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How to become the Greatest you

Aug 12, 2015


Self Improvement

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  2. 2. U p g r e a t b o o s t s y o u r s t r e n g t h s ,p o s i t i v e e n e r g y a n d p e r s o n a l d i r e c t i o ni n h a l f a d a y.H o w ? B y f i n d i n g y o u r G r e a t n e s s( G r e a t V a l u e s )
  3. 3. Up g r e a t | Pe o p l e wh o e x p e r i e n c e d a s e s s i o nDessie Kuijtmans:I did the Upgreat session and discovered who I am and what I need to do to become REALLY happy.Never experienced something like this before. A really beautiful and useful experience. Thanx!Trudy Moricz:Mieke showed me that rough moments in life can be positive springboards as well. The session gaveme a better insight in my own personality: why I act the way I do, and how to use this in a positive way.Monique Somers:Im glad I met Mieke! With her creative brain, she gave me new perspectives and showed memy pearls. How beautiful is that! I warmly reccomend Ugreat.Carolijn van West:Everybody needs a Mieke in their corner. With unflagging energy she connects whats detached anduncovers whats hidden all for a better understanding. If you want to explore your undiscoveredpotential, give her a call.
  5. 5. Si t u a t i o n | F u n n y p i c t u r e s , a r e n t t h e y ?
  6. 6. Si t u a t i o n | F u n n y p i c t u r e s , a r e n t t h e y ?This was the realityfor most of ourexistence (sorry)
  7. 7. Si t u a t i o n | I n t h e l a s t 1 0 0 y e a r s we d e v e l o p e d a l o tWe became stronger. Found out how to beat terrifying animals,diseases, build stronger houses, invent new technologies, etc. Wediscovered how to defend ourselves better and better. The best way tomake things controllable is by making them predictable, or rectilinear.Things need to be clear >its all about keeping and strengthening the safety we just obtained.
  8. 8. Si t u a t i o n | We c r e a t e d o u r own b e a u t i f u l wo r l d -we l l -ordered
  9. 9. Si t u a t i o n | D o e s n t l o o k l i k e a l o t o f f u n , d o e s i t ?
  10. 10. Si t u a t i o n | Hu r a y f o r t h e f u n i n d u s t r y !For television, funny cartoons, theme restaurants, fun parks, movies, wild artprojects, theatre and other things that provide an escape from the boringrectilinear, but also safe and predictable world we created.
  11. 11. Si t u a t i o n | An d t h a n k g o d f o r s p i r i t u a l e s c a p e sFortune telling telephone lines, horoscopes, plastic Buddhas, expensivemeditation lessons, and other things that take us away from the emptyrectilinear but safe and predictable world we created even if its just for abrief moment.
  12. 12. Si t u a t i o n | So t h e n we g o t i t a l l c o v e r e d , r i g h t . . ?Its wishful thinking. We are strong and very smart in compensatingthe boredom that rectilinear living brings us. But natures laws arentrectilinear - and they are much stronger. Maybe we forgot. But we AREnature. Its what forms our brain, and shapes our mind.
  13. 13. Si t u a t i o n | Re c t i l i n e a r i t s j u s t n o t u sDoes this brain look like it is built to make only rectilinear connections?Of course not!
  14. 14. Si t u a t i o n | Re c t i l i n e a r i t s j u s t n o t u sThis is actually good news!Because how can we solve problemsif everybody is thinking in the samedirection? Who will come up withsolutions when nature strikes withnew dangers? We are not THATmuch in control as we think.So, partly good and bad news, youmight say.
  15. 15. Si t u a t i o n | Na v i g a t i n gIf the sole road we can take is the road ahead,we can only move straightforward: the road our mindcreated when we were forced to thinkrectilinear (survival).
  16. 16. Si t u a t i o n | Ab o u t c o n t r o l l e d d i r e c t i o nWe narrowed.There are not that many life roads fromA to B anymore, so they are very crowded.If you get off the road though, its prettyquiet. The system became so narrow thatmost of us dont even fit in anymore.Isnt that just weird? We arent goodenough to beat our own system. We TRYto fit in, no matter what.The ideology of the world wecreated, became more important.Cant we just admit that it was a goodidea in the beginning but maybe we got abit carried away..?It got us out of balance.
  17. 17. Si t u a t i o n | Ab o u t c o n t r o l l e d d i r e c t i o nWhat ifThe normal road in life is notonly starting to slow us down, but getsREALLY blocked?That is what I thought when I was a kid.We became so good at controlling thingsby making them rectilinear (controllable),that it becomes our biggest weakness.WHO will help us to move into otherdirections and build new roads when weget stuck?HOW can we even do that when we areshaping rectilinear brains at school?
