triv ia l, wcalher expert* haaienl.

rlT @

S 5 0

l O l V - A N Y A G i , U

, S 0 0 1 H « A «

F ro n t Controls for extra i

Pow erfiil new. Advance Casw^ AJuminized Screen for double 1 H igh Fidelity Inclined Spealua

i r c —FURN


■jpened ^n tfv .ti;,,^ ’’ **^ 'U t . 'uli«i t a S j T ' ■ a those

■ ■ 1 1 U ol

S’i l l ^

* Dfno.’a t n y , , , ^ ^

1*1 — iejntid C ja» '^"*3 l|■or MUier'x I £Jutern T" rtlum il:« t. «*

Chrijunaad, * , 1 1 " ***

Ji= -

(,eii U ic ie .io u ie t^ !pcl*l up In Uie a a a u ^ ^

ather eaatettv waisSd ^ . « Our- N>» York C lltl.^

•I63J, »nci»-hislslien ^ •cs of Chtwunu J A

* » It on th. * ? ! 1,1 , 0«WI* lhe IP6UW ^

I Mrner, u,, S . ' a "jood oVJ.l^5W(

W nr a tiilnj of ift, n. ^ fioKon Illd ih( ifiatn ,« IU tTiUr* m ir j t J l M *ni, unf6rt«nn,hi z f ‘obetimberc.uWrjh| ^ihlse when iht leaa- w?P«1 to M teloF ten, h , „ And m* In a in,if

«o'*nei. lhe wntiai W Uie »,IL For tw l'hie learth must p , ^

« «ioi4j U> Jhjttf i t j . ^fiot "alilie" *ha X ^

20 phrlitma. isd culc^i«rrc wene they »fj not aa , , K ng (Cosjfiiki. mi. “

h» .r ^

Ulul W; is 'w u t I0!« a lean Sgi j;t. Ktunn., ctu, —),n, --------------- ,de- DATM AK>,'Otl (1

WENDEli pre. Jl this Uhnob will clow Dk.1 j' tra -lm u awl t t ^tienlJsn. Eupt.'AT'J. Ria

S l!r !



T T Q 7 i K [

J -I M I I

NO ST*®'*

NO Sl**'** ^



HTvflnJ ;S uture |

Page 5: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

^ j u b i i c F o r u

.,eHouse‘Comprom,^OuestionRappe(iv W ^x . I JJ burrow ftUo I

, , . «nd o rd en w t ifWind throm h Boremn

F ^ , . ^Id him on lhe nolhlns w m to ''iSJSlilflS cwninu- communiS S S S " ‘.SS'irv ! I‘* L d did ®“'' ' promlM a l every•^ ih o o ld *'*’'* kno»n ^ turned on lu

«*• *T u v a s u Uiey * r-^n»itlf» evldenOy While }lou8« In

f c f iW P S cU o n of in tl - Uon. .n d could n

s s r^ rp S d ff l”""'-— _

ladiaii Boy W il is ’5 5 :

people C o lo r C o n te sL kd, ? « - * *fl*';7 ',,,.>Mr-old boy lo r r ? « r » a T 7 ^ s VljhiD w hti home r ^ * S ? P § i H

°?'f^DPolni<d u'hcn lhe

10 l>rlng Sloiy ll'e N.Uon.I

iubmlilM by i? iiifr»Id Afier he took ,

laat compellllon. IC^[rtrittClevfUnd, 0 „ for

^ K K le d b y N C A S e rr - o! lhe contMt.

prominrnl vU.->U.the beat ot

prlw winner. Andjr ^.C in»di> Air llnea to M l V W E

,n r hlKhllRht U IpM on Perry Como's TV ] f f S > s 9 S s i m

u l hb r*cori wlll be the ^ of Thomas P. Troy. y E E v Q Q D^ t r of t/ie su tle r . <fur- i j i t j E g f f l B^ l U y and they'll hnve K g g 3 m w MS ^ l ; neu.' Chevrolet i M“ S T ANDREW WHCJ m the rstlonnl con- . . . w inner ofhS {VITTBU. 10, t^lc. Pa,. ceiortDc conUat.iKt of famous 15-voIume-------------------------jij Biiunnlcn Junior and _ .

itN :;'" u 's Japan (iW *u »tt’nrded a « t of *

>»-“ ■ " CottonIff punP*<” **’0 -ra -T . « csiuuil tnlcnt in the \ l / . : f . U (thirtd In prizes consist^ T r ' J.I>XJi

leftheEncycIopedla Drit- T n w r . scr, WcjclM, laWt radioj. TOKYO. Dee. ftn, tlrclrlc trains, walk- neae sovernm ent t uJ hlih cfttnrra m U. , would ha lt expori irnlite m the rational to'Canada efrccU' a eonwt rrpre.iented the tff than ISO,000 entries The announcemi ttubmliled by boys and of IntemaUonal C tlO la Ihs U.'S., Canada aald contracta Ior a porta to Canada ---------------- — cepted Irom th a t i

Jon Crash similar aclion onporta to the V n ll

f r v . . ^ *'•a l u i l U i O naUonat trnde anc export ban wilt rer

I. Tex. Dec. 17 (U.P>-Flve gon,e kind of c «r ot them members of adopusi to lim it « nimufnclurlnit family the United S lates j(. Th , were killed and . r.ilfill» injured In A ’ ^he ban waa en S of two cars one United SU tea r e t b et hfrc enrly loday. l l stemmed Irom r wniror. a wldier from Industry demanda , taeuftfd "vlcloui cuU" Bf“ » lJ»ke action ithm i of chenp Japanes<I »trt Identified as nufus Amerlcaii m arketa «. ind hlx w ltt. Dotovhy. Iroverstal “do lU t \ oBalui, Jr.. 10, who wm Japanese rep o r t I l«Tf velilele. and an- ped 2J40,000 yardi Mfflmlf, 13, Ttie driver to Canada laat yei

a at. Jw rph Lyver., 3\. OJ90,000 yarda du lielditr. a l;« was killed, to October period Ciadtilll. 27, a pa-isenger ,*!Ui L>Ter.". wns ttirown fJdihleld. Hc 1. In the fS" rteiBtiil a t Ft Hood ada nas decided /i naidrd on U. S. 81 with «Prc«nU U ona I a. Hlthwny Patrolman '"fwurcfl lo curb i = uU\thBt "It wrinkled coneem«»»aonAon.i," ' cotton exporta Iror------- !_______ Irom Uie Japanese

7 to the Unlled StaU/, iianffs »"y to ii’B u n i t«» r» • Canadian m arket,During Play-----------fu a . Dfc. » B ^ - A 7-1 R e a l E s t a t e

n unjed lieraelf prl- informaUcm 1 »e«uld. uhlle appnr-l xwin F a ltr to fmulnte a tmpeze "• A dln ils iei

JWttfn on televtsloaLeper, dlsnppeared ^

*«i».Uo alsltrs and a 1 1(01 (lie act. The «uWi.iti«t\. T«in »»>rilthe tlmo paying Tiu'fhVnI".‘’'iio.*^’i il

JW-«ld *U>ter, Marian, **'$ lu « ln K in a closet. „ V riw t ltojwnR.iter had been Rf«i. v^.J:^ ih « apparently had *. JW ajlhc sleeve* of a ’ ffShinifr. W.rr.nlr‘D««lt An

------------------ !C«I? VI “ ®T Is Bitten .F?s".fd"?.'.'K layful Horse iS r ii

M&, Dtc, n OB — A >'*~v'’n':. r i " / y.'iii,' ^ • - H y mi,.ial:e" nenr M .rtn '" '? , '

» tusty wolfod cn Klml,»rlr.

fnrmcr east of Kim«‘‘i<,?'s''’''"” ' ” " “ »U hnpi>ened n.i he "'•truniT i>Md; i , > ‘ ‘*9 W f l lo water. ^^^JjMilpplns a t each a .

lidwern Ihtm “ i«hoiM's nipped a t *i- .'th.tiiinik*. no. L

foHh »i„hed ‘f"-, Scu i ai » iiuh ts . t * s

'-ese tlie ttoiind. ? '•

Is Flown s~*W *enM enfS#;^^';J iD te , 11 u v - s p c I '" ' , . "“z fV 'f " I'm sit. ' k ; j;-.

Purlllo mtn w f- .f- I

^ * » w r n ---------- l " f \ - — A —D.-C, n o»_ D r. O . L, O S TEO P

f e C Z i ' f f i P H Y S lirjV'^levpd - to ) ,# „ iJOUlifl MJ

ion . a i HtU N*rU

W '

t ' l imise in | I ed in Note ^ Jlao entered lhe picture > J >

w tre handed down ^ K ]im m en l ageDclei th a t ( 7 ^ P I H

to be aald or doneluntsm. • . ’) I*:an petition w u a eom- nery p o in t Kow Moacow ^ r 6 HQ ua Uke the bunch ot ^

a re and placed the O n pIn . w t.k tn ia c c l - • ' “ P ®

Id m ean another Pearl ^ U f l t i

TIED O, nEYNOLDfl<Fatrtteldl t V e

5 Little est Honor

V ^■ o t '53 UlUa Feopie'f [«* ■Ual. (NEA) ■

Closes ■ )nTi'ade | i ■ “c th Canada k 'I Kee. I I (tn-'The Japa- ^rn t loday announced iliporla o t cotton goods .^J ' ' •ccUve next Monday. ^ scem ent by the ministry J£Sal Irade aod IndusU?

Ior eolton gooda ex- - ' # . ida would no l be ac- > : 1 / l a l date, X * /sa Boremmenl took a

on collon gooda ex- ^Jn lted Stales Nor. 52, '.V ' the mlRlilry of InU r- .and industry said the ^ | ' '

t rem ain In effect until TC: * , , if control system b p i, .n i l coltoQ e iporU to •.? ;•

s enforced lo head oft ^ re la tla to rr measures. ^

rom American texUIe ^nda lh a l Uie U. S. eon- /•Ion to hall lh# flood mese cotton goods In • X , kels. notably the con- ^U r blouses," , sTorta aald Japan ship- *ards of cotlon textiles ' K Womi; year. This roomed to ^ m,I during Uie January Triod th is year.0 these reporU, Uie .* gooda exports to Can- -T.i •:d lollowlng Canadian j(*, th a t Japan Uke J i 'irb auch expcrU. Can^em ed lh a l Increased » . „ * ^Irom Japan. rcsulUng j f __nese bnn on shlpmenU »IK ' ' . •3tates would find their iIlted SU tes Irom Uiekel, the reporU aald, ,{i

a te T ransfersera Furnished by >*Za ltr Credit a»4m e n t Boreao « W k S ^ ^

t WalUr l^tnt^TlniKi*- *


t Arthur r . WilMs |

: ' i 5 i s : ’K S ' i.1 >Urrr K*l«ii tnd Cu/ ^ V A I:u»or. . t« u u Atil«a li. T i | f jc . JttBt, «,»:». Lol 11. n *■till, £: Kuutll nsllon ta L » lt >Klot T block 4 Albtrl Tr-. ^ ,

i, ” ui! r‘In*k.*Vi“ N': « ' They ar

10. L9134 klock 11 KImM ‘1%, bath t0» wash cll

1 CItrfflr* Thnmnn"! <o >X7, •. llock iX rtV t f H-V7"

“ tillo FtBKin la Elir.r ,|j* 110. Lot IS b1a«k H Mur- * ' 7 ^‘oSin r^rl^to ArUur T, ^

. T 's trn irv itw .' «V < d i f lDftn IU>1 lo ArUiir T. ^Hc«nlr Vie., ^D »n Rtrl lo ArUiur T. ^ i

,r<EU. ••CIIOR It lo-n. ■?Arthur T.'WlUon A ; ^ f l 9

'I'^NViNKt,. !! !! B mji 'irp nr>iii> ch^^iiii

-hilf* lni<rn’t In’ lou'i*• uMlvlilnn. -K ti V. llumtAiiItt tn l V

B flob«rt M. Olrptnarltk. 7 ^ ' ’ c J M B .kKk 1 Mocrmtn'i rir.t 4

' — LeatLKef leV^I - l - “

3 P A T H IC 4 ' w S IC IA N


P emvee n n e y ' s w i l l b e ■ /

p e n e v e ^ n i t e M /

n H I C h H s t m a | j

r e f o r y o u r , m m k

> n v e n i e n c e ! f

f f i

\ w


iVenr them younelf, give them II g lfu o l lovely quality—Fen- ley’s Oaymode nylonsf Made to Penney'a high tU ndards to g ivt W you , sheem ess plus long wear, rr*vtrU< Pull - faahioned wtlh dramaUo MMit. hi dark seams. • gi

omer>'« C oH on-R oyon W O M E N


59c 2 .. . absorbent cotton and LACE z

in. Long wearing. Sire* S o ft and emo<4«, Complete your Chrbt- ors. Olve "alShoppine a t Penney'sl Irora Penney'*

C A N N O N PRINTEDO W E L S E T S T a b l e

2 ,9 8 Vr a rt thick - and • thinly dm iln ff<ul Hurdles Set has a DeiiBhlfut foitowel laoe towel and two Shill

‘ cloUu, machine waah



O t h e r G l o v e s M e t o l l i i

2.98. 2 .4 9WARM u m N o • . w r r H m e t a i


RE ^

JYS F?™ “ G # ’

i t i v e c

0 ^ ri_ qunllty of

deedl Thi f ' l • ric—smooU

W > i I ■ ; Clings, nevMrUtiiNl Umikt ‘;i '■ . ■■ In clnssic "■bi»V Irt jl n


O W N S d u s t

2 . 9 8 7 . <

m ntchlng t . ^ bell. <1«P pnt«h

:d l u n c h e o n *Th a n d e m b r

le Cloths Pillow C1 . 9 8 1 . 9 1liur, floral patternsi Ctllophnne urnpt

for etfU or for ly boxed Ior Uie 1Ihrink reslsU nl nnd square muslin. Fijaahablel i J 'x 6 2 '. Machine washnbli

lll i r t s^ Ilx«i2l0is' 9 8 cT A L U C STRIPE ' HUGE ABSOB

a J f \ '^ wf # 1 / T t y - VI f f 1 I Q . ^

/ / i - V ' . I J l ® / i


y's price Is low. bu t Uie ^/ of these slips is high In- Q

They're In your pet lab- noolh Dacron thn l never

never needs Ironing , . .8sl6 4-Bore styles. While , ix e t 32 I Ink.

-J--------------„ . - ___ _—.........t

r s c o tV o n N'

STERS Honkercfr 9 0 39c

, . Bmnrt nylon hamI to flntler. wlUi v,'lth gsy floral prlK w rap -around our ]„rge selecUon ritcH pockeU and hnndkerehlefs,She'll Love HI ______

i ib u n S

9 8 6.90Sw Ptnnty',' benuUf

.rnpped, eleijant- „(nr colors In scfi-b Uie holldayi, 80- tra - lo n n 1 2 'x W n. F rtnch seams. • jq ^; wool, hable.

^ES S p b r .^ 1 1^^1749 ^2798^ISOB'TMENT . HANDSOME FLANK

3, ID A H O

’ \ Tlm«’» a w

/ \ vX •veryone Olon«-»fop-ihopi

-35^^%n«riea’# favorit.

m yiiv I ' =

§ § K \ 4< I *1I ^

' ' 1 I 's. '• m

s ™

1.98^ », ' j r f i d close! Men'a L ' ‘ r S a flmnelette pj's

t 32 t o 4 0 ^ 1 IH ja slipover stylei, R X J I r ^ washablllty an

’x - , r s C F I i1 “r.

k M I .



m Mhandkerchiefs prinU. 8e«

ecUon w om -i. ^ ^ ^ f l

Men's W H Suede 11

Penney's price la for the (op fai

B l k V i j f f l f l B i ' ' Waler-repellent s S ^ ^ S n B S a ■ • on,lined. Unit

-and vatsl. Zlpp< » J colon,

§BLENDE " T 7IKETS k ) ^90benuUful decor- sofi-blend. e x - \

x W btnnkeis, \ T ,« .J® K ]

N'S 'sH '-,.;. ■ L iHiRTs{ S-M-L 1 ? ^■LANNELETTB 1

I w oiH n'i 7ok« car* of»on y o u r lilt with o fo if

loppIng trip to P tn n « y 'i.* t

trite fam ily deportm ent »tofe

W ' ■ "

1^9, W i£ J Mki«r*7><S5. I'J jji l y ■' rJh J f

i t t t M5 s 7 H

S 'iS / I

rRIPES! FANCIES! ^NNEL PAJAMAS!tU-Umed Penney pur- M gen'a Banforlzcd cotton # # ■ ■

pJ'* in bu tton and In _ i rtes, O et ideal warmlh,f and roomy comlort. g} ,* , A,‘‘b , C

■•r.vTiyj :t‘ ■


ce Is h a rd ta b eat ■ ■ rnmm m1 favorite Jacket! 1 7 Clent Ilniah . . ray - ■ W hUCnlt cottar, cutfs, | * * *

. l x . . 3 6 , t o 4


X DRESSEf p .^ 9’' J m f / WHY Pay More?, »-h

/ 2.79 buys- this wooderf cn plald in Penney's i

‘T P W ^ ^ Brentwood coUeetloid L w l V ^ ^ Ita riatlcrinB ope:

collar, huge patct W l k double-spaci

■ I ' J B l ^ a .H dence ot me* L L W j ^ H k style deUtttn;

Its excepUoni labrlc - lull , and shape

M In g . . EuaK — 1° * u h

to20,n tO' 2<

■ “^S^aiENT.CT


i f

m . i

Jjjlj Ii l l .f s 11 '

' S i r•°« II I


IES I? I. »-hen Just ^ jderful WOV- j y l ey's new fall ectlonl Note open - jtlng

patch pock- spaced but- « )* tl—all evi- .. •

meUculoua ; # ] a tttn j. Feel ^ )Uonallyfln8 • 'N '- luU-bodled * .J hope retain* • ■«)l . Euaranteed . fosh lo per- n, Slwj 12 JS, i20.n n d l8!i ♦' . . . .

p a ’o b ; ; ^ ?

. . •■ i .■

Page 6: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Slush Causes Road Hazard

In I. F. Ai-eas(FrtB Fm > On» .

Une to Ovid In the ertrenie ioulb- « a t r m part of the

Four Inchc* of xmw «now v m . rc- Bortid on Oalen# Bummli on U. 8.03 *nd chnlnB were lUWd ot neecj- u r y equipment.

' noad i generally w t f ellhw *now covered or lej' nround Ule tU U . ex~

■ cepl for lhe lower elevnllons where j«day '» KIOW h u turiied Inlo »lu»n.

T)-plc«l mldnftemoon tetnpera- ture on Friday Included 35 a l Bur-

I lev wllh snow flu rrla ; 35 lo Oood- I Ins 39 In Boise. 33 In Idaho FaU*.

34 in Pocniello and 22 in Lewiston. Uitht snow wa* repprted fU U ^

' . tn Lewiston. Ilonds In norlh Idaho were reported a ll *now covrred.

Forecasu called for wme clftrtnB rturlnn the nlRht wUh log in Uw lower valleya. Lowi were expected to nmge irom 10-23 In the toulh lo 10-

I 33 )n U u north.I Sunday'! Wsha w tre expected to I be about the game t i thote on Bat<

urday. V

Bus Driver’s Death Brmgs Quick Action

I' COPPKaFIELD, tJtah. Dec. n Wl —A Q ulek-thlnilns pafien ier fared ft b iu Baturday from plunzint Into lh#-l^«0-foot deep Kennecott w p- per p it a fler Ua driver died a t the >he<l.

. w . TL Cort. Detroit, Mich., one of «lx tourUU on a Gray Line Motor TouTi d fh ta e e ln f ' bu*, aaw t t e

U driver alump orer and he QulclcJy r leaped ta the driver'a aw l and ap- ^ n l l f i the bralCM ]u*t aa the bua ;t a cnp rd a parked car about 100 feet ^ from the-plt.

D rim D W a t Wheel ‘The driver. Ira Jack Nlcholea, 60.

Balt CUy. died ot a heart at* .alter he drove the bua through

a tunnel Icndlnc to the p it and | lum ed U onto a downhill itreet the k. Jed lo W'o mine.

Invcatlgatlnic ottlcera lald had Cori not been alert the bua probably would ha te continued atraUht down the Etftet and 'cnuherf Uirough «

! small fence U » t rima the open p it " I mine, la rjest of lU kind in Uie Ji

world. )

Cori w u the only p u ie n g tr who • MW N ishola aJump over. The others

were looking out the bus wlndowa.AppUed Brake* a

i WaTrcn Peck. Salt Lake Clly. owna r a the car th a t wa* acraped. He was o 3 aunding only 30 leet nw ty a t the 1 time and when he aaw Cort apply t I ' the brakea he Jumped Into tha bua b P and »ailched otf the IgnlHon. a 1 “The bua w asn t going much faal- c

er than a walk." Peck told officer*, v "but- Juit ahead of it v u a iteep t grade and U Cori hadn 't acted Uke c ha did, tho bu* would ha te con- - Unued dowa the street and Into the mine.".

The olher paaaengera wara Mr*. Cori; Delter Van BmlcthlUeh; The Kethcrlanda, M ii.-Shirley Burner. Coodamloe. A u a t r a l l a ; Beverly Bracken, Shirley Bay, Canada, and

! Oladya Miller. OstaMo, Canada.

Wilson Plans; ToReport o if, r MissUesRace;

WASHINCmMi, D « . 17 •retary of Defense'Charlea E. WUaon pj

I plans to U ll Uie country-and th e t t world — this week how the UnKed U

'..S ta les Is orcanlxlng Its race w ith pi Russia for atomic mlsallta-iuprem- a) acy. al

I Hla dbcuaslon a t a new confer- - ence will be aimed j^imarily a l [ Bcotchlng reporta of interKrvlce * maneuvering and rivalry In the mU> aUe m f -

However, such a dlteuulon also m ust touch on progress made lo the ir urgent effort to produce workable ti

!! tong and Intermediate range balUs- d;

Uc mlssllu. nrmed wllh tlMlon or sc thermonuclear warheads. And w h it- u ever a naUon m>-s offlclnlly aboul Its armament obJecUm has Impncl on a lU friends nnd potential eocmlt* fi abroad. The words become psycho- T logical wenpoRs al the cold war. lr

WUson nnd his scn'ice ottlclnls aet b' ou t to make their announcemenl a td week ago. B ul 11 occurred lo the ci mUltary and diplomatic experts thnt this wns on the eve- of U(S im port- B a n t itiMmatlonai s tw lons-n NATO

. mceUng In Europe nnd the United H NaUons sesalan where Uie question lr of new member nations was a t Issue, lr

The Pentagon Uld aside the plan h to Isiue a comparaUvelj' long, de- U tailed Rt.-uement of Uic missile or- “ ganliAUoaal program. Instead It Is­sued a brief nnntwncemrnl anylng only tha t Uicrc would be nn expan­sion of development and icstlng fn- cimies.

wa^on snld a l th a t time Uial the developmenl of boUi interconU- n e n b l nnd Intcnncdlnte rnnse mL i* Rlles has been on an ••accelcrnled" biuls Ior some time.

Steering Wheel Stolen Off Car

TULSA, Okla.. Dec. 17 i.n—W hen' Mrs. KnUierliie Wood returned froml the doctor's office to a parking lol ■ S a tu rd a y she discovered ihc eouldn'l drive her car.

The steering wheel Ji*d been • stolen. • ------------

_ _ L _ S U N .^ M O N ____ __John Paj-n# - Mnry Murphy I

Hell's Island | l, VlitaVUIon - Teehoieolor H


P A G E S n • ,



=.■ m } J J ^

r - \ Irelh. 1 •


S, w w ro N E U jo f® IL I K 6 ? I

“ Tno S

t t '

uned y-N Vlto ( Jp- j W

of'0'' N W . Uhe

iM). 'V ________ ___________________ _______

;S Senate Group to to Fii-ing of Lee as

W ASHmOTON. Dec. 17 W -S cn - ,,, a to r M onroney, D.. O kla, aald Sat­ie u rday he -haa unanimous backlns of

the senate avlaUon aubcommllUee for an InvesUgnllon into the ouster

!? of P r« le rick B. Lee u civil aert>- nau lics adm lnlstrawr.

T he lnqulr>-, expected U> begin soon a fte r congress assembles Jan. 9,

n* m ay be Uie f irst pollllcat firework* as of an electlon.j-ear session. ie Lee, a career worker, waa asked ly to atep down as civil aviation chief LU by Secre tary of Commerce Weeka

and Undersecretary Louis S. Roth- I- chUd. C harles J. Lowen, Jr., Den-

ver. Lee'* chief assistant, was nnmed •p to succeed htm. subject lo senate u contlrm aU on later. _______^

" Welker Gets S GalaSendoff

By Unionists< rn> r u * o*f)

Job fo r Uie son of a former coUeague. T ben-he added:

•■You know how .11 Is. As aoon u r g e t aofflewherc. a eras'd coUecta,

‘ and the f irs t thins you know we were all aort of puahed along and I

g waa ahaklng handa wlUi Senator

-'-The pa rly , complete wlUi cham - iQ pagne, was held In the two-room le tenato rla l suite on the top deck of Id th e G race Uner BanU IUm . Union h potentatea brought tU b and flowers I. and helped get Uie Welkera' bag tage


i Hopi Indians See ■ No Use in Voting

« PH O EN IX , Arlz., Dcc. 17 «>-C lad In the ir traditional headbands and

le turquoise necklaces, three Kopl I n ­i ' d ians said Saturday they aee no >r sense in encourajtlng their people

to vote.a BpeakUiR a t a meeUng of the n Arizona commlssloo on Indian a t- ■A fnlrs a l th e state capltol here. I- T hom as Benyacya, the aober-faced

In terprete r for Uie group, i ^ d lh a l rt by votlns th e Hopls stand only to a lose the ir triba l IdenUly and IheU ,e " I t will lead lo pnylng taxes."

b Like o th e r Arlcona Irlbcs, the d Hopls, who Uve on wlndiwept me.’iiia n In n o rthern Arizona, psy no stnte e. Income or properly tax. The tribe n htts never signed a treaty v llh the

U .S . government.


» « g T a t iw o r ,

r J i i v s S i i ? ^is ® ." - i 5 “." :

I H ”"w?5!Siwi£w*" B


I ■

sti-uction of Ancien


0 Push Probe in H as CAA Chairman J:n- Monroney, chairman ot th e avla- il - tion lubcommlttee, snld In a state- Of ment lh a l 'T he purpose of the In-

iee veiUgaUon Is to determine w hether ler poIUIcal considerations entered Ihlo bon

the dismissal of a career civil aerv- lng ant. and wficUier or jio t there has alU

[In been aeUure of power by a ground- nes. . 9, minded clique In the deparlm enl ot hos •ks commerce, in a bid to control all T

civil avlaUon.- con*d HoUichlJd has w ld . no pollUcs tun >cf figured In Uie case. He aald the mei

commerce department w anted a ha t n* man "better suited In leadership Ued n - taleni and teamwork.”

Monroney made public repllea by / ^ , the other four senatora on the aub- L /l

__ commlUee agreeing to the InvesUga- lion. They are two Democmts, BmaUien, Fla., and Bible, Nev., and two Republicans, Pnyne, M e , nnd Schoepp<;(. Kansas.

Bmathers aald Lee had given *'ln- »iiui valuable service to the nnUon In the ngn promotion of progressive a ir safely free

Q teglstaUon nnd assisted the congress con ” In the cnncJment of vltnUy -needed If

leglflaUon to provide federal aid ovei ,g to municipal airport*.- alar

“When a government agency Is u reaponalble for the aafe operaUon te, o lo n * lo m o t transporta tion used ire by literally million* of our clUsens ” ® . I Uien It Ihould be free of poUUcal o r consideration." Sm alhers added.

Bible also praised Leo and snld f.pir ^ J t w/is Ihf duty of U>e se n ale group rent '"J lo leam jusi why he was removed. u,ei J’* Sclioeppel told Motironey he will ot

cooperate in Uie Inquiry "If Uie ngnl . facts and clrcumitances are aa you disc

indicate." |Pnyne snld Lee ha* "been d o in g .p ,

an outstanding Job" bu t added thni I j l congress "should no t In terfere un­duly In the selecUon of admlnlsUn-

QT Uve officials to carry ou t primarily > & adm lnU tnilre function*."^ Presldenl Elsenhower and Sec- * , "

rcUry Weeks "have the du ty and re- •** sponslblllty" cf aelecUng heads of

executive agencies. Pa>-no aald.He also cauUoned again st "un- jj

^ necessary embarrassment lo Secre- vest J u ry Weeks. UndersecreUiry RoUi- Di f , chUd. Civil Aeronautics AdmlnlaUTi- som

tor Lowen. or Mr. Lee h lm a e lf by the the pending inquiry. naci



f o f 1{ A S h o w F o r T h c W

f 1 6 - B I G AC^ i c Block L ig h r N u m b e n^ * D onee C om edy

ALL LOCAL T /1 _ A>fmlt±i«n- AdiiU fB le plui \ S tudents 69c plua 6r U \ C hlU ren unrter H

. RUNDAY, DKC. 18—3 P.M, and■ tlw o iho tn iS MONDAY. nKC. 19 ....................I rUEKDAY. DKC. 2 0 ......................



intFossil ^

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1 ®' i K P /J L 1 «■ X 7/ n il h ' l K - '7 } - t" ''

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I bulof

^ sld,

' ' » tral and

T i _ j^ opeIL \^ j ^ Itol

^ ------y - of'!Uon

-----------------------—------------------- s

Health Board “J Set for Drives


On VandalismnelSOlli

bonrd, was absent from the meet- t lng. Boyd said Mason had a heart jor a ltnck FYtdny nlghl while on a busl- ■nesa Wp In PorUand and haa been hosplUllzed Uicre.

The bonrd was broken down Into committees on organltaUonal atruc- |T j lure nnd admlnistrntlon. the menUUy lU and retarded, youlh re- | habllltntlon, public henllh nnd al- J lied scr^’lccs and water resource!.

Curtain Against Freedoms Noted 1

LONDON. Dec. 17 LTl — Foreign Cor Secrctni^ Harold Macmillan said bos] Saturday night Soviet tender* have K slammed down the Iron curtain avei agnln becausc movements toward ceat freedom may be growing up In Uie eoui communist worid. t},rt

In a Coa'servatlve party broadcast b« n over BDO, MacmllUn aald the Rus- ' J slana were afmld to compare Ihelr _ life WlUl the west's. .

"I don’t mean lha t they are In the least a fraid of our greater pow- Twl er or malerial wenlUi or productive of r capnclty." he snld. was

"W hal Uiey are really afrnld ot 3e«< concerns the oUier side of Ufe, the soul spiritual side. Tliey are Jiist-not \ j ready to «ubjecl Uir)r docJrJnw or boul Ihelr InsUluUons In Uie snme kind sa li of critics] exnmlnniion. for nnd „n i ngnlnsi. whlch^we so much enjoy

_______________ tiw

Crooks Ca'rry Off Oil Burning Unit p

ClttCAQO. Dec, 17 in - Robert Hnrt knew lomellilng was amiss when he awoke Saturday morning - lo find 11 nearly as cotd In his apnrtmeni as tlie IB-degree lemper- niure outdoors,

}Jf ivrnt 10' the ba.iemrnl to In- vesllgaie. L—

During the night, he teamed. someone had broken In and stolen the nil burning unit from the fur- ^


Whole Fom Jfy

^C T S -1 61 ic C h o ru i L ine* f ic F a n c y S k o t in a , TALENT

plui Jc ta i- T o U t *I {lax—Total 7S< I

• H y r ir t SOc '

and «:M P. M. . W

..... *:M P. M.

....... *:M P. M. J & P w ^ r

0 0 — - lOME M j

T T M E S-N E W S , T W IN

Tl^TTC Chief r Moves Against - Former Office

, WASHINQTOll.'Dec. » w ard s . H o w re y .'rw U y resigned aa f.h«irm»n of UiB ftdcral trade caffl- mUdoa. ta ld Saturday bU U « rum 1* worklDC a ca ia s t an FTO c a n - g:, p lalnl o riflaa ted while he w u FTO t:i chief, . i*?l

Howrey defended lh i acUon and ,o; said It would be “enUrely proper” iii| for him to handle Uie JegiJ eaa* \\[' himteie. dcspit# hae recent FTO aa- j?..,aoclaUon.---------- ---------- - i:i

Tho FTC chargei against two grocery chains and 11 food manu- c i fac lijrea on Nov. Jf. alleRln* Uie i:j manufacturers gave special allow- ance* to th e chains aod lh a l this ii'i dUcrlmlnaled a«alDst other buyers.-

Howrey, a n Elsenhower appointee who lefl tb e PTC la it Aug. 10. con- i:. firmed publUhed reports Uiat hla •;! Washington law U m has been re - talned to defend Food Pairs. Irtf., ia>< with heu lquartera In Philadelphia, one of Uie grocery chains named, , j ,

He*ald Uie ease was being handled si<by Loul* A. O rarelle. senior partner »; in Uie firm of Sanders. Oravelfe.WhlUock and Howrey, and .U iit Uie ium atter had orlxlnated In JTC since J ;‘ he Joined aa chairman April 1, 1953, g'.,

Hells Canyon j| Job Goes on r|

Despite Cold ii( F n - r>«> o» )

bulll to fac llllale quicker handling. T l of men and materials from both sides of the river.

' W orkers -Commute- Many vorkera now aro living in

trailer# In Uie Richland. Ore,, aren and have to "commute" bick nnd ^ forUi acrosa the river dally In boats 'on operated by Uie contractor.

Materials are hauled by raU to Robinette. Ore,, and C am bridge- ' then Uuckcd to thc site. CompleUon of Uie bridge ,wltt speed up opera- Uons. company apokesmen aald. ~

Steel for the structure la ictieduled in < to arrive th is week-end. “ '

Tunnel /o b SUrUd Preliminary excavation for 2,450-

fool diversion tunnel. S# feci In d l- „ . | nmeter. on Uie Idaho side of the ' river WM sU rted a week ago. ^

Large quanUtlea of rock and earlh are being moVed to eipose the iun- nel p o ru l where drilling through solid rock wUI have to be done. \ J™

The half-mUe tunnel will provide ,. for diversion of Uie river to "dry “ ‘j i up" Its nonnal channel during con- strueUon of Uie 395-Ioot high dam.

Man Charged SP peri

In Crash With Car of Police nai

( f r « P«*» Oii*l by D istrict Judge Hugh A. Baker, t | Twin Patls. A dale will be fixed when grn< Connor, a pa tien t a l the veterans hospiui. Boise, la able to appear. ugg

K enneth DovU, IMO Second olhi avenue east, wna fined ttS and S3 A! cosu Saturday In Tnln Palls police can court on a charge of n innlng havi through a atop sign. He wns cited and by Twin PatU police a t Locust iire e t Si and Third avenue east. ,

Orvll Lw Dltkn. MurUugh, was ” fined tto and S3 coiti Saturday In Twin Palls police court on n charge of running through a stop iign. He was cited by Twin Palls police a l Second avenue and T hird alreel " soulh,

Walter A. Wing, C48 Blue L a k e s -----boulevard, wn* fined *7 nnd 13 coals Snturday In Twin Falls police court on a charge of mnklnR n left tu rn Irom a right lnne In traffic. He waa cited Friday by Twin t'nlls police on Addison avenue weit. —



For Taka U«m« Order*.


C H 3

louNDjfpjiiie -

The Big TechnM /or & n g



[N F A L L S . ID A H O

p Magic V K L K K T F

e ( U » K1U>CYCLE8) ( t m K•*>0 a lal«»» . aNBO ,

su ir a a i I

• s t5 o n» «n- Till o w cll of CkamkM 1:04 sWor— T J * ‘ iu n u Bl«k ab«» }>4i«An ™ S;M H m tM a ti* aiWIUTHn- *;»! •VutlB Bkek SW« 1:08 WmU'O § :tt JOwt t i l l CtiMi

ti«S U tt IbTTT^vlvn^ |;J0 iiudi. 1»:M Nivi I(«ui>4up 10:00 Hss4i

Id iO:Oi Kill «.frjNC»It«aii< l l , l l Kr-n'listssI;H UM >'elk> CarUlsii - i : ; ]g ra n a

" ! S K i S , ' i S „11- 111. B . - n . ! : u ^“ ! S S K S i S s * !:!! ! r ;

i i i i K i 'i l S t ' f • S i s , IS:ll Ttw DflMilr*

n* l ; t l r.«n|buil«f. • l i t N w,1, 1:11 Cflm. Mfkttrie- ,J:!5 JmcSe„ la.H CIU Wllor {jiJS'SllSk

‘T” mondaY*‘- . U lj9ajl0 .l

r f I i « Clll M f«r«T I.> » :» lIoMr'i tlonaa r«j]la .

i.-e» j)ub.rt Jiwfcifi - m-m.1:IS W«itbtr » d Niwt I:«OTb>'«

le 1:31 ‘Uinln AiraaUr * iil;e I l l l Idtbo N»W. 1:0»UBtle

i i u KUi°'Kl'«k'KIub ‘ il ia 1:09 •llm kf.K Clnb 1>«» N«-»

lo:91 ‘ WhUMrltif'illrf«U - »;fia zWm!

p n. ' H il l Nr«»1 :D0 DInBitbfll n«imau»I ;» Don Alkn. Bt*> U M iPMt

I' i S K K ' . t i r r ' ! ; ! ! &

S Report on Surve ij Show Needs,3 EDEN, Dec. 17-Eden and H aiel *; u ton school district, which only re­

cently erected a modem Joint high I- school. Is using a ll of lU daasrooma _ to capacity and ta faced w llh the °- need for addlUona] rooma In Uie

near fulure.Tliese facu were broughl to ligh t o

<1 In a report to the achool board by a cltliens' fact-finding .committee. „ Supt. Earl Willlnms. who received

, Bie report, snld tbe finding* of the commlllee wtll be.tumed over to the “

[* school board for furUier atudy. *' Tlie report nolea lh a l enrollment

y, tn the achooLi may be expected to o ; grow and Uinl present achool rooms J In the dlstrlcl aro being used to ca- ri

pnclty. The Eden grade achool band I. roosn may have lo be used as a fuU- d

Ume clas,iroom, the r ^ r l u ld , ^ ’ Tlic two jrad# achool buildings '* nre classed "not sulUble lor lhe ^ '*• purpose for whleh each la used." ^

T he dnssrooms are bullt around the Bymnn.ilum and sntlalactory „ physical educaUon claasea, play ^ period* or band Instruction cannol be conducted because of the noise " Uial reachea the classrooms, _

T he Eden school li reported to " . be too close to a paved fann -to - i m arket rond and U ie-H azelton

grade achool has fire exIU /o r two rooma lendlnB by Uie furnace room,

f- Lighting and heaUng In Ule two n grnde achooU did nol seem anlla- ^ factory to the ooRimtttee. In nddl-

uou aoma room* wtr# too warm, d o th e n Too cold.0 All Uiree pUnU, the survey said.« can bc eonUnutrt In use and alt g tiave pckislbiuucs for reroodellng d and modernizing.

Specific polnU mentlonw In the report nre:

Hnzelton grade scliool haa need of ' more class room spnce." The junior-senior high scliool * needs a building for farm and auto , mechanics., Eden' grade achool rooma need

more tlghUng.There U a general lack of stora«e


, S U N ., M O N ., TU ES.Jane RusseU - Dan Duryea

Jeff Chandler


■ UntU FurUier NoUce There WILL BE NO SHOWS

.o n Wednesday and Thursday

^ WSffD /

URi(E • <IIEK J i N K ^

p n g - B u s i n e s s


l\j>TECH iii'cO M R

V a l l e y

F F I A M -F M J S -

' . I l l l l . . , " i .


.otW aa I m M Cburcfc'amOt Omr > l i •?? Kui,

■ .n. c i « d „n u . T t . . - S - l f i l " " ' ; ; . .

;or*» U SoMaiWr i -m ’aI??**’

»••• • :« •r.oa s ■rlikbtulj B<vwur I0:og a .u k>o/«»l •« tk* ro lanu wimi,a w . i s i i . .

MONOat*-4« r l t m ^

iBtWl B n a tu l I. BX

'♦-* !=JJr«» T»«* TUm , ' i ; *•*»lutlMM UlttoB ‘f'M KLt;^ ^W»tk D ., tO:«S»rtml, 'Kibb«rJ(eCM l l .» Wea*,:, WmU’NorBAA V, fM ii a*-Irw. lt:M llUk I, Jt

r « . N m <:« t/BcI. Dfcl

'*** ■ ■ *___________ <!«t D»t» LctIi Snort

'ey of Schools s for Qassrooms SI space fo r book* and tchool *uppliti. *' >- Some blackboard* netd lowering. ., New window shadta are needed In’.

m any of Uw classrooms. I "le T here U a lack of library tx»kg. <

T he P » d e schools tack electric^ ( it ouU eu In classrooms. {y Desk* need replacing In alt three ^ achoola. . i

T h e Ha2elU)n grade school and'. Uie Eden grade school need rewir­

ing.,t T he grade schools netd some tjpe'0 of bed for sick puplLvIS lU n g e n are needed In Uie tunch- - room In HazeltOn grade achool, i d W illiams said the survey was con- I 1- ducted by Uiree members of Ameri­

c an Legion posU in H iu lton , Eden and H unt and three membera of the^

'5 VaUey PTA. Committee members.'were Mrs. Dean WeaUierwax, Mrs,'

“ Irv ln* McDonald, M n. Charles1 Webb. Jam es ChrUU>pherson, Dex>,

U r WaUdn* and WUllam McCly-'^ mond*


I rL E X n° T ^ E A '^ tE -n L E R ^

S U N .— M O N .— TUES.L O V I IS A M A N Y

1. SPLENDORED T H IN GIt WlUlam Holden - Jennifer Jonu : g CINEMASCOPE - - COLOn '

: I ^ E mi k Jn iidei

TWWn i I 111 ■ ffliB

fi i I

I -5 L i lII ‘

|ONBM «Se(i

I y O U N G 'B R I■ - a dd ed -m WOODY WOODPECKP■ -Sauaro BhoetlogJf

u t e W X« NW

o p e n ^ ^ V I H B H U I1:15 P.M,

r I i j i t t i n I

■ 'IHM u i i■J

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I.S'-'"’ 1 :J^

I*r OL


isSI* 8«tka *.« S J J .

- a s a - iI. a v . I’i S s S v

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Party SljliMtlRTADOH, D«, ■

C Orinn wa ° Chmtmsi party iw a t,. »Hpffl.McDaijtt5j

Refreshsnli «q b ’J lM n sg d ieB T ttd S j ‘" . anilMf. iM U a ia ,


"! SUN-MfP n c iU (L ,lM ,C tt^ H t



SUN., M ON,ft

E' THEVElSofbagS



sunZmFeiw ectbouB :

B n S T B J ^ n

MARK'Ca s t o o n u o iB j

I CaaUaaew B t a f c i f j gI

Iis w !

l i lr

H S I iTMv Kffll® ■ hbHM t i l i

R l y - f l

••sT' ■

V M m

Page 7: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

l e r Avers '

jg Foment a | | | | | sia T roub le

« ' I'C *««>m ^ k e u l Bulgftnln


Ihl* tocU on

i n t h l t ii

s , S ° >,I?'p^u>anl5Un.

■ ^ .h u i ArehanisUn't U ^ ’'r(r<ion flf his

» l ^ , .riimblP. but " , ^ » < <>•>«< Blli-

-ithTouritU tude ^ Wf t l» '

]Utrnrr< U;<'-y

' . ^ t C « - 0'

'iLiiirrfiard*''Mkhmoud A pim ed. VM<r«n f l ^ t u ld they hid

i f te i^ e d rwo Attempts, - ^ j l * ’(hopllfur w u ^ i n . ittrm p ti Satur-

10 ev*d« m u t In H | ^ H ^ p g |

‘^ r p . < P > c b . . a g w a i s » ;lha thief f ln t L J iiiMI.IillW lliJ I .

S la lhe B * t tn y store flelMlM tiu^ leJl

bBbI hl» bo% with him. H uch NeUon, t(jUtU) hour he wm try* Xnawlea Is lo tlfit.^ to x in UM In Albert* mobile u n i t BathOteUf In Twin F«il*. county G rincei, li

I MplcW" • '’'* *'” • « P-m- M ondiy a t I

lu*CTPpfd M ^or m sll- r?»r.-u^!:R ed C rcaa hid I hln€fd open-k tlilch he could piuh ^Tbi Bitn WM described ' I ' | - | i*rttr»6f lEe »nd w eir- X U JW oitRoil in d h iU ’ I. (rr*a P n

_ , • Mrs. Roache pol

ry Blaze m S£ ,°S“ i ;yo Kills,Five fcL‘S 'r.i::,: ?fce. 17 cH-Flve youneST itre irnpped and friends. Mo.M pcopl toUi In »■ downtown i^ey wlll sive If the g a r t , , 11 tnkcs pernonnl eoi B otfrslfpt .nd were w‘“ com m it theran a 10 Jlet thelf u p o u ln KnlRhU of Colun ^ ' * ^ ippo ln tm en l.1 for ___________ _ sive ond th e high K

fing SlatedT. Dk- 17 — Xlmberly the 300- p in t quota It will m rrt ^ t 8 p.m. However. M igle \ •th* ADifrlcin Lesion and T w in FalU Clln d. used 208 pInU oftepim *111 b? ChrUt- w ith 150 drawn sl (luo muxle, Vetrrsh- been s e ttin g blood

KMUat of th# European In Boise, accordlne ud Un. Henry Blever* "W llh the holldn

rale o l AccldenU wll


O Free Merchio f y o u r c h o i c e a t

^ith T h e P u r c h a s e O f l


B ?* j2V D iM ay in M agic V


Pledges Aid ii

I. aUndlnei poloU U the doited line nn i ilrn . Nelion I t unible to donate blnod Mn te th are member* of the Twin F illi G ran I, Is sollcUlne lieneri frem lls mrmbenhli a t lhe American L«|lon hsll- Thp quoi»

r * * _ * * *

Jross Secretary um out in Bloodp «t« o»t) Roicht noted. "Thepointed out every for Mondiy it fllle

:lon. cliurch or olh* enouih to cover thc ) equally well. our two hosplULi. ' A perwn who U in- Twin Falls county i

ne llve.i and pain \o ihelr re.iponslblllty nlnutes to contact 143 pints we are o\ leople have lhe Ides id ,ho communltloi they have time, but feUtj upon to fu rn l

1 conlacl before they own sick and lnjur> enwelvc. ." she iald. Ttnmf\,» r„

:h tehool faculty wlll s. The Rotary club iteer.^.immltted Individual jolK it cu t In hnlf.c Valley Memorial .. . ^Clinic hospital have • - • • - . [•* .of blood compared ^

n since they have f - V '^ ' V . ood from the bank .Ine to Mrs, Ronche.j ' ^)lldny« comlne, the v i will increaje," Mr* r r

•R T H IS 3 DEAL:.24th!STMAS

handiseatthel.D .I■This


|(i compteii


I’s Finest IS e t ■ •

109.95 ' •

: Valley ]

C. 24lh

T I M E S - ^

in Blood Drive

1 an Amrrlcan Red Crosi blood piedfe wht M nndiy aa he rave h it p int d u rln r the l u l ran e e , which wllh<lht Pomona G ra n |r and 1 sh ip . The btoMlmobile will be In Tnln Ctll nin ja *00 p inti. (Staff pholo-enn*Tlne1

* * * * *

Hopes for Gooc d Drive Here Morh e 200-plnt quota relaUves to inform U filled will only be receptlonlat o t lh a l fn th e demands from the name of the |>erM Ll. T h e cltlrens of they are replaclns blo< ty ahould feel it is Members of Beta SIe Ity to replace the volunteered to do all ! overdrawn. Other durine the four-hour .le* *houl(J no t be the HollLiter O ranse a :rnUh bloott for our er»ie the canteen, ijurcd." Chamber o f Commerce,rem inded pentons flnd time, wlll lond am for 111 friends or mobile un ll lupp llrr

fo present proudly . . . hose to jlati

ss, color-cued to her cositnnes. Purl

/ g i f l, fo r these nylon hose will give

vely g ift boxed, loo. Choose

tele hosier) wardrobe and win Chr

N E W SHADES----------- --------

H O E N I X H O S IE I:e* 8 « i to 11. fil-GftU(rc, 3 0 -I)en ic

•G auR O , 1 5 -D c n ic r.

1 .35-1 .I

lo en ix Sfrefch Nylons...........

^ i u e


I R ead

liu d so

Epidemic j H | | | .Under Coi


K physician u ld Frtdi) » ip ln i l menlneltLs epld BlackfeK Indian resei t>een controlled.' O ne child ot th dlica;>e which Dr. Sdwi 8roM )lne Slid had beei belween 25 in d 50 prr town'A 2.500 popuUtlon.

Brownlne. In nortliei and ju stp irk . Is the reserviUon' Kra.

K ins, a tormFr public Ice employe, u ld th i t b< an d citTA nf the dl»r. coccle mcnlnsllU. had b< to th e public hrslth srr^

An eatlmated 30.000 UbletA shipped hei ccnu-nlllne the dlvixe. 1 to knock, out tha desl UrlA.

Funeral Is S( Gooding R(

OOODINO. aervlce.t for Chsrles M 'who died Friday County Memorial hosp held a l lO'.iO a.m. Mo Thomp.^on chnpel with M, Dnvld,. psnor of thi Bethel Temple churcli Concludlns rlte.« Elmwood cemetery und tlon of the Thompson '

Mr. Orove w u born / a t Cordon. lie m B rum m rtt on Oct. 10. ton. Mo. She died Nov

^ m arried Mtude RecanIn Wendell. He wt.i a

T had lived In Ooodlns »ll ^ i K . .; •• wa.1 » member of the

’ i '. God church.( * Survlvln* a rr hl< wlC

- ' • FranK C. Orove. Ooodli ' M n, Lee R «nn . Ooodlnj

IF M B B S B B I ers. Mlle< Grove, HUw * h . , . Trt— ,.1 Fleicher Grove, Pi

! » . ^r.if■ n i .!,k J i V . I Mr*. Anna Thomp/l. lU from ! lo 5„ „ j e h , „ , „ j

children.* * _____________

3(J Farm MeeBUHL, Dec. 17 - B

r 1 B ureau will meet Mond

Londay ivT..,"”""<\ the lypl.nt o r A report wlll be slven I I.=l .n a . 1. .>erMn for whom

“r ; „ r ' i , s l » r . R o t a ; i v)ur drawlne nndj O PT O M E T R !C aealn will op-1n. The Junior Eyes examined, elaicrce, for the »ec-i Hh^hnB. »J p »

and unload the ""» n o n « .■«, s i


latter her lovely legs wilh ptrfe,

'urthermore, a

uve her long, sati\ j,id<ti . ur,

Zhristmas k is ia ..


ERY GOT!!nicr And


1.65. . . . 1 . 6 5 S t r e f c h G

o n C c ,

l E A U T I F U L L Y W R A P P E C

ady for Giving

)n ’s



c Now Congress A control FromP

A WASHINGTON. Dec. ]n i A r c a i ° ' ‘‘ ^ Cro« ot the An XXK J. ».a. x ^ u . Newspaper, Dec. n 1 — called upon consress I tiday n ish t thn t from sweeplns presldrn epidemic on Uie wlilch deny sovemmenl 1 reservation h a j to congreu. the puuiii

I preu.ot the infec lloa t -Never before In our 11 Kdwnrd K ins of tory has presidential pow been carrlrd by »frled In terms 10 all., per cent of the Crntt u ld in a tUtemcn

tlon. a-JiouM suMommltlre nirtliern Montiinn alleced suppression of in Olscler. nntiniml , ,, ,lUon’s hendanar- Conireis Is lhe priniai lUons nenoqnar

ibllc hrnUh .r rv : coniceu. it It wUl bul m lit betw rrn ifv f ii “> l«lsl»te frredom ol dbu-ise, menlKO. for lUelt. the public and

ad been adm itted "H« liower. like those 1 J service hn.<pit;.l. I'ln'i- »fe not unllniitet 1.000 triple *ulf.-»'“>’e extensive. They are d here fnr use i i r '“ " l ' Tlielr pos.^evllon uie. flulph.n helps “ “ h rejponslbllllles and destmctlv# bnc- CroM, freedom nf

counsel forASNE, listed ------------ rtocuments uied lo u

i Set for Resident

, , ^ , cust a. 1B4H, purports « ' 10 have Ihe effect tn bics M Grove 78. „o’n ff„„, fo .,sreu on t a t the Goodins „! sUlemer.U made b

• 'h i t dile."iT the.TC,in KnlK "Ul'lnf'* ipeclfii u r e h ^ f lnt?ie*in I rM ^ ‘• " " ‘ff* »o a free flow c und tr the d lre c

uon chnpel. Mid his reeommendatlo orn April 13. 1877. ________ ___________

Nov. I, 18«. He J , r L • .•san Jnn. I, ig^s I C hriittnoMs., a farm er andl T H E PE R F E C TIns since lOSfi. H ri eo.i.f ■ the A.viembly ot

<Hu£_widow, nne

oodlns: one step- ^ ^ H | B I B «■»»•odine: two brnch* | ^ H V | | ] i V »lH Uwalha. Kniiik. B H U M f l k.'h«9<'e, Fre.iton: three B ^ B n R U bring ■Wrlsht, Pre.'iton, Ur 'i»

lompson nnd Mrs. vrinM Mo., nne

Srent-arand-I t v «


[eet Set- B u h l F a r m ...................Monday n t 8 p.m. M M ' •<!!»m of the Buhl W»«li . . .

O...JM Sm I<II».liven on Uir atnle • i l t l w U IecenUy In Pocn-

TxlaiM al - 1» ll«* «t*ii.......................

t V . S K a w '■ ' w . i l l . W n ' . « i r , » , . E T R IS T CLOS BOOK S, e laues n tle d 131 Main Wc*l 1

st legs own

i r l r c l f u , f i l m y

r . - fo r allA ll th o n e w i

in n n k le - o r


U T IFU L SHEER----------------

THAM NYLONS6 0 -G n u ffc , In -D cn icr.

1.50b G o f h a m s ..................

. e r t i i i c a t e

IPED ■ >


is Asked for “Relie n Presidential NewDec. 17 HA—H ar- own and not neceasa:

he Amrrlcaa 80. A5NE. per F i lle r , h w j,* consre*. tl

p u la of two ao-called residential otderi mg- laws which he dee! iment Information *uch "loojr and vast

public and the th a t officials use them 1 of release Informallon

our iiitlonal hts- orrtss tald loosely-. 1*1 power been as- and lack of any law li 10 all.embraclne. leavea tlie luue of In itemcnt filed wllh m atter of grace. Induli Itlre invetllsallne reslralnrd dl.wri'tlon."’ -C o n t,,.... lh , pcoBlprimary source Af are reduced lo the its I. "Tlie power ot men and supplinnti f bul act. U ample o( the ir public aervi

m ol Informallon terled.Ic and (he preu. He u ld lhla ailuatli those ot the Prea- rcplwed by "an obje. illniitrd. but they discretion thereunder ry are largely un- freedom of Informal ■Mlon U presnant ‘'J' ihe-flue procrs and duties.* The M -callrd "cuil

0. Iiil.rm .llon !■"'

r i ^ i ' j r ««S5£-S5fiaBlo deny .Informa* ^ 1 k ■ v

It m iy seem.- he r. a letter ot Au»>orU and U citedt tn bnr Informa- Z ^ m k J i* on th r strensth .1 1 | | I J - ^ Uadr by President I m:eu conference’ of^

ipecirir steps con- K .X lo break down the ^flow of publle In*.

deral ofliclals. He ndatloni were hls ^

ECT G IF T Ieo>:<f t . r*«4 •»<>•«i<<r>l.i.rf. tk* [

v.r. ;>;o.>llbl.i.K «l«.r

{•<-« •/ »vr ipiii'rvft

bring . l .r . l«>ll>iaj*y tha. Ik. llbl* I « ,L a 2<4.

u ik« u.ha T h e id ( ................ ......

S ' .y '. l ; ” . ;* : : ; S t o l io n e r y i s s lo p o p c rs ! W h e n ;

U rT ^ ''” .‘..*iooo ‘J'J'S 'fe E a to n pa . . , . ! ! ! ! ! . ! !$ i !m A n d re m e m b e r • r t ^ i i a a i [ th c s c b e o u tifu lU t.............. I t.eo IMffc*tJiM4..ti]M :

• s e r v i n....................$ ).U

..........i ^ I <OK STORE . W m ^

' WE

iN K L E T Si r oil occasionsn e w co lo r* nnri p a t te r n s

!- o r k n c e -h iR h Icn fflh s .

9cf. 1.50_________________________ __ fca

— I H U D S O N

6 0 G o u g t , 1 5 P «n i

( 2 p a i r 1

) Gold T6st

. 1 . 5 0 n y l o n s ._________ ( 2 p a i r 2

. - V '

Building FP . n ^ BURLEY. D ec^lT - '

- ' n ' S n S D , worklni OD a b a rr tc ii I ,, ,. ! in f 10 mllei south of 1

w«rity (hot* on urdiy momlne, weti when the end of the bt

thould repe il, on them, illed ‘housekeep-i The two. Bert Ciud declared contain' »nd Chirles Gofer, Bu

vasue" lansuieel Jickloe up one end of lem tobar In tle id ' ins to move il when U lon u Intended. ! off ind linded on theo <ly-worded laws: Uken to the Co«w In wme cases' In Burley by ami f InlormaUon'“a! ' Caudle, contractor 0 iidulBmce or un- «Porled In eood co 3n." ; the hMplial while CofiKOBI, ,„ a p ^ i ; | j v . J » » c n n b . , .b M : ilaius of silent; *"“'*• ta for the favor — ^ —Ltrv»j\ij.“ he u * parimpnt u aulhorlied

o.llon' .houM b . l»“ iuObjective Judicial '• * for . . . the custo nder denials ot pretervillon of (he rec mitton may be property appertali procets ol law." Crow noled.'cuitody t l a t u t e " ---------------------hesd nf each de- READ TIMES-NEW8 ’


i d e a l g i f t f o r e v e r y o n

Stationery ... b u t Eoton 's m e o n s fir sn you see o u r w onderful le le c f io r 1 pap ers, you will understond th e d if }er th a t quo lily co sts no m ore . . . < fu l p ap ers th a t o ra . p riced o t low 0 :

ving Magic VaUey Since 1912

BO OK S TI 121 M o in A v i.



4.95-16.95Genuine Leather*: Suedes • L izsn li'- >

la lo n . . . In Black, Brown, Blue. }

Oreen and Tan.

N'S V )O fii.r ,79c, 1 . 5 0 ) ^

; t S t r e t c h | | i

. . . . 1 . 1 9 nr 2 . 3 0 )

J r - . / i l


......^ i


■ ■■

- ......

n - T w o . m m , ic ii lype biUld- ot b u i u B»U were Injured

he btiildlcg (eU

Caudle. Burley, r, Burley, were- d of the buUd- en the eod (eU them. Tlie two .

e ColUise has- ’ ambulance, tor on the Job. xl condlUon ml Cofer Incurred broken hip u d

lied to preicrib# ' jiconslslcnt with I;uitody, um a n t i . |I records, p a p m I trUlnlng lo It,'* I

W8 WANT AD8. |

K K i S K S S



o n e

15 f in e le tte r :t io n o f ex* t d if fe re n c e .. . com p o r#W O I $ 1 .0 0 .

912 ,

STOREA y#. W « t


S ” . I

; , 1

f t '

l i -AUI- I

ue. Red. I


r ' ' «


Page 8: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

U. s . Settles ,; 7 -Year Claim

' A g ^ s t F i r mCHICAOO. DfC. 17 nn—

CSO W e r u f o r e r n m e n t cW m -M ilia l lh e bunkropl Tucker Auto- mobUfl corportUon ior p l in t renU l M vinents w w MlUed »fWr tereO rears retla -dar M >JJ75,000.

