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How to Acquire Loyal App Users

Apr 05, 2018



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  • 7/31/2019 How to Acquire Loyal App Users


    How to AcquireLoyal App UsersStrategies to grow in-app purchases,ad revenue & registrations

    Get l yal app users

  • 7/31/2019 How to Acquire Loyal App Users


    1 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    In the beginning, webestowed our mobile apps

    upon the masses.And we went ater them with a vengeance.

    The name o the game was volume. The higher the downloadvolume, the more revenue our app would produce, and wed

    be on our way to ortune and ame.

    So the thinking went.

    Pressure to deliver the download numbers was relentless. Not

    only to generate downloads in high volumes, but at extremespeed. So we did what seemed only reasonable we spent to

    reach our download goals oten overpaying. And we hoped

    that users would convert.

    And the volume-driven download acquisition model was born.

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    2 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    User Acquisition Evolution

    Then we volume-driven marketers noticed something quite interesting. By

    driving large download volumes, our apps started to fnd their way up the appstore ranks. And these higher ranks gave us new levels o visibility that ledto our apps being discovered organically that is without any advertisingspend. And these organic users were not only ree, but they seemed to

    have higher value than ad-driven or incentivized users. Organics were driving

    some ROI.

    The game was now about rank.

    And the competition was on.

    Developers fghting tooth and nail to get their apps ranked as high as possible.

    Volume remained a ocus, but as a means to higher rank. Developers ob-

    sessed over rank, and would spend even more on advertising to drive up

    their apps rank. And the industry employed highly creative approaches to

    get apps ranked higher rom guaranteed rank placements to other rankmanipulation techniques.

    And so we saw the frst major mobile app marketing shit. The Volume-Drivendownload acquisition model evolved into a new Rank-Driven download ac-

    quisition model.

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    3 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    Quantity or Quality?

    Developers ound themselves using brute orce to drive high

    volumes o downloads to achieve higher rank and hopingor a positive ROI. And as developers pushed or low-cost

    downloads, ad networks were happy to oblige, creating services

    that incentivized people to install the appbut never actually

    use it. As a result, developers that ocused primarily on volume,

    rank and cost-per-download metrics continued to overspend

    for downloads that didnt translate into ROI.

    The lesson?

    Quantity looks good but quality drives business.

    And today, mobile app developers are arriving at the same

    conclusion. Weve learned that volume and rank look good

    and eel right, but theres one caveathigher rank and more

    downloads dont always translate proportionally into more

    conversions or revenue.









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    4 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    Targeting Loyal App Users

    Many app developers have concluded that volume and rank, at

    worst, are superfcial metrics and, at best, short-term strate-gies that are not sustainable. Downloads oten dont convert

    into launches. And launches are oten one-time events thatnever translate into purchases, registrations or repeat visits.

    Weve learned that users abandon an app oten ater a single

    use, and those high download numbers are really just part

    o a high churn rate. To monetize our apps, weve concluded

    that user engagement is more important than driving largevolumes of downloads.

    26% of apps are used only once

    after being downloadedLocalytics - 2011 study

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    5 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    Download Metricsvs. Loyal User MetricsApp ad clicks, downloads and launches can be misleading metrics.How many times do users return? Have they made a purchase? Did

    they register?

    Depicted on the ollowing page is an example based on real data thatdemonstrates how a smaller number o loyal users delivers an ROImuch higher than a larger volume o downloads.

    In this analysis, the loyal user metric is defned as a registration witha value o six dollars.


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    6 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    Metric Download Acquisition Model Loyal User Acquisition Model

    Marketing Cost $40,000 $40,000

    Downloads 110,000 27,500

    Cost-Per-Download $0.36 $1.45

    In the volume-based Download Acquisition Modelin the let column above, the metrics look

    much better than the Loyal User Acquisition Modelmetrics in the right column. Download vol-

    ume is 4x higher, and cost-per-download is substantially less. However, a closer look at ROI

    reveals a dramatically dierent story...

    Metric Download Acquisition Model Loyal User Acquisition ModelMarketing Cost $40,000 $40,000

    Downloads 110,000 27,500

    Cost-Per-Download $0.36 $1.45

    Registration Conversion 5% 35%

    Registrations 5,000 9,500

    Cost-Per Registration $8.00 $4.21

    Value-Per-Registration $6.00 $6.00

    ROI ($10,000) $17,000

    We see rom this example that targeting high-quality, loyal users can be 2x more proftable

    than a strategy based on driving high volumes o low-cost downloads.

    Though the


    Download AcquisitionModel delivers 4x

    more downloads at

    a lower cost-per-


    the Loyal User

    Acquisition Model

    delivers almost doublethe registrations and a

    much higher ROI.