  18. 18. Si t u a t i o n | H o w w e n o r m a l l y b e h a v e w h e n w e g e t s t u c kWe start to get angry if we lose direction or the normal road doesntbring us where we want to go anymore.We dont want to know we are all co-creator of the problem.Even if its by not doing enough to change things. So we startto blaim others: they did things wrong.We get irritated if we cant move as fast as we want to.The government promised us we would end up there, not here!
  19. 19. Si t u a t i o n | H o w w e n o r m a l l y b e h a v e w h e n w e g e t s t u c kThere is no reason to blame people for actinghuman and not respond perfectly to blockedroads. Theres mainly one thing to blame:I n s e c u r i t yIt makes us unnecessary afraid of things thatmost of the time arent so bad after all.Fear is a bad adviser and creates negative energy.It keeps us trapped on the same, blocked road.We become insecure when normal roads arentworking anymore;the ones we thought were safe.And then it starts to work against us, and slows usdown.Now we need enough self esteem to get off theroad and get a new sense of direction.Being trapped: with children theres no way around it; thediscomfort they experience is as clear as day.
  20. 20. Si t u a t i o n | How t o g e t mo r e s e l f e s t e em?You can do this by: Getting to know yourself better Getting more self understanding In short:finding out how Great you are
  22. 22. Up g r e a t | Be l i e fEv e r y o n e h a s a h e a r tA beautiful symbol we all carry within.We know about our physical heart.Upgreat reveals the mental heart. Makes itstronger and induces more positive energywithin yourself & others. It grows your self-esteem.This might sound spiritual. But it is actually verypractical. In fact, it was discovered accidentally,when I was working on a business case revealingthe heart of a worldwide organisation.The result was amazing.
  23. 23. Up g r e a t | W h a t s G r e a t a b o u t G r e a t n e s sIt takes about 4 hours to reveal your mental heart:your personal Greatness.Your Greatness gives you a strong sense ofdirection and will help you understand: Why some things went right or wrong in life Why you have the friends you have Why you favor or hate things Why some people touch your heart strongerYoull discover theres no reason to over-judge yourself.Everythings just a matter of natural fits and reaction,so you dont need to be a harsh self-critic all the time. Thiswill only lower your self-esteem - and unnecessarily so.
  24. 24. Up g r e a t | Imp o r t a n t t o k n owWhen you know your Greatness, you cant deny your own needs anymore.Sound a little daunting? Watch this video and get inspired.
  26. 26. Up g r e a t | Go a lMission:Making people believe in their own Great and beautiful values.By showing them the beauty they already carry within, they can get a more solid grip onwhats inside leaving them less dependent on the things outside. This enables them tolead their own positive life, fueled by the strengths within.Revealing Peoples Greatness works face-2-face, but I want to expand it.This is why I made this presentation, am working on a book & whyI want to start an education program to teach people how touncover Greatness in others.
  27. 27. Up g r e a t | How t o ma k e a p o s i t i v e d i f f e r e n c e ?By believing in the goodness of peopleand yourself.Will you help me reach my goal?You can do this by: Sharing this presentation Hiring me for an Upgreat sessionto reveal your Greatness Giving a donationSPREADING POSITIVITY, LOVE & FREEDOM IN THE WORLD
  28. 28. Contact:[email protected], +31-(0)6 1878 3623This presentation is written (all rights reserved) by Mieke Boogert. Editor & sparring partner Carolijn van West.Note: if you see images in this file that arent appropriate (f.e. usage rights), please contact me.
  29. 29. Up g r e a t | Th e p e r s o n b e h i n d : Mi e k e Bo o g e r tIm analytical, creative, connective and positiveand love to create effective and original business& people ideas that can make the world just thatlittle bit better.The past 8 years I worked as an advertisingart/concept director for brands like ING, Nuon,LOreal, etc. Working as a business creative,I developed product propositions for clients likeZilveren Kruis, Centraal Beheer Achmea, Sultana, etc.In the meantime I invented Zipplug, earphonesthat never get entangled. Sold it to a global company.Currrently Im negotiating with Philips and Samsoniteon one of my new inventions.