T he wtUement w u *pproved 03i Federal Judge Mlchwl 1. Ifoe . I t nrovWfi to r the KOTemment to keep r check for 11375,000 pu l up u e»rne*t money by P r« f»n Tucker who w u B unted »n opUon to pur- c h u e lhe plw it owned by em m ent. T he remalntn* 11.000.000 U to be pUd tohwj money U aY»«*o«;

Tueker'i linn occupied th e pU n t here which now U uied by th * Pord ■ Ircn ft enslne dlvUlon when he en- »l*loned producilon of n t n t en«ma d re tm c»r. The p lm t w tu erected by the W w PI»nU corporaUon. In 1B<8 binkniplcy proeeedlns* wew • u rK d a«»liu t Tucker to colleci the

I -Tlifr letUement n u k « no p r ^ vision 'f o r paylni ^claim* of denier* who had hoped ta

I « i i Tucker c»r«, to *uppUer» who were owed 11.000.000. or ta lUtck- holder*. accordlns to Normati Nach- m m . ilto m ey for the bankruptcy

rorporttlon'a only now U A wholly owned »ub*IdU^. Air-Cooled Motor*, ByracuM. N. Y . T h e firm maket hellcopUr* for th e

• sovem m ent. LlQuldaUon o t 11U »ub-

ii e c f l n covernmenl approval and Bachm an wild th a t b unlikely. The firm h u toUil iw eta e«llm«l«d a t ne/irly

U.S. Compiles Data on Reds’

J Cruel Tactics,/ WASHINOTON, D « . 1’

a ta te departm ent U complllns • ^ h lW paper" of cruel and Inhum an trea tm en t which U ony* Amerlcam held In Communist CWna fire *uf» , ferln* a t the hind* ef the Chlne*e , Red*. I• Official* reporud this u th e atate j deparim enl F tid ty n/«ht dl«!os«;d * th a t U. 8 . Ambasaador IT. Alexl* Jo h n w n h u prot**Ud to Red Chi- , h e ie envoy Wan« P ln j-n u n a t , Oeneva ■Balnil auch U eaUnent of j •|Amerlcan*. c

> T he U. 8 . official* Indicated th a l l JohMOn'n proU.iW, *o Jar u they j know, have brousht no change In i

(th e ueatm ent. l. Th 'i a u te departm e n t'a b o an - i

I nouneed lh a t Johnson h u repeat- , ed ly protested lo Wang against the j

i failu re o t th* lo perm it U .S. j f l clUien* to leave China In accord­'s »nce w ith the Johnw n-W ang agree- , 41 m en l announced last Bept. 10. j I There are 14 Americana a tlll held f in Chinese Communlat prfaon*. Be- . fJ p n n ln g J u t flept. t . 27 American* ,

Eave been'perm ltted to leave China , b u t the V eiled dtate* conUnd* th a l ,! t h u p a iila l r r le u e Is n o t ' enough *' U ld th a t the 14 ahould aUo have been allowed to come home Jong ’ llnce. ,

Official* declined to give any de* •I U ils or the "cruef and -fnfluman J I trea tm en t” with which they charge ^

th e Beda. IThey aald full Inforroaliott would c

be dJ«Jo*ed when the record now c ' being p u t logelher ia pubJUhed aa u I a n official document, commonly a

known a* a "while paper." n___________ ;---------- ^

Services Held for Resident of H ailey«

■ HAILEY. Dee. 17 -Punera t »ervlce» ^ ti-ere held (or Herbert Shear a t the Communlly BaptUt church T hura­day w ith the Rev. Clyde WlUon o t-

' ficialing. T «o tolQ* were »ung by pi> O arth 61ms, accompanied by U ra . w k . Robert H . Wright a t the organ. 7;

I ‘ Honorar)- pallbearer* were A. T . '* O lenn, Floyd Wllaon. m n c ia Jone*. ,

, LowLi M. Roblnaon, j . M. R u tU r and Jf C. O. R«y. AcUve pallbearer* were O. C, LlvinuloD. J. B. Deerlng. T h o m u J*esb(, Donald Sow nard, P au l Jones and Brj-an Hall. «■ ConciudlnK rllea were held a t the ^

I Hailey cemetery. _1

Wage ProposalDETROIT, Ocl. 17 WV-A counUr-

propoitJ on race* w u given by alriklng .aUreotyper* Salurday aai Ihelr answer to a wage offer by publishers ot Delroit's three metro- poliuin dally newapapera.

W alUr Qullllcn, ai.-vte labor medi­a to r. reported the union counier-

' offer. He did nol rtlsclav the amount & of money nfferert In the propos.ils;■ . by ellher *ld(. |


I .

| l dlue Gra

j l i

^ ^

~ — •Vf>r.~Hlur <;ra55 H o w rr .3 Cra.».« DuMinj; Powrler in^ box— a C hrialxou c lu tic .

• i « c i T r DI ■ 1 0 2 M a in N .

L — f l i _ _ --------------------------------- * .


Officers ]






m lird!n-





Jjet\y-nd■hea t

Ofdrera fer T w U Falta <«mmaD4i ed m d a y n igh t la ecreDODtea a l ( mander ef Ui* eommandery, and Mi •IN, Social O rder nf Iteaseeant. (f

* * * *

;s Masonic Organi New Officers

*}• New offlcera fo r Twin rails Com- mandery No. 10. Knlghta Templar.

** ftnd Twin roll* assembly No, 10#, fioclal O rd ^ of Beauceanl, were In*

ite suuied Friday n ig h t In ceremonie* eo ftt the MaaonJc tempJe.*}* Taking office In th e commandery

were John W. H arrla. Burley, eml* '‘J hent commander: ro sie r Oulick.

Buhl, generallMlmo; Ployd Bandy, captain general; E dgar D. Vincent,

a l Piler. senior w nrden; Joe McMillan, ey Junior wnrden; n o y d L . Huller. pre­lim Inte; Ouy H. Shearer, trenaurer;

liny K. a iuy ier, recorder; Robert " • W auon, itan d ard bearer; n . o . s«v-

erson, *word benrer; Clark E. Keln- h* Isopf, waMen. and William W.

BttpliAn, aenilneJ.“ * Claude M. O orden. KImberly.'paat

grand commander, waa InilAllIng of- , . neer; John T. ParU h. Junior war*

den, grand eommandery ot Idaho.* wa* Inalalllng m arshal; John A.

" Johnson. K eU hum . Installing pre* - I late, and P rank M. Ponda, insUU- ,h Ing musician.L Seated In th e Beauceant order

were Mra. A nthony D. Bobler. worthy preaident; Mra, Paul__Det-

e . weller, moat w orthy oracle; Mra, Itl J » m a r»sp, S lr t l vice president; gg M n. H. H, H edatrom. aecond vice

presldenl: Mr*. Fioyd Bandy, pre- id ceptrcaa; Mm, R ay K . Sluyter. re* IW corder; M n. Clyde j . Oreen. ireaa* aa urer; Mra, MUton n . Ballard, mar* Jy ahal; Mra. Paul V. Bnndy, asilaU nt

marshal; Mr*. W illlnm A. Chaae. dl* « c to r of musle; Mra. Norman A. Webb. chapJaJn: Mr*. Hugh Mc­Mullen. co lo r'b ea re r; Mra, R, O. Severaon, s tand a rd bearer; Mr*.

I School jProgram" Slated for Meett* Washington school's C h ristm u ly progrsm will be held fn conJuncOon s. with the regular PTA meellng a t

7;30 p.m. M onday In Hie school audl- [■. lorlum. 'J. T?ie tWrd grade pupJli of Mm. Zl- d len Mrs. D orolhy Murphy and .J Sheila Henderson will prejient lhe * Program. "ChrUtmaa. Old and New."J, P a renu who will be unable to a t­

tend the evening progrnm are Invlled - to see Uie d rew rehearsal a t 10:15 ' a.m, Monday._____________________

I— I C E — I ; S K A T E Sy

; \SxM M etCL.^ I Twin Falla G la u A Taint

II AcroM from the Post Olfire

•rass Sel. f

3 l , I

^ I

r in * beautiful new gifl Itic ...(4 .00 n « u i '&

d r u g m m if h o n t 60

A , i _ _

i I n s t a l l e d f o r O r g a j

iDderr N*. II, K atgbU T tm ^ a r . and floeial 0 a l lha Maaonie (ample. Ab«v« ar* Jehn W ; Mr*. ABlheny O. Bobler, Twin Falls, prealdi

(RUft phnlo-mgravlng)* * * * I

t i i z a t i o n s L i s t a l l

s a t L o c a l P a i - I e y j .

m* Robert Wataon. mistress c t the, th ar. wardrobe; Mra. J . Edwin True,) to OS, daughter ot Uie household; Mra.j In- O. A. Ourley, Inner guard, and Mra.I u les Clark E. Klelnkopf. outer guard. I

Mr*. Claudt M. Oorden, p u l l •<>■ry president, was Installing oflleer. ln -{-----nl* sUliIng marahal wna Mrs. Howard C. ck. Bates, p u t president; Mrs. Harold _ dy. Johnaon, assistant Installing m ar- = = nt, ahal; Mrs. Br^'an Olavln, color bear- i = in . er; Mrs. John T . Parbh, aiandardl re- bearer: Mra. W y P, Hann, chaplain.I er; and Mrs. Bussell . C. Lanen,' ert musicians!V- Potluck dinner was served to 100 In- member* preceding the r l t u ^ ;

s j W A L

% W A R K R G 'S®; , PHONE U U I

ler ~

M- I _

I I « ) ■Ice B ' j I ^ I ^ p J J

= E a k ai t r - ------------------ ^ ^U

a t ff-

- ' ..v;

” • N O F IN E R C U B LANK ET A '


RUSH TO PE N N E Y ’S.......... — - — fiiie .-f iraU q u .i.l iL y -b l« n l

I h ln n k e t n u to m n tic a lly : InnfT— (ic.<»pit(* c finnR inp, C h o ice o f 6 b c n u tifu l d

;------------------------------------ 1-.

[anizations I





h tpalir


sa:nilF lduatl



"Lal O rde r o f BcaBeeant were install-I W. H arris . Burley, em inent rflm- r , | ealdent or Twin Falla aaaembly No. to

'____________________________ cai

Bundling J 'M A INZ, Germnny, Dec. 17 'TR-

O erm a n police njshed io a localp a rk in g lol enrly ycsurday when _th e n ttcndan t reported he hnd , ,/ou n d a "m)'.^UrJ«M bundle." ^

Po ilce identllled lhe "bundle''aa A tIghU ytlpped American ‘an n y aleeping bag, containing a •soldier and a German girl. cat

Iwi“ mt



R clines a n d R cpo iri VV



237 S Main, (iTcr Sar-Mor D rur - Phnne 3G«6

I Tokt

^ A . ;

r ' ^



A N IDEAL Gll ■ n f o r h e r H O i




V .S N O W ! T h is m iiu ln iis ly -l.nv a i iU c u w ith - w jr i i iK cyatcm-Kfii;i)iiil lly m nint.T iiiR tiin \v n rm th you : i n c room , tp m p p r ji tiir c .s E x i r n lrII d o c o r f t ln r ro ln r s .

T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN

D a l i H r a r d i n ^ J

I W e i r d S p e e c h

A t U n i v e r s i t y s

I PARIS, Dee. n ‘(H -Salvador D all gjI drove to Sorbonn# unlveralty PridayI n lghl In a black and white Roll*I Royce limousine filled to the roof ^I with rresh cauliflower. ^I Then he deUvered a lecture whichI touched on rhlnaceros hom*, »un-I flow er»-*nd caullflowcr.. ^I The u lk sponsored by Uie In U r- ^I naUonal Center fit ISlheUc y,I scarch, w u attended by about a j,jI 1.000 nouy atudenta. two score pno- jj,I lojrapher* and a sprinkling o t fig- „I ures Irom the caplUVs inu llec tualI and a x ie ty eirclrs. The o y e c t-o fI hU lecture. Uie unorUiodot SpanUhI painter u id . w u to present a de-I lirlou^ ca*e"-how he painted rhl*I nocero* hom*. t h e n sunflower*, »»I when copying Uie Louvre museum*I n th century m a s t e r p i e c e , " ^ e ®I Laeemaker." by 0 uUh arUsl J a n « I Vermeer de Delft. “I Da«. hi* moustache iwiichlng,

said Uie story wenl back to his I I ninth year in Uie Spa.iUh town o t -L I Flgueros. HU father had a repro- f ducUon of Vermeer's painting in hU I atudy. J

One day Dall fell an •'eacmclat- ^ Ina" pain in hia elbow. The pain. he aald. csme from bread «um b* j,p on whleh hla irm w u resting. ThU brought to hU, mind the needle in Uie hand of ,the Ucemaker. At aboul ^ thc aame Ume, Dall came Into pM- „ s<«!en ef a rhinoceros horn walk- . Ing SUck. which he uifl,' ted "wllh

I IltUe surprUe" to hU painUng rhi* noceros hom* when copying the J i

> "Lacemaker."The resulting curve*, he aald.

caused him to switch hU copy Jnb to /lunnower*, now he’* considering

_ caullllcwer.

' i w o J i m a S p a r e d

B y T y p h o o n R u t hTOKYO, Dee. 17 IT — Typhoon ;

Ruth Saturday narrowly mUaed the island fortress ot Iwo Jim* and roared on northeast nlong a 600- mile wide awaUi of the Facltlc.

Tlie much-feared storm was lo- cated Saturday HO milea e u t of _ _ Two by Che U. S, t i r force. tUII pack­ing wlnda of up to 115 miles per hour.____________________________

NTURES.. .$55 I T . ................... $ 1 0 0I W h ile Y ou W a it



IKO Oirerland Phene OS^hard t*M9t

rok* car« of •v«iyon» c.if your lUt with a fa i t

onft«itop«ihopplng trip to P M n o y 'i...

I j




7 5 0 ^

s C o n tro l, ^ i j f i

’I- • ' ...........3 2 . 5 0 ^


: t r !c ;

iNTEE- ■ -------------- 1T S ! ■ j ■

_________________•oil iliiil .nil nlKht. r n lo n t , l'>'i-_!i(l".

-------------------------- -----------------1 n n

I N F A L L S , ID A H O

M iss T .'F . C o rite I A t D e g re e f <

A doctor'! degree to mnale ,1a the V hope of a MU* Twin PWU County J candldale, S h a n n Jean Miller. 17, ^ daughter of Mr. aad Mr*. A. D,

Miller. 4U Diamond avenue.Scheduled to be g rsduated s u t

spring from Twin PaUi high school MU* Miller plans to conUnue h e r

, . educaUon s t B rlg tnm Young unl> ‘c " verslly, Provo.

She lists h e r chief ta len t a* a t »- c<lUt, hsvlng (unc Ior the Suprem e session of Job's Daughter* and w ith

'** th e high school orchestra. A m on* * he r p ther (alenU, MUs KUfer playa

I®* th# violin and does handwork such ’>* u crocheUng. knitting and cfflbrold-

ery work, and some dancing.JL ■Hi* bJue-ey<d*enJof h u « W -Inch

bust, 34-lnch waUt. S0-lnch h ips, h l. and U five fee t seven inche* U ll. .„■ She weighs m 'pound*. rfg T he besuty pageant will be he ld a t •he 8 p jn . D «- 37 in the Pller hlRh

school auditorium. The Tw in FaJU Lions club sponsor* Uie pa g ea n t

"o'; Driver Is Injured S In Traffic Mishap, Robert R. Uom. 31. lO t E llu b e th

boulevard, w u treated Sa tu rday momlng a l Magic Valley M em orial hospital for possible back in ju rie s ausUlned in a highway traffic accl- den t about 3:34 a jn . on a couniy road one mile north of Plve Point* weal,

'*• isom 't 3SU Pw d w** demoJlshed.when it h it a slick spot in the rond,

JJ' spun around. Hipped over twice nnd

**Ke«p Idaho's B ulne*s U ; tn ld*ho“

on R i L I A N C EJ5 CREDIT CORP.>0- -P H O N S 3430—

OppoaiU Tim e.-N ew *lo-of * * *~*: * * * t * .... ............. « » » » « « « «k-ler



Exclusive larger B O W L -F Il - be a te rs {or h ig h e r , l l s h i e r

finer-texiurcd a lces , fluflic« m sihed potscoe*. M ixm aiiei put* extra deliciousness, extra tucccss into cookinK and bak ing . M ixes, m a ih es , w h ip s b e a ts , s t i r s , b le n d s , f o ld i

h i » . c « . - 4 4 . 5 0

■ V S

^ iib e S maAauuneoMnoi

t o a s u r

l . m Mtfarra iMHfL wWh«f br««iiJ ll

lr«i*n «r fratii,

ikklT »r lhl<l

2 7 . 5 0 ___________________



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f o r M u s i c S t u d i e sth e * V V «

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* th came to rest agslnst a power polr • day sheriff* report said. ^ '



I Music In: and Ac(

a t Wh M U S I C <

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ajierrxtra A • i |fa»k. ;

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MAVEMAsnn „ £ 2 n i w w•!«, IMOOTH . ■■ Inal* h**J h rfic l COK*

•>ntlh»4w4* 1

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Svnbtum'i ■•wtff.1 I IU » « .f . 1 9 . 9 5


TAM PS------ BUPGj


H Pand f t i ,

■ 0»» fari* ,u '^ G ,iIS

fc. KEN'S Dtiiy------- —

nstrumenfsccqrdlons/HITE'S : CENTER0 M. H. KING

— I

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wM A

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•»i I<r1 ^ b o b k w

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Page 9: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

n f e s s e s t o CONNIE LU '

orch D ea th Democrats“iS'!:;.";..! ^ Ten Top

' f ’o r W'1 r t M l WASHINQTON, I ^ *“ I>cmocrallc ntttlonal' ^ . i .lih ffiw llne . u rdny Ilitfd -ten ^'&MCo™well.35, IWO-'- ‘- irf lh* * '“y ' T h e iM ues^noi t

police cllmnxed poUcy dUfcoSiee*. by Uklnc him ••piUllnz larm Ineos

jn j ip i f tw e n t w htrc lam for the rich. U 2 *031111 *er» l#U lly giveaway, favorlllsm v^unilir. m lK onducl In Kover^ h( Inu cosl o( living.C ^ V fm iurca. OOP «nU-l^ l a ll." Coro»ell Mid. school crl*l». and ijiilU Io»e htr." monopolies."gjMd in ‘He explMioniO t'J n rtlele In (lie JAnut^ f f t t Alice m n k lln . ijemocrBlle Dlse*t. p.jf,r.oia n sllrfu . and „ o „ ih iy , The comr

i l S >«-t>clc resulU Irom i»e«6iOTfd virtually p^ ,j p „ ,y jeadfri

ifttnl hour* “ ® m o u n t quMltons of i CHB»fll»dmltlM «oak- ~ I I

Youth Is I On Vanda:

' IDAHOs r Oftlccr* iKllevetat pllo llsht, _ broken lhe bat

nifluatlonedpuradtiy ,p re n d wlndow-brenl l«ben he m IH ne w m apprelien.ilon ol

K.h tn the fire tU rled .t o up »R«ln yw ler- y h e y i,nld the yo

fc ia ln ttM lv eq u M llo n - ca tcd n t teiul, live o iutfln his confession. jr. o . Perrtn. chlel- th e Btudeni hiw adi

lan Official o th e r teen-ARers whi

1 Israeli A cts"Commando

»d “tufnf!* MBre.vilon 1 > o |Q C Jy

ilhto tre wholly w tlh T A IP E I, Formofa. aJBrrtam and ve have A bnnd of Natlonalls PSaUiln with the vie- m andox raided « c( A tnrtu lon .” tie told Che communluC main

communlqua from — *ald today.

T h o nlUek tooli L c a Q c r T hu rsday mornlns

/ TT Cl IT * *A of BuerrltlM Inndiits U. O. Visit M**'" 'O'"' 3“yuj. V. kJ* f liJivKJBO. Pt., Dec. 17 Wl-----------------------------------(Umnnl Qroncht ofn t i u t e vlsll to the w e ,m t the end ef Feb- D t'

C Ibli. Whlt<> . House lur, Jimrx c . llnRerly Bdto IVtsident's vlsli«bl{tilrrrt policy dls- J

He Ritesifor Woman A. „t tl—OrivvMldB *rrv- ^ \ •«. Ullh Howfll Jone.1 I M l l i lo p.m. Sntur-rtUcmorlAl park wllh ■ i n i | 1 f | f T R f | | icn Xtim offlclallni;.inr* Bfue ailclc. At- , , , ,».R.Lr.weH. Milford ! • ’ « b lM dm ob il

6 Phiiiip.1 and w. L. Ihc Amcricnn L f r o m 2 to 6 p .

rnv* iirtM f ■• B lo o d d o n o rs car ^ I> tn -M r.‘an«S Mra, j 3>tire rriumed from a K o a c n e , R e d *«iwttip,__________ta ry , 3.18S.

^ f y business is " d i f f c r e n f " , b u t we

W gnond p rin t fo rm s t o f i t Y O U R bu

■•■<«op«totions lik e a g lo v e . C a ll u s fi

f'Kticol ^uggcstions o n d c s t im o te s i

Both free!

P h o n e .3 8A R c p ro ien to t iv a W il l Call

TIMES-NEWS < ^ o m m e rc ia l p r i n t i n g

d e p a r t m e n t

jrests I , Pageant

i ' l

L.U THOttJjON ALL Blits List ______)pIssues- j 7 m 1956 Drive ConveN, Dec. n t^v-^The onal cemmlttee 8i\i- ten lop issues lor

01 tounllng forelzn ' l - H y d f O - es. were listed ns: »%m ii aneome, tax lavortl-, 2 —2 4 A l 1. the publle powerllsm lo blR bualneM. 7 —2 9 " A l;overnment, ttie rls- * * ■ 'tng, im alt business m m q i / * .nU-tabor potlcy, the J - Z V A lnd ths srowth ol wllh suds .

are oulllned In a n ' 3 - 2 9 " D ltnu iry 1-uue o t lhe;est. official party 2 —2 9 D<

» ld lh . ■ j . j . Irom A nallonwldeider* "to determine 3 —C v c l o - I

consider the pare-' * * - w .y t i u

! 3 - C y c l o - l

5 Nabbed | dalCiiarge3, Dec, n (.fv-Idaho;leved Snlurday ttiey I 3 a l! bsclt'of the wide-'jrenklni: wave with' D C C D In of a lS-yenr*old( * '*

• youlh hfl.1 Impll- ve olher teen-auer.i,chief of police, said' '--------------------, admitted th n t he|Ulntnir nt leiuit fivei 3 ^ 0 . f who shot air rifle,?! '* “ • *

2 - 9 cu ftdo Band | 2-9 cu . f

Mainland 2-9 cu flOfia. Dee. 17 <U.PJ— nallst eom- a coastal town on nalnlsnd. n military

iKSSKSBStook place early na when a nquad nnded a t Changloh miles sou thw ui of 3

E l e c t r i

B i m I SWArs UIDIO _____________

I 1 2 - 3 2 - in . I

3 -3 0 - in .r v m 1 -2 0 - in .

1 -3 6 - in . '

, ' 3 -5 -R o o n

lobile f l t o p f l At I L c R i o n hnll p . m . M ondny . I can p h o n e (h e |

Ice, 101, o r M rs . ' 3 Q h{ed C ro ss R ccre -' F R E E Z

I 3 - 1 4 cu.

V ■ T - 1 8 c u .<

□ ! ■ 1 - 1 4 cu.

I ; K S tSS K Si

w .', l .bu,. 21- m l

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2- 21-in , (

2 -2 4 - in . (

— --------- -------------------M a n


G i v e

^ c iR E E :^ ‘


M a k e S h o p p i n

B R A N D N E W ! ____


v e n t i o n a l R e g . 9 9 . 9 5 O n

ro-Sw irl, R eg. 1 6 9 .9 5 ............

A u to m a t ic , Reg. 1 8 4 .9 5 ......

A u to m a t ic , R eg. 2 2 9 .9 5 ......

A u to m a t ic / R eg. 2 4 9 . 9 5 ......Ids aarer

D e lu x e , R eg. 2 4 9 .9 5 ............

D e lu x e , R eg. 2 6 9 .9 5jds Sa»er

□ -F a b ric , O u r B est, 2 6 9 .9 5

a -F a b r Ic , S u d s-S o v er, R eg .

ONLY— 7-cu. ft.


Rog. 159.95— $5 Down

. f t . R e f r l g e r a t o r y i t J g r f i l ^

f t . R e f r ig e ra to r , f le q . 2 5 9 (

. f t . D e lu x e , R eg. 2^&.95 ...

. f t . S u p e r D e lu x e , R eg . 32^


ONLY— 30 inch

t r i e R A N G E S

■ Regular $139 .95-$5 Dowi

I. E le c tr ic R an g e , Reg. 1 3 9 .

I. D e lu x e R a n g e , Reg. 1 9 9 .!

I. A p a r tm e n t R an g e , R eg .

I. G a s R a n g e , Reg. 1 6 9 .9 5

o m 'O il H e a te r , R eg. 7 9 .9 5

Buy en Sear* Eaiy Payment F

___Ll__ _________ J-----------ONLY— IS-cu. ft. Chcit Typ.

: Z E R - O n l y

Regular $289.95— $10 Dowi

J. f t . U p r ig h t, Reg. 3 4 9 .9 5 I. f t . U p r ig h t, Reg. 4 1 9 .9 5 ..

J. f t . C h e s t D elu x e , R eg. 31

SILV E RTO N E T VEntertainment for the Whole Fomi

-T able Model H O * ^ ^T e l e v i s i o n | | 0

5.00 Down

> T a b le M odel R od io • W ith Every

NSOLE TV SET, C o n so le , Reg, 2 1 9 .9 5 ......... C o n so le w ith D oors, R o g .

i n y O t h e r - M o d e l s a t - l


■ T IM E S -N I

e a n A p p l i a n c e !

L £-$15.00 C O U P C

^ Y - T U E S D A Y

M O N D A Y U N T I L 9 : 0

i n g A P l e a s u r e ! P A


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: A R S S t o r e s i d e L o t s -


1 O N LY

E l e c t r i c D r y e r

2 - 2 9 " E lecric D ryei

3 - 2 9 " D elu x e Dryei

3 - 2 9 " D eluxe Dryei

1 -2 4 " D eluxe Dryer

2 -H ig h S p eed Dryei

3 -D o Iu x e Iro n e rs , R


‘ 2 O N LY — n .^ - e u .


R e g u la r

1-11 C U . f t . Re^rigei

3 -11 C U . f t . I)e lu x 0 j

3 -1 1 C U . H, D eluxe,

.1 -1 1 C U . f t . S u p er C

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s . 3 O N LY — 3 6 Inch

^ E l e c t r i c R A N <

R eg u lo r

l - 3 6 - in . E lectric Ra

^ 3 -D o u b le O ven Roll

1 -D e lu x e R o n g e , 36

^ 3-r36-in. Cfeluxe Rat

1 - 4 1 " D ouble-O ven


1 -----------------------------------—

J 3 O N LY — 74 e u , f t

^ F R E E Z E R

R e g u la r 1

^ 1 -1 0 C U . f t . C h e s t Fl

2 -2 0 cu . f t . C h e s t Fi

^ 3 -2 0 C U . f t . D eluxe '

KENM OREj P h o n e 2 8 6 0 F<

I ^/ ■ ‘ Reg- 99j J ^ - < S 3 E » j W ith A t

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. S A V E

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, R eg. 1 9 9 .9 5 ........... ........ J)


IWAY AT 5 O’CLOCK, CHKl Details in th e Appliance B

r o R S 188lor $249,9J—S3 Down

g e ro to r , R eg . 2 4 9 .9 5 __ 1 '

xe , R eg. 2 8 9 . 9 5 ............ . . 2

xe , R eg. 2 8 9 . 9 5 .............. 2

r D e lu x e , R eg . 3 4 9 .9 5 .. 2

Iflon Eaiy fo y m en t Plan -

M G E S 168lor $199,95—SS Down

R o n g e , R eg . 19 9 .9 5 . .. l i

lo n g e , R eg. 2 4 9 .9 5 ..... . 1|

3 6 - in ., R eg . 2 4 9 .9 5 ....... 2 '

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sn D e lu x e , R eg. 399 .95 3)



R s . Z o o

ir S279,95—JIO Down

F re e ie r , R eg. 2 8 9 .9 5 .. 2^ F re ez e r , R eg . 4 1 9 .9 5 . .3 J

(e C h e s t, R eg. 4 4 9 .9 5 . .4 1

iE V A C U U M CLEANERS) For FREE Homa Demonitration

C E N M O R E U P R I G H 1

89'1 A ttach m en t!........................ w M



S E W I N G M A C H I N EWuh Ssrv.«t. CABINrr (


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h o £ n y .

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PAGE N D JB y f------ ■ I

Page 10: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

North Star’s Secrets Told

I By Scientist' BERKELBV. Ctlif.. Dtc. IT —

The theory th * t the North SUir U fortrer clrcllne Jn t. U shi lU U e/irblt •round i n InrUlble compnnloa haa

' received tta f l n i eonflriiinUon. the Unlvertlty of CallfomU nnnounced tM iy.

Conflrroatlon w m made by D r. I Elizabeth Roemer who conduCUrd

her ru e a re h a t (he unlrer8l(y‘« l^lckobsem tory on ML Knmllton nnd on the Berkeley campus here. U was » rtqukrement for her PhD degree.

Slodjr Bronfb t « n d ln r rAn InUnslve aUJdy or tome UOO

•peclroim phlc plntes thn t have been taken a t U ck ilnce 1890 resulted In her flndlnga. The »pccUoBrams re ­vealed alilfls In lhe speclnim of light emitted by the sla r and pe r­muted mcMurement, of lu velocity around Its radius. Prom these meas*

, urements. Dr. Roemer was able to deduce tho exUtence of the Invisible partner.

Wllh this conllrmntlon, astron - ' omert now know ihnl the N orlh

flliir tc lun lly ll » ly jtem o t th ree stellar bodies, only one of which can be seen by the unaided eye. T h c second can be teen Ihrough a te le-

' scope, h u t the h itherto unproved Uilrd probably never wlll be seen. I t Js far uw fn ln l and too elose to the grcBl. white super glanl. Polaris, as Uie North BUr Is known.

Dr. J . H. Moore, former d irector of Uck observniory. first speculnU d on Uie poulblllly of the Invisible

I - member In the PolarU .system In I 1D29. T ho N orth SU r, ns a B puUaUng Itar , because its brilliance I f varle* ovor a period of nbout four 21 days, waa iW Ded. Dr. Moore found H • in a a tudy of spectrocrnms th a t the K . ah llu in apparent velocity over the If . four-day period were not repent^cf I exacUy In the subsequent period. He

could account for this only by a t- M ■■ tr lbu tln t i t to the orbital moUon of y ■ the star—irtilch m eanl another ste l-

; ' lar body.\ | Used B ane Instrument

Dr. Roemer's nndlnfci were mnde I poitlble by Uie fact Umt sha used

the same Instrument employed n t tho observatory for the past 00 years for making speclrographlc m easure­ments. D r. Moore had found th a t

Rthe shifts In the lour-day cycle re ­peated thenuelves In some 30 years for a "long period" variation. ' Dr. Rotmer's research, following he r predecessor's by about 30 yeara. gave confirmation Co his speeuladon.

Because of th is conflrmaUon, the i \ NorUi SUIT'S visible partner wna

I claMlfled for Uie first Ume. I t Li n Jl dwarf sU r Juat a lltUe ho tter th a n I ' our sun, and the brightness of Po l­

aris u m euu red a t Lick contlm is recent findings thn t Indicate the universe actually U twice as large as aMronomers once thought I t to be.

Jerome Resident

i Taken by Death

JEROME, Dtc. 11 — Mrs. Eva Oreenfleld. 18, died Saturday a t St. Benedict's hospiui.

Mrs. O rtenfleld was bom In C a ld ­weU county. North Carolina, on April 3. 1880. » e r husband, Jones

.Oreenfleld, to whom' sh a 'w w m a r- Vled In NorUi Carolina, died in 1817.

Sunrlvlng are three u n s . Dewey ^ Oreenfleld. Jerome: Oordon G reen* • field, Richfield, and Albert O reen - i field. Ogden: five daughter*,' M rs. » PearJ T am ell, TaJenl. Ore.; M rs.• Frances Sinclair, Richfield; M rs.• Cora Minor, Jerome; Mra. D ora

‘ • Cooper. G ranger. Waah,. and M rs.I * Irene Belt. Richland, Wash., a n d 30

» grandchildren.> Funeral services wlll be held a(1 a pn i. Tuesdny a t the Wlley fu n e r-« Bl Chapel WlUl the Rev. Russell D.• Walters, pastor of the B aptla t; church. OfflclaUng. Concluding xltes

. j .^ U l be held a t the Jerome cem etery11' Qn^er th e direcUon of the W lleyII moHuary. <

1 ; W o rld f o m o u t " L io n e l"I __ T ro ln h e a d q u o r tc r t , . .

■ • « e have a very Urse line o t■ ■ all kinds ol trnlns (pjiwcnuer■ , and freight) lui wrll ax a ImR

' WiecUon of nccr.nsorirs nndn ’ tn c k . You will tlnd n jirire

• nnd (ype to suit you here.


R i 18.95■ I • We Give SAII G rtcn g um pa


l i ■ w ? ' " E-




D r.KurdUcknnd


1 In

ofTcr-« ity

! to ‘Ible

i r th

e le-ived

I tthe

Oonsid S. Ba»«y liaa<ts Cotmty 7 Llblr ^1^1 *ult payment of rea l pn “ ,® property Uxe* i* Tnesday. Balle: 18 a l* '(est araoanUef Uie« In the cou

I Idaho Power' H? Coffers W:

' o l A ll39.C74.fiB check representing '^ l ' ono h tir years U x u due T w in Palls

counly for renl property aastM m ent wns presenUd County T reasurer Rose J.-Wilson Pridny by Division

iiJri M*'”'* " Donald 8. Bailey fo r Idaho ^ Power eo;rpflny.

la rs Tl'e company msde Uie flr* t pay- i ,e . ment th rie dayt betore the Tuesdny

deadline for paying real .property re - Uxea. Idaho Power company Li the

largest Uxpayer In Twin Palls coun- D r, ty *nil one of Uie largest In the } , . , ''U t '. H ie firm's toUl county U xes .^ve (or 1955 Increased t34.SSB over the

previous y tar, BaJJey said.Mrs. Wilson reminds taxpayer*

Auto Skids, Rolls Over Near M alta

. „ BURLEY. Dtc. 17 - A c a r sklddod „ on nn Icy rosd a t 7;30 p.m. FVlday

and roHed over. No scrlou* Injurfes were Incurrtd by any of th e alx people In Uie vehicle. Dam age to the lutomoblte was esUmated 'a t (300.

lL The mishap occurreif five miles 111 norU iofM alu. Bute Patro lm an Roy

H iom u investigated.Robert King, Mobile, Ala,, was

driving Uie car. a 19U PonUac. w hen i t akldded on Uie Ice, h i t gravel nnd rolled over. Paasenger* In Uie car

inei l^ lP h01aas«Qv, Uiughton, Ala., th e O lans- cow's daughter, Karen, 3, and Mra.

'V ; U nore Bretth, Bremerton, 'w inh,, weyTh* girl received a bump on the

forehesd nnd wn* Ueated by a ^ ' Physlelin: Mrs. Bretch waa U k e n to l i r c o t u s * hoaplUL Burlo:, fo r ob-

servnUon.The group w u ea ro u u from

I jg Washington to Alabama.

"Sitlat J ites «■;,•« ry p . ; / 'Hey I

I ■ ; ' 78

S I N G l“Christm as



' C L i: — M


[ax Check Goes to <

;r TYeaiurer X»*« J. W tl*»o «n IdMbo Fewer property taxea dn« Twin Fall* counly. Tl

lliey U division manager fo r (he conpaoy. counly. (SU ff photo- entraving)

* * * *

• Company Swells l ith $136,674 Cl.Ing tha t ader Tuesday the county Uena- wl a lls urer's books will be closed u n til the du ,ent fourlh Monday in Jnnuary (Jnn . 23) ‘ irer lor the snnual audii. pe.,Ion She pointed oul thnt the treasur- Pe lh o er's office will be unable to ncccpt thi

paymcni» during the closed period, pri BV- Afler lha t lime a penalty of two un ;lny per eent wlll be added to the ed. .fly amounU due on resl property as- '

sessmenu. Interesl a l e igh t per cen t pn

Colleen Hann Is | Elected by Club J

— Colleen Hsnn wm elected presl* ins dent of the newly organized Cater* pillar 4*K elub during l u meeUng '1} Thursday evening In t^ e hoijio of T

[■o the leader, Mrs. Robert Saur.''** DeAnn Dsy wa* elected aecreUry

and Carole Ann Csrison. reporter. i n i e group spent Ow evening nink- Or

Ing poUiolders wlUi Mrs. S a u r being &t u ,- assisted In the InslrucUon by Mrs. h a

Lloyd Hann. eojlies In atlendsnce were Jan lco Reed, , loy Pamela Shirley, Judy Webb. Aime

Baur and Beverly Christensen.»f« BefreshmenU were aerved by c i l - cei ie n iMjn Hann, . ^ rei

The next mteUng wlll be held Jan . i'o 4 a t the home of Mrs. S aur. '

i" ’ Seven PledgeIDAKO STATE COLLEOE, Poca-

th e tello, Dec. 17 — Phi' S igm a K appa i a natlon il social In te m lty a t i s c , ts

I to has pledged seven new members. Me ob- Among them tre R ichard F. atr

Drlakell. Shoshone; R obert L, T ra- a t om bert. Lirry D. Mitchell and D . Pred- hei

■ erick Sterling. Twin FalU.__________ ^

5 ? ^ " '- r : - [ v

p u t

I s .

l i8 AND 45 R P .M .

iL E R E C O R D !a s” - Popular - W estern


\ fo r

, A U D E B-M usic—

■ J

J County IF












'wer eompMBf cbetk tor IJ56.WIJ5 as <; Tho deadline for payment of resl

u iy , Tbo power company p«r* thehos

* * * * . aut

lls County’s z;;;heck for Tax 2

. tii iwill nlso be added lo the smounl drh duo afU r Jsn. 1. ed i

"Some conluslon exlsti regarding ^wi perso;inl snd real property Isxri. _ Personal property Uxes are pnld ni . . the county naaessor'a office snd real JV properly Uxe.i nre pnld In Uie tress- , urer’* office," Mrs. Wilson explain.

TTie deadline for paying personsl propeHy Uxr.i l.i on Dec. J7. "Per* sonal u x ts the one a perton psys IIA on livestock, f a r m equipment. I l l merchnndi'e and such Items," Mrs, Wilson said.

Real property Uxea nre pnid on homes, land, buildings and similar iDSUllaUons.

Veieran Teacher ^ Is “Acting” Dean

MOSCOW, Dcc. 17 t,4WDr. Erwin Oraue, who hn.i tauRhl economics -hi, a t Unlverslly of Idnho lor 27 yesrs. w“‘ ha* been named acting dean of the college of bu.ilnc.M admlnlitrnUon, .j. effecUve Peb, i, . *

Dr, D. R. Theophllu.1. university __ !president, mnde lhe nnnouncemeni Saturday and ^nld Ornue will tuc> ceed Dr. Donnid J, Hnrl who has ( resigned to nccepl n similar posl- tlon with Unlversyty of Florldn. «

The appointment of Ornue ns net- Ing head of .the coHuie Is for an Indefinite period pcmllng the np. polntment of a new dean,


ts a p n t lu t a t the Goodtng Count)' Memorial hospital wiUi a broken arm. »hock and exposure. She fell] a t her homo Wedne.idny, breaking her left arm. She was alone a t thej

i . : ■ , c . : - :


Ih is C h ris tmI reco rd fl!" C hnnse \

se lec tio n In Huil ev<

> C ONE Gl

n A L B I45 - 78 - a r

C hrifilm ns S clcct - W esie rn - a n

V i i

B R O W N— F U R N l T U R B —

T IM E S -N E W S . T W IN

iF r e i ic h V o te rs G e t F n l l D ose . O f “ B aU y h o o ”

i D IJON , France . Dec. 17 WS-Pro- v inclal.taodldatea In Oie hustings of F rance Saturday are waging b i ^ - and-bugsT style campaigns tnai

j would ta x Uie most flamboyant j; I American congressional aspirant. t* I T here ar« no party dinnen. cam- I palgn frill*, television spot* or I whoop-de-do rsUlea ou t in the coun­

try aide. loa tead . a candldaU haa to ' keep m ariR g Irom WtUe bistros to .

small city hails where crowds mny . num ber 100 or ao if he is lucky.

Purthennore, when the sun goes ■ down Uie candldaU 'a troubles In* ^

elude a sw arm of hecklers made |g 1 bravo and UlkaUve by efforts to w I d r ln t up th e naUon’s wine surplu*:I Tho departm ent, similar to a very I largo U. S. counly of CoU d'Or. U

now wilneaslng a real dogfight as 57 candldoU s stum p lUUe vllloKes andJow ns for five nnllonal a.isembly

' seaU a t s take In Uie Ja n . 3 voUng. W llh cam paign appearances on •

sU t<-contfolied rndlo sUUons strict- •ly lim ited nnd newspaper ndverUs*

I Ing considered loo expensive. Uie I candidates base Uielr campaigns on ' pubUc m e e tln p . a« many as poisJWe ,

and anywhere you can gel two Frenchm en together.

Coiiple Injured in L Automobile Crash «OOODINO, Dec. 17-M r. and Mrs. gg

Lloyd Porter, Gooding, are pspenU g ; nl th e Ooodlng County Memorial y , hosp iu i WlUl in juries received in nn automobile accident a t 8:16 p.m, Fri- — dny on highway 25 nine miles easl of Bliss. Porter Is reporteil to be In falr| k , condition and M rs. Porter In good condlUon. ^

Porter, 82, d rlvlnc a 1PJ4 Chevrolet pickup, signaled for a le lt tum Just “ as K enneth Lloyd. 2S, El Paso. Tex., “ 1

• driving an Autocar nnd trailer. sU it- J n ed to paas. The tn ick and trailer are

: owned by Lloyd Sims. El Paso. ™ Tha t*'o reh/clea collided snd Uie ^

: pickup w enl Into tlie diWh and over- thij ' tum ed, PorU r susUlned a punctured x

Jung. Damnge to the truck wiu luted plai by police n t tl,000. Damage to Uie ^nn pickup waa no t listed. The

----------------------------- by

Mrs. Tobin Gets S? Award for Talk «

Mrs. Oordon Tobin »'/ij asvirded b!<tj Uie blue pcncIl lor Uie besl speech bus n l th e Tonstmlstre.ia'c lub meeting .loof Friday room ing n t the Rogerson higl hoteL on

O th rr speakem were Mrs, J. W, Roberlw n, Mrs. Kennen Wlillcsldes, , " Mrs. LaVerne SUong nnd Mr.v " * H arry Cohen. Mrs. Hugh Csll w.v “ ' chlcf evaluntor. Tfti.itoil.ilrAw Mrs. O tto Fowler. Mr*. H. F. Jonns was n guesu •

T lio nex t m eeting Is scheduled for 9 a jn . Ja n . 6 n t the Rogerson hotel.

Money to Loan« • Farm Loans )

• City Residence Loam 2• City Business Bldg. Loan* ]• No AppraUai Feo |• No Commissions ]• We will no t b« beateti oo i

in terest r a le t <


1J7 Main East FhoD* M7 |

' ______ ‘


; - . ■ [ |.i

stm as ‘‘<»np fo r (he ; i ,• lse h c rc 'fm m n huRC , ]

every taslc ._ ^

GROUP r " - f

U M S .a n d l i i n / S '

lections - Popu lar '• and Ctiildrcn’fl ;

P r i c e

Nf’ S

IN F A L ^ . ID A H O

Mother, Daug]: L'

se- '


» ^ - p i

)iy 't- ■


h“ n woBld u i e a navy maUie'malid* 4«. a t left, to figure ou t all (he fam photo frem San Diego. She and her W, share a 'hocplU l room wfth SOS*, n Btephea MUbetto, born Dee. K . 5hi Union operaUon* m anager and her *oi wlrephoto)________________________ _

* Religious Plaque ,, Slated in School jJ t BURLEY, Dec. n —B urleychurch-1! , es plan to erect a plaque, reading, I [J "In God We Trust" In th e new Bur- J

ley high school. Permission to erect £ Uie plague was granted to a com* Q mliice represenUng the churches a l t a meeting of (he school board early 2

r- this week. J UTlie board also has approved a C

'd plan whereby new band uniforms 2 can be purchued for music pupUs. (i The plnn wns explained to th e board fi by Linden Lenth&m. school music S Imlructor. He said more than S3.- y 000 hnve been mL';ed by the pupils fi

knnd Uielr parenU In a series of 2 proJecU, a

Bupt, Dernell Wrigley reporU thnt fi d b!dj for a new M-paaacnger school 2 h bus wll! be sought by the board K Ig .ioon. He said lockers for the new p m high school are expected to arrive £

on Tuesday. »

A mcrry-go-round made tn 1650 J ,,' Ll sllll in use a t W ntch Hill. R- L g ■■ l l wns originally turned by n draft ft„ horse but. Is now mechnnizcd. S


HOLLYWOtI £»h>7 fa r nir, tf-tUnJsf I

I Debra Wears IRite-Flt’s STi

j p ; ™ |

1 ® t T t

I O ' X


Al fomon!i( 01 Spring, Itiiif, , . Di'kra'l Ihi 32 gen Uld dreti. A dricmy puii)mille« *tiih ihlneitOM duili on thi bodies. Slftf a onif mpn fn If6«m/e([»i, tht/tlii. C tmquoh*. HI/, to IV/,.

: O PE N 'T I L 9;00

V - _______________ s jjK p j

ghter and Sons A

■J&WM », eQ

« 0 4 « 5 U ^ B K ^ \ S Ctl


\ ' - ' . ' W '


J , ■■ '■ , J'ln

' ip . . : L : s a i

lidan such M Mr*. Margaret Covher' - family rtUUonahlps favoUed In her danghUr. Mr*. P .trlcU Mlrheii^8*. M ^ e l Corher, bom Dee. i , . Via ■

5h*. Covher'a hnsbaod U . Weiltrn r* o n .ln .U w U a fo lle n Sludeni. (Ap

KINO QUITS h o s p it a l OSLO, Norway. Dec, n (Tjv- kih.

I Haakon VII le ft the hojpiUii y e SII day to spend Chrlsunas at Ui« roy.l


ct g f

a t ^ Still M any Wond a in M aternity

i f S p e c ia l ReduiM Open Mondoy nnd Fridays Or0 weekdays Open Oi.lO a.

Jt ffa - _______ __0) S f

1 EDITH S>0 p 134 Second S treel East


DOD STAR DEBRA1 ] s i t iM u r i ' 'T H E L A S T H U N D

5 Rite-Fit Dress of tlS T A R o f the M O N T H SELE


>'■ i ■ 1

f t '


I W f f l l« b H H ^ I

I iHurfooj Moft «*«' ^tllle* prim hMidf p t i i ^n,y«tlot» ondcvUtH*"nfc. C fiy / 9f

E a c h . . » 9 . 9 5

0 P . M . M O N D A Y S

I ^ ^ a l lB

S U K E W r ^ ^ H

~ " " 0<ii

' hone

■ Troniftr t


onderful Vo|ubB>( '•yWeorot K

ju^P riC’« Only Dntll 9 pj.30 a.m, (0 5:30 p j , ^ K

: M a t e r n i i y . H i * Foshiom 9=

I m t h t ^ t i a j O ^ K

A PAGET BJ " u t u i m k m n l ^ f



Page 11: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Nemesis B

' I i l • iH K ’ . ; : l ; J h ; , „ . . ; ' 1 1^ ' ' ' ' ' .1

I l j ' ' ' ' i

H r>m ' -R %

w nt»k B im eil ebeeki the Twin W U p*Uee n ^ b * opermUd from the m o n d or m t j be

jS b e p e r i t l o n Mdndiy. Tm U h ir* bMa ec j ..Vbo»Wi eom lnr la rm r* «f lh» IutIi I * * * * * eders Face Speedy •olice as Radar SysitfiicUd up for *p<edlnK lh» cKy police dep, « UmlU i lK r Sunday b ttn W*Un» the new S t cfi»nre of w inning unit the p m week, f dTUbTvln F tlU police. m lou« wcUons ot tl , rtl h»ve hi* correct lennlne the *vcraEe ^ tTtc^td on mftde.

— . • openllng the mtctiltR u le i n '. 1 * m 1 , » Ptde«lrl»n (0 • c»ro n g o l i a l o l d m lI« «nhour.iw .1 n ip j- j .o u ie se

I ouitr MonBOlU #»ld m#fcilrt irmy U conUoIllns P'ck«l “ P * ">* tt AiUn n»llon de.iplK £jot*i«d him a l four i

MoncolUn peo- miehlne h u b^^cfUieMonKoii.npeo

Wldlne MongolU Into niade of • boy cn » I UU ind developing 1L1 ^ 1,^ unjj „ , y ^ , i(ht Jipineie reported, * p o ,i„ p»tcttd lh»t MongolUna v. b buy Inferler lU ^ U n jj uj

lUaajollins *nd R us- b itiery .A rw lchM bc____________ for lnil*Ulng th« mwI BOILER n i^ S T The mftchlna Ii op irr. Oenninj-. Dec. 17 m tn . H# obtain* thre ■ utd for hcnUng the vehicle’* «peed. One Ij ttrtment h m ln g p ro j- meter, ilmlllur to » »:

siiiM reslerdty.-killing » car: Another oq n tl h votker an iT In juring ^ u n iU ica la abon Bloutlr._______________ needle.

I ^ R a d

" ‘ 9-M O OH O W

^ B l \ *350

a ( m n $425: ■ ^ ■ P l l 1 Cuki TciU


Readied for Acti<• y . i : ■

lUce departinant'* new r«dar un it p rio r I ' be bang la • raek (or operaUon la » po m conducted th e p a it week. The ra d a r r InTUlble beam. (Btafr photo-cDgriTlng)

y Action by T, System Openingdepnrtm ent have B irneU said each

lev porUtblB rade r be In sight of lhe op< (k. Spot checka In th a t on rcccni chcci of the clly to de- of motorUU arc Inc ige rat« of ipeed the various speed lit

eapeclally the iS-mlJ

™ d .r o n l l . l lU lv .ulantly the officer He pointed o u t I ichlne the correct speed lim it for- drl< ick anything from clly llmlU Is 25 mil . car trnvelltng 100 cepl In 'Uie downto

It Is 20 miles nn hou ink B arnett found The machine will L lh a t the Invisible % warning bosU f< I m sn walking and Signs reading "Spe 9Ur miles an hour. Radar" are being I been given u * u nlll be polled n t thc ght. One test w u road* leading in to t r a bicycle. T h j rodnr u n it ' be u*ed while In- • ‘f'^ted Monday nig I patrol c a r o r m ay com m lu ground. The com- U’e police deparUne

le up e f a record- * t« te the u n it for unit, tripod and «>clal orgnnlzatlons

ts been conilructed - B am elt ha* recci machine In a car. In tho operation ol

s o p e ra te by one Boise police <1 three record* of a ‘ ^tUi police. O fficer ne 1* on the *peed departcient hero nu a *peedometer on cclvlng InstrucUons^

I a t h a r t and th ird - i-T b e ^ jm lt' la- n i ibore the recording S u te r t r Industrlea . _________ ________ O onn._____________

idiant Scliu

E v e r yh

) A l l G U A I0 J M ^ W e i g h t

M i S S t a S S l» 'V 4)em»nd lenlit i S i «l<ur«n(» 4l ((mpltU M Mhi*. Th* full put<l

^ ^ S S S B S m ^ 1 >• tr«rf« In jrtvr diei


> Small Down

Son Navy to Spi Plans on Engine I

^ V -.-H WASHINOTON. Dec. J■ StV l navy dUcIOMd today ll I

** J up It* program to t ^ atomic-powered aeapUne

fly n o n -s to p ju v u n d th< / . ' The navy said U hi

contracu to five firms t problem* of a n alomlc ] lor a leap lane . The co preliminary to actual c of an atom ic reactor « five a seaplane virtuatl ran g e -a t-sp ee d s in-exi mile* an hour.

o n corporation and Nu< opment corporation o White Plains. N. Y,. lh< The a irc raft gas turbine General Electric compa: Curtlss-W rlght corporaU ducting (Im llar dudles trac u placed for the n air

A fif th c on trac t was li research dlvUlon G poratlon. Los Angeles, study an atom ic plant lyitem s such a* heat, p electricity.

The navy already had priority contract* to Ole tin company of Baltlmoi the Convair division Dynamics corporation ment of an a ir frame powered seaplane.

SeamiM artin developed the

a radical new mulU-Ji » .»< «« . i< I . »hlch the navy believe;

» o U c r S L ? - « p - o l o w • ! *n , P'‘ n®- The Seamast i r recorder mike* ^crashed on a test

*' week, but th e navy U pre* * tlie production of more

r -w-i The new contracts sh<navy 1* stepping up lU

• X • the race to develop an al_ _ Prevldusly th e atomic pl

P- IVI A O 1 * 0 ^ ^ h handled prlncli ; l l C a l O »lr force and the ato ' commlMlon. w ith the rch car clocked will role of a cooperating p( operator. He noted Naval offlclaU have

hecks the majortly publicly lh a t the seapla inclined to vloUle to become th e flrsl ator

I IlmlU In the city, pUne. Air (orce offlclalj •mile llmll through ceded th a t th e leaplan

ical vehicle (o r atomic i

,t lh a l Uie overall

st Kefauver Wsm o .„ . h » < j y U J y [ (

vlll be operated on PHIUOJELPHIA. Dei I for a few dsyi. Senator K efauver; D„ Speed Checked by Saturday he would not mg prepared and party 's vice presldenUal the enirance to all under AdUl Stevenson

to Uie city. else.

'it",; = :S o ntm ent will demon- _for local civic and *” “ ® up my n

icelved Im ^ cUom gucea„fuj in getting Uie

, «p“ "rtZ!.'t' 3 'leers of th# Irafflc PO U R DIE IN F nlso havo betn r t- OTTAWA. Dec. 17 CR

'n>v. sons—a m o the r and thre -tonnufactuKd by chlidren-TiUed BaUirda} lea. m o . Norwaik, which sw ept a two>s _______________ dwsUlog on O ttaw a'a wi

ibach Dl All

f m f low 1 5 V *189^<>^^L

y D i a m o n d i s F u l l y I i R A N T E E D ! |t • Q u a l i t y • C u t KerriM *wf writUn *1 ^walltf — E WnpItt* MllihctitA «a4 fvlltil n*oivr« e l , ra7», iut<h«i( prict <lltw»tf enrlUn* yw with diem«nd t**e>d a l«ttir «nt.

K 3 5 ■ l 'A Pile.

“ V *117'“

ri Paymenf' to*i

______________ T IM E S -N E

peedI Atom mmmjmmm Plane

17 IU.RV-The has iitpped

0 develop anm a t could

the( has awarded ns study the lie power plant

contracu are development

ir woulduatly unlimited

ex c tu ot 600

Letre let recenUy n . ' ' ' • • * rT |f Q tneral Mot- » - , • . A-.V. N ucltar Devel. -S \< \

1 of America, 1 ' ^ ^ - tA 'V < . lhe navy tald . ■ - ■ A 'A ' bine division o t ^ B Q | |N i . 'npany and t h f B H BiraUon are con-lies under con* ^ D | ^ B ^ S n B S H p ie navy by the

OS lel lo the a ir • r S ® ^ f 3 r K ^ S f O ir re lt cor- : • I •' J H Ieles, Calif., tb ••lane's auxiliary •, t SIt, p rtisure and ^

u d let two high ■ / 'O ltnn L. M ar- I-. •, • « » » .

Imore, Md,. and -=------------ -— -----------3n of General T he Ihree pirochUI in for develop. Edw ard's and Miglo V e of an alomlc- paUenU a l liortoo Bei

w ard 's stbool poplU fr ;araa»ltr Iray flgurei of Bsnta Cthe Seamasler, w * *

iU-Jet seaplane

Paiochlalnasler explodedtest flight last ii pressing ahead j T l a D l Iore of them.' show th a t the U nder the sponsors I lU efforU In Ju n io r Red Crou ind th a atomic plane. G ard en club, pupil* o .c plane project L u the ran school. St. Edi Inclpally by the ollc school and the Ki atomic energy Ju n io r academy dlsU-lb

)• navy In the pU nU and psper Irsy g participant, s a n u CIsus to piUenU tiave predicted R est home. Msglc VaUi aplane U likely hosp lU l and oUier ih t atomic-powered city.

T h e G irden club m ? c Mwcr >n“ *'e*ltd inaivldi

• Ute p lan t slips used In , , Mrs. Al Hanklni, pl;

Yants '“ “ r.::?, Nothing’ “ S . S S i KDec. 17 on — will be used ChrlsWft* i

D„ Tenn., sold V alley Memorial huplla no t accept his Tcttchers cooperaUng

lUal nomination c c t Include Slsttr Mar u n or any one ;ww«<~#w^AJ^.www;

S S r J ' t MAYFLO'i: : : : : : ; ■ m o v mn t and I won’t , , , .■ e. I t I am n o t NaUon-WH. MovteiUie nomlnntlon, J . . .

ifiL'"*'"- RAtPH HAr^ c ^ F o u r per- M o v in g & S f; 5 i ' ; r r i r r S p h o n e :wo-atory frame t west tide.


* 2 7 5


I ’ 3 5 0\ I H C ant To


N EW S.: T W I N P A L L S , IDA


Parochial St


• n f i ' * '•

: S L . .3 , z : K : i t v > - 'JiUI schooU in T w in FalU. MemorUl Lui [lo Valley Ju n io r aeademT. hiTt prepared 1 B ell home a n d other inuUDs In tbe cll; lU from the seventh and tlih lh gride* n )U CUdi (o r paUenU a t Magte Valley Mec

* * * * *

al Scliool Tots Mak I Gifts for Shutin 1ttsorshlp of th cw ard ’s scliool; WUUrd ]d Uie Twin P alU Magic Valley Junior ac U* of M em orial R uth Wink and Mrs. c , Edward's C nth- MemorUl LuUienn u h cle Magic V alley ---------------------Istrlbuled po tted 'IT* >xtray figure, o f VlSlt Oli Ci

lenU a t H orton 's ^VaUey Memorlnl DECIO. Dec. 17—Mr • shuUns in the Clarence Villelle lefl Ti

visit In Coulee, Wash. . .b members a n d 'JlvlduaU donated Thursday for California.d in STe p r o J « ^ la ., p lan t p ro jec t _________'

uplU made the figures Irom for the fur. TJiey tlk* day a t Magicspllal, I l f ,Ung In Uie pro}- l l l f IMarlel, S t. E d- I H

n w ^ C h id

■NGovtng 8erive<

H A R R IS M U: S to ra g e

E 2546


T l i e M o s t T h n l h g ' G i f t o f A l l !


» v _ Z v j

S u p e r i o

W m c u r •

'S A S C O L O R

S e U t t h

a E D \ A t ^1 ^ 1 a t S CS S S S WITH THE H

T H /You will lind <* br»dihld(lfl m odim mounl plotlnum. Che

" yourm oiM r«o

9* . I H B

5 0 i f f l nt tT o u i 1 ^ 3 M B M y


Students to Aid S

Ul Lutheran. St. pIUL From le d a n spared pU ntj (o r academy: Devenie F be clly. St. E d . gradt, Memertal Ltil ide* m adt paper grade, St. Edwatd'a k »y Memorial bo*. (SUff pbote-esgravlt

* * —

lake Contract Br

in FolksilUrd K aufm ann, igalnsl Vemon W. C ilor academy, and breach of contract, u n . C. V. Hovey, The compU lnt iU t n u hoo l. signed a lease wllh -------------- ■ Peb. 5, IBM. (or prope

fl Coast ^ ‘V /V U O t. ^ 11,17-M r. and M n, u e , on Ja n . 1 .19M. lefl Tuesday for a Qarlon ■«>'■ the co

■ mine If the leesee U bB. KellosR lefl t r a d to conUnue pay

[om la-tosptnd the per monlh for the (la !lr daughter* and Harry Turner, Twin I

represenU Barton.

W u r i i t z e i ; a n d

l i c k e r i n g P ia n o !



I ^ E S A T I S I W I T H L E S S ?

r io r i n ;

. Q U A L I T Y

) R • B R IL L IA h ^ >

f h t r p r e t io u s


l in d o u r se lscK on m o st c o m p te r* . i ld d f lB c h o ic t o f a x q u i t l l t ly b e n o tjn t ln g s in w h ite g o ld , n a tu r a l g i , C h o o s e n o w . . . lo m a k e t h i i C hr » f r« o iu re d m em ory!

Shntias '

! l i B l i T T r T "a n Gsry ThUlten, Uilrd grade. Magle '

w Farenhelti. fifth grade, a n d Unfla Ltilberan school, and K arla Ann.Loe

I'a Khftol. Many stadenU participated li ravlogl

Breach Car Dit( >H h v S in t *

„ 4 , Triplett, ro u te 3, PUe on (lied suit Bat- com ;,i on a n Icy spe

road two miles norlh V. Oold*mlU> for » a i a„d w en t Into

.... 10:50 p jn . Prlday. T su te a OoldsmiUi injured. D am age to lUi Barton aboul ifont fen d e r and gi roperty a t lM-134 a ,,t*d a t IIOO, accorC esU The lease was pjii* county sherlll'a147. OridsmlU) h a s ------- -------.

vacate the pnm*K W I ^ h I ]

t court to deter- JU bound by con- payment IIOO

t baUnce of 1956. ■ t f s \ 4 ' I >]•'. 'In PaUs attomey,

------------------------ IN IN O U M D__________ S m P S T A K U■ ■ 1 ^ J U I T POR

N A M IN G TH S U tP iN O 01




.N C E

I N C B lH ' S - i MIRANCE

lte . . . in r v U g n S ^ Ibeoutiful T \V w 3 % r i

ll gold, or *iChriitmas jm M


. k ■

saStwtLtglo VaUey Junior nfla WhlU, sixth .Loeckert, eighth led In Uie projecl.

litcheddriven by Lee E.

, PUer. spun out ot y spot on a counly ■orih of Pl»e Polnu Into a ditch about f. T riplett w « not ;e to Uie c u ’s leli Id grlUe w u esU* ccordlng to a Twla . rllCa report ____

W fmU W IR 'SJ O t . e .R


>A G C2S


iGe Bl e v e m ;;-

. ^

Page 12: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

, New Building Is Erected for Annual Party

BOISE. Dec. 18 WV-When the pre tlden l of one of Uie world'* U rj* ea t construction flrma Uiro*» » compnny parly h f pulta out i l l the Ltop*. Ho eren build* hi* o*n b«ll*

.room .T hree <1*>» i l l t r the Jun wa* orer

It dliinnntJlni! crew wta sllll « l work Butxlky In the wake of the annual ChrU lmaa galbertng of oflleer* of

- - the-M orrU oa.K nuflicn company.A company crane aldled tip to ihe

rcaldenllal home of Harrj- W. Mor- riaon. company prtsldeni. (o wke down the hea\7 beams of a Km* porary building trecl«d f r ’ the occa* Aloa.

SpecUl BuildingT h e building, corulruclcd by com»

pany employes a week aso to ac- commodate *ome 240 bucsU, waa a l­m ost M big aa the MorrUon home Itaelf. which 11 adjoined.

Workmen looi two huge outdoor furnacM from a company warehouae In Dolie and hauled them W the

I . Morrison home, i They laid 3,000 atjuare fe tl of floor

board i on Ih t M onison Uwn, leav­ing holea (or the alinib* and treea. T hey pu t up wooden walls and nluminum celling, knocked four door# In the Morrlaon living room nnd Ilxed up a temporary kllchen In th e Morrison garage.

Work <)ulcklyAlmoet before the laat guest had

I l e u (hey began pulling It apart.

I ‘T h e house la In a mesa now," said

M ra. Morrlaon. "Bul then l l always t l thla Ume of year."