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    7 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    Loyal User Evolution

    The mobile app market has started to mature.

    Real-time data and historical perormancestatistics are now available, giving marketersthe ability to identiy the best trafc sources

    or acquiring loyal users. And new technologymakes it possible to target these users.

    And thus, the user acquisition model evolves

    once again. To an acquisition model based

    not on volume and rank but on targeting andmeasuring Loyal Users.

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    8 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    The Loyal UserAcquisition Model

    Mobile app marketers have learned that the

    most eective way to acquire loyal users is tohave a user acquisition strategy based on ROI

    metrics rather than download metrics as itenables them to truly scale their business in

    an ROI-positive way.

    Thus, developers are moving from the volume/rank-based download acquisition models to

    an ROI-based loyal user acquisition model. In

    this model, download volume may be lower, but

    loyal usage is much higher, leading to more

    revenue with substantially higher ROI.

    Volume-Driven Download Acquisition Model

    Rank-Driven Download Acquisition Model



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    9 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    So What is a Loyal User?

    A loyal user is simply a user who takes an action that ties

    back to your ROI. For aPublication

    app, a loyal user mightbe someone who registers and becomes a member. A loyaluser o a Dealor Gameapp may be a customer who makes

    a purchase. For apps that generate revenue through advertis-ing, a loyal user may be someone who opens the app at least

    fve times.

    And now that the mobile app market is maturing, there is a

    plethora o historical data available that lets marketers identiythe best trafc sources or their users. And there is a new

    technology platorm already in use by many o the top devel-

    opers to acquire these loyal users.

    Loyal UserA user who takes an

    action that ties back

    to an ROI, such as

    purchases, repeat visitsand registrations.

    Purchases Repeat Visits Registrations

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    10 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    Fiksu for Mobile AppsDelivers Loyal App Users

    This new technology platorm is Fiksu for Mobile Apps, and its used by lead-ing app developers to drive app-related revenue by acquiring highly engaged,

    proftable, loyal users.

    Fiksu or Mobile Apps is a mobile app user acquisition platorm or app devel-opers that need to generate large volumes o downloads by loyal users who

    are more likely to convert.

    Fiksu automates the targeting and tracking o loyal users in order to spendad dollars wisely, more cost eectively and most importantly, based on per-


    The Fiksu Platorm tracks in real time the interdependencies between an apps:

    - Ad Performance - App Store Rank

    - Downloads - Post-Download Events

    Fiksu then uses data rom these sources to optimize app advertising in realtime, precisely targeting ads based on numerous criteria, to deliver the highest

    number o loyal users at the lowest cost possible.

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    11 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    POST-DOWNLOAD EVENT KNOWLEDGEBASEThe Fiksu platorm employs the worlds only mobile app post-download event knowledgebase, with

    billions o post-download events, each tied to a specifc trafc source. This historical data and

    knowledge enables Fiksu to target ads to trafc sources that are more inclined to deliver loyal users.


    Fiksu gives app marketers access to dozens o leading trafc sources, including more than 35 ad

    networks and billions o impressions with just one piece o tracking code.


    Fiksu tracks and measures ad perormance (rank, downloads, source, cost) and post-download events

    (launches, purchases, registrations, usage, game levels, conversions) in real-time and optimizes ad

    spend toward the trafc sources that generate a higher percentage o loyal users at the lowest

    acquisition cost.


    Fiksus core DNA is in promoting mobile apps and weve made our mark with expertise in this area.

    Our one-stop approach oers guidance on user acquisition strategy, ad creatives and media planning

    in order to execute eective ad campaigns based on perormance metrics. Our SaaS approach, lets

    marketers outsource to a dedicated Fiksu account team whose ocus is on achieving results based on

    your app needs and business model.


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    12 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series |

    Deliver on Your Loyal UserAcquisition Strategy

    The mobile app industry is maturing. And with this growth is amobile app marketing evolution rom driving large volumes

    o downloads, to targeting high-value, loyal users.

    More and more leading mobile app developers are turning toFiksu to help them execute successully on their loyal user

    acquisition strategy by acquiring loyal users cost eectively

    and in large numbers.

    To grow in-app purchases, ad revenue & registrationscontact Fiksu today.

    Phone: 1.855.463.4578 | Email: [email protected] | Website:

  • 7/31/2019 How to Acquire Loyal App Users


    13 | Fiksu | Mobile App Marketing eBook Series | 2012 Fiksu. All rights reserved. Fiksu and Fluent News are registered trademarks and the Fiksu logo is a trademark o Fiksu, Inc. Apple and the App Store are registered trademarks o

    Apple, Inc. Android is a registered trademark and Google Play is a trademark o Google, Inc. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property o their respective holders.

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