The (am e thing ha* been happen­ing every year excepl one since iD3fi. w hen Merrlawi decided lo play hast to hi* far-flung employes a l Chrlsi- m aa Ume.

•T he f l r s t f ^ a r we fixed up the , garage for <S," Mr*. MorrUon recalls. M '.T hen we built on to the lawn, and U finally we reached the aidewalk. I l

[ . keepa gelUng larger and larger."

Solon Sticks To Belief on

Cut for Debt;WABHINOTON. D K . H ITU-Rep- '

re*enUUve Mills, D.. Ark., said Sat- ' u rd ay hla Jtul-ended public hearings '

it on u x pollcy have convinced him he , j la rlgh l In advocaUng a reducUon of

th o nsUonal debl before Income 1 U xea are cuU I MUU, an Influential member of ,

th e tax-wrlUng house waya and , m eans commillee. heada a aenate- , houae economle itibcommlllee on tax ' pollcyi which Friday wound up two | weeka of hearings. He aald the aub- t commlUee'a findings will be an- ■ nouneed in early January. i

Emphaalilng lh a t he spoke as tfn ' Individual and no t for the aubcom- I

m lilee. MlUs told reporters he sees < no prospect tor any "net redueUon“ < In federal taxes In the curren t fiscal ‘ f e a r whleh b'III end next June 30.

“I am nol going to close the door * to lhe possibility of » u x reducUon | In fiscal 1SS7 (Uie year aUirUng nex t ‘ Ju ly n ," he aald. bu t eraphaalied , th a t If an anUelpaled U e u u r r *ur- plua actually la In alght on th a t ' d a te pa rt of It <houId be earmarked I f o r debt reduction. ■ '

*{ ‘T h e reduction of the naUonal , L d e b t In Umea of peace and proaperltjr | i Bhould have priority,** he aald.

'T h a t may no t be good poUUea, i b u t I Uilnk It U good judgm ent,'' 1 M ills conUnucd. He Added he believes 1 hla rIeKs .w e "complcteJr -borne ' o u t by th e witnesses, virtually w ith­o u t exception," In hU tax policy « hearings. <

'"Jke OK, Says ; I Doctor After ■

Latest Exams(rr«B r*t*

t h a t he will resume fulf acUvlUea o f Uie presidency about Jan . 8.

W hile and three other doctora ■pent an hour and a ha lf tft Elsen­hower's country cjLkI« checking on th e President's healUi, going over tlie medlcnl recorda th a t have been kep t on him In Uie liust six weeka. n n d surveying tbe prcsMenUal fu-

Itu re from Uie medical point of view.

SllUng in wlUi W hite on th e con- au lu tlo n s were the Chief ExecuUve's personal phj-slclnn. Maj. Oen. How. n rd M. 8nyder; Uie u s ls la n t Whlt« House physician, Maj. W aller Tkach, nnd col. Tliomaa W. MnlUngty, chief o ! henrl senlces WalUr Heed . nrm y liosplUl In Wwihlngton. ‘

Hngerly brought Uie quarU t lo I th e lemporary White Hou.i« prew I room to reporl their finding* and i recommend.illons, ^

r7^n ii^N E w i~ W A ffr a d s . It




i«of (ujf (Inor. Bi/t I tlf fruif Iftjreflitnu.

mndtrful for n l |l i t oitchefs.

- K R E N G E L ^ S H

_ P A G E T W ^ V E

Strange G

i f d y - 'S- -i :s mMual ‘ v»of x a l *UiR'^VSlI "lik

lhe K E I r ^ ; ^or-Ikem-

jorlUtlhe "*

Export goodl from IlrlU In, like oor power lhat I i busy building ichooli »v- a n s j . (NEA)

* * * *

§ Mystery-Man E( Immense D o i

LONDON <NEA»—Brllons have . , j yet to see Sir Anthony Eden In ac-

lion sa prime minister. Now. five months after a Uiumplng Tory vic­tory a t Uie polls. Bir Anlhony re- mains something of a mystery, like a publle monument ye t lo be un-

“ I veyJed.The Irony Is Uint Eden, whose

IU, career has been devoted lo for- 7i. elgn aflalrs. should suddenly find “ rt himself heading a government beset H by grave domesUc problems.

And what problems.[a the / I n t plaee. th e birth o l the

Eden govemmeni laal April passed unannounced by llie pre^s for the simple reason Uial a ll newspapers were on sWke.

The transfer -of power from Bir Winston Churchill to Eden coincid­ed with Uie greatesi wave of indus-

k f trial unrest Britain h t s knoan 4lnee the general strike In 1928. Strikes

•n. on Uie railways. In th e docks *nd J l. mlnea Uireatened lo paralyze Brll-

aln’4 enUre cconomy,^ 'That Eden was able to weaUier Q. lhls storm was largely dun to good

‘ teamwork on the pa rt of his cablnel ' colleagues.

B ut what doea Sir Anlhony know aboul domesUc a lfaira, his critics

hd u k . He may know where Tlfll* is and w h it Roosevelt sa id to BUIln nl Y tiia , bul docs he know how to run

w'o I buslne»7 Does he know anyUilng lb- about balance o t payments and the h ' ibseniee rale In Uie coal p lu ? So

runs the argument, i n W hai his criilcs fo r |e t Js th a t n . Eden has hnd more ac tual business ■es experience than Churchill, lo whom

economic* were "ihose damned •«1 dots." Eden was a d lrcclor of . the

Westminster bank during the war, Jof and he made a point in speaking In on economlo debates belween IMS and

IQ&O.;.rt Unavoidably the naUon haa aeen „ IllUe of Eden aa prime m lnb ler b«-

cause parliament haa been In aum- mer recees. B ui the prim e mlnlater

° haa used Ihia interlude to brief him - , m U on Uie naUon’a tnost presilng

n k d s , calling in hla cabinet minla- U rs one by one for u lka .. No .British govem m ent alnc* the

ca, war (whether Labor o r Tory) haa t," had the forUtude to -le ll lhe British I res public thal ll Is making lUelf alck’ u e on toff.much InfUiJon. ■h . I t h u been lefl lo th e Eden gov*, ley ernmenl (o adm inister the castor

oil. Asd by now the slluaUon calls for heroic doses.

Britain's alckness can be diagnosed, simply enough: Too m uch money ts chaaiog too few gooda; loo m any. Job* are chaaJng loo le ir m en. The remedies are obvlou.* enough: C ut' down on spending and boost p rodue-:

; F b l o 6 d 1; ; i s a lw a y s n e e d e d

S B ei donor'■ + ' ■ 1s's ■ /- CALL RED CROSS NOW!h. *------------- :— ;---------------------------'

The bloodmobilc .<<lops a t lh e American L c j j i o n hnll

10 from 2 to fi p. m . M onday.; u Blood donor;;.cnn phone th e ' ’d Red Cross nffice, 101, o r M rs.

,Zi(a Roache, Red Cro.'t.s .secre-' s. I ta ry . .1188.


r C O R N E R

Kredm KraxViniils or Chocolile. Creim

•fillint bel»ein wiler thm ctjckttj. A delleiQut low A O r

; Citwn irtjl,

»• w e G IV EU N ITED ST A M P S


Competition C

I m t i ' i7 ■ - e sl^

fl>' Uer

' to> har

- J Uie




^ Ihcwhl

' t i r t trlamai

:ke tb fie r a n , m uit compel^ Tor man- 3 | lools. houus, nucleir power p lin i i ind

* * * * I Eden Is Facing omestic Problems Jave Uon. while making more workers ^ ac- nvallable by ellmlnoUng som^ exUt- five Ing Jobs.»!«• But no governmenl h.ia hari the u|g; re- courage lo slip the public lhls biller ,. like pin. Chancellor of the Exchequer un- iinb BuUcr has tried to curb con-

sum er /ipend/ng by {ieJuenlng up on Loae bank crcdlt and toughening up on 'o r-]l^itnIlm ent buying. “Ind But he may have to increase pur- iset chnae laxea and Introduce a com- .

prehenslve sales lax nlong American fl.,, lines before hc L< through. These |

y , , men-iurea are bound lo be unpopular. • „ aed Rather belatedly. Bir Anthony . the Eden has begun lo take the ptople J" lers Into his conlldence. warning them. “

"We are irj’lng lo do loo many "j!* Sir things a l onee."■Id- Some of the things; New houses,

new schoob and super-hlghsays; „ fiee efectrlfylng her mlJways; developing ' kes nuclcaur power; mnlninlning her ind nrmed force* and arming them wllh ^ ‘ rit* Uie mo.1t modern weaporw.

At lhe aame Ume Britain is aim- tier Ing a i a high level of ex p o rt, a high nLit Md level ot cnplLil Invc.Umenl and a stre

tiifth standard of living. UieSomething will have lo give. So cult

low fnr the Eden governmenl hn* avoid- calc •le* ed a *ystem of priorities; but soon, ..c

Is In consuluUon wlih labor and man- j , , , n l agemenl, l l will have to dcclde which ,r,‘ ,

•un Uilngs come llrat.Ing The problem facing Sir Anthony Uie u OS much psychological as It is eco- Bo nomlc. He must overcome Uie na-

Uon’s fears, as well as restore lli con- tj la t fidence In Uie fulure. p t jess r e r Uie past US yenrs B riuin has y . om been engaged In a daring social ex- led pcrlmenU A country impovcrLihed . . . . the by two world wars and gteally “ ■ar, handicapped In eompplltlon with Hie _ In new glanc powers, she hns been try-

>nd Ing 10 se t new sUndarda of social •ecurlly and of full employment.

b«- ACTRESS IS nonBKD m- LONDON, Dec. 17 ifl - Burglar* H, te r broke Into the London npnrUiient Dun m- o t JUlJnn fJJm a c lr t« Pier Annell nelt. Inf Priday n ight and made off wiUi Jew- grad lla- e lry worlh *28,000. td o

lh e 1 ^ —


J Your'one an ’ the one and

3: s I d e I i'he .


e- ■ I \

■I [ t h e


ChiefWarns Pedestrians,

T.F. Drivers.petwna »re*'bound lo get caught In , Uie croiswftlk when Uie light chang­es from "walk" to ''wall" bul u r g ^ persoai no l to sU rt icross when Uie signal b against them.

In untifig drivers to exerel^t pa- Uenee and cauUon G lllttle pointed to Uie dangers of making a right hand tu m . W hen Uie driver receives Uie green "go" signal and plana lo make t righ t turn, Uie pedestrian aUo rectlvcs Uie "walk" signal to cross Uie Mreel. The pedestrian then walla Into the path o l the ear.

One. woman became Indignant when an otflcer requested her to relurn lo h tr -place on Uie curb when he caught her trying to cross (he street ngalmt the light.

•■Ifs belter lo wall a mlnule, • whether it's lhe driver or a pedes- Ulan. lhan . in take a chance of making a tragedy nf Christmas for some family," Gillette said.

Solon Backs Spending for

World PeaceDENVER, Dee. 17 Ifl—''A success­

ful campaign Ior permanenl world peace can only be waged Irom a poslUon of relaUve aUenglh." Sen, pi S tuart Symington. D„ Mo., lold the oi Denver American Legion Saturday ni night. I ,

'T h e am ount of money being re- quested for nollonsl detense by this f admlnlstrnUon U nol the moal Im- V , p o ru n t mailer." Symlnglon said. "The quesUon of overriding Import­ance Ll how does the current de­fense atrcnglh of the Iree world com­pare w llh the great and growing military atrcnglh of lhe Soviet Com- munlstrt and ihelr salellltes."

'■/ btf^ion <iall»rs mare ar » blVlon dollara Is nol whnt we wanl mo.M to know." the senator added. "All eul Amerlcnns hnve lhe righ t to ask: la dw this country uklng adequate ateps lo defend IL-icIf against the growing . ConimunLH aggre.vlon?"

"Btrength Li relaUve. In other words. In a ball game is ll beller ^yv lo have three runs when your op- yjp ponenu hnve two. or six or seven? ,vbj

"We now know tha l the Commu- Ing nL ts nre so fnr ahead of us In strength on the ground and under Uie sen ihnt ll woi’ld be very dlffl- u u cult, if nol Impos.\lbIe. for us lo qqo catch up. g

"So our only chnnce for odequale defense lies on top of the seas—and above all, in lhe ilr."

Signing SlatedHAOERMAN. Dec, l7-.Hagerm an

RTA will sponsor Mrs. Irla Short,' Wendell. co*nuihorr.w of 'Tw o Towels nnd an Orange," Thursdoy nltemoon In the Hagerman Drug

Ttie books have rceenuy arrived {rom- the publUher to tbe PTA com­mittee.

GRADUATES HAILEY, Dec. 17-Cpl. Dean U ,

Durrcll. son of Mr, nnd Mrs. Ken-1 neth BurreJJ. Hnllfj', recently graduated from the noncommlsslfln.; td offlcera academy In Hawaii.

E C T G I F T !

\nd o n ly ’. .. id o n l y . . . I n e r *

^ a

1 ^ 0

nJ o

S E V E ST E E S ■

Iri w h ite on ly w i(h gay

p la id o r fu rq u o iso

lin in g . W o sh o b le . T h e

g i f l every g irl w an ts .


x m s I



'Thi* picture of » prelly Chinese girl prli« In • New York piclure eonUsl. only h a i to iludy hep regular ichool It nei« I d e r elasses. Her father. Sing I writing Chinese characteri In th tlr Bro

Census Tally In Gem State i ti Is Questioned

r .M oiit) !realdenUal elecUlc users, nnmiKrl-; uj cultural employment nnd urbsn dwelling unit* built In speclllcd cr years. ;

According to lhe cen.iu.1 bure.iu'a[ November esllmale. Idaho hns gained only 17,000 peraoai aJnce 1550. rad Wyoming, with an Increase of 13.000 Arl) reported during Uie w m e five years. 000 wn.? the only mounUIn aWU show­ing a smaller gnln.

MonUna'a populaUon haa Jumped j| trom S8D.OOO lo 028.000 since 1D50; ch i u u h h.ia g.ilned 80.000. Nevada 59.- ()#„ 000 ftnd New Mexico 101.000. Don

Slotes In the mounUln division the wllh the greatesi Increase were Colo- car.


U n t i l

■ K l

J p D

■ - J f. CO N TR O LL ED SUE

M okei W o ih c r i Pe rfo r/n t


E C O N O M IC A LN o G u e i lin g — M cQ luro \

Y o u r D


I520 Soutl

s'Study ■ ■ " ]

le girl dolag tier homework won f ln t ilesl. SIx-year-oId C lalot t t e n g not hool Ituons, ahs'i a lio le tm ln c Ghl- King Uong, took UiU pictur* of her Ir Brooklyn home. (NEA)


Red FacedEL PASO. Tex., Dec. 17 Oft-

They laughed when BanU Claua

1 slepped out of hla helicopter yesterday nnd when San t* benl over he ww why.

HU pnnla had dropped to hla < nnkle* nnd expooed two pillow*

'*; used tor padding, in "Ho. ho. ho.” Bantn ad libbed td grncetully, "1 left In auch a hurry

thU momlng I forgot to h itch up . 1 my panU good."

!a rado. with a boost of 201,000, and00 Arltonn, which Increased from 7«,- rs. 000 in 18S0 to DMJWO In 1B5S,

CAR DAMAGEDJd HAILEY. Dec. 1 7 - T h e I8<9

Chry.iler ot Alex PUher received IIDO damage Friday evening when Mr*. Don Bpeneer backed he r c a r from

in the curb and collided w ith P bber 'i

f E N T S D

1 L a t e M

J f a


SUDSor/n o t T op E ffic iency


lu ro W h o t Y ou N ee d • '

j r D e p e n d a b le A u th o r iz e d

1/ ^F U R N . - A I

auth Main

' Extreme Care UrjTrees, Decora

■ . r , t t ' S S ,

r»zsvs';/."f Lftcwoers, P lre Chief L. 2 “u f e ■! warned Saturday.

The pltch.and-resln-inied ir,^ 1)tr e Ignited easily w d bum ^ly. he noted. The m on ih^f ber aiwaya brings . shar^ i n S '' la. Area, ciosC of them cau.-,M u ‘‘

- S'S’i.r"' ■W hen It la broughl In. sUnd ii

water away from lieai nnd do Vm let It block an exli. Be sure i-w ^ Uical decoraUons are In good t„n‘ dIUon and when purchnsinc Ught corda look tor Uie Undcrwru! era L ataratory w al on lhe cord c

Provide a awlich some dijtanr. V from the tree lo turn ligbu, on r otf and decorate only with fireproof l ornaments. .

He said elecu-lc trains Miouia i, never be ae t up under a U rt nor *

I Blue GrassI J

II f t '' I r * \

: IId S

. p Angel lioldinp«.2t>z. bol ^ fume .Mist (a heavier rnr

LM iM ).{ 3 .0 0 :M )-U eo r

« C IT Y I


M a r c h , I

I $8f o r y o u

> w a s h e r b r a n d nc


AUTOMW a s t319.95 N O W i

N of a S trip p ed -D o w n M odel I A u to m o tJ c , W o te r S e v e r . . . BUY N O W — F IR S T PAYM

F R E I;ed G e n e ra l E le c tr ic Deal

I P P L - T VPhone

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au- --------^

rll- RMMfli [.

net hsvt been.nd p u t, a i l *

*hm R s *

assPerfiinie 1

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z.boiileorBlueCruiFs,‘r rnncenlriie thin Flois 'ieorO nD it,|3 iO „ . . . H

DRUG JPhon, 60 ■

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1I, e 3 7 « J

Page 13: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

■ Jlf f t l l B t . l S . 1855

Council I—

Valley'^ 5 .atten d ed

- .......................

hl*h MM ik

» " S ' j ' 7 ' ’ ■

I ' S !. M '

^ / ' Ctrrrit Ballty.

^ a , r / n =

l l^ o r ir tr ru r? ot M Eiudent

*^r»U of n«-eounclli.

ot lhe

S d t n l ' * ««^on ,«lT U h 'l ‘<‘'^ ^ f '" '-W A b*nqiiet * “ iTii Ihl" EU« dining

b ' rrrnontr* (or the mm>n Block. Ml^l- ^Utn «'» cl'''*'', Biilcr CommunityM t r Kueh B«k U ^ D f A

„uAie darlnc H V A^{unililird fay Ihl'^ tirlne rnMmbli-

crt, dunns th r rw - aWiWi. tfcrcUry of *f/j. Colli-r nf Id«-iTiijh**'. WendfU: -

I niriifl'l- and ArJ»y ■

imcoat’c k H o m e

lliiHiesotaa . DM. 17 wv-To a H e r e ’s wl-rtJi In the *plrll of , , , ,£11, Rlchsrd T tnne- p c r ie c t til ui lo fipUIn "myjHtcUon to llie torn- S U IT im e rt l

Mil f»rm boy. who W lS e S tv l lirid hlmielf »n » lh t- .kti), befort » cike g ev c ra l arUlt lorm of »n openlotchufch *omen. S p a r k l i n gUlloru from Scrlplure * °I former Mldlrr. uho rUUon afler lhe Ko- tcthlsfallhlnO od. rtjudhw lllitylort*

liUirbtd hU mother yiiie tH yfluSS».T(n- r-'*?..'."'*' i ' j confosfd <Ut4 of ■ •

E9tt.>'hnji( unrp lu t- PCTJide lhe youth to lud Friday mornlnt ^ olft plane In Min- r r i lhe hope he would 'I God.c l ti-»rmy private.(jlheevmlW /u lt he St(criu.'ed Into Hons id iMlow to explain

s s ; l / G R A N Ineutne rxplnlninc losuid In me iivine ' w inninc liailj firm home. "Inrkow to approach, r O ur coaldrei^wieniArjrt my aide InHucnced nK ll dAnI know u h a l able, crenae-w BOW and I don'l w ith allcei o

, Todd prlMwi— — ■ - ’ 13 to 30 »nd

nal Sets Yuletide

II S o l d i e r s 2 . f u l l i

Det. n lift—Frnnel* b u rs fin■Jn U rn mut« by

i“S 'pTcu.r« wS

*»U1 tornimir around «‘.U!i In jjpfln. Ok-

ri,i1tpplne«.^•noi, Karachi. Bel- ^ ABfrlwn hanea In

»111 rrUirn to

'« h'»lw) « niiid dla- 3 . FA N FA!“ okfn »liiptnenu of to fo«h

tlcihlns fnllK l- ®:«»m!u.nrt Allneal- . . ,- ' ‘ ir.fHiv. 'An « c ltln j» l

»'xilil ri.iebriti* ahlriwalflt, TI'f door* In C ohim a-i lusevr ^ „ u 'n r t

« C h , i . i m '„ ^ K Ik lrt. O rty. I

b d e r ls ■ . < "W Patient


If lhe pjychlnlr^- ;T;; Mciwi.

h'«ni!.il fftiir

."T S;( t v . .^ ’Ofome tax


^ J ’la n n c d m | | | |candle- - -


“udito.S4‘j"M*y. Director . M

Chlralmu /

^ ^;wilon o f ’t'h '



w hat w inter-w eary wardrobe t this minute and ju s t what y ;rtime. There is b ig news in tyling,'the f la tte rin g fit. An 1 and.never break th e budget! ing.

r ^ ias Sl


n in g ,h o n o r s fh ree s e a s o n s long

:drea.Y w ith « bcnullfu) borw* In l u labt !d nubbycord cotlon F t lic t by Pilot Mil ;n*«wni, never aet.i «n iron. Spi e i of white plQUr. n vrry *tand-ofIW i eo ittwrap.^ It In red, blue, c re tn . hrowtj or | •nd lo 34'i.

LL BLOOMsfing w ith sp ring f re s h n e s s

violet thl.l . . . m r Tonl TixJd cotton la' i lo pick rlKht now. In awcelen every feal! j r l Ilx dellclnu.^ Ions lln« b u n tj Into Ilte b irduye p h u t overcollnr Hdda to the ■d Collon’a llttir nr no-lron print, wnah ren8t-rr.ilaUnl. Miilllcolor flowera on bli ;harco»l. S l?« 10 lo 20.


Q shion in li;s trous p la id

njilnltrTirelftllon nf rvrry'body'i flrM lo 1, Tonl Todd mnkM It .«omtthlnc to nhou I lustrou* London luxiirlnu* blencotton: nurprislnRly Miirdy on wnshday, <l»lanl. Vflrtl-llrH . vnkr rucktd nnrt vr (y. lunjuolae. rose, piirplr o r brown, Slw;

______________________ T U t E S - M C T

4 .

| . ^ 1

l «I L i lII J A N U A tBILEEobes are longing fo r—fresh', exci t you will need to carry you bea in the easy-tocare-for fabric.s,

And the prices a re so light you’ ’t! Come now while the collectio

7 9 8seen in GLAM OUR and SEV]



J p r in t 'n p lo in •](

fabrlc-lw trd* Our alcek aheath duet IMllU. W nah- cocktflll-nun drew, »omeSprlni-bound RnmbllnK rose print <et i

1 collar. Tonl inn Corllcelll'a llnen-looor cold. Slu.> th n l waahea to perfectli

doe^ It In brown, eold org O f i b ’ue. or blue on pint0 . 7 0 ftnd HH .to }4>t,


.x c i , . m . n , , , o i,Itfl t w hlrllnsthe firework*. . rnw'P»rabIe-you and V

•nahable. cooj- , - t l i e minute you allp Ir 1 black, brown. . pin tucka. the bodice ac

broldered ball frtnRt.- L

7QQ no-lrnn combed cotton * 7 0 A wonderJul buy In tiir

c r nnvy. filtci T to 16.

t lov(< — thn W e In v itehout about in , .

t o X t X - i.D. c h a :1 vrr\' full nf

3 0 . b a y 9 „ ,

f d M B M d r t o i m a i s i i i i

. ,BE A Bl

' ' Call The

m s . T W m F A L L S . I D A H



xciting dresses, beautifully into C.S, the fashion* ou’ll take home •:tion is new and

nd 8 .9 i3V EN TEE N and on “T H E


1 ’jock e t drsss

let I h i t live* two Ilvu—aomeUmei u % ometlmes «i a wondexful town costum*. <et off by m atchinf lolld touchu. Beld* i-look n y o n , crlip, cuctunbcr cool f ib r il ection *nd shuns wrlnUes. Tonl Todd Id or blue roaei on n i iu r i l trotm d: pink pink; m a tch lnr Jacktli. 61us 13 to 30


J i t t in n o c e n c e

d Vicky Vmiiihn'i lillJ«>Blrl-loolc collon Ip into It. Pull AklrtMl and iplc«<l wllh « apftrlccd with » flurry of VdnUe em- I.' Lowensteln'i Good Behi»lor UUle or :on brondclolh thn l refuaei to wrinkle, tilrquolse, gold, rtd , periwinkle, copper


te You to Open an


90-Day - Installm ent

$ 9


le Red Cross No\^!

A :6 ,fu * tg c i 6<u^

Twin Falls



tb rli

pink 0 30




, M aii 01 and re

: IDAHO DEPA: T W m FALLS,J P le a s e s e n d nrn\ J u b i l e e dressc;

\ N o . o f O r e s i

I N.ME .. . ; .......

A D D R ESS .......

t c k " * i- c I t y ..................

; ( ) C h o rg e

s I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

3. 2.

oirders will be i returned s a ^ e

DEPARTMENT STORE ALLS, IDAHOn d nne fh e follow ing V icky V au g h n Iresscs:

b r c i i I Q uon tlty i S i io ! Co.Io

1_________ I_____ II_________ I_____ I ■I_________ I_____ II I ■' I i ■

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......................................... ..EA G E .THI


K v ';'v ;

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Bi filled promptly 5 day received!

h n o n d T on i T o d d J u n e in Jonuo ry

:e.lor 1 2 n d C o lo r C ho ice j Price

i • • I

• r . 1...I .______________ I

i - . I - _________________ I

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uory ; ■

•• :■

ier . • , . .

Page 14: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Probe Slated For Aii’-Auto

I RoadMishaj(lie road to uu rn nifltorlsU h f w* KOlnc to try to lAOd. He h«d bee; flylnc a t 40XKX1 feM. He u td hi tuCSd and cyrocompau t»lled an th a l he wna unnble to Ke the hght nf tlie Twin F illa tlrport, He wa Ilylnc trom Wllhflnw «lr force bM in Arl70na to MounUin Homr.

Coming In tor » Inndlns on th htshwjiy. Seiler m u it h*ve pmse beneath hlsh powered electric unei Skid marks on the road Indicate h liindfd but apparently M nr-O i Sm iths' nutomobile ahead of hlrr n e RppnrenUy npphed ih r brnkf on Uir plnnr. which wa* racln alone fll 100 mllea an hour, bul wn unable lo »low lhe nlrplnne rnouRl to nvold a crnsh.

Tlie pilot then uppnrently too the je t back tnlo the a!r, hlltlng th Sm ith Car with a wins of the ti r plnne an hr pawed over.

T iir Impact ripped ths lop nit lh nu tlon wnton ond hurled the ca

I Inlo ttir dJlfJ). Thfi alrplnne dli’C' into th« ground on the right dd nf Ihe road and ripped through th Mgebrunh tor approxlmntely 30 yard#. As ll cnme to a itop, lhe air plnne epun around nnd headed bac' /.oiitli. T hr Impact tore o tt lhe lel wins unk-

Btflte Pntrolmnn Eugenr Haglc lnve(llR«ted lhe cm ih . Membert o lhe national guard a t Jerome wer

!I sen t to guard th e wreckage Unll fl four enluied m cn from Moiintali y Home could arrive, n Mr. and Mrt. Sm llh and - theiI I dnughter were taken to Magle Val 4I Jey Memorinl hoepiUl where BmlU f l waa irM ted n j an out patient. Mn U Sm ilh and the ir dnughter remalnet M a l lhe hoaplUl overnight tor obAer I I vnlion.

Change in Judge j Brings Objection

In Denver ActionDENVER. I>cc. 17 tfl - ObJectlonj

to a change In Judge* were made In a moilon filed Priday by court- appolnled altomey* for John Gil­b ert Q rtham . 33. accused ot dyna­mite bombing an airliner thnt car­ried hU mother and O o then to denth.

T h t —lawyer* aaked th a t DliU■ Judge Edward J . KeaUng. who pre- N *lded a t G raham ’* arraignment

D k.'S . continut on the c u e . Under routine rotation procedure* cf the Denver dUlrlct court bench, Judge Joseph M. McDonald, 38. U due Jan. 3 to .receive the criminal court a*« jlgm nent includin* G raham ’* cue .

] G raham h u been ten t to Coloradom ptychoptthic hospltAl In Denver for a 30 dty* obiervallon aa a result of■ h u plea- In Lhe cow. He plended I Innocent and Innocent by lentoh ot M Jnsaalty to m urder chnrgc* In the I fi death cf hU molher. Mm. Dnlale E.

King. 55. She wn* abonrd the U nll­cd Air Une* plane th a t blew up and

I craahed near Longmont. Nov. 1. •

Temptation Cited For Tax Returns

IDAHO FALLS. Dec. 17 IfW-Thers ' Is a grent temptation tor IndlvlduaU

to submit Incompleta U x rtU irni.

! • - the MUlhenalem Idaho U x IniUtute wa* told Saturdny.

Leilie H. WaJd. Denver, a law- yer who jpeclnllM* Jn U x fraud eases, lold the Institute a new method hn* been evolved by the internal revenue aervice.

He *ald the method con*l*U of the seneral evaluaUon o t an Individual's u se U a t the bcgln^ilng of a given period, nnd then a valuaUon a t a inter dale.

V He u ld nn Individual muat ac­counl for hin meihod* of tcaulring hla nsoncy but th a l the burden of proof In any ca»« of fraud Uf* wilh the federal govemment.

V/nlrt said th n t enforcement ae­Uvlty l» on the Increase.

Approximately 150 attended Uir two-dny Insliluie.

T n u t fund* and pension plann were discussed by Thomns n . Wn- Irnta. professor ot law a t University of Idnho, a t Uie final sea.nlon.

Fellow Students Financing Jaunt

WILLlAAfSTOWN, Moju., Dec. 17 MWDunne S. T . Yee. 19, 1* going home to Honolulu for the holidays becau.v hLn fellow studenbt nl Wll­llanw college hnve the ChrUtmas spirit.

•Vee, a ;un(or„M a frwhmnn ad- Ttvr. Some of hU fre-\hmen con- l.nclA dcclded to try and raUe money lo lel Yee go home. A two-week col-]

, Ircllon brought enough money fnr a

i cnneh trip nnd Ycr'K IraierrJly add­ed enough'm ore for a flr*l clnw loundtrlp. ‘

So Sunday, Yer tnkr* nff frnm, Idlcttild airport in New York for,

Man Given Term I 'On Manslaughter

U K E C IT r . Dre. 17 (,fl_ T hird DiMiici Judc f D.ivid T Lrwu R.ilnr<liiv ^niiriicrri S.^ Dnn B. 0!:nn fit S.ilt Uikr Cily to 10 niniiih.". in Uir S.ill Lskr eounty Jnil a ftr r liis rnnvicUon of invrluntarv Miaail.iujlitfr In th f Iwi fichl n'l U nn E. Slifp,ird,

Shcp.ird, <7. dlrd s li fr « rinivn- lo«n flsh i ttiih oL'nn .lunr X Tlir Iwn Ind nrgiird in a i.ivrrn nnd then t>rni. nuuKjr in ,

T lir *Uiif orlsinnlly charcftl OLvin Wllh wcoiirt d rc rrr imirrtrr, Imt. ihr Jury broughl In a vrrdicl nl invnl- u n u ry man.ilniiRhirr,

W«'II T ake ANY



• SOCIAL or rVatcniflf- .. f l y

----- •COM M ERCIAL• DISPLAY ^ J D \ \

Tl>irx.NEB-« n tSCrUVINCOCPT. ^ Il J r

PH O N E 3 8 . M



been v 3 g1 h it

iiehu ' was base /

1 the ua ed line*. te he



took g the



dl” d dde

1 the300 2

> air* J fbnck y | j

Mr. antf Mr*. ClartnM timllh HBlrr aurrey C h rU tm u pretenU t l thcl r t of T he th re t narrowly mlatecwere a T U }el tra in e r craahed loto Iunlll * * * »ntaln




nontlon*nade,„ rt.Gil-yna-





W hat la M t e i Ifia SmJih*- aolo ! jpr >* read ied for han tln j awa: t ot ' * * * *

"ii F aith Expresse nnd Over Escape• IFrei* Pm . Ok.)

I car. whleh th e Smith* hnd owne I little m ore than a monUi. Mn

B m llh ,'a t f irs t unaware lhe plnn f lQ ws* n o t«sengtr craft. Mid. •■o

those poor people." her> Their dauRhter, Nancy Smith, i: u a ll who waa ridJnff In lhe rear leuL wn irni Icnocked unconscious. She could re tjitJ member no th ing of the near-tra jl

accident.Mrs. S m ith lauded Beiier for hi

n|* Union Seeks Pay a,. On Trip to Plani

lal's IDAHO TALLB, Dec, 17 LfJ-Lend Iven o f a union represenUng SIX It t workera a t cnsUrn Idaho’s naUona

rcaclor te sting sUUon wild S a tu r Hf. dny they would conUnue the ir ef'

flQ- fort* to gnln pay for Ume .ipent bj , o f th e w orkers in travelling to ,a n c

fl-om the rem ote pinnt.A-pnnel nppolnled by the naUonn

Inbor relntlotvi bonrd to study thi problem rccnmmended aa#ln.« paj Ior travel tim e. The recommendn­lion wx> jircaenled Ftldny r.lght K mtmbeia of locnl 654. Oil. Chemical

" " nnd Atomic Workera union.Lsmnr H ansen , president, *ald Ihf

'' '‘y locnl voted to •'continue our efforu ' lo get pny for trnvel time. Hanser laid tha t t>je recofnmenrfaiJori ol Ulf pnnel wna no t binding.

Tlie rtlfpiitr resulted in a five-day . slrllce In O ctober.

[ l l The w orkers are employed by rhilllps relro leum compnny. operat-

“ UIR contrnctor for the atomic energy “■s commlMlon on »everal projecU a t “>'* Ihr sUUlnii.

i !

“ *' p a i r © o - f *

fori f c > e a . t _ i i ; i - P u I

Jm R e g u la r ! ,

ml n l o r c l u l . c n l h c r i i '

a i f l - l - 'c x c j f o r o n ly

n f-'-'r.i 'i'nEih> *4 '®® «t'nn. fnr.liiim.Jone

J" .T b r (jnr»r n( ho«icr>- plii« the’!• r>( Ilpirick* for ilir pncr <1! rli

_ A Kljmcrr>in £i(i packj^r . . .th.ti r \c ty Rirl ttili Inve!


Survivors of Car


llh and ih tl r daaghtcr. Nancy Sm llh. 12. : Ihelr home a t 17« V tn Boren streel. Twin ^ d apenlnr Ihelr prewnt*. Friday n lgh l ■ Lo thclr 1154 C hem U t a u lla n wagon on

I f * * Jt.

.oloneblla after i t b td been b i t hy lha je t 1 iway by a wrecker. Th« a lrpU ne, whll* I

* * * i l r

sed in Statement le in Freak Ci-asli

nklll In handling th r plane, noUng sned there wna heavy north and south M rt. bound traftlc . She remembered a L ilane "great re lie f when Seller arrived •'Oh, a t lh* cflr. . P

The potenUnl sfrlousne.-w of thc I, 13. accident was compounded by the WAS heavy traffic. Mrs. Sm ith recalLi

. re- her hiwband had Ju*t dim m ed hi.' -agle llghu fnr an oncoming cnr and snld M

It wa.1 ''providence'^ they w err not wi h is h it while the ear spun around on in

------ th* hlshway. my»ney reetlm l severe hrnd tscer-

tUons snd minor coniu.ilons nbout wi I the hrad and face. AlUiough i;

n t Smith’s h a t snd glasses were knock- . ed off he siiiuined only abrasions »o

to the head and Mrs. Sm llh re- n n ^ celved minor euU and » s ll tt neck in “"** and back. • „ ™ The ml.'hap occurred ns the fnm- wi I by * “ Jerom e for a wclnl .n d __ ________________ «

16,000 of Chile’s " ,5*.!: Miners StrikingjSt to SANTIACO. CWlr, Dec. J7 Wi llcal The strike by 18,000 workers a t -

Chile’s big copper mlneji nhowed nn P the ^lgns of ending In IU fourth dny

TU" Saturdny. ©■ isen About 5.000 worker* abandoned

of their eump s t EI T en len te Minr. owned by n siitoldlnry of th e Ken-

day necntt Copper corporation, lo avoid po.ulble fompiiHory work a.i a re.iult

by ot Sflvernment cowcflptlon. A big ra t- exodui of workers from cnmp.i at. •rgy the Poirrrllloi nnd ChuqulcamaU

a t m lnrv nwnrd by the Annconda enm-, ___ pnny, sl^n wa« undrr wny. I

O h r j s t m a ^ g ^ i f 'V ^

r- j

J l l y ^ H e e r

I o n s ^

■ 1.65 V olu, /


'iy j

> 5

lhe fine^f'I rlif hixi’ery «|nne!

. . liiRli luliinn luH p tK ticaliiy ^

£ \ A ____

fn The Rogcrion_H otcl. .


ir-Aii*plane Crash

t , highway 93 north of Perrine M<mn In only minor Injuries even though thc h i ■ tn re lln g around 100 miles an hour ai m '’way.' liiUfr phatn-engraving)

>(. If * *

!t making a forred landing on the h lf e (hero. (Slaff photo-engraving)

i " " ~ • '•___ ___________— r

Clean Crook? ]•KNOXVILLE, Tenn,. Dec.’ 17

I nf —Officers snld n ihlef entered a vacnnl npnrim rnl Thursdny and stole nothing but the kllchen «

th *lnk. I

Mother Shot as , She Shields Son:

Is EARLINGTON. Ky.. Dec. 17 I J I- r Id Mrs. Louise Smllh. 3B. wns critically - 3t wounded Bnturdny when she alepped & 'n In tront of a pistol leveled a t her

The father. f5-ra Sm ith, «r„ * t It wn* chnrged wllh shooting wllh In­

tent to kill.> Coaslable J.AmM Tadd snld Uie IS son. Erra, Jr., 20. tnve this atory;’- The fnther nnd m olhrr brcnme k Involved In nn arRiimrnl ovrr orns-

mrnU on a CtirlJtmna trre thry I- w r r prrparlng.'I Whi-n th r son Intervenrd. Smllh

wariirrt him lo "Itrrp oul of ih l i” ond threatened U> M l htm.

Young SmiUi nald h it molhrr Jumped between lliem when Smith irodiictd a .25 caliber ftulomaUc and

rilirrii,' I Todd nald Uie ihn t h it her be-

>" W I L L I A M S

d O I L - O - M A T I C

F U R N A C E SH' SALES and SERVICE I Phone for FREE EST1MATI3 g Before You Buyl

BRACKFTT SALES' Twin Fallt • Phone 0Ul:-J3 ■' Filer • Phrtne 2(

i f ^ ^ X * o ‘f e \



.. j

0 P K X ■

.......- a i .i ,_>’e x x !\yy ,K K - MO.N’D A Y

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) ■ ' ' • T‘■'••I'llHBQi '

Kmnrfal bridge. The Smltlis reeelred ’ 1 the ir ear was clipped hy an airplane lur and altenpU ng io Und on the hlgh-

CM ¥ ¥ . * J



i'■a'lLUii.— L j r f ± i : - - hi


I hlfbw ay, aei down almost oa lop e t

Kraellan Troops ’ Rout Smugglers;y JERUSALEM, Dec. 17 tfl-A n Is-, n raell mlllUry spoktsmnn sa id 'S n t-;

urday Israeli tfoops clnshrd wlUi! J gun jvnufglcra esit of ihe G n u '

strip prldny night. HTill! iroopt woundrd nnd cnplurcd I

two Arab.1 nnd *ci;ed 13.000 rounds I f l of nmmunltlon.' sn offlelnl nn> I *• nouncemenl snld, snd seven others I »— r.^caped. - 7


' SEE ThN o w . .


lh ^ A \ A )1| - tS I \ / J 1rr f > i

1 \ 1 nd I l f \ ^ I i

V - V I h ^ i i A >\ k / i t / I I

• II

F . fTh« MoBnoionlc 210 'Full fnnvolt hijh Ciilclily phonnsr»rh 1 rf'form.incc ii s low lahlt moilcl rncc. I In riuhnssny. osV t'r f cticrry. In m.itiojiny

S 1 4 9 3 0

' AD R O P i N - S E ^ T

I L I N E O F M A G I '

-------------------T E L E V I S I O N

3 i 2 ' f 3 ( a a 2 f 3 i 2 ( 2 i 2 i 2 ' , a s ®

Coast Valley Oeans up in

^ Quake Seriei

BflAWLBV. C t l l l . Dee. 17 Ift Im perltl valley retldenla, cleanir up after th e most damaging terli

& of earthquakes here In 15 yeai learned S a turday the shocks mi

IW conUnue fo r M vertl dayi.,M More th a n 70 small to moderate:

strong quakes havc been te lt slni ^ the I lrst one a t 7 :« p jn , Frida j f l The heaviest thock. a t 10:18 p ji ■ 1 reached a m agnitude ot S.3. T^

s iro rgest ever reeorded'^anywhe)

H i No O n? n S r tk8 No Injurle* have been reporUR fl bu t resldenU o f 'va lley 'tow ns sal9 . Uiey were developing "quake legs

Selsmoioaist Charles F. FletehiM of the California InsUtute of TcchU nology said nine ot the tembloi[ ■ were of m agnitude ^ or over anH 30 of them were 3.5 or more.J T h e quake* could continue f<■ days, he sa id . In 1050. he adde< H damaRlng shocks occurred on thrr■ successive day* In the desert valle;■ mnde rich by IrrlgsUon. .H Qrawley, w ith 13,000 populnUol■ WA.1 the ha rd e st hit, w ith p ltte glu■ windows nhattered In a t leasi 2 H store.', wnll.1 and plaster crackc' ^ nnrt hundreds of dollnrs'worth n ffia m erchandise dumped from shelve ^ nnd $50,000 Damage Estimated:b- Mnnnger Wnyne Robertson ot th

Chamber o f Commerce e.itlmntc $50,000 w orth of damase In Brawle. nJone.

In nearby El Centro, a three-foo le tte r dropped trom a sign onlo 1 downtown stree t. Several building were cracked.

T liere were no brenk* In the ex tcnsivs Im peria l valley c tn al sys

Brnwley. m erchnnu helpei eacTV other restore order In thcl

• di.ihevcled nhop,i. Police Chief J H. Q nbard predicted buslne.u wouli be back to norm al by nightfall.

11 PerishPARIS, Dec. 17 i-fWElfvcn per'

sons perished and 13 were injured nenr Labe, French Gulnen. when * truck tu rned over on a wooden bridge Wedneadny night, the French New* Agency reported Saturday.

MRS. LUCE RETURNS NEW YORK, Dec. 17 (fl — Mrs.

Clnre Boolhe Luce, U, 8 , nmbn-wndor U> Ilnly. a rrived by plnne for Uie Chrlstmn* holldny* nnd sU te de­partm ent cofMUlUCfon*.



*2.50 to *59.50 'El SURPLUS,


irrs I Postofflce

t © s t 5 i © © e t © s i € i e t s t s t g «

THESE FINE Cw . . . E n j o y w o n d e r f i

s u p e r i o r ( o m o s l <

a t a n e w l o w

^ s u c h s u p ^ ;


; I

. \ = 4


^ S i 3 ' S ‘r S S i S i 3 i S t 3 £ » S d £ l

PTA Holds Meet n In Burley Schoo

' "'•5' In their homes.Includrd a uik ,u . since by Father Spear who i>

Tldty. at the LllUe Flower C a t lw l f c " pm . An operetu, " a Chruuna

, The *«> present«l by tlie n'tih wh„e cl*ase*. The solouu wrre____et.Ruth_Tate.and Mnril', /"*,'^ ■

Jtefreshm enu were sfrv.d .1SBetesfsteeis^gigig.

S I 3 3 1 /3 L Og J M A N TO V A N I CHlUm

J SJ CRAZY OTTO lUDES A nVtrt §S a l l - t i m e F.AVOIUTE' nwley ^ TED D Y W ILSON AT TI - fo o t© 'V a r 0 / B onds Conccrl—l I'? " ^ C anyon .Suite .md

” §5 C avnlleria Iluslicnnn —e ex- f f p le te ) ..............................sys- ^ N u tc ra c k c r Suite (1 nnd

elped ^ W A LTZ TlMI-:_Maninv, e'f*’' j ¥<t *’''>)■» <Jrfalvould Noel C ow ard a l J,.is Vej

D REA M Y DANC1N(;-S g D U K E ’S M IX TIIIIE.......

per. ^ 45-RPMeT? ^ m o m e n t s t o UK^JE.MOden Sk S uddenly T here 's A Vail


Mm M an In The Wnr ador g I T S A G R EA T L IF E -I

dc- 0 C H I L D R E N S 7 8 -— © S L E E P IN G BEAUTY.....

®f H O T CR O SS HUNS.......g f K IN G ’S TRUM PET.........© COME T O T H E I'ARTYg f D-O-G SPE L U S I)0(J.....© H opalonir Casaldy AndTt © B07.0 A nd T h e UirdB (pici

^ M A IL O R D ERS WEl.fO?

I Helen's R(@ 221 M ain Avenue Eaxt •

I p Ute O ur Convenlenl Rear Ealr

i g t e s i e i s i e t e i s t g t e t e s ! ®

C H R IS T M A S Gt r f u l h i g h f i d e l i t y t o i

I c o n s o l e s ( o d a y

] W p r i c e f o r

e r b q u a l i f y 1 1— ■

i ' ■ I w ' V

J . , 4 ^

i Your ow-n c.i-sy chsir become*\ \ concert'^hen you play youf Hi. [1 ' onthijouisianding.yetmodefit

T h e (ull ra n g e o l brought (0 you with linn | Jt below wbat you would expect 1 liilivc quality. ', Thc Symphoncltc ha» two 6‘ 5 ' high frequency »pe.ikef » amplifier, A prcci.<ion 3-Jp«c changer with aulomnlicihuipfl-


M m a g n l l lo t f 't

a g i i it h e g r e a te s i n a m t in

saaaissi5w >asisa»*



real operatic A r iu ^ ^ ^ B

P M s i n g l e s ” ' ®

lE.MBErUFouf U t l . ®

'cnn«.^ce E rnic .,.....^^B

7 8 -R P M (o1io" ^ J

id The H iu n te T G o U K fl (piclure album)

,fO M E-.A D D 27tf«tiH

Record S ll<t • I n W h U i ' i M o i BEalrtBct Off MrimJ h i ^ l

« « . : ■ ! *

.defiltlypti»*'“" ^ ■

Page 15: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

■s.’g r ^ ^ W

& J RIltuaci*:

s jlM 'c ” ' *

^ E f w " - i ' - i i w - d ' a .T b . , U « . ( U . .

^ ■ • • ( ^ A ^ J T i i r i T iW ln f* C h riilm M » J

B j l l “'p ;m < l >■- b m « - . I . M U » ,,« courL Another

^ R j ' . t S h e U a b l e U )

&Bi5‘S.K Hagerm ^ « 'o ‘r'S Addre^ s u ifntenced HAGERMAN. D< f S i count)' J»ll and n n « Atomic Enem o»f*UB» » *‘ by Em I HiToWMO.

tJw T tfi * “ »penker » t the“ j, lrt* WI bond and Q rte r ot Em Iot I ^ Kolcnee on u m . f h u n d a y evening


________ cem Jnj atomic cne” 7" XX I J ■ the advsncementa[lto Held-_EmestCK J7-yunffnl «er»- n l Arco JmI July,^ t Coin were con- history.

“ “ " “h T i i f S ? ■“ ' “ ”K # » v»te Induilriti. hc i*• L EvnW .»,< Insf tosciher to brlr » m b? FMnJt M d g jn e m tjn j po«.fr. ■n ,«n»nui *11 Mf«, ; t « m planti bulU

I« U HcndrI*. »>•Hiny Wnllfm. C. D.

li )Uh>n Dudley The «pe«ker enun n n p.Ul>e«rtra were nolorleal problen: r m Chsrie* V. Hnn- Klenti*t«. Amonff ( C lUlHrt, J. K. SU- lemi. he sold, an I PtiintT *nd 0 “ y fl- n ccem ry to build i

posol of the highly i Ten htld In Jerom e m ateriali and prol< __________________ nel- Amonc the eci

E x f r o , ^YOUNG'S I

Here are some really fancy t everyone ; . . every teat

Home Economics kitchens p order your holiday su]

" r o u

}(or. t7

' • S to^H our

lbs Twin F»lb ' pabUe U bm y entertained ■1 sto rr tln u hoa r S ttarday a fte n u en , u VoMcr. EdJlb D y ftrt u>4 Darethy Efa lhe f re q p Mrerml itailM u d pl>rcd no t

man Masons, OES ress on Atom Ener. Dec. IT — ‘-Peace* mentioned w u th hervy" was dbcuued tbe leac lo rt knd c MO. Twin PWIi. fOe*t "A t we deplete { ne annual M uom e of tenervU ns ele Item S U r bawiuel ~it be «upplei Ins In the MethodUt power in ItolaUd ;

where w ater U nol ,ve a ahort hUtory, of uae." a t o f thcoricj con* T h» ipeafcer u e n e rn . a remime of produbu of. atoml

:nt« made t j p « the beinf atudled. m wme dctttlla of the pm ervaU on. farrr

u»ed for p e « e lln » inj*i frow th. and 1 le i tm s e d Use use of U lleh l a clly. made ily, the f t r . t Ume In

leal numbers by n sommlwlon and pri- c laibom e. M arla ( hc SUted. ar* worit- T erry Palmer b rlns about uses for accompanied by \

■cr. Ten p e r eeol o t ognaJd ru c k e r i ulU by 19C5. Be pre- „ ,p o n se fo r the operated by atomic gj^fn ty Mrs, Ad«

Owsley was tnosl. n um era ted the tech- The doxolosy wns blems faclnx the *n)ompson. nff Che m a jo r prob- Introduced a l (

a re the materials Mr. and M n . Ooi lid reactors, the dU- shlpful. m aster o hly rsctlooetlve vast« lodse. AF and AA )rotectlon o f person- newly - elected wt s economic problems Mrs. Pinch, wnrll:

K C (j M o & C


1 efwelopa unfla cup sugar

Vi Isaipoon salt2 cupt comfflird(

M ix ^

n n | | H th ic k e nc re a m .' tw in in j

j 1 anvskip* unflovi

Sprinkli alowly, 1 no;> Arranse tg g n o f .

P a r t y t a o n o Q 'chilled w ith spool a n d a f e n e ro u s s ]

. F ru ited tggnognoK lo t a i t e wiU ap]>Io o r lomonac

S h e r ry fsfln o Onog w ith shciryi

y treats for the holidays. They aatc. And each recipe has been IS of the American Can Cpmpai supply o f delicious, Ireajny en

j m ' i

! ' I

ir Held at Library f<

/ r ' '> •»■ vttf e tefcined U eUldrett dur- f»»eh. Atl J o M ta . said City trb rarfaa oM kki wet«Etsds, cblldKn’s U> lan w ct u d procn ls^ware ea t in phane- W<raTtaf)

; i o u H aetrm an VaUey cha

Hear gsySEJf-;‘‘■■gyU^ssSTsI the exueo)» cost of g rtnd master o t Idi id equipment. Mrs. Barry Skjold. 'te the naturat souiw a depotf P »od m aster, eleculclty,- he said. Mrs. HaroldMn.

iplemeniw by atomic .The commltUe for I ed pUcM or in places ramements Uicluded nol avallsbie for tha t « n . chalmian. a ssis t

C hariu Robinson an■ «i(d « .a t the by- omlc energy aUo‘ ^ra

medlcsl iu a . food t« i» U « u l O rder of arm fcrtllUatkin. an- nd IndusUlsl uses.

r JTsd* Action Filed?nuihBcii*viiS^ OnBiUPala OravEs, iy s le Doy* etstewlde A djiu lm et ner and Ptle Woody joor causei o t aeU on ) ,y Verna Lee l^ t t . ts te S u r t aea tn st Ver «■ gave thp welcome; y»jK*iid ts aaked fi he E u tem S tar was of p rAdeline Finch, Merle to. Ooodlnc M em orial loslfr ot ceremonies, owed © r. M arloa KUn K'ns led by Mrs. E. S. tlo o t ''F e b ru a ry . 19U

m erchasdbe from Ui a the meettoc were AppJUnee com pany Donald Tucker, wor- May. HM, a n d $ 3 7 i • of the Hngerman Kelly and Son. Ooodl AM; Ivan Dunham, rial deliTcrcd. worshlplul mosier: WlUlara H. B akes, T

nrlliy matron of the resen ts the b u reau .

d o y \ ^ ( a6



iflovored gelatin 1 con (lb.-13 ex.]1 Vi leotpoom vanil

]|t V* laoipoon olmoiirdally prepared eggnog 'A pin! (I cup) hec

1 baked 9-inch pie theli

gelatin , s u ^ And salt in lutucepan. S tir ly imUl gelatin dissolves, sLininK o f te n . Cb lened. Fold in I H cupa fru it c ock ta il, fla\ m. T u rn in to baked pie sh e ll C hill w ell. I ling fru it cocktail. J 9-ineh pU.

F B 8 T I V B E O O N O O B A V A N

flovered gslotin 2 cups comi8 podcQged ta'dy (ingars

nkla ic la lin ove r 1 cup eggnog; le t sU n d ly , stirring, u n til gelnlin has dissolved. Adi Chill n n ta ly n ip y . B oat w d l w ;th r o ta r y o nge lady fingers around sides of foxir deaM rog m i x t ^ . Chill un til finn . 4 tervingi.

H O L ID A Y B O O N 0 O 8 - O n e f o r e

o g - S c r v e egg n o g well w ine p e r quaiwonfuls of w U ppodcrdm i c j , o e o l o t e Iisspnnklm g o f nutm eg. , g p , o s t o t a s

,o g - F la v o r chilled egg- j Wilh f ro « n ornnge. pme* n a d e c o n c c n tr tU . , apri

lo g -F l f lv o r chiUod egg- s h a k e walL S n y , allowing one cup o f. n u tm e g . Mak

ley're sure to please ■en tested and approved in the pany. To be s'ure of tho best^ fimooth e g g n o g t o m . . .

S U A \

T ra iE S - N

forQ iildren

1 ta d i ^ c CbrttUaas carets aad after s4, f>qV«lder safd (h« staff was weti p;«a Ja*d mere stanrtlfBS b e a n tn tba fn ltin . (

Russians Hsdistrict deputy « r * . » •

.be fourth dlstrlcl ‘ V l P r n r V 1 r Idsho: Mr. and J>a»U. Jerome, p u l MOSCOW. Dec. n U

Idsho; Mr. and gorem m ent Bsturdaj Id. Ooodlnc. p u t admUdon ot 16 ntw Iter, aod Mr, and the Unlled NsUons u

Soviet iDjUsUve."'o r Ihe ceneral a r- The dommunUl i led E. a . Thom p- carried three eolmnna islsled. by Owsley, conunect from Sorie

and Tucker. en ts In Budapest. Oui I served by mem- New Delhi, Home, Ps rm sn bethel. In* capllaU. of Job's Daugh- The Soviet preM tr

been trumpeting that_________ o t the new members t

T Y r * "defeat for the fed llBre BrltUh ad»ocstes ot t

Paymentsijon Pridsy in pro- ^ »Vernon Fairchild. Buy T he P re u

■d for payment of W an ts M o if promissory note

n a l hospital; t m A k J E U / C l lfCUncler. Ooodlng, 1 ^ C TT i# l I leU ; »65.71 for

UQUld O u and UberaJ Trade-Io ,n y deUverea In o i x t / p d op»37 i5 owed E E S IN G E R S E \oodlng, fo r mate- M A C H IN E

Twin r.11.. ,ep -|I.

\ S { j J i i k

9 % ^

IO O pm ^ox.) fruit cockloil, w s i droined C

vaiuna Ailmond •x trec t • JI heavy crsom, whipped • ^

Stir in eggnbg. H e a t. Chiil u n t i l p a rtia lly ^f la v o r in p , w hipped Q |

II. D ecora te w ith n - * *

'A R IA N ' f l

eommercJaliy p repa red soBw g JI • &

ind 6 m inutes. H e a t • • jAdd rem ain ing egg* ^

r y or eledT ic b e a te r. V _oMrt dishes; fill w ilh .

i r e v e r y t a e t a W;

quart o f eggnog. *

t e I g g n o g — F ln v o r chilled .VI ta ste w ith d iocoU td syrup. ^

figgnO fl '-C om bine 1 quartggnog a n d 1 con (V.i ox.) ^apricpta fo r b a b ie f B eat or .I I S e rve w ith a sprinkling of A M a k ee 'a b o u tl q u a rt. f i



;-N E W S. T W IN FA LLS; ID j

Yule Prog ■ ■ I I I Given al

Blckel second and fli plU presented a Chrlsl a t the PTA meeUng I achool auditorium. A ness session w u held i program under direct/ l a i n t principal.

-Old E lm Oole's Chr and folk daacee wen second grade pupUs ol ChrUtophcr and Mrs. Farland. Mlsa R alh Bi ond grade presented N ou Trouble."

In the finale, all flfU combined to portray herd's Story” wtlh som - M n rC n rn d r M m e r : nle HUU were dfrecfa Mrs. Msude Shotw ell'

chon t Trading and z V - '^ v n B rf B lS li^^ma superrUed poi


K S S I m P ^ B VISIT r s FLOn H S S I ^ H BUHU Dec. 17 . - ) I M P I K k R P V P Uwrence Roublnek i

Adolf Machacek recent guesU a t Ke

plMJod rlU t t b t ™IM. (B U trp h o l..

Hailing y’ in U.N.

17 W—The Soviet: iurday; hailed the] m

new members to. os u a 'v ic to ry for|

Pravda umns of Uudatoryl Soviet correspond-

Bucharest,-Sotla,I ParU and olherl ..

tn general has lhat tbe adm lulon,>crs to the UJ4. L-i he American

ot the cold


S h e . . *



I . I

"1 . I ■

J ^ V C ? n - TV—THEultra-com psct- self.focuslng p grained mahog

9 0

TWa m



I'ograra Postmaster 1 a t Meet

I's ChrU tm u P a r t y " ,,,I were enacted by wlU s a re UmepUs of MUl ElDora “ *• P*'; Mrs. Beulah Mc* trip, he noled. aUi Barfcodale's sec- S S S S S i S ^ ^ ^ S aenU d -Rudolph's A V Y Wk |

Jl fifth m d e puplU • • ^ ® •

K . 'S v ' s H s j r A l iitm ernndT in irA H - W dlTKtors of rnusic. ju d e Id Tw in F. twell was In chkrge * T o Y oor Ord g and Mrs. Blanche « w ith Your C sd ponuxnlme and p^o^ipl Service __________ for All Nl

. p h o n i

« Key Colony In J , b W a l : » . Fla-____________

f f t ™

■■ JH

m y

1 201C o m p le te '

v I f 335 SCI. IN.Uke a moTle th ea te r In

I j l A ttm i?fIZED fo r twice ' ^ befori a picture *o big In

■IF^ 17"^

■ 149”-THE PASADENA- Ebony finlsli-* ipsct—esrry ll anywhere! Brilliant, ling picture tubs. Blonde oak or nahogacy finishes extra.

?0 D A Y F R E E



:er Lists R T V T I;e Request i M l f l l JW. F tu ts Satur-

a te r nomication U

ges sre pUced on S in P S T A K ISndartnotreluroed ’ j » « » a o * u nU llhedsy 'snm N A M IN IO TH l Jme for postal tm- SLCIM NO OII

pslrons sn estra

i H lM PS

. w u s « •’AMOrder Ior Slu

" “ ; ’a u n .„ I c u r c E 'llN e«U d f f C C

NE 38 _____ __JEBSBSRSita l Sbep

Only ^

9 ”t te W ith B e u ^

h I b B

N . PICTURI ^ 11• In your h o a il Huge 1 4 ' TV . 1 1 ;wlce-as-brl*ht pictures. Never ^Ig in a cabinet w compacll


H r o n l y

| | 2 5 r ^

U If n>* MAUBA* "||BraaMMal>«geny FInlill

e Aluminised T b b e ...O p tic R Screen...Super Cascodo Po Planl-for extra-long ningel

• Msl^of. er blonde finishes. «i

SEE TH ESE o n d O T H E R


Phone 263

... '


G E F IP T iteE N

VH O W S ' K n . . .ITHIS .OIKU

AGE 2 5




Ic F l te r < Powc^ ngel» . extra



Page 16: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...


Queen Dances W ith Footman At Castle Fete

W INDSOR. EngUnd. Dec. 17 im- Queen ElUabtUT. her gllUertng di' wnood t l M tllghlly tskcw, duncec wlUi m tootiium liu l nlgM a t U}i

. nnnual ChrUlmaa ball of Uie *UIi o f WlKdsor culle.

T he royal lumlly rubbed elbowi w ith oflsorted cooks, butlers, eh tm ' bermalds end o thrr a lten d a n u lr the tradlUonal pa tty held In ihi W aterloo chamber of the caslle.

The queen's huabnnd. the Duke o; E dinburgh, picked a housemaid fO) Ills pa rtne r and Prlneess M srgirei

• danced w ith fooimen and cooks. Tlie queen, radiant In K Jewel-

crusted sAlIn EOBT). WM doing tm •'Palau Ollde" when her dlamonc tia ra slipped. Bhe slopped. »dju4teC the heedplece and plunged bade tnt< the frolic.

I I The UahU went out before th«n party started and Uie royal famll] I ! ftiid the royal help w aiud around lr y darkness for sn hour. D ul * sooc 11 time was had by all.11,^_______More than 300 gutsia attended' r t h e i r r i l r . in tlud ln j lit« Queer A Mother,^ Thc ordinarily gloomy Waterloe■ 1 chamber wns brlghUned up for the '■ ) occasion wllh holly and ChrUtmaJ W llRftU strung from tha massive oali■ beams of Uie celling.■ The Bombre portraits of royal an-■ ceslors were respectfully removec: I f from' tfTe'hall for the festivities and ! | in their gold frames were pleturn H of Jack of beAnfialk fam e. LllUc U Hed nidlntt Hood a « l o ther nurscr* p rhyme characters.

I U.‘ S. to CarryI OnTailtsWith 4 Chinese Redsl | WABHINaTON’. Dec. 17 TTie D United States wlll continue lu a e ­ll neva talks with Red China un til all y American civilians still held In n ' China are freed.I I I t will do so desplle lls ftccussUon , | l th a t the communists have broken m th e ir word on freeing the remaining■ Americans they sUll hold.■ The accusation was m ade lu t m n ight In B formal government su te - M m ent which charged th a Chinese ■l with vlofating UieJr SepUm ber Nl agreement to free all American cl*I I vlUans ••opedltlously." T h e sU te- l i m ent was America's answ er to a il CommunUt Chinese charge th a t It [ i is .th e Dnlted States w hich h a t vl­ll elated th e apeement.■ I Despite the bitter exchange, of- J tIclaU ta ld . the United S tates haa

no plan to break off th e Oeneva negoUatlohs with Red China. They ftald the United Slates thlnka the

••talks m ay yet be valuable In win­ning release ot the rem aining Am­erican clrllUna In China and In

's e tU n s Red China to renounce um o t force to aetUa te rrito ria l dls-

m ent said Communist C hina still holds 1< American civilians mthough n agreed to release the U . & clU> tens expedlUoutly la st Sep t. 10. .

Decoy Hearse { ' Fools British

I II NICOSIA. Cjprus. Dec. 17I Cypriots used a decoy hearso Satur­

day to hoodwink BrltUh troops andt- police on the alert for. dem onstra­

tions a t Ihe funeral of a a ialn leader In the guerrilla campaign fo r union w ith Oreece.

The cuUiarfUes hsd snapped a bsn ■ on more lhan 50 mourners following' th e tim eral proceaslon of Rarlambos

Mouskos, U cousin of ArchbUhopI I M aJtarloi.‘The Greek O rthodox arch- H blahop U leader of the Enosls union i | w llh Oreece movement, and Mouskos J l was slain In the ambush of a Brlllsh >11 Jeep. He had a price on his head i l l w hen killed.

W hen the funeral cortege ap- peai;ed In Nicosia's MeUxas Square, troops and poHce dlipersed tha 200 m ourners wllh tear gas; a few min­u tes later, anolher proeeaalon of 30(] m ourners marched oul of an un­guarded gate of the old city w lih the rea l coffin, and proceeded unhinder­ed lo thc cemetcry.

Troopa were on the a lert fo r fear ArchbUhop ^{aka^loa would convert th e funernl Inlo a demonstraUon. T he archbishop was a t the funeral bu t dM n o t speak.

Sum Is AskedMrs. Dora. W alu Shurrum filed

su it Saturday In Twin PalU dU­tric t court agalnsi her son. Paul K. W alts and Ednn Bowman Watts.

I Mrs. Shurrum a&ks the courl for a

delerm lnation ot a sum due her for labor and efforts by h e r in be- hn ir of W ntU from the year 1933. She ssks lha l the courl appoint WntU lo keep the sum fn t n u t tor he r benefit and use. H arry Povey. Twin FalU, U attom ey for Mrs. Shurrum.

. I V eteINVES1

Veterans m.iy receive tralnli wllh nil expcm ei paid, p exptnjej. I t U po.ialble to hours per wetk for cvenin

. U-ulJ, and up lo 25 hour.i pe CJasMS are held a i all Jevels

STOP IN AT Y O U a FIRST be glad to explain our Ual:

Twin Fails BusIdaho’s L a rg est S d


, Georieanoa and K athleen WardHreplac* In tU f f cafeteria In JS * * * *

Administratoi People t(^ Mrs, Irene O liver. admlnUiraUn 1 Joins the Ho>pltal Guild In Invltln. f l c all persons to vUlt Magic Valley Me

morlal hojplUl to view ChrUlmt •The lieconUoru,

Almoat e>ery room oh eaeh floor * from the btsem eni up, hn t recelvet

^ some decorations fo r the holiday b: the Hospital Oulld, tenth grade Y

.Uon Teens. Fsletle club. Junior-Olenn 3ken f,„ of LDS, secood ward, and Olrl'i

league, Junior unit, l u t A ChrUtmas tree, about 30 fee

a te- >)u been placed In .the lobby nese All organlzaUoru banded tofelher t< nber adorn tiie sla n t tree , i t was doosle< , cl* by Albertson’s P o ^ Ccnter.

------------------------- ;------------------------

Slight Increase Idaho’s Fai-n

WASHINGTON, Dec. 17 (Special) —Idaho was one of only three west-

V** em states whcse farm marketlnj »ln- caah reccJpls increased In ISM ovei

UM.■ A cheek of departm ent of agrlcul- ui, ture reports for th e f irs t three quar*

tera of ihU year ahows Idaho farm- e n took In U0.7 million dollars at

j j T farm matkeUn*s. iu£h ThU 'U an Increase ot ,S9 pei clU* over the som e period lasl to year, when receipts were 3tS.4 mil*

' lion dollars.Only other ga iners In the 11-

tUCe weilem region were Ottgon ( J per eent) and Callfomla tl.8)

1 per cent.i n All other western sta tes regUtered

losses for the aam e periods, with n — Arizona worst M t by 4k 17 per cent lur- reducUon,snd Here are the percentage declines lr*- In the other w estcm states;, ider MonUna 7 p e r cent; Wyoming lion 3.B per cent; Colorado 8.9 per-cent;

New Mexico 8.fl p e r cent; Utah .7 bsn per cent; Nevada 0 p e r ceot; Waah- 'Ing lnt<on 3 i per cent, iboa The western a re * as a .whole hop declined 1.8 per cen t in fann mark- ch- etinR cash receipts, while ttie*na-

i y j f i w i yi B B E S a

IN IN O IA N O IR 'S S U IP S T A K IS . . .

the JUST FO R er- NAMING T H (5


1 SEE PA G E 25

I SWEET'S133.■intlorey, mirs.

D r a i i s

TIGATEalnlns under llir K orenn Bill.1, plus nllowAiice tor Iivine : to reglalcr Ior ns ftw n.% 6 enlng rla.w s on n pari-llm #'.1 per week lull-iime tr.Mnlng.!veJj.

^ST OPPORTUNm*. W e will tralnlns program more lully.

usiness CollegeSchool o f Commerce

fnle Decorations Co

• I ;

■ ' . . ' . ■ J ' ■

I - r x

ard lurvey Uielr handiwork alU r dccorat. bin Matic Vallej MeraorUi boiplUL T hU p

* * * * ,

;or, Hospital Guil to See Christmas

ator, A fireplace was eonstructed for Ulng the hosplul staff cafeteria. Hanging by Me- from the 'manUe are stockings full - im st ot candy and toys.

For tx ltr io r dtcoraUons, th ree At 1 cameU were fashioned. They were Ki 'iv^‘ entraDce In Id.

(ron t Of the hosplul. On the east en ' V ot Uie building there U a huge Su ' ' ' flve-polnUd a tar. The sta r wlll be gh

Illuminated a t night. Mi Windows a t Uie entrance wUl b« De

decorated- w llh ChrUtmu scenes, feel ThU U to be done wlUi a staining ie '

ibby. process by V. Ralph Conoway. a n a r t t u jr to Instructor. Charles Hopkins was re* t«i sled sponsible /o r /ashlonlng Uia caiseU Ly

and star. Do --------------------------------------------------------- i:a

e Reported for ^ •m Income in 1955 S':lal) lion did no belter wtlh an approxi- d a esl- matfl 4 per eent average drop. me Ung Idaho's Increase in larm m arket aoi over reeelpU » u due esUrrly to crops, t.u

Crop receipts went up from 129.4 To cul- milUon dollars to M S million doU ro< iftj. la n between the f in t Uiree qua r- — rm . (en of 16M and 1BS5 rctpecllvely,I Hi Livestock and crop receipts

brought the Idaho average down, however, by dropping from IIB mil- lion dolUr* to 114i mUlion do llan In tho same period.

Only IB states besides Idaho man*, , aged to regUler overall gains, m ie *>' rest of the. country regUtered a ta te .

by.jiate drops whleh ranged from OkUh«nn's 18 per cent plus to NorUi Carolina's 0.1 per cent. I

:red 'vith DIRECTS DANCE

U N iV E R sn r o f id a h o , moo. ' eow. Dec. n —Janice Hrnry, K im .

ines berly, directed choreography for three ChrUlmaa dancea for a Christ,

ling mns program a t the unlverslly. T h e ':nt; dnneea were baaed on children's r e - '> -7 acUona to ChrUtmas in America,




t a p\ RO U U OCA ND Ca A

Ea i W l e b l


3 im a n y , m<




m i / o a / t , ( f a a i


TIMES-NEWS, t w i :

Completed at Hosp

b Ju st one part ot the ChrUtmu decora p iU l by Hoapltal Guild and other g m

ild Invite A is Decorations Jr T h e U-ee wa.i trimmed Saturday t by Janice M«u.«, Marilyn HarUey, cht * P a tty Jo Wnrd, Mra. Row Ward, no . ArvcHa Cherry. Waraha Woodnll, J i K asey Carroll. Mnrjean Andreason.I I d a Alger. Edllh Alger. Judy Drnck- ; en. Beverly Freeout. Ellsobelh Keeie, * “ ! S usan Rotjeruon. Maryl Jo Fox. Re- ! g lna Bobler. Joyce Reynolds. Colleen '

Moon, ChrUUne Erickson and Jean . D ..y ,

r o u rlh floor walUng room waa t decorated by Mrs. E. E. Burnham; , ; flfUi-floor, Mrs. Hnrry Eaton: cafe- , ■ terla.-M rs. Oliver Stewarl nnd Mrs.

LyJe Schnllker; JJnea room, Mrs, *''• Dondanvllle; central service. Mrs. i :a r l Faulkner; slorerootn and boiler room, Mia. Duffy Reed. Jr.. and Mrs. J a c k l«vander; baby nunery, Mrs. K Harwood L. Stowe and M n. Melvin Mn Cosgriff; physlo-Uierapy ro o m , woi Qeorgeannn nnd Kathleen Wnrd; kin a nack bnr. Mrs. William Kins: wall the desk. Mnrgnret MeAtee; board and Los medlcnl records room, Jonn Ander. P son; doclor's lounge, Mrs. Warren in I jirsen ; cbiJ^lrJoj Iloor. Mrs. n . 8. UUi Tofflemlre, and faUier's walling room. Mrs, Ross W a ^ ____________R a

4 5 1 M oin Ave. Eoit

buys a lo t tomorrow durin

bad cookieR e g u la rly $ 1 .1 7 NOW

lbs $1 (m o n y o th e r d e lc e to b it v a lu e i on



CCADC3 ^ - j t r i K j Phone 28

spital i

I «1TUll

iy;;c: be«■ ml


-•••.. I [■' Icej fc.'--'' wei K - k Uie

Bis■ ThiH i gin


■ I alK■ IcclHH w Isd.

U n senHI/H r■ l Wo

BaiH by

Woceoratio&a put up aU over th e hea* anC groups. (Staff photo-engravlDg) Uoi

Arrests Made for cf Traffic Violations »

« RUPERT. Dec. 17—Two Rupert Wh > men. Donald E. SlnU:r nnd Gall L, ley,

Ferrln, were arrested Friday by din >■ s u te PaWJlman Roy Thomna and Ma I. charged w ith operating a truck wlUi me: 1, no Idoho lleense. clui1, Roy Mftlson. Burley, wns chnrged ^

wfth ^jartnir no rear J l« n s« oo the '• vehicle he wns driving, a n d driving ft* while hU license wns revoked. >J Peter W. Fondbeck. New Haven.] 5, N. J„ w u arrested and charged wllh < i , operaUng a caravan w lUiont an Ido- } 1

ho permll. He appeored before Jus- 2 tlce of'Uie Pence Archlc Nesbll a n d ' j

f pnld a fine ot »50 plus $3 costs. 18 ■ Joy Nielsen. Rupert. WM fined tS g* and >3 costs by Nesbll fo r drlvlngjS i' w ith'an expired license. g

; Accepts Job |. MURTAUOH, Dec. 17 — Mr, and 8 I Mrs. Porlcy Perkins have received Kjc , word th a t Uielr son. Ralph ,H. Per- — ; kins, hns accepled employmenl with 1 the atomic energy commission n t i * 1 Los Alnmos. N. M.* Perkins recently received hU PhD I in chemUtry o t Uie University of

Utah. S a lt Lake Cliy.



CYCLERYio it ~ phontt 161

iring our j

VV sa ic -p ric cd g a

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««s. 79c

! M ain A ve. W c s t

2 860 F ree P a rk in g ,


lArea Develop!- Are Annour

ving the Twin Palls C him ber S' Commerce' licUrlUe* Into high <

KenneUi Montgomery, secre- t '■-I tary-manager. Baturday announced i ’.V th- rhalrmen of th e las* . area de- 1 yf' veloomeol commHteta. - x r : - T h e five general oommltteej bave i V be^n divided in to acrerzl subcom* J ' mlllees, MODtgonleiy s tld . The sub* t

mmoutlees will make sluices to be -• • nreaenied to the general commlttee| j

«nf) forwarded with recommenda* g ? ' Uom to Uie chamber dlrecton. i------------------------------------------------------ J

: Final Rite Held For Mrs. C lark'

BURLEY. Dec. 17—Funernl serv- | ■ icea for Mrs. PaUcnce Dcllla Clark

• were held Wednesday afUmoon In ; Uie View ward LDS chapel with '■i- Bishop LeUnd W oodbury officiating.I '' The prayer n t the funeral home wns t■ glren by O rant Stephens. r I The prelude and potUude were ii I played by Mrs. Vera McBride, who b■ also nccompanled th e musical se* g I lections. The Invocation was given e

by Dnvld Moffclt. The View wnrd b ladles choms snng. T he obituary nnd ^ 1 remarks were given by LeRoy Jen- n sen. A trumpet solo w u plnyed by _ H Nenl Tnylor. iJ, A poem was read by Myrlene b Woodbury. A vocal solo was suhr by Y I Barbara Ornham. -Talks were given ®■ by J. Weldon Beck and Bishop ®• Woodbury. A duel was sung by Mr.

and Mrs. Vem Carter. The benedlc- Uon was given by Oeorge Wlllloma.

— Pnllbeanrs were Uoyd Clark, c LIndoo Clork, Elmo Clark. Elden l Clnrk. Theo Clark and Carl Clark, ir oil sons. The flowers were, carried a

iC by Pnisy Clark, Betty Jo McClellnn. - Fem Bronson. Bneola Myera. Susan

;rt Whlistone, R ita Bronson. O pil Dud- L. ley. and Dora Paxton. T>iey were by directed by Mrs. Verio Wrlgley, Mrs. nd May Hurat. and M n . Mary Senrle. lh members of the Relief society. Con­

cluding rites were-held in Sprlng- ed vllle, Utal),fon Thursday, h r

S ' i f I t s i:n. 8 i

PHOTOGRAPHIC' I yo u 'll f in d it a t |

"“j | C o ro n e t C a m e ra | j | C e n te r |I (P e rr in e H o te l B ldg.) |

r- ---------------------------------------------:---------


j i i i 1 ^ 5

.© IThis Merchani


jment; CommitteincM by Chambie r W arren Barry has be«n nr.~,.Jh chalrm aa ,ot-Uie *nauiiriarS??‘?!*^ " e - m entdlvW on. SubcommliL-^ m .‘’'•w ed m en Include L y i r K " e- llshed Indiutriei; Earl iN.nM Cl

rew industries: Duncan v e is U c s -a n d research, and . i w l 'U

« • ■Ben.Mottem will u n t ns cluir m an of the tourist develonmfn,

•* slon. Heading Uie subcomm I, m MarUn IverMD. roadiiRn^;Beyer, brochure, anu Henn’ V:aU; tour route* and maps ^ &

T he ' agricultural d vcloi.mtnt ^

? U.N. Chief C a lls ' I S Off Holiday Trip'.',g. UNITED NATIONS, Dec, n i f J '. '* us TJ. N. Becretary General Dag Hnm

morakjold canceled a Chruunaj hoi-: re iday u lp to Sweden Snturdny anrt Ii) 10 began a series of u ik s wlih C' gates to solve lhe security council rm ;n election deadlock. ' ^

HU firs t callers Were the .Sovtfi “ deJ««Uon head. Arkady Sotolc" y ^1?“■' The U. N. generol assembly tjroke un

FYlday n lgh l In a dlplomntic bra«|,v over a lottery scheme deslcni'd in

break the deadlock belwei-n Yuijo.,p sldvla and the PhlllppinM.

f : GRANDSON BOftV |DECLO, Dec. 17-Mr. and Mra

k. OtU Pries, Declo. received »ord :n Thursday of Uic birth of a Krnn(i,wn k. In Dundee, Io. The parents are .Mr ;d and Mrs. Dnle Pries, ' jn. ----------------------------------------------- —-Sin I




5 N EX T TO M.

MEN! LOOKWe have the most com

electrical appliances in lo

Wc Carry

of the NAME BR

W h n t f in e r , m ore npprccin tcd

n b r if fh t , fflcnm inK e lcc tricn l a

a h v n y s d e s ire d a n d fllw uyu ncc

T h c iden l p r e s e n t to ffivc molh

o r f r i e n d s . P ic tu re d h e re nre i Rny n p p iin n c c s w e h n v e fo r yo

w ill l ik e o u r se lec tio n nnd our p



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E W a!b * :! MOViB

. 2 4 *allies

m o n S

’A N S IHITE'S mcenterBM . N. KING

•'mour M i

IK AT T i lcomplete lioek

nlown. Hsi!

irry ALLbrand LINE®'

a ted gift could you

:nl 8 p p l i a n « - - '* '^ f c , needed in

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nre, r you lo

jurpricM a r e 8 l « ^ T ^

I be b e a u t i® ^) ready TO ^ 1 jhe TREE.

5oth StoresH

Page 17: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

■fket L ivestoc, OCOEM

•- I .0CDB<. ? r - 7

s J l o u n t g ^ i f e J S W

* " Kif,™ H .« : n,«lluH. .nd .ood h, .Iifif I'HO.M; fixxl »nd •>»^ «f tndl*'S ]< t»-iiti.

?»O ' ; “i „;k s :f,r.' • il! I ;* J mi..^ U.I. l»0.11l> Ihf ' . ^ '* i ™ . . "I S i r . J I ' " ’ " " * ' S ’ ’.S

J» * 7 i,r( il ''ffl sh -p »«' "«'> »,««: ••luiht.

u MP’" '^ ir i i tW 'S H.»0-l‘-»J m»<tlnm I'U food ll

C T i:L£ "ii.' S S " ii=‘ FI P r i c e s r £ S £ . ' : r " ” .“ » r

towTiinJIa rk e t||i |» |£ - |5 ;S

(irnlf ol- „,iii,r .nri rnramfrrlil rnwi • « OJ bO*rd of hulk f.i.n« . •nil <ia»fi r.oo-io.® |I> rrln<> Vf.lm Jll.Ott-H.OO;

1 ,i„r f''"'n»rfli1 ft.CWII.Otl.^ ( R t l l dar* ,sh.,„ ,.ItSI* tinnr. InUl 100:„o^l.n.U^W.l,™) :^h.

dnarf w"on’l»d liO'1-i los ll>». *">1 ilihl2 eijMlM «nd „.M ; In llo rl<xln> »»lr.n ip

t S i S Io » " l ' ‘c(L‘T v ;o " f te . r . ^ ^ T f 'n o "gjH -J'. looer. ..<fi^ «u> ,n.i w/.r«un(»rf :.ei>.:

tiMisdi higlirr, DENVERJ . '^ q u .n i i i y J J . ., » :u DKcmbrr »■:« i«wrr: mit« off i .qo >L u lid to t*!' '•

w w b»n w iS ' ' j a r . i . T t , ; * " : ; ' - : : . ; , ? . 'I IU tanouncrd |>0; mmmrrrlat lo tond 17, (ItlCldtr KOV-,ILT.Utfmparrd „ „ „ „ ''(o.».oo; n.i* liir«r Mrlll-r. i~.rf iWk (nd /.«1»r •IMTI 11.5?cuuom d r . -i-,7 , ; l^ 7 ^ ■ :u '“ •7.l,‘^o* t-, s a Hsp •s-i'n ,,« ! .nH u i^ - up i« i.oo \ow „ \, [-:ff dfprfA'lnS 'h"lf» «riu»hlfr <*lv« .nd v»»l*£ V r c p o r U » d c«n.n..,CjM U ht rclltx llKfi t>irrowa «nd ■Illi iM 11 sB iw t ir Ih t •tMj'r i n ;» « I.»^9Bl^n rnrnu . T s W n , ; r “ d ."'iV ii

!£SJ.“£ S S ; ' i f V ve a tf ie iwnyfd :i-jo i»»fr: mod .n

or mniilr iDod •l.iithlir IStwsbff IliturM i:,: i , mHlum .nd food U n .l/ K.

L“- l Ul( »tPK OMAHA, I)«. n I<n--(HHDA1 tSpbllt Intrrwl. mmnirfd I«*l Wf«k mo«t t lm n Its mriiifnce on

u lt lu wrpliu f'* 51 >"»"! ’r«*l*t» •hr.llt ^»*dr; u.llnbir r:1 n K ;7 „r:l« S ;V V r,? o i^ ijKiM/or dlain- tm n :i,on.:i^»»: hi

leili lo be made i’: ‘in!*i,,’s;''’u” iuVaiC flhM t. U ••.ft-m.OO; r.nnrr. .xd r.lll»ni Tt a m l i lunrilc .*.~k> id b , M , u . i K v « 7 i T i r 4 i * :h . i . : s !L'af.1 tou!. fii'f* :n.T!-:i.on, .

_ _ _ _ _ compatfd taat wonW

Et HasMeTheme 3 h S ‘» S ’3 5n -A Chrl^Unnj *"*ni b Ihf Dfclol No. I*«irfVfnlne m,l.nlfhrfi .!rfnt lo 10 higher; olhrri

Ki: I t»fm 9.:4.l'l.on;‘ ;"n.lM it. ftif, inilii Inlk. >o>i >;»•<» lh.. i.i»-i.iOi ct b thf llnmr,"; ________________

r i ! T I Yule Programs Readied at

IDAHO STATE COLLEGE, Bsniunil. In lt.if iio . Dfc. 17-Tw o nnnunl (

'iiin.^ prorr.ims will be prr.icn fTA prnyrr; 1 ISC, Sunday, the Annuni Clir

csih fitivn fro f Miidlelljjhl proRrnm will bi Lif mlnuiM: nl Krniler hnll. nnd W tdnw d

^ipprnvfd. Mr<, cnncprl choir wilt *lnc cnrol •>!.Jrte nf ih r nallonnl brondctul. T he bro

i Wll! br inprd nnd presrnU d fr< "JvtTfd hv Ihr Salt Lake Cily M utu*t brondc f a w n moinrr*.,*Ullon.■ • I Paiilft Knrrb, Jrrom e, U oi'WIOVKD |fniiipanL^i for lhe choir. Amo ll> tn ;p _ A P.I ‘''rm brrn nr« Cnrol L, ^ thf rlchl- St'Irlee A. Chnmbrrn

'( Cjlitomln M- P o llf r nnd P «*^-^•01 hw otv Siilliviin. both ' Ooodlnn; *‘ ‘7 thi unlvrr-' - ''" '" ''' Hallry; Dnrls Slek. I

SIuiIm'i, nntl M arilyn n . W ~ ' »n Jrrnm r; AnnrllA Bru.^1,n .|» KliMbnh Lemmon, bolh Rie:l i a l l g I hyllw Wllllnnw, SU nley;, t h . Jlavrns, l.inrn Lnckey, Lurry !a r n r P Q '‘'''^ "5 '' iwchnrd s i «»l l lL C S . and Aliri* Wlr»ehlnir, nit T«’ln

'S m,":,,:;? Suit Is FiledJ.^Mny bnsril M unrd McCnrty. dolna bi ‘ ^ ‘^;inn aalr »« MrCnrty OrAvM’ compnny

Snlurdny In Tw in Fnll.^ ( ^I'lM lo »1r : s niiM nt:nlnjl Rex Joliwon, ■^I'lw „* n rx Jnha ion Exca

' Win iin .:s rniiipnny. for paym ent o t mn ~ ‘ lo H2 r.n drlivfrrd.

I , , 5 J S ‘0 ■Jl'r cnmplalnt lU t M.tHB.! ' ■ '5 1" »H cravri and »4.fii to r BMollne

-U in ^ r " ' '"■‘'‘ '‘'‘n D « . 2 0 .1M3, anfi 3ii. :dm. j i . L. Blnndford,'K in ‘I aiioniry for McCnrty.

Falls MarketsZ Z I T " ----------------------

IIIJ;; '''• ‘''riijini n.iiiff■Ai/i'ij* ___-- . *||,'- dtllltf QUCt»d|

1.::;;-—. nKANs

'' f "j!

' j ' d M l . , . ......—W ■ K, , rOTATOM

- No: I r — ------------------------«>•<Qunirtl

■------ - ■:... ..

(g]£ Ridicule PlaIJBD A ^lltlj Draws Bla w i l ByMcCai

WASHINGTON. Dec. 11 >i«n ik«wisf tio r M cCarthy. R.. win.. ‘’’V /ff. ‘-k iJ •«*“ « ! ‘*0 nennte *ubco; , l i Mi numJ of dellber»t«ly irylni; “to

lood u i»ir inll'C om munlat aecurlty ? « by me*i» oX ridicule, uni

i ^ V w : «.UJ. p h u li t n d dow nright ti tMd lenatlon."

McCarthy referred to •, iiViT.oo; mlttees bended by Sennln « I ft lk. »tock nlngi. D , Mo., and Olln D.r^.,'inI*V.if« D- S- ‘’" '•f bffnIni compnnlon intiuirle* : im moiitf H government'* employ# Joyr.‘ , V L . s l . " ' „l»;buikNa. I I 'r se a Kludr.. 11M.11.M: A lrlnf hl.i chftrce.^ in n>..iihu u»d*r Ch»jnn»n McClellan, D ,:uihi.r the le n i ta Inve.^iiisniion* iM in ( UiBk. mlttet, M cCnrthy .urged tli,iii’ ‘I-' ° * n *‘udy o:.1, . . i .J b ..r curlty p roiram ,

“J ? WLiconsln nenntorkuihllr hM been Informed thnt>1; ri>»t ind intlmldnUon by aenat«

P"-'* fl** '»d iu o .u .08. £*ner«l rklnxntlon of efto rt

executlvo • depnrtm rnt* toiiBnAi Ho.. communlat »

- Jk «o Form er C hnlrm .n: .<iw. >i»dr: .M cCarthy l.i aenlor lie'i ’ n *"! IIM form er chnlrm nn of; Ho.' 1 tlgatlonn nubcommlttee. ThNo. J i»d » no ImmedlAie comment frr‘ '.o-;«M M Johnston or McClelli. .o - .» M jjjnn ing ,,00; fomp.r.rl toijinilltee on con.itimtlonn 'hiVh.r-“Mi.I Johruton hn.% been direclln « 1.90 hi«k.r; aervice lubcom m lllre Inve ,j»; lb. «iMr. ot what nome Democrnt.T hn

m. Il” r* * Rcpubllcnn ■'numbers { « .!»<• U.OO. lt.illnj toUl-1 o t Rovernment '• fired n* aecurlty rbk.',10' lllf ^ special b lpnrthnn corrt 71-11.>0: of 12 membera In nnd out

gres. la orRnnlalnc now to )0; full >tid jndfpcndcnt aturty o f ih e w 100: »»ifd curlty progrnm nnd to rec

JlihI.r I7.J0- _ , _ ------ ——-----------------

LSViii Nile Projec HelpOffer:

Ex’iB. ToEgypti' l‘rL*;!nT I'loo WASHINGTON. Dec. 17 ( 'f t . t . <h^i« tJnlted 6t«t«s nnd B rlU ln co 4««: nuuU 's M id-E ast palltlcal o ■0 60- ” «* '! fl“‘urd*y w ith a 70 mlllior

lo offer to help E gypt begin I ■ ona of history’* srea tcat d'lo -" ! wml Aswan on the upper Nlle rlvei •.fjiood.nH The two wc.nt<rn powera

SAwed thB »E«yptian gove " • ' thnl they ar# prepared toM lb*. d»n more money — pc«.iibly anol

m llllon-to carry forward M ■■ii,7».it.«ti; thc tlr .it phnse of

ll-JO-li.TH well su r le d . ThLi Inttcr pl 71 iflii.ifM ‘“'’ifc t to npprovni by congt . ta hirh>r; Of the Inltlnl 70 million “I 5« million would be givenT.m ii I- ‘ti nnd H million1/ i«.o*.i:.oo. Dflllih.

Tlie construction of a sre RDAi-c.iir. Aswan—It w ould be thre m n to.i.oo long, 3(S5 feet h igh and ere 'ioJ»r^ greatest m nn-m nde lnke In tl' i . i n long been nn EgypUan•■'V The western powern hnve coi ir!i .oH i'riL; “ H‘Uni: In t*B. work for >; hulk koM }'<sri bu t (heir Htudleii were : f ' ‘•ooi ng nf-U ;',„‘i".y world «nd pa rticu la rly by < m; nisi CMdhoslovnklft'a njreen: ! s ! „ : '7 s " 1 " I ”-' “ E«>'pi.. .lock .U.r w estern powers d e

agnlMt en jng lnp In an nrr toi'os th e Mldd

iJBtii.r « r . determined th n t by e< »ii •iiiiihKr mcsM they could seek to b . whll Is^'i Bftme- OtticlaLi regiIt to rh«ir> Aawnn dam na xpecUciilnr e ■'ti ’ T ' I" wt-’lcrn wllllnRne.5 to woi

" I. a Middle Eiuitem country In I »4o. 1 in4 t up Its peaceful e«onomy and ’‘uotiM'ih •iJ'ndnrda of l u p.

Guatemalans “ To Polls Sur

GUATEMALA, Dcc. 17 UW i t I x P malnns elect ». new congrex ll> l O V day to support tlie nntl-c GE Poca- '''•‘I Kovemmcnt c f President ml Chrlil- Cnitlllo Armns. ricnted at Slxty-slx deputlra are to Christma.? *1"” "Inct h t hfW l‘'lo Armns overthrew U« le /dn r me “ '’‘'f '’ ^ r l»rnl, lr, . “RO- VOlerS ftlM)broadcnsl "'">’or* fo r 331 munlclf

d from the p T ~ i iMeeting Calk

Ll one ae- HMLEY, Dec. 17 — A refi \m ong the bankruptcy hna aet th e first

L, Dunn, Ing Ior cri-riltors o f Sterll ibrra, Hur- Stoker. Fnlrfleld. fo r 10 ft.m,

Peggy R. ‘loV' Stoker filed hla petltl R- Llnyd bankruptcy on Sep t. 23. 1055 ■k. Eugene Stoker p u r c h i x . i e d thc , Wbwall, Eoioitc and Bulck agency n yc

Richfield- In.World wnr I I . th« Jnpnm le v C»ri 130 *ubmnrlne.i nnd the Gi rry Mitch' U nited SU tes lc1 ShoUell 8^___________________ .> l n FnlLv ^

mny, fllrd ig -lls dlatrlcl .Qf ^

S?.,l:S i Blue GmnterlaLi ____

fnr * '•line dellv- :'rr | A rand flepL ^ M

'Kimberly. ^ ffl

•‘d.iiiTrJ ^ Holtled in F rn n c r.'" ‘ H»il«lvJc»iBn«?bnlllr

■'■'ii 7MII1 3 ‘lior.iiotllr.Sf),.'!!!;!i i r ' r i i c o ' % $^o.o{);:’ ! i o?.

f c a W 'C I T______ ,j, ‘ 1 0 2 M o in N .

lan Qiecklasts U l f artliy l | | rn I « i - S e n - ( I ? s.. Salurday ■:bcommltteca Q ^ B c e S to dlKredlt

;y heulngs unfair em,*

. mlirepre- f v '

to subcom-latora }len« -1D. Johnton, en conduct* u the loyalty>sa-

a letter to Bof B

tha l lhat y lha se-

hent "ridicule


by ths to expose suspects."

■an ,Republican the Inves*

There was Hen*

aennte aub- rlghU. a civil

nvestlgntlonV em on Rlddle.preaenti SICK)

The »100 waa a gift from the 1eni workeja, , U ry club. Warberg, fund eoi

c u t ^ con- jihotfl-engTsvIng)to atart an ~ ~ ~

Money Flood A fter Fouiii

PIPPA PASSES. Ky..'D*c. 17 . 1 The Uilng tha t e « r i

‘l * P n U) p a u Plppn P a .uu pi through Uie post office thla i

• An e.illmnted CO bags oft l O i l C conU lnlng money for Mra. t . A . u i i o Lioyd-a c aney Creelc Commi n («_Th* Center In ru ra l southeastern 1 i counUred « '>«’«> “ "y ■I offenalve « « « « ! *ome pletisant problem lllon d“ s r The flnanclnl floodllde-ailll In bulldlns • " f counted b u l nimored a t *30 L rt.m t .1 o r more—was se t In motion 10 •iver *so » h c n Ll<>y<>' " 0* aboufr* fiirth»r Jeft h c f cducftllonal and soclnl

Ifl mit i?n fn ft qu a rte r ceniury to appcn innih»r n ? Ralph Edward.^ "Thi* 1* Your :1 U1 nrii tclevlaion ahow In Hollywood, nf L r v ll N ear th e end of the telecast.

. r,i.Hn. I. wards Invlled his nationwide i,nS r« , ence to contrlbule to the cente

Mo.U conlrlbullon.i hnve been ^n hv , t he largest has be«

jr-ii J.n, Demo Leaderthree milescrente the i f /~w •

;.?“r Asks Quiz or : i 3 s FoodDoUaf-the Arab p ARKERSBUHO. W. Va., De >y commu- W -D em ocraU o National Chair reemeni to Paul M. BuUer SaUirday n igh t u ^ , ■ a ■ eontrraislonal InvesUgaUoa d e c id e d w hat h e called the growing gap „'*r™ “ te in e tn farm and consumer pj llddle jje *nid u,# farm er's shnr^ of ■ economic food dollnr Is n t IU lowesl li o bent Uie y ( ,r j .regard Uie -Tjje la tes t figures -fSepten ir evidence 11,55, .h o w thn t only iO cenU 01 wofK wiui jjoiiar lhe housewife apIn bulU ng food goea to the farmer m a raising produced th a t food." BuUer sal a people. ^ DemocraUc meeting. H# ai ^ lha t In 1852. the last year off _ A Trtimnn administration, " fa n

received <7 cen tj oul of everyi i n r l o v P " »■U l l U d j Uisn Uiey nre receiving today ui -fWGuale* Republicans." trcM Sun- BuUer suggested Uiat cong ll-commu- ou t who Is getting the profli en t Carlos Asserting th a t former Presli

Trum sn’s last budget requc to be »«• Jias.OOO for n federal Uade comi

alnce Ca.?- ston s ludy of "Uie makeup of Uie red- cow um cr dollar." BuUer said:

Arben* 18 "The Republlcan-canUolled i itliu) nre to congre.u n o t only eliminated ilclpnllilej, 1180,000, bu l forbad# Ui# PTO t— study.”1 1 ^ J "Con.«umers and farmera are t l l c U underU klng any consumer de referee In »uf>erlnR as a result ot this," irst meet. “ Id. '•while Uie -middleman' le erllng W. d°<n8 *>' ^'Rht. Food ma m Thurs- facturers' profits climbed 33 per < •uilon fer ^ ‘“ fe” 1®*®' *W®1055. Income dropped 37 per ccnt dui he Riwler the snme period,"% yenr ago. Secretary of AgrlculUire Ben— on Dec. 10 announced a stepup jnnr.^eloat a departm ent study to find

Grrmana whether middlemen were gelling ‘s loil only big a sh a re o t the consumer's i __________dollar. _________________ ^

Grass Perfurat ■ g


- ' . . . B•r. 'Hlil fsnmua frsgrancfl in exqui- ^ilttrFAhrlaalitiiiiiplilupanimp.ichipe. tfi..11;' i m .i.i.ttle,S12,:^0:1’n o i, hoiiIe, i gKittle, I3J.S0; 3’m <u . t.n lllr, S »o.(K) g

r v D R U G W » ’N . P h o n t 6 0

T IM E S -N E W S , '

k Bolsters Memor


UCK) check (o Robert Warberg lo b« addei he Kl K or^h lemple and th e Twin Falli rehasa of the land and conilrucUon of i . eommlltee chairman, said H .»9-»0 hi

iding in to Center nder Appears onl:. 17 tfl— Mra. Lloyd founded tn e cen ,-er came 19J0. In ill hrallh. she le f t ht: . passed band behind In Boslon and lla week, here with her m other to est of mnll a school.•a. Alice Twenty bajs o f m all, all mmunlty uin lng cash or chccks. arrU rn K en- one dsy. That was th e h igh ic e -n n d Dy Saturday lhe mall h a d dr )lem.i. to two or three bags a day , sale allll be- Mannls Sloane. wife o f th e *200.000 master. M ty Sloane sa id ahe 10 days of no one who could say whi

Iboul 80. contribuUoni toU led—" T h e y r ;lnl fort- counting and don 't w an t to m j ra t time i t . I s until Uieyre U irough." ln r" iif i" " I . heard one rum or o t U

I “ ® sHe aald. "and nnolher rum ■nsi Ed- »200.000-thsi sounds m oro 111 dc audl- The Institution, w hich has enter students In grades Tromleen through Junior college, has

been a *''** constructed of clap*bcard other rough lumber.

------------ Some of Uie bulldlnffs. Jlk

r village, are named for poems,

la called simply ''I f ," fo r Ru Klpllng-s verse,

n n "Plpps Pa«e.s- co m « from I '* * e rt Browning’s poem ab o u t,ft I hearted Il4llan girl , w hose

i ' U ' a '^ “ le belled her pcnonnl Infl I C T l a The rong Inrp lppft Paa.tcs“ tn , n , , - "Ootfs « W t» heaV«i:--i.' ’

“AU's rU h t w ith tho world.' “ ™ ; ; M M I. K in r i r o a l t o Uoa of • — . ,

apend.s u __ ^ier who Jaald a t i J r N w / ^

> added J A' V r i a'farm ers j U J r ^ _ ,■rr food

y under

:ong reu n S H


o t the


re both . - fdollar V - " I

he •eems


le farm during


4ng too ^ ^ ^ ^ B ffood



^ M O N T H L Y


& Thil t«mI-auiomalic'do«i tS ipbi al one*-ond do*»K wboU wMk’i WQih Irt tau thg , on houfl Eaty'i Iwo ipeeS I lubl wwk ot' o team . . . 0K ‘. woihet any woihabl* fab

wp*r-«l#on In mlnulM, l^ olh»f Aulomotic Spln-Rintei

i [ | B


>rial Park Fund

j f ?

idded to the lia r ry Barry MemorUl park fi F a llt Shrine club. Riddle t> iMretary of of a park la aponaored hy Ihe Twin Falls

>0 h a i bten received toward the }S4<00 1


JamSession« 'T 'A / ’ , SWAMPSCOTT, Mass.. Dei 11 A T j npi—Five-year-old Brian M

, , 1 WAS picking oul a Christmas c r P " n « P'ono a i Clarke school ii!f ‘eftlfty w'fien his thumb bee^ « , . h t k ^ caught In the keyboard,' Firemen had lo dlsmanUa

1 plnno to free him.all con- I____________ __

arrived In

d dropped French Capture • £ k Rebels’ Com

w hnt the ALGIERS. Algeria. Dec. 17le y re Mlli French authorlUes reported {} u y whnt dny smashing a rebel arms ch ." from Tunisia, killing seven Ni t MOOOO" a lL stanndseltlngaquanU lyofrum or of Including English trench mort

•0 like I f T he French said the rebelsh«« .hntii “ P convoy wera

i ' i a i “iS d READ TIMES-KCTS WANT

like (he W lT B iB B H f lf B W IOne ^ ^ B H I B p f l l B H M H l

• Rudyard ■ y , % T i H »X *

Rob'It ft light- . ^ ^ K l u i i a ^ Q l / i a i u J.o&e lowly influence.


E Q 9 Q R H Q Q | | | | |MP msca. .r r - ^ — ^ —





U Z - ^ - ------------MmI»ISD I$2M .?5

Mt twoJiM t a M l lood, than whirit ctelhii IU thon 2 5 % dfi»f than any wrihgtr. ip ead y Inclodat Fill ond Rlnw Fouettt . . . o n # a n d naw Flngir-Hp Control

fabric C tn lar. Eoiy'i perfobla, n*«d»»i, th* no sat tubt. Gal yowrt now lin te to whilo lha tupply loiH.


Arab United 1 Press for

. ; ! UNITED NATIONS, N. ' ; IT t i—Aroused Arab mem

) V th a United N ations pressed • ' I day for larael-s ouster fr ■ ! i world o rsan lta tlon b^eaus

bloody raid on Syrian poaia, ; . T here wns. however, little I Uon th a t the Arab bitx wou

te r enough support lo cam- ;■ wlUi the move.

V . . ; The ouster campaign co t " '•y chief"

Ahmed Shukalry called on curlty council Frlriny w ap nomlc sancUons against la.

« f l B told the council th m 49 Syrli ig f^W M B killed In an larnell attack

nlghl on Syrian potitlons t m ' J W f l east shore of the Sea of Gal R ' i B H Ten of the 11 council i

decried the a tU ck. They plain th a t they intend to Israel If the tnctvi bear oul charges. T he council agreed

V j^ T ^ H g however, for a full report nr ^ q I H cident from Pnlestlne true O i m H M aj. O en. E. L. M. Burn W m m e Uklng any action.

Shukalry told the coune M a f l M had waged an a ttack of "t

abU b ru tality" nnd decla P ^ H B had breached th r ig4S

Syrian armlsUc« agreemer m | D | H Israeli AmbaaMdor Abl

told Uie council hts launched the a iu c k lo ki

H D ^ H Syrian gun posltloiu that la ra e i r pa trol nnd fishinc

During the tense sculo park fund. <uid Syria exchanged thren ary of tha force In defense of ihelr p

A b o u.tmaa carol

“ 2 -ninanUa ths

F O R LES! T H A N . . .m \o y

~ A N D W “ ■ T H E S Irebels mak- , — "if wera bolh H u r r y , G e t i

ADS. T h i s I s J u s t (

. C o n s o l e s W e \

B flf . ARISTKl i f y tlODE

” fl Mahoi I f f Blonde

i * 1 9i2 1 - l n cw ith exclusive Lumi

I e lec tron ics fo r ovety o f m ost o f th e TV d\ ‘ by o th e rs — Ravthe

I Y o u can p ay m uch, ni g a n d s till n o t get ai ‘ R a y th e o n A r is io c ra

I H u rry l O h»«*« y ounJ CBudpat

J la jic Vallej-’d'feTO.. '5 W here Carload I

O P E N EV ERY EVj tf .


C H R IS T M .

— m m m s m s v

; d N a t i o n s Membe i r O u s t i n g of I s iN. Y.. Drc.i R uula'a Arkady A. 6ob( membert of eled the s lron jeat a tU ck 0 'ssed 6aiur-:K e declared th e couacU m r from Uie 'demn he r acUon. cause of a U. S. chief delegate Hem oals. Lodge. Jr.. said Uie U nitelltlle Indies-!®PP®*ed "such acU Of mUlt would mus- lence.",

irrj-mrough ----------------- ; -----

, ee. Mrs. America Asking Dh

) apply eco. ST. LO lilS , Dec. I T t^ M t larael. Hr da Jennings. "Mra. Amf Syrians were f»ed su it for divorce ack Sunday suburbnn Clayton elrci ins nrar the Tlie 29-year-old suburbi Galilee. fonuine Neighbors realdi rll m.mK... clurgcd seneral IndUfnllles

“ eceom w ny h tr to u

rton Ihe In.l ■_____ ___ ___________truce chief. R P A i

5urns before ABLOOD 'nunell larirli t f C S

If -untptsk- D O N O R ( 4 ileclartd she -


Abba Ebsn . .. ...........................Its rxuntiyl T h e b lf ln d m o b n e n l0 knock o u ijlh e A m e r ic a n L e e l i hnt menaced fro m 2 lo 6 p . m . I ihng vrsseU d o n o r s c a n phi •Mion. fsrae lP '^ J CroSR o f f i c e . 101, hrents to use Z ila R o a c h e , R e d C roe •lr poslUons. I tn ry , 3388 .

're Ali T alk ing >ut This New

■ch C O N S O L E

»20<i V h o t B E A U T I E

S E S E T S A R E !

1 ^ o u r s N o w f o r C h r i i t m i

i t O n o o f t h e M o n y 2 1 - I n e

e H a y e S e l l i n g a t T h i i P r i


1 0 .9 ;M a h o g a r

c h A L U M T N I Z E D T U I

umilac! — World famous leader )ver a quarter century— original V developments now being fealm THEON still is iwo years ahead, TOD/ ;h, much more than these low prices :t a set that equals the wonder! icr<7/ shown here.our* whtt* e u r M iM tlo n ! • •o m p I* p a t T a v n a ? (H C o u r a a l)

•Rc.««l ( In S lo c k ) S h o w ln i r o f TV id Bu.vini; P a r s Y o u D iv id e n d s !

E V E N I N G ' T I L C H R I S T / v


M A S E V g D E L I V f R Y -


r a H T E E N ^ ]

s e r s j

I s r a e l

Sobolev lev* • i ck on IsracL :U must con*

Henry Cabol Inlted Siatea mUltaiy vlo*

ica”Oivorce Ir i-M n . Wan* I Amerlwi" of

arce Baturday circuit court. < )urban Belle* resident, who lilies, said In iband refused J any public ca unless the

3 1

■ ■! filopB at !K ion hall n. Monday,

phone lhe 10], or Mrs. rrosa secre*


0IES1 ■■ a

^ m a t

In chP ric e !

fiflony . I

■UBE der in linator Btured 'VD AY.

iccs— derful

n p la la l

TV . . ,I s !


; Tmmi

Page 18: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Church C a n ta ta P lanned Sunday A t Socie ty Meet

M NO HILL. D ec. 17-M r*. R . 1 Barnes announced V /ednesdiy tl U « m eetln t of th e MUilonary to- de ty la Uio U n ited P resbyu rlu church th a t th e church canUt* «-ouId t e held a t 10 t j n . Sunday lo th s church. T he C h r l i tm u program will be a t 8 p jn . I lid a y .

M n. B aines a lso gavs Uie yetrb rtpo rt OQ th e Ju n io r M lulonao aoclet7<

TJiB society voted to Blve Ihi Teen-Ase society »35 a* an a « r c lor helplns w ith th e b a a a r .

M n. OaU Jonea. M n . Ted Moori and Mr*. C. E . Spcnea were It chan# of the elecUon.

Mr*. Ja ck Craig w as elected pr«*l- dent: Mr*. Clare W ataon. vlee preal. dent; M n . N a th an Miller, secretary; M n . MarUn W oodward, u^asurer; Mrt. Oall Jones, th a n k ofterlns see<

. ' rttsry ; Mr*. Clyde Cox. temperance; Mr*. M ordant Y ouree. literature »««’ x tu ty ; Mr*. R ichard Rolce, *teward. thin: Mr*. Spence, prayer sroup sec- retary; M r*7w . H . Van N a tu . effl- ciency, a r d Mrs. B v n t * . pJanUt.

•'OpportunlUes Unllm lled’* Is the theme of the new proffram books to be dUtrtbutcd a t th e January meet- Inc

Mr*. Bpenc* nsed “Prayer for the NaUon” lo r th e p ray e r cycle prt>. smm.

Mn. Oraiff asked a il o li and ne» o llicen to m eet Dec. a l th e heme of Mr*. GaU Jones to plan th# W t prosram.

Mr*. N athan H lU er w u In c h iric of the C hristm as program and-M n, Bame* was th# accom panU t for Un carc^.

' M n. Clyde Cox p o r tn y ed "Mary' In a jolUoque a n d M n . O all Jonej and Mr*. B arnes aanc “Silent

Mr*. Bam ea a a n s “I t Came Upon a Midnight C lear.- Mr*. K art Cam s- han ta n s “We T h ree King*."

Hie meeUag was closed by Uie F oup tlng ln s "Joy to World."

M n. Maxln* Jones, Olenn* Pern-, was a guest.

M n. Don G en try will t e hosteu for Uie January meeUng.

Social C a le n d arAmoma class. F ira t Baptist church,

will m eet a t 7 p jn . Mondsy a t Uie church Xor th e a n n u tl C hriiim t* P W . ^ ,

SHOSHONE^LlncoJn c h sp tcr No, 43, Order of E as tern SU r, will mcft a t 7:30 p m . T uesday a t Uia Ma*onlt tempi*. InstallaU on will b t held.

BHOSHONE—T h e weekly primary meeting for Dec. 2 r has been can- celed due to th e C h r ls tm u party a l 8 pjn. a t th e church on Uiat date.

¥ ¥ ¥M*slc *chapter. No. M, O rder of

E u le m Star, will m eet a l 8 p.m. Monday a t th e Masonle temple. Public InsUllaUon of officers vlll follow the TneeUng a t 8:S0 p jn .

¥ ¥ ¥ HO SH O NE—T h s literary Wesson

for Uie I D S B elief v d e ly will be held a t 2 p . m . Tuetday a t the church. M n . B u rto n T hom e wUI glTe th i lesson.

¥ « ¥Oamp Ja a e A on. D aughters o t Us»

Utab F lo ce en v lU n e e t s t l:SO pjn . M o n ^ a t th e hom e o f Mrs. R . 0 . TMmatt. U rs . V«lm « Booton will ^?e t h l lecton. G lfu w ill t e exchanged.

¥ ¥ ¥!• Tha M ary DktIs A r t club vU l meetk a tl3 :S 0 p jn .M a n d a y w lU iM n .J ,L . I Penonlus. 103 Polk s tree t fo r a pot> ff ]uck dinner. O lf tj wllJ t e exchanged. L Member* a re to b r in g table serrlee.

¥ ¥ ¥ H M lx r -O f f lc e rs o f Ui# D etetah R e b ^a h lodge will be Initalled Jan. a. M n. Amle F r te e u d . deputy prM­ldent. will t e In charga of th e cere­mony.

¥ ¥ ¥R A N SE N -noyal Neighbor lodge

will hold a Christm as party Dec. 31 a t tha home of E thel McDonald. Eden. All membera 'wishing rides tre to meet wlUi Mra. M innie Bedow a t 7:30 pjn .

¥ ¥ ¥BHOSHONE — T h e M ethodbl

■ Woman'* Society o f ChrliUan Serv. Jee will m eel a t a p jn . Wedneaday In tha Memorial h a ll fo r Its annutl Christmas program and party. Olfts will be exchanged. M rs. John Thom­aa U In c h a rte of th e prbgram.

SKOSHOn I —Th e ^ 'p U j t church young Boy’s Association leadenhlp

lO tu cs and Sunday school worker*’ conference will t e held Tuejdiy nlsht a t the church. Following mid-1 week praj-er services on Wednesday, the Deacons will m eet.

¥ ¥ ¥UB and S club will met a l 3 pin.

Wednesdny a t th e hom e of M n . D, B.

iOrlgss for a Christm as party. Mem­bers tr e to bring gitm i^nd ujed arllclcs of clothing for the chil­dren'* home, Bolse-

¥ ¥ ¥ H A O E H M A W -H sm m Jn VslJey

chtpter No. 78, O rder of Eastern BUr. » m elecl officer* Wednetday fevtalne. Mr*. At Karaloff, Mf.i.' Donald Hulme. Mr*. Claude Allenl and M n. Charles U ndburs will bet hosteuci. I

¥ ¥ ¥ IIVimrose Rebekah Jodge wl({ meet

^ 8 p jn . Tuesday In the fOOP htll. ■ Preceding the meeUng. a poUutk; dinner will t e s c rv « l t t 6:30 p.m.! In the dlnlnc room. T h t IcislnB tide ' of Uie ttlen d tn e e contest will ^ K r - I tain Uie winners. A sprclal pro-

; gram has been plnnned.¥ * ¥

Season M arkedSquiU.i club m el W edncidty ntphl

a t Ific hom t of Mrs. Cnrrol Ullev for R chrl.Mmn» pa rty wiih husbands u tpcclAl RUe L.1.

Secret pnis were revtsled ilurlng! the gift cxchnncf.

The w hite e lep lian l waa won b>' M n, Glen Davis,

.Mn. Lewis Roy will b« tlir hw ifw for the meeting Jn n . U when olli- cert will t e elected.

¥ ¥ ¥

Club H as M eetHAOERMAN, Dee. 17-T he tn - '

nual C hristm as p a rty and g ift ex­change was held W ednesdty evening by the T hursday Evening Bridge elub a t the hom e of Mr*. William,

I ' Gardner. Mr*. A lfred .S an d y re-, g celved high score. M rs. Jam es Elll*,'I Jow, tn d Mra. R o te r l G trdner re-'L . celi-ed the traveling prise. T be next'T meeUpg wlJl be J a n . 13 a t th« homer i c f H. P . LeM oyna. I .


L— ^ . , „ i

__________^ d 5(yi e t ^ ^ ^ a p S A t a

1. f >t ’ *0- rrlaniCata ' • • ' i r oty It) ^

(heward \ ^ ^ 1 1

loore e In

irttl-ireal-u ry ;irer;tee-



the u to leeU


MR. AND MRS. •Mn. phoir Uie * * * *

s; Mr.-and Mrs..Jpon NearGolde” *■ When Twin Pallj otuerved lU-

<h. BOldfn anniversary 1«« year, nnf couple Jn p*rllcuJar coiild look back

,■ with the Induljcner of oldUmcr.w Uiey had been there betore Twin

Now on Chrlilmas day, Uiat cou-

T ' V



nw t ^ t ■

■ ot p.m. iple. will




Us» ple, Mr, snd Mrs. John E. Hayes. PJJ|- »rJU mark Uitir golden anniversary r 0 . of marriage. They were m arried tlve on Christmas day. iSOi. a t the homo ed. of M n. HtycA’ falher. the ]a(« John

Hanaen, a t Rock Creek. The old >eet Hansen slore a t Rock Creek, long a

landmark, w ts tom down slmost iwo » t - year* sgo. ,

M n. Htye*. a native of w h it 1* ^ now culled Mnglc Valley, watched ,.K esUbltshed In thet.n ssgebrush. Hayea. working w ith lan, guf^jy crew*, wa* one ot tho.w who

helped eaUbllih thc town. He was •*** working wllh a survey crew near.

Rock Creek when he first met Anna Hansen.

*’5? Por IB year*, Uiey lived In Colo- j J rado hul "came home" In 1019. Haye.i , ‘ h u worked ss a civil engineer and , , , la sUll acUve a t his chosen vocation.

M n. Hayes has raised a family and somehow found Ume for community

, | , work Uist rw ehrd a cllmn* when she was elected president ot the

, National Congreas of Parents and Teacher.v

To m trk Uielr annlvemary. Mr.‘ and M n. Hnyes will hold open house

a l their home. 147 Seventh avenue east, from 3 to 6 p.m., ChrLitmns

_ i, ds}'. necHal snd Kzvlce »re aehed- uled for 7:30 p.m. In the Chureh of the Asccnilon. Eplscnpal, to be

w NO , ID I D N 'T M A R f. . . I ju*» look Ilka I t .

led - VUl- >

ay f y y g i f s / ^ \

iH v -

/ck: /

de' /

0-1/ -

• IT'S A H A T • IT 'S A SC A R F

• IT'S A BE/In -co lo flu l o il wool je rs ey ,

n . ' m ouve, p in k , 'D o ir ' b iu«*■ ' go ld , g rey , b e ii

se M o in O rd c r t P rra.e-, ■ . M fL H N E R Y — Si

“i | _ __ I B);

L________ —





t I , -]*-• '' s, I

res. JO H N ^ HAYES

* * * * re

John Hayes ' Jen Anniversary'

IM fallowed by a reception In the parLih / one hnll. Olfis are excluded from the V lack p inna for the day. with receptions r .w deslRned W exchnnne sreptlngs with win friends bolh old snd new.

A nd Judcinff from sn account of ou- th e ir wedding, plenty of people will

• Ur on hand to otter conRratulntlons. " l l Is a pretty s.ife propo.HUon lo C .iLTtp th a t no oUier two young people ^ in county have a g rea ter ■ num ber of per.wnnl friends th a n ° A n n a and John," the report notes, *'

• O f the bride. "Her ujlenU seemed “ lo bc un llm lt^ ." And of lhe bride-

-. • (troom, "He ts a young mnn of a lerl- w ln g character; a man who knows C

' w h a t 11 U tn bump up aRalnsl the K• w orld nnd take hard knocks w ith a «

sm iling a t the same time Icarn- Inc how to be better prepared for e: th e next cnnuei; a selt-made m an ; ri a highly aicomplbhed civil cng l- d

M ra. Hayes hns compwed a i>oem ^j te in connecUon with the golden n n n l- ^S v e rsa ry : ^B S ta r s In otir hearts. It we believe, .iH M ny still reflect untalllnit Itghl■ T o find anew the way g,■ Beyond tlie vb tas of this day; ^ H T b find new trails >.■ T h f tt hold our restless feet ■ „ B / o r our adventuring. RepfetAH -With love nnd fnlih and fellowahlp f, Sft A smiling, joyous fate appears A T o Grlng to us th b Chrbtm as day f,.

T h e reckoning ot fifty years „Since we first snld.lhe solemn vow*

, , , T o love, to cherbh andobey.W c bid you find the hnpplesl way [

led T o skare with us our Oolden D ayi '• n ,e T h u Chrbtmas,'I 'n -old

/ til ( ./ m


............ .. ‘ se


nd t ; \ ■ . .an. 'nd - .i“ y f e - ' ^ien »■;, Mhe f r ^ nnnd :

'Ir.ise Alue wl

'd - lllllllllll^M lllll^lllli ^be JOHN HAYF.B__________ ^

R R Y A M IL L IO N A IR E ' |. . . th e n k i to A n d e n o n 'i @

l i

r H !" ■ I I

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e a u t y 2 I

ey . C o lo rs o re: red , b row n , S l i lu e , w h ite , b la ck , navy , s e ig c o n d ru st. p ?

P r o m p t ly Filled


I •

Jo b 's Daughters I H ave Initiation I I Rites in WendellI 'W ^D E JX . Dec, 17-R ou Adams I iraa InsUlled honored queen ofI W endell BeUiel No. 12. Inlem atlon-I a l O rder of Job's Daujhter*. W ed-I nesday evening t l the Mstonlc tem -P O the r officer! Installed IncludeI N ancy c-impl>tll. senior princess;I ' M arilyn Petersen^ Junior p r in c e ;■ JoA nne FtnKcrson. guide; NedraI WUwell, mnrshil; I-lf>ila Lnmb. iI chapla in : Jerl GtMCf. reeorfer;I G loria Mnrlow, tretiurer: JoyceI Henson, first meuenger; Lols H ari-I ley. aecond meuenRer; Sheryl Crow,I Uilrd meMengtr; Barbira Marlow,I fou rlh meMenser; Colleen P a rr. I1 f if th me.vienRer; Julie Osles, Junior I,1 custodlnn: Loretta Rtqua. senior I- custodian: DonlU Adtmi. librarian; I' Sharon WUllnnn, outer guard: Jo -

k A nn McCloud, inner gu«rd: JudlUi I " M elser, muslclin; Ann King, choir

eapU ln ; Carolyn Drown, north page, tn d Msrllyn Brown, south . pafie.

Geraldine Ltulvn. honored queen,• waa InsWlUng ofllcer. 6he wn.i as-

^ tin ted 'b y Mrs. Murray Satteritcla.4 installing guide; PntrlclsN InsUlUng marshsl; Mts. Enrl Nlel-■ aon. Insulllng chtplnln; Mrs. Den- % ton Adnm.i, Installing recorder;I Mr*. If. S. Lamb, lajtslllng mi;«l- j I c lan : Mm. Fred liiJtaJHngI sen ior custodian, tn d Barbara O ls- . ^ le r. Insulllng Junior cmtodtan. j

■Miss Adam* presented MIm Law- j ton with a pi.ll queen pin. T he j presiding tjueen’s pin w t prew nt- ed to MLw Adtms by the retiring Qucrn. I

RefreshmenU were er ■ed yn Ita Adams, N»ncy Cnmpbell, Julie ,

, G aU * and Julle BtricWlng. ^

5 C hurch Women“ Use Christmas | 01 Theme ot M eet ■[1* BUHL. Dec. 11 — "ChrisUnas In «, tA O the r Lm ds.'’ wns the theme of lhe 1. Christm as party of tlie ChrbU nn „ „ Women'* f'cllonihlp guild Wedne.i- „,n dny evening at the home of Mra. g J, Roy SUIcklan. Mrs. Earl Allen' wna.(i In charge of tlie program. ^ f- Taking pnrt In the enlertalnm ent E1- w ere Ruby Lou QulRley. representing b « Chinn; Doris U e Moore. Mexico;1C Mesco Wilson, Bpaln, snd R ulh E.1- t A Hngcr. India. f 1- M rs. Lucille Drlsee, Twin PnlLi, r )r exhibited her collection of Ind lnn F i: rellc.1. Included were rug.i, pottery, t. 1- dolls and a petce pipe. Mra. W arren A

V an Lindem spoke on Uie IrLili r ^ Christmas. Mre. Fted Cnmbrich, n

E nglbh, and Mrs. Joe Kucern, C Czechoslovnklnn. a

Devotions, given by Mn. Allen. In - S ' eluded prc.wnung ench member w ith 11

m iniature moccssln pin during th e a service. "Oh Tliou Orest Spirit, fo r­bid t lu t I Judse any man unul 1 r- havfl walked for two moons In h is t moccasins."

P avon were little dolli, dre.ised to ' represent the nations dlJcussed d u r­

ing the meeting. They were mnde by Mra. Roy Slrlcklan nnd M n. Ray­m ond Sulcklnnd.

' ¥ ¥ ¥ J

' Contribution for Hom e-M ade by j C lub of Hansen ;;

HANSEN. Dec. 17 - A COnUlbU- tlon w ts mnde lo the children's home , C hristm as fund by fWencL-.hIp club '

i members ThurMlny afternoon a l the „ 1 hom e of Mrs, Oordon lllll. "

A C hrblm a.1 gift box for twn paUenU a l the tuberculuu ho.iplLal. v,

' Ooodlng, adopted by the club, w lllbe T sen t. A special box will b» mnde up «l for nnolher patient.

Following the f p.m. poUuck din- n ner. the ChrbUnn.i putty and c itl n exchange was held with Mrs. K en­ncUi Nsylor tnd Mr*. Eldon Durk In charge of the program,

i Mra, C harlesB tlly tnd Mrs. Uiynl f■ Rountree received priie.i tor gnme.^.'

Pollyanna names wer# revealed'■ nnd new names drawn. ] : I Mrs, Loyal Rountree wm k I

T h e meeUng Jan. 5 win be w iili' M rs. Eldon Durk with Mrs. W, G. Allen assbUng; Mrs, R. V. W alker'

I will have th e program. I

si S t M g aThci/'rr ihp. Inpa pj fhe ;

^ .sf)H, o j i r hlnmcR . . . in ai, ihat raufir from trim >

'P iailorcd'fnr ^ <lmj to ven/ \^ fllamnmis! a Im-cvemiig.

^ Buy VOW for 4 ^ ^ Chrifttnma. 3

» 2.98^ a n d

g 3.98^ • S h ip ’N S hore V^ • M nc Shore ' \g • G ra ff \

W A l l G t f f P u r c h a s e s

g E xpertly W ra p p e d a R eady for G iv in g

I p a :^ai^2tis^3si3]!k :g3g

- . T IM ES-N EW S.

Chosen Q ueen I

II01n - t

Iran b . t

ce ^ ^ H f / i i a ^ H rrl-

>w. Jr r . ;J t rlor l k V / n i ^ Hlor . . ^ r In : t0 - "lh c

RO.SA ADAMS i^ (M anh pho to -tU ff engraving) “


Anniversary for ' S' R ites Observed ‘ 2; By Buhl C ouple!V BUHL, Dec. 17-Ntr. nnd Mrs. kf. [ ' _ L. Adolf. Buhl, observed the ir golden j

wedding nnnlvenary with .lervlccs n t 3 p jn . Sunday a t the St. Jo h n ’s j LuUiemn church. Buhl, nnd nn

?f" from 3 to 5 pm . n l the j ')® Moose hall.'„l Mr. and Mrs. Adolf were married j

Dec. H , ISOS, a t Aurora. Ore, 'n iey la rm e i near Sheru'ood. Ore.. four (■

?■ years then moved lo American Kalb w here they homesteaded for 2B years. In 1935 they moved to Clover c whero they lived unlll 1047 when they moved lo Buhl. .

Included In the fnmlly nre four ( children. Tliree sons. Otto Adolf, DnIIa.i. Ore.: Krlc Adolf, Seaxldr.

, Ore.. nnd Roberl Adolf. Hagerman, ‘■t nnd one daughter, Mrs. Hclcnn Wll-

llninsnn, Nainpa; 13 grnndclilldrcfi and three great-grandchildren,

he Following dinner. Ihe evening was V '»n spen t iti remlnbcing nnd mu.sical tl

nnd vocal m)1o,i. O tto Adolt. K son, wn* mn.iter of cerenionies. \

TJie "mnld ot honor." Mrs. Serena MntUilesen. nnd the "best mnn," tr

n t Ben Adolf, wera present for the cele- i, ig bratlon.o: Approximately 400 giiesls ntlended n .1- th e open houM, OuesLi wrre from ii

Nam pa. AmerJran FalLi, Ruperl. Je- 5 Lt, rom r, Gooding. Wendell. T«lii Falls, b in F ile r nnd Duhl. O ut-ot-state relu- 7 , tlves Included Mr. nnd Mrs. Brn R :n Adolf, Mrs, Herbert Adolf nnd Mrs. ill Pcrrj- Wnlde, Newberg. Ore.; Mr. a h , nnd Mr.i. Ilenrj- Adolf. Portland, n , O re.; Mr. and Mrs. W alter Schmidt h

and Afr. and Afn. Robert Sclimid!, i - Sherwood, Ore.: Henrj' Coltclt. Ma- ;h Hn. Ore.. nnd Mrs. Jnhn DelnloTir le nnd Mrs. H. D. Uit. Lewcllen. Nebr. (, r - * * * 11

« Excelsior Club t " Elects O fficers « 'I A t Social M eet |

HANSEt/. Dec. 17 _ Mrs. Lyle - Jones was elected president n l Uie S regular meeUng cf the Excelsior So. i| clflJ cJub Tliursdny aficm oon a i tbe jJ home of Mrs. Bud Morgan. Mrs. S MnrUn Wellhousen was elected vice § president; Mrs. Ralph Scolt. secre- a

-J tar>- and Mrs. Von Nebeker, treas- j

A box was prepnred tn send l/i Uie 5 ,h lulJcrculaib hosplUil. Goodlnc. U a “ will be delivered by Mrs. Hnrold g

Banning. Q,n Mr*. Ailolph Martens received the R ll. w iiltr flcphnnt and Mra. O.icnr «, j r 'n in rle nnd Mr*. M nrlens received ^ ip speclnl gitt.1. 5

Sunshine pals were revealed nndiS '* new names drawn, A Chrlstmns g llt !§ t l exchange Wllj held. | 0,!|[ 'H ie meeting Jnn. S will be held]5

w llh Mes. Ralph Scotl.“ 'i r(

j ; W E D D IN G C A K ES Sj and CAKF.S for AI.L Ocetilnnsl

t . | Rrainnabln - We nelU er *i ' MRS. L. C . BU R C H S • r ' PH O N E 0 4 7 0 -R 2 , G o o d in g H

-iU.-.. 1__________ J a

l i i i i y K l l

and / 4 «

:I 2'U

, I f i l l

| i

i m s - _ . | f

irIN , F A L L S , ID A H O

I Mrs. A. Ju s tice■ Gives Lesson a t■ C hurch SessionsH HAOERMAN, D ec. 17-"W e Would

See Ju u s Today" w ta lhe lessor Drescntcd W ednesday attemooQ al

■ the general meeUng of Uie Womtn’i Society of C h rb tla n Service by Mr* Arthur Justlcp a t tb e home of M n VIrgll Norwood.. Mra. Justice led th e call to worahl; tn d Mrs. EUle Luscher gtva the opening prayer.

■ "Q. Come All Yo PalUiful" wtJ lung by the group.

■ Mrs. Wllla JuaU ce.s tve salpture rending*.

"I Saw th e L lghU of Chrblmaa" was read by Mr*. Norwood; "O LltUc Town ot BeUiIchedi" was sung, ac- companled by M rs. V. W. Carwn.

M n. Donald R ea gave the closing prayer. Mrs. Ju stice concluded her program by prescnUng the stor)',

■ "Amnhl nnd Uie- Nlghl Vblton ■ I Chrbtmas N lsh t" by Olan Carlo ^ ^ M c n o t t l . I t waa given by recording

V lifld Chet Allen. Rosemary Kuhl- [ i _ mann, Andrew McKinley, Dnvld

Aiken. Leon LLihner tn d Prtncb Monachlno took p a r t In the program

Ora .^fnddcn waa In chnrge al the J gill exchange. '3 Reporta were given by M n. W. O,

I Tupper, Mrs. A rthu r JusUce nnd ) | 6 Mrs. Donnld Ren. Mrs. Justice re­

ported Ihnl S20JB waa sen t to Uie reilef of Uie In d ian Amerleani. Mrs,

‘ , Ernest Billiard wns appointed on n ” committee to purchase Uble.ipoons

for Ule church kitchen. Mrs. Tupper ■ h" reported rags for ruga hnd been de-

' ^ llvered and w ould bc made toon.M n. Norwood and Mrs. Oeorge

rried Johnion served, niey Mr.i. Charlea Sk inner will be hail- ^our Bl, jor the generaJ meeUng Jan. 11, ^'alb M n. John H ayden will present the

2B program. Mrs. Bob Oaston will be over co-hostess, dien ¥ ¥ ¥

j™'GeNeal Richins, H unt U nited in

Jnrn C hurch Tem pleDECLO. Dec. 17 — Mr. tn d Mr*,

was Wlltord Rlchlns. Declo, announce sical the marrlnge of th e ir dnughler, Oe- Nenl, to Heber H un t, son of Mr. and

Mrs. Jacob H unt, S a lt Lake City, renn Eider Mark E . Peterson read Uie nn," marriage ceremony in the Salt Lake :ele- LDS temple. «

Delsla H unt waa mtld-of-honor ided nl the wfffiBng reception held Frltlty rom In Uie Declo recreaUonnl hnll. Cnrol Je- SenyJJ and Mr*. Ray H e« were

all’, bridftsmnlds.elll- Su-inn D arrlng ton . nnd Denise Ben niehlns wcre flow er glrb.Mrs. Elwood H unt a ttended the couple Mr. as best man.

find. The newlyweda a re mnking Ihelr n idt home In S a lt L ake Clly. .>W!, ¥ ¥ ¥


(ello. Dee. 17—Sigm a Kappa, n t- lionnl soclnl sorority a t Idnho State college held pin pledging tor five ndditlonal m embers. Among Uic new pledges wa.^ L eont J. Ains­worth. Twin Falla.

et pei*®©®®®®®® “ Is ® g if ts fo r theSo. © the f t

Hn. S?,vice ® -. t h

!cnr ^Z i


I r r rt l , 1 n

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ns'ould !s*on Q at Ian'sMr*. K l lM n. I B M

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jn. ^»lng • c ■ I

her BtSfc. • /Wf)’, . /Itor* K ' . \ •. ■':nrlo b - \ , ' \ V •

invld n o r m a HAI.I,incb . . . whose engageraenl tn Grint ram. Gillette, wn ef Mr. and ' the Hoirard Olllelte, Twin Talfi has

been announced by her psrtnti./. O. Mr. a n d M n. Cltude IUll. .M,u and Arfx. M iu H tll wna iraduiini re- from M e n high achool. Kht |. U,e now emptoywJ by tbe Ulue Crnu.

Mrs. G illette w u graduated from cbe on n Unlveralty of Idtho tnd I, » ootui mem ber of Che Deltt Tau Delta pper fra tern ity . He It tn trm y vettran I de- and U now empla;ed a i a ur#

underwriter with NorthweiUrn •orge M utual Ufa Iniuranee eompinr

No wedding date h t t been u u iMl- (Kelker phot<».^Utf engrtvlnj)1. 11. -------

i'SJ C atho lic Women H ave Luncheon

. M eeting in BuhlBUHL, Dec. J7 -A Christmas pot-

' luck luncheon wns held by the Cath- I _ ollc Women's league Tliursdny aiter-

’*“ noon In the cJvlc cJub room.i. Duhl Mr*, city ha ll. Mra.- Robert Stewart. Mrs. jnce Veronica Ruyls and M n. Joseph Ge- Grcuf wcre hostesses."hd A $10 donation w ts voled for the

CaUiollc orphanage near Lewbtnn w e and llsta ot gnrmenU for glrb were

-«ke recorded. ,The league decided to serve a d ^ n e r Jan. 4 for Buhl Kl-

’''or wanls c luJvap their ln*Ullallon of “l»y officers. '“ fol Members who will have chargp nf ‘■fre {},« e lln r decorallnn.i lor Chi' cnn-

lng year were notified. Cnrdi were n^e nigned - to bc w nt to two charter

members, Mrs. Nellie Chellne tnd

T he-league agreed to clean Uie ^ flr church Tueiday for Chrbunas. •

¥ ¥ ¥

G ifts Exchangednn! Hillside H elpen club held Itji *n- ta te nunl C hristm as poliuck dinner nnd five glfl exchange Tliursday t l Uie home Uic of Mrs. Clyde SmlUi.

Ins- M n . W lbon ChesUiut will be the hoatesa fo r tha Jnn. i meeUng. ,

l e little pocketbook

th a t hava th a t million-

m yJ T L

^ Prills of Plnr Lnce . ;4 - luxurloutly td r itt on ll ■ f® fltUns much • for - little5 slip In quality nylon U

J 32 Ul 40.i j P MalcJilng PeiUcoat In ’

mMt, pink dnwn. J-O.W rec V Small, medium nnd Inrg

Mntclilng Full-Length C m nt, pink dnwn, malw tn d black. S l u t '33 to i

— O f e - _ -

Tlie Pabulou* Flounce . . double tn d definitely drett With exijulsite flower af Mtrvel - for - Oie • money *«1 32 to <0.

. M itchlng peUlcont In whil dnwn, aca m bt nnd deser

V Small, medium and large.\ - M ttching Long Oown In tJ

M e t.


SIFT ROBEI > .9 5 t o l 0 . 9 i


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>M«c u , m n d ; Un^.

Mr*. Oo'dt

^nta, *‘- 'f f a p t i l i r ^ * ‘ H lleu. ^ e b iuw tied bj fc lt la o'e tru iirnia. ""fned b thm ,tbe commiitrt,

, » Tlie pusiitlelU <y Uit Oddtran In Ujf ,lire lorium m

lern The C h iiji»u7 i^Hany. '^ "e

g L B o n k R ^ B i1 By'n A t C l u b K

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“ "’j StomocbB

d 1nnd. D r . A l n u ^ K

iom e.

, U , ’ i M M i b N r t ^ K

3 n -d o Ila r look

m $ l ^


I . . deep ir4 nn Uiis npei^- ' little Seampn:.':n Ulcot. ^

In white, blw « - r r d tn d t l |^ J

:th Oown. B:«. \ malte. rote " J >

to iO. Ol .

. . . . itfHdretm -tiw ' A O Hr appU=“^

% . JUwhite, j

«■ y u '111' U l.u l" ■ .



- i —


Page 19: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

SGirl of Goodit

In s ta l le d Qu A t Bethel ;

OOODINO, Dec. 17—Pi uutolled honored i

beUitl NO. 15, In lenuU o i of jot>'* DiUKhKrt, w edne ^ ftt the M uonlc ten pubUc ceremony.

Other officer! instnltec Carol W « Bymm. Mnlor AUlrt 0 ‘ckMn. Junior Olendft NIclAon, culd« i ifufnej', marohiil.

U iln Otkley. m uilcU n; 1 V»rin. recorder; Owendoly; irew urtr; M«rl H ln B brarlin; AIU H enrf. ch«pl Newhoiue, Judy Jerread. Je a»yU CiuTleo tn d MAry rieisengerfl; Churlene ChU Marilyn BmBs. cuilodiw Cftrrleo, Inner Bunrd; An inee, ouler piord; Vicltl ■nd Normft Jentry. pase Simli, hUtorian *nd Shlrlej eJiolr leader.

Joan Muffley, reUrlng queen. w»i IniUlllnir offlc InsUIIIne offleen, &11 piul queens bethel Ko. 15, Mrs. Bill Oalc:ey..ffulde: l

^ K f C D - ^ , Cole*, m srthal: Mrs. Uoy._ ton, recorder: Mrs. Ilobert

—' chnplaln; Mr*. Gordonr mujilclnn and Mr*. Hod Ola

'sSOCIcTy Mr*. AUn Pallerson, cu*U ru , i r r h R- A- Kendrick waa

f l t t n U I ’-J* for the Book ot Oold ceren - I C o f p Deb^y Meyer wm angel.Q

rylUQI r c i c ,it-Tlie Worn- of Ujc refreshment eommlt

* * *

New Club Hoi Special Servi

A tG uildC oiS ^ t f f u u f f . HANSEN. Dee. 17- M r s

tte ChrUt' Likens prepared a candle ^fTtainO service Thursday evening S Md a lelt^r home of Mrs. H u |h Sandi

UiB newly formNl WesUyn in the MeUiodlst churcl..

1 » letter Mrs. Carl Davis wa* acce] [ 2 X l Ifl Ken. new member.^ The pilld WAS organised^ p5 to “’omen who work p a r t Um *!i nl ts Amerl- <* chsnce to take acUvi “f*" the church's actlvlUes. I t v

once a monUi.’ , Mrs. Joiieph EnRel w ma f f h u m prr-iidcnt: Mr.<. n slp li 81mm

keiUIUM p r„iden t: Mrs. Onyle U m b P l w H n n ^ ing secreUry: Mrs. Liken, P e tU U i io g « reu ry : Mrs. Ora 1

« ere promoUon secreUry a n d Pr* uaillfte '^letAilrpa^urer. l a i n wnlng.l

Care o f' n

iS tg I pirt7 to o y

ins. i (Ift ex* In any humnn action, and r I. Iir<l» 0»e!u lJ no exception. T here an t wmitmenLj. wny.t of lenchlng beln

Jar duced that Inck thnt eesentl BUI uo ven* ^ quietly .•JL Mn Alice This becnuse they are 11 « « tfl"' ‘he children n wro_ “ ■ prrMlon of their ability nni

fore of Ihelr plscs In th

nsnr j61 Wliy. for ejiample, have n rnrwa »*’•''* •” elemcnUrv mlUlllC O l I I rend a slory and then writ* rr.&4K.Jerome. «Sir.p«fnffil ot children assume sn attlUide a t i Ul Msrlne auUiorlty w hen tll M of Mr. snd f i '’*” * Uils hi8h*sbiilu, Tfl. nnme. I t is known as " the b

I "strennthenlng of the pen

“ 1 S a ™ f l - f U " " - ' p rta tllAn ImporUnt clvlo group J , f n J, I'* deliberation of Juven iinQuency Invites two high

students, 15 yesn of nK«. t atu been tft. wlUi them and give th e ir 1---------_ _ _ subject. T hat Is & so rt

r tO r t in »houid no t IW hnt those children say

p rn nitxilfy whnt Uiose res]ndutU think and do ta Uie e

V * n .<iinKlfl comma. Why the sh I 7 f the shnm? W hat-effect wni

a V iV on the children?V \ K Children, nnd plea.<io und

J /V /'f tha t boys and eirls In the ' teens are children, ahould

^ nllnwrrt to believe th a t Uu nbllliy, comprehension or

/ / ^ u Ilclris tlmt are beyond their S. k iif rs, Tliey should n n t be i

J | | ' s m 6 - [ h

' I l f ' W lT /f-


or »n tA *i f e ' " . M, . , Y '

^ ‘S ynrd. '

th ru 1

K r r . 1/^ In rof,;,

i l l Bertlia 0

ding Pledges T r ^ueen H H K S j g I M eet- P e n y Oe«

queen oT Order

>dneftday eve* .tem ple ■

Includeilor prlncass; mor p rin ceu : l« Sind Lols

aMn; Rosemary lolyn Loucks,I Boger. II* u p la ln ; JudyJ, J e r t Nelson. f i s N BdAry MarUn. ’:hlgbrow and H K J f V,i. '>dian8; Judy C V /r I

A nn Sever- 1 ^ ; ; - , V - , fickl Stanley - n ,lage*: Nancy K ti . ,

■Inr h . n . r « (» u r ,jftlcer. o th e r *p ast honored r* v t

in c .a a ri E ngagem entle: M rs. Guy r i • / - i -Sherie G. Fc

R eported irustodlans. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. waa n a rra to r •''"ounce Uie ,enga e r e m ^ a n d “ '»>>■ <>»U8hUr, Sherle eremony ana schm auder, s.

, , and Mrs. A, Z. Schmaui chnlrm an „ „ [ , , n . j ,

im lttec. Miniature newspapershesdllne, “fiherie W ins A

^ r » M c ^ ‘P " ‘he j:\t U i U d Tuesday a t t candlelight d _ • a t the Alpha Phi sororr V I C 6 S university of Idaho, Mo.

r I ring wa* dl*pl»yed on ■ ^ O n T o D white Chrl»tmiui figurine, Mrs. Wayne in a bow ot gold ribbon. ndle-llBhUng Mis* Fox was grndui ling a t Uie T * '" high school In anderion /or 1* * « n io r nt Uie universi Uyn guild ot 1»'X In English guidance.

. Schmauder Is * senior j iccepted u a student a t tiie university

p u t president o f the Ti Ised to give Epsilon fraternity.Ume or tuU No wedding da te ha* b< cUve p a rt in * >/■ *I t WlU m eet O F n C E ils CIlOSl

Officers of Uie KOS < WM elected elected Fridsy a t th e clul Immons, vice Christmas poUuck d lnnrr amb, record- exchang»at the home of I en, aplrltual ton Durbin. O fficers nre : ra Simpson, bln, president: Mrs. Fred . P ra n T reat, Tice president, and Mn

RoMnoff, •ecrelarj’-treasui

if Y our ChildreiBy ANGELO PATRI

nd educatlonteel a load of responslbl a re 'n few they have no wny to cnrry

being Intro- sort of Uiing doea n o t sl lenUnl qusl- does not add power n o r ( tly dropped. Uie children, e likely to Our young peopln need

f*"" leadership, and r Job .5mu *h « e »n a civic projec t, lo

I Uie adu lt p i„ e ^f work In uchodl roi . guidance and leadership

Z 1 ^ 1 ' . e>'ident and It m ust be autJ 2 . children did n o t need-i

. ^2? schools, Uie teacher* *nd tl w ere? T ^e of y<>uUi would be unneces

.ude ^ w i s , chnBren could be on Uielrl'i. 'To be *u«. »ocl*l prohletjh -w M d ln g di4cussed tn Uie schooU w

^ lhe StudenU _ provid. personality, th ,^ discussions a re gi Id unworUiy ^y undersU ndlng peopl mcipies, gincere In Uielr d e a lln g r i roup a itung djuaej,. There can be W | L’lt’i <JeP»rUnenU of go'

. studies madi:e. to s l l in pg^ts written to th e grea lir Ideas on the students, o r t o r non- p m jh s t U no t to be mai.1 of Ki''**y *'>** pnUy (trave conslderaUon

f*lhers. I t m u s t be ie ex tern oi gjujy ,,y studenU w ho a« 'n . . . V " he placed in thc lig h t o f lui « n i I t have body to Uie responsible ai

. . . T hat U unfair U> th e chlldiundersU nd _______Ihelr enrly ni»i mu? cSiid t tr «i WHm uld n o t be i '

Uiry have r „ , i „pi,fni >»• m cir« rh i. or skill In -u n in r-i«. -ch.n*!!.h r tr r x p tr .be m ade to ttminn i:, n»w Vmii is, n . y.


Q & u n ^

r r[ompbell's Stoi


fro th" Z enob iaC lubc • ^ g m T.F. Has DinH B j B u i Zenobia dub, DaujhUrs

NUCi m et Wednesdsy In the rooms lor a no-ho*l turke ner.

Members broucht gUU to I to the Shrlnen hosplUl for e

. children. Spokane. The club a■i’ Shrlnei

Mrs. Ben potter tave a Chi : reading and Uie group sang

Bandy. Mrs. Bobler. Mrs. Clsra Koehle;

^ ‘- T S I B i Paul Mosely, Mrs. Mary H uki Mrs. Bess Brown were Uie

■ W n K S K cominlttee.

I ^ n Hollls/er's OES V H H Masonic Lode

Install Offi(v B j HOLLUTER. Dec. 17 - » ^ ■ 1 chapter No. 47, Order o t 1

s u r . and lodge No. 71, AP ai held jo in t InsUIUUon cere

FOX Thursday night In the Holllstring) • sonio Umple.

^ Mrs. George CUrk was instjworthy matron: Lloyd Nelsoi

,4- patron: Mrs. Elmo FarrIT O T soclate matron: Bm o Parrsr, r - t Ute patron: Mrs. Dale Kunk r O X I S « U ry : M rs.. Oeorge Mei

. _ treasurer: Mrs. Maurice Hum i n I I conductress; Mrs. LeRoy Ma

* * soda te conductress: Mrs.I J. Pox. Twin ciute, chspUln: Mrj. WUllai ngogement of Daniel, orgsnUt: Mw. Home le Oaye. to erU. Adsb; Urs. Dwight •, son qf Mr. RuUi; Mm, Dwight Parrott, 1 lauder. S h o rt Mrs. Richard Lules, Martha

Oran Jones, OecU; Mr*. Be rrs wlUi the ler. warden and Dale Kunkel s Art Pellow- ineL Mrs. Floyil Nelson was lm

engagem ent officer and Mrs, Leslie Dean, I t dinner held Ung m sinbfl. irority houae, Ed Vincent w u InsUlilng Moscow. T he for th e Mssons and Ployd n a red and was InaUlling-msnhal.Ine, Imbedded Oeorga McOregor was insU n. worthy masUr: Leslie L.iduated from senior warden; Homer Roberl 1 In 1853. She lor waxaen; Bob LelchUter, erslty, m ajor- urer: Elmo Pstrar, secreU r :e. Jones, aenlor deaoon; Don 1or Journalism Junior deacon; Richard Illy snd U a aenlor sUward: Richard

T au K appa Junior ateward; Lyle Wallis shai; Leslie Dean, sentine

s been seL Lloyd Nelson, flisplaUi.A polluck dinner precedi

O'SEN InstaliaUon.•S club kere * # ¥

Women Meet fc Christm as Pc

Su i J e r "** festured Thursday

when Uie Meny Married* met I home of Mrs. Joa Ainsworth

Mrs. J . C. Allwood. Mrs. V p n I Bracken, and Mrs. Robert I

I were In chsrge of games.; The centerpiece for the U t

___________ a U rge tumbleweed sprayecarUflclal snow and decoratei

siblllty th a l chrlsU nas omamenU. Tlie 1 rry o u t . ' ^ a t p^ve favors ot angel and sw t s u e n ^ e n , shaped candles, sr dignity to „ r s . Hamey assisted the h

Mr*. Vem RouUi will I •ed guidance, Ja nuary hoftess.|ob to do. Tn K « «in do a good HOSTS FACULTVrouUne. UiU , MURTAUOH, Dec. 17 -T h

lip m ust be ully o( Uie MurUugh schooU, KUthoriUUve. tward members and Uielr hu td 'th e s e , the nnd wive* were guesU o t M d th e leaders Mrs. Ray Assendrup Wed scessary. T he evening for a buffet supper, ie lr own. blems can be s w ith pro fit vlded always t guided and

who are [ r the ir trips the

lade re- gain

tlven appar- Uon by thft ‘

a sincere I a re no t

I authorlUes.

4liir« nr r*ru>«»Ri« hla hablu

nslat cpi»« In toln iw%.

f TijW'?gB^y ‘



M ayfaiiShoi



5 o f Sorority Danc( 'inner H eld by Wom

F e tes Husbcirkey din- T he R jallon Sigma Alph*

held IU m ain event of the to be sent ChrUtma* d in n er and dsnci or crippled n ight a t th e T u rf club t ub also will husbands, rmers hos- Mrs. B en Eldredge enU rt

h e r home before the dancc Chrisuns* cockUll pa rty . Mrs. Jim

ang caroU, o e rry H agler and Peggy Joi Jn . Grace in charge of the eockull p ihler. Mn. Mrs, E. C. D sgenhardt s

John B ra n d t were tn charg the dinner dinner decoration* and i

m enu._ _ Sm all glfU were used iP n card* on U bies decR»ted

ChrUUnas iheme.\ A r \ a trio supp^ y , music fo r dancing.

^ S B u h l J b y - C - V t C hoose Mem

ceremonies t - r ' * i t \ /m uter Ms- T o Fill Vac(In.. 11 BUHL, Dec. 17 -B uh l Jsy

e lec l^ l M rs. Dean Joslln . W ednesday evening a l a

rr.p in the Clvle club rooms at hsll. M rs. Joslln replac

McOr^Mr ^ ^ h e rt Bailey who rtsigne E m a t R oland was electe

m Z « • * " '"“ >er U) replsce Mr*. Je rs Goldie adopled UieUlism Me! home, McCollurS

zht Sluw ChrUUnas cards will be t ill Esther-’ *“ * pe rson there, ruia- t o

B«n Laz. seven needy families In I nkel s ^ t - to «*«*''« ' ‘oUilnis ln s 'u illn i A C hristm as gift exchs •an InsUl- held and co-chairm en, Mr*

■ Randall a n d Mrs. LouUIng officer « r r e d retreshm enl*. oyd Bsndy * >(■ *

insulled as P io n eer Histoi .iVuT: R ead a t PcIttf, t r m - A pioneer hUtory was re* * Camp E m -A r-E I DaughtersDn Parrott, pjoneers T hu rsday stwrnoo d Kevan, home of Mr*. Effle Walker Jd Lutes. K ate Jacobs. ailU. m sr- Mr*. Ed Robinson led Ui itinel and and Mr*. Eva Pelerson i

le&son.■ceded the Mrs. E llrjibe th Larsen reci

white e lephant.A fter g l f u were exchan

r freshm eiits were served.T O r T he n e x l meeUng wni

n . Ja n . 19 a t th e home of Mrs

‘ » » P a r t y Given b

m et a t Uie , / , _

i'^W iiiiam H onored Qir t Hamey BeUjel No. <3. Intem aU on

of Job 's D aughters, m et 1 ’ Uble w u n igh t a t th e home of Jo An ayed with honored queen, for a Cl rated witli party.he hostess T he gtrls luing carols, gnveI snowmen m w read ings and lUteaed ■

and organ selecUons. tie hostess, exchanged andII be Uie nienU w ere served trom

decorated In the C hristm u Public InxUllnUon will

•V T hursday n ig h t a t the-T h e tse- temple.»U , school M ¥ *' husbands You c an keep an i) t Mr. and canned h a m In your refricei EVednesdsy weeks, b u t only about one wi

________ it's opened. Qood for emei

imiir \ i i V j i i i j i y

l l ' l tl

. . . i cotnp!e ;i!y new pri

l ic h t lr . deftly Iii

l in e o f fasbion . . .

nflfHfn//y yours. Y(

1 ^ FO K THB I^ ■ • W idely-ipaced s tr ip s , opsq

_ U ce cu p s, leno e lu t ic cent

* ® P Strapless,

Isce cups. D ouble msrq

A HO...

iceDmen;bands.Ipha sororlly

the a Friday honor

s tlance a

Jim WslLi. y Jones were

Mrs.iharge of the


ied u place m•a ted ^ L ih e . | ^ , _ ■

s u p p | ^ « e . f ' ' . .. V . ®

^ttes \v'V''’v ^;mber ;

(lln secreury | c ' ^ ■I a nieeUnc M .',IS a t Uip cily eplaces Mrs. signed. Mrs.

Id with be Uken

Uist ,

ithlng, . xchsnge w u Mrs. Mervin

)uU Monnln, ^

Vtory C erry lU f ie r . left. Mr*p . I annual Christm as parly eParley r o u p eajoyed dancing. <1

I resd to the , , — ,

™'.uh'; M arco C lub’O T .F . H as Ml

F or Chrisf, . , Maron c lub m e t Thursdn

1 received Uie home ot M ra. Harold Halnli potluek dinner,

changed, re- M embers atuw ered roll < .. > "ChrUtmaa tradUions In c

wni be held mr.v"Mrs. Robin- j,<rs. A udra Reed and M:

Hlne received the whiU i Mrs. J . A. Halloway prese

, K v / procrnm. Mrs. Orville Sack I Ralph H ostetU er and M:O l rnndy gave C h rU tj i^ readUueen m i*. P re d Haimme, Mn.Uon.1 O r to «'■»• f ,""" M ™ “

: C h , E , . ' '=■ •> '' “ « >—

W om en Prepai and relresh- D olls for P

'om a Uble T h e Y -W lves worked on i a n u theme, (eddy-bcarx In preparation s-lll be held Klwnnls'ChrUU nas party fo lhe Masonic prtvtteRed children a t theli

day n ig h t m eeting )n th« rooms.

n unopened O lfU w ere exchanged u friserstor for pnU wero revealed, ne week after Mrs. V erne P a r t l tu and I emergenclesl mer P e te rson were eo*host<


[ v n e n v ^^ T J B h

l‘i the unique “ b u o y in t lif t" design

w priociple in beau ty u p l i f t . . . that

ly lifu you into th e n^w hiR h-round

* , . . cr_falcs a new fu ll c u rv e tha l is

-s. You'll be u lo n ish ed a t lhe lovely

difference C u rv tU u re ou d esl

H* SMALL OR A V IK A O B P10URKopaque nylon U lfeU w ith beau-knot

center gore. Siies 32-36 . $ 6 . 0 8

less, dscron with leno s id e sections,

nsrquisctle centcr f ro n t . ^ 7 . 0 0

. r\

Sorority H as [

. ; *-

I, Mr*. A. A. B randt, etoler, and Mrs. •arty ef Epsilon B lgna Alpha Friday nig Ing. <RUff phote-eogravlng)___________

ib’of Lucky 12 CIl Meet Planning

i r i c f m n c ^ P*'i r i b i m U b home of Mr. and M rs, D hursdny a t Uie wns planned Friday by Ui Halnllne for a club when 11 met n t th'

Mr. and M n. Jack Wlnkl roll call wlUi A ChrUUnu dinner

s In our tsm - honoring husbands.M rs. Paul Bandy and

ind Mrs. D, B. Hlnea won high for • I’hite elephanL pinochle and Paul Bandy I presenled the H uffm an won high for m e Saeketl, Mrs. M rs. SlaaU w u elected nd Mrs. Paul Mrs. Winkle, vice preslden LS rtsdlngs. IkV.'W. Reed, secrel*ry-tr e, Mra. V. W. M r. and Mr*. Reed wer yre* snd Osvid « « ¥

m b e h e id Jan . E ntertoins Cinounced IsUr. heYBORN, Dec. 1 7 - ! * Pullm an w u hostess to U

> n n r p *■ dessert bridge pai. p U I C bggje Wednesday ever M* P n r f x / WUilfred Cloughley, Eir n r a r i y celved Wgh scor* tn d h. !d on dolU and KoUten. low. iration for Uie . :arty for under* t their Thurs*

t h e P Eged and secrct

,«.dMn,iwJ so p rae tio-hostenes, • , ^------------ s m a r tly :

H .


I j M O R L O N

| 9 A . " S k y l l n il l n « , b r

f t o M / a iTtIt

“* B , " B u b b l i■* t U t t v a ily t r i m . C<,1 » o » * . S l


! 1V « ueM A


5 D ance


| M p b \ v ^ a P t t J B E f l E i y i

lr*. E. C. Degenhsrdt deeorat« the -U b l n ig h t a t Uis Turf tlab..Following Uie

;iu b Twin Falls G ig P arty J, R. Douc .‘SS.'suli’u Exchangey t^ e Lucky 12 l ew ISTON. Dcc. 17 . th e nome ot Martin, daughter o f M

Robert MarUn, T w in .er WB* given j ^ j , r . DougUss, son

^ Mrs. J. R. Douglass, and M r*. Don married Nov. 25 1

nVtSd'Slydeir m en . The Rev. H arvey pe'cted president; service.

KsPP® Kappa O am m a ] were co-hosU xjniverslty of Idnho-ancl / - I I “ pl edge.

S d l u b ^ '“ho KaH,7 -M ra . Marie ‘^e couple, to th e BB club ’nw nc' ' Mr. a n d M p a rty a t her » « >naklng U ielr,hom e

evening. Mrs. Douglau Is ma]c E m erson , re- enjlneerlng.

d M rs . W slter A shower honoring t] _________. . Riven by her pledge slst

;>ERFECT G I F T ! a n etical to wear npw . . an y in to Spring I

f K - ^ '

I -4 ^

lO L I D A Y A I R I n w a s h a b l f

H i A N D C O n O N P R I N T S

I l n a P r i n t " . . . n o v o l n e e k - b r a l d t r i m , t h r e e ^ u a r t o r

9 » , f u l l s k i r t . C o l o r s : B l u e ,, a n d B a t g a . S I x o t 1 0 t o 1 8

b l a P r i n t " . . . c u f f o d c a p f t , V - n e c k w i t h S c a l l o p

C o l o r s : L i l a c , B e i g e , a n d S l z M 1 0 t o 1 8





'U b ie s for U u Uie dlnoer iha

;G irl, ^ I ju g lass ige Vows ;. 17 - Marilyn jIf M r. and Mrs. !w in FalU ,' and 1;aon of Mr. and !'

ISS. Tw lo FalU. ‘25 In U u Pres* ,

wUton.r perfonned the

u - MnrUn Is a m a pledge a t Uis i-and DougUsa U ^dge.HArold Thelsea

e. • ' '.d M rs. Douglass iome' In Moscow, m ajo ilng liv civil

ng th e M d e v u j i sisters.________ . [

a n d Ian d


\ ■ ■ ■ jl


H v ^ -I h ' W

. j i g i ? .

b i o

T S .

'“ 4o r • * ' ,

'»< V ' 1 8 4 - ■

*S- ji p I, p I

■ ' i r



Page 20: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...


K e n t u c k y

I P a s t I d a h

I n C a g e CL E X IN G T O N . K y ., Dcl-. 17 i

i t s o ld t im e f u r y S a tu rd iiy hikI' f o u r l h b o s k c lb a l l v ic to ry in fivj i t s BtronKCHt a t ta c k th is ncusor

' f ig u r e s t o 6cn<i Id ah o to its | ' f o u r t h f lc tb ack in f iv e H la rts . *

Kentucky unlaidcd lU atroiiRCJi n iu e k th is «ii4oii as lls s w n m h it In double IlKUrc* lo arnd Idnlio ' to ils fourlh *eit)nelc In five *taru.

Tlie, decilo ii uns vrapped up quickly ns the Kcnlucklnns flnsliert ] lo a 13-0 ndvnnlaKe JG no ' 81mraoiii. Twin Kftlls, h it Ida-

n ho 'a lln ilbnsfccin llerS iM , y The huUtlme count v.ii* fn Kentucky used lU tnll limber in eII Rtteep lhe boards niid worked i 11 IhroUBh Ihc Idnho repest- I n edly Ior sho rl tliots. ^ I I Slmmona. who plnyed lu l t Uie! l came BBnlnii Daylon Isat week. scor. IIJ m e 13 polnu, rnnied a aUrlins e■ berth on the VnndiiU' iqund wlUi Ills ®■ performance. Tlie 5-fool. Jl-lnch aI , aophomorc guard avernsed 1V8 liI polnta per Rnme laal year aa a Iresh*■ mun, even though an Injured ankle T ■ . kepi him oui ol Uiree names. »<I I Bob Burrow. Kentuckya 8-7 cen- I I ■ lr r . led the scorlnc » llh 19 polnls, F i | hlRhcst to u r Uils year. « I I Sophomore Runrd Vernon }lnlUn P y added Ifl and Ruard Oerry Calvert T■ contxlbuled H . u I f Fowrtfd Ja y Bufiler lopped Uaho's * U nutput w llh H . followed by fiunrd j., E l' Gary S im m ons'13. i-; II Two btwkeis nnd two free Uirow*H by Burrow, two ROals and a fout ahot U by Phll Grnwnniryer nnd a Roal by a l na tion pu t lhe gnme oul of reneh n - a l Uie outaei.U Idnho'a youiiR cqiind flashed twoJ hriei /lu r r lf j in ihr earl.v Rolns. , /

Down 19-4. bnaket.1 by BoU Goold and Btll Bnu.'ulier nnd iwo free Uirows by Jny Buhier cui K en. i lucky'A Irnd to nine. I

U te m Uie half nnoUirr Idnho I ouU)ursl outpointed Kentucky 9-2 In •

I onn stretch. Including buckeU by ; Buhlcr. Bnuaeher. Gnry McEwen nnd

a three-point trip by Simmons. d, - Kentucky's second hnlf lead slip- in

f ped to 10 point* n t one auge bul {■I the WlldcntA tnlted 12 alralghl to {el a. } thc attack in hlsh Rear nRaln.

f Bui’ley Stages S’ I Rally to Nip ■I Utah Cagers ...1 BURLEY. Dee. 17-Tlie Burley

Bobcats came from behind Friday J. nlgh l to trip SouUi Cache. Utah, >- C3-C0 in a bAskeUtall thriller a l u r - .

, ley.! The two fast-breaking leama were Mj

locked tn a nlp-nnd-tuck balUe from ci fftart to Itnlah. Conch Rulon Budge's Bobcats were behind 12-11 n l the |;! end ot th e Ural quarter nnd 30-34 a t iii hnlfUme. In the third period. Uiough, the -Burley crew cnuRhl ftre and pulled nhend of Lhe vlslion.

At one point In th e Uilnl quarter, |j' Burley led by aeven poInU—Ui« big- iii seal margin either lenm held during Uio Rame. d.

« South Cnche's Krogh proved to bejk A hard mnn to slop. He netted 2S I I polntA.. Lynn Chureh was U>p mnn i.I I . fo r Uie Bobcat* wllh 19, followed by - l j D. Taylor wlUi 12.1 2 ' The box score:M . tiurifr Ck H. « o) i.l l ' f r ; ' Li u. . ■■ 2 5 5 « » J 'o B Trtmnn 1 1 4 lolKrotK I I a ;s jJ-

H TMtJr* i t l I | I 10 j.

jfl T^»^. ij «(_ n ii :* «

H j *’i! :i 11 (0 IJ.

Bliss Defeats Camas Gounty ^ Cage Qiiintet i;

FAIRFIELD, Dec. 17 - The Bllai Bcnrs. hltllng from nil nnglrs. hand- h , rd Oie Cnmn.% couniy h ljh achool H. M aihers a DS-3fl setback Friday eve- .*?• n ins. j"

Miller racked up 20 polnt.^ while *>• le.idlnc couch Al Olindcra' Denra la ,

S victory. Por ccach nobcrl FerRU-

fon 'a Mu.<hcr?. ll «a.% HumptirejTi who led the acorlnR s lth 13 polny. ;•

In the preliminary game; the BllM iii clrls Ir.iin eked out n 35-31 vlclory >)• o v « lljp C«mn,s couniy Rirlv / '

n Ifl ii .t,; :i I* i : T

Ft. Ord Gridders Win Bowl Crown

EAN lil tG O , Dec. 17 t.^_Thr l-i.'„ Oixl Warrior:; ini’hrd ovrr tno quick ' IlrM jlcrfod iiniclKUmir. ntiil u r i i i' on to a 3 i - n victory ovrr ihr liclu- ' r r Pcimncal.i inivnt nir .Maitnn iii'i \ lhe fourth nnnual I’Diii'rtiia tx>»I /<x«baH cflKJc SjiiiiNbi.

Three Ioiik louclulown rllll^ nml D;ilr of 10-ynrd k'avr tin; M*"^%■Il •|or Ironi Mcimorry, C.ilil-. J-.I tlieir ixjliit.s. Tivo other nrmy touch- r'. ‘i clowns were nuUtflrd by prnnltlpv. ‘

Hnllbnck-N Pnuli ^Tnmcron, lornirr,'’' ' UCLA nnd Alrx Burll t piiccd the nrmy ground niuck wliilti,, quarterbnck Jimmy Power.v former:"*" S.m FrmicUco 49er. hc.-ided lhe iIng fam e. {'• •


• Ronnie Kno*. sla r UCLA pnwer who hna been tldellned Inr more

Ithnn alx w eet^ wlUi a broken nn- sun. kle. Ima bcRUn pracUcIng Ior the i> *'a Jnn. 3 Ro."ie bowl date with i'"; Michigan S la te . / h,

______ A . . . 1

y S t o r m s

h o 9 1 4 9

C o n t e s t17 {/P>— K e n tu c k y e x p lo d e d w i th

n iR h t t o r o u t Id a h o 9 1 ^ 9 f o r i t s fiv e f l ta r ta . K e n tu c k y u n lo a d e d

iso n n s it/i s t a r t e r s h i t if? <i»uble t s i ------------------------------------------

S T w i n F a l l s R

S T e a m E d g e s

r t H a n s e n 4 0 - 3 8

HANSSW, Dec. 17 — The Twin Fnlls Junior Varsity baMball team

in combined a tough aecond half de­ed fenae wlUi some hot shooUng to trip I. Hnnsen 40-38 In a 'hard-fought game

FrKJay night, le The Huskies forged ahead In the r. flrat quarter and "held a halltlm e IS edge o l 37-18, bul Twin Fall* went lli ahead early in the fourlh quarter -h afler pulling up even wllh Uie l.e Huskies.I - Bob Showalter Ullled 13 poInU for le Twin Falls, while Bohanan led Han­

aen wlUi 14,II- In lhe preliminary game, the Twin Ij, Falla sophomores beat the Hanaen

sophs 38-22, KelUi Jone.i netted 18 in polhui for the winning Cubs,

,-j Ar‘i'/rUur 1 I | ! ! ? I■d » 1 » I

■ • 1 \

« a ■ D;h _ - _ ■ _ -

II II II toi Tot.l. t* H S 11

: I O W l A n gy COUUERCIAI. I.EAnilK

jUM.c.p .

i i j i i i i ■

■“ ■ ■ ..- 'a u .T 'i '” ;

il ii IH 1Toul. ....... ...........“ l i ■ !« ' l l i i ( u I

rMiiTiT-M- ■V- wri»bi7'" L '. y"...!!:oo tea itj ><i

y y- ................. j” }” JJJ ‘JJ

U HMlbltli ................IIJ IM Im l«J

“"I; “!n j l i ii* i?* »?}

^ i s ■ i ; ! :

s r ; , : 'Jnkint

f' i | | u j j;*

' • J K S v E i i l IH III ! !! ,D. ------------ IU IM 'I il Sil *; ........n [.n,!ktp .. ...... ......i : i j »i IS* 1

’ i i ! r = “ E E ; E i i : i i : i i ; i i : ]

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li Z0 II, o ' l i . i i o r m r . i i i o i n i» a»i

I S r J J i E i i s ii S IT..1.I. . int ‘ m T n ; J

t S : : : : g | I i | nM. ►'rlfMK . ....."no li.i m <l«U HorrJ*............ .......IK ];J i:S it ]

, T n i.i*__ :__ I oi ' : i i : iio wSlindtrrf • m

i g ^ r r . I;! i S f fl g *

; i ‘. ........ l j ; !“ UO hi; tm .1. .... . . \ , i ' t : i 'Mli :-(ii; A.;iV.“ n.«i. 'dl• l‘*7llVMn,l»n Iif !r'j‘ !I5 151 IK. wiVi' m : , . 'i l I ;; '$} fo

i : Iw ‘; : k.A ......... Im Im 11! J nt h . i. . ‘yji So : ‘ mi fl*

' lUrHlrin M: c. ><ir>>rri . Iti IH.S 1-ii :in» da; II. ■J,,hn.on lil IU 111 kn; pa' »i ' Im I " I1.I ”

('rZri'[- " '!• J'tr

||'| ||| ' '1

' \'-A ti i I’",

!i, ■■■“ '• lu i : i li i ini .’ hi

'■»iiN7)n'i,i;Ai;ri; '(Inil Kl>n<lni> f>r n m lutr III,,,

.......... ■ | i | : |J. II. »Ieor» TtoJiic. ........... .......}j ' i l ' .sro

L ■ '■

Silver Cree' ' r '

thitslc“ r - ' ' '

H H H B Q k ^ cv. . ' ' 4 1 .

H E ”tn

e-Ip ................................................................. .ne . Barrlera have been placed In Silver cr

Tide plaeea for Che flah to "live: when n tw ih banki, li on Grova creek where It |

le . * * * * nt er ie

jr . . . I j t t


is ■ i'-.--

I, '■ "■'< " '

Hera iVanotlier type ot barrier, cgniln Grove creek, but.abova the Tuakln Ceole

:i * * *



I t

7 1 ' ‘ ’ ^• A third lype barrier, aimed a t creatlnj ‘ aheet plllnt. This partleular barrlrr li in ( parlm enl pholet—«taff ensravtnn)

j Red’s Trading P , In Handgun Cor> A fler ftve weeka of compeUtlon In mrnt 5 Uie Inlrn-club mntch ot lhe Twin and ti ; Fnlls Pistol club, lhe Red’s Trndlns two » - Post tenm holds a lend of one lull Klvc ‘ polnl with four wlna and a lo.ii, Herre ( Nielsen's Sporting Gooda deparl- one w, --------------------------------------------------Jn I

1 Martyn Slated ' For Training «■ » i W ith Yankees * £.■ Bob NSariyn, who h ll J18 Ia.M sen- Mnr,«ii . son wtUi the BlrmlnRhnm Baroiu, fired:J wilt co lo aprlng irnlnlnR In Febru- n |,sni

nry with Hie New York Yankees a ll por: St, PelersburR. Fin. nemlrI Mnriyn plnyed his first full season , r hnc[ of profe.v'lonnl bnaeb.nll nl Blrmlng- nnd II• hnm. bul he plnyed pnrl of the 1952 „

aea.v>n u lth BoLte In 10S3 nnd sol . |' in a month's play a t Norfolk. Vn.. .

'durinc 1M4 when hc ua* on lenvr pnmn ' from army aervice. '

Hc plny^d baseball biuikelball nnd : fooUjnIt during lhe high achool daya

In Tw in Fnlb. ,Now dolnc Rrnduale work a l Lin- ‘

field collrsr, McMinnville, Ore..'*"'" '® Mnriyn and hh wife and their' ^

, dauRhter, Lmdn Lep. nre vl.iltlng hl.v I , ] , parcnw, Mr, nnd Mra, B e r n a r d '^ « l M artyn ,'IV tn F,ill.v

n r r B eMfh^lT,.l,.j. . : i .1 I

'S ! FiiAihl". K'h Itcir.,. ir.. I.M; llrnnrll, nT;<;, in ; <;r„m4rkl,

J.n. .V.'piV"l

i,.\im :i . i,Assii'i,»;*'»;ri: '•nrri; .Klrirl"!. •• yi -'•in'hitf 1..... . U :« points

s.,I-., i,V* -t'*T r s V . w ' r 5;-’’ j ; '- « 'r n n

..........Ir.t,. uv . I .,..',,.,. i , , . i: I , u ; . «iiii tl;

V, ................ . I .l.riL-u' I.:it >un •nU rim^iii

*• ImiUSI,>i»:iii il.iSTS^l.i;*(;l-r | Tlir :

eek Improved for 1

- -

1- l £ p ^ ^ w

;r creek by llie alale fUh and ram* o'P*' en m ou iraihea ou l of lhe river. Ttali bar I It paww through the Malton rancb.


E L .^ ..J ik J i3 h k Inilrucled of 3M -pound concrele bioct a. enter road.

* * * *

atllit a current which will dig a liote In ■ in lha main itream nortii ot Ihe I'icabi

Post Leads Co

ompetition I ™oppo

lent Ls accond wllh three victories ,i,jcn nd two delenU. In Uilrd place, wlUi; of < vo wins nnd th ree defent* is We.H, conc ivc P o lnu Sporting Goods, while cnus :erretl's Gunstocka Is fourth wiih uriii :ie win nnd lour lawc.i. bowlIn lnst week's mntchcs, Nielsen's -'Jt on over H erreti's nnd Bed'* de- mor* •nied W est Flvo Points. OklnKor NIetsen'a. Jim Sldwell fired a laJui 10; Jnck Donncr scored 278. Fran-; s Slinrp hnd a 2C8 nnd E. A. Jn r-' '■'■'I' a gol 244 for a n r i of 1,070 plus10] hnndlcnp for n (otnl of 1.233.'l-------L. F. Cuh-er scored 2G5 for H cr-jnnov ■tt'.v Bob tu c k e r Ilred a 361, Roger. n e \ [nr.«h ROl a 241 nnd Steve Herrett cievel red 232 for ft n e t .icore ot 1,002 plusltnbllsl handicap o t 231 for n tolnl ot I.323,l"enrly For Rcd'a Trndlne Post. Hom’Foolb, emlMRton's 252 wns top.v Bob FiiJi-lwiih t

had n 2i4. Cliff Sharp fired 350 —Irt II. K. M unson enrned a 244 fori , n n of 1.030 plus n 174 hnndlcnp' K i r n lotnj ot U W , 'M. J. Bnys. Jr.. led the Weat Five -r )lnl.« w ith a 271. He wns fol- 1 1 | wed by Jerry B n tlrrr wllh n 264. ■*** )ul< Oulcher wltti n 247. nml \viil :iniJ wllh a 244 fof a net acore ot Uir fn )26 plus n hnndlcnp of 177 for a mnirh ml of 1.203, I Hirer

----------------------------- In Ihf

"arey Blasts |K’ {cllevuein '3;; ^iiial Minutes ^o'IlKt.LEVUE. Dec. 17 - Bcllevur ijrd ;iImMl even with the Carey nllirr,\ iiTilll Ih r final three mtn- n of Frldny night's ba.iketball'

n iril C.irey iu g e d n terrific /.pilrt l.ikr ^ 60-33 vlclory. fcorlng 25

li>L' in the lu-U qu^irter. riie Irnd chnnged lianiLi iir.i during Uic ciiine. Cnrrv Ird '< alter one qua tirr. bul Dellrvur <( a h.-ilf((me Irnd of 20-IT. Conch Ij Sluiy'a P an lh rrs icrd thc g;imr :li Ihrlr acoring .^pliirKe Inle In thr Illr.n Hie prrllm lnnrv iMme. the It.ig- n;iii RlrLi tenm brjil the Dellrvur

J ' J

ll ;1 M l" M ■" .

.i" '----------------------- - t II 14 l i —

T IM E S -N E W S , T W IN F

r Fishing ,


- plctf'■ ■ c rie i

Tl to w n t t out I

•VSSsam ciieckV creati

l r '’lthe p

'■ 's a 'tn rn t to c'es<e pool* le pro* May,I barrier, merely a log anchored la talnet

' more

' ■ * * * * .creck.

Th« was 1

^ • flAh r ^ dcrlvi

on ft;■ l a B l l l l B ^ B a S ^ H H Ilsh r

m tThesi In boi la 60 type <

' . . . X V J i ' iW H I " c te

holt lype t of ahi

1» U Irom l

dig a... . • .V, barrle

T.~i llepo;

- n ik*. Thli barrlcf alio 1* located in jrvli

lem lr* * * * nnd ll

’ aporlsi have nearly h.* nol tticy t.

»R<P>r*^r.a !^ C ^ l j { ^ iS aC S £ 5 rlKht.i nil III

a f f t i l ^ T T ^ i i m i ffilT’''™ ? ? ihougl whole

' ^ Ad .: Ca

■ ‘ Two. . • ■ ■ Twill

. - - • -3 IcflRUe. : ■ . .-.--S tcnms,

^ league^ ^ ~ i Pnrbli

- . tiic' - ” .:-i- -a Indcpi

- - • r — i - t h e MUie ic

-N— ^ wns n- •’ ^ ' - 7 - «ho I;

le in thp alream hed. I* made of AID ■icaoo More. iKiih and game de- fnclurl

Uie Pn ' — Thrr

Cold Halts Terps "j”'”COLLEGE PARK, Md., Dcc. 17 niid"u

W'—The Mnrylnnd football tenm pnrljln mnrched relenUes.ily through 10 Anot opponenua this yenr bul It haa pby«! been slopped cold the In.U couplc •pinya ' of dnys by lhe wenther nnd Mniiul conch Jim T.ilum Li fretllnit be- Istore cnu.16 Ills huskies cnn'l do nny [plnys ■ aerlmmaginc for Uielr O ranse nii i bowl gaiiin wlUi Gklnhomn. Igtf ngi

"It's tiler cement. We need ’ more heavy work to gel rendy for r ri Oklnhnmn bul I can’t tl.ik nnv . I Tfl Injuries," T.itum anld a fte r cold again forced the tenm to llm ll It.s , W i t drill to nn hour’s workout In T i l l "'''■'’‘■’'" ‘I''- ' LOS------------------------------------------------J Trabriinoiv.s 's KAVOnKf) mmch

NEW YoiiK. Dec. 17 W — T lie Jack K Jlevelnnd Browns have been e.''- fore a abllshrd im 41, .point fnvorllc.t In n 2-0. enrly llnp" fKids for thclr Nnllonnl lcari.i: oolb.ill fciune champlon.ihlp Rnme I’ain ,’llh Ihr I.OS Ancrlra Rnm.i. Dre. S-.

Rifle Teams Close]' lnliilra-CluI)Targ('Vuh .,ii:v one mntch to ro In, Cut>

Ilf Iif. t In i: nf (he Intrn-club rifle Moorr, inirh at thr Twin Fnll.s Rifle club, Miirpli Iirer ifn„|. nre t^rt tnr firM plnce. Hcl'.lir n me iilih innich only four poliiL*. Jjevcri, •n^irntrd Uir four tenmi a.i C, C. Kiny lulci.Miii- nlRPcl Guer,fa Chevron D4, Bl, ervlcr nn,i Kt.iyner'a detcnted G er- 04, 3!i[)

3113; fi.'viirliic f(ir C, C. Anderson's: 3«:’, Ti

W"thv s.atil«,rn. 100, fl5, fl4, 01, Orrr: ti; (.Ivil,. 33 b7. 95, fiD. 382; !)n, !I3,• O ICO, 09. ri3. RO, 3(11,la7B: Al»l _n.,lr Wiiiiinnrr. 100. 95, 01. OI.lAiidv "<• l.lfi-J, iTotnl

^ U R B



1 Mile N orth of ISponsored by H o z e llo n 's Fir


J F A C L S , ID A H O ____________

S t r e a m B a r r

A i m e d a t B eAn experim ental p ro jcc t a im c

pleted by th c s ta te f ish nnd gar cries biologist, .

Th(} p ro jec t involved placing b. to w aah holes in th e a tream bed. n t tim es tvhen mos.s w ashes i— out of th c s tream and its tr ib - -i uUrlca. Irving explains. A flrat J dieck on results showed one barrier created n hole more lhan two feet deep In only a short time.

Irvine plan* to check results of “ the project In March and again In. May, If Uie desired results are ob-1 talnrd ho say* there U n chance n 1 more exKnalve barrier project wlUj ^ be approved and complelcd before | " the llshlng season opens on Silver ] * creck. : '

The Initial. experlmenUl project, *' was Iinanccd under lhe federal nid | »i fish restoration program w ith funds; derived from Uie Dlngell-Johnalon aeL The act Imposes a federal u x , ei on ftstilng uck le which Is used In , “ Ilsh restoraUon work, ■'

Tliree lype* ot barrlera were built, '—The sim plest U merely a log anchored _In both bank*. This lype of barrier Vj la 60 feet long or less. A second » type of barrier is bulll c lear acroas ^ the stream , using 300-pound con- I Crete blocks. I t results In .a current VJ In Uie centcr of Uie stream lo wash a hole below the barrier. Tlie Uilrd| I . lype barrier conslsla of “Klncs" built J .J of aheet piling oul InU) th e alream from bolh banks. The purpose Is Uie V same, to create a current tha l will Imt dig a hole downstream Irom the ket barrlen. Sen

Irvmg notes liiat Silver creek can Tro nund a lot more fishing preiaure. awa He points oul Uie stream la a nnturnl wna iLih hatchery In which condlUona ^ nre nenrly Ideal. le^j

IrvliiR jinys Uie moal serlou.s prob- leni lem in connection wllh Silver creek thlr and IU trlbuUrlea Is the Inndowner- fidi aporliiiian relationship, •'Ftahtrmen [jje have to croM private land to flah ^ p i nearly any part ot Silver crcek." f _ h.* notf.s.' " In thla area pnrtfculnrly. . tticy should be carelul U) rc.tpecUhe _ rlcht.i of the property ow nera 'n l , nil llmea." Irving declarca. "One person enn rutu the whole relaUonshlp," he add.s,

Two Teams Are ig; Added to City S Cage League

D ” T„Two more lenms hnve entered th r

Twill FnlLi Municipal bnikctbntl league, brtn^Ing the toUil lo elRht tcnms, Tlie new enlrnnta tn the « league nre the Hnux Clgnr Store nnd S j Pnrbtnn Uiundry lenms. *

Tlie team formerly plnylng ns the 11 / Independents now Ln aponsored by »“ the Moate lodge and every lenm In the lenRue now has a aponsor. II wns nnnounced by Leon Fenwick who Ls hnndllnR the ba.ikclball Ior t^Ie cily recreaUon department.

AlOp.m.Tueadny, Uic Self Manu- s " j ‘ fncturlnR conipnny team will pIny -pj Uie PnrLsInn Laundry. for ,

Thrre jnine.i will be plnyed turn Tliuraday, Cook's Grocery wili fnce ac.isl the Moav! lodge a t 7 p.m.. Fnux colic Clgnr Siore plnys Cnin’.i n l 0 p.m., nnd U-OlUv Drive Inn gora agnliial Parisian Lnundry n l 9 p.m.

Anotlipr Uirre game aeaalon will be ,1, ,pbyitl on Frldny, U-Ott.-» Drive Inn ___■plnya Tommy Wnlkrr nl 7 p.m.. Self g O MnnufnclurlnR mcrLs Fnux. Clgiir Store nt 8 p.m., nnd Cook's Grocery plays Cftln’s a l 9 p.m,

0 :i S.'iliirdny, Mno.iir lodpc nquBW olf ngaln.1t Tommy Wnlkrr n l 7 p.m,

Trabert Tallies Win Over Gonzales

LOS ANGELES, Dec. 17 ITv-Tony Trabert Frldny night won his flr.1i mntch nKal11.1i P.incho Gonrale.i In Jack K rainer'i profexsiiinal lour. Be- forr a crowd of 4,1113, T rabert scored a 2-0. fi.3, fi-4 win. Oonwile* now lcad.1 2.1 in mntchr.v

I’aiirlia tipgurn dounrd Rex Hart- iviff «•:’ in A lull »rl inxldt.

5cly Bunched rget Match

C utst’.i Chi'vroii iirrvlre; Ruth Moorr. 07. 08, oa..B9. 3B9; Dick Miiriihy. 09, M. 07. 01. 388: GrcR »cl'.hrr, 99, Ofl, 01. 92, 384: CInude ijcvcrl, OD, 07. 03, fll), 382, Totnl, 1.101.

Kinynrr’M Mnrrl^'Moore. IOO, OB.D4, Bl, 377; J, [„ Tllnui.l. OB, 03. 07.D4. 3!iD; Jr,f j^mvrr, IOO, 09. 93. 01.3119; firjijit .'i^wboni. SB. S l. S3. 78,1«2. T.iial. Mfil.

GerrMr.v: Krniik Jenkins, 100, 100.)n, !I3, 3H9; Evn Homi, IOO, 08, 02, 88,17B: An',cl Cnlr^, 100, 07. 00. 87. 3B9; r o w ‘ ®’ 50, 31,

K E Y»0T I

Dec. 18'S 11:00 A.M.

o f H a z e l t o n I

1 S Fire D ep a rtm en t |


T i e r s i S e d h i

l e t t e r i n g F i s limod a t improviiiK IW , h ji,;, , , , g am e dep a rtm en l, report., l io C l

g t a m e r s in th e .stre,in, l„T h e deen hole., ".quM

Butterflies IsCLEVELAND, Dec. n t.r,

O lto Orahnm aaya U'a nol n-e A nor fadlnB ability Uiat'a sentHnj t him fnio reUremenl. bul Increu

I Ine pre-Rame Jltlcrs, T lI "So much depend* on mr " rx. J J I plained lhe 34-year-old qii.nit; i J back o t the Cleveland an i«iii ' ^ i who are practicing tn the sn u 'I for Uic Dec. 20 Nationnl Foottjaii.I l e a g u e championship gnme , ngnlnal the Rams In Lai Anwlrj * *■ j G raliam snys this will bp his T

Jn st game for tlie Browns bp. Rit: causc those pre-game buttcrflin »ln

; In the stomach are gelling Morjr allI and worse.\\------------------------------------------------- 1 18.

W endell Beats Ndi

Gooding 48-25 In Cage Tilt 5

WENDELL. Dec. 17-A rapidly ll'i','; Improving Wendell high school bn.i- " “t kelball tenm irouDced the Goailiiic 1,"'" Senators 4B-25 Priday cvpnlng. The k»'.' Trojnns’ defense kept the Senniom away from the basket, and Gooding t, wns no t hItUng on lt.i long ahoLv

The Trojans cslablbhed a 10.7 ni,, lend In the flral qunrter and Jnt-' lened It lo 21-15 by hnlfilme. In the T / third quarter coach Murray Saltpr- 1 \ field's charges renlly begnn to Imd the range and ran up the Kcore: r* rapidly. I i ) ,\n a tc a and McHan were particular-: _

ly luRRcd on defense for itie winner.'. ■ ^ The Wendell. Junior vnr.iliy tenm V J

beat the Ooodlng JV's 46-30 to re- mnln undefeated. , p


„ .. . . I’. ' , , .......K S , ! j = ; I

? 1 f t ' ' ' ' '" * ' 1 ii'rill.""’" o l t l Willhl 0 D 0 la.t^f i 0 0 11:..,ick. 1 0 J l l *c.mpt^ii • 0 i o tj'*— 1 0 ; ag*

_________.o.ii»r» 1 0 1 . pT„I.I, IT It is 411 T0.U1 10 I 11 :» of I

“'“ " " l i Id *1 It i»ti~-l'ln» . " Z , I _ 5 il Sl "i

---------------------------- hall

Spartans Begin K, West Coast Drills ^

PASADENA. Calif.. Dec. 17 (ffl - K Michigan Stale drciucd Its bowl T fooibnll squad In crbp. new green t.u. and while Rame uniforms for the „j,| firat Spartan wesl coaal pracUce (in, Saturday. [•'f'

Thc dandified wns slrlcUy for ahow nnd.lhe photogrnphers who u>i> lurned ou t for a plcture-snnpplng se.uIon a t Ejial Lo* Angeles, Juqlor collegc.

As aoon t s th s ihu tter ap.ulon ended, the pinyers aUrled geUIng In T» some good licks In preparntlon for the Ja n . 2 dnte wiUi UCLA. iu»i

N ^ i v e h i m

" B I G 's S s

G I F T " j

^ ' A

^ R E S I S T" s e l f - c o n f ; o r i

M I N I * ’

W hsl coutd be a tm ititi, lo g iv e th o m a n in jo u f li'

riew Resi*tol , ficate fo r Chri»tniu,

choose f ro m i wide virw ha t style* . . .100, wilh ne*i*tol*e»^“" ronn ing" *U»pended lf*“

i s — S l O - M ^

i B n T i T i U I


i n ^ » i

s h H a b p


•“ ' “" s s K* Iim fS ’ ?

'■ • '• ■ i i l i c M a 'I M E .


^ «hone ^prrllniiniry

' '/Vi, t

:"r'n i u L ^ ^ K e u

[Kimbcriffc ■15341 . Over

CASTLEFORD, ly’s butcibjiil> ie u in n in (iM (7 ^ ^ K u

, niRhl by u i K a ^ ^ K ^' Wolve,! The ome n>

acore indiutei 1 Wolves Claud t i t B ^ ^ l i f b ; during the: I iwtrtul K la t e i r k ^ H: again before

Perrle P r e o U i ^ ^ M b ' of Uie evenlni., for coach Jo tia to ^ ^ ^ B , wa.1 held In ,

halt, though, field

Kor C i itle fw ik ^ ^ B ii^ Uirough m g o o (« ^ ^ |iiiia . and Gary P s r a i ^ H j good on the 1^,

KImbrrly v c e a i^ ^ H I The bai icon:

' ■ i T f n ®

u» '

n th e t i

^ ■ 1 ii>ti

%!TOL3 R M I N 0 " H

* ' “ * ' S;

« wii Citl c*'" ' I'I

— I'B

3 3 3 *

Page 21: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

f p m ^ ,K n P a c e s B E n t s ; N e ls f ■ V is itin g T i j

e -,in i m #de i t f iv e v ic to r ie s In a W « r « 5 0 ^ 8 S aturday nlgbt

i?.m T h e T ifre ra h a d tr o u b le K ^ ■ p i ^ J c o u l d f in d th e r a n g e f r o m t(

cd th e gap, bu ^ thnianBie«l (o m tin u in t

c n P d^ ■ ( J f l S U w Both tcMni (KXkred tlm; B bit tir ly In the t u

» n f i l i n resultint r u h of penona H r a S t r o ^ * ^ lt« i dfectlveneu of

^ . both (eunt. TVJn Fb12«‘ X J i/f ilf* ion pickcd up lhrt« fouls

much ot the reit of the ^ H , d Dtc- J’ Theron NflKfl huidJe

well fo rto teh Jeny Delll ^ K t l raft, t n jj jd »As * coneljl-■ li4 if l> 5 > W T erry W»rd'« work under

sn«li Bwne.MP Uie pw ‘ pepper Almi tincorlci

Btart Jof #i,ou wllh pinpoint «ccur^ B ru in i. p&rtlculariy in

^ ■ w fs«l>l I*** <juBi-t«r when ha mnde

W We* Jone*- te»m wlUi, the rebounda (o-glve <

4«l»lDEi *na U p^ikjn,. quintet * betU r Ijreaic under the bo trd i

Pfo^wt 0^ Bob ShOMlter. S-3 gun an nggreulve floor cnme.

li, The Tljer* made a g»n^ ^ ^ n l n m l h e m i d - 0 ,^ quarter to catcl ^ g ^ u iK lH o a former ,,u t Twin p»lU' trtck

proved to be too (O' ^ B V « o u l one Ior both. W ith the Brulni defen

tM tmblllous the T lsen Uke most of la be contUerrd from outilde «nd the t«ll

ler eMmplon detendert donilniitlnff ; PtsCrteto (^e bo«rdi. (he iMUe «

^^R ecT tiueiA e PUf*' doubt for lo n rjujt in O W ' r t ie Junior ytrtUy ga

bore- preceded lhe vanity eli dJW- h«ri-iU>pper. TJie tcore

back and forth with I^ -------- - fina lly taking » j3M7 vicl

T t u t two mlnutct of play.

■wDiJs■ffinncr K;..|||!:s±. ■ a ie y E i i i v l l -

,.i Ansrrhitr 0 0 9 0 N»l»nn^■:a(IS>TbeTl«itln2 Shoxiitr I 0 i } iii.hop

pulled«t piny i ? 1 },

n iM . «-36 J J J . ’: ^ ■ ttf iii tV tlie rc y m . ii h :i lo, t -ui.

.....• ' - ■!tlitr three ’■ —----------------------»£r'«i'Utah Smasl

■ G)ugars foi B ’r? ? >;'! Fifth StraifiH j b i : ' . ' ' ■ ? , i l s a l t l a k e c i t v . D t^ ■ i i r . 1 • i e 0 University of UUh'n- ^ ■ ii t a > i . 1 • 1 : smtiahed Waahlngton SU'

« I 1iTnui • • I o jpolnt pertormtincs of « --• —--(B unte.

^ K . : “ I t wnj UlB fltih utralBh^ — I II :i <n the Uilrd-tnnklnit (etvm li ^ — * ll JJ i t I linn,

I Bunt* pityed only half ^ H ) l5 n * A n *** * I>"l f*t wenponM « U U UU In. JJI,^ W K r i i n O 'i i l f"lnul^a»ent Ul«^ p i ) r U i l 6 a U (A a n - a )e»a. and hJA ba:

DUm Benr* tniermlMloiB » ( T l > l , foturtny ‘’' I “> 'J ’ok*

bukdbail^ P a i u . Utnh coach Ja ei Q arin■ S ttK i* Bf«ri went alter hls repjlar#

hoiainir "dVMUije. TTjen \y^ ■ t iq - iu u r or niay Ltrry OKk nnd■ r b x fofiHnurt coM '^f^ 'J P«l-«hoHln8 M d

■ s * P * e . mtsi o f U j« » t« .3 S .^ ■ klVj . In th( nrr> t in t atil^ H t li* Enjnfiu sirla ‘ I’d basket* by B

1I-3S •''■'’'■y MeCIenry mada tha Kflre <t*33,

l im , nil .JJ'inte and MeCleary renl '* " f ' "> bMketa nrtfr

■ i n u ^ . l i i , ; '" ‘i ’lon and led UU h tt ■ i l l " ' * ' 1 1 8 ; fni'rRln belore Onrdner as

j j i ; ™ ® "

■ s i i i i Valley’ Season Out

■* » « „ SUN VM LEY, D « n S'"> Vnlley winter playiar

n *’■' iloor.'i SsturiJsy !or ILs■ u l A l i ^ ''kl and wellH l l ' f l N r « .. for Sun \■ • M / l l U [ IT - ‘he res^^L /> ' ^ '“** on BtUdv Dc

i '* , >"o»nUln.v will beChrLnmas cerem

n ■■ T hr Observnnce will be 1

K i; I!B i i s i s H i r H ‘‘

'•• '....... '•" 'I'-/* b)e ovUioorlMi-r r T . " ' ’' : '’ • '’d 'fu d y for i , The hrsnd new rJnk. of

l» th . Ja n e .

l^«'Sj'tHcIp^Kaiini Ri,f i'"S f Jiampions]I , " .....■tSj* I'l 111. I S s ' “■''I,K«i■ hT:* Ucitfrt celebral*

‘■•■p.una S l J i “"?■>'■

T R I P S J ]

B r u i n s W i

5o n N e t s 1

i g e r Q u i n tn a ro w v rflh o u t a d e fe a t Ihin »c Ih t in a bM k e tb a ll g a m e n t th e ' lo le tl i i iK n U r lc d . T h e B ru iin t n tho fie ia . S e v e ra l tiinc» Je ro n

th c B ru in s „ , , „

O akley B(ed to be pre**- •'

SJoSr. S ou th Cac j i S H 59-45 Sco_ a n l_ M l out Y - . _________________U ,t »ivme. O A Kl-EY , Dtc. n - C

ndled th s U U neta. offKetUns ttrnki DelllnBer’* TJa- h*ndUr\K wllh arciiriislstenV scoter- b reeM d to » ider the board* ^aeh ft Saturday evenlr wt In Jerome'* C oach Ral'o John&

a U rte d tlowly. buV pit rorked *corln* m etU uni u the BAm! ccuracy for thc A fW -tAW nB a 3MB li

In th e '^W rd lh e /H o m et» never wcre »rt« four fW d ^ d w M found the n ade four t n

W alton on O a k l ^ to Und h u K ire coach C*n pointa.Itter th a n ever T h o bo* tcore;,rd* and lUtle o a i . r (»•- „Kuard, plnyed '* 'I ”1

itne. r.orti(<«» ' • !game e ffo rt I n J , j njlin..'

;atch th e Bru- lo « • ;e iim-,

r a r - ' B r - i n ' i s:efen*e mnUfJC g. w .r r o « o e i/.fiK

S •n .i.i. ; ; r . t., . ta ll Tw in Falls SK.r» hy nu.n.f.;

;iy J £ a .C age Res

:ore »«e -»^ed j „ g „ p j . , , , ,

“V ic 'S ? in the {RATURDAVB OAMR ,i ; ; . Txvln FftlU M. Jerom

O o o d ln s 53. Shoahon B llas 50. Bruneau 38.

f t l l pf in O ak ley 69. Soulh Cac ' i J 1 B urJcy 60. Malad 48. ’I? 0 # 0 F i le r 67, Montpelier ih 1 * ‘ W ende ll 6«. Declo A9• - S ^ I ahe .ucy CS. Mlnldoka 15 0 i « N o rm Oem *0. Vallej «.!. * ' * ‘1 Id n h o PalU M, Pocai

• I ! « (F R ID A Y S GAMES) rnoA I > > * BurlCM 63. South Cat

O lenna Perry 55, Nor ” 10 i » »» K im b e rly M . Costlefo

Ctxrey 60. Bellevue M '* ! l J i i l W ende ll « . Goodlnc___* ^ " ShoftHone « , DleUlcV

, Bllsa 62. Pfilrtleld 36c h P Q M ftlad 69. H ler 545 1 1 ^ 0 F a lls JV « . K r, M iu-taush «1. Flier J '• /V f . A rco 48. Hslley 30

P a y til le 59. M ounuln

liffht coujior.(FB ID A Y 'S GAMKSI

DM n Ufi— D ay to n 60. ClnclnoftllVfl. Redskin* D oPauJ «3, D uque«c ^8 U.U colKut, M ln n u o U «S N o^c .

lehlnd th e 38- C lem soa 75. Virginiaf a rtfu l A rt N eb rask a 71. UCLA 6;•t a m u i A o ^ ^ o m a A and M (

03, . i f the came U ta h 69, Maho Slat*

^ h U e he S H s h a m Youn? 70 C l^h t tlpln.^ In M o n ta n a 73. W a sh l^ U lah wlnglnR New Mexico A and M

L l o ^ - n 'S e d Houatxjn 89. Detroit 7(off a Couear C ornell 82, Brown 63 off a co u sar ^

, C olorndo A and M 87 irdner se n t In Frnnclsco BS. Marliar# rnn «P • j< » e s ta te 68. Arl■» Wnahlngwn w ea tm lM ie r 89. MontJi

D uBw ay Army n . Snt»nd clwed w u e r tv e r Bl, CotoTRdo V■ tha startled c a llfo rn U 70, College i

y .. (SA TU BD AV S OAME5,rB im te and K entuclcy #1. Idaho 40

the halftjme S t. J o h n ’* (Brooklyn)

renllv w ent to S ou th Carolina 70, VI r t e r ^ e Inter- O eorRla Tech 7S. Oeo h to 7 S -« P e n n s u t e 83, Colgnt r again called B uU er. 63, Michigan 51

N o rth Carolina 68. Mn-------- Kan»R» 8U t« 74. W m

a M lc h le an State 83. PI

yc M arque tt« 83, Duquesi

P u rd u e 7®, Vnlpnral?* M IT 66. Amherst 53

n P I I S U ta h S l, WSC 65 r 'D e p a u w 81, Evansville

17 <U.PJ—The Iow a 84. Loyola of Loi .yland opened O klnhom a CUy 93, W• lu iSUi «n- lucky 87aoelal seaion, sM U 81. Knn.vis 61 un Valley vis- OeorRR Wa.ihlngton K regular tria l L oyola (New O rleanst Dollar and , „ a S t a le 65

' ‘ V® ieVt A tkanaaa BU U 68. :remony neal

K. Ifoly “ ■ NYU 80W lU h lla 76. UCLA 68 C olorado Mine* 60, parade down c7

Ul F u rm a n W. T he ClUdi

„,?rt B rlR liam Young 84. Co* ^ O hio 8UUS BS. St. Lou L ; In d ia n a 61. Ml&wurl r

Snn Francisco 52. Dt ™ « t in the a o f '« ‘»'* rgw ; m m e C a lifo rn ia 69, San ta ( ____________ A rl io n a 8UW iTemji

Ja^e s u t e 62._ D enver 68. Colorado I

l i e N orthw eatem N aw ren

iship ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ IW F I i

Irst of hLi 13 1Kallne. Inel- ' Q

lU hla a is t

t JM o r bet- _ .)fflclally b a t. p Q f C l

las City WM 4 penutiaUo of the p .

nrrey K uenn •*■ ‘■ o! Cltvelandf New York \ i g iIckey V em on V t . /vltti-Boaton) --------------- — " -

80. . . . K i m b e r l y ■aUlelder h id

r E R O M E 5 (

t t e t ------------\ PopcornR cnaon w h en i .

1C Fallfl a n

rom e n a rro w -

Seatst c h e b y ^ ^ v

ore ■ [(I-O akley 's Hor- rnkness In ball W ':iirate ahooUng, f ' . , - •ictory over Soulh L

nnson'*/H om elj picked up mo-

nm : progressed. H ■- ~B halttlm e lead, vk'cre In dnnger. ^ E ' ': range wllh 10 • , V - ‘ »free throw* for V . .

s team wllh 30


T>'<al( U :> ■

it \

e s u l t s

HOOL Ira n K alm lokoff ge t an iiMKS) Ivan rubs the s tu ff Inlorome 38. aeapoU*. (NKA phclo) lone 39. ,

P i t t C o u

O n S t r e ixatello SBi) P I T T S B U R G H . P a .Cacli r M M ic h e lo sc n p ic k c d u p S o iS . 1™ I »"PP'.y ho ;;;o an d onle . 35. ' - f o r h i s P i t t P a n th e r f l lng 25 cho IoR icn l l i f t . F i trich 38 p la y s i n t h e S u p a r bc

2 ngnlnsi Georgia Tech. Jolm ndmlta I t took more

Hnnsen 38 unltornin lo get the Pnnth r JV 30 II took the fine end plnj, , ,, 'T e rro r Twlna," John Pn

Un Home 41 jo e W alton—alias Arsenic - Lace-becfluse they werc 41GK ol dctenslve pol.ion all aen) I I bLio took lhe delermi3ftH 67 » couple of veleron backJ>e tt Pelo N eft atul Lou Clmaire Dam e 75 wouldn’tiglve up. Neflll* 73 (juarierback, w asn 't even^ 6S , lhe pre-season roster. ButM 68, Wyoming took over, the Panther*

or their Jftst six games, stem Kentucky up« i* over Duke and W est

, , Clmarolll led all P l l t scof M sophomore hnlfbnck In 1

S4 encountered claasroc« ble. He Joined th e navyM 60, Hamllne j .„ r» la le r bu l >

, , , ned from Uie Kjund for dli‘ r easons Inut year. Many

he waa Ihrough. ^

M a g i c M o u n t aA rlwna 63 ^ f , * r \Conditions ( j O (0 Mines 57 Six Inches of new powder ge of Pacific 47 lop of th ree and one-hall ,IEfi) fret of hnrd packed base , ,0 good skiing a l Mnglc Mount ’n i P7 AUhnm. d ay .'repo ru Claude Jones, n ’ Alnbnma „ o u n

v irg in ., no Jonw snld the road t3eore a 82 Mountain wns cleared of a

“ urday ond all fncllllle* In,*".r area will be In operation Si

Hn n lio reported th a t IMaryland 62 ^ . ,1 Tliur.idny the ski are;Washington 89 ,Inlly throughout th«

PltU burgh 81 n,aj vacntlon.

F “ “ A r c o T a k e 7 4 8 -

m .7 5 W i n O v e r H a i l iLos Angeles 61 h a II.EY. Dec. 17—A Ull Western Ken- defeated Hall

Fililny evening. Tnylor I . . K«xl Ilo"’’ B*'"® for the los1 106. VMI S4 Andrenson wna ouU Undlni m s( 71, U)uUl-

Arro nlso won Uifl Junlo 68, MlftflAslppl cntne 41-37 deaplte a strong

Hnlley, Arco hnd the score £ J 80 Hnlley In the third quarter

68 . Inle surge almosi tum ed th60, Air Force ot lhe losers.

The box score:U del61 Arrn <«< (>01irW Inn f* »i rf „ , i,Colorado 53 i i j ■ r)«ii I

Louis 83 A*kVrm>n s i n ; Tirlor <rl 78 Horil. I « J 1DePaui 59. j ' , t } : '

ary-s 77. Hor. o : oU Clara 51. Ao.i.»n»n 4 t j lO;:mpe) 81, San t„i, i, iJ fo' s il; Toi.u. u

lo Stnte 50, ............— - ....- “ ”•rene 67. Illckj ____ ^______________ nEAD TIM ES-NEW S WA^

IM ARANERPUPPIESChristm as Deliveryu t i f u l P u p p ies . . . a l l w en n e d :iig ib le fo r A K C R e fc in tra tio n .

Price: $75.00 each

A. POHLMAMPhone GArfield 3-,59(

T IM E S -N E W i

; 0 - 3 8 F O Rmo)n Blizzard Hits Ri

M threw a box o t popcorn into the rinj Ul inspiration. The referee trie* to brcs nlo MlUu A rakaw a's face duHng a bou 0)___________________________________

( u n t i n g H e a \

e n g t h a t E i kP a ., Dec. 17 <U.PJ— L a s t Hprintr up a te lephone , t i l le d a sp o rti

rdcrcd b r iR h t new Rold nnd b lue ers. H e w a n te d to g ive th c tea P i t ts b u rg h ! --------------------------------

I Shoshone]ore than new

S™¥E To Goodin,Pnluck nnd •

“ ' . M 5 3 - 3 9 S coi. senson.•rmlnatlon o t OOODINO, Dec. 17—T backs nnmed Senators, rebounding fro Imarolll. who a t the hands ot W endelr N eft. a senior ning. d e fe a t^ the Shosh(>en listed on 63-39 In n bnskelball ganB u t once h c evening a t G ooding ., . •

:f» '"on live C osch 'jcrry Heed'* Sen««. ln«lu<ll"« ed fast, rolling lo a 29-:m t Virginia. Ooodlng a;ib.nii•corer* as a lo t of action in the lnst tv

in 1951 and An even dozen Good!laroom trou- broke Into the scoring cavy and re - by sm ith w ith 12 polnLvIUl W.IS drop- Jn the preliminary■ disciplinary ooodlng Junior vnr.'Uyany thought j^one's Junior varsity 46-

Score by <iuartem;7 • Sho.<hone .. 9t a i n Oooding - - 17

r f i n d ROWE GETS JOBl y u u D r n t o iT , Dec. n vp^ fder snow on Rowe, who wa* dropped half to four D etroit T igers’ coaching s jase promiae end of Insl senson. hns bsuntain Sun - » Detroit scouu Rowe wl nes. operator th e southwest. «ounU in. --------------------- --------------

s^ ln the »kl

ding for the

.n io rv n r^ ity W HArt^W OHDERFUl rong rally by / / /

„o* For ALL THE F.t t ft pf IP4 1 : » Join thr millioni nt t^mlli t B i '1 dUrovfrrd a wondrrlI t l ] world of fun on Iht wjiitr

wilh nine r ir ilin j nrw F.v lorhonte'from. you'll I'lnd I

_ _ _ _ _ lh»n pvfr lo lit bojlinf I J. 11 t 11 to bud(rl. Anil now, »lil> mir

piymrnl plan. Ihrrr'i nn to 11 10 why Ihil ilionldn'l be vour

----- IBM to Rivp or KCI an KvmrVANT ADS. Comr in in tet

and JM Ihr s j K p B faril ihniil the

^ , /amiiy tun. Sre

* Kviciriidn—from 5 in 30honpfwwcf. ^J{a-

B v in riw dBUD & MAF

-------- C H E V R O N 'S E R V J

1 4 4 . 2 n d S t..E . P

IW S. T W I N F A L L S , ID A H

I F I F T H £

Ring Malad W ii toiler’s R ai Falls Shor

MAUD. Dec. 17 — ^W ^--T- '■ stood a Itrong second h t

W day n u iil lo de lea t the_ A 2 r ^ ■ cnu 5g.S4. Dwplte theliK 1 0.^lyn'« WlldcnlJi as ' ' i w 1 In'P 'ovrment over th e ir e*'■ ''lir I If**' P»fHcularly In Ute

■' _____ I. whpii iliey .suned lil tl ln^ • \ legularly..V,' Lasglne 31-is a t hal

_ ^ b m 'ib *nspped27 poin t' tn theI to pull up even w ith thi

Filer's Haymond G arej■ ■ : ed :o polnU. wns a a lan K ‘ lenm. and the en tire W H . ' tutiird In a credltnble ] H . niu-r some rngged ahoc

f ln t hnlt.Pn |. Tlie box score:■ '/ ' ■ U.l.d (l») 'Ki:.r (

j ■ I * f * uJ lIlwkiM 4 0 4 s Kn'l^U

J IlMdi. 4 ; t U Undh.m Xlmixoti > 1 < srtM.nli

ThnniM # 1 1 1 Tlplon

■ ;{'i^*"

T-.I.I. 17 :> n ili T r,.ik, I I''* '*"*' J

y Filer Grab 5744 W in

I ring, w re ioe r

S i a j ! i n “ MontpelieiMONTPELIER. Dec. 1

lllng Filer WlldcaU bro l \ 7 1 I V victory column S a tu rd i

T ± X 7 the expense ot Montpel: 57-« in a foul-fllled ba

1 Filer's light w n e din r i C ! Montpelier in check whi: L l U S cnls took nn lB-6 flrat-q

Montpelier never mana{ r in g , J o h n n y the gsp. ,

S ' “ .S'p’'.ml u e u n i f o r m s U> subitltute freely

te a m i t p s y - malnder of the game. ----------------------- The box score;

e B o w s : : r . n - =. •> Kllloll S I ( liCUunScK

UndkoU S I S 7‘Prlmcing by .. I •Uiciw I S t IKonitr

ore * * * ewiiJub^ lU r..r # « I 0[7—T he Ooodlng t„uii, T i t i i l i : ! Toi»i: from a detea t s<«r. Vr «u«it»rt! de ll-M d ay eve- - jJloshone/lnd lans _______________

F i l e r JV’sL o ‘S.'”SSS; Murtaugh Co

MimTAUOH. I > c . 17 ioodlni p ta y m "HR column. M ™ ti Im te r v .r« lw

quarter coldness a n d to iry ■ game, the Iwd before r a e ^ up . .Illy D rat Sho- ketball victory ^ d a y ev V « . 3o Ken Durk »nd L arry

got 10 and 11 rebounds.9 13 31 30 sUndouU for M urt

' 17 30 4 1 63 Clawson's driving also;______ factor In the rtetory.

The score by quarter*I ifi-Schoolbny MurUugh ................ 16pped Irom th e FSltr J V .................... 1lng sU ff a l the “ms been named ,’e will aerve in

'E F ^d n 21-INCHt a b l e m

mdrftul new wjiitr. Nowj w F.vinniHr* !ZOnur l.u<lg<-t M MI nn ff»ton vour Christ-

If iH •yW npi M nrk Ton eh fnar-reitsf«H

jd N K S d U r 5unV(l 6as«a g S j p . tx lr< x .K m i

^ I 'A R K S p 441 M■RVJCt — -------H ------ --------

Ph. 558 B i n a i— 4 — “ “

A H O _________________________

S T R i ! L l G E

S a n F

V W . D o n s !

^ in ^ a 7 I n T o iJ a l l v C H IC A G O . Dcc

/ w i th a le r r i f ic b u ro f a p rc -h o iitlay tc

o r t 1*' corisiilat

I — Mslnd w ith- T > ‘V T T ' T ' m d h a lt r.illy F ri- O J | J l l ’O ! .1 th e Filer W ild- *! th e ir, coach /~ i 1 |:nUi Aljovked great I j O l O r f l O O th e ir earlirr ahow-n lhe second half o 1 n plim ins.the .haA kct ^ C C O n d - l -

It halflline. Flier PROVO. Dee. 17 1.1 n the third period Brigham Young unlvi th the host team . Colorado 84-53 Satur C arey , whn hoop- Its alxth itralght win I a landou i fnr hi* and second In a row Ire W ildcat aquad f»lo*. Friday nlghl a b le perloim ance rnnlierf Cougan whip ; ahootlng In the radonns 70-53.

BYU goes on tn ea n rx t week, meellng W

>'it«r (SO N orth Carolina StalIt »i pf Ip Wednesday and Thur

lUrVr*"" - is 4 *0 T he CouR.irs’ 6 foot Kniou j n > *s H erschel Pedersen, u [..tidhnim j : 4 « mnn. with 25. Colors TiX"!.’" " 0 ; J R anglis wns second h M .C . I ! X < 21.

H a 0 S Pedeisen and Terr g o t o acored 20 polnU for 1

T ru l. -0 io i i nlKht'* S*™'-“ “ ■ " *' B ut Snturdny nl; .... I* >1 <T t« gunrd Dave Mowbry |• ■ * '* ** lied Tcbbs and hel

polnt.1.• n 1 - k o BYU Jumped to an c t J J S widened lla margin i

qwarier ii'hen Colorn, n h came within 9 polh

1 1 1 d l Pedersen. Tebbs and ] ho t to widen the mart

I * • th ird period. 59-42. BL l C j r The Cougar reserv five minute*.Dec. 17—The via- -------------------U broke Inlo the T >atu rday night a t O n C U C V I j )ntpeller, w inning J

Minidokak w hile Uie Wlld- nrat-Q uarter lead. O ,m anaged to clo*e ^ p a i ’ l a i l S

RUPERT. Dee. 17- f * , ?* Vh ed a 13-polntlead In ^ e l y In Uta re - ot

of Mlnldoka counly hi

d«tIob 0* I '’s s T he Spartans sU rt11- i i« I"

Prim oo t • s * could nol catch lha f(

i<onl«r 1 1 4 1 Lnrry Nalder pou w«mt s o t s tlirough the hoop torWlrtfhln. 1 t 2 ( T-pp lha

‘--------------Robln»on with 15.T«I.U T . o « 4 4 box score:

_ s -JS rj : _______ ________ I,W.M.r 11 I J J I C /

Lose Thiimu 1 D 1 'iJlU*

, Contest • • ‘ ’11e c . 17—The W ur- 'ii*!look advanU ge of ______irslty U am '* 'first t«ui> » :t I: <ti Tr n d took an enrly ^ ^J up a 41-30 ba*- MlnldnV» Courilr ..r''__la y evening. -------------------* r ry Egbert, >h0 h ie e t S KCHEDULEI jn d s . respectively, m o s c o w Dec Iff i M urU ugh. Brent „a lso was a big ppi^ j , , th

f>’- hope.i to take partfinals a l W inter Park

......16 34 33 41 23-25. alhletiM dlrec

...... 3 16 30 30 Mid Salurday.

fr i n g t a n a " I ■r«H fh u ti 's , I IIIjtOHt I ' ■itrCnf ea6iiie(. M Iboat I IK:oji. ^ I


1 M a in E a s t _________

" 'N


F r a n c i s c o ’ ^

s B e a t D e P j

o u r n e y T i l lDcc. 17 (/Pj—S an F ran c isco ’s I bur.-!t to defea t De Paul 82-50 in t: y tourney nt Chicago s ta d iu m Sat iilatinn >rame fo r th ird place, tov

Rnnd m atch ed a 43 poin

U l U l L C d Marquette to a n 83 Duquesne,

1 ^ f r k „ Ssn Francbco’sDtl l l l U l current AP poll. i___ su-slght thU aeasonT n i* ^ . , - v » *■0”' **nce e.i

- I ' l i n t i ” — -w tth-i-coasnnirfin!

n (fl - Unbeaten old'!"u,e“ ’DoS'"wer”

I demoralized coach win ot lh" season gubsUtuteid freely It

ii^ht ,h . cl«o lineup long IWhipped t h . Colo:

H 'wnke"Fo7e« Lnd hStale a i r^nlelgh i n ' - i I L ' S U ' ”:!?!

. . Ml i« '- by Ohfoot 7-lnch center.n, WRS high point Tj,e .M arouette tr olorado gunrd Jim w nrrlers th ird pla< [Id high K orcr wlUi lournnm cnt wl

day n ight w ith San Terry Tebbs each I ping M arquette. 65*. for BYi; In Friday downing Duquesne,

ary pjrilnlly thro l- Glenns Ferheld him to 14 x r . i ^

North Gen:ln unUl th e third OLENNS PXRRY lorndo rallied and OJrnn* T trry PUott polhtv B u t then s ta r t Friday n ig h t i md Linn Rowe got of North O em and i margin, ending th r 85-47 victory over tl i2. BYU. V C oach G ordon Bnserves played thc % 15-6 lead In the f

were never headed— ...... game w u cloae a ll tT ^ A a f c Charle* Bloom slO c d l s through the hoop I

n m . Maughaxi madI r o ’ ctVCa 9 Olenns F e rry a lu

- ^ . varsity game by a e I C ’ r k S . S d i T h e b o x a c o re : I S CUasa r«rry |U> [R

17-S htlley open- }J;' J " J \ \ ,|.£I In the llra t quar- niA« i l ' a :i 'krd otf the Spartans * J Jiwly high school dur- t 1 s i:h;r of the gama to ni><r<iinf 1 0 z t n

Cmb « 4 ^ «Ritarled to find the touIi I t 11 1* III tcond period, bu t Rear, hr n u .ru m la fa*t-movlng »U-

WendeU Tl Edge Deci

1X1 11V r ir«s4i DECLO. Dec. 17 p i t 11 p( tP Trojan* e a r se d aiCAndna 0 0 VlCtOfT OVCf DCClorS il im 5 ; a l Declo.MuuieK : The score waa Uia Lsi'n.H'." T I went* before th e gi

I Jans, whleh h a d hellljM**' < I all Uie way. maiiagcSm u" 1 Ume ran o u t

--------------Wendell alao wonI, Touu la 14 IS 14 ,ity game. 47-29._ 14 4t II <s The box *core:

a 21 41 14 Wfildtll I to 'D■ f» fl pf IP

ILED S‘ lUn “ J 1 *«IA. Iff (OB—T h e U nl- t n i le’likl squad will com- o*ifi 1 i a • 0» this w in ter and ‘ “ Js r t In th e NCAA _________ iPark. Colo.. M arch m lo i4i ■llreclor Bob .Olbb <>u«rur«i

D»elo ................--■

S -


T w in FoU s




i’ a u l

I t ■’s D o n s s l a r t c d i n t h e t i t l e g a m e . S a tu r d a y n ig h t ,

to w e r in g T e r r y :d a s ta d iu m r c c - p o i i i ts in le a d in g a 83-59 victory over

Vs Dons. No. 1 In the )». won Uietr flflh :ason and Uielr J l s t e e.irly last winter'■finish:--------------:ne only 10 minute*

were IB point* In-- id had De Psul so lach PhU Woolpert ely In his San Fran- ng betora the first ded with thc Dons.

:-9 Hand pumped In 15 free throws, miss- ' shots, ns he tied the 11 mark of O polnl* y Ohio S tste 'i Robin

te triumph gsve the place in the four-

n t which opened Prl- Ssn Francisco top-

'. 65-58. and De Paul ane, 68-64.

f’e r r y T o p s

e m C a g e r sRRY. Dec. 17 - T its . ' Woti yo t o tf lo a /**t gh t against Bancrote ind wound up w ltb a I tr the vUlton. n Brown's plIoU took the f ln t quarter and saded. although the a ll Ute way.

im stuffed 34 po ln ti » p lo lead the w in- made 33 point* In a I

’ alto won the Junior f a score of 33-30.

Mi . a i i s , I ! | . |

I rL'itDVhii t ] 1 .«I INkktrMa l i s tI i n . . i . • a I * !•1 « Rrdfdrd « J J Ji III TouU u I* : i 4;

li ir a ;■

1 Trojans | sclo5449 1

17 — T he WendeU d a M-40 buketball >eclo Saturdajr n lfh t

u Ued a t 47-tll mo- he gun, bu t the Tro- d held a narrow lead maged to go ahead a*

won the Junior. VM^

■ 'Dk Io fdl) . . . > Ir ip: (f ft pt i9I :>'C Andna I 2 S a: ilAd>Bi 1 J 1 i'I I'llorll : 2 4 a I

IO'R«Jmin t 1 4 1>' * <’1 nutrbmit » S J II,:.i<hfflidi A 2 « :o'Dtrrr ] 2 L <

« i lo u U i i i i « » ;



\J ' i


Page 22: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Experts Sure Auto Market

! Won’t Wavei1 D r m o r r , D « . n W -T h« mar' kc t for new •utomoblle* may leve I ~ off w m ew hat lo IBM but Indiulr:

•na l;« t5 see no major decline, bar ; r ine * M vere economic jo lt .. Plnal Ilgurea /o r I05S productloi

and re tn il deliveries «hou!d Rmoun ' to 8.000.000 and 7,900.000. rupectlre

ly. iTie to U b for 1SS8 coutd drop i million unlta In each cal^cory. bu tho experlA ta y Uie trend for th luiuro Is derinlt«!y upward.

The IndUiiry'fl heavleal u le s Wla lo r & ting le m onlh came In Ausuai ISM, w hen (IljhUy under 700,000 re tall deliverlu were recordod.

The trade paper Automotive Nca-J commenUnB on whnt would be need ed to achieve * n)ilIlon*salea moiiU: •ays theae factors wlll have (« b combined: Even preaier expanaloi o t pmduetlon eapactiy: < r vnprK f

I t ' dented customer yearning: a highn - ly dc jlrable product; a heavy Inven II tory s t dealershlpj, and a full*lhrot11 tie sales campaign lopping anylhlnin ever seen before.| | ,, Tha broadett alytlng and e;lne«r



JANTZSN 8 K I 8WEATER8 Kew ror tb l i jreorl ikUng

1 0 .9 S


Bhort»Ie«w ,'8 c

G L A SG O SW EATEF Boy» ' S iz e s ..........7.9-




Aqua, maize, brown, block, b l D on Ilancho. Bay*' t h e i .......

l a n c e r NUBBY VVMosa. coKnac. chnrccsl. blat

L A N C E R MONTEGCSolid colors; Coi:ii,'>c, trnl, ; m in t, chnrcojvl, belR# ..... .....


New pre-hlatoric fiah clitii deslKH In 4 colors; Dro»ii blncK. m ini. r q tbrick. D . 7 J


R O PI f m From ROPEE

Tw itt F alls—BurU


T H E TH R EE W ISHEST H EBC WA5 M I^C JT / W in * IM m e g i6 » O O g THAT

M U M 4 ^ « / / T VOU^CI TfA 50HUN€RY|AU)Ay«?

er,”e « iuatxy B E C ra W v

\ _ A - l ^ g ^ vction

rop • .. bul r the

WUl ■■ 1iRuai, ‘ ^ J "10 r e - -------------------------------------------------

Ing changes reportedly ara planne for the 1057 model year. They .coul Btlmuliile new record higha thi

onlh, year afler a modest breathing, ipe ^ oe during the next 13 monlJu.

Certainly the Induatry Is no t alo» ilffh- Ing down In any of lU expanjlo iven. planning. From lop to bottom lh hrot- cor makers are Improving their fi thing clllUca for producing molor vehicle

A substantial am ounl ot hew pr( neer- duction capacity is scheduled to t


Bants K o m • CbrUtKtas touch ' dawn ev iry U ne h i njipAcks on*IbtM Jw iU ra tw t^ le n . . . popsUr boU<U7 f U t

U PPER ' ^ I C L A SSM A N. A Jantzen>excluslve

• ,\J Kharafleece with new,........ a cmooth finish. A durable

. e7 . . . w aahab^ blend of.. U 'lAmbtwbol-vlcam*'nyloa

r . j f . . . th a fs mothprofedf by Mltln. I n eighteenS- colors.


For men 6-1 to 8*«. fl coIotb

S 1 2 .9 5kNOE— 7 O C,•8 colon ....../ . / 3




« • SM A R TE ST


A OKc, blue. red. mlnU ^ 32 .9 8

W EA V ES M Q Cblacl:, brown, red.

4 . 9 5


MiL'.kflcrr m m rin t Colors pf iHi-Aclfr, belRC. while

- S ; . . 4.95


E R S — f t ’s Dependable irley—R upert—Buhl

I E S , A C h r i s t m a i . S t o r y'ITH A OVPtTAL M < „U k T M lS K r.T .- .. . S \ ‘ Jl”

f i a t ’s !j V H UA JSGBr ^ 4 ^

mned ready daring 1BS8. Much of It b rc could awaited by Chevrolet and Ford. 7/ iptII 'Hiese two leading producers have M

alow-1 _____

A n n£ A R n

" Is The W


I \ I

1 1 ' i /

- - 4 ---------

i H ' '


; I

I ARROW COUNTRY g in g h a m :Color fast, Scforizcd p loids........ARROW HALIFAX RAYONSCompletely w ashable shodcdline p la id s ................... •.;...........

! ARROW MEDALIST— 4 colors I ton-royon overplaids. Sanforiz(^d

i ond color fcst ...........................

A R R O W W ASH ABLE /The n o w cifl Surcoot

FREERO' i n n Fro


b rolled out nbout 3'.i million of the d. 7,700.000 cars the Industry h u buUt U >e to far Uilij year. d

^ O WV ord From

S l

A > 1' ' ' ' ' ' ■ [ s n H 'V ..'V '-.’V

' ' '

There'a no doubt i ' ' ' BhIrU from Roper'

.1 ; ' . ' . ' Gl t B hlme Arrow 1Ily in . . . |U e him

------ ~ ' W % 9 - wtar threucheat U

f B B l Arrow A rden

l m 3.95.. ^ H B I Arrow Par

French C uff

Arrow Dole—

See Roptf'

ARROW ccSolid wilels. tlrlpe.?. cb NewcK collar ereallons Priced at only ..........

G iv e H im th e SM ART


SPORTJ Smarf, cxcil

thol special high foshior

V tim e . . . an

lengths 32". ARROW b ; Compfctefy solid

1 »

*“ 5 .9 5S ‘ V v - ' . i ' ' '

.....6 .9 5 W Mirs in A rrow 's cot- V' V

..7 .9 5 'u b :E A L L N Y L O N JA C K E T>ot le n g rh l Block watch trim !

EE G IF T PACKAGliPE\^'rom I10I*ER’S—I t ’s Dcpem

- B U R L E Y - RU PERl

T IM E S -N E W S . TW ]'W IN FALLS. I P A p O ; ^ /

By W A L / '^ C O T ^ ' S

: 1 AW6 1 0 UE *S O L O J U 6 GrfWUPi w 1 / ^

Z Y /)500M 04 \ T W O ^ ^ y f t a j y u < E A R X > ) C O X t > ^ S £ ^ \ \ ^

Ihe AU IndlcaUon* are their competl- ^ Ut Uve batUe will be hotter than ever >

during the yeir ahetd- ____ ^

1 m m IWHITE j



■ ^ . 9 5 I a J I9 to 5.00 I


V iiit th e Rcd- m' - Croit Blood M

. ‘ Mobile K

— »ubl aboul 11 . . . Arrow Whit* ^oper'a are every mao'i favorlir. B•ow W hllea in im ari ntw eolUr ^him tailored neaUieu for every M lot lh e year.

-den Arrow Dart ^3.95 I

'fl*' Arrow Drew ^

3 -’ 5 I

lo— F re n ch C uH S - M r f

oper’a Big BeteeUon af ^

COLORED SHIRTS gcbpclts in the im arletl ntw color*. ^

...... 3.95 5.00 I

RT C asu a l Look W ifh |


r SHIRTS Iixciling patterns and co lors'for atc ia l rrfbn's wardrobe. H ere 's ^ihion ond comfort ot the som e JiA. and EXACT fit like you have K>ccn. Positive fitting sleeve •)]*32", 33", 34'', 35". «' BAGHDAD S

.. ,5.00 *

V ' . i i

IlL r _ I" 2 1 9 5 i iG IN G IRSImidahlc

=RT - BUHL I — ---------------------------

Il i i U s A W ig Everything

- ^ Roper's like-

N i . All*Wo<f f J B d t i h B f c weaves


: ; |i i 1 » waah. h

■ and Ra

i j i «P N E W ALI


t Combine Beautifully w ith Our - Charcoal • U g h t Blue - Light

I 7 .95^ O th e r S l a c k ) from ...


I BOYS'^ Everybody's to lk in g obout t

tH ondsomely toUorcd Uom the best new fab r ic s . .i......

I -----------------


i m^ Extra tlronS f . / i S K \ combed. 9-0( i i quilled llnlr

n m outon sir:

I 12,95I 16.!



M lOO'i Wool Duffy Plnld wllh all- wool interllnlnKn. Snappy new color*,

I 12.95 s i iM ii- m ... 14.95

K YOUn SONS’ WARDROBE i r f 13-MONTH WARDROBE Pl n Altrnctlvely Olft, Boxed.

I M15' • / / / / ’s n

^ T W I N FA

lAANi;ng 0 boy 6 to 18 like x-D ad's collecflon of

, d r e s s !^ W HITE, MII

l j % S h a iT C s l S h l r t .v ln T « ^ „ t

'Q ff^w ilh co lo rc d c u l f links, all 1

4 f ) SPORT SHIRTS‘The am srteat new fabrlu Rn>« ,■

I lar Ityles, Ju ti like the hlg f

I ■ t o v . . m “ 5 “

■ 1.98 3.95H A N D SO M E D ARK T O N E

SPORT COATS•Wool Fabrics In Sm art T»eed» - Nui aves - and Fleckt, Tailored Jutt lllu i ;r boyt’ coals.

“12.95 ^l’!15.9W A S H -N -W E A R

S U C K Sle’t l-J-3-W a»h-and-W ear Gabardine*. J h. hang dry and w ear_no Ironing, D»ci


6 . 9 5 . . . 8 - 9 5A LL WOOL

:L SLACKS3ur Ne> Sport Coalt. Colon are th t Orey • and T an.

e n d 9.95....................4 .9 5


SUITSut these good looking suits,

: ... 16.95 24.!

I b o y sR ev e rs ib le 2 - T o n e '

V ^ \ \ Wool Melton and SaUn. Royil W hiu; Red with W hile------

^ New Wool MeltonExtra Qunllly wllh big tippt Kith Red Trim . S lu s S to I

100% Orloi) PULLComplBtcly Wftiliable. Flare R Mint O reea • and Bsxi Blue,

PARKASIrong, abratlvt resistant,, 9>ounce sateen, 16-ounct lining, Qullt-llned hood, jstrip. K nit wrists. ^

)5 and ^ ^

£- w M

?BE, TOO, MAY BE POTlCHASro ^ 5 PLANI Chrlttmiui OlfU, too, AskfFilFrom R O PEK ’S -Z C * Pepem


' ‘su^

i k e s - h e r e i „ B

9ift ite J

SH lR lm in t , '

^’n! Spread

TS ^md col.

hecU . T c S f ^ l itallin .■ Siiort

'S ^ 1Nubby

Hlu thi

.95 ^


'COMn e W a tm - u p J A

5.95,,.ton CAMPUS Ctipper pocUt. Chinoi

illo v er swe

b* ; . 4 . 9 5 . . -


T B M w i y Sji

100% N Y LO K



Page 23: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

V - f .

- ptoudlr plM E*««* 8e«ol h i A f M 1 Ibt LDS ch»p«l la llM *U#nTb*

|K ^ ' ' " * ' * * *

- I B ren t Morrill. Klml>erl: N W O U t hU Mflderfoot badge.

, Y. I T h e court w u conduci tfl K a f f l 6 S U n sc r . HftMtn, «U»lrlc

W“ ^ , sloner. CommunlUei com >« o f r n n r t <li*trlct *n> Klmberly. H» c o l ' V/UU*->' iftUBii. Oreenwood, H »« teii-Bnic'' Ken- and H unt., un. Euscne ------------------------

“ Carols to Be !, 4fi.-lrtoI llie Boy 8H O 8H 0N E. Dec. 17—I PC council Here the hlRh echooj FFA *nc \ hold ft caroling party aC 7jM ^rthurD en- dny. Follow lnf lhe toui nttmtfii'fl " llh ment,i will be wrved In I t o school home economlcj rcw; ImW Hosup. T h ree FHA (tlrU from ^aeltd B’lth n Mhool will Attend the m [£Jr Doyle Mrr- will nM lst w llh degree w '■nK.'ii^d wtlh HiRby. Buhl. natlonAl pre IHIitinInt; and be nm one the v ision.

E T aAll N ew foi

(ALL B ra n d Ne^

M G I D | |E ;

bnfr'.? ‘’"“ '"V you'd^ M « - ,e .o n d w i ,h f e o lu r « n o t ChOi

-yer, thol co,t many d a llo ti •’ '''F ng ido ife Dryer now!

1 •='«Oolhii l a s t l o n g o r l

*|o«ihoi c'oihei lo«t longer*ot'idir\ 0 ftioidoire Eleelfic • • Au>

> » « „ pmi. Ih .» c o m . oiil•s*Wti (or lejj irening. • Auli

• f ill

Now fo r C hristm a

> 1


[(R e c e iv e s P in

'• • . J e

OB her •OD. Bme« Kenner. lie reeeUed T bnnd^y nl{bL fle b • member or troop

H ¥ ------------------------------

b.H,. Residents Re K ^ cS ,r Jaunts andcom prtilnf the HAILEY. Dcc. 17—Mn . Hanaen, Mur- ner. Spokane. Is vUlllnB 1 Haielton. Eden Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Hcajr)

Marie McCoy, n atud ------ - University of Colorado,

S u n g - ^ »n'i MrIT—Membera of J a m u McGoIdrick. a and FHA wilt lhe University of W u h

a t 7 p jn . Mon- attle, la vblllnj; hls parer tour, refresh- Mrs. Ray McOoIdrlcli.

d In the high jj r .a n * Mr*. A .n . Grll a rooms. uni. a rt vt&lUna th ti r dw rom Buhl high David Marin. In Pleaaanl le meetlnK and Mr. and Mra. Frank ;e work. Su ian Bellerue, are vliltlng th president, wtll te n , Mrs. Oordon Scotl

I. Edward Hall. In Pocnlelli

I h r i s t i T Kor 1956

M o v /BW Low -Priced

g D R Y E R

: h e c k t h e Q u a l i t y

b y t h e s e F e a t u r e s I

U fallma Porcelain fln lih td drum

G iant Scr««n D rawer conlroli Ilnt for t o i y diapoio)

A ufom otle Timer ,

A utom atic H to l cut-off

Big locidlrig door, opem oil Ih t w ay back

A utom atic m otor p ro tictor, no f u i r t

Fils f lush to th t w all

nos'Eve Delivery!


iln Gangin'

CHICAGO. Dee. '17 W- cholotry a tu d en t followed up Rest d runk of his life yesten a promise Lhat he will net ftRttln—excep t in th e JnV science, of course,

U was In the Interest ol th a l th s studen t. 33-year-o Bergum, go t drunk In the tli

U ntil yesterday Bruce co hlmaelf on a spree If h r dra Uinn one weakT hlball du evening. T h en he guixlf atrolRht Shots of 100 proot and followed those will) Uii m ixed w ith a sort drink.

Bnice BOt all this dowi hour'a tim e a n d ended up p soused—Ju s t as science had ed.

H e got $5, • pa( on the bi It pollcem aa and a ride I: tjls trouble.-

Bcrvum m ade an alcoholl pig* of hlm aelf a t the Non: unlveralty traffic Inatltut*. U> prove th a t a man cnn I and walk a a tra lg ^ U n e butoo drunk to drlveX"----- ■>,

Ttt'enty mlnutea a fte r ht

I p 'red ScioDtlDra


R e p o r t W eVe had a tre

id Visits .to th e S alt Lake

ng her parents,!raffle. j m■tudent At the §;Io, Is visiting IMrs. Hoy Me- '

. a atudeht a tnshlngton. Se- a m ■irenta, Mr. and ' I

□rlffln. Ketch- daushter.M ra.

lant Hill. Callf.l -ank O lllllun.!

the ir dauRh- and Mrs.

^ S U Kl a s T H R E E DAY

^ . 1951 M l.4 -D O O R

Overdrive, ra razor*i

i L i ?1 9 5 0 CHE

4 -D O O R

W hite sidewall er. R eal nicc. 0

' / 3 i :

J ' Z ij H ea ter, radio a

1 9 4 9 PLYi 4 - D O O R !

firs t se

R adio, heater


1 9 4 *

I h T W3 3 501 Md


1 B in g e A id s P o li mg E ffe c ts o f A lee

W -A p»y- th e test, the gradual* pa 1 up lhe blE- student Waa Uughlog u p r ’Sterday wllh a t 'newsmen's Jokes,

never do It b u I. a IltU« Uter, he didi invweat ol th e Jokes were ao funny, W h

. . one pointed out It waaIt ef science science's sake, he scowled "■ ar-old BruM m e buddy "If He protested when asked

d r a ^ rno« * *W«l8ht llae. An earnest I .n w tlo n w ith tr tt t lc oJJlelalftiziirri Lhrw he finally grumbled

1 thffo ntore |on a blftCkboard. one of

down in an watching policemen comme ip plfosanUy aoean'l aUgger, b u t hl» ti had predict- i m eerUlnly doea."

He blew Into balloons ani le back from o the r contraptions and U t ie home for e r l Borkenatcln of the lndli

police announced a^.lB alco: )hollc Bulnei content,Korlhwestem T his pleased tha pollcemi vt*>lao<rder theory waa th a t a .13 contei nil look {tlie you a ren 't aafe behind the e bul atlll be a car, A .M content meai — dead drunk and mear r h t sUrled dead.____________________

I atremendous y ea r . . . thanks th at we Have sold . . . we f!

ike C ity Auction^ we are o ffer




radio, h ea te r;3r*sharp ^

J 6 ” ^onHEVROLETIR SEDAN It-all tires. H eat-

Only f m

1 7 " ■'2 4 i

^ ------- 1

r P O R DD O O R 1954

,0 and sp o tlig h t


.OO 1954':


195.1 :

■y m 'o u t h 1051,(R SEDAN >t series 19.,s (

tcr, good tires . j

' l l . 1950 I1930 I 19-11 f

I r

t O L D S . <

^ £ I S E rlain East

E W S, T W I N F A L L S , ;iD A E

1 • \VhlIe all thb-wiis' goinB)1 1 C C Wllllftm Harrell of Uie Oh

hlshwny patrol was culmiy 1 rW of Wo car* ot b ttr .

C O l l O l registered an alcohol . v / v p x a v x PJ Bcrsum 1B psycholosy he wished they had »niu: Uproariously slgnmenls.

"I'd hoped for the tv,o billd id n 't th ink

, W hen aome-waa nit {nr DISCilARGKned "don’l kid V'ENDELL, Dec. n - s . s ,

vln Merritt, son of Mr, a sked to wnlk Frank Merritt, waa dlschnrj m esi conver- the nir force Thursday nt i elalft tollow td Wash., toUnwlnj tour ynns lied “well, If ice,ijd pertorm ed J,«V SW C SV C C C «V V \V

r o r C ”;:,! Buy Your. W at FromAW atc

i M a k e rI and various >I U eut- R ob- g Where Quality alid K« IndlWMi-aLiu A are assured.alcohol blood 5 lay IT AWAY NOW

Icemen. TTielr 6 TWIN FALLS JEWEI on ten t m eans / w ,ibcl" nndthe w heel a t i -Max Phillips"

ks to th e people of Mag:ic Va } f in d ourselves snowed unde fe r in g th e public


)L EM O N D V !

r U E S D A Y W E T A K E A


live Salesm en and A Fini lep resen tative Will Be on X)t a ll th ree days fo help j ind trade-ins!

E very Car f n d will BE> I O T H i N G HELD O R



1“ S A F E -B U Y " USED CAHS IN O ne o f T hese fo r the B A R G ,/

)5'1 L IN C O L N Gosmojiolitan H ard ' ;:re e n , pow er sent, power b rak t h e a te r , prem ium wliite. wall brnncl-new . Owned by local >b

154 L IN C O L N Capri Sport Coupe?w nll t ire s , Fuil-powercd, N c

154 M E R C U R Y 4-Door Sedan. : d r iv e , new tirc.s, wheel covcr.s, 1 co%'crs. Beautiful onc^owner

154' M E R C U R Y Club Seiiaii. Bijr jrine . rad io , beater, overdrive, R a z o r S h a rp !

'54 J IE R C U R Y Monlerey S port ( ra d io , 'h e a te r . Thi.s is a beau o n e -o w n er automobile,

52 M E R C U R Y 4-Duor, Radio, he s c a t covcr.';, «ood imiiit. Real

54 .C H E V R O L K T Bel-Air l-Door h c a te r .p o w e r glide, tinted plas O nc-O w iier Car!

46 C H E V R O L E T 2-Door. Radio ^ s t J i t t le car in town.

51 L IN C O L N 4-Door Sport Sedan.d ra m a tic , otie-owiicr and \vell

50 FO R D 2-l)oor, V-S, radio, hc 30 FO R D 4-Door. V-8, rnUio, hcII FO R D Chib Coupe, Radio, hea

new s e a t covers, Nice!

C O N V E ]


A H O _______________________ ^

goins on. Sgt. he Ohio sta te •Ciilmly getting tr .Icohol content * gum Indicated ■

“ ■ R E L IG IO U !*0 bllLv beer,"

P y \ ^' - S .S kU M ar-Mr, and Mrs, V 'Xischiirsed from V « 5 (B ^C ir("^A V ' ' ly nt Spokane,ytAis o t s t r v . \ f k Y

___________ \ j ! f 11 J . \

i ^ a t c h 5 , V i ^ d E i : ^

/ a t c h i

: r g

nd Servlc# ^

t NOW! ^

R mN E >

f f i; V alley! However, owing to under w ith Used Cars. So, ii

\ R S S T R

:S AA Y - T U


N S A L T L A K E !

F i n a n c c C o m p a n y f

! o n O u r U s e d C a r

l i p y o u w i t h t e r m s


E S O L D !



M S !3 I N A L L ! C h e ek E v e ry R G A IJ V o f V o u r L ife ” ! _

H ft rd to p . B c au tiC u l 2 -lo u « b r a k e s , b y d r a m a t ic , rad io , w a ll t i r e s , i n te r io r looks teal •bu.sinc.'is m a n .DUpes. B ru tu l- iie w w h ite -

N e w c a r R u a ra titec a . n . R a d io , h e a te r , ovc r- ■cr.H, t i n t e i i K lass, new s e a t ■ner a u to .

B iff o v e rh e a d vn lve e n - * iv c , 2 - to n e , p o w e r b ra k e s ,

'o r t C o tip e . ? iIc rcom atic , b e a u t i f u l , w e ll-c a rc d -fo r, __

0. h e a t e r , o v c n lr iv c . new • (“ R e a l B u y !

•D o o r. L e a d e d . R ad io , p la s .s , 2 - to iie . A S h iirp ,

a d io a n d h e a le r . C lea n - J

e d a n . R a d io , l ie a t c r , h y - W ell c a r e d f o r .

0, h e a t e r a n d o v e rd r iv e .0, h e a t e r a n d ovcr< lrivc ., h e a l e r , j e t b la c k f in ish ,

S R t l B U

> T O R" p

■ - j } a £ 6 « u w L -

U S CHRISTM AS CARy tliat r e j lc c t f/ic tru e

meaning o f Christm

We have a complete telecti V Y ^ \ \ of new Hallmark Relipic ' i^V'AV A Chtiitm aa Cards, luital

v \ v \ \ \ for all faith s...and a wi\ y \ A of special lit

\ ^ \ A ' — m inisler, p ii» t , t Com e »pc th em soi


to the many new Mercurys I, instead of taking these cai





Radio, h ea te r

‘2 7 8 ”

1 9 4 9 N A S H

6 0 0 T U D O R

Heater, overdrive, good tires

1 5 7 “

1 9 5 3 C H E V R O L E T

B E L A I R 4 - D 0 0 R

Beautiful, clean, low mileage. One owner.

1 0 8 0

1 9 4 8 C H E V R O L E T


Radio, heater, fender skirtj Nice.

1 6 2 ”

£ o n l y

IN C .P h o n e r i 4 9 - W




flection rligious lultable a wide

iallities est. etc.


irys ... cars









; ^ —

T j


} . 0 0 I I

f I


Page 24: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

m a I g i cIn Uicm day i o( ntom ic wcaponi

»nd h u id ju n i . I t w ould « < m mi InovaUflni. M ost m en nrr. B u t no U EOlns back to the atone arc, Hi

KesUer lan’t cxacUy n rockhouni ! polish them. N or U he ao call«

"pebble puppy" lo r h la knowledt ot geolosy far surpassea the nnvK itase . But th ro in h h is Interest I

i • rocka he became lnterc*U(J In Ir dJan artJ/acli- Now K taU rr dupl

I catea the » o rk of th e no n e at craftaman.

, Indiana In th la a rm u « d obnldlrI as their main raw m ateria l for n ' rowheada, apear polnta nnd scrapt!

Keatlcr worka chlcfly with obsidu I . too, bu t he w on't heatltaio to nml I an arrowhead from any pretty plei I of atone o t even colorcd slaas.

He uaea the aame preasure methc used by the atone nue Indlnns bi worka «illh a finer lool. Aa a n ault hia arrowhenda probably m

I "daintier" and .m ore nccurnt* tha ortglnala. The flnkea h e removra t preuure are am aller and rIvb a tra lih ter edge nnd finer point I the arrowhead lhan those mnde t Indians.

KesUer ndmlla In d ian i probabl knew a lot more nbout (he cleavat of rocks Oian he know s alnce U« were able to remove la rger flnkei < rock and atlll produce highly a< curate points.

SurprUlngly, Uiere la a mnrki fo r hla m odem arrow polnta. Som

I h u n tm , io r exam ple, dladnln tti ( use 0/ • auch m odem w eaponj 1 1 guns. *n>ey prefer tlie long boi ; And. as WIU1 tlaherm en who refus

to catch a (lah on Anything but 1' Ily. there are •'purlata" among'U i I «rcher*. TTie/ w on't um jttceJ V{

on Uieir arrows. T h ey w an t to e( right back to na tu re and uae ston

i polnta. ,Then. too. KeaUer'n am aller point

. 1 make up Into excellent Jewelry, j { pa ir o t JdenUcaJ po in ts , made eiUic

I Irom black obsidian or lustrou ■gale, ean become a p a ir of earring

I guaranteed to n ltrn c t allenUon.Speaking of lU hlng. Ke.iUer Is 1

1 tlshermnn. too. bu t no t n dry fl; ' purisU During the w in te r th e weath : e r somellmea cels p re tty cold fo

Jlahlng ao KesUer deviw d n mesn to equip hU row boat wlUi a poibelll ed stove for w arm th . For Xuel, hi uses driftwood.• » •

M w t historians wrlUt only of Ihi i wlM and wooly w est, Jseph W

• Fuld, HAILEY pioneer, complains Fuld U quick to a d m it aaloona an a part of th e p ic tu re of the wes but addx Juat lui gulclcly there is an other aide to the alory.

Hailey, In i u early daya, had 1 \ reputaUon tor having a h igh typi

of citUenry, com pared to o the r min­ing conununltle.1. h e aays. K e cJs/mj

' th e pioneer moUiera in tho Wooc rivcr valley were o f a auperloi mould. Uiat m any of them wen educated and th a t «tm oat aill wen lndlclrinat«d w ilh rclltifon.

' Fuld (ellt o( a d o p iln g saleamar ■ who once.had H ailey on h la list 01

I School Teams

I Given Awardst SHOfiHONB, Dec. 17 - PooUsal J le tu ra were presen ted to Shoshom I players Tuesday and Bonnie Dnmey

111 aweeUieart of U:e w*ccnl FTA dw cf H ; WM presenled w ith » IT A ateet- | | ‘ heart sweater.J? Coach Cnrl K inney presented 1-. Junior van ity le tte rs to John! Ad.

ikln.1. Bllly Boyd. O ordon Connell I Teddy Johnstun. Robin Kinsey * Oary Meyer. Chuck 'M llchell.' Lei :j Perry. Carl noes.\ler. Hobble Slrunk I Howard S lu tan a n . Dick Tanskn William T anaka. A llcn Thorne. Phi: r W arner. G ary W hitehead and Mlkc i Wilmoth.

On the Varsity te am Arlen Saof-

i' ford received recognition for Jout -— r y e a n J a a w»-Hiu3lcr.

three year; Jam ea Baugh. BUI Kdcn. Charlea Parks. L nrry Sweet and ;^ n a ld Terry, two years ench.

David W right. N orm an Btiyllu, Donald D Ick law i. B ruce IJaJl. Lnn>' Ransen. Pred H ughea. Leigh Ktllej', Dan M erritt. D arw in Mills, Ralph Mitchell, S tan M yers nnd Vemnn Peugh, were preaented w ith one* year certl/lcatcs. •

’1 Noel Johnson. Lowell Johnson and j Kennem A nderson wero given

awards aa m anagers ._____________

ffl ; H ow e lse can you Ret thtP ' th .tt a re o u t of you r rcacli

a ll y o u r 'o w n : that wo W anted; a coHf;;e cJuw i fam ily : a liusiness of you a rc in su red n> S10,0()0; o u r p la n i j flexible and c( y o u r accoun t now —wj|h

I J '

f 1■ s t

J i . FED£Ri<I ' AND lOAiV



: V A L L E Ypons, to say'noUilng of h lsh powered rlfl > min would be sail&Iled with the modei t not nay KesUer. TW IN PALLS. Kf*U e, He makes arrowheads, ound. although he knows rocks and how

vlcdge ulops. A few yeara ago Puld met U nnvlce man In S a lt Lake City, est In "I w ant to lell you aomethlr n In- Joe." the salesman said. “I used dupll* ij-jivej aJ] over the intermounla e ase w f*i_vUlted all the mining camp*

nnd there wasn’t anoUier town isldlnn the area th a t had as line a class or nr- people as Hailey."•aperj. Ttio tint church J»i Wood riv sldlsn, valley was a Methodist church ai make wns probably erected In 18M

’ piece UELLEVUE. In Hailey the 0 Catholic church was dedicated <

lelhod June 17. I W . While yuM haa lou: is bul nn record of a Protestant church a re- H nlley prior tn JM i. Uie reco; y nre shows thn l there were reside.

than ministers there from 18»1.I t i by The first achool In HaUey w, IvB a built in i m . Puld attended th Inl lo Khool.■<le by Articles of IncorporaUon for U

Wood Illver Presbytery were fili Jbably M SHOSHONE Sept. 1». 1M<, wll ■avage e. Pralt. moderator. Mr. Ilenshi Uiey nnd E. M.-Knox signing. O n Man k a o f I. lass, the PreabyterUn church :y ac- me c ity of Bellevue wa.i Incorpo

nled by II. E. Miller, M. A. Gordo inrkel 1. N. Hleka. E. B. Hall, J . U. VotU Some O, 8. Glenn and Pralt. The a

n the knowledgment waa u k e n by F. n j as EnalfD, notary public In Hnlley.

bow. Thc original Episcopal church 1 refuse Hailey, which atlll sUnds, was bul but a In 1885, with the Her. U rael T. O g 'U ia barn as rector. •1 Ups T7ie prc^cnl location of the Con ;o get munlty Bnpilst churcli wna deedc Slone to J . 'W. Maxwell, who waa a MeU

odUt mlnlsier. on Jan. 31. 188 nolnls Tnislees of Uie church were J . 1 „ A Bcamer. C. t . Maren*. J. «. Water Miiirr I. N. Sullivan and F.nslgn. Sulllva ilrous sen'ed as JusUce of the atate at TlBfs preme court for 3* years, on W hen the townslle of Hailey wt

» laid out the cho/ce Jots In the res: V fly dential dlslrlci were aet aside fc

church purposes. For many yeai a for tiie Bnpllsta affiliated wlUi th nesns MeUiodlsl.s enlered Into an agret bfiii- ment whereby the present Com .1 he munlty B aptist church bulldlni

which was Uien lhe MeUiodK churth building, became the Bap

,f the lis t church and the Baptlat churc , \ \ tn Pnlrfleld becama the Methodlilalns! churth._________|________________* ore wesl

7. Mv First VisitorX Wu A Hartford AginllJa/ms


dsA Uu» Vary k e t td on an oclual ee.aihone

mey,Mice, wi;«n I trird te p ill th it truck my ^eeC- csr evtnumid, and I awokt (n •

hoiplul-ln a ttrsni* town! Thsnk : Ad- • ‘X'dnn* my nurl. esll.d Uit loesl anell. H snford Agant. Ha esma right nsey, a»*y, wioU out tha r»port«. av»n ■ ca1|*d my homa town agant so that riskn' huibind could ba natiStd.

J h l l W hin you bgy Hirtforc} Aeeidtnt and Indamnity Company Xniucinca.

iwof-(our itrvica-whanavar and

jjltr , wherevaryou JIart>^ Men. . ford Aganii and clsim saivlea maa

naUon^wida.yllM,JTO- P e a v e y - T a b e r Co,iilpli Taber — T h o m u C. Peave;rnnn Paul R, Taber. “Insurance, la Oor Busineta*

1 202 Shoahone Streel Eaat[iven - P h o n a M l -






t the biR. w orth-w hile thiBRi each righ t now ? A nice hom e

w onderful vacation you’ve lucaiion /o r som ecne in j'owr ymir own. Y our savings here XK); earn a gencrou j retu rn ; id convenient. W hy not open v ith any convcnieot am ount?

nV i// nn( Hiari a wi/ifrit accnunl here

fo r C/in'Hlmaft?





ow to

!t uie


Tips- I’n In ISS of

, T . " ' ^

MS',fd on . V • ■ ’ ' • ■. W V->found , J ; ■ch in ; x Vecord ; ' • • ^Iident ; ; ‘ • • .

■ w«J ' ' * ~ —Uils 5 . --------------- ^

r the J l - ' ‘ ifiled ] J , : • with ' f ■

ishaw • iJ larch ch of irpor*.rdon, (I oater,

r..In ‘

bulll KesUer, Twin Falls, du p llc a tt • making arrowheads and apear po in t

original arrowheads. K eitler makea of ancien t lad lao j by chipping asua

i'em . Ph°t°-««»IT»Tlngj__________________

iJi: Wendell Sponsors “»■ Contest on Lights. WENDELL, Dee. H -T h e C hum -resl- ber of Commerce Is sponsoring a : for home lighting conlest under th e dl-

reeUon of B. D. Zollinger. T he con- teal U open lo homes In the W en* i

l a ­ding. • odist Bap..urch ,odist


nk ■ ■ '■

lat ^


ndrt»_ _____ _________ _a . .......

: o . Ifeavey

Two i'T h (

• - t ! Inw enu cou d n

1Kirnutberf 'P 'siifl

(alworaUionrnjjitfro ll

— _____________________________

t t M K S -K E W S . t w i

;s Stone Age

H r , ' '

Jfr-T li-tg T O S

P l r w i - M

cMit, lh e wotk or ,lon« . [ . IndUju InolnU. N oi eonUnl to simply hnnl for (ea hla own and Improves on the werk ts ia lJe r fb k ra from tbs jtone. (Slaff

dell ares. There are no official en­try blank.1. All contesianLi a te re- qulred to do U decorate Uielr homes.

LS T hree prltes wlll be given for ex- ■ U rior decoration and three prlies for Interior decorallng. Interior decora-.

* tlons musl be vLilble from the street. 1 11- Decorated homes will be Judged] n - between Chrlatmns nnd New Y cnfs, h . day. __________________


things tlT h e f i r s t a n d m o s t im p o r ta n t th - t h c d r iv e r . ' A.’i th e h i jrh w a y r Inw o n f o rc e m c n t aR onciM p o in t c n u r tM y , c n rc , a n d com m o n c o u n t m o re th a n n n y th in R e lse , d r iv e amj car snfcly-or /o o J is h b

T h e se c o n d th i n s is th o c n r Kir.s a r c s a f e r tn d .iy . T h . i t ’.s r1ii> n u m b e r o f nccitien t.s in r e la t io n t( b e r o f m ile s pas.'SfHRcr c a r s a r e d f ip u r o 's b e e n g o in g d o w n .stu; s i i a r p ly .

C h e v r o le t 'e n g in e e r s a n d d o s ig a lw a y s 'm a d e y o u r .ta fc ty a m a j o r a t i o n , in tr o d u c in g m a n y sifc lt [ tl ie a ll - s te e l to p , s a fe ty p la te n r o i in d . a n d w in tis h jc ld -w id e ' i n to th e )o w -p r icp field, A n rl t)ii.s r o l e t i s Uic s a f e s t one e v e r b u i l t ,

: m Main f l I Avcnnq W.cst k


Vandals Destroy 2 Traffic Lights

WENDELL. Dee, 17—Four m er- I H cury rapor cauUon HghU a t the two r a access highway enlxances to W en- E » dell have been desUoyed by varfdals H w ith .22 caliber rifles, the sU te hlgh- D | way departm ent reports. m T he (our lamps were InstflJJcd as B a aafety meaaure a t the InleraecUon■ and ha te been depended upon by■ motorlsU lo Inform them of me■ proper loeaUon a t which to make a■ tu rn . They also serve to warn drivers H of the crossroads ahead.■ I n addlUon lo Uie safety fn c^ r.■ Uie Umps are expensive nnd the B i InsUliatXon even more so. A specui H trupk has to be-brought to the scene


Isi ( fo rm ei

n j Uke Jftla o t humaii*, row* havi» I ' . . . duity feed Ju it doesn’t appt

9 I But Larro Sure5!lU(. . . made 1H ’ lenu . Including U sty molasses.B l ited DO th tr MILK on Larro !

I Drop In and let’s U lk about I»«■ ■ hlih'.qualUy Larro D ilrx Keedf'J ask for your w ritten copy o(

guarantee ef saUsfaeUon.

1 Commons Pcet.'

2 0 5 3 K im b e rly R ood

■ 1 ^

lhat makiL th in g is y n u I t s l iv e ly n e w ly s a fe ty a n d in g . I t s sp c c ia l 'O int o u t, tl ie over.sir.e brai;e.'j(' ynu .Muiw th e U n i.s te e l con ’Ise. Y ou c a n la tc h e s o f i t s 1''s h ly . I f ie - i 'r a d .s tnb iJit

: n r i k r l f . A l l ™ " “ ' ‘bv l|,„ p a llo r,

m (1. 111,. 1111m-1-e d r iv r n . T lio S e a t bolLs w•stead ily .-lllll h an ie .s .'i^ I n s tr u i

coiir.'ic, I h c y ’re .1

Oslgll.TS l,;,v,.n iiiio r ™ „si,|. H onK f «II i» I n /.■:ll fc.iliiri.s 11, ' ' " 'Ia te glas< a ll

•ie' d r f i o s t r r s A s y o ii'r C hevt)ii.s '-■jC to sfinu- y o u

■I- th e 'oG C h e v ro le l

l e n g . .


y whenever a 'la m p n eed s to be i

plnced. highway offlcU U aald. u m p s cost *11.40 eac h and proti

h l Q Uve glass for them cosl S13.84. To replacemenl wlll av erage appro

m er- mately SiO ehch. offlclaU aald. le two -----------------------------

SSX Vacation Sethigh- SHOSHONE. Dec, 17 — C hristo

vacaUon for, Shoshone schools « led as be held tn m Dec. 33 to J a n . 3, achi ecUon officials report,

r the BIRTH REPOETEDinke a WENDELL, Dec. 17 _ Word t Irlvers been recelred he re of th e b irth ol

dftughur to th e Rev. and M 'nclor. Charles Easley a t P ay e tte . The a d the Mr. Easley wns paator of Uie Wr ;necUl dell MeUiodUl chtirch from Jao w ene ary. iM . to June. 19SC.

la S iu a a S I

L a r r o SureMilko rm erly L arro D airy F e e d )

■» have finicky appetllea. S ta le feed 't appeal to Ihem.

nade with fresh. hlgh-qualUy Ingred- ilatses. Is built lo sn li a eow'a taste, .arro SureMllkl

bnul Larro HureMllk. U’a th e aame Ke'ed with a brand-naw a am e . And

>y o( tha money-back

PoultryPhonn 2 0 1 5 .

ke for SAn e w p o w er m o a n s s a f e r p n s s -

:c ia l R all-R nce R too rin ;? - th o fiixc. _\yilh A n ti-D iv f i c o n t r o l - 1 coii.sti 'uctinu a n d s a f e t y d o o r its r i s h p r I’o d y - i i io n a i le d - to - n b i l i ty tf ia t crjrrtc.s f r o m aci- te n sio n a n d h r t t c r b a l a n c e - t h o a n o ie w in d s h ' '- I ' l - a l l th c s o 0 y o u r .-;;ifoly,

s w ith o r w it l im it .sh o iiitle r is t ru m p i it pani?l p a t ld in g ? O f ■'rc atvtiJafilc ,-it e x t r a c o s t o n • n ie v ro lc t. H ut th e b o .s t p r o te c - t to oul (>f n r 'c K n 'h ta in th o A n d l l ia l (lnpt>ii'l.<i m o . i t ly oH /n/i7/-iii s a fe ty o f y o n r c a r . '

Chcvnii,-! (Iral.or. w o ’ll b e g la d I' n iiiiiy s a fe ly f e a t u r e s o f k 'm lel.

T e n I ^ isc

be n - ■ CANADIAN n r iE d d. RUPERT, Dec. 17-JusUci. nf srotec- Peace Arehfe Nlabett ret>ori«i t ■ TOUI day he had fined

d. ' -------

S'is to aa ' ^ j C A ^ Y X y TllR EIlla will i _ XX


.fZ-’iliz.z'xKle Rev. ‘I »• P '*" ' I*'* •» I ►**?. \

f m m 'a u n .u ,iu ,t> » i. I j;I »» » lr<i>l>|-*«r •«>•> I h


* I r o n r i l e^ ALTTOMATIC UiO.MlR

N JONES IRO3 2 7 M o in E a i t ' P

5 CofI Collccf /rom A

iFER dr,I-0

rI-!•00 .

r .A SIpinH ffilR

0 j

t l ' ’ f '

k J C ■ P hone 707'1 4# Ty/ln Falls

-^ aw om atic h i M

I/ r w f i r a ; ! ! *

U *t«t ttws n u . lJ H

w •• N,•«.*</ Bwl


n Anyvrhcre in M ogcV ^H


B ]^ B i



Page 25: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

C elelK jje With Odd OrnaB [ | 6 ^ ^ , , m - u> C»Uforo!» to Inspe

.M . ve*r of hU ftUUr. U yrt : Wt ^ , , . .y . HU dl*pUy in

K f S ' S t ^ U e n * in 6»nU cllmhln* doin 4**®* Ui»i apouU bubblei.

_ i.tad to Ditvny T hom u' hw HllU U tiw lhe r f»»«

■ ^ S f t U i W ^ n l t« . d riv e 'tro u n d Ic w « e <I«cortt«l hom u th a

• £ T « r t . Dlano hll Itw n U t ntUfUy f his 11 iwo-tooi u U e m t

■ S r^ndeer Biblical eh»r*cWra liH f a s«“ f « PUno P»lMllne. - OhrUUntJ

H k ^ l. Dclxbborhood spilce Jone* Im UI iW and relndMr

touch t.lM ain«er PVtnUe U ln e J ^ C a tree, bulbs on » tree on hH ^ ^ '* 2 7 t T i t d w llii and ouUlntd Uie tn

euelcd colored llgliU Jlmmj B S i^ ^ J f f » » 8 i ,N ! c l t fr»med h li windowi i I S ^ h r n c r U . polf. movletomeriH W .^.So-ihtppcd m*s *cener7 to milch

^ Ing*. Jean fllmmonsB ^ .- in lh e L I H c r n c e OrinBcr lu d old-fw

.jj , j-of,. ucM In EnsUnd. Bul » » ^ i n d » th ird put the ir orntm enti 01 ■ V 'J S ^ ’Li.hUr lit ouuide Ih j Ptlm 8 K « '‘'Sr of , - h J e ihty're■ >*®L nmntr-up in holiday*. J*»n Htgen

HedrnpM erl T ty lo ri «re imon of Mexlc*n C

m * * ^ a t s w m ntch »l**-hUKe errpe p»pei » '■■ fhVoUy* on the blrdn-from the celllni W ^ V ^ b e p i i ) Lorelta Young’* wh■ ft<alIo'* decora- lure* tn llgue Oerm* B > W ' ^ ; l » n O dki »he-* collected «mc« »h

mott e lab- Bul * larlel Ktthleen I • Ihb yfnr. »he haa Wi« m ail um

driving d « o r in tow n-»n----------- green tree u> m tlch :

ionfd black telephonef c r C lo s e s ~

M a g i c ,(^K rfC om w frce »penl

K H 'S sS Roofing, “ S S i S l

H ^ ;a J » r f d u c e d the! * . 'M F T .^ L A W N

★ SIDING R i S W a M m ovcr ^ INSULATION

^B aad II* 1181.03 In ★ STORM DOOF★ STORM WINC

^ f e ^ ' t o a ^ i o u i of; i f M ogic Valley'

O JM .l.d o r - l J O H N S .^ N VI balance of A p p ro v e d Appl

^ h o n e 2 9 9 5 cV M n « e h » n ^ r lla t-

rodeo. '

I j t a T o u c I

he's yoijrhm'-

N E W 1 9 5 6 l|


Automatic ■ w l

T op A \T o u c h ]Juning

’ V h TnnlnK i^'or, top o f lh e w t «nc to rM rh .,A fn u rh tu m a thn flt;.t ion ...’A to u c h tu m a the . . . nnri i f . y ou ra in thia mai

’’ ^ ‘vclct t h n t t u n u fo r eaay view

* oie C o n tro l F R E E ,^ * TW . \Yeek Or

R rrv lx ’ StS-M V

f r O l r B E ven from acrora ^ !■ '■oom . y o u cha

" t a t i o n a b y mei touchinR .the conl

’ ’ Y ou n e v e r h av aleave y o u r chair.

J'fOnly 3.00 a Week,

t o n - b a t ea p p l i a n c e s

Buhl - Jerom


ebrate ------nam entsnspect lhe dUpUr.' 11 up t l the home ir rt Kirk. » block Jly Include* • huge Jdons t cblraner Mes ■ f l■ hom ela Beviity MftvoflU of' crowds < d lo look t t the th a e nlghta. on

'Uy scene fetUirlng ceramic figures of n Imported from lUnu ciiroU tr e jdipetker.-uu ile d t S to U , -leer on his roof.Inehuagtw lnkllnr on his front lawn ! enllr* housa In mmy SU w trt also

wllh pick Christ*

Itch lhe surround* nons 8 l«R trt 1-fsshloned green Bul this year they lU on a big c tcu u n 6prlDp desert r’re iptndlng the igen tnd the Rob* mong miny stars m C hrlilm u’pln* ptper anlmaU tn delllng. E s g j g g1 while tree fea- P B g a j - ^ Scrman omtm enU :e she w u a child. ien nugtiu claims' unu3u«l yuletide i g M 5 > i 3 Pan old'ftahloned | m ^ a | | MIch her oId-fash«

; Cify P P B ig Co.WNINGS H |H |jl|ON ' ^ a S S gOCRS 'INDOWS

1 Only



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4114 g g H H C Q

and up ^ R i | g ] N ^ Nthe HHIKSIIthe aet H I h Wmahofi> viewing.E!

a Only M Valut

roaa thec h a n c « ,m ere lycontrol.lave loir. ^ ■ n n n v ^

ES . , entr in

me *


rJ IfJTi^m t y ' i I

y i i 111

T m rT iT »f | i | n l i O u | 9 h M l l l |

aef your FREE try blanks today n our bedding ' departm ent


. _____ T IM E .S -K-N EW S,- tW J N .E A L L S , ID.

I ' m

E n g l c n d a r E q u

I l o n w i t h h e a v l

I n c t n t « r , g l v i

w h e r t n e e d e d .

^ ^ U S T F O R I

IV E. • _____________O - ___________

ID A H O ______

^ ^ 3

1 J l ■ I f l l I 3

^ 3\ / bok IP

ileapir^ ---------- foom I

the ««— ^ Iht ipi

\ motlfi \ So hyi

V ■ . A 30 nlfl [c i i i iu inm nJrirjcm Q fifK irfd .s ia ip c

----------- •--------- ' loltx

E q u o H i e r C o n r tT u e -

e o v l e r d e n s i t y f o a m

g i v e s f i r m s u p p o r t

J e d .

J I » J

-"*3M a t i

B o x

For four winlit or forly, th t En! yeu <h( bliiiful iltip that rtl

■ ih t stcrel of Iht tacluiivt cairtt <he reiilitnt coilt or* |< body is rtloxed In d«tp down muteiti or* firmly tupporlid.' the ollractivt, duroble cov tr,; to molit Iht Englander Preiic for your tieeping netdi. Coff you need.

[ i* i f f l iR NAM ING TH



I e i_____ ___ i . ——


I a

j f i. 1


Twin n u U«td

“ iI ti 5s!I'

?rt« »eh5»e oVfehed . . . o s .«lodytor foam lolex mollrasi by Engld lljli txciling lov/ price. Come In le

I fh t foom lolax moltreit a n d mole k iprins'lhot glvtt you the m ott luxui •ping eomforl evtrl Mode o f deep, im loltx, Ihe Duro<Foam m otlr«if olio I excluiive, Equaliitr conitructlon. 'ff I ipeciol Englonder principle th a t givei Ira support In the ccnier a re a of i t l r t i i . . . whtre your w eight !s grec

hurryl Try il, In your own home, on I niflhi free home Irial. See how retlful Itp con reolly b t. Thli new Englander 1 Itx motlreii ii avoiloble in eu r bed iporlmenl only during Ih t b i ^ Engle teptloliei.

t 3 0 D A Y F R E E H O M E T R I

19’a t c h i n g

>x S p rin g $ 3 9 .7 5\ E nglandtr Preiidentiol m oH reit e s iu r t I retlo re i your pep ond en e rg y . Thoi' ive Red-Unt' conilruction m ulliple. S'l r t lo in td only in the m iddle, y o u r lirei 3wn comfort a i Ih t lome liipe th e achlni id . T ht lay tri of coiton fe ll upholilery 't r , prt-built lidtw olli — a ll th e ie h |l | rtiidenliol m ollrtii ihe p e rfe c l. oniw e Com t in ond i t t il loday In ih e iiz«

■ J ^ M e f




* la. tt* C#>M*r. U«.

r s

...... PA G ETW


? _IIZI '

ijenulnt 'nglonder n today, moiching luxurious.»ep, firm olio hot

1. ll givet you I of the greotiit.>, on our ilfulyour der foom bedding



5uuritfhol'tI. ffe. jlired

ching ‘ilery, 'blip I

nwerlize I





, u«.


. . . . .

.T W E N T y -n y a ..,

Page 26: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Ocean Sends J Season Gift to — : Japan Hamlet

ARA ni. J ip a n . Dec. n IB—Thla T Rleepy f lih ln f h*ml«t Muth or Tokyo WM re»pln* *«• un e x p « t« l C h r i^ ^ m o hanresi H xl»y-» •chool of 3J)00 dolphin* c u r

, Eiich dolphin U ‘ bout 8 f f « l 1o«■ end worth more lh«n »4- The «IO,OM

marine bonuiM U « n l riche* to :,600 lUher folk * h o norm.Uy w n s l » measer llvln« from th e ie t.• A lookout ipotU d th e achool TUM-'day nnd aroused the vlllageri- E ve^ .

: nble-bodled mnn, woman and ehlld ) ’took lo the boni*. I . , , .

n in r J iF n r m r f jlj;*;I Tliey formed a r lne nround lhej„,p I uchool of bis marine mnmmnla. "nd.innd J IjeatlnB badly on empty iln can*, »,

. -ilrove them ta lo Uny A rw l bay. Then they aealed th» en lrtnee * llh Uielr Uny boata. ' , Uiei

About SM dolphin flopped onto Ihr w ndy beach. Vlllageni rushed

! ihew lo m arket. .u Of (I T lie vlllafe head m an ordered lhe

, r ihem left to iwlm In the natural aquarium. , : we

' "We’ll m ln the price If we UKe them out all * t once." he cauUAird.

Will U a l We«k» IFUihermen predict the uchoot uiU °

liAt for week* If hnnrMiert alowly. " At lh# m outh of th* bay. an 10* tny

vrar-old girl W ard hummed. "Jlnsle thei Della"—* holiday teaaon favorlle — In Ja p an —c lu n e d an accompanl* m ent on he* Un can obaerved:- " I t ’a » wonderful ChrUtmaa gift B

] io r our vllla»e." **i _________ ■ — par

Decision Reached «'i i On Grange’s Play “5I K IN O H ILL. Dec. I7 -K ln 8 lllll ^

O rn n ic n will preaenl a play inalead 1 oJ a u le n l ahow UiU year to ralae 1 • lunds for lhe orBanUatlon. Declalon e

lo present the play wa» reached a l lo,., I a meeUns of lha Orange Wednea-

1 - *rr«nk Jonei. A rlhur O reer and •Mra. Melvin Hehvleh will au d it the

I .OranRe bookj. K arl Anderaon and Wenley Tlnk reported on th e aUK O ranee convention. Slale awnrda lo th e Orange and Individual mem- Ibera were presented by Anderaon.. Mra. Allen Gilbert, lecturer, w u •)n charse of the ChrUtmaa program. ToklBR p a ri were Mr*. O all. Jones, ■Mrs. John Kelley. Mra. Cecil Balt. •AnnU Bame* and Mr. and Mra. Oil*

i ^ e r t. RefreahmenU were served by > M rs. Ted Moore, Mra. Elmer Bablng- ! ion.* Mra. Kelley, Mr*. Ray Brooks

and Mra. Bolt._______ ’

Play Present ACAREY. Dec. n - T h e Perfect

.. H ideout,- a one-acl play, waa pre- aenlcd Wednesday evening <lurlng MIA m etU nj. Member* ot the east wero Sieve Cameron. LouU Peck,

il Ju n e Adamson. Clara Dllworth.J M axine WlllUm*. A nn Peck. ColleenI SU nford and Linda Eldredge. D lrec-W e,t tor* were Mr*. Honda H unt and Dee wfi i ,Coates. '‘■'I• • P lano selections were jilayed by net

X ana Tolman and accordion aolo* by AK ) Mr*. W allace Slocking. Tw

--------------------------- - plv« PARKING FINE JlnI ■ jr a O M E . Dec. — Bob Thaek- wa I 'ery. Jerome, wai fined 13 Thursday Ali

•by Police Jud#e Russell Shaud .on of I \ charga of parking I n a drivew ay- nn

I ;

[• R E S U IA R * 1 (


I P E N O N IY '


' /x \ \ ^

r ■ : . .


A i


A S Y O U R :_______ ------------------------ “f h e

By W. ELTON G REEN |n*«> . (Paalor, F im ef. thei V . ihaN aiarene) | 1-

T U .th e week before Chr«lm a.i.thei and all through lhe c lly a n d coun -|a h iry-slde acuuiy U a l h ig h tide. Thl» pur aeems to b« more ao a s lh e yeara Yel KO by. The atlecllng of glfU , mailing w d

card* aeema to reci

clnl aeason comes ^ 'and goes. C

lng lo condemil con

Uinush I realizethe giving of e lfu ^ jtnnd the recelvlnfiof wme could b e - .com. > vldoiu “ ••• ^circle with no plewiure derived

In aeiecting elfU th e m ajorily of ua must ilr«t conalder Ihe price.Of cour*e,'.«llh liberal c re d it for the P , aaklng, we tillj- keep In mind, or ahould. the "Judgment day" when

Iwe ahall face these .accounU W hether ll li by cash or rred lt we *• are hindered In our giving a* «e desire.

While thinking nlnng thi« line my mind fell upon th e though t ih a t q , there are aome thlnga a ll can cUe i,j, — ------------------------------------------- — rei:

Party S la ted —BUHU Dec. 17-T he annual Kl-

wanl* club'* chlldrena’ ChrUtmaa party la acheduled for Wednesday evenlnE m ihe lOOF hnll. Dinner will bc aervtd by lhe Rebekah lodge

* V a n u '’«^i arrive during the p.irty wllh presenU. Chalrmnn la Maurice Eckert, asililed by Oene DnvU.

• Lo'd G ETO M EET BHOSHONE. Dec. 1 7 -O d d Fel-

loM lodge will meet a t 8 p.m. Tuea- day a t thfl IOOP hal l . _________


Wendy lorea her ba llel leasons and wears a tou-lou of wh'lt« nylon tulle wllh u U n bodice, F low er clrclel In her hair. Wendy U one of Madame Alexander's m iniature dolla sold In Twin Palls exclusively by Trolinger's pharmacy. Every doll Is molded ot tlnest plastic. Ench w ig la woven. U

. washable and can be curled. All r Alexander-Klna walk. A wide variety I of aepamle clothes nnd nceeasorlea

nra obtnlnsble a t T rolinger's. Adv.


12-95 m,Y * 7 «

1A _____ ______ •.

M IN IS T E R SHe Week Before C h r iitm a i’—rrgardlea* of financial raUng. I 5' A I them for your consideration. t „ Z

1. The giving ot a tmlle. W ho U "Ood b. Uiere amon* us th a t U no l aided by onea Ic a hearty *mlJe. ThU Item cannot be gm toiu purchased from your local sWre. Ug. H i Yel. there U a greal demand fw for^Ch auch a gift. ThU week before Christ- The mM iry giving a amlle. create

The passing of a compliment. I lhe fan recently read of a man known as credil 1 ••lhe mllUon-dollnr sa lesm an"-hav- glfl to lng sold over Uiat. amount direct line a t to Uie homes. simple 1

One of the cardinal riiles Uiat he 'u m eveiT. day U Uils: "Find some compliment or comraendnUon lh a t you can honeilly make to the flrat three people you m erl each momlng. * 11 may be lheir nlilre U becoming . , 0 “ * in them, lh a l you think Uiey nre doing a greal Job. th a t . Uiey look r very nice UlU momlng. You can always find soete polnl to compll- 1 ment one on." U UiU 1* used fucceaa- '. . fully In Uie selling of "poU and _ pan.'t," why not u*e It a* a ••priceleaa" • gift th li week before ChrUunaa. .

I RONGB PBACTICED ] A' SHOSHONE., Dec. l7 -ScouU and ^ Der Hive KlrU Of th r LDS NflA held, a song practice following the Wed-1 U p nesday nlghl MIA meellng a l the! . • , church In preparation for the church . • ChrUlmas program. The song prac-:Uce wa* held under dlrecUon of Har*' rell Thome In the absence of Mr*.Velma AUen. _____________ ! = s =


I ^ F RS H O P S M



.See why fihopSmlUi U fsr


IL »289-=» ^Including V4 h.p. M molar and b*nch m ' lAJY TIRMS ^


S H E A F F ES M O K K etP ^

G I F T S E T SSpecial p r ic c s .o n popu lar Sli Pen sets. But h u rr) '— take adva o f (hese savings w h ile w e still many sets to ch o o se from . Brin^

^ g ift list, com e ia today!

R E G U L A R * 1 7 ^ 5 SE

NOW 0 N I Y $ | | | / | 9 5

P E N O N L Y * 9 ’ ^

■ ■ L p¥ a1 m^

k ; '


S E E S lT ~ ] rA hearty handshake. There are

;s when a good handshake wlUi ^ bles* you." *111 llshwn some- 'a load for Uie day. Give ^ Is :tous gift which has no pncei , H ie reauJu wlU amaie you be- A

i^e'^^to'Te^menUonrd gllU will] / lie no problem*. No eowultlng! f family budgel. No checking ofi

111 ratlnsa- No-walUng for the to be wrapped or standing In

■ a l the poelofllce. These le*ple lU ms used t s g lfu are wlUiln C•h and power of alt UiU weeki O )re ChrUlmas.hey will, no doubt, prove to be, p - moet excellent gIfU. not only for, f - i week, bu l for Uie entire year,; • ibd’s Word declares: " It U more ised lo give lhan recelvr_____

T H IS YEARBuy T h o P re ie n t Sh«

W a n ts M o lt . . .

V NEW SINGER 1Liberal Trade-In Allowanoa


120 MAIN NO, . : JW]it E E lM I T H iRATION I2:00 NOON ' 1 1

>AY, f l2 0 f tI for ChrUlmai. J T

3 E - -2: p o s t o f f ic p :


per m onlh ^

r _ .


E R ^ I '

S h e a ffe r

d v a n ta g c

s till h a v e '

r in g y o u r '



) 5

i ■ .

T r-MrF.S-N E W S, T W IN F A I

f+ 1 . '-

Super Savings c First Quality Gi

J h

\ _______

Entire Stock ,

CHILDREN'S1 /3 o f l

Boys' s ties 3 lo 6x. Terry or suede cotton. Suede flonnel, chenille or c

R eg . 2 .4 9 (0 8 .9 5 % J f A

NOW 1 . 0 c


HOLIDAY S1 /3 o f l

W ashoble velveleen and toffeto; pressed p le a ts .'S o m e with pcttic( R eg. 6 .S04O 1 2 .9 5 §k


Inside or Outside

CHRISTMAS15 w o lp rp roo f lig h ts S ifctch 20 fc

ind e p en d e n tly .

R eg. 6 .9 5



Kitchen OrigiRc j . 2 ,9 8 '


' ■ ■ ■ I ■

FA LL S . I D A H O __________







C o c k i ' a i l

DRESSESG litte r in g w ith g lo m o u r—

S ty led fo r fh e .h o lid o y f e s t iv itie s

S ix « i5 » e 1 5 .

R og . 2 2 .9 5 V alue*

S P lb lA U

t ^ ^ 9 9 i^ CHRISTMAS CITY


I'S ROBES^ offsued e f la n n e l. G irls ', q u i l t e d

e o r c o rd u r o / . G irls 2 to 1 4 , • |n

66 to 5 .9 7 '

r SKIRTS offiffe to s . Fu ll c irc le a n d u n -

K ttic o o ts .

33 to 8 .6 3 -;N T — SE C O N D FLOOR


VS LIGHTS20 fee t — Eoch ligh t b u r n s


----------------- ^ ^ -------- G


riginol Sets

2 2 2


1 ■ '

• • ' ■ N







1 0 0 % f i

U M B S ' J W O O L i

" A m o n g h e r m ost I ' a

tr e o s u re d possessions"

Sizes 3 4 to 40

CARDIGANR a g u lo r 1 0 .9 3 ...... ................................

SLIPONSLong o r i h e r t i l t v e t . Reg. 7 .9 5 to !


Gifty Granny . Gowns


— ^'G OO D N I G H f ^

■ SW EETH EA RT"W o rm , — ond

O h I l e w earab le

In 3 s ty le s -^ ffo ro l , solids o n d p o ik o -d o t f lan n e ls—S ize s 3 2 to 4 8 .




j __________^


Sheets and PiH1 SHEET — J '

Reg. 6.95 SPECIAL


) P E N ' T I L 9 P . M . M C


t ,



Sto 9.95,... O ^ B



I/ a 'H

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:T -B 0 X E D I

>jllow Clfl.]C A SIS ■

5 . 5 l

MONDAyB i ay ■, 9


Page 27: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

m[ that w o if UNE OF 19I T hese T V ;I ' ' '

| ^ N T 2I■ ONLY

| L l 5 9 ’

I W SStI (* CflsmHtdbyVl B B 8 | m

f t£ M>i moot, r w n.-)^ y, >n,u

•I*t CM', ti'ft ImUm h>n r u t picwt tub*•wwrjr, nnw * t w Wl Mra m i

IModel K M T -2«-E .

Giant 21" Conso• A ll-U onii .Miiliojjaiiy C a b in e t

• - 'li im ii,i ,,„ i I’ic lu ra T u b e

• Iii-I>i:il C .inctalcil C o n l ro ls

• KiiN.Ilarii;,: Tono C o n t ro l

• S u |itr .|',„vc„ ,| Chnssia

• Aclnal 2:i-Tul)t C hassis

4 0 .00 - Reg. P rice

lo w 3 ' Z ^

VE•n d e r f u l

9 5 6 . . . . .i/ s e ts a re m a d e by Be

/ ' F o r y

H H H R 'y o u c

1 " ^9 You've

A M ^ u-'<cd bj

V 5 ®. / ? ' . them t

/■ " - th e rat

U sle f*


^ H | ~

V. ^■ ai I

s o le T i l


ce 3 6 9 .9 5 ^

g . 9 5 A



B lBendix Aviotion Corp.,

your ow n sake . . . sei an d re m e m b e r . . . yi

I c a n 't buy a BETTEF


've h ea rd a b o u t the wonderful inve I by pilot* to irulde th c lr p lanes in ‘ i r " w e a th e r . T h e m agic beam th n t h n th ro u g h t o g r ig h t to th e a irp o r t radio bcacons th a t m ake a ru a d ii


n th is cxpericnce you have a rifrh l t y ou r B end ix TV tn win long di.s

J fo r rcccptloR . A C learer . , Shi

B ii s e a

t h e

S f lH

h ese A re Ju 0 P E N I N (

- ' . FORME

T IM E S -N E ^

) U ;E N I., the largest maker o

j e e B e n d i x T V b e f o r

y o u c a n b u y a c h e i

E R O N E .


nvention nkj* . . . rad a r tin "b lind every plane i?. /it hrinffs e lectronic deviceslort . . . by B endix AvintJ In tho Make Y our Bend


l l to CX- P ic tu re . . A Ste;d i.slance ence K ille r" CirciS h a rp e r B elo ra U S la rU l

J ' nidixi s i e r '

3 e y e ,

u s t 4 o f th G S P E C

A ® #m M J k i i f m

/ l E R L Y B U R K H O L D

rE W S , T W I N F A L L S , ID A

S E ]

D i )r of precision electron

F o r e y o u b u y a n y T V

h e a p e r s e t . . . b u t

T V ?

:ir th a l tell.s thc a i rp o r t w here I. All th e s e and a h o s t o f o th e r ■ices w ere invented o r p erfec led ivintion . . . The P eo p le Who lendix TV!

S teady P ic tu re w ith " In tc r fe r - []ircuit T h a t S tops In te rfe re n c e •rUl

o n

; s !

h e M a n y : i A L S !


. D E R F U R N I T U R E


__________ fl— ____

M X ■ronic equipment in the

rvl u t


m ' M.

W Ad(


D e lu x e

• P e rm an en t

• MKhoprnny

• Long-D jsta Chassi.i

' • C am cra-E y

I SAVE 30.00 -'S .

f t N O WE ■ ' '

i W

T Vhe world.

. >•■ A

8 9 * 1

M odel K-2200-M «

A doptablo to UHF W

;e 21" C onsole

M odel KS-21-E.

e 21" Console

en t-F ocus P icture

ny Wood C abinet

istance, Controlled-Pow er

•Eyo P ic tu rc Tube

- Reg. Price 26 9 .^

2 3 9 ’



* 1■1

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9 .9 5 I


Page 28: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

rr ' ' •............

p a g e T v m r^-EIG H T

yariety for ChrisiCan Make Man

m ljh t rm on*bly c x p c c U m U ^ ^ curalan m ide th«tfeel t i o f d*7 all,

I t w M n ' t I ,l<,re,5Bhl oJ ,

" aUlMt h t t cau«^ m e ■ H E a |

My* *"» «?e• '‘l % # d n ' l c o m t < i ^ * * ^ “

al llie «>’'“• ulnUH S i . r i “r . s ' X £ K

In u n n«™ “ ” ■' “ “ ''• ’ * » J ,

” wM*.’ ’l ' " . ‘.“ " ' t o .■«« - r t S 'lS

o«’NoT c3 " 4 '“';; sK “ . S " b S S , S ? t o i S ' i s i t x «»4 so* !"! b l l i

i S z ' - s . x ; r , f i f B C - ‘The li4l word In complicated U)>s man

“ 'S ‘' . . „ „ , a t . . t W t i 1,.»

Varied Titles 5 Ai-e Added to ^

T.F. Library ;ir

% x . ^ s » ' ' 5 5 » S r

web.” Thompson. «nd Crow Fire,

” S m l .S . M T h .1 '" , '«S*ll Harbor," *ro U18 two ligh t ro

* " K l c l i o n booto «re Ml hUWr1«. ' Thev i n c l u d e "PronWrT Y em ,

■S « lu m e of me f o ^ e r Prcsldtnl'* memoirs; The seii

[ M«.d« M ltl In Amerlc*,;- Wylle, the .m viho trdM U srlchea: EgjplAiJMtl^y." N sjulb. n•boumicEffTPU^nrCVOlullon, n 'fSSSlm?. f f i . - HAChlya m e J o ^ ;n# lo t»Jepeneiophyslt5»nR ndN « pei«M,“ Halne*. Uib Indian

l i u “ e w m r f th e CoKinxWa. plH««u l | tind Idah^ ___________ _

i Yule Planned:j -HAILEY, Dee, H - A t 1 I 4hfi b o a rd ot the Com-

jnunlly BaplUt church w ed n e w y everUM. p l« a '" '‘i® '" c itd e Chri4un»s leftwn.

' wilM>n WM motlrrfttor. A carol « r»■ i « will be held At «>e church »t ' T 30 p.m. Wedneadny,‘ SundAy evenloR menfttrs o t IM ! * jjY P win «lDB coroU Uuoughoul lUe


;' s b c i A t rt-^NNEO1 BHOSHONE, D ec. n -r « iu be hetd by th e Amerlean ^Bion


I ' w rI F lavor w ith

I FRENCHI • Poultry Seasoning : • Pumpkin Pic Spice

tl • Onion Flakes ^

IL .* ■ - I -

istmas Toys " in Feel Ancient:ooiJ, bul no child e»er thouih i hem worlh * hoot u k preteou »nd whoever save lUCh g tfti lo him iropped 15 noich«* In hU teltem.

Today'a child. If ihown the toy lepn im en l of my d»y, wouldn’t feel h « t he waj tn a toy deDirtm eat «c ill, bu t rather waj looking i t a du> iliy In a moder»W-il8ed hirdware .tore.

A m an of my generation need cnlyi ook a t the ISM loyi In order to lose my doubt he m ight have had aboul .he modem generation txlng an lm* iTor»t breed o t yaune*ter*. N et onJy ire tbey b lgger-b lsger ihoulden, Jigger feet, bigger cheiU—than we i,ere back around 191S. but they Tjust h»»e bigger brains, loo.

Jf th u weren’t true, the kids of lo- lay couldn't undcMland and manlp- jla te lha toyi ot todiy. H ilt of ihem. l l i t tm i . a re noi.*o-»mall K ile mod- tb of the wondera of the engineering lind aclentlflc genlui of America, I Lrled my hnnd a t working aeveral Dt Ihem, and got nowhere. When you were raised on nothing more compll- c ited Uian a calcher’i m u k or a pair of boxing glovej. the operation q( «• hydroelectric power p lin t Is too blK a chasm W brtdge fn one Jump,

I would hav&>broken h ilf the loys In t^ e place lu d nol a wise section m aniger, who had seen me fouling up « piece e t heary road ajschineo', courteously Informed me lh a t the store’s policy was nol to allow adulu UJ try lo operate the more complex loys. l i e suggested th a t I Uy my hand a t a da rt board or a game of quolla which the management had provided for adulU.

There has been a vast change In toys for llltle girls, too. In my child­hood, girls had U) be content wllh dolls, baby Carriages, and cirdboard pjayhp uiei. No w -y o u -< in buy a kllchen for them, with woricablf electric stoves, ml'xen, blenders, and All the rest. Also mlnlalur* aerrlce- able washers and dryers.

I ’m a ll tor th is »ne ef loys tor little girls. By th e Ume they'rv grown up aad man'fe<t they ll be devoted to such uU liUrlan gifts, and won't yea^n Xor'Jewetty and furs.

T hat's no t actually so, bu t 11 makes pleasant readlDgllPI«<ribul«i) br McHtuihl ByadlttU. Uc.)

O u r C v t l o m t n S a y ,

" r O a C A H S U T H t

B w n M H a


8 A N I T 0 N ID ry C t i a n l n ^

ft thot Rivch befferi

C xagft^f* ')^"^ Jodeedt ,Sa0li0De really gets oul AU.I jthe d in , m o itubboro ipo tj ' and deeply im bediitd io2l.| aoilief«>fflebsckrromc2ea(»|'Jog after cleaobg with all tb i ssore-rrethtiewaessofibeday; you twujthi ibcm. Why cu>t

J ,caU us today?

’ PARISIAN( Laundry ond

Sonifone Cleaners .Phone 850


/-<•, ' r

For the 1^^ Best

Holiday • Dinner


Wl■*'s t e '


Buy Frcnch-s

Seasonings at four Neighborhood

IGA Store

i _______________^ __________________

MCU n ti l 9 :0 (

y A n d e v e r y

\ ' t i l C h r i s i

I ’ P A R K IJ Don't Fight

^ and Porking F V USE SEARSL

H e r e ' s y o u r G i f t <

g i f t s a t l o w p r i c e s

i t e m s n o t l i s t e d !

[ P t F A H T S ’ D E I

R U S T I C J iV «ry W o rm —

3 t h 6 xR a g . 4 .9 9 — N O W .......................

tO ~~.Chflm '(fe R o b e t, p o s fe l sfiocs iz e s i to 6x , reg . 2 , 9 8 ......

10 — J u v e n llle D r e i ie i , c o tto n , c s iz e s I to 6, reg. 4 . 9 8 ........

C h i ld r e n 'i Snow iu lH , 2 to 4 , wo

7 — C o rd u ro y Jo c k e ts , lined , rccn a v y , reg . 3 . 9 8 ......................

7 — N y lo n G ow ni/ lo c e tr im , b ro

2 — O u td M f Suifgf 2 'p i e c e , s iz e .

6 — T o d d le rs ' S lip i, 1 a n d 2 , n y l r c g u lo r 2 .9 8 ...........................

C O A T S a n d C

O d d s2z«s 2 ‘6x. H y h n , woo), v R e g . to 2 4 .9 5 .................................

I B O Y S ’ a n d M l

M E N ' S S P O R

N y lo n , c o tto n , royon gobard in s fe e v c i . f i tg . 3 .9 8 v o l u e ........ ..

P ilg r im U n to n iu its , w ool a n d 01s iz e s , reg , 4 .9 8 ..................

_ D re ss S h irts , sa n fo r iz e d , broadi- c o lo r, reg . 2 , 9 8 ........... ........

K in g s M e n G old S e t i , co logne 01

A n g e l i \ ) e tn G o b o td in e S po rt Sf c h o rc o o l, p in k , b lu e , oquc

G if t B oxed Sox, s tr e tc h nylon ...

O rio n S w e a te rs , s le ev e le ss , brie

R oyon S c o r v e i ........... .......................

M e n 's D re i t G loves, lin e d ond i

S p o r t S h irts , wool a n d o rlon ,...

C o o c h e r J a c k e ts , g ro y -b lo :k , 3i

S e o ro lo n Slocks, 2 8 to 4 2 ..........

U o t h e r J a c k e ts , d u ra b le horsel-

M tn . C lo th P a n ts , b ro k e n sizes

BOYVILLE C o m p ll

F L A N N E LFine im p o rted f lo n n e l , b eo u tii 2 0 , B roken s i ic s . R eg, 2 ,9 8 .,

T w ill J o c k e ti , s iz es 4 , 6 , 8, woo in n e rlin in g , reg , 4 ,9 9 ...

Tw ill Jocketi, sizes JO lo 16, vin n e rlin in g , reg . 5 ,9 9 ......

C o rd u ro y Sport S h irts , b ro k en s

4 — S n o w p o n ts , b o y s ' '.water rcpw eig h t, reg . 4 .9 8 ........... ’..

B oyville . S h irts a n d T ie s , g if t b<

B o y s ' W o o l S o rc o o ts , fu r collai

T e r ry C lo th R o b e i, l i z e s 6 to 1

D o n R iver W e s ta r n 'S h i r t i , S sn

3 O nly —


R «9 . 9 . 9 0 .......................................

____________ !__________t . .

l O N . - ^DO P.M. ^r y n i g h t Y

i s t m a s ^

FR EE Ih t T ra ff ic I

g P ro b le m s -

G u i d e , t o b e t t e r

e s - M a n y o t h e r

E P A R T M E N T |

J A C K E T S— W o sh o b le

...............2 .99

ihodcs,.....................................................1 .9 9

n, o rg an d y , ta ffe to ,................................... .:................2.99

w o sh ab fe , reg . 9 .9 5 2 596 O ff

red, b lu e , o ran g e , ......................................................2 .9 9

b ro k en sizes , rog. 2 ,6 9 ....T .'9 9

ize 3 , w o sh o b le , reg, 3 .4 9 1 .9 9 Iny lon p o p e r to ffefo , * ......................................................T .4 4 ^


25% O ff ■

M E N ’S W E A R |

) R T S H I R T S

rd ino , lo n g

d o rlo n , b ro k en ....................................................... 3 .8 8

?ad c lo th , o ro n g e ....................................................... 1 .9 9

le e n d l o f io n ............................ 4 .9 5

t SW fts,i q u a ............................................. 4 .9 8

n ........................................3 fo r 2 .3 7

b rig h t co lo rs , s-m-l .............3 .9 8

......................................... ........... 1 .9 8

nd u n l in e d ............... 2 .1 9 to 4 ,9 8 '

■ ..................................................... 6 .9 0

3 6 to 4 0 .............................1 0 .9 5

.....................................................1 0 .9 5

r s e h id e ..................................... 1 7 .9 5

izes, r e g . 4 .9 0 ..........................3 .9 9

ip l t ta ly S a n fo rlx id

: L S H I R T S(utifti) p f o id i . 8 10 ^ 9 9

wool q u i l t e d .....................................................3 .7 7

6, wool................... ........................ ............4 .7 7

;n s izes 6 lo 16, reg. 2 .9 8 .1 .9 9

repellent, h eovy..........................................................2 .7 9

t b c x cd , 4 , 6, 8 , 1 0 .............1 .9 8

jllo fs , 4 to 1 0 ....................... 1 0 ,9 5

:o 1 8 ........................... ..................5 .9 8

3 sn o p s l e e v e s .......................... 3 ,9 8

— Boyville


7 .88





I A U T O M O T I V E P l

WINTER4 O n ly — N o w7 6 0 * 1 5 , t o x in c lu d e d ..................

6 O nly — R e c o p S a x d u tt 670x15, reg. 1 3 .9 5 ......................

C a r R a d io , 6 -v o lt, In sta lled frc.

C or R a d io , 12 -vo lt, in sto lle d fr

4 2 -4 9 C h e v ro le t E ngine,in s to l le d V j pricc ..............

Cor T o p C a r r ie r , reg . 1 8 ,9 5 ...

H and S p o t L ig h t, reg , 7 .9 5 voli

D irec tio n a l S ig n a ls , reg . 9 .9 5 .

H eo to r, 6 -v o ft , 3 9 .9 5 v a lu e ...

H io f e r , ) 2 -v o ) t , 4 5 .0 0 v a lu e .. .

Child’s S l t^ - S to n d S co t, 6 .9 5 '

Terry C lo th S e o t C over ..........

C ar Floor M o t, reg . 5 9 c ............

Child C o r a n d B ed S e o t, reg. ‘

A ll W c o th o r M o to r Oil, 65c vo

A n ti-F re ez e , 3 .2 5 v a lu e .........

Shock A b s o r b e r s .........................

A llito to B o t t e r i e s ........................



Our B e it J e t-S p u n , reg . 30 ,95

B eit P lo i t ic , reg , 2 8 .5 0 ..........

flc fte r P fo s tfc , re g . 2 1 .9 5 .....

Good P iG itic , reg . 1 8 .9 5 ....

B est'F iber, re g . 1 6 .9 S ................

I P A I N T a n d w

W o llp a p e r B a rg a in Bundle*, 62 0 y o rd s b o r d e r ................

3 G ol.*Scro-T cx R u h b c rb o ic PH o riz o n b lue , reg . 3 ,95

9 Q u o rts S c ro -T cx R u b b e r Bo:b lu e , ch o M rc u w , oquQ, r

2 G ot. F la t W a ll F in ijh , o d o r le s s , reg. 5 .2 5 go), ,

P a in t R o ller C locn ing U nit, wre g u fo r 1 , 3 9 .......................

P o in t S p ra y e r , V j-h .p ,, 1 year r e g u la r 8 9 .9 5 ................


T IM E S -N E W S ,T W I N F A U

E - T - C - H Y o i

(S SAVINGS from Magic

j i i i j

3 SS EACH NIGHT •D., 6:30,7:30,8:30 pm

i D E P A R T M E N T ~ |

:R TIRES 2 3 .5 0 .==

........ ... 9.88exeh.

,d f . t . ...................................... 5 8 ,5 0

led f r e e ....................................5 8 ,5 0

....................................e x c h . 1 5 8 .5 0

9 5 ..............................................l< - 8 8

5 volue .........................................5 .9 5

? , 9 5 .............. ............................... 8 .8 8

luc ............................................. 3 2 .9 5

l u c ............................................. 3 5 .9 5

6 .9 5 v o lu e .................................5 .9 8

........................................................4 ,9 8

........................................... 2 fo r 1 .0 0

reg. 7 . 4 9 ................................... 5 .8 8

5c v o lu c ................................ 4 8 c q h

........................................................2 ,3 9

.........................................................4 ,3 9 ■

...........................low OS 8 .9 5 oK ch.

^ E R S P E C I A L S

- L E D F R E E !

30.95 2 5 . 8 8

..................................................2 4 . 8 8

5 - ........................................1 6 . 8 8

...............................................1 4 . 8 8

..................................................1 2 . 8 8

1 W A L L P A P E R I

lies, 6 double rolls,...............................u p to 5 0 % O ff

lOjc Point,3 .9 5 goi..............................1 .9 9 g o i.

c r Bote,nuo, reg. 1,10 q l ........................ '.4 9 c '

scMibboble,go i........................................3 .9 9 g a l .

nit, with 1 ql, ih in n e r ............................................................9 9 c

I year guoron lee , ........................................................7 9 .8 8


7a l l s , I D A H O ____________

Dur Christmgic Valley's mosf CONVEI


Free Gifts • For h ' For the Homo •

! I S P O B T I N t



Eoiy to ^

Reg. P rie o i i to r t o t ............... .

Bicycle T ire s , w hitew all, col<

BIcycU M irro rs , ob long , red

S Id tw o lk R oller S k a te s , delu>

G o lf C o r t, p e rfec t g if t fo r th<

D avy C ro c k e t P lay T e n t , s t t

J . C . H ig g in s Revolver, mode

F l i l d t n G love, o il ta n n e d Ii

J t r n le r B oxing G loves, 6 -oun

B od m ln to n S e ts , a lum inum r

. B s i k t tb o l l i , o f fic ia l s i z e .....

T e l ts c o p a F ish ing R od i, 3-S'

S p in n in g R eels, s im p le , easy

O u tb o a rd M o to r , 7 J ^ - h .p . ...

B o i tb o l l Shoesi S 'zes 7 to 12

F l ih L an d in g N e t , 24 -inch a

S lee p in g Bog, 3 4 x 7 8 -in . siz

D u ck C o ll, ha rdw ood constr

G un R o ck s, w este rn style^ re

Ju n io r F o o lb s l |i , p e b b le ^ x

Junior B o sk e tb o lls , Football

D u ck D ecoy l, S i t o f 6 , 4 dro

I H O V s i

1 6 - P c . S E T D

S y m p h o n y P a t te r n , semi* pO' 1 oven p ro o f. Reg. 5 . 4 9 ...... .

M e to l I ro n in g B oard, cdjusti v e n t i la te d top , 9 .9 5 voi

7 -P Iec e P lo stic M ii ln g Bo»li sco llo p e d e dges, reg, -

B re ad Box, red or yellow, r<

C ar» ijte r S e ts , sprir^g festivd

S tep -O n C o m , porcelo in enfl 16 q t . c a p a c ity , InsenI

M e n 's W a rd ro b e Set, 6-p\cc f in ish hardw ood

A lu m in u m R an g e S s t, greo^

M llm a e ,D ln n e rw o re , 16-P'*

----- • '-JO M IT E D

rnosl e n i e n t

■ t r M W n n s


J KtmOOK.- E fcS!

■ k 4 K ^ 3 6 0 d,

cover, reg.

M r f f ^ ^ B L n n o n frieze (

^ ^ ^ K i { c e £ e b '’Dwn ■

) o i il,b r t> w n boi

^ ^ ■ l e i n i l e J t o n d , r

r M o m • green, t

• F o r t l , , » » ..................

W O C O O D iB b IH " p


E 5.00'C L E still » M , i „ h , < ™ p k i ,toA...q,bl. „....................— t H ccIois, reg. 1,0C

CWti, pockag

colored tread . . .^ ■ n .c iu o r te d colc15.00............

red redecion , ,^■ciEsryie, ploin o

leluxe, quiet » f i« ! » * n . leg. 3 ,7 9 .,

It lh«jol(.r_r, SUJ,dy ttnlnodel 88, 4 e r j h * "

• 37^x36'/j , re< ed le o lh e r....—

^ ■ n , i i n t a oncf un•ounce s it of

um fockefJ...— A P P L

, 3-section Jleei __Msycollinj..J^ORE DEI...............................................

o l 2 ...... - ........- M — I ..................

,ch. s i z e ................ - f c 2^ .95 ..........

jnstruction------ 23 qua

e , reg. 3 . 9 8 " - > - B „ ‘

.rFex rubberSet, 2 9 .0(b=IISitl,Wltlll!'«

. . u iiit G em4 drokes, 2 hens - M

--- -----------dinnervB

i. pertd**”' •••

______________2 9 .9 5 .........................

J, ,.U , ■ ' " ’■ 'W S-Slrol,

............ ......................................

B„|,»o»W‘* ' S I!.50 ......

<»■ ^ .......chicks, , 1,0

«,-«.'” -Bwil„,,eg. I ,

> * " l 2,,

iS-pitce, 179 ,95

Page 29: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

ACROSS J«.RkaU IS h e d

bird tbsrsedJ.MlncMdlih •

la EdutlltT <i.HoplillnH ,E « b .n H 4SMoualiiln

I Bfemlum fiiftt#IS A nirt {O.Bpokea i?:T binkoT «IS S bU f JJ.SeawMia

•J L «*fiurk :3 . If Indebted•J.C iar'iw lt# DOWNJO.Itodedt l.M uIm um11. Scott • :.R enn i»>J. M ilB lvU rirer

■ l O T i r a iT T -------- f j

Ts w ^

JO j T W _ -------- ^ --------------

33t «

5 5 p ? ] « 7 ^ «

?7 i

» T f;i 3 7 ^

fAl TUU a MW.


W W M M m km m ./SBBBTnMei.'-SrtJFFy/ >40,THIS 15




" J u s t n liorn p o lit fc in n . . . 'R Ct ncquninlcti’ o f f e r i ”


--------------------------------- ^H 54Y WW4T -toog * WILL IW DEFEWSE Vi OF WWEM, M IN - \ f-

I ‘ -wiiS (i



r - - ' T (

' Solution t f YMtirdiy*! Puul*

) . E a i r c ^ t I . MiUrift4 .H ike* 10.P»rtor*J . BflpirftU door

. 31.S«tf»d7 .S .n d y iJ .r i.b^ K t*I . ro u n d jo.W lanlllii I

I 22. Newipap«r |« y to n aoUce»

^ — 21. Grinpu*r ii J<- Caeeici ,

__ _ — . — 25. tireek K '••V- IT .nirerlB^ --------------------- EcMdor

5*. .V«Ulr«—. — —J - —L -f- 29. Mr.Llaeola

V ,\;n.yV% SLFodderplt~~ ~ ~ y , I . j i ^ r IZ .Sbidetol

neiDlDC ,— T T T T --------- JS.PrlekIr '

^ " plMl‘t t TA' — --------- SI.DmU*

’ " >8.BC9f*n » r ; ; *»■ Afuacui

V~t l*npi«e55T 5 j T m <0. EieUmitlDB

41. Infrequcal--------------------------- a . oitcit}

rld((f ITT 3 ? 44. StroBKWlsd I;& 4S.Iilir(lB^ ^ 3 7 --------------- 4 g .n y b lr t

I «»■ Film le tt I -»7


WMV fJOT 'D C A C n ^ H

1 *kx7 FBEL LOvJ VJS u ^ I u c u e i 1?N CANl 5lT o^J rr


I T B y N E H E R

. h c 'R R iviiiK th e m nw ny ns a




J i / u s j v \ / c-o .’ w e l lACC viV .O . f cJO c=T A.

\ — ! W “ 05iC>', ) V SWiTCW ? J. __ FUT ,\\y

f'.O L 'S C-OT ) -<y


OUT OUR WAYI / S . » » . r / 1 POMT ^


— ■ \ tU T a o CH ANO 6B1 I \ ^ITOVEft VJITM ^

i f l P

_________ U F6te to M 6 e s r m i»aj



t f - / m

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c n r , n -c^, »HI»t «»_________________

“ T h e w ife is c n lc r U u i in f r n n d a n d h a v c f u n - : - p r e t ty lo n c ao m c ,


p l r

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\ L" H o w w ill I hn v e m y s tc n k ? Lci

I 1 ‘il iV

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!X1 ''o . U‘<CA CCMALO y- \(...T o n s T bc:e .v< ir...



By W n X U M S■ y

r \■HT )'■ \ Iic e , ) yasrtj

r — ----------- i n 1[g p p h 1

fedi \

■ :,^AM / t j ^ V I Y /m v / p j l t f f .1




i E f ^ ,

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tn d to ld me tf> tn k e n n if c h t o u t m c , a in 't it, Joe ?” j



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L c L'h m nko I t lo d n y — o k a y ? " I


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Y U>#T A MMLHS, a C K ^I <p v o u v « eo T CMI C M J « W ^ frHDPPJNS h « Ujpo/t^h,*^ <r

Cf i i U / I J /^ C M S m iA K ft. y H l l i x J ------- J- 50TA CfcRUdSOfc

A THEIR WVE l 0 ^ .? ,* ;*■n ( ceotws.OK w s e w !P \ JU&TCA>rrWWTB IflfTEg^

T j J i r r j E T C

ilBnlfPIA ^ I B S ^ S J l

s ■ B i S B l I

W 6GL% 5? TWIiI f n ' i : V i& X NT» ■ SS»EA»‘ - -

° M T i

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S ' tf ii i l i .P jp . T h c i ^ i f t^ l .Q ^

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B7lWANTAP0«mJA1T Y rT H ’ IN A ryp/c4L A ffiswT U ^ t< A riN S p o e e I place

G , r n V l f t o ^ a ^ P \ r ^ G i r M '' » \ / i*3 » V“ K fWCTRAJtJ ^ g j




vJhatTsew u n z ' e JSi£SE-A iD HW )/5£V Iw » u v j v j r ? 3 / V ^

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y iN FA L L S. IP A H O

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iWAKft'f HEK^5J)1THB-W«6usse«r /HEce»o»& iri»-IDRCflkVrthbfVWeCElVEO «iOKBPWWa.yZEPtl

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X ALL-AHCAJ?£S J A B O O T . 7 ^ ^

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V ^ S K ’


TtSET TH’- ' • n T I FUU. eENEHT

A r ) # t ,^ iC > £ IF W » K U llA R

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T WtAMT M3U (’HONMS TH6~1 V u-A N P M X f'P .O o rro o K ik B l I C/»N 'tteiM w jp." “

W fi>o»JM,» smcK ADOUKO T rw6 c«HW o«>c6.' jA .

u r / MOW 1 RKAIL WHEN H S ' „ ^ «s/T>lt5CA»AErY0UNERe O w I t K • t l 5 0 THRUBO to HEAR WtoSm'w?

1 1 w eaR E T *10 SAV i r ^ w i w F t . ftOA, Wlop

> H v o o i . t H m . MW HN Jft WHH VOO ftUD


i ' e OV3LESS IL U lt u p lT y p . » T»tTOR0 ^O '

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V I NOUR CWILDRUN 'O V T»l i T V T D A LIVING r"■yJ / T o c A m r ~ ^ J T a C ^

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Page 30: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Self M um rM tB rf ^ R ' S ^ i X p W M a J .t» llt r « aJ( r « r . ^ k T h lu s k « u U M «tU d a t t a n f « a y yai ^ E L i w . ' (SUff phBto-««IWTliH>___________

^ DI8CHAK0EDH n h T ^ n WENDEtX. Dec. 1 7 -8 /

„ »ln Merritt, .o n o f Mr. ^ f t i r . I M . 1* '-*^- = ^ ^ s B * S 5 5 i a S 5 5

f e i i i f r a n k E.R w r i '™ " A nnour■ i — . of His C■ i K C f l S

K^;;.r»r''; 506 Se■SflBinlih cli.M^ K ^ i h e Chrtst-

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i d a h o I ? ^ p <• Don Sa MUCH-Cetl

id for Arco Trip, - - : V v •

, . . ; - . _ \ ' . t ' . ? K g - . '

tB rfiif cemp«n7. lU n d i by u * hofe, U 4 r«r dcUTtiy t« Um B t o ^ u u rc y eonml*

«a TIiW t r n n * totiUt. At i m

IED r r t n l faerrltt. w m dlichi —S /6 ff t Mtr* UiB a ir fore« T hunday a Mr. and Mra. Wath. •________________

E. CARPENTER, D.D.ilunces the Re-Locotions Offices to:

Second Street East*^ C E N T T O CITY LIB R A R Y


3 1 ^


l a n d d iam onds aro f in a f o r th e " w

h o h a s every th in g ," b u t y « u r h o m e r

s a n e lec tr ic g if t th is y e a r — a g le a i

■f ic ie n t h e lp e r to sp eed arxJ e a se h e r

fo r years to com e. S « y o u r el<

•> v ^ appliance d e a le r ar>d C h ris t

shop tro m Viis w id e s c l«

f e .

— - ■ ■ ' E lectrical g if ts

p \ a r* th e m o s t

. , p rac tica l I

POWER■CaUs So U T T ltt


AEC’s Arco ] TaukMa(

A 10.000*giHon eljhU tor U n k « u roUM 'out of Tw

' -■’' •-'■>31 T hunday on a «emi*tniller Jivery lo th* atomic cnerfy 4 alon a t A rco.'

........T ha btf tank w u aaacmbliV j : u day t i t 6«It M anufaciurln

• • r - a pany. W t Third avenue tou > 9 welders and a helper built t

2 tn a company warehout« ;-------me«U tpaw icaU ont of th e A

a »at< rw o(k itU ndard t aa r«q' Z th e AEC... The tank ll or welded cont

wlU) cne>outrtcr tteel plat« ‘r ^ a ld u and roor. I t It 10 fee t I

ladder, thei) manhole, roo a n d all necetury ouUeU an 1 ° 0 for fItUnt were Include

^ fabrlcaUofi.Air pretiura tciU were mi

a n d the Interior cleaned ' " fU m * dchydratlns procett. “I

. aide recelTcd thre« coata of required by ipeclflciUont. T aupportlcf roof It bu ilt to w: U p o u i^ per tqu tra

A fteynoldt'W alker }:-io: w a t employed to lotd th r 1 th * teml-(raller.>U will b r 1 on an atphtU M tu rttfd t tn

M M O -rO lra mlatlaa p lan t (fi U SOMeU

(Charted from y a t Spokane. ,

H i Wm


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wltb old ilec tru

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: ; ; j ' ". DEEP f

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S u nbeam A U T«


19.9F u l ly ^ u a r a i


U n b rA k a b la c o b ln t. C he lea e f ia v e ro l c e l


, ) •


9 Plant Gets Huge ade by Local Cone,-ton w ater loned b tte a t Arco by th f T w in r t lU t« " Contlrucllon eompany. Her fo r de- l-»»ear Thomock. tuperi i r commll* of Self M tnuftcU ulns comi

pervlsed eontlnjcUon. Becai mbled In la ***« * « urlnir com-to u u i. T^ft Mplained th a t a Unk lh lh ? *inv Proporiloru wat utually coi i v . r r t ^ on "here Jl wat tfl<f becaute of cllmallc cc

»nd for economic rra to n t r ttju lred by U tntported

SS'SS'"". S ingeT C on^e e l ln d l t f n - k r \ I t \‘r V h S J - A s D r u n k DI a n d open* SAN FERNANDO. Calif, luded In the t ^ S ln g r r Oordon MacRae

convicted of drunk drlv * m ade here « '* • ltd bv ^ The ilnEer wai ar;eal/rd « T h * nn t! h it c tr rammed thre of p a in t u “ I'l he flunked a

Jl. T h e te lf- _____o w ltju iu n d tN8TALLAfi0N"8E V i o r tnow WENDELU Dee. n —

tndse No. M. AP and AM. M o n crane of lhe W eatch tp ter N o .« , h r ta n k on the E tttem Star wlll hold be InauU ed tUUallon a t t pm . Mond* aana cuth» Matooic temple._________ _

^ M IA M Om - hMi i io A i s n

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FRYER ■t t o m a t i e

L95 1U T O M A T IC

PAN / f f l

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PI n a t , t t i c k i n e a t ly fn te bog . e e l o r i . W o n d e r fu l fliff.

! S m a r t e s t , E a s i e s t W

f f f iJ U S T W A L


f Mske NO Psijn

never beforh a s a FANVOUIBULOV

b e e n s o e a s y

T O B U Y !

W alk O ut W i t h Your

Choice For J o s t |

m a k e n o p a y w e i ^

T I U A F T E R C H R I S T /

t W a y E v e r T o B u y F i

( ■ A t S

/ M'A L K I N W I T H

\ / I T H A T ^ G I F T I N 1

lymfifs 'J’i/A/fet


of them would selU ni ru d y for Chrli ovlel tudlcnee^. w in i lo wbb them a Mb 10 irKd 10 »poil niat trom Moicow, when uon to lhe real degreet below fretting p Ihcy don'l even even like to tend our ereel l7' tlcwardesaei tm board thim t lo k n o w which « e flew lo the t u i tny nice young nice and pleaaanl jlrls. a ta te i and we them the besl of luck In t gIrU Ih trt are on C hrlttm u day and c all »{reed on seaton of good will."

' Amerlcitu are READ TIMES-NEWB W




^ t m n n M M M n n K w - ^ w

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A tp n v ^ D o u r a i e i u i t

^ “‘irSisjr^

W T w in F a lli

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ChrUtmaa. W e - I Merry ChrttV- the re I t la SO ng point. W e'd e re e tln u to the d the planea on t u i « . TheyTB

Jlrls. W e w ith ; In the ir fllghla ind du rin s th lt



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Page 31: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

Pet Dolphin Is Target of

Tars’ AttackATAMJ. J tpun. DfC. n (.ru-TTif

tf. E. nkvy tu s Unded ac»ln n t >lih rew rt lonn MULh or Tokyo, *nrt Fujlro Biltukl. opfrator of » lintrl nnd »QUarluni, Hil'Ju.M nbout had It.

Hla laU il bruih wllh the na»7. y Mid he. CMt him the front door tnI llifi iquarium, K>nir fu riiliurf »nclII the sweet duposlllon nf hi* favorite HI dolchln.

" I havf run Ihl.i hot^l nnd nqunr- (| fum for the lust tlrif yeAr/ nna tli fI wiroe thlnc hiippena over nnd over

II KCaln.” Suzuki » ld .He rrlU rd:Aboul 30 Amrrlcan aallorn In *

frstlve mood u r r r ttnlllnc for II li\urehea to takr ih rm to th e ir de-

I itroyer e.wrt.i in Atanil bay.R I t ju r ie d 10 rnin. T h r *Allf>r»i broke down the front door nf theII arjunrium in Ed In.II Wlllle empioyf* co*rred In rl l j rnn irr. fhe nallorn nmuwrt fJiem- n l by llirnalnK Ublej. chnlr* sndn • mx ro»!)ost.i »I the dolphin. I l j j h ll but iMl IU playful dls-

I ^ 's u r X l nay* Ihl* la bad buslnew. I | brcausft Ihe dolphin I* one of hi*I I be^t attraction*.■ I "Till* frew wnit-aboul nnrmal.“ hel [ otched. "TJie oilier* tJ*unlly brenk■ I Into th r hotel, pokn hole* In lhe■ I • fhojl illdlns paper P"ne>» “h*! P « P11 *t hontymooners. T hty 're nilnlnR.] my bu*lnr.«."N Burukl called police, whn called■ Ihc tJ. 8. navy, which had no com- I menl pendlnK an Inquiry.

I Grange Ifolds ] Big Fete W ith 5 Theme of Yulei HANSEN. D «. n - T h e annualf l Chrlfltrtitt* party wa* held ThursdayI evenlns by member* of the Han*eny O range a l lh e Orange h»U. Maurice0 Cnppa officiated.1 l l wal reported lhe balance due n an the contnctor'a w o rk .o n lheI bulldlns h td been paid.■ Mr. and Mra. Von nobbin*. KInc■ Hill, former H aa«n realdent*, have■ transferred thflr membership la■ K lne IllU Oransr.E . Irvln Kevan h** been nam ed pnlla\ l chalnnan for ihl* aeeilon andj l Oranite member* will be noUclior*.| l Children ot Oransera provided lh#i l procram, with Rwemnry and SammyII Kevan. Christy, Oeorse and Oordon ) | Hill, Larry and Carol Capps. Bllly .1 and Terry Holllfleld. U U N ajlor J ' nnd Patly Hntlam giving recitations.■ Bharon Naylor played Accerdlon W :. aeleoUons. and Bharon and Deanne ■* Naylor played a piano duet. In 1 : addlUon. Mrs. LesUr Naylor read I ■ lha "Ugend of lhe Chrlstmiui C»n-

: die." Three films were also shown. Mrs. Lee Hadam. leclurer. pre*

*ent«d each child present w llh f t -

Members provided candy, n u t i and 1 cookJes for tlie refreshm eni hour.

Mra. Carl Prlik. Jerome, wa* a gUKcl.

Coui’t Awards Divorces H ere

II Three decrees nf dlvore« were l»- I sued Friday by Twin PalU D istrict I Judge Hugh A. Baker.

R oberu Anderson v m erna trd ■: divorce from DeLnn# Anderson. 8e t- ' Uemenl of property asrecinen t en>' lered In prior to th e trial was ap>

I • proved by lhe court. Mrs. Anderson [ ; wns restored her former nnme. Ro- I . bcrta Thomas. Raybom. H aybtim

; and Kramer were attorney* for M n .! Anderson.

I Kaltle B. Eklimd wna divorcedI from rau l Melvin Eklund nr)d given [ custody af two m inor children. In a

property settlement, Mra. R lu n d was awnrded a 1041) automobile and

' tlie household fuml.\hlngs. Eklund I wna ordered to pay »70 a m onlh for

• Rupporl and mnlntcnance of lhe ChUdren. Jnm et J. May, Tw in ra lla attom ey. represented Mrs. Eklund.

A divorce A'as granted Ellen Marie . TomastewskI from Stflnley J . Tom-

ftKcwskl. She wa.< given custody of ' two minor children.-

John c . Hepnorili. Buhl attom ey,. reprtsenied Mrs. Tomasiewskl.

: Former Resident Of Buhl Passes

NAMPA. Dec. 17 -M arg#rel M. K'ml>rouKh. former rc.'ldent of Buhl, riled n t her home In Nampa Thurs- d-iy. 5he«-n.%ea.

n Mrs. Klmbrouch w*.' bom OcU IB.m I8CT. *{ Ttoy. .Mo.. «iid w as niarrled■ to Slerllni: P. Kimbrough there. He■ died in IIMC.Ifl , Menitier.'* of Ihe family moved from

Mt.wmirl 10 Bulll in 1917. T hey lived In Buhl until 1043 whrn Uiev moved lo Nsmpa. Mr*. KlmbrouKh Was a m rm btr nt (he Seventh Dny Ad-

. ven lb t e L; survived hv l»o *oru. E.irl

Kimbrouch. Nampa, and K mibrouth, Jfrom e; »U gr.-\ndchil- dren. nnd *evcn srcftt-srandchllrtrcn.

Funernl .\ervlces will be held «i : 2 pni. Monday a l Ablp funernl

chnpel in' Nnmpn wllh E lder R. A. O nnier offtcmiins. Fmnl rile .' Ulll b r held in Kohlerlawn cemeler)' in Namp.i.

Hansen Resident Sent to Hospital

HANSEN, Dtc. IT-C lnrenre Be-i dow Ll in lhe E.ilt U k r Cenernll ha -p iu l where he H receivlnc mrd- leal Lrfaimeni. .

Jim Lulon. »lin hn. been rrlen^ed'

I from nrnicd sen'lces riitty. hn.i re-!

turned with hL' f.imily to t h b arm t r mnkr hLi liome.

Mrs. Plinrla Ronberrv hn.« ll^rn vLMUns with relnllve.'s and frientb a t Tooele. Uwh. She acconip.mird h e r son-ln-Iaw nncf d.iughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKay.

Rotary MeetsHAILEY, Dec 17 ^ T h r>'

club held l u regular meciinir nt the( Hlawath* dining room Thur»dayji noon. Neil Slinongs. T u in r a i l s ; w£a i

; a sucst of Leon Jewett. |iT he Clirlslnins gift exchange n n d |i

; p.irlj- UJJJ M a n t nexi neek 'gn , mccUngand on Dec. 29 Clyde W llion a

will be tn charge of Uie prograai. If


Surveyin'I : ^

lv L '' . ; ■ #






»- f c iv ^ r iW B imilph Vaea. BesUle. Waah.. i»i

fltld detlfoyed by a r ee tn t eold wa I I , , luffercd In the cold whleh killed 1

Waahlngton and Oregon. Vaca ealli

ling ' Exhibits fo r Arl r Class Heidi

WENDELL. Dec. 17-A n evnlual- Ing exhibit' of i r u and c ra fu wm

. held In two flral grade room* Wed-»y afternoon. The exhibit w*.< the Insl of a 12-week course of the

1 23-member claas under the direction* nf V. lUlph Conaway and Mr*. I Cnnaway. Twin Palb. Conaway U * I A member of lhe a u lf of Idaho State

collegfc 'Pocatellfl. iu ,i The arl workshop elas* Included d ,v members from Ooodln, Hagerman.

Caslleford. BIUs and Wendell, who will J«el»e two credit hour*.

The display hy the cla.w members Included more tiian so example* of

(h . paper sculpture, wire sculpture. Uiree dimensional sculpture and plaques.

•((,- WsJl* werr covered with patchwork muraU and numerou.^ riUplay* of

m Uble decnrallon.*, Christma* trre

■°"3 Band Concertor*.

■w Planned Heredonlllly The Twin Fall* hleh ichool jnualc ylor department. In tlie second ot a series Dns. of concert performances, will pre- Ilon senl IU ChrUlmas concert a t S p.m. nne Tuesday In the high school library.

In The performance wlll follow' a short ead PTSA meeting a t 7:]0 p.m. In the sn - Jlbrsry,wn. The symphony orchestra under the ire- direcUon of Rlchsrd S m lih will play f t - "Triumphal March" from Sigurd

Jorsalfar. Orelg; "AU;: • (featuring and the first riolln stcUon>..Jlach; Pro- our. cesslonal. "Praise Ye th e Palher." iKsi. Oounod: FinlandU (chorale; cho in .

Blbellat.The choir, directed by Ilobert Wll.

S son. will perfonn litese pieces: "Carol of Uie Belb.“ WUhouaky; •'Come Thou Holy Spirit," Tscheanokoff.

• A The choir and orchestra wlll Join• ti' present "Olorla" frpm Uie l2Ui

U- Mass.. M ourt; "C lu -U tm u-T lde 'r ic t (medley of eleven Christmas carob).

Bourdon: Pestival Finale. "Ood of a ■ Our FsDjers." Msddy.Jet- Following intermbaion. the con- en - cert band under the direction of a p . Del SUughter will play "Song of to n Jupiter." Handel; Sarxbandle and Ro- Oavolte trom Ute "Chrlstma.% Con- tim cerl." Corelli: "Serennde of Carob" , ln . third movement. Gould; "Belle of

the Balt." Anderson: "W hite C h rb t- te d rnts," Berlin: 'T h ree Songs for ven Chrblma*." O rundm an: "A Chrbl* n a mas Pestival." Anderson; and "An- jn d n ;« rs« n ' Mnrch." Goldman, in d TlckeU wlll be sold a l lhe door. Jnd Season tIekeU will adm ll holders.

ifla Annual Yule Fete Set for Kimberly

?"2‘, KIMDERLY, Dec. 17—The nnnual Kimberly high school anrt Junior

, high schftol Chri.<im*s proernm wlll be prc.icnled a t 9 pji). Monday In the hlch tehool eymnastum. The public b invited. <

Tableau .wene* wlll bn used to de­pict the nibllcal Christmns story,

n c Jtmlor hlsh school aludenls, direct* C O ed by Mr.v Ella Hllvcrda. wlll pre-

M. »enl the tnbleau; John 81m* wlll be uhl. narrator. "Blnck llsh l" scenes also irs- nr* plnnntd; llRhtUis wlll l>e pre-'

pared by Jnntes .Sfonroe.IB. ChrlsUnns cnm b.siine bv th f corn- led blfird chorus «<1J br u.trd for muafcnl He bsckeround*. Tlte chorus wlll be di­

rected by D on.n. Siruble. , om Preceding lhe Liblenu, a •'Christ- ved mas Rhnp.w>dy" will be prejentrd by.; ved Ihe high school bnnfl. directed hv, was SIrublr. and a mii.^lcnl rrnrilng will, \d - be Blven bv Shirley Reed. wlUi bnnd

aceompanlmeni.:*rl ----------------------------

'li*- Repristrations at I 3 College Started

^ nrelsirnltnn Jnr Ihr winler term ^.j]j n tTw ln K.ilb BiL'lne.M college is now

lit progrrM. The trm i wlll open J.1R. 3.

Brsinnliic cln.ves M il be offered In shorlhnitd. lyplits, bookkeeping: nnrt nccnuntins- EnRll.ih. spelling, rcfinomlf.*. payroll, .'ecrelnrl.m prnc-

a ] Ilcr. office mnchlites nnd office pracficr. Arfvnncrrt typing, shorC-

3e-lhniKi nnrt hiclier nccounl.iney clns.ies rn ljnnw in procrr.i.' will continue fd-]thr[>UKti lhe winter term.

■ Tlir fnll irm i nl the college wll!' »ed;fiirt Prldnv with einmlii.Tllmw .iched- re -1 iilrtl for nil rlns>.rs Mondny. Tlie.idny ren nnri Wednr.vlay.

Addresses QassMrs. Beule Zbinlk. former siu -

flrni of Twin Pnib Rti.MnrM college: i jpnke in Uie srcrru.rial -practice! cl.i.w al the colltsr Tiiiir.vl.iv. Mr.i.' Zlslnik b secrri.-iry-lmokkrrprr w ith ' llip Snake River Muuml Fire la iu r - '

ir>' a/ice company. l \ u \ Falb. he( In her lecture. Mis. Zlninlk rm- :ayjph.i.ilzed Ihnl vnlunble rmplovri •aa must be compelenl, cimprrnllve and

idtpendnble. She encourjigeri lhe Mu-. nd I denta to sludy and Uke ndvanl.-ige nf k'sJsJJ opponunllJrs in nrdcr to br jiinre an successful when they go into em-

IpIoymcfiU 1

J ________ ____________________: :

ag His, Loss

r — -

fidly aUnds fn h it 100-acrt ea’bbafB ' wave. CarroU, polaloes and celery also

d 11 million dollara In trop* in weilem '•«llm«ted hU awn iasi a t llt.000. (NEA) :

rts and Crafts 1 in W endell Ai-eam l- decoration, gift artlclr*, totem poles, wss arrowheads In pU.Her of parb and; 'ed- m sny other varleUes of paper and w*.< wire craft.the Dr. H. L. Steele; PocaUlln. head ^

Uon nf the education department and •" ^<rs. represenUng lhe extension service _ U * of Idaho s u u collese, and faculty hi u te members of the various schoob were

special gueau. —‘I*® Refreshm enu were aerved from

ten tables arranged by members of vi the cUss from Wendell. Mrs. Nor- valle Coffman. Mr*. C hrb Webb, Mrs. Clyde Urban. Mrs. S. H. AlberU '

' son. Mrs. Paul Woodall and Mrs.Del Ounler.

“ ' f Early next yrar anolher 12-week enune n l approxlmslely 80 addj- Uonal crafM will be offered and wll „

^ be under the direcUon of Conaway. The courte wlll be open to any one - Interested. More InformaUon may be SKUred by conUctlng ponajvay or A member of th* Wendell achool c i

_____________________ ____ ;s C lassified ^ire- :

S W A N T A D R A T E S .1 n',‘if.! • • oril J

1 D » _______________ I . p . r - . r f WS D>7i - - - t t pir not,) ftr i t f

the • ------------ U P«f ward ptr d ll |_Jilay |AinlDlaii>nono*orHiUr>- I t tU fj QUlrH Ift »Br «a« €l»iilJl»d ad) '•Ing _ For .i.inpl». .M UbU jJ *ro- •~ W ^^ ~ l~ i.l« 7 ~ l i r i . ^

iiri. _ _ - "

v„. jCuol muT"» *“ * "d 'f" ^

nKAOLlNK for Cliul{l*d «nbi ' r r Word.,-, . i . - I p.«.

3th I TuMiij-i Ihrouili rrld«jt — . mI ' f . I P.m. D t, D.IM. lni.»l.iL , . )

Suad.,. - 1 r.m. 8tlur<l>T«. , »'.<“BIlBd Ad.“ t t , titUtI, fonfid.-,lli1 I J

Of .BH fta Intrrmillxn »i> , b* fliia ll |Alrn trd la iht adTtrtUtr. | <

Krrari ihotiid s T ^ r l H Inntdlili- '^'1 of 1 . Naatto.anci >111 b« n idaror mon

and Thli p>p«r rMtrTM lk» rifKt la (dll |s-- aad r«i>rt anr <Iu iIIImI ad>frtltl»f. '* |

Db“ ' ■ - ‘IEk

b l ' PER SO N A LS U

l i " *'* * *"•Mi- .WANTMl: r»ri; .pjrlfj.nj^ln ^rj. jr-

30r. KATHUNU'rCin.aa Urr "p .i i f niuM~ M —

I WK DKI.IVKIl ANVTHlNtt jr* ;nilTItAIIIUI I '] n .„ . 1« Tnw.-


ilor --------- ----------------------------------------- ” 1wlll SPECIA L N O TICES

in TFUuT, tji Itn. Lrt(t UardMr. I frhe 71° 1. Inrt a.»tiiii »aiL tlSI.J. , j;,

> A^UUULiUb AeaarB*B<.^ WMnta4«r. ^

AKT Lk.>i»u.S.-(. AVmrtlumi iDdu.Ilhr ~ ht* dMiHBf«._. rboBt..

"" - a r . . .hr^uih ^

ire- 1All,. .Ilk rrri>n rir... II.J5, — Half rui. Or^n r.rnlnfi t-r t f

'(•Sl '~ fl

'by.' . W A N T E D I Jbv, ?al>.(M ftom rUfx --./li •(

vlll. Or.. U f.m > .W „....M N n..t, 1md r« r^ n ,n ,, , . --r, j

*1 f


rrd ^ing: W A N T A D S I"cV A p p ea rin g : in T h e ice X m a s E d itirm o f

T h n T im es-N cw .s — me Js '

THURSDAY[„y ' I)('conili(‘r 22n tl

r>:nn p .m .

Plfiise Crt your nd« In r.irlv ihln ”•wrek for Utr Clirisunn.i rdltion. MWe know mnny of you will wish n

' •[ fo h .i\e an ad in over Uib werk- . ’! end as mnny nf our readers will

, hav r lhe extra lebure Umr nec- ii>;,j ! rs.i.iry for' thorouKli reading, 'm o I jr.i Times-Nrw.i Classlllcd Advertb- —

ini; D r|inrtm rnt takes this nppo'r-lunlty to wl.ih all of nur adver- l —

,,, Users nnd renders * vrty "Merry ‘I C lirutnias" and a lucceisful .iml . ,■

u. "Hnppy New Year." We rxicndnur most Mnrcre' for vnur >-p.itionasr th b pn.viing year. ' *'Thank you. j ;;

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iYou want betier T.V. picture caU j

Del Butterfield 3M2. ai

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Messngcj ci


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PHONS 33 .

I You'll Find Timei-News

Jl', WANT ADS WORKd For Very LltUel

d L- . . ■ — ■*

i TRAVEL 1, BESORTSy HKAllK Him- 3 ,‘'* " 7 " " *“

, SCHOOLS & T H A I N I N ^ [~

k CHIROPRACTORS- jrei7sr.w «j«A 0/. AJ*. /•.rd l., l i t jII M.ll. Hrrtk. |

BEAUTY SHOPS iCOWrLKTK mcrfira b»a‘ii7 .rr»l«« l>r.»•

y p.t| «>rrrt'''‘' "*S*“ , “ pll CUMfLt.rt; Uauir «<niai t r ad ru rH p

• mltftU *1 prIo*. Junior «ia- . ditu work Ir... aed ««Id

irim . lie s .B»tiil» SrU Aeailmir.LOST AND FOUND

y»mltttrr. 'KOUMD; InunUln^Mft. Hi Jnd J

U^Ti ijd»*^lluM»a ».»h. hlacV ronl 1

WIU. l-AHrY •hn^h.rour^flivw 1

l-OUND: J ■m.ll T Shiru. owntr mar ' <lilm «1 TImM-Ncwi Clatiiri.<I d.ptrl- _

AJlttllCAN Ul.a oil iinli.i Hack —.1 IH.09 pfr lon d«ll>»r»d (fom InUr- mounUln Ku»l C.> Thnn. U8. ‘

SITUATIONS WANTEDHAUY KiniNli. .iMri.nctd ladr, day Of J

YOUNC man n( 11 oork. I'hon. ,

ClimM haulln*. all Urm produci.. I'lwa. J

IIIUNINtj In n r boait. <tnta an haur.. I’Mnr S3tn.M.____________________ I rit'AUILY Ironln* .nd ratn'i ahlrt. don.I rI In m» hnmw Pknnt HnfWJ. fjALL^^TY^^ hcuMtU.nint, t.Ulft* tnd ,

'cillUillbM C«r*a .{ur In mr hom.., Ll- *: fM.rrf. s tl MnflTnr. Thon. 3Stt. "I WAU. WAHlUNU. »ir'doir tit .n ln i. floor ■’

wnlnt.- rhon.^ll.________________ ; ,I'A INT IK U. p.p.rh.rxio(.' 1

I,Mft. KlBiptaa. ; » Trl.p. Thnn. :SU. 1 ^

- O'ULUL MtlfULRY. CBliii rar '. dar ar _ • kovr, rSon. Twin K.H.. ' inoyJiNli'WmV bum.. »l>.. O. M.r-- S.bk. <lh ar.rm. nnrlh. r>."n» ni'Or..■ KI.ITi: I‘AI)<Tr:l<S i>lo<„nr .prriiTlI^

JMMi Thnnr ,T[ CAI11'>;.NTU w«rk~.ll kiniU. N.w tun. ‘

fl«n. paUo. p«rch«i. Block work. *'

. UlCAL hltk Mhe»i~irnl"P~~mr nrr.l. work ‘-'I; (iir kindl ...ftlni. .n J «.rrV.rnil;.^»;ood ^

HELP WANTED— F E M A L r rii. KASV. KiIHK WOIIK: lV,n. m. !•. I).. Btl M.Sn.___________ .VI; KXl'MllK.SCbU w.lirtii. _ Appir In p.r- _!

' imi’SKKKKI-r.n w7mr.l, .K. as IA JO. 1 Vinll RwTti. r.nlrf,itcl. liUh.i^_____ ^

; HELP WANTED— MALE T. MAS Artliina i.,.ii|on wllh rr- ' j lijH. ncmpanr. ..I.Ir^^.ni! rommli;|.i,n '

; AN t.xruniKNCKU n.i.i Hn. “ j

i/lr«l(,mi. .n .n .llf »otlrr. T.l,I \.r« . *-';

nADIO A N N O U N C EIl r?Exporienrrd

Fnr KSEI, Pocalellfi. Ida.. .S.OOO- r;^ wall NBC- Send photo, niidiilnn lape. trsiimee, snlnry require- ments. _i;

1 W n n t fn Talk t o ^

A RELIAi?LK M A N '^ r


1 pip" "oVl'loo.

T IM E S -N E W S , T W II

SALES HELP W A N T E D ^ _ _X ‘',<«d'’R ^ 7 iS h U u i.ra * c '* r ‘U. f.lli. apltndld bu.lnr.1 UL_ r f;

’ BUSINESS O PP O R T U N IT IeT ^I fim CA8l'l” ATEi' Da**'* J

ArA U «W T| jV," rJo„, 7 ,"dm° 'I l lu l il.____________________________CHUCK WAliKH iflorr I»f «»nl.

I,adt. ln«vli. C«llr. Cup j_

— iTr'l'lTr^

MAj.uii oiir * 'i


w.uVr "iVh, BMt K“ '''V ,r"'V ;.Jin« Sm

'" iS S r S S S S SI ^


J.» , ,/a Tlm...N.«.. j - -

OWNKIt MIIST.HM.l.t iJJ5On. of Mule V.ll.r'* nirr.i

■"'*pdp,V."r“ 'l!’"r T.'tml' '

I R E T IR E ON V i A C R E I s in.l>. rurtbrtd U l Ilrtil NuiH.. Kur „ l> lh. <lb llrinl Induilrr. .Vuiria ttir p r In r.lir. i.Ril., B» «don, qui.I. l .r i t ^

J NOTKiA run rAnuiNt; ro n *_ rRonr.s

r.n.N.V.'(c«T*TATr!,“norsr.!'inAiit) | ^

— ------

j j E X C L U S IV E n

,h!: , D iRtribu torB hip ' jj-7

fifiurn. llnantlil r»- I_ 0iit»r4. r.pli.l. Iliwk .nd iBwrnrrT. j »

— I|y. will.I SifltNOIf r.tol rr~1. fo..r . 0. UJ. fii'"lofl. WaiSln»Inn. I f,

* - i~H i ------------------------ ------------------------ [IHa


- I.»r.l«l .Allt.ol In pn.1 ntfif. In J - I '** rom. iM.lloa, Mr». Uiurlil .hnprloi-------------------------------;;; .nd rriW.«U.I rliMM nf < Thi., _______________

..r rlr. .lallon ofl.r. a m.n .n ..f .l- W/rd npporttiBllr I. k»rnm. Ml.hH*hr.| 1’_ . . .n lB<!»p.n,).«l hiiilnM*m.n. i^ » —" InKl.t lomim.M .........A. Knr_ Infn.-

V —

'* I V A L U A B L E B U S IN E S S - i O PP O R T U N IT Y

Of N.w .ulomailc Mn.| Hnl Hrinti unll |_ hindllnt lh. aorlil f.moui n.llnnallr'" .dltrlllrf Miinrll Hnul. Cnffrr. ft.-— iiiti, T.a. You

^ ncfll hlihir rMr..round hull- ■ *i <«! n«« »>ilfl> r.n h, npri.irri fr^m rnur i

^ li.lolnl .M 1M-, ,nrp.».IIon »l..n. ol- hr mr r.prfU. Jm.

I'p In '.y , ol Ihl ~iuipm»nl rr»l ran l-| U flrt.orM. I'nr furlhrr Infnini.ll.m, i ' l . - I f . ,l.ln» rkn«. 1a iln. K.I*. r /o ' ; __



_ I'lIiyAll; J'.'unu f«r K.nllrinin. H .par.j.| ^

®- .W^h"' ' ‘rl*l»M. »n Snd Artnu. ___

_ rstn.i; M.w m.ina(;i:m knt 1"til.I, W-,,vi,^,n,l^L^ ra'l.i-


,.. .. ....... ii'-«'i. hu!• •>,...... K.r

j r / ' n ' . . ' " * ' * ? '» i ' i r 7 u " r n l h ;

....... 'r i___ *■-•* J f t 311

’ ■ I...I... K».rir«.n

:: UNFURNISHED a PT sI w ,''l"rt«n.m.' ‘ nod.rB. fheflrj




I: *hU iioDtllW^S-rjoi^titouftd j

’*• MIKOIIOUM. m od.«^h«tH iwrl'mial p

5 ^ wMh *b.i^ Vmhlr'*palBUd7* tjJS! ®Iti: romfortaUr. aulrL _Ln».lr .bad. f«f ^ aummrr. No .U ir.-" Pri.alt .niran.tim! Ul.. Jtk“ 'A..'nM ii

FU R NISHED HOUSES ~ _^ 1 iiudMS, mod.m .ic .pt krtt. Thoo.

“J; J liOOHHunt batk; IIO. Adulla ontr. 4M

« |100M«.^rw. KlI.j, td.ho: TkoB.

‘or I iioOMii. Il.ib. oil IU. IKIrrxxn.l-hnn. ;ais-w.____________________

for 1 KUUM nioOyn^buuu. IlD.M ptt moalk.

BMAU. 'j**’ <'*r'l*"

k' ! HMAl.i. ituUai:. txuT oil k.tirr, r>fn(- »< riainr. «t< llh A»nuo £a>L

-n t :• IV.” S'lIt.UKUDM iBOritrn. I>9 ptr nonllf. M

Srd AWBUt M«Xllb iniiulr. al lit

brttoam. e»»n. Il-.ablr. lunf; I {I'r;*’-._ i ilKDIlOllM hom. roiBpl.Uir liiinlihrd; _ _ med.rri In .».rr wtr. Oa tIh A»«nu»

Vjiii. rt»»ttitOB January lit, rh""» .

UNK IlMiKUOM. modtrs. Adulu oo'i Itts n iir U lk 'AialUblt Immrdlilrlr. incultt Uord ^btMoa Af.Btr. Ht

i r u n f u r I i i s h e d h o u s e s—I « lUloM.-i, f.netd In r»rd. (ar4io ipol-

u n llh Ambu. Eatt.UMAI.I. i-mom'modtrn hou.r. lull t«lK-

r oralrd. UO lllu. Lakti nnrth, 1J 1 IIUUMS a~Bd balb I tio.* Ib. s i: :nd a>^ “

i IIOOMB .Bd balh.~nll tupnacr. l.r i. f v.p,l. Itl Au.lln arrnur. I'hon. SilHI. I

MIKUIIOUM. BU>.|.pn. «ood kwiUun. . -

^flL*p!. ilMO » monlh. rk.i‘n. ;»;k-ii. _ MllDKIlN on. k.,|ranm houir. ()U turnirp. ^ Inqulr. IU llh A»nu. .Vnpih. TKon.

I) IIDDMh .nil h.ih. hulll-ini. rt>Kn>bir|I .tnl. , l im ltd Av.ftu.-r.a.l. Tkon.j

I] linillOIIU bomr. alao hrdronm In h».-i mrnt. Kln>. tnd rtfrlttr.ior. Thnn. I

■ II.S»>IU.UK(lOH houir. mndprn ; oil hrtl: . n»- .thnn^ dli^tln 1 nn. nr Iwn pMMrrn _

NICK unrurnlih.d iluplri. Adiill rnupl'l nnlr. I-ood lorallon. Clnw. In. lulll haarnirnt. Rtokpf /ijrn.rt. i l l llhj

Z W A N T E D T O R E N T , LEAsT |■“ I.ANII .uliabl. fn r v.i^urt.^har and iriln.j

|rKUMANKNr”»mplor. mnd.rn };' >.-l,nnm h.1.1... rhnnt lUn-l. ^llJAIIIY uiup, (urniih«1 wllti «iul;>npni.>I rir. C.Ti furnlib flood itf.rrnrn. Call'

<H;2.JI. nuhl. ^ ______________ 1

WANTKU: II.S09 In.n. *«o.l ..rurllp: will' 11.»^ hlih _ r.t. .if lnUtr.1. Wtll.

WA.Sr 111 MmiHOW ll.lOU ""•^.rjr.

_ M O N EY T O LO AN -

“ H. T.'r1V,‘E«=‘ii»bl»“ I-Vti- nr anr llaul^ubl.^AjtBt. Bank and Truti


i ' L O ^ A N

W. tn.n monrr rn timwl anrlSInt nf ■ *.tup. lion., dlimnn-l*. waichri. Irrr-

wp||pr». •rwlfit m*'hln«». mu.Iral In.' .IpumrnK, r.Hlnt. TV trll. Innli. tolf ,

I rliibt. lU t^ulpm.Bl—cr what ba>. rou I


t>viip.| «n Shn.hon. fllpMl |Z(NKXT TO YKU.OW CAfl CO.) . I

^ S ^ E L L A N E 0 U S ~ F 0 R R E K f l j

NKW M.OUII .an<I<p and pnli.btr. Clrdlj j

n. Md.M'III.V I'AIIKIMi. I hlnrb (tnm Miltl- • _ I'ull'llni. Thnn. illl-U. P.I.I »

T R U fK S K O R R E N T 1 '

1 MACKS U-DRIVElh ncKKr.H.AT ^nKii-iun.viTUnK -■ nATi.i nv iifiuit; 'iiAY nn wy.ixil:' E A S T 5 P O IN T S S E R V IC E“» riKisi: i-’fii_ i |______________ I I

“• HOMES FOR “s a l e 'H 4 11 i:ill.»..S .•.umni ri>'n ni Ik >I mn.- __

n lm .nd .lo-itr. Tk. h>.l plui a honui. _ li.Irb iliirii Morim anil Slorm. rhon.

Inl. li;,‘f.', rhon n:;.W for tppnlnl.

7.. So You Bniijhl a House?- f?AVE t t t‘ TIENT A TRUCK

2 ID A H O -U -P R IV E jh. nnn ci.cii's u' k.i t h v i; roJNTfl j

, .i.. ' M' 1-tn t'll l.i.VmrnT'wli)! .

'■! MnM'.'ll','"-'. ’iVhp'^'ni Inf th. . .r , U.I |„„, |„ hnr...! In.llr. |---

• I 5 I'T.tPtKim hnm." ' !linl"i''r. I'h'J ' ''”ir*

- III."”". “ I

7, .1. K. Wliit» Rrnl K 'late Aaeiicy J'

^\.'iK i.iii'\iiiiN iivKK i: vrAti.i > }"

------------------------ I i"

; ‘ ' H KV M A W I " i

; I - ‘ fi

r! T H E S K C C m r V a g e n c y 'a■’ 318 IIr.,|i„rs S337 ■ g,7' • J-li M.itri avp: West - • ■

Jlniirrt B.innuii;, Broker

_■ Mrmt)rr Miiiiipir Ltsllnff Sejvlce : p,


WILL ACCEPT Btw ." T -------p.rSoB. IIIT-J. ' ' •• Hi.

BY OWNEnt s U4rt««n -------------- ■— Pflr»- HJ Trl., tkr. ,

^ 'iSr,''.^' A « a r ’A ,W ^ “' ‘M BKAUTIfUL brl^ l-WJiJ!" V"" - - —

<al. br o»B «roB .r,„ ,'r7^ I.I

vk'HiTSiT full.bM.mVnl. ?!“ « r ’

loin. A nr‘r«»*«iiahl. oif„ 'jj "Iftqulr. m t lllh Nn.iJ, I P

"* *" 11%“.^M. C. " titliw uVor.'’"clr*,uV.''_ < See W. A. Ojtrandcr «1 Ik. I ^ M A. ChXp^N a g e n c y— IUI

TR A I^SFERRED!! ......

BRICK HOME w,| Alan.flnUhM iW,n„m r i . „ „ -

— nnh and um u, Intt-l Tnr Art>nlnlm>ni Till lil '.J ~ _ j By Bill Lucas, 0»n r:

1^1 M U S T 'S E L L !Ilil H»«. IJ.SOO Miullr In J.Minoni

gl.ltir PioiltPn hum. In I'llrp. tvill nVi— I hril off.r In «*.h. ir.llrr h.,ui., ruV'jp

I '*u t ilu"!"^^! ^^1 Ihown b r/pV ln Im « l“ nV,.’ r~.llTl'o,*10 dar. if lrr .*1.. |'h„„, >'n„ '^ r i '^ d ih i” '^ fil*k».h.rrr. H«i JJJ, rtK

t^ l ‘ ——J

r l CLO SEIN I*'-| OlH.r iinm. In /inr rnniliilon. ! i, I.M.M. lonmi. Biwlrrn klirh>n iM hjtn

Kairnirnl, f.nrnl rird ind iiiiir 'JI. Ab ».f.TI»at » a lu ................ n:,lo,'rr I I IIMIIIOOM HOMK wlik Ird hrH„.,„'_*j jn^ha.rm.n| AND . 1^Ap,,l„„™,

:z\ ROBINSON-FELDTMANn.l Prlr^ln Riallori T_ ! I ll Main Ar.. W«l T.L III

” A MRCINATINr,' Hour.: In a ir.

..tra larc. dlnlptj ronm, iioVrr 'krli]

L wV-n b^v.Spr*"1Vli^■'',ou‘ '''p v.' nJiin. lour, hul btB.r hurrri Onlf |U,

wllh *no.l l.pmt.>; SOMK LUCKY rAMII.V wlll kiv. tVl.

;T!i how .a ir| roU'ran i t <ht pln'^ n.o^'i Immwllal. i>o....ilon.‘ T>. kiw doiln

— h .. Iwrn rwlu'rd orn ln>>r : ihl.f Onlr («.«oo.oo. riui ruu'l)

k ix t* ael (.IU

ID A H O REALTY ;,r., Mrmhlr Multlpir I.I.ilnr S«itl.riitj 204 Sho.shone S t. Z. Phone 38U

Ir! NICE > nrjIROOM hnm. with finUkrd ' >11 ba.PBirnl. I.rnno< nil httl. Klltk.n

wllh dlnlnff .parr. I'mrrH r.rd. tifict." Inralrd In Wa.hlnflnn t(U l dlilpitl.“J Prlffil t t tll.Oot,

■ nUrt.EX-4 r .a n sld-rioi. In Lincoln ' irhonl. Karh unil rtnl. for IIO »tr

monlh. Dtparau nil lurntrt (or ..<k • parlmtnt. U «. Ib nn.,unli. ha.i .npnti.iilnn. Thlt proprrtr now undrr _FIU lean. Sm ut for d.Klli..« Far hullillnr tlln -r il] ui-w.

h . . . loli.


III flhMhon. ffl. H.. Trnl* ralli rhon. MI

nitAHP NKW—I.hrdrnom )>nni. «n I Inc room—Con..nltnl kltf^.n wllh

7ir l I.nVKI.y lIOMK->lr»l Mork nf Hu-" i rh.nan--N»w ttpp.llnr—ll l i l i h»»u._| llfullr (andiriprd lM~Tw<kPip r t n l 'I. »Klr.piar. — r'utl pnmpt.lrlr llnl.knlI. k^.m .nl-W .II wnrlh in.IM-Tirmi.“ I IMMKDIATK rOSSia<|IION-l k .d .

! ponmi.tlth l'p a n r—Prir. 116.100.09.

M A G IC VALLEY R ea lty & In.-^urnnce Co.

rhnnt : u i Kr.nlnii l in |Mrmhrr Mulllpl. I.lillnc S.r.Ir. ’


»^lhi.'rutl hai.minT .lok.r liirntr. . wllh .lira hMlr.wm In l>iirn<rnL Thii i hnm. I. a. and tlran ai a pin.On'r iliiwn anW II* .

' l ull prir. I7.0QK. ImmKliil. poMriilnn.NKW IIOMKJ(-.l l^n«.mi. krl.k. h.clll- |In and iln .ti. I'or Ihi l.Iril In |,modrrn II.Inc ar« Ikti. toilir. a

I 1.IVK ON r iE n c r s tiik ix w iir iI hrdroom hnm., alt lh. .d .tn of a ,I twaullJuI n»lihl«.»>ior«l. SmiU down . {;

PI.mrnt. will ( I . . ImmMllilt pniiii- ,, 1

T W IN F A L L S REALTY fA nd^Inauran^c ^

MUI.Tiri.r. I.ISTINrt SrRVICK •' MKMnr.n ' «

I - , - ! I.


I lwiwrr«r-nld Knm. nn »nnd Klllirnii ■ .lUrn Inl. Ll.Inii- room wlik rl'l;" '

wlndnw anil I.tiC* drnfnf -

Klirlirn h.i.famllrs r , s ' h-.:»"'"'S..'.:K n

' .liachr-t caracr. n mulpp.^ _il Inr I.undrr applltnrw. I-*"""' f.* M-

I ^^.X I;l,^^^™ d«r'^‘nH-ind'■..P?''•■I: HOME FO R CHtUSTMAS

' Allr.flU.. .rar.fullr plannrd pinpr’l*In ftn. .TMld.nllal art.. 0 ' » ' t ’ *"i' '

. .hiiw.p- .famllr klltk.n wiin

» AU Ihll plui arp.r.l. ap.Hn'.ni

. . . r r.rd wllh p.lln. Trlr. Ul.'«'* Tt ' Owntr wjll tnnild.r law dnwB pir"'*"'- g

■ IR R IG A TED Landfl Company

: r.rrlM Hnl.l HM,. rknn ..i» » !«**_

fc '


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> nR TnADt u. liri. flln. w .— ; llt.iM. ^

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H i uuilir p»«.

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R E A L E K Scn'ict ! ^ K c

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fici IKi C ip iid^V : DC.WIRI.CtB-^

MHUr WiM >•; . ' : , T p i ' r i r . t . i 5 » .

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Ld*' 7h lt»»y| c«iViCES I j in o .o o


^ :10 3nd Ave. E«sl I

Year-Enc ig '! " ? ”'" ! SPECIAL


Only $179

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iridilM A C R O S S TH E I

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"“■:... ..m W YLLIE’North T W IN FA LLS M UTO CO. *The Homo of Stu — ;_________1 Bee Bob U e or D, A.

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I US4 CIinYSI.KII. All tK, I

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-fi- ; A S H W O R T H MOTi

601 Mnln Ave, Et

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MKINS truck lane w.



E W S, T W I N P A L L S , ID A ImmR SALE____________A U T O S F O R !

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. Cool tirti.30 4 - B E S T — Bl

AUTO CO.lUrbU, hjlrx I

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SAFETY T — Xmas Sp£

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EQ UIPPED • ' --------:« rry T ~OUARANTEEt P


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"‘'S S " S S .- iJS:: FKOM AT

/IL L S ' z z : “ z “:R D E P T .-


M* > 0 SPECIi

=0R SA L E I 195G C H E V R O I

.‘i 'T ' ‘■"n COUPE, n.!»fi.-7r/*n Overdrive, Sptclal ;r, ni. ..,n i.. i.,.!" ', Custom Interior. U


r;;;:)! Vii ' ■ \ ' o u r e i c m o

W.\ M.Ti J<.-n.f''“’*l ’>0 •

P ,, I ROY’S USEI aym ent. ^ il e s o u - n i o« _ —Aulo Clltlic OH O

« r . • : - {l?n : H .L , Roy Beer A: CALL 155


_ _ _ _ _ l„.

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) Try before you bu

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. (A tno.1 «nf)-iri ^gC) Q

—....... ......... »:«« Buy* » imo Ford:orI. h.rJ lor. im s

'M oWn^Sule!^



IS , Inc., , -J BOB RE- j n t r noih USED C /


— r r — ------ —



i .'

fU B T Y -T H R E E


r-End !CIAL! j

ROLET ‘■210". n.Kllo. H eater. * :lal 2-Tonc Pnin t, 1 ■r. Locally On-ned.


MOTOR CO. ;• Plione 1818 !

SED CARSH OF JEnO M E )ti Old IllshWiiy—

L. 15B-W


S i iS S jfW S J^

lo.SAl. Kll.: '"

LESALE ys Onlyr ue t.nko nil rc- |


n All

R R Y !

EISEN :DRS, Inc.I Phont m o -w

I C E '

! v i - o l e t ■





l O M E10 A.M. lo 8 P.M.

Until 7 P i l .

84 - JERO M E

C PRICES I '>EAK • iemsclvc.s!

99.00 :0 . ^ - l c n p l c . . p . :

SS:O0 ;rd V-8 U-door. Rn-


RRY! , ;\. .



Page 33: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

»v f ' '



t h e s c u f f

o f t h e s e a » o n l ^A SnxnlM

j f yoy’w tv tt o n o brand n t

W you wo»k V# (top. Wondtrfu

^ mI* n o liti;^ N yovVi wolUn


.k m ^ TOTHER S l

y t n i R S


’‘' ' i l BY ou couldn 't find myth S l ip p ttt ire ilw iy j ilie j w otld for * m in . ,


BOYS' o n d G IR U '

S U P P E R S O XCosy. warm, a lt wool. K nit *l anlclt be tter flu w ith either slurdy. »ort lei •olo o r *pongo rxibber. Relnforecd leather « t toe and heel. Sizes lor t l lamU;', Jl«l, blue o r p te n .

2 .4 9 -2 .9 8

fD R E S

A ll-W ool sliui

- and Gnbardi

m e n

SPORT SHIR-Long ileevc s jw rt slilr'u. *11 excitmc. prin ts. Tailored w ith nil tlie nc» styles. Made of rayon, cotton &nd blet a re waihnble In aircs. of small, i iarffo s a d . ex tra ta rce. Also slims e-foo t«r..

2 .9 8 . 8.95



Unas^ ^ ^ H




" ■ " n<nlM>, botfVnlivgiQuff ^ tver tr<«d. Plionl leoitier ^

d n ti^ ia /f f la tf fO lh a f ® ofk with Ih* Uflll fUppely I Jtrful fell cwWo* llt l you («*> a t '0 lUn9 cn ole.

^ D 0 R M I 6R e d o r N a r y

6 . 0 0STYltS: 5 .5 0 *0 7 .0 0

i s »

nythins niccr, for E vins tlie g re iie« gift in cho

6 .9 5acS ; 4 .9 5 >0 8 .9 5

»x ■inkle for Z . •t lealher ;«d ^ ir all the '


;SS SLACKSslax in T w eeds - Flnnnelis urdincs. Sizes 28 to 4-1.

n . 9 5


W hile V nn H u e s e n .Ih lrts.C entury 100 collnr '

A •'jS style w ith matching tie • i S nnd Iianlcle, nil packed n - re.-idy f o r Chrlstmai

/ ; giving.

r 5 . 9 5

e v e r y n i g h t

B g H f fDONOR! ^


p e p p e r e l l " G L O L O N ' 1 0 0 % A c r i lo n

BLANKETSW hat a w onderlul p r « rwill make — A present th a t wul « e ;S » S t T « = .o « u » ;•« > ;M v . lo ft and luxurious, bound witn 1 { S 3 l weValfl wUtu 8 beauUful colon.

1 5 . 9 5


l u n c h e o nSETS

0 «y holiday printed sela w ith red tn d green contrasting napkin*. Oly* your ub le » true lesUve air.



T able ClothsmoHts. P e la » her w ith thU useful beautiful gift.

2 . 9 8 . 2 9 .9 5

Pillow Case PrlnlsW» have Ju it received | n«w ihlpmei Quadriga pl«i>w case prWU. Wtedle guaranteed l u i color*.

4 9 c y a


^ I^eather nnd clncAssorted colors,

l .O G

M E N 'S

Tie and Hankie SiCoiorlul U ei In a ll ahades •»im m a« hankie. P icked In a handy plastic bo.

2 . 0 0

M en's PajamaIn our pnjam a de> 1 ^ 'pnrtment wi\ feature y \ ^ L - knlta in coiton or ny» lon by Miiii.iinswear. I <Urst nlshiers w lih j ^ 'M js j kult top nnd louns'

• Ins « u h ■> • ^conim .'tlnt colors byWtWpn V . I a n c y Mbrondclolh pajama* fby Vnn Hcusen.' Any t l ^ B j W Schoice a perftc l gift. i

• 3 . 9 8 up S O K


L U G G A ^•» A ll t h e phatlcR a n d .size.-i f o r nil

fa m ily .

1 7 . 5 0 .

T M ON. thru F

f f l l e m l a f l

o f 6 t f t i d e <

N "

5 T R A V EFeaturing Feather L

" S o n ^ ''aiJiabJe. breaVsblc /ilUns« Uj

selection of beauty needs. She wlU treu


I S jitsh neU ■pleaslne

iiniEGiJf 5 iw r i orlon. Jewel Irl

g lfu . Sizes 3 to 6x.

-------------- 2 . 2


ledlelzed.Clever brush top uniJi le t.


Girls'BoxIn clcver plnstic pi

I med.

dneh bclta. ^

)o I2 ik___________

S e tHatching c box.

l a s

r — _ _

i r ' . ' i ? J I f i B BOYS'


FLANN!p a j a m /

' 1

— ^ M— —I ^ f r ^ rSoft, comforiablr ;ii

^ H tlnentnl, Ilmi'g ihr-• de.icrlbe ilicar nciv :

• C Jnma.1 u’ilh Tom aexclusive •’.‘Jobc ir

nil t h e Size* 2 fo 1

2.98Sixes 14 to


T I 5 I E S - N E W a T W IN I



^EL KITSier U to Fittings. There ts ; to carry wllh thete un ­is th a t will carry her own auty aids and overnight treasure It* convenience.

1 . 9 8 , ^ 4 - 9 8


E x p e r t l y


3 P hone a n d M a il O rder!

S Prom ptly F ille d S am e

f i g Day R e c e iv e d !

SIRLS'SHRUGS iel trim. Ideal Chrlstnmi

.29 1

URE SETSuniJps. holds complel# J

.98 ^

loxed P an tie stic purte. 3 pair, Uce trim -


b » r _________ !S ay S e a s o n 's G

f deliciou:A Turtles . . l.<I Rogers Selei

D e m e ts___Sw eets ____

Boys' Fliw ycr 2o>'» evcr>’w hcrr co f

comfortable flofliiCM n M C I '’'■Ictit colors. T lifv nrc ■i ' i C L and aan fo rlicd . sizes 2.

MAS5 ? ^ Boys'

I I CORDUfiC T S Tom Siiwyer cordurov nli

' ‘llully nnd tt-enr m innsJ iM 'f host of (.Mf;.

cl'ltie wn.ihnble. ai.-^j g-


)Ir and F o u rc q n v c n iclhr-:<-nvn(r"----- ---

ImVair-'; . '^ o y s to m o k .d r tr:,,Zl y o u r p u rc h a s .

Ig • 30 .D A Y CHAR

• 60-D A Y CHAR



F A L L S . .ro A H O ___________

JprC i .V '* ; K

:m s '

'd e rs f l l T H . ^ p g S

am e

[ M i ^ g ^ P r

i ' s G reetings W ith

)US CANDY1.65 and 3.25 Ject 1.65-4.00 . . .1 .5 0 - 2 .6 0 ....1 .3 5 -2 .6 0

Flannel Shirts

1 .9 8 - 2 . 9 8

oys' Tom S ow yer

UROY SHIRTSirov dhlrls wn.Mi so hcnu- — ^ ^ Kl Inns. Sec llirm loclny i% ^ b O

I- ris*'**'

^ n ic n t

V i c t o r i a nSAyco Ha

• ' from Colif(

Reminiscenl of o romai

doinlyF ' ° o f colors on

V o f snowy while lerry.

-< Both Towtl

< '^ v Hond To»tl

' W o ih Clolh .

.....Lis) C ov .r....

^ I m k i'. I


. . ’fo r y ou r Christm as apr

■hades from which to chi

ir r‘ D I R E C T O I R E

Oldrfct o| tL

Boys' Wool ® Sweaters

- Heavy knit, all wool. two tone aweaUrs in nw cardigan* and slip

■a • alyle. Colon of nav7 ««

igrey. maroon' and jW . green and g«y- B\xa B-




- _________- SUyp^^



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r iP T c f llALLQWAYa(apnini. S e r u ^ f

0 choote. H

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^ o fe sp fin i ii

A liiihifr-uaim

. Wifld'feoHl

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\t37.50M \ Othtr


/ tc id td -

f d , I , i t l fn m



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Page 34: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

C H K ^ -W A L j



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H PW Py. 1 1 R E A P A B O U T ^ M ^ C i y W U R FABULOUS

PIA K W M Pl H^V&\ \ . % 60U> ir YET?

l ^ p L j wsr, WWl 'f,..&70...Q75...e6t T E N E U C K ^ l WITH NO L P A N ^ A 5 E E J T I AW \ ^ j j a O F & A U e. g B A ^ M T B r r - r P O » 5 E 5 5 I (a Q tT T W / : -------— ---- ----------5 ON IT I > *


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^ *? p i* » w 5 > 4 U ' ■ ^ ^ r1 3 ^ '.- PROPtSTf I- A ^ ' . S pzw , T*xC T B

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Page 35: ib ut v Ike(Out of I Danger r - Twin Falls Public · Oxbow nnd PJ. can be built at a lower tl3}.oo0,000 previously e ...

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B M M y ................... I I ^ *miED ID CALL. HIM A * «

TTJII l iow TIMES BUT I, fCALW/»S If H M 3 6 UP I r WHCN h e : ^

HEAAS U f ^ V O IC E '''

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ic w ! ITW ASIW HO IW H U »T U »S I S AKO OSED MY UNOOTMlSAWf oT W C ftST w w xsa R a e tN S r—


« A S K E P ^ ^ ^ / L ^ W E R B m .>iOOARE-JUSrT: WHAT KiWD O f l« l lS O C A M T !, J m w D C S A R eV i


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O ^ E R F I S H . '^

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I WEU, I f i U ^ we BETTER/ TAKE 'IM f G


O H , iF O N L Y l > G R f tN D W 1 Z B 3 H M > N T S O N E HOME wrrw ^

1 HIS F A R < \ / a *

M Y S T A « S , 0 0n e v e r k n e wH A D A M iD D L n a m e ! WHAT'S

- ^ W " F O R ?


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L W IT H 6 U Z ? ^ ^

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